#also he dislikes my bio teacher and I dislike my bio teacher
strawberry-creep · 8 months
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bun-lapin · 9 months
Introduction for my NRC staff OCs:
Hui-Yan (twist of Shan Yu from Mulan) Iomhar Dubhghall (twist of Mor'du from Brave)
(Bios and extra details under the cut)
A/N: So I am very bad at drawing but I love making OCs! In particular, I've been spending a lot of time on my twst staff OCs. I finally got around to making some picrew images of them to get a rough idea of how they'd look visually. They turned out nicely but not exactly how I pictured them lol Maybe for my birthday in December I'll finally commission some art of them <3 I have two more staff OCs that I will post tomorrow.
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Name: Hui-Yan (no family name) hui 慧: wise , yan 艳: beautiful Age: 30 Staff Position: Social Studies professor (History of Magical Battles, Philosophy, Summoning), House Advisor to Diasomnia, Club Advisor to Equestrian Club Personality: Hui-Yan is a disciplined and stoic professor. She doesn't like to participate in "idle chatter" and her personal background is shrouded in mystery. She has no family name and simply states that she has no family as an explanation. She is an accomplished fighter and will sometimes speak at length on different philosophies related to the way of a warrior. She is very observant and a master of strategy. She often sneaks up on students while they gossip about their teachers and then makes them do planks or push-ups as punishment. Unique Magic: Combat spell, turns her body into shadow to avoid detection, can also summon a powerful sword made of shadows that can cut through anything in this form. Preferences:
Hobbies: Falconry
Pet peeve: Snow
Likes: Soup Dumplings (xiaolongbao)
Dislikes: Sweets
Talent: Mounted Archery
Name: Iomhar Dubhghall Age: 34 Staff Position: Athletics Instructor (PE/Flight class, Defensive Magic, Martial Arts), House Advisor to Savanaclaw, Club Advisor to Spell Drive Club Personality: Iomhar Dubghall is a very quiet and reserved instructor. Although he doesn't speak much, he doesn't mind listening to people and will sometimes offer a few words of advice. Despite his intimidating appearance, he's actually very gentle and caring. If he sees a student genuinely struggling in his classes, he'll let them sit off to the side until they feel better. However, he is a fierce fighter and doesn't hold anything back in combat training. He's also an extremely capable outdoorsman and survivalist. Unique Magic: Combat spell, can summon small, sentient wisps of fire. In combat situations the wisps can join into the shape of a huge bear made of fire that he controls. Rarely uses this spell because of the risk of losing control if he gets too emotional and setting the forest on fire. Preferences:
Hobbies: Woodcarving
Pet peeve: Sharing his food
Likes: Smoked Salmon
Dislikes: Peppers
Talent: Axe Throwing
picrew source: one, two intro card source
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souglias · 1 year
I see there's still a slot left for foul legacy: raging tide so I hope I'm not too late to request something 👀
Three things about me:
As I said in my other ask, I love to draw and write and I try to do that as much as I can during my free time between hw and class. Although it's been much harder to find time during college and I am often plagued with art/ writer's block 😔
I'm a bio major and I have no problem with handling bugs and other little critters that most people get queasy about. Once you've dissected sheep brains and whole squids, grabbing a spider isn't such a big deal lol
It generally takes me a while to start seeing someone as a close friend rather than a friendly acquaintance that I sometimes see in class. In the same vein it also takes me a while to begin considering someone as a possible romantic partner bc I only start to feel attraction after I've known them for a while and established an emotional connection
I'm a big fan of the star student/delinquent trope and even though I'm not really the type that only cares about studying, I do generally prioritize that over other things
Thank you in advance!! I can't wait to see the rest of this event unfold :D
The Delinquent [Childe]
c/w: mentions and implications of rumours, implication of bad school culture, Biology dissection (not described in detail)
Note: Hello!! I'm so so sorry this fic took so long! I wasn't particularly inspired for this fic so I was holding it off, then school came in the way for quite a bit. I don't know much about dissections, but I did a quick Google search and I hope I've written it such that it's not too difficult to believe. I hope that you enjoy this!
word count: 1.5k
Sun and moon. Both you and Childe live worlds apart. The two of you are only in each other’s orbit, seeing each other from a distance. The closest that you’ll ever get is being a few seats away in biology class. However, even though you only share one class with him, you know him all too well.
Childe is the infamous sporty kid in school. He’s also one who often wins academic competitions for the school. The student body doesn’t necessarily dislike him either. In fact, the girls adore him. They think that he’s hot and charming. But outside of his friend group, everyone is mostly too intimidated by his aura to approach him. 
You can also always count on Childe to constantly talk back to teachers and staff. Now and then, you would catch him breaking school rules by exploiting their loopholes. The school hasn’t expelled him, given that he’s not causing harm or trouble to anyone. On top of that, he largely excels in many areas. Though… There are rumours of him beating other students up. But no one has actually seen him do so.
You, on the other hand, keep to your group of friends. That’s how you decided you were going to spend the rest of your school life. Comfortable with a group of friends that you cherish deeply, out of the spotlight. 
That is until Childe decides to collide into your world for a reason you cannot bring yourself to turn down. Okay, you could have, but you don't dare to.
As a short breather from studying in the library, you doodle a little. Childe walks up to your side while you’re doing so. 
With a volume lower than usual, he greets you. “Hey, [name]- Oh these look pretty cute.”
You dropped your pencil on your notebook, taken aback that the Childe is talking to you. 
“What’s up, Childe?” you ask as your hand subtly shifts above the doodles in your notebook. Honestly, you want nothing to do with him. But, at the same time, you are courteous enough not to shut someone out the first time they speak to you.
He smiles sheepishly as he requests, “Sorry to bother you, but could you give me a demonstration on the dissection of a sheep’s brain?”
You only blink at him in response. You asked him to repeat, making sure you didn’t mishear him. Assuming you couldn’t hear him, he raises his volume. Only slightly, so as not to disturb other students. 
“I need some help on dissecting a sheep’s brain and I’d like you to show me a demonstration. Would that be okay for you?”
Fumbling over your words a little, you agree to help him with his dissection. “Great! Thank you so much, [name]. Will tomorrow after our biology lesson be good?”
“Yeah, sure…”
With that, he walks off with a slight skip in his steps. But you, on the other hand, are highly preoccupied with your thoughts. You think you got a little too nervous around him. They say you shouldn’t show fear in front of what you are afraid of. Wait, since when were you afraid of him?
On top of that worry, you aren’t sure if you should be proud that Childe thinks highly enough of you to ask you for help, or if you should be concerned that you are now responsible for tutoring the infamous school delinquent instead. 
Do you really know the dissection like the back of your hand? What if he asks you about the details that you've thrown to the back of your mind? As an extra precaution, you start to relook at your notes on the dissection. Before you sleep at night, you give your notes one last read too.
The next day, you realise during lessons that you forgot to check if there was a supervising teacher present after school. For students to use the laboratory after school, there is a rule stating that a teacher has to be present. Childe probably wouldn’t heed that rule in normal circumstances. But since your last lesson is Biology in the laboratory with him, your teacher would definitely know both of you are staying back. If there was no one around, your teacher wouldn’t permit you two to use the room and kick the both of you out. 
So, you pray. You pray that there wouldn’t be any supervising teacher, so you’d get to slip out on Childe. But unfortunately, when class ends, you find out that your teacher is on duty today.
Sighing internally, you resign yourself to helping Childe. As you prepare your workbench, you catch your teacher's eyes darting between the two of you. Likely surprised that both of you speak to each other, you suppose. You'd be surprised too.
When all the preparation is done, you try to hide your disappointment and ask, “So, how do you want me to teach this to you?” 
“You can do a step-by-step demonstration, then I’ll try to follow along.”
After every step, you check on the steps that he executes. While doing so, you notice how slender his hands are and the little faded scars on them. 
“[Name]? We can continue.”
You snap out of your daze and mutter an apology, continuing the dissection. At some point, you stop him. “Hold on, you’re about to cut the wrong part.”
He shifts his gaze over to your scalpel, trying to assess the exact point to cut. Before he does anything, you move over to his side as you always do when you teach your friends. You wrap your hand around his that holds the scalpel and you guide his hand.
Childe becomes momentarily distracted by your touch on his. He tries to ignore the feeling of his skin tingling and regain his focus. 
(But it is for nought because all he can think of is how cool you are for being so good at Biology. Heck, not just Biology, but other subjects too. Words of your consistently stellar grades don’t escape him.)
You only realise the proximity between the two of you after you let go of his hand. Taking a step back, your leg bumps into the stool. You stumble for a bit. Childe’s hand reaches out to your arm and it hovers right above your skin, ready to catch you. But you don’t fall and a few moments pass.
Inside, you beat yourself up a little for almost falling onto the ground in front of someone you’ve barely spoken to before. You straighten yourself and Childe withdraws his hand back to his side. 
You clear your throat in an attempt to dissipate the tension in the air. “There’s only one more step left to go. I can show that to you and if you’re good, we can pack up.”
You note how hot your face feels and hope he doesn’t tell this to his friend circle. You don’t particularly like them, given the amount of drama they attract. 
You try to concentrate, though the incident earlier remains at the front of your mind. Soon, he ends the procedure without a hitch, so you assume that you’ve taught him the right step despite your lack of focus. With that, both of you clean up the workbench. 
Childe finishes cleaning up faster than you. He always packs up quickly after class, and you chalk up his speed to his desire to leave class early. You think he’s about to leave when he comes over to help you. When he does, he thanks you.
“Thanks for the tutoring session, [name].”
A few seconds of silence lapse. You’re not sure if you should thank him for helping you. But before you say anything, he asks, “Say… could I ask you for more help next time? I struggle quite a bit with Biology.”
Immediately, you nod. It'll just be more tutoring sessions that'll benefit you too. Though, you ask, “Don’t you have friends who do Biology?”
Childe’s face sours a little, a smile still plastered on his face. He whispers, “Let’s just say that while I do hang out with them, I don’t like to stay around them more than I need to.”
Your eyes widen slightly. The two of you have more in common than you thought.
As the two of you walk down the hallways to the exit, he exchanges contacts with you. Childe does a tiny fist pump in the air. “Nice! Now, we can easily arrange study sessions!”
He turns to look at you and offers, “If you need anything too, you can always ask me!”
Childe flashes you a smile. He’s really not so bad.
When the two of you part ways at the school gate, you wave to him. He returns one with that annoyingly vibrant smile of his. But, maybe you could get used to this.
Only then do you realise, oh, you are in so much danger. The moon is reaching its orbit closest to the sun now.
All likes and reblogs are appreciated! Thank you <3
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jayjamjary · 1 month
light and/or L for 6/9/25?
I'm alive againnnnnn! So I can finally answer this.
Okay so I wrote a lot and don't want to make people scroll a mile at least on mobile to get past this post so answers under the cut lol. I hope you like long winded paragraphs.
Also here's the thing I'm doing this from.
L 6, I've stolen so many of his mannerisms and my posture is worse for it. His moral code (made pretty clear in L Change The World) is one I like as well and reading that book helped me consider a lot of my own moral codes that are still kinda works in progress probably forever. I'm also rather logical with a side of social awkwardness and bluntness like he is. Obviously I'm not as smart as him (I don't know if that would even be possible????) but I know a lot and I'm good at analyzing information (except when it's social information. I can't read faces I can't read tone and I suck at understanding neurotypical people's behavior). I've also taken martial arts lol but just taekwondo not the capoeira-esque thing he does. Oh and I'm snacky. I operate best on too much sugar but also then I sometimes start shaking.
Light 6, Sometimes I have to stop myself from thinking I'm above everyone else. I only get in that mindset occasionally though, like once every few years and then I just have to humble myself by remembering I'm not that cool. I've just always been really good at school stuff, and, especially this year while taking AP Bio, it's hitting me that I'm Really Good At Some Stuff Compared To My Peers. Like top of the class and I do not study and I do almost all of my work last minute and then I draw on the notes in class when the teacher is lecturing. I'll keep thinking I'm going to fail a test or something and then we get it back and I'm the top or near the top of the curve. It's odd. Anyway, aside from academics, when I was younger and first watched death note, like Light, I also didn't understand how his method was bad. Because I was like 14 and hadn't considered morals much at that time. But I've been there so I understand. If I had that kind of power and hadn't had the opportunity to analyze his methods from and outside perspective, I could see myself doing something quite like what he did. Oh also, when I was little (like ages 5-12 maybe), I was a manipulative bitch. I've lost my edge though because. I can't read people and also I'm not terribly good at producing the correct tones myself anymore :p plus I'm smarter now and realizing lying willy nilly all the time isn't the best tactic. Oh, and right now, we almost have the same haircut. My hair's a little shorter on the side but that's it. K even have brown hair too.
L 9, that's a really interesting question to answer. I would think so but only under some conditions. He would have to minimize screen light (like from computers or phones) while I'm trying to sleep. Like cover the screen and his head in a blanket and block out the light from the rest of the room or something. Then uh he would need to share his yummy little sweet treats because they look yummy. If he doesn't want to share he just needs to learn which ones I don't like and get more of those. Which should be easy because I'm very picky (I don't like most chocolate, I don't like most cake, I don't like most pastries, I'm picky with cookies, etc.). I would also appreciate if Watari came along sometimes too. In L Change The World, L takes pretty good care of himself alone, but that was a crisis situation. In a normal situation he may be more inclined to let stuff slide for being able to work longer and I don't want him forgetting to shower or eat or sleep or anything. I could try to take care of him myself but idk if he would listen to me and idk if I would always have energy.
Light 9, Could I be roommates with him? Yes. Would I want to be? No. Well maybe. If we're talking Light with no Kira I think it'd be okay, but if we're talking Light with Kira that's a solid pass. Light with no Kira is a pretty okay guy, and I feel like he would learn to respect me even if he initially looked down on me for my generally alternative style and lack of social skills since I'm pretty smart and stuff. Not only do I think Light with Kira would be judgier but also I don't want to deal with his rehehehe shit. I don't want to live with a roomate who's constantly plotting and scheming and all that.
L 25, ahhh I watched death note for the first time like 4ish years ago so I barely remember. I think I liked him a bit, like I thought he was silly, but I was weirded out by how many shots of his feet rubbing together the anime had.
Light 25, once again, I remind the reader that I was young and dumb when I first watched the show so don't judge me here. I agreed that the world is a trash fire sometimes and I was pretty on board with Light's methods of dealing with that. I thought he was kinda an ass but that was it.
Thank you for asking me the silly questions and sorry for taking so long to get to them lol.
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galaxies-and-gore · 2 months
Twst OC Bio: Lucas Kaufmann
This is for @casp1an-sea 's twst character challenge! I got Winnie the Pooh from the spinning wheel, and the random character I picked from that was Owl!
Name: Lucas Kaufmann
Birthday: September 19th
Age: 40
Dominant Hand: Right
Unique Magic: I don't have a name for it, but it lets him read any writing even if he doesn't understand the language it's written in
Teaches history at RSA
Hobbies: Reading, working on puzzles
Pet Peeves: Students falling asleep in class or interrupting him
Favorite Food: Tea with honey
Least Favorite Food: Yogurt
Talent: Accidently scaring students by turning his head around farther than he should be able to
Species: Owl beastman
Based On: Owl from Winnie the Pooh
Likes: Teaching, info dumping, puzzles
Dislikes: Insects
Orientation: Ace and panromantic
Pronouns: He/him
Hair: Brown with black peppered throughout, always messy. His hair is just long enough to put it in a tiny ponytail.
Eyes: Orange
This was very fun because it was so different from how I normally create ocs. Normally, I just get hit with random ideas and see what I can make out of them. I almost never do stuff like this because I usually can't follow through if I'm not actually passionate about the idea. But I did it this time! My favoritism towards theming characters after birds is really showing. Anyway, on to random character information. Lucas is specifically a Eurasian Eagle-Owl because Owl was only portrayed as a distinct species of owl once and it was an eagle-owl. He's Swiss! Of course I had to make him a history teacher. Some students question if his knowledge is actually accurate because of his UM. He's prone to long rambles during class. He constantly remembers how this relates to that, and how that relates to this other thing, and so on. Some students really hate his class because of that, but he does it because he genuinely loves teaching! He wants to share everything that he knows! He also writes children's books under a pen name. They're stories that he used to tell to his siblings, nieces, and nephews when they were little. Also yes he has feathers that pop out of his hair and look like little "horns".
Here's a picture of the owl I'm referencing:
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i’m talking abt yarichin bitch club. read more'd bc this is SO fucking long
while lurking on twitter, i came across a thread of ppl discussing the older yaribu members’ views on consent. it was a bit weird, i genuinely thought it was antis having a normal one abt yaribu at first until i realized everyone in the conversation had ybc themed @s and either had antis dni in their bio or 🌈 🍖 in their display name
the general consensus was that all the older members would be willing to intervene/retaliate if someone was being harassed/assaulted except yuri and akemi, and they then proceeded to say akemi is wishy washy because he DID do something when shikatani was being blackmailed by his teacher, but at the same time he went through with gang banging tamura despite his negative reaction to it. the thread took place in 2021 (literally jan 1st lol) and ik a handful of chapters have came out since then, but i find that their observations of akemi still hold up well enough because there hasn’t been much development for him.
i do want to play devil’s advocate tho. since reading yaribu and rereading it at least 4 times since october i gotta say akemi is among my faves. i don’t dislike any of the cast fr but he’s so… interesting that ive found myself enamored with him since i think about him a lot while trying to make sense of his character and where he’s going in the story. he loves itome and cares for him a lot, but not enough to stay monogamous; he says he’s definitely over his ex, but he still keeps the picture they took on their anniversary in his wallet; he’s very perceptive when it comes to those he cares about and he’s not afraid to confront them about whatever is bothering them, but he doesn’t care enough to stop a gang bang when someone isn’t into it. there’s a lot of conflicting things with his words and actions and i love it.
a big point in that conversation is that akemi hasn’t been shown interacting with the 1st years a lot and that he kinda… doesn’t give a shit about them, but i disagree. akemi cares for all of the club members, he’s just very dedicated to the club. i think he also cares for the older members a little more because he’s been around them longer and he’s probably had sex with them all at least once (the only older member we haven’t seen him sleeping with is shikatani, but from his introduction for shikatani it’s likely that they have had sex).
akemi is a pretty polarizing character in the fandom and i find that, especially in today’s fandom climate, characters like him who are ‘wishy washy’ and aren’t an open book tend to be the discourse topic. i’ve seen ppl talk about him like he’s an actual villain and not… a messy character. he’s perceptive and blunt and he cares about his friends, but at the same time he’s very selfish and he does what he wants.
akemi wouldn’t (and hasn’t!) stood by as one of his friends were being harassed. before tamura’s gang bang he even said that he wasn’t serious about it, but because of his taunting and disobedience he went through with it.
anyways, none of the yaribu members are inherently good or evil, akemi and yuri are just characters who are harder to read and therefore are inevitably going to be topics of discourse for their own reasons (rapist!evil!villainous!akemi vs ableist!rapist!yuri). ppl are dumb lmao
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favoringeyes · 1 year
hi lena!! :DD can i ask do the likes / dislikes of kagepro characters have any particular significance? whats your personal opinions?
this gets really really long and i didnt even talk about any of the fun likes/dislikes for any of the characters im sorry u dont have to read all of this 😭😭😭
HII SEBASTIAN this is such a great question oh my god thank u. okay not for all of them but in some cases yes. i'll start with the ones that DO matter though. shintaro looooves cola it's like his lifeblood, he has this scene where he drinks it with konoha and he says smthn along the lines of "praise be to soda" and konoha's like "erm what." but in this scene shintaro's introduced konoha to cola for the first time and it's basically a turning point in their friendship it's really sweet. it's actually a parallel to when haruka introduced shintaro to cola for the first time ever and that's when their friendship started and augh augh augh it makes me so crazy. momo (shintaro's sister) also really loves soda, except her favorite is red bean soup flavor. uhmm okay next seto LOVES animals and nature in general, this is probably due to his eye ability, since he can communicate with animals and nature is usually far away from cities and such so not a lot of people to accidentally read the mind of. before he had gained his eye ability he had a stray dog named hanako, who he thought understood him as he understood her. hanako is the one he got stuck into the daze with when bullies from his orphanage threw her into a river and he drowned attempting to save her. later on he has a pet hamster named hanao who he talks to and stuff. in general he'll just talk to random birds at times, he's often showed with them actually. he also met marry (someone super important to him) in a forest so that probably contributes to it as well! okay well idk if this counts but i say it does so it does uh the color red for ayano! red has huge significance in kagepro, as it's the color someone's eyes will turn into when their abilities are activated. the mekakushi dan was started by ayano when she put on a red scarf in front of her siblings and exclaimed that red is the color of a hero, and theyre just like secret agents. that's why ayano has her scarf on most of the time if not all of the time! i like to think ayano gained an affinity for the color in general bc she told shintaro he looked good in red (hence why he has his silly little jacket) and it brings a sense of comfort. a neat detail in mekakucity actors is in the last episode after she had been free from the daze, she's shown with an outfit without her scarf, symbolizing how she's not the tragic "heroine" of the story anymore, how she doesnt have to fight alone anymore. makes me emotional. kido really likes music, mainly bc her bio mom loved music as well, i cant remember quite right but she might have been a musician as well? but basically in her younger years before her mom passed away, she was raised to love music. it's quite significant to her design as well, on her hoodie she has like a little mp3 player button on the front. one of her favorite bands is radiohead LMFAO. OH takane and video games! due to her disability growing up she was often isolated since she was so tired all the time and didnt like having to deal with randomly falling asleep in front of her peers, who usually thought of her as weird and stand-offish. so as a way to cope she turned to video games and actually got quite good as she grew up. by highschool she's well known in the gamer world as "flashing dancer ene" and is 2nd in a national tournament for some zombie game i think. in manga route 2, videogames is the main way she bonds with haruka while they are in the hospital together. actually a video game she, haruka, and their teacher made brought the entire yuukei quartet together technically. shintaro and haruka also played online games together basically every night and thts how they got so close. so in my personal opinion those r probably the ones that hold the most significance for certain characters… i would talk abt fun ones but im hitting the word limit sorry SOB
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foster-the-world · 2 years
End of Year fun
The girls school is going all in for end of year fun. Today alone Rebel had to wear a swimsuit for sprinkler day, a superhero costume and a culture day costume. I joined Bee on her class field trip to the local children's museum yesterday. It was so fun. I love every single kid in her class. Each one is kind and sweet. I really hope it stays that way as they get older. They did a school play this week. One of the after school teachers (college age) wrote it. It was pretty well done. Bee is obsessed with one of the older girls. I clearly remember thinking the older girls were the coolest. The school has a dance team that performed to Rhythm Nation. Once again - very impressive for a bunch of 10 year olds. They also have a school step team. I hope Bee wants to join. I wonder if it's appropriate for Rebel - as a white kid. All of the girls are black, latin, etc. To date, most white parents leave the school after the early grades. I think that is changing. Bee's class is half and half and from what we know all of the kids are staying for first grade.
Rebel's class is also very nice but the prek class is huge - roughly 100 kids in five classes. Compared to Kindergarten which only has two classes of 15. Many of the fancy public schools and charter schools don't have PreK classes - so parents send their kids here and then transfer for K. We have at least 15 charter schools within walking distance to our apartment. I much prefer the smaller Kindergarten. We know every single kids name and most of the parents. I'm looking forward to seeing who stays in Rebel's class so we can start to get to know the parents better.
I'm drowning a bit in school work, end of year stuff, etc. I've ordered everything for Baby boy's bday but we haven't actually picked a day for a small party. For the girls we did a homemade balloon drop from the ceiling that I think we will repeat for him. I think he'll go crazy. We had a big paw patrol elevator/toy thing that my Mom got at Goodwill in our attic. We are going to have the girls give it to him as his gift. Per his OT we got him a wraparound swing that hangs from the ceiling and a body sock. He was very much not into the body sock but will keep trying.
We'd probably prefer just to have the grandparents to a party because he's only two BUT his (bio) Great Aunt keeps asking when the party is. Culturally around here it seems most black families have huge/well decorated parties for young kids. They are mostly in the park so we see professionals setting them up. We aren't going to go that far but also don't want to see him like assholes who don't celebrate him. His sister has also asked. Hopefully, the sister (on Mom's side) doesn't mind being around the Great Aunt (on the Dad's side) as she has mentioned really disliking Dad. The Great Aunt seems very aware of Dad's faults so I don't think she will mind if sister says anything. I did buy some bird plates, decorations as the kid is obsessed with birds.
Baby boy figured out how to climb out of his crib a few months back. We don't trust him AT ALL to be alone if he decides to get out in the middle of the night. As a solution we bought one of those tents that goes over the crib. Somehow he figured out how to get out of that last night. Showed up at our door at 3am. He was so damn cute standing in the dark in his little Paw Patrol pajamas. Luckily, he went right back to bed, without complaints. I'm hoping/thinking he just broke the zipper. He goes down easily but I do not think that will be the case in a big kid bed. I tried putting him in the girls toddler bed one night. He immediately starting climbing on the beds railing to try and reach the light. With this high needs kid his good sleep schedule is saving us - so I really hope this does not become a problem.
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judeisms · 2 years
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do i really have to tell you how you brought me back to life?
name: jude kala pronouns: he/him  age: 24 occupation: art school teacher zodiac sign: cancer parents: both alive, living in new york siblings: none
traits and personality!
positives: enthusiastic, candid, honest, speaks before he thinks, easygoing negatives: dramatic, talks a lot of nonsense, has a difficulty focusing on one topic at a time, sometimes gives in to pettiness likes: random items that stand out. neon green everything (yes, even mountain dew), taylor swift reputation era, stargazing,  spending time with his pets, spouse and child dislikes: two-faced individuals, sweet desserts   aesthetic: wornout converse and leather jackets, slept-in hoodies, friendship bracelets, netflix and chill, cat cuddles
jude grew up in a loud environment. a really loud one. his parents used to fight when he was a child, and when he reached his teenage years, his parents were no longer sleeping in the same bed. all of this was, of course, hidden from the rest of their family to maintain the perfect family image they were so keen on masquerading around. jude always had to be the perfectly dressed child as a result of this, as if his immaculately-pressed clothes could make up for the lack of love in the household. there were always other members of the family visiting, which resulted in a lot of ceremonious cleaning up and tidying to “keep up appearances.” on sundays, the local church community always gathered at jude’s family home together for lunch after service. as much as jude dislikes to admit it, this shaped his personality growing up.
in the middle of a loud environment, he became interested in observing people, which then led to sketching them as they went about their days. jude believes that a lot can be said about what a person is doing when they are in the presence of people they like and dislike. turning to arts also gave him the quiet time he sought, but that is not to say he’s bad at social gatherings. jude is pretty well-adapted, and he finds it easy to mingle whenever necessary. even as he left home and moved to california to study, he was able to adjust well enough. it also helped him in his search for freedom, realizing how much of who he thought he was, was actually different from who he wanted to be. 
at home, he would always be the one caring for his younger cousins at family reunions. his love for the arts and for children made it easy to decide on what he’d do after graduating from fine arts. 
jude believes in the presence of a higher being, though he is not practicing the religion his parents raised him in.
jude always wished he had siblings. this tends to make him look at friends in a sibling-like manner by default.
jude is a serial hobbyist. one day he’d be knitting, next time he’d be into calligraphy or badminton. the only passion he has sustained is for the paper arts.
jude liked to stay on rooftops when he was a kid, mostly to escape the sounds of his fighting parents, but eventually he learned to love the stars and would always seek higher ground to look at them to find peace.
jude has adhd.
jude has a habit of drawing his favorites, ranging from his current hobby to his favorite people or places.
it took a long time before jude realized how his actions were selfish as a response to his search for freedom.
ooc note: thank you for reaching it to this point. please do make sure angst is plotted properly between us if it involves my muse. no communication on your end will result in me ignoring attempts to involve my muse in it. with that said, i will also reach out first if i do believe my muse is feeling some kind of way <3
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ecofinisher · 2 years
Bios of Sims - Part 2
I'm suffering with writer's block and have no inspiration do work on anything else. I had from seeing old bios from older times I've done and had the mood to make them and did those ones inspired by Sims, that marked my childhood/teenhood. (Some tho)
Note: Those are all my headcanons and may avoid canon.
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Background history (In game): This is probably the most odd story there is, lol. Okay, practically every time I would restart the Sims 3 game from the beginning, I would start putting single Sims together with others. By the teens I had usually started first with the Altos or by the Bunch families because I had already in mind, which ships I had preferred. Parker Langerak, Michael Bachelor, and River McIrish would end up being the last ones in the valley. As I barely had any interest for the Bachelor family besides the young Bella and the Langerak family had been one of my favorites from the game, I just threw Parker and River together despite them being a little opposed to each other. Weirdly only thanks to the pandemic, when I had a Sims 3 marathon fever I suddenly had gained interest on them as a ship and loved them 😂 Also their future family would be the hell, cause they would be just like the Langerak family, except all the kids are slobs and cause chaos in the house 😭 That's then, when in the future I decided to give them names and keep them as "canon" in my head.
History fanon-wise (In fiction etc.): Parker used to copy the homework of his best friend Ethan, to go through school easily. Upon the time Ethan started dating, Parker wouldn't see his friend often in the free-time and would have to solve the homework by himself. Other classmates he asked about the homework rejected him as well. He failed the first semester, then is scolded by his mother. Looking for books to study at the library he finds River from art class seeking for books as well, then tries to convince her to help him out. Despite his offers, she rejected him as well, later on caught Parker being scolded by his aunt, which was the new music teacher at the school, then she felt sorry for him and went to him to offer him her help at learning. Parker accepted her offer, despite disliking the fact of the "amount of work he had in front of him" Over the semester the two became friends, and once in a while would spend time together as friends only. Learning from River's past, he grew softer towards and began to fall in love with her, which he first wouldn't accept knowing that she initially had only been there to help him. River at some point began to see Parker in another light as well, growing to like the family state of the boy and felt home there as well. Near the end of the school year at the school prom all were there with their partners, both were alone and in the late night, both had encountered themselves and admitted to each other it was boring all alone there. Both hang out on the outside and noticed on each other, that they had a thing for each other.
By the Sims 4, both were older and had gotten married. Throughout the wait for the matrimony, their first daughter Ruby was on the way.
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Backstory (In-Game): Somehow I used to dislike Gunther Goth for whatever reason and I had randomly created as I was new to the game the character Jake Furtado (Previously he had no last name tho) and would have replaced him with Jake. Mortimer would have had a step-father at that point and a future step-sister. When my father outta nowhere sold my laptop to a friend I had to install the game in a new laptop, sometime later I began to play with other Sims and got into the household of Jamie Jolina, finding her pretty. Despite not remembering well Jake's facial structures I tried to re-create him by the Sim-base I remember to have used, then made a few changes and gave him the last name Furtado, so he would now be Canadian instead.
History fanon-wise (In fiction etc.):
Initially I planned to have four children with them as I had in the start, but near around the time Kari Clavell from the other list was "made" I had a new idea, then removed all kids and kept the oldest one, which was Johnny. I don't remember the other's names, but all started with J.
I don't have a specific meeting story for the two, besides it had to be related with their work. From the one mission, both sides of the law enforcement and paramedics were called out to an issue and the two had gotten to know each other from there. From both figuring out from each other, they could speak French and were quite new in the place they exchanged numbers to meet in private time. Occasionally they would meet during lunch or dinner break at a quick dinner restaurant. Their work-pals would most of the times feel, excluded, cause both were mostly speaking in their native languages and that bond quickly grew into something more, further on both got married and when they could make their careers steady, they found together a family and had Johnny. Just weeks after the boy's birth Jake went into a depression phase after losing his best friend and partner from the police station during a mission. This made him get quickly tempted in both lives private and professional. He got healed from that issue and could now work with a new partner at the work, to what he expected the less, one with a wet nose!
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Backstory (In-Game): I don't remember what led them to be together in my game. It was my decision, I just don't remember why. But I had a part of my life, where I enjoyed playing with them.
History fanon-wise (In fiction etc.): Leighton after the loss of his girlfriend he wasn't in the mood to find a new love, just had set in his head to focus on his son and his career. Blair had been a "wonderchild" at the school and made her way through school very quickly, so she could follow her dream, which was to become a spy. At the moment, she was a simple traffic cop and open for everything. Just from being in a career as a cop, she had lower chances to get anybody to get interested in her, but she believed soon or later she would find her true love. What was less to be expected, was that she would met her true love at the work when she was passing a ticket for bad parking! Leighton was the man, she had just passed a ticket and both had a disagreement, due to Blair being quite strict at details. On the next day, she encountered Leighton by the kindergarten to get him home. She heard, that it was trip field day at the kindergarten and Leighton couldn't pay for Sam's bus ride due to having it to pay for a parking ticket. The teacher said, she knew it was hard for the man to raise the boy alone and keep money at the same time, "but rules are rules". Blair felt bad about the man's state and remembered, that she really went too far with the ticket, then got out to offer the man money to pay for the trip. She apologized and reasoned with him. Sam was happy for the police woman to help his father out and said they are true heroes. Blair felt abashed by the boy's comment, then the teacher invited the boy to enter the bus and they left. Leighton asked why she did that and she told him why. He also said he only has luck making throught life with his son cause he is with his mother at home, since the actual mother died. Blair felt sorry for the man and offered him a coffee, so they could talk, if needed. Leighton accepted and commented, he needed a break from the daily routine.. Throughout three years the duo had become good friends and assumed a relationship as they felt attraction to each other.
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Backstory (In-Game): I don't remember, but It had something to do with Holly Alto and Bebe being best friends. Ethan, who is supposed to be friends with everyone at the school, should eventually know Davy as well. (Suppose, cause bio and game are opposite actually)
History fanon-wise (In fiction etc.): They're both in the same class and Bebe has been attracted to him for about a year. Ethan of course didn't know it, only because his friend Parker heard that from Holly he learned about the attraction. Parker suggested him to ask Bebe out one day to at least get to know her better. He has done that and both figured out, they had a bit of things in common, then would occasionally go out together and at one part of the year, they had assumed that they were together.
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xxxmasterkali · 1 year
Xion Stoner
Basic Info Name: Xion Victoria Stoner Birthday: July 14th Age: 21 VA: Alyson Stoner Sexual Orientation: Straight Astrological Sign: Cancer Aspiration: Big Happy Family Favorite Color: Black Sim Characteristics: Emotional, Family Motivated, Idealist, Nature Enthusiast Likes: Fitness, Photography, Piano, Programming, Research, Rock Climbing, Rocket Science, Video Gaming, Wellness, Handiness Dislikes: Singing, Gardening, Cooking Fears: Dolls Traits: Daydreamer, Insecure, Webmaster, Treasure Hunter, Sincere, Sensitive, Handy, Emotional, Tender, Need Intimacy, Elegant, Collector, Soul Searcher Lifestyles: Energetic, Outdoorsy, Techie Self Image: Negative Self Image
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NSFW Info Virgin: No Alcohol: Yes Cigarette Smoker: Yes Drugs: Cannabis Wicked Attributes: Submissive, Odaxelagnia
Physical & Mental Health Physical: No known issues Mental: Self Injury & Depression
Milestones Teen: New Sibling, Adopted a Pet, First Kiss, First Woohoo, Started Romantic Relationship, Smoked Tobacco, Smoked Cannabis, Bought Drugs, Graduated High School
Young Adult: Started Therapy
Family Parents: Kelsey & Devon Stoner (Married) Siblings: Cole Stoner (baby brother) Pets: Biscuit (Dog) Financial Status: Average
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High School High School: Destati High (Graduated) Grade: C to B Student Popularity: Not Popular Social Group: Artists Collective Affinity: Indifferent to Popularity Club: Computer Club
College College: Hikari University Major: Computer Science
Work Job: Video Game Streamer (Part Time)
Friends Best Friends: Roxas McCartney & Axel Flynn Close Friends: Namine Snow & Kairi Panettiere
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Romance Relationship Status: In a Relationship First Kiss: Roxas McCartney Crush/Partner: Roxas McCartney Ex Relationships: None Sexual Partners: Roxas McCartney
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Situation (DH) Xion's life at home & school isn't that great. At school, she is constantly being harassed & bullied at school by a girl named Katrina. The teachers watch & don't do anything about it & Xion is too afraid to stand up for herself. At home, her parents just had a new baby & all their focus is on the new baby & Xion feels alone. On top of that, her best friend Axel is acting very cold towards her. Xion feels worthless & to cope she inflicts injuries on herself.
UPDATE: When Xion gets bullied by Katrina to the point of Katrina punching Xion, Kairi flips & defends Xion by getting into a fight with her. After Kairi & Katrina's fight, Katrina leaves Xion alone, much to Xion's relief. While away in Hollywood, Roxas & Xion have too much to drink one night & end up sleeping together. Xion feels conflicted about the situation & avoids conversing with Roxas about it. Kairi convinces Xion to give her relationship with Roxas a chance or she might always be confused about their relationship. On the last day of their trip, Xion tells Roxas she wants to be with him.
Situation (HU) During the 3 year time gap, Roxas learns of Xion's self-injurious behavior. He convinces her to start going to therapy & Xion agrees. She hasn't injured herself since, but throughout the passed year, Xion notices Roxas pulling away from her & the thought starts to creep up on her. Her parents have also barely contacted her & this sends her back into depression.
Photo Album
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Shout out to the wonderful modders & content creators out there! Most of the information here I was able to add to each character courtesy of Radiophobe, Heleane, BasementalCC, TurboDriver, Chingyu, Kuttoe, YourFalseHope, adeepindigo, & littlemssam. Hairstyles were also created by racoonium! Link below for the Mods/CC/Sets/Animations that I have used in my KH Sims videos!
Character Bios for Destati High & Hikari University
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athenatalks · 2 years
Example of TWST Character Sheet
 My younger brother suggested that I use one of my twst o.cs to fill out the sheet so some parts would be clearer. I’ve decided to use my o.c Adalia for it. Also, if you want to, just ignore this post haha. (Also, side note, for things like favorite band, movie, book etc just put stuff from the real world)
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡... ⋙
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
-Twisted Wonderland Character Sheet- {Made By: Hi_Innit} ────────────────✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───────────────────
First Name: Adalia
Middle Name(s): Athena Rae
Last Name: Brock
Nicknames: Addie, Addie Rae, Add.
Age: 17
Birthday: 03/26/05
Zodiac: Aries
Hometown: Queendom of Roses
Dorm: Savanaclaw
Class: 2-B
Year: Second
Gender: Presents female, but fine with any
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Human
Race: Caucasian
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Physical Traits
Height: 5′’1
Hair Color: Naturally brown, dyed hot pink
Hair Texture: Thick, frizzy, wavy
Hair Length: Shoulder blades
Hair Style: Down or loose braid
Eye Color: Light blue green
Eye Shape: Open eye
Face Shape: Oval
Weight: 115.7
Body Type: Apple
Piercings/Tattoos: Lobes pierced
Markings (Scars, Freckles): Small scar on left eye corner, small scar on right elbow, matching medium sized scars on both ankles, long faint scar on side of left knee.
Voice Claim: https://youtu.be/OrOqsbT05uM
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Mental Bio
Personality Type: INFP-T (Introvert, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceciving)
Pet Peeves: People who make it all about them, when someone ignores people talking, crushing kids dreams, and disregarding boundaries.
Likes: Music, writing, dancing, talking, sleeping, games.
Dislikes: Spicy food, math, snakes, and spiders.
Mental Illness(es): ADHD
Habits: Biting/picking at lips, braiding hair, tapping fingers
Tells: Messing with hair or hands, blank expression, shifting feet
Good Personality Traits: Empathetic, observant, creative, quick thinker, levelheaded
Bad Personality Traits: Manipulative at times, skilled liar and actor, silent, protective of loved ones.
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Favorite Subject: History
Best Subject: Alchemy
Least Favorite Subject: Math
Worst Subject: Math
Favorite Teacher: Prof. Crewel
Least Favorite Teacher: Headmage Crowley (why doesn’t he pay the ramshackle perfect better?)
Clubs: Light Music
Size of friend group: Medium (7-10 people)
After school job(s): Weekend shifts at Sam’s shop
How skilled at magic are they (1-10): 6-7, pretty good at most but certain types are more difficult, so around average
Study Buddy(ies): Epel and Jack, sometimes Jamil and Kalim
Unique Magic: Leader of the pack- When Adalia uses her unique magic his voice becomes louder and stronger. Anyone who hears their voice while it’s in use becomes unable to go against his will. The most people this can affect is 5 people, but with enough training or a strong will a person can resist it with little to no trouble. 
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More Information
Favorite Band: Mitsuki
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Season: Spring/Fall
Favorite Animal: Cat
Pet(s): Seven cats, one dog
Magic Type: Light
Favorite Book: Life as We Knew It
Favorite Show: Supernatural
Favorite Food: Pickles
Preferred Lunch: Turkey, ham, ketchup, dill pickle sandwich with chips and cheese
Best Friend: Silver
Fashion Style: Dark acidemia
Theme Song!
Now Playing: Cause She Thinks She’s Made of Candy ⇄ ◃◃ ⅠⅠ ▹▹ ↻ 0:57 ————|——— -2:10 VOLUME: ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯ ───────────────────✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰ ───────────────────
Important Events
Ages 0-5: younger brother born, biological parents’ divorce
Ages 5-10: Mom marries stepdad, has youngest sister
Ages 10-15: Gets disowned by bio dad, adopted by stepdad
Ages 15-current time: Becomes exchange student with younger brother to NRC 
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cyber-dump-171 · 2 years
Left for Carnage: The lore list
In case you want to appear on the tag list, you can enter your username here. To read the chapters, check out the Masterlist. 
Hello everyone! I wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone who liked, reblogged, and commented on these chapters. Please know that I read every one of your comments and they absolutely make my day! I wanted to apologize for some of the tagging issues, I don’t know why Tumblr doesn’t let me tag certain people which bothers me a lot, I’m trying to figure out what causes this.
This list keeps track of original characters and lore stuff, so, every time there is a new concept introduced this list will be updated. There are also descriptions for each of these terms and a small bio for characters.
All of the information is under the cut.
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Wisdom is the greatest weapon.
A family of seven members, they’re known for their contributions to science and magic. Though their last name has been tarnished by the actions of various external family members, they’re still respected and held highly by society. However, behind closed doors, there is a much darker story than the public knows of.
Theodore (L/N)
Father and patriarch of the family, Theodore is a renowned archeologist responsible for discovering the Jade oculus crystal and the amethyst cave located underneath the Land of Pyroxene. He’s known as a man of few words and a stare as cold as ice. For unknown reasons, he seems to dislike his children, yet he adored his late wife, Anette. He’s currently remarried to Dorothea, a noblewoman from the Isle of Lamentation.
Annette (L/N) (†)
The birth mother of all five children, she passed away seven years before the current events of the story. She was a sweet and beautiful woman who dedicated most of her life to painting and studying herbs. Her children, paintings, and garden were her pride and joy.
Astrid (L/N)
The first daughter of the family, Astrid works as an alchemist for the Magic Research Institute. Kind yet short-tempered, she is responsible for taking care of her younger siblings and acts as a second mother to them. She’s engaged to Judy Asker, a fashion designer from the Land of Pyroxene.
Svein (L/N)
The second child of the family, he works as an elementary school teacher in Sleepy Hollow, he has since been transferred to another school in the Land of Pyroxene. Cold and aloof, he’s the target of many bachelorettes not only for his status but for his handsome looks, however, he’s rejected every single proposal. Though, it’s rumored by some of the townspeople that he’s actually seeing someone.
Roger (L/N)
The third child of the family, he keeps the facade of an orderly young man, with slick back hair and always wears a clean suit, however, he’s short-tempered and tends to gossip behind people’s backs. He followed in his late mother's footsteps and researched herbalism.
Sigurd (L/N)
The fourth child and face of the family, Sigurd is the picture-perfect depiction of a fairytale prince. Due to the age difference between his older siblings, he became incredibly close with the youngest one. His extroverted and kind personality makes him easily approachable. He’s currently missing.
É̷̛͕̘́͂v̸̹̭̙͕̓̾͋͠e̷̱̱̜͋r̶̩̒̆͂ỳ̷̰̯̱o̵͙̬͊̇͑n̵̛̜̗̣̎͐͠ȩ̴̯̭̟̋͝'̶̧̦̅̑ṣ̸̤̯̯̅̀͋̿ ̵͕͚̏g̶͖̀͛̿o̶̫̊͗̅͜t̷̰̙̦̀ ̶̡̐̂t̴̛̻̀͛h̸̳̬͙͗̎̽̍ḙ̴̠̦̦͂̽͆͝i̸̹͇̟͐ͅr̶͇̫͐ ̷̛̰̂̎̚ǫ̴͍̟́w̶̤̼͌̈ǹ̵͚̄̚ͅ ̸͙͙̱͂̀͊̾š̴͒̔̚ͅě̶̲̝̊̃̊c̸̛̻͖͆r̴͇̠͈̅̋ế̸̛̙̲͈̱̕ṱ̸̨̦͒̃̄͘s̵̟̘̐
(Y/N) (L/N)
The last child of the family and protagonist of the story. Quiet and awkward by nature, they don’t show their true personality until they become friends with someone. They tend to hide in their bedroom and bury themselves in so much work to avoid interacting with others that aren’t family, friends, or members of the guild. 
The new stepmother of the five children, Dorothea used to be a polite and well-mannered noblewoman. However, slips of her personality tend to show when she interacts with children or servants, as she shows her rude and spiteful side. Whenever she gets angry, her shrill voice can cause a headache.
External members:
Aunt Frøydis (†)
The older sister of Annette (L/N). She loved her niece and nephews dearly, even leaving her wealth to Anette’s children and an entire estate where Svein and Roger currently reside. She passed away from cardiac arrest before Sigurd was born.
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Judy Asker: the fianceé of Astrid (L/N). He is a recognized fashion designer in Pyroxene, his most famous designs were those that appeared in the play "The Glass Heart", known for being the first play where Vil Schoenheit had his first role as a protagonist and not as an antagonist.
Avery Meiji: A young woman with white hair who was left stranded inside the Tulgey Woods. She used to have a lover named Telesphore Cooper who belonged to a cult, he tricked her into taking the initiation test in which she was almost killed by a monster who pretended to be someone named “Cristina”.
Theodore Bulman (†): Also known as “Teddy”, was a young man who belonged to a delinquent gang in which Deuce used to participate as a middle schooler. He was considered to be the most “normal” person who hung out in the group.
Fleurette: A young woman with red-haired who was a temporary companion of (Y/N) during an expedition that lasted a whole year.
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Sleepy Hollow: A town located somewhere on the outskirts of the Shaftlands. It’s mainly known for the legend of Ichabod Crane and the Headless Horseman, the International Museum of Medicine, and for its strange fixation on the subject of death. Only two noble families live in the area, the (L/N) and the Caldwells.
Heralds of the Empire: One of the three biggest monster hunting guilds in Twisted Wonderland. They focus more on research and safety prevention. The guild’s current leader is Yuuken Enma, the mysterious non-magical human.
Magic Research Institute: As the name indicates, it is a branch from the Heralds of the Empire guild that is in charge of researching magic and everything related to it.
Institute of Beast Study: A branch of the Heralds of the Empire guild. As its name implies, it’s a place in charge of studying different types of species and the behaviors of beasts. They are also responsible for issuing permits to be able to keep beasts as pets.
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Divine beasts: Taller than buildings and stronger than normal ones, these beasts were rumored to have once controlled the lands of the ancient world. They were defeated by an ancient group of monster hunters and lay to rest under the foundation of Twisted Wonderland.
Guddommelig ulykke (Norweigan): Divine misfortune.
Guddommelig Raseri (Norweigan): Divine Fury.
Assimilation beast: A monster that has similar behaviors to humans. They can talk, have desires and feelings, however, they’re more rebellious in nature because they are guided by their impulses. Depending on their power, they can turn into humans, however, they usually stay as companions for adventures. It’s illegal to own one without having a permit given by the Institute of Beast Study.
The Followers of Gwendolen: N̷̨̺̫͗̉̑̂͝ǫ̷̡̦̯̲̽͜t̶̼̫̽̃ ̸͇̰̼̙̊y̵͓̰̖͎͉̫̔̀͊ĕ̵̺͍͇͗͛̐͜ṯ̷̫̊̆,̸̥̖̌̃͗́̀̆ ̶͈̈́̇͊í̸̢̩̥̹̅̅̀͝t̶͚̓̕'̴͓͋͒͒͝s̵̟͚͓͒̓̆̚ ̷͕͙̈t̷̢̢̻͉͖̀͑͂̾̔̿͜o̷̙̤̓ǫ̵̭̳̱̖̇͜ ̶͔͒ë̸̝́̐̍̈́ā̸̡̧̖͈̘́̈͋͝r̶̛̛̻͕̈́̒͋̑l̸͉̮̪̪̳̈́̏y̸̡͍̿ͅ ̸̛̣͍̻̦͋͜t̶͕̰͉͙͚̗͆̒̂͝ơ̶̜ ̶̹͍͉̟̳͙̍̒̂́́t̸̖̭̲͝ę̴̥̬̰͎͗l̵̪̆͘l̷̢̪̜͉͔͋
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camillejeaneshphm · 2 years
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Profile: Lady Viola Ellis
Quote by Character: “All these stuck-up purebloods won’t see me coming.”
Full Name: Viola Pearl Coventry Ellis
Nicknames: Vi
Gender: Female (she/her)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Species: Witch
Blood Status: Pureblood (technically)
Date of Birth: 27 July 1904
Race/Ethnicity: White
Nationality: British
Short Bio: The elder daughter of Duchess Georgia and Duke Adam Ellis, Viola is headstrong and brave. Later made the next Duchess of Coventry, she inherited most of her looks from her father. 
Personality: Brave and headstrong, though lacking in common sense sometimes. 
Languages: English, French, Italian
Likes: Learning language, swimming, Quidditch. 
Dislikes: Bigots, large cities
Greatest Flaw: Hubris
Greatest Strength: Courage
Place of Residency: 
birth-17: Alternates between the Duchy of Coventry and Hogwarts Castle
17-retirement: Duchy of Coventry 
Future Career: Duchess of Coventry, Linguist, Historian
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Brown
Skin Tone: Pale
Height: 5’6
Weight: 65 kg
Physique: Though she looks a bit soft, Viola is actually quite muscular
Style Choice (what they like to wear): 1920s fashion (though never flapper styles)
Accessories: Usually whatever jewelry she feels like wearing that day
Inventory: Books on linguistics and history, a camera 
Scars: A scarred scratch on her thigh from falling into a thornbush
Face Claim: Alicia Vikander
Voice Claim/description of what they sound like: Alicia Vikander
Wand Description/Picture: Redwood, Phoenix Feather, 16 inches
[Wand-quality redwood is in short supply, yet constant demand, due to its reputation for bringing good fortune to its owner. As is usually the case with wandlore, the general populace have the truth back to front: redwood wands are not themselves lucky, but are strongly attracted to witches and wizards who already possess the admirable ability to fall on their feet, to make the right choice, to snatch advantage from catastrophe. The combination of such a witch or wizard with a redwood wand is always intriguing, and I generally expect to hear of exciting exploits when I send this special pairing out from my workshop]
Wand reaction when chosen: A chair began to float 
Boggart: A smoky cabinet with shadowy figures inside
Riddikulus Form: It is revealed to be a circus 
Patronus: Phoenix
Patronus Memory: Decorating the Christmas tree with her sister Julia
Animagus: None
Amortentia (what they smell like): Sunny fields and baking bread
Amortentia (What they smell): unknown (open to interaction)
Mirror of Erised: Herself, finally able to prove herself to everyone who’s doubted her
Misc. Magical Abilities: None
Favorite/Created Spells: none
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Ilvermorny House: n/a
Organizations Joined: None
Apprenticeships: None
Professions: Linguist, Historian
Best Subjects: Flying, Divination, DADA
Worst Subjects: Transfiguration 
Favorite Teachers: N/A
Least Favorite Teachers: N/A
Class Proficiencies (OWL grade, n /10 or ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆):
Astronomy: A
Charms: A
Flying: O
Herbology: EE
History of Magic: P
Potions: A
Transfiguration: D
Divination: EE
Power (magic): 7/10
Power (physical strength): 6/10
Intelligence: 5/10
Skill: 6/10
Teamwork: 10/10
Speed: 8/10
Defense: 8/10
Father: Duke Adam Ellis, Duke of Coventry. Though not born into nobility, he adjusted well and is happily married to his wife, Georgia. (@beloved-bucky)
Mother: Duchess Georgia Ellis, Duchess of Coventry. From a long line of nobles, Georgia tends to be a bit proud, though her husband can always bring her down to Earth. 
Julia Ellis. Around two years younger than Viola, the sisters are also best friends. Julia later becomes a dragonoligist. 
Closest In-Game Friends:
Closest MC friends:
alix somerset (@endlessly-cursed)
Love interest:
None yet
Dorm mates:
Margaret Taylor
None yet (open to interaction)
Pets: A white cat named Cashmere. 
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hphmmatthewluther · 3 years
Matthew Luther Profile:
Matthew Luther’s profile:
Quote by Character: “If I had to rate my panic level from 1 to 10, it’d be pi. Low-level, but infinite.”
Full Name: Matthew David Luther
Nicknames: The Blue Moon, Honorary Lesbian, Poor Little Meow Meow, Smartarse
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual (probably)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Species: Wizard
Blood Status: Half-blood (62.5% technically)
Date of Birth: 16/02/73
Race/Ethnicity: White
Nationality: British (some Swiss and American)
Short Bio: Matthew was born in the Muggle World but with full knowledge of the Wizarding World. Due to a variety of reasons, including keeping his magic a secret, Matthew had (and has) a tendency to isolate himself and bury himself in reading and writing and drawing about magical adventures. He also spent plenty of time in Dorset with his great aunt and uncle, the famous Newt and Tina Scamander, and enjoyed all the magical creatures they have there.
Personality: Shy, insecure, erratic, compassionate, generous, empathetic.
Languages: English, French, Swiss-German.
Likes: Food, Swimming, Drawing, Baking, Duelling, Flying, Magical Creatures, Chocolate
Dislikes: Lying, the Obliviate Spell, Large Crowds, Margaret Thatcher, The smell of Lavender, His Mother
Greatest Flaw: Fear
Greatest Strength: Empathy
Place of Residency: Hogwarts, Scotland; Peter Luther’s house, Essex, The Doherty Manor, London
Future Career: DADA teacher for a year, Curse-Breaker, Magizoologist
 Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Skin Tone: Pale White
Height: 6’1 by Year 7
Weight: 10 stone
Physique: Tall and thin, but gets more muscle mass over the years.
Style Choice (what they like to wear): Very basic, jeans and t-shirt and jumper.
Accessories: Silver bracelet on his right hand.
Inventory: Wand, pieces of paper, books, quills, Muggle stationary
Scars: Burn scar on his right shoulder from when he was six, Ice Scar on his left shoulder from the Ice Knight, scar from a Centaur’s arrow on his lower left stomach, scarring from various spells on his chest.
Face Claim/ Written description of character: Timothee Chalamet
Voice Claim/description of what they sound like: n/a
 Wand Description/Picture: Cedar wood, 14 ½ inch, pliant flexibility
Wand reaction when chosen: Slight nervousness, as well as curious about all the things it could do.
Boggart: An inescapable situation, which appears as a black shadow which engulfs him, making it difficult to breathe.
Riddikulus Form: None, his fear cannot be laughed at and instead must be pushed away with the wandless spell Gratia Salutaris.
Patronus: White Stallion
Patronus Memory: All of his family together watching Doctor Who one Christmas.
Animagus: Sparrow
Amortentia (what they smell like): Chocolate, as well as the smell after rain has fallen.
Amortentia (What they smell): Christmas, i.e. the smell of a warm fire and spices from the cooking of the roast dinner.
Mirror of Erised: Himself, or rather, how other people see him.
Misc. Magical Abilities: Wandless magic, adept in manipulating weather, very powerful lightning magic as part of him being “The Blue Moon”
Favorite/Created Spells: Flipendo, Expecto Patronum, The Gale Force Charm, Aguamenti.
 Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw
Ilvermorny House: Pukwudgy
Organizations Joined: Circle of Khanna, Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore’s Army, founder of NOTME.
Apprenticeships: Worked under Rakepick in Year 5 for a short time, then operated with the Curse-Breakers with Bill as his mentor for a short period.
Professions: Curse-Breaker, DADA teacher, Magizoologist
Best Subjects: Charms, DADA, Care of Magical Creatures, Flying
Worst Subjects: Transfiguration, Potions
Favorite Teachers: Professor Flitwick, Professor Kettleburn, Professor McGonagall, Professor Sprout.
Least Favorite Teachers: Professor Dumbledore, Professor Snape, Rakepick.
Extracurricular (Clubs and Sports): Quidditch Chaser for Ravenclaw, Baking Club, Duelling Club.
Class Proficiencies (OWL grade, n /10 or ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆):
Astronomy: 9/10
Charms: 10/10
DADA: 10/10
Flying: 9/10
Herbology: 8.5/10
History of Magic: 8/10
Potions: 7.5/10
Transfiguration: 7/10
Care of Magical Creatures: 10/10
 Power (magic): 9/10
Power (physical strength): 5/10
Intelligence: 10/10
Skill: 8/10
Teamwork: 5/10
Speed: 8/10
Defense: 10/10
 Father: Peter Luther, a Muggle plumber who is working through issues caused by being Obliviated several times throughout his life.
Mother: Lucia Doherty, a powerful Ministry witch who is very much distant from Matthew, seemingly wanting nothing to do with him.
Helena Ravenclaw: A surrogate mother to Matthew, who helps him greatly during his time at Hogwarts and is in turn helped by Matthew, until they can both work through their confidence issues.
Siblings: Jacob “JJ” Luther, older than Matthew by almost eight years. A good brother who ended up on the wrong side of the tracks. Steadfast, stubborn, and determined (and with great hair) JJ was the first to uncover the Cursed Vaults for centuries, but of course went missing in his search for them.
Other Relatives (optional):
 Queenie and Jacob Kowalski: Great Grandparents who taught Matthew how to bake and cook.
Newt and Tina Scamander: Great uncle and aunt who introduced Matthew to a host of Magical Creatures.
Closest In-Game Friends:
Rowan Khanna
Bill Weasley
Nymphadora Tonks
Ben Copper
Chiara Lobosca
Tulip Karasu
Barnaby Lee
Closest MC friends:
Atticus Doherty
Camille Jeanes ( @camillejeaneshphm )
Ara Black ( @stupendousbookworm )
Cres Aragon ( @cres-aragon )
Adel Young ( @adellovesrowan )
Rosie Mayfield ( @magicapandora  )
Night Rhea ( @night-rhea )
Hanako Mori ( @oseathepebble  )
Cato Reese ( @catohphm )
Verna Malinda ( @gaygryffindorgal )
Colette Belrose ( @gcldensnitch )
Isabelle Dubois ( @endlessly-cursed )
Love interest:
Merula Snyde
Dorm mates:
Rowan Khanna
Andre Egwu
Talbott Winger
Face Paint Kid
Merula Snyde
Pascal Brunel (JJ’s ex who left Hogwarts)
Erika Rath
Patricia Rakepick
The Wizard In White
Matthew Doherty
The Changelings
Danny the Cat
Ribby the Toad
Jerma the Rat
Shrek the Owl
Patch the Cruppy
Merula Jr the Puffskein
 Family Background/History:
Lucia Doherty was a powerful pureblood Ministry Witch who met and fell in love with Peter Luther, a Muggle plumber, whom she had Jacob with. When Voldemort began to rise she left and wiped Peter’s memory to keep him and their children safe, meaning he forgot about Jacob who stayed with her, but for reasons unknown Peter somehow remembered his wife and eldest son and reunited. Soon after this, Matthew was born, growing up in the Muggle world but enjoying knowledge of Wizardry. 
Lucia later tried to erase his memories again when the Wizarding War broke out, but was prevented when a mysterious figure gave instructions to a six-year-old Matthew Luther to find her. Matthew found her in London and told her to put his father back to normal, discovering his magic in the process. Recently, things have been difficult as Peter has had difficulty finding work. When Matthew attempts to describe Thatcher to his mother, she assumes the Muggle government has been infiltrated by a hag.
-While normally shy, Matthew has a tendency to drop this whenever face to face with a demon of some sort.
-Out of all the Unforgivable Curses, Matthew is only able to use Imperio.
-He is a Seer and a Legilimens, which means he does very well in Divination despite doing very little.
-His Legilimency also explains his surprising ability in duelling.
-Matthew has a ridiculous amount of stamina, and is able to take a Flipendo to the chest and stay standing.
-He has trouble differentiating his attractions from platonic feelings, and so develops puppy crushes easily.
-Matthew often sneaks his Niffler, Spencer, into Ravenclaw Tower. It doesn’t make that much of a mess because it’s obsessed with Matthew’s silver bracelet.
-Matthew often accidentally calls Helena “Mum”. He has a lot of mummy issues.
Thank you to @scarlettroubles for the template!
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novelconcepts · 3 years
Jamie & Dani short prompt- Online Dating au meeting online and being from bad past relationship. Thank u
This is probably a bad idea. It is, isn’t it? Almost certainly.
Why is she here?
Dani Clayton has been playing this particular set of thoughts--bad idea, terrible idea, why would you do this?--on repeat for three days. Ever since setting up that dating profile. Ever since realizing there isn’t much use in setting up a dating profile if you’re not going to use it. 
Oh, it’s all fun and games, building the thing. Find a photo that accentuates all the best parts of your face--Dani, after an hour of careful consideration, wound up going with one that accentuated her hair, more than anything, but she suspects the same idea counts. Then, the profile. What do you like? Teaching, long walks, new experiences, bad coffee. What don’t you like? 
Men, she’d thought, and snorted aloud into her wine before settling on: Deep water, accordion music, expectations, being called Danielle. 
A little more flourish, tipsy keystrokes, a casually-framed short-version of her life. Perfect. And then...well, then you hit the publish button, don’t you? You decide, for better or worse, to jump off this diving board and see just how far you can stand to swim before the energy gives out on you.
The faces appearing before her hadn’t been bad, certainly. Pretty, most of them. Interesting, a few. Still, she hadn’t swiped right on any--once or twice, because she’d forgotten which way meant yes please, but mostly because no one seemed quite...right. Which, she’d thought, was silly. The whole point of an app like this is to cast as many nets as possible and see what comes up. The whole point is to have fun. 
But every time she’d hovered over a promising image, a woman who likes dogs, or plays the violin, or goes rock-climbing in her spare time, she’d thought of him. Eddie. Who had taken one yes to a single date, and tried to make a whole life with her out of it. 
Eddie, who had taken her two decades to pull away from. 
What if the women here were the same? Not Eddie, exactly, but--presumptive. What if they believed a swipe-right was as good as a marriage proposal? What if she got bound up in conversation, and then a date, and then a relationship with someone else who just didn’t fit right?
Left. Left. Left. 
And then: the mistake.
She hadn’t meant to swipe right. Exactly. She hadn’t planned, maybe is the better way of putting it, on swiping right. She’d only wanted to look at the woman’s profile a little longer. Only wanted to inspect the facets this woman had put out on display with almost resigned simplicity. 
Some people, Dani had by now realized, wrote poetry and paragraphs to describe themselves. 
Jamie Taylor had bullet points.
“Gardener. English. Likes: Plants. Stories. Tea. Dislikes: Bullshit.”
The end. That had been quite literally the sum of it. Gardener. English. No bullshit.
But the picture, somehow, Dani hadn’t been able to look away from. Not because of carefully-arranged lighting, not because of a curated model-clean image--but because the woman appeared to have posted the photo almost under duress. It came in profile, as though someone else had done the job, her head turned toward the camera as if interrupted. Her hands were buried in a flower pot. Her clothes were simple--a tank top, a silver chain resting against the jut of collarbones, a pair of worn-looking jeans with holes in the knees. Her eyes--some fascinating color Dani couldn’t quite place--looked somewhere between amused and irritated. 
She looked real. 
Stupid, Dani thinks now--because that was probably the idea, wasn’t it? This woman, Jamie, had planned to look exactly this way. Real. Vexed at the idea of putting herself out there. Reluctantly available. 
It was a ploy, certainly--but one that seems to be working, because not only did Dani accidentally-not-accidentally swipe right, she found herself texting the woman. For hours. She’d expected much less, had figured this Jamie person would be as brief in text as she had been in bio, but...
Jamie had talked to her. Willingly. Teasingly, with more humor than truth, maybe, but with no sign at all that she was sick of Dani’s questions, bad jokes, nervous assessment that I really don’t do this, I honestly don’t get it. 
I don’t, either, Jamie had replied, and that had felt like enough of a reason to keep testing the waters. Enough of a reason to keep the conversation going back and forth, back and forth, until nearly two in the morning.
Shit, she’d said. I need to be at work in four hours. 
Shame, Jamie had replied, her tone already searingly familiar over text. Own your own business, make your own hours. Far wiser approach. 
I’ll make a note of it for when I found an elementary school, Dani had replied, laughing. She hadn’t said she’d already been in bed for an hour, the phone resting on the pillow beside her head so she wouldn’t miss the buzz of a new message. It had seemed perfectly reasonable at the time, with wine-warmed blood and the happy haze of good conversation. Jamie made her laugh. Jamie put her at ease. Jamie might not have been real, but she felt real, and that was good. 
Better than anything she’d felt in years, if she was honest with herself. 
Still, when the next day had come and gone with no message, she’d thought, Fair enough. Jamie had been good virtual company for one night. It was more than she’d expected to get out of this app.
Far more than she’d expected, particularly when Thursday night rolled around and her phone buzzed.
Teacher, yeah? No school on Saturday?
Correct, Dani had replied, as amused by the out-of-left-field text as she was irritated with how her stomach had flipped over upon receiving it. You have figured out the complexity of the American school system. 
I am a genius, Jamie sent back, followed quickly by: Drinks tomorrow night? 
Drinks. A thing that people do. A thing that adult people do for date reasons. 
She isn’t real, she’d thought, even as her thumb was punching back: How’s 8? Miller’s?
A mistake. Definitely a mistake. Because the app had been a lark, and the conversation had been too easy, and the fact that she can’t quite pick out the colors in Jamie’s eyes from a single photo is making her crazier than she’d like to admit. 
A mistake, saying yes. A mistake, suggesting the local pub-like establishment around the corner, whose beer-and-burger specials had kept her fed on too many evenings spent working late. A mistake, because once this goes south--as it’s absolutely bound to, as everything Eddie-shaped always has--she’s going to lose her favorite hangout in the deal, too.
And yet: here she is. Standing at the door, wondering if the outfit chosen for the evening festivities--tight jeans, pink blouse, hoop earrings--is too much or not nearly enough. 
What am I doing here?
Maybe, she thinks with mingled alarm and hope, she won’t even have showed up. Maybe it’s all part of the ruse: look approachable, look human and normal, look a little too beautiful in the most grounded way possible--then, cheerfully, invite a woman to drinks and just don’t show. A fun story for whoever comes next. Can you believe she thought I’d want to meet her after one night of texting?
English, Dani thinks with a sudden rush of heat. Right. Somehow, she hadn’t quite been prepared for the accent, which--coming out of this woman, draped with languid ease at a table--is truly a little more than Dani thinks she can handle just now. The accent, combined with the mess of curls dragged back from her face, and a dress sense that manages to be both casual and deeply attractive at the same time, is...
“Jamie,” she says, her voice a little lower, a little more hoarse, than is truly necessary. The woman pushes up from her seat, a small-framed figure in a black button-down, suspenders, ripped jeans. She’s pressing a hand toward Dani, offering a firm shake as though they are business partners, not an off-the-cuff bad idea of a date. “You look--”
“Never been here before,” Jamie says, almost apologetically. She gestures for Dani to sit before dropping back down in a sprawl that implies exactly the opposite of what her mouth is insisting. “Wasn’t sure about the, ah, dress code.”
“You--you did fine,” Dani tells her, wishing suddenly she’d gone for a dress. Or a  different human body altogether. She feels too tightly-strung, too anxious for the easy smile on Jamie’s lips. “Um. You’re very. In person.”
“Very,” Jamie repeats, a hint of uncertainty in her voice. “Is very American for wish I’d gone left, after all?”
“No. No. Absolutely not. That.” Bit too forceful, she suspects, judging by the smile spreading into a grin. “No, it’s just--your picture didn’t--tell me you’d be so...”
“Clean?” Jamie suggests innocently. She raises her hands, wiggling her fingers in a small wave. “Scrub up fine, when I need to. Seemed to call for it.”
“And you...sure did answer,” Dani says stupidly. “The. Call, I mean. I’m sorry, I really don’t do this often.”
Something seems to soften in Jamie, her smile less teasing as she leans across the table. “Hey, no worries here. Same person you were talking to the other night.”
Dani nods, embarrassed, and flags down a server. Drinks ordered, she draws in a deep breath.
“I mean, I haven’t done this in years. Or. Ever, I guess.”
“A first date?” Jamie asks. When Dani doesn’t answer, she adds in a knowing tone, “A date with a woman?”
“Both,” Dani says honestly. “My last relationship was--well, I mean, we were engaged--”
Jamie whistles under her breath, reaching up to scratch her head. “Blimey. What happened?”
“He’s...him.” It’s too much to go into on a first date, too much to explain, even though talking to Jamie over text had been so dangerously easy. “My best friend growing up, but that was...growing up.”
Jamie nods thoughtfully, tilting her chin in thanks when the server deposits two full pint glasses and a basket of fries on the table. “Rough time, sounds like. I can relate. My last relationship also did not go well.”
“Was he also a man who thought you’d be all too happy to quit your job and take care of a bunch of babies?” Dani asks, perhaps a little too bitterly for the occasion. Jamie flashes another grin, sipping her drink.
“She was a woman who thought I’d be all too happy to take the fall when she got busted for possession.”
Dani gapes. “Oh. Oh--I didn’t know--I’m so--”
Jamie shrugs. “She wasn’t wrong. I was nineteen, and deeply stupid. Live and learn, as the poets say.”
“Which poets?” Dani asks, smiling a little. Jamie’s brow furrows.
“John...Lennon, possibly? Hard to say. Anyway, relationships are a chore and a half, but the greatest people in the world tell me thirty is too old to play musical bedframes, so. Here we are.”
No bullshit, thinks Dani approvingly. For what little she’d put into her profile, Jamie evidently hadn’t been lying about that.
“You haven’t been in a relationship since you were nineteen?”
“In my mind, I was still in the relationship at twenty-four, when they let me out. She didn’t agree. Found out she’d been married two years, by then.” Something darkens in Jamie’s eyes for a moment. She sighs. “Like I said. Not my finest. But I am, as they say, a shining beacon of reform these days.”
“Now, when you say they,” Dani teases, grinning. Jamie nods decisively. 
“John Lennon. Definitively.”
There it is, thinks Dani, watching Jamie pop a fry into her mouth. There, the easy roll of conversation from the other night. As though they’ve known each other forever. As though two people who have thus far failed irrevocably at relationships make a perfect match.
Easy, she thinks. Don’t go wild, now. 
“So,” she says, when the comfortable silence between them has grown a bit too comfortable for the setting, “who are the greatest people in the world? The ones who tell you thirty is too old for...did you say musical bedframes?”
Jamie laughs. The ring of it curls gently around Dani’s head like a soft hand, a sound she’ll find herself replaying later with a skipping heart. 
“Not many willing to put up with a grump of my caliber, but Hannah and Owen fight the good fight. So long as I at least pretend to try.”
“Let me guess. They set up the account for you?”
Jamie makes a sort of gesture in the air with the hand not holding her glass. “Threatened to bury me in puns and children, respectively, if I kept putting it off. Owen’s still grumpy about the photo choice.”
“I liked it,” Dani says without thinking. Jamie raises an eyebrow.
“Well, you did swipe as much. Mind if I ask why?”
Walked into this one. Still, she doesn’t mind as much as she probably should, not with the genuine curiosity in Jamie’s eyes. “You looked--don’t laugh.”
“No promises,” Jamie says, but with the gentle tone of one who knows exactly how much to tease before it’ll hurt. The idea warms Dani in a way she’s not quite ready to look at yet.
“You looked real,” Dani says. “Like you weren’t going to play games, or waste anyone’s time. Like you just wanted to be happy in peace.”
“That is,” Jamie says, holding out a fry for Dani to take, “sort of the idea, yeah.”
There’s an almost puzzled cast to her smile, like she didn’t entirely expect this answer, and is pleased by it at the same time. That same sense from the photo sweeps over Dani now--that this woman is authentic, even if she’s not always shiny, that she’s kind even if not entirely clean. That she doesn’t have any interest in muddled expectation or living a comfortable lie.
“And me?” Dani asks. She doesn’t entirely mean to--but she’s sure, in asking, that Jamie will answer. Jamie is unlike anyone else she’s ever met, the first person she’s ever known to meet each question head-on. 
Dani nods. Jamie seems to consider it, turning it over in her head as she twists a fry between her fingers like a cigarette. 
“All of it.”
“That’s,” Dani begins to laugh, “that’s not--”
“No,” Jamie says, and she isn’t smiling, exactly. Her eyes have a sort of shine Dani likes very much, but there is no hint of teasing in them now. “Really. All of it. You’re...very pretty, and that’s--but the way you described yourself. Like you didn’t care to be anyone in particular. You like new experiences, and bad coffee. You hate being called Danielle. I...I wanted to know why.”
“It’s not my name,” Dani says simply. Jamie gives a brief laugh, her hand moving across the table to lightly brush Dani’s fingertips. 
“I wanted to know why all of it. Why do you like bad coffee--”
“It’s the only kind I know how to make,” Dani says automatically. “Just sort of leaned into it.”
“--and teaching--”
“I want to make a difference,” Dani says. 
“--and where you most like to go on those long walks--”
“Anywhere I can breathe,” Dani says. Her fingers are hesitant, tracing the tips of Jamie’s. There’s something electric about this, about barely touching, about barely knowing someone and still wanting to give them neatly-packaged secrets shaped like the mundane. 
Jamie is smiling. “See, that. I like that. All of it.”
It’s nothing, Dani thinks reflexively. A collection of details. A sparse approximation of a life. Eddie knows all of this, and then some, and never matched up to knowing her.
But this woman, leaning across the table with one hand outstretched, looks so different. Watches her with steady interest. Is listening to every word Dani says, though the bar is growing crowded around them, and soon, conversation will become a task instead of a gift.
“Would you,” Dani says, feeling certain that some mistakes are not as bad as they seem, “like to take one of those walks?”
“Yeah. Tonight.” Emboldened by the smile, by the curl falling into Jamie’s eyes, by the knowledge that she still can’t quite make out what color those eyes are, Dani takes her hand. It’s so easy, she thinks she could do it even without looking. “Right now.”
No bullshit, she thinks. No expectations. Just Jamie looking at her like she can’t quite believe what she’s seeing. Dani can’t blame her. This isn’t at all what she’d thought she was getting, walking in tonight. 
But there’s something about it--something about the feeling that she’s been here before, or should be here forever, or will always find her way back to a woman who looks at her just like this--that almost makes her feel brave. Almost makes her feel wonderful. She rises from the table, laying cash beneath her half-empty glass, and feels a pleasant jolt in her chest when Jamie follows without another word.
If this a mistake, she thinks as they step out into the brisk evening air, it’s one she’s hungry to make. 
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