#ancestral witches
mzsvelenaya · 2 months
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Winx Fanart time !
Initially, I wanted to do their final confrontation instead of their past. But it wasn't enough dramatic
Keep reading to see the art upside down
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darkpoisonouslove · 13 days
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I am not taking criticisms.
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wtfastaroth · 4 months
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Now theyre all here, Belladonna, Lysslyss e Tharma before the curse.
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gilly-tamar-w1tch · 7 months
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Samhain is approaching and the veil is thinning. It’s the time to connect with the ancestors and collective dead. It’s the time to practise scrying or divination.
For your altar, decorate with natural things from your areas to honour the local land spirits and dead. Fallen leaves, acorns etc. carve or decorate a pumpkin for your altar or windowsill. Gather some local grave yard dirt for your altar if permission is given by the graveyard grim.
Practice divination with any tool you are drawn to. Traditionally it’s a time of scrying and all you need is a dark colour bowl filled with water and a darkened room lit only by candlelight (ensuring candles are not near anything flammable and secure in holders). The water you gaze into should be reflected by candlelight, soften your gaze as you look into your scrying bowl, it does take time and practice but stick with it and keep a note book close by for journaling.
You can also practice your tarot technique as well. Do a reading for yourself or even for the energy of the season. Maybe gather some friends together and do a group reading too.
Honour your ancestors by placing photos of passed loved ones on an altar for the ancestors. You could also add graveyard dirt,found animal bones, herbs associated with the dead etc and can be as simple or as fancy as you like. You can even offer the ancestors an offering. I often do one of incense, candle light and blessed water. I often do this around the dark moon and say the following to them during my offerings
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On my ancestor altar (above) I have my late husband, my father and grandparents, aunts and uncles and even a passed beloved pet cat!
I give my offerings and say my words which I share with you here.
“Ancestors, I call to you now to be here with me now and always. Accept these offerings with the love they are given. I offer you Earth the grounding element to secure, I offer you water, the spiritual pure element. I offer you incense the air element for communication. I offer you a candle, the fire element for light and warmth. Ancestors accept these simple offerings in love and remembrance. Beloved Ancestors feed on this earth, smoke, water and light to nourish and strengthen you. Blessed be”
You can tailor the words to suit you and your ancestors and doing this on Samhain and every dark moon helps to strengthen the bond.
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charmixpower · 2 months
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I will redesign the Trix properly.... This year. At least they're only three of them instead of six fnsjdksksnd I've gotten to Aisha so that's exciting. These are mostly some ideas for right now. I'll get them soon jfjdjdke
Buut my goal in life is to make the Trix and Elitix (the ancestral witches) as different looking as possible. I hate that their copies of each other in canon
I love my Liliss (blue) the most, like Belladonna "I will make life because I think I'm god" is great, and Tharma's (green) desire to rule the world is amazing, but Liliss is just this 7ft lady who can see the future and wants to control fate. She's so good
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essseateatarot · 7 months
Bridging the Generations: Ancestral Work in Tarot (+ A Tarot Spread) 🔮 🌙
A universal connection beyond bloodlines
Ancestor work is a practice open to anyone, transcending cultural or familial boundaries. While family ancestors hold a special place in this connection, our ancestral lineage extends beyond blood ties. We share collective ancestors—the broader human family, and even the interconnected web of life itself. These include the pioneers, the innovators, the ancient civilizations, and the guardians of this planet. Engaging with ancestor work allows us to tap into this rich tapestry of wisdom, drawing on the collective experiences and insights of those who came before us, offering profound guidance for our journeys today.
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The veil between worlds: tarot as a divinatory channel
At its heart, the tarot is a mirror reflecting the collective unconscious, a reservoir of archetypal energies that resonate through time and space. Within this tapestry of symbolism, the archetypes encapsulate the essence of human experience—the triumphs, the challenges, and the perennial wisdom passed down through generations. When we approach the tarot with reverence and intention, it becomes a powerful tool for forging connections with our ancestors.
Ancestral work in Tarot is a profound practice that begins with a heartfelt intention.
Prior to a reading, find a quiet space and take a moment to connect with the energy of your ancestors. Invite them into the space, envisioning their presence around you. As you draw the cards, keep a keen eye on any specific symbols, images, or recurring themes that seem to echo with a sense of familial familiarity. These subtle cues are often the whispered messages of your ancestors, offering a glimpse into the intricate tapestry of ancestral patterns, potential areas of lineage healing, and even personal messages of support and love.
As we set the cards in motion, we create a sacred space, inviting the energies of our ancestors to converge with ours. The tarot serves as a divinatory channel, a conduit through which insights, messages, and wisdom from the ancestral realm can flow. Each draw of the cards is a dialogue, a communion with those who have gone before us.
The wisdom of the generations: interpreting ancestral messages
Imagine, for instance, you draw the Four of Pentacles. This card, with its imagery of a figure holding onto their possessions, could be a gentle nudge from your ancestors to explore your relationship with material security in the context of your family’s history. Perhaps there are tales of resilience or lessons about resourcefulness that echo through the generations, waiting for you to uncover. This card may be an invitation to reflect on how these stories have shaped your approach to abundance.
On the other hand, if the Queen of Cups graces your reading, her nurturing presence might carry echoes of a particular ancestor known for their compassion and emotional depth. This card could serve as a reminder to tap into the wellspring of empathy that flows through your lineage, offering solace and insight in times of emotional turbulence.
If The Tower card makes its presence felt, it could signal a powerful ancestral message of breaking free from old, limiting beliefs or structures. This card may prompt you to investigate instances in your family history where radical transformation or upheaval led to growth and renewal, encouraging you to embrace change.
Ultimately, the power of ancestral work lies in the intimate connection it fosters between past, present, and future.
Healing ancestral wounds: navigating generational patterns
Delving into ancestral work within the realm of tarot unveils a profound opportunity for transformative healing. As the cards lay bare the energies at play, we may find ourselves face-to-face with intricate patterns that have woven their way down through the generations. These patterns, silent but powerful, may have subtly influenced family dynamics, shaped beliefs, or even played a role in personal struggles. It’s here, in the dance of the tarot, that we’re granted a unique perspective—a bird’s eye view into the tapestry of our lineage.
Consider, for instance, the appearance of the Temperance card. Its imagery of the blending of elements may be an invitation to explore the delicate balance within your family, the interplay of various personalities, or even the fusion of diverse cultural influences that have left their mark. This card gently nudges us to consider how these elements have contributed to the generational story and what harmonious transformations might be beckoning.
Likewise, the appearance of the Five of Swords might illuminate an aspect of family history where conflicts or power struggles were more pronounced. By recognizing this pattern, we’re empowered to navigate present-day situations with a newfound awareness, breaking free from the grip of generational repetition.
Through the tarot’s guidance, we embark on a journey of recognition and release. We unearth these patterns not with blame, but with a compassionate understanding—a recognition that we stand at the precipice of transformation. By identifying and acknowledging these patterns, we take the first step towards healing. In doing so, we not only liberate ourselves from their grasp but also pave the way for a legacy of healing that ripples through time. We can identify these patterns and work towards their transformation, releasing them from our lineage and fostering healing not only for ourselves but also for future generations.
A tarot spread for ancestral work
Ancestral Presence: This card represents the overarching energy of your ancestors in your life. It may offer insights into the predominant qualities or messages they wish to convey.
Ancestral Guidance: This card speaks to the specific guidance or wisdom your ancestors have for you at this moment in your journey.
Generational Patterns: This card sheds light on any recurring patterns or lessons within your family lineage that are relevant to your current path.
Message of Healing: Here, you’ll discover what aspects of your ancestral lineage are seeking healing and transformation through your conscious awareness.
Legacy and Blessings: This card illuminates the unique gifts and blessings that have been passed down to you from your ancestors, shaping your current path.
Gratitude and Connection: This final card offers insights into how you can continue to foster a deep and meaningful connection with your ancestors, and how you can express your gratitude for their presence in your life.
Remember, this spread is merely a guide. Trust your intuition and feel free to modify it to best suit your personal connection with your ancestors.
Final thoughts
Ancestral work in Tarot is a profound testament to the interconnectedness of all souls across time. Through the cards, we bridge the gap between generations, recognizing the enduring legacy of wisdom and love that flows through our veins. As we navigate life’s journey, we carry with us the strength and guidance of those who have walked before us, their presence a source of comfort and inspiration. In the sacred space of Tarot, we find a sanctuary where the wisdom of ages whispers through the cards, reminding us that we are never truly alone on this journey of life.
Read the full article here:
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winx-reimagined · 1 year
Is sparxshipping toxic?
I’m not sure what sparxed it but I just started to think about the, debatably, infamous ship between Bloom and Valtor. And while this is a strange post to suddenly come back with (hah, assuming I even stay active after this) I might as well ride the sudden jump in interest.
Also, take this as a revision to my past (cringey) opinion on the ship. Quite honestly, I need to revisit a lot of those older posts (should I call them editorials? analysis maybe? Idfk I’ll come up with a name for them later) Dear God, they are so bad and poorly thought out urghhh
To start us off, what is sparxshipping?
Sparxshipping is the romantic pairing between protagonist Bloom and villain Valtor (Baltor in some versions). I will not be referring to season 8, mostly cause I don’t care for it, and partly cause I honestly forgot what even happened 💀
We meet Valtor in season 3, where he’s trying to steal various forms of magic from the different kingdoms in the magic dimension. Throughout this season we learn that he was made, by using the Dragon Flame, by the three ancestral witches to destroy Domino. Obviously making him more to Bloom, than just another villain.
Why do people ship them?
Well, there’s the obvious. They fit the enemies to lover dynamic to a T. And because Valtor is basically a blank slate of a villain, like many of the villains in Winx, it’s easy to develop his character and story in a more sympathetic---and eventually, romantic---way. Speaking of which, it’s easy to assume that he’s never been shown to love, be affectionate, or really anything healthy or positive cause again, cartoon villain guy. And that, Bloom serves as an opportunity, not only for redemption, but to properly learn to show and give love.
They are very contrasting personalities, but have very similar mindsets---just used in different ways. Valtor is suave, calculated, and charming. Bloom is stubborn, headstrong, and optimistic. The both of them are overly dedicated, impatient, confident, and the lead in their groups.
Throughout the season, Valtor seems to have an interest in Bloom, to the point of sparing her continuously. Even his henchma’ams took notice (honestly when Icy said he was strangely obsessed with Bloom and then he just uno reversed that shit, really giving me Icy x Bloom X Valtor vibes ngl). He even offered for them to takeover together, to share the power he stole. And without context, yeah, you could see how that can be taken as romantic, to a degree. But you cannot forget that he’s a huge manipulator and, like making a deal with the devil, he will give you what you want for a price.
Why is it so toxic?
The first thing that comes to most people’s minds, is the age gap. And to be fair, I also used to thing there was a disgustingly large age gap between the two. They were really giving Edward & Bella vibes, if you know what I mean. But the truth is, they are about the same age. Honestly, I blame the art-style for making him look much older and Bloom the same as when she was 16.
Think about it, Valtor was made around the same time Bloom was born in order to destroy Domino. By definition they are the same or of a similar age. The thing about that though is, does that alleviate the power imbalance he could have over her?
There are various forms of power imbalances, the only ones I could think of that are applicable to these two is power, age, and experience. Age and experience are not the same thing, you don’t magically earn experience for being a certain age you aren’t literally leveling up lol.
For age, no, there is no power imbalance. As stated, they are practically the same age.
For experience, this is an interesting one. Since we really don’t know much about Valtor, we have no idea if he had to mentally develop the same way any born being would. It puts into question his experience. Cause while there are absolutely things he knows that Bloom does not, he’s also been “raised’ a certain way, therefore all he knows could be a very narrow mindset or form of knowledge. At the very least, he has the mental capacity and know how to manipulate people and take advantage of others. So, while it’s still debatable how much of a power imbalance this puts them at, he has the capability to control her and it really falls upon the writing, for how they deal with that.
Now power, I mean this mostly in terms of magic, but I’ll also try to touch on influence and physical means of power. Though they share the same source of power---which is part of what makes them shippable, their whole two sides of the same coin dynamic (which is arguably Icy and Bloom’s dynamic)---he abuses his power. But he means to horde knowledge to become more powerful and if he had succeeded, there would be nothing Bloom could do to stop him. I feel like the implications there are obvious. And to take it a different direction. Let’s say he does have all this power and Bloom inevitably caves and basks in it as well. There’s still an imbalance, because of potential entitlement & shaming Valtor might use to hold this gift over her head. Or simply that he fully controls her abilities and therefore a lot of her autonomy.
Now physically, he is a big dude capable of using his strength to force what he wants. Don’t get me wrong, just because you’re stronger than someone does not mean there’s an imbalance of power, just that, in that aspect, you do have power over someone and it comes down to morale. And given Valtor’s pitch poor morality, paired with his physical means, there is absolutely an imbalance in power. Albeit I don’t think he’s one to force his way physically, but only because it’s not as satisfying as tricking others--he’s like Naraku really.
Lastly, influence. This is definitely the least impactful. At least as he is in the series. His influence would only become an issue after taking over the world. He has all this control over everything and everyone, what is stopping him from doing that to Bloom or holding his status over her?
And probably the most important part. He kinda uhhhh, killed her parents. Yeah. Okay, technically he didn’t kill them. Just turned them to stone to forever be in between life and death, never truly being able to do either. Mhm. He also partook in the destruction of her home and, presumably, turning Daphne into a spirit.
In conclusion...
Now I don’t hate sparxshipping, not anymore at least. But as it stands in canon, yes, it’s pretty problematic. Though it’s not impossible to get around these issues, and any others I potentially missed (don’t blame me it’s been a while since I’ve watched). With some solid planning and writing, a dash of canon-divergence, and perhaps a touch of “fix-it” it is possible to make this ship not only romantic but also enjoyably healthy. On the flipside, there’s nothing wrong with writing about a toxic relationship, just be careful how you write it and what you may indirectly be implying through your writing.
Oh and if it’s an AU it’s basically fair game, an all you can eat buffet, a pile of gold, the jackpot, the crackpot, the...
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no-white-dress · 10 months
Icy's season 8 backstory is fine, actually
Let me start off by saying that IT IS TRUE that the execution could have been better, that it's a huge retcon on the character, that it came really late in the series. On the other hand, nothing after the first movie was exactly in the plans so the last two points are sort of weak.
Nearly every fanfiction I've read has a better backstory for the Trix (allow me a moment of self-appreciation, even mine does). I am not fond of Icy and Bloom having specular stories (Roxy was enough), although I see why the writers thought it was a good idea. However, that is not what I want to discuss.
Generally people complain about 4 things:
1) the Trix's sisterhood
2) Icy's connection to the Ancestral Witches
3) the fact that the Trix keep coming back
4) how out of the blue the backstory is
While point 4 is legit for the reasons listed above, the others are not.
1) The only evidence of the Trix being blood sisters comes from something Straffi said once like a decade ago.
The series (pre s8) goes against the Trix being blood sisters in s3, when they don't recognize each other after falling in the waters of the Black Willow.
The comics go against the Trix being blood sisters as well: in number 27 Icy recalls her childhood, saying that she used to play with Darcy, Stormy and Darko in a park where their babysitters brought them. They grew up together, but as friends.
Their design and characterization goes against them being blood sisters too: how are they all enrolled in Cloudtower at the same year if they have different ages (which is a very common headcanon)? Plus, their physical appearance tells clearly enough that they're not twins, since they would at least share some traits.
Not to mention that Darcy and Stormy could still be blood sisters.
The fact that they call each other sisters is irrelevant because there are several contexts where people call each other "brother" or "sister" but aren't siblings.
2) Icy's backstory does not contradict the fact that she is the descendant of Belladonna.
The Ancestral Witches are older than Valtor. This means that their bloodline crosses millennia. Consequently, they can be the ancestors of the Trix and not be their grandmas. Icy being a princess doesn't mean she can't have an infamous ancestor somewhere up her family tree (quite the contrary).
Realistically speaking, the Ancestors are so old that their family tree is probably forgotten by many for the most part.
Also, nowhere in the series was said that the Ancestors themselves were blood sisters either.
And I need someone to explain to me how, if the Trix are blood sisters, they can descend from their matching Ancestral Witch and not the other two. That is not how family trees work, folks.
Icy being a princess doesn't mean she can't be a witch either, as some suggest, because we see clearly with Faragonda, Mirta and Selina that you CHOOSE whether you are a fairy or a witch. Her decision of becoming a witch may be counterintuitive, but that's on the writing and I already said I have bones to pick with the writing itself.
3) I understand that the Trix constantly coming back can be boring given their underwhelming performances in s5-7 compared to the first 3 seasons, but despite everything they're the most recognizable villains, as said by @/UnicornOfWar.
4) As I said, the story IS out of the blue. But it's pointless to complain about how late in the series it came, because it's a retcon that was clearly, obviously planned when it was too late to insert hints in the previous seasons. Bad writing? Yes. Are we used to it? Also yes.
Besides, it all began with the Trix and if any season is really going to be the last, it's fair that it is one that wraps up their story as well.
I am sure that if Tecna or Flora got a backstory, a proper one, that late, people would complain about that too.
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kingixsstuff · 1 year
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The great witches !
( Belladonna and liliss by Elle dei I believe.)
The great ancestral witches,mothers to all witches
Once was normal girls they were found and learned under the first witch hecate (il post her later) eventually cursing others with witch magic. They have two forms their sprit forms and young forms
In their young forms they are in my fan transformation “crisix” the fist magic form (for witches,fairy’s and sorcerers) it’s a lot of story with these characters thst I don’t even know how to start lol 😭
Belladonna is the witch of winter
Liliss is the witch of void
And tharma the witch of natural disasters 
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thewickedmerman · 1 year
The Ancestral Witches
I wanted to give The Ancestral Witches more individuality in their appearances with their faces, bodies, outfits, and colors. These three are often treated like a signal entity rather than three different characters. So basically imagine their descendants but a lot more extreme and irredeemable because they are heartless monsters. They also have individual colors for their ghostly specters.
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triciamfoster · 1 year
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Are You a Real Witch?
Consider this perspective:
“I think it’s best that we get the authenticity debate out of the way. Wondering where one falls on someone else’s “real Witchcraft” measuring stick causes unnecessary stress. Their stick doesn’t matter—yours does. To be authentic means “to be real, genuine, verified, representing one’s true nature or beliefs, to be true to oneself.” Notice the lack of “the oldest” or “the most cool” or “having the greatest number of altar decoration” there. 
Read again the last five words of the definition. Authenticity is being true to oneself in what one does. That means the search of authenticity is a quest to find what’s real, what works, and what is true for that specific person. 
Authenticity is not about trying to forge a link to a distant or imagined past to justify your system. Some people struggle so hard to cling to an aura of mystery and ancient connections to achieve a sense of validation for what they’re doing. There’s a weight that comes with that facade that holds back growth and prevents them from finding truth. Those same people often push against and try to tear down others in order to feel some sense of superiority—like that really matters for anything truly affecting what we do. We can’t recreate the past, nor can we relive it. Instead, we can learn from the past and be inspired by it, whether it’s something that happened five minutes or five years or five centuries ago. If there are connections from the past that interest you, that’s great. But your tradition doesn’t have to be three hundred years old to be effective or “real.” Authenticity is about doing what works best for you with what you have available.”
From: Weave the Liminal: Living Modern Traditional Witchcraft by Laura Tempest Zakroff
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thealchemickalwitch · 2 years
🍎🕯 Samhain so far 🕯🍎
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darkpoisonouslove · 6 months
AU: Griffin was sent to Omega where she found Valtor and freed him from the ice. They escaped together and proceeded to wreak havoc all over the Magic Dimension until one day Valtor just disappeared. Years later he returns into her life only to find her bitter and angry about him abandoning her. Resolved to find his weakness, Griffin uncovers that Valtor was created by the Ancestral Witches to be their weapon against the Company of Light but not much more is known about him. She decides to go straight to the sources and summons the Witches only to realize her mistake too late. Valtor got captured in the fight with the Company and sentenced to eternity in the ice while the Witches remained hidden in the shadows as disembodied specters. They reached for him again as soon as he was free and he left Griffin to protect her and find a way to banish them from this dimension forever. A spell that Griffin just undid. The Witches force him under their control again but Griffin interferes just in time and she and Valtor reconcile.
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wtfastaroth · 4 months
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Belladonna Pre-corruption
This is what she looked like before Darkar's curse, The post-corruption appearance is not yet ready
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gilly-tamar-w1tch · 6 months
The “Hooded ones” have been seen in various places by many people for centuries. They are a little bit different from shadow people in that they are wearing a trenchcoat or trilby hat. With Samhain (Halloween) coming up I thought I would share this. These “Hooded Ones” don’t have any gender or appear to have any gender and often seen as described in a hooded cloak, somewhat like a monk. What are these entities are they spirits of monks? Pagan deities? Are they elementals or perhaps something supernatural? Perhaps they are even a land wight or spirit. the hooded cloak is known as a “Cucullus” and due to this are known as “Genius Cucullus”. Numerous stone and clay statues and stone carvings of these have been found in both continental Europe and Britain. The length of a hooded cloak can vary, more often than not. It tends to be covering the whole body. In folklore they would tend to appear either singular or in a number of three. It is thought, but if they appear as three, it may be a link to the mother goddess and a Celtic Link as well due to the triple aspect. Some of these have been found in the north near Hadrian’s wall and in the south near Gloucestershire are those found in Europe tend to be singular figures. The mystery of the “Hooded Ones” Remains unexplained, and these unusual cloak in individual simply refuse to give up their ancient secrets. No one can tell what these perplexing beings were, but if they actually existed. I have had experiences in seeing these “Hooded Ones” but only as a single one and not coming as three. on one occasion when I saw one a week later, an elderly client are used to look after passed away. So they may be something to do with this, kind of like a spirit warning of a loved one passing, or someone you have a relationship with and got to know quite well passing.
Whatever they are they are a fascinating and folkloric cultural legacy. These hooded ones seemed to have left an impression in the British and European countryside. Back in the early nineties, a family were driving along a road in Worcestershire, England. As they drove through a dark tunnel of ancient trees, they saw something strange ahead of them. A few feet off the ground were three hooded figures and as who moss they were seen; they vanished into thin air. The experience was reported to a local paranormal group.
Are we dealing with spirits here? A folk memory perhaps or land spirits? Whatever they are they are a mystery and likely something very ancient
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charmixpower · 2 months
I think My version of Icy would desperately want the power of becoming a Nymph but Darcy and Stormy wouldn't want to give up their humanity to become lesser gods so detached from life that it's impossible to relate to your old self. Darcy because she enjoys having human connections and Stormy because she enjoys the material world. Hence why only Icy gets Nymphix and then becomes the first Devil
Elitix on the other hand were fine doing this because they're basically a polycule and already don't think of people as people aside from each other. Sure it will suck that they won't enjoy material goods like people used to but they've become gods like they always wanted so a small price to pay
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