worldsidiot · 1 year
LISTEN 👂agedup!reader x agedup!deku
This poor man is probably in so much pain.His body had to withstand so much stress and violence since he was a 15year old kid . Numerous injuries and a long relationship with hospital beds.
He would FOLD if his partner gave him a message. Or even a rough rub down. That mountain of a man is putty in your hands, as you work out all the knots in the muscles he built trough out his career.(You always appreciate his nice back too 🫦) . He was a GIVER his entire life, let him be greedy for once and enjoy the worship your magical hands give him.
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iamdeku · 4 years
prohero!Deku hcs
Just a few prohero!Deku headcanons bc I love him
Warnings: mentions of babies, spoilers for the new issue of BNHA
Pro-hero Deku is literally like, the gentlest giant. He’s probably like 6’5, 6’6 or something and he’s just absolutely JACKED because of all the work he had to do to be able to properly control One for All and he’s got hands like the size of a dinner plate
Despite this he is literally just the softest most dependable man
When he gets married he barely lets your feet touch the ground he always has you in some kind of romantic bridal carry and he looks at you like you hung the stars in the sky
And don’t even get me started on Deku with babies
Like I already have the Deku as a kindergarten teacher AU but Deku with babies Deku with babies DEKU WITH BABIES
He can literally fit a newborn baby in like the palm of his hand they’re just so small and tiny and he’s just no thoughts head empty only PROTECT
Like if you thought this man was protective before just wait until you put him in charge of a baby
You know how everybody has a story about how they hit their head or something as a child when their parents weren’t paying attention idk it’s always something you know what i’m talking about okay
He’s literally so careful with them
Okay but imagine pro-hero Deku getting home from a very long day and he’s all roughed up and he’s not even out of his suit but he’s just fast asleep on the bed not even under the covers with a tiny little baby dozing on his chest
Or better yet Deku in the same position but in sweats and an old t-shirt just KNOCKED OUT while this baby drools all over him but it’s okay bc Deku is definitely drooling a little bit too
He spends so much extra time at crime or fight scenes because he’s talking to the kids on the scene bc there are always all these like 3-12 year olds who are just huge fans of him
All the other heroes on the scene are like, talking to the press or dealing with the police or something, but meanwhile Deku is just over here on his knees talking to these kids and he is always EXACTLY THE SAME AMOUNT OF EXCITED ABOUT THIS WHOLE AFFAIR AS THEY ARE
They’re like, “Mr. Deku sir, the way you punched that bad guy was totally awesome!!!” and he’s just like “I KNOW RIGHT!!! Okay but did you see the way DynaMight took down that one guy that was the biggest explosion I’ve EVER seen!!!!”
This rarely works out well for Katsuki because he usually ends up being swarmed by all these kids thanks to Deku and he has to refrain from swearing which he’s terrible at
There’s a swear jar somewhere that Kirishima set up that the Bakusquad makes him put money in every time he swears in front of the babies and the proceeds all go to a local children’s hospital
Bakugou is going BROKE he can’t keep doing this
Before he has kids of his own Deku is the chosen baby-sitter of all his friends kids just love him
I mean it makes sense he’s basically just a big kid himself
Okay but going back to Deku as a married man I feel like he would always be dancing with you
Like he’s always just sweeping you off into a slow dance around the kitchen just swaying softly to whatever music he’s got going
He’s really into date nights at home because he loves just being comfy on the couch and watching movies except really he’s just blatantly staring at you like not even kind of subtle about it
That being said he also adores taking you out to big hero galas and stuff because he ADORES getting to show you off
Pretends he doesn’t know how to tie a tie to get you to do it for him
You are well aware this is a scheme you just think it’s a very CUTE scheme and so allow it to happen
He thinks he’s getting away with it
You constantly have each other’s hands in the other’s back pocket it’s just like a thing with you guys don’t ask me why I can’t explain myself idk
Before every gala you go to you have to go buy a new dress and you always drag Deku along but he’s never any help because he’s legitimately awed by every single one you wear
You’re always like “How does this look” and he’s just staring, jaw dropped, about to just jump you in the middle of this very respectable establishment
This happens with every single dress
The one time he tried something you threatened not to bring him anymore
Since then he has been very well behaved
Always tries to buy you every single thing you try on
“But baby, why do I even have all this hero money if I can’t buy you a dress!”
“That is not one dress Izuku that is 20 dresses and half of them didn’t even look good on me.”
“Say that last part again because I am absolutely positive I misheard you.”
“No you heard me right.”
“I think I need to go get my ears checked I’ve been exposed to too many explosions this is all due to a lifetime of friendship with Kacchan”
“You know...that actually makes a lot of sense that man is already so hard of hearing it wouldn’t surprise me if it rubbed off on you.”
Basically he’s just a big dumb sweet boy who just wants to protect people and make them happy
I love him so much
So so much
I am so in love with yOU DON’T UNDERSTAND
Thank you for reading everyone have a great day I have to go ponder how Izuku is not real and cannot love me and how I will never find a man as good as him now
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zukkoxx · 3 years
make out sessions
(w/ agedup! deku, bakugo, shoto)
ok, we all know izuku gets flustered really easily
and in the beginning of your relationship, you could barely touch him without leaving him a stuttering mess.
but obviously as time goes on, he gets more comfortable with you
and sometimes his desire for you is just too much, you know?
so, he literally takes any moment he can get to pounce on you and shove his tongue down your throat :)
make outs with izuku are wherever you two can have the space and privacy.
training room? check!
janitors closet? disgusting but, check!
he doesn’t hesitate to pull you into an empty classroom when he’s feeling needy.
you’re usually on his lap, hands tangled in his messy green locks while his rest on your thighs.
izuku uses a lot of tongue when making out with you. he just wants to be as close as possible.
your head is slanted one way and his the opposite, your tongues sliding against each at different speeds.
it starts slow, sensual, but eventually speeds up. it’s makes your legs wobbly and stomach turn with how intensely he’s shoving his round muscles into your mouth.
at some point, izuku’s breathing turns into light moans.
god he sounds so pretty, his shallowed breaths and and hitched moans; squeezing your thighs as if he couldn’t get enough of you.
he can’t
“y/n...” he breaths out as he detaches from you, a string of saliva following him “i love you-” he pecks you quickly “so much.”
before you can respond, the next period bell rings, making you jump from izuku’s lap. he stands from the desk he was sitting on and fixed his clothes quickly, a horrible blush on his face.
he takes a look at you, smiling slightly at your love buzzed face, and bends down to kiss you one more time.
“let’s continue this later. yeah?”
you agree, of course.
bakugo doesn’t do things half assed.
that just isn’t him
so you know his make out sessions would be nothing short from a dream.
most of the time, making out with bakugo lead to something more, but when either/both of you were tired or weren’t in the mood to go all out, a simple session was enough.
making out with bakugo was usually in the privacy or your rooms. he didn’t like others even thinking about what you and him did together behind closed doors. let alone seeing it right in front of their faces.
making out with bakugo was also as fiery as he was.
he was frantic and quick, barely giving you enough time to think before he had you pinned under him, hips between your legs.
his lips were pressed harshly against at yours, and he grunted every few minutes.
his sharp teeth nipped at your lips, causing you to make a noise in surprise.
he loved doing anything that could get a reactions out of you.
boosted his ego severely.
he gripped your hips, grinding his against yours to create teasing friction.
you could barely handle him. his hard kisses and the soft bucking into your center made your mind hazy.
you breathed out, surprised that your voice was still stable.
bakugo chuckled deeply as he went to place sloppy kisses on your neck. “you like this, y/n?” he asked with a smirk, already knowing the answer.
you nodded, hands going up to run your fingers through the hair behind his head.
he groaned, going to meet you’re lips again.
“god, you drive me crazy.”
shoto ❄️🔥
shoto loved kissing you, touching you, cuddling you, anything that consisted of having physical contact with you; he loved.
so making out with you was right up his alley.
like bakugo, he was more comfortable doing it in the privacy of his own room.
shoto kissed you slow and tenderly.
his lips molded with yours like a puzzle. it was honestly perfect every time he kissed you.
he was calm, taking his time with you.
it was usually soft. he really wanted you to feel how much he loved you. how important you were.
make out sessions were really intimate.
feather touches, lights breaths, quiet moans.
he was really handsy though, his palms constantly traveling up your shirt to your to your chest. feeling up whatever he could.
his tongue ran smoothly against yours as he deepened the kiss every few seconds.
it was often you who had to ask for more when having these sessions with shoto.
he just made it so hard to resist.
you’d pull away from him, looking at him with pleading eyes that he couldn’t help but smile at.
pressing a hand against your cheek, he asked. “what is it love?”
it was hard to say it, his intense gaze making you shy, so you buried your face in his neck and he shuddered at the feeling of your breath tickling him.
“more sho..” you whisper
who was he to deny his love?
please please please send a request so i know what content you guys want! request box here -> 🥀
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bunnyywritings · 4 years
Hi! I'm glad to have found your blog!😊 can I ask for 3 and 5 from the prompt list with Shoto Todoroki pls? Todoroki and reader are best friends (secretly with feelings for each other)? And could it be aged up! to college age please if that's okay? (oh, and one last thing, sorry for asking so much👉👈 if possible without spoilers from the manga or heroes rising movie pls? I still need to catch up on those) thank u so much💕💕 and i'm sorry for being annoying with so many questions
it’s about time
AgedUp!Shoto Todoroki x gn!reader
prompts #3 “I’ve got you.” & #5 “I’ll always be here.”
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[a/n: lmao I have absolutely no good reason for this gif but Hello there my love! I’m glad you find my blog too 🥺 no need to apologize, you weren’t being annoying at all❣️I really enjoyed writing this one. I avoided any spoilers, there’s mention of the USJ attack but that was season one so....yeah. Thank you so much for requesting✨ feel free to send in another any time! enjoy! -yours truly, bunnyy -`ღ´- ps. the prompts are in bold, there are mentions of alcohol and it gets a bit suggestive at the end 🥵]
Sendai Tech was the top university for heroes and those in hero support. Getting into uni was effortless. Graduating at the top of your class at UA was to thank for that. A lot of class 1-A went on to Sendai and some went straight into the hero business. You had been attending Sendai and working part-time patrols at Bakugou’s hero agency, he had risen in the ranks quite quickly, taking a spot in the top 5. Todoroki had also been working part-time patrols at Midoriya’s agency, refusing his father’s invitation for full time work. The both of you wanted to start an agency together so you had enrolled in the business course they offered at Sendai.
Why did Todoroki want to start an agency with you, you might ask? Well, the answer was quite simple yet still perplexing to some people. You were his best friend. Though neither of you cared to admit that the title ‘best friend’ wasn’t enough, you both wanted more than that but the fear of ruining a perfectly good friendship was strong. You had told yourself multiple times, you’d rather have him as a friend than not at all. And the possibility that admitting your feelings and not having them returned was painful.
You first met him when you were little. You heard someone crying as you made you way passed the towering fence that surrounded his home. You had been returning from playing with some of the neighborhood kids and you had offered him half your cookie. You learned his name and why he was sad. Needless to say, your hate for Endeavor started early on. You had never seen his face but you made your way to the fence every day after school to share your snacks and stories about your day with the sad boy but one day, he didn’t show up. One day turned into two, and three until you also decided to stop showing up. I wasn’t until your first day at UA did you find out what he looked like. He surprisingly remembered you and profusely apologized for suddenly disappearing and you picked up where you left off.
Natsuo and Fuyumi knew about this and would be adamant about asking their little brother when he’d finally admit his feelings to you during their weekly sibling dinners only to roll their eyes when he said, ‘She sees me as a friend and nothing more. I don’t really plan on risking our friendship with a stupid lapse of judgment.’
It was the same for Bakugou and Eijiro when you’d go get drinks with them on Friday nights. They’ve known about your crush since high school. Heck, everyone did. And they were getting tired of hearing your drunken pining about the icy-hot boy.
“Look idiot, stop crying over how much you love him...you’re ruining the vibe.” Bakugou grumbled as you pouted at him.
“There’s no need to be rude, you angry explosion freak. I will cry over a boy for as long as I want.” You slurred, taking a bite of a chicken wing.
“You wouldn’t need to cry over one if you just told him how you feel. It’s that simple.” He leaned back against the couch, lazily taking a sip of his beer. Kirishima chuckled at the deja vu that suddenly hit him.
Every Friday you’d go over to their shared apartment for beers and pizza. Usually to relax after a stressful week of school and work, and without fail, you and Bakugou would have the exact same conversation. It was like clockwork. Exactly after two beers and three or four slices of pizza later, you’d confess your love for Shoto Todoroki before turning gloomy and pouting that he’d never love you the same way. You’d usually pout while eating a chicken wing or two. This never failed to amuse the red head. No matter how much Bakugou complained, he had a soft spot for you. During your days at UA, Mina and Denki had taken it upon themselves to let you into the Baku-squad after passing the 𝓋𝒾𝒷𝑒 𝒸𝒽𝑒𝒸𝓀. Since then, Bakugou had complained and complained but once he saw that you were powerful enough to hold your own during the USJ attack, he deemed you worthy of his respect. Thus meaning you had earned his friendship as well. Many of their classmates had gotten together after graduation, even Bakugou admitted that he had feelings for the spiky red head sitting next to him.
“Come on (y/n), you should tell him. I think you’d be surprised with how silly you’re being.” Kirishima grinned his usual happy go-lucky grin.
“Exactly! You’re not a wimp, are you? Even that idiot Deku confessed to chubby cheeks already! Are you trying to tell me that you’re wimpier than broccoli head!?”
“Maybe I am a wimp.” You stick your tongue out childishly at the angry blonde.
“I don’t remember hiring a wimp.”
“Well you did, so deal with it.” You frowned as you took a greedy sip of the beer you were nursing.
After a couple of hours later, you were drunk. Very, very drunk. And it wasn’t too pretty. You were an emotional drunk, with only two available emotions. Sad and angry. Both Bakugo and Kirishima were glad it seemed you were the former, this time around. Snuggling as you settled onto their couch.
“Uh Uh. Nope!” Bakugou tutted. “You are not staying the night.”
“But Bakubro!” You whined, hugging a pillow cushion to your chest. “You know who is in my dorm.” You looked around cautiously. “Shoto is in there.” You whispered as if it were the biggest secret in the planet.
“That’s what you get for requesting him as a dorm mate. Now come on.” He lifted you up and tossed you over his shoulder. “You’re lucky I’m switching my afternoon patrol with your morning one. There’s no way in hell I’m letting you patrol hungover.” He grabbed your bag and made his way to the door. “Eiji, give me my wallet. I’m getting her a cab.”
“You’re not gonna leave her by herself, are you?”
“Of course not.” He hissed, “What kind of idiot do you take me for? Why the hell would I leave her alone like this.” He pointed at your slouched form for emphasis.
Once out in the chilly evening, he called a cab. Thankful that there were still some running at 1am. He grabbed your phone and found Shoto’s contact, holding the phone to his ear with one hand and holding your head up with the others as he huffed in annoyance when the line kept ringing and ringing before it finally stopped.
“H-hello? (Y/n)?” The groggy voice on the other end spoke first.
“I’m on my way to drop off your idiot, half and half bastard. You better be outside to help them up to your dorm.” And he hung up. Confused, Todoroki got out of bed and slipped on a sweater and some sneakers before heading down to the lobby. Eyes squinted with discomfort at the sudden bright lights of the hallway. He stepped outside and stood at the curb. He was slightly concerned, he knew that Bakugou and Kirishima wouldn’t let anything happen to you but why did he need to help you? Did you get hurt? His thoughts were quelled when a cab pulled in right in front of him. Bakugou had stepped out first, helping you out after him and grumbling at the driver to wait.
“She drank too much. Make sure she doesn’t choke on her own vomit or something.”
“Thanks Bakugou.” He mumbled as he steadied you on your feet.
“Bye Bakubro~!” You waved cheerily.
“Yeah whatever. I expect you to be at the agency at 1pm sharp. Get some rest.”
“Yes sir!” You exaggerated a salute as he rolled his eyes and got back into the cab. Todoroki’s eyes widened when you slung your arms around his neck and cuddled into him.
“You’re so warm Shoto.” The way you had basically purred his name made his cheeks flush a deep red.
“R-right.” He cleared his throat. “Let’s get you inside.” You decided to wrap your legs around his waist, finding great comfort in being in his arms. He obliged and hooked his hands under your thighs to make sure you wouldn’t fall and as he made his way back inside, he tried to ignore the feeling of your plush thighs against his palms. Locking the door to your shared dorm behind him, he made his way to your room. He placed you gently on your bed, kneeling down to unlace your shoes and pull them off your feet.
“You’re so gentle, Sho...” you hummed sleepily, eyes closed with a cute grin on your lips. He left your comment unanswered seeing that he’d be a stuttering mess if he had. He made his way over to the head of the bed and combed your hair back.
“Sweet dreams, (y/n).” He kissed a feather soft kiss on your forehead. He chuckled when you made a soft grunt of disapproval when his warmth left you.
“Sho...don’t leave me.” You whimpered, eyes slowly opening as they shone with tears. “Don’t go.” He frowned and couldn’t help but think that there was an underlying fear with that statement, other than just wanting to cuddle. So, he peeled off his hoodie and pulled back the covers and slid in next to you. In an instant, you clutched onto him.
“What’s wrong?” He asked as he nudged your chin with his knuckle, making you look right into those beautiful bicolored eyes. You tears had started to slide down your pink cheeks.
“I don’t want you to leave me, Shoto.”
“Why would I leave you?” He was confused, he knew this could just be an alcohol induced insecurity but he knew you enough to know that the fear in your eyes was genuine.
“Because I-“ you paused, unsure if now was the time. Sighing as the liquid courage urged you to continue. “Because I like you. More than I should, more than a best friend should. But I can’t help it and I don’t want to ruin what we already have by making you uncomfortable.”
“Why would I be uncomfortable?” His voice was small but you heard it as he ran his thumb softly over your cheekbone.
“Because you don’t feel the same.” He remained quiet. He was bewildered, you had feelings for him too. He couldn’t believe it. However, you had taken his stunned silence in a negative way and started to cry even more.
“Shh.” He cooed as he pulled you into his chest. “I’ve got you, don’t worry. I’ve got you.” He decided to leave this conversation for the morning when you’d actually remember. There you two had laid for the rest of the early morning. He was always reminded that he slept better with you in his arms. There were a bunch of things that he did much better with you there. And he couldn’t wait to tell you.
You were confused but pleased when you were met with the sight and feeling of Todoroki’s bare chest. He was always so warm. Not to mention how muscular he was. You definitely didn’t mind when he’d walk around the dorm shirtless right after a shower. The feeling of bile starting to make its way up your throat, you ripped yourself from his arms and ran to the bathroom. The sudden movement startled him awake and when he heard the retching noise come from the bathroom, he was quick to get in his feet and make his way to you. Pulling your hair from your face and rubbing four back soothingly as you expelled the contents of your stomach. Once you finished, you groaned. Staying in your position hunched over the toilet bowl just in case.
“Why don’t you take a shower. I’ll make you some breakfast.” He suggested softly as he helped you up. Embarrassed, you nodded quietly, watching as he shut the door behind him. Not bothering to lock it, you stripped and hopped in the shower. While you where in there, you tried to make sense of anything that happened the night before but all you could remember was being at Bakugou’s place, then a cab, then with Shoto and—The memory of the words you had exchanged swept through your mind and you groaned. Maybe he wouldn’t remember...right?
The cool water of the shower seemed to have soothed your hangover a bit as you made your way to your room and pulled on some sweats, grabbing Shoto’s hoodie from the ground and pulling that on as well. The smell of fresh coffee called you to the little kitchenette. Grabbing a mug gratefully, you leaned against the counter and took a sip of the dark liquid.
“So...do you remember anything from last night?” He asked tentatively, you gasped and inhaled some of the coffee. You coughed, putting the mug down and cleared your throat.
“I do.” You nodded slowly, a pink blush crawling up your neck. “And I understand if you want to go, sorry if-“
“Who said anything about going anywhere.” He cut you off, there was a sly smile playing on his lips. “I never said I didn’t feel the same way.”
“What?” He seemed amused at your confusion. “Wait, are you serious?” He approached you. His arms trapping you against the counter.
“I think—no. I know.” He looked down into your eyes, one hand coming up to caress your jaw. “I love you, (y/n). I have for a long time.” His confession made you feel warm inside, your heart swelling in happiness.
“I love you too, Sho.” Your lips met in a sweet kiss, lips moving together to convey all the pent up emotions you were feeling. You smiled into it as it got a bit more passionate. Your hands coming up to run through his hair.
Breathlessly, you pulled away.
“You never need to worry about me leaving. I’ll always be here.” He explained softly, nuzzling your nose with his.
“Really?” You asked happily.!
“Mhmm, you’re mine.” And with that, his lips met your hungrily. Lifting you up on the counter, and standing in between your legs. His hands gripped your hips as he began to trail kisses down your neck. Nibbling and tugging at the skin with his teeth. “And I’m gonna show you just how long I’ve waited.” His voice was deep with lust. Tugging down the bottoms you just changed into, he sunk to his knees in between your thighs.
Needless to say, he made you his. And you had no complaints.
You showed up to the Ground Zero Agency 5 minutes late.
“Oi! I thought I said to not be late!” Bakugou shouted as you put your bag in your locker.
“Sorry, I uh got preoccupied with something.” You stuttered as you avoided his eye line as you turned to face him. He smirked when he saw the bruised skin on your neck, your hero suit barely covering them.
“Eijiro!” He chuckled wildly. “You owe me $30!” Footsteps rushed into the room and there stood the red head with wide eyes.
“Finally!” He shouted. Pulling out his wallet and giving Bakugou the money. “I’m not even mad.” Grinning, he gave you a sly look. “It was about time.”
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bnhavibes · 4 years
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Promiscuous; a Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader short(?) series.
agedup!BNHA, 17+ please!! (contains some NSFW scenes)
tags: cursing, nsfw 🍋, promiscuouity, flirty!reader, curvy!reader, american!reader, female genitalia & she/her pronouns, experienced!Reader
Part one: Fucking extras.
Katsuki Bakugou; Spikey blonde hair, similar to what you’d describe as, well, porcupine needles. Along with his spiteful temper, the dude never interested you in the first place. He’s similar to an old man— always cranky, has something to badmouth, can’t drink, refuses to smoke weed, and as you were now hearing— Definitely not getting enough sex.
Unfortunately for you, the lush suite-style apartment you moved into happened to be across from the Bakusquad’s shared one. You never expected to be so close in proximity to someone who was so obviously in need of your.... services.
Since leaving America in the midst of high school, you’ve adapted a nickname for yourself. “(Y/LN)-jofu.” You never expected so many people to be attracted to you, but you also weren’t turning too many people down. You had a huge cultural shock when you realized how Jofu, and its original meaning being, labelled you as a ‘prostitute.’ You weren’t, obviously, but young Japanese men couldn’t get enough of you. The curves of your hips in contrast to your slim waist, mixed with the softness of your voice, and the way your bright eyes sparkled as you smiled flirtatiously reeled in many would-be heros. The name came after you rejected a few of the kids in your class, typical teenage style drama. Yet even after your acceptance to UA, the name stuck around. People started using it in place of promiscuous, saying your personality was so flirty it seemed like you had many relationships.
Your friends in the Dekusquad, never used it to begin with. Iida and Todoroki made it their jobs to side eye or scare off any unprecedented guests during lunch, who sought nothing but to bring you down. Uraraka, Asui and Midoriya all called you by your first name, and before your senior year in highschool would start you would have gotten a request from Midoriya as well. See, you weren’t a *prostitute*, but... You have this Savior complex when it comes down to “helping” young guys like Deku, who asked you to take his virginity.
At first, you didn’t want to ruin your relationship with him, or Ochako(being that you felt she had a crush on him). But after a few months of Midoriya pining over you, and eventually courting you in public, there wasn’t any hesitation in giving him what he wanted. It was just something you do, and some people(after you and Midoriya broke up) liked to reward you for it. Gifts, money, favors, cheat sheets, all offerings to make you the first person. Their first person.
It started off with Monoma, as cocky as he is, who had been at your hip like a dog to it’s owner from the first day of 11th grade. He was intrigued by your care-free way of speaking, so blunt and yet so promiscuous. Rejection after rejection, he would practically beg you to help him by just getting the damn first out of the way and teach him how to treat girls right. After a couple weeks of what you felt was a complete sexual mindblock, you began finding even the lesser attractive students appealing. You knew how taboo sex was for young people in this country, so you couldn’t simply ask someone to fuck when you’ve just moved here. So you’d have to settle for the second loudest person in school, though you must admit— he is a bit attractive.
Now it’s been a year since graduating, and your second year as a support student at UA has been going splendidly. Well, it would be perfect if it wasn’t for the lack of good sex you’ve been craving. You sigh as you step out of the shower, the heat from your *session* and the water radiating off your sunkissed skin. You looked at your reflection in the mirror as you brush your hair out softly, noticing your red cheeks, and flushed lips(from biting down on them). You sigh in content when you’re finished, beginning to rock your hips to your (fave genre) playlist, when suddenly loud banging hits your front door. You groan in frustration, rolling your eyes as you stomped to the door.
Piercingly angry red eyes meet yours, for the umpteenth time since they’ve moved in.
“Turn that damn music down, you fucking extra!” He spat, the scowl on his face never wavering, until he realizes the water droplets dripping from your wet locks. Then he glances at the towel wrapped around your body, his cheeks tinging just a smidge before his eyes snap back up to yours.
You crossed your arms and leaned into your doorframe, smirking at the blastoid. “Bakugou-san, good to see you’re doing well. It’s like, 8/8:15 in the evening is it not?” Your unwaveringly cool tone, and nonchalant stance only infuriates him more.
“Some people have shit to do in the morning.” He barks as your music continues in the living room.
“It’s Friday night though, the landlord says if its not past 10 you have to call him.” You say, subtlety checking him out as you spoke.
He was very attractive, that’s for sure. His broad shoulders, and muscular arms would make anyone a bit intrigued. By the. way he was standing, you could tell he had a lot of leg muscle as well, and a flashback of when he was shirtless at the pool back in your junior year of highschool passed through your mind as you took him in. Too bad he’s an asshole.
“What the hell are you staring at?” He growls, snapping you back to reality.
“I— was .. thinking about your response and how we can handle... the situation.” Phew! Close one.
He grunted in response, waiting for you to say something.
“So, can you stop being an old man and let me shower with my music in peace?” You tease.
“Old man? Tch, I have responsibilities shitty woman— And, since you wont listen to me, FUCK calling the landlord.” He snaps at you, and forces his way into the apartment but making sure he didn’t bump into you.
“Hey!! What the hell do you think you’re—?”
“SORRY, I CANT HEAR YOU OVER THIS LOUD ASS MUSIC!!” He screams sarcastically , slamming his hand onto the soundbar’s off button.
“Who the hell gave you permission to manhandle my belongings?” You spat at him, pulling him by the collar of his top and speedwalking him to the door.
“Agh— I can manhandle whatever the hell I please if it means I can finally get some damn sleep.” He mumbles as you push him out the door.
“Oh really? So you’ll be back to manhandle me next, then?” You say when he’s turned around to have the last word. His face heated up again, and with a soft chuckle and a quick “That’s what I thought.” you closed the door on him.
Sparks popped from his palms, his anger mixed with whatever the hell else was making him feel hot, and instead of yelling at you he clenched his jaw; leaving your doorstep with incoherent grumbles and balled fists.
“Fucking extras.” He mumbled to himself as he entered his own apartment.
Part two
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serenasartsyplace · 4 years
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Oops, my hand slipped. #serenasartsyplace #myart #drawing #traditionalart #pencil #paper #myheroacademiafanart #mha #myheroacademia #tododeku #todoroki #icyhot #shototodoroki #shoto #deku #midoriya #izukumidoriya #izuku #agedup https://ift.tt/39D3XTW
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((I’m going to make a masterpost of the fics we write as well as the requests we’ve done so it might be easier to find. I’ll place it under a read more because at one point or another it will be long I’m sure.))
Headcanons (Requests or Otherwise)
((I’ll number these because they don’t really have a title, so))
Morning Greetings (Written by Admin Explodo-king)(Not Rated)
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Tags: fluff, future fic, kirishima is really in love, and bakugo too
Angel (Written by Admin Red Queen)(Rated Teen)
Pairing: Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako, Bakugo Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Tags: AU-Canon Divergence, rated teen due to language, toga is confused, ochako is adorable and oblivious, bakugo and toga are best friends, minor kiribaku
You Idiots (Written by Admin Red Queen)(Rated Teen)
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki/Kaminari Denki/Kirishima Eijirou
Tags: AU, rated teen due to language, fem! bakugo katsuki, changed katsuki to kasumi for sake of fic, ot3, poly ship
Fucked Up Kids (Written by Admin Red Queen)(Rated Teen)
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki/ Kirishima Eijirou
Tags: tags will be updated as story goes, bandit au, baku and deku are friends in the beginning, kirishima saves lives, baku is a good person trust me
The Big Bang Theory (Written by Admin Explodo-King)(Rated Teen)
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Tags: traitor au, angst, and a bunch of other forms of angst tags
Revelations that don’t go boom (Written by Admin Explodo-King)(Not Rated)
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Tags: fluff, humor, there is nothing sad in this fic, just good ol’ fluff, future fic, puns
For the First Time in Forever (Written by Admin Red Queen)(Rated Teen)
Pairing: Bakugo Katsuki/Kaminari Denki/Kirishima Eijirou
Tags: valentines day fic, fluffy stuff, i love my ot3, rated teen because of language
Matter of Importance (Written by Admin Red Queen)(General)
Pairing: Amajiki Tamaki/Kaminari Denki/Kirishima Eijirou
Tags: i needed to cheer up after the new chapter, kirikamijiki, my fluffy babies, denkis a little upset he didnt get accepted, so tamaki and eijirou need to remind him that hes important, and worth absolutely everything
Whispered Words (Written by Admin Red Queen)(Rated Teen)
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Tags: KiriBaku Week 2k17, Day One, Summer Prompt, Tiny bit of Studying Prompt, carnival date, its honestly just fluff, and i still dont know how to tag, its probably most likely ooc, its been awhile since ive written anything in sort of canon universe
I Told You So (Written by Admin Red Queen)(Rated Teen)
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki/Todoroki Shouto
Tags: KiriBaku Week 2k17, Day Two, i chose space, tattoo AU, OC - original character
The Only Exception (Written by Admin Red Queen)(Rated Teen)
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Tags: KiriBaku Week 2k17, Day 3, i chose support, and that means insecurities, slight angst
Kiss Me Slowly (Written by Admin Red Queen)(Rated Mature)
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Tags: KiriBaku Week 2k17, Day 4, Bakugou’s Birthday, agedup characters, implied sxual content, fluff, some pining
Quiet Moments (Written by Admin Red Queen)(Rated Teen)
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Tags: KiriBaku Week 2k17, Day 5, i chose firts, slight angst, little fluff
Blue Beyond (Written by Admin Red Queen)(Rated Teen)
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Tags: KiriBaku Week 2k17, Day 6, i chose oath, kiris a a sap sometimes
Alive (Written by Admin Red Queen)(Rated Teen)
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Past Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku
Tags: KiriBaku Week 2k17, Day 7, I chose injury
It Has to Be You (Written by Admin Explodo-king)(Rated Mature)
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou
Tags: KiriBaku Week 2k17, NSFW
Tangled Together (Written by Admin Red Queen)(Rated Explicit)
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina/Uraraka Ochako
Tags: NSFW, Bottom Bakugou, Top Kirishima, Maid Cafe
Your Hand to Hold, Your Heart to Keep (Written by Admin Explodo-king)(Rated Teen)
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Todoroki Shouto/Kaminari Denki
Tags: Future fic, wedding fic, fluff
All About Us (Written by Admin Red Queen)(Rated Teen) 
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki/Todoroki Shouto, Ashido Mina/Toga Himiko/Uraraka Ochako
Tags:  Wedding fic, theres a surprise at the end, canon divergence
A Deity’s Focus (Written by Admin Red Queen)(Rated General)
Characters: Mt Lady, Aizawa Shouta, Kamui Woods, Midoriya Izuku, All Might
Tags: genie fic, semi AU
Can I Have This Dance?
Pairing: Amajiki Tamaki/Toogata Mirio
Tags: fic request, fic inspired by art, disney songs involved
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iamdeku · 4 years
Can you do a scenario with steampunk Izuku x reader? (Reader is female) maybe the reader’s job would be fixing machines (feel free to change that if you have a better idea)
Forget to add, for the steampunk!Izuku he is an adult
This was so fun to write! For this one I wrote reader as a steampunk version of hero support and she and Deku grew up together/went to a steampunk version of UA together. I hope this was kind of what you were looking for anon. Also, all of the characters in my drabbles are in their early 20′s unless stated otherwise. I only write x reader’s aged up, so no worries about that!
Warnings: implied bad relationship with parents, minor injuries
You had been tinkering for as long as you could remember. Your mother had called it an obsession, your father had called it a delusion, but you had always dreamed of being a mechanic. Today, that dream was true, but it hadn’t been an easy road. Ultimately, your salvation had been the heroes. When you were 15, All Might had let you work on his costume when, in the midst of battle, it was seriously damaged.
Now you wiped grease off your cheek, unaware that you were really just smearing it around. You were testing out something new for Todoroki’s costume. You were sure it was going to be incredible if you could just get it right. It had been giving you trouble though, spraying oil all over the place and mucking up your bronze framed goggles, a birthday present from Momo.
“Wow, looks like you’ve been working hard.”
You startled at the sound, spinning to see your favorite hero. Izuku Midoriya towered over you all the time, but he was especially tall right now in the rocket boots he had been testing out. You could only assume from his ripped vest that he had experienced mixed results.
“How did it go?”
“I don’t think these are really for me. Maybe Iida?”
You nodded. “Yeah, I think that might be for the best.”
You laughed a little bit, shaking your head at him.
“What?” He asked, pulling the boots off his feet.
“Well, it was probably silly of me to have you test them. You’re the only hero I know who could manage to hurt himself in a trial run.”
Deku’s freckled face turned cherry red in his signature blush. It was so easy to make the boy blush. You had to stop yourself from doing it for fun sometimes.
“I guess I do have sort of a talent for that.”
“Ever since we were kids. Life handed you scars like they were candy.” You frowned. “I worry about you sometimes, you know.”
“You shouldn’t!” He hurried to get the words out, tripping over himself. “I’m fine, I promise.”
You gave him a once over.
“Well first of all, I’m always going to worry about you because I care about you. Second of all, that’s a lie because you’re bleeding. Sit down.”
You reached for your first aid kit as he followed your instructions. You kept one around for situations like this. You got injured in your lab quite a bit, and it had come in handy more than once.
“You care about me?” he asked.
You kneeled down so that you were level with his wide, vulnerable eyes, beginning to dab at the cut on his forehead. He didn’t even flinch at the alcohol you used to sterilize it.
“Of course I do,” you said gently. “You’re...we’re...close.”
You placed the bandage on his forehead before he caught your wrist with one hand, the other lightly holding your chin. He studied your face for a moment, and the feel of his hot breath against your lips made your heart skip a beat. He locked eyes with you, and you saw some resolve harden.
“Close how? How do you care about me? Because I know how I care about you.” He leaned in till your noses were almost touching. “I ‘care’ about you like DaVinci cared about Mona Lisa, like Galileo cared about the night sky, like Rodin cared about clay. With all the raging powers of my heart. So have mercy on us both and don’t say care if you mean love because care is an insult to the depths of what I feel for you.”
You had never seen him be this intense about anything that wasn’t hero work. Your pulse hammered in your veins and you couldn’t look away from him.
“I do. I do love you. I love you, and I’ll learn how to say I love you in a thousand different languages just so you don’t get sick of hearing it because I’m not going to stop saying it, not as long as it’s true, not for forever.”
He kissed you then, searing and bright like the spark of your welding iron when you had lit it that first time and felt something inside yourself light as well. This was the same, but different, with scarred hands etching themselves into your waist and carving out the pattern of all the years you had spent dreaming of being able to love Izuku Midoriya. Today, that dream was true.
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iamdeku · 3 years
What do you think a flirty version of Deku would look like.
Like he sees this pretty thing ( it's you) and he decides...hell ya, I like what I see.
How does he do it?
First of all, this ask implies that I'm pretty and I DID blush so thank you 🥺
Also, YES FLIRTY/CONFIDENT DEKU I LOVE TO SEE IT. It's actually hard for me to write canon Deku bc I am a pretty flirty person lol.
Okay, honestly, I think Deku would just come up to you and give you that signature charming hero smile except instead of just saying 'I am here,' it's like, 'hey baby, I am here to make your life better.' He would start talking about something he knows you're interested in (because he notices those kinds of things) and he leans in and makes you look into those pretty green eyes and then he tells a joke he KNOWS you'll find funny and it's all over for you as he laughs and just so gently, subtly places a hand on your arm. You're GONE.
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iamdeku · 2 years
Probability: Teacher!Deku x Reader
“Teacher deku falling for another teacher! Thank you I love you'r writing it's so cute” I love this request! I work as a teacher so this was a lot of fun for me to do, haha. I’m sorry it’s so late! I hope there’s enough romance in this one for you. I’m a little rusty, so go easy on me. Warnings: I did not proofread. It’s midnight and I have work tomorrow so I have nothing to say in my own defense. Might delete this later honestly but hey at least it exists. Also the formatting on this one is slightly stupid because Tumblr sucks.
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You loved your job a lot. You had always liked kids, but you also knew from a pretty young age that you wanted to be a hero. Being able to do both was your dream, something you had never even known to hope for until Principal Nezo had shown up at the tail end of one of your missions, a knowing smile on his face parallel to the confused wrinkle of your sweat smudged brow.
“I’d like to offer you a job.”
7 words that had changed your life. You guessed 7 was a lucky number after all. Then again, maybe luck had nothing to do with it. Most things came down to probability.
“So, class, who can tell me which is better? Relying more on your powers or relying more on your individual skills?”
Several hands shot up. You had anticipated this. From the beginning of the year, you had noticed your students took very different approaches to their powers and there was a hot debate about whose approach would lead to them being “the best”, Japan’s #1 hero.
“Kori, what do you think?” You point out the young girl, her hair as white as the ice her powers produced.
“Relying on your powers will give you the edge you need to defeat the enemy. They’re what give us that individual edge. Without our quirks we wouldn’t be heroes at all.”
You couldn’t help the small smirk that crossed your face.
“Well, there’s one more person I’d like to ask. Deku?” You looked up at the man standing in your doorway. “What do you think?”
For being the number one hero in the country, Midoriya could be terribly shy when put in the spotlight. He blushed from the bottom of his neck to the roots of his deep green hair. He had probably hoped to go unseen until the end of the class when you two traded places and he gave instruction while you observed.
You were still on probation and one of the conditions of being a new hire at U.A. with no prior teaching experience was that one of the senior faculty had to sponsor you. Midoriya had been kind enough to volunteer, so you observed his classes when you weren’t teaching your own. Right now though, an outsider could have mistaken your roles for being reversed with the way Midoriya looked like he was training to manifest an invisibility quirk.
“Well, uh…” He recovered quickly, flashing a huge smile. “The thing is, neither is more important. If you forget about one or the other, you’re bound to fail sooner or later. Some villains will have quirks that give them an advantage over ours, which is when it’s important to have a strong sense of your individual skills and power outside of your quirk, things like using your environment to your favor and being skilled at physical combat. However, our quirks can give us a powerful advantage when used correctly, and it’s very difficult to fight villains with powerful quirks using raw human skill alone.”
“Very good, Deku. I couldn’t have said it better myself.” You glanced up at the clock, seeing you were nearly out of time. “Alright class. Your homework this week is to write me a paper about the advantages of quirk-based fighting styles versus quirkless fighting styles and report back to me. Also, keep an eye out for trick questions. I might give you a pass, but Aizawa will not. Now get out of here!”
Your students quickly started packing their things, getting ready to head back to the dorms or to their next class. You were almost done for the day. Midoriya had one more class to teach and then you were off the hook. You were thinking about going out tonight, a reward for the long week you had been through. Fridays always sucked a little bit. The student’s attention span was never as good as you wanted it to be.
You cleared your desk off quickly, making space for Midoriya to take over. You shuffled your pens into the cup at the edge of the desk, snatching the slim black water bottle off the corner before heading for the back of the classroom. Sometimes you sat closer to the front so you could see what Midoriya was doing better but you knew today was one of his lecture days, meaning all you had to do was listen. You loved lecture days because it meant you could get a little lazy. Technically no one could prove you weren’t listening and if you hadn’t had enough coffee, well…there were no guarantees.
Midoriya stopped you on your way back though, a warm, broad hand coming to rest lightly on your shoulder. You had always liked the way he touched you, unobtrusive, gentle and kind.
“So…” he started. “Today’s the big day.”
You nodded, excitement filling you at the reminder.
“How do you feel about your probation period finally being over?” he asked.
“Honestly?” you asked. “I’m torn. It’s going to be awesome being able to run my classes independently, but I think I’ll miss getting to observe your classes and have your guidance.”
Midoriya averted his gaze, teeth grazing his lower lip. “Well, about that…”
“What?” you asked, alarmed. “Is something wrong? Was I supposed to continue my observations? I didn’t get enough hours, did I? I knew it.”
“No! No, that’s not it at all,” he reassured you. “I was just thinking it might be nice if we didn’t have to stop spending time with each other.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I was thinking now that I’m no longer going to be your mentor it wouldn’t be completely inappropriate of me to uh…ask you out?” He stammered through the words, ever awkward.
You were taken aback by the proposal. You had always harbored a secret crush on the hunky pro-hero, but he was so quiet you never would have though that he had returned the feelings. Despite you drooling over him every class he had never made any advances. You had sort of given up on him halfway through the year, assuming he would never see you that way.
Your heart fluttered in your chest, long-held crush reigniting.
“Um, I would, I would like that, if, I mean, if you would like that, of course, because obviously I care about what you like and if you would like that, also,” you stammered.
Damn. You sounded even more awkward than he did.
You were rewarded with a smile anyway, Midoriya’s whole face lighting up at your response.
“I would like that very much! Should we go this weekend? I know a good place we could to Saturday. You know, if would like that also,” he teased.
“I would in fact like that also,” you said, regaining your confidence.
“Good. I’ll pick you up?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“What are the odds I would get to mentor someone as wonderful as you?” he asked, smiling softly down at you.
“The probability seems pretty good, actually.”
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iamdeku · 4 years
Positions: Prohero!Deku x Reader
I’ve been working on this little drabble for a while, haha. I just wanted to write something really cute and domestic. I hope you guys like this!
Warnings: nudity (non-sexual), mentions of kids/pregnancy
Dating a pro-hero could be taxing, to say the least. That was what everyone had told you when you and Izuku had first gotten together. They had warned you of the unpredictable hours, the nightmares, the trauma. They had said he would be physically unavailable at best, emotionally unavailable at worst. You had ignored all of that, though, and every day you were glad you did.
Dating Izuku had never been anything but a joy, a privilege even. He was one of the kindest souls you had ever met. His work only seemed to strengthen that side of him, accenting his willingness to help others, always with a smile on his face. He never made you feel second best to anything or anyone. In fact, you often felt like he did more for you than you did for him, which was what brought you here.
You’re pulling out all the stops tonight, spinning around your kitchen in your pretty pink over the knee socks that always made you glide across the floor, one of Izuku’s baby blue hoodies tossed over your head and falling far enough to be a dress, negating any need for pants. You had chicken katsu going on the stove, and you were making some tea to go with it. In the other room, you had made the bed with freshly washed sheets, still a little warm from the dryer, and an array of bath salts and bubble baths set up for selection.
Your entire body tenses when you hear the jangle of the keys in the lock, rising up onto your tiptoes in your excitement. You slip at least twice as you dash for the door and the man on his way through it, and you should have bit the dust once except for the arms wrapping around you now.
“Baby, you’re slipping all over the place. You know you can’t run in these.” His laughter hits your ear warm and sweet, body close from the way he’s holding you up. “What’s got you in such a hurry? We have all night.”
You pull back to look at him, smile spreading across your face. “I missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
You hold his face between your hands, used to how fragile they looked compared to his broad strength. You brush your thumb across his cheekbone, where a bruise is painted, red at the center but blossoming out to a deep purple, nearly black. You lean forward and press a gentle kiss to it.
“You work too hard.” You sigh, letting your eyes close and lashes flutter over his stained skin. “Do you want dinner or a bath first?”
“Whatever you want.” The answer is immediate, instinctive.
You had seen this coming. You had prepared for it, in fact.
“Nope. Tonight is about you. That’s what I want, and I’m not letting you argue with me. C’mon, we should get you changed out of your costume.”
He lets you drag him back to the bedroom, hands laced together with his. Slowly, you peel him out of his hero costume, the movements routine and your hands gentle as you unveil new bruises. Most of the blood and gunk on him seems to be from other people, hopefully the villains, but you don’t ask. He’ll tell you if he wants to, and he does when he sees the way you pause on a patch of his uniform stuck to his skin from dried blood.
“It was a good night,” he reassures you. “We got them, and everybody is okay.”
“Good.” You nod. “You hungry?”
He smiles down at you. You’ve gently pushed him back onto the bed now that you’ve gotten the top half of his suit off, your navy blue sheets contrasting the green of his hair as he lays back to stretch while you finish undressing him.
“Yeah. It smells good. Chicken katsu?” He leans forward, resting his cheek in his palm.
“Yeah.” You pull his boots off his feet, then shuck of the rest of the costume.
You stand up, knees flushed from the coldness of the hardwood floor, already reaching for his favorite pair of sweats and an old, soft All Might shirt. You let him dress himself as you take his costume to the laundry room, although the damage done to it is likely beyond you. Straight to support team, then.
When you turn to leave the room, his body is stretched across the doorframe, filling it up. You take a moment to let yourself be breathless at the sight of him. It’s not that you forget how beautiful he is, but more that nothing could possibly prepare you for the sight of him, especially not just casually out of nowhere like this. 
“Dinner?” He asks.
“Thought you might want that before a bath.” 
That was a lie. You knew he would want dinner before a bath when you heard his stomach growl about 5 minutes after he walked in the door. Not that he would admit to that, silly boy.
You move to walk past him into the kitchen, but he catches you around the waist, nose skimming across the skin of your neck as he leans forward. He looks you up and down, bright green eyes soaking you up.
“You look so pretty,” he mumbles.
Your breath catches in your throat at his words, leaning into his touch. He brushes his lips against your jaw, just beneath your ear.
“My pretty girl.” He pulls you flush against him, pushing a strand of your hair back. “Gonna drive me crazy.”
“I know what you’re doing,” you breathe, unable to stop yourself from smiling.
“Oh? What am I doing?”
He plays innocent, but you see the look in his eyes.
“You’re trying to distract me from taking care of you. Not going to happen, pretty boy.”
You slip out of his embrace, throwing a teasing glance his way over your shoulder as you head towards the kitchen, swaying your hips perhaps a little more than was strictly necessary.
“Maybe I just think you look really good in my clothes,” he suggests, following you. “Hard to resist.”
You hum mindlessly, a grin playing on your lips as you reach up into the cabinets to pull out an All Might themed bowl for him and a more traditional choice for yourself. You put rice in both of the bowls, doubling the portions for him, and serve the chicken.
“You didn’t have to do this, you know.” Izuku grows more serious from where he sits at your kitchen table, his chair scuffed and comfortable with age, face lit up and golden in the warmth of your kitchen.
“Well, somebody has to feed my big strong hero, and it better not be any other girl,” you respond lightheartedly.
“Wouldn’t want any other girl. Not when I have the best one in the world right here.”
You can’t help but blush as you start in on the food. Deku eats like a starving man, and he has for as long as you’ve known him, except when he’s upset. It gives you almost no time to admire him as you try to keep up, but you still try to get as much of him as you can, always afraid that he’s too good to be true. Worried of the moment he’ll disappear on you.
“I can feel you watching.” He says when he’s finished.
You just roll your eyes, still eating despite your best efforts. He’s called you out on it a million times before. You stopped being embarrassed a long time ago.
You two sit in silence until you finish, but it’s comfortable, the sort of silence that settles down when one of you is tired and the other is pleasantly content, or when maybe you’re both a little bit of each. He speaks up when you take the dishes to place them in the sink.
“You know, you would make a good Mom.” His eyes are glazed over in thought, obviously somewhere else.
“You think so?” You asked quietly, frozen at the kitchen sink.
“Yeah. We would have pretty babies too,” he muses.
“Yeah?” You turn around, leaning your back against the sink.
“Uh huh. Can see it now.” A distant smile pulls the corners of his mouth up. “Our little babies calling you Mommy.”
You cross the kitchen table, settling down into his lap. Your arms loop effortlessly over his broad shoulders, so used to the motion.
“Tell me about it,” you say.
“Wanna buy you a house,” he says, burying his face in the crook of your neck in the way he always does when he’s tired down to his bones. “And a ring. A ring as pretty as you are. I want to have so many babies with you. Have all these kids running around the house, and I want them to all look just as pretty as their Mommy.”
“That sounds perfect.” You run your fingers through his soft curls, body intertwined so closely with his you feel his lashes against your shoulder when he blinks sharply.
“Did you say something about a bath earlier, or did I imagine that?” He asks, voice confused with his exhaustion.
You giggle. “I did actually mention a bath.”
“That sounds nice.” 
He stands, picking you up even now, as tired as he is.
“Izuku!” You squeal. “Put me down!”
“Nope, sorry princess. We’re gonna go take a bath.”
He’s all business as he carries you to the bathroom, plopping you down on the edge of the tub. You beat him to the faucet though, determined to keep your hold on the night and keep taking care of him.
“What bath salts do you want?”
He sits down on the floor beside you, back leaning against the tub and cheek pressed to your thigh as he sighs deeply, eyes fluttering shut.
“Whatever you use. Wanna smell like you. You smell good.”
You follow his instructions, setting the bath up with all of your favorites as he peppers the outside of your thigh with kisses. Your hands never shake, the movements practiced from all the years you’ve spent making baths for yourself and later, yourself and Izuku. When you’re finished, you both slide into the bathtub.
You take your time, washing his hair gently. You’re just as careful with the washcloth, paying attention to every part of his body, making sure not to miss a speck of blood or a smudge of dirt. You’re dedicated to your work and unconcerned with your own cleanliness, though you do briefly wash up so you don’t get the sheets dirty.
You wrap him and yourself up in towels when you get out, the darkened water swirling down your drain.
“Somebody was messy today.”
“Sorry.” Izuku blushes, knowing you’ll have to clean the tub later.
“Don’t be. I’m proud of you. You work so hard to keep people safe.”
He smiles at you, and you can see in his eyes he’s woozy from tiredness. You pull him forward into you, holding him in your arms even as you drag him back into bed with you. He manages to crawl into his sweats before crawling under the covers, and you don’t bother to do anything but pop his sweater back on.
He rolls into you, already half asleep but still wrapping you up in his arms. “I meant all of that earlier, you know?”
“Hmm?” you ask, confused.
“I really do want to have a family with you. A home.” He presses a tired kiss to your temple.
“I know. I want that too, ‘Zuku,” you mumble, his tiredness contagious.
“I love you.” He wraps you up tighter if that’s at all possible. “To the moon. And to Saturn. And Pluto.”
You giggle a little, eyelids falling closed. “Love you too. To the moon and to Saturn and to Pluto.”
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iamdeku · 3 years
Civilian: Prohero!Deku x Reader
I know, revolutionary, a fic that I didn’t name after a song. I did have to stop myself from naming it after Dress by Taylor Swift though because that song sort of fits this story PERFECTLY. Anyway, this was a request from the lovely @thetruthunspoken, and for some reason Tumblr won’t let me post their submission on desktop but this is inspired by a TikTok from Deku cosplayer @/fourmonthsold. It should be right above this post on my blog!
Warnings: None. Reader flirts with Hawks who is like, 7 years older I guess??? Everybody is an adult though.
You loved being Izuku’s friend-date to things. It had started out as a fun thing when you were kids. You had both complained about how nobody would want to invite you to school dances and had come to the conclusion that it was better to just go together. You had suggested it, since Izuku was too shy to ask any of the 1-A girls at the time and you weren’t getting asked by any of the gen-ed guys. No pressure to get a date if you were just going with your best friend.
Over the years though, the reasons had changed and so had the parties. Now you appeared with #1 hero Deku to keep the thirsty girls off his back, and the parties were far bigger and more lavish. Not that you were complaining, since Deku provided your wardrobe. There was really only one downside.
You had made the fatal mistake of falling in love with your best friend, and he wouldn’t even be seen with you in front of paparazzi. You were a great buffer for all of the women who had noticed how handsome he was, but that was all you were to him anymore. Part of you wanted to scream that you had seen him first, had noticed how perfect he was long before all the muscles and heroic stunts, but you knew that would be pointless. You had missed your chance a long time ago, if you had ever had one.
Even so, tonight you had pulled out all the stops. Usually, Izuku had some kind of request for the dress depending on the event, but this time he had just thrown some money at you and told you to go at it, and go at it you did. Your long red dress was backless, a slit up the side racing up to your hip to show off your legs. Even if he wasn’t going to appreciate it you might find another hero to get with. You heard the winged hero, Hawks, was going to be here tonight and he was notoriously popular with the ladies. Maybe out of your league, but not in this dress.
When Izuku picked you up, you saw his eyes go wide.
“Wow…you look great. I mean, you always do of course, but this is something special. Did I miss something?”
You laughed a little bit.
“Nope. Just felt like dressing up.” You shrugged.
Izuku didn’t ask any more questions, despite being suspiciously quiet on the way to the party. When you got there you scanned the room, trying to see if the rumors were true. Sure enough, Hawks was over by the bar.
“I’m going to go get a drink,” you told Izuku, eyes never leaving your target.
You leaned your elbows against the bar, conveniently near the pro-hero you had your eye on. You ordered a drink for yourself, knowing Izuku probably wouldn’t want anything this early in the night. It always took him a minute to loosen up.
“Now what’s a beautiful young lady like you doing here all alone?”
You smirked to yourself before turning and resting your hip against the bar.
“Just doing some bird watching.” You shrugged.
“Is that so? Aren’t I a little old for you?”
You leaned in teasingly. “If you were, we wouldn’t be having this conversation right now. Don’t worry. I’m a big girl.”
“I can see that. You know, if you’re not busy later-”
“She is.” A familiar voice spoke as an even more familiar, scarred hand wrapped possessively around your waist.
“Oh, Deku, this one is yours? That makes sense. I thought I’d seen her around before. Your…best friend, right?”
“That’s me.” You kept your confident smile in place, despite the racing of your heart at Izuku’s warm touch.
“So, you guys aren’t an item?” Hawks verified.
“Nope. Never have been.” You didn’t have the heart to say you never would be.
“So why come to these?” Hawks seemed genuinely curious.
“The dresses. He buys me a new one every time he wants something. It’s almost a shame we aren’t a couple. I’d probably own more of these gorgeous dresses.” You sighed theatrically, looking back at Izuku. “If only you were mine.”
Izuku frowned slightly but seemed to shake off whatever was upsetting him with an easy smile.
“Baby, I’m a hero. I can’t be your boyfriend.”
You felt a spark of annoyance at this newest excuse. I mean, that was just insulting. He was really going to use his job as an excuse not to date you?
You decided to put the power of your dress and the newfound confidence that came with it to use. You leaned back into his chest, placing a well-manicured hand along his face to tilt his head closer to yours. Anyone watching might have confused you for lovers.
“I know, I know. You’re the #1 now. Can’t be my boyfriend. You’re too busy being a big strong hero. Just like All Might.”
Izuku laughed nervously, sounding a little breathless. Maybe you had laid it on a little too thick.
“Maybe I could be, but I don’t know if I should be.”
You frowned, turning to face him better in your confusion.
“What is that supposed to mean?” It was a genuine question, all of the anger sapped out of you.
“Well, it’s dangerous being a hero. I probably shouldn’t date anyone until I retire. Actually, I always kind of accepted I wouldn’t be able to have a love life as a hero. Anyone who gets close is a target for villains. It’s why I always try to keep the paparazzi off of you. I don’t know what I’d do if you got hurt.”
“Wait…that’s why you’re never seen with me?”
Hawks found somewhere else to be just then, conveniently enough. You heard him get out of his seat behind, leaving you to your secluded little part of the bar. No doubt he decided not to be involved in whatever argument was about to go down.
“Yeah. I thought you knew.” Izuku frowned.
“No.” You stared up at him, mouth open in shock. “I always thought you were ashamed of me.”
“What?” Izuku grabbed your arms, pulling you closer so you could look into his bright green eyes as he spoke his next words. “I have never been ashamed of you. Ever. I’m so sorry I ever made you feel like that. I had no idea.”
He ran a hand through his hair, letting go of you to pace in place. He began mumbling under his breath, too fast for you to understand what he was saying. Meanwhile, you felt shocked tears well in your eyes, overwhelmed at this sudden discovery and the emotions pooling in your chest.
“All of these years I’ve been in love with you, thinking you just kept me around to keep girls at parties off your back.”
Izuku stopped dead at that, whirling around to face you.
You clapped a hand over your mouth, horrified that he had heard you.
“Forget I said anything. I didn’t mean to tell you that. I’m so sorry Izuku. I don’t know what your reasons for keeping me around are, but it’s honestly not my place to ask. You were always very clear that we were only ever friends, and whatever I feel isn’t your responsibility.”
“Of course it is! You haven’t been just my friend for years! I’ve loved you since our third year. I just never thought you wanted me back, and when I became a hero I didn’t think you’d want to accept the danger of that kind of relationship. But…I was too selfish to let you go, and I’m sorry for any pain I caused you.”
“You love me?” The only words you really heard, you repeated them breathlessly.
Throwing caution to the wind, you grabbed Izuku’s tie and pulled him down to your level, planting a reckless kiss on his mouth. He tasted warm and faintly spicy, like cinnamon. The smell of his cologne enveloped you as you breathed him in briefly before pulling away.
“We can talk about your stupid belief that I wouldn’t want to date you because your job is dangerous later. I’ll make a PowerPoint to remind you that I wanted to be a hero too, and just because I wasn’t accepted into the hero course doesn’t mean I didn’t learn how to fight. But right now? Right now, I have other things in mind for you, me and this dress.”
Izuku blinked before looking you up and down. “I am so glad I bought you that dress.”
“I told you I could get them together.”
Miruko rolled her eyes at the winged hero. “If you’re about to credit yourself for that, I will hurt you.”
“All I had to do was pretend to flirt with the little birdie, and her jealous boyfriend came running over. Look at them now!” Hawks was entirely too smug.
“Whatever you say, Keigo.”
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iamdeku · 3 years
Strictly Business: ProHero!Deku x Reader
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Pro hero!Izuku meeting his new personal assistant who is nervous and had previous terrible experiences with Proheros who treated her like a tool. (Reader is female) 
This was a really fun request to do! I loved the idea for this and definitely got a little carried away with the word count, haha. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Mentions of sexual assault. Bad bosses. I did not proofread.
You had been nervous when you had started working for the #1 hero. You had worked hard to get here, but it had been a long road, and it hadn’t always been fun. In fact, up until now it had been terrible. When you walked into Deku’s office, you were seriously thinking about undoing years of work and changing your career path entirely.
Your dream had been to work with heroes. Not be harassed by them.
You first job had also been your first mistake. You should have known better than to work with the Fresh-Picked hero, Grape Juice, but you were new to the industry and no one had warned you off. So you became a personal assistant to your sleaziest boss to date.
Mineta had done his best to ruin your life. He sexually harassed you at ever turn, abused his power, kept you after hours and made you do ridiculous things. When you finally gathered the courage to quit, you never looked back.
When you were looking for your next job, you decided it was better to go with an established hero, one who had been in the game a long time. Endeavor, as the former #1 hero, seemed like a solid, safe choice. You were so wrong.
You worked for Endeavor for years, unwilling to quit the paycheck, but the experience was awful. Endeavor was arrogant, with a terrible temper and a hefty helping of sexism. By the time you were in a financially stable enough place to quit that job, you had lost all faith in the heroes around you.
So now, starting your first day working for Deku, you were prepared for the worst. You were sure you were about to be introduced to some fresh torture, but you were ready for whatever he would level at you. Heroes could sink no lower in your eyes.
So naturally, you were surprised on your first day when he seemed…nice. Sweet even.
You knocked on his office door, a combination of dread and resignation swirling in your stomach. You expected a wait, but he answered it almost immediately.
“Hi! You’re my new personal assistant, right? It’s so nice to meet you. I’m sorry I wasn’t at your interview. I meant to be there but there was a crisis downtown I got called in for. I hope you got the gift basket I sent to your house to apologize. I really am so sorry, it’s terrible policy not to have met you before now.”
You had gotten that gift basket, actually, but you hadn’t thought he was aware of it. You definitely hadn’t thought it was his idea, but from the sounds of his speech it definitely had been. You blinked at him a couple of times, trying to gather your wits after that rapid speech.
“Yes,” you said. “I’m your new personal assistant. It’s very nice to meet you. What can I do for you today sir?”
He seemed confused, as though he hadn’t expected a personal assistant to be ready to work. That couldn’t be right though. He was an experienced pro.
“Didn’t they tell you when you got here? I thought we could start with lunch together, so I can get to know you since I missed your interview. I’m sorry, I should have sent you an email.”
Your heart sank at his words, all of your hopes for his kindness to be genuine crashing with it. So, it was to be the hopelessly flirtatious boss who thought you existed to fulfill his fantasies again. You had seen that before.
“I’m really not sure that would be wise, sir. I like to maintain a strict level of professionalism,” you said, making your refusal as polite as you could.
He blinked, as though it hadn’t even occurred to him that might not be professional.
“Oh. I suppose you have a point. Well, why don’t we eat here while we work then? I can ask you a few of the questions I didn’t get to for your interview while you settle in.”
You sighed internally. There was really no way you could politely turn that down, so you forced your face into a smile.
“That sounds like it could work well.”
You were pleasantly surprised when your lunch actually went well. Deku never made a move on you, other than his request for you to call him Izuku, which seemed to apply to all the employees. It could have just been a ploy to get you to let your guard down, but all the same, you wanted to believe he really was this kind.
You two worked together in his office the whole day, and you became familiar with his schedule. He never did anything to make you uncomfortable, and as the day wore on you decided cautious optimism was the way to go. Maybe this job wouldn’t be so bad after all.
 You smiled fondly at the memory, chopping carrots on the counter. Across the room from you, the man you had come to know well was pacing, mumbling frantically as he analyzed some old battle playing on his TV.
“Izuku, you’re going to throw off my cooking with all that racket, and then we’ll have nothing to eat.” You laughed lightly.
He nearly jumped 10 feet in the air. “Sorry, sorry! I guess I just got a little lost in thought. Although I guess I wasn’t the only one lost. I asked you about my schedule earlier and you didn’t seem to hear me at all.”
You blushed in shame. “Sorry.”
Izuku shrugged. “Don’t worry about it. Happens to me all the time. Obviously. What were you thinking about?”
“I was just remembering my first day working for you and how terrified I was.”
It seemed silly to you now, but back then you never could have predicted you would be best friends with your boss, let alone cooking dinner for him while working unofficial overtime as a passion project. You never thought that working for Izuku would be what you always wanted.
“Why were you terrified? Just because I’m #1? You’d worked with famous heroes before. I’m no one special.”
Oh, how wrong he was.
“You are special. You were the first hero I’d worked with who didn’t make me miserable. Every boss I had before you either sexually harassed me, overworked me or was just plain unpleasant. Usually all of those. I had given up on heroes before I met you,” you confessed casually.
Izuku blanched at you.
“What?” The word was breathless, barely audible.
“Yeah. I thought you knew my work history. I don’t know if you’ve heard, but anyone with any experience working with heroes will tell you Endeavor is not a super cuddly guy.”
“I…had no idea.” You looked up and found, to your surprise, that Izuku’s eyes were swimming with tears. “I never knew you were treated like that. I’m so sorry. You didn’t deserve that.”
“It’s okay. I have you now.” You froze at your misstep.
He would probably never notice it, but you had. It really hadn’t been your intention to fall in love with your boss, but he had been so sweet and kind to you that it had happened naturally. The way his eyes lit up when he smiled, the energy he had for the things he loved, his strength and dedication had all lead you here.
“I’m not going to let anything like that happen to you again. Or anyone. I’ll make sure your past employers get investigated.”
“Thank you,” you said quietly.
There was silence in Izuku’s house as you stared down at the carrot you had been cutting. In an effort to lighten the mood, you tried to make another joke.
“You know, that first day when you invited me to lunch, I thought you were hitting on me.” You laughed a little bit at the absurdity of it. “I know now that you would never do that, obviously.”
You heard the crash when Izuku dropped the mug of tea he had been holding. Before you could move, he was scrambling to pick it up, cheeks bright red and flaming.
“I-Oh, this is terribly awkward.” Izuku mumbled, no doubt thinking you couldn’t hear him.
“Wait. Were you flirting with me?” You asked, breathless.
“No! I mean…not…not then,” he stammered.
“Are you-” You stopped, taking a moment to gather your courage as Izuku stood, effectively giving up on the shards of pottery at his feet. “Are you flirting with me now?”
He stiffened, looking deeply uncomfortable as he met your gaze.
“Yes. I mean, not intentionally! It’s just that I have feelings with you, but I would never act on them. I would never want to make you uncomfortable and if you feel like you need to resign now because of that, I understand. I would be happy to recommend you to any of the other pro-heroes I know, and I can assure you they would make excellent bosses.”
You crossed the room to stand in front of him, taking one of his awkwardly flailing hands in your own.
“I think I am going to have to resign, unfortunately.” You watched his face fall before quickly correcting yourself. “It seems like it would be inappropriate to date my boss. I have feelings for you too, Izuku.”
Rising up on your tiptoes, you dared to kiss his cheek, hot from his blush and scattered with freckles.
“You do?”
The question is quiet, but you hear it clearly with his breath in your ear, faces still close from where you haven’t dared to move. You pull back now, surveying his awestruck face.
“Yes. You’re one of the kindest people I’ve ever met. I guess it was sort of inevitable that I would fall for you.”
You smiled, biting your lip and staring down at your feet. Izuku’s warm, calloused hand reached up to your cheek, pulling your gaze up to his.
“So does this mean you want to be with me?”
The words seemed too good to be true, striking somewhere deep in your chest and knocking you breathless. Yes. Please, yes, let it be true.
“I would like that very much. If you would, I mean.”
Izuku nodded enthusiastically. “Yes! That was never my intention with this, but after getting to know you, I really do like you. I’m not sure exactly when it happened, but I think you’re beautiful and clever and funny and I would love to take you out on a date, if that’s something you would want.”
You smiled, leaning gently into the palm of his hand that cupped your face, bringing your own hand up to twine your fingers together.
“I think that sounds perfect.”
Izuku laughed softly, and you could hear the emotion in the sound.
“You know, I was so lonely before you. I was really just hoping for a friend when I hired you. I thought maybe we would get along okay and I could have someone to keep me company. I was crushed when you said you liked to keep it professional, but I vowed to myself I would honor your wishes.”
“Yeah. We both did a great job of keeping it professional.” You gestured to your surroundings, snickering to yourself.
“I seem to recall you inviting me into your home first,” he teased.
“Hey! I was having a home decorating crisis! I could not build that shelf myself.”
“Or, as it turns out, with my help.”
You snorted at the memory of your backwards shelf, which you had eventually decided to just make do with. As it turned out, Izuku was terrible at building furniture. He was great at making you happy though.
“Well, it all turned out for the best.”
“It sure did. But I think we can both agree that you’re the one who’s not professional here.”
You rolled your eyes, rising up on your tiptoes.
“How’s this for professional?” You breathed.
Izuku seemed like he might ask questions, but before he could, you kissed him gently. When you pulled away, you were both smiling. Your hands had moved to wrap around his neck, and his hand had fallen to your waist.
“I think I’m really starting to like professionalism.”
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iamdeku · 3 years
Adult!Deku hitting on/flirting with a hostess who is dressed like a kitsune.
I’m gonna be real upfront with you anon and admit that I did not fully understand this ask because this isn’t really what I usually do so I’m just kinda doing an OHSHC college type AU and working from that idea of a host club because that’s…literally all I’ve got on this front lol
Warnings: none. I didn’t proofread though so read with caution lol.
 The host club you worked at was known for its ostentatious themes, and this week was no exception. This week you were going for a fable theme, everybody basing themselves off of a mythical creature. You had chosen the Kitsune, having always had an affinity for foxes.
You weaved through the crowd like the hints of gold weaving through your costume, adding a magical touch to the outfit. You attended to all of your guests, but mostly you were not that popular. You had never been the center of attention, most people preferring your fellow hosts to you. One customer in particular took notice of you, however.
He had wild green hair that would have likely overtaken his face if not for the undercut he sported, and he had green eyes to match with flecks of gold scattered throughout them. Those green gold eyes seemed fixated on you, and when you strayed a little closer, he didn’t miss his opportunity.
“Hey there. I don’t think I’ve seen you around before.”
You paused, giving him a smile. “Isn’t that something I’m supposed to say to you?”
“Well I can’t help but flirt with someone so beautiful. In fact, some might even go so far as to say you’re…foxy.” He winked.
You couldn’t stop yourself from bursting into laughter. The pick-up line was just too adorably cheesy. Coming from anyone else you might have been annoyed, but there was just such an earnestness to this man that you couldn’t find it in yourself to be bothered. In fact, you sort of liked it, and it was your job to encourage him after all.
You did a twirl. “You like this, huh?”
“I’m a big fan, yeah. Though personally I think I might prefer to see you in casual clothes. Off the job, maybe.”
You paused, giving him a once over. He was very handsome. Tall, broad, muscles for days, all the things people normally went crazy for. That wasn’t really what decided it for you though. The deciding factor was actually his posture.
The smile on his face was relaxed and open enough, but you could see from his posture that this wasn’t something he was necessarily comfortable with. His shoulders hunched in on themselves just a little bit, broad enough that you wouldn’t have noticed if you weren’t looking. His hands were folded between his thighs, and his fingertips tapped nervously at his knuckles. It was…cute.
“Well, what are you doing Friday night handsome?” You smirked.
“Me? Uh…”
It was clear to you that he had not expected to get this far. That only made him further endearing. You suspected there were a lot of layers to this guy hiding underneath his practiced smiles.
“I was looking for something to do, but if you’re not free I guess I could just ask someone else.” You shrugged.
“No! No, I’m free. Definitely. Super free. Available. Single.”
You laughed. “Good to know. Do you have a name then, single stranger?”
He looked up at you with those stunning green eyes, taking your breath away.
“Izuku Midoriya.”
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iamdeku · 3 years
What do think deku will look like when he is a pro hero?
Okay, so, I have a very specific mental image of Deku as a prohero. He’s tall. Like, REALLY tall. Like, really, REALLY, REALLY tall. I’m thinking he’s about 6′5-6′6, which sounds massive but actually I knew a guy who was 6′6 and he was extremely tall and massive but not as tall as it feels on paper, if that makes sense? Like you never forgot how tall he was and he loomed over you but not in the same way like, Fatgum would.
And he’s STRONG. I headcanon that Deku never really gave up on the whole ‘training regime get-strong-enough-to-control-One-For-All’ thing, so he’s literally made of pure muscle by the time he becomes an adult and a pro-hero. My man has an 8 pack, his biceps are the size of a grapefruit, he’s massive. But also, he’s not all lean muscle. You know how bodybuilders dehydrate themselves so that they get that pure muscle look? Well Deku has a good healthy diet (he has to as a hero to be able to sustain that kind of lifestyle and have good energy. He’s basically ALWAYS eating because of how much he works out and how many calories he burns.) So he’s got like, a nice healthy layer of fat over all of that muscle. He’s hard muscle with a nice layer of soft Deku over the top.
I also headcanon that his face slims out a good bit but he still sort of has this youthful babyfaceness to him? But it’s less of a physical babyface more of a starry-eyed babyface. Like, for me personally I often get confused for being younger than I am (I’m 20, but in recent memory people have guessed I’m anywhere from 17 to 27, the younger side being based off of the way my face looks and the older side being based off my attitude) because of the fact that my face is a little bit rounder and more open. For Deku, I don’t think that’s the case. I think his face slims out and his jawline is very defined but still has some soft edges so it’s not like ‘could cut glass with this’ well-defined. I think his face is still just soft enough that his wide, starry eyes and excited demeanor make people think he’s just a little bit younger than he is (ignoring his height and body type). 
I also think that he starts keeping his hair shorter because he finds that villains will tend to try to grab his hair when it’s longer and it’s just more efficient and easier to take care of when it’s shorter. I like to think he has an undercut and keeps it just a little bit longer and shaggier on top. 
The last headcanon that I am going to put in this VERY long post (too long lol I’m so sorry you probably thought this was going to be a very simple answer) is that my poor sweet hero is absolutely COVERED in scars. He has the ones we already see on his arms, but I think because of the way that Deku is (read: slightly reckless and very enthusiastic) he gets a lot more scars from fights with villains, so he has a ton on his torso (because he’s thick and tall so that’s pretty much an open target) and a few across his thighs too. Most of the ones on his thighs are long slashes but he does have one or two stab scars, and his torso has a lot of shorter stab scars with several long slashes mixed in there, but those are mostly on his arms/pecs/obliques.
Anyway, thank you for asking this amazing question! I’m sorry the answer is so long, I have a lot of headcanons obviously, haha.
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