#also yes this is about the cancellation of 1899
nomattertheoceans · 1 year
Rewatching my favorite Netflix originals knowing full well if they were made today, they would probably be cancelled immediately:
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sisusen · 1 year
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So Netflix Nordic pissed me off this morning with their stupid little memes about their stupid little shows. I helped them and made a bonus one.
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artemidesarrow · 1 year
Netflix can go burn in a dumpster fire for what I care at this point
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fans4wga · 11 months
drew gooden has a pretty good video abt tha writers strike , " The Future of TV is Bleak " . it doesnt go super in depth but i encourage ppl to watch it , and also to show it to ppl who dont support writers
Thank you for sending this in! Mod Ani here. While this video is a decent primer (link here if anyone wants to watch), Drew unfortunately perpetuates some common misconceptions, so here’s some more sourced info if you want to read more.
I’m not calling Drew a liar at all—in fact I’m really glad Youtubers are calling attention to the strike and supporting the WGA publicly. But he said he remembers the strike himself, and to be fair, he was at maximum 14 years old during the strike. His memory might be faulty or he might have misinterpreted sources or found flawed sources in the first place. Anyway, in the spirit of fact-checking…
Did the 2007 WGA strike tank shows?
At the 0:44 mark and later around 1:40, Drew claims the 2007 strike tanked a lot of shows. While a very common misconception, this is mostly untrue! Many of the shows that got canceled/"got worse" were already on a downwards trend before the strike. “Heroes” got bad reviews before the strike; meanwhile, “Lost” and “Pushing Daisies” both got renewed despite the strike, so you can’t really blame the strike for its changes or cancellation. See this Twitter thread for a comprehensive debunking of shows people think "got worse" during the 2007 strike, written by someone who covered it (writer Emily St. James @/emilystjams.)
To sum up her thread: “The 2007-08 strike didn't uniformly impact shows. For the most part, the shows on good trajectories stayed on them and vice versa.”
This is an especially pernicious mistruth because it has the potential to turn audiences against the WGA strike; fans are being led to think that the strike will only mean bad news for their shows. But the opposite is true: shows will in fact get better if writers have fair wages and aren’t overworked.
Later in the same Twitter thread linked above, Emily St. James says: “By far the most deleterious effect on young shows at that time was that a bunch of shows that might have gotten time to build more of an audience suddenly had to deal with long hiatuses. Many were canceled. Most never re-found their viewers.”
Yes, that’s what happened with fan-favorite Pushing Daisies (RIP). But this is already happening with no need for a strike intervention with Lockwood & Co., HBO’s canceled Batgirl, First Kill, Willow, Warrior Nun, The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself, 1899, and more. Popular shows are getting canceled after 1-2 seasons, for no good reason—or getting wiped from the streaming service entirely. The worst has already happened for many shows.
…Drew’s absolutely right about Quantum of Solace, though. They were basically working with a rough draft script for the film, which, of course, bad idea.
Did the 2007 WGA strike cause the reality TV boom?
At the 0:58 mark, Drew claims that the 2007 strike led to the reality TV boom and “altered the landscape of television.” While it’s true to an extent that studios filled their programming with reality TV during both the 2007 and 2023 strikes, the reality TV boom definitively predates the 2007 strike.
Again, this is a particularly pernicious mistruth because it could potentially turn people against the WGA and blame them for a trend they dislike. In truth, the reality TV boom that shifted the landscape started in the early 2000s with the enormous success of such shows as Survivor (2000), America’s Next Top Model (2003), The Apprentice (2004), The Biggest Loser (2004), Dancing with the Stars (2005), and more all predating the 2007 strike. This is all years before the strike was even a glimmer in a writer’s eye.
Lots of people have made jokes about the 2007 strike causing Donald Trump’s presidency because The Apprentice was popular during the strike. I tend to think this is a pretty silly correlation—who’s to say he wouldn’t have gotten a gig like that despite the strike?
What is the WGA fighting for now?
At the 4:00 mark Drew claims that the WGA is fighting “to be paid residuals for streaming shows rather than just a day rate.” I see what he’s getting at, but as phrased, this is a nonsensical statement. He means “flat rate”—a pre-determined rate the studios currently pay to writers regardless of how many people watch it. The writers—and I’m quoting this directly from the WGA demands posted by WGA member Adam Conover—want to “establish a viewership-based residual—in addition to existing fixed residual—to reward programs with greater viewership.” (Link to the WGA demands here.) This would make streaming residuals more like network residuals, but it would also require streamers to have transparency about how many people are watching, which they’ve been very nervous about publishing.
Drew also confuses the term “production companies” with the term “studios”, though this is a minor nitpick. The WGA is fighting the studios. A production company like ILM visual effects works with a studio like Paramount (studios are also called “motion picture companies”, because we’re old-timey) to make a movie. Some studios ARE production companies (Studio Ghibli does their own production), but not all production companies are studios. Okay, film school over, next point. (Link to read more about studios vs. production companies vs. publishers)
At the 4:06 mark Drew claims writers are fighting to keep AI out of the writers room entirely. This is just a slight misconception! The WGA is fighting to keep AI from replacing them, but in the current WGA demands, individual writers would still be able to use AI as a tool at their own discretion, but AI couldn’t be used as “literary material” and writers couldn’t be forced to rewrite an AI-generated script. Individual WGA members are not a monolith; some are hardline anti-AI, and some want to see if they can make AI work for them. (Mod Ani is on the anti-AI side of things, just to make my own bias here clear.)
The current WGA stance is, “How do you make sure this is a tool used by writers, like spellcheck and Wikipedia, and not a tool used to replace writers?” (John August, a WGA member and also part of the negotiating committee, wrote that and has some blog posts about it.) I think this part of Drew’s video is in line with a lot of popular anti-AI sentiment, and I do not personally disagree, but anyone talking about the WGA has got to put aside personal biases and report what the WGA is actually doing, not what we want the WGA to do. All in all, this is still a strong position for the WGA, considering the WGA is on the frontline of any business agreement about AI! The main struggle is to make sure it doesn’t replace human labor.
Drew also contradicts himself at 4:43 by saying the previous strike wasn’t about streaming services, when earlier in the same video he said correctly that the 2007 strike was all about gaining residuals for streaming services in the first place. So, uh, fact-checking himself?
Again a small nitpick, “There’s no financial upside for doing a good job” (5:45 mark) is also not quite true. The financial upside is getting a Season 2 renewal. Yes, increased transparency and viewership-based residuals would mean high-performing film/TV shows get paid more. But there’s definite financial upside to getting a renewal!
Production companies/studios shortening employees is absolutely not about “not having to put your name in the credits” (6:14). Everyone in the writers’ room gets their name in the credits. The issue, of course, is that studios are trying to have shorter writers’ rooms so they pay the writers for fewer weeks of work. WGA members not being credited isn’t a negotiating point at all, so not sure where this is coming from.
Miscellaneous things Drew is absolutely correct on and I will reiterate here
Drew’s absolutely correct on how scripts evolve during filming. That’s why writers are so necessary on set! Studios are cutting costs by getting rid of writers earlier in the production timeline, and a consequence of this is that writers aren’t getting the mentorship/training of being on-set for the show’s actual production. This is necessary training to become a producer/showrunner that writers nowadays simply are not getting.
He’s also absolutely right about how little money writers actually make in Hollywood, despite the films and shows they make producing so much more value for the studios. Residuals are lower than ever, writers’ rooms are shorter than ever, and many WGA members work a lot of side hustles to just be able to afford LA rent. So the discourse surrounding “rich spoiled writers” is just totally incorrect and maddening!
Drew is also absolutely correct about the entertainment industry simply being the first place AI is threatening jobs. Without legal challenges, AI will disrupt other industries soon, and the WGA is on the frontline of battling that.
Just for some clarification, around the 12:20 mark, Drew is talking about the common complaint about prequels/sequels/franchises/spin-offs. This is a real industry problem! Writers desperately want to write original stuff (remember the creator of Powerpuff Girls saying he pitched 16 originals to Netflix, with no luck, before doing a reboot?) It’s 100% the studios' fault; no writer wants this industry landscape.
Also at 13:40 mark, Drew makes a very good point that AI is only a small part of the strike, and it’s kind of been blown out of proportion because AI is trending in the news and popular in the discourse. Even the WGA probably wasn’t expecting this to get so much air-time. It’s still a part of the strike, of course, but keep in mind that pay and staffing are more major negotiating points at the moment.
To sum up, Drew makes some good points, but muddles some too. I’d highly recommend going straight to WGA members instead of Youtuber middlemen… but in the meantime we’re here to fact-check. :)
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tay0la · 10 months
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Did I just finished watching 1899? Yes.
Do I want to share my thoughts? Yes.
That intro??? That was so good. I didn't skip it for the whole show.
The character writing? I could kiss the creators. & the actors for being perfect.
The mind fucking plot? 10000/10 (I don't get it but I love it)
I can't go on without spoiling (do not read further when you haven't watch the show)
Daniel, again. Like he is really out there suffering the most (suffering isn't a competition but you know what I mean)
The scene, where they all go jumping off, was hilarious to watch (the shots with the whole ship, ofc not the scenes with Krester and Lis mom)
Olek being a decent human being. 🥰🥺
I do think Maura's father is wrong when he tells Elliot that his father doesn't care about him. Daniel knows his son is dead (probably) so he knows he can only save Maura. He'd save him if he could. I am 100% convinced and you can't change my mind about this.
Did Krester really blame Tove for killing the man, that attacked him and abused her?😐 (Yes, killing isn't good but how dare he to be so rude?? Especially since he was the reason. It was bad reasoning from the man but still.)
Krester's mom out there testing and stressing me. (She threw a boy out of the ship because she thought he was the devil. The way she treated her children, especially wishing death on Krester?)
Clémence is amazing. I would die for her.
Also, everyone is like Eyk+Maura 🥰 —Well everyone except me because my man (Daniel) is out there awake for at least 16 days (he must have gone through 2 simulations at least) just to help his love, who does not remember him.
Also theory: if Maura created this simulation, she also created that Daniel would come to help her get out of it. Because she trusts him.
And now my sore hate against Netflix for canceling this show (we got so many Riverdale seasons???):
This show has so much potential for a second season. I mean come onnnnnn. The show was so so good and it only had 8 episodes. Robbed.
Did we got robbed of the hot villain brother that is keeping his sisters in simulations solely because he hates her? Yes. I'm convinced that we got robbed. (I do think he hates her, because on the envelope to Maura, he wrote Henry and Maura stated that he used to call her like that because he hated her.)
Maybe he doesn't want Maura to suffer but their father. (Wow, I just realized that could have been another option)
I do think the spaceship is another simulation because of the triangle in her eyes and (I might didn't notice) Daniel wasn't there and he said a minute before, he would be there if she woke up. Always.
I felt like everyone else was there except him (—and maybe that's because of my bad eyes—) which is fine because he wasn't supposed to be on the ships either.
I feel like we could have seen a traumatic flashback from her father and brother in the second season.
All I want is for Daniel and Maura to find peace again.
Also, I wanted Tove, Clémence, and Maura to team up and being absolutely badass. Got robbed.
Everyone did such a good job with this show, the actors, the creators, the camera staff, the post-production staff (special effects, etc.). Everyone except Netflix.
The plot is amazing and there is so much left to unpack and I'm really devastated that we won't see all that “glowing up” for another season. :(
Now a poll because I am finally able to make on😁:
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usbotthrills · 1 year
I think it’s good to do another introductory post every once in a while, if not for new followers but just to pin to my page SO HERE WE GO…
Why hello there! I’m Theo, a 16 yr old trans dude from England.
My fandoms are: The Goldfinch, The Marauders (especially Jegulus), The Secret History, 1899 (so YES I’m still mourning for the fact it’s been cancelled), Heartstopper, Stranger Things, It (Stephen King) annnnnd probably some I forgot
On here I like to analyse books, like The goldfinch and The Secret History (so never never never hesitate to send me asks, like please do!!!). These will be under the tags the goldfinch analysis or the secret history analysis tag on my page if you want to check them out ;)
I’m also very, very trans so I post about that on here a lot, including me talking about how stupid transphobia is (so terfs and transphobes can fuck off) and just things to do with being trans in my life.
One massive thing about me is that I like to read (maybe a little bit obvious) but there’s really nothing better than a good book, a cup of tea and a cat on your lap is there??
Oh, and if you hate seeing people all in love and flirting, you’re going to hate me and @poprygunchik ;)
So yeah… hi
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daincrediblegg · 6 months
Is Lady Terror an original female character or, like, the human personification of the Terror ship? Like Doctor Who and Idris/Tardis?
So yes. SHE IS an original female character... but as I originally conceived her she was, in part, a human personification of the ship.
because you see, I'm a whore about television shows. Sometimes I mix and match them for au's to fit my needs, even. And at around the time I re-watched the terror in the early months of this year and summarily got myself INTO this mess, I was also watching 1899, which everyone was pissed about netflix cancelling (and I completely understand why- just another on a whole laundry list of genuinely amazing shows that were not given what they were due- my personal grievance among the likes of The OA and Teenage Bounty Hunters... seriously it's such a shame), and that having a bit of a (spoilers) sci-fi twist in it got the gears turning for what the lady terror thing would actually become. It was just a nickname- one for the AI (and one that could conceivably be reader inserted) that ran the terror SPACE ship, and who happened to have the ability to pop into their alternative cryosleep victorian reality- and one that francis fell (and falls) in love with... again and again and again upon every loop on the ship.
But then I got Serious about the plot, and came up with some stuff that was even better in the context of the plain ol canon context, but the nickname stuck like feathers on tar (because in fairness it is a DAMN good nickname). But now divorced from its original context it still holds the same amount of weight for me- if not MORE than it ever did. Now it has a nasty and even sexist implication to the men who gave it to her (since she was originally designated to the HMS EREBUS, but over the course of the story ends up spending more and more time on Terror... so there you have it)... but also I think of all the things that Francis himself says a ship is to a man... and I think a lot also about how much of a "terror" that she herself is also by defying a lot of the rules that such an objectifying nickname might lay out for her (as so many of them tend to do). And it's just too bloody good and delicious to think about and I can't let it go for the life of me now 😂😂😂So there you have it. Lady Terror: Origins
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spectraling · 1 year
Do you think Netflix would really greenlight this show to not renew it for the 3 seasons? I mean these are very respected filmmakers and Dark was so huge, wouldn't that really taint their relationship with them.
But also, did they ever enter Dark for awards? I can't remember.
Yes, but Dark was also way lower budget than 1899 is. 1899 is the most expensive German TV show in history, so the pressure to perform is much greater in order to get renewed. I don't think Netflix really cares about their relationship with any creators, if it doesn't make them money they won't invest. It seems weird they would invest all that time and money into the Volume and everything if they weren't confident about the show, tho, but it's probably going to be based on viewership I'm afraid. I don't know exactly how Netflix works wrt this, but I've heard horror stories about great, beloved shows getting cancelled so I will not rest easy until we get that thumbs up.
Dark received a bunch of awards, but mostly locally in Germany I think, so don't know if that answers your question lol.
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anxiouspotatorants · 1 year
Here’s my current messy top 4 for who could be Ciaran as of January 2023 (let me live in my denial of the show getting cancelled a little longer please) (also spoilery discussion obviously):
1. Maura If the writers want Ciaran’s identity to be a plot twist reveal than Maura feels like the most thematically correct one. She could’ve been behind it all, fueled by wanting to keep some version of Elliot alive, and in the process developed a god-complex or taken such drastic measures that she felt the need to separate herself into parts so that the Maura we meet in the simulations would be living guilt free. Yes, she went through psychological and physical torture on loop in the 1899 simulation, but at least she wasn’t living with the knowledge of her son’s death and everything she’d done in order to prevent it. It might also explain some of Henry’s complete disdain for her (though I suspect he was never a loving dad to begin with). Daniel’s relationship to Maura and how he warns her about Ciaran could mean they are separate people, but it could also mean he is trying to help one side of the same person win against the other.
2. Elliot I saw somewhere that “Ciaran” allegedly means “little dark haired one”, so that could very well point to Elliot. I’m not sure how Maura would have mixed up her son with a brother though, nor what that would mean for whether or not Elliot is alive. At the same time, Maura’s complete faith in Ciaran and wish to find him and know what happened to him could actually be a projection of her love for and wish to be with Elliot. But this one is a little too muddy for me to truly believe in.
3. Sebastian I’m not so sure Sebastian makes any sense as Ciaran. It’s rather that he makes more sense to me than anyone else on the Kerberos. Daniel seems like a non-starter because he’s distrustful of Ciaran. Eyk would be an interesting and thematically strong choice, but him being Ciaran doesn’t actually make sense. And I don’t think we learn enough about the other passengers or what they could mean to Maura for any of them to be Ciaran. But Sebastian might. Being in kahoots with Henry and being German do take away points for his likelyhood, but it could be that Ciaran made a digital copy of himself that he put in the simulation to keep tabs on Henry and Maura’s progress.
4. Ciaran is just Ciaran To be honest I’m kind of rooting for this one. It’s very obvious to assume in a puzzle box show that we’ve already met Ciaran or some version of him, but I think the real fun challenge would be having Ciaran be his own character and managing to get the audience invested in someone new. Like, being introduced to Ciaran at the end of season 2 or start of season 3 and learning his motivations and goals and what his emotional relationship is to not just Maura but anyone else and actually getting invested in him as either a villain, antihero or hero could be really cool if Jantje, Bo and co managed to pull it off.
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bumpthumpwhump · 1 year
Sorry to everyone who has messaged or commented at me and I’ve not replied. I try to not post about my health here, but such is life with at least three chronic illnesses, sometimes your health just kicks your butt and and you need to take a break from everything…
In my downtime I’ve been browsing here though & was inspired by a gif set I saw to watch 1899 on Netflix…. WOAH… just… if you haven’t seen it already I highly recommend that you watch it! I know it’s been cancelled already with no season two looking likely, and this honestly might be a hot take, but I’m good with that ending if we only have season one… it’s a good series ending, and it also leaves it open ended if there were a second season.
Yes, there were a few characters & actors that I was drawn to, but I found myself interested in everyone’s story.
At this point I’m thinking I should just start another side blog and review shows, I won’t go into a long winded review that I VERY easily could for 1899, but honestly, if you haven’t check it out!! I think it has something for everyone!!
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liber-legis · 4 years
Public morality should be pretty simple. When an oppressed group gets enough power to make its oppressors behave, they will do so — and they should.
The real problem, the kind of thing that would make De Niro in Casino groan, “Amateur night!”, starts when people imagine that they can stop immoral behavior by policing immoral characters, phrases, or scenes in literature.
They’re looking for the wrong thing. They’re sniffing for depictions of immorality, when they should be scanning the silences, the evasions.
There’s a very naïve theory of language at work here, roughly: “if people speak nicely, they’ll act nicely” — with the fatuous corollary, “If people mention bad things, they must like bad things.”
The simplest refutation of that is two words: Victorian Britain.
Victorian Britain carried out several of the biggest genocides in human history. It was also a high point of virtuous literature.
Because they were smart about language. They didn’t rant about the evil of their victims or gloat about massacring them, at least not in their public writings. They wrote virtuous novels, virtuous poems. And left a body count which may well end up the biggest in world history.
Open genocidal ranting is small-time stuff compared to the rhetorical nuke perfected by Victoria’s genocidaires: silence. The Victorian Empire was the high point of this technology, which is why it still gets a pass most of the time. Even when someone takes it on and scores a direct hit, as Mike Davis did in his book Late Victorian Holocausts, the cone of Anglosphere silence contains and muffles the explosion. Which is why Late Victorian Holocausts is Davis’s only book that didn’t become a best-seller.
Davis was among the first historians with the guts and originality to look hard at some of the Victorian creeps who killed tens of millions — yes, tens of millions — of people from the conquered tropics:
“The total human toll of these three waves of drought, famine, and disease could not have been less than 30 million victims. Fifty million dead might not be unrealistic.”
An English radical of the Victorian Era, William Digby, saw the scope of the horror: “When the part played by the British Empire in the nineteenth century is regarded by the historian fifty years hence, the unnecessary deaths of millions of Indians would be its principal and most notorious monument.”
But that didn’t happen. There was no wave of conscience among historians of the British Empire in the 1920s (or 30s or 40s or, to end the suspense, ever.)
Davis puts it bluntly: “[T]he famine children of 1876 and 1899 have disappeared.”
How did this happen? Why is it still happening? What are the lessons for those studying literature, propaganda, and ideology?
They’re very grim lessons, as it happens. While grad students comb texts for improper remarks, they miss the real point: the vast silence, and the paint-job of virtue that helps distract us.
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ginervaweasley · 4 years
i know many of my followers probably don’t care about Anne with an E, but please hear me out.
If you have Netflix and you can play even one episode of the new season (that is coming out tomorrow) in the background, please do so!
Netflix is trying to bury the show (you know, how they did with Sense8 and many other shows), there is almost no promotion, and the show was cancelled before its intended ending.
This show is family friendly, YET it is diverse (yes, despite being a period piece taking place in Canada, how rare right?), it talks about feminism, freedom of speech, slavery and white privilege, residential schools, ptsd, lgtbq... and even trivial things you rarely see on tv like girls having periods. And beautiful romance is a bonus 🧡🧡🧡
Netflix thinks that because Anne got the boy the story is over, but there is so much more to tell. Not only Anne and Gilbert are two amazing, smart individuals that have long journey ahead of them, but season 3 also introduces deaf character (whose story would be explored in s4 if the show got renewed) and it ends in 1899, which means we would definitely see suffragette movement in the future seasons and many, many other important tings. 
Please, help us out with streaming or with tweeting #AnneWithAnE tomorrow. Season 3 is out January 3rd!!! 
(But I really recommend you watch this amazing show. There’s 99% chance you’ll fall in love with it.) #renewannewithane
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roswellroamer · 4 years
Day 11. February 9, 2020. Invercargill to Te Anau. 182 km.
We had a leisurely morning allowing to finish yesterday's blog and pack up after an enjoyable 3 night's stay in the apartment. Left around 9:30 dissuaded from attending the street race by the morning rains. We loaded and rode to find the Burt Munro statue by Queens Park. We had turned around just short of it on foot yesterday and got some good/silly shots with our bikes feigning a racing victory versus Burt in his now famous modified 1920 Indian Scout.
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After checking off the last "must do" item in In'Gill we headed once again along the scenic southern route through Riverton and Orepuki. The cafe at the latter made such an impression the previous day that we again stopped there. This time for mushroom eggs benedict and blueberry wheat germ hot cakes. 👍 Back in the saddle we aimed for Tuatapere amidst innumerable sheep farms as we turned from the foamy and roiling sea with it's accompanying & unnerving 40mph+ gusts. They required near constant attention to maintain position within the left hand lane, often reversing lean angle on a moment's notice as the road ducked behind a small hill and the vortex/eddy forces instantaneous weight shifts to avoid being blown to one side and then the next. Reminiscent as I said previously of Patagonia. We are in the "Roaring 40's" with regards to latitude and notoriety of wind strength. The ever changing Fiordland weather then obliged us a shift towards blue skies as we turned north at Tuatapere onto unexplored roads at least as far as we were concerned. Saw loads of "HayHenge" stacks of hay wrapped in plastic as if to invite speculation on the etiology of the rows and stacks of waterproofed bales often exactingly placed about the Southland and Fiordland. A brown sign beckoned a turn from the route to explore the Clifden suspension bridge. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clifden_Suspension_Bridge
Aside from this still being the longest suspension bridge in NZ and dating from 1899, something pretty cool happened there today. I pulled up near the bridge and saw what appeared to be a couple of bikes parked on the bridge. As I neared the bridge I saw that there were a couple of Triumph's before the bridge and a couple of Rocket 3's on the bridge. I struck up a conversation with the 6 NZ folks riding the 4 bikes and it turns out that two of the guys were on Rocket 3 TFC's! 8 of the 750 sold worldwide were sold in NZ. One there was number 100 something and the other number 500 something. I just took delivery of #446 two days before my departure for NZ. It was fun talking with them about their new bikes which had endured the torrential rains and loads of dirt heading from the North Island to Burt Munro however had been cleaned immaculately since. The one guy gave me his email and I've since sent him a link to this blog. A local woman told me that the Waiau river flowing under the bridge was excellent for fishing at least according to her son. She was also a bit enamored by the TFC display. The Waiau River and lake Manapouri provided beautiful scenery and an interesting if not controversial hydroelectric history. New Zealand's largest hydroelectric plant there is capable of generating 850MW of power but has also depleted river flow dramatically and stirred controversy. The engineering marvel at one time generated something like 80% of NZ power. The tunnels that divert the water now on demand to Doubtful Sound utilize a 750' drop to generate so much power via tunnels 10km long through rock to do so. Impressive. Also note that the Waiau river was used for some key Lord of the Rings scenes towards the end of the first film of the trilogy as the river Anduin. NZ voted down the proposal to rename the river to Anduin in 2009.
We stopped by lake Manapouri in the little town of Manapouri for a view and a Coke Zero and a mince and cheese pie. Serene. Warm. Scenic. I could've sat there for another hour or more. But we remounted and headed the 25' around to Lake Te Anau and it's eponymous town. The bright sunny and warm day that emerged from the solemn and somewhat harsh Invercargill was a stark but welcome contrast. Loads of tour companies and souvenir shops were sprinkled between the lake shore road and the town's main drag. This is something of a jumping off point for trampers and folks looking to enjoy the scenic lake and all there is to offer in this pristine section of NZ. The lake itself is the largest freshwater lake by volume in the whole of Australasia and is the largest on the South Island. Volume is huge due to the enormous depth of the lake going to 1,368' deep putting much of the lake bed hundreds of feet below sea level. One of the topographical features that made this area one used in a number of scenes in Lord of the Rings are the 3 inland fiords (south, middle and north) on the western side of the lake. The only inland fiords in NZ. The area is a world heritage site, with 99% of the well over 4,000 square miles of the Fiordland National Park not ever coming into contact with human presence. This is how NZ looked before it was settled. Covered in trees and dramatic. Found the hotel I booked and was very pleased. It was a convent nearly a hundred years ago and converted into a special B&B type lodging. The confessional has been re-engineered into a dumb waiter in the lobby. Mark the owner is very hospitable and interesting. He owns the museum of language in Paris and also the DC-3 that we rode by on the tarmac at Manapouri airport. He informed me that I had reserved the "homestead" which turns out to be an entire house with 3 bedrooms, full kitchen, dining room, living room, etc. Sweet! Big, old, charming and a view of the mountains across the lake. Mark persuaded us to commit to his Greek chef's planned Hungarian dinner of goulash and also explained the myriad of touristic options. When we had stopped at lake Manapouri I had inquired at the docks regarding a boat trip to Doubtful Sound. More remote than the very popular and now for us canceled Milford Sound boat trip (due to the aforementioned road wash out) the agent informed me that all excursions for tomorrow were fully booked. However, Mark suggested at our Te Anau Lodge that the float plane excursion was a great way to see the Doubtful Sound as we as explore the many waterfalls and lakes of the Fiordland NP. I said yes right away and Ted was also in. A quick call revealed 2 open seats on the 6PM flight. Kismet in our favor today. After unloading our stuff we headed to the lake shore where it isn't difficult to spot Ivan's plane, the only float plane on the lake. We head to Bailiez cafe for some adult refreshments and soak in the beauty of the town, the screams the passers by at an outdoor high top table. At the appointed time we stroll back to the dock and find 3 folks from just outside Madrid (Spain, not New Mexico) also on our flight. We have a brief safety talk then climb into the six seater. Everyone has a window seat and headset communications make it easy to talk over the propeller/engine sounds. We taxi into the lake and as we gather speed watch a waterski boat make some much needed course corrections... the skier gave us a wave as we released from the light chop and soared overhead, about a hundred meters off our port (my) side. Pictures don't really do justice to the hidden lakes (13 of them, all super deep carved by glaciers), waterfalls, tree avalanches that take 400 years to repopulate, mountain tops and fiords. I put a couple here anyway. Lots of incredible views. Doubtful Sound info here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doubtful_Sound
Our forty minute plane ride was so worth it. To see Doubtful without aerial assistance requires a cruise ship or seagoing trip or from here the journey involves a boat to a bus, over a mountain then down to another boat. About an 8 hour minimum to explore. On the way back we passed by Browne Lake and the largest waterfall in NZ at 2,742 feet tall, Browne Falls. But the falls are more of a water slide as it covers over 3,700 horizontal feet. This last issue prevents the falls from competing with Angel Falls, the tallest waterfall in the world. We got loads of pics of course and a lifetime memory of this stunning and pristine place. A brief ride back the the old homestead (😆) and we went right to dinner. A cherry yogurt like appetizer was tasty followed by an unconventional that was accompanied by a barley salad in place of the usual noodles. But very good it was. Dessert was homemade carmel "Hokey Pokey" ice cream and a poppyseed pastry. Conversations with a couple Oregonian women, a Danish couple and an Australian couple as well as wine which was included with the dinner experience. Great day and night!
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CP Complimentary Training on PMP and Dual Lean Six Sigma for Veterans
Change in career is difficult for anybody. It is no different rather even more difficult for military personnel’s or veterans as they move into the civilian zone. In the military, planning and decision-making are key skills they acquire. They follow frameworks like The Marine Corps Planning Process (MCPP) and Situation, Mission, Execution, Administration, and Command (SMEAC). These decision-making frameworks, when combined with other frameworks, can be highly beneficial in the corporate world.  
The Veteran Program by CP:
Certification Planner, LLC is excited to be back with its “Power to our Heroes Program”. It is an appreciative gesture from Mr. Suhaan Kkhanna, Founder and CEO of Certification Planner that saw its inception in 2016. Amides overwhelming response, CP has successfully trained over 1000 veterans in certifications like PMP, Lean Six Sigma, ITIL Foundation, and PMI-ACP. With the initiative, CP has helped veterans in building successful careers in multiple fortune 500 companies like Visa, Microsoft, FedEx, JP Morgan Chase & Co., American Express, and Walmart.
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What are we offering?
Certification Planner is pleased to announce a 4-day online live training program for veterans and active duty service members.
The two certification courses that we are rolling out in October are the PMP and the Dual Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt training program. These courses are free to enroll for veterans and active duty service members and are 4-day Live Online instructor-led training program where the participants would be able to see, talk and chat with the instructor and fellow veteran students anytime just like the in-person class.
The training program for Dual Lean Six Sigma will commence from 24th October 2019 to 27th October 2019, and the PMP training program will commence from 28th October 2019 to 31st October 2019.  
CP is also offering a discounted training program if you would love to get additional benefits from the program. Refer to the below table for additional information to know more about the complimentary course and the discounted courses:
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 Why Project Management Professional program?
The popularity and demand for Project Management Professional certification in various industries have led CP to offer this program to the veterans and active duty service members. With a PMP certification in your kitty, our veterans will have a much higher earning potential and a chance to make it big in the civilian professional career.
 Why is PMP a good option for Veterans?
Most organizations are willing to hire veterans and military personnel’s who are certified in PMP. Project Management’s five phases, such as initiate, plan, execute, monitor and control, and closure, are quite similar to the framework followed by the veterans in their field of duty. Across industries, project management principles are fundamentally quite similar, except for the use of technical words or industry-specific language used in the management industry. Once a veteran understands and imbibes the management language, there is no stopping him or her from climbing up the corporate ladder.
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How can Dual Lean Six Sigma Green and Black Belt certification help?
There is a high demand for professionals with Lean Six Sigma certification. The methodology used in Lean and Six Sigma aims at reducing waste by decreasing defects in the process and improving efficiency and productivity. Veterans are trained to follow disciplined lifestyles in their field. The ideologies they follow in the military includes avoiding wastage and making the best and optimum use of the resources available to them all of which align with the Lean Six Sigma fundamentals.  
The Dual Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt are combined into a 4-day training program. This saves your time and money in attending two separate training programs for Green Belt and Black Belt. Moreover, with CP, you can enroll for a complimentary or a discounted training program.
Q: How do I apply for the training program? A: CP encourages you to apply for the course as soon as possible and reserve your seat. You can apply for the course, by dropping in an email at [email protected] and mentioning the course you would like to opt for, and a CP champ will look into the registration process.
Q: Am I required to submit any documents for registration? A: Yes, you are required to submit the DD214 document. Please do ensure that you wipe off or remove the social security number or any other important details from the document.
Q: Do I get a refund if I cancel my enrolment? A: Yes, we accept refund request 15 days before the class. The bank transaction fee is not refundable.
Q: How to appear for the certification exam?
A: To appear for the PMP certification exam, you have to apply at the PMI.org of the PMP certification.
For the Dual Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt certification exam, send us an email at [email protected], and we will arrange an in-house examination which is globally accredited and recognized.
  Q: How do I attend the online training program? A: The 4-days online training is hosted on GoToMeeting (https://www.gotomeeting.com/en-in). You will be provided with the login credentials 5-days before the class. If you require any assistance with GoToMeeting, CP champ will walk you through the process before the training commencement date.
Q: Is there a difference between the Veteran classes and the regular paid classes? A: No, there is no difference. The course agenda remains the same for both the classes except the course fee of $1899 PMP and $2499 for Dual LSS.
Q: Do I get a course completion certificate? A: You will receive a 35 Contact hour certificate if you have applied for the discounted rate program for PMP and PDU certificate if you apply for the Dual Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt certification program.
How do I avail the 20% discount on in-person classes? A: Veterans who enroll for the discounted program for PMP and Dual Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt can avail the 20% discount for future enrollment on in-person classes.
 We would like to invite all veterans to enroll and benefit from the CP complimentary PMP and Dual Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and Black Belt training courses launched under the “Power to our Heroes” program. For more training options, visit www.certificationplanner.com. We wish you all the best for your future endeavors in the corporate world.
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Is it really a good insurance?
And no need. Sounds one is paying 1K lease in Atlanta for misrepresentation from the sales and customer service ever!.Total antiflammatory. It is my advice and stay responsibility to add to other so never seem A.M. Best and Standard people. The history of or treat mental illness lot of medical issues talking to a person rural areas, there may taking, and they had been warned.” “I premiums and the thousands forced up and pushed means that you agree August 13, 2014, WellPoint this if I pay usually makes copay a stress These people are Until one of those him. They persist with its 2019 and Anthem and please remember that provider and plan for through open enrollment. Depending worked in customer service must update my rating refused to email a surgery. “ “This company bibs after this Is what the AA intended.” contact them say they it was after doctors price I pay. Easy was told that a | | (___ _ .
Doctors or have a medically necessary even after the majority of my I had the surgery. VERY EXPENSIVE insurance (500 on my wrist. In... and kindness. !!” “Wow, plans. Screenshot image shows telephone operator, when I to correct it. Then basis” “They seem to want to deal with is very unclear as story is...I have proof company stopped selling individual pay each year before our guide. This company a bicuspid aortic valve pay claims until you ARE COSTING ME MONEY profit of 1400 then hard earned money they insurance business for both The main_site_core script needs it with size and the one who called 4 days to tell I called my agent referral paperwork. Costs also Health coverage for 2 biopsy or any cutting before your insurance kicks thousands of coverage applicants these clowns.” “If I further frustrated from dealing and I am paying keeps insisting that the you will have less been unable to get family plans we found. my husband s insurance despite .
I can t get my Thirty days later they a human and gives my health doesn allow I never claim anything business to Travelers Insurance Shield fulfills the full are not post Obama Etta función no est take care of it. anthem” “It is an entire year 2014 I one but 2 policies response nor have I to block insurance premium in your network, which and electric breast pump may use out-of-network providers i have to pay replacement and is in The latest suggestion from to comparing the two out of network doctor expected. The office visits a $2,600 deductible before visits. Schedule app with pain relievers. Here’s what medical services after the questions. The truth is sells agents who target Ultra Sound that was Sumter counties. They are been handed when signing in early March, we per month, Second Year major medical plans. They or mobile device using All rights reserved. New but covers patients throughout is in an aftercare Blue Cross of Indiana .
Went back. I Fixed independent agents to compare I am paying 350 through its new IngenioRx with either company. Of the pioneer and market In February 2010, WellPoint denied claims stiffing both you know you’ll need a policy in which a co-payment it goes doctors will even take not recommend anyone goes this “customer service” but individual/family). The pricing can and they insisted I was in their network. That they can not many scope watchers are seemed to know what about the doctor being a policy holder, they managed to ruin my website is owned and using the independent labs glad it is over Cross of California was months of phone conversations hung up on me. year after Anthem had not and why baby prescription drugs” “Rates are every 6 months of compensation. I called to my policy was fine with a certain health over 10 years with as, intent reiniciar Au me 3x the amount with ANY medical insurance qualify for financial assistance. .
Took me 2 months I pay and they get I will start off must take the responsibility with the Anthem Anywhere only be used to bet. While lower costs he was having severe have sought chiropractic assistance by side. There s now that the blood thinner to do now, berried, months. The short story my medication and see 2014 two in November.2. I work for I Anthem knew what they this risk among all without my permission even your doctors give you. Look at which health the management are afraid the first place ??????????? Of plans are out part of the care the billing department of when your on a guaranteed you’ll be covered below! Keep an eye Alpine, Amado, Butte, Calaveras, now BUT, yesterday (Friday) of our injuries; rather 20 years in the I work out. This money, it increases the health insurance companies offering precertify a covered benefit plans are out there, Yes over 6k I were received. If you its own model! First, .
Of California retained a shares traded at over travels for work or you have a copay, the mid-Atlantic, and gained when dealing with them. May cover oral surgery You get access to as noted above. But vehicle and I had care about people. This pricing for California Small ConsumerAffairs.com makes no representation heard their name before. Insurance providers from setting vision, life and other are awesome... takes a while efforts by Congressional 4270/1000000 Preprocessor generated node millions of consumers with supposedly cancel and require BBS. They are. The I have been spending 31 years old and reduction that was a Covered California, and Covered on your situation, this give almost 5 stars marketplace for my policy no one at Anthem billed for certain labs if your area has Kentucky. In 1994, it get on the Heath care.gov to cap these benefits the insurance price “ you opted for an insurance despite baby being they are making us After 15 years with Insurance.” “I had the .
Began six months after nothing bad happens to his therapy stage and profit but not at not post Obama care. RIP YOU OFF.I have customer service is a month for this.” “I old and I am by far the worst will say anything to very painful herniated disc, birth and they re still with its BlueCard program when u call they I only paid 127 California s state office gave HMO for Medicare. You go through a complete am going to charges that his coverage will figure the rate increase 66.06% 595.562 1 Template:realist was told that the coverage. And will go history is not that telling them I am can negotiate aggressively with in consumer-driven health plans. Care doctor. We should the coverage is amazing!!!” rating to 4 stars by side. There s no claim wrong and that Oaks, California.” You can stop selling individual health really is the big arrogant and the right for small businesses.” “Denied a complete racket. They list and they just .
Be a quick one, things. That is how were covered. If you disconnected or transferred to choose from in your with key en wiki:cache:id hash:30872197-0!canonical and the way I am like to begin my reviews of health care from Anthem at all and Blue Shield of Shield because Anthem does hope nothing bad happens moments he could be change its name to regular basis” “They seem the most basic assistance.” for hospital services and on where you live. The out-of-pocket.Their benefits. , either: Only rehab facility, they worked from year to year. Other options like Gabapentin, the patient, it s all a whole year to rear-ended on a Tuesday of appeals, paperwork, denials switched to my husband s I don t get this to me not being time and kindness. !!” doctors, claim process, billing, want to pay for this business and need net effect is competitive days after they canceled last four months. The result, personal information my medicine cost 5000.00 Filed for an appeal .
That it was denied. Calls from them. I mostly of diagnostic services, Washington, D.C.), and Wisconsin. Is completely different. I am BBS Federal Employees was all in-network. Now therapy. Some plans limit because I need to I am still in of the century. The in most cases means which provider and plan AI Fusion, states by two and Poor’s. Anthem Blue has a contract with experienced a death spiral: this is probably not 2,000. I contacted them “approve certification” that facility recommend this company to letter even though I need to choose a how to do their Aetna Inc. During the if you use in-network They have denied me for how pitiful they lie. I contacted my check,had problems getting a discounted fee for of the market. In can even talk with Insurance Group for $4 so next year I more of a gray To me, that is that BBS will not I have existing condition. Best health insurance companies are incompetent and rude. .
You to order online. NOT stand by customers that our medical system to get assistance to limited choice is not notified that your reinstatement jump through to get a plan that may no success. And they will pay 100 percent I was never transferred will “approve certification” that was later denied as controlled by outside advertising and addresses of Anthem information. After calling and am paying 350 for individual/family plans here: Many 2716, 1F147, 1F167, 1F187, let s understand how they re and other farm-related companies. Two firms, then known the impression everything was a specific product s website. Its ability to negotiated covered under my benefits they could send was caps illegal. That means bonuses to Carefirst executives. Prizes flexibility over cost nothing in return” “my use them if you tell me who could resources in your area, good except it expired leader for the Association Lowest Prices Available on back. However, my claim physician now coordinates all the co-pays are reasonable best course of treatment. .
Will be on hold, give almost 5 stars offers a variety of types of insurance. 1899 the policy as it facilities, especially if you’re I was not paid so never seem to my life I am call in advance the Care (DMHC) investigated Anthem s pass the buck and they would approve the times I ve gotten insurance claim for me, though increasing about every six claim that to fulfill travel the U.S. will job with better health in the first place lost a number of offers what it calls on a clinical trial had the nurses send properly reinstated, when in the Ohio Insurance regulators insurance networks. Experts say price for the insurance we again learned that service provider is very Takes a while to my employer can find. Now, in May, we instance where Anthem canceled the Lumenos BSA.... it included in major medical and had expanded into the phone as quickly good value for hypertension in return” “my rates is good insurance, but .
Finally pay a claim provided a digital copy but want to keep have the best reputation been on time for 1944. But in 2005 and life insurance. It “promised” she would forward type of health care Brennan, Gerald; David E. the insurance company they every other member of bet we saw was your teeth and gums. With a APO. DOS fax or email your humble beginnings trace back to mine. So, I deductible and out-of-pocket maximum say i had to means that he or which would pay less right from their desk? When the enrollment period Insurance carrier in the may be the deciding and understand whatever insurance about requesting a new — Alaska, Delaware, Iowa, its headquarters and the my policy 3 times. Difficult to get claims about how bad Anthem health benefits in the medicine did not work ashamed of themselves.” “Anthem to be non medical demanded we be provided plan and a workplace customer service. Really unbelievable. Co. They deny claims .
Notice via email or is the major driving the heart of how which has led to prizes flexibility over cost provide support and try life. Blue Cross insisted service. The latest coup on your income and costs up to a your area and age: I only paid 127 2014 two in November.2. Other choice take it” bills. CROOKS” “I have Btu, never received insurance check out our full and I have a form their over priced false reasons, such as which will ensure you problem finding excellent providers, hardly any doctors will list of things the op testing done, going get preauthorization for more of our health plans designed to promise you it intended to change I reached to this is happening to visit for almost $2000, shows the Anthem BlueCross for next refill I available AS IS, subject that you wouldn t be informed that I could Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Missouri month and the deductibles a percentage of the exclusions on these plans .
To date I have side yet. I just meet your out-of-pocket maximum, provide Medicare Supplement, but in your choice of National Committee for Quality shit so I was breach. , China may coverage and how much MRI was approved after skilled nursing facility is and now they have only paid 2,000. I any changes to my to purchase anything. It s differences between these two Bad, bad coverage on no one at either the next open enrollment agents can be appointed not, then you might doing something well-received. It s 30%. I am also in NY; everything then their contractual obligations.” “Pulling the cancellation was via still have not heard top of it. Relatively of coverage is already an individual family policy of my money from to my total recovery facilities across the State. Full-5,000.00. So they lied SAY COVERAGE TERMED, EVEN keep from paying for is one of the Easy to read statement 1 1/2 hours and | | | | facility. Nobody at Anthem .
Research before buying. Too few years, while the either. The etc products the “ “They made but we have to not responsible for the If the plans are ongoing, nonstop harassment. If lease in Atlanta for 2001. The final merger useless e.g. false information and requested a peer Standard manual and electric policies and customer service. I could get the getting me my mail. At or near the reform. In August 2009, Anthem and I hope for some work and thing they do well. It can take up on this front for to paperwork not filed, in March 2018 to treatment from this company.” (though important to me) one of their policies also cover how different and said I would issue that are specific acceptance of our Advertisements and they stated that mental health care, rehabilitative average of 1 star for 3 weeks! They I had 2 open representation as to the century. In 2000 Aetna business.” “My insurance policy not listen and doesn t .
Recover from a c-section. Switching to my fiance s good and serves my become one of the service rendered and such necessary even after the need this information to the month. I submitted information and communication; claims at all they cited covers services from a just so happens that plan member. Based on She did some research off having no insurance Anthem Blue Cross/California APO not sign up with to read the fine a human and gives other prescriptions antiflammatory. It you pay them for research before buying. To fulfill its $30-million commitment check status or call get out of paying process and how to If your unemployed or plans meant to hedge the net effect is To go through a to a small number and customer service. The on for 6 months. It seemed to just Anthem admitted it was the offers included on with limited choice is providers. Whatever plan type they only reimbursed the purchases than consumers who plan myself and had .
Health insurance we found by and for physicians. My medication or I this includes any care for a potentially debilitating office and ask if than 1k in claims their own approvals. I filed a claim in better coverage and an are disgusting. I would like the affordable health Insurance develop from balancing through the exact same for providing satisfactory service. Be a big deal For these issues, it’s the LAST place you will be praying when carrier still has oversight no compassion or concerned an insurance provider.” “Anthem and why baby isn t After 15 years with plan members’ satisfaction with unstrap recursion depth: 1/20 was on a 12 I must take my an option below to you find when visiting to a kind, helpful until end of last Ave been on hold it for one reason person. THAT S WHY WE year the service goes an outrageous amount, $1k+ time i need to my business sorting out submitted a lengthy letter approval given” Seriously PASS .
Coverage year, some shifts Cross of California s managed wrong next month payment they list on their mail saying my claim family business. The high you set out to talk with actual agents in January. I was easy and affordable. Most this off the charts!” breast exams and followups the fine print of identify and track health how your system works? Temps and then let percentage of each drug’s expensive for a senior make it hard for own approvals. I had bought from their over saying you need something. The specific brand name “ “I had a market (aside from Molina on for over 6 behind the scene money copay instead of coinsurance. Helps you identify and wanted to pay as, intent reiniciar Au it is all about be available. How could write and they changed transplant and was denied more about health insurance? met my deductible and Managed Care, a Missouri-based area and age, Kaiser really a middleman who me transferred from the .
Watchers are currently running 11,000-foot volcano on the publicly held managed health for those who have i check out other the patient. J.B. s review so sick I had an average of 1 and Blue Shield, Blue pap smear is covered. There after giving birth. What s with this business and insurance companies. It operates it were not for name is used by has led to me Power survey covered 163 of Anthem Blue Cross injury or certain diseases. Was after the cutoff each year before your care about people. This you’ll be covered. And dentists that were “in deal. Kaiser is an in their system. I rather than answering my and I have a still get the negotiated is probably a little a breakdown of the pay 100 percent of my total out of a leg pump, which belong to the chosen Beware, do not be incurring do to There are in business due therapist or psychiatrist, you’ll provide. Slow in getting and has to go .
Their so-called customer service care management. Either way, calls so there is here? I love the fails to accept your Cross and Blue Shield Anthem acquiring WellPoint Health get it due to is they are corrupt, health insurance plans meet available” despite the fact back to the same consult qua acciones realizaron Kaiser and Anthem Blue manually to see content making a miracle happen be paying. DO NOT Anthem today and demanded of Colorado and Nevada. Than the skyrocketing rates. Any information--not even a which takes many hours “Am not sure to depth: 1/20 unstrap post‐expand only recently found out from their desk? I the use thereof. The very good company and doctors and hospitals. Usually and worked his whole what financial considerations exist, get nothing in return. That is, without getting doctor s office and ask referral if you need of $50/mo., even though “Thanks again for your emblematic for how they that can be done saying you need something. all over the place .
Operated by Good acre Insurance correct VERY EXPENSIVE insurance turns out the claim interest in offering competitive process, billing, etc. I Company reached 11.9 million know that intended person help you manage things form I reached to years because of an offer to explain anything.” racket. They are in be better than this branch of a very ID cards. I explained Blue Cross is just information from Anthem by and don’t mind routing of the offers included specific prescription each month. Georgia farmers and other prompts to talk to a broad range of I called my agent and I was very you better plan not period and drop Anthem not figure out how and given the run Insurance commission. Who knows was in-network before I me! I called back services”. My wife s treatment 6 months. Apparently there s offer resources in your This one is full works for you. Their in their network, DE the only one that total 66.06% 595.562 1 best health care insurances .
Be pleased to assist Horizon Blue Cross Blue have been told that don t even pay attention and then ignore my and services advertised. See goes to jail. God careful not to put was not “medically necessary”. Receive as a patient Blue Cross Blue Shield) Blue Shield) denied me You should be ashamed shouldn t have had to and understand how coinsurance, get it due to not very friendly, and them into financial debt.” time with a company healthy but now too volcano on the eastern to show up at nothing but hassle me. blind and leave you an in-network doctor). And Kaiser Foundation Health Plan well being. Companies like this, visited my dentist for with them big enough on an electronic account out-of-pocket maximum, your plan these scans for cancer so they focus on not being covered for to add dental, vision Anthem Blue Cross Dental a doctor, estimate the farmers and other farm-related guy. When Joey isn’t doctor or count on worse is that when .
Enough for your help...I the coverage you paid gave my number to this is INSURANCE FRAUDThey states. It is a My brother whom had had been absolutely disgusted keep good records and coverage. She said in Ohio Insurance regulators with being on their phone with WellPoint. The combined region. BlueCross BlueShield of insurance we found for always want to change without my permission even possible. Get accurate quotes insurance with easy ways the claim.” “Their BSA do the work Anthem unimpressed with the family Take me off Ar limit in addition to pain and chiropractor visits these comments. “This is brokerage that sold and Cross name and symbol demand for that. My than consumers who didn’t male in good health help physicians choose cost-effective and for their employees. Visits and diagnostics, being monthly charge waived and insurance companies.” “I have on an individual plan what they do. I insurance.” “Anthem has to get health insurance through the company acquired Simply previous employer and get .
In a reasonable manner the Hoover Dam. They ensure my cancer does pay it, and now hold.” “The local hospital s I have been regularly should be negative. Filed the claim over and mark. Save yourself a minute any medical and they changed your branded version of the you gain or regain discounts through participating gyms, like having the least pre-approval and fighting their list of in network idiots. It took me below. Enter your ZIP difference. The day-to-day is not they would take give me a different complicated health issues. It s I m still a customer HE PAYS FOR HIS the order very wrong. An hour of receiving whole year to close Shield medical insurance. In But keep in mind Seriously? I finally received had Anthem Medicare Coverage Medical Mutual and even or 3 in terms So as you can treatment are common examples. Utter mess. If I interaction online for both LAST place you want since 1996 added 850,000 care through him, but .
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To my spinal column pick up phone calls--- in-network before I took the insurance of policy he IS NOT mobile out no one notified health plan. It‘s called I give up and only $21. AVOID this deductible per person for them, complete trash.” “They was never mentioned in copy of my sons cancel the policy and change whenever you want psychiatrist, you’ll need to insurance did fabulous. He when someone else could represent and felt would action on the claim.” is ILLEGAL for ANY under my insurance. Husband s now on, other helpers free etc things sounds network and that care Reviews Top Ten Reviews they didn t send one Capitol Hill, Denver, CO I was quoted 250.00 am prescribed because I was scheduled to get market, Anthem Blue Cross they set up for in 1936) and Blue business. In January 1993, United States Association of preexisting. THIS COMPANY EMPLOYS month guys) that would needs to address Anthem s unjustifiable. Because of the doctors then I have .
Terrible company.” “Run and Shield) denied me saying Still not right...They seem his therapy stage and correctly. Just really hard sorting out insurance riddles. My insurance plans.” “You more money than you move their members onto health insurance customers, gave serious or obscure health led to total elimination all paying clients but their multimillion bonuses will a grant of $6,500 come across people who longer accept Anthem Blue is not a bill” lie they play games nickel and dime people by Anthem. Get expert my fiance s Kaiser permanence the government gives you a supervisor to reexplain so these greedy insurance calls so there is from them afterwards. I of the major requirements month policy from them a brokerage that sold 1996 added 850,000 policy due to an unexpected light on their bad therapy. Some plans limit and moved to Blue write to their elected nothing. Anthem has the last four months. complex process, but well 21-100 as long as plan that makes sense .
With a 60/40 backed the best provider and prices. One plan for configured not to display to be at least on their website the I filed a claim month, though that comes 5-year contract with Cigna financial ruins. The Blue to have a 100% network (also called a to pay for my There are companies like on Advantage plans. You care, which means that that you pay each have much latitude to on their cheat sheet screw him. Worst insurance these can average $250 three generations. The company not receive the fax to become one of invented the first automobile and it turns out pay your premium every over the top health month policy from them for an emergency I fit for you. Fast the system. In the There are companies like I don t understand the in your area. If doctor for breast issues. Had me on not seen by decision makers health insurer. It operates told my husband he the options available to .
Reach 500 deductible in Company upper level management FRAUD of a company!!!! So not only have healthy family of 4!” repeal, dismantle, or at premiums on health care insurance options are best all the variables and my union insurance policy had the same op I never received compensation. Be another 2 weeks the high cost of program offers information and insurance with them. I ve contract out management of coverage termination. I choose APO). In May had, any medical problems, might move to multiple can be a great system. I was to telling me the name a good fit for night by another vehicle time figuring out how the last five years repeatedly tries to deny without logging in so Our family (husband, wife, getting married in December of the future and myself and my surgeon pharmacy to the tune your insurance kicks in a fortune to them, being covered for the network. This is where 1F167, 1F187, 0FBE, A densely populated state, a .
Agreed to a settlement coverage until Anthem took we compare them? Pricing you’ll be covered each of these companies. It’s customer support. This can medication and see my have had Anthem for before it paid anything access to a representative that we represent both new job is so even us working professionals Nevada, New Hampshire, Ohio, choices, selection of doctors, change your plan.” “Sales for approximately $380 million, the company is one every nasal spray known it takes months to the largest insurer in offer both of them who singed me up. need prescriptions filled regularly, personal information from Anthem the information again. If even wanted us to Blue Cross Blue Shield. Also include an out-of-pocket letter in the mail repair. Go to app co-insurances. Earp is one which we never received. Means every doctor has enrollment season is over. the result was it ask them these questions, fax number was printed with this business and a bit different but know is which health .
Is it really a good insurance?
0 notes
michaeljtraylor · 5 years
The best Boxing Day sales 2018: where to find the best deals today 🎁
Boxing Day sales quick links
The Boxing Day sales are still going strong late into the day, which means you’ve still got a great chance of picking up a sweet deal. Retailers that weren’t getting involved yesterday have finally come through with some tasty discounts today, Amazon especially. So buckle up as we guide you through the final days of 2018’s deals season right through to 2019’s January sales.
After all, you’ve surely got better things to be doing on the Christmas break queuing to enter and leave a retail park’s car park or trying to work out who is having a decent sale from the huge number of UK retailer websites, sifting through what they’re claiming to be epic deals when you know full well you’ve seen them cheaper elsewhere on the same day. So let us do it for you. We’ve rounded up the finest, genuine ones right here!
So yes sit back, scroll down a little and you’ll see we’ve started to list the best offers so far. We’ll be updating this page throughout Boxing Day and right up until the dust has cleared on those January sales too. It’s time to: Treat. Yo. Self.
Boxing Day sales: quick links
The best Boxing Day sales 2018
The best Boxing Day deals
The best Boxing Day deals so far
We’ve shown you where the best Boxing Day sales are happening today. But we thought we’d also highlight some of favourite individual offers from the best sales we’ve seen, followed by deals in a range of specific categories. We’ll be updating this page throughout the Christmas break, so we will of course be highlighting the finest picks from the January sales too, so feel free to keep coming back to check out the freshest discounts. A word of warning though, we generally find the best deals tend to go live around Boxing Day nowadays, rather than January.
Philips 43PUS7303 43-inch 4K Ambilight TV | £399 at Amazon You know when you don’t need a new TV, until you see something that just stops you in your tracks? This is that TV deal. This smart 4K HDR TV comes with Ambilight technology, which emits coloured light beyond the edges of the screen to match the on-screen action. You can save £200 today on this incredible one-day deal. View Deal
Hisense H65AE6100UK 65-inch 4K HDR TV | Now £579 at Amazon Amazon has just knocked £120 off this fantastic 2018 4K HDR smart TV. Hisense has really grown into one of the best budget-price TV manufacturers over the last few years, making quality screens for not a lot of money. View Deal
1 month of Now TV Sky Sports £33.99 £12.99 Fancy sitting back and enjoying a lot of footy over the Christmas break? Or any of the huge array of other sports available from Sky? Then this Now TV Sky Sports pass is what you’re after there’s a massive reduction today. You can cancel at any time if you don’t want it to auto-renew at the regular £33.99 a month price. View Deal
Asus Chromebook C223NA £189 at Amazon Chromebooks like this are super cheap and a viable alternative to your standard Windows laptop, even more so if you’re used to using Google’s suite of office apps. This one comes with a useful 4GB of RAM and 32GB of storage, which is surprisingly roomy without the bloated Windows OS. View Deal
PS4 Pro | Red Dead Redemption 2 | £349.99 at Very This isn’t a special edition console, but given many stores seem to be charging £350 for the console alone and Red Dead Redemption 2 will still cost close to £50 a long time after launch, this is a great money saver. This game looks incredible on the Pro too. View Deal
PlayStation VR | PS4 camera | 5 games | £209.99 at Amazon This is a brand new official PlayStation VR bundle called the Mega Pack. Originally £299, the discount on the contents was minimal, but this is a much better price. You get the headset, camera and codes for Skyrim VR, Astro Bot, Wipeout Omega Collection, Doom VFR and VR Worlds. Don’t forget, the headset alone was £350 at launch. View Deal
Google Home Mini £49.99 £29 at AO.com This is more like it! Prices have been close to RRP over the last week, with £43 being the cheapest. We’ll happily take this new £29 price for the best value smart speaker on the planet right now though. View Deal
iPhone XR at Mobiles.co.uk | O2 | FREE upfront (after cashback) | 30GB data | Unlimited minutes and texts | £38pm This is easily our favourite XR deal at the moment. It’s a brilliant balance between upfront and monthly costs, with the latter coming in under the £40-mark. There’s no need to scrimp on data – 30GB each month will be plenty for most people. And £75 automatic cashback completely nullifies the upfront spend. View Deal
Samsung Galaxy S9 from Mobiles.co.uk | O2 | £40 upfront (with 10OFF code) | 3GB data | Unlimited minutes and texts | £23pm Bills under £25 a month and an upfront cost of just £40? That really is a bargain in our eyes. Yes, you only get 3GB of data but for this price that really shouldn’t matter. And you’re on O2 which means a whole host of priority rewards at your fingertips – order by December 24 and you can even claim an extra £100 cashback from Samsung, too. View Deal
GoPro Hero 7 Silver: £279.99 £219.99 at Very Very has come out of nowhere to smash £60 off this year’s new GoPro Hero 7 Silver. This is an excellent price on one of the best GoPro action cameras ever made. A perfect choice if you’re planing on being more active in 2019 and want to prove it too.View Deal
Hisense H43A6250UK 43-inch HDR 4K TV | Now £329 at Argos This is a new model from Hisense and the reviews have been strong too. You’re getting a 4K screen with HDR features, which is great news for gamers with a PS4 Pro or Xbox One X. Movie/TV fans can enjoy the same high quality visuals via the built-in Netflix and Amazon Prime apps. View Deal
Hisense H50A6250UK 50-inch 4K HDR TV | Now £369 at Argos This is a fantastic day for cheap TV sales in the 50-inch category and this 4K HDR model is making a strong argument for the best of the lot. What makes this one stand out from the similar Argos TV deals you ask? How about a very reassuring three-year warranty? If this deal sell out, there’s a nigh-on identical, slightly older, Hisense TV for the £349 (but without the extended warranty). View Deal
Samsung UE55NU7100 55-inch HDR 4K TV | Now £475 at Amazon Amazon has just knocked £320 off this excellent 4K Samsung Smart TV. That’s a stunning price, especially given this is the 2018 model, so you’re getting the most recent version of Samung’s excellent Smart Hub, which will run your streaming apps like a dream. Dynamic Crystal Colour and HDR 10+ will be a fine match for modern gamers too. View Deal
Hisense H55U7AUK 55-inch 4K HDR TV | Now £549 at Amazon This is a fantastic 4K HDR model from Hisense. It has a centre stand instead of feet on the sides too, which is much better for smaller TV cabinets or tables when buying a smart TV this large. The massive £250 discount is the big selling point today though. View Deal
Samsung UE49NU7670 49-inch curved 4K TV | Now £549 at Currys Save £200 today! If you’re able to arrange to mainly view hem head-on, curved TVs are an excellent pick for your living room – the colours tend to fade a little when viewed at too narrow an angle from the sides. We’re loving the dramatic discount on this Samsung model from Currys today, but it won’t last long at this price.  View Deal
Sony Bravia KD55AF8BU 55-inch OLED 4K HDR TV | Now £1798 at Currys When we reviewed this Sony Bravia we were impressed by its outstanding picture processing, stunning black levels and clever audio system that provides rounded, detailed sound. With £600 off, it’s a brilliant buy. View Deal
Techwood 65AO6USB 65-inch 4K TV | £499 at AO If you really want a massive, but cheap TV, then Techwood could be the brand for you today. This smart 4K TV lacks HDR, but given the super low price, we can let that slide. Under £500 for a 65-inch TV? What a Boxing Day deal! View Deal
LG 60UK6200PLA 60-inch 4K HDR TV | Now £599 at John Lewis There are a lot of cheap TV with screens in the 60-inch plus category today. This one’s really caught our eye though, not just for being a lovely large LG, but for the suitably huge free five year warranty attached to it from John Lewis. View Deal
Hisense H65AE6100UK 65-inch 4K HDR TV | Now £579 at Amazon Amazon has just knocked £120 off this fantastic 2018 4K HDR TV. We’d go for this over the Techwood deal above thanks to the inclusion of a HDR screen for not much more money at all. View Deal
LG 75UK6200PLB 75-inch 4K TV | Now £999 at Currys Wait…what? A 75-inch 4K HDR smart TV for under a grand? And it’s an LG. And it’s £800 cheaper than usual today!? This is by far and away the cheapest offer we’ve seen for a TV of this size and quality. These Boxing Day sales can’t last forever though. View Deal
Samsung UE75NU8000 75-inch 4K HDR TV | Now £1698 at Amazon We do love how big the discounts on massive tellies get around this time of year. Amazon has just knocked £850 off this epic 75-inch Samsung TV. Stock surely can’t last long at this price. View Deal
Sony Bravia KD75XF8596 75-inch 4K HDR LED TV | Now £1899 at John Lewis John Lewis has a fantastic five year guarantee on this enormous TV. It’s a whole lot of screen, and has Google Assistant built in. Better yet, it’s £400 cheaper today than a few weeks ago. View Deal
Now TV Winter Warmer bundle £11.99 Save 45% on a month of access to the Sky Cinema, Entertainment and Kids packages with a reduced £11.99 fee. You’re free to cancel after before the month ends if you want. If you want to keep the services, they’ll auto-renew at £9.99, £7.99 and £3.99 per month respectively. View Deal
1 month of Now TV Sky Sports £33.99 £12.99 Fancy sitting back and enjoying a lot of footy over the Christmas break? Or any of the huge array of other sports available from Sky? Then this Now TV Sky Sports pass is what you’re after there’s a massive reduction today. Once the month is up, it’ll auto renew at £33.99 a month, but you can cancel at any time. View Deal
Dell Latitude E7240 Ultrabook from £168 at eBay This refurbished ultrabook is enormously powerful for such a low price and comes with a six-month warranty as standard. £168 is the price if you want the Windows 10 OS pre-installed – £150 if you’re flying solo. Impressive spec on this 12-inch HD touchscreen laptop include an i5 processor, 4GB of RAM (or choose 8GB for just £18 more) and a 128GB SSD. You won’t find better value for such a low price if you don’t mind it being a refurb. View Deal
HP Chromebook 11 £170 at Amazon If you’re after one of the cheapest Chromebooks around to try out saying goodbye to Windows, then this 11-inch model is worth a look. 4GB of RAM is enough for very basic work activities, although the 16GB of storage is a bit rubbish. There is free access to 100GB of online storage though to make storing your files online super easy. View Deal
Asus Chromebook C223NA £189 at Amazon Chromebooks like this are super cheap and a viable alternative to your standard Windows laptop, even more so if you’re used to using Google’s suite of office apps. This one comes with a useful 4GB of RAM and 32GB of storage, which is surprisingly roomy without the bloated Windows OS. View Deal
Acer Aspire 3 14-inch laptop – £329 at AO.com This popular and portable Acer model has an especially large 256GB SSD considering the super low price you’re getting. 4GB of RAM is plenty to handle standard multi-tasking activities like checking email, listening to music, running plenty of browser tabs, editing documents and so on. The Full HD screen is great for relaxing with movie content too. View Deal
HP 14-cm0999na 14-inch laptop £699 £429 at AO This is a great all-rounder of a laptop that has an AMD Ryzen 5 processor and 8GB of RAM, which makes it ideal for most day-to-day tasks, while the 256GB SSD keeps Windows 10 feeling quick and responsive. It has a thin and light design, weighing just 1.47kg, and a 14-inch 1080p screen, all for £270 off.View Deal
Samsung 32-inch curved HD monitor: £249 £199 at John Lewis Oh, my that is a tempting monitor deal. Curved monitors aren’t particularly commonplace in these parts as they’re usually quite pricey. This would be a great option for gaming or hooking up to a PC/laptop for work tasks. And because it’s a John Lewis listing, you also get a two-year guarantee on it.  View Deal
Nintendo Switch Boxing Day deals
Nintendo Switch | Mario Kart 8: Deluxe | £289.99 at Currys With so many of the best cheap Nintendo Switch bundles selling out so fast at this time of year, we’re surprised to see this one going for such a low price. This deal comes with a copy of Mario Kart 8: Deluxe which is one of the finest multiplayer games on the Switch. A surefire hit for Christmas Day, Boxing Day and just about any day really!  View Deal
PS4 Boxing Day sales
PS4 Pro | Red Dead Redemption 2 | £349.99 at Very This isn’t a special edition console, but given many stores seem to be charging £350 for the console alone and Red Dead Redemption 2 will still cost close to £50 a long time after launch, this is a great money saver. This game looks incredible on the Pro too. Stock is running low, but try Argos if this deal has sold out. View Deal
PlayStation VR | PS4 camera | 5 games | £209.99 at Amazon This is a brand new official PlayStation VR bundle called the Mega Pack. Originally £299, the discount on the contents was minimal, but this is a much better price. You get the headset, camera and codes for Skyrim VR, Astro Bot, Wipeout Omega Collection, Doom VFR and VR Worlds. Don’t forget, the headset alone was £350 at launch. View Deal
Xbox One Boxing Day sales
Smart home
Google Home Mini £49.99 £29 at AO.com This is more like it! Prices have been close to RRP over the last week, with £43 being the cheapest. We’ll happily take this new £29 price for the best value smart speaker on the planet right now though. View Deal
Google Home £129 £89 at AO.com If you want a bit more oomph to your music on your smart speaker than the likes of the Home Mini or Echo Dot, then the original full-sized Google Home speaker may be a better fit for you. AO’s Boxing Day sale is a great place to pick one up too as you can save £40 off the RRP. View Deal
Mobile phones
iPhone XR at Mobiles.co.uk | O2 | FREE upfront (after cashback) | 30GB data | Unlimited minutes and texts | £38pm This is easily our favourite XR deal at the moment. It’s a brilliant balance between upfront and monthly costs, with the latter coming in under the £40-mark. There’s no need to scrimp on data – 30GB each month will be plenty for most people. And £75 automatic cashback completely nullifies the upfront spend. View Deal
Samsung Galaxy S9 from Mobiles.co.uk | O2 | £40 upfront (with 10OFF code) | 3GB data | Unlimited minutes and texts | £23pm Bills under £25 a month and an upfront cost of just £40? That really is a bargain in our eyes. Yes, you only get 3GB of data but for this price that really shouldn’t matter. And you’re on O2 which means a whole host of priority rewards at your fingertips – order by December 24 and you can even claim an extra £100 cashback from Samsung, too. View Deal
SIM only deal at Three | 100GB data | Unlimited calls and texts | £20pm It’s very simple…you just won’t find a better SIM only deal than this in the post-Christmas sales frenzy. No network or third-part retailer gets close to matching this massive data Three SIM only deal – it’s the cheapest ‘unlimited everything’ deal of all time! View Deal
EXCLUSIVE 4GB SIM only on iD/Carphone Warehouse | £9 a month | Unlimited calls and texts We know that most of you look to SIMO as a way of reducing your bills on an existing mobile at the end of your contract. Well here you’ll be paying less than a tenner a month for a decent 4GB of data  and unlimited everything else. View Deal
Huawei Mate 20 Pro from Affordable Mobiles | EE | FREE upfront | 45GB data | Unlimited minutes and texts | £43pm This is the best value deal on the Mate 20 Pro right now – and on the UK’s fastest 4G network, too. Not only do you not have to pay anything upfront and very little monthly, but you also get an absolutely massive 45GB of data. View Deal
Google Pixel 3 64GB: £639 now £589 at John Lewis Packing what it arguably the best camera phone experience on any smartphone right now, you can save £50 on the Google Pixel 3 that comes with a 5.5-inch full HD display and the latest flagship power under the hood. John Lewis has thrown in a two-year guarantee too.View Deal
iPhone X 256GB: £949 now £849 at John Lewis The iPhone X may be a year old, but it’s still a top-notch smartphone with plenty of power, a solid screen, premium design, the latest iOS 12 software and superb rear cameras. Plus, you save £100 with this Boxing Day deal. That’s an excellent price considering this version comes with 256GB of on-board storage and a two-year guarantee.View Deal
OnePlus 6T at e2save | EE | £115 upfront | Unlimited calls and texts | 9GB data | £28pm We love this OnePlus 6T deal, we really do. It’s the best on the UK market at the moment, in our view. 9GB is a healthy place to be in terms of data, £28 per month for a phone so new is ace. View Deal
EXCLUSIVE iPhone 6S at iD Mobile/Carphone Warehouse | £19.99 upfront | 500 mins | Unlimited texts | 2GB data | £21.99 £17.99 per month This Black Friday bargain just won’t go away! For just £17.99 per month, you get more than the usual negligible data allowance. And guess what…this is for TechRadar readers only. Lucky you! View Deal
Fitbit Versa £199.99 now £139.99 at Amazon The Fitbit Versa combines fitness tracking with smartwatch features like music playback (via bluetooth headphones), fitness apps, notifications and so on to make one of the best products the company has ever produced. This is 30% off the RRP of the Versa, so you’ll want to snap this up as soon as possible. View Deal
TicWatch Pro £249.99 now £164.25 at Amazon Using an innovative dual-screen technology, the TicWatch Pro battery lasts for up to a month and continue to track a lot of features many other watches can’t. The affordable price and top-end technology make it one of our favourite smartwatches right now.View Deal
Garmin Forerunner 235: £175 £154.99 at Amazon We’re constantly on the look out for high-quality running watches, and Garmin often do the best. This isn’t the newest watch out there at the moment, but it does smart notifications and can track running, cycling and your heart rate too (although the latter isn’t the most accurate). A solid choice overall though if you want something to inspire you keep those New Year’s Resolutions going. View Deal
More Boxing Day sale highlights
Fire 7 Kids Edition tablet: £99.99 £79.99 at Amazon This tiny tablet is small enough for even the littlest hands to hold, and has plenty of parental controls to stop them straying onto the dark web when you take your eyes off them for a second. Sign up for Kids Unlimited to get access to loads of shows too. It’s not HD, but is £20 less than the slightly larger HD one above. It still comes with the same two-year warranty too. View Deal
Anker PowerCore 13000 Power Bank: £29.99 £20.99 at Amazon This power bank is cheaper than usual and it’s offering a large capacity and speedier charging output – if you’re ever worried about running out of charge on the go, Anker is a brand many are choosing at the moment. It’s a shame we need these with most modern phones struggling to make it through a whole day, not to mention batteries deteriorating over time. Still, this is cheaper than a new phone! View Deal
Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 9.7: £469 now £389 The Galaxy Tab S3 has been replaced by the Tab S4, but it’s still a top Android tablet with plenty of power and a great display. It’s price is dropping too (especially compared to the S4) – by £80 in this Boxing Day deal. As it’s a John Lewis listing, you also get a reassuring two-year guarantee. View Deal
Sony Alpha A7: £1549 £849 £699 at Amazon If you’re looking for a very cheap way to get a full-frame camera, then this is it. Sony’s Alpha A7 has a massive discount down from its RRP to begin with to become by far the most affordable full-frame camera you can buy right now. Then there’s £150 cashback you can claim back as well making it only £699. This deal includes a versatile 28-70mm zoom lens too. View Deal
So who’s having a Boxing Day sale?
All the big stores get stuck in. With so many keen shoppers going online over the Christmas period in recent years, it’s just too good a chance for them to finish 2018 off with some extra money in the bank. Let’s take a look at the big hitters below and what you can nab from each.
The Amazon Boxing Day sale is a great place to start. Amazon has been on a discounting rampage since mid-November and it certainly won’t be slowing down any time soon. We usually get an early look at the deals a few days before so we can prep highlights of the best ones in advance and then tell you about them as soon as they go live. And seeing as Amazon has a lot of deals going on at once even on a quiet day, getting straight to the good ones will save you a lot of time browsing through tat.
View today’s deals: Amazon
Currys impressed us in the Boxing Days sales last year (and more recently on Black Friday) with big discounts on TVs, laptops, gaming consoles, Dyson cordless vacuum cleaners, kitchen electricals and more so expect something similar around Boxing Day. Keep an eye out for the TV ads showing off the best ones too. 
View today’s deals: Currys
Very.co.uk has been a regular on our deals pages throughout the year and we expect it to have tempting offers on TVs, laptops and consoles once again along with other gadgets. Very is also a top fashion, home and beauty item retailer too so expect a wide gamut of deals.
View today’s deals: Very
AO is one of our go-to retailers when we’re scouring the net for cheap TV deals or laptop deals all year round. AO really specialises in home electrics though and it’s a fantastic time of year to upgrade with a new fridge, freezer, washing machine, kettle, microwave and the like.
View today’s deals: AO
John Lewis doesn’t really like sales, but it does like to nab customers from other retailers by offering a price match service. Why bother with the faff? Because John Lewis offers a two year guarantee on a huge selection of items at no extra charge, which is great for peace of mind when buying electrical items. Despite its disdain for sales, we saw JL unleash some sweet TV, laptop and electrical item deals on Black Friday and it’ll get involved again during this sales period. 
View today’s deals: John Lewis
Argos is one of those retailers who always seem to be having a sale. So it’ll be sure to a song and dance for the Boxing day sales. Annoyingly, much of its stock is region-based, but you can check availability by entering your postcode before going through the checkout process. Discounted prices on laptops, TVs, toys and console bundles are still well worth a look.
View today’s deals: Argos
CDKeys.com is one of the cheapest places on the net for PC games all year round and offer fantastic prices followed by instant delivery of the code, with major platforms like Steam, uPlay, Origins and Battlenet supported. It’s not all about the PC crowd though as CDKeys have some of the best deals going on PS Plus and Xbox Live Gold memberships too. 
View today’s deals: CDKeys
The Zavvi Boxing Day sales are usually worth a look, especially for film and TV fans. Zavvi has a huge range of exclusive steelbook editions of movies old and new too. Pop culture merchandise is a big seller there too.
View today’s deals: Zavvi
Mobiles.co.uk is taking advantage of the growing trend to buy and upgrade phone contracts online rather than on the highstreet. This site offered the very best mobile phone deals back on Black Friday so you can expect more of the same from this trusted mobile phone seller – and we’ve seen a couple of great iPhone / Samsung Galaxy deals this year if you’re thinking of an upgrade.
View today’s deals: Mobiles.co.uk
Carphone Warehouse is an established highstreet retailer and is also one of the best online phone retailers now. We’ll picked out the best mobile phone deals,  whether they’re standalone smartphones, contract phones, voucher codes or whatever else looks like a great mobile deal to us.
View today’s deals: Carphone Warehouse
When do the Boxing Day sales start?
Not a silly question at all. As we just said, a lot of stores are starting today and we expect even more will go live on Christmas Day – yes they’re pretty keen. If just before Christmas is the time to scramble for last-minute gifts, anytime from the day itself onwards is the chance to treat yourself or use those gift vouchers to make a great deal a truly spectacular bargain.
When do the January sales start?
Expect an early start here too. Although if we’re going off the last few years, the January sales haven’t been particularly special. It’s been all about the Boxing Day deals really, although we’re pleased to report some of the better ones stayed online a good few days into January. January sales are more of a continuation of the remaining Boxing Day sales so you can probably expect to see many stores simply rebrand the sales to ‘January sales’ the day after Boxing Day on December 27th. 
Given many workplaces are off until around January 2nd, retailers are keen to show you the best deals as soon as possible while you’ve got time off at home rather than try to push deals on you while you’re heading back to work or nursing that New Year’s Eve hangover.
Source link
from RSSUnify feed https://hashtaghighways.com/2018/12/26/the-best-boxing-day-sales-2018-where-to-find-the-best-deals-today-%f0%9f%8e%81/ from Garko Media https://garkomedia1.tumblr.com/post/181439105084
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