pkmn-ken · 13 seconds
[Ken vs. Fantina]
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Fantina sent out her Duskull, as Ken sent out his Prinplup. Ken’s prinplup used bubble beam, the duskull in return used future sight, forseeing an attack. Prinplup continued to use bubble beam regardless until it eventually knocked out the Duskull, this seemed like a simple feat, but the battle was far from over.
Fantina sent out her second Pokémon, her Mismagius. Ken switched out his prinplup for his Dustox. The Dustox used protect, shielding itself from the onslaught of confuse rays. Though, it fell to a few Psybeams. Ken sent his prinplup back out, and started firing out bubble beam after bubble beam, until…. The Mismagius used magical leaf, it was super effective and it took out the poor Prinplup, leaving Ken with his final Pokémon: Golbat. Ken sent out his Golbat, he used bite multiple times, hoping to flinch the Mismagius. The Mismagius fired yet another confuse ray. This didn’t look good, Ken might lose a third battle with Fantina, but he wasn’t going to let his past losses get to him….
Ken used a super potion to heal his Golbat while it hit itself due to confusion. As the Mismagius chipped away at Golbat’s health with psybeam after psybeam, it looked as though Ken was about to lose hope in this battle. But then, Ken’s Golbat managed to snap out of its confusion and use bite once more, it flinched the Mismagius and Golbat was able to take it out with one last bite. Fantina sent out her final Pokémon: Haunter.
"Oh, heavens. What is this? Is this my final Pokémon?"
Ken knew all he had to do was command his golbat to land a few more super-effective bites and then he’d win his third gym badge, but he almost lost once again as haunter used confuse ray, confusing golbat once again. Ken grew concerned as his Golbat hit itself once more in confusion, but this didn’t last long. Right as Golbat was at its lowest, it broke out of confusion and used bite one last time, taking out the Haunter, and winning Ken his third badge: the Relic Badge.
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pkmn-ken · 35 minutes
…ghost types are….a lot more….challenging than I…..anticipated. I’ve been defeated….by Fantina….not once….twice.
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pkmn-ken · 2 hours
aand I accidentally….scared some of….the trainers….sigh.
This gym puzzle…or whatever this is….is quite simple. I don’t…even need a flashlight….to see the….matching symbols.
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pkmn-ken · 3 hours
This gym puzzle…or whatever this is….is quite simple. I don’t…even need a flashlight….to see the….matching symbols.
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pkmn-ken · 4 hours
the egg hatched….into a togepi…and….
Welp….now it’s Harmony’s.
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pkmn-ken · 5 hours
we’re in…..heartome city, and…..
….what do you mean….Fantina isn’t here?
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pkmn-ken · 5 hours
[meanwhile, from a distance, someone or something seems to be watching Ken and the others from afar.]
Could this be? Is that….  That is in fact our sibling…
It has been many years since I’ve seen it. We shall….make our presence known to it?  No. Not now. It is among humans. We cannot simply reveal ourselves to them. Not in this state.   Perhaps we disguise ourselves as human in the identical way our sibling appears to be.  Your proposal is not ideal, we shall not go around pretending to be…human.  How else shall we grace our sibling’s presence among those humans and….hybrid?  Hm. Perhaps you have a point. I see no other option, I will follow through with this plan of yours, and I hope it is successful. 
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pkmn-ken · 7 hours
Cynthia gave me….this egg….but didn’t elaborate and….ran off….
….something about….a flight to….Undella town? But that’s….all the way in….unova.
Anywho….Im curious to see….what this hatches into…
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pkmn-ken · 7 hours
Go in and steal one of their uniforms
I don’t need….another reminder of…..who or what I….once was.
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pkmn-ken · 8 hours
[ID: abandoned Galactic headquarter building in Eterna city.]
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pkmn-ken · 8 hours
…thank you! Akira made that….with the flowers….from within the…gym. though….theyre not fire proof….
This was….much easier than….the first Gym. What’s— ……. 🧍‍♂️
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Vs. Gardenia - Vs. Roark 
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pkmn-ken · 8 hours
This was….much easier than….the first Gym. What’s— ……. 🧍‍♂️
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Vs. Gardenia - Vs. Roark 
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pkmn-ken · 9 hours
[Ken Vs. Gardenia]
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Ken sent out his newly evolved Dustox as Gardenia sent out her Turtwig. The Dustox used harden the first few turns so the not-so effective grass type moves that Turtwig landed upon the Pokémon would do next to nothing. Dustox used a series of gusts that slowly, but very effectively chipped away at Turtwig’s health. As Dustox was about to land the final blow to Gardenia’s first Pokémon, she used a potion on Turtwig, healing it, which erased all the progress Dustox had made chipping away at Turtwig’s health. So, it went back to chipping away at Turtwig, eventually knocking out the Pokémon.
Next, Gardenia sent out her Cherrim, and Dustox was commanded to do the exact same thing with cherrim, only Cherrim was a little stronger than Dustox and ended up knocking it out with a few grass knots and a magical leaf. Ken sent out his second Pokémon, Zubat. Zubat finished the job with a single Wing attack. That’s when Gardenia sends out her Ace: Roserade.
"It's not the end yet."
Ken chose to keep his Zubat in. Zubat used bite, which flinched the Roserade. Then, it used Wing attack once again, almost knocking out Gardenia’s Roserade.
"Are you saying something? You think you have me cornered?" Gardenia asks as she simply uses her last potion to heal Roserade. Zubat landed a wing attack, and yet another, the final one being a critical hit! Roserade went down. With that, Ken had successfully defeated Gardenia and won himself his second ever gym badge: the Forest Badge.
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pkmn-ken · 10 hours
smell? It….smells like …..a bug!? I don’t know….
Smells like death 
…stop that.
[ID: a cascoon battling, then a Dustox.]
….sometimes I forget…..how quickly bug types….evolve.
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pkmn-ken · 10 hours
Minor spelling mistake I win. — Rubin
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pkmn-ken · 11 hours
But types,,,
bedbuge types ….
Autocorrect. Leave me alone.
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pkmn-ken · 11 hours
[ID: a cascoon battling, then a Dustox.]
….sometimes I forget…..how quickly bug types….evolve.
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