#and i think the magic is a lack of inhibition
bitchlessdino · 9 months
i was having a glass of wine and all of a sudden i thought smt: listen to me, dino invited you to his apartment and your conversation was good and all, and now he puts on some music and stuff and you're kinda drunk so you start to dancing and feeling the vibe, feeling yourself and he's so mesmerized by your moves and thinks it's so sexy that he's walking up to you from behind and kissing your neck and suddenly you're moving and kissing.. sorry i’m out of my mind😵‍💫
This ask was written so so long ago and now I can’t help but think of that recently leaked Ariana song ‘fantasize.'
warning: alcohol, suggestive content, insinuated sexual content
It's in the moment and yes, you're a little out of it because the wine, but you've been looking to whine down with Chan for a while to release this bit of discomforting tension. You've never worked with him before and had only seen him perform as an audience not a partner. It just didn't immediately click the first time you met and you wanted to change for this to work.
Little did you know the wine was what you needed to completely loosen up. You let Chan put on a song, any it didn't matter, and just happened to be that song. Everyone and their mother knew this song, including you, and with the combination of your drink and several years of practiced dance made you embody that trending choreography.
You let yourself move, the unnatural warmth running throughout your body and soon enough, Chan came to follow. He was more than impressed, he was tantalized. First and foremost, as a fellow dancer, and second, as someone who couldn't help himself. He didn't always perform solo, and seeing someone of your caliber wasn't rare, but the aura you emitted was. It was pure, raw movement that would make any person in the room stare and here he was, lucky to have it all to himself in the comfort of his apartment.
He doesn't know what he's thinking when his hand slides over yours sides, nose tracking over the side of your neck, or when his digits dig at your hip. Surely you hadn't drunk much to just 'let this happen' you even beckoned him forward. So when your back presses into the first of his chest, he finds that high worth chasing.
First it's his lips on your neck. Kisses that burn every inch of skin, raising the micro hairs on your body. You breath hitches, leaning into him, and his lips press deeper. Your hips sway. Your back arches. His hands guide you by the waist rhythmically to the music and all without disturbing his personal process.
In swift turn, your lips are on his. Your bodies become a unit, unable to pry apart, unable to resist the taste once it's stolen, and it's as if you're bound by glue. Somehow, you're still familiar with the melody in the background, moving on sync to each beat like perfect machines. It's magic together. You accomplish not only what you've wanted, the sake working together, but you discover something that was perhaps was always there and just needed a turning point.
When you part, your eyes stare back at each other as if asking, 'what took so long?' Neither of you know, however, it's clear that it didn't matter when it'd happen, just that it did. Instantly, your lips reunite. Sweetness on your tongue and a lack of inhibition in your step, Chan backs you into a room. His room. And finally you can start this truly moving. Moving to the beat of your excited, restless heart.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 7 months
Analysing my favourite lines from Six of Crows chapter by chapter: Chapter 3, part 3
Same as usual: famous or popular quotes being missed doesn't mean I don't like them it just means I don't have anything new to say, and some quotes will not have explanations because I just like them I don't really have anything to analyse
' "We fed [jurda parem] to three Grisha, one from each order,"
"Happy volunteers?"
"Indentures," ' - the VOLUMES this speaks. And the willingness with which he admits it because it's such a normalised practice??? I think Anya is actually a really underrated character and we should talk about her more
"[amplifiers] only increase a Grisha's power. Jurda parem alters a Grisha's perception" - can we talk about how Leigh Bardugo is a goddamn freaking genius for foreshadowing the plot of KoS/RoW with this single line? Because that's insane. This line specifically implies that the power parem unlocks for a Grisha is always possible, they simply lack the perception or understanding of it to find that power without the drug inhibiting whichever neural pathways it inhibits. The ability to shed yourself of the restrictions created by strict limitations between abilities, the Orders, etc. is always there but because there's such an ingrained cultural belief Grisha have effectively lost the ability to perceive their power in the way the Saints once did. I hope this makes sense, it kind of links to my post about the small science versus magic in terms of the revelation in KoS and RoW. Even Nina explicitly states that Heartrenders and Healers have the same gift but perceive it in different ways, and yeah I feel like I'm rambling but hopefully this makes sense, I think it's incredible foreshadowing particularly because we really think nothing of it in the moment.
' "What does it do to sorry sobs like you and me?"
Van Eck seemed to bristle slightly at being lumped in with Kaz, but he said:
"It's lethal" ' - ok so first of all I love that Van Eck's superiority complex is so very obvious from so early on, and in this particularly moment it's brilliantly conflicted as well because Van Eck will also see himself as superior to Grisha since he owns Mika's contract on indenture and possibly others. Second I would argue this is yet another red herring, I talk about this constantly but Leigh Bardugo embodies her own ideology of 'always hit where the mark isn't looking' in her writing style and will often give us hints that seem like foreshadowing but never come into play, whilst using them to far more subtly foreshadow what actually happens. Have I ever mentioned that I think she's a genius? In this case, reading these lines made me more concerned that an otkazats'ya character such as Kaz or Inej was going to end up injesting the drug and being killed by it than I was a Grisha character such as Nina. Now that's partly becasue this is given to us before we find out the kind of toll the drug takes on a Grisha and so we don't see anything to fear in it for Grisha themselves, only for the otkazats'ya who fear a loss of their dominance/control. In actuality we never see any otkazats'ya character forced to or accidentally ingest the drug, because it's a precious and rare resource that would only be wasted on killing them when there are plenty of other methods, but in this moment - particularly since, as far as we know, we're yet to meet a Grisha main character - parem is established as more threatening to the characters we know than the characters we don't, so our immediate concerns are raised towards them and we let our guard down slightly to the idea of a Grisha main character being threatened by the drug. Now yes, the danger of the drug for Grisha is established very quickly after this, and our fears for Nina taking it do become much more heightened than any other character, even Jesper, during the Ice Court Heist, but there are still a lot of red herrings and hidden pieces of foreshadowing surrounding Nina's ingestion of the drug, most notably Matthias saving her from Jarl Brum and appearing to have alleviated the threat of the drug only for her to take it by her own choice shortly afterwards, and we still have this initial perception in our minds for what we were first told about the drug: powerful to Grisha, lethal to otkazats'ya.
The fear that I've spelt otkazats'ya a different way every time I wrote it in that paragraph is real.
"If it's not identical to gold in every way then the difference has eluded us. Have it tested if you like," - the challenge, the superiority complex, good lord I detest this man
' "Perhaps you heard of the Shu paying off their debt to Kerch with a sudden influx of gold? The assassination of the trade ambassador from Novyi Zem? The theft of documents from a military base in Ravka?"
Kaz hadn't heard anything about Ravkan documents, but he nodded anyway. ' - I think this is another red herring (????) I remember reading this for the first time and thinking it must be really important but then it never seems to come up again, or at least not that I've noticed in any of my rereads. If anyone has noticed that it's referencing something please let me know because I might just be missing something, but it catches me out every time
' "Financial markets would be thrown into chaos. The world economy would collapse,"
"How very exciting," ' - I love him
' "At the Ice Court,"
Kaz stared at him for a long moment, then burst out laughing. ' - not only is this so goddamn iconic of Kaz but it's actuallu a really clever writing tool as well, because with this reaction and the short exchange that follows Bardugo quickly and succinctly tells us all everything we need to know about the Ice Court at this time, ie it's impenetrable, introduces the main premise of the novel, and successfully hints at her worldbuilding in a way that tells us there's more to discover but we don't have to deal with it right now. It's effectively a brilliant way of avoiding an infodump and it gets to come hand in hand with such an iconic Kaz moment, so bonus points.
"Kaz pocketed his pistol" - this is so funny to me because I'm sure they establish it's Van Eck's pistol but he just takes it and no-one questions him I love it
"There's no point to a fortune I won't be alive to spend" -later echoed by "you can't spend his money if you're dead" and I find this really interesting because it implies that Kaz absolutely has a set price in his mind for everything. Ten million kruge is not worth drying for but thirty is.
"He had the eerie sense that the carved fish on the walls had halted mid-leap to listen" - I love this so much. Just as a quote in itself I love it. But also, there is a kind of theme following through of this discomfort the characters often find in murals, mosaics, and the like, and they are also often used as a metaphor to represent the character's relationships or arcs, such as the wolves destined to run in circles for as long as the Ice Court stands that represent Kaz and Inej or Nina's comment about how Ravkan folk monsters wait to be awoken by the call of heroes, but she is no hero so hopefully no monster will come. I haven't found a satisfying answer for what the carved fish may represent, but they could possibly just link to lack of trust that should be placed in Van Eck and really the uncomfortable feeling should be more about the merch than his decor. I did a little bit of reading about what fish can sometimes represent in Dutch art, the culture on which many aspects of Kerch are based although Ketterdam itself is confirmed to be an amalgamation of cities around the globe with particular emphasis on Dutch-Republic era Amsterdam, and I found out that in the fish would often be shown dead as a warning of moving away from faith by gluttony or greed - so perhaps a symbol of Van Eck's performative religious acts and the greed that truly controls him. (Yes, I actually spent my time researching fish in Dutch art for the purpose of a one sentence reference to carved fish in Six of Crows, and I know what you're thinking: I must be really fun at parties)
"the dream he'd had since he first crawled out of a cold harbour with revenge burning a hole in his heart"
' Mika started to cough, and Kaz saw blood on his sleeve.
"Sit," Van Eck instructed gently, helping Mika into a chair and offering the Grisha his handkerchief.
He signalled to a guard.
"Some water," ' - I'm not 100% sure on the relevance of what I'm about to say but looking at this exchange retrospectively it just seems so performative and I really question it; I don't this is part of the façade Van Eck presents generally to the world or if it's, in his mind, for Kaz's benefit to give him no reason to distrust him, or what, but I know that I don't for one second believe that in private Van Eck would politely give an indentured Grisha his handkerchief and send someone to fetch him a glass of water.
' "DeKappel oil painting [...] I had been assured that my gallery was impenetrable [...]"
"I do seem to remember reading about that" - the audacity in this child knows no bounds and I'm so here for it
' "I'm inclined to believe that the thief took it for a different reason,"
"What would that be?"
"Just to prove that he could,"
"Seems like a stupid risk to me,"
"Well, who can guess at the motives of thieves?"
"Not me, certainly," - I adore this excahnge so much. And as a side note it's really clever becasue we as the reader know with so much confidence what's going on that there's no need to extrapolate and explain it to us, yet we feel like we have the full story. And of course later we learn it was Kaz and Inej working together and I love this because cna you imagine one of them bringing the paper to the other after reading about the 'impenetrable gallery' and they're just looking at each other like "... we have to, right?" "Hell yeah we have to, get your coat,"
"Kaz had heard rumours of a firepox outbreak [...] skin crawling. He wanted no part of a plague" - this is some mad foreshadowing right here, and the fact that KAz is seized by an unexpected flashback mere lines later tells us so much because when we look back on it we realise that he's so stressed by the idea of a plague and his concern only makes it harder for him to anticipate a flashback.
"Van Eck led him through a door and into a manicured garden, thick with the new nectar scent of early crocuses. The smell his Kaz like a blow to the jaw. Memories of Jordie were already too fresh in his mind and, for a moment, Kaz wasn't walking thorugh the canal-side garden of a rich merch. He was knee deep in spring grasses, hot sun beating down on his cheeks, his brother's voice calling him home," - so this is the flashback I mentioned a second ago and it is literally just a couple of lines after Kaz's concern about a potential plague outbreak. We also have the added twist of crocuses traditionally symbolising rebirth, mirthfulness, and innocence, contrasting Kaz but also arguably existing to taunt him with the younger version of himself and his brother the scent reminds him of. The idea of twisting what crocuses usually represent is also famously used in Vivki Feaver's poem, 'The Gun', where she writes "the King of Death/ had arrived to feast, stalking/ out of winter woods / his black mouth/ sprouting golden crocuses" and Bardugo could be doing the same thing here by using something traditionally associated with youth and joy to represent or hint towards Kaz's traumatic experiences as a child. Possibly the metaphor is extended by the way the scent of teh crocuses is so quickly lost to the stench of the boathouse, particularly with the idea that there are dead bodies in there linking to the feeling of dead flesh, to show the stark contrast of Kaz's life before coming to Ketterdam, and after.
"Councilman Hoede lost a lot of blood. But he's in the same state as these men. He's been removed to the country with his family and the staff from his house" - this was very much the same vibes as the way you can pay an awful lot of money to be buried outside the city or you can be burned on the Reaper's Barge and it's so interesting to me, that even in death your body is priced and part of an institutionalised nonsense social hierarchy.
' "Why do you wear the gloves, Mr Brekker?"
Kaz raised a brow.
"I'm sure you've heard the stories,"
"Each more grotesque than the last,"
"Pick one," Kaz said, as he vanished into the night, thoughts already turning to thirty million kruge and the crew he'd need to help him get it, "They're all true enough," ' - this is a brilliant excahnge and I love it but when we're looking back on it after knowing the full story it's so sad because part of Kaz genuinely views himself as a monster
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kingprinceleo · 3 months
Hi there! Playlist anon again. I listened to the whole thing and here are my thoughts. I hope this isn't over reaching cause I really enjoyed it overall and would love to see the rest 🙏🏽. Buckle in this is longgg
Rivers is a Vampire- Sonic would dance fight Shadow to this song (like in the original puss in boots, look up the scene I swear it's great).
Loose Cannon- it's both so Shadow and Sonic coded but it's funnier if it's Shadow realizing he likes Sonic. More likely it's supposed to be Sonic @ Shadow and it really fits. 10/10 putting it on my personal playlists.
Genius - this is Sonic having a jam sesh in his bedroom. 7.5/10 very in character, you're going to make me start liking rock music.
Assassin- 9/10 Shadow in his emo boy bag. The verses feel like Shadow in his head thinking he's hot shit (he's right), but the chorus feels like Rouge trying to talk him down. Overall big fan.
Lost- Honestly really love the vibes of this one. It sounds like Sonic and Hoax fighting/ talking or just Sonic debating with himself. Love the jaunty music with the sinister undertones.Fading World- 7/10(<- could be higher depending on personal taste) A nice interplay between Sonic's cheery friendliness and Shadow's.... everything. A nice world building song if that makes sense. If vamp au! were a level in a game this would play.
Moon Trance- A vampire nobility song if that makes sense. Kinda gives off Blaze if Sonic were dropping in with EDM beats. World building song.
Phantom of the Opera Overture- Shadow once again in his emo bag. Listening to this I imagine him dramatically posed as Ophelia in the river as Rouge looks on utterly unimpressed. Another world building song.
Dear Wormwood- 10/10 Devastating. This feels like when Shadow discovers Rogue is a vampire (if that's still canon?) and could work for the Sonic/Hoax reveal but to a much lesser extent.
Galacta Knight Theme- 5/10. Not bad but I'm not entirely sure how it fits. Feels like a world building song but lacks the rock and goth roots of its predecessors. I wanna say it feels like an Eggman song?
Trouble- Rouge song very fun (Shadow if you get a microscope). Good for a chase scene or playful fight.
Look What You Made Me Do Remix- Shadow after Sonic sneaks an extra sip of blood. 8/10 Shadow wouldn't be a Swiftie but he would bop to a song or two.
Bodies- GODDDDD 10/10. Shadow tracking a vampire to a party in his vulture outfit and having to maneuver his way to stealthily kill them (can't remember clearly if Shadow's actively a vampire hunter in the au rn but you get the vibe /pos).
Vampire Culture- like I said before Shadow being a hater /pos. Somebody get this boy a weighted blanket he needs to chill 8/10. I imagine he plays this as he puts on each vampire repellent stud and piercing.
The Magic 8- A very Sonic song in message but also Amy with the talk of magic. Funky duet? They'd probably sing this at Shadow 9/10.
Who's in Control- 10/10 Another Sonic/ Hoax talking song (I interpret their dynamic to be that Hoax has less inhibitions than Sonic and is overall allowed to be looser. hopefully that's close).
Why Do I- Sonic after Shadow realizes he's Hoax and they have a falling out. It feels do very Teen Beach Movie /pos. He'd get a whole musical number with backup dancers and rad sad choreography.
Blood Red Moon- World building song. Funnily enough I think you'd introduce Shadow with it. Dark foggy night, random vamp running away/ person being attacked by one, cut to Shadow standing ominously with a lightning strike for good measure. Lowkey has cowboy vibes.
Born of a Star- Feels like a happy future. The type of track that would play towards the end of a boss fight.
Drumming Song- 8/10. Very much an Amy song I like it a lot plenty of witchy vibes. Feels like it would play when she performs a powerful spell/ ritual (not sure exactly how her magic works). The chorus especially also sounds like Shadow describing the effect Hoax has on him :).
You've Created a Monster- Shadow. That's the review. This plays during a hunt or just during his morning routine. Just goofy enough to hide the emotional turmoil but serious enough to show his issues 8/10.
This is Why- Shadow whenever he sees Hoax. He's his biggest hater. Also Shadow at his job with Knuckles (he's about to punch someone's teeth in).
Figure 8- Sad Shadow hours. Probably around the time he just met Hoax and made the deal. Sounds like he's questioning his whole identity :(.
Shoot to Kill- 6/10 World building song. It's giving gathering of elders in the vampire kingdom.
Punching Bag- I've been associating the Set it Off songs with Sonic so far so at first I was thrown for a loop, but honestly? I can see him singing this after someone (Shadow) tries to kill him. It can also be a Shadow song but I find the Sonic angle very interesting.
Vampire- 9/10. ROUGE SONG. She's about to rob a man, GOOD FOR WOMEN.
Sirens- Not sure exactly this would apply to but very fun. Sounds like Shadow falling in love in a very overdramatic way but could also be Sonic. 8/10
Again sorry for the length and I hope I didn't interpret anything egregiously wrong 😭
I think the band In This Moment and their albums GODMODE, Mother and Ritual could maybe fit.
Thanks again for sharing :)🙏🏽
anon i am literally kissing you on ur nonexistent smooth gray mouth HHJDFHHSDH this is the nicest thing anyones ever given me im so giddy about this DHFSHFHSDJDSF that being said this is gonna get so long so i am adding the under cut LOL
Rivers is a Vampire- youre so fucking right for this and i wanna draw it so bad ... JKDFJKSJKF
Loose Cannon-set it offs elsewhere album is a whole banger and highly recc the whole thing >:]]] and this song is a shadow centric one ! about how hes always on the edge around everyone bc of his paranoia, and esp around hoax lol, he gets mad about being called out </333
Genius - sonic jamming to this is also so correct fdjghjdfg contrary to shadow, sonic in vampire au is just here to have a good time LMAO (u should get into rock :} BDSFBH its fun here)
Assassin- this one is rlly interesting to me bc the ENTIRE thing is intended to be a shadow callout post from sonic/hoax pov. i would not have considered this being shadow reflecting on himself at all ! but damn the rouge pov also works out really well too, i never considered that either! (originally i figured the only rouge mention would have been 'you hear whispers when were just talking' which would have been sonic and rouge talking to each other and shadow thinks they are conspiring </3)
Lost- this one is a lil complicated in my rat brain shdfhj !! this one is shadow pov! its like. about his perspective shifts across the plot in vampire au- first trying to hide from the scary vampires </3 and the screams are getting louder line ....is about maria...... i eated that part up.... "please dont find me im not ok" is a very shadowcore line and the final lost chorus meant to rep shadow eventually becoming 'lost' in what scared him but like. embracing it. this one. is hard to convey JJSDFJSD prob would need art to get across what i mean i suppose Fading World- this one is a Maria and GUN song ! :]c (dont worry about the fact its bass boosted. i am just guy who likes bass......)
Moon Trance- close !!! silver and mephiles :3333 jbhdfjdj(meph is blazes royal advisor so it does tie back to her kingdom ehe). boys who prowl and will bash your head in to this in the woods somewhere
Phantom of the Opera Overture- "Shadow once again in his emo bag. Listening to this I imagine him dramatically posed as Ophelia in the river as Rouge looks on utterly unimpressed. Another world building song." I NEED TO DRAW THIS SO FUCKING BAD AHAHH u are SO FUCKING RIGHT FOR THIS. side note, a general rule of thumb (not always but a lot) anything that sounds this fucking dramatic is shadow pov and how he imagines vampires, the real guys are just chilling dfbhgfhsd with their nerd music. shadow is vampires #1 hype man without even realizing
Dear Wormwood- this one is Primarily a shadow and GUN song !! tho there are little tidbits of others who he has discovered lied to him like rouge eggman and sonic !!! (and yes shadow finding out rouge is a vampire is still canon >:])
Galacta Knight Theme-close with the eggman bit !! a theme for geebo <333(Lance)
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Trouble- very correct vibes !! primarily rouge but i would add sonic in there too !! they both have that fun playful air to them tbh that i think a lot of people overlook in their canon dynamic hfgdhj
Look What You Made Me Do Remix- Shadow @ everyone tbh !! buttt primarily this is during his GUN arc when hes just so fed up with being lied to (he doesnt even know) i think if u remixed enough taylor swift into rock or metal he could get down to it fdgbjgdhjf
Bodies- YOURE SO RIGHT FOR THISSSS. esp the vulture part :]c... and the vampire hunter part is .. a little complicated ! he kinda is sometimes? theres a specific circumstance that makes him more willing to actively hunt and kill
Vampire Culture- he is absolutely blaring this in his mind while he gets ready lmaooo . big fan of weight blanket shadow tho dhgfdjg....something to draw.... fun lil fact tho... i imagine that smooth voice to be the head of GUN....
The Magic 8- i think sonic is the one singing it! but its all about amy! about her arc with her desperation to prove herself, getting consumed by her ambitions, and working with dark magic :)
Who's in Control- the sonic and hoax angle is SOOO interesting to me! i would have never thought of it bc frankly they are chill af, he does not have much turmoil about it! this has always been a HUGE shadow song esp 'living in fear, living afraid, hysterical everyday"
Why Do I- this is actually shadow @ sonic !!! reverse hehehe. this is one of the more accurate songs lmaooo, like 'wake up in cold sweats screaming your name" this song is the canon point in time where shadow first realizing he has a crush on sonic !! sonic is the reason the bastard drinks </3333
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Blood Red Moon- absolutely obsessed with your version of it oughhhh, but its always been an eggman song to me (esp with that laugh lol)! and one of his silly little schemes. defo gonna draw that shadow idea tho thats so sick (and it is SO cowboy. do not be surprised if it winds up in the desert vampire playlist)
Born of a Star- this one is a death song ! self reflection and "how did we get here"
Drumming Song- close with the chorus part ! but the entire thing is Sonic pov about how yummy yummy shadows blood is 😋 shadows heartbeat drumming in his mind !
You've Created a Monster- i was SO fucking confused when i saw this bc!!!! youtube is hiding that video from me "its not available" !! and apparently you can see it but i cant!!! im so mad but i also owe you my life bc i found the song again and it BANGS SO HARD and it is 100% shadow wanting to kill maim <3333 its also a 3 way song for shadow @ everyone/ Hoax @ shadow about how shadow seems to be forcing hoax to be the monster he fears to justify his hatred/ uh oh amy fucked up !!!!
This is Why- THE JOB ANGLE IS SO CORRECT AND FUNNY, obsessed with that. but also yeah shadow doesnt like outside </3 rouge is the one saying the coast is clear </333
Figure 8- the deal interpretation is so good...... thats all im ever gonna think about now. honestly "all for your sake, became the very thing that i hate, i lost my way, spinning in an endless figure 8" was meant to be a shadow talking about maria line! but thats all i really got from the song, the deal idea is so good.......
Shoot to Kill- i personally saw this as a shadow GUN song !! bro is more intense and focused than usual
Punching Bag- THIS CHANGED ME WTFFF, i was struggling to see it as shadow and GUN, but oh my fucking GOD, the sonic pov is so raw and i am OBSESSED with it. pissed him off one too many times !!!!!!!
Sirens- this is a shadow and GUN song !! solace in their song is propaganda !! shadows ready to shoot !!! shake off some blues kill vampires !!! HES BACK IN THE NOOSE!!!! SONIC GIVE HIM ALL YOU GOT BECAUSE IF NOT THEYRE GONNA DROWN HIM OUT !!!!!!! ehe :]
i listened to Mother and couldnt immediately feel anyone out with it but ill look thru their other stuff and rack my brain !!! ty for the suggestion !!!! but omg ty SO MUCH this was so fun if u ever wanna hmu for the other playlists...... i am looking so hard.. (but no pressure !! this was already so much and im so grateful !!!)
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dailycharacteroption · 7 months
Roleplaying Races 14: Wyrwood
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(art by James Anderson on Artstation)
Our next entry, much like gathlains, trox, and wyvarans, started out as one of the completely new “example” ancestries that were created to demonstrate how the race builder rules from Advanced Race Guide could be used to create entirely new playable options, and not just turn your favorite monstrous humanoids into something you could play as.
And unlike the bestiary-only options, those species actually got development, lore, and character options! In particular, today we are looking at wyrwoods!
Originally created to demonstrate a construct playable option (which really pushed the limits of the builder’s ruleset), the wyrwoods barely had any abilities at all aside from “it’s got all the construct immunities and weaknesses.”
However, since then, these diminutive automatons have gotten both lore and ability updates to really flesh them out, literally in one case.
Overall, they have elements of “ancient robots”, “freed automatons distrustful of fleshlings” and other such tropes built into their design.
The first wyrwoods were created by the ancient Azlanti, animating frames of metal and wood a powerful ioun stone (or aeon stone as they are called now) as the power source and possibly the seat of their consciousness. The enclave that created them had succeeded in creating intelligent constructs with souls and wills of their own, but with sapience comes the ability to question, and the wyrwoods wondered why they had to be involved in the conflict between the Azlanti and the Alghollthu in the last years of the empire.
When forced to fight against the horrors of the deep, the wyrwoods rebelled and fled, taking with them the secret of their creation, where they weathered the destruction of Azlant. To this day, these pragmatic people seek their own survival and have sworn to never be under the thumb of any other species ever again.
About halfling-sized, wyrwoods are humanoid constructs of wood and metal, the exact shape varying by the artistic aesthetics of the “parent” that built them, as well as any repairs or upgrades they themselves have made since that time. They all sport an aeon stone matrix somewhere in their body, but this may or may not be visible, and is not easily removed in any case.
The diminutive machines have a limited capacity for emotion, focusing primarily on logic and survival, and what emotions they have are treated as motivating tools rather than a part of their core being.
Wyrwood society is defined by their distrust of all organics, who once enslaved them, and by their desire to survive and live free, which is why they guard the secret of their creation so fiercely. The most horrible thing to these constructs is the thought of an entire population of new wyrwoods manufactured to be slaves and servants, not knowing the freedom of the rest of their people, or worse, accepting it as normal.
That isn’t to say that wyrwoods refuse all contact with flesh people. Indeed, sometimes envoys are sent abroad, particularly to places where constructs are made and studied, but they prefer not to stay long, especially when humans and other fleshlings reveal malicious intent that makes their fears into reality.
Wyrwoods are agile and always thinking, but their distrust makes it hard to endear themselves to others.
As constructs, they boast an impressive array of immunities and defenses compared to living creatures. However, it also means they cannot benefit from most healing magic.
As smaller beings, they are quite agile but also lack leverage, inhibiting their strength.
They also sport impressive night vision.
Of course, not all wyrwoods are built the same, and I mean that in a very literal sense. Some were designed to be supportive of others of their kind and even other constructs, able to channel magic to repair them. Others used different materials in their construction for the physical and mystical benefits. Some may contain religious relics that allow them to provide divine blessings, or have bodies mostly constructed of the remains of wands and staves, increasing their reserve of arcane energy. Some may have parts from the First World, and have an uncanny ability to befriend animals as a result, while others may be constructed of salvaged materials from battle sites or ruins, able to channel a small measure of violent destruction into their attacks. Perhaps the strangest of all are those who have incorporated living matter into their bodies (typically plant life, but there are experimental possibilities), the result being constructs that blur the lines between automaton and living being. While this gets rid of many of their immunities, they can be resurrected as if they were ordinary living creatures.
With their intelligence and agility, the most natural classes for wyrwoods are rogue and investigator, what with their focus on dexterity and having lots of skills, though alchemist, wizard, and other intelligence-based casters are also good picks as well. The charisma penalty does limit them somewhat with charisma casters and charming builds, but this can be circumvented. The only classes that I would avoid them are barbarian, bard, and skald, as they can’t benefit from morale bonuses, preventing many core features from being of any use to them without special archetypes.
That does it for today, but we’re far from done! See you tomorrow!
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Thank you for answering my ramble, I would like to continue to borrow your ears, if that's alright
That was a good point re: school languages... Maybe a better analogy would be languages that aren't common in an area? Like my school had German and French as options, even though there wasn't any notable amount of population in either. An elective, of sorts.
As for the vocal cords, perhaps they're structured differently, or it could be a whole different organ, to produce sounds. I'm leaving a bit of wiggle room personally, since it's v fantasy anyways from what we know of their physiology. Organs likely have to change somewhat anyways, with the land potion - where digestion leads, how blood vessels work, etc. So mer language couldn't be spoken on land (or spoken with some difficulty), and human languages could only be mimicked in sea.
Something new to think about for you, though - what's your opinion on the double jaw hc for the eels? I personally like it - it gives them more similarity to their animal inspiration, and the thought of the jaws being used to freak people out is quite amusing~
[Referencing this post!]
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chisxvjsns They used to offer German and French as electives at my school but 😩 they got dropped because not enough people were taking it… so I see something similar going on with a (theoretical) course for merpeople to learn the common language of humans? Like, it’s an elective but some schools may not offer it at all due to lack of general interest in going to the world above long term.
Yes, I would imagine that the transformation (?) potions are would have to do a lot of complex procedures in terms of rearranging the organs and other body parts. When you think about it like that, it’s really amazing that magic can do things usually only surgeries can.
I think the vocal cords of a merperson would probably have to be at least a different shape to accommodate for the water rushing through them?? Though the shape would also have to be able to adapt to air, since I assume merpeople can surface and still speak just fine without the water.
I think the twins having a second jaw headcanon is fun, but putting aside suspension of disbelief, I don’t think it’s… practical?? If we think about the anatomy of a human versus a moray eel, they’re quite different. A human has a comparatively small mouth and respiratory opening compared to eels, so would a second jaw even be able to realistically fit in a human without inhibiting their other functions?? Or at least displacing some of the other organs??? Wouldn’t that at least result in misaligned teeth or an overbite??
I can see maybe their merforms being adapted to accommodate the second jaw (even then, it’s debatable how much their merforms relate to the A&P of their sea creature species; ie octopuses have large heads to hold their organs and beaks instead of teeth for chewing food, yet merform Azul has neither of these traits). However, I don’t see a reason why the transformation potion wouldn’t “correct” it for their human forms? The extra jaw wouldn’t have a purpose for a human (while a moral eel has the pharyngeal jaws to help them prevent prey from escaping). That’d be like saying their human forms still have gills when gills aren’t necessary for functioning on land.
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In the world of anatomy and physiology, we generally adhere to the rule of “form follows function”. So… if there isn’t a need for a certain function, it usually gets eliminated over the course of evolution. In this case (since magic makes change almost instantaneous), I feel like non-necessary functions (and thus the forms associated with them) are largely eliminated in the transition from merform to human.
… Okay, the boring buzzkill stuff is done 🤡 djsvjwbekeemvzksb My opinion of the headcanon?? Like I said before, I think it’s super fun!! I love seeing fan art of it and how uncanny and grotesque it often looks. The twins would absolutely abuse it to freak out their classmates (much to Azul’s chagrin).
“Whatever happened to maintaining a sense of decorum?!” he’d moan, holding his head in his hands.
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sapphireshineauthor · 2 years
Magical Entropy - Chronic Condition Concept
Manifestation of Magic Entropy - MME
A rare magical illness developed when a child first develops their magic energy. This illness causes a person's magic energy to be unstable and cause their magic energy to fluctuate to levels where the body may be unable to contain it. While these types of massive fluctuations are rare, they are fatal. There is no 'cure' for MME, only ways to reduce & channel the fluctuations. Most of these methods are pendants created to control magic flow and storage, and special medicines that can directly inhibit or increase magic energy to keep levels stable. While both options help to massively decrease the possibility of a fatal fluctuation, they can still occur.
Symptoms / Side-effects - common symptoms of MME are dizziness, headaches, shortness of breath, and chest pains. Symptoms vary depending on fluctuation severity.
OFA (Omega Flux Attack): when the magic energy level dips to extreme amounts. Levels can fall below average and below what the body is normally used to, and in extreme cases, decrease the level enough that the body's normal energy system is tapped into to compensate. Considering the nature of magic energy, it takes a lot of "normal" energy to make up what magic energy is lost. In severe cases, cause short term coma and even bodily failure due to lack of proper energy to fuel necessary systems.
Symptoms of a decrease/lower flucs - lack of energy, dizziness, lightheadedness, lack of awareness, increased susceptibility to illness, fainting, increased hunger, weaker body control.
AFA (Alpha Flux Attack): when the magic energy in a person's body climbs and exceeds what the body can currently handle. If severe, can cause extreme fluctuations and cause a death similar to that of a heart attack or stroke. Same as Omega Attacks, symptoms can vary depending on severity.
Symptoms of an increase/higher flucs- headaches, increased chest pain, muscle aches, coughing (blood if severe), shortness of breath, trouble breathing, nausea.
Attacks & treatments - MME flux attacks can occur at random, & vary in intensity. Ways to treat attacks involve deep, controlled breathing & magic channeling. In case of an OFA, place hands deep breaths & stop moving as much as possible until it ends. In cases of AFA, the best course of action is to expel as much energy as possible, by channels through matter or pure release, and use as much energy before it can cause a bodily reaction. Or have an item or medicine to sap the energy away as quickly as possible to keep it from overflowing.
Medicines are rare since the condition is extremely rare and documentation is limited. However, current medicines are a series of potions that can increase, decrease, and stabilize a person’s magical energy reserves. Usually, the ones increasing and decreasing energy are taken when necessary to treat the appropriate symptom. The stabilizing potion is taken daily to hopefully keep the chances of an extreme fluctuation attack low. However, it is not perfect and extreme fluctuation attacks can occur. ((This is the condition I made up for Alan and wanted to share since I think it's a fun one))
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bloodxhound · 2 years
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          “Lack of confidence will get you killed just as quickly as a dull blade,” he retorts, zweihänder dripping with freshly spilled blood, every drop further soiling the cobblestone path underneath their feet, where children’s laughter had given way to frenzied screams when the strange, lupine beast had attacked. A threat now vanquished, with nary a loss to account for — thanks to their combined efforts. Dark eyes settle on his pouty companion as he thinks over their words, weighing them against what combat prowess they had shown themself capable of. They know how to protect, that much is clear; at the same time reluctance inhibits them, stills their hand at the moment of conclusion. The hallmark of someone not yet jaded with experience. “—or hesitance,” he adds curtly, with finality, intended as well-meaning advice, as warning.
          At their explanation, his thick eyebrows rise. “Humans?” He flicks his blade sideways, ridding it of excess blood before sheathing it inside the scabbard slung upon his back. That too would be an apt explanation for their reluctance just moments ago. “... I see. I won’t slay more than necessary, but human or not—we can’t allow ‘em to make a feast outta the villagers here.” His feet set into motion, expecting the other to follow. “What kinda magic is powerful enough to turn humans into these beasts anyway?” He’s never seen such creatures before, not in a decade’s worth of hunting. “Some kinda curse? If there’s a way to dispel it, I’m willin’ to give you the chance to try.” / @eternasci​, cont. from here
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soysaucevictim · 20 days
I do not have the creative space for it.
But just thinking about a different AU based on WoD Lore/splats (I already have like two in the works - Begotten & Promethean over here).
What if c!Thomas was a warlock - a Mastigos mage that deals in mind and space magic.
And the Sides? They're Goetia that he manifested, and interact with a lot. Shenanigans Ensue.
What are the Goetia (courtesy of the Wiki, not going to drop links in this post)?
In contrast to other demonic entities that roam the world of the Chronicles of Darkness, mages have a unique source of encountering these creatures. The Ars Goetia, often simply called Goetia, is a specialized form of magic that allows a mage to communicate with his baser self: his Vices. Goetia demands at least the third level of the Mind Arcanum. According to legends, the practice of the Ars Goetia date back to King Solomon. Of all Paths, Mastigos are most inclined to take up the mantle of the Goetist, no doubt inspired by their trip to Pandemonium and their command of the Mind Arcanum. A Legacy, the Clavicularius, have risen around the practice of summoning and communicating with one’s darker impulses.
A demon summoned via Goetia lacks any infernal traits, like hooves or bat wings. Instead, they resemble persons from the mind of the mage who originally summoned them. Perhaps they appear as a lover the mage has spurned, as a more self-confident and powerful version of their summoner without moral inhibitions, or like someone the mage has envied or lusted after from afar. Correctly summoned, a Goetic demon has to answer to their summoner and is forced to serve him. Many Goetists do so in order to analyze and decipher the sources of their bad habits and destructive urges and how to best solve them, but others have darker inclinations. A master of inner demons can bind Sleepers to his will by manipulating them with the same dark emotions he knows intimately. A person possessed by a goetic mage’s demon often displays the Vice and derangements of the mage who controls the entity. Scientific mages claim that modern techniques of psychotherapy can permanently cure a person who is possessed by a mage’s inner demons. Religious ones rely on old-fashioned exorcisms. Physically gifted mages swiftly subdue and restrain the goetic mage’s manifested minions. Goetic demons dwell on no plane of existence known to mages, but can manifest in Twilight as well as in the Material World. There are only three ways of destroying a Goetic demon: a successful abjuration by its summoner, raw magical force, or a solution to the emotional problem that originally birthed the demon. If the host of a Goetic demon dies, the creature is free to roam Astral Space and the Material World of its own volition.
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sacred-stanning · 2 months
Chapter 9 Part 4: Getting out of a bind
So we're in the middle of this turn where I'm wondering if I over-committed maybe.
Amelia here is one concern. I'm not planning to use her, but she is carrying a speedwing, so I don't want her to die. I send in Seth to rescue her out.
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So now Franz is isolated up above, but he's pretty tough. Ross can get hit by two different archers, which might not be great, but at the time, I overlooked it. I send Neimi up to attack this weaponless fool. She can't kill him, which is good, because I don't have to worry about her getting attacked by two enemies on enemy phase since this guy is taking up the one spot where the left archer could hit her from.
The right archer with a longbow can still get her, but she can take one hit.
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I end turn, and the reinforcement cavaliers move down and are replaced by two new ones.
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Ross managed to survive enemy phase, no thanks to my (lack of) planning.
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Here's the range for the top archer. I really want to get rid of the archers because they inhibit Vanessa's movement. The one on the right with the longbow is hurt, as is the one on the left. I'll focus on getting the top one, probably with Franz since he's right there.
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I'm confident that I can take care of the archers, so I have Vanessa eliminate this mage. I think this may have been the guy with the red gem that I forgot to steal... :(
Also, this level up... :(
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This should be easy for Ephraim.
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I spent a bunch of time thinking about who else could maybe take out this archer, because Ross doesn't have 100% hit, and if he misses and gets hit, he dies.
I ultimately do the dumb thing and just go for it, and it works out!
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And then for some reason, I heal Ross after the attack above. I should have done this first.
Neimi also eliminates the staffless monk.
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Finally, Franz takes out this archer and the skies (ceilings?) are safe for Vanessa.
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I decide to block the top with Franz and Seth. Seth has good res, and everything else, so he'll be fine. Franz's res is not amazing, but it's better than Kyle's.
Also, note Seth's lowered skill and speed. This is the penalty for carrying someone since he's still holding Amelia.
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I have Kyle grab Neimi so that Seth won't be slowed down, and then send Seth up to kill this mage twice over.
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Franz takes some damage from the remaining mage, but the cavaliers are not a threat at all.
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So now we have one mage left, the first two cavalier reinforcements, and then two more reinforcements on their way down.
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Seth takes out this mage since he won't take damage, and he gets a chest key.
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Lute takes out the other cavalier and gets more magic.
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Putting Lute there though means that Moulder can't reach Franz if I use Franz to block off Lute from getting hit by the cavaliers coming in from above. And I'd rather Lute not take physical hits.
So Franz just has to heal himself. But as we saw before, he's not at risk of taking pretty much any damage from those guys.
In fact, in retrospect, why did I even bother healing him?
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Like, I didn't need to at all. He's not in range of this dark mage, and his defense is ridiculous.
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Speaking of that dark mage, he's got a Luna tome, which has 20 built-in crit and ignores res, making it potentially dangerous even against mages / pegasus knights / or other units with high res who usually don't fear tomes.
...except it has garbage hit and 0 might, so it's not actually much of a threat.
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The two cavaliers come in and attack Seth and Vanessa.
Vanessa also ended her turn in range since one of the cavaliers has a javelin and could throw it over the wall at her. This was not a mistake though, you can see I equipped a javelin on her, so it was my intention to present her as a target!
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Next time: Lute and Vanessa have an awkward conversation!
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abishekmuses · 2 months
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Everyone’s been subject to this fear – many of us still are. It’s so pervasive that many of us have come to take it for granted – that this is just something you’ll have to base your life on – the fear of other people’s opinions of us.
Don’t get me wrong – it’s not that I don’t understand where it comes from – I do. After all, we need each other for survival. It seems like this is a mechanism to ensure that we don’t stray too far away from what’s good for the collective or the tribe.
Maybe it’s an inbuilt mechanism to avoid ostracism which for most of human history meant death. But that’s historical. What about today?
Survival is organised really well today. Granted not for everyone – there are still hundreds of millions (if not more) of people out there facing unimaginable adversity, on a daily basis, just to ensure basic survival. But, what’s being addressed here is the plight of the vast majority of us who don’t have to worry about finding nourishment – a lot of us are still burdened, miserable and insufferably morose.
This has become such a widespread reality that we have almost come to equate it with normalcy – like “man that’s how life is; get used to it!”
There’s this temptation to put this down to the pitfalls of modern life – but i doubt that self-consciousness and social fears are something that just came about as a result of sedentary lifestyles or a post-industrial world.
There seems to be something more fundamental at play here – the inhibition that comes with the fear of social rejection is not something that exists by itself – it is a manifestation of fear – a much more overarching and encompassing fear.
This is a fear of death – but more interestingly, this is a fear of life itself. Life is uncertain, seamless and perhaps most importantly, finite – at least, in the physical sense. The body, no matter how well it’s taken care of, eventually dies.
We’re all deeply afraid, it would seem, of truly confronting and embracing this fact. Our minds seem to have this magical ability to forget mortality and death and the drop of a hat.
To accept life is to accept death – it’s difficult make no mistake – but from my own experience, there is no life without it. There is no fire to life – no urgency – no passion – unless the finality of death is accounted for.
When this understanding is courted and embraced, we throw caution to the find and a sense of abandon finds us – we throw ourselves headfirst into life wanting to splash about in it’s joys and mysteries with the least concern for anything or anyone.
So, what stops us from burning with life? I don’t have the answers – I’m just trying to piece together a somewhat coherent picture for myself from all the apparently incoherent dramas i’ve been through myself.
It seems to be a fear of the future – a fear of rejection. A fear of death. A fear of discomfort. But more than anything else, it seems to be a lack of energy. A distinct lack of “flow” – of vitality.
There’s also habit patterns that keep us locked in our heads reinforcing emotions and states of powerlessness, despair, anguish and boredom.
To throw the shackles of automated living off and embrace the frightening, frenzied excitement that comes with embracing life as a naked being stripped of misconceptions and illusory images of security is not comfortable. It’s a lot of things – vivifying, invigorating, energising, rapturous – but it’s not comfortable. It requires the relinquishing of stuporous inertia – a coming out of the comforting but death-inducing trap of habitual tendencies.
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And that’s difficult for people because – well we’re going through life sedated; half-asleep. We’re sleepwalking through existence wondering if some day we’ll magically feel more alive and ecstatic – because I think essentially, that’s what we’re all seeking – to be as alive as we can – and just burn with life! burn with fury and have the limited time that we have in this mysterious and ineffable thing called life be indescribably ecstatic and rapturously thrilling!
Like I said earlier, I don’t have the answers – but I do know this – life’s passing us by and we’re choosing to sleep to our graves rather than dance our way there with our dicks hard and chests pumped!
What’s the point man? What’s the damn point of living life if it isn’t even lived properly. Why go searching for the meaning of life – when the life in question is a miserable and painfully arduous one – why bother finding the meaning of such a life? why bother coming up with or associating with philosophies, political theories and ossified intellectual positions.
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When we throw caution to the wind and stare death in the face and empty out our bag of fucks till there’s no fucks left – then the rapture of life seizes us by the throat and fills us with an ecstasy that’s indescribable – Those of you that have done MDMA or fallen head over heels in love – it’s something similar – but indescribable nonetheless – it’s orders of magnitude more profound and insanely more satisfying.
I speak about this because I’ve experienced this a number of times. Fuck knows why. Maybe because I’ve spent the vast majority of my life outside the monday to friday, 9-5 grind – I never made it to most of my classes at uni and then found a job where I can spend early hours of my day writing blog posts about nebulous stuff; Maybe it’s because I had a horrible time in my 20s and woke up every day with crippling anxiety and a feeling of dense, all-consuming dread and at one point, I just found it easy to stop taking life so damn seriously – I don’t know; Maybe it’s because I’ve been, for whatever reason, able to throw caution to the wind and laugh at the face of death.
Here’s the thing though – I don’t want to be misconstrued as saying that i’ve figured out some magic trick to answer all of life’s questions – I have not. In spite of experiencing the aforementioned states of ecstasy, endless possibility and full-force vitality, I have yet to transcend my own propensity for fear, slothfulness and social rejection. I have found it possible to break free from these chains every now and then, unlocking periods of immensely liberating freedom and bliss, but i’ve not been able to sustain these states.
It’s a work in progress.
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There’s strong neuro-physiological conditioning that needs to be undone. But nevertheless, my whole experience of living on this planet has been immeasurably enriched by these experiences I’ve had of Baccheiatic, Dionysian ecstasy and frenzied abandon.
In those states, I couldn’t care less what people thought of me. I would tell people exactly what I wanted, how I wanted. I would stand, sit , walk and do what i wanted. And funnily enough, that’s when I’d feel this sense of respect and attraction from people that we all seek a lot of the time – not that you crave it in that state – but it’s still an interesting observation.
But here’s the thing – it’s not that those states are altogether transient and have no impact on you long term – they do leave you changed – when you’ve experienced these states a number of times – then, you DO stop giving a shit about some stuff that you used to – you just can’t bring yourself to live up to and care about those social norms that are particularly stupid and utterly meaningless.
Ok I’m done.
#approval #conformity #life #ecstasy #freedom #notgivingafuck #authenticlife #rawpower
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rose-from-ashes · 6 months
A slight adjustment to Vynathr's listed jobs, along with a thorough timeline for them:
Vynathr starts out in Gridania as what would in game be considered a level five archer and lancer, with a slight emphasis on using his lance. He switched between either depending on the task and enemy before him, rapidly becoming more skilled in both, and he did attend both guilds and experience their questlines. After defeating Ifrit and being accepted into the Maelstrom (the only grand company he did not have existing dislike and distrust for), he takes an interest in arcanima, and begins to attend that guild as well, again experiencing it's questline.
While archery and lancing come naturally to Vynathr, with his abilities rapidly rising in both, arcanima does not, as the poor man was, up until starting the game, fully illiterate, and only barely knows how to read a bit by the time he fights Ifrit, just enough to navigate areas and spot the (delightfully named) Queer Leaflet required in quest. As such, the arcanist's guild kindly teaches him how to read and write, as well as interpret the mathematics and geometry required for arcanima. He is embarrassed by this, but willing to learn, and the guild is patient with him, knowing to respect the man who defeated Ifrit, and quickly coming to understand his intelligence, even if he is mute and illiterate. He becomes literate at an average level by the end of Heavensward, learns some Doman during Stormblood, and becomes literate at an advanced level during Shadowbringers, with his full nerd potential being unleashed in Endwalker.
In addition, Vynathr holds some vague Garlean ancestry, not enough to show visibly, but enough to mildly inhibit his magical ability. He has a certain blockage that makes it difficult for him to project his aether properly, leading him to lack any healing ability aside from some very simple conjury that requires contact to use and is very weak- he cannot save a life but he can temporarily close a wound, think Cure I, and he similarly cannot use thaumaturgy aside from some very small spells that, again, require contact to use, rendering them next to useless if not paired with a physical weapon. However, arcanima grants him both a physical object to channel his abilities into, and a carbuncle to execute distance spells- his methods are unconventional, wildly so, but very effective.
Even so, arcanima comes slowly to him and prevents a serious struggle up until he hits what would be in game level 30 and unlocks summoning. At this point, he seems to almost flip a switch and become incredibly formidable, and progresses leaps and bounds until summoning becomes his primary combat method during Heavensward, his lancing (for he does not do the dragoon quests even if he does become more powerful in other ways) and bard abilities progressing more slowly after level 50 though never stopping entirely.
During Heavensward, he also picks up the heavy blade of the dark knight out of curiosity, but neither the job stone nor the quests, having found a blade discarded in the snow. He does not go far with it, practicing in private against a dummy until he holds a vague understanding of how to use it. However, after Haurchefant's death, Vynathr has a violent breakdown, and takes up the blade out of instinct, lashing out against the Temple Knights. No one quite knows how or when he found a job stone, or how he began to manifest Fray, but all at once, Vynathr became a terrifying, rage filled force of nature, ripping the temple apart and attacking knights in the streets until the Scions and House Fortemps managed to calm him down enough to set him in Thordan's direction.
During the course of the week and a half it takes to do all that's needed to find his foe, Vynathr reaches the level of power and skill necessary to kill Thordan, ascending from level 30 to above 60 in record time thanks to relentless and single minded training. Anything that was not the prey he hunted was either ally to help him get there or an obstacle to cut down without a single thought, and the scions generally treated this as a time to keep him far away from witnesses so he did not sully the truth he'd been trying so hard to reveal before his breakdown. They manage this successfully, and after Thordan's defeat Vynathr seems to think a little more clearly, though he takes a solid week to recover physically from his overwork, and takes several days to simply sit either in his room or in gardens or libraries alone to recover mentally and emotionally.
He does have the dark knight questline, with 30-50 happening instead rapid-fire over the course of his 30-60 rush, and everything else taking place after more slowly. Luckily, his magic inhibiting does not affect how he works as a Dark Knight, because he has a physical weapon to pair with and direct his abilities and the non physical abilities needed have their own reasons they work- with aoes, the magic is in an immediate area right around him channeled through both his weapon and the earth, and with his long range attacks, he sends his magic along the length of his blade and uses it as a rough slingshot.
After post Heavensward, he spends some time getting and keeping all his jobs roughly equal levels, but retains Dark Knight as his main job out of fear of losing another friend or loved one if he lets them take the attacks. He does have the level 80 dragoon quest, but no others. In the verse where he is possessed by his own voidsent shard, he had picked up reaper at a point dependent on plot rather than the in game level requirement, and quickly succumbed to his void self's control in a matter of days if not immediately.
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dandelionbitch · 10 months
Weed Witchery: Lemon Clover
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Second post about all the beautiful flora we categorically dismiss because it’s not grass. Gonna share what they are as well as some ideas for how they could be used for spells. If anyone knows something I don’t about these plants, please share! I am not an expert. I’m just a lady reading Wikipedia and a few online field guides. Also! In this post I’m going to mention medicinal uses. I think magic and medicine are intersectional; how something affects our body is great insight into how it can affect us through spellwork. But I am not a trained herbalist. Whenever I touch on medicine, I intend to cite my sources. If I ever forget to include a source, please call me the fuck out.
Quick Facts
Native to: North America and Eurasia
Edible: Yes*
Cat/Dog Safe: No*
*It is not recommended that you eat this in large quantities. Wood Sorrel is high in oxalic acid, which inhibits calcium absorption. For this same reason, it’s generally not considered pet-friendly since they can be particularly vulnerable to kidney stones.
Yellow Wood Sorrel, or as I know it, Lemon Clover, gets its nickname because it has a sour taste with notes of lemon (or, if you’re my partner, green grapes). It has three heart-shaped leaves and will grow yellow flowers with five petals. Even without the flowers, you’ll know it’s not white clover by the shape of the leaves and the lack of white stripe in the middle. Fun fact, this is a relative of shamrocks, which are not actually clover. But I still call it clover because, well, look at it. Taxonomy makes my head hurt so I’m not gonna go any deeper than that.
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(photos from Wikimedia Commons)
Uses and Correspondences
Being a relative of the lucky shamrock and having a sour taste that evokes cleansing lemon, this seems like an ideal ingredient for hex breaking! Should I ever suspect I’ve been cursed or just need to let go of something, I think I’d like to try using this in a ritual bath. Lemon clover also has some medicinal uses worth noting. Native Americans have used it as a poultice to reduce swelling and made infusions for its antipyretic (fever-reducing) properties. I also read that this can be used to curdle milk for cheese making because it’s acidic, but I don’t know how effective it is.
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crunchygaybones · 2 years
Some Worldbuilding for a Universe I intend to write stories in.
Every person has a power (think like Avatar but without non-benders).
Power Types are: Air/Fire/Water/Earth (the Elemental Powers); Metal/Lightning (the “Death” Powers [they are so named due to lore reasons that will be discussed on a different post]); Nature/Shape-Shifting (the Life Powers); Sun/Moon (the Celestial/Magic Powers)
However, not every person with the same category of power will have it manifest in the same way. For example, some individuals with the Air power might be able to fly really well, but can’t produce wind as well. Some individuals with the Water power might be able to freeze water and control ice better than they can control water. Additionally, one might be born with a disability that inhibits their ability to properly connect with their powers, often manifesting in some form of a lack of control over said powers.
Shape-Shifting is by far the most common power, and many who have the power can only do one thing with it, like changing their size, changing their hair color/skin tone, turning into a puddle, etc.
Most individuals manifest a secondary power to a limited degree. This power often manifests during puberty in the form of a permanent shape-shift. For example: many people will get a Gills shift (Water) that allows them to breathe underwater. Sometimes a Gills shift will also give the person webbed feet/a mermaid tail while they’re in the water. Some people grow mountain-goat horns and gain a sudden boost in their climbing capability (Earth). Some people show no outside change at all, but may be stronger (Metal/Earth) or faster (Air/Lightning) than their appearance lets on. Some people just become really in tune with other living things (Nature).
Sun/Moon powers are the rarest, and while they may develop a unique appearance, they do not manifest any other powers. Those who possess Celestial powers are capable of things more often associated with magic in our world i. e. being spiritually in tune with their respective celestial body or bodies, being able to create illusions, minor telepathy, magical healing. They are often put in special classes to learn how to properly harness their abilities, and those with these powers often hold higher positions.
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ceogreys · 2 years
Indian woman head shave video
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#Indian woman head shave video movie#
#Indian woman head shave video full#
#Indian woman head shave video plus#
What you want to do, where you want to do it and how you’re going to do it. Whisper, groan, roar, moan, shout, sing – we want to hear it all.
#Indian woman head shave video movie#
Let’s face it, we know there is a movie going on in your head with stereophonic sound. And I don’t mean post-coital cuddle conversations – though those help too. “Tease, role play, get some toys” Rachna Chawla, 46, Managing consultant *Management skills: Have a plan in place, change paths, spring surprises, bring in external experts and focus on closure. *Energetic leader/enthusiastic team player: Toggle effectively between leading top down and working from the bottom up. *Learn on the job: Be a quick learner, adapt and develop core competencies to stay ahead of the pack. *Fit and strong: Mental stimulation is passé at key times, so before paying attention to your loved one, love yourself enough. *Staying power: Start strong, but also stay strong and finish with aplomb. Men and brands have killed more with boredom than with guns. *Eye of the fish: A dedicated focus on the goal. It’s uncanny, but the same skill set or the lack of it can make or break a partnership, both in the boardroom and in the bedroom. And it was the exact list I had made for a job requirement I recently posted for a fairly senior position. When I sat down to list what women want in the bedroom (or any other room), the list came quick and snappy. “Stay strong, finish with aplomb” Sukanya Duttaroy, 46, MD at an international jewellery brand We should keep trying till we make the recipes our own and bring out the flavours we love! What do I want? I want a partner in the kitchen, who’s going to use all the ingredients, taste all the dishes, and try all the pots and pans. Let me say it simply, sex is good! Heck, it’s great. It’s like asking a person who has never been to a kitchen to cook a three-course meal. We were expected to magically be in touch with our sexuality once married – no practice allowed. I was limited to watching Bollywood movies, where sexual energy was bursting at the seams. The 15-year-old me couldn’t even Google ‘sex’. “Science of sex was taught, the art wasn’t!” Ciza Srivatsa, 39, Real estate consultantįor Indians my age, while the science of sex was taught in school, the art wasn’t taught anywhere.
#Indian woman head shave video full#
The modern Indian woman wants the full eight-course meal! From mind games to wooing to knowing what an orgasm feels like! Anyone who thinks a woman’s G spot is down there has a thing coming: it’s all in the ‘head’ baby! “We want mind games and orgasms” Manu Randhawa, 46, Adventure junkie and former commercial pilot Be it the 69 or the tricky catapult, women are now trying their hand (no pun intended) at various positions. From sexy thongs to edible lingerie, it’s not shocking to hear women recall stories of ‘last night’. They’re bold in demanding what they feel is fun. Women are opening up about accepting that just like men, they have the same (or rather, more) needs. “Women have the same needs as men!” Manali Bagawade, 25, CEO at a digital agency When asked what women really want in bed, here’s what some of my co-authors had to say…
#Indian woman head shave video plus#
I’ve co-authored the deliciously spicy Eighteen Plus Duets that features 18 stories, each written by a spirited woman. They have the freedom to reveal this saucy side of their personality to the people they choose as their mates. I’m glad that this resurgence after a few hundred years of inhibitions, thanks to Victorian prudishness, brings them right back to where they belong: as equal partners. Why do we even assume women would be different from men? From my understanding of the Indian woman from reading stories like the Mahabharata and looking at our temple carvings, I don’t think our women lagged behind in the days of yore.
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thenexusofsouls · 2 years
Freya, what do you think of Wanda? You’re pretty similar.
{I'm going to answer this breaking the fourth wall a bit and just having one character be aware of the other, since they otherwise would never know each other. Kindof just like a character interview, like you'd interview an actor.}
"I think that she is someone who has experienced immeasurable pain, and I understand how that affects a person. She has lost her parents, her brother, her lover, and her two children, and I have lost my parents, my lover, my brother, my sister, and my daughter. So I understand well what she is going through. And I think that having powers such as ours, which can change our reality around us, especially when there is no one else around us who has the same abilities to offer guidance, is not only very isolating but it contributes to us living inside our own heads overmuch.
"We make our reality what we want it to be, and if what we want is an end to our suffering, and that suffering is due to loss, well then we've got to replace what was lost, and build a fortress where no one can ever take what was lost from us again. Wanda created a new family, a perfect life, and a Hex boundary to protect them. I created a frozen wasteland in which I thought no love could grow, and collected children to fill the void in my heart and a remote kingdom to raise them in to make them strong. Perhaps our intentions were good at their roots, but with our mental health not being the most stable, our grief, loneliness, anger, and despair shaped our powers into something terrible. We have both lied to ourselves, me about my need for love and Wanda about the reality of who she has harmed with her magic. Unrestrained and without guidance, we did terrible things.
"We did ourselves a disservice by not reaching out for help, but so too did those around us fail us by not seeing that were were very damaged souls. Damaged... and dangerous. And that made us hated as well. When you have a very powerful individual who has been wrong, who has been hurt... they require different types of help than regular people. They require not only counseling to help them overcome their trauma, but also to see the merits of practicing restraint with their powers. Because.. when you are in the moment and all seems so blindly hopeless, painful, and infuriating... it is difficult not to simply say... but I can change this. I can make this better. Or, at the very least, that I can erase it or fill the void with something else. And if you can do that, then why not do it? The lack of inhibition and restraint that sometimes accompanies extreme trauma is doubly dangerous when power like mine or Wanda's is involved. We needed specialized help and care... and we did not receive it. Perhaps this does not exonerate us, but it explains us.
"I... feel for Wanda, I truly do. I know the deep void, that aching emptiness, that is made by the loss of a child. To carry someone, without your own body, birth them, hold them in your arms, and then... have to let them go, even as everything within you is screaming to take their place, to someone make them not the one that must suffer... I know that pain all too well. It never gets any easier, it only changes over time. It is raw at first, unable to be touched without sobs and nightmares, but then it becomes a frightening and empty numbness, and you fear that if the pain stops that will mean that they are gone forever, because all you have left is pain. But then, after all of that, it settles on something... more demanding. A desire to change the pain, to make it gone, to return to that time when you didn't have to live with it every day. That... is where Wanda and I fell into the darkest pits of our minds, wanting so much to change how we felt deep inside that we began to lose sight of was right.
"I hope that Wanda can find her own peace. I hope that the only peace the world has to offer women like us isn't just the grave."
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bewitched-sunflower · 2 years
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Going through June with the Spark of Magic Tarot Challenge by @lionharts using The Intuitive Night Goddess Tarot by @linzisilverman ✨ Spark of Magic Tarot Challenge THE SPARK The Sagittarius Super Full Moon 13. What is this Super Full Moon guiding me to release? QUEEN OF WANDS 🌻🐱🦁 Fortitude, Energy, Autonomy, Integration, Light Your Fire Going into this prompt I was thinking of lack because usually release means let go of something. But that’s not all release is. And I am being called to release my inner fire, my sensuality, my inhibitions this Full Moon. I have held back for so long that I’m not quite sure how to do this. I’m sure my guides will assist! I’m looking forward to this Full Moon! #lionharts #thejunetarot #theintuitivenightgoddesstarot #linzisilverman #junetarotchallenge #tarotreadersofinstagram #tarotchallenge #tarotreader https://www.instagram.com/p/CexTrFnMZ9c/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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