#and i hope yall liked the hints that they totally end up together!
carmenlire · 2 years
Tempered Blade
yeong was raised to be the unbreakable sword since the age of four, right? He started training since before he knew what it all would entail-- and then he went into the naval academy right? As someone expected to be the king’s guard one day, he did stints in several different areas, including extensive special ops training. A lot of what’s taught is only spoken of in vague murmurs and yeong’s never mentioned that a few of his scars aren’t from missions or childhood foibles.
I can’t get the idea of yeong undergoing special training one week when he’s-- 18? 19? He’s read all the material on how to stop himself from spilling state secrets. He’s read POW testimony so he has some idea of what to expect when the beatings start. Still, it’s just his luck that Gon decided to visit that weekend, not knowing that Yeong’s latest tribulation is interrogation and torture, another layer of iron being forged into the fire that will make yeong the unbreakable sword he swore to become.
Imagining Gon, visiting his best friend. His plans for the next two days consist of nothing but ribbing Yeong about his crush-- surely he’ll be crushing on one of the pretty cadets in his class-- and letting yeong lead him around and show him the ropes (like he wasn’t in the academy just a few years prior).
Gon, asking where Yeong is. Gon, being told that Cadet Jo is unavailable and will be until further notice. Gon, as king, getting that haughty undertone that makes the person in his crosshairs realize exactly who they’re talking to. Gon, being told that Yeong is in the middle of an assignment that can’t be interrupted. Gon, demanding to be taken to Yeong, as a tendril of foreboding curls up his spine at the way none of the officers manage to look him in the eye.
The room yeong’s in is in the bowels of one of the academy’s oldest buildings. Three walls are impenetrable cinder block while the fourth is a two way mirror. When gon walks into the observation room, it takes everything he has to choke down the command to release him, the order to behead every single person responsible for the sight before him.
Keeping still, wrenching his implacable mask into place, is the hardest thing he’s had to do in fifteen years.
Because there’s his best friend, his yeong, but he’s barely recognizable. He’s sitting in a chair in the middle of the room, head hanging low to rest against his sternum. His hair’s hanging over his forehead in a way that thirteen year old Yeong had declared as too unprofessional for the future captain of the king’s guard. Gon is studying him so closely that he sees a drop of sweat slide down the edge of his jaw, spilling onto his chest.
Gon bites his lip viciously enough to taste blood. The sight of Yeong’s chest makes Gon’s own ache in tandem.
Yeong is shirtless, wearing nothing but a pair of boxer briefs. His abdomen is covered in bruising purple. There are angry welts over his heart, lacerations down his sides. 
His feet are bare on the concrete floor, tendons standing out starkly.  His hands are tied together behind the back of the chair, the cut of his triceps almost obscene in the fluorescent light.
From here, Gon’s eyes trace the way Yeong’s breathing. It looks painful, each inhale a rattling labor of need.
Each exhale forfeited like it’s all he has left to give.
There’s an officer standing to the side, wearing a pair of black latex gloves with a face mask to match. The dull sheen of fresh blood catches the harsh light from above. His voice is detached, dispassionate as he asks, “Where’s his Majesty? All I need is a street address, anything.”
The tableau stills for a brief moment and Gon holds his breath. He has no idea how long this has been going on-- hours? days?-- and in that moment, half of him just wants yeong to give up, to break.
The other half always knew that wouldn’t happen, though.
Yeong’s back is a languid slouch in the chair. Slowly, he raises his head and Gon’s breath catches for the second time in as many minutes.
There’s a cut high on Yeong’s cheekbone, one of his eyes bruised almost black. His lip is split, a smear of rusted blood just under where Gon knows a dimple peeks out when his best friend deigns laugh at one of his terrible jokes.
It happens almost in slow motion and Gon’s eyes eagerly study yeong’s mouth-- the way the smile tilts up at the corner, scornful in its daring. Gon’s gaze catches, rapturous, on the way the corner of yeong’s eyes crinkle just the faintest bit, more impression than anything else.
Even from here, the look in his eye would stay lesser men.
Yeong raises his eyes to meet the professor cum interrogator. His smile widens just enough to antagonize. “Fuck you.”
It’s the voice that stills Gon even further. It’s hoarse, a rough edge to it like he’s never heard before. The words seem wrenched from some deep cavern in his chest, behind his ribs, somewhere no one’s been allowed before.
Most of Gon is appalled. Still. He won’t ever admit it but he finds it undeniably attractive and it makes something ugly in him preen-- the insouciance, the sincerity, the sheer strength his best friend possesses.
Before the last syllable falls to the floor between them, the officer’s hauling his fist back for one hell of a right hook. The shock of it reverberates up Gon’s own vertebrae, one by one and this time, it’s darkness coming up to wrap around his lungs to squeeze hard.
He known for years that Yeong will suffer for him, because of him-- but to see anyone hurt his best friend, his Yeong, makes a piece of Gon absolutely wild with fury, with the need to retaliate, swift and sure.
Head snapping to the side with the force of the punch, everything’s silent for a moment, everyone waiting to see what Yeong will do next.
For his part, Yeong just takes his time facing forward again. He looks down and if Gon didn’t know better he might just label his posture defeated. Pride surges though him, though, because he knows Yeong better than anyone else in the world.
Yeong’s mouth drops open. Gon’s eyes don’t catch on the fullness of his lower lip, bloodied and bitten raw-- don’t linger on the dull shine of his teeth, the way Yeong’s tongue darts out and doesn’t flinch at what must be the taste of sharp copper.
Instead, he watches calmly with the other officers as Yeong suddenly breathes in sharply through clenched teeth before spitting right between his interrogator’s boots. It’s more blood than saliva.
The officer wrenches Yeong’s head back with a hand fisted in sweat-soaked locks. 
Yeong is calm as his eyes meet the officer’s. There’s nothing amused about his expression now. 
So quiet that Gon catches himself leaning closer to hear, Yeong says, “I’m going to kill you.”
The officer raises a brow but doesn’t get a chance to speak before Yeong continues, still deadly calm, “And I swear to God, you’ll kill me before you touch a hair on his majesty’s fucking head.”
In the observation room, all of the witnessing officer’s breath a quiet sigh of relief. The interrogator, for his part, just sarcastically pats Yeong’s cheek a few times hard enough to sting. “We’ll see about that, won’t we?”
The interrogator leaves the room without a backwards glance.
Gon studies Yeong, now that he’s alone in the stark room. There’s something beautiful about the sight before him but Gon knows he can’t let himself tread those waters, not right now and maybe not ever.
The interrogating officer steps into the observation room a few moments later, taking his mask off to reveal a proud smile. “Jo sure is exceeding our expectations, isn’t he?”
When there’s not an immediate response, he looks over just to pale at the sight of Gon.
Gon doesn’t have to clear his throat but it’s a near thing when he finally breaks the tense silence in the observation room. “How long has this been going on?”
The officer next to him– Lieutenant Jung– keeps a measured voice as he replies, “Jo is on day four. For the first trial, we allow up to seven days. If Jo is still in play by the end of one week, we end the exercise and he’s moved into recovery.”
A second officer clears his throat before adding, “First timers usually last less than three days. Cadet Jo is one of the toughest men I’ve had the honor of training, Your Majesty.”
There’s a lot of things that Gon wants to say to that. How dare you tops the list. A close second is by King’s order, end this at once. A distant third is I knew Yeong would make me proud.
All he asks instead is, “How long is recovery?”
The interrogator rocks back on his heels in an uncharacteristic display of unease. “It looks like Jo might make it the full seven days. With that amount of dehydration, malnutrition, and wound infliction we estimate three weeks, Your Majesty.”
Bringing his hands behind his back, Gon squeezes them into fists so tight his palms sting. He feels the ache of it in his wrists.
He nods once. “I’ll leave it to you, then.”
His voice remains level. This is what he signed Yeong up for all those years ago, Gon thinks with vicious self disgust.
It’s terrifying realizing just how a child’s promise has become a man’s burden. It’s exhilarating knowing that he made the best decision back then. The only decision, really. Yeong’s never let him down and Gon knows there’s not a single universe in existence where that’s even possible.
It’s humbling to see with his own eyes, in such a visceral way, that Yeong has not only stood by his choice from all those years ago but has gone on to renew that oath every day, every minute he suffers for the sake of a mere mortal.
For him. Not the king but Lee Gon, the man behind the kingdom.
That kind of devotion is awe inspiring. Gon promises himself to never take it for granted, to never forget for a moment the breadth of trust and fealty that Yeong carries for him.
It takes every ounce of strength not to call a halt to the exercise, not to sweep into the room and take Yeong into his arms and carry him to the nearest physician. There’s a part of Gon that’s surprised he manages to stop himself.
In the way that an eight year old knew how to calm a child, however, a king knows when to step back.
When the one thing he wants is– and will remain– out of his reach.
With a child’s negligence, he placed Yeong on this path. With a king’s stratagem, he resigns them both to shouldering yet one more weight in the name of their friendship, for the sake of the crown.
Gon affords himself one last look through the glass, at a Yeong who looks beaten but not broken. 
A man, stark in his devotion, overwhelming in his fortitude.
Gon ignores the others in the room. He raises a hand to the mirrored glass, feels the echo of warmth along his palm.
Allowing himself just a moment, Gon turns to the door faster than he’d like. Hand on the knob, he hesitates before opening it. His voice is soft as he says, “I trust in your discretion, gentlemen.”
He doesn’t wait for an answer. Gon leaves the room without a backwards glance. He strides down the corridor, back to his motorcade– all without a single word. His guards stay silent, knowing what their king just witnessed.
Three weeks and three days later, the palace gets a call.
The messenger is patched through to Gon’s personal line. Gon doesn’t say anything when he picks up and the voice on the other end doesn’t wait for him to start.
“Jo is out of recovery. Minimal scarring expected and preliminary psychological evaluation passed. Next trial will be twenty-one days. It is scheduled for the end of the year.”
Gone hangs up first. He never says a word to Yeong about it.
Years later– once Yeong has left his position as Captain of the Royal Guard in favor of a promotion, as Gon likes to tease– Gon will finally take the opportunity to kiss the delicate arch of a scar along Yeong’s cheekbone, will press lips honeyed with veneration over a jagged line along his husband’s thigh.
The price of reverence is a king’s ransom. Gon happily spends his days with the knowledge that he’ll never be able to clear himself of this most profound debt. Still, he promises himself for the thousandth time, kneeling before Yeong, that he’ll make sure they both enjoy him trying.
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samwilsonsbabymama · 3 years
A Change of Scenery
Pairing: Single Dad!Angel Reyes x Single Mom Black!Reader (but anyone can read)
Summary: Reader moves to Santo Padre and meets the father of her daughters best friend.
Warning: hella fluff like it’s all fluff lol
Word Count: < 2,900
A/N: This is based off of this post that I made a few days ago. Huge thanks to @my-rosegold-soul​ for being such a big help with this and for being an all around amazing person 💖I hope yall like it!
✨I don’t give anyone permission to copy/translate/repost/rewrite my work. Minors, DNI at all. ✨
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"And AJ said that I could come to his house whenever I wanted, mommy," your daughter, Imani, said, causing you to smile. This wasn’t the first time that Imani had brought up going to Aj’s house, and you were sure it wouldn’t be the last. You continued listening as she told you about how excited she was to see AJ at daycare as you drove.
You had moved to Santo Padre on a whim a few months ago after spending your entire life in the big city. You were tired of the fast paced life and you needed a change of scenery, so, with very little planning, you'd packed up all of your stuff, and you and Imani moved. 
At first, you had been worried that Imani wouldn’t adjust well to being in a new environment, but after a few days in her new daycare, Imani had made a few friends. One friend, in particular, was the constant topic of conversation. 
AJ and Imani were in the same class and came to be fast friends. From the first day you picked her up, all Imani could talk about was AJ this and AJ that. You loved hearing about the ‘adventures’ that the two 5 year-olds got up to at daycare. 
After you had pulled into the daycare parking lot, you began to walk Imani to the door. 
"Mani!" a small voice called out to your daughter causing you both to turn.
"AJ!" Imani responded and pulled the little boy into a hug.
You chuckled as you watched the two embrace.
"So this is Imani?" a voice rumbled next to you causing you to turn. 
As your eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight shining in your face, you were taken aback by the man in front of you. He had dark hair just long enough for a few strands to fall into his eyes. His plump lips held a hint of mischief behind his smirk. His brown eyes were dark and you felt yourself wanting to get lost in them for hours. Your eyes traveled down his body catching the name “Romero Brothers” on his work shirt.
Your eyes trailed along the tattoos on his arms down to the many rings that adorned his fingers. You imagined what they would feel like against your skin. As you continued sizing the man up, you bit your lip almost forgetting where you were. 
When he cleared his throat, you snapped your eyes back up to his only to be met with a breathtaking smile. You felt your face heat up in embarrassment and you stuck your hand out towards him.
“I’m Imani’s mom, Y/n,” you said and your voice trembled when he reached out and took it. You’d half expected for his hands to be rough and dry, but you were pleasantly surprised to find they weren’t.
“Nice to meet you, Y/n. I’m Angel, AJ’s dad,” he said as he shook your hand.
“It seems as though our kids are best friends; Imani talks about AJ all the time,” you smiled.
“Yeah, Imani is famous in our house.” If it were possible, Angel’s smile got bigger as he spoke.
“Mommy, it’s hot,” Imani interjected before you could respond to Angel. You looked down at your daughter and smiled as she impatiently stood in front of you.
“I guess we should get these two inside,” you said to Angel as you reached for the door.
“Here, let me get that for you,” he said as he moved to open the door for you and the kids. You smiled and whispered “Thank you” as you walked into the building to sign Imani in.
When you were done signing her in, you turned to look back at Angel. When you noticed that he was talking to one of the teachers, you waved Imani ‘Goodbye’ and headed out the door.
A few days passed since you met Angel, and you were still buzzing. Never in your life had you felt this way, not even when you were with Imani’s father. You didn’t want to read too much into this, especially since you had only met this man once, but you were dying to see him again.
As if the Universe had decided to grant your wishes, two weeks after meeting Angel, you ran into him again. Only this time, it wasn’t at the daycare. You’d taken a day off work to get some errands done while Imani was at daycare. You’d been out all day, and your last stop before going to pick your daughter up was the carnicera. 
The sight that greeted you when you walked into the only butcher shop in town made your heart skip a beat.
“I’ll be right with you,” Angel said. His back was still to the door as you made your way to the counter.
“Take your time,” you responded with a smile.
At the sound of your voice, Angel stopped doing whatever he was doing and slowly turned to face you. His face lit up when he saw you and his smile caused you to smile.
“It’s good to see you again, Y/n,” Angel said as you got closer.
“You too. I thought you worked at Romero’s?” You questioned.
“Been thinking about me, hmm?” Angel smirked and you rolled your eyes. “I do, but this is my pops shop, I’m helping him out for a bit.”
“Felipe is your dad?” Angel nodded. “Yeah, I can see it now.” You laughed.
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Angel chuckled. “Now what can I get for you?”
You rattled off the different cuts of meat that you needed, and Angel quickly got to work. When he rang up your total, it was considerably less than usual.
“Umm, Angel,” you said with a bit of hesitation. “You didn’t ring me up for the correct amount.”
“Sure I did,” he said with an easy smile.
“Usually it’s twice this price,” you replied.
“Oh, we’re running a special today,” Angel replied and you quirked your eyebrow. “Pretty girls get half off.” He winked at you.
“Angel, I can’t let you do that, what would your father say?” You replied with a slight chuckle.
He shrugged, “Why don’t we do this instead. Why don’t you and Imani meet me and AJ at the park this Saturday for a play date in exchange?”
“Angel, I can’t do that. I’ll pay full price, and we’ll meet you at the park,” you countered.
“Too late. I’ve already put it in the register, can’t change the price,” he said as he took the money from your hand and quickly counted your change.
You stood there dumbfounded as he moved quickly handing you your change and meat.
“Great, so AJ and I will see you and Imani on Saturday at the park at noon,” he stated as you took hold of your purchase.
You snapped out of your stupor. “We’ll be there,” you said with a smile before you turned and walked out of the door.
Holy shit.
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Saturday didn’t come fast enough. You hadn’t told Imani about meeting up with Angel and AJ at the park, opting for it to be a surprise.
When Saturday finally came, you readied Imani for her playdate and grabbed your purse before the two of you headed out. Normally when you took her to the park, you didn’t really put much thought into what you wore, but this time, you did. You still wore comfortable clothes expecting  Imani would want you to play with her, but they were nicer than usual. You actually wanted to impress Angel.
The drive to the park was short and as soon as you parked, you spotted Angel and AJ near the slide. When you helped Imani out of her car seat, you pointed towards the slide.
“Imani, is that AJ?” You asked with fake shock.
Imani’s head snapped towards where you were pointing and she took off running towards her best friend. You laughed and followed behind her and watched as AJ ran up to her. The two grasped hands and took off running towards the slide.
As you walked behind Imani, you took in Angel’s appearance as he moved towards you. His hair no longer fell into his eyes and his beard was freshly lined up. He wore a button down shirt with the sleeves rolled up past his elbows, putting all of his tattoos on display.
“Hi, Y/n,” he said, pulling you from your thoughts.
“Hi, Angel,” you smiled back.
The two of you walked towards the park bench where you could see the two kids playing together on the equipment. As you sat in silence while watching the kids play, your mind drifted back to the man sitting next to you. Why was such a gorgeous man single? Obviously someone had snatched him up at one point in time, but why would they let him go?
“So, Y/n, what brings you to Santo Padre?” He asked as he turned slightly to face you.
You’d shrugged. “Just needed a change, I guess,” you responded. “I’d done the high city thing my whole life, and I didn’t like it much. It was too busy, too fast-paced, ya know?”
Angel nodded, “Makes sense. But why Santo Padre?”
“Because it’s close enough to my family but far enough where I won’t have any unexpected visitors.” You laughed and Angel laughed along with you.
The two of you continued talking about life and parenthood as the children played. Before long, you noticed a food truck parked down the street and the four of you walked to it and grabbed something to eat. When you reached for your wallet to pay for Imani’s and your food, Angel quickly slid his card through the machine stating that since he invited you out, he was going to pay for your food. When you attempted to argue, he shot you a look that quickly ended the discussion. 
As the four of you ate, you listened to Imani and AJ talk about all the games they played at the park. When the four of you were done, you noticed how tired Imani and AJ were, and as much as you didn’t want the day to end, you had to.
“I think it may be time to head back home, Mani,” you said as you lifted the sleepy child into your arms.
She and AJ let out quiet protests at the same time.
Angel nodded his head as he also lifted AJ into his arms. You laughed as the little boy could barely keep his eyes open and you imagined that Imani was doing the same. You and Angel walked side by side back to your cars and you noticed that you had parked near him. When the two of you had both kids buckled safely in their car seats, met each other behind your car. 
“I had a great time with you, Y/n,” Angel said.
“Me too,” you responded as you looked into his eyes.
“Look, y/n, I hope this isn’t too forward, but I would really like to see you again,” Angel said after a few moments of silence.
“That would be nice,” you agreed. “These two had a blast.”
“No, I mean, just you and me. I mean I would love to do this again and have a playdate for these two, but I want to take you out on a date. If that’s what you want.” Angel ran his hand through his hair as if it were a nervous habit.
“Really?” You were shocked. “I mean, yeah, I’d love to go on a date with you.”
“Great,” he smiled. “Here, put your number in my phone, and I’ll call you later.”
You reached out and took his phone and put your number in before handing it back. “I’m looking forward to hearing from you, Angel.” You smiled and turned to get into your car and waited for him to get into his before you turned it on. You were about to start playing some music when your phone rang. It wasn’t a number that you recognized, but you answered it anyway.
“Hello?” You answered.
“It’s later.” Angel’s voice came through the receiver.
You chuckled and looked to your right to see him sitting in his car smiling at you. 
“I was thinking,” Angel began, “that we could go out tomorrow night around 8 pm. I could come to pick you up, or we could meet somewhere, whichever you’re comfortable with.”
You chewed your bottom lip. “I don’t know if I can find a babysitter with such short notice.” You really wanted to go out with him, but you needed more time to get a babysitter.
“No worries,” Angel replied. “You can use AJ’s sitter and I’ll leave AJ with my dad.”
You laughed. “Are you sure?”
You watched Angel as he nodded ‘yes’. “Look, I’ll give her a call when I get home and I’ll have her call you. Her name’s Leticia, but we call her Letty, and she’s great with AJ. I’m sure Imani will love her.”
You looked back at your still sleeping daughter and smiled. “Yeah, let’s do it.”
“Great!” Angel exclaimed. “Alright, I’ll give Letty a call right now and I’ll have her call you tonight.”
“I’m looking forward to it,” you smiled. “I’ll talk to you later, Angel.”
“Y/n?” Angel said before you could hang up. “Could you let me know when you get home? I want to make sure that you two get there safely.”
Your heart stuttered. “Of course. Will you let me know when you get home as well?”
Angel responded with a ‘yes’ before you two finally hung up promising to talk later. On your drive home, you thought about your life choices and how they brought you to Santo Padre. You were excited to start this new chapter of your life, and you couldn’t wait to see what new experiences were in store for you.
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Your first date with Angel was nothing short of perfect. You found that the two of you had so much in common, and soon, you found yourself on dates two, three, and four. 
Months later, your relationship with Angel was still going strong. The two of you constantly talked on the phone and texted each other, and you often spent your nights and weekends cooking for four instead of two. You were taking things slow, always choosing to go home rather than spending the night. Each time you stayed late, leaving got harder, and Angel always respected your decision.
And this is where you found yourself, currently stretched out on Angel’s couch with his arm wrapped around you. Imani and AJ were already asleep on the floor and the movie that you all were watching was long forgotten as you two talked. Somehow, the two of you made it to your ex’s and you weren’t sure how you’d made it this far into the relationship without talking about them, but here you were.
“I thought things were good,” you stated with a shrug. “But then he just up and left one day. Imani was 7 months old when he left, and it’s just been us ever since.”
“I completely understand,” Angel sympathized. “AJ’s mom had us all fooled but one day while I was at work, she dropped him off with my pops and we haven't seen her since. AJ was one. I don’t even know if he remembers her.”
After a few moments of silence, you glanced at your watch and shifted to sit up.
“I think we should head home now,” you said as you stood up.
Angel remained silent as you bent down to pick Imani up. You tried your best to not wake her because you knew she’d be grumpy if you did.
“You can always spend the night, Y/n,” there was a hint of hesitation in Angel’s voice as he spoke. “I mean, you don’t have to, but the offers there.”
You halted your movements and stood back up. “Angel, I-”
“I’ll sleep on the couch if that makes you more comfortable. I just,” he paused and ran his hand over his face. “You shouldn’t be driving this late at night. Please stay?”
You chewed your bottom lip. He was absolutely right, you were too tired to drive, so you nodded your head.
“Imani can sleep in AJ’s room, he has a second bed for when his cousins' sleepover,” Angel explained. The two of you carried the sleeping children to AJ’s room and tucked them in before leaving. 
You two stood in the hallway for a few seconds, smiling at each other before Angel leaned in for a kiss. Angel pulled back after a few minutes and placed his forehead on to yours as you both caught your breath.
“Good night, Y/n,” Angel whispered before he completely pulled away from you and walked back to the couch after taking you to his room. You changed into one of his shirts that you found and stood at the edge of his bed for a few seconds before you made your way back to the front of the house. 
The room was dark, but you could see his face as he scrolled on his phone. You cleared your throat and Angel’s eyes snapped to yours. 
“Angel, you don’t have to sleep on the couch,” you said as you fiddled with the hem of the shirt you were wearing. 
“You sure?”
“I mean,” you shrugged.“We can’t have sex, but I’d like to still sleep with you and I'm sure your bed is more comfortable than the couch.”
Angel swung his legs over so that his feet were touching the floor and you averted your eyes when you noticed that he was only wearing his boxers. You kept your eyes on the floor as he walked up to you and tilted your chin so that you were looking at him. “Mi dulce, I’ll do whatever you want.”
You took Angel’s hand in yours and led him back to his room. He watched as you climbed into his bed and flipped the covers back for him. You waited for him to climb in before you cuddled up against him and he quickly wrapped you into his arms.
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Part Two
A/N 2: If you ‘liked’ it, please reblog or leave a comment/reply even if it’s only an emoji.
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girlgrouptrash101 · 3 years
Yuri (IZ*ONE) as Your Girlfriend
Request: “Can I request Jo Yuri as your girlfriend?”
A/N: i love iz*one sm i might just cry rn
- C
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i hope you enjoy clinginess baby,,, cuz this girl is NEVER letting you leave her arms for as long as you’re together
like Yuri barely even confessed to you, she basically just sat in your lap every day until you got the hint and asked her out
your lap is actually her favourite place to sit because she loves being held by you, and she can also steal as many kisses as she desires
did i mention how clingy she is??? like she just loves skinship SO much, if she can be touching you in some way she will be - from hand holding, to cuddles, to burrowing into your side, to being held, to backhugs… anything you can think of, Yuri will be on it asap
which means she’s also a big fan of PDA, and loves showing you off, no matter who’s around
however,,, if you turn the tables and become clingy or super lovey dovey, she gets so flustered immediately and hides her face in your neck to cover her blush
like she could kiss you and it’ll be fine, but if you’re the one to initiate the kiss she’s a total mess, acting like it’s the first time she’s ever kissed you, all shy and uwuwuwuwu
and you will always have that affect on her, no matter if you’ve been dating for a week or a year, Yuri’s still gonna be just as whipped as she was from day 1
and she doesn’t even try to hide it either,,, her members tease her so bad for how in love she is with you jsdfhsfd,, rip Yuri 
her members otherwise are really supportive of you two, and are so happy that someone as kind and as loving as you fell for Yuri, because she really deserves someone like that to keep her happy and well looked after
except Yena,, when Yuri introduced you at first, she gave you a big long speech about how she would jump you if you ever even made Yuri cry <3 (i would too).
Dates with Yuri are usually going out for food, the movies, walks, the arcade etc,, anywhere you guys can spend time together and make memories together is all you really want,, it doesn’t matter too much about what you do as long as you have one another
however,, you do have a favourite spot to go to together, which is a little café near your house, and you both go in there so much that you’ve made friends with the owner, and she always saves your guys’ favourite booth in the corner for you when she knows you’re coming
you always sit in a little booth in a secluded part of the café where no one else really sits, it’s nice and snug, and Yuri gets to snuggle into your side and feed you treats without anyone else interrupting hehe
when you guys don’t go out, you have just as much fun at home
you bought Yuri a karaoke machine for her birthday,, and ever since you guys have been busting out grammy worthy performances that leave you and Yuri breathless and your neighbours ready to file ANOTHER noise complaint
lowkey matching your outfits when you go out and taking bomb pictures for Yuri’s immaculate instagram feed
polaroids of each other in the back of your phone cases,, literally you are just the softest couple ever istg
Yuri raiding your wardrobe and looking like the snuggliest little baby in your hoodies, sweater paws and all uwuuwu
she loves when you do each others hair!! whether it’s formally for a night out or just for funsies before bed, it’s one of her favourite things to do
plus you get to make Yuri wear pigtails and then gush for an hour over how FREAKING CUTE SHE IS
it’s also an excuse for her to play with your hair because she LOVES it sm,, she always finds herself absentmindedly threading her fingers through your hair when you’re cuddling or watching a movie or something
or gripping her fingers in your locks when she’s making out with you,,, straddling your lap and making you groan with each tug,,,,
moving on
whenever either one of you is upset, the other knows immediately, both of you are like an open book with one another
your go to comfort for one another is definitely cuddles
it’s so calming when you have your head on Yuri’s chest, one hand holding yours while the other holds you close to her as she listens to your worries and helps you through each one
Sometimes when Yuri can’t sleep, she wakes you up to go for a midnight stroll to the local convenience store for snacks
you two stroll down the quiet road in your matching oversized PJ’s, swinging your conjoined hands along as you sing disney songs at the top of your lungs
Going all out every single valentines day and anniversary because yall are in LOVE love and want to make the most of your special days together
which often means a candlelit dinner, a bed full of roses and a big bubbly bath for two hehe
Promise rings will probably come quicker than most relationships too, because even though you and Yuri haven’t been together for too long, you both know you’re perfect for each other, and neither of you plan on losing something as special as what you have together.
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NSFW From Here:
a clingy baby in the streets, a clingy baby in the sheets am i right ladies
call her baby girl and she will literally melt in your arms,, any kind of praise just gets her wet beyond belief
and when she’s fucking you,, all you have to do is tell her how good she’s being and she’ll be spurred on even further, doing her everything to make you feel better than you ever have before
CEO of eye contact, even when her throat is raw from moaning your name as your head is buried between her thighs, her eyes never leave yours for a second
loves going to lingerie shops with you, it’s like a little kid in a candy shop when she sees all the pretty sets and colours that she can’t wait to try on,,,, 
which often leads to you and her getting way too steamy in the changing rooms
she absolutely LOVES doing it in public, the thrill of getting caught always adds to her pleasure by tenfold
,,,except for the fact that she’s so fucking loud she literally has to clamp down on your hand so she doesn’t scream out loud and get everyone’s attention yikes
she’s so innocent looking that she never attracts attention though, leading to her more often than not teasing you under the dinner table when you go out for food, an innocent smile on her face as you try not to squirm under her touch
when Yuri takes nudes it’s not just one picture and she’s done, she likes to have a full on photo shoot that involves mirrors, lighting, pretty outfits/lingerie,, all of which ends up getting texted to you when you least expect it
also LOVES thigh riding, she finds it so intimate and just can’t help herself when she sees you in shorts or when your legs are exposed,,,, she just has to straddle your leg and get herself off
as well as praise, Yuri also can’t help but get wetter whenever you call her pathetic or a slut,, it truly makes her desperate enough to beg you to fuck her against the nearest surface you can find
if you’re into it, Yuri isn’t against punishments either, especially spanking
she just turns into putty in your hands no matter what you do to her, always ready to obey your every word, absolutely whipped for you
an absolute sucker for aftercare, if you’re not cuddling with her or in the shower cleaning off together after sex then she gets really grumpy grrr
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Love Hurts - pt. 9 - Final part
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A/N: I totally wanted to end this completely different and it is making me a little insecure but since I had already written it and finished it, I’m just gonna leave it like that, hoping yall will like it. 
Staring at the same line, over and over again was the most frustrating thing when your mind was somewhere else. 
You felt your mouth water as you kept staring at the sentence, imagining a glazed donut and to be honest you really weren’t such a fan of donuts but the craving was too strong to resist. 
“Fuck it.” you said, throwing your legs over the bed and leaving the dorm quietly. You tried to tip toe down the stairs and through the common room, despite the fact there was not a soul in sight. “Precaution?” you shrugged, talking to yourself as you climbed through the portrait hole and softy landed on your feet. 
You turned around to smile at the sleeping Fat Lady and backed away, starting to run towards the kitchen only to fall back on your bottom. 
“Bloody hell!” you heard a familiar voice and despite the fact you didn’t see him, you knew excatly who it was.
“(y/n)?” he replied, rubbing the back of his head. “The hell are you doing here so late at night?”
“I could as you the same thing.” you pulled yourself back on your feet, patting your clothes and rubbing your back. 
He took a step closer, appearing into the moonlight and showing you his sleepily features; ruffled red hair,  drowsy eyes and stretched clothes. He looked incredibly handsome when he yawned and rubbed the back of his head again, stretching his arms above his head. 
You weren’t much different. The fact that you had seen him yawn in front of you, made you take a big yawn as well, covering your mouth with your hand as you did so. You could hear him chuckle in front of you but now see him look at you the way he did. His eyes were smiling at you, genuinely, lovingly, adoringly. Your hair was up in a bun, baby hair sticking out in all directions and strands of hair poking out. You also wore stretched clothes, a T- shirt and sweats. Your eyes, contrast to his, weren’t drowsy, nor tired in any way, they were smiling up at him just before your arm wrapped itself around his and pulled him along side. 
“Guess, you’re going with me, then.” you smiled up at him as he furrowed his eyebrows. 
“Going where?” 
“At this hour? Mum would break me like a twig if she knew I was going to eat this late.” he said and you laughed. 
“Fred Weasley afraid of his mother? Who knew you were such a momma’s boy.” you teased as he let out a scoff.
“Do I look like a momma’s boy?” he twisted out of your arms and started walking backwards, his eyes on yours. 
When he opened his arms to you to show off a bit of his physique, you only took one of his hands and twirled under it until you were walking forward and dragging him behind you. “You look like you could use some food right now.” 
“Are you calling me skinny?” 
You turned around with a smirk on your lips, looking him from his lovely pair of brown eyes to his muscular thighs and feet. You bit your lower lip just by looking at him and giving him a faint hint just before your eyes matched his and you let go of his hand, turning around the corner. 
He heard you mutter something under your breath, making him a bit skeptical of your intentions but he kept his mouth shut about it and plainly ignoring what he might have heard you mutter. “Did you just check me out?” he ran after you, draping his arm on your shoulders. 
“What were you doing so late at night?” you turned your head up to his and smiled. “I never asked.”
“You’re avoiding my question.”
“You’re avoiding mine.”
His eyes continued to watch yours, looking away when a flash of mischief travelled across that brown colour. “Late night shenanigans.” he let out a sweet, innocent giggle. 
“Oh.” you let out a laugh. “Who’s the target?”
“You’ll see.” he looked at you from the corner of his eyes just before he ran to the pear and tickled it. The door opened and a gentleman he was, he bowed and gestured to you. “Ladies first.”
Smiling and blushing to his little gesture, you took his hand and walked in the kitchen first, catching a glimpse of your hair in the pot and dying from horror. You pulled your hand away from him and ran to the closest mirror you could find, widening your eyes at it. “Holy-”
“What? What is it?” he asked a bit concerned. 
“Why didn’t you say my hair looks like it’s been stomped over by a herd of trolls?!” you looked at him before you turned back to the mirror and pulled the hairband off.
“Blimey, (Y/n).” he let out a laugh. “That’s what you’re worried about? Your hair?”
“I’m a girl, of course I am worried about my hair, especially when it looks like this.”
“I didn’t think you’d care.” 
“I don’t.” you blurted out. “It’s because-” you stopped yourself, seeing your reflection in the mirror... seeing the red stain reach up your cheeks in the mirror. 
Fred couldn’t help himself but grin. It was because of him, wasn’t it? He shuffled his feet and approached you like a little boy. He grabbed the headband from your wrist. “I think you look adorable.” he took your hair into his hands started braiding it. “But if it’s for any consultation, I am a master at braiding hair.” 
You watched his fingers throw your hair in a wonderful braid, making a perplexed expression appear on your face. “How do you-”
“Ginny.” he smiled and finally secured the braid with the headband. After he finished it, he leaned forward and continued to look at your mirror reflection. “If you tell anybody about this, just remember I am also a master at pranking people and you are no exception.” he moved his eyes from the reflection and onto you, his breath hitting against your neck and sending a shiver down your spine. 
Your turned your head to him, your nose close to his, almost touching as the two of your observed each other in the moment. It felt as if the whole world was pushing the two of you closer together. 
“(y/n) I think-”
“I’m hungry.” you walked away, cutting him off and leaving that moment to falter back into nothingness. 
He felt his breath leave his lungs as soul would leave a body. He tried to not show it but  looking at you scrambling through the freezer made him leave it all as you did. 
“This, Fred Weasley-” you said with full mouth, pointing your spoon at the hazelnut pudding. “-this is love.” you said as you put another spoon-full of it in your mouth. 
“I’d beg the differ.” he leaned back but you looked at him. 
The way he looked at you with those eyes, gentle yet daring. “Why do you do that?” you asked, putting the spoon back inside and letting it rest on it. 
“Do what?” 
“That.” you took the spoon back in your hand and pointed it into his face. “Look at me like that.” 
“Like what?” 
“Like this.” you said, put the spoon back down, mirroring his position; letting your legs fall on the floor, a bit wide, your arms on the counter, hands together, a bit leaned back, tilting your head to the side and looking at him as he did you. You tried to ignore the feelings that his eyes stirred in you, the ones that made your heart beat faster and your stomach twist in three different directions at the same time and make your feet go completely numb. 
“I thought you would figure it out by now.” he started, feeling his heart raise its beat. 
“Well, as you said, I am a bit barmy in the head-”
“You’re never going to let this go.” he stopped his confession, feeling something heavy in his gut feeling but laughing through it. 
“Then what is it?” you asked, pulling your feet back on the chair and eating the heavenly-made pudding. 
You looked at him with your curious eyes, something in the back of your mind screaming- or down in your chest. Your heart maybe? 
‘Say it, Fred. Just say it.’ - you thought as you continued to look at him. 
He watched you just the same, shuffling in his seat and rubbing his thumbs together as he looked away. This was it. “Because-” he let out a laugh. “Because you look extremely funny eating this pudding like a tiny little piglet.” he scrunched his nose and let out a few oinks. 
And thought you felt that last bit of hope die inside of you as he said it, you laughed, pushing it away. “You little twat!” you threw a cloth at him as he laughed.
“Don’t mind, darling.” he jumped from his seat, catching the cloth in his hands and running around the counter to you. “You look adorable.” he grabbed the cream from the pudding and put it on your nose. 
“You’re a complete arse, Fred Weasley.” you grabbed another cloth, throwing it at him as he laughed. 
“A cute arse though.” he sent you a wink before running to the cabinet and putting his head into it. “That pudding made me starve though.” he reached into it and pulled out a bag of chips. 
“Chips?” you quirked an eyebrow, making him gasp.
“Are you judging me right now, Miss 1am pudding?” 
You looked down on your pudding, then back at him with innocent round eyes, pressing out your lower lip and pouting at him. You batted your eyelashes at him, making him melt on the spot. His arms lost complete strength into opening the chips but he managed to play it off cooly, sitting down and shaking his head at you. 
“That is totally unfair.” he pointed a chip at you. “Women should have that power.” he threw the chips into his mouth as you laughed. 
You put the pudding away and dragged yourself to sit next to him, glancing between chips and him. Looking up at him again, bottom lip pressed out and your eyelashes batting at him, he let out a chuckle and offered you the bag. 
“Just take it.” 
You let out a laugh and took a few chips into your hands. “You’re weak, Weasley.” you shook your head in triumph. 
“Well, you seem to do that to me, Princess.” he leaned forward, looking at your eyes, then your lips. 
You smiled at him, scrunching your nose. “I could say the same, Fredrick.”
“Oh, Merlin.” he rolled his eyes and leaned back. “How many times will you call me that?”
“As long as you call me that awful god nickname.” you smiled, rubbing your hands off salt. “Princess? It’s bloody awful. It makes me feel like a damsel in distress.”
“And Merlin knows you’re anything but that.” his tone changed a bit and both of you couldn’t figure out why. 
You were quiet for a bit, just watching his facial expression, trying to read him and the situation. “Are you cross with me, Freddie?”
“No.” he replied a bit grumpily. “I’m just saying-” he stopped himself, shutting his eyes and trying to figure out what was happening to him because all he felt was these emotions inside of him, trying to resurface and taking him such effort to keep them inside. 
Because when you did look at him the way you did before, the way your eyelashes batted at him, the way your nose scrunched and the way you moved to him, giving him this feeling of numbness just by your present- it did make him feel weak. It made him feel like the weakest man alive. 
And you saw it. You saw that inside of him, the same look you saw back in the beginning of the year. It made you think god awful thoughts; what if all he wanted was to be with you to play you? But that wasn’t him, that just wasn’t Fred but he did call you all the names he found in the dictionary and showed you that he also isn’t the-
“-nothing.” he mumbled, interrupting your racing thoughts. “We should go back.” 
“Fred.” you spoke softly and like a broken little bird, he turned around. “What’s wrong?” 
And he contemplated, Merlin did he contemplate how to tell you because when you were asleep it all came out so perfectly but now when you were aware of him, aware of what he was saying and acting- how perfectly you read him and his emotions... 
“You make me weak.” he said, lowering his head. “And I hate it.” he continued, causing your heart to sink. He made his way back to you but kept to himself. “And you make me jealous.” he continued, keeping his eyes on the ground. “Especially when you’re with him.” he paused. “And you make me insecure because he is everything I am not and sometimes when I look at you- when I try to tell you or show you that I love you...” he finally looked into your eyes as he said those words, causing your breath to linger in your throat. “...you move yourself away and that hurts. Sometimes- no, all the time when I see you and I think of you and I smile to myself because you are so gorgeous and so precious to me but then I remember that you’re not with me, that you’re with him, that he attracts you and he holds you and he kisses you... and that just hurts.. Loving you hurts.” 
Your eyes were glistened as he said those words to you but not from sorrow, nor pity but for him. They teared up for him. 
Grabbing his hands, cupping them into your own, you pulled them close to your lips and gave them a soft kiss. He simpered. 
“You hurt me too, Freddie.” you pressed his hands on your cheeks as his eyes watched yours. “You flirt with me constantly- like Lord do you know how that wrecks me.” you smiled and so did he. “But all I do is keep myself away and I think you know why.”
“Yeah.” he shuffled his hands so that his were now cupping yours. “But I don’t think like I did six months ago, (y/n). I don’t feel like I did back then. I just know I want to be with you, every day, every night, every morning, every second- I want to kiss you in the morning, show everybody that your my girl- the girl who makes me laugh and happy, the one who constantly teases me and George loves you, Ginny loves you, everybody loves you and you are so hard to not love because-”
“I’m amazing.” you teased, wiggling your eyebrows at him.
“Yes. You’re astounding.” he grabbed your chair and pulled you closer to him, placing his hand on your cheek and gazing into your eyes. “And I wanted to do this for so long.” he said as he pulled you into a kiss, letting his other hand wrap around your waist and pulling you from his chair and onto his lap. 
You let out a small giggle as he did that, making him smile and pull you back into a kiss. His hands held you close to him, pressing you against him so you would never fall back. Your hands, however, lingered on his cheeks, down his neck and into his dense, messy hair. You felt like all the worlds are colliding, like a dream come true, you couldn’t believe he was kissing you- the boy you had loved for so long. 
You pulled away, your fingertips on his cheeks, brushing along his freckles gently as he looked up at you, his eyes filled with adoration and love. “I knew you couldn’t resist me for too long.” you continued to tease as he let out a laugh, nuzzling his head into your neck. 
“No, I really couldn’t.” 
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bedtimebrain · 3 years
EXO Baekhyun: Speedpost!
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(while i've been having fun with all these drawings in my past few posts, i must admit i almost puked when i looked at this one as i was uploading today. for the sake of our eyes will nicely put a stop to this soon :,D)
Char: baek x u Genre: military baek, fluff!, needy (?) reader Description: you thought you could do just fine with baek in the military, but it seems like you actually need him a little more than you think Word Count: 1.3k Track for feels: Avril Lavigne, Wish you were here
You honestly thought you were the kind of strong and independent girlfriend. The kind that would do absolutely fine when your boyfriend enlists.
But truth be told, you barely scrape past this week, and it has only been a week since baek enlisted. Doubts, doubts. Could you even hold it together for another 2 more weeks? You remember just the day before baekhyun's enlistment, he deliberately teased you with fake sobbings,
'babe, will you cry if i'm not around? you might miss me so much it's too much for you to bear right? if you..'
you simply scoffed and cut him off
'ya, byun baekhyun, i'm afraid i would have to disappoint you. i am very much a busy and independent woman. i will do just fine with you enlisting. plus we will probably get to call once in a while, i can live with that'
you smugly folded your arms, sending an attack to his ego
In hindsight, the attack went out like a boomerang and came right back at you. You can already imagine baekhyun playfully gloating
'Strong independent woman, jagiya?'
Perhaps it might all be better if a wreck package hadn't self-invited itself to your life this week.
First of all, your boss decided it was a good idea to throw your proposal back in your face. Next, your very considerate across-the-globe client planned a conference call close to sleeping time in korea. As if it all couldn’t be worse, you overheard a juicy conversation your colleagues were having about you in the washroom.
All these just made you want to run right to baekhyun. To lie on his lap, throw punches at him and hear him flame your life perpetrators with the most nonsensical phrases.
During the day, all you looked forward to was your phonecalls with baek. But who knew even a phonecall date would be as hard to fulfil as climbing mount Everest.
Apart from the first day, every other day the past week was met full of hiccups. Either you were caught up with conference calls and work, or baek was cutting too close to lights out for a long call.
You call it baek crumbs, yes you were surviving on baek crumbs.
There was still sometime left before your phonecall date tonight. You yanked open your refrigerator in search of your alternative destress mechanism -- chocolates. You sighed at your depleting chocolate stash, physically indicating how badly you needed baek.
Back on the sofa, you swallowed down Freddo and you plugged in your earphones like an emo teen, randomly choosing a song radio to play.
As if Siri heard your inner thoughts, the radio chose to play Avril Lavinge's Wish You Were Here. Before you know it, you were a crying mess.
It's not even like you guys were breaking up, but the lyrics were literally stabbing into your heart But right now i wish you were here.... Damn, what i'd do to have you here ...
You were pathetically brawling away when baekhyun's call came in. Suppressing your heavy sobbing, you picked up the phone after a couple of rings at this untimely moment.
'Jagiya, i've 15minutes today! How have you been? You wouldn't believe what happen today! Jagi? Are you there?' His animated voice died down and he held a pause.
'Are you crying? y/n why are you crying? what happened?' you hear a hint of panic in his voice
Baekhyun was fast at catching on things, your quietness, shakey breathes and suppressed hitches were more than enough to indicate a red flag to him.
You had intended for tonight's call to be a fun and not your emotional health hotline help. Taking a deep breath, you tried to put up a front, and with your most stable voice, replied him
'ya, what crying? so what happened with you today?'
'ya, stop bullshitting me. you're crying, what's up with you?' turning all serious, he wasn't going to let you dodge this
you bit down hard on your lip, you couldn't get a syllable out of your throat, afraid the moment you did so you would break down completely.
'damn it, i would totally break the law just to bring a camera phone in so you cannot hide your face from me. tell me please?' he sounded urgent and frustrated, but gentle in asking you to tell him
'baekhyun ah, i can't do this anymore. i thought i could, but why is it so difficult' your voice cracked and you burst into hot tears
'i haa-d such a bad week and i just want..want.. to tell you about it every night. but our time together is always so short that by the time it got to my turn to tell you about my day.........the call ends. and.. and.. i don't know..... what to do about all these on my own..with--without you' you were wailing and possibly incomprehensible by now
'ya..y/n-ie, mi an hae. jeongmal mi an. i just realised i hadn't even heard about how your day went this entire week. i always got so carried away telling you about me, i wasn’t considerate enough.'
Almost running out of tears, you regain your composure quickly
‘Jagi, I’m not blaming you. Please don’t take it that way, it’s just.. I really wish you were around.’
The call suddenly went silent on the other sides, then you heard some low shouts in the background
‘Baekhyunie?’ You guess it was probably an early roll call again
A few moments later, baekhyun was back on the call.
‘Jagi, I’m sorry, I’ll probably have to go soon, the sergeant’s checking my barracks next.
Anyway, I actually had something I wanted to give you the night before I enlisted, but you insisted you were an independent and busy woman....’
His sentence was left broken with a sudden series of clattering like his phone had dropped. You heard louder shouts this time round, then a hurried whisper from Baekhyun
‘Jagi, check the right drawer under your table alright. I got to go now, mi an.’
‘Ah, okay.. saranghae’ and the call was dropped.
You know it was beyond Baekhyun’s control when he had to end the call. But it still didn’t stop you from feeling down at the abrupt goodbye.
Forcing a smile on your face for the sake of your own, you went to your table as baekhyun had told you.
Right drawer under the table?
Pulling open the drawer to find a floral patterned metallic box.
Was baek referring to this?
Popping open the metal box you gasp at the contents scattered within. With a hand over your mouth, you could feel your eyes welling up with tears again.
Chocolates. Lots of chocolates. Fanciful chocolates. Notes... byun baekhyun actually wrote notes for you?
He never once made you cards no matter how hard you ‘jaebal’ for him to. He would just say
‘Too difficult’
‘Too bothersome’
‘Suck at handicraft’
You pulled out the longest note in the entire box and couldn’t help but chuckle when you saw his scrawls
Annyeong Jagi! I bet you would choose this to read first cause it’s the longest. Did I guess it right?ㅋㅋ i wrote a letter to my beloved EXO-Ls, and I thought, how could I not leave you with one? Y/N, you see the chocolates in this box? I went to the candy store that day and picked them individually for you. Because I’m not around, I thought you might need them more. If you have a hard time when I’m away, take a chocolate and a note, enjoy them and think about me. Thank you for waiting, nae sarang, very soon I’ll be with you again. ^^
On the table, your phone vibrated and your screen lit up.
A msg from baekhyun:
Found my speedpost? Saranghae, wool ji ma(dont cry). Let’s call again tmr, goodnight!
You were smiling and crying like a fool by now. With a vision blurred by your tears, you typed a reply
Ya byun Baekhyun. Gumawo.... saranghae
Surely, you must have saved a nation your past life for you to meet byun baekhyun.
I was watching EXO arcade and this super random thought came to mind, do yall think their new album concept actually came from EXO arcade?
Like maybe they had been planning a season 2 all along and a new album. But they couldn’t think of a concept, so tada! Arcade, games! For their album concept~ Is there any talk like this circulating, hahah, hope I’m not late to the party then.
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aquagustd · 2 years
uff sorry yall im a total bitch 😭 my feminism ends at sora i know we dont know much abt her but i can already try to see her act like some mother figure replacement towards junho. especially with the way jungkook has been so dismissive and cold towards oc. and that makes my blood boil sue me 😭😭😭 i hope jungkook genuinely loves his son and doesnt try to do some shit with junho like his own father did to him. that would be rlly sad tbh bc jungkook really did want oc and him to run away together im fast forward so im pretty sure that hes not like totally heartless??? i fucking hope? i am sensing that he is just putting up a front because he if he thinks hes always gonna stay in the drug lord life than maybe hes insecure and heartbroken about filling some big shoes. idk please break the cycle jungkook what are u doinnnn this isnt youu!!!! 😮‍💨😰 dont corrupt ur little guy!!! get back with oc ur making this tewww complicated 🖕🏻 theres gonna be a lot of healing if they end up together in the end but im here for it
hold on hold on 👀 what did you say there ??? ‘i hope jungkook genuinely loves his son and doesnt try to do some shit like his own father did to him’ you’re actually the first to bring this up and I’m glad you did !!!
you are making some very 👏🏻 valid 👏🏻 points 👏🏻
we need to talk about junho & jk’s relationship more. there are theories that jungkook wants him as the next heir & you recalled how jungkook hinted in the drabble that he wanted to run away from the drug life. and how he should break the cycle 🥲 this is another major plot point. we don’t know what’s going to happen
and YES !!! sora could try to act like a mother figure to junho since she’s with jungkook, so we hate her either way
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imagineurfavs · 4 years
Morning Sex with Pentagon
“i really like the pentagon cock warming post ♥︎♥︎ so i was wondering if you could do a reaction with pentagon about morning sex btw i love your work 🥺♥︎ can i be anon 🥺”
A/N I think i might have got a little carried away with a few of these i- sorry if theyre a little long. Also it’s just past 4am here as i post this...I started writing this at 11pm...wow...goodnight yall skjgsljg
(under a keep reading just bc smutty and long lmao)
Jinho: You hear him grumble slightly as he began to wake up slowly, his hands immediately searching for you next to him. His warm fingertips resting lightly on your thighs, squeezing them slightly to see if you were awake. “Good morning~” you groan, barely awake, trying to turn to face him. His grip on you stops you from turning over, keeping your back against his chest. “Morning, darling” his groggy voice echoing throughout the room as he shifts him body closer to you, your butt now pressed up close enough against him for you to realise exactly why he was so touchy this morning. He’d push into you slowly from behind, planting open mouthed kisses over your neck and shoulder blades. A free hand snaking over your hips, rubbing light circles on your clit. The pace would remain slow and deep, low sighs mixed with declarations of love falling from his lips with every thrust. He tries to hide his moans as he cums by biting down on your shoulder, leaving a hickey that’s sure to last a while. He stays inside you until you both come down from your highs, only then slowly pulling out of you, letting out a soft giggle “it is a good morning, isn’t it...”
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Hui: Hoetaek is surprisingly chipper in the mornings, and times like this are no exception. His hands wandering all over your body, resting longer and lightly tickling any bare skin he can reach. “How are you still so pretty first thing in the morning” he says between kisses, the smile evident in his voice. He rests his forehead against your own as he pushes himself slowly into you, your legs raising to wrap around his waist. His morning voice, soft yet gravelly, speaking quiet words of love into your ear as he rolls his hips against you. He lifts one of his arms up, grabbing the headboard behind you to help him hit that area inside you at just the right angle. Your legs begin to tighten around his body as you feel that familiar heat start to build in your stomach. Even the slightest clench of your walls around him was enough to send him over the edge, the snapping of his hips getting sharper and sharper until you're both a shaky, breathless mess. Even with your limbs tangled together, sweat sticking your bodies to each other, he refuses to move from you until you assure him you’re totally satisfied. “I love you y/n, but we’re both so sweaty and gross right now, you want me to run you a bath?” he remarks as you playfully smack his chest
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Hongseok: On particularly bright days, when even the closed curtains couldn't contain the rays of the sun, something about how the soft golden light hit his skin stirred something deep within you. You plant a light kiss on his cheek, thinking he was still asleep, only to have him wrap his arms tightly around you, making you essentially fall on top of him. “I could feel you staring at me” he says with a low chuckle, eyes still closed. “Well, stop being so beautiful then, and I won’t have to stare” You reply, pushing yourself up to lean above him. But before being able to fully extend your arms, he clamps you in his embrace and flips the two of you over, his large form now hovering over you. His eyes still heavy with sleep, locked with your own as he trails his hands down and past your stomach. He placed his lips lightly on yours, shaky breaths fanning over your face as he lets out quiet coarse moans. Moving slowly inside you, every thrust pushing you closer and closer to the edge. He finished with one last sharp thrust before rolling to your side, keeping one hand locked with yours. You lay together, getting your breath back to normal, the small beads of sweat catching the morning sunlight which illuminated you both in the most beautiful way.
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Shinwon: Say hello to lowkey submissive needy Shinwon lmao. Not opening his eyes even once, he’d pull you up to straddle him whilst keeping his lips locked with yours. He’d run his hands up and down your back, keeping you flush against his broad chest. With even the slightest bit of pressure from your hips down onto his, he’d let out the tiniest little whines, his eyes screwing shut. He was already hard just from making out so he’d try his best to get you to speed things up. “Please baby, I- fuck, please” he’d moan quietly starting to pull his boxers down his legs, hoping that you’d take the hint. As you sink yourself down onto him, he grips your hips so tightly the ends of his fingers turn a pale white colour, his formerly sleepy visage contorting with pleasure, as his breathing begins to catch in his throat. You can feel that he’s getting close to finishing as he starts to buck his hips up to meet yours, holding you in place above him. He cums with a series of sporadic thrusts, letting out a choked out moan of your name, before pulling you down to rest atop him. He rolls you over so you're laying opposite each other, tiredness coming back to his face once again. Good luck convincing him to get up lmao.
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Changgu (Yeo One): He’s positioned himself above you, running his hands lightly down your side as his eyes bore into your own. “I love getting to wake up to sights like this...you’re so beautiful” he says as he brings a hand up to gently tuck some hair behind your ear. He’d throw the covers back over you both as he kissed his way slowly down your bare stomach, still feeling somewhat exposed even though you were the only two people present. Settling his face between your legs, he looks up at you with his large eyes as he works on you with his mouth, stopping just before you reach your climax. He’d make his way slowly back up your body, professing his love for you between each kiss to your exposed skin. His lips finally meeting with yours, tongues clashing as he pushed himself into you almost agonisingly slowly. His pace picking up slightly as he feels you begin to clench around him, his increasingly strained moans being swallowed by your mouth until he pulls away for breath. Your orgasm washing over you both as he stills inside you, remaining there together, catching your breath for what feels like an eternity. He flops over to lay beside you, pulling you into his embrace, his chin resting atop your head “I dont wanna get up...we can just stay in bed today, right?”
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Yanan: His alarm was sounding in the background as he pulled his hands away from your body for a second to silence it “Don’t worry about it, I don’t mind being a bit late” he muttered as he brought his hands back to their position on your ass. His eyes return to their fixed spot on your chest, watching intently as you bounced on top of him. His eyes would start to flutter back closed, snapping open every time you moved on him in a way that sent jolts of electricity surging through his body. His breaths getting faster and higher in pitch the longer you remain on top of him. He pulls himself to sit up so you're in his lap, wrapping his long arms around your torso as you grind your hips against his. Your fingers finding purchase on his broad shoulders, digging your nails in slightly as he starts to thrust up to meet your hips with his. A long whine of your name signals his impending orgasm as he spills inside you, pulling you both down so his back is on the bed with your chest flush against his, a few final thrusts from him tips you over the edge as he holds you still against him. With his breath still shaky he looks up to meet your eyes “I’m already late...why dont I just take the whole day off...?” 
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Yuto: Having you ride him in the morning is honestly Yuto’s favourite way to start his day. The sunlight breaking through the gap in the curtains casting shadows on your body, the sounds of the world waking up around you whilst being none the wiser about what was happening in this room. It made him feel on top of the world. His low morning voice guiding you through every move you made, giving you encouragement with every swivel of your hips “Fuck, just like that, princess” he says through gritted teeth, eyebrows knitted together “What did I ever do to deserve you” The second he found himself moving closer to orgasm, he wraps his arms around you and flips you both over so he now above you and has full control over the pace. He grabs your legs, throwing them over his shoulders as he increases the speed to his usual fast pace. Now that you’d fully awoken him, sleepy soft Yuto’s words of praise were replaced with stern remarks designed to push you over the edge “You just couldn't wait for me could you” “You really needed me first thing in the morning didn’t you, you naughty girl” He sucks hickeys into your chest as he thrusts himself into you over and over, a low growl coming from deep within his chest as he cums, working his fingers over your clit at an unholy speed, helping you reach your high alongside him. He lets out a quiet low giggle as he comes back to his bashful self, uttering a quiet “good morning baby” into your neck.
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Hyunggu (Kino): Hyunggu’s sleeping form would be sprawled out across your own; his legs tangled with your own and his face buried in your neck. Thinking he was still asleep, you attempt to slide out from under him before feeling his lips press against the soft skin of your neck "good morning baby” he says with a groan “don't get up just yet" the neediness in his voice audible as he shifts himself so his face is centimetres from yours. He’d be surprisingly intense, given that the both of you had not long woken up. His kisses would be strong and fervent, his hands moving quickly down your body, past the waistband of your underwear. But there was still a gentleness to his touches. A softness in his eyes that let you know how how much he treasured getting to wake up beside you, to see you like this first thing in the morning. His movements are fluid and soft, but still hit the same magical spot he managed to on any other day; even half asleep Hyunggu truly knew your body like nobody else. Feeling himself get closer and closer, he moves his hand down your body until he reaches your heat, his thumb beginning to rub slow circles on your clit, trying to help you to reach your peak together. He watches for the signs that your orgasm is fast approaching, which he recognises well; suddenly increasing the speed tenfold for only a few seconds until he feels your walls clench around him. Resting his sweat covered forehead against your own he pulls his face away from yours “...shower?”
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Wooseok: Your hand rests on his chest as you open your eyes to him quietly calling your name. He takes your smaller hand inside his and guides it down his body until you feel how hard he is inside his sweats, to which he looks at you with his big doe eyes “gimme a hand?” You begin to slink your body down his large frame, kissing his stomach as you go, only for him to stop you half way “no...not like that. I need you fully” his low voice sending shivers down your spine. He crawls on top of you, trapping you within his long limbs. He winces and his breath catches in his throat as you raise you leg, your knee brushing against his sensitive length. He kicks off his sweats and discards of any clothes of yours getting between him and your core. He pushes himself into you slowly, letting you adjust fully before continuing “you good?” his low, sleep filled voice asks before pulling himself almost all the way out. Your hands grab onto him, holding his biceps firmly as he moves in and out of you, your nails leaving small crescent shapes in his skin. His thrusts get more and more sporadic as his high approaches quickly, he was already half way there before you’d even woken now he was finding it harder to hold on much longer. He pulls out quickly, replacing his cock with his fingers as he helps you chase your high. He works you through your orgasm, your grip on his arms getting tighter as you cum on his fingers. “Fuck...thank you baby...I really needed that” he says with a sigh as he falls back onto the bed, eyes falling back closed.
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wandasallerdyce · 4 years
Vacation - Clint Barton x M! Avenger! Reader
Pairing: Clint Barton x M!Reader
Fandom: Avengers Assemble (tv show; Marvel)
Plot: Clints plan may or may not go as accordingly
Requested: yes/no
Warning(s): mention of smut, slight cursing
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(GIF is not mine)
When you had asked Clint to go on vacation with you, this is not what you had in mind. Yes, you both planned to go on a trip to the Bora Bora Islands, but you guys did not plan on the rest of the team to join you guys. Clint was mad when he found out the team would be joining you guys but you were able to calm him down before he yelled at the team. Both of you were used to always being alone on vacations, especially since you guys would go at it like rabbits all over the hotel room and there was no one to interrupt you guys.
But now, you guys had to remain in control of both of your guys’ lust. It was easy for you, but Clint on the other hand was a whole different case. It took time for him to get used to it, but eventually he got around to it. Anyways, you and the team decided to go for a swim. It wasn’t everyday you got a break. Being an Avenger was hard work. You were a skilled combatant, great at flexibility and a master of different weapons. When you guys got to the beach, Steve, Tony and Sam instantly jumped into the water.
Meanwhile, you, Clint, Natasha and Scott started a volleyball game. You and Clint versus the two redheads. Hulk and Thor where on referee and cheerleading duty. “Oh come on Barton! No fair!” Scott exclaimed as he failed to hit the ball since Clint would always make it unreachable for him. Clint simply just laughed at him. “Calm down Hawkeye, let the man hit it.” You said while trying to hold in your laughter. You couldn’t lie, it was pretty funny to watch.
You turned around and looked at Natasha who was also trying to hold in a laugh as Scott fell on the sand. “Don’t give up, Man of Ants! I believe in you!” Exclaimed Thor, trying his best to cheer on Scott. This kept going on until eventually Nat got annoyed. “Alright boys, if you guys are done, me and (y/n) would actually like to play.” Natasha said with a hint of annoyance in her voice. Eventually, both of the teams ended up in a tie. The sun was going down, so you and Clint decided to have some alone time and take a walk.
Clint wondered how he got so lucky. When you guys met, both of you actually hated each other. You despised his cocky attitude and he hated that you were so nice and forgiving since he didn’t believe that was who you truly were. When you guys were forced to team up to take down Red Skull, you confided in him and told him why you really joined S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers, which made him open up to you about the circus. That was the first step in your guys’ relationship. When you guys confessed your feelings for each other, it was actually in a end of the world situation.
The fight against Thanos was starting to overwhelm all of you. You had various cuts on your body and cheek and a few tears in your suit. Clint stayed near you, making sure you were safe from the Titan’s wrath. You started to run out of ammo so you decided to just take down Thanos with your flexibility and skills all alone. As you started to reach him, he was able to grab a hold of you and started to choke you. You felt your air starting to run out and scratched at his arm with no use.
Next thing you know, your dropped onto the floor of the moon as Clint starts throwing punches at the Mad Titan. Thanos simply laughed and grabbed both of you, throwing you guys towards the watchers tower. You landed on Clint and just stayed there. Then, Clint starts talking to you. “Listen, (y/n), I’m being serious about this okay? This isn’t a game. I just wanted to tell you, that in case we don’t make it, um… ahhh… fuck it. I’m in love with you, (y/n) (l/n).” He told you, looking anywhere but your eyes. You simply responded by kissing him, finally hearing the words from him you wanted to hear for so long. He was surprised, but returned the kiss with more force. Eventually, you guys were able to bring down Thanos with the help of the Guardians of The Galaxy.
That brings you guys to the present. 4 years into your relationship, and things have only gotten better. Both of you share a room in the tower and are always together. Wherever you are, Clint is most definitely there with you also. Clint snapped out of his mind and stopped suddenly. You walked for a few more seconds until you realized he wasn’t following you. “Clint, honey, are you okay?” You asked with concern in your voice. Oh, how Clint loved the nicknames you gave him. You were the only one who was allowed to give him nicknames.
“Yeah, I was just thinking about the old times. Like when we met and stuff.” He said with a smile on his face. You smiled back and he swore he melted faster than ice cream. Your smile always radiated a certain type of happy. You turned to look at the sun setting and he immediately started sweating. He put his hand in his pocket, making sure the box was safe. He wanted to propose to you for a while, but he wasn’t sure if you would agree or not. ‘It’s now or never Barton, don’t be a chicken.’ He repeated in his head.
“Look Clint! The stars are about to show!” You exclaimed with such enthusiasm. You turned around and gasped, seeing as Clint was on one knee in the sand. “Listen, (y/n). I’m not good at speeches like Steve, but I’m going to try my best here. Basically, to put it short, I’m in love with you. I always have been. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You accepted me for who I was, even though you knew I was in the circus of crime. You didn’t judge me on my past, but on who I was now. I know I mess up sometimes, but your always there for me and help me back up. So, what do you say (y/n)? Want to become Mr. Barton with me? It’s totally okay if you say no I mean, I won’t be mad if y-“ You cut off his rambling by culling his cheeks.
“Clinton Francis Barton, how could I say no to you?” You said and leaned down to kiss him, your fingers entangling in his blonde hair. He relaxed into the kiss and synced both of your lips. Eventually both of you pulled back and he put the silver ring on your finger. It was simple, yet to you it was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. “I was on a budget. Sorry I couldn’t get you a ring you deserve.” Clint said sheepishly, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. You simply smiled and said, “Anything you give me is beautiful Clint.”
He stood up and dusted himself off and wrapped his arm around your shoulder and walked both of you towards the rest of the team. “When we have our first kid, I’m definitely teaching them how to shoot an arrow.” Clint said confidently. You simply chuckled. “Careful Clint, or they’ll end up shooting you in the leg.” You said while trying to hold in your laughter. Clint instantly had a shock look to his face. “Yknow what? Maybe I won’t teach them how to shoot after all.” He said looking spooked. You simply just laughed while walking back.
You ended up getting a text from Natasha telling you guys they were in Stark’s room. When you guys walked in, it was utter chaos. They decided to have a fun idea to play Uno. Right now, Nat was in the lead with two cards left followed up my Sam with three cards. Steve was still trying to figure out how to play and Thor and Tony ended up getting ganged up on with +4’s. Hulk meanwhile was watching the tv paying no attention to the others. You both decided to play the notice game and cuddled up to each other on a chair. You kept guessing who would be the first to notice the ring. Eventually, as always, it was Tony who noticed.
“Where did that ring come from?!”
I actually had lots of fun writing this even tho it’s 1:30am lolol. Anyways I hoped y’all enjoyed and peace out. Love ya guys!!!
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aclosetfan · 3 years
(ask game) thank you so much for playing the game!! you’re the best (per usual)!!
Helllll yeahhhhh 21 is the DUMBEST STUPIDEST fic I’ve ever made and I lovvveee it 💚💙❤️ it’s the “Vampire Zombie” one i mentioned in the original ask game post 😂😂
So glad someone picked the number!! Background to keep in mind: do yall remember when there was just a shit ton of Vampire fics on FFN?? Idk about ao3, but for newer fandom members this was TOTALLY a trend in the early 2000s on ffn, and I was like why the fuck are all of these here??? And like, why is it constantly a predator-prey relationship between the rrb and ppg??? So I was like wait…okay, but this could be funny and decided to write a story making fun of these super cringey stereotypes.
The story would be a multi fic and I have zero idea how to explain it concisely, so basically below the cut is just me laying it all out for you srsly I’m just bearing my soul to you:
For the girls’ birthday, the Professor tricks out the simulation room they train in to be a VR game room b/c the girls had talked about VR once (and only once), but the Professor thought it was cool and ran with it. The Girls can create a world of their choosing and explore. They admit the idea is pretty cool and eventually start arguing where they should “go” first. Blossom suggests a historical era like the Victorian era/Bubbles suggests something romantic, where she hints at vampires/Buttercup doesn't like any of those ideas, but the vampires reminded her of all of her zombie videogames she plays and she ends up suggesting something like that instead/ To prevent arguing the Professors says he’ll combine all three ideas into one!
[[how does this machine work??? IDK in the spirit of early 2000 fanfics, anything complicated and confusing is only vaguely explained—which has in story effects that drive Blossom INSANE! Idk how it would work technically, but my choices as the writer on what is/is not describe and purposeful grammar mistakes has story implications] [ill explain this more later]]
The Professor loads up the “game,” but something malfunctions. He tells the girls (Buttercup) not to touch anything. She doesn't listen and ends up plugging something into an entirely different device against Blossom & Bubbles protest. The device is that old “time machine” thing the Professor made in one of the OG cartoon (the one where the girls meet the Young Professor). It turns out that whatever she does (again still don't ask me how) fuses the basic concept of the two machines together and creates a device that transports them to a parallel universe that matches the specifications of the “game” they wanted to create.
[[Throughout the story, i want to include little video game gags, like bottomless bags for storage, or random bullets laying around, little things like that. (they've lost their powers/ but BC keeps finding all these random guns/knifes so they're good) I also give the girls the “ability” to read the dialogue I write. So, when I mess up a comma (i.e. Let’s eat Grandma! vs Let’s eat, Grandma!), Blossom will look at the “character” they’re talking to and be like, “WELL, which is IT!?”] [I know it’s stupid, but I think its so fun!]]
So, because of the video game “glitch,” the girls think for the longest time they’re actually IN a video game, but when they “go to sleep” thinking that’ll save the game and they can quit, per Professor’s instruction, they find out they can’t. Cue freak out. After the calm down, Buttercup’s like okay, listen we probably just have to beat the game! Too bad they don’t know what the game’s objective is exactly. They just know they’re dressed in Victorian Era clothes and their “Professor” is the town’s doctor? Their mother died (tragically). It’s all a bit dramatic. They start searching for clues. Eventually, they find out that the Town has a zombie problem (THANKS BUTTERCUP!), and Blossom figures if they can cure that, they beat the game. Unbeknownst to them, they are actually stuck in a stupid vampire love plot there just happens to be zombies. [Like, you can’t have one supernatural creature without another and I wasn’t going to write about werewolves.] No one in town seems to care about the undead problem. Buttercup keeps “leveling up,” Blossom’s on the verge of a breakdown, and then, finally, Bubbles meets Boomer.
Boomer swears up and down Bubbles is his fated mate. Bubbles—who is definitely interested—is like ooo so you’re a vampire, cutie? He’s broody about it. She’s like so do you sparkle in the sun?? (I absolutely love sparkles, she says). He’s like, wut?? She’s like, do you sparkle???? He’s like, uh no, the sun kind of burns my energy tho. She’s like, oh. Okay. I see. You don’t sparkle. Sooo, well, haha, okay you seem like a really really sweet guy with the whole eternal devotion thing, but I don’t think this is really going to work out between us. He’s again like WUT. Boomer gets broken up with because he doesn’t sparkle.
Vampire Butch is flat out scared of Buttercup. Like he fully admits he’s sucked infants dry of their blood; he’s why people should fear the night; he’s not a “good guy”; but BC is a force to be reckoned with. In the Victorian era, I’m guessing they had little to no experience with the modern day “bro” and BC is full on bro. This doesn’t mesh well with Butch’s broody, dark, vampire thing he’s got going on. She’s too vulgar for a Victorian lady, she wears things called “Chacos,” and she has a gun??? Multiple guns. And He. Has. No. Fucking. Idea. What. She. Is. Saying!! No! He will not “dab her up!” No, he “doesn’t lift.” This wasn’t his mysterious, tough (but still a damsel, mind you) mate he met one fateful evening, this was some heathen creature (and this is coming from a vampire), so please, please, please, can he kill her?????  
Blossom’s like I don’t like to be touched and I’m a lesbian, and Brick’s like one) I think I respect you more than the old Blossom; two) the zombies just appeared, stop asking; three) you need to now help us find our mates before their eighteenth birthday or we’re all screwed.
Ready to kick ass and fight sexist stereotypes with their new “bros,” the girls set out with their new objective, hoping beyond hope that once they find the missing girls they’ll be able to go home. The girls find out that their parallel alternatives went disappearing a few days ago, so their “return” had been a relief to the whole town. [[Blossom’s like why did no one question our clothing?!?! Why are there zombies?!?!]] ugh and then, I don’t know what happens :( really. I never really ended it. They girls just constantly shit on the boys being broody vampires and kick zombie ass, like idk what else a gal could want out of a story. I feel like they end up finding the other girls. And I think that I was going to bring HIM into the mix, but it’s still just regular HIM. It turns out that HIM likes jumping dimensions to make the Girls life hell in every lifetime and has cursed the three girls living in the vampire dimension. (“I’ve got a life outside of just you, ya know.” HIM huffed, “What are you three doing here?”) It also turns out that out of all the dimensions, our Girls as Superheroes are the best at beating HIM and saving the day, so he’s extra pissy that they’re ruining his carefully crafted “historical romance vampire soap opera.” Blossom loses her shit because the historical inaccuracies are too high to now ignore, Bubbles is pissed because HIM didn’t make good enough vampires, and Buttercup’s like honestly, not a bad game, ngl. Everyone ignores her.
[[They beat HIM, free the other girls, return home, and BC obsesses over their stats sheets. Back in Vampire land, the boys are like wait a second the relationships we are now stuck in suck.] [The zombies are still not explained]]
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vanillann · 3 years
I ship you with Remus Lupin (marauder era) from Harry Potter. I feel like the personalities would match really well together and your bring out a funny side to him that he surely needed after being clawed and cursed by the werewolf.
From stranger things I ship you with Steve Harrington. I feel that just like with Lupin they need someone to help them through something . Steve would need you to see the sunshine in his life (especially after being heartbroken with Nancy). You would start off as friends and he would slowly realise his feelings for you and he sees you make him a better person!
So below are my informations. I was hoping to get a male s/o from JATP, Harry Potter, marvel, Narnia or stranger things. It’s up to you how many you’d like to make really 🥰 thank you
- my name is Ana
- I’m from Portugal
- I’m 22 years old
- I go by she/ her
- I’m straight
- I’m 5”2 (I think, I am 1m56cm)
- I have brown eyes
- My natural hair is brown but right now I have it in a dirty blonde with some ginger hints
- My sun sign is Virgo;
- Riding is Taurus
- And my moon is Capricorn
- I’m a slytherin
- Very selective with friends and somewhat lonely at times
- Have a huge trauma backstory but I try to put the past in the past
- Good listener
- I’m the “sarcastic mum” of the group
- I can be mean as fuck when mad
- It’s very hard for me to love but when I do I get consumed and lost in it
- I have studied theatre and also equine studies (horse subjects)
- I am typically quiet until I trust the people around me and then I’m always cracking stupid jokes
omg omg thank you for my ship!! you literally pick two of my favorite characters ever (especially steve!!)so i’m not a emotional mess, thank you!!
i ship you with edmund pevensie!
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first off enemies to lovers
because edmund definitely wouldn’t open up and you wouldn’t open up so edmund was like “SHE’S HIDING SOMETHING!”
and of course you were like shut up because he was annoying to you at first
and y’all kept that up for a while but then something happened
so it was a meeting with another country and peter wanted you their because you know a lot about them
and they made a comment about edmund’s past
“why’d bring up a past you know nothing about? we can talk about your past with your mistress?”
because edmund 100% love angry girls
he’s a whore for it 
so you stormed out and went for a ride to clear your head
and peter ended to meeting cause no one take bad about his brother and gets away with it
and edmund just sit in front of your room till your get back
and when you see him you kinda wanna roll your eyes cause you didn’t wanna argue today
but he just thanks you
“i know we fight a lot ana but you really stood up for me back their”
and you 100% stood up because of your past and you’d kill someone if they bought it up like that
and you obviously accept because he was so sincere
and after that you slowly become friends and riding partners
he 100% loves watching your hair in the sun because it looks so cool
he likes it when you do crack jokes around him
makes him feel involved
you start to spend more and more time with him and he totally down for it
i ship you with luke patterson!
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luke definitely is the type to rant a lot so the fact you’re a good listener helps
i can imagine him seeing you alone and he turned to his friends “WE MUST BEFRIEND HER NOW”
you definitely are kinda stand-offish at first but you slowly start to like being around them
i can imagine you joking about liking another band more and luke listened to all their music trying to find out how they’re better
i can imagine him trying to braid your hair
“wait what do i do next?”
he gives up and alex does it instead
y’all don’t fight a lot b it when you do it can get nasty
he probably likes to walk away from arguments so that probably makes it worse
reggie probably already knows a lot so he helps dumb it down for everyone else
luke is so confused it’s hilarious
“ana i forgot about how to work a saddles!”
alex and you throwing sarcastic comments at luke 24/7
him pouting when you take alex side and you just patting his cheek and smiling
i ship you with steve harrington!
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i feel like you were erica babysitter and she told you about them giving her ice cream to go in a vent
of course you freaked on them and steve looked like he was going to cry
next thing you know you’re hiding on a roof with them
you only agreed because one you wanted to know too but also to keep an eye on erica
we know how that went
steve definitely would see you in school and thought you were scary but he started to see you’re really cool
“where do you think this leads?”
“hell hopefully.”
“she’s really pretty steve!”
“hear that, she’s funny too!”
definitely felt kinda bad he dragged you into the upside down shit
robin and you 🤝 making fun of steve
i have a feeling robin and you’d be good friends
which makes steve happy cause he wants robins approval
obviously she does
“if she said yes to you then i’d be shocked, she wayyy cooler than you.”
i feel like y’all would call each other “shithead” and “asshole”
like i don’t know i can see it
please enjoy and send in a ship!
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Could I please request some Klance x reader head cannons..? 🥺
*clears throat and cracks knuckles* let’s do this shit.
they’ve probably both had a crush on you from the start
let’s say you were in the Garrison with them
let’s say you were in Keith’s squadron
and finally, let’s say you befriended Pidge and Hunk which is how you met Lance
you were the only person from the Garrison that Keith kept in touch with
so you knew when he got some weird readings which lead to you sneaking out to help him that night
which is how you ended up in space, as a legendary defender, with two people who couldn’t stop arguing bc of you
baby boy Keith is so shy
lover boy Lance is defo not shy
shameless flirting constantly
Keith watching from the distance fuming bc he wants you to laugh bc of him but you’re always to focused on Lance
but alas it is okay y’all
bc Keith makes you feel so calm and carefree that Lance gets super jealous of it
like sure, he can make you laugh, but the smile on your face just by being in the same room as Keith?? he could never
so he thinks
basically they’re both just really jealous of each other with anything relating to you
you pick up on it easily and find it amusing
they both admit their feelings to you the same day, unplanned, separately
Keith after Lance and he gets so fuckin embarrassed when you start laughing
bless both yalls dumbass hearts
that was an attack on myself not you guys
once you calm down and explain the situation Keith only gets more embarrassed
then you hug him and tell him you need some time to think, he agrees
a Top Secret Klance Meeting™️ then ensues where they discuss your decision
“I think we need to just accept whatever verdict they dish, it would be so uncool to make them feel bad about their own choice.”
“I agree, if they choose you, I’ll be happy and supportive for the both of you, I hope you’ll be the same, and if they choose neither of us we can eat Hunks comfort cooking(™️🥴) and not cry together.”
they wait anxiously for your response
you defo make them sweat by taking way longer than necessary, even tho it is a difficult thing
probs hit them with that ‘I think you’re both cute and wanna spend time with both of you before I decide’
which did not ease either of them whatsoever
after like several weeks of doing stuff with them individually as well as all together you realize you don’t wanna choose?
and you’re just like eh fuck it
you call up a meeting between the three of you
they’re both anxious as all get out bc they don’t really want an answer anymore
bc they like the dealio they’ve got going right now
and they’re like making silent agreements to comfort the other if they get picked
but also just already acknowledging eating their sorrows away together not expecting you to actually pick either
and then you come in and shock the absolute hell out of both of them
you tell em straight up, no hesitation
(lmfao if only)
“I don’t want to date either of you.”
cue immediate deflation of the two and a fuckin mischievous as all get out grin
like the fuckin lil shit you are
that was me calling myself out again I’m not tryna insult you guys
“I wanna date both of you. At the same time. If y’all are cool with that that is.”
now cue hella confusion
they’re both kinda like, really fuckin down
but also
like uhhhh that’s not how this is supposed to work???
they try to tell you it’s okay for you to choose, they’re big boys and can handle it
you just shrug and hit them with “it’s both or neither, I’m not choosing, I don’t wanna.”
and this the birth of yalls relationship
it started out as they were both dating you and that was that
but then one time you went on a like weeklong solo mission
(which neither liked one bit)
and they were left by their lonesome together missing their shared significant other
which lead to bonding moments
when you got back and found your boyfriends cuddled together in your bed with no room for you like usual, you wished you had a camera
after that mission they started acting almost coupley to each other as well?
they made it official a few weeks later and it was game over
all three of you are so damn clingy
y’all gotta be touching at least one of your significant others at any given moment
you all try really hard not to get pouty when someone is giving someone else more attention
but it doesn’t work
which leads to amazing soft makeup sex focused on the person that wasn’t getting attention that day
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
the team found it odd at first but got used to it pretty quickly
mostly are just annoyed by how either disgustingly adorable you three are or how much sexual tension y’all bring to the team
y’all got told you weren’t allowed to join a mandatory team meeting until you finished some other business once bc none of them wanted to deal with any of your pining horny asses
lots of cute nicknames and stolen moments and all that jazz
basically just really soft, pure, wholesomeness
with a ‘hint’ of *cough* impurities *cough*
y’all kinky is what I’m tryna say
the dream couple all round frfr
best poly relationship in the whole damn universe and y’all know it
this was both a lot longer as well as a lot shorter than I thought it’d be
I hope y’all enjoyed!! and please feel free to ask for more, or other couples, or whatever
I’m totally not 100% into poly relationships and love writing about them
I also have no idea why I’m still writing these as headcanon additions instead of paragraphs
~Admin Rori💜
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leossmoonn · 3 years
omg bae ship me w someone!! i rlly hope u know enough about me but just in case u don’t i use she/her/hers pronouns and i’m bi so u can ship me w any gender! also do it for any fandom i wanna see what u come up w LOL LOVE YOU <3
hehe alrighty
male mcu ship - peter parker
i swear i didnt ship u w peter just bc of your pfp pick but when you sent me your info and i read youre allergic to cats i was like “yes this is peter’s gf”. also i see you and peter as very alike ppl so… OKAY anyways so youll def met in school duh. it was the first day of the senior year in physics. you outsmarted him and he was like 🤨🤨 but also 😳😳 but he was confused and flustered. you ended up turning to him and giving him a smile which made his face turn pink. you giggled softly and turned back to pay attention the the class, completely obvious to the fact that peter stared at you the whole period.
after class he went up to you and was like “h-hey, y/n, right? well u-um i noticed that i was wrong in class, and i was just um, wondering if you could explain to me how i was wrong. because i was like, 200% sure i was right haha” and youre like “sure. meet me in the library during lunch” then you leave bc youre cool and peter is left there like 😮.
anyways so he meets you in the library and you basically give him a tutoring session and omg he literally cant stop staring at youu. he loves the way you smell and he thinks you look so pretty in your outfit hes like 😍😍😍. you notice this and smirk and say “you wanna go out w me and betty and ned tonight?” and hes like 😟 “wot” and youre like “it can be a double date. unless youre with someo-” and he’s like “NO NO IM NOT” and youre like “alright. heres my address. be there at 5, no later than that” you scribble your apartment number down and hand it to him before leaving. he picks up the paper and stares at it and just smiles bc tbh hes always thought you were pretty but was always too nervous to talk to you.
anyways so he tells aunt may when he gets home n shes so excited! her baby is going on his first date! she helps him prepare and she wishes him the best as he leaves to go to your apartment. he knocks on the door, holding a rose and waiting anxiously for you to open the door. you do a few moments later, your appearance making his heart explode. youre in this pretty blue dress thats super casual and has white flowers all over it. and hes like 😍😍😍😍 and you giggle and get flustered bc your long time crush is staring at you with his jaw wide. you then say hi, breaking him out of his daze and hes like “h-hi. you look stunning, u-uh i mean, pretty. stunning is too much. o-or maybe it’s not uh—” “thank you pete” you say. he smiles and holds out the rose, to which you awe at. you take him inside for a few moments, ned and betty already there. you grab your purse before you two head to downtown. 
the night is amazing. while ned and betty are cuddling up to each other, you and peter hang back and talk. you two learn a lot about each other and jump from topic to topic seamlessly. you end the night w ice cream and while ned takes betty home, peter takes you home too. you two end up sharing a cute goodbye kiss that leaves you two 😍😍😍 (lmfao this emoji is so famous). and you bid him goodbye and leave him again, flustered. next morning you two see each other in class and peter asks you to be his gf (aww) (you assume betty gave him the advice but actually he did it all on his own. he isnt totally clueless).
you two become gf and bf and are easily the most attractive and smartest couple in school. you two go on lots of dates and often match your outfits hehe. you two are often found in his apartment, cuddling while studying for upcoming tests. he eventually reveals his secret to you and youre a little pissed he didnt tell you before , but overall youre amazed and supportive. you do worry about him bur after missions he always comes back to you and its the best.
also just wanna add you two move in together after graduating and get a cat and you both just die while you cuddle it 🤩🤩
female hp ship - ginny weasley
kk so like you two were bffs before but then you two got drunk and ended up revealing your feelings to each other and shared a very drunk kiss before falling asleep on the couch in the common room 🌝. but the next morning you two are like 😳😳 “uh.. did we?” and you two are smiling like idiots and you kiss again out of excitement. 
you two kinda officiate everything that morning. you two decide to not be public yet bc its new to yall and you two dont want to ruin your friendship but literally a week in you both know youre soulmates and you end up giving your friends hints by beginning to hold hands n all that PDA. theyre very supportive of yall and youre soon the most cherished couple in school, but you two make sure to keep your relationship private.
you two go on lots of dates too. mostly to hogmeade, but in the summer you hang out at her house and end up going into town a lot. your outfits also match. ginny is usually seen wearing the jean and shirt version of y’all’s outfit but sometimes she’ll wear a dress to twin w you hehe.
you two are often seen cuddling, watching movies together and taking naps. you two are always in the kitchen, making a mess and having food fights. ginny also gets you into reading too. shes usually the one reading to you bc her voice is nice and soothing, and you almost always fall asleep to her reading. its so cute, molly ends up taking pictures with a camera arthur got her.
when you two are old enough, you move in together in a cute little apartment near the hospital where you intern at. ginny goes to train for quidditch and you two end up spending a lot of time apart, but you make sure to make the most of the time you have together <3 hehe
hope you liked it :) its really long lol 🌝 also this wasnt proofread i apologize if there are mistakes lol
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silver-wield · 4 years
Can you do an analysis on Cloud and Tifa’s body language during that scene when they’re in Cloud’s room and he’s slyly referring to his promise to Tifa? There was crazy sexual tension in that scene and it honestly looked like Cloud was subtly being flirty with her 😭
No probs, Nonny! I actually already touched on their body language in a reply to a gif set of this bit, so we'll just expand on that ^=^
Ok, spoiler warning for ppl who haven't played – do I still need to do this? Eh ok, (I tag FF7R spoilers as final fantasy 7 remake spoilers) and it's gonna be a VERY long one so prepare to scroll.
Also, this is one person's interpretation of the scene, so if you disagree that's cool and we'll agree to disagree.
You're also gonna have to excuse the janky quality on some of the screens, I'm grabbing them from Youtube and it's frustrating af trying to get the exact moment I want.
Other analyses if anyone's interested.
Shinra HQ vision scene (Cloti/plot analysis) 
Chapter 3 (Cloti reblog) 
Tifa character analysis 
Aerith Resolution (plot analysis/theory – I should probably update this since I've had other ideas since then) 
Train graveyard (not really an analysis, but I got some sweet screenshots of Cloti) 
Clotiscrew tunnel analysis 
Cloti reunion analysis 
The Promise Analysis 
Andrea's approval (Cloti ask response) 
Leslie analysis (not mine, but a good read) 
Cloti action touching 
Aerti friendship analysis 
Now, strap in and enjoy the ride.
Keep reading
Recap time! Yall know the drill by now if you've read my other ramblings.
Chapter 3, where we get a room (lol), do some jobs and have a chat with Tifa. It's pretty basic stuff until the cut scene after Marle gives Cloud a talking to. She's the overprotective grandmother figure that Tifa needs in her life and she wants to make sure Cloud isn't messing with her. Now, why would she think that? Well, maybe she picked up some hints when Tifa mentioned Cloud to her about wanting a place to stay? Marle's pretty sharp, after all, and if she got the impression Tifa is carrying a torch, she'd definitely make sure Cloud's not about to blow it out. She tells him to pay attention to her, to listen. This is the very first instance of Cloud taking in that kind of info and it changes how he treats others for the rest of the game.
After the chapter 4 mission where Cloud reflects on his promise to Tifa, it's back to the slums for some rest. Then Tifa knocks on his door and enters. She mentions Cloud was gone for a while, and he answers he was walking so that he keeps Jessie's secret – because he's that kind of guy.
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Small talking Tifa is cute, but lol, Cloud seems to have purposely forgotten Johnny since he's yet another admirer of Tifa. For a guy who doesn't forget info like morons who could cause them trouble in the long run, it's pretty telling how quickly he is to dismiss Johnny.
Onto something more interesting in this pic, though. Cloud is sitting on the bed. Now, if he wasn't comfortable around Tifa he'd have got up. His eyeline is lower than hers so he has to look up at her. This puts her in a position of dominance over him – also not surprising since his mentality is that of a 16yr old around her and she's the adult in the relationship. Tifa for her part has her body turned to the side in a non-confrontational pose.
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Tifa has her hands clasped in front of herself (couple of seconds before this screen) which indicates she's trying to protect herself as she asks the question if Cloud is leaving Midgar. Not surprising since she's afraid of losing people she cares about and even just someone heading off somewhere else would upset her, though she'd try not to show it.
Cloud, for his part, looks away, appearing as though he's thinking it over, but we're already aware he's decided to stay and help Tifa out, so this is a fake out on his part. He's half-teasing, half trying to get a positive response from her (remember the water tower? Yeah, this is that Cloud. The dork. The one who is useless at talking to girls).
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I'm sorry, but Cloud is such a cheeky bastard I just can't with him! This is giving me all the throwbacks to his behaviour at the water tower and I love that it mirrors that moment, but with more success on his part this time. He's looking all around trying not to give himself away before it's needed. He's smiling and looks relaxed. He might be sitting but he definitely believes he has the upper hand between them at this point. Remember, I've said before that eye contact is important. Well, in this case, Cloud's deliberate refusal to make eye contact shows he's teasing. This is such a cute moment between them!
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Oh ho! But here's where his teasing ends. Cloud is being completely serious and obviously took the promise between them as being special. Ducking his head out of sight completely prevents us from seeing his expression and allows him to act in a casual way about something that's such an important part of who he became. But, he's not quite pulling it off because he's also looking quite defensive in this pose. His hands are clasped in front of him and he's leaning forward, looking at the floor. This is something very meaningful for him to talk about and he's hoping Tifa doesn't brush it off, so if he doesn't look at her he won't have to see her reaction.
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Tifa's obviously got her own interpretation of how that promise went. We can guess she did it because she just wanted a guarantee she'd see Cloud again some day from how she acted during the water tower cut scene. Here, she's leaning back on her hands which leaves her body language open, but also conceals something. She's looking down, the same way Cloud did. She's also hiding her true feelings towards Cloud the same way he's hiding from her, but she's being as honest as she can be as the same time. I've seen people call Tifa a liar because of how she doesn't address Cloud's memory problems in OG, but when you really take a close look at her, lying just isn't her. This is a complex moment between them. They've not long met again and they're having this heavy conversation. The feelings between them are still there, but there's all this other stuff that's more important. But, they know they're friends, and that's a good place to start getting to know each other again, and Cloud choosing to stay is that first step, with the quick follow up of him reminding her of their shared history.
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Cloud, you smooth bastard I love you for this! This is definitely flirting! He's looking directly at her, then dips his head to the side in an inviting gesture. His eyes soften and he gets this tiny smile on his face. His body language has changed, too. He's sitting up and back slightly with both arms by his sides. There's no more defensiveness about him. He wants to listen to her. Cloud is choosing to ask for Tifa's confidence. He's letting her know she can rely on him. That he's interested.
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For her part, Tifa's pleased, but surprised. She's not long got back in touch with Cloud and, while he's been a decent guy, she's had the overall impression he isn't the same as the soft boi she knew, so this is a revelation for her. The Cloud she knew is still within this Cloud – which anyone who knows the real!Cloud SOLDIER!Cloud storyline is exactly the point of this moment. Tifa knows his true self. The true self that comes out only when he's with her.
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Cloud, bro, I'm gonna combust from all these flirty gestures! Fully open body language, a smile, teasing tone. Goddamnit, just say you love her already! Yes, please, invite Tifa to check you out. Remember, he's still sitting. He's so relaxed and natural around her. Even if all you saw was two friends and no ship, you'd be insane to think he isn't a different person in this scene. He's not SOLDIER Cloud here.
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Tifa, for her part, isn't flirting here. She likes Cloud, that's clear, and her body language is reaching towards him, which suggests she has feelings towards him, but her tone is more playful and her expression is pleased. She's happy to see her friend isn't too different from the one she knows. Most of the flirting in this scene is on Cloud's side, which makes sense when you think of the torch he's been carrying for her. He's trying to get her attention, same way he did when they were kids. Tifa's oblivious but receptive because she likes him back, but she won't show it as much because she thinks he's not interested. Someone knock their heads together please lol
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OMG FUCKING HELL CLOUD JUST TELL HER YOU LOVE HER! Leaning back on the bed, totally vulnerable body language, drawing attention to the bod in an attempt to spark her interest – since he's clearly interpreted this line from Tifa as a rejection – this boi is trying so hard! He even looks a little disappointed she's not more impressed with SOLDIER Cloud, but we knew she preferred the dork anyway lol
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Now, I know everyone talks about the physical and emotional distance between them here, which is obvious, but what I'm gonna point out is after feeling like SOLDER Cloud has been rejected by Tifa – thanks to her preference for the real deal – Cloud looks away from her. She's brushed him off and he's hiding his upset by not meeting her eyes.
Tifa is still oblivious to this, but Cloud definitely has a look of disappointment on his face.
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Now, after that last bit you'd think Cloud would assume he's got no chance, but then Tifa says how glad she is to have him back and that cheers him up. He's still in that mindset of a 16yr old with a crush, whereas Tifa's moved on. She's had 5 years apart from him (she thinks it's 7, I know, but he saw her in Nibelheim and how she'd matured a little). She's not thinking of him in an openly romantic sense, whereas Cloud is definitely still deep in his feelings for her. Hearing she's happy to see him hints to him that he might still have a chance with her if they spend more time together. His soft af goodnight is the last indicator of his strong feelings for her. His body language is open once more, he's staring after her with a longing look and a smile and doesn't look away until the door closes.
Lol seriously though, Cloud is definitely still deep in the throes of his childhood crush. Tifa could resurrect hers with time because it's clear she does still harbour feelings for him, but she's not the type to be pushy or insistent. She'll let Cloud take the lead and offer subtle hints how she feels, hoping he feels the same. She doesn't pick up on Cloud's subtle flirting compared to those more in your face things he tried earlier. Through all of those interactions with her he's definitely trying to say that he likes her and he'd like her to accept his feelings, but the bigger gestures get the brush off, although she blushes and looks shy, and the smaller ones go over her head.
Unfortunately, these two are oblivious af and it's gonna take everyone's help to get them together.
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halorocks1214 · 4 years
ბარტერი (a Thunderbirds fic)
Chapter 1: გატაცებული
AO3 Link
Word Count: 3892
Summary: And here they thought getting their father back was the least of their worries.
i make no promises for this fic. the upload schedule will be totally willy nilly because i havent really been feeling the whole writing thing and because of my other fics and projects and irl shit. i hate to admit it but im on the fence on whether or not this will actually be completed, BUT, i still am surprisingly proud of this so im posting it anyway. hope yall enjoy!
“Okay, what’s the dealio?”
Gordon easily skipped around his younger brother with a slightly faux-naive voice. They were currently out in the field, damn tsunamis not being picked up by the D.A.R.T. soon enough, and while Gordon knew better than to talk about personal things during a rescue, it was the first time in a while he even had the chance to talk to Alan.
Who was currently more forlorn than Gordon was aware he could be if the way he watched his toes kick whatever small rock they strutted past was any indication. It took a moment for Alan to register his older brother’s question, but when he did, he blinked a few times before looking at Gordon with a raised eyebrow, “What?”
Gordon was going to play this slyly. Treat it as banter, not an interrogation. Gordon idly leaned over and picked up a stick. He started to twirl it, never meeting Alan’s gaze directly, “I don’t know, you seem off. Just wanted to see if it was anything I could help with.”
Alan went back to kicking the pebbles, shrugging his shoulders in a way that said ‘this was a big deal but I don’t want you to know that’, “Oh, sorry, just tired. It’s not my fault I was having a wonderful nap in the closet only for John to make me tumble out of it due to the alarms. The fact that we’ve been out here for God knows how many hours doesn’t help.”
Gordon’s chuckles at that statement were slightly fake. Alan was hiding something, and if Gordon had to imitate Scott, well, then it was only Alan’s fault, “Yeah-huh. Sounds good.” He focused on the stick, pretending it was a wand and waving it around as such, “Decided on a college yet?”
Alan still didn’t look up, and Gordon could hear the noises of rocks getting kicked and traveling a foot or two. Alan answered him monotonously, “Uh, not really. I’ve narrowed it down to three. I haven’t brought them up with anyone other than Grandma though since the last thing I want to do is create a World War between our older brothers about which one is better.”
Gordon snorted but then got serious again. Dammit, Gordon, you are not letting him worm his way out of this. Again, “If I promise Scout’s Honor will you tell me them?” He cheekily grinned at Alan, which got a small smile out of the younger brother. Nice, getting closer. Now Gordon was doing that rubber pencil trick with the stick, way more immersed with the visual illusion than he probably should be, “Hmm, is it girl trouble?”
Alan rolled his eyes, but Gordon could tell he was getting annoyed, which meant the older brother was getting close. Alan kept his facade up, crunching a stick underneath his feet as he started walking just a little faster, “If you mean ‘Kayo chased me for accidentally spilling paint on Shadow’s nose’ then yes, I’m having lots of girl trouble.”
Gordon winced wholeheartedly and sympathetically. He remembered when he accidentally tripped and spilled water all over the front of her one night. He wasn’t aware she was a fan of throwing them into the pool just as much as he was until that night. It was in annoyance, but still, Gordon considered it a similar hobby between them regardless, “Yeesh, sorry for bringing up traumatizing memories bro.” Squinting at the stick he was playing with, he put it over his lips like a faux-mustache, lightbulb dinging in his brain with joyful glee, “Boy trouble?”
Alan groaned at started walking way faster than Gordon. Once he was about three feet away from Gordon, he shouted while still facing forward so Gordon could hear him, “Oh my god, let it go, Gordon!”
Bingo, Gordon thought he hit the jackpot. Throwing the stick away and keeping his distance from Alan, his grin went ear to ear with excitement at what he thought was figuring it out, “Oh man, okay, wait, hang on, is it that Bear kid? The one Scott rescued for the umpteenth time last week? Or, wait, didn’t Conrad visit you up at ‘Five two weeks ago during your rotation?” Giggling, Gordon rubbed his hands together mischievously, “Allie, how dare you. Romantic or not, it’s my job to help you out with these things--”
Suddenly and abruptly, and shutting Gordon up, Alan turned around and glared at Gordon while his fists were haphazardly clenched at his hips, “Fine, Mr. Nosey, you wanna know? It’s about Dad, okay?!”
Well, there went any ability to joke in this situation. Gordon lost his smile completely and stared mindlessly at his younger brother, who was breathing heavily and still glaring, but Gordon could tell there was a hint of anxiety behind his eyes.
Dad had been back for about two-and-a-half months now, and the Tracy family seemed to be settling into a new routine with him. Everyone was happy Jeff was back in one piece, none more so than Jeff than himself. They quickly figured out how to slowly integrate him back, starting with daily chores, reaching him having permission to help out with IR, and now they were getting ready to reintroduce him back into Tracy Industries.
The anxiety in Alan’s features was suddenly all Gordon could see in them, followed by Alan shaking his head and turning back around, “Shit-- forget I said anything, that’s not why--”
Before he could even think, Gordon shot his arm out to grab Alan by the wrist, his amber eyes wide with careful thought. He needed to think these words through. The idea that Alan was nervous regarding talking about his own dad was... “Allie… I know you didn’t have as much… time with him, but he’s your father too. You don’t have to hide any opinion about him for me, for us.”
Alan still wasn’t looking at Gordon, but the older brother definitely saw the tiny and hidden flinch the younger brother made at your father too. Gordon barely held back the sharp inhale he wanted to make. Okay, that was an entire suitcase, one he, unfortunately, couldn’t unpack right now (as much as he loathed to admit it that was a Scooter problem), so he focused the first problem he figured out, “Allie, are you upset Dad is back or?...”
That got Alan to turn around, “No! Jesus, Gordon, of course, I’m happy he’s back. The only reason I graduated right before we left was that Scott and John both told me to go do something while we waited because “the way you’re bouncing on your toes is going to burn a hole in the ground and Grandma won’t like that,” remember? I’m ecstatic he’s alive and back home.”
Letting Alan gently go, Gordon took a deep breath to reorganize his thoughts, “Okay, then what about Dad has got you so worked up?”
Alan was suddenly much younger than the fresh, getting-ready-to-go-to-college, young man Gordon saw this morning, “You remember that argument between Scotty and Dad, right? The one about five weeks ago that we shouldn’t have listened in on but did anyway?”
Gordon flinched, not wanting to remember that argument.
The two have made up since then, but it was a shock to just about everybody on the island, including John and Virgil, who the blondes nervously told the morning after so they could get some kind of reassurance the world wasn’t ending. In the Tracys’ quest to have their Fairytale Happily Ever After, it never occurred to them that their father might not like how they were running things.
Scott made a decision that didn’t sit well with the older man, and he let his son know that in tactless, Jeff Tracy fashion. Scott’s decision wasn’t the best per se, certainly not the worst, but he could’ve waited for some better options, but Jeff couldn’t just say that outright, that he was concerned about his son taking risks like that. He had to immediately jump to the idea that Scott’s leadership might be lacking suddenly.
It also didn’t help that Scott couldn’t just fucking say that, while he was sorry for being slightly rash, he didn’t like being undermined after years of successful leadership. He went straight for the fact that Jeff had been gone for the past eight years. Scott didn’t blame the man for it, God no, but the insinuation that Jeff wasn’t any better than Scott because of it stung everyone in the room. Because being reminded of the fact that Dad was technically a dead man for a big portion of all of their lives wasn’t bad enough.
Gordon forgot that Scott could be too much like Jeff for his own fucking good, as well as the fact that Scott did get it from Jeff Tracy of all people.
Adult men Gordon’s ass, two old and stubborn as hell mules more like it.
They were both stuck on the fact that now there might have to be challenges of authority, and frankly, now that the oldest outside of Grandma put that idea on the table, it bothered everyone else barely more than those two combined.
Jeff apologized for how he acted after Grandma ripped him a new one, and Scott apologized for jumping the gun a little bit too (after Grandma yelled at him as well), but there was no promising no second fight, least of all one like that.
It was a little like being a kid and watching Mommy and Daddy fight for the first time.
Long story short: it sucked ass.
Alan took a shuddery breath and brought Gordon down from that memory. Alan then proceeded to wrap his arms around himself, rubbing up and down in a weak attempt to ground himself, “I just… what if he had all these ideas about me while he was up there, and what if I’m completely different from those ideas and it disappoints him?”
Oh, sweet Jiminy Cricket.
What the hell was Gordon to say to that? Jeff was a loving a supportive father, more so than others. Gordon remembered all of his swim meets and such for a good reason, so his first response to that statement was easily of course he would be proud of you!
But there was an ever so tiny thing that grabbed Gordon’s tongue from saying that outright. It was honestly minor, so he wasn’t sure why it kept hitting him like a fucking truck.
Eight. Years.
Jeff Tracy was a remarkable man, and even more remarkable father, but nobody spent eight years in isolation, let alone spent it thousands of miles up in space, without it having some kind of consequence. Jeff would never outright disown his sons for anything as long as it wasn’t illegal or got themselves or others hurt, but he was human, and he had preferences just like the rest of them had.
So, disappointed? Hell no. But potentially shocked and uninterested? Less supportive than other endeavors? Gordon loved his father, but he had to admit that he was at a loss. There weren’t Dead Men for Dummies books anywhere, and it sucked to say it, but Jeff was different. They were different, and the only way they would know how this Jeff reacted to things would be an in-the-moment experience, and if Scott’s and his argument was the first concrete example they had...
With how different Gordon was to the rest of his family, he always worried that he would never fully fit in. When Jeff came back he was excited just as much as Alan, as the rest of his family, but Gordon was always worried about his dad the most. He cheered him on at his swim meets, sure, but Gordon was always keenly aware of how the man, outside of taking him to and from them and, well, cheering, lots and lots of cheering, never really asked more than How did it go, sport?
Gordon wanted to be the only Tracy with that fear. It sucked, but in the end, his family always came through even if they weren’t aware of his anxieties. Now that Alan has them, over his father no less…
That just brings them right back around to the start: Gordon would be lying to himself if he knew what Jeff thought of him, let alone Alan.
Alan was a perceptive person, and if Gordon lied to himself, Alan would see that and know Gordon was lying to him as well, and that would very easily make the situation worse.
However, before Gordon had any chance to say something, words pulled from his ass or otherwise, anything to ease his baby brother’s low thoughts, footsteps rustled in the distance, causing the two blondes to snap their heads to look to the side. What they saw were two men, one larger and older, another younger and seemingly out of his comfort zone, in a sense. Gordon was going to chalk it up to ‘being a rescuee after a tsunami’, but his squid senses were tingling, and he felt himself easily go slightly taut.
The younger stranger blinked a few times before snapping his head up to look at the two IR Operatives in front of him. His eyes lit up, and Gordon suspected it wasn’t because he was about to be rescued.
“Oh, shit, these guys are young. How much do you think they would sell for?”
And just like that, Gordon’s gut twisted into a killer pretzel and was dropped off a five-story building. This had to be a joke, had to be. These kinds of people were only supposed to exist in horror stories. In the dark parts of the internet that are mainly regarded as myths, created to scar the poor children who snuck onto their parents’ laptop without permission. Even if they were real, Gordon and Alan couldn’t have had that bad of luck to--
“Remember what we said about famous people? Forget the ages, these guys are International Rescue. Most clients will throw physicality to the wind if something famous is involved.”
Gordon also thought that your pupil shrinking to the size of the tip of a needle when you’re terrified was a myth, but as the blood completely drained from his face and left him white as a sheet, he had to concede he was wrong about multiple things tonight.
Holy hand grenade in a fucking handbasket.
The state of shock his body was forcing him to enter was bad, like, shock-blankets-are-required level bad, but trembles from a different body right next to him snapped him back into attention.
Alan was trembling, his grip on Gordon’s arm so tight that the older brother wouldn’t be surprised to find bruises when his outfit was finally taken off. There was only a marginal amount more color compared to Gordon behind those freckles, and Gordon couldn’t tell if his brother’s pupils were any smaller with the way the kid was flicking them around like crazy, “Wha-- what are they talking about?”
Ah, shock was one hell of a bitch.
Alan was 18 years of age, an adult. He flew a rocket into space for a part-time job. He also lived on an island where he was mainly homeschooled and was soon to be off at some kind of college (maybe even online classes). As embarrassing as it could be, his family wasn’t going to be the puritan fam that shoved the mere thought of sex to the sidelines. Alan had four older brothers who spent a significant amount of time on the mainland around other people more than the youngest could ever dream of. Most time of which was spent in their respective high schools (or Olympics fields, ‘cause Gordon wasn’t exactly of age when he still had school over there) with hot girls and boys-- similar hobbies or not-- that had the same level of hormones flying about.
They knew things and weren’t afraid to answer any question Alan had.
Also, Alan had a huge internet hobby; video games, browsing social media, you name it. The kid’s probably heard stories that would give Scott hernias for days. Alan had to have stumbled across the topic of human trafficking somewhere, whether it was the plot of a teen-rated video game or something as simple as a news article. At the end of the day, this kind of thing was something everyone was subconsciously aware of, but you didn’t think about it because A, it was awful, and B, more often than not, it didn’t happen to you.
But the way Alan stared at Gordon like the prankster held the stars in his palms-- as if he could snap his fingers and bring them to safety in the blink of an eye reminded Gordon that Alan was always a little bit more sheltered than any of them could help it. Alan was one of the last things their mother gave them, and the way John and he essentially became her just split into two people hurt more than any of them would be willing to admit.
Alan knew the horrors of the world firsthand, but he never had to fully grasp it because his older brothers would be there to shoulder it for him.
Like hell Gordon was going to drop that tradition today.
“Alan, run.”
With a shove and a half, Gordon ripped his little brother’s hand from his upper arm and sent him in the other direction. Gordon also ripped his own heart in half as he ignored the somewhat naive cry of Gordon! as it got quieter and quieter. Despite the guilt, Alan listened and booked it. Like a baby calf being told to run away from starving lions while the mom stayed behind to protect it. Gordon, mostly satisfied that his bro was safe, turned around and swallowed the bile that was rising in his throat.
He was hoping his glare could be as scary as Scott’s or even Virgil’s, but the way the creepy strangers just chuckled as if the threat he posed was no bigger than a tiny kitten filled Gordon with both anger and fear. They knew he was from IR. If they weren’t scared of him, what did that mean they were prepared for?
The older man stated an order, one that had Gordon’s blood run cold, “Go after the other. I got this one.”
Gordon got out half an angry “Hey!” before the man that spoke suddenly charged at him. On reflex, Gordon put himself into a fighting stance and prevented both of them from toppling over. He hardly considered it a victory, though, as the other guy who was ordered to run after Gordon’s baby brother was gone and out of sight before Gordon could even look up after nearly having the wind knocked out of him.
Gritting his teeth and shoving the man off of him, bringing his arms up and curling his fists with a glare brighter than his hair, the only plan he could go with was the one where he took this guy down as quickly as possible. Right now, the only solace Gordon had was the fact that his brother was a quick puppy. He didn’t only need ‘Three to move at the speed of light.
C’mon, Alan, show me why Track was worth it.
Focusing completely on his enemy, Gordon figured the man was intentionally slimy with his words, as the only thing he did in response to Gordon tensing like a cornered animal was to chuckle in cold amusement, “You’re a wily one, they’ll like that.”
Don’t throw up don’t throw up don’t throw up don’t--
Gordon reinstigated the fight with a snarl, landing a punch that didn’t cause as much damage as he wanted, but it was enough for him to gain a slight upper hand. The man wasn’t thrown off balance, nor did he majorly flinch back from the recoil, but he did understand that he had to play more defensively. It was like two stubborn stallions fighting over the mare in the area.
One young and smaller and quicker, his age not a roadblock but an easy strength. If he hit just right his opponent would topple over as quickly as he could throw his fists. The older one, however, was still larger, and while he might have been slower and less agile, his age allowed more wisdom and understanding. He’s probably seen (and kidnapped) many like Gordon, so he knew exactly how to play him like a damn fiddle.
It was hard to say who would win until one of them was either running for the hills, beaten and bloody, or dead at the victor’s feet.
Gordon wasn’t sure how long they went at it, but he knew it was longer than he liked.
He was somehow barely winning it regardless, and he was fully prepared to give Penny a big heckin smooch for the lessons that were currently saving his life, but even with her endless knowledge and background, she couldn’t prepare Gordon for dirty tactics. Stallions fighting over mares usually just involve two of them.
Right as Gordon was able to grab the man’s arms and wring them around his back, a magical third person appeared, different to the second one that went after Alan, like a freaking wizard with his own magic wand.
Which was also known as a cattle prod to most.
The pokey object was jabbed into his side. Fire filled his body, making him scream out in pain. Gordon remembered when he and Virgil messed with one back on the farm as kids and how they learned their lesson the hard way. He was hoping to never “learn” it again. Yet as a couple thousand volts flared throughout his abdomen, even with the suit, he had to relent and let go of his makeshift hostage. His body was on autopilot and it said get away from source of burning pain.
His body tried, oh, it tried, but what was previously his prisoner managed to stand in the blink of an eye and swing a fist into the side that wasn’t being tortured by an agricultural device. With another short, cut off scream, Gordon fell over onto his ass. His wheezes were brutal, the air not wanting to come back into his body despite itself. At this point, the logical part of his brain was telling him he wasn’t going to get away and he should save his energy to withstand whatever these people were going to do to him, but as always, the emotional part was overriding everything.
Shit, guys, help! Scotty, Virg, Dad--
He turned around to be on his hands and knees and scrambled to try and run as Alan did. He might be faster in the water than on land, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t one quick son of a bitch when he wanted to be. It was enough for his gym classes, it was enough when he needed to run away after a successful prank, it was enough when his grandma needed a new test subject...
But it wasn’t enough here.
The cattle prod was shoved into the back of his neck, and with it came darkness and a growing sense of dread.
Please, Mom, get Allie to our family.
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btswishes · 5 years
What is happening here?
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Monsta x (Chang Kyun-I.M)
One Shot
A/N: This one was...random. :) Hope yall like it tho and sorry for any mistakes made
Word count:  3,456
Warnings:  angst-ish, fluff
You and Chang Kyun were dating for 3 years now and everything was going great. Having fights was normal for couples and usually it wasn’t anything serious ,so you forgot about it. Sitting on Minhyuk’s bed, you were looking at him and Wonho. The boys were eating ramen and you were having your normal bestie talk, about your bf. A few weeks ago he was invited to do a collaboration with this female solo singer named Yuna.
 Everything was totally normal, but you noticed that he had started talking on the phone late at night and panic when you would look in the direction of his phone. You trusted your boyfriend , but it was starting to worry you. It was 11pm and Wonho as the drama loving bitch he is, wanted to gossip with you
“ He just, acts so strange. I tried to ask him a few times but he runs from the topic like a demon from incense.” you sighed, running your hand through your hair uneasy
“So you think he is cheating on you with that Yuna chick?” Wonho slurped the noodles in his mouth
“Wonho!” you threw a pillow at him, but the boy dodged it like it was nothing
“Ok, let’s forget the cheating part.”Minhyuk picked his pillow from the ground and rested his elbows on it, looking at you “What has he been doing?”
“Well, he doesn’t let me see his phone. He goes out saying he is with you guys all the time, even tho you told me he wasn’t with.” you lifted your hand, counting on each finger “ He has been too busy lately, ignoring me.”
“Has he gotten laid lately?” Wonho pointed his chopsticks at you
“Wonho!” Minhyuk caught the second pillow right in time
“Stop throwing my stuff!” the boy yelled out
“I am asking, because he looks like a pretty horny dude.....and you know.”
“Are you trying to hint that just because we haven’t done it in awhile Chang Kyun is getting it from somewhere else?!” you gasped at his idea  
“Well I am obviously not hinting it.” Wonho laughed out when his fellow friend hit him on the head
“What do you think Minhyuk, since you obviously have a brain unlike someone else!” you threw Wonho a pissed off look
“I don’t want to agree with him and I am not, but I think we should just....maybe follow them.” there was a moment of silence before Wonho’s bowl made a loud sound, hitting the table
“It’s decided then.Where is he right now anyways ?”
“Guys, I made dinner.”Kihyun’s head popped in the room, interrupting the talk. Almost like a mom he lovingly called you over. When it came to his cooking, everyone was fighting to the kitchen. It was a eat or be eaten situation since Wonho and Shownu always ended up devouring everything.
 You were having fun with the boys and forgot all about that thing that had been troubling you for weeks now. It was the 7 of you, when the front door opened up and you heard foot steps. Thinking of Chang Kyun, you got up and ran towards the house entrance.
“Bab-e...” your voice hitched in your throat when you saw him holding tightly onto a woman. You couldn’t move.
“I am so sorry for bringing him home so late.” Yuna laughed out cutely as she helped him sit on the couch “ We finished work early today and we went to a bar.” her eyes pierced you together with her words “ You don’t mind, right?”
“Yeah...” laughing uneasily, the room slowly filled up with people
“You guys should have seen us, he was holding onto me so tight I couldn’t walk.” her voice was sharp and painful
“Y/N...” Hyungwon placed his hand onto your shoulder, but you threw him back a smile
“It’s ok.”you whispered. You wanted to help Chang Kyun up from the couch but he was too drunk to react and still holding onto Yuna.
“Oh dear this is so embarrassing. If you don’t mind I will bring him to his room.” right in front of your eyes she picked him up. Her hair flicking a strong sweet perfume in your face.  It didn’t take long for them to pass you. The stinging pain in your heart was balling tears on your eyes. Your lips were trembling, head not being able to look up.
“Y/N?” Minhyuk walked up to you. You couldn’t take it anymore, being strong wasn’t worth all the damage, so you threw yourself in his arms. Crashing, you started crying loud. In a matter of seconds the boys gathered around you in a panic. They knew you as a strong and independent person so this was new. After what felt like an eternity you ended up falling asleep onto Wonho as he was running his hand through your hair. You were like a little sister to him and he absolutely hated seeing you like this.
 Not being able to bare all of this as well, Minhyuk was about to go up the stair when Shownu grabbed his arm.
“What are you going to do?” he asked sternly
“I will go give him a piece of my mind.” Minhyuk hissed back
“He is dead drunk right now. I don’t like this at all too, but you are wasting your breath like this!” the oldest was right
“Hyung, he his drunk and alone with-”
“Umm sorry, am I interrupting something ?” the soft female voice pulled everyone’s attention towards the stairs “I just wanted to say that Chang Kyun went to bed and all.” the boys noticed her messed up hair and clothes. Yuna didn’t get an answered, but when she was passing by Wonho grabbed her hand. His eyes were filled with anger.
“I don’t know what you are trying to do, but stop before it gets out of hand.” he growled at her, when her eyes fell onto your sleeping figure on him.
“I don’t think you understand this situation.” she pulled her hand out of the boy’s grasp aggressively “ You people are just a part of my game. I am not here for any of you boys so sit down and be good puppies.” she flashed them a smile “Ok?”
“You!”Minhyuk walked up to her
“What are you going to do? Hit me? Try it and you take your band’s future with the punch.” Yuna was right, he knew it, everyone knew it. So many things were happening while you were resting comfortably
“How far did you go with him?” Hyungwon asked
“That is none of your business.”with a swift move she fixed her dress and walked out of the house. After which a silence followed, before Shownu’s voice cut through it like a sharp knife.
“Chang Kyun made his choice, what matters now is to make sure Y/N is not hurt.”
“Hyung...” no one could believe how deep his voice reached, his eyes burning with a strong flame
“Wonho, Minhyuk take her to your room for tonight.” The boys picked you and stopped next to their elder “ She is such a sweet girl, gave so much for him.” he ran his hand through your hair “I would die before I let him hurt her by cheating.”
 The morning sun stinged at your puffy eyes. Stretching your body you found a little note next to you.
Come down ;)
 The handwriting was obviously Kihyun’s and it pulled a giggle out of your lips. Taking the paper in your hand, you jumped off the bed and waddled innocently down the stairs. It was quiet so you tip-toed into the kitchen.
“BOO!”Jooheon popped in front of you from under the table “AH!” before hitting his head onto the wood
“Oh God!”you ran up to him “Are you ok!?”
“Damn it! You had to go and hit your head!” Hyungwon cussed out, but none the less you were laughing and that was way better than last night. Shownu pulled the chair for you and flashed you a smile as you sat down. In front of you was a big pile of pancakes and all kinds of toppings around the table. Like little diamonds you eyes glistened with happiness.
“These are so good!”your palm cupped your cheek when the soft texture hit you
“I will go grab some more syrup from the stock we have. Wait.” Jooheon stood up stepped out of the room.He was in a good mood since you seemed to be enjoying yourself a lot. On his way back with the sweet in his hand he noticed the missing member.
“Morning.” the boy waved rubbing his neck. “I smell something nice.” as he was stepping closer to the kitchen, Jooheon grabbed him by the arm “Yo, wasup?”
“Go put yourself in a presentable form!” he hissed, pulling the half-awake boy close to his face “ I don’t want to see you in this house right now.” pushing him away Chang Kyun was shaken up from the whole situation
“The fuck is wrong with you?”he asked
“Hide those things. You fucking disgust me.” Jooheon grabbed Hyungwon’s mirror from the couch and threw it at Chang Kyun
 Grabbing it mid air ,the boy took a look and his eyes widened “Wow, Y/N went crazy last night.” a chuckle escaped his lips
“Don’t even speak of her name with that dirty mouth!” Jooheon was on the verge of throwing the syrup at his band member “Y/N never even stepped in your room last night. You were out drinking with Yuna.” with out another word the boy closed the door of the kitchen behind his back, his pissed off look changing into a bright smile when he saw you.
“I think I heard Chang Kyun, did he wake up?” your puppy dog eyes looked at the boys
“Um, he went to the studio.” Jooheon mumbled
“Oh, I guess he has a lot of work today too.” you were a bit bummed out, but Minhyuk started roasting the way Hyungwon was dressed and almost in seconds you bursted out laughing. Your bestie was either super sweet or a total savage and you loved both his sides sooo much.
 After breakfast you played some games and watched 2 movies.Without knowing it lunch had creeped on everyone. Sitting on the couch you couldn’t stop thinking about your boyfriend, that maybe you were wrong and that it could all be a misunderstanding. Looking at your phone, you had the sweet idea to bring him some lunch. While everyone was busy you slid out of the house and grabbed some chicken.
 With pure and loving intentions, you were skipping in the direction of Chang Kyun’s studio. It wasn’t super far probably a 10 min walk from the dorm. You were looking at stores, checking yourself out in the windows. It didn’t take long before you laid your eyes on the familiar door. Thinking that his headphones would muffle your knocking, you let yourself in. With a smile on your face you grabbed the handle and pushed down, almost effortlessly it opened and you pocked your head in.
“Baby, I brought you lunch.”
“Y/N!”you heard him almost yell out as the door opened wide and hit the wall on the other side. Together with his voice, he saw the bag slipping through your fingers and hitting the carpet almost immediately “Listen to me!”
 Your boyfriend, Chang Kyun was on top of Yuna, arms on each of her sides. The girl didn’t make a sound, she was just staring at you innocently, her hands obviously pushing him away. Was he...was he throwing himself at her? Was it really not her fault.... You didn’t stay long for an answer and dashed out of the place in a matter of seconds. The tears rushed down your face as you were sniffling and rubbing your nose with your sleeve. Your legs carried you through the public ,without anyone noticing the situation you were in. Kicking the door to the dorm open ,you tried to run passed the boys, but Shownu and Wonho stood like a soft wall in front of you. Each of them extended their arms and you crushed into them.
“Y/N!” you couldn’t breath at all when your name danced in your ear coming from a familiar voice “Please! I know how it looks like but listen to me!”Chang Kyun begged from behind you. The boys all noticed the red and violet spots on his neck, the messed up hair and unbuttoned shirt.
“I trusted you! And you went and did things with her!” your voice trembled as you pointed at the woman running right behind your almost ex at this point
“Y/N...” he tried to walk up to you, but Hyungwon placed his hand on the boy’s chest as Kihyun grabbed his shoulder
“Stop it Chang Kyun, it’s worse enough already.” Jooheon mumbled not even being able to look at the boy
“But it’s not what you think!”he yelled out
“Listen to him Y/N!” the atmosphere became thick when Yuna’s voice echoed “I didn’t try to do anything to him! He...he jumped on me!” she looked like she was trembling and the thing you saw back in the studio seemed to add up.
“Oh are you fucking with me.”Wonho spat out “We all know this was your fucked up idea from the start.We are always on Y/N’s side no matter what, so cut the crap!”
 Your head was hanging low and in a way even if no one said it, you felt like they were waiting for an answer. Chang Kyun had pleading eyes as he tried to shake his members off a few times aggressively.
“Babe! Y/N listen to me! I beg you!” he was shaking and yelling at your motionless state
“Shut it!” Shownu looked down at you “You don’t have to take this, let’s go.” even if all of this had happened so suddenly you finally figured something out. You aren’t some girl in need of help like a princess. You fight your own battles, because you were a fighter. You stand your ground and defend it. WIth out making a sound you started walking towards Chang Kyun.
“Let him go.”with a warm smile and eyes still red from crying ,you looked at your protectors.
“Y/N!”Chang Kyun grabbed your shoulders and started talking fast trying to explain to you his side. You could feel, for the first time...you snapped.With a swift move up,your arm hit his hands off you. Taking a deep breath, you clenched your fist and hit Chang Kyun right in the face, turning your body with the move creating more kinetic energy. The boy crashed to the floor, with his fingers rubbing over the spot you just hit, he was shocked.
“Listen here you little shit.” your eyes focused down on his body, as you shook your hand from the slight stinging pain. Your teeth were exposed like an angry animal, eyes wide “You’ve been acting spoiled the past few days and I have been calm and understanding about it, but I had enough!” you growled “ Either you learn how to act or we are going to have some problems.” crooking your head to the side you saw him moving way.
 Your piercing gaze landed on the girl.With a firm step you walked up to her and grabbed her wrist. In one swift motion you threw her at the wall and crashed your arm against the it, looking down at her.
“Look here sugar cakes. If you think you can come here and turn my house upside down ,you have another thing coming at you.” your face go close to hers and you flicked her short skirt “ Chang Kyun ain’t a fan of skirts he likes shorts more, so next time do some research on your prey. He can be an ass but he won’t force himself on woman.” your elbow hit the wall and you got closer, almost biting her. Your other hand grabbed her throat and the woman gasped in shock “ Wanna tell us what you were planning to do with my man or do you want to see how pissed yall made me the past few days?”
 Yuna stared at you. Her lips slowly parted as her hand grabbed the back of your head. Is she about to headbutt me! your mind wandered in the direction of counterattack when you realized how dangerous this woman actually is. Her lips crashed against yours, her other hand grabbed your hips and swung you, changing places. Her knee parted your legs. Pulling away you were breathing heavy.
“Oh baby girl, you got me all wrong.I don’t even want to breath the same air as him.”her eyes landed onto you, hungry “I came for you. “ Yuna’s hand pushed your chip up “ I didn’t know you were such a good dom, grabbing my throat like that.”
“Wait WHAT!?” Chang Kyun threw himself practically at the woman, pushing you behind his back, holding your hip with one hand “I knew something was up!” he said
“What is going on here!?” Wonho looked around the house
“This woman!” your boyfriend pointed at Yuna “Has been blackmailing me for the past 2 weeks. She got me drunk, placed all these hickeys on my neck AND tried to make it look like I forced myself onto her.”
“ Oh don’t worry, I would never put my lips on you. It was a small cup, took me a shit long time to do that.” she sighed pulling her coat up onto her shoulder “ She is wasted on you. Be a good loser and give that kitten to me.I can make her happy.” Yuna smirked and waved at you.
“I would never!”Chang Kyun hissed at the woman, his body trembling from all the adrenaline “Right Y/N?!” turning to you he saw your figure frozen, fingers onto your lips “Y/N...?”
“Awww.” the culprit let go a loud and amused laugh “ First french kiss in your life? So precious.No one can kiss you better than a girl sweetie.I know what to give you.Just leave that fucker already, I am more successful than him anyways.”
“Fuck that.” Chang Kyun grabbed your back and pushed you flush against himself. His lips crashed onto yours, his tongue starting to fight with yours for dominance and winning fast. His fingers were hot running up your leg. This was a new sensation you couldn’t process yet.Once he pulled back, your vision was blurred and you had to hold onto your boyfriend’s shirt to keep yourself up. “She belongs to me,me me and only me. I am the only person that can make her feel like this and no one else. If you try to get her you have to get through me. I ain’t going easy on you, everything is fair play in love and war sweetie.”
 Yuna noticed the 6 other boys in defensive positions. Leaning down, they flinched and she let out a chuckle. Her heels clanked towards the front door as her hand slid over the handle.
“I will leave, but this doesn’t mean I give up. Y/N.” your head looked at her “When I come back from France I will hunt you down baby girl.” she winked at you closing the door behind herself.
“I can’t believe that woman!” Minhyuk hissed as he ran up to you “You good?” you nodded and dropped onto the couch still shocked
“So wait, you weren’t cheating on me?”
“Of course not! She kept telling me she would release to the public the fact we  were dating and I didn’t want to cause trouble for you, so I had to listen to her! I would have NEVER thought she wanted to...to-” Wonho jumped in with another stupid remark
“Fuck your girl?”
“Wonho!” and once more something flew at his head
“What!But she was hot...”
“She was.” the words slipped though your lips “One hell of a kisser too.”
“Y/N!”Chang Kyun whined
“I am not gonna go running to her! But next time tell me when something happens, we are together in this.”
“I know I know. I will from now on.” standing up ,the boys followed you to the kitchen and back, as you threw ice onto Chang Kyun
“Put that on your face.” you continued walking up the stair, when you looked back at him “You coming or what?”
“Yes babe! Right away!” he jumped up like a puppy and ran after you, leaving the boys with the impression that your roles reversed in a matter of seconds.
“So yall think she gonna be dom from now on?”
“Wonho shut it for once kid, I swear!” Shownu pushed the young idiot
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thefudge · 5 years
scattered thoughts on sanditon so far 
this is a fun romp from andrew davies and there’s a lot to like and be invested in
but i do have some observations/ gripes
obviously davies is going for a modern/sexed up adaptation of austen and i have mixed thoughts on that, cuz there’s a lot of interesting stuff you can do with that, but you can also botch it up big time (i’m glad he didn’t do this to p&p back in 1995...i wonder what that adaptation would’ve looked like today. probably full monty darcy, lol). so i think some elements verge on the ridiculous, for instance having almost every dude in this show strip naked in front of a crowded beach several times in a row. ditto for theo james. i don’t mind the view (hehe) but i think it’s inserted awkwardly at times. like okay, we get it, it’s a beach resort and we’re trying to make austen edgy in 2019.... just maybe indulge a little less and literally keep it in your pants. 
this being a more modern adaptation i don’t mind hair and make-up anachronisms, but i DO mind the fact that rose williams sports this really weird shade of fuchsia lipstick in almost every single scene. stop iiiit
speaking of which, rose williams is a cutie and i loved her on reign, but i don’t understand what she’s doing with her face in this series. don’t get me wrong, she does a good job of making charlotte very likable, but the only way she can express...anything, really, is by making these confused faces, like a child practicing frowning in the mirror. it’s...really awkward. and she does this all the time, whether she’s happy or sulky or nervous, she just always looks like she’s trying to figure out the fibonacci sequence.  i mean it’s hilarious when u have theo james going all gruff to her about his feelings and rose williams is that gif of the blond lady doing math in her head. her acting is pretty good otherwise, but those faceeeees.
esther denham is my goddamn FAVE, gosh i love a Disappointed Queen and i’m glad she’s getting away from that boring skeevy brother. for once the incestuous siblings didn’t do it for me at all (which is pretty much the point lol). there’s nary a dude more uninteresting than edward whatshisface, my gaaaawd (also, davies trying to ramp up the sexiness with those scenes of edward brushing her hair or doing her stays...lol, sir, this rly isn’t your strength i’m sorry)
but i have to say that i thought esther and clara would be a thing. because my gosh, the chemistry during their scenes! the way they’d glide past each other with utmost contempt, while being disquieted by each other @___@. i mean it’s an austen adaptation, so i guess they’d never go there but!!! i need fic (would’ve made clara more bearable at least. i appreciate her character objectively cuz she’s an interesting pseudo-antagonist and you don’t get many of those, but blerghh. she was insufferable)
i was kinda (actually very) disappointed that the relationship between sidney and his ward, georgiana, wasn’t really developed. like there’s one more episode to go (as far as i know?) and they’ve barely scratched the surface with them. i mean he’s halfway decent to her now.... but ehh. i feel like this was a missed opportunity. after all, this was austen’s unfinished novel, so andrew davies & co could have added more material between these two. this, to me, should have been the real heart of the series. 
i like otis as a character, but georgiana/otis was zzzzzz. i suppose that they’ll end up together? zzzzzzzzzz (i frankly ship her way more with arthur! she finds him infuriating! he’s a sweetheart! the shenanigans!)
that German doctor is the real MVP, i feel like he should be sanditon’s no. 1 bachelor. i mean the shower rod??? providing pleasure to all the ladies in town, what a hero 
the soundtrack is rly rad! and the cinematography
i love how the show captures austen’s growing interest in the industrialized modern world which was emerging in the twilight years of the regency and i feel like maybe the show should’ve invested more time in that modern aesthetic (steampunk!) rather the awkward sexual shenanigans 
so....i can’t delay the inevitable anymore, can i? sigghh okay here i go
sidney/charlotte...annoys me. 
 u know that i love LOVE “enemies to lovers” and hate/love stories, i LIVE FOR THIS SHIT. 
and i was ready to gorge on this dynamic because it looked delish 
 but i felt like michael bluth finding the dead pigeon in the paper bag. 
from what i can gather, sidney is supposed to be a mixture of darcy and capt wentworth, “haughty” and proud, with a history of romantic disappointment, a brooding sexy hero with a heart of gold. but to me this dude just comes off as weird. 
there’s legit no reason for him to be THIS mean to this young girl he just met. he is not just an asshole, he is ridiculously over the top about it, to the point where he makes a fool of himself. i am FINE with a man telling a woman off, believe me, but it has to have some kind of motivation, some kind of reasoning behind it. here, it just feels like the plot needs him to be utterly shitty to charlotte so that “sparks will fly”. that first ep convo on the balcony??? wtf???? it was genuinely bizarre. i got weird incel vibes. and every time he lashes out at charlotte (at least in the first 4 episodes) it’s fucking silly, because it’s not like he lashes out because she’s scratching the surface of his innermost painful memories. no!!! many of their arguments revolve around basic things that he could easily clarify!!! which he does eventually, so like whyyyyyyyyyy. charlotte keeps telling him he’s being vague for no good reason and he still does it. it doesn’t make sense he’d be this guarded and outspoken at the same time. like, fine, keep that shit to yourself, don’t tell ppl, but don’t also get pissed at them when they don’t guess your mind. again, i love an antagonist dynamic when it’s done right, but here many times it’s just pointless bullying, it’s not sexy or fun or challenging. the writers keep making charlotte apologize to him about how “wrong” she got him and how he makes her doubt her judgement but it sounds fake to me. like a) this dude went out of his way to be a total assface to you from day one, b) none of that bullying was him trying to coax you into having a more complicated view of the world. when darcy rebukes elizabeth, he is hinting at her limited point of view. he’s not blatantly negging her or calling her stupid as this dude does. AND U KNO WHAT.
i’d be absolutely fine with him calling her stupid IF IT MADE SENSE WITHIN THE STORY 
like if charlotte had truly done smth stupid during the first episode, sure, fine, it’s somewhat warranted 
but for him to decide she’s an idiot for no other reason than her making some honestly super nice remarks about his brothers when he asked for her opinion is THE HEIGHT OF NONSENSE 
it’s even more nonsense when 2 episodes later he decides maybe she’s not that dumb after all FUCK U MR. EDGELORD
and it makes me pity charlotte cuz she’ll probably marry this dude and have to deal with him in his old age when he’ll be even more insufferable. 
and i totally get the appeal. i do! i mean their scenes are manufactured to make you want more of them, i see the chemistry, it’s there (and we’re already at a point in the series where he’s trying to make amends) but at the same time i’m put off by this dude’s intensity, cuz it’s not the hot kind of intensity...it’s more like he’s a giant dumb baby who breaks things. meh. theo james is very pretty tho, and he is doing the most with his character (that voice def helps!). but i wish this antagonistic relationship had been written better, because it could’ve been glorious
this is why i think sidney/georgiana should’ve been so much more present. just like darcy has his georgiana we need the humanizing element, we need to see more variety from this dude than just “guy who clearly needs anger management classes”. 
i’m pretty sure i’m in the minority or possibly one of two ppl not won over by this romance, and i can’t lie and say i don’t root for them. too much of this show is predicated on their clashes for them not to work it out and get together, but boyyyy do i wish they’d done it a bit better
i almost feel like a reylo anti lol, but at least kylo ren doesn’t neg rey every single time they talk 
also, i go back to rose williams’ faces because they just rly enhance how clumsy this dynamic is. theo james is doing byronic asshole 2.0 and charlotte looks at him like he’s developed a smell lmao. i mean the scene where she catches him naked? she turns around and FROWNS in this rly bizarre way, almost like she noticed a growth on his dick lmao it’s that bad 
anyway i totally get the appeal, but i also know what i want from this kind of dynamic and...this ain’t quite it 
honestly i think i prefer charlotte/cute architect guy whose name i don’t remember right now! 
that being said, my fave moments of this show are the most austen-esque, where ppl don’t take themselves so seriously. i mean the adventures of the perennially-ailing parker siblings (arthur & diana)? deeeelightful. the pineapple scene? glorious
also it makes me sad that sanditon was left unfinished because to see austen tackling georgiana’s character in depth would have been so, so interesting 
in conclusion, the show’s a lot of fun but also frustrating in many ways
i hope davies doesn’t set his eyes on re-adapting p&p or other austen classics because ermmm i know i’m trash but i am kind of tired of these sexed-up “look how scandalous we are behind closed doors” adaptations. you can make the regency era feel modern and relatable without “shocking hand job in the estate park” pls and thank u. sure, the regency era was the inheritor of the sexually relaxed 18th-century, but it wasn’t that relaxed yall. ppl still kept their wits and bonnets about them.
still, i’m glad this show exists and that it tries to take risks, i just wish it took different kinds of risks, if that makes sense. like i am SO bummed i didn’t get into sidney/charlotte, u have no idea 
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