#aidan lavisco
Middle Names
Mehmun: Jason. Zlatko: N/A Aerron: Joseph. Klara: Emily. Eban: N/A Aidan: N/A Kasi: Connie. Kai: Travis.
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purity-destroyed · 7 years
Minor Hero Starter Call!
Reblog for a starter with one of the minor heroes - randomised muse!
If multi-muse, please specify which of your muses in the tag!
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What Do You Guys Want to See?
I’m going to propose some ideas to you - please answer with your ideal one. They’re quite lengthy, so it’s under the cut!
More Character Designs
More Character Moodboards
More Drafts/Extracts
Name Pronunciations
Characters’ Sexual and Romantic Orientations
More Character Designs
This would take some time and perhaps some feedback. I currently have a lot of character bios to write (Ayla, Davey, Charlie, Forest, Shadow, The Dark One’s, etc.) and only have ideas for some. However, my friend is creating a character for me to use and I will give credit where credit is due - but I will view this character as a base, and will edit traits if I wish to. This would reveal more characters and allow myself to have an idea of what characters look like to give to artists I commission (and also for artists who wish to draw characters for me to not have to draw the same character as everyone else).
Some of my characters have faceclaims - if you would like me to, I will reveal which characters have a faceclaim and who those characters are. I will also, if requested enough, reveal other characters who will most likely not have a place in the series but are in the universe (such as Blake, Aidan and Nastasia’s late father, and Valeriya, Zlatko’s mother). This would be useful for me because I can then give these faceclaims to the artists I commission to draw my characters as a visual reference and to give people who want to draw or visualise my characters an idea of what they look like.
More Character Moodboards
I have recently been the mood to create moodboards, and I have created one for Jakob (https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/post/160735846434/ihavenosoul12-excuse-me-my-fashion-sense-is for those who didn’t see it). If you guys want me to, I would happily make them for other characters! I believe that it would allow me to reveal parts of characters’ backstories (the shattered photo frame in Jakob’s symbolises a broken family) without spoiling the entirety of it and being subtle at it, and also allow consumers to have an insight on the character’s personality and attitude as well as their favourite things.
More Drafts/Extracts
Depending on how fast I write things, not essentially The Blood Series - little examples of my writing (I’m in the process of writing a Kevin x Jamie fanfiction which explores abusive relationships, which will help me to write characters like Aerron and Damien). If you guys want stuff like that, I may post some drafts, extracts and examples. Of course, it’d depend if I’m able to write anything (things such as being unable to access my laptop, family issues, my mental illnesses, writer’s block) and if I’m proud to show it off (or am nagged to) to people. This is a huge maybe.
Name Pronunciations
Some characters have names that are bastards to pronounce. Some are pretty simple - Eban, Kai, Alex, Charlie - but others... not so much - Mehmun, Kasi, Nastasia , Kiyoshi - and I don’t want people saying ‘meme-un’ or ‘ka-see’. Thought it’d be funny, it would probably frustrate me as well, and I wish to avoid this at all costs. This is definitely going to happen at some point, but I want to know if others want this to be soon and perhaps my next post. This would avoid mispronunciations (which would annoy me a bit) and help people not feel bad if I correct them (I wouldn’t have to).
Characters’ Sexual and Romantic Orientations
I have an uncompleted list of these characters’ sexual and romantic orientations - however, this doesn’t mean that if a character isn’t into women that you can’t ship them with women. Contrary to most people’s beliefs, I don’t think it matters, considering they’re fictional. Heck, I ship a straight male character with a gay male character (not saying names at the moment) so I wouldn’t care less if you did the same (just... no incest or paedophilia... please no). This would mean that you can have an insight on characters and even form theories and headcanons for them. Perhaps it’d give you idea of the character!
Anything else?
I can’t think of anything at the moment, and if you have any suggestions, please tell me them!
I know I’ve been posting not a lot of original content and whatnot, but I’m trying to change that.
I hope you’ll answer, please give me your feedback!
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gods-rising · 5 years
May Post - Mothers’ Day
How would the cast of Gods’ Rising celebrate their mothers - or just their family in general - on Mothers’ Day? Mothers’ Day has happened already in England however that month was dedicated to Birthdays. Sorry for how late this is, life got busy at the wrong time.
Main protagonists first, then minor protagonists, then main antagonists, then minor antagonists. Background characters not included.
Jakob Sullivan - Jakob doesn’t remember his mother or if he even actually had one. But if he did have a mother, he’d buy pretty flowers, a nice card (and write a personal message, maybe thanking her for specific details, maybe nodding toward an inside joke) and cook her a nice breakfast in bed. Even if it turns out he didn’t, or doesn’t, have a good relationship with his mother, he’d try his best to make her feel loved that day.
Zlatko Jones - Zlatko celebrates Mothers’ Day by bringing his mother breakfast in bed and treating her and his little brother to a three person feast with a homemade dessert and ice cream. He’d get his brother a present and card to give to their mother, and get a smaller present and card for himself as well as a big card from the both of them. It’s her day, he reminds himself, and it’s up to him to make her feel special, everyday.
Charlie Parker - Charlie is sans a mother figure, so she takes it as another day to celebrate her father, whom she loves dearly. She’ll throw him a present, probably a corny mug, and give him a Mothers’ Day card and write a joke in it. She likes hearing his laughter; even if the joke is terrible, he’ll chuckle over a hot mug of coffee, which she’ll make (and maybe deliberately fuck up), and she’ll know that she made his day a bit better.
Alex Wilson - Alex, before everything fell apart, would rarely help his siblings get gifts for their mother, having to be urged by either his father, uncles or grandparents to just wish her a good day. Sometimes he’d give her the presents that had been bought by someone else and wouldn’t resist too much to be in the pictures they took each year with her. Looking back in time, he realises, he wishes he’d been persuaded more often.
Kenna Collier -  Kenna wants to stay as far from her mother as she can after the divorce - her mum’s... bizarre nature often ruins her daughter’s plans and mood, and there’s certainly a disconnect between the pair. The moment the opportunity arises to avoid spending Mother’s Day with, well, her mother, she’ll take it without hesitation. She’s disinterested in spending time with her mother. Her mother knows nothing about her.
Klara Lullay - Klara never really celebrated Mother’s Day. Without a mother and a father and grandfather she didn’t see worth celebrating, there was never any need. She’d celebrate herself, because she was the only one who was worth it, in her perspective. When not being hassled or tutored by her grandfather, she’d make herself a cup of tea (despite not being fond of it, she saw it as a celebratory drink) and make some food.
Eban Jones - Eban really wants to make his mother feel special but his anxiety gets in the way of him buying things (it’s hard to buy things when you can barely talk to the cashier). So he finds himself still having to get Zlatko to buy stuff for him. He does help his brother in the kitchen though when making the Mother’s Day meal - but whether that’s for better or for worse, no one is really sure. It’s a hit or miss most years.
Grace Smith - Grace was the closest with her mother and would often draw things for her, get her father to make a breakfast for her to bring to her mother in bed and would go outside and pick flowers from the neighbour’s garden for her. But now, her mother is gone, so she takes the time to appreciate her father and, since she can’t ask him to cook for her, she either gets Kai to help or just goes down to the nearest shop to buy a meal deal.
Kai Smith - Kai was never really too close with his mother, and she seemed to feel the same way, but would still try to participate in Grace’s celebrations of her. This usually met carrying anything Grace couldn’t or wouldn’t. Even before his mother was gone, Kai would prefer to spend time with his father, helping him wash up from Grace’s endeavours, watching television with him and playing video games. Now they have a Player Three.
Maddie Eyighes - Maddie barely celebrates her foster mother, only joining in just enough to get by without hassle, whether that means carrying the breakfast or just being in the background while her foster siblings surprise their mother or opening doors for her foster mum. The moment her necessary deed is done, she’s off, outside and running. Not like she can do anything inside, it’ll be taken up by her foster mother, and outside she’s free.
Nastasia Lavisco - Nastasia, for Mother’s Day, decides to get into more paid fights, win more supplies, trade some of the rest for more profitable supplies to sell, put some of the original supplies up as winnings for two people to fight over, hide some of the profitable but criminal supplies in too, sell the rest, use the money to buy better weapons and repeat the cycle. It’s what she does everyday, and why should a holiday about a mother change that?
Aidan Lavisco - Aidan is very lucky to have help from the people of the palace, as Mother’s Day is almost a necessity rather than a celebration. It’s the one time Aidan is allowed to run a dance, because the mother in question can’t be involved. He decides the scheme, the theme, the dress code, the predominant dance and the menu of it all, but it’s barely a choice. He’s been trained exactly what to say, by a mother who pulls the strings.
Valeriya Jones - Valeriya, as a mother herself, loves Mother’s Day. She always has, as she was especially close to her mother. They would cook together, Valeriya always learning a new recipe, a new trick, a new skill each time, and she treasured that time with her mother. Being a mother of two boys has been a challenge, but she can’t help but be cheerful when her sons show her their appreciation, especially through recipes she taught them.
Kyle Smith - Kyle had been eager to bring his mother gifts and flowers when he was younger, but stopped as the teen years got closer and his fights with his parents became more prominent. Then, when he had kids with his wife, he helped the two celebrate her, or spent time with his son if he wasn’t helping his sister at all. But those days, with his mother and wife, are behind him, and now he’s the one celebrated on Mother’s Day.
Tyler Brae - Tyler, being the immortal Demon King, is obviously without a mother but he finds the day endearing. For him, Mother’s Day is another opportunity to show how much his ragtag family means to him. He’ll choose some corny but interesting film, buy some snack food while his family is preoccupied during the day and get them all in the living room to watch it. They’ll pretend to hate it and complain but he knows that there’s nowhere they’d rather be.
Shadow - Shadow never celebrated Mother’s Day before and would happily continue to not... too bad he lives with Tyler. Finding himself wrapped up in the demon’s shenanigans continues on this day as he helps Tyler set everything up for the rest of the family. If Tyler wants to cook something, Shadow is there to help him and stop the inevitable house fire. Tyler might ask him one day if he’d prefer to stay out of it, but Shadow won’t let him do it alone.
Mehmun Salton - Mehmun doesn’t remember many Mother’s Days - not with his mother, not with his aunt, not with the mother of his daughter. He prefers not to, because who knows what other memories will arise? All he knows is that he had too few Mother’s Day with his actual mother and not enough with his wife. So he has no idea what he used to do - but he finds he enjoys watching shitty films with a group of other traumatised misfits.
Preston Sin - Preston’s mother is long gone, thanks to his immortality. When she was alive, Mother’s Day was special for her and gifts were expected. If she received one less gift, there was hell to pay, even though all of them knew the gifts would maybe last a day or two at best before finding themselves in the bin. But now, she’s gone, and he’s still around and kicking, with a new family who would never throw away presents.
Maggie Snare - Maggie didn’t celebrate her stepmother for Mother’s Day after her actual mother divorced and left her father, which may have started the rivalry and contempt but who knows? Most Mother’s Days, she’d go out with her friends or spend the day studying and being as far away from her stepmum as she could humanely be. If there were plans, she’d reluctantly abide by them. Now she has more freedom and people worth celebrating.
Luke Fortunato - Luke was too young to be able to get things for his mother before he and his brother were sent into care, plus there wasn’t much she cared for. The people running at the carehome weren’t motherly (or fatherly for that matter) so they never expected gifts, almost never received them and they seldom deserved them. He’s glad he didn’t bother because if he had, maybe Ezekiel would have been more bothered. 
Ezekiel Fortunato - Ezekiel’s only gift was to fuck shit up for them - pour the carers’ secret stash of booze or weed into the gutters, piss in their food, blocking the drains up, anything really to make the carers’ lives just as miserable as their clients’. It was a daily gift, because he didn’t know Mothers’ Day was a holiday for a long time, barely escaping his teen years without knowing it existed. He regrets not knowing - coulda done more.
Kiyoshi Kornai - Kiyoshi didn’t have a mother figure, even though she was a Born Hell Demon, and demons don’t celebrate human-made holidays regardless. It took a while for her to be introduced to the concept of the holiday and she’s still uncertain on how she feels about it - cute and something she celebrates with her family now but, at the same tine, how many times was she suffering on Mother’s Day?
Amber Miller - Amber used to love her mother and was often buying her flowers and chocolates. She’d buy her all sorts of flowers, like roses, and try to pick out all the best chocolates for her, wrap them up and bring them to her in her bed. Now she regrets bothering. She could have saved up that money for something, maybe for when she ran away after her parents refused to accept her as trans. But she didn’t. She wasted it on her mother.
Johnny Miller - Johnny would chip in with their sister’s presents to their mother, giving maybe a pound or two extra to really buy something nice. However, they weren’t as close with their mother, or their father really, Amber being the parent-adoring child. Johnny preferred his own company. But that didn’t make it any harder for Johnny to run away with Amber. Not that they’d ever choose them over their twin. They’ll never be far from her side.
Damien Roth - Damien was an Original Demon, created by the hands of the gods personally, meaning he has no family. He would celebrate the gods, before the war, and give the divine gifts - loyalty, worship, love. That changed when his eyes opened to the injustices demons faced in a world catered toward mortals. Now, with the gods dead and a King who needs to die, the only thing he’ll celebrate will be the promise of them never returning.
Ayla - Ayla is usually in charge of all the Light World balls - not the Mother’s Day one, however. She’s not involved, and leaves it to her son. However, she makes sure he knows what she wants, and that there’s hell to pay if demands aren’t met. Though the Mother’s Day ball is often praised as her son’s, it’s a product of her incessant control and manipulation. That’s the best Mother’s Day gift she can get - relentless power.
Loki Lullay - Loki grew up within the Lullay family and the supposed Lullay curse took his mother from him at a young age. Mother’s Days were the days he’d visit her grave with his brother and father, to lay the most gorgeous flowers for her. He hasn’t seen her grave for eighteen years while his traitor brother keeps up the tradition, or at least he assumes he does. Maybe that’s what drives him to madness. Twenty years away from her.
Malcolm Gull - Malcolm bought flowers for his own mother and his best friend’s mother, before she died at least. After that, he’d buy his best friend flowers on that day, even chocolates, and they’d have a picnic as well. Those were some of the best days for the pair of them, playing Frisbee and football. Then his best friend died. Because of the sorcerers. Because of a sorcerer. He’ll avenge them. He’ll avenge them both. He’ll avenge him.
Nico Angel - Nico never got into Mother’s Day. He’d buy stuff, or at least his father would, for her, maybe bring her a half-hearted breakfast in bed, but no real effort or time put into it. That changed when he became a father, as he’d help his child treat his wife on that day, making food, buying flowers, showering gifts. Too bad it didn’t stay that way - he didn’t stick around for long with them. He just hopes his sons treat their mother well.
Davey Sullivan - Davey grew up with no mother, a dead brother and hatred for his cousin. His father made sure he knew it was his cousin’s fault his mother and brother were dead and made sure that he knew it was his fault that his cousin got away unpunished for his guilt. But for Mother’s Day itself, he’d go to his mother and brother’s graves, lay flowers down and promise them he’d get his cousin punished. Once and for all.
Aerron Yelad - Aerron’s mother loved him much more before he got diagnosed with autism. Despite being ‘vaccine injured’ and ‘proof vaccines do more harm than good’ and ‘the reason I’m not vaccinating the rest of my kids’, he still loves her a lot. He understands that she does love him, he’s just harder to deal with, and she’s giving all the attention she can. But he still feels alone. Alone enough to make bad choices. He’s so desperate.
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Sexualities (+ Genders)
Since it’s Pride Month, I thought it’d would be a suitable time to share the sexualities and genders of the cast (as one of the things of note of The Blood Series is that a lot of the characters are LGBT+, as well as other representation). Some of these may change.
It’s long so click the link to see more!
Main Characters
Jakob Sullivan - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Zlatko Jones - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Alex Wilson - Cisgender, homosexual, homoromantic.
Charlie Parker - Cisgender, homosexual, homoromantic.
Kenna Collier - Cisgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Klara Lullay - Cisgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Eban Jones - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Kasi Smith - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Kai Smith - Cisgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Maddie ‘Forest’ Eyighes - Cisgender, homosexual, homoromantic.
The Dark One - Cisgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Shadow - Transgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Mehmun Salton - Cisgender, asexual, biromantic.
Preston ‘Seventh Sin/Seven’ Sin - Cisgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Meggie ‘Carnal’ Snare - Cisgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Luke Fortunato - Cisgender, asexual, heteromantic.
Ezekiel Fortunato - Transgender, bisexual, questioning.
Kiyoshi Kornai - Intersex, heterosexual, heteromantic. 
Amber Miller - Transgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Johnny Miller - Nonbinary, bisexual, biromantic.
Minor Characters
Nastasia Lavisco - Cisgender, asexual, aromantic.
Aidan Lavisco - Cisgender, homosexual, homoromantic.
Valeriya Jones - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Kyle Smith - Cisgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Justin Gull - Transgender, homosexual, homoromantic.
Damien Roth - Cisgender, bisexual, aromantic.
Ayla - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Loki Lullay - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Malcom - Cisgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Nico Jones - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Davey Sullivan - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Aerron Yelad - Cisgender, homosexual, homoromantic.
Background Characters
School Characters
Jonas - Cisgender, homosexual, homoromantic.
Cassie - Transgender, asexual, biromantic.
Amelia - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Nix - Nonbinary, bisexual, biromantic.
Unknown Town Characters
Jake - Cisgender, heterosexual, biromantic.
Jess - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Deceased Parents
Klaire Lullay - Cisgender, bisexual, biromantic.
Kasey Smith - Cisgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Seven Deadly Sins (sans Seven)
Warren Sin - Nonbinary, asexual, aromantic.
Gregory Sin - Cisgender, asexual, heteromantic.
Evelyn Sin - Transgender, heterosexual, heteromantic.
Luc Sin - Genderfluid (Luc, Luci, Lucius), bisexual, biromantic.
Sydd Sin - Cisgender, asexual, aromantic.
Georgie Sin - Nonbinary, bisexual, biromantic.
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Hair Headcanons
Whose hair gets really curly after a shower/bath/etc.?
Mehmun, Aerron (only in the no!Damien verse because of hairstyles), Klara.
Who has to get constant hair cutting appointments because of the quick growth time of their hair?
Mehmun, Klara, Kasi.
Who loves their hair?
Aerron, Kai.
Who hates their hair?
Mehmun, Eban.
Hair Stereotypes! Do they fit with your muses? (Bold for yes, plain for no.)
Mehmun - Red hair - hot-tempered, sensitive to pain, self motivated, opinionated, alluring, impatient, powerful, loving, insightful, sincere, excited.
Zlatko - Brown hair - trustworthy, faithful, even tempered, clever, gifted, confident, stable, imagination less.
Aerron - (I’m doing black hair even though brown’s his natural) - reserved, calm, self-interested, sad, suspicious, competent with finances, mysterious, artistic, shadowy, untrustworthy.
Klara - Black hair - reserved, calm, self-interested, sad, suspicious, competent with finances, mysterious, artistic, shadowy, untrustworthy.
Eban - Black hair - reserved, calm, self-interested, sad, suspicious, competent with finances, mysterious, artistic, shadowy, untrustworthy.
Aidan - Blonde hair - lacking in intelligence, choosy, outgoing, flighty, like to have fun.
Kasi - Brown hair - trustworthy, faithful, even tempered, clever, gifted, confident, stable, imagination less.
Kai - Brown hair - trustworthy, faithful, even tempered, clever, gifted, confident, stable, imagination less.
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I'm thinking of things for a new RP blog I want to make (AU version of fucked-up-cinnamon-rolls). I have:
I Defy My Death by Burying (Others' [may not add]) Bodies in my Grave. (Mehmun's tag)
Anything For My Brother - Anything. (Zlatko's tag)
I Am In No One's Possession. (Aerron's tag)
So Much Potential Taken From Me. (Klara's tag)
I Owe My Resurrection To a Demon King. (Eban's tag)
The Good War Starter. (Aidan's tag)
Pyromaniac Girl On The Run. (Kasi's tag)
Demon Boy On The Run. (Kai's tag)
Choose Your Words Carefully. (RP starters tag)
The Words of an Enemy. (RPs/Asks tag)
Gifts Will Not Buy Our Mercy. (RP symbols/Submissions tag)
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Alternative Universe - Reversed
This AU has triggering subjects. Also, this is the AU/Verse that one of my (hopefully) future RP blogs (because I want more of these fuckers) will be in. Under a cut because LENGTH.
Mehmun - Bad
All of his life, people close to him died. It became a habit, he did not expect anyone close to him to live - and they never did. When he was twenty four, he was the killer of the love of his life - he saw little wrong with this, it would have been more painful if she'd died another way.
And talking about how painful it was - it wasn't. It was thrilling. It was then he got a love for murder, for it filled the adult with glee as he chose who lived and died - very few lived.
The majority of his family and friends died at his hands, including his father-in-law, uncle, younger cousin... and his own daughter. He took it up as a career, using his sorcery to enhance his skills. He has no motive, no pattern. Mehmun kills when he feels like it.
And Mehmun always feels like it.
Zlatko - Bad
He had a younger brother to protect - well, the brother was in no way related to him - and he would go to any lengths to protect the boy. When his brother fell ill, Zlatko had to save him. But the treatment that could save him wasn't cheap.
He began to sell illegal items, such as cocaine, faulty or fake appliances, like lamps that would explode after a few uses, weapons, you name it, he sold it. Alas, despite being able to afford the treatment, it was too late.
His brother died. Going into a depressive state, he began to use some of the things he would sell, just to push away the pain - but, even when the boy was 'brought back to life' by the demon that had been possessing him, he only continued to use them, truly addicted.
He will do anything for his little brother. Even if it resorts to ending lives.
Aerron - Good
Aerron is free from Damien's clutches. He's getting used to normal life now, having to learn things he should have learnt during his time being possessed by Damien, like cooking, anything learnt in school after being twelve years old, how to socialise with other humans, etc.
He's a free man, but after having his mind invaded by a supernatural being, he's not without suffering just yet. The effects that it had on him are mostly mental and emotional scars, though some are physical.
Aerron avoids going to places he went to when possessed by the demon, even if they held good memories. Of course, there is the verse where he never met Damien - he has a degree in Drama, a boyfriend he met when fifteen and is on his way to becoming an actor.
It's funny just how one mistake as a child can change your life's path.
Klara - Bad
She and her father had been on a boat, leaving the island where her mother and grandfather had been killed - she was ten at the time, and hadn't put the pieces together. But it was on that boat trip she did - she didn't find out whilst living, however.
Klara found out as her father drove a knife into her neck. He cremated her on the boat, but left the knife that killed her somewhere hidden on the boat, and now she haunts it, tied to the knife.
Well, she did haunt it, until someone found and took the knife home with them. Wherever the knife goes, she goes. Despite being killed aged ten, she can change her appearance - she goes with a fifteen year old image. The only thing she wants - her father's head.
But she can't do that alone - she needs your (muse's) help.
Eban - Bad
He was taken in by Zlatko (and thus, his mother) and became the younger brother of the cyborg, though at times it did get stressful for the three of them, seeing as Eban is possessed by the Demon King, is also a hybrid and is another mouth to feed.
One day, he caught a life-threatening sickness, which Zlatko's mother also caught and later died of. He was comatose for two months of the sickness and unable to move for another three.
He was almost thankful when he died. However, there seemed to be no rest for him, as he was revived as a demon under the rule of the one possessing him in life, and thus made the choice to become a solid being so he could bury his human body - Zlatko hadn't cared to.
However, Eban being a demon possesses him to do... bad things.
Aidan - Bad
He was broken into - he gave up fighting for his world's sister world, for his sister, for the legacy for his father. At this point, he had just become King, and his mother's treatment of him had only worsened. He was hardly coping - so why go through Hell for a fight he'd never win?
Aidan gave up, and soon, the choices he made were not forced onto him - out of free will, he doomed the Dark World's people, and the Light World's - his own people.
His world is in the midst of a war, one he is proud to stay he started, the terrorist group called DROW barely alive anymore, thanks to his commands. Ayla is no longer alive, but his reign of terror is going on strong - at least five hundred years have passed since his coronation.
Aidan, the Light King, will make sure he wins the war, no matter the cost.
Kasi - Bad
Kasi always had a fascination with fire since she was five years old - you would have thought learning how dangerous fire was the hard way would have caused her to be fearful of it, or at least wary, but it seems to have had the opposite effect. She adores it.
When her mother and twin brother died in a car crash (which he was driving, apparently), she would set things on fire - cushions, paper, drawings made by her or her twin as children, the lot.
When thirteen, she found a club based on the idea of paranormal beings, such as demons, and the resurrection of life. Joining it, she learned one of the supposed resurrection spells and attempted to summon her dead brother once again. He returned... sort of. And she changed too.
Together, they would create havoc upon the world that separated them.
Kai - Bad
He drove the car that killed his mother - and himself. It was an accident, nothing was planned... well, his demise wasn't at least. He was only eight at the time, but his mother didn't care too much that he was driving - but she probably did in the afterlife.
He wasn't sent to Heaven or Hell or purgatory - he was sent to the Demon World which, as an eight year old, was terrifying. However, he soon settled into the swing of things and became a demon.
Five years had passed when he was summoned to be resurrected. He became a solid being, though he was unable to hide his demonic features unless he wears sunglasses and a hat - he doesn't. Convincing his sister to invest in her developed pyromania.
He convinced her sister to travel with him, and they became criminals.
Mehmun - Serial Killer/Assassin - Bad - Thirty nine years.
Zlatko - Drug Addict - Bad - Eighteen years.
Aerron - Free/Normal - Good - Seventeen years.
Klara - Ghost - Bad - Ten years, fifteen in appearance.
Eban - Demon/Dead - Bad - Twelve years, fifteen in appearance.
Aidan - King - Bad - One thousand years, twenty in appearance.
Kasi - Criminal - Bad - Fourteen/Fifteen years.
Kai - Demon/Dead/Criminal - Bad - Eight years, fourteen/fifteen in appearance.
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The Light World
It's also a little bit revealing on Aidan's backstory.
Hope you're holding onto the bars because ooh boy this is gonna be a ride.
To be honest, I myself got uncomfortable writing this, because it lists horrible punishments and sometimes, my body can feel the sensation of pain by seeing or reading the sort of pain, which isn't ideal. But I had to write this, so I pushed that aside, heh.
One of the reasons Aidan came to Earth was to fulfil a prophecy - and he didn't go back because he made friends. However, there are multitude of reasons why the King of the Light World is reluctant to return home.
The core reason?
His mother.
There are three worlds, all connected to each other via two paths - these paths are connected by a world, which we'll call the Never for now. This world has a force-field around it, and paths around it, and it's where most exiled people are sent by the Light Elder - or, for now, the Light Queen. Despite it not being one of the main worlds, it's an important part.
Those in labour are sent to this world to have their child, and it is here it will evident whether a child is to grow up in the Light World or the Dark World, regardless of their parents' home. Even if both parents are from the Light World, there is a 50/50 chance of living in the Dark World.
Ayla, who was from the Light World, had fallen in love with Blake, from the Dark World. (Back then, both worlds were at peace and had now reason to be against each other, and thus. people of either world could marry or be with someone of the other world.) Her first child, Nastasia, was to live in the Dark World with Blake, but her second, and last, child, Aidan, was to live in the Light World with her.
When Aidan was only a few years old in human years, Ayla discovered that neither of her children had purely Light/Dark World blood - because Blake was a hybrid of their species (immortal human - they can be killed) and human. Disgusted, and being a hater of humans, she banished him. But not to the Never - oh no.
To our world.
A person can travel to our world for specific reason and not have this risk hanging over them, like Aidan, but if one is banished, they will have a limited life - if they are thirty in the years of the Light/Dark World (L/D World), their life will continue from that stage, and die at a certain age.
If a human and someone of either the L/D World have a child, the human parent will live as long as the child lives. So when Blake was sent to that world, as well as his own life span, his human parent's life span was limited once more.
Since Aidan was probably only one hundred years then, or a little under that, he barely remembers his father (however, he was probably mentally older than the age he was in his world's years).
Ayla, who was at this point the advisor to the Light King - or Light Elder, they called him - (she was called the Light Advisor), developed a abhorrence for the citizens of the Dark World, and a stronger one for humans. Since her children had human blood, and one of them resided in the Dark World, slowly but surely, she saw them as inferior.
Since the Light Elder was nothing more than an old man, Ayla found that he was somewhat easy to manipulate - sure, he wouldn't agree to a few things, such as changing the image of the people of the Dark World from allies to barbarians, allowing executions to be a punishment, banishing hybrids to Earth without a trial, even if they hadn't committed a crime (but to her, being the offspring of a human and one of their own species was a crime).
The Light Elder's parents had been assigned to the Dark World, as had two of his three siblings and his five children - and all but one of his grandchildren lived there too. He had no reason to dismiss that world's people as inferior barbarians.
Three days later, he was dead - his death is still a mystery.
With no successor (the sibling who had been assigned to the Light World with him had died, and the grandchild living in the Light World wasn't old enough yet), there was no monarch for a while, and so the Light Advisor was given temporary power.
This temporary power lasted many years, only ending when Aidan was around nearly four hundred in human years - considering he was only hundred at the time, this was a long time.
Over that period of time, she was able to convince the Light World's people against the Dark World, forcing the belief that they were barbarians and unworthy of respect down their throats, and, in response to the sudden degradation, they (or a select group of them who called themselves the Daemon Army of Righteous Death and Sacrifice - DARKS) got violent. Throughout the three hundred years that passed, countless innocents from both worlds died, homes were lost and a war lasting for nine human years occurred.
With this reaction, Ayla was only further able to declare that those of the Dark World were ruthless, savage criminals, and she would punish anyone who stated otherwise - she even executed a few - and soon, no one dared to defend them.
When Aidan understood what was going on, he immediately went against his mother, blinded by the love for his older sister, protesting that they deserved respect, that the only reason they were acting like this was because she forced the ideals of herself onto others, forcing them to believe them and causing a violent reaction.
Since he had human blood, and since she was ruthless in her reign, she would punish him.
But he did not stop.
In fear for their lives, no one would stand with him as he protested the rights of their sister world, and no one with stand against Ayla as she punished him.
There were a list of punishments one could receive: drowning until near unconsciousness, whipping, beating, burning, cutting into the offender's flesh, amputation (slowly, and with the offender awake), branding, gouging out an eye, sticking needles in the eye, scooping out flesh... and that was just a handful.
Aidan endured the majority of those at least four times. The number varied depending on the punishment. Ayla carried out every single punishment, and didn't give mercy despite it being her son she was punishing - she probably made the punishment worse for him because he had human blood.
He never had amputation done to him (not in this verse anyway), never had his eyes gouged out, never had needles in his eye or parts of his flesh scooped out, however.
It wasn't that the people of the Light World found enjoyment in watching the child suffer for the right of their sister world, or that they were truly on Ayla's side, but they feared that standing up for Aidan, against Ayla, that she would punish them - some of them again.
One day, she decided that, because her son was not relenting, the only way he would stop was if he was no longer in the Light World. She decided to banish him - well, she wanted to execute him, but an unknown name persuaded her to simply banish him to the Never.
He was tied up with ropes that cut into his flesh and dragged to the boundary of their world.
The Never, as well as being a place where people would have their child assigned to either world, was also a prison to the banished - there were two parts of the Never, the banished going to a different part.
It was said that, if a prophesied monarch was to be banished there before their reign, the Never would not allow it - and this happened with Aidan. He simply could not be banished, and, when someone reminded Ayla of the Prophecy, she had another idea of how to control the Light World.
Her son, crowned as the Light World's King, was very much afraid of her, and, if threatened correctly, would do as she said. Most of the people of the Light World realised this, and, this time, several gave up their lives in futile attempts to save their King - those who did not lose their lives were either punished (by Ayla) and/or had to watch as she punished - and/or killed - their families. She had no mercy, and the children in the family would always die, to make a point that she was not to be messed with.
Aidan had been 'ruling' for nearly one hundred human years, and decided that he would make his escape to the human world, claiming to be doing the work of the Prophecy. Once down there, he decided, he would find a way to save his world from his mother's reign of terror, and win the rights for his sister's world. It would mean abandoning them, which would result in Ayla being in control once again, but it was the only way.
With him gone, life continued on. During his time on Earth, a war between the Light World and the Dark World, initiated by Ayla or DARKS - no one is sure. Aidan is oblivious to it, focused on saving them, but it's rumoured that he abandoned the world to get away from his mother, leaving that the mercy of her, and thus, a group of people in the Light World have decided that if he seen again, he shall be killed on spot.
Who would have thought that one woman could start the breakdown of a world's society?
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purity-destroyed · 7 years
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Minor Hero Promo
Nastasia (Lavisco) - Aidan (Lavisco) - Valeriya Jones - Kyle Smith - Justin Gull.
A RP blog for the entire cast of @the-blood-series.
Forty plus muses.
Triggers present.
Run by Soul/Tristan, mun of @fucked-up-cinnamon-rolls​​, @bloodisonourhands​​, @mxny-chxnges​​ and more.
Semi selective, mutuals only.
Mun underage.
Mild gore, bloodshed, torture, death and violence present.
OC, crossover, ship, crack and angst friendly.
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The Blood Series - Information
This is just some information I need to write down and share that some, or most, followers are not aware of.
I have said a few things but that was when I only had about three to ten followers. After the sudden influx of followers (thanks to @oc-things-for-you - I really want to do something for them to thank them) and the more things to post (asks, that silly giveaway reblogging thing, etc.), those posts were lost in time.
Of course, one could always scroll down and read every post from the beginning of when the blog was made but I doubt everyone will be willing to do so.
I will give links to posts made before in this post, and reblog those posts for those who can't click links (for whatever reason they may have), but not everything I want to address is addressed in those posts!
Everything will be under the cut, so not to clog up people's dash.
Originally, everything was on queue! The character bios, the drafts, the posts, the reblogs... It was so I could post things when people were online and so I had more time.
I have a lot of time, to be honest. Just not a lot is spent on writing, let alone writing for the series. I am a procrastinator.
However, after the sudden income of followers (and a little prior that), I found myself ditching that habit. This post will be queued, by the way, but I hope not to fall into this habit once more.
Now, here are the links!
My Writing
The Blood Series - First Scene - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/post/157242386695/one-blood-first-scene
The Blood Series - School Project - Late to Class - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/post/158680031489/late-to-class
Character Designs
Mehmun Salton - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/post/157056719519/mehmun-salton
Aerron Yelad - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/post/157059146754/aerron-yelad
Aidan (Lavisco) - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/post/157065578883/aidan-lavisco
Zlatko Jones - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/post/157092534366/zlatko-jones
Klara Lullay - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/post/157095322779/klara-lullay
Kasi Smith - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/post/157097650358/kasi-smith
Kai Smith - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/post/157100110646/kai-smith
Nastasia (Lavisco) - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/post/157107101035/nastasia-lavisco
Eban Angel - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/post/157062097350/ebanangel
Damien (Roth) - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/post/157115410275/damien
WIP Character (Justin Gull) - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/post/157182567006/background-character
Character Reference Tag(s) - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/CharacterRef/https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Character-Ref/https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/CharacterReference/https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Character-Reference
Design Tag - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Designs
Character Tags
As of now, most don’t have anything on their tags. But, for the sake of having their tags in one place, have this.
Jakob Sullivan - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Jakob-Sullivan
Zlatko Jones - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Zlatko-Jones
Kenna Collier - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Kenna-Collier
Charlie Parker - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Charlie-Parker
Alex Wilson - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Alex-Wilson
Klara Lullay - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Klara-Lullay
Eban Angel - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Eban-Angel
Kasi Smith - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Kasi-Smith
Kai Smith - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Kai-Smith
Forest - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Forest
The Dark One - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/The-Dark-One
Shadow - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Shadow
Mehmun Salton - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Mehmun-Salton
Seventh Sin - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Seventh-Sin
Little Miss Unclad - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Little-Miss-Unclad
Ezekiel Fortunato - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Ezekiel-Fortunato
Kiyoshi Kornai - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Kiyoshi-Kornai
Star Miller - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Star-Miller
Johnny Miller Millersea - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Alex-Wilson
Aidan (Lavisco) - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Aidan-%28Lavisco%29/https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Aidan
Nastasia (Lavisco) - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Nastasia-%28Lavisco%29/https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Nastasia
Aerron Yelad - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Aerron-Yelad
Damien (Roth) - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Damien
Ayla - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Ayla
Davey Sullivan - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Davey-Sullivan
Loki - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Loki
WIP Character (Justin) - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/WIP-Character
School Students - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/School-Students
Townsfolk - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Townsfolk
Village People - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Village-People
Light/Dark Worldians - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Light-World-Citizens/https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Dark-World-Citizens
Demons - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/Demons
City Citizens - https://the-blood-series.tumblr.com/tagged/City-Citizens
Please tell me if you want anything else added to this!
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My Current Top Ten Characters - The Blood Series
I thought this would be something fun for me to do. You can reblog this if you want and comment on your favourite characters of my series. However, since most of the characters don't have bios, you probably won't know them as well as I.
The only reason why I haven't made biographies for them is because I'm struggling to give them good designs appearance-wise.
Anyway - on with the favourites! The top one is my least favourite favourite and the bottom one is my most favourite favourite.
10. Kiyoshi Kornai:
Kiyoshi is a character who, currently, is very undeveloped - heck, I'm not sure if 'she' will identify as female or non-binary yet. However, she went from a cold, mute person to a quiet, non-talkative person who cares deeply about the other 'bad guys' that pose as her family. And that ranks her as my tenth favourite characters.
9. Jakob Sullivan
Honestly, this guy has an air of mystery around him. He's the oldest of the 'good guys', knows how to cook, drive and keep care of others; yet there's just something that you don't know about him. He knows what to keep quiet and what to tell others about. Jakob is like the other dad friend, and that makes him my ninth favourite.
8. Nastasia (Lavisco)
Originally, Nastasia wasn't my character but my friend's. She was allowed to be a part of the story and, honestly, I couldn't see it without her. She's not a villainous character, really, but her morals and actions hint at just that. Her intentions are understandable but don't justify them, and this nominates her as my eighth favourite.
7. Seventh Sin
Seven is probably one of the most fabulous and flamboyant characters in the entire series. He's a guy who is interested in the way he looks and acts, and tries to remain fashionable and handsome. Despite me not usually liking the characters, he seems to be an exception because he is my seventh favourite character on the list.
6. Klara Lullay/Salton
Klara is a bitch and quite rude and unlikable, and yet I like her. She has few redeeming qualities, but they fit in with her story so well. It's hard to like her, but once you start to see things from a different perspective (her own) - like you have to as an author - you sort of understand. She's still a bitch, but I like her enough for this list.
5. WIP Character (Justin Gull)
Justin, despite not being an important character at all (at the moment, I'm considering a few things...), is honestly one of the more developed character. He's, in my opinion, relatable and fun to write. I want to rewrite that draft just so I can get a chance to write him more and better. Plus, he's the favourite out of my friends.
4. Aidan (Lavisco)
Aidan is a pure cinnamon roll, and I love him for it. Sure, he's a bit childish and naive, but he's learning about Earth and he's happily doing so. This character needs to be protected and held, because he's honestly one of the most pure and sweetest characters that was ever created by me, and that's why he's my fourth favourite character.
3. Aerron Yelad
Aerron pretends to act like he's got it all together, like he doesn't care about what he does, as if he truly does like committing murder. But he doesn't. He's being forced into it, and Aerron doesn't want to do it, but he has to. He has no choice. He's a tragic character, and I find myself adoring his storyline and character.
2. Mehmun Salton
He's salty, he's short, he's a conflicted character with a dark backstory - what's not to love? Jokes aside, Mehmun is one of the characters who I have had ever since he was nothing but a bad guy. He doesn't realise how much his life has affected him, and doesn't realise it still impacts him. However... He didn't make it to number one.
1. ...
How can you choose me to choose a number one out of all my babies?!
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Promotional Banner - The Blood Series.
Follow @the-blood-series for more.
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Like/Reblog for a Aidan starter.
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Aidan? More like Aidone.
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I nearly made a typo, expect crack and play-ons of my muses’ names.
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