#also i know i'm gonna do ep 1-3 again because they don't fit with the rest any more and it's annoying the heck outta me
funforahermit · 1 year
the set for episode 6 is already in my drafts but i gotta space it out a bit don't i...
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booasaur · 1 year
Spoilers incoming
Spoilers for The Show:The Company You Keep ABC
Thank you for the gifs cause now I'm hooked on The Company you Keep haha!! It's funny to see the dynamic between Birdie and Daphne though like I know I read your tags but truly was not prepared for how tense their interactions are. Also getting context for that ASL line bro Daphne knows no bounds and i love it. If this show was fun we would be getting 2 types of cat and mouse type of a storyline with the main m/f couple and then these 2 women but alas but they are fun because their hatred is strong but they are also so alike with their bonds to their families. So thank you cause man this show is fun and these actressss are sooo good in their roles and very pretty!!
Ps: spoiler - There was a throwaway from Birdie where she was like she's a sucker for Irish accents even if they are a gangster and 1) no pronouns, no "I love a guy with an Irish accent" and 2) considering Daphne's potential family ties....👀👀👀 minus the accent of course but who knows lol me being silly over this never gonna happen ship the things your gifs do to me !!!
Thank you again !!
Haha, right, I was afraid people would see the gifs and be like, oh, this is a light, fun thing when actually it's quite intense and a little scary.
Even as I KNOW they won't happen, I'm also like, but what if...? Every ep, I'm like, hmm, do these interactions suggest anything? A part of me feels like if they were going to go there, they would be a bit more obvious, but I'm also looking for other potential love interests and they don't have anyone yet.
For Birdie, I guess her ex is still an option, and then Emma's brother, David, and I really hope it's not Connor, who, lol, fits the Irish accent but he seems quite threatening and brutal. I suppose it's possible Daphne might fall in David's circle at some point, especially if he becomes corrupt, and actually, it kind of feels like Emma's assistant has a huge crush on her, lol, but mostly I just hope she doesn't have a thing for Charlie, that'd be so trite and tired for a fun show like this.
In terms of what dynamics are at play, indeed, if you have Charlie and Emma as crook and cop, you would have Birdie and Daphne as crook and...crookeder, lol. Birdie and David would be crook and politician, which, perhaps some people would call that the same, but outwardly, it feels too close to Charlie and Emma, and presumably, whatever one finds out, the other sibling would too so that reduces a lot of the drama and suspense.
Birdie and Connor would be crook and crookedest because so far Daphne seems much more humanized and sympathetic than any other bad guy, so even though she's currently the antagonist, it feels like Connor's even worse, it would have to be a big pivot to make him suddenly good enough to root for him against Daphne, though of course anything's possible.
I'm just curious in general about where the show will go, even with just Emma and Charlie. It's going to become a bit ludicrous if neither finds out about the other the more time passes, especially when both are so heavily involved with Daphne. Like, she literally left the bar a minute before Emma arrived!
In ep 3, we didn't have any Daphne and Birdie moment at all, but just like you spotted that line about the Irish accents, I really zoomed in on that scene early on, when Birdie's ex calls, she changes the subject with THIS segue:
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Like okay, okay, okay.
But yeah, it's such a fun show and already, aside from these main ladies, we've had guest spots from Bridget Regan and Jes Macallan, it's been very easy on the eyes. :P
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matan4il · 3 years
Rewatching in anticipation for Mondays episode because I feel extremely confident and want to see some scenes again in a different light. Honestly until Eddie broke up with Anna I just thought this show was fucking with me. So I'm curious about your take on 2 episodes.
The Jinx episode where Anna comes back and Eddie is wondering if he should ask her out. And basically the subtext is all of the 118 is against him about the universe. Now I sort of see it as subtext of them being like your doing what you think you should do, not what your heart is saying.
And the second the balcony scene where he is comforting Buck in his own way about how he was never gonna fix Chimm and Maddie. But the focus on maybe Buck doesn't know Maddie like Chim does. Its fresh off his break up and now seems heavy handed on his inner musings of soul mate partners vs loved ones.
I don't know. I don't want to get to hopeful but do you really think they were honestly always leading here. Because this season seems to enforce just how deeply repressed Eddie is in his feelings. Another example was when Buck was stuck in the hand sanitizer fire. They focused so little on Eddy and the ones to comfort him after were Bobby and Hen. Do you think it was to lend to them writing him as trying to "conceal dont feel" type behavior?
Oooh, Nonnie! Thank you, this is an awesome ask, but it really has a lot of different questions, so let me break them down as best I can:
1. Jinx's theme of Eddie vs the 118 about the universe screaming:      I think that ep mainly dealt with Eddie's tendency to deny himself, yep. At that point in time, it's about him denying himself the right to move on from Shannon, and while Ana turned out to be the wrong person for him, Eddie wouldn't have known that if he hadn't tried dating her. That would have always been this 'what if she was the perfect personal all along?' cloud hanging over his head. Thanks to giving himself finally the permission to think of himself and his needs, not just his 'duty', he doesn't have to be haunted by that question AND he knows now that he really is free to date whoever he desires to.
2. The balcony scene in 504:     I def agree Eddie knows from experience that partners can sometimes know each other better and in ways that other people, even close loved ones, don't see. That being said, it's interesting how much this DOESN'T fit Ana and him. She didn't know him better than anyone else. But it's also fresh on the hills of him tormenting himself over how much he didn't wanna date her, yet once again felt it was his 'duty' to stick it out. And who was the person who saw him and knew that something's off, who insisted to get the truth about the panic attacks, who gave him the exact right advice that gave Eddie the permission he needed to break up with her, when no one else even knew something was wrong? His actual partner.
3. Buck’s comforters at the end of the fire in 405:     I mentioned in my meta for it that I think the show actually overall emphasized Eddie within the context of Buck's personal struggle in that ep more than his teammates, but you're right that it did so in a restrained manner on Eddie's part, because it is his normal strategy of how to deal with things that trouble him.
4. Eddie’s feelings repression theme:     Is this being brought to the surface in s5? Without a doubt. It's more evident this season precisely because, as we saw with the panic attacks and during the call in ep 508, we're seeing the moments when this strategy is failing Eddie. It's not the way his repression is usually presented, and the failure draws attention to the thing that’s failing. That's been too consistent in s5, it has to be intentional.
5. Do I think Buddie were always meant to lead here?     Well, back in s1, the show had a major female protagonist at the dispatch center involved in the main romantic storyline on the show, the one the whole season revolved around (to compare, Bathena only appear in one ep, Chim's romantic storyline falls apart by ep 103, Henren's storyline only starts in ep 106, but Abby and Buck's is prominent and progresses in some way in every single ep of s1). So they brought in Maddie for s2 on to replace Abby as the female dispatcher protagonist, and they also needed a main romantic storyline for the show. They were bringing in Eddie originally to fulfill the part of her love interest, but JLH (forever blessed for this next move) said she thought Chim would be a better fit for Maddie. Which begged the question, what would become of Eddie, then? I guess they liked the character (and Ryan for the role) enough that they didn't want to do away with him, but that meant they needed to tie him to someone on the team, someone who would make Eddie's joining the team emotionally meaningful. And they clearly decided on Buck.
Now, I'm not sure romance was the decision they had in mind for that, but I think it was an option that they definitely did. I think they meant to bring in Eddie and tie him to Buck in a way that would spell out a deep friendship no matter what, and would keep romance as an option in the background. I don't think they knew for sure they would go that route, but I think it was something they were entertaining, which is why we have the seeds of a possible romance in Eddie's introduction and throughout s2, as I've pointed out in my first round of Buddie meta. Because the Buddie subtext was there from the start, but also because they filmed the first explicit nod to the option of romantic Buddie in 210, saying it's a small treat for the ship's fans, but there was barely any Buddie fandom when they would have filmed this (presumably a couple of weeks before the ep even aired and honestly, at that stage most people online seemed to take note of the ship due to the elf lady scene, not prior to it), so I tend to think they wanted us to also be aware of the option, that Buddie might go that way. IIRC at the end of s3, Tim (the show runner) said something about how they're considering the possibility, but haven't decided yet. To me, it feels like the shooting in s4 is an indication they've decided, but I can't guarantee anything. I can just tell you all the little steps along the way feel like someone was laying out the groundwork so that they could always choose to lead here if the show runner/s eventually did decide to take this route with Buddie.
Sorry for the length, but I hope this helped, lovely! xoxox
To anyone else who sent me an ask, I am going through all of them, thank you so much for your patience! If you wanna check whether I've replied to yours yet, you can have a look at my ask tag. xoxox
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laufire · 2 years
i want to say black sails but i feel i know most of these already. BUT black sails (i dont think i know about your eps).
the first character i ever fell in love with: I fell in strong like with Silver in his very introduction (not to mention I was already a Long John Silver fan), but in love-love, it was Max in 1x03, when she rebuffed Eleanor's help. I was transfixed.
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: n/a. If anything I went the other way around with Eleanor, from being wary of her to outright loving her now. Also yes, I still like Billy xD
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: n/a. Again, I went the other way with Maxanor.
my ultimate favorite character™: Max. She's a wonder. I need to finish this one long meta post I've planned to write about her for over a year now lol.
prettiest character: all the women are so, SO mesmerizing (the men have nice personalities xD). Rn I'm particularly feeling Anne and Idelle, idk.
my most hated character: the disdain I feel for Peter Ashe is endless. What a weakling.
my OTP: Silverflintmadi. Or, Silver x love, loving and being loved xD (alternatively, Max x Nassau :P).
my NOTP: Silver/Thomas, Max/Madi (they wouldn't be able to stand each other, lbr), Eleanor/Rogers.
favorite episode: LITERALLY every episode I watched of season 4 had me going "no, THIS is my fave episode" ñalkdsfaf. All of s4 could be here, and I particularly love the series finale.
saddest death: Miranda's. That other one in season 3 too (although I found both fitting narratively. The one in s4 as well, you know what I'm talking about), but I don't want to say the name because another friend is watching now and I don't want to spoil her lol.
favorite season: season 4 BUT season 3 is my comfort season lol. I had to ~process each episode in s4 because they gave me psyche damage lol, while season 3 was increasingly high screams of "MY HEART <333" (given some of the tragic shit that happens in s3, this might say something about me lmao).
least favorite season: I still love them but it's true season 1 is not up to the same ~blacksailsicity and that s2 is at times too... not slow, but paused? The rhythim stops to a halt sometimes. Which isn't necessarily bad, but it's not s3-4, yk.
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: not hate, but tbh I care less and less about Thomas the more I see people lose their minds over him. He's Just Some Guy LOL.
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Rogers is my love-to-hate-him guy LMAO, so I'm putting him here.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: I'm gonna say Charlotte.
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: mmm... Rockham? (Rackham/Rogers). I'm so sorry about it Jack, I just enjoyed your scenes together xD
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: Silver/Muldoon, Max/Georgia or Max/Idelle (though I like that one more the more I think about it, actually).
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iemondropsss · 3 years
Hello friends. So, like many a person waiting on haitus I too have imagined what the perfect next season of moominvalley will be like. I'm sure there's bound to be SOMETHING wrong with it because idk no one at studios ever listens to common sense and community input? Idk man but here we are. I myself have decided to create a pretty solid season 3 and we'll see how much I get right or wrong. I'm sure this will age like Orange Juice (which by orange juice I actually how no idea if orange juice can spoil just like I have no idea WHAT the studio has in plan) but we do know a few things so I kind of tried to keep with the spirit, the way their characters have progressed and how far they still have to go, and also what we all want. Some things I have in mind will continue/happen in my fake season 4 so maybe I'll do that later we'll see but for now have a presentable season :)
(I'll put it under the cut I know it'll be long lol. also apparently there is a 10 image limit so I'll put the second part of the season in a new reblog don't worry)
Episode 1 - Moomintroll's grand adventure
-moomintroll gets a sea adventure all on his own. he learns the struggles of independence and gets to feel the wind in his fur. it's all rather lovely, but he finds that it isn't exactly as easy as he thought.
-Things to keep in mind: in this ep we want to show how he has become more independent and drifting from the kind of shadow his father left. He still wants to fit under it a little (that's why it's a sea adventure) but as it goes on he needs to realize he is his own person and that is great
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Episode 2 - If snufkin feels one (1) more emotion he's gonna snap
-the moominparents, little my, and the lightouse keeper return to the valley on the keeper's boat
-the moomins go into hiberations and the fisherman and toft/toffle bond and find family in each other and go back to the island. This way they are both able to find the companionship they both so desperatly need and the fisherman basically adopts toffle, that way they don't need the moomins anymore :)
-so anyway, naturally, during all this snufkin is emotionally DESTROYED and runs off to the woods. there is nothing worse than skyrocketing your hopes only to have them come crashing down once again
-however, before runing away completely snufkin consults too-ticky who has just recently started to settle down in the boathouse for the winter
-he talks about his emotions, because he feels that she would understand this kind of thing, and how it's really weird. he's always missed moomintroll while he's away but it's different now and there's something different and maybe there alway has been he doesn't know!! it's all so confusing
-too-ticky gives him some wise words (basically: aye, ye gaye bastard) and he goes on his way
-Through the forest he sees several memories flash before him in the form of magical looking apparition that look really cool (the animators can flex their particle engines with the memories as illustrated below which I think would be,,, pretty cool)
-The memories are old, like when he and moomintroll first met or a few small adventures they've had
-he realized that he's never had a friend like this ever not even with the rest of his group or even the several interesting characters he's met on his travels
-at least.... never someone to come home to
-home. that scares him. he heads on his way and promises to find moomintroll again no matter what
-this memory montage has an indie banger over it, of course
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Episode 3- Little My the Asexual Pirate Queen
-Little My isn't hibernating this year. She's decided to have her own adventure, if everyone else is getting one
-Pirates come to the valley and she boards their ship but gets thrown in the brig before she can do too much
-She meets a few people in the brig with her and they all stage a mutiny against the captain
-little my becomes the new captain with the person who helped her as her first mate
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Episode 4 - Beauty Queen gets character development
-sniff and snorkmaiden look for snork
-they face a couple things and snorkmaiden shows how she can be a really great and independent leader
-snork, when they find him, is excited to go to the valley with them because he will be able to finally get all the materials to build his flying ship with/finally fly/test it!
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Episode 5: The Real treasure was the bf (best friend) we had all along
-moomintroll meet little my and her pirate crew
-one of the pirates says they know about a treasure on an island and they go to find it
-kind of like the hattifattener episode
-but now with actual pirates and real treasure lol
-the find the chest and celebrate theier newfound riches
-now that moomintroll has had his adventures he decides that it's time to go back to the valley
-after all it is almost spring and he doesn't want to miss snufkin
-through this adventure moomintroll and little my aren't as mean to each other and understand each other more, becoming more like adopted siblings
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Episode 6 - Backstreets back alright dunununn
-Snufkin is playing his newest spring tune solemnly against a tree
-here he is back in the valley but moomintroll still hasn't returned
-he puts up his tent anyway and basically mopes
-moominmamma comforts him over tea and they talk a bit
-the finally finally he's back babyyy
-now here's the most important part pay attention
-they both run across the way and collapse into a
-you guessed it
-spin hug!!
-which is as it sounds moomintroll picks snufkin up and they spin around (kind of like when snorkmaiden and moomintroll broke up but it's better and means the opposite)
-another indie song plays over this scene of course so everytime we listen to it on the album we can cry
-snufkin whispers "I missed you" in moomintroll's ear
-moomintroll laughs and says "now you know what it feel like" but in a teasing way he doesn't mean anything bad by it. he gets it now.
-but snufkin still stiffens and realizes what that means. he tries to apologize for leaving all the time and tries to promise things moomintroll knows it would hurt him to keep so he assures him that it is okay he understands and loves him no matter if they're appart
-snufkin has a gay panic moment obviously he doesnt mean it like *that*
-so they part each other's embrace on good terms and snufkin thanks him
-there is probably a sub plot to this episode but none of us remember what it was because we had whiplash for like a full 10 minutes after this
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to be continued.....
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mamisolohd · 3 years
trailer thoughts 💭
Let’s keep in mind it's just a trailer so I'm not gonna be too judgy. The s1 trailer included mostly clips from episode 1-3 and then some from 5 and 6. This one probably also mostly includes scenes from the first two to four eps. The first season also had a pretty fast pace and a lot happened in the episodes, which might be the case this season too. Something I noticed was that the necklaces are nowhere to be seen in the trailer. They will appear later but tbh I'm starting to believe that maybe they only were a coincidence, but we'll see! Ana's health isn't mentioned either. Ana’s mom is there which is exciting, I really enjoyed the grandmas! Tere makes an appearance only in the teaser, and she's talking to JC and not Mariana, maybe they're on bad terms still. Ferrán is also introduced. Ana's and Mariana's relationship seems rocky, but then again it's only the trailer and they probably want to throw us off by showing them being interested in Ferrán.
Let's just start with Ferrán and get it over with lol. Seems like there's gonna be some sort of a love triangle between the three of them because he's flirting with both of them? I'm not sure how all that's gonna go down since they're all working together. There's one part in the script, at the dinner where he also is invited together with Mariana, and then another part where Pablo asks Mariana how her weekend with Ferrán went, and so does all this happen unbeknownst to Ana, while she also has a thing with him? Or are they going for polyamory? Like that one time Paulina commented that a polyamorous relationship could be a good idea under a pic of Ana and Mariana, and also mentioned it in on of the clips that recently came out. I mean can you imagine? "Madre Sólo Hay Dos....... + Ferrán". I just don’t see it. Idk what part of the audience that plot would please. I might be biased since I am very for Ana and Mariana only, but putting that aside, Idk how that would fit in this story in particular. I'm thinking there's a plot twist at the end regarding Ferrán. And a side note, Paulina barely posted anything about the s2 so I don’t think she’d randomly give a potential spoiler like that. I hope she’s trolling xd.
Regarding Juan Carlos, apparently him and Ana and are still going to therapy which ughhh I'm so over JC, I don't care about the man at all. I’m pretty sure they officially are separating and I get that it takes time but I'm over hiiiim. It's such a waste of time since they did it in s1 when they were on better terms and couldn't figure things out. It's a short season and I'd just like to see something other than JC :<.
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A lot of the scenes in the trailer also feel like they're in the first episode. The scene where Ana, Romelia and the kids are eating and they ask about Mariana and JC could be the opening scene, which also could lead the kids inviting Mariana over and then Mariana does come over (before the trailer came out I was thinking Mariana was sleeping over at Ana's because I thought she was wearing pajamas, turns out she's not lolll). That could be Ana's and Mariana's first encounter. Ana sees Mariana in her house, gets angry and maybe they'll even have some intense conversations ;)... They're really milkning Mariana being confused so idk how far they'll take that. Ana will probably be in full denial-self defense mode for a while, which isn't surprising.
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She'll possibly go back to her 1x01 characteristics and personality for a while, especially with Mariana. Ana's probably really going to get on Mariana's nerves, especially knowing Mariana is patient, causing things to build up until it eventually bursts for Mariana which probably happens when she walks out on Ana after they argue. That argument seems to be a little more serious than their normal bickering since even Ana seems affected by Mariana’s response. I think all of this will happen in maybe the first 2-4 eps, which makes my wonder what'll happen in the other half of the season…
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I was thinking Ceci's grad might be at the end of the season but it probably isn't. And speaking of Ceci, I hope they develop her and Ana's relationship way more this season, I really do. They didn't get too much time last time so I hope they'll have some sweet moments together, regarding everything... I really like Ceci! Ceci probably wants Mariana at her graduation and so Ana maybe cools down a bit and realizes some things, hence the bathroom scene (which btw I'm totally assuming the bathrooms scene happens at the graduation, it could very well be another occasion). After that maybe they'll at least be friendly again, have a "let's forget what happened" bs moment etc., although they probably still will keep annoying each other, like in the office when Mariana calls Ana a control freak and Ana calls Mariana a confused hippie lol. But it maybe is on and off since there's also a scene where they're with the babies and seem civil and where Ana is talking about how Ferrán was flirting with her, so they probably leave whatever happened in the past... until they realize that they're more than partners... whenever that happens. That one sentence is my lifeline at this point like no joke whenever an obstacle appears, remember that last sentence in ep. 8. I'm gonna be let down so badly if that part ends up being nothing lmaooo but I've decided to trust the show at this point.
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While I'm putting my trust in their hands I’m also trying to keep my hopes low just in case. I'm also very bad at predicting plots so idk. I usually expect the telenovela plots since I'm pretty scarred by them lol but I was expecting a telenovela-ish plot when I first watched the show but then got really surprised afterwards. I feel like this show has a telenovela vibe but without all the parts and plots I usually hate, which is great! The love triangle drama seems like a very telenovela-y plot so I hope they'll eventually remove Ferrán from the both of them. Again, I'm really trusting them here, might be a terrible choice but here we areeee. Our protagonists have also mentioned an alleged third season, so it's okay if MarYAna won't be endgame just yet, maybe they're saving that for the third one! :)
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