#albert kleinman
noxexistant · 1 year
can u pls draw albert eating glass 🙏🙏 (/j)
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ring-anon · 6 years
Princess: Albert Kleinman x Diana Murphy
A Dear Evan Hansen Parent AU fic
Warnings: Drunk girl tries to seduce a character, brief mention of a car accident, questionable treat of a person with a disability- not slurs or abuse, just kind of falling into the whole pity mentality if you know what I mean
A/N: My first fic ever! For those that are new to my blog, Diana is Connor’s daughter, Albert/ Al is Jared’s kid. I want to make this a short series, but don’t expect anything soon!
W/C: 2,075
When Diana was 12, she told Al she wanted to be a princess. Al raised an eyebrow at the idea. “Diana, you know this isn’t Disney, right?” Al argued.
“No no no, not like a magic princess. I mean I want to marry into royalty, like the British Monarchy or something.” She explained “If I marry into a family like that, I wouldn’t have political responsibilities or anything, but I could use my influence to change the world for the better, y’know?”
Al shook his head and exhaled deeply. “Okay, like what?”
“I dunno. Maybe start a few charities. Abolish shoulder-based dress code rules. Y’know, small stuff like that” she replied nonchalantly.
Diana was full of spontaneous ideas like that. But the thing is, Diana was the kind of person that could make those ideas come to life.
That’s why Albert Kleinman was severely in love with Diana Murphy.
“Al, I swear you are the only person that would skip a high school football game to read The Hobbit.”
Al groaned. “Dad, I’m really close to the end. I really REALLY would appreciate it very much if you left me alone right now.”
“…Scratch that. I know one other person. That person would be ME my senior year of high school” he remarked. Al planted his face into his book. “Hey bud, I wouldn’t care if you didn’t say last Wednesday that you were going with Diana Murphy. Did you cancel or-?”
“No, but she’ll understand if I can’t go” Al snapped.
Jared sighed. “Al… is this for the reason I think it is-“
“No! …Somewhat? Maybe?” Al closed the book and turned to look at Jared leaning against his door frame.
“Albert Kleinman, you are not going to keep pining and doing nothing about how you feel. It has been since the summer before junior year-“ he lectured.
“End of sophomore year, if you wanna be technical-“ Al added, sliding his hands through his hazelnut locks.
“That’s not better! It drives me and this whole family nuts. If Wiley wasn’t in college he’d be pulling his hair out. And frankly-“ Jared moved to sit on Al’s bed “It kills me to see you so-so- I don’t know, insecure about this? Because I know this seems like a huge conflict, but I promise you, it’s not” he assured. Al looked up at the ceiling, as if he was searching for a reply up there.
“Al- you’re a smart kid. And you two are best friends. Even if she says no, you two have a strong enough bond to make things work out okay in the end. Just- don’t let one challenge stand in the way of you being happy. I’ve let that happen before- believe me, it’s not a good idea.” Al breathed. His dad could be an asshole, but the worst part was that he was usually a correct asshole.
“Well…alright, I’ll go. I’ll text you when I’m there and leaving and such. Also-uh...thanks” Jared smiled and patted Al on the back.
As Jared left he shouted from the hall: “Remember, no matter what happens between you two don’t piss off Mr. Murphy! I learned MANY times firsthand that’s not a good idea!”
The marching band played the fight song. Some trombone was blasting much louder than they needed to be.
“Okay, Al, you’re the one with the musical brother, so… technically how good is our band?” Diana asked. Al shrugged, straining to avoid eye contact with her.
“They’re okay, but Wiley would probably say they were better when he was there. I’d say they look less crowded without his ego on the field.”
Diana scoffed. “You’re not wrong there…” she tapped him on the shoulder “…Hey, you ‘ight?” Al was first to turn his head towards her. Her honey-colored eyes shined under the lights, and her coffee brown locks framed her round face like a painting. Even worse: when Al realized how cold it was outside, he offered her an extra sweatshirt in his car. It was a little big, so Diana hid her hands in the sleeves. Fuck… she’s fucking adorable fuck, Al thought to himself. Diana waved her hands in front of his face. “Earth to Al, we have lost the signal, I repeat, earth to Al!” she teased.
“Huh-uh sorry Di” Al murmured.
Diana crossed her arms. “Al, what’s up? You’ve been off all week. Not coming to my house at all, paying zero attention in English- I repeat, ENGLISH, you damn bookworm- nearly blowing through an intersection, and you always keep your eyes on the road-“
Diana was prepared to keep going but Al interjected: “Okay, okay…you got me. I’m- well…” he figured it was time to be honest “it’s- uh- you.”
She tilted her head. “Me? I don’t understand.”
Al’s stomach turned. “Well, you know, its- I just- you know… it’s your ex.” He was kicking himself in his head at this point.
Diana tilted her head at an even stronger angle. “Um…what? I broke up with Layla months ago, and on good terms. She was going out of state and wanted to start fresh. How is that something to be worried about?”
“Nonono! I mean… do you think you’re gonna start dating again?” Al asked, immediately regretting his decision “Waitno that sounds bad sorry Imean um-“ he stammered.
Diana laughed dryly “Oooh I see. You think I need someone to be a knight in shining armor? Come on Al, you know better than that.”
“That’s not what I meant.” Al sighed. “I mean, I dunno, you seem like you’re interested in someone… maybe?” You are a garbage liar he criticized. He began to glare at his shoes, not wanting to say much.
“Is it that obvious?” Diana asked. Al immediately perked up his head. Diana sighed. “Well… you know Brenda Nox? She gestured to a brunette cheerleader waving her pom-poms. “She..she does things to me.” Diana crooned, followed by burying her face in her hands.
Al smiled softly and patted her on the back. “It’s okay. Unrequited love sucks…” Al swallowed harshly “…but you’ll make it work.”
“Thanks Al…but that’s not all. See, there’s another person I like too” She mumbled.
“Who?” Al questioned.
“I-I can’t even say. It’s really embarrassing, because I like them a lot, and I know they do too-” she confessed.  “-But I want to wait for them. Because I know they can say it. And frankly, I think they should, because they need to know that if they want something…well, they should go for it.”
“Couldn’t agree more. And I hope this person gets their act together.” Al declared, even though her words made his heart sink. Yet, even so, something about her words made Albert have a small, hopeful voice say two words in his head: It’s you.
Al went into concessions to go to the bathroom. He thought he knew the terrain, it was his own high school, but that damn step down before he got to the bleachers always tripped him up- literally. He fell on his knee, catching the attention of a few girls from the visiting school.
“Ohhh wowww are you okaaay?” one of them slurred. When they offered their hand to help him up, he could smell the beer from the ground. He decided to pass and get up himself. “Are you okaaay? You gotta be bllleediiing or somethiiin’” she supposed.
Al took a couple of in-place steps. He knew such a small fall couldn’t affect his legs, but he had a habit of checking. The one girl that offered to pick him up still looked concerned and invested in Al for reasons he didn’t understand. “Oh! I’m fine! I have prosthetics, see?” he lifted his pant leg, then turned to the bleachers.
“Woooah wait. How’d-how’d that happeeen?” she asked, taking a wobbly step closer to him.
Great, he thought. Just try and make this quick. He inhaled and began. “I was in a car accident when I was 5. I was sitting behind the shotgun seat, and the crash impacted there the most. No one was sitting in front of me but the chair was thrown back and crushed my legs. Now if you’ll excuse me I-“
“O-M-G that must have been aawfuuullll!” she squealed a little too loudly, making Al wince. “You poooor thing…well I gotta say-“ she purred, taking a step towards Al. “-you still look preeetty tough to me.” The girl placed an arm on his bicep, causing him to freeze. She was obviously too intoxicated to put together a coherent thought, but he needed to get back to Diana. “Saaay if you feel like it, you aaand your prrreeetty blue eyes could maaaybe drivvve meee hooome, aaand-“
“You know, you’re not supposed to have alcohol on school grounds. There are teachers swarming the place, so I’d suggest you leave.” Al had never been more relieved. Diana was standing behind the girl, arms crossed.
The girl looked at Diana, then back to Al. She scoffed. “Guess I’ll leave you with your giiirlfriiiend.” she sang as she walked away. Al beamed at Diana. He saw her cheeks were pink, probably from the cold.
“Cocoa?” Diana asked. Al gave her a cup. Her smile returned.
“Come on, we’re at 3rd quarter already. We’re losing, but there might be a turn-around, you never know!”
The car ride home was silent, but Al’s mind was screaming. The incident with the girl left Al with a lot of questions. Was she jealous? Or was she just helping you as a friend? Or…both? Frankly, Al didn’t care anymore. At this point he didn’t think he would get any answers to his questions.
“Woah…Al, roll down the windows!” Diana commanded.
Her words got him out of his own question-spiral, but they led to yet another question. “Why the flying fuck would I do that?” he lashed out.
“…to look at the stars. Sorry, Al I didn’t mean to annoy you. Gotta love a short attention span…” her voice trailed off.
Al felt his stomach drop to the lowest it had this evening. He was practically sinking in his seat. “No…Diana you’re good. That one was on me.” He admitted.
Then, he got inspired.
“You don’t have to be home for another hour right?” Al asked.
“Hour AND a half! I made a case to my dad and he caved” she beamed.
“Okay, we’re gonna make a detour then” he declared.
After fifteen minutes of Diana’s nagging, they finally got there: the field where Al’s dad took him and his siblings as a kid to go stargazing. The best part is that he didn’t even have to take the time to get out of the car. He let the sun roof down, and Diana’s mouth immediately went agape. The black sky was littered with stars.
“…Al, you are really something, you know?”
“I mean...I guess I try.” Al took a deep breath. “Diana, there’s- there’s something I wanted to talk to you about” he stammered. Somehow, in exhaustion and hope, he thought this was a good idea.
“Oh jeez, did I do something? Look Al I know I’m blunt but if you ever get offended by something I say you know you can always tell-”
Al’s face turned red “Nononono you didn’t do anything wrong, I just-”
“Al if it’s about the girl earlier, you looked like you needed help.” he was now highly confused. “…It wasn’t me trying to be a knight in shining armor or pity you, I was just acting like I do- y’know, trying to help others when actually-“
“You’re really something else.” Al whispered, his face becoming much closer to hers than it was before.”
“What…what are you…” Diana tried to speak, but she was soon interrupted by Al’s lips slamming fiercely into hers. Al thought Diana tasted vaguely like cherry chapstick, but mostly hot chocolate, and he figured she thought the same. That was the last thought he had before succumbing to full bliss. Al’s hands were shaky, but they eventually found their way to Diana’s waist. Diana ruffled her fingertips through Al’s messy locks. He didn’t even feel this. He also didn’t feel his face burning up at her touch, or any other sensation. All Al felt in that moment was Diana’s lips pressing into his.
 Al had never kissed a princess before. But once Diana left his car that night, after a silent-but-content drive home, he never wanted to stop.
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gxrcias-gothgf · 4 years
Prompt List
°Albert DaSilva 
°Crutchie Morris
Holding Onto You
°JoJo de la Guerra
Talk to Me
There's Nothing Holding Me Back
°Spot Conlon
As Long As You Love Me
Ms. Artist
°Jack Kelly
°Bill Hearst
Not Staring, Admiring
°Newsies As ...
Things My Friend Have Said
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 1
Part 2
°Mom Guess Newsie Names
Part 1
°RP Stuff
Darcy HC
Darcy in the Hospital HC
Young Darcy HC
Random Darcy HC
Davey's Birthday HC
Over You
Never Grow Up
•Dear Evan Hansen
°Jared Kleinman 
Eiffel For You
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do u think I could get a newsies deh and bmc ship p l e a s e? Im a rlly short girl with black hair, I love to dance and write/invent stories also I read a lot (even though im not good w school stuff oof) my first language is spanish, im rlly loud and excited most of the time and i love to joke around but i also have a short temper (adhd woo) and i wear contact bc im blind af.
It's been a while since I've answered these, sorry about that! 😅
I ship you with Albert!
He's not the tallest person ever, but that doesn't stop him from constantly making fun of your height. At any opportunity, he'll rest his arm on top of your head to make you mad, but then he'll tuck you under his chin and wrap his arms around you 😍
He totally understands having a short temper. He also has ADHD so he's very patient with you because he understands what it's like to get frustrated. Any chance he gets, he'll joke and tease you, but will back off if you get uncomfortable
He is always willing to listen to any and all stories you make up. Whether you're laying on the hood of his car and just making something up as you go along, or nervously watching as he reads the latest thing you've written, he is always attentive and excited to hear what happens next
Albert is a really good dancer and if he sees you dancing he will 100% run up to you, take you in his arms, and dance with you. Doesn't matter what style, doesn't matter if there's no music. He just loves being happy and carefree with you
He doesn't read much but he loves how passionate you are for reading. He's always buying books he thinks you'll like and taking you on dates to various bookstores. Even though its not really his thing, he knows it makes you happy and that's all that matters to him
I ship you with Jared!
This shy, "too cool for school" motherfucker won't publicly partake in certain activities because he doesn't want anyone to make fun of him. But behind the scenes, and unbeknownst to you, he's been taking dance lessons so he can take you out dancing for your birthday. (Somewhere out of town and far away from anyone who knows him, of course)
He's fairly handy with a computer and likes making graphics sometimes. So when you read one of your stories to him, he sets about making the characters come to life and just kind of shyly sends you the finished result. He's not good with words so he doesn't make a big deal about it, but it took him a long time to complete
He's always coming up with new nicknames to call you and they're usually centered around your height. His favorites are "Smurfette" and "Hold me closer, tiny dancer."
He always carries around an extra pair of glasses for you. He understands that contacts can be irritating at times, so he always has your spares on hand. Plus he thinks you look super cute in them and loves the way you laugh when both of your glasses bump when you kiss
If you ever need help with schoolwork Jared is always willing to be your tutor. Though he will get a little fun out of it. "First, tell me that I'm the smartest, sexiest, most good looking tutor in all the land!" Sometimes you wonder why you don't just ask the teacher for help instead
I ship you with Michael!
He's always holding onto you in some way. He's constantly pulling you into his lap, slinging his arm around your shoulders, literally just lifting you up and carrying you cuz why not? He likes that you're small so he can always have you close to him
If you ever have to wear glasses for whatever reason, Michael just melts. He thinks you look so adorable and takes so many pictures of the two of you to capture the moment before you go back to contacts
He speaks Spanish as well so sometimes when it's just the two of you, you'll speak primarily in Spanish. And sometimes you'll do it around your friends just to get a laugh out of their confused expressions
He's always up for anything. Wanna run around on the nearest playground like children? Done. Wanna stay inside and read? He'll be right next to you reading a comic book, insisting that it totally counts as reading!
If your ADHD ever makes you fidgety he'll just discreetly take your hand in his. He also lets you play with his hair or the strings on his hoodie. He says it's to help you but he also just likes the closeness
Thanks! 😘
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dearjaredkleinam · 5 years
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Excuse me??¿
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woildismyerster · 6 years
A work in progress, of course.  Hopefully I’ll remember to update this each time I publish something new.
Race x Reader:
Let Them Eat Cake
Not a Wedding Day
Race comforts reader after anxiety attack 
Truth or Dare?
Dance With Me
The Game
Blow Me Away
Hold Me to That
Not a Date
I Love You
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Tell Me
3 AM
Slow Burn
Dress Up
Crutchie x Reader:
Too Sweet
Not-So-Stressed Baking
Swim Meets
Stood Up
The Biology of Attraction
Treat Yo’self
Beach Day
Take Me Out (To the Ball Game)
Davey x Reader:
Avoiding It
Moving Out
The Right Stuff
Read to Me
You’ve Got Mail
Girl, You’re Freaking Out
Partner in Crime
Meet the Family
He Doesn’t Like Cats
Specs x Reader
Accident Prone
Mush x Reader
Good Samaritan
Catch Me
What Am I?
The Face
Jack Kelly x Reader
I’ve Got You
Don‘t Scare Me Like That
One Man’s Trash
Close Your Eyes
Into the Fire
It Makes All the Difference
Albert x Reader
I Like a/You
Sleeping Together
The Lock In
Night Job
Romeo x Reader
Three Dates
Finch x Reader
Packing Up
Better to Screw Than Get Screwed
Haunted House
JoJo x Reader
Get Away
Darcy x Reader
Bill Hearst x Reader
Newsies x Reader
Just Newsies Being Pals:
Touch Starved
Race as a Dad
Michael Mell x Reader
Noticing Him
A Study in Spirit
Jeremy Heere x Reader
Something Borrowed
Hugo x Winnie
Seeing Each Other
Jared Kleinman x Reader
Just Take It
Getting to Know You
Love is Hard Enough
Janis Ian x Reader
You Should Have Asked
Part One
Part Two
Kevin Gnapoor x Reader
After the Fall
Talent Show
Burn Book
Kiss Me Whenever
Part One
Part Two
Extra Requests
Almost There
Aaron Samuels x Reader
Highlights of College
Marwan x Reader
The Road Less Traveled
Johnny Simpson x Reader
Forget Me Not
Bolded: requested
Thank you guys so much for reading my junk.  I would probably write it anyways, but knowing that a few of you enjoy it makes me excited to put it out there.
And don’t forget; I don’t post everything I write on Tumblr!  Some of it is too long to put on your dash, so it is only on my ao3 account.  If you want to check it out, feel free to hit up lunarlychallenged!
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helloyourscorpion · 6 years
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musical-musings · 6 years
i yeeted again
in short,
im an asshole
but in other words, i made one of my Instagrams into a moodboard page so ;)););) y'all can follow me on @sweetasapevch im currently like in this exact moment working on some dear evan hansen boards so look out for that also i follow back ;)););))
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Just a reminder that my requests are open!
Please send some things in. There’s only one thing in my inbox right now and I would love to have some writing to work on tomorrow when I wake up!
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denimwrites-archive · 7 years
Please see my new Masterlist of Masterlists
denimwrite’s masterlist - last updated 3/17/18
Dear Evan Hansen x Reader
Evan Hansen x Reader
Who Needs Mistletoe?
Hansen Surprises
What Are Brothers Good For? (Kleinman!Reader)
Fate’s Second Chance (Soulmate AU)
Cookies, Comfort, & Cuddles (Transguy!Evan)
Studying and Good Luck
Connor Murphy x Reader
Flowers and Feelings
“I love you, dumbass!”
Enough Endings and Beginnings
Delicious Vegetals (Crack Fic)
Disney is NOT Lame
“He Had It Coming”
The Cold is Actually a Bother
Breathless Colors (Soulmate AU)
Jared Kleinman x Reader
Ghostly Wingmen
Getting Into Character
The Cronch
Surprise Boiiii
My Han Solo
Cuddly Jare-Bear
Troll Lover (Soulmate AU)
Sincerely Three x Reader
Their Reactions to You Getting Into Your Top College (Headcanons)
Types of Dates They Take You On (Headcanons)
Zoe Murphy x Reader
Musical Nights
Alana Beck x Reader
Rough Start to Spring Break
Rough End to Winter Break (prequel to Rough Start to Spring Break)
Newsies x Reader
No Pairing
A Lodging House Holiday (Headcanons - not reader insert)
Davey Jacobs x Reader
Friends? (Male!Reader) - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
The Meeting (1920s Gangster AU) in progress - Part 1 - Part 2 - 
Hot CoCoffee?
Crutchie Morris x Reader
Racetrack Higgins x Reader
Special Nights & Snowball Fights
Date Night (Poly Fic with Spot Conlon)
Stuck (Poly Fic with Albert Dasilva)
Albert x Reader
Independence and Love
Stuck (Poly Fic with Racetrack Higgins)
Spot Conlon x Reader
Peace and Sweaters
Date Night (Poly Fic with Racetrack Higgins)
Jojo x Reader
All of the I Love You’s
I’m Not Backing Down
Be More Chill
Jeremy Heere x Reader
Life of the Movie Party
Michael Mell x Reader
King of My World
Rich Goranski x Reader
Falling Disgracefully
Popular? Please.
Tuck Everlasting
Jesse Tuck x Reader
The Day Things Changed
Stick in the Mud
New Heights
Supernatural X Reader
No Pairing
LARPing with Charlie and the Boys
Driving Down The Highway (Drabble)
Dean Winchester x Reader
Knights and Legends (Male!Reader)
Lean On Me (Male!Reader)
Sam Winchester x Reader
Reader with Ghostsickness 
Castiel x Reader
My Religion (Song Fic)
Merry Mistletoe
Gabriel x Reader
Messy Mr. Trickster
Ideas for a Winter Wonderland
Samandriel x Reader
If I Could Breathe, You’d Take My Breath Away...
Marvel x Reader
Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Healing the Future
Foggy Nelson x Reader
Alcohol Can Solve the Problem - Part 1 - Part 2
Deadpool x Reader
The Tailor
Pool Signal
Original Works
J’s Ideas
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lovethyfanperson · 7 years
Characters and Rules
Characters I write for: Newsies: All the newsboys Book for Mormon: Kevin Price Dear Evan Hansen: Evan Hansen, Connor Murphy, Jared Kleinman Tuck Everlasting: Jesse Tuck
Rules for requests:
1) I don’t do ships. So no JackxCrutchie (no matter how adorable they are EAK!) and no EvanxConnor. There are plenty of characterxcharacter authors out there, and I want to write characterxreader. 2)Be kind. I won’t write your request if you’re rude about it. 3)The closest I will get to NSFW is stripping. I’m not going to be writing the intercourse scenes (not yet). 4) Also, I will NOT write a scene where the reader/another character self-harms or attempts to commit suicide. I’d rather not pull from that side of my life experience, and I’d rather not trigger anyone. 5) BUT I will write where a depressed reader or character who has tried one of these acts before. (EXAMPLE: Reader used to self-harm, but does not anymore. 6) When Specs sees the scars, he demands answers.) 7) I will NOT write abusive relationships. 8) AND NOTHING RACIST I SWEAR TO THE LORD, YOU ASK FOR SOMETHING RACIST AND I WILL BLOCK YOUR ASS 9)I will NOT write a fic where someone cheats and there’s a happy ending 10) I will write poly relationships. 11) I will write love triangles, but if you don’t say who you want the reader to end up with, in the end, I’ll most likely leave you on a cliffhanger ;) 12) You can request specific genders for the reader, but if no gender is requested, I’ll write a gender-neutral reader. 13) Au’s are accepted. 14) Crossovers are accepted. 15) AU crossovers are also excepted. 16) Do NOT rush me. I am only one person. A person who is still in school, and has been cast in the school play. I will be hella busy after school, but I had at least two periods in which I can write and the weekend. I will get to your story eventually. 17) Also, please try not to send in more than two-three requests at a time! Again, I’m only one person and can only do so much.
And I have some specifics for Newsies requests: 1) Tell me whether you want 1992 Movie version or Live Musical Version of the character. Because Christian Bale and Jeremy Jordan play COMPLETELY different Jacks. If you don’t tell me, I’ll write whichever one I think would fit the situation best. 2) You CAN ask for Modern!Newsies (this goes for Tuck Everlasting as well!) 3) If you want a Newsie!Reader with a specific nickname (ex: Francis Sullivan is Jack Kelly) please tell me! (Ex: Reader is Shoes) I’ll most likely do that cheesy thing where your love interest is the only one who uses your real name and such. 4) If it is a canon era story, tell me if you’d like it to be before or after the strike. If you don’t care, don’t say anything. If you don’t say anything, then I’ll assume I can choose. 5) Because I’ve strangely seen this in the past, you can request my oc’s as characters??? Tipper, Baby, Jumper, Bernie, and Shoes (They’re all girls. Tipper and Bernie are lesbian)
Also, just as a note, never feel afraid to ask me to tag anything! I don’t want to trigger anyone by mistake!
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ring-anon · 6 years
Jared and reader having to tell the kids about Albert's accident.
Abigail and Wynn were three at the time, so they didn’t really understand what was going on at the time. Wiley, however, was 8, and very freaked out by the whole situation. Once you knew that Al was going to be okay, you and Jared spent some time alone with Wiley.
You decided to speak first “Al is going to be okay. He’s going to be the same little brother you’ve always known. That being said, he was hurt very badly in the accident. His legs were hurt very badly, and it would have been bad if he still had them. So…he had to have his legs amputated.”
Your stomach was turning. You had no idea how Wiley was going to react.
Wiley furrowed his eyebrows and asked, “What does amputated mean?”
It was Jared’s turn to speak. “It means that he had to get a part of his legs removed-” before Wiley could ask a bunch of questions, he crouched down to Wiley “I know that sounds scary. Believe me, it scared me when I first heard it. But the doctors are very smart and know what’s best for Al. Now, this might mean he’s in a wheelchair, or he could have special mechanical legs made so he can walk. Either way, he is still your brother, and you need to be there for him no matter what. That means no making fun of him for it, and no letting others make fun of him either. Okay?”
Wiley shrugged and replied with a cheerful “Okay!”
(Yeesh this was long sorry)
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ladymeave · 3 years
wrol characters as pusheens: a thread (pt 1/???)
jared kleinman and jeremy heere:
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albert justice:
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nato obenkriger:
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collin morris:
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bondenargentina · 2 years
Adiós, Sr. Bond
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Luego de más de ocho años en línea y difundiendo material exclusivo e inédito del mundo de James Bond en el país, Bond En Argentina cesará sus actividades a partir del 31 de diciembre de 2021. A continuación, unas palabras de nuestro editor explicando los motivos de esta decisión.
Queridos lectores, Quiero comenzar estas palabras agradeciendo profundamente a todas las personas que colaboraron con este espacio desde sus inicios en mayo de 2013, ya sea contribuyendo material, artículos, cediendo entrevistas o incluso invitando al sitio a participar de eventos virtuales o presenciales. La cosa no es con ustedes. Hace unos 20 años, el productor Michael G Wilson decía que “si hay una película de James Bond en la que nadie quiere trabajar, esa es la última película de James Bond”. Llegó el 28 de septiembre de 2021 y el Royal Albert Hall proyectó por primera vez en el mundo la última película de James Bond. En ella no sólo trabajó Michael G Wilson, junto a la también productora Barbara Broccoli, sino que también lo hicieron varios miembros regulares de la saga: los guionistas Neal Purvis y Robert Wade, el diseñador de títulos Daniel Kleinman, el supervisor de efectos especiales Chris Corbould, y hasta contó con la participación post-mortem de John Barry con la inclusión de “We Have All The Time In The World”, tema romántico de Al Servicio Secreto De Su Majestad, en versión instrumental (y luego, en los créditos finales, la versión vocal de Louis Armstrong).
Sin Tiempo Para Morir hace lo que ninguna película de James Bond se atrevió a hacer: mostrarnos cómo es un futuro sin James Bond. No basta solamente ver a nuestro héroe en una situación sin salida, desesperanzado, acorralado, y entregándose a la muerte bajo una lluvia de misiles; sino que también tenemos que ver como personajes no creados por Ian Fleming, su mujer Madeleine y su hija Mathilde, usurpan su vehículo y hasta dicen su frase insignia hablando de “un hombre llamado Bond... James Bond” poco antes de los créditos finales. Antes de que pregunten, el final que Ian Fleming escribió para su creación transcurre en la novela El Hombre del Revólver De Oro (1965) en un hospital, donde Mary Goodnight atiende a Bond tras su brutal batalla contra Scaramanga, y 007 -además de rechazar un titulo nobiliario- reconoce que el romance con ella no durará precisamente por su rechazo a la monogamia. Ergo, la muerte del James Bond cinematográfico tiene el efecto de una macabra sorpresa de EON Productions rumbo al 60 aniversario. Y el mensaje es muy claro: puede haber futuro sin el agente 007. Mensaje precisamente contradictorio al que se ha dado generación tras generación desde 1962, especialmente en 1995 cuando Pierce Brosnan demostró que no importaba ni el fin de la Guerra Fría, ni la predominancia de mujeres en cargos ejecutivos dentro de áreas de Defensa, ni el auge de las computadoras o la internet, ni nada de eso para que el personaje de Ian Fleming siga coexistiendo en GoldenEye. Como ya dije antes en mi crítica, del mismo modo que GoldenEye me hizo fan de James Bond hace 23 años, Sin Tiempo Para Morir logró alejarme completamente de lo que sea que preparen para el futuro del personaje.
¿Futuro del personaje? ¿Pero cómo, no es que murió? Bueno, yo me hago la misma pregunta. Los créditos finales dicen “James Bond Volverá”, y eso es justamente lo que me hizo pensar sobre cuál será este futuro y qué posición tomará esta página.
Como yo lo veo, existen tres posibilidades: que retomen desde lo que dejó la era de Daniel Craig, con lo cual Bond en realidad no moriría y resurgiría mediante cirugía plástica o algo así en otro actor; que retomen desde donde lo dejó Pierce Brosnan, con lo cual la era Craig sería una ciclo separado; o que hagan otro reboot como lo fue Casino Royale, otra vez mostrando los orígenes del personaje pero adaptados a la década de 2020. Tengan en cuenta que, cualquiera sea el rumbo a seguir, difícilmente tengamos novedades pronto. Dicho esto, francamente no estoy interesado en ninguna de las tres posibilidades. Y este es el motivo principal por el que decido terminar con esta página a fin de año y continuar con otros proyectos, ya sea libros o artículos. No voy a dejar a James Bond de lado, pero me voy a limitar hasta la era de Pierce Brosnan. Tengo aprecio por algunos films de Craig, más por lo que representaron en mi vida que por su calidad como película en sí, pero honestamente ni ganas tengo de volver a verlos, ahora sabiendo que conducen al funesto y lacónico destino del protagonista. Sinceramente no tengo deseo de participar en celebraciones del 60 aniversario después de Sin Tiempo Para Morir. Personalmente no tengo nada que festejar, aunque no quiero arruinarle la alegría a nadie.
Estoy al tanto de que Ian Fleming Publications nos presentará una nueva novela de James Bond escrita por Anthony Horowitz en 2022, pero nuevamente transcurrirá en el pasado, en el medio de dos libros de Fleming como viene sucediendo desde 2008 (a excepción de Carta Blanca, de Jeffery Deaver, que no tuvo éxito intentando hacer una reinvención del Bond literario). Por otra parte, la compañía que representa los derechos de Fleming ha avalado una serie de novelas escritas por Kim Sherwood ambientadas en la actualidad sobre otros agentes 00 que no son 007, en un contexto donde... “Bond está desaparecido, quizá muerto”. Muchos no coincidirán conmigo, pero todas las señales nos hablan de un futuro sin Bond, o de un Bond que no puede ser admitido y aceptado en este presente y futuro, o -incluso- de un Bond desprovisto de su esencia para cumplir con los mandatos de la década del 2020.
Una cosa es que la prensa crea que 007 ya no da para más, que no podría sobrevivir a los cambios sociales y geopolíticos del mundo, como pasaba a principios de los años 90. Pero que EON e IFP se hagan eco de eso y admitan visiblemente que efectivamente 007 ya no da para más y no puede sobrevivir al futuro (#MeToo, BLM y cualquier movimiento que ande dando vuelta por ahí), me decepciona profundamente.
Desde el 29 de septiembre hasta hoy, mi desgano por mantener esta web fue creciendo poco a poco. Me insume mucho tiempo y ya estoy con otras actividades fuera de Bond, además de mi otra web The GoldenEye Dossier, y la continua promoción de mis libros, que pueden ser adquiridos a través de MercadoLibre en su versión digital. La cuestión es que con esta película no puedo ya ver a James Bond como una totalidad, sino como un par de 20 películas aisladas (24, siendo muy generoso), porque hablar de James Bond como fenómeno implicaría admitir su final en la ficción.
Pensé en varias posibilidades respecto al sitio. Una de ellas era, como en mi vida personal, limitarme a Brosnan, es decir, hasta 2002 ó 2004 contando los videojuegos. La otra era tirarle algún que otro palo a la era de Craig por dejarnos en este estado. También consideré cederle la web a alguien más y dejar que otro la continúe a su manera. Pero por varios motivos no me pareció que era lo que debía hacer: principalmente porque esta web siempre se caracterizó por la objetividad y tratar a todos los actores por igual, tratando de evitar favoritismos. Verán que varios tuits criticaron el tema de Billie Eilish de la última película y ni siquiera respondí, sólo por ese motivo. Muchos criticaban a Craig, otros a Brosnan, otros a Moonraker, otros alababan a Dalton y a Skyfall... pero la web siempre trató de evitar entrar en la ruta de la polémica y el debate y simplemente servir como muestrario de lo que la saga había dejado en nuestro país, independientemente de juicios de opinión.
Pero la objetividad tiene un límite, y el límite ha llegado con el film de Cary Joji Fukunaga. No puedo hablar de esa película como una más, ni siquiera la concibo como una de la saga. No me complace hacer una especie de “CraigNotBond.com” en este espacio, pero tampoco me complacería sonreír con cada idea nueva que EON nos quiera presentar de acuerdo a los requerimientos de personas o lobbies que, digamos la verdad, nunca fueron fans de Bond. Respecto a dejarle la conducción del sitio a alguien más... tampoco me gustaría ver que mi creación vaya en contra de mis ideales, o tener que estar supervisando el contenido y restringiendo a alguien de expresarse como más desee. No me parecería justo para ninguna de las dos partes. En cuanto a la permanencia del sitio, pueden tener la certeza de que nada de lo publicado será borrado ni en la web, ni en redes sociales como Facebook, Twitter o YouTube, es decir que el material escaneado y subido podrá ser accedido a través de los años sin inconvenientes. Nada tiene marcas de agua, y la idea siempre fue hacer este archivo público, por lo cual pueden tomar todo lo que hay ahí y usarlo como crean conveniente (aunque se agradece mucho el crédito). De corazón quiero pedirles disculpas a todos los que le tomaron cariño a la web o la sintieron como un punto de encuentro virtual. Pensé simplemente dejar de actualizarla, pero no me parecía digno alejarme así nomás, sin dar explicaciones. Los invito a seguir a Archivo 007, El Informe de James Bond y James Bond Colombia, excelentes páginas o cuentas en español para todas las novedades sobre la continuidad de la saga. A ellos también les agradezco por su incondicional apoyo en todos estos años, también a Lucas Manuel Rodríguez por sus impecables contribuciones que enriquecieron profundamente el sitio, y a Adrián Escudero por un invaluable material de archivo que fue básicamente la esencia de la página. Con la satisfacción de haber hecho un gran trabajo a lo largo de estos años, y de recibir grandes elogios, quiero cerrar esta publicación recordando el gran legado de Ian Fleming, Albert R “Cubby” Broccoli y Harry Saltzman. Y, por sobre todas las cosas, evocando la alegría que nos daba ver a James Bond 007 en la pantalla grande: la ansiedad de ver los círculos blancos y el gunbarrel, la belleza de todas y cada una de las compañeras de nuestro agente, lo idílico de las locaciones exóticas, el satisfactorio final de ver al villano derrotado y al guerrero teniendo su reposo. Y esa admiración única que durante tantos años evocó James Bond: el hombre que todos los hombres soñábamos ser, que todas las mujeres deseaban amar. El que representaba el triunfo del bien sobre el mal. El hombre que a diario se rodeaba de muerte, y que era justamente eso lo que le daba el ímpetu de mantenerse con vida y disfrutar de un sinfín de placeres. Puedo pensar que James Bond murió con Daniel Craig, o que vive con Pierce Brosnan. Siempre, a cualquier edad y en cualquier circunstancia, en inglés o en español, voy a elegir lo segundo. Gracias por tanto. Nicolás Suszczyk Editor y fundador, Bond en Argentina
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nixiesrec · 3 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
main blog is @amortensie
fic rec masterlist! this is a mess lol. below is a masterlist of all fic recs on this blog, sorted by fandom and character(s).
author / masterlist rec
anastasia ↴
anya x dimitry
anya romanov
gleb vaganov
anne with an e ↴
gilbert blythe
arrowverse  ➳  arrow cw ➳ supergirl ↴
oliver queen
winn schott
chronicles of narnia, the ↴
edmund pevensie
peter pevensie
susan pevensie
dear evan hansen ↴
jared kleinman
grishaverse ↴
the crows
jesper fahey
malyen oretsev
nikolai lantsov
harry potter ↴
regulus black
sirius black
cedric diggory
fleur delacour
lily evans
hermione granger
hermione granger x ron weasley
neville longbottom
luna lovegood
harry potter
james potter
newt scammander
fred weasley
ginny weasley
ron weasley
high school musical: the musical: the series ↴
ej caswell
carlos rodriguez
oc characters
it ↴
beverly marsh
richie tozier
julie and the phantoms ↴
julie molina
luke patterson
reggie peters
little women ↴
theodore laurence
marvel cinematic universe  ➳  wandavision ↴
agatha harkness
bucky barnes
loki laufeyson
natasha romanoff
peter parker
pietro maximoff
sam wilson
stephen strange
steve rogers
wanda maximoff
merlin bbc  ↴
arthur pendragon
morgana pendragon
newsies ↴
jack kelly x katherine plumber
albert dasilva
bill hearst
crutchie morris
davey jacobs
finch cortez
jack kelly
katherine plumber
racetrack higgins
spot conlon
queen’s gambit, the ↴
sherlock bbc ↴
jim moriarty
sherlock holmes
umbrella academy, the ↴
ben hargreeves
diego hargreeves
klaus hargreeves
five hargreeves
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ao3feed-bemorechill · 3 years
Musical Preschool AU
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jAIe5m
by TheMelodramaClub
Musical characters in a preschool setting
Words: 503, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Newsies!: the Musical - Fierstein/Menken, Hamilton - Miranda, Heathers: The Musical - Murphy & O'Keefe, Dear Evan Hansen - Pasek & Paul/Levenson, Be More Chill - Iconis/Tracz, Six - Marlow/Moss
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Other
Characters: Albert DaSilva (Newsies), Racetrack Higgins, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, John Laurens, Gilbert du Motier Marquis de Lafayette, Hercules Mulligan, Aaron Burr, James Madison, Romeo (Newsies), Henry (Newsies), Charles Lee, Elizabeth "Eliza" Schuyler, Angelica Schuyler, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler, Maria Lewis Reynolds, Catherine of Aragon, Catherine Parr, Katherine Howard, Anne Boleyn, Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Heather Chandler (Heathers), Heather Duke, Heather McNamara, Veronica Sawyer, Jason "J. D." Dean, Martha Dunnstock, Evan Hansen, Connor Murphy (Dear Evan Hansen), Zoe Murphy, Jared Kleinman, Spot Conlon, Jack Kelly (Newsies), Crutchie (Newsies), David Jacobs, Michael Mell, Jeremy Heere, Rich Goranski, Elmer (Newsies), JoJo (Newsies)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Kindergarten & Pre-school, Chaos, Broadway, Musicals, Hamiltrash (Hamilton), Hamilton References
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3jAIe5m
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