#and can you imagine being leo!!! can you imagine the fear and adrenaline and confusion
tinytek · 2 years
2012 tmnt au where everything is exactly the same except the turtles are borrower-sized. 
it makes the fights they win super impressive!
but also. 
the season 2 finale
.... leo :( 
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Giant List of Color Properties
I’ve been working on a huge compilation of color correspondences and properties and decided to share it here! It should be useful for color magic. I will likely update this in the future.
Disclaimers: Never attempt to substitute professional medical help with magic. This list does not represent the traditional color properties/correspondences of all cultures and religions. I am a pagan American and this list may reflect that. Many of these correspondences were compiled from other sources, which are listed at the bottom. Some are my own speculation.
Red 💋
Astrological Correspondences: Aries, Mars, Pluto, Scorpio
Body/Health Correspondences: Blood, Bones, Colon, Nails, Prostate, Rectum, Tail Bone, Teeth
Miscellaneous Correspondences: Anger, Fire Element, Heat, Intense Emotions, Material World, Mechanical Things, Rebirth, South Direction
Can Increase/Improve: Ambition, Confidence, Courage, Desire, Energy, General Health, Joy, Leadership, Love, Lust, Motivation, Passion, Passionate Love, Physical Energy, Power, Protection Against Being Attacked, Self-Esteem, Sexual Energy, Sexual Love, Stability, Strength, Willpower
Can Increase Success in: Battles, Business Deals, Buying Things, Confrontation, Energy Work, Health Magic, Hunting, Love Magic, Repairs, Selling Things, Sex Magic, Sexual Activities, Warming Up 
Can Decrease: Depression, Fatigue, Fear, Weakness
Orange 🍁
Astrological Correspondences: Leo, Mercury, Sagittarius, Sun 
Body/Health Correspondences: Addiction, Adrenalin, Alcoholism, Bladder, Digestion System, Drug Abuse, Eating Disorders, Lower Abdomen, Lymph, Kidneys, Pelvis, Sperm, Uterus
Miscellaneous Correspondences: Adventure, Emotions, Fire Element
Can Increase/Improve: Attraction, Confidence, Creativity, Dominance, Emotional Connections, Energy, Enthusiasm, Fertility, Fun, Happiness, Joy, Kindness, Opportunities, Material Gain, Mental Alertness, Power, Sexuality, Stimulation, Strength, Vitality, Warmth 
Can Increase Success in: Adapting to Sudden Changes, Art Magic, Attracting What You Need or Want, Being Active, Breaking Down Barriers, Dealing with Major Changes, Encouraging Self/Others, Energy Work, Harvesting, Legal Matters, Making Emotional Connections, Sealing a Spell, Self-Expression, Sex Magic, Sexual Activities, Transitioning, Warming Up 
Can Decrease: Boredom, Creator’s Block, Depression, Fatigue, Feelings of Abandonment, Hesitation, Weakness
Yellow 💡
Astrological Correspondences: Gemini, Jupiter, Leo, Libra, Mercury, Taurus, Uranus 
Body/Health Correspondences: Digestion, Gallbladder, Liver, Lower Back, Pancreas, Spine, Spleen, Upper Abdomen 
Miscellaneous Correspondences: Air Element, East Direction 
Can Increase/Improve: Beauty, Communication, Confidence, Creativity, Friendships, Happiness, Humility, Ideas, Imagination, Inspiration, Intellect, Inventiveness, Knowledge, Mental Clarity, Optimism, Persuasiveness, Productivity, Prosperity, Protection, Self-Confidence, Self-Control, Self-Esteem 
Can Increase Success in: Beauty Magic, Being Counseled, Business Ventures, Communicating, Counseling, Divination, Healing, Health Magic, Life, Making Friends, Persuasion, Self-Empowerment, Strengthening Intellect, ,Studying 
Can Decrease: Creator’s Block, Depression, Impulsiveness, Negative Thinking, Pessimism
Green 🌿
Astrological Correspondences: Aquarius, Cancer, Capricorn, Libra, Mercury, Neptune, Pisces, Taurus, Uranus Venus, Virgo
Body/Health Correspondences: Breasts, Chest, Circulatory System, Heart, Lungs, Respiratory System, Shoulders, Spine, Upper Back 
Miscellaneous Correspondences: Abundance, Architects, Artists, Balance, Change, Chiropractors, Cosmetologists, Dancers, Designers, Earth Element, Emotions, Engineers, Entertainers, Faeries, Gardeners, Growth, Immortality, Luxury, Models, Money, New Beginnings, North Direction, Rebirth, Renewal 
Can Increase/Improve: Achievements, Affection, Alliances, Artistic Ability, Balance, Beauty, Compassion, Courage, Empathy, Fertility, General Health, Grace, Growth, Harmony, Hope, Income, Love, Luck, Platonic Love, Prosperity, Romantic Love Trust, Wealth, Wellness
Can Increase Success in: Architecture Work, Art, Balancing an Unstable Situation, Cosmetology, Chiropractic Work, Dancing, Design, Earth Magic, Empath Work, Engineering, Entertaining, Existing Relationships, Faery Work, Fashion, Fertility Magic, Finding Soul Mates, Forming New Relationships, Gardening, Garden Magic, Getting Employed, Gifting Things, Health Magic, Healing, Herbal Magic, Household Improvements, Love Magic, Making Alliances, Marriage, Modeling, Music, Nature Magic, Shopping, Social Activities, Transformations, Transitioning, Work Life
Can Decrease: Bad Luck, Clumsiness, Distrust, Instability, Poorness, Unemployment
Light Blue 💧
Astrological Correspondences: Aquarius, Mercury, Neptune, Libra, Pisces, Venus, Virgo
Body/Health Correspondences: Neck, Throat 
Miscellaneous Correspondences: Air Element, Truth
Can Increase/Improve: Communication, Harmony in the Home, Health, Honesty, Inner Peace, Inspiration, Openness, Patience, Trust, Trustworthiness, Understanding, Wellness, Wisdom
Can Increase Success in: Being Fair, Being Open, Communicating, Discovering the Truth, Healing, Health Magic, Telling the Truth
Can Decrease: Creator’s Block
Blue 🌊
Astrological Correspondences: Aquarius, Cancer, Capricorn, Jupiter, Libra, Moon, Neptune, Pisces, Taurus, Uranus, Virgo
Body/Health Correspondences: Brain, Ears, Forehead, Lungs, Neck, Throat, Thyroid
Miscellaneous Correspondences: Doctors, Emotions, Growth, Guardians, Horses, Masculinity, Merchants, Ocean, Religion, Truth, Water Element, West Direction 
Can Increase/Improve: Charity, Communication, Empathy, Expressiveness, Fidelity, Fluidity, Group Success, Growth, Happiness, Harmony in the Home, Honesty, Insightfulness, Joy, Loyalty, Luck, Occult Power, Opportunities, Patience, Peace, Protection, Psychic Abilities, Social Standing, Trust, Trustworthiness, Understanding, Wealth, Wisdom
Can Increase Success in: Broadcasting, Calming Down, Communicating, Dealing with Foreign Cultures/Countries, Empath Work, Expanding, Forecasting, Guardianship, Healing, Higher Education, Introspection, Legal Matters, Letting Go, Long Distance Travel, Medical Work, Meditation, Psychic Work, Reading, Research, Self-Improvement, Self-Realization, Selling Things, Spiritual Healing, Sports, Studying, Traveling Safety, Working with Horses
Can Decrease: Anxiety, Confusion, Depression, Stress
Indigo 🌎
Astrological Correspondences: Jupiter, Sagittarius, Saturn, Uranus
Body/Health Correspondences: Depressive Disorder, Forehead
Miscellaneous Correspondences: Emotions
Can Increase/Improve: Clarity of Purpose, Emotional Vulnerability, Empathic Skills, Expressiveness, Fluidity, Insightfulness, Psychic Abilities 
Can Increase Success in: Empath Work, Letting Go of Emotional Baggage, Recognizing Emotional Baggage, Self-Mastery, Self-Realizing, Spiritual Healing 
Can Decrease: Depression
Purple 🔮
Astrological Correspondences: Capricorn, Gemini, Jupiter, Mercury, Neptune, Sagittarius, Saturn 
Body/Health Correspondences: Bones, Ears, Eyes, Face, Fibromyalgia, Forehead, Nervous System, Pituitary Gland, Top of Head, Upper Respiratory System 
Miscellaneous Correspondences: Contracts, Emotions, Hidden Forces, Idealism, Merchants, Messages, Occult, Royalty, Students
Can Increase/Improve: Ambition, Clairvoyance, Connection to the Divine, Connection to the Universe, Devotion, Fame, Forgiveness, Happiness, Humility, Intelligence, Intuition, Justice, Memory, Nurturing Qualities, Peace, Power, Progress, Protection, Psychic Abilities, Spiritual Development, Spirituality, Spiritual Power, Spiritual Protection, Success, Wisdom 
Can Increase Success in: Advertising, Astrology, Balancing Sensitivity, Clairvoyant Work, Communicating, Conflicts, Connecting with Deities, Connecting with Higher Realms, Correspondences, Dream Work, Divination, Editing, Education, Getting Promoted, Invoking Spirits, Meditation, Secret Dealings, Selling Things, Spiritual Healing, Visiting Friends, Writing 
Can Decrease: Depression, Emotional Hurt, Wounded Pride
Pink 💕
Astrological Correspondences: Libra, Taurus, Venus
Body/Health Correspondences: Breast Cancer, Muscular Systems
Miscellaneous Correspondences: Children, Emotions, Femininity, Infants, Innocent Love, New Beginnings
Can Increase/Improve: Affection, Compassion, Family Relationships, Forgiveness, Friendships, Goodness, Harmony, Honor, Morality, Passion, Peace, Personal Harmony, Personal Success, Physical Energy, Romantic Love, Self-Love, Sleep, Sweetness
Can Increase Success in: Being Forgiven, Buying, Selling, & Adopting Animals, Calming Down, Childcare, Companionship, Emotional Healing, Exercising, Family Life, Forgiving Self/Others, Friendships, Gay Love, Gardening, Getting a Move On, Love Life, Love Magic, Making Friends, Relaxing, Sex Magic, Sexual Activities, Spiritual Awakenings, Spiritual Healing, Surgery, Taking Action, Woodworking 
Can Decrease: Anxiety, Insomnia, Self-Hatred, Stress
Brown 🐻
Astrological Correspondences: Capricorn, Pluto, Saturn, Scorpio, Taurus, Venus, Virgo 
Miscellaneous Correspondences: Animals, Balance, Earth Element, Hearth, Home, Nature, New Beginnings
Can Increase/Improve: Balance, Concentration, Endurance, Focus, Friendships, Fruitfulness, Generosity, Health of Pets/Livestock, Material Gain, Security, Solidity, Stability, Strength 
Can Increase Success in: Animal Magic, Communicating with Nature Spirits, Finding Lost Things, Grounding, Harvesting, Home Life, Making Friends, Nature Magic, Solidifying, Sound Decision-Making, Telepathic Work
Can Decrease: Distractedness, Weakness
Black 🕷
Astrological Correspondences: Capricorn, Mars, Pluto, Saturn, Scorpio
Body/Health Correspondences: Bones, Teeth
Miscellaneous Correspondences: Beginnings, Challenges, Civil Servants, Death, Debt, Earth Element, Elders, Force, Grief, Rebirth, Sacrifice, Separation, Truth 
Can Increase/Improve: Dignity, Justice, Material Gain, Patience, Power, Protection, Stability, Willpower 
Can Increase Success in: Absorbing Energies, Banishing, Binding, Creating, Discovering, Divination, Enlightenment, Farming, Legal Matters, Letting Go, Manifestation, Neutralizing Forces, Overcoming Obstacles, Parting, Plumbing, Real Estate Matters, Removing Curses/Hexes/Etc., Repelling Curses/Hexes/Etc., Tests, Transforming, Transitioning, Understanding One’s Limits
Can Decrease: Animosity, Jealousy, Negativity, Weakness
Grey 🐺
Astrological Correspondences: Cancer, Capricorn, Moon, Saturn 
Miscellaneous Correspondences: Neutrality, Reservation, Secrets 
Can Increase/Improve: Psychic Awareness, Stability 
Can Increase Success in: Binding Negative Influences, Complex Decisions, Contemplation, Divination, Reaching Compromise
Can Decrease: Competitiveness, Weakness
White 🕊
Astrological Correspondences: Cancer, Mercury, Moon, Neptune, Pisces, Uranus 
Body/Health Correspondences: Brain, Pineal Gland, Semen, Top of Head 
Miscellaneous Correspondences: Cycle of Life, Freedom, Illumination, Innocence, Neutrality, Purity, Truth 
Can Increase/Improve: Clarity, Connection to Higher Self, Connection to the Divine, General Health, Peace, Protection, Safety, Spiritual Growth, Understanding 
Can Increase Success in: Any Magical Endeavor, Becoming More Outgoing, Blessings, Cleansings, Consecrations, Enlightenment, Establishing Order, Initiation, Unifying, Substituting Other Colors, Transforming, Transitioning 
Can Decrease: Confusion, Shyness
Gold 👑
Astrological Correspondences: Leo, Sun
Miscellaneous Correspondences: Courtrooms, Inner Strength, Justice System, Masculinity, Money 
Can Increase/Improve: Ambition, Financial Gain, General Health, Good Fortune, Higher Intuition, Honor, Inner Strength, Inspiration, Intuition, Power, Prosperity, Solar Connections, Success, Understanding, Victory, Wealth 
Can Increase Success in: Business Endeavors, Divination, Legal Matters, Overcoming Obstacles, Self-Realization, Solar Magic, Work Life 
Can Decrease: Bad Luck, Confusion, Creator’s Block, Poorness
Silver 👽
Astrological Correspondences: Cancer, Moon
Miscellaneous Correspondences: Femininity, Mysteries, Secrets, Tides, Truth
Can Increase/Improve: Insightfulness, Intelligence, Intuition, Lunar Connections, Memory, Psychic Abilities, Psychic Awareness, Psychic Development, Spiritual Development, Wisdom
Can Increase Success in: Astral Travel, Astral Work, Divination, Getting Pregnant, Lucid Dreaming, Lunar Magic, Meditation, Reflection, Warding Off Negativity
Can Decrease: Negativity
[Source] [Source] [Source] [Source] [Source] [Source] [Source] [Source]
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witchescauldron · 5 years
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Leo Sun has an aura of dignity about them, they are very prideful, but like a King or Queen, they don't mind the rumours and spiteful actions of people who mean nothing to them unless their words and actions become so vicious they need a little reminder who the alpha is. On the other hand, when it's someone close to the Leo doing hurtful things and saying hurtful things they are greatly impacted, they see that person as a part of their specifically chosen pack, an inside attach undermines Leo themselves and their judgments making it an even more personal shot to their pride. Born leaders filled with courage, with big hearts, because of their big hearts they are so giving but because they feel quite a bit and their precious heart is so big when it gets hurt they become enraged. They never hide their heart away they readily give access to it, so when they get hurt the attack seems very personal and like a giant slap in the face, so they act out in Rage because they can't understand why when they were so willing to accept a person why they would then turn to them with malicious intent.
Scorpio Moon is very trustworthy, they love odd conversations and getting to know you, and not just your favourite colour, no they want to know your greatest fears, you're absolute joys, everything. And all the information they gather you can believe that any and all sensitive info will never leave Scorpios lips, they would never want any on spilling their fears and secrets to anyone they understand the weight and severity of secrets more than anyone, so out of respect and a hope of common courtesy they will take whatever you tell them to the grave. This sign is very loyal to their loved ones, going so far as being aggressive to protect their circle from any threat. Scorpio is like an iceberg, you see the top and you assume to know it but underneath the waters surface their personality, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs are so much more than you could ever have imagined.
Libra Rising seek out that one true love, their prince charming so they will jump into many relationships in a blind effort and a romanticized hope of finding the one, but this often leaves the Libra brokenhearted and confused on love. You are easy going and kind making you a lovely friend, as much as you seek balance and harmony you take some twisted pleasure in causing small fights especially with your significant other, you are a fixer and a bit if an adrenalin junkie, when things are too quiet you need to spice things up! Often at the expense of someone else's peace. You do enjoy weighing all the facts the pros and cons of all situations and often keep a cool head when in decision-making mode, but you do overload yourself with facts and in the end, feel overwhelmed and have to have someone else come in and make the final decision.
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tmnt-veelicious · 6 years
Across the Stars - Ch.12
I am so incredibly sorry for the wait !!! So many shits happened recently and I had so little time to actually sit down and write anything ! I feel like the ending of that chapter is a bit rushed, but I was just getting tired at the end and I just want to get on with it ‘cause it’s gonna be fuuuuuuunnnn !!!! ANYWAY, HERE IT IS.
First Chapter --> HERE Previous Chapter --> HERE Next Chapter --> HERE
There were two rules for tonight: No boyfriends. Lots of alcohol! April still kept her promise from Vee's birthday and both girls were now walking into a nightclub, the music's deep basses felt in the air. The surroundings were thick with heat and illuminated by the dancing spotlights. Tonight was all about them, their friendship and about forgetting every problems in the world. Drinks in hand, it didn't take long for both women to freely slip into the nightlife style, their bodies following the pulsing tones. It had been some years since Vee participated in such activity. In her early adult years she had seen and experienced many situations regarding that nocturnal lifestyle. Some were memorable, others right down terrifying, but overall it always provided her a view on how humanity could turn for the worst – or sometimes the best – in the absence of sunlight. Humans were nothing but animals, either preys or predators, lurking in the shadows and acting in forbidden ways. ''You know,'' started April as they both were on their third drink, sitting at a booth. ''We've been living together for almost a year now and I feel like there's still things you're hiding from me.'' Vee laughed, mostly dued to her drunk state. ''What could I tell more? My life is so boring anyway.'' ''What do you mean, boring?!'' replied the brunette back with a smirk. ''Not everyone can say they've fucked a mutant, that's special.'' ''SHHHsHshshhSHhh, don't say it outloud,'' tried to hush Vee, giggling. Their hilarity didn't last for long, the artist already back to her drink. April could notice some uneasiness from her friend, the reporter silently studying her. ''… Why did you leave your country? What's the real reason?'' Vee's smile faded for some seconds, everything so silent all of a sudden. She didn't really know how to answer, but words left her anyway: ''To get a fresh start, get a new life. Everything back home brought me down and it always reminded me of how pathetic I am. I had so many plans, hopes and dreams, but they all got crushed by unfortunate events and bad choices. My family wanted me to be someone I'm not and it tore me up inside...'' She emptied her glass, putting it down harshly. ''I can't stand living a boring, repetitive life. I can't stand doing the same work over and over again. What I want to do is stressful and highly unpredictable, but so rewarding in the end! … I want to create and let my imagination flow freely. What good is life if I can't?...'' April smirked, somehow glad to see this side of Vee. That inner fire, that desire. She knew the artist was passionate, but also knew that something was missing for her to fully accomplish her goals... She was about to speak when a frown invaded her features instead, spotting something in the crowd. Three guys were walking around, looking rather suspcious. One of them had a large purple dragon tattoo on his arm... Purple. THE PURPLE DRAGONS! April grasped Vee's arm, her eyes following the three men who were making their way to a dark corner of the club. The artist followed her gaze, frowning in concern. ''… What?'' she asked. ''It's the Purple Dragons! They're here! They're probably involved with the Foot Clan.'' ''Woah, woah, wooaahh,'' stopped Vee, visibly confused. ''First of all, who are they?'' ''They're a gang residing in Chinatown. We have to follow them!'' added April, already getting up, holding her phone out. Vee firmly held April's arm, stopping her. ''Hey! What do you think you're doing? If, like you said, they're involved with the Foot Clan, we can't just follow them. What if they catch us spying?'' The reporter pulled the other up, bringing her to follow her steps amongst the crowd. ''We have to see what they're up to,'' she said. ''The turtles need any clues we could find. I've agreed to help them and now I can't back up.'' ''For fuck's sake, April!'' complained Vee, still being dragged. ''We're both drunk, they'll spot us!'' Vee could feel her heart beating hard against her chest, visibly afraid. Soon both women found their way to a darker corner of the nightclub, lightspots rarely shining over there and the lighting dimmed out. April quickly studied the place before turning around to Vee, her eyes as big as plates. ''Oh my fucking god, Karai is here.'' ''… Wasn't she in prison?'' asked Vee. ''Yes! She must have escaped very recently or else Casey would have told me! What is she even doing here? This is bad...'' ''How much bad?'' ''Bad enough that if she spots me, we're in deep shit.'' ''Okay then, let's get out of here,'' hissed Vee through her gritted teeth. ''We have to take a picture first.'' Oh gosh, Vee wanted to shake her friend so bad. ''Are you out of your frickin' mind? We just have to tell the boys what we've seen and it'll be okay.'' April didn't listen to her, already opening the camera on her phone. ''April, for fuck's sake-'' ''They need to see who's surrounding her, they'll know who to look for,'' cut April. A flash exploded from her phone, revealing their presence. All heads were now turned towards both women, Karai easily spotting the brunette. She pointed in their direction, saying something to the others, probably commanding to capture both women... ''Run!'' urged April, pushing and dragging Vee another time. Vee had no time to think, going through the crowd as if running through dense vegetation. Everything seemed blurry, every sounds muffled dued to the immense stress and rush of adrenaline she was now feeling. She only had to look behind her once to know that they were being followed by a group of men, probably Foot Clan ninjas. Soon enough they were outside, still running. At some point Vee lost her high heels, not even caring as she knew she'd run better without them (although running barefeet in this cold weather was no ideal situation...). ''Over there!'' they heard someone shout. April, still holding Vee's hand, rushed towards an alley in hopes of finding a manhole cover. Her wish was granted as the shape of one stood out from the small layer of snow on the ground. ''Help me out!'' she told Vee as she started to lift it. Both women joined their efforts, soon the metal piece out of the way. Sound brought their attention, spotting the ninjas coming through the alleyway. Vee did not wait to jump in, rapidly followed by April, the girls back to running. The brunette had her phone out again, rapidly dialing a number. ''Leo! 5th and 23rd. We're in the sewers, followed by the Foot.'' Vee knew the reporter was calling for help and she couldn't be even more grateful. She thought they'd be running forever until April pulled her to a dark corner, motioning her to stay quiet. They could hear the Foot ninjas approaching, suddenly on their guard, knowing something was wrong as they couldn't hear the women running anymore. Vee couldn't breathe anymore, her whole self frozen in fear, hoping their hiding spot wouldn't get noticed. After what seemed like eternity, a strangled gasp escaped one of the men, suddenly disappearing in the shadows. The others were on high alert, their weapons out. A shuriken was thrown to attract their attention, Leo the first one to jump in and disarming one guy. Soon enough the whole gang was there, pushing the enemy away. Everything was happening in a flash, Vee getting to experience the turtles really fighting for the first time. Her gaze found Donnie in all this hell, a strong shiver going through her as she could witness his true strength. She got back to reality as she spotted Mikey next to her and April, urging them to follow him to safety. Her body was moving on its own, unable to focus as the only sounds invading her ears were crashes and screams. *** ''What the hell were you thinking?'' scolded Leo as they were back to the lair. April was already bringing up the picture she took at the nightclub, shoving it in the leader's face. ''We saw Karai! She got out of prison and she's with the Purple Dragons!'' He snatched the device out of her hands, still frowning: ''Still, what you did was foolish.'' ''So what?!'' replied April, annoyed. ''You asked for my help and I provided. I called you for help next, wasn't that good enough? What was I supposed to do?'' ''Call us BEFORE getting in trouble,'' said Leo, his tone rising. ''We could have gone there and handle things on our own. Now you've compromised this mission and Karai is out there, probably running away from us.'' He caught a smell of her state. ''… Plus you both are drunk, no wonder you fucked it up.'' ''We did the best we could,'' tried to add Vee, trying not to show that she was shaking. ''We didn't expect for them to show up there....'' ''Give 'em some slack, Leo,'' said Raph. ''They're safe now, there's no need to be angry.'' ''I don't give a fuck, they ruined all our efforts!'' Raphael didn't like his brother's tone, knowing this wasn't his habitual behavior. He was staring down the blue clad terrapin, his stance on the defensive. ''Calm the fuck down,'' he warned. Leo was about to replicate that another voice stopped him. ''Leonardo, come with me,'' said master Splinter, standing near the scene, lightly frowning and his tail nervously swinging. Tension seemed to escape the leader's body, letting out a sharp sigh as he followed his father away. A long silence invaded the group, Raph's posture finally relaxing. Mikey was the first to break the ice, letting out a low whistle: ''Wow, I think that's the first time I see Raph trying to calm down Leo.'' ''That's 'cause he's a dumbass,'' simply said the red clad mutant, walking away next. *** Donatello had been silent ever since they came back, but now that he and Vee were finally alone in his room, he couldn't stop. ''Are you hurt?'' ''What are you doing, walking around without shoes? You'll catch a cold!'' ''They didn't touch you, right?'' Vee didn't have time to answer any of his questions, the turtle examining her, next bringing a blanket around her, trying to keep her warm enough. She couldn't look straight at him, somehow ashamed. ''Leo was right,'' she finally was able to say. ''What we did was stupid...'' Donnie sighed, standing before Vee. He gently cupped her face, slightly tilting her head so she could meet his gaze. ''You're safe, that's all I need to know.'' ''Are you angry?'' asked the woman next. ''Against the Foot, yes. Against you, no. … April had good intentions, but both your inebriated state didn't help. It was all a serie of unfortunate events.'' ''I didn't even want to do that,'' added Vee, tears of rage escaping her. ''I wanted to go away, but she dragged me and I blindly followed. I- … I didn't know what to do.'' Many thoughts crossed the mutant's mind, frowning at such revelation. ''But now that it's done,'' continue Vee, ''I'll stand by her side. We were in this together and she's my friend. I won't let her take shit because of this. … Leo was being a dick back there.'' ''You have to understand; we've been trying to find clues about this whole affair for two months now. It doesn't look like it, but Leo's been stressed a lot these days...'' ''He shouldn't lash it all on us though!'' She couldn't stop her crying, visibly hurt. All her stress was finally falling down, both angry and ashamed. She could hear Donnie let out a soft churr, trying to soothe her as he left a kiss on top of her head, keeping her in his arms. ''He was scared, Vee, we all were,'' he said calmly. ''… You're both family, we'll always protect you. … I'll always protect you.'' A tired attempt at a chuckle escaped Vee, nuzzling the other's torso. ''I have no trouble believing that, you looked so badass back there,'' she commented. ''You can protect me anytime.'' A small giggle-snort escaped Donnie, nuzzling Vee's hair in return. When the woman looked back to him, she still had some tears flowing down, although a sweet smile was showing on her lips. ''It's funny...,'' she started. ''April was asking me earlier why I moved out of my country, why I came here. … At first I thought there was no special reason, that my life was simply boring, but now I wouldn't exchange any of this for nothing.'' She tried to wipe the wet traces on her cheeks. ''Sometimes it's scary and unpredictable, but as long as you're by my side, I feel like nothing could ever go wrong...'' He knew this would never be the case. Danger was always around the corner for the turtles and he knew Vee could one day become an easy target. He then vowed to himself that he would always protect her. He would do anything for her... *** Vee and April had stayed for the night at the lair, in case the Foot Clan was still on the lookout for them. The artist barely slept that night dued to insomnia, calling in sick at her job the next morning. April, on the other hand, left early, accompanied by Leo – the leader probably feeling bad about his outburst and wanting to apologize. Donnie couldn't be more pleased to have Vee by his side for the day, keeping things calm around her as the woman had a slight hangover. She was dressed for a lazy day: a spare pair of black leggings she had left in his room, a large shirt and her hair brought in a messy bun. It wasn't the best look, but she knew Donnie loved it as he showered her in kisses and compliments. The day had been slow so far, Donatello working on his computer as he tried to find clues about last night's encounter and Vee mindlessly drawing beside him. She watched him work for a while, unable to focus on her drawing. She couldn't help juggling a question in her mind, always curious about one detail ever since they started dating. She rolled her chair next to Donnie's, leaning on his desk so she could catch his eyes. ''Hey there, beautiful,'' she greeted, playful. The turtle stopped, his eyes round until he laughed a little after her comment. He took this moment as a reason for a break, leaning back into his chair, stretching a bit. ''I have a question.'' He paused, looking back at Vee, intrigued. ''Sure, what is it?'' The woman smiled softly, resting a cheek against her held up palm, studying her lover. ''… I noticed something whenever we're intimate. It's nothing big, at least that's what I'm guessing, but I do wonder.... You make that sort of purring sound. It's low, almost inaudible, but I can feel it. What is it? What does it mean?'' Donnie blushed, gulping as he tried to sit straight, his hand grabbing the woman's free one, trying to focus his thoughts as he caressed her skin. ''Uhm, well, … first of all it's called churring. It's a rumbling sound we make whenever we experience strong emotions, such as happiness or … arousal.'' ''Is it a sound that could entice or encourage sexual intercourse?'' asked Vee, curious. Donnie cleared his throat, trying to be as serious as she was. ''In a sense, yes. I wouldn't call it a mating call, but I do guess it could serve the purpose of arousing a partner.'' Vee frowned, pensive. Her eyes wandered for a moment, as if trying to search for something. When she finally looked back to the mutant, still frowning slightly, she sat straight, breathing in and finally exhaling slowly, a quiet growling sound rising in her throat and thorax as she kept her mouth shut. Donatello was surprised, moving towards the human, some amazement showing on his face as he cupped Vee's face. ''How did you do that?'' he asked, grinning. The woman giggled: ''I simply relaxed my vocal chords and opened up, thinking wide! When the air goes through them, the vibration is more intense and I try to go towards low sounds. … I guess singing helps about getting a better control.'' The turtle studied her features, his smile never fading. ''… Do it again,'' he said quietly. Vee laughed, then focusing, her low purr back again. She could feel Donnie's hands slowly study her jaw and neck, feeling her work. His touch lingered, his fingers like feathers on her skin... Soon his churr rose, accompanying the human's. They instinctively moved closer, the turtle still cupping the other's face. He slowly nuzzled her features, letting his vibrations run through her, their lips barely brushing against one another... A soft giggle escaped Vee. ''Doing it for too long tickles and now you're not helping,'' she said, amused. She could feel Donnie's smile against her skin, the turtle gently getting a hold of the woman's wrists and bringing her towards him, sitting her in his lap. His churr never stopped, now his movements slower, still nuzzling her features and leaving small kisses here and there. Vee closed her eyes, somehow surprised by this sudden tenderness, feeling an urge to be closer... She dared do her sound once more, the mutant replying with kisses on her neck, one hand lost in her hair and the other at her back. Sensing the vibrations in his thorax, the woman could only feel attraction, starting to experience a need, now that she knew what it meant. Donnie's chair was now facing his lab area, hiding the couple from the open space of the lair. He finally took the chance to bring his lips to hers, his desire growing with each seconds. He couldn't help feeling extreme arousal at that moment, knowing Vee's ability to produce such sound woke something primal in him. The woman shifted her position, now straddling and facing him, her hands never leaving his skin as they kept kissing. Donnie's hands found their place at her hips, gently moving her in a wave pattern, rubbing against his now present bulge. ''This is turning out to be an interesting experiment,'' commented Vee, taking back her breath. She exhaled with a new purr, the other humming in approval as he kept her close, his hands squeezing in need. ''This is driving me crazy right now,'' added Donatello, his voice mixed with his constant growl. He was about to lift Vee's shirt that the woman stopped him, looking over his chair for a moment. ''Not here,'' she lightly scolded, not hiding her small laugh. ''Your brothers are still around, somewhere.'' The turtle didn't answer, placing his arms under the human's ass, keeping her against him as he got up, grinning. Vee gasped, surprised, putting her arms around his neck, a soft giggle rising as the other made his way towards his bedroom. He didn't even look back once, his eyes planted on Vee, closing the door harshly with his foot, hurrying to a desk in his room, tossing what was on it and landing the woman on the surface. This time he did not wait to remove her shirt, his need telling him to rip off her bra, but his mind stopping him, preferring to be careful and unclapse it in one gesture. He didn't miss Vee's renewed gasps, her body leaning towards him, her thighs slightly squeezing his waist. The garment out of the way, Donnie's hands traveled to her sides, his thumbs massaging her breasts and nipples, getting a moan out of her in answer. He had never felt this dizzy, filled with the most pleasant sensations. Nuzzling her, taking her scent, he wanted to hear her forever, claim her as his own... One of his hands easily went to her core, under her leggings and underwear, stroking her out of pure lust. His mouth got to her neck, his kisses stronger, biting lightly by occasion. ''Oh, Don,'' breathed out Vee, lost in pleasure. She scratched his skin, mostly towards his hips. She was about to slid her hand under his pants that the mutant's stance shifted, lowering himself as he completely undressed the woman. He moved her legs apart, bringing her closer to the desk's edge, then approaching and licking her folds. A strangled gasp escaped Vee, her hands getting a hold of the mutant's head, unknowingly keeping him close as she bit her lip. Her fingers then traveled along his mask, grabbing the tails and wrapping them around her palms, keeping a certain control. The turtle's constant churr could be felt, augmenting each sensations, keeping the woman on a certain high. She began to roll her hips with his rhythm, her breathing echoing, translating her desire. She got her first orgasm as he kept doing circles around her clit, her second coming a little while after, as he tongue-fucked her. She felt numb, on a cloud, her voice a plaintive mess as she begged him to come back to her. Donnie did move, but he lightly pushed the woman so she would lay on the desk, his form then hunching over her, trailing kisses around her features before he got to her lips, their tongues brushing in a sensual pattern. The human could feel him thrust his bulge against her sex; eager, needy. The sensation was pleasant, but she could only whimper, pleading to feel him nearer, entirely... His rumbling got stronger, moving away for a slight moment only so he could unzip his pants and lower them a little with his boxers, freeing himself. He got a hold of his sex, rubbing its head against the woman's entrance, sighing at the sensation. His gaze was now dark, filled with lust, locking on the woman's face as he watched her hiss and moan, her body invaded by many feelings. ''Fuck me, Donnie, please,'' she sighed, lovesick. The turtle felt himself melt at the other's tone, a strong shiver going through him as he joined their bodies, a long moan leaving them both. His instincts told him to go fast, lose all restraint, but on the other hand he wanted to enjoy this, going slowly, hitting all the right spots. He rested the woman's legs against his torso and shoulders, his hands caressing them, squeezing her thighs from times to times. ''You feel so good, baby...'' he mumbled, rolling his hips against Vee's skin. The woman only answered in plaintive, mewling sounds, her hands lost in her hair, her torso stretching with pleasure. She let him enjoy himself for a while, but her inner fire was demanding for more... ''I wanna be on top of you,'' she said, lost in her feelings. ''Hmm, I wanna move faster, love.'' She could feel Donnie's chest rumble stronger, getting to a stop, leaving some kisses to her right ankle, trailing along her snowflakes tattoo, before he moved away from her and helped her down the desk. No words were needed as they moved to the bed, the mutant sitting down and his shell going against the wall, giving him support. Vee easily got over him, not wasting any time to grab his penis and guide him back into her, humming in pleasure. She landed her hands on the turtle's torso, moving her hips up and down in a sensual pattern, biting her lip as she felt the other's hands trail along her arms and body. Their breathings were soon following the same rhythm, the human's thrusts starting to gain speed, her lust rising once more. She sat straight after a while, grabbing her lover's hands, guiding one to her breasts, bringing the other to her face, kissing his palm. ''You fill me so good,'' she moaned, shifting his hand to her throat. She wanted him to feel her renewed purr, excite him more. That action simply brought the mutant to rise his knees, his hips slightly changing their angle, the woman obliged to move towards him, her torso against his. Donnie's arms went around her, emprisoning her. His pace caught on hers, but this time he went stronger, bringing out more cries from Vee. He nuzzled her hair, telling her how good she felt, how he loved to fuck her, that he wanted to keep her forever for himself... Nothing else existed at this very moment, both lovers' minds blank, lost in this pleasure. Donnie did notice a change in the woman's breathing pattern, indicating her nearing end. He focused on her voice, the feeling of her skin against his, the smell of her arousal. When he felt her clench around him, her body rubbing against him, he lost it all, his churr stronger than ever, a long moan leaving him by the same occasion. He rode the waves of his orgasm with long, sensual thrusts, his hands gently clawing the woman's back. He could barely come back to reason that he felt Vee's lips against his, her kiss slow and tender. Donnie felt relaxed, his mucles rid of any tension, leaving a hand behind the other's head, lost in her hair. Their kiss turned into frenching, that simple action surpassing any words or compliments. He did smile when he heard the woman hum in pleasure, next leaving his forehead against hers, his hands petting her all around. ''That was intense,'' she murmured, nuzzling his cheek. ''… I need to remind myself to do that sound whenever I want it this way, holy fuck.'' Donnie chuckled, then sighing tenderly as he hugged Vee closer. ''It was kind of strange to hear that sound coming from you,'' he started. ''I'm used to only hearing myself so I never mind that action.... But when you did it, it's like it switched something inside.'' ''Stay tuned for next week's episode of 'How to bang your mutant': learn how to churr your way into hot sex,'' commented Vee with amusement. This time the turtle exploded with laughter, the woman following his hilarity. Still laying on top of him, Vee sighed, her finger tracing random patterns on his torso, pensive as she showed a smirk. ''You know... you're really good for someone who's never had any relationship before. Are you a sex god by any chance?'' she asked half-jokingly. Donnie chuckled with a small snort, a slight blush appearing. He mumbled something, the words escaping the woman. ''… What?'' she questionned, squinting a little. ''I watched a lot of porn, okay?!'' confessed the mutant. ''I mean, that's all I could do, right?'' Vee snickered, first answering with a quick peck on her lover's cheek. ''There's nothing wrong with that! All I can say is that you learned well,'' she smiled. ''… What kind do you like to watch?'' ''Oh my god, we are NOT talking about that,'' laughed Donnie, suddenly embarassed. ''Why not?'' added Vee, still smiling sweetly. ''It's not a bad thing and there's most certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Personally, porn makes me laugh because sometimes I think it's over-acted and exaggerated, but that's just my personal taste. If you enjoy it, you do you.'' ''Oh stop being so open-minded!'' teased Donnie in a playful way. ''… You're just so perfect right now. I don't need any of those videos these days, you're all I need and wished for.'' He trailed some kisses on top of her head, seizing this moment to take in her scent, forever intoxicating... ''And for your information, I do like it soft,'' he murmured next with a light chuckle. Vee hummed, her hands slowly trailing around on his skin. The turtle did the same, a sigh escaping him as he gently caressed the woman's back. This moment of peace was more than welcomed, Donnie's thoughts finally setting down from this high he just experienced. The more his thoughts shifted, the more his touch slowed down, lightly frowning. Vee noticed that change, lifting her eyes to him. ''… What's wrong?'' she asked in a small voice. He seemed to realize how he must have looked, slightly shaking his head and the attempt of a smile coming on his lips. ''I just keep thinking,'' he started. ''… Being who I am, I'll never be able to offer you things humans normally do: going on dates, walking around in public while holding your hand, stuff like that... It keeps me wondering what can you possibly see in me.'' A light chuckle escaped Vee, making the other frown a little. ''I don't need all of that stuff,'' she said, one of her hands getting to his cheek, her thumb slowly brushing his skin. Her gaze could only translate her love. ''I don't need fancy dates, walks amongst busy crowds or anything like that. A date with you is spending precious time in your company, doing things we both love. … I'm not asking you to be a human, I'm asking you to be you.'' ''Won't you get tired, though? Won't you long to partake in such activities once more?'' ''Those things annoy me, to say the truth...'' Her eyes caught his, trying to understand his feelings. ''… Don't be scared about those things, Donnie,'' she reassured. ''I want to be with you. I love you... I love you so much,'' she ended calmly, nuzzling her nose against his cheek. She felt the turtle's arms tighten around her a little, a long sigh escaping him. ''… How could I ever be this lucky?'' he next said in hushed tones. ''Luck has nothing to do with it,'' added Vee. ''We were just meant to be.'' ''Still, there was a fifty percent chance that I'd finally kick my own butt and decide to meet you.... If I had decided not to go, I would have missed all of this, all of you.'' ''Don't think in numbers, think with your heart... One day or another, our paths would have crossed. I just know it.'' A small smirk showed on the turtle's lips: ''You know what needs to cross my path right now? … Poptarts.'' ''Oh dear.'' ''I have such a craving, it's unbelievable.'' ''You better share or else I'll hide the box!'' *** The dojo always was either a place of peace or a turbulence of strength, a brutal ocean. This time only the sounds of calm breaths filled the room, like constant waves caressing the shores. It wasn't rare nowadays for Vee and Leo to meditate together, both knowing this activity brought them peace of mind. Although that session didn't feel as comfortable as the others, especially knowing how things unfolded last night... Vee could sense some uneasiness coming out of the leader, even if he tried so hard to keep his composure. The artist could only breathe peacefully, trying to convey her feeling of calmness as the atmosphere felt like a tug-of-war inbetween the panicking terrapin and the afterglowing human. Frowning after a while, Vee decided to get up with a sigh, making her way towards the kitchen to grab the usual tea set and cups. When she returned, she placed the plateau right in front of Leo, sitting across, facing the leader. ''Speak,'' she simply said. As the mutant had kept his eyes closed, he then opened one, gazing down the woman with slight confusion. ''I'm not finished,'' he simply said, closing back his eye, trying to regain his posture. ''I'm unfortunately an empath and right now I know you're feeling shitty. Since I can't meditate in peace, it'll be the same for you. I won't leave you until you speak your mind.'' The blue clad turtle sighed deeply, looking back at Vee with an annoyed gaze. Although he knew she was right... He took the cup Vee handed him, taking a sip before he decided to talk. ''… I'm sorry, about last night.'' ''Donnie told me you were feeling stressed with this whole ordeal-'' ''Still, that doesn't excuse my attitude,'' he calmly cut. ''… Many emotions invaded me and I let them take the best out of me; that's not how I was taught to handle things.'' ''It's okay to have some slip ups from times to times,'' added Vee. Her fingers lightly tapped around her cup, pensive. ''… I understand how frustrating it can be to see something you've been working on for such a long time just go wrong, even for one little moment. I know what April and I did last night was foolish and dangerous, but it was all in good intentions.'' Leo stopped her, holding his palm up: ''I know, I know... April went through the same speech herself. … I appreciate both your efforts and your concerns, but now we need to focus on the future, about a plan, rather than get stuck in the past and its errors.'' Vee somehow looked defeated, unable to keep her gaze on the leader. ''Even if we came up with a plan, who knows if we'd be able to keep it? Personally, I know that when I'm facing danger, I either get stuck, unable to do any moves, or I snap and actually do something. … It's really hard to know how I'll react in certain situations.'' ''That's why my plan is to get you two out of any situation,'' replied Leo. ''Even April?'' questionned the artist, confused. ''I thought you guys needed her help.'' ''And we got it,'' lightly smiled the terrapin. ''Now that we know Karai is back, we can take it from here. April is no ninja, although she knows how to defend herself. … Karai is not like any low-life gang member. She has ressources and power; she won't hesitate to use any means to get to us, which might mean that she could use both of you as bait.'' ''Then what do you suggest?'' ''One of us will accompany you both at night when you get out of work and walk you home. We'll each have our turns.'' Vee couldn't help frowning, feeling some disbelief regarding Leo's idea. ''… Leo, you guys can't keep doing that forever, it's ridiculous!'' ''No it's not,'' he frowned in return. ''Have you at least told your brothers about this plan?'' ''Not yet, but I know they will agree to it, at least I know Donnie will.'' The woman sighed, leaving her cup down. ''Look … I know you have good intentions and it's appreciated, but I have the feeling this is getting out of hands. What next? We won't be able to get out our appartment without any of you guys? … Unfortunately, danger is at every corners of this city and we have to accept that reality. What about Mikasa? Will you also try to overprotect her?'' ''No need to bring her into this; she knows how to defend herself and she's not known to Karai.'' ''Then teach us, teach me how to defend myself. I'm willing to do it if it can ease your mind.'' Leonardo paused, seriously considering this idea. He finally smiled: ''I'm no sensei, I'm not ready to teach-'' ''Then I will,'' added another voice from the dojo's entrance. Both their gazes wandered to the newcomer, discovering that it was none other than master Splinter. Leo instantly got up, properly greeting his father with a respectful bow. ''Sensei … how long have you been listening?'' he asked, lightly ashamed. ''Long enough to hear about your plan,'' answered the rat, walking towards the duo. Vee got up too, to be polite. She stayed silent, waiting to see how things would unfold. ''You have a good heart,'' started Splinter, leaving a hand on his son's forearm gently. ''But Vee is right; you won't be able to do this forever. Overprotecting won't prevent things from going wrong. Remember how you and your brothers disobeyed me and went above ground without my permission....'' Leo smiled once more to this thought, but was quick to regain a serious composure. ''I'm just trying to protect my family,'' he quietly said. ''And it is not a bad thing! But what you need to learn now is to trust them. … I trust that you will be able to protect them, but you must believe that they'll be able to do the same for themselves and even for you.'' The terrapin inhaled slowly, weighing his father's words. He finally let out a sharp puff, hands on his hips as he glanced between the rat and the human. ''Okay then, train her. See what you can do, but let me – let us protect them until she's able to defend herself properly, April included.'' Vee felt victorious, but she lowkey knew it would take time for her to get to an acceptable level for the leader. April would easily succeed while the artist would most certainly struggle at some points. It was only best to try at that point!
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kyoune · 7 years
i’ll cling to you.
fandom: midnight cinderella notes: suitors/reader, a collection of fluff drabbles for the suitors of midnight cinderella (minus one). mostly spoiler free (watch out for leo’s, at least)
the fairytales say that princesses are dainty little things. they dance, they wear dresses and chatter over afternoon tea, they find a prince charming, and live happily ever after. princesses do not handle blades - danger is not meant to reach them, for what is what knights are for.
damn what the fairytales say.
there’s no drop of royal blood in you anyways, and this is what comforts you when your fingers slide down the cold metal. it does not feel like danger, but it does feel like home.
“are you sure you want to do this?” alyn’s voice is paranoid, overprotective. you can’t blame him, because accidents do happen, and your smooth, clean skin is a temptation for calamity. yet at the same time, as princess elect of wysteria, you have but one duty, and a wound to your flesh is a mere paper cut compared to a kingdom without a ruler.
most of all, you remind him, luxurious silk gowns don’t go well with princess blood.
a sigh tumbles out, but so does “fair point”.  he reaches out and takes your hand in his, starting off with the basics. with his guidance, you mimic and practice the exercises, trying not to imagine the inevitable bloodshed and violence. his fingers trace the skin where it is most vulnerable, where it is most efficient to stick blades in, and now you know why pocket knives are such popular weapons, even for the common thief.
a stab to the heart, a simple knock to the head, just one little mishap and perhaps you’ll never see the light of day again.
“now, come at me. i’ll test you.”
alyn assumes the role of guard on watch, back turned. the veins in your hands pulse like a ticking clock, and as your arms lift up, you can just feel it, the adrenaline behind your force, the almost frightful thrill that shocks your body as you swing the blade forward -
.. and his fingers snatch your arm. alyn’s other hand steadies you, and he steals a kiss when you whirl around in confusion.
“not bad, not bad.” he laughs, “fierce is a good look on you.”
of all the things you’d expect to see, giles sleeping, face smashed against the oak desk, was not one of them. sleep makes his face look gentle, less like a strict tutor and more like the kindhearted cat lover you know.
maybe it’s not that surprising. he wears many hats, some of which should not rest on his head. yet they fall on him anyway, for there is always something to do, something to achieve. for giles christophe, being busy is a way to prove that his life has worth, even if it meant he couldn’t be a knight, even if it meant he’d have to tire the hell out of himself every night.
without him, the palace could crumble. few men can carry the weight of a country on their shoulders. speaking of shoulders, you figure adding a blanket to those wouldn’t hurt; it is rather cold, and oh, those windows will need to be shut too. around his office do you go, your feet automatically moving, your hands cleaning up a bit here and there.
minutes pass until your hands latch on to some amethyst fabric, embossed in the wysterian crest. bunching it up around your fists, you deem it warm enough, and layer it upon his shoulders.
the moment it touches him, he springs to life.
“princess…?” your title cracks on his tongue, bruised by the grogginess of his voice. how tired he sounds could break your heart.
“please don’t worry about me.” you add, “and … take care of yourself more.”
giles says nothing, though the outer corners of his lips turn up gently as you tuck the layer in. a few more finishing adjustments, and you are satisfied with your work, heels turning to let him rest in peace.
before you can even take a step away, however, familiar hands intertwine with one of yours.
“i love you, princess.”
the harp really does suit him. it’s the picture of elegance; the strings and the base are as slender as he, the notes resonate with an unmatched gentleness, and the way his fingers pluck at it is just so, so graceful.
“would you like to try?”
ah. you’ve been staring too long, it seems. the lovely chimes have long stopped, and the heat of iced eyes gnaws at you. expectant, the duke’s gaze lays down a heavy peer pressure, but you know he’s being nothing but kind - you’d never have the guts to ask or intrude otherwise.
he eases when you break out into smiles and nods, ice melting into water. a featherlight smile balances on his lips, which kiss your knuckles as he takes your hand in his.
lithe fingers cover yours, and while your mind spins into a spell, all you can think about is how this is exactly like your dance lessons: he’s close, you’re blushing, and god is your heart pounding. blond bangs sweep across your forehead for a second, and his warm, soft lips press a kiss to your nose.
“don’t lose concentration now.” his voice is soft, edging on teasing.
“ah, sorry!“
he’s the rumpelstiltskin of words. smooth talker, charismatic aristocrat - he takes words and spins them into gold. whether it was written or spoken did not matter; he was a master of both. paperwork ran in his blood, his speeches just came to him, and on the tip of his tongue always lies a jest, a pick-up line. with them, he crafts a mask to hide behind, locking the secret of who he was behind insincere pleasantries and vague hints.
and you, your heart is too full of compassion, your tiny body can’t possibly hold it all. it’s why your emotions spill so easily on your face, your eyes and lips swinging from one expression to another. in a way, the two of you are opposites, leo with his cryptic, static smiles, and you with your whirlwind face.
maybe that’s why you don’t get him sometimes.
hovering over the palace balcony with his face pulled taut, the bureaucrat appears to be set in stone. red, red eyes burn downwards, as if daring to peek at the midnight blue above would hurt. for the fifth consecutive night, leo hasn’t seen a wink of sleep, and you are beginning to wonder if he’s fallen into the past again.
it worries you, and you want to say something, anything, but you know better than anyone that forcing words is treading on thin ice. the past is thick waves of flames and dead parents, the lost childhood that burnt down with the crawford estate. it is a past that you have no part of, because you are his future, the future of healing waters and happy memories, and he wants you nowhere near that fire, lest it start burning once more.
from the bedroom, you bore hores into his back with your own eyes, adamant. tomorrow he will be gone, off to sort his fiasco of a family, diving back into the matter he hates most. this time, however, you will not let him go alone.
“you know, i’d do anything to keep you safe.” it’s a phrase that sounds foreign on your tongue, so foreign that it quivers. but it does take his eyes away, distracts from whatever might be tormenting him.
“so let me come too.”
he breaks from his statuesque stance, pulls you close, and it’s a mess of limbs and stray bedsheets; his hair tickles your neck when he inclines for a cuddle, and there’s so much squirming that you fear the shuffling could reach giles’ ears. when you two finally settle, with you sitting upright and his head on your lap, the silence is replaced by laughter.
when robert had asked to paint you, you were excited. as crown princess, it really shouldn’t have been a big deal - portraits were nearly tradition to royalty, and never had they not been painted. but when you’ve spent the last decade of your life in the shoes of a commoner, however, such things were new; they were a privilege, a dream so far that it’d never be truer than a fairy tale.
but this was not how you thought it would be.
perhaps you’ve misconstrued his words somehow. hm… yes, yes that must have been it. rainbows of colours surround you, held captive in glass bottles. brushes of duck feathers and horse tail skim the floor lazily. the painter himself wields one now, dyed in some fusion of scarlet… and gently swipes the end over the curve of your lips.
it’s soft, and it tickles. clutching at the hem of your favourite dress, you bunch up the fabric in imitation of the courage you’re trying to muster, the courage to ask hey, aren’t paintings made on mediums such as canvases, and you know… not me?
before the words can even catch in your throat, robert slips his fingers under your chin, and tilts your face towards him. “what’s wrong, love?”
the affectionate term makes you flush.
“aren’t you supposed to be painting me and not on me?” it’s an innocent question, honest, but somehow it makes him raise a brow and chuckle.
“i’d have to paint your portrait sooner or later, princess. i just thought… something more personal would be nice.“ he smiles, and within that small quirk of his lip, you see mischievous intent.
so you play along.
“tell me what you mean by ‘personal’.”
another grin surfaces on his face, this one a tinge more wolffish. he leans in close, kisses the lip colour off your mouth, and prepares his brush in a new color, a pale peach.
“mmm…i’ll tell you when i’m done with you.”
“they makin’ you study again, princess?” disdain stains the informant’s voice, his fingers clipping up the pages of the book with disgust, as if it were contaminated. “bullshit.”
he continues this game as he tours your study, long legs taking wide strides, sneering at every article. if you didn’t know him any better, he’d seem like he were impersonating the bureaucrats around you, with his nose pointed high, his steps taken with arrogance.  
you purse your lips, hide your smile. amused as you are, the matter of your duties takes priority, and the princess of wysteria has much more important things to do over entertaining her local bad boy.
at least, that is what you tell yourself, eyes endlessly fixated on him. damn him for being so alluring, so distracting in a way.
"I need to study.” it comes out colder than you want it to be, but hey, that’s not your problem. not like it’d affect him much, anyway; he gets this treatment from a fellow blonde duke all the time, does he not?
yet his face collapses in exasperation nonetheless, as if he were already tired of this “princess” thing. dark brows knit for a split second, and when they relax back, his voice takes on a sensual edge.
“really?” another book is tossed to the ground, “guess i’ll have to tutor ya myself.”
“and why, exactly, would you be a good tutor?”
“because i know shit.”
you can practically hear the grin in his voice. it’s his trademark smirk, the one you always want to slap off. or kiss off. either works.
“i really need to study, sid.”
and you whip back, intending to tackle your problem subject yet again, but what you don’t know is that sid has you too close to let you go.
the minute your skin flushes against the leather bound cover of the textbook, his hands have slammed down on either side of you, and the birch desk creaks in protest to the added weight.
“nah. you don’t.”
the man has you straddled in no more than three minutes. lips nipping at the tender side of your ear, he’s got a grin that taunts “just try to get rid of me”.
it would be worthless to resist. like a lion, sid arnault gets what he wants, and he will fight for it.
“fine. just this once, okay?”
your fingers press against the thick fur of his coat, slipping under the layer and peeling it off. the husky chuckle that chafes your ears is telling of his approval, and he glides his fingers down your thighs, tapping the bone of your knees before tracing to your hip.
“this,” he murmurs, “is the femur.”
“that’s… not what i need to learn.”
“yeah, i know. but see? i know shit.”
your laugh stifles into a gasp when he leans in and bites your lip.
fevers are weird.
they’re cold, and then they’re hot. they’re somewhere in between that isn’t “warm” nor “comfortable”, and the only relief for the affected comes from the sweet unconsciousness that sleep brings. most of all, however, they are an unwelcome visitor.
much like nico himself, you suppose, though colds cannot react to chilled glares and whispers of “who let this child into the palace?”, to the unrelenting judgement of haughty nobles and veteran staff, the treatment that you know all too well.
it’s a miracle how all that cheer can fit into him, now that you think about it.
nico meier, he’s always sprightly smiles and spring flowers around you (or perhaps, for you). your personal butler and self-established cheerleader, there is not a day where he has failed to brighten you up, sneaking in extra food from the pantry, or making silly faces when giles dives into another one of his motherly lectures. it never mattered if blurred figures of nobility looked down upon him, it never mattered if it hurt to be an outsider, but what did matter to him was you.
you drench the towel in ice water, fold it into neat rectangles for his forehead. as the cloth wrings in your hands, your heart does too. he does so much for you, never complains, and yet… perhaps you’ve taken him for granted.
the flutter of weak fingertips halts you. nico’s eyes settle open, a hoarse “hey..” escaping as the butler attempts to wrangle on a grin. a few seconds pass, and he’s betrayed by his own body, shivering as he tosses around with a groan.
a finger to your lips, you shush him, ushering him back under the comforter.
“just for today, let me serve you.”
novels stack his desk, the tower of books neatly aligned in a pillar. normally, they wouldn’t matter to you; it’s usually yet another cocktail of history texts, spiced with a math book or two. if you were lucky, perhaps there’d be a pamphlet about stargazing or the native flora. today, everything in the queue alarms you: they’re all silly romance novels, a “guide to love”, and… wait, is he reading a book about pick up lines? the king of stein, a stoic with hawk eyes, byron wagner.. studying romance?
you’re tempted to ask why, but the shock chains your voice away. he looks up, but only briefly, flashing his focus back down to a dog eared page.
“are you a library book? because i am checking you out.”
the intention is sweet. the execution? questionable. you haven’t heard of many men who could charm women with monotone lines. in fact, you haven’t heard of any, nor have you ever met any other man who would say such things with a gaze so sharp it could kill.
you suck in a breath, pretending as if you’ve just eaten a sour candy.
“did sid do th- no. don’t answer that. i already know.”
the king’s expression hardens at the response, forehead scrunching up in thought. it’s almost as if the cogs in his brain were visible, really; there they were, churning about what went wrong.
then, a minute later, he picks up the book and begins again.
“are you a -”
not even three syllables leave his parted lips before you press a hand against him, silencing his efforts. they were appreciated, they (honest-to-god!) really were, but it just doesn’t suit him, and you beg with desperate eyes that he gets the memo.
“is my performance… so intolerable?”
“well, it’s not very you.”
his dejection shows in the way his shoulders slump, his stature frigid as his brain goes back to the drawing board. you take it upon yourself to drape arms around him and kiss him on the cheek, but he’s unresponsive, unmoving. a mile-yard stare extending down his study, and his voice strains.
“what do I do with all these books now?”
daisies splatter the meadow in patches here and there, splashes of white and yellow invading the greenery. though small by stein standards, it feels rather endless - though that may be due to the absurd amount of rabbits dotting the field.
you’d been told that it was the closest thing the country had to a petting zoo. correction: a petting zoo that specializes in only rabbits, but still, one nonetheless.
the brown fluff underneath your fingers feels like luxury. soft, light, and smooth, you wonder what kind of haircare products could achieve this sort of texture and sheen. surely, it would involve part intensive care and part good genetics-
“er… excuse me, princess of wysteria, but i am not one of the rabbits.” albert stammers, in that all too familiar, all too judging ‘what are you doing?’ tone of his. he’s part flustered and part annoyed, such a typical albert mood, and it makes you want to tease him more.
and so, hands still tangled in that neat, neat fluff of hair he has, you smile and nod, “yes, albert. i’m very aware of that.”
the sing-song tone makes his face contort into displeasure, and his lips sputter to voice a complaint. silly albert, always so stiff, even when you’re obviously playing games with him.
you sigh and offer him a practiced pout, fingers escaping onto benjamin’s fur. rubbing behind the rabbit’s ears, you coo, eye faking sorrow, “you appreciate my touch, don’t you?”
the bunny stares with wide eyes, innocent and unknowing. burying his nose into your palm, he sniffs, once, twice, and twitches before settling snugly under your attentive fingers, satisfied.
its approval elicits another string of babyish babble from you, and out of the corner of your eyes, albert huffs, giving in to jealously. ha! beaten by a mere bunny rabbit, hm?
scooting closer to you, his knees knock against yours, and the sensation of cold fingers running up your scalp forces a squeal out of you. the knight flushes to his ears, mumbles something incoherent in his bumbling.
“my hair is soft as well, princess.”
you don’t know what shocks you more: the fact that albert’s statement sounds like a complaint, or the fact that he’s acting a bit…. childish.
“really?” your response is mockingly dramatic, spoken to provoke. “I wouldn’t know.”
the shade of red he turns nearly makes you think he invented a new colour.
author’s notes: AHAHAHA (!!) i finally got all of it down…. if anyone’s curious why rayvis isn’t here it’s because i know too little of him to write him, and i fear writing the suitors ooc already… i’ve only done louis/alyn/leo’s routes so i have no idea what’s up with the rest and had to spoil myself
the title is just the alternative spelling to wysteria, which is both the name of the country and that really nice lavender plant. in the victorian language of flowers, its meaning derives from its tendency to cling to walls and grow, thus the flavor text.
pretend this is a celebratory piece for albert’s route coming out since i know i won’t be able to finish a piece for him before then
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