#also the same server where im mod
good evening fellas. on today's episode of emerson's classmates getting shook by his gender expression:
i had a fight with a boy about transphobia in uhv class a few weeks ago. then the professor had to break the fight because he was so stoopid(she was on my side). tonight he tells me apparently he was one of the many people thinking i was a cis boy and he felt guilty for being gay because he thought i was cute?????????????????????????? so his logical action was to have an open fight on pronouns?????? because that would make me talk to him because my face looks like i care a lot about pronouns?????????????????
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jugul4rv31n · 2 days
WHY I dislike the creepypasta fandom and RP servers
(as a CRP enjoyer.)
So im going to be talking about my experience in the CRP fandom + the roleplay servers behind it. I want to preface before I start, don't harass any servers or people mentioned, it's a shitty thing to do. Also huge content warning for mentions of ableism, grooming, fetishization, and disgusting behaviors in general.
I got my start in the creepypasta fandom when I was around 10-11, mostly stemming from youtube videos. During this time I didn't know there was a fandom for it, only having a small circle of friends who enjoyed the same content as me. As I grew older I ventured out into the fandom, I joined a few servers in 2020 that I don't think are active anymore. One significant one was a college roleplay server and the owners other server, The Mansion, now known as The Horrors Within. This server was abhorrently disgusting. There was ERP channels that minors could access, the owner would be really suggestive in the "SFW" RP areas, and most of their characters would be shipped with canon characters, that were watered down to be pure fetish bait. They would publicly ERP where minors could see it, and talked about fetishes in the general chat. I was 14-16 during my time in this server, the owner was 2 years older than me, being 16-18 when we met and knew each other.
In this server I realized and learned I was a system, this led to immediate arguments since I didn't have full control over my disorder at the time. Me and my alters were treated like actual shit during this time, the owners partners telling me to overdose and to slice to the bone next time. Unfortunately I did attempt using tylenol, but thankfully got sick and vomited it up. The harassment didn't end there either. Another minor was involved in this server, I won't be naming since they are also a minor, but referring to them as X.
Due to the exposure to ERP at such a young age I thought it was okay to do, and would ERP with X in a private server where we had our own little stories. The stories often involved X roleplaying self-harm, abuse and venting to me without permission.
Last year, I was active in one of the largest CRP servers, having over 3k members. I used my OCs and happened to dig up old art of them, which X must've recognized as me and immediately told the mods that I was a pedophile and groomer. Which is not true at all. I understand my actions are disgraceful but I was also being groomed into believing that behavior was correct when it wasn't. I've attempted to apologize to X and my own groomer in the past, which was seen as "harassment" because of my obsession issues. I was banned on sight with no comment on my side of the story, which contains a lot more dirt on these people, including a whole document against my groomer, who's buddy buddy with X. I had recently found out as well that they had acted predatory towards my friend, who was 14 at the time while they were 19. Attempting to "adopt" them because they didn't have an active parental figure. I immediately told my friend to block them and remove them from the chat they were in, since they did this to me and made me feel as if I had to depend on them.
I've made a document on this person if you'd like to read through it, it appears blurry for some reason. I've tried to fix it but it works.
The amount of shitty drama I've seen in this fandom is outrageous. It's over things that don't even matter. "Oh you don't agree with my headcanon? YOU'RE A SHITTY PERSON!" We're a community, and a relatively small one at that. We shouldn't be tearing each other apart by making small things into big deals and the "drama of the week". We should be putting this energy into outcasting actually disgusting people, such as Offenderman supporters, Sanity's Horror supporters (he's a necrophile who mods for a pedophile don't even try to defend this scum.), and people that actually could harm this fandom and the people within it.
Earlier this year, someone I know was called a lot of horrible things. I won't be naming em because they're probably tired of drama and I don't blame them. But most of the allegations were false, and they're one of the most chill people I know. They don't bash others for disagreeing with their headcanons and they don't take shit from others, and their server is filled with amazing people who were willing to hear out my sides of the issues I was involved in.
This fandom is mostly filled with children, minors. It should be a safe space for them to draw their characters and the characters we love, but instead of I've seen people attack others for not agreeing with their exact version of a character, and called horrible things because they simply don't agree with that headcanon. Which is horrible, people should be able to believe what they want about characters they enjoy.
Ableism is a huge factor in this fandom which sucks. People have watered down the characters illnesses to paint them as abusers and sick individuals who aren't capable of change or deserving of love, when this isn't true at all. People with mental illness are human beings, just like you and me, and we should treat them with respect and properly represent their disorders, not stereotype them.
This was honestly just a rant I've had in mind, but I needed to get it off my chest. This has been bothering me for months now and I've finally put it into words just how much this fandom bothers me.
I still enjoy creepypasta, but don't really consider myself a member of the fandom because of these reasons. This fandom can be great, but it's also got its dark sides, which need to be ignored.
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moss-sprouted · 3 months
damn i wish i had found better info on reddit about where to start hermitcraft, cause a mot of the posts that popped up suggested season 6, since those posts were older and i didnt see any others, and i was the most familiar with grian so i decided to start there and while season 6 is very fun it doesnt pull me in as much as the life series or now some of the other seasons ive started because unless i just watch the recaps its Very slow and theres less collaborating
i think its nice sometimes to just sit and listen to grian and not have too much chaos of other peoples voices popping in if i wanna relax, but ive started season 8 and been mainly watching gem first and the experience is SO different, ive watched some of grians too and its not because of Who im watching (though i love gem and i find her content very soothing) but because theres so much more interaction with the other hermits because of the voice chat(maybe its a mod? there wasnt really any in 6) and it feeling more collaborative
and i obviously started 10 when it aired and i Loved how much everyone interacted and i felt like i got to know more of the hermits, rather than grian being off more isolated and only really learning about them in recaps
also i think season 8 might be easier for me cause its the shortest, and im excited/only a little afraid to start season 9 after (might go back and watch the recaps for the rest that have them later)
ive always loved minecraft videos that if they feature a server/group, everyones able to interact together and be collaborative
i dont mind watching someone solo just building or doing a tutorial, but its nice when theres still an element of basically all living in the same world together and interacting and shopping and all that, since i dont get to play minecraft with anyone else its nice to live vicariously
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stripysockstumb · 4 months
.Gewn, Alice, Lena (boss), teddy (just got another job), colin (IT), and sam
.FREDY, search engine for looking for incidents
.Already mentioned ‘dolls watching’ and ‘dolls, human skin’ the Stranger????
.The universe that the entities got pulled through to??
.FREDY started reading out certain statements in different voices around a year ago
.There are 3 voices
.Alice has named them NORRIS, CHESTER, AUGUSTUS
.NORIS and CHESTER are the most common
.Assuming this is the statement format
.Statement 1: checking in red by NORIS
.Statement reading less robotic voice, more Martin
.Could be the Burried?? Cemetery mentioned
.The Stranger? Dead dude skin/ voice
.Defo the stranger
.Taken over the dead husbands body, ‘it’
.Statement ends
.The enitites sound the same
.Partial reanimation crossreference
.Gewn seems to have a LOT of experience, sus
.Gwen and Lena in office
.Audio interference and different audio quality
.Interference by the eye???????
.Giving Elias
.Manipulation 10000
.Gwen wants Lenas job
.Lena warning Gwen about trying to take her job because of what it ‘entailes’ sus
.Colin is defo hiding something, kinda a scary dude, could be an avatar, he is trying to fix the system eg.FREDY
.Is this recorded through security cameras????? The audio keeps being different
.Also recorded by the pc cameras??
.No one realy likes colin
.Alice and Sam know eachother from uni, she got him the job
.Introducing the idea that everyone who works there has had an ‘encounter’ which leads them there
.Statement, Magnus Institute Ruins
.Statement made on April 10th 2022 3.31pm
.Manchester???? Not our version of the institute
.No pictures of it suprise suprise
.‘Realy weird place’ yeah no shit honey
.No pictures are uploading (just like the ‘real’ statements, they wouldnt be able to be uploaded onto the computer), she is realy paranoid after going there
.Was a fire about 20 years ago (so in 2000 ish)
.‘Got a realy cool vibe’ offices, old furnishings, the feeling that ‘doors would randomly shut even through most of the doorframes are empty’ ALRIGHT HELEN CHILL
.No old papers????? All files gone????? SUSPICIOUS Old graffiti???
.Symbols on the walls, stains, from a ritual??? Could be an alternate universe Institute where the Desolation managed to complete their ritual??
.The photos have disappeared off her phone
.She found an empty box with symbols on it, picture wont upload or format
.‘Photographic distortion’
.Getting threats from random people on the internet about the box she took
.Anonymous dms coming in
.‘Image removed by moderator’ she finally managed to upload a photo of the symbols at 2.01am but it was taken down
.‘Canaries should stay above ground’ the mod of the chat is incredibly sus
.People saying the picture was ‘gross’ before it was taken down????
.‘Are those eyes’
.Was potentially a gore pic about eyes
.She was banned from the chat room
.She real dead
.The thread was then locked by the moderator
.Statement ended
.No one has heard of the Magnus Institute except maybe Sam?
.Listening through a phone??
.Sam is thankful for the job, something to focus on? What happened to him
.Gwen is his ex?? Or Alice??
.Alice doesn't believe the cases are real, apparently the pay is good
.‘To new beginnings’
.Colin trying to ‘find’ someone???? He knows something, he could be talking about the voices in the server??
Overall an amazing start to the new show, so many mysteries already and im so so so exited to hear the third voice and see if its Jonah/Elias, also to find out which universe we are in and the timelines matching up with og Magnus Archives!!
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waddei · 7 months
hi im an anon to yell at. uhhhhh whats something discoursey i can say.
so cool to see people drawing dsmp stuff even if its dead
have some anger release, wadds
hi anon that is pretending to be an annoying person, thank you for your service and sorry for what I'm about to say:
to say that a fandom is dead/ should be dead when the HIGHLY POPULAR piece of Media that potentiated it (not started.the roots of the dsmp fandom are in smpe, smplive,soothouse and og dteam fans) ended a year or two ago is SUCH A BRAINDED TAKE. specially if you yourself used to be a fan and are now "out of it" or "got better"
your own stupid ego boost you get by saying that is not worth disrespecting literally an entire fanbase for.
also, if you, as self declared EX Fan find yourself constantly moaning about how "great the golden days where" and keep liking fanart and replying with "ah I miss this fandom so much" then maybe you're not an EX fan... maybe you're just in denial brother.
you don't have to excuse yourself or cry to everyone that you swear you're not a dstan every time you praise/even mention anything dsmp related. specially BELOW DSMP POSTS.
learn to behave like a person. if someone irl told you they're into cars or something and you respond "oh I used to really like cars y'know... not anymore... not after I saw one run over a dog... I hate cars that run over dogs.. other cars are fine tho" <- THAT'LL BE INSANE.
BAD analogy specifically when it comes to the dream situation but you get what I mean right?? is so FUCKING annoying to be trying to enjoy what you enjoy despite the flaws and the name of an awful person attached to it and have ppl just say that shit to you.
you don't have to try and guilt other fans into adopting your weird self deprecating mentality of apologizing every time you even think of the server.
you also have to stop bringing other shit into it. if ppl complain when fans apply dsmp headcanons to qsmp then I should get to complain when ppl do the inverse.
stop demonizing the server and stop also putting qsmp in this high pedestal as if the fanbase is any better when it's literally THE SAME PPL WITHOUT THE DSTANS.
there's still harassment. there's still misogyny. there's still truthers. YOURE NOT OUT OF THE WATER BUDDY.
it's not fair to compare the both servers in terms of quality and I stand by that. specially when qsmp was an organized effort by a team with custom mods and a planned narrative since the beginning (as well as an owner that actually cares)
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skatingbi · 6 months
Aight so i dub this au the Modern Resturaunt AU bc im uncreative with titles (I refuse to give any of my fanfiction titles)
Now Ima start off with a list...of word vomit. Idk what im doing. Its 2 am and Im still grieving over the bio exam i failed today.
Let me begin by saying my experience is nearly 3 years of working in a resturaunt (yeah...the same one...) and being trained in nearly every position they offer except manager bc Fuck That lmao
Luffy is either a server (not mornings tho he's way too hyper in the morning for that) or a dishwasher or trained in both. Nobody trusts this kid in any other back of house position. He would definitely break several health codes in the span of an hour. He is a menace.
Nami is a server. She is definitely one that'll smile at u and then talk shit abt u in the back with the other servers. If she hears a coworker talking shit abt her she'll either ignore it or throw hands. She may or may not steal ur tips. Regardless she's still good at her job and her sales are fantastic after every shift. Her and usopp will gossip during break.
Zoro is definitely a line cook. Hes the kind where if u put too many mods on food he'll be like "what the FUCK guys". If u ask him for something he will forget. If he goes in the cooler to restock something he will not be able to find it and will spend 10 minutes in the cooler looking for that thing. Do NOT let him operate the fryers.
Sanji gives off shift supervisor vibes. He will happily deal with any customers who fuck with his coworkers and will gladly kick them out. He still cooks most of the time tho and him and zoro are the kinda cooks to either have some kind of wack ass situationship or literally hate each other. Or both. Actually both.
If sanji is serving he will flirt with the ladies and it definitely gets him in trouble and zeff (the owner of said resturaunt) bans him from serving for weeks at a time lmao
Usopp would be a great server <3 but bc my dude is full of anxiety he would be a great prep cook too. He is definitely the dude who listens to music while working. Nobody minds and it makes the shift more fun! He's the cook who only works mornings. He would probably also bring doughnuts for the crew that works mornings :)
Chopper is that one kid whos barely 18 and its his first job. He would be the host and the kids love him. He's that host who accidentally talks to tables too long even after seating them until the server comes to greet them. He's unproblematic and is just happy to be there.
Robin is like kind of cross trained in everything?? Idk she doesnt mind being scheduled wherever but i can see her as a really chill bartender. Definitely the kind to entertain customer's conversations without being enthusiastic but it still works??? Her sales are probably great too. Shes the coworker that nobody would see for like weeks and then suddenly reappear one morning and everyones like "wtf i thought u quit" but nah she's chilling. Shes definitely been there since the place opened.
Franky is banished to line cook purgatory. Not because he's terrible or mean but hes just so energenic like luffy that him being a server would probably overwhelm most customers lmao. He's the cook that's always laughing and yelling out motivational words during rush hour.
Jimbei is a manager. Thats all i got ngl. Bro is just there to make sure nobody dies or violates osha guidelines. Everyone loves him tho and if they realize he's managing the mood innthe resturaunt lifts astronomically.
Brook is NOT allowed to be a server. Zeff banned him from that position within the first week. He would probably shift supervise in the mornings tho. Him and jimbei would definitely be friends outside of work lol
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The Story of the RTDLDX Box-art Leak
news of the Magolor Epilogue side mode is officially out! with that, say hello to @qui-gg , the original source of the RTDLDX box-art leak to the kirby fandom!
watching the leak spread in real time, the both of us talked and thought it would be fun to make a post about all of this later as a piece of fandom history. the reason why i'm making the post and not her is because while she was the original source, i'm the only one who witnessed the rest of the entire story firsthand.
note: all screenshots of dms/quig's initial reactions/info from quig and her friend posted here i received permission to share. all other screenshots are from public servers, so names are not censored unless someone asked me to, or unless they're the person who caused the leak to spread to the fandom at large. with that, let's get into the story 👇
the story starts with quig's friend, who works at gamestop, posting images of the the boxart to a mutual server they share
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the white is the name of quig's friend censored. also for consistency's sake, note that these screenshots from quig are in central time. the rest of the screenshots in this post are from me and in pacific time (2 hours behind)
quig's friend isn't into kirby and had taken and shared the pictures without the knowledge that there was even anything special or spoilery on them. they had only taken it to show quig, because they knew quig as the kirby person of their friend group. quig decided to share it to my discord server soon after
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a thread for the leak was made in the server instead of quig dming everyone individually, and we quickly established a rule against reposting it outside of this server. however, it was still allowed for it to be shared privately
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everyone talked about the news excitedly for a while. quig continued to feed us more early info from their friend that never made it into the main leak spread throughout fandom, like photos of the inside box art, preorder bonuses, and info that apparently the boxarts were going to be displayed in-stores in about a week, confirming some sort of announcement or trailer soon.
around 2-3 hours later, we started to hear about other places talking about the leak.
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at the time, no one suspected foul play. considering quig's friend's gamestop had received the boxart, everyone assumed that gamestop in general had received it and that other employees had also leaked it. however-
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also going back and checking the image shared to reddit, we confirmed it was the same picture. then begun several bouts of back and forths trying to figure out how it had been leaked
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apparently the very first leak of it outside of my server was to the r/kirby discord server. at this point, because im the owner and head mod of my server, and we had already established many times that we had not wanted it to be shared outside of there, and because quig was starting to get stressed about this immediately getting out of control, i decided to do my own investigating and find out who had leaked it so i could yell at them for breaking the rules
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these were the very first messages to r/kirby that started the leak getting out to the entire fandom. ive censored her name in pink because i dont want anyone to attack this person, and from this point on i'll be calling her "the leaker". interestingly, it was someone not from my server, however, by chance, i happened to know her decently well anyways because we share some of the same spaces. because of this, i just dm'd her directly asking where she had gotten the picture from, providing additional context because, while i knew her, we didn't talk much and i thought it would be rude to only ask that without letting her know why
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by that time it turns out she had went to bed, however. so for the rest of the night i did more asking around and found out who had shared it on my own. the person who showed it to her did end up being from my server. they were a friend of the leaker and had shared it to her in dms, but told me that they didn't know she had posted it to r/kirby because she never asked or let them know she was going to do so.
because i knew the person who had shared the box-art image to the leaker was cool, as well as sharing in dms not being against our rules, i decided there was no malicious intent and decided to lay off my "ass kicking" mood. i guess as you'd expect, the leak happened because it was shared from friend to friend and it took just one person not getting the memo it shouldn't be shared publicly for all of this to get out of control. that was my thought process at the time.
i already found out who had shared the image to the leaker, but since i had already sent a dm to said leaker about the event, i figured id just leave the messages to confirm and see what she had to say about it in the morning. like said in the beginning of this post, i did not get permission to share the dms so i will not post any screenshots, but ill summarize what was said next
i was told the next morning that, yes, the person who i had already known had given her the photo had given it to her. the leaker had taken it and immediately shared it to the largest kirby discord server out there because "shes incredibly impulsive" and "wanted the attention and clout", but otherwise was sorry. she told me she felt incredibly guilty about the whole event and went on to say stuff about how she was an "worthless human being". i told her it was fine and that she didn't have to be so harsh on herself, i had only wanted her to know the consequences, since at this point the next day, large gaming news sites had begun posting about it and it had gotten really big, to the point where quig rescinded her previous statement that her friend was in no danger and had started to worry this could lead to them getting hurt. the leaker told me she did all of this because she couldnt help wanting the clout over everything else if she wasnt told the consequences to her face
hey getting lost in the hype happens right? i wasnt the most happy that quig was feeling incredibly stressed now and that their friend could be in danger because someone wanted clout without thinking of the consequences, but this stuff happens. being impulsive happens. once the official news comes out sometime around a week later, this would all blow over. once again i reassured the leaker this was all fine, and we had a good friendly talk for several hours afterwards
later that day, quig found a youtube comment on the gamexplain video about the leak
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the detective work started up once again. the canadian portion could be assumed from the french text alongside the english on the box, but it shouldn't have been public that it was from a canadian gamestop employee. quig started to worry that people were now digging so hard for the source their friend would get doxx'd. we did not believe it to be a random lurker in the server, because none of the other info quig had told us had gotten out.
initially i thought this was my fault. i mentioned it was from a gamestop employee in the tags of this post when i had made it the previous day, and then deleted those tags about 15 hours afterwards once we realized this was getting way too big. while not unreasonable, i found it a bit strange that this info had come from me, though
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obviously people take tumblr as being the dead site that no one uses, and the leak news in general was spreading much more sluggishly over here with our smaller fandom and, compared to twitter and reddit, significantly less reach. not to mention i had left that information in the tags where less people read anyways, and with the word gamestop censored and my post itself not in the main kirby tags, the person in the youtube screenshot had to have been someone who follows me and was active on tumblr during that short timeframe for this to have happened
completely unrelated, later in the afternoon i decided to look in the r/kirby server's leak thread for fun, specifically the messages from the leaker. the previous day, people were swarming her about where she had gotten the image since she was the first person to post it to the general fandom. people were speculating that the leak was fake and that the leaker could've tried to fake it. there were lots of vague rumors about it being from "some random discord server out in the world". as my server was almost like the "ground 0" of the leak, it was a lot of fun watching this and watching people talk about us. i used the leakers messages as a boost to find these types of messages, since the r/kirby spoiler thread had dissolved to regular leak discussion.
and i found these
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(that last sentence is a straight lie. she had just never bothered to ask)
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(same message as in the previous screenshot, showing that the leaker had reacted with :true:)
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it turns out she was the one who had leaked that this was from a gamestop employee. from my dms without letting me know once again. this was almost exactly 2 hours before i had the aforementioned conversation in dms with her. before she apologized and told me she felt immensely guilty and asked if there was anything she could do. before she told me she leaked the initial info because no one had told her the consequences to her face
excuse me in advance, please take the following as my interpretation of the event alone. i say and assume these things because of many prior encounters with this person
there is a lot i could say about these screenshots. i was absolutely furious when i saw them. in my eyes, the blatant 180 shift in attitude and behavior when talking to the public and when talking to me in my dms only a short while later shows the exact opposite amount of care she told me she had. the complete lack of acknowledgement of several people mentioning someone could get fired because of her actions, instead choosing to focus on how confirmation of it being from a gamestop employee just confirms the leak is real now... the fact that she said behind my back that i needed to chill, right before telling me she thought she was a worthless human being for doing this... i'm sparing the full details of my grievances because i don't want to make this a vent post or about me; i say this as a conclusion to this part of the story. as in, i think there's zero reason to believe the leaker actually ever gave a shit. i fully believe she purposely stepped over the consequences for the sake of clout
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(to be clear i'm not trying to totally absolve myself of responsibility here, or make this some kinda persuasive argument. it totally could've been just my fault that the gamestop employee info got out. i don't particularly care if people think the leaker didn't do anything wrong either. whatever, make your own conclusions based off what's there)
thus ends the bias section. luckily the next news we got from quig's friend was very good
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really a one in a million event. we now had concrete proof that her friend was, for sure, at 0 risk by some stroke of luck.
with that, the server, and quig and her friend, enjoyed the leak chaos in peace. this stuff doesn't happen often in the kirby fandom, and we thought this was a particularly interesting leak story to share as people who were there from start to finish. watching everything play out from one person, to one group, to the whole fandom and more, while stressful at times, was a unique and overall really fun experience
thank you for reading if you've made it this far! i know this post is kinda long, but i hope you've enjoyed this (probably over-comprehensive lol) write-up. really my final words on the subject are: i hope people can understand from reading this that, while getting lost in the hype happens, please know that there are real life people behind leaks. there can be real consequences to one person letting it slip. don't spread leaks without asking and, if you know the source of a leak, don't go around shouting it from the rooftops. not to mention the amount of people upset that they got spoiled. even though this was very tame as a back of box-art leak, ultimately its best if these things are kept secret and in small groups
some final words from quig (that i'm paraphrasing on her behalf): she says sorry to anyone who didn't want to see the leak and got spoiled early. she never meant for it to spread out of control, and had believed the leak would spread from multiple sources at the same time, instead of being just from her
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*cough* slides over a bowl of soup any hunger au thoughts...? /nf
... i should probably make a masterlist of this au at some point. Anyway.
I've been thinking a lot about worldbuilding and how Players form, and just. Players in general?? Which, in an au thats specifically about a Watcher, that might seem a little silly. But i like to think about what the general baseline is seen as, to really dig deep into the differences between them!!
For Players, i think theres two general ways they come into being-- spawning in, or being born. Obviously the second one is a familiar concept so we dont need to talk about that, but spawning i think is actually more common for Players than being born. I imagine its a bit like new stars forming-- bits of code split off from the Greater Code and coalesce, forming all the components needed to make a Player. There's no infancy stage for spawned Players-- while some might spawn in younger than others, they generally tend to be young adults.
Im honestly thinking that, when Players first spawn, new servers do too. Singleplayer, of course; their first spawn and first spawnpoint, a protective cocoon from the harshness of the in between. This is where a spawned Player learns the difference between breathing and becoming, and where they acquaint themselves with the rules of the world around them. This is their casting off point-- eventually, most of them outgrow their first world and move onto newer ones, some multiplayer, some single, some hardcore, some modded. And most don't return, either, and the server is eventually recycled back into the Greater Code by one of its cosmic decomposers (eg: viruses).
The other thing im thinking about when it comes to Players is how they look when they spawn in. The thing about Player code is that there's layers. You have the type that's surface level, which dictates what your appearance looks like, and then the deeper code in charge of things like memories, personality, stats, etc. Because code is so scrambled in the beginning of a Player's spawn, the surface code is completely randomized!!! Players can look like anything at all, anyone at all, and can even have non-human traits from the outset. I also think this surface code can be fairly easily manipulated; learning to play with your own surface code is about the same level of difficulty as learning to code your own website, and occurs with a similar amount of regularity (which is to say, it's definitely not uncommon, but there are some people more adept at it than others, and a definite learning curve at the start). Playing with your surface code means you can make yourself look like anything, by give yourself new physical traits or just modify existing ones. It's usually recommended to do this with a spotter, though-- someone experienced with surface code who can look over your changes before you implement them to make sure there aren't any glaring mistakes, and step in if something glitches or you need help.
So yeah those are my current hunger au thoughts with regards to worldbuilding!! I'm also still picking at what Listeners are like, as well as their and Watchers' ecological niche in the universe-- I'm tempted to say both have a much more brittle, and less adaptable code structure, which makes their type of feeding an even more vital and necessary part of their survival. Gotta keep that code from deteriorating, after all!! Anyway thank u for asking, i am always happy to receive hunger au questions, and if anyone has specific questions they want to ask that is great and often gives me a good direction to jump off of when explaining stuff :]
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terraliensvent · 3 months
Do u think terraliens would have been a good species if they actually stopped fucking around and listened to the suggestions and shit
oh absolutely
for a little context, i used to be really into deviantart cringe stuff on yt back in the day, and something i got from that is even if someone is rude or dookies all over ur work, there are two things to do
1. take it with a grain of salt, they will never know you and you will never know them, if it bothers u too much then go outside
2. take it as an excuse to improve. someone saying “this thing is bad” can hurt, but also it can be a motivator to yourself to make it better
thats why i think drama blogs can be helpful in some sort of way, if other people can see what the deep issues are and explicitly say it and give critique, and you just throw it away because of where the info came from, then im sorry but i dont really think you want to improve
now granted they dont have to look at drama blogs and thats fair, thats just a lot of my own opinion
when you open up suggestion threads and when people suggest the same things over and over directly to you and you either deny it or ignore it because “too much work!” then i think youre lazy.
using the “draw the terra above” suggestion thats been given several times, people in the threads have given various examples of the concept working perfectly in other servers, howltars has over 2k members and their “draw howl above” channel seems to work perfectly fine. when given evidence that new things CAN work and things that members want CAN be implemented, mods shut it down and say its too much work and we dont have the staff! (despite how every time someone says to hire more we’re apparently bursting at the seams with mods)
i think thats why theres so much resentment built up, they kinda refuse to listen to anyone who isnt in their little clique and they never show any progress on anything besides more trait restrictions and adopts. (a reminder that the species still does not have a.) trait sheets and b.) actual written lore, and its been over 9 months since release. i can make an infant human in the time it takes terralien mods to make a trait sheet but sure what we need is more useless forageables)
also i hate how they always kill a suggestion thread by saying “things are getting a little heated” when someone says anything even slightly negative. we get it guys nobody is allowed to say anything that isnt absolute brown nosing, its such a convenient way for them to say “were actually never going to do this now because one person was being a meanie :(“
i joined terras pretty close to release, so ive seen them use every excuse under the sun to not really make any changes. it sucks because the base concept is pretty interesting and when i wanted to leave and find a new species nothing really had the same kick. bad moderation is and always has been the main downfall of this species
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I don't know about that new subreddit, one of the mods seems to regularly post in r/Conservative and has quite a few... hot takes, to say the least, that I doubt will go very well with most users here. Don't take my work for it: imgur(.)com/a/BFOT6cI
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Hello, I'm actually glad you brought this up! The person in question is named Bird on KaE Discord, he's one of my moderators. He's the one who created the subreddit in the first place actually.
In the early days of the KaE Discord, it was like the wild wild west lol, not only was it anarchy and messy...we had alot of political talk in there as well.
We soon learned that it made things too incendiary, and put people at risk of getting banned for emotional outbursts. So we implemented new rules in my server that political talk was now prohibited. Why? Because it has no place in a community that's centered and focused on Interactive Fiction. We came in with the same mindset concerning the subreddit. It's a place that allows discussion only on the topic of Interactive Fiction. Bird and I actually discussed whether or not we should use different usernames for the subreddit. One out of fear for incurring the wrath of some entities, and the other for letting ourselves be open for inspection to the world. It's a very naked feeling, having your commentary be exposed for everyone to see, to judge. But we said fuck it. We shouldnt hide.
His and mine political leanings havent been a problem ever since we prohibited the allowance of political talk in the server.
My server has now grown to over 1000 members, and the moderation of Bird and the rest of the team is a main reason for it.
I invite anyone and everyone to look inside my server. See the vibe of the place. You'll find that the community is one focused on not just Kingdoms and Empires, but the Interactive Community as a whole.
We actually expected this to happen. So thank you for ripping the band aid off and letting us talk openly about it. However, I'd like everyone to know, this anon has sent the same message to every single person who has reblogged the subreddit post. I sense shady shit is underfoot. Honestly, this tactic may have worked if everyone was decentralized and unable to communicate with each other. But thankfully, the Interactive Community is becoming more centralized and united. I have a suspicion on who you are, but baseless claims are below me, and not worth anyone's time.
Just like your baseless claim of Bird's ability to moderation being in question. Not when the past indicates otherwise.
Also, I hope you know: If you continue digging up the past or mass message people who support the subreddit with more screenshots and the like...you're gonna get outed as someone who wants to see this subreddit fail, right? You won't be someone who simply wants to call to alarm a mod being conservative and warn others who disagree with those views. You couldve simply brought this out into the open at the subreddit itself, where everyone could see and we couldn't delete it without looking like hypocrites. Instead you'll be exposed as a bad actor with malicious intentions. Ah but i digress, now im the one throwing baseless claims...until you prove me right :)
Also, shameless advertising: https://discord.gg/73WdMMNXvm
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bigmack2go · 1 month
-Things that i think the newsies would get cancelled for if it were modern era:
His name. He blew up in quarantine and only streamed gameplay and sat down. He only ever explained his name like,,, once or so and that was way back, the succes came slowly and so he never felt the need to explain it again. After a while some pointed out his name and i like,,, blew up! He was on the twitter trending page for a whole week! But he was only cancelled for a day or two(?) before he uploaded a video laughing tears. The mother fucker probably used it as clickbait on the preview banner pannel thingy (wtf are those called??) and in the title. I mena,,,, imagine!! “!SPEAKING UP about the recent ALLEGATIONS! (EMOTIONAL) (CW: CRYING)” and probably ant like “(real) (not fake!)(fuck clickbait)” or something. He would troll the shit out of social media for it
Probably like queerbaiting or some shit. Like he’ll go “holy shit, i’m so gay!” And people will go “I THOUGHT HE HAS A GF” and hotshot is just watching the whole thing, making fun of him for D A Y S while he’s cancled and she’s like “hOw dArE yOu bE bIsExUAl?!”
That exact thing i just said. Because she wasn’t including pan people, poly people and all the other sexuality’s when she was making that joke.
Cheating. On Spot. (See also-> my spralbert fic) ofc he didn’t actually cheat but some people foubd and old clip of when he was still less known and didn’t know he would blow up like that and people pretend that poly people dont exist. He probably had a big thing and then he “cancelled them back” (his words not mine) or something like that.
For staying with Race even after he found out he “cheated”. People said he was only with Race for the money.
For being the person that Race “cheated” with
For saying “i wanna kiss you so bad right now” to a guy and apparently making fun of gay people with it. That shit was just like an hour or so tho at the highest.
For her father lmao
Having a problematic mod. People say shit like he’s just ignoring that fact. But he legitimately just did not now. He wasn’t online for a solid two days and when he was it was to stream so he had to find out by chat, but he thought chat was joking and so one thing led to another and uh yeah. By the time hotshot called him asking why he was joking about that sort of stuff and he realised that it was true, the tag was already trending.
Let’s be honest, the fucker prolly said something like “you’ find the right person eventually” or be like really penetrant like a Karen that refuses to acknowledge aro/ace people exist. But like for fun. Like,,, jokingly. This guy is literally aroace. It prolly went pretty much the same as for Crutchie.
Cheating.(but like at a game) Come on lets be honest . This mf would have the whole dream sCaNdAl procedure and you know it. He acedentally cheated and then get death threats for it (which, just to be clear, even if dream had cheated is just— like,,, idek)
Tried to kill a pigeon once when he was like seven or something
Being involved in a russian spying scandal or some shit. Dont even ask! The best prt is that this is the only one where the internet was being justified. Not only dod all the evidence ACTUALLY lead to him (and it wasn’t something little like cheating) butthe reason for that is that it was actually him. Now obv it wasn’t on purpose bla bla, someone put a wrong server adress or what-not idek but like,,,, it was fair for people to want to cancel him…
Capitalism. He probably told someone they had to pay if they wanted him to make them a piece of cloth or whatever. (Obv this is exeragated. The internet is not actually that bad… mostly. And he probably did go about it a little worse and people probably didn’t actually cancel-cancel him as in like,, career threatening but yk. It was still a little ridiculous)
Defending church. He’s like “GUYS IM NOT EVEN A CHRISTIAN WTF!? Im just saying, let people believe what they wanna believe. unless that specific person uses their faith as an excuse to disrespect, discredit or discriminate you, they are not a bad person for their faith”
In case you’re wondering, this happened in the same context as-
Jojo told his coming-out-to-the-nuns story and how he wasn’t too scared (and some other stuff) and then people said that he was pretending the church never was problematic. (Ive never phrased a sentence to say less of what i meant than this one but im tired and i have the excuse that English isn’t my first language so gimme a break)
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jazzmckay · 6 months
i am not taking the tumblr death knell news well lol
im tired of fandom purges (this isnt the same as previous ones, but it still means we're likely to lose untold numbers of fan content that doesn't exist anywhere else). im tired of the internet being hostile and turning into commercialization and "influencing" over just... enjoying things. sharing your life. meeting cool people. having fun.
does tumblr have issues? yeah. is it the only decent social media site left? also yes. tumblr's search function is weak as hell and its still leagues better than other sites. at least on individual blogs, if someone uses tags, you can super easily find everything you might want. this isn't the case on twitter, that site is such a crapshoot and things just fall off the face of the earth once its too deep to scroll to. besides, twitter is down the drain already anyway. tiktok is misinfo spamware, instagram is a fb product, dont even get me started on fb, pillowfort is paid access, ive heard bsky has questionable management? but i dont remember the details or if thats true. i'm on discord but 95% of the servers you join will either be full of antis or have the most toxic atmosphere ever. servers are at the whim of their mods, it isnt like here where you choose your circle easily and never even have to SEE ppl who are shitty. im so tired.
ive been really enjoying getting more engaged with fandom lately and writing my own long-form posts and theres just. literally nowhere else! and i dont want to lose all of this, the history and content and the more relaxed, encouraging space where you can still post long things.
idk im just hoping it somehow isnt as bad as it seems or we get a miracle but thats denial speaking lmao like we've known for years tumblr isnt profitable. this just really sucks even if its not a surprise :(
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fictionkinfessions · 3 months
re the prompting confession https://www.tumblr.com/fictionkinfessions/743609114380435456
and this first response https://www.tumblr.com/fictionkinfessions/743618318876950528/
These are all from different anons, I'm putting them together in a single post so the conversation isn't scattered over the course of many hours.
Anonymous asked: "personally, as a system? if a "singlet" fictionkin feels so strongly about their kins and shifts that they feel like system terms apply and they're "the same" as systems and pluralkit is helpful to them?
trying to push them out of that shit is more likely than not going to set back a system that's starting to discover themself."
Anonymous asked: "in response to the fictionkin/system thing [i think i'm qualified to speak on this since we're very fictive-heavy]:
i'm gonna be honest, anon, idk where you're seeing this behavior. from what i've seen, it's often fictives that get taken more seriously than fictionkin, both in and out of kin spaces. yeah maybe the pk thing is an issue, but also, not really…? idk i feel like it's not a big deal. most fictionkin i know are very well aware that their experiences differ from systems."
Anonymous asked: "to the DID and fictionkin open question thingy
they are some similar things. like having fictives of the source you kin from and stuff like that (for example im a edd kin from eddsworld ) and i have 3 alters from the same source
but they are different..
for starters. like.. kins its just you. you dont get another person in your head its just you…meanwhile alters you have other people in your brain and sharing a body. its not..super similar to fictionkins in my opinion. yeah you could share a canon to an alter (i have multiple actually.) but its sorta not on the same level. in my opinion. /nm!
only reason why i have my 3 major kins in my pluralkit is because my alters refer to me by them. i have one for edd. for garcello and just for me. but i make sure it says host and i only try to use it when im in a strong kin mod or if the active alters who refer to me as edd or garcello dont get confused.. its more for my alters and for the other people in the servers than for me. i mean if you keep seeing a alter from a fandom keep saying "oh hey "name" and there many other alters who go by that it cannn get confusing.
but that last part was random. my stance on the matter is pretty much.. "i can see how people think that but systems and fictionkins are not exactly the same." I hope this doesnt sound rude or anything ^^' "
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masterporky · 6 months
im gonna go on some sort of rant that may be deleted later. i guess it could be considered a vague post but ive cut off anyone who im "vagueing" or whatever. its kinda my explanation why i havent been here much recently. its not very cohesive or anything its kinda just my pissed off rambling. its really long or whatever.
ive been treated very poorly by people in the rpc. it was mostly in a discord server made by someone i had trusted. i trusted them because they were older and more experienced than me. and they seemed nice
i guess its my fault for being a kid on the internet in spaces primarily dominated by adults
but also. those same adults were kids on the internet just like me when they started out. so i dont understand how they cant show an ounce of sympathy or come up to bat for me when i very obviously need it
i dont care if you hate children, i dont care one bit. it was an all ages server. pro tip: if you dont want to be around children in online spaces dont be in all ages spaces!
even if it was only me and about 3(?) other minors out of like 10 active people. i dont care.
im mostly angry at myself for joining a server out of blind trust for someone i thought i was friends with. i know it wasnt very smart of me to join a server where i knew most of the people would be adults
but i still cant understand why they all began to fucking hate me. they acted like i was aggressive and unapproachable because that was the type of character i played. they vagueposted about me and acted like i was some sort of villain.
they made groupchats where it was me and 2-3 other people (usually mods) and practically ganged up on me whenever they didnt like the way i spoke or the way i played my character. and then one of those people who said they had been "bullied" by me joined back afterwards because yippee!!! i was gone!!! so now they could shittalk me some more.
"bullied" was me wanting them to properly communicate with me when they didnt like something i said or wrote. which when they did do that it was while in those groupchats. "bullied" was just them not liking the way i talked.
this person did so much other than just fucking that. they borderline fetishized black women & played what i can only fucking call a shittily concealed mammy stereotype. they roleplayed as a pedophile around child characters and REAL CHILDREN (me) which yes when they were askrd to stop fucking using their pedophile character they did. and they told me i frustrated them because they didnt understand me. there is a very high chance that i am neurodivergent. i dont care if you're neurodivergent too, thats borderline ableism. and their partner threatened to harass me once i left. what a great fucking thing to do.
oh and after i left, along with another person they put their "triggers" as "pokey minch" and "earthbound" which is just fucking spitting in the face of anyone with real fucking triggers. i did not traumatize you. grow the fuck up.
one of the weirdest things that happened was that someone who had joined had been making me uncomfortable beforehand (i have since forgiven said person) and no one else knew them. so they completely ignored when i was uncomfortable. but then. they had their character say "kill yourself" to one of the mod's characters and suddenly they got immidiately banned after. hm.
dont get me started on the mods. the mods who i thought were my friends, but excused everyone elses far worse behavior while condemning what i had done. which was seemingly nothing. and the owner of the server did absolutely nothing but let them do this.
i think the worst thing i did was, in a panic when i started feeling like a horrible person, send an apology to the owner a week later i dont feel bad anymore. i dont feel bad because i know that i didnt deserve whatever the fuck they were doing to me in there. i feel bad that i basically lied about being sorry. i guess it wasnt lying because i did feel very sorry and guilty at the time but it wasnt right to send what was basically a false apology to them and i wish i didnt because its embarassing and also wrong.
and the worst thing my friend who i invited did who they also hated (he's also like. a minor) did was send a very mean message to one of the people who had gotten mad at me for a seemingly very small reason and sent mods after me for it. which. i appreciate him being the only one fighting on my behalf. but i dunno.
that person was one of the people who made pokey minch their trigger. and had also made some insane fucking comment once about being "neutral on gay and trans people. some are nice" thats called being a bigot you fucking walnut. you cant be neutral on that sort of thing. and they criticized their coworker for being "racist" when their coworker just said that they hated white people and then got fired for it
the person i had the most problems with had spread what seemed to be false rumors about someone else in the rpc as soon as they entered so im not very certain im going to be safe from any sort of thing like that.
these people were 21-32. i am 14.
and not to sound like im giving you my sob story but its just that. do they just not remember being a kid? do they not realize how genuinely worse being in school has gotten? late generation z kids, especially in a school thats like mine where theres no minorities and everyone hates anyone whos different is actually hell. the people who hate me for being edgy or coming off as mean would fucking drop dead if they stepped foot in my godforsaken fucking school. on top of being bullied relentlessly in school, i now have to fear that i'll be basically bullied in the spaces that i thought that id be safe in. and by none other than people who should know better and thay i thought would have known better because they're well past highschool.
im tired of being treated like im an easy target for harassment everywhere i go. i almost quit roleplaying on tumblr altogether after that because it was such a stressful experience as well as the entire server being made up by mostly people i was mutuals with and have since blocked
ok um i guess my point is just that well. if youre going to have your blog or your discord server be an all ages space maybe dont try and chase out children immidiately because you dont like them because theyre children. you were an edgy teenager who acted stupid too so you should try to have an ounce of compassion for edgy teenagers who act stupid.
oh and also if you cant separate fiction from reality then block me. straight up.
also like. idk if any of you are worried youre following any of these people. i aint gonna like list them down since this isnt supposed to be a callout post but if you like really wanna know for some reason you can like dm me. like as long as u dont harass anyone or anything idgaf
anyways heres some shitty memes i made off it cause like you gotta do something to like not entirely die after some bullshit like that
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Asriel's Minecraft Server: Chat [Pt. 2]
Just FYI:
Average_Moss_Enjoyer = Kris
Holidaygirl1225 = Noelle
Chalk-Eater = Susie (she would have used an underscore instead of a dash but doesn't know how)
Godofhyperdeath = Asriel
CocoaFlower = Chara
PersistentPebble = Frisk
CocoaFlower joined world
PersistentPebble joined world
Holidaygirl1225 joined world
Chalk-Eater joined world
Average_Moss_Enjoyer joined world
Godofhyperdeath: Okay Noelle, can we be chill now? :)
Holidaygirl1225: Maybe
Godofhyperdeath: thank you!
Holidaygirl1225: if I kill you a few more times
Godofhyperdeath: *sigh* I might have to kick you out again.
Chalk-Eater: Kris lets GET FLINT AND STILL
CocoaFlower: *steel
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: you get the flint i’ll get the steel =)
Holidaygirl1225: That exchange makes me immeasurably nervous.
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: just break gravel until it drops some
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: Ive decided not to tell you
Godofhyperdeath: Hm, are you two getting along? Susie?
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: leave susie along or im telling everyone our little secret about ur music taste
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: *alone not along
Godofhyperdeath was slain by Holidaygirl1225
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: IT BEGINS
CocoaFlower: Ooh, spill the tea, what music does Asriel listen to? He never shows me -_-
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: 1. It’s a secret so i cant tell you 2. you don’t watn to know 
Holidaygirl1225 left world
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: asriel. stop commiting mod abuse.
Godofhyperdeath: sorry, not dealing with that today. I’ll send her a message and say that she can come back if she stops killing me
SmartAlphaGamer814 joined world
SmartAlphaGamer814: Salutations, fellow gamers! I am here to commit pro gamer moves and grace this world by finishing off floating trees!
CocoaFlower: asriel stop committing mod abuse 
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: susie please kill chara for insulting my brother
CocoaFlower: asdfghjkl;aowvodnasdifpiwe BUT WE’RE SAYING THE SAME THING
Godofhyperdeath: Berdly, cutting down floating trees would be very helpful! Thank you!
SmartAlphaGamer814: You are very welcome, dear Asrielle! I am here to help!
CocoaFlower was slain by Chalk-Eater
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: THANK YOU
Average_Moss_Enjoyer drowned
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: NOOOOOOOOO my stuff’s gonna despawn at the bottom of the cave
SmartAlphaGamer814: Fear not, my sweet Christopher! I shall be your knight in shining armor and retrieve your belongings!
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: my hero!!! 
PersistentPebble: Aw! I ship them.
Godhyperdeath: EXCUSE ME??? Kris are you two dating?! I knew you were making friends, but, you are dating someone??? IM SO PROUD!!!!
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: I date who I want
Holidaygirl1225 joined world
Godofhyperdeath: are you ready to behave Noelle?
CocoaFlower: Asriel Your abuse of your power is sickening and my day is ruined 
Holidaygirl1225: OkAY I just read the the chat so far and BERDLY AND KRIS ARE A THING???? SINCE WHEN???? Also same energy as link x revali lmao
Godofhyperdeath: I think we’re all mentally living in Hyrule right now to be honest.
PersistentPebble: #Krerdly
CocoaFlower: Hyrule? Where’s that?
Godofhyperdeath: It’s a fictional place in the legend of zelda series. A new game just released and everyone’s super excited. Noelle even pre-ordered it! How is it?
Holidaygirl1225: Really, really good, but I’m not gonna give any spoilers :P
SmartAlphaGamer814: All right, my dear Kris! I picked up all of your stuff, and swam around a bit to make sure that nothing was left behind! Everything will be waiting in a chest near the tunnels!
Godofhyperdeath: #Krispy Chicken
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: Thx babe <3
SmartAlphaGamer814: <33333333333
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: Susie ur cringeeee
Holidaygirl1225: C’mon, Susie. At least he’s not crushing on you anymore.
Chalk-Eater: THAT WAS A THING HE DID??????!!!!!!!! IM LEAVING
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: Come on, what about our plan?
Chalk-Eater: HECK YEAH
Godofhyperdeath: Kris…? Whats your plan and why am i nervous?
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: none of your business?
Holidaygirl1225: Kris no. I don’t know what it is but no.
CocoaFlower: this is interesting.
SmartAlphaGamer814: Christopher, as your amazing knight in shining armor, I respect your privacy to the fullest. Am I allowed to know?
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: It’s a surprise ;)
SmartAlphaGamer814: Ah! I expect nothing less from someone as mysterious and cool as you!
Holdiaygirl1225: That sounds so wrong
PersistentPebble: I have an idea about the plan but I’m keeping it to myself.
Chalk-Eater: DONE
Godofhyperdeath: ………………
Average_Moss_Enjoyer: Did you find it?
Average_Moss_Enjoyer left world
Chalk-Eater left world
CocoaFlower: I’d say mod abuse but I just saw that HOLY S***
PersistentPebble: Knew it.
Holidaygirl1225: Why am I not surprised
SmartAlphaGamer814: that’s…a lot of fire
SmartAlphaGamer814: almost as hot as my dear christopher themself!
SmartAlphaGamer814 left world
CocoaFlower: mod abuse
Prev. ~~ Next.
(I don't know what I've created and I'm mildly concerned. But I had fun and I hope you enjoyed it anyway! Sorry if it's a little Krerdly heavy. They make me laugh your honor. Anyway, goodbye! Thank you so much for reading!)
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single-malt-scotch · 5 months
really glad you mentioned the whole tonal shift in the life series thing bc that thought was actually what motivated me to make that post. i remember people talking about when the Tonal Shift happened and for me it was 100% when keepinventory was turned on. please ramble some more about it all i would love to hear your thoughts esp wrt death games and whatnot bc i think you pretty much summarized my Exact thoughts better than anyone
yeppp Limlife is where it happened to me. as mentioned i think this worked just fine w limlife, i remember when it first happened and i was unsure, but that was on like. the first death. and when we got to see how much people would die in that series, it made sense.
we have only had one season with it after now, and i can say imo i think it was entirely pointless to secret life. i felt like something was off about that season outside of just the new gimmicks, and i realize that keep inventory means no tension/drama of losing items and surviving which meant that the entire focus on that season was really only the consequences of the main gimmick- the tasks.
and the tasks had next to no consequences until certain circumstances (being red life or getting a hard task-- hard tasks being rare, and red lives being near pointless considering 90% of the server had to get turned at the same time at the very end thus not allowing reds to play out their purpose for long). secret life wasnt trying to be a survival series in the same way, it was trying to be a series that handed players ways to keep surviving in means that werent rooted in minecraft's vanilla survival mechanics. there was barely a threat of death unless it was directing people to die, which takes out any traditional survival all together. where as previous seasons didnt bring in some new system to override the survival provided by the game-- you relied on vanilla survival to survive, not an outside modded gimmick.
SL's only worry was about the tasks and if the tasks werent good/interesting/etc then, well. there may not be much to like about some episodes because it otherwise would just be me watching someone interact with others (to the best of their task related abilities) with little threat of death. SL felt like a fun goofy hang out, which does mean it sucked to watch it. it just means to me that it did not achieve what i wanted to feel about a life season, based on how previous seasons made me feel. i would have wanted to have seen the alliances battles i remember of past seasons, for example, and yes i think something as 'minor' as keep inventory plays into all of this.
i dont point this out to keep hating on SL specifically, but im saying it to express how survival changed and why keep inventory can kinda impact this a lot. what makes a death game isnt just the threat of dying for good, its also knowing that you really need to try to survive. and when your armor and weapons are handed right back to you, you lose the fear of when its coming to get you. the anxiety of running back to your friends, or hoping to recover your gear. you dont want to die, not just because you lost one life but also because you know youre not out of the water yet when you respawn. if you lose all your armor when you die, you have to keep worrying until you get back on your feet. it might force you to find help and make new friends. who knows?
maybe that seems harsh but hey, that has never been an issue before, so i dont feel like the concern should be taken to 'what if they die too fast because they keep losing gear?' theyre capable. if anything im a tad worried that the want for content creation feeding into the audience will take priority over the original intention of the game and its survival aspect. i wasnt a fan of SL because i felt like it was constantly feeding the audience things with little focus on it being the kind of survival focused series we had seen prior, and keep inventory + the system of tasks kinda just turned off every other part of what made the older seasons survival/death games imo.
what i need is factions/groups/etc all teaming up and fighting and big battles and desperately clambering away to hide from death. or crawling to the feet of their enemies begging to join because they lost everything. i want them to struggle through each recovery. you die, you lose everything, thats the consequence of playing.
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