#also uhh I know im a self ship blog but im just like
obscureother · 2 months
🌑 ˚x'˙ intro. . ??
Hello. . !! im new to tumblr, so sorry if wonky things happen while im setting this up. im still trying to figure things out guys-
i lurk on other accounts for general content but im closeted n shy so i made this one to yell about things instead so i don’t expose myself to people i know lolol
if you know or find other profiles i own, i request you not expose it for those reasons before im comfortable to.
so this is just an f/o blog/journaling. . thing. I'm not entirely sure what content will be here, but it will be centered around f/os, self-shipping, and its just to give me a place to yell about the people that live in my/your brain rent-free and know they don’t exist but we pretend they do anyway for comfort reasons and serotonin, dopamine, uhh what other things feel good and ok??
some of it will be for you if I happen to think of something, other times it is for me to explode over my fixation f/os!!
youre also welcome to come yell about your f/os if you just need someone to talk to them about!! dont think i know em?? COME OVER and INTRODUCE THEM. you can come in DMs, asks, or however you want to!! id be happy to know your f/o or listen to you talk about them if no one else will :00
This is a comfort blog to me, so there wont be any room for meanness or intended offenses here. Dont come to me with troublesome things or somehow twist/morph my content into something its not, we're just here to have a cool time with our fictional people, bro. . :((
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ok who r you tho:
To be honest, I don’t have a name or something to go by as of posting this, I might get one later or just make a new comment all fancy for the pin. . For now you can just call me whatever you deem good or just go off my blog/username!! Don’t be mean tho. i may take one you guys think of or figure it out on my own.
im 21 yo. (if youre a minor, i dont mind you coming to say hello, but do look below the other stuff content for what you need to look out for. you should also know some of you goofy kiddos have energies i dont know how to respond to sometimes, so dont worry if i get awkward or something, its not your fault lolol.)
im in college, so forgive me if im slow, im also just not on tumblr very often :v i dont ghost people on purpose i swEaR-
i might post my f/os on a whole list, idk yet, but theyll prolly be mentioned sometimes to the very least. you can def ask of them tho!! (edited: i made an f/o list if you want to see them.)
i dont know if ill post content of my own f/os or me/my sona for them, but it could be there.
i dont mind sharing f/os!! id love to yell about them together. if you dont like that, then its ok!! i either wont talk about them with you so you can be their person when we talk of them, or you can just block/not interact. ill be sad i dont get to meet you, but its ok.
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other stuff:
Nothing explicit/detailed will normally be posted. but: The worst there will be is just being hormonally silly from kind of "rrr ovaries go brr, chew on theM-" energy of my f/os. i will try to create a tag to mark it with so you can exclude honky content if you want or need to later, tho. from what i know, you can "block" tags. . so i think that will work if you like the other goofy stuff on the blog??
(edited: I DID IT, I DID THEM, LOOK: 🌑obscure tags list for the obscure blog )
NSFW talk can be in DMs, tho.
DO NOT come to me with those concepts if youre a minor tho, oh dear GOD. honky grown-up talk is not for you goofy child-folk.
LGBTQ+ friendly!! im nonbinary and love everybody. youre ok too. 💙
i do roleplay sometimes, but only in dms n please dont go exposing our roleplays to others. . i would be very not comfy :"0
if you want to roleplay, you can dm me to ask but i dont have to say yes or i might not be able to. im slow too dfsdf=
i may or may not make a side blog once i figure out how to do stuff, but know that until then, im going to just post whatever on this one til i know how to do things on tumblr lolol.
forgive me if some of my content gets deleted, edited, whatever as we go. like i said, this whole thing is very new to me and its not very organized for now. its just there. its gonna get wonky over here on my side for a bit.
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• tiny bat gif •
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vanityloves · 3 years
ive said it before but gorillaz kinda lost me after phase 4ish. as much as i love seeing/getting new content, it doesn't necessarily mean its good, character/story development wise? I'm sure ill enjoy the visuals and story bc its now 'canon' that mr. niccals is a #sadboi - but its something we already knew and really took away a lot of creativity/left little to the imagination which kinda sucks.
It extremely woobifies/infantilizes not just Murdoc, but 2D as well. Russ and Noodle were given pretty bare bones and not much structure. (granted, Noodle was a little girl at the very beginning so ofc theres gonna be changes in personality, mentality, etc). So, it's upsetting to see these gritty characters being boiled down to just a few traits by the creators and making them "cardboard cutouts", (stated by pal/eimita/torz). They've lost all sense of 'realness' which is, yknow, fair considering theyre Fictional. But no one gets mad anymore? Theres no banter, tension, urgency, spitefulness, etc. They all seem like Good Pals.
Russ had a lot of potential, being the smartest and most qualified person there (said in canon) so it's a shame that now hes Food Jokes and Whatever. Wasnt he also a bit of a skeptic with the whole possession thing and stuff? What happened to that? Is he just Cool ab everything now? Is he over the whole 'i saw my friends die right before my eyes' because. Great. /s
Noodle is the Sexy BossBitch, which is...neat I guess - shes still optimsitic and sweet too but thats kind of it? I swear they stated they didnt want to sexualize her in a interview but I could be pulling it out of my ass. She seems distant in terms of relationships bewteen the band. I just dont know about her besides her being Pretty now. Does she have anything to say ab the El Manana incident or ab Kyuzo? She just doenst have other emotions other than Happy.
2D was always seen as the lil bitch of the band which, honestly isnt true? Hes shown to be snarky and angry, and hes never condoned any of their shitty actions, but recently hes been "its just me and good pal Murdoc that I care about so much". Yes, hes stated to be "dense", a bit of an airhead but he rarely says things that are revelatent to the conversation/interview and it makes him sound like a child, or straight up stupid (which he canonly is not - he had good grades in school at least and he can hold conversations just fine, but suddenly he cant?)
Murdoc is definitely getting hit w/ censorship and the like, the hardest. His character is based around terrible habits, shitty behavior, and general ugliness. He's definitely become more or less, 'child friendly' in recent content. Always has been entitled/selfish, rude, and a spiteful person - despite that he was very real in terms of showing the fucked up parts of being a Person. The entire phase has been him feeling guilty and openly crying which just seems...so out of character for someone like him? I think its fine to show humility and guilt as a character develops but what he was originally intended to be was completely thrown out the window.
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words-for-holland · 3 years
Always Yours
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Sometimes dating a celebrity is hard...but Tom & Y/N have always said no matter what happens they could get through anything. Some angst but a lot of fluff.
A/N: So sorry for leaving yall hanging! Life is just crazy right now and this blog needs a lot of TLC tbh!! Also ehh I def dont think this was my best work but enjoy?
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“Oof” Y/N lets out as she plops on to her boyfriend who was lying comfortable on the couch. Tom groaned at the impact with a cheeky smile on his face, his arms instantly wrapping around Y/N’s frame.
“Y’know..there are empty seats right there.” The soft brown-eyed boy gestured with the flick of his thick head as Y/N raises her eyes looking down at him, pretending to be slightly offended.
“Oh I see how it is then. It’s cool...Ill just cuddle with Tessa instead. I know she would welcome me with open arms instead of—” As she slowly starts getting off his chest, Tom is quick to pull her back in, securing her with his strong arms. “No baby, I was just kidding. I want you right here, and Im never letting you go.” he pleas.
The only thing Y/N could manage was letting out a fit of giggles into his chest, a sound that Tom adored and would do absolutely anything to hear every minute of every day. They stay like this for a while enjoying the feeling of each other as they both run their hands into each others hair, the feeling of their chests moving up and down, the subtle thumps of their heartbeats, and the little slips of adoration that came out of their mouths. It was peaceful. A moment that nobody could really take a way because it was theirs.
Y/N casually pulls up her phone, and scrolls through Twitter when she noticed a particular tweet on her timeline. Her eyebrows furrow, as she read the 160 character message.
Why Tom Holland Should Be With Aaliyah Cole and Dump Y/N: A Thread.
She knew it wasnt a good idea to open up the thread. She knew very well that everything within the shallow string of tweets would be a complete waste of her time because it was made up by fans who just wanted to satisfy their fantasy of shipping Tom with his co-star. Who can blame them? They always had great chemistry, but it was part of the job and thats all it would ever be.
“You’re awfully quiet.” Tom murmurs, as he places soft kisses at the crown of her head. “Whats going on?” She was lucky her phone was facing away from Tom, quickly closing the app and pretending to be on one of her many tabs in Safari.
“Mmm..nothing.” Y/N lies softly, a tight-lipped smiled plastered on her face.
“Absolute bullocks. Youre not a very good liar.” He chuckles. “Tell me darling. Whats on your mind?”
Y/N rolls her eyes in response. She’s heard that comment one too many times in her life from everyone shes known. After not giving it much thought, she gives in, sighing heavily. “Dont judge me for what Im about to say.”
“Mmm...I think it might depend on wha— Ow” Tom reacts as he playfully rubs the side of his chest that Y/N hit. “Okay too soon for jokes. Go on.”
Again, Y/N sighs as she props herself up. “Its just ... well a lot of your fans keeps talking about wanting you to get with Aaliyah.” She looks down trying not to make eye contact with Tom, who she’d imagine was looking at her with annoyance.
Tom rolls his eyes at the ridiculousness. Not so much at Y/N but the fact that some of his fans just didnt want to accept the fact that he was happy with Y/N. If it had to come from his mouth to stop the stupid rumors and give his girlfriend peace, then hed gladly yell it from the rooftops for everyone to hear. “Thats it Im making a statement about it.”
Y/N’s eyes widen in fear, scrambling to prevent him from grabbing his phone on the table next him. “No no no no.” She repeatedly declines. “You’ll only make it worse.”
“Darling, Im not going to stand here and watch you get all insecure because of their delusional ship.”
“Yeah well Im not gonna be the reason your fans hate me because Im getting in the way of your friendship with Aaliyah Cole.” She fires back.
Tom was ready to open his mouth only to be cut off once again. “And you know better. That is how your fans will always see it.”
“Okay, are you done?” He calmly asked, cautiously observing her. Rarely did Y/N ever get worked up about anything, but when she had her tangents, Tom always made sure she got off everything she needed to say before he becomes her voice of reason.
“Yeah, I guess.” she says feeling defeated. “Look its whatever and Im tired, can we just let this go and forget this whole conversation even happened?”
Tom was unconvinced, but didnt want to push her further. So reluctantly, he gave in and wrapped his arms around Y/N as they both tried to lull themselves to sleep.
Y/N wasnt sure how she ended up in the Tube. It was strange how the lights flickered off the rusted tile floor. The train was no where to be seen, but off to the side of the railroads was pitch black, she could hardly see beyond. To her right she noticed herself standing in the corner of the room, and to her surprise Aaliyah was there. Her milk chocolate kissed skin, and fashionably long frizzy hair dropped down past her shoulders. Her figure long and poised, as she wore a rain jacket and sweats. An outfit only she could pull off and make it look like she was a model for Vogue. Aasliyah smiles brightly at Y/N.
“Hey Y/N.” She says cheerfully as a genuine friend would.
To Y/N’s surprise she greeted her back in the same tone. “Hey Aaliyah...uhh whats going on?” Y/N wasnt sure if she wanted the answer of how they both ended up in the Tube or if she truly wanted to know how her day went.
“Well Im getting ready to present at the Oscars.” She replies, a smile plastered as if she was so excited about it, almost too excited like she was keeping a secret.
“Really? Oh my god, that’s amazing! Im so proud of you Aaliyah! Who are you taking?”
Aaliyah pauses for a few moment looking back and forth, making sure no one else was around. “Okay can you keep a secret?” She whispered.
Y/N nods her head slowly, not having the slightest clue of what was going on. “Im taking Tom. I think he really likes me, and well...I like him too! Do you think maybe I should ask him when we go?” Aaliyah asked genuinely. It was almost like she had no recollection of Y/N and Tom being a couple. “I think we would look good together. Everyone is already making rumors and ships about us.”
Y/N backs aways lowly only to bump into a broad figure. As she turns around she sees Tom, emotionless and almost sad. “Y/N.” He speaks out. “I dont think this is going to work out. Im leaving you.”
Y/N’s heart quickens, and her breaths become shorter as she tries to find a way to run. Running and running into the darkness, until all she could hear was Tom’s faint voice calling out her name.
“Y/N! Y/N! Baby wake up please.” Tom cries as he gently shakes his girlfriend from her disturbed sleep.
Quickly Y/N opens her eyes and clutches on to Toms hoodie firmly. Back home, and in Toms arms. It was a dream was all she thought. A sigh of relief escaping from her mouth.
“Darling...” he speaks softly, worried about his girlfriend. “Are you okay?”
Y/N looks up at him and nods frantically. “Mmm..bad dream.”
“Yeah it seemed like it. You were so frightened...I was scared. What happened?” He’s looking at her, trying to read her saddened eyes, wanting to desperately understand what scared her so he could make it all go away for her.
Y/N looks down at her fiddling hands, as she sits on the couch. “I uhh...” she lets out a chuckle, thinking of the ridiculousness of it all. “I uhh...dreamed about Aaliyah going to the oscars and saying how she loved you and how you two are perfect for each other. When I turned around I saw you but you werent happy and said you were leaving me.”
Tom doesnt say a word, all he could think about was how sorry he felt to put Y/N in this position. Though both of them knew, It wasnt Toms fault, or anyone’s for that matter. Feelings are feelings and that was okay. No human being was ever born perfect and without insecurities.
Y/N always tried to be a good sport with situations like this knowing every shippers theory and evidence were hardly ever true, but at some point there was only so much she could take before it all came out like an oil spill. Maybe it was a sign that she wasnt good enough to be with Tom if half of his fanbase thought this way as well.
Tom cradled her into his arms again, holding her tightly and kissing the top of her head. “Darling, I know youre still doubting yourself about all of this, but please believe me when I tell you that I love you so so much and no matter what happens...Im always yours.” He whispers gently in her ear. “It was only a dream and these ridiculous rumors and theories are just that. No one woman in the world could ever make me feel the way I feel for you.”
Y/N blinks softly, as she stares into space. Afraid and in a weird way ashamed, its funny how something so small and so minimal could affect her self-esteem so greatly. Tom gently brings her head up, so her eyes can meet his. He rolls his thumb on the bottom of her soft lips. “Hey, I love you.” Tom smiles.
Time stopped for the both of them the moment Y/N looked into his eyes, she felt safe. All the bad words and thoughts slowly disappear. Tom was right, none of the things that anyone said about their relationship mattered. She knew Tom loved her, and how much she truly loved him. Isnt that enough? Of course not. It was more than enough. A smile slowly forming on Y/N’s face. “Theres that smile I love so much.” He comments.
“Im sorry, for being such a —”
“No. Its okay. You have a right to feel the way you did.” He picks up her hand and leaves a gentle kiss.
“I love you so much Tom.” She says pressing her lips to his. “I dont deserve you.”
“Darling, its me that doesnt deserve you. Im always yours.” Tom proclaims as he kisses her back.
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kitty-cafe-edits · 3 years
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Welcome to the kitty cafe: an edit blog!!
Cupid's oc post 1
Cupid's oc's part two
Ghost oc go brr
How the hell do you get into ace attorney
Cupid's comforts
Once again welcome! Please keep reading for more information! In this post you will see:
-mods information
-kinds of edits we make
-other kinds of posts
-and the finale!
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Mods information
Mod cupid:
Name- cupid
Gender + pronouns: demigirl, she/they And meow neopronouns
Sexuality: ace and probably panromantic!
Likes: kittens, blue, hello kitty, chococat, pusheen cat, sweets, and anything princess related!
Dislikes: bullies honestly
Favorite song: "Stay with me"- miki matsurbara
Tags used: cupid speaking!!!💕💕 , Asks!!!💕💕 , Friends!!!💕💕 , Reblogs!!!💕💕 , Comforts!!!💕💕, Request accepted!!!💕💕 , Request denied!!!💕💕
Blacklist: nsfw, h4j1 t0w4, warriors of hope x anyone, pregame characters, most horror themes, and anything anti lgbtq
Mod Zen:
hey loves <3 its me zen >.< hacked kyupid again
anyway ! surprise ! we both run this blog!!!! i could link my carrd, but a new one is in the process of being made so . no.
i think im a lot harsher than kyu T_T and im STRICTLY on desktop and have a Job so i might get to things late uhh i think thats all u rly need to know lol (also my main/aesthetic blog is @zen1dol)
i'm zen or mimi! only my close friends like kyu or irls call me river . 
i'm EIGHTEEN whole years old !!! 
i use it/its and my gender is yeah
likes: bugs, horror, fleshcore and oddcore, the ships inozen and sanegiyuu from kny, any type of hog (like pigs and boars) and big cat 
dislikes: see: blacklist
fav song: tonchinkan feast - pinnochioP but the cover by chogakusei is also rly awesome
tags used: idk yet but i think i might steal kyupid’s but use different/no emojis
blacklist: uᴢui tenɢen, kaiɢaku, enji todoroki, mitsuki bakugou, hᴀrry potter, steᴠen uniᴠerse, asᴛrology, mᴄyt fandom/dsᴍp grabage 
JUST SO U KNO: these ARENT triggers they just piss me off like a whole lot!! if i see anything like this in asks/subs directed at me ur getting that sweet sweet block >_<
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Mod cupid:
Danganronpa (thh, sdr2, v3, udg)
Demon slayer
Witches heart
Your turn to die
And any other source as long as I can handle it!
Mod zen:
demon slayer
osomatsu san
wonder egg priority
smile for me
my little pony
i like rly obscure and precure/magical girl animes so pls recommend and request stuff like that!!
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Kinds of edits we make
Mod cupid:
Wallpapers (say size, phones only)
Icons (say size)
Sprite edits (Danganronpa sprites will be used for any of my sources)
Blog themes
(bonus since it's not an edit thing: I can make fancy discord usernames for characters on my sources!)
Mod zen:
layouts (specify what site)
wallpapers (specify size, desktop mostly)
i think i might do youtube playlists, too, soon but ill need help w that
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Other kinds of posts
Mod cupid:
Positivity posts (mental health, sexualities, self care tips, kin positivity, mental condition positivity, and body positivity!)
Asks (from friends, to friends, etc)
Reblogs (comforts, friends posts, etc)
Edit wips (progress photos basically)
And lastly posts explaining if and when requests will be open!
Mod zen:
random brainrot, yelling at (talking to) ppl . what is the difference between a text post here and a text post on zen1dol ? almost nothing haha im just on my laptop and i want to torment yall. also maybe doodles of us
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No copypasta asks
No proship
No bullying
No requesting when requests are closed
And no attacking anyone on and interacting with this blog
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The finale!
Thank you so much for reading! We both cannot wait to edit for you!!!
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yeah, no, i don’t know either.
halloooo !! i’m pluto and this is my writing blog :D
my pronouns are mocha/mochas, star/stars, and he/him! i am underage. i’m mlm and occasionally reclaim f4gg0t, but not frequently!
i am professionally diagnosed with both adhd and bpd, and may project onto characters i am writing as a vent or comfort thing. please don’t be rude about this!
also of note; i am the host of a system. that is to say i am plural and have alters that share the same body as me. if you have more questions on systems and plurality, click here.
as this is my writing blog, i put headcanons, my thoughts about sources i like, links to works i publish on my ao3 account, writing references and resources, and other similar things here!
this blog was created on december 30th, 2019 !
links ;; tagging system | blacklist | ao3 pseud navigation
open the full post to see sources and ships i write for !!
please keep in mind that this list has every possibility of being incredibly outdated, please be patient with me here uhh- slbjsdf 
i’d love to talk about these with you! they are not listed by priority or anything similar, just. as much by alphabetical order as i have the energy for.
Bungou Stray Dogs
Call of Duty: Black Ops (1, 2, CW) Campaign/s
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (1, 2, 3) Campaign/s
Danganronpa (THH, SDR, V3)
Genshin Impact
Half Life: VR But The AI Is Self Aware 
Team Fortress 2
The Evil Within (1 & 2)
The Maze Runner Trilogy
VOCALOID (+ a few UTAUS that I’m familiar with)
Voltron: Legendary Defender (But only with specific bits for personal comfort)
YouTuber Egos
if any of these ships are problematic, please let me know.
these are all romantic ships, and i’ve done my best to organize them by source !! keep in mind that if you give me a platonic duo+ chances are that i will lose my mind with excitement /pos
also, keep in mind that im very much a multishipper, so if a ship isnt listed here, you’re likely fine to ask about it!! just keep my blacklist (listed up top) in mind. :)
side note about poly ships; you can ask about just two members, too! im okay with that! i dont mind at all! :D
bsd | nakahara chuuya / dazai osamu (soukoku)
bsd | akutagawa gin / michizou tachihara
cod bo | alex mason / frank woods / joseph bowman
cod bo2 | david “section” mason / mike harper
cod mw2 | simon “ghost” riley / gary “roach” sanderson
cod mw3 | john "soap” mactavish / yuri
dr thh | mondo oowada / ishimaru kiyotaka
dr thh/sdr2 | byakuya togami / fuyuhiko kuzuryuu
sdr2 | fuyuhiko kuzuryuu / peko pekoyama
sdr2 | gundham tanaka / kazuichi souda
sdr2 | nagito komaeda / gundham tanaka
drv3 | rantaro amami / shuichi saihara
drv3 | shuichi saihara / kokichi ouma
drv3 | shinguji korekiyo / shuichi saihara
drv3 | shuichi saihara / kaito momota
gi | kaeya alberich / albedo
gi | venti (barbados) / zhongli (rex lapis/morax)
hlvrai | benrey / gordon feetm freeman
ovw | genji shimada / jesse mccree
tf2 | red spy / red medic
tf2 | blu scout / blu demoman
tf2 | red pyro / red engie
tf2 | blu spy / red sniper
tmr | minho / newt
loids | rin kagamine / miku hatsune
loids | kaito / gakupo kamui
loids | oliver / fukase / vflower / utatane piko
v:ld | keith kogane / lance mcclain
yt egos | natemare / madpat
yt egos | natemare / antisepticeye
feel free to send me stuff about any of these ships or sources !! i’d love to talk about them with you !! :D
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cirocchio · 3 years
Get To Know The Writer!
———  BASICS! ♡
PRONOUNS: She / Her.
ZODIAC SIGN: Spiritually sagittarius
———  THREE  FACTS! ♡
I’m LOVE languages and learning fun things and facts about it... my brain power is not much but i like to hear about quirky facts and constructions and expressions in other languages. My 100% amor language is sssssspanish bc that’s where i had the Time of my Life (tm)
i am a huge nerd for lord of the rings and will 100% find a screencap/meme format for every occasion that is lotr related. i am also that loser who will tell u ‘did u know viggo broke his toe in that scene’ or ‘this is one of PJ’s cameos look’ or ‘this is elijah wood’s sister’ etc. etc. you name it i will drop all the facts no problem.
im big romantic bc i love all the romance stories period dramas fantasy romances shoujo stories otome games... but i have discovered that in real life im.... much more sceptic and tsundere but this has been knew and grumpy. lol. HOW IS IT POSSIBLE... my bf is the one with a shoujo mindset.
I started writing in uhh 2013-2014 with semi-self insert stuff and VERY BRIEFLY with Takumi from Nana. i very quickly decided i wanted an actual legit OC, took me a few weeks to come up with her ( its ciri! )( i dont remember exactly how long it took but i do explicitly recall that i was sketching her, and thinking about how to form her backstory, bc i was still staying in my old bedroom at home at the time & now ive moved to my brother’s old bedroom, like i can remember the EXACT moment when i was playing around with designs and was like ‘oh this is it... this ise the one... yea i found my bABY ). My oldest muse is actually Fintan though! He was there even before Ciri, though not by much. Fintan isn’t that easy for tumblr so he didn’t get nearly as much spotlight as Ciri, or other muses that came after him. but he’s ( clutches chest ) so ...pwetty...
I definitely prefer OCs over canon characters. I think that’s pretty clear. It’s not necessarily that i cant connect with canon characters! I’m very fond of my only remaining active canon muse, Camus ( though he’s trash. ew. ). I also have some other characters living / lurking in my head. But I.... hate fandoms. Lol. With OCs i’m more free to pick my audience, because there’s no fandom tagging behind you. You have to seek out the fandoms yourself as an OC, most  of the time. And I actually think that can be both an advantage & a disadvantage. Since I’m bitter & selective & old it’s an advantage for me lol; i get to choose who i follow without having fandoms i dislike constantly seeking me out. As for genders or archetypes, i dont think i have a real preference! though i do think its quite obvious from my other blog that i love the dark fantasy fairy tale-esque stuff.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF: i love soft content. it’s great. LOVE IT. but you have to work for it. it’s better if it takes some time for fluff to appear; i don’t feel a good connection with it if it happens too fast. ( hey i know... ciri is a bird... it makes her fluffy... so its easier to have sof things with her BUT i do prefer if sof things have a bit of a buildup )
ANGST: also LOVE IT. not angst for the sake of angst though. angst for the sake of development. angst that goes deeper than just one single thread and it’s ‘resolved’. angst that nearly ruins everything :’)). bittersweet threads; bittersweet ships. mhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhm good shit. i think also bc my first main ship partner tortured me with extreme angstiness, that i’ve built a relatively high tolerance for angst ( but dont take my word for that ); she’s trained me you could say. so. you’re free to expose me to angst :^)) i can handle it :^))) or... i will expose yOU to it instead... ( flexes muscles )
SMUT: i can write it but some characters are more receptive to it than others. ciri for example is not very interested in it so i will only write it up to a certain point with her. in general i prefer to fade to black once we reach a certain point -- though also i tend to go with the flow once im into a thread, so i might actually break my own rule there if it ever gets that far lol. or i can continue on discord. but in any case smut doesn’t happen much.
PLOT / MEMES: both are good!! i prefer plots or at the very least, discussing back-and-forth what can happen between characters, because that will also help me answer to memes. i love to answer asks or memes! but i do sometimes have a hard time responding if i haven’t chatted much with the mun / there haven’t been many interactions. i guess everyone has that issue. but! i also think memes are good icebreakers! so it kind of depends.... huh. what i especially love is when a meme is being sent & the mun adds a lil extra spice for context; it helps me to respond better to the meme :>
tagged by: @cavusvitae
tagging ( if u want to / haven’t done so yet! ): @phantasmaw / @tenkoseiensei / @ardenssolis / @rcguna / @aaternum / @aaetherius / @saintg / @wyrdify / @autumnswordsman / @shackledsculs / @xarakaas
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ruiyuki-archives · 4 years
bnha + tdmm gundam AU
This is an AU I wrote on the todomomo discord server eons ago. Anything posted to this blog will be transcripts of old original work and not really edited, save for formatting. I have no guarantees if I will ever finish these AUs either so these will only be kept as an archive.
Heavily inspired by Gundam SEED/Destiny
Original transcript posted to tdmm discord: Aug 2018
idk when this is set but some sci-fi au where earth is at war w some enemy people and the military uses mechs
U.A. aka United Alliance is the military organization in charge of Earth's mechs
decades ago for idk.. WW III or something, pilots enlisted in U.A. piloting giant mechs (aka H.E.R.O.S. - “high efficiency robotic operating systems”) became protectors of citizens?? some shit like that.
the top pilots made a name for themselves were namely Toshinori Yagi piloting the TPHR-ALL MIGHT at #1 and #2 Todoroki Enji piloting the FLHR-ENDEAVOR
(Bonus: TPHR for "The People's HERO" and FLHR for, you guessed it, "Flame HERO" woooo)
but during the final mecha fight that subsequently ended WW III, Toshinori Yagi was declared MIA bc his mech crash landed on some coastal shore and by the time they found ALL MIGHT, the cockpit was empty and the pilot was gone
anyway fast forward >> U.A. has a cadet school and low and behold who do we find enrolled,,, aspiring young pilots Midoriya Izuku and Bakugou Katsuki
they both heard the heroic stories of pilot Toshinori and ALL MIGHT and woooo got into U.A.
also in U.A. ofc is Todoroki Shouto whos been groomed to be a mecha pilot since age 5 courtesy of Enji. D u h. (Enji's still piloting ENDEAVOR at this time but has it pretty set that Shouto will inherit piloting his mech)
aaand ofc we get the rest of class 1A in U.A. cadet school for various reasons
ANYWAY im not going into cadet school days bc thats boring but lets say ofc top of the class pilots are Izuku Bakugou and Todoroki that aces all the flight simulations blah blah blah
Also Toshinori was found to be declared MIA to the public but actually whoop. He's at U.A. as one of the boardmembers bc ofc that’s how im making the story work. Idk he was too injured and has too much ptsd that he cant pilot anymore and is looking for the next pilot to inherit ALL MIGHT (which is fixed up by now)
K SO new war. New battle cruisers. New mechs yayayya
U.A. has 2 new battle cruisers: Sirius A and Sirius B, designated (1-A and 1-B DUH)and duh, the crew of 1-A and 1-B is gonna be classes respectively
1-A, Aizawa is captain of the ship LMAOOOO Momo's the crew's battle analyst on comms + nav, Iida takes the helm, idk whos gonna be on weaponry yet but I kinda wanna make it Tokoyami
Izuku Bakugou and Todoroki are mecha pilots ofc
they have custom made mechs that were made for them for mostly training so the models are pretty basic compared to ALL MIGHT and ENDEAVOR but eh they do the job.
I'm doing the hero name thing again so Izuku pilots OAHR-DEKU, Todo pilots HCHR-SHOUTO and Bakugou pilots.... EXHR-K.E.KILL
bc they’re custom they got to name the mechs so friggin Bakugou. I tried LMAO (if someone can guess the acronyms, bonus points)
also hey! they have a squadron of fighter jet pilots and hey! Its the Bakusquad!!!
each of the fighters have their own names too so you guessed it, their hero namessss ha..ha..ha..ha..
OKAY more people: Hatsume Mei's their engineer. She basically built the mechs and works under Powerloader that built the cruiser ships
Gran Torino built the fighter jets lol
uhh Tsuyu's probably the crew's nurse in the infirmary or smth. Chiyo is the head military doctor back at the U.A. base??? idk
Nedzu head of U.A. Self explanatory.
Fuyumi and Natsuo are there too!!! Fuyumi's part of the cadet teaching staff. Natsuo's a fighter pilot of another fleet
they met in cadet training. Momo was working towards being an analyst anyway so naturally they paired up for training exercises as comm + pilot top of the class. Aizawa's first choices when choosing who to enlist in for the 1-A crew
every time Shouto deploys for a fight Momo's hypervigilant in keeping tabs on him in the air bc honestly the worst is seeing a laserbeam aiming for his mech's cockpit
I mean she keeps tabs on Deku and Bakugou too but. y’know she has a bias loool
and god forbid if anything were to happen to Shouto bc the worse would be for him to be MIA or KIA bc this is a war. People lose their lives. She knows its what they signed up for but if she can help him avoid it, she will
but sometimes it cant be helped. Especially since she’s navigating for the other pilots and the ship
it doesn’t help that Shouto's kinda reckless in his mech fights when they get too intense. sometimes he'll ignore his comms all together and when he does that half the time he comes out of his cockpit injured bc nuclear explosions. Recoil. Life threatening occupational hazard. D u h
Momo's basically crying by his bedside in the infirmary every time that happens
bc its his fight against the enemy mech CRHR-DABI. Its in the midst of the enemy's unexpected assault. and the 1A and 1B are taking heavy fire. So she has to focus on Aizawa's orders. and Shouto is getting out range that she cant keep tabs on him. and he's ignoring her comms. so by the end of it, by the time the enemy ships and mechs retreat, HCHR-SHOUTO is g o n e
the dust clears up. Its raining. The fighting's stopped. All of the enemy forces has retreated so U.A. calls their pilots to retreat
2 of their 3 mechs have returned to the ship except for SHOUTO. And Momo's frantically trying to get through to him. But nothing.
Aizawa orders her to stop trying. they'll send out a search team to investigate his last known location after everyone rests. Repairs to 1A and the mechs need to be made. They have to make haste, but for now, rest.
all the logistical post-battle crap is cared for first. Status reports, repair agenda, the next battle plan. The search team is sent out.
they keep looking.
nothing for days.
keep looking.
they find it. HCHR-SHOUTO in a lake torn to shambles. The cockpit cut open. Blood stains trail out toward the forest it crashed in but no pilot nearby. (Bc hell ya im gonna recycle tropes loool)
Todoroki Shouto declared missing in action.
Momo gets the update and she’s devastated
but theres no time to mourn. A second enemy attack.
the Orion fleet is called in. ENDEAVOR's fleet.
and there he is. that mech. CRHR-DABI. again.
DABI VS ENDEAVOR wooooooooooooo
but this time its nearby the city. Civilians need to be evacuated. WGHR-HAWKS assists in protecting the city as much as possible.
but yup ENDEAVOR gets destroyed too. Enji comes out of his cockpit in critical condition. and the enemy retreats again.
more aftermath. More repairing, more strategies, more recovering the injured. Its a war after all.
U.A. works on building a new mech. ENDEAVOR #2. But Enji has to officially retire from piloting due to his head injury.
and his successor is missing.
there is no pilot.
that is until Shouto shows up again!!!!
he has new scar on the left side of his face.
he saw ENDEAVOR's fight.
he’s alive. He’s come back. And he's out to take down DABI.and you bet he made his dramatic reappearance like:
Aizawa, at a battle meeting with Momo, Nedzu, Toshinori and other UA officials: "Tell me Nedzu. what choices do we have? Enji is compromised. His successor is missing. We're out of pilots. Who’s going to pilot the second ENDEAVOR?"
Todo, walking casually through the door: "I will."
After thoughts:
hi yes pls imagine all the pilots in skin tight pilot suits and helmets bc HAHAHHAA NGL THAT WAS THE 5% MOTIVATION OF ME COMING UP WITH THIS AU 👀
also momo in a military uniform 👀
the mechs look like their hero uniforms. OAHR-DEKU is green & white in colour. EXHR-K.E.KILL is black & orange. HCHR-SHOUTO is red blue silver.
TPHR-ALL MIGHT is gold & royal blue. FLHR-ENDEAVOR is blue red and orange.
CRHR-DABI is grey and purple and is piloted by Touya who else would it be
the fleet that i said Natsuo was a part of is the Orion fleet.. Enji's fleet
now that I think about it, Aoyama is probably the designer behind the pilot suits
Shouto names the 2nd ENDEAVOR mech HCHR-REI after his mom
his mom is a civilian and is very much alive kthx Im not pulling some EVA shit here ok
> bonus tdmm mecha NSFW
> archives masterpost
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nofliight · 4 years
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fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
tagged by: stole it from @sternenteile​ and honestly others tbh tagging: TAKE
my muse is:  canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated
Is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. [ for better or for worse, he’s THE face of kid icarus, after all. he’s a dork and funny and likeable and even if the fandom tends to get him WRONG (thanks smash bros) there’s no denying his popularity ]
Is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ i don’t??? think so??? most people are too busy talking about how they think he’s like 5 ]
Is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ EVEN THE FANDOM AIN’T GONNA MESS THIS UP. MAN FIGHTS GODS. CALL THAT WEAK. ]
Are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK. [ make no mistake - pit’s got fans and plenty of them but he’s so MISTREATED by the fandom. his character is a lot more complex than he gets credit for and smash bros in particular is a big reason people think he’s just Big Dumb Baby Man ]
Were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. [ HE’S THE MAIN CHARACTER, THE CENTRAL FIGURE UPON WHOM THE NARRATIVE IS STRUCTURED AROUND, YEAH HE’S PRETTY RELEVANT. Uprising is literally made to tell the story of a war exclusively through the perspective of a single side and Pit (and Palutena) are the EMBODIMENT of that whole side. ]
Were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. [ and a perfect one at that. he’s literally a perfect protagonist don’t tell me i’m wrong cause i’m not ]
Are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. [ pit is beloved by humans... and mocked by the Gods. seen by most as a spineless extension of palutena’s will, most “respect” of any variety goes to palutena while he gets treated as a joke 99% of the time... and it’s not like Palutena gets too much respect either ]
How’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. (????) [ Uhhhhhh... it’s an odd one. Short answer is that Pit’s a good samaritan who’s done a lot of good BUT most of the gods think protecting humanity is a Folly and a Joke and that Pit’s just a pawn of Palutena’s and while the humans do hold a lot of respect for him, uh............. let’s just say, some humans on the surface have reasons not to be too happy with him. ]
How strictly do you follow canon?  —  about as much as I need to to respect one of my favorite video games of all time. while kid icarus uprising is a comedic game most of the way through it has a lot more nuance and depth to itself, its world, and its characters than one can see at first glance, even after a full playthrough. if you let yourself get invested in the characters, take a closer look at the dialogue it provides, and acknowledge the central, core storytelling message of the game for what it is, there’s a lot more to pull out than one would think. that being said, it’s still a comedic video game and one that I think could use some more expansion. though the game is inconsistent there seems to be the consensus that pit is like a child and I’m not into that, mine’s a bit more showing in his cynical and snarky side after all he’s been through and overall there’s a lot of expansion on the base while building it into something unique.
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.  —  imagine your typical bootstrapped anime protagonist. someone who, when younger, was a runt who couldn’t meet the expectations of others, was looked down on, and found himself crushed and hurt and near-killed by a great tragedy that he was forced to claw his way out of to make himself stronger. Now imagine all of that with a character who comes out still able to have a very real smile and ultimately comes out of it a self-assured, chipper goofball with a good heart. now put that together with all of the darkness and depth you would have expected to be there, but scattered realistically throughout the attitude of someone who does genuinely want to keep a positive attitude. someone who is sincerely an optimist who’s grown past his weaker days, but isn’t quite so simple as he’d like to believe. all of that combined with someone who can’t read, is willing to eat ice cream off the floor in times of duress, is extremely easy to fluster and can channel his goddess’ power to slay GODS? you got one strong man.
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).  —  his positive attitude is what most people will see when speaking to him, because for what it’s worth, he’s not actively lying about his depth. he’s a cheerful, jovial man with a big smile and a love of the world around him - which is all well and good, but his depth is something you have to find, even if it is reasonably clear if you’re willing to look. he’s also portrayed as a bit unreasonably dumb at times, and though I personally justify the worst of it with proper explanations, I can understand reducing some of the value of the character in favor of seeing all of his Jokes
What inspired you to rp your muse?  —  i made my original pit blog, flightlesswarrior, on a total whim after playing kid icarus uprising. cute character, fun premise, why not? but over time, and with numerous plots I was able to take part in exploring the serious, not so serious, shipping, tragedy, and going back through the game to keep my muse rolling, it occurred to me more and more with time just how nuanced and interesting pit and co. really are. pit embodies many of the things i really, truly love in a protag, falling firmly on the side of good, having a heart of genuine gold, and having nuances and parts of his personality that are less than savory without making him seem like a contradiction. he’s got depth, he’s got story, there’s a lot to explore and flesh out... and he’s also just a nice, friendly guy who gets along well with others. plus, i’m drawn to dorks.
What keeps your inspiration going?  —  a) love for Kid Icarus: Uprising. a game that helped me gain a deeper and more insightful understanding of character development, subtle storytelling, optimism still tinged with legitimate and healthy cynicism, and overall something that changed my understanding of character development and storytelling forever. and b) spite. the fandom treats him like an idiot baby and smash DOES NOT help matters so i have to remind others that he is a veteran of a war, a socially inept loser with few real friends, and someone who’s kindness and optimism was shaped and molded by its hardships in a way that doesn’t require a near-breaking point or a reminder that “this guy could be evil you know” to show how someone can still keep a positive attitude in spite of all the shit life throws at him.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
Do you think you give your character justice?  YES / NO [ i’d like to think i have?? but i also acknowledge that he’s become something of his Own in some ways that do intentionally diverge from sakurai’s intentions. ultimately though, even though i may not play him completely true to text, i try to be as loyal as i can be to the spirit of the character. ]
Do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF? [ when i can!! but??? the problem is my mind really, really likes to reiterate the Same Damn Points i have to make with characters that draws me to them - and you know, writing the same hcs over and over is generally considered poor form?? ngl i also prefer to let the writing do the talking unless it’s something that’s not gonna show so 90% of the time pit’s open enough that all but the darker sides of his mind are lain out before you. ]
Do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO [ maybe??? once or tWICE???? but i need to write more ]
Do you think a lot about your Muse during the day? YES / NO [ I REALLY DO, HOO MAMA. i have a lot of thoughts about him, his depth, potential relationships, goofy thoughts, more serious fanfic ideas im never gonna write and don’t get me started on how many SHIPS i have to think about for him ]
Are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO [ my portrayal is made out of spite for portrayals in the fandom and some supplementary material that gets him wrong - it’s kinda hard to do that without the confidence ]
Are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO / ??? [ it’s uhh........ complicated??? i don’t think writing is my expertise, tbh. but it is the best way i have to show the passion i have for characters, by putting their nuances into actions, by allowing them to shine from who they are their core, by exploring relationships and scenarios and struggles and hope and everything that can flesh a character out. whether or not i’m a good writer is something i’m still sorting out - but i’m proud of my ability to develop a character, and to that end i feel like i’m doing fine ]
Are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. / SORTA. [ on one hand......... very. i have a tendency to overthink everything i do and look back at moments i made an ass of myself that keep haunting me throughout my day - they haunt me. i only have two fears: what my immediate friend group thinks of me and the crushing existential weight of worrying one day i’m gonna ruin everything i am SOFT. that being said, i’m also hardheaded and stubborn and i’m not afraid to go off on someone i don’t have much respect for if it comes down to it. i’m easy to anger when it comes down to it you know i guess that proves the point huh i’m not stonefaced at all ]
Do you accept criticism well about your portrayal?  —  i try to? it’s a bit touchy for me I admit just because I do take portrayals and try to make them my own, but i am willing to listen if someone has any points they’d like to make that i haven’t acknowledged properly. if criticism IS had, lemme know, i do wanna hear it!
Do you like questions, which help you explore your character?  —   Y  E  S
If someone disagrees to a headcanon of yours, do you want to know why?  —  not that everyone who disagrees with my opinions has to explain themselves of course, but i do sincerely like the chance to learn if something i’m doing doesn’t quite feel right. even if it’s one-sided and i’ll come to disagree, i’m happy to listen! even if i don’t agree with the disagreement head-on, i like to keep them in mind and see what i can shift around to acknowledge them if necessary
If someone disagrees with your portrayal, how would you take it?  — neutral?? i mean don’t be mean about it, but if you just think my pit doesn’t seem right or it doesn’t click right with your muse i’m not gonna throw a fit about it. everyone’s allowed to view a character in their own way - and even if i may get salty about those who oversimplify him, it IS anyone’s right to view him how they will.
If someone really hates your character, how do you take it?  — agree to disagree tbh. i can’t pretend it wouldn’t disappoint me, but it’s not like, worth ending a friendship over or anything. everyone’s got their own viewpoints to run on
Are you okay with people pointing out your grammatical errors?  —  sure, within reason! i take pride in my grammar but i know that with my fast typing and often running on only a few hours of sleep some problems do slip in through the cracks. while i generally either catch them or just Die with them i’m all ears if i mess up
Do you think you are easy going as a mun?   —  uhhhhhhhhhh well i’m?? kind of a socially anxious mess honestly which DOES make being easy going a bit difficult BUT i do try and be friendly and sociable as i....... can. i’m too scared to talk to people and CAN say some dumb things but i’m not a hardass or anything!! i like to talk and Yell and shitpost and pretty much do anything but write tbh DHFLKSJDF
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nxtritething · 4 years
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name  /  alias : caro / care / carebear gender  /  pronouns : female / she&her where  ya  from  ? : u s of a .  orig n y c. the  current  time :  9 pm ( when i started? ) , 1 pm ( when i finished ) job  or  major :  i majored in mechanical engineering and math. no, i canno favorite  thing  (  s  )  about  yourself :  i have some good one-liners.
why  you  joined  hqclouds :  ... i helped make it. also its felt like a long while since i got to play some of my favorite babes, and i just missed them, so i obviously had to jump at an opportunity to bring them back !!!
meaning  behind  url :  it’s uh...... next right thing ,  as in anna’s big song in frozen 2. and i just felt it like, FIT. 
last  thing  you  googled :  zac efron high school musical gif icons, bc i wanted to use for this, but then that account was flagged as adult content and i guess those beloved gifs are lost to the void now...
zodiac :  pisces in  your  opinion  ,  does  your  sign  suit  you  ? : yes. i am a crying fish. also i’m a pisces venus. it makes a LOT of sense. myers  -  briggs :  istj ??? i think?? moral  alignment :  i can be chaotic good, but mostly neutral neutral i think hogwarts  house : i used to be a slytherin, now i’m a hufflepuff. idk what happened to me.
three  fictional  character  (  s  )  you  see  yourself  in  +  why :  uhhhh... 1) bubbles from powerpuff girls. because i am baby. 2) juliet o’hara from psych. i’ve just been rewatching a lot of psych and i love how she’s such a serious yet funny / soft and idk why i just relate to that. 3) john mulaney in mulaney. because this is a cop-out to say i relate to anything / everything john edmund mulaney every does.
i  started  roleplaying : i first started on some fourms ??? on an app on my itouch ??? but my first tumblr rp group was percy jackson and everyone though i was this all knowing pjo fan... when really i was just fast to look shit up on the wikia. i had never read a single page of the series. types  of  rps  i  enjoy :  fandoms, typically ! i used to be exclusively love animated roleplays? like cartoons? but then i transitioned to musicals? like, exclusively playing musical characters??? at this point, tara is like the one exception nowadays... favorite  fcs  to  use :  um... olivia holt is a recent fave? joshua basset, also. my old faves are mary kate wiles and hunter parrish tho. real old. otherwise, i don’t know if i’d say i get attached to fc’s? fandom  (  s  )  you’d  like  to  write  in : i kinda wanna go back to some of my cartoon roots, maybe? i really haven’t deviated from the same 8 - 9 mostly musical characters in literally years...  fandom  (  s  )  you  aren’t  in  but  are  curious  about :  um... the raven cycle ,  miraculous ladybug  , uh..... everything else. i’m so randomly interested in everything.
share  a  funny  roleplay  horror  story :  my favorite is when i was in a youtuber rpf / oc rp, and this girl... made an oc... and made the fc... herself. she made a literal self-insert oc. with herself as the face. like low-res gifs of herself. why, you ask? i think she was trying to ship herself with dan howell. that didn’t age well, did it?
favorite  canon  muse  (  s  )  to  play : do i just list all the characters i’ve been playing for literal years? my recent faves are katherine plumber from newsies and princess anna. favorite  original  muse  (  s  )  to  play : i had a hunter parrish oc. he was in both the pjo and youtube rp. he was obsessed with hanging out with trees and pranks. don’t ask me why. canon  ships  you  can’t  help  but  love :  kristoff / anna , jack kelly / katherine plumber , jake peralta / amy santiago , orpheus / eurydice , && donny novitski / julia trojan. yes, most of these are musicals. who doesn’t love a good love ballad? trope  (  s  )  you  tend  to  be  guilty  of : uhh... adorkable, one of the boys, badass adorable
i  prefer  .  .  . angst  ,  smut  ,  or  fluff :  i am a massive sucker for fluff, but i’m so guilty of angst... i love pain. i don’t really do smut tho. sorry. long  or  short  replies :  i generally prefer short replies, unless we’ve somehow developed a thread into something long. or i’m feeling particularly inspired. pre  plotting  or  chemistry : i love chemistry with all my heart, but sometimes it’s fun to plot past connections that can reignite? idk. mostly chemistry sentence  starters  or  headcanon  memes : headcanon memes, because im never creative to turn a sentence starter into something that makes sense, esp between two characters who don’t know each other. single  muse  or  multimuse  blogs :  multimuse, because i spent too many years reblogging replies to the wrong sideblog and those days are over !!! gif  icons  ,  medium  gifs  ,  or  static  icons : i prefer gif icons for shorter replies and medium gifs for longer ones... or whatever my partner is using. i like some sort of consistency.
grab  the  book  nearest  to  you  and  pull  a  quote  from  it : ‘ what’s the rush? ’ repeat this phase when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. ask yourself whether somethings really needs doing immediately. are you ignoring your needs in order to do it?  - the little book of sloth philosophy. 
what’s  a  quote  or  song  lyric  that  speaks  to  your  soul  ? : “ did you fall? or did you let go? ”  -  connor murphy to evan hansen, dear evan hansen. ( idk why this immediately jump to mind but... )
top  current  celebrity  crushes :  jeremy jordan, corey cott, jordan fisher, claire saffitz, brian david gilbert. last  movie  you  watched :  bridal boot camp did  you  like  it  ? :  yes. i loved it. it’s absolute garbage and i loved it. favorite  movie  (  s  )    of  all  time : idk but i can always rewatch prince of egypt. godspell favorite  tv  show  (  s  )  of  all  time : uhh.... i keep rewatching psych.   favorite  tv  show  (  s  ) that  hasn’t  ended : brooklyn nine-nine, zoey’s extraordinary playlist. sports  team  (  s  )  you  rep : uh... grew up in a yankee / mets household. favorite  video  game  (  s  ) : pokemon, animal crossing  favorite  youtube  channels : drew gooden, danny gonzalez, jenna marbles.
put  your  music  on  shuffle.  what  six  songs  pop  up  ? :
greased lightin’ from grease live ; oh mother by hunter parrish ; nerds by bo burnham ; a miracle would happen / when you come home to me from the last five years ; just another day from next to normal ; who tells your story from hamilton mixtape. 
i haven’t listened to any of these in forever, but i am still, indeed, musical theater trash.
personal  aesthetic : demin overalls, scrunchies, the color teal, big stuffed animals. dream  vacation  ? : somewhere beautiful with people i love. dream  job  ? : perhaps like designing custom 3D prosthetics dream  car  ? :  i hate driving, but a big ol’ truck. like suv. big one. favorite  musical : gospell, dear evan hansen, bandstand, newsies, shrek the musical, mamma mia, i could go on... unwatched  stuff  in  your  netflix  /  hulu  /  etc :  sailor moon crystal, crash landing on you, locke & key, all the bright places, the half of it, younger, meteor, hello my twenties ...
what’s  a  subject  you  know  too  much  about  +  never  get  tired  of  talking  about  ? : musicals. so many musicals. i know both know too much and not enough.
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perfcell · 5 years
Do you have any tips or pieces of advice for someone who's looking to start up an rp blog for a character? I have plenty of experience roleplaying, but none of it is with tumblr.
//OH sure sure !! 
lets get the technical stuff out first, make the account for your new blog in advance, before you prepare anything else because tumblr has this anti-bots security system in place which doesnt allow new blog’s posts to show up in the tags (and tags such as #indie rp, #anime rp, #insert show here rp are pretty important in getting ur blog out there). you’ll also have to follow some people, get followed back by at least one, reblog+like some posts before your stuff starts showing up in the tags
of course u can disregard the whole promotion thing and just follow people and wait for them to follow you back, but if u want new people to find you without you actively looking for them, its good to drop something in the rp tag. but again, you dont have to do any of this.
so heres stuff you can prepare (or not, its totally up to you !!)
icons - a relict of dreamwidth era , not necessary but i find that they add some zest to the interactions so personally, im a fan. usually 100px x 100px u can make them fancy or not, your choice. just get some basic facial expressions (but again, you dont NEED them)
themes - some rpers pay a lot of attention to blog themes, i used to be like that but tbh rn i dont think anything beats a nice basic theme w/ a readable font. hit up theme hunter and snag a theme u like !!! OR DON’T, thats totally up to you !!! 
also you can set your blog to dash only in the blog’s settings which means u dont have to bother w/ a theme !! its a popular thing in rpc nowadays !!!
oh and just a hint – id avoid using somebody’s art for icons or elements of theme… i mean sure u can credit them but hardly anybody looks at credits so idk id just avoid it altogether cuz the artists dont like that and theyre absolutely right. i used to use peoples art for icons and i had some artists reach out to me and ask that i dont do that and tbh now i cringe at my past-self for not seeing that its soo disrespectful of the artists
what to put on blog: 
about page - its a page where rpers put some basic information about the character they write as. it can be super important if youre writing as an OC (not many people will follow an OC if they dont know anything about them tbh) !!! if youre writing a canon character u can just resort to filling out a basic dossier (like listing their name, age, whatever… YOU CAN USE THIS and fill out what u like). or you know, do whatever. on cell, i just wrote a piece of Something and linked his wikipedia page lol. do what you feel like, its just a thing in rp community. 
rules page - slightly more important. this is where you set boundaries and introduce yourself ooc. after introductions ur expected to tell people what’s NOT ok by you, for example, you say that godmodding is not ok (godmodding is when people write in their own responses what ur character is doing), maybe shipping is not ok by you, maybe u dont want to write smut ever etc. you put all of that there and any additional info you feel the need to add (for example, asking people to tag certain triggers etc). try to browse other peoples rules pages to get the feel 
verses page - some blogs have a lot of specific verses like idk, an AU in which ur character is evil etc. this is a page where u can put them and add descriptions, UP TO YOU. i find that its less important than about or rules page, focus on those 2 first, especially the rules page bc its what people usually check out first before writing with u!! add verses later !!!
how to start an rp blog: 
OK so lets say you’re prepared and ready to write. i usually post a promo to announce my Arrival to the rp market. take a look at what’s in the indie rp tag for example, just to give you an idea what ppl post there. it used to be REQUIRED to post like… a graphic advertising ur blog but tbh these days u can just drop a text post (preferably with ur icon so that people know which character u write) and you say smth like ‘HELLO, a new (character here) RP blog here!!! like/reblog if youre interested in writing with me!!’ (ofc write whats natural to you, just introduce ur blog in whatever way u feel like it– OR DONT, YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THIS)
BEFORE POSTING A PROMO MAKE SURE YOUR POSTS SHOW UP IN TAGS FIRST. YOU MIGHT HAVE TO FOLLOW SOME PEOPLE FIRST (refer to this) – where to find those rp blogs?? refer to tags below.
what to tag your promo with: remember that only 5 first tags will show up in the search results. so pick some good tags, i think the most important tag is #(show/movie/books name) rp. heres my promo, u can check the tags i used there and come up with your own accordingly. and also browse these tags to find people to follow, like idk, lets say u wanna rp sb from naruto, then u hit up #naruto rp and just scroll and follow ! also avoid using swear words or nsfw words in ur promo bc tumblr will censor it lol
how to start WRITING on an rp blog:
ok so youve gathered some followers, now what. i usually just post a starter call! this is a post that people who want to write with you will like and you in turn will start a thread with them (doesnt have to be IMMEDIATELY, take ur time). you can also reblog rp memes which are like writing prompts people send to you (but i dont recommend starting ur rp blog w/ a memes barrage, people usually want to get to know your blog a little bit more before they send you a prompt). 
you can also wait for other people to post starter calls and then you like them (but check their rules first !!! for example, most people have a rule about being mutuals only, which means they will write you something only if youre following each other back), which also works. 
AND THATS HOW IT GOES !!! you are now writing on an rp blog. remember to take it easy and do what feels natural !!! browse some other rp blogs to get Inspired (but dont just lift things, stealing is a big no-no in the community). do what you feel comfortable with, if you dont want to make icons then dont! you’ll always find somebody who’ll write with you without icons (we just rly like them lol). be patient with others and yourself, read peoples rules, be nice, dont reblog an rp meme without sending a prompt to the person youre reblogging from (thats called reblog karma, if you dont wanna send a prompt then rb from the source), put yourself out there and UHH have fun !
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angetoile · 5 years
Shipping Info Meme
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Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
Okay. (cracks knuckles) I have a couple answers for this.
VII - Cloud, Sephiroth, Tifa
KH - Cloud, Squall
Dissidia - Cloud, Sephiroth, Squall, Mateus (He is my Emperor, I would gladly die for him, pls step on me)
Everything else would be under AU or crossover soooo.......
I mean it. Well, all except super weird fetishes like vore and otherwise. But I mean like... all the things a couple would go through, tragic lovers, one-sided romance, enemies who fall in love, lovers forced to be enemies, toxicities like abuse or rape (not for the sake of shock value, I mean only if it makes sense for it to occur between characters)/
Eeeehhhhh............ I think the youngest I had with Aerith was Squall, who’s 17. Generally, I don’t like to give her over to anyone under 18. Squall is an exception, considering Aerith is 22. (generally speaking, of course, that’s how my default is) Other than that, I don’t have discomforts with age gaps. I’m actually quite fascinated with them in literature. Different story in the real world.
I am - used to not be. I used to be a hoe and flung myself everywhere trying to fill my loneliness meter. I really like platonic relationships now, although romance is STILL my favorite to write about.
Once the clothes start coming off, it goes under the tag.
hfodaofjds (UNFURLS LONG ASS LIST) Where do I begin? Probably a preface? Yeah... Look, Aerith goes with ANYONE. She’s feisty, sweet, kind, generous, rebellious, insightful... She is the peanut butter to your chocolate or jam. It’s INSANE how well she gets along with anyone. I dunno what it is, but I can usually tell when a ship will happen from the first meeting. Aerith is incredibly open. (I won’t force it upon you, though. I cannot stress this enough)
I’d also like to mention that I ADORE her with villains. I’m a huge HeroinexVillain type of gal.
Mmmmm.... this is a tough one. I generally like to see how the chemistry is between characters. If I feel it, I try to keep quiet about it until my partner mentions it. I’m really self conscious about my interests because I don’t want to come off like I’m pushing it on anyone. I’ve had a lot of hurt in the past from people yelling at me about all this.
(VIBRATES) Define.... “often”
Uh... (nervous laugh) I... I guess you can say I’m ship obsessed. Though I’ve found a love of platonic relationships so I’m not as severe. I WILL NOT SHOVE MY INTERESTS IN YOUR FACE I PROMISE.
Right now??? That would be with @idno41269, @xleonhart, and... well, I don’t want to mention any other names because I feel like I’m gonna come off as pushing it. Especially since we haven’t talked about it much. But I WILL say one name because I’m interested in where things are headed, ship or not. I’m looking at YOU, @breselin.
Without names, I’ll just mention a couple. SquallxTerra, CloudxSelphie, TifaxBarret, TifaxRude, and SephirothxRinoa
Interact with me! And also message me via IM and scream at me.
Tagged by: @breselin Tagging: I have no idea who HASN’T done this already. Uhh.... @deamrigh, @triggerxhappy, @alisaie-leveilleur, @angelivelle, @aethersighted
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c-nan · 2 years
Thank you so much honey 💕
Mm the cradle-robbing square vampy🥰
Favorite Thing About Them: HE DOESNT HAVE ANY SOCIAL SKILLS. like at all <3 he does NOT know how to talk to people. Not only that but him with baby Connor 🥺 and him with the Angel Investigations team. And god his smile is so wonderful?? He’s just a whole delight. He’s also so fucking gay sometimes and I love that for him. He has the weirdest interests which is so !!!!!! This is a pro-Angel blog yall
Least Favorite Thing About Them: literally one can brood so much without getting boring <3 yes you killed people, who hasn’t??? Get over it and spend the rest of your death saving people without expecting some special reward. Do it because you WANT to, because it’s RIGHT. Also, as much as I love Angel, he can be a real asshole sometimes?? Not a fan of that character trait but hey everyone has flaws ig :/ (also the s2 detached angel arc when he fired Cordt, Wesley, and Gunn along with BURNING Darla and Drusilla wasn’t it :( )
Favorite Line: “You know Anthony, you can be a rainbow and not a…’painbow’” I think about this line at least once a day I’m not even kidding. It’s so funny. He’s so gay !!!
brOTP: Angel x Wesley, Angel x Gunn, Angel x Cordy, Angel x Fred. Literally ats is the perfect show for platonic relationships (that could and should be read as romantic and/or fruity)
OTP: Cangel, Angel x Darla, and Bangel literally so many possibilities (and yes ik bangel has its uhh, problematicness but in my defense I didn’t ship them AT ALL until “I Will Remember You” which was when they were BOTH adults)
Random Headcanon: he literally cannot ride a bicycle to save his life and when Connor was a baby he’d stay up at night stressing over how he could not ride a bike so he would never be able to teach Connor, so one day (night) he went out, stole a bike, and tried to teach himself in the little courtyard thing they have at the hotel only to have Cordy find him falling on his ass. She laughs at him but does her best to help although she also cannot ride a bike and they end up spending the whole night looking through the computer at bike riding tips till they fall asleep and are caught by Gunn who teaches them BOTH how to ride bikes the next night.
Unpopular Opinion: I don’t think I have any??? I don’t hate his hair??
Song I Associate With Them: Self Control by Laura Branigan. The song slaps and I think it fits with him <3
Favorite Picture of Them:
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I haven’t even got to puppet angel yet but it’s literally so funny and I’m obsessed. I cannot wait to get to this episode I’ve been waiting for her since I started watching. Would’ve picked a serious one if they didn’t all look like -_-
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transkeiichi · 6 years
Tagged by @striderfvcker
Rules: Answer 30 questions then tag 20 blogs you’d like to know better
Nickname: Bro, Brolene
Gender: Genderqueer trans guy
Zodiac: Physically virgo, mentally saggitarius
Height: 4'10
Age: Physically 21 but im a sytem so age is funky and i shift around from like, as young as 19 to old as like 32ish
Time: 3:48 pm
Favorite Bands/Solo Artists: Anthony Green, Circa Survive, Panic At The Disco, Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Taking Back Sunday, Mindless Self Indulgence, Brand New, Death Cab for Cutie - before you ask, yes, i am still perpetually in middle school in 2009
Song stuck in my head: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun cuz it plays a lot at work
Last movie I saw: A Quiet Place
Last thing I googled: Jimmy Urine, The Room, Zombieland 2, mens skater fashion lmao
Other Blogs: god i have so many im just listing my most frequently used that arent run by a different alter @autisticangus @soundscapesystem @restorecast
Do I get asks: literally almost never
Why I chose my username: im a narcissist and im kin w bro strider
Following: 43, this is a rlly new blog
Average amount of sleep: uhh like 6 hours?
Lucky Number: 13
What am I wearing: my shitty work uniform, ugly stripped button up, khaki pans, the works ya know
Dream Job: Running a year round haunted house that also hosts ghost tours and paranormal investigation and parapsychology confrences and lectures
Dream Trip: some kinda cross country roadtrip to check out a bunch of super haunted shit around America
Favorite Food: sushi
Play any Instrument: I played flute for like 5 years, but i wasnt very good, i played mallet percussion for like 2 years too
Favorite Song: currently, Everything Is Alright by Motion City Soundtrack is my jam, or Radio by Alkaline Trio
Play(ed) any sport: I was in marching band for 2 years, i did tai kwon do for about a year, i was in cheerleading for about a year, i did tball when i was in like kindergarten and basketball in like first grade, i was also on swim team for like 2 or 3 years
Hair Colour: blond
Eye Colour: hazel
Language you speak/are learning: english, i used to be decent at french but im way out of practice
Random Fact: i only started playing overwatch because i saw a lot of ppl talking shit abt junkrat and despite knowing nothing about him i desperately wanted to defend him so i read everything i could about him specifically for like 3 months before i ever picked up the game
Describe yourself as an aesthetic/things: idk if this is really #Me or anything but the kinda aesthetics i like are like rainy city skylines, pictures of highways taken at night with the lights of the cars streaking past in bright orange and yellow, empty skateparks after close with nothing but littered cans, graffiti, and broken boards left behind, neon signs with burnt out letters, and abandoned barns and churches in the countryside left for nature to reclaim
I tag: @snakeningel @kazamafamily @ink-the-cryptid @vashkareeth @plushrumpvevo @crazythatcounts @dreemurrprince @lalondeproblems @sprungled @rain-rain-i-am-gay @sp-ace-ship and fuckin uhhhh anyone else who wants to i guess yea yea
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Sorry od my ask was not clear I tried. Yeah I ment ships, what do you guys ship (mods x canonical characters are welcome)
Thanks for the question!!! Answers are under the read more because it’s long~
dertythgfcvdrtrfd i hope you don’t mind me adding my oc x  character ships aaAA
i use to be more of a shipper when i was younger
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soo uhh i dont really ship that many characters except the more popular ones
like komahina, sondham, kaede with every single female drv3 character, and lie detector (saiouma) and komaru x touko
uhh i also made this oc, like a few months ago, she’s suppose to be in sdr2 and the shsl huntress, her names signe jäger.
so tbh i dont ship her with anyone in sdr2, but i do ship her with people in the other games
like, in dr1 i ship her with fujisaki
and in drv3 i ship her with amami
i also have a few crack ships! like amami x fujisaki, ouma x celeste, and iruma x souda
tbh, i don’t really think a lot about ships lately so yeah, sorry if this isn’t what you were asking
for me? hmm, i always feel awkward shipping myself with other characters, but i do love naegi, amami, saihara, komaeda, hajime, and somewhat ouma (platonically) with all my heart
- Mod Hajimeme
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I’m not that much of a shipper honestly, at least in the dr series... there’s a Whole lot of cute art for komahina and saiouma though~ Kuzupeko, Sondam and Naegiri are also cute! OH and akane/nekomaru whatever that ship name is. And mayhaps.... MAYHAPS saimota? OH AND HOW CAN I FORGET ABOUT MY GIRLS??? IM LOVE TENKO/HIMIKO AND AOI/SAKURA A WHOLE LOT! im also filthy self shipper trash but uhhh that’s irrelevant;;;;
I... think that’s about it? Like I said, I’m not really a shipper :’> 
-Mod Monokuma ❤
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Ah.. I don’t have much ships, and I don’t ship any of the mods with canonical characters or mods either. I’ll just list the dr ones, sorry for the disappointment!
1. Amamatsu
2. Kaede X every DRV3 female character
3. MikanXGundham
4. HajimeXChiaki
5. Uhhh I think that’s it-
-Mod Kaede
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i dont ship a whole lot but i can list some i really like!!
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Ya’ll ready to be disappointed in me?
I’m not a huge shipper when it comes to canon characters in DR in the first place, but i do enjoy fan favorite ships (IshimaruXmondo,AoiXSakura,etc) and a few odd ships ive seen here and there. I respect people’s ships for what they are because at the end of the day their just fictional characters.
But i do draw
and i do have ocs,,,
and i do ship em with canon characters,,,
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Her name is Nii, Ultimate interior designer but i don’t want to get into her on this blog but your welcome to ask me anything about her (or literally any other ocs i have) on my main blog,,
-Mod Fuyuhiko
Fun fact: I’m not much of a shipper lol, except for Naegiri, Kuzupeko (ofc) and HajimexChiaki (I forgot the name of this one rip) I don’t really have any other ships? KaedexRantaro maybe? To I might lowkey have a problem with shipping myself because im a lonely idiot woops coughnagitoandshuichitonameonlytwocough I also do ocxcharacter ships if you wanna know more just ask me and I’ll love to tell yall more
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There are also, somehow, a few ships I have trouble dealing with and it’s kind of weird and hard to explain why but it’s the reason why I’m not writing ships lol
-Mod Nagito
aaaaaaaaah i don’t really like to share my ships but sure why the fuck not
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i don’t really ship a lot of characters in DR. too much drama to deal with. I dooo ship Aoi and Sakura. Some other ships I like are Amasai (my o t p), Oumami, Saiouma, basically those are the only few that I really like
-Mod Shuichi
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Hinata x Koizumi
Whatever the shuichi x Himiko ship is called
Komaeda x hope
Hinata and OJ
And a naegi Hinata shuichi man nut foursome 
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I mostly ship Yaoi, you can hate me for this but I do. I only have one ship that isn´t Yaoi. I will list some of the ships I like the most.
Nagito x Hajime, Nagito x Izuru, Kazuichi x Gundham, Kazuichi x Leon, Kazuichi x Hajime, Kazuichi x Korekiyo, Korekiyo x Kiibo, Kiibo x Ouma, Kiibo x Shuichi, Kiibo x Amami, Amami x Ouma, Ouma x Shuichi, (Komaru x Toko)
I ship many things and I don´t mind writing ship requests.^-^
-Mod Souda
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tessavirtueandmoir · 6 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
Daniel aka one of the Finnish guys cause I didn’t want to get lost in the club (I also hate club so it was like a double whammy)
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
Is outgoingly shy a thing? I used to be super shy and still am around guys, but im definitely more outgoing in everyday life than I used to be
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
4. Are you easy to get along with?
Depends on who you ask, I guess.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
More likely than not.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
Blond hair, blue eyes… the eye colour doesnt really matter tbh but that seems to be the trend. Not douchey.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
Uhh.. that’s wishful thinking.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
Those dang Finnish boys #lifecrisis
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Probs one of those Finnish boys
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
I sent an article to my mom about how Canada was gonna be colder than Antarctica and mars. lmao I love this freaking country.
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Freedom 90 - Pitch Perfect Cast
Saturday Night - Whigfield
New Year’s Day - TSwift
New Rules - Dua Lipa
Hopeless Romantic - Scott Middough
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Yeah dude point me to a girl who doesn’t
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
Lmao no not really
15. What good thing happened this summer?
I turned 20 and apparently had a life resolution. Ditch those crappy people y’all, they aint worth your time
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
Don’t even remember who my first crush was so that’s probably a no.
19. Do you like bubble baths?
Yo. My kryptonite. My res only had showers for the 4 months I was there and I legit cried when I say my bathtub so.
20. Do you like your neighbors?
As long as I can’t hear them, I don’t really care
21. What are you bad habits?
Getting super snippy when I’m hungry. Um… constantly being on my phone? Idk what else. Being blunt?
22. Where would you like to travel?
I just want to go back to England at this point
23. Do you have trust issues?
hahahah AHAHAHAHAHHA bye
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
the fact I didnt wake up until like mid afternoon in the uk… now literally nothing
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
My stomach? Or maybe my arms
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Check my phone notifs
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Maybe a tad darker because im literally pale af but otherwise no
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
my best friends aka girls
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
No? One of my ex’s once told one of my friends to check on me though cause he was worried.. it was strange.
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Also, debatable. I’m loving my alone life right now.
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
If it wasn’t I would literally cry so. Every time I get it cut we make sure it goes into a pony because of dance and stuff.
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Anna Kendrick and is Tessa Virtue a celebrity? I think she is. Wow… that is quite the threesome honestly. Gotta have different life experiences I suppose.
33. Spell your name with your chin.
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
Dance and soccer. dance is a sport dont argue with me
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
TV I guess. But either option would be pretty lame.
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
In my 20 years, yeah probably
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Nothing, I usually check my phone or something
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Not an inconsiderate douchebag. And someone that lives in the same country as me.
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
NEWLOOK, River Island, ASOS, RW and Co, Dynamite (sometimes the Bay)
40. What do you want to do after high school?
Be a lawyer.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Nah man.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I’m fucking mad and u best walk away before I slit you in half. Or I’m tired. Or im not comfortable with the situation
43. Do you smile at strangers?
I barely even look up so no
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Bottom of the ocean
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
That maybe it’ll be cold enough for me to take a bath at some point… I have a lame Canadian life. And I also don’t wanna be a university drop out so there’s also that.
46. What are you paranoid about?
People following me… like not on social media. Just like in general
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
Potentially? Idk man, probably not
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
Oh yeah. But I told my friends about it so does that really count?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Everyone wishes they were T Virtue so.
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
I wish I could make myself want to go to the gym an exercise. But yet, here I am
53. Favourite makeup brand?
Anastasia Beverley Hills/Tarte/Fenty Beauty
54. Favourite store?
Did I not already answer this?
55. Favourite blog?
Mine. Shameless self promo
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food?
58. Last thing you ate?
I’m about to eat a huge ass bowl of oatmeal
59. First thing you ate this morning?
This huge ass bowl of oatmeal. It’s 9:25 PM in case y’all were wondering.
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Many. For dance.
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
No, I’m an angel. Just kidding.
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love?
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Happened on a cruise ship in the middle of the Mediterranean Sea and I stupidly decided to play a game where we were trying to get our faces as close as possible without kissing… I was dumb okay lmao.
65. Are you hungry right now?
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
I talk to my Tumblr friends more than my real friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
Why is instagram not a choice. Tumblr I guess.
69. Are you watching tv right now?
I’m watching the movie what not to expect when you’re expecting
70. Names of your bestfriends?
Harneet, Keira, Emmy, Katerina, Andy, Meghan x 2, Madi, Sydney, Emily, Lauren, Cassidy… wow… that’s so many
71. Craving something? What?
Not to be sick.
72. What colour are your towels?
My personal towels are teal. But we have brown, black. and grey ones in the bathroom too.
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
there’s 6 on my bed right now
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
does one laying at the foot of the bed count cause otherwise no
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
I legitimately cleaned out my entire closet this week and found my ENTIRE collection of webkinz so if we’re gonna count those probs like 300 lmao
75. Favourite animal?
76. What colour is your underwear?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Cookie Dough OR French crisp from Laura Secord
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
Grey, white and pink
81. Favourite tv show?
82. Favourite movie?
Moulin Rouge or Angels and Demons
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Mean girls who are you
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
Jump Street
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
Dory or Crush
87. First person you talked to today?
I honestly have no idea, probably meg though… or I definitely snapchatted people
88. Last person you talked to today?
89. Name a person you hate?
Well, that would be mean.
90. Name a person you love?
My British bestie, honestly, I don’t know why I love her so much. It’s strange. My cat is the next backup.
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
No? Violence is never the answer. Passive aggressiveness is
92. In a fight with someone?
Not that I know of
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
All of my sweats are basically roots, and I honestly have too many
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
95. Last movie you watched?
Pitch Perfect 2
96. Favourite actress?
Anna Kendrick OR Reese Witherspoon
97. Favourite actor?
I am currently blanking on male actors at the moment. Let’s just go with Ryan Reynolds cause he’s funny af and married to Blake so
98. Do you tan a lot?
I burn a lot.
99. Have any pets?
A really bitchy cat
100. How are you feeling?
Sick #iloveairplanes
101. Do you type fast?
Yes, unnaturally fast. I can also type without looking at the keys which weirds a lot of people out.
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Doesn’t everyone? It wasn’t stuff that I did myself though
103. Can you spell well?
Usually yes, lately no. I need to go back to school obviously
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
My grandma
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
Accidentally on purpose yes
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
Yes, and I got bucked off and now refuse to ride another horse
108. What should you be doing?
Writing an essay that’s due on Friday
109. Is something irritating you right now?
The fact that I can’t fall asleep, but that’s the norm so
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
Only when they broke my heartttttt
111. Do you have trust issues?
I swear to god I’ve already answered this one
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
My best british friend. She legit left me crying in the middle of the club
113. What was your childhood nickname?
Gray gray. Or Gray goose.
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
115. Do you play the Wii?
I used to. My console is in my closet now though
116. Are you listening to music right now?
Yes, always.
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
MA FAVE. It’s the only soup I eat.
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
13 Reasons Why, or Atonement. Soon to be: Scrappy Little Nobody
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
121. Are you mean?
I am blunt. Sometimes those two can get confused
122. Is cheating ever okay?
No, y’all are scum bye
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Uh… if my white shoes get dirty I clean them so they’re white again
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
No, but I believe in crushes at first sight #themodel
125. Do you believe in true love?
I mean.. maybe.
126. Are you currently bored?
Yes, hence why I’m answering all these questions
127. What makes you happy?
My friends
128. Would you change your name?
I currently am, but not my first name.
129. What your zodiac sign?
Cancer the crabbbbbb
130. Do you like subway?
Uh…. sometimes. But it’s not my go to
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
Yikes, this has legit happened to me and I had to dip so fast im not even lying
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
Definitely one of those Finnish boys
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
Take back your picture in a frame
sometimes the clothes do not make the man
134. Can you count to one million?
Who would ever try that? It would take forever.
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
When I told all my profs I couldn’t write my midterm cause I had a concussion and I went to the Dominican instead #rebel
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
5′ 3″
138. Curly or Straight hair?
Straight hair that is curled
139. Brunette or Blonde?
140. Summer or Winter?
Neither, I hate both. But if I had to choose, summer
141. Night or Day?
142. Favourite month?
143. Are you a vegetarian?
No, I’d literally die because I hate vegetables
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
Tbh I laid in bed all day so that’s pretty ideal
147. Mars or Snickers?
148. What’s your favourite quote?
Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind - Dr. Suess (how philosophical wow)
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
The young team were still getting most of their ice time in Ilderton and were preparing for the Western Ontario sectionals in the juvenile category, but in late autumn of 1998, just a week before sectionals, Scott broke his right arm playing flag football. That is the longest sentence ever wow.
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incorrectraposa · 7 years
people to look out for in the dtl fandom
its wild how our community is so small yet theres still some bad people in it....... oh well. here we go!
hear ye, hear ye! let it be known the queen hath deemed the following citizens Problematic,
this isnt a uhh Callout Post or whatever. idk. take this however you want to but im just tryin to warn people.
if you follow and/or are friends with any of these people and intend on keeping things that way after reading this...... pleaze unfollow lol
piouster / cptntoadette
this is a big one considering they seem to be such a popular artist in the community... :-S i think every dtl fan has reblogged from them at least once , Including me but anyway. iirc theyre a mari/wilfre shipper? not so certain about that ship specifically but they have been shown to like underage pairings like mari/circi and even wilfre/heather, which they drew nsfw art of ..... SO.....
they deleted the post with the links to their wilfre/heather art so u can take my word for it or not but there are still some posts showing their interests in mari/jowee/heather with older characters
mexicantesttubes / chubby-baby-bunny
idk if hes made/supports any Problematique DTL Content but. he is an abuser and has Personally Made Me Uncomfortable......... i dont remember exactly what they were about but i know hes had some controversial opinions before. maybe you can find them if you search his blog idk
but yeah. im friends with someone he abused and hes done some gross stuff lawl. he started talking to both of us just bc we like dtl and sending random Inappropriate stuff and guilt tripping and saying he was gonna kill himself/self harm all that... just generally putting us on the spot and making us uncomfortable when we didnt even know him gjfhdg
bf of the previously mentioned person..... idk bro! if he willingly associates with xav idk how good he can be
mari/wilfre shipper! thats it as far as i know. they also reblogged this So..do what you will with that....
not sure if theyre still that involved in the dtl fandom but has defended mari/wilfre before
if you couldnt already tell by the username.. made these posts
thats it for now boys.. i dont know anyone else. maybe uhhh if you do add on to this if you want to. theres a lot of Younger Folks in this fandom and i dont want them see kind of stuff these people put out
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