#al x ll
ponderingmoonlight · 4 months
Telling Sukuna you're pregnant after not seeing him for 500 years
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Pairing: Sukuna x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,4k
Synopsis: For more than 1.500 years, you found yourself in a love and hate relationship with none other than Ryomen Sukuna. But when he began to ignore you for more than 500 years, you decide to bind him to you forever - with the help of a pregnancy that shouldn't be possible...
Warnings: (y/n) is a real femme fatale aka bad bitch in this, mentions of smut, language language language, mentions of abuse towards Sukuna, mentions of pregnancy
Click here for Part ll
Your heels click against the floor casually as you swing your hips from side to side, a satisfied grin plastered on your face.
Finally. The sensation of his presence almost swallowed you whole just like it always did. Oh, how long you’ve waited for this damn moment, how you longed for him to finally appear again. Good for you that that brat decided to swallow your former lover back then.
Well, lover might be the wrong word to describe your relationship. Do you like Ryomen Sukuna? No, absolutely not. Just the thought of being around him sends your eyes into your skull immediately. Do you hate him?
“Can you shut up already? I’m…ah!”
“Stop talking, asshole”, you moaned against his parted lips, the sensation of him mercilessly thrusting into you almost swallowing you whole.
“You’re the worst woman I’ve ever met”, he hissed through gritted teeth, picking up his pace just the way you like it.
“I hate you”, you cried on top of your lungs while digging your nails into his shoulders to pull him even closer, to feel him even better.
You snort. Well, let’s just stay your relationship is rather complicated. But good for you, you took matters into your own hands.
“What do you think you’re doing there, huh?”, you casually question, bored eyes resting on that curse that kneels in front of the pink-haired boy.
“And who are you?”
Oh, it seems like this thing is a brave one. By the look of it and how he carries himself, he might be a special grade curse, he could be quite strong. But definitely not strong enough to even talk to you. You shake your head in amusement, fingers playing with a strand of hair.
“None of your business. I’m here to talk to Sukuna about something important, so get out the way before I drown you.”
“Get in line then. I am the one who will bring him back to life. He needs to assist us.”
“You must feel so brave and strong, huh? But still, you’re too dumb to realize who’s standing in front of you. Let me say it one last time, just because I’m in a good mood today: Get.out.my.way.”
You caress your belly mindlessly. Oh, you really do have some excited news. His face will be priceless when he hears your words. It’s his fault, after all. Who does he think he is to silently disappear for more than 500 years, leaving you alone without even saying goodbye? Looks like Sukuna is sick of you. Well, you’ll definitely bind him to you for the rest of your damned life. Maybe you should film it. What are those things called? Smartphones? Damn, you’re definitely too old for that dumb shit of those stupid humans.
“I’d get out of her way if I was you, curse. Or even better, go back where you came from and spare me with your bullshit, (y/n).”
That dark and unpromising voice, that annoyed undertone. Your eyes widen in nothing but excitement as well as your grin, unnecessary heart almost beating out of your chest. Finally, after all those years.
He’s back.
Ryomen Sukuna is finally back.
“I’m not going anywhere. There’s something very important we have to talk about”, you reply.
Hungrily, you take in his sight. He really does look different in that boy’s body. No wonder, after all he’s still a minor. You scrunch your nose, just the thought of getting close to this shell of a man…
“Why are you looking at me like that, huh? Don’t you have somewhere to be, (y/n)?”
He can’t deny it, how desperately he has to supress a sly grin by just one look at you. How do you manage to always look this hot, to make his mind wander? Sukuna hates you with every fiber of his being, how you seem to always be two steps ahead of him. Him, the king of curses. Him, the one who should be in control. Him, who is technically stronger, older and more experienced than you. But oh, you do it so well while wearing that black dress and your pair of heels, the mischievous look on your face simply taking his breath away.
“Don’t worry about me pretty boy, I’m exactly where I should be”, you purr.
Elegantly, you bend down towards him, almost revealing your panties in the process. Your hand glides over his firm chest and wraps around his neck, putting pressure on his windpipe ever so gently.
“Would y’all mind to just leave? We need a little more privacy.”
Nobody dares to move, your sheer presence stopping both girls and Jogo in their tracks. You might not be as powerful as Sukuna, but the way you act alone is enough to tell them you are no one to be messed with.
And the stinging fact that the king of curses literally allows you to choke him.
“W-we…We need to talk to Sukuna”, a female voice behind you speaks out.
Urgh, is a simple no not enough? You roll your eyes in sheer annoyance, making Sukuna almost shiver in excitement of what comes next.
“Listen, I tried to be nice, but you brats are testing me. I don’t have time for stupid shit like that, okay?”
One snap. One little innocent movement of your finger is enough to slice both of their heads off in the split of a second, sparing the curse standing behind you only by inches.
“If you don’t want to die right here and now, leave before I’m completely losing it, curse.”
“What’s wrong, (y/n)? Did something upset you?”
Your attention goes back to the force of a man in front of you, who lifts himself off the ground effortlessly.
“Well, I was pretty mad when I found out that you found a vessel and didn’t care enough to let me know. After all, I haven’t seen you in…how many years? 500, maybe?”
“Maybe you should leave, then. Because I didn’t miss you a single bit”, Sukuna suggests innocently.
Your bodies are so close to each other that he can’t ignore the heat radiating from your frame anymore. Why do you have to look so enticing in your short black dress? And what is that look on your face?
“Ouch, I’m here because I have something very important to tell you-“
“Get in line then, I don’t have time for your shit right now-“
Your nerves tingle in excitement when you pin him against the destroyed wall behind him.
This. This is the moment you worked you hard for, the moment you’ve been waiting for since he disappeared into darkness.
“I’m pregnant, Sukuna.”
The smile on his face disappears in an instant, you watch in sheer amusement as he turns pale as snow. This is too good to be true, absolutely priceless.
“So you fucked with somebody else, huh?”
“Both you and I know that it’s not possible for a simple human or curse to impregnate a woman like me.”
Oh, he knows damn well that you’re right. Frantically, he pushes his large hand against your stomach, searching for a sign of life. You have to be joking. He was gone for ages. And even though he wasn’t able to not get a taste of you, to not sink into your inviting flesh from time to time, there simply is no possibility, it can’t be true…
His soul leaves his body, breath getting stuck in his throat.
There it is, a tiny movement, a minor heartbeat.
You are indeed pregnant.
“There is no way”, he breathes out.
“Ask be how I did it.”
Your face is only inches away from his, maniac grin laughing down at him. You’ve had this plan in your mind for a long time. After he slipped through your fingers and didn’t return for literal years, you needed a plan. A plan to force him to stay by your side, a plan to bind him to you forever.
Ryomen Sukuna will always be yours. And you made sure of that.
“To be honest, it wasn’t hard to get what I needed for it. You aren’t especially careful when it comes to-“
“It shouldn’t even be possible”, he interrupts you breathlessly.
“You…You little bitch.”
You laugh at him hysterically as he throws you against the wall and chokes you until you see stars.
“Congrats, dear Sukuna. I’m sure you’ll be the best dad ever”, you choke out while sticking out your tongue.  
“And you’ll stay with me until the end of time.”
Tags:  @arehzhera @ploylulla @tzubaki @beatrexworld @kenstarsworld @dazaisdick @hellkaiserinphoenix  @lauv4chuuya @shadowfoxey @starlightanyaaa @sindela @kayleegomez @sunshine7queen @magalimachete @mokoartpost @gatitam @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @sanicsmut  @mynahx3 @sad-darksoul @chilichopsticks @hellkaiserinphoenix @chuyasthighs0 @ynackerman9499 @keepghostly @wxwieeee @lovelyluna1 @froufrousnowman @hidazinie @tomiokathedepresso  @gojosrealwife  @coffeeluvr96 @mahi-tamashi @weebotaku21 @chaoticwinnercupcake @lees-chaotic-brain  @risuola  @sugurulefttesticle @wordskeeper @baku2345 @polarbvnny @ruixrei @bam-bam-bam-bame-blog @lavenderdrxp @localhehecat @alicerhr @kayleegomez @belovedvamp @wifenanami @chilichopsticks @brycequinlansbrightpinkthong
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flan-tasma · 7 months
"Despecho" (Lyney x Fem!Reader)
Resumen: Saliste a olvidar tu relación pasada y te encuentras a un lindo chico que te ayuda.
Summary: You went out to forget your past relationship and you find a cute boy who helps you.
Encontré una playlist de reggaeton viejito y no me quedó de otra que embriagarme en escenarios ficticios con el mago de Fontaine, ¡Y aquí estamos!
Maybe I can do a second part of this...
Warning: spicy, Modern!AU(?, Alcohol | Google Translate sponsors me (it's a lie) If I made any mistakes in the english translation, I would be happy to read your comments! | Content in spanish and english
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Te habían sido infiel. Ya era oficial desde hace unas semanas y lo único que querías hacer era alejarte de todo lo que te recordara a tu puto ex. Lanzaste por la ventana sus peluches y sus camisas, quemaste las fotos, las flores las plantaste en el vecindario al otro lado de tu ciudad y como última actividad en el ritual de tus amigos y tuyo para olvidar a tu ex, salieron a divertirse.
Se subieron en el auto de uno de tus amigos como si fueran adolescentes problemáticos y pusieron música alta hasta llegar al estacionamiento del antro. Primera regla de la noche: Kaeya no se podía emborrachar.
"Yo me aseguraré de no matarnos cuando vayamos a casa, tu diviértete y haz lo que se te pegue la gana. Hoy es tu noche."
Cuando entraron y la música y su eco se escuchaban con más claridad, escuchaste la segunda regla de la noche: No había límites, excepto contestar alguna llamada del idiota con el que cortaste. Sonreíste cuando Venti te invitó a beber con él y Rosaria se alejaba con Kaeya en busca de Diluc quien los esperaba en la barra, sin embargo algo más te llamó la atención al otro lado de la pista de baile. Entre las luces que iluminaban con flashes a las personas que bailaban, viste a un chico terriblemente lindo que bebía felizmente, al notar tu mirada sonrió coqueto. Jadeaste divertida, podrías apostar a que lo buscarás luego de beber con tus amigos.
Una, dos, tres copas entraron a tu sistema de una bebida que había elegido Diluc para ti, Rosaria y Kaeya hablaban del buen ambiente del lugar y Diluc y Venti se peleaban contigo en el medio de ellos y acabando tu cuarto trago. Un ritmo que reconociste ni bien empezó te hizo levantar la mirada de tu vaso hasta el chico en el otro lado del lugar, quién también te estaba mirando y sonreía. Apoyando su cara en su mano y mirándote entre las luces de neón y que parpadeaban, te lanzó una mirada coqueta junto a un guiño que te hizo soltar una risa que imitó.
"Oh, ¿A dónde vas, (T/N)?" Venti ya estaba hasta atrás, sus párpados casi se cerraban y sus palabras se caían de sus labios. "Iré a bailar un rato."
No explicaste más, el músico no iba a comprender bien más y simplemente te animó a que prendas en fuego la pista de baile, y ya tenías la iniciativa cuando caminaste hacia el chico rubio que se rió al verte llegar.
"¿Bailas?" No le tomó mucho tiempo dejar a su grupo para levantarse y dejar que lo arrastres con el resto de borrachos y sobrios que se dejaban llevar por el ritmo. Sus manos que paseaban por tus caderas y tus manos en su nuca y entre su cabello dejaban claras las intenciones que tenían de no soltarse hasta el amanecer. Poco a poco, ya sea por obra y gracia del alcohol en sus venas, sus manos pellizcaban tus muslos y tu dejabas rápidos besos en sus labios. Lyney, como había dicho que se llamaba en medio del baile, y tú reían desordenadamente entre los movimientos de sus cuerpos increíblemente juntos y que encajaban tan bien que resultaba adictivo ver ante las luces y sombras del lugar.
Estabas tan tentada de irte y desaparecer una semana si era para estar entre los brazos que ahora te sostenían y besaban tu cuello entre risas. Estabas tan tentada y cansada de todo que accediste cuando te ofreció su casa para ir a divertirse de manera privada. En tu defensa Rosaria estaba de acuerdo, entre uno de sus tragos te había visto y sonrió asintiendo, haciendo señas para que la llamaras y siguió escuchando a Kaeya. Tercera regla de la noche: sal a follar con el guapo chico que baila bien.
"Es peligroso subirte a un auto de un desconocido" Lyney te había dado su abrigo para protegerte de la noche helada y había ajustado la calefacción haciéndote reír.
"¿Eres realmente peligroso?" Sus manos se veían tan bien cuando salían del estacionamiento y conducía, usando una sola mano en el volante y la otra viajaba desde tu muslo hasta tu humedad. Te miró con burla rápidamente antes de empezar a acariciar tus pliegues por encima de tu ropa interior.
"No lo sé, me lo tendrás que decir mañana. Pienso hacer magia contigo esta noche."
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They had been unfaithful to you. It was official a few weeks ago and all you wanted to do was get away from everything that reminded you of your fucking ex. You threw their stuffed animals and their shirts out the window, you burned the photos, you planted the flowers in the neighborhood on the other side of your city and as the last activity in your and your friends' ritual to forget your ex, you went out to have fun.
They got into one of your friends' cars like you were troublesome teenagers and played loud music all the way to the club's parking lot. First rule of the night: Kaeya couldn't get drunk.
"I'll make sure we don't kill each other when we go home, you have fun and do whatever you want. Today is your night."
When you entered and the music and its echo could be heard more clearly, you heard the second rule of the night: There were no limits, except answering a call from the idiot you broke up with. You smiled when Venti invited you to drink with him and Rosaria walked away with Kaeya in search of Diluc who was waiting for them at the bar, however something else caught your attention on the other side of the dance floor. Among the lights that flashed at the people who were dancing, you saw a terribly cute boy who was drinking happily. When he noticed your gaze he smiled flirtatiously. You gasped in amusement, you could bet you'd look for him after drinking with your friends.
One, two, three glasses entered your system of a drink that Diluc had chosen for you, Rosaria and Kaeya were talking about the good atmosphere of the place and Diluc and Venti were fighting with you in the middle of them and finishing your fourth drink. A rhythm that you recognized as soon as it started made you look up from your glass to the boy on the other side of the room, who was also looking at you and smiling. Resting your face on his hand and looking at you through the flashing neon lights, he gave you a flirtatious look along with a wink that made you let out a laugh that he imitated.
"Oh, where are you going, (Y/N)?" Venti was already far behind, his eyelids were almost closed and his words fell from his lips. "I'll go dance for a while."
You didn't explain more, the musician wasn't going to understand well anymore and he simply encouraged you to set the dance floor on fire, and you already had the initiative when you walked towards the blonde boy who laughed when he saw you arrive.
"Do you dance?" It didn't take him long to leave his group to get up and let you drag him along with the rest of the drunks and sober people who were carried away by the rhythm. His hands that walked on your hips and your hands on his neck and hair made clear the intentions you had not to let go until dawn. Little by little, either by the work and grace of the alcohol in his veins, his hands pinched your thighs and you left quick kisses on his lips. Lyney, as he had said his name was in the middle of the dance, and you laughed uncontrollably between the movements of your bodies incredibly close and that fit together so well that it was addictive to see the lights and shadows of the place.
You were so tempted to leave and disappear for a week if it was to be in the arms that now held you and kissed your neck between laughs. You were so tempted and tired of everything that you agreed when he offered you his house to go have some private fun. In your defense Rosaria agreed, between one of her drinks she had seen you and she smiled nodding, motioning for you to call her and she continued listening to Kaeya. Third rule of the night: go out and fuck the handsome boy who dances well.
"It's dangerous to get into a stranger's car" Lyney had given you her coat to protect you from the freezing night and had adjusted the heater making you laugh.
"Are you really dangerous?" His hands looked so good as he pulled out of the parking lot and he drove, using only one hand on the wheel and the other traveling from your thigh to your wetness. He glanced at you quickly before beginning to caress your folds over your underwear.
"I don't know, you'll have to tell me tomorrow. I plan to do magic with you tonight."
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unluckyhoneybee · 1 year
F1 Blurbs. The Masterlist.
#Blurbs I have written about F1, F2, ...
Best Friends to Lovers (Mick Schumacher)
Comforting Charles after Imola [CL]
First time in Monaco with Daniel [DR]
Reconciliation after a fight with Marcus [MA]
Smitten at first sight with Arthur [AL] 🌻
You are the bane of Arthur's existence [AL]
Stepdad Charles [CL]
Comforting Liam after a crash. [LL]
Danny loves your hairstyle [DR]
Danny dating an introvert. [DR]
Fake-dating Lando [LN]
Danny comforting you after losing a race [DR]
Lando is in love with Zak's daughter [LN]
Danny is really proud of you [DR]🌻
Pierre teaches you how to flirt with Arthur in French [AL]
You and Charles take a few laps together [CL]🌻
Michael comforts your son [MI]
Liam is terrified when you crash (angsty to fluff) [LL]
Danny dating a normal girl [DR]
About Max V and Alex A friendship. [MV & AA]
You and Danny take your twins to the beach for the first time. (fluff x3) [DR] 🌻
Max taking care of your daughter at a family event [MV]
You take care of Marcus after an accident [MA]
Danny meets your son two weeks late [DR] 🌻
Danny gives you your well deserve trophy[DR]
Lando helps his baby daughter at 4 am [LN]
You comfort Danny after Silverstone (fluff) [DR]
Marcus helps with your social anxiety (fluff) [MA]
Danny is the best dad and your son the best big brother (fluff x3) [DR]🌻
Poly relationship with Danny and Charles (smutty) [DR x CL]
Michael and Danny are the best dads [DR x MI]
Your son wants you and Danny close🌻 [DR]
Michael helps when you faint [MI]
Your first Mother's Day with Danny [DR]
Danny is dating Toto's daughter [DR] 🌻
First time on the paddock with Arthur [AL]
Danny talks to the baby in your belly [DR]
Comforting Danny during silly season '22 [DR]
You and Danny go public [DR]
Dad Pierre on holiday [PG]
You cheer Danny before the drivers parade [DR]
Danny helps you with beer pong[DR]
You, Danny and your son get temporary tattoos. [DR]
Charles takes care of you when you get hurt [CL]
Grumpy reader and Sunshine Mick [MS]
Proud Pierre dating a UFC fighter. [PG]
You, Danny and his thigh tattoos. [DR]
You take care of drunk Marcus. [MA]
Learning French with Pierre [PG]
Felipe is a bit jealous [FD]
Michael confesses to you [MI]
You comfort an insecure Fabio [FQ]
Museum date with Lando [LN]
You take Daniel to a rage room [Dr]
After care with Daniel [DR]
Daniel falls in love with an interviewer [DR]
Charles it's not very touchy but you are [CL]
Charles and you ditch an after-party. [CL]
You meet Danny's son [DR]
Alex takes care of you when you have migraines [AA]
Lando gets jealous of Charles [LN]
Danny and your son love sharing apples [DR]
How would they react when you say "I love you" for the first time.
Your first kiss with Charles [CL]
Danny and his newborn baby[DR]
How would they flirt
How would they react to your pregnancy
How would they be as stepdads (🌻
How they show love
How they take care of you [With a special appearance of LH&SV]
George making you pay for bad behaviour [GR]
Teasing Max by flirting with Pierre[MV]
You lend a hand to Pierre [PG]
Arthur and you have some time alone on a balcony [AL]
You have your first time with Danny [DR]
Danny congratulates you after your first win [DR]
Congratulating George for his pole [GR]
Spending your birthday with Danny[DR]
You and Danny have some fun while baking [DR]
Pierre and you are fwb but your friends don't know [PG]
You take care of Charles. [CL]
You always cry when you finish [CL] (not actually smut)
Danny is a good friend and helps you[DR]
Shower fun with Mick [MS]
Mirror fun with Mick [MS]
Mick loves your mouth [MS]
Marcus and you crash [MA]
Michael is protective of you [MI]
You comfort Danny on his future[DR]
Lance gets tired of your games [LS] 🌻
Mick and you are secretly in love and dating other [MS] 🌻
Felipe dating a Diver!Ricciardo!Reader [FD]
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brrbrina · 1 year
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pairing: joe burrow x oc
warnings: angst!
a/n : sorry it took me so long to write this one, i had the worst writers block, we only have one chapter left, feedback and support is always well received 😊
"All i´m asking you is to be honest for one time in forever, is it really that hard to do?" Aria said with a knot in her throat, she wasn´t completly sure how she ended up in Joe´s place, the same place she once called her home, but there is always something inside her that drags her anywhere near him.
She was looking for a bank receipt of the payment she made when she finally paid off her college debt, she was sure she packed it when she moved to her own apartment, but she couldn´t find it and she thought that it could be at her ex boyfriends house, so she drove all the way there feeling numb.
Parking in the driveway she saw Joe´s car and took a deep breath, still not sure of how he would look at her after the nigth they broke things off. After knocking on the door, a tall blue eyed blonde perked while he opned it.
"Aria... what are you doing here, is everything ok?" He said scratching his head and looking at her not sure on how to approach her.
"Yes, everything is fine, I don´t know where my college payment recepit is and i´ve looked everywhere at home and i couldn´t find it, i thought maybe it was still here in one of your folders" she said looking at him as he looked surprise.
"Yeah sure, um, you can check in the closet maybe it's up there on a blue box, go ahead" He said leading her upstairs to the bedroom they once shared, to Aria´s surprise he still had a lot of things she helped him bought when they moved in together.
Making her way to the closet she realized it was a huge closet, they never really payed attention to that since it was always full, grabing a little stair she always kept there so she could reach above the shelfs, she put the box on the floor and start looking, there were a lot of things there and she didn´t knew where to begin.
Clearing his throat Joe spoke "So...how's your mom and dad,?" Aria turned her head looking at him confused, "Uhm, they´re okay, thanks for asking" she said as she looked back not finding the stupid paper.
"So...""You really don´t have to do small talk, it´s okay it´s not akward" Aria said closing the box after not finding it, resining herself to just go to the bank and pray they could give them a copy.
"It´s okay you can leave it on the floor i´ll put it back up later I was about to..." his phone rang, not allowing him to finish his sentence. "Hi babe, no i´m not busy, what´s up?" He said walking out of the room and Aria was feeling the same way the night they broke up again, and then it hit her, Joe wasn´t in love with her anymore, there was someone else in his life, sleeping on the same bed she used to lay her head and dancing in the kitchen at night, someone wearing his jearsey to his games and kissing him goodnight.
The hard thing about love, in any form it may present to you, if someones falls out of if or they stop loving you, there´s nothing you can do, there´s is nothing in the wprld that could make them want you again, love fades, it just doesn´t disappear overnight, and the heartbroken part of it, is that no matter how much love you have for the other person, the best thing you can do is accept things and move one, no matter how lonesome it migth feel, and how long you would take to put the pieces they broke together again.
Making her way downstairs Joe stopped her “Aria, I know i was an ass by the way I ended things with you, I know no amount of apologies will fix it but I really hope we can stay friends or at least in touch, I owe you al lot and you help me achieve my dreams” Joe stated and Aria had watery eyes looking at him, and that was the first time he felt a little piece of him break inside.
“When did you start seeing her, was it when we were still together, sleeping in the same bed?” Aria said
“What? Aria what are you talking about” Joe said trying to look confused
“All i´m asking you is to be honest for one time in forever, is it really that hard to do?" Aria said with a knot in her throat, “Were you thinking of her when you had your hands around my waist?”
“Did you even gave a fuck about our relationship?” She said looking at him almost crying.
“Of course I did, I told you that multiple times, I didn’t even… I couldn’t” Joe couldn’t find the words to tell her the truth, he wasn’t seeing Ellie when she was still with Aria, and after the breakup he didn’t want to meet anyone but he did, and he feel in love again.
She looked at him as he was struggling to talk, but she couldn’t stand there and watch him try to come up with something, it was too painful and she didn’t want to be there anymore.
Making her way to the door Joe grabbed her arm and hugged her, she didn’t moved, there wasn’t a single thought running across her mind. “I’m really sorry things didn’t work out with us” Joe said mumbling to her hair.
He let her go, and she made her way to the car, she drove home and hope she wouldn’t feel this way forever.
It was around 11:00 pm when she started crying, but it wasn’t a cry because he missed him, it was a crying because he broke her heart worse than anybody had ever done, everyone left, if she fell in love with all her problems will they leave her too?
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vividiste · 3 months
Oggi è il primo febbraio. In Spagna chiude la caccia e per migliaia di levrieri la vita finisce, miseramente così come era inziata. Le atrocità a cui sono sottoposti per la loro breve vita e infine per la loro morte, sono inaccettabili e tuttavia la cultura spagnola ancora le sostiene. È la tradizione.
In loro onore riportiamo un magnifico e toccante testo di Rafael Narbona, perché sappiate, perché rifiutate, perché combattiate.
Los Galgos Ahorcados - I levrieri impiccati
La Spagna è il paese dei levrieri impiccati.
La Spagna è il paese che non apprezza la tenerezza inconcepibile
di un animale che si intreccia con l'aria, disegnando acrobazie impossibili.
La Spagna è il paese degli alberi con i rami assassini,
dove una corda infame spezza una vita leggera come schiuma.
La Spagna è una terra sterile che seppellisce la poesia nel suo grembo morto.
I levrieri sono poeti in agguato nel vento, levigano gli spigoli in silenzio,
scivolando via come un filo d'acqua dal fondo di un fosso.
I levrieri sono poeti che si stagliano alla luna, componendo sagome senza eguali.
I levrieri accavallano le parole, ci saltano sopra, evitano gli accenti, così arroganti e inflessibili.
L'accento è un signore ridicolo che si infila nelle parole come una spina.
I levrieri turbano la sua routine, gettandola al vento, giocandoci finché si stufano.
Così riceve lezioni di umiltà e accetta la sua dolorosa insignificanza.
Le impronte dei levrieri non lasciano traccia. Sono veloci, alati, quasi eterei.
Non influenzati dalla gravità nè dalla durezza della pietra.
I levrieri accelerano la rotazione della terra, quando la follia si impadronisce di loro.
Lo sguardo riesce a malapena a seguire il loro galoppo vertiginoso,
ma grazie alle loro corse percepiamo la musica celeste.
I levrieri prendono in giro l'ortografia tendendo o piegando le orecchie.
Le orecchie di un levriero possono trasformarsi in una X, Y o LL.
Sforzandosi un poco sono in grado di delineare la Ñ o il numero Phi,
il numero aureo in cui è nascosto Dio,
giocando con una serie infinita che lascia con un palmo di naso gli insegnanti.
Gli insegnanti della scuola non capiscono Dio, nè i levrieri.
Dio è un bambino che utilizza i puntini di sospensione per attraversare i fiumi.
Li genera uno ad uno e salta in avanti. Quelli che avanzano, se li tiene in tasca.
I levrieri non sono mai separati da Dio,
perché sanno bene che hanno bisogno di non perdersi sulla strada,
dove si nasconde l'uomo con il forcone in mano.
Ci è stato detto che Dio è un vecchio con la barba bianca e la pelle rugosa,
ma Dio è un bambino malato
che calma il suo dolore accarezzando la testa ossuta di un levriero.
I levrieri vigilano sul mondo, mentre Dio riposa.
Ogni volta che viene commessa una malvagità, lanciano un grido e Dio si sveglia,
ma Dio non può fare nulla,
perché nessuno presta attenzione ad un bambino
che in punta di piedi non raggiunge lo spioncino della porta.
Gli uomini che impiccano i galgos hanno perso la loro anima molto tempo fa.
In realtà, la loro anima è fuggita inorridita quando ha scoperto le loro mani insanguinate.
Gli uomini che impiccano i levrieri nascondono gli occhi dietro gli occhiali scuri,
perché gli occhi li tradiscono.
Basta guardarli per capire che dietro non c'è nulla.
Gli uomini che impiccano i levrieri sono gli stessi che fucilarono García Lorca.
Non gli è importato sradicare dal nostro suolo un poeta
che dormiva tra camelie bianche e piangeva lacrime d'acqua.
Non gli è importato seppellirlo in una tomba senza nome,
con gli occhi aperti e uno sguardo di orrore sul viso.
Gli uomini che impiccano i levrieri parlano a malapena. Non amano le parole.
A loro non piace giustificare le proprie azioni ed esprimere le proprie emozioni.
Lasciano una scia di dolore e paura.
Ridono dei poeti che passano notti insonni
cercando di trovare un verso alla fine di un sonetto.
Ridono degli sciocchi che vogliono un futuro senza bombe o rovine nere.
Ridono delle promesse fatte ai bambini,
delle rassicurazioni sull'eternità che placa la morte e ci impedisce di cadere nell'oblio.
Ogni volta che muore un levriero, un bambino rimane orfano.
I levrieri prestano la luce dei propri occhi ai bambini malati.
Li accompagnano nelle notti di febbre piene di incubi.
Li svegliano dolcemente, parlandogli all'orecchio del giorno che arriva,
con la sua freschezza e la luce rosata dell'alba.
Gli parlano della primavera e dello sbocciare dei fiori.
Parlano delle mattinate torride d'estate, quando il mare è calmo
e il sole sembra una pietra gialla che non smetterà mai di brillare.
Gli dicono che l'inverno si è nascosto dietro un cespuglio e si è addormentato.
I bambini malati sono i bambini che il giovane Rabì scelse
per mostrare al mondo la bellezza nella sua forma più pura.
Il giovane Rabì si presentò di fronte al potere delle tenebre
con un ragazzo paralizzato ed un levriero affamato,
senza ignorare che la compassione è uno strano fiore.
Un fiore che cresce solo su pendii ripidi e in profonde solitudini,
dove le preghiere fremono di paura al pensiero di risuonare in una cantina vuota.
Certe mattine mi alzo presto ed i cani sono già sulla spianata che chiamano piazza,
con la sua triste chiesa dalla facciata imbiancata a calce, e un albero dal tronco nodoso.
Raggruppati per lunghe catene, tutti sono giovani e non sanno cosa li aspetta.
Non sanno che quel giorno diversi di loro resteranno sul campo,
sopraffatti dalla crudeltà umana.
Potrei avvertirli,
ma gli uomini che preparano la loro morte vanno in giro con fucili da caccia e lunghe corde,
ed i loro occhi sembrano braci ardenti di un odio antico.
Gli occhi dei galgos svolazzano come colorate farfalle.
Blu, marrone, viola, forse un debole bagliore d'oro.
Alcuni sono seduti, altri sdraiati, assopiti. Alcuni sono in piedi, altri scomposti.
Alcuni sono così sottili che sembrano quasi levitare.
Alcuni sembrano d'argilla, altri d'argento, altri sono bianchi come l'alba.
Come l'alba che avanza nella piazza e li fa sembrare in movimento.
Si sentono le catene, le grida, le risa.
Via tutti insieme, aggiogati a un destino ingiusto.
Mi sento come Don Chisciotte alla vista dei galeotti,
condannati a spingere un enorme corazzata con un remo:
"Perché fare schiavi coloro che Dio e la natura hanno creato liberi?"
Mi sono seduto su una panchina di pietra e li ho guardati andarsene.
Un levriero bianco, dall'andatura rassegnata, si voltò e mi guardò con umanità,
con gli occhi stanchi e vagamente speranzosi.
Sapevamo entrambi che le nostre vite sono una scintilla,
un momento di chiarezza in un buio infinito,
ma ci siamo sforzati di pensare che ci saremmo rincontrati sotto un altro cielo,
vagando per una sconfinata pianura,
distanti da quel mattino omicida che si sarebbe preso le vite dei più goffi
e di quelli rimasti indietro.
Ci rincontreremo in una mattina di pienezza e splendore, senza tristezza o negligenza,
una mattinata perfetta, libera da paure e lavoro.
Guarderemo indietro, come due vecchi amici che hanno scoperto la gioia di essere altrove.
I suoi occhi nei miei occhi, i suoi sogni nei miei sogni e i nostri battiti all'unisono nel vento.
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Quanta inutile cattiveria 😡
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fashionbooksmilano · 1 year
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Ice cold. A Hip-Hop Jewelry History
Vikki Tobak 
Text by Slick Rick, ASAP Ferg, LL COOL J, Kevin”Coach K”Lee, Pierre “P” Thomas
Taschen, Cologne 2022 ,388 pages, Hardcover, English edition with German and French translation as download, 25 x 34 cm, ISBN  9783836584975
euro 80,00
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“Ice Cold: A Hip-Hop jewelry history" presents the bling culture of rappers and their jewelry. Using 40 years of iconic imagery and compelling stories, this visual history shines a light on the world of hip-hop, where mega stars from Run-DMC to Tupac and Jay-Z to Migos and Cardi B flash brilliant custom pieces to show status and personal style.  Ice Cold is a treasure trove of dazzling, inspirational style, featuring the work of leading photographers, including Wolfgang Tillmans, Janette Beckman, Jamel Shabazz, Timothy White, Gillian Laub, David LaChapelle, Danny Clinch, Chris Buck, Mike Miller, Phil Knott, Raven B. Varona, Al Pereira, Albert Watson and many more.
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tetrakys · 1 year
MCL Alternate Life review
Now that the three 4-episodes routes have been fully released, I’m ready to spend some final words on AL in general and the three boys specifically.
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The plot is quite simple: AL was created to mostly address the break up, it is the canonical ending to Lysander, Kentin and Armin’s routes (while UL and LL are the canon continuation of Cas’ and Nath’s routes). The general plot is meeting your old boyfriend again, reconnect, solidify the relationship and resolve the long-distance issue. Quite simple, it’s the con of having only 4 episodes, but it does its job well, for years we asked for something that would fix the break up and we got it. Also I liked that the main structure was the same for all three boys, it provides a sense of continuity and a main theme for the season.
Same as the other seasons, 2AP x line of dialogue, however there is one main difference. Episodes 2 and 3 have choices which lead to different illustrations and scenes, meaning that they should be replayed twice if all illus with the crush want to be obtained. I personally quite like this system because the episodes are short and cheap, rarely over 1000 AP and this gives me a reason to play twice and extend my gaming experience. Plus replaying doesn’t bore me since the scenes are different as well so it’s almost like having two episodes in one.
The Art
I’m generally always happy about the quality of MCL’s illustrations, and I think AL keeps up with the high standard. As a con, I’d say that the poses might be a bit repetitive, hugging and kissing tend to be quite similar among the three routes, but other than that I’m happy. Backgrounds and sprites are also very good imo, but I’ll get to that soon.
Now, a closer look at the three:
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My Victorian prince was perfect as a teen and remained perfect in adulthood. Personally I think he looks even more beautiful, if possible, and his personality didn’t change at all, only slightly more mature due to being an adult with adult responsibilities. If on one hand this means that we got exactly what we lost 4 years ago, it also means that he’s the crush that remained the most static, didn’t have a real evolution like all the others did. Like a fae prince who remained frozen in time. It might make his journey a bit less interesting that’s true, but on the other hand can you improve perfection? I don’t think so.
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In fact he’s the only crush we didn’t break up with. At first I was a bit surprised “for sure it must be Kentin the one we don’t break up with, right?” but afterward it made so much sense. His AL is one of rediscovery of someone who we never really lost, and despite me not liking farm life it makes perfect sense for him and Candy to have ended up there. His story is soothing, and calm, just like him. Finding him again is like feeling you finally found your place and your home.
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Kentin grew up a lot since high school. Not only physically as he got taller and bulkier (and hotter) but also mentally. When we meet him again we find someone who has completed a personal journey, a new person who knows his worth and who they are. These years spent travelling the world alone made him grew up and now he’s able to love Candy in a healthy way because he can also love himself. 
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His AL is one of getting to know the new mature person he’s become but also finding out that what really matters, his feelings and good heart, are always the same. Its route is full fluff with 5 minutes of drama which only serve to learn how different being with him is going to be now but also how his love didn’t change. His story is about personal growth and the work you have to put on yourself before being able to be in a relationship. 
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Armin is still the same jokester as before, but he’s not a boy anymore, it’s clear that the break up made him grow up as well. His new looks are similar to what he used to wear before (without Alexy’s terrible involvement), I’m not a big fan of the yellow but it compensate with the haircut which imo makes so much more sense than that octopus-looking one he had before. I also love that he kept a smirking teasing expression which is so him. 
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His route, while remains similar to the other two in its basic structure, is completely different in the sense that while he did grow up and became more mature, his story isn’t as much as getting to know him while getting to know who Candy and him are together and if they can build something solid and long-lasting. With Lys and Kentin we get a finished product, with Armin we get a work in progress, that makes his route more eventful and dynamic. We start with a fight in episode 1, get a whole journey and end with a final declaration which address all the issues and uncertainties. We see both Candy and Armin grow during the story. 
Personal considerations
I think all 3 routes are really well done so preference becomes a matter of personal taste. On my side, Armin’s is above the other two for the simple fact that I enjoy the drama and the enemies-to-lovers vibe. I also love Candy in this route, and the teasing relationship the both have. I loved following their journey, for me this route is pretty much perfect and I can only hope Beemoov keeps up this amazing writing. 
The other two routes are also really great. Kentin’s route is perfect for people who like fluff above all and just want to live a sweet love story. Lys’ is for people who want to play something soothing and with a more fairy tail vibe. 
I’m happy we finally got a happy ending with the three of them and these endings make so much sense: with Lys we could only join him in his farm life, not my thing as I said, but I never saw Lys as someone who could enjoy the rockstar lifestyle, his choices don’t have to work for me, they have to work for him and I’m happy they do. With Kentin it wouldn’t have felt right if he gave up his lifestyle and stayed in town for us, it would’ve been a complete step back from his personal journey to see him give up everything and chase Candy once again, so I’m happy it’s Candy the one joining him this time. And with Armin, with all the times Candy was the one to follow him in his passions and hobbies (plus the whole long-distance and Disney debacle) it had to end with him staying, and I’m so glad it did.
So now that we got our happy endings, what’s left?
I guess we’ll see 😏
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sasster · 7 months
aelium how do u think trolls would feel knowing you take the blood donations you get and give them to rainbow drinkers rather than use for medical purposes :/
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~) Are y)x(u implying that there is n)x(t a need f)x(r it medically? |
>He shrugs, not interested in debating that.
~) There are tw)x( c)x(nsent f)x(rms. )x(ne that says y)x(u w)x(uld like y)x(ur bl)x()x( used strictly f)x(r medical pr)x(cedures, and an)x(ther that g)x(es int)x( details ab)x(ut the )x(ther p)x(tential uses f)x(r their d)x(nati)x(n. |
>We will remind you that Aelium is the only Lycaon whose entire thing is consent.
~) Als)x(, m)x(st tr)x(lls d)x( n)x(t care |
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bleujae · 1 year
✦˚ *𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℂ𝕣𝕦𝕖𝕝𝕥𝕪 𝕠𝕗 𝔻𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕟𝕪* ˚✦
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✦ Summary: They always talked forever but they once again learned that destiny can be cruel and destiny isn't all about happy ever after
✦ Pairing: Jay x fem!reader
✦ Genre: angst, teeny tiny bit of fluff
✦ Word count: 2.4K
✦ Warnings: mentions of death,*let me know if there's anything else I should add ^^*
"Yeah, it's too hard to face it... know that you're gone"
Heewon numbly stood as she could vaguely see many people run back and forth around her and hear the shouts of urgency. The sirens of different cop cars and ambulances rang in her ear. The blue and red lights almost blinded her as she simply stared at the limp body being moved from the ground to the stretcher. 
It almost felt real when she saw his limp hand and bloodied face but she still held onto hope. Or at least tried. But while watching the medics do CPR and try to do everything to save her boyfriend, she realized that it was hopeless. Heewon finally released the tears from her eyes that initially felt stuck from the shock. 
One turned to two. Two turned to three. And eventually she had multiple tears coming down from each eye, looking like a downpour instead of a light drizzle. 
Her sobs became more prominent when she was in the emergency room and she stared at the body of her lover. The dreaded sound of the long beep and the doctors saying the time of death all sounded muffled in her ears. Her legs gave out as she collapsed near the bed and held his hand for the last time. She could hazily see  her tears drip onto his limp hand and the traces of dried blood on his hand made her want to gag. 
She pushed herself up to see his face one last time. She was hoping that when she stood up to his face, his eyes would be opened. He would smile and tell her everything was okay. He would sit up afterwards and give her a big hug. But when she stood up, his eyes, that she could see the whole galaxy with, were closed. The lips that would once tell her that he loved her and smile for her would be forever shut. She could no longer hear the beautiful voice of her boyfriend. The voice that would calm her down while she was anxious or when she was sad. And she would no longer be able to feel the warmth he transmitted through his hugs. The comfort of his arms felt like home to Heewon. But her home now had crumbled in the matter of hours.
She brought her hand closer to his now cold cheek, caressing it. She attempted to wipe off the streaks of blood across his face. She could feel her eyes well up with tears once again, seeing his face and she wondered if the wells of her tears would ever dry up. 
A chorus of voices filled her ears and she could feel her heart drop as she recognized the voices. She wasn’t ready to face them. It was all her fault. She knew it. And they knew it. Or she thought.
“Heewon?” Even though the voice was gentle, Heewon whipped her head around in fear, facing the six heartbroken boys. 
“What happened?” Jungwon took a step forward to comfort his twin, but his heart completely shattered for her when she took one step back, panic and fear flooding her eyes. 
“I-I’m sorry.” She choked. “I-it wa-was al-ll my f-f-fault.” 
“Heewon-ah.” This time Heeseung took a step forward, standing next to Jungwon with his arms extended out. 
“N-no! St-sto-stop!” Heewon managed to get out, a wave of sobs shaking her body uncontrollably. “I kn-know it w-was all m-m-my faul-lt.” 
All the six boys looked at the girl in pity. They fully knew Heewon would never do anything to put their best friend in danger. She loved him too much for that. And they fully knew that if something happened that put Heewon in danger, he would most definitely run in to save her. Jay just loved her that much. It pained them physically and emotionally to see their friend, who they saw as a sister, was blaming herself for the death of their best friend when it obviously wasn’t her fault. 
“Heewon-ah…it wasn’t your fault.” Jake gently told her. 
“B-but it was! If I wa-wasn’t s-s-so stupid a-and saw th-th-the t-truck co-coming, h-he wouldn’t ha-have…” Heewon paused, dreading the next word to come up. She wanted to throw up at the word that was sitting on the tip of her tongue. “…died.” 
The last word came out like a mere whisper, even Heewon herself could barely hear it. But she did. Another wave of realization came crashing down on her. 
“He's dead…” She whispered out. “He’s gone.” She looked up and met the eyes of her twin. “Won-ah…I’ll never see him again.” 
She could feel her legs giving out the second time as reality hit her once more. She felt warmth wrap around her and could smell the faint perfume of Jungwon as he caught her and brought her into a hug. 
“He’s gone, Won-ah…” Heewon kept repeating. “He’s gone.” 
Jungwon could only nod and pat his twin’s head in comfort, while having tears streaming down from his own eyes. He too was grieving for the loss of his friend but seeing how broken his twin was, he couldn’t help but move his feelings aside for now to make sure she was okay. 
“What do I do, Won-ah?” She cried out, gripping the sides of his sweater and drenching his shoulder in tears. “What am I going to do now?” 
The remainder of the boys winced at the girl’s pain-stricken cries. Yes, Jay was such an important friend to them. He was the one who always made sure that all of them were dressed warmly enough. He always made sure they didn’t skip out on any of their meals. He made sure that each one of them were heard and listened to all of their problems, validating all of their positive and negative feelings. He showed them so much love and comfort that they would never forget. 
But they knew what Heewon and Jay had were different. They were like soulmates. They complimented each in ways that even words couldn’t describe their chemistry. They supported each other through thick and thin and the friend group was sure they would get married someday. It was always a running joke that their friend group dreamed more about a wedding than Heewon and Jay did themselves. 
Now those dreams could never become reality. Because the cruel world said that dreams were always meant to stay as dreams. 
Heewon found herself trudging down the hallway where her apartment was. Jungwon and the other guys had insisted on staying with her but she reassured them that she would be fine. 
The boys knew she wouldn’t be fine. Being in the apartment that she once shared with Jay was going to rip what was left of her heart into shreds but seeing how sternly she shut their idea down, they backed off. 
She took out the familiar keys that she and Jay used to get into their apartment. For their second anniversary, Jay had gotten them matching keychains when they first got their place together. It was just a simple keychain with little stars, symbolizing both of their love stars but also for the occasions where Heewon loved to call Jay her “star” based on the meaning of his Korean name. His name meant collecting stars and sometimes when she would hug him tight, she would jokingly say that she was “collecting her stars”, making Jay smile widely as his girlfriend’s adorable antics. 
All of their keys and the keychain was connected by a light blue chain, dangling from their neck like a lanyard. Jay knew Heewon lost everything and anything in her possession, resulting in the genius gift. At least four times a day, he could hear a soft voice echoing in the apartment saying,“where’s my phone? or “where’s my wallet?” And every time it would make Jay chuckle at her clumsiness. 
She lightly smiled at the sight of the keys dangling in her hands as she opened the door, only to be greeted by a dark apartment. It was rare she ever walked into a completely empty and dark apartment. 
She was usually at the restaurant she worked at part time. She had a shift almost every night of the week and every time she got home, Jay was at the apartment, either alone or with the guys over. He always had something prepared for her to eat, knowing she barely ate during her shift. He would always greet her with a hug and a kiss when she announced her arrival with, “Jjonggg I’m home!” 
“Where’s the oppa huh, you baby?” He would always ask with a teasing voice.
“I always call you oppa, just not with that nickname. You know that.” She teased right back. 
But tonight was different. Stepping into the pitch black apartment, she flicked on the lights that were right above the kitchen island, a soft warm light emitting through the kitchen. 
“J-Jjong….?” Her voice trembled across the apartment, desperate to just feel the warmth of Jay’s hugs. She already missed the feeling of being at home when she was in his arms. “Oppa, I’m home.” 
She went into their shared bedroom, silently praying that he would be waiting in the bed and he would smile when he saw her, patting the spot next to him. She felt her heart begging the heavens, even though she knew it wouldn’t come true. 
“Oppa I’m home…” She trailed off, feeling her eyes welling up again. She crawled into her bed and wrapped herself in the comfy sheets but nothing could compare being in Jay’s embrace. “Oppa I said I’m home…where are you…” 
She sobbed into the blanket. She heard her phone ring which she numbly picked up and answered in a dull voice. 
“Did you get in your apartment safely?” She could hear the worry in Jungwon’s voice. 
“Yeah…” She answered him. 
Jungwon sighed on the other line, knowing it was going to take his twin a long time to come to terms with Jay’s sudden passing. 
“The guys and I are coming over and before you say anything, we're coming and that’s final.” 
And before Heewon could say anything, she heard Jungwon hang up. She sighed and layed back down on the bed, staring emptily at the ceiling. 
Heewon’s eyes fluttered open to see her head on Jungwon’s lap while he was sleeping, sitting down and his back against the headboard. She felt a tiny tug on her hand when she tried to sit up fully. She looked down to see Riki’s hand over hers as he was lying on the bed too, still in dreamland. All of the other guys were sprawled all over the floor with their own respective mattresses and blankets. Heewon’s memory came flooding back where Jungwon and Riki had comforted her by going on the bed, patting her hand and head back to sleep. 
She was grateful to have them near her, to comfort her. She knew that they would be mourning for the loss of their best friend too but she was thankful that they were there to look out for her loss as well. 
She gently separated her hand from Riki’s and left the bed. She knew the boys wouldn’t wake up that easily, especially with the night they had previously. 
When she walked out of the room, she noticed that it still felt dark since the curtains weren’t opened. She didn’t bother opening them and turned the lights on as she went straight towards the coffee she always drank. Since the boys were sleeping, she opted for instant coffee made with hot water instead of the normal coffee machine. 
When the coffee was done, she added a little extra sugar to make her coffee sweeter since she wasn’t a big fan of the super bitter taste. 
“What did I tell you about drinking coffee first thing in the morning?” 
Heewon almost dropped her cup, surprised at the familiar voice. She slowly turned around; her eyes and mouth both opening wide at who was in front of her. 
It was Jay. 
He was wearing the white sweater and pants he wore that night, however, it was no longer covered in blood but clean like she first saw him. He had small beams of light emitting from him with a soft smile on his face. That smile that Heewon always loved. 
“H-how….” Heewon could feel herself getting choked up as she raised her hand over her mouth. She slowly stepped closer and closer to Jay. 
She savored the feeling of her being in Jay’s arms once again. Her petite figure fit perfectly in his toned arms. She felt safe and secure in his embrace. 
“How are you here….?” Heewon managed to let out, still in the state of shock. 
“Just saying last goodbyes, baby.” He said before giving her a small peck on her forehead. 
Heewon looked guilty when she looked into Jay’s eyes. “I’m sorry, oppa….” 
“What are you sorry for? I made the decision to save you. It was all on me.” Jay reassured her by bringing his hands to her cheeks and lightly caressing them. “There’s no one to blame in this situation other than that drunk driver who was breaking the law. I really don’t want you blaming yourself for this, loves.”
Heewon sniffled, feeling another round of tears coming. “I’ll miss you a lot…” 
“I’ll miss you too, baby.” Jay responded back.
“What am I going to do without you?” She cried, burying her face into his chest. 
“You’re going to do great no matter what, loves.” Jay told her while pulling her face out of his chest. “You’re going to do so amazing and in heaven, you’ll tell me all about it.” 
“In heaven?” 
Jay nodded, giving her another big smile. “I look forward to seeing you again, loves. I love you.”
Before she could respond, he pulled her into a sweet kiss. 
It would be their last kiss on earth. 
Heewon wrapped her arms around his neck, trying to get him as close to her as she could. She instinctively closed her eyes, trying to savor every moment. 
But when she opened her eyes back, she could no longer see the love of her life in front of her. 
Maybe this life wasn’t the time for them. She prayed and prayed that in the next life she would meet him all over again. Go through the ups and downs with him all over again. And fall in love with him all over again. 
She placed her hands over her heart and with tears streaming down her face, she gave a response to him. 
“I love you too.” 
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love-letters-blog · 1 year
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No te lo pediré dos veces,
sabes que no soy de rogar,
no quiero que te vayas.
No quiero voltear al futuro y no encontrarte ahí,
no quiero otra cama que no sea la nuestra,
no quiero verme despertar sin ti,
no quiero ir a dormir sin hacerte antes el amor,
no quiero otras sábanas ni enredar mis piernas en otras piernas,
no quiero escuchar otra respiración que no sea la tuya,
no quiero besar otra boca que no sea tu boca,
no quiero regalarle orgasmos a otro cuerpo,
no imagino la figura de otra espalda,
no quiero otro espejo que no sea donde nos miramos f o ll a n d o, o arreglandonos después de la ducha para salir a trabajar,
no quiero que otra mano camine de mi mano,
no quiero masturbarme pensando en otro cuerpo,
no quiero respirar otro perfume que no sea el que emana de tu cuerpo de tu s e x o...
No quiero que me lleve la chingada.
No quiero que te vayas
y si te vas,
llévame contigo...
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Full Writing Masterlist
☆-Fics (Above 1k)
◇-Small fic (around 700w)
♡-Drabbles (around 500w)
○- Smut/spicy
Genshin Impact
* New year countdown kisses!
The clock is ticking! You need to go find your lover!
* Service Maid!Reader
You're not sure if the pay is worth this job anymore. You're here to clean, not flirt!
Monstadt | Liyue | Inazuma | Sumeru
Ft. Al Haitham
Series: Prince!Al Haitham au
A genshin Au where Alhaitham is a prince, cursed by an evil witch. Which is you. In this case. You're the witch. And his spouse.
Ft. Cyno and Kaveh
Series: Cyno x Bard!Reader x Kaveh
A traveling bard from Monstadt, you finally landed in Sumeru, and the reception isn't exactly welcoming. Your sure they'll grow on you eventually, and things are certainly electric now.
● Pining Diluc ♡ wc 584
Just thoughts on Diluc with a crush.
• Dancing with Diluc ♡ wc 419
Diluc is pulled to dance with one of his bars patrons.
• Delectable ♡ wc 515
You're The Doctors favorite subject.
• Just Barely ♡ wc 840+
Start of the Bard!reader series. A bard in Sumeru is an strange disturbance indeed, and Cyno doesn't do well with disturbances.
• Paramour ◇ wc 761
A toxic!Kaeya brainrot
• Can't Sleep Love ○ wc 5.3K
Minors dni. A fluffy, domestic one-shot with Husband!Neuvillette.
• Tangerine ◇ wc 784
Scaramouche x reader drabble. A picnic on the grass quickly turns sour.
• Fond Reminiscence ☆ wc 1.4K
Zhongli reminisces on his guilt love of Liyue, and his new secret love, you.
Kimetsu no yaiba
Ft. Kyojuro Rengoku
Series: My Hearth is Not A Grave
Originally inspired by the kny fic "Lighting Ten Thousand Lanterns" by @phen0l , featuring slayer reader, wife of Kyojuro. Series of fics and oneshots, and different AU's.
My Hero Academia
Aizawa Shouta
● The Best I Can ☆/○ wc 3.1K
Part of the Teahouse Server's Christmas fic event. You worry when Shouta's not home, but he's here now, and more than willing to make it up to you. Not sfw. Minors dni.
Ft. Bakugou
Series: When We Begin Again
Chapter One: When we begin again ☆
Wc: 7.4K
A no quirk Zombie AU. Part of the riseofthedead collab.
• Mine ☆ wc 1.6K
Continuation of my thoughts on the reblog of this. Dabi wasn't meant to be a father. Doesn't mean he isn't pissed when his baby girl calls someone else dad.
Jujutsu Kaisen
Stop looking at me with those eyes!!
Pt l | Pt ll | Pt lll |
• Rest now ♡ wc. 526
A drabble based off of jjk 236. Allufibg to a MAJOR spoiler.
Multi chapter fic ☆
• Spellbound | Nanami x Tiana | Ongoing
A crackshop taken seriously. Seriously, the pl9t got away from me.
Honkai Star Rail
• He must have died again ♡ Wc 322
My first delve into the Fandom with a Blade drabble.
• Moon in the Forge ☆ wc: 1.7k
A Yingxing x Porcelain!Reader fic. Prolonged to a multi chapter fic
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joseandrestabarnia · 6 months
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Título: La lucha: San Jorge mata al dragón VI 1866 Artista: Sir Edward Coley Burne-Jones (Inglaterra, 28 de agosto de 1833 - 17 de junio de 1898)
Detalles Otro título: La lucha: San Jorge matando al dragón VI Fecha: 1866 Materiales usados: óleo sobre lienzo Dimensiones: camilla de 105,4 x 130,8 cm; marco de 166,0 x 175,6 x 19,0 cm Fecha de firma: Firmado y fechado ll, óleo negro "EB-J/1864". Crédito: Donación de Arthur Moon KC en memoria de su madre, Emma, nacida en Sydney en 1860, hija de John de Villers Lamb 1950
Información e imagen de la web de la Art Gallery NSW.
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
Blurbs Masterlist
In this Masterlist, you can find all the blurbs I have written. I try to keep a short story format or HC but sometimes I get carried away. Everything you will find here is requested, also BFTL, the Mick Schumacher story I have been building based on prompts and requests you send me. I have so much fun writing and I hope you enjoy it.
Not important, but my fave parts are marked like this:🌻
Smut/smutish: 🍒
Angst: 🍋
All the blurbs:
Best friends to Lovers (Mick Schumacher) MASTERLIST
All drivers.
🍭Comforting Charles after Imola (fluff) [CL]
🍭First time in Monaco with Daniel (fluff) [DR]
🍭Reconciliation after a fight with Marcus (fluff) [MA]
🍒George making you pay for bad behaviour (smut) [GR]
🍭Smitten at first sight with Arthur (fluff) [AL] 🌻
🍭You are the bane of Arthur's existence (fluff) [AL]
🍭Stepdad Charles (fluff x3) [CL]
🍒Teasing Max by flirting with Pierre [MV]
🍭Comforting Liam after a crash. (fluff) [LL]
🍭Danny loves your hairstyle (fluff) [DR]
🍒You lend a hand to Pierre (smut) [PG]
🍭Danny dating an introvert. (fluff) [DR]
🍭Fake-dating Lando (fluff) [LN]
🍭Danny comforting you after losing a race (fluff) [DR]
🍭Lando is in love with Zak's daughter (fluff) [LN]
🍭Danny is really proud of you (fluff) [DR]🌻
🍭Pierre teaches you how to flirt with Arthur in French [AL + PG]
🍭You and Charles take a few laps together (fluff) [CL]🌻
🍒Arthur and you have some time alone on a balcony (smut) [AL]
🍒You have your first time with Danny (smut) [DR]
🍭Michael comforts your son (fluff) [MI]
🍋🍭Liam is terrified when you crash (angsty to fluff) [LL]
🍭Danny dating a normal girl (fluff) [DR]
🍭About Max V and Alex A friendship. (fluff) [MV & AA]
🍭You and Danny take your twins to the beach for the first time. (fluff x3) [DR] 🌻
🍭Max taking care of your daughter at a family event (fluff) [MV]
🍭You take care of Marcus after an accident (fluff) [MA]
🍭Danny meets your son two weeks late (fluff) [DR] 🌻
🍭Danny gives your your well deserve trophy (fluff) [DR]
🍭Lando helps his baby daughter at 4 am (fluff) [LN]
🍋Marcus and you crash (angsty?) [MA]
🍋Michael is protective with you (angsty) [MI]
🍭You comfort Danny after Silverstone (fluff) [DR]
🍭Marcus helps with your social anxiety (fluff) [MA]
🍭Danny is the best dad and your son the best big brother (fluff x3) [DR]🌻
🍭🍒Poly relationship with Danny and Charles [DR x CL]
🍭Michael and Danny are the best dads (fluff) [DR x MI]
🍭Your son wants you and Danny close🌻 [DR]
🍭Michael helps when you faint (fluff) [MI]
🍒Danny congratulates you after your first win (smut) [DR]
🍭Your first Mother's Day with Danny (fluff) [DR]
🍭Danny is dating Toto's daughter [DR] 🌻
🍒Congratulating George for his pole (smut) [GR]
🍭First time on the paddock with Arthur (fluff) [AL]
🍭Danny talks to the baby in your belly (fluff) [DR]
🍭Comforting Danny during silly season '22 (fluff) [DR]
🍒Spending your birthday with Danny (smut) [DR]
🍭You and Danny go public (fluff) [DR]
🍭Dad Pierre on holiday (fluff) [PG]
🍭You cheer Danny before the drivers parade (fluff) [DR]
🍭Danny helps you with beer pong (fluff) [DR]
🍒You and Danny have some fun while baking (smut) [DR]
🍭You, Danny and your son get temporary tattoos. [DR]
🍭 Charles takes care of you when you get hurt [CL]
🍭 Grumpy reader and Sunshine Mick [MS]
🍭 Proud Pierre dating a UFC fighter. [PG]
🍭You, Danny and his thigh tattoos. [DR]
🍭You take care of drunk Marcus. [MA]
🍭Learning French with Pierre [PG]
🍭Felipe is a bit jealous [FD]
🍭Michael confesses to you [MI]
🍭You comfort an insecure Fabio [FQ]
🍋You comfort Danny on his future [DR]
🍭Museum date with Lando [LN]
🍭You take Daniel to a rage room [Dr]
🍭After care with Daniel [DR]
🍭Daniel falls in love with an interviewer [DR]
🍭Charles it's not very touchy but you are [CL]
🍭Charles and you ditch an after party. [CL]
🍒Pierre and you are fwb but your friends don't know [PG]
🍒You take care of Charles. [CL]
🍭Mick helps you when you get overwhelmed [MS]
🍒You always cry when you finish [CL] (not actually smut)
🍭You meet Danny's son [DR]
🍭Alex takes care of you when you have migraines [AA]
🍒Danny is a good friend and helps you [DR]
Various guys:
🍭How would they react when you say "I love you" for the first time. (fluff)
🍭How would they flirt (fluff)
🍭How would they react to your pregnancy (fluff)
🍭How would they be as stepdads (fluff)🌻
🍭How they show love (fluff)
🍭How they take care of you (fluff) [With special appearance of LH&SV]
🍭Ryan helps you skating after a long time [RG]
🍭Jack comforts you when you are not feeling well. [JH]
🍭Fake dating Jamie. [JD]
🍭Quinn teaches your son about hockey [QH]
🍭You take care of Arber's wounds. [AX]
🍭Mitch deals with his son's jealousy [MM]
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gauchonomics · 7 months
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Die Reise beginnt. Schon am Flughafen Madrid ist es ein Eintauchen in eine andere Kultur. Die Welt ist heute so vernetzt wie niemals zuvor und es scheint, als ob wir allgegenwärtig über jegliche Ereignisse auf der Welt informiert sind und zu jedem x-beliebigen Zeitpunkt instagram Posts, tiktok-Videos oder auch Blogs und ansehen können, um zu wissen, was in allen Ecken und Winkeln der Welt gerade vorsichgeht. Jedoch ist dies ein Trugschluss, der dann eindeutig wird, wenn man selbst die Rolle des Reisenden einnimmt. Der Klang der Stimmen, der Geruch und der Lärm der Umgebung, und ein Gefühl des leichten Unbehagens (geht alles gut/ finde ich den Weg/ hoffentlich erlebe ich keine brenzlige Situation) und der Aufregung (was erwartet mich in der Stadt/ welche neuen Erfahrungen werde ich machen) - all dies überkommt mich bei meiner Ankunft in Buenos Aires in den letzten Zügen des Septembers 2023.
Zurück zum Flughafen Madrid: Neben mir sitzt eine alte Dame (ohnehin ist der Flug in einer niegelnagelneuen Boeing zum Großteil mit argentinischen Pensioniers besetzt) und spricht am Telefon mit breitestem Portenyo-Akzent über Olivenöl. Dies sei selbst in Spanien unfassbar teuer geworden, jedoch ja von reinster Extra Virgen Qualität, sodass sich die Bekannte am Telefon darauf freuen könne.
Die Dame war eine der glücklichen Argentinierinnen, die in ihrem Leben gut (bzw. ihre Männer) verdient haben und ihre Ersparnisse rechtzeitig ins Auslands geschifft haben und in Devisen angelegt haben, bevor die Wirtschafts- und Finanzkrise zuletzt ihren vorläufigen Höhepunkt erreicht hat mit über 110 % Inflation (jährlich) und den Kapitalverkehrskontrollen der Regierung. -> Dazu später mehr.
Zunächst überwiegt bei mir das Gefühl der Vertrautheit - dieser spezielle Bonarenser Akzent, eine Mischung aus italienischem Dialekt (langgezogene Vokaaale), galicischer Silbenaussprache (y und ll werden "sch" ausgesprochen) und ganz eigenen Charakteristika (vos, eigene Verbdeklination in 1. Pers. Sing.). Eine herrliche Mischung, die einem das Herz schmelzen lässt. Und dieser Dialekt steht spiegelbildlich für das mondäne, kosmopolitische und auch extravagante Buenos Aires - wobei dies nicht über den harten Alltag für den Großteil der Stadtbewohner hinwegtäuschen darf.
Obwohl es laut ist, der Gestank und die Abgase belastend, der Bürgersteig mit zahllosen Stolperfallen ausgestattet, der Straßenverkehr gefährlich, der Bus während des Einstiegs losfährt, und viele andere Dinge mir als Besucher begegnen, die man so leicht in Europa vergessen kann; Buenos Aires ist eine Stadt mit unglaublicher Anziehungskraft. Und das schon seit sehr langer Zeit. Auch mich hat es gepackt und ich bin froh, dieses Abenteuer wieder zu beginnen.
In diesem Blog möchte ich meine Eindrücke und Erlebnisse am Río de la Plata festhalten und - meiner Zunft und dem Kontext der Reise geschuldet - ökonomisch-historische Interpretationen zulassen. In allererster Linie dient es mir, die Gedanken und Augenblicke festzuhalten, Gedanken einzuordnen und das Verständnis daraus zu konservieren. Natürlich sind Eindrücke subjektiv und werden durch meine Augen und Ohren gesammelt, doch habe ich den Anspruch, eine möglichst authentische und neutrale Sicht der Dinge zu schildern. Dies ist in einem politisch höchst aufgeladenen Land, das vor einer Präsidentschaftswahl steht, und in einer ökonomischen Dauerkrise steckt, die sich momentan aber zuspitzt, keine leichte Aufgabe. Trotzdem möchte vielmehr wie ein Vogel über den Ereignissen schweben, Eindrücke walten lassen und hin und wieder Interpretationen zulassen. Ich freue mich auch, meine Eindrücke zu teilen und so gut wie möglich erfahrbar zu machen - für all diejenigen, deren Reise an den Río de la Plata noch bevorsteht.
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Lo sapevate che… Il diario di Anna Frank è stato censurato?
Se libri come Lolita o come l’Amante di lady Chatterley furono censurati per la forte componente erotica presente nei testi, erotismo che naturalmente urtava i moralisti di turno, altri libri furono censurati per ragioni meno ovvie. Eccone alcuni:
➡️Il dottor Zivago di Boris Pasternak: le ragioni furono squisitamente politiche. Il romanzo di Pasternak mette in evidenza gli aspetti più oscuri della Rivoluzione d’Ottobre e in Russia naturalmente ciò non poteva essere permesso. Tutte le case editrici russe respinsero quello che oggi è diventato un classico della letteratura, il romanzo, pensate, venne pubblicato per la prima volta in Italia, grazie a Giangiacomo Feltrinelli che fece arrivare clandestinamente il manoscritto.
➡️Le Operette Morali di Giacomo Leopardi: ebbene sì, il nostro grande poeta venne bandito e inserito nell’Indice dei libri proibiti. Perché? Le riflessioni di Leopardi sul dolore del vivere, sulla natura matrigna, insensibile al destino umano, urtarono la sensibilità cattolica. Pensate che fino al 1966 l’opera continuò ad essere proibita. Leggete il Dialogo della Natura e di un'anima e il Dialogo della Natura e di un Islandese. Danno i brividi.
➡️Le avventure di Huckleberry Finn di Mark Twain. Ebbene sì, questo classico della letteratura dell’infanzia è finito nel mirino del polemicamente corretto e della cancel culture. Il motivo? È stato accusato di razzismo e l’uso frequentissimo della parola n… è bastato per far declassare il buon vecchio Mark Twain a scrittore diseducativo. Per gli stessi motivi anche Il buio oltre la siepe è stato bandito dalle scuole.
➡️ll diario di Anna Frank: questa è stata la censura più vergognosa, un insulto alla memoria di una ragazzina vittima dell’Olocausto. Per molti anni non si poteva leggere nelle scuole. Perché? Per la ragione più assurda di tutte: c’è un paragrafo in cui Anna descriveva la propria anatomia e i genitori temevano che propri figli potessero imparare i nomi delle proprie parti del corpo.
La letteratura viene censurata perché non si comprende il messaggio che ha voluto trasmetterci o perché lo si comprende fin troppo bene. I libri sono pericolosi: possono svergognare i governi, far scoppiare rivoluzioni o semplicemente mettere a nudo i pregiudizi e l’ipocrisia dei benpensanti. La letteratura, non mi stancherò mai ripeterlo, non è morale ma etica, ci spinge, ci sprona a fare nostra la complessità che scaturisce soltanto dalla comprensione.
G.Middei, anche se voi mi conoscete come Professor X Potete seguirmi anche su Instagram, dove vi parlerò dei grandi classici, mi trovate a questo link: bit.ly/ilprofessorx
#libri #censura #letteratura
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babygirlbenji · 1 year
before the season gets properly underway i just want to give this disclaimer:
this is not a safe space for m*x/r*d b*ll/al*ns* fans
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