#also everyone else in the animation process
not-a-space-alien · 3 days
Tinytopia Chapter 9: Bloodthirst (Part 1)
Story Masterpost
On AO3
Thanks to my beta/sensitivity reader @appelsiinilight and my bonus beta reader for the next two chapters, @whumpsday!
In this chapter: Thistle indulges in getting cozy, but finds the house disturbed by yet another new arrival.
With respect to @whumpsday, the og of hungry vampire sadbois, and @entomolog-t, the og of tiny vampires.
There were now enough pixies for a pixie pile.
Thistle was ecstatic.  He’d grown up sleeping in a pixie pile, and he’d missed it, longed for it, ached for it ever since his separation from his family.
Sleeping on top of Moon was nice enough, but he wasn’t a pixie.  And with Marigold here, there were two pixies.  Not enough for a pile.
But Jax had a pixie incarnation now.  There were three pixies, which met the minimum number needed to be a proper pile.
Moon would be included, of course, even if he wasn’t a pixie.  The pile would simply go on top of him.
Thistle made sure everyone had a nice, soft pair of pajamas.  Enough thick, fuzzy socks.  Enough blankets and soft pads to sleep on.  Hot, sweet drinks to sip in the evening before falling asleep.
Oh, yeah.  This was going to be perfect.
Thistle cleared enough space in his wooden castle–for once, he was worried he might not have enough room in there for something.  He arranged everything just right, plumping pillows and layering blankets and smoothing out sheets.  He wove small animals out of plant fiber–such toys weren’t out of place in pixie nests, quite similar to humans’ stuffed animals.  They didn’t usually make them bears or cats or dogs, though–pixies had a completely different array of animals that were culturally important.  
Thistle remembered his Mother’s Mother’s hive having a nest of ants in the bottom of the structure, tended to like a herd–he couldn’t remember if they’d done anything besides occasionally eating the larvae.  It’d been such a long time ago that all he remembered was that they tasted quite good.  Before Thistle had left, Mother had been in the process of trying to make space in their tree for clusters of honeydew-producing aphids.  She’d also told Thistle that some hives knew how to rear moths or spiders for their silk, which Thistle had always longed to see, but she’d said moths were more complicated than aphids and spiders had a safety risk.
There had been that one time his older brother Oak had brought home a disfigured moth which would have died without help–its wing had gotten caught in its cocoon while trying to emerge, and now it was wrinkly, tiny, and useless for flying.  Mother let Oak keep the moth as a pet, even though it had no practical use.  It was fuzzy, nice to hold, and pretty to look at.  Oak had named it Cattail.
He lovingly traced the memories as he wove, imagining himself making a toy for Dewdrop.  Aunt Winter’s new baby, Dewdrop.  He wanted to meet Dewdrop so badly.  Thistle was really the only one in the hive good enough with his hands to make toys without using magic.  He would have been making all the toys for Dewdrop.  Had someone else been making them?  Was Dewdrop wanting for toys?
He suddenly realized he’d begun crying when a tear dripped down onto the moth doll he’d been making.  He slowly wiped his eyes on the back of his hand, then sniffled and straightened himself up.
There was no need to be sad.  He was going to have a pixie pile again.  Dewdrop was fine, and so was he.
He arranged a moth doll and an aphid doll so they were nicely on top of the covers, then stood back to examine his work.  I should sell those on Etsy, too.  Everyone would go wild for them.  He started writing the listing title mentally.  Miniature insect bug arthropod crochet doll lifelike fidget toy Micro realistic choose SET or INDIVIDUAL made to order.  He could sell one for $20 or a set of three for $50.  Yeah.  That would be good.
He walked out and pushed Marigold’s wheelchair to the entrance of his wooden house.  “Are you ready for bed, Marigold?”
He nodded.
Pixie-Jax flitted on the roof of the house, jumping down onto the ground.  “I am too!”
“Shh,” Thistle said.  “Speak quietly.  We’re supposed to be calming down now.”
Jax nodded, looking very serious in his oversized pajamas that swallowed his hands.
Moon arrived five minutes after the agreed upon time, as always.  He had an eye mask on his forehead and an extra pillow under his arm.  “I stayed up late so that I could be tired precisely for this slumber gathering,” Moon declared.  “Let us commence.”
“Okay,” Thistle said, trying not to get excited.  He was supposed to be calming down.  “Moon, you go in first, and then we’ll all get on top of you.”
Moon ducked to go into Thistle’s house.  “Good Heavens!  It’s a proper cornucopia of comfort in here.”
Thistle poked his head in and watched as Moon arranged himself, pulling the covers back.  Moon held his arms up.  “I’m ready for dogpiling, boys.  Have at me.”
“Okay, Jax next.”
Jax dashed into the wooden structure and snuggled up under Moon’s arm.  “Like this?”
“Yes, perfect.  Okay, now Marigold.”
Thistle lent Marigold a hand to stand up out of the wheelchair.  He supported him by the elbow to help him inside.  Marigold’s face twinged with pain as he went down into a kneeling position.
“You all right?”
“Yes–just a moment.”
He shifted to a position that apparently lessened his pain, then gingerly lay down under Moon’s other arm, head on the crook of his elbow.
That just left Thistle.  He crouched down and situated himself on top of Moon, so Moon’s chest fluff was his pillow.  “Everybody comfy?”
There was a round of assenting sounds.
Thistle reached down and pulled the blanket up, swathing them all, and turned off the light.  “Good night, everybody.”
“Thistle my boy, would you pull down my eye mask?  My hands are quite full.”
Thistle reached up and pulled the mask over Moon’s eyes.
“Perfect, thank you.”
“Good night.”
“Good night, Thistle.”
“Good night, Jax.”
“Good night, Thistle.”
“Good night, Marigold.”
No response.
“Good night, Thistle.”
“Good night, Marigold.”
“Good night, Jax.”
“Good night, Moon.”
“Is this really quite necessary?”
“You’re supposed to say good night.”
“...Good night, Jax.”
No response.
“Marigold, you didn’t say good night to anyone.”
“Good night Thistle, Jax, and Moon.  There.”
“Good night, Marigold.”
“Good night, Marigold.”
“Moon?  You didn’t say good night back to Marigold.”
“Good night, Marigold.  Are you quite satisfied now?  Have we somehow missed a possible permutation here?”
Thistle snuggled closer to Moon, and Jax copied his motion.  “No,” Thistle said contentedly.  “I think that’s everyone.  Thanks.  Good night.  I love you all.”
“I love you, Thistle.”
“I love you, Moon-”
“We are not doing all that again.  I would like to go to sleep sometime in the next twenty-four hours.”
Thistle tugged on the sleeve of Moon's silken pajamas.  “Just once?  Just one, Moon?  Please?”
Moon sighed.  “I love you, Thistle.”
Thistle happily flicked his ears and settled in.  It seemed like Marigold had already fallen asleep.
They dozed like that.  Thistle could hardly get sleepy with how happy he was.  It was so warm and fuzzy, and a soft glow of magic welled up inside him.  He just lay there enjoying it.
It was a while later, after he’d finally managed to fall asleep, that he woke up.  He wasn’t sure why.  But-
Marcy’s necklace.
It was sitting on the table–Marcy had left it there today.  It was glowing.  It’d been soft white all night–but now it was bright yellow.
Yellow.  Yellow.  What had yellow meant?
Thistle disentangled himself from the pile and snuck over to the door, peeking his head out.  He didn’t see anybody.
“Hello?” he whispered.  “Is somebody there?”
There came a sound, then–a sort of tittering, accompanied by light flapping.  He turned his attention upwards and saw some small fuzzy creature way, way high up near the ceiling.  It frantically dashed into the room and smacked into the wall, then tumbled down.  When it finally stopped its erratic movements, Thistle saw it was a bat with tawny red fur.
No, not a bat–the real creature emerged from the form of the bat as soon as it touched the ground.  It was a fuzzy humanoid with protruding fangs and triangular ears.
The fish tank flipped open.  “Yo, Thistle!” Jewel shouted.  “Are you gonna wake anyone else up and tell them there’s a fucking vampire in the house or do I need to do it?”
“A vampire?” Thistle squeaked.  
“Gotta be.  I mean, just look at him.  Right?”
The new arrival flipped himself upright from where he’d fallen on the ground, still on all fours, ears pinned back against his head nervously.
“Thistle?” said Moon’s sleepy voice, and his head appeared out the door, eyes still half-closed.  “What are you shouting about?”  His eyes widened as he saw something was up.  “Oh?”
“It’s a vampire,” Thistle said.  He looked over.  “Right?’
“Well yes but, I’m not–I don’t want to hurt you,” the creature said.  His ears were still flat and his voice trembled, as though not entirely sure he would be believed.
Oh, he was speaking Pixish.  The language a predator would typically speak if their primary prey was Pixies.
“I’ll go get Marcy,” Thistle said.  He looked behind him and saw Marigold stirring in the bed, with Jax not far behind.  “...I’ll stay here with Marigold.  Moon, you go get Marcy?”
“Am I your messenger?”
“...All right.”  Moon drew himself out of the house and spread his wings, then took off upstairs.
The new arrival watched him with wide eyes.  Clearly he’d never seen one of Moon’s kind before.
“Thistle, who’s that?” Jax whispered.
“Just stay inside.  I’ll handle this.”  He gave a nervous wave to the creature.  “Hi.  I’m Thistle.”
“I’m Auburn,” he said.  Pixish actually had more words to describe colors than English, with Pixie’s sensitive eyes able to see more with minute differences. He wasn't sure if vampires could see the same way, but the word he gave as his name, Kasabrua, the closest translation of which was Auburn, actually referred to the very specific shade of red in the coat of a fox’s fur.  That was exactly the color his fur was, so it was fitting–it was basically the equivalent of calling him “Foxy” or “Vixen,” although Thistle knew those two words had…. connotations in English that they wouldn’t have in Pixish.
“Hi, Auburn.  It’s nice to meet you.  My friend Marcy is coming downstairs.  She’s a human.  Is that okay?”
Auburn hugged the wall, like he was afraid Thistle was going to attack him.  “Yes.  Yes, please, I’d like to meet her.”
Thistle and Auburn kept tense eye contact with each other as Moon came back down, followed by Marcy, still in her pajamas.  “Oh my gosh, hi!” she said with restrained enthusiasm.  She knelt down beside Thistle, who fluttered onto her lap.
Auburn kept his eyes on Marcy, body tense.  He was clearly terrified, but he made no motion to leave.
“He speaks Pixish,” Thistle said. 
“Hi,” Marcy said gently.  “I’m Marcy.”
“I’m Auburn.  You’re really big.”  He swallowed.  “Sorry, um… I'm not supposed to be seen, and I’ve never met a human before.  So, so it’s a little scary.”
“She is pretty big,” Thistle said.  “But she’s nice.  Do you want to tell us a little bit about yourself?
“Well, um…  I heard that all kinds of creatures live here together in peace, even predators.  So, so I’m interested in.  That.”  He flattened himself against the ground, as though to disappear.  “If that’s okay.”
“Of course that’s okay,” Marcy said.  “Where did you hear it?  Who?”
“A, um.  A tree creature told me.  A dryad.”
Marcy and Thistle looked at each other.
“Could it be the same dryad that told Jax?”  Thistle poked his head into the house.  “Jax?”
Jax crawled forward, just peeking out.  “The dryad that told me was a big tree.”
Auburn shook his head.  “The dryad that told me was a holly bush.”
Okay, they were definitely going to have to coerce Trilloras to come out and answer questions.  They’d already tried every combination of begging, coaxing, and threatening they could think of to get her to come out, yet her sapling remained totally inert.  They were starting to think that maybe she was asleep or unconscious and couldn’t hear them.
“It sounds like they’re different dryads,” Marcy said.  “But that’s okay.  We don’t have to talk about them.  Let’s talk about you.”
Auburn nodded nervously.  “Right, right.  Um.  I just want to live in peace.  So, so if this is a place where I can do that.  Then I want to stay here.  If that’s okay.”
“Sure!” Thistle said brightly, absolutely delighted.  “Sure, we’ll figure out a way you can live here.”
Auburn drew forward slightly.  “Real, really?  Um, mostly I was worried about…where I would hunt.  Um, since–if–it seems like everyone here–”
“We can figure that out,” Thistle said.  “We have a trick.”
“Can we talk about it in the morning?” Moon said.  “I’m not ready to be awake yet.”
“Right!” Auburn squeaked.  “Sorry, sorry for interrupting.  Um, you can, you can go back to sleep.”
Marcy looked from Auburn to Thistle, then sat on the couch.  “I’ll stay down here.”
“Okay,” Auburn said bashfully.  “Sorry.”
“It’s okay.  It’s just to watch things.  You’re probably not tired because it’s night, huh?”
“I’m… tired.  I could sleep.”  He sounded dejected.
“Okay.  Um.  How do you sleep?”
“On the ceiling.”  He looked morosely up at the ceiling.  “But there aren’t any footholds.”
Marcy tapped her chin.  “Oh!  Hold on, I know.”  She went into the next room and retrieved Colin’s pullup bar, mounting it in the doorway.  “There, like that?”
Auburn clung to the wall with his creepy little hands, shimmying up it until he was far enough to push off and jump into the air.  His arms transformed into wings as he flapped them, and he propelled himself up to take hold of the bar.
He hooked his feet around it and hung upside-down, ensconcing himself in his wings like a blanket.  “This, this is wonderful.  Thank you.  I can stay up here?”
“Yeah,” Thistle said.  “That’s okay.”
“Thank you.”
Auburn seemed peaceful enough, but Thistle was still glad that Marcy was nearby.
Despite being too tired to function, he wasn’t sure if he would sleep much with a vampire hanging over the room.
The pixie pile did manage to get a decent amount of rest in the end.  Thistle woke up feeling recharged and energetic–ready for a day full of art.  Because that would be step one to welcome a new resident: it was his responsibility to befriend Auburn so he wouldn’t have to hunt.  Now that he’d already done it with Severa and knew it was possible, it didn’t seem so daunting.  If anything, it was exciting.
True, Auburn was scary.  He was almost as tall as Moon.  His fangs poked out of his mouth.  He clearly was a lot stronger than Thistle.  He slept overhead, hanging menacingly.  And he drank blood–probably, they hadn’t seen that yet.  He’d probably attacked and maybe even killed people.  But he was already here peacefully and seemed willing to do what they asked.  This couldn’t be harder than Severa, surely.
Auburn was still in the same place hanging from the pullup bar in the morning–true to his word, he was fast asleep and looked exhausted when everyone else was stirring.  Teddy and Colin came down, and more introductions were had.  Teddy very valiantly hid her disquiet at seeing Auburn, while Colin was concerned about rabies.  Marcy reassured them it was safe and that she would handle it, although privately she was also a little bit worried about rabies.
Thistle made the rounds to gather a group for a painting session.  Marigold, Jax, and Severa were on board without needing any cajoling.  Moon declared he was going to try it, since he was warming up to Thistle’s silly projects.  Jewel said he didn’t want to do anything involving paint, since it got all over his skin and felt bad in the water, even if it was nontoxic.  Violet couldn’t be coerced to come out even though Petunia definitely would have enjoyed it, but whatever.
“Art is a great way to bond,” Thistle said, laying out his paints.  He had Marcy lay out some canvases for them to paint.  “It’s a great activity to do together, and you can talk while you do it.  This will be a great way to get to know each other.”
“I admit I thought it quite useless at first,” Severa admitted.  “But I am starting to enjoy it more.”
“It’s growing on me, too,” Moon said.
Auburn knelt next to the paints, touching one of the tubes.  “Great!  Um, so, what, what do I do?”
“You, um…”  At this point Thistle noticed that Auburn’s hand was shaking.  “Hey, are you okay?”
Auburn drew his hand back, then gave a pained smile.  “Oh, sorry.  Um, I haven’t, um, I’m pretty hungry, that’s all.”
Thistle felt like he’d been smacked in the face.  That was why Auburn was tired enough to go to sleep last night?  He simply hadn’t eaten and therefore had no energy?  He’d been sitting there hungry enough to start trembling and didn’t say anything?
“Hey, we can’t have fun and bond on an empty stomach,” Thistle said gently.  “Come on, let’s take care of that first.”
“I don’t want to be a burden,” Auburn said quickly.  “I’m sorry.  You don’t have to worry about me.”
“We want to, though.  We wouldn’t tell you to stay here and then make you starve.”  Oh whoops, Thistle had said that and then remembered that Auburn would presumably have to drink someone’s blood.  Thistle certainly wasn’t eager to volunteer himself for that.
Fortunately, Severa spoke first.  “I will help you.  You drink blood, yes?  I have plenty of blood, and my magic is strong.”
Auburn practically wilted with relief.  “Thank you.  Thank you so much.”
Severa reached down and pried one of the scales on her abdomen back, exposing vulnerable, soft flesh.  Auburn crept near.  “It’s really okay?”
Auburn leaned over, shaking, and gently made a soft cut with his fangs, then clamped his mouth over the wound, taking small sips.
Severa put her hand on his head.  A tear leaked from his eye.
After a moment, he drew back, wiping his face.  “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.”  Severa pushed the scale back down, wincing but not complaining.
“There,” Thistle said.  “Everyone is okay and feels good.  Right?”
Severa and Auburn both nodded.
“Good.  Now let’s get painting.”
Thistle guided Auburn, Severa, Moon, Marigold, and Jax through laying out their canvas and starting to apply the paint to it.  Marcy participated too, sitting on the floor with a proportional paper.
“So,” Thistle said conversationally as they worked.  “Auburn, can you tell us a bit more about yourself?  What made you decide to seek us out?  Why did the dryad tell you to come here?  If you know.”
“Oh, um.”  Auburn had red paint all over his hands and was putting paw prints all over his canvas.  “Well, my family kicked me out of my colony.  So, so I didn’t really have anywhere else to go.”
“That’s horrible!” Jax cried.  “I can’t imagine if Thistle kicked me out!  Why would they?”
Auburn’s ears drooped, and the motions of his hands became slow and unenthusiastic.
“Jax, he might be sensitive about it,”  Thistle chided.  “You don’t have to answer if you don’t want to, Auburn.”
“No, it’s okay.”  He dipped his hands in yellow and started making yellow pawprints.  “Well, I’m, um, I’m a Worthless, so when things got tight, I was the first to go.”
The exact word he used was Struntajo, which meant roughly worthless, but he said it like it was supposed to mean something more.  Thistle had never heard anyone use it that way.
“What’s that mean?” Jax said, once again failing to understand what a sensitive topic is.
“We can talk about it later if you want,” Thistle offered, wincing.
“No, it’s okay.  I didn’t realize you’d have no way to know what that is, I guess.”  He clasped his paint-laden hands together.  “Um, when prey is plentiful, vampires will sometimes have an extra pup in their litters that’s small and weak.  If there’s enough to go around, the runt gets enough food to grow up strong.  But, but if there isn’t, then the runt is there to take the hit when they have to make sacrifices if things get worse.”
“Sacrifices?” Severa said.
Auburn shuffled his feet.  “Leave it to die, usually.”
“That’s horrible,” Severa said, utterly horrified.  “They have an extra baby on purpose for the sake of having something to sacrifice if their gamble doesn’t pay off?”
“I mean, it makes sense if you think about it.  At least, I mean.  My siblings all contributed more to the colony than I did.  So, so when resources started getting scarce, it’s better that they could cut me off rather than someone who actually helped.  You know?  As soon as I became an adult they made it clear I had to leave if I didn’t contribute more. It wasn't a surprise or anything.”
Severa clenched the paintbrush she was using so hard that it snapped in half.  “That is a horrible way to think about it.  I could never dream of even considering sending someone I’d raised from a little baby out to die just because they weren’t useful enough.”
Auburn shrunk away from the anger in her voice.  “Er, well, if there isn’t enough to go around…”
“Then you get more, or you yourself go hungry.  That’s what being a mother means, not this- this perversion where children are seen as an investment you expect returns on in the future.”
Auburn rubbed the back of his neck.  “Well, well I’m not a parent, so I guess I wouldn’t know.”
“You’re right,” Severa snipped.  “You wouldn’t know.”
“I’m sorry,” Thistle said, trying to rein the conversation back in.  “That sounds very difficult.  So that’s why you were looking for somewhere else to go?”
Auburn nodded.  “I’m bad at hunting.  I’m small, weak, not a strong flier, and not good at magic.  My family got tired of helping me, so I haven’t been back to the colony.…  I’ve been.”  Tears welled up in his eyes again.  “I’ve been just barely hanging on.  You’re the first ones who have been nice to me.”
“I’m sorry,” Marigold said.  “I’m surprised to find myself sympathizing with a predator at all, but I truly can’t imagine what I would do if my family were like that.”
Thistle was intimidated to think about Auburn being a runt, considering how very large he still was.  Thistle very bravely stood near him.  “Do you want a hug?”
Auburn nodded miserably.
Thistle wrapped his arms around Auburn’s midsection, and Auburn’s arms came around him gently.
“Ooh, you’re soft,” Thistle said into his fur.
Auburn chuckled.  “Glad there’s something good about me, at least.”
“I am not jealous,” Moon announced mechanically.  “I am also soft, and it’s fine that there are multiple soft people in the house that Thistle likes to touch.  It does not reflect on my worth as an individual.”
Thistle sighed and looked over his shoulder.  “Good job, Moon.”
Moon gave him a thumbs up.
@cloudwatchingtoday   @theepiccreatorofmagic-blog-blog  @waitisthatgt @itssmoltime 
@ratcatcher0325  @crazytinygirl @bittykimmy13  @whumpsday @theroyaleemily 
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granlance · 1 month
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Loooong time no post. Drew this way back I January but never posted it.
Since I didn't finish the Artober at all, I've been thinking about posting some drawings of Scarlet/Violet, as I've been playing those in the last months a lot. Maybe slowly warm up again to the "arctober" drawings at some point...
Won't promise anything though, animating in-betweens is currently destroying my sanity and time
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zombiebaratiddies · 1 year
One thing that really saddens me is when people belittle someone's intelligence due to continuously mispronouncing a word or saying it differently, or not understanding a reference to something because they've never heard of or encountered the material before despite it being well-known or "something everyone knows".
What's the phrase... "are you serious?" or "you're joking" or continuing the exclamation of appallment/surprise with "well you probably say [this] too or do [this] because of it" in a slightly teasing manner is something that... is very not appreciated. I wish people met someone not knowing "common knowledge" with "oh, what do you want to know about it? I can tell you what I know" instead of... ridicule or teasing belittlement of their intelligence.
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alteredphoenix · 23 days
Re:Monster... I don't know how to feel about it.
I'd say it's got me curious - but that whole first episode, outside of its basic premise of "I've been reborn with the memories of my previous life intact, gotta Get Good if I want to survive", just had me suspending my disbelief pretty much throughout. You mean to tell me the goblin leader, who's twenty years of age is considered elderly by goblin standards, has lived with what I guess is his tribe in that cave the whole time - and didn't bother to at least teach them how to sustain themselves before going out into the world? You mean to tell me they didn't do anything at all in the cave before Gobrou incarnated into their world and did it for him? How the hell did they survive up to that point? No one else in the tribe knows about the Level Up system that dictates their evolutionary status.
There's also the fact that Gobrou outright states he came from a world where ESP is a thing and that his Consumption ability was rare. Like, I get this is (what appears to be) an isekai power fantasy and he had to reincarnate from his sci-fi setting to Earn A Level in Kindness and put his Order skill to use, but that's a whole ass story being teased that we could've been told right there. I would've liked to have known more about Gobrou's previous life (even if that, too, was just him being OP).
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afternines · 1 year
#i mentioned this on twitter circle but i need to repeat myself here just cause i can#i am forever stuck in the befriending someone > getting obsessed with them > getting sick n tired of the obsession > ghosting them n ruining#our friendship cycle#like tell me why im on twitter friend 184726 and ive gone through the exact same process with each n every one of them#currently ghosting my latest friend and it makes me SO MADDSD cause i spent the last few months having brzakdowns in her dms abt how im#terrified shell get tired of me and well stop being friend and ill end uo alone again#and she kept comforting me saying that wont happen!!! shell stick with me forever!!!!! and here i am doing the ol switcheroo ghosting her#I AM AWARE that im so very in the wrong with this because she didnt do anything wrong its just like a switch in my brain clicked and i cant#even look at her username without getting nauseous n it makes me wanna kms bc i wanna dm her so bad but i physically cannot get myself to#do it#which is so stupid like. just fucking click the dm and type some words goddamn#i alr know im gonna lose her over this caus ethats how i lost everyone else too and it sucks so bad bc the problem is MEEEE yet i cant get#myself to fucking fix it#i genuinely dont know what to do#im so desperate to have good relationships with other people but every time i do i just end up sabotaging myself#and im so fucking self aware about it but i cant do anything about its like. staring at a zoo animal from behind the glass except the zoo#animal is also me and its jusr staring back at me with eyes full of anger because im also the person who got me captive behind the glass in#the first place#if that makes sense#n uhhh this is a conversation for another time but im gonna be forever craving and never getting a genuine romantic n intimate relationship#because of how i keep sabotaging shit#sev mentioned this at some point and i was like :(. like i was genuinely upset for them but just now it hit me in the same situation#like i fully understand sev im sorry it took me so long to realise#jesus fuck man. not having a normal brain really sucks
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sunderwight · 3 months
Moshang AU where Airplane transmigrates into a demon NPC from one of the fanservice clans he created, rather than into Shang Qinghua.
So basically, there was a point in time where a lot of PIDW chapters were just Luo Binghe running around propelled by political plots and rebellions from the demon kingdoms, and most of that actually just ended up being Luo Binghe collecting wives with cute animal ears and tails and various abilities that Airplane used all of once and then completely forgot about. They covered the usual bases of the sexy cat girls, sexy fox girls, sexy bunny girls, sexy bird girls with wings, etc, before moving into more, erm, niche animal hybrid demon territory.
Which is all a roundabout way of explaining Cute Hamster Boy Shang Qinghua in his faithful-to-canon clan of Hamster Demons, whose primary skills include cute squeaking noises and digging abilities.
In the process of making his braindead written-in-a-panic-at-3-am "world building" on this front actually function in a real version of the setting, there has got to be a way for the otherwise-unremarkable fanservice demon tribes to actually survive the incredibly hostile environment which Airplane otherwise described, though. Like yeah sure when you're writing a book you can just say in one breath that the demon realms are incredibly brutal and cutthroat, and then in the next that this tribe of bunny girls with no visible skills at self-defense has existed here for thousands of years, but if you actually tried to set that up in some kind of a simulation the bunny girls wouldn't last one year, let alone one thousand.
In that case of Airplane's hamster tribe, their digging skills are so supernaturally prodigious that they are able to construct massive underground fortifications in otherwise hostile terrain. But that still doesn't solve all of their problems, because they still need to acquire food, and for that they mostly do have to go up to the surface. Some of their weakness is mitigated by sheer numbers -- they have a lot of kids to offset the high mortality rate. However, to further increase the survival rates, the hamster demons also try and make contracts with some of the local liege lords or ruling clans whenever they expand into a new territory. In exchange for protection, they send some of their extraneous family members out as servants, to either cement alliances through marriage (that high fertility is helpful and was indeed the crux of Wife #whatever's acquisition in canon) or to work as diggers or even high-level architects.
As the like, twelfth son of the Hamster Demon chieftain, this is Airplane's fate. On the one hand he's highly positioned enough to get an education, and his plot knowledge helps a lot. On the other hand, he's not high enough in the hierarchy to be kept around, so it's either go work for some other clan or else risk his neck doing missions on the hostile and deadly surface. Neither seems great, but Airplane would rather try his luck as a sycophant than a warrior.
Luckily (or unluckily, depending on his mood when he thinks about it) when Airplane reaches sixteen years of age, it's around the same time that the Hamster clan's tunnels have expanded towards the Northern Desert. Airplane ends up being part of the "hiii~ pleasedon'tkillus let's be friends~" tribute to Mobei Jun's father.
Mobei Jun's father tosses him to Mobei Jun, so Airplane dutifully latches onto him in order to avoid being eaten by any of the other retainers. Airplane has been educated in various subterranean building skills and is under the impression that he's been given to MBJ in order to build him his own palace or something?
Everyone else assumes that the Hamster demon is a concubine.
Mobei Jun also thinks that's what he's been given, but he's too busy bristling in teenage offense at being given a concubine by his father to actually consider taking Airplane to bed. So when Airplane starts doing other things for him, he just sort of bemusedly lets it happen.
Gradually it becomes apparent that Airplane himself isn't interested in being a concubine. No. Clearly, this Hamster is gunning for future empress of the Northern Desert! How else would one explain all the lengths he's going to not only to win Mobei Jun's favor, but to secure his position and ensure his future rule? The system also wants Airplane to ensure the Abyss plot arc happens in the future, too, which means Airplane helps Mobei Jun win and instigate conflicts against the righteous cultivation sects too.
Obviously, Airplane wants power. Mobei Jun knows that if he gets an heir off of Airplane that will be that, the wily minx will use any children to secure his position, and MBJ is not convinced he could control himself well enough to prevent that sort of eventually. Airplane is fiendishly attractive, and he clearly knows it, and Mobei Jun is not sure if he wants to accept what increasingly seems to be the inevitable. He won't be a ladder for someone else's ambitions! But... as long as Airplane remains loyal to him, he will consider it. Even if Airplane never harbors any true affection for him, and simply considers him a means to an end. If, by the time he ascends the Hamster has not betrayed him or tried to elevate himself by flipping over this uncle's side, or seduced any of his other relatives or any of the highly-placed lords all salivating to steal MBJ's would-be empress, then Mobei Jun will grant his wish and make him the second most powerful demon in the North.
Airplane, meanwhile, just wants a snack and a nap. Maybe if he builds a secure enough fortress and amasses enough of an intelligence network and hoards a few advantages for himself, and figures out how to stop pissing off MBJ, he'll survive long enough to retire. Somehow.
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call-me-strega · 10 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #3: Of Apples and Academic Frenemies
Au where Jason and Danny are attending the same college course on mythology and classical literature and they are always getting into debates about the depictions of the characters and the historical context of stories and stuff bc the both have a different exposure to the myths. Like Jason knows literal demigods and Amazons but Danny knows Pandora and the Greek myth related ghosts plus time travel from Clockwork and the infi-map. The debates can get heated at times but the respect each others intellectual takes.
This creates a peculiar situation where everyone in the class thinks they are academic rivals who hate each other (except for the few with their shipping goggles on and sense the homoerotic tension underlying their debates) and are deeply invested in watching them interact like their own personal drama even thought at this point in time they are at best friendly acquaintances and at worst annoying classmates.
Jason rants to his family about his debate partner/rival bc he’s happy to have some who will talk to him ad-nauseam abt this stuff but also bc he wants to complain about how Danny's a “smart but annoying little twink who’s got some real audacity”. And while the batfam is happy that Jason is experiencing some normal life things like an academic frenemy they’d love to stop hearing about this guy's “smug fucking smirk” and the “annoying gleam in his eyes". They are worried that Jason will snap and beat this guy up for being too annoying. Well, except Tim who thinks Jason would rather make out with this guy than debate with him.
One day the course decides to do a big themed party/fundraiser to save up for a class trip to an excavation site of some temple ruins or something. Both of them volunteer for the organizing committee bc of the offered extra credit. This encourages the two of them to start seeing each other more and to hang out outside of their classes so the can work on event planning. Over time they actually become pretty good friends (Danny's presence filters Jason's toxic ecto and cures pit rage due to increased exposure. It was happening anyways as classmates but the close proximity sped up the process) and Jason and Danny develop mutual crushes on each other.
For the event they do, like an Olympic games style format and have people sign up in teams for events a couple of weeks beforehand. Anyone in any sort of classical/mythology related course can join and they opened the event for public spectating. They have a few traditional events like a foot race, long jump and chariot race. But the also have some silly ones like Medusa's Snakes, where they shove their faces into bowls of whipped cream and fish out gummy worms, Pandora's Amphora, where they stick there hands into a box/jar of mystery contents (grapes, slime, a live animal like rats or kittens, a bunch of glitter, soda, etc.) and whoever keeps their hand in the longest wins, and Gladiator Fights, where they try to knock each other into a foam pit with those foam and rubber jousting sticks and the such.
Neither Danny, nor Jason want to participate for fear of their physical/supernatural abilities being discovered so the both get talked into doing the emceeing and commentary for the events. They make a really good duo, snarking and bantering with each other, playing off each other's energy and providing fun commentary to the events. Everyone, including the batfam who came to spectate, is a bit baffled by how well they are getting along bc last they checked these two were rivals of a sort, mildly annoying at best and actively antagonistic at worst. However, they really seem to be enjoying themselves.
The last event of the day is a trivia contest, which they both decide to take part in and let someone else take over the emceeing. The final winning trivia question is "what trope was falsely understood as a marriage proposal or declaration of love by misinformed media, that was actually closer to a ploy of seduction and indication of sexual desire according to Greek texts" and the both ring in at the same time to say "tossing an apple to someone" and an tie for the win. They both go up on stage to receive the prize (idk a gift card or smth) and shake hands before walking away in opposite directions.
Then suddenly Danny calls out to Jason just before he leaves the stage and chucks an apple he seemingly produced out of nowhere at him. The apple has a note with the time and date of a dinner reservation on it and when Jason looks back up at Danny he see the slightly flushed boy tentatively smiling at him.
" What do ya say Jase? Will you go out with me?"
And instead of replying Jason just straight up kisses him in front of everyone. Everyone else is gobsmacked by this whole turn of events except Tim who's cackling his head off, screaming "I FUCKING KNEW IT". When the two of them break apart they grin at each other widely and Jason drags Danny of the stage presumably to go make out somewhere.
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zarnzarn · 8 months
i see all these comments talking about this after the new episode, but. i would like to state for the record that stolitz isn't. toxic.
first off, the concept of a toxic and a healthy relationship are such... vague terms. when you're online, drenched in language and tight moral boundaries, trying to put a nuanced story like helluva boss's into boxes is easy to attempt and impossible to do.
a toxic relationship is one where one or both parties is maliciously affecting the other. I'm talking fetid, nasty, rude interactions where there is more hurt than love. they're unhappy more often than not when they're with their partner, there's no respect or give from the other side.
stolitz is nothing like that.
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Stolas actively cares about Blitz and actually has no fear or hesitation in ADMITTING IT OUT LOUD TO OZZIE. he has been calling, texting, commenting, laughing and finding ways to spend time with Blitz. he's throwing everything he has to the wind, finding the courage to move forward with the divorce, putting everything he has into trying to keep him. he's been alone in a palace since he was born, on medication, with such less people dear to him that he remembered the circus boy who spent a day with him DECADES ago- so when blitz comes into his life and brings back in laughter and color and sex, he's holding on with everything he's got.
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and blitz does care!!! he cares a LOT, the whole series we see him falling in love with stolas through SHOW NOT TELL (his expressions, his choices, his fear, his lashing out) and utterly unable to process that stolas cares about him too when talking to fizz; almost a desperate kind of denial-
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cause yknow. the first time he tried to confess something to someone he really liked, he accidentally killed half the people he knew and ruined the lives of the rest?
thats gonna leave just a teensy impact on the will to express your emotions in the future, methinks.
even before that, he clearly felt like on some level that he was unworthy and he's said twice that he despises himself for the accident even though it wasn't actually his fault. being self aware doesn't stop the emotions from emotioning.
he keeps insisting its only sex so urgently to anyone who doesn't ask because he can't even imagine it being anything else. he's both disappointed and relieved when he repeats that stolas sees him as a novelty, because what else can it be?
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(there's a whole other spiel of how brave both Stolas and Blitz have to be to say it out loud even when asmodeus can't afford to, considering how publically and completely beaten down both were at the club.)
(there's also another whole spiel about how frustrating it has been for ME to see all these comments over time with such bad takes based on like,, 20 min worth of info of a show that takes months to release an ep. like godDAMN have some patience?? let the story UNFOLD MAYBE? IT WAS ALWAYS GOING TO HAVE AN EXPLANATION WHY WOULD YOU CRITICIZE THINGS THAT ARENT EVEN FINISHED ESPECIALLY AN INDIE ANIMATION- i digress)
mind you, this has NOTHING to do with abuse. an abusive relationship is one where one is actively harming the other with full awareness. Stella is an abuser and their marriage is abusive.
and stolitz isn't that; it isn't even unhealthy or toxic. it's a consensual, transactional fuckbuddy relationship that slid into something more for both of them.
but!!!!! one of the main reasons for the problems that everyone looks over is-
they're in a BDSM relationship.
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I can't possibly delve into dynamics without making this a 10k research paper BUT even though we've gotten only hints and costumes and dialogue- they're very clearly and undeniably in a BDSM contract. Behind the scenes of this crazy show is a whole different story, of these two delving into the most hardcore kinks out there- knifeplay, painplay, bondage.
if you've gotten into the community, if you've read a couple dozen particularly good fics by authors who know what they're talking about, hell; even if your only experience is fifty shades or 365 or whatever- you gotta know that BDSM scenes are crazy fucking emotionally heavy. there's so much that has gone down between them during their full moons that helluva can't get into!!
but you know how in so many of these popular medias and fics, the dom in the relationship is also like,, the billionaire/mafia heir/prince, etc, the one with financial and physical power? this isnt that. it has been very clearly stated that stolas is subbing, blitz is domming.
now take a moment and think about how much that fucks up the dynamics.
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in stolas' eyes, blitz is a confident, dangerous individual who's an old friend and cherished memory of his, who he's trusted wholly with his safety during sex and he's lucky to have; and he has been in an abusive arranged marriage for the past eighteen Years, he's probably not going to be pushing his luck with his dom that much in the first place. plus, blitz is never cowed by him during their conversations- think back to the first phone call right after he stole the book, completely unafraid.
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and for blitz, it's someone trusting him again- but it's also a royal- a blue blood who's nearly untouchable and so much more powerful- who couldn't possibly like a piece of shit like him, apart from the sex he gets out of it. he only flirts once he gets some sort of cue from Stolas; he's desperately trying to view this as only a Goetia trying to get his rocks off, despite all the evidence to the contrary, because anything else is unfathomable to him, no matter how clearly Stolas shows it, because of the ptsd.
both of them thinks the other has the power. both of them aren't expecting the other to keep shut if something's bothering them.
and there's so much conflicting messages from the other too!
stolas calls him a plaything when trying to intimidate the humans; stolas cups his face gently and asks if he's alright
blitz asks him on a date and tells him to get better soon; blitz yells that it's only sex and doesn't reply to his messages
ya see?
bring it to fizzozzie for a second now; even though they do look all good on surface, you can still see fizz's trauma and doubt in all their interactions, they're still forced to keep the relationship secret. do you see his face when Ozzie says in hyperbole that he's never leaving the house again, or when someone accuses him of being a pampered house pet or when he got sexualized in the 7th ep? whatever happened in the interim between the accident with mammon, it fucked him UP. even though oz seems to be well aware of this when he tells him not to apologise and in their general interactions, fizz still visibly has trouble separating plaything/commodity from healthy relationship.
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shout the fuck out to Ozzie btw, man knows whats UP. rooting for these two so much omg.
i forgot where I was going with this point, I'll edit it when i remember. but yeah! lovely fucking relationship, but damn what angst filled issues.
anyway, to sum up- stolitz is not a toxic relationship. the relationship is stuck sludging through misunderstandings and careless microaggressions and trauma responses, but it's not unhealthy or toxic because of the simple reason that most of the current hurt comes from... a misunderstanding. stolas didn't realise blitz would need reassurance about what they were and blitz didn't see stolas as someone who could get hurt.
unecessarily calling it toxic, even online, is more impactful than people think too. almost all spindlehorse ARE on all social medias; so MANY YouTube animators i know have found jobs there; they see your words, especially since a lot don't tag posts with "anti hb" correctly to keep them out of the main tag. there are Very few queer medias made BY queer people that haven't gone through heavy corporate revisions- helluva boss is practically a historical landmark in its success. it's very very very fucking easy to forget that not ten years ago some of the only queer videos on YouTube were butter lover (one kiss at the end post credits), dirty paws and welcome to hell (subtext).
the amount of "critical talk" helluva boss gets for what it is is very unprecedented. it's a beautiful show. can't wait for the next episode.
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beeapocalypse · 2 years
poduks like. thules greatest of loves concentrated down into physical form bc it could not be handled in such extremity and then he got repurposed 4 killing a daughter who had gone astray (the grand lord) (w the intent of poduk acting as a vessel so that some fraction of thule could manifest upon the physical plane WITHOUT evaporating bc of the incredibly corrosive air. theres more there w how thule is not one single entity in the lost lands but a fusion of the consciousnesses of great masses of angels+gods so theres a Great Sacrifice to be made which is basically an angel giving their life 4 the arch-beings consciousness 2 manifest Outside of that sort of condition) while also his dearest friend is another angel who fucked off from thules respite in search of More than just that glaze eyed day to day and his entire Existence is designed specifically to be endearing and hes got no goddamn idea about any of that but also. hes a cute dogthing <3
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i-love-ptv · 2 months
He Loves My Heart-Shaped Sunglasses
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Felix Catton x Fem! Reader
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You and Felix spend Valentine’s Day together. <3
Smut (lowk filthy) + Fluff
Wc: 2,550
An: Wanted to post this before v day, but i got sidetracked, thankfully pushed it out before the day ended :3
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February 14th.
The day of love.
The day to show your special someone how much you care for them.
The day that’ll bring out the joy and excitement out of most, but will also bring out the bitter feelings of some.
Felix has never really favored Valentine’s day. He may be a soft romantic now; a year into your relationship, but before, he was used to hookups that led to his lonesome morning after. Hence why it was so hard for him to ask you out last year on this very day.
He spent hours in different shops; trying to find the perfect gifts for you. Obviously, this process would’ve gone by quicker if Venetia didn’t get distracted by the hundreds of soft stuffed animals every few minutes, and if Farleigh had even went.
“Please Farleigh! Surely you can help me! You know more about these things than I do!”
“No can do lover boy, besides, you have Vee going with you.” Farleigh had said with an amused smirk.
After a little more of groveling and begging on Felix’s end, Farleigh still didn’t budge. The fact that Felix had said that he wanted to “woo” you, hadn’t helped his case either.
The beaming lights of the shops reflecting off of the bright pinks and reds had Felix’s head starting to ache.
He had settled on getting you a bouquet of red roses, a basket of your favorite snacks, and some other little goodies.
That day when you saw one singular rose on your desk in your english class, the last person you expected to be nervously glancing in your direction was Felix.
After a long, panic-filled conversation with the blubbering boy, you two had finally become official, and Felix swears to this day, that it was the best day of his entire life.
Now, Felix has gotten a bit better at buying gifts for you. He knows you like the back of his tattooed hand. But he can’t help but feel nervous to see you this morning. After all, you only have one, one year anniversary with your love.
Felix observed as the other students of Oxford were handing out gifts to their significant others. Felix couldn’t help but think about how his presents for you were far more superior to everyone else’s.
He had been so distracted, that he hadn’t noticed you walking up.
You tapped on his shoulder and he had nearly leaped out of his skin.
He quickly realizes who is in front of him, and grips you up like you were light as a feather.
“Angel! Oh my goodness you startled me! Happy anniversary sweet girl!” Felix says grinning, like he was looking at the brightest star in the galaxy.
“Happy anniversary my love,” you return through your giggles.
“Here! Here! Open the gifts I bought for you honey!” Felix rushes out as he’s pushing the bags into your hands.
You jokingly chide him for nearly knocking your things out of your hands, but quickly start digging through one of the bags.
He had given you one of his sweaters, a pair of heels you had been eyeing in town, a few other items, and most importantly, a beautiful ring covered in diamonds.
“S’not an engagement ring, not yet anyways, but a promise ring, because I promise to love you always and forever. Tha’s a bit too cheesy, isn’t it? Sorry, I had this whole thing I was going to say but-“
You cut his rambling off with a deep kiss to his rosy lips.
“Thank you Felix, I love it with my whole heart, baby.”You say while pulling away breathlessly.
Felix’s face started to hurt from the constant smiling, but the thought of that flew out the window as he remembered that you had gotten him something.
Felix had practically ripped through the big box you gave him; feeling like he was about to burst at the seems. You smile softly, imagining him with a wagging tail and perked up puppy ears.
You had bought a few articles of clothing, more cologne, a new book that he said he had been interested in reading, and of course, a stunning bracelet, that matched the exact same on dangling on your wrist.
After many more kisses, hugs, and sugary sweet words exchanged between the two of you, you both head to class.
Felix was counting down the minutes until he could see your dazzling face in front of him again. His class felt as if it had been going on for hours, and the fact that he couldn’t focus on his lesson for even a few minutes while thinking about you, wasn’t helping. His mind was drifting to what he had planned for the two of you later tonight.
You, on the other hand, were on the same boat as Felix.
All that consumed your mind was Felix; you’re sweet, dashing Felix.
You’re suddenly snapped out of your thoughts by your professor, who had agitatedly started lecturing you on the importance of focusing on class.
And finally, after multiple grueling hours, and a heated make-out session in a storage closet, classes for today were over.
Felix suggested that you two go into town, and go on a date to the cafe you both loved. At this point, it was your guys’ cafe; your designated spot, where you both can run away from the world and just enjoy one another.
After spending hours, which seemed like minutes, in the cafe, and throughout town, the two of you settle on going back to your dorm.
Normally, the two of you just go to Felix’s dorm, but his was still somewhat airing out from the smoke session you two had the night prior.
Although, the idea of you two walking through town sounded romantic at the time, you hadn’t thought into how long you two would be walking.
“‘Lex?” You call out softly. Felix immediately turns to you.
“Can you carry me? M’feet hurt honey.” You say with a slight pout, to get your point across.
Felix, of course, being the amazing boyfriend he is, quickly picks you up, bridal-style and carries you back.
You ask him multiple times if he was alright carrying you for so long, but after his reassurance and light nip to your nose, your worries are put to rest.
The two of you eventually settle on your bed, and you curl against Felix’s warm body.
“Wait, darling, I forgot a few things at my dorm,” Felix rushes out.
“Mmm, no ‘Lex, stay with me”
“It’ll only be a minute angel, I promise.”
Felix nearly doesn’t have the heart to pull you off of him, but he can’t afford to keep you from your final gift for much longer.
He leaves with a quick kiss to your forehead and nose, and goes to retrieve the items from his dorm.
He comes back and spots you sitting up on the bed with what he thinks is nothing, but his shirt on, and strawberries. You had also opted for a can of whipped cream, instead of melted chocolate, because after last time, you didn’t want to endure the process of the chocolate staining your white sheets, and hardening as you two tried to use it.
“Wha’s this baby?” Felix says with a smirk as he inches towards you.
You feel his warm, hand on your calf as he reaches you.
“What? Did you really think we were going to go without some fun on our anniversary baby?” You say while looking up at him with longing.
“Unwrap your gift, Felix.”
The brunette boy wastes no time in stripping you from his your shirt.
There, he sees, the lacy brown lingerie covering your body; the brown being almost, if not fully, identical to the color of his dark brown irises.
Felix kisses your neck, leaving no area of skin unmarked with purple bruises.
“Mm, wait” He says as he leaves behind a slight strain on saliva on your flesh.
“Oh my god Felix, seriously?” You say with slight annoyance.
“Relax. I have something for you.” Felix chides.
Felix pulls out a box, containing a necklace; with his initials on it.
“D’you like it baby? I think it’ll be perfect, tha’way none of those other boys could even think they could have a chance with you.”
“Why boys, Felix?” You ask slyly, trying to push his buttons a bit.
“I say boys because, my angel..They could never fuck you like I do…Like a man.” He says lowly, showcasing the bass in his silky smooth voice.
You let out a whine at this; loving when he gets possessive over you, “put it on me Felix, claim me.” You purr.
He moves your hair out of his way, and puts the necklace around your neck, subtly grinding his hard, pulsing cock against the little fabric you had covering your cunt.
You let out a sigh, as Felix moans lowly in your love-bitten ear.
He then grabs a strawberry and stuffs it gently between your lips, making you bite down on it.
The juices trickle down your chin as he moves the fruit around inside of your mouth. He licks a stripe up from your throat to right below your lips.
He goes back and leaves a bite on your throat, making you tilt you head back with a sharp moan, giving him more access.
Felix kisses you roughly as he grabs the whipped cream. He squirts a line of the sweet cream onto your navel; watching it slowly glide down to your soaked core.
“God…’Lex don’t tease me,” you whimper meekly.
“But y’taste s’sweet, lovie.” Felix says, letting out a giggle that makes your pussy clench.
“Oh look at you, m’dirty little thing. Clenchin’ around nothin’,” Felix says smugly as he kisses down your warm body.
Abruptly, Felix dips down and licks a stripe up your achy cunt.
“Fuck ‘Lex!”
Felix grins at your shriek, as he presses sloppy kisses to your clit.
“…I thought I told you to stop teasing me baby,” you say, pushing his head down onto your cunt, prompting him to start licking and sucking where you want him to.
Your back arches off the bed as you squeal in ecstasy. You grab Felix’s hair with both hands roughly; he moans at this, which sends shockwaves through your body.
Felix fucks you with his tongue for what feels like hours, sticking his tongue in and out of your pulsing hole.
Felix feels your thighs trembling, making it clear that you’re close to reaching your climax.
Felix removes his mouth with a slick pop and a charming smile, making you cry out.
“Wait! Wait no. ‘Lex, why’d you stop? Baby. Baby please I need it. Put it back please-“
“Shhh, angel. M’gonna give you somethin’ better. Gonna give you this cock. Tha’s what you wanted, right?” Felix says pressing his lips to yours, again, and again.
Felix continues kissing you as he pulls down his pants and boxers, pulling out his stiff dick.
He rubs the tip against your folds, watching his precum drip against your wetness.
“Mmm, y’ready f’me sweetheart?”
“Please, please, please ‘Lex. I’ll be so good! So so good, I promise! Please give it to me! I need it!” You shout eagerly.
“God, you make me feel whole,” Felix says as he slowly pushes his cock into your heat.
“Thank you ‘Lex! Thank you! Oh fuck!”
Felix almost immediately starts thrusting in and out of you roughly, opening your legs wider as he plants his feet.
“Fuck babe! I swear y’made f’me. I thank any ‘n every god tha’ led us to each other, honey.” Felix says with a delicious groan.
“Shit! God that’s it baby. Don’t stop!” You say, reaching down to start toying with your clit.
Felix nips at your fingers; having noticed your dainty fingers rubbing circles. Silently ordering you to quit it.
You wrap your legs around his meaty torso tightly as he flicks at your puffy pussy.
“Oh! O’fuck! Right there! Mhm!” Felix feels as if he’s consuming your moans, picking up his already brutal pace to absolutely abuse your cunt. His main goal being to make you squirm in ways only he can.
“Uh huh? Yeah y’like that angel? Feels- oh f-fuck. Feels good doesn’it?”
Felix lets out more deep groans, with the occasional whine.
“‘Lex. ‘Lex, baby. M’cumming.” You rush out breathlessly.
“M’right there with y’baby, m’right here. Just, fuck, wait a second..Wanna come together, beautiful.” Felix says panting.
The only noises to be heard in the somewhat small dorm are the moans and gasps of two passionate lovers, and the squeaks and banging from the plush bed.
In any other scenario, you’d be pressing your hand around your mouth, stressing to Felix about the importance of staying quiet; not wanting to get more noise complaints. But right now, you could barely even think about where you are; focusing only on the circles being rubbed on your glistening cunt, and the feeling of Felix’s warm, almost candle-lit hot limbs touching yours.
Felix’s pace begins to falter, growing sloppier and sloppier with every thrust, showing signs of Felix nearing his blissful end.
“Yes! Fuck yes! Come f’me angel, please! Give it t’me! C’mon, y’know y’can, here hold m’hand.” Felix says, reaching his clammy hand to your already sweaty one.
“F-fuck! ‘Lex!”
In the span of seconds, the two of you are coming undone together, gripping each other’s hand so tightly.
You feel your climax shake through your entire body, making you jerk against Felix’s hold, as he tries to keep himself together.
Felix collapses softly next to you with a soft “holy shit,” making sure not to startle you in your hazy state.
He brushes the hair from your moist skin and peppers feather-like kisses onto your face, collarbone, and scalp; helping you calm down from your high.
You look at him bleary eyed, taking account of his wobbly smiles as he tries to catch his breath.
‘Does he ever stop smiling?’ You think to yourself.
“Hi honey,” Felix whispers.
“Hi baby,” you whisper back with a giggle.
“Y’so gorgeous, y’know that, angel?” He says, after softly pulling out and snuggling closer to you with a blanket.
“So i’ve been told,” you say, blinking sleepily.
“Wait, sweetheart. Y’can’t sleep yet! I gotta clean you up!” Felix says in a hurry, jumping out from underneath the blanket. He quickly walks over to his desk, which has a pack of wipes on it, and he finds a towel on his dresser.
You fight sleep, as Felix softly wipes you, making sure not to put too much pressure on your already sore cunt.
He sits you up a bit, putting on of his cozy sweatshirts on your frame and gently lays you back down.
He quickly puts a pair of boxers on once he hears your soft whines, begging for him to cuddle you.
He lays down and drapes your body on top of his.
The last thing you feel before drifting off is a sweet kiss being pressed onto your forehead.
“Happy Valentine’s Day lovie..and most importantly, happy one year anniversary.”
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feedback always appreciated bb <3
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beelmons · 1 year
44. “I saw you naked once.  And now I can’t stop thinking about it.”
45. “How are you so oblivious?  I’m trying to tell you I’m fucking horny!” with spencer also he would literally memorize your body
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Mini skirts. Tight shirts. Clevage. Accidental falls on his lap. Caresses on the thigh. You had used every move on your book, albeit questionably outdated, to get his attention, and that wasn't even through out the week, it was just this morning.
You couldn't get Spencer Reid to look at you, let alone sleep with you. Regardless of how badly you wanted that. One would think with his ability to read body language he would have already noticed that you were practically oozing pheromones in his direction, like an animal in heat, and yet he continued to drift his sight whenever you bent over to obnoxiously pick up the eleventh pen you had dropped since you got to the office. Everyone else enjoyed the show, everyone but the one person it was directed to.
Needless to say, your mood took a hit. Scratch that, you were straight up sad. You had heard chatter from Penelope and JJ that he liked you, and you decided to go for it only to find out, allegedly, that he didn't have the least interest in you.
You mopped around the rest of the day, and you had changed into more comfortable clothes you carried on your go-bag; what was the point on looking hot if he wasn't even gonna notice? Time flew by and night fell, everyone went home on time, thank god, but you chose to stay behind. The only thing worse than being horny for your uninterested coworker was sitting at home alone masturbating to the thought of him.
"You're not leaving?" his voice startled you a bit, forcing you to look up from the file you were working on.
"No." you answered dryly, uncharacteristic of you "Got a lot of stuff to do."
He stood there with his usual awkward demeanor, the same one you found utterly adorable and annoyingly attractive. His hands fiddled with the strap of his bag, deciding whether to simply let you be or intervene in your clearly bad mood.
"Are you okay?" he asked doubtfully.
"You know what? I'm not." you, somehow, gathered the courage to say, you stood up from your desk and closed the folder annoyedly, your lower body rested against the edge of the surface, your arms folded over your chest "Do you even like me?" you asked.
"What? Of course I like you!" he blurted out desperately, dropping his bag to his side to hurriedly stand in front of you "I consdier us to be very good friends."
"That's not— " you had to stop yourself, there was no point in threading lightly around Spencer, you knew that "I have been trying to get your attention the entire day, and you won't even spare me a glance."
"I can't look at you while we're working! I immediately get—" he also had to force his voice to stop and lower, clearing his throat in the process, it was late but not that late, people could still be around. He took a deep breath in, trying his best not to perish out of embarrassment at his confession "One time, Hotch asked me to go get you for a briefing. You were in the locker rooms, it was an accident, I swear, I didn't expect to see you naked, but I did." his face had tinted a lovely red, and his hands were having a hard time keeping still "I can't stop thinking about it. If I as much as look at you, I will get excited."
You swallowed an anticipated knot in your throat, and a pulsating sensation took over your lower body.
"I'm pretty sure there's a way I could help you with that." you extended your arms to have them laying on his shoulders, promptly wrapping them around his neck.
"There is, actually, you could start buttoning your shirts properly." he said, and you had to roll your eyes.
Instead of saying something else, you tugged him forward to let your lips land on the side of his jawline. He lost his balance for a second, having to press his palm against the desk for support. Soft moans were coming out from his lips at the licks and gentle sucks you would take on his skin trailing down his neck.
"How oblivious can you be?" you muttered against his skin before moving to his mouth, your teeth dragging his bottom in a playful nibble "I'm trying to tell you that I'm fucking horny."
Your words barely had left your mouth before he was attacking it with his own. His hips pressed forward and you could feel the harded bulge rub against your thighs.
It was the rustling of his belt being pulled open what let you know you had finally cracked Spencer Reid, and you were in for a good night of being rewarded for that.
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misstycloud · 11 months
Bear hybrid
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Synopsis: you were on your way to work, when suddenly a bear-hybrid sees you. The look in his eyes says everything you need to know. Not wanting to spend the rest of your life as someone’s possession, you bolt. Too bad he won’t let you get away a second time.
Ugh, another long day ahead of me.
You thought tiredly. The long shifts at the diner you worked at really took its toll on you. If you could, you’d quit. But free time wasn’t worth getting starved.
You sighed and stared down at the gum stuck on a trash can. There was a hint of pale pink on it, signaling the colour it was.
Gum sticking to practically every surface in the subway station wasn’t the only defects. There were plastic cups, cigarettes, paper towels and a lot more unidentified items scattered freely.
Frankly, it was disgusting. If the government spent less on hybrid establishment improvement and more on the condition of public spaces, the maybe it wouldn’t look like shit everywhere.
You felt like a shitty person for thinking such things, hybrids have endured thousands of things in the past and now with modern development, they can finally lead satisfactory lives.
However, the government have begun to focus all their attention to the welfare of hybrids and neglecting humans in the process. It wasn’t their fault, you knew that. Still, one couldn’t help what they felt.
It’s not like you disliked hybrids, yet you did not love them either. You were neutral in that department. There were still humans with the old views, but they weren’t as many anymore or they simply didn’t run around telling people since it wouldn’t be very well received. The biggest problem and maybe the only problem you had with hybrids were their mating culture.
Clearly, no one in the relationship had a choice(not that they complained) and suddenly you’re supposed to be together until you die.
And now that they’re allowed to mate with humans legally, there is little that can stop them from forcing their human partner from submitting to their will; living and accept them as a lifelong partner.
It was wrong to force someone into a relationship they clearly express they didn’t want, unfortunately the animal-hybrids did not care for unwanted courting and do what they want anyway.
You shuddered at the thought of being mates to one of those creatures. It must be hell. Especially if you already have a partner previous to meeting them.
The train arrived and you made an annoyed face at how crowded it was. What felt like hundreds of people were squeezed into one cart, rubbing against each other and breathing as one being, making it incredibly warm inside.
You grabbed a pole with your right hand, trying to steady yourself and also liking to have something solid ground you. You’ve seen way to many consequences of people not holding on to anything while standing.
It was uncomfortable. Arms and elbows poked you from all sides, and two teenagers were talking way beyond the proper volume in such a cramped space. You couldn’t wait to get off.
Suddenly, commotion stole your attention elsewhere. Sounds of irritated folk earned everyone’s stares. You heard men and women alike, complaining about movement and pushing.
“Hey, stop pushing me!”
“Don’t look at me, it’s someone else!”
“Alright, who is then?”
Angry remarks were thrown. Not that you could blame them. The uncomfortable ride paired with lack of oxygen were not suited for enjoyable time.
An apologetic voice exclaimed, “Sorry! I need to get through, it’s important. Sorry, didn’t mean to step on your toes!”
Eyes widening and mouth nearly falling wide open, you turn to see the biggest man you’ve ever seen! His form was easily towering above all others, making you think that he was part of the reason why the train cart was so crowded.
The ginormous man had dark brown hair reaching his broad shoulders, the locks were messy and thick, slightly falling in front of his eyes.
What stood out the most however wasn’t his unnatural size. It was the pair of two brown, rounded ears atop his head.
It instantly hit you. The inhuman height was because he wasn’t human at all. He was a hybrid. A bear one at that! One of the most dangerous hybrids there is. While they might not attack unless provoked or caught off guard, meeting one is definitely something most would avoid.
Your heart nearly beat out of your chest when the bear-man’s eyes connected with yours. They were an odd amber colour, you noticed.
Fuck! You shouldn’t have looked his way.
And like the dumbass wannabe-dead, something in your brain forces your gaze back up and you freeze. The look on his face when he sees you. The look. It was the look.
Oh no. Oh no no no no no.
This could not be happening. It was obvious what was happening. You’d heard about it. On TV. From friends. Seen it in real life. There was no way you could be someone’s mate. Not when you’d spent so many nights praying it wasn’t your fate, since you didn’t want to end up like those humans you’ve heard about.
Well now you knew why he was causing a disturbance on the train. It was to get to you. A hybrid can easily smell its mate hundreds of meters away. He must have smelt you the second you got on that train and gone searching for you.
A squeak escaped your lips as you saw him waving at you while attempting to close the distance. Of course it did not go fast because of all the people between you.
No. You refused to be chained down to some animal. You had to get out. And as if someone above heard you, you heard the train voice speak, “Station X.”
That was your station.
The hybrid seemed to have noticed someone was off, he observed your face before glancing at the approaching platform. Then it clicked in his head.
“No, wait!”
Too late. You were already bolting out the doors, listening to angry comments after you. You only had time to rush a hasted ‘sorry’ before making it on the platform. The man did not have the same luck.
“Don’t go! Please! Don’t leave! No. ”
He desperately tried to shove passed all the passengers to get to the doors, but there was no time left and the doors closed shut before he managed to reach within one meter of them. The wheels of the train were rolling the connected vehicles away.
You had no interest to stay and watch, though. You still had a job to go to and you couldn’t afford to be late, or else your boss would scold you fiercely again.
Half running and half jogging, you hurried to the diner while in deep thought. Had you lost him? Maybe, but probably not forever. As hybrid will stop at nothing to find their mate once they’ve entered their sights. Fuck. My. Life. The next station the train would stop at was a bit away, so perhaps you were lucky this time? If you were careful from now on and don’t go out as much, then you could possibly avoid being found. Also, your work place was somewhat far from the subway.
If you saved up a bit, then you could also by a scent masking spray to hide yourself further. Although it was risky to do that. Because hybrids need a fair chance of finding their mate, masking spray became forbidden after people started using it. So now the only place you can buy it is from shady markets or people who may or may not want to steal your kidneys. Besides all that, it was very costly too.
You dragged a hand through your hair and heaved a deep sigh. What were you going to do?
“Y/N stop daydreamin’ an get back ta work!” Your bosses yelled and slapped you on the back.
Massaging your shoulder you answered, “Sorry boss…”
The diner wasn’t too busy so you had no idea of why he tried to rush you. Sure, there were some customers here and there filling the tables, but you weren’t so understaffed that youd have to srint around like a maniac trying to get everyone’s orders.
Approaching a table with customers, you put on you employe smile, “Hello, what can I get for you today?”
The man looked at the menu an extra time to finalise his decision, “I’ll have the chicken pasta with sundries tomatoes and red wine, can we also order some garlic bread?”
“Yes,” you wrote down the dishes on your small notepad, “and you, ma’am?”
No answer.
But she wasn’t paying any attention to you. It was as if you didn’t even exist, looking passed you like air with wide eyes. Finding this weird you turned back to her husband. Feeling your gaze he chuckled awkwardly.
“Honey? Aren’t you going to order?” She still didn’t respond which forced her husband to see whatever she was focusing so intently on.
It was then you realised they weren’t the only ones acting unusual. In fact, everyone inside the establishment had their eyes turned in the same direction. You swing around to witness the horror.
There, in the resturant entrance stood he. His form creating the illusion of the door being as insignificant as an ant. With heavy breath and droplets of sweat collecting on his forehead, you frantically whirling around until he noticed you.
Dropping your notepad and hand clasping over your mouth, you thought fuck, so I didn’t get rid of him?
Okay, even though it was kinda delusional to believe you could shake him off, you were surpsised he found you so fast. The hybrid wiped his eye and it was then you noted the redness surrounding them, an obvious sign of crying.
He stumbled forward, “There you are, I was so worried I wouldn’t be able to find you!”
Suddenly you were the centre of attention.
“W-what….?” Backing, you feigned ignorance.
“You saw me on the train earlier, I tried to stop you getting off but you took off without warning…” he hung his head in despair.
Yeah, guess why?
“You should leave..”
“Huh? No, I can’t g-“ the hybrid rushed.
“What’s goin’ on ‘ere?” The voice of your boss interrupted. With a deep scowl he paraded into the scene and crossed his arms in a defensive stance as soon as he laid eyes in the bear-man. “W-whatddya you want?” His gruff voice sounded unusually weak. “If there’s any trouble I’ll ‘ave ta call the cops, ya got me?” He said despite appearing like a newborn deer.
A bewildered expression crossed the tall man’s face, “No I’m not here to cause anything! I’m here for someone!” He explained while waving his arms. Unfortunately it had the opposite effect, the humans in the diner cowered lightly at the gesture and he instantly stopped. “Sorry…”
Your boss cleared his throat, “Alright. Who ya ‘ere for?” He’d make that person go with the scary man to make him leave as soon as possible. Not that he’d admit it, but he never liked those hybrid people. They just seemed unreliable it all. Nothing to be trusted. With their animal intincts present and sharp teeth, he couldn’t allow them to be in his resturant. He hadn’t the curious he to blatantly kick them out but he could at least give them what they wanted to make them lose interest as fast as possible.
The bear’s gaze searched yours and your boss put two and two together. “Oi, Y/N, come ‘ere. Someone’s looking for ya!” The man pulled your collar to drag you forward, earning a small frown from the hybrid but it vanished just as quickly.
You refused to look at him, keeping your attention to the floor and praying for him to go away. A rough hand carressed your cheek and you flinched and after hestitation it pulled away.
“Won’t mate look at me..?” A saddened voice said.
A twinge of guilt started brewing in your mind but you pushed it down. “I see this is new to you-being human and all, haha.” He tried to liven up the atmosphere. “Umm…you know what this is, though? Me seeing you and then following you here must be creepy, haha- but it’s not I promise! I just want to love you. Because we’re,” he giggled, “mates!” He happily sighed. “And you know what that is, right? If you don’t it’s fine, I’ll tell you. Being mates is loving someone no matter what, be it looks or personality nothing is important. Mates take care of each other, providing for your mate and making them happy is the best feeling in the world! There doesn’t exist anything that can compare!- not that I know that personally or anything since I haven’t had a mate before but I’ve heard from all my friends who have mates. Oh, I’m so jealous of them whenever I see them together with their mates doing fun things. Though it doesn’t really matter what you’re doing as long as it’s with your ma-“
“Please stop!” You yell, several customers flinch at your tone, not that you cared anymore. Having to listen to his constant talk about being mates had brought you over your boiling point. The man silenced at your exclamation. “Sorry, but I don’t give a shit about all this mate stuff or whatever- it doesn’t mean anything to me so please leave! I’m sorry that this isn’t what you want to hear but I have no interest in being your mate, not now, not ever.” You pointed at the door. “So go.”
The hybrid was stunned and stood quiet, appearing hurt. Then your boss promptly spoke, “Y/N, you showing speak to someone like that! Especially someone who loves you so much!”
“Huh?” What the hell was he going on about? He never cared for hybrids, certainly not their feelings. You’ve heard all those thing he said about them when he thought no one was listening.
“Clark.” The hybrid said and lowered his head.
“My name- I apologise. I shouldn’t have barged in here expecting you to be chill about everything, I’m a fool. I’m just a stranger to you. The least I could do is tell you my name.” The apology sounded so sincere.
“No, it’s uh- fine..” you scratched your arm anxiously. Luckily he seems pretty nice and not someone who would just take their mate and go; it’s happened before. Perhaps you’ve got a chance?
“Oh come on Y/N! Give the poor fella a chance!”
You crash into the giant’s chest from the shove.
“He clearly loves you!
What the hell was he going on about?
Strange that the man was encouraging your reunion, you thought.
“Actually, since I’m so nice, why don’ I do ya a favour and let ya go? Someone like ya shouldn’t have to work in a place like this. This’a happy day!” Then he pointed at the beak room, “Get ya stuff and celebrate.”
“Excuse me-wha- let me go? As in I’m fired?” Your brain tried to comprehend what just happened and words fell out in unfinished sentences. Despite yourself, you fixed your eyes at Clark.
“Don’ worry he’ll be ‘ere when ya get back!” The rough man shooed you towards the break room.
Having no choice but to comply, you do as he wishes and abandons the scene, which might’ve been the best thing really, the continued staring of the present customers was starting to make you uncomfortable.
Glaring at your locker like it was the cause of your I’ll mood, you harshly ripped your jacket off the hook and stuffed some scattered items back in your bag. You could not believe it. Fired? You? You have been nothing but a good employee at the diner, even taking all the shit from the boss and not complaining once.
Through the small window in the door, you spot the cause of your troubles thoughts walking by. Angrily you grab his arm and pull him inside the room, a surprised noise leaving him.
“What the hell, why am I being laid off? I haven’t done anything.”
He expressed a long breath. “Sorry, but I can’t ‘ave some brute hangin ‘round here ‘cause of you, customer don’t like it and I won’t sacrifice my business for someone like you. Surely you understand.”
“He won’t hang around the diner, we’re not together! Besides, it not my fault!” You pleaded with him. You needed this job. Without it you’d definitely die in the end.
“Well, we both know he won’t leave so don’ make this any harder than it already is.” He said before leaving to do whatever shit he did instead of being a good manager.
Bullshit. It wasn’t hard at all. In fact, you bet he loved an recuse to get rid of you. He never liked you from the very beginning.
With despair, you left through the back door and as you listened to it close, you did not react to the loud bam of the heavy metal slam. Recalling at how you flinched the first time you went out the back, you clench your fist. How’re you gonna make it now? You doubted you had much savings in the bank.
Making your way to the station, blew passed you that there was still a bear waiting for you so he could properly introduce himself. He was in his own mind so much that he didn’t realise you’d already left until it was too late.
Good that he was born with a great sense of smell. How stupid of him not to consider your perspective in the beginning! Not to worry, he’ll make sure he doesn’t scare you off the next time. His species didn’t have the best reputation so he understood why you acted the way you did; it still hurt though.
The next time he’d just need to show you he wasn’t dangerous at all.
Sorry the ending sucked and was rushed. I wasn’t really sure how I wanted to end it so it turned into this.
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followerofmercy · 13 days
I think Freminet has some of the most interesting dissonance in his self perception of any Genshin character.
Like, of the Hearthlings we know, he's one of the most emotionally mature and intelligent. Lynette might still have him beat, but after playing her hangout... I dunno. I think they're tied. Lyney is Crumbling, Alrecchino is. Well. Arlecchino. Everyone else is a deeply traumatized child or adult and Freminet seems to pretty regularly be people's emotional support. His character stories talk about getting his vision by saving a bunch of other kids on a dive that went bad. The Selkie event literally had him being a therapist for a grownass woman, citing his past experiences with all the other Hearthlings that have died or killed themselves. And he handled that situation WELL. Yeah, he seems to live in a fantasy, but goddamn he's alive and a lot of people in his position aren't so clearly something is working.
Either his or Lyney's character story talks about the time Freminet had reached out to Lyney to try to ease his burdens, which resulted in Lyney blowing up at him. That probably contributed to Freminet thinking he's not good at it, but I think the reason Lyney reacted so badly was BECAUSE Freminet is actually a good support. He can't allow himself that from the little brother he's supposed to protect.
Freminet seems to both cry and dissociate often, but like... Kiddo you are in fact the only person in this family actually processing your emotions. Lynette dissociates 24/7. Arlecchino. Lyney lies and tells everyone he's fine and would literally rather die than admit otherwise. In comparison, Freminet is doing FANTASTIC
Freminet also gets a lot out of helping people! Like anyone, he needs to feel useful and needed. He seems to be an excellent mentor to the younger Hearthlings and perfectly competent on his own, but when you put him in a room with Lyney and Lynette who baby him and insist that THEY take care of HIM, he withdraws into himself.
Like, Freminet by himself feels like a young man and Freminet with the magician twins feels like a teenager. I have no idea how old he actually is. Logically, he would be OLDER than them! He's been with the House much, much longer and his experience shows. I think it's fascinating that they love him SO MUCH and yet, they just Cannot let him help them. Which is hurting him.
(Lynette is much better about not babying him and that is probably why their relationship is so much better than Freminet and Lyney's. Also why she keeps having to mediate between them. Because Lyney charges off trying to Fix Everything and that just makes Freminet feel useless and he doesn't want to get in the way and- you get the point)
Idk. It's hard to tell what things the previous director said to him vs what Arlecchino has said to him. I'm inclined to think our Arlecchino was the one that said he cries too much, but in a "crying in front of your enemies will get you killed" way and she herself is too fucked up to realize how "you cry too much" could be damaging.
Also I try not to consider gameplay stuff when it comes to story, but Freminet also has some of the most BRUTAL animations. He SMASHES HIS EMOTIONAL SUPPORT METAL PENGUIN INTO HIS ENEMY'S FACE. He doesn't think he's the most amazing fighter, and by Fatui standards he probably isn't, but he is winning fights against most grown men.
Tldr Freminet thinks he cries too much and is a burden and isn't good at helping people when he's actually the most mentally stable Hearthling send tweet
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fablepaint · 6 months
I don’t know if I’m allowed to ask anything here, but I wanted to know something. How is it like being a director of an animation? What’s your ideology when it comes to directing?
Messages anytime all the time
body exhausted, enforces its own breaks
hard to go out, ever
*smashed body part* thatll heal up finnnne. i dont have time for doctor!
ohgoddontfuckitup dontbeTHATguy ohfuckohshit
i love my partner i cant believe he puts up with this
hug every pet. theyre my emotional sponges.
manic creative spurts followed by sheepish anxiety.
hurry up and wait, times a thousand.
hope you like data sheets!
And thats when it's running smoothly!
otherwise my approach is to try and reflect the best examples of leadership and guidance IRL ive experienced. Mostly, from quality college professors Ive known. Tom Sito in particular exemplified a lot of what i strive to be. He was also formerly guild president and i think teaching your crew to view themselves as a collective that supports each other is vital to ensuring not just that they work together well, but also should anyone try to take advantage of them, they'll curbstomp them. I want them to be capable even in my absence, beyond the project, and able to run their own projects competently in the future.
i should be the one who guides and educates people into giving what's needed for the shot. Pain and blood are unwanted elements in that recipe. Theyre distractions and energysappers, red flags of a problem not a badge of honor.
Ideally, i barely have to do more than gently steer the work. And if ive communicated what im looking for effectively, theyre all plenty good at doing the work without me hovering over them.
if the work needs more guidance than that, then i roll up my sleeves and dive in as well. And figure out what the problem was, log it, and let that educate everyone else too (good documentation is essential).
i try to exhaust every option i have before blaming the person working on it for all the issues. Sometimes that is the problem, but even then i need to approach it neutrally and ask what human solution is required then. Do they need a break? was this not the right shot for them? is their way of processing the communication different than i expected? is there a translation problem?
in which case give people space to figure out some of that without judgement. Sometimes that means leaving for a bit, or permanently. But dont chase them. Just let them have their own life.
The only things i cant abide by are lack of communication that results in putting stress on the rest of the team. Consistent lying about availability and ball dropping despite constant outreach means someone has to pick up the slack without enough time or energy stocked up to take on the extra work. Anything that ends up exacerbating stress makes me upset.
But even then, it's still my job to spot the signs of this and make necessary adjustments before it becomes a problem. Including identifying where I made a miscalculation in hiring.
The buck always ALWAYS stops with me. I have the power to adjust the system to make it better, which means i gotta have a good grasp on that system.
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d6volution · 5 months
okay so like, what about a reader that also goes into heat? And as soon as Jax finds out (while he himself is also in heat) he just breaks into readers room while reader happens to be humping a pillow and just fucks them raw then and there. (Breeding kink maybe?-)
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decided to put these two asks together since they were similar, 🤭
tags: heat cycles, breeding kink, overstim, manhandling, tail pulling, cursing, crying, rough sex. kinda mean jax. (fem reader)
Usually Jax was more or less good at hiding his heat. After all there was no way in hell he planned on letting anyone get the jump on him about this. It'd probably become the main topic of conversation among the circus, seeing as everyone has nothing else to do here.
The only downside was he'd be bored completely out of his mind being stuck in his room. It was a better alternative to pouncing any living creature that walked and trying to fuck it raw though. So he'd have to deal with the boredom for the time being.
Days went by, and Jax spent his time rutting into his fist and hand to take the edge off. But it never satisfied him. It was honestly humiliating how many times he jacked off in one day just to feel a piece of normalcy. So not only did he have to deal with being trapped here, but every once in a while, he had to go through this torment. With no one to relieve him, but.. well him.
It did occur to him that maybe others may have had this problem, like you, for example. The new girl, you had two ears that sprouted from your head and a tail as well. But as far as he's concerned, you've been perfectly fine. It wasn't fair. What kind of sick joke was this anyway?
A day trudged by, and luckily enough Jax wasn't bothered by any of the other members. Which was great considering he was preparing to fuck his fist once again .. until. A very particular smell hit his senses. All of the sudden his pupils were blown wide. "What.. is that.." He muttered to himself , absolutely confused yet intrigued by this scent drawing him in. Made his dick throb in his pants.
He had tunnel vision now and had to find the source, maybe it was the cure he needed to get rid of this damn feeling.
"Not now Kinger, don't got the time." He said once he opened the door to leave his room. Kinger was standing there waiting to knock but Jax walked right past him. Kinger hunched over in disappointment.
Jax walked past a few doors in the large corridor, he knew he was getting closer as the scent grew stronger.
"Huh." Jax scoffed, arriving in front of your door after following the scent here, it was so overwhelming that his instincts took over again and he opened the door slipped inside , and closed it behind him immediately... and there you were , the room full of your scent. Jax shuddered, watching you hump a pillow on your bed, whining and gripping at it in need. Ears flat against your head. He watched for a moment in silence. His dick throbbing and straining against his overalls.
"H.. Hey, doll—" He said and cleared his throat his throat, trying to interrupt your little session. He was still quite surprised you didn't hear him come in.
"Hhn.. J.. Jax? Please.. I need help.. I.." You were too dazed, too drunk on lust to care that he barged in. "I don't know whats wrong with me.."
"The pillow not cuttin it doll? You know I can help ya.." You both were like animals in heat... literally.
You weren't even aware you could go into heat until now, and it was driving you insane. You came so many times that your cunt was sore and puffy but it wasnt enough. You needed something inside, you needed to be bred. Full of someomes young. Jax's young.
"Jax.. please..." You whined, and positioned yourself in such a way that Jax almost came in his pants immediately. Your ass was in the air, two fingers pushing your puffy lips apart to show off the wet needy hole in between your legs.
"Don't gotta ask me twice," Jax climbed onto the bed , in the process pushing his overalls off his shoulders and pulling his heavy cock from its confines. You both were far from needing foreplay, he needed a hole to fuck and you needed to be filled. "You always this wet.. its like you pissed your pants or somethin'.." He jokes, teasing his angry throbbing tip against your slick.
"Ah.. J.. Jax, I've only used m'fingers before so— nnhg..!!" He slammed all the way inside, burying himself to the hilt in your cunt. You squirmed beneath him, as the wind was knocked out of you.. there was a tinge of pain but overwhelming euphoria. "S.. So d...deep hha.." Your fingers clawed at the blankets beneath you.
Jax's self-control was thrown out the window as soon as he was buried inside of you. He used his hand to push your face into the mattress. His mind is now filled with, "Breed, breed breed."
The panting bunny was forcing your back to bow in a steep arch, giving him acess to dig deeper into your cunt. You gasped and continued to squirm, whining that it was 'too much, too big'.. until your words turned into incoherent babbles. As Jax refused to stop humping into you.
"Too much? Nah, doll sit here and take it. I've been dealing with this for way too long for you to back out now... ghn..." You were squeezing him so tight, sucking him in. You were made for this. Made for him.
"J.. Jax pleas.. nnh.. senstive..!" You wailed, tears welling up in your eyes. Ypur poor body was jerked forward each time he thrusted into you.
Your body was at war with itself, Jax was battering against your most senstive spots.. it was so good but too much at the same time. You felt like your brain was melting. Maybe you should just give in, get bred and maybe you wouldn't have to worry about a thing after that.. right? He'd take care of you.. and your babies.
Jax's voice pulled you out of your head, and back to reality. Suddenly your body was buzzing and the feeling of Jax's thick dick pummeling inside of you was real again.
"J—Just stay still sweetheart, it isnt that hard. Heh, maybe this is what ya get for letting someone.. l-like me into your room at a time like this..heh.." He grunted, eyes hovering over your form before his gaze rested on your tail. He grinned wide before yanking it and forcing your ass to perk up a little towards the air. You yelped and convulsed around his dick, orgasming immediately from him manhandling your tail.
"J..Jeez, doll..!" He spoke through gritted teeth, your slick insides clamping down on him as he humped you through your climax. Jax had to hold on though, he wasn't quite ready to cum yet. "Wonder how many times you can do/that.." He yanked your tail again, and just like that you were squeezing him.
It was pure bliss for him, "There ya go, just like that.. ngh.. k-keep squeezing on my dick babe... gotta get you pregnant after all.." The words left his mouth carelessly.
Jax didn't care that you were overstimulated, no it was too late for that. You were the answer to this problem, his perfect little slut, and he'd do this as many times as he needed to.
Who else could you go to that would take care of you like this?
"Tell me you want it baby, c'mon.." He urged into your ear. Jax gave your tail a rest, instead opting to pull your hair. Yanking your head from the pillows so he could hear you.
"W.. Want your cum Jax..! Wa.. Wanna get pregnant please..!" You whined and he throbbed in your cunt, grunting in pleasure. "Yeah, I'll get you pregnant babe, you'll be nice and r-round f'me.."
The sound of that made him snap finally, he couldn't hold it in anymore. "S.. Shit, doll—" His arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you towards him. Your back was flush to his stomach as he pumped his cum inside of you. Stil thrusting even when he stopped cumming.
"There ya go.. can't waste a drop.. or who knows, maybe we can doll. You can go another few rounds, can't ya..?"
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sassuguru · 2 months
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FAWN BLEATS! "kept c'in dat 1 vid abt al squeakin' dere'4 i decided to rite 'bout it :3," the artist says. the art includes alastor from hazbin hotel, in a pre-established relationship with gn!reader. all warnings include sinner!reader, reader was a wildlife biologist, the hotel scheming, teasing, alastor being embarrassed, 'nd very slight suggestive content.
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brochure etiquette get notified! other writings
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You have come to a conclusion.
Alastor bleats. The Radio demon, your boyfriend, bleats.
It was a long process conducting the experiments to see if you were correct. After all, Alastor is quite the clever man. It wouldn't take him long to figure out that you were attempting to study him, just like the time you were trying to figure out if his ears were actually ears.
As a wildlife biologist in your past life, you were very familiar with woodland creatures, their features, and their habits.
Hence, when you arrived in Hell, for some reason, you had a field day with all of the sinners who had animal-like features due to the circumstances of their deaths. And coincidentally, you had a particular interest with animals such as deers. They were so cute! How could you not be so interested in them? Perhaps that was why you were so interested in the Radio demon? You immediately caught onto the features such as his antlers, the bend of his legs that resembled the hind legs of a deer, and the hoof pattern on the bottom of his shoes.
Now, concerning the bleating phenomenon, you knew that Alastor resembled a fawn rather than a buck (unless he's transformed). Meaning, he'd likely have other features that related to that of a fawn.
Fawns make certain sounds, even if they are typically quiet. For example, they make a bleating or squeaking sound when excited! (It also applies to negative emotions, but we'll ignore that). Something you swear you've heard Alastor do. Alastor isn't very expressive of his emotions, its the point of his smile. But there are moments when you swear up and down he's happy than he seems. For example, when Rosie spun him around when you visited her emporium with Charlie.
You caught it, though you don't think anyone else did. Since the visit to the emporium, you've been waiting patiently to catch his little bleat again, which unfortunately, brought the entire hotel to come up with a scheme.
"Whatcha doin', toots?"
You look over at Angel, snapping out of whatever haze you were in. "Hm?" Angel chuckles, "Were ya schemin' or somethin'? You were deep in thought."
"Hm? Oh, was I?" You lightly shrug, "I was wondering if Al bleats." In hindsight, you probably shouldn't have said that to Angel Dust of all people. "Huh?" Angel tilts his head, "Whadda ya mean if Al bleats?" You look at Angel as if he's stupid, though, not everyone notices the things you do. And not everyone is well versed in the behaviors of wild animals.
You point upwards, looking to the side in though as you speak. "You know how all is a deer demon?" You point to the top your head, "You'd think he'd be a buck, but his antlers are small so he's likely walking around like a fawn. And some of his behaviors resemble a—oh, sorry." You laugh as you realize Angel is not following you whatsoever. "A buck is an adult male deer, they have big antlers. A fawn is a baby one, they have small antlers."
"Uh huh," Angel slowly nods, looking at you with a weird expression you can't describe. 'Nerds,' he thinks to himself.
"Anyway, because he looks like a fawn I was wondering if he bleats. Fawns bleat or squeak when excited, or surprised...or scared," you hum, thinking to yourself. The last time you heard the sound it was with Rosie, he likes Rosie, he'd be happy right? And you swear you heard the sound when you finally figured out the recipe for Shrimp Creole. He ate that shit up. And you swear you that sound when Al brought back that dead hell deer from the forest.
"Really?" Angel asks with a mischievous tone. "Mhm!" You answer mindlessly, wondering how you could catch him making the sound. After all, it's not as if he's easy to please nor surprise the man.
Angel's signature up-to-no-good laugh leaves his lips, pulling you from your trance. "Angel?" You question, worrying about what he'll do.
"Nothin' sweets, just got an idea. Maybe I'll help ya," you give him a questioning look and the spider only giggles. "Angel..." you say in a warning tone, glaring at him as you recognize his giggle of mischief. "Nothin' ta worry about, toots," he winks and quickly leaves your vicinity.
"Wha—Oh no," you sigh. "Angel!"
For the next few days you've seen an increase in Angel's pranks. Specifically, the 'Surprise!' type of pranks. And strangely enough, it seems that Charlie is on board as well. Although, not in the surprising part.
She's been constantly suggesting activities that could possibly make Alastor happy. "Why don't we trying a buffet? Or just cooking together?!" You have zero idea why Charlie thought it was a smart idea, but regardless, you went along with it.
It was awful.
You sigh as you watch Angel, yet again, try and surprise Alastor. At this point, you can tell the man is getting annoyed. You sigh and lean over to whisper at Charlie.
"Hey, uh. Charlie? Maybe we should stop trying this Alastor scheme? He's getting pretty annoyed," you chuckle nervously as you glance at the Radio Demon and the Spider. Charlie chuckles nervously, "Probably..."
You attempt to speak, "Actually, Charlie. I think I have an idea—" though its with failure at Alastor's shadow morphes into himself right next to you.
A high-pitched squeak leaves your lips at his sudden appearance.
"Hah! It seems as if the tables have turned, my dear," Alastor chuckles. "Huh?" You whisper. Alastor's finger hooks under your chin, tilting your face closer to his. "Did you think I wouldn't find out about your little scheme? I assure you dear, I make no such noises. However, it seems as if you do!"
Your surprise fades into a frown. "Party killer," you huff, looking away from him.
Alastor leans up to his full height. "Party killer? Oh, I am no such thing! I have let you have your fun. This show is simply, over!"
"Whatever you say, Bambi," Angel rolls his eyes, shutting up quickly when Alastor sends him a glare.
You groan, annoyed that you'll probably never get a chance to actually hear him bleat, which sucks. If Angel wasn't so persistent at times, you huff. "Fine! We'll drop it," you announce. However, you pull him down by his tie and lean up to whisper, "Though, I'll make you slip up in the future. After all, I figured out about your tail."
Alastor ear twitch at the sultry tone of your voice. He feels his tail twitch beneath his overcoat and he sits up straight. "Whatever you day, dearest," he grins, clearly not upset anymore.
After that interaction, the hotel stopped scheming to get him to slip the noise. Well, stopped isn't the right word. More like, the scheming got quite. Of course, to Husk and Vaggie's unamusment.
You had finally come up with a plan to capture that fawn bleat you knew he kept hidden.
The Radio Demon had mentioned his desire to taste red beans and rice again in his now afterlife. As his partner, you gleefully promised to perfect a recipe for him. Of course, you got to work, hoping desperately that this would get him to slip.
"Why don't you sit with me while I cook?" You hum, "You'll be served first!" (Let's pretend beans don't have to marinate overnight for the sake of this fic)
Alastor watches you set the ingredients on the counter. "Of course, I'm cooking your Venison separately, others are eating." Alastor hums, "If you wish me to." You clap happily, "Yay!"
You sing softly, smiling to yourself when Alastor decides to him along, the quiet sound of a track playing from a radio made you happy. You thought to yourself about the plan, it only involved dinner being delayed for a bit.
(1) You would cook a meal Alastor would surely like, (2) serve it to him while it's completely quiet, just you two, and (3) the rest of the hotel quietly and carefully sits outside of the kitchen to hear the results. Hopefully Alastor is simply too caught up in food to notice the bunch outside of the kitchen.
Once your done cooking, there's a plate of cut venison and cut smoked sausage sitting on the counter. You scoop beans and rice onto a plate, carefully adding his vension with his meal. You sit it in front of him.
"First come, first served," you smirk and wink.
You reason that Alastor would likely let his guard down when backs and turned, hence, you turn around to clean and organize plates while carefully listening to the Radio Demon.
Out of the corner of your eye you seem him take a bite, though, instead of the fawn sound, he hums. The crew internally groan outside of the kitchen. If the Radio demon was something, it was stubborn. You silently curse to yourself and towards Alastor, a new thought in mind. You bend over on the counter. "Well, how is it?"
"It's exquisite, my dear! Reminds me of my mother's cooking!" You chuckle, "Well I'm glad you think so!"
You hum and press your lips quickly to his when he glanced at his plate. Then you heard it.
A grin forms on your face as you hear the sound of a fawn bleat leave him. You lean back and tilt your head at expression. "What? I'm wearing an apron that says, 'Kiss the Cook', Al," you wink and step back, "What a cute little fawn you are!"
You don't miss the darkening of his cheeks as you walk away with your statement. "Dinner's ready!" You call out to those on the other side of the wall. They all pile in, sporting different looks of disbelief as they look at you. Alastor clears his throat, attempting to keep up his appearances as a small pout his displayed on his face.
Angel stands next to you as he fixes his plate. "Didn't know you wer' such a flirt, docta," Angel teases. You shrug, "You can do anything you want if you put your mind to it."
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