#also forgive my english
dormatheus · 3 months
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smthn smthn dying for the one you love isn't the same as being a sacrificial lamb, idk how to explain it
I have many thougts about the lamb and their relationship towards prophecies...
Someday I'll learn to be consistent on how I draw the lamb, but that day ain't today lmao
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notmoreflippingelves · 2 months
Actually going insane over the implications of Jason asking Dick to be the Robin to his Batman in Battle for the Cowl.
Like I initially took it at the purely surface-level of Jason wanting a partner in the general sense. Which made sense, it's a huge responsibility and a lonely one so an assistant/sidekick/partner seems a no-brainer if you can get one.
But then I really thought about it, because Jason is not asking Dick to be his partner in the general sense; he's not even asking Dick to be his Nightwing. He's asking Dick to be his Robin.
And they both know exactly what Jason means: "Be the light to my darkness. Be the smile to my scowl. Be the hope to my fear. "
He's saying "Be 'Robin'; be the embodiment of Love and Justice and Goodness. Be the exceptional person that you have always been. Be the slightly-less exceptional person that I was when I wore your colors. Be the person that I was in the process of becoming and might have been (or might still be), if only Joker hadn't clipped my wings."
He's saying "I am prepared to become vengeance, become the Night. And I will go further than Bruce ever dared to, because it is what is needed. I will be the necessary evil. But you don't have to be. If Batman is Gotham's curse, Robin has always been its blessing. I will be the brutal punishment to our world, and I am asking you to be its incandescent gift."
He's saying, "Be for me, what we were for Him. Be my anchor, my comfort, my hope. Remind me what it's all for, why it's all worth it. And remind yourself as well."
He's saying "Be 'Robin' again--for both of our sakes."
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sugajimin · 1 year
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“Hello! First time with BTS” leaflet.
For BTS’s 10th year anniversary  
click for higher quality / find it on behance / don’t repost or steal
bonus (leaflet preview)
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ressonancee · 11 months
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BF! WONWOO hanging out on lazy days 18+ mdi
lazy sundays were you completely favorite. everybody hated sundays, the dreaded week lurking the feeling of the rest day just ending.
but you learned to love sundays. sundays meant late and lazy breakfast in bed, it meant snuggle in hoodies all day, it meant not getting out of the house, it meant laying in the sofa all day reading with your boyfriend between your legs.
you started reading a book that your boyfriend and also bookworm gifted to you; "I just thought you would enjoy it" he said while giving it to you as he arrived from his last leg of his tour "I brought in a pretty bookshop in New York, it has a nice coffee in it, you would love it, we should go together in your next vacation" and your heart sweell nicely thinking about your boyfriend just going around New York thinking about you.
wonwoo rubbed himself against your stomach, claiming for your attettion. "this book is boring" he said, leaving the book on the floor. "I mean it's not boring but I already know who is the killer" he continued, putting his hand inside your hoodie and on your skin, making your heart buzz a little and making you shrink a little.
"mine is pretty fine, you made a good choice" you said ignoring your boyfriend lifting his hand to your rib cage and depositing a brief kiss against the line of your sweatpants.
"yeah? did you liked you present baby?" he said while his hand travelled through your body, his fingertips touching the valley between your bobs and resting against your neck. "i always think of you when i see pretty things."
"you know i liked wonu, i almost cried when you showed me the whole bag you brought back full of presents." you saying running your fingers thought his short hair, he almost never used liked that and you dont know why but made you more attatched to it. wonwoo laughed, that almost scoffing sound full of air.
"that's what my baby deserves" he kissed your stomach and retreated his hand just so he could grab you by the hips with both hands. "I'm such a nice boyfriend, and yet you leave me bored out of my mind because of a book." he said playing with the hem of your pants.
"you are acting like I ignored you for an hour." you finally bookmark the page of your book knowing that it is a lost fight. You are not reading a sentence anymore.
"not a hour" your boyfriend finally gets off the sofa just so he can take off your pants, he lays between your legs again and he presses a kiss against you clothed pussy making you catch your breath. "a few minutes at least"
"not even five minutes baby" you complain while opening more your legs so your boyfriend gets comfortable, he just squirm a little and plant his big hands in your thighs.
"more than twenty for sure." he says while he travel his fingers against your clothed pussy, putting more pressure at your clitoris making you whimper pathetically.
"not that much." somehow even to yourself your voice sound pitiful, wonwoo barely did anything to you and somehow you are almost begging already.
"did so." he says without leaving his fingers against your pussy, and you can almost feel his fingertip through the cloth, the way your wetness is spreading somehow makes you feel that the cloth is getting thinner, almost disappearing but still not enough. "I love watching you." he pauses and presses a kiss in your pussy, and you feel his wet tongue against you. "you are so pretty all over, I just can't take my eyes off you" he says as he presses his fingers against your entrance.
"not fair." you protest while your fingers find solace in the pillow by your head.
"what baby?" he tuts. "cant i find my girlfriend pretty?" he says while he finally pushes your panty to the side. he pinches your pussy. "so fucking pretty and so fucking messy."
"wonu" you protest again feelling a little faint, a little dumb like you always gets when wonwoo talks to you like that, with his voice low like he is telling you a secret making your insides coil.
"fucking love your pussy" he says before finally putting his mouth against you, hot breath fanning over your pussy until you feel his tongue between your folds. and its like being submersed in a way, searching for air but not getting enough. wonwoo pushes your legs up and you come back to reality a little bit, the way his fingers presses against your flesh anchors you.
"god" wonwoo murmurs. "i could live like that" he says while his fingers left your thigh and comes to grope at your pussy, pressing his palm against your puffy lips. "could live eating you out" he says against your thights while you feel his fingers at your entrance, and he push just a little, making you go a tad bit crazy, putting your arms above your head and arching your back, trying to make his finger go in just a little bit more. "don't worry baby I will give It to you."
And you just feel a little bit more out of your mind, a little more hot, a little more denraged, the way his speaks to you just make you squirm because his voice is so full of adoration, like every word is just full of lust that make you clench and you just give up feeling his hot mouth against you, his tongue going against your folds. He keeps lapping at your pussy like he is getting so fucking drunk, you lock eyes with him and he just suck your clit while you feel his second finger aagainst you.
"baby please-" you finally beg and you dont even need to finish because wonwoo just knows what you need and his just put his second finger in you, and in a way it feels so much but not enough, you feel so tight, like every muscle of your body is working. You give up, you just need a little bit more, so you trail your hands against yourself, searching, you put your hand inside your hoodie, finding your boobs and squeezing.
wonwoo mouth leaves your pussy and you whine, his free hands lifting up your hoodie so he can watch you playing with yourself. His eyes travel between your hands and pussy like he can't make a choice. "fuck" he laughs a little "you are just so hot." and he just bite the skin at your hips. "so wet and taking my fingers so well" he changes his position and presses his hand against your tigh so you open your legs for him. "look at you" he coos "you have such a pretty cunt." He says while he keeps fucking your with his fingers. You whine again, feeling desperated, hasty, but you are just at the end of the cliff almost falling and wonwoo just know, he takes his other hand and just pinch at your clit making your moan. "come on baby, you can do it, just a little one and i give you my cock hun? just know you gonna take it so well gonna split you open in a little bit."
and you just fall apart thinking about the way his dick would feel.
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avoidantvoidd · 17 days
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(tap on the images for better quality. tumblr keeps fucking up my stuff w their low res bs)
Monsterfucker Altaïr = best Altaïr
inspired by the countless monsterfucker Altaïr prompts by the all mighty @teecupangel (+ all the nonnies & ppl who gave them ideas :) )
an accurate dipiction of Altaïr when he spots hybrid/eldritch being!desmond roaming in the wild.
i didn't know if i should put kadar n malik in there. but as much as i wanted to i couldn't imagien them saying it. so i put some rando novice and rauf himself instead. lmaooooo (the rando novice will become a mascot later on in more of my art work dw)
ignore the way Altaïr's hood look like a fucking samosa and focus on how neat my handwriting is. i tried to make is as eligible as possible.
i was hungry while drawing that so i think thats the reason why, HAH.
ughhhhhh. i need to draw more. like actually draw and not shitpost stuff like this. like i made one of the best art work in my life and just fell off. i hate it here.
art dump (?) under the cut.
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some altdes for the soul :)
please excuse my poor attempt at chibi art style. my hands r just allergic to cute stuff :( i gave up on coloring them too. my laptop wont let me.
i tried drawing desmond in my style, and i have to say it's not taht bad :0. But i fucked his hair. i already suck ass at drawing hair, but at least i can bullshit my way through long hair but his buzzcut is SO HARD TO DRAW. like THATS INSANe. why. i wanted to give him some fluffy hair. as you can see i failed. tramendusly.
desmond, my son, why must you lack hair....
It's not much for an 'art dump' but these two r the only ones in my folders that the human eyes can tolerate.
ok sorry for taking up ur screen with my ramblings i'll be going now, bye xoxo.
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Dorcas: How do I look?
Marlene: Tu eres magnífica.
James: Mals, that spanish
Marlene, blushing: Du bist großartig
Peter: German, not even close.
Marlene: Fuck off!
James: and we are back to english!
Dorcas: Wait, how many languages you know?
Marlene: four, english, german, spanish and tagalog.
Dorcas: oh [starts mentally preparing the wedding venue]
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okiroash · 2 months
Thinking about how, Red is considered one of the strongest trainer in his world, people depend on him, he goes alone (because nobody else would)
but when it comes to smash bros.. he's... definitely someone who shouldn't be in the middle of a battle field, being unable to defend himself (at best is swiftly dodging incoming attacks.. gameplay-wise, they would just put him behind a barrier..) if you think about it.. he was in a pretty risky spot with only having squirtle in the team. Having his position switched from "He's strong, he can handle it" to "Frail compared to the rest of the cast" due to the differences of both worlds' situation is.. kind of fascinating ?? From where he came from people hailed him as a legend, to this world- he is simply a nameless boy with powerful magical animals.. (and the thing is, that's what he is)
now, It would be a great idea if he has someone else to team with.. (not that he can't be on his own, it's simply too dangerous) what Red first did was waving goodbye at Lucas immediately after the battle's over..... LOL it was so quick.. like he really didn't plan to stay any longer he's used to traveling with no other human companion, so the thought to stick with another doesn't come across.. (he have accomplished many things already together with just his pokemon, so why? people never offered to accompany him either, even then he prefer to do things alone.. it's what he's familiar with)
Lucas asking if he could come with him was sweet.. after all they're both looking for someone too (Ness, Ivysaur and Charizard !!)
and they both work together SO well. to be able to bond over so many things.., quiet people with a love and understanding for animals, a past experience with fighting a dangerous organization (THAT. BY THE WAY. has also experimented on living beings), having a neglectful dad, the loneliness that comes from being different than everyone else, being put up with so much responsibilities while still being!! kids!!
you have to wonder, what are the chances of meeting someone you understand so well and they too, understand you as much? in a whole different world
traversing tricky planes as foes tries to get them, beating the shit out of Wario 💥💥 THE!! Galleom fight!! Lucas hugging Red close to him as they fall to their supposed doom… none of these could be achieved if they don't got each other's back!!
Red shook his hand!!! For once, and after years of isolation, he has someone that he can truly rely, that he can depend on !! 😭😭
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seariii · 8 months
My take on Kotoko as a morally gray person, about a morally gray character who thinks in black and white
first of all, i absolutely love this woman, so all of this comes from a kotoko enjoyer, but when talking about canon i can not turn the blind eye to the wrongs she has done. i will talk about my perception of her murder, of her as a character and about her beating up the guilty prisoners (i will put this emoji 🐺 when i jump subjects just to keep it organized)
this next phrase is my personal take, i know some will disagree with me and thats okay, which also works as a tl;dr:
Kotoko didnt do anything wrong outside the prison, but she did wrong inside of it
i know beating up people isnt actually good, but she did research upon research to get to the bottom of the cases she was investigating and found the culprits this way. "but she could've brought them upon justice" and you arent wrong about that, but the victim she actually murdered, even when his identity was revealed to the public, the law didnt bring justice upon him.
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screenshots & translations from @/maristelina (i didnt put everything in here, if you wanna check all the articles, please go check on their post!)
her victim was a child murderer, he had already killed 10 girls in 2 years, but even then, he was still free because of his father’s position of power. 
then we have her other victim, the man she beat up and sent to the hospital
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there are a couple articles dedicated to this one. but a quick run down: the man, Mikio Oshii, was wanted for theft and assault, having tricked at least 2 or 3 elderly people, pretending to be a bank employee, and convincing them to hand over cash, he pushed one of his victims, fracturing her ankle. 
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then we have the article about Kotoko’s assault. again a quick run down: someone heard screaming and found a man lying on the ground, who had lost consciousness after being beaten up, and was taken to the hospital. the police suspects a man (kotoko was wearing men’s sneakers and covering herself up). the victim was wanted for theft and assault charges and was Mikio Oshii.
further proving that she was aiming at people who prayed on the weak, she had good intentions (at least at first), and we also have the facts that she was trying to go through the lawful(?) path at first 
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she was studying law, showing us that she genuinely believed her cause, bringing justice to the world and protecting the innocent, or “weaklings” as she calls them, more on that later.  that she was gonna try and go for the morally correct route, but what changed? what is that thing she “wants to do”? i hope we get to see her reasoning on the next trial. for now i agree with the theory that says that her or her family was victim of someone like the guy that was above law for having money and a father with a position of power. showing her the flaws of the law/justice system and thus taking matters into her own hands.
🐺 i personally believe that there are some people who dont deserve second chances, like pedos and rapists, and like the man kotoko murdered, between others. so this is why i forgive her from her crimes. she did proper research, she is passionate about it, she wants to protect the weak, or thats what she tries to convince herself of, because this brings me to my next point
she does have those violent tendencies, and she enjoys them
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“this feels so good”
this is from the t1 trailer, people suspect this were phrases they said after their murders. so i think there is a possibility that while she was trying to convince herself that her actions were for justice, to try and protect the weak, and i dont doubt that that was where it came from at first, she ended up doing it out of personal enjoyment.
i once read that “if you do a good deed because you want to do it, it means that you arent a good person. to be a good person you need to do good deeds without wanting something in return” meaning that you should be uninterested on even the satisfaccion of said deed. this is a phrase that i absolutely hate and dont agree with, but i think it applies in here. kotoko was trying to do something “good” (morality is on the bearer’s eyes) by bringing to justice people who kept escaping it, by taking revenge for those weaklings she so desperately wants to protect, and while thats her main motivation, she also does it because she wants to.
i believe my girl has a thirst for power. she is self righteous, the way she refers to the people she wants to protect as “weaklings” its like shes putting them down in some way, the way on her VD she just wants to keep rambling about her theories, the way she inserted herself on Mikoto’s interrogation, the way she just assumes Es’ intentions and doesnt seem to accept when they call her out on it. she doesnt listen to others at all and once her mind is set on something, there is nothing that can move her from there. she isnt a good person…. but also, she isnt a bad person, and i feel that the fandom forgets those two statements can coexist. even if she sees herself as a saint, and firmly believes that she did nothing wrong, thats because
🐺 her world view is black and white. and this is why while i condone her actions on her murder, i do not condone her actions of beating up the guilty prisoners.
a lot of the prisoners have a black and white morality, heck, milgram itself as a system IS black and white. and from what i’ve read, a lot of the fandom also thinks in black and white. all of which i find extremely… interesting…. tbf its the nd majority vote game about nd murderers on the nd website, so makes sense (im half joking, sorry)
kotoko attacked the guilty prisoners because thats what she had been doing, and thats what she got voted innocent for on t1 (i wasnt around). but no one told her to do that, she acted on her own, she misinterpreted her judgment and forced her opinions and methods on others, claiming it were Es’, without their knowledge and without ours.
as a side note, when i first got into the fandom, i found surprising to see that kotoko was inno and fuuta was guilty on t1, since from my perspective their crimes are basically the same, they both exposed and harrowed “bad” people.
i make a lot of emphasis on black and white thinking, since its something im familiarized with, for example lets talk Amane since its her trial is still going
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she is the type of girl who will correct other’s mistakes, who will call them out and try to fix them so that the others can be right, like her. her truth is absolute and even when it flails, she stands her ground and proceeds to believe in herself and her views of the world. in what i said, you could re read that and it would also apply to kotoko, and just like her, Amane also convinced herself of doing something she wanted to do by telling herself it was the right thing to do. kotoko’s “protecting the weaklings” directly translates to amane’s “punishing her mother for her sins (hurting the cat)”. so while in both cases there were hidden feelings, something tells me neither of the girls knew about their own ulterior motives, thats how well they convinced themselves.
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people who think in black and white just see it as it is, right or wrong, left or right, green or blue, there is no other choice but those two. and from my personal experiences with myself and with others, its something you end up applying in almost every aspect of your life and its really difficult to change up this way of thinking. beginning to see the grays of the world and its other options its not an easy task without some proper help
overall, i dont believe she was right for hurting the guilty prisoners, and fuuta losing his eye because of her gives me a horrible gut feeling. overall, it also ties on her need for power, since she firmly believes shes Es’ “fang”, thus reducing herself a weapon for justice, not implementing her own judgment anymore, but someone else’s, ours, which my problem with her actions in this scenario. i firmly believe that if outside the prison she had came across mahiru or fuuta, she wouldn’t have attacked them, but  after her t1 inno, and getting her ideals supported, her beliefs became radical, and now shes going based on our ideals, our judgments, our right or wrong, our black and white morality, MILGRAM’s black and white morality.
🐺 im still a kotoko inno truther, and i love her, shes my favorite character. but i dont expect her to get innocent this trial, as she did wrong. i dont want to say it was our fault that she harmed the other prisoners, since we had no way of knowing this would happen. in retrospect we can say whatever we want, but none of us can read the future. 
i dont even have a real argument on why you should vote her innocent “shes pretty” is not good enough lmao… but who knows, maybe we will see something that makes her worthy of an inno vote on her second trial a few months from now (not counting on it, probably wont be enough)
in the end i wrote this because im really passionate about this character and her black and white views on the world (shes so intense). and because this beautiful person @archivalofsins told me to "keep talking about kotoko" and i have zero self control regarding this fictional woman.
🐺 i believe with the help of a third party, someone who could act as a moral compass to her and could teach her that the world has more colors, more choices, and if she actually learns about this, she would end up being an amazing thing. 
also, if the theory about her being an accomplice of the serial killer turns out to be true, i will puke and cry :) 
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suffarustuffaru · 9 months
I don’t speak Japanese so I’d LOVE to hear more about the differences between the English and Japanese Re:Zero fandoms
yeah sure its very interesting to me now that ive noticed it more lately :o !! though ok disclaimer - i dont speak japanese either hah so if anyone is seeing this and does speak japanese + is familiar with the japanese speaking side of this fandom please add info if youd like!! and of course ill be mainly speaking from the english side of things bc im more familiar with that yes (sorry anon again im not a japanese speaker T^TT so sorry if i tread on info you already know!!). but yeah im speaking from my own experiences given the Topic at hand. ive been in this fandom since... 2019?? which is so wild to me aljsdfljsd.
anyway so - i think the big difference is mainly that the english fandom and many english speaking people that engage with rezero are. to put it bluntly, misconception runs Rampant to a very Interesting degree. to the point where it seems like the english speaking side of the fandom is More. Aggressive. than the japanese fandom. not that the japanese speaking side of the fandom is perfect - also bc what fandom is ever perfect 100% of the time, tbh - but that the louder people in the english rezero fandom are. well its a Very low bar. Very low. and from what little ive seen and heard so far, the japanese fandom tends to understand rezero and its characters better than the english fandom. which ig makes sense bc you know, rezero is japanese media, and also im sure cultural differences come into play here as well (im not familiar enough on this to speak about it in depth but the cultural differences feel Pretty Clear even though i cant 100% put my finger on what they specifically are).
but also bc yeah. its not That hard to beat some of the english fandom when it comes to media comprehension. misreading rezero is unfortunately Extremely common, both in and out of the rezero community. its Everywhere - youtube, myanimelist, ao3, ff.net, reddit, twitter, various rezero discords - and from what ive experienced, rezero tumblr basically kind of feels like finding an oasis after crawling through the desert for days on end lajdslfjs. which is probs bc rezero tumblr is Smaller and also a lot of us seem to be lgbtq+ in some way or be allies, so you dodge a lot of the misogyny and homophobia that happens in other rezero english circles. its why you see a lot of openly queer rezero-related posts on here while its a bit more. barren. in other rezero english places yes. bc its more safe to post queer rezero things on rezero tumblr rather than rezero reddit for Sure.
im not sure how the japanese fandom is with that exactly but theres some interesting differences between whats popular in the english fandom vs the japanese fandom. i mean as an otto fan ive been noticing how hes more popular with the japanese fandom—and on top of that, ottosuba is Way More popular in the japanese fandom too. reinsuba and julisuba seem to usually be the most popular mlm subaru ships in both fandoms but ottosuba is like A Little Up There in the japanese fandom. not sure if its on the same level as a ship like reinsuba but ottosubas Definitely loved as a ship. from what little ive seen it also seems like ships like vichisha are more acknowledged by the japanese fandom? im not entirely sure on like—Complete differences regarding what the japanese fandom finds interesting that may differ from english fandom, so ill really have to look more into the japanese fandoms fanart and fanfic when i can bc im pretty curious too. in general though, it seems like the japanese fandom has a bit more variety…. you can find fanart on So Many characters in rezero (which already has a very Massive cast full of very fleshed out characters) there. not that you cant in the english fandom bc theres a Bit of variety too, but id more so contribute that a little more to the Big Cast and less to having actual variety in fancontent. and of course im not saying that the japanese fandom may be a bit barren in some areas of fancontent—bc inevitably when u have a big cast of characters, side character content is gonna be more sparse compared to the main characters, but to me it does feel like the english fandom lacks variety in comparison. (and also yeah. seems like the japanese fandom acknowledges gay ships more in general tbh.)
whats focused in fancontent makes it easy to tell what may be popular in a fandom in terms of how fans perceive the source material and what fandoms want to do with the source material, if that makes sense. and its very easy to tell that with the english fandom if you just hop on rezero ao3–or even better, rezero reddit given theres a fanfic ideas thread thats usually pinned right at the top of the site. again i havent looked at japanese fanfic for rezero yet (bc i dont know where to look oops ajdndn) but when it comes to the english fandom you can tell that theyre generally more focused on the female cast both in fanart and in fanfic bc. theyre women and many fans on say, reddit or various rezero discords, are cis straight men, so inevitably… well lets just say you can tell when a man makes content for this fandom o.o theres also the. very weird reaction fic trends and trends following popular fics in the fandom, the two biggest being the watching him die again and again react fic and re:forgotten, the former of which includes a harem plot with subaru and the main girls of rezero while the latter is one of those subaru gets tortured by his ooc friends and then he gets revenge on them fics. which i suppose says something about the english fandom too.
of course on ao3 its dominated mainly by english fics (of course not all fics on there for rezero are in english— big shoutout to all the non english fics on rezero ao3 ur doing great <3 — but the majority are in english). and while yeah ur occasionally gonna find stuff like queer content or side character content or rarepair content, its definitely not that big in amount and also comes with the risk of. Hate. if anyones reading this and remembers the lone star stuff. (if u dont know—lone star was a julius x emilia fic where they NTR subaru or some shit and then it got bombed with hate bc of the ship? yeah.) so yeah english fandom is very cis straight oriented, ironically with the nastiest people being the very people that rezero criticizes. though this is also my personal experience, i do know several people personally whove been in this fandom for a while or were here for a while and yeah english fandom isnt very welcoming at times???? and it seems like at the very least the japanese fandom is A Little Less Aggressive than the english fandom is.
otherwise. yeah im very very curious about more of the differences in popular content between the japanese vs english fandom. i mean the english fandom’s main focus on the female cast for. Interesting Reasons other than their actual character depth is… interesting. and the astreas being popular in general vs otto + ottosubas popularity fluctuating is also very interesting to me (but i have several guesses as to Why that is), among other things. yeah id love to know what else the japanese fandom likes about rezero and see more of their content. i also have to wonder if characters like emilia and subaru are hated less by the japanese fandom…. T^T well that and the english fandom and many english speaking people engaging in rezero have this interesting pattern of either hating subaru No Matter What, wanting subaru to Not Be Subaru (ie using him as a self insert almost or attempting to change him into virtually another character), or putting subaru on a pedestal and ignoring his flaws and mistakes and that he Can do wrong. like theres Really not a lot of nuance there. so i wonder if the japanese fandom is. A Little more chill when it comes to character opinions like this too.
#rezero#tldr: english fandom sets the bar so low (unless ur on rz tumblr) that the japanese fandom def seems a bit better by comparison#in terms of. Calmness levels.#every time i step into a rezero space that isnt tumblr i get a little worried my heads gonna get bitten off by someone HAH#recently someone tried arguing with me over how i interpret otto (this was on reddit) and then said stuff that showed they did Not#understand his character that well so that was awkward 😭😭😭#even just by looking at otto fanart from the japanese fandom it seems like more people understand his character there. in the english fandom#he is. either Not There or his flaws are just handwaved away or replaced with Different flaws#atm hes the most obvious example i can think of when it comes to. how differently characters can be percieved by different parts of a fandom#for rezero. like hes near invisible here but ottosuba being almost on the same level as REINSUBA in jp fanbase is crazy to me#kinda reminds me of the disney’s duffy and friends line and how it failed in the us but its SUPER popular in asia. really fascinating#and also yeah some of the english fandom seems. more loudly misogynistic and homophobic which is very unfortunate#also im sorry ill never forgive that random person on reddit i just said one (1) thing on otto and they came for my throat like fr 😭😭😭#ask#i do wonder why reinsuba is so popular but thats probs bc reinhards well loved too and also hes op. which is a bonus for the english fandom#bc theyre into all the power scaling stuff. and also reinhard gets the other bonus of being a guy and he isnt shafted by canon. hes treated#very sympathetically which is another bonus akdnsn#i say this as a reinhard fan btw but as an emilia fan im also crying bc theyre SO SIMILAR and yet why do people hate emilia….#but u know. reins a guy and we havent got his pov yet so there isnt much to hate.
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ninacytosis · 4 months
For the time lost
Summary: Zuko wants to erase every reminder of his past mistakes, and Katara will take him on a journey to, quite literally, heal both of their scarrings.
Contains: Angst, Fluff, Katara has burns scars from Aang's first attempts to firebend, Katara tries to get over her resentment towards the FN, Zuko doesn't hate Azula.
Dear reader: I hope you enjoy it! <3 Let me know if you want me to continue posting.
Find chapter two here.
Also if you prefer reading in ao3 here's the link.
Chapter One
“Dear Zuko:
I hope this letter finds you well. Since you didn’t respond to my messages from the previous weeks, I couldn’t help but do a little investigation on my own. Aang told me he last visited the Fire Nation a couple of days ago, and to his surprise, you weren’t there. Honestly, this got me even more curious. What are you up to, Fire Lord? What juicy secret are you keeping from us?
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that my dad made some octo-fish soup this weekend. I bet you have never tried it, well, maybe on your finding-the-avatar days you stopped by and tried. But that doesn’t seem like you. One day Sokka and I will cook you some, but only if you tell me why you’re being so distant lately!
We’re always here for you, Zuko.
Zuko read the letter while waiting for the water to boil. He had never heard of octo-fish soup to this day, but he wasn’t opposed to trying new dishes. In fact, most of his favorite dishes weren’t even from the Fire Nation. After trying the Omashu noodles, who could blame him?
 “Dear Katara,
I hope you enjoyed that soup and the company of your family. Knowing that you spend good quality time with your family brings me so much joy and relief because all of you deserve it. I hope that every good memory makes up for every bad one, though unfortunately, healing doesn’t work like an exchange, does it?
As the Fire Lord, certain duties demand my presence in the other nations. So, as much as I wish my lack of responses were due to a secret vacation of mine, they are more like business trips. Might as well call me the Fire Businessman now. (Don’t let anyone read this to Toph because she most certainly will call me that.)
It was nice hearing from you. Send as many letters as you please. Even if I’m not home, I’ll promise I’ll read them. By the way, how are your little waterbenders doing? I’m sure it was harder to handle Aang, you know, back in our teaching-the-Avatar days.
He sat down and frowned at the piece of paper. It’s not that he wanted to hide things from her, or his friends. But it was almost embarrassing to write and send a letter describing his last weeks. It was a path of emotions he was unready to walk through. She would probably forget it in a couple of weeks anyway, and then he would be able to tell her everything.
“Dear Zuko,
Or should I say, Dear Fire Liar?
Even though I don’t have a lot of time in my hands, I still managed to get some information about your mysterious “business” trips. Sokka’s been of great help, for once, and a little bird told him that people from the Northern Water Tribe have spotted you in very weird places. But being honest, I still don’t know what is it that you’re hiding so hard. You got yourself an Ice Lady?
On another note, it’s very exciting to see both of the Nations exchanging goods and, you know, not trying to slit each other’s throats. I always wanted the war to end of course, but it was very hard to imagine a future so full of prosperity. It’s hard to grasp sometimes.
I hope I’m not getting overly emotional but it makes me think about my mom a lot. She never lived in a world without war in it, isn’t that fucked up? Some days I feel a strange guilt running through my body because I get to move on and she will always stay there. This seems like I’m getting all over the place. I don’t usually say this stuff to anybody, but I know you would get it. And today seems like a good day for letting it all out.
When I’m down, I like to think that she sees the world through the eyes of Sokka, or dad’s, or even mine. It’s silly, I know. But it makes me feel closer to her.
Well, enough about me. Tell me more about your trips, about your uncle’s new place. I’m dying to know. Maybe next time you should try doing business in the Southern Water Tribe and pay us a visit. We all miss you!
Zuko took a long breath. No amount of tea would cure the unmeasurable shame that he felt reading Katara’s letter. He knew how empathetic she was, and how much he loved her family, and he could never forgive himself for what his family did to the world. Every day he looked at himself in the mirror and was reminded of a past he could never erase, his face became no longer his once his dad put his palm on it.
His sudden state made him forget about Katara’s little quest. He was not only full of shame but also full of passion to help others. Every reminiscent of the war also reminded him of the resilience of people during difficult times. And every time Katara changed the subject, Zuko needed to excruciatingly tell her how much her strength motivated him to be better. And after writing that letter, he decided it was time to invite her to the palace.
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marutchi · 10 months
Little Skwisgaar x Toki comfort oneshot (Word count: 1502)
Warnings: Very mild spoilers from the new movie, apart from that there’s mentions of the abuse Toki has suffered from + some made up ones.
Btw I don't know how other fic writers handle their accents but personally I didn't feel confident enough in my writing to portray it in a pleasant way. That's why I chose to have them speak in Swedish with each other. I've read that supposedly many Scandinavians are able to understand each other or learn the other languages easily (sorry if that's actually not true!).
Skwisgaar was only half asleep. As comfortable as their current living situation in Dais Keep was, he was still plagued by the events that took place. It felt so comically, idiotically, unreal that he was almost calm. Shit was so fucking weird he was practically convinced that all this could only be a dream. After saving Toki, he didn't think it could get any more fucked up, but strangely enough, this felt even worse. One misstep and it would all be over. That thought surely keeps you up at night.
The door to his room was slightly ajar, allowing light from the corridor to leak in, so Skwisgaar immediately noticed as it got obscured all of a sudden. His eyes opened fully and he saw a silhouette standing in the narrow crack of the door.
"Skwisgaar? Are you awake?" Toki asked. His voice was quiet, unsure even, as if he didn't know whether he should really dare to wake him. The way Toki sounded, Skwisgaar was certain he’d leave again if he remained silent and acted as if he hadn’t heard him, yet- “Ugh, Toki, it’s in the middle of the night, what do you want?” He asked back, annoyed.
“Can I sleep in your bed tonight?” 
Instantly, Skwisgaar came into a sitting position. He should have known something was up because Toki spoke to him in Swedish - something he only ever did when he wanted something from him. 
“Hell no, fuck off,” he answered, switching to Swedish as well. 
The question didn’t really come as a surprise to Skwisgaar. When Toki slept in Mordhaus for the first time after the abduction, the quiet of the night was constantly interrupted by deafening screams. Everyone was immediately on the spot to find a hysterical Toki plagued by nightmares. Each of them was overwhelmed by the situation and in the end, Pickles stayed with him. Since that day, Toki preferred to sleep in bed with one of his band members. So far, Skwisgaar has always managed to wriggle out of having this crybaby in his bed and Toki has asked many times. This night wouldn’t be different, however. 
“Pleaaaase, Skwisgaar!” Toki desperately pleaded and fully opened the door, blinding the other man. “I can’t sleep alone!”  Skwisgaar was having none of it. “Maybe it’s time for you to learn again, it can’t go on like this.” With narrowed eyes he reached for the small packet of matches on his bedside table and accidentally wiped them off the edge. "Ughhh." Toki was immediately there, picked them up and held them out to Skwisgaar. With an impatient "Give me that!" Skwisgaar rudely snatched the matches out of Toki's hand. "Stupid fucking place doesn't even have electricity," he muttered. “Besides,” Skwisgaar started as he lit a match to light the candle on his table, wanting to see Toki's stupid face, “Why don’t you ask the others?” He shook the matchstick until the flame went out, then threw it carelessly aside, listening to Toki’s stammering as to why he had to sleep here of all places. 
“Well, Nathan is acting totally weird and when I stood in front of Murderfaces’ door I heard him talking and screaming to himself which is even weirder. And Pickle… he said he needed a private night, if you understand. I don’t, actually, but he was very serious about it.”
Skwisgaar sighed. “What about Knubbler?” He eyed Toki up and down, noting that the other had nothing on but his underwear. He could have at least had the decency to put on a shirt as well. Toki shrugged his shoulders. “Can’t find him anywhere.” 
Skwisgaar thought for a moment. If he’d let him sleep in his bed tonight, he’d demand to do it every night. Toki had always been clingy, but at the moment he was particularly clingy, especially towards him. As if Toki could read Skwisgaar‘s mind, he assured: “Please, Skwisgaar this will be the first and only time!”
“No! And this is my final decision, now piss off!” Skwisgaar angrily pointed at the door but Toki didn’t budge. 
“Please.” The sad way Toki looked at him reminded Skwisgaar of a beaten dog and to his horror, it didn’t leave him completely cold. While he couldn’t remember a lot of the night they saved Toki, he’ll never forget the way his band member hung there on the cross, upside down in that motherfucking jigsaw looking room.
“Skwisgaar, please. everytime I try to-"  "FINE," Skwisgaar interrupted him angrily, rubbing his face briefly. Toki practically jumped into his arms. 
“Thank you thank you thank you!” He hugged him tightly to Skwisgaar's displeasure. “Get off of me!” He shoved Toki to the other side of the bed. “Hehe, sorryyy.” 
Skwisgaar mumbled some things under his breath and with a swift movement lifted the covers, swung his legs over the edge of the bed and turned his back towards Toki who watched in horror.
“Please don’t leave me.”
Skwisgaar was caught off guard at how heartbroken Toki sounded. However, he quickly regained his composure. “I’m not, you idiot.” Skwisgaar glanced over his shoulder. “The least I want is to be wearing my underwear when the inevitable happens and you try to snuggle up to me.”  Skwisgaar stood up and Toki promptly was at eye-level with his bare ass. He couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh I’m so relieved. I already thought that you wanted to be mean since you said that I was allowed in your bed, but you didn’t mention anything about you being in it at the same time!”
“Mh.” Skwisgaar hadn’t considered this loophole. As he put on his boxers Toki got under the covers. 
“Oh boy does that mean we’re going to cuddle?” Toki asked full of excitement. “Fuck no,” Skwigaar immediately replied and slipped under the covers as well. “Fucking touch me and I‘ll throw you out of my room! I don’t care about your little panic attacks.“ Toki frowned. That was not exactly the answer he wanted to hear, but he wasn’t surprised in the slightest. “Now turn to the side, I don’t wanna watch your ugly face as you sleep.” 
If Toki hadn't been so desperate to sleep in the same bed as him, he might have countered back. “Pf, whatever.” He did as he was told, turning away from his bandmate.
Skwisgaar was about to turn sideways to blow out the candle when he caught a glimpse of Toki's back that made him stop short. He was already familiar with the scars from Toki's childhood, the ones he had received from his psycho parents. Now, between the old faded marks, there were new ones that looked red and incredibly painful. It seemed as if Magnus the jerk-off had even scratched some words into Toki's back. Skwisgaar's eyes traced the red lines towards Toki’s side where there was a huge, not yet completely healed wound, shoddily sewn shut. It would surely turn into a big ass scar and looked like it must have hurt like hell. Probably still did. 
Skwisgaar could not understand how Toki could still be as normal as he was. Humble, even. All he wanted was not to be left alone, for his friends to keep an eye on him and ensure that no one could ever do that to him again.
Toki noticed the light going out and listened to the rustling of the blanket. The last thing he’d ever expected was the warm hand that suddenly touched his back. Not daring to move a single muscle he just waited for what happened next.
“You are safe.”
Toki's eyes widened. He wanted to say something, anything, but his head was suddenly empty.
“I- ah.” Fervently he searched for the right words and didn't want to ruin this moment. He knew that this was special and all he could do was settle for a hoarse “Thank you”.
The hand left Toki’s back, leaving the spot it had rested on feeling oddly cold. He wriggled around under the blanket and, as carefully as possible, moved back further the tiniest bit to feel Skwisgaar's warmth.
“Good night, Skwisgaar,” Toki whispered.
“Good night.”
Unsurprisingly, when Skwisgaar woke up, Toki was pressed against him with his head lying on his shoulder and his arms wrapped around him. Skwisgaar was too tired to even open his eyes, so when he enjoyed a delirious moment of closeness and shared body heat he wasn’t even thinking about Toki necessarily. Only when he wriggled around slightly did he notice an unpleasant, cold sensation somewhere on his torso. One of his eyes cracked open and a glance downwards confirmed a horrible suspicion: Toki was drooling all over him. Needless to say, the moment was over. With a hard push, Skwisgaar launched Toki onto the cold hard floor.
Even less surprising was the fact that the following night, Toki stood in front of Skwisgaar’s room again. The most surprising thing was how Skwisgaar wordlessly slid to the side of the bed to make room for his bandmate.
This whole thing was pretty much inspired by this scene
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I like to imagine that Skwisgaar deliberately gave him a little nudge to calm him down. As shown in the show, he doesn't really mind non-sexual physical contact with other men. He did seem pretty allergic to it when it comes to Toki in aotd (can‘t 100% recall how it was in the show because it’s been ages that I watched it. I just remember he has always been annoyed with Toki) so I couldn't help but picture him needing a lot of time and tiny steps to step out of his comfort zone to give Toki what he needs because after all, he does care a lot about him!
Hope that makes sense!
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sanxkei · 1 year
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Time Travel AU
Tobirama was trying to make a jutsu that would revive the dead but accidentally made one that would go back in time. He didn't expect he would go back when Madara was much younger. He would learn so much about the young Uchiha after saving him from the enemies.
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tesnuzzik · 1 year
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A quick drawing to get back into the mood of this au c:
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1o1percentmilk · 2 months
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guy named smart building
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hermitbubble · 11 months
Hi ,yes, I've been thinking about this and I NEED to talk about it even if it may sound a bit dumb in some parts (my brain still isn't working properly ahah) :
I don't think the Metatron did anything to the coffee to manipulate him, which doesn’t mean he DID NOT manipulate him, just not necessarily with magic and miracles.
So i’m pretty sure we all noticed that the discussion between Aziraphale and the Metatron was weird, but I wanted to analyze it as much as I can.
SO... I do think the Metatron manipulated Aziraphale, and he did this by making him think he had a choice in the matter. This happens four times. The first time being,,, with the coffee, like I said I don't think he did something to the coffee (which doesn't mean I completely rule out the possibility) but I do think the coffee is rather some kind of metaphor or just, represent the Metatron manipulations. As far as we know Aziraphale drinks tea and hot cocoa, not coffee, yet the Metatron bring him coffee, something he doesn't want/like, tells him it’s for him, that he should drink it, he doesn’t outright force him, but it’s implied he wants him to do it.
The second time it happens is right after (well technically before AND after), when the Metatron tells Azi they have things to talk about. Aziraphale clearly says he doesn’t have anything to say, yet the Metatron doesn't hear him and right after the little coffee thing takes him to take a little stroll, to talk, he didn’t give Aziraphale the choice to refuse.
Third time is when the Metatron asks Aziraphale for recommendation for an archangel. Aziraphale does give some recommendations but in the end the Metatron doesn't hear it, and just tells him that he should be the one, once again, the choice was already made, he wanted Aziraphale to think he wasn’t being forced into this (i’ll come back to it later)
Fourth time is right at the end of their chat, when Metatron tells him that he doesn’t have to answer immediately and to take all the time he needs to think about this. Right after Aziraphale says “I dont know what to say” the Metatron tells him to go tell his friend the good news, about them becoming angel, even thought a few seconds earlier he had told Aziraphale he didn’t had to agree to it yet and that he could think about it before.
Now I also want to talk about the Metatron and Crowley, I think it’s very clear that the Metatron doesnt like Crowley (just see the look he gave him before leaving the bookshop) and its safe to assume that he knew Crowley wasn’t going to agree to any of this (see the “So predictable” line he says to Nina earlier), so why would he tells Aziraphale to tell Crowley the “good news”. First of all, because if he had just left with Aziraphale, Crowley would have most likely thought that Azi had been kidnapped again (not far from the truth tbh), OR if he had forced Aziraphale to be the supreme archangel Crowley would have known it too, and would have probably tried (and succeeded) to help Aziraphale (we know how much he loves saving him). The Metatron needed them to break up, he needed Crowley to think that everything was over, that Aziraphale had made his choice, and that he DIDNT need saving, AND he can’t have them together, because we saw how strong the miracle they made together was, who know what else they can accomplish together. SO on top of that, the Metatron needs Aziraphale, not bc of his capacity as a leader (which,,, he doesn’t really have honestly), but because he’s easy to manipulate, he still believes in heaven being good and he still believes he can fix it. They saw what happened with Gabriel, who gave up on heaven and armageddon 2.0 because of Beelzebub (which I DID NOT see coming lmao), and they can’t have that happen again
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smute · 5 months
big epiphany you guys. big. huge.
#cliffnotes for context: smute almost finish masters. smute think oh‚ maybe phd not crazy wacko shit‚ maybe i can try#but smute also low self esteem. with any small setback - smute think oh what is point. smute bound to fail#problem is: smute genuine self doubt = smute quotidian frustration#ok normal english now#so thats what i realized today. a lot of the ''small'' things i dream of (financial independence‚ a nice little apartment etc) are#expressions of some low level frustration with my nomadic broke student life#rather than genuine desires. and as dumb or as#duh#obvious as that may sound rn#its actually huge for me that i was able to recognize the difference today#this question of what i will do after i graduate has been haunting me for the past year#and i am now realizing that a lot of my own arguments have nothing to do with what i want#just because they're things i don't currently have doesn't mean they would be fulfilling#and#again. duh.#but like. between this debilitating self doubt and certain external pressures 🤨 it was hard to see the difference#anyway i basically just explored some alternative scenarios today#like specific scenarios. went on indeed found some really good stuff and tried to imagine my life a year from now if i took this or that jo#and the end result was that i fucking hated it. they were all great options on paper but the takeaway was that i would never forgive myself#if i didnt give this a try. if i prioritized some vague notion of independence or this idea of ''settling down'' or whatever the fuck#over the one thing that ive got going for me#like i still don't know if the academic path will be any more fulfilling than some other job#god knows my entire academic career so far has been an insane uphill battle. but it's also been so fucking rewarding. like nothing else#and i also still dont know how genuine this wish is#if it's not maybe still about proving myself to some imaginary authority#but like. how long can you psychoanalyze yourself before your goddamn head explodes#no matter how pure my motivation is im beginning to understand that i dont want this to be the end of the road#and maybe that's enough#&
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