#also cus this is tumblr you might want to take all of my words in half joke tone im not a very serious person at all
bananamaxpng · 4 months
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some of the shit ive been putting out into my doodle *nstagram page. there's non t/ma ones coming too im just boxing them into different posts
also whatever this is
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byghostface · 2 months
//long rambling
There is a vent in the last part (about pro ship:/+ wired shipping + block list) it's naturally negative so reading at your own risk.
So in the new Batman and Robin issue #7 Nika's sister making an appearance, got me thinking of other possibilities for sibling characters to come back.
Mostly I’m thinking about Respawn since he is Joshua Williamson's own character. And He made Respawn appeared in the last issue of Robin(2021), he also brought back Mara in that run too (just some appearance in the later issue).
And now Joshua Williamson is writing Batman and Robin, so naturally he can bring some characters back in this run. He had said in an interview that he might have figured out a way(try) to bring back Maya.
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Throwback to 2022 of this old wip/art I made, is about what I think the emo teens of Lazarus squad dynamic would look like.
I imagine Nika and Respaw are irritated/tolerate with each other but would stay for Damian because Nika is Damian's girlfriend and they want to stick together. Meanwhile, Damian likes to include his half-brother in some fun activities (Respawn is acting reluctant bc of his own issues but he actually likes to have friends and feel include).
I haven’t finished this art bc I was going to add more wips (with other characters like Rose and Hawke) to make it a post. I didn't finish this art back then bc I was afraid Talia fans would be mad at me for drawing Respawn.
Trust me, I hate that Talia gets associated with Deathstroke like this, but I think Respawn is a confused/mistreated teen character and Damian (bless his heart and soul) still wants to be his brother regarding the whole mess. I will explain/talk more about my thoughts on Respawn as a character and his situations once I finish these drawings and get ready to post them.
Writing/typing words is harder than drawing for me personally. Drawing is like channeling my energy into a picture and forming an atmosphere and hopefully people will understand what thoughts and feelings I was trying to convey. Writing is using more brain powers to choose the correct and cohesive words, so people would not misunderstand what I'm talking about. Especially when English is not my first language, and even so I normally don't talk(write) much in my mother tongue either…(I'm not a quick thinker, it took me a longer time to think things through, writing literally exhausted me physically and mentally more than drawing.)
It doesn't mean I don't enjoy writing, it's just not my first choice to convey thoughts… but considering I can't draw everything I have in my mind and it takes even longer time to finish any art, I just need to write down things first from now on. Tumblr is the only place I can think of that has this longer text feature blog post and I'm more familiar with this platform format. So I will still be here posting my fan content.
(↓Vent, if you want to avoid being block by me then read down below.)
I must say I will forever hate respawn x flatline as ship, cus I know who started this ship and their reasons behind it—Don’t let the new character develop naturally as the story goes, let’s put them in made-up weird situations first so I can prop up my own ship!😍 And get both of the new characters out of the way, since no one would defend them so I can fanon the hell out of them by making them look bad all around!🤞 (What if I stone you first hand🪨🪨💥)
And I will continue to dislike/against any shipping Damian's sibling to Nika. I simply don't like the unnecessary sibling conflict just for romance tropes! So go away boooo I hate you‼️ Not to mention the ignoring of different age range multi-ship hide behind poly… that's straight up proshipping I hate you even more!!👎
Also for people who said Nika should be crush on Damian's mother instead of him… I hate you twisted proshipper rotten smooth brain‼️‼️ She dating a boy her age and has mutual connections with him, why would she crush on her boyfriend's mother instead?? Just because Nika is a big fan of Talia??? So you telling me young ppl can't idolize adults normally without being labeled as romantic nowadays huh??( Not saying you can't crush on adults, but why crush on your boyfriend's mom? ) Your weird ass mind is showing with this ass hc be fr. Again, why would you imagine that? You just wanted to push a fake narrative of Nika being wired so you could have an excuse to make Talia and Damian dislike her (which is not true), but in fact is YOU are the weird one projecting your twist thoughts/hate onto Nika‼️💥🪨🪨
I will start to block ppl who are shipping/liking respawn x flatline (+proshipper) and STILL interact with me, read the room!! My art is not for you weirdos‼️Go away BOOOO💥 🪨🪨🪨💥💥
Can't believe I need to type this all out cuz some of you weirdos will still do these things and think is okay to interact with me and my post/showing in my notifications BOOO👎🪨🪨💥🪳🪳🪳🩴🩴🩴
(sorry for venting about random weirdos/Nika haters again, and thanks for reading.)
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bennizone · 5 months
How do you deal with starting out posting art and it going kinda rough? I work really hard and it only gets two likes and then just sinks to the bottom of tags within a few days. It kinda kills my drive to make anything.
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(I've been away for the holidays, havent had time to answer these!! might be from the same person? either way,)
I didn't get much traction in the beginning either - I remember getting 1-2 likes, too. It definitely feels really disheartening. I'm trying to remember what helped...Here's my thoughts:
1: whenever you see art that you like, COMMENT! especially on art from artists that are the same place as you, yanno, just starting out and/or their art journey is at a similar point. It helps sooo much to not only see BIG POPULAR NAMES on your dash all the time, so try to mingle with people that are gonna resonate with you on an even level.. It's more healthy to feel invested in online art because you share growth and exploration with others alongside you, rather than racing against people who already are super established following-wise or expertise-wise.
2: Why are you posting? I want to spark passion, joy, and inspiration in others!!! when I stay true to those words, my art seems to reach more people, because my soul is in it, which resonates better = more people like it and share it! It sounds like you're already putting a lot of effort in, so that's awesome, try your best not to lose the spark of joy. Take a break if it gets too rough, and try to clear ur head and return to the mindset of WHY you're posting in the first place. And pls don't be afraid to change your purpose if you ever want to, let urself evolve, it's normal! 3: I used to get 1-5 likes, and now I get an average of 100-300 on twitter and tumblr (sometimes i get more if my post suddenly gains traction but yanno)... and, on Insta (which I only started using recently, but ofc some ppl followed from other platforms) it's more like 15-60 on average. Some people would consider these numbers miniscule... I don't consider any of my posts "flops", I just have a smaller audience than some other artists. Also, I almost only draw OC-art, so it's more niche...... All that to say, give it time, especially if you havent figured out your Goal yet and you're still trying to figure out why you're posting/what kinda posts you wanna share, or if your art is kinda niche. There's a lot of reasons why you might still not have a lot of reach.
recap: If you manage to find some sorta goal and you interact with peers, and try to remind yourself you're still growing, I think you'll get to a place where u feel more satisfied! i wish you lotsa luck, this stuff is hard. the internet can feel pretty hostile tbh, please never blame/shame yourself from feeling sad sometimes, cus it's rly unfair. We just have to do what we can and try to stay true to ourselves!!!
this got rly long, i hope it's helpful to anybody who read it!! love u all!!!! xoxo benni
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desb3ar · 2 months
ok this was originally gonna be an anon post but i decided to STOP BEING A PUSSY!!!!
your art of miggle is sooo osooooo osooooo sososoo coool..... i love the way you draw him so big but he also just looks sosososo soft and gentle!!!!! i saw the horror art and thats what really made me want to write this because ur ability to absolutely make him turn a 180 is awesome........ i remember seeing that art of him as a weighted blanket and tbh it really spoke to me because i'm autistic and ykw i want a big muscley bf (miguel) to lay on me and be my weighted blanket!!!!!!!!
and your nonviolent communication fanart is sooo good.... granted spoilers for me cus i haven't finished it yet (school unfortunately) but greensagephase must be elated everytime they see u post because i think you're bestowing a writer's greatest honor to have their fic have fanart!
AAAAAAND NOT TO MENTION U ARE A WRITER URSELF AND THATS AWESOME TOO i read all of your works and tehy'resoooo!!!! they're soooo!!!!!! YOU'RE KILLING ME HERE MAN it rlly adds depth to mig even if it's soso simple and domestic your talent really shines in both areas!!!!!!!
so... haha..... we are both artists and writers (x reader writers to be specific.... and we both like The Specimen.... whadya say... buddy..... mutuals???? 😊 (THISISSOLONG IM SORRY YOU CAN DELCINE IF YOU WNANA)
im still so stunned i am even capable of turning miguel into this lovable guy. i dont even mean to 😭 i honestly thought i was doing the complete opposite because i wasnt meaning for him to be made out that way, which is funny and somewhat cute. many always say that and im always beside myself when it’s mentioned . him being some sort of weighted blanket, that drawing? one of my favorites ngl. i just might draw some more soft miguel, have them all in one post to relief dashboards of my spam LMFAO
i could go on and on about nonviolent communication. #1 fic of all time. I spent more time than id like to admit reading it, its that good. thats why i draw the things i do, its such an enjoyable read 😭 i gotta draw more of it instead of waiting on the next chapter because theres so many amazing moments i read that i really wanna put on the canvas. green deserves so much fanart for how well-constructed their story is and for the amazingly done writing that makes miguel come to life even more. it’s astounding, green is really the reason i was writing to start with ❤️☺️
on the subject of writing, ive GOT to write more, just need some ideas that isnt too far from how he is in canon (i love him for what ive seen, not because of the fantasies ive hd lmfao). writing takes so much thought and i commend those who take their time to make amazing pieces, i can barely crack 2k words without thinking this is a masterpiece when the talented can make 4k words and its only the mf START. ITS NUTS. but im not here to compare, just paying so much gratitude for authors on tumblr haa im rambling UGH
THANK YOU SM FOR THE KIND WORDS!! and dont worry, i dont get a lot of long messages in my inbox, its rare, so this means a lot more than you think <333
and amazing on having balls, respect <3
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seaweedbrain3 · 2 months
i had to get on my laptop for this because i didnt know if i was gonna get a little upset and start angry typing cus angry typing is uncomftorable on my phone BUT ANYWAY ENOUGH WAFFLING
i dont like how unreasonably joshua is, i dont care if you dont like him for like no good reason cus i hate characters for no reason but THE REASONS PEOPLE HATE HIM ARE NOT ACTUALLY GOOD!! i think im very upset about this because when i read over the transcripts with him i relate to him on some level, like his alpha male thing is just him using metaphors to help explain his points which is how i see it, and people think its weird or him being some alpha man, which he isnt, he was explaining how he doesnt want to be replaced just in a way that makes him seem like some alpha male, and it alos angers me how in that session he wasnt being taken very seriously, is his way of explaining things weird?? yea it kinda is but thats not excuse to not take him seriously or dislike him, he had a valid reason to be upset, and yea his solutions were not good at all, but tbh if i were him i would also want juniper out of the cabin, and by the end he understood that his solutions weren't good and he just came to terms that juniper will just be there for one more day, he also showed genuine concern for what it being taught to the kids, he wants them to learn life lessons and be responsible, not little shit stains who run around with no remorse for anyone, which isnt bad at all, he wants the kids to be good people when they grow up, does it cause him to be a little up tight?? yea, but theres always that one person everywhere, wether it be school or camp or again everywhere, persnally if i was there i would understand him completly, hes also like me in the sense that he cannot express his feelings well, so he tends to make up excuses to avoid actually stating his feelings, yea sure its annoying but its not something to hate someone for, also that whole mediation session is just joshua explaining how hes upset that his routine was broken and how it got taken over and he was replaced, which i would be upset over too, and what is this a trait of?? both adhd and autism, which goes into my point that joshua is neurodivergent, is that one of the only traits i found?? yea, and why is he still neurodivergent?? because hes literally me, (please do not take my word for it, i just see a few neurodivergent traits in a character that fit me and i make them neurodivergent) i also think sydney's hateful attidute towards joshua made some people feel the same which goes into my previous argument that i said in a past post about how syd is an unreliable narrator, and also, his reasons like the life lessons thing and stuff they may hjave been excuses but they're still reasons, and his main thing was being jeaslous but HE STILL HAD SOME GOOD POINTS
please take this post with a grain of salt, im very bad at explaining things and i dont know if i explained everything the way i wanted to, i might reedit it at a further date when i actually find the words to explain everything correctly and i might be wrong about some things so again TAKE IT WITH A GRAIN OF SALT
(also i swear tumblr hates me cus i've been posting shit for a while and after many hours they still have 0 notes)
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poprockpanda · 1 year
So for your Out of the fire and into my hands au I got two major asks!
1. Do you plan to add any other major characters to the story? As main characters or make guest appearance type things.
2. So we know how Tommy meets Wilbur and Ranboo meets Tubbo which leaves how Phil meets Techno dynamic and/or how Phil, Techno and Wilbur meet? Got any rambles for me?
Can’t wait to see what is to come!❤️
sorry that this took so long tumblr decided to delete everything and that destroyed my motivation to anwser it
I know that I won't add any more people to Sb(ee)i so probably no more main characters but there might be some people as guest appearances or recurring characters, depending on how I want to take the story. And I am less confident in how well I can write anyone else since everyone that is already here are the ones I am most familiar with.
I tried to explain it but words are wording rn so basically. Phil is on the meetup trading post. This is after he escaped the avian facility so he has limited flight. He isn't quite used to his limits quite yet so when he tries to jump from roof to roof he falls halfway. Techno happens to be in that alley and he catches Phil as he falls.
Phil is a bit dazed but he introduces himself. Techno quickly introduces himself but tells Phil that he needs to go. Being an avian and being around a resistance leader on the run would make him an even bigger target than before. Phil is a little confused on what he means by resistance leader but he is happy to get back on the roof.
Phil remembers what he was looking for and asks Techno if he knows anywhere to get food at a discount stealing wink wink. Techno tells him about a food stall with an oblivious vender and Phil says goodbye.
A couple of hours later and Phil finally spots the stall Techno was talking about. Wil is also at the stall and trying to swipe food. They spot each other and talk through hand signals for a minute. They decide that Phil is gonna distract the vender and Wil is gonna grab the food and they are gonna split it.
Phil flies around a bit and Wil gets the food. Phil lands on Wil's shoulder and they run into an alley to eat. Techo is walking and happens to see Phil and Wil. Tech assumes that Wil is an avian hunter and he starts sneaking up behind him. Phil spots him and does the swiping over your neck hand thingie. Wil is confused and he looks behind himself.
Wil is obviously freaked the fuck out by the piglin who towers over him and was like two seconds from knocking him out. Phil tells them both to calm down and starts to introduce both of them but he realizes that he never got Wil's name. Wil introduces himself as Techno is still staring him down.
Phil makes Techno take some of the food and he starts up a conversation. They all realize that they are all trying to get off of the trading post. They decide to work together cus three heads are better than one.
They try to steal stuff to get enough money to get off of the trading post and are mostly successful but the space cops eventually catch on. They are running from the cops when suddenly a bee hybrid and an endarian are running next to them. The rest is in the post about how Tubbs and Ranboo meet up.
Thanks for the ask, Beck!
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lily-vs-uni · 2 years
long story, long problem.
I have always had this zeal of aesthetic study, real study, but after joining tumblr recently it has turned to fire. your blog is my favorite of all studyblrs here and i SO want to study like this. Please guide me where to start? These annotations, notes, texts and everything. As my new study year is just starting, so it would be the best time to start. Please?
hey! firstly, thank you, that's very kind! I'll do my best -
the mindset is so much of the battle that I reckon you're a long way there just by having the fire for it. I also don't know what stage of education you're at, and it's fair to say that some of my habits were built over an absolute lifetime of figuring out how my brain works best and how to sustain my energy and interest for a subject for as long as possible, so I think there's definitely a bit of trial and error to all of this - but it's nice to be able to embrace that, and try all sorts of different systems of note taking/different environments to work in/different working patterns before you figure yourself out completely.
I'll start with 'stuff', quote unquote. I strongly believe in the idea that you don't need any of the specialist equipment to get going, but I do have a few essentials that I absolutely couldn't do it without (again, cultivated over years of practise). after I finish my dissertation I'm thinking of making a bit of a 'shopping list' of the things I really love, but until then, I will say that I am a huge fan of:
a laptop stand/external keyboard/external mouse setup (the mouse is absolutely non-negotiable for me these days!) - altogether I reckon you could get these for less than £30 and they're just so good for posture, for your wrists, and, in the case of a laptop stand, for creating a little more space on your desk. if I was rich I would be a desktop person, I think.
a book stand to keep my texts open - again, borderline essential for a literature degree, because flipping between pages to try and copy out a quote is a nightmare
a set of great pencils (and a sharpener!) - I don't have the link for mine off the top of my head, but I have definitely linked them on my blog a couple of times. all my favourite stationery is from a site called Present and Correct
your perfect weekly/daily planner. I've said it a million times, for me it's the moleskine weekly planner in XL, soft cover, black - it's the perfect setup for dates/appointments/deadlines and notes/reading lists. I think I'm now on my 5th one.
I also own a clipboard, in case I need to annotate something and don't have a great surface to do it on, which has been surprisingly helpful in the past
and in the old exam days I used to keep a stack of A3 paper for mindmaps and posters, gives more space to stretch out on the page
for motivation, I recommend the following
a great classical music playlist - the older I get, the more I really believe that you can't concentrate properly with lyrics or words. This is mine, named for the latin poet that I used to find it hardest to translate - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/45dPd6VqZIKUeb3mMOXDFo?si=57f20604516e4ceb
white noise!!! if I don't feel like I'm on an airplane, I'm not gonna get anything done. this is my favourite (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=co7KgV2edvI&t=4616s) but I also like brown noise and celestial noise. I play this, and my playlist, at the same time through my big headphones, and then there's no chance I'm gonna hear anything to be distracted by (but be a little careful about this, I've got no proof that it hasn't damaged my hearing...)
figure out your working rhythm. somewhere down the line I learnt that I concentrate best at 6am - it's a bummer, but I'll get two or three times as much done between 6 and 10, and that just is what it is. For you it might be after lunch, or early evening, or even not until 9pm, but when you really have to work on something, try and do it at the time when your brain is all fired up
and the obvious - a ton of cups of tea, stay hydrated. I like to keep a bar of dark chocolate nearby for a little boost when I'm flagging in the middle of the afternoon
get distance from long projects - either by putting them aside for an entire day when you need to step back and get perspective on them - or by having a nap, if your time is limited! works wonders
in the exam days, I swore by quizlet
for the 'aesthetic'
I almost never make handwritten notes anymore (for environmental reasons, for decluttering (space and mind) reasons, and because you can 'ctrl-f' a word document and you can't do that to a notebook), but when I did I had a colour scheme (I think loosely it was yellow for essential information and quotes, green for definitions, red for working things out (and for annotating the grammar in a latin text), blue for notes to self/cross referencing information). I kept it relatively minimal, and I made it stick - I did all of my latin translations in green for the whole of university because it was the colour I used to understand things
in the same vein, I used to have a look through the studyblr/study notes tag on here and see what other people were doing with their notes. I think you can overdo it and get bogged down with drawings and washi tape, but I do think that a clear set of titles and subheadings can actually really help instead of get in the way (also! put the date on all of your work! keep your learning in chronological order, it's crazy helpful for revision)
obvious - but invest in a hole punch if you use ring binder folders
a few final points, maybe specific to english/classics/humanities -
I always buy my primary texts wherever I can, which is a big privilege (always happy to get them second hand though), but basically if I can't annotate the page I am really going to struggle to process the information, and it's the one instance where I find that word processing really slows down my train of thought
read around! read widely! chase up allusions! make notes on every single read - make your own paratext out of developing your understanding. write down all of your thoughts. you never know where your train of thought is going to take you
embrace all of it. don't write something off because it's too hard - or too easy - to understand, because it references something you've never read, because it's not normally your kind of thing. all of your initial thoughts and reactions to a text are just as valuable as the ones you go on to have, and if something is trying to be inaccessible to you, then there is great value in understanding why it doesn't want to be easy to understand. you always know enough to start thinking about something, chipping away at its layers slowly - and then you learn everything else you need along the way.
there's a lot going on here - I hope some of it is helpful! when my diss is over I will consolidate some of these thoughts into more helpful posts, but until then, good luck with the beginning of the academic year - and let me know how it goes! xxx
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marc-spectorr · 2 years
hi Callie! My tumblr is stuck on a random fic of yours so I’ll have to fix that later but I had question that’s been marinating for a while!!
Although I’m still new to this whole tumblr stuff, I was seeking some advice for newbies who want to start writing? I’ve always been inspired reading yours and other fic writers’ fics!
I’ve written fics in the past but never published them cus I didn’t know any platforms to post them on back then
One day I might post some and become a fic writer like you!!! Gotta build up that courage and knowledge somewhere first though 🤧🤧
love you always, hope you’re taking care of yourself these past few days 😮‍💨
woo!, moonjin xx
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hiya moonjin !!!
sorry for taking almost an entire day to respond ;-; but wowoow i’m incredibly honored that you’ve come to me for advice as well as being part of your inspiration to start writing :))
okay, so i went through my previous asks about writing and tagged them as #writing advice. but here are the most important tips that i would say:
plan out your fic– to make the process easier, i would suggest creating an outline! outlining is a great way to visualize the story you’re telling and plan out any research you might need to do. it doesn’t have to be super detailed or anything. you can just put down what exactly you want to happen from start to finish, note any dialogue you might want to add, or describe the scenes you want to include. 
no matter how many times the idea has been done before, write that fic! when i first started, i remember not wanting to write a fic solely bc there’s already one out there with a similar plot. but don’t let this discourage you! everyone’s writing is one of a kind, which makes each fic special. for example, the best friends to lovers trope is something that’s been done a million times, but your take on it will be unique as it’s your words and your dialogue. 
quality over quantity always– don’t worry too much about how short (or long) your fic is! focus more on how you deliver the story rather than aiming for a specific word count. some writers can produce amazing fics in just under a thousand words. it’s all about the quality of your work, not the length of it. for any first-time writers, i would suggest writing something small to test it out, have a feel for what it’s like and use this to discover your writing style.
proofread your work– this one is obvious, but it’s essential! i know that feeling at the end after typing out the last line of the story. you’re happy that you’ve finally completed it and are excited to post. but don’t forget to read it over once or twice before uploading to make sure your spelling is correct and your grammar is the best that it could be. yes, no one’s perfect. you may not catch every mistake, but you can try fixing most! you can also run it through sites like grammarly to find those errors.
have fun with it– i can’t stress this enough, writing should be fun. remember that you’re allowed to step away and take a break. you can always come back to it once you’re ready! it might seem scary to post in the beginning, but it’s such a rewarding experience when you do. writing takes a lot of time, effort and love, and sharing it with thousands of readers on this platform is an outstanding achievement in itself. so far, this whole community has been lovely and very supportive! i can assure you that they’ll be thrilled for more stories!
hopefully this helps, darling! i can’t wait to read the wonderful fics you have in store for us :) i’m always here if you need any more help!
(also i really love that pic of oscar *swoon*)
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tddyhyck · 1 month
I’M SORRY THIS IS LIKE 700 WORDS, i don’t know how to shut up 😭😭😭😭 ok first. i didn't mean to make u feel bad for not replying “quickly enough”, just got worried that i might’ve said something weird ejsjdkwjsa. i’m glad that was not the case, and i am sorry i projected my insecurities onto u and hurried u 😭 that said, ur replies brought much joy. 😌
i have not seen the recording yet 😭 i’ve barely been able to watch anything 😞 i’m sure u’re more than “okay” with it, wink wonk, and yes omg,, truly so nice. U’RE EVIL… the “you” was such an unnecessary attack, u knew what u were doing with that 😭😭 (unless u don’t nd i read too much into it, like i often do 🫶🤪) our fruity fighter 🥺 our fruity fighter protecting us 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 why r u getting me so soft for him!
re: renjun. change ur mind from what.. am i forgetting something 😭 i love this though 🥳 i was reading something the other day and it went like “do u like renjun? are u a masochist?” and aurgh that hit,, idk what it is about him but something about him is so !!!!!!! 🥵 CAN’T WAIT TO SEE THE PATTERN… NGTAHGHHGBGRGGAABNHNHNN i’m so normal. that’s such a gigantic brain idea u have.
i screamed when i saw u say “i don’t make the rules but i will enforce them” because in a totally unrelated thought i was thinking yesterday about how i’m the type who may not make the rules but follows them (sfw thought LMFAO) and it was so amusing to read what u wrote. BUT YEAH U’RE SO RIGHT… normalise panty stuffing ‼️ 😠
u can change font size by selecting the text and going through the million options tumblr gives, the little <s> button 🥰 but wahhhh okay i’m glad 🥺❤️
NAURRR the anime lover in me thought of that too when trains got mentioned 😭😭 except like. a cute version of that, let’s say hjsgshrjba. jeno doing god’s work <3 thank u for sharing ur beautiful thought with the world though, the song hasn’t left my head LMAO i haven’t even heard it in… 8 years?!
RIIIIIIIGHT U GET MEEEE, “doing everything to make u cry” RIGHT RIGHT… so many thoughts. like he does it because it makes him hard (going with ur headcanon of him) but he also does it cus he just wants to be mean so bad at first and not let u think he’s nice or anything… taking out all his anger on poor u. then he makes u cry because he wants to convince himself that he’s not falling for u. then he finally admits he’s whipped for u and both of u are crying lmaoooo
“he’s all grown up and obnoxious and breaks my heart 😭😭” WHY IS THIS SENDING MEEE 😭😭😭😭😭😭 the way u worded that is SO funny. also idk what u’re talking about because i read mean dom chenle in 2022 and i never went back to normal after that 💗🦋 i’m kidding, i get what u mean. he’s positively adorable in the best way. i keep having my dream phases every single year the past 4 years before i stop keeping up? (some context; i’m also rlly bad with consuming content from my favourite groups. more context; none of my friends are super into them so i just never get to Talk about them) but i feel i might finally be ready to commit 🤩 because i like this album so much and it made me feel A Lot.
re: lipgloss. that was NOT the image in my head but it is definitely an image i can work with 🤩🤩🤩🤩 he gives u a little kiss on the lips right after that.
thank uuuuu i’m doing okay 🥹 i hope u are too, and work isn’t being too tiring ❤️ (random but ur cousin post was so cute. u’re a nice cousin 😔 i hope ur cousin appreciates u! and they’re a funny little kid for the permission thing.)
omg you didn’t rush me!! do not fret 🫶🏻🫶🏻
i hope u get to watch it soon it’s so good like one of my fav things is the recording bts jeno’s part ,,, was saur good ,, maybe i did add the you 🤭🤭
LOL i just meant if i thought of renjun and dumbification on a random afternoon i would be a changed person 🤭🤭 DO YOU LIKE RENJUN ARE U A MASOCHIST LMFAO,, those go hand in hand tbh thinking he has an album on his phone with just pics of your skin after some rope activities…
i miss him sm my little babie 🫳🫳🫳
omg anime lover i must know what you’re watching currently 🧐
oK but fwb!jeno who never gets mad so he keeps his anger all pent up and takes it out on you when you fuck,,, and it’s the best sex of your life lbr,,, like maybe he has a shit day at work and spilled his coffee and missed the bus and he texts you to link up and ,,, just ruins you GRRR but then he realizes he really goes over because you make him feel light and comfortable and it’s easy being with you,,, but he isn’t ready to admit it yet 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
he’s just annoying and pretty and obnoxious and talented and i want to enemies to lovers with him fr omg i know what you mean i have 1 kpop friend and she isn’t super into nct but she kinda keeps up for my sake but not to the point i do lol,,, def time to commit i am team commit to dream 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
he SO would smooch and pat you on the head 😵‍💫
work isn’t too bad! it’s our event season so a little busy but that’s better than being bored lol,, my cousin is so funny he’s 10 and i think he thinks i am too 🤣🤣
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rinbowaman · 11 months
seeing ur note at aftermath part two had me giggling reiii sorry but tumblr is dogshowing you girl what the actual fuck 🤣🤣 you might need to restart or smthg we don’t want these to happen to ur future works🫡
the first part…us walking up the stairs with that *amazing gown it’s so pretty I’m ngl I can just imagine this whole scene in my head just playing and it has me screamingg like UGH QUEEN. GODDESS. HELL YEA I LOVE THAT FOR US JUST PERIODT
The amount of fluff and love in this chapter is oozingg oml rei this is your fluff era‼️‼️
also, the niki appearance in this chapter?! just what we needed frfr like us getting scared cus ngl I would be hella scared too man but heeled asking niki to set the entire river aflame not because he can’t handle them but because their screams are scaring US
I absolutely absolutely just adore the scene where we play peekaboo from behind his throne and us sneaking to quickly sneak a gentle kiss on his cheek and heelel loving it?! LAWDDD THAT PART IS OOZING WITH FLUFFY GOODNESS might just be one of my fav scenes in SE7EN
and us finally tearing down our walls and living so happily in hell with him….I mean realena in this story is a lot stronger than me cus the moment heelel takes me I would’ve given everything to him right that fucking second 😌
ALSO THE PART WHERE HE SPEAKS TO HER IN DIFFERENT LANGUAGES!!!!!!! I wonder how you chose the diff languages you were gonna include lmao but you’re amazing reina ilysm
And heelel’s speech at the very end…it’s got me in tears this chapter is so so beautiful 🥹🥹🥹
<3!!! my love, i'm so glad you were touched by this chapter bc its gotta be one of my all time faves out of all the series i've drafted. heethan obviously has some really good moments too, you're right, both him and heelel.....everyone make way! lol.
the peekaboo scene was just...i love that scene so much. i also really like it when you guys go over to sit by his feet, in between his legs and rest your head against his kneecap, like i just love that image in my head so much....especially as he's running his fingers through your hair? like lawd....have mercy.
so the languages....my favorite part in the entire series...ngl. i know for sure i have some german and tagalog speakers, i didn't include spanish this time bc....not to spoil...but heethan (in previous chapters) has spoken some spanish, but there's still more scenes that is coming your way where heethan speaks in spanish. so i left those out and am saving it for heethan. for this part, i wanted to show love to my Tagalog and german speakers, also arabic (i'm pretty sure i have two that i can think of if i'm assuming correctly) and i dont think i have any korean speaking readers (if i do yooooo.....you guys got the best quote in my book) but i mainly included the korean one just bc welll.....heeseung is korean lol.. so i just used google translator to translate all of hte quotes and they came out BEAUTIFULLY. i love that he said all those things to you bc he felt that one language didn't have enough words to express his love for you.
but guuuuuuuurlll...wait until MF part 3...you about to lose your shit (in a good way) lol.
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hello ! if ur requests are currently open, can i get headcanons / scenario of inarizakis manager having a celeb crush (like finn wolfhard, louis partridge ALSO if u can, can u please make the celeb crush louis patridge ? im kinda desperate for sum louis x reader scenarios lawl) and they let them simp for him cuz it's just a crush right ? right, what they don't know is that manager-chan has made some attempts for him (their celeb crush) to notice them and they have successfully made him notice them bc manager chan is such a charm, so what will be their reactions if they see manager chan holding hands with the celeb crush that they didn't worry ab ? thank u in advance if u do it ! but it's fine if ur requests aren't open,, i just didn't see any posts ab ur requests being closed hehe also sorry if i did this wrong 😭 this is my first time requesting sumthn 😭😭
Louis Patridge x Inarizaki manager
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Oh my goshhh hi bb. I'm so glad I was your first :D (yes, initially, requests were closed, unfortunately) but this was literally such a good one, I couldn't resist writing it. (I'm in love with Louis Patridge too, bubs)
Also, just a tip (if you're gonna request on anon, make sure you follow me, or have my profile saved because tumblr doesn't give you a notification when I've answered you 🥺🥺)
🦋; Inarizaki manager (reader) x Louis Patridge (celeb crush) x Inarizaki vbc ,, triggers: none!!
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“Guys. DID YOU WATCH ENOLA HOLMES?” your breathless face was red due to fact that you've ran a long way, obviously to tell them this.
Atsumu and Osamu nodded in unison, “Yea, that Millie Bobbi Brown chick acted prett' well”
Suna rolled his eyes. “Hated it. Only watched it for Superman, though.”
Kita shrugged, walked up to you, and shook his head as he smoothed your hair down (the stray curls obviously came undone as you were running). “I don't watch fictious movies, y/n-san. Was it good?”
Eyes sparkling, you nodded. “It was more than good. Besides, that actor, Louis Patridge? The guy who plays Lord Tewkesbury? I think I'm in love with him.” a dream-like look glazed over your eyes as you stared at your phone wallpaper wistfully.
Suddenly, the bell rang, jolting you back to reality. “Oh that's right, I need to go to class now.”, and with that, you left six very stunned boys in the gym.
“I wonder what'll be of her crush on that' actor?” asked Atsumu with a smirk. Don't be fooled though, behind the easygoing exterior, he was the most concerned of the lot (and the most jealous).
“Yer' overthinking it. They live oceans apart, and he plays movies on the big screen.” drawled Osamu.
“Yeah, I'm sure one of us still has more chance with her than him, she's actually met us, after all.” chirped Akagi, with a positive note. He was determined to win you over, and a celeb crush didn't deter him in any way.
Suna nodded, whilst Kita and Aran exchanged looks. “It's important to be supportive of her though. Albeit it being merely a schoolgirl crush, this could mean a lot to her.” said Kita, and his tone invited no further disagreement.
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Back at home that evening, thoughts of the handsome brown haired boy could not leave your mind, and you logged onto Instagram, hoping to see if he had posted any updates.
He had, and it was a selfie of himself, with his tousled hair in all its "I-just-got-out-of-bed" glory. Damn, this man was sexy.
Smiling, you typed out a comment. “No offense, but if being adorable was a crime, you'd have fine written all over you ˃ᴗ˂ ”. Yes, it was dorky, and cheesy all in one. But why not? He might not ever read it anyways, as your comment got swept underneath the hundreds of others that came after it.
Sighing, you settled down to study, with thoughts about the comment and Louis pushed out of your mind.
Meanwhile, as Louis scrolled through his comments, a single one caught his eye. She used a pickup line (how adorable) which caused his cheeks to redden. Tentatively, he surveyed her profile, before feeling the familiar sensation of having a crush, wash over him.
She was gorgeous, and although he knew he shouldn't stalk random pretty girls over the internet, he couldn't help himself. Her pictures showed her to be the manager of a club of some sort, and she was almost always posing with a teammate. A male, teammate.
But damn, that smile. Even if he felt a small pit of unfounded jealousy at the guys, her smile was enough to distract him from anything.
His fingers hovered over the "follow back" button, before he finally gave in to temptation by following her, commenting, and putting his phone away quickly, suddenly feeling like a schoolboy all over again.
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That morning, before school, you could barely believe the notifications waiting for you on your phone.
"louispatridge_ is following you"
"louispatridge_ commented: nah, if anyone's fine, it's gotta be you ˃ᴗ˂ "
Of course, after having seven mini panic attacks, and fawning over him, you set out to tell your boys at the volleyball club the good news.
And all you could think about on the way there was how Louis Patridge somehow noticed you. It was unbelievable, and somehow turned your insides to jelly.
As soon as you reached the gym, you flung yourself on Atsumu, engulfing him in a hug. “Guys I'm so happy” you managed to choke out.
Atsumu obviously enjoyed holding you, and he gently wrapped his arms around you to feel your heart beating quickly
“To what do we owe the pleasure of seeing you this early, y/n?” joked Aran.
Wordlessly, you dug into your pocket and pulled out your phone. “He thinks I'm fine. Fine means hot right? I mean, I used it meaning hot. Because he is hot. And he thinks the same of me, that's gotta be good? And the emoticon. He used the same one, he's so cu—”
But you were interrupted out of your whisper-babble by the boys' shocked faces. He noticed her? This fast? “I'm so happy for you, y/n” said Akagi cheerfully, but internally he was demotivated and sad at the prospect of you dating the young star.
Suna looked at you thoughtfully and ruffled your hair. “That's my girl. She's just as amazing and capable as those girls on the silver screen.” and although it pained him to say this, he just wanted to share your happiness.
The twins were withdrawn, and Kita congratulated you, whilst obviously feeling a bit regretful for dismissing it as a "schoolgirl crush".
In general, the boys were upset, but not surprised. If you had them all collectively whipped for you, why not a movie star?
After kissing Suna's cheek and waving the rest of the boys off, you skipped all the way to homeroom, excited to share the news with your friends.
Silence followed your absence as Aran shrugged. “So are we gonna acknowledge the elephant in the room?”
Atsumu pouted and glared at them all. “Why did he have to notice her? Was it her profile picture? I've always asked her to change it, she looks way too attractive.”
Osamu nodded and jutted his bottom lip. “I mean, we think she's the most beautiful girl in the world, and apparently other guys do too.”
“Oh God make it stop” whispered Suna. “I wish she'd just stay ours. I don't mind competing with you guys, I'm obviously better, but that actor dude? No chance.”
“We'll be supportive” reaffirmed Kita. “Above all, she's out friend and we do not own her. If this makes her happy, we won't ruin it.”. Akagi and Aran were quiet.
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Ever since that day, you and Louis have been slowly but steadily growing closer and falling harder for each other.
He tried his luck by texting you, and although you were shy and tentative at first, getting to know the real him was refreshing.
And you really did like him. He was intelligent, adorable, and realistic. The two of you spent your time from dusk till' dawn talking, whether on call or on text.
And no one could deny the blossoming chemistry between yourself and Louis. He was a gentleman in every way, and his honeyed words stuck in your heart, finding its way to be replayed every time you felt down.
The boys slowly saw you drifting away. And when you weren't, it was always "Louis this—" or “Louis said—” and frankly their hearts couldn't take it anymore. It was time to give up, and love you as a friend instead.
But immersed in his attention you barely even noticed.
One day, Louis called you as you were heading home after practice. “y/n! Love, guess what?”
“aw bubs, just tell me. I hate guessing. Mostly because I suck at it.”
You could hear him chuckle on the other side of the line as he softly whispered “I'm coming to Japan on the ninth!”
“Wait, Louis. Today's the ninth.”
“I know. So are you gonna come to that bubble tea place you won't shut up about, or must I come get you?”
“You're joking”
“I'm not. I've wanted to surprise you, and I swear it was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do. Which includes getting kicked by a horse on set, but nevermind about that, y/n, I want to see you, so get your arse here.”
“Coming, Lord Tewkesbury”
“I might have a kink.”
You blushed bright red at his words. “shut up oh my gosh, I'll be there.”
Louis ended the call with a small smile on his face. He knew how easily flustered you were with him and he loved it. It was just another thing on the list of all the reasons why Louis Patridge adored you to hell and back.
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The whole way to the shop, your heart was pounding. So you'd finally get to meet the guy you've been dreaming about ever since you laid eyes on him in a movie.
Ever since those late night phone calls and early morning texts made your heart race and eyes sparkle with wonder.
You were finally meeting him.
The familiar sweet smell of the tea washed over you, and a familiar face waited for you at the entrance. His brown eyes looked gorgeous in the sun and his hair was tousled exactly the way you once saw in a selfie.
Wasting no time, you ran to him, pulling him to a hug. He laughed and caught you in his arms, holding you closer as your legs wrapped around his waist. No words were exchanged, just touches. There were too many words said already.
After pulling away, he gently stroked his thumb through your features. Tucking a strand aside, ruffling your hair. His hands ached to touch you, and now, finally, he could.
“You're such a dork.” was all you could whisper, afraid speaking loudly would break the spell.
“Your dork. All yours.”
“Louis!” your voice went an octave higher as the familiar warm sensation came over your cheeks, painting them a delicate pink.
“Oh God, I've always wanted to see you blush. How can you be so adorable?? Oh God.”
You whined in protest, but frankly, you were too happy to be around him to care much at all.
Tipping your chin to face him, Louis Patridge did the one thing he dreamt of doing, ever since he stalked through your Instagram profile one fateful morning.
He kissed you.
And wouldn't you know it? You kissed him back. It was warm, comforting, and everything you thought it'd be.
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Meanwhile, the boys had finished cleaning up the gym, and started heading home.
“Hey guys, do you wanna go grab some bubble tea?” asked Aran. The prospect of food, or sweet things always cheered up the boys, and after a day of particularly grueling practice, it was no surprise they agreed at once.
You however, were comfortably nestled next to Louis as you swapped stories. Your hands never left each other, though. He kept stroking your palm, just to remind himself you were here, right next to him.
“So how's the volleyball club, Mrs. manager?”
“Mrs? Do I look like I'm married?” to which Louis responded with a shrug and wink.
Coincidentally, the Inarizaki boys entered the shop at that very moment, freezing in their tracks after seeing you in a booth with Louis.
“Psst. Guys. Loverboy's here.”
“Should we say hello?”
“I might cry if they kiss��� whimpered Akagi.
“We need to say hello, it's the right thing to do.” said Kita sensibly, as he walked up to the two of you. “Hello y/n-san, Louis-san.” said Kita with a slight nod.
Happily, you rose from your seat and hugged the captain, thanking him for saying hi, as you introduced him to Louis.
Soon, the other boys came around and one by one, introduced themselves as well. Honestly speaking, they were jealous. How could they possibly get over someone like you? Someone as spectacular and beautiful as you? But when they saw you face shining with radiance as you smiled at Louis, and the way his hands never left yours, they understood.
And they wanted you to be happy. That was the most important thing, above all else for the both of them.
“I love you, manager-chan.”
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sanzu-sanzu-sanzu · 3 years
Just came here to say that I love your Songs About Toxic People so much.❤️ I've been obsessed about the Bonten Executives ever since I caught up with the manga and it's just so sad how we don't have enough content about them yet.🤧
I love all the Bonten Executives and my favorites are Sanzu and the Haitanis.🥺🤧💕
It's funny because I don't even know how that happened and I didn't notice it right away but the next thing I know I'm simping after the three of them so hard and for days my mind has been filled with nothing but thoughts of them ever since. Oh, the struggle. (😂)
The lack of content about them almost turned me into a fanfic writer right then and there (🤣) because I seriously wanted to read something about an OC who's also the only female executive in Bonten and I almost wrote it down myself, I swear.😆 I have never written something before in my life. Never. That's why I am soooo glad to find Songs About Toxic People. You have no idea how you saved me from the thirst I've been having ever since I got introduced to Bonten!Sanzu and Bonten!Haitanis and how you silenced the raging thoughts in my head about them if only for a little while, may God help me.
Now. About your absolutely beautiful and wonderfully written fic. Let me just say that I love everything about it.✨ The characterization, the little details about OC, their interactions, the dialogue, everything, is chef's kiss in my opinion. English is not my first language and (I'm guessing your's isn't as well? If I'm wrong, please ignore this but if I'm right then) I admire how beautiful your narration is. The words you use and the way you can create an image in your readers' minds using your descriptions is amazing.❤️
Your "show, don't tell" skills in writing is very beautiful, very admirable, and it's also my most favorite part of your story. I love it very much, seriously. That skill is the one thing I lack that made me give up in being able to write something of my own.😌 I realized that when it comes to writing, there are so many factors to remember and consider in order to make it interesting and engaging for your readers. Worldbuilding, character development, pacing, to name a few. But the hardest for me to master is the one thing you're so amazingly good at. And I admire you for that. That's why whenever I come across a writer like you with such excellent "show, don't tell" skills, I always make sure to make my appreciation shown. ❤️
Another thing I love about your story is the OC.😭 God, I love her so much. She is everything I've wanted to see in a fic that involves the Bonten Executives. She's a badass, she's feisty, and she perfectly fits right in with the other characters. I could just cry with how perfect she is in my opinion and you made that happen.😭❤️ I'm very satisfied with her character and I want to thank you again because I just know that if I did followed up on my need to write my own fic despite my inexperience, I just know that I'll end up disappointing myself and possibly even hate the plot idea because I was not able to meet my own expectations so thank you, thank you, thank you.❤️
She is amazing. You are amazing. Your whole fic is super amazing. I am glad and relieved that I don't have to write my own because yours already exists and it's so perfect.🤧
A female Bonten Executive, and the only female one at that.🥺🤧😭 I am so incredibly happy that the idea is finally out there and someone finally wrote it and that someone is also such a good writer. 🙌🏼
Kudos to you and I hope I can do more than just read and then say thanks. I believe you deserve more than that because I've been looking for this exact content you made and I've been looking for days. And now that I found one, even just the one, I'm relieved because it's already perfect on its own.😌
It's possible that it would take a long time for other writers to write something like this: a female OC that involves the Bonten Executives, my favorite flavor.🤧 It makes me sad, but no matter. I don't mind if I have to reread Songs About Toxic People again and again and again like how Sanzu takes drugs I'M SORRY for a long while because it's enough to satisfy my hunger and my thirst for the time being.❤️
Wow. This got super long. My bad. 😅 I did not mean for this to happen. I hope you don't mind this long ass appreciation message. I love leaving this kind of messages to writers like you.😊
Anyways, yeah. I just came here to tell you that. I hope you're having an amazing day and that you're safe wherever you are. Please take care of yourself. I'm looking forward to more of your works and what you can come up with. I am super excited! 😁
Best of luck and God bless.
- ✨
helloooo :”( this one took me a quite a while to answer because i just couldn’t stop gushing whenever i’d open my inbox huhuhu but you have no idea how much this truly means to me and i wish i can write better words at explaining how this made me feel. <3
first of all, your obsession with the bonten executives is COMPLETELY understandable i’m literally on the same boat as you my friend hahaha with sanzu being my main guy <3 they’re just so hot and dangerous but i also think there’s something kinda funny with all those guys being together LMAO (especially sanzu and the haitanis…add in a dead-eyed manjiro omg..)
just like you i am quite sad about the lack of content on them hahahaha it’s the main reason why i started writing about them in the first place, actually! (also because i'm just obsessed with sanzu) but that was more at the beginning when i still mostly relied on ao3, and then i got more active on tumblr and now literally everyday there’s new fics about them and that makes me extremely happy 🥺 i always did think that the bonten executive OC would make for such a nice flavor so i just latched on to the idea, and i also wanted to keep it a little more casual because i’m not the best with dark themes hahaha but it also helps me imagine the bonten execs in friendlier, more human, more everyday settings—a very fun exercise when you can’t stop thinking about them!
i am beyond happy knowing that you’re enjoying my fic to the point of sending me this lengthy message (whose length i don’t mind at all!!!) 😭 painting a picture with words is one of my favorite things ever when it comes to writing and i just…tear up when people enjoy my descriptions and the interactions and the little details huhuhuhu you have no idea. i didn’t even know i was doing a ‘show, don’t tell’ manner of writing until you pointed it out, so i gotta thank you for this cause it made me think more about how i write (in a good way!), so thank you, i super appreciate it.
i also hope you do get to write if ever you wanna! manifest the things you’d like to see in the world—something like that! hahahaha but also yeah, it can be fun and the possibilities are endless and it’s fanfiction so you can always do you <3
again, this really just made my day and i’ve saved it to my notes to read for when i’m feeling meh hahaha. i gotta say in advance tho that my updates might not come as regularly as before cus (1) life and also (2) need ken wakui to reveal more about my favorite bad boy sanzu LOL so we get to know him better.
and here’s to hoping more people write about oc’s that are bonten execs! so you’d get to have your share of this genre of bonten fic! hehehe you deserve it <3
THANK YOU SO MUCH, i hope you’ll have a nice day too 🥺 and take caaaaare. MWAH.
ps. oh yes, you’re right! english is not my first language hahaha.
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roll-da-credits · 4 years
A Bunny with Bunny?  -Tamaki x reader-
Word count: 2k
Tamaki was someone who needed constant reassuring, you knew that when getting in a relationship with him. But sometimes, you forget. With a new tiny addition to your family distracting you and taking all your time, its hard not to get insecure and jealous.
A/n: AHHHHHHH, I can’t. I hope you guys enjoy the first fanfic I post here. I’ve literally never posted in Tumblr ever. I’ve always used Wattpad.
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It was common knowledge by this point that Tamaki Amajiki had a lot of insecurities and anxiety. It only heightened when it came to you.
Although, a lot of the time you diffused his anxiety and insecurities pretty quickly once you realized. Whenever it came to you, he found himself deep in thought at night thinking if he deserved you.
In his mind, you were an incredible person with an equally wonderful personality. While he, on the other hand, was shy and riddled with nervousness at any social interaction. You shone bright, much like Mirio, he thought of himself as nothing compared to you.
Every single time he's had one of those thoughts, you'd be able to sense his doubts by the way he carried himself. Not doubts about your relationship or you, but on himself.
So, the entire day you'd stick close to him, showering him with light affection that you knew won't embarrass or make him feel even more embarrassed.
He considered himself EXTREMELY lucky to have someone as understanding and caring as you in his life. He knew dealing with his myriad of issues was difficult. But you went through them with no problem.
You even helped him with helping himself. By your constant words of affirmation, he's been able to be a bit more confident, even when you weren't there to help him.
Time went on, and by the second year you were dating, he barely had any doubts about himself in your relationship.
That is until he heard your conversation with Nejire.
"Just look at him!!!" You squealed in excitement.
 He was going through a hallway when he heard your and Nejire's voice when the hallways separated to the right and left. He stopped to listen in, curious about what you were talking about.
 "He is adorable." Nejire seemed to agree with you, peeking at the corner. He saw how you gushed about whatever photo you were showing Nejire.
His heart sank a little bit, but he wanted to give the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it was a photo of a family member.
"I just met him like last week and already have A LOT of photos of him."
Ok, this is starting to not sound like a family member.
Maybe it's a friend's baby brother. You have a lot of friends outside of the school you were close to their siblings as well.
"I just want to pamper him with all the kisses in the world and give him world!!!" You gushed.
 Tamaki felt his heart drop. There's no way you were talking about a family member. Not by the way you seem to be enamored by them.
He tried to think back on when you seemed to lose interest. Thinking back to last week, did you act any differently?
If you did, he didn't notice it. The problem was last week you said you were ridiculously busy with stuff at home. He could even see from the tapping of your foot to the ground when it was last period you were aching to go back home.
Was it because of this new guy?
His heart clenched at the thought.
"God, I love him so much." His mind begged him to stop listening.
But before walking away, he wanted to hear what Nejire might say. There's no way his best friend would be ok with this.
There's no way she wouldn't protest at you being infatuated with another person when you were still in a relationship with Tamaki. That's just what a good friend would do. Instead of that, she said jokingly.
"Watch out a certain blue-haired boy might get jealous." You both laughed at her remark.
Did you think he wouldn't get jealous over you doting on another guy?
Did the nights you spent together cuddling and napping together really meant nothing to you?
His insecurities crept back into his mind. Tiny voices whispered about how he should've expected it. He should've expected someone as radiant as you would never want to be with someone like him.
His vision was blurred by the lot of tears that came down as he furiously tried to wipe them away.
He didn't watch the way he was going, and as a result, he bumped in head first to someone's chest.
He tried to mutter an apology, yet it came out as a stuttering mess of squeaks. "Woah! Slow down, Tamaki. What's wrong?"
Thankfully the guy he bumped into was Mirio, one of the most understanding guys he ever known.
Mirio pulled Tamaki to the side, where they both sat on a nearby seat. He patiently waited as Tamaki rubbed his eyes red, trying to clear his eyes from tears.
When Tamaki finally calmed down a little and is now just sniffling once in a while, Mirio braved himself to ask the question.
"Hey, Tamaki, what's wrong?" Tamaki's gaze still fixed to the ground, spoke in a voice barely above a whisper. "I think Y/n doesn't love me anymore."
Mirio's eyes went wide in shock. He didn't believe that in a second. You're the person who'd take any chance you can get to attack Tamaki with kisses or force him to cuddle with you whenever he felt unloved.
"Why do you think that?" Mirio composed himself. "I overheard them and Nejire talking about some guy she found cu- cute."
He stuttered a little bit at the end, finding it hard to believe that he would ever say that out loud.
"There has to be a misunderstanding here. Are you sure it's not just some celebrity or a family member?"
Tamaki heard the small panic in Mirio's voice. He knew Mirio didn't want to accept the fact either. "I heard them say that they just met him last week and that they wanted to give him kisses."
Mirio rubbed his temples to try and cope with the upcoming headache caused by stress.
There would be no way that you'd do that to Tamaki, is there?
There was a possibility that you and Tamaki's relationship didn't work out. He knew relationships aren't always permanent. But he didn't believe that you'd be such a coward, flirting with other guys when you were still in a relationship with someone who's head over heels for you.
"Tamaki, how about this." Mirio wanted to come up with a plan. Since it was already time to go home anyway, he thought it'd be a great idea to do it. "You and I can both go to Y/n's house, where they're most likely at right now, then we can talk about it."
Tamaki looked like he was about to disagree until, Mirio cut him off, "We need to make sure we read the situation correctly. We don't want to assume the worse, but at the same time, we shouldn't be needlessly positive either."
Tamaki gaped at Mirio's calmness. He knew he was so lucky to have Mirio as a friend. Someone level-headed that was able to bring Tamaki's mind to the situation at hand.
Tamaki agreed with Mirio together made their way over to your house. Albeit, both of them pretty nervous about what they might uncover.
When reaching your front door, Tamaki noticed how your parent's car wasn't there, which meant they weren't home. Tamaki took the spare key you gave him and opened the door.
It was relatively quiet until there was a high-pitched squeal from your bedroom.
Tamaki jumped at the sudden sound, and Mirio identified it as Nejire's voice.
"HE LOOKS CUTER IN PERSON!!!" They both heard Nejire scream.
Both the boys had incredibly bad feelings about this. Nejire's statement only confirmed the fact that you had brought this guy to your house.
Tamaki shook his head when Mirio motioned him to open the door to your bedroom.
He didn't want to see you all over a new guy who took your interest.
Hell, he didn't even want to be there in the first place.
Mirio sighed and nodded. He understood the circumstances his best friend was in and decided to open the door first.
When he did, the sight made his mouth gape open.
"Mirio!" You greeted the Tintin looking man (he looks like Tintin sue me.) "I've been looking for you everywhere. I want you to meet a special someone."
Tamaki, from behind Mirio's muscular physique, was still hidden from the two other people in the room and also couldn't see anything.
He only assumed the worst.
"This is Shiro. My parents bought him as a gift, and isn't he just the cutest little thing."
Tamaki pulled Mirio away from the door frame and looked at the sight that made Mirio so speechless.
Nejire was sitting cross-legged on the bed, her hand filled with fresh and clean greens.
You were sitting cross-legged as well, but on the ground. In the middle of your legs slept a tiny little black and white Dutch rabbit. (search them up they're adorable)
Now he understood why Mirio was speechless.
It was never a family member.
It was never a new guy.
It was never even a human being.
It was a fucking bunny.
He got so jealous to the point of crying, over a damn bunny.
Embarrassment seeped through him and he instantly walked to the corner of the wall to face it.
He should've noticed the litter box in your house. And how there were tufts of fur stuck on your clothes.
God, he felt so dumb.
You were so confused at your boyfriend's sudden timidness, but because of the tiny little ball of fur currently sleeping where you're sitting. There's no way you'd move and stir him from his sleep.
Mirio laughed out loud, and you quickly quieted him, explaining how bunnies are easily spooked.
He apologized and sat cross-legged in front of you, examining the tiny bunny thankfully still deep in slumber.
"Tamaki heard you talking about little Shiro to Nejire today." You nodded, while your hand softly caresses Shiro's head.
Tamaki shuffled closer into the wall, wishing to any god out there to melt into the wall. "After he told me, we genuinely thought you found a new boyfriend."
Your eyes widened and you looked over to your shy boyfriend.
Your heart ached at the thought.
Luckily for you, Shiro began waking up. Upon waking up, he promptly walked away from you to examine the new human being in the corner of the room, Tamaki.
You stood and gave Tamaki the biggest hug from the back you could muster.
Shiro nuzzled on Tamaki's ankles a little bit, making you giggle. "He seems to like you a lot!" Tamaki still refused to turn your way.
"You know in the RARE chance that I find someone even better than you. Which may I add is close to impossible I would never lie to you and still be in a relationship with you." He valued your honesty and the way you didn't try and make empty promises.
Mirio and Nejire took this as a cue to leave. Nejire, leaving the leafy greens on your bedside table above some tissues.
You took Tamaki's arm and turned him to look at you.
"Hey, hey. Have you been crying over this?" His gaze still fixated on the floor, he nodded.
You sighed and took one of your hands to his cheek to caress it. He enjoyed the warmth of your hand and leaned into it more.
Still trying to reassure him, you gave him a small peck on his lips.
Reminding him that right now, he was the most precious HUMAN guy in your life.
Shiro suddenly thumped at the ground with his two back legs. Both of you glanced over at the tiny bunny.
He looked pissed. He seemed to be demanding your attention and is furious to not be getting any.
Both of you burst into laughter at the silly behavior your bunny was now showing. You both sat down on the floor and began to give the bunny attention.
"See even he's jealous of you." You picked Shiro up on both your hands, all his four feet safely planted on the palm of your hand close to your stomach and not high from the ground.
Tamaki looked at you and Shiro and smiled intently. "Bunny with their pet bunny."
Your face heated up at the comment he made using your pet name, "oh shut up." You tried not to sound flustered but failed miserably. By the dopey smile you have decorating your face right now, Tamaki knew you were still ridiculously in love with him.
Even if one day you're not, Tamaki feels good knowing you'd break up with him before you hurt him any further.
After all, you are his most precious, incredible, kind, caring, daring, loving, patient.
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coming back stronger than the 90's trend :
Hey there everyone. I'm sorry I know I haven't been active on here for ages and I mean 6 MONTHS LIKE WHAT ?!?!? and te things I missed FEARLESS TAYLOR'S VERSION ?
!! And RED TAYLOR'S VERSION ?!?!?! haha but I really really needed this little break to think about more um personal stuff cus I went through a lot of stuff and staying away from Tumblr was never something I intentionally wanted to do but depression made is harder for me to so barely anything.
The reason why I disappeared was because my boyfriend broke up with me and I was left with some heartbreaking words but I'm stronger naw haha .
Secondly I started therapy on July and it's almost been 2 months and it's really really really helpful .
Also , I know this might be the hardest thing to confess but I wanted to take this post as an opportunity to let everyone know that I'm finally coming out as bisexual , it was really hard for me to do this but when I was accepted by my best friend and he told me that I was valid and he accepted me I just felt like this is the right thing to do and I really hope nobody will attack me or bring down my real gender .
Finally I wanna say thank you to everyone who sent me asks to know if I'm alright and I wanna let you know that I can't be better 💓🤍💞💞💕 💜💞❤️💝
I love you all 🌺
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undyingsunshine · 3 years
Thanks @cross-d-a and @jockvillagersonly for the tag!!! 💙💙
Name: undyingsunshine
I've been on the internet for a whole 10-12 years, and I've had quite a few name changes xD The most recent change was 2017, and it wasn't until I made this tumblr and my new AO3 a few months ago that I realised how difficult it is to choose a user/name that I connected with. I wanted to keep my DMBJ fandom posting and the rest of my online shenanigans relatively separate, which is why I didn't just use my default name ^^ As for what this username means/comes from... It was actually kind of a reference to the film Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I was going to go with "EternalSunshine" but I felt like undying sounded better, and also felt more like its own thing. ^^ Undying could also be seen as a reference to ZQL's immortality xD Sunshine is such a lovely word and I most often use it in reference to my two NCT biases, as well as most other things that make me happy. It's so warm and bright and basically everything I wish to be! ((oh and also... may or may not remind me of Funshine Bear from Care Bears))
I've been in too many to count! Right now, we're in DMBJ hell and I'm loving it so far!!! Everyone's just...so sweet? and kind? and funny???? Honestly I was really worried about interacting with people at first, but now I feel a bit more comfortable in doing so!
I'm not actually sure what tropes I like xD I mostly just read something if I like the premise or if it's from a writer I like! That being said, I tend to be drawn to (soft) whump/hurt/comfort or sickfics cause they're just too cute ;^; And they can really bring out a lot of character moments, or demonstrate good relationships between characters. If your story has whump/hurt/comfort and a fandom I like, chances are that I'll try it out! This is also the kind of fic that I write the most. If you want 10 relatively similar sickfics written, I'm the girl to ask XD
Fic I spent most time on
Technically I have a fic for another fandom that I worked on for around two years that I never actually finished ^^;  I dropped it in the middle of a total rewrite, and I hope some day I can go back to it and finish it for the sake of the readers xD
For DMBJ, the fic I've spent most time on is probably 'I'm Here' since I've been working on it for... months xD I am an extremely slow writer and I'm trying not to be sorry about it bcs everyone had their own pace, and it just so happens that mine is equivalent to a sloth xD
Favourite fic(s) you've written
Probably the same fic I talked about in the previous answer! It has a special place in my heart. I also don't mind I'm Here too much! There some personal wips that I quite like too, but I'm not sure if I'm up for sharing them yet xD
Fic I spent least time on
Probably the "Li Cu fucking Dies" fic, otherwise titled "Come with me, I promise the water is fine."  It's pretty much just a slight rehash of a post I made that I then turned into a fic. There wasn't a whole lot of time spent on it, mostly for the sake of my own poor heart xD
Longest fic
Definitely the fic I spent most time on. It was around 39K words, which isn't a lot but, again, I am a slow writer xD
Shortest fic
Definitely "Come with me..." which is around 370 words! Unless I was to dredge up a REALLY REALLY REALLY OLD pokemon fanfic I wrote when I was 11. I doubt that any of the chapters got past the 100 word mark xD
Most hits/kudos/comments/bookmarks: 
The unnamed long fic returns! Definitely my most popular fic by far.
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: 
Definitely would rewrite the unnamed fic and I think I might add onto I'm Here's universe? Or maybe the AU where Li Cu is dead.
Share a bit of a WIP:
Ok this comes from a dumb fic idea that I had where Li Cu and his snake spirit argue constantly, but Li Cu often argues his points out loud, and people catch him talking to himself too many times xD Of course, after this snippet it turns a little angsty (because Wu Xie and Li Cu's angst towards each other is Eternal around here) but I cut it out since I don't post enough fluffy-ish content xD
You need sleep.
"Not at 7 in the evening!" Li Cu protested in frustration. "I have work to do-"
"Are you arguing with yourself?"
Uh oh.
Li Cu is frozen on the spot for a moment, blinking stupefied at the wall. A new wave of emotions eclipses his anger, and instead he's drowned out with embarrassment, anxiety and slight panic.
He turns around slowly to see Wu Xie standing behind the couch, watching him with undisguised amusement, those clever eyes already beginning to deconstruct Li Cu in the same way Li Cu used to deconstruct pens as a kid.
Or. Maybe not as clumsily. Wu Xie's innate ability to read others was more like how a clocksmith seamlessly pieces together all the intricacies of, well.... a clock...
Where the fuck was he even taking this?
The point is, Wu Xie is a crafty bastard who knows his way around people - especially ones like Li Cu who basically wear their heart on their sleeve. Or if you want to be more accurate, right on his fucking forehead like that weird headband game.
Li Cu swallows his panic with the intensity of a man starved.
"Uh... I uh... No...?" Smooth. "Not... Not really...?"
Wu Xie raises an eyebrow and levels Li Cu with a disbelieving grin.
"Oh really? Who are you talking to, then?"
"I mean... You right now, if we're being--"
"Alright smartass, who were you talking to before I came in? The wall? A ghost?"
Well, he's technically not wrong there...
"I... Ah...."
You are quite inept at this.
"Shut it!"
And there we go!!! Sorry if this ate up ppl's dashes ;;; I'm tagging @tbx12 @traineecryptid and @strandedchesspiece ((don't feel pressured to do it!! ♡♡ It's fine if you can't/don't want to ^^)) and anyone else who sees this and wants to give it a go!!
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huenjin · 3 years
i'm glad you're having this discussion! i wanted to put my experience in if that's okay? i wanted to try the rp cus i saw people doing it and everyone seemed so enthusiastic and i was having trouble making friends (also didn't think too much about it because i wasn't able to tell the difference between smut and that), so i gave it a try and i immediately felt so uncomfortable. it felt so wrong to be acting as if i was someone else, even if i was just pretending. i'll be honest and say i don't know if the difference between smut and that is as stark to some people, as there are definitely people who write and engage in smut in a similar manner.
but it almost made me feel uncomfortable engaging in the content of the group because i felt so unworthy and gross. i felt like i had to act that way to talk with the people on the blog, too and there's such a odd pressure to perform how people want, you sort of get egged on. i felt very dehumanised and realised that it was exactly what i was doing to the idol by proxy.
this isn't to say that my actions weren't my own, i made that choice and i regret it. i stopped very promptly because i prioritise the group more than anything. i completely respect if you think bad of me, i'm ashamed i did that. but i wanted to put forward the way the anons might be feeling. sorry if you're not interested in hearing that, but i thought it just might be useful to get the other pov of it too.
oh! wanted to say, if me having done that in the past makes you feel uncomfortable with me following you, i will absolutely unfollow you, no hard feelings. this is your space and i don't want to intrude in anyway.
i hope you took time to feel better about yourself post experience because you, as an individual, matter the most. and you're right about how one views smut, because 18 year old me thought that smut was necessary to be lewd, graphic for it to be considered but 20 year old me learnt that beautiful, poetic smut is my favorite. and maybe all of these people are still getting to know what is what. but that being said, my whole issue with this role play thing is the anonymity behind it. you are not aware of whom you are sending these messages to, and if you did know, why are you doing it on the feed? can't you just take it to the dms?
firstly, thank you so much for sharing your experience. it's always eye opening to hear it from another pov and for this, i am so so grateful. i understand the stuff we all do under pressure to fit in. we all learn from experiences after all, you and i. i do want some of these anons to know that there are soooo many people on nsfw stayblr that are willing to have normal conversation to be friends with you; to be ready to engage in normal conversations with you.
not every choice we make is right and that's alright, as long as we learn. i just really hope you are doing better. the pressure you talk about exists and i know. it took me a long time to come to terms to put out what i want to put out on my blog instead of what the reader wants. (i did in the beginning and that led me to make horrible choices and made me feel like a horrible human. but i've learnt from those mistakes.) i know how a smut work will always do 10x better than a 20k worded fic without smut. and it's the same pressure that prompts me to put out even the smallest smut in those fics just so that i can get people to read the plot. is that smut-baiting? i guess? /laughs/
in the end, i do hope you remember what i said earlier. there are people here to talk to about how you feel, about how good/bad your day went, and about how much you know you want to be in an e2l!au with lee minho !! /laughs/ i respect you so much for telling me this and like am so glad i get to hear a different side of the same story! you don't make me comfortable! 💗
here's to happier existence in tumblr, nonnie. 💕
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