#also what if henry killed himself because he realized he was becoming his father by the way....idk just a thought
ilikestuff69 · 3 months
Live Action ATLA Rant
(Spoilers obviously)
tw: mentions of abuse
(If there is a better way to word that trigger warning or if I missed anything please let me know)
This rant is gonna be about the Agni Kai against Zuko in Ozai in the live action adaptation of Avatar: the Last Airbender.
Now first off I want to say I’m well aware that adaptations will change things and I am all for that as long as the change makes the story better. Like I love the changes made to Bill and Frank and Henry and Sam in the Last of Us adaptation. But I will complain if the changes made weaken the story being told. And that’s what happened with Ozai and Zuko’s Agni Kai. So here are my reasons as to why I don’t like the changes made. (Also if you like the changes made, that’s totally fine, this is just for me to rant about something bugging me).
1. Zuko fights back in the Agni Kai. Now this is gonna probably be the most of the rant so let’s break it down.
- Zuko wouldn’t have been banished: in the original Zuko was banished because he literally refused to fight in the Agni Kai and it was seen as dishonorable and an insult to the Fire Nation. But having him fight back is him engaging and honoring the Fire Nation tradition. Yeah, he lost, but he wouldn’t be banished for that. When Zuko and Zhao have their fight and Zuko wins, Zhao isn’t exiled, Zuko wins and gets to put Zhao in his place. Losing is not dishonorable and Ozai shouldn’t have been able to banish him for that. But that’s very nitpicky, I’ll be honest about that, so let’s move to the next point.
- It takes away from Zuko’s character arc. Zuko isn’t a violent person. He was raised by his mother to be kind. He stood out in his family because of this. So when the Agni Kai comes, he refuses to fight his father and is marked and banished for doing so and the only way to earn his honor back is to find the Avatar, which is a seemingly impossible task to do. Being banished and abandoned by his family (besides Iroh) leads Zuko down a dark and violent path searching for the Avatar for years because he’s been to led to believe that violence is the only way his family will forgive and accept him. Then, in season two, Zuko and Iroh are branded traitors for helping the Northern Water Tribe which causes Zuko’s search for the Avatar to stop. While in hiding, Zuko sees firsthand all the damage the Fire Nation has done to the other nations. Also him and Iroh are able to set up a pretty normal life for themselves and Zuko actually seems happy. But then, when Azula promises that Ozai will be proud if Zuko helped her kill the avatar, Zuko relapses back into his violent tendencies and helps Azula, betraying Iroh in the process. When it appears that Aang had been killed, Zuko is welcomed home and crowned the prince of the Fire Nation once again. So he’s happy now, right? He got everything he wanted, right? No he’s not happy because he realizes that this isn’t actually what he wants. In fact Zuko hates himself. He hates himself for allowing and contributing to all the violence the Fire Nation is committing against the other Nations. He hates himself for betraying his uncle, the only person in his family who actually wanted to help him. He hates himself for doing all these awful things just to earn the approval of his father, a man who saw Zuko as an embarrassment for just being who he was. He hates himself for forgetting what his mother taught him and becoming more like Azula and Ozai. That’s why, when Zuko turns on Ozai, he tells him that the Fire Nation needs to enter an era of peace and kindness to make up for the era of violence they’ve been in for years, but they can never do that as long as Ozai is the Fire Lord and that’s why Zuko joins the Avatar and help him take down Ozai. Zuko wasn’t violent growing up. He wasn’t like Azula or Ozai. He stood out because he was kind. Ozai saw that as a weakness and when Zuko begged to not fight him, Ozai saw Zuko as an embarrassment who needed to be punished causing Zuko to go down the path he goes down in the series.Having Zuko choose to fight Ozai in the Agni Kai feels like it negates so much of that.
- Zuko almost wins. In the live action adaptation, when Zuko fights against Ozai, they imply that Zuko is strong enough to beat Ozai. I’m sorry, what? Compared to Ozai, Iroh and Azula, Zuko is arguably the weakest firebender in the family. He learns sword fighting so he didn’t have to only rely on his firebending. How is Zuko able to almost beat Ozai in a one-on-one? It also just looks bad from a writing standpoint. In the first season, you are showing that the main villain could easily lose to his son? Ozai should seem unbeatable. When Aang fights Ozai in the finale, Aang almost loses to Ozai until Aang accesses the Avatar State. Ozai shouldn’t be almost losing fights to children who don’t have god-level powers.
- There was a better way to have a fight if they wanted to have a fight. If the creators really wanted to show more of a fight between Ozai and Zuko, they should’ve had Zuko stay on the defensive for the whole fight. Have Ozai be relentless against Zuko as Zuko is just barely able to avoid or block the attacks, while trying to get his father to stop. Not only doesn’t it make Ozai look more ruthless, but it makes you feel more for Zuko as this child tries desperately to stop his father from hurting him only to inevitably fail. And you can still have Ozai express disappointment in Zuko for not even trying to fight back, seeing it as Zuko disrespecting their tradition. But idk, I’m not a writer.
2. They make Ozai look sad when he burns Zuko’s face. I’m sorry, but why are we trying to make Ozai look sympathetic? He’s an abuser. He’s actively choosing to burn his child. He’s not doing it because he’s forced to or anything. It was his decision. Sometimes villains don’t have to be complex to be good. Ozai is an evil man who abuses his children constantly. He doesn’t get to look remorseful as he’s doing it.
3. The Agni Kai was so much smaller in the adaptation. In the original, the Agni Kai took place in front of hundreds of people and this is important to Zuko’s character because not only was he punished and exiled for how he acted in the fight, but he was also humiliated as all those people watched as his father punished him for wanting to not fight his father. Making it such a small event just makes it feel less impactful than it could’ve been.
4. Having Iroh speak out against the Agni Kai takes away from his character. (This is also kinda nitpicky but that hasn’t stopped us before so why should it now?). In the original, Iroh not speaking out or trying to stop the Agni Kai is something that he deeply regrets. He watched as his nephew was humiliated in front of hundreds of people and didn’t do anything to help him. That’s why Iroh is with Zuko for a majority of the show. He knows Zuko. He knows who Zuko was before the Agni Kai and why he’s been acting the way he is while looking for the avatar. He felt like he let Zuko down and wants to help Zuko get what he needs. It’s why Iroh never chooses leaves Zuko side and having Iroh try to stop Ozai just lessens that a little bit for me.
To wrap it all up, i think the changes made to the Zuko and Ozai Agni Kai in the live action adaptation of ATLA aren’t good changes and weaken a lot the characters involved in the scene. But that’s just my opinion.
(Sorry if some of this was wrong or didn’t make sense, I’m writing this at midnight and just kinda going off memory for some of the details).
((Also, If you actually read all this, you’re awesome btw. Have a nice day!))
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blackboar · 10 months
What exactly was William Hastings killed for? He did not receive a public trial, did he really cooperate with the Woodville family? Was he killed at the banquet or a week later?
Oh it was a coup and murder. He still likely received a hasty and rigged trial before.
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I'm not very interested and versed in the debate concerning the exact timing of his execution; however, the why is very clear.
Richard decided to usurp the throne and depose his nephews. He had supporters: Lord Howard, the northern Peerage and gentry and more amazingly the only other duke besides himself: Henry Stafford, Duke of Buckingham. Henry Stafford's support despite his seeming lack of relationship with Gloucester and his marriage link to the Woodville allowed the effect of surprise needed to capture Edward V and become the most powerful faction. The Woodville were a spent force by June 1483: Anthony Woodville and Richard Grey were in jail, Thomas was in exile, Edward Woodville failed to attract the royal fleet's support and the queen was secluded in Westminster Abbey.
Hence why the accusation from Richard that Hastings was plotting with the queen was a bit ludicrous: What is there to plot with? They're all in exile or in jail. They can't raise levies in the short term or do a strike attack. Hastings had serious squabbles with both the queen and Dorset, and there was no reason for him to support them over Gloucester, with whom he had a cordial relationship. I get people who say that he was afraid of either Gloucester's rise or Buckingham gaining importance but this isn't enough for him to do a speedy 180° turn back to a family he hurt and with whom he has some serious land feud.
The most probable conclusion was that he was killed because Gloucester wanted to overthrow his liege's heirs. Hastings couldn't accept that alongside the probable civil war it would trigger, which would destroy Edward IV's legacy. There is the theory that Hastings was plotting to block Gloucester's usurpation but I don't believe it considering he was utterly caught by surprise at the Council.
But why kill him by surprise and so quickly?
Richard knows Hastings' role in the Edwardian regime. He is the figurehead of the Household and most non-Woodville-related supporters. He is also a big source of manpower that was instrumental in Edward IV's triumph in 1471. From his lands and his personal retinue in the Midlands, Michael Hicks calculated he could raise thousands of men (I do not have his book with me so from my recollection it's either 3,000 or 8,000 men). Hastings is the king's friend, well-connected, popular and with a good military record and great control as Chamberlain over the Royal Household. In other words: he is a key player and a dangerous one on top of that.
But his fatal flaw is that he wields institutional power more than feudal power. He's powerful because he's the king's friend, his chamberlain and well-connected to his household and various official of the council. His son doesn't have the same connections. That's why Hastings disappearing is so attractive to Richard: he does not have an heir with enough might to avenge him as Edward IV did for his father.
Hence why I don't think that Richard even asked whether he would be open to Edward V's deposition. He couldn't afford a no and lost the effect of surprise. So he just went for it, struck before Hastings realized his intentions and executed him before his friends and servants could react.
Afterward he made his peace with Hastings' son by not attaining the father and seizing his lands. Edward Hastings was simply too young and not connected and experienced enough to pose a genuine threat to Richard.
So to sum up: I don't think he was cooperating with the Woodvilles and he was clearly killed because he could become an opponent to the usurpation that would happen soon after his death.
Thanks for the question!
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will80sbyers · 7 months
So let's try to put this in order...
Brenner's father ends up in Dimension X and comes back with a different blood type, his DNA changes and he becomes something different from a human because of this. Brenner is now obsessed about finding out how to get in Dimension X so he starts studying a way to get there
one of his scientists runs away in Nevada (when Henry lived there and was 7 years old) in a system of caves where he somehow opens a portal or finds a portal to Dimension X, Henry was with him because he was unlucky
This guy dies but Henry survives somehow but he stays there for 12h and when he comes back from this traumatizing experience he is changed too, his DNA is changed and he has superpowers + he starts having dreams of this shadow monster that wants him to kill animals so that Henry can become stronger and have stronger powers
Henry doesn't want to be bad and he tries to fight this urge that he feels to kill and do stuff like torture others etc but he can't control himself because sometimes this urge takes over him, he also lives with a family that makes him feel alone and the only person that helps him to believe he can be good is Patty
Then Brenner finds Henry in Hawkins because of the spyglass that was left behind and starts manipulating Virginia making her believe he's the only one that can help them to stop being tortured by the Shadow/Mindflayer/Henry so that he has full access to Henry and can bring him to explore his urge towards evil instead of stopping it, he starts abusing Henry and bringing this shadow side of him out making him use anger and pain instead of love
Henry tries to fight back thanks to Patty but in the end he can't stop himself, he ends up being abandoned by his mother and so he decides to give in into this shadow and embrace this part inside of him completely and voluntarily kills his mom and sister
then he gets captured by Brenner and they put the soteria into his body blocking his powers because he couldn't risk Henry rebelling against him and killing him too after what he did to Virginia and Alice, so Henry lives there working on the program to create others like him and waits until Eleven is strong enough to try to manipulate her to make him escape and bring her away with him too because they are the most powerful there...
why did he wait for 11 to try to escape if he only needed someone to remove the chip from his neck?
Hypothetical answer:
the shadow knew that Eleven was the one that sent his past self into the past during the loop so this part of Henry made the Henry n°2 wait for her... Henry the shadow and Henry 2 can't communicate like two people talking to each other so Henry 2 is not aware of all of this or of what the shadow is
the shadow only brings him to act towards what makes him the strongest so that he can create himself...
So the shadow-self makes him kill people because the more people he kills the strongest he is, and it's all working towards becoming the predator and not the victim he was when he was little and weak
anyway Eleven sends him back into dimension X and she also sends him back in time like this @therainscene theory said (here)
he wanders around Dimension X and finds the alien that is the source of his powers and then he takes over officially because he realizes that it was always a part of himself guiding him, completely abandoning the part of himself who wanted to be good...
Then he finds himself when he was 7 years old and starts the process to modify his DNA probably with the plant like it happens to Will...
Only Will's change gets interrupted!!!
but there was no one to save Henry and he fully becomes a different person having powers and being controlled by this shadow self... Starting the whole ordeal again because Henry wanted himself to be strong!!
Then after that
he sends young himself back into the right side world and he stays there wandering around that planet and planning how to find a way to go back to the present
Years pass by where Brenner wants to find Henry again and so he tries to make El find him in the void
The 6th of November 1983 El opens a mind connection with dimension X again and the Upside Down Hawkins gets created
Henry/Vecna immediately goes out into the world to start his plan to break the world and transform it
He kidnaps another kid that was exactly like him because of reasons that we don't know exactly but maybe he tried to change Will's DNA and his blood is now different too because the shadow wanted someone to be his next host in the world and create a second Henry idk
He also sends part of the shadow inside of him because Will starts to have visions of the Mindflayer from before he gets completely possessed, starting from the one in the bathroom in the finale of S1...
But the connection was interrupted so he needs to send more of himself inside Will and Will gets fully possessed at the field-
-> Shadow Henry & Vecna that at this point are like two connected entities and are collaborating and fusing together through the connection of his giant hand that becomes sort of like an extension to connect the minds of Shadow Henry and 001 (which is Henry after years of abuse from Brenner and El's betrayal to him)
This entity uses Will's body also as a vehicle to create the army of Demogorgons that he wants to use to make the tunnels for when he's planning to attack Hawkins etc and also come through the big gate because he needs an army, he's not an invincible monster, the alien he's using for this connection has weaknesses like being hurt by hot temperatures
El fights back again and Will's family saves him liberating him from the biggest part of black particles that were allowing Henry to take over his mind... But Will is still connected to Henry because his DNA was partly modified
Season 3 shows Will is still connected to Henry's mind,( so does S4) but Will is strong and Henry has difficulty taking over so he abandons the idea of using him and takes over Billy who doesn't have a support system around him
Billy and the other ppl get attacked like Will but through the meat monster that doesn't give them superpowers even if it changes their DNA and they can now drink stuff that would kill humans
They can also literally be transformed in that meat monster that attacks El because Henry now wants her powers to be able to open the gate again because he's not strong enough on his own
They all fight back again but he has her powers now so he prepares for his next plan of the 4 gates etc etc
And he finally opens the gate but gets badly injured, at this point I think it's even possible he's gonna abandon his physical body completely and fully become the Mindflayer with his conscience taking over the alien and then be defeated when Will takes control over the alien during a mind fight and instead of subjugation he lets the creature free after Henry is gone
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subiysu-chan · 9 months
One thing I can’t stop thinking about while I read Innocent is how its literally one of the best versions of ‘breaking the cycle’ as a theme because literally none of the characters break the cycle. The entire story feels like a warning for what happens when you don’t see cycles of abuse and violence for what they actually are and end up falling into them sometimes without even realizing it
Defenitly. I have a feeling that they fourth gen to fall even lower, morally speaking, than the third gen.
Charles-Jean-Baptiste is an awful man, I have no delusions about that, but he has some positive character traits. He's not a sadist, which is already a lot more than most characters in Innocent. He's not a psychopath either, feels genuine remorse for the people he kills and tries to turn this remorse into something productive : the charity clinic. He's also a devoted son, very devoted son.
He's the representation not of patriarcal toxic masculinity, but the matriarcal one. He's very violent and crazy, but not out of his own initiative, and only is so for his mother and his children, to some extent.
Now, Charles-Henri did not become brainwashed and crazy after having sex, he just became more confident. For example, in the scenes he teaches Marie, he doesn't see her blood lust as a problem, doesn't scold her for nearly strangling him and he seems to value being a skilled executioner at least in her. He sees her lack of empathy as "strength". So, already a great start.
The father-son relationship is deeply disfunctional since page one, and that's to put it mildly. Kids already have trouble understanding what there parents want from them, but Jean-Baptiste particularly difficult to understand. Like him scolding Charles for acting embarassed at being jeered at by strangers, thus acting like a socially intergrated youth, while trying to send them to a school for said socially intergrated youths. It can give three interpretations: either Jean-Baptiste wants his son to get the martinet as many times as humanly possible or he's so emotionally immature that he takes his son finding being jeered at by strangers humiliating as a personal slight against himself and Charles being manipulative to him, which given the historical context is a possibility but...It does mark a lack of trust in the relationship, at least. And it only gets worst from there, with the torture scene and so forth.
So, Charles-Henri ends up growing up worst than his father, somehow, but with the added quirk that at least he's consistant with his parenting expectations. He's still hugely physically abusive, but at least he's consistant in his expectations.
Marie-Josèphe is bad in her own right. Starting out as a creepy child, she grows into a force to be reckoned with. She's rebellious against the old world order, but is probably just as bad. Marie is shown capable of changing for the better, and has some redeeming qualities, but...She's still an abusive mom. Because nothing says caring parent like exposing a baby to a dangerous mob, willingly, bathing it in human blood and making them hide there face since a few days after birth...And none of this can be justified with more innocuous reasons. Her educative violence is still violence, even if it goes against conventional codes. Also, the chances of the crowd turning on her are quite high, so she's morally speaking a lot more different than a normal person attending the execution.
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aemiron-main · 1 year
breaking news: local girl, heather holloway, is not as stupid as people think she is.
i feel like a lot of the ‘what was controlling heather’ discussion would be resolved if people spent a little bit of time actually looking at heather’s character and scenes. i don’t think there’s any other entity. heather is just like the other flayed. her personality and mannerisms don’t change the way billy’s do. 
 flayed heather is not that out of line from actual heather. billy’s mannerisms and speech patterns change more than heather’s do- heather’s change about as much as the other flayed. all of the flayed, including heather, maintain a fair chunk of their original mannerisms and speech patterns. 
it’s just a slightly angrier and more monotonous version of those mannerisms and speech patterns. this is why nancy and jonathan thought that tom was on drugs. because he was being a more distant/monotonous, agressive, angrier version of himself. bruce does the same. they both also become crueller and more condescending.  the same applies to heather. she becomes more distant/colder/monotonous, but not more than bruce and tom do (ie her speech in general pre flaying was already not as ‘bouncy’ and dramatic as bruce’s is so she’s going to sound more monotone than him in general). she becomes angrier and crueller and more condescending and sarcastic, especially towards her father. she still acts and sounds like heather, just a crueller, more distant, more monotonous version. just like bruce and tom.  it’s also set up that the women at the pool with Karen dislike Heather and judge her based on appearances and first impression, and I think a lot of people in the fandom are doing the same thing to her character. the women dislike heather and judge her based on her appearance and first impressions and based on the fact that she has to leave in order for billy to come and begin his shift.  but it’s not heather’s fault that she works there and billy has a different shift. she’s not doing anything wrong. she’s never done or said anything mean to these women that we see at least. she’s just doing her job. the women mock heather’s voice for being like ‘nails on a chalkboard,’ but heather isn’t really doing anything wrong, she’s just reprimanding some kids about safety, and yet, the women are so deeply annoyed not by what she’s saying but by how she’s saying it. they’re judging her just based on her voice, not on the content of what she says. 
and now, people watching the show are judging her based on appearances in the same way. there’s the assumption that she isn’t smart enough to behave the way she does when flayed (despite the fact that her flayed behaviour REALLY isn’t mastermind mindbending behaviour at all) and therefore there must be some mysterious new unintroduced entity that has beef with tom holloway specifically. instead of recognizing that henry has warped her mind via the flaying and made her crueller JUST like the other flayed and is using her for her traits (her observation skills/analytical skills/intelligence) and her connections JUST like he uses the other flayed (bruce’s physical strength etc).  heather IS intelligent and observant! she’s the only person who realizes that something is wrong with billy! the other women at the pool just catcall him! hell, KAREN SEES HIM UPSET AFTER BEING STOOD UP AND HOLDING A JUG OF BLEACH WITH THE LID OFF AND SUPERNATURAL SHIT ASIDE SHE DOESN’T EVEN THINK TO MAYBE DO A LITTLE MENTAL HEALTH CHECK?? MAYBE MAKE SURE HE’S NOT GONNA CHUG THE WHOLE THING AND KILL HIMSELF BEFORE SHE TURNS AROUND AND  LEAVES?? she talks to him, yes, but it’s focused on ‘hey i’m sorry i stood you up’ and she’s concerned about the fact that he’s not replying to her/hasn’t forgiven her, rather than on ‘huh that bottle of bleach and his total shift in demeanour is a little weird maybe I should ask what’s up.’ but heather notices! billy doesn’t even do anything THAT weird in that scene, he just stumbles off of his chair and then is crying and yelling in the shower, he’s not even holding an open jug of bleach and staring seemingly depressedly (in reality it’s bc he’s flayed) into space lmao, and yet, heather is oberservant, and smart, and asks if he’s alright, and if she should get him emergency attention! and sure, the shower stuff is weird, but heather asks billy if he’s okay before the shower screaming, when he’s stumbling around outside. she sees him stumbling, follows him, and checks in on him. she is intelligent, compassionate, and observant.  billy notices obvious things at the pool, like the kid running, but heather notices smaller details, like Curtis dunking his friend in the scene where she reprimands him for it.  Heather is shown to be kind and compassionate. she’s gentle and concerned when speaking to billy in the shower. She has a snippy, colder side, sure, but that’s not the only part of her. But she gets stereotyped as SOLELY being mean and pretentious and cold by fellow characters. The women at the pool hear her chastise a child for something that IS dangerous, and judge her based on that, and based on the tone of her voice. They hear a teenage girl speak snippily to rowdy children in a possibly dangerous scenario ONCE and suddenly they’re having a fit about being annoyed by the sound of her voice. 
And so, she fulfills that stereotype/self-fulfilling prophecy once she is flayed. She sounds mean. She sounds cold and sarcastic and snippy. The scene of her chastising the kids exists for a reason- it’s to show us that she CAN act that way in addition to being kind, and that that side of her is the one that gets emphasized when she’s flayed. This also tracks narratively with how henry’s powers are said to hold a mirror up to people and show them the worst parts of themselves. that’s what happens with heather. The ‘no dunking, Curtis’ scene has mannerisms and speech patterns and snippy remarks that are consistent with flayed Heather. 
If people paid even a bit of attention to heather’s character when, y’know... creating theories about her character... then maybe they would realize that flayed heather’s cold, snippy more monotonous tone is CONSISTENT WITH the colder, more monotonous, snippy tone that non-flayed heather has during the ‘no dunking, Curtis’ scene. maybe they would realize that she is observant and intelligent.
I just think that ‘this girl is smart and the show about subverting stereotypes subverts a stereotype and also being flayed brings out the worst in people and heather ends up fulfilling her stereotype despite the fact that she wasn’t actually completely that way pre-flaying’ is more likely than ‘mysterious new entity with no proper introduction or conclusion that contradicts a ton of existing lore and canonically still has heather’s mannerisms and speech patterns and has beef with her father who behaves rudely towards her and her mother even before he’s flayed.’
It’s ALSO worth noting that Billy hallucinates Heather as being more monotone before heather is even possessed, so any extra ‘heather is extra monotone’ scenes are likely also tied to billy’s POV.
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rooolt · 1 year
Only bc someone may have asked nicely here are once again my unwarranted dndads rankings, todays topic: best dad of season one (parenting wise) ranked on who I would probably most want to be my father
I feel like I’m coming out strong with this, but guys it’s darryl. Like okay, okay stay with me darryl haters, he’s just like a normal guy. Now, did grant arguably end up the worst, maybe so, but I feel like in a non life threatening situation he would be who I most want to be my dad, he’s just a guy. I feel like too many people are clouded by unwarranted darryl dislike (of which I have many thoughts on) to realize he’s simply regular. Not stellar, but simply nobody is, and he reminds me a lot of my dad in the sense that he’s not great with the feelings, but also I don’t think he would do anything to fuck me up too bad in a non isekai situation
number two spot goes to the bbygorl Henry oak. I think he does a good job emphasizing tolerance an acceptance (though seemingly it didn’t stick) but ultimately his own insecurities and fear of himself caused him to be too lax, leading to lark and sparrow being the way they are. Is everything that’s wrong with them entirely his fault? No, but I do believe his inaction and cowardice in certain situations would honestly make me a worse person if he were my dad. If darryl wouldn’t do anything to mess me up, Henry’s lack of doing something would mess me up ya know. Also he’d be simply so annoying to have as a father, god bless
listen, Ron stampler, I love him, he’s my friend, I would never wish his fatherhood upon anyone and it is a miracle tj came out as regular as he did. He’s just like not a good dad, and he maybe grows a better relationship with terry over the series, but I don’t think you can say he becomes a good parent. To put it bluntly, he’s kinda incompetent and as much as I love him I would not want to be left in his care
i feel like this is so obvious and yet I am so scared of Glenn stans. I point you to like episode 48 or whatever, I would simply die if he was my father. Like maybe this is because I have higher needs than others but like right now I simply could not live on my own and that is what having Glenn as a dad would be like. I do not deny he loves his son, but it wraps back around to the Ron issue, which is I believe he displays a certain level of complacency and incompetence in his parenting that would kill me. He is funny, but should not be responsible for a whole other person
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dalekofchaos · 2 years
Stranger Things 5 Wishlist
My wishlist for Stranger Things season 5
The party reads Max’s letters. Max is in a coma, so I feel like now is the perfect time for everyone to read Max’s letters. It will be heartbreaking, funny, heartwarming and give us the hope that Max will wake up and we can see her reunite with her friends
First episode would center around Will willing(I JUST HAD TO, OKAY) the courage to come out to his family and the party. Sort of like Hopper and the letter. Except instead of snapping and threatening Mike(still not over that bullshit or glorifying Hopper in general) Will is contacted by Vecna. The feeling on his neck, it’s stronger than ever before. 
A memorial for Eddie. We see Wayne, Steve and the Hellfire Club mourning Eddie. Also Steve will be wearing his jacket throughout the season(shut up, it’s for science)
Eddie Munson will return as Kas The Bloody Handed. Eddie’s body was left behind and I imagine Vecna will want to use Eddie as a weapon against Hawkins and resurrect Eddie to be his right hand. I don’t know how this will work in the show. A real vampire or a transformation. But I think if this does happen. Vecna’s order is to spread chaos and disorder. “Become the monster they all believe you to be.”  Eddie will be stopped when Vecna forces Eddie to kill Wayne. Wayne’s death sets Eddie free. Eddie, Steve, Jonathan, Robin and Nancy will get together and turn the tide and help end Vecna once and for all. Also throwing this out there “Steve...you kept my jacket? It really suits you big boy!” Expect Steve and Eddie being annoyingly gay
Kali will return(I hope) El will reach out to her. Tell her everything that’s happened. That she needs her help and that she needs her sister and that she forgives for what she did and that she hopes she can forgive her for leaving her behind. Kali will return in the end giving her a big damn hero moment on her way to Hawkins, she runs into Sullivan. He spends the season turning full Mad Army Guy, and his plot ends with him shooting his men because Kali makes him think that they’re El. And then Kali would use her powers to make Sullivan think he’s El and he shoots himself
There will be a slow build, but Robin and Vickie will be together and Robin will finally kiss a girl
Nancy will find out Jonathan lied about college. Jonathan will say that he didn’t want her to leave everything behind for him, this will cause a fight. Ultimately Jonathan and Nancy will stay friends and realize they shouldn’t be together. Nancy would be single btw
Vecna is going to isolate Will by making him experience the worst trauma in his life -Making him reexperience Lonnie’s abuse -Making him think Joyce, Jonathan and Hopper would reject him for who he is -Making Will think The party will reject him and abandoning him -Making him think that Mike and El will hate him for telling the truth
Vecna wants WIll to join him. He will make Will think he is his only friend, like most abusers. Even have Vecna appear as Henry to Will. Have him say. “I never wanted to hurt you. The reason why I brought you down with me, is because I saw myself in you. You are just like me. Your friends have all but abandoned you. Your father despises you. mother won’t understand you and neither your brother, step-sister nor the boy you love will accept you. Join me Will and no one will ever reject you ever again and I will accept you for who you are.”
In the process of giving in to Vecna, Will, will unlock powers of his own, but surprised by Vecna so he doesn’t overpower him.
Lonnie shows up just so Will can shoot him dead. Whether this is due to Vecna’s influence or not is left up to mystery. 
Max would wake up and would reveal that WIll is the key to killing Vecna. That they need to save Will from Vecna’s influence and they can kill him once and for all
At the end of the season, everyone figures out what Will was trying to say.  In an attempt to get through to Will. The family and party shows that they love Will. Joyce shows that no matter what she loves him, Jonathan tells Will no matter what he is here for him and no matter what he is still his brother. Mike, El and everyone else declares their undying love and support for him and just like that Will is free and forces Vecna from his body. Vecna will attempt to kill them all, but El and Kali will work together against him. Vecna is powerful enough to bring them to their knees. And that’s when Will’s powers unlock, as for what they are I’m not sure. But Will, El and Kali will all work together and destroy him or so they thought. Vecna is still alive, but vulnerable and that’s where Eddie comes to deliver the final blow.
After Vecna’s death and everything goes to normal(for as normal as Hawkins can get) Will properly gets to come out to his family and friends.  Joyce and Jonathan embrace him for who he is. Hopper doesn’t understand at first but grows to accept him, the party all accepts Will. 
I feel like Robin and Murray would give Will a talk, that he should tell Mike and El, I don’t know what he would say, but Robin and Murray fills Will with confidence and hope. Will would in secret tell Mike how he feels. I don’t know if they go full on Byler, but I could see Will saying he knows he loves El, but he just wanted to tell him and Mike and El would handle it positively
Eddie will be cleared of his name because Hawkins is full of idiots, either Hopper will say “he found out the real killer and Eddie was mind controlled via MK-Ultra” or Owens will clear his name. Come on, we all know everyone in Hawkins is an idiot. Eddie’s name is cleared and Jason is still dead. Everyone wins!
I think we end the series on Joyce and Hopper’s wedding
I also don’t think Antonov or Yuri will come to Hawkins. They live in America, but I don’t see any part they could play.
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fluffimemes · 3 years
Okay i sended my request before i finished it basicly MC died became a angel and is dating 1 of the most powerfull demon that their is then threw whine at God to become a demon (luke and simeon saw it all happen) cause they want to be with the brothers and their reasons?
They wanted to be a demon, they are gonna live their life however they want and nobody is stop them not even fucking God himself and how many people get to say they threw whine at God only 1 and thats MC *proud MC noises*🥴😁🤪
Just how would everyone react? or if you don't want to do everyone just the brothers
It's not everyday that you get to write about someone throwing wine at God.
Also, I decided to do the brothers with Simeon and Luke!
I also went off track, if you want me to rewrite it, please tell me </3
Requests open! Please request at @local-pansexual-writer !
The brothers, Simeon, and Luke reacting to Angel MC throwing wine at God to become a demon
Warning: A little angst (MC's death) and a little vulgar language
I hope I got that right-
I also did not proof read this
When MC died, Lucifer already knew that they were becoming an angel.
He didn't like that but he didn't want to be selfish, so he overworked himself to not think about it.
That is until MC comes to his office, in a demon form with a proud look on their face.
Lucifer first thought he was imagining things until MC ran to him and gave him a hug while he was sitting down.
He was in shock for almost a minute but he quickly gave MC a hug, got them on his lap, and pulled them in for a kiss, not caring that he broke his composure.
But then Lucifer realized that they were a demon, what happened?
MC quickly told him the story.
"Well, being an angel wasn't so fun, I just missed you guys. So I decided to throw wine at God because he has the audacity to boss me around!"
Lucifer was very starstruck, MC threw wine... at God?
Fucking loves MC so much.
It's hard to see someone else living your dream. Marry him now.
Of course he's still concerned for MC because they did just become a demon.
Lucifer will take in the pride of having a partner who threw wine at fucking God.
He may or may not tease MC sometimes.
"You never learn do you?"
Mammon became depressed after MC's death, they were like his other half.
Now they're probably with the angels so he'll never see them again.
He just gambled away all his money and got into more debt.
That was until Mammon came back to his room and seeing MC sitting on his bed, waving at him.
Didn't even think for a minute and ran to them, hugging and kissing them while they both sunk on the bed.
But after they stand up from the bed, he finally starts thinking and is confused on how they're in the Devildom.
MC tells him the story while having a proud face.
"I threw wine at God! I just want to be free and not follow so many rules."
Starts laughing nonstop, imagining his Father's face.
Ruffles MC's hair.
"I'm proud of ya!"
When MC died, he would not get out of his room.
Games and anime abandoned because they somehow remind him of MC.
His brothers needed to force him to eat and get some fresh air.
While he was ranting to Henry, MC bursts into his room.
Levi was SHOOK and was a little frightened thinking that it was one of his brothers to force him out until he heard their voice.
"I'm back!~"
Levi never got up so fast and ran to MC, hugging them hard.
His awkward attitude got thrown out the window, he was just relieved to see MC again.
That was until he remembered they were in the Devildom, he has lots of questions.
MC excitedly told him what happened.
"Well, I was starting to get bored and tired as an angel so I decided to throw wine at God!"
Needed a minute to comprehend it but when he did, he started laughing.
Wishes MC got a picture of it.
"I wish I had your confidence!"
When MC died, he really didn't know what to do.
Satan tried reading books but it was hard when there's a slight comparison to MC.
He tried going to cat cafes but it just reminded him of MC.
Satan was cleaning a classroom when someone hugged him from behind.
He quickly turned around, ready to push them away until he saw it was MC.
Quickly hugs and kisses MC, he's really excited to see them back and already starts thinking of date plans.
Until he realizes that MC was in their demon form, weren't they suppose to be an angel?
MC's face lights up and quickly tells him.
"God was giving me a lot of orders to do so I decided to throw wine at him!"
Takes a minute to process.
But then Satan starts laughing and pats their head.
Secretly, he was REAL proud of them. I mean, God did kill his sister right?
New date idea: Drinking wine.
"You will always be a troublemaker, won't you?"
Starts going out to parties less and less after MC's death.
Asmo tries to keep up with appearance but it feels like a chore.
He'll sulk around his room, trying to think that MC is happy in the Celestial Realm.
Until someone kicks open his door. Asmo is ready to scold one of his brothers (Mammon) but his words get stuck in his throat when he sees MC.
They both run to each other and Asmo will hug h a r d that MC needs to ask to breathe.
MC only gets 1 second to breathe until they get attacked with kisses all around their face.
Asmo only realizes that MC is a demon when he remembers why he was sulking around.
MC excitedly tells him the story.
"I threw wine at God! You should've seen his face!"
H u h . . H U H
Kind of worried? I mean, MC did throw wine at GOD.
But that was kind of hot of MC?
That's one of his reasons on why he loves MC, they're fearless! It's kind of a problem sometimes
Though, Asmo is disappointed you didn't take any pictures. He could've posted it on Devilgram!
"You're so fearless!~ But I think we should set up on some boundaries..."
Didn't eat a lot after MC died, even if his stomach growled REALLY loud.
His brothers forced him to eat because it was too loud.
Everyone was concerned for him.
While he was sitting at the dining table, looking at his plate of food, until he heard MC's voice.
"You're not gonna eat that?"
Never hugged someone so fast.
Even if he hugged MC fast, he was still surprised to see them.
Weren't they suppose to be in the Celestial Realm?
"Oh yeah... The Celestial Realm... Well I threw wine at God so I could come back here! He was kind of a bitch too..."
Yeah he was happy that MC was back with him but throwing WINE at GOD?
Worry chuckle.
He's also kind of proud though?
God deserved that honestly.
"You should be more careful MC... But since you're back, how about we eat? I'm hungry..."
Would not stop sleeping.
But even in his sleep, he felt cold, no matter how many blankets.
Belphie was used to MC's warmth.
On some nights he can't sleep, he tries to hold one of MC's favorite plushies.
While sleeping, he suddenly woke up because he felt a familiar warmth.
Quickly opened his eyes to see MC grinning at him.
Belphie became WOKE and hugged them tightly.
But then he realized, slowly but surely, that they aren't an angel.
MC told him the story.
"Well... I threw wine at God because he's so bossy. I just wanted freedom, y'know? You should've seen his face!
Belphie being Belphie, broke out laughing.
Belphie kept imagining God's face, he wishes MC took a picture, he would've made it his lockscreen and laugh at it.
"Good job MC! I wish I could do that too!"
Simeon and Luke
(Writing them together)
What did they just watch?
Simeon and Luke saw how angry MC was to be in the Celestial Realm but didn't think they would throw WINE AT GOD.
Luke quickly brings napkins to God while Simeon calms MC down.
They are both thinking "Is this a dream??"
Didn't think MC would have that AUDACITY.
Simeon and Luke visit MC in the Devildom.
"Why would you do that! That was really unreasonable of you MC! Good thing we were there to calm God down!" Luke yelled out of concern.
"MC, you shouldn't pull stunts like that." said Simeon, also concerned.
"Serves him right! Shouldn't have been so bossy with me." Huffs MC.
In the end, Simeon and Luke are happy that MC is okay.
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certaingoateeavenue · 2 years
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•Mary is a Catholic bi girl
•Edward is gay and didn't realize until Liz just straight up told them.
•Edward goes by He/Them pronouns
•Henry goes by either Hal,Fitz or Roy
•DO NOT call him Henry.
•Also gay but knew and accepted himself the easiest with that.
•Mary Queen of Scots goes by the names of Scots,Stuart,Maria & Ree.
•Her son James gets reincarted when she's 25.
•Eventhough this time around she doesn't have to she still declares Elizabeth as his godmother something, Bess pretended not to cry at.
•Jane Grey goes by Janie or Grey (really only Elizabeth calls her Grey as a joke tho).
•Janie is pansexual and uses she/they pronouns.
•To Mary's dismay, Elizabeth is more chaotic than Anne if that is even possible.
•Elizabeth has many nicknames consistin of ,Eliza, Liza, Liz, Lizzie, Beth, Bess, Bessie, Eli, Betsey, Betty, Lisbeth or Lisbet (only by Anne for that that one) or all of them if your Edward trying to get her attention.
•Elizabeth is now known as the biggest flirt (when she not committed to Robert Dudley of course) because she veiws it as a little F U to her father that killed her mother on behalf of those reasons.
•This time it's much to Fitz and Ed's dismay.
•Elizabeth always forces Edward to letting her his nails and make-up (they secretly enjoy & Bess knows that he does). Sometimes she does Hal's nails too
•Mary become the least proctective of Liz purely because she realised how much worse it was for her now that Anne & Hal & Edward & Scots & even sometimes Jane Seymour or Anna Von Kleves are with coddling or protecting her.
•Mary Seymour only goes by Mae it's such a big thing Cathy is just considering changing her name to that legally.
•Mae is the youngest in the queen's(+ a king) household.
•To everyone surprise Mary is actually better at babysitting her than Elizabeth while Edward is just being her supportive cousin on the side.
•Their heights go Hal:5'10 Mary:5'8 Maria:5'8 Edward:5'6 1/2 Elizabeth 5'4 Janie:4'10 (small bean).
•Their ages go Mary:21 Hal:21 Elizabeth:15 Edward:15 Maria:15 Janie:14
•Fitzroy was reincarnated about 5 years before the rest of the Tudor siblings were because his mum works with the reincarnation company.
•Anna was the one to open the door when Mary, Elizabeth, Edward & Mae woke up outside the house and the first thing she did was yell back to the queen's sitting anxiously inside the living room "I have one hell of surprise for you guys!".
•After a short-lived staring contest between Anna & Mary, the kids (well only one toddler really and two teengers + a 20 year old) were escorted to shocked faces sat on a sofa.
•Edward & Mary did not instantly go to mothers but instead opt to death stare Cathy until Liz slapped them round the back of their heads as a way to say stop.
•After Anne embracing her and sobbing for ten minutes, Bess simply got bored step back from her, look down at her hands and go "Holy Shit, I'm young!!!" and proceed to run around like a headless chicken continually shouting at the top of her lungs " I'M NOT SIXTY" " Mary,MARY,LOOK!!"
•It took a couple of weeks with a lot of convincing of Bess to stop Edward from wanting to murder Cathy every time he saw her.
•Edward might be the youngest but don't get wrong Elizabeth is the baby of the family.
•When Mary came out as bi to her Catalina, Elizabeth & Anna went all protective mode in that conversation
•This later became the reason why Mary didnt go out of her way threaten Robert whe he started dating Bess, as a little but meaningful thank you to her for her support.
•At some point in the future Scots' son (James) is reincarnated.
•Elizabeth is once again his godmother but this time it's not a bribe.
•Because Bess babysat James so much Mary asked why,, as she usually wasn't to keen on baby no matter what relation, she answered to it with a calm response of "James is my GODSON, I am his GODMOTHER, this child makes a God by name, of course I will protect him with my life"
•They both hate to admit but our both (especially scots) protective of eachother, with Bess denying something that's true and Mary just using an excuse like "If someone is going to cause Elizabeth bodily harm it's going to be me".
•When the Dudley's get reincarnated (John now as a better person) she (and Janie) are accepted as part of the family, with Bess being Mary (Mars) Dudley's best friend, Roberts kinda girlfriend depending ont the day(wife in everyway apart from legally), Guildford's chaotic partner-in- crime and John's golden child (even if it's not legal)
•Liz & Mars' friendship is basically them bitching about people they don't like and/or disgust them, daring eachother to do dumb shit and Mary pretending Elizabeth isn't making out with her brother in their school corridors.
•Elizabeth & Guildford Dudley go further than the rest of Bess's siblings and cousins in calling him there cousin-in-law by calling eachother 'My practically brother/sister in law' to the point everyone refers to the two them like that.
•One day Robert goes up to Liz and asks if she considers them 'practically married',she of course denied it (once again tho it was true) but they both ( and everyone else for that matter) know it's the reason behind her & Guildford's nicknames.
•To any encanto and spop fans Robert Dudley & Elizabeth is literally just Pepa & Felix + Mermista & Seahawk rolled into one.
•The queen's + kid's household now just expect to see Ed rolling after school looking exhausted and judgemental at the fact right behind him Elizabeth is storming inside with an apologetic Robert behind her. Sometimes Mars is there too taking pictures of her distressed brother.
•During the many off stages of their on & off relationship Robert has acquired many things thrown at him while they've been breaking up. Consisting of an egg Elizabeth for some reason had in her bedroom, hairdryer, hair straightener etc.,etc.,many,many shoes + hats, the two miny pride flags she has in honour of Edward & Mary ( gay for Ed, bi for Mary), a lot of makeup bags, a few pillows, and a couple of hairbrushes, + more ( at separate dates to be clear, this wasn't all at one of their break ups).
•The Duldeys mainly call Elizabeth Eliza out of habit because in their past life they remembered how she cringed when saying her full name because it was a reminder that as the king's daughter she could never relax in a place that wasn't her household.
•John Dudley considers Elizabeth his daughter and has at many points in time invited her out to a coffee shop even when her and Robert weren't in their realtionship.
•Lizzie has always considered John a father figure.
•To start it of we have Bess & Eddie who have the closest bond within the siblings due to there now only being a 33 day age difference between them. Plus their both in most of eachothers classes in school.
•Then we have Mary and Hal their relationship is complicated, always has been, always will, but they do occasionally bond on being the oldest of the reincarnated Tudors and obviously their bat-shit crazy siblings.
•Mary & Bess are probably the pair that are the second closest to eachother. It's more of advice giving bond they have, mainly because Mary's still trying to make up for the past and Elizabeth doesn't trust her mum to not go mental with some of the stuff she needs help with.
•With Mary and Edward it's quite awkward with how they nether saw eye to eye in the past. But Mary will still do anything for them because of gravely she missed them when he died.
•Edward and Hal really only occasionally roll their eyes to eachother whe their sisters are being dramatic (acting like their not).
•Roy still has a hard getting over the fact the Bess is a teenager and not the 3 year old girl who could barely reach his knee, but height dilemmas aside, their quite close and always tease eachother. Roy always beats everyone else in being Elizabeths biggest supporter
• Mary nor Hal are particularly closes to their cousins and usually stick together when the have their family reunions.
•They both might die keeping it a secret, but with as much agression they display towards one another Ree & Lizzie have one of the most heart warming friendship you will ever see.
• Janie and Eddie are eachothers best friends and are referred to as the little sunshine's of the family.
And no I don't take criticism
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technicolor-dreamss · 2 years
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“I never wanted to love you, I only wanted to see my face in yours”
Michael and William’s relationship is so complex and interesting, stuff about them under the cut
Okay so to preface Michael and William’s relationship is one of the most intriguing ones to me along with William and Henry. So before the divorce, William, while he didn’t shower Michael with affection mostly felt slight disappointment at what he felt was his son’s wasted potential, following the divorce William grew to resent him and started blaming Michael and other outside forces for Dolores leaving him instead of himself.
He neglects Michael and Michael, also blaming himself for the divorce grows desperate for William’s affection, sucking up to him constantly and bullying his younger brother to make sure his other siblings “know their place” he envies Elizabeth, who is William’s favorite child.
Another reason William dislikes Michael so much is because he sees so much of him in Michael, not only in appearance but in personality. They’re both controlling, selfish and short tempered. Which William hates. William has a very unstable image of himself, ranging from self absorption to self hatred and sees his children as extensions of himself, Michael being an extension of his worst qualities.
Following The Bite, Michael grows even more needy and more manipulative towards the people around him in an attempt to not lose the friends he has left. William, is conflicted, as he both resents and values Michael more after the bite. On one hand he hates Michael for killing his son, on the other hand he is self absorbed and sees Michael as a younger version of himself. One thing about William which I’ll touch on in a later piece (hopefully) is that when he was 12 he killed his half brother, Vincent. William doesn’t believe Michael when Michael says it’s an accident, because that’s exactly what William said about killing his own brother. William believes Michael is just like him, while Michael wants to be the opposite.
Still, Michael is desperate for love from his neglectful father after the absence of his mother, which William gives to him after the bite. Since William believes they are so similar he begins training Michael to do some dirty work for him and keep his mouth shut, and perhaps be the next owner of the Fazbear Entertainment Franchise. William constantly uses the Bite as a way to manipulate Michael, he starts having him take jobs at various Freddy’s locations and teaches him about how to work on the animatronics and become even more desensitized to the carnage within the restaurants.
Michael obliges, feeling like he has to follow his father’s orders to make up for his brother and sister’s deaths, and while he starts out desperate for his fathers approval, following the scoop he realizes nothing he will do will ever satisfy William. As William continues to become more manipulative and more obsessed, Michael eventually teaches himself to break the cycle of abuse started by William’s mother. He still has very William-like moments, but unlike William, he grows as a person while William stays the same.
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giaourtopita · 3 years
Hi ♡ Could I ask for some hcs of the demon brothers comforting an mc who's kind in a depressive state about their awful relationship with their biological father?
mc has daddy issues
ooh, felt. i made it so that the mc is gn. i hope you like it <333
i feel like all of the brothers have daddy issues so they probably relate to this mc a lot. also, i apologize if some parts are bigger than others.
warnings; daddy issues (?), mentions of past abuse, family issues, lesson 16 spoilers in belphie's part.
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- he's smart so he would have noticed some unique patterns to their behaviour that have resulted from their past but wouldn't say anything because he's so busy.
- eventually he would have to confront them about it, especially if he notices a drop on mc's grades, tries assigning them less chores around the house to see if that helps.
- will become very protective over them, if they tell him about past abuse.
- will offer you to sleep in his room if that makes them feel safe, lets them choose the cursed record they will both listen to if the mc decides to stay in his room.
- isn't really the cuddling type but will cuddle if that's what they need.
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- "i'll beat up your dad real good mc, ya hear me?" ... "for a certain amount of grimm of course" *says while blushing so mc doesn't find out he's in love with them*
- would also become even more protective over them at the mention of past abuse.
- would skip some classes with them if they're feeling down to cheer them up.
- he would buy or borrow the mc nice things that remind him of them so he can see them smile.
- he might also try to keep the mc out of his schemes and try not cause them any trouble (he fails half the time, but the effort is still appreciated).
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- he wouldn't notice right away but if they told him they relate to an anime character with a similar past as theirs, he would realize in .5 seconds.
- "ah this character is like you!!" ... "I'm sorry things are like that for you"
- would keep you in his room during bad days and take care of you, doesn't matter if you like it or not. "it's what the lord of shadows would do for his henry after all!!" not because of anything else hahaha... *blushes*
- would watch anime that have the found family trope because "who cares about the family your were born in?? the people who care about you more are your family, it doesn't matter if you're not blood related."
- watching the mc be so disconnected from their biological family and especially their father made him want to spend time with his siblings, though he regretted that pretty quickly because they're "stupid normies".
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- is the first one to understand what mc is feeling, he's so understanding to be honest!!
- would try to comfort them by reading their favorite books to them.
- if they're feeling especially sad about that he would try to make them take their mind off of it by taking them to the museum or an animal shelter.
- also is not a very cuddly person, but does actually cuddle in private.
- i can see him as the type of person to enjoy documentaries, so if the mc finds them soothing they're in luck!!
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- "why would he act like that, you're so lovely" ... "only second to me" *pouts*
- would take them to spa and self care days to cheer up. he would also take them clubbing if they're into that.
- they would put on fashion fashion shows if both their moods are not the best.
- camps into their room if he notices they're having a hard time going out and socialising.
- he notices some parts of their behaviour in himself and his brothers and tries not to be so harsh if they're feeling a little down.
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- sad, so sad :((
- "why is mc's father so mean? what did they do? they're so nice!"
- if the mc is feeling down, he will offer them to stay in the twins' room to sleep and cuddle and would also offer to hold their hand like they did when he was having a nightmare.
- he would try to cook them their favourite food (and it would be so delicious, he could barely keep himself from eating it)
- offers to carry them around on his back if that would make them happy.
- wouldn't take the mc seriously in the beginning.
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- "oh come on everyone feels that way" no not everyone feels that way belphie.
- after seeing how bad they feel about it, it would add to the guilt he feels about killing them.
- he would deadass drag the mc to the attic so he can give them some proper tlc.
- if they can't sleep or have nightmares because of how they're feeling he would use his powers to help them, with their consent of course.
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I wonder why Joey has become so insane in the first place? Like what was the cause of that? Was it from trauma? Wanting to be an success? Wanting Bendy to be realized?
That's a difficult question and it kind of turned into an English essay. Just skip to the last paragraph if you want the short version.
I'll try to break down Joey's character the best I can. If you want to take everything in TIOL into account, there isn't a single reason why Joey got into a mental state where he was willing to kill people. I also don't think that any kind of mental illness or "insanity" had a part in it. There are three main contributing factors, I think.
-Joey learned at a young age to lie to himself and to see the world as though it's almost fictional. This is a coping mechanism from trauma that he came to use in unhealthy ways.
Joey has a distinct change in behaviour after he sees a man fall off a roof at the age of ten. Beforehand, he expressed worry over his father. Afterward, he dehumanized his own father as a mere "character." It's fairly normal and common to have a dissociative response to a traumatic event, but Joey didn't see it as just a response to trauma. He saw people being characters as a reality that he'd discovered.
The idea of people as characters is something that followed Joey for the rest of his life. It's an essential part of his "Illusion of Living" ideology, which he cared enough about to write a book about.
This allowed him to feel less guilt about hurting people, and essentially no guilt about using people, the same way I don't feel guilty about using the characters I write as tools in a narrative, whether that involves hurting them or not.
This isn't something I can back up, but I believe that spinning things and going into denial is how Joey copes with difficult circumstances. This leads us into...
-Joey sucks at letting things go.
He carried around bitterness against Henry for decades, never moved on after the studio closed, and still remembers people who slighted him from many years ago. This makes him miserable and more likely to lean on his coping mechanism.
What does Joey do when the studio shuts down? He creates a fantasy world and goes to the ridiculous length of kidnapping Henry to be the hero in his narrative. This is arguably Joey's most extreme act of using others to benefit his own narrative. It shows how far he's willing to go for its sake. But it also shows how Joey's sheer perserverence can be a bad thing. Other people, like Wally and Allison, moved on after the studio and had happy lives while all Joey did was stew in misery and hurt people. It's a trait that leads Joey to be destructive to himself and others.
Now, let's talk about what Joey's narrative is.
-Joey feels an intense need to prove himself.
Joey sees himself as an underdog hero. He doesn't come from money but has tried since his twenties to fit in with people who do. He's a gay man in the 1940s and had only loose, secret romantic relationships while he saw others (noteably Henry) start families and be celebrated for it. As I said earlier, he sucks at letting things go, so he really remembers stuff like that and wants to prove himself against it.
It took Joey a while to figure out what he wanted to do with his life, but by the time the ink machine came into it, he knew. Fame. Fortune. The popularization of an artwork that meant everything to him. His studio family.
His narrative was one where he would get all of that and keep it, and he would do anything to make it happen- including harming people, who he views only as characters.
-Joey thinks he's the main character.
And so he doesn't really stop to think that he might not succeed, or that it might not be worth it in the end.
Sorry for the essay. Basically, I think Joey was willing to kill people because he doesn't believe in people's agency or inherent worth, has main character syndrome, and was, for various reasons, willing to do anything to achieve his dreams.
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Destiel Trope Collection 2021 | Day 28: Slow Burn
Celestial | @deservetobesaved
Rating: Mature Word Count: 10,585 Main Tags/Warnings: slow burn, emotional affair, happy ending Summary: Dean is in a less than stellar marriage, but he assumes things will work themselves out. At the same time, Mr. Castiel Novak becomes his new co-worker at school and Dean has to rethink everything he thought he had figured out.
Profound Kisses | @verobatto-angelxhunter
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 20,729 Main Tags/Warnings: destiel, smut, destiel kisses, clueless!Castiel, canonverse, post Purgatory season 8, angst with a happy ending, slow burn, mutual pining. Summary: Dean knows he's screwed. He discovers he is in love with Castiel in Purgatory, and now he can't even have the angel in front of him, because he knows it's a one sided love. It’s Valentine's day and Dean tries very hard to hook up as always, but he can't get Cas out of his mind. So he drives back to the motel, drunk, and he finds Castiel trying to help him. Then, when Dean asks Castiel for some experimental kisses and the angel accepts, Dean starts a very dangerous game… finding in Castiel's kisses the most delicious experiences, but also, his own perdition. Will Castiel fall in love with him? Or will he stay emotionless as always?
How to Raise a Mandrake | @SoraJonsei
Rating: Mature Word Count: 24,814 Main Tags/Warnings: Eventual Castiel/Dean Winchester, Magical Castiel, Non-Human Dean Winchester, Fluff, Humor, Romantic, Fluff, Alternate Universe, Prankster Gabriel, Universe - Fantasy, Slow Build, Happy Ending Summary: What else was Castiel to do when he woke up one morning to a very naked man in his backyard?
Crimes Of Passion | @celipuff
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 32,396 Main Tags/Warnings: Cop!Dean, Artist!Castiel, Angst With A Happy Ending, Drug Addict Castiel, Top!Castiel/Bottom!Dean, Slow Build Summary: Cas is a street artist from the wrong side of the tracks. He sees his world pretty clearly through his art... that is until officer Dean Winchester comes along and turns his drug induced world upside down.
The Hanged Man | @ellis-park
Rating: Mature Word Count: 87,602 Main Tags/Warnings: Slow burn, mystery, friends to lovers, graphic depictions of violence, child abuse Summary: After Park Ranger Cas Novak saves a mysterious stranger named Dean from an attempted murder in the woods, he finds himself drawn into the man's secretive life. Someone tried to kill Dean, but he's not telling who. In fact, he's barely speaking at all. If he's going to have any hope of helping Dean, Cas will have to convince the man to trust him — all while trying not to fall in love with him along the way.
Felix Mori | @deans-jiggly-pudding 
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 90,967 Main Tags/Warnings: Horny hospice, tech support!Cas, stripper!Dean, voice kink, power bottom Dean Winchester, slow burn Summary: Dean is living the dream: he gets to help people and shake his ass, and he gets paid for it. Gabriel Milton’s horny hospice is a fun place to work, but sees its fair share of technical difficulties. When the front desk computer malfunctions, the burden to call tech support falls on Dean. The man on the other end has a voice that does things to him, and if he’s lucky, IT man Cas just might feel the same way. The only thing that’s missing is his estranged brother. Dean wouldn’t have had to lie to him if it wasn’t for their deadbeat father, more obsessed with a life of crime than raising his own children. Even worse than the thought of never hearing from Sam again is the possibility of growing into someone who even vaguely resembles John Winchester, and that is a chance Dean simply cannot take. Come to think of it, maybe Dean’s dream life could use some healing after all.
The Moonlight Rule | @thefandomsinhalor
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 129,362 Main Tags/Warnings: Modern Setting AU, Marriage of Convenience, Ranch, Slow Build, Home Invasion, Friends to Lovers, Trauma, Angst and Fluff Summary: After the sudden passing of Henry Winchester, Castiel learns that the late Mr. Winchester made last minute changes in his will: Dean will only inherit the family ranch he’s been running, if he marries Castiel and stays married for at least six months.
The Angel | @thisisapaige
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 155,684 Main Tags/Warnings: Angst with a Happy Ending, Temporary Character Death, Slow Burn, Friends to Lovers, Fantasy AU, Hurt/Comfort, Bottom Dean, Suicidal Ideation, Blood and Violence, Knight Dean, Fallen Angel Castiel, Scholar Sam Summary: They called him the Angel. Castiel never wanted to be a hero. He never asked to be a legend. He never considered himself a saviour. However, in his efforts to make up for his past after leaving Heaven, he became all three. They called them heroes. Growing up in the idyllic village of Lawrence, Dean dreamed of becoming a knight. In his nineteenth year, Dean journeyed to the Capital to earn his fortune. Sam, with his prized book of herbal knowledge clutched against his chest, traveled alongside Dean to become a man of his own. The Winchesters' drive and ambition lead them to the castle and into history as prominent figures in the Long War. Reality proved to be far more difficult than dreams.
Hot, blue and righteous | @Mistofstars
Rating: Mature Word Count: 168,016 Main Tags/Warnings: Romance, FluffHurt/Comfort, Drama, Domestic Violence, Sadness, HAPPY ENDING PROMISED, terrible attempts of humor, Domesticity, mentions of Castiel / Aaron (original side character), mentions of Lisa Braeden / Dean Winchester, Castiel is a judge, Dean is a cop, Alternate Universe, nothing supernatural here, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Previous death of side characters, feel good story, Sappy Summary: On the night of Sam’s graduation ball, Dean meets a guy called Castiel, and their insane chemistry instantly sets the air on fire, ending in a one-night-stand. However, it remains a one-off, and life continues. Three years pass, in which Dean meets Lisa and Castiel meets Aaron. After Lisa’s sudden death, Dean takes some time off from his work as a police officer and travels across the states to deal with his grief of losing Lisa. After Dean returns to his normal life again, he visits Bobby, staying with him for a few weeks. One night, Bobby gets an emergency call, and a beaten-up Castiel seeks shelter in Bobby’s house, far away from his abusive boyfriend Aaron. Both Castiel and Dean are certain they can never fall in love again after what had happened to them – but as soon as you start making plans, life happens.
So It Goes | @raiseyourpinky
Rating: Explicit Word Count: 236,469 Main Tags/Warnings: Friends to lovers, roommates, domestic fluff, Dean and Castiel are parents, mutual pining, depression, anxiety, top!Castiel/bottom!Dean Summary: Dean Winchester has finally bought his white picket fence dream house for his girlfriend Lisa and their son Ben. On top of living in the perfect neighborhood, they now have the best neighbors, the Novaks. Castiel and Amelia Novak are awaiting their first baby, Claire. They’re in love and are not afraid to show it. When their new neighbors move in next door, they become practically family. It feels as though nothing could ruin the ultimate domestic bliss Dean and Castiel have achieved. Until it all goes to hell. Then the two of them will be the only ones left to pick up all of the broken pieces and keep each other moving forward. Dean and Castiel soon realize that the only thing stronger than tragedy and pain is the love that they have for each other.
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sunshinereddie · 2 years
i just wanna talk about bluey capsules michael for a sec because. oh my god he is everything to me
(bluey capsules spoilers :3)
how he idolized his father to the point that when cc tried to tell him about william and charlie, michael got so furious at cc trying to ruin the idolized image he has of his father, which turned his admiration for his father into even more his hatred for his brother, leading to cc’s death???? literally the last thing that michael said before the bite was “father come look!” because he was just so desperate for william’s approval no matter who else he put in danger ???? and yes we know that michael didn’t like cc and was a bad brother anyways even before cc tried to tell the truth about william, but i honestly think that to michael, cc trying to ruin their father was his last straw and maybe he wouldn’t have killed cc if it hadn’t been for that comment ….
BUT THEN for all of that to come crumbling down when william’s true colours show and he praises michael for what he did to cc??? the first thing that he says to michael after the accident is “i’m proud of you, you’re just like me” and michael realizes that his father isn’t the person he thought??? AND THEN when william tries to “recruit” michael and reveals the truth and michael finds out everything he’s done, that what happened to that girl, the boseman kids, and FRITZ were all his father ???!!!!??,???, oh my god the BETRAYAL the HEARTBREAK it’s truly so well written im foaming at the mouth
(also i could talk for hours about henry and michael and how michael deserved to be taken in my henry but that’s for another time)
and when i think it’s gabriel tells michael that he’s just like william and michael SNAPS and screams that he’s nothing like william?!?????? OH MY GOD the development of wanting to make his father proud and looking up to him to trying to separate himself as much as possible from him dhdvdjsgjdvd
AND HIS GUILT,,, the way that he feels like he is responsible for cc’s death but he also feels like elizabeth’s was his fault as well because he couldn’t save her… how with deaths of both of his siblings on his hands he thinks he is becoming just like his father which is his worst nightmare?!?!???!? he does everything he can to change his appearance so that when he looks in the mirror he doesn’t see william staring back at him, but his guilt just keeps reminding him that he’s JUST like william not matter what….. truly heartbroken
the scene where he’s crossing out william’s face on their family picture and he says, and i quote: “how am i supposed to feel? i trusted you, i looked up to you, i loved you… and i still do, i think… but what you did to those kids, your daughter, me, i don’t think i can ever forgive you. i don’t think i even should. wherever you are, i hope you’re just as miserable as i am. and when you die, i hope it’s indefinitely more painful than what you’ve put everyone else in your life through. and after that, i hope you burn in hell where you fucking belong!” … I HAVE LITERAL GOOSEBUMPS
but to finish on a brighter note……. michael and jeremy truly own my entire heart i really hope that michael is able to be happy again :’((
BUT i don’t know what direction the creators are planning on taking with the bite of 87 since it’s such a popular theory that jeremy is the bite victim,,, but holy shit could you fucking imagine if they do make jeremy the victim and the FUCKING PARALLELS of michael reliving cc’s death with jeremy being attacked…. like it’s canon that the ‘87 bite victim doesn’t die but oh my god THE PARALLELS GUYS IM SHAKING i absolutely love jeremy and i want nothing bad to happen to him ever but i want this so bad it would be so good
anyways that’s my rant about michael because i love him and i think that bluey capsules did such a good job with his character and story shebdhsbv sorry for the long post but if anyone made it to the end thanks for listening !!!! <3
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buckyownsmylife · 4 years
My Mistakes - Henry Cavill Smut
The one where Henry Cavill was your married professor and he appears on your door one night after his life falls apart.
Warnings: smut, no actual cheating in Henry’s end (althought that’s open for consideration), professor-student relationship (the student’s supposed to be in the process of achieving a PhD), dirty talk (hello, it’s me), sir kink, praise kink, actually quite a lot of fluff because these two are idiots in love
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Henry? What are you doing here?”
Behind him, the rain poured in what would probably be the last summer storm of the year. Once in a while, loud thunder echoed around my empty house, making me jump every single time. Lord knows how much I hated lightning and thunder. 
His curls stuck to his head, some strands in front of his beautiful eyes that held so much emotion I couldn’t identify, but reacted to it nonetheless, goosebumps traveling across my body and my heart speeding up at the sight of my advisor in front of me, in my apartment, on a Saturday night. Granted, he had been here before, but those days of carefree conversations and shared nights where we’d bond over work to grade had disappeared the minute he said ‘I do’ and hid once more behind the shell I had worked so hard to break when we first met. Sure, I missed him. But I also understood the situation, especially now that he had a kid. He was someone else, he had new roles to fill and he was still getting used to his new responsibilities. I was just glad he still confided in me once in a while, allowing me to catch glances of the Henry that I used to know, the one I considered a friend. 
Still, it was probably for the best. I knew I wouldn’t have been able to continue our relationship as it was without suffering considerably, knowing I could never have him, now that he was married. When it was only dating I could deal with it, deluding myself into believing we could actually have something more, that he felt the same way I did when our hands eventually touched while sharing a bottle of wine. 
And there was that night. God, it seemed like a million years ago. We had managed to bring one of his colleagues to do a guest lecture to our class and the whole research group was in a frenzy, the relaxation after so many months of hard work and organization finally starting to hit us. They had all come here, to my house, even the invited professor and his students, and we drank together and laughed for hours. I couldn’t bring myself to care about the fact that I had an exam first thing in the morning, I was having too much fun. 
And not because of our honorable guest, my friends, or the new people I had the opportunity of meeting, oh no. It was all because of Henry. That night, it seemed like all his walls had completely disappeared, leaving a funny, breezy, touchy man behind. I had seen glimpses of this personality before, the one I assumed was his true personality, the one that he never showed to anyone, not even his wife or his mother. It only appeared when we were alone and he was drunk and something incredibly sentimental had happened, like when we had achieved the publication of one of our papers.
The last two boxes were checked, only this time we weren’t alone. But we might as well have been. He clung to me the whole night, even offering me scotch from his own glass before pulling me to him by my waist and wrapping his arms around me, warming me up from the cold breeze of the early morning on my roof. Daniel softly played something on my old guitar and in that moment I knew I would never love anyone just as much as I loved the broken, lonely, needy man holding me.
But then in the morning, he was back to his usual aloof self. And I was left wondering if I had imagined the whole thing, until suddenly he’d look at me in a certain way and I was right back to that moment, in his arms.
Yep. I had it bad for the guy. Good thing ever since he had become a father, we barely saw each other anymore. Whatever little meetings we had, shared cups of coffee and laughter, had vanished the moment his wife found out she was pregnant. It was cute, even, how dedicated he was to little Frank. But that also meant that whatever complaints about marriage and her, that he used to confide in me during those first months after they tied the knot, had simply vanished. They were suddenly the perfect little family.
And I was happy for him. Of course I was. All I ever wanted was for him to be happy, even if it wasn’t with me. After all, what right did I have over him, when we had never even shared a kiss?
Which is what left the whole situation of him appearing in my house in the middle of the night, during a storm, even more bizarre.
“What are you doing here?” I finally let out, rushing him inside. “Come in, you must be freezing.” He didn’t budge. Still staring intently at me, his eyes, that I used to be able to read so well, now indecipherable. 
“He’s not mine,” he whispered, so quietly I barely heard him over the sounds of the storm around him.
“What? Henry, you’re not making any sense right now. Come in, please, you’re worrying me.” Still, he didn’t budge. His tongue came out to wet his lips and I found myself briefly mesmerized by that sight, wondering not for the first time how it would be like to kiss him.
“Frank,” he spoke, breaking me out of my little fantasy at the name of his child. “He’s not mine… He’s not my kid.”
My heart stopped briefly. I knew my eyes had grown twice their usual size, trying to process that information that was so randomly introduced to me in such a weird situation. 
“What? Wait, are you sure? But…” My breath was coming out in quick, shallow huffs, the weight of what he had just shared threatening to asphyxiate me. “How are you feeling, Henry? Wait, that’s a dumb question… Just… Come in, please, let me help you. Let’s talk.” I reached for him, aching to feel him, needing to check his physical integrity for myself. That kid was all he had thought about for the last four months. I knew this discovery had to be killing him.
He shook his head, one of his hands moving his hair out of the way. For a moment, I thought he was refusing my touch and so I let my arms fall next to my body as I pondered just what the hell he was doing here in the first place. 
“You don’t understand. He’s not mine.” He rubbed his eyes and I felt a wave of anger wash over me. Of course I understood what he had said, I wasn’t stupid. The only thing I didn’t understand was what the hell he was doing at my door at two in the morning with this kind of news. “I have no connection to her anymore. To them,” he finally declared and I blinked twice, confused by what precisely he meant by that. “I’m free,” he proceeded, his eyes never leaving mine, still clouded with emotions I remained unable to understand.
“You were never tied to her, or even to him, Henry. You chose that life. You walked into that marriage with your own two feet,” I reminded him, my voice a bit colder than I intended. 
“True,” he admitted, nodding quickly. “But the minute I said ‘I do’ I realized my mistake. What I had left behind, and thought I would never be able to have anymore. And feeling that way… It was worse than any physical imprisonment, Y/N. ”
I had grown impatient by then, my fingers tapping a random pattern at the wooden door I still held onto.
“And what was that, Henry? What did you leave behind?” I inquired, sighing.
A beat. Outside, the storm roared, announcing its intention to stay for as long as it could. Inside, the tension was so high I started to wonder if lightning was about to fall between us, separating us for good.
“You,” he finally confessed and before I could fully comprehend what he had just spluttered, he had latched himself into me, his lips finding mine and his arms pulling me to his wet body. 
A gasp of surprise must have left me before I responded to the kiss, but the sound had been lost in the rain the minute it left my lips and his joined mine. They were cold, as expected, but softer than I had imagined, and oh, how had I imagined this moment. He kissed me sweetly, patiently, like he was savoring his favorite wine that we had shared once. His fingers trembled against my waist as he held me close and I absentmindedly worried about the possibility of him catching pneumonia when he, at last, broke our kiss to catch a breath, still leaving his forehead close to mine, his eyes closed and I suddenly realized he was nervous.
I shivered, not entirely due to the fact that he was freezing from the weather he had subjected himself to and had left me drenched too. “Henry,” I mumbled, trying to get him to look at me. 
“Shhhh…” He pulled me even closer, our foreheads still touching, his eyes never opening. “Just… Let me have this moment, please,” he all but begged, and I felt my heart breaking into a thousand little pieces. He was hurt, understandably so and he had come here looking for a way to make his wife feel the way she had made him feel. 
Another type of cold filled me as I took a step back from him, forcing Henry to release me. I caught a glimpse of his expression, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at me just before I turned my back to him, hugging myself and trying to control my thoughts before I started crying. 
“You should leave.” I hated how my voice broke, how weak I felt as I murmured what my mind knew I should say, despite the way my body felt.
I heard the door close behind me after a few seconds and allowed myself to release the breath I was holding as I waited for his reaction, the tears breaking free by then. The first sob had just escaped my chest when I felt arms wrapping around me, a freezing body hugging me from behind.
He waited patiently as I cried, his face hidden in the crook of my neck, his breath tickling me and warming me up as I sobbed. I cried for what felt like hours, the anger of what he was putting me through subsiding and leaving me lamenting for this man who had lost his entire family in a few seconds. 
“You can’t do this to me, Henry,” I wearily breathed out when the tears finally stopped rolling down my cheeks, still not turning around to look at him, who still hugged me. 
“I know,” he confirmed, as he finally raised his head from my neck to rest it on the top of my head. I pursed my lips, wanting to leave him yet again but lacking the strength to do so a second time. “Believe me, I know, darling.”
He finally let me go, walking around me to catch my face in his hands. “You deserve better. So much better than this. So much better than me. You deserve someone who will admit their feelings the minute they lay their eyes on you because you’re intoxicating from the first sight, Y/N.” 
I couldn’t uncross my arms, afraid that if I let at least this last barrier between us go I’d crumble in front of him and let him devour whatever was left of me. 
“You deserve someone who won’t cower in a loveless relationship because they are too afraid to pursue the love of their lives, because they’re scared they’ll disappoint you. I already did. I know.” He sighed, his thumb caressing my cheek with the lightest of touches. 
“You especially deserve someone who doesn’t hide all the time, despite wanting to break free every time you smile or glance my way.” His eyes searched mine, trying to make me see the sincerity in them, but I refused to acknowledge it. This time, I was the one who refused to let him in. 
I broke the connection between our gazes, looking down. I heard his sigh, feeling its echoes on the walls of my heart. 
“I know I lost my opportunity with you,” he whispered, his voice laced with so much pain I had to bite back a whine. “But as soon as I heard the news, as soon as I figured it out… I didn’t even feel angry or sad. I know I should have felt miserable. In a way, I lost a son tonight. But all I could think about was that night I told you I’d be stuck in my office all night grading papers, when in fact I just didn’t want to go home and deal with Olivia, and you appeared with pizza and my favorite bottle of wine, despite the fact that I know that you had Smith’s exam the next day. You stayed with me all night, making idle talk that distracted me to the point I forgot I was engaged and that I had someone waiting for me back home. All I could think about was how that is how it should be. That’s how I should feel every night when I come home. But I only felt it with you. And now that I was given this second chance, this opportunity to go back to a life without the responsibility of being a father, forever connected to a woman I don’t love, I could finally have what I wanted. You.”
My eyes had closed sometime during his remembrance, lost in the flashback too. I had fallen asleep sometime during the early hours of the morning and he took off his jacket to cover me, as I lay on the sofa of his office. The same couch I had found him asleep so many times, as well. I still hugged myself, at last starting to believe he might feel the same way as I did. 
I felt a cold kiss against my forehead, one of his hands gripping my nape tightly to him before letting go. “But I should have known I lost my opportunity. You will find happiness in a relationship sometime soon, with someone good, someone who deserves you and I will be here, wishing you all the best because you deserve it.” I heard his footsteps walking away from me. I wanted to turn around, to open my eyes, to pull him to me and talk about this, talk about how I was feeling about this whole situation, but I felt stuck. And then I heard it.
“Because I love you,” he heaved and suddenly I was not frozen anymore. I was connected to him again, our lips furiously dancing together as I clung to him for dear life. He moaned against my mouth and I felt as if the flames of hell had come to consume me in that precise moment.
His hands slowly traveled down my back until they found my ass. He pulled me to him and I jumped, wrapping my legs around him as I caught onto his signal. My own hands were occupied, one pulling on his hair as I tried to win control over our kiss while the other supported me around his shoulders.
He wobbled a bit, blindly walking backward until his back hit the wall. He turned around then, supporting me against it as he once again disconnected our lips to catch his breath, pressing his forehead to mine once more. “Are you sure about this?” I couldn’t help but to slur, my fingers holding the edge of his button-up shirt tightly. “I can’t be just a revenge plot against your wife, Henry. I honestly don’t think I can take it,” I confessed, inciting the tiniest of smiles on the corner of his lips.
“Darling, you couldn't be more wrong,” he whispered against my lips, quickly kissing them before continuing. “I am the one who wouldn’t be able to live without you for a single minute more. I can’t remember how I lived before you, Y/N. I don’t want to remember it. I’d rather die than cause you pain and make you leave me. I know how lucky I am for getting this second chance.”
I accepted his words, not being able to deal with the separation of our lips another second. We were eager now, trying to make up for all the time we had to keep our desires in check. His hands held my jaw as he possessed my mouth and I clung to his shirt tightly as I tried to deal with the desire burning my lower belly. 
“I have never wanted anyone to fuck me this badly,” I admitted, licking my lips as he chuckled, caressing my cheek as he laid warm open-mouthed kisses against the skin of my neck.
“I have never wanted to fuck anyone this badly,” he confessed, biting in a particular spot in my neck that made my legs feel like jelly. “But tonight I think I will make love to you first.”
His eyes searched mine then, looking for any sign of indecisiveness, but there was none. I knew I wanted him since he first smiled at me, three years before. I kissed his thumb that played with my cheeks, nodding my acceptance to his proposal.
“I love you too,” I finally professed and he rewarded me with the sweetest of smiles.
Henry’s P.O.V.
I captured her lips again, not quite believing this turn of events. I finally had her. She was finally mine. 
We kissed feverishly, our hands never stopping too long in one single place. It was like she felt it too, this need to feel every piece of skin, of guaranteeing the other person was really there, was actually real. Before long, I felt her trembling hands make their way inside my shirt and I sighed, barely believing this was real. She pulled on the fabric and I all but ripped the buttons off of my work shirt before throwing it somewhere behind me and returning my focus on the exploration of the gorgeous woman that was now looking at me with those wide eyes I loved so much.
“Don’t give me that look,” I warned her, only receiving the cheekiest of smiles as a response and a growl rose from under my chest. I pulled her to meet my lips again, this time taking us away from the wall and into the old leather couch just behind us. I laid her carefully on the warm material, pushing away a few rebellious strands of hair that insisted on shielding her eyes from mine.
For a few seconds, we simply stared at one another, our eyes silently communicating what our mouths didn’t seem to be able to speak in the moment. She looked so beautiful, even more than I already thought she did, with her lips red from my assault and a dark bruise already forming in her silky skin from my bite. 
I had to take a few deep breaths to control myself, already feeling my pants tighten as the reality of what was to happen hit me. Y/N licked her lips, her eyes showing every bit the same desire I felt run through my veins. “Like what you see?” she teased me, earning a breathy laugh that let on how nervous I actually felt. 
“You have no idea,” I admitted, leaning down to kiss her forehead sweetly before laying kisses across her face, over her lids, on each side of her cheeks, on the tip of her nose before deciding to nibble on her jaw. She shivered, her hands coming up to my curls once again, holding me to her. 
I inhaled the sweet perfume that often overtook my senses whenever she was near me. It was like an aphrodisiac to me, it never failed to get me hard. Many times I had to abruptly leave her talking by herself to tend to my member in my bathroom, imagining my hands were hers.
“You make me crazy,” I confessed, my voice hoarse as I continued my path across her skin, now licking her neck, trying not to lose my mind over the tremulous moans she let escape every time I discovered a particular spot that seemed to get to her. “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.” Teasingly, I bit right over one of her collarbones, immediately regretting my taunt as her hands found the bulge in my pants and rubbed it. 
“I could say the same thing,” she retaliated, tongue stuck between her teeth as she watched with focused interest as I threw my head back and groaned. 
“Damnit, woman, I’m trying to make this last,” I tried to lecture her, failing spectacularly as she managed to pop my button and reach inside my boxers to find me, bare and hot, pulsing for her. 
“Not interested,” she raised her back off the couch, forcing me to sit back on my heels, as she took control of the situation. “I’ve waited too long for this. If you want to make love to me, as you say, do it quickly, I need you now.” 
It was impossible not to react to her. This sweet, bubbly woman, suddenly dominant and sure of herself and what she wanted. Fuck, if that didn’t make her even sexier to my eyes. 
Still, I managed to control myself, slowly caressing her thighs with my trembling fingers until I reached the edge of her nightgown, raising it up as I continued my path across her body. Her heavy breasts came into view, her nipples hard and begging for attention. I was quick to connect my lips to one, caressing the other with one of my hands.
She moaned then, her hands coming up to pull on my hair once more as she ground down against me and I groaned at the sensation of her wet panties against my member. I had half a mind to pull my jeans all the way down, take her to bed, do this sweetly and romantically like I had planned I would do if I had the opportunity to lay with her at least once, but she was making this too difficult for me. Her tiny whimpers escaped her lips freely as I changed nipples, slightly biting on one, making her throw her head back and whine.
“Stop teasing me so much,” she begged, rubbing herself against me once more, making the decision for me, as I couldn’t stand to feel her heat and not be inside of her any longer.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
I heard him growl before I realized I had finally broken him. In a second, he had thrown himself at me, forcing me to lie down on the couch as I shivered against the cold air as his hands made quick work of my nightgown. When the sounds of his belt coming off at last rang in my ears, I couldn’t help the moan escaping my lips at the realization that this was finally happening.
“I wanted to do this nice and slow, take my time with you, worship your body in the way it deserves to be cherished, but did you allow that?” His voice was so raspy it kept reigniting the goosebumps across my skin, and as his fingers finally pressed my soaking wet panties against that spot that had been throbbing for attention, I felt like I could come right then and there. “Of course not,” he answered himself, his focus directed to where his fingers were now exploring. “Everything has to be done in your time, isn't it, miss Y/L/N?” 
Growing tired of the cotton barrier between us, he finally pulled it aside to softly collect the evidence of what he was doing to me, but didn’t make any movement towards actually relieving me of my needs. “Answer me, darling,” he whispered in my ear as softly as possible, but I knew that tone and it hid danger.
“Y-yes, sir,” I babbled without thinking and by that point, I would do anything to have him inside of me.
“Good girl.” That was all the warning I received before his member pushed its way inside of me, but as it provoked a whole new wave to pour out of me, it wasn’t as difficult as it would have been otherwise. Still, it took me some time to relax and allow his full length to penetrate me, as it was considerably large and thick.
I gasped as the head of his cock bumped my cervix. “There you go, sweetheart.” He smiled down at me, giving a quick peck to my temple. “I knew you’d be able to take it.”
I moaned at his words, incredibly excited about the fact that he apparently knew I had a praise kink. Maybe I wasn’t as cautious as I thought I was being when he complimented my work? There was no way I would dwell on this any longer, however, as he finally started to slowly thrust in and out of me, his little grunts and pants making me all the more horny.
“You’re so tight, baby girl,” he groaned, throwing his head back for a second, his eyes closed, giving me the perfect opportunity to admire his jaw and neck. “I don’t know how I managed to fit inside of you, but let me tell you…” his head had returned to my ear, before finding a nook on my neck and hiding there. “Now that I’m here, I’m never gonna leave,” he whispered against my skin, picking up his thrusts just as I started to need a little more from him.
“Good,” I managed to moan out, to which he chuckled. He continued to fuck me against my couch, permanently ruining my pussy and the fabric underneath us, as our juices slowly dripped onto it. It didn’t take long for him to bring me close to the edge, and I was trembling in his arms after a few seconds of feeling the head of his cock bumping against my sweet spot.
“Feeling needy, baby girl? Do you want to cum?” I struggled to nod, but it seemed to suffice him. “Then come for me, darling. I’m right behind you. Cum for me.” His thumb found my bundle of nerves and just like that, I was falling down the pits of desire. Throwing my head back, I pulled his chest to me, my nails certainly leaving marks across his back for him to remember me later on.
I absentmindedly noticed the sounds I was making, but as my walls throbbed around his cock, I was too far gone to care. Henry kissed the side of my face as I came until I was capable of focusing my gaze on him once more. As I did, I found him looking at him with a particular glint in his eyes, a look so soft that made my heart feel twice the normal size.
“Is it possible to love too much?” He asked, and I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came. Instead, he simply adjusted to be able to speed up into me, now fucking me into my couch in a way that made it sure I would never be able to sit in it without thinking about him again. I heard his groans of pleasure as he reached his own high, and I felt him spill into me as he did so.
We stayed connected as he calmed down. As we both calmed down, because my heart was still beating as fast as if I had been running a marathon. After a while, he kissed my shoulder and sat up, his cock leaving me. “You’re perfect,” he whispered into the night.
I followed his movements, also sitting up on the couch, enjoying how he immediately pulled me into his lap, like he couldn’t bear the thought of our skins not touching. The rain had almost stopped, I realized. No more lightning or thunder had echoed throughout the house for a long while.
“Do you really love me?” I found myself whispering into the quiet of the night. For a few seconds, he said nothing, but then he was pushing me away from his chest just enough so that he could stare back at me. 
“You ask me like you have given me any other option.” My giggles echoed throughout the house.
“I love you too.” And for once, everything felt right.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
“By contrast, I can think of characters who resemble most other Twilight characters with a relative amount of ease.”
You put this at the end of an ask and was just wondering if you would please elaborate? Have a lovely day
(Anon is referring to this post.) Do you ever look at two characters, realize they have a few things in common, then blink, take a step back, and realize that they really do have an awful lot in common? That they're more or less the same person, only in different circumstances? The same archetype, at the very least.
I'm open to the possibility that you'll say no, @thecarnivorousmuffinmeta and I are strange people who see strange things.
All the same, here are a few examples.
Also, this contains spoilers for the animes Fate/Zero, Puella Magi Madoka Magica, and Revolutionary Girl Utena, as well as the play Vildanden, the book Candide, and the show I, Claudius.
Aro: Kiritsugu Emiya from Fate/Zero.
Kiritsugu is a highly effective assassin whose defining trait, and curse, is his willingness to commit any atrocity in the name of the greater good. His ambition is to save the world. Over the course of the series he sacrifices his father, surrogate mother, best friend, wife, and daughter, and treats everybody else like chess pieces. It will all be worth it when he has saved the world.
He is the opposite of Bella, who would let anything burn for the sake of her loved ones. Kiritsugu loves fiercely, but he will sacrifice that which is most precious to him with a steady hand.
Aro has that same ruthlessness combined with idealism. He sacrifices his sister and is willing to kill his only friend as well, to say nothing of the many other things he has done. He creates child vampires and will kill anyone who stands in his way. This is what he must do to gain and maintain power.
Aro and Kiritsugu will sacrifice anything and anybody if they perceive it to be beneficial to their goal, a goal they happen to share.
Also Aro: Claudius from I, Claudius.
Cladius is the emperor of Rome not because he wishes to be, but because the moment he steps off the throne, Rome will fall to pieces.
Aro did seek out the throne, Claudius very much did not. However, both are in the precarious situation where they can never leave their respective thrones. Rome would fall to pieces without Claudius, and the world would burn without Aro.
Also Aro: Voldemort in an AU where he won.
We're deep in la la AU land now.
But, Aro had to commit atrocities to get to the throne, we only meet him millennia later when his rule is secure. A post-victory Voldemort (and I here mean years and years and years have passed) would be a figure quite similar to Aro. A harsh, uncompromising leader, yet he’s been around for long enough to shape the world into what he wants it to be, people don’t remember that it was once different, and he is regarded as the distant, yet necessary leader.
Bella: Hedda Gabler from Vildanden.
Hedda finds out she's a child born of infidelity, and that her father no longer loves her. Wanting to win back his love she kills herself. Bella, too, has that utter lack of self-love, that willingness to sacrifice herself, and it’s all too easy for her to believe Edward never loved her. Both Hedda and Bella fail to understand there are people who love and would miss them
Also Bella: Homura Akemi from Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
This is not an obvious one.
But they both have that uncompromising drive to do anything and everything for the one they love, and by love I mean the one they fixate everything they are or have ever been upon. Homura, over the course of P3M, goes from wanting to use time travel to save everybody, to being content with saving only Madoka. She will destroy herself for Madoka in a very literal sense, seeing no worth at all in her own survival.
Give Bella a time machine and a timeloop where Edward always dies at the end, and she will go down Homura’s path.
Caius: Every warrior king ever. Ooh and he and Iskandar (again from Fate/Zero) have very similar vibes, although they're far from the same character.
Iskandar believes that kingship and leadership is not about being noble or virtuous or showing a good example to your people, it's about strength, conquest, and glorious victory.
Caius, I imagine, would heartily agree with that.
Carlisle: I love Carlisle, but there are Carlisles everywhere, especially in anime. Utena Tenjou from Revolutionary Girl Utena comes to mind in particular, though.
Utena begins her story as a righteous and brave girl who wants to be a prince. She wants this without quite understanding what it truly means to be noble, nor does she know what it means to save a person.
Her desire to save Anthy is especially this. Anthy is a traditional damsel in distress at the beginning of the story, and Utena is so eager to save her that she never takes what Anthy herself into account. She judges herself harshly for this failure, but comes to understand what it truly means to save Anthy in the end.
Carlisle has that same nobility and willingness to do good, he is the moral compass of those around him, but all the same he is hoodwinked and does not always know where best to thread. His rescue of Rosalie is a good example of this, he saw a young woman who’d been raped to death, and did the only thing he could to help her, only to learn this wasn’t what she wanted.
Also Carlisle: god, so many characters.
Shirou from Now and Then, Here and There. Suffers a ridiculous amount, but never loses his goodness and insists even in the most extreme circumstances upon the inalienable worth of human life.
Duck from Princess Tutu. Never uses violence or even powers to win against her opponents. She talks to them, finds out why they're unhappy, and wins through healing them. They become friends with her after.
Akane Tsunemori from Psycho-Pass. In a world where people’s souls can be calculated mathematically, Akane Tsunemori is objectively a good person, empirically proven to be incorruptible. That’s her defining trait, no matter what she endures she never loses her upstanding morals. The kind of person who wouldn’t succumb to the lure of human blood.
Just gonna drop the fact that Carlisle’s hair and eyes are the same color, Edward with his vampire sight notes that they’re only one shade apart. The guy is a misplaced anime character.
Oh, and Candide from Voltaire’s Candide. This is just a loose association, but “beautiful blond man travels the world, meets people who are over the top cartoonishly miserable (just... multiply Meyer’s backstories with each other and add 10. Victoria’s life + Rosalie’s life + Esme’s life + their mother is pushed off a cliff by dalmatians) but he carries on with a big smile, and eventually settles down with his found family of hilariously wretched people” gives me Carlisle vibes.
Edward: He's so many people and in so many different ways, oh my god.
He's a mommy's boy who cries because I'M A MONSTER - Buster Bluth. Arrested Development.
He thinks too highly of himself - Gilderoy Lockhart from Harry Potter.
He GOBs - George Oscar "GOB" Bluth. Again Arrested Development.
He appears normal to the outside world, yet there's a complete meltdown with incoherent rants, strong opinions about music, and strong disturbing tendencies towards violence he may or may not act on - Patrick Bateman from American Psycho.
He's weird about women, mother figures, himself, and violent. Creepy yet undeniably charming - Norman Bates from Psycho.
The way he regards Bella - strong Humbert Humbert from Lolia vibes. Replace "nymphet" with "singer" and there you go.
Really, though, with Edward, he is like these yet unlike them all. He’s... he’s a lot.
Emmett: Much like how Caius is a warrior king, Emmett is Frat Bro™.
Jasper: Clint Eastwood for reasons outlined in this post.
Marcus: Arwen after Aragorn inevitably dies.
A sad sad elf who's fading away.
Rosalie: Cordelia Chase from Buffy
Speaks her mind, no matter how brutal it is or how little people want to hear it. She does not forgive those who wrong her, she is proud, and most importantly, she is misjudged. Her beautiful appearance and bitchy veneer make her easy to dismiss, but once the going gets tough she is a deeply good person. She’ll make bitchy comments about watching your back, but watch it she does.
I also do this with ships. Aro/Carlisle are a great match for Dorian Gray and Lord Henry, if Lord Henry had failed to corrupt Dorian Gray and been delighted by that fact.
I have other examples, but they go weird places so let’s not.
TL;DR: I'm Miss Marple.
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