#aldrich leviathan
mithrilduck · 1 year
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“Oh, shut up.”
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bowlofmeat · 11 months
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this is the ideal Aldrich characterization tbh
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Some have said that Philip is not power hungry or pointlessly sadistic and uh, that's not really true.
The point of the 'Witch-Hunter General' reveal is to show that he has selfish reasons for his genocidal actions. He wants to gain power and rewards for his efforts. Thinking it is what he is deserved. Wanting to be remembered as a grand hero.
Also...Well, there are many displays of the fact that deep down Philip....really enjoys hurting people. There is the Collector's statement of how he enjoys killing the Grimwalker's. Philip exposes the fact that Luz helped him meet the Collector in front of her friends just to hurt her, while grinning.
And of course, before he impales flapjack. He makes sure everyone, including Luz sees it. And mockingly saying 'You wouldn't want me to hurt your precious palisman would you?'
I would compare him to villains like Palpatine or Aldrich but he's more...self righteous
Palpatine or Aldrich would torture you to death for fun. They know what they are and make no illusions to themself they are anything but evil. Philip would torture you to death for fun but create a self justification that made him feel not only guiltless, but heroic for doing it. He's a serial killer with delusions of grandeur. But he does not just want power or to hurt people. He wants to feel like the hero as he does them.
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mothicalspoken · 2 years
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My old man told me,
you don’t open your eyes for a while
you just breathe that moment down.
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If I had a nickel for every time I saw a Disney Channel isekai show where an antagonist who’s seen the error of their ways showed a turning point by crushing the device with which their controlling/abusive parent stayed in contact with them, I would have two nickels - which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.
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no-1-ofconsequence · 2 years
Honestly, I would very much like to see a fanfic where the Core doesn’t exist and or Andrias lets Leif take the Box. Then after that sh!t-head Aldrich dies Andrias, Leif and barrel reunite(‘cause honestly, I ship them and there’s not NEARLY enough content of them) and stop colonizing planets.
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bookishnewt · 2 years
Of all the minds to be stuck with…
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Damn it Aldrich just leave the kids alone. Ya already fucked up your son, Marcy doesn’t need to be dragged into this as well.
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stanley578 · 2 years
10 highlights of The Hardest Thing
1. The transformation of the Calamity Trio, their outfits reminiscent of Magic Knight Rayearth
2. The Calamity Trio using their cool anime powers to destroy the Core's robots as the rock version of No Big Deal plays in the background
3. Andrias standing up to Aldrich, crushing the crown to pieces
4. Anne's ultimate sacrifice by destroying the Core for good, costing her life
5. The conversation between Anne and the Guardian
6. The Guardian bringing Anne back to life
7. The girls saying their tearful goodbyes to the inhabitants of Amphibia
8. Yunalivia is canon
9. The dissipation of the Calamity Box
10. The confirmation of Sasha's bisexuality
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sepialunaris · 2 years
Hmmm the suit being based on Diplocaulus got me thinking, what if Andrias was a Temnospondyl not a newt. That would give more context to his large size and age, plus symbolically with him and Aldrich being unable to move on from their past legacy.
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al-xks · 2 years
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The story of 3 friends, separated from their home and each other. In their quest to reunite, they meet new friends, grow, and change in their time apart.
(better quality version here https://twitter.com/alXtrathicc/status/1567039087055458304)
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tharrb · 1 year
Andrias: okay, first off dad, I’m bisexual.
Aldrich: yeah, gay.
Andrias: oh for fucks sake- secondly, I don’t know a single person of any sexuality who’d enjoy this.
Barrel, from the other room: Hah! They’re dicks in the walls.
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bowlofmeat · 1 year
I mean there’s nothing in canon that disproves that the Core is super goofy. so why not
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In Amphibia episode "the Beginning of the End" Darcy captures Anne and others and intends to "do what [Andrias] could not: kill Anne." This is easily the scariest Darcymoment to me, because of the ease of which Darcy does that and because Darcy makes this face:
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This is not a Marcy expression. This is about as far from Marcy as you could possibly get. Marcy would never make this expression in this context. Why?
Well, know that Darcy has all of Marcy's memories. Marcy has known Anne since they were toddlers, and they hung out after school every day. She probably knew Anne's favorite foods and Anne's favorite color. They probably watched movies together, huddled under a blanket with moonlight streaming in from the window. Do you know what it takes to know all of that and still wear this expression? You'd have to be a special kind of fucked up to do that, and I don't believe that Marcy is that fucked up.
So. This image would singlehandedly convince me that Darcy really, really, isn't Marcy, and isn't influenced by Marcy in this way at least. Because if Marcy had any amount of say in this - the Core wouldn't be able to kill Anne. At least not with this expression.
Sidenote I actually kinda like that Marcy is completely powerless in controlling Darcy's actions. It makes her slapping away Aldrich's hand all the more meaningful because Aldrich takes away everything afterwards, leaves her in a dark room with nothing, just herself, some lonely little girl in her school uniform and not Marcy the chief ranger of the Newtopian Knight Guard. And she still rejects him.
Anyway. Where does Darcy's quirkyness come from? Well, Darcy says it might've "inherited some of [Marcy's] quirks" but it clearly doesn't get influenced that much from Marcy (see the above). From what I can identify "inherited some of her quirks" might mean that ol' Darce here enjoys Marcy's favorite foods more and falls over a bunch. I can't say anything conclusive on like, personality changes because the Core doesn't have a canon personality that isn't Darcy to compare and contrast to, which is honestly such a shame.
But. There is one thing the Core does when it has yet to become Aldrich-as-the-Core or Darcy-as-the-Core. And that is this:
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It gets really close to people just to mess with their heads. This is a consistent character trait displayed both as the Core and as Darcy. This does imply that it has a consistent personality.
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Besides, the Core literally named itself “Dark Marcy” because “the name appeals to us,” implying that that thing is canon goofy I refuse to believe otherwise!!
EDIT: Also the Core's first reaction to meeting Marcy is to demand Andrias kill her. Immediately. It's first reactions as Darcy to meeting Anne is to 1. mock her, 2. declare the rebellion over, 3. fecking kill her!? That's a very short path to killing, displayed both as the Core and as Darcy. Darcy is extremely hardcore and has no chill dot png.
Again, the Core doesn't have much of a personality, so I'm afraid the analysis has to end here. Sorry guys.
also this consistent character trait
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Bit of parraleling between Marcy's father and Aldrich. With Marcy's father apparently being 'also very strict and hard to please'
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andrewmoocow · 2 years
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Corporate wants you to find the difference between these three old men whose plots to conquer everything in their paths have ruined lives, especially those of minorities.
Spoilers, they’re the same guy.
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gunsandspaceships · 1 month
Tony Stark’s achievements
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“Brilliant and unique mind”
At age 4 built his first circuit board
At age 6 built his first engine
Cracked the Pentagon’s firewall in high school on a dare
Went to college at 14
Built cool smart robots (Dum-E and U) when he was a teen
At 17 graduated summa cum laude from MIT
Before Afghanistan:
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“Da Vinci of our time”
Became an owner and CEO of Stark Industries at 21
Successfully ran the company for decades
Advanced the world of technology, not only in weaponry and robotics but also:
created advanced AI J.A.R.V.I.S.
created holographic interface technology
created repulsor technology
Participated in charity
In and after Afghanistan:
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“I’m sorry, I’m not Tony Stark”
Survived an open-heart surgery in a cave, without general anesthesia
Lived with, in fact, a debilitating wound, shrapnel, and a huge and dangerous technological device in his body for years and was willing and capable of doing not only his usual work but also being a superhero and doing all these next things...
Did not give up under torture and fought with his captors
Invented and built a miniaturized Arc Reactor, in a cave, with a box of scraps
Invented and built Iron Man armor, in the same cave, with the same box of scraps
Escaped from captivity by himself (with help from Yinsen, but without any armed assistance)
Became an expert in piloting and driving
Saved people in Gulmira
Saved a USAF pilot
Probably the best hacker in the world, was able to easily hack networks of the Pentagon, US government, AIM, and SHIELD
Fought with Iron Monger after nearly died. Defeated him and saved many lives. Was ready to die for that
Built many more different Iron Man armors
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Fought terrorists between IM and IM2 (IM2 tie-in comics)
Saved a submarine crew (IM2 - newspapers in Vanko’s home)
Saved a woman from a fire (IM2 - newspapers in Vanko’s home)
“Stabilized East-West relations” (IM2 - newspapers in Vanko’s home), so the world was “enjoying its longest period of uninterrupted peace in years”
Organized Stark Expo
Was able to keep Iron Man armor in his safe hands despite the government’s and HYDRA’s attempts to take it for themselves
Defeated Ivan Vanko in Monaco
(Re)Discovered a new element
 Synthesized it, by building a particle accelerator, at home
Revolutionized energy industry and science. Gave clean energy to the world
Defeated Vanko in New York with Rhodey, Natasha, and Pepper and saved many lives again
Saved Peter Parker (IM2)
Made it so that the Abomination would not leave prison and join the Avengers
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Built Stark/Avengers Tower powered by Arc Reactor technology
Saved Steve Rogers and many civilians in Germany from Loki
Was able to fight with Thor on equal terms
Biggest brain on Earth, arguably - in the Universe:
best scientist on the team, in SHIELD, on Earth, in the Universe
expert in nuclear, particle, and quantum physics
was able to learn very quickly – became an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics in one night
Successfully tracked Tesseract by its gamma radiation with Bruce
Saved Helicarrier with the Avengers and SHIELD agents on board, almost died
Saved Rogers from a merc right after that
Fought with Chitauri, killed many of them, saved a lot of people
Was able to blow up a Leviathan by himself
Saved New York City by redirecting a nuke to the wormhole
Saved the world by destroying Thanos’ Chitauri army, almost died again
Founded The United States Department of Damage Control to clean up after battles
Rebuilt Stark Tower into Avengers Tower and gave each team member their own quarters
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One of the best biologists and biomedical engineers on Earth, even if it’s not his main area of expertise:
helped Maya with Extremis back in 1999, because knew more in her own field, and even didn’t remember that
was head hunted by Aldrich Killian to work on Extremis with/instead of Maya, who was the leading expert in tissue regeneration
improved and stabilized Extremis, so it became safe regenerative technology, and with it…
cured Pepper
healed extensive injuries in his chest
invented and implanted devices for remote control of his suits (into his forearm in IM3, and most probably into his brain for Mark L armor in Infinity War)
invented build-in diagnostic system in his suits
Invented many devices for protection purposes (ex. bomb disposal)
A capable detective. Figured out the cause of explosions in IM3 on his own
Saved Pepper instead of himself by putting Mark 42 on her during the attack on his Malibu mansion
Survived the attack with a barely working prototype suit. Shot down a helicopter with a piano
Was able to fight with enhanced fire-breathing regenerating terrorists without armor and weapons in Rose Hill. In handcuffs
Knowledgeable and skilled in medicine:
saved a kid with his arc reactor in a deleted scene from IM3, selflessly pulling it out of his chest and performing defibrillation under electric shocks
knew how to recognize hyperglycemia when Harley was eating 3rd bawl of candies
closed his wound in Infinity War with nanoparticles
performed first-aid on Bruce after his snap
Built a lot of stuff from random things he bought in a store for the assault on the Mandarin's mansion. In a motel
Successfully stormed the Mandarin's mansion full of armed and huge security guys with dogs. Alone. Without his armor
Successfully escaped captivity in the Mandarin's mansion with just a few pieces of armor on
Saved all the people who fell from the Air Force One
Stormed Roxxon Norco ship with Rhodey, without a suit. With one handgun
Saved the US president
Defeated Killian and his Extremis-enhanced terrorists, saved many lives
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Built quinjets
Created Iron Legion
Became the benefactor of the Avengers, provided them with everything, was a combatant, and also the team’s pilot, hacker, engineer, medic, and scientist
As an Avenger saved many lives on missions, including destroying the rest of HYDRA in AoU
With Bruce’s help created Veronica and Hulkbuster suit
Defeated a rogue Iron Legionnaire with a fork
In contrast to other team members was able to function after Wanda played with his mind
Defeated mad Hulk. Saved a lot of lives in Johannesburg
Easily hacked nuclear codes in Nexus and found J.A.R.V.I.S. “in the world’s biggest haystack”
Created advanced AI F.R.I.D.A.Y.
Many advanced AIs
Created Vision
With the Avengers defeated Ultron and his army
Evacuated people who were left in Sokovia
Saved a falling evacuation shuttle with people on it
Together with Thor saved Earth by destroying the falling Sokovia
Rebuilt Stark Compound into Avengers Compound for the team in Upstate New York
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Invented several medical devices, including leg braces, blood toxicity detector
Sponsored the development of technology for psychotherapy (B.A.R.F.). Prevented it from being used for harm
Funded all the students’ projects at MIT
Did everything possible to legally, politically, and physically protect the team before, during, and after the Civil War
Was able to disarm Winter Soldier without a suit, with only one armored glove
Figured out Spider-Man’s identity
Created Spider-Man’s suits
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Mentored, sponsored, and looked after Peter Parker
Saved Peter Parker (SMH). Twice
Saved the ferry from sinking
Invented nanoparticles
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 “Earth’s best defender”
Went to space to save Peter, Strange and bring back Time Stone
Saved Peter Parker (IW)
Saved Strange on the Donut spaceship. Killed Ebony Maw
Cloak of Levitation chose him as his second favorite (deleted scene with Tony wearing Levi and Strange in Mark L)
Was respected by Thanos himself
Withstood when Thanos hit him with a moon
Fought Thanos, made him bleed, kept fighting even without armor
Survived a severe injury thanks to his own invention
Was able to function, tried to fix Benatar, and return home while injured and ill with an infected wound
Built a lab for Bruce and helped him to become one with Hulk (combine the best of both worlds)
Became an amazing dad
Became an expert in time travel physics
Discovered/invented (controlled) Time travel
Built a time machine
Went on Time Heist and stole Tesseract from a guarded military base
Created his own Infinity Gauntlet
Thus brought half of the universe back to existence (Bruce snapped and partially sacrificed his health, but nothing would be possible without Tony)
Saved Bruce’s arm by providing emergency medical care
Fought with Thanos again and…
Saved the whole Universe
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