#and fellow aquarian
thiscastielhasflown · 2 years
sometimes out of blue i remember that dean is an aquarius and suddenly EVERYTHING makes sense
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kannibaleherzen · 1 year
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♡♡♡ Hank Thompson's birthday is today ♡♡♡
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♥ Hank Thompson + tumblr posts ♥
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bunnykaye · 1 year
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🎂🎉 Happy 30th Birthday, Luke Paul Anthony Newton (February 5, 1993) 🎂🎉
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ennaih · 7 months
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Every Film I Watch In 2023:
223. Luv (1967)
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beretheiv · 9 months
I need people to give me a list of good horror authors who are also fellow Aquarians 🤺, from the old to the modern, digital to physical, idc as long as it's horror and is written by an aquarius 🗣️
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saturnbellfromhell · 1 year
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I'm really exited for this post, since it hits close to home! Other than being a Capricorn sun, my moon is also ruled by Saturn and Saturn is the second master in my 1 House. So, me and Saturn have known each other for some time and established a love-hate relationship. It can be quite hard with prominent Saturn placements, but you have to learn from your mistakes and accept many life challenges, because they will mold you into a resilient individual in my eyes.
⬛ Saturn, the last planet one's naked eye can reach in the night. In ancient Rome Saturn was the God of generation, time, abundance and wealth, also being called "the God of time".
In my heart,Saturn is the strict father of the planets. His energy is very dark, ancient, wise, patient with a sprinkle of misery and a good coming of age tale. He seems like he wants to step on you, make your eyes tear up...but he knows why he's doing such. He has witnessed all of this sorrow and wants patient thinkers above all. No daydreamers nor hot-headed individuals in his books.
⬛Many times Saturn breeds lonely individuals. One's who's life path is better without extra baggage.
⬛He really inbodies authority, maturity, boundaries, responsibility, discipline, wisdom, patience, karma, higher thinking and challenges.
⬛ It can be seen as the "boring" planet, since it's energy is so mature, but nevertheless Saturnian energy is extremely powerful.
⬛The lesson is very simple...there is no negotiating with Saturn. No crybabying, no remorse. His cruelty is a lesson to be seen in a positive light. The faster you change your habits, except rough times and be thankful for them...Saturn will charish you with light and knowledge! Also having many Saturn placements means anyone who will double cross you, will get their karma. So not all is dark, not all is bad, not all is ploting against you.
⬛ Saturn rules feminine Capricorn and masculine Aquarius, even though Aquarius is also ruled by Uranus, but I like looking at the duality of the two signs.
⬛ Capricorns are traditional in a sense. They are the grounded grandmother of the signs. With years of downfall and a gaurded attitude they can seem cold hearted. That is farthest from the truth, they are just extremely picky with people they surround themselves. The love language they speak is gift giving/receiving, even though I look at Capricorns as the sugar daddies of the zodiac. They are so in infatuated with working hard to spoil their loved one's. Yes, they are hard working most of the time, yes they can be lonely wolves, yes they can be man/woman eaters. The biggest issue I see with Capricorns is how they perceive themselves as unworthy most of the times, even though they are highly independent. Another note to my fellow sea goats is to not be so vengeful and prideful. Not everything is money and assests, enjoy your family, friends and partner.
⬛ On the other side we have the dizzy Aquarius. The non traditional air sign, clawing away their emotions to seem aloof and careless. But deep inside they really care, but mask it with their amazing sarcasm and humor. Aquarian energy is very humanitarian. They unlike Capricorn have a collective energy. They mold themselves to fit into any group setting. The chameleons of the zodiac. Always trying new things, traveling, meeting new people. They really never stop to think deep, that's where the issue lays.
⬛ So the difference in Saturn's teaching for both the signs are:
〰️Capricorns should release themselves from tradition and try new things to climb higher. They should stop being so stubborn and try to listen.
〰️Aqurians should try more traditional aspects, try solitude for a change. They need more patience.
That's why I've seen a lot of bitterness between the two signs, they are fallen sisters, but always butt heads. It is hard for a serious earth sign to communicate his deep feelings to an intellectual air sign and vice versa. They are so alike, but also so different!
⬛ Also Saturn rules the 10th house or the MC, meaning Medium Coeli or so called your "Midheaven". It rests at the top of your chart and represents career choice, publicity, the workplace, your public persona, status, reputation and sense of responsibility.
Some observations about Saturn placements/aspects:
〰️ Having Saturn in any house means that wisdom in that department will come later in life. For example if you have Saturn in your 7th house, marriage will come a bit later in life. You will have nasty relationships, but at the end you will never settle down with a dusty partner, knowing damn well how that goes. Another example is Saturn in the 1st house, you can struggle a lot with self acceptance and confidence, but it will all get better after maturing. The Last example is Saturn in the 9th house, you maybe will not succeed in greater education at an early age, or you might not travel long distance until your 30s/40s.
〰️ Saturn hard aspects (square, opposition) any planets means the same thing. They are challenges you need to conquer. Ex. Mercury square Saturn, this can mean you have a hard time communicating with yourself and others. Also writing can be quite difficult for you at times. Don't worry, it will come with age and some practice :)
〰️ Saturn in the 1st house can mean you always had to pick yourself up as a child. Too independent, lost a lot of fun years because of it. Also, if Jupiter or Saturn or both are in the 1st house, this means you have a lot of masculine energy. Embrace it, be a father figure to yourself or to others.
〰️ Cap Venuses can be very tricky. Bringing Saturian energy into a house ruled by Venus, the fiery planet of love and romance can be difficult. They need a long time to find their true lovers. Can be very cold and bossy towards partners. But a little secret, since Caps are very dominant, Cap Venuses like a dominant partner at times, passionately dominate. No degrading kinks and such. They love thigh touching and back rubs. You have to be extremely smart or a businessman. No rusty dusty partners over here. Also buy them a gift, doesn't have to be expensive, just very thoughtful.
〰️ Saturn in the 12th house can bring a lot of challenges into your spiritual life.
〰️ Capricorn Mars, especially men are so attractive to me. They are kind of intimidating in a way, but take action so calm. They know what/how to do it. Just a little bit of advice, try to be the listener sometimes!
〰️ Cap in the 10 house means business, and l a lot of it. They don't mess around with anybody that's lower than them. They also have ideas that they think about for years, trying to perfect them.
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zodiactalks · 2 months
FUNNIEST Zodiac Signs Ranked
Many people agree that you can’t manufacture a great sense of humor. You either are born with it, or you don’t have it.
This talent belongs to spontaneous, quick-witted people, who are not afraid to laugh at themselves! These characters are very observant and pay attention to their surroundings, have a curious nature, and are always ready to learn new things.
Humor is usually found in things that are out of place. The better someone assumes unique perspectives or sees things from a completely different angle, the better this person will be at making funny remarks about their daily lives.
A natural sense of humor is also related to outgoing, talkative people and enjoy having an audience to entertain.
Do you consider yourself a funny person? Read on and find out if your sign is one of the funniest in the zodiac!
#1. Gemini
This sociable sign has all the ingredients that make a great comedian: they are outgoing, very clever, spontaneous, and good with words. Geminis are the clown of their groups, always finding how to make people laugh, regardless of the circumstances.
These individuals have a natural skill for witty and simple jokes. They are also very friendly and can get along with almost everyone, making this adaptable character one of their key assets to their intuitive sense of humor.
Gemini will make a great comedian since they are charming and know how to keep an audience engaged for hours to come.
#2. Sagittarius
Sagittarians are also hilarious signs. Instead of dwelling on their problems or unfortunate circumstances, they prefer to laugh at themselves and make a joke about it!
Sagittarians are spontaneous, light-hearted, and adventurous, which means they are ready to turn things upside down and laugh at the outcomes, a typical personality trait of a funny person. There is no tragic situation that Sagittarius cannot reverse with their quirky sense of humor and infectious positivity. For this reason, it’s very wise to keep one of these optimistic fellows around in case you are having a bad day.
#3. Aquarius
Aquarius’ brilliant mind is worthy of admiration. Their cutting-edge ideas make them one of the best comedians of the whole zodiac. This sign doesn’t follow the mainstream and therefore laughs at outdated laws and restrictions with their jokes.
These folks have a detached nature that’s often related to people with a keen sense of humor. Those who are too serious or too identified with the action can’t see the funny side of life.
But Aquarians are able to see the funny patterns in their circumstances, even in unfortunate times. Their sense of humor is social-oriented and aims to raise awareness of society’s injustices and humanitarian concerns.
#4. Leo
Leo is a born entertainment. These individuals know how to keep other’s people attention on them, thanks to their charismatic and bright personalities. As they enjoy having the spotlight, they’ve learned how to unleash their unique sense of humor from a young age.
Their warm characters make their jokes popular, and they succeed at making everyone they know laugh for hours. They have good comedic timing, which means they don’t just have funny words. Leo has a sense of rhythm and delivery that makes them naturally funny.
#5. Scorpio
Scorpio is not very outgoing. In fact, they usually hide their inner self from the rest of the people. However, given the right circumstances, they can come up with hilarious jokes! Although, they are not for everyone's taste.
Nothing is funny by itself. Things are funny for some specific people in specific situations. Scorpio makes other laughs when the audience is in tune with its dark nature. They have a great talent for reading the atmosphere well and be in rapport with the people around them.
This sign is the king of dark humor and the kind of people that understand it has a lot of fun with their wicked jokes. So, if this is your cup of tea, find a Scorpio comedian and enjoy a wonderful time.
#6. Libra
Libra doesn’t really like to take center stage and usually doesn’t have the initiative to entertain others. However, these individuals are charming and are always looking to please their companions, so if the situation calls for it, they will crack a few jokes to break the ice. Libra’s sense of humor is tasteful and classic. They will never say anything inappropriate or offend others with their words. Libra will probably tell all those classic jokes they recall from their childhood and everyone else will just laugh to avoid making this adorable sign feel awkward. After all, they do everything they can to make their companions feel at ease.
#7. Aries
Sometimes Aries has a great sense of humor, but they just don’t realize it! When they get upset about something, their reactions are over the top, and they start spouting all sorts of outrageous things without regard for whoever is listening.
For the rest of the people, this is entirely amusing! Although Aries' intention was not what they expected, they end up laughing at themselves as well.
#8. Taurus
Taurus is a quiet and calm sign, and don’t usually like to tell jokes or make funny remarks. They prefer to go to the movies and see a comedy film instead of making other people laugh.
This sign is too down-to-earth and has a simple way of approaching their circumstances, which takes away their spontaneity and flexibility to find humor in life.
They still appreciate people with a great sense of humor and look for their company when they have spare time and want fun.
#9. Pisces
Pisces is a sensitive and dreamy water sign that tends to observe life rather than play an active role. They lack enough wit and spontaneity to make funny jokes or tell their experiences with humor. Besides, they tend to be quiet and withdrawn and don’t like when all eyes are on them. This sign is sensitive and the last thing they want to do is make other people feel bad, thanks to a misplaced joke. Pisces takes seriously the feelings of each individual and could not laugh at the underlying truths of each person's experience. They have numerous other great qualities, but humor, in particular, is not their strength.
#10. Capricorn
Capricorn is too focused on working and climbing the career ladder to be funny. This sign is known for their pessimistic approach to life and their lack of humor. Again, someone who is too rigid and down-to-earth like Capricorn is unable to look at things from a different perspective, which is pretty much what it takes to be funny and entertain other people! They don't even like comedies and don't get it when others make jokes! They are a little bit too serious for this world.
#11. Cancer
Cancer is a sensitive sign that wears a giant shell to protect itself from the outside world. That's why they tend to appear rude and don't make jokes to not interact with others.
They show a little more sense of humor after knowing someone for a long time, and they feel confident enough. However, their repertoire of jokes is quite limited, and they only show it on special occasions and when not many people are watching them.
#12. Virgo
Virgo is another pessimistic sign, prone to see the glass as half-empty and to expect the worst from their circumstances.
They also don't have much of a sense of humor. In fact, they tend to criticize people who make jokes all the time, as they consider them childish.
For Virgo, there are too many problems in the world to be laughing at those distractions.
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kawaiiflowerharmony · 6 months
This feeling that is so difficult to articulate
Knowing that I am not alone in feeling this is honestly so helpful. I sometimes feel that I am losing my mind...
I try to rationalize it, to break down every thought, every aspect of this feeling, only to still feel stumped. I am a grown woman, fifty years old for heaven's sake!
Missing the guys was not in my plan at all. When they announced that they would be enlisting I prepared myself for the eventuality that they would all be gone at some point. In my typical Aquarian clinical mindset I compartmentalized my thoughts and feelings and decided that I would be fine. They were seven men who don't know I exist. So when Jin left, I was in a space where I knew he would be gone for a limited time and would be back. Of course I missed him. But in my mind, he was just away for a while and would be back soon.
Then Hobi left and I started to feel uncomfortable. Like the sun had decided to just not come up for the day when he was enlisting and it rained so much. Like a small hurt that had become infected and I had no way of getting to it to heal it. Did not enjoy it at all. My happiness was being chipped away inexorably. And I immediately started to prepare myself for the next member's leaving. When Yoongi announced that he was next the hole began to fester, burn and bleed. Then the last four members did their live and it was game over. It was a full blown bleeding ulcer and by this time I cried alone at night so no one I knew and could tease me. It's sad to know that I am alone at home in my well of despair, and that the only person who truly supports me and patiently listens to me jabber on about the guys is my oldest friend who is not even a fan. When I spoke to her today and told her that I'm hesitant to talk too much to her about them, her words were:
"u can talk to me about BTS any day. I'm the last person that needs explanation…u see…I completely understand the connection..its on multiple levels ..its deep and its precious. their music brings out the very best of u…their music instantly opens your heart and mind and u can feel and relate and experience…let me tell u this…. when u were with L…(my ex husband) u were more alone …work people..kids..family…. but so alone deep inside.there was so much space for friendship..for love..for energy..for upliftment…u had to give all your energy away….and get very little in...BTS is like rocket fuel"
And she is so right.
BTS truly is rocket fuel for my emotional well being. I can never make anyone else understand the impact they have had on my life, the way they have made me want to be a better person, they way I have learned to love myself through them. The way I look forward to starting another day and being the best version of myself. That is all thanks to them.
I miss them so much, I miss them going live and just including us in their day. I miss them sharing their vulnerabilities and happy thoughts. I miss the connection I felt each time they posted on Weverse. Knowing they will probably never see my posts does not stop me from showing them love and support. I don't post for them to see it, I post so that my emotions are put out there and my love and support goes to them energetically.
So if there are any other ARMY'S out there who identify with what I have said, I am sending you all huge sparkly purple hugs and I want you to know that your feelings are valid, that you are worthy of the love that BTS feels for you and that you are supported by fellow ARMY'S.
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They each hold a piece of my heart💜
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daylightdreamscape · 1 year
unsolicited opinion
Every time something new happens I get asks about what I think of this or that, I never understood why my opinion (and of other blogs) matters so much, am I some kind of Influencer or what? (cadê meus mimos brasil) so I decided to make this post to clarify some points once and for all.
So here we go
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Will I leave the fandom or him for some reason?
probably yes, in the same way that I gain interest and become obsessed with something very quickly, I also lose interest very quickly (hello my fellow Aquarians, how are you?), at the moment I'm focused on a hobby that I love and had long since left behind, reading! (Hey Devil's night fans, who's your favorite horseman and why is it Kai?)
are you losing interest because of her? NO! Do you like her? Nooh Oh, it's because you are jealous
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over a man that don't even know I exist? (o que é isso, um filme)
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I just don't like her, her personality, her energy, and that's it Do I think she is a racist? It's not my place to speak, and I feel sorry for anyone who was offended by her actions. Do you talk about her on private groups? yes, who don't gossip with friends, It's human nature
are you on LSA?
YES, and I already talked about it here, but apparently some people were dying to share this informatio, I was chrisevans there but now I'm 12AM RAIN (midnight rain the best song of the album) that place sure can be toxic af, like any other place, the problem is not the plataform, it's the users, and that's why I'm not on the main thread anymore, I made great friends there and I love my group (one of the girls reminder of me right after Taylor shared the international dates and she sent me a realy nice message about the show, isn’t good when someone see something they know you like and remember of you? ). and I'm also on discord groups, that's not a crime.
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but some people cross boundaries here, you don't like her? I get you, I swear I do, what I don't understand is why you spend so much energy and time talking about something you're not going to change no matter how much you talk about it.
you are a hypocritical stalker.
this is my favorite one, I do know a lot of information about him that I learned against my will, I was wrong to trust this information to some people I trusted, lesson learned.
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I think I said everything I wanted to, have a nice day/week/year
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rosemarytrash · 2 years
woah requests?? that's crazy...
What if I requested Eridan
my fellow aquarian boi
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The Pedro Boys™️ and the star signs I’ve decided they embody as an astrology bitch part 2/4 — The Fire Signs:
Javier Peña — Aries ♈️
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Strengths: Courageous, determined, confident, honest, passionate
Weaknesses: Impatient, moody, short-tempered, impulsive
Javier embodies the image of the ram so well—taking charge and feeling the need to be in control in all aspects of his life. He’s a focused and determined guy, but also known for his short-temper when it comes to meaningless shit.
As an Aries, Javi would probably find a soulmate in either a Scorpio, or (if you’re looking for a lot of passion) a Leo or Sagittarius. Signs he would likely not vibe super well with would be Aquarius (sad face bc me) and Taurus (butting heads—literally).
Max Phillips — Leo ♌️
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Strengths: Creative, passionate, generous, warm-hearted, cheerful, humorous
Weaknesses: Arrogant, stubborn, self-centered, lazy, inflexible
As a Leo, this man is here for three things: a party, attention, and himself. Though he can come across as vain and a bit of an asshole, he’s always gonna be there to try to make you laugh on a hard day. You’d be hard pressed to find a more passionate and fun-loving partner—just try not to let his ego bother you.
Signs well suited for our Leo Max—Aquarians. Hands down. No competition. It’s one of the most well-accepted pairings in astrology. As for his enemies? The “party poopers”—Taurus and Scorpio. The man needs to have his fun, and they’d likely not be so down for a little vampire action.
Ezra — Sagittarius ♐️
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Strengths: Generous, idealistic, great sense of humor
Weaknesses: Promises more than can they deliver, very impatient, will say literally anything no matter how undiplomatic
My paramour, Ezra. As a Sag, Ezra loves being on the move, finding adventure. He thrives in the outdoors, and willingly or not finds himself as an extrovert. His faults lie in his hot-and-cold instability—but seeing as he’s barely holding on, we’ll allow it.
Fellow fire sign, Aries, would have a very passionate and equally yoked relationship—the two signs balancing each other out in the most chaotic of ways. The sign that may not click so well with our Sag might be Pisces, their love for sitting around and daydreaming conflicting with the fire sign’s need for adventure and travel.
next up — the earth signs
part one — the water signs
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aquarian-queen · 11 months
Introducing Myself: A Troy Otto fan!
Hey there, Tumblrverse! 👋🏽
I'm aquarian-queen, and I'm absolutely obsessed with all things Fear the Walking Dead, particularly the enigmatic character Troy Otto. 🧟‍♂️ I can't get enough of his complex personality, unique story arc, and the incredible acting of Daniel Sharman.
With the rumors that he will return to S8B, I am really excited and honestly a bit anxious what the writers of FTWD have in store for him.
I'm here to dive deep into discussions theories, and analysis about Troy's character development, his relationships with other characters, and his impact on the overal storyline. If you're as fascinated by Troy as I am, I'd love to connect with you and hear your thoughts!
Whether you're a fan of Troy's complicated morality, his survival skills, or simply enjoy his intense screen presence, I am open to join a space to appreciate and talk about this captivating and controversial (with good reason) character.
Feel free to hit me up, ask questions, or drop a message in my inbox. I'm excited to meet fellow Troy Otto fans!
Edit: posting this again, because my post doesn't show up in the tags for some reason 😭 😅
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looneylikeatune · 4 months
Happy Birthday, my fellow Aquarian! I love you so much and thank you for being such an amazing role model and inspiration for me and others over the years. 🥳💖
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ennaih · 8 months
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Every Film I Watch In 2023:
189. Oscar (1991) -- a rewatch
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starryfree · 2 months
Admin can you do a Birth chart analysis on Tom Blyth. I would never guessed he’s an Aquarius sun there’s something really regal but sensitive about him at the same time.
Although Aqua men are weird as hell so he’s probably into radical stuff
He doesn’t have a birth time posted online so there’s not much to go off of. Even his placements could change so 🤷‍♀️
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Pisces moon-saturn and his saturn return rn could make it difficult for him right now. Lots of emotional turmoil and maturity required of him.
Leo mars is great for being famous.
Sagittarius stellium is interesting (venus, jupiter and pluto). Might like experiencing the world, traveling and different cultures and religions.
Aquarius sun and mercury man - standard aquarius shenanigans 🤣 just look at his fellow aquarians (paul mescal, harry styles, the weeknd).
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s-talking · 4 months
happy belated birthday fellow aquarian !!! 🥰💖
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awe, how sweet ~ ! * casually steals you into my pocket *
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