#and is also one of my favorites cause that scene destroyed me
goldrushgold · 1 month
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the mighty fall
... they fall in love
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heartss4val · 9 months
"love is homemade."
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summary: after a long study session at the library, you find yourself feeling absolutely exhausted. thankfully, your loving boyfriend comes to the rescue by.. baking cupcakes?
pairing: percy jackson x gn!reader
word count: 1.3k
warnings: a little profanity, but that's about it.
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you stumbled your way to the door of your apartment, your tired eyes struggling to differentiate between the numerous keys on your keychain. you tried each one in turn, only to find that none of them worked. with each passing moment, your frustration grew, and you couldn't help but curse under your breath at the inconvenience of it all.
after a grueling study session at the library, your mind was still buzzing with facts and figures about the "wonders" of biology, making it difficult to focus on anything else. all you wanted was to collapse into your bed and sleep off the exhaustion of the day. you're about to test another key when something pulls you out of your daze.
a familiar line from one of your favorite songs, playing softly, but surely coming from inside your apartment. it was the same song you recently added to the shared playlist that you and percy had compiled over the years. as you place your ear next to the door, you could also hear the unmistakable sound of pots and pans clanging together, alongside another noise that you couldn't quite identify.
your mind starts racing for an explanation. you hadn't invited anyone over.. and the only one who has the keys to your apartment.. is percy.
you step back for a second, processing this information, and start testing the keys again, this time with more care and caution. after several attempts, one key finally clicks into place. you let out a sigh of relief before slowly pushing open the door, bracing yourself for what you might find on the other side.
despite your best efforts to minimize any noise, the door lets out a loud, grating creak that makes you cringe. you quickly regain your composure, scanning your apartment. as your eyes adjusted to the dim light, you took in the scene unfolding before you.
there, in the kitchen, was percy, stumbling around the counters in a chaotic but endearing way, surrounded by a mess of ingredients and utensils. despite the chaos, the air was filled with the delicious aroma of your favorite cupcakes. your shared playlist was playing softly in the background, accompanied by the ticking of your oven. you took in a deep breath, savoring the scent of the cupcakes and smiling at the unexpected surprise. any fatigue you had beforehand was slowly being washed away.
percy, however, seemed to be unaware of your presence until you took a step forward, making your appearance known. he stumbled backward, causing a cacophony of clattering pots and pans. his comically wide eyes met yours, clearly surprised to see you there. you got a good look at his face now, which was smudged with frosting, making him look like an overgrown child.
"why are you here?!" he whisper-shouted, even though it was only the two of you in the apartment. he quickly made his way towards you, wiping his hands on a rag that was on the counter.
"'cause it's my apartment?" you respond, shrugging off your coat.
"oh, let me get that for you," he quickly offers, taking your coat and hanging it on the rack. "but i thought you weren't supposed to be back until six?
"yeah, it's almost seven."
percy looks at you, then at the clock, and swears under his breath.
"now about that," you gesture towards the kitchen and the mess that was waiting for you. he followed your gaze and seemed to just now realize the destruction that he had caused. despite the chaos, he offers you a smile, clearly proud of his efforts. "just wanted to surprise you. knew you'd be tired after studying." he explained.
"but why?"
"'cause i love you?" he responded, shrugging nonchalantly. you didn't say anything for a moment, but a small smile began to form on your lips.
"well, thanks, but maybe next time don't destroy my kitchen?" you tease, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. he chuckles, his arms wrapping around your waist.
"yeah, i'll keep that in mind," he promises, still beaming from your earlier compliment. he leans in to give you a big smooch, but you lean back, causing him to frown.
"i did all this hard work and i can't even get a kiss?" he asks, his tone playful but with a hint of disappointment.
"you have frosting all over your face," you point out, trying to hold back a laugh. his pout only got wider.
"well, you're gonna be kissing my lips, not my face, so i don't see why it matters," percy retorts. "now c'mere."
he gives you a second to pull away, and then captures your lips in a giddy kiss. you laugh against his lips, a little surprised at his eagerness, but you don't stop him.
he kisses you repeatedly, savoring the taste of your lip balm and reveling in your embrace until he finally rests his forehead against yours when he's satisfied. you both stand there, holding each other close, lost in the moment and not exchanging any words for a while.
suddenly, he jumps back as if just remembering something. "SHIT, THE CUPCAKES!" he exclaims, causing you to flinch at his sudden outburst, but he quickly corrects himself after seeing your reaction and repeats in a softer tone, "i meant, shit, the cupcakes," before scrambling back to the oven.
you watch him as he rushes around the kitchen, checking on the cupcakes, making sure they're not burnt. he turns around to face you, his sheepish grin apologizing for the sudden outburst. "sorry about that," he says, wiping his face with a nearby towel to remove any frosting leftover.
"it's fine," you say, trying to sound nonchalant. as you walk into the kitchen, you take in your surroundings. various pipettes are scattered on the counter, bowls filled with frosting are placed haphazardly, and suspiciously shaped finger swipes are evident on them. "guess we should wait for them to cool down?" you suggest, and percy nods in agreement, pointing to a sticky note hung up on the cabinet. "that's what the recipe says too," he confirms. you immediately recognize the recipe as sally jackson's, thanks to the familiar handwriting. percy must have called her today just for this occasion.
you get pulled out of your thoughts by the sound of the sink turning on. "i'm gonna clean up here, for using your kitchen and stuff," percy announces, gathering a bunch of used spatulas and bowls. "you can relax on the couch, ill be done soon." he offers you a warm smile.
despite his offer, you don't want to relax on the couch. instead, you want to spend time with him. especially since he did all of this for you. "well, it's quicker to clean with two people, right?" you suggest.
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after a few hours, the kitchen is sparkling clean, your exhaustion has vanished, and you and percy have just put the finishing touches on the cupcakes.
you're now both sitting on your comfortable couch, each about to enjoy your creations. percy has his arm around you, drawing you closer to him, and you feel safe and content in his embrace.
"whatcha doin'?" percy asks as he observes you meticulously removing the bottom of your cupcake and placing it on top.
"cupcake sandwich," you respond with a smile, holding your completed creation up for him to see.
after a brief moment of contemplation, percy quickly copies your movements and crafts his own "cupcake sandwich." he clinks his cupcake with yours once he's done, as if making a toast, and you both bite into the sugary treat simultaneously.
while it doesn't alter the flavor, the whole cupcake sandwich method is undoubtedly the superior way to enjoy a cupcake, as percy now realizes. the cupcakes may not be perfect, but as they say, love is homemade, and you'd much rather have a cupcake baked with love than one purchased for $1.99 at the supermarket.
"by the way," you remark, pointing at percy's face, which is smudged with frosting from eating, just like when you first caught him, "you still have frosting on your face."
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i feel like my writing has declined lmaoo. break is over tho! but updates will be inconsistent since classes are kicking my ass rn. i hate school, i'm sorry malala.
xx, val.
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moonrisecoeur · 3 months
thoughts on this post aka detective leon and serial killer reader. warning for dark content obvi, mentions of weapons, blood, bodies, murder. also sub leon makes an appearance as usual lol. fem!reader too!!
sorry for the wait lol i’ve been folding laundry anyway let me cook
you know that fucking cop is onto you, he knows more than you want him to but for some reason, even when you know you’ve messed up and are sure you’re gonna be caught, you’re not. no one knows about the evidence you accidentally left behind, clues that trace back to you. when you go back to try and ruin the crime scene to throw the police off the scent, it’s all gone. just a dead body and all of the blood you love to spill.
it bugs you a little bit. where did it go? but you watch as the cops search the crime, hiding in the bushes behind the house when you see the cop you… you just know is the one who did it. he looks like he’s seen that crime scene already, and there’s something bunched into his pocket. that looks almost like your glove that got caught on something and left behind as you were escaping.
you realize he’s looking you dead in the eyes as you make painfully awkward eye contact with him. he smirks and looks away. you wonder why he isn’t telling his colleagues about how he saw you, you wonder why he seems almost amused by you. it’s driving you mad.
you’ve seen him before. you recognize him now. you don’t know his name, but he’s got blonde hair, long enough to cover his blue eyes. looks like a doll. he’s a detective, always showing up to crime scenes in those pretty, expensive suits. he wears a nice watch, cleans himself up well.
you get your hands on his file, all of his records, the time he spent as a patrol officer, back when he was younger. his hair was shorter then. his eyes a bit brighter. he was cute. and now… he’s much more than that. he’s distinguished.
leon saw you once, before you could run out when you realized the cops were coming in. he remembers how you looked. bloody, gloved hands holding a kitchen knife. you didn’t see him, but he saw you. he sees you again in the bushes, and you see him this time. it’s a moment where everything stops, and leon feels his dead heart pitter pattering like it hasn’t done in years.
you kinda lose the light in your soul when you become a detective. he’s more somber now than he was when he was on patrol, but what can you do?
he finds out everything he can about you, cross referencing the evidence he finds that everyone else seems to miss with every little thing he can gather, in hopes of figuring out your name, or anything about you, honestly.
he’s come to the conclusion that your sloppiness is caused from the pleasure you take in killing. you leave too much evidence behind, too many clues, christ it’s like you want to be caught, but leon can’t help but be fond of you now that you’re intentionally leaving clues for him to find. little messages like ‘for my favorite detective, ♡’ on notecards next to the body. no one knows what you mean. leon’s becoming more obsessed by the minute.
he’s learned everything about you, every motive, every killing, why, when, how you did it all, and his coworkers know nothing. they’re not even sure how many you’ve killed, much less know anything about you.
it’s betraying his morals, sure, but who really cares? he’s killed people before, he’s no better than you. sure, he tried to convince himself he did it to protect the innocent, but he’s got his own thirst for blood. can’t really blame you for doing for fun what he does for work. you lose your morals anyway when you’re a detective.
he covers for you, gives excuses and ideas to lead the other detectives in the wrong direction. destroys evidence for you. lies for you. he’s desperate for you attention, and he finally gets it when you come into the police station.
you’re not disguised, not dressed to hide your identity. you look.. normal. you smile at the person working the front desk. you’re polite, charming, courteous. leon almost passes you by before double taking and realizing that it’s you.
“well, hello, it’s nice to meet you, detective kennedy,” you smile, reaching out your hand for him to shake, which he does awkwardly. you realize that he’s a lot less cool than he seemed when you first saw him. his lack of social skill is almost charming.
“are you… what are you doing here? are you turning yourself in o-or something?”
“i wanted to see you,” you say simply to him.
he blinks, confused.
“do you want to speak with me? or should i just go, detective?”
“i.. i think we should talk,” he smiles back eventually, “i want to talk to you. really talk.”
you meet him later, after his shift. you tell him your story, your motives. even though he knows them, he lets you talk. he likes listening to you. he tells you about his work, what he’s done to protect you, and when you ask why, he shrugs, “you’re too pretty for prison.” he matches your bluntness.
it takes everything in you not to burst out laughing, amused by leon kennedy’s mind, how his brain even works.
he continues, “but listen, if you’re gonna keep… you know, killing people, you need to run it by me after the fact. i need to get there and make sure there’s no evidence that other detectives will find. don’t worry, i’ll get you a burner phone and everything. just call me when you do it. i’ll help.”
“hmm.. alright. now.. do i owe you anything for your.. protection, detective? should i.. show you how appreciative i am that you’re helping me get away with murder?” you lean in close, suggestively. leon can’t help that he’s easy to seduce.
“i.. i think you don’t owe me anything, but.. if you’d like..” he stutters. you smile. he’s so cute to play with.
he takes you back to his place. you tell him he wouldn’t like yours, with the victim you have tied to a chair in your bedroom. he raises an eyebrow, and you try to calm his worries by saying, “its fine, i drugged him so he wouldn’t wake up until tomorrow… do you wanna watch me torture him?”
“i’m… okay, baby,” he says, his voice gravelly and soft at the same time.
you hook up obviously when you get back to his apartment, and it’s the best sex of his life. maybe it’s because he likes dominant women already, but there might also be something thrilling about a woman putting her hands around his throat who’s very well capable of squeezing until he stopped breathing entirely.
thankfully, you don’t asphyxiate him. you lay in his bed with him afterwards, and there’s something so strangely normal about the way you curl up into his side as he draws shapes on your back with his fingertips.
“are you ever.. gonna kill me?” he asks, out of the blue, stirring you from your drowsy state.
you look up at him, and he’s worried you’re considering it. there’s a gun on his nightstand. he panics. you would never get away with it, he’s sure. your dna is all over his body, his clothes, his apartment, surely you’re not that sloppy of a killers.
“i haven’t decided yet,” you say simply, resting your head on his chest.
you chuckle, sensing anxiety and tension in his body at your response to his question, “i would only ever do it if i thought you were gonna betray me or something, pinky promise. no matter how… beautiful you would look dying..”
he gulps, and you feel endeared by his fear. he’s.. cute when he’s nervous.
the next day, he wakes up. he puts on another suit, and another fancy watch. he drives you home before he goes to work, and he kisses your forehead before he gets back into his car, “am i gonna be seeing you again tonight?” he asks.
you chuckle, “i’m counting on it, handsome. trust me when i say i look very good in red.”
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leclerc-s · 3 months
snow angel - track five
series masterlist // previous // next
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MAY 2023
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yuki tsunoda what's the saying?
lily muni he we ride at dawn!! yuki tsunoda yes, thank you, lily. WE RIDE AT DAWN FUCKERS!!
max verstappen i for one did not know norizz cheated on her with one of her friends.
pierre gasly WHO WAS IT RHEA?
rhea reynolds not important. mick schumacher her childhood best friend. rhea reynolds MICK?!
mick schumacher the people deserve to know the truth!
alex albon that is so much worse than just a friend.
esteban ocon i hope you destroy him with your new album.
mick schumacher oh it's bad.
lance stroll on a scale of multi-21 to abu dhabi 2021. how bad is it?
rhea reynolds probably abu dhabi 2021.
george russell a woman scorned is a man's worst nightmare. good for you.
daniel ricciardo that shit was awfully british of you russell george! george russell I AM BRITISH!
pierre gasly kika says she can't wait to hear you tear this man apart.
max verstappen she's coming for his weave. is that the saying?
rhea reynolds eh, it's an old one but it works.
charles leclerc i hope this resurfaces when rhea releases new music.
lily muni he by the way, where's our sneak peak??
mick schumacher i'm afraid you guys aren't ready for the album. it's so sad.
charles leclerc A WIN FOR THE SAD BITCHES (ME!)
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rheareynolds posted new stories
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"i bet you couldn't believe. when you realized i'm harder to forget than i was to leave"
he looks like he's hard at work but he's watching deadpool
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liked by taylorswift, gina_schumacher, vancityreynolds and others
rheareynolds to the person i can irrevocably be myself with, i love you. i'm sorry this is how the world found out.
tagged: mickschumacher
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📍mickschumacher ich liebe dich
↳ rheayreynolds ich liebe dich auch
user1 oh my god they're so cute.
user2 what the fuck- they're so adorable.
oscarpiastri oh thank god. i don't think i could handle another rumor that we were dating. i have a girlfriend.
↳ rheareynolds you'd be lucky to date me!
↳ oscarpiastri sure, we'll go with lucky
lancestroll and this is the part where everyone thanks me and lily because we're the reason those two are even together.
↳ user3 thank you for your service lance and lily
user4 it's literally black cat gf and golden retriever bf
arthur_leclerc oh good. i don't think i could handle keeping this a secret any longer.
↳ olliebearman because bigmouth leclerc is the reason i found out and i don't even know rhea!
vancityreynolds gross get this shit off my feed
↳ rheareynolds and to think just yesterday you were asking me "when can i see mick again?"
↳ vancityreynolds i have to deal with your pda in person what makes you think i want to see it on my instagram feed?
↳ mickschumacher that's a very valid answer.
↳ rheareynolds kiss ass
↳ mickschumacher it's why blake likes me more than you
user5 blake 🤝 mick 🤝 handing the reynolds craziness
maxverstappen1 orange just stormed out of the motorhome. he's heading for aston martin, nevermind he's coming for me.
↳ maxverstappen1 he's shouting for me to come outside. i will not.
↳ rheareynolds coward
↳ maxverstappen1 and you just couldn't wait until after miami?
charles_leclerc congrats but also could someone like, tell orange to stop causing a scene? this is very embarrassing.
↳ georgerussell63 he has found his way to the mercedes motorhome. we are in danger.
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liked by vancityreynolds, estebanocon, blakelively and others
mickschumacher the prettiest girl ever.
tagged: rheareynolds
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📍rheareynolds hey, i love you!
↳ mickschumacher hey, i love you too!
user6 this, this couple means everything to me.
francesca.cgomes aww mick, this is so adorable!
user7 i want someone to look at me the way rhea looks at mick
↳ user8 she genuinely looks so in love with him
pierregasly he's making the rest of us look bad.
↳ mickshumacher i have to humble all of you somehow.
user9 aww guys regina george found her forever.
vancityreynolds don't fuck this up schumacher. i know how to use a katana.
↳ mickschumacher that's not as threatening as you think it is. i saw you scream over a spider. but i wasn't planning on it.
user10 the picture of her with the tums is so funny. why did she even have them in the first place?
↳ user11 because she's rhea and she does random shit like this all the time.
blakelively so that's where ryan's tums went...
↳ rheareynolds it was an emergency blake! esteban needed them!
↳ estebanocon liar! you stole them for 'funsies'
user12 i never remember blake and ryan liking one of lando's posts about rhea.
↳ user13 or commenting, they must have known he was going to fuck up eventually.
↳ user12 or they just didn't like him for rhea.
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JUNE 2023
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liked by yukitsunoda0511, lilymhe, francesca.cgomes and others
rheareynolds snow angel THE ALBUM OUT 08/18 snow angel THE SINGLE OUT 06/09
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pierregasly 69? really
↳ rheareynolds i’m a comedian gasly.
user1 it’s literally the 8th! the single is out tomorrow!!
lilymhe his peace ends now
↳ rheareynolds babe he hasn’t known peace since bahrain 2022. you’ve made it your goal.
↳ lilymhe i would be a horrible best friend if i didn’t fulfill my duty
danielricciardo album of the year i fear
maxverstappen1 his peace is over. i will be playing this everyday until the end of the season
↳ user2 trust max to terrorize no wins with this album. we thank you for your service.
↳ maxverstappen1 glad to be of service 🫡
user3 oh i just know this album is going to hurt
yukitsunoda0511 will i find myself crying to this album?
↳ rheareynolds perhaps?
mickschumacher you killed it!
↳ rheareynolds i literally love you.
francesca.cgomes i fear she ate with this
oscarpiastri this post has reached the target. i repeat target has been reached.
↳ rheareynolds good. thank you for your service mr.pastry!
↳ user4 i love this duo so much
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charles leclerc i was so right in claiming snow angel.
lily muni he she went to the taylor swift school of heartbreaking track 5's because WHAT THE FUCK??
mick schumacher i warned you guys.
oscar piastri can't wait to play this song right next to his drivers room.
max verstappen CAN I FIGHT HIM?? LET ME FIGHT HIM??
george russell YOU ARE NOT WEAK! HE'S WEAK!
daniel ricciardo FUCK MEN! FUCK LANDO NORRIS!
george russell YOU ARE SO WORTHY! HE ISN'T!
lily muni he RHEA, BABY, WE LOVE YOU!
rhea reynolds aww, i'm glad you guys liked the song.
max verstappen what's stopping me from crashing into him in canada??
yuki tsunoda what's stopping me from biting his ankles?? pierre gasly what's stopping me from running him over with my car??
lance stroll there are tears in my eyes rhea. this isn't funny
esteban ocon i can confirm there are tears in his eyes. but they are also in mine.
charles leclerc i haven't been able to stop crying since i first heard it. arthur is worried.
mick schumacher it'll be even worse when you hear the album. i cried the first time.
mick schumacher and the second, and the third mick schumacher IT'S A SAD ALBUM!
max verstappen i will fight him. we are defending rhea's honor.
rhea reynolds no, max, it's okay. i'm over it, i promise.
lily muni he it's okay, i can fight him.
yuki tsunoda and me. he will never see me coming. rhea reynolds NO! NO FIGHTING! logan sargeant what about crashing into him?? rhea reynolds NO! oscar piastri slowly torturing him with the song?? rhea reynolds umm, i'll let you people do that one thing.
daniel ricciardo A WIN FOR US! A LOSS FOR NOBITCHES!
alex albon operation make norizz miserable starts now.
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taglist: @emilyval @ihateyougunthersteiner @lesliiieeeee @firetruckstuckley @33-81 @landonorizzz @yoremins @nikfigueiredo @badassturtle13 @cataf1 @silentreader128 @taylorsatl @alessioayla @greeneyesandsunshine @wisteriafence @mrscharlesleclerc @sesamepancakes @localwhoore @vettelsebastianvettel @Pinksstrawberry @yourbane @bborra @aandreea2005 @nichmeddar @asparklysoul @landossainz @scarletwidow3000 @cha-hot @ssararuffoni @cherry-piee @vroomvroommuppett @shineforever19 @kissesandmartinis @luckyladycreator2 @blushmimi @namgification @moonyzsworld @casperlikej @reader-22s-blog
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¡leclerc-s speaks! am i making lando too big of an asshole? oh who cares, it's a fanfiction.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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mari-lair · 4 months
The idea of Kou being Mitsuba's yorishiro is so fun, so full of posibiliities, but for as popular as the theory is, I don't see many people go wild about how it could add to Kou's narrative with Hanako.
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The potential is off the charts! I know the manga no longer care about their relationship, but i sure do, so I'll ramble on some of my favorite delusions.
Hanako already has a lot of conflict handling the idea of ripping out Tsukasa's seal, and while I do understand killing him brings out Hanako's trauma from his Amane days, it is clear the main reason he doesn't want to do it is cause he still has affection for his bro and doesn't want to kill him forever. He had been hiding and trying to create some distance from his brother for decades and he still lost the 'I don't care' war.
Kou is someone he only started to distance himself from this year. He hasn't spent much time with Kou, all things considered, but he is already so hopelessly attached. Can he kill Kou to get his dream? I personally don't think so.
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I do think he would try something reckless though, maybe try harder to make Kou exorcise him, which would not go well.
If Hanako being unable to destroy Kou is a 'strong feeling, just trust me' kind of deal. Kou is a 'he canonically would not be able to exorcise Hanako, no matter how much he wants to be able to' kind of boy
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A confrontation also has a possibility of paralleling this scene, and I would go crazy:
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Cause that scene was to make Kou wake up, and notice murder is serious, not easily forgivable.
Kou had a whole arc about grieving and the value of being alive since then. So Kou would not be as naive.
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He would understand just how awful the idea of Hanako's goal involving his destruction would be, just as much as how badly exorcising Hanako would affect Nene, and that's one hell of a conflict.
TLDR: this ain't an analysis/prediction or anything, they just make me ill and I go crazy when i think about them
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scottishmushroom · 7 months
Bildad the Shuhite - Cobbler, Obstetrician, and Liar.
Bildaddy does more than craft footwear and assist birthing people. He’s also a weaver of untruths. Let’s explore them, shall we?
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Of course as the audience, we know from watching Crowley throughout the last 6,000 years there’s some shame and self loathing when it comes to his identity as a demon. He is a fallen angel, therefore a demon unworthy of forgiveness. So to hear him phrase this as he does, comes off to me a little bitter. On the exterior his delivery may be one of stating a fact (he is technically a demon), but his inner conflict of being cast from Heaven but still wishing good in the world is a painful reminder of his loneliness.
But a step further, we also know as the audience that he is in fact lying to Aziraphale (and Hell) in this scene. Not about having permission to destroy everything Job owns, we know that’s true. But when he turns around and blows up the goats and sarcastically quips, “Seems legit to meeee” he is in fact lying. The goats are fine, and it wasn’t legit at all.
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Crowley sets Job’s house on fire, and Aziraphale, just short of clutching her pearls says, “But… you said you wouldn’t.” This is followed by the very first time we hear Crowley say “I’m a demon. I lied.” We then get a very scrumptiously assertive Aziraphale standing his ground and insisting the children are safe, and Crowley is not going to harm them. Crowley is being challenged here by an angel, again. An angel. They’ve had limited encounters up to this point since his fall, and here he is being forced by the opposition to question where he truly stands. By backing down and saving the children, he’s not just going against Hell’s orders but also appeasing an angel. Crowley really cares what Aziraphale thinks of him. I’ve already written a meta that talks about this that you can find here: https://www.tumblr.com/scottishmushroom/730259715377020928/gif-credit-dancingcrowley-i-think-by-now-we-can
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This one is like a stab to the heart. He says it so gently, so soft. On one hand, there’s that shame again. Regret and sadness at his identity as a demon, the inability to embrace who he is. The other aspect of it is about protecting Aziraphale. During the cellar scene, if you’re not too distracted with the sight of Aziraphale going absolutely rabid on that ox, Crowley denies that it is lonely going along with Hell as far as he can. By then, he is well aware that Aziraphale and him have that in common when it comes to their respective home offices. He doubts Hell’s decisions, and knows Aziraphale doubts Heaven’s/God’s. But he recognizes that Aziraphale is going to have a much more difficult time with coping with this realization. He lied about it not being lonely to protect him. To soften the blow he knew was eventually coming. To gently ease him into this new reality.
His soft delivery of “I’m a demon. I lied” here is a kindness. This is the true beginning of them on this path together of figuring out how to do their jobs even when it conflicts with their personal beliefs/morals. And also the beginning of neither one of them truly being alone. They may not recognize it just yet, but they have each other now. A group of the two of them.
My favorite thing about Crowley as a liar is when he does lie, it’s either a redirection to hide the truth (that he’s actually doing GOOD instead of evil), or to protect Aziraphale. Which makes it all the more heartbreaking that he always pairs his identity as a liar to his identity as a demon. True demons that lie, do so to cause harm. He lies to protect. He’s not a true demon. Just an angel that sauntered vaguely downwards.
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watermelonsugacry · 1 year
James corden and harry and yn pleeeeeeeaasee
The Final Late Late Show
A/N: how are you lovies?! its been a minute since I've posted but i just HAD to write about this as soon as I saw it! 💚
SUMMARY: For the final Late Late Show, YN and Harry are two of the three final guests. Here are some snippets from the final episode! (2.5k)
GENRE: 1dbandmember!yn, married!ynrry, famous!reader
SINCE 2010 masterlist
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“Joining us also, he’s the biggest superstar in the world. He’s a three-time Grammy winner. He’s your friend, he’s my friend. Harry Styles is here tonight!”
Harry’s dimple smile appears from the small window on the door. “Hi, mate! Man, terrible timing with this door thing, eh?...Cause it’s yeh last show.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know,” James dramatically sighs in frustration.
“I mean what are the chances, you know? Absolute disaster,” Harry humorously rolls his eyes with a smile. “...cause it’s yeh last show.”
“Yeah, I’m well aware that it’s my last show, Harry, thank you very much! I don’t need anybody to tell me that. Nobody knows that more than me. This is a disaster!” 
“James! James!” YN steps in next to her husband and peaks through the tiny window through the door. 
“YN! Oh, thank God!” The talk show host sighs in relief. “Also joining us tonight is the multi-talented mega star of the century. She’s another dear friend of mine and married to this guy right here. Everybody give it up for YN YLN-Styles!”
She gives a small wave before turning her attention back to the host. “Don't worry, James. V’got everything under control,” YN says with a confident nods of her head.
“Oh, that’s great to hear. So you’ve called security to get the doors unlocked then?”
“Umm...no.” Fans can see Harry’s lips tucked in frown, shaking his head along to his wife’s words. “But I’ve got this fire extinguisher that m’gonna use to bash in the window.”
The audience members yell and cheer excitedly as they see YN hold up the red object and ask everyone to stand back. But before she can take a swing, the voice on the intercom lets them know that the door issue has been resolved.
“Everyone, please give it up for the one and only, Mrs. YN YLN-Styles!”
When the curtains zip open, YN has her back to the crowd. She comically looks over her shoulder and playfully acts surprised at the screaming crowd. As she walks down the stairs, everyone is able to see her full outfit for the night. Her white skirt and top combo hug her curves in just the right places but her (and Harry’s) favorite part has to be the white stain roses that hold the slide slit of her dress in place.
She smiles and gives high fives to the audience members as she passes them by. When she gets to James’s parents in the audience, she gives them kisses on both of their cheeks. And once she’s reached the stage, she happily takes her husband’s outreached hand as he helps her up the short steps.
When the third guest of the night makes his way onto the stage, Harry puts a hand on YN’s back and shuffles them over to the corner at what’s to come. They watch as Will takes swing after swing at James’s desk with a sledgehammer, destroying it into pieces. While Harry’s face expresses one of remorse over the obliterated scene, YN puts a fist over her smile as she laughs.
“Then you and your former bandmate turned wife—” James presents the couple sitting next to each other on the couch with a grand hand swing of his hands as he looks out to the screaming audience. “—came on the show a few years ago as a band. Then again when Harry hosted for the first time where you, YN, were one of the featured guests for that night. And you guys even played a game of Spill Your Guts Or Fill Your Guts.”
With the mention of the atrocious food game, James mentions how Will Ferrell loves the game so much that he specifically requested for them to play it one more time. Each guest is given their own cards with their questions on them and an obscene food concoction to eat if they do not want to answer their question. 
Soon after, YN claps along with everyone else but her jaw is on the floor at the hefty scoop and bite Will takes from his nasty food arrangement despite not having to do so. 
“Yeh really enjoyed that didn’t yeh?” She teases.
“It’s like Thanksgiving,” Will responds around a mouth full of bug trifles. “Alright, your turn YN.”
“Okay, mine says...” She says as she slowly gets the card out. Harry leans over to her to get a peek at the question and immediately lets out a chuckle, trying to cover it up with a cough to his fist but fails. “Uh oh. When and where did you and Harry have your first kiss together?”
The crowd goes into a frantic frenzy at the possibility of getting official confirmation of the heavily researched and hypothesized answer. She wiggles her brows in a playful manner towards her husband and it only makes him laugh harder. 
She contemplates on revealing the answer, it is the last show after all...but where’s the fun in that?
“Umm...” She hides her smile behind the purple card before shrugging her shoulders. “Guess m’taking a bite out of a grasshopper.”
“I’ll do one with you,” Will generously offers, already reaching for one of the little bugs in the small bowl. They clink their grasshoppers together before plopping them past their lips. While Will happily reaches for seconds, YN puts on a strained, pained smile as she chews. 
“Mmm, yummy,” She sarcastically says, making James let out one of his high-pitched laughs. She gladly takes the mug from Harry’s giving hands to rinse her mouth of the odd taste.
When Harry reads his question asking if there will be a One Direction reunion, the crowd erupts in screams once again. The couple gives each other a humorous look, absolutely eating up the way the audience goes crazy at the mention of their band.
“I think if there was a time where we all felt that that was something we wanted to do—” Harry’s interrupted by Will mocking the crowd awing and cooing at the mention of their old band. It has the two former band members giggling before he continues. “Then I don’t see why we wouldn’t.”
“YN, this question kind of goes to you as well,” James offers.
“Yeah, I mean. I totally agree with everything he said. We’re definitely not opposed to it. If it happens, it happens.”
“I’ll take that as a yes!” James exclaims. “I mean, we already have a permanent, mini reunion with the two of you being married.”
“Wait, you guys are married?” Will dramatically questions with faux confusion that makes everyone in the room laugh. 
“Wait, wait, can we please get a close up of this really quick,” James frantically moves his hands as the couple holds up their hands to show their wedding rings. It’s in this moment that fans realize that the two of them aren’t wearing any of their regular set of rings across their fingers, solely the ones that signify their promise to love one another forevermore. 
“Who’s more talented? Will Farrell, YN YLN-Styles or Harry Styles?”
There’s no forethought or second guessing with the couple’s response to immediately vouch for Will. 
“Sustainable talent,” Harry points out with a sweep of his hand.
“There’s literally nothing this man can’t do,” YN compliments.
The couple breaks out in bright smiles when Will begins to sing a solemn version of As It Was. But what has YN turning into a fit of giggles, her head leaning back as she hovers her hands over her mouth is when the famous comedian begins to sing 34+35 with a strong vibrato. 
It’s then Will’s turn to let out a string of giddy chuckles when James then asks the married couple to do an impression of the comedic actor.
“Ladies first,” Harry quickly says with a tap on his wife’s hand.
“Hmm...Oh okay, ‘ve out it.” YN comically clears her throat and readjusts herself on the couch. “Yeh ready for this? I’m singing. I’m in a store and I’m singing. I’m in a store, and I’m singing!” 
Will doubles over in laughter, applauding along with everyone else at her spot-on impression. As The Roots plays a snippet of celebration music, YN stands from her seat and takes a grand bow. 
“Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask you, YN,” Will turns his attention to the pop star next to him. When she gives an encouraging nod of her head, he continues with a professionally acted sense of genuine curiosity, “What exactly does 34+35 mean?” 
While everyone else in the room breaks out into laughter, YN lifts her gaze to the ceiling as she contemplates how to explain the sexual song. She tries to hide her smile by tucking in her lips but it's really hard to keep it professional when there’s an iconic actor asking that type of question. Even Harry has his face in his hands, his shoulder bouncing as he laughs.
She clears her throat as she adjusts her skirt and places her clasped hands over her crossed legs. She goes to open her mouth to answer but instead leans over to whisper the answer in the actor’s ear with a cupped hand instead.
“So it’s not about solving a math problem?!” Will dramatically exclaims.
“Harry, what’s your impression of Will?” YN says through a laugh, playfully attempting to change the subject. 
Without saying a word, Harry gets up from his seat, grabs the sledgehammer, and smashes what’s left of James’s desk. YN puts her fingers in the corner of her mouth and blows a loud whistle at the sight before them as everyone else applauds with a mixture of cheering.
When it’s time for James to answer his question, he says, “So, we’ve known each other for quite some time, haven’t we? I would even go as far as to consider you both as family.” The married couple nods their heads in agreement. “But A, I watch Elf every year on Christmas. And B, I didn’t get an invitation to your wedding so,” James gives a shrug of his shoulders as the audience goes crazy.
In between a commercial break, fans and crew members record the interactions happening on the main stage. While James goes over to talk with Will, everybody else focuses on the married couple.
A cheeky sound technician plays Late Night Talking as background music. They watch as the two of them mouth along to the words and cheekily dance in their seats as they get lost in their own little world.
The fans watch them with hearts in their eyes. On some parts of the song, the couple will do the same little dance moves together, speculating that they do this behind closed doors as well: rolling their arms like they’re going to hit the woah, hands up and slicing the air in front of them as they move their upper bodies, and dramatically swiveling their heads to the funky beat—every move has them end up laughing quietly to one another. 
It reminds the OG fans of how the two would be on their third world tour with the band. They’re easily reminded of when the two of them would sit next to each other on the raised platforms on the humongous catwalk and get distracted from singing. They would lean into each other, talking in one another’s ears, and squeeze their eyes shut as laughter overtook them. Almost a decade later and the two still act like a couple of love-sick teenagers.
There’s even a part during the chorus where Harry gets up from his seat to move his hips with a swing of his elbow; YN does the same movements but from her sitting down position. 
When the couple turns their attention to the cheering crowd, Harry points to his wife and mouths, “She produced the song!” 
“And to add onto that,” YN places a hand on Harry’s arm after he complimented James. “I think I can speak for both of us in that we’re so grateful to have met yeh. You’ve been such a great friend to the both of us and I’m just super excited for what’s ahead of yeh.”
James pulls the both of them into a group hug from their spots on the couch and the audience laughs when Will scoots up to join the hug as well. YN can’t hold back the laugh that tumbles past her lips as the comedian reaches over her and her husband to pat James on the back.
When Will begins his mini speech to compliment the host on his hard work in the late night talk show industry, in the process he calls England a “shithole of a country.” While everyone knows he means it in a playful way and while the comment has James laughing, the married couple raise their eyebrows, purse their lips, and nod their head as they take the diss. 
And while Will tries to continue what he has to say, it's not long before Harry gets up from his seat and grabs the sledgehammer.
“Hold him down, lovie,” He tells his wife who's already playfully reaching her angry fingers toward Will. 
The Late Late music provided by The Roots mixes with the ear-piercing screams from the audience as they watch what’s happening backstage. Harry’s already sat in the photobooth’s seat and gently tugs his wife into his lap. She wraps an arm around the tops of his shoulders as they get ready for their picture to be taken. She tilts her head to touch his as he fully wraps his arms around her middle. 
Right before the countdown reaches its end, his fingers dig into the ticklish part in her side and she jolts up in a laugh. Just in time, the picture captures YN’s bright, open-mouthed smile, her eyes squeezed shut and her nose cutely scrunched up; her husband’s expression matches similarly to her own. 
In the end, the picture ends up in the middle of three pictures on the collaged wall: one of the band during their last Late Late interview as a four piece. YN is sitting in the middle of the group with a sly smile on her face as her long haired band mate has a hand on her shoulder. On the other side, one of Harry’s solo shots of when he first came on the show as a solo artist, and beside that one is one of YN when she came on the show when Harry hosted. At the time, her hair was barely below her ears, her naturally curly hair looked like a cloud on her head. She has one eye squinted shut, her tongue peaking out from between her teeth as she holds up a peace sign. 
Looking at the pictures in front of them, they reminisce on their shared history of being on this show. The Late Late studio has seen these two back when they were merely bandmates, secretly pining over one another with so many barriers in their way. It’s seen how they came back on the show as solo artists a few years later. It was a perfectly timed occasion for the both of them as they hid their secret relationship away from the public eye with a live audience and cameras in their faces. 
And now, as the last guests on the show, the studio sees the pair happily married and more in love with one another than they’ve ever been before.
@wobblymug @be-with-me-so-happily @ashtongivesmebutterflies @kiwiskiwiskiwi @darlingdesire @obsesseddd @hopefulwastelandcreation @cacapeepee @breezie-b00 @harrysfolklore @theekyliepage @sunshinemoonsposts @nervousspiderling @tbslonelyhes @tenaciousperfectionunknown @harrystylesrecs @certified-nalayak @itsjustsel @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @gviosca @behindmygreyeyes @twobluejeans @allisonxmcu @theemeraldbutterfly @jean-love @marvellover-sam @b-reads-things @reveriehs @rach2602 @thurhomish @perrypughstyles @luvonstyles @mxltifxnd0m @teamspideyman @c00chiemonster @juiceboxrry @s8tellite @folklorehrry @illicithallways @claramllera @eunoiaax @hoya122 @nichmedder @sleutherclaw @gloriousmoneyrascalbiscuit @harianaswhore @vrittivsanghavi @vc55bughead @futuristiccroissantlampsludge @onecrazydirectioner @valluvsu @itsgabbysblog @awkwardbisexuall @rosehel @sucker4angstt @isalove @diorchives @mrshiddlestyles02 @fdl305 @tiaamberxx
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dapper-lil-arts · 3 months
So, what are your favorite MLP ships? I don't know if you've already been asked this before, but meh
less about being asked, more about me posting them nonstop lmao;
#1 Sunlight - (Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle) Number one and two are interchangable due to my mood, because theyre both incredible, and easily fit on a "favorite ships of all time" list i could make for myself. Sunset and Twilight shipping is to me in general all about potential. And if im talking endgame, the show would have ended so, so much better, if there were two lesbians inheriting the night and day. These two are it, with flying colors. Going from rivals to friends to close friends to lovers that would do anything for eachother, to ruling the world in a golden age together, my goodness, this ship is like the chef's choice at a menu. I also may have written a large fanfic of how i would write an entire season of the show with Sunset on it, heheheheheh. Also worth stating, i concider Sunset x Scitwi To be on the same level, if not being the same ship, even if Scitwi is a diffrent character, if someone loves Twilight Sparkle, they would love her in all her versions. #2 Rarijack - (Rarity and Applejack) Did i say sunlight is the chef's choice at a menu? Rarijack is the whole fucking menu. What more can be said about the legend of how the most beautiful Unicorn and the strongest Earth Pony fell in love? The City girl x Country girl vibes are incredibly strong, the opposites attract is at it's PEAK, and both of these girls can easily concider themselves the luckiest women in the world for having the other. It was the first couple i shipped on the show when i watched passively, 'cause i instantly noticed their potential, and c'mon how couldn't anybody. They're the hydrogen bomb of mlp ships, and they could easily sustain an entire season on their back if it was about their love story, which is, painfully, not canon, like any of these ships. Also i'm literaly writing a fic that takes Shrek 1 and makes it about Rarijack and it's as dumbly amazing as it sounds #3 Startrix - (Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon) Honestly this one is easy to ship because it's just endlessly funny. The biggest fail girl that almost destroyed the world falls for the only girl thats a bigger loser than her, and that is endlessly entertaining; specialy because compared to trixie, Starlight is the baddest bitch lmao, and they would hype eachother so much. (insert that post of loser ass gf being hyped up by other cool gf) And there's just an appeal to two unhinged women finding eachother and making eachother... better? worse? I think theyre both at their best when traveling together. #4 Flutterdash - (Fluttershy and Rainbow dash) Fun fact, i didn't ship this until i wrote "the return of midnight sparkle" i just had to write scenes with certain themes, and i realised it would be helpful to further the themes and plot and character development of the protagonist if Rainbow and Fluttershy were macking on eachother. And it grew on me! Daredevil girl and shy girl lift eachother up and improve eachother. Honorable mention: That one ship with with Cadance, Shining armor, and Chrysalis; because it is honestly funny as fuck; no matter how you spin it, be it cadance and chrysalis mack on eachother and shining tolerates it, or the Princess and the Queen have a silent rivalry as they try to be with their himbo, or even if the three of them gross together. it's always funny. (queue chrysalis with the "im not the stepdad im the dad that stepped up" shirt while playing with flurryheart)
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suchawrathfullamb · 4 months
hello, lamb! what are your fav hannigram fanfics? xx
I'll give you a worthy fic rec, anon! (all on ao3)
The Seventh Sense: it's my go-to comfort fic, it's lengthy and I always reread it out of order simply because there are so many chapters where it's just fluff and smut and them being husbands. I love the details on the writing, and how it is first person Will's pov. Slightly ooc behavior sometimes, but minor and passable. It's essentially post-fall murder husbands living in Europe, being husbands in their fancy hotel rooms. There's plot and even Clarice, but it's mostly them being in love and such. Bram Stocker's Hannibal: absolutely perfect, it's theatrical and over the top, first person in Hannibal's pov (for most of the fic, but it changes povs quite regularly). What makes it a favorite for me it's their dynamic of worshipper/pretty princess lol. I love me a dainty Will (I blame Hugh) aesthetic and in this fic, we get two Wills! One that is more like our original Will and one who is a past life Will, our dainty indulgence. Trigger warning: quite a lot of Alana/Will actually, but idk, they make it up for it (believe me, otherwise it'd be unbearable for me, so rest assured, it's fine and it doesn't ruin the fic). Also: victorian! Cuts Unscene: essentially little moments we "didn't see on the show", you know how we always say we wanted those in between scenes? This is the fic, but as if they were a thing since the start, but we just didn't see it onscreen lol. It's amazing and even has season four, although I like the iteration of seasons one to three best. I adore when they write them together since season one, and this is one of my favorites in that category! The Cat's Meow: crack, incredibly sweet where Hannibal is a russian blue kitty cat, it's short and the cutest. Shark Tank: they meet in prison, Will is H's prison bitch for a lack of a better term lol, this one grows on ya, the first time I tried, I didn't like it, but then I gave it another shot and ended up enjoying it quite a lot, actually. It's obviously a bit crazy but, idk, I liked their dynamic. It's more on the fast-paced, "fun" side (by fun I mean not emotionally heavy as most hannigram's fics?).
Bloodline: shorter, super fun to read vampire AU, where both are vamps. Witty and fast paced, not victorian, though, like the dracula one, this one's more modern. Black Rock Mountain: amazing AU where Will wanders and Hannibal is a nice, fancy man who gives him a ride on the side of the road. It's shorter, but easy to read, fast paced and very hot.
How To Save a Life: very short and it's so sad because it's one of the best I've ever read. It's basically "Will tries to jump off a bridge but ends up offering himself up to a cannibalistic serial killer", but it's just...perfect. So them. A Great And Gruesome Height: beautifully written, classic post-fall, very realistic in terms of what could've actually happened in season four, amazing characterization, both are very congruent with canon.
As Soft As Wide As Air: another classic post-fall, what can I say besides really nice characterization, dialogue feels realistic/canon, and also a very probable season four version! Herringbone: um the worst? it's the best, but man, brace yourself, and definitely avoid this one if you're struggling with depression or anxiety, I had to take a few breathers with this one cause the author just absolutely *murders*, amazingly written, extremely realistic inner dialogue , you simply get pulled into the narrative and it is dark as fuck, not even in terms of content (I mean the show has dark content so lol) but more so in terms of Will's state of mind and wow, just wow, I ate 66 chapters up in two days, basically destroyed my sleep schedule and eye sight but worth it. I cried and I panicked and I felt every emotion. good luck lol, it's amazing but it's tough.
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soimcoga · 1 year
"every major baddie problem in the lmk universe is caused by SWK not dealing with his shit properly"
exept he dealt with all the shit and i'm tired of people ignoring it to paint him as an ignorant, uncaring bastard.
(very very minor s4 spoilers, so the cut)
Demon Bull King? Got his ass whooped and was sealed away for however long years it took for an entire ass megapolis to be built literally on top of him, causing absolutely no trouble to anyone whatsoever. Oh, and what sealed DBK? The staff. And if you'd care to know SWK outside of the LEGOverse, you'd realize how strong was SWK's resolve to seal DBK - keep him relatively safe, one might say - by using his trusty staff. The guy would literally die seven times over than let go of this thing.
Also people like, ignore the fact that canonically SWK stuck around the area (for the most part to stalk MK, but still), so he was literally there to deal with the DBK family if something went southwards? He didn't, because MK was able to hold the staff and the legend of the Monkie Kid then began.
(also zero antagonistic feelings towards DBK from SWK, like, whatsoever. i bet the dude actually wanted DBK to be free, cuz he felt bad abt it)
Macaque? In a morally gray manner, still very dealt with. SWK killed the dude. He was literally as dealt with as it can be. Or what, should SWK have predicted that after thousand upon thousand of years later a spirit (he dealt with too) would pull Mac out of Diyu? Yeah, I'd like to see that thought process.
SWK isn't omnipotent, he isn't even that far-thinking. Never was, actually. So holding that against him is like, very stupid. Especially because you don't do it to any other character in the show. 
Spider Queen? Wouldja look at that, also pretty much dealt with. We don't really know how exactly, but we know that she lost literally every ounce of power she had and had to resort to living in the sewers, prolly never to cause troubles ever again because, well, we never even heard of her until the special. SQ was pulled onto the scene by the Lady Bone Demon.
Which is, again, something SWK couldn't predict even if he tried.
And now into the fun part.
Lady Bone Demon? Was sealed away by Tripitaka and also didn't cause any trouble until DBK decided to use this freaky coffin he knew literally zero things about for his plans.
"But he should've killed LBD!!!"
He tried. Believe him he tried. This decision just wasn't his, and if you hold it against him and not Tripitaka, shame on you.
"He should have told the crew about LBD!"
He really couldn't have.
And people thinking that are blatantly ignoring SWK's character. Not that obnoxious fan favorite uncaring bastard one.
SWK deals with things on his own. That is just how he is, how he always was and he never learned to do it the other way around. If that's a fight, he'll do it, because he's damn strong. If it's to scout the mountain, he'll do it, because Bajie is a lazy ass motherfucker. If it's to find food for Trip, he'll do it, cuz he's fast and his eyes are awesome.
Same applies here.
LBD? Tried to kill her and Trip didn't let me -> Basically I didn't do the job right -> WTF I always do my job right, I am Sun Wukong hello???
It was, dare I say, a question to his pride, and SWK will forever be prideful. And when he acts on his pride, he does it with style and flare, in the most stupid way possible.
Hence all of the s2 off-screen investigation arc.
"Well, he should've told about the Samadhi rings!"
It would've endangered Mei, questioned his at this point in time very shaky authority and ability to handle shit, and prolly would've fucked Mei up a very whole lot.
You don't go and say to a person that they are a part of the most dangerous seal in the world and could die and destroy everything they love because you fucked up long time ago (again, very much jabbing at his mentality of 'Sun Wukong can do no bad job, and if he does he'll better fucking die trying to make it right').
Was his plan a shitty one? Obviously. Like, no question asked, it was a shit show of a plan. Very in character, though (SWK handles all the shit because he thinks he can).
And this little character arc of SWK not learning a damn thing results in him, oh golly you would not believe it, running off to do things on his own because he thinks he can handle it, because he's THE Sun Wukong who already handled this in the past.
Who woulda thought.
And the new addition to the baddie group, Azure Lion. Won't be addressing all 'SWK is a betraying bitch' because the show refuses to give us SWK's perspective and I hate it.
But you already know what I will say, because you know the truth. He was dealt with. Got his ass whooped and sealed away in the inky scroll. To be pulled back onto the scene by a third party that Wukong literally couldn't have known about.
See a pattern?
SWK deals with the shit, some unknown variable meddles in it, suddenly SWK is an incapable asshole who left the problems for the poor lmk crew to deal with.
Wukong did his job. Someone fucked him over by undoing his job. He tried to deal with it again the only way he knows how, but the solo play doesn't fly anymore, so he made it kinda worse.
He's not an unbearable, incapable asshole because of it.
And I'm tired of people not seeing this.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk, I am Sun Wukong Apologist till the day I die.
Have a nice day!
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! atsv spoilers !
when i sat down in my theatre seat to see atsv im telling you i was being the most autistic fuck you've ever witnessed. you could practically see the sparkles in my eye, dude.
the spot. my godddd he's so silly. the marketing ploy to make him seem like the side villain from the trailers was so fucking smart. I really thought that Miguel was going to be the main villain considering him fighting miles in pracgjcalky every trailer ever and being in the post-credits scene of itsv. and miles dealing with having to be everywhere at once was very realistic and gave me the classic "oh my god this poor boy this is painful to watch". oh and gwen's beginning scene of the drums just gave me the feeling that the movie was going to be fantastic. like, betrayal, amazing visuals, more gwen?? already a wonderful start. also the fact that the spot's whole reason to turn into a major villain is that nobody, not even the person who caused his disfigurement, would take him seriously- like- HUH???? perfect. wonderful. bro just wanted miles to pay attention to him for a little while.
Pavitr and Hobie were also really great additions to the spider team. Despite the fact that Hobie's accent was so thick and deep that I couldn't understand what he was saying a good third of the time, he still managed to work his way into my top 5 characters of the movie. THAT is good character building. At first I thought he was going to be the stereotypical love rival, considering his first mention was miles getting jealous of him and gwen being friends. I was worried that was how the story was actually going to go when he upstaged miles by breaking done the collider force field, but hes actually a really chill and cool guy. pretty sure he even roots for gwen and miles, so that's pretty funny. Pavitr was also super funny with a great character design. " Chai means tea, you're just saying tea tea! " was probably one of my favorite lines / jokes from the whole movie. His world was also very pretty and SUPER detailed. Props to every artist for Mumbatten.
Miguel and Peter B.'s dynamic was really fun to watch as well. This cryptic emo ass mastermind vampire who has watched people die and destroyed a universe next to this middle aged man in a pink fuzzy bathrobe who's oogling over his daughter. also, the line where Miguel said " I've had the right amount of you today " to peter b instead of " I've had enough of you " like the normal saying goes was kinda queer. just saying. but yeah, great villain, and I do want to see him in the final battle against spot, but I eventually don't want him to be the one to beat spot, y'know? If it was to be anyone, it's obviously going to be miles. Whether it's just miles or miles and gwen or miles and the gang gwen assembled at the end of atsv (WHICH HAD SPIDERNOIR YESSS SPIDERNOIR FANS LETS GOOOOOOO I HAD THE STUPIDEST SMILE ON MY FACE WHEN I SAW HIM IM TELLKNG YOU), in the end it's still gotta be miles.
the collider scene with the spot was really cool. spot may be silly, but he's not dumb enough to be " saved " by his archnemesis who only cared about him when he was about to become a transdimensional eldritch horror. boss move. his final form was really pleasing to look at because you can just see the detail that went into it. Looking at some screenshots, I noticed there were a lot of eyes and I'm pretty sure I saw a version of spiderman (original world 1610 peter, possibly?) staring at miles / the audience. despite him not showing up for another hour, hour and a half, I wasn't mad. If a movie can avoid showing the main villain for that long and still have them integrated properly, just, wow. blown away. oh and this part made me even more interested because his beginning ost, spot 1, I think? his random beats and tunes sounded more silly and disorganized and clumsy, like him trying to take the atm. near the end, he got spot 2, which was more shrill and frightening. I'm not musically trained, and I could still tell that it was scarier, and to me, they sounded very similar. To not have too far of a difference between the two and stroke two entirely different chords is just. ugh. wow.
don't even get me started on prowler miles... RAHHH THE CHARACTER AND WORLD DESIGN FOR UNIVERSE 42!!!! it was so beautiful and scary and breathtaking because there is. no. spiderman. when miles's mom didn't know what he was talking about and gwen wasn't really outside, it hit me like a brick in the head. and alternate aaron??? hello??? he made me physically uncomfortable because of how terrifying his face was. i couldnt even tell if he was wearing makeup or he was just that dramatjcally shaded. the turn miles does to see that it was his dad painted on the wall instead of aaron.... GRAHHHHHH
as an aspiring artist, I can say nothing but wow. that movie, the fact that it was 2 HOURS AND 20 MINUTES???? HELLO??? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH WORK THAT MUSTVE TOOK??? unbelievable. and you know that sony felt bad for making us wait on a cliffhanger, so they probably were around 3/4 done with atsv and started working on beyond, so we didn't have to wait as long as we would've if they finished atsv and then started beyond. I'm so glad that those 5 years in the Sony team paid off, because that. was. amazing. my depression is vaporized. im going feral, going wild, going insane. i will not think of anything else until beyond is out. can't wait to see my bbg spot have his villain moment in March 2024!!! <333
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adhd-mess · 9 months
I have so many thoughts about episode 8 but I'll begin with my favorite dumbass: Tusgaru Shinuchi, this is a little meta I made, it was supposed to be about him and Aya's relationship but I got distracted.
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This scene is by far one of my favorites. I love Jack's just utter confusion on why they were chasing them. Like he can't imagine why?
"Chasing us? For what? Revenge? A cure?"
He doesn't get it. Because he wanted to be this hybrid, he had a choice whereas Tsugaru didn't. But what catches my attention in this scene is Tsugaru's reaction to him saying "for what?"
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The most likely involuntary head raise, the widening of the eyes, the gasp. What Jack said triggered Tsugaru trauma. The curtain closes only for a moment on his performance of being the Headliner.
And then we get his memories coming in
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A normal shot of Tusgaru standing in front of some body of water covering his face
Then it shifts and he's completely shaded black
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He's shaded completely black as he remembers the torture, his trauma. To me it kind of feels like he's reliving his trauma . Typically when someone with ptsd is having a flashback they will think that it's currently happening to them--reliving it.
But that doesn't always manifest in the way we see ptsd portrayed(specifically with veterans)in media. You can relive a flashback, think you are there, but it doesn't show in real life. (i have cptsd as does my sister). Maybe except for eyes widening and gasping, and some others that aren't relevant.
To help bring someone out of a flashback you need to remind them of the present, he does this himself. Jack's question triggered a flashback but it also reminded him of why he was doing this.
The person who gave him a reason to "live", or better put, a better cause to die for--destroying the man who is to blame.
Aya Rindo.
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or appearing in blood is just a power of the immortal and she knew Tsugaru was having a flashback and could have died either way Aya brought him back to reality.
He sees her in the pool of blood between his legs which is interesting but okay. And then our favorite Headliner is back
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Our Jack here takes that the wrong way, I doubt he knows the double meaning that lies in those words. The meaning we learn in the first episode where Tsugaru says the only reason he keeps killing is one day he'll go feral from using his ability(? cant remember exactly)and kill his owner and all the people who support his and the onis abuse.
A little tangent here: Tsugaru's nonchalant and "dumb lug" attitude is the reason Tsugaru got the diamond in the end. He knows acting that way gives him a certain power, the ability of being underestimated. I know that's a given but I just love that
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spacedlexi · 4 months
Wait, people think Carver is the best TWDG villain?? I always thought he was basic as hell, and the fact that he was beefing with an 11-years old girl... Now Stranger on the other hand was great, he was super intimidating and off-putting and I was genuinely so scared he would hurt Clementine. I also liked Minnie for the same reasons (she was so creepy/off-putting), but I still think Stranger is the best villain bc he had a great setup while Minnie was kind of a secondary villain. But going back to Lilly/Carver, I also definitely prefer Lilly over Carver even though neither are my favorite... And now I'm kind of curious how you would rank the rest of the TWDG villains? 🤔
carver being the best villain is a sentiment ive heard for years 😭 im sure its coming from the "S2 is the best season" crowd tho which i also dont agree with 💀
the stranger is an effective villain. hes not exactly the typical villain type people expect. but hes very unsettling and him stalking clementine for who even knows how long through the walkie talkie is 🤢 he really makes me feel sick. she was using that talkie to deal with the loss of her parents, and this fucking creep took advantage of that so hard he was able to convince her to trust him. ugh he makes me feel so gross. and think of all the guilt clem must have about that situation. trusting this freak to help her find her parents, when if she had just stayed then lee wouldnt have gotten bit looking for her, and her parents were already dead the entire time anyway. oof. theres no way that isnt one of the biggest regrets of her life
carver is fine. i definitely think his character wouldve made more sense if they put kenny in that role instead. that way theres less "i am a grown man beefing with an 11 year old" and more "this is a child i helped look out for once, and im gonna make sure shes raised Right". but i agree that carver as he is is just over the top. overly villainous to the point of it being a little comical. like when villains are all tough like that my reaction is usually "god i WISH youd fucking kill me already so i dont have to hear your bullshit anymore do you know how GOOFY you sound??". if it was kenny in that role i definitely think they wouldve been able to tone it back a bit, and him "having a good side" wouldve been way more believable. as he is carver is kind of one note
joan.... definitely the weakest of the bunch. i dont really have much to say about her. david isnt even technically a villain but i definitely saw him as the better antagonist for the season. i mean hes definitely a villain in clems eyes. and is a constant semi-antagonist towards javi throughout the whole season. joans just kinda.. there.. doing things behind the scenes to cause conflict until the final confrontation. and then she can just disappear... okay
i like the way the antagonists work in S4. theres more of a discussion around what actually makes someone a villain and the difference between a person who fucked up and made (very horrible) mistakes, and a person who is straight up a threat. and i like that it connects back to the idea of lee and his murder of that senator. did he do something horrible? yes. did he destroy his relationship to his family? yes. does he regret what he did? i think so. and he definitely has guilt about his fucked up relationship with his wife. in S1 they mention how non-guilty people got sent to prison all the time. while lee is Definitely a murderer, we get to see over the season that hes a good guy who just wanted a family and in a moment of rage and betrayal did something he can never take back. this is why i never hated marlon. did he fuck up and do horrible things? of course. but he was a scared fucked up teen leading a group of other scared fucked up teens. he knows he fucked up, and continued fucking up to cover for his previous fuck ups lol. but he can be talked down. its a shame it ends the way it does, but i really like being able to teach aj the difference between people like marlon and people like lilly
lilly takes that kenny/carver idea and applies it to a clementine that has grown up and has been looking out for herself (and baby aj) for years now, instead of the 11 year old trying to figure shit out she was in S2. shes too old for lilly to be able to sway her in a way she couldve been more susceptible to in S2, and when lilly finally realizes this she just turns her attention to aj instead, seeing the potential in him (a potential clem does NOT want aj to live up to, wanting him to get to be a kid and not just a survivor, let alone a killer). lilly is fun because you can see in her that she WANTS clementine on her side, and throughout the season progressively realizes that its just never going to happen. both lilly AND clem come to the realization that this person they once considered family is beyond reason, their views too different, and so the fighting begins. their fight at the end of EP3 really feels like a "so its finally come to this" moment for both of them, their final fight. i always shoot her.
whats interesting about minnie is seeing her evolve from secondary antagonist in EP3 to straight up primary villain in EP4. the things shes done, the way shes been broken. she becomes her own downfall, seeing herself as someone beyond redemption. that this is just who she is now, its how things have to be. because if they didnt have to be this way? well then theres a lot more guilt she'd have to deal with. yelling at her in EP4 to just STOP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THIS ANYMORE but she has been changed (in her eyes) so irreparably that she cant see any other option. and she progressively sees clem as the one who fucked everything up for her, instead of accepting that it could all finally be OVER. after killing sophie, the delta was all she had left. it cant have all been for nothing. and so she blames clem for taking it all away from her, even tho clem is just trying to protect her family. the family that used to be minnies. and so in her rage she gets bit. something else that she couldve avoided. but shes just too lost to her own downward spiral, unable to be reasoned with. by that point she just wants it all to be Over. and she wants to take tenn with her so she can finally pretend things can all go back to the way they used to be. her, sophie, tenn, and their parents all together again, where no more bad things have to happen to them. shes super tragic and i love her for that. and i love how she holds this dark mirror up to clem. clem struggles to let go of her past too, and the guilt she has over the things shes done and people shes hurt. and that if she cant learn to let go and move on she could get lost to it the same way minnie did. theres a reason clem is so quick to accept her fate, but shes finally able to leave that guilt holding her to her past behind in that barn. and she returns to ericson a much happier and lighter person, so much weight finally lifted from her shoulders. its finally over for her too
so yeah. my fave villains are definitely the S4 ones due to their nuance and layers. then the stranger, then carver, then joan. if i had to put david on this list he'd probably be above carver. but thats mainly because he has more nuance than carver ever did
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fizzingwizard · 3 months
Five: the one you've been waiting for, about Moomintroll!!
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It is so much fun to go on a rescue mission to find Moomintroll. The bittersweet beginning, with Moomintroll sad as Snufkin leaves for the winter, and Snufkin's dread when he returns in spring to havoc and no Moomintroll... mwah. Love it
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Goodness Snufkin chill out would ya
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Snufkin might love you, Moomin, but that doesn't mean pics of your body gone splat in the mud isn't absolutely getting posted on his Instagram
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So in this game Moomintroll is pretty angelic. He doesn't have a bad word to say about anyone. It's nitpicking of me, but yeah, that take isn't for me. I like my hospitable, awkward, endlessly tolerant Moomins with a pinch of spice. Actually it's rather funny because so much of the game characterization seems to pick off the cartoon, but Snufkin and Moomintroll themselves are just so nicey-nice...? At least we spend enough time with Snufkin to hear him take a few digs at the other colorful characters lol.
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I MISSED TAKING A CAP OF SNUFKIN FALLING ON HIS ASS that would have been perfect revenge too ugghh
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[fizz.exe has stopped working]
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Can't get over how cuuuute this is. If the whole game sucked, it would still have been worth it just for this ending haha. Btw I will definitely have a piggyback in a fic some day and this is the inspiration xP
I love how Snufkin's flower-covered hat blends right in with the flower bed when they're hiding teehee
So theme again. When Snufkin hurts his foot, he encourages Moomintroll to go on without him. But Moomintroll says no, we'll go together, hence piggyback. This is my favorite way the theme comes out, and not just because it's cute, but because it involves Moomintroll overtly offering to help and then really helping. Not needing to be coaxed and indulged or endured first. Yes, in the real world there are all types and we all need to get along. But Snufkin accepts nearly all help, talks to everyone kindly (much more kindly than they are to him!), and isn't even wrong when he tells Moomintroll to go on without him - neither does he make a fuss about going together anyway.
So what growth is he supposed to have here? He doesn't decide to not leave in winter anymore (and I certainly wouldn't want him to). The story is like "Snufkin learned something" and it's... that he should keep being friends with the people he's already friends with? Even though he never said he planned on doing otherwise...? Or are we just punishing him for daring to go on loner adventures period? Maybe a cut scene showing him running away from the Fillyjonk or avoiding parties or something would have helped frame things better, but as it is - I fully understand what the story wants to say, I just don't believe it actually says it.
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Take this scene. In essence, I don't have a problem with it. But, since when does Snufkin kick people out of Moominvalley? More likely he's the one skedaddling... "But it's the Park Keeper!" So? In Moominsummer Madness he destroys the park but the Park Keeper still is the one with authority, so it's Snufkin who tries to leave. That's minor, though, what bugs me more is this "Moomins tolerate everyone!" bit. Of course it's not bad...! But Moomins definitely do not tolerate everyone and go to lengths to drive certain types away... Including potential romantic threats haha. This isn't a complaint, the game just goes in a different direction than what I prefer when it comes to Moomins. But Moomintroll is a little over the top, that's all I'm saying...
"He just dammed the river without asking and imprisoned all the animals and caused a forest fire... But I'm sure deep down he's a nice guy"
psst fizz it's a game for kids...!
yeah i know it's my blog and I'll bitch if I want to bitch if I want to bitch if I want to
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I digress. The point is how cute these two obviously are. Gaaah. The piggyback 💕💕💕 Also Snufkin's little (>m<) face!
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looking4userthatworks · 8 months
Being the Spots child
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Pre collider
●I can imagine he didn't know you existed but when he did figure it out he was like really confused because he made sure to use protection (bro was probably drunk when he did it so that prob why he didn't know you existed)
●but in the end, he ultimately decides to meet you
● alr let's give the lucky girl a name let's call her Gloria I like to imagine your mother Gloria to be somewhat of an alcoholic getting drunk on the weekend bringing multiple different boys home getting smashed and all that stuff
● she knows this is a problem but it's hard for her to stop one weekdays she trys to help you with your homework but ultimately falls asleep and you end up bringing her to her bedroom and tucking her in
●when John is finds out actually you exist he sees the situation your in and how your practically raising yourself he know he need to take you under his wing he might not know what he's doing but he's also part of you existed so he's also responsible for you
● one custody battle later
●he has full custody over you he is ecstatic and is also a little worried because he has no clue how to raise a child
●for you, you're a little shy towards him because you barely know all you know is that he's your father
●honestly you thought you situation before was alright might have not been the best but atleast you had a roof over your head a place to sleep and somewhat warm food
●Not to say you didn't have that with John it was just a little awkward
● for the first week, it was pretty awkward. Learning the basics about each other, the dos, and the don'ts favorite colors, etc.
● you started getting comfortable with him pretty soon it went from John to Dad
● sometimes, he was busy with his science Alchemax stuff, but he always made sure to ask how your day was during dinner!
●you guys were doing great
Post colider
It was a rainy night, a little drizzle, that's all. You pick up your phone, and you got a text from your dad. "You might be home a little later than expected. There's some money in my top drawer. Go ahead and order yourself a pizza. I love you !" Sent 1 hour ago
"HI dad, sorry for responding late. My phone died, so I had to charge it :p. I love you too! Come back home safely 4 me plz!"
You of course where a little upset he's always been coming home late tired and sore they've been overworking him for quite sometimes and every night he comes back he says that this will be the last time they make him work more hours
You knew he was lying every time you honestly considered emailing the company but decided against it
You called pizza place and placed your order. Now you just have to wait
Why not watch some TV? You grab the remote and turn the TV on it was on the news channel
"Explosion at Alchemax the cause is still unknown, but the police are currently looking for survivors -"you turned off the TV and got your shoes on as quickly as possible"
your ran it didn't matter if your legs started to hurt. You ran all the way to the scene
It was completely destroyed. You tried to run to what was left of Alchemax, but a police officer stopped you
"im sorry ma'am, but I can't let you pass"
you tried to push past him left, and right you went until finally collapsed in defeat
"I just need to know if my dad is okay.." You cried, choking back tears
The officer was taken aback. "I know you're worried about your dad, and I promise we won't stop till we find him, but for now, I suggest you go back home "
"Can you at least drive me back home? It's pretty cold, and my legs hurt. " You choke out with a couple of sniffles
"I- yeah, of course I can"
While the police officer driver you back hime you could help but think of the worst possibilities deep down you prayed none of them would be true
When you got home, you walked to your bedroom, grabbed all the warn abd fuzy blankets, and pretended it was your dads embrace you ended up crying for most of the night until you grew tired and fell asleep
The door unlocked and closed softly. You slowly got up, you'd run, but you had your fair share of running for the day
"Dad?" You spoke softly due to your sore throat
you started to walk to the living entrance
You were met with a pale white man? With black spots on him
"Hey honey..." he said tiredly
he sounded like you dad, but he doesn't look like your dad
"Dad... What happened?" Asked softly
"it's- it's a long story honey" he collapses "look I known it's been a long day for the both of us but can you please just...ya know just like drag me to bed"
"Of course dad," as you started to carry him on yout back to bed
You pushed his limp body on the bed and then climbed into the bed as he held you soon. Both of you drifted to sleep
●things became different when he became the Spot
● money was somewhat tight when Alchemax fired him
●he was hired by some places, but it usually didn't last long he tended to freak out the customers/employees
●rent was coming up, and he was just fired, not to mention he had to feed him and his child
●That's when he resorted to a life of crime
● and when he had his first fight with Spiderman
● and when he started world hopping of course he texted you the text probably went something like this "Hey honey I found out how to get my revenge on spider man>:)) but I need more Alchemax Coliders because it'll give me more spots >:) I don't think I'll be back in time for dinner grab the money in cookie jar an order yourself something i love you stay safe😘"
you knew your father had an obsession with Spiderman because he's the one that made him like this, so this was nothing new to you
When the spot got back to his dimension, he immediately went to check in you watching you through a window
He entered the home, and when you saw him, you gave him the biggest hug (you two guys always do this even if he was just out for groceries)
This was all for you. EVERYTHING he did was for you, and it was always for you. The bond you too built grew is unbreakable. He WILL protect you even if it kills him
Alr something I'd like to break down is the reader is 10 through 13 when this stuff happens you choose the age alr that's all I wanted to say
Have a lovely jubbly day, my customers
HOLLY SHIT I JUST RE-READ THIS ITS SO FUCKING CRINGE DO NOT READ I REPEAT DO NOT READ -future Lindsey(or past Lindsey how that shit works)
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epickiya722 · 5 months
So Kiya, I just read a theory where they said that most likely in the end of JJK, Yuuji will die alongside Sukuna and Megumi was the one who'll survive. I was so sad. What do you think about it?
Also, I love Yuuji, but I felt kinda guilty, cause ep 17 of JJK s2 is in my top 5 fav JJK episodes. Sukuna vs. Mahoraga is so cool, and when op song played at Yuuji's breakdown, I think it's felt right......
I don't even have a full-thought answer for that theory but just know if that happens, I'm fighting, I'm crying, I ripping wallpaper down...
Yuji is my sunshine who kicks ass, he is my favorite and if he dies I am not going to be the same person.
But I honestly get you on rewatching that episode. That moment is just so great as in terms of "this made me want to cry" which it did the first time I watched that scene. Like Enoki's voice acting hit me dead in my chest (and then came episode 20 and ooooh, boy).
And usually, I'm dancing to "SPECIALZ" because that song is fire (watch the music video for it, I promise you it is something else). But was the time I got mad and not because I thought it was annoying, (I didn't think so, I know some folks did) but because... how am I suppose to dance when my boy is crying and having a mental breakdown?
What makes playing that song perfect for that scene is that it did came off as mocking Yuji. Now, I don't know exactly whose POV that song is supposed represent, but I always just think it was for multiple characters. At that instance, it was Sukuna to Yuji.
It's funny, I posted a fic about... over a week ago called "You Are My Special" about Kenjaku's POV on Yuji and someone had commented how the song reminds them of Yuji and Sukuna (I've also been thinking about writing a companion piece on Sukuna's POV on Yuji), especially these parts...
Shall we dance in the boarder of the death
Tokyo trenches in the metropolis
Shall we give it our all in between yes and no
Show me a hint of bad part inside of you
Let it all make a mess
Devour everything to your heart's content
A lifelong labyrinthine rendezvous
To the point of dizziness, "U R MY SPECIAL"
*Watched several videos and read several posted lyrics for the translation. And at best, this is what I came up with. Mostly referencing from the music video.
Apparently, our minds worked in sync because these are the parts I think of during Yuji's mental breakdown. Well, that first part especially.
Forewarning, I am not an expert at analyzing! This is just how I feel.
Sukuna, for real, brought Yuji to the border of where he destroyed Shibuya so he could see all that destruction. Of course, he laughed at him, no doubt about that one.
But I also feel like that maybe Sukuna wanted Yuji to see what he's capable of. When I say "he" I mean what Yuji is capable of. He just should let go of his good nature and let loose.
I should probably make a whole other post on this since I don't want make this answer too long. 😅
Should I do that? Anybody wants that? I'd probably would do that. I'm gonna write it anyways.
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