#all the roads are open
qadmonster · 2 months
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that I am not an obstacle to my own blessing
move me gently out of my own way
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 53
Jazz leaves amity for college. She did all the application and stuff via tuckers computer. For some reason nothing was going through on hers.
Due to majority of her extracurricular activists not being sent thought she didn’t get accepted to her top choices. Ended up going to Gotham u.
Things don’t add up. Leaving was a big deal. Like she ended up just going in the middle of night. The roads were closed for “construction”. They were absolutely fine when she ignored the signs and drove.
It took her less then a 6 hours to figure out amity couldn’t be contacted. She tried calling Danny upon getting to Gotham. Nothing. Research, nothing. It’s like the town didn’t exist.
She does have a communicator from tucker. One of the multi dimensional ones. She gets ahold of them just to hear the chaos. There is a hunt for her. Lockdowns. The whole town is shutdown.
She didn’t inform her parents where she was going. They only insisted she goes to the university in town and nowhere else. That could be the issue. She is 18 but they are extra special.
Obviously she’s gonna head back. What else’s is she supposed to do. She had to go get her brother and his friends. Do something. Authorities in amity never cared why would any outside force care. To bad her car suddenly doesn’t work.
Leads to her walking at night. Her goal is to find a rental car place or bus that maybe would be open late.
She doesn’t find a car or anything. But does punch a would be mugger. That punch back home would have not knocked a person back 5 feet into a wall. Were people here just that weak.
This leads to some guy in cosplay called Batman. Which come on that name is just as bad as box ghost. Telling her it’s not safe in Gotham for metas.
Jazz just lectures him on how that not his decision. She is going to be attending college here after she figures out why her home town completely shut down. All when she left for college. Besides she’s not whatever a meta is.
Long story short. Batman now has to deal with two not-metas in Gotham. Plus a whole town that didn’t exist. Multiple arrest. Then a possibility of pissing off the afterlife.
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sirazaroff · 8 months
How do you think velvet is handleing everything in vacco right now
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She’s having a great time 🥰
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owlsie-hoot · 5 months
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Siegfried Farnon + Audrey Hall (ACGAS s4)
inspired by this - because they are each other's sun and moon, sunrise and sunset
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fuckmeyer · 1 year
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girl please, Charlie Swan is Team Werewolf and you know it
#it's like Bella has no conception of the socioeconomic symbolism attached to these monsters!!#girl why on earth would the middleclass police chief of a tiny rural town in Washington#choose the wealthy murderous parasites?????#OK besties as i'm typing that out i see why charlie might side with the wealthy murderous parasites#yes he IS an american cop so siding with the parasites does make sense#but think of all the paperwork he would have to do when the cullens kill someone! i mean. come on.#also it aint like cullen out there paying off the pigs so really what is Charlie getting out of this relationship#it's no bribes all paperwork? i don't care how American this cop is he is Anti Vamp and that's that on that#WEREWOLVES on the other hand......... besties let's review the cold fax ok#they're a blue collar blue jeans blue skies all day baby kinda monster. crack open a cold one with the boys kinda monster.#pull over on the road to lend you some spark plugs kinda monster. bring a dairy-based dip to the charity softball game kinda monster#big plus: they're on the DL. neat & tidy cover story. no killing. protect & serve yeah baby. no parasites here my boys WORK for a living#the boys are 0% paperwork (no killing) and 100% bribes (dairy-based dips)#Charlie's deffo Team Werewolf at best and turning a blind eye at worst#as far as this man's concerned the werewolves are the Olympic Natl Park rangers' problem#bear who???? don't know em#twilight#twilight renaissance#bella swan#the twilight saga#jacob black#charlie swan#eclipse read
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foxett · 1 month
Your omori au (Swingset) is driving me insane /pos MORE KEL ANGST!!! MORE!!!
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Spoiler alert vision sunny (Kel's hallucination, that's not even ghost sunny.) is lying and there is a car.
Bad/good ending setup! Could be either.
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Going to spend my summer/the off season watching hockey documentaries because I love learning the history of a sport I enjoy watching.
If anyone has any recommendations I will add them to my list.
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"It's just you now. Take care of mother."
i have the normal amount of emotions about them (lying) <3
#a redraw but also not really cus i ended up tracing a lot from the old one hfldsjdfs#it was only supposed to be for reference but i ended up keep messing w it instead of redrawing it proper......#feel like i got his expression down better in the old one; looks more strained/ hearbroken like i feel#but thats fine#my art#my ocs#oc: liam hawke#i'm still not sure if liam or varric is the one who deals the killing blow#love both the thought of liam having his own sisters blood on his hands and never being able to wash it off fully#or his (future) best friend saving him that fate but now having that stand between them#cus liam would be grateful for it but part of him would always remember that and hold it against him#(both options also make the bartrand encounter crunchy in slightly different ways)#either way in that moment he kind of hates varric for even just being there. and fenris too#(though tbh im not sure how realistic it would be for him to take sb else except bethy and varric down into the deep roads)#((so maybe in canon fen wouldnt be there idk. havent decided this yet either))#logically he knows its not fair ofc but it just feels like an invasion of privacy. it feels Wrong.#they have no place in this they shouldnt have been there they shouldnt have been part of it they shouldnt have seen him like this#but its sth that binds them too#the rest of the trek is miserable and awkward for all of them in any case#but yeah.#idk if they would be able to bury her down here properly so maybe they end up doing it via lava?#theyre not leaving her body out in the open to rot and/or become food for darkspawn or spiders thats for sure
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simmyblue4 · 15 days
I wonder what it's going to be like rereading AFTG when the next book comes out and in, I think it's The King's Men, reading the semi-final game between the Foxes and the Trojans. Who am I going to be rooting for?
P.S I haven't reread the first trilogy since before reading The Sunshine Court.
P.P.S Maybe it's a dumb thought because I already know the results but I know both teams now. I just can't wait.
I will most definitely reread AFTG way before the next book.
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corpsegirl-sephie · 7 months
Big news, I'm now taking art commissions
If I knew I'd need to start doing commissions on such short notice I'd have actually posted some of my art by now (although I guess then it wouldn't have been on short notice would it)... Oh well, can't be helped now...
I'll slap a few things I've made down below as a sort of impromptu portfolio, as well as the prices I'm gonna charge. If any of you are interested just DM me. Reblogs are also appreciated.
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Black and white stuff is $20
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Color stuff is $40
My current plan is to take payment through PayPal but frankly I'm open to suggestions
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breadbox-draws · 3 months
Speaking of fan art. Do you have any full body art of KK's silly goofy professional au fit? Or is it just up in the air what the rest of him looks like?
i actually drew full body concepts of both Charter AU Routes A and B before all those doodles- i suppose i might as well post these and write/post the wider context later?
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introducing DJ Apotheotic (B) and DJ F.Light (A)!
KK's charter version oversees a district that he's dubbed Maxismum (a combination of the terms "axis" and "maximum" referring to the highest point of a parabola). The district looks different and has different city functions depending on the route
but yeah! his silly goofy professional fit + the alternative fit
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vren-diagram · 4 months
Rapidly aging population is such a funny turn of phrase. The rate of aging is constant.
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madamemiz · 1 month
Will you be updating Ventura Highway?
It's one of my favorite fics and I've re read it at least three times already, it's so good!
top three ways to make tungle.net user madamemiz cry. thank you so much, i'm truly touched and flattered that my short little wip of a fic made that kind of impact ;www;
i do plan to update eventually, and i already have most of the next chapter written out as well as parts of future chapters!! i lost the motivation to write for a while, and i've been working on three cosplays at the same time for animazement later this month, so that’s been eating all my free time for the past few months oof
that being said, i'm gonna level with you--i work full time, often cycle through creative outlets, and am very flaky with big projects. there's a nonzero percent chance this fic will never be completed. i think about it all the time still, but there's a very likely chance that most of it will never be written. i will do my best though, because it's a story i hold dear and want to see through, even if it takes a long time.
if i ever decide to discontinue it, i'll post a 'final' chapter with everything i've written but not published, as well as my story notes, route maps, and other important details. while obviously not required, i always appreciate it when authors do that for abandoned works, and i'll do the same :)
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raetreaderarts · 11 months
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Ohhhhhh yeah another old woman for me to fall in love with, they’ll be the death of me fr
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phenikas · 10 months
Episode 3 - Catch a Ride (Alternative Dialogue?)
Jack: "This is a complete waste of time. We should be downstairs plotting our endgame. Not chaperoning robots."
Rhys: "No! I didn't come up here for the robots. I came up here because… Look, you and I need to… you know, get on the same page about a few things. Okay. What you did back at Atlas was amazing, Jack. But I feel like we should tell everyone what's going on - that you're my secret weapon."
Jack: "You're too kind. But the operative word here is "secret." Tell everyone I'm in your head and who knows - they might crack open your skull for a piece of me."
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Rhys: "Look Jack, I appreciate you trying to help me. I really do. But if I'm going to be the leader of this group, I've got to handle things myself. All I'm saying is we should be more discreet. If the others see me talking to you they'll probably think I'm crazy and stop taking me seriously --"
Jack: "Ohhhh I get it…you think you don't need me. Let's cut the bullshit. Nobody takes you seriously. You've got zero experience on Pandora, not to mention no spine. You can't lead this group - not without my help."
Rhys: "Yeah, well, that's just your opinion."
Dialogue taken from some leftover in-game files
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bowiebond · 2 years
I think it would be hilarious if Billy and Eddie got together first before Steve joined their polycule.
Like everyone assumes it would be Steve and Billy, or Eddie and Steve, but Steve is so stupid he doesn’t get the hints and Billy and Eddie are horny enough to say fuck it and bang their rival before realising they should all just buy a house in California together and adopt a dog, a snake and a cat
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