#and chemistry and physics ig :
def-not-kaz-brekker · 5 months
You know I haven’t studied for about one year and a half (and for the record I’ve been passing school for the time being while getting bad grades only on about three subjects) but today I’m studying chemistry (which is a subject I’ve gotten a passing mark once) because I told my friend about my burn out and the fact I haven’t been studying so now he’s gonna send me formulas and help me a little bit and I’ll be damned before I let him down
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sapnere · 8 months
Someone please give me the motivation to finish my notes
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supercantaloupe · 1 year
i used to be really good at and into science and math stuff in high school especially chemistry but since spending four years at university getting the world's most useless degree (BA music) (not even performance emphasis) (point and laugh) i haven't really done anything stem since then apart from the worst required physics 101 class in the galaxy so now instead of being smart and doing actual experiments in the lab myself i microdose science by watching chemists on youtube do shit like trying to make a fast food hamburger as flammable as possible
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thursdayg1rl · 1 year
only lost 3 marks in that physics test i thought i got 50% in so maybe im just a genius idk
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power2myheart · 2 years
i would respectfully like to commit a felony on my chem teacher
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master0fnon · 2 years
i hate chemistry
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goldryush · 2 years
let's say,,,, hypothetically you reblogged a gif set of a man like the professional simp you are but the thing here is that you did that on your side blog where you sweared that you'll never talk about a man on that blog 😟 and tumblr doesn't allows you to switch account after pressing post but you don't wanna delete it because you had 5 breakdowns while coming up with tags to properly express how you really feel atm🧍so now you're making a rant post about the wholle situation on your main blog!!
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tutuandscoot · 1 year
#@ anon I complete disagree with the sentiment they played into any of the relationship stuff#there is a difference to using your chemistry in the respect of the partner and performance and#*partnership#using it in the media to get attention#they never EVER did that and frankly spoke out against it a lot#Scott did an interview where he was asked if they play into it and spat at the idea t they fake their love#T is the same and frankly I think it’s a bit sexist to say she’s the one who played into it#using justification like posting more on IG or joking with people is BS they have different personalities. that’s great don’t read into it#they respect each other way WAY to much for that#to use each other as media hype#which is why I hated that podcast she did so much the way the woman set her up#simply what hey have is a love and compassion so very few people in theis world could even hope to have and others took advantage of that#thinking they did a ‘wedding photo shoot’ for the purpose of perpetuating a narritive is incredibly ingnorant thinking#people don’t understand that they are ARTISTS. when you give yourself to that fully you are open to explore anything in spite of judgement#it has nothing to do with their ‘relationship’ just as performing romantic themed programs had nothing to do#with their portentously being romance between them#*potentially being romance between them#I’m glad you’re not a crazy shipper but you have a very basic understanding#of them not being ‘famous people’ or ‘ceebrites’ that play into media culture#they are athletes and artist who spent most of their time exploring physical story telling on their own in a cold hockey#rink because that’s what they loved doing together#you can see very clearly I comparing different interviews who respect VM for who they are#as those who perpetuated lies and rumours#the media is powerful and while they gained alot of experience over the years#they are athletes who don’t naturally express themselves verbally in front of an audience#and I’m sorry but the idea that they deliberately did ‘the hug where others could see them’#is one of the most ignorant things I have ever heard#they often did it behind curtains but also did it right before they went into the ice so their breathing was freshly in sync#the fact they did it where ever they. oils shows they didn’t care where people were or what they thought about them#they did it for each. other and that gesture had nothing t to do with their off ice relationship it was all preparing for the performance
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ianthoni · 24 days
I just watched smosh the sitcom and haven’t seen any discourse about Ian being amazing in it. I know people tend to praise other cast members (being professional trained actors) but being as unbiased as possible Ian really stood out not only with physical comedy but also making the whole cast change with just one improvised line. Sorry for dumping my opinions here lol
I always ALWAYS talk about how he's an amazing actor despite being untrained and he should do more and once again he proved himself. AND THIS WAS LIVE! He was shining beside all this theater kids🥺He was incredible and i love how he ate with that "you're a little gay? Idk just like commit ig" improve it literally take everyone out LMAO like man is funny but also so good at acting AND IMPROVE? and they are the least switched ones thanks to him probably Anthony was cracking up dkgkskfks
And you know what was my favorite part??? The Krungle Kevin kiss they teased!!! He was allll over the stage, his stage presence was PERFECT. And they said he didn't do all of that in the rehearsals so it was all improved in the scene. He's just THAT good. His chemistry was incredible with both Amanda and Shayne I was literally holding my breath waiting for the kiss 🫠🫠
Anyways i agree with you we should talk about Ian's acting more cause he's fuckin amazing and im never gonna shut up about it.
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bbbuckaroo · 11 days
What’s your honest opinion on the Oliver and Lou interview?
Some Buddie shippers are saying it was awkward and Oliver hates Lou. Comparing it to the when Ryan and Lou first started doing press.
Personally I don’t think it was awkward at all. The only time it was weird when Mario Lopez mentioned Lou’s father which he has a not so great relationship with and you could tell Oliver was comforting Lou. Lou clearly got upset and in his answer didn’t his father and made it clear he mentioned his mother. I know ABC PR was there so idk why they didn’t step in to stop that questioning?
It’s sad after Ryan podcast mentioning mental health it seems like some shippers only care about Ryan’s mental health and not anyone else’s on the cast.
Also the photos Lou posted on his IG aren’t flattering on him or Oliver and the shippers are using that as their evidence. I think the talk show sent them to him to us and made the hosts look better 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️
I thought it was a great little snippet of Lou and Oliver’s relationship, especially for those who think they don’t even like each other. Definitely showcased more of their chemistry both on and off the screen. I do think it was awkward for two reasons NEITHER were because of Oliver’s supposed “hatred.” I need some of whatever drug these delulu’s are on because it sounds like a real trip.
1) It was one of Lou’s first major network interviews that I know of, unless I missed some for SWAT. Otherwise it’s been smaller platforms since he’s typically been in smaller roles/movies in terms of publicity and network. So you could tell he was nervous and from what he’s said about himself, he seems to be an anxious person (I mean, who isn’t?) so of course he’s going to emit that energy. And I mean, as much as it’s cringey AF, Access Hollywood is very well known.
2) The horrible questions. Of course he’s not going to be able to say where BuckTommy is going because that would be a huge spoiler and the network would not be happy. Also who knows how much they’ve even written of season eight. So he’s stating the obvious. Then honing in one his bodybuilding which hey is great because he clearly takes care of himself and swung it very positive by promoting taking care of oneself for both physical and mental health. So that was great. But the second they mentioned his dad? Yeah it was all over. They could have done their research even with a simple Google search and seen that there’s issues there, let alone Lou technically being a nepo baby. So they intentionally said that knowing that and then instead of focusing on Lou’s accomplishments they focused on his dad. The combination was awful but I do feel like Lou did handle it very well, he was able to come across as very neutral and diplomatic. Sk bravo to him.
And if there needed to be any proof that Oliver doesn’t hate and indeed both likes and respects him, it was how he diverted the conversation. He immediately did the little arm grab (a very conscious decision that no one would do if they disliked someone) to inject some humor, also by making the quip about him not being complimented. Which is know was a joke but it was true that it was awkward for them to gush over Lou and not Oliver who also takes great care of himself. It was pretty objectifying honestly. So Oliver jumping in and doing that shows he both 1) knows Lou well enough to read him and 2) likes Lou enough to make a choice to swoop in and “save” him.
I’m not sure how much ABC could have done, they may have pre-screened some questions but the interview was so short that if they went off script there was no time for damage control. And then again who knows how much they know and him being Lou Ferrigno’s son does draw attention. I do love Lou’s mention of looking like his mother which is both very true and a little nudge at wanting separation from his father, definitely a mama’s boy.
And as beautiful and brave it was for Ryan to say what he did, I agree that he’s the only person they’re making seem like has mental health issues. While they may not be as serious as suicidal thoughts that doesn’t devalue anyone else’s. And while Lou isn’t a main and wouldn’t get as much attention for it, he’s been very open about major insecurity (also bringing us back to his father) and anxiety even leading to self destructive behaviors. And not just them, all the cast have been supportive of both on and off screen mental health topics, including Oliver who has also eluded to anxiety, etc. I think they should be all be valued and weighed the same, but anything Ryan does now will sanctify him just to make Lou look worse because Lou plays the man Buck loves and the delulu’s hate it. So. Unfair.
The pictures were awful and even I was like geez Oliver’s got a serious RBF and obviously Lou looks uncomfortable but automatically jumping on that as hating each other is just … I just don’t know how to say it nicely anymore. But as I and many have said, we cannot gove these toxic people attention no matter how much it infuriates us, we can only show support to the actors and make sure they know the toxicity is only a small percentage. But you’re always going to hear more negativity than positivity because misery loves company and the squeaky wheel gets the grease (#metaphorsfordays).
To end this novel #2: Oliver and Lou clearly get along and have chemistry on and off screen to the point that Oliver came to his aid in a very awkward situation (he could have just let him flounder), all mental health issues matter, and those less than pleasant Oliver and Lou expressions were not directed as each other - they were directed at the slimy hosts.
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nightswithkookmin · 11 months
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Disclaimer: this review is from a shipper's perspective and it's objective is to rebut a few misconceptions about 7.
When I first heard the song was gonna be titled seven, I rolled my eyes- like how many times are these boys going to pander to Army with the whole 0T7 agenda right? Here they with yet another song about how much they love eachother like come on! I love BTS, I do but- I mean yall had the tattoos and the cute meet ups, and heart wrenching sappy goodbyes- isn't that enough why yall gotta make yet another song about your bond and friendship WHYYYYYY yall don't have nothing else to talk about? I thought season two was yall on tour grown grown shit- how is this growth if you singing bout the same thing over and over- right? BOY WAS I WRONG ABOUT THAT!
It's a good thing I didn't come out here to rant about that cos that would have been the biggest embarrassment of my life and I would be eating my words right about now while penning several apology letters to Jungkook- anonymously.
Seven thus, to me, is surprisingly good. Not at all what I had thought the song would be about so when I tell yall I was screaming up and down in my living room surprised and amazed clapping and cheering on as if this was the best thing I ever heard- yall wouldn't even understand.
It is why the first thing I love about the song is the title and how creative it is in as much as it doubles as a play on the word and teases out his connection to Bangtan- say whatever you want but I think that was hella genius and creative and reflects Jungkook's personality for someone who has always been creative in this way from his use of color contrasts in his GCFs to tell a story right down to choosing ABCD as his IG handle.
The MV had Jungkook written all over it- playful, goofy fun yet delightfully hot- it's the memes for me.
It was nice to see him be himself in a music video- nothing felt forced and contrived to me nor seemed out of character and that's what gave the song the flair I think it has. Jungkook pulled this off smoothly.
His acting was spot on- I loved the female character in there (in spite of yall saying they didn't gat chemistry) that's just because she's my type so thank you for that Jungkook. Mean cold emotionally unavailable, physically intimidating- yea no, I'm in love with her not gonna lie🤧
And I don't know what it is but she reminds me of Park Jimin too. And I sorta kinda like Jimin soo🥴
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Is it the cheek bone?
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Or the neck and shoulders
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Either way, she invokes the same feelings I get when I look at Park Jimin- strong alpha female😌 may be it's because they both give off masc/fem androgyny energy and I like that shit- eat it up nom
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She played her role very well and helped sell the story.
Those saying they lacked chemistry yall never seen BTS around girls huh cos it doesn't get better than this😩😩😩😩😩
Don't know if yall were expecting them to be flirting and shit- at least this female lead played center I'm still trying to find the female lead in JMs MV😭🤣🤣
I'm actually surprised how good Jungkook's acting turned out in this MV. Whatever they were doing in the restaurant- I'm sold.
And I know alot of people aren't too enthused by the plot of the MV- a young man hopelessly in love with their partner to the point of clinginess and obsession- look, may be if I were looking at this concept from an outside in perspective I would find issues there with that narrative too but as some one who has been following these men almost through out their music career and have had the privilege of consuming content beyond the music they do- I kinda find it hilarious 😂
Hilarious because it's everything fans, and BTS accuse Kook of- it's giving me war flashbacks to the perila leaf conversation they had, to all the times he and Jimin have been caught sneaking into each other's hotel rooms because CLINGY, to Jimin complaining he comes into his room at 1am just to sit on the bed and do nothing, to all the theories about Kook being the clingy one in Jikook- hate to say I told ya😆
It's almost as if he's saying we'll folks yall are not wrong I kinda is clingy and I'm not ashamed🤣🤣🤣🤣
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He's a hopeless romantic and he hasn't made that a secret at all. To me, what this is is he's owning the narrative- that is if this was a conscious decision and artistic choice by him.
I had to look up the director of the MV and this is the first time in my life I've genuinely cared about the director behind any project for that matter cos how much of a coincidence is this to cast characters who complement each other so well and craft a narrative which is not a narrative at all!
Their website says they blend "youth and pop culture with high concept storytelling." Well they pulled that off. The plot is simple and easy to follow and reflects pop culture. I wouldn't say this is exactly ground breaking though, because it's been done over and over again- but I think Jungkook rejuvenated the concept by adding his own take and personality to it. It was done well and I must give him high praise for this.
If you are a fan of pop culture and pop music this is consumable as fuck. The song is really catchy. And that's just the thing, there is a market for this genre of music whether you like it or not and he doesn't have to cater to everyone's taste all at once. However to me, this is a step in the right direction for his career especially if he is to position himself as a global artist.
People may know BTS but not everyone knows Jeon Jungkook and this right here is him carving a niche out for himself. He is not trying to ride on the success of BTS. He is not trying to be the solo version of BTS. He is trying to be JEON JUNGKOOK.
His music is gonna play in every teens living room, every adults bedroom, in the club on the streets- he's reaching places even BTS struggled to reach and that's the power of his brand.
He's making waves and he's only just begun. And it's about damn time too!
I don't have much to say about Latto other than give that bae some grammy just for the titties😩 the explicit version of the song makes so much sense why she was so freakylicious up on a BTS song😭😭😭😭
First I was like gurl what? Slurp what??? Then I heard the fucking you right version- I said carry on. My mistake chilee. Jungkook ma n*ga you wild.
It's refreshing to see him step into his power and own his image and his brand and control the narratives- if not capitalize on them.
Overall I think this was a great pop song and Jungkook carried it so well. He's gonna go places. It's high from here and nothing less.
While on the subject, let me address some of the remarks people have been making about the song. To anyone complaining this is yet another pop song- with all due respect, he is not Beethoven he is not an Opera singer he is a freakn pop artist 😩
If yall are tired of pop music just say so and go but don't come for a pop artist doing what a pop artist is supposed to do- and don't let a lie slip out of your mouth it's a great pop song that bops. Seven freakn days a week.
No other kpop artist have come this close to breaking into a western market much less come this close to dominating it. And to some of us, this has always been the dream. I have spent so many sleepless nights meditating and praying for BTS particularly Jikook to gain a strong foothold in the western music market, beyond Korea and Asia and when finally they are making attempts and moves towards that goal yall want to tear him down- fuck yall opps HE IS FREE BITCH.
At this point I really don't care whether people like the song or not because we have moved past that stage where their in their progress in their career was contingent on people liking their shit. How are you gonna like a song if you've never even heard it? Now more than ever, what's important is reaching as many listeners as possible and to that end I think they are all on a right truck.
Jungkook is out to make a name for himself and solidify himself as one of the top pop artist in the world and I don't think his language or country should hold him back- asking him to stick to Korean songs is holding him back from his full potential. Faulting him for for branching out and reaching for the stars is equally holding him back and putting him in a box- well burn that box would you.
I really hope seven is the first of many English pop songs he will make because we want to see more of him, all of him and especially what he can contribute to the genre he dabbles in. His best is yet to come.
And for those complaining seven is nothing new- understand IT IS NEW FOR JUNGKOOK. It is new for many of us who are seeing him do this for the FIRST TIME AS A SOLO ARTIST.
His English keeps improving with each new song, his delivery gets better and better- yall just leave him alone please and thank you.
If this is the start we are off to a good start.
The MV to me gave him opportunity to showcase more of his goofy personality, to show people he really doesn't take himself too seriously and has a great sense of humor.
As a performer he nailed his role. Definitely understood the assignment. And it's a good thing they casted a strong female lead cos them damsels in distress be getting on my nerves.
Do we need more of this? Yes AND YESS AND HELL YES!!!!
Between Jimin's Angel and this, you guys have no idea how excited I am for their journey. I want to see more collabs, I want to see them take more risks and build their individual brands.
Jungkook should definitely consider acting. A cameo in a popular American series wouldn't hurt his career.
In fact, the entire maknae line should.
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umi-adxhira · 9 months
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: ᴡɪʟʟɪᴀᴍ ʀᴇx, ʜᴀʀʀɪꜱᴏɴ ɢʀᴀʏ, ʟɪᴀᴍ ᴇᴠᴀɴꜱ, ᴇʟʙᴇʀᴛ ɢʀᴇᴇᴛɪᴀ, ᴀʟꜰᴏɴꜱᴇ ꜱʏʟᴠᴀᴛɪᴄᴀ, ʀᴏɢᴇʀ ʙᴀʀᴇʟ, ᴊᴜᴅᴇ ᴊᴀᴢᴢᴀ, ᴇʟʟɪꜱ ᴛᴡɪʟɪɢʜᴛ, ᴠɪᴄᴛᴏʀ
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: I've always wanted to do this and they're English so yippee 😍. Some of these (most of these) are based on experience I had in my secondary school so yeah
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Year 11
That kid that did the absolute bare minimum but somehow got decent grades
The Year 7s and 8s all had a crush on him, and it genuinely made him feel uncomfortable 💀
The teachers fucking love him idk what to say he's a good boy ig
The typa guy to adopt future roadmen Year 7s and hang with them during lunch to make them seem cool
Year 11
The annoying-ass kid that would cheat off you in every test yet somehow got better grades than you
Flopped Year 9 and decided he needed to get his shit together (he did the same thing in Year 10 and 11 but git better grades)
Snaps random girls in different schools, especially ones that went to his friend's primary schools to piss them off
Would ask you if he can borrow a pen but never give it back
Year 10
Got adopted by William in Year 7 but never became a roadman
He did all the non-exam based options for GCSE's (Music, Drama, PE, Art, Photography)
He was obnoxiously loud during class until one time he was alone, so he had no one to talk to, and a group of girls were being loud as fuck and he realised how annoying he was so he stopped
Joined Year 7 thinking Food Tech was gonna be sick, then ended up finding out that it's shit and anyone who did that for an option deserved to jump off a cliff
Year 10
Literally only hangs out with Alfonse in the library because he hates the outdoors (same)
Got all 9s in Year 9 and somehow is hoping for a 10 in Year 10 (no one told him a Grade 9 was the maximum)
Genuinely pissed during Covid so many people got high because the grade boundaries were low even though they bat shit dumb (his words not mine)
Stares daggers into the loud girls because they cannot shut up
Year 11
Got 4s and 5s in Year 9 but somehow got 9s in Year 10
Hangs out with Elbert because he thinks he makes him cool, hanging out with an older person
School senior, doesn't contribute at all unless it's an opportunity to skip lesson (me)
Always got picked on to read in class because he reads well and fast so that the slow-ass people don't read
Year 10
Got good grades in the mock exams and flopped the real exams (blamed it on the grade boundaries) (same)
Always raises his hand to answer and gets pissed if he isn't picked on
Only good at Chemistry and Biology so he wants to do Triple Science in Year 11
Helps out in school holing for extra credit (he didn't realise this ain't the US so there's no such thing here)
Year 11
Sells vapes to Year 7s at a stupidly expensive price but since they're Year 7 they think this is the normal price
Only one in the group that got good grades and not ending up working in their dad's haircut shop
Talkes in class then when the teacher moves him he's like "Miss I wasn't even talking" 💀
Year 11
Everyone had a crush on him. Jude often tutors him in private and threatens to spread rumours about him if he ever told anyone
Did Art in Year 10 for funsies and Economics because he wanted that one teacher who is physically impossible to help you get a 9 (no one got a Grade 9 in his class) just to prove everyone wrong (he did)
Buys food for his friends if he finds out they don't eat during lunch because the lines are so fucking long
Probably in a long—term relationship with a girl (me) and everyone is jealous of them
Year 11
Like William adopted the Year 7s but a significantly more amount (like half the damn school)
Everyone knows who he is. Every lunch time he goes to this one Year 9 girl who sits on the bench lonely and lets her do his hair
She's like his favourite child he buys her food so she doesn't feel lonely and stands up for her when the annoying popular kids talk to her (she gets uncomfortable)
He tutors her as well, even if she's good in class he does this because he wants her to be successful and have a good future (I love this sm)
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©️umi-adxhira [17/09/2023]
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 | @nightghoul381 , @serynhe , @kookie-my-little-sunshine , @cy-inky, @aquagirl1978 , @abundance-pathchooser, @lapis-da-lazuli , @ellisgivesmelife013 @surviving-off-ellis-crumbs, @yuan134
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spir4nts-lun4r · 8 months
hi ✩
I'm not new to Tumblr but this is a new account, so here's a get to know me ig;
I go by crowen on here
I'm 17 y/o
I'm already gladly infatuated with someone so please refrain from any flirting
I am deeply in love with music, poetry, books, good films, the universe of cinema in general and black coffee.
I feel very connected to space, stars and the moon especially, hence the space themed username.
I am heavily fixated on solitaire and have been for about 2 years now. It haunts my every thought and I associate everything I do or say to solitaire.
my favourite tv shows are bojack horseman, queens gambit, sherlock holmes BBC, anne with an e, young royals, umbrella academy, heartstopper, gilmore girls, I am not okay with this, the end of the f***ing world, fleabag, everything now and life is strange (not a show but feels like one)
my favourite films are the perks of being a wallflower, girl interrupted, fantastic mister fox, coraline, moonrise kingdom, all the bright places, the edge of seventeen, call me by your name, asteroid city, watership down and dead poets society.
my favourite books are solitaire, loveless, the Harry potter series, the perks of being a wallflower, a good girls guide to murder series, Mathilda, the secret garden, metamorphosis, the bell jar, the narnia series and les misérables.
I major in biology, physics, chemistry and math but I suck at most of it, I'm not really good at studying generally, but biology and chemistry is pretty interesting otherwise.
I really like cats, crystals and insects, I particularly like to collect dead insects and pin them into frames for my room. I also collect animal bones for similar reasons.
I'm pretty sure I have depression among other issues but it's rather complicated to get a diagnosis and medical help because of some personal issues, so yeah that's fun lols.
I kin tori spring, bojack horseman(not a flex.) , chloe price, charlie kelmeckis, mia polanco, sydney novak, remus lupin AND sirius black(the marauders fandom versions), anne shirley, susana kaysen, theodore finch, fleabag, nadine byrd, ladybird, matilda wormwood and alyssa foley.
i also own another blog solely dedicated to poetry and maybe eventual writing (I really love literature a lot), the blog is called @aionios-monaxia
that's all for now lmao good luck to anyone with the patience to read it all, bye ★*・゚⋆ ༄
btw, please send me anons I find them very entertaining!
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thursdayg1rl · 2 years
from now on I am going to study so much its crazy I prommy <3
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So sorry if this has already been asked, but could you elaborate more on your headcanons for Idia and Ortho's parents? I'm just extremely interested in the "Idia isn't their firstborn child, just the one that survived" part.
For context if anyone needs it
Headcanons I Probably Overexplain - Idia Edition 1
I'll be entirely honest, I Did Not Write Down what I meant by that when I did have the idea LMAO so we're starting from scratch here. TW for pregnancy issues, miscarriages, technically immoral science on humans ig, read with caution ig? etc. just generally. So concerning Idia's parents, we know that he inherited his curse to burn blot/magic through his father. We don't know how that curse would affect a human, so I think the train of thought I was on was how Mrs. Shroud's body would handle having an organism inside of her that would actively destroy itself. Now, I know that magic is something that seems to develop over a course of years, but it's also pretty evident that magic is inherited, it's got to be linked to some sort of gene or protein, but seeing as we don't know for sure whether other characters, (Cater's sisters, Najma, Sebek's or Trey's siblings etc.), have magic as well, we don't really know if it's a guaranteed thing or not.
REGARDLESS, it's more likely that magic is linked genetically rather than being the result of a mutation or a form of energy, at least in terms of the Shrouds.
I believe that Mrs. Shroud struggled with miscarriages, more than once or twice as the result of the embryo/fetus/baby collapsing in on itself (depending at which point the gene kicks in or the curse starts working) (don't come at me for the wording idk when it kicks in man my brain doesn't tell me that much, ig, technically it would be like by the 6-8 month mark, because I indirectly referenced it as a child).
As a result, the Shrouds realized that it wouldn't be enough to simply be on the Island of Woe for the sake of their future child to burn blot, not when it was still inside of Mrs. Shroud. As a result, they developed a way to do IVF, but instead of having the embryo grow inside of Mrs. Shroud, they made a chamber to simulate the same conditions a baby would need to grow, while also exposing it to blot, without overwhelming it or the curse.
Any experiment will have trial and error, especially when it comes to biology, in a family that focuses mainly on mechanics, chemistry and physics.
So Idia...is the first..alive...child that the Shrouds had. I do think somewhere on the Island of Woe is a nursery room dedicated to his big sister.
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knightzp · 1 year
was tagged by @tuisong to do this! tysm tūī!!! <33
15 questions for 15 mutuals
1. are you named after anyone? nope
2. when was the last time you cried? mmm one or two weeks ago maybe?
3. do you have kids? no and i dont want them either
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? a little bit sometimes? but not that much i think
5. what sports do you play/have you played? basketball, ice skating and dancing (if that counts)
6. what's the first thing you notice about other people? im terrible at noticing things so ummm their physical appearance ig. especially their face
7. eye color? brown!
8. scary movies or happy endings? happy endings!! besides i cant stand scary movies...
9. any special talents? uhhh idk really... writing maybe?
10. where were you born? spain
11. what are your hobbies? playing video games, reading, writing, drawing, watching anime
12. do you have any pets? unfortunately not but i really want to....
13. how tall are you? around 168 cm
14. fave subject in school? chemistry (liked it so much im actually a chemist now lol) and i also really liked art
15. dream job? honestly just something related to what ive studied, something i like doing, that pays me well enough, isnt too tiring and where there is a good working atmosphere
tagging: @sstrawbearies / @astralx / @raeyginageorge / @skijjiki / @hardboiledteacozy / @skinwalkerbehavior / @distant-snow / @cosmic-opossum / @peach-tia / @solarings / @solarshadow / @spikeyys / @seapasture / @lunarelly / (only if you want no pressure!!)
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