#aj's venting again move along
cringiestcroissant · 1 year
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yknow i want to try and get better when the new year starts, i want to take better care of myself, better care of my pets, of my environment at home and help my dad n stepmom, i want to be better. it's just going to be extremely difficult seeing as ive hated myself since i was around 13 (im 26) and ive been under the impression for the last 13 years that i dont deserve any love or kindness because of stupid shit ive done in the past. i understand forgiving yourself is a must, but how can i when ive really hurt others? i dont like hurting anyone, not even those i hate or genuinely dont care for anymore.
this year has been a complete shitshow. easily the worst year of my life. i kinda get it really kicked me in the ass to get in gear and get my life back together, problem is im not sure im strong enough to do it. change is really hard for me, which includes my bad habits and addictions that i need to address. and if im unable to really fix and heal myself, im not sure if im gonna be able to keep myself from doing something stupid again. throughout my life ive been the kind of person that just ruins things. and even when i try and fix it, it doesnt always work out. i ruin things, i hurt others, and i wish to hurt myself all over again.
also, im sorry i havent got to the bob stuff, having this much attention suddenly kinda overwhelmed me a bit. the roleplaying part tbqh made me flashback to my old rp blog when i was younger and how much of a horrible toxic person i was. not to mention tumblr was very different back then than it is now, and with interacting with minors (as im not a minor anymore) i have to be very careful with what i post and who i interact with (since that blog ive just posted whatever i wanted without regarding who else would see it, i was just doing stuff for my own sake). ill answer the rps and give the kisses and hugs to whomever but im going to be mindful with what bob does from now on. i dont want to get myself or anyone else in trouble or make uncomfortable. i want this blog to be a happy safe space where others can feel welcome to interact with me. ill get to those rps and asks once the new year comes.
my paranoia knows no bounds. im trying here, i just have a lot going on and a lot of negative thoughts going through my mind. nothing unusual really.
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bones-sprouts · 3 years
@burnoutandbookworms-ohmy you wanted to be tagged :>
okay so the cast would be as follows
apollo - tommy
phoenix - wilbur
trucy - tubbo
klavier - ranboo (this one's ambitious but hear me out-)
kristoph - dream
ema - techno
lamiroir - kristin
zak - phil (F in chat for mr minecraft 😔)
and then all of the filler characters would be various other smp members (suggestions?)
so then the plot would go as follows (we're bullet pointing this bitch you better run)
• so tommy arrives in the courtroom with dream, and he's nervous as hell, because not only is it his first trial
• his client is wilbur fucking soot
• world renouned defense attorney, now disbarred for forging evidence
• but tommy is 110% sure wilbur is innocent
• because wilbur is his HERO
• and then dream introduces them and damn he looks like shit
• i'm talking full pogtopia era get-up, plus a ratty beanie that has wilby painted on it and a crown pin
• so wil spouts the standard cryptic bullshit you'd expect from phoenix
• and tommy does an early smpe earth 'i am so cool and not at all starstruck' type act
• and they head in
• you meet the judge, who i didn't replace bc it's the judge
• tommy does his chords of steel, but with significantly more swearing then apollo would use
• and dream seems to be just a bit off
• and he goes on this big tirade about blue cards
• the case goes smoothly, until
• tommy feels something akin to a burning from the compass he's kept as a necklace for as long as he can remember
• and he just knows that the witness is lying
• it's like he can see the tiniest of tells that tip him off
• dream doesn't quite understand it, but wilbur looks like he knows exactly what's going on
• before he calls this out, though, a recess is called
• wilbur and dream have a chat, so tommy's left to his own devices
• and this boy about his age in a green magician's outfit runs up to him
• and he looks like an older version of the picture of wilbur's kid that he showed off in court beforehand
• and he hands tommy a (bloody??) playing card and poofs away
• then the trial resumes as normal, with tommy grilling the witness and eventually accusing her
• but it just doesn't seem right
• he knows she's not lying about being innocent, her tells would have tipped him off if she was
• but dream pushes and pushes him to formally accuse her
• until wilbur fucking soot interjects with an OBJECTION!
• while tommy geeks the hell out, wilbur asserts that there must have been someone else in the room
• and accuses dream.
• tommy's confused, and the both of them argue back and forth for a bit, until wilbur starts explaining his theory with evidence from tommy along the way
• but it's seeming like they don't have any non circumstancial evidence
• until wilbur has tommy pull out the playing card
• (i haven't been explaining the case but it makes sense i promise)
• they win the case, with dream never faltering or showing emotion, even after being taken away
• tommy's shaken up, but happy, all things considered
• but before he can ponder on what's just happened, wilbur takes him aside to talk
• and admits the card was forged
• tommy's shocked, and he's sad, and he's angry, because how could wilbur fucking soot forge evidence??
• and he punches him in the face
• wil smiles and gives him an offer to work at his office, since tommy's boss is kind of in jail
• tommy leaves
• but he comes back a few months later, only out of desperation
• he's greeted by the boy from the trial (wil's kid?)
• who demands to know his name and his 'talent'
• tommy says he's a lawyer and introduces himself
• the kid says his name is tubbo and that the building hasn't been a law office in a long time
• tommy asks to see wilbur
• so they go to see him
• in the fucking hospital
• he managed to get hit by a car, which sent him flying 40ft back into a telephone pole
• and he sprained his ankle
• he's very lucky apparently
• so from there, cases 2 and 3 play out (i'm gonna skim though these bc if i write them out ill end up rewriting plot points and i don't have the energy)
• along the way, they meet a few interesting people
• ranboo, a prosecutor who's dream's younger brother and the guitarist for a popular band, that tubbo immediately gets along with and tommy despises
• dispite seeming cocky, he's impressively awkward outside of court
• technoblade, a detective who's fairly standoffish towards tommy and tubbo alike, but has a soft spot for wilbur (do they have a history)
• kristin, a singer with a past she can't remember (unbeknownst to tommy, his compass tends to point towards her and tubbo. odd)
also before we move on to the final case, a quick summary of the dynamics and other small shit bc seritonin
• though wil adopted tubbo, they have much more of a sibling dynamic, and cause general mayhem
• wilbur does actually warm up to tommy fairly quickly (beanix and apollo dynamic, my abbhorrent) and while tommy still doesn't 100% trust wil, they do end up getting pretty close as time goes on
• tubbo and ranboo IMMEDIATELY hit it off, much to the dismay of tommy, and the two of them act like the dummy named micheal that tubbo uses for magic tricks is their son
• tommy acts like he hates ranboo's guts, but that won't stop him from trying to sweet talk his way into getting evidence from him (it always works, ranboo has no spine.) he also, like in canon, vents to ranboo whenever he needs to, and ranboo ends up knowing more ab him then even wil and tubbo
• jack is eldoon. they all go to his noodle shop constantly and tommy always complains about them being too salty. jack hates him with a passion but adores tubbo and wil
• instead of snakooos, techno deadass just has entire bags full of raw potatoes that he eats like chips, this is terrifying to everyone except wilbur, who acts like it's completely normal
• instead of pretending to be taken hostage in case 2, tubbo deadass pretends to have a nuke and threatens to set it off unless a recess is called. after things calm down they go back in and he just,, doesn't get arrested. the law is fucked
• after case 1, dream wears a smiley mask in order to not show his face, paranoid that tommy or someone else like him will know his secrets though his tells
okay now final case here we go
• wilbur tells tommy and tubbo that he's been working on a special trial with the jury system, and that he needs them to defend
• they agree, and go to meet the client
• things generally go like any other investigation, but there's just something about it that feels game changing
• and as they power though the first part of the trial, they start to uncover that there might be someone pulling the strings from behind the scenes
• tommy clocks her tell (chewing her nails) and they start to make progress
• but before they can uncover answers from her, she passes out
• a recess is called, and so are paramedics
• it turns out she's ingested the same kind of poison as the victim, coming from her nail polish
• tommy and tubbo are shaken up, and they go to wil for help
• he decides they need to know the full truth, but he knows that some of the evidence is lost at this point
(and holy shit stay with me here i promise that as out of left field this is the original game made significantly less sense)
• he phones a friend that he knows is the only one that can help them
• karl
• he explains the situation, and karl agrees to help them
• and they fucking time travel
(again, the game makes even less sense i promise)
• they chat with the victim and defendant from seven years beforehand, right after wil was disbarred
• they watch the trial wil got disbarred over, where he defended tubbo's bio father, phil
• and they see a much smaller tubbo hand wil the forged evidence, saying that a kind man told him to give it to the man with the bright blue hamilton suit
• and they watch wil present it, only to be shot down by a much younger ranboo, who proves it's fake
• and they find out tubbo and tommy are bio siblings, which they're shocked about but decide to talk about later (fuck canon tommy and tubbo get to know)
• and they go visit dream in prison
• at this point wil is CONVINCED dream is behind everything, they just need the right evidence
• so they head to the cell, only for it to be empty
• naturally, they start snooping
• wil finds a letter, and opens it to reveal exactly what they need to win the case
• but before they can leave, dream, equipped with a smiley mask, stops them
• they exchange a few words before they leave, letterless
• luckily, wil has a trick up his sleeve, and reveals that his crown pin has a built in camera
• they examine the contents of the letter, and wil hastily makes a replica, and they head off to the trial
• since they're experimenting with the jurist system for the first time, they can't afford to wait for the defendant to heal, so they proceed
• they call dream to the stand
• they grill him for quite a while, with the help of ranboo who refuses to protect his brother, getting him to show his true colors, and then pull out the letter
• and he says that it's a fake, which the judge unfortunately agrees with
• so they don't have their evidence
• and even though they've shown pretty much everything and dream had practically admitted to bring a murderous bastard and the one who gave tubbo the fake to give to wil
• they don't have enough to convince a judge
• tommy and tubbo are crushed
• but wil is happy
• because they don't have to convince a judge
• they have to convince a jury
• and they win
• dream shatters along with his mask, going completely off the deep end
• their client is safe, and so is wil
• kristin also reveals to wil that she's tommy and tubbo's bio mom, saying that she'll tell them when she's really
• so things come to a close
• for now, anyway
so yeah, thats AJ but dsmp, to anyone who didn't play the game, i'm so sorry this makes no sense, and to anyone who did, you're cool as hell can we be moots 👉👈
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dlwritings · 4 years
Firecracker Soul | Dean Winchester
Chapter 2 - Breakfast and Dinner
pairing - mob!Dean x teacher!ofc
word count - 3,790
warnings - language, gun violence
additional notes at the end
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When Saturday came along, Alice was ready for the weekend. She loved her kiddos, but she definitely needed time to herself. At the end of each week, she was exhausted. She tried to have work-free Saturdays, but with new lesson plans to create and parent-teacher conferences and IEP meetings to prepare for, that wasn't always possible. This week though, she felt she could enjoy herself.
Every Saturday since she moved back to Kansas, she had been getting breakfast with her best friend Christine at their favorite cafe. Christine was her best friend growing up, and they kept in touch even when Alice went to New York. Her favorite part of moving back to Kansas was being so close to Christine again.
Her apartment was a quick walk to the cafe, and considering it was September in Kansas, the weather was perfect for it. She slid on her outfit -an army green skirt and black, short-sleeve shirt- and her converse and made sure she had her purse and phone before heading out the door. As soon as she stepped into the hallway, she ran into her neighbor, Brent.
Since she had moved into the apartment, Brent had been the perfect neighbor. He helped her move some of the obnoxiously heavy stuff into her room when she got tired and would often bring her leftover pizza when he ordered some and didn't finish. She wouldn't say they were friends, but they were definitely neighborly acquaintances. She was just glad there was someone in the building she could go to if she wanted to vent about her landlord. "Hey!" she said, giving him a smile as she locked her front door. "What're you up to this morning?"
"Just going for a run," he said, taking his earbuds out of his ears as they both walked down the stairs of their building. "You?"
"Getting breakfast with my friend," she said. "It's kind of routine."
"Nice," Brent said. "Can I walk you to your car?"
"I'm actually gonna walk," she said.
"I can walk with you," he offered. "It can be a warm up to my jog."
She laughed. "Don't worry about it. I don't want to slow you down. I'll see you later though!" Brent smiled and nodded, then left the building and jogged on ahead.
She couldn't have asked for a better day: mid-70s with the sun shining. She put her headphones in her ears and made the short walk to the cafe. As suspected, Christine was already at their usual booth when she got there. She waved at Alice, and she smiled and waved back as she made her way over. "Love your skirt," Christine said.
"Thanks," she said back. "The weather's pretty perfect out today, right?"
"I was thinking the same thing," Christine said. "Did you walk here?"
"Mhm," she hummed back. Their usual waitress, AJ came over and got their orders. They always ordered the same things when they were there, so it didn't take long.
"Anything crazy happen at work this week?" Alice asked, sipping her iced latte. Christine was an ER nurse at the local hospital. She always avoided telling Alice the sad work stories, but she sometimes came to breakfast with a crazy miracle, which Alice always loved.
"Nah," Christine said before putting some eggs in her mouth. After swallowing, she said, "Some kid broke his arm, a guy stepped on a nail. Nothing out of the ordinary. What about you?"
"Oh yeah," Alice said with a laugh. "You know crazy stuff's always happening at an elementary school. Only one girl tried to cut her hair, and my ED student only came at me with a stapler once. Crazy world."
"When's the semester up?" she asked.
"A couple more months," Alice answered.
"Before Christmas?"
"Yeah, the 20th. Right before break."
"Any big plans on how to wrap up the year?"
"There's a holiday recital," she said. "Just a time for the kids to showcase their work. I think there's a concert."
Christine laughed. "Wow, you sound so enthusiastic!"
Alice laughed as well. "Honestly I'm just trying to get through a week. I'm not even thinking about the end of the semester." Christine drank some water while Alice dove into her hashbrowns. They were quiet for a moment.
"How's your application going?" she asked. Alice licked her lips and looked down at her food, then shrugged.
"It's going."
Christine scoffed. "What does that mean?"
Alice shrugged again. "It means what it means. It's going."
"Girl, you've been working on that for, like, four months," she said. "Weren't you working on it back in New York?"
"Yeah," she said. "It's fine. It takes a while."
"What part? Filling in the blanks? The essay? Or opening it up on your computer?"
Alice didn't say anything and tried to play it off that she was drinking more of her coffee. "What is with you?" Christine asked. Though her words were a little harsh, Alice knew she was coming from an area of concern.
"Nothing's with me," she said back, her own voice lowered. "Just don't want to waste my time applying for grad school when I have the kids' stuff to work on."
"Doing something for yourself isn't a waste of time," Christine said. "This is furthering your career."
And of course, deep down, Alice knew that, but when she had spent months in New York with an asshole ex telling her otherwise, it was hard to brush it away. Christine didn't say anything, and Alice knew she was waiting for her to speak. Finally, she just sighed. "Sometimes I feel like he can still see me," she said, not daring to meet her friend's eyes. "And I know it's dumb, but you don't know what it was like." When Alice finally looked up at Christine, she was met with a look of sympathy.
"I'm sorry," Christine whispered, reaching her hand forward to squeeze Alice's. "I don't mean to sound harsh."
"You're not," Alice said quickly. "I get it."
"I could be more understanding," Christine said. "Less in-your-face."
Alice couldn't help but giggle. "Christine, you've been an in-your-face person since kindergarten." Christine rolled her eyes and went back to her breakfast. Before diving into her own food again, Alice said, "I'm trying to let him go. And I'm trying be strong on my own, but I don't know how to do that." Christine wiped her mouth on her napkin.
"Here's the thing," she said, tossing her napkin on the table. "You don't have to do that." Alice opened her mouth, but Christine kept talking. "There's a difference between letting a guy like Greg-" Alice closed her eyes at his name. "-control your life and allowing yourself to be lifted up by others. No one said your strength always has to come from you and you alone."
"You always seem to manage fine on your own," Alice argued.
Christine scoffed. "We're all broken, Alice. I've never met a single, wholly self-sufficient person. We all depend on each other for support and compassion. It's just how humans are. You think I'm strong on my own? Girl, if we didn't have these breakfasts every Saturday, I wouldn't make it through a single week."
Alice smiled, reached out to squeeze Christine's hand, then resumed eating her breakfast. The two chatted casually for the rest of the meal, filling each other in on their lives and gossiping about people from their high school and others in the town. With a lull in the conversation, Alice changed the subject. "You know that girl Lexi I talk about sometimes?"
"You mean your favorite?" Christine teased.
"Shut up," she said with a laugh.
"You only have a story to tell me about her every week," she said.
"She's sweet!" Alice said defensively. "She never has any tantrums and she's a great listener. A kid like that's one in a million."
"Blah blah blah," Christine said, waving her hand dismissively. "What about her?"
Alice smiled. "Her parents are lawyers, right?" she said. "So she's got a lot of people who come to pick her up when her parents are too busy." She told the rest of the story, explaining how she had to wait at school with Lexi and how she then met Dean.
"He must be hot," Christine said.
"Why do you say that?" she asked.
"Girl, I know that look in your eyes," Christine said. "You get all doey."
"I do not," she said, folding her arms across her chest.
"Do so!" Christine laughed. "You've been that way since kindergarten when you had that crush on Tommy."
"Oh my god," Alice said with a roll of her eyes. "You suck."
"Honey, I just call it like I see it."
Alice sighed. "Okay. He wasn't bad to look at."
When they finished breakfast, they parted ways, and Alice made the walk back to her apartment. Just as she was walking up the stairs, she heard someone call her name. When she turned, she saw it was Brent. "Hey," she said, waiting for him and holding the door open. "Long run."
"Nah," he said. "I ran for a bit then got a smoothie."
She laughed. "That seems a little counter productive."
"What are you talking about?" Brent asked. "Smoothies are super healthy."
"Mhm," she hummed with a playful eye roll. "I'm sure they are."
Brent just laughed as they got in front of their respective front doors. "What're you doing tonight?" Brent asked as she put the key in her door.
"Mm, I don't have any plans," she said. "Why? What's up?"
"You want to come watch a movie?" he asked. "I just got HBO."
"Sure," she said with a smile. "What time?"
"7:00?" he offered. She agreed, so she went into her apartment to relax for the day before her evening with Brent.
Across town, Dean was in a meeting. He was seated at one head of the table with Crowley at the other. Crowley. The man he once hated and was now forced to work with. On Dean's half of the table was Castiel, his underboss, and Bobby, Rufus, Ellen and Jody- his capos. On Crowley's half, he had the same: his underboss, Rowena, and his four capos whose names Dean never bothered to learn. It was always odd to him that Rowena -who was actually Crowley's mom- worked under Crowley. How did Crowley manage to rise above his mother?
In reality, it didn't matter, so Dean never bothered to ask.
In any other situation, Dean would sooner die than work with Crowley, but times were changing. There was a greater purpose to address than their day-to-day crimes.
"Right," Dean said, clearing his throat to get everyone's attention, "let's get this started."
"Yes, yes," Crowley said, waving his hand, "I suppose chit chat time is over." Dean rolled his eyes.
"I need updates," he said. "Who's been tracking Lucifer this week?"
"That'll be my people," Rufus said, leaning forward with a slight raise of his hand. "And we've got bupkis." Dean rubbed his face with his hand. "Last we saw, he was in New York."
"Doing what?" Dean asked.
Rufus shrugged. "Talking to some of his associates I suppose."
Dean sighed. "You do realize your entire job this week was to figure shit like this out, right?"
"What do you suppose we do, boss?" Rufus said, light sarcasm in his tone. "It's not like we've got a guy on the inside, and Lucifer ain't exactly chatty Kathy." Dean raised his eyebrows at Rufus, and Rufus just held his hands up in defense and leaned back in his chair.
"Well," Crowley said, "while your people have been sitting on their thumbs, my people have been doing some of the dirty work."
"And?" Dean said.
"We tracked one of Lucifer's deliveries," one of Crowley's men said. "It wound up outside of Missouri."
"What was it?" Dean pressed.
"Weapons I've never seen before," the guy continued. "I'm talking military grade guns. Grenade launchers. The works."
"Who was the buyer?"
The guy shrugged. "Didn't recognize him."
Dean leaned back in his chair and rubbed his face with his hand again. "As interesting as that all is," he said sarcastically, "we're still about as close to ganking this guy as we were last week. We need his location and where he'll be next. That's the only way I see this working."
"All due respect," Ellen said, "but how do you expect us to get that? It's not like signs pop up when this guy's in town." Dean clenched his jaw, then looked at Bobby.
"I need you to see if Charlie can hack into Lucifer's systems," he said. "The more information we can get from his inside, the better."
"As if his men are dumb enough to put their information on a computer," Rowena said, rolling her eyes.
"It's not always about what they put on their computers," Dean said sarcastically. "It's about tracking aliases, security cameras, anything that might give us eyes on him or his people."
"We have a list of his most utilized aliases," Crowley piped up.
"Great," Dean said. "Charlie can do some programming and get notified whenever one of them is used. That should help us zero in on him."
"Then why weren't we doing that a week ago?" one of Crowley's men asked. Without hesitation, Dean reached into the waistband of his pants and pointed the gun at the man. He held his hands up defensively and looked at Crowley.
"Are you questioning my orders?" Dean asked. The guy clenched his jaw, and it was clear he was holding back a roll of his eyes.
"I don't follow your orders, sir," he said sarcastically. Dean looked at Crowley, and Crowley sighed and grabbed his own gun from his pants. He pointed it at the guy and, with no hesitation, shot him in the shoulder. The man let out a groan of pain and fell to the floor.
"Ah, you better get that patched up," Crowley said. He looked back at his men who were all slightly on edge. "I like working with Squirrel here about as much as the rest of you."
Dean hated that fucking nickname.
"But we have a common enemy," Crowley said. The speech was one everyone had heard a million times, but sometimes it seemed like it wasn't sinking in. "The Winchesters listen to me, the MacLeod's listen to him. It's not all rainbows and butterflies, but we make it work. We can only make it work if we're all on the same page." He stood up and leaned over the man he had shot, pointing his gun at him. "Are we all on the same page?"
"Yes sir," the man said, nodding his head rapidly. Crowley put the safety back on his gun and tucked it back in his pants.
"Good," he said. "Mr. Winchester, I trust you'll inform us if Charlie finds anything?" Dean nodded. "Good," he said. "This week, Ramiel-" He pointed at one of his men. "-you and your people are in charge of tracking Luci. You find him, you put up the bat signal. The rest of you, go about your business. Follow any leads you might have, and keep us all informed."
Dean had some time to kill before family dinner at Sam's, but he didn't have much to do. He went to the bunker to do some shooting at the gun range and boxing in the gym, knowing he was always able to kill a decent amount of time that way. Whenever he was bored or stressed, he had a tendency to head to the bunker and shoot and work out. There were showers there too, so he was able to shower and change before heading to Sam's house for dinner.
Ever since Lexi was born, Jess decided she wanted family dinners, family being Sam, Lexi, Dean, Cas, and Hannah. Every Saturday evening was set aside for these dinners, and they always switched between Sam's house, Cas' house, and Dean's penthouse. This particular week, it was at Sam's house, which always meant that Jess would be cooking something awesome and Dean would have at least two helpings of it all.
Dean got to Sam's last, just like every other week. It wasn't that he was late. Dean took punctuality very seriously, despite what the events of Thursday might've shown. It was just Cas and Hannah were always so fucking early. He grabbed the wine he brought and jogged up to the front door, opening it without knocking. "Hello!" he called. In two seconds flat, a pair of tiny feet were heard running up to him. Dean put the wine down and crouched down just in time to catch Lexi in his arms. "Hey, kid!"
"Hi Uncle Dean!" she said, kissing his cheek with her arms wrapped around his neck. Dean lifted her up and picked up the wine bottle in his free hand, then walked with her to the kitchen.
"Food smells great," he said as soon as he saw Jess. He hugged the men and placed kisses to the women's cheeks, then set Lexi back on her feet. He handed the wine to Sam who got his corkscrew out of the drawer.
"Lasagna," Jess said, answering Dean's unspoken question. "Garlic bread's in the oven. Hannah brought dessert."
"Pie?" Dean asked.
"Brownies," Hannah said with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, Dean." He just chuckled and helped Sam and Cas set the table.
Dinner was nice as it always was. They had a strict "no business" rule on these days. No matter how essential a job seemed, Jess always felt it could wait until the table was cleared. So, they chatted like normal families did. Hannah discussed how things were going at city hall (she was a city councilwoman), and Jess and Sam talked about their plans for their law firm opening. They were finally in the position to open up their own private practice, so they wouldn't have to work for a large firm anymore. Jess was having a blast planning the grand opening event, and Hannah was helping her. Sam pitched in when he could, but he figured it would be best to leave as much as he could to Jess.
"So Dean," Jess asked, gathering some pasta on her fork, "have you figured out who you're going to take to the opening yet?"
Dean scoffed. "It's much more fun to go stag."
"Oh please," she said with a roll of her eyes. "I can't believe you think we still fall for that." Dean raised his eyebrows.
"Fall for what?" he asked.
"The whole I-love-being-single game," Hannah said before Jess could even open her mouth.
"I do love being single," Dean said. "That one person forever thing isn't for me. Never has been. Never will be."
"What about Lisa?" Jess asked. Dean's jaw clenched as he looked down at his plate. He didn't answer her, instead shoveling some pasta into his mouth.
"Who's Lisa?" Lexi suddenly asked. Sometimes she was so quiet at meals, the adults forgot she was there. And that girl caught onto everything.
"Lisa was a special friend of Uncle Dean's a few years ago," Sam said. "Way before you were born."
"But she's gone now," Dean said, "and Uncle Dean doesn't like to talk about her." He looked at Jess. "That was a long time ago, and it didn't work out. So clearly, the game isn't for me."
"Or maybe you just didn't have the right girl," Jess offered.
Everyone was surprised she kept pushing the topic. Dean really did not like to talk about Lisa, and everyone knew that. What Jess knew was that Dean would never lose his cool around Lexi. Why not use that to her advantage?
"What about Ms. Alice?" Lexi said before inhaling another forkful of pasta. "Is she the right girl?"
"What?" Hannah asked with a smile. "Does Uncle Dean like your teacher?"
"He thinks she's very pretty," Lexi confirmed with a nod. "And I said she's very nice and he should take her on a date."
"A date?" Hannah repeated as Jess laughed beside her. "Well wouldn't that be nice, Uncle Dean?" Dean narrowed his eyes at Hannah with a sarcastic grin. He turned to look at Lexi and winked.
"I think I'll just take Lexi to the opening," he said. "She'd be the perfect date."
Brent already had pizza ordered by the time Alice got to his apartment. She was dressed in leggings and a t-shirt, her make-up already scrubbed off for the day. She didn't care what Brent thought of her. She wasn't trying to impress him. He was a nice guy and everything, but not really her type. Then again, she didn't really have a type. Regardless, she just knew he wasn't a guy she'd want to date.
And that was the other thing. She didn't want hookups. She'd never partaken in a hookup, and she wasn't ready to start at 22. What she was ready for was a real, actual relationship that was better than the one she left in New York. Honestly, the bar was so low.
Even though she had zero interest in watching it, Alice agreed to watch Fight Club. To her, it was all just about white male rage, and she didn't need to see anymore of that than what already existed in her life.
But, she didn't want to be difficult, so she agreed.
She focused on eating her pizza rather than the blood and anger on the TV. Brent noticed her discomfort and laughed. "Not your kind of movie?" he asked.
"No, no," she said. "This is great. It's fine."
"You could've told me you didn't like this kind of stuff," he said. He grinned. "I can put my arm around you if it'll ease your mind."
No. That definitely would not ease her mind.
"Seriously, we're all good," she said. "It can't be much longer, right?"
There was still an hour left.
But she powered through to avoid making an awkward situation even more awkward.
It worked for the most part. She paid attention to the pizza and the few scenes in the movie that weren't gross, violent, sexist, or flat out uncomfortable. When the movie ended, she was ready to head home and take a shower to wash off the nasty. "Thanks for letting me hang," she said as she started to walk to Brent's front door. "I'll see you around."
"You're always welcome," Brent said with a smile. He looked like he was going to say something else, but she brushed it off when he closed his mouth again. With one last wave in his direction, she left his apartment, entered hers, and closed the door behind her for the night.
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pinnithin-writes · 3 years
I Realized. Then I Couldn’t Stop Realizing.
Chapter 9: C-53
Depending on – what was he doing, still looking? It was right there in front of him, plain as day.
C-53 shifted through boxes indiscriminately, scanners peeled for a very specific rectangle. Bargie’s file trees may be well organized, but her cargo hold wasn’t nearly as meticulously maintained. The crew’s fault, he allowed. He would have to come back and sort things out once he found what he was looking for.
He hadn’t seen Pleck in the several days following their last conversation. The tellurian slunk into the kitchen for food only at night, when he was certain C-53 was powered down, and spent the rest of his time barricaded in his own room. They were back to square one, and the frustration C-53 felt probably was lending to how haphazardly he pawed through boxes of cargo.
How someone could be just down the hall and yet so very absent astounded him. He missed Pleck. Deeply. Limited as he was by the size of his frame, C-53 might as well be across the entire galaxy from him.
Something had clearly rattled the tellurian to his core, enough to force him back into hiding, and C-53 had resolved to cross that yawning chasm between them. He waded through the cargo hold, wiring frayed, cube in flux. It was somewhere around here; he was sure Bargie hadn’t actually gotten rid of it.
Pleck’s absence somehow hurt worse this time around. Now, C-53 was intimately aware of how deeply the tellurian feared, how fiercely he loved. He knew how hard he fought every day just to keep his mind intact. Pleck had entrusted that part of himself to C-53. He was not about to let himself betray that trust.
Since they started working together, C-53 had rescued Pleck from an impressive array of dangers, but it was time now for the droid to tackle a new threat. He had to protect Pleck from… Pleck.
“Aha,” he said, scanners finally landing on what he was searching for.
A three foot tall frame, fitted with vents and a water tank. Never before used on account of it being, unfortunately, filled with sand. C-53 gingerly picked up the dehumidifier in his clamps and carried it back through the path he’d made in the sea of boxes. He felt slightly guilty for the thin trail of sand he left in his wake, but this was important.
The pathways in his code were shivering like violin strings as he made his way to the bridge. In the days Pleck had been gone, he realized that separating how he felt about his friend into neat little compartments was as pointless as it was impossible. The exasperation of a coworker, the protective instinct of a guardian, the unbearable tenderness of… whatever they were becoming was inseparable. The emotions crossed and doubled over and tangled up in the binary designation for the tellurian’s five letter name.
He was doing this for Pleck, but he was also doing this for himself. Dancing around the situation was only harming both of them, and C-53 was not prone to feeling this dumb very often. He and Pleck were just a pair of idiots orbiting one another, too afraid to touch.
C-53 was done orbiting. He was ready to crash land.
Dar’s voice floated from the bridge as he approached. It sounded like they were reading aloud a passage from one of their leadership books. C-53 nudged the wide door open and ducked inside, the sandy humidifier held carefully before him.
“Captain Dar, I’m sorry to interrupt,” he began.
Dar looked up from their book. They were lounging in one of the pilot’s chairs, an unnecessary accessory that Bargie was fond of despite the fact that she piloted herself. Horsehat was seated in the chair opposite their parent, chin in hand, looking drowsy. Outside the windows, the galaxy whisked passively by.
“Oh, hey, C,” Dar said. “I was trying to decide whether I should read Horsehat a bedtime story or brush up on my captaining knowledge, and I thought, well, why not both?”
Horsehat themself did not seem to think that idea was a particularly good one. Their eyes were glazed over as they stared distractedly out the window. C-53 guessed that maybe they’d picked up a bit of AJ’s mindwiping technique during their time together.
“Ah, well, that will certainly put Horsehat to sleep,” C-53 reasoned, too caught up in his own thoughts to bother offering any constructive advice. “I actually have a bit of a favor to ask you.”
Dar’s big yellow eyes snagged on the machine in his hands for the first time. “Is that the shitty dehumidifier Nermut sent us like a year ago?”
“Along with that very suggestive bottle of sand, yes,” C-53 affirmed. He tilted the frame sideways, releasing a deluge of particulates onto the bridge floor. Dar raised their brows.
“I can clean that up,” C-53 said hurriedly.
“Oh, sure, you and what range of motion?” they asked, but their tone was more curious than irritated. “What’s the favor?”
There was no point in hesitating when the situation was this important, but C-53 found himself pausing, anyway.
“You’re not gonna get in that thing, are you?” Dar pressed. They rose from their chair to stand at their full height, an intimidating motion even to the much taller scanners in his loading frame. “What are you planning?” they asked.
“I… need to go talk to Pleck,” He admitted. His vocals took on a stronger edge, “And since he seems so keen on staying in his room, I figured I’d go to him.” He shook the dehumidifier. He and Dar watched it belch more sand onto the floor.
“…And you want me to put your cube in that ?” The captain seemed skeptical.
Across the room, Horsehat was nodding off with their face smushed onto an important looking keyboard.
“Well, I was hoping you’d help me clear out some of the sand, too,” C-53 said. “And, ah, maybe keep Bargie distracted so she’s not listening to our conversation. If it’s not too much to ask.”
Bargie, summoned by the sound of her own name, crackled onto the intercom. “You know I can hear you right now, right?”
“Respectfully, Bargie, this is precisely why I need you to be a little distracted for this,” C-53 said.
“Distracted from what? All the sand in my hallways? You realize you left like, a ridiculous amount of sand in my hallways.”
“He’s gonna go talk to Pleck,” Dar explained, their voice going melodic with intrigue. “In his room. Alone.”
“Oh, you’re finally confronting it, huh?” Bargie asked.
Before C-53 could fire off a retort, Dar stepped heavily forward to take the dehumidifier from his clamps. “C, please, let me get that for you.” They took out the water reservoir and emptied it unceremoniously onto the floor. “You’re about to make me a lot of kroon.”
“I fail to see how-” His processor lagged as he connected the dots. “I’m sorry?”
“C-53, you are literally the last being on board to catch on,” Bargie explained. “I didn’t even tell Dar anything. They had it figured out months ago.”
“Yeah, the only person more clueless about this is Pleck himself,” Dar went on.
They slapped a heavy hand on the dehumidifier’s exterior. Sand was beginning to pool at their feet. Horsehat startled awake at the sound, looked around groggily, and went straight back to sleep on the control panel.
C-53 finally put the necessary words together for a response. “I don’t really appreciate that you’re taking bets on my relationship status.”
The captain paused their de-sanding to give him a serious look. “I don’t appreciate that you’ve taken this long to update your relationship status.”
“It’s not just about that.”
“No,” Dar agreed, expression softening. “It’s not.” They tipped the machine idly in their hands. “But that’s a big part of it, right?”
They certainly weren’t wrong. Now that he’d had time to look, the more certain C-53 was that the connection between himself and the tellurian had always been there. Realizing Pleck’s feelings for him had tilted his perspective sideways, and he could finally really see it.
Every encounter between the two of them could be traced through his memory like a lifeline. Every excited smile Pleck flashed his way. Every reassuring touch in passing. Every moment of unshakeable loyalty they shared.
It wasn’t a plunge into affection, but rather a gentle drowning, and Pleck had pulled C-53 deep beneath the surface with him.
“Alright, I think I got most of it,” Dar grunted, bending to set the dehumidifier down. They straightened and gave C-53 a brief once-over. “Are you sure you want to go inside that thing?”
“If I had the choice, no,” C-53 replied, “but in terms of frames with any sort of mobility, my options are rather limited.”
They shrugged. “It’s your cube,” they reasoned. “You ready?”
“I am.”
The captain ejected his consciousness and everything went black. Sensation was limited in this state – he registered a faint feeling of being held and moved, but little else. It was always a somewhat disorienting process. Then his sensors fired off like so many synapses and he was in a body again. He adjusted to the change gradually as he powered on.
“Oh, this is… not ideal,” he muttered immediately.
Everything was small and cramped and full of sand. Dar had definitely shook out all they could, but C-53 could still feel microscopic grit in his machinery, trapped in the tiny spaces inside the frame. He reached into the dehumidifier’s limited capabilities one by one, testing out the treads, the scanners, the humidity sensors. It was a process made mildly uncomfortable by the sand, but it would do.
“You are so tiny,” Dar mused as they grinned down at him. “Are you gonna be okay in there?”
“I’ll be fine, Dar, thank you,” he assured them. His processor was juddering more over the upcoming confrontation than the state of his frame. “Before I go, may I ask what exactly you and Bargie are betting on?”
“That could ruin the outcome of the bet,” Dar said, a split second before Bargie blurted, “100 kroon says you make him cry.”
“ Barge ,” the captain groaned.
“Okay, I’m getting out of here,” he said in exasperation, throwing the machine into reverse.
“Go get him, C!” Dar called as he drove the dehumidifier out of the bridge. “Let us know how it goes!”
He didn’t bother to respond as he rolled down the hall, through the common area, and toward the ship’s living quarters. Sand ground in his gears as he went, lending to his anxiety. He was starting to think that this was perhaps a bad idea when he arrived outside Pleck’s door.
The hallway was dark and silent where he hesitated. He hadn’t even prepared what he was going to say to Pleck, so caught up as he was in his own thinking. But maybe it would be better this way. To speak spontaneously. To say exactly what he felt without pushing it all through three different filters. Pleck never watered down his thoughts. Why should he?
He didn’t have arms to knock, so he surged forward and rammed the dehumidifier against the door.
“Pleck,” he said, bumping the door again. “It’s me. Open up. I just want to talk.”
His audio sensors picked up a shifting sound from within, and then the door cracked open. Pleck’s straw-colored eye peered out, at first gazing way too high before noticing the three-foot droid below his line of sight. He pulled the door open a little wider, surprise jerking up his eyebrows.
“C-53, what are you-” He stalled to look at him more closely. “Are you in a humidifier?”
“It’s a de humidifier,” C-53 corrected on impulse. “It’s… not important. Can I come in?”
Pleck gazed mournfully down at him. He looked like he hadn’t slept in days, fatigue pulling under his eyes and at the corners of his mouth. His hair fell loose around his shoulders and his ruined eye socket was uncovered. C-53 watched him self-consciously pull forward a few blue locks to hide the injury.
“There’s… not a lot of room in here,” he said after a pause.
“I know,” C-53 answered stubbornly.
“Are you okay?” Pleck asked. “You sound kind of…”
“Sandy?” he supplied. “That would be the sand.”
The ghost of a laugh tripped out of the tellurian. “The what?”
“I can explain later,” C-53 said hastily. “Can we please talk? I don’t know how long Dar will cover for me.”
Pleck sighed, and the sound made C-53’s coding fray with concern. His friend considered him for a moment longer and finally stood aside to beckon the droid in.
Time to crash land. C-53 crossed the threshold.
Chapter 8 <-----> Chapter 10
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 32)
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Colson's slowly collecting his stuff. He has a show in NC on the 10th and then is fully on tour until July. Sighing he shoots Ashley a text asking about Luna. She lets him know that she's with her.
"At least she's safe." Even though he's sure Pete is probably right, he's still worried about what could have upset her. He notices the time. "Damn she runs fast." He thinks impressed as he finishes his joint.
Ashley sits at the kitchen table while Luna paces. "It's the fucking principal. He's basically holding my music hostage, with a fucking Top 40 Hit as the ransom. Its fucking ludicrous!! Like, what the fuck makes anyone think they can fucking own me!?" She shakes her head, knowing exactly what, a Fucking contract, as she looks around for her purse. "Fuck, I didn't even bring my bag. You got any bud?" She asks Ashley.
"Yup." Twisting her pen in her hand. "Sit." She directs Luna.
She does, continuing to vent to her best friend. "And this fucking Alabama shit is insane!! It's like we're taking 10 more steps back, every fucking day." She hits the pen a few times.
"So we do, what we do. Write a fucking Riot Grl song, like we talked about, only now we have a clear message. I know you like being small Loons, but we let it be a top 40 and use it to do something about Alabama. At least draw attention to it and figure out a way to help the girls there." She takes the pen from Luna and hits it herself. "Think about what you do for Flint. Just bigger and more exposed. Fuck, my fans love merch!! We can donate all those proceeds somewhere!!" Ashley can see the wheels turning in Luna's head.
"I can't fucking feature with you, he'll demand another 40, locking me into 2." She sighs.
"So, you feature me. If they wanna play red tape, with a Fucking WORD, we'll wrap them motherfuckers up in it. You said you have Monica going over your contract. Have her look into you featuring other artists."
Luna nods. Texting Monica right then. She also asks her to please look into possibly helping local Alabama organizations. Monica texts that she will, and that she already has her ear to the ground. Luna hits the pen again. She looks at Ashley. "I think we should change some things around. Write it from 2 points of view. An 'I and Us' kinda theme." She peers at Ashley. "Am I making sense?"
"Yup!" Says Ashley excited, pulling out the book they had wrote in the night before. "How about this?" She asks changing some lyrics 🎶We've been polite//But we're done with this trend//Of men thinking//They can tell us//What we can do//In our beds🎶
"Ohhhhh!!! That's fucking nasty, Ashh! I Fucking love it! I wanna change the Exs lyric to record executives..." She takes the pencil from Ashley. 🎶Keep the record executives//In check//In their basements//Their ideas are tired//Or worse//They're complacent//I have played nice//But will now be The Bully//We're tired and angry//Coming for The Hill//So scared//Is what you should be🎶 She shows Ashley.
"AHHHHHHH!!! LOOOOONS!! We're gonna be murking motherfuckers out here!!" Ashley screams, jumping up from the table after she reads it. She's dancing around singing it to a barking Jagger. "I'll be right back." She walks out of the room. Coming back in with her guitar. They finish reworking the lyrics, over their initial melody. Then they write the rest of the music. Using soft and hard drum ideas, guitar, keytar and a solid bass line dropping in and out. Ashley is playing guitar, while Luna bangs rhythms out on the table. They're working the hard/soft formula and wanna see if Colson and his band will back them.
"I'd trust Slim and Baze to produce it." Luna says confidently.
"Oh yeah, deff after the other night." Ashley agrees. After about an hour the girls sit back, satisfied.
"What should we call it?" Luna asks. Still sitting back, Ashley thinks for a minute. 🎶I'm no sweet dream but Imma hell of a night🎶 She looks at Luna intensely as she slides her arms across the table towards her. "Nightmare." She says with nod and wicked smile.
"Fuck yes." Luna agrees biting her lip, thinking hard. "We open to you reciting The Lords Prayer." Matching Ashley's wicked smile.
Ashley laughs. "I FUCKING love THAT!! This is going to be AMAZING!!"
"They're not gonna know what fucking hit 'em." Luna agrees, her wicked smile turning into an evil grin.
Ashley starts dancing around the kitchen again, singing. This time mimicking CCR 🎶There's a Bad Luna rising, I see trouble on the way🎶 Both girls laugh before Luna calls Colson. She needs to shower and change her shoulder's dressing. She's gross from anger-running and her shoulder is throbbing.
Colson is smoking a joint, working in the studio when Luna calls. She apologizes for running out. She was mad at her lable and AL and said she didn't wanna take it out on him.
He gets it, he'd looked it up, AL is a big deal. He asks her why she's mad at the lable.
She explains some douche bag is anticipating their record being a Top 40 Hit and how, because Luna's mainly low-key, he wants his own Top 40 from her before he'll release her rights to Bad Things.
They know that they have the music in their physical possession and can do what they want with it. They also know that without her lable's permission they can both be sued and the song legally blocked from the air. They both agree it's bullshit. Luna's already decided she's deff walking in June.
She then asks if he would mind backing her and Ashley on their record with his band? He laughs agreeing, asking if she wants to record today. She responds with a grateful yes please. They get off the phone agreeing her and Ashley will be over soon.
Luna calls Monica to get an update on the legalities and include her in the possible new ones with Ashley, Colson and his band. She tells Luna she can't find anything to get Luna out of her contract, that she does indeed have a feature for feature clause but that HER lable is responsible for all production, publicity and artist costs on her records. Before they disconnect, she reminds her that her contract is up next month. 
"Oh, Imma ride the shit outttta of this." Luna happily schemes more artists into the project.
Before getting to Colson's, Luna places a handful of personal calls. If she wants to lay the track this evening and shoot the video tomorrow, she HAS to move quickly. Her friend Hannah has agreed to shoot the video. Her grandmother, Frannie, Paris, Billie and Lana are all free to show up. Luna asks them to spread the Riot Grl word, that she wants a BIG SHOT at 7P, bring, send, anyone and everyone they can. EXCEPT Joan, she tells her grandmother. She then shoots a mass text out to Cara, Lily, Nikki, Bella, Phem, Steph, Ri, Nix, Zoë and Ruby letting them know what her plan is, asking if they wanna be involved, esp in the BIG SHOT and to bring whomever. JUST NOT JOAN. Her phone is exploding as she drives with Ashley to Colson's. Everyone's in. They're equally pissed about AL and excited to be involved in the project. Most can fly in tonight, others tomorrow. Definitely before 7P. Luna responds with 😍🙏💃🎉
The thread still rolling through out the night with details and updates. Luna appreciating her friends.
Ashley heads into the studio first, to recite The Lord's Prayer over Baze's eerie keytar. Luna's pleased with how sick they sound together.
Once they finish, EVERYONE piles into the studio, Luna and Ashley are side by side. Colson and AJ each have a guitar. Rook is on the drums, Baze still on the keytar. They need certain elements. Slim is outside the booth working the board. They had given it a couple dry runs and feel confident they can get it on one take. Luna kisses Colson, smiling at him. "Let's kill a Fucking nother one, Guys!!!" She shouts as they start.
Slim plays Ashley's voice over their headphones. As her voice ends and Baze's keytar continues, the band kicks in together fiercely as Ashley's vocals pound along with them. The room zaps to life.
🎶I!🎶Keep a record of their wreckage and their lies🎶We're startin' to weaponize our powerful minds🎶They talk shit but we won't take it this time🎶And they'll realize🎶
The band stops as Luna steps in alone, slowly coming in behind her vocals.
🎶I'm out for blood and it won't be sweet🎶Tired of having the rugs🎶Pulled from beneath our feet🎶Done trusting lies🎶Done trusting Men🎶Picking each other up🎶And putting ourselves🎶Back together again🎶
Luna's voice is strong but delicate as she glides over the lyrics with passion. She continues.
🎶We've stared in our mirrors🎶And punched it to shatters🎶Picked out our pieces🎶To have our own daggers🎶Society has us🎶Pinching our skin🎶With our own fingers🎶Wishing we could cut our parts off🎶With some scissors🎶
The room is buzzing as Ashley steps in harmonizing with Luna.
🎶They say🎶Come on Little Ladies give us a smile🎶No we ain't got nothing to smile about🎶
Ashley falls out as Luna continues into the mic with more anger in her voice. Rook's drums push hard.
🎶We've got nothing to smile for🎶I waited a while for🎶This moment to say🎶WE DON'T OWE YOU A GOD DAMN THING!🎶
The band crashes in after Luna, Ashley belting the first chorus again, nailing it.
🎶I!🎶Keep a record of their wreckage and their lies🎶We're startin' to weaponize our powerful minds🎶They talk shit but we won't take it this time🎶And they'll realize🎶
The band stops again, only Baze on keytar as Ashley softens her voice.
🎶That I'm no sweet dream🎶But I'm a hell of a night🎶No, I'm no sweet dream 🎶But I'm a hell of a night🎶
Luna and Ashley exchange excited looks as Ashley drops out so Luna can step in again with Baze, Rook rumbling behind her. She sings with fire.
🎶No, I won't smile🎶But I'll show you my teeth🎶And I might let you breathe🎶If you just let us be🎶We've been polite🎶But we're done with this trend🎶Of men thinking they can tell us🎶What we can do in our beds🎶Keep the record executives🎶In check in their basements🎶Their ideas are tired🎶Even worse, they're complacent🎶I have played nice🎶But will now be The Bully🎶We're tired and angry🎶Coming for The Hill🎶So scared is what you should be🎶
Luna snarls, grinning at Colson as she joins Ashley again for the second chorus. Colson plays his guitar flawlessly, dick getting hard as he watches Luna bounce around. The girls mock each other playfully as they sing together.
🎶They say🎶Come on Little Ladies give us a smile🎶No, we ain't got nothing to smile about🎶
Ashley drops back as Luna slams into the lyrics again.
🎶We've got nothing to smile for🎶I waited a while for🎶This moment to say🎶WE DON'T OWE YOU A GOD DAMN THING!!!🎶
The booth EXPLODES as Ashley and band come in harder than ever over the original chorus.
🎶I!🎶Keep a record of their wreckage and their lies🎶We're starting to weaponize our powerful minds🎶They talk shit but we won't take it this time🎶And they'll realize🎶
The band lightens as Luna and Ashley harmonize together again.
🎶Women like me🎶Can be real nightmares🎶Completely aware🎶But I'd rather be a real nightmare🎶Than die unaware🎶Yeah🎶Women like me🎶Can be real nightmares🎶Completely aware🎶But I'm glad to be🎶A real nightmare🎶So save us your prayers🎶
The band kicks in with Ashley again HARD for the final run of the main chorus. The booth going insane.
🎶I!🎶Keep a record of their wreckage and their lies🎶We're startin' to weaponize our powerful minds🎶They talk shit but we won't take it this time🎶And they'll realize🎶
The band fades from under her as Ashley leads them out over Baze's keytar.
🎶That I'm no sweet dream🎶But I'm a hell of a night🎶No, I'm no sweet dream 🎶But I'm a hell of a night🎶
Everyone is wide eyed with adrenaline. Slim comes over their head phones. "THAT was fucking SICK, Yo!" He tells them to their cheers. Luna and Ashley squeeze each other excitedly before Luna pulls back outta pain. They head into the studio for the playback.
Luna sits on Colson's lap, swigging a beer as they listen to the record. Everyone is pumped with excitement. Joints are flowing. The song is raw and fierce, exactly the way Luna and Ashley wanted it. She sends the raw cut through the mass text.
"You were fucking sexy as hell in there, Kitten. Imma fuck the shit outta you later." Colson whispers into Luna's ear.
She giggles, thanking him for his help before kissing him deeply. Then she turns to the room "By the way guys all of tonight, and today Ash, are billable to Charles Fucking Ward at Riot Records!!" She announces lifting her beer. They all laugh and cheers.
After a bit, everyone heads upstaris to unwind and get fucked up by the pool.
Finally alone upstairs. Luna pulls the red dress she has on, off over her head. Colson comes up behind her, moving her long blonde hair to kiss the back of her neck. Even exhausted he sets her on fire. She cranes her neck back, pulling his head to her, kissing him over her good shoulder. Their kisses are sloppy, wet and firm. Colson slides his hand into the waistband of her panties. Slipping his middle finger inside of her, swirling her clit with his thumb. Panting, she kisses him harder before pushing him away. She looks coyly over her right shoulder at him as she slides her panties off. Bending over his dresser, she wiggles her ass in the air at him.
"Ooohhh... Dirty Girl wants to play? He laughs, dropping his pants.
"Yes, please." She giggles with a smile.
"Mmmm." He bites her on the ass, making her jump. Then he grabs her by one hip, sliding himself slowly into her wet pussy.
"Bunnnnyyy....." Luna coos to the girth of his dick.
"You like that, Kitten?" He asks, pulling her hair, pumping into her hard.
She yelps. Moaning "Mhhhhmmm." As she bucks against him hard. Catching his eye in the mirror, she bites her lip. She gives him a devilish look as she begins slamming into him. "Who's dick is it?" She asks.
"Yours." He says, body flush from her pussy and stare.
Not breaking eye contact, she asks again feeling her body heat up as she fucks him. "Who's dick is it?"
"Yours." He says louder, breathing hard, gripping her hips as she fucks him. He's close as they continue to stare at each other in the mirror.
Bucking hard, just about to cum, she licks her bottom lip before biting it again. "WHO'S FUCKING DICK IS THIS!?" She demands one last time, daring him with her eyes.
They both cum as he yells out "YOURS!!!!!" before carefully falling on to her back.
"Your fucking right it is." She tells him. Still grinding against him. She's greedy with his cock.
"You're a crazy fucking bitch." He tells her, kissing her bare back, making her purr. It's an action they both cherish.
As they climb into bed she asks him if Casie can come to the video shoot tomorrow.
"I think it's gonna be really iconic, there's going to be a lot of strong, smart women involved. And, if it's ok with you and Emma, I think it would be an awesome experience for Cas. Especially for her to be included in the BIG SHOT. THAT would be fucking epic!" She grins getting excited.
He loves how she reacts to things but even more how she thinks of Casie. He checks the time.
"Lemme call Em now." He says reaching for his phone. "Hey..." He says when she picks up. "Nah, everything's cool. How are you and Cas?" "Cool." "So listen, I know it's last minute but Luna's shooting like a women's empowerment music video tomorrow and she was hoping to involve Cas..." Emma's talking. "Yeah, yeah... If you could fly her out, that'd be awesome." "Cool." "Thanks Em, see you tomorrow."
"AAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Luna squeals jumping on top of him, kissing him all over."This is gonna be SO fun!!!"
"I Fucking love you." He smiles, pulling back her into him for another orgasmic night cap.
After going to bed late and waking up SUPER early, before she even showers, Luna asks Colson for an Adderall. He looks at her a little crooked as he hands her a 30xr. She REALLY shocks the fuck out of him when she cracks the capsule and snorts it in one shot. "It's gonna be a long day." She one shoulder shrugs.
"I FUCKING love her." He thinks laughing to himself, as he kisses her on the head.
Colson goes with Luna in the morning to greet her grandmother. Luna introduces her to Colson, whom she embraces warmly as she invites him out to NY for dinner. He graciously accepts while blushing. Patti flew in with her dear friends Joni, Debbie, Annie and Susan. Luna is excited to see all of them. She had anticipated lots of touching and hugs so she popped 3 30s, ate a bag of CBD heavy edibles and smoked an extra joint to pick them up. Luna's grandmother still doesn't know she was shot and Luna's goal is to keep it that way.
Colson drops Luna and the women off at the abandoned building she had rented for the shoot. It's nice to have credit in the straight world. Luna's billing every fucking thing from tody to Charles Ward at Riot Records. Red tape, Motherfuckers.
Luna's grandmother and her friends tease her over how cute and sweet Colson is. He's grabbing them breakfast from The Griddle before going to get Casie from the airport.
It's a fun day of filming. Filled with excitement, empowerment, ideas, laughter, bonding and surprises.
Luna's friends begin to arrive at the location at different times, bringing other strong women with them. Everyone truly coming together like a family. Each woman being involved, blending in with the other cast and helping create different scenes that Ashley and Luna play out. The women change wardrobe multiple times from street fighting, punk clothes to sweet lingerie. And everything in between. Causing Pattie to notice Luna's injury. Luna promising to tell her grandmother about it later.
Casie is on set having a blast. Interacting with everyone while Luna keeps an eye on her. Colson had dropped her off, saying Hello to Pattie and kissing Luna deeply. Leaving before becoming overwhelmed by the overflowing estrogen. It's agreed Casie will only be in the BIG SHOT. Luna's grandmother finds the girl especially sweet with her quick wit. Making Pattie laugh many times throughout the day to Luna's delight.
Luna talks to Monica regarding Nightmare and Bad Things. Monica has drawn up and had Charles sign a contract confirming that once Luna releases Nightmare publicly, she will have full control over her rights to Bad Things.
They also touch base on AL, how there are still 3 functioning clinics. They're being funded by an organization named Yellowhammer. Luna tells Monica that she and Ash were thinking about printing out merchandise in promotion of the track. She asks her to start setting that in motion. Linking all proceeds to Yellowhammer. After agreeing, Monica then tells Luna she found a Dr who is looking for help. Luna asks her to set up a meeting. Thanking Monica as always, telling her to look for the link to their hardwork on Monday morning before they hang up.
Juuuuuust before 7P. A black Aston Martin pulls up. It's Beyoncé.
"Ohhhhhhh!!! FUUUCCCKK!!!!" Luna clasps her hands over her mouth laughing. "This is gonna cost them sooooooooooooo much money." She thinks happily.
After the BIG SHOT, they reshoot the opening sequence to include Beyoncé. Who had heard through Jay, who had heard through Nikki. Whom is Luna's dear, laughing friend, that she squeezes as hard as she can in gratitude with her wounded body. ----------------------------------------------
Once they wrap, hug and cheer. Luna reminds everyone to bill Charles Ward at Riot Records for their time. CAST AND CREW!! That she'll send them all the link Sunday night and to please drop it promptly Monday morning at 7A with #nightmare. Everyone agrees, excited to see and share their finished project. Colson pops in for a drink and to congratulate and kiss her. Then he takes Cas home for bed, both promising to see each other later. The cast and crew continue to celebrate their victory late into the night.
Luna puts her grandmother into an uber with her friends back to their hotel. Promising each other to text when the other arrives to their final destination. Before kissing goodbye, Luna thanks the ladies for their help, to their smiling, excited pleasure.
Benny picks up Luna and Ashley from the set. Colson is at her house with Dom. The girls say goodbye, being happy-exhausted as Ashley sends Colson out to the Rover.
He slides in tipsy. Kissing all over Luna. Her neck, her mouth. Zapping her back to life with the elecrity from the day still bubbling inside of her. She climbs on top of him as Benny knowingly puts the partition up and turns up the music. Kissing him hard and wet, she unbuckles his pants exposing his huge, hard cock. "Mmm...Someone missed me." She murmers in his ear as she slides her panties over and him slowly inside. He groans, kissing her all over as she shifts and adjusts him inside of her. His mouth makes her body tingle. Once comfortable, there is no slow with them. Luna rides Colson hard, bucking against him, while holding on to his shoulders. Digging her nails into his skin. He holds her steady by the hips as she continues driving him deep inside of her. Fast, hard, fierce.
Pulling his head back by his hair he moans "Kiiittteeeennn...."
"Do it Bunny." She demands, bucking harder against him. Making them both explode.
Sunday night Luna schedules emails with links to the finished track to be sent to every major radio station across America at 7A. She schedules the upload to her YouTube channel and Twitter page. She then sends the link to any and everyone who participated, reminding them to drop the link at 7A with #nightmare. Followed by many thank yous and tons of love.
Monday morning at 7A Charles gets a text from Luna. It's a link to her YouTube channel. He clicks on the link. It's a video entitled Nightmare. The video opens to a mugshot of Luna. Followed by different flashing scenes before landing onto a fishnet and leather clad lineup of That Brooklyn Bitch, Rihanna, Halsey, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga and Nikki Minaj. It holds for a second before the hard, catchy, pop punk song kicks in loudly. Featuring clips of Luna, Halsey and the other famous faces embodying various personas, from punk rockers to dominatrixes to pin-up models to housewives to businesswomen. Including an all women fight club scene, little girls in front of a school bus and women rioting. Showcasing how multifaceted women are. It holds on a frame of her grandmother Pattie Smith, Joni Mitchell, Annie Lennox, Debbie Harry, Lita Ford and Siouxsie Sioux together. All in leather. Mean mugging the camera. Then flows into the BIG SHOT. A group of women marching, towards the camera. A little girl is leading the pack, holding a sign that says "We WON'T Smile". Others are holding banners and signs saying "We Support The Women of Alabama" and "Not Your Bitch". As the group gets closer to the camera, Charles is recognizing all of the women. Luna, Halsey, Ruby Rose, Lily Depp, Cara Delevingne, Pattie Smith, Annie Lennox, Joni Mitchell, Debbie Harry, Siouxsie Sioux, Lita Ford, Frances Bean, Paris Jackson, Billie Lourd, Emma Roberts, Zoë Kravitz, SZA, Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Nicole Richie, Britney Spears, Rihanna, Bella Thorn, Lana Del Rey, Phem, Nikki Minaj all mixed together. It ends abruptly after mugshots of each of the 26 famous women flash across the screen. It's goes black before a link to the Yellowhammer Foundation pops up. Charles is speechless. It's cinematic history and pop gold.
Thinking of the cameos.
Just as another text from Luna comes in.
It says: "There's your Top 40 Motherfucker. Hope you enjoyed it 📃🎥💸💸💸💅"
He can't help but be impressed by her conniving cuntlyness.
To be continued......
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neko-shinigxmi · 5 years
.: Drama Involving AJ :.
   Stylized ‘til I die, I guess. Anyways.
   This is talking about phasefuck/huckerbee/teafrogs/whatever their URL is this week. AJ/Lee. The compilation of what’s happened involving them.
   So... Starting at the beginning.
   D was the reason I got into Borderlands. I watched her play TFTBL and gush about Rhys and get more involved and understand the ship she had! Also got my first crush on Zer0, but... Y’know.
   So I did some art, started plotting ideas for who’d eventually be Gremlin- aka Rena Marlow, my SI for BLands- and that led...to us meeting AJ. They wanted me or D to join their server. D preferred because of her self-ship with Rhys, but I could join, too. D was nervous about new, strange people and I wanted to learn more about Borderlands and try new things, so... I hopped in, D stayed behind.
   The time with them was pretty fun! Ended up making some friends, plotted fun ideas for AJ’s idea of the time, Borderlands Infinite. A continuation of Tales as AJ saw it. The server was made PRIMARILY for this endeavor and everyone in it was allowed an OC or self-insert to be paired with whoever they wanted to be with....long as they were open, that is. AJ had HJack, and everyone else... Well, most of the spares had been paired off by the time I joined.
   Rhys was potentially still open, cause someone AJ had previously been talking with...either wasn’t responding, or had dropped out entirely. I forget by this point. Zer0 wasn’t an option and I didn’t know much of the others, so.... I accepted Gremlin to be paired with Rhys.
   Thus the origins of my verse with Rhys. (As well as the OT3 with him and Vaughn... They started here.)
   Tension was pretty high in the group and- though I didn’t acknowledge it at the time- it was primarily from AJ. Nobody else could like Handsome Jack “too much”... You could be playful about him, a little joke-flirty...but if you were suspected to like HJack, then you were “stealing” him from them. Because of this- while the group was friendly enough- it was hard to get into the “share faves” vibe that a lot of us seemed to have; gushing about a character that wasn’t your own just......felt weird.
   Not sure if anyone else noticed, but that was my experience.
   Anyways, I helped AJ with their story a lot due to being online a ton, with no work to do. We talked on the daily about what Rena could do, what Helios was like, how the story would go... The long-term slowburn we were putting Rena and Rhys through. I praised their art and ideas, they cheered for Rena/Rhys. It was pretty mutually supportive....
   ...Until AJ kicked fits. I was always online, so what about everyone else?? When I wasn’t online- sometimes if I was- I’d get put on a pedestal for helping out while others said nothing. (Essentially saying something like “Aki helps out all the time, but nobody else does” or, the popular one, “maybe I should just delete this since nobody cares.” I don’t have screenshots of this for reasons that’ll be explained in a moment.)
   We typically talked them out of these, but eventually... It did happen. AJ messaged me that the old group had been deleted and there was now a new group of only the ACTIVE people. This left me and a few others, thought some other people would eventually cycle in. (One of which still being someone I look up to even today!! Even if we don’t talk much, lol.)
   I got more creative freedom during this time, since other people “lost out” in their spots and... Somehow, this led to me taking on Nisha, too. I paired her with my OCs, Pyrotech and Meowzer. (Ex-Creepypasta OCs revamped for BLands. Is this my origins for my Nisha ship? Kinda!!!)
   But by this point... I had grown to *really* like HJack. I’d made a slip before (more on that later), but learned his character very well and even played him for roleplays AJ and I were doing. AJ played themself and Rhys; I controlled Jack and Rena. All that research led to feelings....and ones I knew AJ wouldn’t approve of. So I did two things, right off the bat: kept my head down and immediately worked on justifying why I liked him. See, it’s because...it’s not the “canon” Handsome Jack!! The one I ship with has golden clasps! So they’re not the same!! And uhhhh....more bad things happened to him? He dresses more lavishly...?
   I kept trying to come up with ways AJ might approve of my AU Jack without invoking their wrath. Not that...it would end up doing much, in the long run.
   I invited one of my friends to join during this. One who also liked HJack...and proved my worries right. (Checked my Discord; I still have some of the messages!!! Whoop, here we go...)
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   Don’t have screencaps of the drama that proceeded to unfold- especially due to AJ blocking me on Discord and so losing all of our conversation- but.... That’s just how THAT is, I guess.
   They did get super cold after and I had to explain things to my friend, while also assuring AJ that I would handle things and it’d be alright. It was an uncomfortable hiccup, but one that went by easily enough...
   Though as I said, it was a significant event to show me how careful I needed to be when it came to HJack and AJ.
   Also during this time... Another friend I’ll just refer to as P. We’d also been roleplaying in this time and having a blast. Absolute joy and- we don’t talk much anymore- but I do still consider them a dear friend. I played as CEO Rhys for them and they were Handsome Jack for me; we played our characters (my SI, their OC) and just... Had so much fun with it all.
   So then... Amidst all the fun, it eventually happened.
   What I described in this callout post.
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   AJ and I...we ended up dating at some point. I thought they were cool, we got along well, talked a LOT and all this... So I didn’t see a problem with it. Why not? I’ll get to have an awesome artist S/O with their cool ship and all their ideas... We’re gonna be unstoppable!
   ...But I also had abandonment issues. Too many times did I pour my all into someone, only to be left empty. I’ve always been the most supportive person in a room, trying to uplift EVERYONE to feel good! Cause yeah, everyone deserves that! AJ knew this. We’d talked about our issues and vented.....
   And they still did that.    They left my server as I slept. Blocked me on Discord, though I didn’t notice it at first.
   ...It was the one day I checked Tumblr first. They left their blog for a new one. Okay!! I’ll follow them on there, then! I did, and checked Discord. That was in the vent channel, and this was sent to me by a mutual friend.
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   So that’s how I woke up that day. Suddenly alone and single. And very, very depressed. I would end up posting these as my friends had to help me down:
“ ……now I wish I would’ve gotten lost after all or kept sleeping ….nothing is work being awake right now”
“ I just don’t want to exist I hate myself all over again I can’t get past that”
“ AJ just…..dropped me. Just like that. I didn’t know and tried to follow her new blog….. Either they just soft-blocked me or outright blocked me
“I feel so fuckin’ horrible”
   At the time, I was horribly depressed due to outside causes. I was suicidal at the time and getting into some light, risky behavior in hopes it could be a factor in the end of my life. (I would walk around at night, hoping that the growing heat would either cause heat exhaustion or someone would attack me. Abduct me. Whatever meant that I would be gone and in pain.)
   I later learned that this is actually learned behavior; my dad would react in extremist ways to things (something broke? “I want to kill myself.”) and so I probably learned it from him. This has actually made managing my suicidal thoughts easier, but at the time, I did not know this and put me more at risk.
   Though this then kept continuing.... Because of course these things do.
   It starts all over with me trying to move on. Someone was advertising their self-ship server, I wanted to try again and make friends... So I gave it a shot and joined!
   ....AJ was in there.
   I quickly left as soon as I had entered, telling the owner I couldn’t stay due to troubles with someone else in there. They were understanding and, thankfully, that was that.
   ...But it STILL wasn’t. These are older messages, so I can’t get them together as much as I’d like to (in one screenshot, is what I’m saying) so I’ll also quote these, but if anyone needs screenshot proof, I can get that on request.
   Anyways, our mutual friend (I’ll nickname her MF for “mutual friend” lol) later piped up with this:
05/19/2018 “So, aj invited me to a group chat and I'm a pushover who hasn't been able to cut them off yet so I said yes and boi I'm big uncomfortable now Like I thought I could maybe juggle being friends with both aj and Rachel even after what aj did but I was wrong.
“But idk what do now. I don't know what to say to them because I don't want to just drop them without saying anything. No doubt that'll get them talking about me behind my back”
“I might try that. I might mute the server so that I don't have to deal with that because i can't stay in it but I don't want to start shit by leaving I mean they are acting like Rachel is in the wrong”
“That they "stole their f/o" and that they are going to take the dragon idea that Rachel had for blands and "make it better" out of spite And I'm not happy”
“Well I just typed up a long message and while I'm glad I'll finally cut out a toxic person I'm also super nervous
“I sent it and left the server
“Wow okay all I got was a "Bye then" I sent a long ass message. Explaining my side and why. Hoping they'd understand and they just said bye then??????”
   As you can see.... Everyone who’d been in that server (me, P, and MF) were on-edge about the “talking behind our back” issue that MF confirmed above. I figured it would happen, but it did...and that was a league all it’s own. (Especially when the callout post went around, and it got confirmed AGAIN that slander in my name was still going around.)
   But one more thing happened that triggered this onslaught... Remember my RP w/ P? Well, this happened.... [TW for daddy kink mention? Calling themself Daddy?? That thing.]
   Link to Ask.
   Was never reblogged. Sent to me by a friend. To my knowledge, nobody spread this around AT ALL. But this was brought up in the same vent/time period as the above conversation.....
MF: Aj said that Rachel stole hj from them.
Me: Me, apparently. It's somewhere between that post and the ask (I think?) P sent me..... Which I loved and was hella surprised over, but. Oh boy.
Fren (aka owner of Karma): My god wtf can she like calm tf down
MF: They actually were mad that people were reblogging a post of yours, probably the kitten thing, that was about hj because it's "gross"
Fren: geeze Aj grow up
Me: ??????? Nobody reblogged it, tho
MF: Hmmmmm they vagued about someone shipping with him, someone they had blocked, that liked the daddy kink and stuff
   I mean. I get it’s a gross thing for people, but.... HJack has also called himself “daddy/papa” on more than one occasion. It’s up for debate if he does it because he is Literal Dad or because he’s that nasty, but... Considering everything else he does, the latter seems the most obvious. That’s just how he is.
   Anyways. The point being that we had each other mutually blocked by this point. I had people either block me, soft-block me, OR just outright unfollow + soft-block me because they were more trusting of AJ than of me. So to hear that they somehow knew P was sending me that ask...... Either someone TOLD them or they were stalking my blog to see what I was doing while they were gone.
   Either way, not great. (What was pretty funny is I later made a joke about “stealing the rights to Handsome Jack from 2k so nobody else can do anything with him” and that “I’m a wanted man”... That’s nice.)
   And so... We get to more recently.
   Last I personally heard, I had to do some personal checking that led up to this... Saw leeships in self insert tag. New self-ship blog, so I blocked, as well as checking their blocked main to make sure everything lined up....and was greeted with this.
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   They’ve since changed their URL- again- but the fact they’re STILL being petty towards D is just....something else.
   Speaking of, I’m not actually...sure where that started. There was a whole conversation we had over how AJ treated D out of sight of others (they talked over IMs, I guess because we were budding friends at the time, and what else do I do but hype up all my friends?) There was a lot of attention-seeking behavior from AJ (showing their art and then getting mad when D or Fren tried to compliment them for “lying” about the compliment...?), but far as I knew/remember, there wasn’t any bigger issue.
   ...After we broke up, however, an issue began as D and I became better friends. Friends stick with friends, D knew AJ, so when the blocking-bug was going around, D blocked them, too.
   Which eventually snowballed into the bullshit you can still see today. With AJ trying to claim that D is the one dealing out harassment when- at worst- maybe D did talk too much and AJ didn’t deal with it in a healthy way. (Because that is an issue I’ve heard of; except AJ freaked out over it, instead of talking it out like a healthy adult and figuring out how they could balance out the conversation. Seriously. I’ve had this talk with D. We don’t dominate our conversations at all; nobody over the other. If there ever was a problem, then literally just saying “Hey, I don’t feel heard/listened to when I talk about my ship” was all AJ ever needed to say, but....... Y’KNOW.)
   I’m not D, so I can’t say the full scenario of that, but this is the best way I can show there was a middle ground AJ could’ve used to work things out, but they didn’t.
   Oh, and just so I’m not saying things if you haven’t already seen this... Here’s a screenshot someone (for privacy’s sake) got of AJ trying to pin the blame on D for being the “real harasser” in their BYF:
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   We all just wanted to get over this. However, D and I especially don’t want to get involved with or be AROUND AJ/Lee in any way. So we keep an eye on what they do so we can feel safe. We DON’T want to forgive AJ/Lee (for obvious reasons), so we keep blocking their accounts and/or make sure they’re still on our blocklist.
   I know I’ve resorted to putting their URLs on BLACKLIST to make sure I don’t see them at ALL because of how much stress they put me under just seeing them around.
   What the hell do THEY have to be stressed about? Dealing with people they hurt for BEING hurt and not wanting them around us anymore?? Fuck....
    Anyways. I guess that about concludes all I wanted to write about. Friendly reminder that their old callout post is here and while I doubt a new one will crop up any time soon (as I sure don’t want to write one that’ll get around, after the last time I had a friend try to help me do a callout post on someone like this), you can at least look up that one more time after reading this.
   So...... That’s the end. Thanks for reading this and I’m sorry if anything was upsetting.
   ...If you want, you can come to the ask box and ask for a gif of your F/O? Or a cute puppy or kitten? Maybe I can find some nice fanart for you as comfort...? IDK, options.
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four-white-trees · 6 years
Hustle and Grind (part three - final)
Szilb gave DJ a rather curt send-off, but he still graciously provided the coordinates to his weapons dealer. DJ’s ship may not have been space travel-ready, but it managed to get him to a surprisingly secluded piece of Nar Shaddaa a couple thousand kilometers from Szilb’s home.
Touching his ship down at the edge of what looked like a very large junkyard, DJ prepared himself to meet with this dealer. He had a blaster but no ammo for it; nonetheless, he stuck it in its holster. When fortune favored him, DJ didn’t need ammo.
As of lately, fortune had not looked on DJ kindly. Still, fortune’s nature was change, and surely DJ was due for a change in fortune any time now.
Leaving his heavy coat in the ship, DJ stepped out of his ship and into the muggy air. He wasn’t sure he had ever stopped sweating since his sauna session with Szilb, and he wasn’t sure he’d ever stop sweating again. Perhaps he would gradually become a slimy slugman himself if he kept this up. The absurd thought made him smile as he walked into the junkyard.
There didn’t seem to be anyone around. No one sentient at least. Very large, slimy, ugly rodents rummaged through the metal scrap piled to the sky around the huge lot. DJ eyed several scrapped parts sticking out of the piles, recognizing them as useful for his own ship, or as rare pieces he could no doubt either use or sell for a pretty penny. Certainly this lot had to have some sort of security, even if he hadn’t encountered it yet. Nonetheless his fingers were feeling mighty sticky…
Movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention, and DJ spied a man rummaging through some scrap a few hundred yards away. He headed toward the man, but froze when he got closer and the man straightened up.
He was entirely naked. A human, his skin looked well-tanned from exposure. He was in exceptional shape, certainly not anyone DJ would want to tangle with hand-to-hand, clothed or not. The man was bald—in fact, his whole body looked pretty hairless, and he possessed a robotic right arm.
The man spotted DJ, and he approached. As he got closer, DJ saw he was young—probably half DJ’s age or more, although his skin looked to be aging prematurely.
“Whach’a want, stranger?” the man asked, his voice thick with a drawl.
DJ just met the man’s eyes and tried not to think about anything below his face. “Szilb sent-t-t me. About w-w-weapons.”
“Szilb, huh?” the man said. He put his mechanical hand to his chin in a thoughtful way. “Right, Szilb did send a message. Well. What’s yer name, stranger?”
“Call me DJ,” DJ responded.
“Call ya, huh?” the man said, eyeing DJ closely. “So that ain’t yer name?”
“It’s the name I g-g-go by,” DJ said, maintaining a light air despite all his mental alarms going off about this guy.
“Ah! I follow ya now,” the man said, smiling. It was not a comforting smile. Every tooth in his maw was sharpened to a point. “Well, then ya can call me AJ.”
“AJ. Quite a c-c-coincidence,” DJ said.
“My man, there ain’t no such thing,” AJ said, moving beside DJ and putting his robotic arm around DJ’s shoulders. “Come along now. We’ll have some ice-cold tea and we can talk about all them weapons ya want.”
They walked along the junkyard together. DJ wanted nothing more than to pull away from AJ, but AJ held him in a vice grip. Only when they had moved deeper within the junkyard to what looked like a makeshift hut built of metal sheeting did AJ release DJ.
“Don’t-t-t get many visit-t-tors, huh?” DJ asked as the nude man strode into his hut.
“Not as many as I’d’a like,” AJ called. “But the boss provides.”
DJ didn’t have time to wonder what that meant when AJ emerged from his hut holding an extremely large sledgehammer. At first DJ figured it was for busting apart scrap—until he realized AJ was swinging it at DJ’s head.
DJ dropped down, barely missing getting his head caved in, and he scrambled away. AJ was on him in a flash, moving way too fast in the humidity. DJ grabbed the shaft of the sledgehammer, grappling with AJ over it for a moment before AJ pushed DJ up against a pile of shredded sheet metal. Sharp ends pressed into DJ’s back, tearing the material of his shirt and into his skin.
AJ was bigger and heavier than DJ, and he pressed down on him more, positioning the shaft of the sledgehammer right over DJ’s throat. DJ chanced to let go of the shaft and groped behind him for the first piece of junk he could grasp. He thrust whatever it was into AJ’s shoulder, cutting his own hand in the process, but it worked—AJ howled in pain and DJ was able to push him away. DJ pulled away from the junk pile and put some distance between himself and AJ, although he didn’t dare turn his back to the madman.
AJ was panting, bright red blood oozing out of his shoulder. There was a bloody handprint on his chest where DJ pushed him, and AJ touched the handprint, licking the blood off his finger. “You taste purty good, boy,” AJ drawled. “I’ll haveta send the boss a thank-you card for ya.”
Drawing his blaster, DJ aimed it at AJ, whose eyes went to the blaster immediately. “I ain’t on th-the menu,” DJ growled. AJ dropped the sledgehammer and held his hands above his head—a rather empty gesture for someone nude, but appreciated nonetheless—but he smiled again.
“You got fight in ya,” AJ said, delighted. “I like a good fight.”
DJ knew exactly where his ship was. He saw the path they had taken clear in his mind. He just needed to get there. AJ’s smile remained in place, a creepy grin plastered onto that tan, insane face. “You’re g-g-gonna have to make new d-d-dinner plans,” DJ said, then turned tail and ran.
AJ laughed, a screaming peel of a cackle. DJ didn’t need to look behind him to know AJ was giving chase. Lungs burning, DJ ran as fast as his legs would take him, leaping over scrap metal on the ground and ducking under places where the scrap stuck out ready to behead or skewer him.
His ship came into sight, and DJ doubled down on his sprint. He heard AJ’s heavy footfalls close behind him, but he made it home. DJ jumped into his ship, slammed the hatch closed and ensured it locked. He jumped into the pilot seat, panting, black dots in his vision. He was so dizzy from exhaustion he didn’t immediately realize nothing happened when tried to power the ship on.
There was a grinding, crunching sound, and a particularly huge rodent crawled out of a vent, circuits in its drooling mouth. DJ stared at the creature for a moment, his exhausted brain catching up to the fact that his ship had been eaten from the inside.
A loud bang jolted DJ back. AJ was at the hatch, slamming that sledgehammer into it. DJ could see where the metal bent with every swing. He glanced around, his mind racing. Truth be told, DJ had “picked up” this ship from the selection of ships around the Nar Shaddaa casinos. Evidently he’d chosen a pacifist’s ship, as there was nothing in that tiny thing to use as a weapon beyond a wrench. Hardly match for a nutcase brandishing a sledgehammer.
The hatch buckled, and DJ saw AJ reach in and began to pull the metal door away. DJ was cornered, but he was not defenseless. It was immensely difficult, in such as state he was in, for DJ to focus on the energy surrounding AJ, particularly at his throat.
Somewhere in his mind, there was a part of him that felt a wave of guilt. He heard the whispers of people from a lifetime ago warning him against what he was about to do. The old mechanisms created by years of training were still there, as strong as ever.
But those people no longer existed. The person DJ used to be no longer existed. Now it was either DJ or AJ, and DJ knew there could only be one outcome to this situation.
As soon as AJ pulled that hatch off its hinges and put his bald head through the opening, DJ reached out through the Force and squeezed.
Lyra pushed that little skip as fast as it could go, and maybe even faster. It had been hours since DJ left. In all likelihood, the Butcher had already had his way with him. Her stomach tightened at the thought. She had to hold onto the hope that DJ was as much of a survivor as he always boasted of being.
She had become suspicious when she had observed Szilb composing a message to his nephew Ungu. He had recorded it in Huttese, and Lyra had picked up enough of it to know he wasn’t talking about securing the weapons Ungu had asked for.
After Szilb had retired for the night, Lyra wormed her way into his computer. Funnily enough, the techniques she had used to bypass the security protocols were things she had picked up from DJ over time. She had managed to find the coordinates Szilb had given to DJ.
Szilb had sent DJ right to the Butcher’s doorstep.
The Butcher was Szilb’s go-to man for anyone he wanted taken care of. Lyra had no idea where Szilb had met such an extremely insane and dangerous person, but anyone Szilb sent to the junkyard never came back.
The junkyard was in view, and Lyra only gunned the engines of the skip more.  It shuddered a little but held steady as she scanned for lifeforms on the ground. She found one human one, unmoving, on the very edge of the junkyard.
Lyra had bounded out of the ship almost before it touched down. There was DJ’s ship, she saw, and in the shade of it, DJ himself sitting with his back to her. She rushed to his side, and she discovered him chowing down on some extremely foul-smelling meat.
Backing away, she cried, “What the hell are you eating?!”
DJ shrugged. “Dunno what-t-t they’re called,” he said nonchalantly between bites. “But this one at-t-te my ship, so I’m just ret-t-turnin’ the favor.”
Glancing around, Lyra said, “We should get out of here.”
“Worried?” DJ asked, looking up at her. Lyra shook her head, but DJ knew she was lying. “We don’t-t-t gotta hurry,” he said, then nodded to his ship. “See for yourself.”
Lyra looked at the hatch, or what had been the hatch of the ship. It looked as if it had been peeled off with a giant can opener. Just inside she saw a pair of bare tan legs dangling out, motionless. She gasped. “Is he…?”
DJ only chuckled in response. “The b-b-back meat ain’t too bad,” DJ said, holding up some of that reeking meat to her.
Lyra felt faint. “I’ll wait in the ship,” she said, and she slowly retreated back to her skip. When she got to the hatch, DJ sat up on his knees to look at her.
“Hey, Lyra,” he said, getting her attention. “We’re square now, yeah?” For a moment, Lyra wasn’t sure what he was talking about. But she quickly recalled when he said, “Cuz I sure as hell ain’t-t-t getting’ p-p-paid enough for this.”  
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champhangman · 7 years
Giving Me Life
(First time posting fic on here, y’all forgive me if I screw up something, please? Also, x-posted from my ff.net account. This was written for my bestie, Jess.)
Characters: AJ Styles / OC
Summary: Hall of Fame afterparties are, in AJ’s opinion, boring. That is, until he sees her.
Warnings: Smut, nsfw, explicit sexual content
The atmosphere was filled with fun. All around him, wrestlers from three distinct levels of the company talked like old friends. Diamond Dallas Page and Tye Dillinger were posing for a picture together. Dean Ambrose and Shawn Michaels were laughing, Ric Flair and Roman Reigns were leaned in close discussing something serious. Drinks were flowing freely, music played faintly.
"Got you another," Karl Anderson announced, handing over a glass.
AJ Styles peered at the contents of the glass. With a shrug, he took a sip and reached to loosen his tie. Despite the joviality of all those around him, he was bored out of his skull. It was either pretend he gave a damn or get well on the way to being drunk for the night. He mentally went over his schedule for the next day. Nodding, he took another swig. He could afford to get drunk.
"Jesus," Karl hissed. He slapped AJ's shoulder. "Who's the hottie at ten o'clock?"
AJ swiveled his gaze in that direction. "Stephanie?" he asked.
"Well yeah, but the other one. The blonde. Behind her."
AJ waited for the crowd to shift. "…Jesus."
"Who is she?"
AJ sipped his drink thoughtfully. He recognized her. Didn't he? Nope, he decided, watching the voluptuous figure in red turn. He wouldn't forget an ass like that. The dress she had on concealed most of her body, but he could easily picture shapely legs. She turned again and he would have sworn her heard her musical laugh above all the noise in the room and wondered what Nia Jax had said to make her laugh. Her dress shifted. It was split up to her mid-thigh, he saw, and stared at the exposed length of leg. Gulping down the rest of his drink, he noted that her glass of wine was nearly empty.
"You goin' in?" Karl took AJ's empty glass.
"Wish me luck." He straightened his tie.
Karl laughed. "You don't need it."
"Southern boy making his way to you," Nia commented.
"Who?" Jessica looked up from her near-empty glass. Truth be told, the room was overrun by southern boys. And Midwestern boys. And foreign boys… Okay, the room was an accent-lover's dream.
"Look," Nia insisted, nudging her shoulder gently.
She scanned the room for anyone coming toward her. Nobody. Her gaze roved again, hesitating on a man in a blue suit, then continued on. Immediately she swiveled her eyes back to the man. "Shit," she muttered.
She hadn't recognized him. She wasn't even sure it was him until he was stopped by Shawn Michaels. Even though the legend was speaking to him, his eyes were on her.
"Shit," she said again, unable to look away from his piercing blue gaze. The air circulating from the vents caused his hair to dance lightly and Jess struggled to match the man a dozen feet from her with the man she saw on TV and occasionally at the office. She was used to only seeing him in his ring gear and, less often, in snug jeans and t-shirts that didn't hide his thickly muscled arms.
AJ Styles' eyes dipped before locking with hers again. His tongue darted over his lips, which curved into a smirk. The look held a fervent promise. To her shock, she felt her nipples harden.
"You want me to stay?" Nia asked softly.
Jess hesitated. AJ, eyes still on her, spoke with Shawn briefly. Then he and the other man were shaking hands. And he was once again on his way toward her. "No," she said finally, tearing her eyes from the man and looking to Nia. "I'll be fine."
She didn't even notice Nia leaving. The air around her seemed to change. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. Felt a frisson ripple down her spine. How the fuck had he done that? she marveled, slowly turning to face him.
Their eyes locked. Her lungs held onto her breath. His eyes widened – with recognition.
"Jessica," he said in surprise.
"You didn't know who I was?" she asked, letting her breath out slowly. That was a blow. She hadn't thought she was so invisible at the office—
"I thought I recognized you, but…" He looked her up and down. "You don't usually dress like this at Headquarters."
That was true. Gowns weren't the norm in her office. Usually she wore simple pencil skirts and blouses. Once in a while, dress slacks. And on her favorite days, Fridays, she was allowed to wear jeans. Relieved, she allowed herself to look him over. She saw men in suits on a daily basis, but… Damn, AJ looked amazing in one. Maybe because she was so used to seeing him in spandex. Whatever the reason, she clutched her wineglass and drank in the sight of him. And her mind began to wonder what he would look like in just the slacks. Holding that blue plaid tie—
"Are you here alone?"
Jess blinked. "I'm down with some of the people from the office—"
"I mean here." One hand gestured to the party going on around them.
Funny, she'd forgotten they were at a party. "Yeah, I'm here alone."
His smile held the earlier sultry promise. "Not anymore."
Her dress swirled behind her as he yanked her into the darkened alcove. The flash of red burned in his mind as his lips crashed to hers. They were soft and plush and parted immediately for his tongue. Growling, AJ caught her hips and pulled her up against him, then backed her up to the wall. She gasped, fingers clawing at the lapels of his jacket, and broke the kiss.
"I want you," she whispered, hooking her legs around his waist.
"I can tell." His hand slipped between them, bunching her skirt together and pushing it out of his way. He could already feel the heat of her pussy, and when his fingers began to seek he felt damp silk. Beyond the alcove he could hear the party still going on, and watched her face in the near-darkness. "I get you that wet?"
"Yes." She hissed the word out, tugging on his jacket to bring him closer. Her kiss was fervent and broken by her whimper when he nudged her panties to the side and began stroking her slit.
"Just from talkin'?" he drawled, nipping at the side of her neck. He felt her nod and chuckled, beginning to stroke harder. Her moan was low and deep. Dragging his lips to her ear, he slid one finger up her slit and found her clit. "Your pussy likes my voice?"
"Fuck," she whined. Her thighs tightened. "Yes!"
"You're loud," he chided, drawing her earlobe between his lips for a suck. Her hips pushed forward and he chuckled, finger strumming her clit. "You gonna scream so everyone knows what we're doing?"
"No," she whispered, shaking her head. Her hands pushed at his jacket, then she was clutching at his chest.
"You sure?" She nodded, eyes gleaming with longing. AJ rubbed her clit harder, until her legs were trembling. Then, eyes on her face, he pinched her clit. Gently at first, applying pressure as her sharp squeal filled the space. When he felt her entire body growing taut he let go, pushing two fingers inside her.
"Oh my go – AJ!"
It wasn't a scream, but it was close. He pumped his fingers rapidly, thumb finding her clit for gentle strokes while she writhed between him and the wall. Hearing her inhale deeply, he covered her mouth with his in a bruising kiss, fingers working as hard and fast as they could. Her hands beat against his chest but he didn't cease. She screamed into his mouth, body writhing. His fingers pushed as deeply as possible into her, his thumb still a gentle flutter over her clit. Two more deep strokes and her nails bit into the sides of his neck. One final, straining thrust of his fingers and he felt the gush of her orgasm and the satisfied wilting of her body.
She was panting. Her lips slid from his, her head fell back. Her hands dropped from his neck. "Jesus," she gasped, whining as his fingers slid out. She wriggled her hips, lowering first one leg then the other. Still leaning against the wall, she stared at him in awe. "That was fucking amazing."
Smirking, he stole a kiss before stepping away to straighten his jacket and tie. "You're ready to ditch, right?"
Her lips parted, then curved into a knowing smile. "Absolutely."
Jess was surprised by her own control as she and AJ walked down the hall to his room. She hadn't realized until a few moments before that they were in the same hotel. Which meant that her walk of shame later wouldn't be a long one. Not, she realized while he unlocked his door, that there would be much shame in her walk.
He'd made her come that hard with just his fingers. She couldn't wait to see what happened when he actually fucked her. That thought surprised her, because random fucking and one-night-stands and casual sex as a whole was not her usual cup of tea.
He was, she decided once she was in his room. Watching him shrug out of his jacket, she bit her lip. He was a damned large glass of iced tea. And within ten minutes of walking up to her at the party, he had made her realize just how fucking thirsty she was.
Startled by his command, she froze, one hand at her back to reach the top of her dress' zipper. He stepped over and moved to stand behind her, pushing her hand away. Warm breath caressed the back of her neck, and his fingers slid into the elaborate twist that had taken her an hour to create.
"Not yet," he whispered, urging her hair free of the pins she'd used. The locks began to tumble down, and she heard the muffled thud of the pins landing on the carpeted floor. He raked his fingers through her hair, not gently but not harshly either, and tugged until she tipped her head back for his kiss.
She lowered her hands to her sides, only to grasp the arm that snaked around her middle. Moaning against his lips when he dragged her back to him, she instinctively pressed her ass against the thick bulge. His arm tightened, the hand in her hair tightened, and she stumbled along as he guided her to the bed. His lips stayed over hers, tearing away only when she fell forward across the unmade bed. Wriggling her ass, she moaned into the comforter as he slowly thrust against her.
"Do you know how much I want to just throw this skirt up and fuck you right now?" he demanded, hands falling on either side of her head. He nuzzled her neck, pushing her hair away, then his beard was scraping her flesh.
"Do it," she challenged, gasping when his hips surged forward, pinning her to the mattress. "Fuck me, AJ."
"No…" The word was thick with his southern accent and to her horror he pushed away. "Not just yet."
"Shit," she growled into the comforter. Bracing her hands on the mattress, she boosted herself up and rolled onto her back. "Why the fuck not?"
"'Cause I don't follow orders." He ran his hands through his hair, then laced his fingers at the back of his neck. Gaze on her, he lifted one eyebrow. "Do you?"
"Depends on who's giving the orders."
His eyes sparked. "Take your shoes off."
Eyes not leaving his, she lifted one foot to the edge of the bed and undid the ankle strap of her high heeled sandal. It thumped to the floor, and she slowly raised the other foot to do the same, then kicked both shoes aside. Emboldened, she leaned back on her elbows. "You can do better than that can't you?"
AJ smirked. "Stand up."
She did so, gaze traveling down to his crotch.
"On your knees."
The carpet was rougher against her knees than it had been beneath her feet. Her heart was pounding with a blend of anticipation and desire.
He looked down at her, hands still behind his neck. "Belt."
The leather was firm and supple. When she had pulled it free of the last loop, she let it fall to the floor. At his instruction she tugged the tails of his shirt free and began unbuttoning it from the bottom, fingers aching to stroke the skin beneath the soft fabric. She rose as she did so, and stopped when she reached his tie. Silently, he undid it himself. Jess held her breath, able to hear the tie slide against his shirt as he pulled it off completely. It arced in the air and disappeared over his shoulder and she hurriedly undid the last button of his shirt.
"Kiss me, darlin'."
She did so, eagerly, shoving his shirt down his arms. As soon as it fell away she splayed her hands on his chest, reassured by the steady pounding of his heart beneath her palm. His hands came up to cup her face, and she wasn't aware they had moved until she felt her dress loosen. Her tongue faltered against his but he took over the kiss. She was forced to draw her hands away when he pushed her dress down, and as soon as it was pooled at her feet she grabbed his biceps for support. His hands seemed to be everywhere at once. Grasping her hips. Squeezing her waist. Trailing down her spine. Cupping her bared breasts.
"Oh," he moaned when she shivered. His thumbs plucked at her hardened nipples, and she felt his smirk as his lips moved over her jaw. Then, to her irritation, his hands dropped to her waist again. She lowered hers as well, unconsciously mirroring his touches, and heard his breath catch when she undid his slacks and one hand slipped inside. "Did I say you could touch me?"
"No," she murmured. But she didn't let that stop her. Her fingers delved into his boxer briefs. His cock was thick and heavy, straining against her palm, and she had just succeeded in pulling it free when he shoved her onto the bed. Wide-eyed, she stared up at him, teeth catching her bottom lip as he reached to stroke his cock. His skin glowed in the low lamplight, and her gaze flickered from the rapid pumping of his hand to his piercing eyes.
He gestured with his other hand, eyes drifting closed briefly. "Take 'em off."
Her panties were soaked. She peeled them off, had barely gotten them to her ankles when he gestured for her to sit up. He cupped the back of her head while she scooted forward, and before the next words were out of his mouth her lips were parted.
"Suck my – Fuck," he gasped as her mouth closed around the tip of his dick. He ceased stroking, lightly cupping her cheek before sliding his fingers into her hair. "Just like that," he encouraged as she took more in. "I knew the first time I saw you you'd be good at sucking dick…"
Jess groaned, bracing her hands on his thick thighs. Sweet and tangy, he filled her mouth.
"All the way, darlin'…" His hand pressed to the back of her head, guiding her further. "All the way."
She did so, fingers curling against his thighs. He pushed his hips forward, forcing his cock deeper, and she instinctively swallowed. She made strangling moaning sounds, felt him sliding down her throat, and looked up at him when he began to fuck her mouth. Meeting each thrust of his hips with her mouth, she felt a sense of power as his hands tightened their grips.
"Fuck," he growled, head tipping back.
She gasped for air when he pulled her off him. Dragged to her feet, she met his lips with hers in a heated kiss. His grip eased, and she was struck at the contrasts she was starting to notice. He swayed between a gentle, caring lover and a forceful dominant. She appreciated each variation. His hands glided down to her waist. Within seconds her back met the cool sheets. She arched, legs wrapping around his waist, and released a low moan at the feel of his cock nestling against her slit.
"Impatient?" he asked between kisses, never giving her a chance to answer. She was breathless by the time his lips moved to her throat, was panting when they closed over a nipple. He suckled, nibbled, and rolled the tender flesh until she was writhing. Lifting his head, he leaned up for another kiss before turning his attention to her other breast.
"Oh fuck," she whined, sliding her fingers into his silky hair. She rolled her hips, straining to feel more of his dick, a yelp escaping when he bit down on her nipple. "AJ—"
"You ready for me to fuck you?" he whispered, dragging his lips to her throat. "You don't want me to eat that sweet pussy of yours?"
Her body shuddered at the thought of those lips and tongue between her thighs. Of his beard scraping, his hands holding her down. And she was sure she couldn't handle it at the moment. She gave her head a shake, tugging on his hair until his lips glided over hers. "Next time," she requested. His answer was a chuckle, then he was leaning back. She whined because the movement pulled his cock and his hair away. "Please…"
"Just one taste," he insisted, pushing her thighs apart. She held her breath, watching his palm slide up her thigh. His thumb dipped into her, and the feather-soft touch was both infuriating and delighting. It glided upward and her hips tilted upward as well, only to be brought down by his other hand. He chuckled when she whined. His fingers moved along her slit delicately. The hand on her hip moved lower, grasping her thigh.
His hair tickled her thighs. His beard scraped, his lips caressed. His tongue followed the trail of his thumb along her slit. Trembling, Jess reached to hold onto his head, a scream tearing from her at the first touch of his tongue to her clit. It flicked briskly, not wavering even when she began to squirm. Fingers tangling in his hair, his name a repeated gasp, she threw her head back as two fingers entered her. Her body still burned from the delight they'd brought earlier. She came suddenly, unexpectedly, so forcefully that tears filled her eyes. His tongue and fingers continued their torture, following her writhing, one arm clamping down across her abdomen to hold her still until ecstasy reared again. Just when she felt her body start to undulate he pulled away. Easily throwing one leg over his shoulder, he caught her chin and turned her head for his kiss.
"Don't cum again until I tell you," he ordered.
She nodded, certain she would have agreed to anything at that point. He lay over her, his breath a low hiss. Then, eyes almost silver, he was entering her. Filling her. Her head naturally tipped back, and she felt his lips at her throat. He didn't give her time to adjust to his cock inside her, starting a slow, deep thrusting that took her breath away.
"You're so fuckin' tight," AJ moaned, punctuating the statement with a growl when she began rolling her hips to meet his thrusts.
"AJ," she gasped, digging her nails into his shoulders. She felt sweat breaking out all over her body and struggled to hold onto him. "I can't hold it—"
"Don't," he warned, fingers dragging down her sides. He sucked at her throat, then leaned back, hands grabbing her breasts. "Don't do it, darlin'."
Absurdly, she felt tears prick her eyes. "I need to," she whined, tucking her leg more firmly around his waist. He tilted his hips, sending his cock deeper, and she swore she saw stars. "Fuck…"
"Like that?" he asked, repeating the movement. His cock stroked her spot, and he squeezed her breasts when she squealed. Leaning back further, he released his hold and grabbed her hips, holding her still while his hips rolled, his dick seemingly focused on that one spot. "Is that how your pussy likes it?"
Her legs began to shake. She opened her mouth to reply but could only manage a high-pitched whine. Her thighs tried to squeeze together, and she was grateful when he pushed them further apart. "Ohmigod, ohmigod…"
"You gonna cum?" he asked, his voice low.
Jess nodded, crying out when he guided her legs around her waist and lay over her again. Her trembling fingers pushed at his hair, and he stole her meager with a deep kiss. His cock moved out and in maddeningly slowly. She tried to revel in the sensations, in the fact that she could feel nearly every inch of his body. His chest nearly crushing hers, she could feel his heart racing. She could feel every ripple of his abdomen. She felt his fingers flex against her hips. Unable to breathe, it was all she could do to hold onto him, nails clutching his sweaty flesh. She heard a low moan, then he was throwing his head back.
"Fuck, Jess!" he shouted.
Aware of his cock throbbing, she felt her body seize up. Lips parted, an intense scream left her as she came.
He landed beside her, panting. Jess carefully lowered her legs, gasping for breath. Moments or hours or seconds passed, and she was surprised when he brought the covers up over her cooling body.
"I should go," she murmured after a few moments.
"Mm… Nah, you shouldn't," he said quietly.
She lifted her head, watched him lean to switch off the lamp. "I shouldn't?"
His arm slipped around her, drawing her into his side as he settled back. "You really should just stay, darlin'."
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ponydiscordmod · 7 years
Ponyville High School Reunion *Fanfiction*
Ponyville High School Reunion
By Kendell2 and Alexwarlorn (First Half)
Commissioned by Alexwarlorn (Second Half)
"Don't you think we're a little overdressed, Rarity?" Cheerilee asked as the group trotted along.
"Nonsense darling! Whatever gave you that idea?"
"...The amethyst necklace," Cheerilee asked, looking down at the gem set in gold around her neck and the fancy purple dress she was now being forced to wear. She'd wanted to wear a simple dress, but Rarity was Rarity.  "And the fact you're wearing a fancy tiara."
"And what's wrong with that? It's just a simple thing I put together, it's not like I'm dressed for the Gala. Besides, amethyst goes perfect with your coat," the fashionista replied, adjusting her perfectly done mane.
Cheerilee's response was a flat look. "That IS your gala dress!"
Rarity gave an insulted look. "No it's not! That dress was magenta! This one is pink!"
The school teacher gave a sigh. "What I'm saying is that we're going to a high school reunion, not the Canterlot Garden Party."
"Of course not. I have a completely different dress set aside for that."
"...The colts are going to have a field day with this…" Cheerilee muttered under her breath. "How do you even handle making these dresses for yourself while also running three boutiques? It'd drive me insane from stress."
Rarity gave a proud look. "Simple, darling! I have ways of venting my stress."
"Like your fainting couch?"
"Yes. And it's a chaise lounge, not a couch. Oh look! Here comes Applejack and Big Macintosh!"
Cheerilee jumped a little. She absentmindedly adjusted her necklace and fixed a bit of her mane that was out of place.
"Shoot Rare, think yer fancy enough?" Applejack questioned as she trotted over, the farmer having simply given her hat a good cleaning and taken a hot bath. Big Macintosh was just wearing a simple dress vest, nothing fancy. Though he was missing his signature yoke around his neck.
Cheerilee blushed a little under her fur at the sight of Big Mac dressed up.
"If anything, Applejack, you look a little dressed down. How much effort you put into your appearance when you've agreed to meet somepony says how seriously you take meeting them," Rarity commented, looking her friend over.
Applejack rolled her eyes. "Well Ah've only got one or two dresses and they're all super fancy. Mainly cause you made 'em. Only other option was Granny Smith's old weddin' dress and the dang thing is older than Ah am! Yah want meh tah wear that?"
"Nope." The mares looked at Big Mac. "Erm . . . it's still a beautiful wedding dress."
Cheerilee blushed deeper.
"Yeah, in her time. but it ain't mah style..." Applejack replied simply. “That thing's so frilly it'd make Rarity blush.”
"It can't be worse than what our manes looked like when we were younger," Cheerilee remarked with a small chuckle.
Rarity shuddered. "Fashion trends have certainly changed from those dark days..."
"Ah think that's the one time meh and you are gonna agree on fashion Rarity," Applejack replied, recalling it herself. "Good thing Fluttershy hadn't moved inta Ponyville yet! If yah visited her, her bees mighta mistook your mane for a hive!"
They shared a laugh.
"...She's actually right, mother was in town and went to Fluttershy's and...well, it wasn't pretty…" Rarity said giving a horrified tremble. "...There was honey everywhere…"
"She got stung?" Cheerilee asked with a look of concern on her face.
"No, just covered in honey…They were Fluttershy's bees after all." Rarity then happily asked with a whoosh of her mane. "So any of you remember how to do your mane like that? The latest trend magazines say it's coming back into style."
"...I still have pictures…" Cheerilee replied with a blush.
Applejack sighed and rolled her eyes. "Ah wonder if yer crazy mane when we beat Lord Tirek had anythin' tah do with that."
Rarity narrowed her eyes. "My mane was not crazy! It was fashionable!"
"It's a form fer fightin' evil, why does it need tah be?"
"Why does Super Stallion wear tights? To dazzle and inspire those he saved!"
"Girls!" Cheerilee interjected with a practiced school teacher voice. "If we start arguing, we'll miss the reunion."
"Yes Miss Cheerilee!" everypony replied, as if that voice compelled such an answer.
"I see she has you well trained." Rarity said to Big Mac with a smirk.
"HEY!" The others snapped.
Rarity gave a chuckle. "Only joking darlings."
"She home schooled me when we were foals, what yer excuse?" Big Mac asked, narrowing his eyes.
"She learned from our high school teacher."
"...Okay, that makes sense…"
The group began to make their way along. She noticed a few other ponies heading the same way as them.
"Let's just hope our usual luck doesn't cause Chrysalis tah rear her ugly head again…" Applejack said.
"Applejack!" everypony yelled again.
"Just bein' honest. We could also have-"
"Don't start, darling," Rarity warned with a glare.
"Ah'm hopin' if Ah say somethin' bad'll happen, it's temptin' fate the other way," the orange pony replied. She didn't consciously acknowledge the fact Chrysalis only had a handful of drones left and most of the Changeling population were part of King Thorax's hive. Except Kevin. Kevin was neutral.
Rarity blinked. "Oh...Still, don't start."
"Besides, what cou-" Cheerilee found a hoof covering her mouth.
"Don't say that either!" said Applejack and Rarity at the same time.
-Somewhere nearby-
"Maybe pirates could crash into the gym with a huge pirate ship! Or maybe zombies could burst in! Or maybe a dimensional rift will open up in the middle of the dance floor! Or maybe somepony will have a magic ring that'll turn us all into foals or turns the stallions into mares and the mares into stallions! Or maybe aliens could land! Or maybe somepony will have an artifact from another universe that turns them into a raging she-demon! Or maybe a bunch of glowing pegasi will come down through the skylight I'm looking forward to seeing again!. . . I'm waiting! Seriously, I'm not expecting any of that at all! . . . Come'on no fair!"
-further away but closing in-
"...And that is how I convinced those trolls that pink and lace was better than dirty loin cloths," Rarity said, as if this discussion was perfectly mundane.
"And how did you convince them not to keep you in their personal doll collection?" Cheerilee asked.
"Oh, that's simple, I gave them some of my equinikins with pretty dresses instead. I had to make a lot more dresses to go with them..."
"Your lives are so weird…" the school teacher sighed.
"Ah know, always thought the adventure nuts in class would end up in bein' the one's in crazy situations," Applejack replied. "...Well, they kinda do, but not as much as we do."
"I don't," Cheerilee replied. "No more than the rest of Ponyville. Most adventurous thing to ever happen to me was the...well..." she blushed slightly, looking at Big Macintosh, who did much the same. "You get the point. And that was quite enough adventure for me."
"Once more, I apologize for the inconvenience our little sisters...and Scootaloo caused you. I do hope Twilight is doing okay as foalsitter…" Rarity said with a sincerely apologetic tone. “Especially with Starlight visiting Sunburst.”
"Oh what's the worst that could happen?" Applejack asked, then covered her mouth quickly. "...Ah said it, didn't Ah?"
"Wow! Ah didn't realize just how big is yer new castle Princess Twilight!" Apple Bloom called, darting around excitedly.
Twilight fidgeted slightly. "It's pretty big I suppose. It's got a library...bigger than my entire old house…"
"Wow! Have you gotten to see EVERY room?!" Sweetie Belle asked excitedly.
"Well, no...not quite yet-"
"Really?!" Scootaloo finished.
"Uh oh…"
Sweetie Belle giggled. “I forgot how fun it was to do that since we got our Cutie Marks!”
Twilight and Spike uncovered their ringing ears. "Why can't Zecora foalsit them?" the small drake questioned, shaking his head to clear it.
The Princess of Friendship sighed. "Not until she fixes her gateway to the astral plane . . . they broke the lock."
Spike's eyes widened. "Uh...speaking of gateways, don't we have one of those?"
Twilight's irises shrunk to pinpricks. "...Horseapples!"
"Welcome to Equestria meh from another world! Can Ah see yer flank? Ah want to see if yah have yer Cutie Mark yet!"
"...What's a flank? What's a Cutie Mark?! Ah! Where are mah hands?!"
"...What are hands?"
The Princess of Friendship's eye twitched as she noticed two sets of Cutie Mark Crusaders, half of which were wearing clothing. "Ah! There's six of them now!"
Spike tapped his chin. "How come they don't get naked when they pass through while you end up with clothes when you go to their side?"
"...I need a notebook!"
"As much as I enjoy our chit-chats dears, I believe we are already going to be fashionably late...did we take a wrong turn?" Rarity questioned, looking around.
Applejack rolled her eyes. "Come'on, we can't have taken a wrong turn, it's not that far-OW!"
The sign that AJ had so graciously introduced her face to read 'Welcome To Ponyville High-School.'
"...We're here…" the orange Earth Pony replied in a flat, slightly muffled tone.
Rarity looked at the school's signature slide, attached to the building proper for a fun exit out of the school when the bell rang. The fashionista  remembered all the years she had wanted to climb up the slide when she was younger. Applejack actually had on occasion.
Cheerilee put a hoof on the sign. "Hehe...They've preserved this place pretty well...it looks like it hasn't aged a day…"
"Yes, I always felt pink was an odd choice for the school...but I admit it'd be jarring to see it anything else," Rarity allowed herself to admit with a nostalgic smile.
Applejack chuckled. "Yeah, groundskeepers always do a good job...well, except when they grab odds and ends yah accidentally left layin' around."
"Oh yes, I remember…" Cheerilee admitted with a chuckle. “But let's do our reminiscing inside.”
"Eeyup," Big Mac chimed in.
"Do you think everypony else will be here?" the fashionista asked as they headed through the doors.
"Ah don't see why not," Applejack replied. "Ah know some of 'em are the entertainment."
"Oh yes! I remember," Rarity chuckled. "Twilight should have just told us she needed music to fight music when she went back to that other world to fight the Sirens, we knew just the ponies."
Cheerilee blinked in confusion. "...I'm just going to pretend that I know what you're talking about."
The fashionista chuckled. "That's probably for the best...though I do wonder what happened to them after she beat them..."
"Wow! You're a BIG fish!" the naked Scootaloo questioned.
"I'm a Siren you little...I mean I'm not a fish, little pony, I'm a Siren...who has no urge to rip your head off right now…" a large orange mix between a fish and a horse hissed, giving a barely subdued growl.
Scootaloo's eyes went wide. "Wow, you have big teeth…"
Spike looked to Twilight. "Uh...I'm not sure getting the Sirens to help foalsit is a good idea…"
Twilight gave a confident look. "Don't worry Spike, their powers are gone, they're just big sea ponies now. I can handle them with my eyes closed. And having their real bodies back is too important to them, they'll control themselves. If we could reform Discord, maybe we can reform them too..."
"Let us ride yah!"
"No!" the purple Siren exclaimed before two Apple Blooms jumped on her back, causing the former menace to Equestria to be comically slammed into the ground..
"Yay! That sounds like fun!" a blue one chimed, letting the Sweetie Belles on hers.
"Sonata! Have some back-bone!" Adagio growled.
"Aren't they riding on that?"
Twilight gave a sheepish look. "...Or at least punish them for their transgressions."
"I don't know and would rather not care...But yes, hearing some 'sweet music' again in equus will be wonderful," Cheerilee replied with a chuckle
The group entered through the main door, a bell placed above it. "I think the lockers are new though," Rarity noticed, having an eye for detail. "Then again, I suppose if nothing changed it'd be more of a surprise."
“Good thing the layout's still the same,” Applejack commented, looking around the building. “Still remember which way to the gym?”
“Eeyup,” Big Macintosh replied simply, leading the way.
“Hard to miss, darling, given how often we were there,” Rarity replied.
“Yeah, because if Ah recall yah wanted tah make googly eyes at the big colt on campus,” Applejack pointed out with a smirk.
The fashionista turned her muzzle up insulted. “I did not!...Well, no more than ninety percent of the class...Though he was also a bit...”
“In love with himself?” Cheerilee commented with a small amount of bitterness.
“Yes...that...” Rarity said with a cringe, as she recalled that like many of the girls in their class, Cheerilee had had her expectations dashed rather badly by said colt. “Though good news is I hear he's much nicer now...bad news is, he's also spoken for now...”
Applejack blinked. “Really? That lug got married?”
“Yes, darling. Surprised you missed it. It was quite the high-profile wedding.”
“Well he'll probably be here, so we can always ask him,” Big Mac pointed out. “Speakin' of which, we're here,” he said, pushing over the door open to the gym.
On the other side of the door, Rarity got the distinct feeling she'd just stepped through a time warp. It was rather 'retro'. From the music to the decorations. “I see they've decided to go a nostalgic theme... Darn it, I should have worn a skirt...”
Applejack chuckled. “Told ya you were overdressed...” she said with a chuckle. “Come on, sugarcube, they had dresses back them.”
“Yes, but back then it was fashionable to wear clashing, obnoxious colors!...Not the most intelligent choice of fashion, but still!”
“Calm down, Rarity, you look beautiful,” said Cheerilee. “Besides, covering things in gemstones was more stylish back then.”
“Technically they weren't gemstones, they were rhinestones, darling,” Rarity corrected. “But point taken.”
“What's the difference? Ah thought both of 'em were just shiny stones,” Applejack commented, rubbing her head.
“Rhinestones are imitation.”
Big Macintosh looked around the room, which while full of ponies, didn't quite have their entire class. “Well at least we're early. Everypony ain't here yet...”
Rarity nodded, scanning the room. “Yes, I don't see...”
“Rarity? That you?”
The fashionista's eyes went wide and she spun around to find an Earth Pony mare with a blue mane and tail, her Cutie Mark a yellow microphone with blue stars around it. She was dressed as one would expect any rock star worth their salt to appear (namely a flashy dress with lots of stars), which should be expected given that's exactly what she was. Rarity noted her mane style hadn't changed much from when they were teens.
Next to her was a golden brown furred Earth Pony stallion with blue eyes and pale yellow mane and tail, his Cutie Mark a soccer ball. He was dressed in a well made white suit, a gold ring around his right front leg. It had a large diamond in the middle shaped like a soccer ball, with a soccer team logo on it and the word 'Champion' and a number on the bottom rim.
“Melody, darling!” Rarity exclaimed, sharing a hug with the mare. “It's been so long!”
Melody chuckled and nodded. “Yeah, it has. Though not too long since I've heard of you! Boutiques in Canterlot and Manehattan? You're the talk of the town!”
Rarity gave a proud bow. “Thank you, it took a lot of effort, but I made it! And so did you! I saw your latest single competing with Sapphire Shores on the top of the charts!”
“What can I say?” the rocker said with a look of pride. “We both worked hard. Speaking of which, I take it you made your dress yourself?”
The fashionista gave a dramatic pose. “Oh of course, darling. I make all my own dresses. Yours looks marvelous as well.”
Melody flaunted her outfit. "Like it? Cost a lot but it's worth it. Still, with that line you made for Sapphire Shores, I might have to stop by sometime. Can't have her looking better than me when we're on the same ticket next month for a big show."
Rarity nodded as the two wandered off to talk. "Oh yes, I believe Dazzle is hosting a PFM anniversary showcase on the radio isn't she?"
The rocker nodded with a look of pride. "That's the show! Hard to believe Dazzle's still hosting, I hope I look half as good as her when I'm that old!"
The fashionista gave a nod as they stopped by one of the windows. "Oh yes, a few wrinkles but she still looks exactly like she did when we were teens...think you could maybe put a word in for me with her? I know she loves looking fabulous herself."
Big Macintosh looked to Melody's husband as she and Rarity headed off for girl talk. “Ace?”
Ace blinked. “Big Macintosh?” he asked, looking up at the huge stallion, who was a good head taller than him, and he wasn't exactly small. “...Wow, you had a growth spurt.”
“Eeyup,” the big stallion replied simply.
There was an awkward pause.
“...And got quieter, you used to be a motor mouth...”
“Eeyup...and yah didn't just start talkin' about yerself because Ah wasn't sayin' nothin',” Big Macintosh replied, seeming pleasantly surprised.
Ace gave a chuckle. “What can I say? Melody's a good influence on me.”
“Glad tah hear it...Surprised tah see you two together,” the elder Apple sibling replied.
“Yeah, she likes to say I was a 'fixer uper'...”
“Eeyup...” Big Macintosh replied bluntly. “...Saw the Equus Cup with mah cousin. Nice goal.”
The athlete gave a proud smirk, showing the championship ring on his hoof. “Thanks. What can I say? I'm just that good.”
Cheerilee rolled her eyes good-naturedly. They reminded her of her twin sister Cherry talking about sports. “Boys...” she muttered, then gasped when she saw a pink Earth Pony with a yellow mane and tail. Her Cutie Mark was a yellow star with a trail of blue stars. “Starlight!” she called, waving and trotting over.
The mare gave a smile and waved in return. “Cheerilee!” she called, the two sharing a hug. “Good to see you again!”
The elementary school teacher nodded. “The same. How are things at Hoofington University?”
“Not bad, except for the occasional college prank. The seniors there could give Patch a run for her money,” the pink pony replied with a chuckle. “Hard to believe we both ended up being teachers.”
Cheerilee chuckled in reply. “Tell me about it. Though I think you have things harder than me. What with dealing with a bunch of crazy college students all the time..."
Starlight snickered. "Oh they're really not that bad. I don't know how you deal with a bunch of rambunctious little foals! I had enough trouble babysitting Melody's sisters!"
The two shared a laugh.
"I think Mrs. Hackney had it the hardest," Cheerilee replied, getting them both a cup of punch from a nearby bowl. “She had to deal with teenagers!”
The two shuddered, then laughed. "Yeah! Remember when the boys made so much noise she accidentally wrote two plus two equaling three?!" Starlight asked, laughing harder at the memory.
"Oh yes!...Speaking of Mrs. Hackney, will she be here tonight?”
Starlight shrugged, looking a bit sad at that thought. “I don't know. Last I checked she's enjoying retirement with Mr. Kadoo. They go ballooning all the time.”
“She deserves it, she was a great teacher,” Cheerilee replied, giving a nostalgic smile...though also a hint of jealousy at the news an old mare had found a husband in her old age.
“Yeah, the best...hey, will Cherry Blossom be here?” asked Starlight, sipping her punch.
The purple pony shook her head. “No, she's got a match tonight.”
“Oh...Remember when Patch convinced you two to pretend to be each other the entire class?”
Cheerilee's next sip of punch nearly came out her nose. “Oh yes! And we didn't tell any of you until the day way over!”
Starlight nodded. “And Bright Eyes was convinced you were still pretending!...Speaking of which, did you two ever make up?”
The purple teacher nodded with a smile. “Yes, thanks to Rarity...Oh! On that subject, did you hear about her new friend...”
Starlight rolled her eyes. “Yes...Look, I'm sure she's a nice girl, but ponies mixing us up due to our names is starting to get old!”
Applejack occupied herself by simply wandering around the room, saying hello to ponies she recognized and sometimes making chit-chat. There was a lot of catching up to do and not much time to do it.
“There you are, Applejack!”
Applejack turned to find herself looking at a light blue Earth Pony with an orange mane dressed, her Cutie Mark a pink notebook with a pin. Next to her was a blue Earth Pony stallion with a dark orange mane, his Cutie Mark a Fleur-de-lis (Applejack only knew what it was because it was the stallion's cousin's name). Like Applejack, neither seemed to have dressed up that well. “Howdy, Bright Eyes, Lance. Good tah see yah,” she replied with a wave.
Bright Eyes, the mare, nodded and returned the wave. “It really is. I hope Sweet Apple Acres is doing well.”
“It's doin' fine, thanks. Hope your...uh...what's it called?” Applejack asked, scratching her head. “Society fer Rare Creatures ? Sorry, been awhile since Ah've heard the name.”
“The Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures,” the light blue mare recited. “And it's not my society, I'm just the current president.”
“Well either way, Fluttershy wanted meh tah thank yah fer lettin' her see the Breezies if Ah saw yah,” the farmer replied with a tip of her hat.
“Tell her she's welcome. She's one of the most dedicated animal care experts I've ever met,” Bright Eyes replied.
Many ponies thought it was strange Applejack and Bright Eyes got along, given Bright Eyes was the smartypants type, but both knew the importance of keeping the environment running right. An apple farm like AJ's took a lot of planning, but if the soil got ruined or the environment messed up, then the whole thing would fall apart. Especially when it came to the Zap Apples, which were wild by nature and couldn't be 'tamed.'
“Also, thank you for setting aside that portion of your land for the Vampire Fruit Bats and letting us research them. Fluttershy informed me that it wasn't easy,” Bright Eyes replied.
“Well, Ah still don't like the critters, but what can yah do? That and the tax cuts and grants are helpin' the farm,” Applejack replied with a shrug.
“Speaking of which, the next grant check is in the mail. It's the least we could do, we've learned a great deal about them thanks to you,” the environmentalist replied with a polite nod. “We've even developed lures that can draw them away from farm land and into a more natural habitat, which is a benefit to both the bats and the farmers considering those conflicts are why they're endangered to begin with.”
“Now that Ah'm happy tah hear!” Applejack said with a big smile. “Mah family have been scared of those things fer a long time, anythin' tah keep our crops safe is welcome.”
Lancer (or Lance to his friends) gave a nod. “The Zebrafricans are also excited about it, as they have a similar species to worry about,” he explained.
“Really? Huh. Yah know, Ah've never been tah but got a friend who came from there named Zecora,” Applejack replied. “So glad somethin' Ah did helps there even if Ah ain't gonna see it...of course yer gonna Ah bet, what with bein' an explorer and all.”
The blue stallion nodded. “Yes, I have been there multiple times and it's an amazing place to explore...of course you've been to a lot of exciting places as well if I'm not mistaken. I recall Miss Yearling telling me of meeting she had with you.”
Applejack blinked. “Yah know her?”
“We've...collaborated a few times,” Lancer replied with a knowing smile.
“...Oh, Ah get it! Hehe...And yeah, we've been on some crazy adventures,” the farmer replied, then gave a chuckle. “Remember when the biggest adventure we had was when Starlight got tah sub and took us all into those old caves near Everfree?”
Bright Eyes and Lancer chuckled. “Oh yes, I remember. We've come a long way sense then,” Lancer replied.
“You weren't there, but there was also the time we went to the Old Woods on the edge of Everfree Forest and found the Green Wing Songbird,” Bright Eyes explained. “That was a big moment for us...”
“Oh yeah, Ah remember the big ceremony yah got at the town hall,” Applejack replied.
“And I remember the ceremony in Canterlot when you defeated Discord...hehe, it's kinda ironic huh? We got all the action when we were teens and you get most of it now.”
The farmer nodded. “Ah'll say...hehe, did Ah ever tell yah about how Twili' got herself in a mess like Clover did that one time?”
Rarity bite of a cookie. "You know, being a heroine who's recognized for saving the world multiple times is nice, but I miss when we were in High School, Melody. Back then the craziest thing to ever happen was that time the town got flooded due to trash in the river..."
Melody chuckled. "Yeah, can feel that. Just because I wasn't there doesn't mean Nightmare Moon, Discord, and the rest of them didn't effect me...still remember Tirek...ugh...I still can't believe you were the one who ended up getting wrapped up in crazy stuff. Patch was the one who always attracted the weird stuff."
The fashionista nodded. "Yes...in retrospect glowing pegasi and an unidentified, glowing alicorn aren't as odd as half the things I've gone through..."
The rocker nodded and looked at the time on a clock. “Hey, Rarity, sorry to cut this short, but the Rockin' Beats are the entertainment, so I gotta go get set up. Talk after?”
Rarity nodded with a smile. “Certainly darling,” she replied, giving a wave as Melody left to prepare for the dance portion of the reunion.
“Ah! Look out!”
The fashionista turned to see a light purple Earth Pony with a light pink mane and tail, her Cutie Mark a four-leaf clover, trip and nearly drop the snacks and drinks she'd picked up everywhere. The mare soon found herself floating in Rarity's telekinesis along with her items. “Clover, darling! Nice to see you!” she said, setting her down and floating her items back to her, careful not to mess up the simple, but beautiful, green dress she was wearing. “...Coordinated as ever, I see.”
Clover blushed. “Thanks, and yes, sorry, I didn't mean too...Somehow I can dance my way through an entire ballet and still trip over myself getting something to eat...”
“Clover, are you okay?!” called a blue Earth Pony stallion with a yellow mane wearing a suit, his Cutie Mark a pull cart. He galloped over...and tripped on some spilled punch, sliding straight at her.
Rarity once again saved the day with her telekinesis. “Hello, Dandy. Nice to see you too.”
“You too, Rarity...” muttered the stallion with a blush as he was set down next to his wife.
“It honestly is,” the fashionista replied with sincerity in her tone. “Though I didn't see you when I came in, darlings.”
Clover blushed once more. “Sorry, I couldn't decide what to wear. You know how...indecisive I can be sometimes...”
Rarity gave a sympathetic nod. “I know, I still remember the trouble I had making you a dress for that one show. And congratulations on making it to the big time! I was always particularly fond of your dream! Being in grand ballets with your name up in lights! Oh it's all so breathtaking!” the fashionista explained, saying her words like the idea of it was the most romantic thing in the world.
The purple Earth Pony blushed. “Thank you...but it's not all fun and games, it's a lot of hard work.”
“Oh I know, darling. I've got a Princess for a best friend and I still dream about becoming one after seeing how hard the job is,” Rarity replied. “I'm just being romantic.”
Clover couldn't help but chuckle. “I think I understand, I was the same way when I wanted to follow in my sister's hoofsteps...Oh! And Rarity! That reminds me! My stage director needs costumes for our next show! Since we were having this reunion, I thought I would ask you.”
Rarity put a hoof to her chin in thought. “Well, it's not my forte, darling, though I am capable of it...but the manager of my Manehattan branch specializes in clothing exactly this kind of situation!”
Applejack had finished her conversation with Bright Eyes and continued on to her search for old friends at the reunion. There were definitely plenty.
“There you are, Bon Bon!” said Lyra nearby.
The yellow furred, purple maned Earth Pony with a candy cutie mark turned to her with a sigh. “Wrong Bon Bon, Lyra.”
“Darn it! That's the third time tonight!” the unicorn grumbled and wandered off.
Applejack smirked and trotted over. Taking a look at the mare, she noted she had a very shapely figure, like one would expect from a model, and wearing a gorgeous blue dress that accentuated it well. The fact she seemed to be eying the food greedily spoke a lot about how difficult it was to maintain it. “Howdy there, Bon Bon.”
The mare turned and looked to her with a smile. “Oh! Hello, Applejack!”
The farmer tilted her hat, and then gave a smirk. “Ah almost didn't recognize yah! Hard tah believe the gal who was eatin' any food she had on hoof could shape up like yah have!”
Bon Bon blushed a little bit. “Thanks, and trust me, it's not easy...” she said, then cringed as both heard munching on the other side of the refreshment table. The two looked over to see a chocolate brown Earth Pony stallion with a darker shade of brown for his mane and tail, Cutie Mark a top, munching some deserts. He was also notably pudgy. “Especially when somepony forgets I have to stay on a diet to keep my figure. Spinner...”
The stallion gave a nervous chuckle and put down the food. “Sorry dear...”
“It's fine...” Bon Bon replied, giving a sigh and nuzzling her husband. She looked back to Applejack and gave her a look over. “Speaking of figure, how do you keep yours so easy? You ate as much as I did!”
“Well, Ah'm also a farmer,” Applejack replied with some degree of pride. “Burn off most of it before sundown. But Ah'll tell yah, if Ah had tah choose between that and havin' tah have the willpower tah not gobble up everythin' all the time, Ah'll choose farmin'.”
“Thanks. It really is a hoofful, especially when posing for Photo Finish,” the fashion model replied. “That mare is very demanding...I'm honestly surprised you're so understanding, Applejack. You never really got the 'girly stuff' back at high school.”
The farmer chuckled. “Short answer? Rarity. And this one time Ah got mah life and hers switched and found out just how stressful that 'girly stuff' is.”
“...Your life is weird, AJ.”
“Ah know. By this point an evil overlord showin' up is basically Tuesday...Plus, sugarcube,” Applejack said, putting a hoof on her should. “Don't think Ah don't remember the Masquerade and how yah ran away and nearly fell off a cliff thinkin' we'd laugh at that dream of yers. Ah know how important this was tah yah.”
Bon Bon gave a small, grateful smile. “...Thanks, Applejack.”
Cheerilee and Starlight stood next to the refreshment table, looking out at the gym, seeing so many of their old friends having paired off.
“...So...you never found a special somepony either?” Cheerilee asked with a lonely sigh.
Starlight pinned her ears. “No...Things with Ace obviously didn't work out like I planned...We weren't the perfect pair...Never found Mr. Right after that, you know?”
The elementary school teacher gave an understanding, but clearly not happy, nod. “Oh I do...And then there's Cherry Blossom who has so many admirers it's a wonder she's not married...Guess they want an amazon and not a bookworm...”
“Then how did Bright Eyes get Lancer?” Starlight asked, putting a hoof on her shoulder. “I'm sure you'll find somepony someday...”
While Cheerilee was looking at Starlight, a peach colored hoof reached out from under the table and swapped out some of her food.
The college teacher then gave a sly smile. “And you know...I think Big Macintosh is still single...”
Cheerile blushed heavily. “Big Mac?! Oh yes, he is...he definitely is...why do you bring that up now?!”
“Because I've seen you look his way like twenty times since we've been here,” Starlight replied with a chuckle. “You're sweet on him.”
“...Well...I...what about you and Slipknot?” Cheerilee retorted.
Starlight spat out the punch she'd just taken a sip of and coughed. She looked over at a blue stallion with a lilac colored mane, his Cutie Mark a rope tied into Forget-Me-Knot. “S-Slipknot? I...well...” she said, a blush forming on her face.
The school teacher smirked. “I've seen you look his way forty times, Starlight...” she replied, then took a piece of cheese from her plate and took a bite...then spat it out, causing it to bounce off like it was made of rubber. “What the hay?!”
The two heard laughter and looked down, finding a peach furred mare with a light pink mane and tail to crawl out from under the table, her Cutie Mark a pink and yellow patch of fabric.
“Patch!” both of them complained with rolling eyes.
“Oh come on, I gotcha good!” the mare replied, and put Cheerilee's food back on her plate.
Cheerilee allowed herself to chuckle a little. “I suppose you did...still the prankster as always, I see.”
The joker nodded with a grin. “Not just any prankster, I'm a professional circus clown! I get to do this as a job now!”
“Class clown to circus clown,” Starlight replied with a good-natured smile. “Is anypony surprised?”
“It'd be more surprising if she was anything else,” Cheerilee replied. “Though thank you for giving us notes on that counterprank to Rainbow Dash when she went a little overboard.”
Patch laughed. “Oh no problem! I know better than anypony how sometimes it takes a prank to beat a prank! I just wish I was in town! That would've been the biggest prank I ever pulled!”
“What about your graduation prank where you somehow snuck into the school after dark and replaced all the chalk with rubber?” Starlight asked, giving a chuckle.
Cheerilee covered her mouth, trying not to laugh. “Mrs. Hackney went through so many pieces before she figured it out...”
Patch almost fell on her back laughing. “Oh, I remember! The look on her face!”
“You're lucky she understood it was one last prank for graduation,” Starlight remarked. “Would've stunk to get thrown in detention on the last day.”
“Yeah...Hehe, those were the days...” the professional clown replied, thinking back.
“...So...Did you end up with a special somepony?” Cheerilee asked after a pause, almost hoping not. Patch had always had trouble with commitment.
The prank loving mare nodded. “Yeah! Buddy! He's over there!” she said, pointing over to a white furred stallion with a mint blue mane and tail, his cutie mark a Rugby ball. He was currently telling jokes and laughing it up with a few stallions. “Great guy, real good sense of humor! Hehe...our wedding was a 'prank' wedding! But what would you expect when half the guests are clowns?!”
“Of course...I'm...happy for you...” Cheerilee replied with a forced smile.
Applejack and Bon Bon had ultimately walked apart. Mainly because Lyra had mistaken Bon Bon for 'her' Bon Bon again, so Bon Bon had headed off with her to find her to put an end to that. Rarity and Cheerilee may have been content to talk one pony's ear off the whole night, but Applejack preferred getting to meet with lots of her old friends chatting it up.
Which was how she ended up noticing one white furred, pink maned mare sitting off to herself, rather timidly and dressed in the humblest white dress one could imagine. Her Cutie Mark was a pink heart with a few yellow ones around it.
“Sweetheart, that you?” Applejack asked, trotting over.
The mare jumped, then gave a smile as she noticed who was calling. “Oh! Hello, Applejack. It's been awhile...”
The orange mare gave her a smile. Sweetheart wasn't Fluttershy shy, but she had a timidness to her. “Got that right. Haven't seen you since yah and Teddy moved tah Manehattan! Though Ah guess the name's Dr. Sweetheart now, huh?”
The timid mare blushed. “Um...just Sweetheart is fine. But thank you for noticing...”
Applejack nodded. “Yer cousin Redheart told meh about it, she was so proud of yah for it.”
“She is?”
“Yeah, she was prouder than a peacock!” the farmer replied, patting her on the back. “Congrats, sugarcube, yah earned it.”
“T-Thank you, I worked really hard...” Sweetheart replied, still blushing. “How about you, Applejack? How have you been?”
“Can't complain. Sweet Apple Acres is still up and runnin' and Apple Bloom got her Cutie Mark!” Applejack replied with a look pride.
Sweetheart gasped with a smile. “That's great! What's her special talent?”
“Helpin' other ponies find and learn 'bout theirs!” she replied, producing a picture of Apple Bloom with her Cutie Mark and showing it to her. “And here's the crazy thin'! She and her friends all got 'em at the same time!”
“That's amazing, I didn't know that could happen! Oh Applejack, you must be so proud!”
“Yah know Ah am!” Applejack replied, giving a smile...and then noticed something about Sweetheart she hadn't before now that she wasn't in the corner. “Sweetheart...Uh, no offense, but do yah have a baby on the way?”
Sweetheart gave a small chuckle, showing the physical signs of just that, though not very far into it. “Yes, mine and Teddy's first.”
“Aw shucks! And here Ah am talkin' about mah family, that's great news!” Applejack said, sharing a hug with her old friend...then blinking and looking around. “Speakin' of Teddy, where is he?”
“Oh, he said he had to go check something, he'll be back soon...”
“Ah hope so! Ah wanna congratulate 'em!”
A blue furred stallion with an orange mane, his Cutie Mark a black comb, walked through the hall ways to find somewhere private. He was currently wearing a suit, and seemed to not be enjoying it, constantly fidgeting with it. He looked, looking around to see if anypony was around...and then pulled out an old teddy bear that looked like it'd been torn in half at one point and stitched back together. He gave a smile...then looked up and found himself looking at Big Mactinosh...who was currently holding a certain small, stuffed donkey.
“So...yah really did have a teddy bear, Teddy?” Big Macintosh asked.
“Yeah...And you got a stuffed animal too?” Teddy asked back.
“Eeyup...Her name's Miss Smartypants...didn't name her...”
“...No pony must ever know...”
“Eeyup...So...uh...you're a hair stylist now?” Big Macintosh asked, not even trying to hide his attempt to change the subject.
“Yeah,” Teddy replied, then gave a growl. “Don't make fun of me for it! I can't help what I'm good at!”
“Wasn't gonna. Mah little cousin Babs Seed looks up tah yah somethin' fierce,” the older farmer replied. He admitted, he respected Teddy for not seeming one bit intimidated by the larger stallion. Mainly because he knew the blue stallion had reason not to be.
The former 'bad boy' blinked. “Babs? She's your cousin? I didn't know that.”
“Eeyup, and she's going to grow up to be a hair stylist too, it's her special talent,” Big Macintosh replied.
“Oh...well, kinda feels good to have somepony look up to me...” Teddy replied, rubbing his head. “...Though to be honest, sometimes I think ponies think I've gone soft...hehe, sometimes I head over to this local indy boxing place and give it a shot,” he replied, doing some quick boxing maneuvers. “Just to prove I'm still tough!”
“Well, yah were always the school tough guy,” Big Mac replied. “Can't say Ah ain't happy yah lost your attitude though.”
“You can thank Sweetheart for that one...” Teddy replied with a chuckle. “She really was a good influence on me...Oh! By the way, we're gonna have a kid!”
The farmer gave a smirk. “Congratulations.”
Before the conversation could continue, the two jumped at a camera flash. They looked over to see Featherweight standing nearby with his camera before taking off.
“...School paper taking pictures to report on the reunion?”
“...And he just got a picture of us with our stuffed animals?”
“Attention everypony, the Rockin' Beats will soon be performing, please take your places on the dance floor,” announced the reunion organizer.
The ponies assembled on the dance floor, Starlight and Cheerilee still standing next to each other as their friends with husbands paired off. The two left out as always.
“...” Starlight looked over at Slipknot, who likewise seemed to not have a partner. She looked to Patch who motioned her on. “...Hey, Cheerilee...I'll go ask Slipknot to dance if you ask Big Macintosh to, deal?”
Cheerilee's eyes went wide and her face grew bright red. “Well...I...I...”
“...I'm tired of being alone, aren't you?...We've been staring at them all night, maybe we should just ask them...plus, Patch won't let either of us live it down if we don't. And you know how she can be...”
“...” Cheerilee gave a sigh. “Of course I'm tired of it...fine...where IS Big Macintosh?”
“Alright, so you destroy that picture and Ah get yah an exclusive interview with Granny Smith, deal?” the elder Apple sibling asked Featherweight as they re-entered the gym. The silent colt nodded. “Good...”
Teddy wiped some sweat off his brow as the colt disappeared in what seemed like a blink and without a sound. “That was close...”
“Eeyup...” Big Macintosh replied with a sigh of relief.
“Big Mac?”
The stallion looked over to see Cheerilee standing beside him. “Oh, howdy Miss Cheerilee.”
“Hello...Big Macintosh...” the school teacher said, holding out a shaking hoof. “...May I have this dance?”
Big Macintosh's face grew a little redder than normal, so did Cheerilee's. “Yah...Yah want tah?”
Cheerilee nodded. “Yes, I do...To give it a chance, if nothing else...”
“O-Okay...” the normally stoic and in control stallion replied, taking her hoof. “If it's what yah want.”
Teddy chuckled as the two headed onto the dance floor. “...Sappy...” he muttered...then found his wife offering him her hoof. “Oh! Sweetheart!...Are you sure? I mean with the baby and all...”
“I'm the doctor, Teddy. Dancing is good exercise while you're pregnant...besides, I know you'll be careful with me,” Sweetheart replied, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
The 'tough stallion' blushed bright red. “Aw shucks...”
Starlight slowly approached Slipknot. “Slipknot?”
“Oh, hello Starlight, long time no see!” the stallion replied. “How are you doing?”
“I'm fine...Um...Slipknot...look...” Starlight stuttered, blushing. “...If...if it's alright with you, maybe....would you dance with me?” she asked, remembering how her attempts to get Ace with her had blown up in her face, fear welling up.
Slipknot took her hoof politely. “I'd be honored, Starlight.”
The stage set up in the gym was lit up with spotlights and Melody stood front and center with her band, the Rockin' Beats. “Hello everypony! I hope you're ready to dance because the Rockin' Beats are ready to rock!”
The gathered graduates of Ponyville High cheered.
=Sweet Music – My Little Pony Tales=
“Sweet music! Oh sweet music!
That's what I hear when you appear!
Sweet music! Oh sweet music!
Life is in tune when you are near!” Melody sung, effortlessly keeping tune even as she danced on stage. She noticed Ace dancing to the rhythm and offered her hoof. He accepted it and she pulled him up, not missing a beat as she transitioned into dancing with her husband.
Applejack, Patch, and Buddy all danced their own way together. Even if the latter two were married, neither was what one would call conventional by any stretch. As a result, the sight was three ponies doing something more akin to break dancing mixed with a hoedown than anything normal, which was fine with the three funloving ponies.
Clover politely invited Rarity to dance with her and Dandy so she didn't feel left out...and because having somepony who wasn't so clumsy there to catch them was a welcome thing.
Teddy slowly and carefully danced with Sweetheart, being surprisingly gentle with his pregnant wife. To any who remembered what he used to be like, how much he'd changed was plain to see.
Bon Bon danced with Spinner, but the two also shared their spot of the dance floor with the Ponyville Bon Bon and Lyra. Seeing the two side by side, it became apparent that somehow the two Bon Bons had ended up with the exact same dress. Combined with their coloration and similar Cutie Marks, one could understand how Lyra had repeatedly got the two of them mixed up.
Bright Eyes and Lancer simply danced in a more conventional manner, the two being conventional and logical ponies for the most part.
“When you are gone,
The song just isn't there!
But then I see your face again,
And music fills the air!
Fills the air!” Melody continued to sing, still dancing on stage with Ace. Melody was a pro at this, and Ace was one of the most athletic ponies in the room, so to no ponies surprise they were the best dancers in the room.
Big Mac and Cheerilee slowly danced a waltz, allowing themselves to enjoy the moment. Starlight and Slipknot were dancing a different style, more fitting for the rock style, but let their guard down and let themselves be lost in the beat.
“Sweet music! Oh sweet music!
I love the sound when you're around!
Sweet music! Oh sweet music!
Beautiful harmonies abound!
I know our song will never die!
Never die!
We make sweet music you and I!
You and I!” Melody finished, allowing Ace to throw her into the air and catch her, all without messing up one line. She gave him a kiss, which he gladly returned.
“...That was fun...” Big Macintosh admitted, blushing slightly as his dance with Cheerilee ended. “Yer a good dancer, Miss Cheerilee...”
The teacher blushed in return. “Thank you, Big Mac...so are you...”
“...Well...how did I do?” Starlight asked, looking a bit uncertain.
“You did perfect, Starlight...want to dance again?” Slipknot asked in return.
“...and yah shoulda seen the look on old Tirek's face when his beam didn't do a thin'! He couldn't believe what was happenin'!” Applejack said, walking next to Patch. The combined group was now walking through the Crystal Castle after the reunion had concluded.
“Hehe! I bet! Man, you girls have all the luck with these big adventures! I wish I'd gotten to be part of it!” Patch replied, smiling wide. “...Well, you know, as a Bearer. I actually missed that one, I was visiting Rosey on the Isle of Pony at the time.”
“Eh, isn't all sunshine and rainbows...” said the farmer. “Trust meh, sometimes Ah'd like tah trade yah...though speakin' of adventures, did yah ever...yah know...find...her?”
“...Bright Glow?...Nah...But I have heard of some sightings of a UFO that looks just like her and the others! So there's always hope, right?!”
“Sugarcube, Ah can turn into a glowin' magical pony, stranger things have definitely happened.”
“Of course I'll make you a dress, Bon Bon,” Rarity replied with a look of pride. “It would be an honor. Not just to make one for a model such as yourself, but for an old friend.”
Bon Bon gave a blush. “Thanks Rarity, it'd be nice.”
Cheerilee looked up at Big Macintosh. “I had a good night...Did you?”
“Eeyup...” the older Apple sibling replied with a small smile.
“Thanks for inviting us over to talk and catch up,” said Starlight, trotting along next to Slipknot.
“And give us a chance to meet a PRINCESS!” Melody added, giving a small squee.
“Oh, it's not problem, darling,” Rarity replied. “Twilight has plenty of room,” she explained, as they passed bathroom number 37. “And we had to pick up our little sisters anyway.”
“Oh, I can't wait to see them, I haven't seen any of them since they were babies,” Sweetheart said with a rather cute smile.
“Let's just hope those three haven't driven Twilight nuts,” Applejack commented.
“Oh come now, Applejack, what's the worst that could happen?” Rarity asked, opening the door...and the group finding themselves looking at two sets of CMC sleeping with the three Sirens, looking surprisingly peaceful and happy despite the fact the latter three were gigantic, formally world threatening fish monsters.
Twilight blinked, looking over. “...Uh, hi girls!...I can explain...”
“...Again, your lives are weird,” Bon Bon commented, eyes wide.
“...Not gonna argue with that, sugarcube...by this point this is pretty much normal for us...”
The End
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