#all i can ever think about is scisaac
scisac · 5 months
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scisaac in 2x02: shape shifted
"don't tell them. please don't tell them."
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korkiekenobiconfirmed · 10 months
a lot of the hate I've seen directed at scott seems rooted in a lack of genre awareness. like okay, I LOVE deeply analyzing my fun little tv shows way more than any psyche-bending A24 movies or whatever. we can think deeply about objectively shallow and stupid media, as long as we stay aware of the fact that such media was never intended for this kind of consumption.
several anti scott/scisaac posts refer to the scenes where scott throws isaac against the wall for wanting to kiss allison, and yeah -- if you think hard about the fact that someone in a position of power (alpha) is physically throwing around a childhood abuse victim, it sounds fucked up. except something tells me that scene was never intended to be a character-defining moment for scott, where the audience is forced to reckon with a more violent and jealous side of him being revealed. it was a moment of comedy. a one-off joke where isaac hits the wall hard and rattles all the pictures and melissa yells at them that her house can't supernaturally heal. that's all the original intent was, even if it can come across as something more sinister.
if you watch that scene and it leaves an icky taste in your mouth, makes you look at scott differently, that's fine! if you want to analyze the darker themes behind that scene, that's fine! but when us fans are obviously putting more thought into certain moments than the writers ever did, we just gotta take everything with a grain of salt. your word is not law, your word is not canon. please be aware of that before you harass others online over a fictional piece of media that ended 6 years ago.
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slice-of-magenta · 1 year
Choose a character and tell us:
1is an open secret
2is a secret the people close to your character know
3 is a secret that your character wouldn't really care about getting out
4is a secret exactly one person knows anything about
5is a secret no one knows about but they sort of want to come out/to tell someone
6is a secret no one knows and they desperately don't want anyone to know about.
You can also decide who knows and how
@rhyslahey ! 😁 (Im finally ANSWERING THIS) Idk how much of this would make sense tho.
An open secret:
He is trying his best but has too much on his plate.
Secrets ppl close to the character know:
I would say him being a werewolf, but it seemed a lot of people who dabbles just a little in the supernatural out of town knows about that! So it would be that Scott tries finding another way to do things.
A secret that your character doesnt care about getting out:
Stiles still climbs through the window! So what? Doesnt everyone now?
A secret exactly one person knows anything about:
*My brain grows distant as I imagine headcanons with my otp*
But if I was to suggest a plain answer, it would be knowing certain foods, movie genres, and video game preferences between him and Stiles.
After all that time that Stiles has known Scott, he certainly thought he told scott to watch star wars that one summer without him and he didnt which was later exposed. (Because Scott was with his dad, but Scott doesnt say that part.)
If we want some good scisaac stuff, there is def a few things scott didnt think was important enough to tell his best friend that he tells Isaac. Its a lot of the things he considered silly before!
A secret no one knows about but they sorta want to come out/to tell someone:
How it was being with Rafael as a kid. Like the hotel stays, for example. He has JUST hinted at it recently with Stiles in high school, but even then, he isnt so sure if he wants to talk about the details. For keeping it in so long, he isnt so sure how tender he still is, or when it will ever be the right time.
A secret no one knows and they desperately dont want anyone to know about:
Time of Death (S5) where Scott hacks into Liam with the mute's axe. He vividly recalls liking it. When they referred to good or bad dreams, he didnt expect it to be that. No one has to know.
Their plan had kinda worked (with reviving him) and thats all that mattered for the people around him.
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"Jeff Davis dropped the Stiles Is Something story arc and limited Dylan & Hoechlin's interaction 'cause they took the attention away from Scott/Posey"
Scott/Posey stans are so unhealthily obsessed with Stiles and feel so threatened by Void Stiles and Stiles' innate supernatural powers, talents and abilities, it's literally all they can think and talk about: 
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Oh @princeescaluswords
Jeff Davis never allowed Stiles to accept Peter's offer and didn't explore Stiles' heavily hinted supernatural powers & abilities because he knew  that Stiles would have been way too powerful and would have eclipsed Scott even more than he already had. Season 3B, the highest rated and most critically acclaimed Teen Wolf season ever centered around Stiles Stilinski and Void Stiles with Star and Breakout Star of the show Dylan O'Brien at its front ad center, is proof of it.
Even Jeff Davis admitted that he was concerned for Posey's fragile ego in a recent interview regarding Teen Wolf 10 year anniversary. 
It's the same reason Jeff Davis sidelined Stiles after Season 3B, cut Derek and Stiles' interactions (much to their actors' disappointment), and stole all the Sterek scenes Hoechlin and Dylan had pitched to him in order to turn them into Sciles scenes and replace Derek with Scott: AKA to cater to Posey's jealous fits and temper tantrums, and because the whole cast knows Posey can't stand being overshadowed, out-acted and not being the center of attention. 
How do I know this? 
Because while Tyler 'If you aren't watching Teen Wolf for ME or for MY character Scott McCall, then you are wrong twisted bizarre and aren't watching the show for the right reasons'  Posey claimed "shipping non canon pairings doesn't make any sense whatsoever and is incredibly offensive and disrespectful towards the writers, the actors, the producers and EVERYONE involved in MY show", he ships Sciles – and Scisaac, and Sceo, and any other non canon Teen Wolf ship that involves his shitty character – just fine, and he's openly admitted that he wanted to play Derek because he desperately wanted people to ship Stiles with HIS character instead during Dutch Comic Con 2019. 
Anyway. Personally, I think @princeescaluswords is just butthurt because Stiles created a supernaturally perfect circle/barrier of mountain ash and annihilated the Anuk-Ite, while Scott was his usual whiny, useless self and couldn't even grow his eyeballs back without his girlfriend's help 🥴
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telltaleclerk · 2 years
Ships game for Teen Wolf!
Sterek - FOREVER!!!
favourite canon pairing
worst pairing ever
I guess I'm not a fan of Sciles. I see them as too brotherly. And I think their chemistry is brotherly too. So it's never been for me. I get the appeal though, the "best friends our whole lives to lovers" thing. I support you shippers! It's just not my thing. Worst pairing ever is a bit harsh, but I couldn't think of anything else I hate... I mean... Derek/Kate I suppose...?...
guilty pleasure pairing
I'm so bad at these ones because I'm not really a guilty pleasure person. I just enjoy the things. Hmmmm... yeah... sorry... I don't really have one.
a pairing you want to see more of
Scisaac - I can find all the Sterek I want, but I find Scissac few and far between. They tend to be a background ship in Sterek fics. So I would LOOOOVEEE more of these boys because they are my #2 OTP. I just love the way Scott immediately cares about and is close to Isaac, and how it surprises Isaac but he just GIVES in and lets Scott care about him, and trusts Scott. Anyway. It's beautiful. That's all I'm saying.
the pairing that everyone likes but you're like "lol no"
Stydia - I just wanted them to be besties. I thought they had GREAT best friend chemistry. And I don't care for the "nerd follows hot girl her entire life, basically stalking her, and somehow wins her in the end despite the SUPER creepy behaviour" dynamic. I know they grow. But it's really rooted in that. And I think they're both better than that.
favourite non-romantic pair
I love the idea of Derek and Erica's relationship. Once Derek chills out. I just... I feel like he'd be really close with her, and she wouldn't let him get away with any bullshit. And I just love that. And I think Derek would too.
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thehollowprince · 3 years
Do you ever smile because Sterek never had a snowballs chance in Hell of becoming real in canon, meanwhile Draeden is very much canon with Hoechlin supporting it? I try to think from his viewpoint sometimes, he works hard on his character's performance, only for 99% of the fandom to constantly ask about Sterek... like people, grown adults too, are "shipping" your adult character with a teenager
I will admit that I am petty enough to enjoy the fact that despite their constant online harassment over the years, Sterek never became a canon thing. Meanwhile, the ship that they absolutely loathed, with Derek being happy with Braeden, was an actual thing that happened on the show.
Truth be told, even all these years later, I still don't understand where Sterek came from. I mean, on one hand, I can hazard a guess. Scott had Allison, ans Jackson and Lydia were a thing, leaving only Stiles and Derek out of the six "mains" who didn't have a love interest. I'll admit, at the time, I was also surprised that they put Derek and Stiles together. Not just because it was a grown man with a teenage boy, but the fact that fandom latched so strongly onto a ship that was made up of two men.
This was before I understood Fandom, but this shocked me then, because of how often mainstream media and even the fans worked to suppress or remove any semblance of same-sex relationships from television. I mean, sure, I had seen the rise and fall of the whole Yaoi culture, but the fact that the Teen Wolf fandom threw itself so wholeheartedly into this crack ship was stunning, to say the least, especially because there is almost no basis in canon for it.
Now I'm not one to harp on anyone for having a crack ship, because as anyone who follows me knows, I have plenty. Hell, I have multiple myself in the Teen Wolf fandom, but they all have a basis in canon. I like the thought of Scisaac because there was a foundation already there within the actual canon. Same with Scott and Theo, Lydia and Allison, Kira and Malia, Brett and Mason, etc. All of those (and more) had a solid foundation on which to build something from, whereas Sterek, to keep with the analogy of ships, was made out of broken driftwood in the middle of the ocean. This was a ship that had a firm (and obsessive) fandom long before either character had any meaningful, civil, scenes together, which didn't happen until the fourth season.
Yes, one could argue the pool scene in season two, but that wasn't what I would call "civil". Besides which, that came after this was an already established thing in fandom. All of their interactions were pretty antagonistic in the first two seasons, with it not being until the third season that they backed off.
It's baffling, to say the least.
And then infuriating when they attack other characters, like Braeden, who I recall pretty recently being referred to as "just tits and ass", because they "interfered" with their ship. Which circles back around to the petty when I remember that Derek and Braeden were a canon thing and Stiles ans Derek were never more than a fandom-born fever dream that tried (and succeeded in some sense) in hijacking the narrative of the show and diverting attention away from the actual story.
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missorgana · 3 years
invisible string
pairing: scott mccall/isaac lahey, background kira yukimura/malia tate and lydia martin/stiles stilinski
fandom: teen wolf
rating: mature
word count: 8924
warning: swearing, alcohol, past child abuse, minor character death, referenced homophobia
summary: When your soulmate gets a tattoo, the same one appears on your skin. And Scott McCall fears that they don't have one. (soulmates au, nonbinary Scott, they/them pronouns)
(hello my loves, i’ve been working on this project for @augustwritingchallenge for ages and it’s finally done! i missed scisaac and self projected on scott so yeah. thank you to my beloved Kaz for beta-reading, you’re life saver!!! i hope you all like this <3)
read on ao3
Scott McCall doesn’t have a soulmate.
They talk about it on television, in school, on the playground, in the supermarket. Scott hears their mom talk about it, and their classmates, and their teachers.
This is why they ask their mom late at night before they go to bed, at eleven years old. “How will I know who my soulmate is, mom?”
Their mother looked confused, but with her soft, familiar smile. They love her smile.
“Didn’t your teacher tell you, sweetheart?” she asks, and Scott has to concentrate, think back to every class and every word and every question. They bite their lip as they think, and their mom laughs in fondness, ruffles their hair. They push her hand away, even though it’s not that annoying, really.
“She said you get drawings on your body…” they begin, but frowns at themself, “But I don’t understand how. Will my soulmate’s name be in the drawings?”
Scott likes drawing, a lot. They don’t really understand how drawings would show them who their soulmate is, though, unless it’s their face.
Their mother chuckles again, but sits quiet for a minute. Scooby-Doo is still running on low volume on the TV, and the crickets have begun to chirp outside the window. And it’s windy, but Scott isn’t cold.
“They’re called tattoos,” she tells them, resting her head on top of their own as she hugs them, “I mean, it’s just something that happens. Your soulmate’s drawings, when they get them, you get them, too.”
Scott’s eyes widen, “Oh. Did they see what Stiles doodled on my hand in class today?”
Their mom plants a kiss on their hair before pulling away. Her eyes get all crinkled when she smiles so big, it’s very pretty. “I think so, yes.”
They chew their lip in some sort of contemplation, if they understood what that meant, yet. They can leave messages for their soulmate, then. They like that. But…
“When can I meet them?”
Scott’s mother sighs quietly, but doesn’t look angry or sad or disappointed, just tired. She turns off the TV and starts clearing up the coffee table while she replies, “Somehow you find them. Everyone finds theirs differently, different times. Their drawings tell a lot about them.”
They don’t like that answer that much. Ugh. They huff impatiently, “But I want to meet them! Now!”
And, of course, their mom is already picking them up, carrying them upstairs while chuckling quietly. The house seems bigger without their dad here. And more peaceful.
They like it much better like this. Hopefully it stays this way. Just Scott and their mom, they don’t need anyone else, they can’t even bring themself to care about where their dad might be or might be doing.
Okay, they need Stiles, though. His dad is nice, too.
“You’ll meet them, Scott,” their mother says while tucking them, “I promise you will, one day. But you have to be patient.”
They hate waiting. But their mom knows everything, she knows all the little beautiful things about the world, so Scott knows she’s right. Patience.
“Okay. Pinky promise?” they ask.
She hugs them again, for good measure. “Pinky promise.”
Scott has to be satisfied with the answer. But although their mother turns off the lights and leaves the door to their room just slightly ajar, they hide under their duvet with the sketchpad she gave them for their birthday last year.
Maybe this soulmate thing is like… a string. A string connecting them and whoever’s made for them, even though they’re miles away, at the other end of the world, even. They can’t see it, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. Like air.
They like that. An invisible string.
Scott draws two hands, connected by the string tied on their pinky fingers. They use the gold pen for the string.
Lately, the thought of their soulmate has moved to the back of Scott’s mind.
It rests there, because after months of worrying and thinking and crying and what they now recognize as  gender dysphoria , Scott is about to tell their best friend that they’re nonbinary. They’re so fucking scared, they almost want to cry again.
They’ve already told their mom, which took them a month alone to decide on. Because what if she suddenly saw them differently? What if she didn’t love them anymore? What if she kicked them out?
It’s always been her and them, against the world. That couldn’t change.
And luckily, thank the stars and heavens above, it didn’t, and Scott’s never been so relieved in their life. They didn’t expect her to be close-minded or bigoted, they’ve always thought the highest of her, but the possibility, the fear still nagged there. They were so fucking glad to put it to rest, finally.
So here Scott is, in their bedroom on a late Wednesday afternoon, waiting for Stiles to finish his homework before he comes over to play video games, as they always do, twice a week, even though their parents eagerly want them to wait for the weekend.
Scott’s heart feels like it’ll jump out of their chest at any second.
They finally know who they are. They only assume the last puzzle piece of their whole self, of their soul to be completed by their soulmate, but the sense of peace they felt when they finally thought…  this is who I am. This is who I’m meant to be .
What if Stiles doesn’t understand? No, what if he doesn’t accept them for who they are? What if his love is conditional?  Fuck . Scott almost wants to scream.
Their heart is still clawing its way out of their chest when their best friend finally knocks on their window and lets himself in, a huge grin plastered on his face and carrying his own selection of games for them to compare with their own.
Stiles is always so happy. Well, not always, but he’s the rock Scott so desperately needs right now, like he’s been so many times before, and like they’ve been for him. They’ve drawn him many times before, and he always says he likes the drawings. And they let him doodle on their arm and hand when he’s anxious, because somehow they both find comfort in this.
They know the two of them aren’t soulmates, they think of each other as family rather than romantically, but they’re still meant for each other, they think. They hope. Stiles knows them better than anyone else, even their mother.
“You ready, Scotty?” he asks, chipper as ever, already turning on the playstation, and the nickname calms their ever painful heartbeat, just a little.
Here goes nothing.
“Yeah, uhm… Stiles?” they speak around the lump in their throat, “Can- can we talk first?”
Their best friend looks up at them from the floor, a slightly confused look on his face, but the smile intact. He returns to seat himself on the couch, not grabbing the remote. That makes Scott smile.
“Of course, Scotty. Is something wrong?”
“No. Yes. Uh, no. Shit, sorry-” they’re already stumbling over the words, fuck, but Stiles puts a hand on their shoulder, tentatively, but his precense calm and assuring.
“Don’t apologise!” his smile is crooked, and he crosses his legs before continuing, “You know you can tell me anything, right? I mean, take your time!”
Scott nods. They take a deep breath, the seconds ticking by. Closes their eyes together just for a moment. Opens again.
“Stiles, I…” they’re trying, calming their heartbeat with breathing in through their nose and out through their mouth, like their mom taught them.  You can do this. “Please don’t freak out. I’m still me, like… I don’t wanna lose you.”
Their best friend frowns. “You’re not gonna lose me, Scotty.”
Scott gulps, nods. They’re trying. Really trying. “I’m nonbinary.”
They keep their eyes squeezed shut when they say it. It’s out there now. They don’t want to see his face change, if his reaction is bad, but they have to. They have to look. A beat passes. And Scott opens their eyes to find their best friend looking at them, smiling so hard his dimples are visible and nose scrunches up.
Oh, my god. That’s good, right?
“That’s great!” Stiles almost shouts, practically jumping in his seat. He does realise his volume, though, particularly since Scott’s mom is sleeping before her night shift. He clears his throat, “Scotty, oh my god. Sorry, I got excited. Thank you for telling me.”
Scott could almost fucking cry, again. But it’s happy tears this time, the nerves vanishing ever so slowly.
“You’re not… upset?”
Their best friend almost looks offended at the question, “Why in the world would I be upset?”
Scott bites their lip. God, they love Stiles so much, “I don’t know, uhm. I was scared you wouldn’t wanna be friends with me anymore. Because I’m not a boy.”
The brunette next to them goes all soft and gooey in his eyes, Scott would know that look anywhere. He also looks like he wants to jump them with hugs, but holding himself back, “Scotty, we’re ride or die, remember? I love you. You’re my best friend and that won’t change. What kind of asshole would I be to leave you like that?”
Scott laughs, Stiles is urging to hug them they can tell, like an oversized puppy.
And they’re speaking around the newly formed tears now, “I love you, Stiles. Like, so much. Thank you.”
Their best friend is grinning like an idiot. “What pronouns do you want to go by? Oh, and should I call you something else- like, not Scott?”
“I still like Scott,” they tell him, not bothering to cover the crying, because whatever. They’ve cried in front of each other plenty, “I’d like they/them pronouns, though, I think.”
Stiles nods eagerly, “Got it!” Then, “Can I hug you now?”
Scott rolls their eyes. Of course. “Yeah, come on.”
Their best friend practically tackles them in the hug, but it’s so bloody welcome, and so warm. Thank God they’re already sitting down.
“I want to be a tattoo artist,” Scott tells their friends at lunch, career day still settled in their mind from weeks ago, and the arguments roaming in their head on how to convince their mom to let them go for their first tattoo next month. It’s for their birthday.
Feels natural when they’ve always been fascinated by art as much as them. The galleries their mother took them to, they’re endlessly grateful for that, honestly.
And art summer school, and art elective, one thing leads to another. And tattooing is just art with skin as a canvas, they can’t stop thinking about it. Little works of art on your body, to carry around with you every day. It feels so special and with so much meaning - or with no meaning, they’re just as fun.
Stiles already knows - of course he does - and he’s excited about it, still, while Allison smiles as sweetly as ever, Malia’s eyes widen and she’s already convincing Scott to make her first one, and Isaac… is smirking?
It’s shy, but it’s there, they’re sure of it.
He was transferred to their high school six months ago, and frankly fits perfectly into their group, Scott thinks, even though their best friend doesn’t exactly get along with him. They’re idiots, but oh well,  their idiots.
Isaac was nervous at first, they could tell. But when Scott gave him a smile in class, he gave one back, tentative, hesitant, but it couldn’t be mistaken. And once they started talking to him, questioning the red haired boy about games and lacrosse and his schedule, he opened up, slowly and surely.
Even though Scott did much of the talking at first, Isaac didn’t seem to mind. They apologised, knowing how fast and excited they can be, much like Stiles, but he still accepted the offer of having lunch with the gang, and he’s witty, and smart, and a good listener. Well, Stiles disagrees, but you know. They bicker just for the hell of it, at this point.
The two girls missing from the table quickly join them and Kira’s eager to catch up, “What are we talking about?”
Scott likes Kira, a lot. Maybe… maybe she’s their soulmate. God, they don’t know.
Her smile is very pretty, she knows so much cool stuff about astrology and is like, easily the best player on the lacrosse team, by a mile. Jackson’s always on her ass because he’s a douche, and definitely power-hungry after being named the new captain, but Kira rolls her eyes at him and brushes him off like it’s nothing. Scott admires her.
The two of them can talk for hours about music and other shit that Stiles only rolls his eyes a little bit at, but even though he calls them nerds, he also joins them way too often and unashamedly.
And he’s just acting uninterested to seem cool in front of Lydia, usually.
But at the same time, Isaac’s smile is also very pretty, and his jokes are the best. He always laughs at Scott’s jokes, too, which they really like. He keeps whispering sarcastic comments in their ear during class and rolls his eyes when the teachers aren’t looking, which makes Scott laugh. 
And he’s an expert at texting in secret, always sending them pictures he took over the weekend of graffiti tags around town and puppies on the train and bumblebees, all because those reminded him of them.
Isaac’s nose gets all scrunched up when he laughs and his eyes squeeze shut.
The boy also loves zombie movies, which is a huge plus in their book, and wears big floppy sweaters that are excellent for hugs. Isaac is already a really good hugger, he’s always… warm and soft and safe. 
Maybe he’s their soulmate. Stiles would be so upset if that were true, ha.
Scott’s listened to their mother, though, they know patience is a virtue, and maybe neither of them are their soulmate. None of them have found their soulmate yet, anyway, so they shouldn’t stress, right now, they should just look forward to the future.
“Scott’s gonna give me my first tattoo!” Malia exclaims excitedly, Lydia only seeming mildly surprised, “Right, Scott?”
They laugh, they love the brunette’s undying loyalty and curiosity a lot, “I gotta practice first, but yeah, of course.”
“You’ll get us all tattoos, right?” Allison winks at them, “We can be your guinea pigs.”
Lydia chimes in, “Not gonna happen.”
“Oh, come on Lydia!” Stiles gasps, “Don’t you trust my best friend?”
He’s so giving her heart eyes, right now. Scott’s used to it by now, and it’s adorable, only slightly annoying, given that his plan of asking her out has yet to be set in motion. They wonder if the redhead has noticed.
Lydia sends a crooked smile in their direction after flipping their best friend off, “I’ll trust them when they’re trained. No offense, babe.”
They shake their head, patting Stiles’ back. Love the defense of their honor, even when unneeded. “I feel the same way, Lyds.”
The support is unwavering and overwhelming with all of them, even Lydia. The most surprising and pleasant thing of the day, though, is when Isaac purses his lips as they walk to P.E., then smiles at Scott in a way they know is only meant for them, “You can practice on me, even though I’ll probably faint from the needle. Maybe I could get a turtle.”
Scott can’t hide their grin, “I like that.”
When Scott gets their first tattoo, Stiles holds their hand - before he faints, that is. He recovered quickly, it was endearing, really. They felt fine however; maybe the excitement filled up too much of their being to be worried about the pain.
Thankfully their mother approved of the tattoo and what they wanted to do with their art. She’d always been supportive, but, you know… sometimes, they worry too much. About everything.
She liked the drawing they chose, too.
Two rings around their bicep, simple black lines, but it meant a lot to them, and far, far from the last. It’s like them and their mother, they think: constant orbit with each other. She’s always protected them. They always want to protect her. Stiles called them a big old sap for it, and he’s right.
Scott planned it on their birthday, making sure to have the whole gang out for the fair, and roller skates, and showing off their tattoo with buckets of pride.
And if their stomach soared a little whenever a certain tall red haired boy smiled at them, that’s for themself to deal with. They think their best friend might be getting suspicious, given the half fond, half intensely weird looks he’s given them lately, when the whole group’s gotten together, but never said anything.
God knows if they knew what they would do about it. Scott doesn’t understand it, but… Isaac looking at them just feels right. It’s probably a little dangerous crushing on one of your close friends. Especially when you don’t know if they’re your soulmate, or who they are at all.
But apparently the universe finds it appropriate to sort this maybe or maybe not issue for them, after the fall break, when Scott finds Isaac’s seat strangely empty, and suddenly, the teacher’s shocking them to their core when she lets the class know the red haired boy’s been pulled out of the school and his family’s relocating.
In Paris. What… what the hell?
Scott doesn’t understand it. They can’t.
Isaac hasn’t said anything about this, they don’t remember, neither to them alone or to the whole group. Even Stiles looks at them with wide eyes, and Allison’s frowning from the back row.
The whole week the group doesn’t quite… work. They try to process it. Fuck. It just feels weird, unreal, not real at all.
Why would the boy just leave like that, unannounced? They would’ve hoped he would say goodbye. Scott doesn’t find themself wishing for an explanation, they just wanted to say goodbye. And ask if they did something wrong. Anything.
But the gang tries, of course, the routine returns piece by piece, even though Stiles and Lydia still argue about their possible theories on why Isaac left.
Scott just feels so, so guilty, for absolutely no reason. He seemed different after their birthday, somehow, which they’re only just thinking about now. Maybe they’re making it up, to rationalize it, somehow. They’ve got no fucking idea.
He didn’t come to school for a few days after their birthday party, that is, but… he was sick, he said. Just a fever. It was fine, he said.
Scott should get out of their own head. And Stiles says he’s the overthinker of the two.
And while their little world seems to circulate, still, Scott just feels numb, until three weeks later. Until their mother drops down on the couch while they’re watching reruns of Jeopardy and suddenly Scott has tears trickling down their cheeks, without even realising it.
Their mom seems just as confused, and upset, as themself, but she wraps her arms around them without even asking, of course she does. She tries to protect them.
But there’s nothing to protect them from, really. Just sadness. And a broken heart, maybe, one that they’re not even sure how to mend.
God, they wish Isaac was here. Guess he’s not their soulmate, after all.
Kira’s the first one of the group to find their soulmate. Actually, Kira and Malia, because it turns out they’re meant for each other.
It makes sense immediately to Scott, knowing of the brunette’s crush on the other girl, one she’s made vocal to them and Stiles since sophomore year. Wide eyes, making excuses for Kira to help her with her homework, grabbing extra dessert for her. Scott’s been rooting for them ever since they realised.
It’s just before senior year; where Malia proudly shows off the rubber duck tattoo Scott gave her on her ankle, after much discussion of how it should look.
“Like a rubber duck,” she told them, “But you know, with legs. Like a real duck. But not real.”
Scott had furrowed their brows while trying to follow, “Like a cartoon?”
And since she nodded, absolutely ecstatic, they got to work. They were so lucky to find an internship, and a mentor, and their mother looked so proud, almost near the verge of tears. She’s so dramatic sometimes, they love her for that.
Malia was a bit squeamish at first, which Scott doesn’t blame her for in any way, obviously. The ankle is a brave place for the first one, they’ll admit, but their friend insisted relentlessly, and they had to give in.
She put on a brave face soon enough, and took Stiles’ hand as much as she refused and called him a dick. And it turned out cool as hell!
Scott concentrates, hard, as they practice, and they’re still getting used to skin as opposed to paper. Softer, and they have to reangle their hands from time to time, even though they’re still stuck on smaller pieces for now.
They’ve been chewing their lip so much in concentration that it started bleeding once, a reminder to work off that habit. Maybe they should get Stiles to call them out on it. Like, do an eagle scream, or something, as he does whenever he wants to get their attention already.
Speaking of their best friend, he’s gotten a little better with it already, not afraid to look at the process now.
“It’s fascinating, I’ll admit,” he tells them on yet another one of their traditional game nights, “But way, way too painful, Scotty. How do you put yourself through several of them?”
Their own first was on the arm, of course, which isn’t too bad, and they kept the second one on their arm as well; Kermit the Frog. It’s funny. They like the Muppets. Sue them. Stiles loved it, too, so they’ve already got approval. Lydia definitely loves it, too, despite her initial skepticism.
But as Malia lifts her foot to show everyone on the bleachers, tradition as they wait for Kira to get off lacrosse practice, the very same girl nearly chokes on her water, prompting concerned looks from everyone, until Kira sits down and reveals her own ankle. The duck.
Needless to say, Malia becomes a blushing mess.
Kira, however, doesn’t look surprised at all. “I knew it was you!”
“Y-you did?” the girl stammers out, her foot still hanging in the air, probably out of sheer shock.
The dark haired girl giggles, wiping the sweat off of her forehead, before crossing her legs. She looks near bliss, Scott thinks. They’ve never seen an expression like that before. It makes them crave meeting their own even more.
The group stays in a strange, light, peaceful sort of silence until the coach calls Kira back, Malia’s face practically looking like a tomato at that point. Stiles is laughing hysterically at her, leaning on Scott’s shoulder, and she punches him several times until he hides behind them, almost using them as a shield. Almost, because Malia would never hit Scott, obviously, that’s reserved for the boy cowering behind them.
Their friends are such idiots.
The brunette freezes on the spot when her soulmate gets up, planting a kiss on her forehead before running off, saluting the group.
“We’ll meet at the ice cream stand!” she yells. Scott salutes back. Malia waves awkwardly.
“You okay, Mal?” they gotta ask, to reassure themself she hasn’t mentally shut off.
“Oh my god,” she squeaks, “Oh, yeah. Yeah!”
Stiles laughs even louder than before. Allison joins him. Malia may chase them both across the field, until the coach has to break them up, and now, the girl easily jumps into her soulmate’s embrace for protection.
Lydia shakes her head at it all. All in all an outstanding day for them, Scott thinks.
Straight out of graduation, tearful goodbyes to their friends even though they’ll see each other the week after, Scott’s got so far they’re taking clients. Their boss is proud of their progress, and they were a nervous wreck before the evaluation, but God, they feel a little proud of themself, too.
Of course, this means their friends are eager for them to practice on them and save money.
Kira’s the first in line; she wants the solar system, on a line down her spine. Scott isn’t surprised when she eagerly tells them about the planet symbolism, and she intensely stares at them drawing up the design, Malia sharing the excitement.
It’s her second, actually, the first being the one she got last year, in honor of her mom. She also seemed profusely apologetic for not going to Scott for her first, which they found adorable.
And yeah, they have to break it up in two sessions with a large piece like this, luckily the both of them are staying in town.
When Kira sees the finished result, she almost cried, they swear. “The colors are amazing, oh my God,” she tells them, already spinning around excitedly and hugging them tightly, “Thank you babeeeee. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
Scott always finds themself giggling along with the girls, it’s only natural, “Don’t mention it.”
The two of them gasp, as shocked as in a Greek tragedy. “Keep mentioning it, dummy.” she tells them, and Malia adds, “You gotta book me for next week. I want a wolf!”
Allison’s the farthest away from the group, three states over; of course, they keep the promise of monthly reunions, more than once a month, even, which makes Scott feel impossibly warm every time. They still kind of wish Isaac was there. Damn.
It’s in April when Allison brings them a drawing she wants tattooed on her forearm. A portrait of a woman, with a bow and arrow, a stag at her side, and the moon looming over them both. It’s gorgeous.
“Obviously you’re a better artist than me, but this is my general idea,” she says sheepishly, as they hand her her bubble tea, “It’s Artemis.”
Greek goddess of animals and nature, that childhood obsession with mythology wasn’t for nothing. Allison’s been doing archery since she was thirteen, so it practically screams her. Scott gets seriously nervous about it, to be honest, like anxiously sweating kind of nervous, but luckily, she loves it. Thank God. They’re always scared to fuck up, especially on their friends.
But it’s way, way easier now, like they could do it asleep.
And that’s sort of put to the test, actually, because Stiles and themself decide to get drunk off their asses one Friday night, it’s been ages. And fuck it, they’re allowed to have fun. And enjoy cheap, horribly tasting beer at that.
Once they get home to Scott’s flat (taking the subway of course, even though their best friend had to be dragged away from his truck, they really dodged a bullet there, Jesus), Stiles gets to that point of his drunkenness where he starts getting philosophical and a little sad.
“What if I never meet them, Scotty,” he whines, in reference to his soulmate, that is. Scott themself gets extremely jumpy and bubbly under the influence, without failure, but they still know that frustration all too well.
“You will, honey,” they tell him.
“You promise?!”
They both contemplate his soulmate’s tattoos for a while. A flock of birds on his ribcage, a Sylvia Plath quote by his shoulder, a tree with its roots circling his wrist.
Neither of them has anyone they know in mind, but anything is possible! Scott still hasn’t spotted any of their soulmate’s tattoos. They’ve been thinking about it for some time now, and well. It’s disappointing, but they have plenty of time. They’ll get plenty more tattoos themself to their already growing sleeve, so they try not to worry about it  too much.
Their best friend suggests they play Mario Kart, which can only end in disaster, but then, “You should tattoo my ass, Scotty.”
Scott blinks twice, the statement shocking their drunk brain just a bit, “What?
“My ass!” he exclaims, now happier than ever, yearning for his soulmate forgotten in a split second, “Babe, pleaseee. Wait. Wait, wait, draw Harrison Ford.”
They can’t even process the request before their best friend pulls a headshot of said actor up, and starts clearing the sofa, “Indiana Jones is his best role, like… like… yeah.”
Scott laughs long and hard, this is insane. Of course, their judgement is clouded by the alcohol, right now, so what the fuck, why not.
This is why Stiles ends up lying on his stomach with his jeans halfway down, Scott sitting by his feet, the light of the iPhone glaring both their eyes at 4am.
“Ow!” he yells, like, thirty times, each time they have to laugh and then shush him, because they really can’t deal with noise complaints as sleep deprived as they are right now.
“Stop moving!” they tell him.
“But I can’t.”
“Yes, you can.”
Stiles drags out the two-letter word to the greatest extent, “Nooooo.”
“Yes,” they laugh again, “I believe in you.”
“Love you, Scotty,” their best friend proclaims, still yelling a bit, but finally lying relatively still.
Scott rolls their eyes, “Love you too, idiot. Won’t be long now.”
“Make sure you capture his eyes right, babe! It’s extremely important!”
“I know, I know.”
To Scott’s great surprise, the tattoo turns out incredibly detailed.
In fact, it might be some of their best work yet. They’re not quite sure if they should be proud that they can work while intoxicated, or ashamed that their best work is, well… when they’re not sober.
Stiles laughs for almost two hours straight, then gushes over it.
“I’m sorry, man,” they had to say, “It was stupid.”
“Are you fucking kidding?” he tells them from where he’s admiring his own ass in the mirror, “This is incredible. Holy fuck. You captured his DILF-yness perfectly.”
Scott rubs their eyes, they have slept till 2pm, and the sunlight still isn’t doing wonders for them, “His what?”
Their best friend returns to their bed and burrows his face in the pillow. “He’s a DILF! Dad I’d like to fuck!”
That’s definitely an explanation that wakes Scott right up. They’ve never heard of that acronym, but fair enough. They’re also rather speechless, which the boy next to them senses, when Stiles looks up and shakes his head, “Scotty, Scotty. Aren’t you lucky you have such an insightful best friend as myself?”
The morning ends in a pillow fight, naturally.
It’s no more than a day after their night out that Scott finally,  finally  convinces Stiles to call Lydia and ask her on a date.
He’s sworn to his ten-year plan for ages now, with little to no action on his part, so this is major progress. Their best friend spills all his worries to them, but honestly? Scott isn’t all that worried.
They can’t say for sure what the outcome will be, but judging by Stiles’ retellings of the late night text conversations and smiles the red haired girl shoots in the boy’s direction when she probably didn’t realise people were looking, Scott’s got some sort of feeling that their friend might feel the same.
Okay, they haven’t talked to Lydia about it, admittedly. They swore secrecy to their best friend, and they intend to keep that promise.
But Scott recognizes that gleam in her eyes. It’s much like Malia’s looking at her soulmate, they think. Or maybe they’re completely in the wrong. They probably shouldn’t doubt it, or Stiles will only doubt himself more.
“She’s  way out of my league, Scotty!” he exclaims for the fifth time on their FaceTime, as he’s listed pros and cons to the proposition.
They smile at the boy on their phone screen, trying to look as assuring as possible, “Lydia’s awesome, I know. But you shouldn’t put yourself down as much as you do, you know that, right?”
Stiles huffs, “I know.”
“You do?”
“I do!” he almost whines.
Scott nods, “Alright. Babe, the worst thing that could happen is that she says no. You won’t know unless you try.”
“But what if it ruins everything?” their best friend worries again, “Maybe she won’t… want to be friends, then. I don’t wanna upset her-”
“Stiles,” they feel the need to interrupt, readjusting themself on the couch, “She likes you, I know it, even if it’s just as friends. If she says no, then you’ll know and you can get over her. I don’t think she’d cut you off completely. She cares about you.”
Stiles sighs, deeply and dramatically, but the look on his face tells Scott that he knows they’re right.
“If you say so.”
And not even an hour later, their best friend calls them up again, flimsy camera and nearly screaming, because Lydia Martin said yes. Stiles looked like he was near tears.
Later that night, Lydia texted them, asking if he would find a picnic in the park too boring for a first date - clearly, she was nervous, and Scott’s never seen, or heard her nervous before. They think the two of them will be just fine.
Granted, neither of them know who their soulmates are, but when they’ve liked each other for as long as they have, to hell with it, right?
Scott spends the night and next morning thinking about it. Less about their friends, who already arranged the date today, as much as they’re excited for them. They just… now there’s two couples in their friend group. They’re so happy for their friends, they really are, but this soulmate thing is looking a bit frustrating, sometimes.
When Allison came out to the group as aromantic and asexual in the beginning of junior year (and after Scott hugged their friend so she nearly feel over on the grass, the nerves disappearing from her laugh much the same way that they had felt when they came out to Stiles, and the rest of the group) Malia blurted out a question, “Do you have any soulmate tattoos?”
“Mal!” Lydia gave her a pointed look, but the dark haired girl chuckled.
“It’s fine,” she told her best friend, and all of them, “I don’t. Either the universe knows what’s up and hasn’t given me one, or whoever it is just doesn’t have tattoos. Fucked if I know how it all works.”
Scott hates the fact that it created a nagging little thought in the back of their mind. It’s still tiny, but still living there, showing its ugly head late at night when their anxiety gets at them.
Maybe they don’t have a soulmate at all.
What if?
They don’t have much time to worry about it that evening, though, when some stubborn knocks sound on their door, and they open it up to reveal Lydia and Stiles. They’re holding hands, Scott can’t help but grin.
Stiles has much the same expression on his face. Lydia looks a bit furious.
“Did you tattoo Harrison Ford on his ass?” she asks, voice impatient.
Their eyes widen, and look back and forth between them, but their best friend just looks lovestruck and a little confused.
“You showed her?” they ask, and the redhead sighs, “No. I’m asking because I have a picture of Harrison Ford on  my ass.”
The shock takes the both of them aback.
Lydia’s upset about the tattoo, not them being soulmates, thank God, because Scott was rooting for them a lot. She rolls her eyes hard as they explain their drunken mishap, crossing her arms, but they’d know the fond smile anywhere. She doesn’t hide it anymore.
“Sorry,” Stiles says over and over.
Needless to say, the boy freezes on the spot when Lydia rises and shuts him up with a kiss, “You’re an idiot, you know.”
He nods eagerly, “I know.”
“Yet I love you,” she states, and Stiles looks like he’s about to faint.
“You-you do?!”
Lydia looks content, and takes his hand again. She also ruffles Scott’s hair with her other hand, commending them for bringing them together, evidently, “Obviously.”
It’s the first day of December, a little after midnight, that Scott comes to a conclusion.
They’ve been lying awake in bed for two hours now, tossing and turning, and since they can’t sleep their brain starts going into overdrive.
The group is gonna have a get together before they return home to their mom. Stiles constantly gushes about Lydia, of course. Kira called them on Malia’s birthday and confessed that she’s thinking about proposing to her girlfriend on New Year’s Eve.
They… are happy for them. So very much. They’re not lying in any way.
But why the fuck do they feel so lonely?
They’ve been paying more attention to their skin, desperately keeping their eyes out for tattoos that aren’t their own. Maybe they could’ve missed if it blended into their now fully closed sleeve. Or… or maybe it’s in a place they didn’t think of before.
But days have been going on and on, and Scott has been counting every single one of their pieces, and every single one they recognize.
The lavenders and forget-me-nots, the Millennium Falcon, the pac-man, their mother’s favorite song, the  idiot #2  tramp stamp that matches Stiles’  idiot #1 .
Nothing unfamiliar, nothing’s out of place.
This is why the thing that’s been worrying them sick ever since that day their tall, red haired friend had mysteriously dropped out, and almost vanished into thin air, finally sneaks out of its hiding place and hits them with full force.
It must be the only liable explanation.
Scott probably won’t get any sleep tonight. Scott’s also pretty sure they don’t have a soulmate.
They’ve been living with the fact that they don’t have a soulmate for, hm, well - almost two years now. And it’s fine, really. They’re slowly getting used to it, anyway.
Scott told their mother after Christmas when they realised, and she almost worries out of her skin, but they were a bit too embarrassed to cry in front of her then. Hopeless romantic and all.
Stiles also reacted to the conclusion by cuddling them for a whole weekend, letting them win every video game they played and buying them so many snacks it’s shocking neither of them passed out from that heavy of an amount of sugar.
All their friends shared their frustration, and sadness, in their own way, and so they never felt alone about it. Always and endlessly supported. They love them so much.
But yeah, they just had to carry on with life. What else is there to do?
And although they still think about it in both good and bad moments, they’ve distanced themself just a little bit from it all, worrying just an inch less, working hard and spending time with their best friend and gang whenever possible.
It’s getting easier, more peaceful.
Scott’s set up an Instagram dedicated to their portfolio, and clearly their friends got the word spread back to Beacon Hills, and around it. And lots of other places. Kira and Malia became their unofficial promoters last summer, when the couple went on a road trip around Europe, to celebrate the engagement.
The wedding is this summer, also, which Scott cannot possibly contain their excitement about. They love those girls.
Their best friend is joint best man, of course, Allison joint maid of honor, and the reception playlist is already piled upon with Dolly Parton and Megan Thee Stallion. They love their friends’ music taste, for real.
So all in all, they’re doing pretty great. Well, February is filled with a bit too much of the Valentine’s Day ads and hype for their taste, but they’ll come to not mind it eventually. Hopefully.
And right now, Scott’s headed for the tattoo parlor (they got a permanent position, holy fuck) to draw up some designs and check out the bookings for next week. It’s a quiet afternoon, after the weekly morning call with their mother, and the group chat is ever so chaotic as always.
They’ve already got, like, sixty missed messages since they left the flat, Jesus.
And so they’re stood on the train station, train arriving in five minutes, checks their phone and then-
Then. Holy fuck.
Is this real life?
Are they imagining things?
Or is it… is it him?
On the opposite side of the tracks, Scott spots a tall figure, with curly red hair and dressed in a green turtleneck and black jeans. They must be confusing them.
Except the person turns around, and, oh my God.
It’s Isaac. It’s Isaac Lahey.
And Scott doesn’t know what to fucking do, except their jaw drops like an idiot, staring until the boy-uh, man on the other side widens his blue eyes, looking directly into their own brown. This is real.
About twenty agonizing seconds pass by as they both process what’s happening before the redhead waves, a small, hesitant one. So naturally, Scott waves back.
That’s that. Then Isaac points in the direction of the exits. They nod immediately.
He leaves. They leave. Oh God, oh god, oh god.
When Scott ascends the stairs out onto the bustling streets, it seems like they’ve been waiting forever. Their brain is such a drama queen.
And there the red headed man stands- he’s tall, still, half a head taller than them. When he spots them going in his direction, a smile forms on his lips, and it’s soft and shy and all too familiar.
This could easily have Scott in tears, but they hold it in.
When they’re finally face to face with their old friend, they can’t help returning the smile. Isaac keeps moving his gaze from their eyes to the ground, back and ground, like he’s scared to look at them too long. Scott swallows around the lump in their throat, unsure of what to do.
They never, ever, in a million years expected this to happen. They never thought they would see him again. Yet, here he is.
Scott clears their throat in an attempt to sound cool and collected, although they fail horrendously, “Hey.”
“Hi,” the taller man answers.
Well, that’s a start, right?
Yet again they’re processing, thinking, they can almost see the cogs in Isaac’s brain turning, until their mouth decides to speak before their brain can decide on the words, “Can I buy you a coffee?”
Thank their lucky stars, Isaac nods instantly.
And it’s when they’ve gone to the nearest café, Scott nursing a café latte while Isaac settles with his iced coffee, that they start talking. And talking. And talking.
The conversation flows immediately, and so easily, almost like they were never apart.
It’s surprising, yet safe. Scott has to ask what they could only wonder about all these years.
“Why did you… why did you leave?” they get out, before they can lose their courage. And when their old friend’s mouth twists into a frown, and his eyes fill with something like a pained memory instead of nostalgia, they instantly regret the question.
Isaac speaks before they can apologise, though, “I’m sorry.”
“I was about to say the same, I didn’t mean to-”
“Scott, no,” he interrupts, with a small sigh, “I want to tell you. It’s, uhm… maybe it’s easier if I show you.”
They find themself furrowing their brows in confusion, “Show me?”
The man nods and takes a sip from his coffee before he rolls up the sleeve of his hoodie. And then… there’s a Kermit, there, on his wrist. The lavender branches travelling up his arm, right up to the two black bands, encircling his bicep.
Scott feels like the world is moving in slow-motion. It’s just Isaac, in front of them. And he’s got all their tattoos.
They realise they’ve been quiet when the man in front of him starts looking worried, and so they say the first thing they can think of, “You’re my soulmate?”
He nods again.
Scott has a soulmate. They’ve got a soulmate and… he’s right in front of them. 
The boy they’ve been harboring feelings for since they first became friends. The tall, clumsy stranger who’s overly critical of zombie lore and talked in his sleep whenever he stayed over at their house, and… the boy who hugged them in the queue to the go-karts, just because he could.
Holy shit.
Scott doesn’t even realise the tears falling from their eyes before Isaac’s confusion intensifies, and they try to wipe at their cheek, a little embarrassed. But fuck that. “Sorry. Oh my God. Isaac, I thought- I thought I didn’t have one. Shit, I was terrified. I never got any tattoos… that weren’t my own.”
And so, the redhead’s smile starts getting a little teary as well. He chuckles, his voice breaks, but he looks  so happy. They’ve missed that smile beyond belief.
“Yeah, uh,” he clears his throat, “Still not good with needles.”
They smile at each other in the silence for a moment. Scott doesn’t want to keep questioning if Isaac doesn’t want to tell them, so they just… look at him for a moment. He still is just as pretty as last time they saw him, but he’s grown his hair a bit longer, his arms more defined, he’s wearing tighter jeans than he used to.
The bustle of the other residents and the baristas busy behind the counter goes on for a beat, before Isaac speaks again, “I didn’t leave by choice. I-I would’ve said goodbye. If it was my decision.” Scott nods. They know.
“It’s my dad,” the redhead continues, “Uhm… ever since my mom died, he… became violent. He beat me. And when he didn’t, he, uh, locked me in the basement. Those were my sick days.”
The man in front of him winces, wipes at his eye in defiance and Scott does, too.
Fuck.  Fuck . And they never fucking knew.
“Isaac… I’m so, so sorry. Fuck,” they feel they still have tears threatening their way, and they don’t know how to stop them, struggling with their words. “I should’ve been there for you, I should-”
“Don’t,” he tells them, “You didn’t know, Scott. None of you knew.”
“But I should’ve known-”
“It’s not your fault. Please believe me when I say that.”
They nod again. Isaac still has that timid smile on his face, as teary as it is, as their smile probably is as well. The thought of their friend being abused, and… going through it  alone , not being able to reach out for help, that no one fucking stepped in, it pains Scott in an unspeakable way, right now.
The redhead swallows before speaking again, “After your birthday, after your tattoo, well, I got it as well. And it didn’t take long for him to piece together that it was you. He monitored my phone. And he was a fucking bigot, so his reaction wasn’t exactly positive.”
Scott feels the urge to hold Isaac’s hand, and in fact, before their brain can stop it their hand already touches his on the table.
When they realise, they take it back, “Sorry, I didn’t-”, but Isaac grabs their hand back again, his lying on top of their own. He sniffles, wipes at his eyes again, but the warmth radiating from him is immediate.
“So he forced me to France, cut me off from everyone, and we stayed there, and I cried myself to sleep every night,” he tells, his frown deepening, “Until Camden was discharged.”
His older brother, Scott remembers. He signed up for the army.
“He lived with us for three days before my dad threw a glass at me over the dinner table, right in front of him. My brother knocked him out on the spot. We got the hell out of there.”
Isaac smiles again, breathing a little easier. Scott feels the same.
“I’m glad,” they say and squeezes his hand. Their heart flutters when their friend squeezes it back.
“So…” Isaac starts again, a sigh escaping his lips, “Now I’m here. That was two years ago, and, uh, yeah. We roamed around for a while, too scared he’d try to find us. Camden got us a place out of town, though, it’s too… loud in here sometimes.”
He runs his free hand through his curls and takes another sip of the coffee. Scott’s practically forgotten about their drink by now, it must be cold.
“And a therapist,” the redhead says, “I got a therapist. I need one.”
His smile grows, little by little. It’s still the shy one, just like Scott remembers, screwed up by tears and the rain. He looks happy in their company. They hope so, at least. They hope he’ll be okay, that he gets to be happier. They want him to be happy.
“I’m so happy you’re out of there, I…” their voice breaks halfway, and they both chuckle at it, “I worried myself sick about where you were. I just want you to be okay.”
Isaac bites his lip in the smile, “I will be.”
“Good.” A thought hits Scott, though, “Your dad, he doesn’t know you’re back, right? If that fucker finds you-” “He’s dead.”
Isaac nods, “Neighbours in Paris called my brother about four months ago. It feels morbid to say, but honestly… Camden bought champagne.”
“I would’ve done the same,” Scott says, with zero hesitation. The redhead’s peacefulness has an effect on them, like a warm embrace. However, when a customer in the queue yells at the barista, Isaac flinches, and they’re just about ready to take him by the hand and get out.
They’re still wondering about their friend’s feelings towards them, because… they’re soulmates. But people don’t always stay together. People don’t always get together.
Scott knows they’re just as much in love with Isaac as they were back then. It’s come back in full force, and the longer they look at the man, it just makes them want to wake up to the sight of him, every single morning. Listen to him rant about zombies for two hours straight and eat McDonalds at 3am and kiss in front of Stiles until he tells them to get a room.
Their best friend probably already knows about their feelings towards the red haired man. They never told him, but he’s scarily knowledgeable sometimes.
“Isaac,” they start, trying to figure out how to ask, Isaac still grazing their hand with his thumb, “About the tattoos. I’m in love with you. I hope that’s not too blunt, but… I’ve liked you since we met, I think. If you don’t feel the same, I understand-”
“I love you,” he states, immediately, and surely. He squeezes their hand again as both their smiles almost turn to grins, “Sorry. I could yell it at the top of my lungs, if you want. Soulmate.”
This might just be the best day of their fucking life.
“Want to get out of here, soulmate?”
In the little parlour at the corner, the gang’s all crowded up, even though the shop’s supposed to be closed. They closed two hours ago.
Yet, Scott’s friends have formed a small circle around the chair, where their soulmate’s taken his shirt off to allow them to tattoo his collarbone.  Masterpiece , the piece says, but it’s mirrored, so he’ll be able to read whenever he looks in the mirror.
Isaac’s facetiming his brother, too, who’s already given Scott the big brother talk; secretly, he loves them, the redhead told them so.
“You ready?” they ask him, planting a kiss on their soulmate’s hand, and he nods.
“Tell me if you need a break, okay?”
“I will, baby,” he says with a chuckle, but Scott  needs to be sure.
“Seriously, whenever-”
“I know,” Isaac laughs, and kisses their cheek, which never fails to make them blush, despite the many, many kisses they’ve had until now. In all places. And more than kisses. Their soulmate is the most incredible person they know (sorry, Stiles), and they just want to keep learning, discovering everything about him.
He still talks in his sleep. He found a much better therapist than the first one, and he has fewer nightmares now. Sometimes he wants to talk about them, sometimes he just wants Scott to hold him. He likes to be the big spoon. He  hates the smell of coffee and eats excessive amounts of bacon. He likes to wake Scott by tracing their tattoos with his hands in the morning, and if that doesn’t work, he’ll steal the comforter and jump in the bed. He’s still such a nerd.
Every moment with him is unbelievably peaceful.
Their soulmate takes a deep breath, nods and so Scott gets started on the tattoo.
“Want me to hold your hand?” Stiles asks with a laugh, but they’re pretty sure the offer is genuine. Those two have been taking a liking to each other, after all, no matter how much they deny it.
“Absolutely not,” Isaac fires back, and the brunette gasps, making their soulmate smirk, “Lydia can hold it.”
She does, no matter how grumpy her soulmate looks. Malia’s nearly on the floor laughing.
This is safe. This is home. They’re all soulmates in a way, meant to be tied together, no matter where in the world they might be. And they’re so bloody happy to have him, and them, in their life.
Scott McCall has a soulmate.
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Could you update the love confessions tag? Ideally explicit fics lol. Thank you!
Sure. Here’s some new love confessions.  All explicit.
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death by katana by curlsinthewind
(1/1 I 1,672 I Thiam)
“You want to scare Theo?” “Yes.” “Dude, it’s impossible, I already tried." “But this time, Liam, we will use his greatest weakness.” “Which is?” “You.”
Confessions by Ambear9
(1/1 I 2,647 I Sterek)
What should have happened when Derek evolved
What A Birdbrain! by VenusVellichor
(1/1 I 3,292 I Scisaac)
Beacon Hills has always been a strange town, never more so than now, as Scott and his pack unravel the mysteries they had dragged back home. As Scott learns about his supernatural family history and Lydia unravels the mysteries that her great-aunt left her, Allison and Stiles up the ante and decide to hunt down magic artifacts. Derek and Jackson learn to express their feelings, and Isaac finally comes into his own when he opens an apothecary in town. Now that the pack is back together, can they still share their inner lives, or are some heritages too precious to tell?
love came in on time by CerinityKS
(1/1 I 3,554 I Scott/Theo)
Theo choked, eyes wide, and watched as Scott licked his hand clean. “Fuck dude,” he whispered, cock twitching valiantly again at the site. Scott shot him a grin.
“Not bad,” he shrugged, and they stared at each other for a moment before they collapsed in laughter once more.
“I, I c-can’t beli-lieve you,” Theo gasped.
“Shut up,” Scott laughed and reached out to smack him gently.
“Pull your shorts up, oh my god, we’re in public!” Theo laughed harder.
“Says the guy that dropped them to suck my dick!” Scott pointed out. They collapsed in laughter again as Scott reached down to pull them up. Theo adjusted himself in his shorts, underwear sticky and uncomfortable, and walked over to grab their boards as they calmed down. When he turned back the soft look was back in Scott’s eyes and he felt his own expression soften in response.
(or theo and scott have been mutually pining, scott finally makes a move, they get a little inappropriate in the skate park, and then go home to be soft and cuddle like the ridiculously in love boys they are)
Rain Wet Kisses by zero4life
(1/1 I 4,696 I Isaac/OMC)
Isaac has a claustrophobia induced panic attack. Nick goes after him to help him calm down and make him feel safe. The two realize that this is about more then just safety and protection.
Keep Me Warm by emotionssuck
(1/1 I 5,703 I Sciles)
After the sacrifice at the end of season 3a, Stiles has to deal with the fallout. The darkness isn't the only consequence that he must bear and Scott won't let him suffer alone.
Calculated Risk by sparkandwolf (thatnerdemilyj)
(1/1 I 6,013 I Sterek)
“Will I survive?” Derek whined behind him, his grip on Stiles' wrist tightening. Stiles couldn’t look at him, knowing one glance might change his mind.
The Queen considered his question, tilting her head at him. “You will survive if you’re in love.”
shepherd said come in, come in, shut the door by eneiryu
(1/1 I 8,960 I Thiam/Leo/Hayden)
In hindsight, they probably should have given Liam a heads-up about the fevers.
Speak, Memory by RavenAurelieChoiseau
(6/10 I 13,842 I Klaus/Stiles)
‘Have you ever seen a wolf in the throes of change, Stiles?’ Klaus asked. Stiles gave a curt nod, his shoulders stiffening in memory. Scott had been near uncontrollable that first night. Since then, he’d seen more than his share of shifts. More than he’d have ever liked to admit. ‘Yes, I see from your eyes you have. Well, Henrik and I were caught in the middle of it.' _ Klaus invites Stiles to New Orleans to play at his funeral. Such an odd request brings the two strangers together. The vampire is overcome when he meets the young musician and his suspicions are confirmed: Klaus had once been a lover of one of Stiles' ancestors- and Stiles is his doppelganger. One memory in exchange for every piece executed- Stiles decides to extend his stay and play for his employer. Klaus regales him with tales about his past. Romance is not lacking as Klaus tries to woo his new friend, taking him on dates. They ride an imaginary line between history and a need for connection and affection in the now. Neither imagines how easy it will be for them to fall in love.
To bushwhacked and back again. by DropsOfAddiction
(1/1 I 29,291 I Sterek)
“So... that’s it. You’re all done here?” Stiles had tried to keep his voice neutral as he leant his back onto the wall, placing one foot on it to balance him.
“Yeah. I sent all my stuff ahead. I doubt Cora will unpack for me though,” Derek told him.
“No, I doubt it. She’s probably too busy running naked through the woods,” Stiles shuddered.
“Oh my god, do you have to?” Derek had grimaced. “That’s my sister.”
“Sorry! I’m not thinking about her naked I swear,” Stiles protested, holding his hands up.
Derek had cocked an eyebrow at him.
“I’m not lying! Feel!” Stiles yanked on Derek’s arm until his hand popped out of his pocket and he’d dragged him closer, placing Derek’s palm over his heart.
Derek had made a soft sound of surprise, but he’d allowed the manhandling and he crowded in closer to Stiles.
Stiles hadn’t thought it through because the second Derek’s hips were inches from his and Derek’s stupid, lovely face was all up in his, his heart had begun pounding erratically.
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a-lil-bi-furious · 3 years
“A Road for Three,” unless that’s been taken, in which case dealer’s choice because I want to know about all of them.
Ooh, thank you, friend!! An excellent choice, however, I must warn you it is by far my least developed.
A Road for Three:
This fic was born entirely out of my inability refusal to choose between Scisaac and Scira. I want them both. And I want them both equally. So, naturally, my response is:
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There isn’t an immediately clear way that the Scirasaac trio fits together in my mind, mostly because Kira and Isaac never interacted directly in canon. But I think it could work, and now I’m determined to write a story where it does. [Enter: A Road for Three] 
This is mostly an elusive idea that just floats around in my head without actually doing anything, so I don’t have a clear plan or story beyond vague ideas atm. 😅 If I ever get around to it, the story will likely be a long-fic split into parts. In my head there’s the Scott/Isaac reunion and bonding section, the Isaac/Kira are separated from Scott and form some kind of bond (not sure if platonic or romantic) & actually have a dynamic by interacting section, and the section where it all fits together. Nothing gets to live in my head without paying the angst tax, so it would be a mixed bag of soft!! and stabbing-me-would-be-kinder. 
The most I’ve got as far as a premise is: After the series ends, Scott can’t push away all the trauma he’s been ignoring anymore. He’s exhausted, he’s overwhelmed, and more than anything he needs out of Beacon Hills. Just for a while. He’s postponed UC Davis to figure out what to do about Monroe, but before he can focus on the developing supernatural-genocide, he wants to get Kira back. So, once he’s sure things are safe enough for him to leave, Scott heads out on a road trip to the desert, determined to bring Kira home (and maybe, just maybe, get some rest and healing on the way). Isaac, fresh out of France, decides to tag along. Things get complicated.
It’s not a well put together premise and I have no idea where it will go, I just know that 1) Scott deserves a break and to like...have some time to process his trauma jfc 2) He shouldn’t have to do that alone 3) Kira should not be left in the desert and 4) I can’t resist a road trip. So here we are. With a mess of potential and no progress. 😂
(Send me a WIP title and I’ll tell you about it!)
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peninkwrites · 3 years
Thank you sm @rhyslahey for the tag! I don't normally do these but it seemed fun :)
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
A surprising amount– 6! Teen Wolf, Z Nation, Criminal Minds, Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, The Umbrella Academy, and Dream SMP. so, so much Dream SMP.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
My first ever dsmp fic– Techno Comes Home, my only Umbrella Academy fic, He Got Seven (and what he deserved), A Talk Long Overdue (therapy fics seem to be my specialty), Thomas. Not 10k, but not Tommy either, my only Z Nation fic, this one surprises me, it's dark horror written for a comedic show with a tiny fandom, and The Storm (or: he should know better by now, but somehow he has no doubts), a Teen Wolf oneshot.
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Oh, this is hard. I have a trilogy, In Which Things go Awry and the Good Guys Lose, and I cannot decide what's the worst of the trio, maybe the second one, In Which Punz Never Shows, just because it's worse than grief?
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Other than the aforementioned tragedies, I try to always have at least hopeful endings? But still, the ending of my 4 year long series, In Which Isaac Lahey Finally Gets some Fucking Therapy, is definitely the happiest, I may be biased because I'm just so fond of that series and how much work I put into it <3
7. Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve written?
Never have, don't think I ever will, not my niche. Have considered writing some AUs, but not crossovers.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
No, cannot, will not. Any romance is a challenge for me to write, not even touching all that. You do you, not my cup of tea.
9. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try and respond to every comment just because they bring me so much joy, but I also try to make myself only reply when I have an update to post, sort of a reward for getting some writing done, but that means sometimes I don't reply until a month later... (or worse forget entirely)
10. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Thankfully no! At 'worst' sometimes people have disagreed with my characterization or corrected something they think I interpreted wrong, which, they've always been polite about it so fair enough!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so, although one time I was reading a fic that was uncannily similar to my own, not word for word, but it felt almost like a retelling or a parallel version? Probably just a popular interpretation of the premise, but it was a surreal read.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nope! I don't have the language skills to attempt it myself.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not really, although I have done a beginner bang and got to collaborate with a great artist, which is just as fun.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Romance isn't my forte, I still have a soft spot for Scisaac just because I adore the characters. My current favorite is Awesamponk, just because tragedy has been calling me lately.
15. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have never given up on a fic and hopefully never will! That I've posted at least, if I've posted it I have to finish, otherwise I let my 2.5 readers down lol, I've had an unposted draft for a fic about the DSMP Raccooninnit arc that I've been sitting on Since That Arc, which was, what, back in January?
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue! Dialogue has always been my strong suit, or at least these past few years. Copying people's way of talking is always really fun.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Is saying everything else a fair answer? Describing stuff. I can write character feelings, not settings. The characters are Talking- where? Doing what? Good question! Love to find out some day.
18. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I had to do a lot of this for my last two isaac fics, one taking place in France and one in Russia and if I’m being honest, Google translate. That’s all I can manage. I apologize to any French or Russian readers.
19. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I am not going to say, but I was 12, and it was on Wattpad. That should be horrifying enough.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
This is unjust. It’s like picking a favorite child. My favorite fic is probably one of the ones I’ve just been vividly planning in my head and have yet to write let alone post :/
I have no idea who to tag, if it takes any other writer's fancy, I recommend! It's fun to look back on stuff!
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domesticated-feral · 4 years
I thought I would have to ask | Scisaac Week 2020, Day 1
Prompt: Friends to Lovers Rating: General WC: 1,160
“Good morning, students, this is your principal speaking, I know it’s a Monday and you lot are sleepy but, we just want to let you know that the long-awaited senior prom is finally here! In 2 weeks, all you seniors can have the night of your lives with your friends and fellow classmates, tickets are now available at the front desk, make sure to get one for you and your date!” the principal announced through the intercom.
“Oh, dude, I can’t believe it! Senior Prom!” Stiles said, closing his locker, while Scott was staring into his locker lost in thought.
Stiles notices his best friend lost in thought, Stiles was no werewolf but he knew something was definitely up with his friend.
“Scottie, Scott, Scooott, earth to the one and only True Alpha,” Stiles said waving his hand in front of Scott’s face.
“Yeah, what’s that?” Scott said, snapping back to reality.
“Senior prom! Who are ya taking?” Stiles said.
“I don’t know,” Scott mumbled, closing his locker.
“Well, I for one know that I’m taking ms. Lydia Martin,” Stiles said.
Scott smiles, he was happy for his friend, finally getting together with his crush, Lydia.
“And speak of the devil, hey love,” Stiles said, pecking Lydia on the lips.
“Hey babe, so prom, we are going together,” Lydia said, “we need to get our matching outfits, I was thinking red, with a hint of purple, what do you think?”
“Sounds good, bye Scott, see you tomorrow for game night!” Stiles said as Lydia pulled him while she went on about prom outfit ideas.
Scott nods and turns around to see Isaac walking up to him. His heart quickens a bit at the sight of his tall, scarf-wearing friend
“Do you want to get lunch at taco bell?” Isaac asked.
“Sure, just the two of us?” Scott agreed.
“Yeah, it’s not that Stiles would be able to come,” Isaac said.
Scott nods, and they both walk to Scott’s bike that was parked outside.
Scott wears his helmet and so does Isaac. He rides the bike to the nearest taco bell and they walk in.
“Welcome to Taco Bell, may I take your order?” the cashier asks.
“I’ll have a shredded chicken burrito and a medium Tropicana pink lemonade,” Scott ordered.
“And I’ll have a spicy potato soft taco and a small brisk iced tea and lemonade,” Isaac ordered.
“Alrighty, so your order is one shredded chicken burrito, one spicy potato soft taco, one medium Tropicana pink lemonade and one small brisk iced tea and lemonade, that will be 5 dollar and 57 cents,” the cashier said.
“I’ll pay, you paid last time,” Isaac said, quickly taking his wallet out.
Scott puts his hand over Isaac’s wallet, “nice try, but I’ll pay,” he said.
Scott takes 6 dollars out and places it on the counter. Isaac huffs and puts hit wallet back in his pocket.
“Keep the change,” Scott said.
The cashier nods and takes the order to the kitchen. In a while, they bring out their order and the cashier hands it to them with the receipt.
Scott takes it and they walk outside and sit down at one of the shaded seating at the right of the entrance. He gives Isaac his food and takes out his.
They eat in peace, well that’s what everyone else sees. Scott being a true alpha and Isaac being a werewolf, the awkward feelings were tangible in the air to them.
Scott had feelings towards Isaac, he truly cared for the boy, it’s almost like a bond. Ever since the first time he saw the tall, blonde boy with blue eyes.
A new werewolf in school, Scott was curious, especially when he can smell the other in the locker room.
Stiles plan was failing, he did not want to suicide runs until he actually died. He was losing hope in this attempt of finding out who was the werewolf.
Isaac begins running at Coach’s whistle and Scott sprints out of the goal, abandoning once again.
Scott lunges at Isaac and he successfully deflects him. Scott’s eyes meet Isaac’s. They were glowing golden in the sun. Isaac was the werewolf.
“Please don’t tell them, please,” Isaac begged.
Before Scott could say anything, Isaac was taken away by the county sheriff.
The next day during lunch, everyone at the pack lunch table was feeling quite giddy, especially Isaac.
Isaac stands up and gets everyone’s attention.
“So, I’ve never been good at words but this is for you, Scott McCall,” Isaac started.
Scott couldn’t help but grin and wait for Isaac’s promposal.
“Cotton candy is pink, snow is white,” he said as Stiles and Liam took out a big banner and unfolded it out behind him.
“Will you be my date on prom night?” Isaac asked.
Scott smiles as he nods his head, “yes, I will go to prom with you.”
Others clap as Isaac leans down and softly kisses Scott. Scott reciprocates, kissing the tender pink lips of Isaac’s.
The kiss was quite a surprise to others, as he heard the gasps and squeals from his pack.
“I thought I would have to ask,” Scott said.
“You knew that I liked you?” Isaac asked.
“I liked you as well, ever since the first time I saw you,” Scott said, causing Isaac to blush.
Prom night, everyone was really psyched. Scott and Isaac are ready with their new suits, both specifically for tonight and now they were waiting for their ride to come.
“Aw, you both look so cute together!” Melissa squealed.
“Mom!” Scott said, his cheeks flushing from embarrassment.
His mom hugs them both and takes a picture of both of them together. Soon Stiles and Lydia show up along with Theo and Liam with the limo that everyone pitched in to pay for.
“Group photo, everyone!” Melissa said, holding up her phone.
Everyone stands in front of the limo, hugging their dates and smiling wide.
“Ok, great, now stay safe, don’t do anything bad and have fun!” Melissa said, waving at them as they all got in the limo.
At prom, everyone was glammed up and ready to have a night of their lives. Scott squeezes Isaac’s hand.
“Punch?” Isaac asks.
“Punch,” Scott said and they walk to the punch table.
They pour themselves a glass and stand as they sip on it. Scott puts his glass down on a nearby table and extends his hand to Isaac.
“Would you like to dance?” Scott said.
Isaac puts down his glass of punch and takes Scott’s hand. They walk to the dancefloor where they dance with the rest of the school.
As the night goes on, the songs get slower. Scott and Isaac are in each other’s arms, swaying side to side with the song. Their foreheads are touching and hearts beat together.
“I didn’t think we’d still be here,” Scott murmured.
“Neither did I, but I’m glad that we are,” Isaac replied.
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tickletastic · 4 years
Four Discoveries And A Weapon
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Ship: Non-explicit Scisaac
Summary: The pack discovers things about Isaac, but Isaac discovers things about them too. (AKA four Isaac discoveries, and one time they’re used against him.)
Notes: I accidentally wrote a really long fic and couldn’t think of an adequate title but here’s this. I ended up loving teen wolf so much that I immediately started rewatching it once I finished, so prepare for some teen wolf fics
Isaac is cute. He would never admit it, but he is. Don’t get me wrong, he’s hot too- but mostly cute, in a puppy kind of way.
He despised being complimented in general, but he always got especially uncomfortable when the girls would coo over him like some child saying its first words or taking its first steps. Allison had seen through Isaac’s exterior quickly compared to the others, he was full of bravado and dark humour, but she could see the fear and desire for companionship within him.
Isaac lost his mother, and then he lost his brother, and that’s hard enough for a kid to go through. But then he lost his father too. Isaac has never had a family, but he’s not opposed to the idea. In fact, although he’d never say so, he would love to be part of a family.
Allison was the quickest of the bunch to realize, cuing Lydia in on the situation. Lydia was the one to realize that although he would flinch away at first, if the touch lingered, Isaac would lean into it. Isaac couldn’t fight his instinct to flinch away or protect himself, but he could show his appreciation for affection wordlessly through his actions once the panic subsided. 
The way that Isaac would lean into pats on the shoulder and head scratches was really, really cute.
And a lot like a puppy.
Dinner and a movie at the Hale loft had become a weekly tradition for the pack. Every week they would find themselves strewn in random places across the loft waiting for someone to cook them dinner, before they would binge watch some cheesy series or some Pixar film.
Derek had become increasingly domestic lately in his attempts to be a better alpha. For Stiles and Scott, it was super bizarre, but Boyd, Lydia, and Allison found it kind of endearing. Erica would’ve probably found it endearing too… If she were capable of feeling anything but annoyance (unless it was towards Boyd, of course). 
As a part of Derek’s initiative, he had finally caved in and purchased some ‘homey’ furniture. The pack was lying anywhere comfortable, taking in the scent of the pasta Derek was cooking. Lydia, Stiles, Scott, and Isaac were arguing over which Disney movie was the best, and which they should watch first.
Isaac hadn’t seen many Disney movies since Camden died, but he knew his definite favourite. “Why would we watch Wall-E when we could be watching Meet The Robinsons? Don’t be a sucker, Stiles.”
“I am not! I can just appreciate a good romance between two lonely robots. Are cute robots in a dystopian future too much to ask for?”
“All I’m saying is The Princess And The Frog was a cultural reset, that movie is amazing and Tiana’s totally badass!” Lydia responded, seemingly disgusted at the mere notion that anyone would find any other movie the best.
When dinner was finally ready, they ended up settling on Aladdin, because Scott, Lydia, and Boyd all wanted to watch a Disney princess movie, but they couldn’t come to a consensus on which one. (Scott, of course, wanted Beauty And The Beast, while Boyd wanted to watch The Little Mermaid. And who knew that Derek wasn’t impartial to Disney Channel Originals?)
Isaac had remembered bits and pieces of the film from when he was younger, but not too much. He did remember that he was attracted to both Jasmine and Aladdin, which was his first of many strange awakenings as a little kid.
Almost like a formula, by the time A Whole New World was blaring from the TV’s speakers, Isaac was laying on the couch and receiving as much physical contact as possible. His head was in Allison’s lap and his feet and legs were draped over Lydia, who was also lying down but not nearly as horizontally and as comfortably as Isaac.
He seemed pretty relaxed despite the fact that he had managed this position by slowly inching closer and closer to the both of them until Allison gently pushed his head down into her lap. She began to scratch his head, Isaac responding by pushing his head further into Allison’s hand, melting into the touch.
Lydia cooed softly, not loud enough for the others to hear her, but loud enough for Isaac’s cheeks to dust pink, even in the low light.
Allison just smiled fondly, scratching a little harder and receiving a quiet, pleased groan in response. Isaac was trying to fight the tiredness that hit him the second Allison had began her calming touch, but it was becoming increasingly hard to fight the closing of his eyes.
Allison started to stray closer to Isaac’s skin, and when she started to scratch behind his ears she believed that his gasp was out of pleasure… It was, but that wasn’t all. When she continued Isaac started to giggle softly, his nose scrunching up at the sensation.
“A little ticklish?” Allison teased when she realized the reason for the giggles. She scratched a little softer, and Isaac started hiccuping softly, a small grin on his face while his eyes remained closed. “Do you want me to stop?”
“‘S good,” Isaac moaned tiredly through his giggles in response, “feels nice.”
Allison laughed as Lydia started her own, ever-so-light tracing over Isaac’s shins. 
“You’re such a puppy.”
Isaac fell asleep giggling softly. He didn’t worry about the pictures that Scott and Stiles would take of him sleeping, curled up with Lydia and Allison as he snored lightly. That was a problem for tomorrow, and oh yes, it is a problem.
Discovery One: Isaac is a lot like a puppy.
Scott’s eyes shot open, immediately trying to figure out what sound had woken him up. He heard it again, a mix of whimpering, panting, and screaming, and it took him a second to realize where it was coming from. He bolted up from his bed, opening his bedroom door and seeing his mom walk down the hall. 
“It’s alright, I’ve got it, Mom,” Scott assured her, waving her off. She smiled out of gratitude, it’s not that she doesn’t want to help her surrogate son, she just knew that Scott was always much better at the job.
Isaac was covered in sweat, his hair matted to his forehead, his hands balled into fists, holding his blanket as tight as he possibly could, white-knuckled. He was in the fetal position, his back to the wall.
Scott sat down on the edge of the bed slowly, reaching out and rubbing circles over Isaac’s back. “Hey, Isaac? Isaac, it’s okay, you’re okay.”
Isaac continued to shake, his eyes squeezed tightly shut as he started to form words through his dream. “N-no, please. I’m sorry. I d-don’t w-want to go in, p-please.”
Scott knew what Isaac was afraid of, and he was suddenly wishing that he could take away mental pain instead of physical. He shook the taller boy harder, until his eyes shot open and he recoiled into the corner of his bed. 
Isaac was breathing hard, panic written on every feature of his face, trying to figure out what was going on. 
Scott looked at him sympathetically, slowly reaching back towards Isaac to put his hand on the boy’s arm. “Hey, you’re alright Isaac, everything’s okay, you’re safe.”
Isaac’s eyes turned to Scott, but they were distant, he wasn’t really looking. Scott brought both of his hands up to cup Isaac’s face.
“It’s okay, I promise you’re safe.”
Isaac’s breathing was still laboured, but he brought his hands up and placed them over Scott’s, gripping on as if his life depended on it. “Th-the freezer?”
“You’re not going in there ever again, Isaac, I promise.”
When Scott saw the realization on Isaac’s face, he pulled him into a hug, one hand across Isaac’s back and the other cradling his head. 
They stayed like that for a few minutes, Scott cradling Isaac and whispering words of assurance while Isaac allowed himself to calm down and breathe.
Wordlessly, Scott ended up getting Isaac to move forward, and Scott slipped himself between Isaac and the wall, holding him close to his chest while they spooned.
Scott had one hand draped over Isaac’s chest while the fingers of his other hand were running through Isaac’s hair. Isaac smiled at the sudden warmth, cuddling into Scott as much as he could. Trying to further soothe him, Scott started to draw shapes with his dull fingernails over Isaac’s hipbone. 
Isaac twitched before bringing his hands to his face, a deep chuckle slipping from his lips. Confused, Scott furrowed his brow, craning his head at the taller boy.
Isaac was still covering his face, but he could feel Scott’s eyes on him. “Stohop thahat.”
“Stop what? This?” Scott started moving his fingers quicker and Isaac flinched hard against Scott’s chest, unable to stop the frantic laughter that spilled from him. “Is someone a little ticklish?” 
“Nohoho! I’m trying tohoho slehehep! Cut it ohohout!” Isaac snapped back, trying to pry Scott’s hand away from his hips. 
Scott smiled, he always loved the sound of Isaac’s laughter, but it was so rare. This laughter was everything in comparison to the ironic, dry laugh that Isaac would let out after he said something sarcastic. Scott stopped, even though he would love to hear the music of Isaac’s laughter for as long as he possibly could. He would have to investigate further another time, but for now, he was content with falling asleep holding Isaac, listening to soft giggles that escaped him as he drifted off too.
Discovery Two: It’s going to take a while for Isaac to be okay, but Scott is more than willing to stay by his side the whole time. The rest of the pack is completely willing too.
With Scott being much busier and all, Melissa had grown to miss spending time with her loud, hyperactive teenager every evening after work. Since Isaac had moved in, he had been spending a lot more time at home after school than Scott. 
Although Isaac was very different from Scott, Melissa enjoyed spending time with Isaac when he was home. The longer Isaac lived with the McCalls, the more like family Isaac became, and Melissa certainly wasn’t complaining. She definitely had enough love in her heart for a new addition to the family.
Isaac was quiet compared to Scott’s usual crowd. Allison and Lydia have always spoken their minds freely, and Stiles was.. well Stiles is Stiles. Isaac was different. He was timid, and he always called her Ms. McCall no matter how many times she would tell him that Melissa was fine. 
Melissa found the manners and timidness cute at first, until Scott had told her about everything Isaac had been to. Now, she tried with every interaction to bring out Isaac’s childish side, the kid deserved a family, and he deserved to act like a kid sometimes too. 
Today, Melissa had come home from a shift to find Isaac cutting up vegetables at the kitchen counter. 
“Hey Isaac, what are you doing?” Melissa greeted, placing a hand on his shoulder. Isaac flinched slightly, looking, as usual, like a deer in the headlights.
“Hi Ms. McCall, I- uh- I was just making dinner because I knew you were working late and I thought you would probably be hungry s-so I decided to make dinner, b-but I started too late so it’s not finished yet. I’m sorry, I swear it sh-should be finished s-soon I just h-have to-”
“Isaac, Isaac it’s alright. It was really nice of you to make dinner, I’m sure it’ll be amazing,” Melissa should’ve stopped him sooner, instead of letting him ramble on and apologize unnecessarily, but she guessed it was better late than never. 
She sat in one of the barstools at the counter, watching Isaac as he tried to cut some carrots in his hand. His hands were shaking and he wasn’t making any progress on the veggies, and Melissa couldn’t let it go on any longer. 
Melissa reached out, holding Isaac’s shaking hands in her own after setting the knife aside. Isaac looked up, he looked fearful, scared that Melissa was going to yell, and she could feel her eyes going soft. She started to softly rub circles over his knuckles, watching slight confusion flash on his face. 
“Isaac, hun, you don’t have to apologize for anything. You haven’t done anything wrong, and even if you had made a mistake, which you didn’t, I wouldn’t hurt you. People make mistakes, and the worst punishment you’d ever expect under the McCall roof is a weekend grounding and a talk. You’re safe, you’re okay Isaac.”
Isaac looked up from their hands, relief in his eyes and a small smile on his face. “Th-thanks Ms. McCall.”
“I’m still fine with you just calling me Melissa,” She got up and walked behind the counter, “now, can I help?”
She had tasered Isaac in his side to get him to scoot over, and he recoiled with a giggle. Melissa recalled fond memories of tickling Scott absolutely silly, something she would do to him up until only recently, when he was about fifteen or sixteen. The memory triggered her maternal instinct, and she started spidering her fingers up and down his sides, going from his hips to the top of his ribs. 
“Mihihiss McCahahall!” Isaac doubled over, he was trying not to fight back so that he wouldn’t hurt her, but his instincts weren’t always easy to fight. Instead of trying to bat her hands away or grab her wrists, he sunk to the floor, ending up with his back against the cupboard and his knees up, Melissa still hovering over him and poking him wherever she could reach. “Plehehehease, it tihihickles!”
“I’d sure hope so!” Melissa teased, but she let up, offering Isaac her hand so he could stand up. She ruffled his hair before passing him the knife he had been using to cut the veggies, grabbing one for herself. “I’ll do the onions, Scott always complains about how they hurt his eyes.”
Discovery Three: Isaac deserved kindness, he just didn’t know it yet, and Melissa would be damned if she didn’t help him realize.
Allison, Lydia, and Melissa weren’t the only people to realize that Isaac desired a family, the entire pack had caught on eventually. Derek was a little late to the revelation, but better late than never. 
As a shock to both himself and the rest of the pack, Derek stepped up to a parental role rather quickly. He had already had the cooking, cleaning, and pack hugs down, but now he found himself fussing over Isaac like a mother would. Derek was over-protective, caring, and understanding. It was everything that Isaac hadn’t realized he needed, even though he wouldn't admit it.
Whenever Isaac was hurt, he immediately had Allison, Lydia, and Derek fussing over him like a child who had fallen off of his bike. It made him blush beyond compare, and he would always try to bat them away, but time and time again they would still rush to his side despite his quick healing. 
Derek had started attending every lacrosse game. He wasn’t vocal like Melissa or the sheriff, but his eager thumbs up and the big smile he would plaster on his face every time Isaac looked over were enough to fuel a lifetime’s worth of embarrassment.
Isaac was killing it this game, and paired with Stiles and Scott, the team was definitely winning. 
Afterwards, they had ran into the changing rooms, but something told Isaac that he should be listening to the parents outside. 
“The boys were amazing today, it’s crazy how much they’ve improved since the start of the season,” Melissa said. 
“Yeah, they were great, I’m so proud of my boy,” the Sheriff seemed to agree.
At this point, Scott had noticed Isaac’s preoccupation, and he decided to listen for himself.
“It was a great game, I’m proud of Isaac and how far he’s come to trust his team.”
It wasn’t much, Derek had always been a man of few words, but it was enough to have Isaac cover his face, blushing up to the tips of his ears. 
Scott smiled, moving closer to ruffle Isaac’s hair. “Aww, Derek’s proud of his favourite puppy.”
“Shut up!” Isaac groaned, packing all of his stuff into his bag. 
“You’re definitely getting a ‘Daddy’s Favourite’ shirt for Christmas,” Stiles joked, following suit with Isaac and packing his things. 
The three of them walked out, greeted by their guardians awaiting them. 
“Good job, guys, that was a great game!” Ms. McCall praised them, putting her arm around Scott’s shoulder. The sheriff hummed in agreement, while Derek gave Isaac a small smile. 
“If it’s okay with you two, I’d like to take the boys out for some food,” Derek spoke, looking at Ms. McCall and Sheriff Stilinski for approval.
“Totally fine by me, I have a night shift to be getting to,” Sheriff Stilinski approved, giving Stiles a pat on his shoulder and saying goodbye. 
“Totally fine by me too,” Melissa nodded, eyes Scott and Isaac, “I will see you two later, don’t get into too much trouble.”
Derek smiled at the three teens before asking them where they wanted to go, Stiles and Scott branching off into an argument of Olive Garden vs TGIFridays. Isaac just got physically closer to Derek, walking next to him instead of behind like Stiles and Scott were.
“You played really well that game, Isaac. You’ve really improved,” Derek praised him and Isaac was back at his furious blushing. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, looking down.
Isaac looked awkward, but Derek knew he liked the compliments. Derek could smell it on him.
Derek brought a hand up and tried to swat Isaac’s hand from his neck, but Isaac gasped and twitched away. 
“No way,” Derek had a mischievous smile on his face, Isaac just let out a long groan in response. “Well, if you won’t take my compliments, I might have to use my discovery and take some drastic measures. Next game, I’m gonna make a sign, it’ll say ‘I’m Isaac’s #1 fan’.”
Discovery Four: Isaac liked compliments, he just didn’t know how to take them
-And 1-
“Just- lay still!” Stiles grunted, pulling the tweezers away from Isaac’s neck. Stiles had snuck up on Lydia and Lydia had screamed, shattering every glass within a 5 metre radius.
Isaac, sadly, was in that radius, and he had been bringing his glass up to his mouth when it shattered. Most of the glass ended up piercing through his shirt, some small shards lodged in his chest, but others had ended up in his neck.
Stiles was trying to take the glass out, but Isaac’s wiggling was a little too much. 
“I have like four left, Isacc, can you just stop wiggling?”
“I’ll stop wiggling if you stop touching me.”
Stiles sighed, watching as Isaac’s cuts practically healed instantly. He had gotten all of the shards out, but Stiles still wanted to have some fun. 
“Hey, Scott? Could you come hold Isaac while I try to get the rest of this glass?”
“Sure thing, Stiles,” Scott had clued in on the situation as soon as Stiles had started speaking, the familiar glint of mischief in his voice. 
Isaac had bolted upright, getting up to run, walking straight into Derek instead.
“What’s wrong, Isaac? A little… sensitive?” Stiles paused for dramatic effect as Derek stopped Isaac from leaving.
“He is, actually! You should try his ears,” Allison piped up.
“Or his legs.”
“His hips are pretty bad.”
“Yeah, his ribs are too.”
All the werewolves in the room had perked up, Isaac’s pulse had skyrocketed when Stiles had mentioned his ribs. Scott hadn’t even realized that a heart could beat that fast considering Isaac had already been on edge when his sensitivity was mentioned. 
Isaac wasn’t one for negotiating, or begging, really, so instead he just turned to run, getting as far as a grand total of two feet before Scott came barreling into him, knocking him to the ground.  They rolled for a bit until Scott inevitably got the upper hand, pinning Isaac’s arms to his sides.
“Any last words?”
Isaac had opened his mouth to respond, but ended up interrupting himself with a bouquet of giggles as someone dragged a finger up his sole.
“I’m sorry, were you planning on saying something? My bad,” Stiles taunted.
Scott chuckled at his best friend’s antics before tracing his fingers over Isaac’s collarbones. Isaac started to chuckle, shaking his head frantically in an attempt to shake the fingers off. 
Allison and Lydia had gotten closer to the three of them, but didn’t dare join in in case Isaac got overwhelmed by all the touch. They did, however, share a look as they both mutually agreed to play a game that they often used to tease Isaac. The goal was to see who could make him blush the most for the longest, and it was far more entertaining than any movie or tv show ever is.
“Aww, is the whittle puppy ticklish? The puppy can’t take a little belly rub?” Lydia teased, leaning in to quickly scratch over Isaac’s belly once. Isaac snorted, throwing his head back.
“Is the big, bad beta giggling? Is a little tickling too much to handle? Maybe you’re gonna need a little extra protection against those hunters, what if they found out about your little secret?” Allison hadn’t expected for her comments to embarrass Isaac so much, but he desperately tried to hide his violently red face anywhere that he could. 
Stiles was growing bored, and he had started to trace upwards, scratching over Isaac’s thighs. Isaac tried to kick away, but Stiles wasn’t sitting in any position that could lead to himself getting hurt.
“C’mon Derek, aren’t you gonna join?” Scott asked, tracing his fingers over the shells of Isaac’s ears and appreciating the lazy, adorable laughter that it produced. He was gonna have to catalogue that for future cuddling.
Derek considered the offer before finally leaning over the beta, rapidly tasering Isaac’s ribs as Isaac began to flail and flop like a fish out of water, screaming out protests.
“Oh Gohohod!” Isaac squealed, desperately trying to retrieve his wrists from Scott’s grasp. Scott finally did let go, but Isaac’s brain had gone into overdrive as his laughter entered a territory of silence. Isaac couldn’t even begin to think of an effective use of his hands, let alone instruct them to follow through. 
“Ple- Pleehehe-” Isaac wasn’t one for negotiating, or begging, but now he was certainly wishing that he had the ability to do either. His words kept dying in his streams of laughter, which were only interrupted by snorts, hiccups, and gasps.
Isaac was radiating joy, the werewolves in the room could smell it stronger than anything else, but the kid needed to breathe too.
“Alright, that’s enough bullying for one day, kids,” Derek swatted Stiles and Scott off of his beta and Isaac suddenly wished he had the ability to express his gratefulness, but instead he curled in on himself, still laughing hysterically against his own will. 
“Now that,” Stiles began, flopping himself on the couch, “is a useful discovery.”
“Oh really, Stiles? If it’s so interesting then I guess you’d be okay with being next, huh Stiles?” Derek responded, partially to embarrass Stiles and partially to take some embarrassment away from his favourite puppy. 
“Don’t you dare- Derek, no don’t even think about it! Stop!”
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tabbytabbytabby · 3 years
2020 Writer Memes
I was tagged by the lovely @matan4il. Thank you! 💜
Writer Interview
Name(s): Tabitha, Tabby, Tabs (username tabbytabbytabby)
Fandom(s): So so many. My favorite ones this year were 9-1-1, 9-1-1 Lonestar, Chicago Fire, Prodigal Son, The Rookie, The Mandalorian, Anne With An E, Teen Wolf, Merlin, Hawaii Five-0, Agents of SHIELD, Julie and the Phantoms, The Umbrella Academy, The Witcher, Star Trek Discovery, The Good Place, New Amsterdam, The Resident, Roswell: New Mexico, All American, Doctor Who, and Once Upon A Time. I feel like I’m forgetting some. 2020 lasted a million years.
Where you post: AO3, mostly. Sometimes I double post to Tumblr if I have the time/feel like it.
Most Popular One Shot (by kudos) Overall/this year: High Hopes (906) (Sterek)
Most Popular Multi-Chapter (by kudos) Overall/This Year: Gonna Make This Place My Home (433) (Thiam). This one was started in 2019, but I finished it this year so it counts.
Favorite story you’ve written so far: I’m going to take this to mean so far in 2020, and not like overall. Because that is far too much pressure. Even 2020 is hard since there are 203 things. All Doors Lead To You was one of my favorites I did this year though. It was an endeavour plotting that out but I had a lot of fun with it.
Fic you were nervous to post: I get a little nervous with all of them. Even with how much I’ve written, it still happens. But the one I was probably most nervous about was The Best Present I Ever Got, which was major character death. I write MCD alot for the Teen Wolf fandom, but it makes me nervous doing it for other fandoms because I never know what the reception will be same. Same with unrequited love, which is why I was also nervous about Somebody Else’s Arms.
How do you choose your titles? I should say now that I usually hate naming things. Especially lately, when I’ll think of a title for something and then realize I’ve already used it before (which is bound to happen with 800 fics but still). Sometimes the titles come from lines from the fic or something about it, sometimes the prompt itself if there was one, and then other times song titles. I’ve started a doc with lines from songs that can work as titles so maybe that’ll help me be more creative with them 😆
Do you outline? It depends on the fic, really. I usually have a doc with notes if it’s a longer fic that I can turn to. I have outlined for a few though. Especially for Quest For Camelot, because it helps me know what I have planned for the chapters and who I wanted to write for. Which helped after I took some time away from it. I had an outline when I was writing All Doors Lead To You as well, which helped me keep track of which universe I wanted to have in which chapter and colors for doors, etc. 
Upcoming work you’re most excited about: I’m pretty excited for my fic for the Buddie Big Bang. If it turns out how I want it to, it’s definitely going to be one of my favorites that I’ve done. I have a Sterek fic I’ve been working on that I’m pretty excited about too and hope to have done in the next couple of weeks.
AO3 stats (for 2020)
Amount of works posted: 203
Total word count: 608,437
Longest fic: Reconcile (80,545) (Thiam)
Shortest fic: Rainy Night (106) (Sterek)
Fic with the most kudos: High Hopes (906) (Sterek)
Fic with the most bookmarks: You Are In Love (153) (Buddie)
Fic with the most comment threads: All Doors Lead To You (90)
Total amount of kudos: 37,116
Total amount of bookmarks: 4,795
Total amount of comment threads: 1,976
Fandoms written for: 9-1-1, 9-1-1 Lonestar, Teen Wolf, Chicago Fire, Merlin, All American, Agents of SHIELD, Hawaii Five-0, Chicago PD, Prodigal Son, Criminal Minds, Star Wars, The Rookie, The Witcher, The Good Doctor
Fandom events you’ve written for: Fandom Trumps Hate, Fandom AU Fest, Jenna Geyer Appreciation Week, Dr. Geyer Appreciation Week, Buddie Big Bang, Thiam Big Bang, Sterek Week, Sterek Secret Santa, A small disord Secret Santa, 9-1-1, Crack Week, Secret Elf Buddie Discord fic exchange, Buddie Discord Advent,  Sprint September, Whumptober, TW Bingo, Greenberg Appreciation Week, Laura Hale Appreciation Week, Merthur Glompfest, Scisaac Week, and maybe more? This year has been a blur. 
Pairings written for: We’ll start with 9-1-1 and end with all the Teen Wolf pairings to make organization easier. Everything else in between. Here we go... Buddie, Jevan,  Eddie/Josh, Buck/TK, Arthur Pendragon/Josh Russo, Greenberg/TK Strand, Brettsey, Chenford, Merthur, Geraskier, McDanno, Tarlos, Daisysous, Luke/Penelope, Finnpoe, Melendaire, Ashivia, Malcolm Bright/Derek Hale, Thiam, Sterek, Steo, Chris Argent/Dr. Geyer, Scott/Nolan, Scisaac, Berica, Morey, Therek, Isaac/Theo, Greenberg/Derek, Isaac/Jackson, Danny/Theo/Jackson, Halemore, Sceo, Danny/Jackson, Danny/Greenberg, Isaac/Danny, Liam Dunbar’s Mother/Liam Dunbar’s Father
Favorite fic you’ve written this year: I answered this above and said Doors, but here I want to mention my Geraskier fic I’m Mr. Brightside because it’s something I’m really damn proud of. And also a mention to my Theo/Derek fic Strangers on a Train where they meet The Doctor. It wasn’t something many people read, but I had fun writing it. ALSo, my Jevan fake dating AU You’re My Favorite Place
Goals for next year: Continue writing and being productive. It’s going to be hard over the next few months since I’m in the home stretch of nursing school (done in June). But I want to write when I can and just keep enjoying it.
Gonna tag (and sorry if you’ve done this already. I’m late here): @lovelylittlegrim @hazelestelle @novemberhush @manonisamelon @acejuddryder @schweetheart @theproblemwithstardust @dopemixtape @halinski @snaeken @li0nh34rt @lightfiretomypaperwings @imjustafangirl-nobodylovesme @underthegallowws @theladyandthewolves @seylaaurora (and anyone else that wants to do this, just say I tagged you!)
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Teen Wolf- Wolf Moon (1.01)
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Pairings: Stilinski siblings, Scott McCall x Allison Argent, lowkey Scisaac 
Summary: Scott is attacked in the woods and develops new skills. While the Stilinski triplets try to figure out what’s happening, Scott hones in on the new girl, leaving Isaac feeling dejected.
Warnings: blood, cursing, animal bites, uhhh... wolf?
Word Count: 7793
“Ya know, that guy kinda looks a lot like you, Gabe.” Stiles pointed at the screen as a boy with a red school jacket and headphones made a face.
I looked from the TV to one of the boys. Their faces were alike, and they were probably the same height. Gabe’s hair was longer, and his face wasn’t as worried.
He snorted, “He does not.”
Stiles reached over and ruffled his hair. “Does too.”
Gabe uncurled himself from my side and pulled the pillow from me, hitting Stiles in the face with it. Stiles shot up, throwing his blanket over Gabe. The taller boy ran to the living room, positioning himself on one end of the round table. Gabe struggled to rip the blanket off before running after Stiles.
“Stiles, you dickhead!”
“Language!” My dad yelled from upstairs.
I laughed and got up from the couch, shuffling over to see my brothers circling each other around the table.
“Boys, come on.” I chuckled, seeing the playful snarl on Gabe’s face.
I rolled my eyes as Stiles growled. I decided I would film the disaster and ran upstairs to get my phone. I heard Dad on the phone with someone. I leaned against the door of his room.
“A body in the woods?”
“Yeah, two joggers found it.”
“But only one half?”
That sounded strange.
“Yes, sir.”
“So let me get this straight. Two joggers went for a run in the woods, and they found half of a twenty something year old girl’s body?”
“Alright. I’m on my way over now.”
“Okay. State police will meet you there.”
“Okay. You have a nice night, now.”
“You too, sir.”
He hung up the phone before getting ready to leave. I ran and got my phone before scrambling back down to the boys, hoping my dad wouldn’t catch me.
“Lup, some help?” Stiles made a face.
“No.” I laughed and pulled out my phone so I could start to film.
Gabe turned and flashed a pearly white grin at the camera before talking himself up.
“Stiles, I’m gonna take you down.”
Dad came down the stairs, raising an eyebrow as he walked right into the middle of Gabe’s attempt to tackle Stiles. Stiles gasped as our father hit the ground, followed by the youngest Stilinski.
“Dad, are you alright?” Stiles and I rushed to his side, both stepping over Gabe.
He grunted as we helped him sit up. “I’m okay. Gabriel, what the hell was that?”
Said brunet flinched at the mention of his full name.
“Sorry Dad.” He mumbled, scratching the back of his neck.
“I don’t know what you kids are doing, but I’ve got to go. I’ll be back by morning.” He groaned as Stiles helped him to his feet.
Gabe sighed as I pulled him up, ruffling his hair.
“What? Why?”
“Work calls, kiddos.” A pat to each of our heads.
“Dad, come on. Can’t it wait? Stiles and I play tomorrow and we won't be able to go out afterward if you're too tired.”
Dad placed a reassuring hand on Gabe’s shoulder and squeezed.
“Being the sheriff isn’t easy, Gabe. I’ll be back in time to see you guys tomorrow morning.”
Gabe huffed as Dad walked to the closet at the front, pulling on his jacket.
“Lupus, can you order some pizza for tonight?” He called.
I wandered over to him, shuffling on my feet.
“I’m sorry, kids. I promise we’ll go out some other night.”
Stiles dropped his head onto mine. Gabe chewed at his cheek and nodded. Our dad grabbed the keys before opening the door.
“Oh, and kids?”
He turned back to see us. Our three heads snapped up, eyes wide.
“Make sure you go to bed at a reasonable time.”
He shut the door without another word.
Stiles let out a small sigh and Gabe let his shoulders slouch. He looked up at Stiles before looking down at me.
“What kind of pizza do you want?”
I only looked up at Stiles, who was staring holes into the door. “I wonder where he went.”
I grinned.
“We’re not getting pizza, are we?” Gabe asked as Stiles grabbed the keys to the jeep.
“Wait, half of the body?” Gabe leaned forward, looking from Stiles to me.
“Yeah, they only found half of a girl’s body. Are you gonna make her say it again?” Stiles looked at him in the rearview mirror.
Gabe rolled his eyes. I ruffled his hair. He pulled back and fixed it before leaning forward again. I went to mess with it again, only to have him catch my hand and hold it.
“Are we stopping by to pick up Scott?” I asked.
“Yeah. You guys wait in the car.” Stiles said as we pulled to a stop in front of Scott’s house.
“Fine.” Gabe scoffed as Stiles left.
I climbed over to the back, leaning against my baby brother.
“Isn’t Dad gonna yell at us for this?” He asked, looking down towards me.
“Only if we get caught. And if we do, we’ll blame it on Sti.”
“Like hell you will.” Stiles popped back into the car, Scott sitting shotgun.
“Hi guys.”
“Hey Scott.” We spoke in unison.
“Do you wanna get Isaac, Lup?”
“No, I don't wanna drag him into this mess in case we get caught.”
Stiles scoffed. “We’re not gonna get caught. But fine.”
Stiles drove off to the woods. The ride consisted of Stiles making jokes and Scott rolling his eyes while Gabe and I stared out the windows in the backseat. Stiles parked in front of the sign stating that entering the preserve at night was forbidden.
“We're seriously doing this?” Scott jumped to the ground before helping me out of the car, Gabe following behind me.
Stiles grinned as Gabe shut the passenger door. “You're the one always bitching that nothing ever happens in this town.”
Gabe sighed and shoved his hands in his jean pockets as we walked past the sign. Stiles turned his phone’s flashlight on.
“So what did we drag you from tonight, Scott?” I fell into step with him, my brothers ahead of us.
“I was trying to get a good night's sleep before practice tomorrow.” He answered.
“Right, 'cause sitting on the bench is such a grueling effort.” Stiles called over his shoulder.
“No, because I'm playing this year. In fact, I'm making first line.” Scott said proudly.
“Hey, that's the spirit. Everyone should have a dream, even a pathetically unrealistic one.” Stiles called again.
I rolled my eyes and patted Scott’s shoulder, “I’m sure you’ll do just fine.”
Scott smiled before speaking, “Just out of curiosity, which half of the body are we looking for?”
“Huh! We didn't even think about that.”
“And, uh, what if whoever killed the body is still out here?”
“Also something we didn't think about.” I chewed at the inside of my lip as we climbed over a small hill, Gabe stumbling over his feet and muttering a curse.
“It's… comforting to know you've planned this out with your usual attention to detail.”
“I know.” Another sarcastic grin from Stiles as I helped Gabe steady himself.
Scott stopped to take a puff of his inhaler. I stayed behind with him as Stiles kept walking.
“Maybe the severe asthmatic should be the one holding the flashlight, huh?”
Gabe noticed something and threw himself at the ground. I pulled Scott down as I dropped too. I realized there were officers right in front of us. Stiles got to his feet and started to run.
“Wait, come on!” He called after us.
Gabe and I exchanged looks before going after our brother, leaving Scott behind. We could get caught and be fine, but if Scott’s mom found out, his life would be over.
“Stiles! Wait up! Gabe! Lupus!”
Stiles was still ahead, Scott somewhere behind us once on his feet. One of the policemen shone a flashlight at Stiles, telling him to stop where he was. I yanked Gabe to hide behind a tree with me, Scott having the same idea a few yards back. I heard Dad speak as he approached his only visible child.
“Hang on, hang on. This little delinquent belongs to me.”
“Dad, how are you doing?”
I heard Stiles’s nervous chuckle and stifled a giggle. 
“So, do you, uh, listen in to all of my phone calls?”
“No, heh. Not the boring ones.”
“Now, where’re your usual partners in crime?”
Before Stiles could mention Scott, Gabe and I left our spot, Gabe dragging me to our father. 
“I told them it wasn’t a good idea.”
“So it was you who listened in?” He shone the flashlight at me.
I only glared at Gabe, hopefully giving Scott time to get away undiscovered.
It didn’t work. “Where’re the other ones?”
I knew Scott was probably still behind the tree.
“Scott didn’t come along.” Gabe started.
“Yeah, he wanted to get a good night's sleep for tomorrow’s game. I didn't grab Isaac. He's probably at home.” I added, not lying.
“It’s just the three of us in the woods.” Stiles said.
“Alone.” We smiled.
Dad took his light off me and aimed it towards the woods.
“Scott, you out there? Scott? Isaac?”
No answer, not even leaves shifting around. The three of us bit back grins, knowing Scott was still there, just well hidden.
Our father sighed and looked back to his three children before staring me down. I faltered and gave a nervous smile.
“Well, young lady, I'm gonna walk you and your brothers back to the car. And you and I are gonna have a conversation about something called invasion of privacy.”
I knew I was in for it, but hey, at least Scott got away and we had fun. Gabe managed to lighten the mood as our dad walked us back to the Jeep, making jokes about how tomorrow was gonna go for him and Stiles. We piled into the car, Gabe in the back, Stiles driving, and me in the passenger seat.
“Be careful driving home, okay kids?”
The three of us nodded.
“Bye Dad.”
He sighed and shook his head slightly.
I rolled my window up as Stiles drove away. Gabe sighed as our dad fell out of sight.
“How’s Scott gonna get home?” He asked.
Stiles only shrugged. “He’ll be fine.”
I rolled my eyes and held the door of the Jeep open for Gabe as he got out. Jackson had just hit Scott with the door of his overpriced car and was now scowling at him. We walked towards Scott and returned Danny’s wave. Jackson smiled at me but I rolled my eyes again. Everyone on the lacrosse team wanted to be good with the manager, even the captain.
Scott had called us last night to let us know that he had lost his inhaler and had been bitten by some animal when he went to look for it.
“Okay, let’s see this thing.” Gabe nudged Scott, eager to investigate the wound.
He had always had an affinity for things like that, and he was probably gonna be some sort of first responder when he grew up.
“Ooh!” Stiles grimaced, having always hated the sight of such grotesque things.
Gabe reached out to peel back the bandaging, but Scott moved back.
“Whoa! It was too dark to see much, but I'm pretty sure it was a wolf.” Scott shouldered his bag and we started walking.
“A wolf bit you?” I raised an eyebrow.
“Uh huh.”
“No, not a chance.” I shook my head, the only one of the four without a lacrosse stick.
“I heard a wolf howling.”
“No, you didn't.” I shook my head again.
Scott scoffed, “What do you mean, no, I didn't? How do you know what I heard?”
“Because California doesn't have wolves, okay? Not in like 60 years.” I laughed at him.
We stopped walking, “Yes, really. There are no wolves in California.”
Scott shoved his free hand into his jean pocket. “All right, well, if you don't believe me about the wolf, then you're definitely not gonna believe me about when I tell you I found the body.”
“You… are you kidding me?” Gabe jumped in.
Scott shook his head, “No, man, I wish. I'm gonna have nightmares for a month.”
“Oh, god, that is freakin' awesome. I mean, this is seriously gonna be the best thing that's happened to this town since-” Stiles’s attention turned to the popular girl as she walked towards us. “Since the birth of Lydia Martin. Hey, Lydia-”
She walked right past us without even glancing at him.
“You look…like you're gonna ignore me.” He turned to Scott. “You're the cause of this, you know.”
“Uh huh.” Scott smiled.
“Dragging me down to your nerd depths. I'm a nerd by association.”
The bell rang and we started walking again.
“I've been scarlet-nerded by you.” Stiles accused Scott.
Stiles took an empty seat in the back and I sat behind Gabe, next to Stiles. Scott took the only free seat near the middle of the room.
Mr. Kent started writing on the board as the late bell rang.
“As you all know, there was a body found in the woods last night.”
Scott looked at us, and I grinned softly while Stiles winked and Gabe shook his head. Isaac wasn’t in class yet, which made me a little sad, because I would’ve liked to see his reaction to the news.
“And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various macabre scenarios as to what happened.”
Multiple girls were preoccupied with their lip gloss and passing notes.
“But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody,”
Scott glanced at us, but Stiles only shrugged.
“Which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining this semester.”
A bunch of kids groaned as we started to flip through the pages. I noticed Scott flinch out of the corner of my eye, but I shrugged it off. Maybe he got a paper cut. He looked around frantically. I caught his eye, asking if he was okay. He only waved my attention off, focusing on something through the window. I stared at him, confused by his strange behavior.
“Is there a problem, Miss Stilinski?” Mr. Kent asked.
A few people laughed. I sighed and mumbled a response, redirecting my attention to the papers on my desk. My eyes skimmed over the syllabus, but I didn’t really read it. I kept my attention on Scott, now curious as to why he was acting so weird. His eyes trailed from outside to the door, just as it opened. The vice principal walked in, followed by a beautiful tall girl with dark curls that cascaded down her shoulders.
“Class, this is our new student, Allison Argent. Please do your best to make her feel welcome.”
Scott’s eyes followed her as she took a seat behind him. He smiled to himself as he turned around, handing her a pen with puppy dog eyes. She seemed confused at first, but she finally accepted it was a grateful smile before thanking him. Stiles and Gabe were oblivious to the situation as Mr. Kent spoke, “We'll begin with Kafka's Metamorphosis, on page 133.”
I rolled my eyes just as the door opened. I looked up to meet blue eyes and a head of curls. I grinned as he took the empty seat next to me.
“Who's that girl?” He pointed with his pencil, opening his textbook.
I grinned and leaned over, flipping his book open to the right page.
“New. Name’s Allison. She's already got Scott wrapped around her little finger.”
Isaac grumbled and stared wearily at them as Mr. Kent gave us a lecture on today's topic.
The hallway quickly filled up with people as the bell rang, and I clung to Gabe’s side in an attempt to not get separated. Isaac patted my head as a farewell before venturing off to his locker. We made our way to our own lockers, Stiles close behind. Scott was already by his own locker, backpack slung over his shoulder as he stared across the hallway. Gabe followed his line of sight and scoffed as he opened up his locker.
“Can someone tell me how new girl is here all of five minutes, and she's already hanging out with Lydia's clique?”
“Because she's hot. Beautiful people herd together.” Stiles said as he popped his locker open.
Jackson joined Allison and Lydia, which made Stiles glance away. He was in love with Lydia, and Lydia was going out with Jackson. Gabe tossed his books into his bag before grabbing his lacrosse stick. Gabe and Stiles began to argue over something, probably who was going to make first line and who wasn’t. Gabe had always been better at sports than Stiles, but Stiles was faster in a classroom sense. I grabbed the books I needed and slid them into my bag, slamming my locker shut. Scott jumped, eyes wide as he looked in my direction.
“Scott, are you alright?”
He snapped out of whatever trance was holding him and nodded as he watched Allison get dragged away by Lydia.
“But if you play, I'll have no one to talk to on the bench. Are you really gonna do that to your best friend?” Stiles wheezed as we ran to catch up to Scott.
“I can't sit out again.” He tossed his bags onto the bleacher. “My whole life is sitting on the sidelines. This season, I make first line.”
Gabe tossed his bag by my feet before making his way onto the field. Stiles sat down next to me, already knowing that he had no chance of playing. Scott was smiling at something behind us, but I didn’t feel like turning around. My guess was that it was Allison.
Coach Finstock came up to me and my brother.
“I want McCall on goal today.”
“Coach, he’s never played.” I answered, confused.
“I know, that’s the point.”
I nodded and marked it down. “Okay.”
Coach went to Scott, shouting his name before tossing him a goalie’s stick.
“You're on goal.”
“I've never played.” Scott brought up the same point I had before.
“I know. Scoring some shots will give the boys a confidence boost. It's a first day back thing. Get 'em energized, fired up!”
“What about me?” Scott asked.
“Try not to take any in the face.” He slapped Scott’s cheek lightly before turning to the rest of the team and clapping his hands. “Let's go! Come on!”
I sighed and got comfortable on the bleachers as Coach signaled for me to blow the whistle. My lips instantly dropped it when I realized that Scott was groaning and holding his head, his stick on the ground in front of him. Isaac stepped out of his place in line to shoot me a look, probably about Scott. I dodged his glance. Something was wrong. It didn’t stop Jackson from stepping up and launching his ball at the goal. Scott, unfocused and disoriented, took it to the face. I groaned as he fell backwards. Everyone, Coach included and Isaac, my brothers, and I excluded, laughed.
“Hey, way to catch with your face, McCall!” Jackson called out through his laughter.
It stopped when I glared at them. Stiles shook his head at Scott as they made eye contact. Scott got up and brushed himself off, picking up his stick and moving his head from side to side. He nodded at Gabe, who let out a short breath before running and aiming for the goal, right behind Scott. Scott caught the ball in his stick and nodded to himself. The guy behind Gabe seemed impressed that Scott McCall had actually caught a ball.
Stiles blinked as he realized what had happened.
“Yeah!” He called out.
Coach blinked twice, obviously confused. Gabe stepped aside to let the boy behind him shoot, eyeing me. Scott had terrible hand-eye coordination, we all knew that. He stopped shot after shot, surprising us all. I had long since abandoned my clipboard and pen, now focused on Scott’s newfound skill.
A boy stepped up to go next, but Jackson shoved him back using his lacrosse stick, practically baring his teeth and growling as he ran towards him, making his shot. Scott caught it with little to no effort. Stiles jumped to his feet, flailing slightly. Everyone on the bleachers clapped and Gabe and I grinned, happy that somebody had finally managed to be better than Jackson. I noticed that even Lydia was cheering for Scott, which only added to Jackson’s anger towards him.
“That is my best friend!” Stiles shouted.
I saw Jackson shoot Lydia a stare, and she only responded with a face before slowly looking back to Scott, her smile reappearing. Coach seemed impressed and I made sure to make a note of how Scott McCall had managed to stop Jackson Whittemore’s shot.
The boys and I were in the woods, hastily going back to the spot Scott had been attacked. Stiles and Scott let the bottom of their pants get wet, but Gabe and I decided to jump the final stretch instead. I landed on solid ground, and Gabe slipped, getting one foot stuck in the creek. Scott turned and pulled him out without a problem.
“I don't…I don't know what it was.” Scott continued the conversation he and Stiles had been having earlier. “It was like I had all the time in the world to catch the ball. And that's not the only weird thing. I, I can…hear stuff I shouldn't be able to hear. Smell things.”
“Smell things? Like what?” I joined in, popping my head between their shoulders.
“Like the mint mojito gum in someone’s pocket.”
Gabe and I exchanged glances. My leggings didn’t have pockets, and his were empty. We both looked to Stiles.
He shoved his hand into his jean pocket. “I don't even have any mint…mojito… ”
He stopped mid sentence as he pulled the piece of gum from his pocket. I snorted and turned back to Scott.
“So all this started with a bite.” I said.
“What if it's like an infection, like, my body's flooding with adrenaline before I go into shock or something?” Scott started to panic.
I grinned at Stiles. You know what? I actually think we've heard of this.”
“We have?” Gabe raised his eyebrows.
I elbowed him.
“It's a specific kind of infection.” Stiles finished.
“Are you serious?” Scott stopped walking.
“Yeah. Yeah, I think it's called lycanthropy.”
“What's that? Is that bad?”
“Oh, yeah, it's the worst. But only once a month.” Stiles explained.
“Once a month?” Scott was still frantic.
Gabe rolled his eyes as Stiles spoke again.
“Mm hmm. On the night of the full moon.”
Stiles and I howled at the same time. Scott pushed Stiles back by the chest and flicked my forehead.
I laughed and followed after him as he started walking again. “Hey, you’re the one that heard wolves howling.”
“Hey, there could be something seriously wrong with me.” Scott exclaimed.
“I know! You're a werewolf!” Stiles let out a little growl.
Scott ignored him and kept walking. I trailed after him, Gabe at my side.
“Okay, obviously I'm kidding. But if you see me in shop class trying to melt all the silver I can find, it's 'cause Friday's a full moon.” Stiles said, hands on his hips.
Scott stopped walking and Stiles ran straight into me. I pushed him back as Scott spoke.
“No, I…I could have sworn this was it. I saw the body, the deer came running. I dropped my inhaler.”
He bent down, searching through the leaves and sticks for his inhaler. I bent down near him and helped him look.
“Maybe the killer moved the body.” Gabe offered, toeing through leaves to see if he could find the inhaler without using his hands.
Gabe hated bugs.
“If he did, I hope he left my inhaler. Those things are like 80 bucks.”
Stiles suddenly hit Scott’s shoulder and adjusted himself. Gabe and I popped to our feet, followed by our hypothetical werewolf.
There was a man a couple of years older than us standing not too far. Black leather jacket, black pants, black shirt, black shoes, black hair, glowing pale skin. He walked towards us, looking upset.
“What’re you doing here?”
None of us spoke. Stiles scratched at his buzz cut hair.
“Huh? This is private property.” He spoke again.
I snuck a glance at Stiles, who was staring at the man, mouth open. Gabe must’ve noticed too, because he was the first to speak up.
“Uh, sorry, man, we didn't know.”
“Yeah, we were just looking for something, but…” Scott trailed off.
The man’s expression turned expectant, as if he wanted to know what we were looking for. It hit me then that he looked familiar, and it was only because our father had worked a case in which his whole family was involved.
Scott shook his head, “Uh, forget it. Uhm.” He just shook his head again.
Derek Hale looked Scott straight in the eye and tossed him his inhaler. Scott caught it. Derek turned tail and left.
Stiles stared after him. Gabe sighed and I let out a breath.
“All right, come on, I gotta get to work.” Scott nudged Stiles, who snapped back into attention, his hand smacking at Scott’s chest.
“Dude. That was Derek Hale. You remember, right? He's only like a few years older than us.”
“Remember what?” Scott looked confused.
“His family. They all burned to death in a fire, like, ten years ago.” I jumped in.
“I wonder what he's doing back.” Gabe mumbled.
Stiles scoffed, shaking his head before walking off. “Come on.”
Stiles, Gabe, and I turned at the sound of Coach’s harsh call. He rolled his eyes and pointed at me. I patted my brothers’ shoulders before running over to Coach.
“What’s up?”
“Go find Jackson. This thing starts in five and I still haven’t seen him. Find McCall while you’re at it, too.”
I nodded, “Yes Coach.”
I turned back to my brothers and rolled my eyes. “I’ll be back in a few.”
They nodded and made their ways to their respective spots. Stiles on the bleachers, Gabe on the field. I went back inside the school, going for Scott first. I found him at his locker, but before I got to him, Jackson came up and slammed his locker shut.
“All right, little man. How 'bout you tell me where you're getting your juice?”
I closed my eyes and bit my tongue. Whatever was happening to Scott was going to get him in some very big trouble.
“What?” Scott shook his head.
His eyes darted my way, like he somehow knew I was there. But then his attention went back to Jackson.
“Where are you getting your juice?” Jackson left a pause between each word, speaking as if Scott were stupid.
Scott looked confused, his eyes squinting before he looked back at Jackson. “My mom does all the grocery shopping.”
I bit my tongue again, trying not to laugh. I knew he was being sincerely pure and not sarcastic, but it was funny.
“Now, listen, McCall. You're gonna tell me exactly what it is and who you're buying it from, because there's no way in hell you're out there kicking ass on the field like that without some sort of chemical boost.”
Realization dawned on the hypothetical werewolf, “Oh, you mean steroids.” His eyes danced around Jackson’s figure. “Are you on steroids?”
Jackson shoved him up against the lockers. “What the hell is going on with you, McCall?”
I wanted to jump in, but I wanted to know what was up with Scott. He told us less and less about what happened every day, so maybe something he would let slip here would help.
“What's going on with me? You really wanna know? Well, so would I! Because I can see, hear, and smell things that I shouldn't be able to see, hear, and smell. I do things that should be impossible, I'm sleepwalking three miles into the middle of the woods, and I'm pretty much convinced that I'm totally out of my fucking mind!”
Jackson blinked a few times, confused. Scott let out a huge breath and leaned his head back against the locker.
“You think you're funny. Don't you, McCall? I know you're hiding something. I'm gonna find out what it is. I don't care how long it takes.” He punched the locker, right by Scott’s head.
Scott flinched. I stepped into sight, my teeth clenched and my eyes dead on Jackson. He scratched the back of his neck, eyeing me.
“Hi, Lupus.”
“Get your ass to the field. Coach’s been looking for you.” I jabbed my thumb over my shoulder and he ran off.
I went up to Scott.
“Are you alright?”
Scott nodded, obviously shaken. “How much of that did you hear?”
I grabbed his shoulders. “All of it. Are you sure you’re okay?”
Scott forced his breathing to calm and nodded again, this time more genuinely. “Yeah, I’m alright.”
I nodded. “Alright, let’s get you on the field so you can make first line.”
We ran out of the school, Scott speeding up so he wouldn’t be late. I ran after him, catching Stiles and Gabe eavesdropping on our dad’s phone conversation. I yanked Gabe by the back of his jersey.
“Aw, come on. I was listening to that.”
“You’re playing, now come on.”
He sighed but picked up his lacrosse stick as he walked over to Scott. Stiles came sprinting, his voice high. “Scott! Scott, wait up.”
“Stiles, I'm playing the first elimination, man. Can it wait?”
Stiles grabbed ahold of his shoulders, “Just hold on, okay? I overheard my dad on the phone. The fiber analysis came back from the lab in L.A. They found animal hairs on the body from the woods!”
Scott pulled free. “Stiles, I gotta go.”
Stiles called after him as he ran out onto the field. Gabe quickly followed suit. I sighed at Stiles and started walking off to join the team.
“Wait, no! Lu! You're not gonna believe what the animal was!”
I sighed again and turned to him, eyebrows raised expectantly.
“It was a wolf.”
I shook my head in order to clear it. I patted his cheek as Coach blew the whistle.
“Let's go! Gather round! Bring it in, come on! Come on!”
Scott put his hand up in the air. I followed his line of sight to Allison Argent.
“Got a question, McCall?”
“What?” Scott snapped out of his reverie, now back on Earth.
“You raised your hand. You have a question?”
“Oh. No. I was just, uh…Nothing. Sorry.” He averted his eyes to the ground.
“Okay. You know how this goes. If you don't make the cut, you're most likely sitting on the bench for the rest of the season.” He patted Stiles on the arm.
“You make the cut, you play. Your parents are proud. Your girlfriend loves ya!” He grabbed hold of Cole’s helmet and shook his head from side to side. Ouch.
“Huh? Everything else is, uh. Cream cheese! Now, get out there and show me whatcha got! Come on!”
Jackson screamed first, trying to pump the boys up. “Let's go! Let's go!”
Jackson and Scott ended up on opposite teams, against my pleading. Of course, as soon as Scott got the ball, Jackson knocked him flat on his back. Scott laid for a few seconds, angry. He sat up quickly however, ready to kick Jackson’s ass. Scott got the ball first, leaving Jackson in his dust. He dodged every defensive attack, finishing with a backflip and a perfect shot.
Everyone on the bleachers stared. They slowly began to clap with Stiles, and the gentle clap reached roaring cheers.The rest of the team ran up to him, congratulating him. Gabe hung behind, glancing at a pissed off Jackson before looking at me.
Coach blew the whistle. “McCall! Get over here! What in God's name was that? This is a lacrosse field. What, are you trying out for the gymnastics team?”
“No, Coach.”
“What the hell was that?”
“I don't know. I…I was just trying to make the shot.”
“Yeah, well, you made the shot. And guess what? You're startin', buddy. You made first line. Come on!” He slapped Scott’s cheek before running off.
Everyone in the crowd applauded again, standing. Stiles looked from Gabe to Scott to me, a worried look on his face. I patted his leg.
“I know.”
Gabe caught my eye and mouthed something at me. He had to repeat it once or twice, but I soon understood what he was saying.
That’s not normal.
I shook my head. He was right. Whatever was happening was anything but normal.
Gabe was sleeping on his bed, laptop still on his lap as his head fell back against the headboard. Stiles was sitting at his own desk, printing out article after article he thought could be useful. I was sitting on Stiles’s bed, a mythology book open in my lap. I had highlighters and sticky notes, all thanks to Stiles. I was working on wolfsbane while he tackled lycanthropy. Gabe had been on silver before he had fallen asleep. There was a knock on the door. I shoved my book off to the side and made a leap for Gabe’s bed, slamming his laptop shut. Stiles closed his at the same time the door opened. I fell next to Gabe, expecting our dad.
It was Scott.
I sighed and Gabe grumbled, now awake.
“Get in. You gotta see this thing. We've been up all night reading. Websites, books. All this information.”
“How much Adderall have you had today?” Stiles asked with a small smile.
“A lot. Doesn't matter. Okay, just listen.”
Scott sat down on Stiles’s bed, tossing his bag aside. Gabe sat up straight, now listening to what Stiles was saying. I sat at the foot of his bed.
“Oh, is this about the body? Did they find out who did it?” Scott asked.
I shook my head. “No, they're still questioning people.”
“Even Derek Hale.” A grumpy Gabe added from behind me.
“Oh, the guy in the woods that we saw the other day.”
“Yeah! Yes. But that's not it, okay?” He flailed his hands.
Scott was still smiling. “What, then?”
“Remember the joke from the other day?” He attempted a laugh, but only a sad wheeze came out. “Not a joke anymore.” Lines appeared on his forehead, but they only made him look younger.
We were only 16. If any of this was real, why did we have to deal with it? We were just kids.
I jumped in for Stiles. “The wolf. The bite in the woods. We started doing all this reading. Do you even know why a wolf howls?” 
“Should I?”
Stiles jumped to his feet, clearly taking over again. “It's a signal, okay? When a wolf's alone, it howls to signal its location to the rest of the pack. So if you heard a wolf howling, that means others could have been nearby. Maybe even a whole pack of 'em.”
Scott leaned forward, and I couldn’t differentiate sarcasm from genuine wonder. “A whole pack of wolves?”
“No!” Stiles paused. “Werewolves.”
“Are you seriously wasting my time with this? You know I'm picking up Allison in an hour.” He picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder.
Stiles reached out and stopped him, hand on his shoulder. “We saw you on the field today, Scott. Okay, what you did wasn't just amazing, all right? It was impossible.”
Scott looked hurt, maybe even a bit taken aback. “Yeah, so I made a good shot.”
“No, you made an incredible shot, I mean…” He took the backpack from Scott and threw it back onto the bed. The way you moved, your speed, your reflexes. Y'know, People can't just suddenly do that overnight.” Stiles said.
Scott sighed, looking down at the ground.
“There’s also the vision and the senses, and don't even think we didn't notice that you don't need your inhaler anymore.” I piped up.
I get the feeling Gabe would’ve added something if he hadn’t been so tired.
“Okay! Guys, I can't think about this now. We'll talk tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow?! What? No! The full moon's tonight. Don't you get it?” Stiles grew more frantic.
“What are you trying to do? I just made first line. I got a date with a girl who I can't believe wants to go out with me,” Scott got closer to Stiles, who sat down at his desk again, “And everything in my life is somehow perfect. Why are you trying to ruin it?”
Stiles scoffed and pulled out a paper. “We’re trying to help. You're cursed, Scott. You know, and it's not just the moon will cause you to physically change. It also just so happens to be when your bloodlust will be at its peak.” Stiles spoke nonchalantly.
“Bloodlust?” Scott repeated, incredulous.
“Yeah, your urge to kill.” Stiles shrugged.
“I'm already starting to feel an urge to kill, Stiles.”
Gabe scrambled for something on his desk. “You gotta hear this.” He opened a book and took his seat behind me once more.
“‘The change can be caused by anger or anything that raises your pulse.’ All right? We haven't seen anyone raise your pulse like Allison does.”
I sighed. “Scott, it pains me to say this, but you’ve gotta cancel this date.”
“I'm gonna call her right now.” Stiles said, taking Scott’s phone from his bag.
“What are you doing?” Scott let out a high pitched complaint.
“I'm canceling the date.” Stiles went to drop back into his chair.
“No, give it to me!”
I felt the tension rise seconds before Scott pinned him against the wall, fist aiming for Stiles’s face. I leapt up as Scott redirected his fist for Stiles’s desk chair. It fell flying backward. Gabe pulled me back to him, all eyes on Scott.
“I'm sorry. I…I gotta go get ready for that party. Guys, I'm sorry.” He shouldered his bag before quickly leaving the room.
Stiles thumped his head against the wall. I ran to him, pulling him into a tight hug. He didn’t resist. Gabe pulled the chair up, staring at it. Stiles tensed up.
“What’s wrong?” I pulled back but my hands didn’t leave Stiles’s.
Gabe angled the chair towards us so I could get a better view. The back of the chair had four long scratch marks.
I sighed. Stiles was right.
I noticed Scott near the pool, struggling to keep upright.
“Ise.” I cut the blond off. “Just give me a second. “
I ran over to Scott, hands on his back. I tried to steady him and waved my hand in front of his face.
“Scott, are you okay?”
He didn’t seem to hear me. I followed him into the house, dragging Gabe along with me to make sure he didn’t fall flat on his face.
We brushed past Stiles, who instantly noticed something was wrong with his best friend. “Yo, Scott, you good?”
Another girl saw it too, “Are you okay?”
Scott kept going, in his own world.
Stiles shrugged his “nothing we can do now” shrug. I sighed and followed after Scott. Allison came behind me, watching with me as he got into his car and took off. I ran off to get Stiles, only to run straight into Gabe.
“Where’s he going?”
I pushed past him, dragging him along. “I don’t know.”
“Are we getting Stiles to drive us to his house?”
“Yeah.” I looked around, trying to find him in the crowd of people.
“Lu! Gabe!” He was standing near the snacks.
“We need to go.”
“Now.” Gabe took the cup from his hand and put it down on the table.
“Hey!” Stiles whined as we pulled him out to the street.
“Scott left.” I said.
“Uh, guys?” Gabe stopped cold.
I looked up at him. He pointed. Allison was getting into a black car. I realized Derek Hale was in the driver's seat. He sent a wink our way before driving away.
“Okay, let’s go.” Stiles tugged at the hood of my jacket.
Gabe climbed over the seat and into the back. Stiles started the car up before my door was closed.
“Where’s the spare key?” Gabe asked as he put the rug back in place.
I looked over at Stiles, who produced the key from his pocket, a shy smile on his face. He unlocked the door and ran up the stairs, Gabe and I following. Stiles knocked on Scott’s door.
“Go away.”
“Scott, it's us.” Stiles pressed his forehead against the door.
The door opened slightly, but it didn’t budge any more against Stiles’s weight.
“Let us in, Scott.” I tried as Gabe and I joined Stiles against the door.
“We can help.” Gabe pleaded.
“No! Listen, you guys gotta find Allison.”
“She's fine, all right? We saw her get a ride from the party.” Gabe ran a hand through his hair.
“She's, she's totally fine, all right?”
“No, I think I know who it is.” Scott sounded like he was in pain, but he was obviously strong enough to hold the door back against the three of us, who were pushing on it.
“You just let us in. We can try-”
“It's Derek! Derek Hale is the werewolf! He's the one that bit me. He's the one that killed the girl in the woods.”
My blood ran cold and the three of us stopped struggling with the door. Stiles looked at me, then at Gabe.
“Scott. Derek's the one who drove Allison from the party.”
There was a second of silence before the door slammed shut. Stiles instantly tried the knob, but it was locked.
“Scott!” I slammed my hand against the door.
There was no noise. Gabe sighed.
“Guys, he’s not gonna let us in.”
I sighed and shook my head.
“Yeah, you’re right. Let’s just go check on Allison.” I ushered the boys down the stairs.
Stiles pulled into the Argent driveway. We scrambled out of the car. I knocked on the door. Stiles pushed in front of me just as her mother opened the door.
“Hi, Mrs. Argent. Um… you have no idea who we are. We’re friends of your daughter. Uh, look…this is gonna sound kind of crazy, um…really crazy, actually. You know what? Crazy doesn't even describe-” Stiles ran his hand over his hair.
“Allison! It's for you.” Mrs. Argent cut him off.
Allison appeared on the stop of the stairs, a look of disappointment on her face. I felt Gabe let out a breath. I smiled softly and waved. She waved back before making her way down the stairs. She said something to her mother, who left.
“What’s up, guys?”
“Uh…” Stiles licked his lips before looking down to me.
“We just wanted to make sure you got home safe.”
“Right. Because Scott left me stranded.” She folded her arms across her chest.
“Which was totally not cool. That’s why we wanted to make sure you were okay.” Gabe grinned.
That seemed to get a genuine smile from her.
“Yeah, I’m okay. Thanks for checking in, you guys.”
The three of us nodded, similar smiles gracing our unsimilar faces.
“Do you wanna come in?” She moved back, opening the door further, giving us access to the house.
“Oh. Thank you, but we can’t.” I gave her a sympathetic smile.
“You have to go check up on Scott now?” She put one hand in her pocket.
We all nodded.
“Sorry.” Stiles mumbled.
“It’s okay.”
“Um, we should go.” Gabe backed down the steps first.
She nodded, wished us luck, and closed the door.
“There he is.” Gabe leaned forward and pointed.
Stiles stopped the car next to a shirtless Scott. I climbed over into the back as Scott got into the passenger seat, looking like a lost puppy.
“You were gone all night.” I rested my chin on the seat, looking at the not-so-hypothetical werewolf.
Scott sighed, clutching at his arm. Gabe took his jacket off and handed it to him.
He gratefully accepted it and slid it on. “You know what actually worries me the most?”
Stiles looked at me in the rearview mirror before turning his eyes back to the road.
“If you say Allison, I'm gonna punch you in the head.”
I glanced at Scott, who looked like he was suffering.
“She probably hates me now.”
“Ugh. I doubt that. But you might want to come up with a pretty amazing apology.” I patted his shoulder. 
Gabe jumped into the conversation, “Or, you know, you could just…tell her the truth.” 
“And revel in the awesomeness of the fact that you're a fucking werewolf.” Stiles cut him off.
Scott and I glared at him.
“Okay, bad idea. Hey, we'll get through this. Come on, if we have to, we'll chain you up ourselves on full moon nights and I’ll feed you live mice. I had a boa once. I could do it.”
Scott scoffed a laugh, and Stiles grinned. I smiled and leaned back into the seat.
“Lup! Hey!” Isaac ran to my side.
“Hey!” I pulled him in for a hug, my eyes still on Scott, who was talking to Allison.
“I haven’t talked to you all day. What’s up?” He sat next to me on the steps.
“Not much. What’s up with you?”
He followed my line of sight.
“Oh, you’re watching over your new star?”
I rolled my eyes and looked at the blond next to me.
“Speaking of Scott, what happened to him at the party the other day?” He looked back to Scott, who was leaning in for a kiss with Allison.
“He got sick.” I answered.
“New girl still got him?” He asked, a bit of distaste in his voice.
“Look for yourself.” I leaned against him, looking at the not-so-hypothetical werewolf and the new girl.
Before they could kiss, Allison ran off into a red SUV. Scott turned and started to walk our way. He stopped in his tracks before turning around and looking at the man who was presumably Allison’s father. Scott waved meekly, and the man smiled back.
Scott turned back, a look of fear and confusion on his face.
“Lupus?” A pair of fingers snapped in front of my face.
I turned, looking back at Isaac.
“What’s wrong?”
Isaac shook his head in response and got to his feet, holding a hand out to help me.
“We gotta get to practice. Come on.”
10 notes · View notes
teen wolf, scallison and ms lydia martin
WARNING: Spoilers & Opinions ahead
001| send me a fandom
Favorite Character: Allison Argent
Least Favorite Character: Kira Yukimura
5 Favorite Ships: Scallison, Stydia, Sterek, Scisaac, and Scallisaac
Character I Find Most Attractive: Allison Argent
Character I Would Marry: Stiles Stilinski
Character I Would Be Best Friends With: Lydia Martin
A random thought: THIAM! It should’ve happened
An unpopular opinion: I’ve been told all my opinions are popular?? So... I guess hating Kira is one.
My canon OTP: Scallison
My non-Canon OTP: Sterek
Most badass character: Allison Argent
Pairing I Am Not A Fan of: Stalia (#notp)
Character I feel the writers screwed up: Kira, she had so much potential :(
Favorite Friendship: Sciles
Character I Want to Be Adopted By: Scott McCall
002 | send me a ship
When or If I Started Shipping It: Episode One, then pen scene
My thoughts: Gorgeous wonderful unique, absolutely soulmates. Badass power couple. Better than Romeo and Juliet. Hotter than Bonnie & Clyde.
What makes me happy about them: they’re just so in love??? And they respect each other and trust each other, and even when they’re not together they’re always there for each other.
What makes me sad about them: They broke up. Allison DIED
Things Done In Fanfic That Annoys Me: I don’t know??? It’s hard to find Fic based on them.
Things I Look For In A Fanfic: Love, happiness, actual fics
My kinks: when it comes to them, I love soft loving sex.
Who I’d be Comfortable With Them Ending Up With, if not each other: Scott/Malia and Allison/Stiles
My happily ever after for them: Chilling out on a porch watching their kids play and being happy together forever
003| give me a character
How I feel about this character: I love Lydia! She’s incredible! One of the best character developments I have ever seen.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Stiles, Stiles & Derek, Malia
BROTP: Scott & Lydia
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t think I have one?? I think she’s great the way she is.
One thing I wish had happened with this character in canon: Earlier Stydia, I would’ve loved to see her develop a friendship with Derek. And kick Peter’s ass.
My het ship: Stydia
My slash ship: Malydia
My OTP: Stydia
My OT3: Sterydia
My crossover ship: Oof... Lydia & Caroline??
My kink: Only high heels and red lipstick during sex
My Headcanon fact: Oof... I saw one that said Lydia was The Morrigan which I like?? I also headcanon Lydia has seen all the Star Wars movies, even before she was with Stiles she’d been a secret fan girl
My genderbend: KJ Apa, I feel like he can pull of the rich popular secretly genius kid better than someone like Cameron Monoghan
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What makes me laugh about that phone calls statement (besides the obvious) is that the antis think that when you're a fan of a TWO people ship you only like ONE & that THEY decide which one. I ship Stiles and Derek because I like Stiles AND Derek. And I don't want to pick but if I really, really had to I'd probably pick Derek (you give a character the most tragic backstory ever, cast Hoechlin and make his further story tragic too? Of course I wanna give him nice things and blowjo- I mean Stiles)
DW: Firstly, how dare you like a character who–even though he is introduced as an antagonist*–turns out to have a compelling character arc, tragic backstory, and was portrayed by someone who can actually act? 
Literally how dare you? 
You are all that is wrong with the world, anon! 
(Sarcasm aside though--right? It is actually inconceivable to these biscuits that someone can like or dislike a different character to the ones they do, and that any two white characters must be only being shipped because they’re white. If that was the case, why Sterek? Why isn’t Steter as big? Why isn’t Scisaac as big? Or Dackson? Is that even a ship name? 
They simply do not understand, and clearly never will, that sometimes two characters have a chemistry that the majority of fans really enjoy, and it’s not the same in other pairings.
Even most toddlers can accept that other people like different things.) 
* Because, as we all know, you’re only allowed to love characters who are heroes, and not antagonists, and certainly not, oh no never, villains! 
Did I pass, delusionals? Do I get my pin and my secret handshake now? 
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