#action. words speak louder than action
seraphicstrings-a · 2 years
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“What a beautiful night, hmm?”
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free-my-mindd · 6 months
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luneariann · 11 months
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sher-ee · 2 months
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Speaks volumes doesn’t it?
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markscherz · 4 months
tumblrs being transphobic, with the ceo himself starting an actual harassment campaign against a transfem & also banning transfems who post abt it.
Oh shit, I had not heard about that.
I would like to say I don’t understand why this shit keeps happening, but I actually do understand it way too well. It just makes me so sad and angry. Especially on a site where people find and make their communities.
So much of this is about ego, and the people with power wielding that power to protect themselves and failing to protect others with it. A mere hint of negative sentiment towards them is harassment that is dealt with immediately and harshly, but a dozen complaints about discrimination or threats or bullying take ages to process and frequently come to unsatisfactory moderation decisions.
Whatever the sentiments of the people running this hellsite, you are always welcome in my corner of the internet, wherever you find it. You are all wonderful, and we all deserve to feel that part of this space belongs to us and those to whom we can connect.
Transphobia has no place on tumblr, period. Or anywhere else in society for that matter. It is that which should be being rooted out.
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ineffableaddiction · 3 months
Where are your loyalties?
Aziraphale easily admits everything to Crowley about the flaming sword:
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Note: Yea, Crowley’s in love now 😁
Aziraphale says this to god when asked about the sword:
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And when he has the sword back, he’s using it to thwart the will of god (as far as he knows at the time)
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So, just who is Aziraphale loyal to?
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genvgayby · 6 months
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I love how jordan just waltzes in to save marie and marie is genuinely confused by their kindness? obviously she didn’t need saving but like this is the first time jordan shows up for her. and then jordan nonchalantly giving marie a towel is so 🥹🥹🥹 sweet. not to mention that jordan isn’t at all freaked out about what marie just did. jordan thought it was cool. besides marie could probably count the number of people who think her powers are cool on one hand.
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atomicradiogirl · 5 months
“love, love is verb. love is a doing word”
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holdfastperseus · 6 months
Something I’ve noticed is that when it comes to Sylvie it’s always someone else pointing out how Loki feels. In S1 we have mobius telling Loki he fell for her, then we have Brad saying he’s way to obsessed with her, lastly we have HWR himself call him lover boy. But with Mobius it’s all from him. Loki time slipping again and again to Mobius, Loki knowing exactly what Mobius needs when he’s upset, Loki blasting Brad several feet away because he shouted at Mobius, Loki eating food he doesn’t like because Mobius likes it, Loki riding a tandem bike just because Mobius gave him that head tilt, Loki choosing to follow Mobius again and again, Loki defending Mobius and comparing him to Jane, Loki saying Mobius saved his life, Loki doing a fit check before going to see Don, Loki acting like a teenage girl when he introduces himself to his crush Don, Loki who was in a time crunch but still managed to get “it looks like Mobius” because he remembered their argument about the suit shape, Loki who remembers everything Mobius has ever said to him, Loki who looked at Mobius as he said “it was more about what I wanted”, Loki who looked at Mobius for 10 seconds before saying “it’s about who, who I care about”, Loki saying goodbye to Mobius and not letting his hand go until the very last moment, Loki watching Mobius the second he stepped foot outside of the TVA to see his timeline self, Loki who heard him saying let time pass and finding comfort in it.
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batwingsrosa · 2 months
There are characters in this franchise who did not let themselves be bit by a three headed dog to protect a stone or ran through the castle in their nightshirt upon hearing someone scream.
Or agreed to spy on the most dangerous person on earth withoutht gaining anything.
With the prospect of being tortured and killed if they were ever found out.
Who risked being exposed by trying to save Lupins life at the battle of the seven Potters- eventhough they hated that man.
Who ignored forbidden activities their students did so they would not be punished by the deatheaters(,the carrows).
Or who lept out of a window so they wouldn‘t have to hurt his colleagues.
And still Severus remains the most hated.
To quote another post i can‘t find anymore:
„These are not the actions of someone who does not care.“
His actions show, that he cared deeply for the safety of his students and colleagues.
And still he is treated worse that Bellatrix or Barty or Regulus or Draco or Lucius.
When he was the most caring and devoted and human all of all of them.
Make it make sense.
Actions speak louder than words.
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seraphicstrings-a · 2 years
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“What’s got you all riled up? You’re normally quiet.”
“!!! ..? !!”
“...Her? She’s just some annoying dreamer that I’ve met. Why are you suddenly so hyper over me talking to her? You weren’t like this before.”
“Couldn’t feel it? Feel what? You’re not making any sense.”
“Yeesh. Sorry. I can ask if you──”
“!!!! .... ;;; ....”
“Bad memories?”
“;;;;....;; ...? ??? !!! ???”
“That was, a lot. But I get it. Amarin is like that for me. Yeah. I can keep a secret. Hopefully we can get you back up and situated sometime soon. You can go back to sleep now. I know you’re tired.”
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free-my-mindd · 1 year
If someone genuinely wants you it’ll reflect in their actions, it’s that simple.
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momentomori24 · 4 months
Surprisingly, hearing Vox and Val technically (I love how technically needed to be added) aren't dating didn't upset me as much as I thought it would. It did... for like a minute until I thought about how painfully much it fits them.
Val throws tantrums and is ready go out and kill people to let off steam, but decides to stay put in his room and sulk instead while he waits for his flat-faced prince to come and comfort him before he does anything drastic. He's killed and abused people for the slightest hint of non-compliance, which he sees as giving him an attitude or questioning his authority, but he doesn't so much as flinch when Vox raises his voice and starts shaking him in frustration more than once. He doesn't lash out or get angry when Vox tries to talk him out of marching towards the hotel, but instead listens to his points and takes his words to heart even when they weren't what he wanted to hear. He's not interested in Alastor, but is willing to sit through watching the extermination broadcast because Vox is a passionate football dad about his one-sided rival getting dunked on. He doesn't even act jealous towards Vox's obsession, just weirdly amused and supportive even tho he hates not being the center of attention any other times. And then there's Vox, who acts like he's annoyed to have to put up with Valentino but still does it anyway. He acts disinterested about Val's ranting over Angel until he hears that Angel might've quit because he's an jealous, insecure loser that wants that mf's attention to himself. He lights his cigarette and decides to call up their lowest earners for him to terrorize without being asked just to lighten his mood a little (unrelated but i feel for their employees). He keeps his eyes on him both in his room and when he's at the pub through the cameras he's got everywhere. He takes his hand like one would with a princess and smiles fondly at him before disappearing when noticing they're being watched. He's the only person that Val trusts enough to calm him down when his temper gets the better of him. And Val-- despite his volatile temper and obnoxious quirks-- is someone he respects and cares about, both as his business associate and romantic partner.
And they aren't dating. Val and Vox clearly have a connection and understanding and attraction yet are unable to confront those feelings in fear of being vulnerable. So they aren't dating. Val obsesses over Angel and Vox obsesses over Alastor to distract themselves of the other only to fall back into each other's arms at the end of the day. Even tho they aren't dating. They celebrate, dance, sing, support and shamelessly make out with each other. They're the only ones that would put up with each other's bullshit no matter what-- but for some reason, they're still not dating. They are two of the worst Overlords in Hell, capable of committing so many despicable acts and jumping to immoral tactics for their own gain without any regrets, but opening that door into genuine emotional vulnerability? Acknowledging their softness for each other? That's where they draw the line. They're clearly made for each other, but neither of them dare to step over that line to commit to something more.
Which means that we could get to actually see these changes take place. We could get to see more sides to these two we still haven't seen before. We could get to see them actually start dating and the complicated journey it took to get there. We could get to scream and kick and seeth as these two morons continue to dance around admitting their very much requited romantic feelings for every stupid reason under the sun episode after episode. We could get to see these two fix each other and make each other worse simultaneously. Mostly make each other worse. We could get to see them have a romantic duet. We could get to see them be happy together-- officially together-- while they make life worse for everyone around them.
All this mumbo-jumbo, sleep-deprived ranting will likely not happen, but the potential character growth, the dynamic development, the resolved romantic tension, the SONGS we could get??? I'm clinging onto this hope for dear life until it's ripped from my cold, dead hands.
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ladymarvel27 · 4 months
There were two other drivers too who were his teammates but the admin chose only to post their picture together.
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In conclusion:
f1 page admin is also a Carlando fan.
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naffeclipse · 5 months
I HAVE THR GREATEST IDEA!! Raindeer centaur!Y/n with orca!Eclipse and she finds two calves of sun and moon raindeer centaurs and bring to eclipse how would he react??
Oh my gosh, Reindeer Centaur Y/N!! You'd have a thick, brown coat and velvet horns. Strong and stout, you traverse the ice and snow with a silent forbearance.
Eclipse sees you before you ever see him. He's immediately enamored by the beautiful centaur trotting around snowbanks—he has to see you up close! It takes patience, but he follows from the coast, and he's rewarded. He finds you. He introduces himself the only way he knows how.
You kneel at the water's edge, hooves folded underneath your body as you wash your hands in the thick salt. The taste warns you to not drink it, but it does well cleaning away the sweat and grime from constantly moving. You lower your hands, cupping a gentle handful to wash the fine, velveteen fur of your neck when you realize a face is staring at you from below the surface, grinning.
You slowly straighten where you sit and he follows, emerging from the water in soft splashes and a gleaming gaze. He sizes you up as if deciding where to take the bite first. You, calmly, regard him, and listen to his gushing of how beautiful and handsome you are! He flicks his tongue over his teeth when he tells his name. When you share your own, you study how his claws thrum against the ice and how intently he locks eyes with you.
He often calls you 'my dear' and adores touching your antlers and stroking your thick, velvet fur. You take your time letting him close. When you're not racing along the ocean shore, you'll watch Eclipse breach, showing off with grandiose splashes before he pops up to catch your reaction.
On one rare occasion, he convinces you to lie down on your side, four cervine legs sprawled out, and lay your head on his stomach. You're both quiet the sight, a centaur and a siren, sprawled close together, but you don't mind his claws petting through your hair and scratching between your antlers so long as he's gentle. He sings you lullabies that lull you to sleep (you swore you wouldn't drift away so easily but he had other plans.)
When you're ready, you stroke his head fins and touch his flukes. He's practically beaming under your interest and snowflake-soft palming. He melts when you allow him to press his cheek against the velveteen fur on your reindeer half. He's clingy, but you gradually settle into his constant touches and affectionate affirmations with your treasured time.
Later, much later, when you cross a field, and discover two small bodies with bumbling cervine legs struggling through the snow, you calmly take a calf of beige and buttery yellow colors, and the other, blue metal and silvery, under your arms. They're just old enough to hold themselves up. They bawl, not yet having found their words. The twins nuzzle into your fur. It's not a pretty picture—two abandoned centaur young, but it's nothing you and Eclipse can't handle.
He accepts them without hesitation as you thought he might. It's not a question of acceptance but a matter of finding the right manner in which to tend to the children. You gently point out to Eclipse how the nub markings show how the buttery-yellow babe will have horns like a blossom of petals or a fan of sun rays, and the blue metal babe will have a singular horn like a shooting star or the crescent curve of the waning moon.
(He names them Sun and Moon, and you agree; it fits them fine.)
Eclipse watches over the three of you at night, quietly lapping at the ice's edge while you hold the babies close and provide them with warmth. (Eclipse laughs when the babes attempt to suckle on you, much to your bemusement.) During the day, he stows away though never too far and you find good moss and ferns that Sun and Moon can nibble on. You watch over them, minding predators and coaxing them to stabilize their gangly legs and hold themselves high. Evening falls, and you reunite. Eclipse plays with them tenderly, keeping them from falling into the sea but stimulating them to build their strength and their mind. They take to you both, much to your silent fondness. It's an odd little sight, but you're a family.
You wouldn't have chosen any other.
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kuravix · 1 year
Sanji: I only want to protect women.
Also Sanji:
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