#and he hasn't reached out to talk since last sat. i've been the one to reach out. I feel like i'm watering a dead plant.
pxrplepolkadots · 2 months
0 notes
sleepy-writes-stuff · 10 days
(#) = Notes at the end of post
The Nasty Burger Explosion still happens, and Danny is left without his friends, family, and the only teacher who ever tried to help and encourage him in school. He manages to skirt around Vlad's custody by discovering a cousin of his Dad's he'd never heard about (1). He reached out to her, crying and begging for her to take him in. To not let Vlad anywhere near him.
Needless to say, after hearing a desperate teenager call her in tears and discover that besides Danny, her cousin Jack and his family had recently died in a horrible "accident," Lois nearly upends everything to go and get Danny from a middle of nowhere town in Illinois. After talking with Clark, of course. She didn't get one word in, however, cause he heard the entire phone call from the other room, though unintentionally.
After arranging for Mama Kent to watch over a still young Jon, they drove as fast as possible to meet this boy that already had their hearts in an iron grasp. When they first lay eyes on him, they immediately want to comfort him. His black hair is a tangled mess, his eyes bloodshot and red from crying. He sits in the corner of the school secretary's office, curled up in the small seat with an overstuffed backpack clutched tightly in a trembling, white-knuckled grip. A girl with dark skin and her hair held back by a headband sits with him, but she gets up and walks over as soon as she sees them enter the office. Danny doesn't seem to notice or even look up from where he's staring at the floor tiles.
"He's been hiding here for the last few days since he called you. He hasn't gone home once except to pack the bag he has with him." The girl explains. She holds out her hand to Lois for a handshake. "Valerie. You could say I'm a... friend of his (2). I'm assuming you're the cousin?"
Lois nods solemnly. "How's he been? He wouldn't tell me why he wouldn't go with his parent's first choice of custody. I've been worried."
Valerie grimaced and looked back at Danny before looking her directly in the eyes. "I can't say much without revealing anything i shouldn't. Let's just say Vlad has an unhealthy obsession with Danny, and it's unsafe to be around him. If he trusts you, he'll be the one to tell you the rest."
Clark and Lois share a look before they both nodded.
Valerie sees their acceptance and relaxes. She'd actually been tense the entire time she'd been talking with them.
"Well, with that said, I'll be going now." She rubbed the back of her neck and looked down with a sad expression. She looked back up at Lois with a deep sigh, and only then did Lois realize that Valerie looked to have been crying recently too. Looking between both adults, she made a quiet request. "Take care of him, will you?"
This time Clark is the one who finally speaks up. "You have our word he'll be safe and cared for."
Valerie's shoulders slump with a shuttering sigh of relief. "Thank you."
Once she left, Clark and Lois slowly approached Danny and sat to either side of him. Only then did he finally look up from the tiles and see them. His eyes ghosted over Lois but immediately locked onto Clark. He stared up at him, his eyes glassy with unshed tears.
Clark shrunk his broad form down a little, concerned his build might be intimidating for the young man. "Hi there, bud." He said in a soft tone. "I'm Clark and this is Lois. We're here to pick you up."
When introductions didn't seem to get a reaction from the teen, Clark's brow furrowed further. "Something wrong?"
Danny finally blinked and quickly ducked his head back down to look at the floor. "N-No." He croaked. "Sorry. For a moment there, I thought you were-" He choked on his words and seemed to have difficulty swallowing. He was shaking, his face hidden against his knees with one of his arms braced over his head to hide even further.
When he finally managed to finish his sentence, Clark's heart shattered completely.
"I th-thought you were my dad."
Clark looked at Lois with lost, watery eyes only to see she was in the same exact predicament. She couldn't stand seeing Danny so heartbroken any longer and leaned over to wrap him in a hug, Clark soon following. After a while of shushing and murmuring words of comfort, Lois gently spoke up.
"Why don't we get your things in the car and we can get on the road."
Extracting himself from their warm hold, Danny took a deep, shuttering breath before nodding.
"Is there anything else we need to get from the house? You have everything?"
Gripping his bag tightly to his chest, he nodded again. (3)
"Yeah. I do."
Side Note:
(1) He found out through Tucker. He'd searched through Danny's family tree for any living relatives in case Vlad ever actually managed to kill Jack or something else happened to both his parents. He just never imagined it would be for this reason specifically.
(2) Yes, she knows Danny is Phantom now. She did not know before. She found out after she tried to pin the blame for Danny's friends and family on Phantom while Danny was in earshot, and he basically blew up at her and broke down. She's horrified and feels terrible, so don't be too hard on her. The confrontation also happened on school grounds with a bunch of other kids present, so a good majority of the student body knows now, too. If not from seeing it first hand, then by word of mouth. They're keeping it hush hush so nobody with bad intentions towards ghosts comes looking for Danny. Valerie will be the main defense against any ghosts that pop up, as well as a few other kids she trained.
(3) Before he left, Danny did disable and completely dismantle the ghost portal and translated all his parent's research into a code him, Sam, and Tucker came up with before destroying the originals as well as the entire lab itself. Natural ghost portals can still pop up in Amity Park tho, since the ghost portal kinda oversaturated the town with ectoplasm. Valerie and the kids she trained are just a precaution.
Haven't come up with a title for this one yet. I'll add it later when it pops into my head though.
Funny enough, this actually isn't what I planned to write for this prompt. It did involve Danny getting adopted into the Kent family, but there was going to be something entirely different happening. Apparently, the characters had other plans. Oh well, I'll save it for the next one, I guess. It might be a second part of this, actually. We'll see!
Enjoy the angst & hurt/comfort tho!
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twd-l0ver · 7 months
I can't
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It's been 3 days since you had seen Daryl since the argument. You were starting to believe he hadn’t really cared since he hasn't showed up. You hadn't told anyone about the situation because if you did you'd cry. Not knowing what to do you got comfortable on the sofa and started reading 'Desire Unchanted'.
After a couple minutes of reading there was a sudden knock on the door without giving it thought, you opened the door to be faced with Rosita and baby Socorro. You immediately light up at the sight of them. "Hello mamas, how are you?" You say in a sweet baby voice to Coco. "I wish you would greet me like that everyday" Rosita chuckled. You laughed and hugged Rosita letting them in.
" How have you been, I haven't seen you outside like you usually are?" You sighed "I've been through hell for the past couple of days" . "Why, what happened?" You raised your brows and blew air "oof well let's start with... I found out I'm pregnant 2 weeks ago..." "WHAT, oh my god, congratulations! Does Daryl know??" She said with a smile beaming on your face but seeing your not so happy expression it slowly faltered. "How do you feel about it are you happy?"
"I am but.., when I went to go see Daryl a couple of days ago", tears started swelling in your eyes as Rosita got up to sit next to you, Coco instantly reached out for you as you lifted her to your lap. " I had the box to give to him but before I could he told me had something to tell me" your voice hitched at the thought of it, "he basically told me he cheated on me, a whole argument broke out but it felt like I was talking to a wall, so really I was just arguing with myself, before I left I threw the box over to him and just left.
Your face was now stained with hot tears. Rositas face was in disbelief, " hijo de su puta madre (son of a bitch), how could he- why would he!?" "That's what I said but he told me nothing, I told him to come find me because I was done, it's been three days since, and I blame myself because I feel like I wasn't good enough" . "Hey! Don't say that he's the stupid one who wasn't good enough for YOU, he was to blind to see the best woman for him so don't blame yourself for his actions".
You looked up at her with a sly smile "Thank you Rosa" you say leaning your head on your shoulder, "anytime I'm always here when you need me" she assured resting her head atop of yours.
After sitting for a couple of minutes she got up picking up Coco from your lap "you know what instead of just sitting here let's do something, how about we cook?" You beamed with joy at the mention of food "ooo yes, we have to ask Carol for her book".
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Walking out the house you bumped into something hard, looking up you saw it was none other than Daryl. Your body tensed as you made eye contact with him. "Can we talk?" You turn to face Rosita as she's making daggers at him, "Rosa how about you go get the stuff ready and I'll come and get you?" She nodded her head , walking forward slightly nudging Daryl in the shoulder as she left.
You nodded your head to let Daryl in. You stared at him waiting for him to speak. "Can we sit?" "Mhm" . As you both sat across from each other he handed you a bag, you looked into to it and seen it was baby items, a small smile appeared on your face "thank you".
"Y/N I jus' wanna start of with I'm sorry for what I did t' you, I'm sorry fo' what I put yea' through the last couple of days. Wha' I did has no ex'cuse, but that night was meaningless t'a me. It was a huge m'stake riskin' what we have. I can wait as long as yea' need me t'a. I want t'a make it right I want t'a make it work fo' our kid and us I kno' it's gonna take time but I can wait as long as yea' need me t'a hope yea' can f'give me. Because I still love you."
You sat there for a second tears threatening to spill but not falling. Taking in a shaky breath, exhaling with a big blow you spoke.
" I know you're sorry Daryl I know you are, but what you did, it did mean something because there has to be a reason to why you did it. That's something I still want you to explain to me. And you don't have to worry about having to make it work for our kid because we are going to no matter what. And yes it's going to take a while but Daryl I can't..."
"I can't forgive you just yet because, it still hurts, although I'm hurt, I'm not going to deny the fact that I still love you because we have together for years"
" I jus' needed somethin' at tha' moment an' she was there, I don' kno' any other way to say it was jus; in the momen' "
With a nod you took in a deep intake of breath and got up, Daryl doing the same, walking outside closing the door behind you. "I appreciate it a lot Daryl so thank you. "
" I couldn't jus' leave yea' withou' n' explanation."
Looking up at him you gently wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist just holding each other for a moment. Whispering to you he said "im gonna' make it up to yea'. " " I know you will." Pulling away, you asked " so how do you feel about the whole situation?" You said moving your hands around your stomach.
"I'm alrigh' sorta excited to meet lil bean" "Little Bean?" "Mmm wha'ever" "No no I like little bean" you said giggling, " As much as I would like to talk about 'little bean' I have to go to Carol's."
"mhmm, yea' think I can come by later in the week" "Yes you can Daryl it's still your house." "mk I'll see ya' then" " alrighty bye" you said waving. Turning to walk the opposite direction he was your heart was still aching, but glad he finally spoke to you.
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this took me way to fucking long bruh, Im not sure if I even like it 😭 but I hope yall enjoyed it sorry for like the 2 week delay LMAO
taglist : @walker-bait-1973 @littlelovingideas @blackvelveteen1339 @lunajay33 @pandarooooo-blog @sweetz1919 @targaryenmoony @daryldixmedown @cant-help-simping
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dianawinchester03 · 3 months
Season 1, Episode 3 - Dead In Water
Series Masterlist
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Third Person POV
Flashback to after the Wendigo hunt:
Y/N is driving Baby back to the motel to pick her bike up after the hunt and her mind runs on her dad. They could really use the help looking for John. Sighing y/n breaks the ice. "You know fellas.....the hunt for you Dad. It's getting colder. We could use some extra help" Y/N says, turning to the boys.
"You thinking what I think you're saying?" Dean says surprised. Y/N shrugs "Yeah, I could use the father-daughter bonding session" She says dryly. Sam is in the backseat processing. He brought it up to his brother earlier, there really was a fat chance of y/n saying it but never say never.
"Are you sure y/n? We know you guys haven't been on the best of terms" Sam says concerned. Y/N hasn't seen her dad in two years. Hearing is one thing but seeing him after all that time is another. Sam would know. He hasn't seen or heard from his since he left for college.
Y/N just waves it off. "Have we ever been since I gained thinking of my own?" She says laughing but there's no humor behind it. The boys exchange a look and decide to just go with with. "You fellas in?" She asks as she turns into the motel parking lot, unclipping her seatbelt. "Yeah. All in" Sam and Dean say in unison.
"Alright, I'll call him and let him know we're on our way" Y/N nods, jumping out of Baby and Sam goes to the drivers seat. F/N inherited a bunch of safehouses scattered all over the US from his family. Coming from a long line of hunters, it made sense they had a place to stay when hunting. They were quite well off surprisingly. Last they talked, he was in the Texas safehouse.
They already packed their stuff, they just needed to come back for Quinn. She fishes her phone out to call her dad but no answer.
"That's weird" She mutters to herself. She calls again five times but it goes "This is F/N L/N, I can't reach the phone right now so you can call my daughter. Y/N at (your phone number). Have a good day". The personalized voice message says each time. The boys can see y/n panicking outside and Dean steps out.
"Everything okay, Princess?" He asks her concerned and she turns to him, worry etched over her face. "He's not answering. He never does that. Even if daddy is mad at me, he always answers" She hyperventilates holding up her phone. Dean wraps his arms around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug.
Sam sees this and now gets concerned,
stepping out. Y/N's back is to him. Dean puts his hand up in a "I've got this" motion while nodding.
"Hey shhhh, it's okay sweetheart. We'll go find him" He comforts her gently, shushing her. His tone is soft and gentle, patting her head as he holds her. "Do you know the last safehouse he was at?" Dean asks, his hands still on her face, tucking a strand of loose hair behind her ear. "Yeah, Fredericksburg, Texas. It's a 12 hour drive" she says, nodding quickly. Dean doesn't hesitate. They hop onto their respective vehicles and make way to the safehouse.
Fredericksburg, Texas.
I pull into the safehouse's drive way in a rush, parking Quinn and running over to the porch. Dean pulls in same time in Baby, Sam holding on for dear life as his brother drives like a madman.
I knock on the door harshly screaming "Dad!?!". No answer. I pull my keys out of my pocket, hoping he didn't change the locks. I feel Sam and Dean coming up behind me. Unlocking the door and stepping in, the house is quiet. Too quiet.
We all make way to the kitchen that is empty, I rush up the stairs to my dads room. Bursting in there's no one. "Daddy!? Come on old man this ain't funny!" I scream hysterical. Praying nothing happened to him. "Y/N!" I hear Dean scream from the living room and I run the stairs. He has a note in his hand and I freeze.
"You should read this" He says softly. I take the note from him, sat on the couch and began reading.
Dear y/n/n,
I found John. I'm sorry but I can't tell you where he is, where we're headed or anything at this point in time. Do what you do best and kill as many evil bastards that go bump in the night. I am safe, John is safe so you don't need to worry, stick with Sam and Dean. You guys will protect each other.
To Dean I'm sure you're reading this too. Look out for Y/N. I can't tell you where me and your father are at the moment but soon we will meet again.
To Sammy. Please accept my deepest condolences, son. I understand the pain you must feel losing your girlfriend like that. Justice will be served, you can count on that.
Take care kids. Take care of each other.
Sincerely, F/N L/N
I finish reading the letter. Not knowing what I'm feeling. Fear? I think. Sad? Yes. Anger? Yep, that's the one. Crumpling the sorry excuse of a letter. I grab the vase that was next to me on the couch. "That SONUVABITCH!" I scream in a pure fury of rage. Throwing it at the wall causing it to smash into pieces. "Woah easy!" Sam and Dean try to hold me down from destroying to place.
Dean holds me into place, "We'll find them! I promise! We will!" He tries to calm me down but I just break down. Crying into Dean's shoulder. God I hate this. Sam looks at me, concerned and pity etched on his face. I finally get how they feel, not knowing where their dad is.
Sam walks over to us and wraps his arms around me and Dean. Now in a group hug. They comfort me the best they could but I can tell they're also pissed at the fact that my dads withholding information on where their dad is.
Third Person POV
Sam, Dean and Y/N are at The Lynwood Inn Hotel. In its restaurant, Dean and Y/N are sitting at table after eating breakfast, looking over the newspaper for possible hits on cases.
A sexy waitress dressed in a rather revealing top and shorts comes up to them, leaning over infront of Dean. "Can I get you anything else?" She asks sultry. Dean looks up and Y/N look. Dean has his pen in his mouth tugging on his bottom lip, smiling.
Y/N's eyes trail up the girls toned body, checking her out but more subtly, not really in the mood to gawk. Noticing the way Dean is looking at the waitress, she clears her throat saying, "Just the check please" smiling tightly. "Okay" The waitress' smile at Dean drops and she awkwardly walks away.
"You know Y/N, we are allowed to have fun a little every once in a while." Dean grumbles, turning to Y/N. Pointing to the waitress walking away he says, "That's fun" and Y/N rolls her eyes annoyed. "I know how to have fun" She says scoffing, in an offended tone. "Really?" He smirks, intrigued. "When was the last time you had a hookup?" He asks probingly. "Little on the nose don't ya think?" She says cocking her eyebrow.
He puts up his hands in surrender. "Hey we're all friends here" He says chuckling. "Alright" She shrugs, sitting up properly. "Last time I had a hook up was.....the night you called me to and told me your dad was missing. Funny enough, I forgot his name and right as I was about to leave for the road to meet you. He woke up. He told me it was nice to meet me and I said 'You too, Mark'.... His name was Max" She says honestly and Deans mouth is agape.
Dean did not expect her to be that honest. He was teasing mostly, he knows Y/N is a very sex-positive confident woman who's comfortable in her own skin with every damn right to be. But thinking of another person with Y/N intimately, for some reason it makes his skin crawl and his chest hurt.
Y/N snorts at his facial expression, putting up finger on his chin to push his jaw back up into place. "Pick your mouth up from the ground there before you catch flies, Winchester" She says and Dean snaps out of it. He covers it up with a smirk.
"Damn princess, I didn't know you got on like that" he teases, his voice husky and her breath hitches in her throat. "Wanna find out, charming?" She retorts back, winking at him and biting her lips. Dean feels a heat growing in his stomach, his eyebrows shooting up. His heart is going crazy. God the things I would do to this woman. He thinks to himself.
Even if Dean could respond to that, Sam approaches the table, coffee in his hand and sits down next to Y/N. Unintentionally interrupting their "conversation".
"You two okay?" He asks, feeling like he just walked-in on something. Dean and Y/N were inches from each others faces. They turn their heads simultaneously when they hear his voice. Pulling back, Y/N clears her throat nodding, "Yeah, just looking out for some cases." She says, picking up back the newspaper, scanning it with her eyes.
Sam chuckles, hiding his smirk at their discomfort of him interrupting their little moment, shaking the sugar packet, tearing it open and pouring it into his coffee. "Here, take a look at this. Think I got one" Dean also clears his throat, trying to get rid of all his lustful thoughts, resting down the newspaper on the table.
Y/N's POV (excuse all the POV changes)
Holy fuck I should not be this turnt on right now. Why am I turnt on? Focus y/n focus! We need to find dad. I mean fuck, you're here turnt on by flirting with Dean and our fathers are missing. Real classy L/N.
"Here, take a look at this. Think I got one" Dean says, clearing his throat. He rests down the newspaper on the table and I pick it up scanning it. "Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin?" I ask questionably. Never heard of it.
"Last week, Sophie Carlton, 18. Walks into the lake, doesn't walk out. Authorities dragged the water. Nothing. Sophie Carlton is the third Lake Mantitoc drowning this year. None of the other bodies were founded. Had a funeral two days ago" Dean explained and Sam chirped in. "A funeral?" He asks confused. "Yeah it's weird. They buried empty coffin" Dean says also confused.
"Could be for closure" I say shrugging and they look at me. "Closure? What closure?" Sam asks, amused. "People don't just disappear guys. Other people just stop looking for them" Sam shoots back shadily.
"Is there something you wanna say to us?" I ask ruggedly, crossing my arms over my chest. His face softens a bit, seeming to just remember that my dad is missing also. "I'm sorry y/n/n. But the trail for our dads....it's getting colder everyday. And your dad telling us he can't say where they are. It's all just- odd" He says softly and I bite my tongue because he's not wrong.
"Exactly, so what are we supposed to do?" Dean says. "I don't know. Something. Anything." He says annoyed. "You know what. I'm sick of this attitude. You don't think we wanna find Dad and Mr. L/N as much as you?" Dean says irritated. "Yeah I know you do. I-" Sam goes to say but Dean cuts him off.
"I'm the one that's been with him every single day for the past two years while you've been off to college, going to pep rallies. Y/N and her dad fell out but still talked more than you and dad did. We will find dad and Mr. L/N!" Dean snaps at Sam,  authority in his voice and Sam's face drops. Ouch, that was harsh. "But until then, we're gonna kill everything bad between here and there. Just like Okay?" Dean finishes and Sam sighs sadly.
Okay...awkward. The waitress from earlier walks past again and Dean's eyes roam her. I stew a bit and try to cut the tension. "Alright fellas, Lake Manitoc" I cheerfully with a fake smile and they both chuckle at my attempt to break the ice.
"How far" Sam asks.
The Impala and Harley drive past a sign saying 'Welcome to Lake Manitoc WI.' Headed for what evil awaits us.
We pull up to Sophie Carlton's house, making our way to the porch of the rustic house. I knock on the door and a young man answers. "Will Carlton?" Dean asks. "Yeah, that's right" Will confirms.
"I'm Agent Fisher. This is Agent Ford and Hamill. We're with the U.S. Wildlife Service" I introduce ourselves, pointing to Dean then Sam and I flash him my fake badge.
Will leads us out to the pier. An older man was sitting on the edge, looking out into the water. I assume that's his dad. "She was about 100 yards out" Will begins to explain, looking out at the lake sadly. "That's where she got dragged down" He points to the lake.
"And you're sure she didn't just drown?" Dean questions. "Yeah, she was a varsity swimmer. She practically grew up in that lake. She's ask safe out there as in her own bathtub" Will says.
"So no splashing? No signs of distress?" Sam asks. "No, that's what I'm telling you." Will says rigidly.
"Did you see any shadows in the water? Maybe some dark shape breach the surface?" I interject. "No I- Again, she was really far out there" Will crosses his arms. "You ever see any strange tracks by the shoreline?" Dean asks. "No, never. Why? What do you think's out there?" Will asks, now curious.
"We'll let you know as soon as we do" I say nicely, smiling at him. Me and Dean go to head back to our vehicles till we hear Sam ask Will, "What about your father? Can we talk to him?" Causing us to holt in our tracks and turn to him. "Look, if you don't mind— I mean, he didn't see anything. And he's kind of been through a lot" Will said, looking back at his father on the pier sadly. "We understand" Sam says understandingly and we all head back.
Now at the station, the boys and I try to dig deeper into the case. So we request to talk to the sheriff who isn't very compliant. "Now, I'm sorry. But why does the Wildlife Service care about an accidental drowning?" The sheriff asks us, skeptical.
"You sure it's accidental sir?" I ask him nicely. "Will Carlton saw something grab his sister" I insist. "Like what?" Jake, the sheriff, asks annoyed. "Here, sit, please. There are no indigenous carnivores in that lake" Jakes reassures us, offering the three of us a seat. I sit in between Sam and Dean.
"There's nothing even big enough to pull down a person, unless it was the Loch Ness monster" he says sarcastically and Dean chuckles. "Yeah. Right." Before looking at me and Sam with an exhaustive look. "Will Carlton was traumatized, and sometimes the mind plays tricks. Still we dragged that entire lake. We even ran a sonar sweep, just to be sure. And there was nothing there" Jake insists.
"That's weird though. I mean, that's the third missing body this year" Dean says, leaning forward in his seat. "I know. These are people from my town. These are people I care about" Jake says, sorrowly. "I know" Dean says understanding, nodding. Jake sighs, "Anyway...all this, it won't be a problem much longer" leaning back in his chair, shaking his head.
"What do you mean?" Dean asks. "Well, the dam, of course" Jake says, as if we should've known. Right...wildlife service. The boys and I nod in fake realization. "Of course. The dam" Dean says, looking over to Sam and I. "It has...yeah...sprung a leak" Dean says. "It's falling apart. And the feds won't give us the grant to repair it. So they've opened the spillway" Jake explains, leaning forward in his seat, resting his elbows on the table.
"In another six months, there won't be much of a lake. Won't be much of a town either. But as Federal Wildlife, you already knew that" Jake says, narrowing his eyes at us and I say "Yes sir, of course we did" smiling sweetly. We hear a knock at his office door causing all of us to turn our heads and in walks a beautiful woman in a white dress and brunette hair. "Sorry, am I interrupting? I can come back later" She says smiling.
We all get up and instantly I notice Dean checking her out. Ohhh boy, here we go. "Agents, this is my daughter" Jake introduces the woman as his daughter. Of course, Dean is the first to introduce himself. "Pleasure to meet you. I'm Dean" He says, giving her his classic shit-eating grin and his hand to shake. "Andrea Barr, Hi" She says kindly, taking his hand. "Hi" He says charmingly and I internally roll my eyes.
"They're from the Wildlife Service, about the lake" Jake says. "Oh" she says and I see a little boy come out from behind her. "Oh, well, hey there sweetie. What's your name" I ask the little boy smiling. He doesn't answer or even look me in the eye and just turns, walking away. "His name is Lucas" Jake says and the boys and I look at each other in confusion.
"Is he okay?" Sam asks. "My grandson has been through a lot. We all have" Jake says somberly. "Well, if there's anything else I can do for you, please let me know." He says, patting Dean on his back as we walk out. "Now that you mentioned it, could you point us in the direction of a reasonably priced motel?" Dean asks Andrea. Me and Sam look at each other like, "this dude ugh".
"Lakefront Motel. Go around the corner, it's two blocks up." She says, me and Sam turn to leave but Dean being Dean, acts clueless. "Two..? Would you mind showing us?? He says and Andrea chuckles while me and Sam roll our eyes simultaneously. "You want me to walk you two blocks?" She asks. "Not if it's any trouble" Dean smiles. "I'm headed that way anyways" She says and we all nod. "I'll be back to pick up Lucas at 3. We'll go to the park, okay, sweetie?" She tells her dad and then turns to Lucas kissing his head. We thank Jake again and we leave.
Now walking down the street, Dean perks up conversation. "So, cute kid" He says. "Thanks" She smiles as we cross the road to the motel. "Kids are the best huh" He says and I cringe at this, holding back my snicker. I look over at Sam who's doing the same as me. Andrea doesn't answer and just says. "There it is" Gesturing to the motel. "Like I said. Two blocks" She says sarcastically. "Thanks" Sam says.
"Must be hard, with you sense of direction. Never being able to find your way to a decent pickup line" She adds and I burst out laughing while Dean glares at me. Andrea smiles at my reaction while Sam puts his hand over his mouth. Holding his laughter back. She crosses the road yelling out "Enjoy your stay!".
"Dude, she just owned you" I say to Dean, laughing. " 'Kids are the best' " Sam mimics Deans statement from earlier, giving him his classic bitch face. "You don't even like kids" Sam says, matter of factly. "I love kids" Dean tries to convinces us. I snort, "Name three kids that you even know" I retort, pushing my hands in my pocket.
Dean puts his fingers up, trying to think but fails. I roll my eyes, Sam waves it off annoyed and we walk into the motel. He scratches his head, stumped. "I'm thinking" He lamely says, me and Sam just ignore him and go to book a room.
Now in the motel room. Sam's researching on his laptop, Dean's sorting out his clothes and I'm by the window smoking a cigarette trying to call my dad again. 'This is F/N L/N, I can't reach the phone right n-'
I cut the phone off, huffing in annoyance. I toss my phone on the bed almost hitting Dean. He looks at me with a concerned expression as I out my cigarette and put it in the ashtray the motel had on the nightstand. "We'll fi-" He goes to say and I cut him off. "Yeahyeah I know, we'll find them" I sigh, slouching on my bed.
He just frowns at me and I feel bad for snapping at him. "Dean I'm sorry I'm just- I just don't know why they would do this" I put my head in my hands, running them through my hair. I feel the bed next to me sink, I look up to see Dean next to me. I just look at him frowning then he rests his arms around my shoulder from the side and starts singing.
"Hey Jude, don't make it bad.
Take a sad song and make it better."
I start laughing, groaning in mock annoyance.
I smile thinking about the memories of Dean singing that song to me and Sam when we were little. Whenever John and dad were on long hunts, me and Sam used to get grouchy, asking all sorts of questions and Dean would calm us down by singing it. Honestly I think singing it for calmed him down also.
"Remember to let her into your heart,
Then you can start to make it better."
"You're such a dork!" I exclaim, pushing his hand off my shoulder laughing. "I got you to smile, didn't I?" he winks at me, a wide grin on his face and my heart melts for some reason. "Thanks for that, charming" I say gratefully, looking into his eyes. "Anytime, princess" He says sweetly, chuckling. Staring back at me, I could've sworn his eyes glanced down to my lips.
"So, there's the three drowning victims this year" Sam interrupts us. "And before that?" I ask, clearing my throat and snapping out of the trance I was in. "Uh...yeah...six more spread out over the past 35 years. Those bodies were never recovered either" He tells us. "If there is something out there...it's picking up its pace" I say, crossing my legs as I lean back on the bed, bracing on my arms behind me.
Dean eyes me up and down subtly before clearing his throat. "So what? We got a lake monster on a binge?" He says. "This whole lake monster theory, it just bugs me. I say as I get up from the bed and walk over to the desk Sam's sitting at, taking a spare chair to sit on. I turn it around and straddle it next to Sam.
"Why?" Dean questions as he leans between me and Sam's chairs, looking at the laptop. "I agree" Sam says before he continues. "Loch Ness. Lake Champlain. There are literally hundreds of eyewitness accounts. But here...almost nothing. Whatever it is out there, no one's living to talk about it" Sam explains but Dean notices something in the article and points to it.
"Wait. Barr. Christopher Barr. Where have I heard that name before?" He says. "Christopher Barr, the victim in May." Sam says, clicking on the article. "Oh. Christopher Barr was Andreas husband. Lucas' father" Sam says, turning to Dean and I continue reading the article. "Apparently he took Lucas out swimming . Lucas was on a floating wooden platform when Chris drowned...two hours before the kid got rescued" I read.
I click on the picture of Lucas wrapped in a towel being held by a deputy. "Goddamn, poor kid. No wonder he won't talk" I say, my tone filled with sorrow, my heart starting to hurt for the kid. "Maybe we do have an eyewitness after all" Sam says, scratching his head sadly. "No wonder he was freaked out. Watching one of your parents die isn't something you just get over" Dean says in a benevolent tone, a flash of pain in his eyes. I rest my hand on his that's still on my chair comfortingly, sighing.
Later we're at the park taking a stroll, kids playing, swinging on monkey bars, sliding down the swirly side. The works. We needed a little breather after reading that heavy article.
I see Andrea sitting on a bench looking out at Lucas, coloring and drawing with his crayons on a brick bench.
I nudge Sam and Dean to show them she's here, Sam nods at me and we approach her. "Can we join you?" He asks and she smiles at us. Hesitantly saying, "I'm here with my son". Dean looks over, smiling he says, "Oh. Mind if I say hi?" And he walks over to Lucas while me and Sam stay behind.
"Tell your friend this whole Jerry McGuire thing is not gonna work on me" Andrea says to me and Sam as we take a seat next to her. "I don't think that's what this is about hun" I tell her. I look over intently at Dean trying to talk to Lucas.
He picks up one of the action figures next to him that looks awfully like what he played with when we were young and starts playing with it. After about 5 minutes he comes back after talking with Lucas.
"Lucas hasn't said a word, not even to me" Andrea starts explaining to me and Sam as Dean walks back to us. "Not since his dad's accident" she says sadly. "Yeah, we heard. Sorry" Dean says, empathy in his voice. "What do the doctors say?" I ask softly and she sighs.
"That it's a kind of post traumatic stress" She says and I feel bad for her. Losing her husband and her son disappearing emotionally infront of her could never be easy. "That can't be easy for either of you" Sam says. "We moved in with my dad. He helps out alot. It's just....when I think about what Lucas went through....what he says..." She says trailing off.
"Kids are strong. You'd be surprised what they can deal with" Dean reassures her. "You know, he used to have such life" Andrea says, smiling nostalgically. "He was hard to keep up with, to tell you the truth. Now he just sits there....drawing those pictures, playing with those Army men. I just wish—Hey sweetie" She opens up but stops when Lucas comes over with a picture in his hand.
He doesn't look at any of us and just hands it to Dean. "Thanks. Thanks Lucas" Dean says smiling and I peer over to see what it is. It's a picture of a house with a red roof and a grassy yard. Lucas walks back to his bench.
Later, me and Dean are in the motel room on our beds when Sam bursts in. "So, we can safely rule out Nessie" Sam says. "What do you mean?" I ask him, confused. He sits on the bed next to us and starts explaining "I just drove past the Carlton house. There was an ambulance there. Will Carlton is dead" He says, agitation in his tone.
"He drowned?" Dean asks. "Yep, in the sink" Sam says. "What the hell?!" I say in confusion, Dean shakes his head at this. "You two were right, this isn't a creature, we're dealing with something else" Dean says. "Yeah, but what?" I ask.
"I don't know" Dean says. "Water Wraith, maybe? Some kind of demon? I mean something that controls water." He says and something clicks in my head. "Water that comes from the same sources...." I say. "The lake" Sam finishes. "Yeah" Dean agrees
"Which would explain why it's upping its body count. The lake is draining, it'll be dry in a few months. Whatever this thing is, whatever it wants, it's running out of time" Sam says. "And I'd it can get through the pipes...it can get to anyone, almost anywhere. This is gonna happen again, soon." Dean says, getting up from the bed.
"And we know one other thing for sure. We know that this has got something to do with Bill Carlton" I say. "Yeah it took both his kids" Dean says. "And I been asking around, Lucas' dad, Chris? Bill Carlton's godson" Sam rests the new information on us and Dean says. "Let's go pay Mr. Carlton a visit".
We walk down the short pier and see Mr. Carlton on the edge, sitting on a stool. "Mr. Carlton?" I ask as me and the boys approach him, speaking softly. "We'd like to ask you a few questions, if you don't mind" I say. "We're from the Department—" Dean starts but Bill cuts him off.
"I don't care who you're with. I've answered enough questions today" Bill says, his voice absolutely broken. "Your son said he saw something in that lake. What about you? You ever see anything out there?" Sam asks. "Mr. Carlton, Sophie's drowning and Wills death, we think there might be a connection to you or your family" Sam tries to explain but Bill isn't having it.
"My children are gone" Bill says, his voice breaking. I can't imagine how this poor man is probably feeling. "It's.....it's worse than dying" He croaks, looking up at us, tears in his eyes. My heart grieves for him. "Go away. Please" he pleads and we comply.
"What do you think?" Sam asks us as we walk back to Baby. I left Quinn back at the motel. "I think the poor guys been through hell" I say. "But it also seems like he's not telling us something" Dean adds and I nod. "So now what?" Sam asks us and Dean has this look on his face. "What is it?" I ask Dean. "Huh" He says looking over at a house that oddly looks like the one in the picture Lucas drew. "Well I'll be damned" I say, chuckling, shoving my hands in my jacket pocket.
Dean takes the picture out of his jacket, "Maybe Bill's not the only one who knows something" He says, opening the picture, looking over at me and Sam.
We go to Andrea's house in hopes of Dean getting a word of two out of Lucas. "I'm sorry but i don't think it's a good idea" Andrea says. "I just need to talk to him, just for a few minutes" Dean insists. "He won't say anything. What good is it gonna do?" She asks.
"Andrea, we think more people might get hurt" Sam tries to reason with her and her face changes, worried. "We think somethings happening out there" I add. "My husband, the others, they just drowned. That's all" She tries to convince herself.
"If that's what you really believe, then we'll go" Dean says. "But if there's even a possibility something else could be going on here...please let me talk to your son" He pleads and she obliges.
We all walk up to Lucas' room, the door wide open. He's sitting on the ground, cross legged. Playing with his Army men, drawings sprawled out over the ground. Dean walks up to him and stoops at eye level. "Hey Lucas, remember me?" He asks softly, and I smile at his interaction with him. He wasn't lying when he said he loves kids.
Dean moves one of the drawing of a red bicycle and sits on the ground with him. "You know, I, uh...I wanted to thank you for that last drawing" Dean says gratefully before adding. "But the thing is, I need your help again" He says but Lucas continues drawing. Dean pulls out the drawing he gave him earlier, placing it down in-front of him and asks him. "How did you know to draw this?"
"Did you know something bad was gonna happen?...maybe you could nod yes or no for me" Dean tries to get an answer somehow, but Lucas doesn't answer, he starts breathing faster and harder. I think he's scared. Dean notices this. "You're scared....It's okay. I understand" He says gently.
"See, when I was your age, I saw something real bad happen to my mom" Dean starts to explain and my heart sinks. He never talks about Mary unless it's 'finding the thing that killed mom'.
"And I was scared too. I didn't feel like talking, just like you. But see my mom...I know she wanted me to be brave and I think about that everyday" He pauses, taking a breath. "And I do my best to be brave. And maybe your dad...wants you to be brave too" He finishes and Lucas looks up at him.
This shocks all of us, including Andrea. Lucas picks up a drawing and gives it to Dean. He says "Thanks Lucas"
Sam, Dean and I are in the Impala after leaving. Sam is looking at the drawing that Lucas drew and gave to Dean. It was a house with a church in the background, a yellow bricked two story to be exact. In-front of the house is a gate with a little boy in a blue ball cap standing next to a red bicycle. "Andrea said the kid never drew like that till his dad died" Dean says.
"There are cases where after going through a traumatic experience could make certain people more sensitive to premonitions, psychic tendencies" I explain, I remember my dad telling me that he and my mom dealt with a case like that yearsss back.
"Whatever's out there, what if Lucas is tapping into it somehow?" Dean questions and Sam shakes his head disagreeing. "It's only a matter of time before someone else drowns. So if you got a better lead please" Dean argues but I agree with him. "We still got another house to find. And I think you've got a point" I say. "Only problem is there's about a thought yellow two stories in this county alone"
"See this church?" Sam says, pointing to the church in the drawing and I lean over, looking at the photo. "I bet there's less than a thousand of those around here" Sam says. "Ohhh, college boy. Thinks he's so smart" I tease Sam and he chuckles before mumbling "Shut it" and I smile.
He turns to Dean, a heavy look on his face. "You know, um...what you said about mom...you never told me that before" Sam says genuinely but Dean brushes it off. "It's no big deal" He says but me and Sam look at him, genuinely worried. He catches us staring and cringes.
"Oh, god. We're not gonna have to group hug or anything, are we?" And we chuckle. "Oh shut it, Winchester. I give the best hugs" I tease Dean, leaning over from the backseat. I hug Sam from behind his neck.
"Don't I, Sammy?" Sam laughs and returns the hug, holding onto my forearms with his hands. "She sure does, Dean" Sam says in a suggestive voice, going along with it, smiling. Dean just looks at us, rolling his eyes.
Next thing I knew, we were at the church that Lucas drew for Dean. Across from the house is a yellow bricked house, just like the picture. We all make way to the house.
"We're sorry to bother you ma'am. But does a little boy live here, by chance." I ask kindly ask the sweet old lady by the name of Mrs. Sweeney who answered the door for us. "He might wear a blue ball cap, has a red bicycle" Dean adds. "No, I'm sorry. Not for a very long time." She says sadly, looking at an old picture of a young boy and I couldn't help but feel bad for her.
"Peter's been gone 35 years now" Mrs. Sweeney sighs and continues to explain. "The police never....I never had any idea what happened....He just disappeared. Losing him....You know, it.... it's worse than dying" she concludes and the bells in my head ring. Me and the boys exchange a look and turn back to the woman.
"Did he disappear from here? I mean, from this house?" Dean swallows, gently asking her. "He was supposed to ride his bike straight home after school...and he never showed up" She's on the verge of tears at this point. I noticed something on the mirror across the room, a picture of two young boys. Peter and one looking very familiar.
I pull it from the mirror, examining. And I turn it around. Written on the back of it was...holy shit. "Peter Sweeney and Billy Carlton, 1970" I read it out loud. Me and the boys basically haul ass out of there and back to the Carlton's house. "Thank you for time Mr. Sweeney" I smile softly at her before the three of us leave.
"Okay, this little boy Peter Sweeney vanishes and this is all connected to Bill Carlton somehow" Sam starts. "Yeah, Bill sure seems to be hiding something huh?" Dean says and I nod in agreement. "And Bill, the people he loves are getting punished" I says.
"So what if Bill did something to Peter?" Dean says. "What if Bill killed him" Sam instigates. "Yeah, Peter's spirit would be furious. It'd want revenge. It's possible" I say as we pull into Mr. Carlton's house. We all jump out of Baby and call out for him. "Mr. Carlton!" Sam calls out for him but no answer.
"Hey, check it out" Dean draws our attention to the lake. In the lake is Bill going out on his boat. Oh no. We all run towards the pier in a hurry. "Mr. Carlton! Come back!" We all begin yelling when we reach the edge of the pier but he keeps going further. "Please! Don't do this!" I scream, waving my hands in the air but he doesn't listen.
"Turn the boat around!" Dean yells. "Mr. Carlton!" Sam yells. Bill looks back at us and keeps going fast. In a split seconds, his boat is thrown into the air. Toppling over, causing the three of us the flinch. The boat falls top first and sinks into the lake. Son of a bitch.
We call in the "accident" and all head back to the station. Jake just behind us. Entering the station, Andrea sees us. "Sam, Dean, Y/N. I didn't expect to see you here" She says surprised. Jake looks shocked at her friendly demeanor.
"So now you're on a first name basis? What're you doing here?" He says, slightly annoyed. "I brought you dinner" Andrea says and Jake sighs. "Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart. I don't really have the time" He says, taking his jacket off and her face drops. She looks over at us and notices the look on our faces.
"I heard about Bill Carlton. Is it true? Is something going on with the lake?" She asks, crossing her arms. "Right now, we don't know what the truth is. But I think it might be better if you and Lucas went on home" Jake says to his daughter and we look over at Lucas. And uneasy look on his face. Lucas runs and grabs onto me and Dean's arm. Pulling him frantically, panicking.
"Lucas! Wait, what it is?" He asks him, concerned at his erratic behavior. "Lucas!" Andrea says, pulling Lucas off of Dean. I kneel down and say, "Lucas it's okay. Hey sweetie. It's okay." I rest my hand on his head comfortingly, calming him down. Andrea ushers him out of the station and he looks back at me and Dean. A worried look on his face.
Jake dashes his coat in anger on the chair and goes into his office as Dean and I look back at Lucas. We all file in after and Jake begins chewing us out "Okay, just so I'm clear...you see something....attack Bills boat....Sending Bill, who is a very good swimmer.....by the way. Into the drink and you never see him again?" Jake asks suspiciously.
"Yeah. That about sums it up" Dean says as we all nod. "And I'm supposed to believe this? Even though I've already sonar-swept that entire lake. And what you're describing is impossible??" He says, getting agitated. "And you're not really Wildlife Service" he adds and our faces drop. Oh shit. "That's right, I checked. The Departments never heard of you three" He says, his tone accusatory.
"See, now we can explain that—" I try to explain, lying my way out but he cuts me off. "Enough. Please." Jake says fed up. He's not even yelling. "The only reason you're breathing free air is one of Bills neighbors say him steering your that boat just before you did" He says. "So, we have a couple of options here. I can arrest you for impersonating government officials and hold you as material witnesses to Bill Carlton's disappearance or we can chalk this all up to a bad day. You get into your car, you put this town in your rear-view mirror and you don't ever darken my doorstep again" He points his finger at us angrily, giving us an ultimatum.
"Door number two sounds good" Sam says, cheekily. "That's the one I'd pick" Jake growls and we all leave. Something doesn't feel right however. This is going to happen again and Jakes failure to compliance will cause many deaths.
We all left for the motel to pick up my bike and are now at the turn off into Milwaukee waiting for the light to change. I'm next to The Impala on Quinn, the windows rolled down.
The light changes and I see Dean doesn't move. Flipping the visor of my helmet up, I hear Sam sarcastically. "Green" to his brother. "What?" He asks, clearly deep in thought. "Lights green" I say and they turn their heads to me, outside on my bike.
Dean looks at me and waves his finger in the air in a circular motion, indicating for us to turn back around and go back to Lake Manitoc. I couldnt just left just like that either. I sigh, nodding and flipping my visor down. Following behind him.
We're now back at Andrea's house. Me, Sam and Dean are at her front door when Sam begins to get skeptical. "You sure about this? It's pretty late, guys" Sam says impatiently. Neither of us answer and I ring the door bell. Almost immediately after I do this, the door flies open. A panicked and scared Lucas opening it.
He's gasping for air and this alerts us all. "Lucas? Lucas?!" Dean grabs a hold of him but he runs off into the house, we all follow behind quickly. He runs up the stairs and as we follow behind it, we notice it's flooded with mucky water coming out of what seems to be the bathroom.
Lucas tries knocking the door down but I pull him aside and kick it down. Inside is Andrea, drowning, being pulled down in the tub. Me and Sam run in, trying to pull her out but she's being held down tightly. Dean stays outside with Lucas, shielding him from the sight.
Me and Sam groan and scream from the pressure that's pulling her down but eventually get her up, falling over onto the ground with her onto of us with her gasping for air.
The next morning, Andrea is all dried up. Me and Sam are in her living room trying to comfort her. Dean went to look for some kind of clues on what's going on. "Can you tell us hun?" I ask her calmly, resting my hand on her comfortingly. "No....It doesn't make saying sense. I'm going crazy" She sobs, looking up and putting her face in her hands.
"No, you're not" Sam reassures her. "Tell us what happened. Everything" He says. She takes a deep breath, recollecting her self and thoughts of the events prior. "I heard....I thought I heard...There was this voice" She breathes out, trailing off. "What did it say" I ask gently. "It said... 'Come play with me' " She says, fearfully, starting to sob again at the thought. "What's happening?" She asks, panicked.
Not too long after, Dean rushes downstairs with a photo album labeled 'Jake, 12 years old'. Resting it opened on the table, on the page is a picture of a group of Boy Scouts. He turns to Andrea and queries her, "You recognize the kids in these pictures", pointing at the group picture as he leans on the table. "What" Andrea asks confused.
"Oh, hmmm...No. I mean, except that's my dad right there. He must've been about 12 in these pictures" She says, pointing at the young boy, standing next to Peter Sweeney, our vengeful spirit. "Chris Bart's drowning, the connection wasn't to Bill Carlton. It was the sheriff" Dean says, turning to us. "Bill and Sheriff. They were both involved with Peter" I clarify, referring to the picture of Peter and Bill.
"What about Chris? My dad? What are you talking about?" Andrea asks us, panicked and confused. "Lucas?" Dean says worriedly, looking at Lucas who's staring out the window."Lucas, sweetie, what is it?" I ask gently but he stares ahead, opening the door and we all follow out into the yard.
"Lucas? Honey?" Andrea's voice is shaky, trying to break through to her son. Lucas stops at a random spot in the yard, looking down it and back up to Dean. I get an eery feeling from it. "Why don't you and Lucas get back to the house and stay there, okay?" I say softly to Andrea, she looks at me then at Dean who nods his head and then she grabs her son. Dragging him back to the house.
The boys and I get some shovels that were in Baby and begin digging. After a couple minutes we hit something solid, now using our hands to dig it it out. I grabbed onto what felt like a handle and with the help of the boys we pulled it out. Buried is a red bicycle like what Lucas drew. Holy shit. "Peters bike" Sam says.
We then hear a familiar voice and the cocking of a gun behind us. "Who are you?" Jake, the sheriff, has his gun pointed at me and the boys. "Put the gun down Jake" I said firmly. Jakes trembling with anger. "How did you know that was there" He asks, terrified. "What happened? You and Bill killed Peter? Drowned him in the lake and then buried the bike?" Dean says accusatory.
"You can't bury the truth Jake. Nothing stays buried" I say harshly. "I don't know what the hell you're talking about." Jake denies it and I shake my head. "You and Bill killed Peter Sweeney thirty-five years ago. That's what the hell we're talking about" Dean says, not letting him up.
"Dad!" Andrea yells, seeing her father pointing a gun at us. "And now you've got one seriously pissed of spirit." I interject. "It's gonna take Andrew, Lucas, everyone you love. It's gonna drown them and it's gonna drag their bodies to God knows where. So you can feel the Sam pain Peters mom felt" Sam says lowly while Jake glares at us and Andrea looks terrified.
"And then, after that, it's gonna take you. And it's not gonna stop until it does" Sam finishes. "Yeah? And how do you know that?" Jake presses. "Because that's exactly what it did to Bill Carlton" Sam says. Jake shakes his head in denial. "Listen to yourself. Both of you, you're insane" Jake says. "I don't really give a rats ass what you think of us, but if we're gonna bring down this spirit, we need to find the remains, salt them and burn them into dust" Dean explains to him harshly and Jake has this look on his face of guilt.
"Tell me you buried Peter somewhere and tell me you didn't just let him go into the lake" I say suspiciously and he doesn't look me in the eye which only confirms my suspicions. "God dammit Jake" I growl. "Dad, is any of this true" Andrea pipes up. "No. Don't listen to them. They're liars and they're dangerous" Jake still denies the fact, still pointing the gun at us.
"Something tried to drown me. Chris died on that lake. Dad look at me!" She demands. "Tell me you didn't kill anyone" But just like before, he couldn't look his daughter in the eye. Her face drops, "Oh my god" she gasps.
"Billy and I were at the lake. Peter was the smallest one, we always bullied him. But this time it got rough.." Jake begins to confess. "We were holding his head under the water. We didn't mean to....but we held him under too long, and he drowned" Jake confesses sorrowfully and Andrea looks horrified.
Now turning to us, "We let the body go..and it sank" Jake says, turning back to his daughter. "Oh, Andrea. We were kids. We were so scared. It was a mistake. But, Andrea, to say that I have anything to do with these drownings, with Chris...Because of some ghost? It's not rational." He tries to justify their actions and to be honest, it sickened me.
"Alright, listen to me, all of you. We need to get you away from this lake. As far as we can, right now." Dean starts to instruct them but Andrea looks over and gasps. We all look in the direction she is and notice Lucas is out by the water. "Lucas!" Jake yells and we all burst into the direction he's in.
"Lucas!" Me and Dean yell as Lucas is sticking his hand in the water. "Baby, stay where you are!" Andrea calls out to her son but he can't heard us. Just before we reach the edge of the pier, Lucas is pulled into the water, I see the head of a little boy, pale, poking out of the water, looking at Jake. Jake notices this too and gasps. It has to be the ghost of Peter Sweeney.
Sam, Dean and I waste no time and dive headfirst into the lake. Searching for Lucas. I see Andrea taking off her jacket to jump it in but I stop her cuz the ghost could drag her down too. "Andrea! Stay there!" I call out to her. "No! Lucas!" She screams for her son. "We'll get him, just stay on the dock!" Sam instructs her as we look for Lucas.
"Sam? Y/N?" Dean calls out to us but we shake our heads. No sign of him. "Lucas, where are you?" Andrea sobs and we dive back down into the water to look for him. I hear Jakes voice on the surface, calling out to Peter pleadingly. "Peter, if you can hear me, please. I'm sorry" I resurface and see Jake getting into the water. "Jake get back! He'll take you too!" I warn him as Andrea pleads, "Daddy. Daddy, no!"
"Im so sorry. Let me- Lucas, he's just a little boy" Jake pleads, getting further into the water . "Please, it's not his fault, it's mine. Please take me!"
"Jake! No!" Dean yells out to him and Jake starts to struggle, being dragged down. "Just let it be over!" he screams. "Daddy! Daddy!!" Andrea screams for her father. Me and the boys dive back down. Me and Sam resurface back after not finding anything, looking over to Andrea shaking our heads.
Soon after, Dean resurfaces also, Lucas in his hands. I breathe out the breath I was holding back. If that little boy died, I didn't know if I could handle that.
The next day. Sam, Dean and I are getting ready to leave the motel. Though we did save Lucas. I can't help but feel bad that Jake died doing it. We toss our bags in baby and I go to hop on my bike. But I notice Dean is awfully quiet, I turn to him.
"Look, we're not gonna save everyone Dean" I say calmly and Sam nods in agreement. "I know" He sighs. "Sam, Dean, Y/N" we hear a familiar voice call out to us, it's Andrea with Lucas. "Hey" Dean says smiling as Lucas runs up to us with a plate filled with what looks like sandwiches.
"We're glad we caught you. We just, um...We made you lunch for the road. Lucas insisted on making the sandwiches himself" She says smiling and Lucas looks up at his mom. "Can I give it to them now?" He says and a smile breaks across my face, it's so good to hear him talk, my heart bursts with joy.
"Of course" Andrea says, kissing Lucas on his head. "Come on Lucas. Let's load this in the car" Dean says smiling, talking Lucas to carry the sandwiches to the car. We watch smiling as they walk off and me and Sam look at her. He crosses his arms and I ask her softly "How're you holding up hun?"
She sighs before answering, "It's just gonna take a long time to sort through everything, you know?" She says and we nod understandably. Sam sighs and says "Andrea, I'm sorry". She smiles at us regardless and says, gratefully "You guys saved my son. I can't ask for more than that. Dad loved me. He loved Lucas. No matter what he did, I just have to....hold onto that".
I understand where she's coming from. I'd hate to admit it, but regardless anything, my dad raised me the best he could. For a man who had no idea what he was doing, he taught me how to make it out there as a hunter. I love him through everything and the fact that he's missing with John who's also like a father to me. I'm worried to my core that somethings wrong.
We walk back to the car and see Dean high-fiving Lucas after he thought him the phrase, "Zeppelin Rules!" And I smile at this gesture. The smile leaves my face when I see Andrea lean over and kiss Dean. I feel an aching in my chest when she does it for some reason, like my stomach and chest is on fire.
Turning my head away so I don't have to look, Sam look at me with a twinge of pity. "Thank you" She says gratefully. Dean give a a small back, scratching his head, he looks at me and I don't meet his eyes. Clearing his throat he says, "Sam, Y/N move your asses. We're gonna run out of daylight before we hit the road" He walks over to the driver seat.
I head on over to my bike, starting her and revving my engine. And we're off.
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luvgavii · 1 year
the damage is done. (part 2)
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summary: almost one year after breaking up, you and gavi see each other again. did you two lose feelings completely or will you work it out?
!!!part 1 here!!!
365. It's been almost 365 days since you have last seen Gavi in person. Of course, you saw him on TV whenever Barcelona was playing, or when you scrolled your Instagram. Hell, you even imagined seeing him on the streets that you two once walked on hand in hand.
Now, when you were almost over him, he was standing in front of your door, begging to talk to you, his brown irises pleading you to let him in. And you were weak because you let him inside your apartment, and with this small act, you also let him back into your life and heart.
You sat at your small dining table, Gavi in front of you, studying you intensely. Pablo hasn't seen you in almost a whole year, so he started studying every facial feature of yours. Your hair was shorter now, he concluded, but your face was still as beautiful as he remembered. You shifted uncomfortably in your seat, unsure of what to say or do.
"So how is football going?" You asked him putting your chin in your hand and looking at him, but you knew how his career was going, you were still watching his team play, on TV, whenever you had time.
"It's going good." Pablo nodded and paused.
You would lie if you said that it didn't hurt you that he didn't call or text you for a whole year. You two still followed each other on social media, but after you saw him with that other girl in his apartment, he never reached out.
"I was in a few countries around Europe, some for The Champions League and some because I wanted to travel." Pablo continued.
"Really?" You lifted up in in your chair and leaned closer on the table. "Tell me more." You gave him a small smile.
Gavi was glad the tension had dropped and he leaned on the table as well, almost touching your hand if you wouldn't have pulled it away.
"Well, Italy was stunning. I think you would have liked it there the most. The people, the culture, everything was amazing." Pablo looked at you, you had your head tilted a little bit to the right, looking at him.
"Yeah, I've seen the pictures you had posted on Instagram while you were there." You nodded.
"You never liked anything, started thinking you unfollowed me on all social media." Gavi put a hand on his heart jokingly.
"Was thinking about it." You said with a straight face. "Can you blame me tho?"
"No." He admitted. He was aware he screwed up. "The whole time I was in England it rained so there wasn't anything to do except going to the match and then back to the hotel."
You let out a sigh that you didn't know you were holding in. "How do you even have the balls to come here and act like nothing happened? You didn't reach out to me for a fucking year, Pablo." The sudden change in your attitude took Gavi by surprise. But yet again, he couldn't blame you.
"There wasn't anything to say."
"There wasn't anything to say?" You started raising your voice. "You texted our mutual friends, maybe not daily but surely weekly. You spoke to all of them but me. Hell, did I mean nothing to you?"
"Of course you did. You still fucking do." Gavi raised his voice too. "I know you and Pedri have been texting. I asked him about you every damn time I got the chance."
"Oh, because that makes it okay." You crossed your arms and fell back on the chair. "You always were an asshole, Pablo Gavi."
"I had a career to focus on and things weren't good with us. I couldn't focus at training because we were always fighting and I was always tired to give you the attention you needed, I know what I did was wrong. But all I needed was time to sort shit out in my head. I never stopped loving you, Y/N." He grabbed your hand and put it between his, making you look at him. "Leaving you was the hardest thing I have ever done. But leaving you taught me that there is no one else I would rather be with."
"I know that we weren't in a good place. But it really hurt me to see you with someone else, in our old apartment, so soon after we broke up." You pulled your hand away from his, one more time.
"Look, I don't know what to say to make this okay, alright? But even if I would have texted you, both of us know you would have been salty as fuck."
Gavi was right.
"Fine." You put a piece of your hair behind your ear. "You're here now. Let's try and be friends."
"Me and you? Friends?" Gavi laughed. "Amor, me and you will never be just friends." You wanted to wipe that smug look off of his face.
"Well, we will be." You crossed your legs.
"You know that's impossible. I did think a lot about you for the past year, Y/N. After you saw me with that girl, I couldn't get myself to date anyone because I kept looking for you in every girl. I wanted to come to your door every time you posted a selfie on your story or whenever you posted something."
You didn't know what to say, you just looked at him. Your heart and brain told you two different things, but you listened to your heart and went up to hug him, nuzzling your face in his chest while he held you close against him and smiled into your hair, thinking how much he had missed having you so close to him.
"I missed this." You sighed not wanting to let go, but you were ready to have him fight for your love, because he wasn't going to get you back so easily.
"I missed you." Pablo said back.
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fizzing-imagines · 11 months
My mom's Billy | Billy Hargrove x Single Mom! Military! Reader
Notes: This is the ending Billy DESERVED, with some good therapy, a nice home and a family that loves him
Warnings: Mentions of abuse
Words: 4.1k
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This was your first time in group therapy. It was highly recommend by your therapist to you, after having trouble connection to others. Her idea was that meeting people with similar experience to yours would help you. Two friendly-looking therapists happily greeted the group of eight, then introduced you. "We have a new face joining us today." Everyone looked at you, you could feel your face heating up. "Oh, uhm...Hi, I'm (Y/N). Uhm...my ex-husband abused me throughout our twelve year relationship. And uhm...I used to be a lieutenant in the navy, but I quit when my son Leo was born so I've been a housewife for five years. I work as a waitress now though." The female therapist of the two gave you an encouragement smile. "I, uhm, I left him a year ago. The divorce was actually finalised last week, so...now I'm here." You let out an awkward laugh, but the group also gave you an encouraging smile. A man with ocean blue eyes and curly, blonde hair stood out to you as he looked you up and down. His face was wrinkled, even though he didn't look too old to you yet. There was a stubbly beard on his face, a bit darker than his hair, and while his lips were full they were also chewed up. What stood out most were the hickeys on his neck.
"Thank you for sharing.", one of the participants told you. With a smile, you gave her a nod. "Have you thought about going back to the navy?", another participant asked you. Wow, these people were open. "I have, but I don't have a partner and my mother is too old to constantly take care of my son when I'm on deployment so that's off the table." It disappointed you, really. You loved your career and regretted letting your ex take that joy from you. "And daycare has gotten so expensive.", a man in the group said. "I have two young children, we have them in daycare." He continued talking about barely being able to afford having his kids looked after at a daycare, so the focus was finally off of you. But the meeting itself was nice, the participants were kind and understanding. Even though the man who checked you out in the beginner barely talked, until he was asked towards the end of the meeting. "Billy, you haven't shared today.", the male therapist said. "Anything you wanna say?" He shrugged his shoulders. "Not really, nothing interesting happened. Had a date, but she wasn't my 'forever person'" He put the last to words into air quotes. "Nothing else interesting happened, really." For some reason, he intrigued you. "Well, besides that this is your last session today.", the male therapist added. "Oh yeah, that too. My therapist said I've gotten a well-enough social circle to not attend anymore and I could really use the hour for more shifts at my job." Everyone said goodbye to Billy.
After group, you left the centre to get to your car. As you unlocked your door, you saw Billy walking over to your car. "Hey, (Y/N), wasn't it?" You nodded your head. "Well, since I'm not in group anymore I was hoping I could give you my phone number." Your cheeks suddenly felt hot - you haven't been asked out since you met your husband. It hasn't been a concept that was a possibility for you. "Listen, I think I get that it might be hard for you, so you don't have to give me your number." He took out a piece of paper and wrote something down. "But give me a call if you feel like going out on a date. I'd be happy to hear from you, you can reach me at any time of the day." You took the piece of paper from his hand and let out a quiet "Thank you." before he left to get into his own car. You yourself sat in your car for a good five minutes to process what just happened. Someone asked you out on a date? You really couldn't believe it. Eventually, you started your engine and drove to your mothers house to pick up your son.
After you got him into bed you sat in the living room and kept starring at the tiny piece of paper with Billy's number on it. You told your mother about it, and she encountered you to call him, but your brain had a blockage. But will it ever go away if you don't break it? The clock told you that it was already midnight, you questioned how you could sit there for hours with your own thoughts discouraging you. Slowly, you took your flipphone out of your pocket and dialed the number. After a few rings, you were greeted by a sleepy "Hello?" His voice was raspy, and you immediately felt bad for disruption his sleep. "It's...it's (Y/N)." The two of you talked on the phone for a good while, talking through details of what he wants to do where with you. Billy had good ideas, but you insisted on public places only. He was very understanding and suggested a nice restaurant downtown. When you said that you couldn't afford that, he said "Don't worry about money, I'll invite you for the evening." It made you blush a bit - you can't remember the last time you've been invited to dinner.
You two had a good date. Your mother looked after your son and let him have a sleepover at her place, meanwhile Billy picked you up from your house. He brought you flowers and showered you in compliments before even letting you step into his car. It made your stomachs flip up- and down, especially because you sort of accepted the fact that you'd never find love again. While it didn't have to mean that Billy has to be the one, it was nice to be wooed again. Dinner went just as well, you had nice conversations, went on a walk afterwards and he dropped you off at your apartment afterwards. "I'd like to see you again.", he said to you with a smile while standing in front of your entrance. It made your heart skip a beat and your cheeks heat up. "I'm free next Thursday, maybe we can get breakfast together?", you said while smiling at him. He took his hand in yours, said "I'll pick you up at 8:30." and kissed the back of your hand. You said your goodbyes and went inside your apartment. Once you laid in bed and thought about the evening, you couldn't help but grin until you fell asleep.
You looked forward to breakfast with Billy for days, and it went just as well as the first date. Billy took you out at least two times a week for the next month. What you loved most about it was that he never pressured you into any physical contact - the most he ever did was give you a kiss on the cheek. Everyone around you noticed how much happier you've gotten. It also rubbed off on your son, who turned from extremely shy and introverted to an extroverted ball of energy. Right now, you were at Billy's house, having a few snacks and talking about life.
"Billy, can I ask you something?", you said as you leaned your head against the backrest of his couch. "Anything.", he said with a smile. "You really don't need to answer if you don't want to, but since you know why I was in group...why were you?" You've had your suspicions after being at his place a few times. There were no family pictures anywhere, except one of him and his stepsister, and a few childhood pictures of him and his mother. "Was about time for that question, huh?" He let out an awkward chuckle while thinking of an answer. "My dad, actually. He, uhm, he first abused my mother and eventually me. And when my mother left, I became too much like him. I was a bully, and was a dick to my step-sister. But I eventually got out, moved back here and got help. So my sister forgave me at least, but she still lives in Indiana." You knew that he lived there for a while, until he had an accidentally and came back to California. "Billy, I'm so sorry..." you said while reaching out for his hand. He took his hand in yours and squeezed it once. "I'm okay now, (Y/N)." Even though he just told you what happened to you in his past, he still smiled at you. "He's miserable now, we put him in a nursing home in some shithole town." His thumb started stroking over the back of your hand as his eyes looked into yours. "Uhm, I actually had a question...about your ex and your son.", he said while looking down. Something told you that that question was uncomfortable to him. "Sure, what's up?", you asked. "Well, I know what your ex did to you but...what did your son experience?" Knowing what Billy went through with his dad, this was probably for his own piece of mind as well. "It honestly started when he was born. He screamed at him as a baby to shut up when he cried, then he started pushing him when he was running through the house. But once he punched him, I packed our things and ran away with Leo. Pressed charges the same day and haven't looked back." Now Billy was the one to squeeze your hand. "You did the right thing (Y/N), I'm proud of you." You smiled and scooted closer to him, letting your knee touch his. Somehow, both of you knew what the other thought about - he pulled you into a hug and held you tight to his body, while you wrapped your arms around his torso and rested your head on his chest. You could hear his heartbeat, take in his scent; you felt like you were home. Billy was the one for you, you knew that.
On the next date, you two kissed for the first time. The one after that, he asked to be your boyfriend. Of course you said yes, how could you not? But now there was a problem: You'd have to eventually tell Leo. While you did tell him that you've made a new friend and meet up with him a lot, you never told him that you're dating again. That was your mistake, because now you'd have to tell him. The biggest problem? Leo was afraid of men. He couldn't be near male teachers or any of his uncles, even male cashiers got a massive side eye from him. So his mom now having a new boyfriend, after his biology father abused him for his entire life? It didn't seem possible to you. But you did have to tell him eventually, so you sat him down on a Saturday after you two got ice cream.
"Leo, do you remembered my friend Billy that I have been seeing a lot lately?", you started the conversations with. Leo nodded his head, then took a lick of his ice cream. "Is he coming over?", he asked then. "Well, maybe. I actually have to tell you something else about Billy." Your heart started racing, and you honestly didn't even know where you were going with this. "You know when we talked about how daddies and mommies love each other?" He nodded his head once more. "Well, when daddies and mommies separate, it can happen that they meet someone else who made them as happy as the other mommy or daddy made them. But when the other mommy or daddy wasn't a good person-" You were interrupted by your own son. "Like Dean?" Leo never called your ex dad, he always called him Dean. "Yes, like Dean. Well, then the mommy or daddy might meet someone who makes them even happier." Your son continued eating his ice cream quietly. "And Billy is that other person who makes me even happier, and that's what I wanted to tell you, Leo." He remained quiet for a bit, trapped in his own thoughts, before he talked again. "So is Billy your boyfriend now?" He didn't scrunch his face in disgust or anger, which was a good sign. "Yes, sweetheart, Billy is my boyfriend now and I wanted to tell you so you could get ready to meet him someday." Once again, he thought about your words for a while. "Does Billy hit you like Dean did?" Unfortunately, Leo knew too much about abuse too soon. "No, Leo, Billy has never hit me or insult me. Do you remembered when we talked about how Mommies and Daddies should treat each other?" He took a big lick of his ice cream before answering. "That they always cuddle and kiss and hug each other, and that they never hit or scream at each other." You nodded in agreement. "That's right. And that is how Billy treats me." For the third time, he was inside his head and thinking something over. "My friend Lee, his dad has a new girlfriend and he says that she's his step-mother now. Is Billy my step-dad?" Oh, you were not prepared for that question at all. You actually expected a tantrum. "You can call him that if you want to. But you can also just call him Billy." Leo went on to ask when he was going to meet Billy, if he could cook for him with you, if Billy liked basketball as much as he does.
So the day came. On the following Thursday, you and Leo were making two different pizzas for the three of you. He insisted on making a funny face out of salamies on one pizza while you added mushrooms, olives and spinach to the other one. Once you put the food in the oven, your doorbell rang. "He's here!", Leo said while running up to the front door. "Mama, can I open it?", he asked you. As you were washing your hands it wasn't such a bad idea. "Sure sweetheart, be nice!", you said over to him. Your son opened the door and greeted your boyfriend with a wide grin. "Hello, are you my mom's Billy?", he asked. His question made you chuckle. "I am your mom's Billy. Are you your mom's Leo?" He loudly said yes before leading him inside and telling Billy to take his shoes and jacket off. "Mom's in the kitchen.", he said to Billy. "Leo, go wash your hands and change your shirt. Dinner is done soon." You could hear your sons footsteps running off while Billy came through the kitchen door. "That was quite the greeting.", he said with a chuckle in his voice. "He's uncharacteristically excited to meet you.", you replied while drying your hands. The two of you shared a quick kiss before the timer for the pizza went off. "He even made you smiling pizza."
Leo's and Billy's first meeting went extraordinarily well. In the evening, after your boyfriend left, he asked you when he would come over again. And it didn't take long until he asked when Billy would move in with the two of you. Six months deep into the relationship, Leo and you moved in with Billy. He had two extra rooms and a big backyard that he couldn't use all by himself. Your son loved it, and he loved Billy. At some point, he started calling the two of you "My mama and my Billy", which made your boyfriends heart melt. Billy and you got married two years later, you took Billy's last name and tried looking into how Leo could get it too. Eventually, it all resolved itself.
Billy was looking after Leo while you were at work. He picked him up from school and was making him dinner while Leo was doing his homework. However, math wasn't his strongsuit so he walked to Billy with his textbook. "Dad, can you help me with this?" Billy stopped in his tracks as he heard Leo call him dad for the first time but swallowed it down to not make him feel uncomfortable. He helped him with his homework and didn't let anything show until he was alone in the kitchen and cried some tears; happy tears. He continued lunch with your, and now his, son like he always does. Once you came home, he immediately pulled you into a tight hug. "What's gotten into you?", you said with a giggle. "Leo called me dad today.", he mumbled into the crook of your neck. Your eyes went wide in suprise and happiness, then you laughed. "Seriously? Billy, that's amazing!" You passionately kissed him on the lips as he was still squeezing you against his body.
Later that night, you checked in on your son after he went to bed, just to see that he was still awake and seemed upset. "Leo? What's wrong sweetheart?" You walked over to his bed and sat down on the edge of it. "I called Billy dad today and he didn't react...", he mumbled into his blanket. Oh. "Why does that upset you?", you asked him while petting his head. "Because I thought it would make him happy. And I never had a dad..." You opened your arms as an invitation for a hug, which he gladly took as he scooted closer. "Billy was very happy, but he didn't want you to feel weird about it.", you said to your as you hugged him. "He thought that you wouldn't want to do it anymore if he was too emotional." Leo hummed, a sound he started making when he thought about something, before asking "Can dad come in?" You smiled and told him that that was possible, then gave him a kiss goodnight and left the room. "Billy, your son wants to talk to you.", you said to your husband as you stepped into your shared bedroom. "Alright.", he said while getting up and leaving the room. You went into bed and waited for him to return, which was a good 20 minute wait. When Billy came back, he was quiet and quickly got under the blanket next to you with no words. "Sweetheart, you're awfully quiet.", you said to him while taking one of his hands in yours. "It's okay.", he mumbled while getting closer to you. "Our son just had some questions. But it's all good now." The way he said 'Our son' made your heart melt. "Father-son secret?" You smirked at your own words, Billy let out a small chuckle. "Definetly.", he replied before placing a kiss on your cheek.
Life went on for months. Billy was the father Leo never had, he was happier than ever. Billy finally had the family he always wanted. And you were planning on going back to the navy - that was until a tiny plastic stick with two blue lines came in the way. You've had your suspicions before, considering that this would be your second pregnancy. But how? Leo was nine already and so used to being an only child. Billy and you weren't going to get any younger either - at age 37 now, you'd almost be a senior citizen by the time your child graduates high school. So you did what you always do: Go to Billy.
"Bil.", you mumbled as you stood in the doorway of your shared bedroom, test in your shaky hands. It was only natural to him to see how terrified you were, so close to crying but swallowing it down for the sake of your son in the next room. "Come here.", he said while walking up to you. It was only then that he noticed the positive pregnancy test in your hands. "You know, I always wanted two kids." was all he said before wrapping his arms around you. "We'll manage."
He stayed true to his words. You gave birth to baby Leia and went back to the navy months after. Leo was ecstatic to be a big brother, not wanting to ever leave Leias side at any time of the day since the moment he first saw her. He went so far that he volunteers to bring her to bed on some days, and for whatever reason she'd always fall asleep when he did without fuzzing. And Billy, oh god, Billy was so happy to watch his daughter grow up. Of course he saw Leo as his own son, but he couldn't watch him grow up from the day he was born. Knowing your and Leo's past, Billy made sure that he won't be anything like your ex or his dad. During your second trimester, he went back to his old therapist to see if he truly was ready to be a father. When Leia was a year old, you and your family were send to Finland for deployment. Once again, your husband stayed true to his words: "We'll manage.". Leo was send to an english-speaking school while Leia went to a regular, finnish daycare. If you were going to live here, you want her to learn a second language while doing so. Billy, somehow, got to continue working as a mechanic while you were obvious caught up with the finnish navy. Everything was beyond perfect and felt like a fairytale. The four of you were send back to America after six years in Finland, but to Florida this time. Leia cried a lot when she had to leave, including the entire flight back and the first night in America. You couldn't blame her - she's leaving the place she grew up in. You promised her to go back to Finland during summer break, and while that cheered her up it didn't help a lot. Once again, Billy stuck to his words. "We'll manage.". He did everything he could to get Leia out of her head, helped her with schoolwork, went surfing with her, took her on daddy-daughter dates. She got better eventually and found many friends. You, on the other hand, felt bad that this would eventually be ripped from her again.
Four years later, you decided on a desk job at the navy in California. It took a lot from you to make this decision, but it was the best one for your family. You couldn't watch your daughter sit and cry for her entire childhood. California was the best decision for everyone, including your husband. He was happier, Leo was happier, Leia adapted after a few months. She loved California eventually, especially because her Dad could show her around so much more now.
"Dad, I have a confession to make." Leo made sure you weren't home. He was two weeks away from graduating high school, and already signed up for his future profession. But he told neither you nor Billy. "What's going on kid?", he asked while looking up from the newspaper he was reading. At this point, he needed glasses to even make out a single letter. "Mom didn't want me to, but I signed up for the marines and got in." Billy knew about your opinion in this. You didn't want your children to get into the military at all. It wasn't a taboo theme at home, but it was barely on the table. After what your ex-husband did to you, you couldn't bear to possibly have them go down the same road as you. "Why did you want to join?", Billy asked. He'd form his opinion based on his reply, he decided. "Mom saves so many people. I've always looked up to her, and I wanna be like her." Billy smiled at his sons words. "You know, I'm convinced that she'll be okay with it if you tell her like that."
You were. Leo went to bootcamp, your old bootcamp, where you dropped him off with a heavy heart. Billy and Leia came with you as well to send him off. "Stay safe, son.", Billy told him before giving him a tight hug. Leo promised to not die, and that was enough for him. Leia cried a bit while saying her goodbyes, and had to hold onto her father after hugging her brother. You were last, it was only logical to him. "I'll make you proud.", he promised you. "Leo, I' already so proud of you.", you said to him with a smile. "You'll do just as well. Bootcamp will be the best months of your life, promise." In motherly fashion, you gave him a kiss on his cheek before letting him walk inside.
Back in the car, Billy tried changing the topic as the mood was low. "Well, if my son comes after his mother job-wise, I hope my daughter comes after me.", he said to you and Leia.
"I was actually thinking about Infantry.", she replied.
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A Call Home
Summary: Peter went back to see his grandpa, leaving you in Knowhere. Out of a sudden, your intergalactic pager beeps. Earth's in trouble.
Genre: angst, fluff
Pairing: Peter Quill x female reader
Tag: @nix-rose-q
Warning: kissing, cursing
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Peter did stay in touch. For a while.
You caught up with each other every week, and then things got busy.
Once every two weeks.
Once a month.
Then he didn't call back.
Three months after that, he apologized for not staying in touch. Things got busy on his end. You both promised to talk soon.
One year later... radio silence.
You figured he must be enjoying his life back with his grandpa, so you didn't try to reach out to him anymore as to not bother him.
It didn't go unnoticed by the team -- your sudden silence, your absence. You didn't go day drinking like Peter did, but they knew something was bothering you.
"There you are."
You heard Rocket on the rooftop where you were sitting.
"Mind if I join you?"
"By all means."
He sat next to you, joining you in enjoying the view.
Knowhere was doing so well under Nebula's care. She's attentive, caring, no issue you have will go unnoticed by her.
"Are you alright?"
"Fine, Rocket."
"You always say that, but you don't really mean it."
You chuckled and rolled your eyes. "I will be fine."
"Yeah, well," Rocket sighed. "We're here for you. Quill leaving was definitely unexpected, and I know how much he means to you."
You glanced at him.
"Oh come on," He chuckled. "You were so obvious. I'm surprised Quill didn't pick it up himself."
A blush spread across your cheeks. "Are you here just to tease me, or?"
"Relax, relax, no need to get defensive." He smirked. "Just thought you might like some company."
Out of nowhere, your pager beeped. It was the pager Nat gave you before she passed. It hasn't beeped ever since you last visited -- since Thanos.
"Looks like you're going home." Rocket said. "Better take Milano 2.0. Say hi to Quill for me, and tell him to call us. We miss him around here."
You sighed. "This can't be good."
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Milano 2.0 was something you and Peter built together. The original Milano was sort of destroyed after a battle, so 2.0 was a small project you both did -- an attempt to save as much of it as possible.
You and Peter first met when he saved you from an explosion at a nearby planet. It was anything but romantic. You were trying to steal something, and Peter was trying to stop you from stealing it.
Then he realized you were also human -- the only other human he's ever met out in space. So he decided to help you with your job, and you both became friends.
If only Peter knew that was also when you started having a crush on him.
Peter looked out the window to the sky above. For a second there he thought he saw a shooting star, but it must've been in his head.
"4 down. 9 letter word. Starts with G, is a protector or a defender." Jason said, wanting Peter to help him with his crossword.
"Guardians." Peter said, his lips playing a longing smile.
Jason was beyond happy when Peter came home. It felt like his life was finally complete, everything was right again. But he also knew that Peter grew up not on Earth -- it was confusing to him at first, all of this.. space work Peter rambled about, but once he mentioned his friends Rocket, Nebula, Drax, Mantis, Groot, and you? He understood immediately. Albeit the weird names, you were his family just as much as Peter was his. And he knew Peter missed you.
"Peter, talk to me." Jason put his newspaper down.
Peter sighed. "This past.. what, year and a half? Has been amazing. Being home feels so good after all the stress I've been through. But.."
"But you need to go back out there."
Peter looked surprised. "How did you know?"
"Pete," Jason chuckled. "You don't have friends here. And every time you talk about your friends, I can feel how much you miss them. Do you even still talk to them?"
He sighed. "I.. have been avoiding their calls, actually."
"Now why would you do that?"
"I just-" He sighed again. "Every time I hear their voices, see their faces, I want to be there. But I know you need me here-"
"Whoa, whoa, Pete." Jason laughed. "I've been here for 38 years without you, I think I'll do fine."
"So you don't need me here?"
"Don't get me wrong, son, having you here has been amazing for me, too." Jason explained. "It's the best thing that happened to me. But you need to get a move on in your life, kid. Your future isn't here at home, mowing lawns and driving me to the hospital."
Peter chuckled. "Didn't know you still had one last lecture for me."
Jason laughed in return. "Don't tempt me, kid."
"Anyway," Jason continued, "Tell me about this girl you have a crush on."
"It's not a crush." Peter rolled his eyes. "She's just.. she's amazing."
Jason smiled as he listened to Peter talk about you. How you two met, how his world managed to light up whenever you're in the room, how you stood by him when everything crumbled down.. and how he possibly have broken your heart.
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Peter was enjoying the last of his fries when there was a blast nearby. It was big enough to cause an earthquake, and Peter had to call the nurse to pick Jason up so he could check what's going on.
"Stay here, okay?! I need to go help as much as I can!" Peter yelled out before running towards the blast.
If it were any regular explosion, Peter would've ignored it. But he saw what could've been people flying, so it had got to be something serious.
When Peter got to the scene, he saw War Machine, Dr. Strange, and -- is that you??
"Y/n??" Peter yelled.
You diverted your attention for a second, before being hit by the octopus-like thing attacking you.
Peter ran and broke your fall, getting hurt in the process.
"What the fuck are you doing here? Get back!" You said, blasting your gun at the giant octopus.
"What the hell is that?!" Peter asked, taking cover behind you.
"I don't know, I'm just trying to kill it!" You ran behind a car. "Peter, you don't have a gun, get out of here. You're a civilian at this point."
"Then give me a gun!"
Turns out the big-ass octopus was sent by Wanda, who was hunting a girl named America Chavez to help her get her sons back. You didn't even know she had kids.
You were finally left alone with Peter, and decided to visit his house that was nearby.
The walk was absolutely silent. You didn't expect to meet Peter -- though you wanted to. And now that it happened, you don't know what to say to him. It's been a year since you last talked, and you were expecting he'd give some lame excuse to why he stopped calling.
"So," Peter started. "I know you're probably mad at me for going MIA."
You sighed.
"I think I'm ready to go home now."
"You know, I missed you. A lot."
When you didn't reply again, Peter stopped you from walking by standing in front of you. "Remember what you promised me?"
Your eyes shot up to look at him in disbelief. "You shut me out first. You stopped calling. You stopped answering my calls. You were the one who-"
Deep breaths.
"I get it, Peter." You said. "You're with family, you want to spend time with them. I don't blame you -- I know I shouldn't. But I'm just.. still pretty mad at you."
Peter clenched his jaw. He knew it was his fault. He reached to hold your hands and put them on his chest, right on his heart. You could feel his heart racing.
"Look at me." Peter said, lifting your chin. "Please."
Staring at pleading eyes, how could you stay mad at him? He looked like a lost, kicked puppy.
"That day I left," Peter said. "I knew what you wanted to say to me."
"I knew- I know."
Your breath quickened. The day he left was the day you wanted to tell him you've been in love with him.
"I.." He held your waist gently. "I love you. I couldn't say it to you the first time because I was so messed up. I had unfinished inner issues that I had to resolve, and I.. I didn't want to drag you on, not knowing how I'd end up."
It felt like a panic attack, but in the best way possible.
You hadn't realized how long you stayed quiet, just looking at him and listening to his heart.
"Say something, please." Peter broke your trance.
"I.." You gulped. "Why- You- Oh fuck it-" You pulled Peter by his collar and kissed him.
Peter's hands immediately found the back of your neck and pulled you in closer, if that's even possible. You struggled to keep your composure. His hands clawed and grabbed your hips gently, but you knew the desperation was there. The need to be alone in a room and just fuck the shit out of each other -- you felt it too.
You broke the kiss to get some air, but Peter let out a small 'no' before pulling you back in.
It was hungrier, yearning for a taste of everything. It felt very, very hot. Peter's touch burned you and felt like it left marks. Your lips felt bruised and swollen, but fuck you couldn't get enough.
He only hummed, lips still busy leaving kisses down your neck.
It felt like you were drunk, there was a coil in your stomach and it made you want to jump into his arms. If it weren't for his neighbor who yelled "get a room", you probably wouldn't have stopped.
You finally pushed him away before you got too dizzy and passed out. Peter chuckled and still managed to hold you close to him.
"I'll.. I'll go bring in the ship." You panted.
"Good." He smirked. "We can make even more new memories there."
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a/n: I'm so thirsty.
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iamatinydinosaur · 6 months
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I like you
Branch was in his bunker, spring cleaning. Ever since he got his colors back he's been a lot happier. However, they haven't gone back to his true colors. But at least he got some of it back, because of you. Ever since your dance together he couldn't stop thinking about you. In the song he said I. LOVE. YOU! Then why hasn't anything changed? That's because you thought he only meant it in a friend way.
After the Bergen incident you started to develop feelings for Branch. The fact that you colors came back because of him made you realize. Yep you like him.
You were walking to the entrance of his bunker. "Branch!" You shouted. Branch heard you and ran to let you in. He climbed out his bunker. "What are you doing here? I told you I was spring cleaning today." Branch said. You held up a bucket with cleaning stuff. "Can't I help?" You pouted. Branch smiled taking your hand. "Of course."
Before long, you two were cleaning together in a comfortable silence. You two don't have to talk all the time, you just love being in each other presence. That's one of the things Branch loves about you. All the other Trolls talk his ears off, but you respect his boundaries. You're so considerate of him. Giving him space when he needs it, you push him little by little to be more social so he isn't so isolated, you make sure he eats because when he's focused of things he tends to forget about it and you always ask him to show you how to build stuff.
Ever since he found out how much he likes you he's been super nervous around you. He wants to tell you how he feels. He starts off with confessing but then changes it at the last minute. The last time went along. "I really like you....r bread can you bake some?" You started to get suspicious cause they always start off with "I like you" and then he turns it to your.
"Branch can you help me, I can't reach to dust." Branch turned around chuckling. You were on tiptoes on one foot, one leg in the air and at your highest reach trying to dust in the top corner. He walked over and gave you a boost, you sat on his shoulders and go the last cobwebs in the room. "Got them." You stated. Branch was about to set you down but lost his footing. You gripped his head as you started to fall forward (I dunno if any of you have watched Haikyu but I imagine it would look like this. 😂😂)
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Branch managed to maneuver your bodies. He did a little turn so you fell on him. All the cleaning supplies were scattered around the room, creating a huge mess. You and Branch were staring into each other's eyes. Branch went bright red. "I'm so sorry!" He was trying to push you off but you weren't having it. He had been beating around the bush for so long. You took him by his jacket and pulled him close. Branch's eyes widened. You had kissed him quickly. "Branch I swear I've been waiting for this for ages. I like you! But you've been beating around the bush for so long!" You exclaimed. Branch look astounded. "Wait I wanted to make the first move!" Branch groaned lying back down. You pursed your lips together and pouted. Branch peaked at you and noticed your face. Yeah that wasn't the reaction she wanted. Branch took you softly by the back of the head sitting up. You expression softened as you looked up at him. Branch pulled you closer and kissed you.
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"I like you too."
A/N: okay here's Branch. I fell asleep halfway through writing this last night, so I thought I'd quickly finish it. The gif I've used at the top. So I'm a massive Kpop stan and Red Velvet was one of the groups that got me into kpop. Along with BTS and Twice. The fact we got to see red velvet in it and Branch dancing to Russian Roulette sends me high!!!! Russian roulette is Soo good live!!! I saw them at a kpop festival last year they were so good.
So I'm leaving for my family's soon so that's my last piece of work for the next few days as I'll be spending a lot of time with them. When I'm back I have two requests I'll be working on.
I hope you all have a lovely Christmas!!!
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littlemelaninfics · 2 years
Can you write something with Chris Evans on Thanksgiving and the reader is his best friend and is into him. You can decide if fluff or smut. 🥰
And sorry for my English. It is Not my native Language 🙈🤗
Wanting You
a/n: This is more fluffy-angsty. I really hope that's okay. Happy Thanksgiving, all!
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"So you're gonna tell him?"
"What? I don't know. I highly doubt it, Scott."
"Why not? A mini road trip through the country to my mom's house for a holiday party couldn't be more perfect!"
"This is your brother we're talking about. The Chris Evans. Take all that celebrity shit away and he's still a guy who's not in my league. Or more I'm not in his."
"But you don't knowww that, Y/n."
"Has he said something or something? Is that why you're pushing this so hard?"
"He hasn't said anything, Love. But if I know Chris, he doesn't have to."
"Ugh! You are no help. What kind of infomant are you?"
"A pro bono one."
"I hate you."
"I love you too. Just hurry up and get here!"
"I will! He's on his way."
"Okay. See you when you get here. Tell him!"
"Bye Scott!"
You were putting the last finishing touches on your makeup when your phone started to vibrate,
"Happy Thanksgiving, Fucker!"
"Happy Thanksgiving, you jackwagon! Are you here?"
"Rounding the corner now."
"Perfect. See you in a sec," you hung up the phone and went to grab your light brown coat. When you opened the door to your apartment, Chris pulled up a second later. He got out of the car and your heart skipped a beat.
He was wearing a dark sweater and dark jeans with his hair perfectly set. His Rolex was on perfect display and the Raybans sat flawlessly on the bridge of his nose. What got you though was the chain around his neck that swayed with every step. Chris Evans never let it be forgotten that he is that bitch.
Chris rounded to the passenger side of the car and opened the door for you,
"Hey! Happy Thanksgiving!"
"Happy Thanksgiving, Kid," he said bringing you in for a hug.
Kid. The nickname you dreaded because a man like that doesn't want someone with 'kid' attatched to their name. He wants a woman and that's what you are. You two get in the car and drive off to his mom's house.
"So what have you been up to. Give me the deets. The 411."
"Ew, Chris don't say that haha!"
"Whaat? I'm hip."
"Hip people don't say 'hip'."
"Seriously. How ya been, Y/n?" He asked turning to you for half a second,
"Honestly, stressed. I just had midterms and now I have to study for finals. On top of that they raised my rent. It's only $100, but still. When you don't have it..." you said shaking your head.
"Why didn't you tell me you were having money problems?"
"Because it's not your problem, Chris."
"But it can be."
Did he just? Wait, have to be sure,
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, you've been there for me in my darkest hours. Whether it's prepping for a new role or being a better agent than my actual agent. You know me better than anyone and I hate that I can't be there for you. Or wasn't allowed to be there. Just don't hold out on me."
"Damn, Evans. I might actually take you up on that."
He chuckled and squeezed your left knee. The friendly act sent chills down your spine and your blood run cold. It's been so long since you felt like this for someone because he was right, you did know him better than anyone. There's no denying the way you two flow in sync so effortlessly.
You and Chris continued to catch up and honestly gossip a bit until you reached his moms,
"Y/n! Hi! Welcome! Come on in!"
"Hey Lisa! Thank you!"
"How are you, Sweetheart? It's been so long," she said helping you remove your coat.
"Too long! And I've been okay!"
You take a couple more steps in and walk to the left where the family was. The living room was filled with scents of amazing Thanksgiving food and decor. Turkey, macaroni and cheese, and so many sides that you were sure to be eating leftovers for a week. It made your belly rumble in hunger, but you knew Lisa most likely needed help. Your favorite smell, however, was the apple cinnamon candle Lisa had been lighting since you met her.
After mingling with his family, you walked into the kitchen and Chris stayed to finish catching up in the living room. You couldn't help but smile when you heard him do his "monster voice" and the shrieks and giggles of the kids that were there.
You, Carly and Lisa were all laughing, drinking and cooking when Chris came in just to bug. Lisa slapped his hand away from taking one of the cookies and he gave massive bear hugs all around. He tickled Carly but let his arm linger on your shoulder for longer than normal. When you looked up at him, all he did was smile and wink at you before victoriously sntaching a cookie and running off to watch Football.
Carly and Lisa went to entertain while you agreed to stay and watch the food. You heard the doorbell ring while you were away and a slight uproar of excitement. Scott was laughing fakely when he came into the kitchen a few minutes later,
"What? What happened?"
"Don't freak out, but Lucy is here."
"Chris' ex girlfriend! The one he was with and only broke up with because he was moving to LA!"
"She's here!?"
"Yes! I had no idea my mom invited her. I would've given you a heads up," he said placing a hand on your back. He went back to the living room festivities and left you to hang your head low. How would compete with a ex who is only an ex because of location difficulties? You were pulled from your thoughts at the sound of Chris' imfamous laugh. You peek your head from the kitchen and see them buddied up together on the couch.
You instantly took the bottle of wine and refilled your glass. This was going to be a long night.
More and more of his family started pouring in and you'd be lying if you said you didn't stick out like a sore thumb, but the level of comfort you had around these people was unmatched.
It was finally time for dinner when the whole family gathered around the table. Grace was said, the children were served and you took a seat next to Chris and Lisa.
You had two more glasses of wine during your meal before going and grabbing the other plate of rolls for the table and taking your plate to the sink. When you returned, Lucy had mirgrated to your seat and Chris was whispering in her ear. You had stopped in just enough time for no one else to see you stare them down. It wasn't until he whispered something and smirked that you rolled your eyes.
You sat next to Scott on the opposite side of the table and now it was his turn to squeeze your leg in comfort. You took in the time to soak her in up close. Her wavy brown hair and piercing deep blue eyes was exactly what you thought of when you heard of a Chris Evans ex girlfriend. She was taller than you thought and looked very well put together. Like she had her shit on lock.
You continued to drink, trying to ignore the lovebirds kee-keeing right across from you when Lisa pipped up,
"So Lucy, what is new with you? You look good."
"Oh thank you, Lisa. I've been great! Working and selling house after house-"
"And apparently looking good doing it," Chris whispered to her. She giggled while slapping his arm and turning back to his mom. You rolled your eyes hard and took another sip. Chris peeked it and furrowed his brow before tuning back into Lucy.
Everyone moved to the living room for dessert and those two carried on. Scott and the wine were your best friends that night since yours was preoccupied. You know it was stupid to feel jealous because Chris didn't even know you liked him so how is that fair?
When you saw him place a kiss to her cheek, you lost it. Mind you, it was probably the alcohol but still an outburst ensued,
“Chris!” you shouted as you stood. All eyes were suddenly on you, “will you help me with something real quick?” He nodded and rubbed her thigh while mouthing he’ll be back. When he stood, she grabbed his arm and pulled him down to whisper in his ear.
All you heard him say was “Naughty, naughty” is a sing song voice,
“Today, Chris.” He gave you a “What the Fuck” look when you two walked off from the crowd,
"What is your problem?"
"Nothing. You can just canoodle with I Love Lucy later," you said turning to walk off.
"Hey. Stop," he said following you to the next room, "What's your deal with Lucy? You've been giving her dirty looks all night."
"Believe me when I say I haven't," you rolled you eyes once more.
"There! There are those fucking eyes. Look I know you're drunk, but that doesn't give you the right-"
"Fuck you, I'm drunk! I'm fine, Chris. Everything is fine! I'm fine, Lucy is fine, you're fine. We're all fine!"
"Kid, what is going on with you?"
"Ugh! I'm not a fucking kid! I pay taxes, I pay rent and I give a killer blowjob!" Chris' eyebrows went up, "What don't you see in me? I've been right here. I know all your shit and I handle some of it myself. What more could you want?!"
The words were just slurring out at this point with no end in sight.
"Y/n, let's not do this here, okay? You're drunk and you're just saying things." He started to walk away and was almost fully in the living room. You of course chased after him,
"Why are you disregarding my feelings?"
'What feelings?!"
"For you! My feeling for you!"
"Chris?" Lisa said.
The two of you looked at each other before realizing you were back in front of everyone.
"Is everything okay, Chris?"
“Ha ha ha. She’s fiiiine. I think someone is a bit of a lightweight.” Scott tried to cover the awkwardness, "Why don't I take her to lie down." He quickly pushed past Chris and ushered you to the den. He sat with you while you nursed your water for a little bit until you were okay to be alone.
You had been by yourself for about 5 minutes when Chris walked in with his hands in his pockets. You groaned and reached out your hands wanting him to come join you on the couch. Chris gave you a little laugh watching your arms stick out in a childlike manner for him. He lifted the blanket covering your legs to join you on the couch. He put your legs in his lap and tapped on them gently,
"You know I love you, right?"
"Just not in love with me..." you said quietly.
Chris took both your hands in his and brought them to his lips, looking deep in your eyes. His arm wrapped around you shoulder pulling you into his side. Chris pressed a kiss to the side of your forehead and lingered his lips on the soft skin,
"It's just not our time, Kid. I've thought about it. For years I've thought about you, but I can't just thrust you into my other life which happens to be the biggest one. It's not fair to you and I'll be dammed if I lose you, Y/n. I love you."
All you could do was nod and wipe a falling tear,
"I love you too," you whispered out. He leaned in more and you sat up to meet him for a hug.
"Awww is everything okay now?" Scott asked, entering the room with his mouth full of thirds.
"Absolutely perfect," Chris said sending you a smile and a wink.
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lulamadison · 4 days
So last night I had a drunk idea for a fanfic. It was miserable as hell, but I seemed very excited about it, judging by my tumblr posts 🤣
Today I found a text file named "Anti Lawrusso fic" on my phone, and it was filled with notes for this fic, so I decided to actually write it... (I am a huge Lawrusso fan, so this fic idea took me by surprise when I read it lol)
Sorry about any mistakes. I haven't even read this through, but I'll fix them tomorrow
I'm actually going to warn for dub-con on this one, even though everything is consensual.
Summary: Johnny will do anything to keep his kids safe, even if it means lying to Daniel.
I Was Made For Loving You
“I love you,” Daniel sighed as he tenderly brushed his fingers through the hair at Johnny's temple.
Daniel was laid on top of him, his weight pressing down, trapping Johnny's spent cock against his damp belly.
Johnny stared up at him, grateful that Daniel was was still with him.
He'd do anything to keep Daniel happy.
No matter what.
It was strange the way it started, Johnny thought.
Daniel had confessed his love in the dojo one day and it had taken him by surprise.
“I love you,” Daniel said, as he reached out and placed his hand on Johnny's arm. “And I know you feel the same way. I've seen how you look at me.”
Johnny took a step back, his mouth opening and closing, before he finally said, “You love me?”
Daniel's face fell, like a sudden and crushing realisation had just hit him, and Johnny couldn't figure out what the hell was going on.
“Oh my god,” Daniel said, as he closed his eyes
“What?” Johnny asked, his head still swimming in confusion.
Daniel looked down at the floor, his face flushing red, as he quietly said, “You don't feel the same way.”
“Wait,” Johnny said, holding up a hand. “You love me?”
“I need to go,” Daniel said, as he turned and started to walk away. He glanced back, over his shoulder and said, “I'm sorry. Just forget this happened.”
“Daniel!” Johnny shouted after him, as the door closed.
Johnny bought a six pack on the way home. He already had one in his refrigerator, but six beers wasn't going to cut it. He needed to get wasted tonight.
Three beers in, sat on his couch, and he still couldn't get it straight in his head.
LaRusso was in love with him.
They were good friends now, yeah, but love?
How the hell had that happened?
Johnny was just thankful every day that LaRusso seemed to have forgiven him for what went down between them back in high school, and he really valued the friendship that they had now. Daniel was someone he could rely on, and he didn't have many people like that in his life.
Sure, he was a loud mouth cocky little shit at heart, just like he'd been at 16, but he knew if he needed help, or simply just someone to grab a beer with on Friday night, Daniel would be there for him.
Apparently Daniel had seen their friendship as something more than that though.
“Shit,” Johnny said, as he sat upright.
Daniel had split with Amanda just a couple of months ago.
Had Daniel left his wife for him? Had LaRusso blown apart his own marriage, only for Johnny to shoot him down in flames?
Daniel wouldn't have done that surely, not without finding out if Johnny felt the same way?
“And I know you feel the same way. I've seen how you look at me.”
That's what Daniel had said, just after his big confession.
“Fuck,” Johnny whispered to himself.
He went to the refrigerator and took out the second six pack.
He really should have bought more beer.
Daniel didn't come to class for the next week.
“He hasn't been answering many of my messages. I think he's sick,” Sam said with a frown, when Johnny asked her where her dad was. “I haven't seen him much to be honest. Since he and my mom split he hasn't been the same.”
“OK, well if you talk to him will you tell him I was asking after him?” Johnny said.
Sam shrugged, she turned away, and over her shoulder she bitterly said, “Tell him yourself. You probably see him more often than I do.”
After class Johnny stopped off at the Mini Mart for more beer.
There was something in Sam's reply that filled him with dread. Did she know her dad was in love with him? Did she know that Daniel torpedoed his own life for a guy who didn't have a clue how he felt?
Johnny picked up his beer and took it to the register, then said, “I need a bottle of Whiskey too.”
The guy placed the bottle on the counter and rang it up, barely looking up as Johnny handed over the cash.
Johnny grabbed the bottle and headed out of the door, walking quickly across the lot towards the van.
As he rounded the corner, pulling his keys out, he came face to face with John Kreese, and dropped the bottle of Whiskey.
“Fuck!” Johnny shouted as the bottle hit the ground and shattered.
“It's for the best,” Kreese said. “You drink too much.”
“What the hell, man?” Johnny asked, staring at him. “What are you doing here? The cops will be looking for you.”
Kreese shrugged. “I'm sure they have more pressing matters than searching for an old man.”
“I'm going to call them, you know?” Johnny said, as he jabbed a finger into Kreese's chest. “You need to be rotting in a cell.”
“I came with a warning,” Kreese said, his face growing dark.
“Oh yeah? What's that?” Johnny asked. “You gonna try something?”
“Terry is getting out of jail tomorrow,” Kreese said. “And I know that he has his sights set on your boy.”
“What?” Johnny gasped. “How is he getting out of jail after what he did?”
“Money will buy you a lot of freedom,” Kreese said.
“Why the hell is taking his shit out on Robby?” Johnny asked. “He should be coming after me or LaRusso.”
“He's not really interested in Robby,” Kreese said. “Taking Robby away from you is your punishment for your part in his downfall, especially now the boy is without a Sensei.”
“What the hell's that supposed to mean?” Johnny asked, taking a step forward. “Robby is my student.”
“No,” Kreese said. “LaRusso is his Sensei and with him in the wind, Robby will be easy to poach.”
Johnny stiffened. “What do you know about LaRusso?”
“I know you've had a falling out and he's no longer on the scene,” Kreese said. “It's a shame because he was really the only thing keeping Terry away, now he knows how to beat him.”
“Daniel?” Johnny asked. “Silver is scared of him?”
“As close to fear as someone like him can feel,” Kreese said with a shrug. “And without LaRusso it's open season on you and your students.”
“You're lying,” Johnny said angrily.
“Am I?” Kreese said, raising and eyebrow. He turned and began to walk away, then turned back and said, “I guess time will tell.”
“Shit,” Johnny said, as he paced his living room.
The kids were in danger. Robby was in danger, because Johnny had scared away the one person who was keeping him at bay.
He had to do something. He had to bring Daniel back.
He couldn't do this without him. He couldn't imagine a world where Miyagi-Do didn't win, and he couldn't do it without Daniel.
He knew what he had to do.
Johnny sat in his car outside LaRusso's new place, downing the last of his Whiskey. He'd drank the small bottle while sitting nervously, trying to get the courage to knock on the door.
His head was swimming with the alcohol, blotting out his thoughts.
He had to do this.
He dropped the empty bottle into the footwell, then climbed out of the car.
He walked down the path and rang the doorbell, praying that Daniel would answer.
The door opened.
“Come to watch me embarrass myself again?” Daniel slurred, holding a bottle of beer in his hand.
“No,” Johnny said as he took a step inside and closed the door after himself.
“So what are you doing here?” Daniel asked, swaying on his feet.
Johnny took a deep breath, then he reached out and grabbed Daniel, as he said, “I came for this.”
He pushed Daniel against the wall and kissed him, pressing his tongue past his lips and into his mouth.
If Johnny kept his eyes closed it was no different to kissing a chick, he reasoned. As long as he ignored the scratch of stubble against his chin.
Daniel groaned into his mouth, raising his hands and threading his fingers through Johnny's hair as he pulled him closer and kissed him hungrily.
Daniel stopped, squirming away, and putting a hand on Johnny's chest, pushing him away.
“No,” Daniel said. “You don't love me.”
“You took me by surprise,” Johnny said, as he reached out and gripped the front of Daniel's shirt, pulling him closer.
“Bullshit,” Daniel said. “I thought you felt the same way, but you acted like you'd never thought about me like that ever.”
“I'd been ignoring my own feelings for so long I'd gotten used to denying them,” Johnny said desperately. “That's why I acted like that.”
“You really do love me?” Daniel asked, his eyes lighting up.
“Yeah,” Johnny said. “I do.”
Six months.
They'd been together six months now.
Daniel didn't seem to notice or care that Johnny was drunk every time they had sex.
It was what he had to do to get through it.
The fact was that Johnny wasn't gay. He didn't find men attractive. He didn't find Daniel attractive, but a man's hand on his dick was still a hand on his dick, so it looked like he enjoyed the sex at least.
The first time Daniel suggested they try anal Johnny knew he wouldn't be able to get it up, so he let Daniel do him.
It felt strange and awful, but he still came.
The rest of the time, it was just like before. They were like two best friends who just happened to live together and sleep together.
Johnny could still count on Daniel to be there when he needed him. They still taught classes together. They still had a drink on Friday night's and watched movies together, just like before.
It was worth it to keep Terry Silver away, Johnny thought.
“I love you,” Daniel breathed again, his fingers still tenderly brushing the hair at Johnny's temple.
Johnny looked up at him, seeing Daniel's eyes so full of love and care.
It was worth it.
It was worth it to keep Daniel happy and the kids safe.
It was worth it to keep Robby safe.
“I love you too,” Johnny lied.
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Cleaning off blood.. ✲ Five hargreeves x gn! reader.
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Five hargreeves x gn! ex-partner-reader [warning; description of injury and pain.]
Oh my beloved readers, hasn't it just been an eternity off me promising to upload and then never uploading, whatever shall become off me. P.S, I'm shit at writing descriptions of first aid, kind of just going off whatever feels right in my head, this ain't gonna be the best considering its the first time I've written anything In about a year, but this mostly too ease me back into writing with something I've similarly done before. Enjoy.
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It was cold out, the snow that had set the day before had iced over, a cold breeze span itself in the air and when Five went to open the front door a chill ran down his spine and he shivered, not only because of the cold but because of who was standing in front of him.
If someone had asked five if he had ever expected to see you like this, droplets of crimson that looked speciously like blood, brown splotches of dirt and grey patches of ash stuck to your face, hair and clothes, He'd ask them what they were on and why they'd ever ask him such a question. Because he really didn't expect such a thing. But looking at you now, standing at the academy's doorstep with your hand soaked in blood and clutched to your abdomen, questions were sent ringing through his head, were you hurt, was it your blood, did whoever had hurt you follow you here? 
He didn't bother asking, he stayed silent. He took the hand that laid limply at your side, not on your stomach, and gently pulled you indoors. The academy was cold, colder then it'd been when you were there last and since Grace, Pogo and the rest of fives siblings were no longer around too upkeep the condition of the building, cobwebs made their appearance in far to reach corners.
Words remained unspoken until long after he got you too the top of the stairs, he ushered you into the bathroom, sat you on the edge of the bathtub, reached under the bathroom sink cupboard and pulled out the first-aid kit you'd used to fix him up on occasion. He did a once over of you, then the room was silent apart from his rummaging, hands reaching for the alcohol. His eyes met yours and he guided your forearm in front of him. There was a large cut you had forgotten was there, which when you finally noticed it, started to sting horribly. "This is gonna hurt, but the sooner its done the better." He said, before popping the lid off the bottle of alcohol and pouring it on your arm. You flinched away from him, yanked your arm back and he let go of your arm out of fear of hurting you more. "I've got to, you know I've got to. if I don't your gonna end up getting it infected and I think you'd rather have me deal with It now rather then when its more painful."
"I don't want you touching it at all." you spat back.
"if that was true you wouldn't have showed up on my doorstep." He stated, you stared at him, glared and then gave your arm back to him as he got out the needle and thread. "I won't demand to know what happened, its not my place after what I did but if you want to talk about it I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."
He made the first move to dig the needle into your skin.
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There you are, short and hopefully enough to fuel your obsession for a couple months, Hopefully it won't be that long until I write again, who am I kidding though, you'll probably scroll past this on the x reader tag looking for more only to notice that you've already read the one after this like I do.
Gonna write for rick Sanchez next because I'm a simp for old men.
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alittlextrathatway · 6 months
Line: "These kind of wounds they last and they last." Location: kitchen
While I'm on an AU streak, lets do another.
She was the last person he expected to see tonight.
It's been years since he last saw her.
Being traded to Vegas was the death knell of their relationship. The distance killed them slowly, but the second he moved he should've seen it coming.
Still, he loved her too much to give her up without a fight -- until it was clear he wasn't making her happy. Until she asked him for space. He did what she asked and they haven't talked since.
He's out bonding with his new-yet-old team. He thought about calling her when he was traded back to Chicago but he didn't want to disrupt her life. She broke up with him, after all.
Sylvie spots him, despite his attempt to lay low by crouching over his drink at the bar. He doesn't hear her gasp, but he can see the way her shoulders lift and her chest expands. She looks like she's seen a ghost. Hell, maybe she has. The ghost of a relationship past.
Since he's been seen, he waves and smiles sheepishly. Wordlessly, he apologizes for interrupting her night and he hopes she understands. Her shellshocked expression melts into a fond smile as she returns his wave. The look in her eyes is one of empathy and nostalgia. She knows this run in wasn't intentional because she knows him better than that.
They don't move toward each other, don't try to speak. It's enough for now to acknowledge they exist in the same city again. He watches her pull her phone out of her pocket and tap out a text. A few seconds later, his phone pings with an alert.
He glances down and grins at the familliar number lighting up his screen and the words staring back at him.
"Chicago's missed you."
"I've missed Chicago too," he types out in response. He hopes she reads what he really means to say.
This club only has drinks and it's well after one in the morning. She can't mean now, can she? "When?"
"Now. I know a place and I’d love to catch up."
What else can he say but yes?
Thirty minutes later he ends up sitting at her kitchen table, a cup of decaf coffee in his hands.
"I was worried you'd be pissed at me when I first saw you at that club tonight," he says, holding her stare and trying to read every gesture or expression she makes.
"Why?" She asks, settling back in her chair, raising her mug to her lips without taking a sip. "You weren't the problem, Matt. The circumstances were."
"The circumstances wouldn't have been a problem if it weren't for hockey -- for my career. It's not a wound I inflicted, but it's still a wound, Sylvie, and I've felt it every day since I left."
"Me too," she confesses, setting the mug back down. "Those kind of wounds, they last. I thought breaking up would make it easier, but it only made everything harder."
"It did?"
She nods, lowering her eyes for the first time since they sat down. "We both have wounds, Matt. You're not alone. All we can do now is let them go and start over."
"Start over," He repeats, hope filling him and spreading through the rest of his body. There's a lightness coming over him that he hasn't felt in years.
"If...if you want, I mean."
He reaches across the table, grabbing her hand and threading their fingers together. "I do, Sylvie. I want that."
She smiles, eyes misting over, and takes a deep centering breath. "Good. I was hoping you'd say that."
He never thought he'd get a second chance with her, but now that he is he won't take her for granted ever again.
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rorywritesjunk · 3 months
Buggy gets scammed by Silver, his adorable and precious daughter. He's working on some maps, looking over to see where they could go next for treasure and other things. She knocks on his door which is surprising because his kids generally barge in for attention. He looks up, confusion on his face as she stands there with her hands behind her back, wearing a sash that has different trinkets Sunny sewed onto it for her.
"What is it, kiddo?"
Her face lights up and she walks right up to his desk, revealing the box of cookies she had hidden behind her back. Ever since their last supply run and seeing some kids selling goods outside a store to benefit a club, Silver decided she wanted to do it.
Buggy frowns when he sees the box. He didn't recognize the brand of cookies. "Where did you get that?"
"Hello! I am selling cookies for my club, if you buy them it means I can do fun stuff!" She told him, holding the box out to him. "One box is twenty five hundred berry."
"Twenty five hundred?!" Buggy exclaimed before handing the box back to her. "Nope, too much."
"B-But daddy..." Silver pouted, lower lip sticking out as her chin wobbled and her eyes filled up with tears. Oh no. Oh no.
"Now, uh, hang on." He didn't want her to start crying. He hated when the kids cried and hated it even more when he was the one to cause it. "Ahhah, is that just for one box, the twenty five hundred, or uh, one cookie?"
"J-Just one box." She sniffles, wiping at the tears rolling down her cheeks. Buggy would probably regret this but he didn't want her crying so he pulled out an envelope from his desk, wincing as he counted out the amount and handed it over to her. Her face lit up and she swapped the money for the box. "Thank you for your business, sir! Enjoy!"
She left after that while Buggy shook his head. He opened the box and started eating the cookies.
"That's weird, where's the box of cookies I bought?" Sunny frowned as she looked through the pantry. "It was here an hour ago."
"I didn't do it." Gold said. "I've been with you the entire time. It was probably dad."
"I doubt it, he hasn't left his office all day." Sunny sighed as she shut the pantry and turned around. "I'll have to pick up another box next time we stop somewhere. They looked tasty and I was excited to try them."
Silver came in moments later, looking proud of herself as she sat at the table. Sunny was about to ask what she had been up to when Buggy came in next, hand in the box of cookies with crumbs on his shirt. Sunny pointed at him.
"You took them! I was saving them!"
"Aw, babe, I was supporting Silver and her uh, club." Buggy said, wiping his hand on his shirt. "Gotta support the kids, y'know, like a good parent."
"Supporting- what are you talking about?" Sunny asked as Buggy reached into the box and handed her a cookie.
"I bought them from her." Buggy shrugged. "Twenty five hundred."
Sunny looked at their daughter. She was counting out the money at the table with Gold. "Buggy, love, I paid three hundred berry for that box."
"... Three hundred?" Buggy repeated. Sunny nodded as she ate the cookie. "I paid her twenty five hundred!"
"Teaches you to eat my entire box of cookies " Sunny said. "You can buy me a few extra next time we stop."
Buggy glared at his wife and then at his daughter. Silver looked up at him and smiled brightly. Ugh, it wasn't hard giving in. She looked quite proud of herself right then.
(Lmao walked by a Girl Scout, said no to the cookies, and then immediately came back and bought a box of thin mints)
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reggie-writes · 1 year
Wrench’s Birthday- Wrencus Oneshots
If you like it there’s more on Wattpad.
*Drug and suicide topic Warning*
It's been a few days and Wrench hasn't been looking too good. He surprisingly showed up yesterday after not coming in for 4 days and he was miserable. That's not all, he barely even talked to us. I've asked him multiple times if everything was ok, and he just replied with "I'm fine" with that fake tone that he gives to stangers.
I'm hoping he comes in today because it's his birthday and I got him something. Usually, it's just me and Wrench that exchange gifts on each other's birthdays.
This year I got him a particular gun, which I can't get out of our 3-D printed machine. Not saying our 3-D printed ones aren't good, it's just that Wrench has been talking about this "Daredevil" shotgun. It's an expensive gun and highly rare because there are only about 50 of them worldwide. And guess who got their hands on it? I grin to myself knowing how ecstatic Wrench is going to be. He's been talking about this ever since I met him, the way he glows when he explained what he's wanted for years.
The day was slow at the hackerspace, just watched the clock go from 8 to 9, to 10, to 11 and it felt like it could never end. I couldn't get up and leave because we all working on something important. Finally, it reached 6:30 I immediately got up and left. I forgot to say goodbye to the rest of them. Since Wrench didn't come in, I decided to stop by his house. It wasn't that far of a walk, it was only fifteen minutes away.
The rain pattered on the blacktop beside me. It was calm, especially when a car doesn't pass by. The birds were chirping and the frogs were croaking. The fog began to roam in. When I turned the corner, I saw Wrench outside taking a drag of his cigarette, also talking to some lady dressed in white fishnets and knee-high boots. They exchanged goodbyes and she disappeared around the other corner. I continued walking staring at the ground. I couldn't help but think he got a hooker for his birthday, I didn't understand why I felt a certain way like I was upset. He thinks he could call up a hooker but can't even chill with his friends?
I was pissed off about that and was going to tell him off but as I walk closer to him, his eyes were shallow and you can tell he was sleep deprived. He was in a trance like he was thinking hard about something. I was concerned about him now.
"Hey Wrench," I say clearing my throat.
He looks up at me with sorrowful eyes. "Hey man." He takes one last hit of his cigarette, throws it on the ground, and crushes it.
There was a moment of awkward silence before I spoke again.
"Well, I stopped by to give you something."
He raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything. His eyes glance over to the suitcase, being held by my sweaty hands.
"Okay." He mumbled and opened the door and turned on his living room light. Then the smell takes me back to when I was younger. The stench of cigarettes. How many packs did he smoke a day? I didn't wanna ask because I didn't want to be rude. There have to be like 30 empty cartons laying around. The last time I was here, this place only smelt a tad bit like pot and was a tad bit messy. Now it's worse, probably because he's not okay.
We sat down and Wrench snapped back to reality. He took in his apartment's scenery as I unlock the suitcase.
"Shit man, sorry for the mess." He apologized. "I really got to get myself on track." He rubbed his eyes.
"Hey don't worry man, shit happens in life. You know?" I stared into his eyes and glanced back to the case.
I slide it over to him, and he carefully opened the lid. He looked astonished with his jaw hanging wide open.
"Ma- mar-." He couldn't speak.
"I know, I kno-." I got cut off by Wrench's tight squeeze.
"Marcus I love it!" He sobbed.
"Are you crying?" I gently whispered.
He loosened his grip, then let go shortly after.
"Thank you so much." He grabs the gun carefully out of the case. "How-? How did you-."
"I found it in a dumpster behind Arby's." I grinned.
"Aw fuck off." He nudged me and examined the gun like it was an artwork.
"I gotta try this thing tomorrow. Oh! I got something too!" Wrench got up and ran to his room. Immediately he comes back out holding 2 perfectly wrapped blunts and his bong.
I chuckled. "Man, you're the best!"
We leaned back onto the couch and gazed into each other's eyes. We weren't super close though, but I could still tell his eyes were red. We were silent for a few minutes until Wrench smirked and we began laughing our asses off. I don't know why I found it funny but I just did. It felt like we were laughing for hours, but it was probably only for 10 minutes.
"You wanna go somewhere to eat?" I was getting bored and hungry.
"Yeah man sure, we can go to Milos bar around the corner." He stood up. "I'll go grab some..."
I grabbed his wrist. "It's on me, I'll pay."
"Look what you got me, Marcus!!!" He points to the gun. "Just let me at least pay half please?"
I got up and let go of his wrist "No, Wrench. It's your birthday."
"Fine." He exhaled and put his mask back on. "You'll let me pay next time."( ~ ^)
"Alright deal." We head out and began walking.
We arrived and sat down at the bar. Wrench and I ordered water, I'm not sure if we're going to drink tonight, but I have extra money on me.
The bartender served us our water and some chips. Wrench took his mask off and we began snacking on them immediately.
"Damn, these are the bomb," I said with my mouth full.
"I know." He continue to eat the freshly baked chips.
Time went by fast and we realized we were out of them so the waiter comes by and takes our order. We both got appetizers so it was quicker to make.
"So- How've you been? Are you okay?" I started to fill the void of silence that Wrench was purposely creating.
"Ugh-." He cleared his throat. "Yeah, I'm fine." He shoves a whole bunch of taco dip in his mouth for only half of it to fall out. I hand him a napkin and laugh.
"No but seriously, how's your head? What's going on with it?" I asked concerningly.
Wrench looked like a deer in headlights.
"I'm just depressed. As always? What do you want me to say? Aww Kittens, Rainbows, Fairies, blah blah blah." he rolled his eyes.
"What's making you upset." I didn't want to go too far if he didn't want to talk.
"Meh, a lot." He mumbled.
I noticed he was getting upset so he decided to back off. " We don't have to talk about it now, just let me know later if you want."
"Alright, tell me what's up with you?" he pushed the chips to me since he was done.
"I've been worrying about you, but there's nothing new really. We got some work done at the hackerspace." I continued on about the work the crew has done.
"I hope they don't think I bailed on them." he frowned.
"No, no. They're worried about you more than anything." I reassured.
"Really?" he looked shocked. "I'm sorry, I just didn't realize people thought about me."
"Dedsec is family Wrench, including Ray. We're always here." I was concerned that he thought that.
The bartender gave us our food and smelled delicious.
Wrench murmured. "Can I try a piece." then placed a mozzarella stick on my plate.
"Yeah of course." so I gave him a wing.
The bartender asked if we wanted anything to drink, and we ordered a drink each. Wrench got some fancy rum thing and I took a beer.
Time passed and Wrench was on his 8th rum thing and I was on 6 beers. Wrench was more fucked up cause he was slurring his words a tad. I was slightly drunk, I didn't wanna drink too much so we can walk home.
"Heyy M?" He looked up from his drink after staring at it for a while.
"Yes?" I turned over to him.
He got quiet and thought for a moment while tapping the glass. "I don't wanna make you feel bad. But Ima say it anyway if you don't mind."
"Wrench you're not going to hurt my feelings. What's up?" I wasn't expecting much.
He struggled to pull his phone out of his pocket. "I was born at 9:42, it's 9:41."
"Happy birthday!!" I started shaking his shoulder and he softly smiled. I grabbed my beer and gestured to drink. So he grabbed his cup and I put my arm around his shoulders. We cheered and chugged.
"So your 25 now?" I joked.
He chuckled to himself then his smile dropped. He barely managed to say. "You know, yo- you saved m- me today M."
My heart slightly sunk since I was confused.
He looked down at his feet resting on the footrest. "I was gonna end it at 9:42." he gulped.
I was dismayed and my immediate response was to hug him. If I didn't see him today, he would've bit the dust. Fuck man. Losing him would make my life miserable, I just wish he knew that he means so much to me. I wrapped my arms around him tight and he moved closer to me. I can tell he was softly crying on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry Wrench. I should've come by sooner, I was so caught up with-" I stopped cause he let go of the hug with tears still forming in his eyes. He placed a finger on my lips. "Shh.." then slowly dragged it down and started at my lips for a second then back up at my eyes. "Don't feel bad, don't apologize. It was my fault. I was so lost in my head man I get into these weird depressive states and it almost won this time again."
"Again?" I raised my brow.
"Yeah, when I was a teen." he picked up his drink and took huge gulps.
"Oh wow." I felt very sorry for him. I had an idea that something was going on but didn't know it was this severe.
"I'm sorry that you're friends with an unstable person. I wish all the time that it would fade away, but it always comes back." His hands were cupped around his drink looking at his feet.
I sighed. "It's not your fault Wrench that's just how you are. Yes, I know it gets scary sometimes, you might have to be more positive in those times You know I care about you, my life would turn upside down."
"I try M, I really do. I have so much ballsly confidence and when it's time to end it. I don't second guess myself. It's my mind M and I can't fix it myself. I think I need meds but I don't wanna take them. I tried overdosing back when I was 16 so it's kinda traumatic taking medicine regularly. Then I think it's just better off..." he stopped for a second "Being fucking dead." He looked up at me with sorrowful eyes.
I was silent processing his feelings. I felt a pain in my chest, I cared so much for him. I hated to see him like this.
"I just realized today, that when I'm with you, they all disappear. I'm able to think again."
That made me smile and I rubbed his arm.
"Not cigarettes, not pot, not beer. Yeah, they help me to confront things with ease but..." He thought for a few seconds. "Since the day I fucking met you they just began to silence. Every time we hung out when I had a low day you always bring me up."
His eyes were moving slowly almost like they weren't keeping up so where he was looking at. 
I felt a warm feeling inside me, usually, this happens a lot with Wrench. I just didn't think about it too much before. It was there briefly in the past, this time it was lingering. I didn't know if this was a crush feeling because I thought I was straight.
"That means a lot Wrench, thank you. You always cheer me up all the time.  I'll be here through every step of the way" It felt like I was blushing.
"I wanted to say that I'm not saying I depend on you for happiness 'cause I have days that I do it myself. You just mean so much M, you are closer to me than any other friend or even other family I had. You know?"
"I believe you, I believe you." I nodded. "I'm getting tired, and you're slurring a lot, we can continue this convo walking home right?"
He nodded. "Sure thing, imma go piss." he hopped off the and I practically caught him.
"I'm ok, I'm ok." He tried to maintain his balance.
"Are you going to make it to the bathroom?" I placed down the cash with the bill.
"I don't know, maybe not. How are we gunna make it home?"
"We'll find out." I patted his back.
So I guided Wrench to the bathroom he was able to follow he was slow. I also went too and next thing he was holding the wall for balance. So took him back out, grabbed the change, and left the tip on the table.
"Where are we going again?" he couldn't keep his eyes open.
"Your house." I opened the door for him.
"Home? It's pitch black out."
I grabbed his hand and he opened his eyes wide. "M, are you making a move?"
"No, you keep closing your eyes I'm going to make sure you don't end up somewhere else."
"Oh. Well Marky Mark I feel something when you hold my hand."
"My hand?" I wasn't too sure what he meant cause he was plastered.
"Oh right! Duhh." He laughed then tripped over his feet. "Shit."
We walked for about a minute till he blurted out. "Wait no, mentally. I feel it inside." he pointed to his chest.
I squeezed his hand and he looked down at the ground grinning.
I hear this one song play in my head by U2. The beginning of where the streets have no name.
The sidewalk was uneven in some places so we were stumbling and laughing hard. We were intoxicated.
At one point Wrench fell into the grass which made me fall onto the cement. He stumbled to get back up then screamed, "I'M NOT LETTING YOU TAKE ME THIS TIME!" then smiled. "FUCK YOU!!" He raised his middle fingers at the trees. It echoed back strangely and it sent a shiver down my spine. I was still on the ground admiring him and the moment that he was having. I didn't understand why and I didn't need to.
He turned around and his smile was bright and he managed to walk over to me. "You need help there buddy? Why are you on the ground? Didn't I fall?"
"You took me with you." I got back up and held his hand again.
The rest of the way we walked home still holding hands with the beginning of that song still playing over and over again.
We walk into the door he threw his vest on the couch as he dragged me into his room. He ran over to his radio and turned it on.
He tackled me into his bed. "Ahh woah!" I wasn't expecting that.
We were face to face as he held himself up by his hands. He had a big grin that made me blush stupidly hard.
He kissed my cheek and snuggled right up next to me. I put my arm around him and cuddling with him felt so natural and so right. I was focused on the lyrics of this song but I didn't know it. I began running my fingers through his hair.
"What song is this?" I mumbled.
"Explosions, three days grace," he mumbled back.
"I like it."
I woke up and realized I was at Wrench's house. There was something warm wrapping around me and grabbed the hand to look at it. I saw his incognito tattoo and my eyes widened.
"Wrench?" I whisper to myself. Did I sleep with him? Or was this platonic? I was confused so I laid there for about 30 minutes trying to put the pieces together.
I eventually remembered what Wrench told me and then his scream in the woods. But had no memory of us flirting. It felt like a dream trying to figure out what the fuck just happened.
So I turned over to him, he was sleeping peacefully and his arm slightly rested on my waist still. I smiled as the butterflies swarm my chest again I remembered the feeling last night. I just couldn't recall what was exchanged between us.
I can't be in love with him, am I? I get up just to clear my head still trying to figure out what happened last night.
I stretch and take in Wrench's scenery, empty bottles, empty cigarette boxes, and dirty laundry everywhere. I check the time it was 9:30 so I figured I would just clean a bit so he can have a fresh start. Living in his apartment would give me much anxiety as it is. I put the blanket back on him and he just looked so adorable. Maybe I am into him.
I silently clean up his room did a load of laundry, threw out the garbage and wiped down his dresser, emptied his ashtrays. Swept the floor and then moved onto his living room. Picked up all his stuff off the ground and then switched the laundry. Sweep and cleaned off the counter and tables. I placed his shotgun back onto the coffee table for later.
I was going to make breakfast, but I had to clean out his fridge and wipe it all down. Then I started, at 1:00 making food for us. While I was at the stove cooking, I heard footsteps from behind.
"Good morning M, why is my apartment cleaned up?" he questioned,
"'Cause I did, after we eat you got to change the sheets. Also, most of your laundry is in the dresser."
He stayed silent so I turned around. His mouth was slightly ajar.
"I just figured you needed a little help for a fresh start." I shrugged and continued cooking.
He sat down on his barstool which was behind me. "What happened last night? What did I tell you?"
I thought for a second. Did he not remember? I barely did but I knew something happened.
"You told me what was going to happen last night." I frowned remembering that part. I placed his plate in front of him and sat down across from him.
"Why are you doing this M? I appreciate your help, I do. I'm just confused."
I knew I would've helped him either way even if I wasn't interested in him. "Well, 'cause I care for you. I was worried about you, so I hope it'll be a bit easier for you."
Then that song started to play again in my head. Then I remember that Wrench pointed at his heart and said inside. He feels something inside in his chest but we were hammered so that was the best way to say it.
"Thank you, M." he was shoving the food in his mouth.
"You told me last night that you liked me, Wrench."
His eyes shot wide open, stopped chewing then swallowed. "I- I what?"
"I had to hold your hand walking home and- you told me that you felt something. I woke up to you on my back."
He looked off to the side trying to remember. "I've always felt something when I'm with you. I just don't remember anything last night."
That gave me so much relief because I was starting to fall hard for him.
"Do you Marcus?" He asked.
I nodded quickly. "Look, I would've given you a fresh start ethier way. But I wanna take this slow Wrench."
"Oh yeah, I agree." He nodded. "I have to recover from it. Marcus I would love to start a relationship with you, but I just can't right now." he started to tear up.
I grabbed his hands and held them. "I know it's hard, I'll be here. You take as much time as you need. If you are having a bad day, call me and we'll hang out."
"Ok, thank you M." he got up and grabbed out empty plates, and threw them in the dishwasher. He noticed his fridge on the outside clean, then opened it. "Oh my god! Marcus! You didn't have to, it looks so much better."
He ran over to me and kissed me on the cheek and hugged me. I wasn't expecting that but shrugged it off.
"You've done so much for me."
We both got up and put the clean sheets on then made the bed. He dove into the bed after it was made. I laughed then it reminded me of last night.
"Hey, do you wanna try out your new gun today?"
"OH MY GOD YES YES YES!!" he bolted into the living room.
I smiled as I walked out of the room and closed the door.
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errornameredacted · 8 months
through thick and thin, i'll be here
note: this isn't about the actual life series, just a rp server based on them (the one I've been insane about for the last 2 months)
Bdubs had grown used to the shadows that curled and twisted, stretched out as if they are just short of reaching something most desirable. He'd seen them many a night, watching them warp and disfigure with the setting sun. Like the sun that ever so slowly dropped right now. Bdubs was sat on a little patch of grass, one of the very few not covered in flowers or weeds, head rolled back to embrace the golden glow. It was just reaching twilight. It wasn't very often he gave himself a break like this, so he made sure to soak up the moment. The way the clouds drifted through the air, the way the leaves danced with the light breeze. His hand dug into the ground, but no dirt was lifted. Ah. Bdubs had forgotten he was a ghost.
The last few days had been...quite the ride. It was another on of the games, with the watchers monitoring their every move. But this one was different. Not everyone felt that pull, that need, that bloodlust. Only some had that little voice that told them to burn the world to the ground. They were given the name "The Hands," and they had one mission: leave no one alive. And there was only one other difference, but it would change everything for everyone, Hand or not. There was no second chances, or third chances , or any for that matter. One life, that's it. And, of course, Bdubs lost it. Skizz had somehow made his way into the Crastle, and it was like killing a fish in a barrel. He'd tried to defend himself, but there was no point. A 6'1 behemoth of a man versus a 5'4 stick isn't a fight up for debate.
Which is why he's sitting here now, the light passing through his semi-transparent body, most notably the ebbing gash ripped through his gut. Void only knows why it hasn't closed yet, though it's probably a dead thing. But a positive (depending whether your a glass half full kinda guy) is that things like food, water and, most obviously, sleep. He didn't do anything incredible during the night, just watched the mobs stumble around brainlessly. And watched over Cleo, of course.
Once everyone was gone, when the town lost its final stand, only Cleo was left. She never could die, so they left her to rot. Only the ghosts could stay with her, but they all went their own ways. Bdubs didn't have anything against that, they had all been through absolute hell, but he just couldn't leave Cleo. He had nowhere else to go anyways. So, he just, kind of, stayed. He stayed by her side, desperately trying to play a part, even though the credits have already rolled.
Cleo was alone. Well, mostly, but we don't talk about Skizz (no no no no), and Bdubs and Sausage stayed with her. She was nothing but a shell of the person she was. No more cocky remarks, no more piercing laughter, just hatred and fire. The flower valley was the first to burn, the memorials of the fallen lost in the blaze. Next it was the crumbled remains of Dogwarts, then Monopoly Mountain, and the simple but Shelby and Katherine lived in, and the Plainer's house. Last of all was the Crastle, tore down and built back up, Bdubs could only watch as it fell once again.
There was nothing left for Cleo then, so she left it behind. All over the world, she wander hoping for a way to end her misery, but the two ghosts still followed her. Now, Bdubs can't speak for Sausage, but for him, staying with Cleo was a easy choice. He had made a promise to her, they're still a team, and that means no abandoning the other. Despite only talking twice since coming back to this hellhole, despite her tearing down the one thing that distracted Bdubs from the chaos outside, despite everything, he stayed.
Cause they're still a team, right?
soooooo i did a thing m'lao. I wrote this in like, 2 hours in the car and. honestly, im happy with it. planning a sequel now, it's probably exactly what you think it'll be.
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The True Meaning of Family - Chapter 4
Summary: A found family Supernatural AU. Ophelia Humphries is an English 19-year-old who is just trying to finish her online history degree when she receives a letter from two brothers she never knew she had.
A/N: Omg we're at chapter 4! Thank you for reading the fic, I hope you're enjoying it. If you didn't see the first three chapters, you can find chapter 1 here, chapter 2 here and chapter 3 here. Let me know what you think <3
T/W - Mentions of death and emotionally abusive relationships
"Okay, everything is okay. Everything is okay right? Please someone in this car tell me that this is okay!"
"Ophelia, don't worry, everything will be fine. You have Sam, Cas and I and we're not going to let anything happen to you. I promise." Dean reassured Ophelia.
"You promise do you? Is that why Cas had to resurrect you in 2008? Because if you ask me that doesn't sound like a small risk." Ophelia said to the man that sat on her left.
"Damn it Cas you told her?" Dean said with anger in his voice. He turned to face the angel in the back seat.
"She asked how I knew you both, I didn't see a reason to lie to her. She is your sister after all. The chances are that I'll end up bringing her back at some point too." He replied.
"Hey, how about we don't say things like that while I'm driving. Do you guys know not to distract the driver or does that not exist in the States?" Ophelia raised her voice above the argument that had erupted between Cas and Dean.
"Do they always bicker like an old married couple?" Ophelia asked Sam.
"Yeah, they do." He replied in a voice that seemed to say he was tired of it.
The men settled down again. "To be honest, I'd rather die trying to help people than from old age." Ophelia continued in a softer voice. "If I do help you guys, then I know that that'll be a risk."
The car ride was quiet for the rest of the journey.
"Right, now, I've not had a chance to warn my mum that we are coming. Cas, would you mind not coming in? I think it might overwhelm her." Ophelia asked looking into the rearview mirror to make eye contact with the angel.
"Yes, I understand. Would you like me to wait in the car or would you like me to go home?"
"Oh well, that's completely up to you. Is there anything you need to do?"
"Not really, Ophelia. I will go back to the bunker and wait for one of you to call me."
"Wait… Can I do that?" Ophelia asked
"Of course you can. I will listen out for your calls now Ophelia. If you had needed an angel beforehand though, I would have been there." Cas replied.
A smile creeped across her face. It was nice to know that someone was watching over her even if she didn't know it.
"Can you tell us a bit more about the situation with your mom and her boyfriend?" Sam asked cautiously.
"Hmm… Yeah well now seems like as good a time as any. It's kind of silly really. Brad, her boyfriend, is a really shit person. While my grandad was alive it wasn't too bad but since he died six months ago it got worse." Ophelia took a deep breath and glanced at the photo of her grandad William.
"Brad was emotionally abusive to me. I think he has been physically abusive to my mum and if he hasn't yet I think he will. It got really bad once Grandad wasn't there to protect us."
Dean reached out and patted Ophelia on the knee in reassurance. She continued. "About five months ago we got into an argument, I can't even remember what it was about, and he threatened to kick me out. Mum wasn't strong enough to stand up to him. So, I left."
"You said you were mending things with you mom though right?" Sam asked, hoping he was remembering right.
"Yeah, the day I replied to your letter I stayed at her place that night. We talked, I don't know if she really took in what I said but it's a start." Ophelia's smile came back to her face. It occurred to both Sam and Dean that Ophelia was putting on a brave face for them.
Ophelia pulled into the same spot she filled the last time she was outside her mum's house.
"Well, this is it guys." She announced turning the car's engine off.
"It's a nice looking place. Bigger than I thought it was going to be. I thought all English homes were small and joined up." Dean remarked.
"This house would have been for someone very wealthy back in the day." Ophelia said laughing. "Probably an old slave trader as we're so close to the sea. Grandad picked it up really cheap when him and my grandma were first married. It was in such a state, practically falling apart. He fixed it up."
She locked the car behind her and they all said goodbye to Cas before he took off. Ophelia hadn't realised that he made a whooshing sound when he took off.
The three Winchester siblings walked towards the front door. Ophelia had that familiar sick feeling in her stomach again. She hadn't been home since her mum gave her the letter. It was enough to make her feel light headed.
Dean was the one who knocked on the door. He stood slightly in front of Ophelia while Sam stood behind her.
They all waited for the door to open. Dean looked back at Ophelia and smiled, she looked nervous. This was the first time Dean had felt slightly protective over Ophelia, despite only knowing her in person for half a day.
When he first found out about Ophelia, he wasn't sure if he wanted to know her, at the end of the day it would be someone else to look after. He considered not telling Sam about the pages about her in a diary he had never seen before. At the end of the day though, he couldn't keep that secret from Sam.
They talked about it for weeks, going back and forth on if they should send the letter or not. Sam was all for it from day one and once Castiel had said the angels had been keeping an eye on her Dean realised that she could possibly do with knowing about them on their terms and not on some monsters who wanted information.
Ophelia smiled back at Dean and went back to chipping at her deep red nail polish.
A man opened the door, Dean assumed that this was Brad. He was shorter than Dean was and had dirty blonde hair that looked greasy as he had slicked it back.
"Hi Brad." Ophelia piped up from behind Dean. It was as if she was hiding behind him. "Is my mum there?"
"Ophelia, yes she is. Who are these men?" Brad replied with a strong tone of detest in his voice.
"Oh, we're her brothers." Dean said in a commanding voice. He extended a hand towards Brad and continued. "My name is Dean and that's Sam. I believe what Ophelia is too afraid to ask is can we come in to see her mom?"
Brad cautiously shook Dean's hand. He winced as Dean gripped his hand tightly.
"Yes, well, um. I believe she is in the garden. I can take you there if you want." Brad said, trying to regain control of the situation.
"Oh no. That's okay. I think Ophelia knows the way to the garden in the house she grew up in." Sam replied in an equally stern voice.
Brad just nodded and stepped aside for the three of them.
Ophelia walked into the house first, followed by Dean and then Sam. She kept her eyes to the ground, not making eye contact with Brad. Dean and Sam didn't take their eyes off him as they followed Ophelia down the hallway.
When they were alone Sam spoke in a hushed tone. "Are you okay Ophelia? That seemed difficult for you."
"Yeah, it was Sam. I just don't need the greef from him today. If you guys weren't here I know for sure he'd find something to have a problem with."
"It's okay. We're here for you. We've got your back." Dean added.
They continued through the kitchen and out into the garden. As it was about three in the afternoon the winter sun was getting low in the sky.
"Hi mum, what are you doing out here? You'll catch a cold." Ophelia said to get her mum's attention.
Sandra was sitting on a woven outdoor chair, wrapped in a bright yellow blanket. In the low light she looked quite ill and worn down.
The boys stood by the back door while the daughter greeted her mum. It was nice to see a genuine parent and child relationship. Dean didn't remember when that last happened. He came to the conclusion that it was probably when Bobby was still alive.
"'Phelia, what are you doing here? I wasn't expecting you." Sandra said with a surprised tone.
"Yeah, about that mum, I'd like to introduce you to two people." Ophelia beckoned Sam and Dean over to her. "These are my brothers mum, this is Sam and that is Dean and we all need somewhere to stay for a few nights."
Dean reached his hand out. "It's lovely to finally put a face to the name Ms Humphries." Dean said. His voice had more of a southern twang now then Ophelia had heard previously.
Sandra shook Dean's hand. She looked shocked and as if she had seen a ghost.
Sam also extended a hand. "Hi Ms Humphries, Ophelia is a lovely girl. We're so happy to have her be a part of the family."
"You both look so much like John…" Sandra said in a soft voice. "I'm so sorry for your loss. I loved him very much and he gave me the most precious thing in this world." Sandra glanced at Ophelia. "You say that you need somewhere to stay for a few days. I think I can manage that."
"Are you sure Brad won't mind?" Ophelia asked sheepishly.
"I won't give him a choice. Sam and Dean are as good as family and I won't have him drive away any more of my family." Sandra had a firmness to her voice that Ophelia had not heard in a few years. "Now, lets get back inside. I'm making a lasagna tonight so you guys came on the right day. 'Phelia, darling, could you go put the oven on? I'm making homemade garlic bread too."
The girl gave her mum a deep hug before walking into the house again.
"You boys will look after her won't you?" Sandra asked.
"Of course we will but I don't think she needs it Ms Humphries, she seems like an incredibly strong young woman." Sam replied.
"She is, but I don't want to lose her. I lost your dad and I cannot lose her too. My dad told me what John had told him, I didn't believe it but when I talked to John it all made sense." Sandra admitted to the two men in front of her.
"And you didn't tell Ophelia?" Dean questioned. "Why?"
"It was for the best, I didn't want her to go into the industry. I expect that you've told her and that's why you're here? For protection?"
"Yes ma'am, we had a little scare at the hotel we were staying at. Thought it would be best to come here to regroup." replied Dean.
Sandra nodded her head, it made sense. Ophelia wouldn't just turn up out of nowhere unless she had to. She wouldn't risk it.
The conversation was interrupted by Ophelia calling from the back door. "Hey guys, you might want to come back in as Brad is getting bitchy about how cold it is with the door open." Her face gave the impression that she didn't care that much.
Sandra wrapped the blanket around her tighter and headed back inside followed by Sam and Dean.
The afternoon turned into the evening. It was filled with laughter, cooking and childhood memories from all three Winchester children.
"I remember dad teaching both Sammy and I how to drive and oh man, it was bad to begin with. Sandra I don't know if dad drove you anywhere but that man did not drive well in his old age." Dean said through laughter.
"Well at least you didn't have grandad teaching you. Imagine it, I'm 16 years-old and I get into the front seat of his car for the first time and I get this lecture."
Ophelia composed herself and mimicked her grandad. "Now, Ophelia, this car is my one pride and joy other than your mother and you, but if you scratch her not only will I never talk to you again but I'll leave her to a local car buff." She burst into laughter as soon as she finished the impression. "Obviously he was joking, but it was enough to make me do fifteen in a twenty mile an hour zone."
"He gave me that same speech when I learned to drive!" Sandra added. Ophelia could see genuine joy and happiness on her mum's face, this wasn't something she was used to seeing.
A timer pinged and Ophelia stepped away from the large oak table that stood in the kitchen. She picked up a tea towel and pulled out the fresh baked bread. She carried it over to her family and placed it on a board in the center of the table.
"That smells amazing Sandra." Sam said.
"Oh, you're too kind, it's a simple recipe really. Have I taught you how to do it 'Phelia?"
"Yeah, mum, it's in the recipe book you made me last year."
"Can you keep it down. Please. Some of us still have work to do." Brad interrupted the jovial mood. He works from home occasionally.
"Sorry, Brad. We'll keep it down." Sandra's face dropped at the request.
"I expect you to. Unlike some, I have an actual job that isn't just a glorified hobby." He replied. He gave a stern look at Sandra and headed back to his office.
"What was that about?" Dean asked cautiously. He knew something was not quite right about this whole situation and could understand why Ophelia was so uneasy about leaving her mum alone with Brad.
"Mum is an artist. In recent years her business has taken off, she makes prints and paintings as well as jewelry and soft furnishings like bedspreads and stuff." Ophelia remarked with great pride.
Sandra looked at her daughter's face and smiled. "I've even been talking about branching off into interior design. Everyone compliments me on how I've designed this home so why not do it in other people's homes too."
"Well I think that deserves a toast!" Dean said. "What drinks do you guys have in?"
"Well, we have real British ale, Scottish whiskey and Irish whisky as well as some other spirits. Oh and there is a cider in here, no idea how long that has been here." Ophelia said while ratcheting around in the cupboards and fridge.
"I'll have some Scottish whiskey please Ophelia." Sam said. She filled a glass with a large measure and passed it to him.
"I'll have one of the ales kiddo." Dean said. Sam looked shocked at this. "What? You were the one who said when in Rome right?" Sam just shrugged his shoulders at his brother.
Ophelia poured a glass of white wine for herself and Sandra. "Hold on there kiddo, wine? At your age?" Dean said slightly shocked.
"Dean, the drinking age here is eighteen. I've been having alcohol from probably the age of sixteen. It's okay man, I'm almost 20." Ophelia replied.
Dean looked embarrassed and raised his glass. "To newly found family and new business ventures." They all clinked glasses in celebration.
The night continued on. Brad said he was too busy to join them for dinner so he took a plate of food to his office. Ophelia was annoyed by this. Her mum had put so much work into making everyone feel welcome in their home. Secretly, she did like it that he wasn't there. She could relax.
It was getting late and Ophelia felt herself getting more tired. It was probably the wine that she had, it always made her sleepy.
"I can show you guys to the spare rooms if you want?" Ophelia said, hoping the boys will pick up on the hint she was dropping.
Sam did pick up on it. "Yeah, sure that would be great. Lets go get our bags."
The three of them headed towards the front door. "Oh are you guys leaving so soon? We didn't spend any time together." Brad said pretending to care.
"Actually, we're just going to get our bags from the car. We're staying a few nights." Sam replied.
"That's odd. Sandra didn't run this by me."
"Does she have to? I mean, it is her house and we are family." Dean added to the conversation.
"No you're not family, Ophelia is family and she doesn't even stay here do you Ophelia?" Brad stared at the girl.
"Anyway, that's beside the point. Sandra has said we're staying for a few nights and as this was her fathers house and not yours." Dean continued. His voice was harsh and protective against Brad's confidence.
Accepting defeat this time, Brad turned and walked into his office which was just off the main hallway.
Sam opened the door as they headed towards the car. Once outside Ophelia thanked her brothers. "It means a lot to me for you guys to stick up for me like that. He really knocked my confidence when I left and I know my mum isn't as strong as she used to be. Every time I go to open my mouth I stop because I know I can't win."
"Don't worry about it Kiddo, like we said, we're always going to be there for you." Dean ruffled her hair, disturbing the curls which now found themselves in Ophelia's eyes.
She reshaped her hair and playfully slapped her brothers hand away from her hair. She had known these two men for all of nine hours and yet it felt like they had known eachother since birth.
After collecting their stuff from the car, Ophelia showed the boys to their rooms. "If you want clean towels there are some in the bottom draw in Sam's room. Oh and if you get cold there are blankets in the airing cupboard in the bathroom."
"Hey, Ophelia, sit with us. We should start talking about what we're going to do." Sam said in a soft, caring voice.
Ophelia nodded slightly and sat cross legged on the end of the bed next to Sam. Dean perched himself against the draws on the wall opposite the door. The tree looked at eachother, unsure who should talk first.
Sam took the first step into a new conversation. "We don't feel comfortable leaving you sleeping in your car or in random hotels."
"It's not that bad, it gets a little cold at times but it's not too bad." Ophelia said, she was fiddling with her hands, picking at her nail vanish again.
"We know exactly how bad it can be. Don't pretend with us kid." Dean said "We had eachother so it wasn't too bad. You don't have anyone when you're out there."
Ophelia shrugged "What do you suggest I do?" Her voice was wobbly.
"Well, there are two options. You either promise us to move back in with you mom." As Sam said this he saw Ophelia tense up slightly. Brad really frightens her more than she outwardly lets on. "Or" Sam continued. "Or, you come to America with us."
She looked up at Sam and then at Dean. "You guys can't be serious… I can't just up and move. What about school? And mum, what's going to happen to her? I can't leave her here on her own."
"Well then, looks like you're moving back home then." Dean said with some humour in his voice.
"Dean this is serious. You both hardly know me and you'd take me in?" She ran her fingers through her black curls, unsure what to say next.
"You said school is online right? So you can do it from anywhere with an internet connection. The bunker has that. As far as your mom goes, she'll be fine as long as she doesn't move house. We can get Cas to drop in on occasion too if that makes you feel better." Sam made the argument for the move.
"Can I sleep on it? This is a lot to take in… It's been a long day." Ophelia finally replied.
"Look, take a few days if you need. We will stay with you until you have made up your mind." Sam said.
Dean nodded in agreement. Ophelia got the impression that they really wanted her to go with them.
"Won't it be dangerous?" She asked.
"Most likely, but don't think you're coming out with us on hunts until we both think you're prepared. I'd personally be more than happy for you to never come on a hunt with us." Dean emphasized the point of being prepared.
Ophelia would love to go out with them at some point but she understood that she is both mentally and physically not capable of doing that at this moment.
"Look, it's getting late, go get some rest kiddo, and we will talk more in the morning." Dean said.
Ophelia stood from the bed and wrapped her arms around Dean. This didn't take Dean by surprise but what did was how small she was. She was much smaller than he thought she was, he had met women her size before but none that looked as delicate and helpless. He leaned into the hug and placed his chin on the top of her head.
She let go of Dean and hugged Sam who had also stood up from the bed. Sam put his right hand on the back of her head to hold his baby sister close. He had always wanted a little sister and was secretly loving every moment of being in Ophelia's life.
Sam squeezed Ophelia just for a little longer before letting her go. She headed towards the door but before she left she turned back towards the brothers.
"Thank you both. I'll see you in the morning, sleep well." The two men nodded in response.
Ophelia headed back towards her room but before she could get to the door a noise distracted her.
"You let them stay? Two strange men that Ophelia brings over and you let them stay?"
"Brad don't be ridiculous, they're her brothers. I'm not going to say no to them."
An argument had erupted between her mother and Brad. Ophelia sat half way down the stairs so she could hear what was going on.
"You didn't have the decency to run it past me. How am I meant to trust you if you're just letting any Tom, Dick or Harry stay."
"Again, they're her brothers and she trusts them and if they're anything like their father they're good natured men." Sandra fired back. Ophelia hadn't heard her mum talk back to Brad like this ever. She was proud of her mum.
"Oh, like their father huh? You mean the man who left you with a newborn baby to go back to his family in America?"
"We both agreed he should go back. That was a mutual thing that took a lot of talking about. Do not speak on things you don't understand."
Ophelia was peering through the bars on the banister to try and get a better look at the argument.
"Well, Sandra it seems like you're getting everything your way, like usual. You have no thought for anyone but yourself. You're a selfish woman."
That was the last straw for Ophelia. She ran down the rest of the stairs to be by her mum's side. "You need to leave Brad. Get out of this house." She said with a confidence that seemed to come out of nowhere.
"Oh is that right Ophelia? I need to leave do I? We already kicked you out once and we will do it again."
"No, there was no 'we' in that situation Brad. You kicked her out and I was too scared to stand up to you. It was my biggest mistake." Sandra used the confidence her little girl had shown to stand her own ground.
"Oh come on Sandra, you're a grown woman, you can stand up for yourself." Brad said with a cocky smirk on his face.
"No, not if she's scared of the abuse you'd give her." Ophelia grabbed her mum's hand and squeezed it. "Mum, go up and see Sam or Dean. Brad is going to need help taking things to his car."
"Are you going to let this child talk to me like this Sandra? In our house? There is no way I'm leaving, you're a spoiled brat who thinks she can always get what she wants." Brad said with ease.
"My house." Sandra simply replied.
"I'm sorry?"
"This is my house Brad. My family home. Ophelia is right, you need to go and you need to go tonight. Go pack some clothes and some of your things. We can sort the bigger items once you've got a more permanent place to stay."
Sam slowly walked down the stairs to see what the commotion was about.
"Is everything okay here Sandra? Ophelia, are you alright?" Sam joined his sister next to Sandra.
"Oh this is just what we need. An American butting in where they don't belong." Brad gestured at Sam in disgust. "Listen, Sandra, you're blowing everything out of proportion. We can work things out."
"No, you're leaving today. I'm done with all the abuse. Go pack." Sandra squeezed Ophelia's hand for support.
"Right, well, I'll give you some space for a few days but once you've come to your senses and realise that you're over reacting maybe give me a call and I'll think about moving back in." Brad replied.
By this point Dean had joined the group "Do you need help?" he said feigning sympathy.
"I think I can manage thank you. I don't expect I'll need much as I won't be gone for long." Brad said as he walked passed the group and up the stairs.
Ophelia hugged her mum tightly. "I'm so proud of you." She whispered into Sandra's hair. "I know that was hard for you but it's for the best."
"I never thought I would be able to stand up to him like that." Sandra whispered back.
"I think we should move into the kitchen so we're not just standing next to the door." Sam said. Ophelia let go of her mum and took her by the hand. All four of them moved from the hallway to the kitchen.
A short time later Brad came down the stairs, dragging a large suitcase behind him.
Dean gets up from the kitchen table and heads towards the front door.
"Now, I don't want to be hearing that you've wormed your way back into Sandra's life." Dean said while leaning up against the wall.
"I'll be back, Sandra won't cope without me."
"You seem to not know her very well. I've known her for all of an evening and she seems to have a plan for herself and her future. I mean, have you even talked to her about her plans?"
"Oh her silly art business? Please, that's a glorified hobby." Brad snorted. "Don't humour her."
"I think that it's time for you to go. If you can't support her passion and business then you don't deserve to be with her." Dean replied. He pushed passed Brad and opened the front door. He gestured to the darkness outside.
Brad took his suitcase and walked towards his small silver car.
"Oh before you go. I'll take your house keys too." Dean said.
Brad chucked the keys at Dean before getting into his car.
Dean slammed the door and walked back into the kitchen. He placed the keys in front of Sandra before sitting back down. Ophelia hugged her mum one last time.
"Everything is going to be okay mum, I promise."
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