#and literally stopped walking because it was like. oh my god. i remembered everything your character did
ghoul-haunted · 1 year
the ongoing show has healed my heart enough that I'm looking at the show that has been burning a hole in my skull for a decade like 🥰
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hi I've missed you, can't wait to remember why I hate this show in about (checks watch) two minutes
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Obey me brothers finding out that YOU have decided to match clothes with MAMMON
My first headcannon! So excited 😆 hope you enjoy!
Wait you‘ve decided to match clothes with Mammon?
How peculiar… well it definitely is an interesting fashion choice..
Does he like it? Oh it‘s fine.
No it’s not.
Why did you choose to match clothes with him?! I mean he’s a perfectly fine partner to match with!
Will try to show you how pissed he is but would rather die than actually tell you that he’s upset
He‘ll be more upset at Mammon too
He‘ll lash out on him more often
Would probably do it less if Mammon would stop gloating
He‘ll try to interfere subtly, like pointing out flaws in the outfit even though his fit isn’t really fashionable either
Oh you picked it out?
Well then the outfit is amazing!
Don’t you dare roll your eyes at him MC.
Since that doesn’t work he just strings Mammon on the ceiling
After that’s done he‘ll try to subtly hint that he wants to match outfits with you too..
You wanna match outfits with him? Really?
This man is over the god damn moon
He would literally wear a frilly pink dress to school if it meant that he could match with you
Will show you his entire closet of outfits to let you pick out something
Would also clean his room if you asked him too
When you guys match he will literally be smug about it for the whole week
Like; my human matched with me, what about your suck ass love life
Will NOT shut up about it and will talk to literally anyone about how much you like him and how awesome he is and about how cute you are
When he senses his brothers envy he literally smirks with a face like; „you wish that was you huh“
He rubs it in so bad
But he is genuinely so happy that you wanted to match with him
Like even though Lucifer strung him upside down he was still smiling like a lovesick fool
when you walked in RAD together with your cute matching outfits he literally shined with confidence
His smile never left his face for the whole day
He even asked someone to take a picture of you two so he could always remember today
He has the picture as a print framed in his room and as his lockscreen
This outfit is his new all time favourite now and he wears it whenever he needs a confidence boost
Would 100% want to do matching outfits again
You matched outfits with Mammon?!?
That is literally so unfair
When you guys walked down together he literally whined
he knows you wouldn’t match with him, but Mammon?!?
Mammon‘s not even that fashionable!
Will literally say everything wrong with the outfit even pointing out irrelevant details
„The sowing is uneven and the button should be slightly more to the left oh and-!“
Wha- you picked it out! Oh shit
He didn’t mean it like that! Honest🤨
Will sulk
Maybe if you feel enough pity you‘ll wear something else!
And maybe you might match with him..!?
Oh it’s hopeless, he‘ll just sit in his bathtub watching romance animes wondering why you didn’t pick him
More importantly why you chose MAMMON over him
Please match with this poor boy I don’t think he can take it
Why did you match with him?!?
What do you mean because you wanted to?!?
Unlike other people *cough cough* he doesn’t criticise your outfits
Instead he compliments it, being all sly like:
„Wow you have a great sense of fashion. Maybe you could style me next time?“
Will literally turn this little ‚inconvenience‘ into a way to get you to match with HIM
And you being all sweet will be like; sure Satan!
He‘s one sly mf I‘ll give him that..
You should’ve matched with him sweetie
I mean he‘s wayyy more fashion forward than Mammon! Besides he won’t force you to match with him 🤨
Besides that outfit is atrocious!
What do you mean you chose the fit?!
What do you mean you WILLINGLY wanted to match with Mammon?!?!
He only meant it if it was Mammons selection!
Wait don’t be upset!
Is genuinely confused as to why you matched with Mammon
Tries to prove to you that he’s worthy of matching with you
When that doesn’t work he‘ll try to make you jealous
Yes MC look at me! I‘m matching with this random demon, don’t you wanna match with me now?!?!
What d‘you mean ,good‘ for me?!?
You‘re supposed to be jealous damnit!😩
Isn‘t actually that disturbed by you matching with Mammon because he thinks it’s an accident
Typical sweet Beel
He just doesn’t understand the hype around two people wearing the same outfit on the same day
Then Asmo told him you guys matched purposefully
So you wanted to look like Mammon?
Why you look beautiful on your own?
He still doesn’t get it
Oh well
Maybe it’s better this way
You don’t need more people to hate on your outfit choice for no reason anyway
Absolutely despises it
And is very open about it too
“MC why did you match with Mammon, you could do so much better like matching with me”
Will try to convince you to change
Please MC!
You can’t cuddle with that outfit on..
When you don’t comply he sulks
Him and Levi= sulking buddies
Unlike Levi, will try to find a way to get Mammons or your outfit wet aka ruined so you have to change
When you get upset at his antics he will apologise and tell you how he wants to match with you as well
You feel bad and agree
He grins a happy smile
That doesn’t mean he won’t not be upset about you matching with Mammon till you match with him
All credits go to @belphieslavenderscentedpillow
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h0nkch0c0late · 8 months
i will literally do anything for jordan li x fem reader
enemies to lovers
Oh my God anon you are setting me up for such a good plot....you have too much faith in me.
Top Five
Jordan Li x Reader
SUMMARY: You and Jordan had always fought about everything. Whether it was because of something you two disagreed on, or a simple topic, but it was always mainly due to your Top Five rankings. While Marie was put in #1, you stayed in place at #3. As they say: the enemy to your enemy is your friend :)
WARNINGS: swearing, slight Gen V spoilers, implications of sex (not specifically written)
You and Jordan had been enemies since you could remember. Both of your parents had been close friends, and thought that their children would be the same.
That had never been the case, though, as you two had been each other's sworn enemies since the day you had met.
Why? Neither of you really had a reason. It had nothing to do with your powers, and most times your arguments had no real...argument. just pointless yelling.
But then, as you grew up, and you both entered Godolkin, it became more than just pointless arguments.
You spent every day trying to prove who the better person was. Which one was liked best, which one performed the best, etc...
It didn't help your case that Jordan was all buddy-buddy with the headmaster, Professor Brink, which let them be in with the popular crowd.
That didn't prevent you from being #3 for the top five, of course, but you were still upset.
Its not like you weren't friends with the "popular" crowd either, being friends with Cate Dunlap and Andre Anderson had its perks.
The only downside was that you were constantly in the same room with Jordan when you all hung out together, and she INSISTED on glaring at you every time.
Your response to it was always sticking your tongue out at them like a child, to which they always rolled their eyes.
To you two, it was like a game of cat and mouse, and neither of you could figure out which was which.
To your friend group's eyes on the other hand, it was a game of "who will kiss who" first. They saw your constant fighting as blatant flirting that neither of you were willing to admit.
So, when Marie Moreau came to the school, and Luke had killed himself along with killing Brink, you two finally had someone to be genuinely enemies with.
After all, the enemy to your enemy is your friend, right?
So, while Jordan was thrown to #5, and Marie moved up to #1, you couldn't stop glaring at Marie every time you walked past her.
As you walked down the path towards the dorm rooms, you had noticed Jordan standing there, clearly upset.
Ever since their rating had gone down, it was like they were a ghost to the rest of the school. You could relate, however, as being #3 wasn't as nice when the top 2 were being practically worshipped for something they hadn't even done.
So, gathering up your courage, you walked over to him, lips casted into a frown, "you okay?"
Her upset expression turned into one of annoyance (defense mechanism due to the fact her enemy was talking to her), and she groaned, "why do you care?"
You rolled your eyes, expecting nothing less from the supe in front of you, "because ever since Marie got to #1 and you got pushed, you've become a ghost. And you seemed pretty upset so...I don't know."
"You're still #3. You shouldn't be caring about anybody who's below you." They scoffed, their eyes refusing to meet yours.
You sighed, "the enemy to my enemy is my friend, I guess? Look, Jordan," You paused for a moment, "I know we aren't the best of friends, but I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I know how close you and Brink were and what happened fucking sucks."
Jordan's eyes moved to look at you, her frown slightly disappearing as she noticed that you actually genuinely cared. "Yeah, I'm fine."
You tilted your head, furrowing your eyebrows as you knew that they were lying, "there's no need to lie to me. We may hate each other but I do know you."
Jordan sighed, "can we not do this here?"
You gave them a look of confusion, "Okay...where do you wanna-"
You were cut off by Jordan taking your hand and dragging you off to their dorm room, and suddenly you found yourself sitting on their bed as they began to pace around. "Of course I'm not okay! Marie took all of the credit for something she didn't even do! She fucking took off! She ran! And it seems like I'm the only one pissed the fuck off about it because come ON! you did more than her! You actually tried to talk to him! You tried to talk him down and yeah it didn't work but you tried! And I fought him! Where the fuck is our credit, huh?!" Jordan ranted, getting angrier by the second.
Your frown deepened as you watched Jordan get heated, "Look, yeah, I'm angry I didn't get any credit, but at the end of the day, the rankings aren't that important to me. And yeah, I'm stuck at #3, but it's been like that for a while. I'm fine with not getting any credit because at the end of the day, it wouldn't have changed anything. You would have been #1, and Andre would have been #2. I care more about the fact that I lost a friend." You explained, standing up and walking over to Jordan, grabbing their hands in your own to stop their pacing.
She stopped in her tracks, her eyes downcast at your interlocked hands, head low to hide the rising blush that began to cover her cheeks.
"But I thought you did care. Yknow, our constant fighting and all?" Jordan questioned.
You chuckled, "Jordan, I constantly fought with you because thats what we do. We're supposed to be enemies, remember? Enemies fight."
Jordan stared at your hands for a bit longer before gathering the courage and looking up, "what if...what if I don't wanna be enemies anymore?"
Your brows furrowed in confusion, "what do you-"
You were cut off by Jordan planting their lips on your own, and you didn't hesitate to kiss back as your hands let go of their's and cupped their face.
And soon enough, you were back on her bed.
It's a little rushed but fuck it we ball 😎
Also, how do we feel about me calling yall gentlebitches bc I find it kinda funny
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jjsmaybank20 · 9 months
hiii 😊 i have a request!
celeb!reader x jenna pretty please
reader and jenna unfollow each other on socials and everyone’s confused because they think they broke up, but in reality jenna beat them at uno or wtv (something simple)
& reader goes live and everyone’s like “oh em gee did u and jenna break up” blah blah blah
that’s all i got my brain can’t think of anything else
thank u! and i luv u! 🤭
Celebrity News
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Jenna Ortega x GN!Reader
Summary: Everyone thinks that you and Jenna broke up, but in reality, she's just a sore loser.
Warnings: literally all fluff, and my shitty writing
Word Count: 757
A/N: This is for u, bby! Pardon my shitty pic editing, ur much better at it than I am.
Swear to god I thought I posted this yesterday, but I guess not. Enjoy!
navigation  celebrities (romantic) masterlist
 This past weekend, fans of Jenna Ortega and Y/N Y/L/N were shocked when the couple unfollowed each other on social media. The couple (who had been going strong for almost a year) have earned a special place in fans hearts, making this news even more heartbreaking. We still don’t know why they have unfollowed each other, but it can’t be good. 
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JennaOrtegaNews: I can’t believe they broke up! They seemed so in love. My heart is broken right now.
y/ns_lover: Noooo! They were my OTP!!!
Scream47: Maybe Jenna will date me now
Bebop218: You’re funny Scream47
ChristianMom: Good riddance. Those two were actively against God. Finally some balance has been restored.
y/n&jenna4life: Get ur homophobic ass outta here
JennaOrtegaWifey: Gonna miss them so much. Hope they’re doing okay.
You sit on your bed, bored out of your mind. Jenna was in the kitchen making some food for the two of you. You think about doing a livestream, and you walk towards your girlfriend to run the idea by her. When you enter the kitchen, you see her dancing around, making you smile softly to yourself. 
You wrap your arms around from behind, making Jenna jump slightly before melting into your arms. You sway with her for a second before pressing a kiss to her temple, which makes her turn around so that she can press a soft kiss to your lips. 
When you break apart, you finally remember why you came into the kitchen in the first place. “Baby, do you want to do an Instagram live with me?” She nods her head and says, “As long as I can keep cooking.” You grin at her before setting up your phone. 
Jenna is out of the frame when you begin the livestream, making you realize that you want to surprise the fans. You signal for her to stay as quiet as possible and stay out of frame, and she nods in understanding. You watch the number of people watching shoot up faster than it ever has, catching you slightly off guard.
“Did something happen?” You mutter to yourself, trying to catch some information from the comments speeding past. Finally, a couple of them slow down. I can’t believe you and Jenna broke up! You choke on your spit when you read that, now really confused. 
“Who said we broke up? Where’d you hear that?” The comments continue to stream past, most of them interpreting your reaction as not knowing that the news of the break up had gotten out. Really though, you were just lost. 
Finally a comment stops on your screen that explains everything to you. You two unfollowed each other on Instagram. Didn’t you break up? You let out an exasperated sigh, realizing what had happened. You glance over at Jenna, who is still occupied with her baking, none the wiser as to what is going on in the livestream.
You pick your phone up and point it at her, making the viewers become extremely confused in the comments. “This little shit was mad that she lost at Monopoly, so she unfollowed me on Insta. I unfollowed her in revenge.” Finally Jenna realizes you’re talking about her, and when you say this, she turns around with an offended look on her face.
“You liar!” She then snatches the phone from you and shoves her face right up in the camera. “This liar actually cheated at Monopoly, and that’s a fact. It’s the only way she could have beaten me.” You roll your eyes, easily taking your phone back. “Or maybe you’re just really bad at Monopoly.” 
Jenna thinks about it for a moment before shaking her head and turning back to the oven. “Not possible.” You laugh before finally turning back to the livestream. Messages of relief and amusement are flooding the screen, and you have to giggle at some of them. 
It’s okay y’all! Mom and Dad are fine.
That was a close one! false alarm. 
Yeah, they’re okay. Fighting like 8-year-olds again.
Finally, you decide to sign off of the livestream. “Thanks for checking in, you guys! Jenna and I are fine, no worries. Hope you guys are doing great and have a wonderful day!” When you shut it off, you turn to Jenna and wrap your arms around her. 
“We almost started some massive celebrity news by accident, babe.” Jenna giggles to herself, making you smile. Yeah, you would have to be an idiot to let her go.
@lovelyy-moonlight @pnsteblnme @MrsLillithy @alotofpockets @theenglishswiftie
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joongernaut · 1 year
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⇢ pairing(s): park seonghwa x reader
⇢ genres: childhood friends to almost strangers to lovers, SMUT, fluff, a little angst but literally just a smidge
⇢ warnings: tooth-rotting fluff (i could not help myself with this one), subby-ish seonghwa because we love desperate men around here, oral sex (fem receiving), vaginal sex, cowgirl, reader gets called 'noona' once, creampie (i simply forgot to write in a condom but practice safe sex everyone!)
⇢ word count: 3955
⇢ author's note: well this took a bit longer than expected but i was able to proofread and tie up the loose ends on this fic last night and now here we are! this is also my way of wiggling into writing for ateez more as they are one of my favorite groups 😁 also the song title is based off the song glitter by jamilah barry <3 enjoyyy
“Did you know your little boyfriend is back in town?”
The question stopped you in mid-sip of your cup of tea as you peered over the rim of the mug at your roommate, Hongjoong. He peered back over his own mug with a little smirk on his face and a lift of his eyebrow.
Slowly bringing the mug down you let out a heavy sigh. “Oh, I’ve only heard the news about a hundred times. Kinda hard to forget, y’know,” You bit back with a sarcastic smile, “Also, he was never my boyfriend. Why does everyone keep saying that shit?”
“Hm, I really don't know,” Hongjoong said with a shrug, taking a drawn out sip from his coffee before speaking again, “It’s not like the guy followed you around like a lost puppy before and you let him. Honestly, I’m a little surprised you two didn't tie the knot right after high school, I was so sure you would be childhood sweethearts turned old, disgusting married couple.”
Hongjoong hissed as your foot kicked at his shin from under the table, glaring at him before you finally downed the contents of your mug. “God, you all are so annoying! First, my own family and now you? I don’t care if he’s in town, okay? We haven't talked in like 5 years and I highly doubt that I’d see him anyways. It’s whatever.” You said exasperatedly, chair scraping against the floor as you got up to place the empty mug into the kitchen sink.
“What if you do see him, though?” Hongjoong asked, the question once again catching you off guard. “What if he hasn't forgotten about you in the slightest in those years you two have spent apart?” He pressed on with a pointed look, watching your mouth open and close as you blinked over at him.
Park Seonghwa, from what you recalled years ago, was a very sweet boy.
You remember the first day you had met him, walking into your elementary homeroom class clinging to his mother with a thumb in his mouth and fat tears rolling down his face as he refused to let her go.
You were only 2 years older than him but still had felt the overwhelming need to protect him from any harm. And that's also how you two became close friends.
When Seonghwa would fall down and scrape his knee or elbow, you were there telling him not to cry while dusting him off and helping him get back up. When he wanted to be like the bigger kids, who were taller and strong enough to get on certain parts of the playground, you were there to encourage him and give him a boost. And when his eyes sparkled with curiosity, wanting to learn more about this and that as he gained new interests, you were there to talk and listen to him ramble on and on about anything and everything.
That Seonghwa was the one you hadn’t seen in years. You had been really good friends leading all the way up to high school and then slowly drifted apart during that time. Once college had begun, it was like he dropped off the face of the earth and you didn't hear from him for a while.
It wasn't like you to be stuck on anybody for too long, you watched many people come and go into your life before. But Seonghwa wasn't just anybody and you couldn't help but wonder about the crybaby often and what he had been up to lately.
Okay so maybe you did care just a little bit that he had come back to town. But did it really matter? After all, neither of you really made the effort to reach out to one another after going your separate ways.
You shook your head, pushing those fleeting thoughts away before you reminisced too deeply. “Like I said, I highly doubt it.” You mumbled with a shrug before turning away, a part of you truly doubtful while a sliver of yourself remained hopeful.
You were home alone the very next day. Usually Hongjoong would be the one to stay inside while you were out and about but he had run off to god knows where and he insisted that you stay at the apartment to relax. “Because you deserve it.” He had told you with a wink.
So, naturally, you were suspicious.
Not that Hongjoong was an untrustworthy person or anything but this almost, overly-nice front he had put on since this morning was just a little off-putting. Before you could really begin to question him, he had already flown out of the door and was barely responding to your text messages.
He did make sure to tell you to listen out for the door, however, as he said he was ‘expecting something’. You had almost forgotten about whatever that ‘something’ would be, hours into the afternoon, until you heard the sound of knocking coming from the front door of your apartment.
Dreading on leaving the comfort of your spot on the couch, you heaved a sigh before getting up from your seat and dragged yourself over to the door to answer it. “Hello-” You swung the door open and were immediately greeted by someone's chest in your line of vision. Your eyes traveled upward and you felt your breath catch in your throat.
“Y/N… It’s good to see you again.”
The man before you looked much different from the last time you had seen him. But even with the big and little changes in his appearance and how he seemed to carry himself differently, you could still tell exactly who he was just based on the look in his eyes.
“Seonghwa,” You gaped, still not entirely sure if you were seeing him in front of you or just hallucinating after watching TV all day, “H-How… How did you…?” You trailed off with furrowed brows as he gave you a sheepish look in return.
“Ah, sorry, this is rather impromptu of me. I bumped into Hongjoong a few days ago when I first got back and he mentioned you two were roommates so…” Now it was his turn to trail off as a small blush formed on his cheeks. You mentally cursed at Hongjoong, finally putting the pieces together that he had set this all up. You didn't know whether to kiss him or kill him.
“I see,” You muttered, reminding yourself to shoot the little mastermind a colorfully worded text later, “Well, please, don't be shy. Come in, come in.” You insisted, a smile spreading across your face genuinely as you stepped to the side for him to enter.
Seonghwa smiled back gently, a sight that made your heart soar as you saw a flash of the boy you used to know appear for a split second before he stepped over the threshold.
It had been hours of just talking and catching up with Seonghwa. You had learned that he was finishing up his last year of college soon, reaching to earn his degree in astronomy, and planned to move out of his dorm and into a place of his own nearby. The university he had attended was well out into the city, roughly 8 hours away, meanwhile you had attended your local college in town and graduated with your art degree about a year or so ago.
“Definitely not as cool as studying the stars and planets, though. I’m like the definition of a starving artist.” You chuckled, albeit a bit bitterly, facing Seonghwa as you propped your elbow over the back of the couch and tucked your legs underneath yourself.
Seonghwa had turned to face you as well but a bit awkward in body language, one leg crossed over the other as his hands remained in his lap stiffly. “Ah, it's not all that interesting. Trust me. Once math is involved, then you’ll see what I mean.” He said, earning another laugh from you that made his shoulders less tense and a fond smile spread on his face.
“You were always the artistic type, though. That’s something I’ve always liked and admired about you. Never afraid to be yourself… Just being able to think of something so creatively, from a vastly different perspective than anyone else, and turning it into something so beautiful. That’s always been pretty cool to me.” He went on, leaving you a bit stunned at his words.
“Hwa…” The old nickname slipped from your lips in a whispered tone and his eyes found yours, locking onto them as a few seconds passed by in stretched silence. Seonghwa opened his mouth to speak again, hesitating at first before licking his lips, and asked, “Can I tell you something?”
Words felt like they would fail you right now so you simply nodded for him to continue. Seonghwa swallowed the lump in his throat before speaking again. “I’m really happy that you still remember me. I know that's silly to say because it's only been a couple of years but I wouldn't know how to feel if you acted as if I was a complete stranger…” He said, looking away with an almost pained expression despite the smile still on his face.
“I would never! We were important to each other back then.” You told him, scooting closer to him on the couch as you reached out to place your hand over his own. Seonghwa’s eyes shot down toward the movement, feeling the warmth of you from your body’s proximity and your fingers touching him so delicately, then back up to your face. “And now? He questioned, hopeful, as he placed one of his hands over yours and squeezed.
You squeezed his hand back and sighed. “I was scared of the same thing… that you would forget about me or pretend like you did. Or you would see me and want nothing to do with me so I figured I’d try to avoid you... But after you showed up and we talked, it feels like you never really left at all.” You admitted, feeling Seonghwa subtly shuffle closer to you.
“I thought about you almost all of the time during the years we spent not with each other, Y/N. I don't think I could forget you even if I tried.” He admitted back, similar to the words Hongjoong had said to you the other day. That had to have been something Hongjoong had heard him say when they bumped into each other and you mentally noted to punch the man whenever he got home.
Right now, however, you were going to focus on Seonghwa and what you wanted to do next.
Your hand came up to wrap around the back of his neck and he froze, his body stiffening as you leaned in close until your lips were a breath away from his own. “Tell me if this is okay. I want to show you how important you still are to me.” You murmured, the movement of your lips lightly brushing against Seonghwa’s causing him to exhale shakily.
A quick nod was all the confirmation you needed before diving in, catching his mouth in a deep kiss. You untangled your other hand from his lap and brought it up to join the one around his neck as you pulled him closer, crawling your way into his lap in the process until you were straddling one of his thighs.
Seonghwa’s body shook slightly underneath you, his hands hovering over your sides as if he were hesitating to touch. You pulled away briefly, nibbling at his bottom lip before tugging it and making him groan. “You can touch me.” You said, sensing his hesitation, and started to lick the seam of his parted lips.
He let you in with no resistance, the feeling of your tongue against his wet and probing as his hands gripped onto your waist tightly.
You licked in to Seonghwa’s mouth eagerly as you started to move forward until he was effectively pushed onto his back with ease. Feeling breathless, you parted from his mouth again to catch yourself but started to trail your lips from the side of his face to his neck where you began to bite and suck at the sensitive skin there.
“Y/N…” He gasped before letting out a whiny moan. Your eyes flitted up to his face to take in the sight of Seonghwa— already looking debauched and fucked out, and you barely even started. “What do you want, Hwa?” You mumbled against his skin and he shivered at the sensation.
“Whatever you want. You take the lead. Please.” Seonghwa replied in a strained voice, holding onto you as if you were a lifeline.
When you suddenly pulled away from him and stood up, Seonghwa shot up in panic wondering if he had said something wrong until you put your hand out for him to take wordlessly.
He kept his mouth shut and took it, letting you guide him all the way to your bedroom where you closed the door behind him with a click of the lock, officially sealing your fate together.
“You told me to take the lead, right?” You questioned once you were facing Seonghwa again, slowly approaching him. Your finger traced small shapes onto his chest as you backed him up into the bed, the back of his knees hitting the edge and making him sit down.
His ass hadn't been on the bed for more than 3 seconds before Seonghwa slid off of it and onto his knees in front of you, peering up with wide expectant eyes. “Yes. You can do whatever you want to me, I’ll enjoy anything you give me.” His tone of voice sounded airy as he uttered those words and you couldn't help but run your fingers through his hair as he leaned into your touch.
“You’re already on your knees for me… surely you already had something in mind.” You smirked at him teasingly, watching him shift under your gaze. “Can I…?” He trailed off questioningly as his eyes flickered quickly from your face to the crotch of your sweatpants and back up again. Heat pooled in the pit of your stomach seeing how eager he was to please. Eager to please you.
You tugged your sweatpants down until they dropped unceremoniously onto the floor, kicking away the article of clothing before stepping closer to Seonghwa. His breathing had gotten shallow once his eyes fell onto your panty-covered pussy, the thin layer of the material leaving little to the imagination. The small wet spot he could see near the center made his cock twitch, straining against his pants.
Seonghwa’s hands gently grazed along your ankles first, gradually going higher from there to the back of your knees and up the back up your thighs. A small shiver raked through you when his fingers traced the lining of your underwear, slipping under the band a little as he grabbed ahold of your ass.
“A-Ah… Hwa…” You moaned softly when he pressed you forward into his face and placed a lingering kiss onto your mound right where your clit was. You took a step closer to him, pressing his face fully into your pussy now, and what little hold he had of his composure immediately slipped.
Seonghwa groaned as he buried his face into every crevice he could fit into, his long tongue rolling out of his mouth so he could run it along the moist material messily. “Knew you’d taste good,” He mumbled against the inside of your thigh, “Smell good, too. I could only dream about something like this happening in real life.” He added before latching his lips onto your clit and sucking the bud through the fabric. This plus the friction of your panties still covering your pussy was enough to make your body lurch forward a bit.
The back of Seonghwa’s head was now pressed against the edge of the bed, pinned between the comforter as you began to grind against his face.
“You should've told me sooner. I think I like seeing you like this.” You told him with a breathless giggle, swiveling your hips as Seonghwa tried to follow every movement to the best of his ability. He didn't mind it. You were using him to pleasure yourself and he couldn't be any more happier.
His grip on your ass had tightened when he felt you begin to back up and you rubbed your thumb against his wrist to make him loosen his hold. “I just wanna move onto the bed, Hwa.” You reassured him and he reluctantly let go. Despite not being completely bare, the evidence of your arousal shined like a gloss on Seonghwa’s bruised lips when you got a good look at him.
You crawled onto your bed, peeling your shirt and dampened panties off before throwing them somewhere you’d worry about later, and waited for Seonghwa to join you. Realizing your lack of underwear now, he followed along until he was stripped bare and crawled slowly up the bed until he was situated between your spread thighs.
Seonghwa’s eyes stayed locked onto your own as he trailed kisses along the inside of your thigh, bringing his face closer and closer until he could finally taste you without restriction or barriers.
The first swipe of Seonghwa’s tongue starting slowly from your hole up to your clit had your legs spreading out wider for him. And when his plump lips wrapped around your clit sucking earnestly, you felt your eyes nearly roll to the back of your head as you reached out to grip his hair roughly.
Seonghwa groaned, muffled by his ministrations, and the vibration of it made your hips buck up. He unlatched himself from your clit briefly only to laser focus his attention on dipping his tongue into your hole to lap up whatever juices started to leak from it.
“Hwa,” His name came out in a shuddered moan as you placed your hands on his shoulders and squeezed to get his attention, “I really need you.”
Seonghwa’s response came delayed, spending a couple extra minutes using his tongue to simply savor your taste before he made his way up your body where his mouth came crashing into yours. “You have me, baby.” He panted between open-mouthed kisses as his hand came up between your bodies to grab ahold of his throbbing cock.
“Do I?” You smirked against his mouth, nudging his hand out of the way so you could wrap your own around his length. Seonghwa gasped lightly, bucking up into the tight ring of your fist. “You think you could switch places with me, baby?” You purred as you stroked his cock languidly. It didn't take long for him to carefully flip the two of you over and have you hovering above him.
“Fuck, you're–” Seonghwa breathed out, eyes glued to your face as you rubbed the tip of his dick through your folds, “you’re just as beautiful as I always remembered but this is truly a sight.” He said while trailing his hands along your thighs then higher up to your hips where he held onto them as you lined him up to your entrance.
The breach stung a bit once you started to sink down onto him and Seonghwa rubbed his thumbs gently into your hip bones as you took your time taking him all the way inside of you. “I’m starting to believe that crush everyone keeps saying you had on me.” You sighed out once your pelvic bone met his, moving your hips slowly in small circles as you relished the way Seonghwa felt so deep inside of you.
“Have,” Seonghwa corrected as he tried to keep himself still under your movements, twitching every time he felt your walls constrict around his cock, “I think it was obvious to everyone but you.” He licked at his lips before tucking his bottom lip between his teeth when you lifted yourself up momentarily only to sink yourself back down onto him.
Picking up a steady pace now, not going too fast or too slow, you simply enjoyed the way Seonghwa stretched you out and filled you up with every movement of your hips. A whimper-like sound punched out of him when you came back down just a little bit harder, clenching around his cock, and you cooed at the noise. “Poor baby. Am I at least making it up to you well?” You pouted at him with a tilt of your head, smoothing a hand down his chest soothingly.
“Noona,” Seonghwa whined, your body immediately stiffening at the sound of his voice sounding so wrecked, “Please, please go faster.”
You obliged without question, deciding that you would have a chance to tease him another time. You pressed your hand down flat on Seonghwa’s chest and used it as leverage to ride him the way you knew you would both love; bouncing on his dick as he thrusted upward involuntarily to meet the action.
This helps Seonghwa to go a little bit deeper, the head of his cock brushing along your walls just right until he hits directly at the spot that has you quivering above him.
You can barely hold yourself up and soon feel your arm give out as you bow your back and press your foreheads together. “Feel s-so good, baby…” You muttered while staring into Seonghwa’s eyes. His half-lidded gaze stared back briefly before pressing your mouths together in an intimate kiss.
He then caught you off guard by starting to buck up into you, almost frantically, as he wrapped his arms around your body and pressed you to his chest. “Cum with me, please, please, please–” Seonghwa begged, seemingly right on the edge of cumming.
Thankfully you weren't too far behind him with the way he had started to desperately fuck into you. And with the remaining body strength you could muster, you rode him with just as much urgency while still pressed closely to his chest.
Seonghwa had been the first to tip over, pleading over and over again until his voice became slightly hoarse. He stilled himself deep inside of you before you felt warmth filling you up in spurts, a pretty drawn out moan falling from his lips as you clenched around him tightly and followed suit.
You whimpered as Seonghwa helped you ride it out, his hands placed on your waist to help you grind down against him and giving your clit some added friction.
Feeling boneless, but most of all satiated, you finally collapsed against him as he started to rub along your back and traced over your spine. The delicate feeling of his fingers sent a tingle throughout your being that you could only chalk up to the resurfacing of those feelings you had kept hidden so deep within.
Seonghwa attempted to sit up and you grumbled in protest causing a laugh to escape him. “We have to get cleaned up.” He reasoned but you only clung on to him tighter as he rose and had you seated on his lap. “Will you stay afterwards?” You asked quietly, hope laced into your tone with a hint of vulnerability. Because now that you had him in your life again you would be damned to see him go so quickly.
“Of course. I’m not going anywhere without you again.” Seonghwa said, leaning forward to press his lips chastely against your forehead before looking at you with eyes full of love and sincerity.
Those same eyes that always held the stars in them that sparkled like glitter and reassured you that he would be right by your side for as long as you would let him.
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smoothies-are-cool · 3 months
kiss me thru the phone
boyfriend! matt sturniolo x reader
summary: reader and matt do long distance until reader surprises him on tour.
warnings: swearing, pet names (baby, beautiful), kissing.
a/n: i love this song ❤️❤️
“i miss your beautiful face.” my boyfriend, matt says.
we were on facetime because he moved to los angeles with his brothers to pursue their career. we met in middle school in boston and i still live there.
“you’re looking at it.” i giggle.
“i know but i miss kissing it. hopefully i’ll get to see you while we’re in boston.” he says. matt and his brothers were about to go on their second tour. little did matt know, i had tickets to the boston show AND the des moines show in iowa.
pretend there was a boston show on the versus tour.
“i know baby. even if you don’t have to time to stop home i’ll camp outside the venue even if i’m able to see you for only a minute.” i tell him.
“kiss me through the phone.” matt randomly says.
“what?” i ask, making sure i heard him right.
“kiss me through the phone, come on.” he repeats, moving his lips closer to the phone. i giggle and do the same.
4 days later
📍des moines, iowa
“okay and before we go we have one more person we want to come out and say a few words.” nick says into the microphone, grabbing another microphone from one of the venue workers. nick and chris were in on the secret.
matt sends chris a confused look and chris just shrugs.
“i’d like to welcome y/n l/n to the stage!” nick smiles and the crowd goes crazy as i walk out onto the stage. i wave to the crowd before locking eyes with matt. he stands there, his eyes wide and his mouth open. chris quickly grabs matt’s microphone as matt makes his way towards me.
“you’re here.” he says softly.
“congrats on the win baby.” i smile. matt pulls me into him and places a quick kiss on my lips. we keep it brief because we’re on stage.
“okay let me talk.” i whisper pulling away as nick hands me the second microphone.
“okay hi everyone! i want to apologize now for any stuttering or anything i’ve never spoke in front of a crowd this big. if you don’t know me, hi i’m y/n, matt’s girlfriend.” i speak and the crowd screams. chris, nick and matt make their way to my sides.
“these boys mean so much to me. like more than words could explain. i’m gonna tell the story on how we met, but i’m gonna keep it brief because i could talk about it for literal hours. i actually met chris first. we were in the same class in second grade and we were both alone at recess so we just became friends with each other. chris has been the person i went to for anything from that moment on. he was the first person i told about my huge crush on matt.” i say, giggling softly.
“he has always supported me through everything and when i was in the wrong he always told me so i really appreciate that.” i look at chris as i say this, pulling him into a hug.
“woo i will probably end up crying so ignore that. nick is genuinely the love of my life.” i say, laughing when i see matt’s offended look. “all jokes aside, i know nick would do anything to protect me and he has done anything to protect me. i remember this one time a guy wouldn’t leave me alone and when he tried to pull me to his car nick literally tackled him.” i said, causing the crowd to laugh.
“i really appreciate everything you do for me.” i hug nick and move to stand next to matt.
“oh god matt where do i start.” i mutter softly. “my crush started on matt during the summer of 8th grade. we didn’t end up getting together until senior year but that’s besides the point.”
“seeing matt grow up and over come his fears makes me so proud. i remember when he would never order his own food and now he’s talking to and standing in front of thousands of people everyday. so i’m really proud of him for that. i remember when i realized that i was in love with matt. i have a little sister and one time she fell and when i had turned around to help her matt was already helping her. and then he cleaned up the cut on her knee and put a bandaid on it. i don’t know why but that was when i realized i was in love with him. matt is my best friend and lover all in one. he knows me like the back of his hand and he can so easily read my emotions.” my eyes slowly start to fill with tears and matt wraps his arms around my waist from behind me.
“i don’t have much time left so i have to word this strategically. the fact that they’re just three boys from massachusetts is crazy to me. i don’t think they’ve realized how many people they’ve helped, including myself. these three boys right here are living proof that dreams do come true and you can do it so don’t let anyone tell you differently. they are my people, the one ones i actually want to be around and the ones i would do anything for. and i want this forever.” i say, my voice cracking as tears falling down my cheeks. i notice nick and chris both have tears too.
“nick, matt, chris. i’m so beyond proud of you and i love you more than life itself. i’m so grateful that i met you guys because i would not have made it today without you guys.” i speak, my voice cracking. i see matt’s eyes have tears but he’s trying to not let them fall. we all do a big group hug, say goodbye to the crowd and walk off stage.
i gasp softly as matt pulls me back into him. his arms go around my waist and mine go around his shoulders.
“you okay matt?” i ask. he doesn’t respond and i feel hot tears on my shoulder.
“baby..” i say softly, pulling him impossibly closer.
“i’m really glad you’re here.” he tells me, pulling away but he keeps his arms around me.
“surprise!” i giggle as he places his lips on mine.
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🏷️ christophersturniolo 🏷️ nicolassturniolo
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🏷️ matthew.sturniolo
liked by: mattandynfp27894 , christophersturniolo and 154,927 others
yn.ln - so beyond proud of my boys <3
matthew.sturniolo - i love you so much
↳ yn.ln - i love you more.
user - her speech that she gave 🥹🥹
christophersturniolo - tried so hard to keep it together during your speech. love you always ❗️
↳ yn.ln - love you chris 🧡
user - the way they all cried during her speech. they all mean so much to each other.
*liked by yn.ln*
nicolassturniolo - my mf soulmate. I LOVE YOU FOREVER
matthew.sturniolo - so lucky to have you ❤️
↳ yn.ln - you mean so much to me ❤️❤️
a/n: hi !
151 notes · View notes
luci-in-trenchcoats · 6 months
Thunder In Our Hearts: You're Losing Me
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Summary: A few short weeks before their first holiday together, the reader finds Ben slipping into his old ways...
Pairing: Soldier Boy x reader
Word Count: 2,600ish
Warnings: language, angst, fluff
A/N: This takes place within Part 9 of Thunder In Our Hearts. Enjoy! 😉
You hummed as you stirred the ingredients in the Dutch oven on the cold December day. Things with Ben had been good lately. It’d been about four months since you’d both stopped hunting down people, trying to hide him from the CIA. You simply…were.
For Ben, that meant a whole lot of learning still. He’d been out of the box for a little over six months now and had picked up a few things. He even had his own SUV now for getting around. He understood how to use the TV and get to streaming apps along with some basic use of the internet and a smart phone.
And he prided himself on how well he could cook a full breakfast for you both. You’d even got a smirk out of him when you called him your own Betty Crocker.
But there was still a lot to learn and it wore on him some days. Unfortunately, it seemed like today was going to be one of them.
“Jesus Christ,” groaned Ben, stepping into the house, shrugging out of his winter jacket. He kicked off his boots and left them in the middle of the floor, all while shaking his head. “Your generation is full of fucking pussies, baby. No wonder this country has gone to shit.”
You tore your eyes away from the soup on the stove, annoyance prickling your skin. Yeah, it was definitely one of those days. 
“The fucking child working the counter at the auto store didn’t know two shits about the oil I was looking for. Literally the twats only fucking job,” he grumbled, walking into the kitchen and washing up his hands. You tried to let it go. He was allowed to get irritated as much as you were. 
You set the spoon on the rest next to the stove and put the lid back on top, the stew having a few hours to go still.
“And then at dealership where I had to go to get the stupid shit, there was, I swear to God, some kid that had to be thirty fucking years old was buying a car with his dad. These little shits don’t know to wipe their own asses.”
You rolled your eyes behind his back and left the kitchen, Ben inhaling sharply, lifting the lid up. He licked his lips and set it back down, either ignoring or not picking up on your own growing annoyance. You sat down on the end of the couch, Ben leaning over the back, strong hands on your shoulders.
“And why the hell is everyone obsessed with these fucking frilly decorations for Chirstmas? It’s fucking stupid. If people want shit they should buy it. End of discussion. Lame ass holiday anyway.” 
He squeezed your shoulders gently, leaning down so his lips brushed against your ear. 
“You’re tense, baby. Let me help you relax.” Strong hands slid down over your shoulders, headed straight for your chest and you’d had enough. You faced him with a glare, Ben narrowing his eyes. “What’d I do?”
“You’re being an ass today. You’re acting like asshole Ben, the one I didn’t like, remember?” He scoffed, crossing his arms. “All you have done today is complain about other people, leave the house a mess, hell you even got something against Christmas. It’s fucking Christmas, Ben! No one in the world, even the most redneck backwoods hillbilly, has anything against a strand of fucking white lights. Frilly? Oh come on.”
“First off, they are fucking frilly,” he spat back as you headed for the foyer. “What’s wrong with not liking a stupid ass holiday?”
“Nothing! Hate Christmas for all I care! Plenty of people do. But don’t put it down because of lights or trees or presents. Hate it because your family sucks or whatever. Not because it’s not manly enough for you.”
“Oh fuck you,” he said, getting in your face, leering down at you with a certain visceral that reminded you of your first argument. “Don’t put words in my mouth.”
“Don’t hate everything that’s not part of your toxic masculinity!” His eye twitched and you looked away, past him out the patio door. “For three weeks you’ve been acting more and more like an asshole. I know this is hard for you. I know learning is hard and learning to be accepting and even tolerant doesn’t happen overnight. But Benjamin, I told you once before. I will not live with a man that I’m afraid of. Do not become someone I am afraid of.”
“You have no idea how hard this is!” he shouted, so loud your body shook. You forced yourself to meet his angry gaze, fighting back wetness in your own. “I do everything for you! Every goddamn day I try for you! I’m sorry your worthless piece of shit boyfriend isn’t doing it fast enough for you!”
“I never called you that,” you said quietly, throat thick from fighting back the tears from falling. “Never. All I have ever asked of you is to try and you Ben, these past few weeks you aren’t trying. I am not giving up on you. All I’m asking is you to not give up on yourself. You’re worth it. But you have to want it too.”
“What I want is you to stop hounding me over every little thing every motherfucking day!” he shouted. You tore your gaze away and swallowed before heading for the door. “Where the fuck are you going?”
“For a drive,” you said, putting your boots on, taking your coat off the hook. “For the record, all I wanted to do today was make you homemade beef stew because you haven’t had it since you were a kid. Maybe, just maybe, decorate for Christmas because we both had shitty childhoods and maybe we could have made our own good traditions. But if you don’t want that, Ben, I won’t force that on you. I’m done. I’ll always love you but I don’t deserve to be screamed at for helping you, for still holding up my end of the deal.”
You ripped open the door and threw up your hood without looking back. 
It was close to eleven when you got home. You were tired and your stomach felt off from your makeshift dinner of a greasy burger and fries. Least of all did you want another fight with Ben tonight. You just didn’t have the energy for it.
You sighed as you pushed open the door, catching sight of him out of the corner of your eye. Great. But you cut off your own thoughts as your eyes took in the room, darting through the family room and over to the kitchen and dining room. 
Hundreds of small lights filled the house. Draped on the wall. Wrapped around the decorated tree in the corner. Over the mantle where two stockings hung.
You knew you were standing there with your mouth open, letting the cold air inside behind you. Ben walked around the couch and shut the door, all while staring at you. He flickered his own gaze down and you caught his shirt wasn’t his usual thermals or t-shirts.
He had on a fucking Grinch sweater. A fucking Grinch sweater.
Your eyes flirted back to his, worried green ones meeting them. His lips parted, words caught in his throat. He swallowed, taking both your hands in his.
“You deserve a better life than this.” He lowered his head. “Than me. But you won’t leave me alone unless I make you go which is what I’ve been doing. I don’t want you to have to teach me everything. You’re wasting away your life on me. I’m not good. No matter what I do, I’ll never be good. I’m always the villian. I want better for you than me.”
You stared at the Grinch on his sweater, at the comically large yellow eyes, the curl of green on top of his head. 
“Y/N. Say something. Do something.” You lifted your gaze, his head turned cautiously up, waiting for a response. You stepped closer to him, Ben ripping his gaze away, like you’d burn him.
“Don’t you ignore me.” His head turned back, dropping your hands when you pulled them away. “Why did you do all this if you want me to go?”
“I never said I wanted you to go,” he whispered, cracking a sad smile. “I told you. I want you to want someone better than me.”
“Why did you do all of this?” you asked again, Ben closing his eyes, bottom lip trembling for a split second.
“Because…” he said, scrunching up his face, forcing himself to look you in the eye. “Because you’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Because you deserve better but I’m the bad guy and I can’t survive without you. Because you’re my girl. Because I like these fucking frilly lights even though I’m the Grinch. That guy was an asshole too until someone gave him a chance. Give me one more chance. Let me be selfish. Don’t let me lose you.”
“I…” you said, Ben nodding once and lowering his head. You ripped off your jacket and boots, Ben barely lifting his chin as you cupped his cheeks. “I’m so proud of you.”
Confusion crossed his face as you smiled, wiping away a single tear that slipped free. “Why? I fucked everything up.”
“We still have to work on that self-worth I see,” you said, gently stroking over his cheek. “Benjamin. I love you and I’ll never give up on you. If you want better for me then you become that man because I picked you. I see you becoming him more and more everyday. But this Ben? The one right in front of me? I don’t love him any less than that other man.”
“I was an ass on purpose. I scared you,” he said. “You should-”
“No, you didn’t. But you needed a wakeup call because baby, I know you. I know you want me to hate you some days because you hate yourself. I know you think you trapped me. But you saved me, Soldier Boy. I need you to remember I’m here because with you is exactly where I want to be.”
He closed his eyes, an argument on the tip of his tongue. But he surprised you. 
“I just want you to be happy,” he whispered. You kissed his cheek and then his lips, wrapping you arms around him tightly.
“I am. You’re my happy place.”
“Oh god that’s sad,” he half-laughed, resting his head on your shoulder. “I don’t think I’ve earned that.”
“Tell that to the guy who decorated the whole house with the frilly little lights,” you said, Ben chuckling. “If you want to leave me Ben you can but never do that again.”
“I promise and that’s not happening,” he said. He hugged you gently, the room quiet for a beat and then another. “I saved your stew. Maybe we can have it for lunch tomorrow?”
“Sounds good,” you said, enjoying the warmth of him around you. “Was today as bad as you said it was?”
“No. But I know how to make you think less of me,” he said, pulling back. “You should still be upset with me.”
“No,” you said, shaking your head. “We’re not doing that. I know what I want and that’s for you to feel like you can talk to me when you start feeling bad. Please.”
“I’ll try,” he offered and you nodded, knowing that was all he could promise right now. You rested your head against his chest and breathed slowly, his heart thudding away strong and steady. “No.”
You frowned and looked at him, Ben raising his chin, nodding to himself. “No?”
“I won’t try. I’ll do it. No more trying. I will be better. End of story. I’m going to give you what you deserve.” 
“Someday I hope you can see how fucking far you’ve come,” you said, Ben shrugging. “Come on. Let’s head to bed. I’m exhausted.”
“Ben,” you said the next morning as you lay curled up in his side. He traced his fingers up and down your arm, offering you a sleepy smile. “Can I give you a Christmas present early?”
“Eh, after yesterday I think I’m on the naughty list,” he said, catching the frown on your face. “Sorry. Working on the self-worth thing. So uh, I guess sure?”
You took his hand and slid it under your shirt over your belly, his eyes narrowing. “Listen.”
He closed his eyes, sliding his hand down slightly. He swallowed once, eyes flashing open. He stared at your stomach for a solid ten seconds before finding your face, lips parting.
“There’s another heartbeat inside of you,” he whispered. “Two more.”
“I know,” you said softly, placing your hand over his. “I found out yesterday morning. I went to the doctor while I was out. I’m eight weeks.”
“Twins?” You smiled and nodded, Ben’s hand still on you. “And they’re mine?”
“Of course they’re yours,” you laughed, Ben swallowing thickly. “Ben. It’s going to be okay. I’m scared too but excited. We-”
“I-Is it a boy? Are they boys?” he asked. You smiled and touched your forehead to his. “Can you know that before?”
“Nowadays yeah, but it’s a little too early to find that out,” you said, his breath hitching. “Do you…want boys?”
“No. No, I don’t want boys,” he said, suddenly jumping out of bed, hands going to his thighs as he leaned over and made a wincing sound. “You have to leave.”
“Excuse me?” you asked, sitting upright. Ben turned around, crossing his arms over his bare chest. 
“I should not be anyone’s father. I-I’m going to fuck these kids up. I can’t…Jesus Y/N. I’m going to lose my temper and hurt them. Or I’ll be awful and raise them wrong. I can’t ruin their lives. I-I can’t be my father. I can’t-” You put his hand back on your stomach, Ben’s chest rising and falling quickly.
“You guys are going to have the best daddy in the world if he loves you this much already,” you said. Ben wanted to argue more but you shushed him. “Whatever they are, they’re going to be just fine.”
“How do you know that?” he whispered.
“Because we know everything not to do.” He thumbed over your skin, spreading his palm out wide. “I have to ask you to try for me one more time, Ben. Try to believe you’ll be good at this.”
He closed his eyes, a tiny smile crawling onto his lips. “If you’d asked me a year ago, I’d have told you I’d be a perfect father. Now…I know I would have destroyed them, made them awful little people like me.”
“Please stop saying things like that,” you whispered. He nodded, touching his forehead to yours. 
“If you taught me, I guess these two will be alright. But I have to learn faster. I need to…shit I don’t know anything about babies. How much do they eat? What do they eat? And what the hell do babies wear nowadays? And-”
“Shush,” you murmured, smiling to yourself. “Calm down, super dad. We get to learn this together. Okay?”
“Okay.” Ben’s breathing slowed, his gaze flickering down between you, staring at his hand with a goofy little look. You almost teased him about looking happy for the first time but held back the comment. Whatever was going on in his head right now was healing him, even if it was ever so miniscule. 
And that was the best gift he ever could have given you.
“Merry Christmas Ben.”
“Merry Christmas, baby…and babies,” he chuckled, kissing the top of your head. “Thank you. All of you.”
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gtgbabie0 · 1 year
hi there! I love ur works so so much 🤍 everything by u is so sweet! can I request leon meeting a florist reader because he has to get flowers for something and when he sees her he’s already in love cause he thinks she’s really pretty 🥹 and they just have a really lovely encounter and he comes by the shop a lot and eventually he asks her out
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The pretty florist
{Leon falls in love with the pretty florist}
So so cute!! Hope you enjoy lovely! 💕
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Leon can’t remember much of his childhood and recently he found himself forgetting a lot more than just the past, for better or for worse, probably for the better he reckons. Still, today was special, the 24th of May, his grandmother's eightieth birthday, the strongest woman he knows.
He wants to give her something at least, no matter how many times she tells him ‘not to worry’ The least he can do is pick her up some flowers, and he finds himself drawn to the cute little flower shop, it seemed so out of place buried within the busy city.
He opens the door carefully, surprised at the little jingle of the bell and he’s hit with the strong aroma of flowers, it’s oddly pleasant, in a refreshing spring way.
“Oh! Good afternoon, looking for anything in particular?” you smile, popping your head around the corner as you walk behind the cash register, and Leon does nothing but stand there completely awestruck. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen someone so pretty, so angelic.
He clears his throat as he wrings his fingers with sudden nervousness, “H-hi- erm, yes” he stutters squeezing his eyes shut as he winces at how awful that sounded.
“I’ve umm, I’ve never done this, brought flowers I mean- well no I have- brought flowers- I just get them already arranged” he rambles, and he feels like an idiot.
But then you giggle, and it’s the most heartwarming sound that he’s ever heard and it somehow makes him feel a lot better, “Oh, It’s alright, let’s just start on why you’re buying them, and then we’ll go from there, okay?” You tell him with such a soft tone, he doesn’t know what to do with himself.
His heart shouldn’t be beating this fast, he’s only literally just met you, so why does he feel like his heart is going to explode?
“So what's the special occasion?” You ask.
“It’s erm, it’s my grandmother's birthday today- I wanted to get her something” he smiles as you nod, and he’s taken back at the way your eyes seem to glisten under the afternoon sun, such pretty eyes, he thinks.
You’re saying something and he knows he should be listening, but god, he’s so distracted by your beauty and the kindness that bleeds into your tone.
“-I’ll be one second alright?” You smile and before he could even begin to string a sentence together you’ve already disappeared behind the curtains and into the back room.
You return after just a minute, a beautiful bouquet in hand different variations of yellows and blues, with specks of white dotted around the bundle of beautiful flowers, and Leon finds a new appreciation for greenery.
“They— they’re beautiful thank you, she’s going to love them” he smiles, pleased with the arrangement and he watches carefully as you wrap them up finishing them off with a little white bow.
You look up at him as pulls out his wallet handing you the money, “You’re welcome, I’m glad you like them” You giggle, a prideful feeling settling in your chest.
You pick up the bouquet handing them to him and your skin warms up as his fingers brush against yours ever so slightly, you can’t stop the huge smile that adorns your face as you watch him leave. You can only hope you’ll see him again.
Your wishes were granted, Leon Kennedy, you learned his name became quite a regular sometimes he’d just visit to drop you off lunch, and you couldn’t lie it was nice having someone around. He was sweet.
Like every other day, Leon would pop over to your little flower shop, a coffee in hand and a sandwich of your choice with a huge smile stretched across his face.
“Ah! Leon, you’re my hero- thank you” you tell him as he places the bag on the countertop, chuckling at the way you rummage through the bag.
He watches as you take a bite of the sandwich with love in his eyes, and he can't help but wonder if you look at him with love-filled eyes when he looks away.
“So what’s brought you here today Lee?” You ask, wiping the corners of your mouth as he runs a nervous hand through his hair, a habit of his you picked up on. His heart flutters at the nickname that falls from your lips.
He clears his throat, “Well I- I wanted to ask you something” he stumbles, his hands wringing together with sudden nervousness.
“Yeah go ahead” you smile, urging him to continue.
Leon thinks he might pass out, or worse his heart might stop altogether, the past month he’s been working himself up to do this and now that he’s finally about to do it he can’t stop the tremor in his hands.
“I was- I was wondering if maybe- if you might want to go out some time together, dinner maybe?- like a date if you wanted to” his eyes study the floor beneath him, not daring to look up at you scared of any rejection that might stain your eyes.
But then you reach for his hand and his skin goes all staticky, and when he finally looks at that beautiful smile of yours his heart seems to find a calm rhythm.
his question sends you reeling with excitement and you go giddy at how he looks at you, awaiting your answer with a hopeful gleam in his blue eyes, “I- I would love to Leon” you giggle, noticing the redness that tints his cheeks.
“Is- is Friday good?” He wonders, trying to ignore how soft your hand feels against his.
“Yeah, Friday works,” you tell him excitement bursts through your chest as his thumb grazes ever so slightly over your knuckles.
Leon hasn’t felt like this in a very very long time, the way his heart practically skips beats, how his skin heats up and the butterflies that flutter around in his stomach, he can’t stop the bashful smile that stretches over his face.
“I’ll erm pick you up at seven,” he says as he grabs his car keys, “I- I gotta go- work- before I’m late- see you Friday” he smiles stumbling over himself as he waves goodbye before walking out the quaint little shop.
You giggle to yourself as you busy yourself with work, thinking about Friday and it couldn’t come sooner.
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lucvly · 7 months
can you do chris w a latina gf? i need that sm i’ve been asking everywhere 🙏🏻
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— chris with a latina girlfriend hcs! ⸰ 𖥔 ͙
warnings: a little suggestive but nothing too crazy ! not proofread oops
a/n: this was so fun to write ☹️
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— loooves it when you teach him how to dance. you taught him how to dance bachata because your tía kept making fun of his ass for not knowing how to dance. at first he Sucked but now he out dances you. + dances salsa better than you ever could.
— knows all of bad bunny and karol g’s discography thanks to you. he can name at least five songs from them from the top of his head.
— family gatherings are always such a rollercoaster with him it’s hilarious. you’ll literally be serving food for him and yourself when all the sudden he’s nowhere to be found ??? guess where he’s at... yeah, playing fortnite with your primos.
— has a really hard time remembering everyone’s names at first, especially your tías and primos.
— is such a cutie HELPP loves learning about your culture, he thinks it makes you way more special.
— if you’re fluent, he asks you to help him with a few spanish lessons just so he can communicate with your family a bit better.
— sometimes you call him spanish pet names and he just completely melts. (“mi amor”, “mi vida”, “cielo”) and he’s on his knees worshipping the ground you walk on.
— he gets along surprisingly well with your parents. overall he’s just easygoing so your mom had always loved him. your dad on the other hand... not so much.
— made a somewhat bad first impression on your dad because he was lowkey nervous ???
— after that terrible first impression with your dad, somehow they started getting along so well at the next family gathering though. your dad is calling him mijo atp like ??? those two would sit and watch soccer together, laughing their ass off and actually being excited about the game– (you and your mom are clueless as to when and how they started bonding).
— after that, whenever you visit their parents they’re always asking about chris.
— this one time, you went to visit your parents without chris because he was on tour with his nick and matt. your dad was so confused as to why he didn’t come with you ??? called chris & everything LMFAOO. you had to remind that man who his real child is 🙄🙄.
— he’ll start catching onto your superstitions subconsciously HELPP. you keep telling him to stop walking under flights of stairs or sweeping over people’s feet because it’s bad luck. at first he’s soo confused but he eventually starts telling his brothers to stop doing it as well because he’s terrified it’ll actually be bad luck.
— he definitely eats those 12 grapes with you at midnight after kissing you idgaf !!
— loves trying traditional dishes !! that man is eating all the empanadas and buñuelos at the family gathering idc,,,
— nick keeps teasing him because of how much he’s listening to bad bunny, daddy yankee, maluma and karol g LMFAOOO.
— +++ he tries singing the lyrics with his whole heart but miserably fails duh, you still think it’s cute how passionate he is about it though.
— he definitely had to get used to hugs and cheek kisses as a way of greeting people.
— this mf always ends up playing fortnite or minecraft with your little cousins.
— he knows how important grand gestures are in your culture so he’s going all out for anything and everything. this man will actually always show up with a bouquet of roses at your door and claim it’s your 1.2 year anniversary or something.
— he loves trying the weird food combinations LMAOO, he’s so surprised at how y’all come up with those combinations but always ends up trying them and loving them. (“who even thought of this?” “just try it amor, oh my god.”) ++ big fan of jelly and condensed milk, chicken and honey + hot chocolate and cheese.
— he finds it so amusing how you’re able to communicate in different languages like How ?? that’s too complicated in his mind– he really does find it captivating.
— i just know he’d be so into novelas. unironically sits down and watches la rosa de guadalupe with you. he thinks the plots are actually insane and he gets such a good laugh out of it. he loooves it.
— he has google translate ready for those rare occasions when you argue and you meaninglessly curse him out in spanish. lowkey finds it sexy bye 😣
— when you two start dating he starts to actually understand spanish, he can’t speak it even if his life depended on it but– this means you really can’t talk to your tías about his ass because he’ll understand every word. (he plays dumb though because he loves hearing you talk about how handsome he is and how much you love him bye)
— half of your family genuinely thinks his name is cristóbal ???
— lord save him from watching you dance old reggaeton. that man is drooling. i’m talking guatauba, candy, te imagino, etc !!! he has to take a deep breath and keep it together despite everything that’s going through his head.
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jagibee · 1 year
Call Me Luna
(Stray Kids x Reader)
Chapter 5
5,842 words
A/N: So so so very sorry for the delay! I’ve had like 3 major life changes since I’ve last posted so please forgive me😭
Hi :]
Oh my god he even uses that face in his texts.
By this time, it was around half an hour before the company car was picking you up again. You had all your stuff ready and were just waiting, and you decided to text Chan because you had his goddamn number and what stupid idiot would not text him?
I was just wondering… are there any Korean-specific subgender-based cultural norms that I should know about?
None that I can think of. Felix might hug you at some point and the others probably won’t but that’s more of their personalities than any cultural things. And we won’t blame you for not knowing everything about Korea! Felix went through the same thing when he moved here (and so did I many many centuries ago) so we all understand that it can be a lot and we want to help in any way we can!
After squealing into your pillow for a bit, you got the notification that the car was here. Before you rushed down, you remembered to respond to him.
You’re literally too nice! See you in a bit!
Hey, let me know when you arrive at the building! I can walk you in!
How were you supposed to survive today?
When the car arrived at the company, you made sure to tell Chan.
Great! See you down there ;)
What the hell was the winky face for? Was he trying to give you a heart attack?
You turned to watch the car drive away while you waited and then shifted your gaze to a nice omega couple who were laughing and holding hands as they walked. Smiling to yourself, you turned back to the company building just in time to see Chan jog out.
Stopping in front of you, he grinned and held out a large iced coffee.
You smiled back while cocking your head in confusion. “Hi?”
He shook the drink which made the ice rattle. “I got you a coffee.”
“Oh my- you didn’t have to do that!” Your heart warmed as your gaze flickered between the drink and his face.
He shrugged in response. “I had to buy coffee for all the kids anyway, and I should really pay you back for the food last night.” He rattled the drink again.
Taking it, you raised your eyebrows at him. “Again, the company paid for that. It wasn’t my money.”
Chan looked to the side. “Yeah, well, the company pays me and I bought that with money they paid me so if you think about it, the company paid for that, too. Ah!” He looked back at you. “If you don’t like coffee or iced Americanos, you don’t have to drink it! I wanted to surprise you and most of the kids drink iced Americanos, but next time I’ll ask!”
You shook your head at him. “Next time? You anticipate buying me coffee often?”
He smiled even wider at you. “Well, we can’t have our star caretaker falling asleep on the job, can we?”
You giggled at that. “Star caretaker? You’ve known me for less than 24 hours and I haven’t even met the rest of your pack, I don’t think you can really judge my caretaking abilities based on that.”
Chan’s smile morphed into a smirk. “Yeah, but you bought me food, so that tells me enough.”
You rolled your eyes at him playfully. “You are ridiculous.”
His jaw dropped. “Hey, I will take that coffee back! I’m sure one of my members will enjoy the extra caffeine!”
Hugging the coffee to your chest, you hissed at him jokingly. “Stay away from my coffee!”
You turned away and saw Jisu step out of the building, holding a few papers and a pen. “Ah, Y/N!” She narrowed her eyes at the sight of you and Chan but seemed to ignore it as she turned to you and handed you one of her papers. “Here is your schedule for today, each of the caretakers will meet one-on-one with a member from the caretaking department, and you are actually assigned to me. There’s just a couple more things sign pertaining to what you can and can’t say on camera or in public, and then you should be done with all that. Then you will meet with your band’s leaders, or,” she paused, glancing at Chan who had been standing silently behind you the whole time, “in your case, you’ll be meeting a few of the other members. That will be in time for lunch, which you can get from the cafeteria and after you eat with the members, Bang Chan can dictate what you do with the rest of your day and if you will spend more time with the band or not.”
You turned slightly to see Chan smile at you softly. “Nah,” he said, tilting his head, “I think I’ll probably kick her out of the company by then.”
You resisted the urge to kick him and settled for a flick on the shoulder.
He cupped his hand over where you flicked him and stumbled backwards dramatically, causing you to roll your eyes in response. Yeah, like he can even feel it through those damn arm muscles.
Turning back to Jisu, you saw she had a calculating look on her face, cat-eyes squinted and eyebrows furrowed. You straightened up and adjusted your outfit in order to appear more professional. She blinked a couple times before fidgeting with the pen in her hands. “Shall we get going, then?”
You nodded and followed her into the building and up the elevator, staying silent the whole time.
Yesterday, Jisu had been professional, but today she seemed colder. You got through a presentation and a couple contracts without her saying a single word other than what she had to, and when she did speak, there was no emotion in her voice at all.
Oh, god, is she jealous of me? Does she have a thing for Chan?
You thought back to your interaction earlier.
She didn’t really say a single word to him, did she? She just looked at him when she talked about him. But he didn’t really say anything to her either, which seems a bit unlike him.
Your phone buzzed, bringing you away from your thoughts. You glanced up at Jisu and saw her turning away from you. Checking your phone subtly under the table, you couldn’t help smiling.
Link -> The Top Ten Best Mini Fridges For Sale
Should I get the one that plays elevator music? I’m sure that won’t get irritating fast
Seeing Jisu concentrated on looking over the last contract, you texted Chan back.
How do you know it’s elevator music?
Actually the review says it plays Happy Birthday. My bad!
You muffled a giggle at that.
But that’s even better! Now, when it’s one of your members’ birthdays, instead of sitting awkwardly while 7 other dudes sing happy birthday, they can sit awkwardly while the fridge sings happy birthday!
Yeah but it doesn’t actually have the lyrics, just the music :’(
Ooh so the fridge can play music while 7 other dudes sing Happy Birthday! Maximum Awkwardness!
You saw Jisu straighten up out of the corner of your eye and you put your phone away.
She smiled politely at you, looking just a bit less playful than the way she smiled yesterday. “Alright, Y/N, it seems like you’re finally done with the contracts and presentations. I’ll be taking you to meet Chan and the others now.”
On the way to wherever it was that Jisu was leading you, she walked briskly and you had to basically jog to keep up. You pondered asking her what was wrong but you figured that after only two days, you weren’t exactly bestie-level friends.
She stopped in front of a door and knocked. Quicker than you expected, a curly-haired, beanie-covered head poked out of the room and smiled at you.
“Y/N! Hi!” Chan exclaimed, like he hadn’t just texted you a couple minutes ago.
Jisu cleared her throat. “Alright, I will be in Conference Room 6B if anyone needs me.” With that, she walked off seemingly even faster than she walked here.
Unfazed, Chan turned to you. “Are you ready to meet the others?”
You took a deep breath and tried to shake your nerves out. “Ready as I’ll ever be. Let’s do this.”
Your heart pounded as you stepped through the doorway.
The first thing you noticed was the smell. After working all day with just you and Jisu, each wearing heavy duty scent blockers, you had gotten used to the relatively scentless air of the company building, but when you walked into the room, there were several sweet scents overlapping to fill the space.
It looked to be a dance studio, but a bit smaller than the ones that idols usually had in their dance practice videos, and there was a circle of wooden crates in the very center of the room, some of which were occupied by-
Holy shit.
Holy shit.
Holy motherfucking shit.
You were in a room with over half of Stray Kids.
And they were staring at you. Fuck, do something cool, you told yourself. Before you could do something that would have been completely awkward and embarrassing and unforgettable, your hours of Jisu’s and Kwang-sun’s etiquette classes kicked in and you bowed and greeted them formally.
The members on the crates glanced at each other briefly. Felix was curled up against I.N on one of the larger boxes and had their legs splayed out on another. Hyunjin had shoved a few crates together to lay down all the way with his head in Lee Know’s lap, his neck in some sort of headlock/neck hug from the older boy.
Chan appeared beside you after shutting the door, resting his hand on your back.
“Hey, guys, this is Y/N.” He turned to smile at you. “Our new caretaker.”
His warm voice and soft eyes made you feel like you were in your own nest back home with a nice hot drink and your favorite book. Before you spent too long staring at Chan, you turned your head to the shuffling coming from the other boys.
Felix had untangled himself from I.N and made his way over, beaming at you. He grasped both of your hands in his and met your gaze. “Hello, Y/N! It’s nice to meet you!”
You had to quit. You had to. You could not handle Lee fucking Felix saying your name in that perfect voice or his flawless hands gently holding yours. This was going to kill you.
Taking a deep breath, you squeezed his hands. “It’s nice to meet you, too. I look forward to working with you.”
You felt something bump your hip and turned to see Chan grinning mischievously. “There’s no need to be so formal, Y/N. None of us are that serious.”
Your jaw dropped in mock offense. “I’m just trying to make a good impression!”
Chan rolled his eyes at you sarcastically before smiling and showing off his dimples. “The company has already hired you and made you sign a thousand contracts, you would have to make a pretty bad impression for us to get rid of you. Plus, you gave me food, so I already like you. Speaking of which,” he added, looking back at the others, “we should get some lunch. Any suggestions?”
Hyunjin suddenly started wriggling around violently in Minho’s grasp. “I suggest that hyung lets go of me so I can talk to Y/N properly!”
Minho, who had been staring at you analytically, turned his gaze to the boy in his lap who was still squirming frantically. Then he looked up at Chan. “Hyunjin wants tissues for lunch. Think we can arrange that?”
Felix giggled and squeezed your hands again while Chan shut his eyes and sighed. “I thought we agreed to be on our best behavior.”
Minho’s eyebrows raised at his pack alpha. “When did I agree to that, hyung? You just said we should be on our best behavior and assumed, incorrectly, that we would agree. I think she should see us at our worst. That way, we can only get better.”
You smiled at him. “I think that if feeding each other tissues is really your worst, I don’t have too much to worry about.”
After you said that, Minho’s eyes narrowed at you appraisingly and his mouth twitched like he wanted to say something more.
Suddenly, Jeongin spoke. “Trust me, hyung, that is definitely not your worst. Hopefully, for her sake, she will never have to see that. And hopefully, for my sake, I never have to see it again.”
Minho turned to the youngest. “What do you think is the worst?”
Chan cleared his throat. “Any edible suggestions for lunch?”
“Pfft. You can eat paper.”
Chan fixed Minho with a glare until the younger rolled his eyes. “Fine. There’s that place a couple streets down that we ate from when we got back from Bangkok.”
“Sounds good!” Chan clapped his hands together. “Anyone against it?”
The younger members shook their heads and stayed relatively silent while Chan called to order, only to start up again when I.N asked Minho if he ate paper a lot as a child.
When Minho had launched himself across the crate circle at the youngest, Hyunjin was finally released. He sat up and dashed over to you and Felix, smiling shyly at you.
“Hello, Y/N.”
“Hello, Hyunjin.” Looking over the two beside you, you felt a quiver of excitement. “So this is it,” you told them, “you’re my omegas.”
They enchanged glances and turned to smile at you even wider. “Yeah,” Felix said, “I guess so!” He took one of his hands from your little tangle and offered it to Hyunjin, who took it, and in turn, offered you his own. You placed your hand in Hyunjin’s, completing the circle.
“I hope I do well,” you murmured, “I can’t believe I get to work with some of the prettiest and most talented omegas on the planet.”
Two pairs of ears had turned red when Chan walked over, finishing his call to the restaurant. “Okay,” he announced, “the food should be here in about 45 minutes. In the meantime-”
A shriek was heard from the other side of the room, where Minho and Jeongin had been wrestling. Currently, Minho was sitting on top of the other boy and a spare pair of sweatpants had seemingly materialized out of nowhere and been wrapped around I.N’s head.
Chan sighed and went over to help settle things.
You looked at Felix and Hyunjin and frowned. “Should I help?”
Hyunjin shook his head at you. “Ah, no. It’s better to just leave them to sort it out.” He rolled his eyes playfully. “Alphas.”
Sure enough, Chan was walking back to your small circle with Minho thrown over his shoulder. Jeongin trailed behind, his hair going in all different directions, but with a satisfied smirk on his face.
“As I was saying,” Chan stated casually, like he wasn’t carrying a grown man over his shoulder, “the food will be here soon, so I figured that we could use this time to ask Y/N things in order to get to know her. What do you think?”
You realized his last question was addressing you. “Oh! That sounds perfect. Ask whatever you want.”
Chan smiled at you, showing off his dimples. “Great! Shall we have a seat?”
You and the boys maneuvered the crates until you each got comfortable. Minho had sat down on one and immediately pulled Felix into his lap, without much protest from the younger boy. Hyunjin was on the floor leaning back against a crate and had Jeongin resting between his legs. Chan had opted to sit closer to you with both of you sitting on the long crate.
“Y/N!” Chan turned to you. “Are there any questions you want to ask us?”
You tilted your head to the side, thinking. “Hmm. I guess, what do you want me to call each of you? Do you want me to call you by your stage names or any nicknames or anything?”
Chan looked around at the others. “I think most of us don’t really care about what you call us. Our fans call us by every nickname we have so as long as you aren’t insulting us or anything, anything should be fine. Everyone agree?”
Minho raised his hand slightly from where it had been resting around Felix’s waist. “I actually don’t care off-camera, but I would prefer if you called me ‘Lee Know’ on camera.”
You nodded at him. “I can do that for sure. Anything else?”
He shrugged back at you. “That’s it.”
“Okay.” You smiled at everyone. “I don’t actually have any more questions, so you guys can ask me questions now.”
Felix squirmed in Minho’s lap. “Can we- no, nevermind.”
Chan frowned. “No, Felix, what were you going to say?”
“You can ask me anything,” you told him. “If I’m going to be your caretaker, we should be comfortable with each other.”
Felix hesitated for a second before speaking again. “Is it alright if- you can totally say no- but…” He paused and laced his fingers through Minho’s, continuing to stare down at them. “Could you… take your scent blockers off? I just want to get used to your scent if we’re going to be around each other a lot.”
You sat up a bit straighter. “Of course! Can I- am I allowed to take my scent blockers off here?”
Turning to Chan, you saw him furrow his eyebrows together. “Yeah,” he responded, “the eight of us usually like to hang out without them, so if it’s just us without any managers or other staff, we don’t usually wear blockers. All of the other employees know to knock to give us time to reapply them before they come in, so you don’t need to worry about that.”
“Alright,” you murmured, “if everyone is comfortable with it.” You glanced around the circle but no one protested.
Slowly, you reached a hand to pull off your scent blocker.
Your floral-earthy scent washed over the others and they took a moment to take it in.
You glanced at each of them to observe their reactions. Having smelled it before, Chan just smiled softly. I.N slumped more from in between Hyunjin’s legs and Hyunjin blinked rapidly. Minho’s hands tightened around Felix’s waist before relaxing again, and Felix closed his eyes and leaned back against him.
With the blocker off, your own sense of smell was heightened and the scents of the others became stronger. With all five of them, it was hard to differentiate the different smells, but you sort of liked the chaotic mix that belonged to them.
A pinging sound broke you and the others out of your trance and Chan fished his phone out of his pocket. “Ah,” he muttered, “the food’s here.”
“I’ll get it,” Minho said, standing up suddenly and picking up Felix from his place on his lap. A small whine escaped the younger boy in surprise as he was yanked up, but he quieted when Minho deposited him in Chan’s lap.
Chan’s only reaction was to rest his hands on Felix’s hips. You got the feeling that them passing each other around like stuffed animals wasn’t anything new.
While Minho put on a fresh scent blocker and got himself together to go down and get the food, Felix peeked at you from his place against Chan’s neck.
“Wait.” Something suddenly occurred to you and you turned to Chan. “I thought we were supposed to eat the cafeteria food. Why did you order something?”
He rested his head on top of Felix’s and squinted at you. “The cafeteria food is good, but you deserve something better for your first day with us. Plus,” he added, eyes glinting, “I owe you for last night.”
You pouted at him. “I told you that you don’t have to pay me back. That was the company’s money, and you already got me a coffee!”
“Oh,” Hyunjin piped up. “So that’s why you got an extra coffee this morning. I knew you weren’t ‘just trying something new,’ you liar.”
Chan gaped at him. “Uh, technically, I’ve never given coffee to Y/N before, so I was trying something new, and I wasn’t lying.”
“Hyung, oh my god,” I.N groaned. “No one cares about your coffee and whether or not you were lying.” His head slumped in your direction. “Noona, just let him buy food for you. It makes him happy. Part of his whole ‘head alpha leader’ thing.”
You giggled at that. “Fine. But it’s literally in my job description for me to take care of you guys, so let me buy you food every once in a while, okay?”
Chan opened his mouth to protest, but was interrupted by Minho entering the room.
“Yah, come and get it, you gremlins!”
The younger members swarmed the takeout bags while you and Chan followed more slowly. Soon, they had the food all laid out on the floor and you crouched down beside it. I.N scooted over to sit between you and Minho on your right, Felix sat on your left, leaning against Hyunjin on his other side, and Chan took his place directly across from you.
While the others were sorting the food, Chan handed out water bottles to everyone. “Does our maknae want to say anything?”
Jeongin unscrewed the cap and lifted the bottle in a toast. “Y/N-noona, welcome and good luck. Hyungs, don’t embarrass me or yourselves too much.”
You and the others laughed and they rolled their eyes while you each drank.
The group started eating in relative silence, occasionally one of them would ask what you liked and would pass you something to try, but they seemed to be pretty concentrated on eating.
Then, Minho broke the silence. “So Y/N, what exactly is your interaction with us supposed to be like on camera?”
Putting your bowl down, you considered his question. “Well, for now, they don’t want me going on lives or doing anything super public because I guess I haven’t built that trust yet. I’ll travel with you through the airport, go to your concerts, and be with you whenever all eight of you are together, but if you all have individual schedules, I’ll just go where I’m needed. That will probably be worked out between Chan, your managers, and I.”
You paused for a second, swirling your spoon in your bowl thoughtfully. “They also want me to be sort of known? I’ll be on camera more than your managers and they want to make it clear to the public that you guys and the other groups have caretakers, but they don’t really want to put a spotlight on me as a person. They want someone with a caretaker title and maybe a face to that title, but they don’t want people to be super interested in me.”
Minho’s eyebrows furrowed. “That’s going to backfire.”
Your head tilted in confusion. “What do you mean?”
He shrugged. “The more mysterious you are, the more people will be interested in you. Or they’ll just make things up in order to give you a personality and suddenly there are rumors all over the place.”
You took another bite of food before responding. “I’ll just continue doing what the company tells me. If it backfires, it’s on them and not me. Plus, I don’t really care about rumors. I know who I am and no matter what random people on the Internet have to say, I’ll still be the same person.”
Hyunjin laughed at that. “So much backbone! Binnie-hyung is going to love you!”
You smirked at him. “And you? Do you love me?”
Hyunjin blinked in surprise but before he responded, Felix piped up from between the two of you. “Hey, noona, you said you’re going to be with us when it’s all eight of us, but what about the dorms? Are you staying at one of them or going back and forth?”
You couldn’t help but smile at Felix when he shoveled a few too many noodles into his mouth. “I’ll actually be getting my own place,” you explained. “The company agreed because it means that you guys won’t be suffocated by me right away and if you ever need a mental break away from cameras or the other members, my apartment will be sort of a neutral zone for you to just chill. Actually,” you added, checking the date on your phone, “I’m supposed to look at apartments this weekend.”
“Really?” Chan looked up from his own food. “I’ll go with you.”
You choked on the bite you had just taken. After clearing your throat, you shook your head at him. “You don’t have to do that! You’re probably busy anyway.”
He shrugged. “I was just planning on working in the studio but I’ve been spending too much time in there anyway. Plus, I could help you find a space that’s good for all of us.”
You hummed. “That does make sense, but you really don’t have to if you don’t want to!”
Chan waved his chopsticks at you. “No no no no, I want to go with you!”
“Alright,” you huffed. “You can come with me, if you really want to.”
“Can I come, too?”
You turned to Jeongin and tilted your head. “You want to come?”
He nodded shyly and turned to Chan. “I don’t have any schedules in the morning.”
Chan shrugged back at him. “It’s fine with me if it’s alright with Y/N.”
You smiled at both of them. “Sure. I’m supposed to meet the real estate person at 9. I’ll text you the address.”
Hyunjin sighed loudly and flopped backwards. “Why do I have to have a vocal lesson? I want to go apartment shopping!”
Felix giggled and laid back until his head rested on Hyunjin’s stomach. “Hey, at least the rest of us can’t go either. We can all suffer together.”
Minho groaned and stood up. “If everyone is done eating, we should start practicing soon. I gave us an extra long break already.”
You all helped to clean up and shove the crates to the corner of the room. Chan told you that this was all they had for the day so you could just sit back and watch them.
“But this is brand new choreography,” he added playfully, “don’t take a video and spoil our moves on Twitter!”
You laughed at that. “I think that would violate around seven of my contracts.”
He smiled and took his place.
You watched them dance for a while, time seemed to slow down and pass faster at the same time.
Their moves were hypnotizing and there was one point where you audibly gasped and Minho turned back to smirk at you.
Your phone screen told you that a little over an hour had passed before the boys finally took a break. Each of them collapsed on the spot except for Minho, who made his way over to you.
With four other sweaty men in the room, you couldn’t exactly pinpoint his scent, and you didn’t remember what his file had said, but you could tell that he smelled sweet, which was a bit surprising. You had expected an alpha like him to have a harsher scent. A scent that deodorant companies would bottle up and name something like “CLIFF JUMP” or “CAR CRASH”. Maybe Minho would be “TIGER FANGS” if he had a scent like you had expected.
But he didn’t.
He sat next to you, wrapping a washcloth around his neck and draining his water bottle. “So.” He turned to face you. “What do you think?”
You raised your eyebrows at him jokingly. “I think your fans would appreciate more twerking.”
Hyunjin burst into a cackle and turned over so he was laying on his belly, then pressed his forehead into the floor. The others still seemed too exhausted to laugh, let alone move.
You smiled at them and made your way over to their water bottles, trying your best to remember which one belonged to which member.
You passed them out, receiving grateful smiles in exchange. When you got to Chan, instead of drinking from his bottle like the rest of the boys were and like any normal person would do after an hour of intense dancing, he just hugged his water bottle to his chest and grinned at you lazily.
“Thanks, Y/N. You didn’t have to do that.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “It’s literally in my job description to take care of you all. When are you going to get that through your head, Bang Chan?” You huffed, kicking his feet.
“Don’t even try with him, noona,” I.N wheezed, finally able to speak. “Hyung is allergic to being cared for.”
“Yeah,” you mused, “I got the feeling.”
They danced for a few more hours, using the last half to practice their older songs and keep them fresh.
At one point, you were caught unconsciously moving your arms and legs like the dance called for. Your face went hot when the boys started imitating you and calling you cute.
One of these days, you were going to die of a heart attack.
At least you would die happy.
At the end of dance practice, Felix sank into the seat next to you and laid his head on your shoulder. You were a bit surprised at the affection but you welcomed it happily, lifting your hand to run through his hair.
Chan came to stand in front of you, the other members packing up their water bottles in their bags.
“So,” he huffed, still not fully recovered from the workout, “do you want to quit yet or do you still think you can handle eight of us?”
You smiled at him teasingly. “Are you that desperate for me to quit? You could just fire me, at least I would get a good compensation package.”
Before Chan could respond, you felt a tug at your wrist and turned to see Felix sniffing along it. When he caught your curious gaze, his eyes widened and he dropped your wrist like it burned him.
“Sorry!” He licked his lips and your thoughts evaporated momentarily. “I didn’t- you just smell so good, noona.” He scooted away from you and looked guiltily at Chan.
Choosing to analyze that later, you moved back into Felix’s space. “Hey, it’s alright! Here,” you grasped his wrist in your hands, mirroring his previous position, “I’ll smell you and that way we’re even. If that’s okay with you.”
He smiled softly and nodded at you, so you lifted his wrist to your nose and- oh fuck.
Felix’s scent flooded your senses. It smelled mostly like lemon but with a hint of something sweet as well. Maybe lemon pie or lemon cake? Definitely something lemon flavored with frosting. You felt like you could have started floating like a cartoon character when they smell something tasty. It wasn’t fair that he could smell like this after hours of intense dancing.
You looked up at the word and were honestly surprised to see the other boys there. It really just felt like you and Felix floating on a lemony cloud. Even Chan’s presence had faded away.
Hyunjin was staring at you with his mouth parted, his hands paused where they had been rifling through his bag.
You froze. What the hell did he mean by that? Were you going to be fired for smelling Felix? And right after you had joked about getting fired? What kind of sick irony was that?
Before you could spiral any further, Hyunjin turned to Chan with his lips pouted. “Hyung,” he whined, “they’re too sexy for people who are already cute! Tell them they can’t be cute and sexy!”
You snorted at that. “Well, then you’re breaking your own rule, Hwang Hyunjin.”
His mouth parted in surprise before his lips moved into a shy smile as he looked away and zipped up his bag.
Chan made sure everyone’s scent patches were on and they had their things before exiting the dance studio. You walked down to the cars, listening as the boys decided to just take one car and have Hyunjin spend the night at the other dorm. Chan told them he was staying at the studio, which surprised no one, but the announcement was still met with groans.
“Hey, you can’t just blame me this time,” he said defensively, “Changbin and Hannie are joining me there!”
The groans of the others continued. “That doesn’t make it better,” I.N muttered.
Chan rolled his eyes as you made your way outside and shoved them towards one of the waiting vans. Minho started corralling them while Chan waited with you for the next van to pull up. Felix suddenly shot forward and wrapped his arms around you, tucking his head into your neck like he was trying his best to smell you despite the scent blockers you wore. You hugged him back before Minho patted Felix’s butt in a little “let’s go” gesture. The two of them along with Jeongin and Hyunjin waved at you as they finally got into the van.
“Bye, noona!” “See you, noona!” “It was nice to meet you, noona!”
You smiled and waved back at the younger members. Minho, the last one to get in, turned to you. “I hope you manage to survive meeting the others,” he smirked.
As they drove off, Chan edged closer to you and bumped your shoulder with his. “That went well, I think.”
You grinned at him. “Yeah, just be sure to let me know if any of them secretly hate me.”
He rolled his eyes playfully. “They like you more than they like me, but sure.”
“Just wait until I have them kick you out and elect me to be the new leader of Stray Kids.”
The van pulled up next to the two of you. Chan sighed. “Well, I guess this is it. I’ll see you tomorrow, Y/N. Or should I say leader-nim?”
His eyes glimmered at you in a way that made you want to take a picture and keep it in your wallet.
In order to keep what was left of your sanity, you turned to the van and opened the door. “Call me what you want,” you told him over your shoulder, “but can I call you mine?”
You took a seat in the van and watched his jaw drop before he started giggling. You closed the door and watched him as you drove away. He was still smiling and had brought his hands up to half-cup half-hide his face.
I could get used to a view like this.
(Bold means I can’t tag you, sorry for the inconvenience!)
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Ok, but a Dreamling fic where either:
A) Dream is courting Hob, but Hob doesn't know
B) Hob is courting Dream, but Dream doesn't know
I mean, it literally works either way, and yes I will be promptly expanding on that right now.
Let's take fic A: Give me Dream courting Hob but in an obscure way, like taking him to Fiddlers Green (aka the heart of the Dreaming) and showing him one of his most beloved creations; give me Dream conjuring specific foods from Hob's past, meals and desserts that he knows Hob still idly daydreams about but can't find anymore, or don't taste quite right. Yet the ones Dream gift him taste exactly like how he remembers.
Dream shows his favour for Hob by steering clear his nightmares, sometimes even personally curating a dream when he can't visit him himself. And visit him Dream does - both in The Dreaming and in The Waking. When Hob enters his realm, most nights Morpheus can be found within his dreams, allowing Hob to shape the world around them as he sees fit unless Morpheus wants to show him something in particular.
And when Dream does show him around... think of Hob complimenting stuff in the Dreaming, slightly flustering Morpheus because he is unrelenting is his curiosity and awe at Dreams realm, at his creations-
Dream thinking to himself that Hob is such a FLIRT, because The Dreaming and everything in it is Morpheus, so of course he takes pride in it...but here's Hob praising it all left right and centre. Hob's obvious wonder and verbal appreciation of anywhere they go or anything Dream does (because there are no limits in the dreaming and oh my god is there a dragon on that castle...YOUR CASTLE??...i didn't even have a castle wtf) just makes Dreams feelings all the more tender and...its worth the surprised look Lucienne gives him when he only smiles fondly at Hob while the immortal praises the magnificence of the library and the quality of the printing.
In The Waking (and they do meet frequently in the waking because Hob will be damned if he ever waits 100 years to see Dream again), Hob is surprised by how warm Dream is towards him; he no longer sits rigid and regal but instead relaxes into his seat, sometimes tapping Hob's shoe under the table with his own when he sits down, though Hob's sure it's an accident (the first time, it was). He smiles more often, though no more freely- its the same small knowing smile he's always had, and it melts Hob as much as it surprises him. He doesn't know why Dream seems more...fond, but he's not going to be the one to point it out lest Dream stop or leave him again. The attentions nice anyway, from His Dream.
Just give me Dream doing stuff that to HIM is romantic but to Hob its mildly confusing yet very pleasant. And again, Hob will gladly take all of this without question because even though he feels just a little bit like there's something he's not getting, he won't risk upsetting Dream again. He knows it wasn't Dreams fault for missing their 1989 meeting, but he still did storm out of their 1889 meeting and all hell broke loose for him in the years that followed. Hob figures its better to accept all the welcome changes and gifts, rather than put his foot in his mouth again by bringing it up and risking Dream leaving, risking not know where his friend is or if he's safe.
AND FIC B. Give me Hob deciding to court Dream, to go old school and work his way up to asking him out because he needs to gauge his reactions first before he dives all in. Hob learnt a lesson in 1889, and so while he might be taking some of the courage he had back then to start courting Dream, he wouldn't put himself out there like that again and have it backfire even more monumentally. No, he'll work his way up to it.
Give me Hob asking Dream to meet him at places outside the Inn, simply taking walks together and enjoying good conversation. He lays a hand on Dreams shoulder when they part, the other balled up in his jacket pocket from nerves, and the smile on his face from Dream allowing it, from Dream looking at his hand on his shoulder and then smiling at Hob in that small knowing way he always does... Hob doesn't stop grinning for the rest of the night.
Give me Hob tapping his shoe against Dreams under the table sometimes, to emphasise a point, to touch him without being obvious. Give me Hob, in the dreaming, shaping the world around them to be a beautiful flowering meadow where the colour of the blossoms match that of Dreams eyes. Have him conjure wine - wine with no name for all he thinks when creating it in his dream is that it simply must be the finest - and watch Dream, for perhaps the first time ever, drink something with him.
Give me Hob complimenting the Dreaming, yes again, because truly it is astounding in its beauty and complexity, but also because he thinks its cute how Morpheus smiles and looks from under his eyelashes at him. Give me Hob buying a pair of earrings for Dream because they glistened like stars when he walked past them, and now he's panicking because what the fuck was he thinking and they're dainty but feel like they're burning a hole through his pocket as he waits for Dream and he probably has time to run upstairs above the Inn and put them down in his flat but-
Dream walks in the door, so he's stuck. And maybe he picks up on Hob's nervous energy, because shortly after sitting down his face becomes serious and he asks Hob what's wrong. And Hob is sweating bullets but he just looks at him for a moment and pulls the earrings out of his jacket pocket, setting them gently on the table between them.
And Dreams confused, but when Hob manages to get out a "For you. They're uh, for you." He relaxes and gives Hob a pleased but surprised "For me?". Give me Hob explaining that he saw them and thought of Dream, trying to pass it off as casual because he doesn't know if he's being too hasty and if it'll scare him off, but also trying to say just enough that if Dream were interested, he'd pick up on it.
Suffice to say Hob's brain stops working the next time he sees Dream, wearing the earrings he bought. He's out of it for a solid 15 minutes, eyes mostly focused on the shine of the gems and holy shit he's actually wearing them oh my god he put them on is he interested is he accepting my courtship holy shit oh wait fuck he's looking at me what did he say what did I say-
Give me Hob picking a flower for him on one of their walks, handing it over with a simple "For you". Hob brushing their fingers together on the table at the inn, resting his foot against Dreams. Hob tugging Dreams sleeve to get him to lay down in the grass beside him in Fiddlers Green, occasionally tapping his foot with his or pressing his arm against him as he talks.
Hob actually flirting with Morpheus, emboldened by the earrings his soon to be lover continues to wear. Dream amassing a small shrine of tokens and gifts Hob brings him, ones he's always pleased though still confused to get. He did not think humans partook in gift giving this often, but perhaps he was mistaken.
The most important part of either fic is that the one doing the courting thinks its going great. And by all means...it is. Both parties are happy, though one is slightly confused. And I don't imagine they would get far physically without this misunderstanding coming to light; Hob would def ask to kiss Dream and Dream would go "...what?" because while the idea is pleasing, for him it's coming out of nowhere while for Hob, they've been working towards it for months and thats fine bc hes got all the time in the world and he would never rush Dream.
Cue Hob losing the confidence he had two seconds ago (Hob's had centuries to become well acquainted with himself in every aspect, he's confident in most things about himself but when it comes to Dream...hes always flipping between confidence and foolishness). Hob just being like "wdym what 🤠" and slowly they both realise they've been living two different realities these past few months.
Alternatively, Dream I think would also ask to kiss Hob...to which, you guessed it, Hob responds with "...what?". There's still a smile on his face, though it's more in confusion now and his eyebrows are drawn. And I def think Dream would just look at him for a moment before repeating "I asked if I may kiss you, Hob Gadling. Our courtship has gone so well, I should like to take it further, if you are willing."
"...courtship? Dream, what...what courtship?"
And of course, this would be the point where slowly they both realise they've been living two different realities these past few months. And, because Dream is Dream, this conversation would absolutely end with him on the verge of tears, whisking himself away back to the dreaming or simply "This dream is over" ing Hob if they were in The Dreaming to begin with. Hob would reach for him with a "No, wait-" but it's useless because Dreams gone either way.
Has to have a happy ending though, Hob's stubborn enough that he just calls for Dream when he goes to sleep again (says a mix of things- pleads for Dream to come talk to him, says he's honoured to be courted, threatens to bang pots and pans together outside his castle cause fuck it he'll find a way to get there, Lucienne will let him in or Matthew would show him the way if he asked he's sure, he even apologises at some point because it's beginning to feel like 1889 all over again).
It probably just ends up with Hob loudly confessing his own love in a multitude of ways, because what has he got to lose if Dreams left him already. Except Dream hasn't left, and he comes back, soothed by Hob's declaration of affection and perhaps slightly chastised by Lucienne for assuming Hob would understand the meaning of his odd courting rituals (I like to think he threw himself into a room all dramatic like and Lucienne just ends up standing outside the door going "...Did we ask Hob if he would accept being courted? No?...Did we research human courting customs and try to incorporate some of those, my lord? No?....*insert knowing silence*..." bc I KNOW Lucienne out here using the royal "we" while dealing with Dream).
Anyway. Big thoughts. Feel free to have at this if anyone wants to write anything, I just need a "We're courting" "...We are?" friends to lovers happy ending angst hurt/comfort fic.
(This post is long enough but also there's a secret 3rd option where one of them THINKS they're being courted by the other, so they respond in kind with gifts of their own and genuinely think the other person is trying to court them so they accept and go along with it bc...theyre idiots in love, your honour. But, as is the theme, there's a fundamental miscommunication where they're not actually being courted, the other just feels more secure in their 'friendship' and therefore brings gifts and touches bc they're friends now right and friends do that...not for any other reason...)
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toppersjeep · 8 months
This Love- George Russell X Reader
Summary: You are a driver for Mercedes and the sister of Carlos Sainz. You’ve always thought George hated you. But in reality he was deeply in love with you. So when you start to doubt yourself George talks to you. And then you slowly realize something.
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Your POV
“God I suck” I said throwing my helmet. I was completely frustrated getting P11. Max pushed me off the track. Yet I got in trouble for it. Maybe I just wasn’t good enough to be in this sport.
“I should just quit honestly there’s way better drivers” I said. “Why give up now” George said. “You don’t get it at least your winning” I said taking my gloves off. “I do get it” George said. “You don’t have to be nice to me” I said.
“But I don’t hate you like you think I do Y/N” George said I didn’t say anything. I just turned away from him. “I know you think that I do.. but I don’t hate you” George said putting a hand on my shoulder. “You know you are so talented” George said.
“I just wish you could see yourself in my eyes Y/N.. I e always admired you” he said I teared up. “And I don’t think you should quit” George said. “You are so amazing at what you do.. and I don’t know what I’d do if you quit” George said.
“Hell I’d probably quit you know.. you inspire me sometimes” he said. “Your just saying that” I said. “No I’m not I’d never lie to you” George said. “I thought you” I said turning around. “Hated you no I.. don’t hate you” George said looking at me.
“But you’ve always seemed so” I said. “… no I” he said cupping my cheek. “George” I said. “You are so beautiful” he said I blushed. “Stop” I said moving his hand. “What are you so afraid of” George said. “Is this a joke or something” I said.
“Why would I joke around about this” George said. “About what” I asked. “Forget it” George said walking away from me. I then heard a slight knock on my door. “May I” Lewis said. “I guess but I’ll probably make you mad as well” I said.
“You know he doesn’t hate you right” Lewis said. “Sure” I said. “No Y/N you don’t get it” Lewis said. “Get what” I said. “George likes you in fact more than that” Lewis said. “What are you saying” I said. “Y/N remember when he broke up with his girlfriend last year” Lewis said.
“Yeah” I said. “It’s because of you.. George.. he’s” Lewis began to say as I realized. “I get it now Lewis” I said. “Then go” Lewis said. I ran out of my drivers room. I looked around for George. I then saw him sitting on the balcony of the paddock. I ran up the stairs.
Nearly tripping on the steps. But I looked up as George caught me. I looked into those beautiful eyes. Here was my chance. I then pulled him into a kiss. He stopped and looked surprised at first.
He then kissed me again.
“..I know” I said. “Know what” George said stopping the kiss. “I wanna hear you say it” I said as I looked at him. He still held my face with his hand. “I’ve loved you for so long you have no idea” he said. “It’s everything you do” George said.
“Say it again” I said. “I love you” he said I kissed him. “I love you” I said. “I’ve been waiting to hear that for so long” he said. “I really do love you George Russell even when your annoying” I said he smiled and brushed the hair back behind my ear.
“I love you so much please never doubt yourself.. you can literally do anything” he said I smiled. “Oh how I love you” I said hugging him. “I’ll always be here” he said kissing my cheek. “Can you just hold me forever” I said. “Mmmh but it’s getting later and we gotta leave soon” George said. “Ugh” I said. He helped me up. “Don’t fall again please love that was a bit scary” George said.
“I promise I won’t do anymore falling” I said. “I mean technically you did fall for me” he said I laughed. “I guess so” I said.
if you want more driver imagines let me know :)
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heavenlyhoundoom · 29 days
This is my tadc swap au.
Bubble 🔄 Caine
Pomni 🔄 Kinger
Gangle 🔄 Jax
Zooble 🔄 Ragatha
Kaufmo 🔄 Queenie
Gumigoo 🔄 Loolilalu
Swap quotes
1.Bubble: Welcome to the amazing digital circus! My name is Bubble. I'm your ring master, and I'm gonna show you the most jaw-dropping, heart-stopping, mind-bending paraphernalia you've ever laid your eyes upon! Isn't that right, Caine?
(Caine flies out of Bubble's hat.)
Caine: That's right, Bubble. I can't wait to see what you're cooking up for today!
2.Gangle: Bubble, is this one of your NPCs, or is this a new sucker. Because if it's a new character, We're gonna have to redo this whole theme song...
Ragatha: I'm not doing that again...
3.Bubble: How about we talk about something else? Like your name.
Kinger: My name? My name is...
(Kinger realizes that he can't remember his name.)
Kinger: Oh, God! Why can't I remember my name!
Bubble: No one can remember their name once they've entered the digital circus. One of the few things I don't have control over are your minds. So all I can do is help you come up with a new name.
4.Zooble: Oh, wait. We should go check on Queenie. I'm sure she'd like to meet our new friend.
(The glionks take Pomni's pillows.)
Pomni: My impenetrable fortress!
Zooble: Hey, Pomni!
Pomni: Huh?...
Zooble: Want to come with us to go check on Queenie?
Pomni: No, not really.
(Pomni walks up to the others.)
Pomni: I think Queenie's gone insane. The last time I spoke with her, she was rambling endlessly about some exit. Kind of like you, Kinger. You might be going insane too.
5.Gangle: By the way, I may have left something in your room, so let me know if you find it. Say, you're not afraid of scorpions, are you?
Zooble: Gangle! That's literally my only fear. Why would you do this!?
Gangle: What? It could be a completely unrelated question. You never know until it's too late.
6.Prince Gumigoo: Here's the key back into the kingdom for when you've secured the goods. I trust you not to let it fall into the wrong hands?
7.Gummyshark bandit(girl): You think your dad's gonna pull through if we get all this back to the village?
Gummybear bandit(girl): I'm sure he will. This much syrup would save hundreds of people.
Loolilalu: We won't be sure until we get back to the village. He's a fighter, though. He taught me everything I know.
8.Gangle: Alright, Jax, when we catch up to them, I'll jump over, crawl inside, and shoot them repeatedly until they're unrecognizable.
Jax: I feel like that violates some kind of convention.
Gangle: You're violating my ears with your clap-back, get driving, driver!
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auras-moonstone · 11 months
mad woman — ethan landry (part five)
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words: 1,769
pairing: ethan landry x gf!fem!reader
based on: mad woman by taylor swift
author’s note: only one more part left ! and the epilogue (if i decide to give y/n and ethan a happy ending).
previous part ; next part
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Y/N AND ETHAN WOKE UP AT THE SOUND OF THEIR PHONES RINGING. The girl groaned in annoyance as she reached for the device laying on the drawer. Ethan mumbled something under his breath before grabbing Y/N by the waist to push her against his bare chest again.
The girl laughed kissing his cheek “Eth, it might be important” she whispered. He sighed, letting her go. She took her phone and read the texts that were sent to the group as Ethan pressed short kisses on her neck.
y/n, ethan we have a plan.
meet us at the park in an hour
everything okay???
answer us!!!
fuck he killed her
i told you not to go with him y/n/n
wtf mindy i’m okay
why would you text that if you thought i was dead??
idk maybe you are seeing me typing
maybe you are stuck in this world trying to get revenge
you want to haunt your boyfriend for killing you!
please stop watching paranormal movies minds
we are okay. we’ll meet you there in thirty minutes
we texted you 40 minutes ago, mindy told you to meet us in an hour
yeah we are not going to make it in twenty
we need to shower
but you went to his dorm specifically to shower
why didn’t you do that already?
i did. but i need to shower again :)
i’m throwing up rn
she literally gagged
ethan my man!! so proud of you buddy!
he’s still sleeping i tired him out
lmao i’m just messing with you, minds
thank god.
because virgins survive, so you two might have a chance
oh i was kidding about him still being asleep
the rest was all true :)
just stop taking and meet us there🤮
“Why didn’t you get rid of Mindy instead of Anika?” Y/N groaned as they made their way to the shower. “I actually really liked Anika. And my patience with Mindy is running out. I swear next time she says something mean to you I-“
He cut her off with a kiss “God, I love it when you get protective” he pressed against the wall of the shower.
“The shower is for showering, babe” she pulled away.
“Can’t help it” he said kissing her neck and shoulders. Y/N smirked as she turned on the cold water, Ethan quickly stepped back.
“Y/N! What was that for?” he glared at her.
“You are in desperate need of a cold shower” she laughed “Come on, we need to hurry. Your dad said it was important for us to be there”.
Ethan sighed in defeat “Fine”.
“I promise that once this is over, I’ll let you do whatever you want to me” she gave him a peck.
“Anything?” he smirked.
“Anything” she confirmed.
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QUINN ATTACKED GALE AT HER HOUSE, ALMOST BEING SUCCESSFUL IN KILLING HER. Right now, the whole group, minus officer Bailey and Kirby, were at the hospital lounge, waiting for any news on the reporter’s health.
Y/N and Ethan were internally fuming. How many fucking lives did Gale Weathers have? It was ridiculous. Though, they really enjoyed seeing Sam’s guiltiness eat her alive.
"What do we do know?" Y/N asked, sitting on Ethan’s lap. He tightened his grip on the girl's frame as she drew invisible circles on his chest.
"Maybe he gets to win this time" Sam said, her voice was a bit shaky. They all looked at her as if she was crazy. "He wants to punish me. Me. So maybe I'll let him. I'll just give myself up. If this is what I have to do, to keep you safe, it's worth it".
"First of all, you are fucking insane if you think we'll let you do that" Y/N told her, no hesitation in her voice.
Tara stood up. "Y/N/N is right. You always protect us, now it's time we protect you. We are a team, remember?".
"We are family" Y/N corrected, standing up and walking towards Sam.
"You can say it, Chad" Mindy said, standing up too.
Chad got into his feet and with a excited smile he said. "Let's go! Core five!".
"Core what?" asked Danny.
"It's an us think" Chad explained briefly.
"He's gonna keep coming after us" Sam warned them.
"Isn't there somewhere safe we can hold up in?" Ethan asked.
"He's just going to keep finding us" Tara told him, making him sigh. "We could use that, though”.
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THE FINAL ACT WAS ABOUT TO BEGIN. The group planned on luring Ghostface into a secure location and trap him inside. The final reveal was getting close, and Y/N’s heart beat with excitement. She couldn’t wait to see the life draining from Tara’s eyes. And then, she would continue her life with the love of her life.
"Is this even a good plan?" Ethan asked, his hand gripping Y/N’s tightly, as they walked down the stairs to take the train.
"You don't have to come if you don't want to" Tara replied.
"So we just peel off so the killer takes us off one by one? No, thank you" the curly-haired boy said, making his girlfriend look at him with her eyebrows raised. "And I don't want to leave Y/N alone, of course".
The girl laughed. "You really don't have to come, you know? We are not going to blame you for not going".
Ethan sighed. "No. Like I said, I won’t leave you alone".
“Yeah, very romantic, lovebirds. Can you move now? We are going to miss the train” Mindy said annoyed from behind them.
They walked through the current of people, pushing and shoving to try to get into the train. Just as they were about to enter it, the doors closed right in front of their faces.
"The next one should be here any minute. We won't be that far behind" said Y/N to Ethan and Mindy.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Go away" Mindy said to the boy.
"What do you mean?" the girl asked her confused.
"I don't trust your boyfriend".
Y/N rolled her eyes. "Mindy, not right now. Leave your stupid accusations aside, we need to stick together".
"Fine, you can stay with him. I'll wait a couple of feet away" she replied stubbornly.
"Mindy, come on" she said tiredly, but her friend didn't listen. She turned to face the tall boy. "Can I be the one who gets rid of her?".
Ethan tried not to laugh “I’m sorry but we have to take advantage of her stubbornness. Text Quinn, it’ll be less suspicious if you do it”.
“How disappointing” she scoffed, pulling her phone out.
hey quinn. we are about to take the train. we missed the first, so we are taking the next one.
mindy distanced herself from us cause she doesn’t trust your brother.
it’ll be a great opportunity to get rid of her
(i’m so jealous you get to do it btw).
roger that:)
aw i’m sorry, i promise i’ll be extra brutal for you :)
stop flirting with me!
no can do ;)
“Hey, what the fuck?” Ethan whispered, reading the conversation over her shoulder.
Y/N laughed “Don’t worry, pretty boy. My heart is only yours”.
“That’s right. You are mine” he said, gripping her hips.
“You are so hot when you get territorial” she said pressing a kiss on his jaw.
When they boarded the train, Mindy walked towards the end of the wagon, away from them but at a reasonable distance so she could keep an eye on Ethan.
“This is perfect” Y/N whispered, looking around. The train was crowded with people dressed as famous killers—Jason, Michael Myers, Ghostface, Pennywise.
"What’s your favorite scary movie, darling?” the boy joked. He was towering over her, and her back was pressed against a metal tube.
Y/N rolled her eyes "Shut up, idiot. I was never a fan of those types of movies”
“Maybe that could be one of our dates, watching scary movies”
“I’ll do anything as long as it’s with you” she smiled sweetly. He got closer to her, now they were chest against chest, and kissed her cheeks multiple times.
“Gross” said a familiar voice from next to them. Just after that, the light went out.
“That’s your cue, Quinnie” Y/N told her.
“Don’t call me that” she grumbled before starting to get closer and closer to Mindy.
On the next stop, when a big number of people stepped out of the train, the couple turned around to see Mindy sitting on the floor, hands pressed to her stomach and blood staining her shirt.
"No, fuck!" Y/N yelled faking concern as she ran towards her. She wanted to smile so badly at the sight of the girl in pain "You've got to be kidding me! I'm so sorry, Minds".
"Somebody help!" Ethan screamed, but no one moved one finger to do something. "Shit. We've got to get her out of here".
Y/N nodded. "Breath deep" she told her before pulling her to her feet. The girl let out a groan of pain as the couple lead her out of the train. "Thanks for nothing, assholes!".
"Somebody call 911!" Ethan yelled as they put the wounded girl on the floor of the station. "Are you okay?".
"Yeah, I'm so good" she said through her teeth.
"You're going to be okay" Ethan told her.
"Goddam it! I got it wrong again!" she cried. The paramedics arrived and started to check on the wounded girl.
"Is she going to be okay?" Y/N asked them.
"Yes, your friend will be fine, don't worry. We are going to give her painkillers, while we drive her to the hospital" they informed her.
“Minds, they need all the help they can get. I hate to leave you alone, but…” Y/N started.
Mindy nodded in understanding “You have to help them, it’s okay. Go”.
“If you need anything, call me okay?” Y/N told her.
“I’ll be fine, really. Just… be careful with him, okay? I know he’s your boyfriend and you like him, but never trust the love interest”.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be okay” she assured her before the paramedics took her away. “Heard that? I should be careful with you” she turned around with a smirk to face her boyfriend. “Are you gonna hurt me?”.
Ethan laughed “Depends, are you into those types of kink?”.
“You really should’ve taken that cold shower” Y/N said rolling her eyes, but smiling nonetheless. “Now, let’s go. It’s time for the big finale, baby!”.
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collecting-stories · 9 months
Sweet Nothing - Carmen Berzatto
Request: I love Taylor inspired fics!! And I adore your writing style!! Maybe The Last Time or Sweet nothings for Carmy X reader?
Summary: No plot really, just Carmy and reader hanging out.
A/N: This is really more of a drabble style without much depth outside of just fluff. I tried to make it longer there's just not much of a plot to work with to do that I feel like. Also I made a delicious vegan clam chowder the other night for dinner, on a side note.
TS Anthology Series | The Bear Masterlist
...you're in the kitchen humming...
The worst part of dating a chef was the one thing that everyone always assumed would be the best part. He could cook, naturally, and Carmy could cook better than a whole lot of other really talented chefs but that didn't mean he cooked at home. Running a restaurant meant being at work more than he was home and usually, by the time he got back at night, neither of you were particularly interested in cooking anything that required greater skill than boiling water. Sometimes even that was too much. Your family, and your friends too, always commented on how lucky you were to have a 'personal chef' as if Carmy was just in the kitchen 24/7, waiting for you to tell him what you wanted to eat. You always laughed and agreed but what you wanted to say was that sometimes he didn't even want to look at a pan or a knife when he was home. 
This week, especially, felt like hell. You'd seen him for thirty minutes two days ago when you stopped in for lunch but otherwise you were what your grandmother described as 'two ships passing in the night'. You didn't think you could really count passing out next to his already asleep body on the queen mattress you kept meaning to replace an actual relationship. It wasn't always so bad, sometimes it was better, most of the time it felt worse. The Bear was getting ready to launch and Carmy's attention was hyperfocused on not failing before he started and you were busy with your own work load and neither of you had ever been willing to cave on work, even if it meant actually spending time with each other. Which was maybe why your relationship worked...or maybe it was some sort of 'once in a blue moon' that your relationship worked because at this point you were shocked that neither of you had called it off. Of course, that would require seeing each other...probably. 
"You know my first thought was that someone broke into our apartment and was cooking dinner," you announced, stopping in the kitchen entryway. Carmy turned to look over his shoulder at you, blue eyes a little glazed over (either from lack of sleep or that happy sort of numbness that came from being home and not having to see anyone, Richie, for the rest of the day). 
"Was this person like, a robber...like a robber just cooking you dinner?" He asked, a rare smile appearing. God, he couldn't remember the last time he smiled this week. Or last week. 
"They weren't making me dinner, just in general, making dinner. They broke in, got hungry, made a sandwich or something, and then...like they'd steal my laptop or something." You replied, pulling your sweater over your head before crossing the small space the apartment provided to kiss your boyfriend, "granted I'm glad it's you and not a robber."
"You said you were home early today," he replied, turning back to the food he was cooking as you walked into the bedroom to change. 
"I know, but that was like, one in the morning and you literally gave me a thumbs up without even lifting your hand off the bed in response so...wasn't exactly counting on you coming home," you explained, changing into sweatpants and a t-shirt, anything to get out of the clothes you'd been wearing all day, "besides I didn't mean it in a like, you have to come home because I'm home, just like a 'hey I'm actually going to be home today' kind a thing." 
"Richie's training this week and everything else is pretty much getting there."
"Oh well, pretty much getting there? Call Cicero, you can open tomorrow," you teased, "since you're not a robber and you are making me dinner, what are you making?"
"Clam chowder," he said, sounding almost like he didn't believe it himself. He wasn't exactly a big fan of soups, mostly because he found them boring and limited, but you loved them. Especially when cold weather hit and then all you wanted was some soup and grilled cheese and extra bread. When he'd made fun of you for your tastes once you had shrugged and told him you couldn't help it if your tastes were basic ("I didn't go to the CIA or NOMA or whatever. I like what I like").
"Clam chowder? Are you shitting me?" You asked, peering over his shoulder into the pot he had on the stove.
"I am not, in fact, shitting you." He replied. 
"Insane," you hooked your arms around his stomach and leaned against his back, not at all concerned about the fact that he was still technically cooking, "you're like the best boyfriend ever, have I ever told you that?"
"You tell me that every time I cook for you which seems like maybe you're only using me..." He joked. You kissed the back of his neck and then his cheek when he turned his head to the side, forcing another smile from him. 
It was hard to comprehend sometimes, to the point that Carmy literally had to remind himself, that the home the two of you had created (though hectic and sometimes not occupied) was genuinely the most calming place he'd ever been. Growing up with his mom and dad, and even Mikey and Sugar, had been like living on a landmine, waiting for it to explode on him if he made a wrong move. It never felt like that here, even when the outside world started to feel like that. 
"Do you need help?" You asked, letting him go and moving to the bar cart you had in the living room, in search of a good wine. 
"Nah, I'm almost done," he replied, "did I tell you about the gas line?"
You held a glass out to him, taking a long sip of your own, "no, what happened with the gas line?" 
Carmy started to retell the story, moving around the kitchen easily while you took a seat and listened to him, allowing him to capture your entire attention. The busy schedules and the barely seeing each other and the stress felt like it would crush you sometimes but it was entirely worth it to be able to come home early, at least every once in a while, and just sit there, listening to Carmy. 
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Opening scene and Earth's got vibe-checked by God and I've been gaslit about the dinosaurs
GARDEN OF EDEEEEEN wow his first appearance and Aziraphale's already so prissy and flustered might fuck around and fall in love with him idk
I finally understand who these mf's are hi Hastur and Ligur you're not zombies after all
idk sister mary loquacious is kinda doing it for me rn with that satanic nun's habit and losergirl energy
third crowley scene and he's misplaced THE LITERALLY GODDAMNED ANTICHRIST because he made small talk with a bloke outside without checking for details
mmmmhm yes sister mary wink again your bitchless decisions are sexy y'know what i mean
Gabriel feels like his brain was eviscerated and replaced with one of those youtuber's paid course promos at the end of their how to change your life in 45 days: three simple mindset shifts video
mmmhm yes sure crepes French revolu--Crowley stop eye-fucking Aziraphale you're making everyone at the Ritz horny
Aziraphale don't moan into your food man you can't take these two anywhere
Crowley thanking the driver for slowing down is everything to me
And they're drunk hu-fucking-zzah good thing we'll have 11 year olds saving the world coz these fuckers sure ain't doing shit
What Aziraphale was doing back was definitely kissy faces though that mfer wasn't even trying to say bouillabaisse when Crowley said what sounded suspiciously like baby
kissy kissy from lil miss prissy [i would have made such a great high school bully shame i had no inclinations that way]
oop nun down nun down
i want ya see a wile ya thwart amirite on a t-shirt
"actually i encourage humans to-" just say you're a lazy bitch azi we love you
love crowley fake-manipulating azi into helping like azi wants to be manipulated y'know so it's not technically his fault he was wiled over or whatever and they're both just such ENABLERS
not azi going SOFT at being godfathers with crowley
why is nanny ashtoreth so seductive with that of course dear is it just crowley's inherent disastergirl sex appeal
erIC THE DISPOSABLE DEMON I DIDN'T KNOW THEY COME IN S1 well not come i hope unless being eaten by a hellho--nope
gonna give my roxie a kissy brb she's my angel and all this dog talk makes me miss her (she's a few feet away under the bed)
i asked her for a kissy and she crawled out and gave me a kiss i love her
...roxie's crying to be taken downstairs it's nearly 2 am this is on me for waking her up i crowley'd myself fml
EYYYYY WELCOME TO THE END TIMES don't mind me I'll have to take roxie down yes I know maggots I'm crowley-coded I KNOW THAT I'M A BLOODY DISASTER BYEEEEEEEE
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