#and also bc i have a ton of headcanons i'd like to make good use out of
What happened to Princess after chapter 10 of Sins of My Youth? I felt bad for as she only appeared in chapter 10, and that was it. I felt really bad for her… Sure, she’s a spoiled brat, but her father was definitely at his worst there. (Even more worse than how he probably spanked Princess in Bought and Scold)
Yeah, it was not one of his finest moments.
I have my theories, but I don't want to say yet in case I change my mind later. I'd love to have her come back in a later chapter if I can, but only if it makes sense for the story.
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disabilityshowdown · 1 year
Disabled Character Showdown
Loving the tournaments like @autismswagsummit, @aroaceswagcompetition, @adhdswagcompetition, @bisexualswagcompetition, haven't yet seen a showdown for disabled characters yet, so let's give that a go!
As usual, no real people, etc
Both mental and physical disabilities are allowed, though I'd ask no responses that are just adhd/autism as they've had their own showdowns, we wanna showcase other disabilities here
(Chronic pain also counts)
I'm on the fence about including characters who aren't disabled in canon but are in popular headcanon (eg Essek from Critical Role), so I think for now, you can submit them, but let me know in the form, and we'll make that decision later depending on the responses I get
No "Oh this character isn't REALLY disabled bc they have a perfect disability aid/don't suffer" arguments pls, different representation means different things to different people, a disability is a disability no matter how sci fi your setting
Submit as many characters as you like but only submit each character once! (I'll use number of responses where relevant to help with seeding the bracket)
EDIT: Please use the google form, no longer counting submissions in my inbox unless you have a real good reason for not using the form
Form is HERE, submissions will be open until the end of Sunday, 5th March (NZDT)
(That's Saturday 4th if you're American)
Characters I'm already pretty confident will get submitted a ton so will get an automatic nomination: Toph (AtLA), Terezi + Tavros (Homestuck), Daredevil (Marvel), Ed Elric (FMA), Kaz Brekker (SoC), Shiro (VLD), Geordi La Forge (TNG)
I can't guarantee I'll include every single character that gets submitted, especially if this goes similar to some other blogs who've gotten like 500 characters all with one vote each? (Alas, I am but a simple human being and have multiple disabilities myself), but I'm willing to do a pretty big bracket/have some qualifying rounds beforehand, so good luck, and I look forward to hearing about a whole bunch of disabled characters I didn't know before!
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fma03envy · 1 year
envy!!!! and also winryy for the ask game :]
Favorite thing about them: Gender :) Also the whole desire for revenge brainrot thing
Least favorite thing about them: Off the top of my head how cruel they can be to Wrath. Like I wouldn't change it it's fair characterization but :/ Also I feel like he's a bit underwritten sometimes (this is an opinion I am. Extremely undecided on)
Favorite line: His "I'm really more of a pacifist" bit to Ed at Lab 5 in the dub
brOTP: Envy and Lust! I feel like there are a lot of parallels between the two esp wrt their dynamics with Dante, but this scene does a great job highlighting their differences (I have watched it a normal # of times). After Lust realizes Dante has been misleading her, I would have loved to see her+Envy have a conversation about it for characterization reasons (my bet would be that Envy's sunk coast fallacy would come out so strong)
OTP: N/A, do not put him in a relationship
nOTP: Most things but pairing him with Ed or Kimblee are the shitty ones I see most commonly
Random headcanon: I think Envy would probably like using neopronouns if they knew those were a thing
Unpopular opinion: I feel like people overestimate Envy's fighting ability, kind of? Like he's good, but a lot of other characters are really more creative - Envy is technically capable with shapeshifting of mimicking Lust's ultimate spear or Greed's ultimate spear or most of Wrath's more shapeshift-y alchemy things but he just never does that. Not complaining though their silly little random flips amuse me
Song i associate with them: I have a whole playlist
Favorite picture of them: Oh there are tons but here's one
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Ik it's an animation error but I like how their fingerless gloves' design looks a bit different here
Favorite thing about them: She's so blatantly autistic it rules
Least favorite thing about them: the hitting Ed with a wrench thing (ik it's slapstick not serious characterization but it's unfunny)
Favorite line: Can't directly quote from memory but the bit just before they meet Izumi where she confesses to Ed that she blames herself/her own mechanical abilities for him getting into dangerous situations
brOTP: Ed or Sheska! Also maybe Wrath and Rose during the timeskip
OTP: Idk I'm not too big on shipping.... She's cute with Paninya
nOTP: Her with Sheska romantically kind of makes me uncomfortable bc I'd always assumed Sheska to be an adult (seems to own her own apartment + was already working at Central Library when Ed was 12 and came there). Like ik Sheska + Winry interact like peers so Sheska could just be her age and have gotten a job really young like Ed but we dk that so
Random headcanon: When trying to make automail for Wrath in the timeskip (since he's a creature made from alchemy not a human) she did a bit of research on alchemy. She's now fairly fluent with general theoretical concepts of the practice (though doesn't have the knack for actually transmuting)
Unpopular opinion: IDK if this is unpopular but it's not canon..... I would've liked if she ended up on the same side of the gate as Ed + Al (preferably Amestris side but yk). Idk if it's feasible from a plot and themes aspect but it would make ME happy
Song i associate with them: None really
Favorite picture of them:
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Just off the top of my head this. Autistic girl moments
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hopefulstarfire · 1 year
I'd like to hear some of your headcanons about Miho and Duke! :D
Ask and ye shall receive buddy!!!! 💖
I'm gonna so some single headcanons for each of them and then ship hcs bc I got fucking brain rot for them.
Okay in the manga it is mentioned that Miho actually is a student librarian and I fully believe this girl is actually a huge bookworm. She loves fantasy and romance novels and always has a ton of books she loves to reccomend and would be an active part of booktok. She also probably adores shojo manga.
She owns every Bridgerton novel too you cannot convince me otherwise. She binges that show like it's the end of the world. She wants a regency era dress so bad. And a tiara.
Everyone kinda treats her as ditzy but I think she's smart in a lot of things that no one gives her credit for or sees as useful. She's actually really good at literary analysis and she's really good at making her own little knick knacks that make her happy. I think she just gets caught up in her own mind and her own daydreams she kinda just doesn't give as much attention or thought to conventional things or sometimes people's emotions but she tries so hard.
Would probably actually be a jack of all trades in several different areas bc she also picks up on her friends hobbies.
She always wants to go to Build A Bear with her friends so they can make plushies that can be besties.
Got into ttrpgs bc she thought Ryou was cute and wanted to impress him. Stayed bc she got genuinely invested and is actually a very active and dedicated player.
Miho looks like the girl that has the froggy chair from animal crossing in her bedroom. I think she'd love frogs.
She also gives trans girl vibes and I love that for her.
This boy gets the bougiest cologne he can fucking find and wears it like a badge of honor. Even if he does still dress like he shops at early 2000s Hot Topic.
Duke had to have been a theater kid. Look at him. That kid was Charlie in his middle school production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and now he's got main character syndrome.
I fully believe Duke is like. Nb or gender fluid. Just a vibe I get.
His favorite bonding time is going to drive his buddies to Taco Bell at 1 in the morning for a food run while they're blasting music in his convertible. He just loves the fun aspect of it and then the quality time of going to park somewhere and just sitting out and talking on a spring or summer night when it's warm and the stars are shining brightly.
He's the only one in the friend group who has an A in math like he's the only one allowed to do math.
Has a secret tattoo that only the dnd gang know about no one else is ever allowed to know, it is a secret to be taken to the grave.
Is not afraid to yell self confidence into you.
They are both poly and established early on its okay to date other people as long as they keep open and honest communication and also they get to help pick out each other's outfits so they look their best.
They are super cuddly all the time like they will be on the couch just sprawled out together or Miho sitting in Dukes lap they just always wanna cuddle.
Miho and Duke doing each others makeup would be perfection.
Their first anniversary Duke takes her to a Bridgerton themed ball and got her the perfect dress and it was the sweetest thing.
All the self care / spa day dates all the time.
They flirt all the time and have cutesy pet names for each other and it's the really corny ones like Dukey-kins and Shnookums.
Matching/coordinated outfits for big events all the time.
They would be the aunt and uncle in the future that show up after a trip across Europe with all the presents and also pick you up after like 2nd period for food and don't take you back to school.
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matan4il · 1 year
hi! this ask has a couple things so apologies in advance if this gets long lol
first, i wanted to ask about the coma buck theory. i've only recently watched the show, i've been in the fandom for about a month (mostly lurking and reblogging gifs lol). since day one i've noticed that 'buck will go into coma in 6b' seems to be something a lot of people believe, so if you know, where did that theory come from? i personally couldn't think of anything in the show that seemed to point to that, and and i also didn't find any posts discussing this in any detail, it seems like a collective headcanon more than anything to me. but i'm definitely very curious, so if this is something that you can see happening, could you please share your thoughts?
also this second part of this ask is just me getting excited bc i saw you mention the 309 kitchen scene in a recent ask and i've been dying to scream about it to someone lol. because oh my god, right??? idk how intentional that was or maybe the actors just happen to have good chemistry, idk anything but i just know that i had the weirdest cognitive dissonance moment while watching that scene. like just, the way buck steps towards eddie, my entire body sort of braced in excitement for a kiss, and like, that moment lasted for only about a quarter of a second but i actually had to pause because while watching that scene i'd literally forgotten that they're not actually together, and i was just like. wait. what happened. what? and just. aaaaaaahhh it was such a great scene and they're just so great and perfect together and like if the writers weren't planning on their chemistry they've written themselves into a corner bc they're just so perfect for each other, literally the family they've chosen, and just. aaah i love them sm😅
anyway, thanks a ton for reading my rambling, i really love your blog! hope you're having a good week <3
Hi Nonnie! No worries, I'm here to always try and help! *hugs*
So for the first part, I kind of explained my experience of seeing the coma!Buck theory taking shape in the fandom here.
As for the 309 kitchen scene, I love screaming about it, so yeeeeees, I'm glad we get to together! XD I personally am convinced that the 309 sexual tension was intentional. Why? Because the scene doesn't work without it. There's a joke they wanted to play, where they build our expectations towards some sort of an explosion between these two characters, but then instead of giving us that, they provide comic relief through letting a different kind of scene play out, a light-hearted one, comical in nature, that would make us smile (Buddifer playing video games together). But this only works if they REALLY build up the tension and if we REALLY ask ourselves whether there's going to be a blow up of some kind on our screens in a second. And while the scene plays around the idea that maybe Buddie will physically fight each other, we all know they were not. Buck had just apologized to Eddie again, he just showed how much he cares, and Eddie was visibly affected and moved by this, and their whole talk vibrates with how much they care about each other, I don't think anyone really believed they were gonna start punching each other. So if for the comic bit to work, the tension has to be real, and the aggressive/violent tension isn't, what made the comedy there work? The sexual tension. They HAD to turn to the implication of sexual tension, otherwise that whole thing falls flat. So yes, this is why I'm sure they did THAT intentionally. And your reaction, which you so perfectly described? It's not just yours. I went through it as well, and I'm sure we're not the only ones, because we were supposed to embrace for impact.
And I'm with you, I very much believe 911 has written itself into a corner. No one would ever work with either Buck or Eddie as well as the other one does. Eddie was originally supposed to be Maddie's Love Interest, but the second they changed course on that, they clearly built Eddie's introduction with Oliver and Ryan's chemistry in mind. They already saw enough of it to know that making us care about Eddie through Buck's eyes would work. So I'm also convinced if they wrote themselves into a corner, it's a corner of their own making, know what I mean?
Thank you so much for the kind words, and I'm so glad to know you enjoy my blog, I hope you continue to! Have a great day, lovely! As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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OHOHOHO first to the punch!
- favorite thing about them
SO MANY THINGS TO CHOOSE UHUURRHRG but if it had to be like one or two: his voice and his undying loyalty.
pre-ffs claptrap's voice is so unique, and it can get oddly soothing in a way, and it just makes me so fucking jealous and his loyalty because even though he's a scaredy-cat he's still a raider at the end of the day (also the scene where he declines shadowtrap's offer to rule the goddamned universe because he genuinely loved his 'friends' fucks so hard)
- least favorite thing about them
not easy for me to say. claptrap's got tons of flaws but they're easily either linked to his horrendous 'childhood'/his bl1 antics/his time as fragtrap. i'd go off on a limb and say that he's waaay too naïve for his own good. even then it's less of a criticism and more of the fact that it always gets him into trouble :<
- favorite line
again! hard for me to say, but i've always loved the little sounds he makes when he jumps on a gravity pad. eup! and when he tried to stand up to flynt, it felt so cool because he finally bites back! (granted he did cower because 'geddit he's a pussy'-brand bl2 humor)
and then there's the part in bl2 where claptrap says this golden line: "You killed my friends! You destroyed my product line! I am the last CL4P-TP in existence, and I am going to TEABAG YOUR COOOOORPSE!" // absolute king shit
and when he calls everyone out for being an ASSHOLE to him in the pre-sequel, it's such a good moment in an already awesome dlc!
all in all claptrap has so many good quotes hhh
- brotp
a lot. gaige and claptrap are arguably at the top of that list, and i can never see them as anything more than friends/besties. angel and clap are a close second tho! also thanks to you the bl3 vhs are somewhere on the list hehe
- otp
uh.. 👉👈 obviously not a whole lot considering that most of the universe hates his guts lmao but traplicity/felicitrap/(insert felicity x claptrap ship name here) would've been SO COOL had jack not been a little greedy bitch baby and kill her off.. :(
not my only one but definitely a topper
- notp
jack. and claptrap. obvious reasonings aside i read this one fic of the two on ff.net and never recovered. took 999999 psychic damage. angel and claptrap, again, obvious reasonings 2: electric boogaloo. shadowtrap and claptrap for.. well duh. (they're bros to me and it'd feel weird.)
okay i feel like explaining the first notp a little more because it irks me to death. jack and claptrap have a kinda parent-child relationship. jack also canonically abused the shit out of claptrap which is double icky. it wouldn't be out of place that they'd have the most lopsided, shittiest relationship because jack's not only claptrap's employer, but also he generally has more power over him in general because he's hyperion property and uhm.. yeah. ew.
- random headcanon
1. he's like a little magpie. he collects the shiny™ and hoards 'em in his room. chances are he might actually have something of use there
2. by bl3 his voicebox is fucked, and rarely come the times where he tries to say stuff it comes out all staticky and shit. and sometimes it peaks and uh.. becomes 10 leagues beyond unbearable.
3. also bl3, he stops taking a lot of shit. like he'd still cower and stuff but whenever some rando talks shit about him he'd fight back (verbally. i think he'd rarely ever get into legitimate scuffles esp bc he's not a fragtrap anymore) and it kinda works-ish.
- unpopular opinion
i don't got much because the most i've got is a: claptrap should've gotten a much more significant role in 3, and b: i think claptrap recovering more of his old combat data, which also leads up to shadowtrap's possible return should be a thing. no way in hell they're gonna forget about this one essential part of cv and tp-s!
- song i associate with them
considering my taste in songs is otherwise shit and/or vocaloid: amygdala's rag doll - ghost (we've talked about this hehhe) or world's end dancehall - wowaka (which honestly isn't as fitting but imo it's kinda in-line with him. // also it's got themes of suicide in the lyrics so you might wanna avoid it if that stuff bothers ya) (i make up imaginary amvs with him and shadowtrap it's so fun)
- favorite picture of them
this screenie of claptrap with his cord-tail-thing in the bl1 main menu
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i kinda like that it just randomly pops out when he sneezes
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seoksoonhoon · 2 years
it's softverkwan again, with sudden seoksoonhoon brain tickles:
soft sub seokminie,, mean but also somehow extremely tender dom jihoon :((((( switchy soonyoung who just wants kisses from both of them and be praised for every finger he lifts ;;
and seoksoon are such trophy spouse materials!!! and such perfect sugar babies!!! jihoon getting his share of love and affection even without asking and now he's attached and emotional but doesn't want to admit just yet :((
(im sorry if this rubs the wrong way, ya know, some aus of our otps just Don't Fit The Vision?? rip)
me a while back: yes ill reply to your ask soon
me: doesn't. this took 3 months.
promised i'd never touch nsfw headcanons outside of my google docs and look where we are now
i vaaaaaguely reference watersports and knife play for 2 sentences each just a heads up
to me seoksoonhoon's always been switch 😭😭😭 but i was always top/dom jihoon until i gave it more thought... seokmin i think would be the kind of dom who doesnt use impact play/degradation/choking/asphyxiation to tease his sub but rather things like orgasm denial/overstim and sensory deprivation/overload and he wields them so well.
(im REALLY not a dom soonyoung person he seems like a dom until the kissing part.... then he absolutely melts! he wants to be good and he wants to thank and take care and be owned etc...... will take criticism on this)
i read 1 omorashi seokhoon (i am willingly openminded) where seok has jihoon hold his piss through a dance class and im liiike. this is a concept: seokmin in control. jihoon letting seokmin do anything he wants w his body hell yeah
seokmin and soonyoung both want to be good but soonyoung is more likely to be a brat imo LMAO. soonyoung being a cocksleeve just for seokmin to get himself off. just seokmin feeling super bad about using soonyoung's mouth while he's teary-eyed and tied up and in a cock cage but jihoon whispering "you're doing great baby" "use his mouth like a cumdump it's okay" etc.....
(re: clover essay nr. 1: jihoon like watching / instructing his other two boyfriends) thank you again tumblr user fieurissons
i do love myself tender jihoon though. i really do. that's why i love seokhoon so much. i really think they'd have a scene occassionally/monthly/biweekly where jihoon just spends the entire time worshipping seokmin and doing anything he wants...... and it doesnt even have to be kink it can just be jihoon kissing seokmin absolutely breathless
but it's true, soonyoung basically thrives on jihoon's recognition and praise (when he asks for it). like there's subtle looks, and then attention seeking (non-derogatory) comments, and just shoulder pats, shoulder taps etc....
seoksoon ARE trophy spouses. i think jihoon would absolutely oh so much love to show them off full of marks on their necks their waists their thighs etc. forcing them to wear a lowcut shirt to show that theyre claimed—no one else has the right to lay a finger on them. matching clothes with a very unique specific pattern etc. i also think soonyoung would so be into exhibitionism/being filmed while having sex but im pretty sure that's established lmao. expansion on exhibitionism, specifically: the adrenaline. that's also why i vaguely feel like he'd be into knife play just because of the hidden danger (of course, no breaking of skin. ever. just the cold touch of the blade as a threat. jihoon does a shit ton of research to make sure nothing bad ever happens during the scene.)
for every trope theres gotta be a certain character dynamic that fits our otps.... its okay. though sometimes i have to tell myself Not Everything needs to be a seoksoonhoon if it doesnt fit them... but also Everything needs to be a seoksoonhoon bc theres not enough of them
(e.g: im not the biggest jigyu fan but i have to admit them in bdsm = one of my favourite dom jihoon dynamics) (likewise i really like gyuhan's dynamic esp for the characterisation of dom jeonghan... like jeongcheol dom jeonghan is good but oh... gyuhan...) (i have SO many gyuhan thoughts especially after seventeen ad genius because jeonghan riding mingyu in that position gives me the ability to talk about jeonghan pulling mingyu's hair/choking/asphyxiation and just mingyu in that position = spanking) (additionally nothing tops jeonghoon for sub jihoon but that's my opinion) (jicheol sub jihoon is a close second aaaaaaall because of the benefactor aka one of the most glorious bdsm fics ive ever had the privilege to read)
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