#alex is incredibly turned on by this in case you were wondering
binch-i-might-be · 2 months
I think John can walk really well in heels actually
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gamergirl929 · 2 months
When Somebody Loved Me (Everything Was Beautiful) (Alex Morgan x Reader)
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A reunion of childhood best friends would typically be a jubilant affair, but not in this case. No, because you were about to reunite with none other than Alex Morgan, the woman who left you behind when you were kids, the woman who'd broken not only your heart but your spirit as well.
I really want to thank @kingofmyheart-19, without them I doubt this fic would have gotten done, they helped so much and listened to my ranting on plot ideas and gave me some of their own, so thank you so, so much for the help, it was SO appreciated! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ They're also a writer as well, so feel free to go check out their page!
Disclaimer: This fic could be very triggering to some, it deals with abuse, speicifically child abuse, so if that's going to trigger you PLEASE skip this one. If you're still here, get ready for a 9K emotional roller coaster. As always, I'd really love to hear what you all think, this has been a fic I've been wanting to write for so long and I'm so happy it's done, so please, let me know what you think.
⚠️Trigger Warning: Child Abuse/Mentions of Child Abuse ⚠️
You closed your eyes, practicing the deep breathing you learned in therapy before your eyes open, the stadium where you would meet the USWNT looming overhead.  
You knew you would see her, that you would have to see her, you were now working for her team after all, but the thought of your reunion made your stomach twist.  
You could feel your chest tighten, a panic attack looming as you thought about your Y/E/C orbs meeting hers.  
You wondered if they were still the same bright blues you remembered.  
You shake your head rapidly, pushing those thoughts to the back of your mind.  
Just because you were about to see each other again after so long, didn’t mean things were the same as they once were, she’d left you behind, and you didn’t think you could ever forgive her for that.  
You didn’t know if you could ever forgive Alex Morgan for what she did, in all honesty, you weren’t sure if you wanted to.  
With one final deep breath you slip out of your rental car and make your way towards the arena, mere minutes from reuniting with the woman that broke your heart.
If there was one thing Alex Morgan didn’t expect, it was to see you making your way across the field towards her and the team, Emma Hayes at your side.  
Her throat bobbed as she took you in.  
You’d gotten taller, easily towering over her.  
Your jawline was much sharper, and visibly clenched, something she used to get on you about when you were growing up.  
The second your eyes met hers, her heart stalled in her chest, the Y/E/C orbs that would once soften when they locked with her blues, were now cold and sharp.  
“Y/N...” Alex whispers when you’re in earshot and you glance her way.  
“Do I know you?” You ask, a harshness to your tone that takes her aback, she’d never heard you speak that way, especially to her.  
Her mouth opens and closes rapidly, the woman searching for anything at all to say, but it’s as if her vocal cords had stopped working.  
Her teammates eye her curiously, their eyes darting between the two of you.  
“Well, this is Y/N Y/L/N, she’s going to be our new trainer, she comes HIGHLY recommended, so try to make her feel welcome, okay?” Emma smiles, in no way missing the way Alex stares pleadingly at your profile.  
Eventually, your eyes catch hers, her orbs the same bright blues that you often found yourself getting lost in years ago.  
Alex isn’t able to utter a single word before you’re turning on your heels and moving towards the sidelines, Emma Hayes in toe.  
Alex jumps when a hand settles on her back, a hand belonging to her longtime friend, Kelley O’Hara.  
“Are you okay Al? Is something wrong?” She asks, able to read the woman’s face easily, picking up on the fact that she was incredibly upset.  
“Ye-Yeah.” Alex stammers, her blues orbs burning holes in your back as you move out of sight.  
“Everything is fine.”
The second Alex saw you, all the emotions she tried so, so hard to bury came rushing back, hitting her like a tidal wave.  
She wasn’t prepared for the way you looked at her, your eyes hard and icy, a look she vaguely remembered when she spotted you in the hallways of your high school, your books hugged to your chest and a new bruise gracing your face or your arms, the woman knowing full well that more bruises were hidden beneath your clothes.   
She knew deep down she deserved it; she severed ties with you when you needed her the most, and she could never wash away the guilt she felt every time you passed her in the hallway, your face twisted in a pained grimace.  
That night, she stares at the ceiling, her blue orbs glassy as she remembers the first time, she saw signs of the abuse you were enduring at home.  
“What are those from?” A small Alex Morgan asks as she points to the circular marks dotting your forearm, the skin a bright and angry red, the wounds fresh.  
You shake your head rapidly, pulling your arm away from her.  
“N-N-Nothing.” You mumble, the girl scoffing as she gently takes your arm, her blue orbs zeroing in on the sores covering your arm.  
“What happened?” She asks and you shake your head, tears glistening in your Y/E/C orbs.  
“Y/N...” She whispers, gently rubbing your arm, careful not to touch the marks.  
“You can tell me anything...” She says, frowning when she sees a tear streaming down your cheek.  
“What happened?” She asks again and you swallow, your mouth opening and closing before you croak out a single word.  
Needless to say, Alex didn’t sleep well that night, her mind racing, wondering if the wounds on your arm had increased in number.  
She honestly wasn’t sure if she wanted to know.  
Eventually, Alex dragged herself onto the bus that morning, her blue orbs immediately finding your Y/E/C’s.  
You almost immediately turn away, as if you’re unable to look at her for too long.  
She pauses, attempting to find something, anything to say to you, but again, she finds herself unable to speak.  
She sighs in defeat before making her way towards the back of the bus, unaware that your eyes are on her, your nostrils flaring.  
She had no right to speak to you, no right to even look at you, not after the things she’d done, not after she’d left you behind to be abused and neglected.  
You growl, turning towards the front of the bus, your fingers curling around the seat in front of you.  
If you had anything to say about it, you wouldn’t speak to Alex Morgan ever again, in reality, it wasn’t that you wouldn’t it was that you couldn’t.
Unfortunately, you’re forced to speak to her, the forward seeking you out when you reach the hotel, pushing her way into the elevator with you.  
Your throat bobs as you stare blankly forward, your foot tapping and hands trembling, something Alex notices immediately.  
“Y/N.” She whispers, her voice cracking, the sound pulling at your heartstrings, that sadness ebbing away a beat later.  
“Y/N, you can’t ignore me forever.” She sighs and you shake your head.  
“I told you; I have no idea who you are.” You say, the woman growling as you hastily exit the elevator, her hand catching your wrist, something that noticeably makes you jump.  
“That’s bullshit Y/N, and you know-- 
Your lip curls in a snarl as you jerk your arm from her grasp.  
“I USED to have a friend named Alex Morgan, but that was a long time ago.” You say through gritted teeth before turning on your heels and marching down the hallway, leaving a crestfallen Alex Morgan behind.
Despite the fact that your last interaction didn’t go well, Alex continued to try and speak to you, popping up seemingly everywhere.  
Unfortunately, you would be on the road for a significant amount of time considering it was She Believes Season, the entirety of the team together more often than not.  
The close quarters resulted in early mornings, and one morning, you’d made the mistake of rolling up your sleeves to your elbows, revealing the multiple scars littering your skin.  
Alex stiffened the moment she saw them, tears filling her blue orbs as she saw the massive number of burns on your skin, burns she knew were made by the end of a cigarette.  
She’s unable to keep the tears in her eyes at bay, tears streaming down her cheeks.  
You pick your head up, the feel of someone staring at you setting the hairs of your arms on end.  
Your eyes catch hers and your brows furrow, following her gaze to the scars dotting your arms.  
Your eyes meet hers before dropping to your marred arm, your nostrils flaring as you turn away, tugging your arm out of view.  
Alex jumps, her eyes meeting Kelley’s concerned brown orbs.  
“Are you okay? Why are you crying?” She asks, watching as Alex wipes her tears away with the sleeve of her sweater.  
“It’s alright Kel, it’s nothing.” She sniffles, her eyes burning holes in the back of your head.  
Kelley eyes her profile worriedly before turning away reluctantly, wondering what it was that was troubling her so.  
“When did that happen?” Alex asks when she catches you in the hallway on your way to your hotel room.  
You turn on your heels, coming face to face with the woman you’d been trying to avoid, her blue orbs zeroed in on your scarred arm.  
You pull your arm out of view, tucking it behind you.  
“Like you care.” You bite, turning on your heels to take your leave.  
“Y/N, you can tell me anything.” She whispers, her words stopping you in your tracks, taking you back to the day on the playground when you’d first told her that your father had burned your arm, when you’d first told her your father was abusing you.  
“Like you don’t know.” You mumble, unable to turn to face her, tears stinging your eyes.  
Your breath hitches when she slips around you, gently taking your wrist and inspecting your arm closely. 
You’re unable to stop your heart from skipping a beat when she brushes the scars, her touch light and tender.  
The scars were generally perfect circles, aside from those that overlapped, forming random shapes along your arm.  
Alex frowned as she caressed the lumpy and disfigured skin, her eyes glazing over.  
“Don’t act like you care.” You mutter, the forward frowning.  
“I do care, Y/N.”  
You scoff, pulling your arm out of her grasp, briefly missing the way her fingertips felt against your skin.  
“If you cared Alex, I wouldn’t have these.” You growl, her throat bobbing.  
“You can’t blame me for that Y/N, it isn’t fair.”  
You bark out a laugh, the sound taking her by surprise.  
“I wouldn’t have half the scars I do if it wasn’t for you. You abandoned me when I needed you the most, and for what Alex!?” You yell, surprised by the sound of your own voice and the anger in your tone.  
Alex’s mouth opens and closes rapidly, the forward unable to find her words, that being enough to send you shoving passed her, your shoulder knocking hers as you make your way down the hall towards your hotel room, leaving the woman behind, just as she’d done to you.  
That night, you can’t help but stare at your shirtless self in the mirror, the scars typically hidden beneath your clothes revealed, of course, to your eyes only.  
How could you ever forgive Alex when your skin looked like yours?  
How could you ever forgive the woman that you’d blamed for receiving them in the first place?
It was unsurprising to Alex that you put so much pressure on her during practice, as if getting back at her for all the pain she caused.  
“Pick it up Morgan!” You yell, Alex noticeably slacking considering you’d spent the practice already putting her through the ringer.  
It’s only after her drills end that she comes to a halt, panting heavily, her hands on her knees as she attempts to fill her lungs with air.  
You shake your head, making your way towards her and leaning down.  
“You don’t just make the team because you’re a pretty face, you know that right?” You bite, the forward shooting you a glare.  
Your brows furrow when the corners of her mouth tick upward.  
“Did you just say I’m pretty?” She teases and you scoff, pinching the bridge of your nose.  
“Of course, THAT’S what you take from that.”  
Alex’s lips split in a grin, her smile just as bright as it always had been, your heart skipping a beat in your chest.  
“Hey, you said it, not me.” She smirks and you roll your eyes, turning her towards the remainder of the team before giving her a light shove.  
“Get your ass over there Morgan.” You grumble, her grin widening before she skips towards the others.  
You roll your eyes, unable to hold back a small smile as you too make your way towards the team.  
The distance between you and Alex was still massive, no bridge long enough to bring the two of you together.  
It wasn’t for a lack of trying on Alex’s part, whereas she tried to reach out, you’d only pull back, unwilling to bridge the gap, in fact, increasing its size. 
Alex watched as you focused your attention Lindsey’s knee, wrapping it gently, the blonde saying something to you she can’t quite hear, but whatever it was, it makes you smile, a smile that still makes her heart skip a beat after all these years.  
You move to your feet, giving the midfielder a pat on the shoulder before she turns and jogs onto the field.  
“Thanks Y/N!” Emily says patting your back a bit harder than intended, as she jogs passed following Lindsey onto the field.  
You go ridged, your hands trembling as you squeeze your eyes shut tightly.  
Alex jogs towards you, the emotional turmoil you were experiencing unnoticed by the remainder of the team.  
“Y/N...?” Alex whispers as she gently takes your trembling hands in her own, stopping their quaking.  
Your chest begins to rise and fall rapidly, an anxiety attack impending, something Alex had seen happen to you multiple times before.  
“Y/N?” She says again, giving your hands a squeeze, this time however, you speak.  
“I said I was sorry... Please don’t…” You mutter, Alex’s eyes widening before immediately filling with tears. 
“Come on.” She whispers, silently guiding you away from the team, catching sight of Emma Hayes watching the two of you, the forward shaking her head rapidly.  
When you’re in a secluded spot, Alex cups your cheeks.  
“Y/N, it’s okay, it’s me.”  
You squeeze your eyes shut even more so than they already were, your hands shaking violently.  
The tears in Alex’s eyes begin to stream down her face as she tries to think of something, ANYTHING to get you out of the catatonic state you’re in.  
Her eyes widen, a memory flickering in the back of her mind as she pulls you into her, one arm around you and the other resting on the back of your neck, her fingers tangling in the fine hairs there.  
She remembered holding you that way in high school, before your friendship ended, a nightmare pulling you from your sleep one night as the two of you slept side by side.  
“I’ve got you.” She whispers in your ear, drawing lazy circles against the nape of your neck.  
“And I’m not letting you go, never again.” She whispers, cooing softly in your ear.  
Your breathing begins to slow, the motion of her fingers against the nape of your neck lulling you into a sense of calm, something you hadn’t felt in a long time.  
She knew when you realized it was her that was holding you, you’d pull away, and the thought tore her heart in two. 
You begin to relax, your shoulders sagging as your eyes slowly flutter open.  
Almost immediately you move out of Alex’s hold, the forward frowning, missing the way you felt against her, missing the way her fingers felt tangled in your hair.  
“What the hell are you doing?” You snarl, putting as much distance as you possibly can between the two of you.  
“I-I didn’t know what else to do, you were having a panic attack.” She explains, her voice quivering.  
You scoff.  
“I didn’t NEED your help, I would’ve been just fine without you, like I ALWAYS have been.” You bark out before hastily leaving the room, not even sparing a glance back at the woman whose shoulder you roughly knocked into on your way out. 
Even though you were angry at her, you knew you had to thank Alex.  
You couldn’t imagine what would’ve happened if Alex hadn’t taken charge and took you to a secluded place to calm down, using a technique she became accustomed to using in your later high school years.  
You could still feel her fingers gently drawing circles against the nape of your neck, something you longed to feel again, but you wouldn’t let her get that close again, you couldn’t.  
You’re pulled from your thoughts when the very woman who’d been on your mind comes towards you, the woman silently shuffling from foot to foot as she waits to get her ankle wrapped.  
You give Kelley a smile, the defender’s ankle wrapped in her own bit of tape before she jogs off, turning and giving Alex’s hand a squeeze on her way passed.  
Alex comes to a stop in front of you, her throat bobbing as you gently take her ankle in your hands.  
You’re silently wrapping her ankle in bright pink tape when you finally find your voice.  
“I’m sorry.” You whisper, blue orbs widening as they meet your Y/E/C’s.  
“You don’t need to be.” She smiles softly and you clear your throat, the sight of that smile effecting you more than you’d care to admit.  
“I do." You sigh, the forwards cheeks flushing as you subconsciously caress her ankle. 
“You...” You swallow hard, your throat bobbing.  
“If you weren’t there for me the other day, I don’t know what I would’ve done, so... Thank you, Alex.” You whisper, clearing your throat, your eyes widening when you realize you’d been running your thumb gently back and forth along her ankle.  
You give her a nod, reluctantly releasing her ankle, your old friend staring down at you for a moment before she smiles. 
“You don’t have to thank me.” She mumbles softly, before her lips split in a grin.  
“But you’re welcome.”  
You watch as she makes her way onto the field, a smile stretching across your own face as you turn to Lindsey Horan, the blonde waiting for her knee to be wrapped.  
However, you can’t help but look passed her, specifically at Alex Morgan, the woman beaming, wearing a smile you hadn’t seen her wear in a long, long time.  
A smile that makes the butterflies in your stomach begin to stir, butterflies that died a long, long time ago, butterflies that were slowly coming back to life.  
You didn’t like that the feelings you did your best to bury were resurfacing.  
You blamed her, you were supposed to hate her, but the more she smiled your way, the more that anger and blame started to ebb away.  
Your brows furrow as your phone again begins to ring, an unknown number stretched across its screen.  
You shake your head, dropping your phone onto the top of a nearby bag. 
Alex glances your way, smiling softly when your eyes meet.  
The relationship between the two of you began to slowly change, you no longer looked at her with absolute disdain, instead wearing an expression she couldn’t quite place.  
It’s when Emma Hayes blows her whistle that Alex sighs, making her way towards her bag, unaware that your phone had slipped inside.  
She runs her hand through her sweat covered hair, catching sight of you out of the corner of her eye as you chat with Emma Hayes, a smile on your face.  
She’d missed seeing that smile, mostly, she missed seeing that smile directed at her.  
She turns away, reluctantly, unaware that your phone was buried deep inside her bag.
You growl, searching wildly through your bag in an attempt to find your phone, sighing when you come up empty.  
You flop down onto your hotel room’s bed, your head in your hands.  
The last thing you wanted to do today was lose your phone, but here you were, attempting to remember where you’d last seen the device.  
A tentative knock on your hotel room door makes you jump, your brows furrowing as you make your way towards it.  
You tug the door open, your eyes widening and brows knitting in confusion when you see Alex standing behind the door, the woman shuffling nervously from foot to foot.  
“Uhhh, yeah?” You say, the woman nodding into your hotel room.  
“Can I come in?” She asks and you hum, eyeing her intently before you step aside, uncertain why you’d allowed her into your room.  
The door clicks shut behind you before you turn towards her, your arms crossed across your chest.  
“What is it?” You ask, your eyes widening when you realize she was holding your phone.  
“I found it in my bag.” She says, the look on her face telling you there was something more to the reason why she was in your room.  
“Th-Thanks.” You stutter, taking it from her hand, the forward’s throat bobbing.  
“It was ringing, and I answered it.” She says, your brows knitting, anger building in your chest at the thought of the woman invading your privacy.  
“I’m-I’m sorry Y/N, I promise, I really didn’t know it was your phone.” She stutters, the anger you were feeling dissipating at the look on Alex’s face.  
“There’s more to it, isn’t there?” You ask and she, sheepishly nods.  
“It was your mother.”  
Your eyes double in size, your body going ridged at the mention of the woman who’d done nothing, merely watching as your father abused and neglected you, a woman you hadn’t talked to since you were kicked out at 18.  
You make your way towards your bed, taking a seat on its end, Alex making her way towards you, waiting until you give her a nod before she too sits down.  
The room is enveloped in silence for a moment before you find your voice.  
“Wh-What did she want?” You stammer, realizing the calls you’d been getting the last few days must have been from your mother.  
Alex swallows hard, staring at her intertwined fingers, her mouth opening and closing.  
“It’s your dad.” She whispers, noting the hitch in your breath, the woman unable to stop herself from reaching for, and covering your hand.  
You find yourself taking comfort in her touch, something you thought you would never do again.  
“What happened?” You ask, your voice barely above a whisper.  
Alex clears her throat, seemingly searching for what to say before she mutters.  
“He’s dying.”  
You snort, in a sick sense, happy that the man who destroyed your childhood was about to die.  
“Your mom said, he wants to...” She pauses, staring at your profile as she speaks.  
“He wants to apologize, for everything, before he passes.” 
You stiffen, your hands balling into fists, Alex’s thumb delicately running along your white knuckles.  
You chuckle.  
“Of course he does. He wants to clear his own conscious before he dies.” You snarl angrily, the thought of calling your mother and ripping her a new one prominent in your mind.  
Alex remains silent, your brows furrowing as you turn towards her, her mouth opening and closing rapidly.  
“What?” You ask, the forward shrugging.  
“I may have...” She stops mid-sentence, shuffling nervously.  
“Said some things.”  
Your brows arch, noting that she’s refusing to look you in the eye.  
“Like what?” You ask and she clears her throat.  
“I may have told her your dad was a piece of shit, and that you didn’t owe him anything, that he doesn’t deserve to see you after all he did, and that she was a bitch who doesn’t deserve to see you either because she was just as guilty. He abused you, and she just watched and did nothing about it.”   
Your brows arch, your eyes burning holes in the side of Alex’s head before you laugh, her blue orbs widening as she turns towards you.  
You wrap your arms around your middle as you’re overcome with laughter, the thought of the look on your mother’s face as Alex tore her a new one, and the look on her face when it was Alex that answered the phone making you laugh uncontrollably.  
You knew her and your father weren’t her biggest fans, considering she treated you the way you were meant to be treated, and loved you in a way that they never did.  
“I would’ve paid to see that.” You say, wiping a tear from your eyes, the forward beside you smiling, her lips splitting into a grin.  
“I meant what I said, you don’t owe them anything Y/N, even if he’s dying, you don’t have to go to see him, unless you want to.”  
You shake your head, your eyes dropping to your and Alex’s joined hands, the feel of her hand in your own making your heart skip a beat.  
“I know.” You say, taking a deep breath before exhaling loudly.  
“I kind of want to see him, to show him that even though he treated me the way he did, he didn’t break me, that I became successful, and I didn’t need him or my mother to do it.”  
You swallow hard, your gaze falling to your lap.  
“I suppose...” You pause, frowning, unable to stop tears forming in your eyes.  
“I suppose he did break me, didn’t he?” You mutter, your eyes widening a gasp leaving you as Alex’s hand leaves your own, the woman instead wrapping her arms tightly around you.  
The tears that formed in your eyes began streaming down your cheeks as she held you tightly, her cheek pressing against your shoulder.  
“He didn’t Y/N.” She whispers, squeezing you gently, not wanting to throw you into a panic attack like you’d had the other day.  
You close your eyes, sagging in her hold, the hotel room falling silent as you simply let Alex hold you in her arms, a feeling you didn’t realize you’d missed so much.  
You’re unsure of what makes you say it, but before you can think your lips are moving.  
“I don’t know if I can face them alone.” You confess, Alex turning her head and kissing your temple, the woman stiffening when she realizes what she did, though she in no way relinquishes her hold on you.  
“You don’t have to Y/N.” She whispers, smiling when she feels your arm slip around her.  
“What do you mean?” You ask, your heart lightening in your chest at the thought of the forward coming back to your hometown with you.  
“I’ll go with you.” She mutters nervously, leaning heavily into you, her hold on you tightening.  
You go silent before you rest your head against hers, a soft sigh leaving you as you give her side a squeeze.  
“I think I’d like that very much.”
The relationship between you drastically changed after that, the bridge was all but mended, the two of you almost as inseparable as when you were kids.  
And when the She Believes Tournament ended, with the USWNT as the victors, you and Alex decided it was time to prepare to head back to your hometown, a place that held so many bad memories for you.  
It wasn’t long before there was a knock at your apartment door, your hand freezing on the doorknob as you take a deep breath.  
Despite the fact that things were better between the two of you, you still got nervous, worried that she would disappear again and break your heart.  
You pull the door open slowly, Alex smiling when your eyes meet hers, a duffle bag slung over her shoulder a suitcase in one hand.  
“Are you ready?” She asks as you step aside, allowing her inside, the woman taking in your small apartment.  
“Honestly, not really.” You sigh, leaning against the island in your kitchenette.  
Alex makes her way towards you with a frown, taking your hands, the gesture making your cheeks flush.  
“Well, you’re not going alone, I’ll be there every step of the way.” She whispers as she caresses your knuckles.  
You couldn’t lie, the feelings you had for Alex had resurfaced, and the closer you became, the more you realized that the feelings you had in high school had come back, tenfold.  
You were in love with the woman currently holding your hands, the woman whose blue orbs sparkled when she smiled, the woman who’d broken your heart all those years ago.  
You give her hands a squeeze, noting the flush of her own cheeks.  
“I know.” You whisper pushing yourself off the island and moving to your full height.  
“And it means a lot to me.” You say, bashfully staring at the floor beneath your feet.  
Alex smiles softly, turning your hands over in her own before intertwining your fingers.  
“It’s the least I could do.” She says, giving your hands a squeeze.  
Her hands leave yours reluctantly and you sigh, missing the feel of her smooth palms against your own.  
“Well, let’s go.”
Alex’s fingers drum on the steering wheel, her eyes darting to the passenger's seat, where you're fast asleep. 
She knew this journey would take a toll on you, she knew that this was one of the hardest things you ever had to do, and she was happy you’d allowed her to be along for the ride. 
You mumble in your sleep, your brows furrowing as your head turns back and forth.  
Alex reaches towards you, gently covering your hand with her own as she pulls into the tiny roadside hotel the two of you were planning on staying in for the night before you reach your hometown the following day.  
“Hey.” Alex whispers, tenderly tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.  
Your eyes slowly flutter open, your brows furrowing as you blink rapidly to clear your vision.  
“Are we here?” You rasp, the sound of your sleepy voice making her smile lovingly.  
“No, we’re at the hotel.” 
You hum, stretching your arms above your head before you open the passenger's side door and slip out with a groan.  
Alex slides out the driver’s side door, she too stretching. 
“We had reservations, right?” You ask and she nods rapidly.  
“I’ll go check us in.”  
You watch her go with a small smile, the woman disappearing into the small hotel’s lobby, leaving you with the suitcases, which you didn’t mind.  
You lean back against Alex’s car, staring up at the random hotel you’d decided to stop at on your way home.  
You sigh, leaning your head against the car behind you.  
You didn’t want to go home, you didn’t want to face your father and your mother, but you knew you had to.  
You had to show them that you were well off, you had to show them that you’d made it without them, that you survived your father’s abuse and your mother’s refusal to do anything about it.  
And having Alex Morgan by your side was just a plus, a major plus.  
You remember your father taunting you, making comments about how Alex had finally learned how pathetic you were and made the right decision to distance herself from you.  
Your throat bobs as you bite your bottom lip, staving off tears at the thought of your father’s harsh words.  
Your mother wanted you to come home to hear their apology, but you had ulterior motives.  
You were never going to accept her apology, and you were certainly never going to accept his, much like his apologies during your childhood, they meant absolutely nothing, and that wasn’t about to change.  
You jump, your eyes flashing open, immediately locking with Alex’s blue orbs.  
“Are you okay?” She asks, concern evident in her tone.  
You clear your throat, pushing off the car as you nod.  
“Yeah, I’m just fine.”  
It didn’t take long for the two of you to settle into your room, the pair of you flopping down onto the beds you’d be sleeping on for the night.  
“I’m so tired.” You yawn, rolling off the bed and heading to your suitcase.  
Before you realize what, you’re doing, you tug your shirt over your head, revealing your near bare back to the woman in the opposite bed.  
“Oh my god.”  
You twist on your heels, your eyes wide.  
“What’s wrong? Are you alright?” You ask as you approach the forward, tears streaming down her cheeks.  
“What is— 
You pause your throat bobbing as you glance down at yourself, realizing your torso was bare, covered only by the sports bra you were wearing. 
Meaning each and every scar that covered your flesh was revealed, scars dotting your arms, as well as covering your chest and back.  
Alex’s hands tremble as she makes her way towards you, her eyes focused intently on your chest, a number of scars littering your skin, some from glass, some from a belt, and others you couldn’t really remember. 
Lashes covered your stomach, as well as your back, red welts made mostly by your father’s favorite belt.  
A wide array of cigarette burns covered your skin, mostly all over your arms, but some were on your chest and stomach.  
“Jesus Christ.” Alex whispers, her voice cracking as she places her hands on your shoulders, taking in the destruction your father left behind on your skin.  
“I-I...” She stammers, her bottom lip trembling as she turns you around, lash marks covering your back, overlapping into a mess of patterns.  
Alex sobs, your breath hitching as she wraps her arms around you from behind, burying her face in the nape of your neck.  
“I’m so sorry.” She cries, clinging onto you for dear life, her tears running down your scarred back.  
You turn in her hold, wrapping your arms tightly around her, the woman burying her face in your neck as she cries.  
“This is all my fault.” She sniffs, realizing that you hadn’t had the scars you do before the two of you had stopped being friends.  
You shake your head, your chin resting on the top of her head.  
“It isn’t. I’m sorry it took me so long to realize that.” You whisper, ducking down to kiss her head.  
Alex pulls back, her watery blue orbs locking with your equally watery Y/E/C’s.  
“It is Y/N!” She cries, searching your face intently.  
“You didn’t have these before we stopped being friends.” She says, whimpering as she takes in your scars again.  
“No.” She says, shaking her head rapidly.  
“If I would’ve just told you how I felt, you wouldn’t have these.” She sniffles, your eyes widening, and brows furrowing.  
“What do you mean?” You ask, staring closely at the woman’s face, noting the way her throat bobs.  
“Come on, Al.” You whisper, gently placing your hands on her waist.  
“You can tell me anything.” You say, repeating the words she’d said on the playground so long ago.  
Much to your surprise, she stares at you blankly for a moment before leaning in, your breath catching as her lips meet yours.  
The butterflies that recently began to stir, burst to life as you kiss your childhood best friend, something you’d wanted to do for so long.  
Your lips lock, the kiss stimulating every one of your nerve endings.  
You never wanted it to end, you never wanted to stop kissing Alex Morgan.  
She sighs against your lips as you kiss passionately, feelings the two of you had for so long now revealed. 
Reluctantly, you part, Alex’s forehead resting against yours as you catch your breath.  
“Wow.” You whisper, smiling when Alex leans in for another kiss, this one softer, and shorter than the one you’d just shared.   
Alex’s mouth opens and closes for a few seconds before she clears her throat.  
“I didn’t know how to tell you back then how I felt, I was scared, I thought if I pushed you away, the feelings would go away, but they didn’t.”  
She cups your cheeks, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.  
“They never went away, because I love you, Y/N.” She confesses, your eyes doubling in size, your heart skipping a beat.  
“I always have, I just never knew how to say it...”  
She licks her lips, inhaling deeply before continuing.  
“When I saw you walking across the field, those feelings came flooding back.”  
She rests her forehead against yours.  
“I love you Y/N, I always have, and I always will.”  
The room falls silent, the woman in front of you baring her entire soul to you, the knowledge that she’d felt the same making your stomach lurch with excitement.  
You lean in, pressing a feather light kiss to her lips.  
“I love you too, Al.” You whisper, Alex smiling against your lips as she throws her arms around your neck, kissing you passionately, the feel of her lips against yours something she couldn't get enough of.  
The kisses remain tame, the urge to turn them into something more not present in any sense, the two of you catching up on the tender and loving kisses you’d missed when growing up.  
You again, reluctantly part, your arms wrapping tightly around Alex, the forward burying her nose in the crook of your neck.  
Unfortunately, your lips part in a lengthy, and loud yawn, the woman in your arms giggling as she leans back, leaning in to peck your lips before stepping out of your embrace.  
“We should get some sleep, huh?” She asks and you nod, making your way towards your suitcase and grabbing the shirt you’d first intended to put on.  
“Wait.” Alex whispers, placing her hand gently on your back so as to not scare you.  
You turn to face her, a single brow arched as she motions to the shirt in your hands.  
“Keep it off.” She says your throat bobbing as your eyes dart from Alex’s blue orbs to the shirt and back. 
You hum, dropping the shirt before grabbing a few things from your suitcase and nodding to the bathroom.  
“I’ll be right back.” You smile, pecking her lips before disappearing into the bathroom.  
Alex, meanwhile, makes her way towards her own suitcase, slipping into a pair of shorts and a tank top just as you’re moving out of the bathroom.  
She turns towards you, noting the way you shuffle on your feet, a sports bra covering your upper torso and a pair of sweats hugging your hips.  
She holds her hand out, motioning towards one of the beds, your cheeks flushing at the silent invitation. 
Nervously, you make your way towards her, her hand immediately settling on your bare stomach before she nods towards the bed.  
“Do you want to share?” She asks in an uncertain whisper. 
You gently take her chin between your thumb and index finger, tilting her head upwards until her blue orbs meet your Y/E/C’s.  
“I’d love nothing more.”  
Eventually, you turn the overhead light off, and shuffle into bed, the flickering TV the only thing bringing some source of light to the room.  
Alex leans back, her blue orbs dragging down your front, taking in the scars covering your chest.  
Your breath hitches in your throat when she ducks down, gently kissing a long scar running along your collarbone before turning her attention to the others she can reach.  
Your eyes flutter shut, the feel of her lips a complete contrast to what it felt like to get the scars in the first place.  
You can feel the tears streaming down your cheeks before you realize you’re crying. 
Alex pulls away from you, tears forming in her own eyes when she sees you’re crying.  
She cups your cheeks, pressing a tender, and loving kiss to your lips.  
“Shhhhh.” She coos, her fingers running through your hair as you bury your face in her neck.  
It isn’t long before you fall silent, falling fast asleep, tear tracks visible on your face as your childhood best friend holds you tightly.  
She ducks down, kissing the top of your head, a hum leaving you as you snuggle closer.  
“I love you Y/N, and I’m not going anywhere, no matter what.”  
The remainder of the journey is uneventful, Alex’s hand in yours more often than not, the woman kissing you tenderly any chance she got, realizing how much the feel of her lips against yours calmed you.  
Before you realize it, you’re passing the sign informing you that you’d made it, you’d made it to the place that held so many awful memories for you.  
You cling to Alex’s hand tightly, the woman noting the feel of your clammy palm against hers.  
“We’re here.” She whispers and you nod, your chest tightening.  
“Y-Y-Yeah...” You stammer, the air within the car becoming less and less until you feel as if you’re unable to breathe.  
Alex almost immediately pulls to the side of the road, gently cupping your cheeks, her forehead resting against yours.  
“It’s alright.” She whispers, taking your hand and pressing it against her own chest.  
“Try to match me.”  
You whimper, tears running down your face, but your breathing halts entirely when you feel Alex’s lips pressing against yours.  
You slowly part, noting the fact that your anxiety attack had been stopped dead in its tracks, your breathing slowly returning to normal.  
“Are you okay?” She says softly, her lips brushing yours as she whispers.  
Your eyes flutter shut, the tightness in your chest ebbing slightly, but not entirely going away, you knew what you had to do to get it to go away, and that was to confront your father.  
“I have to confront him before I’ll be okay.” You confess, Alex kissing your lips again before turning her attention to the road.  
“Well, let’s go do that.”  
Alex takes your hand, her fingers intertwining with yours as you stand outside the hospital where your father and mother are, the aforementioned woman making her way towards you, tears in her eyes.  
“Y/N...” She says, opening her arms, but quickly realizing the last thing she’d get was a hug from you, especially considering Alex had stepped partially in front of you, her protective side warming your heart considerably.  
Your mother comes to a stop, her throat bobbing.  
“I understand.” She says and your nostrils flare.  
“Where is he?” You say curtly, Alex gently squeezing your hand, earning a squeeze in return.  
Your mother frowns before nodding to the hospital.  
“This way.”  
Your mother didn’t even attempt to make small talk on the way to the room, she knew you weren’t there to embrace her and forgive her for everything she didn’t do when you were growing up.  
Alex’s hand remained in yours, even as your grip on her hand became painful, she didn’t let go.  
You needed an anchor, and she would be that anchor, for as long as you needed and as long as you would let her.  
Your mother comes to a stop outside one of the many hospital rooms before turning towards you, her hands clasped in front of her.  
“He’s in here.” She says, unable to look you in the eye.  
“Please, try not to upset him, he doesn’t have much time left.”  
Your lip's part, your nostrils flaring angrily, before you can speak however, Alex beats you to it.  
“Yeah, because he cared so much about not upsetting Y/N when she was growing up.” She bites, your mother having the decency to look remorseful.  
She didn’t abuse you, she never hit you, but she allowed it, and it was that thought that made you keep distance between the two of you, you weren’t about to forgive the woman who stood aside while your father scarred your body and beat you senseless.  
She simply nods before stepping aside, motioning towards the room, knowing full well that the visit wasn’t going to go how your father expected.  
You come to a stop, your chest tightening at the thought of seeing the man again, your free hand beginning to shake.  
Alex turns you towards her, the woman cupping your cheek with her free hand, the other in a vice grip.  
“I’ve got you. I’m not going anywhere.” She whispers, resting her forehead against your own.  
You nod, your throat bobbing.  
“Promise?” You whisper, your voice noticeably cracking.  
Alex smiles, closing the distance between you, her lips lightly meeting your own.  
Your mother meanwhile is unable to keep herself from smiling, happy in the knowledge that you had someone to care for you, unlike she had when you were growing up.  
You give Alex a barely visible nod, the woman taking your hand and stepping through the doorway with you, partially in front of you in a protective gesture. 
“There she is.”  
You come to a screeching halt, your eyes darting towards your father who’s resting in the hospital bed, looking much smaller than he did when you were growing up.  
“Well, aren’t you going to give your old man a hug?” He asks, his eyes still holding a hint of the anger you saw all the years ago.  
“No.” You say curtly, leading Alex further into the room, your hands now full-on sweating, your face flushed.  
“Why not?” He asks, his voice having an edge to it.  
“Why?” You ask, laughing humorlessly.  
You stare at the man blankly, realizing he had deluded himself into thinking you had no reason for not coming over and hugging him.  
“Are you kidding me?” Alex snarls, the woman taken aback when you move towards his bed.  
“Maybe because you spent my childhood beating the hell out of me?!” You roar, knowing your voice could be heard rooms away.  
His lips part, the man about to say something but you don’t care, rolling your sleeves up and showing him the scars on your arms.  
“Maybe this is why?” You yell, unbuttoning your shirt hastily, uncaring that you were basically standing in the hospital room wearing only a sports bra.  
Your mother is unable to stop her breath from hitching when she sees the scarred flesh of your torso.  
“Maybe this is why, DAD.” You say, your voice dripping with contempt. 
Your father remains silent, the anger you’d typically seen burning in his eyes still there growing. 
“I just wanted to see you before I go.” He growls, and you scoff.  
“Well, here I am.” You say, throwing your hands in the air, Alex watching in something akin to awe as you confront your abuser.  
“I’m not going to give you a big hug, and I’m not going to tell you I’ll miss you, because I won’t.” You bite, noting the jumping in your father’s jaw.  
“How dare you— 
“How dare I?” You bark out a laugh.  
“How dare you think I should come here and just forgive you, just forget what you did to me growing up, how dare YOU.” You yell, cut off by a nearby nurse.  
“Is something wrong?” She asks, her brows knitted in confusion.  
Alex turns to her.  
“This has been a long time coming, she needs this, let it happen.” She whispers, the woman shaking her head. 
“I never said I was sorry.” Your father mumbles and you’re unable to stop yourself from laughing.  
“Of course you didn’t, because you never felt bad for beating me.” You shake your head, the nurse, surprisingly, backing out of the room.  
“Well, you didn’t break me, you didn’t win.” You say, your hands balling into fists.  
“I came here to tell you that, and now that I did, I can move on with my life.” You say, turning towards Alex before leaving the room hastily, leaning against the wall outside of the room.  
Alex turns to your father, the man shooting her a glare, a glare she returns, her blue orbs smoldering.  
“You tried so hard to break her, but it didn’t work. She’s one of the best women I know, and I love her, more than you ever did, more than either of you ever did.” She snarls angrily, glancing at your mother who’s staring at the floor.  
“She’s better than either of you, she rose above your abuse and became an amazing and talented woman, someone I’m proud to call my girlfriend.” She says confidently, your eyes widening when you realize what Alex had just said.  
“Of course, as if she couldn’t disappoint me more.” Your father growls in reference to the fact that you and Alex were together.  
Your hands ball into fists, the thought of walking in and jacking his jaw prominent.  
“We don’t need your approval; we don’t want it.” She says, walking closer to the bed, the nurse who’d come in earlier coming towards you along with another nurse.  
“Y/N is a better person than you could ever hope be.” She growls, turning to make her way out of the room, shooting a glare over her shoulder.  
“I'm proud of her for coming here, for saying what she needed to say, and I know I put distance between the two of us growing up, but I’m going to be there for her no matter what, more than you ever were.”  She says before making her way out of the room, zeroing in on where you were leaning against a nearby wall.  
She hastily makes her way towards you, throwing her arms around you, squeezing you tightly.  
Unbeknownst to you, your mother had followed you out, wearing a frown.  
“I asked you not to upset him.”  
Alex relinquishes her hold on you, the two of you sending the older woman a piercing glare.  
“Well, I asked you to be there for me growing up, and you weren’t. Looks like neither of us got what we wanted.” You say, taking Alex’s hand, the nurses making their way towards you coming to a halt.  
“Don’t worry.” You say, glancing at the women.  
“We’re leaving.” You say, turning towards your mother.  
“The only reason you need to call me again is to tell me he’s dead.” You say, turning on your heels, and making your way down the hallway, Alex’s hand holding yours tightly. 
It’s only when you’re walking out of the hospital’s entrance that you break down, falling to your knees, your body wracked with sobs.  
Alex drops down beside you, wrapping her arms tightly around you as you sob loudly against her chest, the relief of finally telling your father how you felt, making you emotional.  
“You did it, Y/N. I’m so proud of you.” Alex whispers, running her fingers through your hair as she coos softly in your ear.  
You sniffle, tears streaming down your face, your nose running as you cry against her chest.  
Eventually, you fall silent, your body twitching every so often as you sniff.  
You pull back, your bloodshot Y/E/C orbs meeting Alex’s red rimmed blues.  
She cups your cheeks, leaning her forehead against your own.  
“How do you feel?” She asks as you breathe in deep, filling your lungs with air, your chest no longer feeling as tight as it did.  
You sigh, cupping her cheeks, wiping the tears Alex didn’t realize were streaming down her cheeks away. 
“Lighter.” You say softly, bumping your nose against Alex’s.  
You fall silent before your lips split in a grin.  
“Girlfriend, huh?” You tease, her cheeks flushing.  
“I-I mean...” She stutters, cut off by your lips meeting hers in a tender, chaste kiss.  
“I do like the sound of that.” You smile, Alex throwing her arms around you, giving you a tight squeeze.  
The two of you eventually make your way towards Alex’s car, your chest feeling lighter than it ever had before.  
“I’m so proud of you.” Alex says as she slips into the driver’s seat.  
You turn back towards the hospital, staring up at the hospital where your mother and father currently were, an abusive man you’d finally told how you felt, a demon from your past that you’d finally faced and conquered.  
You smile, slipping in the passenger's seat beside Alex, the woman immediately taking your hand.  
“You know.” You pause, turning towards Alex who’s wearing a tender smile.  
Your own lips split in a grin.  
“I’m proud of me too.” 
It’s nearly two years later that you find yourself back in your hometown, rain pouring down around you as you stand at your father’s grave.  
You stare down at the stone stoically, noting the fact that it doesn’t say anything about being a loving father, but only a loving husband.  
Your eyes widen when a dark shadow falls over you, a shadow belonging to an umbrella, an umbrella Alex Morgan is currently holding.  
You take her hand, your fingertips brushing the ring wrapped around her ring finger, a ring you’d proposed to her with not that long ago.  
Life had torn you apart, creating a distance between you so vast that you were not sure if the gap would be bridged, but it was also life that brought you together again.  
It was life that led Alex to confess her feelings for you, and life that led you to where you currently were now, standing in the middle of the graveyard, your hand in Alex’s, the band of her engagement ring cold against your palm.  
You turn towards her, smiling softly.  
“Are you ready?” You ask, her brows arching when she turns towards you.  
“Are you?” She asks, squeezing your hand as you turn back to the stone, nodding. 
“Yeah, I am.”  
Alex turns, her fingers intertwining with yours as you make your way back towards her car.  
You chance one last look over your shoulder, staring at your father’s stone again before turning away, eager to start your life with the woman currently holding your hand, your chest feeling lighter than it ever had before.  
After all these years, you were finally free, and you were free to live your life with the woman you loved, and that woman was your childhood best friend, and fiancé, Alex Morgan.  
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Needy Girl
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Emily Prentiss x reader x Alex Blake Warnings: language, alcohol, smut, threesome, strap on, mommy kink, daddy kink, a hint of degradation, teasing, tiny hint of cum play, breeding kink, face fucking.
Emily often extended the invitation out to you when she went out for drinks with the team after work, it just wasn’t often enough that your schedules actually lined up so you could go. Or it was late enough you were already home, showered and in cozy clothes with your make up off and leaving the couch was the last thing you wanted to do. But today, she’d managed to catch you right as you were itching for something to do. That, and you hadn’t been out with the team in ages, it was probably overdue.
Even with a little heads up you still arrived after them, you were intrigued, knowing there was a new agent you had yet to meet. Emily kept her personal life relatively private, even from coworkers, so you figured she hadn’t mentioned a partner to the new one. You dug through your mind to try and remember the name Em had mentioned to you and all you could come up with was Blake, completely unsure if it was a first name, last name, woman or man.
Penelope saw you first, letting out an excited squeal as she leaped toward you for a huge hug, kissing both your cheeks.
“Oh my goodness sugar plum! It has been way too long!”
“I know!” You apologized, “work’s just been crazy, lots of overnights.”
“Eck, gross.” She replied and you laughed, letting her drag you over to the table.
Despite your own girlfriend being at said table, Penelope took the lead on distracting everyone and introducing you to Alex Blake. You smiled softly at the woman, shaking her hand when she extended hers and did your best not to blush at the warmth that shot through you the moment her fingers touched your skin. There was a grin on her lips, a spark in her eyes that made you feel things while Penelope rattled off various facts about the two of you to each other, humble brags and boosting both of you up. Behind the barrier of the table Emily pinched at your ass, garnering your attention,
“I need a refill; you want a beer?”
“Uh..” you scrunched your nose in that way she adored, “I think gin tonight, please?”
“Course.” She shot you a grin before she disappeared into the crowd, one that you knew meant it was completely okay to get to know Alex, that you would have your own private reunion once you were home with her.
Your drink was slipped in front of you only a moment later, you tossed Emily a smile before taking a sip, turning back to Alex’s conversation. You couldn’t lie, you were incredibly intrigued with everything she had to say, especially the way her eyes sparkled while she talked. You caught yourself laughing over jokes, getting closer to her as you did while the rest of the team seemed to melt away. A few of them convinced into a game of pool, two more roped into some darts while the others were out on the prowl, Emily slipping away into the sea of people within the bar.
Alex shifted closer to you, her arm brushing against yours, lingering for a moment to test the waters, smiling softly when you didn’t move away. The conversation continued, slipping into a deeper flirtation, remarks that had your cheeks heating, little giggles escaping your lips that Alex couldn’t get enough of, wondering what other kinds of noises she could get out of you. Figuring she’d teased enough for the moment; she turned back to general chit chat.
“So… how do you know Garcia?” Alex asked and you chuckled, ducking your gaze and she boldly brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
“I’m a nurse. I’ve had a handful of patients who were either from the BAU or victims from their cases.”
“You ever wanna tease him, Morgan’s a real bitch when it comes to stitches. And his aftercare of injuries is terrible, a bad boy.” You grinned and she laughed. The sound reached your ears like silk and you grinned up at her.
“I’ll remember that.” She smirked at you, “and what about you, are you a good girl?”
You gulped, feeling your heart rate pick up as you went to suck at your drink. Unfortunately you found it empty, glancing up at Alex, “I try to be.” You squeaked out and the look on her face made you about dissolve on the spot, “Imma grab another drink.”
You lifted the empty glass as a sign and scurried away to the bar, feeling your eyes on her as you did so. You locked eyes with Emily who raised a brow and you let out a breath, relaxing yourself and risked a glance over your shoulder, catching Alex staring at your ass. You grinned, feeling your confidence boosting and winked at her, watching as her cheeks tinged a light shade of pink before she took a sip of her beer.
Emily was on the far side of the oval shaped bar, discreetly watching the entire thing go down, facing the table the team had originally been at. You rounded the bar, leaning up against it beside her while you waited for the bartender to refill your drink.
“Looks like someone’s having fun.” Emily mused, sipping at her beer.
“Seems someone failed to mention how pretty the new girl was.” You teased back and she chuckled.
“Why do you think I’ve been trying to get you out for drinks since she started?”
“Are you sure she’s even interested?” You asked.
“You kidding me?” Emily pushed off the bar, moving so she had one arm around you, hand on the bar caging you between it and her. “Are you telling me you haven’t spent the last hour flirting with her? Or are you saying I’m blind?” She kissed at your shoulder, eyes glancing up across the room to Alex, “she’s certainly staring.” She murmured, placing another kiss further up your neck, “the way she’s been watching you? The tiny flash of disappointment when she realized you belong to daddy?” In the distance, Alex titled her head, amused smirk on her lips as she turned back to the table. Emily nipped at your earlobe, husking against it, “now why don’t you go let her know that I don’t mind sharing.”
“Really?” You breathed, trying to remain on earth as Emily’s hands began to wander, squeezing at your ass.
“Of course princess. You always look so much prettier stuffed with two cocks.” She spanked you gently, nudging you back in the direction of the table and you scooped up your drink, slinking back through the room to Alex.
“It appears I owe you an apology.” Alex chuckled as you returned to the table.
“I didn’t realize you and Prentiss were a thing. I wouldn’t have been so bold otherwise.”
“It’s alright.” You looked up to her with a grin, stepping close enough that you could smooth out the collar of her shirt, “daddy likes to share as long as I’m a good girl. Says I look so pretty on my knees that everyone should see it.”
“I’ll bet you look absolutely gorgeous.” Alex’s hand trailed up your side, fingers tracing your collarbone, up your neck until they curled under your chin, “think it’s safe to say you’d look stunning with mommy’s juices smeared all over those pretty lips.” Your breath caught in your throat, heat surging through your body as your pussy fluttered, so lost in Alex’s eyes and words you didn’t hear Emily come up behind you until her hand was on your hips and her lips met your shoulder.
“Okay…” she laughed, “how about we get out of here before you make a scene angel? I’d hate to have to punish you in front of our guest.”
Emily’s apartment wasn’t far from the bar, she was offering both of you drinks as you settled in, shoes, coats and bags being dropped by the door. You’d accepted the glass of whiskey, wandering through the open kitchen and living room, flicking on some music to fill the air, you were well aware of the other two women in the kitchen whispering, their eyes on you as if they were stalking their prey. There was no doubt the two of them were going to be in charge tonight, you were just wondering how far Emily was going to push things in front of a someone she worked with. You’d played around your fair share when it came to kinks and testing your limits, not that it came out every time she fucked you, but considering you were adding in a third player just to start off with, you knew there’d be some fun times ahead.
“She’s all yours.” Emily whispered over the rim of her glass.
“Any words I should be aware of?” Alex asked, glancing between Emily and you as she took a sip.
“Kiwi.” Emily chuckled, “and I’ll tell you right now, any kind of blindfolds are a no. Though she does love to be roughed up a bit, likes bites that leaves a mark the next day and god is she ever a cum slut.”
“Well with a partner like you that doesn’t surprise me.” Alex shot back and Emily’s loud laugh gained your attention, glancing over your shoulder at the two of them, brow raised in suspicion.
“Nothing you need to worry about angel.” Emily smirked before her voice lowered again, “go ahead, I’m content watching you torture the poor girl for a bit.”
“I’m starting to think you’re a bit cruel Agent Prentiss.” She muttered back with a grin, pulling a dark chuckle from Emily.
You could already feel your heart rate picking up the moment Alex moved from beside the kitchen island, sauntering over to you. She plucked the now nearly empty glass from your hand, placing it down on a side table as she looked you over, soft smile on her face.
“Such a pretty girl.” She cooed, fingers tickling at your jaw, curling under your chin to tilt your gaze up to her, “are you going to behave for mommy?”
Your eyes widened, breath completely caught in your throat as it took you a minute to truly absorb what she’d said, Emily’s laugh from the kitchen falling on deaf ears, Alex was surrounding you in all senses. You nodded, “y—yes. I’ll be good.”
“Good.” The hand on your chin slid up your cheek, thumb rubbing at your cheek as her fingers wrapped around your head, tangling into your hair and she stepped toward you, lips finally meeting yours.
It was almost softer than you’d expected, her lips gently moving against yours until she found the right rhythm. Your hands slid up her body, resting on her shoulders while her free arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you tight to her. You let out a soft sigh into the kiss and she took advantage of your parted lips, tongue slipping into your mouth to begin to explore. She began to slowly back up until her knees hit the back of the couch, dropping against it and gently pulling you into her lap, her lips not leaving yours once.
You settled in her lap, a tiny moan escaping your lips when her hands ran up your thighs, tickling at the skin between your waistband and the bottom of your shirt. One hand trailed up your back, tangling into your hair and she wrapped your locks around her fingers, pulling tightly and this moan was louder than the last as you broke the kiss. Alex chuckled, her lips forming a smirk at the way your head fell back, your hips rocking down against her as you moaned again. Leaning forward she licked across your collarbone, her tongue making a pathway to your pulse point where she bit down, hard, and you cried out in pleasure. Her lips made home against your neck, kissing, sucking and biting at your supple skin and you began to whine.
“Looks like someone’s needy.” Emily jeered, moving from the kitchen and rounding the couch so she was behind you, her fingers tickling at your body, “why don’t you let mommy see how fucking pretty you are?”
You let out another moan as Alex’s teeth scraped the skin of your neck, her hands softly cupping at your chest through your shirt before Emily’s hands grasped the hem of it, pulling it off your head. It was only a moment later that Alex’s lips returned to your own, tongue plunging into your mouth while Emily made quick work of your bra, eager to show you off to your guest.
“Isn’t she pretty?” She purred, stepping back from the couch to scoop her drink up off the coffee table and settle into one of the arm chairs.
Reluctantly Alex pulled away from the kiss, breathless as she sank into the couch, her eyes raking over your topless form before glancing to the other woman.
“Christ you are incredibly lucky.” She glanced to Emily before stroking your cheek, “you’re gorgeous, sweet girl….”
“I’m particularly fond of the piercings.” Emily mused, “she has a pair with blue jewels that just look so pretty on her skin.”
“I can imagine…”
“They’re fun to play with. She quite likes it.”
“Have a feeling she just likes being played with no matter what.” Alex chuckled.
“She does like being used, don’t you princess?”
You glanced over to Emily to reply but in the same moment Alex’s lips wrapped around one of your nipples and you gasped, your hand coming to cup the back of her head. Her tongue played with the jewelry, lapping around it before flicking at your nipple, her teeth gently sinking into the skin of your breast.
“Oh god mommy…” you moaned, your hips grinding down against her and she chuckled.
“Should we maybe get you somewhere more comfortable?” She asked, eyes dark as she looked up at you, “somewhere daddy can watch you get all relaxed? I know she’d like to see just how good I can make you feel.”
“Mmhmm.” You whined out, nodding at her as your eyes widened, begging wordlessly.
“Well?” She glanced up to Emily who smirked.
“I said, she’s all yours. Warm the slut up for my cock, use her how you want to.”
Alex grinned, kissing you gently before her hands grasped your hips, pushing you from her lap and wrapping an arm around your waist while she stood, “show me to the bedroom darling.”
Emily trailed behind the two of you, still happily sipping at her drink just watching, by the time she got into the bedroom Alex had gotten you out of your pants, hands groping at your ass as she kissed you again. You were a whining mess already, thighs rubbing together as your panties dampened, your fingers toying with the hem of her shirt, eager to tug it over her head. Behind you Emily settled in the chair across from the foot of the bed, a small chuckle leaving her lips.
“She thinks you’re wearing too many clothes.” She pointed out and it was Alex’s turn to laugh as she pulled away from your lips, a smirk on hers as she noticed the neediness in your eyes.
“Suppose we could make that happen.”
Her tiny nod was all you needed before tugging at her shirt, tossing it to the floor, watching with hungry eyes as she undid her bra, letting it fall to the ever growing pile. She noticed the way you tugged your lower lip into your mouth, the way your eyes were raking over her newly exposed skin, her finger curling under your chin to gain your gaze once again.
“You’re so beautiful….” You murmured.
“Go ahead… you can touch.”
Your hands reached out, starting at her waist, wrapping gently around her skin before sliding upwards, thumbs brushing over her nipples. You groped at her chest, a breathy sigh leaving her lips and you closed the distance between the two of you, lips meeting her neck. You started out with just little kisses as you continued playing with her tits, sucking on the tender skin before your teeth ever so gently bit into her neck. Alex began to copy your motions on your own chest, toying with the piercings, rolling your nipples between her finger and thumb. You pinched at hers right as you bit into her pleasure point and she moaned loudly,
“Just knew you’d make mommy feel good.” Wrapping her hand into your hair she pulled you off her neck, nudging you backwards, “let’s get you on the bed, I want to see that pretty pussy.”
You dropped onto the bed with a bounce, catching Emily’s gaze on your tits as they swayed, the jewelry catching the low light in the room. She was still sat across from the bed, her legs spread in the chair, drink in one hand while the other slowly started to undo her button up, exposing the red lace bra underneath. Your attention was quickly redirected to Alex when she palmed you through the lace between your legs,
“Such a needy girl, you’ve ruined your panties already darling.” You weren’t expecting her to wrap her mouth around you, sucking through the fabric, letting out a groan into your body, “and tastes so sweet too.” Your head dropped back into the pillows when she sucked at you again and you let out a quiet moan.
“What do you say?” Emily’s stern voice broke through your pleasure and your eyes flicked open, glancing down to Alex perched between your legs, mouth still on your covered cunt.
“Th- thank you.”
“Good girl.” Alex praised, nipping your inner thigh while her fingers slipped into the waist band of your thong, tugging it down your legs to toss behind her.
She settled back between your legs, kitten licking at your pussy as you breathed out a moan above her, your hand tangling into her hair. Her tongue swept through your folds, flicking at your clit and a grin broke out on her lips when your hips rocked up to the touch. She moved back down to your entrance, tongue slipping in, pulling out as much of your wetness as she could, truly tasting you and you shuddered in pleasure, aching for more. Her mouth moved with grace and expertise around you, knowing exactly what she was doing to pull you higher and higher, your breath picking up with each suck of her lips. Her tongue flicked at you again before her lips wrapped around your clit, sucking the nub into her mouth a few times before she popped off it, sitting up between your legs.
“Such a pretty girl.” She praised, hands softly rubbing up and down your thighs, spreading you legs wider for her.
“Please…” You whined, hands roaming up your body, pinching at your tits, “more…” Emily snorted from her spot at the foot of the bed, standing from the chair, dropping her shirt in her spot.
“Don’t be dumb princess, you know you don’t get to come until she has.”
Your eyes followed her as she moved through the room, her bra dropping to the floor before she slipped out of her pants. You gasped suddenly when Alex’s hands returned to your dripping cunt, one finger easily sliding into your heat.
“Fuck…” you moaned, your eyes fluttering shut once again.
Alex’s finger pumped, twirling around within you before she added a second one, twisting and curling slowly until she found the sensitive spot inside you, a loud moan leaving your lips when she did.
“God such pretty noises.” She murmured.
“Just wait til you hear her scream.” Emily laughed and you heard the tell tale sound of the bedside table opening.
Alex chuckled at the other woman’s words right as she slid a third finger into your pussy and you cried out, hips bucking up to the touch. Your body was prickling with heat, pleasure swirling through you as it began to build deep within you. Alex’s fingers moved inside you, just enough to work you up but knowingly not enough to get you to your peak. Her fingers suddenly slipped out of you and you let out a whimper, your eyes shooting open as your lips formed a pout. Your breath caught in your throat as you were met with the sight of Emily strapped up at the foot of the bed while Alex shifted off it so she could finally rid herself of her pants.
“C’mere.” Emily crooked her finger and you scrambled to the end of the bed, kneeling in front of her. Her hand cupped your cheek, pulling you to her for a kiss, one that her tongue sunk into your mouth almost immediately, asserting dominance before her teeth sunk into your lip, pulling a whine from you as she let it pop back, “you’re gonna be a nice little slut for us, right?”
“Yes daddy.”
“Good girl.” She cooed, “now, what do you want?”
“Want your cock daddy.” You practically whined, feeling your pussy clench around nothing and Emily tsk’d, her hand darting out to pinch your nipple.
“We have a guest princess; you know the rules. She gets to come before you do.”
You glanced up towards Alex, your tongue darting out to wet your lips while your eyes dragged over her now naked form, “can I taste you?”
“Of course sweetheart.” Her hand caressed at your cheek and you nuzzled into it, accepting the gentle kiss she laid on your lips as she crawled back onto the bed, nestling into the pillows.
Her legs eagerly spread for you to settle between, hands rubbing up her legs before you leant down, lips pressing soft kisses to her inner thighs. Your tongue lapped out, swiping through her folds and she let out a soft moan, her entire body relaxing into the bed.
“That’s it sweet girl.” She praised, her hand gently tangling into your hair to have something to hold on to. Your tongue slipped into her, swirling around, pulling out her juices, your nose bumping against her clit and she moaned again feeling herself getting wetter with each stroke of your tongue.
“Little whore just loves eating pussy.” Emily commented.
“Mmhmm.” You nodded into Alex’s cunt, the vibrations from your voice rocking though her and she gasped out, hand digging into your hair, forcing your face deeper into her.
Emily grabbed your hips, pulling them up off the bed bracing you on your knees while her hands smoothed up your thighs and over the globes of your ass. She massaged at the supple skin for a moment, savouring the view of your face buried in Alex’s pussy before pinching your ass, pulling a whine from you. You pulled your face up for a gasp as Emily spanked you and you caught Alex’s eye right as your lips wrapped around her clit, sucking it into your mouth.
“Fuck!” Her head dropped back down into the pillows and your lips formed a smirk around her pulsing nub. “So good darling…”
Emily’s fingers slid through your folds, chuckling darkly at how wet you were, your juices smeared over your thighs before she slid the tip of her cock through you and you moaned into Alex’s cunt. She pushed in easily, slowly thrusting until she was completely surrounded by you and you let out a happy groan, your fingers digging into Alex’s thighs.
“Remember slut, you don’t get to come yet.” Emily warned and you nodded again, your mouth still on the other woman who let out a breathy whine at the sensation.
Emily set a steady pace, her hips snapping against yours with each thrust, her cock dragging through your walls, hitting every inch of you. You shifted your lips back up to Alex’s clit, tongue flicking at it as your hand snuck up to her pussy, easily slipping two fingers into her. You did your best to match Emily’s pace while your lips sucked at her swollen nub and you could feel her thighs beginning to tremble around you. You curled your fingers, searching for her g-spot and Alex cried out when your fingers did drag passed it.
“Oh god sweetheart.” Her hands clutched tighter into your hair, “right there…”
Alex could feel fire coursing through her body, the coil tighter and tighter within her as your fingers crooked again, hitting the spongey spot over and over while your tongue lapped at her clit. The sounds echoing through the room were lewd and wet, moans escaping your lips right into her cunt as Emily fucked into you harder. Alex’s body shook, her hips rocking up to your mouth as she moaned loudly,
“Oh fuck!” She swore, her thighs quivering around you, juices dribbling out of her as she hit her peak. Your hand slipped from her pussy, pinning one of her thighs down to the bed while your mouth left a soft kiss on her clit before sinking lower once more. You gently licked around her, sucking up as much of the wetness as you could, cleaning her up as she caught her breath. “Oh sweet girl…. you’re so fucking good at that, so good for mommy….”
“Oh god!” You moaned loudly, mouth finally free, your breath hot against Alex’s skin. Your cunt was fluttering heavily around Emily’s cock, pleasure surging through you. Emily’s fingers suddenly tangled into your hair and she yanked hard, pulling you up flush to her and you let out a whimper, your hips pushing back against her and she chuckled darkly.
“You like that don’t you, you little cock slut?”
“Yes daddy!” You moaned, “feels so good.”
“Thought so.” She grunted, her hand tugging at your hair again, tilting your head back and you gasped. She took the opportunity, tongue darting out to lick up the juices smeared on your chin before kissing you deeply, her tongue surging into your mouth while she sucked on yours, humming at the taste of Alex. Her hand shifted from your hair to your face as she broke the kiss, her thumb on your jaw keeping your mouth open so she could let the mixture of cum and saliva dribble back from her mouth into yours.
“Christ.” Alex swore quietly, having now caught her breath she was quick to sit up on her knees, caging you between her and Emily. “Look so pretty darling.” She cooed, a hand curling around your neck and pulling you to her for a kiss that you whined heavily into, the curve of Emily’s cock hitting just where you needed on every thrust.
Alex nipped at your lip before her mouth dropped to your chest, sucking a nipple into her mouth and you groaned, your head rolling back onto Emily’s shoulder. She wasn’t about to waste a perfect opportunity, her mouth making a home in the crook of your neck while she continued to fuck you, wanting you as marked and bruised as possible in the morning. You were trembling between them, so incredibly close to reaching your high and you knew if it wasn’t for Emily’s arm around your waist and Alex’s hands on your body you wouldn’t be able to stay upright. Alex’s hand trailed down your body searching out your clit and she pinched at it when she found it, pulling a gasp from you, your hips rocking between her touch and Emily’s cock. She began to rub at it in time with Emily’s thrusts, pulling whine after whine from your lips, shaky cries as you surged higher and higher.
“That’s it princess…” Emily husked, biting into your neck, “squirt around daddy’s cock, I know you want to.”
“You’re doing so good, sweet girl.” Alex’s lips brushed across your skin as she spoke, “I can tell you’re close, come for us… let go…”
“You want daddy’s cum don’t you? I know you’re a needy cum slut, you want me to breed you like the whore you are?”
“Oh god! Yes!” You cried out, between Emily’s words and cock and Alex sucking on your tits playing with your swollen clit you were shaking between them, pussy clenching down on Emily’s cock as your juices gushed around it.
“So fucking gorgeous.” Alex murmured, her tongue licking its way up your chest and the column of your neck. Emily gave her a small nod and she shifted on the bed, dropping down into the pillows once more so the other woman could shove you forward.
You let out a small gasp, hitting the bed softly, feeling Alex’s fingers beginning to play with your hair as Emily pounded into you a few more times, her hips snapping sharply against yours before she stilled with a moan, squeezing the base of the toy to shoot her cum deep into you. You let out a satisfied groan, eyes fluttering shut with pleasure at the sensation of being so full. A whimper left you when Emily pulled out and she swatted your ass in retaliation,
“None of that.”
“Oh don’t scold her.” Alex’s voice was soft, her hand stroking at your cheek and your face turned on the bed so you could look up at her through your lashes, “poor girl’s just needy.”
“You’re more than welcome to take a turn.” Emily replied with a grin, nodding toward the box of toys watching the way your eyes moved from Alex to the box and back and Alex chuckled.
“Would you like that darling? Want mommy to fuck you too?” She cooed with a small grin on her cheeks, continuing to stroke at your cheek.
“Yes please…” You nodded, shivering as your cunt fluttered at the sheer idea. Alex shifted from the bed to select the proper toy and you glanced to Emily your brow furrowing as you took in the expression on her face. Alex glanced up from you to the other woman and cocked a brow,
“I’m just trying to decide if I’m going to sit on her face and get off or if I’d rather fuck her throat.” She was looking at you while she spoke and she didn’t miss the way your eyes absolutely darkened at the second option and she let out a dark chuckle, “ohoho… you really are feeling whorish tonight aren’t you?”
“Roll over.” She demanded, walking around the bed so she was lined up with your head when you did as she asked. She grabbed your hands, yanking you so your head was resting right on the edge of the bed, able to easily drop off the side. “You know, you may be a little slut but at least you listen.”
“She is such a good girl.” Alex purred, crawling back onto the bed between your legs, her hands softly rubbing their way up your thighs as she spread them wider, fingers tracing through your dripping pussy. “Rather messy though.” She scooped up the mixture of wetness, sucking it off the tips of her fingers while letting out a pleased hum. You gasped when her hand returned to your cunt, gathering it again to smear around her cock.
“That’s what happens when you’re a needy little thing, isn’t it?” Emily redirected her gaze to you, pinching at your chin and all you could do was nod as Alex thrusted her hips, her cock sliding easily into you.
“Fuck…” You could feel each ridge of the toy as she thrusted into you, your cunt clenching around it already, still sensitive from your last orgasm. Alex grabbed one of your legs, tossing it over her shoulder so she could fuck deeper into you and you let out a louder moan, eyes fluttering shut, “oh god… don’t stop.”
“So gorgeous.” Alex murmured, her free hand sliding up your body until it cupped your chest, pinching at your nipple, earning a whimper from you as she picked up the pace. Her cock was hitting the sensitive spot inside you with each thrust, pumping deeper into you with each roll of her hips. Heat already surging through you, a shimmer of sweat coating your body as you trembled on the bed.
“Oh god!” You cried out and Emily took advantage of your open mouth, her hand wrapping around your face to keep your lips parted before sliding her cock into your mouth. You moaned around the toy, feeling it hit the back of your throat as Emily’s hand softly wrapped around your neck so she could feel it through your skin.
Alex leant forward, unable to resist getting her mouth on your skin again, the angle of her cock shifting again and your pussy clenched down around her, a muffled cry leaving your lips. Her mouth wrapped around the nipple she wasn’t playing with, tongue flicking against it before her teeth sunk into your skin. You could taste yourself on Emily, along with a hint of the flavoured lube, your tongue tracing patterns around the toy as it plunged in and out of your mouth. One of your hands reached up, wrapping around Emily’s thigh while the other one wrapped around Alex, holding her tight to you as she continued to fuck you with vigor. Hands and mouths moved with skill and ease, toying with you in the exact way to bring you to your peak.
You were a whining mess, gagging around Emily’s cock as she plunged deeper and harder into you, shaking underneath Alex’s body as her mouth swapped to the other side of your chest, hips snapping against yours faster as you soared higher. Alex could feel the way your thighs were shaking around her, the way your chest was heaving as she continued to lavish it with her mouth, her hand snuck between your bodies, rubbing furiously at your clit. Tears of pleasure pricked in the corners of your eyes as you whimpered around Emily’s cock.
“Take it so well princess.” She praised, her hand squeezing ever so lightly around your throat.
“So gorgeous while doing so too.” Alex panted, her teeth sinking into the curve of your chest once again, sucking at the supple skin in an attempt to leave a mark.
You let out a muffled cry around Emily, your body tensing, hands clenching into the two women as your pussy pulsed around Alex’s cock and your orgasm shot through you like fucking fire. Alex’s hand slipped off your clit, her lips leaving a gentle kiss on your skin as she released your leg, sitting up and slowing her thrusts. Emily plunged her cock into your lips once more, stilling as she squeezed the toy, shooting her cum into your mouth and you sucked at it until you were sure it was clean, gasping for a proper breath when her cock slipped from your lips.
“Good girl.” She cooed, her thumb wiping the stray tear from your cheek as you shuddered, yelping when Alex hit a sensitive spot inside you and she chuckled.
“Sorry sweetheart.” She softly squeezed at your thigh before pulling out, watching the mess drip onto the bedspread.
“Satisfied?” Emily asked with a grin, slipping the strap off.
“Very.” You replied with a happy sigh, finally able to properly catch your breath.
“Good.” She leant over the bed to press a gentle kiss to your lips as Alex shifted to rid herself of the strap.
“Need to get you cleaned up sweet girl.” Her hands rubbed at your legs, “how about a bath?”
“Sounds nice.” You murmured, accepting her hand as she pulled you up to sitting.
“You are rater messy.” Emily teased and you pouted in her general direction, “go, let mommy take care of you, I’ll get these sheets changed.”
Alex’s aftercare was beyond incredibly soft, her hands rarely leaving your body, slipping into the bath behind you so she could massage out your stiff joints and muscles before gently washing you. Her lips would brush against your skin every so often and you were simply putty in her hands, completely and utterly relaxed by the time the water was cooling. Emily appeared in the doorway with your favourite pyjamas, warm from the dryer and helped you get dressed, pressing a series of gentle kisses to your face while she made sure you were okay. Both of the women couldn’t help but grin at the blooming marks and bruises scattered around your body, you would certainly be remembering tonight for at least a week. Back in the bedroom Emily urged you under the covers, flicking on the television as she did so, turning to Alex,
“It’s late, you may as well stay.”
“You sure?”
“One of the reasons we have a California king.” She shrugged, reaching to the bedside table to hand you a pint of ice cream, “hungry?”
“Starving.” You murmured back, pressing a kiss to her cheek before you dug in while Alex slipped under the covers on your other side.
Between the three of you, the ice cream was gone within an hour, container placed back on the table. You were nestled into Emily’s side, Alex’s arm wrapped around your waist, fingers tangled with yours while Emily softly played with your hair, leaving gentle kisses on the top of your head. You were nearly asleep when Emily’s phone began to buzz on the bedside table and you let out an annoyed groan.
“I swear to god if that’s a case…” You weren’t even fully finished your thought when Alex’s started to go off on the other side of the bed and you grumbled.
“Sorry darling.” She chuckled, pressing a kiss to your shoulder before her hand vanished from yours and she rolled away to answer it.
“Good thing you got thoroughly fucked tonight.” Emily teased, leaning down to kiss you, “might actually make it until we’re back.”
“We?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Well, if we’re gone for longer than a couple of days there’s no limit to how needy you’ll get princess.” She slipped from under the covers, “I’ll leave my credit card, why don’t you pick out a couple of new sets, send us some pictures?”
“I do think you’d look stunning in green.” Alex murmured from the other side of the bed, leaning in to kiss you goodbye.
“Now remember, touch all you want, but you don’t get to come unless one of us says so, alright? Try to behave.”
“Yes daddy.”
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visionofvoid · 1 year
My Princess
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Summary: “is this treason?”
Warnings: nudity, suggestive themes, mild smut
Pairings: lando norris x oc
Requested: Yes/No
Word Count: 1.4k
It was quite unladylike of her to make these sounds, to be whining softly in his ear as he toyed with her, his lips taking over her neck with soft kisses and gentle bites. 
When she managed to sneak out for a posh dinner with her secret boyfriend she never imagined being snuck into his friend’s apartment to spend a night with him. It wasn’t hard to sneak out, at least as a Princess in the modern era, but it was still a pain to bypass her security. 
A small gasp emitted from Maria’s lips as he slid in, holding himself still when he was fully seated inside of her. She threw one arm around his neck, the other gripping onto the sheets beside her. He was her first anything; first date, first kiss, first ‘I love you’ and first person she had ever had sex with. It still took some getting used to months later, she was always completely forgetful of his large size. 
“Is this okay?” Lando whispered against Maria’s ear, the Princess nodding in response. They had been teasing each other all night from the moment that Maria had entered the restaurant from the back entrance to the moment Lando had snuck her into Charles’ apartment. She had been waiting all night for this. 
“Move, Lando.” Maria managed to get out as Lando went at an agonisingly slow pace. It was a wonderful feeling, of course, but she was much too needy. 
“Oh fuck! Lando is getting some.” The sudden addition of a third voice was enough to startle the two lovers, Lando pulling out almost immediately and throwing the duvet over their body. He sat up, turning to Charles in a way to sort of shield Maria from him. They hadn’t told anyone that they were together. Charles seemed to catch a glimpse of the woman in his guest bedroom with Lando, his eyes widening when he realised who she was. “Is this treason if I run around and tell everybody I just caught Lando and the Princess of Monaco in bed together?” 
Maria held the bed sheets up to her chest, looking over Lando’s body as he did his best to shield her. Charles had barged into the room after Lando had failed to join a livestream and answer all his phone calls. Lando was waiting for his apartment to be ready and had happily taken Charles up on the offer of the spare bedroom which was pretty much his own side of the Ferrari driver’s apartment. 
“How did you even sneak in here in the first place?” Charles stood in the doorway, a look of shock still present on his face as he looked between the two before turning away, embarrassed that he caught himself staring a little too long. “What!?” The man exclaimed, shaking his head and turning around. “I have to tell the boys!” 
It had been a long time coming, telling the world that the Princess of Monaco was dating a Formula One race car driver and had a secret relationship for a year at that. They had a good year of sneaking in and out of hotel rooms, secret trips together where they would post at different times to throw everyone off their course. It was hard work, incredibly draining too. 
Lando turned around in the bed, placing a soft kiss on her forehead before bouncing out of the bed, pulling his pants up from where his clothes were scattered on the floor. She was a little annoyed, she didn’t even get to cum. To death with edging. 
“I’ll be back. I’ll make sure he won’t say anything, I promise.” Maria couldn’t even get a word out before he ran out after Charles. She let out a sigh, throwing herself back onto the soft mattress and linen covered pillow cases before she too decided to get out of bed and follow her boyfriend. 
Maria knew that the boys (the boys being George, Pierre, Alex, Charles and Lando as a collective) would either believe Charles’ word over Lando’s or they would just think it was some silly prank the two temporary roommates were trying to play on the others. Maria felt bad, she knew it was usually a night where the boys would live stream but she was to head out of the country for a few weeks with her family and wanted to spend one last night with Lando. 
“Everyone we found a wild Lando but we must postpone our livestream until, uh, until tomorrow night due to personal reasons.” Maria had put on her panties and Lando’s shirt as she made her way out of the bedroom, walking towards the other side of the apartment where she heard the chatter coming from. Charles sat in his chair, set up on one side of the room as Maria peered in around the door frame, blushing when she saw Lando’s bright red face. His hands were over his face as he was clearly trying to hide his embarrassment and contain his laughter. The other boys on the screen were all confused as to why the live stream was ending but read the private messages they received from Charles a moment later. 
Slowly, one by one, they all accepted Charles’ call into a private video chat, wanting answers from Lando. Charles went to speak, tell the group of friends what he saw, the news he had but Lando bounded over and slapped his hand over the driver’s lips, the boys laughing through the screen. 
“I have big news!” Charles managed to call out throughout his struggle with Lando, finally pushing him off. He stood beside Charles defeated. Maria was honestly surprised that Lando hadn’t confessed to her friends sooner, and she had made sure he knew that. She had only told one person, her closest friend Cressida who was a French model. “I caught Lando with a girl.”
“Are you sure it wasn’t a doll, mate?” 
“Lando can’t talk to girls, he just laughs awkwardly at them.” Well, Alex’s joke wasn’t entirely wrong. 
Fuck it. They had been together a year and she knew how much Lando loved her, why not tell some of his closest friends. She walked through the doorway, Charles quickly looking away, embarrassed to have caught the youngest member of the royal family of his home country naked in bed with a close friend. Lando noticed Charles’ beet red face and turned, relaxing at the sight of Maria but also incredibly nervous. 
“You don’t have to.” Lando whispered, glancing to the screens to see that she was not yet in the frame that the other boys could see her. 
“He’s delusional, he's talking to himself now.” A chorus of laughter sounded through the room making Maria giggle a little. “Oh shit. It sounds like there is a girl there.” Maria came up behind Lando and lifted her head to sit on his shoulders, placing herself in the middle of Lando and Charles. She watched as the faces of all the boys on the screen went from smug to a look of shock. 
“He bagged the Princess of Monaco?” Pierre was the first to speak up. 
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry, Your highness? Majesty? Fuck!” Alex looked as if he was having an internal battle with himself. 
“Maria is just fine.” It was the first time she had ever heard of the boys being this quiet. 
“How much is he paying you?” George broke the silence, looking into the camera with a rather serious facial expression, the only hint of a joke being the slight twitch at the lips.
“Not enough if you ask me” Maria sent a playful wink back to the boys and turned to Lando, whispering in his ear. “I’m going back to bed. It was lovely briefly meeting you all. Charles, apologies for having you catch me in such a compromising position. You tell anyone what you saw and you will be dealt with appropriately.” He gulped in his chair, nodding as Maria walked away, waving goodbye. 
“She is frightening.” Charles mumbled as the boys laughed. 
“So, tell us everything. How long have you been together? How did this happen?” George asked the questions on everyone else’s mind. 
“A year. And it’s been the best year of my life.” Maria blushed as she waited just outside of the doorway and out of view. It melted her heart to hear the words come from Lando’s mouth, especially when he was talking to some of the most important people in his life. 
But, he was right. It was the best year of her life too and she hoped there were many more to come.
sorry big time i majorly suck at lando stuff but i hope i did the request justice!
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12-seconds-to-live · 1 year
How do we say goodbye?
pairing - f1drivers/2022
summary - this is pt2 of “How do I say goodbye?” 
warnings -  mentions of death, explicit language, description of a crash.
word count: 1.255
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“I wonder if I was in a coma, who would visit me in the hospital?”
For the drivers, hearing that letter was something, to imagine a member of their family thinking about their goodbye was not very common. Inexplicable and sad.
Everyone was in the hospital waiting to enter your room and see you, to dedicate words that without knowing if they would do any good, help you heal, wake up, laugh with them at the jokes, comfort them when they thought they would lose you or at least say goodbye.
How to say goodbye?
"Good morning, are you all related to Miss Brooks? - a chorused yes was heard in the waiting room. "Well, please, the first person may enter, take as much time as you need."
Between them they all exchanged glances, they had never heard a doctor say such a thing, considering 19 people in the waiting room. Lando and Alex sat with tears about to come out of their eyes. Daniel turned his gaze to the door of your room and walked in. For Daniel, being the soul of the group by always having a smile on his face is an incredible quality but seeing you on that gurney with lots of wires, a breathing mask and no trace of your cheerful look and contagious smile broke his heart. What could he say? It's like losing your little sister. He pulled a chair closer to you and took your hand, cold and without a trace of warmth.
  "I'm afraid, afraid of losing you, much more afraid of leaving Formula 1. You always know what to say and how to make us laugh. You're not afraid of what people will say about you. We are not best friends like you are with Alex but I don't know what my life would be...our life without you" Daniel felt the tears falling and uncontrollably "I'm sorry but..... Please fight and recover, I will wait for you to show you Perth as you have always wanted, accompany you in your next podiums and live life" With a last look, Daniel gets up from the chair and before leaving he says what he thinks is right in case you don't come back "Don't say goodbye again, please, I love you and I am not good at goodbyes and even more when I know you are coming back".
Alex is the next to enter the room next to George. Your teammate is not feeling well but is still very sure what to say to you "Lily says hi, she's sorry she can't be here and that she's waiting for you to play golf together, clearly you're her favorite student" He looks up and George encourages him to continue "I hate this. You have been an amazing teammate, you care about everyone on the team and you have accomplished so much more than I have this season, no, that has never bothered me because I am happy for your accomplishments as you are for mine and please wake up. You are our family, we are heartbroken and we don't know what to do after seeing how you were taken out of the car. No one will replace your place Alice, I...I want you to know that you are our favorite person". George, who has tears forming in his eyes says "We will wait for you and we don't accept that you will give up".
Lando enters the room and the image of everyone around your helmet, remembering your short F1 career makes him sigh sadly "I never thought you were so sentimental. Although it's not your fault, I'm really sorry that the FIA is so stupid and they don't see what their actions cause" The British man runs his hands over his face trying to think what he can say that won't make him cry a lot more. "I don't want to say goodbye to you, you are my other sister, my best friend and...and it's not right for me to tell you but Zak made an offer for you to be with me next season and I've been wanting to tell you for weeks because I admire you and I want you with me or without me to achieve your dreams and be the best female driver ever" Another sigh. "I promise if you wake up I will stop pulling your hair so you hear me before everyone else, stop calling you in the middle of the night for nonsense and only post pictures of you on networks that you like. I miss you, we all do and we want to see you competing."
Carlos seeing you in such a way on the stretcher closes his eyes and sighs. Since you met you have considered him a big brother and he is one of the people who suffers the most from your jokes "I never expected to see you like this, pequeña. I called your parents yesterday and cried with them. Apart from Isa, I think you're the only girl my parents know and well...I don't want the last image I see of you to be here" The Spaniard sits back and watches your slow way of breathing. "The Canadian GP was postponed. Your accident has caused noise and no one has the head to get in the car and race with an empty seat. You will be back and stronger than ever, we have no doubt about that. The rest of the world has yet to see what Alice is capable of."
Charles and Pierre are the only ones who are dedicated to keeping you company, words are superfluous and the sentiment is the same, they want you to come back and be the soul of the grid again.
Yuki leaves next to your bed a Koala doll, one of your favorite animals and hopes that when you see it, a smile will appear on your face. He's not very good with words, but the Japanese guy has always enjoyed your company and your efforts to get a smile out of him and give him ideas on how to ruin the intro of the AlphaTauri podcast. He takes your hand and says the only sensible thing and that if perhaps you listen to him, know that it comes from his heart "We love you and we need you. Without you we are not the same and I don't want that feeling to be the constant reminder of you."
Checo and Max enter the room together. Checo prays in Spanish while Max gives you one of his serious looks. Without expressing it, he feels fear, dread, anger that you will give up and not come back. Not having a partner to practice with on the simulator or running in the mornings or practicing phrases to annoy the press. With a simple "please" he takes your hand and follows his partner out of the room.
Lewis and Sebastian are dedicated to reminding you of the times they gave you the lessons to get you started successfully in F1, clearly you heard them those times. They hope to see you reach the championship, to be a star and the inspiration for the next generation. They hope they are right.
The rest of the grid visits you and gives you words of encouragement to heal and return to your team and family. They are not certain what is coming for you, but their minds don't want to think about a memorial or a funeral. Traces of past memories of people who have meant so much in their lives make their presence known and for you to enter into those memories would be the worst of this season...of this life.
June 27, 2022 at 02:37 marked the date when you moved your left hand and opened your eyes, alone in a hospital room, ready to move on with your life, ready to hug your friends and tell them you heard them and thank them, ready to put on your helmet and get in your car and make history.
Ready to run off to a new adventure
‘cause you’re not ready to say goodbye.
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starchilddante · 5 months
For my first request, dear artist...
Prince to Princess.
Basically, she starts off a cis male who feels body dysphoria and wonders why, thinking that as a Prince he is perfect and there's nothing wrong with him... then one of her servants teaches her about LGBTQ+ and Trans people, and she realizes... oh my Irene, I'm not a Prince. I'm a Princess.
(also please please please make the parents supportive, I suffer from a self-proclaimed but really not supportive dad but incredibly supportive Mum and Step-dad)
“Good morning, your Highness. It’s time to get up.” I open my eyes blearily to the face of my attendant, smiling softly at me before heading over to fling open the window curtains. The light of the morning was already streaming through the windows. This is the third time I've overslept this week. Whoops. 
I rolled over to the edge of my bed, stifling a groan. Now I would have to dodge Irene’s string of concerned questions all day and sit through another worried lecture from Mom. 
It’s not that I didn’t appreciate their worries. I just… didn’t have any answers to my own questions, let alone theirs. It was easier to just pretend everything was fine. Even if I’d rather be sleeping lately. 
“Come on, up and at ‘em.” Irene was never one to let me mope. “Just because you’ve got nothing going on this morning doesn’t mean you can lounge around, Prince Alexander.” 
Irene had already laid out my outfit for the day, and I could hear the water running from the bathroom. A bath didn’t sound terrible. 
I pushed myself from the bed, staggering over to the bathroom. Irene rewarded me with a slight smile, laying my undergarments next to the tub. 
“I’ll help you get dressed once you’ve finished.” 
After Irene closed the door behind her, I began to undress, doing my best not to look down. As I sank into the hot water, I caught a glance of my chest, where chest hair had become dark enough to be visible. An uncomfortable feeling settled underneath my skin. I’d been growing more and more body hair lately, a fact that caused me to feel more and more self-conscious. I did my best to ignore it. Body hair is normal for someone my age. My mother had said it plenty of times. I just needed to get used to it. 
Once I was finished, I shoved on my undergarments and opened the bathroom door to Irene making my bed. Normally, a royal’s attendant would help them bathe and dress them in the bathroom, but I would feel weird asking Irene to do that for me. It was odd enough that I had specifically requested a female attendant. I didn’t want her to get the wrong idea. 
Not that she would anymore. We’d gotten pretty close over the last year. She told me about her wife and two kids and I told her that I exclusively liked men. She told me about how she had been married to a man for four years and I told her that I didn’t come out to my parents as gay until I had to court a princess for the first time and I bawled my eyes out. 
I didn’t tell her everything, though. There were some things you couldn’t tell anybody, not even your extra cool lesbian attendant. My stomach roiled with anxiety at the thought of it. 
“Your parents want to see you for breakfast,” Irene said, pulling me out of my thoughts. “They waited for you. And then you have a meeting with your Father this afternoon to plan the ball for next month-” 
Irene paused, staring at me as she combed my hair. “Prince Alexander? Where are you today?” I winced at the use of my name. Sometimes people used it when I wasn’t prepared and it felt like a bomb was being dropped. I don’t know why. 
“I’m right here, Irene,” I replied. “We’re in my room, in case you didn’t know. In the castle.” Irene snorted at me, resuming the process of managing the thick brown bush on my head that I called hair. 
“Wiseass,” she retorted. “You know what I meant. You’re stuck in your head again.” Her expression softened, and I knew what was coming.
“Everything okay in there?” she asked. “You’ve seemed… different these days. And you’ve been oversleeping a lot more recently.” 
I brushed away her questions with a chuckle. “Come on, Irene. You know me. I’m just a grumpy old man in a 17 year-old’s body. Old men need their sleep. And it’s probably a good thing I’m thinking so much. It’d be a problem if the heir to the throne didn’t use their brain.” 
Irene turned her head to look at me sternly, but I knew her well enough to see the smile hiding at the corners of her lips. I always knew how to lower Irene’s guard. It was my speciality.
“Still, you know you can talk to me about anything,” she finally said. “That’s what I’m here for, Alex.” 
My heart fluttered a little. I much preferred Alex to Alexander, but Irene would only call me that every once in a great while, when we were alone. 
“I didn’t know you were here to be my therapist. I thought you were my attendant.” Irene offered me a playful smack on the shoulder. 
“Go to breakfast, your Highness.”
A short part one to let you know I did not forget this idea, I'm just a old and tired college student :p
Or if you'd rather read on Wattpad, I will continue uploading parts here and there:
Hope you enjoy the story!
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semperama · 1 year
F1 Kink Meme Fic Recs
I'm probably late, and for all I know many of these have already been recced to heck and back, but since I was off tumblr and missed whatever conversations were happening, I just wanted to share my favorite kink meme fics with you all! Please feel free to reblog this to boost it, if you want, and if you read any of these and like them, please leave comments for their lovely authors!!
the price you pay for a loss of control by @kritischetheologie (George/Alex)
This one is angsty, so be warned, but it has immediately become one of my favorite fics I've read in this fandom just for how well-written and meticulously well-characterized it is. The George voice is so good it's out of this world.
what happens in vegas stays online forever by finedae (George/Alex)
An instant classic married-in-Vegas fic. Funny and sweet by turns. The characterization is amazing.
find my way by anonymous (Daniel/Max)
I love it when writers manage to transfer characters to such a wildly different universe (Star Wars in this case!) and still remain so true to the characters, and this does that. It pulled me in so completely in so few words.
sweet relief by anonymous (Daniel/Max)
I did not know it was possible to pack so much love and care and great writing and amazing characterization into a watersports fic, but this genius author did just that.
regrets, i've had a few by anonymous (Daniel/Cyril)
I would read a hundred Daniel/Cyril fics like this one, lol. So dirty and angsty and perfect. This is a version of Daniel we don't often see, but it feels so true and real.
a night, a scene, a town by anonymous (Daniel/Max)
Just some well-written, desperate, club bathroom sex. Very satisfying and INCREDIBLY hot.
overflow by anonymous (Seb/Lewis)
I'm a sucker for a non-linear narrative, and this is so, so incredibly well done. The writing is phenomenal and packed with so much depth, and it's also HOT and KINKY. It has everything!
my temple will be beautiful,too by @notthehardtyres (George/Daniel)
I'm sure you all have read this by now, but if you haven't, RUN, don't walk. Absolutely beautiful, moving, healing, sexy, perfect, will make you feel the entire spectrum of human emotion and probably cry.
come over and kill some time by anonymous (Daniel/Max)
I tend to be kind of hit-or-miss on always-a-girl!fic, but this is easily some of the hottest sex I've ever read. I need to fan myself just thinking about it.
Take What's Yours by anonymous (Daniel/Max)
The premise of this is crazy creative, and it's so well done. Everything is so well-described, and the tension is insane. I gasped out loud multiple times.
let the bells ring by anonymous (Daniel/Max)
This is so sweet it will rot your teeth, but in the best way. I had such a huge smile on my face by the end.
edge of desire by anonymous (Pierre/Charles)
Amazing, perfect, 10/10 sex pollen fic. I could read a million "sex pollen is what finally gets them together" fics, and this is a wonderful example of that trope.
riches and wonders by anonymous (Daniel/Max)
ADORE everything about this! The world-building! The outsider POV! The way the characters are developed so well without even being in their heads! This has become another instant fav for me. I've already reread it several times.
Not like any other love by anonymous (George/Alex)
The George/Alex angst writers really brought it during this kink meme. This fic hurt me deeply in the most satisfying way. The ending is so fucked up, and I mean that as the HIGHEST possible compliment.
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Flowers and Ash, Chapter 3
Book 1, Calendula Chronicles series.
Story synopsis: When the eldest daughter of Edward Ashford accompanies her father and brother on a last-minute trip in 1968 to secure their legacy, an act of spite turns into a boon for the family. When tragedy and scandal strike, the survivors will have to be clever if they are to live long enough to pick up the pieces of their lives. Pre-slash/Gen.
Chapter synopsis: An Incident of Note.
CW for eventual violence, implied death of family member, isolation, dissociation, and violence
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Marigold’s tent lay quiet but undisturbed in the executive section of the camp. Alexander, already dressed and heading for breakfast, snickered to himself as he approached. As tough as she acted for her station, she had been having a hell of a time holding her gin for the last few weeks.
Then he stopped, puzzled. Her battery-powered lamp was still faintly visible through the canvas. Had she been so far gone- no. She’d been fairly steady walking back, stopping to thank the porters dropping off fresh canteens of water and their quinine pills.
“Mari? Did you sleep in? We’re going to miss breakfast if you don’t hurry,” he called out, approaching slowly.
He pushed open the tent flap. “Come on, this isn’t funny. “
Under the drape of mosquito netting, Marigold lay silent, unresponsive. Alex blanched, then dropped to his knees fumbling under to netting to find a pulse. He found one, faint and fast.
He looked at her again, breath shallow. Her skin was flushed, but cool, clammy. Feverish.
Any doctor in this part of the world would have taken this for malaria. The symptoms aligned. But…they had taken measures. This cave was of interest to two of the top virologists in the world, and one of them was salivating at the thought of weaponizing it.
The notes from the mercenaries said that people had ingested the flowers in the case en masse, dying quickly.
Alexander had come across enough little wonders these last few weeks in the camp that he was rarely without a sample kit. More to the point, if anyone were to be infected in the middle of this marsh, despite the literal bomb of insecticide that had been dropped in the cursed fen, they needed to prioritize diagnosis and act quickly. The work was too time-sensitive to be waylaid by something as common as a parasite.
A few moments, some, gloves, a filled vial, a fevered prayer for her to not die, and perhaps also to not kill him in his sleep for the intrusion, Alexander stepped out of the tent, test kit palmed. An onlooker would have claimed that looked a good five years older at that moment, although none came.
There was a first aid station by the mess tent, with Giesma stain and a few microscopes available for quick diagnoses. The mercenaries in particular had appreciated the quick, ready medical care and decent food on top of their pay, Marigold had pointed out to him earlier that week. Panic hit him at the thought. If it were what he suspected...
Training taking over, he prepped the slide and peered into the scope. Frowned.
A dry cough came from behind him. Steeling his nerves, he turned with a polite smile to see his father standing in the doorway. Marcus had trailed behind, looking so tense that he might have screamed if as much as a gust of wind blew past. Just so.
“Good morning father,” he injected a note of cheer that he knew would ring false to familiar ears.
Edward Ashford’s brows raised slightly, but he didn’t comment. Instead, he redirected the line of questioning. “We missed you at breakfast. Is someone unwell?” The mildness in his voice took on a chill. Marcus had drifted into Alexander’s line of sight, looking a touch sick himself. Clearly, someone was regretting an incredibly stupid course of action.
Alex forced a chuckle. “Mari must have caught a bug on the ride here. I told her not to skip her meds in the evening, but she said they made her nauseous.” An obvious lie, and furthermore, nicknames were strictly something for use at home. Family. The increasingly ridiculous researcher who had trailed in behind Edward Ashford, looking like he’d suddenly been given a pardon from death row, had not gone unmarked by either of them. No wonder this vicious moron had been tossed out of academia at the first opportunity.
Edward stepped forward, instinctively moving to verify for himself. Alexander’s hand shot out as his father moved to see for himself, gripping his arm hard. “I’ve got this in hand- could you save me a plate before they close up the breakfast service though?” Marigold would be proud of her brother for that moment if she ever woke up again. Her mild-mannered little brother, finally showing a flash of the infamous Ashford steel temper. “Lots to do today.”
Edward held his son’s gaze, startled. Something was terribly wrong, and he couldn’t say it in front of Doctor Marcus. Who had a rather panicked and winded look about him.
Without another word, Lord Ashford nodded and spoke in a tone far lighter than he felt. “We can make some time then,” he stepped back and turned, forcing Marcus to scuttle back as Ashford pinned him with a searching gaze.
And then the elder Ashford was gone.
Marcus turned back to the younger Ashford and, deeply uncertain, stepped back into the shade. Alexander had used the moment to quickly snatch the slide out of its cradle, depositing the contents of the kit back into the padded utility vest he wore. Alexander now stood at his cleaned station, eyes cool, silent.
Marcus swallowed, clearly realizing he’d fucked up. “Ah…everything’s alright then?” He was clearly trying for a genial tone, the fucking idiot.
“Clearly not, but we’ll manage,” Alexander replied. He pulled off his gloves, inverting them into a single ball and stuffing them into the pocket he used for trash. Completely ignoring the medical waste bin by his elbow.
Marcus’ eyes narrowed. “Perhaps I should come along. To check.”
“Perhaps I could let her slit your throat for trying to poison her- she was captain of her school's fencing team, that's not an empty threat. I assume that’s what the facial gymnastics just now were referring to. No, no, we hardly need to belabor the point.” Alexander smiled coldly, cutting off whatever denial was about to spew from the other man’s open mouth. “I’m apt to do it myself, should I find out you’ve gone anywhere near my sister with intent to harm. Then again, she’s the one who’d really enjoy it. You know, the little things in life.” He straighten his clothes and stepped forward. “Kindly get the fuck out of my way. I have rather a lot more to do today.”
Marcus fled. A moment passed, and Alexander began to move with purpose back to the executive tents. His father fell into step beside him. “Brilliant man, but I think Oswell overplayed his hand on that one.” He carried an apple and a bread roll in one hand. Another kit- the bulkier one with a microscope included- was tucked under the other arm awkwardly.
Alexander took the food gratefully, allowing his father to shift the bundle to a more comfortable grip. He’d obviously hung around in earshot, and he was grateful (though a touch embarrassed) for the consideration. He considered the food. He’d prefer to do this on an empty stomach, but…it was going to be a long day. That much he had said to Marcus in truth.
Possibly also the violence. The day was still young.
“One of us will need to be back at the main site as soon as possible. Probably you. Definitely you. Marcus and I shouldn’t be anywhere near each other for a while.”
Edward slowed. Stopped. “Hold on.” His face was grave. “No. Oswell wouldn’t…no.”
“I doubt Oswell would be working to recruit her, and then allow this. He seems quite pleased yesterday after dinner,” Alexander stopped, impatiently gesturing for his father to hurry up. Edward hesitated, then complied. Were the situation not so grave, he would have taken the moment to express his quiet pride in the boy’s resolve.
They reached the tent. “If anyone asks, you verified my findings and we’re treating her for malaria presently. I’d prefer not to move her for now, but we’ll see what happens. And someone will have to keep her away from knives when she wakes. I saw her take her full dose last night, but I bet Marcus thinks I found her pills. He was clearly terrified.” Alexander sighed. He didn’t like how this equation would have to balance (and Marigold would be furious...if even she woke up), but he would follow the math through if it meant his family’s legacy project could be salvaged. A stalemate, then. “I need to be recording her vitals till then.”
Edward sighed. Alexander rarely kept secrets of this nature, not from him. But, as much as the two bickered and fought, Marigold had always adored her little brother in her own way.
He had been summoned down from his study when they were both small, to find the local schoolteacher escorting the bashful boy and a murderous-looking girl. He had learned then and there that a young tough had tried to call her bluff to take a switch to anyone who picked on her little brother, only to learn that the future Lady Ashford was an utter hellcat at a mere eight years old. Schooling and training were meant to smooth the edges of that, but Alexander clearly believed her capable of dealing his elder colleague serious injury. “You don’t think it’s malaria at all, do you.”
“Officially? I absolutely do. And you really should until we’re all safely back home.” Alexander binned another pair of gloves and unwrapped a cloth face mask. Edward’s jaw dropped slightly as he finally allowed the truth to hit home. “Unofficially, we could have our first Sonnetreppe survivor. We’ve both had time to read the reports from this past spring. I have a preference for which side of the Atlantic she goes home on, and she made a point of telling me to mind the very nice men will the many large guns whom Uncle Spencer is paying.”
Spencer sighed. “James, we’ve really got to find better outlets for you.”
Marcus stood before him at the pavilion, wringing his hands in distress. He didn’t offer excuses. There really weren’t any excuses Spencer seemed about to accept, and Marcus knew it.
No one had said anything, but the sudden shift in demeanor of both Ashfords and Marcus, paired with the conspicuous absence of the young lady Ashford, who had been touring the site and learning what she could with interest on a regular basis, made the shape of the situation was obvious enough.
The young lady’s negligence and poor luck had caught up to her, though it was lucky that it had manifested where she could be treated properly - if Edward’s report on the situation were the whole story. Their continued murderous glances at the cowering Marcus suggested there was a malicious factor in the incident that was going unsaid. Marcus didn’t seem to be offering any defense and seemed to know exactly what had happened.
On a venture like this, a personality like Marcus was inevitable. Without a push like an anonymous tip to the dean of a certain university, Marcus would have hoarded data jealously, even from the man who provided his grants, likely to break away and wrap himself in pewter academic glory. Severing that link and letting the man loose in a controlled environment was for the best if his ego could be managed.
For a brief moment he had entertained a scenario where… but no. The odds of survival were so low as to be considered nil. The girl still lived, thus Sonnetroppe was out of the question as a vector. Even the young Mis Trevor had succumbed to a large extent, and her viral strain had been carefully cultivated for the task.
Good students might be valuable, but a foolish genius whose insecurities could be so easily leveraged was priceless.
Marcus, of course, would need a shorter leash in the future. Miss Ashford was indeed quite lucky that his botanist had failed in his attempt on her life, and that the Ashfords, furious as they clearly were, were also pragmatic. This trip was very nearly over, and their preparations at this stage were coming to completion. And soon, thanks to a piece of equipment packed up for the Europe lab and set to fail at a critical moment, the Ashford faction might cease to be an issue at all.
Marigold’s fever broke on the second day- no visitors, no solicitations permitted. If her eyes had taken on a slightly more glacial cast, it was subtle enough to miss through the veil of the relief of her family. As the sun rose on the next new day, the group took a car out to the airfield, their samples packed carefully into a trailing vehicle. The rest could be shipped after, Spencer assured them. He seemed bemused at the situation as a whole. With the weakened and disoriented girl, bundled into the back, the return journey was longer, but Connor managed to make the rough drive as smooth as a newly paved road. The girl smiled wanly in thanks when they reached the airfield, and a business card found its way into the mercenary’s hand as they moved to load everyone into the plane as quickly as possible.
Six weeks passed, a vial broke at the worst possible time, and Alexander Ashford watched his father slip away. No malicious cause could ever be proven, and the incident was ruled an accident. The blame largely fell upon the son.
In hindsight, neither of his surviving children should have been surprised.
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Hitlers family was patriarchy hunter fam.
Hitler had illegit bebe (gerard) w french woman who was an argent during? End of? War
Gerard resented women being in charge over him.
Chris not vicious/bloodthirsty and brown haired.
Kate vicious/bloodthirsty n easily manipulated by daddy n blonde/blue eyed.
Didnt have much to do w allison cuz coloring and didnt display his desired vicious traits.
But was easily manipulated later so worthy of some time n attention when he had no kate. 
Gerard molested kate, turned her to pedo, groomed her
Talia--born 1960
Deaton--born 1963
Marin-- born 1975 (12 yrs after deaton)
I was thinking about your post with human papa Hale/Talia and it turned into a hc about them being the prototype sterek with Talia being this serious, regal alpha-in-the-making and this clumsy disaster of a human boy who's just a big ol' simp and was like "yeah I'm gonna marry that woman and take HER last name" idk i just had to share because your posts make my day
That is my exact hc for them XD Like, Derek takes after his mom in more than just looks, aight?
Papa Hale wasn't even human-but-slightly-to-the-left like Lydia or questionably magical like Stiles, he was literally just Some Dude. Considering the decade in which he and Talia met, he was probably a stoner who was too blazed to be bothered by his gf turning furry. First time he saw her shift, he was just like, "Neato!" And Talia immediately went, "This one and no other."
Cue Nana Hale's well-meant parental despair like, "You're turning down eight suitors from established packs for that?!" Like, no, mom, you don't understand, he said my beta shift was neat and called my eyes pretty, and he thinks it's cool I can pick him up, I want this one.
Obvi, he quit smoking once Laura happened, but even then, he's just Chill. He vibes with the weird. He's like Gomez Addams. His wife is the most awesome wonderful fantastic woman ever and the greatest Alpha and the bestest mom, and his kids are just as incredible as she is, I love them so much, wanna see pictures?
NEMETON: northern California, Greenland, western Europe, Egypt (or Sudan), China, and Siberia in 6x16 map. Greenland, northern Africa, Toulouse in France, Zhengzhou in China, Logashkino in Siberia, and Brasília in Brazil. 
NEMETON--Mikaelsons tree was also nemeton
Nemeton--both deaton and alex argent cut Nemeton down for money and power
Talia's dad fought Alexander at Nemeton n bit but died, making Talia alpha, leading to Deaton able to convince her that if Nemeton was healthy n not corrupted the hunter wouldn't have gotten that far
Alexander argent bitten May 3, 1977
NEMETON--Nemeton a branch of world tree
According to Chris Argent, a Nemeton is a sacred space used by Druids for various rituals.
He says druids picked a large, older tree in a grove to represent the center of the world.
Many believed that cutting or harming the "world tree" would bring severe problems like fires, plagues, strife, “death and destruction of all kinds” to surrounding villages. (Visionary)
Druid Emissary Alan Deaton explains that the power of the Nemeton is like a magnet that draws supernatural creatures to itself like a beacon. (Alpha Pact)
WOLF--Wolves connected to world trees per spellwork from beginning to allow werewolf and not just wolf
WOLF--Full shift wolf is sign of punishment. Spell allowing human shift removed. Most cases.
WOLF--Will eventually lead to all wolf all the time if issues not corrected
WOLF--Wolfs must protect nemeton
NEMETON--Nemton murdered when cut down
NEMETON--Spirit of murdered nemeton is The Hollow. Needs to be moved sometimes. Requires symbolic sacrifice.
NEMETON: the tree should have grown back. It was deliberately NOT ALLOWED to over the years as we see example of when sprout is snatched on screen
What if Weres also came about because some ppl were closer to their spirit animals more than others and they eventually got so good at connecting that they took on traits?
As generations happened, it was typical for similar spirit-bondeds to become partners/spouses/whatev AND each generation the newest youngsters took the basics from the previous generations and added to it. Expounded upon it until eventually it became a part of their genetics? Like evolution, sorta?? 
Moms carry higher percentage likelihood gonna be born a were than dads do. Like 75 to men's 50? Ish?
Laura--born 1984
Jackson's parents run off road by hunters?
He was human kid of weres?
Peter n the woman in car are bio parents?
Talia chose Malia's name and adoptive family on purpose.
(t)ALIA/(m)ALIA T(ate)
She left what she thought was a clever fucking clue.
Argent pendant is hexed/spelled to enhance natural allure to hide the intensifying and ever increasing corruption of the wearers psyche. A sometimes slow process, the speed at which the malicious infection grows within is dependent on the size of the wearers naturally occurring unhealthy darkness. Also enhances supes naturally occurring desire for wearer but only if supe already has desire for wearer.
Deucalion--took out his 1st pack when marin in last yr college
prompted her choice of councilor/therapist masters while he healed/built new pack
then he killed 2nd pack and is how became alpha of alphas
Gerard placed spell on Deucalion via neurotoxin delivery system that had side effect of blindness when mixed with mt ash
The Beacon Hills Nemeton remained dormant, powerless for many years until Derek Hale killed his high school girlfriend Paige among the tree's roots. This unintentional blood sacrifice powered the tree enough to allow Druid Emissary Julia Baccari to survive after being attacked and left for dead by Alpha Werewolf Kali. (The Overlooked)
Stiles had boa constrictor as pet (mom prolly encouraged/helped)
Stiles n rents til claudia dies. (Second grade ish.)
Noah drinks.
Coworkers get him to stop.
Scott n sm Roxie dog, attacked by rabid doberman.
Roxie died to protect. Bloody leash in hospital.
Asthma attack. Likely had allergies as kid n stressful attack caused. Once happens, avalanche.
Scott n rents til stairs. (Elementary school.)
Stiles knew, so was after met.
McCalls divorce.
Scott lives with rafe.
Stiles n Scott 'bffs'--on stiles' side at least.
Hale wards didn't work against kate n hunters n arson n ill intent. Why not? Deaton's greedy, skeevy butt
Deaton helped hunters at hale fire
Peter hit with spell (while in house as seen in flashbacks) that initiated w/fire and ended w fire
Kept prisoner in his own brain, occasional slip out to plot for survival, reminiscent of stiles while possessed
Puppeteered, not in control, not technically a wolf so is how escaped fire w/mt ash AND why healing didnt kick in
FIRE--Wolfsbane was used in fire and held back healing as well
FLARE--Laura n peter had disconnect b4 fire so easy/relief to abandon peter
PETER--Nurse jennifer was assigned as nurse but practiced magic.
She was Deatons student?
Got peter and started using to power spells because werewolf stamina/energy and connection to Nemeton via hale blood pact with land and tree.
Like a battery
Then spelled his healing to suuuper slow?
tho inhaled wolfabane and mt ash in burns didn't help him either
PETER--Nurse jennifer sold permission for hunters to come trophyphoto peter
Perhaps kept dosed w wolfsbane to slow healing as well. Just to be safe.
Julia baccari did deer spiral to set up her own chess board for revenge
Was still in area all that time, but had to recover and then rebuild magic and sacrifice enough for glamour, but couldn't do in BH or would possibly prevent alpha pack showing up
Deaton alerts laura
Argents arrive for move prep
Argents house hunted (lol even houses aren't safe fr yhem) n xferred Allison before winter break so could start 1st day back of spring semester
Peter kills laura, not cuts in half. Is hunter MO
Argents check out hale property just to be safe
Find female body with werewolf claw marks
Cut body in half to make sure wont yurn
Leave to get Allison n move in
Derek arrives in bh
Jogger finds laura
gogo teen wolf power on!
Scott bitten cuz smelled like stiles and was also connection yo stiles
Peter chose lydia for banshee AND connection to stiles
Explains peter offering stiles bite--was lucid moment
Stiles' spark would have burned away yhe strings/the spell
Derek loves 90's alternative
Tyler Lockwood and danny mahealani are cousins
Advanced healing: each healing causes weres to age more, hence satomi's age looking the same and Peter aging so much in 6 yrs and Derek getting older in first season.
Which goes with power thing for mothers per later discussed cuz Malia
Kids didn't hafta drown for LOCATION spell
Power of three blood locator spell woulda worked
Supes can find Nemeton in supe-skin
Juliadarach burned all of spell, n mt ash out of Deucalion
neurotoxin was long gone/was just delivery system anyways 
Noshiko was over 800 yrs old when summoned nogi
Knew better
Doubtful 1st time noshiko did this 
Wasn't 1st time loved in all that time
What if nogi was influencing things before he got loose?
Like how it seemed nemeton was reaching out for stiles.
Deaton and/or Talia's actions/inactions?
It mite explain why nemeton didnt grow until that one tiny sprout that was pulled.
Nogi draining the power reserves
Why was nogi phys form a housefly when is a fox? 
Only oni were lightning bugs (agents of order)
Nogi was oni and she took his spark with way she summoned him, so altered him (Agent of chaos)
It's why he was attracted to stiles
Stiles is Spark
He kept saying 'nevwr trust a fox'
He was never in fox form (sorta makes sense tho cuz inhabited a non-shifter body) or w fox aura
Maybe nogitsune's hungers are determined by those who call them.
Like noshiko called one for fear, chaos and pain.
Maybe someone else would call one for plague-like reasons.
Maybe one is more of a burn it all type.
Maybe the foxes that are called are determined by who calls them.
Not like kira who was born by human ways.
But like noshiko coulda been called down by someone who had lost a kid or had a bunch of miscarriages n wanted to have a child.
One they wouldn't have to fear losing to death
Thunder kitsune level under celestial but related cuz made w human 'lesser' being
If had made kitsune with other celestial, woulda been celestial kira
Sooo what IF... Nogi was seen differently/understood
Fox: mischievous n clever n playful trickster rite?
But even tho they say he was the absurd age he was...
They also said kiras mom made him or summoned him or whatever rite?
So what if the way he was back at the camp and as voidstiles wasn't his natural behavior??
Im seeing a couple possibilities. It could be the WAY she did whatever corrupted or cursed or altered him. (My fave theory so far)
Or she had summoned him one way at the camp, and he woulda been back to himself when released later but absorbed all the negative/polluted magic while trapped?
Maybe by accident or maybe someone set it up that way
And the way he reacted seems rather self protective and kinda pissed off at the hand hes dealt while infected with dirty magic?
Or negative magic that clouds his thoughts or whatev?
So maybe he was trying to keep stiles safe and whole in the only way he could, with that white room?Maybe he needed stiles to figure it out n fix it? Its not like deaton wouldve if he was a reason for it.
And maybe the ones he killed he saw something in them that needed to die? Either because they were bad/evil or because the negative magic felt a threat from something in them?
If it was that he got tainted with the icky magic, maybe thats deaton related?
Like deaton felt the magic/power at the nemeton n thot that's where it came from but he was using nogi as a filter?
Like laundering money but filtering n 'cleaning' magic?
The stump gained further power when Scott, Stiles Stilinski, and Allison Argent performed a druid ritual to locate their parents.
The three students' sacrificial "deaths" fully charged the Nemeton and it is now broadcasting at full power to all the supernatural elements within the Teen Wolf Universe.
In More Bad Than Good, someone pulls out a freshly grown piece of the tree which causes fireflies to form into humanoid beings.
Noshiko Yukimura reveals that the ritual done by Scott, Stiles, and Allison did to power up the Nemeton also released the Nogitsune she had imprisoned there. (The Fox and the Wolf) 
Noshiko lied about their deaths powering up Nemeton
Doesn't make sense, as doesn't seem to have gotten any more powerful
Dr. Valack also explained that recharging the Nemeton also brought the Dread Doctors to Beacon Hills.
The Triskelion Box: Wood cut from the tree and objects made of that wood still retain some of the Nemeton's power.
Deaton used wood from the Nemeton to fashion a wooden jar, a cylindrical box, to hold Talia Hale's claws.
further proof he murdered the nemeton for his own gain
If Nemeton had actually been corrupt/needed cut down (even for natural reasons such as rot-tho pretty sure magic would keep healthy), you would NOT make magic powerful containers from it
At some point after that, the box fell into the hands of The Calaveras.
Derek, Peter, and Braeden find it hidden in a large chest made of Mountain Ash and filled with sawdust from the same type tree.
It is clearly stored in such a way as to keep supernatural creatures out.
The top of the cylinder is decorated with a carving of the triskelion (or Triskele) symbol, a popular werewolf symbol.
Inside there are five circular recesses, at the time of its discovery each held a single werewolf claw. (More Bad Than Good)
The box seems designed to be used to apply the claws as well.
Each claw sits in its own recess and when Peter's hand is jammed inside - it lines up perfectly to embed the claws under his own.
Because of the residual power, the box is used to contain the Nogitsune spirit in its housefly form. (The Divine Move)
So noshiko appears young in glashbacks rite? Then older during the show.
Ppl seem to think its weird but i think its cuz she had kira.
Similar to malias bio mom, power or something supernatural happens when they give life to a new supernatural creature
Like injuries that age them
Noshiko a liar 'fox n wolf don't get along'
her bestie was satomi.
She's almost as old as nogi and yet thought she could be possessed?
but if cant possess a werewolf then he cant possess her cuz shes a fox
Doesn't make sense
Had to be a human or non-shift/non-animal supe.
She woulda known that if she knew enuf to summon him
An oni is a kind of yōkai, demon, orc, ogre, or troll in Japanese folklore. Oni are mostly known for their fierce and evil nature manifested in their propensity for murder and cannibalism. Notwithstanding their evil reputation, oni possess intriguingly complex aspects that cannot be brushed away simply as evil. They are typically portrayed as hulking figures with one or more horns growing out of their heads.[2] Stereotypically, they are conceived of as red, blue, black, yellow, or white-colored, wearing loincloths of tiger pelt, and carrying iron kanabō clubs.[2] They are creatures which instill fear and feelings of danger due to their grotesque outward appearance, their wild and sometimes strange behavior and their powers.
They are predominantly male but can be female. Females becoming oni has been attributed to them being overcome with grief or jealousy.
Noshiko n nogi half siblings. He oni prince by parentage. She lesser creature by her parentage. But she has tails, able to call upon oni. Would know the secrets of how to steal his spark.
Plus why call specifically for possession of a 'demon'? Its not like she had never been in that type of sitch before in her almost 1000 yrs because humans are utter assholes.
And she didn't ever fall so hard in lurve before that at her age?
Also? Zero to defcon 100 million? Really?! 
Yes instinct is to survive, but human is supposed to only be a form she takes.
So she woulda been okay.
Plus, u dont automatically bring possession by a demon as ur go-to.
Oh and since she n satomi couldn't n didn't ward the Nogitsune, how did she know he was released?
Its not like the kitsunes are all magically lojacked to each other, which wouldn't matter anyway because he stayed in bh.
So did Deaton tell her he let him out?
Or did she realize how long he could be held for? 
His spark was dimmed n it brightened when he escaped?
Or it moved towards his direction?
And she was scared of him n scared to fight him. Why? Shes almost as old as him n they both in human form.
If u only have 9 tails and takes u more than 1000 yrs to get them (her box of tails only about half full) then why would u use up 2 at the beginning of a problem, especially to only get 4 oni
Plus the fact that all other kitsune seem to be both good n bad, so why wouldn't nogi?
There cant be a purely bad entity without there being a totally good entity.
Nature (even supernatural) doesn't work that way.
There is a balance.
Equal and opposite.
And we only have HER word she is celestial/heaven kitsune, which humans equate to good.
She didn't display much good tho soooo...
Claudia had magic
Her FTD a result of being born or newborn when Nemeton cut down?
1977 when cut down
Sheriff did 2 tours n was army ranger? I think?
They say his bday 65/75
1965 would mean he was 11 or 12 yrs older than her, but he seems guy who would've waited yo be older n settled before marriage/kids
Also works with the abuse he suffered. Lots of abused don't want kids or not sure they do
Def went to college after army tho
Is where/when met Claudia
She woulda been legal (if barely) when she n sheriff met n married
Then 26 when died, when stiles 7? 8?
It reached out and her gift activated
But it also damaged her n caused FTD or what looked like it. Whichever.
Maybe her power was linked to it? 
OR, when we think of how the nemeton reached out for stiles, it reached out for claudia, and in draining her magic or tainting her magic somehow (maybe because she didnt know she had magic) thems the results.
Claudia's "disease" and then death, and then the fire.
Would also explain why sheriff (deputy at the time)wouldn't look into fire further. Distracted by grief n drowning his sorrows
Unfortunately, FTD is also associated with a shorter lifespan. Average life expectancy is 7 to 13 years after the start of symptoms.
So its likely she already had symptoms when they met n he just thought of as quirks or never actually realized the difference cuz didn't know her before symptoms
According to the Sheriff in Alpha Pact, she died 8 years ago.
According to the file seen in Silverfinger, she died in 2004.
These two combined don't match up with the fact that it was still the autumn of 2011 in Beacon Hills when this information was provided.
If she had died at midnight on January 1st 2004 it would be just 7 years, 9 months at the time the Sheriff was talking to Melissa McCall and Chris Argent under the Nemeton.
+++(altho maybe sheriff rounded the time up, and maybe is why stiles was so eager to go out n look for body that night...was around that time)
We’re going with Claudia’s death happening roughly seven years before the events of Season 3, placing it sometime in 2004.
She died after suffering from frontotemporal dementia.
According to the Sheriff in Alpha Pact, she was hospitalized and Stiles was with her when she died.
According to the file seen in Silverfinger, she was suffering symptoms similar to those her son was experiencing during the first half of Season 3(b).
In Riddled - Stiles explains that she suffered from frontotemporal dementia, a shrinkage of the brain that leads to dementia and death.
If noah conjured claudia, does mean he has magic too?
Just unaware?
Maybe is part of reason his dad was alcoholic too? Magic they didn't know about n it had negative effects
Would also explain stiles' adhd if wanted to
Natalie (Lydia's mom) n Claudia bffs in school?
Claudia Gajos, the daughter of Mieczysław Gajos and an unnamed mother, who attended Beacon Hills High School in the same class as Natalie Martin. ("Relics")
She met Noah Stilinski and was engaged to him while they were still in college.
In 1995, they gave birth to a son, named after her own father and nicknamed Stiles after Stilinski's father, Elias Stilinski. ("Sundowning")
However, in 2003, Claudia was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia, a fatal disease that caused her perception of reality deteriorate rapidly.
She soon began suffering from insomnia, an inability to distinguish dreams from reality, sleepwalking, sleep paralysis, irritability, and paranoia.
STILES--Claudia had gift.
Got sick, still got visions.
Saw stiles as nogitsune in future.
Is also why didn't always recognize him
This put a great deal of strain on both Claudia herself and her husband and son, especially when the dementia caused her to believe Stiles was trying to kill her. ("Required Reading")
What if claudia n the sheriff weren't on best of terms?
FTD has early symptoms years ahead of diagnosis rite?
And they are often wrongly called by other names til eventually they figure it out.
It can be pure forgetfulness, which can be a hundred tiny annoyances piling up.
Mood swings which are annoying and stressful.
And lead yo a diagnosis of bipolar, which is SO OFTEN a death knell for a relationship.
So it makes sense stiles was only kid.
Besides the fact that it turns out folks with higher iq scores tend to have fewer kids
Makes sense for them to have had him 1st and then all this comes more and more prevalent b4 they r ready to have 2nd, if theyd wanted. Which i kinda feel they wouldve.
So maybe they were on the outs, maybe considering splitting, maybe just going thru several rough times. Whatev. I mean, stiles doesn't get his ignore prob yil goes away from nobody.
And noah didn't go yo hospital when he was told to. Yeah, maybe he coulda pushed it away or vlown it off, but he also would've likely accepted it as a possibility and reacted, especially when his reaction to supernatural reveal is considered. 
It would also be another reason he would hit the bottle so hard.
Anger n guilt n frustration, along with grief n love.
All of that is more than enuf to drown out his kids needs.
Plus hes such a reminder.
Especially if he had found solace in the rough times by working more. So it had already become a coping mechanism.
She ended up dying in 2004 with her young son Stiles at her bedside while her husband, Stilinski, was dealing with a car accident victim at work; though the victim, a Banshee, warned Noah that he needed to leave right then if he wanted to be with her when she passed, he was a skeptic about the supernatural at this time and guessed that she was just delirious.
When he returned to the hospital, he found Stiles sitting in the hallway with his face in his hands, indicating that Claudia had in face died while he was at the crash site, just as the Banshee had predicted. ("Alpha Pact")
Stiles was 8 when she died
That hallucination of him accusing stiles coulda been all made up by stiles being so young n all the feels involved.
Or something that happened where Sheriff misplaced the blame he felt onto stiles cuz he couldn't face his own overwhelming feels.
Or a combo of the two.
It could explain why took him so long to move on. Also why he froze everything pertaining to claudia. Also why he holds her as perfect, tho she wasn't. 
Stiles would've seen her as a little kid sees their parent. Perfect and amazing. So not reliable.
And that sheriff had that version of claudia dreamed up when stiles was forgotten?
Especially when u remember most ppl r not perfect, even when they r dead n u dont wanna talk smack about em or u miss em.
Magic Stiles:
They let him play with mountain ash one (1) time and then DROPPED IT AND I'M SO SALTY.
Cuz he showed up WEREWOLVES by being cooler and more badass than they were when he was "just" a human. Now he can flex a magical Spark muscle based on *belief*?! Yeah, naw. They could not allow that to be followed through because obviously Stiles would have whooped the ass of whatever stupidfuck monster came by to fuck with HIS pack and HIS town... aaannnddd stoopid-dead-but-dont-know-it-yet said *what* about his boo and his dad? Smirking Stiles has 2 words for you: "Let's play." After all, have baseball bat and attitude, will travel.
Let's face some reality. Stiles believes he can protect all these supernats he has claimed as his...and He Does. He believes he can surpass human requirements for sleep and caffeine and superbraining with his fuckton sexy brain...and. He. DOES.
Do not doubt the Stiles. The writers Knew. Stiles woulda whipped the monsters and the town and the nemeton and the werewolves into shape and Derek woulda had no choice but to be Even More Blatant about his desperate NEED for some Stiles-lurve. God damn but I miss what an amazing damned show that would've been.
Stiles: This character is a f*king angel.
Sometimes comforting.
Sometimes protective.
Sometimes avenging.
Always beautiful.
Always luminous.
Always knows how to save your ass after he leads you to temptation.
Built completely out of "you may not understand my morals, but if you are Mine, you will always benefit from them."
Stiles is the person who will stand up to derek and argue and then immediately turn around and fling himself in front of the wolf without hesitation to save him
Also: i know what the stiles triplets would be nicknamed. Mischief menace n trouble
Further proof stiles is a supe? When he was forgotten he and peter and 1 other person (prolly another supe) weren't mindless zombies like everyone else
Paige n stiles related? Via Claudia? A cousin? Paige supe is why rejected?
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lyn-rambles · 2 years
Don't chicken out!
Pairing: Formaldehyde Bond (Alexandria Lawrence x Connor (RK-800) ) 
Summary:  Connor has been tense, and Alexandria finds out why. 
Word count: 712
Warning: Fluff without plot, Hank Anderson groaning in discomfort, swearing and abuse of the word damn
Road to Lyn masterlist
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Hank sat across the desk, Connor was nowhere to be found. The Police station was calm, alarmingly calm.
"Hullo, Lieutenant." She greeted at him.
"Mornin' Alex." He grumbled, on his mind clicked why Connor had run away just a minutes before. "Have you seen Connor?"
"Nope," She said a little disappointed. "I was actually hoping to find him here, he said he would send me the report for the man we found."
"Wouldn't it be easier to say it by mail?" He asked as she shrugged raising her brow. "I'll send it to ya, lass"
"Thank you, Lieutenant." She answered.
"Stop calling me Lieutenant, too, damn it" he grumbled. She smiled apologetically and went her way.
Just when she was lost on the corridor, Connor appeared walking a little bit tense and his cheeks the faintest blue. Hank looked at him annoyed.
"Is there a reason why are you avoiding Alex?" This behavior had been going on for at least a few days. Connor's LED wired yellow for a second and he blushed harder, sweet fuck this condescending prick was acting like a kid.
Alex sat on her chair and found the physical report on her desk and the notice of Lieutenant's mail. She also found a post it over the folder. "Have a nice day" the handwriting must have been Connor’s.
"Got the reports, Lawrence?" The chief asked.
"Yes, sir." She showed him the folder. "I'll begin to create the full archive for the prosecution."
"That guy, Connor, I believe… How are things going?" Alex froze, she had confessed her feelings for him and he had been avoiding her like the plague.
"I don't known, he's been avoiding me for a while." She sighed.
Hank groaned at Connor’s answers.
"It's a legitimate concern Hank." Connor protested.
"It would be if she hadn't said and I quote "I want to pursue a romantic relationship relationship"". That only managed to make him feel worse. "You do like her right?"
"Of course!"
"Then what is the damned problem? Just go and be honest with her, and invite her to dinner, movies, I don't know or care what you do on dates right now." He went back to work, leaving Connor with the words right on his mouth.
He continued filing the cases, and when lunch break came, on his mind tingle the new objective.
Don't chicken out
What a way to say it, his stress levels were not getting any better as he walked down to the forensic department. He swallowed before knocking the door.
"There you are." He jumped a little at the sound of Alex's voice. "I was wondering where were you."
"Have I been lost?" He asked as if he didn't knew he had been chickening out every time she was near.
"More like avoiding me." She passed close to him, way too close. "Come in, the dead don't bite."
She rummaged on her archive for her wallet. On her cubicle hung a faint smell of formaldehyde, he tried to sooth his circuits. But something on the way she looked while tidying her desk made him nervous, maybe the way her curls swayed, or the way the light shone against her skin.
The objective turned red, he was beginning to get second thoughts, he inhaled deeply.
"Do you have plans for this Saturday?" He asked with his eyes shut.
"No?" Damn it, that came out like a question. "No, why, Connor?" She had turned to see him.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the Aquarium with me?" His cheeks had turned a deep blue and his LED wired red. For once Connor, looked incredibly young.
"That's sounds like a date!" She cheered. "I-I mean I'll save the date, not like I don't want to go on a date," His stress was lowering but hers was coming up, damned be her tongue. "But this is-ah-" she cleared her throat. "Yes, I would love to go with you."
"Should I pick you up, by 9?" He asked more relaxed as they walked out.
"Wouldn't it be easier to meet up there?"
"I read that it was customary to pick the the other partner when a date was settled."
That made Alex giggle. "By 9 is fine by me"
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hercleverboy · 3 years
the year of goodbyes
spencer reid x gn!reader
summary ↠ over the course of a year, Spencer says goodbye to three people— and hello to one.
category ↠ angst/fluff
warnings/includes ↠ takes place in s11, talk of Alzheimer’s,  
word count ↠ 1.8k
massive shoutout to my beloved @ellesgreenaway for beta reading and encouraging me to finish this piece— india you are my actual saving grace
“If you’re brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello.” — Paulo Coelho
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People leaving wasn’t exactly a new concept for Spencer.
He knew it all too well, the familiar look that was cast over peoples features, how their eyes got glassy and lips twitched as they prepared to tell him that they were yet another person who would leave him behind— like so many had before.
But their choice of words was always different. He noticed a sort of pattern, when it came to people walking out of his life. They tended to dance around the words, never exactly saying ‘I’m leaving you.’
First, it was his father. He’d watched him pack a suitcase full of things, spit angry words at his mother and then turn to him, his son— placing his hand on his shoulder, mumbling a few cowardly words and that was that. Spencer no longer had a father.
(‘I’m sorry. I just don’t know how to look after you anymore.’)
Second was Gideon, who never actually said goodbye in person (and Spencer couldn’t decide whether that was better or worse.) Instead, he left, wrote words down on a page and then addressed it to him.
(‘Spencer, I knew you would be the one to come down here.’)
And again, with Alex. Not a goodbye, not in the formal sense, but Spencer’s heart ached with how he knew what this was— he recognised the look on her face and knew that once again, he would lose someone he loved.
(‘You know, Ethan would’ve been a lot like you.’)
Everyone in Spencer’s life started to feel temporary. There one minute, gone the next. He wished that meant that he cared any less for them, or that it hurt any less when they left.
Of course, that was never the case.
His mother’s mental state had been deteriorating rapidly, and nothing— not anything that Spencer’s big genius brain could think of — was helping her.
When he visited her, he saw the vacant look in her eyes. He recognised the look of confusion on her face when he’d enter the room, ignoring how his heart squeezed painfully upon realising that his own mother no longer remembered him.
It would take her a few minutes, but eventually the confusion would disappear and she would give him a smile, greeting him with open arms and warm words.
It was a different kind of leaving, but she was leaving him all the same. She wasn’t physically going anywhere, but, mentally?
He saw how she was deteriorating, he argued with countless doctors and medical professionals, exhausting every book and resource he could find— just hoping he could come up with something.
But, no.
He found it a little ironic. He was the boy wonder, the resident genius of the Bureau’s elite behavioural analysis unit, a smartass who had endless amounts of knowledge.
He always had the answer, always had the solution.
Ironic— because the man who was supposed to know it all, had no clue how to protect his mother from a disease that would inevitably take her from him.
It wasn’t something he would ever come to terms with, it was never something he would accept. He knew how it was going to go, the doctors told him as much.
The day would come that he would walk into his mother’s room, and those vacant eyes would never gain clarification. Her confusion wouldn’t pass, and she would no longer recognise him.
Spencer dreaded that day.
He feared it, even. 
Because the day he lost his mother would be the day he lost himself. 
When Catherine Adams’ file came across Spencer’s desk, he thrusted all of his agony over his mother into the case. It was why he decided that he would be the one to take her down in the restaurant, why he insisted that she wouldn’t perceive him as a threat. 
Oddly enough, Spencer found himself intrigued by her. Perhaps, he simply enjoyed being intellectually challenged in such a way.  Or perhaps, somewhere deep down in the darkest parts of himself, he liked the attention, got off on being able to outsmart her. 
He was smug when he managed to trick her into getting into the back of the police van, under the guise that he’d found her father. (After all, she was ‘just another girl with daddy issues’.) 
It was only when Cat gave him a grin, one that contrasted with the tears that slipped down her cheeks, that Spencer felt uneasy. 
He crouched down in front of her, whispered a small, “Goodbye, Cat,” before getting up and leaving the van, feeling a weight on his chest that made it difficult for him to breathe. 
Again, it was a different type of goodbye. One he was of course relieved about, because with it brought the promised safety of Penelope, now that Cat was behind bars. Although, alongside the relief, there was a sour aftertaste. 
It was what led him to take a moment, sitting down on the swings in the park, hands trembling slightly as they grabbed the chains, swinging gently in a slow rhythm that he hoped would calm him down. 
The last words Cat had said to him played over and over in his head. 
“In twenty years, you won’t remember my name. But I’ll remember yours.” 
At first, Spencer assumed she was referring to how after a while, Cat would simply blend into the sea of seemingly never-ending unsubs who all tried, and failed, to outsmart the team.
It was only later that Spencer realised she was instead insinuating that he would succumb to the same disease as his mother— forgetting not only those that he loved, but the ones he hated too.
Spencer’s best friend was going to be a father. 
The team were gathered in the waiting room, eagerly awaiting news, when Morgan came out with a smile on his face. “It’s a boy!” 
Pure, unbridled joy burst throughout the room, with Spencer lurching forward to wrap his arms around him, laughing and giving his congratulations. He swallowed the lump that began to form in his throat and pushed away the thoughts that swirled around his mind. Deep down, he knew what would inevitably happen, but that moment wasn’t the right time to think about it. 
It was late in the evening when Derek Morgan stopped by Spencer’s desk. Before he even looked up from his paperwork, he knew where this conversation was going to go. When he did look up, it all but confirmed it— he saw the sad smile on Morgan’s lips, and watched how his eyes glossed over.
He said nothing though. Instead, he smiled and chuckled as Morgan gushed over his newborn son. His smile got even bigger when Morgan handed over the birth announcement— Hank Spencer Morgan.
Although he knew what was coming, he knew what decision Morgan was going to make, he expected nothing less from his best friend. A man who had grown immensely in the years he’d known him, going from a real ladies man to someone who would give up his job in order to be there for his family.
Morgan placed his hand on Spencer’s shoulder, a sigh leaving his lips. “Kid, listen. Here’s the thing..”
“I know.” Spencer whimpered quietly, smiling sadly. “It’s okay. I know. And I understand.”
He watched Derek Morgan walk away, sniffling as he willed the tears to keep at bay. He watched his best friend, his brother, walk away. And it hurt, God it hurt. But he was so proud of the man that Morgan had become that he pushed aside the hurt, reminding himself of what he knew to be true.
Everyone left eventually. 
Spencer feared that one day, he would look around and find that he was truly and utterly alone.
It was a normal Tuesday morning, and Spencer was making his way through the FBI Headquarters, up to the BAU floor. He stepped into the elevator, his coffee mug in one hand, and his other resting over his satchel. Just before the door closed, he heard someone call out. 
“Hold the doors!” 
Spencer reached a hand out, pushing the doors back open. 
You scuttled into the elevator, looking over to the male next to you with a smile. “Thank you for holding the doors. I’m already running a little late for my first day.” You explained, reaching to press the button for the fifth floor, watching as the elevator doors closed again. 
“The fifth floor? The Sex Crimes Unit?” Spencer asked curiously. 
You nodded. 
“It’s your first day?” 
“Yeah, I moved here for the job a couple of weeks back. It was an incredible opportunity, I couldn’t pass it up.” You expressed, and Spencer gave you a tight lipped smile in return. “I’m presuming you work here as well?” 
He nodded. “I’m in the Behavioural Analysis Unit, a floor up from you.” 
“Well, that’s good to hear. At least I have one friend in the building, if it turns out my new team hate me.” You joked, glad when Spencer let out a little laugh. 
“I’m sure that won’t be the case. You seem very likeable.” 
You grinned up at him. “Thank you.”
The elevator dinged, the doors opening. You looked over at your new friend, flashing him a nervous smile. “Well, wish me luck.”
“Good luck.” He smiled back, raising his hand in a small wave as you left the elevator. 
After a long day of paperwork (and thinking of the pretty person he’d met in the elevator), Spencer gathered together his things before getting into the elevator. It stopped on the floor below, and when the doors opened, he smiled at the sight of you. 
You looked up from where you’d been looking down at your phone, mirroring his grin. “Hey! It’s you.” 
“Yes—yes, It is, me.” Spencer replied, cringing awkwardly at his nonsensical response. 
You only laughed quietly at it, entering the elevator. 
“How was your first day?” He asked, only to be polite. 
You seemed surprised that he’d asked, but answered nonetheless. “It was good! Turns out my team don’t hate me. Or at least, I don’t think they do?” Your voice raised in question, making Spencer laugh a little. 
“See? What did I tell you?” He grinned, and you rolled your eyes playfully. 
You leaned over, nudging his shoulder with yours. “I’m Y/N, by the way.” 
“It’s lovely to meet you, Spencer. For the second time today.” 
Spencer smiled shyly, hands delving into his pockets as the elevator dinged. The two of you stepped out, looking at one another with timid expressions. 
“My car, it’s that way.” You pointed to the other end of the car park. 
“I take the subway.” Spencer responded, wishing he could find a way to make you stay a little longer.
“Well, have a good evening, Spencer.” You beamed. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
“Yes!” He responded a little eagerly, sighing inwardly before clearing his throat. “I mean yeah, sure that- that’s cool.” 
You giggled quietly, waving goodbye before turning toward your car. 
Spencer blushed the whole way to the subway station, biting back the smile on his lips at the thought of you. 
People leaving wasn’t exactly a new concept for Spencer. 
But you? 
He had the feeling that you were going to be a very permanent part of his life, and he didn’t mind that in the slightest. 
permanent taglist: @beyonces-breastmilk @itsmyblogandillreblogifiwantto @thelovelyrose @averyhotchner @cynbx @calm-and-doctor @reidyoulikeabook @jemimah-b99 @muffin-cup @shadyladyperfection @rigatonireid @amoeebaa @mggsprettygirl @alltooreid @awritingtree @you-sunshine @bunny-script @spencerreid9 @ilovespencerreidmarryme @mystical-and-modern-marauder
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earnestly-endlessly · 3 years
hey!! Your fic recommendations are always elite–I was wondering if you had any kid fics, thank you <3
Hi anon. I have plenty of kid fics for you. Since you didn't quite specify what kind of kid fic you wanted I decided to divide it into fics where Charles and Erik are kids or get deaged and fics that involve kids. This is kind of a long list so I hope that there are plenty of new fics for you to read.
Cherik Kid Fic
--They are kids or get deaged--
Conspiracy of Kisses - Alaceron
Summary: Seven-year-old Erik needs to keep his telepathic best friend Charles from finding out that he wants to kiss him. But that's okay, because he has a plan - he'll put on a tinfoil hat.
Chasing After You - Alaceron
Summary: Charles isn't very good at tag. Erik helps
We’ll be the sum - afrocurl, ninemoons42
Summary: In between bouts of blanket burrito-ing and vegging out on movies, Charles and Erik figure out how they currently feel about each other.
Of course, they're schoolboys and they're on a sleepover and also Edie dotes on them both excessively, so things work out just fine.
Growing pains - ikeracity
Summary: Twelve-year-old Erik Lehnsherr is an angry, closed-off foster kid with trust issues and a bad temper. Ten-year-old Charles Xavier is a lonely kid in boarding school who just wants a friend.
Logan pretends he doesn't think they're both fucking adorable.
Valentine’s day – ikeracity
Summary: Kid fic! Erik waits impatiently all day at school to give Charles a card for Valentine's Day. Maybe Charles has something for him too...?
Now You Know You Know it Now – luninosity
Summary: Erik’s not sure why he keeps glancing at the other boy. Not as if Erik likes other kids, or other people in general, for that matter. But still—he finds himself looking. Again.
This Family Comes with Batteries - Fishwrites, lynneh
Summary: An orphaned Charles Xavier goes to live with his Godfather: Tony Stark. This story is a tale of what would have happened to the events of MCU, if Tony was raising a six year old telepath in Stark Tower. There is also the matter of Charles' robot AI manny/bodyguard/tutor/only-friend, David.
You’re Not Doing This Alone – flightinflame, Lynds
Summary: What's meant to be a simple recruitment mission leads to both Erik and Charles being de-aged back to thirteen years old. Terrified and out of their depth, the boys try to hide their situation and help each other until they can work out what is going on.
Charles Xavier, A Retelling – Extra_fried_noodles
Summary: An attempt to reverse his paralysis goes wrong, and Charles is de-aged into a 2 year old toddler. While Hank scrambles to fix the situation, the whole gang is here to help. Through a mix of selective memory, they watch Charles relive his childhood, revealing some deeply hidden and painful truths.
Protective Instinct – Groovyhornbill
Summary: Charles and Erik were testing Cerebro’s new prototype when things went very wrong.
Divergence – Lynds
Summary: Universes and timelines collide, dropping two younger versions of Charles Xavier into the midst of the hunt for Sebastian Shaw. Now the newly formed X-men have to deal with a strangely quiet and self-reliant six year old, and a sixteen year old covered in bruises.
Erik, in particular, has to accept that the man he loves hasn't had the kind, happy upbringing he wished for him. But these children are here now, and Erik's not going to let anyone hurt them this time.
--Where they have kids--
Sink or Swim – endingthemes
Summary: Erik is a struggling single dad of three kids with a burning hatred for Sebastian Shaw, the man who wronged him years ago. He’s tried to move on with his life, but a run-in with Shaw’s rude, spoiled omega, Charles, drags up old anger. When Charles ends up in the hospital after an accident, Erik goes to confront him only to find that Charles has amnesia. In the confusion, Charles mistakenly assumes that Erik is his mate.
Erik knows he should clear up the misunderstanding, but how can he pass up this perfect chance for a little revenge?
(An Overboard AU)
Rumor Has It - blueink3
Summary: "Did I hear the doorbell earlier?"
"Yeah, but I'd steer clear if I were you. It seemed a little tense. I don't know what's going on, but there's a kid out there who looks freakily like the prof."
Nearly six months after Cuba, Charles' life is turned upside down for the second time. Though he's slowly learning to adapt to the first, he's not sure he can handle the second. Luckily for him, there are a few people out there more than willing to help.
Words and Pictures – pocky_slash
Summary: When Lorna's powers manifest early, Charles Xavier's mutant picture books are the perfect teaching tool. Erik just hadn't expected the author to be so young. Or attractive. Or available.
Write this number down (you can call it anytime) – pocky_slash
Summary: When Erik upsets his children, they have a habit of running away from home--and straight to Charles' school for cookies and consolation. Charles doesn't mind the visitors, but as they appear more and more frequently, he realizes that sooner or later, he and Erik are going to have to talk about what happened on the beach and what it means for their future and the future of Erik's children.
Dress Your Family in Plaid and Skinny Jeans – cygnaut
Summary: Erik and Charles meet at the mutant playgroup/parenting support circle and they instantly hit it off. And so do their kids, Lorna and David.
Not What I was Expecting (So Much Better) – lazulisong
Summary: Erik, the single father, hires Charles, the grad student with the slightly shady past, to be his manny.
Heli Cases – Black_Betty
Summary: "Heli Cases" is a program on PBS whose aim is to educate on the rapidly increasing occurrence of genetic mutation in the general populous by breaking the complex science down into palatable, easy to digest pieces.
It is also the only thing that helps Erik get his fussy daughter to fall asleep.
(Featuring Dadneto, baby Lorna and the struggles of single fatherhood, and Charles as the host of a late night show about genetics.)
Doing Something for Yourself – Pookaseraph
Summary: Erik is a hard working engineer and single dad, Charles runs a local Community Center where Wanda and Pietro spend their time after school. Erik accidentally makes Charles' acquaintance one Wednesday evening when he's running late from work. Erik has no idea if he stands a chance with his new acquaintance, but that isn't going to keep him from falling for the guy.
A Good Dad – listerinezero
Summary: Ten years later, Magneto has left the Brotherhood and Raven asks Charles to help her find him. Charles discovers that Erik is the single father of five year old twins Wanda and Pietro, and he is doing everything he can to keep them safe from his former enemies.
Take a Chance (On Me) – Ook
Summary: In which Charles, terrorised by his abusive ex, takes his young son to a small town in America, where they both settle down and make friends with their neighbours. Particularly the town mechanic, Erik, and his foster son, Alex. Requester stated they wanted to "drown in H/C. "
Can’t Buy Me Love – niniblack
Summary: Erik's a single dad struggling to make it work and nab the promotion he's been waiting for. The last thing he needs is to get involved with politician and notorious playboy Charles Xavier.
(The Maid in Manhattan pastiche that no one asked for.)
Ohana – royal_chandler
Summary: Erik's children are absolute hellions. If by hellions, one means children who are incredibly protective of their new family unit and won't let a few household mishaps get in the way of keeping it together.
One Second and a Million Miles – magneto
Summary: Between being a parent to the best baby in the history of man-kind and co-running a Mutant Center in Hell's Kitchen, Erik Lehnsherr has his hands pretty full. Too full, certainly for romance; something that has never really been on his radar to begin with.
All that changes, however, when he meets Dr. Charles Xavier. Handsome, intelligent, capable, kind, an Omega level telepath, and one of the best pediatricians in the state, he's everything Erik didn't know he was looking for. But he's also Lorna's pediatrician which means, of course, he's off-limits. Except how is Erik supposed to try and forget his crush when he and Charles keep running into each other as if fate is trying to tell them something? When, as Charles says, they seem to want the same thing?
Her Only Mutations Were Her Blue Eyes and Her Auburn Hair – Pookaseraph
Summary: While sneaking back out of Russia, Erik and Charles stumble across Anya, Erik's presumed dead daughter, and it changes quite a few little things along the way. Fluffy, self-indulgent, fix-it.
Despicably Yours – Cesare, veryorangecat
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr, AKA Magneto, is a supervillain without equal... except maybe one: Charles Xavier, AKA Professor X, AKA Erik's next door neighbor. When their competition heats up, Erik decides the only way to get ahead is to adopt four mutant orphans to infiltrate Charles's mansion.
Things don't go as planned.
The Wrong Impression – Rosawyn
Summary: Charles is trying to balance the responsibilities of his career with his responsibilities as a single father to a tiny baby. It's not something he ever thought he'd have to do, and it's not as easy as those women on the internet make it look! He does't have much of a social life (unless talking to his sister on the phone and attending a parents' class where he's the only guy count), and he doesn't even have time to think of dating. He's just trying to keep his job - and keep his son fed and healthy.
Marrying a Mob – Ook
Summary: Charles is a teacher at a very exclusive school. When armed men burst in on the trail of two children, of course he stands up to them and gets hurt. The children are Erik Lehnsherr's children (of course); a "prominent businessman" or, less politely, "mobster".
Erik is grateful to Charles for saving his children's lives at the cost of his kneecap. So very grateful.
Naturally he tries to reward Charles for his actions. Equally naturally, Charles will be having none of that.
Azazel finds the whole thing unspeakably hilarious. Naturally.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Mixed Signals
Tumblr media
Warnings: Language 
Currently, you were sitting in Alexandra Cabot’s office with your partner, Fin, attempting to go over notes and files for the current case. Attempting because, much like every other day, Alex was basically ignoring you. You’d transferred into Manhattan from Brooklyn nearly a year ago, having been on the job for nearly eight years already, being placed in SVU at both locations. Despite being a well trained, educated and decorated detective, Alex seemed to have some sort of problem with you.
When the two of you had first been introduced she’d given you a tight smile and immediately moved into the case, she came across cold, disinterested, you figured that’s just how she was. That being, of course, until you saw the way she interacted with a handful of the other detectives. Sure, she was usually all business, but at least she could crack a smile or laugh with them, even meeting Olivia for drinks on a regular basis.
Alex originally had at least been the bare minimum of friendly with you over the first month or so that you’d joined the squad, but after that, she seemed to keep you at arms length. Anytime you stopped by for a warrant or to drop off a file or two that you were by yourself she’d barely acknowledge you, ushering you out of the office before you could even say a word. You usually just rolled your eyes, giving her a nod before leaving Hogan Place. When you were working through things in the squad room she barely acknowledged you, if you spoke up, she did her best not to look at you, taking whatever you said into consideration before directing her reply to someone else.
You’d gotten pretty fed up by this point, simply letting the other members of the squad speak, letting Fin take the lead on the conversation over the case, simply muttering small agreements or nodding to confirm his story. Finally, Alex was satisfied with the information the two of you had given her, telling the two of you were good to go. Fin’s phone pinged, he turned to you, mentioning that he had to run, wondering if you’d be good to get back alone and you said you would. He quickly took off, leaving you to gather up the paperwork and files, returning them into your bag as you got your things together. You heard Alex give an annoyed sigh, causing your movement to freeze, glancing up at her.
��What?” You snapped, not surprised at the steely look she shot you.
“What, what?” She replied, the coolness oozing through her voice. You gave a heavy sigh, crossing your arms across your chest.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Why do you hate me?” You couldn’t hold it back anymore, you were absolutely sick of having to deal with the bullshit, needing to know why Alex was always so against you.
“What?” You were surprised by the shocked expression on her face, the way that she actually looked up, her wide eyes meeting yours, her pen freezing its movement in her hand.
“Why, do you hate me?” You repeated sternly.
“I..I don’t hate you.”
“Yeah…right..” You scoffed, shoving the last couple of files into your bag. “You play nice with everyone else but you pretend I don’t exist.” Shouldering your bag your started to move towards the door.
“Hey! It’s not what you think.” She quickly defended, standing from her desk.
“Oh please!” You turned to face her, the tone in your voice hardening, the volume increasing, unable to take it anymore “Alex, you know, I get it. I really do. You’re an Ivy League educated lawyer who comes from some uppity high class family and I’m just some kid from the projects who decided that being a cop was the best she could be. You think I should’ve done more, been better. You look down on me because of my backstory, just like everybody else.”
“No, that’s not—“
“I get that you think I’m inept, that I suck at what I do, but I have been doing this for just as long as you and I’d really appreciate if you started to at least respect me as a detective!”
“I think you’re an incredible detective.” You let out a guffaw, rolling your eyes.
“Seriously? You NEVER take what I have to say into consideration, you don’t even look at me when I’m talking, you take every excuse you can to keep me from taking the stand. I’m good at my job, I’ve come so far from where I grew up, I’m a decorated detective yet you treat me like a rookie, like I’m a goddamn child I—“
“I can’t help that I’m in love with you!” Alex nearly shouted through the office, causing you to freeze in your movements, your eyes shooting up to meet hers, surprised with the small glimmer of tears in her eyes.
“What?” You barely breathed, eyes wide in shock. “I…but you’re always so distant..” Your voice instantly softened, barely whispering through the office. Alex took a heavy sigh, taking a step towards you,
“I…when you first showed up I thought you were just another detective, but a few weeks in I realized I had feelings for you. I did my best to just remain professional.. I’m sorry if you thought I was a bitch.”
“You..you don’t hate me?” Your brain could barely uncross the wires, stumbling over your words as Alex looked up at you, a soft look on her face.
“Of course not…” She smiled, “I was never ignoring you, it’s just that I can barely concentrate when I look at you. The thought of being trapped in this office alone with you doing trial prep intimidated me, I guess?”
“I…intimidated you.” You laughed, “Ironic.”
“I’m sorry to have dumped this on you. I just really didn’t want you thinking that I thought less of you when it’s the complete opposite.”
“Well..” You quickly glanced down at your watch, “Why don’t you let me buy you a drink and you can tell me all about it.” A small smirk found its way to your lips.
“Really?” You nearly giggled at the eagerness in Alex’s voice.
“Yeah. C’mon, Beekman’s just around the corner, and they’ve got the best jalapeño poppers.”
Alex was quick to gather her things, more than happy to join you exiting the DA’s office into the streets of the city. That night the two of you had your first real conversation, actually getting to know each other, instead of the presumed assumptions you’d previous made of each other. The wine helped mellow everyhthing out and it wasn’t long before things became flirtatious, bantering back and fourth, lingering touches and flushed cheeks.
Neither of you wanted the night to end, ending up at Alex’s apartment after her prompting that she had a dessert wine you absolutely had to try. The added bonus of actually having some privacy meant that you were much more draped over each other than at the bar, Alex’s fingers tracing patterns on your bare shoulder. You spent hours engrossed with each other, half paying attention to whatever movie was on the first channel turned on. When Alex stifled a yawn you discreetly checked your watch, realizing how late it was.
“I should probably get going.” Giving her a warm smile you moved to stand from the couch, tugging your blazer back on as Alex walked you to the door.
“I’m glad we were able to figure things out.”
“Me too. We should do it again sometime.”
“I’d like that.” The warmth raidiating off the blonde was a very new, but very welcomed addition to your life. You stepped towards her, linking your hand with hers, gently tugging her towards you, a hand cupping her cheek as you softly met her lips. Humming in satisfaction at the feel of her moving against you with ease, it was tender, loving, full of gentle passion. You could feel the smile on her lips right before you pulled away.
“I’ll see you Monday?”
“Most certainly.” Alex gave you another soft smile, waiting in the doorway, watching as you stepped into the elevator. It definitely wasn’t how she’d expected the day to go, and most definitely wasn’t how she expected the night to end, but she was certainly elated at the entire idea.
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onelovewonderwoman · 3 years
first class || charles xavier x reader
i’ve been on an x-men binge and fell into a hole of james mcavoy and charles xavier again, so here we are. i haven’t written fics in a long time, so i tried to again. i’m uncreative so like the title is just the first movie because of the fact that it’s set during that time. kind of like self insert cause there’s a few bits and pieces where there’s canonical plot and interactions, so disclaimer for that. anyways, hope you guys enjoy! ps also don’t have enough energy to find a fitting gif so maybe i’ll find one later maybe i won’t. we’ll see
words: 5.8k
warnings: not proofread (i spent three days on this so i don’t have the energy anymore haha), writing lacks emotional depth, drug use and mentions, intent of murder, thoughts of (murder, rape, suicide, etc.), poorly written two paragraphs about kissing, angst, we ignore moira and charles’ romance cause... duh, it’s x reader and it’s too difficult for me to work around it rn a haha
The rooms were always the same. They were dark, illuminated only by the dimmest of lights emanating from the occasional lava lamp or fairy lights. Fairy - ironic word for such situations, such rooms. Filled so heavily with smoke it made it hard to breathe, let alone see. And the floors; the floors always felt different. 
In hindsight, it was probably the one thing that had her realizing the rooms were never actually the same. Sure, they had the same smell, the same overcrowdedness and moving bodies, the same darkness, even the same taste, but the floors testified to the difference each room held. 
Sometimes, when the world would freeze and all the people around her became nothing but a mesh of warm bodies, she could hear the floor creak under her feet with every step she took. There she was - the house right down the street from her. 
Other times, the floors felt sticky under her shoes. She assumed it was tequila. There were always too many bottles around to count, surely there would be spills. Or, some poor guy could have pissed himself like that one time. When her shoes sounded like velcro as she walked across the floor, she was at the house all the way across town.
In any case, she felt the same ankle up. One of her favourite parts had to be the way the music always abused her ears - so high, it made her feel lightheaded. More so than she already had been both. Sex was not nearly regular enough for her to compare, but she knew what she would feel every time the music was loud enough to make her head buzz and throb with a vengeance was more erotic than anything anyone could ever do to her.
The place could change but the scene never really did. Down to the people - she knew this for sure. She knew every beating heart around her like they were her own. She never only felt it there, but in her head as well. Even as it buzzed, she felt it. Sometimes it tore at her skull as if trying to escape - ironic.
Now, why did the scene change one evening in 1962? She told herself it was fate, but it had merely been wishful thinking when she knew why. How did she know? She knew the man sitting next to her on the worn down couch, nearly entirely unconscious and reeking of weed and vodka, knew the girl across the house, the girl across the house knew the man next to her and that - so on and so forth - meant she knew all three of them, even though they didn’t know her. So, for two new men to walk into the house, their eyes focused - focused on her - changed the scene entirely.
Now, the music became nothing more than an assault on her ears; the lights became too bright at the same time as the dark became too dark; the air became heavier than usual; and she sobered up at the feeling of something - someone - in her head. Then, it all caved in. It was as overwhelming as it always was, but she was used to it enough to handle it for a little while, at least whilst remnants of her high remained. She couldn’t say the same for the shorter of the two men she saw keel over at the pressure.
He got over it pretty quick, from what she could tell. “Charles Xavier,” he introduced himself as, “This is my colleague, Erik Lensherr.”
A quick trip from the couch to the door had her standing on the lawn of the house of the night with the two men. Crickets could be heard fighting against the sound of the music blaring from the house as she swayed on her feet, making wet sounds in the grass from earlier rain. Charles stood not much taller than her, charm emanating from him and the way his piercing blue eyes seemed to smile despite his furrowed brows and mouth set in a straight line as he stared at her, waiting for a response with his hands tucked into his coat pockets. Erik stood taller, stoic and calculating.
“And?” She crossed her arms across her chest, both in discomfort and the fact that the chilly night air had begun to bite at her skin, her long sleeve doing nothing to help. “I should care why?”
If the incident earlier wasn’t enough, the way the both of them looked at her was enough for her to know why. “What’s your name?” Charles asked, having her notice then the English accent on his tongue. 
The second she gave it to him, he smiled - almost sympathetically - at her and hummed, “You have an incredibly busy mind, Y/N.”
“And you have an incredibly nosy one, Charles.” That had Erik letting out a chuckle, one that felt like approval to her ears.
Never in a million years would she dare say yes to anything of the sort the two men proposed to her that night. A team of mutants; not necessarily that she thought it was absurd or a horrible idea - no. It made sense, not factoring in their current climate, to have a team of mutants fighting against the evils of the world. The horrible idea was to have her join. No, she wanted to tell them, “I don’t think it’s such a good idea.”
“That’s exactly what I’ve been thinking too,” Erik agreed with her, catching both herself and Charles off guard, “We’ll be going then.”
He offered her his hand. She didn’t know how long she stood there staring at his outstretched arm. Sometimes her high slowed time - it could have been five seconds or five minutes. When she finally looked away from his hand, up at him, she saw he stood unwavered and patient.
“You don’t have to, you know.” Her eyes shot to Charles as he broke the silence. He shook his head, brows still furrowed and mouth set in a straight line. “You’re under no obligation.”
For Charles to know, she understood. He had just been in her mind long enough to know that most of it wasn’t even hers. For Erik to know and offer her his hand made her wonder just how desperate he was to assemble the team - for whatever reason that she was about to find out in a moment.
“We leave now.” Was all he said after he tore his hand from hers.
An hour hasn’t even passed when she found herself on a plane with the two men, mind still buzzing but this time not with a high. This time, with an overwhelming anger and anticipation. The way Erik didn’t make eye contact with her and Charles sent worried glances her way throughout their trip to their “base” was enough to tell her that they knew she had already been briefed on what was happening - the reason behind their assembling of a team. Rather, she knew specifically of the personal motive behind it.
All it made her heart feel like it was beating a mile a minute. It pounded against her chest so hard she was sure at least one of them could hear it. So badly did she want to hide out in the plane’s bathroom and take something to stop the pain, but it was off the table. For now.
Soon enough the flight ended, and she came to find out their “base” was a covert CIA facility where they placed the other mutants they rounded up before her. She just as quickly met and said goodbye to Moira MacTaggert, a CIA officer working with Charles and Erik to stop Shaw. His name alone sent sparks of rage flowing through her veins.
She was left with the group when the three went off that night. There, she came face to face with Raven, Sean, Alex, Hank, Darwin, and Angel - or, Mystique, Banshee, and Havok. Darwin and Angel were “self explanatory”, considering they were already nicknames and described their powers fairly well. Hank was just… Hank.
Her turn came around quickly, once everyone settled down from Alex’s show of his “gift”, when all heads turned to her, sitting at the end of the couch. Raven smiled at her - she liked her, she was sweet - “What about you? What’s your power?”
“I’m,” She paused for a moment, the eyes on her making her anxious and curl into herself hoping, praying, another mutant wouldn’t touch her. “I can move things. With my mind.” She gave a tight smile to Raven and nodded her head, as if to reassure herself. “I can move things with my mind.”
Raven’s smile only widened, excited by either the prospect of her being able to move things with her mind or the opportunity to give her an alias. She assumed it was the latter. She excused herself to the washroom just as Raven asked the group what they thought. “We’ll have one for you once you get back! Promise!” Raven called after her.
Body filled with anticipation, she nearly ran to the washroom, willing the door closed behind her after she entered. It was small, but clean - CIA property after all. 
She tried. She really did. Albeit, making contact with a mutant was always the worst; Erik especially. The trauma, the pain, the thoughts. All them clawed at her brain, as though they were tearing through it layer by layer until nothing but them remained within her skull.
Nothing could stop her from taking out the small baggy in her back pocket and tearing it open. Nothing could stop her from taking it, only to feel a rush flow through her. It would take a bit, but soon enough she would stop feeling them gnawing on her very existence. Soon, numbness would wash over her and she could just be no one.
She guessed she was in the washroom for about half an hour. Staring at her reflection, at the floor, at the ceiling, at anything, but when she made her way back to the room, she found it in disarray. Music was blasting from the radio, chairs flipped over, Raven on top of the couch dancing as Hank hung from the ceiling light, the rest of the group messing around with their powers. She couldn’t tell if they were experiencing some high of their own or just happened to have gotten their hands on some alcohol.
“What are you doing? Who destroyed the statue?” Moira’s voice broke her out of the trance she was in watching the group. Slowly, she turned her head to see her, Charles, and Erik walking over as everyone else froze. Moira was angry, that much anyone could tell, but the two men were unreadable.
Hank was the first one to reply back, jumping down the ceiling, panicked, “It was Alex.”
“No. Havok.” Raven seemed to stay unfazed, still standing on the couch with a wide smile on her face. “We have to call him Havok. That's his name now…”
Raven’s words melted away from her. Her focus wasn’t elsewhere; it was simply nowhere at all. She stared at everyone in the room, yet no one at all. So caught up in nothing she didn’t notice Charles himself staring at her until Erik uttered something under his breath and walked away with Moira following, brows furrowed in what looked to be confusion. Just as she caught his eye, he looked away.
Directed at Raven, he spoke firmly, “I expect more from you.”
Not long after, they had gotten word that Shaw would be in Russia, and so she was left with the group of mutants when the three left alongside the CIA to get their hands on him. Before, it would have made her wonder what purpose the group of mutants really served if they didn’t want them there to help. Now, after the incident, she understood why.
By no means were any of them prepared for such a task. She couldn’t claim to be either. She only agreed because she knew a part within her would hate her for not coming and at the very least trying to help.
Just when she thought she and the solemn group couldn’t be any more of a liability, she was proven wrong. Because now Sebastian Shaw stood in front of them, smug and irritating as ever, after having his lackey drop an unsuspecting CIA to his death in front of all of them and cornering them. 
“Good evening. My name's Sebastian Shaw, and I'm not here to hurt you.” She was sure she wasn’t the only one assuming he had taken out every single CIA operative in the facility to make it this far; a thought that filled her being with even more dread than she was already feeling at the sight of him. “My friends, there's a revolution coming. When mankind discovers who we are, what we can do, each of us will face a choice. Be enslaved or rise up to rule. Choose freely, but know that if you are not with us, then by definition, you are against us. So, you can stay and fight for the people who hate and fear you. Or you can join me, and love like kings and queens.”
They all watched, both shocked and betrayed when Angel took the hand Shaw outstretched, standing by his side even when he murdered Darwin in his attempt to stop him with Alex. She didn’t see it - she turned away the second Shaw released the energy he’d taken from Alex into Darwin. She heard it, though. The explosion. When she turned back, as Shaw, Angel, and the men he had brought with him retreated, she saw nothing. There was no sign of Darwin; not even a speck of dust.
Suddenly, her chest tightened and the clawing came back.
The person who happened to almost send them home also happened to be the one who provided them a new place to train their powers for the fight with Shaw. Charles was entirely serious and extremely close to sending them all home; “They’re just kids.” But Erik made it clear to him that they couldn’t be anymore, not after Shaw.
Charles lived, alongside Raven, in a massive mansion that had been entirely too big for her to take in, but it provided the perfect space for them to train their powers. Each of them were assigned rooms by Charles personally that day. 
He took the liberty of walking them each there. She didn’t know if it was just her or a Charles thing, but he stayed quiet. Unusual for a man that had so much to say. But then again, with what they’ve already been through, she couldn’t imagine he was feeling very chatty. She certainly wouldn’t have been in his situation. Granted, she would be feeling the same way now, but in her predicament by this point, she wouldn’t mind someone else’s verbal company.
The second he guided her through the bedroom
door, she began to take in the sheer size of the room, feeling bigger than life itself in the way that she was feeling. The bed was even better; huge and looked as though the softness of it would swallow her into a warm hug. Her first instinct would have been to jump right onto it, but the fact that Charles ceased to leave and instead remained planted there, giving her a look she couldn’t make out once she turned to face him, made her fight against her urges.
She opened her mouth in an attempt to utter an “Are you alright?” but never got the chance. Instead, Charles spoke as soon as her mouth opened, slowly, as if to make sure she understood every word he was saying like she had been incapable of doing so before, “Training starts tonight, but I’ll be seeing you tomorrow.”
With her brows furrowed in confusion, she nodded, and Charles began to walk away. He stopped by the frame of the door, back to her, and spoke again, “Try and get some rest.”
With that, he shut the door behind him. Now, she was left in the room alone, tiredness washing over her. Awaiting the next day, she decided to fall into the cloud that was the bed and fall asleep while she could.
The next morning was when Charles asked to see her - by Raven. The young woman led her over to a room, an odd dome shaped one, where Charles stood waiting. He wasn’t the same as the night before - uncomfortable, was the only way she knew to describe it - welcoming and encouraging.
“We’ve got plenty of work to do,” Charles spoke, hands in his pockets, as she entered and Raven excused herself elsewhere. Looking around, she could see evidence that training had started last night, namely Alex’s. Dark scuff marks were streaked across walls of the dome on the end farthest from them and small balls of fluff on the floor remained, assumingly left behind in the midst of a quick clean up of training dummies that had been torn open.
Despite the mess, several other objects were placed across the floor. All ranged from light to heavy. Chairs, weights - it looked to be anything he could have been capable of carrying in with the help of the others.
She stopped in front of him. “What’s this?”
The man’s smile widened before he started, rather loudly at that. “Well.” He moved towards the objects then spun around to face her, arms outstretched. “This is the beginning of your training.”
She raised an eyebrow, looking at the man unimpressed. “You want me to move this stuff around?”
“You’re not just moving stuff around.” Charles shook his head, arms dropping to his sides as he declared. “You don’t need to move everything here. I only need to see how much you can handle.” His head tilted as he looked at her, blue eyes meeting her own as his expression retreated to one of curiosity. “And how you handle it.”
She didn’t think the professor was aware of the innuendo within the situation, so she let it go despite the sweet stomach dropping feeling that came over her. Instead, she shrugged. “Then what?”
“Then,” Charles hesitated for a moment, “Erik was able to move a satellite dish. If it happens to be possible-”
“A satellite dish?” She laughed incredulously, “You can be serious.”
Charles nodded towards her, challenging her statements as he took a few steps forward. “And what is it that’s making you believe you’re incapable of doing anything similar?”
“Look.” She shook her head, looking directly at him when she said, “I can move the average household item, shut a door and maybe, just maybe, bust it down, but I couldn’t push your couch across the room, let alone move a fu- a satellite dish.”
Charles’ brows furrowed. “And that’s what you believe?”
She hummed. “That’s what I know.”
“Well,” he sighed, disappointment written across his face that sent her into a spiral, “There’s not much we can do if you don’t believe you can better yourself, is there?”
The second he walked past her was when it felt as though ice water had been spilt onto her. A mixture of confusion and gloom washed over her before she turned to see Charles’ back, still moving towards the door. “What?”
He stopped in his tracks at her exclamation, waiting several moments as if contemplating before he turned back to her. Carefully, he asked, “Why do you take them?”
She shook her head, looking almost offended. “How did you-”
“Your mind,” Charles confirmed, “It gets quieter.”
The offence on her face never ceased, but the uncomfortable mixture of feelings she was overwhelmed with had her shrug in response to his question. Charles only nodded and gave her a tight smile before turning back.
She closed her eyes, resigning herself with huff. She could go back to the life she had come to know and hate, or she could take the second chance he was giving her even if it did include the prospect of some suffering.
“I don’t take them for fun.” The sound of her voice made Charles stop again. This time, he waited. “When I touch a person I don’t just take every experience. I take every memory.”
He turned around to face her once more and gave her nod, signalling her to continue. She breathed in and out. “I see and I feel everything that’s happened to them. That’s a lot and it’s enough, but that’s not why I-”
She cut herself off, feeling herself choke on the words before shaking her head and persisting herself on despite Charles’ look of concern. “I take them because, when I take their memories, I take all of their thoughts too. Every one. So every thought of murder, or rape, or suicide, or any fucked up thing, keeps tearing me apart from the inside out.”
Charles nodded, walking closer to her, choosing his words carefully as he spoke, sympathy written deep in his soft voice, “And they scare you.”
She shook her head. Looking away from him for a moment, she willed away tears she felt gathering. She turned back to him. “The thought of acting on them scares me.”
Although slightly taken aback by the revelation, Charles holds his composure. He nodded before opening his mouth to respond, walking closer as he began.
The only reaction he got was her taking a step back, shaking her head. “I swear I’m not a bad person.” Charles assumed she didn’t want him touching her - considering she took away every thought. “I’m always all these people at once - I don’t even know who I am.”
“Then we will figure it out.” Charles tilted his head, making sure her eyes met his when she attempted to look away. His voice was soft and reassuring to her ears, even if she didn’t know whether to believe him or not. “You aren’t alone, Y/N.”
As it turns, the drugs were having a large effect on her ability to use her powers - the next few days told her as much. By no means was she capable of moving a satellite dish, but she had been able to take her powers to lengths she never thought she could have been able to.
Most of it was due to Charles - he’d spent most of the next few days with her, pushing her, sometimes to the point where she’d snap at him. She always calmed, though, and Charles always remained coolheaded.
Still, they grew closer. Or at least she grew closer to him. She couldn’t tell if the praise, the laughs, the banter, and the willingness to come back together after a fight only meant something to her. She hoped it did - because why else wouldn’t he just give up on her? All that time spent on advancing her powers to defeat Shaw, and he still talked about helping her as though their relationship would continue past this mission.
Part of her wanted to touch him so she could just know. Even if he hadn’t taken such a liking to her as she had him, at the very least try to understand him in his entirety and make a space for herself in his life. Then, another part of her was horrified at what she would find in there.
For the time being, there wasn’t much opportunity to dwell on it. The day they would head out was coming soon, and Erik suggested the group get a good night’s rest. They would all need it.
With her luck, she didn’t know why she thought that sleep would come easy that night. Whether it was due to adrenaline, anxiety, or anything else, didn’t matter. Because whatever was keeping her up had her pacing the hallways of Charles’ estate that night.
She wasn’t looking for it, but instead happened upon a conversation. 
“… no difference. Shaw’s declared war on mankind. On all of us. He has to be stopped.” She heard Charles’ voice through a door as she passed by. Although knowing that he could probably make out the sound of her mind from a mile away, she still stopped by it. She grew even more curious when she heard Erik’s voice. 
“I'm not gonna stop Shaw. I'm gonna kill him. Do you have it in you to allow that?” A moment of silence passed and she shifted on her feet. It made the floor creek. She shut her eyes and bit her lip, nervous, expecting to hear the sound of one of their footsteps coming to open the door and catch her eavesdropping. Whether they heard or not, she didn’t know as Erik continued on, “You've known all along why I was here, Charles. But things have changed. What started as a covert mission, tomorrow mankind will know that mutants exist. Shaw, us, they won't differentiate. They'll fear us. And that fear will turn to hatred.”
“Not if we stop a war,” Charles’ voice wavered on a line of urgency and assurance, “Not if we can prevent Shaw. Not if we risk our lives doing so.”
Charles very well could have been doing nothing but reassuring Erik with his words, but she couldn’t help but wonder if he was actually trying to reassure himself. As if the world wouldn’t either discard or abuse them once they’ve served their purpose of their betterment. 
“Will they do the same for us?”
“We have it in us to be the better men.”
“We already are.” Erik’s voice quickly turned from calm to urgent when he next spoke. “We're the next stage of human evolution. You said it yourself!”
“No, no!” She heard Charles attempt to cut Erik off before he sighed. She could practically hear the disappointment in it, although she couldn’t say she felt the same. He only let Erik continue.
“Are you really so naive as to think that they won't battle their own extinction?” She heard him pause. “Or is it arrogance?”
“I’m sorry?” As if Charles had misheard him. 
She shifted on her feet once more as their voices became more hushed, despite the feeling coming from the room becoming more hostile than calm. This time, she was more careful. Nothing made a sound below her feet when she moved closer to the door, pressing her ear against it, as well as her left palm for support.
“After tomorrow, they're gonna turn us. But you're blind to it, because you believe they're all like Moira.” 
“And you believe they're all like Shaw.” Came Charles’ immediate response. Calmly, she heard him continue, “Listen to me very carefully my friend. Killing Shaw will not bring you peace.”
Erik’s voice never wavered when he told Charles, “Peace was never an option.”
Footsteps came far too fast for her to move away from the door. In a split second, she found herself leaning against the door to crashing into Erik’s chest when he pulled the door open. For a moment, Erik stood staring down at her, watching her attempt to recompose herself and attempt to apologize. She didn’t get a word out before he moved past her and walked away.
She watched his form retreat before she turned back to the room. Standing in the doorway, she saw Charles sitting in the chair facing away from her. With his eyes closed and fingers pinching the bridge of his nose, he sighed, “You realize I can hear your mind from across this house?”
She took a step in, almost reluctantly. She didn’t imagine Charles would be content with anything she had to say, but maybe she could make him understand. “Erik’s right, you know.”
Her words had Charles’ eyes snap open. He got out the chair, setting down the drink he was nursing on the table next to him, before he turned to face her. “Excuse me?”
“Peace isn’t an option ‘cause we’re never gonna get peace.” She shook her head, desperation in both her voice and eyes as she stared into his. “Erik thinks they’re gonna turn on us. They might not, but it doesn’t mean any of us will get any peace. They won’t all be like Shaw, they won’t all be like Moira, but most of them - most of them will just be human. They’ll fear us and they’ll judge us. It doesn’t matter how harmless we are or not.”
She watched as Charles took a step forward, his head tilting to the side, expression unreadable as his voice remained calm. “You can’t be serious.” It was a statement - a wrong one.
“Shaw needs to die,” She spoke with assurance. She felt her eyes fill with tears, Charles watching her suck in a breath and release as he began to walk closer to her, before she spoke in a whisper, no longer trusting her voice, “Shaw needs to die for what he did to us. We’re going to kill him, Charles.”
They’re faces we’re merely inches apart, chilling her to the bone as he looked at her. What she thought he would never do is what he tried the second he began to raise his hand, speaking quickly to her when he asked, “Us?”
His hand almost cupped her cheek when she turned her head away from it. Immediately, his hand froze. Charles watched her profile as more tears welled up in her eyes and her lips began to tremble. Voice weak and tearful, staring away from him, she pleaded, “Please don’t confuse me. I can’t-”
“I know you feel it,” Charles’ other hand came up to guide her face back to him despite her, whispering carefully, “But it is not your cross to bear.”
His hand was warm against her cheek. Comforting - enough to make her mind go blank. Wishful thinking, of course, because soon the clawing in her head would come back with a vengeance at having a man such as Charles touch her. For now, though, he felt safe. Stable. Enough so that she could close her eyes for a moment and let the tears fall as he leaned down to her and let his forehead press against hers. 
“You can’t help but feel his pain,” She felt his breath against her lips as he spoke, his voice the same soft and soothing as she’s known it to be, “But you can decide what you do with it.”
She shook her head gently and pulled away, but still letting Charles’ hand rest against her cheek. “It’s not just-” she whispered to him, mouth feeling dry as her eyes avoided his, trying to piece her thoughts together. His hand slid down to the base of her neck, guiding her eyes to his. She licked her lips before she swallowed. “I barely knew Darwin, but he killed him right in front of us. And it was cruel and scary and I couldn’t even make myself look at it when it happened.”
“I know.” Charles brought his other hand up to brush away slow falling tears she hadn’t even known began to escape. He voiced nothing but concern, letting her continue as if he knew what she was going to say next. 
Her hands reached up to wrap around his wrists, not to pull his hands away from her, but to simply hold onto them. Almost as if they were an anchor to make up for the tears she now felt were falling faster down her face as she realized. “For the first time, I think I want something, I feel this anger and fear, because of my head. I saw it first and I felt it first. It’s mine, and now I have a real responsibility to take care of it.”
“Not with murder.” Her hands tightened around his wrists as he brought her face closer to his own. A frown on his face as he desperately told her, “I meant it when I told you that we would figure this out together. You told me you were never your own person, that you don’t even know yourself. We were - we are - going to bring you into existence. I beg you, Y/N, don’t let yourself be brought into this world as a murderer.”
His words, as beautiful as they were, only half registered within her brain. All she found herself focusing on then was how close he was. She would think back later and come to realize that it was because the only thing making her tears stop and giving her the will not to commit a murder was the prospect of approval she would get from a man like him. From someone who could never understand her struggle, someone who never tried to or tried to make her feel as though there was some way out. From someone who wanted to build on it and show her the strength she could find within it.
Realistically, she knew he would have a few words for her if she ever outwardly admitted to him that she used approval as a means for bettering herself, but it was the best she could do at the time being.
Charles’ brows furrowed as he watched her face, spaced out and regarding him with an expression not even he could read. Somewhere deep down, though, he knew he had gotten through to her. His lips curled up slightly, speaking lowly with amusement evident in his voice, “Now where did you go?”
Her eyes shot from his lips to his eyes once more. As quick as they made eye contact, she leaned forward to press her lips against his. Lips soft, she kissed him carefully, one hand moving to cup his face. Only in the last few moments did he respond to it by kissing back.
She pulled away, looking at him nervously and letting out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding in. Her mouth was dry again. “I’m sorry-”
She was cut off by Charles’ lips on hers once more. She kissed back instantly, sighing into the kiss in content. Feeling Charles smirk against her lips and deepen the kiss, she put both hands behind his neck, pulling his body closer to hers. He took her lower lip between his teeth, pulling slightly as he let his hands trail down her body to her waist, pulling her to make sure there wasn’t the slightest gap between their bodies.
Their lips broke apart, but only long enough to allow for a quick breath. Charles pushed his lips back into hers as her hands snaked down to the collar of his dress shirt, playing carefully with the top button.
Eventually, their lips broke apart as they caught their breath. Bodies still pressed together, Charles leant forward to rest his forehead onto hers, her eyes still close, for a moment before pressing a kiss to it. He placed his chin on top of her head and rested there, her head resting against the crook of his neck as she felt him - anticipating what it would feel like to feel nothing but him. 
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sourholland · 3 years
Ok... hear me out. I assume from the timeline that the reader got pregnant fairly soon after she and Tom became King and Queen, so I was wondering if you could write a blurb where they’ve just found out, and Tom is thrilled but also anxious about all of the royal obligations that come with being the first born heir? Then fast forward to just after Alex is born or his christening and Tom promises both the baby and the reader that he’ll be nothing like his father, no matter the responsibilities.
Your series was such a treat and you’re an incredible writer. Thank you for the opportunity to let your audience share some of the creative process with you. Xx.
a royal convenience blurb - i highly suggest reading the series before you read this!
“I don’t wish to see anyone, please just leave me alone!”
You could hear the servants crowded outside of the wooden double doors. Hot tears streaming down your face, you tried to choke back each and every sob that threatened to break. Even after all of the shouting you’d done, telling the staff to leave you be, they were still leaving the occasional knock on the wood.
“Your Majesty—”
“Could someone please just get me my husband?” You asserted.
“Ma’am, His Majesty has requested not to be disturbed—“
With a final huff from you, the woman scampered off to find Tom. After two long weeks of waking up in a cold sweat, vomiting continuously and being unable to fall back to sleep, you had the doctor come. He’d only just left you, eyes tired and bloodshot while you waited.
Within a few minutes, you heard someone coming towards the doors to your chambers. It opened quietly and was closed soon after, Tom came in with a worried face and a white undershirt that was untucked and creased. He’d been unaware of the doctor coming in the early morning, though he knew he would come eventually.
“I’ve just seen the doctor,” you sniffled. “I hadn’t thought to tell you before.”
He came over to sit on the bed, brows furrowed with a look of confusion. You felt the tears welling up in your eyes, fear threatening your mind.
“I am with child,” you told him frankly.
The words seemed to do a sufficient job in shocking him. His eyes glossed over as he leaned over on his knees a moment and let a breath escape. He was scared, you thought. Who wouldn’t be? And so soon after the wedding, it had only been a few months and you’d only just had the Coronation.
Something seemed to take him out of the shocked trance, rubbing his eyes and looking over at you. His expression softened a bit, he placed a hand on yours and stood up from the bed. Coming over to your bedside, he sunk down onto his knees and came to eye level.
“Don’t cry, Y/N,” he murmured softly. “It’s all going to be alright.”
“Tom, don’t say that,” you sighed. “Do you know how many women die in childbirth?”
He leaned into you, forehead against your shoulder and eyes shut. Nothing hurt more than the thought of leaving Tom to do this all on his own. It was terrifying, really. The mortality rate was so high that it made you dizzy.
“You’re going to be fine, Y/N,” he whispered to you. “And we’re going to be alright.”
He placed a flat hand on your stomach, a signification of the start of your family. Even though that wasn’t really the case, you and Tom had started a family the day you made your vows. Even if you hadn’t been able to give him children, you would be each other’s family.
“He has your eyes,” you said in a low voice. “Are you sure you didn’t want to give him your name, Tommy?”
“I’m sure, I don’t think there’s room for two of us,” he laughed quietly.
Alexander stirred in your arms, his skin was so soft and his eyes were so full of love. He made a few gurgling noises, hands opening and closing around your fingers. You and Tom were sat in your bed, much calmer than hours before.
“I just hope that I’m a better father than mine,” he told you. “That’s all I want.”
“You’re going to be a good father, Tom. I know you will, really.”
He nodded, brushing Alexander’s cheek and turning to look at you with a small smile playing on his lips. He leaned over and kissed you softly, sitting back and admiring both of you for a second.
“It’s going to be so hard for him, I remember how it was for me. Nobody ever stops, from the time I was able to talk, I was being conditioned to rule a country. Now, I know I can’t fix the broken system, but I promise that I’ll do right by both of you,” Tom vowed.
“Do you remember what you told me?” You asked him, “when I told you I was with child.”
He shook his head, obviously trying to recount his words before you could open your mouth and speak again.
“We’re going to be alright.”
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dragon-kazansky · 3 years
Dangerous | Helmut Zemo
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AU! Race car driver Zemo 😎
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
[Previous chapter] - [Next chapter]
Part 7
You did not, in fact, spend the night in the lovely room Zemo had made up for you. No, you had spent it with him. You woke up with his arm around you. He greeted you with a smile as you turned over to look at him. Then he kisses your forehead before pulling you into his chest.
Last night was amazing. Eventually you stopped making out outside his locker room and he got changed. You went out on your date, as he promised he would do. He took you to a reply nice bar. You both stayed there for hours, drinking and chatting.
You had to get a cab back to his house, neither of you fit to drive. It was good fun though.
You smiled softly. He was so warm.
"Good morning," he whispers, kissing the top of your head. His voice is all deep and thick from sleep. It makes his accent all the more pronounced... and sexy.
"Good morning."
He chuckles, the sound vibrating through his chest. Right now, in this very moment, he felt like the luckiest man alive.
"My handsome pro racer," you mutter, fingers caressing his jaw softly. He leans into your touch ever so slightly, the softest smile tugging at his lips.
"Your handsome pro racer?" He asks, still whispering.
"I think we're at that stage, no?"
He chuckles again, pulling you in to kiss you properly. You fit against him perfectly. Everything in this moment perfect, serene, and as it should be.
"Do I get breakfast?" You asks, cheeky grin on your face.
"Yes. I'll cook for you."
You kiss him once more before he slides out of bed and puts some clothes on. You laugh as he dresses. You had quite the night last night.
You stay in bed a little longer before you get up. You feel so at home here. Eventually you just miss him and get up. You grab some clothes, go into the bathroom, and get ready.
Zemo cooks up a delicious breakfast for you both. He serves it with some tea. He smiles as you enter the room, looking just as amazing as always.
"Breakfast is served."
You sit down with a smile and tuck in. It just feels so domestic and homey having breakfast with Helmut. As you sat there eating what he had made for you, a thought comes to mind.
Is this the start of something incredible?
You had hope that was the case. You didn't think you could go back to your lifestyle after being a part of his. This was where you wanted to be, you were sure of it.
"I'm going to hand in my notice soon," you say, glancing up at him.
The smile on his face was one of the most wonderful sights you has ever seen.
"I'll have things organised for you when you're ready to take over as my manager."
You grin.
"I have a lot to learn, but I won't let you down. We're a team now."
"Yes, we are."
After breakfast, you help clean up, you jump in the shower, and then you grab your phone. You give your boss a ring and alert him of what you wanted to do. When he asked why you were leaving, you told him about the offer you had received, trying to sound as casual about it as possible.
He freaked out when he heard you were going into the racing industry. After all, he was a fan of Zemo.
Everything felt like it was working out and coming together.
You hung up and turned to Zemo who had been waiting for you. You smiled as you wrapped your arms around him. He hugged you back, grinning.
"Well?" Though he didn't really have to ask.
"It's a done deal. He wants me to do one more shift, so he can give me a proper farewell, but then I'm all yours!"
He kisses you.
He had never felt this happy before. He held you to him, burying his nose into the crook of your neck. It was here as he hugged you that he felt like he could do anything. He just needed to win these next two races.
Your phone rang.
You sighed as you pulled away from Zemo, giving him a sad smile as you went to pick it up. Zemo leaves so you can have some privacy, already missing you.
It was 'your friend.'
"What can I do for you?" You ask, keeping your guard up. After her little tantrum, you didn't exactly trust her any more.
"We need to talk."
"Do we?" You keep your voice curt and clipped.
"Yes. There is something you need to know. I could tell you over the phone, but I think it's best we talk in person. You may not believe me if we don't, and I have evidence."
"What are you going on about?"
"Your boyfriend isn't being honest with you."
"My boyfriend? What about yours?" You ask, sharply. "What was all that shit you pulled at the race?"
"What? Jealous because he loves me?"
"No. What have I got to be jealous of?"
"I don't have to explain myself to you. Meet me at The Alpine bar tonight. Come alone."
She hangs up.
You stare at your phone, glaring at it.
No longer hearing your voice, Zemo returns. He sees you looking at your phone.
"Something the matter?"
You look up at him quickly.
"Uh, a certain someone wants to meet with me."
Zemo comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you. You lean back into his chest and sigh.
"What does she want?"
"I don't know. She wants to meet me at The Alpine bar."
"That's in town. I'll drop you off if you would like."
"Alright. She wants to meet tonight."
He turns you around so he can look at you. Softly, he caresses your cheek with the back of his long fingers. You lean into his touch the same way he did to you this morning.
"Something is troubling you."
"She troubles me."
He kisses your forehead lightly. A great sense of pride and achievement washes over him. He can do this whenever he wants. You have given him the permission he needed. His lips longer there.
"Whatever it is, we can deal with it."
You nod subtly.
He steps back and look at you, smiling handsomely at you.
"I have an idea."
"I want to show you something. Grab some shoes and your jacket, we are going out," he says, leaving your side in favour of finding his coat.
You do as he said and wait for him by the door.
Zemo returns to your side wearing a long dark coat, fur embedded at the collar. So extra, yet so him.
He grabs your hand as you leave the house.
Zemo keeps a hold of your hand as he leads you away from the house. You walk together toward a huge garage sitting up ahead from his house. You hadn't noticed it yesterday as you were blown away by the house itself.
You had a pretty good idea on what was in there. You smile at him as you approach the building.
Zemo has you stop stop at the large double doors. You grin excitedly at him as he unlocks the doors. He winks at you before pulling the door open.
The lights turn on as he flicks a switch off to the side and before you is a beautiful sight. Dozens and dozens of cars. All kinds of makes and models. Lots of different colours. Many of them were in perfect condition. There were a few really old ones that had early seen better days, but still looked amazing. They were all lined up in rows.
Zemo watches as you approach the first set of cars in front of you. You look at them in awe. Glancing behind you, he nods at you. You walk along the line.
"They're all yours?"
"Every single one. Passed down through generations of my family," he says, looking at them with nostalgia.
"Helmut, this is so cool!" You touch one carefully. This feels like such a special and important moment. This is a peek at another part of his life. Looking around, you spot a few familiar cars, ones he has picked you up in before.
"That reminds me, you'll need to get your car from the bar."
"Ah yes, we took a cab home, didn't we? I'll sort that out tonight while you meet with... you know."
You nod and walk along some more.
You took secret glanced at the man following you around his collection. You trusted him. You did! Yet, there was something settling in the back of your mind. A nagging feeling that whatever it was she was going to tell you, was bad.
She spoke about him as if he had some dark secret to hide. You worried that this wasn't some little misdeed just because she was upset with you.
You couldn't ask him, could you?
Maybe it was best to see what she had to say before bringing anything up.
Zemo came to stand beside you, arm snaking around you. You were standing in front of the first car he had picked you up in, the convertible.
"It was in this car fate decided to bring us together," he says, trying to make it sound as cheesy as he could.
"How sappy." You roll you eyes.
He kisses your cheek.
"It's true, no?"
You turn your head to smile and kiss him properly.
"Yeah, it's true."
Negative thoughts melt into nothing when he has you like this. He's safe and warm. He's home. Your home. He could be.
"Shall we drive?"
You nod.
"Pick a car. Your choice," he whispers.
You smile as you turn around and look at the collection. One if the back catches your eye. It's purple. His colour.
"That one."
He says nothing as he walks over to the back, opens a cabinet on the back wall, plucks a key from within, and then beckons you over.
"Let's go."
You're grinning as you climb in the car. You'll worry about the meet up later. For now, you wanted to feel free again with Zemo.
@ajeff855 @moonstuffsteve @sky-writes-stuff @lieutenantn @lostghostgirl94 @friday18eo @yaskna @my-blood-is-maple-syrup @gingerwriter97 @lunamooney2406 @wilder-fangirl @nectav @whovianayesha @thesuitkovian @cathrin2405 @deathtothepatriarchy @belle82devart @dxrksxul06 @killeromanoff @alex-the-nb @latenightartist-author @hb8301 @goddessofmischief03 @xxidontwikeitxx @themeanestlittlewitch @scuttle-buttle @fillechatoyante @lucky-luck-lucky @zemosimp420
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