#also it was really hard picking only 3 for best soundtrack
yellowplumfruit · 1 year
can u tell i like outer wilds
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bestanimatedmovie · 1 year
Choose your favorite!
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What fans say:
Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron:
I was a Horse Girl TM, so I watched this movie a million times as a kid. It's honestly the best horse animation I've ever seen, all the backgrounds are gorgeous, and the soundtrack is incredible. Also the plot is anti-colonial/anti "taming of the west". Genuinely cannot pick a favorite scene, but I love the scene where Spirit commits many acts of violence against the US military <3
horsie :) I love how they use actual horse body language instead of just turning them into a dog. Also enjoy how the protags are easily understandable with just body language and neighs. Also the 2d and 3d animation blend seamless.
I cannot begin to tell you what makes this movie so good. It's a corner stone of animated media. The societal commentary. The incredible emotion of not only the story but the animation. The songs. Sound the Bugle makes me cry every time.
This movie was a key part of my childhood and “Sound the Bugle” still makes me tear up.
This is like the greatest horse movie of all time and I will not change my mind. I watched this movie so many times as a kid that both the VHS and first cd I had for it got ruined and we had to replace it with another cd LOL. I once convinced my teacher to let us watch it in class because it had a few scenes with Native Americans and we were learning about them at the time(It's about the old west and the expansion of the United States westward so it has some Native American characters but def not enough to make it a Native American film, but it does have positive representation I think?) The main character is the horse Spirit, a lead stallion for a herd of mustangs. His thoughts are narrated but he doesn't actively talk and the horse behaviors are pretty realistic, also the ART of it all, James Baxter was one of the lead animators for this film and his work is incredible, and hand done. Some of the behind the scenes stuff in the extras makes the animation look 3d its so good, and the camera work is also insane. As a horse obsessed child this movie was a staple for me, and I prefer it even over live action movies with actual horses. ALSO THE SOUNDTRACK OH MY GODDD how can I almost forget, the soundtrack for this movie goes so hard, I used to use some of the songs as hype music not even lying.
The Mitchells vs. the Machines:
It’s in its core about family, how we can drift and argue. Not because of one true fault, but because we are different. It shows how being weird and different don’t make you less of a family while not demonizing people who do have more stereotypical ‘perfect’ families. I think it portrays our humanity and the way we bond and what we do for those we love, what we sacrifice, so well. It’s so funny and so sweet.
It's funny and the family is neurodivergent and it's just really nice v good time it looks like anti technology at first but its clearly more of a criticism on capitalism I just really like that movie its pretty to look at.
It's funky!!! hang on, bullet point list time: - has such a unique and expressive animation style - has a lot of pop culture references that don't really feel overbearing - has honestly one of the best family dynamics in a movie I've seen???? - realistic characters!!! with realistic and interesting character arcs!!! - absolutely hilarious. makes me laugh every time i watch it :) - comedic villain! gotta love me one of those. also she's badass for a smartphone so - tHERE ARE FURBIES - basically it's very chaotic but also heartwarming, and it's honestly my favourite movie :D
Heartwarming story about family! Also kickass animation
Very good stylized animation. Well written and designed characters. Super funny and sooo heart warming. Fucking rad action scenes (again the animation is fantastic). The story comes together well, it's just quite well written. + Protective dad character who's not annoying as hell (that's rare!). I love every part of when they're at the dinosaur museum thing.
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9800sblog · 1 year
Pick A Card tarot reading - which Britney Spears musical era are you? 🤔
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from ...Baby One More Time to Hold Me Closer, which one of the icon's released albums fit best with you at the moment? let's ask tarot and find out, what is the soundtrack of your life?
this was @saturnsbabe69 request! ;)
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pick one tarot card from my very low budget montage (britney pictures simply fillers).
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from left to right, north to south:
Pile 1 strength, Pile 2 hanged man, Pile 3 hermit, Pile 4 king of pentacles, Pile 5 6 of cups, Pile 6 7 of pentacles, Pile 7 judgement, Pile 8 the world, Pile 9 3 of pentacles, Pile 10 6 of wands.
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-> pile 1
...Baby One More Time (1999)
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you're all about soft power! the most important thing in your life is probably your friends, you'd do anything for those you choose to keep in your life and you love going out with them during summer, but you also love getting away from the center of attention to restore your peace, you're quite introspective. right now, you might be living the consequences from your actions, you've accepted it but you're still in suffering - you might have neglected a situation/person in your life or smother it/them out of desperation and now it's gone. you know the pain is temporary and you turn that pain into some beautiful thoughts, your perspective on life might be tinted but it's still somehow bright and beautiful. you might be going through a coming of age experience. you have the spirit of a leader and an ace, you know how to bring everyone together, yet you feel alone, you're looking for someone to be that person for you too, you might have many friends, but you want that special love ^^ your personality is big and people naturally gravitate towards you, you feel loved and loving, you feel you have so much and you just wanna give back to others, you're a really caring, sensitive individual, who uses rational thinking to protect yourself. main character energy.
your theme song:
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-> pile 2
Femme Fatale (2011), S&M (Remix) (2011), B In The Mix, The Remixes Vol 2 (2011)
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you're comfortable in discomfort, you dance while the world ends, you're both the parent friend and the party friend. you're unafraid and experienced and you have no time to waste on things that don't matter, the world is such an oppressive mess and you think there's no reason why you should let that take part in your chill time. you're someone that doesn't care about romance and you wanna have fun as much as you can, for as long as you can, the only time is now, you live in the present. you're the life of the party but when it's time for business, you take it seriously. you might have some anarchist ideologies, you seem to believe the socioeconomic systems of your modern world steals you of your personal power and ability to be a human, you call for a social awakening and you think there's no pretty way to do it - that might just mean "work is hard so I'm gonna party even harder" - you think being selfish (not self-centered) and not thinking about the future is part of self care. this era was the time when the popular belief was the world would end in 2012, people wanted to enjoy their lives as much as possible.
your theme song:
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-> pile 3
Blackout (2007), Britney & Kevin: Chaotic DVD Bonus Audio (2005)
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you're super introspective and private, you don't necessarily hide anything, but youre complicated, one would have to pay close attention and take their time to connect the dots and understand your entire vibe. some may think you put yourself in an unnecessarily unfortunate situation, like you have everything to go anywhere you want, but you just stay stuck; others think you are stuck, but you don't realize it, that you think you're powerful, but you're actually childish and delusional; the truth, however, is that you're in a moment of analysis to come up with the best plan before making bigger decisions, you like to wait for the most favorable time to take action. you might not have many friends, but those few close relationships fulfill you more than anything else ever could, they take over your entire heart. your heart is your biggest treasure and is the basis for all your decisions, you've been hurt and lied to in ways that has changed your entire worldview, so you're extra careful now and you may act in ways that others don't understand, you might feel like you're lying to yourself and others too. but you stay true to yourself no matter what, you might have very strong spiritual beliefs that keep you grounded and looking forward to the future, you know that limbo and pain are temporary and you're sure of your capacity to survive them, no matter that anyone says.
your theme song:
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-> pile 4
Oops!... I Did It Again (2000), My Only Wish (This Year) (2000)
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it's your world and we're just living in it, you feel like your life is a spectacle for people to watch and you have to be on your best behavior at all times. you prefer actions over words, you think people should act on their thoughts and feelings, instead of hiding them, so you worry and ponder a lot about yours. you are great at public speaking because you know how to manipulate reality into your ideals, almost like you have double personality; you've got many people to support you and put you back on the line if you stray from it. you like the feeling of nostalgia, you might think there's no reason to say absolute goodbye to your childhood, that might translate in the way you talk or dress, you're not childish tho, but you like that playful innocence sometimes, it can feel refreshing since you feel like people expect too much from you that you don't even understand. you think other people talk too much about things they don't know and you think it sucks that you still need to find a way to please them somehow, you wish the world was just you and your people.
your theme song:
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-> pile 5
Britney (2001)
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you're a walking contradiction! you're probably such a hipster!! >:) you love music that is older than you, you care so much what others think of you but you pretend it doesn't bother you at all, and you're very spiritual, but you have your yin/yang energies out of balance. you approach life as if you're stuck, but you know it's a temporary and natural situation, you need to go through that to become stronger, but you still mourn the fact that you can't do anything at this time, it's like having to exercise on a beautiful, sunny day. you're a creative soul but you don't use that creativity to deal with emotions, you wanna get things done, you're more comfortable and productive on a yang energy/way of approaching the world, you wanna be seen as a king, but not a queen (roles and responsibilities). you want everything and then some, you might like to use your material abilities to allow yourself to have many options. you probably have a superiority complex, fucking hipsters 🙄...... you remind me of lorelai gilmore! ;)
your theme song:
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-> pile 6
Glory (2020)
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you're the goat. you've worked really hard to reap the fruits of your labor, now you deserve to settle down. you dream of a knight in shiny armor - romantically or not, you want someone to take the time to see you in your most human form, you want to bare your soul, to show your dark and lonely side. you might relate to the saying that "it's lonely at the top", you might have everything you wanted, except for this one thing that is out of reach and that might be community, you seem to lack that sense of intimate and close relationships. you're really satisfied with life, you're happy and fulfilled, you have more than you need, there's just this one thing you think "damn, wish I could tap that".
your theme song:
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-> pile 7
Britney Jean (2013), Ooh La La (2013), Bangerz (2013), Pretty Girls (2015), The Essential Britney Spears (2013)
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you go with the flow and it takes you far. you might have recently ended a very important connection in your life because of sneaky actions and lies. you need no patience anymore, you've done your job, you feel comfortable in yourself, knowing you're not the problem. you think you'd be better if somebody more experienced would show you the way through life, specially if they're a spiritual guide (might be tarot). you wanna be that guide too, you like to share the things you learned with those around you. you think you can't control anything or anyone, except for yourself and you don't try, whatever happens, happens. you might believe in destiny, afterlife, God's plan, free will or karma.
your theme song:
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-> pile 8
Circus (2008), The Singles Collection (2009)
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you're a god of yourself and your own world, you're on a league of your own, there's no one quite like you, a trendsetter, others may try to copy but they could never get to be as iconic as you. you've been through some really difficult, overwhelming, surreal times, the way you deal with your demons is even more surreal, you're a boss, I lack words to describe how amazing you are. you understand the importance of family and friendships, you put those above any material matters, you're very nurturing, dedicated and you expect the same in return. you are protective of yourself and those close to you and you're ready to fight anyone that disrupts your peace. your grandness transpires into the little things you do, your confidence and amazing, outstanding personality traits shows in your everyday life, even when it's not your best work, it's still better than average. you might lack imagination (or creative control in your work), you like to keep low expectations, you're not used to things going well for you. you are an angel tho.
your theme song:
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-> pile 9
In The Zone (2003) + DVD Bonus (2004), Greatest Hits: My Prerogative (2004), B In The Mix, The Remixes (2005)
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you're all about big businesses. you think a lot about the circle of life, you're open to the guidance of those at the top of the hierarchy and you help those who are lower than you, you think people should help people. you don't wanna change anyone, you just wanna do your thing while other people do their thing. you are incredibly magnetic and you might use human instincts to get things done, pretty privilege being an example. there's a feeling of you coming out of the dead, you might have waited a long time for something that you have finally accomplished and you feel like royalty. this is the biggest time of your life (so far), you have that x factor, you're at the top, you wanna enjoy all of life's big and little pleasures and you have the freedom to do so.
your theme song:
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-> pile 10
Hold Me Closer (2021), Toxic Pony (2022), ELVIS (2023)
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you're a community person, it's people that build you up, you're likely an extrovert that loves to dance, party and travel with friends, you see nobody above nobody - if it was up to you, social hierarchies would be gone completely. this might not be the best time of your life, but you're incredibly hopeful because this moment in the present feels so otherworldly amazing. you feel as one with your environment, connected with everything and everyone. you feel safe to follow your heart because you have people to help you build your stability, you feel like there isn't one ruler above all - you might have recently broken up a deal with quite an important figure in your life, but it only broadened your horizons, like they were a lunar eclipse and you, the sun. your heart is strong and beating faster than ever! oh you're a big deal! super humble but hey you can totally brag!
your theme song:
i love britney spears
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reasonsforhope · 10 months
Your blog is a literal god send for me, I’ve been feeling so depressed, pessimistic, nihilistic and cynical at the state of the world right now and my fear of if I even have a future, but your blog is absolutely what I needed right now, so I can’t thank you enough. I’m just so happy to see someone who is hopeful and positive and not pessimistic, and it makes me legit want to cry tears of joy. How are you able to stay so positive and optimistic despite everything going on?
<3 <3 <3
As for how I stay optimistic and relatively positive? Lots of effort and hard work.
I'm not naturally an optimist. I spent most of my life (and certainly my adolescence lol) being pretty angry and cynical.
It's not that I never feel depressed or despairing about the state of the world. There's fucked up shit happening, indisputably, and hey, I'm trans, it's been a rough fucking year for that. But I guess I try to focus on the difference between passing moods and baseline worldview.
Some of the main ways I moved my baseline worldview to be optimistic and hopeful:
A lot of reading and looking at data and in-depth stories. The headlines never give you enough of the story - hell, most news articles don't these days, because they're so skewed toward negative news
Especially reading/looking at good news sites (I have a masterpost of good news sites here). There are good things happening everywhere that you never hear about. Mostly, you only ever hear about the good things when there's been a huge setback, which sucks!
I'm basically not on social media. Nothing except Tumblr, Facebook, and LinkedIn, and I only ever go on FB and linkedin briefly for business. It's fantastic, can't recommend ditching social media enough
I made sure I was doing something to help (aka I started this blog. I would also volunteer but my disabilities and a lot of logistics make that complicated)
My job involves reading a couple dozen self-help books a year lol, not gonna lie that def helps
Taking a long perspective of time. It often doesn't feel like it, but statistically, this really is the best time to be alive. (Here's a fantastic essay about many of the reasons why.) People really gloss over how much most of the past kinda fucking sucked to live in. 50% of all people used to die before their 15th birthday, for basically all of history until the past 200 years!! Imagine having to live with that. Imagine all of that pain and grief literally everywhere. I'm really happy about living in modern times, actually!
That last point is esp helpful to remember for me because I'm 100% for sure on the list of "people who would've died in childbirth" pre modern medicine (and my mom would've died having me, too). It was modern times or nothing lol
The vast majority of the world has spent the past 300 to 500 years being absolutely brutalized by white people and/or the West. There's still a lot of fallout to fix and colonialism to uproot, but I genuinely can't wait to see what people and nations will achieve with sustained self-rule and significantly fewer massive atrocities
Solarpunk and hopepunk stuff
I'm gonna make a whole post about this at some point but the fact that we eliminated scarcity in the past few decades actually changes the entire fucking game for the world (literally it's not a zero sum game anymore) and for the future. We're allowed a bit of a learning curve I think
I listen to the Rent soundtrack a lot and go "well you know what being trans right now sucks but being trans at the height of the aids crisis would've been way fucking worse" lol rip
Meds! Meds. Antidepressants and antianxiety meds unfortunately don't work for everyone (yet!), but also thank fuck for meds
Progress almost always happens in slow, tiny increments, with a lot of stops and starts and setbacks. You have to always remember that there are always people fighting somewhere, and if they're stopped, there will always be more people to pick up the fight in the future
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chiarrara · 2 months
the authentic 2011 indie kid playlist
"real 2011 pandora radio recreation: the songs that always played on my hypercurated matt and kim radio, is this it radio, and pumped up kicks radio a.k.a. the authentic 2009-2012 indie kid playlist (ft. my actual authentic 2011 facebook profile pic)"
including full liner notes (typed out below the cut for readability):
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- for @justrustandstardust <3
Daylight - Matt and Kim: one of the most iconic songs of my teenage years. I feel like me and Michael based our life off this song. Matt and Kim is one of the bases for the radio stations I picked for this playlist (the ones I listened to constantly). There will be more Matt and Kim on this playlist, but not enough. You really should listen to this whole album (this will not be the last time I say this)
Kids - MGMT: everyone knows electric feel. I picked the underrated classics I was obsessed with after I loved electric feel
Home - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros: a staple. so silly, but so iconic
Midnight City - M83: the first of the songs that I only listened to on Pandora & never learned the names/artists. also, became car commercial songs. banger
Is This It - The Strokes: you simply must listen to this album. half of it is on the playlist, but still you must. This album is the second base of a radio station.
Automatic Stop - The Strokes: listen, there's gonna be a lot of Strokes on this playlist. I fell in love with them listening to this radio station.
Rawnald Gregory Erickson the Second - STRFKR: the second of the Pandora exclusives. why is it named that? so iconin
Float On - Modest Mouse: as classic as classics get
Hard to Explain - The Strokes: I found this album at the library and picked it up based on the album art alone. this was back when I got all my music from the library & burned cds onto my computer to make mix cds, listen in windows media player, or upload to my ipod nano
Flourescent Adolescent - Arctic Monkeys: we're in the pre "AM" era! their back catalog is so fucking good, and this is one of the best examples of that. I love this song
Soma - The Strokes: it's gonna be a lot of Strokes. trust me, it's authentic to the experience
Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand: ICONIC BANGER.
Breezeblocks - alt-J: (so groovy) another Pandora exclusive. mainstay on the channel. like these songs would play every 30 mins & I loved it
Song For No One - Miike Snow: ah! Miike Snow my beloved! never listened outside of Pandora for some reason but SO iconic. they were so popular
Loud Pipes - Ratatat: the beat just gets into your body with these ones
Shut Up and Let Me Go - The Ting Tings: Icons! defined the era. watch the music video.
1901 - Phoenix: we played this and the next Phoenix song so. fucking. much. goin hey hey hey hey hey hey hey!
40 Day Dream - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros: when you thought of indie, this is what you thought of
Skinny Love - Bon Iver: jk jk this is what you thought of. This was hipster before it got picked up by Hot Topic
Good Ol' Fashion Nightmare - Matt and Kim: full volume, windows down, 100 mph screaming <3 (I love this song sm)
Intro - The xx: another Pandora exclusive car commercial song but listen, I was obsessed. hearing these songs again is like waking up dormant genes
Lisztomainia - Phoenix: this song and 1901 are a bonded pair. do not separate.
Lessons Learned - Matt and Kim: it was so impossible to pick from this album it's all so good. let it turn your love into a coming of age movie
Sleeping Lessons - The Shins: The SHINS bro THE SHINS. every indie movie had the Shins on their soundtrack. They're so good.
Here (In Your Arms) - Hellogoodbye: listen I didn't want to pick their most popular song but it's so definitive I had to. I saw them live like 4 times. This album is so important to me. All my love songs for my 13 yr old relationship came from this album
Crystalised - The xx: not a listening session would go by that I wouldn't hear this song
All My Friends - LCD Sound System: he's so good
Oxford Comma - Vampire Weekend: THIS ALBUM IS SUMMER 2011. it was one of 2 or 3 go to CDs in my first car. I listened to it over and over and over again. it always brings me back to my ugly brown 2001 Chevy Malibu outside Michael's house, or driving down to the lake. I seriously couldn't pick songs from this album it's all one big song to me. formative. what else can i say.
Time to Pretend - MGMT: I'm feeling rough I'm feeling wrong in the time of my life. underrated classic
Cough Syrup - Young the Giant: a late addition but I know every word
Two Weeks - Grizzly Bear: THE Pandora radio song. I would listen just to hear this song eventually
We Used to Vacation - Cold War Kids: One of my favorite bands ever. Their first two albums were on repeat. This song is my favorite. It just rips something out of me
Rhinemaidens - The Envy Corps: The Envy Corps have made their entrance! I've seen them more than Hellogoodbye. The epitomal hipsters. and some of the best music of all time. They're absolutely foundational. (listen to the album!)
Pumped Up Kicks - Foster the People: The third and final base for a radio station is this song. That's how much I listened to it. One of those songs that just got into my bones. Forever favorite song it never gets old. also, listen to the album. so good
Animal - Miike Snow: the Miike Snow song. One of the first songs I ever discovered on Pandora <3
Young Folks - Peter Bjorn and John: iconic. I don't know what to say
The High Road - Broken Bells: Michael was on the hs radio station senior year & he played this whole EP straight one day
Call It What You Want - Foster the People: BANGER ("what's your style and who do you listen to" WHO CARES <3)
Walking On A Dream - Empire Of The Sun: I did not know the name of this song or the band or even recognize the cover art but I know this song. They put them in car commercials because they're good
What You Know - Two Door Cinema Club: this and the other two door cinema club song came up all the time. bops.
A-Punk - Vampire Weekend: (ay! ay! ay! ay!) most iconic riff of all time! can't understand a damn word but I was screaming them anyway (100mph)
Rill Rill - Sleigh Bells: (Pandora Exclusive!) iconic! can't help but groove to this song. the mood of this song is so representative of this lane of music
Something Good Can Work - Two Door Cinema Club: the opening to this song gets me so hype! I know you'll like this song
Dragon Queen - Yeah Yeah Yeahs: you know Heads Will Roll but did you know this underrated banger? they're awesome, their other songs should get more attention
Don't Slow Down - Matt and Kim: 100mph dancing like a maniac lol look I should not have been allowed behind the wheel of a car. Don't slow down (listen to the album!)
All I Want - LCD Sound System: he's just really good idk
That's Not My Name - The Ting Tings: we were obsessed with them. this song was everywhere
Story Problem - The Envy Corps: for the longest time I didn't know any names to Envy Corps songs because I mostly listened to them live, on a mix cd, or someone else was playing them. so i always got surprised by each song like, oh! I love this one! to be honest I still don't know the titles lol but every song is so damn iconic. at the concerts they would split the audience in half and have half of us do the "dada dada dadada da da da" part and the other half do the "oooooh wa oh wa oh" so you were singing your part throught the end of the song while they played. it was so magical <3
All Time Lows - Hellogoodbye: underrated banger. this album is like the definitive electronic indie sound of the mid-aughts
Somebody Told Me - The Killers: incredible song, incredible band. mainstay. they're so much more than Mr. Brightside
(starting the list over bc of tumblr's character limits. add 50)
Reptilia - The Strokes
Someday - The Strokes
Under Cover of Darkness - The Strokes: listen, this is accurate to how often they would play on that station. just Strokes back to back. and I loved it. their discography is just that deep. they don't miss.
Fell In Love With a Girl - The White Stripes: had to get some Whte Stripes in here. had to.
New Slang - The Shins: this song and Caring Is Creepy just, so iconic. they're so good
The World At Large - Modest Mouse: gonna float on maybe would you understand. ah ah ah ah ah ah aah (dashboard by modest mouse should also be on here but i couldn't find a spot for it :( played all the time) my thoughts were so loud I couldn't hear my mouth <3<3<3
Black Balloon - The Kills: does anyone remember the kills? I wanted to be them so bad. this was the era of iconic indie duos (ting tings, matt & kim, white stripes, she & him...)
When Did Your Heart Go Missing - Rooney: one hit wonders, my beloved
I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend How to Dance With You - Black Kids: I'm convinced no one listened to this song but us. that's not true, and thank god cuase it's such a bop but we felt like we were in on a secret or something. the true 2010 hipster experience lol
Kid Gloves - The Envy Corps: I would literally put this song on a t work and walk around like I was a manic pixie dream girl in an indie movie. unironically amazing song tho (listen to the ep)
Henrietta - The Fratellis: there should have been four more of their songs on here. broke my heart to cut them
Phantom Limb - The Shins: I don't think I've said listen to the album on this one yet. the way this song just vibrates in you
Naive - The Kooks: another underrepresented band. She Moves In Her Own Way, Ooh La, Seaside!? all staples. I mean... if you need another album to listen to... im just sayin
Finer Feelings - Spoon: a bop. fun song <3
Mardy Bum - Arctic Monkeys: this was my first Arctic Monkeys song <3<3<3 forever. the coda is everything. god I love this song
Such Great Heights - Iron & Wine: listen, the original song by The Postal Service is so so so good and we listened to it just as much as this cover. this cover had us in a chokehold. go listen to the original tho. and the whole Postal Service album I promise it's so fundamental
Janglin - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros: the last of the three iconic ES&TMZs songs. This is like the progenitor of Stomp Clap corporate indie. everyone wanted to be them
Tighten Up - The Black Keys: the opening base notes on this song make me go feral. there should be way more Black Keys on here but if you have to pick one this is an easy choice.
Last Nite - The Strokes: the most iconic Strokes song. try not to scraem the first words. you can't. Last Night!
Australia - The Shins: time to put ear covers on! just makes me smile :)
All These Things That I've Done - The Killers: got us screaming "I've got soul but I'm not a soldier" (are we human or are we dancers is also the killers. icons of the era)
Two Weeks In Hawaii - Hellogoodbye: I felt so bad when your mom caught us eating ice cream in your room at three in the morning. the best parts of my adolescence consolidated in this incredible song. the first of this type of album closing song to deeply affect me (followed by only in dreams by weezer in college). coming back to this album was part of me coming out of my depression last summer. my inner child just lives here, and I love her so much <3
A Certain Romance - Artctic Monkeys: I don't know, this song just gives me warm feelings. I know every shape of this song. I'm pretty sure it's about how America is a cultural wasteland lol. over there there's friends of mine, what can I say I've known em for a long long time, and it might over step the line, but you just cannot get angry in the same way, no not in the same way.
Daylight Outro (Remix) - Matt and Kim: back where we started. thx for listening <3
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bored-writer101 · 1 year
Sam Winchester X Reader|Supernatural Rewrite|1.Pilot
A/N: well, the time has finally come. i’m finally posting my supernatural rewrite😂 huge shoutout to @uncouth-the-fifth for inspiring me (she also has a supernatural rewrite that is absolutely phenomenal that you guys should definitely go check out). i’ve been trying to start a rewrite basically ever since i started writing fanfic for this show, but it has never worked out. but i’ve finally figured it out! (kinda lol, i’m doing my best😂😭). i hope you all enjoy! (i wrote this with female reader in mind but i use gender neutral pronouns) {also here’s a supernatural themed spotify playlist if y’all want a soundtrack while you listen <3}
Words: 13,673
Series Masterlist
(image from pinterest)
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SIOUX FALLS, SOUTH DAKOTA | October 31st, 2005
"Dad? Are you okay? Dad, please wake up! Dad!"
You jolted upright in bed, panting as you tried to catch your breath and calm yourself down. You didn't get much of a chance to do that though. Your phone began to ring loudly from your bedside table, making you flinch. You reached out and fumbled around in the darkness for a few seconds before your fingers wrapped around the cold metal. You used your thumb to flip it open and held it up to your ear.
"Hello?" you could hear the shake in your own voice.
"Are you alright? Did I call at a bad time?" you immediately recognized the voice on the other end.
"I'm alright, Dean. I just had a nightmare, that's all."
"The usual one?"
"Mhm," you hummed in response.
"Well, we can do all our usual remedies after I pick you up," you could hear in his voice that he had a huge grin on his face.
"What? I thought you were in New Orleans?"
"I was. I had been waitin' on my dad, but he never showed. I haven't been able to get a hold of him for a few weeks," Dean told you.
"So? There were plenty of times that we weren't able to get a hold of him on a hunt when we were kids," you said, skeptical that John was truly missing.
John had always been one to drink a few too many in celebration of a hunt well done. You, Sam, and Dean would think something terrible had happened to him, but he would eventually stumble back in a few weeks later. The longest he had left the three of you alone was almost three months. Bobby stopped letting John take you on hunts after he found out about that.
"This is different. Somethin's happened, somethin' bad, if he's not dead already. I can feel it."
"Are you sure he's not just out on another bender?" you asked, disbelief evident in your tone.
"I'm sure, Y/N. I can explain more after I pick you up. Please, I need you to trust me on this," Dean pleaded through the phone.
You were hesitant to say yes. Usually you'd hop at the chance to go on a hunt with Dean, but this was different. You could hear in his voice that Dean believed that John was missing, and that he was worried. You trusted Dean, but you didn't trust his father. It could be another one of his 'hunter trials' to test if you were worthy to be hunters. He hadn't orchestrated one of those in a long time, but maybe that meant you were due for another one.
"Y/N? You still there?" Dean asked when you didn't respond.
"Yeah, yeah. I'm still here. Just thinkin'."
"Ya' really gotta think that hard about it?"
There was another moment of silence while you desperately tried and failed to find the words. You had so many thoughts swirling in your mind that you didn't even know where to start. Before you could complain that you had just woken up, Dean's voice was in your ear again.
"Come on, Y/N," he was not helping you think.
"Fine! I'll come with you," you relented, giving in to the sad puppy dog eyes you couldn't see, but you knew he was doing.
"Well, good... Because I'm only an hour and a half away," you heard him chuckle, and you decided you were going to smack him upside the head when he got here.
"And what were you gonna do if I said no?" you questioned.
"Kidnap you. Obviously."
"Like I'd let you."
"Whatever you say, kid," he said with a chuckle. "Just be packed and ready, alright?"
"Whatever you say, boss," you mocked him playfully, "See you when you get here."
"See you when I get there," he said, ignoring your teasing.
You heard the click of the call ending, then silence. You were frozen in place at first, and the memories of your nightmare came flooding back; your father's eyes closing and never opening again... You shook your head free of the image before finally dropping your hand holding the phone into your lap. The light from the still open screen hurt your eyes as they tried to adjust to the sudden light. You sat there for a few more seconds before pushing the covers off and forcing yourself out of bed. You got dressed in comfy clothes, knowing that you'd be spending a lot of time curled up in the passenger seat of the impala.
You tried to be quiet as you crept around the house, but you should have known better than to try and sneak around a hunter's home. You were leaned down in front of the open fridge, thinking of what to write on the 'see you later' note you were going to leave behind, when you heard someone clear their throat. You stood up straight and spun around quickly to face them. Bobby had his arms crossed over his chest as he looked at you with a deep frown, and furrowed brows that made the creases in his forehead all too prominent.
"Good morning?" you said hesitantly.
"Where are you going?" Bobby asked; he had never been one for nuance.
"Um, out on a hunt," you told him with a little more confidence than before.
Even though you were twenty three, Bobby's gaze made you feel like you were sixteen again. It made you feel as if you were sneaking out to meet Sam and Dean for a late night joyride in whatever rust bucket that Dean had found(hot wired). You knew Bobby wasn't going to stop you from going, but you still didn't want to piss him off before you left. You weren't sure when you'd be back.
"Dean picking you up?" he asked, his tone a bit softer than before, but he was still frowning.
You nodded at his question, "he should be here soon."
"Alright, well, just promise me you'll be careful. And that you won't let Dean talk you into anything stupid," Bobby wagged his pointer finger at you as he said this.
"I'm always careful," you told him, even if that wasn't entirely truthful, but you'd say anything to reassure Bobby you'd be alright; the last thing you wanted him to do was worry his head off, "also I'm usually the one talking Dean out of doing anything stupid," this statement had a little more truth to it.
Bobby didn't look convinced. Not that he ever did, but you didn't want to leave him annoyed with you. You took a couple steps forward and wrapped your arms around him in a sudden hug. It didn't take long before Bobby hugged you back, squeezing you tight.
"I love you, dad. I'll be back before you know it."
Bobby sighed deeply, "I love you too, kiddo," he said before placing a kiss on the top of your head.
Bobby wasn't your biological father, but he had stepped up and been your dad for over a decade. Any other day, he would have scolded you for calling him dad. He would tell you it isn't fair to your father, that you shouldn't try to forget or replace him. You always reassured him you would never forget though. What you don't tell him is that you'll never be able to forget the image of father dying in your arms as you beg for him to keep his eyes open. Before you could dwell on the dark memory for too long, you heard a short honk of a car horn outside. You pulled away and stood up straight in front of Bobby, raising a brow at him as if to silently ask, 'you gonna be alright?'
"Just go. Don't forget to call every once in a while so I know you're still alive" Bobby gestured toward the door.
"I will," you said as you walked to the front door, picking your duffel bag up off the floor, "bye, Bobby," you turned and waved to him with a smile, opting to not call him dad this time.
"Bye, Y/N," he waved back halfheartedly.
You turned back and headed out the front door, a rush of cold air biting at your exposed skin. If you were gone long enough, there would surely be a thick blanket of snow covering the junk yard by the time you got back. You noticed the impala in the driveway before looking up at the sky. You shut the door behind you as you admired the fiery shades of red and orange that were painted across the sky by the sunrise. You admired it for a moment before stepping down the porch steps. The gravel crunched under your boots as you walked over to the passenger side of the impala. You opened the back door and threw duffel bag in before getting into the passenger seat.
"Morning," you said to Dean once you had plopped down.
"Mornin'," he replied, wasting no time in pulling out of the driveway and back onto the road, gravel crunching loudly under the tires all the while, "I brought you some breakfast," he pointed to the fast food bag sitting on the seat next to you.
"Thanks," you mumbled as you grabbed the bag and pulled out the breakfast sandwich Dean had ordered for you.
You unwrapped your food and ate silently, the only sound coming from the Bob Seger tape that was playing softly through the speakers. You recognized the song to be Against The Wind. You thought back to the last time you saw Dean, and you realized it had been a few months. You kept in touch over the phone the best you could, but he had never been good at that, and you weren't much better. The last time you had seen him was about four months ago. You had gotten into a fight over John. Most of your fights revolved around him. It had been a simple misunderstanding during a hunt that made John flip his shit, and you were never one to take shit from him. Dean had barely made a move to defend you, and it hurt. He had apologized to you later, but it had been a Winchester style apology; a halfhearted one. You couldn't help but remember that fight now. Dean cleared his throat loudly, pulling you out of your thoughts. His thumbs drummed against the steering wheel has he hummed along to the music. You crumpled up the sandwich paper and threw it in the bag.
"So, we have a few stops to make," he told you with a grin, obviously trying to diffuse the building tension.
"Oh, yeah?" you replied, raising a questioning brow at him.
"Yeah, the first being a gas station. You can pick out some snacks for our drive."
"Good, because you always grab barbecue chips," you complained teasingly.
"What's wrong with a little BBQ?" he said, enunciating each letter in 'BBQ.'
"There's nothing necessarily wrong with barbecue, but eating them for every road trip can get a little boring."
"Fair enough. You still have to grab me a bag of them though."
"Yeah, will do."
Dean pulled off the main road and into the gas station parking lot. He pulled up to a gas pump and turned off the engine. He took out a few fives from his wallet and handed them to you. You said a quiet 'thanks' before you both climbed out of the impala.
"Don't forget my BBQ!" Dean called after you as you headed into the convenience store while he went to the gas pump.
It was only a few minutes before the two of you were back in your seats. You handed Dean his barbecue chips and a root beer before dropping your own snacks in your lap. Dean tore into his chips like a hungry bear, grabbing a handful and stuffing it into his mouth. You couldn't help but laugh at him as you opened your own snack.
"So, you gonna tell me why you think John is missing?" you asked, once he had chewed and swallowed.
"I know he's missing. He was hunting something that was killing men, and he left me a concerning voicemail that had some EVP," he explained, "I can let you listen to it when we get to our next destination," you furrowed your brows at his words, but you had a sudden realization.
"You wanna pick up Sam," you said simply.
Dean looked over at you with wide eyes, "how'd you know? You read my mind or somethin'?"
"We're gonna be in California, and we're gonna pass his place anyway. Just an educated guess," you shrugged, "also I'm not a mind reader, I'm a medium," you added.
"It's all the same to me," Dean said with a shrug as he started the impala and pulled out of the gas station; you decided not to lecture him on the differences between psychics and mediums.
"What if he says no?" you asked the question on both your minds after a few moments of silence.
Dean didn't respond, but you knew he had heard you. You looked over to see him expressionless, staring out at the open road.
"You sure you're not a mind reader?" he tried to joke to change the subject, but you didn't laugh, and he frowned at your furrowed brows, "he won't. Dad's missing and we need his help. He has to say yes," you wondered how many time he had told himself that.
You were at an impasse, which frequently happened when you had to get in the middle of Winchester family drama. A part of you didn't want Sam to say yes. You knew he wanted to give up hunting for good, and you didn't blame him. You only wanted what was best for him, but there was another part of you that wanted him to say yes. You missed him every day. You tried to tell yourself you weren't pulling him all the way back into hunting, that you were just looking for John. A small voice in the back of your head knew better though. You knew this life loved to sink its claws in and never let go. Only a lucky few were able to fully detach themselves from the hunting lifestyle. Even then, it was impossible to scrub the stain of the hunting life off your hands. You weren't sure which answer you wanted Sam to give.
You and Dean sat in silence for awhile, both caught up in your own thoughts. You glanced over at Dean as the song that was playing came to an end. You took in Dean's tense posture, and how tightly he was gripping the steering wheel. You recognized the beginning of Black Dog by Led Zeppelin playing quietly through the speakers, and you immediately reached out to turn it up. You were the only person Dean allowed to touch his radio. You rested your arm on the back of the seat and leaned your body into his side slightly.
"Hey hey mama said the way you move. Gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove," you sang along loudly into his ear.
You played the air guitar and you saw Dean glance at you from the corner of his eye. You could see him trying to hide his smirk.
"Ah, ah, child, way you shake that thang. Gonna make you burn gonna make you sting," you continued to sing along, gently nudging Dean's side with your elbow.
You saw him start to drum his thumbs against the steering wheel along to the beat as you continued to play air guitar.
"Hey hey baby when you walk that way. Watch your honey drip, can't keep away," you and Dean sang in unison.
You sang along to the rest of the song together. You occasionally played air guitar while Dean pretended to play the drums; you had to remind him to put his hands back on the wheel a few times. The song eventually came to an end, and the next song began playing. Dean reached out and turned it down slightly.
"I missed that," you said with a smile.
"Oh, don't get all sappy on me now," he said with a groan.
"What? No 'chick flick moments'?" you said sarcastically, making air quotes.
"Yeah, exactly. No chick flick moments," Dean repeated seriously.
"Whatever you say... Jackass," you said quietly with a smirk.
"Shithead," Dean was quick with his comeback, and he reached over to pinch your side, but you quickly swatted his hand away while laughing.
There wasn't much tension between you to begin with, but the little bit that had been there faded away with the end of the song. The rest of the long ride was filled with boring games of eye spy and spotting out of state license plates. You were glad to be in the impala with Dean again. You wished it was under better circumstances, but you were excited to see Sam again too.
The sun had long since set by the time you arrived at Sam's apartment building. You had your window rolled down, the humid California night air made your exposed skin feel sticky, but you enjoyed the breeze. Dean pulled into the parking lot and parked up close to the front door of the building. You both unbuckled your seatbelts, but he put his hand out to stop you from opening your door.
"I'll go get him," he said with a mischievous grin on his face, so you nodded and sat back in your seat, "I'll be quick," he said before hopping out of the impala.
You watched Dean creep up to the front door of the building before he slinked inside and out of view. You leaned out of your open window to take in a deep breath of fresh air. It wasn't a great time to be alone with your thoughts, since all you could think about was that you were seeing Sam again after two years. You had kept in touch over the phone, but it wasn't the same as meeting up in person. Living almost across the country from each made it hard to hang out. At least that's what you told yourself. Sam had asked you to come visit a few months ago, but you had declined. You didn't think you'd be able to face him alone.
You didn't have to be left alone for long though. Before you knew it, you could hear the distant sounds of the brothers bickering. You knew those sounds all too well. You could hear them arguing about something, but you couldn't make you any words. You were about to yell at them to come out when the door finally opened. Dean came out first, Sam following close behind. Sam was gesturing wildly with his arms as he spoke, and Dean rolled his eyes. You opened the door and stepped out of the impala, causing both of them to turn and look at you.
"Y/N?" Sam uttered the moment he saw you.
You smiled wide as you shut the passenger door and started walking towards him. It only took Sam a few strides to meet you in the middle with open arms. He leaned down and wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tight and almost lifting you up off the ground. You stood on your tip toes and hugged him back just as tight, cherishing your first hug after two years apart.
"It's so good to see you," Sam said before pulling away; his smile was gentle and sweet, and you forgot how much you had missed those dimples of his.
"I didn't get a hug when I picked you up," you heard Dean mumble from behind you.
You turned away from Sam to face him. He was stood there pouting slightly with his arms crossed over his chest. You shook your head with an amused smile.
"Oh, sorry Dean. Did you want a hug? I can give you one too," you said a bit teasingly, but only because no matter what answer he gave, you were hugging him.
"No, it's fine-" you had your arms wrapped around his middle before he could finish speaking.
You hugged him tight, and he wrapped his arms loosely around you. He gave you a quick squeeze before patting you softly on the back. You pulled away and he shook his head at you with a small smile before turning towards the trunk.
"Anyway," he mumbled before popping the trunk and lifting the spare tire hatch inside to reveal all his hunting equipment, "where the hell did I put that thing?" he said to himself as he rummaged around the trunk.
"So, when dad left, why didn't you go with him?" Sam asked as he leaned against the side of the impala to watch Dean rifle through the disorganized mess.
"I was workin' my own gig. This voodoo thing down in New Orleans" Dean replied without looking up.
"Dad let you go on a hunting trip by yourself?" Sam asked, incredulously.
"I'm 26, dude," Dean deadpanned, and you laughed.
Sam looked over at you with raised brows, which made you laugh even harder, "shut up, both o' ya's. Alright, found it," Dean picked up a small manila folder and pulled a small stack of papers out.
"Dad was checking out this two lane blacktop just outside of Jericho, California. About a month ago, this guy-" Dean handed Sam a piece of paper off the top of the stack; Sam took it and held it out for both of you to see, "they found his car but he'd vanished; completely M.I.A.," there was a photo of a middle aged man next to an article about his disappearance.
"Maybe he was kidnapped?" Sam suggested.
"Kidnapped by a ghost maybe," you joked as you nudged Sam with your elbow.
"Yeah, here's another one in April, another one in December '04, '03, '98, '92," Dean slid a paper off the stack for each year he said, "ten of 'em over the past twenty years," he reached out and snatched the paper from Sam's hand, throwing it back on the stack, "all men, all same 5 mile stretch of road. Started happening more and more, so dad went to go dig around. That was about three weeks ago. I hadn't heard from him since, which is bad enough, and then I get this voicemail yesterday."
Dean reached out and grabbed a tape recorder from off the top of the mess. He pressed play and you could hear John's voice come through the speaker, but it was staticky and garbled.
"Dean.... something-starting to happen...-think it's serious... I need t-... figure out what's going on... Be very careful, Dean.... We're all in danger...," a chill went up your spine as you listened to the message.
"You know there's EVP on that?," Sam said the moment Dean pressed pause.
"Not bad, Sammy. Kind of like riding a bike, isn't it?" Dean said with an amused smirk, and Sam only shook his head at him.
You couldn't focus on their banter, because you knew what was coming next. You stared expectantly down at the tape recorder in Dean's hand. You saw him glance at you in your peripheral.
"You think you'll be able to get anything from a recording?" Dean asked. 
"I might get something, we'll just have to see," you replied with a shrug.
"Alright," Dean said before pressing play again.
"I can never go home..." a woman whispered through the static, and you felt another chill up your spine, but this time it was accompanied by a wave of grief and intense anger.
Your hands gripped the edge of the trunk so tightly that your knuckles turned white. Dean looked over at you expectantly but you shook your head at him.
"Nothing helpful," you muttered as you continued to shake your head back and forth, trying to shake away the invasive feelings.
"It's alright," Dean reached out and rubbed your back soothingly for a moment before tossing the tape recorder back into the trunk.
Sam quickly took Dean's place as he wrapped a comforting arm around your shoulders and rubbed your bicep gently. Dean closed the trunk and stood up tall. He looked up at Sam expectantly, who only sighed deeply. You could feel the rise and fall of his chest against your cheek.
"Alright. I'll go," Sam said finally, "I'll help you find him, but I have to get back first thing Monday. Just wait here," he let his arm fall from around your shoulders and you shivered at the loss of his warmth.
"What's first thing Monday?" Dean asked as Sam turned to head back to his apartment.
"I have an interview," Sam said simply as he turned back to look at Dean.
"What, a job interview? Skip it."
"It's a law school interview, and it's my whole future on a plate" Sam explained slowly.
"Law school?" Dean asked with a questioning smirk.
"We got a deal or not?" Sam asked, ignoring Dean's question.
"Yeah, fine," Dean said after a moment of silence, and you noticed him clench his jaw in annoyance.
Sam nodded and turned to head back into his apartment building. Dean sat on the closed trunk and looked over at you with furrowed brows.
"Did you know about this law school thing?" he asked you.
"Yeah, I did," you told him, honestly.
"You guys talk regularly or something?" you heard a tinge of jealousy in his tone.
"Not all that regularly. We just update each other on major life events occasionally," that wasn't entirely true, but you'd rather not have to sit in a car with the brothers being silently angry at each other.
Dean didn't say anything else, instead he looked down at the ground and nudged a rock with his shoe. You knew Sam and Dean hadn't talked since Sam had left for college. Dean missed his little brother, and you didn't blame him. You just wanted to smack him upside the head for being so stubborn. He certainly wasn't the only Winchester you wanted to knock some sense into.
Sam came back down a few minutes later, emerging from the door of his apartment building carrying a duffel bag that mirrored your own. He tossed his in the trunk as you opened the door to the backseat. Dean furrowed his brows in confusion as he opened the drivers door.
"You don't want shotgun? You had it first, you're welcome to it."
"Nah, I'm alright. Sam always gets shotgun anyway," you said, and Sam shot you a grateful look.
You smiled back at him before getting into the backseat. You pushed your duffel bag to the floor, then you slid to sit in the middle seat, like you always did when it was the three of you. The brothers got into their respective seats before Dean started the impala.
"Alright, get comfortable kids," Dean said as he pulled out of the parking lot and onto the main road.
Your eyes fluttered open to the sound of a car door opening and closing. You blinked rapidly as you tried to let your eyes adjust to the sudden light. You lifted your head up off your makeshift pillow that you had made from your balled up jacket. You rubbed your sore neck as you cursed yourself for forgetting a spare blanket or pillow. You somehow always forgot to bring one.
You looked around at the scenery outside the impala. Not that there was much scenery to speak of. It was a clear day, no clouds to block the sun's warm rays. You turned to your left to see a rickety old convenience store, then turned to the right to see a couple gas pumps that looked like they had seen better days. Sam had his door propped open with his foot as he went through Dean's box of cassette tapes that sat on his lap. You could imagine the disgusted face he was making at all of Dean's classic rock tapes. The warm breeze felt refreshing as you worked on waking up.
"Hey," you heard Dean call out, and you turned to your right to see him through the window, "you want breakfast?" he asked Sam, holding up a few beef sticks and a bag of chips; your stomach growled as you saw the food in his hands.
"No, thanks," Sam said, shaking his head before going back to the box of tapes, "so, how'd you pay for that stuff? You and dad still running credit card scams?" Sam called out to Dean.
"Yeah, well, hunting ain't exactly a pro ball career," Dean replied as he placed the nozzle back in the gas pump.
"You guys probably shouldn't be talking so loud about hunting and credit card scams," you said, loud enough so Dean could hear from outside the car.
The drivers side door opened a moment later and Dean climbed inside, continuing to talk loudly, having not heard or cared about your advice. You looked around and realized there didn't seem to be anyone else at the gas station. You just hoped the clerk didn't hear Dean's noisy confession.
"Y'know, all we do is apply for the cards. It's not our fault they send 'em."
You rolled your eyes at him. He set a soda down in the cup holder, and you reached out and snatched a beef stick from his hand. Dean silently handed you a bottle of water that you hadn't even seen him holding. You took it gratefully before setting it down next to you so you could rip open the wrapper of the beef stick.
"What names did you write on the application this time?" Sam asked, a bit quieter, taking your advice as he swung his long legs back into the car and pulled the door shut.
"Uh, Burt Aframian. And his son Hector. Scored two cards out of the deal," Dean said as he turned the keys in the ignition.
"That sounds about right," Sam said before looking back down at the box of cassette tapes in his lap, "I swear, man. You've gotta update your cassette tape collection," he said with a sigh.
"Why?" you almost laughed at how defensive Dean sounded.
"Well, for one, they're cassette tapes. And two-" Sam paused, grabbing a cassette and holding it up, "Black Sabbath? Motorhead? Metallica?" he held up a cassette for each band he named, "it's the greatest hits of mullet rock," you were a little offended, considering the fact that you loved those bands too, but you knew Sam was only teasing Dean.
"House rules, Sammy," Dean grabbed the Metallica tape from Sam's hand, "driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole," you couldn't stop your laughter as Dean slotted the tape into the radio and pressed play.
Dean dropped the cassette case back in the box before he reached out and snatched the box from Sam. He tossed it back to you. You caught it with ease, setting it in the seat next to you. You smiled at the masking tape labels and crude handwriting on a majority of them. You spotted one that read 'Happy 21st B-Day D!' and it made you smile.
"You know, Sammy is a chubby twelve-year-old," Sam started, ignoring your giggles as he turned to Dean, "it's Sam, okay?" he demanded, but in a gentle way that only he could manage.
The music had already began to play, Battery playing softly through the speakers. Dean reached out and slowly turned the knob to increase the volume. Dean raised his voice along with the music.
"Sorry, I can't hear you, the music's too loud!" Dean said as he pulled out of the gas station and back onto the highway.
Sam gave you the task of calling the hospital in the area for anyone matching John's description, while he called the morgue. It didn't take very long before you hung up the phone, having received the information you needed. You noticed a sign that read 'JERICHO 7' whiz by as Sam ended his call.
"Alright, so there's no one matching dad at the morgue."
"Or the hospital," you added.
"So that's something, I guess," Sam said.
You suddenly felt your chest tighten, and your heartbeat quickened as you seemed to be nearing a bridge. You could see it in the distance, and the only clouds in the sky covered the entire length of it. The dark clouds contrasted against the blue sky. You felt your heart drop at the sight of police cars parked near the bridge. Dean seemed to notice too as he glanced at Sam, then back at the road ahead. You could see a couple cops stood around a blue car that was parked sideways, blocking off the bridge.
"Check it out," Dean said as you neared the action.
Sam leaned forward with narrowed eyes to try to make out more details. As you got closer, it felt like a hand was being wrapped around your throat. You shivered despite the warm California air that was making you sweat. Dean pulled off on the side of the road a couple yards away from the bridge, and you were finally able to take a deep breath. There was a cloud of death that hung over that bridge.
You all sat there and watched for a few moments before Dean turned off the impala. Suddenly, he reached over and opened the glovebox. He grabbed out a small box full of fake ID cards that had his and John's pictures on them. You sighed and leaned back in your seat.
"They're gonna get suspicious if all three of us go up," you said as Dean rifled through the box.
"Then stay in the car," he answered quickly, not looking up.
"I have to get to the bridge to get anything."
"Then just go to the edge of the bridge and do your thing while Sam and I go talk to them," Dean said as he pulled out an ID from the pile before shoving the box back in the glovebox, "let's go," he said as he opened his door and climbed out of the impala.
Sam turned to you with his mouth hung open in surprise, "fake ID's? Really?" he asked, obviously annoyed with Dean.
"They're helpful," you said with a nod, "I don't like using them all that much, though," you added quickly when he shook his head disapprovingly. 
The air felt heavy as you stepped out of the impala. You couldn't pinpoint how many people had died on that bridge, but you knew it had to be many. At least one, by the looks of the empty car and confused looking cops. Sam's door shutting loudly made you force yourself to start walking. You and Sam caught up with Dean, and you took your usual place in-between the brothers, walking quickly to keep in stride with them.
"You guys find anything?" you heard a man on the right side of the bridge yell down to what you assumed were men combing the river.
"No! Nothing!" was the distant and echoed response.
Once you reached the beginning of the bridge, you slowed and departed from the brothers, heading to the left. Sam and Dean continued walking toward the blue car and the cops. You heard them begin talking with the officers, but their voices faded away as you neared the edge of the bridge. You reached out and placed your hands on the railing, using them to brace yourself as you leaned over to look down into the rushing river water.
A wave of anger washed over you, similar to the one you had felt before, when you listened to the EVP on John's voicemail. It was accompanied by a bitter sadness, and this time it was much more intense. It suddenly shifted into grief, then all you felt was cold, as if someone had dumped a bucket of the river water on your head. You shivered as a name appeared in your mind. You turned quickly to look for Sam and Dean, spotting them walking back toward the start of the bridge. You began to speed walk over to them. You watched Dean take step in front of Sam, and turned to face him as they stopped walking. They looked like they are arguing again. You shook your head as you stomped over.
"I need a pen," you demanded as you walked up to them.
"Woah, are you okay?" Sam said as he look at you, concern etched into his features.
"I'm fine, I just need a pen," you repeated, "I got a name."
"Y/N, you're crying," Sam said as he pulled his sleeve up over his thumb and wiped your left cheek while you reached up and wiped you right; sure enough there was a trail were tears had streamed down your face.
"I didn't even know I was. I don't think it was really me crying, anyway. She made me feel how she felt before she died, if that makes any sense," you rambled on as Sam wiped the rest of your tears away before taking a step back, and you didn't fail to notice the raised eyebrow look Dean gave you and Sam.
You were about to raise your hand to hit Dean on the arm, but you heard an authoritative voice come from your right that stopped you, "can I help you three?"
You turned to see the sheriff with two tall FBI agents standing behind him. All three of them stared down at you through their sunglasses. You typically didn't let cops rattle you, but the FBI were a different story. You did your best to stand up tall and stare them down right back. The sheriff looked the three of you over, his eyes landing on you.
"No, sir. We were just leaving," Dean told him.
The FBI agents didn't seem to have time for you, as they ignored Dean and walked around him, "Agent Mulder. Agent Scully," Dean joked as they passed him.
You wound back and slapped him in the arm. He laughed and rubbed his bicep as the three of you walked past the sheriff. You could feel his eyes on you as you left. Dean finally pulled out a pen and handed it to you as you walked back to the impala. You spread out your palm and wrote down the name you had been given earlier.
"Constance Welch," you said to them as you held your hand out for both of them to see.
"Who's that?" Dean asked.
"The girl who made me cry," you tried to make a joke out of it, but Sam's lips pressed into a thin line, and his brows furrowed; he never liked when the ghosts affected you like that, "I think she's the spirit that's killing the guys," you added, quickly.
"Well, we'll have to go dig up some more information. They mentioned something about the girlfriend of the kid who died. We can go talk to her and ask her a couple questions, try to figure out why he was killed," Dean explained as the three of you got into the impala.
"Are we gonna go wave fake badges in her face?" you asked, not sure if that was the best idea, "maybe Sam and I can talk to her while you go look up Constance," you suggested, and Dean glanced at you in the rearview mirror before nodding.
"Alright, fine. But I better not get stuck with the busywork next time," he said with a huff.
The sidewalks were mostly empty as the impala slowly rolled down the main road of town. It was still fairly early in the day, but you expected more people to be out. It was the weekend after all. When you saw the sign above the closed movie theater, it made sense why the streets were mostly barren. 'EMERGENCY TOWN HALL MEETING; SUNDAY 8 PM; BE SAFE OUT THERE,' was the message to all the townsfolk.
"I'll bet you that's her," Dean nodded to a girl taping a pink paper on the brick wall just to the left of the theater.
Dean drove a few more feet before pulling up to the side of the road. You and Sam hopped out, and you leaned down to look at Dean through the open passenger door.
"I'll call you when we're done," you told him and he nodded.
You stood up straight and Sam shut his door. You turned and walked the few steps toward the girl. You tried not to seem too intimidating, but with Sam standing at 6'4, that was a bit of a challenge. You hoped his young face and signature puppy dog eyes would help your cause. She taped a missing poster to the wall that read 'MISSING TROY SQUIRE' underneath a smiling photo of Troy. You noticed the other missing posters that were hung up too, and you quickly realized they were all of the pervious victims you had seen in Dean's file.
"You must be Amy," you said as you approached her.
"Yeah," she replied flatly, not looking up as she secured the paper to the wall with another piece of tape.
"Yeah, Troy must have told you about us. I'm his aunt Y/N, and this is his uncle Sam," you explained to the girl with a smile.
"He never mentioned you to me," she said before turning and walking away, but you were quick to walk in stride with her.
"Well, that's Troy I guess," you said, adding in a fake chuckle, "we're not around much, we're up in Modesto."
"We're looking for him too, and we're kinda asking around," Sam said as he took a step in front of her to stop her from walking any further.
Another girl came up to Amy, gently placing a hand on her arm, "hey, are you okay?" she asked quietly.
"Yeah," Amy said with a nod, never taking her eyes off Sam.
"You mind if we ask you a couple questions?" he asked her, and she nodded.
Amy and her friend, who introduced herself as Rachel, led you down the street to a diner. It was mostly empty, other than an older couple sitting at a booth in the back right. You also noticed a seemingly bored waitress standing by the counter. She barely even noticed the four of you walk in, too busy looking down at her cellphone. Amy and Rachel slid into a booth in the far left of the diner. You and Sam slid into the side opposite them. Amy waved down the waitress and you and Sam ordered coffee, while the girls ordered sodas.
"What happened the night Troy disappeared?" you asked her gently.
"I was on the phone with Troy. He was driving home. He said he would call me right back, and...he never did," she told you, on the verge of tears.
"He didn't say anything strange, or out of the ordinary?" Sam asked.
"No. Nothing I can remember."
Amy fidgeted nervously with the charm of her necklace; it was a black pentagram. Sam took the words right out of your mouth before you could speak them.
"I like your necklace."
"Troy gave it to me. Mostly to scare my parents," She laughed, "with all that devil stuff."
You and Sam both chuckled. He glanced at you, and you shared a look of understanding.
"Actually, it means just the opposite. A pentagram is protection against evil. Really powerful. I mean, if you believe in that kind of thing." Sam explained to Amy.
"Did Troy believe in or practice anything satanic? Or was the necklace just a harmless gift?" you asked her, trying to get any sort of lead.
"It was a just a gift. I think he ordered it off the internet," she told you with a shrug.
"Well, the way Troy disappeared, somethin's not right. If either of you know anything..." Sam trailed off.
Amy and Rachel slowly turned and looked at each other.
"What is it?" Sam asked.
"Well, it's just... I mean, with all these guys going missing, people talk," Rachel replied.
You and Sam spoke in tandem, "what do they talk about?" you'd be lying if you said you hadn't missed Sam always knowing what you were going to say.
Rachel paused, glancing over at Amy before she rested her elbows on the table and leaned in, speaking quietly, "It's kind of this local legend. This one girl? She got murdered out on Centennial, like decades ago," the name Constance Welch flashed in your mind as Rachel spoke, "Well, supposedly she's still out there. She hitchhikes, and whoever picks her up? Well, they disappear forever," you glanced over at Sam who was listening intently.
"Well, let's hope it's just a legend, yeah? Thank you for answering our questions. If you think of anything else that could help," you paused as you grabbed a napkin from the holder and pulled out the pen that Dean had given you earlier, "don't be afraid to call," you wrote your phone number down on the napkin and handed it to her, smiling warmly.
"Thank you for your time," Sam said and you almost laughed at how diplomatic he sounded.
You and Sam slid out of the booth and headed for the front door. The bell above the door dinged as Sam opened it, letting you go through first. You noticed the sun starting to slowly slip below the horizon. The breeze didn't do much to cool you off, the humid air making your forehead slick with sweat. You used the back of your hand to wipe off as much moisture from your face as you could. You gestured for Sam to follow you as you started walking down the road toward the motel you had seen earlier. You pulled your cell phone out as you walked and flipped it open, quickly finding Dean's contact. You pressed call and brought the phone up to your ear. It rang twice before he picked up.
"You get anything?" he asked you eagerly.
You didn't think twice about his lack of greeting, instead you answered his question immediately, "you probably got more than we did. We got told a local legend of a woman who was murdered on Centennial, and her ghost hitchhikes and picks up poor suckers who never get seen again," you told him, but you had a feeling he was going to fill you in on the missing pieces.
"They almost got it right. Funny how much a story can change over twenty years" Dean said, more to himself than to you.
"Hold on," you said before pulling the phone away from your ear and putting him on speakerphone, "What actually happened?" you asked him.
"She committed suicide. Jumped off the bridge where they found that kids car."
"So it's gotta be her... Did it say why she did it?"
Dean sighed sadly, "the article said she left her kids in the bathtub and they drowned. She had called 911 but it had already been too late. They found her an hour later in the river."
"Geez, no wonder I felt so much grief," you muttered, more to yourself, but Sam heard it all too clearly, "did the article say where she's buried?" you asked, deciding to ignore the concerned look Sam was giving you.
"No, but it had her husbands name. Joseph Welch. If we find him I'm sure he can tell us where she's buried."
"Alright. It's getting late, though. We can meet at the motel we passed earlier and get a room for the night," you said, realizing how much your body was aching.
"Want me to head back and pick you guys up?"
"Nah, we're almost there. I can see it. Just meet us there."
"Will do. See you soon."
"See you soon," you echoed before closing your phone and shoving it back in your pocket.
There was a long pause before Sam spoke, "Are you feeling okay?"
Sam knew how drained you could feel after channeling a ghost like you did on the bridge, especially an extremely vengeful spirit like Constance. The more you thought about how exhausted you were, your limbs felt heavier.
"I'm alright, just tired," you told him, but you could see in his furrowed brow expression that he didn't believe you, "a few hours of sleep should fix me right up," you added, somewhat sarcastically.
You had just made it to the front office when you heard the all too familiar roar of the impala's engine. You turned to see Dean pull into the parking lot and park in the first parking spot he could find. He hopped out with a gloating smile, happy that he had uncovered more than the two of you. You wanted to remind him who got the name in the first place.
"Lets just get a room," you said before Dean could start gloating aloud.
The three of you walked into the office of the motel. An older looking gentleman was stood behind the counter with a polite smile. Dean pulled his fake credit card out of his wallet and dropped it down on the counter.
"One room, please," he told the clerk, his proud smile still spread wide across his face.
The man picked up the fake credit card, looking down at it before glancing up at Dean, "you guys having a reunion or something?"
"What do you mean?" Sam asked him.
"I had another guy, Burt Aframian. He came and bought out a room for the whole month," Sam and Dean shared a look.
"Which room was it?" you asked sweetly, hoping the man didn't get too suspicious.
"Number one. I only remember because he was so damn adamant about having it," he told you as he ran Dean's credit card and handed it back along with your room key.
"Thank you," you said before practically dragging the brothers out of the office, "let's get settled into our room, then we can check out John's room in a little bit. That guy might be keeping an eye out."
Sam and Dean agreed. The three of you grabbed your bags from the impala before bringing them to your room. You waited for the sun to fully set before the three of you started getting impatient. You were the first one out the door, checking to make sure that the coast was clear before the brothers followed. You walked down to the door of room one, standing shoulder to shoulder with Dean, your backs to the door as Sam knelt down to pick the lock. It only took him about thirty seconds before you heard the lock click from behind you. You turned as Sam reached out and grabbed Dean's shoulder, yanking him back into the room. You stepped in quickly after. Sam shut the door behind you as your eyes scanned the room.
"Woah," you mumbled as you both looked around the room.
There were newspaper clippings, printed articles, and photos hung on almost every inch of the walls of the motel room. There are books and papers scattered across every surface. Dean flicked a lamp on, leaning down to sniff a discarded burger underneath the light. He recoiled in disgust.
"I don't think he's been here for a couple days at least," Dean observed.
"I think you're right," you replied as you walked to the far wall, making sure to step over the salt line that blocked the door.
Sam leaned down and poked at the salt on the floor, "salt, cats eye shells. He was worried, trying to keep something from coming in," he said as he stood up straight, before walking over to stand by Dean, "what have you got here?" Sam asked his brother, who was looking at a line of papers hung up on the wall.
"Centennial Highway victims," Dean replied, looking over the obituaries to make sure there weren't any he'd missed, "I don't get it. I mean, different men, different jobs, ages, ethnicities," Sam crossed the room to stand next to you as Dean spoke, "there's always a connection, right? What do these guys have in common?"
You and Sam noticed the photos and papers hung on the wall in front of you, and it confirmed what you had already been suspicious of. Sam reached out and turned on the lamp in front of you.
"Dad figured it out," Sam said simply.
"What do you mean?" Dean asked as he turned.
"He found the same article we did. Constance Welch," Sam said, pointing at the article hung on the wall.
"She's a woman in white," you said when Dean's brows furrowed in confusion.
"You sly dogs," Dean said as he looked back at the articles of the missing men.
"The caption of the photo says Joseph Welch was thirty. The article dates to 1981, so he must be..." you paused, doing the math in your head, "sixty-four!" you said, hopeful.
"If he's still alive," Sam spoke what was on all your minds.
"We can worry about it tomorrow. I need at least a couple hours so I don't fall over," you said, a yawn enunciating your words.
"Didn't get enough beauty sleep in the car? You had the whole backseat to yourself," Dean teased as he walked to the door.
"That backseat is not as comfy for sleeping as you think it is," you protested as you stepped over the salt line.
"Better than nothing," Dean was just trying to piss you off, but unfortunately it was working.
"Well, no shit, jackass. But my neck is killing me and I'd love to sleep in a real bed," you pushed past Dean and out the door, checking to make sure no one was outside before leaving.
You got into the room first, taking your opportunity to enter the bathroom and have a quick shower before Dean used up all the hot water. You had the water running and the door closed when you heard Sam and Dean enter the room. You could heard Dean's muffled voice from the other side of the door You heard only a garbled mess of words until you heard your name. You quietly crept up to the bathroom door, pressing your ear up against it. Their voices were quieter now, but you were sure you had heard Dean say your name. You decided it probably wasn't best to ease drop. You couldn't hear what they were saying anyway. You gave up, stepping away from the door and continuing with your shower.
Dean was already passed out in one of the two king sized beds by the time you were out of the bathroom. You chuckled at his loud snoring as you stuffed your dirty clothes into your duffel bag. Sam was sat at the small table near the window, looking down at his phone. You stood awkwardly, wringing your hands as you contemplated what to say or do.
"The bathroom's free if you want to take a shower," you said finally.
Sam jumped slightly, looking a bit startled. He hadn't noticed you come out of the bathroom. Were you that sneaky or was he that distracted? You guessed it was a bit of both.
"Oh, thanks, but I'm good."
"Alright," you glanced at Dean, then back at Sam, "I don't think you'll want to share with him, so you can share with me," you felt your ears warming up but you did your best to ignore it.
"After having to sit in the front seat with him all day, I'd rather not have to deal with him hogging the covers all night. Thank you," Sam said gratefully, but he made no move to get into the bed, instead looking back down at his phone.
You nodded before walking over to the empty bed, laying on the right side. You left the side facing Dean's bed for Sam.
"Goodnight, Sam."
"Goodnight, Y/N."
You're sat on the floor, your father's head in your lap. Your hands are slick with his blood as you hold the sides of his face.
"Dad? Are you okay? Dad, please wake up! Dad!"
You jolted awake, sitting up straight as you looked around your unfamiliar surroundings. Your eyes met Sam's as he stood next to the bed, his hand on your shoulder.
"Nightmare?" you can barely hear him over your heart pounding in your ears.
You nodded as you took in a shaky breath. Sam's hand moved to your back, rubbing in soft circles. It actually helped ground you, and you were able to catch your breath fairly quickly. Dean came out of the bathroom as Sam let his hand fall from your back.
"You okay?" he asked you and you nodded quickly.
"I'm just gonna get ready," you mumbled, feeling awkward having both of them looking at you worriedly.
You stood and walked over to your duffel bag, grabbing out a change of clothes and heading into the bathroom. You could hear Sam and Dean's hushed voices as you got dressed. They went silent a few moments before you exited the bathroom. Sam was sat on the bed as he listened to a voicemail from who you assumed to be Jessica. You watched Dean pull on his jacket.
"Hey, man, I'm starving. I'm gonna grab a little something to eat at that diner down the street. You want anything?" Dean asked Sam.
"No," he replied.
"Aframian's buying," Dean joked.
Sam only shook his head, and Dean sighed, turning to you.
"You hungry? Wanna go get some greasy diner food?" he asked enthusiastically.
"For breakfast? I'm hoping for some pancakes or something," you said as you looked around for your own jacket, "we'll see you in a bit, Sam," you stopped yourself from calling him 'Sammy,' but you can see in his eyes that he caught your almost slip up.
"Mhm," he hummed in response as you and Dean headed out the door.
You walked with Dean across the parking lot toward the impala. You looked to the right when you felt someone looking at you. You saw the motel clerk talking with a couple cops. The clerk pointed at you and Dean when he saw you.
"Shit," you muttered as you turned to face away from the cops.
Dean mirrored your movements, standing shoulder to shoulder with you as he pulled his phone out, "dude, five-o. Take off," you heard Dean say into the phone.
There was a moment of silence before he spoke again, "uh, they kinda spotted us. Go find Dad," Dean closed his phone and stuck it in his jacket pocket before the he spun around to face the cops, bumping your shoulder with his to make you turn around too.
"Problem, officers?" Dean said with a shit eating grin that you wanted to smack right off his face.
"Where's your partner?" the cop crossed his arms over his chest as he looked from Dean to you, eyeing you suspiciously.
"Partner? What, what partner?" Dean asked innocently.
The cop jerked his thumb toward your motel room, silently ordering his partner to search the room. He obeyed, walking to the door before opening it and going inside. You felt your palms begin to sweat as you watched him enter the room, worried that he would come back out with Sam in handcuffs. Your eyes darted back toward the cop standing in front of you. He stood still as a statue, staring you down. You did your best to stand your ground and try not seem a nervous as you were.
"So, fake U.S. Marshal, fake credit cards. You got anything that's real?" the cop asked Dean.
Dean paused, as if debating his response, "My boobs," he finally replied with a toothy grin that showed he was satisfied with his answer.
The cop shoved Dean's shoulder roughly, forcing him to turn around. He pressed his hand in between Dean's shoulder blades, slamming him down against the hood of the car with a thud while his other hand went to his belt to grab his cuffs.
"Turn around with your hands against the hood of the car, please," the cop ordered you through gritted teeth.
You did what he said, not wanting to piss him off anymore than Dean had already done. He cuffed Dean before cuffing you, pressing your cheek against the hood of the impala. You must have looked incredibly annoyed, because Dean's slightly amused smile quickly disappeared.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law," the cop read you your rights as you continued to glare at Dean.
You always hated dealing with the cops. Everytime Dean got the two of you arrested, you hated them even more. Cops didn't believe in monsters and ghosts, so they were always a hinderance, rather than a help. You had a funny feeling that this sheriff was going to get on your nerves. They had thrown you and Dean in separate interview rooms. The sheriff had asked your name and age, which you gave fake answers to both. He had left you to go interrogate Dean.
He was gone for a few minutes before he entered the room again. He was holding a file box full of papers and folders. You assumed they were the things that had been hung up on the walls of John's motel room. He dropped it onto the table before dropping down a notebook in front of you. You immediately recognized it, but you did your best to make sure your face didn't reflect that.
"So you want to give me your real name?" he asked as he leaned against the table.
"I already told you. It's Sandra Nugent," you reiterated to the sheriff, who was looking increasingly annoyed.
"You could be in a lot of trouble here, you know that? Unless you cooperate with me. If you tell me what your boyfriend and his partners have been doing, maybe I can help you out," you wanted to laugh at how desperate he sounded.
"You don't have any evidence on us," you replied stubbornly.
"Ya'll got the faces of ten missing persons taped to your wall. Along with a whole lot of Satanic mumbo-jumbo. You and your buddy in there are officially suspects."
"Right, because when the first one went missing in '82, before I was even born," you deadpanned.
"I know you've got partners. One of 'em's an older guy. Maybe he started the whole thing. So tell me... Y/N is it?" you must have looked surprised, because he opened John's notebook that was sat on the table and began flipping through it slowly, "I thought that might be your name. I got Dean's name fairly quickly, but yours I wasn't so sure about. See, I leafed through this. What little I could make out. I mean, it's nine kinds of crazy," he flipped through until he was almost at the end, stopping and leaning back so you could see the page he had flipped to, "but I found this, too."
You looked down at the page. It was mostly blank other than Deans name scrawled in John's handwriting, along with 35-111 underneath it. The message was circled hastily.
"No one is going anywhere until one of you can tell me what the hell that means," he tapped the message on the paper with his index finger.
"I don't know what it means. It looks like it might be a locker combo or something," you said with a shrug.
The sheriff was getting red faced, and you were sure Dean had told him the same things. This wasn't your first rodeo. Before he could question you any more, there was a knock at the door. It opened a second later. A young cop stuck his head into the room.
"We just got a 911, shots fired over at Whiteford Road," he told the sheriff.
"You have to go to the bathroom?" the Sheriff asked you.
"No," you replied.
He promptly cuffed you to the table. You struggled against the cuffs slightly, the metal digging into the skin of your wrist. The sheriff left and shut the door behind him. Through the small window in the interrogation room door, you could see all the cops scrambling to leave. You looked around, trying to find a way out, when you noticed a paper clip sticking out of John's journal.
You reached out and grabbed it. You unbent it and used it to pick the lock on your handcuffs. You did your best to remember what Sam taught you, and soon you were free. You grabbed John's journal off the table and crept over to the door. You peered through the small window and waited until all the cops had cleared out before trying the door. It was surprisingly unlocked. You went to the interrogation room next door, opening it to reveal Dean handcuffed to the table.
"Well look at you, ya' little escape artist! How did you manage that?" Dean asked as you entered the room.
You held up the straightened paper clip for him to see before getting to work on unlocking his handcuffs. He laughed in amusement as you freed him.
"He made it pretty easy," you said with a shrug, handing him John's journal, "now come on, let's get outta here before they come back."
The two of you crept through the police station, careful not to let anyone see you. It seemed like they had all hands on deck though, because the place looked almost deserted. You managed to find your cell phones on the sheriff's desk. You were sure the receptionist would still be at the front desk, so you searched around for window or a back exit. You quickly found a window that let to the fire escape.
You unlocked it and pulled it open before climbing out onto the fire escape. You gestured for Dean to follow, and he did so without hesitation. Dean climbed down first before you climbed down after him. The two of you made sure the coast was clear of any cop cars before walking down the sidewalk, headed for the town exit. You weren't sure which way Sam had gone or where he was, but you needed to get the hell out of dodge before the cops found you again. The sidewalk ended at the exit of town, and Dean pulled his cellphone out to call Sam.
"Fake 911 phone call? I don't know, Sammy, that's pretty illegal," he said as he put it on speakerphone so you could hear Sam too.
"You're welcome," Sam's voice came through the shitty speaker of Deans phone.
"Listen, we gotta talk," Dean started, but Sam was quick to reply.
"Tell me about it. So the husband was unfaithful. We are dealing with a woman in white. And she's buried behind her old house, so that should have been Dad's next stop," Sam explained.
"Sammy, would you shut up for a second?" Dean tried to stop his brother from speaking.
"I just can't figure out why Dad hasn't destroyed the corpse yet," Sam continued, ignoring Dean's words.
"That's what I'm trying to tell you! He's gone. Dad left Jericho."
"What? How do you know?"
"We've got his journal," you told him.
"He doesn't go anywhere without that thing," Sam said slowly.
"Yeah, well, he did this time," Dean said.
"What's it say?" Sam asked.
"The same old ex-Marine crap, when he wants to let us know where he's going."
"Coordinates," Sam said, immediately understanding what Dean meant, "Where to?"
"We aren't sure yet. We didn't have much time to look while we were running from the cops," you said, annoyance evident in your tone, but it was more directed at Dean.
"I don't understand. I mean, what could be so important that Dad would just skip out in the middle of a job? What the hell is going on?"
You heard the screech of tires skidding on the road through the phone before a quiet thud.
"Sam? Sam!" Dean yelled into the phone frantically.
"Take me home," you heard Constance's soft voice come through the phone, and your hand flew up to clutch your head as the image of a house appeared in your mind.
"Y/N? What is it? Are you alright?" Dean stopped walking to put his hand on your shoulder.
You squeezed your eyes shut tight as you examined the house. It felt like a memory, but you knew you had never seen the house before. You quickly realized it had to be a memory from Constance. It must be her old house where Sam said she was buried.
"The house," you said, "We have to go to the house. That's where she's taking him," you said as you opened your eyes and lifted your head to look at Dean.
"We don't know where the house is!" he cried out, more in fear than in anger.
"I do. Follow me," you didn't elaborate and instead you turned and started jogging, knowing the house wasn't too far from you.
"Are you sure you're alright?" Dean asked as he easily caught up to jog next to you.
"I'm fine, but Sam isn't gonna be if we don't hurry up," you said before picking up the pace.
You and Dean were now running as fast as your legs could manage. You eventually cut through the tree line, coming out into a clearing. You could see the house in the distance, with the impala stopped out front. You could see Sam sitting in the front seat. As you got closer, you could see the ghostly figure above Sam. You quickly recognized the long wavy hair to belong to Constance.
"Cover your ears!" Dean shouted as you ran.
Your hands flew up to cover ears. You had been hunting with the Winchester brothers long enough to know that if one of them said to do something, you did it without question. You heard the muffled sound of a gun shot as you saw the front windows of the impala shatter. Constance disappeared for a moment before reappearing, turning to glare at the two of you. You felt your spine shudder in fear at the anger that radiated off her. Dean continued to shoot until she disappeared for good. You had just made it to the impala when you saw Sam sit up. He reached out and turned the keys in the ignition, making the car rumble to life.
"I'm taking you home," he said breathlessly before he pressed on the gas.
"Sam!" Dean yelled after him as the impala lurched forward and smashed through the front wall of the house with a loud crash.
You and Dean ran up the porch stairs and through the now giant hole in the side of the house. You stepped over the rubble and toward the impala that had stopped in the middle of what looked to be the remnants of a living room.
"Sam?" Dean called out as he ran to the passenger side of the car, "Sam! You okay?" Dean asked as he leaned in through the window.
"I think..." you heard Sam say from inside the car as you walked over.
"Can you move?" Dean asked as he tried to get the passenger door open.
"Yeah. Help me?"
Dean yanked the passenger door open before leaning inside the car and reaching out for Sam. He pulled him out and up onto his feet and brushed the dust off his shoulders.
"There you go," Dean said.
The three of you turned and saw Constance on the other side of the room, holding a large framed photo. She finally noticed you, glaring daggers as she threw the picture to the floor. It clattered loudly as the three of you stared dumbly. Suddenly, her hand lifted and she made a gesture that caused a dresser to slide across the room and pin you against the side of the impala. The wind got knocked out of you as you tried to push the dresser away, but there was an unseen force holding it in place. Sam and Dean were too stubborn to stop trying. Constance took a step forward, a look of malice in her eyes. You were anticipating her next move, when suddenly the lights flickered and buzzed. You watched Constance turn and walk to the base of the stairs that now had water pouring down them like a waterfall.
"You've come home to us, Mommy," you heard a boy and girl say in unison.
Suddenly, the spirits of Constance's children appeared behind her. They wrapped their arms around her in one final hug as the lights surged. You shielded your eyes as Constance screamed. You watched from under your forearm as the three of their spirits sunk slowly into the floor, disappearing and leaving only a puddle of water behind. Sam and Dean pushed the dresser over, and it clattered loudly to the floor. It kicked up a cloud of dust that made you cough. You walked over to examine the puddle, Sam and Dean close behind you. You all stared down at the floor in silence, trying to collect your thoughts. You were trying to brush off the residual rage that Constance had left behind.
"So this is where she drowned her kids," Dean said, breaking the silence.
"That's why she could never go home. She was too scared to face them," Sam confirmed.
"You found her weak spot. Nice work, Sammy," Dean clapped Sam on the chest where Constance had dug her fingers into his chest, presumably to rip out his heart; Sam laughed through the pain it caused him.
"Yeah, I wish I could say the same for you. What were you thinking shooting Casper in the face, you freak?"
"I was just thinking the same thing," you added.
"Hey. Saved your ass," Dean said he walked over to the impala, leaning down to inspect the damage, "I'll tell you another thing. If you screwed up my car?" he turned to point at Sam menacingly, "I'll kill you," Sam laughed as you gave Dean a 'what the fuck?' look.
"You literally shot the windows out! I doubt Sam did more damage than you did to your own car," you said as you walked over to stand next to Dean, noticing the busted out headlight.
Fortunately, the impala still ran. The front windows were shattered, and the right headlight needed replacing, but it wasn't anything that couldn't be fixed. She'd been through worse, is what Dean had said.
You were leaned over the backrest of Sam's seat, looking at the map he had sitting open in his lap. He was trying to find the location of the coordinates that John had left. It didn't take him long to circle a spot on the map.
"Okay, here's where Dad went. It's called Blackwater Ridge, Colorado," Sam said and Dean nodded.
"Sounds charming. How far?" Dean asked.
"About six hundred miles," Sam replied.
"Hey, if we shag ass we could make it by tonight!" Dean said excitedly.
"Dean, I, um..." Sam trailed off, and you sat back in your seat, knowing where this was going.
"You're not going," Dean said simply.
"The interview's tomorrow morning. I gotta be there."
"Yeah. Yeah, whatever. I'll take you home."
You had the sudden realization that your bags were still in your motel room. It wasn't difficult to convince Dean to drive back to the motel. You and Sam managed to sneak in and grab your stuff without being spotted. Dean sped to the highway to make sure the cops didn't catch you again.
None of you spoke for the rest of the drive. It was only a few hours, and the sun had set by the time you had arrived at Sam's apartment complex. Dean stopped out front and Sam opened the door and got out, shutting it behind him. He turned to lean in through the window as you climbed over the backrest to sit in the front seat. Once you were sat, you looked over at Sam, noticing how close he was.
"Call me if you find him?" Sam asked, and Dean nodded, "And maybe I can meet up with you later, huh?" his eyes went from Dean to you, and you nodded with a smile.
"Yeah, all right," Dean replied, still frowning slightly.
Sam patted the door twice, his lips pressed into a thin line as he stood up straight. He turned around and started to walk away. Dean set his arm on the backrest behind you, leaning forward slightly to look out the passenger window.
"Sam?" Dean called out.
Sam looked over his shoulder, "yeah?"
"You know, we all made a hell of a team back there," he said with a smirk, glancing at you.
Sam nodded with a small smile before Dean turned back to look at the road as he pressed on the gas. You didn't dare turn to look, instead you tried to catch a glimpse of Sam in the crooked side mirror. You could see his tall figure looming in the shadows. There was a sense of foreboding that you couldn't shake as you drove away. You were only on the road for a few minutes. Sam's apartment building had just barely faded in the distance. You turned and saw Dean's furrowed brows as he glanced between his watch and the road.
"What?" you questioned him.
"I think my watch stopped working."
A wave of dread washed over you as your heart dropped into your stomach. It felt like every inch of your skin was covered in goosebumps. You swallowed hard around the lump rising in your throat.
"Dean, turn around and go back. Now," you said firmly.
Dean didn't have to be told twice. He immediately pulled a u-turn and headed back toward Sam's apartment. You could feel the evil radiating off the building even before you saw it come into view. Dean pressed down on the gas harder, going well above the speed limit. He pulled into the parking lot and skidded to a stop in front of the door. You both hopped out of the impala but he stopped you, placing his hands on your shoulders.
"Stay here, I'll be right back," he said quickly before turning and running into the building.
You looked up to see flames and smoke emitting from an upstairs window. Your stomach churned as you pulled out your phone to call 911. You put the phone to your ear, and spoke to the operator about the fire, who told you they were sending a fire truck. You could hear the fire alarm going off before Sam and Dean even made it outside. Just as your chest was starting to ache with worry, you saw them emerge, Dean practically dragging Sam along. Sam fell into your waiting arms, and you used all your strength to keep him somewhat standing. He had wrapped his arms around you and had shoved his face into the crook of your neck. Dean stood a few feet away, coughing loudly. He put up his hand and made it into a faux phone, shaking it next to his ear with furrowed brows, silently asking if you had called the police. You nodded as you hugged Sam tightly, rubbing his back with one hand and petting his hair softly with the other.
The fire fighters didn't take long to get there. They managed to tame the flames fairly quickly, leaving most of the apartment complex intact. Sam had detached from you before they had arrived, wiping his eyes and sitting on the trunk of the impala. He didn't speak a word to you. Only when Sam was talking with the cops was when you got part of the story from Dean.
"She was... on the ceiling," he told you slowly.
"Like... Like how your mom died?" you asked gently.
Dean nodded and you felt your chest tighten as your heart rate quickened. You shook your head as you looked over to the building. Smoke was still billowing out into the night sky, blocking the few stars you could see from view. You and Dean were stood side by side at the back of the crowd of onlookers that had grown at the edge of the police tape. The red lights of the fire truck were still flashing, and they were starting to give you a headache. You turned away from the building to head back to the impala. Dean had pulled it off to the side of the road a few yards away. Sam was stood in front of the open trunk. You saw him loading a shotgun as you approached.
You didn't want to pity him, knowing it would only make him feel worse. When you saw the tear stains down his cheeks, you couldn't stop the sympathetic smile you gave him. He smiled weakly at you. Dean walked up next, giving Sam a look you couldn't place. You knew all the Winchester looks, but this one was foreign to you. Sam nodded at him before letting out shuddering breath, obviously knowing what his brother's look meant. You appreciated them getting along, but you didn't like to be excluded. Under different circumstances, you would have pestered them until they told you what telepathic messages they were sending each other. Instead, you stayed quiet, watching as Sam threw the now loaded shotgun into the trunk.
"We got work to do," he said before slamming the trunk shut.
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ryeriy · 1 year
request: hiii! could you do a dad!auston matthews and his daughter coming home from school with a bunch of valentines from classmates and her asking him who's his valentine
Be My Valentine- Auston Matthews
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warnings: none just fluff
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I was sitting in the parent pick up line at Hannah's school. I saw rush out to the car with a plastic bag with hearts on it. One of the teachers helped her get into the backseat of my car. She buckled herself in and they closed the door. I started to drive off from her school exiting the lot.
"How was school honey?" I asked her while turning on the soundtrack from frozen we had on cd. It's her favorite movie. The volume was on low so I could hear her talk.
"I got valentine today!" She exclaimed at me. Hannah was only four. Just learning how to talk right. Today was valentines day and some class mates of hers brought in valentines to share. She brought some in herself. Hannah was so excited to get them. She was in preschool so this was her first time getting this from her classmates.
"Oh you did!" I was sounding amused. It was so cute to listen to her talk about her day or anything in general.
"I got won from evewry won!" She held up her bag with red hearts all over it. I looked through the rear view mirror. It was filled with those cute valentine cards and candy.
"That's a lot Hannah!" I looked forward and kept driving back to the house we had.
"I wanna show daddy alllll of my candy from my frwiends!" She kicked her feet in the air a little bit. It put a smile on my face to see her so happy.
"Ohhh! Well we are almost home so you can show him." I told her as I turned onto our street.
The last five minutes of our drive was singing let it go from frozen. Karoke car rides are the best with her.
As soon as I pulled into the driveway I parked in the spirt right next to Auston's car and turned it off before getting out and opening her door. I undid her seat belt and picked her out of seat placing her on the ground. Grabbing her backpack and her bag.
When I gave it to her she immediately bolted towards the front door but she couldn't reach it. She had to wait for me to open it for her. I closed her door then locked the door. Made my way to the front door to open it for her.
"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!" She screamed as she ran through the door and the hallway. Running into his arms. Had the big full bag of valentines in her right hand.
"Hi sweetheart! What's the bag for?" He said while resting a side one side of her one his hips. Supporting her up with his hands.
"My frwiends gave me valentine!" She exclaimed while showing him her red heart bag.
"Oh really!" He asks her. She shakes her head up and down. That puts a smile on his face. Puts one on mine when I walked down the ways to see it.
"Who yowr valentine!" She asks him.
"Well who do you think it should be?" He asks her. I walked into the kitchen not too far from where they were standing to make Hannah her afterschool snack. Apples with peanut butter like always.
"Her!" She whispers very loudly and points to me. I could hear her whispering but I was pretending I couldn't.
"Mommy?" He asks her while also whispering very loudly. She shakes her head up and down meaning yes. I was trying so hard not to laugh. I smiled to myself.
He puts Hannah down on the ground and walks up to me. I was cutting apples when he came up to me and I turned around to him.
"Hey?" I put on my best show face for this one.
"Hello. I was wondering. Will you be my valentine?" He asked me. I could see the laughter hiding behind his face.
"Of course I will!" I said while pulling him for a hug but before hugging him I kiss him on the lips real quick then hugging him.
"Ewwwww!" Hannah squealed seeing us kiss. She made a soured face at us. After we pulled away from a hug I laughed at her.
"Oh I didn't forget about you!" I said while walking over to her and giving her a kiss on the forehead.
I pulled away from her and she grabbed her bag of candy and started to eat one and both Auston and I had a smile on our faces.
He sat down next to Hannah and ate some candy with her. So nice of her to share. He proceeded to grab one and then offer it to me.
"For you, my valentine." He had a soft smile on his face.
"Why thank you." I accepted his kind offer and smiled back at him while unwrapping the candy.
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kitsaystransrights · 5 months
Okay I’m starting a new series on here called “I just finished this game” where I gush about a game I just finished.
Anyway, if you’re a fan of musicals, visual novels, or Greek mythology, you NEED to play Stray Gods.
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If you haven’t heard of it before, Stray Gods is a visual novel with branching story routes, but it has the twist of also being a musical! Many of the game’s major choices take place in the songs themselves, and the songs will actually changed based on your decisions! Each song has numerous different permutations based on around 3-5 choices in each one. I recommend checking out Challenging a Queen, one of the early game songs that’s relatively light on spoilers, to see how some of the choices really add some spice to the game and weave through the songs.
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The game’s story just follows Grace, a 20-something girl who witnesses the death of Calliope, the Last Muse, and to make matters worse, she has inherited her powers and role. The Chorus, leaders of the remaining Greek gods (known as Idols), give Grace one week to prove her innocence before she is executed, and the line of Calliope is gone forever.
Accompanying her on this journey are a variety of gods, monsters, and her mortal (strictly platonic… strictly) roommate, Freddie. The cast of Stray Gods is easily its best aspect, full of lovable and complex characters, leaving you laughing a lot, sobbing sometimes, and sometimes not knowing who to trust. And when it’s backed up by a fantastic voice cast, and nearly every character getting their own song if not multiple, I’d be astounded if you managed to get through the game without getting attached to SOMEONE lol.
(For the record, my favorite characters are Freddie, Persephone, and Aphrodite hehe)
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And of course, what’s a musical without its music? The soundtrack of Stray Gods is absolutely incredible, even beyond the incredible amount of work and dedication it took to integrate so many variations of all the songs in the game. Lots of variety with the genre, sometimes even changing in the middle of a song! If I haaad to pick a few favorites, I suppose it’d be The Ritual, Look Into Me, and If Only. I’m a sucker for the emotional songs, but Look Into Me is suuuuuch a banger, it feels so threatening and I LOVE it.
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OKAY now I’m gonna gush about my favorite parts of the story and get all spoilery so if you don’t want to be spoiled, DON’T KEEP READING! Go play the game yourself! Iirc it’s on all current platforms. Enjoy :)
So HOLY SHIT APHRODITE’S SONG HIT ME LIKE A BRICK??? I love the moral dilemma her whole cycle of rebirth puts you in, deciding whether to honor her wishes and let her die again or to convince her to find peace in life rather than trying to forget. I tried SO HARD to save her without forcing her and she ended up passing on anyways.
Persephone’s character is also SOOOO well done here, the reinterpretation of her story where she kills Hades is a fantastic direction to take her character. She ended up being my main investigative partner for the game and I did NOT regret it. I almost ended up romancing her, and I definitely will on my next playthrough, but I didn’t this time because of…
Freddie!!! Freddie absolutely rules and is my favorite character in the whole game. Mortal Greek mythology nerd who is super gay and wears a cool hat, how could I NOT love her??? My heart was completely torn to shreds when she died, and even though I knew she had to be able to come back somehow because you could romance her, the fury it raised in me made me blaze through the last four hours of the game and finish it in one sitting XD.
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And JEEZ the way they let you bring her back is so well done. It’s not outright good or bad, it’s complex! Freddie and Grace are both traumatized by her death and resurrection, and the fact that you went against Freddie’s wishes and passed the line of Calliope onto her just makes it even more interesting from a storytelling perspective. It’s part of what makes If Only one of my favorite songs in the game. And of course, I’m a sucker for stories of unrequited love like Freddie’s is for Grace and now I’m gonna feel so guilty romancing anyone else 😭. Freddie is so relatable istg.
Anyways uuuuuh that’s all I have to say, maybe I’ll do a full review on my YouTube? Thanks for checking this post out tho! Okay bye :)
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fluffypichu876 · 8 days
Mutual, congratulate me - I've finally freakin read that Gaming Ask List you reblogged... uhhhhh... 6th jan. ANYWAY
Gaming ask game!
I'm gonna send a few of these together, feel free to answer as many or as few as you wish to)
3. Favourite childhood game?
7. Most disappointing game you’ve played?
8. The game with the best atmosphere/scenery?
12. Most bizarre game you’ve ever played?
14. Do you watch playthroughs online?
15. Favourite animal in a video game?
21. If you had to play one game for the rest of your life, what would it be?
26. How often do you play online? Co-op?
30. On average, how long does it take you in the character creation screen?
43. Favourite sidekick or companion?
54. A sequel you really want?
62. Would you want to work with video games when you are older?
65. Any favourite screenshots of games?
72. Have any guilty pleasure games?
74. Which game has the best lore?
(links don't work with asks so I'll link the original post the ancient way) tumblr dot com /corvoblinks/136954217573/75-gaming-asks
That's a new record, mutual! xDDDDD Old ask games are still valid in my blog, so thank you for sending one!
Oh hoh boy, let's talk video games!
3. Yoshi's Island for the SNES, no doubt! This game might be the first I have ever played! (at least, it's the first game I have played with the most vivid memories) Started it when I was little, picking up a joystick controller to play on the good old ZSNES emulator (that pixelated menu is so nostalgic for me), which my dad set up for me to play.
It was my first contact with a video game and a emulator, and one could say it was all downhill from there xDD
Childhood memories aside, the game itself is pretty good! A very fun platformer with very charming graphics. It's also pretty satisfying to 100%.
8. Ummm, there's some containders for that! As I have said in a post before, Castlevania SOTN has some of my favorite vibes and atmospheres in gaming, and it accomplishes that with a great blend of graphics and sound design.
The first Metal Gear Solid on the PSX also has an amazing atmosphere to it, despite the old-dated low polygon graphics.
Super Castlevania IV on the SNES is of the most atmospheric games on that system, and in true CV fashion, a good part of that is achieved through the soundtrack. The waterfalls and dracula's battle theme are highlights to me:
Dark Souls 1, which I'm currently playing, captures the feel of adventuring into a mysterious, dying world extremely well. The level design is intricate and the areas are interconnected in many ways, each with a unique vibe and story attached. Playing this game blind is highly recommended, as it enhances the experience a lot!
12. I haven't played it, but Top Banana for the Amiga does not look like something that should exist xD It looks cursed, sounds cursed, and it probably plays like a curse too.
As for something that I have played, I gotta say Ecco the Dolphin (and it's sequel). A beloved childhood game of mine, it's strange in a beautiful way, and even as a kid I was mystified by it (I still am).
14. Only snippets and ocasionally a live stream (I don't usually stay for long, though).
15. YOU CAN'T MAKE ME CHOOSE JUST ONE xDDDDD here's a comprehensive list of some of my most memorable favs:
   - Too many Pokemon to count, so here are a few that immediately come to mind: Flygon, Luxray, Reshiram, Elektross, Hydreigon, Skarmory, Breloom.
   - My BOTW horses <333
   - Chocobos
    - The Guardian Ape from Sekiro (awesome boss)
    - D-Dog from MGSV (most precious boi) 21. That's a really hard one xDD Certainly something highly replayable and endlessly fun. Perhaps DMC or Ultrakill?
26. Not very often. I have been engaging with DS1's multiplayer systems, and they're pretty fun!
30. Depends both on the game and my current creativity.
43. My boy D-Dog (mentioned above) is so helpful. So helpful in fact that it makes infiltrating too easy sometimes xD His ability to map out all nearby enemies by their scent makes it super fun to plan strategies ahead, and also you can pet him! :D
54. Sekiro 2 please??? (puppy eyes at Miyazaki)
62. y e s
65. Quite a few! (these are completely out of order, btw)
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gothghost · 4 months
When you get this ask you have to answer with 5 of ur fav songs and then send this ask to 10 of ur favourite followers! (No pressure <3)
yayyyyy ty for the tag i love talk about things i like :3 probably 98% of what i listen to is video game music gjkfdhgkhjh so. no particular order cuz trying to rank these would make me go insane ^_^
Lonely Rolling Star - Katamari Damacy
literally my favorite song ever. its so good. it's so lovely and cheery and happy and catchy and i love the story that goes along with it, it resonates with me so so so hard. this song is love to me :>
Sunburn - The Living Tombstone
behold... the one non-video game song i list here fdgfdhjg. i feel like despite their notoriety through the fnaf song, a shockingly small amount of people know that the living tombstone put out a whole original album a few years ago! this is definitely my favorite song from it, i really like the way it sounds and the lyrics and theme are really cool to me. also the music video is really pretty!
Toad Town Ghost Town - Paper Mario: The Origami King
a song that's ended up having a lot of personal significance to me hehe.... the main theme of origami king is probably my favorite in the entire series, and i really love how lowkey this version of it is while still maintaining the same emotional feeling
Quartz Quadrant "P" mix - Sonic CD
i adore the entire sonic cd ost so so much, it's basically impossible for me to pick a single favorite from it, but this one is definitely one that i think about a whole lot...
Laugh & Peace - Vib-Ribbon
oh i love you vib-ribbon. one of my favorite games that i've played in the last few years, please PLEASE listen to the soundtrack for this game, it's only 6 songs but they're all fucking crazy in the absolute best way possible, i wish more games were willing to get this weird with their music
and yay thats it!!! i really really like vgm a lot so im happy i got a chance to talk a bit about that hehehe :>
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golbrocklovely · 3 months
What would be the soundtrack to your life? Pick 3 songs for each stage of your life (child, preteen, teen, young adult, adult).
wow this is such a fun question, i love this :)
this was also very difficult to choose but i think i got it down. anything with a * is a song i personally related to at the time/still relate to.
childhood stage
hero by mariah carey
believe by cher
you're still the one by shain twain
bonus track: i hope you dance by lee ann womack
so when i was four years old, i decided i wanted to be a singer. and these songs were the reasons why i wanted to be. i remember distinctively listening to the radio with my mom, and these songs played all the time. the station we listened to was b101 - philly's soft rock station (at the time). i have such vivid memories of this time period, it's crazy. i also have a whole playlist of songs that i remember playing on this station, so if yall want me to share it, lemme know.
preteen stage
tangled up in me by skye sweetnam
love me for me by ashlee simpson
*underneath this smile by hilary duff
the preteen era of life, especially the tail end of it, was when i started getting more angsty, which led me into ppl like ashlee and skye, which then led me into the emo music. but i was also secretly a HUGE hilary duff fan. but since she wasn't cool anymore, i had to hide my love for her lol
also fun fact, i performed love me for me in a talent show in fourth grade. i didn't win, but it was one of the only times i've ever perform solo, especially that young.
teenage stage
take a breath by the jonas brothers
*alibis by marianas trench
*what a catch, donnie by fall out boy
bonus track: *stars by switchfoot
the jonas brothers are the reason i'm still alive today, honest to god. even tho i fell in love with them when i was 12ish, i'm gonna count them for my teenage years since that's when i was active in the fandom and constantly paying attention to them. i also found marianas trench around my early teenage years too, technically even before that, but they became major in my life as a teen. same with fob.
the album what a catch, donnie is on, folie a deux, i didn't like at the time it came out (2009). cut to me in junior year of hs, so 2013ish, i was IN LOVE with that album. so much so ppl knew i listened to that album on repeat all the time. to this day that album fucking slaps.
young adult stage
*caught in the middle by paramore
*that green gentleman by panic! at the disco
*astoria by marianas trench
bonus track: good day by dnce
i know that panic are problematic now, but back when i was in college, the drive up to my university, i would listen to the entirety of pretty odd the whole way. it was the only thing that genuinely calmed me down and centered me before school. i think hearing "things have changed for me, and that's okay" really helped me. bc this was such a dark time for me, since two out of the four years i went to college i was suicidal.
caught in the middle, i remember when that album came out, and hearing that song on vacation with my family and just immediately feeling connected to that song. and astoria was such a good time capsule of my life at the time and how it felt to me. and good day… me and my mom, any time we were in the car, would listen to dnce's album, and we loved this song lol still to this day too
adult stage
*the grudge by olivia rodrigo
*so much for stardust by fall out boy
*crave by paramore
bonus track: anything but me by muna
these were a bit harder to pick, bc i feel like i'm only just starting to feel like an adult. but i'm thinking anything from 25 thru to now counts. and that's when a lot of things started changing for me. i've also been reflecting a lot more, which is how i relate to songs like crave. so much for stardust really feels like what the last couple years have felt on me in a way; thinking life was so much harder before but now realizing no - this is hard. and the grudge is just the perfect embodiment of my ten year friend with my ex best friend ending.
but not all is lost. bc anything but me really is how i feel now. i would also like to add another bonus bonus track: the art of starting over by demi lovato. that song also kinda encompasses me beginning a new, and trying to figure everything out. i'm hopeful, but not sure yet of what to do.
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elendsessor · 8 months
Not sure if you've ever answered this before but: If you had to pick 3 MegaTen game soundtracks, which ones would they be? As in the entire OST, not just one theme.
ok this is gonna be long since i wanna spill my hot takes in the process.
gonna be honest only truly good thing about dds2 is the ost. 1’s ost is fire and i prefer less hype battle themes in turn based rpgs but all the battle themes in 2 fucking slap. by far the greatest pair of osts in the franchise but dds is treated as one complete thing and for good reasons.
i regained a lot of appreciation for 4’s. replaying it definitely gives a new layer just bc you know what’s going on. dungeon themes are especially the strongest part. my favorite track, as kinda a basic bitch opinion, is the domain boss theme :) the guitar riffs in 4 are godly as well as the more industrial elements of some of the dungeon themes. (4a has some good ones too!)
hard to pick an exact third fave since all the ps2 megaten osts are solid in general so imma do a massive hot take while acknowledging persona. p4’s fits the vibe the most and i think that’s what makes it stronger than other persona osts. idk man p1 and the 2 duology’s osts are great but got downgraded with the psp releases which is probably the hottest take in existence. they’re atmospheric and really fitting but despite how great they are they don’t feel very persona-y. even without the current identity of modernsona it doesn’t really fit with the setting and feels like they belong in different games. i love jazz so p5 and p5r have that going for them but i only really tend to enjoy the chiller tracks. jazz can be incorporated into battle themes amazingly but it feels underwhelming compared to both other jazzy megaten osts and other jazzy osts in general. yeah even last surprise. it’s good but lacking something that the way the jazz elements were handled don’t really hit. p3 has the best vocal tracks and i love the tartarus theme but it also reflects that weird transitionary period of the series where it had an idea of what it wanted to be but didn’t know how to execute it. idk never got behind a lot of the tracks and felt like the more melancholic lo-fi material ones were the most fitting. lotus juice was carrying everything else. p4/4g has the best since it does really fucking feel like it came out of the time period. the vocal tracks aren’t nearly as good as 3’s for the most part but really only with the battles. heartbeat heartbreak will eternally stick with me and i’ll face myself is fucking fantastic (especially the reincarnation version even if it’s more of a p4 anime thing). the music actually feels integral to 4 and helps enhance it. like this is the shit i would actually hear if i was chilling in a small town and if i went through similarly themed dungeons and a strip club.
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styrmwb · 6 months
Favorite Final Fantasy Music (FFXIV - Heavensward)
something something award-winning something something It's the first expansion!!! Heavensward admittedly isn't my favorite out of all of XIV soundtrack-wise, and it really was hard to not just make this Favorite Alexander Music, but like, it still rocks, and the only reason I feel like this is cause the vibes just aren't mine stupid religion elves how dare they hate dragons; it's still amazing. Let's jump (like a dragoon!) right into the list!
5. Voidal Manifest I love the Void Ark music. I love the organ and the melody, and this is my favorite song in the entire raid. The crazed, skittering nature of a lot of the instruments, the choir, and the really cool waltz section: it's all super cool. I also really love the short intermission before the song loops again, where it has the melody play really quickly with like, evil christmas instruments?? It's just a really fun song to listen to.
4. Heavy Rain This is probably the strangest pick I have in this list, and I bet not a lot of people ever paid attention to it. This plays exclusively in the top of the Sea of Clouds, in the very small enemy Vanu Vanu area. It's just, a banger for no reason? Extremely fun rhythm, making the otherwise slower melody really upbeat and bouncy. I love the really strange noises in the backing, as well as the marimba heading the song. Heavy Rain is a really addicting song, and I wish it played in more areas that I was more commonly in so I could hear it more also insert joke about team aqua and kyogre
3. Metal When I was really starting my XIV fever, I would listen to the soundtrack, seeing what might be ahead; Metal was the standout during that time for sure. I was so excited to reach the Alexander raids to listen to this song alone, and GODDAMN do those raids not disappoint! The entire raid is full of bangers!!!! The intro with the anvil striking noises as well as the rhythmic guitar really giving that machine vibe, and Koji Fox's voice sounding like a robot as well??? It's so cool. I love how similar to my previous favorite primal songs, this song sounds like it's sung by the summoners of the primal, in this case the Goblins, being entirely sung in gobbiespeak, these silly little words threatening to break and maim and end you with various machine onomatopoeia being thrown in? It's such a cool song, I love singing along to it. A part I really like that I want to point out to other than like, the rest of the song, is "THE END OHHHH THE END Y E S THE ENNND".
2. Fiend Fiend is something that I would listen to on the radio growing up; this is some fuckin hot topic 2000s edge metal, and I love it (I know the technical genre is nu metal/industrial metal, but I just find it funny calling it hot topic music). This song slaps; it uses a lot of really cool noises, the lyrics are super fun to listen to, especially with that really heavy beating in the background. I absolutely love the chorus, something about how it sounds is addicting to my ears. Lore/meaning wise, it's really cool how this song gives more character to Sephirot, giving him that corrupting nature to create dependence and a power dynamic, like a devil (even though he's the fiend and not the demon). Shoutouts to this song also having Powerman 5000 say "you stole our song" (it does sound similar).
1. Rise As I've pretty much said twice now already; The Alexander raids have the best music in this entire expansion. Hell, if it wasn't for Pandaemonium existing (spoilers for later), it would easily be my favorite raid soundtrack in the entire game. Rise is an absolutely outstanding finale to this amazing raid featuring one of my favorite summons in the entire series. That intro alone: the siren noise as this giant machine shoots a fucking laser at you, and Alexander Prime himself revealing his wings ala FFIX when the lyrics pop in, it's amazing. Absolute props to Koji Fox for his rapping in this song ("Keep the lightning bottled, throttled, throttle to the finish" in that short time??? holy shit?????). The singing really is my favorite part of this song, especially the chorus with A TO THE L TO THE E-X ANDER it's so fucking cool! The instrumental isn't the main star of the song for sure, but it makes a perfect support to the lyrics. The guitar and drums just give that rock that you can bang your head to. I love in the Primals version where they also interrupt the song midway through with Stasis Loop, just like the fight. It's a final boss song I would have never expected going into this game originally. (SONIC BOOM!)
Honorable mentions go to: Teardrops in the Rain (literally almost made it), Solid, Jewel, The Hand That Gives The Rose, Unbending Steel, Limitless Blue, Woe That Is Madness, Ink Long Dry, Aetherpause; Sins of the Father, Sins of the Son; Locus, Metal - Brute Justice Mode, Exponential Entropy, Moebius (basically the entire Alexander OST), Equilibrium, Penultimania, and Infinity.
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Hi!! It's me again 🐸
What are your comic book/book/anime recommendations?
Hello welcome back to my inbox <3
So I don't have much to say in the way of books or comic books sadly. It's been a hot minute since I've read much in the way of novels and short stories, though I've had some recommended to me, so we'll see how those go! I would love to put more words in my eyeballs.
Comic books I've just never really gotten much into outside of manga. Never really had friends that were into them (outside of superhero comics which didn't really interest me too much) and I tend not to involve myself in things on my own that much, it's more fun to have people to talk to about things.
Manga recs
I'll go ahead and spotlight 20th Century Boys. Not only is it unreasonably relatable right now (especially to readers in their upper 20s and above) it's just like, really well told, as a narrative. It's some of Urasawa's best storytelling I think. I'll obviously say to read most of Urasawa's works in general, but if you asked me to pin down one specific manga, 20th Century Boys is it.
Another manga I would recommend reading is Blue Period. It has an anime, but the anime only covers a very small part of the series and doesn't do it justice at all. Blue Period is a beautiful celebration of art and artists and what it means not to know your place in that world and it's so, so good for people who consider themselves creatives. Also it has some really fun character designs.
Lastly for manga I'll recommend Ajin! I can't think of another manga that I've read that has the same kind of glow up in its visual style. The first couple volumes aren't much to look at, but there's a very quick and noticeable uptick in quality that's very impressive to look at. It's worth checking out just for the artwork honestly.
Anime recs
It was really hard to pare down just a couple I think are exceptionally worth checking out, but I've tried to hit some of the best and most enjoyable series, at least for me. I've pared it down to five.
Mushi-Shi is perhaps my favourite anime overall, ever. It doesn't have a single episode or story beat I dislike, and it's got some of the most beautiful background work and soundtracks in anime, and some very smart, mature writing. It's episodic and easy to pick up at a random episode.
Mob Psycho 100 is one I feel like most folk already know of, but I'll put it on this list anyway because it's another near-perfect anime and has the benefit of being newer so it's especially shiny and has impressive animation to go with a very well told story.
Kaiji: Ultimate Survivor is a must watch and I wish people didn't judge it for the visual style! It's not a pretty show to watch but it's not meant to be. I would say it has a similar message to Monster with respect to being a bit of a social commentary, but it's a lot more cynical. The message of hope is there, but the world of Kaiji is much grittier and more ruthless. Squid Game wishes it had what Kaiji has.
Eureka Seven is my oldest, fondest love in anime. When I say no OST matches what eureka seven has I am being completely serious; literally nothing can match the sound that anime has. Also it's just an absolutely fantastic story about rebellion against an authoritarian government, fighting to protect the environment, has some of the most compelling romances in all of anime, and it just happens to be packaged in a mecha anime skin. It isn't what I would call a mecha anime, it just happens to involve big mech suits.
Ping Pong: The Animation is a mind blowing experience. It's a bit weird for a sports anime in that it doesn't feel like one. I can't say exactly why, because it does still follow a lot of the classic sports anime story beats, it just also throws in some unexpected narrative beats that make it especially unique. You're really watching Ping Pong for the actual animation, though. Trust me.
I have a lot more anime I could list honestly, there are a ton of really good ones that I didn't put on here, but these would be the top 5 I think people definitely need to check out.
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flawedamythyst · 1 year
✨when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, then tag 10 of your favourite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)✨
Tagged by @kangofu-cb , thanks! And yes I have been putting it off because it's very open-ended and I didn't know how to pick. Decisions are not my strong point.
So I am just going to use the next 5 songs on the playlist I have on my phone. Unless they're weird. Or embarrassing. Or I just don't vibe with them right now.
1. Pink Floyd - Cymbaline. My mum is a huge Pink Floyd fan, so they were a key part of the soundtrack of my childhood. This is probably not one of their songs that I'd mention if someone was to ask me for some favs, but it's fairly chill and a little eerie, which I do enjoy. Also it mentions Doctor Strange for no real reason.
2. Divine Comedy - I Like. Divine Comedy are always fun, and this one is particularly bouncy. Can be a bit repetitive though, best when you're mostly concentrating on something else.
3. Scouting for Girls - I Wish I Was James Bond. I watched a lot of Bond in my youth, with my brother. Did I ever wish to be him? Not really, it looked like a lot of hassle tbh. I did like it when he made things blow up though. See also: my love of superhero films.
4. The Dolman - Witches Woe. I saw these guys a couple of weeks back at the Pirate Festival. They played a gig on the deck of a replica of Drake's Golden Hind as the sun set, which was very atmospheric. I bought one of their albums in the wake of it but haven't listened to it much so can't say anything else about this song. It's pirate-esque folk rock though, hard to go wrong.
5. Deftones - Change (In The House of Flies). It is a truth universally acknowledged that while the 2002 movie of Queen of the Damned wasn't that great, the soundtrack was an absolute banger. As such I have had various songs from it on my general playlist since, well. Since 2002, probably, idk, I just dump all the songs I like in one list, hit shuffle, and only take them out when they start to annoy me. If they never annoy me, they just stay there forever. I suspect that has become obvious over the course of this list.
I will not be tagging ten people, as that is far more than I interact with on here, given my wallflower status. And especially once I take out the ones CB already tagged. So let's just tag @isabellehemlock @ramsaybaggins @tanouska @bizarrelittlemew and anyone who saw this post and was hoping I'd tag them.
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lepoppeta · 10 months
Got another one for you that I just thought of!!
What are your favorite musical themes from Pokémon and why? Could be from any game, any region!
I ranked each region from worst to best by soundtrack, and then picked some favourites within each one!
BATTLE! WILD POKEMON (HGSS) - This slaps for no reason. It goes so hard, and for what? A Pidgey?
VIRIDIAN CITY (FRLG) - I don't really find any of the Kanto tracks that inspiring, but this one's kind of cute and cheerful.
8 - JOHTO (as of HGSS)
DARK CAVE/ICE PATH - I really like how this track is very mellow and makes you feel like you're actually going deeper into whatever cave you're in.
GOLDENROD CITY - This track is just really cute and bouncy; it makes me happy whenever I enter Goldenrod and this theme starts up.
CIANWOOD CITY - Very peaceful seaside town track. It puts me at ease!
ROUTE 216 (DAY) - This track is so funky! I really like snow and ice routes in Pokemon because the terrain is usually used very creatively, and the music has a tendency to be more unique.
HAU’OLI CITY (DAY) - Very gentle and cheerful. I like it a lot!
BATTLE! TRAINER HAU - a good theme for a good boy.
BATTLE! PROFESSOR KUKUI (SM) - This one shocked me when I first heard it because it's so loud and triumphant and impressive. I wasn't expecting anything this bombastic out of a Pokemon game.
LILLIE - I don't like Lillie all that much as a character, but I think her theme is very pretty. It has a touch of elegance that she awkwardly wields; maybe she'll grow into it someday!
ROUTE 6 - Bagpipes.
FREEZINGTON - Like a crystallised lullaby!
BATTLE! TRAINER AVERY - I really like the techno-aspect. It's like they took the sound effect that plays when you set up Trick Room and they made a whole battle theme around it.
BATTLE! TRAINER MUSTARD - Very funky; lots of different aesthetics all coming together to make something that really works!
BATTLE! GYM LEADER - It slaps. What more can I say? It's such a great spiritual successor to the Kalos Gym Battle theme.
BATTLE! MACRO COSMOS OLEANA - I can't really put my finger on why I like this theme so much. It's really energetic and fun for me!
SLUMBERING WEALD SHRINE - Eerie and mysterious, especially with the howling in the background. It's more like white noise than an actual tune, but it's wonderfully atmospheric.
SOUTH PROVINCE - Very heroic! Sounds like you're setting off on an adventure.
NORTH PROVINCE (MONTEVERA REMIX) - Bouncy and funky. This is my favourite version of the North theme.
BATTLE! GYM LEADER - What the fuck. This slaps. It is so funky. I'm not too big on the theme that plays when the Gym Leader terrastralizes their last monster (I think Galar got the cheering idea down better) but the rest of it? Amazing.
BATTLE! ELITE FOUR - Absolutely my favourite E4 battle theme by far. It's so intimidating.
BATTLE! TOP CHAMPION GEETA - It's a little sad that the actual length of the theme is pretty short and so it repeats on itself more frequently than some other themed do, but I like the stereotypical Spanish elements it has! Now if only Geeta was as impressive as her battle theme...
ROUTE 10 - I am so upset that Route 10 is inaccessible in B2W2 because this is my favourite route track from Unova by far.
BATTLE! GYM LEADER - This feels like cheating a little bit, because it's technically three themes in one (and the 'final Pokemon' theme is just the franchise theme, which I'm absurdly fond of anyway) but the regular battle theme is awesome all on its own.
ROUTE 15 - Very sweeping; I like how it doesn't necessarily sound happy, but it conjures up a sense of determination.
ANISTAR CITY - Ancient and elegant and also a bit ominous. I like the use of the chimes / bells at the beginning.
BATTLE! RIVAL - This theme really makes me think of a competition between friends! There's nothing antagonistic here at all, just an amiable rivalry.
BATTLE! GYM LEADER - It's very different to pretty much all of the other Gym Battle themes; it's a quiet, ominous buzz in the background instead of being in-your-face.
BATTLE! CHAMPION DIANTHA - I like how it has elements of twinkling fairy femininity but the bells/chimes, electric guitar, and techno beats evoke the idea that Diantha is not to be fucked with.
PROFESSOR SYCAMORE - More like Professor Sexymore, amirite? It's very elegant and very French, what more could you want?
ROUTE 110 - This is the route theme from Hoenn. This track has so much "anime protagonist beginning their journey" energy to me. The trumpets.
ROUTE 113 - A unique route requires a unique theme! This really does give the impression of something soft falling from the sky.
VICTORY ROAD - Every time I hear this I get a little shiver up my spine. This is the sound of grinding for the E4 and getting lost in the dark. This is the best Victory Road theme out of any Pokemon game ever and I will not be taking criticism on that statement.
SURF - A beautiful waltz!
DIVE - Another unique theme for another unique route mechanic. I think the only other time Dive is used in Pokemon was in BW and B2W2 but I don't know what the themes are for those because, believe it or not, I've never actually used that HM while in Unova. I like this a lot - it evokes a feeling of quiet curiosity without being spooky.
FORTREE CITY / SECRET BASE - I prefer the original RSE version of this; I don't like how ORAS slowed the Fortree theme down.
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