#also let's assume that this is far enough from the center that they won't be assigned to clean it up in the morning
whereserpentswalk · 8 months
You've been bitten by a werewolf. You didn't realize it at first of course. You were upstate on a camping trip and what looked like a distressed and out of place wolf just went up to you, and as you tried to fend it off with a rake it bit you. You assumed it was an escaped illegal pet due to how rare wolves are nowadays, but you were screened for rabies anyway just due to the way it behaved. Turns out it's a werewolf.
You're terrified, terrified that you'll hurt someone, possibly even someone you love. The suggestion that almost every piece of media about werewolves has given you is that you're a danger to everyone around you. The only two methods of dealing with it that you know of are taking drugs with life altering side effects, or being locked somewhere for the night.
Before even the first full moon of the month you look at a form for other werewolves. Turns out a lot of people who are freshly bitten have these types of fears and come there for help. The form explicitly discourages anyone from thinking of themselves as dangerous. There are almost no lethal werewolf attacks, any safety tips they have for you are going to purely center around the fact that humans might hurt you while you're a wolf. Especially for an urban werewolf like you where being caught risks institutionalization, something you though of as neutral but most of the form is very much agaisnt.
Their main suggestion for your safety is to stay with a freind who has space to take care of you, someone who you know well enough so that you'll trust even while in full wolf form. If you can go somewhere forested for the night, though that's more a tip about enjoying being a wolf then being at your maximum safety.
You also probably will be a creature somewhere between a wolf and a human for the nights before and after the full moon, depending on the exact nature of your condition you might experience some amount of partial change for up to about ten days out of the month. When that starts to happen the assumption is that you'll have enough of your mind to be able to be alone, and the suggestion is just that you stay in an area where people are accepting.
Your first night is the night before the full moon. Your half wolf half human for the entire night. Your worried you'll slip away from your identity so much that you'll hurt someone. You don't. Everything is largely fine. You're worried though. So very worried.
The next night you stay with a freind, as they suggested. You don't remember anything. Your freind said that they were afraid of you at first, ready to shoot you with a shotgun you didn't know they had. But in the end you just sort of sat there like a big dog, and trusted them as much as you would when you were in human form.
As time goes on it becomes more casual. You don't think of it as a big deal. You realize how low the likelihood of actually hurting someone is. Some full moons you spend being protected by freinds and treated like a weird pet, other nights you go to the woods, and enjoy the feelings of running around. The nights before and after the full moon, you just treat like any other night, only really having to deal with people's perception of you as a difference.
Over time you learn how people treat you differently. You have to disclose everything to your employer, which makes finding a job far harder. It's harder to rent an apartment. Most first world countires outside America won't let you in. You can't buy a weapon in most states, can't get most insurance. Even the medical system has set you to automatically do not resuscitate. You can't even really date outside the werewolf community now, or occasionally withbrealated communities like witches or vampires, but most normal humans don't trust you.
People who know you worry to much. They suggest every restrictive solution you discarded in the first month. People want you to move "somewhere safer", wherever that it. They want you to take things you know won't cure you, or buy into whatever pseudoscience they've gotten a hold of. People are worried you'll hurt someone even when you're so very sure you'll be fine.
It was never that you were a wolf. It was that everyone else was that everyone else thought of you as one.
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shoujomangathoughts · 10 months
Shoujo Thoughts - Hana Kimi
So for my first post outside of Chihayafuru, I thought I'd talk about Hana Kimi (aka Hanazakari no Kimitachi e), which I believe is considered a classic shoujo (quickly looking at the sales I'd assume it was). Even though there's several live action adaptations (as a fan of SHINee and f(x) it surprised me that the drama Minho and Sulli were in was based on this manga), my experience is solely the manga. I finished reading this a couple months ago so if I remember something wrong, I apologize in advance. I won't really talk about any spoilers until the character section.
For these posts, I'll just go over some impressions I had (very casually "review") and talk about my favorite arc and/or character.
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Hana Kimi's premise is pretty interesting; Ashiya transfers to an all-boys school in Japan because she looks up to Sano and his ability in the high jump. So we've got this setup of a girl infiltrating an all boys school and the manga essentially focuses on the shenanigans that come about because of that, as well as some more coming of age and some familial themes. I specifically thought Sano's issues with his family were handled pretty well and tied into his character and the overall narrative in a satisfying way (I also liked his brother's character). This series doesn't go super deep into more serious topics or handle them with the most nuance, but that's probably because at its core, this series is more lighthearted. It has a lot of scenarios typical of a high school series (sports events, school dances, etc.).
Of course, there's also romance. The romance in this series, or at least the acknowledgement of it, moves very slow. There are moments where it's very clear something is going on, but it's played off as characters being dense/misunderstanding/etc. It's a series that's tagged with "love polygon", but there's never any doubt about who the romantic conclusion lies with, so if that sways you one way or another, there's that. The romantic plots are pretty typical of the high school series you may have read or watched before but the cast is still enjoyable enough to continue (for me at least).
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Overall, I actually really enjoyed this series. The cast has a large amount of different personalities and they lend themselves to a variety of situations. Some of my favorites were Dr. Umeda, Kayashima and Nanba. I've seen the art of this series be described as dated but I really like it for the most part (I enjoy a lot of the art from series from this time). It's a solid slice of life rom-com series even if some of the little arcs felt unnecessary (the arc with the boy from America and the ghost/spirit boy are scenarios that come to mind) and the ending felt a bit abrupt. I suppose some of the comedy might have aged, but I don't remember anything glaring (Akiha was a bit weird when it came to Umeda though if I recall). I haven't read a lot of slice of life series like this, let alone many from this far back, so I'm not sure how it stacks up to other series but I'd still recommend giving it a look.
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Favorite character : Nakatsu
I don't think I really have second lead syndrome, but sometimes I find the character that won't "win" ship-wise to be more interesting. Nakatsu here is the one in the group with a sunny disposition and generally is upbeat. He has an interesting personal arc where he mulls over the fact that he's into Ashiya (despite believing her to be a guy) and he eventually decides that he'd rather accept his feelings than worry about sexuality. The manga has a weird way of "justifying" this (I believe that Umeda said something about Nakatsu being able to tell she wasn't a guy because of pheromones or something), but I liked the conclusion that he came to and how he freely expressed his interest in her. The arcs centered around Nakatsu were also entertaining to me because they focused on more serious situations that forced his upbeat personality to be broken down a bit. This was also interesting, as the group could typically tell when something was wrong with him because he was a pillar of the group's energy. I also appreciated his conversations with Sano and Ashiya about his feelings, the fact that Ashiya actually gave him a rejection instead of brushing him off, and just the general friendship dynamic. However it was really clear that Ashiya wasn't into him romantically (she's only at this school because of Sano and the way she gets involved with him is sometimes borderline obsessive, but hey, it's fiction). He was a character that suited both lighthearted and more serious situations in the series well which probably contributed to why he stuck out to me. I did feel for him when he was hurting about his one sided love but I also knew he lowkey never had a chance.
Well, if you read all this, thanks! I haven't done any posts about other series until now and this is a lot more casual since I'm not analyzing anything, but I've got a couple other series that I read somewhat recently or am currently reading that I'd like to do this with. Give Hana Kimi a shot if you haven't read or heard of it before!
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priconstella · 1 year
ToTK art book analysis and theories
Part 1 of ???. Please check the reblogs for the full version of this post with parts 1-3, and either #ToTK talk on my blog or my pinned for the other parts in this series.
There's 205 pages, and even though I'll be skipping over a lot of pages there still a lot to cover, so this will be multiple parts! Part 1 here covered pages 01-21
The only spoilers for part 1 is that we get an up close reference for what is on Link's hip in this part. Everything else is vague and speculation on my part
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Going in, the very first page has this symbol we've seen only on the prerelease bonus from gamestop (not sponsored or encouraged to buy, I just have to conserve pictures so I can get the most in each post. Bonus is down near the bottom.) and on the Japanese website for a moment while loading.
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Page 2 gives us a look at some temple ruins with Link emerging from them. It doesn't look like the same temple from official trailer #1, there's no doors remaining, and the roof is broke to let light in.
From here I won't be covering most pages, most of them are simple design art as is expected. I'll be covering the ones that seem particularly interesting or helpful, and all of the ones with full page art like the above.
A number of them made me simply go "huh, what is that?" and I'll not be including those for the sake of speeding this up (limited to 10 pictures a post) and not having anything good to say on them.
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On page 5 there's a good look at the talus Bokoblin camps, seeing how they're quiet small compared to Bokoblin camps from the previous games, with only 3 Bokoblins, but the talus are more than enough of a replacement for the rest of the Bokoblins.
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Page 8 has a beautiful view of an autumnal island with a strange rock with a spiral around it. This is clearly a sky island- we've seen glimpses of this same island in the trailers, but there's also a decent amount of water there are the bottom of the page. Are these islands big enough to have their own ponds?
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Pages 12 and 13 display some new armor for Link, specifically spread out while Link is falling. Maybe an optional replacement for the paraglider? Since this game is about traversing the skies I imagine there's many options of both getting up to the sky, falling down, and transversing between islands. So maybe with this you can glide with me even more control than the paraglider?
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Immediately after those, on page 14, is a view of some of the ruins Link and Zelda have been exploring together post-BoTW and presumably during beginning of ToTK. It's interesting how decayed these ruins are, when in the book we see other Zonai architecture that's far better preserved (to say the least.)
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Next, page 15, has two things I'd like to point out. Firstly, whatever that blue thing is on top. I have no idea what that is! It's labeled as scales, so this could be a new collectible from a creature that we either haven't seen, or is hidden away somewhere in this book and I simply glossed over it.
Secondly, the man in the bottom left with the mushroom themed outfit. This will not be the last time in this book that we see people with mushroom outfits, but it is the first! Personally, I'm assuming we get some sort of mushroom village or family, though aside from the characters dressed as mushrooms we don't have much to indicate that- no houses or village layouts.
However. There is so much that's sure to be in this game that isn't included here. Even with 205 pages there's more we haven't seen. Who knows what else is out there!
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Page 20 gets us a good proper reference to the application we've seen on Link's hips during the trailers. Whatever it is, there's no name for it, but we do get a fairly decent look at how it works. Each blue line is a coil, wrapped around the center piece, and each section can carry 5 coils, for a total of 40 coils on this entire thing.
On the right we can see it slowly extending with each coil, or inversely, going down with each used up coil. Since we can see very clearly that each coil is in fact one piece and used on its own (rather than an entire section being used at once) my guess is this is the blue green "glue" we've seen holding vehicles together. We start with 2 sections, a total of 10 coils, and as time goes on we get to expand it, letting us use more 'glue' for more complex machines, or more machines at once.
Buts that's my best guess with minimal words on this page. (The only written things here say 'body' next to the eye handle and 'this part moves' on the bottom left, referring to the parts the prongs pass through to let it move up and down as it's drained.)
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Last page for this part, a full pave art of some underground ruins with murals of camels on the walls, and a strange device on a pedestal in the center. I can't even begin to guess what's going on here. Maybe this is some end of shrine equivalent that gives you an upgrade? Maybe this is something we see early on that explains lore and whatever the mural says.
The mural should be translatable too, I know people that are working on decrypting Zonai text like the ones seen here on the walls, but if it's ever broken pre-ToTK release I'll make an entirely separate post rather than editing this.
Parts 2 & 3 are in the notes of this post, and parts 4 and onward can be found in both my pinned and the tag #ToTK talk on my blog.
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funkymbtifiction · 2 years
Is it normal for 3 to constantly feel stressed about job performance?
It would be normal for an sp-dom 3, in the same way that a social 3 would be concerned with their reputation/acceptance, or sexual 3 would be concerned with their need to stand out sexually.
And is it normal for 3 to be plague with a voice in my head telling me to 'give up, you can't do this. Give up now, run away, don't let them see how weak and stupid you really are.'
This sounds like a strong 6 fix, but not being a 3, I don't know what their normal inner monologue is like.
It's like I feel like I'm constantly pushing myself to the edge to keep up with everything. I'm stressed over my work performance and constantly needing to step up my game at all time. I want to keep up with my producers so I could be more useful to the team. I feel like I have to be smarter, stronger and smoother because I need to be the pillar to everyone. I feel like I need to be the most reliable one so everyone can work smoothly, but it's pushing me to the edge.
3s desperately need others to see them as competent, and to be competent, but this is particularly your 2 wing stressing over wanting to "help" and seeking a position of power. Why do you feel like you need to be the most reliable person in the office, when your previous ask told me there are capable SJs within your work environment who can handle the details that give your inferior Si stress? Also, why do you think it's your job to keep everything running smoothly? Are you not part of a team, which means it's everyone's job to do their part, maintain communication, and support each other? Who made you the center of this little universe? (You did, 3! But... you aren't, and you don't have to be, and choosing to overdo it is still a choice. You can also choose not to try to be the center of everything. ;)
I've been pushing myself really hard to learn fast and be efficient. I'd say I'm far ahead in terms of actual production and networking than my teammates. But it's not enough. So I stayed late at the office every night. Work harder than anyone. Taking on more tasks than everyone else (including juggling between 2 movies, 1 corporate shoot, 1 netflix shoot, among other miscellaneous jobs I helped my friends with). That allows me to know more than other people but it also puts a strain on my mind and body too. I've been stressing that I need to be better everyday and it's become exhausting.
Then stop. Go home when everyone else goes home. You are not an ESTJ, so stop trying to act like one. There is a reason why people go home. And I will tell you, so that you can internalize it and save yourself from running yourself into exhaustion. The reason people rest is that you can only turn out your best work for about 3 hours a day. This is why most people prefer to do their hardest work in the morning. By 5pm, people's energy levels, ability to focus, and capability of doing a task well is shot. Going home, stopping work, and walking away from it to clear your head, read a book, and get a good night's sleep is essential to refilling your mental and physical tank, so that you are not worthless the next day.
Do not take on more than is your fair share, either. That work will get done without you stressing yourself into poor health because of it. What you need is self-care, so that you don't burn out and crash.
I realize for an ENTP, this is a hard thing to process, because you assume you can go forever without exhaustion catching up to you and destroying you. But take it from someone who has had to learn the hard way that over-working, taking on too much, etc., leads down a bad road. I have killed myself writing for 9 hours a day, when my best work was in the first three. I have had to train myself to stop and not keep pushing to meet a word count, or do as much as I did yesterday, in the full realization that I miss things and am no good at my job when I am tired. I won't lie to you, it makes me angry that I am stuck in an ENFP body that gets tired after only a few hours, and that I can't rush from one project right into another, but that's how it is. I can either learn self-care now or I can collapse from exhaustion and spend weeks recovering -- in which case I'll get NOTHING done.
Set reasonable small goals and meet them, and when you are done with those, if you have a bit of energy to loan to your friends for their projects (making sure to ask if they want help, and not just take it over, or assign it to yourself, and going home if they say no) do it. If you are tired (trust me, I know that you only realize you are tired when you actually stop focusing for the day)... quit. Call it a night.
Look. This is a new job. You are going to make mistakes. That's being human. Trust me, nobody is looking at you and thinking you are an idiot. Everyone is thinking about themselves and how well they are doing. 3s think they should just show up at a job and be perfect. They don't want to have to learn how to do it like everybody else. They want people to see their efforts as... effortless. "Yeah, look at all I accomplished, it was no biggie!" when in reality, they were up all night pulling out their hair, drinking excessive amounts of coffee, and freaked about not making their deadline.
But nobody gets it right on the first try. So cut yourself some slack.
I feel like unless I'm special and smart enough, no one's gonna take me seriously.
They already take you seriously, otherwise you wouldn't have the job.
No one's gonna value me. It's almost like all I have is my performance, with that gone, I'm nothing. I have to be smart and strong and reliable so people accept me.
Welcome to the hell that is 3-ness. Read more about 3s. Read what Richard Rohr says about 3s. And then come to the hard truth that... none of the lies you tell yourself are true. Thus begins your journey. A journey of choice, rather than constantly giving in to these thoughts and going on 3 autopilot, which is "earning love."
You. Have. A CHOICE.
What do you think I should be doing? I love this job and I love this very supportive and progressive community. They give me the love and acceptance I've never experienced my entire life. I don't want to lose them, but I want to stay healthy, mentally, too.
Stop over-compensating. Take on the projects they give you and don't greedily suck up all the work for yourself. Recognize that you cannot do it all, mentally or physically, and that attempting to do so is going to make you sloppier in your work due to exhaustion. Go home when everyone else does. No more late nights at the office.
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llycaons · 8 months
fic number 4 from this author: another comedy romp of questionable canonical integrity. so in this modern AU wwx and lwj are fabulously wealthy and famous, meet each other mundanely, don't recognize each other, and then assume the other is tragically poor. their attempts to keep their wealth hidden from the other so as to not make him feel bad lends itself to really excellent comedic lines and situations, and as usual with this author the wx is kind of a chemistry-laden romantic friendship that just eases into getting together, which I find quite nice and comforting. it really isn't very faithful to any canon themes, and while I like the wwx and lwj, they're kind of ooc due to being disgustingly rich and out of touch and self-centered and such. also the in-universe rpf was annoying. but! worth a read imo even if I won't be reccing. link here. especially funny lines below
There’s so many options,” Wei Wuxian says as they wait in the line. He’s studying the menu. “Lan Zhan, what are you getting?” “This place is known for its burgers,” Lan Wangji says, a fact he’s acquired through a quick google search. “It seems appropriate to try their speciality.”
lwj and wwx both are only familiar with upscale restaurants so lwj panicked and asked his agent (wen qing) to give him a list of cheaper places so she sent him to a fucking mcdonalds
Lan Zhan has known poverty, and Wei Wuxian’s fake apartment shows that he can relate to that.
sobbing. IT'S FAKE
Wei Wuxian suddenly thinks that maybe a ‘strict upbringing’ is code for ‘my family was super poor and we didn’t even have enough money for food or shower gel or saunas, let alone something fun’. His heart breaks as he imagines Lan Zhan as a child, a streak of dirt artfully smudged across his hollow cheeks, his second-hand clothes dirty because his parents couldn’t afford to do laundry.
"Mingjue is on a business trip at the moment. But I’m certain Uncle would have no objections to his presence. He would, after all, fit right in.” “Wei Ying is also on a trip,” Lan Wangji says. “Oh? And who paid for his ticket?” Lan Xichen asks, in between eating his rice.
lxc got burned once by meng yao and now he's SUPER classist???? this, lwj taking movie gigs because he's greedy (for money), and wwx not knowing what a fundraiser are all kind of push towards this not being super in-character but again it's super funny so I don't mind too much
"I assumed the lack of table manners would be a comfort to Wangji. I hear that rules of etiquette have not yet reached the lower classes.” Lan Wangji, who has once seen CEO and millionaire Nie Mingjue eat a barely-cooked steak with his bare hands, says nothing
a. CLASSIST. b. one of the very few times in this fic I say 'oh that IS kind of like the situation in canon because....with the sabers....and the comparison to wwx...and the unfairness in demonizing wwx...yeah
"Go, go, it’s fine, no one cares,” Wei Wuxian says, dragging him out of the bathroom by his sleeve. It rips, but that’s not Wei Wuxian’s fault. The fabric was clearly flawed.
and this! refusing to take responsibility for things! writers tend to go really far in the other direction bc in canon there was so much he genuinely did wrong but also so much he was blamed for and so much abuse and trauma that went along with the blame but for very little things like this...yeah I can see it
On stage, Lan Xichen has launched into a talk on the emotional labour of helping the working class, and how every single person in this room tonight is a hero.
jesus christ lxc
0 notes
charcherry-weekly · 2 years
Charcherry Weekly - Issue 107
Hello. Mage of Light Nick Card reporting here. A new age sits on the horizon. It is now a time to reflect upon what we know to be true in this particular moment. Let us discuss the news this week.
Mysterious player Azhla has been seen in Unity Village lately, sleeping near the currently unused wooden stalls. Your dear newsletter writer has offered to contact someone to get her a room at the bar n grill, but so far it is difficult to tell where that is going, seeing as those who can provide shelter in one way or another are unable to be contacted this particular week.
Legendary Pokemon Mewtwo has been studying Desertian law for roughly 10 months at the courthouse in Desertia Town, having been dutifully commuting there nearly every day, also becoming the number one customer at the pokesnack stand in the process. A few days ago, they had announced that they felt ready to take the Bar Exam, but has been unable to obtain the needed directional information to take it. Mewtwo has reportedly been studying legal systems of other origins while waiting for answers.
Gym leader Jovin has been busy brainstorming and planning a number of details regarding the operation of the Unity Gym. Mayor's Assistant Aeons Edgeworth has been reportedly assisting him with this. There is talk largely regarding a dynamic badge design, trainer recruitment, and wild pokemon recruitment. Jovin has been known to train pokemon without formally capturing them from time to time. I hope his efforts manage to pay off.
After a month of work, the upcoming flash animation for None Pizza With Left Beef has reached a state very close to completion. It is assumed that it will be ready for release on Thursday, August 25th 2022. As mentioned before, its release will coincide with the arrival of the Great Retcon, which may change a number of details in this realm's narrative. It is assumed that it won't be particularly drastic beyond the known desired result of Mistletoe no longer having been forced to age for decades alone under the Red Dome. How much could possibly change under the span of almost 3 years while still keeping the narrative intact enough to still care about? Regardless, it has been suggested that those who do not wish to be changed by this should visit another dimension during the release of the flash, with the only real risk in that case being a risk of duplication.
This week’s known market stands in Desertia Town:
Conditioner stand (this week)
Magnet stand (this week)
Katie's potion stand (*CaFAI filling in for Katie when unavailable)
Brae's canned goods stand (Also selling live plants!)
shinyjiggly pokesnacks stand (ran by Rufus)
I think that's everything? New Charcherry's pokemon center recently finished construction but still needs staff members. I'll be working on that flash on sunday, after my short break on saturday. I've got a game jam to tackle soon as well, so that's really getting my drawing pen going. Best of luck to everyone next week! https://letssosl.boards.net/thread/332/charcherry-weekly-issue-107
0 notes
Inspiration (Nathan Young x Reader)
A/N: I’ve been thinking more about my headcanon that Nathan has some sort of secret artistic talent. And then I had a flash of inspiration. Word Count: 1902 Content Warnings: drinking/alcohol, criminal activity, mention of animal abuse Cross-posted to AO3: here
“Hey,” Nathan said, waving his hand in front of your face, making you jump. “Earth to Y/N!”
“Sorry, what?” you said, slightly embarrassed that you had been zoning out.
“Am I borin’ ye?” he asked, pretending to pout. 
“No of course not,” you were quick to assure him, before pausing a moment. “Well…”
He gasped.
“No! You’re not boring me. It’s just…we are just sitting around drinking stolen, bad, vodka,” you took a swig of the bottle in question and grimaced at its rubbing alcohol aftertaste.
“We could do somethin’ else,” he said, smirking and waggling his eyebrows before plucking the vodka out of your hands and chugging some. 
You laughed and rolled your eyes, leaning over to punch him lightly in the shoulder.
“I was thinking more like...how do you feel about petty crime and vandalism?”
He gave you a curious look. “I’d say I’m a fan.”
“Good,” you said, taking out your phone to send a quick text to your friend to see if they could drop you some supplies. “Because I noticed a lovely barren expanse of walls on my walk over here that are just begging to be graffitied.”
“I’ve never done it,” he said with a shrug, “but I’m game.”
“Well,” you said, digging through the shopping bag you had found in the open boot of an abandoned car, right where you were expecting it, “El really came through with the supplies and the world is our canvas.”
You threw your hands in a broad gesture, before planting your fist on your hip. “And by that, I mean these two walls are our canvas.”
Nathan laughed, shaking his head wryly at you. “Lovely. So, what d’ we do?”
“Oh.” Your face fell slightly. You didn’t really know how to explain it to him. You had been painting street art for so long that it just came naturally to you. “Um...I guess you just, pick a can of paint and go for it. Paint whatever you’re feeling or thinking about. Or just your initials or something in a cool way. Whatever you want.”
“Hmm. Maybe I should watch ya for a bit, get some inspiration,” he drawled, giving you a cocky half-smile.
“I...uh...sure, if you want.” You shifted awkwardly, trying to ignore his gaze that felt like it was burning into the back of your neck as you riffled through the options to find the color you wanted. Stepping back, you looked critically at the wall, calculating it’s dimensions and what to start with. Satisfied that you had everything mapped out in your head, you set to work on the outline.
Nathan watched you work, your whole body moving fluidly in a way that sent his thoughts racing (not there was much you could do that didn’t), your brow knitted in fierce concentration. Once you had a vague outline of whatever you were designing, which he couldn’t even begin to guess, you shifted your focus to each individual section and detail. Occasionally, you would take a step back to see how the whole thing was coming together, tilting your head one way or the other, tongue poking out between your teeth slightly. He had never seen you so free and relaxed.
Suddenly, inspiration struck him and he practically dove into the shopping bag, rooting about for what he’d need. Taking a couple of the cans, he ducked around the corner to get started, a strange creative fire lighting in him. 
“Finally come up with something?” you called softly, teasing. 
“Yeah, yeah I did,” he said, almost absently. “But it’s a surprise, so no peekin’.”
“Ooh, mysterious.”
“Ye gotta promise ye won’t look til I say, Y/N,” he insisted.
“Alright,” you frowned, surprised he was getting so tetchy. “Cross my heart, I won’t peek. I’m pretty busy over here anyway.”
About an hour later, you put the final touch on your piece, your artist’s mark at the bottom so that anyone who knew anything would know who painted it. Stepping back, you smiled, wiping the slight sheen of sweat from your brow, formed by your exertion despite the cool night.
“You almost done, Nathan?” you called, surprised that he had been practically silent since he started working. 
“Oh, yeah,” he called back distractedly. “Nearly. But I’ll come over there.”
“Sure,” you answered, puzzled by his odd behavior. 
While you waited, you started gathering up the spray paints, putting any cans that still had paint in them back in the bag and tossing the empties in a nearby bin. 
“Wow,” you heard Nathan say, making you jump as he appeared behind your back. 
He was looking up at your art piece in awe. You had painted one of your signature designs: a laughing skull with flowers spilling from its open mouth. This time, the flowers were marigolds and foxgloves, and you had added a twist in the form of literal emerald eyes. You were quite proud of it, and Nathan seemed impressed. 
“You like it?” you asked sheepishly, the heat of a blush creeping across your face.
“I love it,” he exclaimed, pulling out his phone to snap a grainy picture of it. “Make a cool shirt or somethin’. Or a pirate tattoo. Very punk.”
You rolled your eyes and stuck your tongue out at him. “It’s been an...evolving design since I was like 14. Leave me alone.”
“I’m not messin with ya, Y/N. I really like it.”
“Well, thank you.” You smiled and he grinned back, and for a moment you were lost in that. And then you remembered his very secret work.
“So Hotshot, do I get to see yours now?” you asked.
He jumped, startled and then shrugged, mumbling. “‘F you want ta.”
“Of course I do,” you said, taking a step toward the corner.
“No wait! If it’s a surprise, I should cover your eyes and lead you to it.”
Knowing him, you were suspicious that he had some prank or ulterior motive in mind, but you nodded your ascent. He moved up behind you, pressing his chest against your back and curling his long fingers over your eyes. 
“Can ya see anything?” he asked. 
“Nope. Totally blind.” 
Slowly he walked you across the gravel ground. Once you stopped, he started shifting you around by little steps in one direction or another, as if trying to get you into exactly the right spot. 
“Alright,” he said, a nervous tick to his voice. “Ta-dah!”
He dramatically uncovered your eyes to show what he'd been working on.
“Oh,” you breathed, stunned.
Staring back at you from the wall were a pair of eyes caught in mid-wink. Your eyes. Captured in exquisite detail, right down to the scar in your brow, earned as a child trying to stop a group of older boys from dropping a paper sack full of kittens into the drainage ditch during a downpour. 
“Nathan.” You felt your heart swell at the level of dedication, the obvious emotion he’d put into this, and tried to keep your voice from breaking. 
He scuffed the toe of his dirty sneakers in the gravel, looking down and away sheepishly. 
“I know. It ain't very good and it's jus' yer eyes instead o’ yer whole face but I thought this way you wouldn't get busted. And ye said t' paint what I was thinkin of…”
You turned to face him, reluctantly pulling your eyes away from the work of art before you. Tucking a hand gently under his chin, you drew his gaze back to you.
“It’s beautiful,” you murmured, making sure he could see the sincerity in your expression. 
He blushed, barely noticeable under the dim lights. “Ya think?”
You nodded, snaking your arm around his neck and stepping closer. His hand dropped to your waist as if on instinct.
“And very sweet. Some might say romantic even.”
“Hey, don’t go spreading those lies! I have a reputation to maintain ya know,” he joked, obviously trying to hide his discomfort at your praise.
“Nah, I like keeping that secret all to myself better anyway,” you teased, smirking before stretching up on your toes to press a teasing kiss to his lips. 
He groaned, pulling you closer and kissing you back, tongue trailing over your lip almost immediately. You parted to let him explore your mouth, toying with an errant curl at the nape of his neck. Slowly he guided you backward, only to suddenly jerk you to the side, accidentally biting your lip in the process. 
“Ow,” you whined, pulling back and bringing a finger to your lip to see if you were bleeding. “What was that?”
“Didn’t want to mess up the art,” he explained. “Or my jacket.”
“What do you mean?” you frowned.
He looked at you incredulously. You glanced down, realizing that in your haste to get ready, you had indeed pulled on his signature plaid-lined black garment.  
“Oh,” you said softly before turning your face back up toward his with a smirk and a shrug to rival his most unapologetic expressions. “Oops.”
“Ye’re lucky ye’re so damn cute, or I might be mad at ya,” he teased. 
“I’m sure I can think of some way to make it up to you,” you hummed, raising an eyebrow.
He grinned at you, and you stretched up to kiss him again, but just as your lips met, a strong, chill wind cut whistling through, causing you both to shiver. 
“Maybe we should take this back to my place?” he asked, breath ghosting across your face. 
“I like the sound of that,” you smiled back.
Quickly, slid the bag of remaining paint cans under the nearby dumpster for your friend to pick up later. All traces of your presence in the area (except of course the now much more beautiful wall) removed, you turned back to Nathan, ready to head out. He draped an arm around your shoulders and you happily leaned in to the gesture, tucking yourself against his side. As you walked back toward the community center, your head resting on his shoulder, you thought of something. 
“Nathan,” you asked, slightly hesitant, fearful that he might put up walls against you again. “I thought you said you’d never done this before?”
“I haven’t,” he answered casually.
“Then how were you so good at it? The level of detail and real, genuine artistry…”
He shrugged, taking his arm from around you to fumble in his pockets for a cigarette and a lighter, the latter of which he couldn’t seem to find. You reached into the pocket of your jeans, holding out yours and letting him light the end of the cig with it. The distraction passed, you looked back at him as he looked pointedly away and took a long drag. 
“I dunno. I mean it’s not that different from doodlin’ on paper with a pen or whatever, right?” he said finally with another shrug. 
“That was more than ‘doodling’, Nathan,” you said, plucking the cigarette from his lips and placing it between your own.
He pouted at you as you took a drag and offered it back. His lips brushed against your fingers as he took it back, sending a shiver down your spine. 
“Guess I’m just a man of mystery,” he said vaguely, draping his arm back around your shoulder. 
“I guess so,” you murmured, not voicing how much you look forward to finding them all out.
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jaehyunnie77 · 3 years
I Hate That I Love You
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Summary: You thought you wouldn't see him after high school, but what happens when your unknown new roommate, who happens to be your enemy, moves in unexpectedly. Will you get through your first year of college or will old wounds from the past come back to light?
Pairing: Jaehyun x fem. reader
Genre: slowburn, angst, fluff, smut | enemies to lovers!au + college!au + roommates!au
Word count: 14.1 k
Warnings: tons of bickering, sexual tension, alcohol, profanities (tons), suggestive themes, fingering, blowjob, deep throating, daddy kink, unprotected sex
A/N: She is finally here! I am so sorry for the long wait as things came up. This is the longest fic I've ever written and got carried away with it. The original draft ended up being around 20k haha. I kind of rushed the ending so I apologize in advance also if there are any typos. Nonetheless, I hope you enjoy reading this and please let me know what you think :)
(words in italicized are thoughts)
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You and Johnny have been best friends since your first year of high school and if it wasn't for him, you wouldn't have survived getting through those four years. People assumed there was more than platonic, but you both made it clear you saw each other as siblings. During your senior year, you began to feel the pressure of living life as a college student in the real world. The thought alone gave you anxiety about starting college.
"I just don't want to live in a dorm with a stranger. I'll suck it up eventually, but what if they are or become a serial killer? What if they bring hooks up every night? Oh my god, what if they're unorganized?" you rant during one of your study sessions.
Johnny laughs at your never-ending scenarios. "You watch way too many Lifetime movies and Criminal Minds you know that? I hardly doubt that will ever happen to you y/n."
You slap his arm for making fun of you, "I'm serious Johnny. A lot of shit happens in college no one talks about or it's on the ten o'clock news." You let out a deep sigh and pout. He looks at you and sees you furrow your eyebrows together, something you always do when you're so far in your head thinking of every negative outcome.
"How about this. Since you're so freaked out and there's no convincing you otherwise you won't be on the news, why don't we move in together? I was going to get my own apartment anyways from the money I saved up. We can split the rent and you won't have to worry about being killed in your sleep." he playfully bumps his shoulders into yours.
"I wouldn't want you to do that. You've done so much for me already. That is the last thing I'd want you to do J-"
"Y/n, you're basically my little sister and aren't they always annoying or something? I have to protect you from these creeps on campus." When he sees you're still unconvinced, he continues on. "Trust me, you're not making me do anything I don't want to do. You're my best friend. If we can make it through high school together, then we can make it through college and living together."
You smile and thank him, "On one condition though, please don't cock block me when I'm trying to get laid."
You scrunch your face at the thought, "Ew, I didn't need to know that. Just don't have sex when I'm there please."
Over the next few days, you both do apartment searching until you finally settle for one. It's the perfect place for you both and just five minutes away from the university. With all the build up anxiety about starting college thrown out the window, you couldn't wait to start a new chapter in your life.
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Just two weeks before the semester started, you were the first to move into your new shared apartment with Johnny. Johnny was busy left and right at the coffee shop and would be moving in later in the week. As you walk into your new home, you couldn't help but count your blessings.
The apartment was spacious enough to roam and not suffocate one another. By the door was the kitchen and dining room to the left and in the center was the living room with a nice balcony view to the city. It was a two bedroom apartment and thankfull both rooms were on opposite ends of each other. The only downside was the one shared bathroom, but you didn't mind it. You knew Johnny well enough to know he isn't the messy type and cleans up after himself.
You went out to get some fresh air and explore your neighborhood. You could smell the autumn season lingering in the air as summer says goodbye. You see kids running around at a nearby park, couples out on strolls, people walking their dogs, and a few joggers pass you by. You scan into the local shops and discovered a hidden coffee place right around the corner. You knew Johnny would be pleased and excited. That man and his coffee addiction.
As you come closer to your apartment building, you see a car filled up with moving boxes. You hope that those people will also enjoy their new beginning just like you. As you get off the elevator and into your apartment, you see boxes with labels on them. Hmm, I guess Johnny is moving in today. Before you could ponder any longer, your phone rings and it's the man himself.
"Hey! I just came back from walking the neighborhood. Do you need any help moving your stuff?" You make your way into the kitchen to grab a cup of water. You notice there was an LP turntable on the counter and you don't remember Johnny owning one.
"No um, I'll be there in a minute." He sounded off but before you could ask, he hung up. You look at your screen confused until you hear a grunt coming from his room. Thinking nothing of it, you make your way into the living room before you stop in your tracks. You must look like a deer in headlights because the person in front of you mirrors your expression.
"What are you doing here?" you both say in unison.
"I live here."
"This is my apartment."
What the actual fuck is happening?
"Noooo, I live here with Johnny." You say crossing your arms over your chest.
"That's cute, but actually I live here with John." Jaehyun mirrors you and crosses his arms with a smirk.
"Then you must have another friend with the same name and got lost on your way to your apartment. So if you would so kindly get out of my apartment, that would be great Jung." You smiled cheekily.
"I'm not going anywhere. This is my apartment with Johnny Suh."
You look at the ceiling pondering, "Hmm, that's funny because I don't recall you being there when we signed the lease or having your name anywhere on my contract so ha, I win. Now get out."
"Funny because I remember signing the papers with Johnny and I don't remember seeing you present or your name, so I win." he claps back.
You glare at him before you walk over to the door opening it and grabbing the nearest box to leave it outside.
"Hey! What are you doing? Put that down!" he yell out as he walks over to retrieve his boxes while you grab another one. You knew it was useless with your height difference, but you were determine to get him out of your home. "You're not living here Jung!" you yell out in frustration.
"Are you deaf? I live here. You're not living here y/n!"
The scene turns into a whole screaming match by the time Johnny walks in and assess the scene in front of him. You and Jaehyun were doing a box tug of war and the tension in the air was so thick, he could barely breathe through it. In the corner of your eye, you see your best friend standing there letting go of the box. "Oh thank God! Johnny please tell this idiot that he doesn't live here and you and I live here."
"Pff, tell her delusional ass that she doesn't live here and us bros live here carefree." he says happily.
You both start bickering again until Johnny says words you never thought you'd ever hear. "That's actually what I wanted to talk to you both about. I got offered a once in a lifetime opportunity to study and intern in New York for one of the biggest fashion companies in the world. This is everything I have worked so hard for and it's the only opportunity I have to make a name for myself. I just found out a few days ago. I swear I was going to tell you both."
You had your jaw dropped while Jaehyun makes a face of him in deep thought. If he didn't just drop the biggest bombshell on you both, he would laugh with how you both have the same expression.
You break the silence as you gather your thoughts and hug your best friend, "That is great news Johnny! But that doesn't explain why he's here."
Johnny hesitates before answering, "The dorms are all filled up this semester and Jaehyun needed a place to stay. I figured since I won't be here, I didn't want to burden you with the rent by yourself, so I told him he could stay here instead."
"I love you Johnny, but there's no way in hell I am going to live with this person."
Jaehyun fakes a hurt cry, "Yeah, Johnny I'm not living here with this maniac." You both begin to bicker until Johnny intervenes.
"Look I get it. You two aren't each other's biggest fans in the world, but this was the only solution I could come up with. If I had more time, we would have figured something out. Y/n, he's not such a bad guy after all, even though he's an ass sometimes. And Jae, she isn't such a heartless person either. You two used to be friends, shouldn't that be enough to tolerate each other for a bit?"
You were going to say something, before Johnny cuts you off again, "Hey, if you two still can't stand each other and want to kill the other, by this time next year you can terminate the lease and go seperate ways." You could feel Jaehyun burning holes through your skull.
You turn to face Jaehyun, "I stay out of your way, you stay out of mine. A year from now, we're terminating the lease and I won't have to see your disgusting face again."
Jaehyun grins as if he just won, "Deal."
"Thank you. I know this isn't easy and I'm sorry for dropping this big bombshell on you both." He gives you a small smile, "I would love to stay longer and help you unpack Jaehyun, but I have to finish my own packing since my flight leaves in two days." With that, you say your goodbyes and are once again left in what feels like your cold and tiny apartment.
"I guess we both live here." Jaehyun says as he continues to move his boxes into his room.
You roll your eyes as you take a deep breath trying to control your anger getting the best of you. You glare at him and wanted nothing more than to smack that smirk off his face. Everything about him irritated you. You wanted to curse the universe for letting this happen. Better yet, you wanted to kill Johnny for letting this happen in the first place.
"I mean it Jaehyun, we stay out of each other's way. If you bring people over, keep them in your room." He stops his movements as he walks back to you.
"Stop knitting your eyebrows together, you're going to age quicker than you already have. Besides, you're not my mother or my babysitter so I can do whatever I want."
You scowl at him before letting out a frustrated sigh. "Ugh! You are so fucking annoying!" You turn around and walk into your room slamming the door. Jaehyun just smiles at himself when he sees your reaction.
This is going to be so much fun.
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Living with Jaehyun for the past couple of months have been hell for you. He was everything you feared in having a roommate. There would be unwashed dishes in the sink, unused glasses on the coffee table or any surface, his clothes would be on chairs or the couch, homework laid out everywhere on the dining table, and in your shared bathroom, his products is all over the place. He would bring girls over every other night and occassionally you would see the condom wrapper right next to the trash can.
This idiot was on the basketball team and he can't even make it in the trash.
"Jaehyun hurry the fuck up! I'm going to be late!" you rapidly knock on the bathroom door. Jaehyun has been in there for at least 30 minutes doing God knows what. Today you could not afford to be late for the third time this week, otherwise you'd miss out on attendance points.
"Stop knocking! I'm busy!" he yells back. You really wish you had gone with the apartment with two bathrooms to avoid this exact situation. You continue to knock frantically on the door before it finally swung open. You rush yourself inside not noticing a girl walking out with him. After a quick shower, you hurriedly get ready putting on light makeup, half drying you hair, and throwing your pajamas onto your bed from your door. Before you could touch the handle of the door Jaehyun blocks you.
"Move, I'm going to be late again." you try to move past him, but his broad shoulders and figure was blocking your way. "Jaehyun, I'm not in the mood."
"What you did back there was rude. I was in there with a girl." he growls.
"Oh boo hoo. Next time you want to fuck a girl, do it when I'm not here so I won't interrupt you dumbass. Now move."
He licks his lips as a mischevious look spreads across his face, "Are you jealous?"
"Jealous of what exactly? Don't flatter yourself Jung, there's nothing impressive about you."
He eyes you for a second, "Don't come home tonight. I wouldn't want to be rudely interrupted again."
You knew he was pushing your buttons but you weren't about to give in. "Great talk." With that you manage to side step him and run out the door. You look at your phone for the time and you were going to be late once again.
You were in the library with your group of friends studying for one of your upcoming exams. You met Mark, Rose, and Soona in your math class and became close. You and Jungwoo have known each other since middle school, but never really talked until Johnny told him to keep an eye on you when he left for New York. Suprisingly, Jungwoo was just like Johnny and you two had a lot in common. As a joke, you would tell Johnny, Jungwoo is your new best friend.
The library suddenly erupted with giggles and whispers. When you follow everyone's gaze, there was Jaehyun and his annoying little fangirls following him. Rose and Soona whispered about the rumors surrounding Jaehyun and supposedly he fucked half of the girl's soriority. You tuned their voices out not interested in hearing about your roommates sex life.
Jaehyun saw your figure and thought he would get a little payback for that morning. He walks over to your table and stands beside you causing your entire table to stay silent except Jungwoo as he greets Jaehyun. You look up confuse and see him showing off his dimples making the girls next to you squeal.
"My apologies for my roommate's rude manners. My name is Jaehyun." He extends his hand out to the other three before he settles his arm around your shoulder giving you a tight squeeze. He feels you tense up and had to keep his compsoure from busting out laughing. "Y/n, I'm going out with the boys tonight so don't stay up and wait for me." You were too shock and confuse to say anything before he walks away smiling to himself.
Once Jaehyun was out of earshot, your three stun friends begin to ask a million questions.
"Jung Jaehyun is your roommate?" Rose said.
"As in the Jung Jaehyun?" Mark added right after.
"It's not a big deal." You say indifferently.
"Not a big deal?" Soona whispers shouts. "Y/n how could you not tell us he is your roommate? We could have been studying at your place this entire time and look at eye candy. Everyone on campus has a crush on him and you so happened to be the luckiest person to see all of him." she adds with a wink.
"Yeah well there's nothing to say except I don't have a crush on him or see the way everybody else does."
"Okay, but as our friend, study sessions are at your place from here on out." Rose says cheerly.
The rest of the study session was spent on asking you questions about Jaehyun - what was he like, what does he do, what cologne does he wear, does he walk around shirtless, have you walked in on him naked, etc. You just give them short yes or no answers too annoyed with the questions. You didn't feel like the world needed to know what happens behind close doors or the fact you and Jaehyun have walked in on each other naked on multiple occasions.
The first time you saw him naked was when he snuck out to the kitchen to grab water and not disturb the girl sleeping in his bed. You were staring at him a bit too long before he started to smirk and walks into the kitchen. The first time he saw you naked was when you were barely stepping out the shower and forgot to lock the door.
Apart from Johnny, the other person who knew your hatred for Jaehyun was Jungwoo. He has tried to ask you what happened between the two of you, but you just keep telling him there was a falling out.
"Have you ever consider fucking Jaehyun?" Jugwoo says nonchalantly as you two eat at a local diner. You cough on your water from the sudden question.
"Are you insane? Never once crossed my mind and it will never happen."
He squints his eyes at you trying to see if you're bluffing, "Then why did he hug you like there was something going on?"
"Because he's a weird ass person who stares off into space for no reason. Not to mention, he likes to get under my skin." you deadpan.
"Hmm, I don't buy it. There's something more to it than that. I'm just saying y/n, you two hate each other. Nothing's better than letting out all of your frustrations on each other. Plus it would be mindblowing sex." he winks.
You shake your head at the younger, "It's never going to happen."
"Tck tck, like Justin Bieber once said, never say never y/n." he ruffles your hair.
It was a Friday night and you were beat tired and just wanted sleep. You and Jungwoo parted ways to the comfort of your homes. Once you've arrive you grab yourself a glass of red wine to help you fall asleep faster. You let the cool alcohol run down your throat as you savour the moment. You heard a glass shatter coming from Jaehyun's room. You put your wine down on the counter and walk towards his door until you hear him grunting. You thought he was hurt and as you were about to knock, you heard a loud moan coming from a woman.
"Oh my fucking god! Fuck."
Jeez can she be any more fucking louder?
"How badly do you want to cum my slut? Hmm, f-fuck." he growls.
You were frozen in your spot hearing them moan and pant as they reached their high. In that moment, you remembered he told you not to come home for this exact reason. You scoff and walk to your room quietly as possible, your wine long forgotten on the kitchen counter.
When morning came, you made yourself coffee with eggs and toast. You decided to pretend you didn't hear Jaehyun having sex last night, but that was hard to do when you could feel his eyes burning through you. You sat down on the other end of the dining table and began to scroll through your Instagram feed. He's being too quiet for you liking before you give in.
"Hasn't anyone told you staring is rude?" you say as you continue looking at your phone. When he remains quiet, you grew more annoyed finally looking at him, "Stop looking at me like that. It's weird."
"Like what?" he beams innocently. "I'm just enjoying the view." You scoff rolling your eyes going back to your phone. "Did you enjoy the show last night?" he asks with a stupid lopsided smile.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
He puts his elbows on the table and leans a bit closer, "I said, did you enjoy the show last night?"
You feel your cheeks heat up with how sexy his voice is and hope it wasn't giving you away. Snap the fuck out it. "I really don't know what you're talking about so if you're done, I'd like to eat in peace."
He chuckles softly, "You're reactions gives you away. Tck tck, I'm guessing you loved the show since you're quiet." He gives you one last look of triumph before he stands up and walks towards the door. You look up at him to see him nodding towards the kitchen counter where your glass of wine still remains.
You were about to say something when he leaves the apartment. You yell into the empty apartment, hoping he could hear it on the otherside of the wall, "The only show I enjoyed was her faking it the entire time!"
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"How is it going Mr. Fashion Evaluator?" you beam at Johnny through your laptop screen. There is nothing in the world than wishing he was here instead of Jaehyun. He tells you his experiences, friends he's made, how everyone were impressed by him, and all the designers he already met.
"How is it going over there? No one is dead yet." he laughs knowing how much you and Jaehyun bicker over everything. Just before you could rant about your annoying roommate, your door abruptly opens with Jaehyun barging into your room.
"Hey! What the fuck Jaehyun!"
"Where is it? I know you have it in here." he huffs.
"I don't know what you're talking about! I don't have anything." You forgot about Johnny as anger overcomes you and throw your laptop to the side of your bed. Johnny can see the entire scene play out and how red your face was, while Jaehyun pouted his lips in concentration.
"Have you consider in that tiny brain of yours that one of your hyenas took it instead? It's just a jacket Jae-"
"You're the only other person who lives here! For all I know, you took it!" Jaehyun towered over you as you cross your arms annoyed. You wanted to slap him for being so annoying until you both hear a deep laugh coming from your laptop. Johnny couldn't hold it in any longer and went hysertical at how obvious the two of you were. He could see right through both of you.
"Hey Johnny! How's it going dude? How's New York? Met any hot models you can introduce me to." Jaehyun belly flops onto your bed and starts talking to Johnny, while you pick up the mess your roommate made. Soon as you said goodbye to Johnny, Jaehyun walks out of your room without a word.
Later that night, Jaeyhyun went out with the jacket that "you stole" and Jungwoo came over to do Saturday night movies. You both order Chinese takeout and drink bottles of soju. While you were taking a sip of your drink, Jungwoo asks you a question completely out of left field.
"Did you and Jaehyun fuck before and it was horrible and that's why you hate each other?" you started choking on your drink as you try to gasp for air, but it didn't phase Jungwoo. "I mean, I just don't get it. You hate each other, yet still live in the same apartment when you know you can just move into one of the frats or dorms."
After getting over the shocking question and breathing normally, you hit his arm. "What is wrong with you? No we didn't have sex and I told you, we are doing this settlement for the sake of Johnny." Jungwoo gives you a questioning gaze.
"I don't believe it. There is or was something there before." he sips his soju hoping you would get his hint.
"It's a long story Woo and honestly, a waste of breath. Trust me." you finish your last piece of food knowing full well that Jungwoo is going to ask the same question again. "You're not going to stop asking about it are you? Go ask Jaehyun. I'm sure he will gladly tell you."
"I did. He didn't want to talk about it and just said there was a miscommunication."
Miscommunication? Miscommunication my ass.
"That's funny. Well all you need to know is we have history and no it's not sexual then one day there was a falling out. That's all Woo." You are hoping this vague detail would make him drop the conversation, but you knew him too well. As soon as you look at his diretion, he gave you puppy eyes. You deeply sigh and told him the entire story.
As cliche as it sounds, you and Jaehyun used to be best friends once upon a time. At the age of six, you two have been attached to the hip after a competition of who can swing the highest. Even at that age, Jaehyun was competitive and of course won. By the age of ten, you two shared your first kiss out of pure curiousity. It wasn't perfect like they show on the shows or movies so you two kept kissing until it mirrored the ones on screen. To your suprise, it wasn't awkward like you've imagined, instead, it sparked something within you. You knew then, in that moment, you were falling for your best friend.
It was the summer before ninth grade when everything changed. You decided on this particular hot summer day to confess your feelings for your best friend, in hopes he would return it. However, when you inch closer to the park where you would meet, you see Susie whispering in Jaehyun's ear. She was notoriously known for making up rumors and destroying friendships. As you approach the two, Susie side step to look at you with a smug look as she walks away happily. Pushing all the negative thoughts that came flooding in, you focus on the boy in front of you.
"Hey" you say cheerfully behind Jaehyun. He turns around to face you only to have an expression of hurt, anger, and disappointment etched on his face. Your arm reach for him, but he just backs away. You furrow your eyebrows at the sudden action, "hey, what's wrong? Jae talk to me."
"How could you?" he says barely a whisper. You can hear the crack in his voice and his eyes glistening. You shook your head not understanding the question. "Don't play stupid y/n. I had the right to know first." He balls his hands into a fist as he tries to keep his facade in front of you.
"Jae, you're not making any sense. What are you talking about? I'm your best friend, you're always the first to know everything." you pleaded.
He looked hurt when you said 'best friend' and the next words that comes out of his mouth were the first of many heartbreaks. "Not anymore you're not. I don't even know who you are anymore." You stood there shocked as the world crashes around you. This was not how you envisioned your day to go with him.
"I- yes I am-"
"No you're not! You lied straight to my face. You could have told me you couldn't hang out anymore because of Sicheng! I knew there was always something between you two."
"Sicheng? What does he have to do with anything?" The only time you and Sicheng communicate was in passing, other than that, you knew he and Jaehyun were rivarly ever since their fight in a basketball game.
"Y/n, please stop. You know what he is to me. Just tell me the truth, it's the least you can do." When you stood there quiet, he scoffed. "You're dating him and you still can't even tell me that you are!"
Your temper was reaching its limits and any minute it was about to explode. "We're not dating! We don't even talk! Do you really think I would go behind your back and date someone you hate? Seriously Jaehyun? Do you even know me at all?"
"I guess not because I heard differently-"
"Oh and who did you hear it from? Was it a bitch name Susie because if it was she's a psychotic liar. You know that and the fact that you are actually believing her over me is unbelievable! Did you ever thought of bothering to ask me if it was true in the first place? Wait no scratch that, you shouldn't even thought about that because I would never do such a thing Jaehyun!"
"Everything she told me makes sense and I believe her. I don't think I can ever forgive you for this y/n. You broke my trust."
You stared in disbelief at the boy in front of you. You don't even try to contain the tears that you kept at bay as they start streaming down your face. Your own best friend didn't believe you no matter how many times you keep telling him it's not true. All you could do in that moment was accept defeat that you just lost your best friend in a span of five minutes.
When you open your mouth, you don't hide your cracked voice, "You think I broke your trust? Well, you broke me first Jaehyun." Before he could reply and register what you said, you ran away from him and your memories together.
By the time high school started, Susie and Jaehyun were the hottest couple on campus and the most popular kids. Jaehyun was the basketball team captain and she was captain of the cheerleading squad. That all changed when you entered junior year and Jaehyun broke up with her. Rumors circulated around that she cheated on him or he felt like he could do better than her which led to rumors of him being a fuckboy.
You on the other hand were on the complete opposite and mostly kept to yourself and your small group of friends. You thank the universe for letting you meet Johnny on your first day of school because without his help, you wouldn't have survived all four years of high school in one piece.
Whenever you would see Jaehyun in the halls or in your shared classes, you always make eye contact with him or one would look away when getting caught. On rare occasions, he would say dumb shit to you about anything irrelevant just to get under your skin. You never gave in as your comebacks would always leave him speechless.
It was a game you two unknowingly played, but as always whenever you looked at him you're reminded that he is no longer a part of your life. You hate him for not trusting you. You hate him for not reaching out to you to see if you were okay. You hate him for abruptly leaving your life like it was the easiest thing to do in the world. You hate him for not being beside you and making new memories in high school like you two always talked about. You hate him for being so popular and good at everything. Most of all, you hate him for making you fall in love with him and breaking your heart.
Once you were done recounting your history, Jungwoo kept opening and closing his mouth but he was speechless. You laughed at his state of hard concentration, "I told you it was a waste of breath."
Jungwoo gives you a pity look that's shortly replaced with a small concern. "You still love him don't you." he says quietly.
"Did you not hear anything I just said? I don't love him or have feelings for him at all. He made sure of that."
He shifts in his seat, his whole body facing you and putting his hand over yours. "Y/n, sweetie. Ever since I've met you all you've been doing is talk about Jaehyun and by talk I mean complain about the small things he does. No one in their right minds would recount the number of times someone did something because no one pays attention to those details. I'm not saying he's perfect, but what he did to you was completely fucked up. He should have believed you. Period. I may not know him like you, but he's an idiot to not know what he lost or that he is in love with you too."
You're starting to think Jungwoo shouldn't drink anymore because he says funny things. "Woo, he doesn't love me or even likes me. He can't stand me and honestly we are better apart and operating without being in each other's lives."
"Yet, you two still live under the same roof. You hate each other and talk shit, but neither one has made an effort to move out. Why is that?"
"Because we both told Johnny we would live here until the end of our contract in a year. That is basically a business deal Woo." You knew he had a point, but you weren't ready to think about that now.
He sighs in defeat knowing he isn't going to make you realize your true feelings. "You two are the most dense people on the planet and one of you is going to get really hurt this time."
After Jungwoo went back to his dorm, you sat outside in the balcony overlooking the view. There was a slight breeze but nothing you can't handle. It was peaceful and soon you were deep in your thoughts and memories. Memories of your childhood flashes through your mind all the while hearing Jungwoo's words replay over and over. "He's also in love you... but neither one has made an effort to move out. why is that?" Why is that? It would make sense that anyone in your shoes would move out in a heartbeat. Do you still love him? Jungwoo made a point when he said you noticed all of Jaehyun's little habits like the back of your hand. You were at a crossroads and your head was starting to hurt from thinking too much.
You didn't hear the front door opening or the clicking of heels along with footsteps stumbling into the living room. Jaehyun curses when he knocks over a bottle of soju and sees the coffee table filled with drinks and chinese takeout. He thought you had someone over and took the action to your bedroom. He pushed aside the familiar feeling deep down. He quickly takes the girl into his room before he comes back out to the kitchen for two glasses of water.
On the way back, he notices the sliding door to the balcony slightly open. Without thinking, he tiptoes around the broken glass to close the door when he notices your figure sitting there. It was freezing outside and you had nothing on but shorts and a sweater. He calls out your name not wanting to startle you. When you didn't answer, he calls for the second time.
Annoyed at you being stubborn, he moves in front of you and repeatedly calls out your name. The sound of Jaehyun's voice pulls you out of your daze as you look at him. He was holding two glasses of water and his hair is slightly ruffled. He looked so annoyed as he rambles on about you, "Jesus y/n, if you're going to freeze to death, go ahead but -"
Jaehyun finally looks at you to see you looking at him, but something felt different. In that moment, his heart dropped at the sight of the look he knew all too well because he used to be the one who helped you get out of your deep and negative thoughts. He then notice the tears in your eyes and he was transported back in time to the last time he saw you crying at the park when he ended your friendship.
You watch his face and for a split second the look of concern etch across his face and he looked like your best friend. You didn't realize tears streaming down your face until you felt one drop. You quickly wipe them away and get up from your seat, but neither one of you moves. You shift your gaze to the view ahead back to him when he was still staring at you. "Can you stop looking at me like that? It's weird Jaehyun."
He didn't notice he had been staring until you said it. You start to move back into the living room when he grabs your arm and pulls you to his chest. "What the fu-"
"If you paid more attention, you would see there's glass on the floor." he says. You look down and see the broken bottle of soju on the floor. Your brain registers how close your bodies are and how his hand is still holding your arm. You could practically feel his heat radiating off him and the smell of his wood cologne intoxicating you. You slowly raise your head to meet his eyes looking back at you. You know you should move, but you stay rooted in your spot. Something about the way he gazes at you had put you under some sort of magic spell.
"Jaehyun, where are you baby?"
Your intimate moment was interrupted and you clear your throat to look away. You shift yourself out of his grasp and suddenly felt the coldness from the air. You tiptoe your way around the glass as Jaehyun follows your movements.
You turn around to see him standing there with conflict on his face. He wanted to tell you he still cares about your or joke he would break the guy who made you cry tonight, but he couldn't find the right words.
"You should get back to her before she gets impatient." You gave him a small smile and walk to your room. You couldn't hear what Jaehyun said because your own heart was beating too loud in your ears. It was like you were 13 all over again as you slid down your door and silently cry your eyes out.
After all this time, you are still in love with Jung Jaehyun.
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You could have sworn you left your laptop charging on the coffee table the night before, yet this morning it was nowhere in sight. Too annoyed about not finding it and only one other person living with you, you barge into Jaehyun's room without knocking.
"Give me back my lap- oh my god! Put on some clothes!" You really wish you knocked because in that moment, Jaehyun was naked. You quickly turn away looking at his door as you try to ease your heated cheeks.
Jaehyun wasn't the type to shy away. In fact, he was proud of the body he worked hard for and something about you catching him sets something off in him. He grins when he can see your flustered state. "It's not my fault you don't know the meaning of knock before entering y/n." he says in a flirtatious voice.
You internally roll your eyes at the comment, "Can I just get my laptop back please."
He walks over to you and stands inches behind you as he leans down to your ear. "And what makes you think I have it hmm?" His words sends shivers down your spine straight to your core as you try to maintain your posture.
You bodly turn around to see him fully clothed in a black shirt and grey sweatpants. "Because you're the only other person who lives here and it's not on the coffee table where I left it."
"Tck, I don't know what to tell you. I don't have it. Maybe Casper took it."
"Your nickname is Casper so ha you took it." You start to roam around his room opening drawers to find your computer. Just like he has done numerous of times before, you threw his clothes onto the floor just for the fun of it.
"Can you stop throwing my shit everywhere?" Jaehyun was becoming agitated with the way you were throwing everything.
"I'll stop once you tell me where my laptop is Casper." you state. You don't even hear Jaehyun muttering to himself as he walks away and goes straight to your room. You hear loud noises coming from outside his room until you realize he wasn't in the room with you. "JAEHYUN! DON'T YOU DARE!"
You run over his scattered clothes and rush to your room where now your clothes are being thrown into the hallway. "What the fuck is wrong with you!?" You yell trying to stop more clothes from leaving past you.
"I figure you could get rid of these clothes since you don't wear any of them and I believe this is my shirt." he holds up a long black t-shirt that you secretly sleep in because it was comfy. Jaehyun continues opening your drawers until you realize he was getting close to one specific drawer. Without thinking, you quickly jump on his back as he stumbles foward a bit by shock as he reaches for that drawer handle.
"Don't open that." you hiss next to his ear as you look at his reflection in the mirror. He looks at both your figures with a smirk.
"Are you trying to hide something from me? You know eventually I will find out what it is." You're so lost in his gaze, it takes you a second to realize he is throwing you onto your bed as he gets on top of you and tickles your sides. You yelp in suprise both crying and laughing.
"Jae - please stop."
You try to tickle him, but he just blocks your advances. You feel like kids again having an innocent fun fight just like how you used to be. He tickles you once more until he suddenly stops. To him, you look beautiful with your rosy cheeks and your bright smile. Your laughter fills his ears and body with warmth as he looks at your face.
When you finally catch your breath and get a good look at him, you swear your heart will beat out of your chest. He's staring straight into your eyes with something you can't distingushed and you find yourself replicating him. He eyes your entire face until they stop at your lips. Everything around you is forgotten and it's just you two in this intimate moment.
He leans in and just before his lips reaches yours, you hear a faint vibration. Your face flushes immediately as Jaehyun held you down. While he was busy tickling you, he managed to open your secret drawer to find your pink rabbit vibrator.
"Told you I would find it." His gaze is still lock with yours when he moves off the bed and onto his feet. You follow him as you yank your vibrator out of his hand and look around the room avoiding his eyes. "You're cleaning this up by the way."
He crosses his arms eyeing you, "I don't think so. You started it first so you clean it."
Before you could snark back, someone was knocking on your door. You go to retrieve it and find Jungwoo holding your laptop in his hands. He tells you he came by earlier to ask if he could use your laptop since his died and needed to finish his paper that was due in two hours. Jaehyun had let him in and told him to grab it from the coffee table and you'd be okay with it. You say your goodbyes to Jungwoo and turned to face Jaehyun who was leaning against the wall.
"I told you I didn't have it. So now that's settled, I expect my room to be tidied up when I get back." he declares before he leaves the apartment.
You smiled to yourself because after all these years, Jaehyun was still the same. Always being competitive to prove a point. You walk back to your room and decided to do a deep clean of your room.
When Jaehyun came home, he sees your sleeping figure on the couch with your laptop and papers scattered. He couldn't help himself as he carries you to your bed and tucks you in. He looks at you a second longer and pushes a strand of hair out of your face. Jaehyun absentmindedly kisses your forehead and close your door. When he turns on the light in his room, he is welcome with his room exactly how he left it. There was a sticky note on his mirror from you.
Payback is a bitch isn't it - y/n
He chuckles under his breath because after all this time, you were still the same with always having the last word. Without energy, he moves the clothes on his bed to the floor as he closes his eyes and sleeps peacefully.
Finals were just a few weeks away and you felt like a zombie running back and forth from campus to your apartment and to the coffee shop. You were so stressed out, you practically abandoned your entire closet and settle for comfortable sweatpants and shirts that were too big on you. Unbeknownist to you, Jaehyun could see your condition and found himself mentally asking if you've eaten or have gotten enough sleep.
So there you were, sitting with your legs crossed in your chair, hunched over the dining table once again going through your study guides. Jaehyun had just gotten out of the shower with only his sweatpants. When he saw you in his shirt and sweatpants, he got an idea.
You were so focus on the chapter in front of you, you didn't notice Jaehyun taking a seat across from you. He could see your furrowed eyebrows, something you do when you're confused and about to give up, and a cute pout. He thought it was funny how he still knew your little quirks like the back of his hand without having any type of relationship with your for years. The smell of body wash reach your nostrils when you look up getting caught off guard with a shirtless Jaehyun. His hair still wet and you wanted nothing more than to reach across and tug on it.
"Like something you see?" he teases as he bites into an apple.
You roll your eyes at how conceited he is, "Please wear a shirt. No one wants to see that." You saw how his eyes darkens for a split second before he goes back to his usual self.
"No one but you, you mean. You're practically drooling, sweetheart."
The nickname made you unconciously cross your legs even tighter together. The effect he had on you is so beyond your control at this point. You quickly clear your throat, "Don't you have anything to do other than annoy me?"
He could see your cheeks turn a pink shade as you try to change subjects. Over the course of living together, he found new ways to make you flustered even though you hated his guts. He didn't care because it was his own game that he liked to play and the reward of seeing you blush to something he says and becoming speechless was funny and cute to him.
"What do you do for fun?" he asks suddenly.
"I - that's none of your business." you deadpan.
"Don't you do anything for fun other than studying and developing a hunch back?"
Why is he talking to me as if this is a regular occurence?
"I do, but it's not like you care anyways."
"Try me. Name one thing you did for fun this week." If he was being honest, he just wanted to talk to you. He doesn't know what led him to be so bold knowing the chances of you yelling at him were very high.
"I tried a new coffee on Mo-" you were cut off by his obnoxious laugh. Feeling embarassed you shut your mouth and groaned.
"I'm sorry, that's what you call fun? Trying new coffee? Y/n that's not even close to fun."
You roll your eyes and mirror his form by placing your elbows on the table, "Okay Mr. Popular, define what is fun besides going out and getting laid."
"For starters, there's the gym, the club, then there's -" you fake yawn loudly seeming uninterested, "- what? At least mine is productive other than coffee flavors."
"We're different people Jaehyun. That's your thing and mine is coffee." Something about the way you said it made his heart sink. It hit him that you two were completely different people, something neither of you saw coming in your youth.
"Okay, but don't you go out on dates or get laid at least? Or maybe you aren't getting laid and that's why you have an attitude all the time." He really doesn't know where he wants this conversation to go.
You laugh a bit too loud for your liking. "What is this? 21 questions? For your curiosity, I do go out and occassionally get the attitude fucked out of me." you air quote the last part. "I just don't make it obvious like you do."
"I don't believe you." he says cockily with his stupid lopsided smile.
"You don't have to believe me," you lean in closer testing the waters before you could say the boldest statement, "Don't be mad that it's not you fucking the attitude out of me." His ears instantly turn red as you try hard to stifle a laugh.
"Are you trying to seduce me y/n?" His voice is an octave lower and that tingly feeling at the pit of your stomach starts doing flips. Neither of you notice your faces moving closer to each other meeting halfway on the table.
"That depends. Is it working?" You whispered. You feel his breath fanning over your cupid's bow. "Do you want to fuck the attitude out of me? Maybe that's why you always want to annoy me, hmm?" You lips were about to touch when your phone rings. You jolt back to reality and take the call pretending nothing just happened. Jaehyun stays in his spot for a few more seconds before he gets up to go to his room. You look up and see the outline of his erection against his sweatpants and you want nothing more than to have him inside you.
When finals week was finally done and freedom began, you and the girls decided a night out to the club. You wore a black satin dress that stops midthigh hugging your curves and exposing just enough cleavage. At the club you three went straight to the bar and start downing shots of Patron. In no less than ten minutes, you start feeling the alcohol coarse throughout your body.
While you were busy at the bar, Jaehyun stood across the room from you taking in your figure and how sexy you look. He imagine what it would feel like to rip that dress off and leave you bare under him. He couldn't take his eyes off of you as you dance a few feet away from him. Your eyes instantly met the familiarity of Jaehyun's gaze on you while he had his arms around the girl he was dancing with.
Feeling a bit hurt, you look away and continue dancing freely until a pair of hands grab your waist pulling you into their chest. You take a look back at your dance partner for the night to see Nakamoto Yuta, the captain of the soccer team. You smell his cologne as he grinds his hips into yours letting you know what's in store for you if you accept.
You look back at Jaehyun, who was still looking at you with an expression you can't read. You grind your hips harder into Yuta as a moan leaves his mouth. Whispering into your ear, the two of you leave the club heading straight to your place. Jaehyun watched the whole scene play out and his chest begins to tighten when you leave with Yuta.
Jaehyun struggles to open the door during his heavy make out session in the hallway with the girl he brought home. As soon as the door opens, he almost trips over a pair of heels in the entryway. On the way to the living room, he hears banging coming from your room. He didn't think anything of it until he hears your screams of ecstacy along with a mix of curses and moans.
The girl he was with didn't hear anything as she was too busy trying to take off his shirt, but Jaehyun couldn't focus on her. He was so intrigued with the sounds coming out of your mouth, wishing deep down it was him making a mess out of you. He couldn't handle it anymore as jealousy takes over and he leads the girl to his room to fuck out all of his frustrations.
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"Y/n honey, help me get dinner ready," your mother yells from the kitchen, "your father will get the door." Your father gives you a small smile and a kiss on the forehead before you walk into the kitchen. You came home for Christmas to get away and it's your favorite holiday. Not to mention, you miss your parents terribly. Once you set up the table and grabbed the last remaining dish in the kitchen, you bumped into someone you weren't expecting.
"I can't catch a break from you can I." you scowl as Jaehyun gawks at you not expecting to see you. Ever since that night he heard you with Yuta, he's been trying to avoid you around the apartment.
"Ah, oh my goodness y/n! You are so grown up! You have become such a beautiful young lady." Mrs. Jung hugs you as you politely tell her a thank you and bow to Mr. Jung. During dinner, both parents tell the story of running into each other at the grocery story and thought it would be a nice to have Christmas dinner just like old times. Jaehyun sat in front of you trying his best to avoid looking at you as you did the same.
"I'm glad Jaehyun found a roommate who was willing to take him in before the semester started. He didn't want to live in the dorms." His mother says nonchalantly. "Apparently, his roommate is a very clean and organized person that makes Jaehyunnie feel at home."
You shift your gaze from your food to him and his ears are a shade of deep red. You internally had to laugh and scoff at the same time because there's no way he would talk about you in that light. To make matters worse, your mom also butts in. "Ah really? That is so nice of your roommate. Y/n says hers is a pain, but there are moments when they bond and they're like best friends." It was your turn to turn to sink further in your seat.
After dinner, you excused yourself and wandered upstairs to your old bedroom. Nothing much has changed except for a few boxes your parents put in the corner of the room. You sat on your bed and just let all the emotions come at once.
"Wow, your room still looks the same since we were kids." Jaehyun leans against the doorframe taking in your room. It felt familiar and strangely he felt comfortable, even though it has been years since he set foot in your house. He walks around your room finding little plushies you used to play with and one he got you from the State Fair.
He walks over to your dresser mirror and sees pictures of your friends, your parents, and Johnny. There was a photo hidden behind one of the photos that spikes his interest. When he got a hold of it, warmth begins to flood through his body and he couldn't help but smile.
"You still have this picture?" He holds the photo of when you both were six with ice cream cones in your hands. You suddenly couldn't look at him and you felt small. Jaehyun sits down next to you staring at the picture in his hand. It was quiet for what felt like an eternity.
"We were really happy weren't we?" he says softly as to not disturb the silence. You inhale deeply and try to get away from the suffocating atmosphere when he grabs your hand. "Y/n, please look at me." When you don't give him any sign to look at him, he places his hand under your chin to face him, "Y/n."
When your eyes meets his, time stopped and it was just you two in that moment. His brown eyes were warm and his face was gentle. The Jaehyun in front of you was suddenly the best friend you longed and missed all these years. You didn't even realize you had tears in your eyes until he was wiping them away with his thumb. He pulls you into a hug as you lay your head on his chest letting go of all your emotions.
"I know," he starts once you've calmed down, "I know I don't have any right to ask, but I would like for us to be friends again." You look up at him confused and shock. "I'd understand if you don't want to and we can continue to be how we are. The way I ended our friendship wasn't fair to you and I'm sorry. I really am sorry y/n."
This must be a Christmas mircale because after all these years, those were the words you wanted to hear from him the most. You swear you could cry again if you could, but you held them in. He looks at you and he isn't sure if he's ready for you to tell him to fuck off or accept his apology. "I'd love that, but just give me time to start trusting you again." you finally said.
Jaehyun looks down at you and softly smiles widely showing off those dimples you love. He knew it wasn't going to be easy, but he was willing to wait and show you he won't fuck up this second chance to be your friend again. To be in your life for the long run.
You both aren't aware of the close proximity of your faces until you're staring at his lips. You don't know who leans in first when you feel his plump lips softly grazing yours. As always, the moment is interrupted when his mother called for him. You two broke away and you get out of his embrace clearing your throat. Jaehyun scratches the back of his neck and walk towards the door before looking back at you.
"I'll see you at home?"
You nod and smile at him, "I'll see you at home."
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Since Christmas, things between you and Jaehyun drastically changed. In the beginning, one would say a snarky comment to set off a mini argument, but before it could erupt further, one would start laughing. It felt like the universe was back on your side again and you had your best friend back.
Jaehyun made sure to prove himself when he started cleaning around the apartment and cooking for you. If you were studying for hours on end, he would force you to take a break and hang out with him. The one thing you noticed the most was he rarely ever went out or brought a girl home.
It's a Saturday night when you binge watch all three High School Musical movies. You both dance, sing along, and recite the movies. It was the happiest you've truly been in these last few months and years. After the movies were done, you played rock paper scissors and the winner had to choose between horror film or a rom-com. As always, Jaehyun won and chose horror film.
"You're not even watching the movie y/n." Jaehyun laughs as you bury your face into his side knowing there is going to be something that pops up in the scene. "You do know Freddy Krueger isn't real right?"
"He's real enough to haunt my dreams and thanks to you, I won't be able to sleep tonight." you mumbled against his shirt. He just laughs at your cuteness as he wraps his arm around you pulling you closer to him.
"Don't worry sweetheart. I'll protect you." he absentmindedly kisses your forehead until he remembers something, "Wait, do you still dream he chases you into the field and you end up at my house and we kissed?"
You look at him suprise he even remembers that dream when you were both nine. "You still remember that?" you ask shyly.
"Of course I do, only because we kissed." you roll your eyes at his honesty.
"It's not going to happen so don't get any funny ideas." you playfully hit his chest.
Jaehyun chuckles, "I wasn't thinking of anything, but it seems like you are." he grins and you swore the blush on your cheeks are giving you away.
The sexual tension between your bodies is too intense for you. You don't know if you're horny or if it's the way Jaehyun always makes you feel helpless in moments like this. As if he's a mind reader, he places his index finger under your chin and tilt it up to as everything around you falls into background noise. He leans in and his plump lips are on yours. It takes you a second to register that he is kissing you and you kiss him back.
The kiss growns hungry as you straddle his lap and grind your hips down onto his growing member. His hands are all over your body while one of your arm is around his neck and the other is tugging at the end of his shirt. He breaks the kiss to pull off his shirt and you instantly scatter love bites over his chest, finally having your lips on his perfect chisled abs. He lets out tiny groans when you move your hips faster. You lean back to take off your sweater and Jaehyun looks at you in awe at the sight of your bare chest.
He wastes no time kissing your collarbone down to the valley of your mounds before bringing his mouth onto your left nipple. You softly moan at the feeling of his tongue doing wonders while his other kneads your right breast. He sucks and lightly bites your nub causing you to jerk foward. He looks at you through heavy lids to find your lips again, tongues exploring one's mouth.
You reach in between your bodies to tease his erection through his sweatpants earning himself a loud moan. You're pretty sure your panties are damp from all the beautiful noises he's making. He picks you up as you wrap your legs around his waist and brings you to the nearest bedroom. Jaehyun softly lays you on the bed as he begins to leave trail of kisses lower south making you giggle. He takes off your sweatpants and panties in one motion and throw them somwhere in the dim bedroom.
He levels his head in front of your core as he kisses your inner thighs giving you goosebumps. "Baby, you're soaking and we haven't done anything." His breath fans on your pussy before kissing it and giving kitten licks. Your back arches off the bed at the sensation of his tongue clouding your mind. You're so turned on, you could cum right there. His tongue dips lower to your entrance as he begins to fuck you with his tongue.
When he looks up to see your face contort in pleasure, he had you right where he wanted. He wanted nothing more than to see you so fucked out and that he was the one making you feel good. He sucks harshly on your clit before thrusting two fingers into you making you moan louder.
"Oh fuck Jae!"
"You taste so good sweatheart." He slowly finger fucks you enjoying teasing you before curling them and pumping into you at a fast pace. You start to feel the band in your stomach break when all you hear are the squelch from how wet you are. "My baby has the prettiest pussy. It's all mine right?"
"F-fuck I'm going to cum." If ever possible, he pumps into you faster as you cum on his fingers. Jaehyun helps you ride out your high before coming up and kissing you once again. He pulls his fingers out slowly and sucks off your juices. You grab his face to kiss him as you flip him over with him now on his back.
You are so turned on, you leave more trail of open mouth kisses down to his happy trail before reaching for his sweats. You tease his hard cock once more. Jaehyun bites hit bottom lip to refrain from making any more noises. You take off his sweats as his erection springs up hitting you on the cheek and onto his abs. Your mouth waters as you take his long veiny cock in your hands moving up and down.
You kiss along his shaft as precum is visible on his tip. While holding your gaze with him, you open your mouth and slowly put him in taking in as much as you can. Whatever couldn't fit, you wrap your hands around and stroke him as you bob your head.
"O-oh fuck y/n. Your mouth feels so fucking good, ahh." Jaehyun grabs a fistful of your hair watching you suck him off. Feeling more determine, you pull off his cock momentarily before putting him back in and going further in until he's hitting the back of your throat. Jaehyun couldn't believe how well you were taking his cock and in any moment, he was about to cum, but he tries his best to hold out.
"Fuck!" You moan in response as he thrusts into your mouth. Your eyes begin to tear and you try to control your gagging. You love the noises and the look Jaehyun gives you as he fucks your mouth. You weren't fond of deep throating, but Jaehyun was making you love every second of it. As you were enjoying it, he suddenly pulls you off of him and push you back onto the bed.
He hovers over you as you spread your legs wide for him. He teases your slit with his cock making you buck up and whine.
"Jae please stop teasing and fuck me already. I need you."
"Is my baby begging for my cock hmm?" he continues to slide in between your folds making you buck harder against him.
"Jaehyun plea-" Before you could finish your sentence, he thrusts into you in one go making you gasp. The stretch stings a little, but it's perfect just how you like it. You both moan loudly at the satisfying feeling as he just stays there waiting for you to adjust. Once you give him the go, he pulls out to the tip and thrusts into you again and again and again.
"Fuck, you're so tight. This pussy is so perfectly made for me. It's all mine right baby?" he says into your ear. You're too far gone to say anything as his thrusts become faster and harder. "Use your words sweatheart."
"Yes, this tight pussy is all for you baby. Fuck, you fuck me so good daddy, don't stop, don't stop." You hear him growl as he relentlessly pounds into you. Your walls clench around him letting him know you were close.
"Da-daddy I'm cl-"
"Me too baby. You don't know how long I've wanted to do this." He puts his thumb onto your clit bringing you over the edge as your cum for the second time. He watches your face as he tries to fuck harder into you. "Your pussy loves sucking my cock in. I bet no one ever fucked you this good before baby hmm. You're doing so well."
He's fucking you so blissfully you don't even recover from your second orgasm as you feel the next one coming. "Fuck fuck fuck I'm cumming again." Your mind is filled with haze as you cum for the third time in a short span of minutes. He pounds into you a couple more times before he cums deep in you. You both ride out your highs together with a few more thrusts until you feel him go soft.
He takes you to the bathroom and helps you clean up and carries you back to his bed under the covers. You start giggling once you just realize what just happened. The sound of your laughter warms Jaehyun's heart and he wants nothing more than to hear it for the rest of his life. He looks at your beautiful face and laughs along with you. You lay your head on his chest hearing his heartbeat slow and steady while he plays with your hair. The silence isn't scary, but it's more comfortable. It felt like home.
"We never finished the movie." He says after a while. His whole body moves as he chuckles lightly.
"Hmm, that's fine by me. At least I can sleep good tonight." You look up at him and give him a kiss as he gives you a smirk.
"Who said anything about getting sleep?" That night Jaehyun made you cum more than you have ever did in your life.
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After that night, you both had sex almost every single day on every inch surface in your apartment. His sex drive was so high you don't even know how you're keeping up with him. If someone had told you a year ago, you and Jaehyun would be having sex, you would have laughed in their face. Time was always a funny concept to you.
One day, you got out of your class early and decided to suprise Jaehyun by waiting outside of his class. You buried yourself in your laptop to finish some essays when you see a bunch of people leaving his classroom. He had his back turned to you as you put your stuff away and try to catch up to him. He was walking with his friends Doyoung and Lucas and as you were about to call out for him, you hear your name.
"I thought the whole point was for y/n to move out? Did you really have to sleep with her?" Doyoung asks.
"Yeah man, wasn't this your revenge plan to get back at her for what she did to you with Sicheng? If I were you, I would continue leading her on and call it a day. Eventually she'll get the message. Hey you know, after you fucked Linda, she hasn't stopped asking about you. You two really hit it off." Lucas says happily.
You were shock to hear what was said. That couldn't be true, could it?
"It's not that simple. I just don't know what to do." Jaehyun exasperate.
You've heard enough and walked the other direction to a nearby bathroom to cry your tears out. Was this Jaehyun's plan all along for him to fake restart your friendship only to get back at you over a rumor all those years ago? You were absolutely stupid for believing he wanted to be your friend again.
"That was my original plan, but the more I'm around her, the more stupid that idea was and I really do miss what we had." Jaehyun tells them. He finally had you back in his life again and he didn't want anything to ruin that.
When Jaehyun arrived at home after a session at the gym, he saw you in the kitchen with a glass of wine and one of his shirts that you always happen to steal after doing laundry. He hugs you from behind and presses soft kisses on the back of your neck, but the way you tensed up, he knew something was wrong. He could feel the cold barrier that was once there.
"What's wrong?"he asks worried about you and why the sudden cold shoulder. You shrugged it off and went to your room. He figured you weren't in the mood to talk and gave you space. For a whole week. Whenever he asks you about your day or if he did something wrong, you gave him short answers and an argument would break out. What was once a happy fairytale for both, was shortly lived as things went back to how they were in the beginning.
It was a Friday night and you just needed to get away from Jaehyun. It's been over a month and you still couldn't bring yourself to confront him about what you heard. You know you should talk to him about it, but you're just too stubborn. It was no coincidence Jaehyun was at the same club as you with the same intentions of not wanting to be in the same environment as you, but as you stood in front of the bar drunk out of your mind with a guy's arm wrapped around you, he knew he needed to do something about the situation.
Jaehyun walks over to you and the guy trying to take advantage of your condition and yanks your wrist towards him. "We're going home y/n." He says.
"What the fuck bro. Get your own girl." The guy next to you says.
"She is my girl, now let go of my girlfriend." Jaehyun says harshly.
You try to squirm out of his hold, but even you knew you weren't strong enough or had the energy to even try. Plus you're completely shitface, but one thing you know for sure is, Jaehyun kept you close by his side during the car ride back to your shared apartment.
As soon as you're in the comfort of your apartment, you start crying in the middle of the living room.
"Y/n." Jaehyun says worriedly.
"Why do you hate me so much Jaehyun?"
He didn't expect those words to flow out of your mouth. "I don't hate you-"
"Yes you do. I heard your conversation with Doyoung and Lucas last month. If you just wanted to get back at me for some fucking rumor then you should have told me. It would have caused both of us a lot of time.
Jaehyun stood in front of you petrified, "Y-you heard that? Y/n I-"
"How could you Jaehyun? I really thought you wanted to be friends again-"
"I do! It's not what you think. Y/n please, let me explain-"
"Explain what exactly? How you scheme to befriend me then as a bonus fuck me just so I could fall in love with you all over again!? You walked out of my life all those years ago and lived your life as if nothing happened. As if you didn't break me! I had to suffer at the loss of my best friend. I let you come back into my life thinking I'd have my best friend back. I hate that I love you so much that you don't even see it because to you I will never be more than the girl who broke your trust over a stupid rumor." Your tears had a mind of their own as they kept streaming down your face.
Jaehyun stood there perplexed at your sudden confession. You loved him all this time? "Y/n-" he tries to reach for your arm but you backed away.
"I can't do this anymore Jaehyun. I'm moving out by the end of the week. I already paid my part for the next two months so at least you're settled. Looks like you finally get your wish after all." You look at him once more before you turn to your room until he grabs your hand. You don't turn to look at him because you know if you do, you won't be able to move on. "Please just leave me alone Jaehyun." After a few more seconds, his grip on you loosens and you walk to your room feeling your heart shattered to pieces.
The next couple of days go by in a haze. You avoid Jaehyun at all costs by leaving to school and work early and coming home late knowing he would be fast asleep. If you did see him, he would avoid eye contact and go back into his room or quickly walk out the door.
Jaehyun decided to skip class and sat on a bench watching kids play on the playground. He process your sudden confession over and over as he thinks back on memories you two made. Jaehyun loves you. He's been in love with you since you both were six years old getting ice cream together. He planned on telling you about his feeling on that eventful summer day at the park.
While he was waiting for you, Susie walked up to him and told him that she saw you and Sicheng together and something in him snapped and hated you for doing that to him. You were standing in front of him with tears in your eyes and as he watches you run away from him, he realized he never wanted to hurt you.
Everyday since then, he would walk by your house and try to muster up the courage to ask you how you were and how sorry he was, but he could never find the words. It wasn't until he saw you in the hallways talking to Sicheng that his hatred and feelings of betrayal surfaced once again.
He remembers overhearing Susie tell her friends that she made up a lie about you being with Sicheng just so she could have him all to herself. When he confronted her about it, she denied it and eventually broke up with her. As for the fuckboy reputation he got, that was all Susie's doing. He had flings here and there, but not much for him to earn that status.
He remembers typing out texts and letters to you telling you how sorry he was for being a jerk and believing such a lie, but he could never send them. Whenever he catches a glimpse of you in the hallways or in class, he would try to come up with something to say to you, but words were always caught in his throat. He eventually decided to give up on trying to reconnect with you and settled on you hating him completely and making you believe he still resented you. He was completely stupid.
When Johnny mentioned you were going to the same university as him, he made up a lie saying dorms this year was all booked and needed a place to stay. He promised himself that he would do better this time around and would work on becoming your friend again. Except he wasn't ready to face you on the day he moved in, but later that night he realized that this was probably the universe work to put you two in such a situation. Everyday since then, his love for you grew only stronger and he loved how he admired you from afar yet so close. Now that you were leaving, he needed things to be different this time around.
You were packing your things into boxes when you heard someone knocking on the door. You were expecting to see Rose at the door since she said she would help, instead Jaehyun stood before you. This was the first time you seen him since last Friday and you could see the bags under his eyes, but you couldn't care less.
"Forgot your keys dumbass?" You left the door open for him as you turned away, only to hear it close and knock again. Annoyed by his games, you open the door, "Jae-"
"My name is Jung Jaehyun and I am stupidly in love with my roommate and best friend." he starts.
"What are you do-"
"I was stupid and immature to believe a rumor over choosing her when she asked me to believe her. I let go of her trust, her friendship, her love, and most of all her. I was angry and hurt that she chose to be with someone who wasn't me."
"Jae-" He moves past the front door and towers over you never breaking eye contact.
"Ever since that day I hated myself for hurting her. I would try to write to her and talk to her, but I could never bring myself to do it. So I settled on being the guy she hated the most. I came up with this illusion to everyone that I had a plan to get back at her for what she did to me when we were kids, but between you and I, I already knew those rumors were just rumors. My plan kind of worked. I became her roommate and every single day I got to see her beautiful face and smile and hear her laugh. She would even ask me a question about something and call it a day and I would go to sleep happy that she at least talked to me. But she overheard my conversation and didn't let me explain and now she is leaving me."
Jaehyun pauses to push a strand out of your face as he looks deep into your eyes. "How can I tell her that I am stupid and I am so deeply in love with her?"
He looks at you one second longer before wiping the tears from your eyes. "I love everything about you y/n. I love how you furrow your eyebrows when you're confused. I love when you wear my shirts that you steal after doing laundry. I love how you get easily scared watching horrow movies. I love it when you pout because it's super cute. I love how you look at me filled with love and those long gazes you give me when you think I'm not looking. Most of all, I love how you make me want to become a better person. I love how you are the person I call my home. Please believe me when I say I am sorry and a real dumbass."
You let out something between a giggle and a scoff as he continues, "I'd understand if you don't want anything to do with me. I just wanted you to know how much I love you."
You stare into his eyes with nothing but love and sincerity. You tilt your head up a bit until you kiss his lips and stay there savoring the moment. "Are you really in love with me?"
He puts his arms around your waist and pecks your lips, "I'm seriously stupidly in love with you that I want you to have my kids and spend the rest of my life with you showing you just how much I love you."
You wrap your arms around his neck and smiled brightly at him, "I'd love that but," you feel his shoulder tense up and you internally laugh because this was going to be so much fun, "you're going to have to help me unpack the boxes first." He looks at you relieved as he picks you up and spins you around.
"I love you y/n."
"I love you Jaehyun."
"I'm sorry it took me a while to admit it, but I promise I will make you the happiest person."
That night you two made love and the day after and the day after that. You moved into Jaehyun's room since it was bigger than your own. When you broke the news to your friends, they were all excited and happy the both of you were finally together and didn't have to deal with any of the sexual tension any longer. Even both of your parents said they always knew you two would find each other again.
It was your third anniversary when he proprosed to you and six months later, you were married. It is now a year later and in five months you and Jaehyun were going to welcome baby Jung into the world.
Life with your best friend was everything you've always imagined it and more. Jaehyun continues to shower you with love unconditionally and retell the story of how he got you back. You two still fight like hormonal teenagers, but at the end of the day you are his and he is yours.
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maryellencarter · 2 years
okay so i'm going back and rewatching "the target is 555 meters away" because i did not really manage to talk about that episode at all because part 2 was being such a slog but oh god it has ALL THE FEELS EVER
spoilers ahead
okay so the episode starts with a lovely moody scene where lupin is like "jigen, let me see your aim" and puts a sticker on his forehead and has jigen shoot at it with a sniper rifle from like half a kilometer away, and like. THEM! jigen's complete lack of hesitation! it's not made obvious before the shot that lupin is standing behind bulletproof glass, but jigen just trusts lupin so much that it doesn't matter. he'd take the shot if lupin wanted him to, whether he knew any of the rest of the plan or not.
and the way jigen takes the shot and the music goes totally silent while the bullet travels, and then it lands dead center and jigen's theme ("tornado") starts to play while he rides his lil bicycle over to lupin
and fucking THEN! they talk about the bulletproof glass, how the bullet barely went deep enough in to get stuck, how the real target will be three times as thick and 555 meters away... and then Lupin asks him "Can you do it, Jigen?" (or "Will you do it"... this is why anime peeps start learning Japanese istg), and Jigen asks "If I say no... *pause, more subdued* what will you do?" And Lupin just sticks his hands in his pockets, shuts his goddamn eyes, and with this little absolutely trusting peaceful smile on his face says "You won't say it" and starts walking away. And Jigen just mutters "Then don't ask" and bikes after him as the music fades down and it's just the wind blowing again.
like. everything! about this scene! they know each other so damn well! they fucking trust each other so damn much! they both know jigen is the only person in the world who has a hope in hell of pulling off what lupin is asking (which is gonna be WAY harder than this scene makes clear, we'll get there), and they both know jigen will ALWAYS be there for lupin.
but lupin asks anyway, doesn't just assume jigen will do it. and jigen *knows* that if he can't or won't do it, there's nobody else on earth lupin can turn to who has the skill level he needs. but he asks anyway, because that's the shape of the relationship between them. because he needs to hear that lupin knows he can do it. and they just... they fucking trust each other so much and they don't ever have to question it but sometimes they do just to hear the shape of their faith in each other around the answers. BAAAAABIES! *smishes them*
So anyway, the heist target is a diamond exhibition in a Space Needle looking tower building, although luckily it doesn't rotate. The floor and ceiling will both be electrified enough to kill Lupin if he touches them, and the walls are ridiculously thick bulletproof glass which can't be broken even with dynamite. We'll see at one point that it even takes Goemon several minutes to hack through one with Zantetsuken, which has been able to slice anything else in the entire show so far except sticky yam paste. (It was a thing.) Lupin disguises himself as Zenigata to get the details of the security plan, and also places another lil dot sticker on the window for Jigen to aim at when the time comes. Luckily, nobody notices the sticker, because we need it for Jigen to be a badass.
So then we start getting the actual setup for the sniping job Jigen is going to do. He's on top of an abandoned warehouse, on top of a CRANE, which is constantly swaying in the fucking wind. The sticker Lupin placed is so small and so far away it's barely visible even through his sniper scope. "So that's the target. I should just quit now," he grumbles to himself. Of course he doesn't quit, because Jigen has never willingly let Lupin down in his life, but he's sweating (he always gets sweaty when things are stressful, which honestly is one of those tiny things that make me very fond of him), and the grim way he sounds really sells just how damn impossible this stunt is going to be.
(Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Jigen's Japanese voice actor for fifty years, is a fucking *legend*. I may find Richard Epcar's gravelly Jigen voice sexier, but there's nobody like Kobayashi-sama for quiet emotion. I don't do open canons, but part of me is super tempted to watch at least some of the currently-airing Part 6 just to see how his handpicked replacement, Akio Otsuka, can possibly measure up.)
Anyway, then we get MORE of the details of this impossible fucking sniper job. Jigen has four boxes of bullets with him, plus a special bullet with an adhesive inside it and a zipline attached. His job is to shoot the bulletproof glass repeatedly in the same exact spot until he fucking DRILLS A HOLE through it. With bullets. Oh, and he's shooting against the wind (which he tests by tossing up little scraps of unlit cigarette and seeing which way they fly). Did I mention the crane he's on is swaying?
There's more to the heist, of course -- Lupin and Goemon have their work cut out for them getting Lupin into the elevator that's the only way inside the room with the diamonds -- but this episode is really Jigen's showcase and I'm here to squee about him. So after a little bit of plotty stuff with the others, we see that Jigen's down to his last box of bullets, hasn't made a crack in the glass, and is starting to worry he'll run out of bullets before he can get the job done. The wind's changed, too, just to make it a little harder for him to hit the same spot every time.
Lupin makes it into and up the elevator, and asks "How's it going, Jigen?" and because these two are also little shits who just happen to love each other deeply, Jigen snarks "don't rush me, I'm doing more delicate work than you are". In the meantime, Zenigata notices the growing pile of still-warm bullets on the ground below Jigen's target marker, and hollers for the elevator to be brought back down -- remember, Lupin has no survivable way *out* of the elevator until Jigen gets the zipline placed for him.
Just then, one of Jigen's bullets finally sticks in the bulletproof glass. Once there's a weak spot, Lupin says "You did it, Jigen!", but Jigen knows it's not over yet. He's sweating like hell, because *finally* one of the bullets stuck and gave him the opening he needs, but Zenigata is calling the elevator down and they're out of time. Lupin is trying to physically hold the door open to keep the car from moving down -- we saw that elevator door squish Zenigata earlier, so we know it's strong and has no safety function.
Little noodly monkey Lupin promptly gets squished as well, and the elevator starts down. Jigen, because he is the best fucking sniper in the world and because he trusts Lupin to be the best thief, doesn't panic, just makes annoyed Jigen noises (which are very adorable) and starts the next part of the process, which is where he has to drive the stuck bullet the rest of the way through the glass using more bullets as a hammer.
Lupin manages to drop Zenigata out of a hole in the elevator floor that Lupin made earlier, and heads back up. One of Jigen's bullets finally goes all the way through the window and falls on the floor, where it promptly gets disintegrated by the electricity, just to remind us why Jigen was vital to this plan. "I've done it, Lupin!" Jigen says, paralleling Lupin's earlier "You did it, Jigen!" when his first bullet stuck, because how gay is it really if you're not bookending each other's statements in a thematically appropriate manner. :D
Jigen pretty much hasn't been talking this whole time except to infodump about the wind conditions and tell Lupin to be patient, but now that the hard part is over and all (all!) he's got to do is thread the needle with one more bullet, he starts telling Lupin a little story about his childhood. Apparently when he was a tiny Jigenlet, he used to go to the shooting gallery at the fair and shoot for prizes, but he always came up a bullet short for the prize he wanted to win. We see the almost empty bullet box by his hand while he's explaining this.
"What were you shooting for -- Pernod [absinthe]?" Lupin asks, because he's inextricably French and also apparently is picturing a rather older Jigen at a rather different type of shooting competition. Sometimes I wonder if Lupin was ever actually a kid or just a little jungle monkey.
And Jigen, and this is one of the lines *everybody* gifs because it's fucking amazing no matter how you interpret it, Jigen just says "A pink-dressed French doll" and fires the zipline bullet. There's that long second of absolute silence while the bullet flies, goes through the hole seamlessly, and sticks to the far wall with a splat of adhesive.
Lupin just fucking STARES, and it's unclear whether he's shocked that Jigen wanted a doll or that he just made that shot so perfectly, or both. "What's the matter, Lupin?" Jigen jokes, tightening up the zipline so it'll hold Lupin's weight. "Even the guys at the shooting gallery would say 'hey, good shot'."
We cut back to Lupin's face, and now he's grinning like hell. "You did it!" he cheers. "Jigen, you are the number one sniper in the world, and when we get home I'll buy you a French doll." And Jigen just sits back on top of the crane and lights a cigarette -- the first one we've seen him actually light all episode, rather than just shred for wind direction -- and gets this absolutely fucking adorable little smirk on his face.
And I just. I JUST FUCKING CANNOT EVEN. THEY ARE SO GAY. If I was a person who did academic queer studies and shit I would have essays about symbolism and god knows what all. Even just as a person who just has watched a ridiculous amount of Lupin III recently, I can tell you that cigarettes in the Lupin/Jigen relationship are very often a metaphor for sex/romance/whatever it is they have going on (not always, because Jigen smokes like a chimney and sometimes it's just a cigarette, but when they're holding a lighter for each other's cigarettes or god forbid doing the lil thing they do in fanart where their cigarette tips kiss while they light one from the other, it's *always* a metaphor for the relationship), and oh god Jigen my heart that little sit back and relax and light a smoke and that little self-satisfied GRIN are absolutely, abso-fucking-lutely a metaphor and not a subtle one either. You enjoy that cigarette, baby, you've earned it.
Oh, and then when Jigen's packing up (because there's still the second half of the episode to go with the rest of the heist, but Jigen's *koff* shot his load *koff* finished already *koff* okay pick your own damn metaphor then ^_^), we find out he made it with ONE bullet to spare. Like, damn, baby. Lupin's luck and Jigen's skill, they are un-fucking-stoppable together.
(And then he uses that final bullet to kill one of the spotlights so Goemon can do the back half of the heist aka getting Lupin an escape route. Because Jigen, man. He's not out until he's out.)
So yeah, that was approximately the gayest fifteen minutes of television I've seen lately. Then once they've all three gotten away and they're on their yacht splitting up the haul (because the key to marital happiness between thief husbands is definitely separate bank accounts), there's an adorable little coda where we discover that Goemon fucked up his wrist so bad carving Lupin's escape route that he's wearing a sling, and Jigen's trigger finger is also janked up and he doesn't even want to look at a gun for a while. But at least they get to keep the loot, which is honestly pretty rare in part 2.
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swimmingleo · 3 years
Harry Styles and Two Loves - A love that dare not speak its name.
‼️Disclaimer I am in no way an English literature expert or student for that matter and can barely organize my thoughts but I’ll try my best. If something doesn’t make sense or is regretful thinking please tell me‼️
Basically Harry is a fervent reader that does not limit himself to Buk*wski and Mur*kami though for some reason he loves to bring up those dudes. Queer literature seems to play a big role when it comes to his inspiration and I love that about his music. A good example is his Shakesqueer Sweet Creature madness. But another one that I hold close to my heart are the parallels he draws with Alfred Douglas’ poem, Two Loves.
Here is the full poem. Give it a read if you can because I won't break it down verse by verse for this post sorry :(
To make it short, the poem is about the narrator (let's say Douglas) wandering in a garden where he meets a young man that turns out to be his lover. For context, Alfred Douglas was very much queer and in a romantic relationship with Oscar Wilde. Both developed their own coded language to express their love and ''sexual tendencies'' through their art (been this way foreverrr will we ever leaarn). However they were not always so sneaky about it and Two Loves in particular was so in your face that it was used against Wilde to prove his homosexuality in trial. He did get away with it this time. Here is his defense. Blueprint of denials. No iPhones at the time.
In Two Loves, two different personifications of love introduce themselves to Douglas and his lover:
The first love is loud and cheerful and sings about pretty women and men that love the said pretty women.
The second love is discreet, almost erased by the other’s presence but is beautiful and draws the attention of the narrator.
Obviously the first love is Heterosexuality, the one that is openly praised by society and the second is Homosexuality who is bullied into silence by Heterosexuality if he tries to speak. The poem ends with Homosexuality saying "I am the love that dare not speak its name." Yeah. And isn’t that the story of H’s career.
HS1 opens with MMITH which ends on "We don’t talk about it, it’s something we don’t do". And from there follows SOTT, "We don’t speak enough". And right after we get the very loud, very explicit and very well documented Carolina. So far the album narration goes "There is something painful going on but we can’t talk about it, I say ‘we’ because there is a you and I and yeeEEAAH THIS GIRL I MET ONCE GETS A WHOLE SONG THE WORLD DESERVES TO KNOW HOW GOOD SHE FEELS FOR A LADDY LAD LIKE ME ALSO HER NAME IS TOWNES YOU CAN CHECK FOR YOURSELF SEE IF SHES REAL I LOVE REAL WOMEN AS IN WOMEN THAT EXIST". Heterosexuality is loud and sings about pretty women right.
But then, THEN we get Two Ghosts. Which is the center piece of this whole post. I mean, the title... Two Ghosts//Two Loves Two hearts in one home ? Sick.
The parallel that hits the most is the physical description that is made of Douglas’ lover and of Homosexuality (which are technically two different characters in the poem).
Douglas’ lover / Homosexuality
Same lips red / Same eyes blue / Same white shirt
Red were his lips / His lips were red / His eyes were clear as crystal / His large eyes were strange with wondrous brightness / White as the snow / His cheeks were wan and white
In Douglas’ poem, it is meant to be understood that the young boy he meets first, his lover, is related to Homosexuality through their physical appearance. Douglas’ love is therefore inherently queer. With Two Ghosts, I’ve always wondered why Harry chose specifically to point out a white shirt as it comes across a bit generic and not really personal yk? But if you compare it to Two Loves, it checks out the recurrent descriptive color scheme: red, blue and white. In both works, red are the lips, blue are the eyes, and white is the ~envelopp. RIGHT. I suppose Harry didn’t feel like describing his lover with pale white skin since it’s brown with lemon over ice when under summer skies so he went with a plain white shirt instead.
I’m not going through a whole analysis of Two Ghosts yet I can safely say that it deals with unspoken words. Not saying things is a recurrent theme in H’s songwriting but within the album, Two Ghosts is the first song that deals with it through the undeniable prism of romantic love. Right before with Carolina, H had no issue being straightforward and wanted to "scream and shout it out", but with Two Ghosts he’s tongue tied and doesn’t say what he really means. Communication issues go on with the following track Sweet Creature, btw may I just:
But oh, Sweet Creature (!), Sweet Creature
Would he […] cry "O sweet creature!", Othello
I cried "Sweet youth…, Two Loves
Queer Literaturry is going wild(e).
Expanding this post with Sweet Creature allows me to speak about the garden metaphor. In lyric poetry, the expression of emotions is often done through nature. It is a process that Harry seems pretty fond of when singing about love (ie Olivia, Adore You, WS, Canyon Moon and Sunflower are good examples) but it’s way more subtle with TG and SC. In Two Ghosts, nature is the moon, and in Sweet Creature it’s the garden.
Would you look at that, Two Loves happens to combine both:
Moon dances over your good side and this was all we used to need, Two Ghosts
Running through the garden oh where nothing bothered us, Sweet Creature
Flowers that were stained with moonlight / Alone in this fair garden, till he came unasked by night, Two Loves
For Harry, the night is where the moon enhances his lover’s beauty, when it’s just the two of them and they need nothing more than each other. The garden is where they run (free?away?), once again alone, unbothered. For Douglas, Homosexuality took form and began to occupy the garden at night, while Heterosexuality who thrives in the golden light (um I- nvm) wasn’t paying attention.
It is also interesting to note that Homosexuality is associated with the night but also with death. And he’s super pale. So like… A ghost ? ANYWAY.
The garden in Two Loves is where love happens, it is a piece of heaven. It’s elevated on a hill and untamed with flowers of various colors growing everywhere. There is sunshine and moonlight, there are "pools that dreamed" and by pools I assume the author means vernal pools which are habitats where flowers grow and oh look over there:
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Nice ruffles on that white shirt by the way. Very Victorian.
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Two Ghosts, 2017 Mularry so true
So yeah. I don’t want to go into full analysis mode but I find it all interesting. Once again, Two Loves holds a great significance regarding the Oscar Wilde’s lore, and Harry is probably very familiar with anything Wilde related (don’t even start) and by that I think about the Carnation business.
I’ll just conclude with that quote from Maurice by E.M Forster whom I love very much:
"I am an unspeakable of the Oscar Wilde sort."
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barnesbabee · 3 years
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴇɴ - ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀʟᴀɴᴅ
⇜ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ - ᴛᴇɴ-  ɴᴇxᴛ ⟿
White Rabbit - Choi Jongho Absolem (Blue Catterpilar) - Kang Yeosang Cheshire Cat - Kim Hongjoong Mad Hatter - Choi San Haigha (March Hare) - Jung Wooyoung Tweedle Dee - Song Mingi Tweedle Dum - Jeong Yunho Bloody Red King - Park Seonghwa
ᴛᴀɢʟɪꜱᴛ: @myunvillage @mirror-juliet @jess-1404 @earth-to-leiki @miraculoustaytiny [Send me a DM, an ask or comment to be added to the tag list]
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The King wasted no time. After getting you back, he immediately scheduled the coronation, as he couldn't wait to call you his Queen. The Castle was in a frenzy, the sound little frog feet slapping against the marble floors echoed in every division. Seonghwa refused to have the coronation in the same room where he got married, he didn't want to re-live the awful moment when his wife got stolen from him... So the maids and butlers found new decorations, moved the paintings and transformed another one of the King's dark and cold rooms into a place worthy of a welcoming party.
"Let's do it in the throne room. Place her throne by my right." He had said.
The tradition was for the throne to be moved in front of everyone present, so they could witness the changes and their new reality first hand, but Seonghwa was a little tired of following tradition.
You and him stood in the middle of the throne room, with every single maid and butler running around frantically, trying to get everything done on time. You looked on proudly, enjoying the way it was all coming along.
The excess of red and black was gone, it was now balanced with white and gold, and with the new paintings and lights giving the room a new life it looked like a completely new place. The blinds behind the throne were finally opened, revealing the most beautiful stained glass images. There were four people, who you assumed were Seonghwa's family.
You reminisced the first time you had come to that room, panting and confused, standing in the dark, cold room being judged by the merciless man Seonghwa once was. The contrast was almost unbelievable, but you were glad you had gotten this far.
You felt a pair of arms wrap around your figure and a chin on your shoulder.
"I'll have it replaced. First, just the two of us, and then, once we have our little prince, or princess," he paused, caressing your stomach, where you'd carry your future child "I'll have it replaced once more, with a full picture of our family."
He kissed your cheek and you smiled.
"But Seonghwa, are you sure you wanna take down the picture of your family?" You questioned, feeling honoured yet a little wrong, replacing the original King and Queen.
He stood straight, and his cheerful expression was immediately replaced by one of pain and confusion, remembering all of the memories alongside those people.
"Why not? They have given me nothing but a lifetime of suffering, you have given me nothing but happiness and a chance of redemption. You deserve to be up there, immortalized, as a part of the new Royal family."
"Thank you..."
That was all you could say, as there were no words that could possibly describe how you felt.
One of the maids stole you away from your husband for a second, so you could change from the dirty, ripped-up wedding dress for the new ceremony. She helped you switch to a princess-style dress, all in red silk. The revealing heart-shaped neckline was covered with black lace, that extended all the way to your hands and wrapped around your index finger.
"You look lovely, Miss." The maid said as she fixed your hair.
You thanked her with a small smile and headed towards the throne room. Usually, it would be packed with people, but due to the previous altercation, the only people attending the coronation would be the castle staff, aside from the knights who were assigned to protect the castle during the event.
You carefully sat on the throne, feeling Seonghwa's eyes (or... eye) inspecting you. He leaned over, so he could whisper in your ear.
"You look marvelous in red."
He sat back straight in his throne and smiled at your shy expression. A tall man soon entered the room holding two boxes. He opened one of the boxes and slowly (and carefully) placed the crown on the King's head. It was exaggerated, yet classy and sophisticated like Seonghwa. You could tell it had been specially done for him.
"We shall now begin the coronation of Miss Y/N." The man announced.
He opened the box in front of you, revealing the most beautiful, victorian crown. It was made up of white gold and adorned with the most beautiful red and white stones.
"I hereby declare, by the powers given to me by His majesty Park Seonghwa, the new Queen of Wonderland, Queen Y/N."
The man slowly placed the crown on your head, and it was a perfect fit. He stepped away so the painter could see your smiling faces, as he immortalized the moment on a canvas.
The castle staff smiled and cheered for you, their new Queen.
"Bring her!" The King shouted, and the whole room froze.
The thought on everyone's mind was 'Who's her'.
The heavy doors to the room opened, and a chained woman, dressed in a black cape with her white, disheveled hair showing stepped in, with the help of two guards.
"Unchain her."
The guards obeyed the King, and unchained the woman, who rotated her wrists with a sigh of contentment.
"Finally, what do I owe the honour, Sir?"
The crowd in front of you looked on, petrified. Who the fuck was she?
"Undo the room." Seonghwa commanded.
"Hm there have been some changes, I see." The woman said, her voice cracking mid-sentence.
She looked at you, with her bright purple eyes, sending a shiver down my spine.
"Yes, there have. Now please do as I asked."
"Very well Sir."
The woman removed her black cape, revealing a small, crooked young-looking woman. She lifted her hands in the air, creating a small green fog in her hands, that she aimed at all beings in the room. The people, who were previously humanoid frogs, were turned back into their original form. Tears of happiness formed in everyone's eyes and cries of thankfulness echoed in the room. One maid approached you and knelt by your feet.
"Thank you... Thank you so much!"
You recognized the voice, it was the maid that had thanked you the other day for staying with Seonghwa, and the one that usually helped you dress. You smiled and held her hands.
"No need to kneel around me Miss, thank you for your hard work."
She bowed to you as she walked back to cheer with her peers.
Seonghwa stood up and held out his hand for you to take, and so you followed.
"Iracebeth, follow us. You two," the King said, looking at the two guards who had brought the witch "make sure everyone is gathered at the town center by the time we arrive."
The guards nodded and immediately headed out. Seonghwa took your arm and started walking with you, headed to the town center, you guessed.
You looked behind you to look at the witch, that stared at you with a sinister expression.
"Are you sure it's safe to bring her along, won't she like... curse you? You know, for keeping her locked up?" You whispered.
"Oh, no that won't be an issue."
You tilted your head to the side.
"How come?"
Seonghwa blushed, embarrassed to recall what he had done.
"Well, I tricked her into falling in love with me so I could get her to cast a spell on herself that would only allow her to cast the spells I request her to. I then locked her in the dungeon because I didn't want to deal with her constant crying and blabbering about how I tricked her, that's probably why she's looking at you like..." He glanced over at the witch "... like that."
You hit his arm.
"Park Seonghwa!"
"Ow! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I regret doing it but if I undo it now it could have severe consequences, not only for me but for you too. And we can't have that."
You sighed and nodded. It's true that it was cruel, but you didn't want any consequences headed your way, you'd had enough.
You stopped in front of a black and gold carriage, the one that would take you into town. Seonghwa helped you get on and then sat beside you. The witch rode in front of you, her creepy smile and envious eyes staring into your soul the whole ride. Seonghwa held your hand tightly, also feeling uneasy by her presence.
"We're here, Sir."
Seonghwa took a deep breath. You could tell he was nervous, as all of the people from the Kingdom looked at the carriage, expectantly. You kissed his cheek and held his hand tighter.
"It will be okay." You assured him.
Seonghwa smiled softly and exited the carriage, alongside you and the witch. The expressions of the people once they saw the witch were the same as back in the castle, and they braced for the worst.
The King said nothing, he only turned to the witch and said 'do it'.
Once more, she cast the spell, that supposedly returned them to what they once were, but it didn't go as planned. Some people returned to their original state, but the ones who had turned from animals to humans, not so much... Some had the luck of being completely turned back to who they were, others were left hybrids, mixes of animals and humans. You found Cheshire, still as a human, happily playing with his ears and tail, and Haiga, the Hare, jumping about with his hare feet about the return of his long ears. It didn't take much for those two to be happy. There was a mix of emotions among the crowd, however, some people that had married into families who were previously human, were happy they got some of their old life back and they would still be able to maintain their relationship, others were sad (and mad) that they would never be able to return to whom they once were.
"What happened!?" Seonghwa whisper-yelled to the witch.
"The curse has been cast for far too long, I wasn't able to undo it completely." She explained, ashamed of her own skills.
"People, I apologize," as soon as he spoke those words the commotion calmed down, and everyone seemed shocked. The King? Apologizing? "it seems the curse has gone on for too long and is irreversible in some cases. I ask that whoever has been affected attends the castle tomorrow so I can offer a proper compensation for all of the damages caused, that would be all."
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mindofasupernova · 3 years
The Inventor Part 2
Kaz Brekker x reader
Description: A killer is on the loose, eliminating Kaz's informants. In a desperate attempt, Kaz meets a certain inventor that has his mind racing, trying to figure out the complex puzzle she is.
Hope you like it, let me know what you think.
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A corpse? That's what she wanted? Did she think that he just kept all the bodies of his deceased workers in his room? How the hell was he supposed to get his hands on the corpse of one of his poisoned informants?
One day after meeting the young inventor, Kaz had sent Inej to gather answers to the Y/LN Manor. And just as promised, the girl had already identified most of the compounds, but due to "careless and messy manipulation", clearly referring to Kaz's pouch, she had been unable to determine a specific substance that acted as a catalyst. Inej returned to the Slat with Y/N's message asking for a meeting and a request Kaz wasn't exactly expecting.
According to Y/N, it was of the utmost importance for her to examine the body if she hoped to pinpoint the missing compound not to mention it provided a perfect opportunity for Kaz to tell her about how the poison had captured his attention.
Inej had returned later than usual, smiling and carrying a small brown bag that wafted a sweet and delicious scent. When Kaz had raised his eyebrows in question, Inej had told him Y/N had given her some recently baked cookies. He grunted in response and kept working, but his mind kept drifting back to the cookie bag and what that small act meant.
Inej was cautious but he also knew that she always searched for kindness in people. That snack could have been simply just a gift but Kaz wouldn't have made it this far if he considered all people as kind-hearted. Y/N was a stranger, a rich stranger from the highest of ranks of society who probably didn't care if Barrel rats like him lived or not. Y/N hadn't asked for a favor nor did she need money, she just wanted to know, that unsettled Kaz more than he liked to admit.
He had spent the day gathering information about her, her personal life, hobbies, and all the rumors he could find. He had found absolutely nothing that could give him an insight into the girl's intentions, he had finished empty-handed with the information he already knew: she was the only daughter of one of the richest men in Ketterdam, the perfect personification of a wealthy royal daughter, an innocent and pious little thing that went to Church with her family. Kaz scoffed at that, the defying look she gave her at their secret rendezvous accompanied with her enthusiasm for carving a corpse open proved she was far from innocent.
No, until he had more facts he wouldn't let his guard down. And yet, a small part of him yearned for her actions to be good-intentioned. Stop, hope is a dangerous thing. He had already made the mistake of hoping when he was nine and look where it got him.
Kaz returned his gaze to the papers in front of him, huffing in annoyance, he started writing down orders to get a corpse for Y/N.
Y/N : One day after the meeting
Y/N was quietly sitting at her vanity, a soft smile adorned her face, gaze completely lost on her new device when Inej, soundlessly crept inside her bedroom.
After Kaz Brekker had left the shop near the Church of Barter, she no longer felt the giddy spark she had when she left her manor. She couldn't blame Mr. Zhang for telling Mr. Brekker about their association, he was an old jumpy man who wished no trouble upon no one. She had left all the concoctions that Mr. Zhang had order, but she didn't show him her latest joy, she no longer felt as excited.
This new invention she had come up with consisted of a music box. But it was no ordinary music box, far from it. Y/N had noticed how most of the music boxes got damaged with time when the metal rusted and the music no longer sounded like a melody but more like a haunted house. So, instead of depending on metal to play music, why not use water vapor. Yes, she had spent four days perfecting the pressure at which each piston released the water so it was a perfect copy of one of the melodies in the Komedie Brute. Four days making sure that the amount of heat the flame distributed was enough to transform the water into vapor but not so fast it was gone before the song ended. And now, here it was, a vapor-based music box with a decorative firebird in the center that literally caught fire, warming the water below.
Mind too caught up on the mechanics of her own work, that, when the Wraith materialized from the shadows behind her, Y/N sent a rain of screws and nuts toppling down the floor when Inej's hand landed on her shoulder.
Wide-eyed, Y/N turned around to face the apparition in her room. The Suli girl raised her hands, to show she intended no harm and in a kind voice spoke:
"I'm not here to hurt you. Kaz Brekker sent me to check up on your progress."
With a sigh of relief, Y/N straightened relaxed her posture. "Why, of course, should have assumed Mr. Brekker would send someone. Please, take a seat. " with a small smile, she gestured to a plush burgundy armchair.
"As promised, I have successfully identified most of the compounds. However, I fear identifying the catalyst agent won't be possible unless I conduct a thorough autopsy on the unfortunate victim. The needle I was given was in an atrocious condition, too many foreign compounds had already interacted with it." Y/N answered, finishing with a hopeful tone.
Inej nodded her head and responded, "I'll let Kaz know, thank you Marchioness Y/LN." Inej turned around, making a bee-line for the window.
"You must not be thinking of going out in this beastly weather. Please, stay until this horrendous downpour ceases." Y/N quickly called back, wrapping her silk shawl around her petite frame, as if the thought of stepping outside was enough to send a chill running down her spine.
Inej hesitated, directing a fleeting glance at the crying sky outside, she resumed to her previous seat.
"Would you like a piece of Cinamon-coated Pavlova? I guarantee you won't regret it, the caramelized peaches are sinfully appetizing!" and before the Suli girl could respond, Y/N was rushing out of her room, the dainty patter of her heels clicking down the stairs.
Her room was exactly what Inej had expected: luxurious and overly grand. But there was something about it that Inej couldn't quite place, her room was tidy to the extreme, all the expensive perfume bottles lined up, gaps between that appeared as if they had been measured with a ruler. Nothing in her room showed a preference or indication of what she truly liked, at first sight, the room would have seemed like the perfect fairytale but now, upon close observation, the room looked generic, hollow, and cold. The spy wondered if all the riches were worth living into a life as impersonal as hers.
Y/N returned, carrying a tray full of fancy desserts Inej couldn't even pronounce.
"The baker proclaims himself a master of crème brûlées. I prefer his fruit-stuffed truffles, though. Mouthwatering" Y/N commented, gingerly placing the tray on her small mahogany table.
Y/N waited for Inej to take a bite out of the coffee tiramisu, after the Suli girl let a soft hum of appreciation, Y/N smiled and questioned: "I hope I'm not being too invasive, but how did you manage to climb all the way to my window? There are no nooks where you could have possibly held onto, you must have an incredible balance to perform such a feat."
And that's how Inej told her about her life as an acrobat, proudly sharing brief glimpses to her past, seeing no harm in the girl next to her. Y/N was more than happy when Inej started talking, she was glad the bronzed-skinned girl didn't treat her with timid whispers afraid of offending her royal title. It felt nice to have a normal conversation, being able to share honest opinions instead fake smiles and condescending words at galas, afraid that if the wrong statement slipped they'll become the next party gossip.
The morning after, Inej returned bearing Mr. Brekker's message agreeing to a nightly meeting where she'll be able to examine the corpse.
Saying that Y/N was thrilled, was an understatement, apart from a chance to put her brain to good use, it gave her the perfect opportunity to try a device she had specifically designed for creating an alibi while she was sneaking outside at unlikely hours.
Y/N hated piano. Don't get her wrong, it wasn't the instrument, it was the music, her music. Because for an unknown reason, her fingers seemed to have a mind of their own whenever she tried to. She admired the focus and dedication of musicians, she really did, but her mind easily got distracted thinking about her latest reading material instead of focusing on the notes. So, she had created a system capable of pushing the tiles as if her own fingers played the music. She knew it was wrong to fool her parents in such a way but it gave her a perfect cover to go in secret missions her parents would never approve of.
Proper ladies don't get excited over knowledge, much less probe in repulsive matters such as corpses. Look at you, Y/N, what would future suitors think if they discover you all cheerful over someone´s murder? The scandal! Zia Francesca's reprimanding voice resonated inside Y/N´s head. But she could care less about what the whole Ketterdam thought about her, science was her passion, and she would abandon it until the day she died.
Already outside, a navy blue scarf wrapped around her head to shield her delicate features against unwanted attention, Y/N waited for Inej at their chosen meeting point.
The sly girl slipped into view, with a grace greater than the one of a feline, leaving the shadows as if she and the night were one. With a brief nod, Y/N followed the girl into the awaiting hands of darkness. Leading her towards the Barrel, a place where monsters lurked behind every corner impatiently waiting to pounce any minute. Nonetheless, Y/N felt ecstatic, warm excitement pulsing through her veins, a river waiting in anticipation to break the thin modest facade she kept up to let her curiosity resurface in search of enigmas to solve.
When they arrived at a place named "The Crow Club", Inej went to get Kaz and some "others" and told her to wait. Y/N observed the lively atmosphere, seeing customers from different countries around the world when her eyes landed on a familiar head with wild red curls.
"Mr. Van Eck?" Y/N questioned in disbelief, the boy perked up at the sound of his last name, locking eyes with the hooded girl.
Never would she have imagined finding Wylan Van Eck down in the Barrel. She was shocked, Wylan supposedly should be in a music school outside of Ketterdam. Both belonging to affluent families, Y/N had met Wylan Van Eck at several parties. She hadn't gotten to know him very well, but she liked the quiet boy who shared the same look of misfortune Y/N had every time they were thrown into a classy social event. When his father had announced he was leaving to study abroad, Y/N was happy for him although she would miss being silently miserable together. But it appeared Wylan had been doing something far from studying, now sitting next to a tall Zemeni boy with his arm slung around his shoulder.
"Marchioness Y/N, I never imagined...W-What brings you here?" replied round-eyed Wylan, confusion, and astonishment written all over his features.
But before Y/N could respond, steps and the tapping of a cane interrupted their little meeting, Inej small silhouette trailing behind Mr. Brekker.
"So, you know Wylan?" he interrogated in that characteristic rasp, coffee eyes scrutinizing Y/N's form.
"Yes, Mr. Van Eck used to come to our social gatherings."
Wylan just nodded shyly while his long-limbed companion kept drowning shot like they were water.
Dirtyhands humphed in acknowledgment "Nice, know that we are all together let's go to...Jesper, I don't pay you to drink the bar dry. Get your ass down here and let's get moving so our dear inventor can examine the body, shall we?
"Wait, she is the contact you talked about?" the Zemeni, Jesper, questioned. Eyes going from Kaz Brekker to Y/N, as if this was some kind of joke.
"Wylan called her Marchioness? You asked for a royal's help?" Jesper asked, an incredulous mocking smile on his face. "Who are you and what have you done with Kaz?"
Mr. Brekker scowled at him and without another word turned around not even waiting for them to follow.
"Well, nice to meet you, my lady. The name's Jesper Fahey," he said, bowing down and kissing her hand, sending her a mischievous wink.
"Very nice to make your acquaintance, Mr. Fahey. And please, there's no need for formalities, just call me Y/N." she comforted, as they finally reached the others. Glancing at the rest while finishing her last statement, prompting the rest to call her by her first name.
Y/N radiated waves of elation, her whole face lighting up at the thought of an adventure, a star amid the tumultuous dark waters of Ketterdam helping him find his way to the shore.
Kaz wore an amused expression at Y/N's amused gaze roaming the dirty streets of the Barrel, a new unknown world full of carnage and sins. She isn't fit for the Barrel thought Kaz, her eyes dancing in amusement at every little detail that caught her interest despite her efforts to put on a serious face and regal posture. She probably saw wonderous adventures while Kaz saw the Barrel for what it really was: a ravenous, savage beast waiting to swallow the weakest whole and drain the lives of the ones who survived its ghastly bites. And somehow the concept that she didn't belong in this world, his world, made Kaz's heart wrenched a little.
During their walk, Kaz shared the details about the latest killer on the loose and his dead informants, all the while, Y/N remained quiet, evaluating every one of his words.
When they arrived at an abandoned building, a single man was stationed outside, leaning on the tainted wall with a tired look in his eyes. Kaz nodded at the guard who gave him a set of keys and trotted out of sight. Kaz guided them inside, careful no prying eyes had followed them. Kaz turned on the lights, briefly disconcerting his companions, and pointed to a table with a big bulk covered by a dirty cloth.
"As you requested, the unfortunate victim" announced Kaz as Y/N placed a small suitcase she'd brought with her forensic equipment and tenderly pried the cloth covering the thing that once had been alive.
Y/N didn't bat an eyelash when she saw the corpse's face, not even when Jesper started gagging or when Inej turned around and started quietly mumbling prayers to her saints. Kaz focused on her face, the calm inquisitive look of a scientist, he had expected a gasp at least. Kaz was impressed by her cool analytical demeanor when a simple glimpse of the man was enough to send Kaz back to the ocean, rotting flesh beneath his fingertips. Kaz shuddered at the thought, forcing down the vomit rising in his throat.
"If you need an assistant, Jesper is willing to help" Kaz stated, stabilizing his voice so it wouldn't show his true feelings.
"What?! Me? Umm..no...I...Helping isn't a Jesper talent." Mr. Fahey said, a fearful look in his eyes, face white as a sheet. Kaz hoped he didn't look as terrified as him.
Y/N stopped her scan, looked up at the two boys, and with a small smile spoke: "I appreciate it, but there's no need. I'm certain I can handle it on my own."
Quickly discarding her coat and scarf, pushing back the sleeves of her rouge-colored blouse, and pulling long laboratory gloves over her hands along with a white apron over her head, she set up to work.
Kaz stared at her features, as she transformed into an eager forensic, light illuminating her face, falling in the right places giving her an otherwordly glow. Rebellious strands of hair framing her forehead, a pink hue staining her cheeks indicating her joyous state. The sight before him would have put any masterpiece to shame, Kaz wondered how she could stare at a corpse and find glee in such a morbid image. But Kaz liked it, the brilliant gleam her eyes portrayed, her childish joy at the promise of adventure.
The spell was broken when she started pulling out scalpels, syringes, and other items Dirtyhands couldn't bother to learn the name of. Pulling the flesh taught beneath her fingers, Y/N made a Y incision, skin splaying open.
Cold lifeless hands gripped Kaz's throat. his brother's icy whispers brushing his skin. He turned his head away and as if perceiving his discomfort, Y/N's bewitching doe eyes stared back at him.
"You can wait outside if you prefer to, I'll notify you when I'm done." her gentle voice reached and Kaz couldn't have been more grateful.
With a sharp shake of his head, Kaz limped towards the exit, Jesper, and Inej quickly following his movements.
After Y/N finished, she eagerly started explaining her findings, a prideful gleam emanating from her.
"Well, Mr. Brekker I must admit this case is a peculiar one. The simplest ones always prove to be the most challenging."
"Here I thought that after years of fancy tea reunions you'd know the meaning of a vast number of words. I'll be sure to buy you a thesaurus." mocked Kaz, a wolfish smirk creeping onto his face.
The inventor frowned at his comment, racing her chin higher, and started her rant, thoughts racing to prove her point.
"Oh no, Mr. Brekker do not confuse simple and easy. Simple is straightforward, plain facts to the observer. Ordinary details are hard to pinpoint, effortlessly found everywhere, which makes it harder to find unique characteristics that could serve as means of identification since their nature is so elementary." Y/N spoke swiftly, pacing around the room, eyes never faltering from Kaz's.
"And that's exactly what happened in this case. As I had mentioned, my extraction wasn't entirely successful, for an essential reactant was missing. However, it wasn't the only reason why I insisted on examining the body, no, a very simple and ordinary substance appeared when I separated the poison: Helianthus annuus or more commonly known as sunflowers." Y/N paused glancing at their surprised faces, clearly pleased with their reactions, she continued, the corners of her lips tugging upwards.
"You can imagine my surprise when I found sunflower pollen as the main component of the poisonous agent. I ran several more tests and the result remains the same, our killer is using these lovely flowers as a weapon. Now, back to the catalyst, the easy part of the equation. This component isn't as fastidious as the previous one, why, you may ask. Well, its vast majority consists of average materials but a small percentage of it contains alloys that are only produced in Ketterdam, that combined with the peculiar way they were fused, suggests a Grisha alkemi made this solution." Y/N concluded, grabbing a piece of paper and hastily writing before she handed it to Kaz.
"There are no signs of struggle, meaning either they knew the attacker or they were taken by surprise. A swift prick to the femoral artery, a clear pathway for the poison to reach the bloodstream, infecting the body within seconds."
"It shouldn't be very hard to find the alkemi. They aren't very popular and most of them are indentured. Here is the list of all the reactants, the specifics, and where I believe you might find them. " finished the girl, looking at the trio expectantly.
"If you don't mind, I have taken a sample to examine more carefully at my house. I'll try to find any details I might have overlooked."
Briskly reading the list, Kaz frowned and then pocketed the small scrap of paper. "First thing tomorrow morning, ask around for an alkemi who might have bought these materials. "
Kaz turned to look at his fellow crows, content with their nods of approval, grabbed his cane, and sauntered towards the door. Her chemistry knowledge was astounding, a marvelous domain of anatomy, and an even more gifted engineer from what he had heard. Hers was an indeed beautiful mind, not that he would ever tell her.
"Mr. Brekker?" her light voice shattered through the gloomy night. Kaz craned his neck, gaping back at her in question.
"Is there perhaps a place where I might be able to tidy myself up?" Y/N questioned, Kaz finally looking at her messy red-stained apron and her exposed arms displaying strokes of red all over them.
Kaz hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should bring the girl back to their home. "You can use the restroom back at the Slat." The girl had risked her reputation sneaking out on ill-advised affairs to help them, it was the least he could do.
"Thank you" Y/N replied as she carefully peeled her apron, attentive at not brushing her arms against her blouse.
Once she had freshened up, Y/N stumbled upon the young Van Eck talking with a couple. The green-eyed girl was about Y/N's age, a generously carved complexion, holding the hand of a tall Fjerdan.
Y/N inclined her head as a form of salute, "I never pegged you for the rebellious type, Mr. Van Eck. I never thought you hated music lessons that much to run away." she told him in a joking tone.
"And I never thought you were the type to sneak out at ungodly hours just to play detective. " Wylan replied, a grin beginning to form on his face.
"Well, I suppose everyone has secrets."
"You must be Y/N, Inej told me you were the help Kaz so desperetly needed. I'm Nina, he's Matthias and well you already know Wylan."
"It's a pleasure to meet you." Inej had briefly mentioned them, she knew now that Nina loved food, maybe next time she'll bring those exquisite truffles she had so eagerly talked about. If there is a next time Y/N reminded herself, she desperately hoped so, but now that her work was done she wasn't so sure Kaz Brekker would ever seek her again.
"Well, you have saved me the introductions." Kaz sarcastically glowered at the green-eyed girl, Nina kept talking as if she hadn't heard him.
It was one thing for Kaz to admire her intelligence, it did not mean he trusted her, though. Pieces were still missing to the intricate puzzle she was and until that changed Kaz did not like the way she rapidly befriended his crows, her intentions were still blurry to Kaz, and even though he would never admit it he cared deeply about their well-being.
"You should stay a little longer, we could go for waffles as a way of thank you." prompted Nina.
"Your offer is very tempting, but I'm afraid I'll have to pass. I should be returning home." Y/N declined, grinning at Nina, blissful someone had invited her for waffles.
Kaz stared at her and wondered how many times someone had done something similar, not to thank her but rather to use her, so that such a simple gesture put her in a joyful state.
"Scared of what your parents may do if they found out the truth?" Kaz quipped once his crows had left the two of them alone. A teasing tone masking true concern.
"Terrified. Someone may notice I've been playing the same four songs for the last couple of hours, always missing the same notes every time and they might get ideas of checking up on me," she confessed, mischief coating her features.
"Good night, Mr. Brekker. I'm happy I could be of assistance. Please, let me know if you find your killer or if my experience is needed again."
Kaz just bowed, signaling for his Wraith to get Y/N back to her manor in one piece.
Both girls disappeared into the night, leaving Kaz pondering what the hell she had meant with playing the piano.
Almost two weeks had passed, no signs of Kaz and no visits from the Wraith, well not that she was aware of. Y/N caught herself glaring at no point in particular, she readjusted her expression and plastered a well-practiced look of keen interest, trying to focus on Lady Stathos' rant about the attractiveness of the Viscount of Chagny.
Y/N politely excused herself, with no intention of making a fool of herself if Lady Stathos posed a question related to her gossip.
Too busy drowning in her own sorrow, knowing that Kaz had probably captured the culprit and was happily celebrating his success and no longer needing Y/N's help, that she stumbled forward, barely catching herself when someone bumped her from behind.
When Y/N turned back around, searching for that someone, she was met with a sight she had only seen once in an abandoned warehouse late at night. One that made her mind scream: Helianthus annuus.
Mercher Dupont's eyes were deranged, veins gruesomely popping and blood spilling from his lips, before toppling in the middle of the dance floor, taking his final breath.
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lil23akira · 3 years
Alberose Week 2021
Day 6(family)
Oh hell yea today's the day I was most excited about X3
cw: fluff, poor research about flowers and ye olden days methods, maybe ooc but this is assuming they're both completely comfortable with each other now
Albedo was tired. He spent the past 3 days taking Klee on a trip to Liyue so she wouldn't bomb away the fish supply in Mondstadt. It was fun, he won't deny the joy he feels whenever he makes time to spend with his sister. That said, he's social battery is just about drained, and he just wants to recharge. So when he finally reached a small cottage he called home, he considered never leaving again.
He entered the cottage and was immediately greeted by the smell of soup. Without hesitation, he hung up his coat and made his way to the small kitchen. His sweet flower burst out grinning upon sensing his presence, and gave him a nice long hug. "Welcome home! How was your trip?" she said, ears flipping up and down without shame. There was once a time she would hide them, far too embarrassed to let them move an inch. Albedo felt slightly nostalgic thinking back at it, but now he's glad Sucrose was comfortable was comfortable enough to be herself.
"A trip with Klee? Exhausting, but fun nonetheless." he said. Sucrose only giggled at her partner as he buried his head in the crook of her neck. "I missed you, love" he whispered, as he inhaled her essence. "I missed you too" Sucrose simply placed a soft peck on his cheek. Pulling away from the hug slightly, Sucrose continued with "The soup's almost ready, go ahead and clean up. We'll cuddle after dinner, alright?". Knowing full well that she has complete control over himself, Albedo pulled away and went to wash up.
A few minutes later, Albedo emerged from their shared bedroom having only removed his leggings underneath his shorts. He figured he could change clothes right before bed. However, something caught his eyes on his way back to the kitchen. On the windowsill, there was pot that wasn't there before. It was obviously a new flower as there was a tiny bud growing in the center. What intrigued him however was the card next to it.
[ CecilAster 1326, 7 months until full bloom ]
Ah, so it was one of Sucrose's new creations. The exact same one that exploded in fa- wait 7 months? Most flowers would take around 3 months. Sure this one was crossbred, but even so, wouldn't that be far too long for 1 flower? Also, if Sucrose had only just succeed making the seed, how would she know it'd take 7 months? It took Albedo a minute of trying to process the information before he noticed a small strip of paper next to the pot too. Albedo had seen those strips before at the pharmacies in Liyue. Generally, unused sticks would have 1 red line at one end until peed on. Why would Sucrose-
There were 2 red lines.
.. oh.
With wide eyes, Albedo took in a deep breath before calling out to his lover. "S-Sucrose?"
"Yes??" she said, as she emerged from the kitchen. She must of noticed his bewildered expression immediately as her expression softened. "Is this.. a-are you..?" he stammered, completely caught off guard by this discovery. Sucrose gave him a gentle smile as she came closer.
Overwhelmed with more emotions than Albedo could process, he engulfed Sucrose in a hug, almost crushing her in fact. But he would never, especially not now. Not when she was carrying the most precious thing to human life. Albedo wasn't sure what he was feeling, joy, fear, anxiety, excitement, love. Maybe it was all of them at once, it made him tear up honestly. Sucrose, once again could only giggle at her lover as she hugged him back.
"Can I.." he started, unsure how to phrase it. "yes, yes you can." Sucrose answered, knowing full well what he was trying to say.
and that's how the soup Sucrose made inevitably got cold, completely untouched that night. For they ended up embracing each other 'til dawn. All the while Albedo couldn't help but make a mental note for their little rosebud.
"Dear child of sugar and chalk, no alchemy in this world could ever hope to produce a being like you. Nor will we ever try to find out. Nothing in this world could compare to how you are at this moment, and the next, and the next, for all eternity. So for all eternity, we love you. You are the epitome of all life- of our lives. You who are pure, don't you ever worry. For there is no cataclysm too disastrous that could waver our hearts from loving you. When you arrive, we will eagerly waiting for you, ready to teach you all we know and give you all we have for all your days. Our little flower, let's grow together, as a family."
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Let's forget about historical logic and just enjoy for the moment XD
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Variations utc
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xiu21chen99 · 4 years
hxh headcanon/imagine.
again... still about hisoillu but about their engagement instead of illu's influenced fashion choice.
also this is more of... idk it gave reason why they chose to marry instead of uh other ways i guess??
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i've seen so many fanarts where illu would break the news to the zoldycks or how killu would react to having hisoka as his brother in law- like srsly it's meme worthy at this point- and lotsa ones that showed how hisoka proposed as a joke or smtg but... I've been overthinking abt it these past few days sO i present to you how i think "the big question aka the proposal" happened... (manga spoilers??)
it's after hisoka resurrected himself obviously, and def after he killed kortopi and shalnark (so he knew there was gonna be empty slots in the spiders' lineup)
i imagine illu went back to the zoldyck estate after the whole fiasco and only heard of hisoka's "death" from rumors while he was on a mission
and then when he was idk maybe contemplating on whether or not he should visit the body(?) to pay respects or something, he gets a text message from the devil himself
their text went like this probably:
hisoka: hey~ where are you right now?♠️ (and no u can't tell me hisoka doesn't text w card suits u just can't-)
illumi: who are you and how did you get the phone you are currently using?
hisoka: ooh~ illu~ i feel betrayed, did you delete my number?♣️
illumi: hisoka is dead
hisoka: *image attached*
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illumi: oh
illumi: hello hisoka, how are you still alive?
hisoka: you sound disappointed~♦️
illumi: i kind of am...
hisoka: rude, just tell me where you are♥️
...and that's how they met up?? ngl i think illu has a know-it-all syndrome where he just has to,,, k n o w everything
he's curious so he agrees to the meetup ofc
he's also surprised when he sees hisoka is in good shape when they meet (idk at a bar in an unknown city?)
they drink whiskey on the rocks because... you know...
hisoka explains how he survived and his next plan of action (which is terminate the spiders)
illumi makes a mental note of nen after death bc he's heard and seen it all before but... not to this extent,
this is gonna be,,, bland but i think this is the logic behind why hisoka chose to get married/engaged instead of just paying up front (reference to the ten dons' commission to get chrollo killed and chrollo's commission to get the ten dons killed)--
anyways here's how their conversation goes:
i: "why did you want to talk in person?"
h: "oh y'know, for old times sake."
i: "...right"
hisoka laughs, "okay so maybe i want to ask you for a favor..?"
confused, illumi asks, "why could you not have just texted if you wanted me to kill someone for you?"
h: "no, no- wait, actually, you're not too far off."
i: ~mOrE cOnfUsiOn~ "huh?"
h: "how do contracts for assassination work in your... family business?"
i: "half the promised pay before, the remaining half afterwards. should the target be eliminated by a third party, the assigned zoldyck still gets the pay and should the employer die, then the contract is terminated and the zoldyck will report back immediately."
h: "and has anyone made a contract to have themselves terminated?"
i: "i beg your pardon?"
h: "what complications will arise should your employer's target be... themselves?"
i: "i believe... i have never encountered such circumstance before. the people who hire us are those who have enough money and resource to have their enemies killed quickly. no one's tried to test the zoldyck assassination prowess."
h: "so... how will that work?"
i: "are you implying this is the reason why you have contacted me today?"
h: "yes~ ♥️" (how he said a heart emoji out loud is up to you, reader)
i: "it will be a pointless paradox. logically, the zoldyck will only get the employment bill. and i, myself, do not find pleasure in going for the kill like you lest i get my reward, so you will not get a contract out of me, hisoka."
h: "is there no leeway?"
i: "a zoldyck stands up to their word. so no."
h: "even for a friend?~ ♦️"
i: "we are not friends, hisoka-"
hisoka raises his glass of whiskey along with his eyebrow.
i: "oh..."
h: "didn't you tell dear killua that a zoldyck didn't need friends?"
i: "you... are an associate, someone reliable in the killing world. it's different."
h: "hypocrite"
i: "i ask you for favors and you make me return them. it is not like we spend our time together leisurely like killu with that island boy..."
hisoka clinks their matching glasses of whiskey even though his is already empty, a shit-eating grin on his lips.
i: "you suggested we meet here."
h: "this isn't the first time we went out to drink, right illu?"
i: "regardless!! i will not kill you just for half the money. i do not like wasting efforts on fruitless missions."
h: "as i said, is there no exception, to make sure you get my money if you were to succeed in killing me?"
i: "are you doubting my skill, hisoka?"
h: "that's not the point right now~ ♠️"
i: "wait, why do you want me to get all of your money?"
h: "haven't we just gotten over this subject? because you're my friend, of course."
i: "i... we are not friends, hisoka."
hisoka claps, "that's it! illumi!! ♣️"
i: "eh?"
h: "marry me! that way in our prenup I'll make sure you get all of my money, and even without a prenup you'll still get it since you'll be my only relative! that solves it!"
i: "hisoka, are you sure death did not took a toll on your brain? you did say you used Bungee Gum only on your heart and lungs..."
h: "i'm being serious, illumi!! and doesn't this solve your earlier conflict? we don't have to be friends, we'll be husbands!"
i: "do not use that tactic with me, you manipulative bastard. stop joking."
h: "this is purely beneficial for you, honestly i don't get why you just won't accept it."
i: "then humor me this first, why now?"
h: "dear illu, i've been to literal hell and back. i think it's time to leave my mark in case i fail to escape death again."
i: "was it that bad?"
h: "you'll love it there, illu~ ♥️"
h: "on a more serious note, though, i do plan to marry you. out of everyone i've encountered, you're the most eligible candidate. you're powerful, fully capable and extremely pretty to boot! you're the ideal husband!"
(blushing obviously, illumi downs the remaining whiskey in his glass) i: "death has changed you, hisoka."
h: "so?"
i: "fine."
h: "excellent!"
and in one fell swoop, illumi has a pin against the curve of hisoka's jugular, wrist held tightly by hisoka- a card matching against his own neck.
"not yet, dear husband." hisoka whispered into his ear, "we have to manage the papers first. and i've a request before you do."
they let each other go at the same time, not even breathing an unnecessary breath in the other's personal space (well, they're nearly pressed thigh to thigh anyways, what's the point of personal space anymore-)
"a condition rather than a request, really."
"what?" hisoka orders them refills, and downs his when it arrives.
"join the ryodan first."
glass already pressed on thin lips, illumi's confused hum resonates softly into the concave utensil. "why?"
"so things can get more interesting. i assume you know of the dark continent expedition that's soon to take place?"
"father has advised i take part on it, since kalluto told me the ryodan plans to rob some cliches who'll join the expedition- to look after him. you want me to join them?"
"yes, and i plan to board as well, don't fret."
illumi's eyes turn to slits, "how should i know you would be there? i can't take your word when you might just disappear when we've all boarded."
hisoka grins, wide then wider, "you should know by now illu, i plan to avenge my wounded pride. that damned chrollo didn't even fight me properly."
tilting his head, illumi stared at the man beside him, "is that not contradictory? i thought you did not mind your opponent using whatever means necessary to win?"
"magicians use tricks and misdirection to awe the audience," hisoka says almost thoughtlessly, "chrollo's a narcissistic hypnotist who used the audience as a damned shield because he knew he couldn't handle me face-to-face."
he groans, tinged in regret. "i shouldn't have picked heaven's arena, if i'd chosen a more discreet location then maybe the damage won't be this bad."
"damage?" illumi rests his chin on his palm, facing his husband.
hisoka swipes a hand over his face, and the glamour comes off. the picture he sent illumi now present in front of him. he was missing a nose, his left hand didn't have any finger left and dried blood chipped on his white skin. "oh."
with another swipe, everything's made correct again. hisoka was grinning again. he downs the remaining alcohol and leaves jenny bills under the emptied glass.
"come, lovely husband. we're to elope and legalize our union!"
illumi follows suit after downing his own glass, "i think there might be another loop hole, if you were to join the family. zoldycks do not kill family."
"so if i were to wed you, here and now, you'd think me more of a family than alluka?"
"alluka is not family."
"are those your words, illumi? or silva's?"
"wow, you're really just as fucked up as i am."
"where do you plan to take me? i've just said i cannot kill family."
hisoka chuckles, "then you're the one to take my name, of course."
"who the hell still uses that word?"
"i am and will always be a zoldyck-"
"exactly. it's just legal papers, if you kill me then you'll just be a widow and even get your name back! see how everything'll work out in the end?"
"are you doubting your skill of assassination, my dearest husband?"
"... i better get the most expensive ring in this damned city."
"that's the spirit! now let's go get married!"
"wait, hisoka. what is your last name?"
later that night, when they leave a chapel, something gold glimmers on hisoka's bungee gum/texture surprise ring finger. a matching one around illumi's finger.
unlike hisoka, though, illumi had an extra red glimmer right under that gold, in the dead center of a silver band of intricately designed pattern. hisoka had foregone the traditional diamond in favor of a 16 carat ruby engagement ring, such a curious choice but illumi accepted it all the same...
(much later on, hisoka took both rings as collateral and reminded illumi that he would get them back even if he died bc it was in their damn prenup- and bc it was technically bought under illumis name and that's how hisoka assured illu that he'd be on that black whale,,, bc he had the rings and planned to give them back to him there)
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"I thought a red gemstone was better suited for the rather bloody and murderous ending that our relationship will inevitably come to, wouldn't you agree?"
-Hisoka Morow whenever someone mentions his preference of proposal ring...
"I disagree with most of his ideals, our relationship has always had a fragile foundation, and I knew from the start that we'd eventually end up killing each other."
-Illumi Morow, nee Zoldyck when asked about his thoughts on his husband...
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zodiactalks · 3 years
Love Life with Aries Woman & 5 Brutal Truths
Loving an Aries is not an easy thing.
No, that's a lie. Loving an Aries is very easy; They're charming, fun, magnetic, funny, exciting, intense, and all-around impossible to look away from.
They're the kind of people who can light up an entire room without even trying and, as such, it's effortless to fall in love with them.
Having an Aries love you back is a little harder, but not impossible, so that's not the hard part of the equation.
The hard part comes after because all those characteristics that drew you towards Aries in the first place?
Those don't go away. Ever.
Their intense and strong personalities are incredibly attractive, but can also complicate your relationship.
Here are five brutal truths about loving Aries woman that explains how.
#1. They have one hell of a temper.
Aries women are often described as "fiery" and "temperamental," which can sound fun and exciting until that temper is directed at you.
We all love a woman with some fire in them, but an Aries fire is less an ember and more a raging wildfire, capable of destroying things or, at the very least, leaving a permanent mark on anything it touches.
An Aries woman's temperamental attitude can give them the boost they need to achieve their goal and can get you out of a difficult situation, but it can make things worse just as quickly, so you need to be prepared for any eventuality.
The key to dating an Aries woman is achieving a balance between respecting them and respecting yourself. Don't let yourself be intimidated by their temper, but don't try to intimidate them either.
This is because...
#2. They will try to dominate you.
Aries women love bossing around others, and they often do it so naturally, they don't even realize they're doing it.
They walk around the world like they own the place, and, more often than not, the universe responds in kind. It's not uncommon to find friendships and relationships where Aries is the dominant partner, and that might just be the case with yours if you let things flow naturally.
Don't get us wrong, there's nothing wrong with an Aries woman being the dominant partner in a relationship, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with letting your partner take charge, but Aries tend to be pretty self-centered, so their leadership can turn into domination if you're not careful.
If you don't mind an Aries woman being the dominant partner in your relationship, then buckle up and have fun. Just make sure to express your needs openly and clearly, and everything should go along swimmingly.
If you'd rather be the dominant partner of your relationship...forget it, that's not how it works with Aries women. Either you're equals, or she's the boss. Nothing else works for this passionate sign.
Their domineering personalities will make an Aries woman resent you if you try to "put her in her place," and treating her as anything else than an equal is a sure way to get her to call off the relationship almost immediately.
The good news? It doesn't have to be a constant battle of wills.
Aries women are perfectly willing and happy to share their leadership with people they look up to and respect; you just need to work hard to show them that you won't give in to their every whim, but that you value and consider their input and opinions.
#3. They don't think things through.
Aries women –and men for that matter– are the kind of people who drink milk to find out if it has gone bad.
Discretion, introspection, and just plain old thinking things through are not Aries's characteristics. They charge head-first into situations and improvise as they go, reacting to everything that happens rather than planning accordingly.
It can make for some hilarious stories and for quite an adventure, but it can also get her, and you, in problems, so you'll want to keep an eye out on your Aries partner, just to make sure she's not making choices she'll regret.
Word of advice, though, don't try to control her. Don't tell her not to do something, but rather provide reasons for why that thing they're planning to do is a bad idea.
Telling them no is a sure way to get them to do something, so if you genuinely care for the outcome of an Aries woman's actions, try and find a way to be supportive while still standing your ground when you think she's making a mistake.
Telling her not to outright will make her dismiss your advice. Talking things through and, more importantly, pointing out things she might've not considered are far more effective ways to ensure she thinks things through before acting in a way that can hurt her and yourself.
Think of it less as reverse psychology and more like brainstorming.
Aries women are wicked smart, but sometimes they need a push to see what's incredibly obvious to others.
We do advise you sometimes just to follow her lead, though. Their blunt, straight to the point approach to life might seem careless, but it sure can yield amazing results.
#4. They have huge egos.
Look, no one loves an Aries woman more than an Aries woman loves herself.
Aries women know they're smart, know they're stubborn, and they know they can achieve great things if they put their minds to it. What's more, not only do they know this, but they take great pride in it.
They don't think they're great; they know they're great, which means they will often dismiss criticism, but they'll blow compliments out of proportion.
Their enormous egos can also lead them to be selfish at times, as they often fail to take people's needs and desires into consideration. Their selfishness often comes from a place of self-absorption rather than a lack of care; as long as you put your foot down and let them know they're ignoring your needs and desires; they shouldn't have a problem with this.
Remember, an Aries woman can be incredibly domineering, so if you don't speak up, she'll simply assume you're okay with everything that's going on.
#5. They have no patience.
None whatsoever.
Aries women want things to happen as fast as possible, and that bleeds out to every other aspect of their lives.
From pulling food out of the microwave before it finishes heating up, to skipping pages in their books just to reach the end, to losing their cool because you're taking too much time choosing which restaurant you want to visit.
Their intense personalities are to blame for this, though it's not a fault that can't be overcome. Aries women can be very patient when it comes to things that matter to them; it's just the rest that they can't wait for.
A relationship with an Aries will always be fast, jumping from one thing to another without giving you much time to rest or even realize what's going on.
It'll be intense, it'll be passionate, and if you're the kind of person who likes to take things slow, it might be downright scary, but it'll always be fun.
Loving an Aries woman is not for the faint of heart, but those strong enough to brave this fiery sign will be in for the adventure of a lifetime.
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hetalia-reacts · 3 years
So it's been 2 weeks has passed and the darling hasn't reacted to the punishments the Allies has been giving them, and if anything has been ignoring them ( basically any punishment the boys throw at them has no effect ). Another 2 weeks has passed, but to the boys surprise this seems to get a new reaction out of the darling. With every passing day the boys goes out an kills innocent people( y'know to pile more work on the darling ); and the more people they kill the more panicky, agitated, worried, and scared the darling becomes. The darling keeps pleading them to stop and let them do their job, warning them if they don't stop they'll regret it. The boys doesn't listen, if anything they'll relish in the feeling. One of world most powerful creature is finally submitting to them. How delicious, yet pathetic. It's been 4 days since then, and darling still pleads and begs them to stop and let them go. Around this time the boys are just getting home and is about to go check on their darling. But then they stop when they heard some muffled voices in the darling's room. Did the darling somehow contact someone to help her escape!!! And to think they was about to let her off of punishment! Well I guess that won't be happening any time soon. When to boys got to the room; the darling was on their knees and it looked like they were praying, and on in the center of the room was a very bright light and. The boys couldn't believe it, it was.... God. The darling was constantly apologizing about how they could let all of this happen and how the regretting meeting the boys in the first place. God has forgiven the darling and said it wasn't their fault. God has broken their remaining bounds the darling had around their hands and feet. The darling wasted no time running out of the room and unleashing their beautiful black and white wings. But before they full ran out of the room, the darling gives them a pity yet angry glance. " I tried to warn you. I just hope when Grimmy ( it's the nickname for the grim reaper. The darling works very close with them and is extremely close with them ) get here, they'll go easy on you. " Then the darling flies away. Now that's left in room was the boys and God. God tells them what they did was unacceptable and that it doesn't matter that they love the darling to much, and that they darling plays a huge role between life, death, and the afterlife; and that they could of messed up something. And all the lives they took and the sins they've committed, He'll have to punish them. After when God said that, the boys help a uncomfortable chill ran down their spine. Then the room has gotten darker all of a sudden. Out of the corner of the boys eye they saw a skeleton hand reach into the corner of the door. Then the light flickered off for a second. The hand wasn't there anymore. But then the boys felt a presence behind them. Turning around they saw a 9 foot ( almost 10 foot ) tall skeleton looming over them, they were wearing a pitch black cloak in. It was the.Grim.Reaper. After that nothing can prepare them for what they boys went through, it was worse than literal hell. Let's just say the boys regret killing all those people and they did to the darling. ( This part 2 the Angle of Death ask ) Also this is what the darling looks like.
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This is my OC. So minus the hair, eyes, face, body. I'll just leave it to the other readers imagination
I was unsure if this was an ask, like a part two for me to write, or simply just you explaining what happens next and what the reader is supposed to look like. So I'll do their reactions to getting punished and what their punishments are. Also, I summed up what you wrote in a more story-like format instead, I hope you don't mind! If you do let me know either through messages or through another ask and I'll delete what I wrote and simply leave your ask posted! Everything is below the cut due to length~
2 entire weeks have passed since the initial punishment. 2 weeks of no souls being taken care of. But that's okay, it doesn't affect you yet. You can handle this, you won't give them what they want: a reaction. They come down every day, bloodied with an innocent person's blood, but you won't say anything, won't react. This angers them. Another agonizing 2 weeks pass. They were getting tired of you not doing anything other than taking the food and water they gave to you. Today is different though. You're fidgety, feisty, and overall look terrified. They assume the punishment is working. They can't help but feel pride at watching you beg and cry for them to stop killing people, to let you at the very least reap their souls and come back. It's exhilarating, delectable. The power they feel bringing you, an Angel of Death, to such a state is a rush they could get addicted to. Your pathetic attempts to threaten them saying "something bad will happen if you don't stop this," were enjoyable to some degree as well. How sad their little caged Angel had become. 4 days later they come home, your voice seems to echo from where they left them. What happened? Who were you talking to? How did you contact someone? Regrettable that this happened, you were acting so good before this and he was honestly considering letting you out early for good behavior. He barges into the room where his darling is. You were praying to a bright light, a bright light that was near the center of the room. It appeared to be some entity. No, it wasn't just some entity, it was God himself. His darling was apologizing to him, saying you didn't mean to let this happen, sorry for not being strong enough to stop him, and the biggest stab to his heart, you were apologizing for even getting to know them in the first place. He watched as the chains released their holds on your ankles and wrists and you wasted no time in stretching out your gorgeous wings and walking towards an exit to the outside. You only turned to look at them for a second, deep sorrow and intense anger in your eyes. "I tried to warn you (___). I just hope Grimmy is able to show you some mercy when he gets here." You then flew away after that, leaving him alone with God. He looks disappointed, explaining that love won't be a good enough excuse to save him from his very own punishment. He had disrupted the work of Heaven and Hell, killed innocents simply out of spite, and he must atone for those crimes. God leaves in a flash of bright white, leaving him in a now dark room, a chill traveling up his spine as he soon feels a presence in the room. He catches the boney hand of something out of the corner of his eye. As he turns to see it clearly, he sees a giant skeleton draped in a black robe reach out a boney hand to take him. He has never been through a worse hell than this.
2p America (Allen)
Allen is regretful while he is taken to his punishment. He knows he deserves it, he went a little crazy from the power he had over you. And now that your gone, never to return to him, he feels like this is a just end to his empty life. His punishment is among the worst. The Grim Reaper makes Allen live out what he did to those innocent souls as well as suffer the same punishments he had ever given to you. He will eventually go mad, and if you were to spare him and see him, it would simply make him go deeper into insanity and depression.
2p Canada (Matt)
Out of all of them, he feels like he is the least deserving of this. He hadn't made you suffer, or kept you locked away. He may not have let you go far without him, but he didn't completely stop you from doing your job. I can see Matt being regretful, but not for long. Only for as long as he feels he really deserved. His punishment is by far the least painful. The Grim Reaper makes him suffer in a more creative way, he was to watch what could've been. As someone who was usually always gentle with you, it pains him to watch what his life could've been if he had just stayed patient and lenient.
2p England (Oliver)
Oliver is a tough one to crack in this case. He's already insane for the most part so nothing really scares him while he is being taken to his punishment. Oliver also really can't see what he's done wrong. He isn't regretful for what he did, at least not to those people. His punishment is hard to decide. In the end, Oliver is tortured by leaving him alone. He will wait for eternity alone, no one to speak to, nothing to do, he will rot away forever until even his facade of sanity is no longer there to keep him company.
2p France (Francois)
Francois has no complaints. He figures this is just another bad thing to add to his miserable existence. He's partially regretful for what he did to you. He knows he shouldn't have snapped at the end of the day and that getting a power trip wasn't like him and he should've caved sooner. However, in the end, he's still selfish and he figures you should've been careful, he did warn you about his dislikes after all. Francois's punishment is to take away his peace. He will be driven insane by noise. He's the only one to be let back out into the human world again. Francois is now constantly plagued by noise, and any vice or sin he commits (drinking, smoking, killing) the noise will only get louder.
2p Russia (Viktor)
Viktor is not at all regretful. He doesn't care at all. Viktor is one that would actively try to fight against The Grim Reaper. Of course, he fails at this. Viktor's punishment is similar to what he did to you. He is left alone with other punished souls in a type of confinement. Viktor will be subjected to years of push and pull tactics. He will come to fully rely on The Grim Reaper or whoever is watching over the souls, flushing his pride and intelligent mind down the drain.
2p China (Zao)
Zao is deeply regretful to some degree. He feels he disrespected you, your job, and your boss. This is something he never wanted to do as he honors respect deeply. On the other hand, he isn't regretful for punishing you, he still believes wholeheartedly that you deserved it, just maybe not to the degree he took it. Zao's punishment is similar to Viktor's. Zao has a deep sense of honor, of pride, and he is punished by spending eternity being taunted, teased, beaten, and spit on. This is another one where he would go absolutely insane and become a whole other person. If you ever took the time to see him you would not recognize the man in front of you, and he wouldn't recognize you either.
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