#am i wrong??? am i missing something???
britneyshakespeare · 1 year
i know i haven’t froke out on main about the cbx lawsuit in a few days i just think it’s so wild that both sm entertainment and chen, baek, and xiumin are like “yes we’re trading accusations in the public eye and going to court. yes cbx are still going to be participating in exo’s ongoing 11th anniversary projects including a full-length album and a reality tv show” im like. okay
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lbhslefttiddie · 2 months
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youve heard of sex flowers get ready for the flower that makes you into a celestial shoujo herione complete with particle effects you cannot turn the fuck off and creates a wifebeam so powerful it can incapacitate and maim and keeps making you burst into tears and fall on your ass which makes the wifebeam More Powerful and you also cannot turn this off either. and is also still, sort of, a sex flower
from one of my favorite fanfictions, Celestial Afterglow by elanor_pam, a fic that defies description in the best possible way
#arts#shen qingqiu#svsss#listen im not saying that ive spent a cumulative half a year reading this fic and then trying to make an arts for it#and then getting frustrated and stopping because i couldn't figure out how to make sqq shimmery enough#but like. im not NOT saying that#this is the FOURTH time ive started something for this bitch it haunts my fucking dreams and yet the opalescent glittery sqq evades me#perhaps you o unlearned fool look at this and say hmm that's too many colour layers and glowy effects but oh how wrong you are#if it doesnt make you literally fall over yourself at how otherworldly and radiant he is then there is room for improvement yet#perhaps you look at this and you think Wow!!! this gives me literally NO ideas what this fic is about#well Let Me Tell You. i have no fucking idea how to summarize this fic#its not often the tags in a fic give me pause but i saw this and as i read the tags i was increasingly just like What#but i have no idea how to describe it. the tags arent NOT accurate but i was SO unprepared for what happened in like an extremely pos way#if i were tagging this i think i would give it the no archive warnings apply label if that matters to you#the author seemed they wanted to leaned towards over caution rather than risk missing anything re tags because This Is A Weird Fic#but oh my fucking god#i am gripping you by the shoulders i cannot stress enough how charming it is#brilliant characterization especially with airplane in the first scene#and also so much fucking funnier than i thought possible for the general setting summary tags and buildup#its just. ough. its good
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seagull-scribbles · 11 months
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“Ain’t turtles supposed to be endangered?”
“Only the ones who can’t do this!”
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dreamsy990 · 3 months
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some of the less nice thoughts about being aroace
extras below the cut
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closeups on my favorite panels
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bonus: adios
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cinnamonsikwate · 4 months
"why couldn't shuro have just been honest about what he felt with laios and falin it's not that hard" are you. are you White
#dungeon meshi#shuro#toshiro nakamoto#look you can hate him for other things but this is very clearly a case of cultures (& personalities influenced by these cultures) clashing#shuro is japanese/east asian-coded and laios is european white boy#i am not japanese but i also come from a collectivistic society#pakikisama is a filipino value both prized and abhorred#it relies heavily on being able to read social cues and prior knowledge of societal norms#shuro being from a different country/culture is important to his character#his repressed nature is meant to contrast with laios' open one like that's the point#they both had similar upbringings but different coping mechanisms#shuro explicitly admits that he's jealous of laios being able to live life sincerely#anyway the point is they were operating on different expectations entirely and neither had healthy enough communication skills#to hash things out before they got too bad#re his attraction to falin i personally believe he unfortunately mpdg-ed her#she represented something new & different. a fresh drink of water for his parched repressed self#alas not meant to be#i'll be honest the way ryoko kui handles both fantasy & regular racism in dm is more miss than hit for me#i don't doubt that a lot of the shuro hate is based off of marcille's pov of him#marcille famously racist 😭#characters' racist views don't often get (too) challenged#practically everyone is casually racist at some point#anyway. again if you're gonna hate shuro at least hate him for being complicit in human trafficking & slavery#he couldn't help falling for the wrong woman goddamn 😭#calemonsito notes#edit: upon further reflection i take back what i said about toshiro mpdg-ing falin!#i'm sorry toshiro 😭
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rythyme · 8 months
really not a fan of boston very explicitly saying "I want to be exclusive romantically but not sexually" only to be told "You're lying to yourself. I think you should be alone."
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sagechan · 4 months
i feel like Omashu in the live action was the absolute worst city to put Teo in, accessibility-wise, because the entire point of his "new life in the air" was that he could start from a high point on the Northern Air Temple's cliffs and take off unassisted to soar through the surrounding sky. he had autonomy over his gliding. Omashu is built from the ground upward, the exact opposite—there's no high point for Teo to take off from, and (at least in episode 3 that I've watched up to so far) we don't see exactly how he's supposed to be getting up into the air from the low point where he and his father are living. idk the whole episode felt so crammed and then suddenly Teo and the mechanist were there and it made absolutely no sense to put them in that city of all places.
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mvffinhamster · 9 months
“morning crew will know”
“cellbit’s gonna figure out”
“etoiles will free phil”
BUT WHAT IF MISSA WILL FIND HIM AND GET HIM OUT??? (or get himself trapped too because he’s still missa)
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sesamenom · 4 months
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Flavors of numenoreans (minus the druedain because i still haven't figured out how i want to draw them)
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prapais · 2 years
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COOKING CRUSH (2023) dir. Golf Sakon Wongsinwiset — cooking class begins.
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deoidesign · 17 days
#ok finally making a post about meds#I've not ever tried taking medication before. I was sorta raised with that classic 'dont rely on meds you have to learn to manage without'#I mean I was also raised with the idea that therapy is stupid unless you have 'real' trauma. and also like idk.#can't stay home from school unless your temp is over 100 or you're throwing up. etc. very suck it up mindset#so I was just really nervous to start. also of course worried about losing myself or whatever I know that's a silly fear but#it's also a common fear for a reason!!! anyways#so I finally was like 'I need to do something' when I realized I was so anxious I couldnt even get myself to go outside alone#like I just don't want to do ANYTHING alone to a detrimental effect. and it was butting into my ability to do my work...#for various reasons. but then ALSO adhd has been a constant issue with my work as well!#it is SO hard to write and draw on a weekly pace like I am without being able to focus#my whole life I've had these terrible nightmares constantly and I've always woken up constantly in the night#sleep has always been terrible so I've always dreaded going to bed.. ESPECIALLy because it didnt even make me less tired#it was more something that I just did because I had to.#but going to bed was always terrible. there have been times I was too scared to go to sleep for weeks on end...#I've been mitigating this for years of course. and recently I've been taking melatonin which has been helping too.#but I've also always struggled to get up. because I've always been EXTREMELY exhausted#but also anxious of what the day might bring... idk.#anyways it has all hit a point that I was like okay. I am doing as many coping mechanisms as I can. the psych said they were good too#but... it just has never been enough. it's never been enough to make me not tired it's never been enough to make me not scared#so I finally talked to the doc about it. and she was like youve def got smth wrong basically. which yah I know.. but yknow#anyways so I started taking wellbutrin. and I am so frustrated now. because it's WORKING#that constant looming sense of dread is gone. I'm excited to get up. I'm excited to go to bed BECAUSE I'm excited to get up#I feel like for years I've been holding on to the idea that I have to get up because I have to put something good out into the world#and I've been clinging to knowing that if nothing else. I am able to help other people feel better.#but now for the first time in my life I'm like. free of it. I didnt even know it was possible... and I'm so sad how much I've lost out on#and so frustrated how my whole life I've been told to put up with it and push through it. and treated like a failure for it being too much.#and just. It has only been 2 weeks. but the lack of anxiety is SO noticeable I'm so...#I'll never miss it. the adhd is still pretty present but like whatever. I can manage that better.#and I'm just crying because of all this combined.#I just. I hope I get to finally be the best I can be now. for myself but also for you guys!
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voidshrubsquared · 1 month
Listen. Listen to me
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Do you know how much I LOVE that comic? IT'S SO GOOD SO SO SO GOOD
We get to see a glimpse of Click's inner workings! How his mind operates!! His complicated relationship with himself and the other pinks and what it is to BE a pink!!!! Is he just like them? Are they all the same?? Is HE the horrible one??? Is he not horrible ENOUGH???? WHO KNOWS!!! And the 'I miss my department' like MANS DOESN'T WANNA BE THERE!!! HE DOESN'T WANNA THINK ABOUT IT!!!! HE HATES IT HERE CAUSE INTERACTING WITH THESE GUYS MAKES HIM THINK TOO MUCH💕💖💕💖
Like, what if they're all the same? Then Click isn't special and he's just another darkner abiding by the rules of his code.
What if the others laced the candy platter and he didn't? Then Click is too soft, they'll eat him alive out there! How is he going to survive!!
What if he's projecting and nobody else even thought of lacing the candy? Does that mean he's just a horrible person in general? Is it not just a pink thing and more a HIM thing?
And then the visuals, the zooming in into the one piece of candy among all the others in the candy platter as he does Thoughts™
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nomorenightingaless · 3 months
saalo desiblr cricket fans kaha chale gaye mithai bato bhaiii PEHLI BAAR GHAR TROPHY AAYI HAIN like seriously KAHA GAYE RCB DEFENDERS
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jamietxrtt · 1 year
im still baffled by the general response to ep 8 btw. sure the dialogue got a little cheesy at times, but the dialogue in this show is always like 15% cheesy? that’s why people like it lol.
i thought ep 8 was really good, plotlines were moving, drama was happening, characters and relationships were being tested. juno temple acted her ass off. i wish the whole season had been like this!
i really don’t understand why everyone disliked this ep so much. am i missing something? am i just looking for something different out of this show than everyone else is? i agree that the season as a whole has been… scattered, but i thought this past ep was really good.
am i missing something?
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cave-monkey · 2 months
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Six Ears, and being left.
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jimmyandthegiraffes · 10 months
i finally started my tintin stats project, where i go thru each book from soviets to picaros and tally up certain things with the occasional note. im mostly doing it for fanfic, cosplay and headcanon reasons, and was just going to do it and then post my findings book by book but then i thought well. it's kind of a resource, and people might have specific things they want to know.
so far my categories are:
vehicles - what vehicles he travels in, which ones he drives, any crashes
health - when he sleeps, if he snores, if he dreams, if he has nightmares; any injuries and what kinds; any time he loses consciousness and the cause; when he eats and what he eats, what he enjoys eating and what he doesn't; any time he gets drunk
any time he is violent to another person
physical activity - any time he swims, climbs a tree, rides a horse
the law - any time he is arrested (including attempted arrests), imprisoned, sentenced to death, or joins an army
emotions - when he cries and about what; when he laughs and about what; when he gets angry, at whom and why; when he is visibly afraid and of what; when he prays; when he sings or dances
le petit vingtieme - any time he actually writes an article lol
QUIFF DOWN!!! - any time his quiff is down lol. this is kind of a joke one bc this only happens generally if he's soaking wet but also i think its funny any time it happens so its getting tallied
at a later point i'm also going to chart the passage of time across each adventure so i can have a rought idea of how long each story lasts. in a similar vein, i'm also going to chart what clothes he wears and whether he still owns them at the end of the album (sounds weird lol but he goes thru SO many different outfits in soviets just bc people keep blowing him up and wrecking his clothes lmao. and at the end of congo he returns to belgium with only a rifle and the clothes he's wearing). i might later add things like, any time certain characters appear, but im still early on and he doesnt know anyone yet lol
essentially, i just finished doing this for congo, so before i get any further are there any other things people would like to see tallied/noted? i am doing this so u dont have to (:
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