#also also i have two copies of true colors i just only included one in the picture
sonknuxadow · 2 months
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my sonic cds btw . i ❤️ physical media
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transienturl · 11 months
Here are two non-obvious things about the Tumblr UI that I feel like I can make more clear with some images. As of July 17, 2022 2023... oops:
links to posts on blog themes:
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There's a link to view a post on the user's custom blog theme—if they have a custom theme, and have their blog accessible to logged-out users, of course—as the first item in the ⋯ ("meatballs") menu. (This used to be the dog-ear corner at the top right corner of the post, if you remember that.)
Like any normal link, you can control/command click this menu item to open it in a new tab, or right click it to copy the link URL.
links to individual reblogs:
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The header areas highlighted in green here—specifically their empty areas—are links directly to the individual reblogs they're the headers for. This is also true in the mobile apps!
You can control/command click them to open them in a new tab.
You can sort of right-click them to copy the link URL... but only if you have post timestamps turned on (it's in your tumblr settings in the dashboard section near the top), and only if you right click on the timestamp, or actually the dashed green area. (I wish this could be true for the whole header, but it's kind of hard for technical web browser limitation reasons.)
The above statements are true without XKit!
Now: by default, the areas highlighted in red and orange are links to the blogs in question. The "restore links to individual posts" option in Tweaks in XKit Rewritten (check out @addons!) does two things:
It changes the red-highlighted links to point directly to the reblog in question, just like their surrounding green area. This doesn't really add any functionality; you could already access that, as just discussed! Edit: I got this wrong; the reblog trail blog names should not be highlighted red.
It changes the orange-highlighted link to point to the immediately preceding reblog (i.e. the one "prev tags" refers to). This definitely does add functionality, since there was literally no way to step backward through the reblog chain otherwise!
For the record, what I would probably have done if I were Staff or if I had been the one to write the XKit Rewritten tweak without anyone else's input is:
Make the green-highlighted areas link to the reblog, as they currently already do.
Make the red-highlighted links point to the user blog, as they currently already do.
Make the orange-highlighted link, including the reblog icon, link to the immediately preceding reblog (i.e. the one "prev tags" refers to). That section is a different color than a blog link and has a special icon, after all; I think it's totally reasonable for it to have slightly different functionality.
In any case, it imo quite obviously should not be impossible to step back through the reblog chain, no matter what you think of the "prev tags" phenomena. Without an extension, there's no way to do this at all right now unless the post has very few notes and you can dig through them.
Some might argue for solving this by putting the a link to the previous reblog in the ⋯ menu. That would certainly be better than nothing, but I think using the orange-highlighted area is a better way. It's not like it's hard to get to a blog from an individual-post-viewed-on-that-blog, anyway.
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More in depth analysis about the Spy x Family Manga Cover Chairs and Bonus Artworks (Or me just overthinking Endo’s decisions in everything and as always long post, please bear with me)
So I wanted to talk about something that I noticed about the various designer chairs that is featured on all manga covers.
Endo did say that he thought about how each chair matches the personality of the character, regarding it’s style, design or the color.
But I like to talk about something different about the chairs-it’s size or the seating capacity and how it reflects the characters relationship with others or their views about relationships. Also, I’m going to share something significant about the comedic bonus arts that also feature the chairs.
This focus mainly about Loid, Yor and Anya‘s Chair (including Fiona’s Chair) and the bonus illustrations that came with it.
Volume 1-Loid’s Chair: Le Corbusier LC2
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There are two versions of this chair in the manga/anime, the love seat and the one seater. Loid is seated in the one seater chair in this cover, it means no one can sit there with him that reflects how reluctant he was in letting other people in his life. He wasn’t open for relationships (You can notice that those who are like him, intelligence assets; Franky, Fiona, Handler all sit in one seating capacity chair).
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The bonus artwork was Anya sitting on the chair copying his pose. She’s the most fitting person to be in this seat because she can see through Loid’s mind, she basically knows who he really is and she likes him for that. Anya was fond of spies and she was excited about being part of his mission.
Volume 2-Anya’s Chair: Marshmallow Sofa
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Anya’s chair has a large seating capacity and she was sitting at the middle, waiting for the empty spots on her both sides to be occupied. This depicts Anya’s anticipation for forming relationship with other people, about her wanting parents, a family, to be there for her.
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The bonus artwork was drunk Yor lying face flat on Anya’s chair. This artwork, for me, reflects Yor’s unwavering affection for Anya and Anya’s appreciation of Yor. Even drunk, she’s determined to protect her, as if she was her real daughter as seen during the castle chapter. She is fond of Anya.
Volume 3-Yor’s Chair: La Chaise (Featuring Fiona’s Heart Cone Chair)
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This is the chair I wanted to talk about and I have to use Fiona’s Chair for this analysis for Endo said that Fiona is designed to be Yor’s contrast and we can clearly see it in their chairs.
The seating capacity of Yor and Fiona’s chair greatly differ. Yor’s chair was big, Endo pointed how it didn’t even fit the cover, and even though Fiona’s chair is big too, she’s the only person who could sit in it. Other people can fit Yor’s chair but not with Fiona. I analyze this as Yor being open to genuine relationships and selfless while Fiona being closed off and selfish.
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We know Yor’s motivation for being an assassin was for Yuri, for the sake of other people, and what is Fiona’s motivation? Clearly it was mainly for Twilight to marry her, love her and it was evidently show with all that stuff hiding behind her chair. I’m sure she experienced a lot of traumatic stuff that led to her being a spy but I don’t see other praise worthy and selfless motivations from her that was aside Twilight’s affection. Don’t get me wrong, she’s an interesting character and she isn't a bad person but I’m not really a fan of her personality just like I don’t like Yuri’s obsession with her sister.
In Yor however, she has nothing under or behind her chair. Just that blood that wasn’t even behind or below her chair. She wasn’t faking anything about her personality. It’s true that she accepted her marriage to preserve her assassin job but she genuinely wanted to marry Loid because he was the one who acknowledged her selflessness and that was enough for her to completely entrust her life to him. She welcomed Loid and Anya to her life because her longing for a companion to share her life with is as big as the size of her chair.
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The bonus art in Volume 3 was Loid sitting on her chair. Despite the comedic set up of these illustrations, I think the people who tend to sit on the chair on the bonus arts were the ones who gets the person on the cover the most.
That is why Anya is in Loid’s (Because she can read his mind) Why Yor is in Anya's (Because Yor lost her parents at a young age too and she knows how to care for Anya because she did that to Yuri) and why Loid is in Yor’s chair (Because Loid understood her self sacrifice because he too, is the same as her) Also why Anya and Bond are in the bonus of Volume 4 because the two of them get each other, being both experimented on.
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I also have some analysis about Volume 5-12 and the bonus artworks as well, but I might post them in another time since I haven't seen the translated bonus artworks in Becky and Emile and Ewen's Volumes.
But let me know if this analysis makes sense to you.
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daytaker · 5 months
Hi! I'd Like to request something for obey me. So MC is an Artist Like Semi realistic or so and then they draw the brothers and themself all together Like some Kind of Family Photo for maybe a sweet gesture to appriciat them, what would the reaction be?
First of all, that's adorable. Second of all, yes, absolutely.
The immediate question on everyone's mind is where it should be put. The suggestions are fairly predictable. Beel wants it in the kitchen. Satan wants it in the library. Belphie wants it in the observatory. Asmo thinks it should go in his bathroom, and he acts amazed when his brothers disagree.
You'll probably be the one to suggest making some copies of it if they like it so much. That way they can all have one. The brothers all like this idea, so you head off to the Devildom equivalent of a FedEx store and make some quick copies for everybody.
Eventually, the original work will find pride of place above the fireplace, where everyone will get plenty of time to admire it, including guests. The brothers are all very proud to explain to them that they have a very close friend who's an artist, thank you, and they made that piece of artwork up there for them, for free, because they love them all so much. What do you mean it's too small for that big of a space? Clearly you don't understand art, they'll tell the guest. Satan smirks; Levi rolls his eyes; Asmo whispers something to Mammon and they both start snickering. Real mean girl energy.
It's proved to be more or less impossible to get a photograph with himself and all six of his brothers, so this is an immediate hit with him. Plus, you're in it, which makes it even more valuable. He wonders why he didn't commission a painted family portrait earlier. It just hadn't crossed his mind, he supposes.
He'll buy a very nice and expensive frame for the picture and have it professionally mounted on a backboard. Only a museum quality display will do.
He enjoys looking at the artwork now and then and mentally noting all the details he likes. You captured Mammon's smug smile perfectly, and somehow Levi looks happy, but still like himself. Of course, his favorite part of the picture (along with you, of course) is himself. He thinks he looks very dignified, and he appreciates that you placed him in the center; the true patriarch of the family. Besides that (though he wouldn't bring it up unprompted), he thinks you made him look very handsome, and he likes the idea that you see him that way.
You put him next to you?! I mean, of course you did! He's your number one demon, right? Obviously he belongs right next to you! He'll point out his positioning in the picture to his brothers often enough that they've gotten past feeling annoyed about it and just tease him for simping so openly.
He thinks it looks a little bit like you're smiling at him in the picture. You're not. You're staring into the 'camera', just like everyone else. But he tells himself that. He has another copy of the picture made where he cropped out everyone besides the two of you. He keeps it in his sock drawer so he can pull it out when he's by himself and admire it. Lucifer has walked in on him lying on his back and holding it up, staring wistfully at the picture, often enough that he can tell by how quiet it is when Mammon is either sleeping or staring at that goddamn picture of his again.
Speaking of extra copies, he also made some more to try and sell at RAD, but, shockingly, cheap copies of a picture of someone else's family didn't sell well. Diavolo bought one though, as did Simeon. Yeah, maybe it wasn't exactly ethical to try and capitalize on your artwork, but, well, come on, he's in it, and you gave it to him, so that kind of makes him the owner of it, right...?
He's pretty sure he's not breathing right now. That's... That's how he looks? To you? He looks....amazing....!! Look at his smile! His jawline! His glossy hair! His cheeks, touched with color---!!! You must think he's... like....... Ugh, it's stupid, like, who even cares? Nobody, that's who. Nobody except him. He cares. And he wishes his stomach would settle down a little bit before lunch explodes onto the rug. So he'll just take his copy of the painting, clutch it to his chest, and giggle to himself as he slinks off to his room while everyone else stands admiring the painting on the mantlepiece.
Now, to really study this thing. He lies in his bathtub and squints at the painting. He realizes, to his dismay, that all his brothers look extra hot in this thing too. Hrmm... But, whatever! The important part is that he looks amazing! His eyes are shining, his skin looks healthy and smooth, and.... well.... he doesn't look like somebody it'd be weird for you to be into, maybe. Maybe? Possibly.
He's pretty shy around you for a few days after you give them all the picture. He's not really sure how he's supposed to react around someone who thinks he's... h....ha-ha....handsome...???? And not just that, but the look on his face! Does he make faces like that in real life? Does he make faces like that in front of you?
He spends a good chunk of time in front of the mirror trying to imitate the look from the painting, but he can't quite get it right. He always ends up crumbling into a pathetic, groaning, blushing little creep and fleeing the bathroom. He hates himself. But he can cheer himself up with the knowledge that you definitely don't hate him, right? How could you draw someone you hated looking like... like....?!?
Knowing Satan is someone who admires art in general, you were most nervous about him seeing it. He has a tendency to be fairly blunt and honest, and you really hoped he'd just appreciate the thought behind the picture without subjecting it to any kind of critical analysis.
But of course he did it anyway. He'd expressed his appreciation just like his brothers had when you first gave it to them, but you'd often see him standing in front of the fireplace staring up at the picture with a hand to his chin after that.
Satan's initial thought, after the excitement over the gift and how cute and nervous you looked giving it to them all, is that the composition of the piece, while not particularly original, has definite visual appeal. While he doesn't particularly enjoy Lucifer's position in the middle, he understands why you put him there, both artistically and psychologically. Lucifer dominates almost any group he's in with his annoyingly hefty self-confidence. His ego is smeared all over the picture, but that's not your fault. That's just Lucifer, being awful and ruining things, like he always does.
When he finally gives some attention to how he looks in the painting, he's pleasantly surprised. He looks refreshingly like himself, but also like he's meant to be there, with everybody else. He can also tell you spent some time on his eyes. They look lovely. If you ever want to paint them again, he'd be happy to model for you. What, shy all of a sudden?
Well, obviously he's the real star of the artwork. It's as if he's glowing, washing out his brothers with his effervescent presence on the canvas! Clearly, you know your art. Never mind he's the only one who seems to quite see the picture in that way.
He has his copy of the painting framed and hung up in his bathroom, where he thought the original should have been put all along. Now he never feels like he's alone in the tub! Every once in a while, he'll talk to the artwork while he takes a bath. Just to amuse himself. But when you go back to the human world, 'every once in a while' becomes 'almost every day'.
He has a theory that if someone stares into the eyes of Painting Asmo too deeply for too long, they'll fall in love with him. The painting version of him, that is. He knows that's silly, so he keeps it to himself, but he can't stop himself from imagining you mesmerized by your own painting of him, bewitched by the very eyes you painted...
Honestly, Beel is just happy you made a picture including him, his brothers, and you. You put him right beside Belphie with an arm slung around his shoulders. He's smiling more in the picture than he normally does in real life, but that doesn't bother him at all. He wants to look happy in this kind of painting.
He taped his copy of the picture to the refrigerator door. Everyone appreciates this, not just Beel, though he definitely sees it the most often. After you go home, he says good morning to you every day when he first heads to the fridge. It's a nice way to feel like you're still around.
Wow... He looks adorable here. And you didn't include him drooling like his brothers always do when they draw him. Though it really isn't fair to compare this to the "drawings" his brothers have made to make fun of each other. Idiots...
You put him right next to Beel. That makes him smile. And he looks...like he's happy to be there. Maybe not grinning like a doofus, but like this is his family, and he's pretty okay with it.
He keeps his copy of the picture taped to his bedpost so he can look at it whenever he feels lonely, especially after your year in the Devildom comes to an end.
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mycadences · 4 months
When Elain was about to be thrown into the Cauldron (so this was before she even entered the "oh so evil and corrupt" Cauldron that "definitely twisted and created fake mating bonds!"), notice who was the one who had a visceral reaction:
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Also notice how I didn't include Azriel's reaction? Yeah. Because he had none. Azriel had no reaction to Elain's greatest trauma -- her transformation into a High Fae. I can't even find any quotes during that scene, and if you don't believe me, grab your copy of ACOMAF and verify it for yourself. This is why they are definitely NOT mates. Meanwhile, Lucien tried to help Elain although it was their first meeting, so how it possibly be that their mating bond is fake and created by the Cauldron when he felt the bond even before she went in?
In fact, during ACOMAF, Azriel was heavily implied to be shipped with Mor:
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But Mor, as we all know, was likely retconned and revealed to be bisexual in ACOWAR (with a greater inclination toward females), putting an end to their ship.
Meanwhile, contrast Azriel's reaction toward Elain's violation to how Cassian reacted when Nesta was going through the same thing:
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Cassian's wings were shredded. He was in a sea of agony. And yet when Nesta was being thrown into the Cauldron, he was fighting to stay conscious at her screams. Because Nesta is his mate.
The same way that Eluciens are undeniably, irrefutably mates, evil Cauldron be damned.
Alternatively, you can also contrast to this scene:
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Azriel is the Night Court's Spymaster. Yet he didn't leave a single one of the Hybern soldiers alive for questioning? He killed them all immediately, suggesting that he was in a fit of blind, uncontrollable rage.
Which one screams mate behavior to you?
Edit to add: I finally found it! The evidence that Azriel knew to keep at least two enemies alive for questioning, so it was obvious he was incapable of thinking clearly when he killed every single one of the Hybern soldiers who hurt Gwyn.
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In this scene (in ACOSF), Cassian and Azriel were attacked by Autumn Court soldiers, and if Cassian knew the reasoning behind keeping two soldiers alive, obviously Azriel (the actual Spymaster) would, too.
"But -- Elain was wearing a cobalt blue dress when she met Azriel!"
Yeah, so? Nesta was wearing an amethyst dress when she met Cassian...
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... and she ended up with Cassian, didn't she? If cobalt is Azriel's color then crimson is Cassian's (these are the colors corresponding to their siphons btw), and if SJM intended the scene to be a parallel, wouldn't she have Nesta in a crimson dress?
Also tons of people wore cobalt outfits. Feyre, Eris, Helion, even Vassa in ACOSF. I guess we should start shipping Vassa and Azriel! Azris shippers should celebrate, since by Elriels' logic your ship is confirmed!
And if you really want to compare outfits, I think it's significant that both Azriel and Lucien draped their coats over Gwyn and Elain respectively in light of their traumatic experiences. This is how you do a proper parallel.
Even SJM herself alluded to being an Elucien shipper:
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Yes, this was from her actual Pinterest account before she took it down. If you search online for it, you'll find other people talking about it and that this is true, it's not just some random fake account lol.
Elriels claim that Gwyn is the red herring in their ship. I propose the opposite -- Elain is the red herring in Gwynriel's ship, like how Azriel is the red herring in Elucien's ship. Because think about it, if Elriel were really meant to be, why would SJM need to introduce Gwyn as a potential love interest for Azriel? She already had one red herring in Lucien, did she really need a second one? No, she didn't. So why? Why does all the evidence, new and old, point toward Gwynriel and Elucien and not Elriel?
Because there was never Elriel. Elriel were never mates, nor would they ever be. There was only ever Elucien (which came first) and Moriel (but Mor was retconned into being bisexual), which eventually gave rise to Gwynriel and highly likely Emorie (Mor x Emerie).
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desaulniers-co · 1 year
I’m going to talk a bit about Shibusawa’s ability and what it says about Fyodor’s ability. Since Fyodor’s ability currently isn’t fully known and Shibusawa’s ability possibly reveals a lot about it.
(If you do not want to read my explanations about Shibusawa’s ability and want to skip directly to Fyodor’s ability, scroll to the ‘crime and punishment’ image. Tough I recommend reading the explanations)
So, from what we know in dead Apple, there’s a specific way abilities manifested when Shibusawa’s fog effected them. There’s two types of ones here. Normal abilities, and ‘physical’ abilities.
For normal abilities, manifestation takes the form of the persons ‘silhouette’ or shadow of the person because they don’t have their own form to take. They become a copy of their holder because they are part of them. They don’t really exist on their own outside of the user. So they still reflect what they are a part of.
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By physical ability, I mean ones like Akutagawa, Mori, Kyōka, and Atsushi, who all have specific physical forms already. And their manifestations from Shibusawa’s ability take that form. These abilities that are summoned or are actual things already have a form. So they don’t become the shadow or ‘spirit’ of the ability, they become what the ability normally is. Part of this may be because the abilities have a “mind” of their own to an extent. Demon snow does things to care for Kyōka, and she couldn’t control it. Atsushi couldn’t control the Tiger and didn’t remember time as it, showing them as sort of ‘separate’ beings that are also one, including during the movie. Rashomon is ‘hungry’ and seems to have at least some level of sentence. Elise is clearly her entire own person, often arguing with Mori.
These ‘physical’ abilities keep the general same appearance as always in their manifestation, only they gain a gem on their head.
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Now, why does the gem, the ability itself seemingly, appear on the head? I believe they’re placed in the head where the “brain” or “central” would be. Where the ability would, supposedly, be kept and controlled. In the mind.
So all abilities have their gem on their head, and take the form of their user if they don’t have their own physical form.
That is
Except Fyodor.
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As you can see, Fyodor’s ability manifestation does not look like the normal manifestations. The skin is the same color as usual, the eyes are not glowing, and he has facial features. What is more resembles is the physical abilities. Keeping the exact same appearance, just gaining a gem on their body.
The gem is not located on the forehead. It’s located on his hand. Gems are assumed to be placed on the central ‘control’ spot of the ability, which is why the others are located on the head. Implying that the ‘brain’ or control for this ability is not in his mind, but in his hands. In his touch.
These both seem like small differences chosen for the appearance of the scene. But I believe they imply much more and could explain the mystery of his ability.
Fyodor kills someone with bare contact. His morals and beliefs are a large part of his character as well. Morals and beliefs, and people being killed based on what one believed about them, is also a large theme in the actual Crime and Punishment. (I cannot speak too much on the book, I’m still reading it currently)
I believe his ability and himself are not the same. His ability is not something he can control. It is a ‘conscious’ thing, a physical ability, just like ones such as Elise and Demon Snow. The best way to explain this is the quote the image is from.
The true Fyodor says, “I am crime.”
This means he is the law, he determines what is a crime. A judgment is made based on his morals and beliefs, a set of rules he has created and put into place.
The ability says, “I am punishment.“
This means, literally, the punishment. The consequence that is given based on what the law decides for the crime. The punisher has to give the punishment deemed fair based on if the law has convicted them.
The Punishment, death, will be cast on someone based on what the law, Fyodor’s morals and beliefs, say about their Crimes.
The ability takes punishment into its own hands. When Fyodor comes into contact with someone, a quick judgment is made based on whether he interprets them as a criminal or ‘sinner’ without his knowing or intention. The ability does it for him. Based on that quick judgment from his morals, he decides if the person will be killed or spared. That’s why some die by his hand, such as Karma, and others don’t, such as Nikolai.
This is why it is a ‘physical’ ability. It has its own consciousness, choosing to punish or spare a person without Fyodor’s conscious thought of it. He made the rules, the set of morals a person would be judged with, the crimes. But he does not actively decide if one is to be punished for them or not.
Crime and punishment go hand in hand. But they are not the same. They effect each other, but one can not have total control of the other. This is how I perceive Fyodor’s ability.
Please keep in mind this is all theory/hc based on a single scene, don’t take it for fact!! I am happy to further discuss with people and hear others theories or ideas :))
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birdgenetics · 2 months
Sex-linked barring Part 1!
This is the gene that is responsible for black sexlinks. It is sexlinked incomplete dominant.
b+ is the non-barring allele
B is the barring allele
Barring interrupts pigment production, creating bars of almost no pigment and bars of almost saturated pigment. Barring shows up best on a black base. This will allow for almost black and almost white bars. Other colors show good barring as well, but in some, it is very indistinct. Wheaten barred hen feathers and the blue barred feathers have especially blurry barring.
Because barring is on the sex chromosome, females can only inherit one barring allele. This would make them hemizygous for barring.
B/-: cuckoo d'Anvers female named Margaret
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Here is a male with only one copy of barring. Since he had no selection in his background, he has some solid black feathers (however, even the best barred birds can have black feathers, they simply remove them for show). As you can see, he is roughly the same color as the hen above.
B/b+: Single barred d'Anvers male (His name was Stripes!)
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With two copies of the barring gene, males will have more white bars, giving them a much lighter appearance.
B/B: double barred DominiquexD'Anvers cross (cage bars not always included)
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Some of you might point out that all of the birds I just posted were cuckoo, not barred. It is true that barring as defined by the Standard of Perfection has much cleaner and more even bars while cuckoo is more rough around the edges.
An exhibition barred Plymouth Rock would be barred while a hatchery "barred Rock" would actually be cuckoo.
Why is this? The slow feathering gene, and also selection for better barring.
The "slow-feathering gene" is a sex-linked mutation that causes a bird to feather in more slowly.
Exhibition barred Plymouth Rocks have the slow feathering gene. I should know. I had one and his feathers came in slooowly. (Sadly, I lost whatever pictures I had of him.) This allows the bars to come in evenly.
Hatchery "Barred Rocks", Dominiques, d'Anvers, and most other breeds have the fast feathering gene. So their bars look like a rush job. I'll explain slow and fast feathering at a later date.
However, "barred" and "cuckoo" from a genetics standpoint are both barred. For simplicity's sake, I'm going to call them both barred.
Anyway, a neat thing about sex-linked barring is that if you have a true-breeding flock of B/- females and B/B males, you can sex them based on color.
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All the dark chicks with white spots on their heads are barred. Large, irregular white spots indicate male chicks. Small, even white spots indicate female chicks. And once their feathers come in, the difference between homozygous double-barred males and hemizygous single-barred females is even more obvious. However, there is a lot of variation in barring. Some lines are lighter and some lines are darker. Since these barred chicks have a mixed heritage, even though they are homozygous and hemizygous, all of the chicks look very different and I probably couldn't reliably sex them.
On certain base colors, barring can be used to create autosexing chicks, a topic that definitely deserves a post of its own.
I also never got to sex-link crosses. I will have to make a part 2, maybe even a part 3!
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ladyhindsight · 1 year
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Over the course of reading the books, it has become apparent that different editions have gone under several revisions. The original City of Bones, when reflected against the changes that have been made over the years to the manuscript, highlights how poor and haphazard the world-building in what would eventually become The Shadowhunter Chronicles was. 
I’ve compared two different e-book versions of City of Bones, one of which appears to be the original text and one that I frankly have no idea which exact edition it is since my physical 2015 repackaged copy also varies from its contents. The left one is the supposedly original and the right one is the newer edition. Tap/click for bigger images since the text is pretty small for being compared side by side. There’s quite a few.
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Magnus’ skin color.
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Revamping the rune business. The unnamed permanent rune placed on dominant hand that lends extra skill with weapons is turned into the Voyance rune that aids their Sight.
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For which the part highlighted with blue is deleted completely. Additionally Jace explaining his hunch about Clary’s Sight has become more rational. This underlines how little the concept of the Sighted was developed in the beginning.
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In the long run it wouldn’t have made sense that no mundane in a century was Sighted.
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All the stories are true is added.
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Added punctuation and Isabelle’s Voyance rune. The original did not make sense either not to highlight any unnamed permanent runes that Isabelle might have/has.
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Clary asks Isabelle did Jace bring her to the Institute. In the original, Hodge comes off as furious over Clary messing up the carpet with ichor and blood. This is missing in the newer edition.
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Don’t know what is wrong with the “hedge-witch.” Also additional explanation on differences between warlocks and witches.
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In the 2007 version the Gray Book is mentioned when Magnus shows a copy of one to Clary in order to jog her memory. In the newer edition, the Covenant Marks are replaced by Marks from the Gray Book.
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Corrected probably because the timeline did not originally match.
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This is a pretty big one. The original thought was that some random warlock summoned the Angel. Jonathan Shadowhunter as a concept most likely didn’t exist yet.
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Added explanation on the Clave.
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Relying on my memory and a quick search of the document, Iron Sisters were also not mentioned in the original text. Also the seraph blades were already named, which later on wouldn’t make sense as they just call a random name to activate the blade anyway (though Jace does use Sanvi and Sansanvi later on in both editions).
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Changes made to the drawing of runes.
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Jace explains to Clary how the Forsaken are made by placing a lot powerful runes on people who don’t have Shadowhunter blood. He also tells that one rune will only burn, which will be later proven wrong since the Starkweather changeling dies from one rune in TID. Hence the change, that even one rune might end up killing an ordinary human.
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Concept of the Forsaken revamped in the sense that why the hell would any Downworlder be able to even use Nephilim runes??
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Part of Jace and Madame Dorothea’s conversation deleted.
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The concept of a “Control” being trashed. Wards added.
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We’ve gone over this before. Pangborn and Blackwell were never meant to be warlocks, but it is confusing that Blackwell is purple. This part of the description was deleted, though his later appearance (in the newer edition) still describes him becoming “darker purple” which would mean he was purple in the first place.
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I don’t know why this was deleted. Shadowhunters don’t have dental so I guess they don’t sharpen their teeth either.
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Earlier in the book Jace tells Alec: “When I found her, she was lying on the floor in a pool of blood with a dying demon practically on top of her. I watched as it vanished. If she didn’t kill it, who did?” The original includes this, so it is strange that there would even be “a dead Ravener” when they leave no bodies behind. 
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Simon’s dislike of cats is deleted because he has a cat called Yossarian. Clary bumps into it in City of Ashes.
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Basically this whole scene which didn’t make much sense to begin with. Mentioned earlier here and here.
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The whole “Mortal Cup mostly working on children” angle is omitted and the concept of Ascension revamped. Also the concept of Ascension by that name did not exist.
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Same continues here.
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In the original text, Jace’s ring is first mentioned in the third chapter when Jace waves at Clary in Java Jones:
“She stared at Jace as she thought it, and he raised his left hand to wave at her. A ring glittered on a slim finger. He got to his feet and began walking, unhurriedly, toward the door. Clary’s lips parted in surprise. He was leaving, just like that.”
The next time it is mention in chapter 10:
“Jace looked down at his hands. They were slim and careful hands, the hands of an artist, not a warrior. The ring she had noticed earlier flashed on his finger. She would have thought there  would have  been  something feminine about  a  boy wearing a ring, but there wasn’t. The ring itself was solid and heavy-looking, made of a dark burned-looking silver with a pattern of stars around the band. The letter W was carved in to it.”
In the revised edition, the ring is first mentioned in the chapter 9, the part that is highlighted with blue. Unlike in the original text, Jace’s ring is not mentioned in the third chapter:
“She stared at Jace as she thought it, and he raised his left hand to wave at her. He got to his feet and began walking, unhurriedly, toward the door. Clary’s lips parted in surprise. He was leaving, just like that.”
Like. Why? The whole sentence is deleted.
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Isabelle corrected to Alec because it was Alec who said it, so it was an error in the original version.
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Vampire drinking habits revised. Yet human subjugates remain illegal, they only get to drink once and not keep them around.
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Magnus’ description changed.
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This part of the dialogue deleted.
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My 2015 physical copy also includes Gregor’s ashes, but the e-book has changed this scene so that vampires do not have the habit of turning into bats and dust.
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My copy also includes Clary’s musings about ugly vampires which are deleted from the revised version.
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This part made me question which version the newer revision is because my 2015 physical copy has the same line as here the original one and lacks the added line of Alec looking horribly ashamed.
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Probably changed because why would Clary be expected to travel in any other world than theirs? Especially since Jace has told her only demons are capable of interdimensional travel. Also added attraction to Clary.
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Again the “Control” being trashed.
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This part of Jace’s words deleted.
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And so this as well.
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Added greater demon poison so it’s not just any demon poison as the original text led you to believe.
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The explanation about Jace’s Wayland/Morgenstern ring is completely changed to cover up the plot hole it created in the original version.
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This has also been discussed already.
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Rather reflective of the mindset at the time of writing this. Girls be gossiping, indeed.
These are the ones I noticed. I’m still pretty unsure how many revisions the writing has actually gone through and whether my e-book is the latest version of City of Bones. But quite a lot has been changed.
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asm5129 · 1 year
Life is Strange series: my thoughts on every game ❤️
Hopefully this also offers those with mixed or even negative feelings on one or two of them a potential new viewpoint.
Life is strange:
obviously this one has a special place in my heart. Beautiful, tragic, compelling, with just a hint of cringe haha. But seriously, there’s a reason this one’s a classic. Plus I’m always a sucker for time travel. Funnily enough my first playthrough I absolutely hated Chloe, and sacrificed her with little hesitation. However that changed a few years later thanks in large part to…
Life is Strange Before the Storm:
also known as the game that made me empathize with Chloe Price. I know there are many who dislike it, but this game will always mean a lot to me because i really understood Chloe’s pain through its narrative. So much so that when I played the original after finishing it I didn’t choose to save Arcadia Bay because I didn’t care for Chloe, but rather because I knew if I saved her it wouldn’t be for her sake. I’d be saddling her with extreme survivors guilt, having to live every day knowing the woman she loved let everyone they knew die for her to live—including her own mother. That’s the same pain she was going through with losing her dad, but on an exponentially larger scale. The only person who benefits from Chloe living is Max, and I couldn’t do that to her.
Y’all, whether you like this game or not that kind of transformation of opinion on a character only happens when writers do a good job on some level.
Life is Strange 2:
oof, this one is even more divisive than Before the Storm….but I love it. It was really brave for them to do this. I felt protective of Daniel as if he were my own little brother, and I wanted him to live a good life. They really made it feel like everything I did or said had an impact on him, so I really wanted to be a good influence. It choice of protagonist also shouldn’t be underestimated Usually, a male protagonists that takes care of someone is more like Joel in the last of us. They’re hardened, and violent, and they soften up through the game but they still are usually quite violent in the end. Sean is a man, a boy really, who has to grow into a more empathetic and mature person. In life is strange 2, surviving doesn’t mean learning how to fight because that won’t solve anything. No, surviving means learning to understand the value of the person in it with you; and that’s beautiful.
Life is Strange True Colors:
Okay this one is my favorite, I’ll be frank. Yes it has stuff in common with the original but let’s not pretend for a moment it’s a carbon copy. Alex is my favorite LiS protagonist, and Steph is my favorite LiS love interest (though Cassidy is great in LiS2). Alex’s power is visually, emotionally and narratively stunning, the community of Haven is spectacularly realized, the final chapter is beautifully recontextualizing and heartbreaking at once…and on a personal level, it helped me feel things I’d been avoiding. A spectacular culmination of what had been learned from the prior three games, revisiting elements to calm those upset with the direction of LiS2 while moving the series forward and proving to many that the future of life is strange is in good hands (issues with the remasters notwithstanding—I blame Square Enix and the fans who demanded they be released asap when clearly deck nine delayed them for a good reason)
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stormxpadme · 1 year
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A little thing for @sneakymystique's birthday. Hope you enjoy it <3.
Thank you dear @effervescentdragon for last minute betaing even when I'm entirely incapable of doing something in time for once. Love ya lots!
"Hey, furball, thought we agreed about the off-limit parts of the house." When Scott spotted a sinewy, four-legged shape pass by his Honda, its stripe-shades blurring with the colors of his glasses which revealed which one of the two cats living at the Mutant High right now it was, he seriously considered for a moment if the interruption was even worth it, lifting his overtired body from that damn creeper.
Morpheus was probably just chasing some rodent anyway and would vanish in the stable again before Scott could even get to him. But sadly that little shit could never be trusted with not licking or chewing something definitely not meant for feline stomachs, and the last thing Katja needed right now was worrying about a family member ending up in the sick bay. Besides, the animal had stopped somewhere by the cars, hissing at something loudly, so the feeble attempt of at least an hour of undisturbed, dull work in silence could be filed as another failure.
"Alright, fleabag, that's e…" But then Scott forgot what he'd been about to say because when he straightened up from under his bike, turning to the vehicle in question, there was a woman lounging on the BMW's hood with crossed legs, far too scantily clad for a December night, chest thrown out, a playful smile on full lips that half a year or so ago, he might actually have fallen for.
"Have you tried talking meow?" By now, fortunately, Scott had more than enough experience with a certain hostile among his enemies posing as people close to him to not even need Morpheus' very clear warning – cats tended to have finer noses even than Logan, and Scott had never heard that damn pet hiss at Katja ever before. Not even the tired realization that for all her skill, such a broad Bavarian accent as in his partner's voice, Mystique still had problems copying a hundred percent. There was also the sober fact that the last time Katja had looked at him like that, with intentions in mind not exactly hard to guess, had also been months ago.
Which this woman should actually know best, thinking about it. Fortunately, she was wise enough not to try and provoke him any further when he raised his hand to his glasses, unfazed, more than ready to sacrifice his current favorite ride if it also stopped that fucking bitch from entering his home like she had a right. She quickly raised both hands, already changing back to her true, scaly, nude shape, as some kind of peace offering probably. Which after recent events felt cynical enough to get nauseous. "Easy there, One-Eye. I'm just here to talk. Not like I could have knocked, is it?" No, it wasn't. And there was also no way Mystique had come here in the shape of one of them, not with recent security updates aimed exactly at this woman's powerful mutation, including daily alternating voice verification at all gates.
But Scott decided he could look into that new defense gap once he'd gotten rid of his enemy, and preferably without the pupils realizing there was trouble in here again. "Full lockdown. Cat: Danger Room, now. Team: Garage." Ignoring Mystique's ridiculous claim, he tried to call the others in with the help of his watch but was faced only with a hectically blinking flash of error signals.
"Don’t bother. Jammer." Mystique casually tapped her wrist where there was a small bulge showing under flesh and skin, making it very clear that no help was coming for the moment unless Charles decided to actually open his nonstop-busy mind to his people again for a change, enough to get a mental distress call through to him.
Not that Scott would have minded on principal shooting right through that hand mockingly waving at him there but experience had taught him painfully enough how tedious and risky every attempt at close combat with this woman was. Not to mention that this bitch wasn’t worth it, making a mess of one of his favorite places in this house and the expensive things stored therein if it wasn’t absolutely necessary. Listening to her bullshit for a minute would probably leave less of a headache. "We've got nothing to talk about unless you guys all spontaneously decided to turn yourselves in for various crimes against humanity."
Mystique's amused grin only grew. "So they can take us to whatever prison needs a facelift this time? Eventually, they'll run out of facilities. Sit. None of us is interested in fighting you guys right now."
"Could have fooled me." Scott crossed his arms in front of his body, with his fingertips never far from the edge of his glasses, shuddering demonstratively when Mystique nodded down on the hood next to her. "And no, thanks. I'll be busy enough sanitizing and recoating that E38 as it is, once you got your ugly backside off it."
"You weren’t so picky about my ass a couple of weeks ago," Mystique shot back but showed another peacemaking gesture at the dangerous flash behind his glasses; this time, it looked almost sincere. "Right. Things didn’t go so well in November. That's why I'm here. Magneto feels he owes you one after what happened. He's come up with something that will help remedy something from your past."
"I'm pretty sure the remains of your last attempt of this kind are still drying in a certain maintenance room in the sewers," Scott replied harshly, the temptation to lower his glasses just enough to leave a very lasting impression at least for a day or so on that woman's body growing by the second. "I think I've had my fill."
Whatever Magneto had sent her really for, now Mystique's willingness to play along nice was rapidly waning as well. "As much as I enjoy taking credit for disaster: Anderson was your fuck-up, Summers."
"And you people stuck a key in his back, wound him up, and gave him a stage, so maybe find something else but that high horse of yours to get your ass out of here." Which, preferably, should happen before he'd reach the end of consideration with regard to the pupils' night sleep and a few luxury vehicles.
"Not yet. I told you, Magneto is good at apologizing when he wants to." Under his only tenser gaze, Mystique turned another small swelling on her bare body, around her navel, into a hidden pouch and got out half a dozen identical devices hardly bigger than a coin, kindly wrapped in sterile plastic, that she put down next to her on the car. "Magneto reduced the effects of his reversal weapon to a low, constant setting and compressed it into these. They got an off-switch. You wear one of these, you can keep your quartz shields open until you actually need your blasts."
"I told your lover before, Darkholme, I don’t need his help." The growing headache throbbing behind his eyes didn’t exactly agree with Scott's instinctive refusal of something entirely out of the question, but that might more come from the fact that this woman was still sitting here, talking to him as if she hadn’t had an executive hand in almost getting his partner killed a few weeks ago. He'd seen the kind of partnerships the Brotherhood liked to enter from up close too often to even take a look at anything that would have put him within debt's reach of someone like Magneto of all people. "Besides, if you've got something to sell, I think Charles is still in his office. Lehnsherr hasn’t suddenly discovered charity ambitions. So why don’t you tell me what you really want from me so I can say no and blast you back to where you came from?"
"So rude …" Mystique finally got off the car, never giving that bag another look, and approached him with swinging hips, that ice-cold, unimpressed smile on her lips, as if he didn’t need to lower his glasses only an inch to rip that current shape of hers to pieces. By now he knew this woman's speed and agility well enough to know that wouldn’t have been as easy as she was trying to make it look; but if she was betting on some nebulous code of honor of Scott's kind preventing such a first attack on his part, she underestimated a lot what it could do to someone, being too late to protect a loved one. "It's not terribly complicated, Summers. We're only asking that we all put down our weapons for a while. Recent events showed that both sides can only lose if we don’t resolve that little disagreement of ours. Why don’t you take a couple of weeks off? From how your little sidekick looks, you two can use it. Enjoy that little gift of ours, take care of your family affairs, and keep your nose out of our business for a while. I promise you by the time you're back, you'll like this world a lot better."
"Get the fuck out of my house." It was an insultingly primitive deception, and if he'd had any more physical or mental energy reserves, Scott thought he might have tried harder to look behind it. But more strength than to get all his jobs at Mutant High done had been notoriously absent from his life ever since November. He simply couldn’t be bothered to care about the Brotherhood's delusional warmongering when his private life had just fallen to pieces around him. "I assume you'll find the way. If not Logan will be happy to show you."
"Oh, you two are on a talking basis again?" Mystique's bright eyes promptly lit up in sadistic delight. "What does Xavier have on the guy to still be able to keep him around? Or is it just that people around you have a habit of dying that makes life here so attractive for the feral? Maybe you'll actually find a way to relieve that rabid animal from its existence next ..."
"I'm gonna have to disappoint you on that, Darkholme," Scott answered tonelessly, the slight but undeniable shaking of his hand at this point no longer coming from that constant readiness to free his mutation from its cage. If that woman had learned anything about him in the last ten years, she should know that now was a really good time to shut her dirty mouth. "Unlike you people, we don’t kill for sports. But I can still make this a really unpleasant evening for you if you insist."
"Let's save it for next time you're being a pain in our ass." Faster than Scott could realize that there had been something else in that damn flesh pouch, his enemy jumped from his sight with a weightless spin, right hand aimed his way, a hated, well-known stinging sensation hitting him straight in the chest before he could make his shot, and the lights went out.
Raven comfortably landed on all fours, a night-grey feline shape as easily having crossed the Institute wall as she'd climbed it to get in, and turned her body back into human shape, stretching her limbs with a little grimace, shaking a hint of fatigue from it. Compressing her silhouette into something that small and foreign in proportion and motion was a little more challenging than impersonating people even for her gift, but just for those few minutes of seeing one of her most enemies in such a miserable condition, the little trip had been worth it. "Lockdown is controllable by the mobile device they all got on them," she explained shortly after sitting down in the car Erik was waiting for her in around the corner. "Voice command. Shouldn’t be a problem. Team dynamics are even more fucked up than at Alkali Lake. And they think we're still after the blood source. They have no idea what's coming." Which didn’t mean those people wouldn’t be a problem once Erik and she launched the final phase of their current plans but they would be considerably easier to deal with than in the past. For that, in spite of all that psychopath had done, they almost had to be thankful to Anderson.
"We will see." Erik didn’t come up with optimism regarding his former people easily these days anymore either. All the more outrageous it was that he still was unwilling to give up on those halfwits. "Did you leave them the reversal chips?"
"Waste of good titanium and processing power," Raven growled, resting her feet on the dash to kick at it impatiently. "The boy's gonna blast them to pieces the moment he wakes up. You need to say goodbye to the idea that these people will ever be on our team."
"Not on our team, no." His thin lips tight, Magneto threw a quick glance back through the mirror at that mansion he'd said goodbye to all these decades ago but never really left. "But they will be part of that world we are creating, Raven. And in this world, we will not turn our back on any mutant, no matter how hostile. No more sacrifices."
Raven preferred to keep her mouth shut at that because Erik knew, this was a promise she couldn’t give anyway, not when her team and the X-Men would meet in battle again doubtlessly soon. But while she had never thought a lot of atonement herself: After the events last month, she was at least willing to give these people a little bit of a break until that happened.
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ne0nlightzz · 11 months
Don't Forget The Sun | Creepypasta X FTM!Reader
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Side note/ A/N: this is my story that i have copied here for those who dont want to go to wattpad in this unfortunate time of ao3 being down[mostly a joke]
Part: INFO
Welcome to "Don't Forget The Sun"
My creepypasta x ftm!reader/self-insert story!!
I hope yall enjoy this story!!
Y/n=Your Name D/n=Dead name H/C=Your hair color E/c = Eye color F/C = Fav color F/A = Fav animal
The reader is written with He/Him pronouns! but please let me know if i should change it to maybe He/They or He/It!
This is the first xreader/Self insert I've ever written so I'm extremely sorry if it's not the best!  
Context: I wrote the reader as a chaotic trans [masc]15-year-old with ADHD, tics and a stutter- he's honestly portrayed as a dorky chaotic dude. I also include the reader being scene/emo/punk but please change that if you don't like that!  
I also forgot this was a xreader haft way through part one[and maye a bit of part two] so that part is a bit more of a 'self-insert' i guess because i believe there's details on like hair color and stuff, but once again please change that if you don't like it or it doesn't fit!  
•Cursing/Strong language •Possible g0re[not in detail] •Gender/Body dysphoria mentions •Trans/homophobia/deadnaming [only in the first and second part, really] •Slight mentions of suicide/SH [Not in detail, NEVER IN DETAIL.]
I will always put a TW/CW at the start of the chapter or paragraph that requires one!
Some characters also address Slender-Man by different names of some variant, mainly because I was torn to make it more true to the manipulative, horrible and all Slender Man or to make it the sorta classic fanfic "SlenderDad"- I ended up doing a hot mess mix that creates an Interesting but pretty good Slender man for this story.
The point of this is to let yall know that he will be addressed by different names and to avoid yall getting confused since I know some aren't used as much as the "classic Slender man/Slendy"
Slenders names in this story: Slender Man, Slender, Slendy The Operator, Boss, The tall man, The no face man
and I'm sure there are many others that's ill end up using throughout this story because I personally love using alternative names for characters when possible!
Fem people can/are welcome to read this but please keep in mind I'm writing this for the ftm/trans/masc/NB/GN ppl rather than for the fem ppl out there. Don't get me wrong, yall are great n I love yall-
but please don't ask me to switch this to a fem!reader, there are so so soooo many stories out there for yall compared stories out there for masc/trans/GN people.
And if yall are going to fetishize the mc/reader being trans or just trans people in general please don't continue further. that's one of the few things I refuse to put up with because yall genuinely make me sick because I know how yall are. I say all this kindly and am simply just attempting to set bound.
[my stories are for everyone, but trans fetishizes n fujioshi:]]
-Luv Neon<3
Posted to Tumblr on: 7/11/2023
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The has() selector
Okay so—I've been playing around with CSS code for site skins on Ao3 for a while now, and it turns out they let you do some pretty bonkers specific things, including: 
1. hiding all fics with a particular tag   1a. (unless it has a particular other tag)   1b. (or all fics with a specific combination of tags) 2. blocking everything except for a certain whitelist of tags 3. hiding crossovers with too many fandoms 4. hiding fics with any ship containing a specific character (romantic only, platonic only, or both) 5. blocking tags specifically for fics with certain ratings, categories, or completeness 6. putting fun highlights on specific tags
Some of which can't be done with Ao3's built-in filtering system, and all of which can be done without any external programs or browser extensions! It's literally just the site skins. I'm planning to post everything I've found so far and link them together on their own page, though that might take me a minute.
This first post going to start with just the has() selector, which is how most of the filtering I've figured out works, and is pulling heavily from Permablocking Specific Tags - Site Skin by Eli0t, which goes into a lot of great detail about the has() selector and how to use it. I want to give a brief description of that stuff here first, because almost everything else I talk about with site skins and filtering is going to use that selector.
First off: for most desktop browsers, plus Chrome and Safari on mobile, as far as I know the latest versions support the has() selector.
(Two exceptions to this are Internet Explorer and Firefox—though Firefox has a way to enable it, you just have to poke around in your settings. Go to "about:config" and put "layout.css.has-selector.enabled" into the search bar. With this set to true, the has() selector should work.)
To test that, I recommend creating a new site skin and copying this code into the CSS tab, through the "Write Custom CSS" button near the top when you're editing your skin:
.blurb:has(a) {   background: yellow; }
If the has() selector is working, it should add a yellow background to every fic blurb. (This highlighter code is also a great way to test new filters. Other ways to highlight include "font-weight: bold;" which makes a bunch of the text bold, and "color: blue;" which turns a bunch of it blue.)
To actually use the has() selector to block tags, we just add in the url of that tag. To grab the exact url, you can right-click on a tag on Ao3 and hit "Copy Link". The result of that should look something like this: "https://archiveofourown.org/tags/MyTag/works"
Now, we remove the "https://archiveofourown.org" bit to get this: "/tags/MyTag/works"
And we put it into a has() selector like so:
.blurb:has(a[href$="/tags/MyTag/works"]) {   display: none !important; }
The "display: none !important;" will tell your browser to hide anything with a link to the tag you want to block.
Unfortunately, this does not respect canonical tags. If you have a misspelling, like "MyyTag", then the filter won't be able to see it. The most common problem with this is in relationship tags, where order doesn't matter to Ao3 but will matter to the site skin—"Blorbo Baggins/Steve" and "Steve/Blorbo Baggins" are the exact same ship, but to catch both tags you'll have to add a second filter.
One way to catch more tags with just one filter is to use "*=" instead of "$=", like so:
.blurb:has(a[href*="MyTag"]) {   display: none !important; }
In this case, the filter will catch any tag with a url that contains the phrase "MyTag", including "MyTag is a very good tag", which the first filter would have missed.
Now, it's arguably better to use the built-in Ao3 filtering system for this, since it understands what a canonical tag is—but if you have tags where you'd want to avoid reading even a summary of a fic containing them, particularly trigger tags, this is a great way to avoid seeing them if one happens to be the most recently updated when you go into the filter. It's also extra effective for Archive Warnings, since those have to be the correctly spelled canonical version—so with a couple of these filters you can remove everything containing those warnings from your Ao3 experience, permanently.
An important thing to keep in mind if you're trying to filter a tag—the name of the tag that you see in Ao3 isn't exactly the same as the url attached to it. One big difference is that slashes "/" turn into "*s*", and the "&" symbol becomes "*a*", which affects almost all relationship tags. Another is that spaces become "%20". Also, if you're in a fandom that uses non-latin characters, or one where many characters have multiple names separated by " | ", those are going to use code representations with % signs and a bunch of letters and numbers. It's usually necessary to copy those, so that you know how the url is representing the tag.
The selectors are also case sensitive—a filter blocking anything containing the phrase "MyTag" will ignore the tag "mytag".
If you have a list of tags you'd like to block, there are two slightly different ways to go about it. For situations where you want to block only fics that have every tag in a list, you'll want to chain the has() selectors together like this:
.blurb:has(a[href*="Tag1"]):has(a[href*="Tag2"]):has(a[href*="Tag3"]) {   display: none !important; }
This will hide a fic tagged with all three, but won't touch one that has Tag1 and Tag2, but not Tag3.
On the other hand, you can also put a list of tags into the has() selector like this:
.blurb:has(a[href*="Tag1"], a[href*="Tag2"], a[href*="Tag3"]) {   display: none !important; }
This will block a fic tagged with any of the three tags, regardless of whether or not the other two are present. The same thing can be achieved by adding multiple filters, which is how I've been doing it—I actually only found out you can put multiple elements in the has() selector like an hour ago as I'm writing this.
To do that, simply separate them with commas like so:
blurb:has(a[href*="Tag1"]), blurb:has(a[href*="Tag2"]) {   display: none !important; }
In theory, you can have as many of these as you want. In practice, I've run into issues with my filters failing if I put too many of them in the same site skin. Fortunately, in the "Advanced" tab, which you can get to by hitting "Show" at the very bottom of the edit window of a site skin, there's a section called "Parent Skins", also at the very bottom. Hit "Add Parent Skin", and you can add a  skin as the parent to another skin. This means that the "child" skin will have all the CSS code that any of its parents do.
You can add many parents, so you can have one main skin with a parent skin for each small batch of your filters (around nine or ten usually works for me). And the parent skins can have parent skins of their own as well! So the amount of filters you can have is still functionally unlimited.
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writerleo86 · 1 year
Terravenger - Season 5: Part Two - The Cyberian Empire Planetary War Arc - Episode 428 (Do Not Copy)
   On an old stool which was at the long porch of a small wooden house was a man wearing a black shirt with a long collar and short sleeves. He had on a pair of long black pants and black sandals. He also wore an opened light-blue kimono-robe with long white clouds all over. A large yellow sun was drawn on the top left side of its front. And he had a large hat made completely of straw on the top of his head.
   Walking toward the porch was a determined Anna Blair. She was an older woman with light skin, blue-green eyes, and a slender body. She had on black eyeliner and pink lipstick. And her long blond hair was made into a high bun while the front parts were down. She wore a sleeveless pale-pink shirt with a thick collar. And the standard MAF navy-blue flak-jacket was worn over it. She also had on a pair of tight light-blue jeans and brown open-toed boots. And she had two different-colored bracelets around each wrist.
   Standing by her right side was Engana Vega. She had light skin, bright blue eyes, and a skinny but well-built body. And her long silver hair was tied into a high pony-tail. She had on a sleeveless pale-violet top with tight khaki jeans, a thick brown belt, and short dark-brown boots. And her MAF badge was placed on the front left side of her top.
   The man soon spotted them and stood up slowly.
   "Kenshin Kaio?" called Vega.
   The man walked a few steps away from his porch as Vega implied "The old merchant said we'd find you here."
   "Who are you?" The man asked in a soft voice.
   And he spotted the golden badge worn on Vega.
   "You are from the Midas Armed Forces?" He asked.
   Next, Vega walked a few steps forward.
   "I'm Doctor Engana Vega," She introduced herself. "I'm a graduate of Midas and a medical researcher."
   "Really?" questioned the man. "What are you doing in these parts?"
   Anna walked toward Vega and introduced herself.
   "Hello. My name is Anna Blair. I work as a reporter for Terra-Works in Midas City."
   "Of course you are," The man replied. "I should have recognized you immediately. I have many of your books. You have an impressive resume."
   "You read my columns?" asked Anna.
   "Indeed," answered the man. "I have nothing but time here. You are one of my favorite writers. I love all of your stories and documentaries. But my favorite book that you wrote... It is about your entire family and the connections you have made with many people in Midas City."
   "Enough of this!"
   Vega continued to face him as she responded "We all know you ain't just a fisherman and cook! We know the truth about you!"
   "The truth?" questioned the man. "Do you?"
   Anna informed him "My friend is correct. You may be a lowly fisherman now. But in the past, you were something more."
   "We need answers!" Vega told the fisherman. "You seem to be the only one that got them! And we need them now!"
   The mysterious man stared at the soldier for a moment. After that, he took off his large straw hat and revealed himself. He appeared as an Asian man with a thin beard and a pair of clear blue eyes.
   "Cut the shit!" Vega ordered. "Just tell us your name! Your real name!"
   And Anna responded "Before you lived in these forests, you stayed in Violet City which is on Planet Marinear Bay for a little while. But you did worked as a detective for SP."
   "SP," described Vega. "That stands for the Space Police Department."
   Anna shook her head and continued.
   "You were also an Armor Champion who helped save Marinear Bay from a force of evil. You have another secret however. Yes, you have a secret which you have hidden from everyone including those closest to you. You as well as your own sister were in fact kidnapped by a certain person. She had made you both into bio-androids."
   The man slowly dropped his hat to the ground.
   "Your friends who lived in Violet City were all Armor Champions," said Anna. "You did tell them that you were a bio-android. But you never mentioned about your true origin. You... You and your sister know who -- or rather what -- we on this planet are facing now. And only you know the way to defeat them."
   "Alexis Sanyo," implied Vega. "She's the one who found you on this planet. She knew your situation. You asked her to give you a new identity."
   The concerned man lowered his head and answered "The Purple Lady, yes. I asked her not to tell anybody that I came to this planet. And she did help me take on a new identity."
   "The Armor Champions still believe that you are dead," Anna told him. "It has been the same way for many years. And these people... These machines... They had laid in secret as well. But now, they have awakened and entered this planet. They have killed many innocents, some were my friends."
   "So they have come," responded the fisherman. "She has awakened. And now she wants revenge on this planet."
   "She?" repeated Vega.
   "The Queen," The man answered. "Well, that's what they all call her. But to me, she was just a mad scientist that took Kylie and myself as children from our home in Asia."
   "I was correct after all?" questioned Anna.
   The man faced the two women and replied "Yes, I am the one you are looking for. And I may be able to help you with this."
   He shook his head with a soft smile and told them "I was a first-class detective for the Space Police Department of this sector. My name... My name is Rico Nonaka."
Terravenger -- Season 5: Part Two -- Episode 428:  The Great War -- Two New Challengers
   Behind the Griffith Elementary School, the army of students from the Midas Academy became shocked as they spotted a figure standing at the other side while surrounded by a larger swarm of the cybernetic drones.
   A stricken Paige McCormack stared at the newcomer while tears started falling from her eyes.
   "No!" She cried. "It cannot be you!"
   The newcomer appeared as a young girl with great skin and a slender body. She had long black hair with the front cut. And a red light shined from her right eye while a small mechanical implant covered the left eye. She wore a pair of tight black leggings with a thin golden belt. She had on short black boots and a golden medallion around her neck with a small red jewel attached at the center. She also wore a silver top covering the top of her chest. And a large silver block was placed at the center of the top with the number 6 written in red. She also had a long steel gauntlet placed around each wrist.
   Akari stood at the right side of Paige as she cried in fear "No way it could be her!"
   "Those bastards!" called a disgusted Cassidy.
   Both she and Iris remained by their leader's left side while more from the Paigettes stood with them.
   "They got her," said Iris. "Those machines! They must have stolen her body after they killed her in front of us!"
   And Paige in pain called out "Cleo?"
   The female cyborg aimed her right fist forward. Then a small pistol rose from her wrist as Cleo faced the students with no emotion.
   "I am here for your vessels," She said in a calm voice. "I, Model Number Six of Nine, will bring your bodies to her. And you will all become part of the Collective."
   And she fired a small ball of cold-blue energy which blew toward the frozen Paige.
   Someone soon appeared from a quick flash to the front of an emotional Paige and revealed themselves.
   It was the quirky teacher, Kirk Tucson. He wore a black shirt with blue on both its short sleeves and the top. He had on a pair of silver pants and white boots. He also had on an opened gray coat with the long left sleeve colored blue while the other sleeve was gray. A large gray mountain with white snow at the top was printed on the front left side of his coat. And he wore his MAF badge on the middle of the mountain design.
   Tucson placed the fingers from his left hand on the small projectile that flew closer.
   "Ki Limelight!" He called in a cheerful voice.
   A small globe of green light quickly formed around the blue projectile. And the globe which floated above them had shined until it faded away.
   Then Tucson lowered his hand and faced the young girl.
   "Don't worry about this, Guys," He told the students. "Everything will be taken care of. Just leave it to me."
   "But Cleo!" cried Paige.
   "That is no longer your friend, McCormack," Tucson informed her. "Her body has been taken over by the Machines. She doesn't have a soul anymore."
   The possessed Cleo shot another energy ball from her pistol. Tucson turned to the projectile flying toward him quickly. Then the projectile was negated by a wall of bright green energy that flashed before the teacher.
   Once the projectile from the cyborg faded away, Tucson quickly pushed his right palm forward. And many of the cybernetic drones in front of Cleo were pushed away after a large green light flashed from Tucson's hand.
   Next, Paige hurried to the right side of the teacher. She placed her left palm forward and fired a small ball of golden energy at a drone that walked toward them.
   After that, Paige threw her other hand forward and blew a barrage of her golden balls at the cybernetic drones standing behind the soulless Cleo.
   Then Paige told Tucson "We are not retreating. We will help you fight."
   Iris hurried to them as she yelled "Amnis Acidum!"
   And she blew a large stream of acid to more of the enemies from her mouth.
   Once those drones slowly fell, the possessed Cleo fired a barrage of the cold-blue energy balls at her enemies.
   Paige blew both her hands forward and summoned a barrier of yellow energy around the soldiers including herself.
   "McCormack!" ordered Tucson. "Keep your shield up for a moment!"
   He soon placed his right palm forward.
   "Lightning Release!" He called. "Virides Serpentes!"
   A large stream of lines made of green electricity emerged from the barrier and struck the last set of the cybernetic enemies. And the only enemy left was the cyborg formerly known as Cleo Regal.
   "I apologize for this, Cleo!" Paige responded. "I must do this. And I rather be the one to end your suffering."
   Suddenly, the female cyborg called Six of Nine placed her right hand on the ground.
   And a familiar female voice called out "Paige!"
   Two newcomers hurried to the army of soldiers. And Paige noticed one of them who walked toward her.
   "You got to be kiddin' me!" yelled Cassidy.
   It was the dark youth named Rachel Conners. She had peach skin, brown eyes, and long dark-brown hair. She had on black eyeliner and dark-red lipstick. She wore a sleeveless black outfit that was attached to long black leggings. She had a black pad around each elbow. She also wore a pair of short boots that were made of black leather. And her MAF badge was placed on the front left side of her top.
   The other standing behind Rachel was Lily Manha. She had pale-brown skin, brown eyes, and a slender body. She was also taller than her partner. She had on black eyeliner, brown eye-shadow, and peach lipstick. She wore a black outfit with long leggings and no sleeves. She also had a black bra underneath the top of the outfit along with long black boots. And her MAF badge was placed on the front left side of the top.
   Rachel informed Paige "She is performing a Summoning!"
   "Cleo is bringing out something?" questioned Iris. "Are you sure?"
   "You both do remember..." Rachel replied. "...that Cleopatra and I were once acquainted. While I interacted with her, I was able to study her as a warrior. Cleo was indeed a great fighter. But she also specialized in summoning."
   Then Paige asked "What this machine is performing is what Cleo was able to do?"
   "Correct," Rachel told her. "And we must be ready."
   By the Fitness Gym which was near the Midas Academy, the army of capable soldiers from the Midas Armed Forces all stood along with him as the commander -- Beau Ravenstone -- spotted a new swarm of cybernetic drones marching toward them.
   A stricken Mercury slowly walked toward Beau's right side as he asked "Who is that?"
   They all spotted another figure waling among the army of emotionless cyborgs.
   Beau cried "By the gods! They have gotten to you?"
   This new cyborg appeared as a middle-aged man with bright skin, a well-built body, long dark hair, and a full beard. He had red light coming from his eyes. And he had a small mechanical device implanted on the right side of his forehead. He wore a pair of long black tights with a thick white belt. He had mechanical gauntlets around his wrists, black pads covering his elbows, and black combat boots. Instead of a shirt, he had a large mechanical pad covering his right shoulder. He also had a small silver compartment on the center of his chest that had the number 5 written in red.
   "It cannot be!" implied Mercury. "The machines. They have possession of his body."
   The fearful Laura Griffin wrapped her left hand around her right wrist as she called "Officer Durant?"
   The newcomer now called Five of Nine placed his fists forward as a small pistol rose from each wrist. Then the cyborg began shooting small balls of cold-blue energy from his pistols.
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stampwithtami · 1 year
Stampin Up New Catalog Pre-Order is Happening Now
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NEW ANNUAL CATALOG PRE-ORDER AND INFO APRIL 4: DEMONSTRATORS & DEMO KITMAY 2: CUSTOMERS Stampin Up demonstrators can now pre-order brand-new products from the 2023-24 annual catalog! Customers will be able to order these products beginning May 2 (or can get them now in the demo kit). I have posted the dates and details for the new catalog hard-copy mailing for both demonstrators and customers below. If you aren’t a demo, or a regular customer of mine, and would like a hard copy of the catalog you can fill out the form at the bottom of this post. WANT IT ALL NOW? Beginning today you can get new colors, new pre-order products and new catalogs in the demonstrator kit. Did you know the demonstrator kit is the BEST DEAL?It’s true, if you have any kind of wish list this is the best way to go. You get $125 for only $99 and free shipping and future discounts and perks. Can I join as a demonstrator just for the discount?Yes, it’s the most popular reason people join. No selling, classes, parties, etc necessary unless you want to have fun doing these things. Many people take advantage of the great deal just for themselves DETAILS FRESH NEW COLORS TO LOVE Coming May 1, 2023 for customers, April 4 for demonstrators We’re all about creativity and sharing what we love with those we love. And that means providing a compelling selection of high-quality craft supplies in coordinating colors and designs. We’re always working to not only meet trends but set them. That means evaluating and even refreshing our current products—and this year we’re refreshing our complete color collection! You’ll find some new friends and returning favorites among our Brights, Neutrals, Regals, and Subtles. And you won’t want to miss our new 2023–2025 In Colors. We hope you’re as excited as we are to start crafting with these fresh new colors and to share them with your customers and fellow crafting enthusiasts.   DOWNLOAD NEW COLOR CHART & COACH   VIDEO   This Last Chance Products promotion will include two lists of Last Chance Products that will no longer be available once the catalog retires. There will be one for each catalog retiring. For these retiring catalogs, there will not be a Carryover List. You can find carryover products in the upcoming Annual Catalog. - The Stamparatus and its accessories are part of this Last Chance promotion, but these are only available while supplies last. If there is leftover product at the end of this promotion, the Stamparatus and its accessories will move into the Online Exclusive category. - Not all items on the Last Chance Products List will be discounted. When they are, they will vary from one market to another depending on product performance. - All products are available while supplies last, and there are no purchase limits. - Discounted items can be added to a Starter Kit and redeemed as a 50% off item or with Stampin’ Rewards. - Stamp Sets are not guaranteed during this promotion and are while supplies last. - Our color collection is getting a fresh look with new and returning colors! We're excited to welcome these colors, but it also means saying goodbye to others. There's no better time to purchase the outgoing color products than during Last Chance! our outgoing color products are only available while supplies last. REQUEST A HARD COPY Read the full article
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bollywood143114 · 1 year
Prakash Jha's only daughter looks like this and she is very talented just like her father
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Prakash Jha's daughter Disha Jha: Prakash Jha's wife name is Deepti Naval. Deepti Naval was considered a famous actress in the 70s and 80s. In 1984, Dipti starred in her Prakash Jha's film and during this time Prakash Jha convinced her Dipti of her beauty and simplicity and gave her his heart. After that, the two got married in 1985. Deepti Naval had a different identity among the people as she was not only a famous actress in the film industry but also a great theater artiste. But despite all this, it's a separate issue that Dipty's identity remained in her industry as a heroine of non-flashy art films. After their marriage, Prakash Jha and Deepti adopted a daughter in 1991, named Disha. Apart from this, Deepti Naval and Prakash also have a son. In such a situation, today let's talk about what Prakasha's only daughter Disha Jha looks like and what she does. What do Prakash and your daughter Disha Jha do? Prakash Jha's daughter Disha Jha is a filmmaker by profession. Disha has her own production house called Pan Paper Caesar Entertainment. She has also worked on many projects in this banner house till now. Deepti Naval's daughter, Disha, recently posted a picture of her partying on her Christmas Day on her own official Instagram account. At this time, Disha Jia was wearing a peach-colored jam suit, and Disha was very beautiful with her white earrings and loose hair. People compared Disha to her mother, Deepti. After seeing this picture of Disha, many people compared her to her mother, Deepti Naval. In the meantime, one user wrote in her comments section that she was an exact copy of her mother. The same user praised her for using the title of her movie Girl Next Door by her mother. If we talk about the film career of Disha Jha's mother, Deepti Naval, I would say that she made a film in 1978. Passion started his career at The film was produced by Shyam Benegal, which was a huge hit. Not only that, the film also won the best film award at the time. Apart from this, in Deepti Naval's famous movie May harmful eyesight not fall on you Including the names of many films that earned him the title of superstar. ALSO READ- This Bhojpuri Holi song by Neelkamal Singh has created a fear called ‘Mard Belura’ song Did Amrapali get true love? How will the 36-year-old actress’ flirtation affect Nirhua DISCLAIMER We’ve taken all measures to insure that the information handed in this composition and on our social media platform is believable, vindicated and sourced from other Big media Houses. For any feedback or complaint, reach out to us at [email protected] Read the full article
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managementlong · 2 years
Powerdvd dx
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