#and even Heather turning away from the other campers
big brain move from the td makers to foreshadow the dogshit character interactions in the tdpi poster
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Notice the lack of closeness? How none of them are touching each other? Giving any indication of friendly interaction? Truly spectacular. By gum, what will they think of next?
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chrismcleanswife · 1 year
Um... Hi! If It's not much trouble could I get some headcanons or a little scenario about being Chris niece? (pref. younger than the campers, like 11-12-13 y/o?).
And I'm forward to see their (all the campers) reaction to the reader being pushed by the team to wake up Duncan in the dodgeball episode and him maybe hurting her without even noticing? Maybe thinking it was another camper or smth...
Anyways hope you have a good day or night! ^^
𝐎𝐮𝐜𝐡! 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚃𝙳𝙸 𝚌𝚊𝚖𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚌𝚝 𝚝𝚘 𝙳𝚞𝚗𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚑𝚞𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜' 𝟷𝟹 𝚢/𝚘 𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚌𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛!
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♥🥀 -> ❝Aw come on Y/N!❞ Bridgette pleaded you, giving you the sweetest smile you could ever imagine.
♥🥀 -> ❝I- I don't know...❞ you murmured, slowly and steadily shaking your head 'no' while looking at the peacefully sleeping Duncan.
♥🥀 -> Chris and Chef were nowhere to be seen at this moment and so on you couldn't ask for help to get out of the situation.
♥🥀 -> You felt two hands on your shoulders and your body froze, knowing you've been just traped.
♥🥀 -> ❝Y/N, you are Chris little beloved thing, do you think Duncan might be able to hurt you? Because I think no❞ was what Courtney said, giving your brain a false sense of safety, knowing you were going to get manipulated into awakening the dangerous teenager.
♥🥀 -> ❝Come on little one! Give us a hand, please?❞ now talked Geoff, making a thumbs up from his place a few meters away from you, but you still shaked your head 'no', knowing this could end up badly to all of you.
♥🥀 -> ❝Please Y/N! He is our only hope!!❞ practically cried Sadie, making pleading hands to you.
♥🥀 -> The social presion was slowly getting to you, and Courtney's grip only seemed to harden as the seconds passed by.
♥🥀 -> You finally screamed the word "fine" as all the team cheered in happiness.
♥🥀 -> Courtney let go of your shoulders and pushed you to Duncan's direction, making your hands slightly tremble at the thought of doing the thing that Duncan warned you to not do.
♥🥀 -> Hugging yourself out of fear you slowly make your way towards the sleeping teenager's body, feeling all the blood in your body go cold as you stop right beside him.
♥🥀 -> You turned your head to the team with a panicked expression, wanting to go back there and forget about all this, but the reassuring and comforting looks they give you is enough to make your hand make it's way to Duncan's shoulder.
♥🥀 -> You shake his shoulder slightly, feeling your hands tremble as the seconds pass by.
♥🥀 -> ❝Um... Duncan?❞ you shakily asked in a low tone as the teenager grumbled, not quite awake yet ❝I- your team needs you! Please wake up or they'll lose!❞ you whisper-scream, lowering your head to his ear.
♥🥀 -> You feel your heart stop beating when your wrist gets roughly griped, you lower your eyes with pure and genuine fear just to have them meet with the ice ones of the boy you were trying to wake up.
♥🥀 -> ❝what.did.I.said?❞ he asks in a hiss, looking at you with a highly disgusted expresion.
♥🥀 -> ❝To... not... wake you up...?❞ you manage to choke out, tears of panic and pain already watering your eyes.
♥🥀 -> ❝Yes. And what did you do?❞ he asked with a creppily calm tone of voice while he looks at you in sheer annoyance.
♥🥀 -> ❝I-I woke you up...❞ you say, the tears already falling from your eyes and making a tour in your cheeks.
♥🥀 -> ❝Exactly, you little piece of shit-!❞ he now screamed, getting himself up in the bench like a flash and using your trapped wrist as a way to throw you to the other side of the dodgeball court, watching with an evil grin as the room goes completely silent once a loud thud echoes inside the glass walls.
♥🥀 -> Everyone turns themself slowly to the direction of the thud, fearing what they might see, everyone is quiet... not even Heather brings herself to say a snarky comment at the situation as she truly took a liking to you.
♥🥀 -> And when you enter in the visual camp of everyone Duncan can hear gasps and a few screams.
♥🥀 -> Duncan turns his head too, now annoyed at their reaction, but when he looks at you he can swear that is heart stopped in it's tracks at the sight of you.
♥🥀 -> Your body was hidden in between a pair of broken benches, blood stained benches, your body was shaking as your broken sobs could be heard across the room.
♥🥀 -> ❝Holy fuck- I didn't mean this to happen...!❞ Duncan screamed-whispered, while all the people in the room looked at him with pure hatred as some of them quickly walked your way, wanting to make sure you were okay.
♥🥀 -> ❝Y/N, dude, are you okay?❞ asked a worried Geoff, wanting to lift you from the ground, but before he could even touch your body you shrank in fright, letting out a choked sob and using your arms as a shield to protect yourself ❝He-Hey! Calm down little one! I don't want to hurt you!❞ he said starting to panic at the fear you so suddenly happened to grow for him.
♥🥀 -> ❝Y/N, we're not going to hurt you! please stop flinching away from us!❞ practically pleaded Cody, who just got to your side, but when he tried to touch your hand, you quickly pushed him out of the way.
♥🥀 -> You got yourself up and quickly ran to the door, bumping into (to everyone's dismay) your uncle, Chris, the host of the TV show they're in.
♥🥀 -> They all froze as you flinched violently at the attempt of your family member of hugging you and you were quick to run out of the dodgeball court onto the woods, your shaky figure disappearing from everyone's visual camp not a minute after that.
♥🥀 -> Chris crosses his arms at this whole thing and at the silence that gets over the place and... frowns.
♥🥀 -> a deeply concerned frown.
♥🥀 -> ❝alright campers.❞ he said in a sinister and deeper tone than usual, not in his usual happy tone anymore ❝who.the.fuck.hurted.my.niece❞ he growled, letting the campers feel the potentiall danger that the adult has now turned into.
♥🥀 -> All the hands and pointy fingers go to Duncan, who gulps and shrinks in his place.
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the-milk-monarch · 5 months
☣︎ Maybe I'll add a part two sometime with Vito, Cody and Scott but for now damn that was exhausting
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Summary: The losers play spin the bottle + aftermath ☢︎ | Total Drama | ~4,5k words | gender-neutral reader ♡ | Mike | Mal | Noah ⚠ | swears | making out | cliche much and using Heather as a plot device? | god I can't write, it's so cheesy
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⚠ | setting: Total Drama Island AU
Most of the people who joined Total Drama have already been eliminated, and so were you. You didn't mind though, as you got to enjoy the positive side of losing - Playa Des Losers.
It was a lazy evening, most of the folks were busy doing their thing, but you were getting kinda bored.
You thought you were doomed with the boredom of yours, until you heard Chris McLean's voice through the speaker.
"Hey happy campers! Guess what. Do you want to win some money, even as a loser?" Were the words you caught.
Some contestants turned their heads towards the source of the sound.
"That's right!" He exclaimed. "You know how on TV there's always some fun hanging out time scenes between the contestants? Well you seem to lack at your job so I'm here to fix it!"
You slightly rolled your eyes at his words. You were a bit of a social anxiety filled loner, but he doesn't have to point that out.
"If you wanna earn a few additional bucks when going home, a measly $100, you're gonna have to play spin the bottle!"
You noticed some gasps, laughs and confused looks from the other people.
You thought the idea is a bit childish, but free 100 bucks is 100 bucks, so you didn't plan to turn down that idea. You were already a loser, so why not get the extra money?
All of the willingly participating contestants joined a shared space near the pool in a small gathering.
You sat down somewhere as well, awaiting further instructions.
Chris instructed for someone to take the bottle and spin it.
"Heather!" He shouted, making the girl turn her head towards the speaker. "You're gonna start! Spin the bottle and give a dare to a fellow loser."
She exhaled through her teeth, making a little "psh." noise.
Her hand twisted the bottle and sent it into a whirl.
"Hey, Chris!" Heather shouted before asking a question. "You want some bonding time, huh?"
Finally the bottle chose it's victim - to your surprise - it wasn't you.
"Yeah?" Chris's voice echoed around, a bit curious.
You were unsure what Heather had prepared, but you knew it wouldn't be anything easy.
"Well then, since Y/N arrived not too long ago, and I observed them hanging around a particular someone recently, why not pull them closer together?" She had a smug smirk on her face, which made you quite worried now.
"Kiss Y/N." Her finger pointed at you.
"Wh- Wha-" Mike lost balance and nearly fell from the chair he was sitting on as he processed the dare.
You also reacted with a subtle and baffled gasp bordering on"wha-".
"But- What? Why? I can't do that, what if Y/N doesn't want to?" He quickly bombarded her with questions, a bit embarrassed he had to discuss this in front of you.
"Then they'll have to take away your chance at the money." She assumed, innocently shrugging her shoulders.
Upon hearing the dare, Chris once again joined into the convo through the speakers.
"Oh, I forgot to mention, both participants get the 100 bucks to share if they fulfill their dare. Fifty-fifty each." He elaborated.
"And no forcing fellow contestants if they don't want to do the dare. That's not cool, dudes." He felt the need to add that last part, especially for TV.
Mike looked at you with anxious puppy eyes, uncomfortable with the idea that Heather came up with.
You froze a bit.
How could Heather figure out you had a sweet spot for Mike?
You thought you weren't that obvious, Mike never commented on it.
You blinked twice before returning the gaze at him.
"Eh- I don't know if- If you wanna do that, Y/N?" Mike started to sweat a little.
You felt the rising anxiety inside you, was Mike gonna comment anything on Heather's comment?
"I mean, I'd never want to make you uncomfy-" He trailed off a bit before you cut him off.
"Um, no- I mean- I-" You noticed you started to babble so you finally just said the most appropriate response you could think of at the moment with a nervous grin. "Sure, let's get the money."
You could see a bit of Mike dying inside after he heard your approval.
Mike got up from his seat, slowly coming towards you with his hands close to his chest, fidgeting slightly.
You awaited your "doom", feeling as if the time became slower.
All of the losers' eyes were on you both, expecting something to happen.
He met your gaze once he was close enough to you.
You stared at him, trying to keep a straight face and not disclose what was going through your head at the moment.
"Alright then- I'll, uh, start-" He said meekly, nearing closer to your face.
You started looking at his red cheeks until a kiss took you by a surprise.
You were fully expecting a kiss on the lips, but instead you felt it on your cheek.
Guess you shouldn't be greedy.
Mike immediately backed out after he was done, but not too fast so you'd think he finds you particularly repulsive.
You felt the corners of your lips turn into a bashful smile that you couldn't control.
You felt kind of stupid when your first kiss with him was because of Heather, though. You hoped it didn't scare Mike too much.
Mike had one as well, albeit much more worried than yours.
You noticed him hurry back to his place, with his face still subtly red.
After the whole thing was over and everyone went their separate ways, you tried to find Mike.
You didn't want to leave on an awkward note and you wanted to explain some things. You decided it was time to.
You spotted Mike helping himself near the snackbar, away from other people.
You didn't know whether he wanted to be left alone or not, but you approached anyway.
Mike immediately turned his head as he heard you clearing your throat.
"O-Oh, Y/N, hey!" He greeted you with a slightly nervous, yet still kind grin.
"Oh no, they're here-"
"Hey Mike." You politely reciprocated, trying not to panic inside.
"Okay, calm down. They only came to talk. Maybe- Maybe it's not about that kiss?"
"Um... What's up?" He also tried his best so the situation wouldn't be awkward.
"So... The bottle thing." You gently started, stopping for a moment to regain your thoughts on the topic which were being drowned in your worries.
"They are gonna talk about that kiss. No, no, no, no-"
His face changed for a second into a look of doubt and anxiety which was quickly covered with a smile.
"...Yeah? What about it?" He quietly gulped.
"Well- I- Hope this doesn't- You know." You felt as if your mouth forbid you from forming proper sentences.
"Y-Yeah, me too- It was-" He felt himself being tongue-tied as well.
"It was what, Mike? Nice? You can't say that!"
You and Mike shut up as soon as you realized you're both just as hopeless.
After a moment of silence, you finally heard a pathetic and tense chuckle coming his way.
You were about to panic even more, thinking he's laughing at you, but the thought that he was as nervous as you prevented you from doing that.
"Honesty is the best way to go, right? Just be normal for once."
"Sorry. Guess it got to me more than I thought." He finally admitted without beating around the bush. "I- I don't want you to think I'm a weirdo because of that, though."
"What? No-" You quickly denied that, making him visibly less worried.
"I-" Words yet again got stuck in your throat, which started to piss you off a little. Mike could do nothing but listen intently to what you were about to say.
"I-If you promise to also not think I'm a weird for what I'm about to say, then-" You tried to put on a confident facade as you started fidgeting with your hands a little.
"Of course not!" Mike quickly chimed in, now even more desperate to hear your response. "I promise."
You knew if you screw this up, it'd be game over. The words finally flew out of you.
"I- kinda hoped you'd aim for the lips."
You saw Mike freeze the moment he processed what was being said to him.
"Aim for the lips."
You broke him. The four words were floating in his head, covering every free space in it.
You remained tense and quiet, dreading each second he didn't reply.
Finally he got to his senses and slightly shaked his head.
"I- I'm sorry, it just took me by a surprise-" He couldn't cover the red that was on his face after that info. "Usually people try to get away from me, you know?"
It was your turn to let out the meek chuckle that was forming in the back of your throat.
"Yeah- Well- Not me." You admitted.
"U-unless you want me to-?" Anxiety got a hold of you once again.
"N-no!" He tensed up once more, slightly reaching out his hand towards you as if you were about to run away.
Until he realized his reaction was a bit too much.
"I mean-" He instead quickly scratched the back of his head with the hand that he extended prematurely. "Y-You can stay."
"I- I hope they're being honest."
He waited a second before speaking once more, leaving you with anticipation.
"...You can even- come closer, if you'd like."
You noticed the familiar, sweet toothy grin that was coated with an unhealthy dose of worry and hesitation.
You took a step forward, making Mike subtly cower.
"...Yea?" Shy but reassuring smile appeared on your face.
You didn't fully realize how tall he was before you stepped closer. Usually it wasn't a problem to look him in the eyes, but because of the close proximity you had to move your head up to face him.
If his focus wasn't entirely on you now, Mike's second worry would be his profuse sweating.
"Well- Um- Y-You won't get money for it, but if you're still interested, I could..." If it wasn't for your very close distance, you'd almost miss Mike's murmur.
Fortunately, you managed to catch it all.
With this reassurance, you reached out your hands so they could hold Mike's face.
You felt his cheeks getting even hotter with your touch.
You heard a surprised half whimper and gasp come out of him as soon as your lips touched.
He looked at you like a deer in the headlights as you pulled away from the kiss, knowing he already lost the battle with his face showing all the emotions coursing thru him.
"You know, that 'pay-off' is enough for me."
Mal was sitting in the corner, the only indication that he participated in the game was his place near the pool.
Not too long ago he was sulking about his recent "unfair" elimination from the show he planned to win and so he was extra grumpy from the moment he arrived.
He almost stopped paying attention to whatever unimportant was happening until he noticed the bottle pick him.
"Kiss Y/N." He heard Heather's dare.
"What am I, fucking 14?" He bluntly spat out his annoyance at the childish topic.
"This is a family friendly show, Mal. Language!" Chris had to beep out Mal's profanity for sure.
You just sat there, frozen with the implications of the dare and what Mal might possibly think about what Heather said now.
Mal obnoxiously rolled his eyes, as to show his irritation further.
Suddenly you felt his piercing gaze sizing you up.
It made you tense.
"Y/N sure seems to act out their crush like a teenager. Make a move already, sweetie." Heather mocked you with the audacity of sounding like she doesn't even care about it.
She couldn't actually have a clue about you actually being interested in Mal, though.
She disliked Mal as much as Alejandro, knowing he's a proper rival to her, and with your "fascination" with him, you were more inclined to hang around him.
You were just in a "wrong place at a wrong time" and she wanted to make a jab at him.
"Well, Y/N, are you 'above 14' and up for it?" Chris dared to joke as he waited for your response.
"Uh- Yeah- Okay." You nodded while saying, albeit a bit quietly from the shock that was still in your mind.
Mal sighed dramatically as he so gracefully got up his butt to slither your way.
His walk was careless but still arrogant, matching his opinion about the topic.
He looked at you from above as you were still sitting on your place.
His face got closer as he bent to whisper in your ear.
"You really up for it?" He asked with a mix of "i don't care" as well as some not so subtle mocking and teasing grin. "With me?"
You avoided looking at his eyes to not betray too much, although you were sure that if Mal weren't conveniently casting a shadow on your face with his, he'd be able to see your blush.
"Yes." You managed to spit out, hoping that your attempts at being casual worked. "...For the cash righ-"
You tried to explain yourself further so he wouldn't take you for a pining weirdo, but you were promptly stopped by his lips touching yours.
You yelped quietly as he pulled you into a deeper kiss that you were not prepared for at all, grabbing your chin.
Mal wanted to make a show and so he did, much to everyone's surprise.
Heather's eyebrows even raised in shock, but they were nothing compared to yours.
After a not so steamy make-out, he finally backed off, leaving you with a need to process what happened.
"Oh, what a terrible fate. Truly embarrassing. Get a grip." He made a disgusted face at Heather, leading the point further with how stupid the idea was.
Mal was above the silly dare and so he didn't make a fuss about it.
He just wanted to shock people for his own amusement, per usual.
And maybe even subtly express his anger at people trying to make kissing him out of all people a "terrible fate".
He moved back to the place he was sitting on before, leaving you with a memory of the situation burned into your brain.
He was always good at reading people - skill he had to develop due to his upbringing.
So he didn't really worry about being in the wrong in the situation.
The smug brat knew you were into him, seeing your behavior around him.
After the game was over and everyone had fulfilled their dares, he approached you when you were least expecting it.
"Hey, lovebird." You heard the voice you knew too well, from someone you wanted to avoid for the moment.
Mal noticed your visible flinch as he went up to you from behind and chuckled under his breath.
"Not so happy to see me now?" He gazed at you while crossing his arms with cocky amusement. "I thought you enjoyed yourself not too long ago."
You had to wait a moment before the words could properly formulate in your mouth. You were baffled that he had the audacity to taunt you with it so casually.
Mal waited out your silence with an eye roll.
"Come on, I don't have all day." He impatiently hurried you, making you regain your voice.
"I-" You had trouble looking him in the eye after what happened.
"I am- not displeased by seeing you." You nailed it.
(No you didn't.)
"That's a step in the right direction." He concluded and dared to show you a mocking smirk, stepping closer. "But how about you admit that you're very happy to see me?"
His shameless cockiness and nonchalance thrown you off a little. You weren't sure if he was playing a cruel joke on you .
You decided to turn the question on him, somewhat smoothly.
"Well- It seems you are. Why else would you come to see me?" You replied with fake confidence, hoping it'd fool him.
Mal only chuckled at your attempt at being cool.
"Well, I can't deny I've been thinking about you." He once again managed to shut you up with a shit eating grin.
You remained silent for a longer second, obviously not knowing what to respond.
"You seem very speechless today, dear." He raised his brow amused, he was clearly thriving on making you uncomfortable.
"Don't get me wrong, it's adorable. But a conversation is a two way street, you know?" He was becoming bolder the more he saw you squirm.
"You don't really give me easy things to respond to, you know." A bit of truth escaped from you. He got you.
"Oh, I'm very well aware." He grinned and tilted his head confidently. The way he was staring at you made you feel very small. "What's wrong? Too afraid to say something?"
"Did you really come here only to make me feel stupid, or-" You tried to remain casual, but a bit of anxiety managed to fall into your response.
"Oh, the fun part of seeing you all shy and stumbling over your words is just a plus." He exhaled with amusement. "Besides, you don't need me to think you're stupid, you're doing a good enough job all on your own."
You furrowed your brows a little. So you were right. He was just making fun of you?
Mal rolled his eyes. You obviously weren't reacting how he wanted you to, but he wasn't about to give up.
"Why don't you just be honest for once? You seem awfully tense for such a simple conversation." He pushed your limits a bit, testing what made your nerves tick.
You sighed with both frustration and hopelessness.
Your mind was too preoccupied with thinking what a fool you were potentially making of yourself, you didn't even realize how many signs Mal was giving you. In his own way.
"... Okay." You started to gain some courage to finally speak up.
"There we go." The corner of his mouth curved into a sly smirk for a moment. He seemed pleased with his success, but made no move to make his intentions clearer.
In fact, his expression changed from smug to an impatiently raised brow, daring you to make the next move.
"Yes, I am into you." You finally decided to stop stalling and say the obvious. You tried your best to hide your embarrassment and fear of rejection on your face, which made Mal's eyes flash with curiosity and something else.
Mal looked pleasantly shocked for a moment, but quickly regained his composure and the smug expression came back.
"Finally, someone's not afraid of saying it." He paused for maximum dramatic effect, as if he'd been waiting for this moment. After the pause he leaned in close, bringing his face close to yours.
When the tension was highest between you two, he abruptly backed away and smirked at him again.
"You'll have to do better than admitting you're into me, though." He once again tested you.
"Huh- What else do you expect me to say?" You turned your head slightly, a bit dumbfounded by the demand.
"Oh, you don't have to say anything." He then took you by the waist, making you squirm a little by the sudden contact.
"You could always express yourself with actions…" He smiled devilishly, his brown eyes never leaving yours. He kept his hands resting on you, enjoying how awkward and nervous he made you.
Your face was undeniably at least a bit red by how quick it all went down.
Nonetheless, you wouldn't forgive yourself if you screwed this up when the fate gave you a chance to kiss your object of affection twice.
"...What?" He stared at Heather with his skeptically raised eyebrow, which was conveying more so confusion and bafflement at this point.
You couldn't help but look at Heather the same, except with even more surprise.
"No hard feelings Noah, I don't care." She "lightheartedly" said. "But Y/N here..."
You knew Heather would start picking at you sooner or later.
You didn't really have a good relationship with her, and few days ago she seriously started to piss you off.
You had a little altercation before all of this but you didn't really think it was something to dwell on.
Apparently Heather thought the opposite.
Noah's face stayed the same until his expression softened into something else, but was promptly changed back.
"Wow. Really mature." He discarded her attempt at clowning on both of you.
"Well, dare's a dare, ain't it?" She repeated the rules of the game, shrugging carelessly.
He took a long and hesitant sigh as he lazily made way towards you.
You followed his moves with your eyes, finally meeting his as your gaze landed on his face.
"...Eh-" He stopped for a moment, cringing internally. "So- You okay with proceeding?"
"Yeah-" You nodded, sensing the awkward atmosphere.
Noah didn't make much effort to blow the kiss out of proportion.
He just smooched your lips in a quick manner and then, without a word, moved to his seat.
You tried to copy his demeanor towards the situation, not making a big deal out of what happened.
Your eyes wandered around the place after, but you managed to catch a glimpse of Owen playfully nudging Noah and letting out a silly giggle.
You couldn't bear the thought of the tense note you left off with Noah.
You felt immense second-hand cringe for Noah, who visibly didn't want to end up in the situation.
Even though it was a dare both of you accepted, you didn't want him to associate you with a gross memory.
So you gathered all of your confidence to go talk to him.
You noticed him reading a book somewhere in a secluded place.
You thought it's normal, since most people prefer peace and quiet while reading, but you also knew Noah was able to read just fine around other people to, if he wanted to.
You weren't about to question him about that, though.
He was deeply focused on his book, so when he heard you clearing his throat, you noticed some alarms going off in his brain as he saw you.
"Hey-" You awkwardly started.
He subtly stopped himself for a moment, grabbing his book and putting it down so that he'd show his attention is on you.
"Hey." He reciprocated your greeting, responding flatly but not maliciously.
You were a bit lost with how to start, so you just talked on the spot.
"So like, I know we don't really talk, but I just wanted to make sure that it's not, uh, weird between us because of Heather's immaturity." You explained as best as you could.
It was true, you and him weren't really close, but you also never shown any maliciousness between each other, and you wanted it to stay that way.
He digested your words for a moment as he searched for a proper response.
"I'm not affected by Heather's stupidity. It's not contagious." He summed it up in calm but witty manner. "Why would I be weirded out by an immature dare?"
"Right- That's cool then-" You tensed up slightly, but his response was also a bit relieving.
"... Unless it's you who has a problem?" He asked, raising his brow.
His expression stayed analytical and with a healthy dose of skepticism, but there was also a part of soft insecurity thrown in.
"No, no!" You quickly chased away his allegation.
Both of you once again found yourself in an uncomfortable silence.
You haven't made a peep, but you swear you could hear some quiet and unsurely irritated sigh from Noah as you planned to end this interaction.
Suddenly he opened up his mouth. "Well then, as we established-"
He tried to keep his words as casual as they come, with fear of coming more awkward than he intended te situation to be. "I think we should just, move on, and stop acting like it's a big deal."
"Yeah. You're right." You agreed with a nod, yet still felt a bit blursed about the fact that now you had your crush's attention on you.
"I mean, it's not like it was a first kiss on a school trip." You tried to joke to make the moment lighter.
"...Yeah." Noah's response came off a bit flat, with his movements becoming stiffer, but his expression remained a mystery.
"... It wasn't your first kiss, was it?" You blurted out without thinking over what you're gonna say.
You noticed the surprised and a bit called out face of his.
"Yeah- no way. You're like my fifth one this week." He quickly saved his face as he responded in a sarcastic manner.
You chuckled, although you weren't sure if he's joking or not.
"Wow, okay, sorry, that came off a bit weird of me, huh-" You backed away with your question apologetically.
"Yeah." He responded with the typical dry tone, but you could hear some light amusement from the reply. "Well, if you won't go bragging about it to others, then..."
You felt your face get a bit hotter, were you really his first kiss?
Now you felt a bit bad.
Did he have any regrets??
You had to know.
"Oh- Sorry for- taking that, I guess-" You tried to not dig at the "issue" further but also show that you're sorry, in case he expected that.
He softly smirked in slight amusement at your unsureness.
"It's just a kiss." He reminded you both.
You only chuckled nervously in return.
The moment was broken by a familiar blond-haired boy coming your way in a hurry.
"Noah, I saw Y/N heading your way!" You both heard Owen's voice nearing closer. "Maybe you can finally talk about that kiss-"
You saw Owen's face faltering into surprise and then embarrassment when he saw Noah's face trying to say "quit it" without making a sound around you.
"-Hershey's kiss, that you ate this monday, because, there were some, in the kitchen." He "smoothly" saved the situation and began to slowly retreat.
"Man, I'm hungry- I wonder if there are any left- I'll go check." And so he ran off.
Once again, the tense atmosphere creeped into to your surroundings again.
Noah couldn't help himself but let out a disappointed, given up sigh as he facepalmed.
"...What was that about?" You looked at him questioningly, but not trying to overwhelm him.
"That was my last chance at keeping this conversation not awkward." He cynically replied.
You stopped for a moment, unsure how to proceed.
"Okay, I'll just stop being immature and say it. I like you." Noah mumbled out your way, although he tried to make sure you hear it, his hesitance was obvious.
You were stunned to hear such words leave specifically his mouth, but you were in no mood to complain.
"I like you too." You didn't think much, you just said what's been on your mind in the current state.
You were about to take back your words, afraid of how easily you let on your feelings, but hey, he said it first, right?
"Oh. Wow." Was his only response after a moment.
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tdinyomomma · 9 months
TDI X Reader- The Sucky Outdoors (Chapter Six)
If you haven’t read: Five
“Campers, today's challenge will test your outdoor-survival-skills, I’m not gonna lie to you, some of you may not come back alive.” Chris announces, trying to scare everyone. Most of them gasps and he begins to laugh. 
“Just joking. All you have to do is spend one night in the woods. Everything you need is at your team's campsite in the forest. You just have to find it.” He throws one map to Heather then the other at Duncan, along with compasses.
 “Oh, and watch out for bears, lost a couple interns in preproductions.” He turns to the camera. “First team back for breakfast wins invincibility.” He blows an air horn. Gwen already getting up and walking away, Heather follows suit, “Well, off you go.” Chris shrugs.
“Gwen still hasn’t talked to me, she does everything in her power to avoid me! She was about to use the bathroom but when I went to join she said nevermind. This is getting annoying.” [Name] sighs, holding herself. 
“Did he say there are bears up in here?’ Leshawna shakily asks, I place a hand on her forearm. “We’ll be fine.” I assure her. 
“I had a little encounter with a bear once. Let’s just say his head looks neat up on my mantle.” Owen proudly states and Izzy talks to Lindsay about something which is where I get up and get away from my team. 
Now we’re making our way through the forest starting off on a trail. Gwen speeds in front of us, I bite my bottom lip then jog up to her. “Hey,” I begin and she just makes a small noise in response. “Can we talk now?” I question in a lower tone so nobody else hears us. 
“[Name], please.”
“You said later, it’s been later. How long are you going to avoid me, Gwen?” I moue, she looks like she’s about to say something but instead shakes her head, walking faster away from me and the team. I stop in my tracks, watching her walk. 
“Ugh! She is so the next one to leave!” Heather groans, itching her arm. “Who?” Trent asks. “Who do you think? She dumped Harold’s red ant farm into my bed.” She exclaims. “Yeah, but you did read her diary out loud to the entire world.” Trent reminds her and I try my best to stay quiet…that was until she stops in front of all of them.
“So, that was pretty harsh.” He rubs his head after they had all bumped into one another like dominoes. “She is going down!” Heather stomps her foot and when she begins to walk I trip her. She didn’t fall but it was enough to get her to get mad. Before she speaks I put a hand up. “Try it and we’ll see who goes home first.” I snap, snatching the map and compass, picking up the pace. 
I get us to our team’s site, ignoring everyone. All I heard was bits and pieces of them talking after I put one earbud in my ear. Mainly Izzy and Owen talking about bears.
I set up a spot on a tree stump and sit down, pulling out my book to read. Nobody chooses to bother me either, I think after seeing me snap they figured that’s what was best for me at the moment.
I stay off to the side. The team started a fire and Owen left to get food for all of us.
“Ugh, I’m so hungry.” Heather complains. “Maybe read another one of our diaries to the world since you seem to feed off of attention.” I say out loud, not looking up from my book. My teammates snicker and I even heard Gwen laugh over Heather’s obnoxious scoffing.
“Yo, who ordered the pepperoni… extra cheese?” A delivery guy shouts, reading off the receipt. “It’s for the camera crew, over here.” The cameraman waves him over. The mean girl gasps, “no way.’ She was cut off by the sound of the bushes rustling. It was Owen carrying a thing of fish. “I am man! I bring fish!” He shouts, “Are you kidding me!?” Heather ungratefully speaks, so when I walk past I “accidentally” smack her upside her head. “Ow!”
“Oops.” I shrug.
“Aw, man, you’re awesome.” Trent thanks the big guy. “Oh I love fish! I love fish!” Izzy bites into a raw fish. “I guess we should cook it first, huh?” Izzy laughs. “How do you know how to fish?” Heather questions. “My grandpa taught me.” He says, hands on his hips. “I caught a shark once. It bit me on the butt. Check it out.” He bends over to show us,we all shield our eyes. 
“Oh my eyes!” “My eyes!” “That is so awesome!” Izzy exclaims. 
Before we eat I go back to the tree stump, laying down instead of reading this time. Staring up at the sky. Thinking about Gwen. About everything going on. Do I like her? I mean, we connect so well but should I even pursue that? We have 6-7 weeks until this is over. Would we even talk afterwards? 
“Hey, why are you over here alone?” I mentally groan realizing it’s Cody’s voice speaking to me. “Cody, I don’t want to be flirted with right now.” I tell him, he stays quiet and at first I actually thought he walked away. But instead he sits down on the stump next to me. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that.” He chuckles nervously, my face scrunches and I look up at him. “Hey, I know I was a bit much.” He puts his hands up, defensively. “A bit? Cody, you sniffed me every time you were near me.” His face turns a bright red, even the darkness couldn’t protect it. We look at each other then laugh. “I’m sorry about it all, and what Heather did.” He puts his head down.
“Me too, Gwen won’t even talk to me anymore.” I frown, playing with the ends of my shirt. He takes a breath. “It might be a lot right now. She’ll come around.” He smiles, I nod, placing a hand on his. “Thank you.” I whisper, his head turns away from me, turning flustered once again. 
“Hey, we’re best friends now. You can’t be doing that.” I tease him, only making it worse, he shoves my hand away, but joins me back in laughing. 
Once we calm down he turns to me with a serious expression. “Do you like Gwen?” He suddenly asks, and I think to myself before answering. 
“I don’t know…” I pause then groan out loud. “I know I like her friendship but relationships are difficult especially in this setting.” I line my lips tightly, he doesn’t respond. Only listen. “I can see that being a problem.” 
“Okay! Fires hot, fish are grilling, tent is tenting.” Owen stands proudly. “Nice going, man. Fish looks awesome.” Trent says. “Thanks man, I owe it to Grandpa.” He reminisces. “So, you and your grandpa really fought a bear once?” Trent quizzes, bringing up what Owen was talking about earlier. 
“Heck yes. It was the scariest day of my entire life.”
Lindsay gasps.
“We were out in the woods when we came across the great beast. I tell you he was 10 feet high if he was a foot. And then he roared his terrible roar! We grabbed our shotgun. We knew it was either him or us. It was nothing personal, just the law of the wild. And then, BAme! One shot was all it took to fell the great beast. We took his blood and marked ourselves to honor him. It was a good death.” Owen nods, telling us the story. 
“Yeah, right. There’s no way you took down a 10-foot bear. Hey, has anyone seen crazy girl?” Heather asks all of us. “I think she had to pee.” Lindsay thinks. “That was over an hour ago!” Trent jumps to his feet, worried. “Izzy! Izzy!” He calls out into the woods. “Izzy the Gopher! Where are you!?” Owen shouts then bushes rustle. Owen laughs. “Oh, good. I thought we lost you there for a minute man.” But a bear pops up instead of a crazy redhead. He screams. “Great Pyramid of Giza!” We all get up to our feet.
“We’re all going to die!” He starts to run around, the once bragging boy about killing a bear is now acting the very opposite of his story. 
I feel a hand grip my arm and I glance behind to see Gwen with a scared expression. If there wasn't a bear in front of us I totally would’ve teased her.”We;re gonna get eaten alive by a bear! Oh the horror! Somebody help us! I want my mommy!” Owen cries, still running in circles around us, that was until Heather trips him. The bear growls. “The trees! Climb into the trees!” Heather shouts and we all race to the trees, I help the girls get up then climb over myself, sitting between Heather and Gwen on a branch. 
“What do we do now?” Trent asks us, sitting on the top branch with Cody. 
“Don’t look at me.” Heather says. “It was your idea to climb the trees.” Gwen reminds her. I’m just upset because I left my book in the tent and now I’m stuck up here for who knows how long. “Well, why don’t you ask the bear-hunting expert? Hey, Owen, what now?” Heather yells up to him. “How should I know?” 
“Dude, you said you killed a bear.” Leshawna points out. 
“I was being theatrical.” Owen says. “This is all your fault. If you hadn’t been growling like that, we never would’ve attracted him to our site.” Heather spits.
“Excuse me for living!” He then bursts into a wail. Hitting his head on the tree. “Heather calm down, there’s literally nothing we can do now so shut it. Plus he’s the only one who got the fish.” I remark distastefully but just as I speak the bear sniffs our food over the fire. “Hey! Lay off our fish!” Heather shouts at the animal. “It’s probably already eaten Izzy!” Lindsay cries. “Then it shouldn’t be hungry anymore.” Heather points out, which is true but we all give her a look. “What? This is survival of the fittest. She should’ve just peed her pants like Cody.” I glance up at the boy who frowns, putting his head down in shame. Trent comforts him. 
Wood then creaks and Leshawna falls from the branch she sat on with Beth and Lindsay. Both Heather and Gwen grab onto each side of me, gasping. 
“Dear Abby, She’s going to die!”
The bear backs her up into the tree, growling lowly. “Uh, nice bear. AHH!! Somebody help me!” She screams and we all tell her to run but then it giggles. “Hey, are you okay?” It asks her. “Uh, did that bear just ask me a question?” Leshawna looked up at us. It then pops it’s head off, revealing it to be Izzy. Owen slides down the tree. “Oh my goodness, I did not see that coming!” He laughs.
“Okay, I’m so confused right now.” Lindsay says and for once I agree. “What are you? Some kind of weirdo?” Gwen irritatedly speaks up. “I thought it would be funny!” The redhead tells.
“Okay, okay, that was so funny. Like “Oh, it’s a bear! Oh no and like, we’re all gonna die now! Help! Help!” And I’m like, “Rrrr I’m gonna eat you!” Like I could actually do that. There’s no way, okay?” Izzy laughs continuously.
We get the fish and Heather hands Izzy one. “Rockin’ the fish sticks! Nice!” She compliments, then we hear rustling in the bushes again. “Wow.” Izzy giggles. “That costume is really good. I mean I thought mine was good but this is like really good.” She rambles. “It’s probably Chris trying to mess with us. Yeah nice try man.” 
I don’t wait, I stand up and pull Gwen with me. “Hey,” She goes to push back but my eyes widen to silently speak with her. “That’s not a fake, Gwen.” I whisper. 
“We know you’re not a bear, dude.” Owen boops its nose. 
“Uh, I don’t know, Owen. This looks kind of real.” Gwen says, I gently push her in the direction of the tree we were just on. “Chris did say there were bears.” Heather remembers now everyone is backing away.
“Oh, come on guys! They’re just trying to see if they can prank us twice.” Owen pets it. “This is not a real bear. And I’m going to prove it to you.” He goes for the top of his head. “Owen, don’t!” I try to stop him but he yanks the fur anyways.
“Wow. That does look kind of real.” he stares at the fur in his hand and the bear stands up on its hind legs, roaring in the blond’s face. 
I help Gwen up on the tree and climb up myself, “Yeah that’s a real bear!” Owen runs.
Now we’re back on the tree and it starts raining. Throughout the night was a little awkward, Heather used my lap as a pillow and as much as I wanted to shove her to the ground I decided against it so I won’t be involved with a technical murder. And I guess we need her to win. 
I looked over at Gwen who was staring down at her feet. “Hey, can we talk now?” I whisper, smiling weakly. She shrugs. “I guess.” 
I sigh,  “I’m not going to push you. Just know I want to still be cool. I don’t judge you at all. I would never put what happened against you or bring that up to you. I just miss talking to you.” I tell her, then stare off into the woods. She didn’t respond but in the corner of my eye I saw her smile and that’s good enough for me. 
The next day when we get down there’s finally no bear in sight. “Well, I think it’s safe guys. The bear’s gone.” Trent yells, stretching out his back. “And… the map.” Gwen picks up a soggy piece of paper. “Hey, I don’t know how raccoons sleep in trees, because I’m so stiff.” Izzy says as Owen stretches in front of her. “They must be really limber.”
“You know what Crazy girl? I don’t want to hear another word from you or the bear hunter here. If you two hadn’t been acting like bear bait last night, we could’ve actually slept in our tent!” She rants, throwing her hands in the air. 
A bird chirps behind them. “Shut up!” The three scream.
We all begin our way back to the camp ground, running there but getting second place behind the Killer Bass. 
“Oh no, they won! This is all your fault!” Heather shoves Owen to the ground, Izzy giggles quietly behind her hand. “Ah-ah-ah, not so fast, gopherinos. It seems the Killer Bass are missing a few fish.” Chris stops Heather. 
“Oh, you mean Katie and Sadie? I’m pretty sure they got eaten by wolves last night.” Courtney boredly says. “Darn shame.” Duncan nods but the two they were just talking about come running to their team. “We made it!” Katie grins. “We’re safe! Oh my gosh guys, we got totally lost and then got into this massive fight!” Sadie explains, “And there was this huge bear and he was all, “Rawr! You’re in my crib! So get out!” Katie does a reenactment for us. “And we had to run and it was like, so scary.” Sadie tells. “Oh, Sadie I’m so sorry I said I was prettier than you.” The two turn to each other. “And I’m sorry I brought up the snack shack.” Sadie apologizes. “And I’m sorry I said your butt was too big to fit in the bus seats.” “You did?” Sadie asked? “Uh, well, not to your face.” Katie clasps her hands together in front of her. 
“Oh, who cares, we’re safe! And you’re my best friend and I love you!” The bigger girl hugs the other one. “Oh, I love you too!” 
Courtney steps up, clearing her throat. “Are you two finished with your little love fest?” They nod, still hugging one another. “Good, because thanks to you we just lost the challenge!” Courtney stomps her foot, angrily. 
“All right, Killer Bass, one of your fishy butts is going home. Gophers you’re going on an all-expense-paid trip to the tuck shop!” Chris announces and we all gasp, running to the dock.
After getting the snacks and getting back to our cabins we all chill by or in the hot-tub. Owen goes on about how good his chips are then turns out of the tub to throw up. Then not even seconds later asking for a different snack. 
I look over at Gwen who does not look too happy. I sigh, shaking my head. Heading inside of the cabin to be alone.
Link to all writings
Thank you everyone for reading! Just letting you know I won't post everyday so please don't say "update please" or stuff like that because I do feel rushed, I'm not trying to be rude I really appreciate everyone reading my stuff but I do have a life and I can't make it happen everyday and I apologize for that.
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darkbackalley · 2 years
Chris Mclean x Male reader - Nerves
Warnings: None. (Except it hasn’t been edited?)Fem-aligned dni
Chris was only informed of the changes that very day, so he wasn’t appalled at what happened, just very surprised. So when instead of a homeschooled Canadian-raised boy, he found himself face to face with a 6’7 Behemoth of a man, he was visibly shaken. Yo… What’s up man? He asked his introductory question. Not much, dude! The man replied with a smile. Although I thought we were going to a resort? Chris turned towards the cast. Everybody, meet Y/n! The group mumbled a greeting as he joined them to watch the other guests arrive.
Now that the groups had been created, with Bridgette, Courtney, DJ, Duncan, Eva, Geoff, Y/n, Harold, Izzy, Sadie, and Tyler on the Killer Bass and Beth, Cody, Gwen, Heather, Justin, Katie, Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, Owen and Trent on the Screaming Gophers, All the Campers stood on a cliff in their bathing suits while Chris explained what was going to happen. Since the Killerbass was to go first, no one from the group wanted to jump first. Y/n, looking around, sighed and said I’ll jump. But if I die, I’m suing. He said, giving Chris a look that meant business. Chris was terrified, but at the same time trying to figure out how someone can be so buff and look… appealing? No. He wasn’t thinking about a contestant like that.
Y/n stood on the cliff, looking down, before he cracked his knuckled and stepped back until he had a clear runway. Then, he sent it. Luckily, he managed to get into the target hole and swim out before the sharks got too vicious. Once the entirety of the team had jumped, they struggled to get the boxes to the campsite in time. Either someone was gone or someone *cough* Courtney *cough* got hurt, but Y/n had already carried two crates to the campsite and opened them. Chris walked up while he waited for the rest of his team to strike casual banter. So, Y/n, you’ve done a lot of work here, and the rest of your team isn’t even here? What’s up with that?’’ “ Well, They’re doing what they can and I’m really just trying to help as best as I can. Besides I can be checking out the competitions while I’m here”. He replied. -And I can check out other people too. He said looking at Chris with a grin. The man in question turned and walked away due to the blush on his face and wobbly knees.
Both teams were hard at work, but in the end, the Screaming Gophers won. Since the losing team had to eliminate someone, everyone was on edge that night. Y/n couldn’t sleep so he went outside to contemplate the day. What he didn’t expect was Chris standing at the waters edge throwing stones into the water. “Hey.” Y/n said as he walked up and sat beside Chris. The aforementioned man looked over at him and frowned. “Hey… Shouldn’t you be sleeping? Big day tomorrow.” “Couldn’t sleep. Not with something like this, it’s always stressful went you have to part ways with someone.” Chris looked at the (Hair) haired boy and nodded. “I hear ya. When the contestants get to be far along in the competition, it’s almost sad to see them go.” Y/n’s eyes lit up. “Hey Chris. What if I threw in the towel and voted myself off? That way, I wouldn’t really have to do that. Besides, then I can just go home.” “You can’t just do that!” Chris argued. “These kids look up to you!” Then he whispered to y/n “I heard Izzy call you dad.” Y/n Chuckled. ”I guess not then. But my nerves have calmed down I think. Thanks” Y/n was about to head off to bed, but first he pulled Chris into a hug and slipped something in his pocket. The host returned the hug before giving the taller man a look that said ‘what’d you slip me?’ “My number.” Y/n smiled at him and turned around, only to be faced with the other campers. “Wha-“ “YAY!” Izzy cheered! Y/n’s not single anymore!” Before running away. Y/n rolled his eyes and made his way back to his cabin
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fearsome-series · 1 year
Chapter One | Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine
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“Laura? Laur!?”
Laura’s eyes blinked in the light. Off-white ceiling tile and a steady beep beep beep through the blur. Shapes resolved into faces: her dad, her mom, and a doctor - an older man with black hair, streaked with gray, and a short beard. Standing over her with wide eyes.
“Dad…? Mom?”
Heather leaned down close. “Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah.” Laura knew the bite had hurt - that it had been painful as Hell, that she’d thought she was gonna die. But now she barely felt anything. She glanced at her shoulder. Just a bandage - not even much blood. “Sorry I-I...Laika dragged me away, then...did you find her?”
“Yes, dear, we did.”
“Laika is why you’re…” Chris paused. “…she’s how we found you. She came back and led us to you.”
The doctor addressed her in a kind tone. “I’m Doctor Rockwell. You’ve suffered an animal bite. It’s a big one, but it’s not infected. You won’t catch rabies or any other old thing.”
“So I…?”
“You’ll be fine.”
“W-what animal attacked me?”
“The only large canids around here are coyotes, though it could be someone’s dog.”
“A coyote?” No way.
“How do you feel, Laur?” asked Chris.
“I feel…I feel…tired.” Laura answered.
Chris smiled weakly. “Okay. We’ll let you sleep, kiddo.”
The woods stretched out under the stars & Laura ran, faster than she had ever ran, into the darkness after something, something fleeing, she pounced and caught it, she held it tightly, a deer kicking and tossing as Laura bared her teeth and dug in so so -
Laura’s eyes snapped open. She glanced at a wall clock: one PM. The hospital seemed loud. She didn’t hear many voices, but it was still…loud. Squeaky wheels, dinging elevators, the steady beep beep beep of the machinery hooked to her, hooked to others, hidden behind the walls. She wondered why she even needed to be here anymore - she felt fine. She was fine. Fine.
There was a TV mounted on the wall, with a remote on a side table. She turned it on. A jolt of static, and then -
“...your new car!”
“...gang, we need to make the cake for…”
“...and sharing is caring…”
A European-accented voice on some public station. “...marine biology is the science of what lies hidden…” Laura looked at the TV: a blonde-haired professor addressing a class. “We have only mapped five percent of the ocean, but it is only unknown to us-” Static took over. She flipped it off.
Voices in the hallway. Some woman.
“...I’m just concerned, Doctor…”
“About a coyote attack?” It was her doctor.
“It’s not about a coyote attack.”
“You’re like those oddballs from out-of-town. Taking photos by the road sign, creeping around front yards at night…”
“Maybe they have a point. You know, in ‘89, my aunt saw it.” A silence, and then more steps.
“Did she go get breakfast with Bigfoot after?”
Her tone became more urgent. “The girl from Gates County four years ago. Those campers from up north and their poor father. The Brady homestead -”
“Don’t use the deaths of real people to justify some delusion.”
“We’ll see what happens. There’s another one tonight…”
“Another what -” Beeping. “A boy’s been brought in. Knocked his head, fell into Lake Wandawega. Excuse me, I have real problems to deal with.”
“So do I.”
Footsteps her way. Laura closed her eyes and pretended to sleep as he passed. Soon, she wasn’t pretending.
Laura watched Manuel jump up on the bleachers, first clearing them of dirt and blown leaves with the sleeves of his burgundy long sleeve shirt drawn up over his hands, and then sitting down by the side of the unused baseball diamond, bouncing his hands back through his sleeves. Laura jumped up next to him, sitting on some dirt and blown leaves.
Manuel reached into his bag and pulled out the thick leather bound book he always had with him, which was always funny to Laura, ‘cause Manuel was her height - like five five - and equally unathletic - hence why they were sitting by the side of the baseball diamond and not using it - and the book was huge.
“Have I told you about the faces of Belmez?” Manuel asked.
“No,” though Laura knew Manuel had; still, she didn’t mind hearing Manuel’s facts again, and they spent a lot of their time together with Laura listening to her friend’s paranormal facts.
“It all started in 1971, in southern Spain - and you know the book is in Spanish, so I’ll have to translate - um, the Pereira family were the first to report the faces in the floor of their home…”
A wind blew through the late fall, early summer air, a cold wind, which passed through Laura’s hair, and she felt it tickle every strand of…every strand of hair on her head. She yawned.
“Laura!?” Manuel asked, the brow of his round face furrowed with confusion.
“Yeah?” Laura said, Laura tried to say, but Manuel was getting up, then he was staring, staring at -
Her. Her fangy canine head. Bloody. Laura blinked. Wondered. Couldn’t look down. Someone screamed - screeched - louder, louder -
Screeching wheels and groaning metal. A nurse wheeling in a tray, “Laur-”
“Laura. My name’s Laura.” She snapped; from the voice, this wasn’t the nurse she heard earlier.
“This is what we have on your sheet.”
“Sorry, Laura Ortega Hollingsworth?”
“That’s my name, yeah.”
“Sorry for being late.” Laura frowned, but kept silent - she wasn’t going to say something when trapped in one room. The nurse placed a tray on Laura’s bedside table.
The nurse tossed Laura’s phone on the tray with a clunk. “They found this near you. Your parents wanted you to have it. It’s been charging.”
“Thanks. And uh, about my parents-”
“They’re downstairs talking with Doctor Rockwell. They’ll be in to visit you later, if you want.”
“Alright. And, uh, I feel fine, so maybe I can-”
The nurse sighed. “We have to keep you through at least tomorrow for observation.”
“Observation? Observation of what?”
“…you not catching something new and dying, I believe.”
“Uh…thanks for making sure I’m okay, but-” Laura said.
“Trust me, it’s only so your family doesn’t sue us. Bye.” The nurse stalked off to another patient’s room.
“Yeah. Okay.”
After the nurse left, Laura turned on her phone. Her parents must’ve had it charged. Three new texts. Summer hadn’t responded for some reason, except a quick text saying “Sorry, busy”. But Manuel had replied; Laura smiled.
How’s the house?
Did you pet Laika?
Are you okay?
         Hey Mani
         Yeah I’m okay
         I’m in the hospital
         Something bit me in the woods
Oh no!!! are you okay? :(
         Yeah I'm okay
         No big deal
What bit you?
         A dog
         A big dog
Dog? Wolf? Coyote?
         I mean they tell me it was a coyote
         It didn’t look like a coyote
         Like a wolf
         Hey will you call me crazy
You’re crazy?
         No I mean
         Will you call me crazy if i say a crazy thing
         Okay bc the wolf was walking on two legs
         It was up on its legs like a person
Laura felt another groan. She slapped her stomach. It...didn’t make it feel any better.
I heard this nurse freak out about me
         Something about people crawling past a road sign
         And seeing “it” in 1989
         What town is your hospital in
Message failed to send. She stubbornly resent it.
There’s a werewolf down there!
Or a manwolf to be scientific. A wolf on two legs!
I’ve read about it.
The Beast of Bray Road
         So the manwolf bit me
         What does that mean
Never heard about the Beast biting someone?
I’ve read every book about the Beast (there’s this one lady who writes A LOT about it!)
But books would say that if a werewolf (not real but imagine) bites you you become a werewolf
         And then they brood and kiss a lot right
If the book is any good yes
         I’m dying and we’re talking about werewolf kissing
Sorry if I’m rude or not taking it seriously :(
I thought you were joking
         I am joking dw
OH! ty
Idk werewolf kissing’s a good subject
If you’re bored in there you might want to look up the Beast
Or I could send you something you can read
         I can’t read
         Like right now I can read
         I’ve read
There are videos about it!! There’s this one from the time that is good
         I am very bored and will be watching this video
         About a werewolf/manwolf (not real)
Learn lots about the werewolf/manwolf (not real)
Get well soon Laura!!
         Thanks! I’ll try not to die!
“...but with all the sightings, no one knew if it was man, beast, or even a combination of the two, one person simply called it God’s mistak-”
Buffering. On an ink sketch of a werewolf’s eyes.
Laura groaned. The wi-fi sucked here - or at least, it had for the past couple hours. She put her phone down on the table, looked out the window. It was almost sunset. Cars were passing on the road below, busy to get somewhere. A few trucks here and there. Laura…was tired. She slunk back down in bed. Closed her eyes.
Tried to get some more sleep.
0 notes
lindsaystravelblogs · 2 years
Next day and the next - Friday and Saturday
Our guesthouse was in Stykkisholmur - love the names here.  At least this one was ‘sort of’ written in letters I recognised and was partially pronouncible.  Most are neither.  
We had an early breakfast and drove the kilometre to the ferry queue. It took a while to pack the jigsaw of vehicles into the hold. Each car, truck or camper was fitted like a jigsaw with maybe 2 centimetres to spare, making getting out at the other end another logistical challenge with everyone needing to take their turn to navigate their very cautious exit. I am not sure what they would have done if there had been a single right-hand drive vehicle in the mix.  We had one stop at an island (Flatey?) to let some passengers off, but otherwise, it was a smooth trip to Brjanslaekur.
We then drove through more spectacular landscapes – towering mountains, often with large areas of snow, and incredibly steep, often almost vertical flanks, certainly pretty exhausting to climb even 50 metres. So much is green, from very dark to amazingly light and bright, almost glowing green, surrounded by brooding black or dark grey cliffs accentuating the colour.  And water – everywhere, there is water.  Waterfalls create streams, little trickles to raging rivers, and the fields are often waterlogged.  That is not to mention the fiords: sheer walls and very deep water, glistening blue, occasionally green, and everywhere are more streams and more waterfalls pouring crystal-clear fresh water into the brine.  The volume of fresh water is stupendous – how can there be that much snow melting for month after month and never stop?
During the afternoon, we explored a few side roads through the fiord and then drove out to Latrarbjarg, the westernmost point of Europe (and, would you believe, Iceland) to what is regarded as one of the best bird cliffs in the world. There were puffins, guillemots, kittiwakes, fulmars, terns and gulls in their thousands, mostly clinging to their precious footholds on the edge of the cliff.  I think I read that the cliffs run for many miles with the highest point 441 metres with a sheer drop into the ocean below. There were also a few land birds and we added about 6 new species to our Iceland list – but still all species that we have seen elsewhere (but often subspecies unique to Iceland).
We walked quite a long way up to a good vantage point and took lots of photos, but I tried going a bit further than Heather, hoping for a better photo.  I didn’t get anything any better, but I lost my Australian Geographic cap.  The wind blew my hood off and away went my cap – just a metre too far the other side of the no-go fence to reach with my hiking stick. Maybe it might make a nice nest for some lucky bird?
Alas, we were only a kilometre or two from the birds when we hit a rock in the road and punched a hole in the side of the rear passenger’s side tyre. We managed to change it reasonably quickly (with absolutely no help from the many cars that drove around us without stopping on the very narrow road) but the spare tyre is one of those crappy temporary tyres.  Quite scary, very poor road handling, and a serious risk to life and limb in my view, but we got back to our Patreksfjordur hotel safely (through those slightly scary tunnels again) despite the problems.
A complication was that it was after garage-closing time on Friday with the only tyre repair place in town closed until Monday. I don’t fancy driving another 500 kilometres with a semi-substitute tyre to where we might get a new one on Monday.
We ate in the Hotel restaurant that night: a pretty ordinary meal that cost about $AU120.
We woke early but dozed for longer than intended so it was 9am by the time we went down for breakfast.  It was a relatively healthy breakfast and we avoided over-indulging.  I then enlisted the help of the receptionist to ring Hertz about our tyre problem.  While talking on the phone with Mr Hertz, I saw a couple of dolphins cavorting in the bay across the road and that created some excitement because the receptionist had never seen them there before.  She left me and ran across the road for a closer look and some iPhone pics.  After some confusion, Hertz arranged for the local garage to open just for us, to get us safely back on the road.  The tyre mechanic was wonderful, friendly and very helpful, and he changed the tyre and checked all the others with no grizzles about us interrupting his weekend.  Total bill was about $AU475 to supply and fit (would have taken me at least another hour longer) which we will try to claim against our travel insurance – wishful thinking! I have to say I was very happy to have a real tyre back on the car – it handled so much better and gave me a lot of confidence.
We visited the supermarket and posted some postcards and got back on the road again by 12.30pm and drove on to the quaint little village of Talknafyordur where we sat on the wharf and ate our lunch whilst watching the birds – a wonderful half hour or so.
During the rest of the afternoon we drove north – a very circuitous route as always in Iceland – along one side of a fiord around the corner and back along the other side – then repeat in the next fiord (and the next and the next).  At one point, we tried to avoid a tunnel by snaking up and over the mountain on a very narrow winding track, but eventually turned around and opted for the tunnel after all.
Almost every village, even every isolated single farm, has their own tiny church. They are almost all identical: a small blocky cream-painted hall with a couple of windows on each side and a red-painted pyramid with a cross on top for the spire.  W have seen dozens of them and photographed a few. We saw one that was essentially the same cookie-cutter design only a little bigger with two of them joined together – with a radical departure from protocol – a blue roof.  Maybe the regional cathedral?
There were many waterfalls, one particularly big one that we spent almost an hour photographing, and we finished the day quite hoarse from all our ‘Wow!  Look at thats!’ all along the route.
We drove past a sign for Holt and down part of the road to Flateyri (that we consistently shuddered when we pronounced it Flat-tyre) and on to our destination in Isafjordur that night.  It was a nice little town but still the biggest since we left Reykjavik.
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jayswritings13 · 2 years
Total Drama: Unsaid confessions
Dialogue Prompt: #7 (“Listen, me holding you hand and all of this, doesn’t mean shit.” “Okay…” “…..unless you want it to mean something.”)
Character: Heather (Total Drama)
Requested by: Anon
Note: I had a lot of fun writing for Heather! She is definitely my favorite!!
Word Count: 650
💗Masterlist | WIP Page
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"Listen, me holding your hand and all of this, doesn't mean shit." Heather scoffed, turning her head away from your gaze, but keeping a tight grip on your hand in hers. Afterall, she couldn't show too much weaknesses in front of the others. She did have a reputation of being the show's mean girl and she intended to keep it that way. There was one problem though, you.
Heather found it really annoying that you could just exist and her focus and train of thought could easily be ripped from her grasp. It was a damn inconvenience.
"Okay...." You grinned, keeping your gaze on Heather's face, watching as it kept turning more and more pink. You had to stop everything in you from laughing at the face that Heather twisted her face away from you, probably in hopes of hiding her color changing face. It didn't work.
"......unless you want it to mean something." Heather whispered.
"What?" You immediately stepped in front of her, forcing her to face you.
"Do not make me repeat it."
Even with the frosty exterior and shifty gaze, watching for any signs of the other campers or Chris, Heather seemed more sincere than you've ever seen her be.
"Listen, you're the only one on this island I can stand, alright?" Heather said, clearly annoyed by the silence coming from you. "And that's a very high compliment. I mean, have you seen someone the people that Chris let on this show?"
"Is that all?"
Okay, so you were mostly definitely pushing your luck with this. You knew that this was mostly likely the extent of Heather's confession to you, but you couldn't help it---you wanted an actual confession from her. Without the snark or her bitchy attitude for one moment.
"Well," Heather paused, biting down on her lip and you felt your heart in your throat, suddenly forgetting how to breathe. "yeah." Heather scoffed with a quick roll of her eyes. "What else is there to say?" You pulled your gaze away from Heather, hoping that she could not sense your immense disappointment.
So much You wanted to scream. How about the one thing that neither of us can seem to say
"Besides, actions speak louder than words, or something stupid like that."
You snapped your head, daring to shoot a look over at the queen bee, and shocked to find her steely grey eyes locked on your expression. It was quiet for a moment, but that was just fine because you wanted nothing more than to freeze this moment in time.
Heather was very aware of the surroundings, but also very aware of how your hand was still enveloped in hers. She was also very aware of your eyes on her, and was almost afraid to move or speak as to not stop or interrupt anything. Afterall, Heather had your undivided attention and she was not too keen on letting it go.
"Screaming Gophers, elimination ceremony time! Get your butts to the confessional and vote."
"Fucking Chris," Heather muttered.
"Well, I guess we better go and get ready for the elimination ceremony." You added, despite the clear sad tone in your voice.
And it was that exact tone that made Heather think quickly of what to say next. Of what to do next.
As you stepped out of the clearing in the woods and toward the camp grounds, Heather tightened her grip on your hand, causing you to freeze.
"Let's do this again."
"What hold hands?" You grinned, despite the explosion of butterflies in your stomach at the notion that Heather wanted to do this again. "Or do something more?" You smirked.
"Whatever" Heather scoffed. "As long as it's not in the woods next time. It's like you want me to get eaten by a bear." And just like that, the Heather that the others in the camp saw was back.
"You?" You laughed, pulling Heather closer to you, "Never."
It was the rare moment when Heather actually believed that.
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Total Drama Villains x Reader || Drabble Set
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Plot: You forget to take a towel to the shower and only realise after the shower, so you open the window to stick your head out and ask whoever's out there (Hoping someone is out there) to grab you one but to your chagrin- there's just a villain.
Includes: Chris, Heather, Mal and Scott.
Warnings: Mmmm, I dont think so. Swearing? A kiss?
You slowly look around the room, very very aware of the fact that you're naked and cold in a room that does not have a great lock on it. "Ohhhhhh no." The words come out low and steady... but are just brimming with panic.
No. Towel.
No towel!!
Finally you gasp, covering the bottom half of your face with your hands and looking at the benches and the sinks in dread. You accidentally came in here without a towel!!
The sudden sound of footsteps out the back of the cabin rips a gasp from your throat and you lunge at the window, unlatching the lock and opening it to see who it is. Before you even stick your head out, you're calling for whoever it to stop. Please. Hold on! I need your help!
Chris McLean:
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*You are an adult camper.
When you actually see who's standing out there, you groan. Chris McLean stands outside on the grass, hands in his pockets and an intrigued look in his eyes. He know's he's about to be amused, or he's going to amuse himself depending on what kind of trouble you're in- or what kind of help you apparently need.
"What's up?~"
"Oh no no no! Come on, you can confide in Uncle Chris, cant you?"
A whine tumbles out of you. Uncle Chris?? Grooooooooss. He see's and acknowledges your disgusted reaction to him calling himself that, but just giggles. He doesn't leave, to your utter annoyance.
What other choice do you have?? Rolling your eyes, you look down at your feet instead of meeting his beady eyes and wiggle your toes. And mutter suuuuper quietly, half hoping he doesn't hear you. "I forgot to bring a towel... and I really need one... " And, this part you say especially quietly. For seriously asking Chris fucking McLean for a hand would be akin to letting your dignity pack its bags and fly the coop. "... and would you please get one for me... "
"... Sorry, I didn't catch that. What didja say?"
Oh god. A little louder, you say shortly. "... I forgot a towel... "
Chris smirks at that, rolling back on the feels of his feet. "And? What would you like from me, Y/N?"
Finally too frustrated to keep playing this stupid game with the show's host, you snap your eyes up to his and cross your arms. "Fine! Damnit. Get me a towel, please."
Immediately, a cat like grin slowly spreads across Chris' face. Its the most evil thing you have ever seen.
"Now why would I do that when I could get Chef here to send in a buncha rabid bats with you and flush you out?" Christ teases - no, threatens. But then again, does he know the difference in the first place? - , that famous, alabaster white, terror instilling grin on his face as usual. "Now that's, good TV!"
You groan, head falling back on your neck, in frustration. "Chrr-ris!!"
"Ha ha! Well? What do you expect?" You cant argue with that, but you cans till groan again. "Okay, fine. I'll get you a towel! But what will you do for me, heh? Nothing comes for free."
"Oh, don't I know it. I've been on this show for 3 seasons now." For some reason.
"Heh heh."
"Fine, I'll... " Ugh, something for Chris... You blow air out of your cheeks slowly, in thought. What would Chris like? Well, he'd sure get kick out of you getting one of your friends hurt but that's sure as hell not happening. Finally, after a few moments, you get an idea. And scowl. "I'll be sure to drum up some drama for you. Good TV, right?"
"For sure! Promise?~"
Sighing, you lean tiredly on the window sill. "Oh, I cross my heart and hope to die." You promise him like he's a child, which he basically is. Chris McLean has got the maturity level and the intelligence package of a 7 year old on crack.
"Wicked! Heh heh, this'll be good. Okay, hang tight. I'll be back."
You smirk at his retreating back.
When he finally gets back and hands you a towel - a much nicer towel then what you and the other campers have been using. Which is nice? But also, you cant help but worry about what kind of strings might be attached to it, - through a crack in the door, you carefully wrap it around your body and tightly tuck it in.
"I'll want that towel back" He snaps, cranky. Why?? He could've just gone and gotten you your towel! "I imported that from Fiji!"
Of course he did.
Now you take a deeeeeeep breath, gathering all your courage, and killing the butterflies reeking havoc in your stomach. Then open the door again and grab hold of the front of Chris' signature teal shirt and wrench him close before he can walk too far off.
And you smash your lips together and slam your eyes tightly closed.
When you pull back from the kiss - a horrible, unpleasant, bad kiss, - you immediately wipe your mouth with your arm and let him go. But when you reveal your mouth again, you're for damn sure smirking at the stunned man. "Is that dramatic enough for you, Chris? A camper and the host? Scandalous- I bet we'll be front page news."
Then quickly you lock yourself inside the bathroom again, not really caring for his reaction- which only comes, finally, minutes later when you're half way dressed.
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"Hm." Heather crosses her arms, an evil smirk on her lips- opportunity has knocked on her door. Or, the inside of the shower cabin. "You need something from me. Well! What will you do for me return? Hm?"
As expected. "I will vote for whoever you want me to at 2 different instances of your choice going forward. Except for myself, I wont vote myself out."
She thinks for a moment, but definitely looks pleased. "Three, different instances of my choice."
Fucks sake- "Fine! Just- please! I'm getting cold and one of the boys could come in here at any time and see me butt ass naked!!"
Uncrossing her arms and setting her hands on her hips instead, Heather laughs. "Oh- one of these boys? Shower? Haha. Have you smelled them??"
You blush darkly at her joking with you; At your worry but not your expense, before shaking your head of silly feelings and usher the pretty girl Heather, forward. "Go! Go! Get my towel already."
"Be right back." She rolls her eyes, heading off.
When she gets back, she reaches up to the window with the towel and you gratefully take it, beginning to dry off any drips from your body and get dressed as quickly as possible. "Thank you Heather!!"
"Mhm, yeah. Sure."
A few minutes later when you leave the door, Heather's waiting for you on the porch and you basically have a small stroke- jesus christ, why is she there!? STILL!?
"Oh, relax. I'm just cashing in some of your part of the bargain." She sneers, walking closer to you and pressing a sharp fingernail into your chest. "Dont forget, you owe me now."
"I remember Heather, we did this like 10 minutes ago."
"Good." She smiles, a tint of evil to it still. Pleasantly surprised that you're being so obedient. She leans back. "Okay, so Gwen's got to go. You got that? She's out. Vote for her and you're third done with your debt to me."
"Yes ma'am." You smirk, brushing by her and stalking off back to your cabin to put away your things.
Heather watches, hands on her hips and her own smirk on her lips. You might just be useful out of this bunch of losers. Not quite a diamond in the rough, but... better, at least. For sure. "Hm."
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"Oh- Mike!" You exclaim excitedly as soon as you see the lanky, dark haired boy. What luck!!
But then he slowly turns around; A dark, sinister grin on his face and hair over one eye. And your heart immediately drops.
This is not Mike. Neither is it Chester, Svetlana, Vito or Manitoba- any of which would have been just fine alternatives for this moment.
This has to be fucking Mal. You've met him before, and absolutely nevermind on the luck front.
"Nope." Yep- the grizzly, deep voice that responds to you can belong to no one other then Mike's chaotic evil alter. Shit. Shit, shit, shit. You continue to chant curses in your head as he turns around fully and comes forward, looking up with evil glinting in his eyes at you like a twisted Flynn Rider to your Rapunzel.
The kind that makes you rather stay inside your tower- its safer here then out there with him. You don't go out to meet the rabid pit bull!!
"Ummm, nevermind! Go about your business, I'm fine here. See ya!"
"Oh no. What'd you want from little Mikey?" He asks, crossing his arms and tilting his head to the side, cruelly inquisitive. You chew on your bottom lip. Damn it; You've peaked his interest. Fuck.
"Um... " The sound comes out quiet and insure as you look down at the grass before his feet instead of his face. You're so nervous. "Well, I... I forgot my towel before I took my shower, and uh... I was just gonna ask him if he could go get me one."
For a moment, he's silent. Your gaze flickers up to his face to see an utterly wolfish look on his face, eyes gleaming with mischief before averting your eyes again to the grass.
Then a loud puff of hard, unpleasant laughter escapes him. He doubles over, holding his stomach as he guffaws at your embarrassing situation. You roll your eyes and cross your arms.
"Oh shut up," You snap, bravely- making him cut off his laughter immediately and look at you. You dare to fucking talk to him like that? "Come on, go get me a towel, please!! I'll owe you one."
After a moment, he stands up straight again and crosses his arms. Yes, he could do something horrible to you right now to teach you not to talk back to him; but it looks like you're going to struggle without his help. All he has to do is watch! "Hmm, nope!"
"Come on!"
"Not gonna happen."
"Ugh." You groan, leaving the window and Mal and plopping down on a bench. Fucking bastard.
This is so awkward. Especially since you know he's still out there!! And he could send someone in at any time.
... Minutes later, and you're still dripping wet but now freezing fricken cold, a towel is flung in through the still open window and lands on the wet floor near your feet. Your eyebrows fly up your forehead, as you look from it in surprise and to the window.
Mal's voice calls through it. "There! Its no fun if you just sit and bear your punishment." Huff. You can just imagine the cute boy - the look works for Mike, but is just very odd on Mal, - crossing his arms and setting his jaw, or even pouting. His voice just sound sooo frustrated. "I'll get you another time, anyway. Everyone will go down, eventually."
"Oh... mhm, oh sure." I mean, I can at least listen to his evil babble since he got me a towel, you think as you start drying yourself down and getting dressed.
A moment after you've got your shirt on, the door is kicked open and Mal stands on the threshold, making you jump. "Jesus christ!- "
"Kiss thank you?"
"Get outta here!" Absolutely not!
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Peering out from the window, you nearly miss the boy leant up against the cabin beneath you, in fact you would have- if it weren't for his bright orange hair. You gasp, unintentionally getting his attention and smiling brightly when he looks up to find you. "Scott!"
A confused, yet somehow still evil expression paints his face. "Y/N?? What are you doing?"
"Well farm-boy, how do you feel about giving a lady a hand??"
Scott snorts, getting off the wall and stepping back to see you properly. "Lady? I don't see any lady here."
Oh- Bastard. You look back into the bathroom before disappearing from the window for a moment before returning, and promptly clobbering him with an empty shampoo bottle. "You see her now!?"
"Ugh... yeah." He grumbles more malleably now, much more open to suggestion as he rubs his forehead. "Sure, now I see her... ow."
Now you feel a little bad. He looks so pitiful when he's in pain... and yes he's a rat but... its still not okay to hurt someone. You aren't Chris. And also you're getting colder and colder as the water drips unimpeded down your skin and maybe its making you soft. "Ohh... okay, I'm sorry."
He glances up at you, surprised at your apology. "Ahh, no problem, I guess... " Did someone just apologise for whacking him on this show? He crosses his arms, raising a curious look to your disembodied head. "Uhh, what'd you need a hand, with?"
"I... kinda... forgot a towel... could you please go get one for me??"
For a moment you watch his eyes narrow and a wicked grin flicker at the corners of his mouth and get anxious that he's going to ask for something in return- before he rolls his eyes and just shrugs, turning and heading off to the cabin. "Yeah, sure, whatever. Be right back- try not to gather too much attention, haha."
As he walks off, you duck under the window again, sighing in so much relief. "Thanks, Scott!"
When he returns, you're waiting at the door and crack it open just enough to get the towel from him immediately- which you quickly wrap around yourself comfortably and sigh. "Thank you so much!"
"Hm. No problem." He huffs, wondering why the hell he did this for you anyway and crossing his arms again.
From inside, you carefully ask: "Are you gonna get weird if I hug you now?"
Immediately Scott's ears go bright red and he quickly loses every little bit of cool-guy vibe from a moment ago. "I-In your towel?? N-No!! I mean- yes!" He rubs the back of his neck, looking away from the door like its you, or he'll accidentally spontaneously develop x-ray vision and damnit, he's a gentleman. "I mean... " Or at least he tries to be.
Grinning, because Scott's unexpectedly cute now that you've flustered him, you quickly open the door, hug him quick, then close the door again and shout 'BYE'.
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awanderingdeal · 3 years
Summer camp AU - Chapter 5 - Remus
Finally an update to this! I found this chapter super hard to write for some reason. I hope you enjoy it!
CW: Food, implications of past toxic family relationships
Fic Rating: T
Please message me if you feel that any content warnings need to be added or the rating is not appropriate.
The characters in this fic belong to @lumosinlove and you should definitely go and check out her fics!
For previous and future chapters please see my masterlist
Remus moved tentatively as he climbed over Sirius, doing his best not to wake the other man. He wasn’t quite sure when Sirius had arrived, a vague memory of a muttered apology sometime during the early hours of morning surfacing, but he’d been asleep and barely registered it. He huffed a laugh at how Sirius had burrowed himself under the sheets, his inky black hair the only thing visible. The bed really wasn’t big enough for the two of them, and as much as Remus loved Sirius, his boyfriend leaked heat like a furnace. Still, soon the campers would be here and the two of them would have to set an example by not sneaking into one another’s accommodation so Remus savoured the company whilst he had it.
The air had already started to hold a damp heat when Remus stepped out, despite the amber hues of sunrise barely having lifted. A sweet breeze gave some welcome relief as he picked up a steady job, his muscles slowly waking to the chirping chorus of birds he couldn’t identify even with their daily meetings. Remus almost missed the flash of red hair hidden behind a tall pine tree, except for the hushed laugh that drags his attention away from a feisty squirrel he’d paused to watch. He rolls his eyes at the couple, an act he acknowledges is highly hypocritical considering the origins of his own relationship. The two kissed again, drawing the owner of the rough laughter into view and Remus startled. He peered closer, confirming his first observation - that was Kasey Winter, but the person he was with was most definitely not Natalie Darcy, Kasey’s girlfriend. Ordinarily, Remus would pretend he hadn’t witnessed anything, writing the situation off as none of his business, only both Kasey and Natalie were good friends of his. He pushed the dilemma to the back of his mind for now and pressed on with his run.
The work day had seemed unusually long, Remus learning the cruel lesson that even the most adored job became tiresome when you wanted to be somewhere else. Placing the final package of dressings in their drawer, Remus ticked the item off his checklist with a flourish. He looked around the nurses station, giving a satisfied nod and a self congratulatory smile; the place was really starting to come together. Now that he was finished for the day, Remus rolled his shoulders, letting himself relax.
Without the distraction of inventories and paperwork, Remus’ mind wandered to thoughts of Sirius. A phone call from a panicked parent needing reassurance the camp could, in fact, accommodate her child’s allergies had lasted long enough to result in him taking a late lunch, so Remus hadn't had a chance to talk to his boyfriend all day. He knew he could find Sirius in the drama studio, his phone having buzzed earlier with a message informing him of the fact Sirius would be there for the entire afternoon, only he didn’t want to alienate him from the other counsellors by spending all their time together. Traipsing back to the cabin to change out of his uniform, Remus shook off the doubt. There was a time for balance, but it wasn’t the day after your boyfriend reunited with their sibling after years apart.
Both Sirius and Heather jumped at Remus’s knock on the heavy wooden doorframe, the pair deep in conversation. “Oh, I believe that is my cue to leave,” Heather smiled, the expression settling something in Remus he hadn’t even realised needed settling.
“Thanks for all your help today, Heather.” Sirius accepted the broom she handed to him. “Both with this,” he continued, gesturing to the room around him, “and for the advice. You should consider a career as a therapist. Trust me, I should know.”
“Here I was antagonising over my future and Mr Sirius Black solved it in one afternoon,” Heather laughed, sticking her tongue out playfully. “It was no problem, way better than sorting out the games’ equipment shed, anyway. I can’t wait to see what your tiny theatre kids do in here.”
“They’re not tiny, they’re middle schoolers.”
“Exactly, middle schoolers. Tiny,” Remus agreed, stepping into the studio. It smelt of polish and other than a pile in the centre of the floor, any evidence of the years worth of dust that had been allowed to gather was gone.
“The key is not to let them know you think that,” Heather winked.
“This isn’t my first year, you know,” Sirius grumbled, his accent thickening the way it always did when he was even mildly inconvenienced, “Get out of here,” he shooed Heather off. “And talk to June! I definitely saw heart eyes this morning.”
“Well then, you need your eyes testing,” Heather retorted, leaving with a raised eyebrow and a peppy wave.
"Bonjour, mon loup,” Sirius sang, gathering Remus in his arms. At 5”11, Remus wasn’t even short, but Sirius could still easily prop his chin on the top of his head, albeit only briefly. A short breath of air left Sirius’ mouth, almost but not quite a laugh, and Remus found his chin being lifted for a kiss. "Come on, let's go and sit by the lake. I'll tell you everything."
Remus schooled his expression into the most innocent he could manage. "I was just going to ask how your day was."
"Sure." Sirius laughed properly now, the both of them stumbling slightly as he tried to nudge Remus' shoulder. "You're practically vibrating. Thought I was supposed to be the intense one?
“Sometimes it’s my turn,” Remus smirked, pointing out a large, flat rock in the distance that seemed like an ideal sitting place. Sirius nodded, letting Remus guide their slight change in trajectory to head towards it. “You know, you don’t have to tell me anything if you don’t want to. I will always be interested in your life, but if you want this to stay between you and Regulus then I completely understand.”
Sirius flicked his gaze over to Remus briefly, the smile soft on his face. It reminded Remus of when they had still been dancing around one another. Long evening walks where their hands would brush, just barely. Looking back, he didn’t know how they had lasted so long before that almost inevitable kiss. One thunderstorm and two leaking roofs, that was all it had taken in the end. “I know,” Sirius shrugged. Those were the last words he said until they reached the low slab, a once rugged thing that had been smoothed out by a lifetime of exposure. Remus thought there must be something poetic in it, but he was too tired to figure it out.
The quiet lasted long enough for Remus to figure Sirius had changed his mind, playing their hands together as they looked out onto the water.
“They live in California now, they’re here to teach archery and they are non - binary,” Sirius breathed out the sentence, the words blending together and his accent thick, but Remus was practised enough to decipher them.
“California? That’s a long way from Montreal -” Remus toyed with the sleeve of Sirius’ t-shirt. “ - How’d they end up there?”
Sirius' face crumpled a little, quickly gathering himself. “They were staying with a friend of our family’s there, Severus. He always seemed nice, nicer than the rest of their crowd anyway, but it turns out he’s no different to the rest of them. Regulus is trying to get out of there.” A sheepish smile spread over Sirius’ face. “I might have invited him to live with us. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I should have asked first. They were just so worried and -”
“Hey,” Remus squeezed Sirius's hand. “I’m not going to pretend that a consultation wouldn’t have been nice, but it’s your house -”
“It’s our house,” Sirius frowned.
"The house was bought with your money and I can completely understand and appreciate why you offer a roof over your sibling's head without question."
Sirius played with the necklace, a silver lion, hanging around his throat. Remus lifted his hand to touch its twin, draped around his own neck. "Just like that? Even though I've spent every mention of them detailing how much they had hurt me?"
Turning to face Sirius more surely, Remus gave a comforting smile. "Do you trust them?"
There was a brief pause, but the "yes" that followed was sure and confident.
"That's good enough for me," Remus said. "Shall we go and join everybody for dinner? There's apple pie tonight."
Dinner ended up being the usual ruckus that Remus had become re-accustomed to over the past few days. He loved the way the dining room thrummed with the same energy that radiated throughout meals with his own family. Thomas and James' dares grew more and more ridiculous until Sergei barked at them that he wouldn’t allow them any more BBQ if they did not calm down.
“ -Yeah, so ma Maman had to come and collect me. I think I lasted 5 hours,” Jackson finished his grandiose retelling of his first experience at camp.”
“Nado!” Evgeni set his glass down with a heavy thud. Remus had learned the tall Russian man had the gentlest of spirits, but grace was not an attribute he possessed in large amounts. “Why you go to horse camp if scared of horses?”
“I was 8,” Jackson argued. “I had never seen a horse in real life. It just looked fun.”
Once the rippling laughter dissipated, the conversation evolved into useful hints of tips from those of them that weren’t new on how to handle similar situations with their own campers.
“Hey, Katie,” Remus leaned over Sirius to address the youngest of the Dumais’. She had only arrived yesterday along with her siblings and Sergei’s wife and children, but she’d made herself right at home, squeezing herself between Sirius and Logan, who she had declared her favourite, instead of joining the rest of her family at their table. “Can I steal Sirius please? I need to show him something.”
“It’s time for Katie to go with Anya back to our cabins,” Celeste interrupted. “Viens, ma chérie. Tu peux revenir demain matin.” Katie left with a pout to a round of goodbyes.
“What did you want to show me, mon loup?” Sirius cocked his head curiously.
“Nothing,” Remus admitted sheepishly. “I just wanted to get a good spot under the pavilion before everybody else finishes and comes outside.” Sirius rolled his eyes, letting Remus tug him into a standing position. During camp, the small structure would serve as a meeting point and could fit a dozen or so people in when they were standing, but it was pretty full with Sirius’ 6 foot 3 form sprawled across it, there wasn’t much space for anybody else, and this was Remus’ favourite spot. He could lie under the shelter, a little less exposed to the biting insects that seemed to love him so much and still see everybody on the green around them.
Soon, the space would be filled with eager children, and Remus would be constantly poised to treat the next ailment, but at the moment, he was content to watch this year's counsellors get to know one another better. He was an old hand at this now, however, he could remember the bristling excitement as his first training week had drawn to a close, the knowledge that he was soon to be responsible for people who didn't seem all that much younger than he was, both terrifying and exhilarating.
The sky had been threatening rain for hours now, and it finally fulfilled its promise.
“My hair!” Finn’s screech broke through the chorus of rain. The blonde boy, something in the back of Remus’ brain supplied him with the name Leo, immediately tucked Finn against his side, throwing his jacket over his head. Remus wasn’t sure whether their shaking was as a result of the damp seeping through their clothes or the pair’s laughter.
Remus had always enjoyed people watching, noticing the subtle intricacies of human behaviour when they didn’t realise you were looking, so he caught Leo’s small glance up at Logan just before he put some space between himself and Finn.
Finn wasn’t having any of it though, dragging Leo back to him, attempting to get the small jacket over the top of the both of them.
"Do you see that?" Remus lifted his shoulder, jostling Sirius slightly.
Sirius grunted, the annoying chime of the game he was playing sounding loudly as he progressed to another level. Remus had given up on complaining, and the repetitive nature of swiping candies across the screen seemed to relax Sirius more than it bothered Remus. "See what?"
Leo was standing now, his t-shirt soaked through and his hair plastered against his face in damp strands. Remus couldn't quite work out what he spluttered before walking off with long, quick strides, one last quick look at Logan as he went.
"There's something going on there,' Remus hummed.
"Stop meddling," Sirius laughed.
"I'm not meddling!"
Sirius turned a raised eyebrow on Remus and tucked his phone into the pocket of his jacket before pulling them both down so they lay on their backs. "Listen. I love the sound of the rain."
Remus knew he was being distracted, but the thudding rhythm of heavy droplets against the wooden slats of the rood was incredibly relaxing. Or at least it was until the sheeting downpour didn't stop and they had to dart through it, laughter heaving in their chests to meet the others in the large hall. Celeste sighed, bundling towels into their hands to dry off.
"Nice of you to join us, gentlemen," Dumo said, a guitar propped in his lap. "Take a seat. We were just about to teach our newcomers a few campfire songs. Sans the fire, of course. As two of our most experienced, maybe you could lead?”
“Je te hais,” Sirius grumbled.
Dumo ignored the declaration, and once they were seated he smiled. “Perhaps we will start with Everywhere we go?”
Despite an early reluctance from Sirius the sounds of the song were soon echoing off the walls, the group of counsellors enthusiastically answering Sirius’ calls.
Everywhere we go
Everywhere we go
People always ask us
People always ask us
Who we are
Who we are
And where we come from
And where we come from
So we tell them
So we tell them
We’re the Lions
We’re the Lions
The mighty mighty Lions
The mighty mighty Lions
And if they can’t hear us
And if they can’t hear us
We shout a little louder
We shout a little louder!
Dumo was lenient, taking over leading them through a few more songs himself until he faked a large yawn. “Well, it’s bed time for me. I’ll leave the guitar for anybody who wants to play. And remember, no matter how much we try to teach our campers such fun songs, they’d rather learn whatever routine is popular on Tip Top or whatever that thing is called, so be prepared!”
Logan commandeered the guitar quickly, holding it strong against his thigh and strumming it with a relaxed ease Remus wasn't sure he'd seen in the man before. He played through a few songs, others slowly filtering out as time went by until only a handful of people remained.
“Do my song, please?” Finn asked, eyes wide and pleading.
Logan shook his head, “Not here.”
Finn’s lower lip dropped into a pout and Remus saw the exact moment Logan succumbed to the expression. Remus didn’t blame him at all, Finn’s face bore an eerie resemblance to Bambi and only a monster could deny it.
The slow chords started and the room quieted as Logan began to sing. It was more romantic than Remus had expected from the younger man.
And you can tell everybody
This is your song
It may be quite simple, but now that it's done
I hope you don't mind
I hope you don't mind
That I put down in the words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world.
Logan and Finn were so invested in one another that Remus wasn’t sure they noticed Leo slipping quietly from the room.
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heathneycanon · 4 years
reasons why phobia factor fucking slaps
ok this lowkey just turned into me rambling abt phobia factor while i rewatched it. putting it under a read more bc it’s super long lmao
like, the entire first five minutes are the campers being friendly to each other?? and vulnerable, to a degree??? you know i love that shit
courtney and trent?? talk to each other?? like. okay they’re never in the same frame together unfortunately, but they do have like, two whole back and forth conversations.
also in that campfire scene at the beginning, cody and trent are sitting next to each other and there are some. good screencaps
“exSQUEEZE me?!” like cody. ur such a dork omfg
duncan vulnerability hours
lindsay asks what a standee is and trent explains it and doesn’t mock her/isn’t annoyed with her at all, in contrast to a lot of the other campers interacting with lindsay. i love them as friends SO much u all have no idea
harold’s little scene with the ninjas. i love him sm. why does he have nunchucks with him when he goes to the bathroom??
leshawna is afraid of spiders and she runs away screaming from. chef wearing a spider suit??? like i don’t love spiders but if a man i knew wearing a spider costume was calmly walking toward me i wouldn’t react the same way as i would to a real spider. anyway i think this is hilarious.
season one heather vulnerability hours.....
i mean, i really wish they’d actually shown her talking abt her fear at the campfire, rather than just having it told by gwen in the confessional, but i get why they did that. regardless that one scene right before the sumo wrestler charges at her where she’s literally shaking.... i want to give her a hug
side note i hope the sumo wrestler is okay he hit his head quite a few times
ok so. trent accidentally leaving gwen buried underground because he’s getting chased by a mime isn’t like. a sweet gwent moment. but it is one of their interactions that i remember most vividly from tdi lmfao
what is a cute gwent moment is trent like. kneeling next to her while chris is burying her. and the face he makes at chris when he jokes abt not digging her up..... i love them sm
also gwen sounds so fucking dramatic when they close the box she’s in like. “goodbye cruel world” gwen ur being buried for 5 minutes ur not dying sdfjlafskj i love her
duncan hyping dj up before he picks up the snake is so cute?? like he’s clapping for him and he’s got what i call “adorable duncan face” which is where his eyes are full circles and he’s smiling. i can remember him making this face at courtney, dj, and alejandro throughout the series and it’s just. ugh loving soft duncan hours
“ah! it blinked” “it means she likes you” sadie where are u getting this information
okay so i googled if this was true and the result i got was “snakes can’t blink” so first of all i have no clue where sadie pulled that fact from and i have even less of an idea of where chris got that fucking. blinking snake from. is that even a snake??
when dj picks up the snake and they all hype him up?????? i love the killer bass so much it’s unreal
more cute gwent moments... gwen and trent talking on the walkie talkies.. they’re so cute
when the mime pops up behind trent and he does that little scream.... it’s loving trent hours u guys
trent is so bothered by a mime literally just. being a mime. me too trent. me too.
duncan and the celine dion music store standee.... everything abt that scene
"DUDE SHE’S MADE OF CARDBOARD” tyler i love you
courtney genuinely saying that it’s okay if he can’t do it (when she was being harsh to dj about the snake earlier..... duncney is so good in tdi u guys)
and THAT is what gives duncan the encouragement he needs to go for it?? they’re so good.
his “okay, okay” right before going for it... duncan’s voice acting is so good in this episode omfg
“duncan, you’re awesome!” and the look of shock on his face at both the fact that he did it and that courtney’s hugging him...... have i mentioned i love duncney yet?? bc i do
i can’t believe i used to dislike duncney omfg
then when courtney realizes that she’s hugging him and steps back jafksdfjlsa she’s so cute
and then the rest of the bass come over and hype duncan up more like. i love how supportive they all are in this episode!!
trent is so excited when he finally gets the mime to leave him alone fakjldjfl like he didn’t have to ROAST the dude. but he did.
chris somehow owns a remote control hail cloud?
lindsay getting excited about the “baby cloud” and calling it over?? she’s so cute omfg
trent fucking. hates geoff. gwent has geoffphobia in tdi ig
when they dig up gwen and she throws the walkie talkie at his head but he doesn’t stop smiling..... your honor i love them
owen and izzy getting out of the plane and kissing the ground together..... adorable.
cody with a fucking. watermelon on his head and covered in trash scares bridgette out of the woods. that will never not be funny to me
the only bad thing abt this ep- tyler should have gotten the fucking point. he completed the challenge. i love courtney, but realistically, she should have gone home this ep and tyler should have stayed.
bridgette hyping tyler up...... im soft they should be friends
“quit being such a girl” courtney im sorry but the only reason you’re still in the game rn is because ezekiel made sexist comments in episode one. what are u saying lmfao
tyler and heather’s reactions to their fears rly make me think. bc like. most of the other campers have a more outward, loud reaction, maybe scream and run away. a couple are just a little wigged out. gwen gets a little snippy and is clearly super freaked out as well. but tyler and heather just. completely shut down. like, curled up in a ball, nonverbal, and shaking. makes u think.
why did cody need a calculator to figure out that the score was 7/3....... cody is canon lgbt+ bc he can’t do basic math without a calculator confirmed
also regardless of how little sense that made. at least that screencap gave us commie cody
when gwen starts trying to psych courtney out and heather like. gasps and looks shocked..... i like to think that heather feels a little bad for courtney here. heathney real.
duncan and bridgette hyping courtney up..... i love the killer bass so much omfg
courtney looks so sad when she walks away from the jelly.......
and then in the confessional right after?? she’s like. crying a little bit :( and she’s beating herself up abt it like..... :( courtney no
LITERALLY she’s like “how could i be so weak” “i deserve to go home” “you’re pathetic” (to herself) and then tells herself to show some confidence and then. she just starts crying again. and then slaps herself?? GOD I FUCKING LOVE COURTNEY SHE’S SO HARD ON HERSELF
owen just. hangin out in the tub of jelly. i love u, u wild dude. fuckin sit in that green jelly. loving owen hours
the little look that courtney and tyler give each other when they’re the last two without marshmallows..... half solidarity half “i don’t want to be the one going home”. i love them sm :(
i KNOW i said this earlier but. tyler should NOT have gone home this episode!!!!!! only bad thing abt this ep
all the fuckin chicken puns are a little bit funny tho
“he won’t be flying high tonight” bridgette chickens can’t fly
when courtney goes “okay, that’s enough” like. tyler’s not even there at this point but she’s defending him. maybe it’s because she still feels she should have gone home instead? maybe it’s because of that little bit of solidarity she felt for him when they were the final two without a marshmallow? maybe i’m reading too much into this? but idk. i think it’s sweet
okay no i have another complaint. what the fuck was the whole boat ride for tyler?? like when sadie gets eliminated the surprise she gets is that katie is on the boat. when tyler is on the boat, CRYING, after literally none of his teammates came to see him off, after he LITERALLY COMPLETED THE CHALLENGE BUT DIDN’T GET CREDIT FOR IT. the fucking. CHICKENS POP OUT?????? tyler deserved better
also some of the challenges were a lot easier, or at the very least, harder to fail than others this ep. i love it but come on. lindsay and sadie vs like. gwen vs owen and izzy vs dj. there were very different time limits, actual fright level, ability to back out once they were doing the challenge.... not a fair challenge
also uhm. if we’re being technical tyler and heather had the exact same reaction to their fears, so why did heather get a point and tyler didn’t? if the chicken had run at him, would he have won? smh
i do love this episode so much but. i had a couple complaints
okay finally lindsay’s little confessional to tyler where she blows him a kiss.... they’re so adorable lyler rights!!
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Good Morning Campers, Chapter 4 (Crystal x Gigi) - Gelato
AN: Sorry this is so late but I started on another project that will be posted next week, thanks for the notes I really appreciate it!
“Aren’t you scared someone’s going to walk in, Miss Goode?” Crystal whispered, breathing shakily as Gigi dropped to her knees and lifted her skirt.
Her heart was racing and she hoped secretly that someone would catch them in the act.
They’d been sneaking around for well over two weeks now. Their stint in the disciplinary cabin at the edge of camp had quickly passed and they no longer had a reason to spend every waking moment together.
It was pure bliss for those seven days, spending every minute of the day at each other’s side for camp chores and each night in one another’s arms.
They’d truly gotten to know each other in and out. What they loved, hated, and wanted more than anything in the world. Stories swapped about childhood and life back home. What made each other tick, what turned each other on..
No secrets.
They were hooked on one another.
It didn’t end when they left the cabin and went their separate ways. They were just a mulch covered path away, their new quarters just a few feet from each other’s as they joined their peers as regular campers in overcrowded bunks for the remainder of their stay at Blue Springs.
Gigi was still miffed about her demotion, but wouldn’t change anything if it meant never spending the time with Crystal that she did.
“You want me to stop?” Gigi breathed hotly against Crystal’s thigh before running her tongue to meet the edge of her panties.
“No, don’t stop..” Crystal moaned softly, begging, praying that Gigi wouldn’t dare move as she ran her fingers through her red curls.
Gigi quickly did away with the offending underwear before swiftly hitching Crystal’s leg over her shoulder.
The shower stalls had become their regular meet up. It was mid morning just after breakfast, long after the morning shower rush had passed. They didn’t have much time, knowing their friends would come looking for them sooner or later.
Crystal reveled in the feel of Gigi’s tongue against her, coming undone in just a matter of minutes. She failed to keep her screams of pleasure from loudly bouncing off the shower stalls.
Gigi’s hand snaked up to cover her mouth. Crystal took her index finger between her lips and sucked slowly before pulling Gigi up to meet her lips. They kissed passionately, never wanting this moment to end.
“You.. have gotten so good at that.” Crystal breathed with a laugh, chest heaving and heart beating straight out of her chest.
“I learned from the best.” Gigi whispered hotly before bringing her in for another lasting kiss.
Crystal quickly dropped to her own knees to reciprocate before the echo of the camps PA system brought her to a screeching halt.
“Will all campers grades 10 through 12 please report to the main pavilion for announcements. That’s all campers, grade 10 through 12, report to the main pavilion.” Mrs. Davis’ voice reverberated through out the camp grounds.
The girls quickly scurried to compose themselves and to go there separate ways to meet up with their friends, much to their dismay.
After a rushed kiss goodbye, they left the stalls separately as they came, hoping that no one would notice.
“Why is Creepy Crystal staring at you like that.” Violet leaned to whisper in Gigi’s ear as they sat in the crowded pavilion awaiting announcements.
It took everything in her not to yank her so called friend by the hair and threaten her life for speaking about Crystal that way, but she had agreed to Crystal’s suggestion to ignore anything anyone had to say about one another. They wanted to keep their relationship private for the time being.
Much to her relief, Mrs. Davis stepped onto the stage and began to garner the attention of everyone in the pavilion.
“Shh, it’s starting.” Gigi threw Violet’s way, ignoring her previous statement.
She chanced a glance over at Crystal, who was indeed looking over her way.
The lust in her eyes didn’t go unnoticed. Her cheeks were still flushed from their earlier meet up. She licked her lips and slowly uncrossed and recrossed her legs, flashing Gigi a bit to reveal that she hadn’t bothered to put her panties back on.
Gigi’s vision went hazy and her face got hot. She couldn’t look away.
“I’m still wet.” Crystal mouthed from across the room, biting down on her neon green polished finger tip.
Gigi went weak in the knees.
“Alright girls, settle down.” Mrs. Davis spoke into the microphone at center stage, barely succeeding in taking Gigi’s attention from Crystal.
“As many of you have looked forward to for the last few weeks, this weekend is our annual summer fling with the Blue Mountain’s Camp for Boys.” She began reading from her clip board.
Most of the pavilion erupted with cheers of excitement, aside from the Strange Gang that shared a few gagging noises, earning them a couple of glares from their peers.
“As we have in the years before, we will be tasking you all in preparing for the event. Before leaving our meeting today, please take a look at the sign up sheet. We need plenty of help decorating! Don’t forget to also place your nomination for Summer Fling Queen. You will have until the evening of the dance to place your votes.” Mrs. Davis continued.
This announcement sparked even more excited chatter from the girls, each prattling on about what to wear, what duty they wanted, and who’s name they’d throw in for Queen.
Gigi’s name flew around the room as it had the previous year. She was always a shoe-in for Queen, and although she had been mildly disgraced for being demoted from the Junior Counselors, her popularity around the camp had done nothing but soar.
“We’ll also be offering buses into town this afternoon for the young ladies who would like to do a little shopping ahead of the festivities!” Mrs. Davis shared, earning even more excited buzz from the audience.
“Yes! I’ve had my eye on a pair of earrings at the mall.” Naomi said, leading the girls out of their seats to head back to the cabin and prepare for their awaited mall trip.
Gigi chanced another glance at Crystal, who hadn’t seemed too excited for a shopping trip of her own. Her eyes were suddenly down casted and she stayed seated, twisting her fingers with one another. Gigi made quick of telling the girls that she wanted to stay behind for a moment to speak to Mrs. Davis so they would head back to the bunks before making a b-line toward Crystal.
“I’ll meet you guys later.” Crystal said to her own friends, hoping that they would give her a moment alone as she saw Gigi approaching.
“You don’t seem too thrilled about shopping.” Gigi began, taking a seat next to Crystal as the pavilion cleared out.
“Don’t have a lot of money to spend. But it’s alright, I think I’ll just skip out on the dance all together.” Crystal shrugged.
“What? No! You have to go! It’s camp tradition.” Gigi crossed her arms, in disbelief that she would be missing her chance to see Crystal in formal wear.
“I don’t have anything to wear.” Crystal laughed, leaning into a seemingly pissed Gigi. She found it amusing how worked up she had gotten over a dance.
“Well lucky for both of us, I have plenty.” Gigi smirked, a glint of mischief in her eyes.
Crystal bit her lip and began to protest, but was no match for Gigi as she pulled her from her seat and back toward the bunks.
Gigi denied the invitation to join the rest of the Heather’s on the bus to town, much to their annoyance.
She had insisted that she already had something to wear, but denying a trip to the mall was extremely unlike her, and this didn’t go unnoticed by Violet in particular.
After some back and forth the group left. Gigi breathed a sigh of relief and waved Crystal over from the cabin across from her own.
“Alright, short or long? I have a thousand options to choose from, baby. Take your pick!” Gigi wasted no time laying out her formal wear that had been hanging in the shared cabin closet until now.
“I dunno, Geeg’. I don’t think I’ve ever worn anything this expensive.” Crystal whispered sheepishly, taking a price tag between her fingers and running her thumb over the offensive numbers.
“Forget about that. I want you to feel as beautiful as you are. I know you don’t need an expensive dress for that. But I’m not going to let you skip out on this dance.” Gigi replied, picking up a shimmering piece toward the top of the pile.
“Try this for me, please. It’s super sparkly and bright and I’ve sort of been imagining you in it every time I see it hanging in the closet.” Gigi blushed a bit, still uncomfortable with sharing just how much she thought about Crystal on a daily basis.
Crystal agreed after some protest, stripping down and slipping the dress on.
It was a baby pink, silk gown with shimmering accents along the bodice. It hugged each of her curves just right, earning her a look of approval from Gigi who sat in awe at how a simple dress somehow transformed Crystal.
“Well, what do you think?” Crystal sighed, secretly loving how the dress fit her body like a glove. She turned her back to Gigi and looked over her shoulder for a pose.
“I think I love it on you, but I’d like it better off.” Gigi replied, pulling Crystal onto her lap.
The two took full advantage of having the cabin to themselves for the rest of the afternoon.
The evening of the dance came soon enough, the entire camp buzzing with excitement. After a full day on the lake, the campers scampered to get ready for a night they’d all been looking forward too since arriving weeks prior.
Crystal was a ball of nerves. She couldn’t even afford a prom ticket back home, so a dance was uncharted territory for her.
She admired herself in the single dirty mirror that cabin had to offer, the remaining member’s of the Strange Gang offering a stark contrast to her as they sported punky dresses of various colors paired with high top sneakers and wild makeup.
Crystal decided to forgo too many accessories as she normally would pile on and opted for a single drop pearl necklace Gigi had given her to pair with the dress, along with matching earrings. Her hair cascaded down her back in waves, and her make up was more subdued than usual, her sparkling lip gloss accentuating her plump lips and bringing out the shimmer in her gown.
She truly was a vision, the baby pink silken fabric hugged her perfectly, and her teal blue hair somehow tied it all in like a Barbie fever dream.
“You look stunning, babe. You think she’ll ask you to dance?” Adore piped up from behind her with a raised eyebrow. She was the only one that knew the dress was from Gigi, and the only one that she wasn’t afraid to tell the full truth of their relationship to.
Yvie still held a bit of resentment toward the Heather’s along with Katya, and Crystal had decided keeping them in the dark was better than pushing the envelope this close to camp being over.
“I have no clue. Every part of me hopes she does. But I understand if she doesn’t.” Crystal replied, suddenly nervous at the prospect of holding Gigi so closely in front of the entire camp.
She was just excited to finally see what Gigi would be wearing. During Crystal’s little fashion show in her cabin she had successfully kept her own gown under wraps, intending to keep it a surprise for Crystal. They hadn’t seen each other all day, Gigi having warned her that she would spend the majority of it getting ready for the evening.
A hoard of cheers erupted outside as the buses filled with young men from the Blue Mountain’s Camp for Boys pulled into front entrance of the camp. Many of the girls were excited at the idea of meeting a boy this evening, and some were even reuniting with boyfriends that were attending the neighboring camp.
An announcement calling all campers to the pavilion bellowed over the intercom and sent the remaining campers out of their bunks.
Crystal and Gigi agreed that they wouldn’t be able to spend too much time at each other’s side during the event as not to raise suspicion, so they opted to meet behind the pavilion before the dance for some alone time.
Crystal switched from foot to foot nervously, her toes already aching as the heels Gigi gave her to wear began to pinch. The dance had already started and Gigi was nowhere to be found. Her heart sank as she realized she may not be meeting her after all.
“Hey gorgeous.” An angelic voice came up from behind her. Crystal’s shoulder’s instantly relaxed as she turned to face Gigi in all her stunning glory.
She modeled a shimmering silk dress that was the exact same as Crystal’s, except in powder blue. Her red hair draped gracefully over her shoulders in luscious tendrils, perfectly styled and framing her face. She had gone for a makeup look that only Crystal could have inspired, her blue eyeshadow and bright pink cheeks tied her look together. Her wrists carried clunky multicolored bracelets that she had lifted from Crystal’s personal collection.
“I hope you don’t mind, I swiped these when we stayed together. I was always planning on wearing them tonight. I wanted to keep a piece of you on me.” Gigi blushed and explained the jewelry as she noticed Crystal’s eyes fall onto them.
Crystal couldn’t help but let out an ecstatic squeal and rush into Gigi’s arms, overjoyed that she had wanted to emulate her on such an important night.
“Aw baby, we’re matching!” She bounced excitedly and stepped back only to take all of Gigi in.
“I know, that’s sort of why I had you try this one on first. I already had mine picked out and I was hoping you would love it so we could be a pair!” Gigi bounced along with her.
They kissed and held each other closely for a few moments before the sound of loud pop music interrupted them from inside the newly transformed dance hall.
“I guess we better get in there. See you after, same spot? ” Crystal asked with a pout before leaning in to give Gigi a final peck and the lips.
“Actually, I was thinking we could go in.. together.” Gigi nearly whispered, intertwining her fingers with Crystal’s and gently tugging her toward the music.
Crystal’s smile grew wider and her eyes softened as she fought back tears of joy.
“Yeah?” She mustered, in shock with Gigi’s proposal.
“Yeah. And if anyone has a problem with it, fuck ‘em.” Gigi nodded and smiled broadly before walking hand in hand with Crystal to the front entrance.
They were greeted by many shocked stares from fellow campers but marched on, truly not caring what anyone thought.
The pavilion was dimly lit, a dated disco ball hanging from the ceiling lit up the dance floor as campers from both camps danced awkwardly with one another, well supervised by several counselors.
The upbeat music quickly diminished and transition into the first slow dance song of the night. The opening keys of “Take My Breath Away” by Berlin hummed over the loud speakers. The dance floor cleared, save for a few couples that lingered to dance with one another.
“May I have this dance?” Gigi asked, pulling Crystal onto the floor.
They held each other close and noticed right away how everyone was staring, including members of their own cliques.
The Strange Gang hooted and hollered in surprised shock, embracing the new couple as they drifted across the dance floor.
The Heather’s were a different story. Nicki was surprised but a bit elated at Gigi’s obvious happiness, as well was Naomi. Violet however looked as if she was about to burst a blood vessel.
Gigi waved daintily at them with a smirk over Crystal’s shoulder and pulled her close. Crystal leaned back to come face to face with the red head, their lips close and her voice low.
“Gigi.. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way before. You make me the happiest girl alive. I think... I know I love-“ She was abruptly interrupted by a booming voice across the dance floor.
“Geeg’! Babe, I’ve been looking all over for you.” A tall, blonde teenaged boy bounded over cluelessly to the couple, his tux slightly disheveled and his bow tie hanging loosely around his neck.
“Chip?!” Gigi yelped in horror and stepped away nervously from Crystal.
She wasn’t going to let anything come between her and Crystal tonight, but she certainly wasn’t expecting her boyfriend from back home to walk through the door.
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pbandjesse · 3 years
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Im not having a very good day. I don't feel good. My feet hurt. Emotionally Im kind of a wreck. But I have to hope tomorrow is better.
I slept okay last night. Getting up and having to drive was hard. James had gotten us donuts so I didn't have to stop for breakfast. And It was an okay ride out. I got to camp and got my stuff all set up. My theme project had some issues but it worked well enough. I was in a weird head space.
And honestly my groups were a mixed ba. The first one was the tiniest campers and they were so cute and sweet and honestly I had the best time with them. I was so worried I was going to run out of materials but it ended up being fine. I had a few things left over even. But man was it stressful.
Because of that stress though I didn't have two of the older groups do the project. And that probably helped my supply but also it made it so that when one or two boys were like. Not interested in making any art I felt sad but had to kind of let it go.
My last group before lunch was a little bit of a nightmare. They were 10 minutes late. Then spent the first 10 minutes getting a talking to from their counselors. Then one of the boys kept loudly saying he didn't want to do art and being really negative. But I was focused on showing the others how to make bracelets so I had to turn that off in my brain. And then all of a sudden one of the boys ate a mouthful of paint?? I was shocked! I have never had that happen. I still don't know why he did it? Curiosity? Pica? No idea. He had blue all around his mouth. We had him rinse his mouth out but it was very upsetting.
Lunch was fine. I mostly sat alone. And once people did join me I got the email telling me I didn't get the job. And I was just. So sad. Like I don't even know if I would have actually liked the job, but I love the space and the people and the ethos of the whole operation. And while they were super kind about it, even giving me a voucher to take a free class, and telling me they want me to reapply in the future because they think there is a space for me there, it still hurt.
And then I started getting texts that dad was sick and going to the hospital. To call my brother. I was just like. My heart was racing. I was nausous. I spoke on the phone with my brother and it helped because he told me what was happening and that it seemed like everything would be okay. But I haven't heard my dad's voice. And Im just like. I need to know he's okay from him. My brother did help me calm down a little bit at least.
And I had to because my last group was there.
They were mostly great. Apparently last night they all got stung by a bunch of wasps and were pretty exhausted. But I taught them to make loom bracelets. We talked about stuff. It was really a nice time. Even if I was upset. It was a good enough distraction.
But once I was done and cleaned up I was like. I need something. Or I need to leave.
I had Sophie come and help me sort and label fabric for next week's project. And we both got very overheated. But once that was done I went to the office and Heather gave me a cookie. But I needed to leave. I had to go home.
I talked to Alexi and told her what was up and then I was off. i got my back pack and was out of there. I did forget a few things. But its fine. I will live.
The drive home was a little rough. But I got back here and it was fine. I got a shower right away. I needed to just be quiet.
I would talk to James a little. But they were mostly working. So I would unpack. And lay on the couch. And eventually have dinner.
Once James was done work we worked together to collect the addresses for our engagement cards. Im still missing some addresses but I have reached out to a few people. Its becoming harder. I feel like this is the type of things I should reach out to help with but I cannot do that right now. I just want to sleep now though. I started folding clothes and making plans for our trip next weekend. But it doesn't feel real.
Tomorrow were supposed to go get our new car. Im nervous. But it will be okay. I have decided.
Sleep well everyone. Take care of yourselves. Send my family good vibes.
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syahaz · 4 years
Camp TV Short Story - War Declaration
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It’s a mundane day after another camper got eliminated last night. This causes tension slithering toward a certain camper, who happens to rest his chin on his right arm and knee and lets his other leg sway back and forth while sitting on a picnic table. A quick elimination analysis playing in his fuzzy thoughts as he is staring down some wilting grass. There is also a gal who focusly writes pieces of her mind on her diary on an outdoor wooden lounge chair nearby.
Trenton: *Sighes.* Man, being not popular really sucks.
Heather: What about it? *Continue her writing without looking at him.*
Trenton: Don’t you realize that everytime we’re at the campfire pit, Geoff and Lewshana always, and I mean ALWAYS be one the earliest one to receive the sweet, sweet marshmallow of victory, security and another chance to win!
Heather: What makes you assume popularity has anything to do with your problem?
Trenton: Being more popular means more people like you. And more people like you means you are less likely to get voted off. And less likely to get voted off means you get to advance in this whole game we’re playing. Heck, I've almost been booted out a few times because of this.
Heather: So what are you gonna do?
Trenton: Well, *Stands up in boosted spirit and throws arms up.* I’m gonna make all the campers like me, including the Killer Bass too. I want to prove to myself that I’m very worthy to keep standing on this crazy island.
Heather: Yeah right… Like that gonna happen.
Trenton: *Pulls an instant frown.* What was that for?
Heather: Your goal is outright ridiculous. It's not gonna work. Literally.
Trenton: What the hell is wrong with you?!
Heather: *Turns to him.* What the hell is wrong with me? I’m just stating a straight fact. You’re not getting what you want.
Trenton: … You know what, I’m so done with you! *Stomps angrily towards her.*
Heather: Oh no you don’t! Don’t you dare get anywhere near me! *Hugging herself.*
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Trenton: *Aggressively snatched her hands and twisted themselves like Twister players but still on their own foot.* I can’t stand anymore that you’re being such a snob! You always act friendly to Geoff and Lewshana and many others but me. Like for real, am I that different from anybody else that you treat me differently in a BAD way!?
Heather: Yes, it’s called Stop Pretending- *Muffled by his arm.*
Trenton: I can’t hear you, you coward!!!
Lewshana: *Shocked seeing the ordeal as she walks in. Dashed and dragged them both apart hastily.*
Trenton and Heather: *Struggling themselves as they keep the flame on.*
Trenton: Just so you know that I’m gonna Prove. You. Wrong.
Heather: Oh yeah? Let time tell who’s the winner, greasy hair!
Trenton: *Gasps.* You take that back!!
Lewshana: *Holds Trenton and Heather farther away from each other.* Cut that down! You two wanna keep playing swords here till someone else will get hurt?
Trenton & Heather: *Exchange furious glare for a few seconds. Facing oppositely out of annoyance and cross arms.* Fine.
Trenton: Fine.
Heather: Fine!
Trenton: *Turns head to her.* FINE!!
Heather: *Turns head to him.* FINE!!! 
Lewshana: *Facepalms.*
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--- Confessional ---
Trenton: I used to see her interesting, smart and even cute. But now, she’s just a prickly porcupine! *Groans.*
Heather: I knew a bunch of guys like him. They tend to lie, cheat, fabricate, deceit, … basically anything dishonest. *Grunts.*
Lewshana: Whatever these two bickering about, I only hope they’ll at least try to corporate every next challenge.
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tdinyomomma · 10 months
The Not So Great Outdoors: Pt. 1
"Yo! We're comin' at you live from Camp Wawanakwa, somewhere in Muskoka, Ontario! I'm your host Chris McLean!" A guy in his mid-twenties introduces himself in front of a dock on the water. "Dropping season one of the hottest new reality show on television, right now!" He says, making his way down the wooden dock. "Here's the deal, 23 campers have signed up to spend eight weeks right here at this crummy old summer camp. They'll compete in challenges against each other. Then have to face the judgment of their fellow campers. Every three days, one team will either win a reward or watch one of their team members walk down "The Dock Of Shame." Take a ride on the loser boat and leave Total Drama Island, for good." He pretends to be hitting with a golf club then moves on to another area. "Their fate will be decided here, at the dramatic campfire ceremonies where each week, all but one camper will receive a marshmallow." He then picks up one of the three marshmallows on a stick that lays on a metal bar, biting the white thing of fluff to eat. "In the end, only one will be left standing. And will be rewarded with cheesy tabloid fame and small fortune, which let's face it they'll probably blow in a week." He lifts up a thing of magazines then a small chest of jewelry and other shiny things. "To survive they'll have to battle;" It cuts to bear hands swinging at flies. "Black flies, grizzly bears," the bear roars. "Disgusting camp food," a bowl of worms now shows, "Hey now." A big worm speaks. "And each other." It cuts back to Chris. "Every moment will be caught on one of the hundreds of cameras situated all over the camp." It then shows some of the cameras over the island. "Who will crumble under the pressure? Find out right here from now on... Total Drama Island!!" He announces and it cuts to the theme song.
"Welcome back to Total Drama Island. All right, it's time to meet our first 12 campers. We told them they'd all be staying at a five-star resort, so if they seem a little T.Oed that's probably why. Also! We have an uneven amount of campers to purposely make it a little unfair." He whispers to the camera. Grinning, I turned to see the first boat arrive.
The first girl to show up wore pink pants and a blue and green shirt. "Beth, what's up?" To his question, she excitedly ran up to him and hugged the host. "It's so incredulous to meet you!" She then backs away. "Wow, you're much shorter in real life." She informs him as he fixes his shirt. She waves at the camera innocently."Uh... Thanks." It then moves on one by one, DJ who seemed annoyed by it being different than the brochure. Gwen a goth girl, is angry about what she signed up for, Chris then shows a stack of papers. Next is a bond party dude wearing an open pink shirt and a cowboy hat, Geoff who just looks happy to be there. The girl after him is wearing a black crop top with jean shorts, and a pink belt looped around, smiling gently, [Name]. Geoff helped her down from the boat. Then a dimwitted blonde girl with shorter clothing was helped down by Chris. Behind is your typical mean girl, Heath whom Beth excitedly came up to who did not get the same response. Loud music blares, a boy with piercings, a green mohawk, and a skull on a black T. Typical bad boy, Duncan who doesn't like surprises. Horn honks and comes to an athletic boy water skiing who ultimately falls into the water, Tyler, lands on the suitcases, a case splashing into the water, soaking Heather. Chris giggled at the scene, while he was distracted by the hilarious scene a redheaded boy breathed deeply on his neck. [Name] makes a disgusted expression but noticing the camera she quickly covers it with a smile. Harold, the redhead was actually happy about being at the campsite. Number nine, Trent who plays guitar, knows Chris from the figure-skating show.
Trent even shows slight disappointment but being between Gwen and [Name] he lightens up the tiniest bit.
Bridgette, the next blonde girl holding her surfboard, unknowingly swung it around and knocked a few people. Next is Noah who asked if they knew about his allergies. Duncan already messing with the kid. Here comes the curvy, bodacious girl, Leshawna who Harold has easily fallen for. But calling her big and loud, ticking her off.
Two girls in matching everything came net, Katie and Sadie who were super enthusiastic about it being a camp. Unfortunately behind them is a kid in a blue beanie who's a smart ass, Ezekial. Homeschool kid, what else can I say?
A scrawny-looking kid after him, Cody tries to act cool and like a ladies' man. He goes right next to [Name], and she tries her best to stay polite to him even though he is drooling over her already.
A buff girl in dark blue is Eva, already angry. Loud coming on the deck is a bigger blond dude, Owen. Chris trying to match his energy at how he finds everything awesome until it's too much. A precise smart girl who's neat and very nice, Courtney like the other chick gawk over the next contestant, a beautiful-looking male model, Justin. Even Owen. Sadie fainted.
A crazy contestant, a redheaded girl named Izzy slipped and fell, face-planting onto the dock and then dropping into the water. Courtney and [Name] seemed to be the only ones worried.
"Everyone on the dock!" He gets on the boat as everyone poses for the camera, [Name] standing beside Heather and Cody. As it clicked there was no flash. "Oops, forgot the lens cap." He fixes his mistake. "Okay, hold that pose." He tells them. "One, two- oh, no. Wait!" He pauses. "Cards full." He shakes his head as everyone gets annoyed. "Hang on!"
"Come on, man. My face is starting to freeze." Leshawna begrudgingly says. "Got it, okay!" He grins looking into the lens for the last time. "Everyone say, Wawanakwa!"
"Wawanakwa!" Everyone yells in unison just as the dock cracks then collapses on them the flash goes off. "Okay guys, dry off and meet at the campfire pit in 10!" He orders, not even giving them a minute after falling into the water.
"Ohh, I can already tell I'm going to hate this man." [Name] hisses, and Heather hums in agreement.
POV change to yours
I ring out my shirt, watching everyone else do the same. We all make our way to the campsite, sitting or standing by the tree logs. I stood slightly away from everyone else. "This is Camp Wawanakwa, your home for the next eight weeks," Chris announces, I cross my arms. Why did I even sign up for this? Oh right, my sister told me this was an audition for a movie. Not a reality TV show. "The campers sitting next to you will be your cabin mates, your competition, and maybe even your friends. You dig?" Chris explains, I notice how they all look around at each other, and that one scrawny boy uh... Cory? Was staring directly at me. "The camper who manages to stay on Total Drama Island the longest without getting voted off will win $100,000." Chris grins as Duncan steps up. "Excuse me, what will the sleeping arrangements be, because I'd like to request a bunk under her?" He points to Heather who seems shocked. "They're not coed, are they?"
"No," Chris shakes his head. "Girls get one side of each cabin and dudes get the other." I could feel the girl's relief. "Excuse me, Kyle? Can I have a cabin with a lake view? Since I'm the prettiest." That one blonde girl, Lindsay asks sweetly. "Okay, you are but that's not really how it works here." He shortens her excitement, "and it's Chris."
"I have to live with Sadie or I'll die." The tan girl out of the two idiots holding hands says. "And I'll break out into hives." Sadie cries. "It's true."
"This cannot be happening." The goth girl plainly speaks up, she and that athletic dude in a red tracksuit get picked up into a hug by Owen. "Aw, come on guys it'll be fun." He happily states and I quietly snicker. "It's like a big sleepover!" He gasps. "At least you don't have to sleep next to him," Tyler tells Gwen, motioning to the bad boy who is giving a deer a noogie.
"Here's the deal, we're gonna split you into two teams." Chris brings out a paper. "If I call your name out go stand over there." He points.
"Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, Beth, Katie, Owen, Leshawna, Justin, [Name], and Noah." He finishes and we go over to where we're told. "You are officially all known as the Screaming Gopher!" He throws a green flag our way, Owen catching it. "Yeah! I'm a Gopher!" He chees and it feels like he won't get upset about anything. It's going to get super annoying.
"Wait, what about Sadie?" Katie worriedly questions but gets ignored.
"The rest of you, over here." Chris smiles, "Geoff, Bridgette, DJ, Tyler, Sadie, Izzy, Courtney, Ezekiel, Duncan, Eva and Harold. Move, move, move, move!" He shouts at the other team. "But Katie's a Gopher! I have to be a Gopher!" Sadie wails out, and Courtney reaches out to her. "Sadie, is it? Come on. It'll be okay!" She comforts the girl. "This is so unfair, I miss you, Katie!" As if we won't be in the same area most of the time anyway. This is a bit dramatic. "I miss you too!" Katie calls back.
"You guys will be known as... The Killer Bass!" Harold catches the red flag. "That's awesome. It's like... amazing!" He breathes out. I nudge Gwen next to me and whisper: "I don't know who's going to be most annoying, the screaming sisters, the redheaded geek, or the big blond." I chuckled and she joined me, covering her mouth.
"All right, campers! You and your team will be on camera in all public areas during this competition." It then cuts to him in an outhouse stall. "You'll also be able to share your innermost thoughts on this tape with video diaries any time you want. Let the audience at home know what you're really thinking, or just get something off your chest." He grins, eyes closed then it cuts to us speaking.
"This is stupid but I'm going to win, I'll just have to befriend everyone here!" [Name] smiles, her legs crossed sweetly.
"All right, any questions? Cool, let's go find your cabins." Chris says with his hands on his hips. "Gophers you're on the east cabin." He directs. "Bass you're in the west." We make our way with our luggage and as I go to lift up my bag it gets swiped out of my hand. "Let me take this for you." It was that one kid from before. "I got it." I laugh but he shakes his head. "I insist." He carries it for me into the cabin. I cross my arms under my chest and shrug following along behind him.
"Bunk beds? Isn't this a little summer camp?" Heather asks, Gwen, walking past. "That's the idea genius." She smartly says. "Shut it, weird goth girl." Heather snaps back and I smile to myself. "What an insult, she was right. You are a genius." I go up to Gwen who high-fives me, we both laugh as Heather scoffs but before she can even say anything Cody comes up to me. "You're good at comebacks, and super smart. I feel that." He places a hand on his heart. "Shouldn't you be on the boy's side?" Gwen raises a brow, he gives us a toothy grin in response. Gwen and I glance at each other and throw him out of the cabin, not seeing Leshawna making her way inside. "Aah!" He screams, landing right in front of Trent and Chris with a thud.
"Where are the outlets? I have to plug in my straightening iron." Lindsay questions, stepping outside. "There are some in the communal bathrooms just across the way," Chris tells her. "Communal bathrooms? But I'm not a catholic." I take a deep breath at her stupidity. "Not communion, communal." He corrects, Gwen sits down on the steps, adding to the conversation. "It means we shower together, idiot." The blonde's blue eyes bulge sadly right before she cries. "Oh no! Come on!" I leaned against the railing and noticed Owen, Noah, and Trent pop out of the door together. "I'm glad we're in our own cabin with just us guys. You know what I mean?" He chuckles but once they side-eye him he immediately tries to backtrack. "I mean no, I didn't mean it like that! I love chicks!" He chuckles again, they just awkwardly walk away. "I just don't want to sleep near them." He catches it once more then stammers. "I mean..." He runs after them.
"Excuse me, Chris." Geoff utters out loud, "Is there a chaperone of any kind on this faculty?" He asks as Bridgette makes her way into the cabin. "You're all 16 years old, as old as a counselor in training at a regular summer camp. So, other than myself you'll be unsupervised." Chris shrugs. "You've got half an hour to unpack and meet me back at the main lodge starting now." I watch the trees as Geoff cheers for being unsupervised. It was interrupted by a loud scream coming from Lindsay, inside our cabin. A group of us look inside. "Oh, man that white girl can scream." Leshawna comments, I mentally agree. "What is it? Kill it! Kill it!" It was a tiny roach and I guarantee we're going to see creepier, scarier, grosser things than this. DJ gasps before screaming like a girl, jumping onto a bunk, and breaking it.
It was mine and Gwens. "That.. was our bed." She slumps, I shake my head sadly. Harold runs in stomping at the bug, everyone screaming and I roll my eyes. As everybody freaks out, Duncan comes swinging an axe down.
"Well, that's one way to kill a cockroach," Gwen smirks and I scrunch my face. "A stupid one," I say loud enough for everyone to hear. "Oh yeah? I'd like to see you do better." Duncan says, I stare at him for a minute. "You could've just led the bug outside. You didn't have to kill the poor thing." I sigh, grabbing the axe from the floor. "Awesome." Harold compliments. I lug the tool outside, placing it down on the ground. "If you ever see one of those again, just let me know, okay?" Tyler goes up to Lindsay, "Cause you know, I could do that too." He flirts with her and lucky enough for him it works. They look deeply into each other's eyes "Cutely?" "They always go for the jocks," Duncan says and I snort quietly. "Cause you're so likable anyways?" His eyes widen slightly then makes a sly expression. "Yeah, you just gotta get to know me." He winks, and I laugh, patting his shoulder. "You'd like that."
We all line up inside of the main lodge, "Listen up!" Chef shouts, I'm in between Duncan and Ezekial that homeless kid? Or homeschooled, I wasn't exactly paying attention when people talked about him. "I serve it three times a day and you'll eat it three times a day. Grab your trays, get your food, and sit your butts down now!" He screams at us aggressively. "Excuse me, will we be getting all the major food groups?" Beth quizzes, looking worried. He slops down whatever he made onto a bun. "Yeah 'cause I get hypoglycemic real bad if I don't get enough sugar," Harold explains his problem. "You'll get a lot of shut the heck up!" He gets in the kid's face who runs away quickly.
I sigh to myself, Duncan looks over at me. "What's your deal, mouse?" I shrug, "None of your business, pincushion." I cut in front of him and stood next to Gwen, Surprisingly I didn't get anything back in response from him.
"Pincushion? She's... wow" Duncan grins to himself in a dreamlike state.
I heard Owen say something but I didn't catch it. "What was that? Come closer fat boy. I didn't hear you." He motions for the boy, and Owen grabs a tray. "Uh, I didn't really say anything important." He backtracks, I almost feel bad for him being put in the spotlight. Almost.
"I'm sure you didn't." He then hands out another tray. "You. Scrawny kid. Give me your plate." He demands, slopping down another spoonful onto Noah's plate but it stuck back up so he had to do it again.
I got my plate of sludge and was going to sit next to Gwen but I ended up stuck next to Cory?... Cody and Justin. Everybody poked at their food as Chris greeted us once again. "Welcome to the main lodge." I pushed my food away and paid attention. "Yo, my man, can we order pizza?" But that question brings a flying butcher knife from the kitchen flying right into the wall behind me. "Whoa, it's cool, G. Brown slop is cool." Geoff freaks out, Chef holds another knife at us. "Right guys?" We all nervously nod, awkwardly laughing too. Cody slumps down to hide under the table. I glance down at him and he looks up at me and straightens his posture. "I wasn't scared of him." He tells me and I raise a brow.
"Really I wasn't." He whispers, I nod. "Mhm."
"Your first challenge begins in one hour." Chris holds up a finger, turning around to walk out before any of us can ask anything. "What do you think they'll make us do?" Katie turns to DJ. "It's our first challenge. How hard can it be?"
We're on the top of a cliff, "Oh shit." DJ says out loud.
Chptr 2
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Phobia Factor |Total Drama Island|
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Summary: Duncan helps you with your fear of confined places on Phobia Factor. 
Pairing: Duncan x Reader
Warnings: None
Words: 2.8K
The screaming gophers team members walked towards your team, who were all still feeling the loss of the challenge. Courtney took a stand and confronted them on them being here, thinking they were here to gloat. They tried to play it off as being nice by offering dessert but in reality, they were just out here to air out their cabin. Which Owen, their teammate, had stunk up with his disgusting gas fumes. Beth walked up to Courtney, showing her that they, however, really did bring dessert for them. She held a plate of green gelatin in front of Courtney's face, making her yelp and take a few steps back.
"No! I mean, no thanks. I'm good," She said calmly, trying to play off her disgust.
"What, are you on a diet or something?" Duncan asked.
"No, I just don’t like green jelly, okay," She replied,
Beth shrugged her shoulders and moved onto the other "campers", sticking the plate right in front of DJ's face. DJ shrieked when he saw the gummy worm inside, thinking it to be a snake and smacking the plate out of Beth's hands. It landed right by Cody's feet and he picked up the candy worm inside of it, showing that it's just candy and not an actual snake.
"Sorry for tripping, snakes just freak me out," DJ explained.
Tyler patted DJ's back as he sympathized on his fear. "I feel you, chickens give me the creeps, dude."
"You're afraid of chickens?" You remarked, giving him a look.  
Duncan chuckled at that confession. "Wow, that's—that's really lame, man."
And just like that you were all having this big bonding moment with everyone spilling what they were afraid of. Like Beth went on and on about how she was deeply terrified of being covered in bugs. Harold shared that he was afraid of ninjas, which you didn't believe to be honest. Considering how he’s always doing something ninja-like or bragging about being a skilled martial artist. You were really shocked when Heather admitted she was afraid of something, the girl is her own type of scary, you found it difficult to believe that she had a fear. But I guess even monsters have their nightmares. She admitted to being afraid of sumo wrestlers, her confession making you stifle a laugh with your hand. She shot you a glare and would’ve said something but the conversation quickly moved onto Gwen. Lucky for you since you weren’t really in the mood to deal with Heather.
"What's my worst fear?" Gwen questioned. "I guess being buried alive."
You shivered a little, yeah, that didn’t sound like fun but you weren't afraid of that.
"Walking through a minefield...in heals," Lindsay said after Gwen finished.
"Flying man, that's some crazy stuff," Owen shared, Izzy nodding her head as she agreed. "I would never go up in a plane."
"I'm scared of hail, small but deadly," Geoff said.
"Being left alone in the woods," Bridgette confessed.
Beside her, Sadie, sniffled before sharing her biggest fear, she hated bad haircuts. Lindsay gasped and changed her fear, she agreed that bad haircuts were the worst thing ever. Cody went next, his biggest fear was having to defuse a time bomb under pressure.  
"I'm not really afraid of anything," Courtney said smugly.
You and Duncan both coughed, calling her out on her bullshit. "Yeah right." "Baloney."
"Oh really? Well what exactly are your phobias, Mr. And Mrs. Know-It-All," She scoffed.
That was your cue to look away and pretend like you had no idea what just happened. Duncan looked like he had just been caught doing something embarrassing as he looked around to the others. They were all waiting for him, and you, to share their biggest phobia. Mostly because they wanted to know what the big bad Duncan was afraid off. And you, Miss Mysterious, seemed to know a lot about everyone but hardly anyone knew a thing about you.
Duncan sighed and gave up his fear. "Ce-Celine Dion music-store standees."
Beside him, he heard you stifle a laugh before his attention turned to Cody who spoke up. "Ex-squeeze me? I didn’t quite get that."
"Dude, did you say 'Celine Dion music-store standees?'" Trent asked.
"Ooh, I love Celine Dion," Lindsay cheered. "What's a standee?"
"You know, that cardboard-cutout thing that stands in the music store," Trent explained.
"Don't say it, dude," Duncan said with a groan.
"Kind of like a life-size but flat, Celine," Trent went on.
"So, if we had a cardboard standee right now," Courtney went on before being cut off by Duncan.
"That's kind of pathetic," You chuckled.
"Oh yeah, and what are you afraid of?" Duncan challenged.
"No offense, you're all pretty cool people, some more than others. But you're not the only ones listening in and I'd rather not tell the world what I'm afraid of," You said.  
And just like that they all realized they were on TV. "Uh, well, I've got nothing to hide. I hate mimes, like a lot." Trent shared.
"Okay Courtney, you're afraid of something," You said, trying to get her to spill.
"Nope—Nothing," She said, that smug smile still on her face.
"That's not what she said last night," Duncan laughed, making you roll your eyes and divert your gaze.
You liked Duncan, that much you knew, since the beginning you two just clicked. But you had no idea how he felt about you, sure you had your moments but he loved to mess around. And he seemed to have a thing for Courtney, you weren't about to interfere with that. You saw Courtney stand up and leave, completely missing out on what happened. You looked at Duncan, no doubt that he had something to do with it but he just shrugged his shoulders. After that, everyone decided to head back to bed, wanting some rest before another gruesome challenge tomorrow.
You walked next to Duncan in silence before the two of you reached the cabins and went your separate ways.
You sat at the table that held all your teammates, eating Chef's "food" as Chris announced the next challenge. He announced the next game to be a game called 'Phobia Factor' where everyone would be facing their greatest fears. And this right here is exactly why didn't share what your greatest fear is, and why you never will.
He pulled out a card, announcing Heather as the first victim in this challenge, facing her worst fear; sumo wrestlers. He called on Gwen next, she was going to be buried alive, making her gasp loudly. This is when everyone figured out that everyone was actually facing off their biggest fear. And now everyone thought you were a complete genius for not sharing your fear.
"Chef Hatchet, didn't you have a special order for Tyler here?" Chris said.
Chef nodded smugly as he presented Tyler with a whole fried chicken. Tyler picked it up and brought it to his mouth, biting the head off, only for a live chicken to pop out. Was that even possible? Tyler freaked out, of course, but ultimately setting off the game.
The game went on pretty okay, with everyone being presented their fear. Beth was shown a large pool of bugs in which jumped right in and swam around. Nice one Beth, way to set the bar so high! Sadie and Lindsay were both made to wear mullet wigs all day to complete their part of the challenge. Izzy and Owen were taken up on a plane that was being driven by Chef. Harold faced off ninjas, or at least tried, he ended up smacking himself with his own nunchucks. Why did he have nunchucks at the ready? Lashawna ran away from Chef dressed as a spider, coasting her team a point. Heather went up against a sumo wrestler and actually won, by total luck though. But it made the score 2-0 with the killer bass, your team, losing.
Bridgette was lead into the woods to begin her six hours of total solitude. You watched in slight horror as Gwen was being buried, poor girl. DJ eventually scored a point for you team when he conquered his fear of snakes. But you were still one-point behind so not much of a victory for you guys.  
Cody was let somewhere where a garbage bomb was planted, one he had to defuse. As Trent was being chased by a mime, the rest of you moved onto the next fear. Duncan's Celine Dion music-store standee phobia, all of you stood in front of cardboard cutout of her as Chris explained what you had to do.
Duncan stood there with a terrified face as you helped him out. "She's pretty, she's nice."
"Just one hug and you're done," Chris explained.
"That—That looks really real, man," Duncan said, fear evident in his voice.
"Dude, she's made of cardboard! Get in the game!" Tyler yelled from the sidelines.
"Hey, it's okay if you can't do it," You told him gently.  
He sighed and reached out for your hand, causing your heart to skip a beat. "Fine, I'll try." He said, giving you a smile. He took a deep breath before running off towards the cutout, arms outstretched to give her a hug. He wrapped his arms around her and gave her a hug, scoring the bass another point. You smiled widely, ready to give him a hug but someone beat you to it. Courtney wrapped her arms around Duncan, cuddling up to him and cheering. That's right, he and Courtney had a thing that you weren't about to get in between.
You and the others walked over to him and congratulated him for his big win. The score was tied until Trent faced the mime and scored the gophers another point, leaving the score 3-2. Next up was Geoff with a mini cloud of hail just for him to pelt him with hail. But this reminded Trent about Gwen being buried alive, but she completed her task and the gophers now had four points while the bass had two. Owen and Izzy also survived their plane ride, scoring their team another two points. Looks like your team lost another challenge, even if Sadie, Bridgette, and Tyler completed their tasks.  
Speaking of which, Lindsay and Sadie conquered their fears and went the whole day with bad haircuts. Making the score 7-3, let's hope Tyler can get over his fear of chickens and win your team other point. But with Tyler being the last challenge of the day, what hope did you team have? Especially since Bridgette lost and ran out of the woods before time was up.
"Actually, we have two more challenges," Chris announced.
You looked at him in confusion, you and Courtney both refused to say what you were afraid of so what could they actually do? Chris brought everyone over to a tub of green jelly for Courtney to jump into, after they deduced that she was afraid of green jelly. That was probably more pathetic than Tyler's fear of chickens but when she explained why you saw her reasoning. It did look like snot, it made you shiver as you thought about it.
"Ugh, that is just cruel! It's probably warm by now, warm green jelly. Snotty, bouncy, ugh!" Gwen said, trying psych Courtney out.  
Courtney stood at the top, looking down at the tub in disgust. "It's okay if you can't do it, Courtney." Duncan said.
"It is? But won't we lose?" You retorted.
In the end she chickened out, walking back to her team in shame, while the gophers cheered. "Not so fast gophers, I said we had two challenges left." Chris said as he looked at you. "On this show, we like to do our research, and since you didn't tell us your fear we had to dig it up. Thanks for that, by the way."
"And what did you find?" You asked cautiously.
"Absolutely nothing!" Chris sighed. "Which is why, if you tell us your fear and complete it, I will give you triple points."
You felt everyone's eyes on you, while you looked at Chris with a harsh glare while he smiled smugly. What were you going to do? You could do the challenge and score three points or leave it as is. But three points wouldn’t give you the win, so either way your team still loses.
"That'd still be 7-6 though," You said.
"True, but at least your teammates can't say you didn’t try," Chris said. You gave him a look which made him roll his eyes and speak up once again. “Fine, I’ll also throw in immunity for you and another camper of your choice.”
Your teammates all looked at you eagerly, hoping that you would take the deal. And they were all hoping they were good enough friends with you that you’d consider one of them for immunity. But let’s be honest, even if you did do it and win, you’d choose Duncan as your immunity buddy.
You sighed heavily. "Fine, I don't like small spaces."
"That's it?" Someone from the gophers remarked.
You turned to look at them with a glare, pointing a finger at them. "You try spending two hours in a small closet because your so-called friends forgot to find you during hide-n-seek!"
And then is where your fear of confined places stems from, all because of a small incident when you were six. Chris chuckled in the back as he started to set everything up before leading you to your challenge. You started to quiver as the lot of you walked with him, the last time you were stuck in enclosed area you had a massive panic attack.  
Everyone looked at you as they waited for you to go into the small spaced area Chris had set up. You couldn't do it, you really just couldn't, it was too much for you.
"Hey, psst," Duncan whispered beside you.
"Uh, yeah?" You said.
"Shh, keep it down. Take this," Duncan slipped you something before you were pushed into your small space.
The last bit of light was shut out before you were in complete darkness and confinement. You just had to be in here for ten minutes, you could do it and score you team three points. "Hey, you listening?" A voice came through somewhere, more specifically through the device Duncan slipped you, a walkie-talkie.
"Yeah, what's up?" You asked.
"Figured you might need someone to talk to while you did this," Duncan said.
"Yeah thanks," You replied.  
"So, what do you want to talk about?" Duncan asked sincerely, shocking you that he was being nice.
"Wow, it's not like you to be so nice," You teased.
"Keep doing that and I'll leave," He threatened.
"Sorry!" You yelped, not wanting to think about being alone. "So, uh, you and Courtney huh?" Now was your time to find out how Duncan felt about Courtney.
"What about me and Miss Loud Mouth," He spoke.
"You two are a thing, right?" You asked.
"No! What gave you that idea?" He asked.
"Well, you two seem so close and you ended up sleeping together on last challenge," You explained.
"Okay, that was a total accident and I don't like Miss I'm A CIT. I just like messing with her, she's too easy," He told you, laughing on the other end.
"Oh," Was your reply.
"Why the sudden interest, princess?" He asked.
"No reason, just trying to keep my mind off of other things," You said. "So how much longer?"
"You've got five more minutes. Anyway, no reason isn't a reason, why the question?" He pressed.
"It is a reason, geez, can't a girl ask a question," You sighed.
"Alright whatever," He replied.
Silence overtook the atmosphere, your fear creeping back up quickly. You took deep breaths as you tried to calm yourself down, you weren't going to lose, not like this. "Duncan, you still there?"
"Yeah, I'm still here," He said.
"Okay good," You said, letting silence take over again for a few minutes. "Hey Duncan?"
"Yeah?" He asked.
"I like you, a lot," You confessed.
"I know princess. I actually like you too," He said.
You smiled to yourself and snuggled into yourself, waiting patiently for the end of your challenge. When you got out, everyone was waiting there for you, cheering at your successful challenge. They had to give it to you, having to spend ten minutes in total confinement was unthinkable. None of them wanted to do that, so yeah, kudos to you. And Duncan was waiting for you there as well, actually impressed that you did it. You lost the challenge but you conquered your fear and perhaps got a boyfriend too.
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