#sorry sorry i dont want to sound so negative about SL
single-malt-scotch · 5 months
really glad you mentioned the whole tonal shift in the life series thing bc that thought was actually what motivated me to make that post. i remember people talking about when the Tonal Shift happened and for me it was 100% when keepinventory was turned on. please ramble some more about it all i would love to hear your thoughts esp wrt death games and whatnot bc i think you pretty much summarized my Exact thoughts better than anyone
yeppp Limlife is where it happened to me. as mentioned i think this worked just fine w limlife, i remember when it first happened and i was unsure, but that was on like. the first death. and when we got to see how much people would die in that series, it made sense.
we have only had one season with it after now, and i can say imo i think it was entirely pointless to secret life. i felt like something was off about that season outside of just the new gimmicks, and i realize that keep inventory means no tension/drama of losing items and surviving which meant that the entire focus on that season was really only the consequences of the main gimmick- the tasks.
and the tasks had next to no consequences until certain circumstances (being red life or getting a hard task-- hard tasks being rare, and red lives being near pointless considering 90% of the server had to get turned at the same time at the very end thus not allowing reds to play out their purpose for long). secret life wasnt trying to be a survival series in the same way, it was trying to be a series that handed players ways to keep surviving in means that werent rooted in minecraft's vanilla survival mechanics. there was barely a threat of death unless it was directing people to die, which takes out any traditional survival all together. where as previous seasons didnt bring in some new system to override the survival provided by the game-- you relied on vanilla survival to survive, not an outside modded gimmick.
SL's only worry was about the tasks and if the tasks werent good/interesting/etc then, well. there may not be much to like about some episodes because it otherwise would just be me watching someone interact with others (to the best of their task related abilities) with little threat of death. SL felt like a fun goofy hang out, which does mean it sucked to watch it. it just means to me that it did not achieve what i wanted to feel about a life season, based on how previous seasons made me feel. i would have wanted to have seen the alliances battles i remember of past seasons, for example, and yes i think something as 'minor' as keep inventory plays into all of this.
i dont point this out to keep hating on SL specifically, but im saying it to express how survival changed and why keep inventory can kinda impact this a lot. what makes a death game isnt just the threat of dying for good, its also knowing that you really need to try to survive. and when your armor and weapons are handed right back to you, you lose the fear of when its coming to get you. the anxiety of running back to your friends, or hoping to recover your gear. you dont want to die, not just because you lost one life but also because you know youre not out of the water yet when you respawn. if you lose all your armor when you die, you have to keep worrying until you get back on your feet. it might force you to find help and make new friends. who knows?
maybe that seems harsh but hey, that has never been an issue before, so i dont feel like the concern should be taken to 'what if they die too fast because they keep losing gear?' theyre capable. if anything im a tad worried that the want for content creation feeding into the audience will take priority over the original intention of the game and its survival aspect. i wasnt a fan of SL because i felt like it was constantly feeding the audience things with little focus on it being the kind of survival focused series we had seen prior, and keep inventory + the system of tasks kinda just turned off every other part of what made the older seasons survival/death games imo.
what i need is factions/groups/etc all teaming up and fighting and big battles and desperately clambering away to hide from death. or crawling to the feet of their enemies begging to join because they lost everything. i want them to struggle through each recovery. you die, you lose everything, thats the consequence of playing.
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jade-04 · 2 years
Dove (Part 8)
Eddie Munson x fem!Henderson!reader and Steve Harrington x fem!Henderson!reader
first part | part 7 | part 9
Summary: Dustin Henderson’s older sister finds herself in a predicament having to choose between Steve “the Hair” Harrington and Eddie “the Freak” Munson
a/n: no thoughts, just the sound of me typing. Also the gif I chose has almost nothing to do with this chapter, all I could think about when writing Robins part was this scene/ the white board from season 3.
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Warnings: mention of a parents death, angst, swearing, Steve being an absolute dumbass
taglist: @happiejoon @simonsbluee @nervouslaught3r @7minutes-tomidnight  @sl-tfor-joseph-quinn @witheringawayagain
“Come on, (y/n). I’m gonna take you home, I dont think this is the environment you should be in right now.” Eddie wrapped his arm around you shoulders and starting walking towards the stairs with you. You nodded without saying a word, you wanted to be home right now with Dustin, he would know what to do and what to say.  He always has ever since he was a kid. You could never understand how someone so young could be so wise beyond his years, but right now he was the only person you could fully talk to. You could talk to Eddie, but your voice was weak, you didnt know what to say to him after what happened. You could barely even look at Steve, let alone speak to him. 
Eddie was ushering you out of the house to his car as Robin got there on her bike. She looked between you and Eddie and then raised an eyebrow. “What happened here?” 
“Well…” Eddie took a very deep breath trying his best not to yell. “Harrington broke (y/n). I recommend you ask him the rest of the story. She’s not really speaking right now.” He looked down at you, there was so much worry in his eyes, he was hoping he would never have to see you like this after hearing about it from your brother. 
“Shit.” Robin shook her head before going inside. 
It wasnt long before you were sitting in the passenger seat of Eddie’s car, his jacket wrapped around your shoulders, it was the only thing that could really comfort you right now. You just wanted your brother. You hadnt even realized you left your car at Steves until you were halfway home. 
“Eds, my car.” Your voice was super quiet, but just loud enough so that he could hear you.
“We can come back and get it tomorrrow.” He said, sounding a little more angry than he meant to be making you flinch a bit. “Sorry, I just think you need to be around Dustin right now, he’s uh told me about this kind of stuff happening before and I know he can help you.” Eddie loosened his grip on the steering wheel a bit.
You were home within 10 minutes thank you Eddie’s speeding. When you got inside, you rushed to Dustin’s bedroom door and gave a little knock before going in. Eddie was trailing behind you a bit knowing that you would need it to be just you and Dustin for a bit. Dustin was shocked to see you home so early knowing it was movie night, but when he studied your face he realized your eyes were puffy from the amount of crying you had done earlier. He saw Eddie behind you and gave him a nod signaling to him that things were gonna be okay, but it needed to be just the siblings right now. After Eddie walked away and closed the door, Dustin finally spoke.
“(Y/n), what happened?” Dustin came to hug you. “Do someone hurt you?”
You shook your head. “Not physically, maybe a little emotionally.” You sighed. “Okay, maybe a lot emotionally.”
Dustin sat down on his bed and you sat across from him on the floor with you back against the wall. “Let’s unpack this, okay?” His voice was always calm in these situations because he knew you felt vulnerable and the smallest amount of negativity in a voice could break you even further. “What happened?”
You closed your eyes before explaining the situation to Dustin. “I was at Steve’s, we were making pizza, having fun like we always do and then we were having a flour war and he cornered me and kissed me.” You sighed. “He didn’t necessarily force it on me, it just was sudden. It scared me….it confused me.” 
“Okay, thats okay.” He  took a second to think about what he was going to say next. “Why did it confuse you?” 
You didn’t want to admit it confused you because you kissed him back, but when it came to moments like this, secrets weren’t an option. “It confused me because…because I kissed him back. I don’t know why I kissed him back, Ive never felt that way towards him.” You felt so shitty for admitting it out loud.
“Oh shit.” Dustin blinked a few times before continuing. “Yea that would confuse you. Do you like Steve, like in the way you like Eddie?” 
“No, I don’t think so. Im all lost right now.” You hugged your knees into your body. “I don’t like Steve the way I like Eddie. I think I was just all caught up in that movie-like moment that I don’t even know what took over me, but then after when I was absolutely balling my eyes out in the bathroom, he admitted he had liked me since June. How does somebody react to that? How was I supposed to react to that?” You squeezed your eyes shut feeling the tears well up.
Dustin moved to sit next to you. “It’s okay. I know this is gonna be hard, but one of them is gonna have to be let down and I think I know who you want to let down.” He placed a hand on your shoulder. “I see the way you look at Eddie and the way he looks at you. Yes, its fucking gross to see my idol kissing my sister, but I haven’t seen you this happy since before dad died. The choice is yours though.” 
He was right, in the 3 years since dad died, you hadn’t felt as free as you did with Eddie. Yea Steve and Robin were your best friends, really your only friends, but you’d only ever opened up to Robin. “I think I know who I’m gonna choose. Thank you so much, Dusty.” You turned to wrap your brother into a hug.
Meanwhile, back at Steve’s, Robin was absolutely going off on him. She knew about you shutting down and what happens and why they happen. She was fuming when she saw Eddie bringing a broken you out of the house when she got there and knew Steve had to do with it. Yes, she encouraged him to tell you his feelings, but what could he have possibly done to cause this.
“Hey, Stevie.” She said in the sweetest tone possible before turning on him. “What the fuck did you do to (y/n)?! I get here and see Munson taking her out of the house and she’s not even speaking. How the hell did you manage to do that, huh?” Robin was extremely defensive over you in this moment, you were in a very vulnerable state. “I mean yea, I encouraged you to tell her your feelings, but what the hell could have possibly done to cause this. Also, what with the mess in the kitchen and the flour all over you? Did you-“ 
Steve cut her off before she could ask anymore questions. “Geez, Robin. Let me get a fucking word in. I told her I liked her, yes, but I fucked up. I was stupid.” He leaned against the wall.
“That’s not new.” Robin mumbled under her breath before letting him continue.
“We we’re making pizza and it turned into a flour war, hence the mess.” He motioned to himself and the kitchen. “Then I kinda cornered her, she surrendered, then I…kissed…her…” Steve winced as he said those last few words.
“You kissed her?” Robin scoffed. “Didnt think to ask her if you could, just went in for it?” Her arms were crossed, shoulders squared. She looked like a mother disciplining her child.
“I know it was wrong, but she kissed me back. I thought that was my sign, until she ran into the bathroom and started crying. So, I followed her. I told her how I felt and she didn’t say anything, just got up and jumped into the pool. I called Eddie, I figured he could fix it.” Steve was doing his best to look anywhere but Robin, but he could still feel the heat of her glare on him.
“Steve, Im gonna tell you something that is gonna be super fucking personal to (y/n) okay?” Steve nodded and Robin took that as a sign to continue. “Ever since her dad died, she doesn’t handle her emotions well. He was her rock and then he was gone, yea she has Dustin, but he’s not the same. So when she’s overwhelmed,  especially when she gets confused and can’t figure out her emotions or reasons behind her actions, she shuts down. You kissing her, then spewing out your emotions, confused her, man. You weren’t supposed to do that like that.” Robin did her best not to sound bitchy and more educative, but she was pissed and Steve needed to know.
“I had no idea…” Steves voice was barely above whisper.
“Yea, no one does, not even her mom. Obviously, me and Dustin know and probably Eddie now too, but she hides it. She avoids stuff that’ll trigger her. Why do you think we never watch Jaws? It was her dads favorite movie, she can’t even look at the cover without crying or how she hardly ever lets us listen to Journey in the car, it was her dads favorite band.  Why do you think she has no plans post-high school? It’s because she cant stand the confusion and stress of picking somewhere to go and what the hell she has to do for the rest of her life. She doesnt like having to choose, so she always goes with what she knows is certain. Like when she auditioned for the band, it was because she knows music, but having to choose between you and Eddie, she could never possibly do that. He’s her boyfriend and your her best friend, hell we’re her only friends Steve, she cant handle losing people.” Robin took a deep breath and looked at Steve waiting for a response, but when he didnt give one she continued. “Why do you think that a week ago she was scared to tell us she was gonna miss movie night and was bargaining with us? Hmm? It’s because she’s scared that if she fucks up, even a little bit, she’s gonna lose us. She lost the most important person in her life and we filled that spot the best we could.” 
“I didnt realize we were that important to her. She never talks about these things, she’s just quiet when we ask her how she feels if she looks anything other than happy.” Steve ran a hand through his hair. “I shouldn’t have done that, I feel so shitty. I never should have told her, especially after seeing her with Eddie.” He raised his hands to cover his face.
“Now figure out a way to apologize to her, dingus.” 
a/n: Literally my brain has been sprinting so the next part is 100 percent coming out today because its already like half written. Though, after how I wrote Robin in this chapter, it feels like Robin is the best choice for y/n right now if im being honest…
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