#or sabo or ace gets annoyed at luffy for having his eyes blocked all the time while they’re fighting each other or hunting so they
otaku553 · 6 months
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Quite frankly still obsessed with the three of them
A little procrastination doodle
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oriigami · 4 years
we’re running against the wind
[Part two of my One Piece Wing AU, this time focusing on the Strawhats and their histories. Read it on AO3 here!] [Part One]
“I can’t fly,” Kuina told him, one warm and dusky night, sitting on the porch step and staring down at the grass. Arms wrapped around bony knees, bruised and grass-stained. “Did you know that?” 
Zoro blinked, and sat down beside her, baffled for a moment. “What do you mean? Cause your wings haven’t grown out yet?” 
She sighed, heavy and tired, and stretched one wing out at her side. It was simple, plain black, small for her age. “You know what a rail is?” 
“A rail?” 
“It’s a kind of bird. The kind I am. They live on the ground,” Kuina said, staring down at the grass between her scuffed shoes. “They don’t fly. They’re no good for it. Their wings are too small. Even if they try, they can never get too far off the ground.” 
She shot him a sideways look, and halfheartedly tugged on one of his feathers. His wings were still growing, but already much larger than hers, big and brown, almost gold in the sunlight. Eagle wings. Wings meant to soar. 
“You’re lucky, Zoro,” she said, looking up at him with a terribly sad half-smile on her face that he never, ever wanted to see again. “Someday, you’re going to fly.” 
Zoro woke up with her voice still ringing in her head. 
Consciousness hit him with an unpleasant jolt, and he had half a second to process the dusty courtyard- not Shimotsuki dojo- before a half-dozen different varieties of discomfort hit him all at once. 
The hunger pains were practically screaming in the back of his mind, and he was parched from dehydration. He was half-numb from the ropes digging into his skin, cutting off blood circulation. He shifted, trying to prop himself up as best he could, and grit his teeth against the sharp, stabbing pain of blood starting to flow again.
As soon as he moved, his wings pulsed with pain, and he had to bite back a yell. They’d been lashed roughly to the pole at his back at an uncomfortable angle that had started as barely tolerable and progressed, over the course of the days, to maddening. The dusty ground all around him was scattered with fallen dusty gold feathers, both those that had been pulled loose by the ropes and those that had shed on their own as starvation had taken its toll. 
It was fine, though. What was a few feathers lost? It wasn’t like he was going to die here. It wasn’t like he could.
He had a promise to keep, after all. 
Arlong never clipped Nami’s wings. They were too useful for quick getaways. To him, they were just some of the features that made her such a valuable tool, such a clever, profitable little thief. So, no, he never damaged her wings.
But he loved to remind her that he could. 
If she disobeyed, if she tried to run away- well, fishmen were so strong, and wings were so fragile. She learned to bear the fear, though she always kept her wings folded close and tight to her back whenever she walked through Arlong Park. If there was one thing she could be grateful for, at least, it was that he never thought to threaten to hurt Nojiko’s wings instead. 
She could still hear the crunch of Bellemere’s wingbones when Arlong had stomped on them.
Fishmen didn’t have wings. It made sense- what sure would undersea creatures have for them? But she couldn’t help but suspect, every now and then, that Arlong was envious. He could rule their towns and beat them into the ground and proclaim himself and his brethren superior over humans in every way- but he would never, ever fly. That was something Nami would always hold over him.
Nami’s wings were simple at first glance- black, with splotches of bright white at the shoulders and tips- but under the sunlight, the black glittered, turning to dark iridescent bluish-green. They looked nothing like Bellemere’s wide, long-feathered osprey wings had. 
“Would you cut it out?” she snapped, one wing stretching out to swat Luffy’s curious hands away from the straw hat resting in her lap.
She’d known him for more than a day now, but she still couldn’t really make up her mind on her temporary captain. He was annoying, but good-hearted, but stupid, but honest- and she’d never seen wings like his either. They were bright red and featherless, looking more bat than bird. Overall, he was a frustrating enigma, for how open he was. 
Not that it mattered, really. She’d be parting ways with them soon enough. 
“Are you done yet?” he asked insistently, leaning around her shoulder to peer at the mostly-repaired hat cradled in her hands. The wide, ugly knife cuts Buggy had left in the golden straw were mostly hidden now, though you could still see the scars if you knew to look- the replacement straw she’d had to use in places was brighter and cleaner than the worn, aged material of the rest of the hat. 
She wondered idly just how old this stupid hat was. There were other repairs worked into the straw here and there, some more recent and some much older, hand-stitched with varying levels of neatness and expertise. 
“Nearly,” she said, not for the first time. “Be patient.” 
The sun caught on the mended straw, and all of a sudden she remembered a question she’d wanted to ask. “Hey, Luffy,” she said before his attention could drift. “What’s with this feather?” 
She’d noticed it when they’d first met, and wondered at it. It was tucked into the red ribbon that ran around the hat, and when she’d taken the hat to repair it and gotten a closer look, she’d noticed that it was carefully stitched into place. It was striped black and sapphire blue, with a tiny splash of white at the tip. 
“Oh!” Luffy said. “That’s Sabo’s!” 
Nami blinked. “Sabo?” she repeated. 
“My brother!” Luffy said. 
Zoro blinked one eye open from where he’d been napping on one of the little boat’s benches, lifting his head. “You’ve got a brother?” he asked. 
“There’s more of you?” Nami said at the same time. 
Luffy snickered. “I’ve got two big brothers!” he explained. “They both set out to sea before me, though. Sabo first, and then Ace second. Sabo had bluejay wings. Yours kinda remind me of them, Nami!”
Had, Nami thought, and thought of Nojiko- solid blue wings, tipped with black. Thought about the osprey feather tucked away in the very back of her dresser in Cocoyashi. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah!” Luffy said. “They’re really pretty! And glittery and blue, like the ocean!” 
“Oh,” Nami said. “...Thanks.”
...So maybe she liked her temporary captain, just a little. It wouldn’t change anything, in the end. 
Usopp lied about his wings. He kept them tucked close to his back, and whenever someone asked, he’d come up with a new species, something big and intimidating. Hawk, eagle, falcon- something flashy, impressive, worthy of a brave warrior of the sea. 
Of course, none of those were true. (Nothing he said ever was.) Everyone in the village knew it, too- they’d known him since he was a kid, after all. The truth he never wanted to admit was that his wings were unremarkable, just like him. Plain black, medium size, with a thick stripe of white running through the middle of each. He only ever opened them when he was with his friends, or with Kaya. 
The first time she’d seen his wings was when he threw his arms open too wide when telling a story, caught up in the fantasy inside his head, and unbalanced himself from his perch on the tree outside her window. They’d snapped open on instinct to break his fall and let him catch himself midair, and he’d flapped back up to her window to see her beaming. 
“Look,” she’d said, and stretched her own wings open- big beautiful crane wings, wide and white but with a thick band of black on the inside of each. Just the opposite of his. “We match!” 
Over time, Kaya’s sickness had taken its toll on her wings, just as on the rest of her. She was always shedding drifts of feathers, leaving her wings looking scrawny and patchy. They were beautiful nonetheless, though, wide and graceful, the surviving feathers bright white. 
“Someday,” he told her, “We’ll go flying, once you’re better and your feathers grow back. And I’ll show you the island where everything is made out of candy, and the trees talk to you!”
She laughed into her hands, wings curling around her. “Do they?” 
“They do!” Usopp confirmed, nodding emphatically. “And they sing, too. But only for kind-hearted girls with white wings. So if we went there, they’d sing for you for sure!” 
She smiled, big and warm and honest. “That sounds lovely, Usopp!” 
Usopp grinned back. 
A couple days later, the pirates came. 
And it was sudden and violent and terrifying, and Klahadore’s massive black vulture wings seemed to block out the sky, and Usopp was sure a dozen times over that he was going to die, but- 
But he didn’t.
By the time it was all over and it was time to set sail, Kaya’s wings were already looking healthier. 
“Kid,” the old man had said, the first day on the rock, voice gruff and thick from coughing up seawater. “You still alive?” 
Sanji didn’t say anything, pulling skinny knees to his chest and glaring over the top of them at the old man’s back. The old man had a long piece of driftwood balanced over his knees, and was methodically shredding his shirt into long strips. One of his wings was awkwardly bent in a way that made Sanji cringe to look at. The pain must have been terrible, but the old man’s voice didn’t even shake.
“C’mere. I need your help with something.”
Sanji didn’t move. “What?” he asked, and almost winced at the croak of his own voice. 
“Can’t reach my wing. Busted it against the rocks, and if I don’t set it now it won’t heal right.”
“So?” Sanji muttered sullenly. “What do I care?” 
“You stupid, brat?” the old man asked tiredly, and didn’t even give Sanji time to bristle before he continued, “Your wings ain’t big enough to reach land yet, but you’re little enough to carry. If my wing heals right, I can get us both off this rock. Hopefully before we starve to death.” 
“...How do I know you won’t leave me?” Sanji had asked suspiciously.
The old man looked at him askance over his shoulder, holding himself stiffly so as not to jar his injured wing. “Shit, kid, I might be a pirate, but I’m not a monster. You think I’d just ditch a little kid to die?” 
Sani blinked. Oh.
(It had made Judge so, so angry, that Sanji was the only one of his brothers with wings. It was an embarrassment, an infuriation, that the failure could fly unassisted when the perfect sons could not. It was why he’d been locked away, in a cell where he could never see the sky, where there was no hope at all of flight.)
He inched his way across the craggy stone to the old man, lips pressed tight. He took the stick of driftwood and makeshift bandages and quietly set to work, following the old man’s terse instructions. He wasn’t used to being on this end of it. Normally it was Reiju bandaging his injuries, setting his sprains and broken bones. 
(“You deserve to fly,” she’d said through desperate tears as she shoved him towards the ship, grey-and-violet wings pulled close to her back. “Go!”)
One he had the last clumsy knot tied, the old man gave him some of the food- so little- and they split to wait. For the old man’s broken bones to heal, or for a ship to come. Whichever came first.
And they’d waited, and waited, and waited. 
After the third week, Sanji had started to lose feathers. After the makeshift shelter he’d managed to scrounge together fell apart, his wings provided the only protection from the elements. He huddled behind their shade as the weeks crawled by, agonizingly slowly. 
Fallen black and white feathers littered the stone around him by the time desperation drove him to curl shaking fingers around a knife, and drag himself to the other side of the island, and discover the terrible truth. The knife clattered to the stone, and Sanji collapsed along with it.
It was twenty more days before the old man was well enough to fly. Sanji was half-unconscious with delirium by then, and all he knew of the flight was hunger, and wind, and endless, endless blue. The ocean below, and the cloudless sky above, and nothing at all between.
It never did quite leave his mind. 
“Have you ever heard,” he said, leaning against the railing and turning to look at the idiot in the straw hat, “of the All Blue?”
Chopper had never had wings. 
It was just another reason he knew he’d never fit in. No matter how human he could make himself look, he would never have wings, and that would always give him away.
He did know how to treat them, though. Of course he did. A great doctor needed to know those sorts of things. Doctorine had taught him- about wing breaks and sprains, the sort of injuries that could be crippling and the ones where the patient might fly again, her own grey parrot wings flaring dramatically whenever she made a point. 
At the moment, Doctorine was leaning over the unconscious bodies of their three newest patients- the blonde man with the back injury, the girl with the fever, and the black-haired boy. 
“Let’s see here,” she hummed. “Secretarybird, common magpie, and- hm.”
Chopper blinked up at her, intrigued by her sudden silence. Her expression was hard to read. “Doctorine? Is it about that boy’s wings? I saw they were different, and he hasn’t got feathers, is that normal for humans? Is he sick?”
“Not normal,” she agreed absently. “But not unprecedented, either.” She chuckled. “It’s been some time since I last met a D.”
“A… huh?” 
Doctorine waved it off. “Oh, nothing. Get him to a warm room and then prep Mr. Secretarybird there for surgery, will you? I need to find the antibiotics for Miss Magpie, she’s the most urgent of the three.”
“Ah- yes, Doctorine!” Chopper agreed, and bounced into action, and questions about feathers and wings and Ds were quickly forgotten. 
Franky didn’t have wings. 
He had had, at one point, though he’d never really cared much about them either way. After all, Tom-san hadn’t had wings, and neither had Kokoro. And it wasn’t like they were any use for shipbuilding, and he didn’t have many places to fly to, anyways. 
Iceberg had taught him how to fly, even though he’d always insisted he didn’t need Iceberg to teach him anything. But it had been useful for getting up to high places that needed construction, or making a quick getaway after breaking something, and- yeah, okay, he could admit it. It was fun. Flying had been fun. 
And then there had been the sea train. And wings were so very fragile. 
By the time he hauled himself aboard the scrap ship with broken hands, he already knew he wouldn’t fly ever again. His wings were wrecked beyond any dream of repair, skin shredded and bones shattered into fragments. Even if he had the ability to create prosthetics lightweight and detailed enough to replace them- which, not to sell himself short, he probably could, given time and materials that he didn’t have- he never would have been able to attach them to the nerves properly, not at that angle. 
No, better just to amputate, and cauterize, and focus on the things he did need: his hands, his eyes, his organs.
And he’d gone on, and it had been fine, and most of the time he barely missed flying at all. 
“Look,” he said, as the Agua Laguna raged outside and the dumb pirate kid refused to listen to reason. “Listen to me, bro. I’m serious. You listening?” 
The kid didn’t answer, but he did pause in hammering away at his dead ship for a moment, which Franky decided to take as a yes. 
“Your ship’s crippled,” Franky said bluntly. “She can’t sail anymore. It’s like- okay, you saw my wings are gone, right?” 
“Taking that ship to sea,” Franky said, “would be like pushing me off a cliff. There was a time I could’ve survived that just fine, but now it’d smash me to pieces. Your ship’s lost her wings. And no matter what, you can’t fix that.”
The kid stared at him, biting his lip so hard it looked like it might bleed, something cracking in his eyes, black and white wings curling protectively around his shoulders. Franky felt for him, he really did- he knew better than most what it felt like to fight something you couldn’t possibly win to try and save something you loved- but truth was truth, even when it hurt. 
He was just starting to hope he might have finally gotten through when the door crashed open and suddenly, they all had bigger problems to worry about. 
Robin’s wings were nondescript. It was useful, in its way, when it came to living in hiding. From the slanderous stories told about her and the people of Ohara, people expected crow, raven, rook- something dark and threatening. Or even featherless demon wings, much like those of her new captain. 
Instead, her wings were simple, uniform dark grey with tawny orange-brown patches spreading from the shoulders. Robin wings. 
Her mother’s had looked much the same, she remembered. It was one of the only details that had stuck in her head about Nico Olvia, as the long years had worn away at the few memories of her mother she had. Most of her mother’s face was a blur, now, but she still remembered a few things: white hair, sad eyes, wings of a mourning dove.
As Spandam dragged her down the Bridge of Hesitation, hands and powers bound, she flapped her wings frantically as hard as she could, even as the chains around her shoulders to weigh her down and stop her flying broke feathers and gouged at skin with every movement. She didn’t even need lift, just to push herself backwards a meter, a foot, an inch- 
If she could buy even a minute, even a second-
Spandam spat an ugly word at her as he was jerked backwards, stumbling for a moment and nearly face-planting onto the bridge before he managed to find his balance. He snarled, grabbed her by the shoulder and hurled her to the ground, driving the air from her lungs with a painful gasp. 
He stomped down hard between her shoulder blades, pinning her down. 
“You know,” he said, sounding almost gleeful, “the Tenryuubito cut off the wings of their slaves. To be sure they’ll never escape. Maybe I’ll recommend that, as part of your judgement. Or…” 
He moved his shoe from the center of her back to press lightly down on one of the delicate wing-joints in her right wing, and her breath caught. 
“Or maybe I’ll just do it myself,” he said. “What do you think, Nico Robin?”
Nico Olvia, with white hair and sad eyes and mourning-dove wings that had been bloodied, perforated by rifle-shots, ruined to stop her from flying away-
They’d aimed for the wings, first. They’d wanted to be sure that not a single scholar could escape. Not one was left uncrippled by the time the marines evacuated the burning wreck of Ohara. 
(Except Robin.)
“It’s not like you’ll be flying ever again, where you’re going,” Spandam continued, starting to press down, and Robin closed her eyes and grit her teeth against the pain and the rising plea for mercy alike. She refused to beg. Her mother had fought to the end, and so would she. 
Then there was a blaze of light, and a crash, and a fireball caught Spandam perfectly in the head, and Robin was saved. 
(Though, perhaps, if she was honest with herself, she’d been saved a very long time ago.)
When Brook had been alive, his wings had been soft, plain uniform brown. 
Nightingale, Yorki had laughed, one late night when they were sorting through a wing glossary one of the crewmen had picked up on the latest island, trying to place everyone’s wings. Oi, Brook, no wonder you’ve got the best singing voice on the ship.
Brook had warbled out a few notes in response, as horrifically flat and off-pitch as he could physically manage, and Yorki had nearly cracked a rib laughing. 
But wings rotted away just like all other flesh, and by the time Brook crawled his way back to the world of the living, they were nothing but bones and a drift of soft brown feathers, shed on the rotting planks. He tucked a few of the feathers away in an inside pocket of his coat, just in case they helped Laboon to recognize him, someday. 
Catching the remnants of his wings in the corners of his eyes (ah, but he didn’t have those anymore-), grasping and skeletal, always caught him off guard, almost worse than catching sight of his reflection. The bare, bright white stood in such contrast to the soft brown he was so used to seeing that he thought he would never truly get used to it. He couldn’t imagine anyone else would, either. 
And then- 
“Your wings are awesome, Brook!” Luffy said, bright and enthusiastic and entirely sincere, sprawled on his back on the piano. His wings were splayed out beneath him- featherless and red, entirely unlike any Brook had never seen before. “They’re so cool!”
For a moment, Brook couldn’t find words. (How unsuiting, for a songsmith.) And then he said, “Why, thank you, Luffy-san. I should tell you, though… I’m afraid they’re not good for much. I can no longer fly.”
Luffy blinked, and then said, “So? I can’t, neither.” 
“...You can’t?”
Luffy snickered, grinning. “Nah! My wings only sorta work. Something ‘bout my devil fruit and my bones or something. I don’t really get it. But it doesn’t matter! I mean, I can just rocket to places. And you too, right? You can run on water! That’s so cool!”
Brook looked at Luffy’s beaming grin for a long moment, and couldn’t stop the urge to smile back, even though he had no lips with which to do so. 
And then he said, “May I join your crew?” 
Luffy laughed like the best song Brook had ever heard. “Sure!”
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gildedmuse · 4 years
So... I have this bad habit where sometimes, when attempting to summarize the idea for a fic, I go into waaay too much detail.
Like, I don't go as far as to actually wrote the damn thing because, you know, effort and laziness, but... Well, it's a close call. It gets to the point where it's less a summary and more what my friends use to call a Quick Fic. All that's .kissing is the actual dialogue and descriptive narration.
Having said that....
Here is a "summary" of an ZoLaw AU where Law works for Doflamingo...
What happened was, basically, Law got caught by Doflamingo after eating the devil's fruit which eventually allowed him to cure his dieses, thus why he's still alive. Or, at least, isn't dead from lead poisoning. Because let's face it, Doflamingo could have just killed the boy then and there. Sure, he'd have to find the fruit all over again, but better that the deal with this little traitor
Except really it was his brother who had been the traitor. Law is still just a child, and children can be so suspectable to any number of ideas so long as an adult gives them a pat on the head and a treat after.
Which is when Doflamingo realizes that he can just manipulate Law into being another loyal follower. Then eventually - when he's no longer useful - Doffy will have him sacrifice his life for his own immortality. By that point Law will be family, and family never lets Doffy down. Not anymore.
So it's under Doffy's personal tutorage that Law grows up, and as much as he might resit the man who imprisoned Corazon, it's hard not to eventually fall to all Doflamingo's sweet praise and promised. And Law gets what he had wanted all along: a way to get back at the world that willingly watched his home wiped off the official world map and would be happy to see the entire town dead to the very last one. This Law truly earns his title Surgeon of Death, acting as the top officer of Hearts in the Doflamingo crime family. And yet despite his cruelty, he isn't even on the government's wanted list; protected under the Shichibukai's jolly roger.
In the meantime, the Strawhats are still doing their thing right on through Punk Hazard (which they somehow manage to not only live through but actually do more damage and cause twice as much chaos. The biggest difference is that Ceaser and Monet escape and Sanji can't perv out over being in Nami's body). So this time when they roll into Dressrosa it's less "backing up the plan of an ally" and much more "on complete and total accident" and "without a damn clue".
Yeah, basically they're the Grand Line's easiest prey.
But, hey, it works out! Well, no, not really. But Sanji does meet Violet, Luffy meet Sabo and help recover Ace's devil's fruit, and Zoro does get lost and require a magic fairy guide. Plus, hey, since they're not really there for any purpose other than that they happened to be passing by, it's not like they can't pull a dine and dash. They may be unprepared, but The Monster Trio can still keep up the fight until everyone is back on the Sunny.
A perfect escape!
Except no.
Because Luffy isn't totally ready to leave, not when he wants to know more about what Sabo is doing and help his new friend Rebecca. Not that they have time to debate the merits of staying or pulling a tactical retreat since at that poing Big Momma is on their ass. And that scary dude in the long black coat is still somehow following them, teleporting himself through the fucking air like wtf why is this happening now!? Nami is forced to make an executive decision: they're can't stay. Also, oh God oh God they're trapped and they're going to be killed and oh God.
It's moments like these you're almost thankful one of your crew members is a total maniac. Because in the middle of all this mess, Zoro just smirks, tells Nami to just concentrate on getting away from that annoying ass ship, he's got their other attacker covered. Which only makes everyone freaks out MORE because what is Zoro thinking: he'll be killed! ("Not immediately, of course. First they'll likely torture him for information, perhaps even kill him as slowly as possible." / "What? Why would you say that? That is not SUPER helpful to hear right then!") The Sunny goes into an all out panic attack. Everyone is yelling or crying or both.
Except Luffy.
Luffy who looks at Zoro, at the singing ship, at the dark power user trying to slash their ship apart, at the shore line of this island and the way it radiates a fake happiness covering Rebecca's very real pain. Luffy who just lowers his hat over his eyes and gives the nod.
Zoro smiles, and is immediately almost clobbered by a giant Chopper. What is Luffy saying? Don't they realize that is the same guy who almost took down Sanji, Zoro AND Luffy only moments ago? Zoro can't fight him alone! Sanji, more calm than the rest, lights a cigarette while explaining that he's not trying to stop Zoro from getting himself killed or anything, but Chopper is right. That guy was incredibly tough, and there's no way Zoro can do it alone ("Shut up dartbrow! You don't know what the hell you're talking about! I could take him down with just the two swords! With one hand behind my back!" / "He already kicked your ass once, Marimo! Or have you forgotten because of all the head trauma!?" / "The only reason he kicked OUR asses is because YOU kept getting in my way you damn weak-ass cook!" / "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME, IDIOT MARIMO!?") Franky tries to regulate the fight but he's busy blocking those deadly aimed slashes from hitting his poor ship while Brook and Kin'emon work on stopping the incoming cannon balls. Either way they're going to have to do something SUPER fast if they want to get out of here. Yeah, Luffy, we need an actual plan. We can't just send Zoro out to-
"Zoro", Luffy says and despite everything going on around them the deck of the Sunny goes really quiet. They all know that tone. "Zoro, I need you to take care of this until we can get back. I still need to kick Mingo's ass for a friend."
At the sound of his captain's no nonsense voice, Zoro is suddenly easily able to stand, shrugging off the pile of people trying to stop him from jumping to his death (and by pile of people I do mean the coward trio and Sanji, who is mostly just trying to get in a few kicks). He draws Wado, clutching the katana in his teeth and yet still somehow manages what you know is a smirk. It's a promise.
And like that, Zoro is launching himself right into the blue sphere of the battle.
A battle against one of Doflamingo's top officers. A devil's fruit user with a twisted heart and home field advantage. Needless to say, it does not end well for our hero.
Although, Law has to give his rival swordsman some credit. He has his share of fun toying with the boy, and despite never standing any real chance of victory Law can admit the strawhat pirate puts up a better fight than most. Far better than Law had been expecting from some one so new to the New World (supposedly he got Mihawk to agree to train him, but Law has met the Hawk Eye and finds the idea utterly absurd). Then there is the way his smile had just an edge of what Law could only call manical delight, even when it became clear he'd long lost. This greenhaired kid really is stupid enough to believe his captain will come back for him. As though he would come charging back into Doflamingo's territory a second time just to retrieve a single crew member. One who was not only crazy enough to sacrifice himself but couldn't even win the fight. At the same time the swordman's loyalty and faith - as misplaced as it is - is kind of... Adorable. Who knew someone could come so far on the Grand Line and still be so innocent?
Law immediately wants to corrupt it.
Thes other family members will whine tell you, Doffy has always had... Let's say... A "soft spot" for Law. He's spoiled that brat for years, is what they mean but don't dare to say. Sure enough, Law barely has to work to talk Doffy around to letting him personally see to the prisoner's arrangements. Doflamingo is a little suspecious at first (he can never truly trust Law, not after the Corazon incident), but he quickly dismisses it. He's had the Heart Officer's loyalty for years now.
Of course, when he sees the spark of interest light in his apprentice as they eye their newest spoils of war, he can't help but tease Law. After all, Zoro is quite an enticing young man and Law isn't the only one there who likes pretty things. They're so fun to destroy which - judging from the way Law shivers when Doffy runs a hand through thick green hair before yanking the boys head back against the wall hard enough to leave the young captive panting and dizzy - is precisely his protege's plan.
(Doflamingo also happens to know Zoro almost definitely had trained under Mihawk, and he would love to see his fellow warlord's eyes flash with barely contained anger when he learns how Doflamingo has broken his favorite toy. It's not his fault - Mihawk is always so uptight and repressed, it makes agonizing him too much fun for Doflamingo to resist.)
In the end, though, he knows when Law's determination is set. And for whatever reason the boy has decided he absolutely has to be the one to keep their guest "comfortable" while his captain makes up his mind on what he'll do. So Doflamingo only teases for a bit - touches a little, plays with the barely conscious boy kneeling at his feet, enjoys the way Zoro still has enough spirit left to try taking bite when Doffy's fingers trail to close to his bloody lips (oh, and, what a joy! Law nearly growls at the prospect of not being the one to ruin the boy!) - but eventually he stops his little game. He gives in, telling Law to have fun with his treasure. He is the one who took him down after all. It is only fair he keeps him.
Just try not to completely break the poor thing, not until Strawhat returns for him.
Law snorts at the very idea. This is hardly the first time they'd done this. He's never seen a single captain try and retrieve their stolen property (he has of course, but he doesn't remember them). He doesn't see why Strawhat-ya would be particularly special.
Before Doflamingo can come up with a clever, vague answer about Law trusting him, Zoro suddenly gives a bark of laughter that would have scared lesser men senseless. It only serves to draw the two men's interest back to their little pet.
Luffy won't come back for him, Zoro confirms, much to Law's surprise (he personally never thought Strawhat-ya would, but then why would the swordsman sacrifice himself so willingly for a man he has so little faith in?) and has Doflamingo raising an eyebrow in.... Interest. Zoro looks at both of them with no fear, like he hadn't taken a humiliating defeat and is even now bloody and chained up, helplessly listening in on these two infamous pirates talk about him like he is a mere object. Actually, if anything, he appears to be wearing a smirk under all that blood. Because he knows something they don't.
Luffy won't come back for him, because his captain knows Zoro doesn't need to be rescued.
To Law, this makes Zoro look like an even sweeter treat. Doflamingo is simply amused, remarking that perhaps their little pup has yet to realize the leash around his neck is shaped like a noose.
Zoro meets his gaze, steady yet daring. He promised Luffy that he'd take care of it, and so that is what he will do. He'll never go back on his word, especially when it comes to his captain. Something Doflamingo with his distrusting and fear-toed crew couldn't understand. So see, their plan to use Zoro as bait will never work, because Zoro swore to Luffy that he'd be take care of it. So he will. Luffy has enough faith in Zoro that he'd never believe anything less and would never turn around out of doing to try and mount a rescue.
No, when Luffy comes back it will be for the sole purpose of kicking Doflamingo's ass.
The mood darkens. In a flash, Doflamingo is in back in front of him, yanking Zoro forward by the chin. He squeezes hard enough to bruise. You can hear the cracking of bone as he explains to Zoro exactly how precarious his current position is only to grow second by second more frustrate by Zoro's completely lack of fear. So he squeezes harder. He slams the boys head back into the wall and starts smiling when he gets a since from the stoic swordsman.
Before he can do any real damage Law steps in, reminding Doffy that he promised him he could have the boy. And just like that, Doflamingo's whole mood appears to shift back to calm. He puts on his fake smile and let's Zoro go, even pets the boy's hair. Of course, he had promised. And he, too, is a man of his word. Something Zoro will surely learn in time now that he is one of them.
Zoro, now with blurred vision and the taste of fresh blood on his tongue, is smart enough not to answer. But not smart enough to lower his head or try and appear humbled. Lucky for him, Doflamingo decides the boy isn't worth it. When he turns around he notes the hungry way Law is eyeing the kneeling prisoner behind him. Which brings a crueller, yet more genuine, smile to Doffy's featurss. The Strawhats vice captain may act invincible now, but he's never faced Doflamingo's own Surgeon Of Death. As disinterested and put off as Law might usually act, the boy can be dangerously twisted. He's sure his top officer will break the young pirate down bit by bit - both literally and figuratively - long before his captain can come running back in to try and find him (and Doflamingo is sure Strawhat will, no matter what Zoro might think).
He leaves with one last reminder to Law not to completely shatter the infamous Pirate Hunter. No, Doffy would hate to see their newest family member treated so poorly, especially seeing as he has much bigger plans in store for the young Mr. Roronoa. Specifically, he wants to see the face of Monkey D Luffy when he watches as the last bit of his first mate's spirit broken.
And because Doffy practically raised the boy and knows exactly the right buttons to push, he decides to give Law a little extra motivation to bring Zoro to that point. Just in case that interest turns into something dangerous like longing or - laughable as it is - actual fondness. It's so simple, too: as he walks by he simply whispers how there is nothing like crushing the heart of unrequited love.
It will be such a treat, tearing Zoro from his captain, and watching Luffy realize he's lost his chance to love the other man, wouldn't it Law? What a truly tragic romance. It almost makes you hope the two of them at least had some time together. Law didn't happen to give them a moment along before forcing Zoro to throw himself into the fight, hmm? Just a small, precious second or so for the two to share a final kiss. After all, not even Doffy is so cruel as to deny the poor boys such a tender moment.
Sure enough, Law's eyes immediately narrow and Doflamingo can feel the jealousy rolling off him. Not because Law gives a damn for their prisoner's feelings - Doflamingo raised him better than that - but he always has had a possessive streak. Having taken an interest in the swordsman, he will hate the thought that the boy might even think of another or that Law won't be the first to possess him in ever possible way.
Doffy leaves with a cruel, deep laugh. He can't wait until dinner, when he may just happen to remember the rumours about his "friend" Mihawk and his taking a young green-haired boy under this wing and in to his bed. By tomorrow he suspects every part of Zoro's body will bare at least some mark that he now firmly belongs to no one but Trafalgar Law.
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roronoa-swords · 3 years
Cop and Thief
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Smoker x Portgas D. Ace
Fandom: One Piece
Genre: Smut with a lil angst
Timeline: Modern AU!
Pairing: Smoker x Ace
Request: For Op-Law from wattpad. You can also find this story there under the name Da3Stuges. I share an account with two other amazing authors💚
"This is the second time Portgas. When are you going to learn that doing arson is illegal?" A white haired male snarled with an irritated look on his face.
"C'mon Smokey, when are you gonna lighten up a bit? It's the 21st century, stop being so...old." The man named 'Portgas' said as he laid his head on the table.
Smoker let out a deep sigh before he uncuffed the man. "Just-...." The older man breathed. "Just get outta my sight Portgas. If I see you in here again, you're gonna regret it."
"Oh I'm soooo scared!" He mocks. "See you later old man!" The ravenette said as he ran out of the police station. Smoker's assistant, Tashigi only stood in pure, agitated disbelief.
"Why do you keep letting him go Sergeant Smoker? He's only gonna cause more trouble, not only for you, but for the entire GPD! We have to go get him!" The navy haired woman with red glasses perched on top of her head complained.
Smoker sighed. He was asked -and told- the same thing every single time. Smoker waved her off.
"Stand down Tashigi. Portgas acts like any other old reckless youngster, there is no need to get rash." Sergeant Smoker seriously needed a break. He already gained a headache trying to apprehend Portgas. He didn't need this extra addition. But, it seems Tashigi didn't get the memo.
"But sir! Portgas D. Ace is the eldest of the infamous ASL brothers! Those three terrorize any store they find! And just for food?!?! He's also allies with Whitebeard and Roger! He needs to be apprehended immediately before his entire posse raid this whole town!" The woman screeched as she tried to get her point across.
"I said stand down cadet!" He barked. "I am aware of Portgas' affiliations, I am aware of his younger brothers, and I am very much aware of the consequences of him continuing to run free." It's like the people in this damned department didn't understand.
"Please stop rambling nonsense around my head and move on from this subject. To be quite frank, I'm done with Portgas and his case. So if you want to capture him so bad, why don't you go and do it?" Smoker sneered as he has gotten fed up with Tashigi and her screeching.
"But Sergeant Smoker-.." She tried to reason but never got to finish her sentence. Smoker upped and left the room.
"Damned people. I don't know how many times they want me to repeat the same words over and over again." He grumbled as he stomped his way to his office.
"That damn brat is growing on me. Without him, these calls won't be challenging at all."
He sighed, entering his office. Sitting down on the slightly worn out chair, he gazed upon his achievements that were mounted on the wall.
'Soon, I won't have a job if I keep this up.' He thought with a sigh. This whole situation was troublesome.
Suddenly, a knock was heard.
"Enter." The tired male spoke. He waited to see who would be on the other side of his door. Surprisingly, it was Monkey D. Garp, the retired chief of police. Smoker stood up, as a sign of respect.
"G-Garp-San," He hesitated. "To what do I owe this visit? More so, why have you came to visit me?" Smoker was puzzled. Why was the greatest chief of police that ever resided in this town, here in his office?
Garp stood as strong as ever. Dressed down in his white button up and some white dress pants.
"Well, Sergeant," Garp began. " a little birdy...more-so...your assistant Tashigi, seemed to be in distress. I asked her, and she told me that you keep letting a certain freckled faced fellow go." Smoker kept his composure, but inwardly groaned. That woman could never keep her mouth shut.
"Mind explaining why you are releasing my grandson only to capture him again later on?" Garp questioned as he looked at Smoker with curious amusement.
Smoker stayed silent. It wasn't that he didn't know how to answer the question, it was more of him in denial.
"To be honest with you Chief...I'm not sure why I do that." He said scratching the back of his neck. A sign that Garp picked up from past visits, indicating he was nervous.
"Portgas brings...life to the chases we do-" Smoker paused. "him and his brothers." He continues. "So taking them in would diminish all the fun." Garp stared at him for a minute before answering.
"But you do know that even if they do rob stores for food, they have very strong and dangerous allies." He stated. "Ace with Whitebeard and Roger, Sabo with Dragon, and Luffy with Shanks. Not to mention they have their own crews. For example, Luffy and his Straw hat brats." Garp concluded as fixed Smoker with a stare.
"Though I am assuming- and hoping that this isn't the case-" Garp straightens to his full height. "Could it be that you are starting to harbor feelings for the brat?" Garp asked.
The male in question thought about the elders statement. 'Do I like Portgas? No....no I can't do that. There's no way. Unless...?' Smoker thought as he racked through his brain for answers.
Garp sighed. "Well, I've got to go. Even though they are criminals, they're still my grandkids. However, they are gonna get a rude awakening when I return back home from the holidays." He said with a menacing smile as he cracked his knuckles. He looked at Smoker then smirked at him before exited out of his office.
'That was weird.' The white haired male said as he lit up a cigar. He sat down and took a puff. He sighed out a breath as he wondered.
'What am I going to do?'
(Ace's POV)
"LUFFY! ACE! LET'S GO!" Sabo shouted. We just raided one of our favorite restaurants. We dodged a couple of frying pans, cutting boards, and a few stray eating utensils along the way. We finally arrive to our usual little hiding spot. We're here just until things die down, then we normally make our way home. Fuck I'm tired. I focus on catching my breath as Luffy starts laughing.
"Shishishi~ I got all the meat!" My idiot of a little brother exclaims.
"Lies! I got some meat too- and I aint sharing so don't give me that face." I said as my straw hat wearing brother pouts.
"You idiots argue for the most simplest things," Sabo rolled his eyes. "it's unbelievable sometimes." He sighed as he looked down in embarrassment.
"EH!? YOU WANNA FIGHT?!" Sabo shouts back. Oh ho hooo I am not backing down bitch.
Sabo and I were head to head and I could see the electricity between us. "Shishishi~ usually it's me and Ace or Ace and Smokey." Luffy said as he munched on a bag of chips.
"Speaking of Smokey, he always catches you and then lets you go 5 hours later. Wanna explain?" Sabo said as he looked at me with a smirk on his face. I felt my cheeks heat up as I look the other way.
"There's nothing to explain. He catches me, we talk, then he lets me go. Nothing else." I mumbled, hoping Sabo wouldn't press into the situation more.
"Judging by your face I think you have some attraction for him." Apparently, he didn't get the hint or he got it and just didn't care.
"Ugh just drop it Sabo. Even if I DID like him there is absolutely NO POSSIBLE WAY Oyaji or that old bastard would approve." I sulk.
Sabo walks up to me and grabs my shoulders. "Wouldn't approve of what? You being gay?"
"Hmm? Oh, No, I told them my preference before and they didn't have a problem. I think they wouldn't approve because of who I chose to like. Remember," I sigh. "He's a cop. I'm a thief. Not to mention my stupid old man. It isn't gonna work."
I turn away from him as my shoulders droop. 'Besides..I think he likes that little assistant of his...despite how annoying she is.' I thought as a I succumb to my inner thoughts.
"Eh, Ace, I know you're worried about their opinion, but, if you really like him, you gotta face your fears and tell him. Rejection is always better than regret." Luffy said with a serious expression.
Sabo and I looked at him shocked. He tilts his head in confusion. 'Luffy....has a brain?' I stare at him.
"What? Is there something on my face?" He picks his nose.
'Well nevermind he's back to being an idiot.' I sweatdrop.
"Well, we should get going. Thatch needs to cook the food." Sabo said and as soon as he did, Luffy and I race back to the house.
"Hey! Wait for me! Guys!" I hear Sabo shout.
~timeskip brought to you by Marco chasing Ace around in a pineapple tank top~
"Why...did you guys..run of like that?" Sabo panted as he finally caught up with us.
"You've gotten slow Sabo..need to fix that." I say as I smirk mischievously at him. He pales at my sentence and begins to mumble something before Luffy's voice is heard, shouting so the whole block hears him. "WE'RE HOME!"
He then turns towards us, "Let's go, I want FOOODD!" and dashes inside.
Sabo and I stare at him for a second before his words fully register in my mind. "DON'T EAT ALL THE MEAT LUFFY!" I shout. I dash inside, leaving Sabo in the dust.
"Thatch! Marco! Oyaji! How are you guys?" I ask as we all sit at the table. Well Oyaji stood, but that doesn't make much of a difference.
"We're fine." Thatch hummed, "-but mind telling why you got captured today?" he questions as he glances behind him, amused.
"Oh, um...how'd you know about that?" I laugh nervously with an uneasy feeling in my chest.
"Gurararara~ We know everything around here, brat. Did you forget already?" Oyaji says, with his signature laugh.
I facepalm because of my stupidity. 'Of course Oyaji would know the smoking Sargeant.'
"Shishishi~ Ace got captured by Smokey! But their fight was..weird." Luffy's shine like literal stars as Thatch sets a plate full of meat in front of him. "Weird like how yoi?" Marco spoke, leaning on the table with a lazy smirk.
"They were saying weird stuff to each other. Like when Ace said that if Smokey has this much energy fighting, how much energy would he have in-" Luffy didn't get to finish before I shoved a piece of meat in his mouth. "OKAYY," I chuckle nervously, "we don't need to hear anymore a that, right Sabo?" I force a smile, praying that Sabo would be on my side.
Sabo looks at me before smirking. 'Oh no'
"I don't know, Ace...you were kinda..touchy with him today." He teased. "Any reason why?" I look at him with the most hateful gaze ever, but he just brushes it off. 'Damnit Sabo! You're gonna make Oyaji kill him you overgrown barbie doll!'
Everyone at the table looked at me with a face of interest. Even Izo, Vista and Haruta.
'When the hell did they get here?'
The only one who didn't had a readable expression was Oyaji. 'Fuck...he's gonna kill me'
"Were you flirting- with Sergeant Smoker, Ace?" Izo questioned me with a large smirk on his rose colored lips. Before I even had the chance to answer, the overgrown, knock-off barbie doll on the right of me spoke up.
"Flirting? It was like watching sex happen in front of my eyes-" He didn't get to finish as I slammed my fist on top of his head.
"Damnit Sabo! Are you trying to get me killed?!" I yelled as I stood up from my seat, meat on my plate forgotten.
"I mean you needed a push and I'm there to help." He winced as he rubbed the top of his head. Before I said anything, I was cut of again.
'Why the fuck do I keep getting interrupted!? I'm running out of patience.'
"Ace.." Oyaji started as he looked at me with a glare, some haki leaking through. "Are you interested in this...Sergeant?" He finished. The whole table went down in silence and Sabo looks away from me, I don't have to look at him to know he feels full of guilt.
"No Oyaji.....what gave you that idea?" I say, not looking at Oyaji in the eye.
"Ace..you know that relationship will not work. He's a Sergeant, a cop," He emphasizes. "...and you. You're a thief." He says firmly, staring into my being.
"Your relationship is gonna end up in two ways. One, he continues to set you free after every chase and loses his rank- or worse, his job-"
'I don't want to be the reason he loses his job.' I clench my fist.
"Or two, you get caught and thrown in jail." Oyaji speaks. I know what he's saying. I know what he's trying to get into my head.
"Either he's gone or your life is over."
'I know the risks....I know I don't have a chance. But why does it hurt so much hearing it from you, Oyaji?'
I thought as I bit my bottom lip.
"Honestly," He grunts. "I don't care who you date. Your father, however, is the problem." I tch. That stupid old man.
"You know he has issues trusting the police. Ever since the incident with your mother." He continued. "Of course she's alive and well, but he almost lost her, Ace. He almost lost you.
I put my head down in shame.
'I knew it. They wouldn't approve. They wouldn't accept it. Damn it.'
"I know that Oyaji..that's why I said I don't like him you know." I bark a laugh. It sounded so mechanic that Luffy had stopped eating.
"...Sabo and Luffy were just messing with me." I say flashing a pained smile, a vain attempt to seem unfazed.
"Ace.." Thatch calls. I don't answer.
"Well, that settles that. I'm going to be in my room. I'm not hungry." I slide the plate over in between Sabo and Luffy, signaling that they can have my share.
I walk out of the dining room and head to my room. 'Nothing is ever fair anymore.'
I open the door to my room and slam it closed, locking it behind me. I huff. For fuck's sake.
'I need to cool down...I don't need another lecture from Marco about burning holes into my bedroom walls again.'
Shuffling around in my room, trying to calm down- though I'm unsuccessful-, something clicks.
What if....?
I rush and throw on a shirt. I don't bother to button it up cause why not. Opening my window and climbing out, I breathe in slight anticipation.
'Maybe he's on duty tonight...'
(Sabo's POV)
I watch Ace leave the dining room with a hurt look in his eyes. 'I over did it.' I can't help but think. Pops sighs before he took a sip of his sake.
"I know the brat likes that Sergeant and frankly, I would like to see them together, but Roger wouldn't allow it."
Ah, speaking of the devil. Said man enters the house with Aunt Rouge and Uncle Rayleigh following behind him.
'Just how many people live here?' I sweatdropped.
"Ahaaa Newgate! Pass over the sake you old geezer!" Roger exclaimed, dismissing the tense atmosphere in the room. 'He either doesn't notice it, or he notices and doesn't care. Probably the latter.'
"Gurararara~ Go get your own, this one's mine." Pops said as he hogged up the rest of the sake on the table.
"Aww cmon, you drinked the rest of the booze ya old bastard." Roger complained as he took a seat next to Pops.
"For an old man he really asks like a kid yoi." Marco mumbles. "Tell me about it, and I'm married to him." Aunt Rouge added as she put two fingers on the bridge of her nose.
"Oiii!" Roger exclaimed with a pout. 'He really is a man baby'
"Roger.. Rouge.. there is something we need to...discuss." Pops says as his smile drops.
Sensing the tension in the room, Roger stopped smiling and gave a blank stare. "About what Newgate?" He questioned. "It's about Ace." Pops said.
As if the room dropped below freezing point, Roger gave Pops a ice cold stare as his haki started to leak out.
"What happened to my son?" He asked as he stood up. Marco and Thatch stood next to Pops just in case something happens.
'Now I see why Ace doesn't tell you things, Roger. You're overprotective.' I thought as I made my way over to Luffy.
"Nothing happened to him Roger..." Oyaji paused. "He's just.....experiencing feelings for someone, is all." Pops concluded.
Roger visibly relaxed and smiled "Then what's the problem? You got me all tense for nothing!" He exclaimed as he laugh, but Pops only chuckled. "Ah but wait, he's interested in an officer. Down at the GPD, there's a smokey Sergeant that's caught Ace's attention." Pops said
Roger's smile disappeared and was replaced with an angry scowl almost immediately.
"Absolutely not. There's NO WAY I'm letting my only son date an officer. After what they did to us?! No way." He said as he threw his hands up. Roger only looked away in anger and slight disbelief.
"If I may ask...what happened exactly yoi?" Marco questioned. Though, this is the first time I've seen Marco flinch when someone answered his questions.
'Now I reallyyyy understand why Ace don't tell him anything.'
"When Rouge was pregnant with Ace, I was on the run from the government. I was caught and my execution was planned, but they didn't go through with it." He started. "Because it was unsafe, Rouge was forced to hold Ace for 20 months. Thus causing his birth to be heavily delayed. When it was time for Rouge to give birth, I broke out of the prison they kept me in."
As Roger talked, I could feel the raw hatred, and bits of Haki begin to pour out into the room. ~To be continued~
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anniedeodair · 4 years
Prompts: Glances | #QuarantineofLawLuffy Part II
Part I
He was very eager. Ace had told him that he looked like a puppy before a walk. He had been camping out the door for a long time, ready to go, while Ace and Sabo were still hanging around the house getting ready and looking for Shushu's things. It wasn't that difficult after all. They just had to put on their damn mask, grab the dog leash, and that's it! His brothers made a drama out of everything.
Luffy was already wearing his red mask, the hat, and the hoodie that Torao had given him for his birthday. After so many days without leaving the house, dressing like this was almost surreal.
When Ace and Sabo —finally!— opened the door, Luffy almost ran into the street. He got there before Shushu at least. They didn't go too far, the park was two blocks from his home, but that walk meant something special to him.
After three months, he would finally see Torao!
Not that he didn't have contact with the man, of course he did. They wrote to each other every day and whenever possible, they made video calls. But Luffy was very used to the physical presence, the human heat against him, and not being able to hug his boyfriend was killing him.
He felt like a child —and not like a nineteen years old young man— as he ran in front of his brothers with great eagerness. Sabo had his blue mask and Ace the orange one, they were bundled up like him, protected from the cold of winter that had completely taken over the city.
In the distance, Luffy saw the figure of a tall man. He was looking at his cell phone next to a bench and Luffy opened his eyes. He looked skinnier than he remembered.
"Luffy, there ..." Ace started saying, but he had already run away.
As he got closer, the man noticed him and smiled. He had a dark blue mask, but Luffy could see his smile. He stopped a few steps away and looked at him. The cold wind blew between them as if forcing them to stay away when what they least wanted was an inch of distance between them.
"Torao," he said with the biggest smile he could give him. One that made his eyes smile.
"Luffy-ya," the other muttered, looking at him with the same longing he felt.
Law raised his hand and greeted Ace and Sabo who had stayed a few yards away, walking Shushu. The dog wagged its tail at the sight, but decided that the tree on the sidewalk was more interesting than the boyfriend of one of its owners.
"How are you?" Law asked, looking at him fondly. Luffy had to suppress his urge to take those steps that separated him to fulfill all the fantasies he had had for the past three months.
They all revolved around the same thing: kisses, hugs and caresses.
"Well, now I am very happy."
Law smiled, his face filled with a happiness he didn’t remember seeing. Luffy felt radiant, as if he had seen a streak of light in a great storm.
"Come on, let's sit down." Law pointed to the bench on the edge of the park lawn and Luffy followed.
They each sat down at one end and Luffy could see that his brothers started hanging around in the park with Shushu to give them more time alone.
He turned his gaze on him and tilted his face.
"I missed you, you know? Silly Torao.”
 "You are making a habit of saying that to me."
"That’s because you are a silly, Torao."
Law sat sideways to watch him. The intensity of his eyes on him made him dizzy. So long without seeing him made him weak to those kinds of looks
He hated having to suppress his impulses, thinking before acting. If it was up to him, he wanted to throw himself on top of that man and not let him breathe with the longest kiss on the Guinness World Record.
"I missed you a lot too, Luffy-ya," he heard him say and felt his body warm a little more. "Did you drive your brothers crazy before you left?"
"They took too long!" He exclaimed, rolling his eyes.
Law rummaged in his backpack and handed him a brown paper package. He looked at him intrigued but the smell that got to him made him drool.
"Before coming here, I went to the Baratie and bought something for you, they’re takoyakis," he said, looking at him closely. "But don't eat it now, wait till you get home."
Luffy pouted annoyed and sighed.
"Why are you giving it to me now if I can't eat it?"
Law smiled under his mask and Luffy understood his playful gaze, even though he didn't know what he was going to say.
"Maybe for the same reason you're here without being able to touch me, right?" The doctor said with a contained laugh.
Luffy put his feet up on the bench and leaned his back against the armrest to face him. Law's defiant smile was gone and now he was staring at him in silence. After three months, it was the first time they could see their faces.
Luffy looked over his characteristic dark circles, accentuated by the hard work he was having. There were some scratches on his skin, produced by protective equipment. He stopped the urge to reach up and touch him, run his fingertips through those wounds.
He licked his lips and smiled.
"I really want to kiss you," he confessed with that mask-covered smile that could be seen from miles away.
Law seemed startled by his words but quickly pulled himself together and put a hand on the bench. The latex gloves covered his skin and Luffy couldn't help but get a little closer, leaving his hand close to Law's, almost touching.
"Me too, Luffy-ya," he heard him say in a low voice, muffled by the mask.
Their gloved fingers barely touched, but that was the only contact allowed, and they had to separate when Sabo and Ace appeared with Shushu again. The dog approached them, wagging its tail next to Law. It recognized his smell and presence. Luffy smiled looking at them.
"I think it's time to go," his boyfriend mentioned and Luffy pouted.
They got up from the seat. Shushu ran around them again, it had been good for it to go out to the park for a while. Law waved at Ace and Sabo and Luffy’s brothers smiled.
"Luffy-ya," he murmured lower so that only he could hear. “Don't pout, look at me."
With this situation, Luffy learned that his whims had limits and that he couldn’t ask Law to do what he really wanted.
The man took a few steps and they locked gazes intensely. That dark, haggard and kind look was all he had at the moment. The only thing he could hold on to.
And there he saw all those kisses that couldn’t be given. Those kisses that Law was trying to give him with his gaze.
So he smiled.
"Thank you for seeing me today, Torao," he said, regaining his confidence. "Next time you’re free I can see you here!"
He returned home clinging to the takoyaki bag and with Shushu walking behind him. The warmth of the octopus balls seeped into his fingers, and for a moment he gave himself the pleasure of thinking that they were Torao's hands.
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santouryuuu · 5 years
pairing : luffy x reader
requested by : @akutagawahakuryuunosuke
Hello, can i request a high school au with Luffy please? the plot is what if he was a soccer team captain, he met her when he accidentally kicking the ball to far and knocking her off from the bench, she was the art student who lost her muse because her must got a girlfriend and meeting Luffy bring her back to painting after that is up to you hehehe thank you very much
hellooo~ here's your request! i hope that it's what you envisioned! this is actually my first time writing for Luffy so, i'm sorry if he seems out of character 🙇‍♀️ but anyways enjoy~
"Blank again, huh?"
You felt your hands freeze and your heart drop as you heard Usopp's comment. You tore your gaze away from the blank canvas to face your art teacher. You looked at the ground in shame and gave a slight nod in response.
He sighed and patted your shoulder, "It's fine Y/n. I understand that you're going through a rather rough art block. You'll get back on your feet one day."
You could feel him send a reassuring smile your way as you watched your hand tighten around the charcoal.
As if on cue, the bell rang to signal the end of the day.
"Pack up everyone! I expect to see drafts by the end of the week!" Usopp announced as he made his way around the room.
You carefully placed the charcoal back where it belonged and took out a wet wipe to clean your dirtied hands. As you were wiping your hands, you couldn't help but stare at the canvas in front of you. You wrinkled your face in distaste and felt a strong urge to just punch a rather unsightly hole through it. You resisted the urge and finished up packing.
You slung your bag around your shoulder and quietly headed to the soccer field.
In all honesty, you weren't a big fan of sports. You were far more interested in any activities that didn't involve sweating up a storm. However, you had discovered that sitting on the bleachers and watching the soccer team practice always cured your art block.
For some reason, it couldn't cure your current art block. Nevertheless, you still persisted.
You found an empty seat on the bleachers and sat down. You attentively watched as the soccer team kicked the ball around and performed a few trick shots here and there.
"Hey captain! I bet I can kick this ball farther than you can!"
"No you can't!"
"Yes I can!"
You watched as Luffy, the captain of the soccer team, made his way towards his teammate. They had a quick game of rock paper scissors to decide who would kick the ball first, Luffy won.
As the ball was set down, Luffy made running start and kicked the ball with all his might.
"Hey! Watch out!"
It was too late. The next thing you knew, a soccer ball flew straight into your face and had knocked you unconcious.
"You're in trouble now captain."
"Hey! This is your fault! Back me up Sabo!"
"Yeah no, I'm with Ace on this one."
The voices seemed to be distant but you knew it was coming from your right. As your eyes opened and adjusted to the bright flourescent lights, you groaned and sat up—instantly regretting it.
A pang of pain coursed throughout your body and you cursed as you slouched your body against the headrest of the bed.
"Oh you're lucky she's not dead."
You watched with a puzzled expression as an energetic brunette runs towards you and grabs your hand, "Hey! Are you okay?! I'm really really sorry for kicking that ball into your face!"
"Sorry what?"
"Uh oh, you gave her amnesia," the blonde sighed, "Good luck with this one Luffy."
"What are we gonna tell the old man?" the other brunette sighed.
The two men waltzed out of the clinic whilst sending mischievous glances towards the younger male. The boy next to you, Luffy, seemed amazed at their behavior, "Weirdos. "
"Sorry, what happened exactly?"
He turned to you and sent you a sheepish smile, "Ah...well you see... I may or may not have accidentally kicked a soccer ball into your face..."
You nodded, "Oh..."
"Oh? That's all? You're not mad or anything?"
You shrugged and started to look around, "It's an accident right? What could I have done? And you're sorry anyways so it's fine."
He started to laugh out of the blue, "S-Sorry, you're so weird! I just kicked a ball into your face and—Sorry."
He continued to laugh and soon you joined in his laughing, "Y-You're contagious!"
It went on like that for nearly five minutes before the nurse got annoyed and sent the both of you out.
You did argue that you were injured and unfit to leave, until she stated that you were passed out for five hours and that the only reason for your aches all over was because of your extremely poor posture, that she so generously decided to fix.
Both of you stumbled out of the clinic, still slightly giggly.
"Hey, I didn't introduce myself. I'm Luffy, the soccer team's captain. And you are?"
"Y/n, nice to meet you."
"Oh! You're that prodigal art student right? Usopp never stops talking about you!"
You felt your stomach sink and a slight blush rise to your cheeks, "H-He talks about me?"
Luffy nods his head, "I'm really sorry about your art block. But if you ask me, I think you could always just you know grab a hammer and smash it?"
You laughed, "What?"
"Isn't an art block like a big block of art?"
"No Luffy!" you laughed even harder, "It's not like that!"
He shrugged, "I don't know much about fancy art terms. I just know that you're really good at drawing!"
"Oh? How would you know?"
"I went to see your exhibit! I really really liked it—no I loved it! Everything you drew was so cool! I can't believe you drew them! Your art is really awesome!"
"You really liked it?"
He nodded, "Yeah! Hey next time do you think you could draw me? I'd love to see you draw me!"
"I'll think about it," you smiled cheekily as he looked at you with pleading eyes, "Hmm... It's getting dark already. We should probably head home."
"Oh you're right... Hey! I'll walk you home!" he beamed and trapped your hand in his own.
"N-No that's—"
"Let's go!"
You yelped as he dragged you into the street and strung you along. You weren't sure if he knew where you lived, but you just decided to follow him, because maybe the nurse had told him or something along those lines.
After hours of aimlessly wandering around, your legs began to feel numb and you were tired of being dragged around, so you spoke up, "Luffy do you know where we're going?"
"Nope," he confidently replied.
"You're kidding right?"
"Oh my lord," you murmured a silent prayer and stopped in your tracks, "Luffy, I really appreciate the effort, but—"
He shushes you, "Trust me!"
"No Luffy listen—"
"Y/n! I've got this!"
"Luffy we've passed my house four times already!"
"No we didn't?"
You sighed and gently tugged your hand out of his grip. You pointed to a house parallel to you and gave the most patient smile you could muster, "That's my house..."
"Oh... Well why didn't you say so?!" he chuckled and grabbed your hand again. You couldn't help but scoff and slightly smile at his airheadedness.
Once the both of you reached the front door Luffy let go of your hand.
"Oh! We're neighbors!" the brunette from before exclaimed from the second floor window of the neighboring house. He smiled brightly at the both of you and continued, "I'm Ace! That's Luffy! What's your name?!"
"She's Y/n!" Luffy yelled back, "I walked her home!"
"Luffy brought a girl home?!" a blonde had then squished his way into the window, "Luffy! Do you remember what I told you about bringing—Oh! It's you!"
He waved energetically, "I'm Sabo!"
"—You damn kids are too noisy!"
"Uh oh," Ace and Sabo exchanged frightened looks before closing the window and making a run for god knows where.
"Sounds like they woke gramps up," Luffy giggled, "They're in sooo much trouble now."
"You guys seem really close," you commented.
"Of course! We're brothers!"
"Really?! You guys don't look alike. At all."
Luffy hummed and placed his arms behind his head, "Not by blood anyways, we basically drank gramps's sake when we were little and swore an oath."
"Wait wait wait wait," you shook your head and chuckled, "so you guys are like an exclusive cult or something along those lines?"
"I guess?" he shrugged, "I don't really know either."
You laughed and pinched Luffy's cheek, "You're really cute... Thank you for trying to walk me home. I appreciate it."
You noticed a small blush creep up his cheeks before he sent you his signature beaming smile and a thumbs up, "No problem! Good night Y/n!"
"Good night Luffy."
As you both went your seperate ways, you couldnt help but feel more than inspired to grab a pencil and sketch.
Your hands wouldn't stop working and it seemed as though your inspiration was unending. Despite all the sketches laid out messily on your desk, the one that stood out the most was Luffy's portrait.
Maybe a muse was all it took to get out of an art block...
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lawssword · 4 years
Here’s the first part of the epilogue (ig thats what we’re calling it) there will be another chapter soon
If you haven’t read Marks Leave Scars you should definitely do that first! Here
and here’s the ao3 link to this. Here
5 Years Later
Law just wanted a monster. He was exhausted. Another stretch of sleepless nights plagued him. Every couple of weeks Law would get caught up in the what-could-have-been. What he could have had if he had done things a little different. If he had listened to Luffy all those years ago.
At this point, it was likely that he’d never get to see Luffy again, at least not in person. Law saw Luffy in social media all the time, he kept tabs on him. How could he not? The Strawhats were doing better than ever. It wasn’t hard to keep an eye on him.
Luffy was happy, at least he seemed happy. And that was enough for Law. Law had been aware for years, that Luffy was the love of his life, but it really hit him last year. Last year, when he got another mark. The entire situation only helped Law realize how much he wanted to be with Luffy.
Law made his way down the sidewalk. The streets were busy with people, which worked out in Law’s favor. He walked to the mini-mart, just a few blocks from his motel room, wearing a hoodie and sunglasses. He had his hood pulled up, of course, sunglasses on. Law found the little corner store and headed inside. Here there weren’t many people. The first thing I did was look around at the people that were none were Tashigi or Smoker, and none of them looked like cops. Still, I kept my head down, got what I needed and got out.
It seemed, in Law’s short time spent in the store, more people were out. Law had learned, over the last five years to walk with his head down, to make himself seem smaller. People saw what they wanted to see, and no one wanted to see a man wanted for murder walking next to them. Law was halfway back when he heard it. A laugh he would never forget.
Law looked up and around, searching for his mark. That was his first mistake. He found Luffy ahead of him. Walking towards him actually. Luffy wasn’t alone either. He was with Robin, Brook, and a child. A little blonde boy that couldn’t have been more than 5 years old. What were the chances? Surely, Law must be seeing things. Seriously. what were the fucking odds that he’s run into Luffy now? Then again, what were the odds that Law would walk into an internet-famous influence like Luffy, to begin with? Memories of their last night together surface in Law’s mind.
The half-drunk, somewhat experimental sex, the next morning that Law hated so much. If the alcohol hadn’t made that night foggy, time sure had. The memories were a different time, almost another life, maybe even from a different person entirely.
Luffy hadn’t seen Law yet, he was too occupied laughing with the boy who could only be Koala and Sabo’s son. Luffy and Robin both held Ace’s hand, swinging him in the air every few steps. Ace definately looked more like his mom than his dad. Sure he had Sabo’s wavy blond hair, but that was Koala’s smile.
Luffy was happy, at least he was right now. Law just hoped he had spent the majority of the last few years just as happy.
Law’s mark pulsed. He had felt almost nothing from it. It’s like it had a mind of its own. It knew Luffy was near and it wouldn’t take no for an answer. Law saw Luffy look down at his wrist and frown. He was only a few paces from Law now. Luffy looked up and looked around. Law looked down at the ground and didn’t dare look up. He watched his feet.
As much as he wanted to see Luffy, to talk to him…to hold him. He knew it was better that he didn’t.
Smoker and Tashigi were watching Luffy. They had been in the same town as Luffy, always. Stussy had tried to get Luffy and Law a place to meet, but every time she got close to Luffy, one of them was there. It wasn’t safe.
At least that’s what she had told him. And Law had learned to trust Stussy. It’s not like he had much of a choice now anyway. His heart pounded in his chest. He could hear Luffy talking to Ace as they got closer.
Law bumped shoulders with someone.
“Sorry,” He muttered, walking faster and trying to get away from Luffy. Away from Robin. If Luffy did notice him, Robin sure would. Law heard their voices behind him.
It hurt to be that close to Luffy and not be allowed to even look at him. He wanted so bad, for Luffy to notice him, for Luffy to follow him so they could be together. Even just for a few minutes. He missed Luffy so damned much. His smile and laugh, his stubbornness and his voice. His lips and his touch. The way he ran his fingers through Law’s hair.
But he heard Luffy’s voice fade into the crowd as more distance was put between them. And he knew it was better this way. Law knew it was better that Luffy stays with his friends. Seeing Luffy meant getting caught. With Tashigi and Smoker being right behind him all the time meant Law needed to be cautious now. If Luffy didn’t notice him, Smoker or Tashigi just might.
Law walked with a purpose now, making his way back to his hotel room. Often, he felt the urge to look behind him, that would make him look suspicious. So Law just walked. His mark throbbed some more. It almost hurt. Like it was lashing out for Law not getting Luffy’s attention. It was unfair, and Law felt childish for thinking that. Law wanted. more than anything to be able to have a life with Luffy.
He made it back to his motel room and dug into his pocket for his room key. When he didn’t find it in that pocket, so he dug into the other one, switching his bag into his other hand too. Then Law patted down his jeans for the key. He found it in his back pocket. What an odd place for it. Law unlocked the door and tried not to think about Luffy. Tried not to think about the life he could have had with him. It’s not like he could do anything to fix the choices he made now. Law really did wish he had listened to Luffy when they argued over Stussy’s offer.
Law got the door open and someone grabbed him. Holy shit, had Smoker found me?
Law swung at whoever touched him. It was instinctual, he hadn’t even looked at who it might be.
Luffy ducked under Law’s swing -wait.
Luffy ducked. Luffy grabbed Law’s arm and pushed him into the wall. Law was too stunned to do anything. Luffy pulled Law’s glasses off.
“I knew it,” He said. Luffy grabbed the edges of Law’s hood and pulled him closer. Luffy’s lips were soft, softer than Law remembered but just as breathtaking. Of course, Law kissed Luffy back, not doing so would go against Law’s very existence. Luffy let go of Law’s hood and wrapped his arms around Law’s neck and bit Law’s lower lip and all of time seemed to be made up in that kiss.
Law was livid for it. The lack of closure made it all that more meaningful. It was like they were back in Flevance all over again. Law wrapped his arms around Luffy and pulled him closer. There was plenty they should talk about, plenty they really should work out, but… It could wait.
The two parted, looking into each other’s eyes with heavy breaths. Both unable to find words to speak. What could they possibly say to each other? Luffy had every right to be angry at Law, every right to yell and scream at him over the way Law left him. And Law had so much to apologize for, so much he wanted to say to Luffy.
So much time had passed, it was almost ridiculous to hang on to such things. The black marks were the only concrete things between them.
Law almost couldn’t bare Luffy’s big brown eyes staring into his very soul. Law leaned in, hesitantly at first, then all at once. He kissed Luffy again, wrapping both arms around him and hugging Luffy close to him.
Law pushed his hotel room door open and pulled Luffy inside. Once they were in Law pushed Luffy against the door, effectively closing it. It had been far too long since they were in each other’s arms. Luffy pulled Law’s hoodie into his fists.
It was several moments before Law finally came to his senses. He pulled away from Luffy and pushed him away.
“You shouldn’t have followed me.” Law couldn’t even look Luffy in the eyes as he spoke.
“That’s what you have to say after five years?” Luffy sounded disappointed and annoyed all at once.
“You could have just put both of us in danger,” Law muttered, still not looking up at Luffy.
“I don’t care,” Luffy decided.
“That’s bullshit,” Law retorted.
“What’s bullshit is you leaving and only leaving me a fucking note, which was also full of bullshit.” Law had nothing to say to that.  
“I’m so mad at you but I miss you so much,” Luffy admitted. He frowned. “Why didn’t you talk to me?”
“I-I didn’t want to put you in the position of choosing between me and your life,” Law said. “With everything that you had going on, I couldn’t do that to you.”
“So you decided to give me no choice at all?” Luffy asked. “You just made a decision that changed my whole life without even telling me!”
“No!” Luffy snapped. “It’s no fucking fair!” Luffy stepped back and clenched his fists. “You’re everything to me and you just left. Do you have any idea how I felt when I woke up hungover and you were gone? I didn’t even see you’re damned note until the next day.” Luffy’s eyes teared up.
“And when I showed up in Flevance without you. You should have seen Fai’s face because her first thought was that you were dead.
"And the fucking cops and detectives that wouldn’t leave me the fuck alone. They still come to talk to me every few months.”
“Love, I’m sorry,” Law said. Law stepped closer to Luffy and cupped Luffy’s face in his hands.
“I really am, so sorry for the way I left,” Law said quietly, looking into Luffy’s puffy eyes. “I wish I would have listened to you… I hate that I had to leave at all. But I don’t think there’s any way I would have changed it.”
“If I told you, you would have come with me, wouldn’t you?”
“That’s what I thought.” Law brushed his thumb against Luffy cheek. “I love you, okay? There’s nothing that will change that. I love you so much,  and I can’t let you give up what you have for me, not your friends, not your family, and not your career. If you left with me, you’d have to put your whole life on hold and I’m not okay with that.”
Luffy’s lip trembled.
“I love you too,”  Luffy said. He kissed Law. Luffy pushed Law back, stumbling over his feet as Law fell onto the bed that was behind him.  Law caught himself on the mattress, to keep Luffy from falling on top of him altogether as Luffy plopped down and straddled Law’s lap. Did Luffy intend on sleeping with Law?
Fuck, Luffy didn’t know, but he wouldn’t try and keep it from happening. He wanted Law so bad, he wanted Law to pull on his hair and kiss his neck, to run his fingers through Luffy’s hair and down his spine. Luffy wanted to lay on Law’s chest and follow the lines of Law’s tattoos with his fingertips. He wasn’t sure if Law wanted. He didn’t have the same feel for Law’s boundaries as he used to. Luffy pulled away, playing with the zipper of Law’s hoodie.
“Can I?” Luffy asked, meeting Law’s eyes. Law nodded. Luffy pulled Law’s hood down and gently kissed Law. He unzipped Law’s hoodie and pushed it off Law’s shoulders. The sweater came off and Law wrapped his arms around Luffy and kissed him.
Luffy ran his hands through Law’s hair, he missed how soft it was.
Law slid his hands underneath Luffy’ shirt, Luffy couldn’t take it anymore. He wanted Law. Wanted his touch and his lips all over Luffy’s body. Law’s cool hands on his sides were a tease compared to what Luffy was longing for. Luffy pulled away and Law started to kiss his neck. Luffy couldn’t help the small hum that left him at the feeling of Law’s lips on his skin.
“Torao?” Luffy asked
“I want you a lot right now.” Law hugged Luffy a little closer, making their bodies completely pressed together. Law kept kissing Luffy’s neck and brought a hand down to Luffy’s thigh.
Law pulled back.
“Glad I’m not the only one,” Law murmured. He kissed Luffy’s neck again and bit his skin. Law’s hands found their way back under Luffy’s shirt, this time pulling it up and over Luffy’s head. Law trailed his fingers down the scar on Luffy’s chest. It had become smaller over the years, not by much, but Law could tell. Luffy closed the gap between them and kissed Law hooking his arms around his neck and rocking his hips against Law’s. Almost instantly, Law became hard for Luffy.
Luffy tugged on Law’s shirt, hating the clothing for keeping them apart. They parted as the shirt came over Laws head for a mere instant before they were kissing again. Their movements became more feverish at every passing second. An awful mixture of wanting to cherish every moment. the two shared and desperately craving the other’s touch.
Law dragged his fingertips down the middle of Luffy’s back and he moaned against Law’s lips. Law’s hands wandered to Luffy’s ass. Luffy gasped when Law squeezed him, and his persistent grinding came to a halt.
Law wrapped an arm around Luffy’s back and laid Luffy onto the bed. He kissed Luffy’s neck down to his collar bone, at the same time, undoing Luffy shorts and pushing them off him.  Luffy kicked his sandals off to help Law out.
Luffy took his sweet ass time freeing Law of his pants. Law pressed his thigh against Luffy’s hard dick and kissed Luffy. Not forgetting how much Luffy liked his hair being pulled. Luffy moaned.
“I don’t have lube,” Law said. Luffy honestly didn’t expect Law to have any anyway.
“I don’t care,” Luffy sighed, Luffy took Law’s hand and brought Law’s finger to his lips and started to suck them. Luffy moaned with Law’s finger in his mouth and moved his body against Law’s.
“Damn, you are so hot right now,” Law said. Luffy hummed and pulled Law’s fingers from his mouth. Law quickly kissed down Luffy’s chest, over the scar, and down his stomach.
“Ahh, Traffy,” Luffy moaned when Law took the length of Luffy’s dick into his mouth. Law spread Luffy’s legs a little further apart and pushed a finger into Luffy’s ass.
Luffy tangled his fingers into Law’s hair.
Law added another finger, then another and stretched Luffy out while bobbing his head. The noises that came from Luffy made the hairs on Law’s arms stand. The only real downside was that Law couldn’t see the expressions Luffy made when he moaned.
Luffy pulled the blanket into his fists, given different circumstances, Luffy would have absolutely loved this. But right now, all Luffy really wanted was Law to be close to him, and this did not feel close enough.
Law pulled his finger out of Luffy and pulled away from Luffy’s dick.
Law pressed his own hard cock into Luffy’s ass. Luffy moaned and dropped his head back onto the mattress and wrapped his legs around Law’s hips.
“You alright, Love?” Law asked leaning over Luffy. Luffy wrapped his arms around Law’s neck and pulled him down to kiss him.
Law complied but pinned Luffy’s hand’s to the mattress and interlocked their fingers. Law started to move, thrusting into Luffy slowly. Luffy moaned into their broken up kisses. His eyes started to water and his breathing got heavier.
“Torao!” Luffy whined, squeezing Law’s hands. Law let go of one hand and dragged his fingers down Luffy’s chest and stomach. Luffy’s nails found their way into the skin of Law’s back. Fuck, he missed that.
“Oh, fuck,” Law moaned between their kissing with the nearly forgot stinging sensation and the tightness of Luffy’s ass.
Law picked up his pace and those waves of pleasure he knew were only from the marks they shared rushed through him. Law hummed and moaned with Luffy. Law squeezed Luffy’s throbbing dick and stroking it, moving his hand over Luffy’s dick to match Law’s thrusting.
“Fuck, Torao!” Luffy moaned and panted. The waves from their marks grew more intense than Law remembered them ever being.
“Torao- ahhh,” Luffy moaned as he orgasmed, the bliss that came from Law’s mark was just enough to push Law into an orgasm too. Almost at the same time as Luffy.
And it really was bliss that came from their marks. Luffy moaned, nearly screaming really. Law pulled away panting just as hard as Luffy was.
He pulled out of Luffy both of them moaning with the movement. They moved to a more cuddle friendly position on the bed.
Luffy pulled the cover from under them and Luffy laid on Law’s chest with Law in his embrace and Law wrapped his arms around Luffy. Neither of them spoke until their breathing had long since evened out.
Luffy played with Law’s hand, drawing nameless shapes into the back of it and occasionally leaving a kiss or two there. The complete comfort with Lw was lulling him to sleep.
“Torao, don’t let me fall asleep, ‘kay?” Luffy mumbled.
“Guess you’d better not let me fall asleep either, huh?” Law said. He had been drawing his own shaped on Luffy’s arms, following Luffy’s toned muscles.
“Deal.” Luffy’s yawned. He turned Law’s hand over and traced the lines in Law’s palm, following one down to Law’s wrist, down to his marks.
Oh, there was a mark next to Luffy’s. A black one.
“When did this happen?” Luffy asked, dragging his finger over the mark.
“Hm?” Law hummed looking down to see what Luffy was talking about.“Oh, last year.” Luffy stared at it for a moment, wanting to ask another question, but not sure he really wanted to know the answer.
“Are you with them?” Luffy asked quietly. It had been five years, it wasn’t absurd to think Law was with someone else. That didn’t mean it didn’t hurt…
“Tch, what kind of person do you think I am? I wouldn’t have had sex with you if that were the case,” Law scoffed.
“Good,” Luffy muttered still tracing over the mark. He hated it. This was his Torao and no one else’s. “Who?”
“A waitress from Mock Town,” Law said, pausing as Luffy spread Law’s fingers apart.
“She was pretty and could probably eat just as much as you.”
“Did anything happen with you guys?” Luffy murmured. Law smiled at the thought of Luffy being jealous.
“Aside from some unintentional flirting, no,” Law said. “I don’t think I could be with anyone but you, Love.” Luffy smiled and kissed Law’s hand.
“You say that because I’m the only mark you’ve had a relationship with,” Luffy said, looking up at Law. Law turned his head and kissed Luffy’s forehead.
“I say that because I’m in love with you,” Law corrected and kissed Luffy’s lips. Luffy was quiet for a minute.
“Torao, I don’t want to go back to not seeing you, I don’t like it,” Luffy said, looking back down at Law’s hand.
“Babe, you know it has to be that way, at least until I can figure out a way to get the detectives off my ass.”
“We’re together now without a problem…”
“Love, you’ve been being followed by Smoker or Tashigi constantly, they’ve been keeping an eye on you, and Fai, and my friends. We were lucky he wasn’t watching you when you followed me back here,” Law explained.
“I just want to be with you…” Luffy mumbled.
“I know, Love, I know.” Law tilted Luffy’s chin up and kissed him. “Me too, but we’re together now so let’s just focus on that, okay?” Luffy nodded and kissed Law.
The two laid in silence for another short stretch of time. Leaving kisses on foreheads, hands, and shoulders. Only to be interrupted when Luffy’s phone rang. “Where?” Luffy searched the covers for the phone.
“Probably where our clothes are,” Law said. Luffy crawled to the end of the bed, giving Law a great view of his bare ass. Luffy retrieved his phone and sat back next to Law.
“Hi, Nami,” Luffy said. Law pressed his hand against Luffy’s lower back and rubbed circles into it.
“Where are you?” Nami asked. Luffy glanced at Law.
“Can I tell her?” Luffy whispered with the phone away from his face.
“Better not to, at least not over the phone.”
“Can’t say!”
“What the hell does that even mean?” Nami asked. “Get your ass back here.” Law sat up and wrapped his arms around Luffy and bit his earlobe.
“I can’t,” Luffy said.
“Because you’re mine,” Law whispered into Luffy’s ear.
“I’ll tell you when I get back.” Law pushed his hand up Luffy’s chest.
“I dunno.”
“Relax, I’m not getting into trouble,” Luffy promised.
“I don’t know about that,” Law muttered.
“Fine, you better not be,” Nami said.“Will you at least be back by tomorrow?”
“No promises,” Luffy said.
“You’ll understand later,” Luffy said. “I’m going now.” Luffy hung up the phone and left it on the bedside table.
“Do you have to go?” Law asked, pressing his forehead to the back of Luffy’s neck.
“Nope, you’re stuck with me a little longer.”
“Good.” Law pressed his lips to Luffy’s skin. “Come lay with me.” Law leaned back into bed and Luffy got comfortable on Law’s chest. Law yawned and wrapped an arm around of Luffy.
“Hey, you’re not falling asleep on me, are you?”
“Never,” Law promised. Luffy shifted onto his stomach and looked up at Law.
“Traffy, do you ever think about what could'a happened if you didn’t have to leave?” Luffy asked.
“I know it’s kinda dumb and point-”
“All the time.” Luffy smiled.
“Like what?”
“The places around Flevance I still want to show you,” Law admitted.
“What else?”
“Several anniversary dates we’ve missed.”
“Uhuh.” Luffy smiled.
“Little things like waking up next to you and making you breakfast, kissing you goodbye at the airport.”
“And bigger things like getting married,” Law spoke quietly now. “Maybe even raising a family.” “Like kids?” Luffy tilted his head
“Maybe,” Law said.
Five years ago Luffy would have hated that idea. Kids seemed like a responsibility Luffy didn’t want.
But after spending time with Ace…
After watching Koala and Sabo raise Ace, Luffy didn’t think it was so bad.
“That would be really cool,” Luffy said.
“You think so?”
“Yup!” Luffy kissed Law and moved back onto his side.
“I’m going to figure out a way around this,” Law said. “I don’t know how yet, but I will, I promise. Even if I have to turn myself in.”
“No!” Luffy Looked up at Law. “I don’t care how long it takes, but don’t turn yourself in, I don’t want you anywhere near Impel Down.”
“I’m responsible for Dellinger’s and Doflamingo’s death,” Law said.
“You helped kill Mingo,” Luff spoke slowly. “You did it because he was threatening me and my friends because he was using me to control you because he wanted you to kill Koala.”
“How did you know about that?”
“Sabo told me.” Luffy continued, “You helped Stussy because it was the only way you saw out. With Dellinger, it was worse, what he did to you…” Luffy touched the scars that were still all over Law’s arm. “You did it to protect me and Fai, to protect Zoro and yourself. You don’t deserve to be in Impel Down for that.” Law kissed Luffy’s forehead.
“Thank you, Love,” Law murmured.
Law was so warm with Luffy next to him. It was pulling him into sleep. Luffy wasn’t doing a great job as staying awake either. The couple murmured absolute nonsense to each other. Until they fell asleep. They slept through the rest of the afternoon and into the evening.
Law woke to the feeling of Luffy tracing over his tattoos. They moved slowly over Law’s chest in that half heart shape. Law didn’t want to move for fear of this being some vivid dreamscape. Luffy’s hand moved over Law’s shoulder and Luffy pressed his hand over the scar on Law shoulder.  
“Morning, Love.” Law doubted it was morning but that didn’t matter. Time was relative anyway. Luffy looked up at Law.
“Morning,” Luffy said with a smile. He kissed Law.
“So much for keeping each other awake, huh?” Law asked, running his hand down Luffy’s back.
“That’s okay,” Luffy smiled and pressed his forehead to Law’s chest. “Did you sleep okay?”
“Yeah.” Law buried his face into Luffy’s hair. Still, he didn’t feel close enough.  "I always sleep better with you.“
"Good,” Luffy hugged Law. “Neh, Torao, when you figure this all out, let’s get married.” Law was quiet. He stilled moved his fingers up and down Luffy’s back. Again, Luffy didn’t think he would have entertained the idea without seeing Sabo and Koala.
“Okay,” Law agreed. The next afternoon, Luffy went back to his hotel room with the rest of the Strawhats. And Ace. His hair was still damp from the shower he and Torao took. When they got out, Stussy was there. She scolded both of them but it was obvious she wasn’t very upset with them.
“Welcome back, Luffy,” Robin greeted.
“Luffy!” A small voice shouted, running up to Luffy. Luffy scooped up his nephew in his arms and hugged him.
“Hi!” Luffy smiled.
“There you are!” Nami said, coming out of her room. “Where were you?”
“I’m a bit curious too, you did just take off yesterday without saying anything,” Robin said. “I was with Torao,” Luffy said.  There was a moment of silence.
“He passed us while we were walking yesterday, so I followed him.”
“How is he?” Robin asked.
“He’s alright, he’s tired of being on the run and all.”
“He and Stussy haven’t figured anything out yet?” Luffy shook his head.
“Who’s Torao?” Ace asked.
“He’s my mark, see,” Luffy showed Ace his wrist.
“What are those?” Ace pointed to the scars on Luffy’s wrist.
“Those are scars,” Luffy said. Ace ran his thumbs over Luffy’s wrist, holding it close to his face and studying the marks there.
“What time is the flight?” Luffy asked. “That’s today, right?”
“It’s in two hours, you should make sure his stuff is all together,” Nami said.
“Is your suitcase packed?” Luffy asked Ace. Ace shook his head, his blonde hair bouncing as he did.
“Let’s go get it packed, your dad is going to be here soon.”
“Stussy-ya,” Law said, watching the door close behind Luffy. “How often does your boss make deals?”
“Usually only when there’s something he really wants from you,” Stussy said. Law nodded. There were a few things he had to offer concerning Flevance and the white lead. There were also a few skills Law was practiced at that could be useful to the government. Sure it had been a while, but Law wasn’t any less sharp in the subject. There was a sickening feeling in his stomach. He didn’t want to do this. He wanted there to be another way but it wasn’t worth it anymore.
“Could you take me to him?”
“A-are you sure?” Stussy asked.
“I can get us over there by the end of the week.” Law knew it’d cost him. He knew he’d hate it. But if it meant he could be back in Flevance, with Luffy and Fai, it was worth it. Law didn’t expect to get his entire life back, It had been too long for that.
But to at least have the people back in his life…
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foxboymyles · 5 years
[ZOLU] Pardon My Imprudence Chp.1
((Note: Hey! I made a One Piece fanfic a while back but never fully published it :) So here it is for anyone to read. I hope you enjoy!))
He doesn't intend to mess up. Usually, it's something that happens in the fault of his obliviousness. If he truly meant to slip and almost cost his life, it was always from his own self-righteousness. In school, it was grades. The only good grades he got in his first week of freshman year were from PE. He was lucky enough to escape with C's, mostly. Even his name, Monkey D. Luffy, was written sloppily and never taught into care. Until his friend, Zoro came around. They met at a frozen yogurt shop, as Zoro explained he was hungry and wanted a snack before he headed to his house where his parental guardian Mihawk was. After the first week of school, Luffy's friend looked bewildered at the grades he kept up. Zoro was a slacker, but he always made his way towards B's. Luffy instantly got C's in his first week of school! Zoro decided to teach him some aspects of math for an hour or two each day since they met at the frozen yogurt shop every day since then.
"You see, it's all easy. This is just a review from last year." Zoro said, calm and collective.
Luffy took a bite of his froyo, pouting and talking with small lips."I didn't even pay attention last year."
Zoro sighed and looked at the teen, a little annoyed but more just disappointed.
"Usopp said you can lie out of homework by pretending you have a stomach ache," Luffy mumbled.
Zoro smiled and questioned in his head Luffy's choice of friends. It seemed like he was the only normal person in the clique they had. There was Nami, who always asked them for a dollar to get chips from the vending machine and asked for 20 dollars when doing Zoro's homework. He didn't ask her to, but she forcefully made him anyways. Then there was Usopp, who lies constantly and attempts, unsuccessfully, to get out of any possible pester in school. After that, there's Chopper, who looks 7 but is actually the same age they are. He's 4'5 and is already in Math 3, even when the first semester always starts with Math 1. His counselor immediately put him in with Grade 10 kids. And lastly, Luffy, who's a flunk in all his classes except for PE. He has a knack for childish things and goofs around at school.
"My brothers try to help me with homework but it always fails..." Luffy continued.
Zoro raised an eyebrow while asking."You have brothers?"
Luffy nodded and put his pencil down."I have 2 brothers in their Senior year."
Luffy explained one to be Ace and another to be Sabo. Ace got a little irritated too fast, but he cares for other people. The irony of it is that he's also a little too confident in himself. Sabo is kind, really smart, and gives Luffy really good advice. He continues to tell Zoro that they don't help him very much because he has a low attention span.
"At least you got through some parts of your homework with me," Zoro commented, after hearing even the brightest of people can't go through any sort of brain training with Luffy.
"Yeah! You're the first person to go through more than 3 problems of my math homework with me."
"Maybe the teacher'll give you SOME credit..." Zoro remarked.
"I bet it won't be that bad!" Luffy said, grinning.
This kid is highly positive, Zoro thought. Just hearing a silver lining like that when he only did 1/10th of his homework is surprising. So they talked, did a few more math problems, and headed off both different ways. Luffy started school the next morning and sufficed a little smile on the teacher's face. Then the teacher continued to tell him to keep on going and to lay off the video games for a little bit. Of course, Luffy never listened.
It's been 2 months. Zoro continues to hang out with Luffy and his friends. The time is almost near for Halloween, and Luffy is excited to dress up. Of course, Zoro never tries to dress up and gives candy out instead. The children laugh sometimes and tell him he didn't have to dress up because he's already scary. The sophomore was used to this. He wasn't really afraid of backlash or anything of that matter. It doesn't help him that he got grade retention and wasn't able to do junior work either. Most kids try not to make fun of him anyway because he has a resting death glare. What's strange to him is his grumpiness floats away when he sees Luffy. His face is still scary, but inside, he'll feel a lot more comfortable.
"Zoro. What did I tell you about wearing dirty clothes?" A low voice called. It was Mihawk, his parent guardian. He adopted Zoro when the boy was 7.
"Right, I'll get a black shirt. Those are better with stains." Zoro said, going up the stairs.
Mihawk followed him with his eyes."Be sure that one is clean!"
"Alright, I get it."
Perona sighed and crossed her arms. "Papa, why does he get to dress all casual?"
"That's just his style. I can't get him to wear anything formal unless we're going somewhere prestigious."
"Hmph. He's a lazy bum, that's also why."
Zoro called from his room out loud."I heard that."
Perona's face grew red in irritation."So what?!? You already know it's true!"
Mihawk lowered his hand as a gesture for them to quiet down.
"Now, now children. There's no need to quarrel right now."
"Papa, I'm gonna be an elegant witch!" Perona said, twirling her dress around.
Mihawk looked at her with uncaring eyes. He nodded and glanced at the slightly opened door, in which was opened by Zoro. He had a suit on with a masquerade mask, his shoes reflected intensely on the marble floor. Mihawk was really confused at what he was wearing.
"So why do you decide now to dress up on Hallows Eve?"
"I'm going to my friend's house. We're going to the fall festival tonight, remember?" Zoro said, nonchalantly.
"I didn't try to remember because it sounded so unbelievably fake, but, as you wish." Mihawk turned to Perona.
She pouted and went downstairs to put the candy outside. Zoro checked on his phone and put it in his back pocket, and was about to leave. Mihawk spoke.
He looked at the teen very seriously.
"The only reason why you're retaking sophomore year is because you need to learn discipline. Procrastination is not the answer for everything. And if you fail this year again, you will not live in this house."
Zoro looked at him with unblinking eyes.
"Do you understand, my boy?"
"Yeah. I get it." He said, no nervousness or strain in his voice.
Mihawk smiled and left to his room.
There was a knock at Luffy's door. He quickly opened it and hugged Zoro tightly.
"Zoro! You came, you really did!"
The teen grunted angrily. "Alright, alright. I know I'm here. Get off already."
Luffy smiled at him warmly. For a second Zoro had this feeling. He couldn't think of it because Luffy pulled him to the couch before he tried to observe his thoughts.
"Sooooo Zoro! These are my brothers! Ace and Sabo!" Luffy said, grinning.
Ace and Sabo were both dressed casually. The only costume piece Ace had was a really creepy looking mask on the side of him. They both had long hair. Ace's was straight jet black and Sabo's was a fairly wavy golden blonde.
Ace smirked."Hi. You're Zoro?"
"Well nice to meet ya."
Ace firmly shook his hand. Afterward, Sabo reached out and shook Zoro's hand as well.
"Glad to meet you!"
Zoro sat down and Luffy tossed him a bag of chips. Zoro tossed them back and shook his head.
"Aw, why not?"
"I'm saving my stomach for the festival."
Luffy smiled."Oh, okay! When are we leaving again?"
"In 10 minutes."
Sabo replied."You can play a few video games with us if you'd like."
"Yeah, sure. We're up for another game." Ace said, fiddling with the controller.
"Okay, I'll play a few rounds," Zoro said as he caught the tossed controller that Ace had gave him.
Luffy sat on the carpet and watched the brightly colored screen for what seemed like seconds to him, until he noticed Zoro stood up, looking at his watch.
"We should go now." He turned to Ace and Sabo. "It was nice meeting you."
"Of course! You're always welcome if you want to hang out." Sabo said, trying to be as polite as he could be.
Luffy skidded out with his scarecrow costume on and grinned at them, shouting a short bye as they went out the door. They walked down the blocks and talked to each other.
"Your brothers are nice. Unless they were doing that just to keep an impression." Zoro said.
Luffy laughed."No, they don't do that! They liked you!"
Zoro sighed."Yeah, yeah. Why are you a scarecrow anyways? You don't scare anyone."
"Ace told me it suits me."
"Maybe he was wrong then," Zoro replied, coldly.
Luffy frowned."No, Ace is usually right about me."
Zoro decided not to respond. They finally got there after a few short conversations. The lights were dim and people gathered around the pumpkin patch and buffet. Luffy ran after the buffet, and Zoro's response was to run after him and tell him angrily to slow down. The boy chomped down pumpkin pies to turkey, as people looked bewildered at the teenager's appetite. They laughed softly and continued eating. Zoro rested his head on his hand and glanced at the boy.
"You sure like eating."
"Who doesn't?" Luffy said, happily.
"People who don't eat," Zoro said, chuckling at his remark. He knew it wasn't funny, but somehow he got a kick from it.
Luffy gasped."Some people don't eat?!?"
Zoro smiled."Sure. There's a lot of people that don't eat. It's in a lot of religions. Fasting. Haven't you learned about that?"
"No!!! Well- maybe I did and didn't pay attention."
Zoro handed the waiter a check and continued to eyeball Luffy's eating. He finally stopped and fell on the grass. He belched and smiled calmly.
"That was like eating in heaven's gate~"
Zoro was still smiling. He felt weird to have been smiling all that time. He doesn't usually smile all that much. But somehow being around Luffy made it felt so comfortable to smile. He lent Luffy a hand as he got back on his feet.
"Here. Pick a pumpkin and we'll carve it at your house when we get back."
"Reeeally?!? Awesome!"
Luffy hurried to the pumpkin patch and tried to find a good pumpkin. Zoro watched him scavenge for a while until the boy put out the smallest pumpkin in front of Zoro's eyes.
"What's this?"
"It's a pumpkin!" Luffy said cheerfully.
"Why'd you pick the smallest one?" Zoro said, looking at all the other ones.
"Well, I just like this one better!" He said.
Zoro smiled warmly and scuffled Luffy's hair. "Come on, let's go."
They started to walk back, slowly but surely.
"Zoro," Luffy said.
"You seem grumpy a lot. What's wrong?" Luffy said, worried.
"That's just my personality. You'll get used to it."
"Right," Luffy said.
They got quiet for a few seconds.
"Zoro, do you ever feel that if you don't do something you'll make everyone angry?" Luffy asked.
"Of course. My father says if I flunk sophomore he'll kick me out."
"Kick you out?" Luffy said, surprised.
Zoro nodded."How about you?"
"Well...I have to fight this one guy."
Zoro's eyes widened."Fight? You?"
"Yeah. And the whole school doesn't like him so if I don't win they'll get angry at me. And I'll be angry at myself." Luffy said, hands in his pockets.
"I have a hard time believing you fight people," Zoro said.
"People say that a lot," Luffy mumbled.
Zoro thought about what he said and kept on walking. When they got to the house, Luffy quickly hugged Zoro and told him 'thank you'. He opened the door to let him in. Zoro felt a little confused at what just happened, but entered anyway. His mind was fighting to get the hints. Just that second of Luffy touching him, his smaller frame against his and his chin pressed on to Zoro's shoulder. It was strange what he was feeling. He decided to just ignore it for now.
"You guys are back already?" Ace said.
Luffy nodded, then scurried to the kitchen, where Sabo placed a plastic wrapped pie. Sabo smiled and looked at Zoro kindly.
"I made an extra pie, but I knew Luffy wouldn't have eaten it because of the festival. Would you like to have it?" Sabo asked.
"I'm good. You guys can have it." Zoro shortly answered.
Sabo look surprised but laughed and put it back.
"You're really generous, Roronoa!"
"So are you guys gonna cut this pumpkin or not?" Ace said, a tiny bit impatiently
Zoro came up to the pumpkin with a kitchen knife. He cut around the stem, his movements smooth and precise.
"How are you so good at cutting pumpkins, Zoro?" Luffy asked, watching him.
He continued to cut,"My dad taught me when I was 7." Zoro took off the lid and spoke again,"We're a very Halloween orientated family. We don't fool around with decorating."
He handed Luffy the knife."You can cut things out now."
Luffy grinned and dug the knife in the pumpkin. when he cut out his first eye it was huge because he didn't know how to properly handle the knife, and always worked in straight lines. Zoro grabbed Luffy's hand and positioned in on the knife.
"You have to hold it like this. Try again." Zoro said, after observing Luffy's hand posture.
Luffy carved again. And Zoro was right. He was more accurate with his cutting. The second eye was out, and now Luffy was cutting out the mouth. Luffy was silent when he was carving, but he still had that warm smile on his face. The feeling that pleasured Zoro to be comfortable, and maybe even cracked a smile out of him was there again.
"Done!" Luffy said as the mouthpiece dropped onto the newspaper spread.
Zoro looked at it and laughed. Luffy pouted and pushed it to Zoro.
"Just tell me if you like it or not!" Luffy said, his face red with embarrassment.
Zoro smiled and looked at it."Yeah, I do. Just looks a little goofy."
Luffy grinned and hit him playfully."Halloween is supposed to goofy, isn't it?"
They both smiled and looked at each other for a second. This time, Luffy felt it too. A weird feeling of security. He was wondering where this sense of safe-ness came to mind. Luffy talked hours with Zoro, just discussing things at school.
"Just a question. Is there anyone that makes fun of you at school?" Zoro asked.
Luffy nodded."Bellamy. He's full of 'em self. I just ignore him."
Zoro gave him a blank stare."You have to have somewhere to draw the line."
"Well, he hasn't hurt my friends. If he does anytime soon that's when I'll get involved." Luffy said, a little too serious for his own good.
Zoro looked at his phone and yawned."I better get going. It's almost curfew for me."
Luffy stood up with Zoro and gave him a tight hug. Zoro smiled and put his hand around Luffy's back for a second. Zoro let go and waved goodbye to Sabo and Ace. They waved back until the door shut. Ace grunted and changed the tv's input.
"I hope you don't like the guy." Ace said.
Sabo dishearteningly turned his head to the tv. Luffy looked confused at what Ace was implying.
"What do you mean? He's a good friend!" Luffy said, surprised.
"No, I don't mean it in that way. I mean in a romantic way."
"Oh," Luffy said, shortly and abruptly.
Ace waited for a longer response."What does that mean?"
"I might have felt like that, is all," Luffy said, smiling.
Ace scrambled for words until all he could say was."You've only known him for a month and you think you have feelings for him?"
Sabo decided to get involved and responded to Luffy."That's good, Luffy. You just have to wait and see if you'll still have those feelings, right?"
Luffy nodded and stared at the door for a moment. Ace nagged at Sabo for saying that and shook him around like a fish.
"Hey guys, I'm gonna go to bed now," Luffy said.
Ace raised an eyebrow."Now? But it's 9:00 on a Saturday."
"I'm gonna wake up early to hang out with Usopp and Nami, remember?" Luffy said, racing up the stairs.
Sabo tried not to laugh and in result Ace held his anger in and sighed, his eyebrows arched low. Sabo commented on how Luffy could invite more friends. Ace elbowed him and started to laugh as well, giving in to the idea Sabo described.
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499-504: “The Battle Against the Big Tiger! Who Is Going to Be Captain?!”, “Freedom Taken Away! the Nobles' Plot Closing in On the Brothers!”, “The Fire Has Been Set! the Gray Terminal in Crisis!”, “Where Can Freedom be Found? A Sad Departure of a Boy!”, “Take Good Care of Him! A Letter from the Brother!” and “To Live Up To The Promise! Departures Of Their Own!”
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R.I.P. Sabo.....?
I watched six episodes in a row and it was totally worth it.
Mobile users better limber up those scrollin fingers because this post is about to get long.
Quick 499 Filler Summary (so I can move on to the good stuff...)
I hate watching filler when I don’t know it’s filler. It messes up my sense of canon. I end up analyzing it, then get annoyed when I realise it was a waste of time. Still, I’m glad I picked up on Sabo telling Ace’s family secret in front of the old Filler Pirate from 498. Even though his character had only just been introduced, I knew he wasn’t the type to blab. Glad you guys pointed that out.
To sum up 499:
1. The boys have no luck with Big Tiger, so they train with Filler Pirate.
2. Ace is shocked to learn Filler Pirate does not loathe Roger.
3. Filler Pirate is returning to the sea to find his old crew. The boys end up helping him build a ship.
4. They train under Filler Pirate. With the power of friendship, they defeat Big Tiger together (without needing catnip, thanks Sabo!)
5. Filler Pirate teaches Ace Pirate Life Lessons such as: there is more to being a pirate captain than strength. Only your crew’s approval makes you a good captain.
6. Filler Pirate heads out to see. Bye, bye Naguri the Filler Pirate!
Now for the good stuff...
Poor People Blood Is Icky
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Episode 500 opened on an ominous note. Not only was the title sinister but a literal storm ripped apart the boys’ refuge in the forest. Nice foreshadowing there.
To repair their hideout, Ace, Sabo and Luffy searched Grey Terminal for scraps. They were ambushed by Bluejam and Sweaty Chins. (Never found out his name, so Sweaty Chins he shall remain.) 
Instead of thinking, “Hey, maybe my terrible parenting caused Sabo to run away?” Sweaty Chins pinned the blame on Ace and Luffy, the nasty common children. They had tempted Sabo to run away. They were after his money. Ace did not like that latter comment one bit and tried to fight back. Bluejam smacked him and, horror of horrors, got some of Ace’s blood on Sweaty Chins’ face. 
Because everyone knows if you get poor blood on you, you might catch poor, right?
Poor Sabo begged them not to harm Ace and Luffy. “They’re important to me! They’re my brothers!” Of course, Sweaty Chins pulled the old, “If you come with me, they won’t be harmed.” Dying inside, Sabo agreed.
Sabo returned to his gilded prison. Ace and Luffy were dragged to Bluejam’s hideout. He tried to convince Ace and Luffy to stay away from Luffy. He told them Sabo only escaped to Grey Terminal as a mockery of the people who live there, that Sabo really looked down on them as an amusement to make himself feel superior. Of course Ace and Luffy did not buy his bullshit, so he said straight up that if they cared about Sabo, they’d have to let him go.
Weirdly, Bluejam gave them a job as couriers. I’m still not sure if this was because he genuinely wanted to recruit Ace and Luffy into his crew or if he wanted them to be part of the bomb plot and laugh as they realised they’d helped destroy Grey Terminal.
I Fell Into The Burning Ring Of Fire
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Back in High Town, Sweaty Chins was hard at work trying to erase Sabo’s criminal record. He can do this because he has cash and social clout. Sweaty Chins tried hard not to part with cash, urging Sabo to lie. He had been tempted into those criminal acts by feral bandit children, after all.
Because Sabo isn’t awful, he refused to drop his brothers in it. Sweaty Chins kicked his chair away (excellent parenting there) and bribed the guard to erase Sabo’s record. Problem solved! Now he could become a good, obedient noble again. Hurrah!
Then things got weird...
Back at Sabo’s home, Mr and Mrs Sweaty Chins had adopted a sinister noble child called Stelly. The name might resemble Stelio Kontos, but this kid is nowhere near as cool. Stelly was replacement, in case Sabo didn’t work out, apparently. Lovely.
Turned out Stelly had a big mouth. He blabbed to Sabo that the Nobles of High Town had planned a spate of Social Cleansing By Fire because a Celestial Dragon was due to visit. The sight of all the icky poor people and the garbage heap might be too much for the Celestial Dragon’s delicate eyes.
This news freaks out Sabo because he is not evil. “But.. people live there!” 
“YES. THEY WILL BURN!” Stelly crowed with glee.
Sabo had a “screw this,” moment and jumped out the window. Seeking clarification, still unsure that anyone could be that heartless, he roamed High Town. For some reason, everyone was making fire jokes. “OHOHO, IT SURE IS WINDY TODAY. FIRES MIGHT SPREAD!” Unable to take it any longer, Sabo straight up asked an old gent if it was true.
It’s as if High Town had a residents’ meeting and thought, “Screw it, let’s just burn Grey Terminal. Cheaper than hiring a skim, am i rite?”
Of course, Sabo went nuts. He was surrounded by freaks. Utter psychos. His brothers would burn because the poor people of Grey Terminal were inconvenient. But before he got the chance to escape, he was caught. Sweaty Chins kicked him into a cellar and locked the door. What a guy! Watching Sabo beating on that door screaming for Ace and Luffy was sad. 
I would love to see Sweaty Chins have karma hit him like a brick one day, I swear...
Someone Set Him Up The Bomb
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Back at Bluejam’s Courier Business, Bluejam finally let Ace and Luffy in on the big secret. The boxes they had been carrying contained oil and explosives which would be used to Blow Grey Terminal to Kingdom Come. But hey, he wasn’t the mastermind behind it, so that was alright, right? He was just getting paid. And speaking of money, did Ace and Luffy happen to have any lying around?
Because what Bluejam care about more than anything? Money. Turns out the mastermind of the fire was the King of Goa. Apparently, he promised Bluejam and his crew titles and status. As soon as Bluejam said this, I thought, “There is no way in hell, mate. You are being played.” Nobles barely help their own. As if they’d help you, one who was born a commoner.
I didn’t have long to wait. Bluejam hammered on the gate to Edge Town, gave the signal to be let in. But they were ignored by the guards inside, just like the desperate residents of Grey Terminal were ignored by the guards when they begged to be given refuge. When they retreated to the ship, they found that burning too. The king had double-crossed them.
The whole fire story was actually pretty brutal because something similar happened in real life that was all over the news where I live. A tower block of apartments where poorer people lived went on fire. Seventy-two people died. Some of the bodies will never be identified because they were living there illegally or were sub-letting while waiting for naturalisation papers. Why did the tower block burst into flames? Cheap, shoddy, flammable cladding. Why was the tower block clad in that material? To approve its appearance for the rich people who lived opposite. It looked grimy and run down. The sight of it might hurt their delicate eyes.
This entire plot just reminded me of that and I’ve got say, if Dragon asked me to join his army right now, I’d probably say yes.
And speaking of Dragon...
We Need Febreeze, Stat.
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Desperate to save Ace and Luffy, Sabo escaped through a vent. He reached the city gate, tried to open it and had the crap kicked out of him by a guard. When a mysterious man in a green cloak approached, I thought, “YES! DRAGON IS HERE. HE WILL TAKE SABO AWAY AND LET HIM JOIN THE REVOLUTIONARY ARMY. ANOTHER FINE RECRUIT.”
Wherever there is injustice and class-cleansing, there is Dragon.
Dragon asked Sabo what happened. Sabo spilled his soul and I felt wretched watching him. The self-hatred Sabo has and his powerlessness to effect any change because of the firm grip the defective system has on the OPverse. 
“This town smells worse than Grey Terminal. It smells like rotten people. If I stay here, I’ll never be free. I’m ashamed of being born a noble.”
“I know how you feel. I was born in this country too. But I still don’t have enough power to change a country.”
“You’re really listening to me...” Sabo whispered. (That got to me. For the first time, an adult actually listened to him and acknowledged his feelings on the matter.)
“Yes,” Dragon said. “And I will never forget.”
Breaking News: The Poor Can Avoid Being Poor By Not Being Born Poor!
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While Bluejam swore vengeance against the King (optimism!), the king himself had planked his arse on his throne and was complaining the sky was too bright because of the fire. Never has the urge to reach through reality to slap a fictional character been stronger.
“Daddy?” little noble daughter asked. “Why aren’t the people in Grey Terminal humans? Why do they have to burn?”
A great question! A potential ray of light! Might this innocent child stir the king’s conscience?
Did she hell.
Honestly, this scene was too real. People actually talk like this. They genuinely believe it. This may be filler, but damn, it is near-the-knuckle good filler.
Mama Bear To The Rescue
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In the meantime, Bluejam had gone off the deep end because he realised the futility of vengeance and hit rock bottom. Out for blood, he cornered Luffy and Ace and insisted they died together... but first, that treasure they had stolen!
About to put a bullet through Luffy, a strange, blue haki-like moment felled every single member of Bluejam’s crew. Only Bluejam himself remained standing. I’m still not sure what happened here and who was responsible for it (Dragon? Was he the one who cut the path through the fire to help the Grey Terminal people escape?)
At any rate, it gave Dadan the opening she needed to storm in and rescue her boys. (I was so happy when she called them that. JUST ADMIT IT, DADAN!) “I won’t stand by and watch someone try to take my boys’ lives... even if I’m not their real parent.”
I was a bit annoyed by Ace standing his ground when Dadan wanted to scarper. He endangered everyone else and Dadan was horribly injured fighting Bluejam (mostly burns from fleeing the fire after). It was explained later that Ace is like Roger, who would never run from a right because he would rather let the ones he loves escape. The noble sacrifice only works if you can guarantee their safety. If you’re wiped out then the enemy turns on your loved ones, how can you protect them them?
It distressed Luffy too, who was carted off and didn’t hear from them for days.
At least that convenient path through the fire was created, eh? And where did that path lead?
A Revolutionary Army ship with Dragon, Ivan-san and BARTHOLOMEW BLOODY KUMA!
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(I really hope this is canon because this is something I have wanted confirmation of for AGES. Please let it be true that Kuma was once part of the Revolutionary Army.)
I loved this entire scene. When Ivan asked Dragon how he knew what was going on in this East Blue Backwater and Dragon answered, “This country is an example of how the world will be in the future. There can be no happiness where the undesirables are thrown away. I will change the world.” For all Dragon’s deadbeat dad status, you can see where Luffy gets his ambition and stubborn determination.
Then Dragon addressed the tired, frightened, shivering crowd of poor, Grey Terminal outcasts and shouted: “Those of you who are willing to fight for freedom, come aboard!”
But there was one person missing. I must admit I looked for Sabo on the boat. I thought Dragon might have taken him along. Maybe Dragon didn’t because Sabo was only a kid and he might have had family. 
I wish he had. :(
Destination? Anywhere But Here
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The next morning, the sun came out and the clear up began. Any survivors were to be shot on sight. The guards remarked how few charred bodies they found. Hopefully, most of them were Bluejam’s crew and the rest found their way to Dragon’s ship.
Sabo woke up in an alleyway. I was disappointed because Dragon hadn’t taken him. The disappointment was compounded when he was immediately caught and dragged home to High Town. Sweaty Chins enlisted two of the king’s goons as personal guards and calmly threatened to have Sabo killed unless he educated himself to be a noble.
“Be more like Stelly”, Sweaty Chins said, “who is so dependable and who will be getting new clothes to see the Celestial Dragon.”
Of course, Sabo would not be going. He could not be trusted. Sabo was imprisoned in his room. Everything was greyscale except Sabo. All colour had drained from his life. He had no idea whether Luffy and Ace were alive or dead. Was sure they were alive but realised trying to see them would place them in danger. Living like that would be awful. I felt sorry for Sabo, despite his privileged upbringing. The kid was straight up depressed.
“What is freedom?” he wondered. “Where can I find it?” Then he overheard a convenient conversation between his guards. The Celestial Dragon would visit tomorrow. Only one guard and Sabo would be in the house.
This was his chance. He wrote a note with a huge smile on his face.
The next day, a huge, flag-waving crowd gathered at the port to welcome the Celestial Parasite Dragon. I hate stuff like that, so I was already in rage mode.
At that point, I was convinced Sabo was dead because his top hat (Sabo’s symbol) was seen drifting to earth). I’m still 70% certain he’s dead. Mainly because he hasn’t been seen since (unless there’s something I’ve missed). Sabo’s death also puts Luffy’s reaction to Saint Charloss in perspective. Luffy punched him because no one punched the guy who killed Sabo.
But... there was no body. That is my number one rule. And there was that moment when Dragon’s ship pulled in at tiny Zoro’s island (TINY ZORO!) with someone who was badly injured and needing Ivan’s treatment. Dragon had also been in the audience watching the ceremony for the Celestial Dragon. I have my fingers crossed but won’t get my hopes up.
Take Care of Luffy
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Of course, that wasn’t enough heart-string tugging. This is One Piece. My feelings had to be put through the wringer.
Dadan and Ace finally made it home. That was the single good thing that happened in 503. They saved each others’ lives. Dadan punched Bluejam to death (metal) and ran through fire with Ace. Ace stole medicine, treated her burns and carried her back to the shack.
But Dogra (a bandit) also made it back with news of Sabo. Ace immediately flew off the handle, seeking vengeance. Dadan talked sense into him. This was a Celestial Dragon. They would only have him killed. “Your father’s death changed the world. When you become a man as important as that, you can do whatever you like!”
Oh, Dadan. Where were you at Marineford? Weirdly, her words were prophetic because Ace’s death really will usher in a new pirate era.
Then the letter from Sabo arrived. 
“Ace, Luffy, I hope you guys weren’t hurt in the fire. I’m worried about you but I believe you’re okay. I’m sorry to say it but when you get this letter, I’ll already be out to sea. Things led to things and I decided to set out before you. My destination will be anywhere but here! I’m gonna become stronger and be a pirate! The three of us have to become the freest pirates ever. One day, let’s meet up somewhere. Somewhere on the wide open sea, definitely. By the way, Ace, which of us do you think is the bigger brother? It’s odd but our brotherhood is my treasure. Luffy is still a weak crybaby but he is our little brother so take good care of him.”
At that point, I hadn’t seen the scene when Dragon’s ship pulled into Little Zoro’s island, so that brought a tear to my eye. I was so mad at the waste of Sabo’s life, mad that Ace and Luffy had already lost something so precious to them while they were still so young and mad that Sabo’s worthless parents hadn’t taken action against the slug who murdered their son. I was also mad at Dragon for not taking Sabo (but I still have hope that actually did happen).
After that, Ace swore to take care of Luffy. The boys worked hard to improve themselves. They even asked for help with their manners (that dine and dash thank you was hilarious). Now Ace’s well-mannered persona makes sense. Imaginary Sabo guided Luffy in his training, encouraging him just like he always used to.
Then, when they each turned seventeen, they broke Dadan’s heart by heading out to sea.
Why did they chose seventeen? Because that was Sabo’s deadline. At eighteen, he would become a full-fledged noble, so he intended to escape when before then.
Damn... this series. ;_;
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marcoacesabo · 7 years
hey, do u think u could maybe do a follow-up to that one story where ace goes to his dad for advice about his relationship with marsab? Like, where he talks to them about how he's been feeling, with some more insecurity? i think that youre really good at writing angst
Ace takes a deep breath summoning all of his courage before he pressed the call button.
The screen turns dark for a second, a small symbol of a phone pops up in the middle. Around it, a white circle spins, twirling slowly. Silver eyes watch as it rises and falls nervously each time it cycles again.
He hadn’t told them he was calling, maybe he was being an annoyance? Should he call them? Roger said he needed to speak to them but maybe now wasn’t the best time to-
His computer beeps as Marco’s face appears on the screen. He is smiling at him, but there are large bags under his eyes. Ace frowns in worry at him even as Marco waves.
“Hi Ace.” He mumbles.
It’s not enthusiastic and that makes fear settle in the pit of his stomach. The raven hair youth weakly smile back. “Hi Marco. Are you busy?”
“Yes actually. I can’t talk long. What do you need.” Chill. Quick to the point. Maybe a little hurried and impatient.
Marco never talks to him like that before…Were Ace’s worries real? No. No over thinking. After all Dad said he needed to talk to them before he made any rash decisions. 
“I actually want to talk to you and Sabo. Do you know if he’s free?” The freckled male starts, biting his lip when he notices Marco had turn away from the screen. He waits for Marco to look back but the blond is busy reading papers. 
“Marco?”  He calls after a minute or two.
His boyfriend hums clearing telling him to continue but his blue eyes are skimming the page. Ace squishes the irritation down. It’s fine, he’s listening that’s okay.
He can’t be selfish, his boyfriend is in a different time zone and obviously very busy. At least he answered him, that’s a good sign, right?
He glances at the call symbol realizing Sabo hasn’t answered yet.  He chews on his lip, he wanted to speak to both so there would be no misunderstanding but if he’s too busy? Wasn’t it like mid-day where he was? 
“Ace, can you please hurry up. I have a train to catch in less than thirty minutes and I still haven't even finished half the pages I need to read.” Marco’s voice comes across the speakers a bit of irradiation in his tone. 
“Oh. Oh yeah. Actually this...this won't’ take long I just have something I need to get off my chest. We can wait for Sabo since it involves him too.” He stumbles over his words wishing his other love would just pick up. He knows that the call was going to be now, where was he?
“He won’t answer today. He impressed three high ranked members of the Albasta council. They invited him to a dinner.” Marco mumbles absentmindedly.
Silver eyes blink. “Oh, that’s good for him. Sabo didn’t mention this to me,”
Marco lets out a put up sigh and Ace winces. He was being annoying again, bothering his hard-working boyfriends. “He doesn’t have to report everything to you and things come up. You know it’s a great opportunity for him.”
“But he still could have rescheduled with me. I send him a message to have a conference call two days ago...”
“He probably forgot to say anything since it was so last minute, that happens.” Marco is quick to say, rolling his eyes like it’s Ace who’s being childish.
He didn’t forget to tell you.  Ace thinks but bites his tongue. He doesn’t want to make this into a big deal. He’ll just fill the other in later. It’s fine. It hurts a little but it’s fine.
“I guess it’s okay....can I tell you about something that’s been bothering me lately?” Ace pulls on his bangs a bit, one of his knees bouncing up and down as Marco nods at him still looking away. 
The  Portgas takes a deep breath then rushes out. “It’s about our relationship. Recently I’ve been feeling unsure of where I fit in the picture and I was hoping we can talk about it so I wouldn’t feel so lost.”
He trails off, glancing at the screen, heart pounding.
Marco nods eyes locked with his and Ace feels more confident to continue, now that he had the blond’s uninvited attention. He smiles weakly, then starts outlining his worries and his feelings. 
He drops his eyes to his hands, unable to look Marco in the eye because he’s scared he’ll chicken out of those blue orbs stay staring at him.
He practiced this before, had even pitched it to Roger and Luffy just to make sure it didn’t seem like he is accusing his partners of anything, only speaking about his emotions and his insecurities. 
At first, the words are hard to get past the lump in his throat and he has to blink away tears once or twice but soon the words are easier to say, flowing out of him like water from a broken dam. He speaks about the feeling of dragging them down. Of being left out. Of being lonely. of how much a phone call or text would mean to him. How lately he feels like they don’t want him.
 Ace doesn’t raise his gaze allowing his voice to fill the silence. Marco says nothing, through the whole thing allowing Ace to speak his piece. It means the world to him.
Once he’s done, he raises his head wondering what the blond will say. Marco is nodding, expression serious but something about his gaze makes Ace do a double take. It’s not on the camera, not completely, in fact, it’s little ways to the right.
His eyes are moving side to side gently too, which is puzzling.
It’s almost as if he was reading.
“Marco?” Ace calls. The blond continues nodding, brows wrinkled in a way Ace recognizes. It the habit he does when he is reading a report paper and can’t figure out the handwriting. 
“Marco, are you even listening to me?” Ace demands because he just poured his heart and soul. Was the man really working while he did it? The blond tilts his head, yet still says nothing. He opens his mouth slightly, like his going to say something. 
The youth watches his mouth move but hears nothing. 
That's when he realizes.
Marco had muted him. While he spoke about feeling ignored and lonely.
Ace gaps at him, feeling like someone had smacked him. Shocked tears start to roll down his face. In that moment Marco’s blue eyes flicker to the camera. 
Instantly his face clouds with alarm and he mouths  What’s wrong, Ace?
Ace’s shock expression melts into a glare, he whips at his tears as Marco stares from the other side of the screen, his lips moving too fast for the raven-haired man to read them.
He looks hopelessly lost until Ace angerly points to his ear before his eyes widen. He presses a button and the sound returns. Ace’s breath hitches horrible as he shouts “I called you to talk to you about something important to me and you mute me!?”
Marco winces “I’m sorry Ace, but I just had to finished this paper and were taking too long to answer-”
“Do you even hear anything I said!?” The boy screams. Marco’s expression is enough to tell him the answer. And really that's it. That’s enough to tell him what Marco and Sabo both thought about him. 
He hates the sob that rips from his chest as he glares through his tears. “I’m done. We’re over.”
“Ace, please calm down. You’re being unreasonable about this-”
“I am not being unreasonable!” He screams loud enough his throat hurts, his breath is coming in fast pants and he’s red in the face. He knows because he can feel it burning but it’s not the good kind of burning. 
Marco gaps at him. Usually Ace allows them to do this, to downplay his feelings, to walk over him just to avoid confrontation. But not this time. Not this time.
“We. are. Over. Good fucking luck with your work Marco I won’t bother you while you work anymore.  Don’t fucking talk to me ever again just to be sure hm? Tell Sabo that too for me.  After all, you’re such a great messenger boy.” He hisses swallowing to try and stop the torturous tears that won’t stop rolling. 
His heart feels like it’s shattering, and he feels so unbelievably numb besides the rage blowing wildly in his chest. He doesn’t give the other time to respond before he slams the end button.
Instantly a call pops up form Marco but Ace blocks him. He then moves to block Sabo too just to be safe. Fueled by rage he opens all his social media, blocking both the blonds, tears making the screen hard to see but he doesn’t stop until they have no means of contacting him.
It’s later after he finishes that he sobs into his hands feeling used and regretful. Roger gave him sound advice, but maybe he should have listened to Luffy from the start.
Ace I don’t like them. They don’t treat you right, they act like you’re a second thought! Break up with them. 
Had he really meant nothing to them at all? 
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petite-neko · 7 years
Boyhood Blues - 10
Fanfiction: Boyhood Blues Story Summary: Actions, and inactions, have their repercussions. It may not be immediate but somewhere down the line, the effect will be seen. Chapter Characters: Law, Luffy, Smoker, Caesar, Monet Pairing: LawLu Rating: T Warnings: Swearing, Universe Alteration, canon-typical violence, angst, A/N: TIMESKIP AHOY! So, there will still be a fair bit of things that will remain the same. That begin said, any changes I’ll go into detail about :D
(And please note: I’m going to be writing the next... four or so chapters ahead of schedule, due to the fact that my GF is coming down in TWELVE days for two weeks. So~ In case any of you decide to make suggestions they might not apply until much later/if any of you make comments that might influence my writing. And YES, I’ve had a few comments that made me decide to include a certain line or paragraph or flashback in my stories~)
.xxx. > Time/scene skip
.+++. > PoV change
Read on Ao3
Interlude || Chapter 10: Details || Chapter 11
“Trafalgar Law…”
Law smirked as the other uttered his name in the utmost distain. Smoker. The White Hunter. The man who despised pirates with a passion.
(Just seeing the Marine made him remember a joyful voice laughing about how he had been followed since Loguetown. About how the man despised him, not only because he was a pirate, but particularly because he was a pirate who had betrayed the Marines.)
The man who would most definitely despise him for the very same reasons. (If not more, because his guardian had been the fleet admiral until two years ago…) And that wasn’t including the fact that he had become a Warlord now – something that Smoker was vehemently against.
Of course, out of all of those things, his Warlord status was the only thing that Smoker was privy to.
“The White Hunter.” He greeted neutrally. “Just what brings you to my vacation home?”
Above all however, this was annoying. Utterly annoying. He didn’t need Marines storming in on his plans. Ruining them… He was so close to obtaining his goals he just needed…
At the very least, Smoker’s presence here would be just as incriminating as his, so it wasn’t like the other would report him unless absolutely necessary.
“We have reports that the Strawhats are on this island.”
…Oh damn it all! Those were the pirates that Caesar had captured?
(And damn those Brownbeard pirates! Why did they have to use the damn phone?)
“…you have history with him, don’t you?”
Law looked up at the Marine with an intrigued gaze, and listened as he listed off the events of two years ago. Of the Auction House and the war.
Oh, if only he knew… Law couldn’t help the smug look from gracing his features. If only he knew…
“And, by the way, we never have gotten a straight answer from you. What ever happened to the body of Fire Fist?”
Of course Smoker would inquire about that. Not to mention, if he knew Luffy’s past, he probably knew Ace’s. The guy didn’t trust him. Smart, really.
But Law wasn’t about to go ratting out Ace. He had worked hard to ensure the guy lived after all. And so he sighed, shaking his head, and diverted back to the original topic at hand.
“I’m the only one in this building White Hunter, now if you will please–”
…Fucking Caesar! Incompetent fool! Couldn’t even keep some damn pirates imprisoned while he dealt with the Marines!
Ah, well… he supposed he should clean up this mess unfolding at his feet.
Law recognised that voice. That name. (It wasn’t like two years ago, no. He hadn’t blocked out the memories this time. He had no reason to, after all.)
He hadn’t exactly expected the other captain to catapult himself over and just… hug him however.
“Get off of me!” Law elbowed the idiot.
But Luffy was clinging to him and laughing and smiling and…
“Looks like we ran into each other after all, shishishi.”
Throughout his squirming, Law managed to free an arm and he pushed Luffy’s too close face away.
“Get off of me!”
Luffy’s crew had begun inquiring about how Luffy knew him, and thankfully Luffy had let him go to explain what had happened two years ago.
Thankfully, the idiot kept his mouth shut about Ace and about their past in the Marines.
“…There’s no need to feel indebted to me Luffy-ya. As pirates, we’re still enemies. Don’t forget that.”
(He didn’t need this right now, damn it!)
But, he wasn’t lying. Because if Luffy got in the way of his plans…
There was a pout on that damn idiot’s face. A pout!
(Right… there was that thing Ace had said. Lovely. Just lovely…)
Then he laughed. “Yeah, I guess, if you’re after the One Piece…”
Thankfully, this time it was his chaos that interrupted their conversation. (Of course, said chaos wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the Strawhats but, alas.)
And so he directed Luffy towards his crew. He had a clown to deal with.
And some chemicals.
“That’s right, you have history with him, don’t you?”
Law glanced at Monet and simply sighed. Again. Again… Why was everybody bringing up his past with the other pirate?
Of course, not very many people knew of the entire history he had with these brothers. Hell, even his crew probably didn’t know the whole story. They only knew what they happened to overhear. Although, they probably had put the pieces together by now.
Most people assumed that he had conspired with the Strawhat in the Auction House before saving Luffy from Marineford and failing to save Ace. And while Law wasn’t exactly pleased to know that people thought he failed to do something, he knew that one day that would be revealed to be false.
(Whether or not he lived to see that day remained to be seen.)
“You rescued him after the war. If it wasn’t for you, Mugiwara no Luffy would be dead, wouldn’t he?” Caesar’s laughter echoed out into the room. “Just like his brother. Such a shame isn’t it? That not even your powers could save that doomed soul as well.”
Sometimes, no… most of the time actually, Law just wonders why he puts up with this…
(Children… didn’t Caesar say something about those children?)
“What did you mean that those children were bound to return?”
…Monster. Yes, that was the accurate term to classify Caesar with, Law decided as he heard what that madman was doing to those children.
“And what about that Strawhat, Law?” He leaned in, a dark expression on his face. “Hmmm? Will your past… relations with him be a hindrance? I mean, you did save his life and all, and wouldn’t that just be wasting your efforts all those years ago?”
Law sighed and shrugged. “It was just a whim. That’s all.”
And in reality, really, that’s all it really was. Sure, he had history with the brothers but, it wasn’t like his history with them played a major influence in his actions. He was far more interested in Mugiwara no Luffy as opposed to Monkey D. Luffy after all.
Then that bastard’s laughter echoed out into the room. “Then I suppose you wouldn’t have any qualms if he required… elimination?”
Honestly? Law was finding Caesar’s presence to be overly irksome at the moment. And so, he stood up, propping Kikou against his shoulder. “I will do whatever is necessary.”
“Oi Law, where are you going?”
Very irksome…
“A walk. If you need me, you know to contact me.”
When he was a far enough distance away, he sighed softly and shook his head at the events unfolding before him.
That damn idiot!
Months, months of prep work! Hell, he even had to ally himself with the government to get to this point. Something he was far from proud of – but he was willing to do anything to get this far. And, it wasn’t like he had any real allegiance to piracy anyway – more that it was a means to an end – so if he had to send a hundred hearts to the Marines in order to obtain a Warlord status so that he could lay low in a particular area for a prolonged period of time? So be it. Sure, it left a bad taste in his mouth – not only because it allied himself with Joker of all people, but also because he allied himself with the very power that allowed Joker to run free for as long as he did.
He left the Marines for that very reason.
But it wasn’t as if he planned to remain with that power for much longer. It was only a temporary measure. He was going to abuse the very system that caused him to initially betray it. Because it betrayed him - him and the citizens of Dressrosa.
(He knew Joker well enough that he wasn’t just calmly sitting on the throne. No, Law knew the man was far too twisted to simply revel in the joys of royalty.)
He was willing to do everything and anything of obtain his goal.
And if he had to ‘eliminate’ Luffy (as Caesar so delicately put it) to do so?
It wouldn’t be something he’d relish in. It wouldn’t be something he’d do if there were other options available. (He spent a lot of time and energy rescuing those brothers from the brink after all. Not to mention Ace would be hot on his heels – and Sabo too if he happened to be the third brother and remember.) Hell, even if he only had to temporarily incapacitate him that would be far more preferable.
(He could still remember that face beaming up at him, waving frantically as he boarded his submarine. Could still remember those eyes widening and watering and all but resembling a wounded puppy when he said he was leaving. Could still remember those very eyes flooding with tears of anger and guilt and sorrow and heartbreak at the thought of losing yet another brother. As if it were yesterday.)
But, if Luffy happened to get in his way, if the boy insisted upon remaining there and a temporary incapacitation wasn’t working…
Yeah. He’d put a stop to Mugiwara no Luffy.
He was too close to his goal to give up now.
(And besides, it wasn’t as if he was planning on living to face the consequences of his actions anyway. That would be a miracle of miracles.)
All in all, it depended on that idiot.
In all honesty, Law was waiting for a moment like this. Well, not exactly like this, (a bit too chaotic and unpredictable) but it was close enough. And, at the very least, Luffy seemed to like him, so convincing him to form an alliance wouldn’t be that difficult.
Or, he hoped so.
He could remember Luffy commenting on when Ace had invited him to join Whitebeard’s crew.
“The pirate king has to be the captain after all!”
Not to mention the little spat the three of them had outside of the Auction House. Luffy wasn’t the man to follow under anybody else. But he seemed to value friendship a great deal. And an alliance was in the middle ground. Two people working together towards a common goal.
(Granted, Law had a few other plans, but… Luffy need not be privy to those details. It was simple hitting two birds with one stone… well more like one bird and a monster, but still.)
Thankfully, it seemed that Luffy was on board with taking down Kaido, so he wouldn’t have to deal with dealing with Luffy. Or Ace, or maybe even Sabo.
In fact, he almost seemed too eager to ally with him.
Because, well, Luffy thought that meant it gave him a free pass to cling to him or his side or his arm or…
“How many times do I have to tell you Luffy-ya! Get your hands off me! Don’t make me cut your limbs off!”
(Unfortunately that threat fell on deaf ears as Luffy asked Law to rearrange him or put his legs on somebody’s backside, or…)
At the very least, however, Luffy seemed to understand that Trafalgar Law did not like physical contact.
(It didn’t mean he refrained from pouting or whining about it however.)
Thankfully, Law didn’t have to spend too much longer with the other captain. Despite more whining about having to separate.
…Just what did he get himself into?
While Law would have loved to have that discussion he thought about earlier with Chopper, it just wasn’t the time.
They had a plan to enact.
(And honestly, a bit of chaos was good. Distraction – just what he needed to get into that room.)
At least Chopper seemed friendly enough. Perhaps once they succeeded in this step, he could have that conversation with the other doctor. He was curious after all. Why shouldn’t he satiate that curiosity in the time before Dressrosa?
All Luffy had to do was handle Caesar and…
–Well… fuck.
(How… Did Caesar realise? He knew it was risky to give him back Monet’s heart, but under the guise that it was Smoker’s was the perfect option… and it wasn’t like Law would go back on his word.)
He glanced back to the woman – only to realise that it wasn’t her that held his heart. Was it in the battlefield then? Was he holding it while Luffy was dealing with him?
“You certainly have grown Law.”
Ice. Ice cold water. That’s what it felt like, and it had nothing to do with the fact that somebody was squeezing his heart. He recognised that voice. (How could he forget?)
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