#agravain is a top to me though…
poleenopoleeno · 2 months
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— a dance I never got from you
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daenystheedreamer · 1 year
honestly hadn't thought of the first men/native americans parallels before but you're right they're definitely there! personally my first impression was first men = celts, andals = saxons, ironborn = danes but that's v much from a british perspective.
i mean theres obvs a lot of inspiration from gaelic cultures for the first men (pre-andal reach is wales ill die on this hill) and i guess i would argue that the andal invasions are more similar to saxon settlement than european colonisation? as in, not nearly as genocidal, not coming in as a unified force or trying to create a unified state, those left in the andal/saxon controlled portion end up assimilating to the invaders' culture. oh and also im a bit obsessed with the whole mystery around the vanishing of brittonic languages in saxon britain and mayyy have elaborate headcanons on the andal replacing of the first men languages based on that.
oh and the whole ironborn/danes thing. well the viking parallels are obvious. and then the danelaw was my first thought when i read about ironborn controlled riverlands haha.
ah sorry just to be clear im not trying to say you're wrong!! i just find pre-targ westeros v fun and would love to hear more about your headcanons cause it sounds like they'd be p different to mine! i also don't know that much about different native american cultures - do u have thoughts on the inspirations for different first men regions? i mean obvs the north and wildlings you'd be looking at inuit cultures but do you have thoughts on the others? i also thought an interesting parallel to the north would be the saami altho im also pretty uneducated on them haha.
anyway i just really love worldbuilding fantasy cultures because of how it prompts me to find out more about various real world cultures - and it makes sense to take inspiration from multiple real world cultures. i mean one of the reasons i love tolkien's dwarves so much is they prompt the question 'what exactly would a fusion of old norse and jewish cultures + a few original bits such as a love of geology and craftsmanship even begin to look like'. (although i do also know it's important to remember that real world cultures are real and to be respectful of them, especially when they're not my own and especially when it's an oppressed culture)
anyway sorry for the essay in your inbox feel free to ignore i just love rambling on about this stuff! also in terms of your original point - yeah the people who whine about 'bla bla but they're meant to be white' are so dull. i mean 1) it's all made up anyway who cares 2) 'white' is either a post-colonial construction within a specific political, historical, and cultural context or just a description of skin colour. it means basically nothing from an in-universe fantasy perspective (obviously the choice of which characters are white and how they're written is important from an out-universe perspective grrm would it kill you to be normal about non-northwestern european cultures). also the valyrians aren't white they do not have pale skin just look at where valyria is located on a map. sometimes the author is wrong.
no worries i LOVE this ask i lovelovelove just talking and rambling about things im interested in and care about and i LOVELOVELOVE when people do it back!! 
yeah personally i figured the northern first men were based on the picts since the wall is clearly inspired by hadrian's wall and the celtic influence is clear too. in the show the spiral motif they introduced reminded me of the celtic triskelion (though its more proto-indo-european than celtic) which tickled my brain!! YES ON THE REACH WALES THING because garth greenhand and their national founding myth is SOOO king arthur they have such a culture of chivalry plus there’s a bunch of arthurian-inspired names sprinkled throughout the reach (off the top of my head there’s agramore(agravain), gawen (gawain) and perceon(percival))
the ironborn danes is very much text and canon, they’re clearly vikings and i think GRRM has specfically said that. however i think sea-faring peoples can easily be identified as polynesian/pasifika.
for me there what the text presents which is that westeros is grea britain with medieval moorish spain taped to the bottom of it, and then there’s the more culturally interesting fanon in my head that still mostly fits into canon! since the concept of whiteness obvi doesnt exist like you said and genetics are hand waved there’s really nothing in the text that denies an indigenous north. 
i personally see them as indigenous siberian (specifically yakut) since the first men allegedly travelled from the dothraki sea and many indigenous ethnic groups of siberia such as the yakut are north asian and turkic which fits into the way the dothraki are written. im not american so i dont know much about inuit and first nations american traditions but in my head i see the free folk as inuit! 
i really agree with your last paragraph, i think the way fandom projects whiteness onto these characters is due to a majority northern american fanbase who aren’t doing it out of malice but more ignorance. take the example of dorne: theyre obviously based on medieval al-andalus spain, specifically after the umayyad conquest. this textually implies west asian middle eastern influence. 
its a little funny how people cling to daeron targaryen’s racial classification guide when harassing artists over their depictions of characters because if anything that’s the literal whitest part of the text lol. his three categories (stony, salty and sandy) vary from ‘european’ pale skinned to olive-skinned to dark-skinned. whos to say that doesn’t fit a popular fanon dornish india, which famously has many ethnic groups of varying physical appearance? regardless of the fact this is fiction books where people can do what they want, there’s nothing textually that rejects a physically indian-looking dorne.
many characters aren’t described with pale skin. sansa, dany and cersei are a few i can think of but rarely are side characters described as such. there is a presumption from the reader and the author that these characters are white simply because that’s just the norm, right? but it’s not, nor is this series real-life. a lot of my headcanons are still based on the text but really that doesnt matter!! its fake books and we’re having fun and i can think of the characters however i want. and lastly, youre so right about valyria. i see them as east asian since theyre, well, from east essasia but i think its funny to argue with redditors by saying theyre egyptian since well thats obviously part of the inspiration!! what are you gonna do, argue with grrm???
idk your ask was really well presented and my answer is distinctly ramblings of a brain with no stoplights so apologies but your ask made me think lots thank you!!!!
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legends-of-time · 4 months
Amelia’s Story (BBC Merlin Story)
Chapter 56: The Sword in the Stone Part One
Amelia's POV
Percival and Amelia are finally getting married. It's also the Feast of Beltane. Amelia liked the idea that they would merge this feast with her wedding feast.
Anne lounges uncomfortably in one of the chairs in Amelia's Chambers as Amelia stands in the centre of the room as one of the maids, Jean, flitters about her, making the final adjustments to Amelia's dress. Anne would normally have helped but she is so close to term, it would have been too much. The only way they could all get Anne to not go into a strop over it was if she would be there to preside over Amelia getting ready from a chair.
Amelia has kept her look simple. Her brown hair is kept loose, flowing down her back, and she wears a crown of flowers. The cream coloured dress has a wide neckline, and the wide, flowing sleeves are almost hanging off her shoulders. The lacy fabric brushes along the floor as she walks. It's finished with a belt made of the same fabric loosely tied around her waist.
Amelia is the happiest she's been in a while. The only let down is how she had always imagined there'd be more people here with her such as Morgana and Gwen, even Helen, her adoptive mother.
"Perhaps straighten that sleeve would you Jean?" Anne orders. Jean hurriedly moves to do just that. The poor girl's nerves are at the end of her tether since Anne has been barking and snapping at her frequently.
Amelia raises an eyebrow at Anne, who just shrugs. Amelia then feels bile come up her throat and she abruptly slaps her hand over her mouth. Please not now of all times.
"My Lady?" Jean questions worriedly. Amelia looks away from Anne's pointed look.
Amelia swallows heavily. "I'm fine, Jean. Thank you for your help." The maid nods and leaves the room.
Anne watches her leave before turning to Amelia. "When are you going to tell him?"
Amelia sighs. "Soon. I promise."
The wedding is a grand affair with many guests. Amelia and Percival, like Anne and Merlin, had chosen to get married in the Chapel rather than the Throne room. It is beautifully decorated.
Amelia beams as she gazes upon her fiancé as she walks down the aisle, carrying a bouquet of tiger lilies. Percival waits, dressed in his finest clothes.
Geoffrey of Monmouth presides over the ceremony. It goes off without a hitch. Amelia is almost tearful as she and Percival exchange their vows and rings.
"By the sacred powers vested in me, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."
Amelia and Percival kiss. They grin as they kiss due to the whoops and cheers of all their friends. It is almost perfect. The only thing that would make it better is if Morgana and Gwen were with them, like in the old days. Though Agravaine not being in attendance does help.
It's time for the joint feasts and everyone begins to take their seats.
"Have you seen Agravaine?" Arthur asks Gaius as they walk towards their seats.
"Er, no, sire. Not since this morning." Gaius replies.
"Strange. He should be here by now."
Amelia frowns. She thought so as well. While Amelia had gotten Arthur to make sure Agravaine doesn't attend her wedding (he's been almost bending over backwards to please her), she had relented and accepted his presence for the feast.
Arthur sits at the head table with Amelia then Percival on his right and Gaius on the left. Anne sits at the top of the table on Amelia's right. Merlin arrives with a heaping plate of food and places it in front of Arthur. Other servants walk forward with Gaius, Amelia, and Percival's meals.
"Ah! My favourite. Herb crusted caper." Arthur grins.
"Easy now, we don't want any more holes in that belt." Merlin quips.
Percival chokes on his wine as he sniggers, Amelia slaps her hand over her mouth to not laugh out loud and Anne simply giggles. Arthur forces out a laugh as he beams a false grin.
Merlin turns to Gaius. "Wine?"
Gaius nods and Merlin pours him a glass. He turns to Amelia. "Wine?"
Amelia shakes her head. "No thank you." She tries to not notice Percival looking at her curiously.
Morgana's POV
Morgana watches Camelot from the hills, Helios at her side and the Southron army behind her.
She smirks. "Happy nuptials, sister."
Her smirk deepens when she sees the Lower Town has gone up in flames.
"It's time."
Amelia's POV
As the feast goes on, Amelia laughs and chats with those around her. The conversation between her and Arthur is stilted but better than before. Their relationship is still weak, still fragile.
They are all startled when the warning bells sound. Arthur stands in confusion as Gwaine enters.
"Sire! We're under attack! They're within the City walls!"
Arthur takes off his cloak. "Merlin, get everyone to the Inner Chamber." He orders.
"Yes, sire. Everyone follow me!" Merlin calls, immediately helping Anne to stand and make their way out.
Arthur jumps over the table and grabs a sword. "Gwaine, secure the Armoury! Percival, with me!"
Percival and Amelia share a kiss before he follows his King. Amelia wants to follow, wants to help but then she clutches her stomach and thinks it'll be safer if she doesn't. Plus, she needs to protect Anne.
The wounded begin to pour in so banquet tables turn into temporary beds for the wounded and the Council Chambers are turned into an Infirmary. Amelia, Merlin, Gaius, and Anne help with the wounded. Amelia tries to use some of her magic to at least able ease some of the injuries without raising suspicion.
Through the chaos, Amelia notices Anne wince, pressing a hand to her side. "Are you alright?"
"I think so." Anne replies, no longer in pain. She rubs a hand across her extremely rounded and swollen belly. "Gaius said that the baby isn't due to come for another week."
"Gaius also said that extreme stress can bring on early labour." Amelia points out.
"Well, I'll just have to remain stress free, won't I?" Anne retorts.
Amelia opens her mouth to reply, but quickly closes her mouth when Merlin barges over to them. "The Lower Town is lost. It's only a matter of time before they reach the Citadel."
"But how did this happen? How did they get in without being detected?" Anne questions, looking all too happy at the change in conversation.
Merlin gave her a look. "I think we both know."
"Agravaine." Amelia growls. At least her sister had the decency to wait until after the ceremony.
"We knew he was planning something." Merlin says.
Amelia shakes her head. "When I get my hands on that lying, betraying—"
"Language." Merlin slightly scolds. He pecks Anne on the cheek and then runs off.
"Where are you going?!" Anne calls after him.
"I've got to find Arthur!" He calls back as he leaves the Chamber.
Merlin returns with a badly injured Arthur, who's clutching his side. He gets placed on the table and Gaius immediately begins to examine him.
"I can bind the ribcage, but even that would run the risk of puncturing a lung." Gaius explains.
"Do whatever it takes, Gaius, just so long as I can swing a sword." Arthur replies.
Amelia stops what she's doing when she notices Gwaine and Percival enter, barring the doors. She runs over and wraps her husband in a tight hug, not caring how dirty and sweaty he's become after fighting the Southrons. She feels him kiss her hair.
Percival smiles at her adoringly. Amelia knows she must look a tight sight in her wedding dress by this point.
Amelia knows they have more pressing matters and moves so she's looking at both Gwaine and Percival. "How do we stand?" She asks as Anne and Merlin join them.
"The Citadel is overrun. We can't hold out much longer." Percival explains.
"How long before they reach us?" Anne asks.
"Minutes at best."
"We can't wait for Arthur. If they find him, they'll kill him." Merlin warns.
"We must get him to safety while we still can." Percival decides.
"Arthur would never abandon his people. He'd rather die." Gwaine counters.
"Barricade the doors. Give us as much time as you can." Amelia orders. Gwaine and Percival move to do just that while Amelia pulls Gaius aside with Merlin and Anne behind her. "We need to get Arthur out of here whether he likes it or not. Give him some kind of potion, something to knock him out?"
"I don't have anything strong enough. In my Chambers, perhaps, but the Southrons control the Palace." Gaius says regretfully.
"There must be something." Anne says exasperatedly.
"I'm sorry." Amelia sees an idea come to Gaius. "Maybe there's something you can do, Merlin. Arthur won't go willingly. What if he was to lose his will?"
"Are you suggesting magic?" Merlin asks.
"You'll do it?"
"I can try." Merlin steps behind Arthur and Gaius steps in front of him as Arthur leans back against the table. Amelia and Anne linger nearby.
"I'm sorry, sire, this is going to hurt." Gaius warns.
"Just get on with it!" Gaius presses his hands into Arthur's wound and Arthur howls in pain.
"Mod wæs cræftleas." Merlin's eyes glow and Arthur stirs weirdly. Gwaine and Percival rush over. "We need to leave now, sire!"
Amelia looks at Anne, anxiously waiting to if it worked.
"Of course." Arthur stands up, slightly unsteady and the others look at each other. Percival gives Amelia a questioning look. Amelia knows what he's asking and gives him a slight nod. Merlin gives Gaius a shrug and Gwaine and Percival brush off their surprise.
"Then let's go." Percival slings Arthur's arm around his neck and helps him out. "We'll use the postern gate."
Amelia watches as Anne and Merlin gather some things, but she doesn't move, already making up her mind about what she's about to do.
Gwaine stops as they walk out and offers his hand to Percival. "I'll keep them off your back as long as I can."
Percival looks surprised for a moment, then grasps Gwaine's arm tightly. He turns to leave till he realises Amelia isn't following. "Amelia..."
"You go." She shakes her head, looking at Percival with tears in her eyes. "You need Merlin, not me."
"Amelia what are you..." Percival begins at the same time that Anne shouts, "Amelia don't be ridiculous!"
Amelia looks at them sadly. "I'm sorry." She whispers. "I can keep Morgana occupied and you need to protect Arthur. Go. Get out of here and don't turn back!"
Percival hesitates then relents and exits with Arthur. Anne lingers.
"Anne." Amelia looks at the woman. "Please..."
Gwaine moves over to Amelia, putting a hand on her shoulder. "She'll be fine." He promises.
Anne still looks hesitant but eventually turns and runs after Percival the best she can. Merlin is protesting at Gaius deciding to stay behind.
"No time to argue. I'm sorry." Gwaine shoves Merlin toward the exit. The banging of the Southrons is clearly heard, reminding them of how little time they have.
"Look after our King, Merlin." Gaius says.
Merlin hesitates, then runs off. Amelia takes a shaky breath as she turns to face the door with Gaius and Gwaine on either side of her. This is it.
The Southrons burst in then, Morgana in their midst. They immediately surround the trio and Gwaine allows his sword to be taken.
"It seems your victory is short-lived, dear sister." Amelia remarks as confidently as she can.
Morgana scowls and turns to the door. "Prepare the horses! We're going on a hunt."
Anne's POV
Being on the run while heavily pregnant isn't easy Anne realises, especially when you're experiencing sharp pains as you try to run. She had felt one earlier when tending to the wounded. She had to drop everything in her hands and put her hands to her side. It lasted a few seconds before she was able to shake it off.
Since leaving Camelot, they had lost Percival then Elyan so now it's just Anne, Merlin, and Arthur. Anne leans heavily on her husband. She has a huge stitch in her side along with the sharp pangs. She doesn't tell Merlin about those pains, he's already worried enough after they got blasted to the floor by Morgana.
Gaius had told her that this is what labour pains feel like, but Anne really doesn't want it to be labour pains. That would be the absolute worst. Either way, her water hasn't broken yet, so she's still safe. For now.
Anne is relieved when Merlin stops running, letting her rest a bit. She's knocked slightly by Arthur who runs into them.
"Sorry! My fault." He immediately apologises. Anne looks at him in surprise at this new development.
Merlin looks equally as surprised, but says instead, "Well, I think we're safe for now." He walks Anne over to a tree stump and sits her down. "Are you okay?" He asks.
Anne nods. She is slicked with sweat and her stomach keeps clenching, but she will be okay. "I'm fine."
"You're in pain." Merlin corrects. "You think I don't know when you're in pain?"
"Gaius said that my body has fake contractions." Anne counters him. "To prepare myself for the real ones. These are just the fake—" Anne cuts herself off with a low scream as she clutches at her stomach. Anne leans forward a bit to try and relieve the pressure on her back, but it just worsens the pressure on her stomach. She clenches her jaw shut and straightens her back.
"Maybe we should make camp here," Merlin suggests, running his hand through Anne's sweat soaked hair.
"No." Anne shakes her head. "We're still too close to Camelot. W-we have to get to Ealdor. Once we get there, we can rest. I'm sure your mother will have something that will be able to help me. She'll know what to do. We just have to get there."
"If you're sure." Merlin says uneasily.
Anne knows that he'd rather them wait, but she would rather they put some more distance between them and any of Morgana's men before they put their guard down. Anne glances over at Arthur before leaning closer to Merlin. "Think about it," Anne whispers, "with me in pain and Arthur... incapacitated, you're the only person that can defend the two of us."
Merlin looks over at Arthur. He is picking at something on his chainmail, absently flicking it away before moving on to another piece. He turns to face Anne again. "Good point." He holds out his hands, and she takes them so she can pull herself up. He looks back over at Arthur as he says, "First things first, we need to find you some kind of disguise. You're too conspicuous in those clothes."
Arthur looks down at his armour and red cape. "Well, whatever you say. I'm entirely in your hands."
Merlin and Anne both stare oddly at Arthur for a moment. They have been given way too much power.
Amelia's POV
Gwaine and Gaius get dragged away to the Dungeons while Amelia is locked in her Chambers with shackles on her wrists, which she soon realised is spelled so she'll be unable to use her magic but doesn't restrict her movement. She isn't in there for long before she is dragged into the Council Chambers by two Southrons who hold her in place.
Morgana is curled up on the throne, smiling up at Helios. Ugh.
Amelia's entrance causes Morgana to turn her attention to her sister. Morgana smirks. "Hello dear sister. I hear congratulations is in order."
Amelia knows she must be talking about the wedding but that doesn't stop her from tensing. She can't know about—
"Thanks." Amelia sarcastically spits, trying to distract herself from her thoughts. "Sorry you didn't get an invite. Didn't want one of my guests being murdered."
Amelia wonders if she imagines the flash of hurt on her sister's face but it's quickly covered by a smirk so she's not sure.
Agravaine enters then, interrupting them. "All quarters of Camelot are now under our control. Some Knights have fled to the woods, but those that did not escape are either in our Dungeons or dead."
"Very good." Morgana replies.
Agravaine smiles at Morgana, but it fades when he catches Helios' eye. Interesting...
"Have the people of Camelot welcome me as their Queen?"
"They will swear allegiance to no one but Arthur." Agravaine answers.
Amelia smirks at her sister. Seems not everything is as easy as you thought, sister. Morgana glowers at her before turning to Agravaine. "I expected no less. Burn their crops."
Amelia looks at her sister in alarm. Even Agravaine is shocked. No, she can't—
Amelia is again reminded of how much her sister has changed.
"Let's see how they feel when their children begin to starve."
"And what of Arthur?" Helios asks.
Morgana turns to Amelia and asks, "Where would Arthur run to?"
Amelia clenches her jaw and silently stares back at her.
Morgana shrugs. "Fair enough, I can ask someone else."
Morgana nods and a couple of Southrons shove Elyan into the Chamber. Helios nods and they shove him to his knees in front of Morgana.
"And it'll oh so much more painful."
Amelia is held in place and is forced to watch as Morgana holds out a small black snake in front of Elyan. Amelia knows what it is. It's one of the many delightful things Morgause showed them.
"Do you know what this is?" Elyan looks at it blankly. "No? It's a Nathair in the mountains of Asgaard. Harmless enough most of the time, but with a little persuasion, it can cause a man pain beyond all imagining. So, you have a choice. Tell me where Arthur is..."
Elyan smirks.
"Or sample the delights of my little friend here."
Amelia winces. "Elyan, please."
"I'll tell you nothing." Elyan declares, ignoring her plea.
"Hm. You really should have listened to Amelia, but no worries, I was hoping you'd say that." Morgana holds up the snake. "Unmicel snaca, suge þa soþan... swilcnesse!" Morgana grabs Elyan. Amelia watches in horror as Morgana applies the snake and Elyan screams in agony.
It had seemed to go on and on till Elyan is tortured to the limit of human endurance and has no choice but tell Morgana what he knows. Arthur is heading to Ealdor, which means the others are as well. Amelia worries for Anne in particular, Anne and the baby.
After it had finished, Elyan had been taken to the Dungeons and Amelia to her Chambers where she feels like she can still hear his screams. She's looking out the window, breathing heavily as tears run down her face.
She is finally able to change out of her wrecked outfit. She gazes at it sadly. She had hoped to keep this dress for longer, to preserve the happy memory but now the dress is ruined and carries memories of pain and anger.
Her door opens and Amelia hurriedly wipes away her tears but knows it's pointless. She straightens and turns to find it's Agravaine is the one who had entered.
Amelia narrows her eyes. "Agravaine."
He swallows. "Amelia." 
Amelia smirks, pleased to have made him nervous. "What do you want?" She spits.
"I want to help you."
Amelia wrinkles her nose in disgust at the mere thought. "Help me?"
"I think it's best if you join your sister. You need to join the victor if you want to survive." Argravaine argues.
"Join her?" Amelia tries not to show how tempted she is. For once she wouldn't have to hide who she is. She might have her sister back. But then she looks down at the chains around her wrists. "Never." She turns away, facing the window once more.
"Do you not want to know who your real father is?" Amelia freezes, not daring to turn around for fear of revealing how she's feeling. "I could tell you if you join us."
This causes Amelia to scoff, turning around and glaring daggers at him. "With you by her side? I don't think so." She strides over to him and leans close to his face to deliver the blow. "None of your own family loves you, you're meaningless to Morgana, I despise you and no doubt Arthur would rather never see you again. What is the point of you, uncle?" She steps back with a satisfied smirk and turns away, effectively dismissing him.
"I see," Agravaine says quietly. "I'm leaving to lead the hunt for Arthur." Amelia makes no move to reply. She hears Agravaine open the door and then pause. He then says something that unsettles her, "I'm sorry." And he leaves.
Amelia lets out a shaky breath, annoyed Agravaine affected her so. Her hand moved down to stroke her stomach. They will get through this.
Anne's POV
Anne tries not to snigger too much as she glances over at Arthur as they make their way through the woods. They had gotten Arthur to ditch his chainmail and cape for a disguise. Now Arthur plods along next to them dressed in trousers that reach just below the knee, sleeves that barely reach past his elbows, and a shirt that shows a large section of midriff.
They came across a group of travellers led by a couple, Isolde and Tristan. The latter seems a bit prickly but the two agree to let Anne, Merlin and Arthur join after Merlin offers them gold. Anne would rather they wouldn't join anyone but she knows that she needs rest and that wagon looks extremely inviting and she knows that Merlin worries about her safety. Travelling with a group will offer her better protection.
Anne sits in the wagon with a simpleton Arthur sitting next to her while Merlin finds himself having to walk. The journey is spent with Anne rubbing at her extremely swollen ankles, grimacing at the pain she feels while Arthur, except for when he would gaze out the window of the wagon, would turn and pat her stomach now and again, almost like a child. It's rather sweet.
The wagon comes to a sudden stop. "We make camp here!" Tristan's voice booms from outside of the wagon.
Merlin comes over to the back of the wagon. Another one of the men opens the doors, and Merlin holds his arms out for Anne. The man who opened the door is nice enough to grab her other arm and helps her down, and she nods her head at him. "Thank you," Anne says sincerely. She turns her attention back to Merlin, who looks around at the trees.
"Why don't you go sit over there?" He points to a large tree that Anne could lean against. "I'll help them unload and make camp."
"I can help." Anne tries to insist but then her own body betrays her with another sharp pang of pain erupting in her lower back, and she bites down on her yelp. "Maybe I should sit." Anne admits.
Merlin nods and pats her arm. "Take Arthur with you." He says, and just as the words leave his mouth, Arthur jumps out from the back of the wagon. However, he misjudges how tall he is, and he stumbles on his landing. He falls forward and ends up with a mouthful of dirt.
Anne sighs. It's like looking after a child, which, she supposes, is good practice. She looks back up at Merlin and nods. "Right."
Anne helps Arthur stand up and takes him over to the tree. He happily wraps his arms around it hugging it. Anne leans her back against the tree and tries to think of how she could sit down without losing her footing and falling over when Isolde strolls over to them.
"Need a hand?" She asks.
Anne eyes her warily, but honestly, she needs the help. "Only if you don't mind." She answers.
Isolde waves it off. "Nonsense." She grabs one of Anne's hands and puts her other hand on Anne's back. Isolde helps her ease down onto the ground.
Anne breathes a sigh of relief at the removal of pressure from her feet. "Thank you."
"You're welcome," Isolde answers as she stands up. She looks like she is about to walk away when she suddenly stops and turns to face Anne. "How does it feel? Being with child?"
The question is so surprising, Anne's first instinct is to answer. "It hasn't been the easiest thing. The cravings and the nausea and the swollen ankles and the mood swings... though the mood swings affect my husband more than they affect me."
Isolde chuckles at her comment, and Anne does as well. "But..." Anne rubs her stomach, and a flurry of kicks occurs as a response. "It's all worth it. We're very excited." Anne looks up at her. "Why? Are you considering it?"
Isolde hesitates, then lifted a shoulder. "Sometime soon, is what we're thinking."
"Well," Anne nods. "I wish you luck."
"You as well." Isolde says and she turns around to walk away.
Anne tilts her head to the side, thinking over the whole encounter, but is then distracted by the sound of knocking on the tree. Anne looks up to see that Arthur has moved on from simply hugging the tree and is now rapping his knuckles against the bark of the tree, leaning his ear against it.
Anne shakes her head in amusement and faces forward again. Her amusement fades as she thinks of Amelia. She tries not to think about what Morgana might be doing to her. Anne shakes her head again, pushing back those thoughts and runs her hands along her stomach, she hopes her child will stay in there just a bit longer until they can figure out what to do.
Merlin, Anne, and Arthur had set up for themselves in one corner of the camp around a campfire the previous night. Anne had watched amusedly as Merlin had taken the rare opportunity of having helpful, nice Arthur and used it with relish. Anne had tried to admonish him but it lacked any real heat.
The only thing that had brought things down was when Anne had felt a kick and a clench in her stomach at the same time. Anne, without thinking, had scrunched up her face, both hands going to her stomach. It had taken a few reassurances before Merlin had calmed.
That night, Anne isn't the most comfortable as she sleeps but she's helped by the way Merlin cradles her as they sleep against the tree. They are suddenly woken by something knocking Merlin. They blearily look around for the source to see Arthur standing above them, glaring.
"You better have a damn good explanation for this, you two." Arthur murmurs.
Anne and Merlin simply stare at him in sleepy confusion.
"Fine. Then I'll just carry on kicking you." Arthur kicks Merlin some more and Merlin scrambles to his feet, helping Anne up.
"Arthur." Merlin looks into Arthur's face. "You're back."
Arthur looks at them blankly. "What do you mean 'I'm back'? You're talking gibberish."
"Listen to us, please. Camelot is lost. You were injured in an attack, you passed out. We had to get you out of there." Anne quickly explains before he begins stomping off.
Arthur is stunned as he seems to recall the memories of it happening. "Where are we now?"
"We're heading north to a safe haven, to Ealdor. Hopefully the Knights will meet us there." Merlin replies.
Arthur looks around the camp. "Who are these people?"
Anne and Merlin share an awkward look.
"They're, er... smugglers." Anne manages to say.
Arthur's head snaps towards them in alarm. "Smugglers?!" He cries a little too loudly.
"Shhh!" Anne and Merlin hiss.
Arthur calms slightly. "All right, let's assume, for one moment, you know what you're doing. It doesn't explain why I look like a Village idiot."
"Well, it's, you know, the perfect disguise. No one would ever suspect you of being, you know... who you are." Anne says.
"I'm sorry. I am not going around looking like this."
"You have to. You got to keep in character." Merlin retorts.
"Character? What character?"
"You two." Tristan calls. Anne and Merlin turn around. "We leave as soon as the horses are watered. Explain it to the simpleton, would you?"
Arthur looks at them and they smile sheepishly.
The camp descends into chaos when they're suddenly attacked. Arrows begin flying everywhere as Southrons flood into the campsite, swords raised. Arthur and Merlin immediately cover Anne as they run to take cover behind the wagon with Tristan and Isolde.
Arthur takes charge. "Head for those trees, we'll cover you."
Tristan and Isolde exchange a confused look probably due to the whiplash in personality from Arthur.
"Do you want to live or not?"
Tristan steps forward to question Arthur, but Isolde grabs his arm and they run off.
Arthur turns to Anne. "You as well, Anne. We'll cover you."
"What? But—" Anne tries to protest.
"There's no time!" Arthur grabs her arm and pushes her forward. "Go!"
Praying that she will be alright, Anne cradles her stomach and runs for the cover of the trees. When she gets there, Tristan and Isolde are already hiding behind a fallen tree.
"Are you alright?" Isolde asks her, putting a hand on her arm.
Anne nods. "I'll be okay." She turns her attention back to Arthur and Merlin.
Arthur and Merlin fire crossbows at the Southrons through the wagon a few times before they too run over and hide behind the fallen tree. Anne watches Agravaine as he directs the Southrons by the wagon. She glares at Morgana, Amelia, and Arthur's uncle.
"They haven't found the cargo." Isolde observes.
"They will. Besides, they weren't after the cargo. They were after you. Who the hell are you?" Tristan questions accusingly.
"My name is Arthur Pendragon." Arthur admits, not looking over as Isolde and Tristan share a look of alarm and shock.
"The King of Camelot!" Tristan hisses.
"At least I was."
"I've lost everything I've worked for some good for nothing King!" Tristan angrily cries.
Arthur turns to him. "That's quite something coming from a smuggler." He retorts. Anne winces, this is going to go badly.
"Well, I wouldn't have to be a smuggler if it wasn't for your damn taxes, would I?!"
"Those taxes help protect the people of this land."
"My people are dead. You call that protection?!"
Anne glances behind them and sees the Southrons have found them. "Excuse me, sorry to interrupt, but..." She directs their attention to the Southrons.
Isolde, Arthur, and Tristan charge the Southrons and fight side by side. Merlin stands defensively in front of Anne, ready to defend her if necessary. The group is doing well but then Isolde gets into trouble when one elbows her in the head and slashes her sword arm, kicking her to the ground. The Southron poises for the final blow, but crumples as Arthur stabs him in the back. Tristan runs to Isolde and holds her. Anne's heart softens at the gentleness with which he cradles her.
"Isolde. We had a deal. Partners for life, remember?" Tristan whispers.
Isolde smiles at him weakly. "When have I not kept my promises?" Tristan kisses her forehead.
"We need to keep moving. There'll be more coming soon." Arthur urges them.
"Then go. There's nothing stopping you." Tristan snaps.
"Come with us to Ealdor. You'll be safe there." Merlin pleads.
"I'm choosy about the company I keep." Tristan retorts.
"He saved my life, Tristan." Isolde weakly turns to Arthur. "Thank you."
"None of this would've happened if it wasn't for them." Isolde sighs at his stubbornness.
"She's injured. She needs shelter and rest." Arthur says.
Tristan sighs, looks at Arthur, and then back at Isolde. Isolde nods. "Very well. But know this, Arthur Pendragon, I do this for her. You and your kind bring nothing but misery to this land."
Amelia's POV
It's the next day that someone else other than the Guards and maids enter the Chambers where Amelia is kept prisoner. Thankfully they always bring food, which Amelia is thankful for as it's not just her she has to think about.
Amelia narrows her eyes as Morgana enters. "What do you want?"
Amelia again wonders if she imagines the flash of hurt on her sister's face before it's quickly covered by a smirk.
"Time for some entertainment, why don't you join me?"
Amelia glares at the two Southrons standing behind her sister. "I doubt I have much of a choice."
Morgana shrugs with a casual smirk on her face.
Amelia soon finds herself in the Council Chambers as Southrons shove Gwaine into the middle of a fight circle where he's going to fight for food for him, Gaius, and Elyan. He gives a worried look to which Amelia tries to reassure him that she's fine with a slight smile from where she's been forcibly sat in a chair next to the throne.
Morgana stands in front of Gwaine, grinning at the rowdy enjoyment from the Southrons around her. Amelia shifts uncomfortably at it all. She does not like how Helios is leering at her sister.
"Behold!" Morgana cries, silencing them. "A Knight of Camelot, famed as the greatest Knights in Five Kingdoms." The Southrons laugh. Morgana grabs Gwaine's face. "Let's see if that fame's deserved, shall we?"
Gwaine scoffs with a smile and glares at her as she walks to sit on her throne. A Southron Bolg steps through the crowd, into the circle with a couple of weapons. The Bolg yells, inciting the crowd. Amelia really doesn't like how Gwaine has only been given a small wooden dagger for this.
Thankfully, despite that fact, during the fight, Gwaine is able to disarm one of the man's weapons.
"That all you have? You promised a decent fight." Gwaine jibes.
Bolg pulls out another weapon from his belt and disarms Gwaine.
"You're a very angry man, I can see that. Must be hard being so ugly." Gwaine provokes, and the man swings at him. "Children crying, women screaming." He tries again but Gwaine ducks again. "Come on."
Completely unarmed, Gwaine knocks the Bolg to the ground. Bolg gets up with one weapon left. Gwaine climbs on his back and punches him in the stomach. Bolg rams Gwaine into a column, winding him, but Gwaine gets off, punches him, and kicks him against the column. Gwaine picks up the mace and knocks him out with it in the now silent Council Chamber.
Morgana stands, clapping slowly, almost mockingly. "Congratulations, Sir Knight. And admirable display. You've earned your reward." She indicates to someone, and they toss a half-loaf of bread at his feet. "But you're going to half to do better if you want some more."
Amelia glares at her sister's carelessness towards Amelia's friends. She hopes the bread will be enough to keep them going for now.
Amelia had largely, up until now, been able to avoid having to spend long one on one time with her sister but then, instead of the food being brought to her, Amelia is once again being dragged into the Council Chambers. She is getting really sick of being pushed around.
The table is laid out with food. Morgana sits at the head of the table with an empty chair sitting beside her.
"Sister, won't you join me?"
Amelia doesn't move. Morgana gives a nod, and the Guards shove her forward. Guess she doesn't have a choice.
"I have not had the chance to talk with you properly, I have been too busy." Morgana remarks casually as soon as Amelia is seated. Jean, the maid, shakily begins serving them.
"Oh? Doing what? Starving the people, my friends? Hunting the rest of them?" Amelia replies with sharp sarcasm.
Morgana scoffs. "Are they really your friends?"
"Of course."
"How many of them know of your magic? Mmm?" Morgana asks pointedly.
Amelia purses her lips; she doesn't like that Morgana's statement is mostly true. "Percival does."
Morgana rolls her eyes at the name of her brother-in-law. "Ah, yes. Your darling husband. Why you didn't pick Gwaine is beyond me." She smirks devilishly. "But does he truly understand you?"
"He does." Amelia retorts sharply.
Morgana raises her eyebrows amusedly. "Does he? Does he really understand? Does he understand what you and I have been through because we have magic?"
Amelia stays silent. The only sound is the noise of Morgana's cup being refilled as the jug is shaking in Jean's hand.
"And your other supposed friends." Morgana continues. "Anne, Merlin, and Gaius. One of them betrayed and lied to us, trying to keep our magic hidden from us while the other poisoned you despite claiming to be our friend. Then your darling maid marries him and is pregnant with his child. Do you not see, sister? These people are not your friends, nor your family." Morgana reaches out and strokes Amelia's cheek gently.
Amelia almost leans into it, grateful for the familial touch before she remembers and slaps Morgana's hand away. "Don't touch me." She says weakly.
Morgana looks unfazed. "You will never be free while you live under the rule of my brother."
"Arthur is different from Uther." To Amelia's own ears, her tone doesn't match the confident words.
Morgana bursts out laughing causing Jean to yelp and drop the platter she's carrying with a loud clang, but Morgana ignores her. Amelia cringes at the sound. It's missing the heart and soul that used to fill Morgana's laughs. "Is he now? That's not what I've heard."
Amelia doesn't like this at all. "What do you want, Morgana?" She bites.
Morgana actually looks a little sad. "I miss you." She says, and she somehow sounds sincere. From the look on her face to the tone in her voice, Amelia dangerously feels almost persuaded that Morgana is telling the truth. "You were my best friend and my sister. And I confess that I miss your company." She leans forward a little. "Is there no way that I can persuade you to come to your senses and join your sister again? We would have so much fun." She glances down at Amelia's stomach. "And my little niece or nephew could grow up learning their magic in the right way."
Amelia clutches her stomach in alarm. If she hadn't been so alarmed, she would have laughed at the hypocrisy of Morgana's words because of how Amelia has been chained to prevent her from using her magic.
Morgana smirks. "You didn't think I would find out? Now, I ask again." She leans closer. "Will you join me?"
Amelia doesn't waste any time in giving Morgana her response. When people said mothers turn feral when their child is threatened. Amelia believes that must be why, without thinking, she lifts her hand and rakes her fingernails down Morgana's cheek, hard.
Morgana instantly recoils, pulling her face away from Amelia. Amelia can feel a wetness on her fingers and, to her delight, Morgana now has four long, deep lines of blood streaming down her face in thick waves. She raises her hand to her face and brings her hand back stained with red.
Morgana glares at Amelia darkly. "Guards!" She screeches.
Ah, maybe that was a bad idea.
Amelia finds herself being dragged down to the Dungeons with a Southron on either side with Morgana leading the way.
Morgana rounds the corner and comes to stand in front of a specific Cell. "Seems you have someone else to fight to get food for." Her sister remarks.
Amelia doesn't get a chance to see who Morgana is talking to because she is thrown inside and lands on her hands and knees on the ground of the Cell.
She feels someone wrap their arms around her and help her up. Amelia looks up to see its Gwaine and smiles thankfully at him.
"Are those markings on Morgana's face because of you?" He asks.
Amelia smirks. "Maybe." It drops when she notices an exhausted Gaius lying on the bed in the Cell. Elyan is crouched over him, feeding him bits of the measly bread.
"Gaius!" She cries in alarm, running to his side.
"Amelia..." Gaius whispers. "You can't be here. The baby..."
Elyan looks at her in alarm and shock. "You're pregnant?!"
Amelia sighs. "Yes, I am, and I really would've liked to have been able to tell Percival before all of you found out."
Amelia feels a hand on her shoulder and turns to see its Gwaine, who gives her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, you'll be able to tell him soon."
Amelia hopes so.
Anne's POV
Tristan supports Isolde as the five travellers enter Ealdor close to sundown the next day. Anne quickly catches sight of Hunith walking with a basket in her arms.
She looks up and immediately runs over to them with a huge smile on her face. "Merlin! Anne!"
"Mother!" Merlin says happily.
Hunith sets down her basket and hugs her son tightly first before hugging Anne. She is mindful of her bump when she pulls back. "My, look at you!" Hunith smiles and puts a hand on each of their faces. "Welcome home, you two."
Hunith turns and greets the others. She leads them to the house, and Tristan, Isolde, Arthur, and Merlin all go inside.
Hunith was about to as well, but Anne grabs her arm to stop her. "Hunith." Anne starts.
"Yes, my dear girl?" Hunith says.
Anne hesitates but manages to ask, "Is she here?"
She is helping one of the other villagers with their crops. When Anne gets to her, she almost can't believe it's her. Her hair is longer, and she seems taller. Anne hadn't gone so long without seeing her before. Her back is to Anne, so she doesn't see her coming.
"Guinevere?" Anne calls in a shaky voice.
She freezes, her hands wrapped around the handle of the broom. She immediately drops it and spins around. "Anne?" She breathes.
Anne bursts into tears and runs to her. Gwen meets her halfway, and they throw their arms around each other.
"I am so sorry!" Anne weeps into her shoulder. "Amelia and Merlin said that they saw you, but they wouldn't let me go with them—" Anne can't even finish her sentence. "Oh, how I've missed you!"
"I've missed you too." Gwen cries. She pulls away from their hug and looks down to Anne's stomach. "Oh, look at you! You're so much bigger from when I last saw you."
Anne wipes at her tears. "It's been a while. How are you? How have you been?"
"As good as I can be." Gwen answers. She hesitates, but asks, "Who else is here? What's happened?"
"I think you're going to need to sit down for this."
Gwen insists on being the one to treat Arthur's wounded ribs. Anne leaves her be and walks with Merlin and his mother. It's nice and peaceful, a change from how it's been the past few days, but it's broken by sudden screaming. Southrons' torches have surrounded the Village.
Agravaine has found them.
Merlin, Anne, Arthur, Tristan, Isolde, and Gwen watch as Agravaine and the Southrons harass the Villagers. Arthur is dressed in chainmail and Gwen is wearing furs.
"Any suggestions?" Tristan murmurs.
"Round the back." Merlin replies.
Anne turns and flees with the others. Suddenly a nearby cart goes up in flames. Anne knows that's Merlin, trying to create a diversion for them. Anne tightens her grip on Gwen's hand as they run. Her stomach churns when she hears Agravaine's voice call out, "There! Get them!"
In fact, her stomach does more than just churn. There is a sudden, sharp, long pain that erupts in her lower stomach and then a warm liquid spreads down her legs.
No. No, no, no, no, no, no. This cannot be happening. Not here. Not right now.
As another deep pain spreads through Anne's back and over to her stomach, she knows there is no denying it.
Anne is officially in labour.
The baby is coming.
A/N: Please leave comments on how you're enjoying this story and what you think.
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Ahhhh prompt request! Any of the knights and “Take your time, I’d wait forever for you.” !!!
Thank you for the request anon <3
Taken from this prompt list. Feel free to send me any for Merlin or Outer Banks!
@sehnsuchts-trunken I’ll tag you before you decide to murder someone lol
Warnings: Kinda long, and I mess with canon lol
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Afterwards, you sat at the table in Gaius’ chambers with Merlin. Neither of you was saying anything. You didn’t know what you could possibly say after everything that had just happened.
To recap the situation: the man you loved and had thought was dead, suddenly was very much alive again. And then promptly went and had an affair with Guinevere, who set to marry the king tomorrow.
You and Arthur had caught them in the act, Arthur having been tipped by Agravaine, you having sensed something was off about Lancelot. By some miracle, Arthur hadn’t killed them on the spot. Which was a good thing, because then Merlin had stormed in and informed both of you that Lancelot was not himself. Gaius, who arrived moments later, confirmed this and said that he was actually something called a Shade. There were no indications as to who had brought him back, but you all knew it must have been Morgana.
So while Arthur dealt with Gwen -and the enchanted bracelet Gaius discovered she was wearing- Merlin, Gaius and you had taken Lancelot back to Gaius’ chambers in hopes of finding a way to restore his true self.
And then Merlin, in a move that was just the cherry on top to this crazy night, had turned to you and said: “Don’t freak out, but I have magic.”
You hadn’t particularly cared at the moment. “As long as it means you can bring Lancelot back, I don’t care what you have.”
He’d promised he would try, and after a tense half hour, he’d come out of his room and told you and Gaius that Lancelot was sleeping. Gaius had gone in to check on him, make sure there were no physical ramifications of being a Shade, and now you and Merlin were seated around the table in silence.
“Five years,” you eventually said. “I’ve known you for five years, and you never thought to tell me?”
Merlin sighed, resting his chin on his hands. “I don’t go around shouting it off the rooftops, (Y/N).”
“I get why you didn’t say anything while Uther was king, but Arthur-“
“Arthur would kill me just for lying to him for all these years.”
“He wouldn’t.”
“No,” Merlin admitted. “But I doubt he’d ever want to see me again.”
You didn’t protest because the truth was that you had no idea how Arthur would react. “Does Lancelot know?”
Merlin nodded. “He’s the only one, aside from Gaius and my mother. And now you. It was how I knew something was off about Lancelot: he didn’t remember my magic.”
“He’d never forget such an important thing.”
“Exactly,” Merlin agreed. “How did you know?”
You have him an exasperated look. “Merlin, we were two weeks away of getting married when he died. I know him better than he knows himself.”
Merlin smiled, but it faltered almost immediately. “(Y/N), the spell worked, but he’s been put through a lot. I don’t know how much of himself there’s still left. Morgana used very dark magic.”
“I know,” you muttered. It was all that had been on your mind tonight. “But at least it’s him again.”
The door to Merlin’s room creaked open and you both looked to see Gaius descending the steps. He didn’t speak until he was standing by the table.
“Lancelot is awake,” he said, and then turned to you. “He wants to see you.”
You’d never gotten a wedding day, but you were sure that if you had, you wouldn’t have been as nervous as you were right now. You could actually see your hands shake as you got up and made your way to the stairs. Merlin quietly wished you luck, and then slipped through the door.
Lancelot was sitting up in bed. He looked dazed, but there was recognition in his eyes when he looked up at you. He even smiled, though it was thin and tired. “(Y/N).”
You came closer, carefully sitting down on the edge of the bed. “How are you feeling?”
“Like I imagine Gwaine does when he has a hangover.” He ducked his head, staring at the covers. “I’m so sorry.”
You reached for his hand, gently taking it in yours. “You have nothing to be sorry for. Your actions weren’t your own. They were Morgana’s. Merlin and Gaius figured it out.”
He shrugged but didn’t try to protest. You weren’t sure if that was because he believed you, or because he knew it would be useless.
“How is Arthur?” he asked instead. “Last I remember, he was livid.”
“He was, until Gaius showed him the enchanted bracelet Gwen was wearing. He’s still angry, but not at you or Gwen.”
“Morgana,” Lancelot guessed, and you nodded, tracing circles on the back of his hand.
“But that’s not important now, Lancelot. What matters is that you’re here, and that you’re you again.”
He shook his head slowly. “I don’t know if I’m me again. So much has happened, Morgana, she…”
“I know,” you said when he choked up. “I know. No one’s expecting you to be the same as before the Veil, alright? No one’s expecting anything from you.”
He glanced up. “Not even you?”
“Not even me,” you assured him. “All I want is that you recover. Everything else, whatever that may be, can wait.” You brought his hand up to press a gentle kiss to his knuckles. “Take all the time you need, Lancelot. I would wait forever for you.”
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Merlin & Arthur’s friendship: clichés versus reality (Part III)
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Following on from Merlin & Arthur’s friendship: clichés versus reality Part I and Part II, here’s Part III.
CLAIM 5 #: Merlin thinks fighting is meaningless violence
Merlin certainly claimed it-- but his actions told a different story. 
It took me a long time to understand that Merlin was in fact very similar to Arthur. This realisation came while rewatching episodes 5x03 and 5x04 in particular; in the latter episode, Merlin admitted to Arthur that if someone had murdered his father, he would probably have sought vengeance. Yet we know that Merlin hated vengeance, and that he had physically intervened to stop Arthur from yielding to said vengeance. 
This led me to see how Arthur and Merlin’s friendship became a coping mechanism to deal with the loss of their respective family (literally and figuratively).  
One key way that Merlin is similar to Arthur is that he, too, pretends not to like something in public, while his actions speak differently. 
Hence why Merlin loved claiming that fighting was pointless, that it was just “sweaty men knocking the sense out of each other” (episode 4x09), and appeared not to enjoy training sessions. Episode 1x02 had a hilarious and undoubtedly genuine example of Merlin abhorring the art of war, as he struggled to hold his weaponry, tripped, tumbled, and probably ended up with tinnitus! “D’you you hear clanging?”
I used to think this change occurred much later, but episode 1x02 showed Merlin eagerly watching the tournament just one day after he complained about having to learn more fighting techniques and about being Arthur’s servant. 
Also, after being pilloried for being clumsy with Arthur’s armour, the first thing Merlin did was to seek Gwen’s assistance. Look how proud he was later, when he put everything on correctly. “That was much better,” Arthur said, to which Merlin responded, “I’m a fast learner.” 
This suggests that, being a resourceful person who lands on his feet, Merlin quickly realised that he would have to learn about warfare if he was to make his way in Camelot. 
I already have a lengthy post proving that Merlin had excellent capabilities in battle, and that Arthur had potentially trained him better than his knights. See the link below this post. 
However, the greatest evidence that Merlin respected the art of war was his insistence that Arthur stand up and fight to reclaim Camelot. This occurred chiefly in episode 3x13, when Arthur was discouraged by Morgana’s treachery, and in episode 4x13, when Arthur completely lost hope and abdicated the throne. 
In both episodes, Merlin helped take back Camelot not only using magic, but also with the sword. Notice that in episode 3x13, Sir Lancelot never questioned Merlin’s ability with a sword. Instead, he was impressed by its powers. As far as Lancelot was concerned, Merlin was “the one Arthur should knight. You’re the bravest of us all and he doesn’t even know it.” So Lancelot knew that Merlin was a capable fighter, and would embody the noble warrior so admired in Camelot. 
Ironically, Lancelot did not live to see Merlin dressed as a knight in 4x05 during the mission to trap King Caerleon. 
Of course, we have an example from Merlin’s own mouth: “You’re a great warrior,” he said to Arthur in episode 1x13. In episode 3x01, he was impressed by Arthur fighting blindfolded against two opponents, though he quickly tried pretending that he had “seen better”. In episode 3x04, he laughed at Dagr’s threats against Arthur: “I’d like to see you try!” Then he tried persuading Gwaine to stay in Camelot on the basis that, “You and Arthur: you fought well together.” During that episode, Merlin was impressed by Gwaine’s fighting before and during the mêlée. 
In episode 5x05, he watched Arthur duelling against Mordred unarmed, then stood up to applaud the king. We can safely assume this occurred many times, since Merlin attends all training sessions and is responsible for maintaining all of Arthur’s armour. Many scenes, such as in episodes 4x05, 4x09, and 5x03, show him either polishing or putting on Arthur’s armour. 
So why all of Merlin’s dismissive comments? For one thing, he didn’t like the braggadocio and arrogance of many knights-- or those who would wish to be knights. Hence why he called Valiant a “creep” in episode 1x02, much to Arthur’s amusement. Secondly, he did not see the point of certain tournaments, such as that of episode 3x11. It didn’t help that Arthur said, “The only rule is: there are no rules.” Thirdly, the death toll alarmed him. “Cause last time this tournament was held, three men died... That was just on the first day.” (Also episode 3x11.) 
Another reason that hit me while rereading this: Merlin wasn’t naturally good at fighting. Remember that Arthur said, “I’ve been trained to kill since birth.” (Episode 1x01) This suggests some natural talent on his part, though greatly improved with hard work. Meanwhile, Merlin not only fumbled with weaponry, but faced merciless teasing from Arthur about his lack of skill. To compensate for his feelings of incompetence, Merlin linked Arthur’s fighting prowess to his arrogance: “How long have you been training to be a prat?” (Episode 1x01) 
While he had a good point, it was also a way to dismiss his inexperience with fighting and other facts of life. We have to remember that he came from a tiny, poor village. Camelot could have been another planet. 
Despite all this, when it came to watching Arthur train, watching Arthur train his knights, and, most importantly, fighting to defend Camelot, Merlin had nothing but respect for the art of war. 
CLAIM #6: Arthur (mostly/always) needed Merlin to make big decisions
Untrue, as the following examples will demonstrate.
By the way, Merlin helped fuel this idea that his decisions were necessary for Arthur’s rule. In episode 4x11, he asked Gaius whether he should do anything to cause Arthur and Gwen’s reconciliation. Gaius rightly asked, “You don’t think that’s a little arrogant?” 
In episode 3x07, Arthur decided to rescue Gwen’s brother-- a complete stranger-- from the Castle of Fyrien. Just one episode later, he succeeded at the majority of his quest in the Perilous Lands despite being enchanted to lose his energy. Needless to say, the choice of retrieving the trident of the Fisher King was Arthur’s alone, made after a night of contemplation. 
Another great example comes from episode 4x05, where Arthur repented of his wrongdoing to Caerleon and his kingdom, and refused to make his men risk their lives on his account. He then took matters into his own hands, pleading with Queen Annis to invoke the right of single combat. 
In episode 4x06, Arthur only told a few people that he was riding through the Valley of the Fallen Kings. Merlin wasn’t one of those people, hence why he said, “Arthur. You are not serious...Nothing good ever happens in the Valley of the Fallen Kings. Nobody in their right mind would go in there.” 
How come Merlin didn’t know? Arthur said, “The routes are secret, Merlin: that’s why *we* chose it.” Emphasis my own. Later, we discover that Arthur had discussed this with his council, a select number of knights, and Agravaine. 
My favourite example comes from episode 4x11. Arthur negotiated with a longstanding rival, Nemeth, over the status of the lands of Gedref. We cannot underestimate that achievement. Arthur said that the lands have “long been in dispute”, and when he announced the end of their negotiations, the knights looked extremely nervous. Arthur had to allay their fears by calling it a “fair and honourable agreement”. That may have been a polite way of saying that they had avoided humiliating sacrifices and war. 
On top of that, Arthur sealed the treaty by securing an engagement to the Princess of Nemeth-- exactly the kind of political savvy that his father had encouraged. “Your marriage should have been used to form an alliance with another kingdom…” (Episode 5x03.)
The first thing Merlin said was, “How come I didn’t know any of this? How come you didn’t say anything?” I will not go into why Merlin’s reaction here was presumptuous and arrogant, but we can see that Arthur deliberately kept this information from Merlin to avoid disagreement and argument. 
Of course, the great episodes 5x01 and 5x02 show Arthur risking everything to save his men “or die trying”, because to do otherwise would be to sacrifice his beliefs. In episode 5x04, Arthur decided to rescue King Rodor from King Odin, in spite of the immense danger and the holes in Princess Mithian’s story. In episode 5x05, he decided to beg the Disir for Mordred’s life, because he did not want another innocent man dying on his behalf. 
And so on. 
More on Merlin’s fighting skills
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panharmonium · 4 years
beyond the white mountains
Since I’m on an Ealdor kick right now (not that I’m ever not, I mean, but working on that edit the other day and thinking about Merlin running away with Freya just started me feeling things with renewed intensity), here is some talk about my favorite location, for my own satisfaction.
(My deep and abiding interest in Merlin’s home is a pretty niche passion and probably not something that is particularly interesting to others, which means I haven’t ever really typed up any serious musings about it before, but at this point, I think anybody who hangs around my blog knows that my brain is at least 50% unfettered love for Merlin’s pre-Camelot life, so I’m just gonna go ahead and indulge myself here.)
Something that has always been a pet peeve of mine is the fact the map we’re all familiar with as supplemental material is wrong.
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I know it comes from the BBC.  It is STILL WRONG.
I’m sure most everyone is already aware of this fact, just by virtue of looking at some of the other locations and thinking, “uhhh that really doesn’t make sense” (for instance, in the show, the Isle of the Blessed is canonically stated to be in Odin’s kingdom, whereas on this map it’s in Camelot) - but my particular area of interest, due to past writing escapades, is Ealdor and Cenred’s kingdom, so just to set the record straight on those locations specifically - this is what our supplemental map tries to tell us:
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And this just isn’t right.  Canonically, Ealdor is NOT to the east of Camelot.  Cenred’s kingdom is NOT on Camelot’s eastern border.  And the White Mountains are NOT all the way over there!!!
Here are the Real Facts™, courtesy of the show:
1. Ealdor is NORTH of Camelot.
“So where are you headed?” (Tristan, asking where Merlin and Arthur are going, as they’re on their way to Ealdor.) “North, over the border.”
“We're heading north to a safe haven.  To Ealdor.”
2. The White Mountains lie BETWEEN Ealdor and Camelot, not way out in West Nowheresville.
“I know a place.  Ealdor.  It's beyond the White Mountains.”
“Ealdor lies at the far side of that valley....Agravaine couldn’t have tracked us through the mountains.” 
You can even see the mountain range in the show.  Ealdor is visibly situated in the valleys created by the foothills of The White Mountains.  Merlin has to hike THROUGH the White Mountains to get from Ealdor to Camelot:
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And then this is the view on the way from Camelot to Ealdor:
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And this is literally what Merlin sees every time he looks out his back door.  (This shot is from Hunith’s POV, when she’s standing on the village green watching the fab four head back to Camelot.)  
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The map can say what it wants, but the White Mountains are NOT all the way over in the western reaches of Camelot, and Ealdor is not out to the east.  The mountains are NORTH of Camelot, forming a border between Uther and Cenred’s kingdoms, and Merlin’s home is nestled in their foothills.  When Merlin is out haymaking every June in the meadow pictured above, he’s doing it in the shadow of those very mountains. 
[This fits, too, with Hunith’s comment to Uther that “winters are harsh in Ealdor.”  The climate in various mountainous regions can differ tremendously, obviously, but if Ealdor is on the windward side of the range, it would receive a lot more precipitation (more snow!) than Camelot on the leeward side.  And then there’s mountain/gap winds to consider, altitude, etc - all things that could contribute to Ealdor experiencing slightly different winters than Camelot.]
It matters, too, when we think about the scene Merlin has with Freya in 2.09, when they’re talking about their respective homes - when Freya tells him her home was "surrounded by the tallest mountains” - when she talks about the winter storms, and the wind, and the summer wildflowers; when she says it was like heaven - that resonates with Merlin.  Freya doesn’t necessarily realize it, because Merlin has been more reticent than her about describing his home, but a lot of what she’s describing is familiar to him.  It speaks to him.  It paints a picture of something he misses, in a complicated way; it’s something he sees as beautiful.  “It sounds perfect,” he says to her.  And he means it.
There are a number of reasons why Merlin decides to run off with Freya in 2.09, and this is hardly the most important one.  But it does matter, and I personally think taking Merlin’s tangled, frequently-suppressed homesickness into account when we try to understand who he is and why he does the things that he does is relevant, always, even if that particular side of him usually goes undiscussed.
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We know some other things about the geography surrounding Ealdor, too, though those features aren’t so egregiously mislabeled on the map.  
We know that there is a forest somewhere along the border that extends into Cenred’s kingdom (it’s labeled on the map, it’s just not big enough):
“We're going to Cenred's Kingdom, aren't we?” “What makes you say that?” “Er, because we're in the Forest of Ascetir and we're not stopping?”
(honestly, lol @ Arthur asking Merlin “what makes you say that”.....Merlin’s like “uhhhh i was born here???  i know where tf we are”)
We also know that there’s a “Ridge of Ascetir,” per Uther (I assume it’s associated with the White Mountains, but we can’t know that for sure):
“Ealdor lies beyond the Ridge of Ascetir.  For an army of Camelot to enter it would be an act of war.” 
^ The above two elements bring up a point that I haven’t actually ever seen discussed anywhere else, and I assume it’s just because I wasn’t involved in fandom back when the show was actually airing - but, for clarity’s sake: there is NO canon indication of what Cenred’s kingdom is actually called.  I’ve seen the term “Essetir” used in some places on AO3, but that’s not something that actually comes from the canon, and I assume it’s just a fanon misspelling that emerged out of people mishearing the word “Ascetir” (or “Aesctir,” as 1.10′s subtitles put it) when characters were talking about the forest or the ridge.  The only places that canonically bear that name are the Forest of Ascetir and the Ridge of Ascetir, both of which are partially located in Camelot - there is no indication that Merlin’s home country is actually called Ascetir, and in fact the kingdom is only ever referred to as “Cenred’s kingdom” (or Lot’s kingdom, after Cenred is dead).
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In terms of the rest of the area’s geographical features: we already know about the mountains (discussed above), and some sort of cave system (”I thought you said you grew up in these tunnels”) which exits (in one place, at least) out onto the side of a mountain, beyond which are plains (in Arthur’s words, when he suggests moving further into Lot’s kingdom) and then in the other direction there’s the Forest of Ascetir.  We know that there is a river associated with Ealdor (Morgana says “they’ve crossed the river” re: the bandits in 1.10), and we also know that Ealdor itself is bounded on one side by a steep stone ridge (the same one that Agravaine’s men line up on to surround the place):
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And this ridge actually fits very well with what we see of the village itself.  Ealdor has to be located in an area where stone is easily accessible, otherwise its buildings would not look the way they do.  (BBC Merlin is, of course, a fantasy show, not taking place in a particular historical period, but just drawing from real history, most peasant homes in medieval England were not of stone construction, unless the village itself was located in an area where stone was plentiful and easy to access.  Moving stone for construction purposes was incredibly labor-intensive and, generally, prohibitively expensive.  But Ealdor is obviously located in an area where stone is readily available, and you can see indications of that in the image above.
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Ultimately, is any of the above information relevant to anyone who isn’t me?  
No, not really.  And are there a lot of ways in which this show is often super inconsistent when it comes to geography?  Yes, absolutely.  (The Lake of Avalon, for instance, is ALL OVER THE PLACE.)  But, surprisingly, geographical info on Ealdor/Cenred’s kingdom is actually pretty consistent throughout the canon, and the map is the odd man out - so since canon tops supplementary material for me, and since the map is so clearly wrong about other things, this is how I conceive of Ealdor whenever I think/write about it.
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icharchivist · 3 years
The thing that's on my mind the most about The Strength to Wield is, if Mordred is apparently Ywain, then who is Vane supposed to be?? He clearly got a lot of the same motifs as Ywain, so was he just a red herring or did they split Ywain into two characters? Is Vane supposed to be just an ordinary dude? That would actually fit pretty well with his character but I just, I want answerssss
y'know i'm like, really glad to hear that, because i know with friends we have been going on and on about "of course Vane must be Ywain, it's a given" for YEARS so when the Ywain reveal happened in StW i was just. so distraught?? and i felt like i must have built up that theory with friend with no real basis but i'm just so happy that any Vane Connaisseurs were sharing this one theory enough to be completely dumbfounded by this reveal.
also sorry i rambled a little, so, under cut
this was really unexpected because, yeah Vane has all of the Ywain's motif, his name could be a way to pronounce Ywain's name (esp if adapted from english accents that would put the tonal syllab on the "wain" part and make the "y" a little more muted), and of course, the Lion Knight in general when we have Vane with a Lion skin AND his CA name that has consistantly been about Lion.
And it fucks me up too because Arthur also has the Lion motif in his own CA, which for so long i thought was just because he took after his mentor, and probably it is meant to be since it's still the same name as Vane's, but it's especially distracting now knowing that Arthur and Mordred's shared unit don't have the Lion motif carried over in their CA. The moment Mordred is involved we're losing the Lion motif while we're being told that Mordred IS the Lion Knight???
And i know it was overreading because gbf tend to freely adapt the myths, so of course it was only a 1% possibility, but there's also the fact in the myth Ywain and Gawain are cousins, which was Vane's Past Theory Free Real Estate for a long time, especially since they share similar physical features and we know Vane's parents died when he was young leaving possibilities for weird stuff with his family to be talked about in the future.
Now that Mordred is Ywain, it would be really puzzling to have him linked to Gawain in any shape or form (because for starter then Uriens could have asked help to Dalmore instead of Feedranche if their family was linked, feels like therefore this connection is lost in the adaptation. Which isn't specifically a bad thing! it's just, one i overthought too much about to not at least mention it)
(UNLESS we want to start to look at the timeline and do we want to. But anyway, we know that therefore the War that destroyed Merlin's kingdom happened about 13 years ago due to the kids ages, setting it happening when Sieg/Aglo were 18, Gawain/Lamorak were 16, Percival/Lancelot were 14, and Vane was 12. Which doesn't give us a lot of information except if any of the war stuff we learn in Savior of Dalmore regarding the Dalmore situation would be linked, considering the flashback would be around that time, or if it was when Gawain waas younger, there's still the battle against Wales that gained Dalmore the alliance with Wales in the years that followed. Linked? maybe not but i thought about it so i might as well share)
Back to Ywain, was Vane a redherring or did they change their mind in recent years?
There was another theory way back when that Vane could be based on Agravain, which could make sense but we're losing the full Lion motif. That said if any of the theories linked to Ywain were too much, Agravain is *checks the wiki* Nephew to Arthur, brother to Gawain and Gareth (remember when Gareth was a character in that franchise? good times.), Half brother to Mordred, the killer of Lamorak and killed by Lancelot. Once again, gbf and its adaptation and all of that but man would that be ironical. Especially since from what i'm reading Agravain is a bit of the opposite of Ywain in term of what an asshole he was VS the kind lionheart.
But Ywain, in the myth, is indeed son of King Uriens, and a few trivia about his origins fits the Mordred we know and love pretty well (first character of the myth to have been associated to Arthur just like he's always been by his side, or the fact his parentage was never lost or adapted differently compared to others knights which gives all the more account on wanting to keep it that way).
And i do prefer Vane to at least not have royal blood per SE, though we could have done more about his parentage in general, i like the idea that he's Just Some Guy, it's just we were ready to accept gbf's Ywain as "Just Some Guy" so this is a twist.
And meanwhile making Mordred into Ywain seems to also eventually erase the dread caused by knowing Mordred should be Arthur's killer. (though personally i feel like on top of it not fitting the kids, the fact both of them nearly died in Camlenn while it was where the myth kills Arthur and Mordred feels like call back enough to know Mordred will never turn on Arthur now. I mean on top of Everything about Their Friendship This Event.).
Overall it is an interesting twist in and of itself, it is just bewildering after years where we were all pretty much convinced Vane was Ywain.
but so yeah i do wonder now, is Vane like... an OC, based partially on Ywain with Ywain role split between him and Mordred, or based on Agravain?
I don't know if we'll ever get any answers about all of that but this does feel weird to knock off what was one of the biggest theory about Vane's inspirations at least.
so yeah i'm intruigued, i've been thinking about it a lot too and it's a bit hard to let go of Vane=Ywain. Perhaps it WAS indeed a redherring because i don't think i would be freaking out that much about Mordred being Ywain if it hadn't been for that to start with aahah
but man idk. I think eventually now that we know how Vane was orphaned yet still it was framed in kind of a mysterious way, i feel like until the day they actually dive in Vane's backstory i'll always be sort of confused.
but yeah many thoughts i feel you so much and i have so many questions. I don't know how or when we'll get answers to any of them though but m AN.
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101flavoursofweird · 3 years
Fandom: BBC Merlin, Ship: Glimadora, Character: Kipo, Crossover: Marvel x My Hero Academia, Top Five: Layton, Randall, Henry, Dimitri & Don Paolo?
001 | BBC Melin
Favorite character: He’s a royal pain in the arse, but I think it’s Arthur now. I wouldn’t like him as much on his own, but Merlin brings out a lot of the best qualities in him. One of the reasons I was so invested in the series was because I couldn’t wait to see him become king.
Least Favorite character: Arthur’s uncle… Agravaine de Bois. (I had to look up his name.) Uther was thick as mud sometimes and he could be cruel, but at least he was a complex antagonist. Agravaine was just the Obviously Evil Uncle and Morgana’s lackey. He really dragged down that part of the series for me.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Arthur/Merlin, Merlin/Lancelot, Merlin/Gwaine, Gwen/Morgana, Gwen/Lancelot. None of these ships end well.
Character I find most attractive: Gwen. Her actress is so naturally pretty! I love all her outfits too!
Character I would marry: Lancelot if he wasn’t… you know. He would have been a good husband to Merlin and/or Gwen ;_;
Character I would be best friends with: Any of the knights. What a bunch of lads.
a random thought: I’m sorry for what Uther did, Morgana, but please don’t blame Gwen. I get why you’re mad at Merlin after he tried to poison you, and I know Arthur is Uther’s son… but Gwen doesn’t deserve your hate.
An unpopular opinion: I swear I read somewhere that Melin/Morgana were meant to be endgame in another season that never happened? Maybe it’s just my dislike for Enemies To Lovers but I just can’t see that working, sorry. Those two have tried to kill each other too many times
my canon OTP: Gwen/Lancelot
Non-canon OTP: What do you mean Arthur/Merlin isn’t canon
most badass character: Merlin, even though he acts like an idiot, will not hesitate to explode enemies on the spot
pairing I am not a fan of: I’m not a super big fan of Arthur/Gwen… I like it in concept but not how it was written a lot of the time. Like in the episode when Lancelot returned for the dead and Gwen was so OBVIOUSLY put under a spell to ‘cheat’ on Arthur, so Arthur exiled her? Are you sure you don’t want to look into that, Arthur?
character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Morgana… She was so much better written in the earlier seasons before she become a full-on villain.
favourite friendship: Merlin and Arthur!
character I want to adopt or be adopted by: Gaius! Gaius is an amazing mentor and father figure to Merlin. He’s like… the complete antithesis to Severus Snape.
002 | Glimadora
when of if I started shipping it: A couple of episodes into Season 1. I think I really started shipping it during the Mystacor episode when Glimmer tries to help Adora relax. Glimmer’s just so patient and soft towards her.
my thoughts: I didn’t need them to be ENDGAME but I really didn’t need them to have that huge argument in Season 4. I feel like their relationship was never fully repaired— at least, not to the level they were at before, and that makes me sad.
What makes me happy about them: The episode after Princess Prom where Adora goes in save Glimmer, but then she gets caught by Shadow Weaver, who tries to wipe Adora’s mind, so Glimmer breaks free to save Adora :)
What makes me sad about them: I think the ‘break apart’ plot line really could have worked better if they focussed less on other arguments and more on Glimmer working with Shadow Weaver in secret. If they had gone with that scenario, I would completely understand why Adora would be angry at Glimmer, but also why Glimmer would want the help of a skilled sorcerer.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I haven’t read that many She Ra fics, but anything that involved needlessly bashing Glimmer to prop up Catradora would annoy me. Or vice-versa with Glimadora and Catra
things I look for in fanfic: I did read an AU fic where Glimmer took the fail safe instead of Adora… Glimadora was endgame and it was GLORIOUS. But, at the same time, Catra had a really compelling arc too.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Catra/Adora is an obvious one (after Season 5), but there’s also Glimmer/Catra and Adora/Perfuma
My happily ever after for them: Season 4 rewrite
who is the big spoon/little spoon: Adora is the big spoon, Glimmer is the little spoon
what is their favorite non-sexual activity: Sleepovers!
003 | Kipo
How I feel about this character: For the hundreds of angsty heroes ‘cursed’ with powers, Kipo is over here loving life with her mega jaguar abilities. She’s such an unashamedly joyful, good-hearted protagonist— Not a cynical bone in her body!— and we need more characters like her.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: I don’t really have a romantic ship for Kipo— Something I actually like!— but I’ve seen a lot of fans shipping her with Asher and I can definitely see that happening!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: There are too many… Kipo & Wolf. Their relationship gives me so much serotonin. My absolute favourite scene is where they exchange birthday gifts ;_; Also, Kipo & Benson, Kipo & Jamack and Kipo & Hugo
My unpopular opinion about this character: I doubt this is unpopular but again, I love how kind and hopeful Kipo is to everyone she meets. That said, she’s willing to go Full Mega Jaguar to protect those she loves!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wanted to see her missing Wolf and reuniting with Wolf in the Wolf Movie! I know they’re reunited by the end of the series but I wanted the FEELS
my het ship: I don’t have one
my fem/slash ship: Kipo/Asher
my OTP: I guess it’s Kipo/Asher again
my OT3: I can give you a BrOTP? Kipo, Wolf & Benson (And Dave!)
a head cannon fact: Hugo was there for Kipo’s high school graduation :’)
004 | Marvel x My Hero Academia crossover OTP
Firstly— Thor/Any of the adult heroes because it’s Thor
Peter Parker can may as well join Class 1-A…
005 | Layton, Randall, Henry, Dimitri & Don Paolo
Henry, Randall, Don Paolo, Layton and Dimitri. (Randall moved up the list slightly since I just wrote a fic about him.)
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tolkienlockian · 3 years
Arthur for the ask thing
So sorry I'm answering this just now. I have so many unanswered Asks in my Inbox, but it's just that I'm planning on answering them and then something always come up in between
Give me a character and I will answer Ask here
So, without further ado
✨ Arthur ✨
Why I like him
Where do I start. He's the Once and Future King and he has some amazing moments that prove his potential as a great ruler, he genuinely cares for the people of Camelot to the point that he was ready to sacrifice himself for them. He is capable of having fun and enjoy the small, casual moments with his knights and Merlin, behaving as one of them and not above them as their Prince or later King.
Why I don't like him
He has the potential of some amazing character development and to free himself from Uther's manipulations both in regards to his abilities and to his view of magic. But just when we see said character development, the writers take it away in the next episode, to the point where he still needs Daddy's approval even three years later (and as much as I enjoyed The Death Song of Uther Pendragon, this part really disappointed me)
Favorite episode
I'm between The Poisoned Chalice and The Sword in the Stone - Part 2, so I'm choosing to talk about The Poisoned Chalice because, in my opinion, it's the first episode where Arthur truly shows that he's willing to do anything to help Merlin. He risked his life for a lowly servant whom he didn't know that well yet, and he did so against Uther's demands on top of that.
Favorite season
Again, I'm between season 1 and season 4, so now I'm gonna talk about season 4, because it's the season we see him become King and go through all the confusion, self-doubt and later confidence. We see him overcome Agravaine's manipulation and Morgana's schemes and come out stronger in the finale.
Favorite line
"I don't want you to change. I want you to always be you." This is it. The moment Arthur overcomes everything he was raised to believe about magic, the moment he sees and accepts Merlin for who he really is.
Favorite outfit
Wooow, that's a good one. He looks amazing in armor, not gonna lie, but my favorite outfit will be his red shit with the brown vest over it. It makes him look so relaxed and casual while still maintaining his regal looks.
*tries very hard not to start rambling about Merthur until tomorrow * Because these two were BORN for each other, they went through thick and thin while always being each other's constant and believing in each other, and it's a love story that lasts until the modern days where Merlin waits for his King's return.
Arthur and Leon. Apparently, Leon has known Arthur from their childhood, making him Arthur's oldest friend beside Morgana. Leon is a very healthy presence in Arthur's life, he knows Arthur very well, and he's loyal to a fault.
Hmmm... One came to me just now. Arthur loves spending time alone in the royal gardens. He discovered little hiding spots there when he was little and he's escaping there whenever he feels the burden of being the Prince/King. He may not run away to become a farmer, but the gardens give him the brief escapade he needs.
Unpopular opinion
Hmmm, not sure about this one, I'm not even sure if it's an unpopular opinion, but I think that Arthur, deep down, actually suspected that Merlin has magic from a very early point, but buried it. At first it was denial ("Merlin can't have magic, nope, no way, this bubbly idiot can't have magic"), and then he pretended not to know in order to protect him. I know he said "I would know" during the magic reveal. Maybe he buried this knowledge so deep inside that he suppressed it. Maybe he wanted to give Merlin one more chance to take it back because magic was still outlawed in Camelot.
A wish
That we could see Arthur repel the ban of magic and actively unite the lands of Albion as the Once and Future King. Alternatively, my wish is that he comes out of that lake and gives Merlin all the hugs and cuddles.
An oh-god-please-don't-ever-happen
Not gonna lie, that's my reaction every time I watch the finale and the moment comes for Mordred to stab Arthur 😝😝😝 In all seriousness, though, I wish that Arthur wouldn't have said to Merlin "I thought you were the bravest man alive... Guess I was wrong."
5 words to best describe them
Dollophead, Once and Future King
My nickname for them
I sometimes call him His Royal Pratness 😂 Otherwise, I use one of Merlin's endearments, like "clotpole" or "dollophead"
Thanks for the Ask, and sorry for the long text, hope you'll like it 😊😊😊
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hayleysstark · 4 years
Em! Give me your top 5 Merlin moments! And I mean moments of Merlin not from the entire show!
MELLY oh my gosh holy fuck BLESS YOU. not only do you put up with me sliding into your messages at all hours of the day and night to scream about one (1) Merlin Emrys, you ALSO offer me additional opportunities to scream about one (1) Merlin Emrys? i am BLESSED in this chili’s tonight 😭😭😭
5. The Diamond of the Day 
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Set against the dark, gritty backdrop of the prior events of this episode, this moment really stands out. Merlin hasn’t had an easy time of it in the final season--or any of the seasons, really, but I think we can all agree, S5 hit the poor man especially hard--and, for a long stretch, it looks like he’s lost the innocence and wonder and, yes, heart, that made him who he was in S1. This is a subtle but powerful way to tell the audience, in spite of everything he’s gone through since he stumbled into Camelot and, in spite of his own insistence to the contrary, he hasn’t. 
Merlin changes a lot throughout the series, and mostly for the worse, but there is still a purity inside of him. There is still an innocence about him, and it’s not dead, it’s not gone. We all know how the story has to end, but this moment gives us a little bit of hope all the same.
4. Aithusa
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Can I actually talk about this scene without suddenly trailing off into an extremely horny soliloquy because this also happened to be the moment I realized I was attracted to a skinny Irish kid with big ears and an ugly scarf? No. Is too much. Let me sum up. Very badass. Very pretty. Voice is very deep?? Very sexy. 
Even when the need for secrecy drops away, Merlin doesn’t typically flaunt his powers around like this--humility certainly plays a part in that, yes, but it’s also the genuine, deep-rooted refusal to accept the full magnitude of his magic until the very end of the series. So, yeah, this isn’t boasting or bragging for the sake of it, this isn’t throwing his weight around, this isn’t like that. Merlin’s goal is not  to intimidate or scare Borden, his goal is to keep the egg, and the unborn dragon inside it, safe. He just happens to terrify the literal shit out of Borden in the process. 
And it’s about one thousand percent better because Merlin isn’t trying to show off. He’s just being Merlin. And just Merlin happens to be pretty damn badass.
3. The Last Dragonlord
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So, I’ve gone over (and over and over and over) this scene about a hundred times already, most notably here and here. I’m not going to make y’all sit through all that again! Just going to reiterate: this is the way Merlin truly wins Kilgharrah’s respect. Not with violence. Not with bloody retribution. Not with hatred. With kindness, and mercy, and love. Though we see Merlin’s softer side start to fade throughout the series, it’s never truly rubbed away. 
Even here, in one of his lowest, darkest moments, in the midst of a hell of a lot of pain, his compassion still ultimately shines through. 
2. The Sword in the Stone
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Holy. Fuck. so, I’ll take this scene all day, every day, thank you very much. It’s similar to the one a little lower on this list, in Aithusa, but there are some key differences. 
In Aithusa, for example, Merlin truly means no harm to Borden. He wants to get the egg, and he will hurt Borden if that’s what it takes to do it, but he genuinely has no ill intentions. Even when he tosses Borden back, we see the man’s clearly not dead and, when Merlin does kill him, mere minutes later, it’s an accident. He’s upset, even, when he realizes he took Borden’s life. He regrets it. He didn’t mean to. It wasn’t intentional.
With Agravaine, here, it is very, very intentional. From the second Agravaine catches up to him at the dead end, Merlin makes it clear Agravaine is not going to leave that cave alive. And that marks this out from all the other murders he’s committed. This marks Agravaine out from all the rest. Because this is not a heat-of-the-moment kill. This is not a him-or-me. This is not no-other-choice. This is not self-defense.
This was calculated. Merlin planned this. Merlin knew it would come down to this, and he planned it all out down to the second the light leaves Agravaine’s eyes. He knows what he has to do, and he doesn’t shy from it, he doesn’t shrink from it. He plans it out. 
And Colin Morgan plays the subtle shift from unintentional killer to cold-blooded murderer so fucking well.
and, please, i know i’m testing your patience here, but please please please allow me a few quick honorable mentions before we get to the last pick because i cannot possibly leave all of these off the list:
The Death Song of Uther Pendragon 
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The Eye of the Phoenix
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The Secret Sharer
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1. Le Morte d’Arthur
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It was extremely difficult to pick one specific moment out of this whole episode - this one really was the one that made me fall in love with Merlin! - but this one is the first time we see the true depth of Merlin’s power. (Come on, he calls down literal lightning from the sky to take out a High Priestess of the Old Religion while he’s still severely injured from her magic. Tell me that’s not metal as all hell.) And it’s also the first time we see the true depth of Merlin’s loyalty - not just to Arthur, but to all his friends and loved ones. 
Even without the rest of the episode - where, as we see, he makes repeated attempts to sacrifice his life for Arthur and his mother - this gives us a pretty good look into just how much the people in his life mean to him. Like most of his magic so far in the series, this is instinctive--Merlin doesn’t plan it, he doesn’t even use the proper incantation, for fuck’s sake--but it is the strongest, the most powerful, instinctive magic he has performed at this point, because it’s for his friends, not his own defense of self.
Again. Tell me that’s not metal as hell.
thanks so much for the ask, Melly!! 💚
ask me my “top 5″ anything
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swanqueeneverafter · 4 years
The Once & Future Queen Pt.19
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Camelot. Courtyard. (While Merlin is joined by Guinevere, Lancelot and the Charmings, Henry speaks to his moms.) Henry: "Are you guys sure about this? I mean, aren't you worried Merlin's going to want revenge for what Emma did to him?" Emma: (Scoffs:) "Mr. Holier-than-thou?" Regina: "Merlin isn't the revenge type, Henry. He's far more likely to want to prove his brilliance than dwell on the past." Henry: "Yeah, but even so-" Emma: "What's important right now is that we as a family are safe." Regina: "Your mother's right, Henry. This whole situation with Morgana was never about us. It's about who belongs on the throne of Camelot. Let them figure it out." Henry: "That's a little cold, don't you think?" Emma: "Honestly? No. Merlin is more than capable of dealing with Morgana on Camelot's behalf." Regina: "And if you don't believe us, just ask Merlin."
(A short distance away, Merlin converses with Lancelot and Guinevere.) Lancelot: "I'm glad you're free again, but if Arthur finds us here there will be trouble." Merlin: "I agree, we must leave this place, but not together." Guinevere: "What does that mean?" Merlin: "Send the knights who are loyal to you back to Arthur. Allow them to be our eyes and ears in Arthur's camp." Guinevere: "All right, that makes sense, but what about Morgana?" Merlin: "She has grown too powerful for any mortal blade to kill her. That is why we must separate. (To Lancelot:) I need you to seek out your Mother, the Lady of the Lake, for help." Lancelot: (Nods in understanding:) "My mother once forged the Vorpal Blade that trapped the Jabberwocky, perhaps she can do the same again for Morgana?" Merlin: "Exactly. Your mother does have great power." Lancelot: (To Guinevere:) "We should leave right away. The lake is a two-day journey from here." Guinevere: (To Merlin:) "What about you?" Merlin: "Though Arthur is but a shade of his former self, I very much doubt my presence in Camelot will be welcomed. I shall therefore return with the others to Storybrooke. There I can come up with a plan to end Morgana's scheming once and for all." (Standing against the short stone wall lining the courtyard, Snow and David weigh up their options.) Snow White: "I think we should go with Guinevere and Lancelot, they may need our help." David: "Absolutely not. (At Snow's look:) Have you not understood why Regina and Emma are doing this? It's to keep us all safe. The fight for Camelot is not one we need to involve ourselves in." Snow White: "Oh, David. Not you too? We can't just walk away. That's not what heroes do." David: "That is not what we're talking about here." Snow White: (Stubbornly:) "Well it seems that way to me." David: (Sighs:) "Do you even remember the last time either one of us could claim to be heroes? Let's face it, Snow, ever since the first curse was broken, we've relied on either Emma or Regina to fight our battles. Against Gold, Zelena, the Snow Queen, Pan-" Snow White: "That's only because magic was involved all those times. And it wasn't just us, the entire town relies on them." David: "Which is exactly my point. And now, since the Realms were joined, they've been called upon to use their powers even more. All I'm saying is there has to be another option, one that doesn't lead to our daughter and the woman she loves putting themselves in harm's way." Snow White: "But, David, we've always found a way to defeat whatever comes our way." David: "I know that, but the day may still come when we won't be able to win. Listen, Emma and Regina have already gone up against Morgana several times now and she's still out there causing mayhem. So maybe this time, we let Merlin be the one to come up with the answers."
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Forest. Near Caerleon's Army Camp. (Agravaine sneaks through the woods while checking for any pursuers, then turns and is surprised to find Morgana standing there.) Agravaine: “Morgana.” Morgana: “You seem troubled. What is it?” Agravaine: “Arthur is Camelot’s King once more, as you wanted.” Morgana: “Yes, I know, I saw the fireworks. That can’t be what you came to tell me.” Agravaine: “Merlin. He’s free.” Morgana: “How? When?” Agravaine: (Shakes his head:) “I do not know, My Lady. Merlin’s tree was gone by the time we returned to the castle.” Morgana: “We?” Agravaine: “Arthur insisted on scouting Carleon’s army.” Morgana: “There is no need for that. You gave him my note, I trust?” Agravaine: “Yes. He did not seem pleased by it.” Arthur: (Appearing at the top of the ridge above them:) “Not pleased at all.” Morgana: (To Agravaine:) “I don’t know whether to be impressed by Arthur’s tracking skills or annoyed by your incompetence.” Arthur: (His sword pointed towards them as he approaches:) “You know, back when I was alive, I learned to despise Merlin. However, there was one thing about him that earned my admiration.” Morgana: (In a bored tone:) “Really, and what was that?” Arthur: “His ability to resist my commands even when tethered to Excalibur and under the most desperate of circumstances. In fact, it was what inspired me to do this!” (Sensing the attack before it even began, Morgana’s eyes glow and she uses her powers to send Arthur flying backwards into a tree, knocking him unconscious.) Morgana: “Not a word, Agravaine. Not a word. (Agravaine stands quiet as Morgana walks over to Arthur and begins an incantation, her eyes glowing once more:) Efencume ætgædre, eala gastas cræft ige. Hige hefe. Hefe mæst sara. Fornéðe þas, ende hie æra. (Her eyes return to normal:) There, my hold over Arthur has now tripled in strength. He will give us no more problems.” Agravaine: “Yes, My Lady.” Morgana: (Casually:) “What news of Guinevere?” Agravaine: “Ah... Arthur did send out men to search but unfortunately, Guinevere and Lancelot’s whereabouts are currently unknown.” Morgana: (Scoffs:) “Of course they are. The knights are loyal to them both. No matter. I have a feeling I know exactly where they’re headed.”
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Storybrooke. Swan-Mills House. Morning. (Regina and Emma are making breakfast when Henry enters.) Henry: "Good morning, Moms!" Regina: "Henry. You're looking chipper this morning." Henry: "And why shouldn't I be? Ella and I both have jobs, my parents are about to retire from putting themselves in danger on a regular basis and the sun is shining." Emma: "Well, can't argue with that I suppose." Regina: "So, everything is back to normal with you two?" Henry: "Things got a little shaky there for a little while, but I think we're okay. Plus, Ella and I have an agreement that should an adventure come our way, we'll both jump in with both feet. Together, I mean." Emma: (Smiles:) "Yeah, we got that." Regina: "And in the meantime you're okay with driving people around all day?" Henry: "Well I'll admit it's not my ideal job, but it pays the bills. (Kisses Emma on the cheek:) Bye, Mom." Emma: "Have a good day, Henry." (Henry kisses Regina on the cheek and, carrying his coffee, leaves the kitchen.) Hallway. (Henry walks to the door and picks up his keys from the bowl. He's about to leave when Regina speaks up.) Regina: "You know there's still college, Henry. Higher education sounds like a pretty wonderful adventure to me." Henry: (Smiles:) "I know and I'll think about it, I promise. But things have just got back on track with Ella and I don't want to rock the boat too much." Regina: "But you could be so much more. I thought you wanted to make a serious run at becoming a writer?" Henry: (Nods:) "I did and I do but for right now I have to put that on hold. I have to think of what's best for Ella and me. We may not see each other much during the day with us both working jobs, but if I went to college Ella and I wouldn't see each other at all." Regina: "Okay, well as long as you're happy and you know what you're doing, you know I'm happy." Henry: "I know, thanks Mom. (Pulls her in for a hug:) I love you." Regina: "I love you too, Henry." (Waving as Henry walks down the pathway towards his car, Regina closes the door and returns to the kitchen.) Kitchen. Emma: "Has he gone?" Regina: "Yeah. (Distractedly, walks into the kitchen:) I can't help but think he's making a mistake by not going to college." Emma: "Oh don't worry about that now. Here. (Slides a plate across the table to Regina:) Have your breakfast." Regina: "Thanks. (Finally looking at Emma, Regina sees the naughty smirk on her lips before noticing her complete lack of clothing. Casually:) You know your shirt is buttoned incorrectly?" Emma: (Innocently:) "Oh. (She unfastens the last remaining button:) Better?" Regina: "Much. (Emma winks and drinks her orange juice:) Although now I don't feel much like pancakes suddenly." Emma: "I can get you something else if you like?" Regina: "No, no. I already have my eye on something." (Picking up a stick of butter from a side plate, Regina slowly approaches Emma. Upon kissing her wife, Regina gently pushes the shirt down off Emma's shoulders, exposing her breasts to her ravenous gaze. Reaching over, Regina grabs a croissant from the table and hands it to Emma.) Emma: "Thank you." Regina: (Before Emma can take a bite:) "Uh uh. (Regina holds up the butter:) Room temperature. (Emma nods then watches as Regina takes one finger and rubs it into the butter before smoothing her digit over the croissant. Then, moving Emma's shirt out of her way, Regina proceeds to liberally coat Emma's breasts with the butter, rubbing it in slow, generous circles. When Emma clears her throat, Regina looks up at her:) Oh, how thoughtless of me. (Reaching for something, Regina picks up a little pot and shows it to Emma before removing the lid.) Cinnamon. (Before Emma can say anything, Regina taps the bottle over her croissant and adds a little cinnamon. Pulling up a chair beside Emma, Regina leans forward. Looking up at her:) Bon apetit." (Regina lowers her mouth to Emma's left breast and begins to feast. For her part, Emma bemusedly watches her wife for a long moment before finally bringing the croissant to her lips.)
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Caerleon’s Army Camp. Queen Annis’ Tent. (The sentries bring Arthur into the tent.) Queen Annis: “What is the meaning of this?” Arthur: “Your Highness, I’m here to– (Annis slaps him:) Your Highness, I know that you feel nothing but contempt for me. You feel I’ve done you a grievous wrong, and you would be right. I’m ashamed of what I did. It was cowardly, it was unjust, and I am deeply sorry.” Queen Annis: “Sorry does not bring back my brother. Sorry does not give his people back their king.” Arthur: “I realise that. I know there’s nothing I can do to repair that loss.” Queen Annis: “Then what are you doing here, Arthur Pendragon?” Arthur: “I want to call off the battle.” Queen Annis: “It’s a little too late for that.” Arthur: “I don’t propose a truce, but an alternative. I invoke the right of single combat. Two champions to settle this matter between them.” Queen Annis: “And why should I grant you this favour?” Arthur: “There’s been bloodshed enough already, Your Highness. Many hundreds of lives will be saved this way.” (Annis nods for her men to release Arthur’s arms.) Queen Annis: “And your terms?” Arthur: “If my man wins, you must withdraw your army.” Queen Annis: “And if mine is the victor?” Arthur: “Then half of all Camelot is yours.” (A guard brings Agravaine into the tent and shoves him to his knees. Agravaine is seething at being treated this way, but holds his tongue.) Agravaine: “Sorry, my lord." Queen Annis: “You know him?” Arthur: “He’s my advisor, he must’ve followed me here. I knew nothing about it.” Queen Annis: “Kill him.” (Agravaine’s eyes flash toward Arthur, imploring him to do something. Arthur lets him sweat a moment.) Arthur: “Wait. Please. Let him go. He’s just…a simpleminded fool.” Queen Annis: “That is two favours you’ve asked of me, Arthur Pendragon. (Queen Annis turns and sits on her throne, considering Agravaine. Arthur is calm while Agravaine is tense, waiting for her decision:) Very well. You shall have your trial by combat. (Arthur nods:) Announce your champion by noon.” (Arthur bows.) Arthur: “Thank you, Your Highness, but there will be no need to wait. There can only be one choice. One choice which is just and honourable. This fight’s mine.” (Annis is impressed by this while Agravaine is very pleased.) Queen Annis: “Noon it is then. You may leave to prepare yourself. And take your fool with you.” (Arthur nods and Agravaine glares at Annis, for her slight upon him.) A Short Time Later. (Annis is now joined by Morgana.) Queen Annis: “I don’t like it. It must be a trick.” Morgana: “What concerns you, Your Highness?” Queen Annis: “Arthur. Why would he choose himself as the champion?” Morgana: “Because he’s Arthur. He’ll always risk his own life before those of his men. Trust me, it’s no trick. Arthur will fight.” Queen Annis: “It’s as if you were pleased, Morgana. Whatever else he is, Arthur is a great warrior. You have as much to lose as I if he wins. You desire the throne of Camelot, do you not?” Morgana: (Enraged:) “I don’t deny it. It’s rightfully mine, after all. (Annis considers Morgana’s emotional response. Morgana calms herself:) Arthur will not win.” Queen Annis: “How can you possibly know that?” Morgana: “Because I have the power to ensure that he doesn’t.” Queen Annis: “Then you must use it.” (Morgana smiles and nods.) Shortly After That. (A mean looking giant stands before Annis and Morgana.) Queen Annis: “You have served me well, Darian. I know you’ll do the same again today.” Morgana: “And Darian, no pity, no quarter. Do not hesitate for one second. Arthur Pendragon must die.” (Darian grins menacingly.)
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Storybrooke. Granny's Bed & Breakfast. (Ruby sits down to talk with the Reporter.) Reporter: "So, it's been a little while now since Mulan and Emma returned from the past, how have you adjusted to having Mulan back?" Ruby: (Smiles:) "I won't say it's like she never left because I missed her terribly, but Mulan and I have pretty much picked up where we left off. It helped a lot that I was surrounded by friends and family and I know Mulan kept herself busy in the Enchanted Forest." Reporter: "I'm pleased to hear that. (Writes a few notes then changes the subject:) Today marks the beginning of Snow White's quest to find a candidate for Storybrooke's next Mayor. You've moved around a lot recently but for almost thirty years you lived among the people of Storybrooke, so who would you like to see nominated?" Ruby: "Gosh, I mean where to start? Naturally as Snow is one of my best friends I would've voted for her, but she's not interested in taking the job on full time." Reporter: (Pushing for an answer:) "So who else?" Ruby: "Um... Archie might be a good choice. He knows the people better than most, being the town's only therapist. Then there's David, I think he'd be a great candidate for Mayor. However I think, like Snow, he's content tending to his flock." Reporter: "Would you ever consider the position yourself?" Ruby: "Me? (Chuckles:) I don't think I'm meant for public office. I spent most of my time under the curse trying to leave this place. Anyway, I love my nomadic lifestyle with Mulan far too much to give it up." Granny's Diner. (Snow White shares a booth with Jasmine while she looks over the various CV's she's received from interested candidates.) Snow White: "Oh this is going to be a nightmare." Jasmine: "I don't see why. You managed to run the Mayor's office while still keeping a full teacher's schedule." Snow White: (Holding up a binder:) "Only because I'm organised." Jasmine: "So start your search looking for someone else equally as anal then." Dr. Whale: (Arriving at precisely the wrong time:) "Hello, ladies. (Places his CV on the table:) I'll just leave this here for your consideration." Snow White: "Thank you." Dr. Whale: "By the way..." Snow White: (To Jasmine:) "Here we go." Dr. Whale: "Did I overhear correctly that you're looking for some anal?" Snow White/Jasmine: "No!" Dr. Whale: "Oh, my bad." Granny: "Move along, Doc, you're holding up the line." (Dr. Whale gives them a courteous smile and leaves. To Jasmine's amusement, Snow tears up Whale's CV before he's even left the diner.) Jasmine: (When Granny places her CV on the table, surprised:) "Granny, you're interested?" Granny: "Sure. Thirty years of getting to know everyone's likes and dislikes makes me a front runner in my eyes." Granny's B&B. (A short while later, Granny also speaks with the Reporter.) Granny: "Not to speak ill of Snow White, but she has no clue how to run this town and it was same back in the Enchanted Forest. Of course, Snow and David meant well and fought hard to reclaim her father's kingdom, but then what?" Reporter: "Surely their time as rulers was cut short by Regina's curse?" Granny: "To a degree I suppose, though to my mind that's just another example of poor leadership on their part. True leaders don't blame their failures on others, they tackle adversity head on. She may not have been universally adored back in the day, but at least Regina got things done." Reporter: "So it's safe to say you're pleased Snow White has chosen not to take the position of Mayor herself?" Granny: "Put it this way, Snow is technically still Queen of the Enchanted Forest. (Leans closer:) And I don't know about you, but I haven't seen her do much Queening lately." Reporter: "I hadn't considered that." Granny: "Oh yeah. Rumour has it that Snow wasn't best pleased with Emma and Regina's decision to retire.” Reporter: “And what would you say to that?” Granny: (Shrugs:) “I figure if Snow's moved on from her old life, why can't Regina and Emma?"
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Sheriff's Office. (Lily walks with Regina towards Rumplestiltskin who is sat at Hook's desk.) Lily: "He's been coming here a lot lately. I think he misses his friend." Regina: (Smiles:) "How adorable." Rumplestiltskin: (Leaning back in his chair:) "Regina. To what do we owe the pleasure?" Regina: "I may be the outgoing Mayor and not have my eye on every detail of this town like I once did, but I'm pretty sure you don't work here." Rumplestiltskin: "Perhaps not, but I like to think I add a little charm to the place." Lily: (Scoffs:) "If you mean like a good luck charm, I think we're all lucky you and my Dad aren't off indulging in one of your drinking binges." (Lily walks away.) Regina: (Shaking her head:) "And at your age." Rumplestiltskin: "Is there something you wanted?" Regina: (Leans down towards him:) "Just to tell you that Merlin is free and that means so are Emma and I." Rumplestiltskin: "I see. And you think Merlin is the answer?" Regina: "Not my problem." Rumplestiltskin: "I hope not. We'll just have to wait and see." Regina: "Has anyone told you how infuriating you are?" Rumplestiltskin: "Yes. (Regina glares at him then walks away. Quietly to himself:) Mainly you in fact." Camelot. Ridge. (The armies of Camelot and Caerleon face each other. Darian and Arthur walk towards each other at the centre of the neutral ground. Arthur looks up at the giant while Darian bears his teeth. Morgana watches from Caerleon’s lines. Agravaine, now joined by the knights loyal to Guinevere and Lancelot, grins in Camelot’s front line. Arthur twirls his sword and the fight begins. After exchanging parries and thrusts, Darian eventually knocks Arthur to his knees. When the giant attempts an overhead strike, Arthur rolls out from the blow and slices Darian’s cheek. Darian checks for blood and howls, enraged.) Morgana: “This has gone on long enough. (Annis turns her head to listen:) Time to turn the tide. I’ll enchant Arthur’s sword. It will hold the weight of a thousand ages. No one could bear it for long.”
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(Morgana’s eyes glow and Arthur’s sword drops like lead behind him. He looks at it, unable to lift it. Darian swings and misses on the down sweep. Arthur punches Darian’s face and gets caught on the up-sweep of Darian’s sword. He cries out in pain. Arthur tries to lift his sword again. Darian begins to strike, but Arthur leaves his sword and rams his shoulder into Darian, knocking him over and falling. Morgana is confused. Darian gets up first and kicks Arthur over. Darian picks up his sword and Morgana and Agravaine smirk. Annis waits. Arthur lies helpless and Darian raises his sword over his head. Arthur looks up at his men on the ridge before the giant runs Arthur through with all his might. Annis’ army cheer while Camelot’s forces look on, aghast.) Morgana: (Turns to Annis:) “You are victorious, Your Highness.” Queen Annis: “Indeed. And now we must ensure that CameIot’s forces comply absolutely with the terms of our agreement.” Morgana: “Worry not, Your Highness. Lord Agravaine is an honourable man and can be trusted to do the right thing.” Queen Annis: (Following Morgana’s line of sight to stare up at Agravaine:) “Arthur called him a fool.” Morgana: “Arthur is dead. That is all that matters, Your Highness.” (Annis considers Arthur’s slain form for a moment, then turns to leave.) No Man’s Land. (Arriving too late to witness the duel, Merida, Anastasia and Xena & Gabrielle stand watching the aftermath as the giant Darian absorbs the cheers from his fellow soldiers while standing over Arthur’s body.)
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heartslobbf · 5 years
what about the analysis of morgana when she bewitched gwen and the intimate moments they shared then. i remember gwen getting shaken up when she heard that odin had trapped morgana for so long cruelly. i wonder how morgana really felt when she received that concern from gwen.
this ask in itself made me tear up. call me a giant cry baby but the exchange between gwen and morgana during 5x06 about morgana’s imprisonment is like. in my top ten saddest merlin moments. morgana, so genuinely surprised and yet still with a hint of skepticism says ‘you did not know’ and this line fucking GETS me. morgana realises that gwen doesn’t understand half of what she’s been through, and that probably makes her angry, but at the same time i feel as though she’s relieved people don’t know all about her suffering.
the thing with morgwen is that morgana’s view of gwen changed like that during series 3, thanks to morgause’s manipulation. and what’s really genuinely beautiful about 5x06 is we get a glimpse into gwen’s perception of morgana: she feels sorry for her, after everything, and thinks that what she’s had to suffer through is wrong. this chokes morgana up a little bit. i do genuinely think that sympathy meant something to her, but it wasn’t anywhere near enough to make morgana change her views.
to be honest, 5x06 is sort of the last episode morgana could be redeemed in. after elyan dies, i really don’t think anyone would accept morgana back with open arms because i don’t think any amount of support would bring back the real morgana. she died a very, very long time ago, and gwen’s unadulterated kindness brings her back for just a second. but that’s it.
morgana is not really morgana after series 2. she’s twisted by bitterness and betrayal, and whenever she’s vulnerable about her imprisonment, we get a glimpse of who she used to be. i do genuinely think she felt something positive for gwen in 5x06, but it wasn’t for long.
but then you have bewitched gwen’s interactions with morgana, which are something else entirely. it’s the same dynamic they had in the beginning of the show, only with darker intentions and questionable motives. in my head, morgana is in love with gwen because tbh who isn’t, and in some sick way that really reflects the turn morgana’s character took, she likes having her under her spell. it’s toxic and unhealthy and i do not ship morgwen whatsoever past series 2, but morgana is oh so lonely after morgause dies. she has no one.
and then, gwen is completely indebted to her, just as loving and compassionate and gwen as she always was, and morgana must feel loved again. how could she not? gwen is infectious with her kindness, and in an incredibly fucked up way for both characters, morgana must have been a little bit happier with anyone to talk to. i mean, she lost morgause and then got stuck with agravaine, holy shit that must’ve sucked.
in conclusion: morgana probably had a sense of companionship around bewitched gwen that she hadn’t felt since morgause died. i’m not sure if it was anything more than that to her, because by series 5 morgana definitively hates gwen, but it was certainly more than pure manipulation.
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dreamy--dolly · 4 years
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@gringolet​ i told you i was going to give you angst and ye shall recieve it ANYWAYS you get laurel + angst = me getting into big oof mood when i wrote this
“It must have been nice to hide away from Camelot.”
Agravaine’s voice rings chilling and empty through the quiet room. The rickety wooden table creaks beneath Laurel’s elbows—she doesn’t take them off even though back home she’d been told that that’s bad manners. They were silent through most of dinner and that was the piling of clouds, one on top of the other, before the rain comes falling. Now the thunder’s begun to rumble from far away, and she watches Lancelot set down the piece of chicken he’d been gnawing away at.
“I’m sorry,” he says. This is different from the knight she’d met only hours earlier—the one in armor that gleamed silver, the one she’d heard about in the stories. It’s a different person than Agravaine says he knew. But he continues, leaning over across the table towards Lancelot.
“Wasn’t it nice? Not having to leave so, because if you did you’d be reminded that you were the coward. You were the one responsible for my brother’s death, thinking you could get away with practically anything because you were Lancelot du Lac, the damned best knight in the world. You were.”
“You and your own younger brother were the ones who conspired against me. You were the ones who told him.”
Lancelot’s voice shakes. Laurel feels her heartbeat throb in her chest. She was not witness to their sins, and she cannot judge them now. But they were both there when they saw kingdoms fall and blood spill, and they say that one of them was the serpent that slithered into Eden and tempted humans to sin. Laurel does not know the truth, and the unknown aches.
“You shouldn’t have been lying to your king, your friend, and sneaking around behind his back with someone he loved! And he loved you, too—I don’t know what he saw in you!”
“It’s been years since Gareth died and you still have the nerve to prattle on about how your brothers can do no wrong! You lost a brother—how do you think it felt losing a son?”
“A son you never bothered to raise! I don’t know how it felt, but it must have been horrible for your own son to realize that his king and superior was more of a father to him than you!”
“I tried, I really did—”
“You didn’t try hard enough—”
“And you didn’t either! Where were you in the battle of Camlann? You only came rushing back when your poor little brother got hurt, and even then where were you? Certainly not fighting beside him—”
“I don’t care who was at fault, but you both need to stop!”
Laurel’s voice is loud even in her ears. How pathetic it must be, for them to look upon a child so many years younger than either of them begging them to stop re-opening old wounds that haven’t quite healed. Because the scars are still left behind, and she was never there to see how they formed.
“I don’t care who was responsible for what—you’re both so wrapped up in your own worlds and I don’t see either of you thinking about the commoners and serfs back in Camelot that’re probably suffering because of my half-brother. I don’t see either of you wondering what’s happened to my father who doesn’t even know I exist.”
She stands from her seat and looks up at Agravaine. Her voice is loud enough to hear even when the storm carries on inside. Even when she is not screaming at them.
It does not last and she becomes aware that it is a storm—that here she is trapped beneath the shroud of dark gray clouds, rain soaking her to the bone. And still she hurts, standing in a room where they mourn and cry out to the ghosts of people she has never met. When she looks back at Agravaine, she can feel the tears making her eyes sting.
“You told me before you cared, and that it was enough to make you come out here with me. Now keep showing me you care.”
“—Because it doesn’t seem that way. I’ll just have to face Mordred alone, then.”
She leaves the table to sit outside. She will not run yet, even though she is running towards the open mouth of the beast if she does and not away from it. But she cannot sit in the same room as people who turn a blind eye towards all else that goes on in their world save for each other, and that is only to accuse one another of who tore everything apart.
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If it's not too much can I get some uhhhh Gawain x Reader or Mordred x Reader?
Not gonna lie, I was shaking from excitement for a good ten minutes when I got this. I wasn’t really sure what to do, but since I haven’t written for Gawain yet, I decided on relationship headcanons…hopefully you like them!
First things first, this man will openly loveand respect you no matter what
He doesn’t care what anyone says
If you’re okay with it, then be ready for PDA
He likes to hold your hand and plant kisseson the top of your head
Loves it when you braid his hair
If anyone dare to talk bad about you, theybetter be ready to put up a fight because Gawain is having none of it
When May rolls around, expect getting a lotof flowers
Gawain will try to make a flower crown foryou
Keyword: try
He ends up just settling for putting a flowerin your hair and showering you with compliments
Gawain loves giving you compliments andcheering you on in everything you do
“You’re doing amazing, sweetie!” -Gawain, probably
Bear hugs
Whenever you’re upset, he’ll hold you closeand whisper sweet nothings to you
Lots of cuddling
If he gets mad, just kiss him
Trust me on this
He’ll calm down at just the slightest touchfrom you
But kissing him and he just forgets whateverhe was mad about and focus on you
Brings you to the Orkney Family Meetingsbecause “you’ll be an Orkney soon enough”
He’s just the biggest unapologetic softy andthat’s a fact
Soft boy
He acts all distant and sarcastic andpretends like he doesn’t care about himself or anyone else
But around you, he loses all his composure
He’s a blushing mess who stutters on everyother word
He thinks so highly of you
Mumbles sometimes about how you’re too goodfor him
Doesn’t really know how to romantic so heends up reluctantly asking Gawain so help
Tries really hard to act indifferent towardsyou in public
Fails the second his eyes meet yours
Gushes about you to Agravain
Which was a mistake because now he getsteases about mercilessly
Touch this boy anywhere and he’s a goner
Will melt into your touch
Loves it when you cup his face or play withhis hair
Says he’s a dom but that’s the biggest liehe’s ever told
Almost always the little spoon
But you better believe that he turns thetables real quick if he notices that you’re even the least bit down
So you better be ready for those cuddleswhere he can look you in the face and kiss you softly
Also he will compliment every single damnthing about you because you deserve to know how amazing you are to him
He’ll set up a little late-night picnic andhold you close as you watch the stars
Gareth will end up teaching Mordred how tocook a romantic dinner because he is absolutely hopeless when it comes to thisstuff
What’s he gets more comfortable with it,he’ll hold your hand in public with the occasional kiss on the cheek if you’relucky
Though, he will be flustered the whole time,which doesn’t help his image as an emotionless bastard
But he doesn’t care because he got the bestdarn S/O that anyone could ask for
 -Mod Hot Cocoa
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Watching Merlin The Death Song of Uther Pendragon once again, and feeling more and more justified in my analysis of the episode, available here.
Above, we see Merlin’s expression go hard when Arthur mentions Uther’s disapproval of his decisions. He says, “You mean, your kingdom.” When Arthur shrugs at this fact, Merlin’s expression turns even more stony:
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As I explained in my analysis of 5x03, this episode demonstrates that Merlin is the only real family that Arthur has. Upon rewatching the scene where Arthur sits morosely during his birthday celebrations, and rereading my post, I was struck by the inescapable conclusion that despite everything, Arthur is lonely. 
Why? Because he has no family. For the first time, I also added his lack of children to the reasons for his loneliness. I suppose this was obvious from the episode, but only through rewatching several episodes have I learned that BBC Merlin’s central theme is not magic, but friendship and family. 
Arthur Pendragon is actually one of the most tragic characters on the show. Setting aside the irony of his future being marred by destiny, I also thought about how long it had taken Merlin chiefly to build up his self-belief. Yet with just a few words, Uther could ruin that same self-belief, even if Arthur knew Uther was wrong. 
This is what angers Merlin: the fact that Uther still has the power to destroy his son’s confidence. As I said beforehand, Merlin’s deepest problem with Uther is that he doesn’t deserve to be Arthur’s father. 
However, I now have something to add. Whereas before, I thought that Arthur had subconsciously adopted Merlin as a brother, perhaps sometime between late Season 4 and early Season 5, I did not realise that Merlin would have done the same. 
After all, Merlin had watched the devastating impact that family betrayal had caused to Arthur. So I am now thinking that this motivates Merlin’s deeper sense of defensiveness and protectiveness over the King. This isn’t just about destiny.
Otherwise, Arthur would be totally alone. 
Remember: Arthur has no mother. In 4x12, Merlin allows the fugitive King to stay at his mother’s house, and we now see the once proud Arthur eating Hunith’s food. Arthur has no father. But in 4x07, Gaius speaks of taking care of Arthur since boyhood. Most importantly, Arthur has no siblings. Merlin steps into this role himself, and not just by vowing to protect the King, which his Knights also do. 
I think the most important thing that Merlin does is to behave like Arthur’s family ought to have behaved. It seems to me that he challenges himself to prove that he can show himself better than Uther, Morgana, and Agravaine. Those 3 in particular. All blood members of Arthur’s family, all traitors in some way, and all people whose mind control Merlin wishes to undo. 
Another point is Merlin’s own family situation. Though I would like to think that he kept in contact with Hunith more frequently than was shown, the truth is that he lives a totally separate life. The mother admits as much in 4x12, though she tellingly refers to Ealdor as “home” for Merlin, rather than Camelot. 
On top of this, Merlin has no siblings. We know that, despite friends like Will, the time he spent before arriving in Camelot was incredibly lonely, as he told Gaius. I do not know whether Merlin initially wanted siblings, but he certainly wanted a family, which is why he clung to the hope of reuniting Balinor with Hunith in Ealdor. Could he have dreamt of a different life, where he had siblings? 
I don’t know. However, even though Merlin shared the pain of losing his father with Gwaine, I think he has the stronger connection with Arthur on this topic. I base this on 5x03 and 5x04, where Arthur twice appeals to Merlin’s fatherlessness in a bid for support. In those cases, he effectively says that they understand the same loss, because they are alike. This is particularly true when, in 5x04, Merlin admits that if someone had murdered his father, he too would have sought vengeance. 
And we know that Merlin hates vengeance. In that moment, Merlin reveals that he is more like Arthur than perhaps he even knows. 
Fascinating stuff! 
PS-- I also finished watching 5x01 and 5x02 again, which make me more and more at peace with the Sir Mordred storyline and Arthur’s eventual death. Indeed, it is Merlin’s dogged insistence that Arthur should not die which is unrealistic. On top of that, I am now convinced the idea of a Golden Age was a false goal. I never really hear this vision being fleshed out, because it is an ideal. Merlin’s great undoing was his idealism, and when he failed to reach those heights, he became jaded. Had he appreciated what he had in real life, perhaps he would not have been so quick to submit himself to prophecies, fate, and paranoia. 
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wearepaladin · 5 years
Hey Galadin! Do you have any favorite paladin (or paladin-like) characters?
Hi! Thank you for this question! I’m sorry I haven’t been on top of things. Poor sleep + end of semester = a very tired squire. 
This is off the cuff, so apologies if I missed anyone! 
Most of The Knights of the Round Table are paladin like, with exceptions (AGRAVAIN, seriously, Arthur, I know he’s your nephew but WTF?), but going by paladinness my favs are Gawain and Percival. Gawain because he’s The Maiden’s Knight and just so goddamn dreamy. Percival because he lives that 20 WIS, 6 INT life. Pure of heart, dumb of ass.
And of course, there’s the guy who inspired the class we love, Holger Carlson from Three Hearts and Three Lions. Good, solid dude. He starts the novel as a Danish Resistance Fighter taking down Nazis and it only gets better from there, folks. I also love Carahue from the same book, though I resent the implication that you have to convert to Christianity to be a paladin. (If anyone wants to talk about creating non-Christian paladins, hmu at @weareladyknight I’d love to hear people’s thoughts!)
Speaking of non-Christian paladins, there’s our own Paladin’s Tarek Al-Amir. Ideal Paladin, Embodiment of Divine Light, accompanied by some truly beautiful and unique imagery. Compassionate, but uncompromising in what is right, great backstory and really, really fun to rp with!  
I’d be remiss if I didn’t bring up Paksenarrion Dorthansdotter of The Deed of Paksenarrion fame. Through hardship, doubt, challenges and circumstances that would make GRRM faint, she remains true to herself and her principals. Also, Elizabeth Moon wrote the books out of spite. She got annoyed at the notion that traditional paladins were “boring” and set out to prove those jerks wrong. And I dig that. 
Okay, I could not get through the first Song of Ice and Fire and I never bothered with the show. (And yes, I am very smug about being right). But Brienne of motherfucking Tarth a.k.a. The Most Decent Person in Westeros, Terror of Men, The Baddest Bitch, Keeper of the Realness is simply the GOAT. She believes in the ideals of knighthood and makes good on her beliefs. And she should have ended up with Sansa do not @ me. 
And of course, there’s Good Boy Corporal Carrot. @aethersea said it best:
my favorite thing about Corporal Carrot is that he’s a romantic hero plopped right in the middle of the greediest cesspit of a chaotic neutral city ever to debase the pages of literature, and yet instead of having his shining idealism destroyed by an uncaring reality, he makes reality embarrassedly put down the weapons and agree to make nice, and then mutter an awkward “Good morning” whenever it passes him on the street. 
There’s a lot of superheroes who have paladinlike qualities so it’s really hard to pick. I do occasionally go on a kick about a particular one (rn it’s Iron Man), but when it comes to my favorite, the one who I love from the bottom of my heart, it’s Wonder Woman. Peace, love, justice, equality, fuck yes. And of course, this quote from Gail Simone: 
Don’t kill if you can wound, don’t wound if you can subdue, don’t subdue if you can pacify, and don’t raise your hand at all until you’ve first extended it
And finally, I have to give a shout out to my own OC, Gwinna Octaven, Duchess of Ursa, Eriah’s Claw, Lady Knight. I deliberately made her a power fantasy. Tall, strong, skilled, and charismatic as hell. Not that she doesn’t struggle. Do the ends justify the means? Am I worthy? Why should I listen to God anyways? She has principals, sticks to them and kicks ass. Also, she will steal your horse, your squire and your girl if you cross her. I love playing her and writing her. She’s simply the best. 
I’m sure I’ve forgotten people. So reblog and add your favs! I can’t wait to read about them! 
~ Squire 
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