#akira screams into the void
vrepit-salt · 9 months
We went to see Barbie last night and at one part in the movie where it got super quiet, you could hear a bomb go off and shake the walls from the theater next to us because they were watching Oppenheimer. The way everyone started laughing💀
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stormxpadme · 2 years
​Whumptober 2022 No. 24 - Blood covered hands & “I don’t want to do this anymore.”
“I don’t want to do this anymore."
 "You should have thought of that before we left." Charles' eyes narrowed in a brief moment of focus on his abilities, two fingertips stretched away from the leather reins in his hands towards his horse's head when Guinevere threw it up in annoyance at Erik's sharp tone.
 A soothing touch to the primitive animal's mind immediately stopped it from prancing in its dramatic nervousness but the mare kept her ears firmly set back against her head. The newest pride and joy in Charles' stable didn't have a lot of love for Erik; a feeling that was wholeheartedly mutual.
 That necessary intervention dealt with, his partner threw Erik a partly mocking but mostly very exasperated side-glance from under his helmet. "I've got to teach in two hours. The lady and I have to use the time until then. I'm not going to pony Lance the rest of the way, so suck it up."
 "You know exactly that's not what I mean." His face only darkening further, Erik drew his own helmet deeper into his face. As much as he hated the thought, sometimes he couldn't put it completely behind Charles to use those powerful abilities even against him if he thought it necessary. Lately, his own gift had offered Erik a promising kind of protection against that kind of thing if he used it right. Something that he hadn't quite around to tell Charles yet, and on some days it was harder than on others, making himself believe that was only because he wanted to perfect that new skill first. Trying it out with the only person he shouldn't have to fear anything from shouldn't have been necessary in the first place. Offering to go on this ride with his partner on his part, freely albeit grudgingly because Erik lacked both talent and patience for this ancient means of transportation, had been the only chance to finally spend some time with his lover again, thanks to all their current stressful projects and their school filling up with more students by the month. Erik finally wanted to get some of that disunity and confusion between them out of the way.
 But unlike him, Charles didn't even seem to be willing to fucking try anymore.
 "Well, with everything you've been complaining about lately, you're gonna have to be more specific." Unfazed by Erik's offended huff, Charles steered his mare into the undergrowth of the woods behind their mansion, giving her still-so-young legs a proper uphill warm-up workout before the real exercise. Straightening up in the stirrups, he slightly bent forward to take his full weight off the animal's back.
 While there were worse sights to enjoy than his lover's firm behind in skintight pants right in front of him, Erik wasn't about to let Charles out of this discussion so easily by him trying to make sure, they didn't have any air left to speak. And he also wasn't ready to resort to silently trading thoughts right now as Charles might see a few things in his head that Erik wasn't ready to share yet before he'd finished pondering about them himself. "I'm not in the mood." Therefore, once they'd reached the top of the small hill, Erik simply steered Lancelot sideways in front of Charles' mare, with an impatient tug on the reins that earned him an unwilling snort from his horse. Animal sensitivities, he couldn't take into account right now though. The whole annual edition that was Charles' issues was too much to deal with this afternoon as it was.
 "I'm hearing that an awful lot lately." His lover still didn't take him seriously. He even had the nerve to pass Erik by on a path actually far too narrow for that and give his behind a provocative squeeze through his jeans while he did, leaving no doubt about what he meant.
 Another time, it might have worked, provoking pleasant memories of nights that in some moments felt like a thousand years ago instead of just a few months ... Right now, the lewd gesture only angered Erik even more, because knowing it would probably be the last touch today was one of the most alarming signs, things weren't going the way they should right now. Hadn't been for far longer than he cared to admit. "Bold of you to say after falling asleep on me half of the time we try. We have bigger problems. Try calling your alien girlfriend if you need more sex."
 The fact that only now, at the mention of someone who kept on causing trouble between them without all of them even being in the same galaxy, that unimpressed levity on Charles' face made room for a scowl, did nothing to soothe Erik's anxiety. "It's been seven years. And it's still only a professional relationship. Mind telling me what's really wrong? We don't need more sex, Erik. What we need right now is focus on and faith in our plans."
 "I have plenty of faith in us." With a little more practice, Erik thought, that lie could sound like he even believed it himself at this point. Like they weren't both taking every excuse within reach to keep as busy as possible, just to avoid arguing the whole time. And always about the same tiring subject. "Just not in them."
 "Some things take time." Charles immediately sounded absent, detached almost, as usual, when what was their most fundamental difference of opinion emerged. Dull spurs on polished boots pressed into Guinevere's slender sides, getting her into a fast trot that this overgrown, uneven path was actually not suited for either, just for Charles to get some distance between them.
 Erik gave his gelding an admonishing little slap with his crop so that the animal might actually remember the speed he'd used to race for Charles with in Ascot not too long ago until they were making their way between broad trees and thorn-studded bushes side by side. Not today. He was no longer willing to watch this thing eat them up from the inside, threaten everything they'd built between themselves and in that damn mansion back there together, not in a period when they had to be stronger than ever together. "Time is what we're running out of right now. You know that as well as I do."
 "You can't force humanity to accept something they don't understand yet." Reluctantly, Charles reined in his mare again when they neared a gravel pit that had been supposed to become a new building here long ago before Charles had manipulated someone on the city council enough to sell the whole area to him. Not a good ground for a race, if you didn't want to risk injury, especially if you were so dead set on winning yet another prestige title soon to advertise your breed further. All just to keep up appearances of their house, to keep finances stable, to not make any too-high waves.
 It was a drill Erik was growing increasingly tired of, given there were billions of people out there refusing to let those among mutant race who weren't as privileged as Charles and he, even exist among them. "Watch me. How do you expect them to understand if you never let them see us?"
 Charles wiped the soft sheen of a too-hot afternoon from his forehead with his glove and pushed his helmet back slightly to finally look Erik in the eye, for the first time in what felt like days. "We're not hiding. We protect those who can't do that yet themselves. This is what we made this school for."
 "You sure as hell hide enough from me," Erik gritted out before he could stop himself though he'd meant to keep at least that argument for another day. And yet it was part of all this. How was this whole thing between them supposed to work, how was Erik supposed co-run this damn place when he didn't understand half of what tech and information it was built on? The moment Charles had shut him out of this part of his life, they'd stopped talking as much as it would have been necessary. That made it increasingly difficult to ignore who was responsible for that abyss between them a thousand times larger than that empty pit right there.
 "I'm under oath," Charles said with the exhausted emptiness of a fact a thousand times repeated and not once offering any kind of consolation. "I don't like that but for the good of Earth, it was necessary to swear it. Lilandra's and my minds are closely enough connected for her to know if I told you what she wants to keep between her and me. I don’t know what about that is so unclear."
 "You chose her over me, that’s what." It was Erik's turn to steer his horse away, drive it along the unsecured pit edge to get to the trail on the other side that would lead them back to the mansion, on a far straighter and less challenging path. Perfect for a couple of long canter stretches to prevent any more talking that made no difference anyway.
 "I'm choosing the greater good over us when I am forced to," Charles called after him, suddenly sounding honestly angry himself. Good. That was more emotion than he'd allowed smoldering between them for a year or so. "Wasn't it you who taught me that in the first place?"
 Erik pulled Lancelot around, impatiently slipping back to balance in the saddle when his gelding bolted to the side, done with his clumsy aids for the day. He hardly noticed how Charles reached out to his horse for a calming touch inside its head this time. Glaring red particles were glistening in his vision; it took him all he had not to yell at his lover and drive the damn horses crazy for good, because fuck, no, Charles did not get to turn this around on him, not after everything Erik had given up for this far too tame dream of theirs. "If you want to protect our kind as I do, stop holding everyone back, and help me teach them how to survive. That’s what they need, Charles. Not some pretty illusions of a better world."
 Charles' face' under the shadow of his helmet tightened, his posture so stiff suddenly, Guinevere took a step or two backward. "They're traumatized children, not soldiers. They, too, need time before they can prepare for what's to come. You know what I'm no longer in the mood for? You trying to sabotage each of my goals. You going behind my back and getting uniforms for teenagers who don't even know if they ever want to wear them. You trying to hire serial killers for our staff …"
 "We are short on staff options, in case you haven't realized," Erik interrupted him, maybe a little too fast, with a slight blush on his cheeks, because fine, admittedly … That one guy he'd almost brought on Westchester's trail lately would have been too much of a risk to work with. Living a life like theirs never came without any of it, though, and certainly not without sacrifices. There had been a time when Charles had known that. "And we're all killers. Each of us in our own way."
 "Only if we choose to", his lover said, with his chin held high, as if Erik had not seen him drive people to suicide on more than one recruitment flight before, with but a single thought, to keep them from taking yet another innocent child's life.
 Sometimes Erik envied Charles for his gift of rarely having to physically step in during a battle, but on days like this, it became painfully clear how quickly such comfort of working from the bench could lure you into false safety. Erik would take using barbed wire to rip the windpipe out of some berserk racist with a gun aimed at a teenager over that anytime. "A telepath trying to lecture me about morals, you know … That’s rich. You won't be the only revolutionary with clean hands in history. They’ve taken that choice from us the moment they chose violence instead of acceptance. All we can do now is show our people how to hold on."
 "I don't want that any less than you. Do you not know that?" Charles finally got Guinevere going again with a smooth, light thrust of hips the sight of which was another good reason to go on these suicidal hikes with him from time to time. They'd said their part each; their boiling emotions were already starting to turn into sadness once more. Maybe they actually would end up having some time for each other tonight, if only to chase all these aimless considerations away from each other's heads. Until the next fight. "I don’t want this to divide us, Erik." Stopping next to him, Charles reached over to rest his hand on Erik's on the saddle. "We knew none of this would be easy, from the start, but our goal has always been the same. Safety and peace for everyone."
 For once, Erik found, he was grateful for Charles' newest favorite mare being such a typical specimen of the female population of her species, being irritated enough by standing too close to a herd mate that she usually couldn't ever cuddle enough with, to give Lancelot's well-padded behind a harsh bite.
 That was as good an excuse as any to steer his gelding aside, no matter how much the missing touch of the back of his hand burned in yearning immediately. Not yet. On the way home, Erik wanted Charles to think about what made life at the Institue so difficult right now before it really did become too late to change anything about it. "Why do you keep hiring people who are actively trying to damage us then?"
 "Hank isn't forcing his choice on anyone either." There was a sad plea for the case of one of his closest friends in his lover's grey eyes that had long stopped reaching Erik's heart, at the latest when McCoy had started to experiment on his own damn body in the name of some pseudo-science.
 The pure possibility of such a possible cure for what made them all superior was an affront Erik would have killed more important people than some feral for on a bad day. At least if Charles and he could finally find any other doctor even half as competent to help them out when they needed it. But in some regards, he'd still not managed to cure his lover of his damn bleeding heart, and sometimes he doubted he ever could. Sometimes he doubted he should. At least one of them keeping a faint connection of empathy to this world that tried to wipe them all out every day over might be the best way to ensure, Erik wouldn't just wake up one of these weeks and reach out for the magnetic field keeping this whole ball of dirt going and rip it to pieces. Not while there was still hope. For all of them, for Charles and him.
 Maybe even for lost souls like McCoy who didn’t even realize how lucky they were to have someone like Charles championing for them. "He just wants to live the way it's best for him. You can't make everyone a soldier for your goals, Erik."
 "Soldiers is what we'll need plenty of soon. I thought we agreed on that at least." That started to sound far more resigned than annoyed already. It was getting late, and they both had classes to teach, Erik's consisting of exactly the kind of lessons of combat Charles refused to see were the most important skills any of them had to learn right now. Erik couldn't wait on his partner to catch up with the future before preparing for it.
 "I never asked you to cancel the special unit program, did I?" Charles tiredly shook his head, his pale cheeks suddenly looking very hollow and wrinkled in the too-bright afternoon sun. Accepting something against each of your convictions was always draining. That experience, they'd both had to make in the course of their relationship more than once. "I'm just asking you to let me do my job, too. Which is to ensure a secure, hidden base of operations for us. And part of that is keeping our façade towards the world. So why don't you just stay with your ass on your horse for the rest of the afternoon for once, let me finish preparing for the military riding tournament next weekend so that I can get the stud for two of our mares I need for next year's dressage offspring and stop questioning each of my steps for five minutes?" Charles' warm, bright voice only softened, when Erik showed him a tired shrug. He rode close enough to him once more to bury his hand in Erik's shirt and pull him in for a brief but very tender kiss. "And when we get to be alone in our apartment tonight? I'll have a coffee or two more than usual and then make you remember you're the only one I love. You do know, make-up sex is the best invention since they came up with telephones, right?"
 Erik returned the favor from earlier only too gladly, slipping his hand between Charles' perfect behind and his saddle for a tight squeeze, enjoying that warm tingle in his midsection that promised a few long hours of mindless closeness soon indeed. Which was maybe exactly what they needed to get their slightly disarranged harmonics back into line. "Tell you what, you make that gap to the other side, you even get to top."
 Charles' eyes immediately lit up at that challenge that wasn't even one, not for such a good rider and a young but also extremely talented thoroughbred. It would at least be a good exercise for that damn tournament, and that was one reason why they were out here, after all.
 While Erik wasn't suicidal enough to rely on his horse having some accidental mountain goat genes hidden somewhere in its cells, it was always a pleasure watching his lover work … Not least thanks to knowing for quite certain, the reward for losing yet another bet of that kind would be waiting in their bedroom in the shape of a couple of scarves, lots of oil and maybe the kind of crop that had never seen a stable before.
 "You know, you can just tell me if you want me to fuck you, right?"
 "Where would be the fun in that?" Erik just winked at Charles with a grin and steered Lancelot backward once more, for once remembering the right aids to not pull that bit half out of his horse's mouth, and jumped to the ground then. Lazy or not, these creatures still were herd animals and sometimes were only too eager to be affected by the enthusiasm for running by one of their mates, no matter how unsuited the path before them was.
 Guinevere had already sensed what was in the air, having done that little stunt before many times, her large mule-ears pointing up and forward in eagerness for a change. She jumped into canter almost from a standing position and started climbing down that descent, leaving a cloud of dust and squirting rocks under her hooves, with Charles high in his stirrups once more, clinging to her long black mane like a cat, his cheeks flushed, a wide grin of adrenaline on his lips. When it happened, it came so fast, none of them would be able to tell in the end, why. Maybe a loose spot in the uneven ground that hadn't been there two days ago, from someone else climbing the damn pit, or the stupid horse had been startled by its own shadow and lost its step. All Erik knew was that Charles was suddenly no longer sitting in his saddle, that Guinevere had slipped for some reason, right before reaching the pit's bottom and reared up in fright, and Charles was falling … Only Charles wasn't falling at all because the strap of his goddamn stirrup wasn't tearing off as it should, and his foot was caught in the damn thing, and when the horse was back on all fours, its rider was caught in a highly dangerous position by its side upside down.
 His eyes wide with shock and fear, an ice-cold fist of dread punching into his guts, Erik reached out to the ugly scene with his powers, already about to grab the damn stirrup, do something … Only he couldn't because he was too far away for such fine manipulation on a wildly moving object, and if he made only one wrong move now, he would injure Charles' already painfully twisted looking leg even more … That damn strap had to give in any second now … He waited just for one second too long, a second that would haunt him for the rest of his life.
 When Charles' horse leaped into a run again, scared by the situation and Erik reached out again with a curse, he didn't manage to grab the stirrup anymore for far too many long moments. Instead, he was forced to watch the mare drag his lover through the sharp-edged field of rocks and earth and debris that was the pit's ground, Charles' body trapped like a doll's by its side and being flung around easily as one.
 Getting back on his own horse and following Charles would undoubtedly have meant facing the same fate. In his growing horror, all Erik could think of, especially since he'd never had less focus on his own powers to be able to levitate with the necessary speed, was to reach out for all he could manipulate with his gift in reach and try to stop the panicked animal in the distance with a brutal pull back against both the stirrups and the sharp bit in its mouth. It should be the last mistake today.
 Only even more out of her mind with fear and pain, Guinevere reared up once more, almost vertically. Charles finally came free of that damn stirrup, crashing down hard right beside his horse. Free of her upsetting ballast, the mare started to run off again immediately, her left hind leg hitting square into Charles' back as she did.
 By the time Erik got there, shaking from worry, with anger on himself, in a panic he wouldn't allow admitting even to himself when he realized, Charles wasn't getting up, the horse had climbed the other side of the pit and was nowhere to be seen. His own might probably have fled too at this point, and Erik had no fucking idea how he should get his badly injured partner at home immediately if he didn't find back his focus on his damn powers right away … But none of that counted at the first moment, not with Charles laying in front of him unmoving, half his clothes in rags from that grinding, his back cut open in dozens of spots so badly, Erik's hands were dark red with blood by the time he'd hectically ripped some makeshift bandages from his own shirt and pressed them down on the wounds with as much pressure as he dared. "Charles? Talk to me, please …" He knew he should be moving, that they should basically be half-home already, but a warning voice in the back of his head whispered, after a fall like this, he couldn't just pick Charles off the ground if he didn't want to risk even more damage than what he could see right now. More than far too much raw flesh and at least a very badly sprained or maybe even broken knee and ankle.
 His trembling voice seemed to have got through to his lover somehow anyway, because his lids started to flutter, a tortured groan coming from his lips. "Erik …"
 "I'm here." Erik quickly reached for his partner's aimlessly scrambling hands and rested his own against the side of Charles' far too pale face. His lover was orientated, he was at least not screaming his lungs out so maybe that whole thing had looked worse than it was … Erik just had to give him a minute to catch his breath and keep him from going into shock, then he could bring him home, and the next moral discussion they'd have in their damn bathtub. "What was that about staying on your horse with your ass, huh? And here I was promised make-up sex tonight."
 Charles didn't smile. Charles looked more afraid than Erik had ever seen him in his life. "Erik, I can't feel my legs."
     "So you're telling me, you're being entirely useless. Again." Hank found with cynical surprise that he preferred unhinged, aggressive Erik to this heap of pure despair crouched on some chair next to his patient's bed, his whitish face buried in his hands, his riding clothes still stained red and his voice an empty echo of lingering shock. When the guy wasn't even in the mood to criticize Hank for his pure gall to live, things were really bad.
 "Says the one between us who watched him shatter three vertebras." Hank's own voice was missing a lot of its usual bite toward the guy as well. He finished a last note in Charles' patient file before storing it back in its pocket at the bed, then got rid of his lab coat, suddenly extremely eager to get to his car. He'd never been able to deal well with the taste of defeat on his tongue.
 "You didn't even try," Erik spat his way, with so much helpless wrath of the heavens in his face, Hank might have been unsettled any other day, given the guy had more than once threatened him in these very rooms with a blade before. But today, neither of them was in the mood to fight. Today, both of them would have to live with the knowledge of having failed.
 "I know every single device in this room, Lehnsherr, both ours and the Shi’ar equipment." Hank tiredly leaned against the wall on the other side of the bed, not even trying to make eye contact that neither of them could have been able to stand right now. He rather stared at that half-naked, awfully thin, and pale-looking shape of the man between them who would spend the next few days sleeping off the worst of the pain before the much worse kind of agony would start to set in.
 The agony of the first time afterward. The beginning of a kind of life where nothing was like it had used to be.
 Hank would have given a lot to spare someone he liked to call a close friend, in spite of his sometimes murky methods of working, that kind of fate. But sometimes, regardless of all, they were all capable of and even all the powerful help they'd got for their cause in the course of the years, they were powerless against the laws of nature. Against a kind of biology that a body without a healing factor like Hank's was not able to trick. "I checked and repeated everything his doctors did. Thrice. As much as it pains me to say, there's nothing on this planet that can make him walk again. You know exactly, Empress Lilandra only gave us a fraction of her tech. She thinks humanity is not ready for the rest."
 "Then we go to her." Erik gritted his teeth only harder. "If she cares for him as much as she claims, she'll have her people heal him."
 "And how do you think we'll get there? By zeppelin?"
 Hank was too tired even to flinch at Erik's aggressive growl or the way he punched out with his powers, leaving a remarkable dent in a filing cabinet in the corner. For once, he didn't hold his lack of rationality against the guy.
 Hank felt a little like punching things himself right now. "There's no one who can take us. No ship on this planet is capable of flying us even out of this galaxy, even if Charles was willing to manipulate an organization like NASA for his own personal needs, and you should know best, he never would. Besides, the Shi’ar are millions of lightyears away. From what I gather, he has no way of contacting the Empress. We'll have to wait until they decide to stop by Earth next."
 "That can take years." Erik buried his face in his hands again. This time it wasn't only anger that had his shoulders shake as the faint scent of salt in the air revealed.
 "I'm sorry. I truly am." Hank forced himself to turn away because, for the moment, he'd done all here that he could. Reaching the exit, he hesitated for the first time ever since he knew this house, wondering if he should stay for a couple of nights. Charles' and especially Erik's goals were too far from his own to think about switching jobs permanently but given his old friend's condition, he wasn't sure he wanted to trust Erik with taking care of his partner, even with machines that were doing half the work for him anyway.
 He wasn't sure he wanted to trust Erik, period. For that, he'd seen the guy turn his back on people no longer of use to him too often.
 "You're not gonna leave him over this, are you?"
 "Not all of us run as soon as things get difficult, McCoy." Well, that at least sounded like Lehnsherr again. Maybe such a bitter kind of consolation would have to do tonight.
 "I'll hold you to that." But when it came to the inevitable, many years later and, in Erik's defense, over nothing that had to do with Charles' handicap, Hank never did.
@whumptober | @whumptober-archive​
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gatoru · 2 years
i’m feeling so fucking impulsive
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michellekyura · 2 years
me thinking about my faves: hehehe.... funky :)
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effervescentdragon · 8 months
Sometimes I get this uncontrollable urge to tell everyone who has ever given me an ounce of happiness I LOVE YOU and the the urge fizzles out and all that's left behind is this ugly feeling of hurt and shame because the sting of rejection and the feeling of not being considered enough to love back triumphs all other feelings. I want to scream it to my high school best friend who I've lost contact with. I want to say it to my sister but all that's left between me and her are bitter feelings of the present and ugly nostalgia of what we once were. I want to say it to my first bf who taught me what loving was. I want to say it to all the fanfic writers who've made me feel emotions I thought I was incapable of feeling. I just want to say it. Scream it actually. Loving others feels easy but the being loved back part is somehow so much worse. Sometimes I get so sad because to get where I am today I had to leave all this behind and now am I lonely or have I finally found my independence. Or are both the same thing and nobody told me that. My point Akira is that I LOVE YOU Okay I read somewhere there shouldn't be a limit to care and love and because you bring me tiny amounts of joy I letting you know this. Im maybe also just word word-vomiting my feelings rn and if this somehow weirds you out or makes you think I'm crazy my advice would then be to just ignore this ig. Anyways <3
It sounds like you have a lot of emotions anon, and sometimes letting them out in the void is good and the best way to start working on them. Sadly, working on them means therapy, which is what helped me and a lot of my friends who were more or less in the same boat. I don't know if that's an option for you, but that's what I would reccommend. One thing that a friend told me is that you'll never fix your life if you don't start interacting with people in it. I say this not to hurt you but to make you understand - for you, putting this in my inbox may seem like you're putting it into a void. It's not. I am a full fledged person, and I receive this and I still have to read it and process it and take it in, I can't just ignore it. And I am not a therapist, in general or yours. I do understand the urge, but this makes me feel uncomfortable because it is bordering on parasociality. I do not feel like a person when I see something like this. To you, I may be someone constantly on your dash and therefore I may seem familiar to you, but to me you are an anonymous ask in my inbox, and that is a lot of weight on me to reciprocate. Me understanding you does not mean that I'm obliged to take responsibility for your feelings - only you can do that. What I can say is that, once you do, everything starts feeling and being better.
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anonymousewrites · 8 months
There's a Will; There's a Way (Book 4) Chapter Fourteen
Dazai Osamu x Fem! Reader
Chapter Fourteen: The Dark and the Divine
Summary: The past in entwined with the present.
            “Get us back to the Agency, Atsushi!” ordered (Y/N) as she faced the still manic Akira, who was trying to break through the hatch and continue her fight. Thankfully, her body was failing her as her gift could only go so far. Her strength was faltering. Unfortunately, that meant her life was, too.
            “What about her?!” cried Atsushi.
            “I’ll handle it.” (Y/N) took a deep breath. She needed to be calm. Akira’s ability thrived on anger. If she relaxed enough, she’d return to her usual form. Akira continued to bash into the hatch, but her jumps were less successful with every attempt. It was little more than messy hops at this point. (Y/N) winced at the blood that collected on the ground with every jump. “Akira.” She swallowed as the less-than-human being turned to her. “Akira, I need you to listen to me.” Her heart clenched at the pain that swam under Akira’s wrathful appearance. “I know you’re upset, but—” Akira growled, and the shadows clinging to her shifted uneasily “—But you know that you’re dying. And you know you can’t die now, not like this.” Wincing, (Y/N) reached up. Her wrists could still move, but her hands screamed in protest at any movement. She pushed the feeling aside and gently cupped Akira’s face. “You need to be strong. And right now, strong is pushing aside your anger for another day. I promise, Fukuchi will lose. We’ll beat him. But I need you to do that. You have to be there.” (Y/N) pressed her forehead to Akira’s and closed her eyes. “I need my best friend to be there.”
            Through the black and red glow surrounding Akira, green filtered in like an extension of (Y/N)’s mind. Where her forehead and fingers touched her friend, a healthy hue returned to Akira’s skin and slowly spread out across her body. Her horns turned to smoke and blew away. Her claws became fingers once again. Her facial features returned to humanlike state, also serpent resemblance gone. The clinging shadows her fell away; light illuminated her features. Last, the green touched the black abyss resembling eyes. As the emerald faded, the void disappeared and left Akira’s ruby eyes visible. She blinked as if finally aware of her surroundings. She opened her mouth to speak but instead collapsed as the full gravity of her wounds hitting her. (Y/N) caught her and sat down. She hugged Akira close and pressed an extravagant blanket to her more severe injuries, even as her own throbbed and bled.
            “You’re alright. It’s going to be okay.” (Y/N) murmured words of comfort. They may have been for Akira; they may have been for her. It was unclear.
            “I feel like death…” Akira coughed. “Probably look it, too…”
            “You look fine.”
            “Liar, I look like shit, so I’d rather—” She paused to spit out blood “—not die. Not a good look for my death. I mean the ripped dress if cool, but my own blood? Not so much…Much prefer to die bathed in someone else’s…” More blood was coughed up.
            “I’m sure you’ll look wonderful when you die.” (Y/N) went along with her friend’s antics as she wiped away the blood on her cheeks. She winced as her injured hands pained but continued. “Black dress, enemy blood, maybe a sword?”
            “Sword? Sexy weapon…good choice. I think I know someone who sells them…”
            (Y/N) shook her head and pressed the blanket to Akira’s bleeding palm. “Just stay alive so you can get it.”
            “You gonna get Akiko…?”
            “I know you like to treat yourself, but—”
            “Please.” Akira gripped (Y/N)’s hand (albeit gently due to her wound). (Y/N) looked down at her friend in surprise. “Please get me to her. I don’t want to die. I can’t.” Her voice was pleading. “He’s out there, (Y/N). I need to get him, please. I need to—” kill him. Get back to Akiko and tell her that none of what happened is her fault or mine. Get back to Chuuya and tell him that I care and want to be with him. Stay with you and fight. I need to live… She turned to the side and heaved as blood caught in her throat.
            (Y/N) cleaned away the drops and hushed her. “I’ll get you there, I promise. Yosano will heal you. Then we’ll regroup and beat Fukuchi. But first, you need to focus on staying alive, alright?” She held Akira’s face affectionately.
            “…Did I try to hurt you?”
            “Of course not.”
            “…I was scared I would.”
            “I know you would never hurt me,” said (Y/N) seriously.
            “No, you don’t.” Darkness tinged Akira’s voice. “I wasn’t really…in control. I know I always walk with one foot in shadow because of my ability, but this…I was on the edge of an abyss. If I fell…I don’t know if I’d ever return.”
            “Return?” (Y/N) paused in her rudimentary treatment and looked into her eyes.
            “I think I was losing myself in darkness, in rage.” Akira swallowed. “I know I’m an angry person…but this was different. It wasn’t an ember I could use as motivation, it was a fire burning me alive. Everything that made me me was turning to ash…” She shuddered.
            “You fought back to the surface. You listened to me and fought for control.” (Y/N) smiled. “And you won.”
            “I almost didn’t. That type of fury…it’s overpowering.” She fought back a sob. “I don’t want to be angry forever…I don’t want that to be who I am, but when he mentioned my mother…I just—”
            “Hey, hey, it’s alright,” soothed (Y/N). “Look at me.” Akira’s eyes met hers. “Yes, you have anger in you. Let’s be honest, you have a right to those feelings. But that’s not all you are. You’re so much more than that. You’re clever, your mind runs circles around people and your quips are witty. You’re a fighter, you persevere and survive no matter what is placed in you path. And, although you pretend not to be, your kind. I know that you provide for an orphanage in Yokohama. You are always looking out for kids looking for their way in the world. And you’re here, with me, fighting to protect the world. Akira, you’re a good person, even though you can’t see it.”
            Akira’s eyes were wide. Since her mother died, the only time she’d gotten close to hearing such words about her was Chuuya. This was the first time she’d heard them, though, since Nanako. She almost wanted to cry at the affection and honesty in (Y/N)’s voice. “You’re an angel…like her. You have a light in you.”
            When Akira said “angel,” it didn’t disgust (Y/N). It wasn’t obsessed; it was reverent and affectionate. “Like who?” She was hesitant to ask, but the question spilled from her lips before she could stop them.
            “My mother…” Akira smiled as a single tear fell down her face. It disappeared into the blood on her face. It would be the only tear she shed that night, no matter how saddened she was. “My mother was an angel.”
Eighteen years ago…
            Nanako sat back in her chair. She drummed her fingers on the armrest as she listened to her friend on the phone.
            “Something’s…wrong, Nanako. I can see it. Ever since he came back home on leave…something’s been off.”
            “Well, war can change people. It might have affected him psychologically.” Nanako looked down. “Mori…If they don’t have enough doctors, he’ll probably be dragged in…The same may happen to him.”
            “No, that’s not it. Well, I mean, partially, but something else is going on.”
            “Like…an affair?”
            “I almost wish that’s what I thought it was, but no. He feels dangerous to be around, not just because he’s a soldier or his ability, but just…wrong, frightening. I can feel it.”
            Sometimes I wonder if she has an ability with those accurate “feelings” of hers. Nanako frowned. “You feel unsafe? Is he going to hurt you?”
            A soft sob came through the line. “I hope—I mean, of course not! But Nanako, I’m scared. Could you—?”
            “Look into him?” She sighed. “I mean, if it’s just psychological, I don’t know what I can do. I can observe him and determine whether he’s a threat, but—”
            “I want you to look into what he’s doing. He sneaks out. He’s reading strategy books by…unsavory characters. He’s been angry at home but acting jovial in public. Something is going on. I know it is. And he thinks I don’t, but I do.”
            “Alright. I will, for you. In the meantime, try to keep calm, act normal, and…have a plan to leave, if need be. If it turns out he’s dangerous, you know you can’t beat him. Not when he has that gift. So please, be careful and stay safe.”
            “I’ll try.”
            “I’ll call you when I have definitive news,” said Nanako.
            “Alright, bye.”
            “Bye.” She got up and stretched.
            “I’m off to work,” said Mori, kissing Nanako on the forehead.
            “I’ll see you after work,” she said, smiling. “And remember not to make Elise do all the work and get lazy.”
            Elise blinked. “I do whatever Dr. Mori asks me to.”
            Mori pouted. “I always do my work! I love it!”
            “Uh-huh, good, poor Elise suffers enough just being your ability.”
            “You’re so cruel…” Mori slouched out the door.
            Mori perked up and looked back.
            “I love you.”
            He blinked. “I love you, too.”
            Nanako watched her husband leave. When he was gone, she turned and began to get ready. She had business to take care of. Sending a quick text and pulling on her coat, she walked to the door.
            “Mommy, where are you going?” asked Akira.
            “I have to go help a friend,” said Nanako.
            “Are they okay?”
            “Yes, of course, I just have to help them sort some stuff out.” And everyone else might pay if I don’t…including you, Akira. I can’t let that happen.
            “Oh, okay,” said Akira. “When will you be back?”
            “A little later. Can you be good and go over to the neighbors for a little bit?”
            “Yeah, Mommy!” Akira agreed eagerly.
            “Alright, then I’ll be back soon.”
            “Bye, I love you, Mommy!” called Akira.
            “I love you, too, Akira,” said Nanako affectionately. I do everything for you. I love you so much.
            She walked through the city with purpose. She ended up in an old warehouse district. A few people milled about in shops near the area, but for the most part, it was barren.
            “You can come out now,” said Nanako, taking off her long coat. Strapped to a halter and belt, several knives flashed in the light.
            “I thought we came to talk about…Well, it seems talking is out of the question,” said Fukuchi, stepping out.
            “You brought your sword,” pointed out Nanako. “You didn’t expect a civil discussion either.”
            “There’s no reason we can’t still speak. Like you, I’m merely prepared.”
            “I don’t really have anything to talk to you about. I know what you’re planning to do something terrible.”
            Fukuchi narrowed his eyes. “Did your ability allow you to discover that?”
            “People figure things out,” said Nanako.
            “Well, then, if you know, then why ask me here?”
            “To ask you why.”
            “ ‘Why?’ ” Fukuchi raised an eyebrow. “I’m going to unite this world.”
            “No, you’re going to destroy it. And at the expense of everyone you care about, or at least, used to.”
            “So be it.”
            Nanako narrowed her eyes and slipped her knives inter her hands. They were lodged between her fingers just as she had taught Mori to do. It made it as easy as a flick of her wrist to throw them at high speeds. “And this is the reason we have nothing to discuss.”
            Fukuchi hand reached for his sword. Three knives embedded in his hand before he gripped his weapon, and he was kicked backwards into a wall.
            “Be Not Afraid.” Nanako was lying, she wanted him to be frightened, but she knew he wouldn’t be, and she couldn’t change the name of her ability. Nor would she want to. After all, it was magnificent. White wings unfurled from her back while four others flapped around her head. Her eyes turned white until the iris and pupil were lost in the sea of light. A golden halo floated above her head. Several glowing rings of light circled her arms in bands. She flicked out more of her knives and jumped into the air. Fukuchi pulled the weapons from his hand and gripped his sword. This battle could alter the future; they both knew that.
            The battled raged between them, and both grew heavily injured and tired. Fukuchi was forced to send his sword to the past to wound her, but she either kept fighting or sensed where the attack was (he suspected that the halo acted as a surveillance device), and Nanako abandoned her knives in favor of using her blade-like feathers as weapons, but Fukuchi blocked them or continued on (she suspected he had physical enhancements). On and on went the fight, neither participant willing to give up until they literally couldn’t continue. Eventually, Nanako managed to pin Fukuchi to the ground. She drew a feather from her wings and pressed it to his neck.
            “This is over,” said Nanako.
            “Not killing me? You seem so prepared,” said Fukuchi.
            “Knowing how to kill isn’t the same as loving to kill.”
            “In my line of work, that’s called weakness. And for gifted, that’s called death. I wonder if your child will lose their life because they don’t learn how to kill…I mean, if she ends up gifted, of course. Gifted never get an easy life, do they?”
            It was just a moment, just a single second of distraction. But it was enough. Nanako froze at the idea of Akira’s death. Her daughter didn’t even show signs of an ability, but it was a legitimate fear. Very, very few gifted ever got into a position that was completely safe and devoid of danger. Nanako didn’t want her daughter hurt. She loved Akira. Unfortunately, Fukuchi understood that and used it to his advantage. In her momentary shock at his comment, a sword flew through her stomach. She collapsed to the side. Fukuchi stood up and pressed his boot into her shoulder and stabbed her once more.
            “Pity. I believe a few years ago you wouldn’t have been phased by such a comment,” remarked Fukuchi.
            He was right. A few years ago, she wouldn’t have had a family to care for, to worry about. But she did. And it was a weakness Nanako wasn’t ashamed of. “At least…I care about mine. You’re going to regret not caring for yours.”
            Fukuchi raised an eyebrow. “Unless your gift allows you to see the future, I find that unlikely.”
            Nanako could feel herself drifting into Shinigami’s awaiting arms. But she had one last act to perform before she accepted his embrace. After all…she was angel. Her eyes lit up. “Tennin! Kami!” Her words reverberated around the warehouse. “Give me strength!” For my death. I know I cannot survive…so let me die fighting. Even if he survives…grant me this, Kami. Please.
            Fukuchi sighed. “You seriously want to continue fighting—?”
As if someone answered her, her halo, wings, and bands glowed brighter and brighter. Nanako closed her eyes. The air heated around her as the light became blinding.
            Akira, Ogai…I love you so much.
            The warehouse exploded, throwing Fukuchi backwards. The buildings surrounding it collapsed. It was like a bomb had gone off except…no one other than Fukuchi was injured. Nanako had fought to her last breath and died as a true angel. Fukuchi struggled to his feet as people began screaming and running about. It was nearly unbearable for him to stand. If not treated soon…he’d die. He looked at the few feathers and burn marks of halo and three sets of wings in the floor.
            “The Decay of the Angel…” he observed before collapsing.
            Mori jumped out of the ambulance as it stopped in front of the destroyed buildings.
            “Any survivors?” he asked a nearby EMT who had arrived earlier before more professionals were called in.
            “Yes, everyone,” answered the EMT.
            Mori frowned. “Everyone survived that explosion?”
            “Some people have bruising from some rubble, but other than a soldier who arrived to help with the situation, no one else was hurt. He was close enough to the source that he nearly died, but we managed to bring him back.”
            “Did he say what happened?”
            “He said a woman and man were fighting, and when he tried to discover what was happening, the woman was killed and…exploded.”
            Mori considered the information. “So she likely had a gift…” His inquisitive nature got the better of him. He walked into the destroyed warehouse. He froze and nearly dropped to his knees. He could see the burned marks of a halo and pairs of wings. And…a few feathers littered the floor. “No…No, no, no!” That day…a part of Mori died. And a part of his daughter would, too.
            Later on, Fukuchi entered his home. He had gotten changed and cleaned up so as to hide he’d been fighting but returned home soon enough. However…something was off. It was quiet, and many items were…gone. He frowned and curled his hand into a fist. He smacked it into the wall, leaving a dent. That damn Nanako…She warned her of something…She gave her time to get away… Fukuchi’s eyes darkened. No matter. She isn’t as brave as to come after me, not in her position. And even if I have to find more strategists and workers, my plan will come to fruition, whether now or in years. Damn that Nanako…she created enough of a racket that if something happens now…people will make the connection. Damn her to hell…
            He could almost hear the world laughing at him after those words.
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serena-hart-09 · 2 years
A Wild Draft Of a Fic has appeared!
(Cause I don't have anything else to post-)
Draft Name: "Remember Me: Chapter 1 (mid-part)" ; Implied Murder; Lucifer x Female!OC (Meera)
A heavy knock resounds in the void-like silence of the room.
“…Come in.”
  The door opens slowly to reveal a figure covered in blood, from head to toe. It’s head low, meekly trying to hide itself.
A second look made Lucifer, paralyze in realisation, as the figure lifts its head to look at him.
It was Meera.
Lucifer doesn’t know why or when, but he hugged her tightly, without caring about the blood.
“Why?” he asks.
“I said so, didn’t I?” her small voice answers.
“But still-”
“Here.” The human hands him a crumpled old document.
(But seriously, I am trying to return back and write more but my irl responsibilities says otherwise- [Is this how Luci feels?] tho, I am taking baby steps this time, so, please bear with me. :,) And also that I will make one more post after this one so yeah-)
[Currently I am working more on Verklig, since honestly, I have no idea what to write for the next chapter of Book of Evil. I have made drafts, wips but none of them connect to the endgame that I have in my mind so it will be still on hiatus. Not to mention I feel like every draft I make for Chapter 5 is just.... not good enough? So I thought of doing something else for the time being, that of course being "Remember Me" or also (according to me) , "I made a Lucifer Isekai, Time Travel, that leads to a Big Mess, Enjoy :) Ft. M.L. cause it's been a long time that I have mentioned him in like 2 fics (or probably more) and his character just fits, so yea >:)))" ]
[Last thing I wanted to say is that I may start writing for Yakuza as well, (Tho, mostly for Kiryu Kazuma, Nishikiyama Akira, Majima Goro, Reina.) (I have not moved on from Yakuza 1/Kiwami so, I need some comfort writing. Especially for a certain character, {NISHIKIIIIIII} :') hahahahahaha-)} It will be mostly for trial, since I have no confidence-]
[Also, Does banging your head helps to come with ideas? I am genuinely asking this because my head is just screaming to do that-]
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pkmn-ken · 7 days
[ID: a short video,but from…Cyrus’s perspective?]
Cyrus slowly gets up, he seems to be bleeding profusely from the side of his head after being shoved aside and falling to the ground. The commanders are horrified and frozen with fear.
Cyrus slowly stands himself up, his vision slightly blurred. He sees a shadowy fog surrounding ken. He can barely see him through the fog, but he can tell that something is clearly wrong. He doesn’t look like his normal self, and it’s merely impossible to tell if he’s in pain or not, as his entire system has been overtaken and in the process of being fused with Giratina’s. Cyrus tries to call out to him, but no avail.
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Panicked, confused, and frozen with fear, Cyrus can do nothing but call out to ken, only to receive silence and the deafening sound of the cold wind screaming into his ears.
A shadowy hole slowly forms beneath Cyrus’s feet. Cyrus tries to step back, but shadowy tendrils identical to Giratina’s wrap around his ankles and torso.
Is the final words Cyrus managed to scream out before being dragged into the distortion world, forever lost in the void. As Cyrus is being dragged, the video abruptly ends and connection is lost.
[user ??? has been disconnected.]
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achy-achy-bones · 8 months
introductory post because i'm supposed to be asleep but it hurttss
i'm disabled (my knees and sometimes ankles buckle under my weight) so i use forearm crutches. i'm in pain all of the time so this is my crippled anger/screaming into the void blog
so yeah
asks and dms are always open, i migjt occasionally reblog fandom stuff (akira if i can find it, any of q hayashida's stuff)
i'm also really interested in languages and want to do translation in the future.
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This got into one of Bright guardian Akira's videos, like what- DO YOU KNOW HOW EXCITED I AM?????? I shouldn't be so excited over a CAT DOODLE. but rn, I am. Shut up and let me scream.
Was anyone judging this? Probably not.
But I will scream into the void anyways
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vrepit-salt · 2 years
Bisexuals be like one day I dress like a lumberjack the next day I am goth the next day I am feminine the next day I am comfy the next day i am masc the next day I am
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The Void Screamed Back (Part 2: Three Years)
(On the off chance anyone is reading this: Hey! :D)
Elise grumbled to herself as she climbed back into her room, grabbing her now dirt infested drink. She didn't even bother to grab her sketchpad as she shut the window behind her. Walking over to her door she threw it open, walking into the kitchen with an ever-so obvious scowl.
Taking a moment to look around, all the other lights in the apartment were off. She rolled her eyes once more. Max was probably out with a new partner or something, she never managed to keep one for more than three days.
Elise's frown only deepened as she poured out her drink, the dirt hitting the sink with a thud. She stared at it for a minute, as if contemplating every life choice that has led her to this moment. Quietly grumbling she washed the dirt out of the sink, and rinsed out a few of the empty bottles Max had left behind.
"What's yo-" He was cut off by the window below slamming shut. "Oh.." He quietly mumbled. He sat on his balcony for a moment, not quite sure of what to do now in the sudden, but ever so present silence.
Eventually he moved to the edge, leaning over the railing and looking down at the balcony below.
What he found was absolutely horrendous..
She had just left dirt on her sketchpad!
Akira was not having that. Not willing to live with the fact that he caused that. So with a small huff he spun around to go back in his window, hurrying to grab his coat, phone, and wallet before speeding out the door.
Elise swore to God she was going to punch a hole in the wall the second her phone rang. She wanted so badly to ignore it, and go promptly faceplant into her bed. However, once the word 'Mother' was blaring across her screen she knew there was no getting out of it.
She gave a long groan before swiping to accept the call. "What do you need mother?" She just sounded exhausted.
The woman on the other end spoke in such a way you could practically hear the smile over the phone "What do you mean? Can't I just check on my favorite child?"
Elise rolled her eyes "Mother I'm your only child, and you only ever call when it's something 'important' so what do you need?"
The woman sighed "Elise, darling, it's been so many years since you've come to visit- when will yo-" She was cut off by an abrupt knock at the door.
Now was her chance.
"Mother I have to go- Max just got back." She rattled off quickly, hanging up mere seconds later. She absolutely dreaded recieving calls from her, normally they always consisted of 'Your three years is almost up Elise.' Or 'Elise when will you come visit?' And she was tired of hearing both.
So with a sigh she went to go open the door, but instead of being greeted by the bright blue haired Max she was expecting, she was greeted by a bright blue haired man.
He smiled as he looked down at her "Hey! I'm Akira, your neighbor!"
Elise looked like she just saw a ghost. "...What are you doing here-"
He only smiled more as he reached into the pocket of his coat, pulling out a small sketchpad "I saw your other one got all dirty, and I felt bad, so I went and got you a new one." With both hands on the book he held it out for her, waiting patiently for her to take it.
She froze up for a minute, very unsure on how to handle this situation. After a very long and awkward pause she hesitantly took the sketchpad.
He tilted his head a bit as his hands went back to his pockets "By the way, you never did tell me yo-"
The door shut in his face.
Akira sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, looking down at the floor. He'd find out sooner or later.
Elise turned around, sketchpad still in her hands as she locked gazes with Max, toothbrush half hanging out of her mouth.
"Who in the hell was that?"
(If there are any questions about our characters, let me know and I'll answer them! :D)
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tobioosetter · 3 years
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im totally can’t handle it rn srsly -
and there they’re. being perfect and having fun like it ain’t killing us now
too much guys this is too much
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shadow-scenarios · 4 years
How would the phantom thief boys + Goro react to there s/o saying something like “when I die I want all the kids who were in group projects with me to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time” because I’m feeling that way now.
Are you okay, Anon? I hope school isn’t stressing you out too much!! :(
I don’t know if this was supposed to be a joke but I hope you have a nice day.
This is short because there’s not much to write about. I’m sorry.
- Nexus.
Joker { Akira Kurusu }
✧ He has two reactions: ‘ Same. ’ & genuine concern. Akira makes sure that they’re okay because he genuinely cannot tell if they were joking or not. If they are not, he reassures then & offers to help out in terms of a group project.
Skull { Ryuji Sakamoto }
✧ Ryuji immediately laughs at their supposed joke & then immediately asks if it was actually a joke. He knows he can be slightly thick sometimes & wants to ensure that they are alright. Group projects can be stressful but if they are not alright, he would gladly give them a huge hug in order to help them feel better. Anything for his significant other!
Fox { Yusuke Kitagawa }
✧ Yusuke does not understand the joke. At all. He tells them that if people have been letting them down that they should not be the ones to lower them into the grave & it should definitely instead be the ones closest to them or a professional who can do it with ease.
Crow { Goro Akechi }
✧ Out of everyone, Akechi probably has the most reasonable reaction. He laughs & pats them on the head, telling them he knows how they feel. Many people such as those at his detective work have been disappointing & even in school when there is a group project, most people end up wanting to benefit in terms of being able to talk to/hang out with him.
Word Count: 220
Publish Date: 04.10.20
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arcanalight · 3 years
who are you in this haunted house story?
Akira’s result
the mother
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You pour everything you have left into those you love. Desperately, frantically you try to fix what is broken, but the cracks spread faster than you can mend. If only you can hold everyone together, then things might just be okay! However, you only have two hands and all anyone seems to do is pull away. Everyone is different now, even you, and pretending not to see it isn’t making anything better. You see the signs of things going wrong, of what is but should not be, and you try to warn them. You love with every fiber of your being, but try as you might, you cannot make them understand. They don’t listen, no one ever listens.
Yosuke’s result
the trapped soul
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Time is now a story told by others. You envy them, their freedom, their hope. Your existence is tied to this place, the beating heart of your tragedy and pain, your prison. You wander these long corridors and some days, it becomes difficult to tell where this dreadful house ends and you begin. You cry and destroy to remind yourself that you're still here. It's been so long since you gave up on anyone seeing you. The only company you keep is your past, and oh how it follows you. You scream once more, a final test of your disappearance but— Oh! Did... did they just look at you?
tagged by: @bluescarfvivi​ ty!! tagging: everyone!!
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akirameta84 · 3 years
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girl youve already kissed him and he let you....
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