#a series of abnormalities
devintrinidad · 10 months
Heeeeyyyyyy!! Im really sorry for the late reply, I was busy for the past week!!
I got around to starting CAW manga!! it is *really* good. I personally prefer it to the anime!! I had to read it from the start bc I forgot almost everything about the plot and now that I have read it back to back, I am surprised by how connected it is! I thought the chapters would be unrelated to each other and instead focusing on the educational aspect of the show, but it is surprisingly very well paced! (I haven't finished it yet though)
I really didn't expect him to look like a shoujo love interest this is so funny
He takes off his mask and it's the most gorgeous guy you have ever seen.
I ALSO read the first part of the abnormalities series!!!
GOOD GOD GOODNESS GRACIOUS. 3803 my POOR GIRL. Her insurance better cover the much needed therapy sessions
I *really* liked the parallels with her and cancer being abnormal. I never thought of it that way.....
The part in me who usually doesn't care about shows plots and just wants everyone to be friends wishes there could be a timeline where cancer is their *harmless* friend, but alas.
+ NK looks SOO adorable, Macrophage is as gorgeous as well. I really love it when girls look up to other girls 😔🙏
Thanks for the good read and hope u have a great day!! :DDD
No need to apologize! Heheh, we all have our lives to live, I'm just happy that you're okay! :D
Anyway, nice! I loved the manga when I first read it in 2018! It was really great and I love the little tidbits about actual cell biology and science! And yeah, the arcs sort of move into each other seamlessly, often bringing characters from the past into the present arc (depending on what pathogen/teratogen is in the body).
Yeah! He's their senpai! He's adorable and I wish he didn't have to cover himself up all the time, but he was just so adorable as a younger basophil, hahah! Even then he was still very msyterious!
Oh my gosh! You're reading it? Yooooooo! It's been a while, I hope you aren't too traumatized! :D
One of the main reasons why I made Abnormalities was because of the parallels I noticed and how I perceived their interactions would go. I'm glad that you were hooked on it!
And yes, I am that evil! I remember having so much writing that chapter, I wanted to break AE-3803 while simultaneously making sure that Cancer was a menace both physically and psychologically.
Timeline where Cancer is their friend… Well, there is the rest of the Abnormalities series… The series is an overarching plot where AE-3803, U-1146, and Cancer confront their persnoal demons, weaknesses, and what it's like to have their roles predetermined in the body. I wouldn't say true redemption is in the cards for Cancer, but AE-3803 eventually talk it out.
More love for the CAW girls!
Thank you so much for the kind words and you are very much welcome! I hope that you have a wonderful day! :D
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myersesque · 8 months
paulkins seemingly being a multiversal constant yet hardly ever getting a happy ending. falls to knees in agony
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herethereverywhere · 3 months
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Beauphim, Session 1, from this will be the death of me by @bananasofthorns, Aphim's Pinterest board, and the official Beauphim playlist.
Lord Huron, She Lit A Fire/this will be the death of me by @bananaofthorns/Lord Huron, Secret of Life/Lord Huron, Moonbeam/Lord Huron, Wait By The River/ratz, the jester/rainbow frog biscuits, help me/Phoebe Bridgers, Graceland Too/Lord Huron, Meet Me In The Woods/Lord Huron, The Night We Met/Lord Huron, Mine Forever/A Slow, Slow Death, Los Campesinos
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ethosiab · 5 months
Boat boys!!!!!
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Joel is on his tippy toes here no way he's that tall
(vote boat boys and ill draw something for you)
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iguessitsjustme · 7 months
I cannot stress how important it is that Mhok did not make a big deal of Day leaving the house to go see him at the market. He looked up and said “oh hey” like it was completely normal for him to run into Day there. It’s completely normal for Day to be there. No questions about how he got there or saying how proud of him he was for leaving the house. Just a normal conversation.
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zhouxiangs · 1 month
someone in my gc mentioned that joe just rolls with the whole waking up in someone's body so easily and i thought about it and realized well yeah, his old life wasn't really much. he wasn't living, he was existing.
EXACTLY!!! he's not living, he's just alive.
we can assume he has a stable life since he has a job he likes and he's good at, a nice house, and a car. he has friends and people he cares about and he seems happy with them, but still he's so... sad and lonely? and it's not only because poom's eyes are like that, the man is ACTING
the way he latches onto ming so fast too... yes he has a pretty face and joe wants to fuck him at first sight, and he tells him to stay and cooks for him because he is nice, but i wonder if they aren't kind of attracted to each other's loneliness in a way. the ramen scene makes me insane because of how easily and quickly they fall into something like domesticity with joe taking care of ming as if he's been doing that forever and both of them being so relaxed and joe doesn't even know ming's name yet
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full-o-pans678 · 1 month
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Hilda & The Fam.
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gaylotusthatexists · 5 months
eeeeeeeee it has finally begun
my piece for the hsbb!! absolutely wonderful event that i got to take part in, please go check out some of the other works from this event as well there’s some amazing stuff there!
will be updating this fic every wednesday and sunday over the next two and a half ish months until we’re done, scarian enjoyers come get ur slowburn in a neat lil fantasy world with magic and fun times :) legit been working on this since june oh my gosh, very excited to finally share this with y’all!!
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discountsoysauce · 1 month
Yall might have to bare with me on this one I'm not great at articulating my thoughts and although I'm neurodivergent I really don't have the proper terms to explain myself here
But like
Okay so it's very obvious that Eli is not neurotypical. I don't want to really get into specific diagnoses because I very much do not want to fall into the serial killer = mental disorder trope. It's a shitty trope and very harmful when handled poorly, especially with Cluster B personalities. Under no circumstances am I saying that Eli's mental condition is the cause of him being a serial killer. I am in fact trying to say the opposite.
TW for discussion of abuse and ableism
Basically, the crux of my argument lies with Eli's flashbacks in Vengeful, specifically when it comes to his father.
Eli mentions that the abuse started when he was around 9 years old because his father saw "the devil" in his eyes.
Eli's age at the time is very important. 9 years old. A literal child. Eli has done nothing wrong at this point aside from exist, and yet his father sees something wrong with him. It's possible that it was intended for Eli to have truly had some "evil" inside of him from the beginning, but it is far far more likely that Eli's father saw some kind of behavior out of the norm (we see that Eli was not a very expressive child. He had to learn all of those behaviors later on) and concluded that it hinted at some "hidden evil". We see those ideas reflected in our own society all the time, with apathy or lack of expression in face or vocal tone can be misconstrued or depicted as evil or heartless.
Eli was never evil or a bad kid. He was 9 years old. There was no devil in his eyes, he simply expressed himself in a way that was considered abnormal.
There's more I could say on this but I've run out of brain power. If anyone has any insight or ways they relate to Eli that they're comfortable talking about or even criticisms, I'm very open to discussion.
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he's real
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oldestenemy · 6 months
history unheeded is doomed to repeat - Part 1
Malorn finds the wizard while they are staring up at Bartleby’s deteriorating canopy. They had not been happy to find themself in Ambrose’s office again, running around at his beck and call—but the wizard is not going to refuse Bartleby a request. Certainly not one so important as this.
They tell as much to Malorn when he asks what they’re here for—and how long.
“I’ve got time before the next class—mind if I come along?”
The wizard hums a quiet affirmative, this shouldn’t take much time, and given the area it didn’t seem likely to be much of a danger. Malorn could come and see his old Professor’s home. And with that in mind—
“Do you know the way?” The wizard asks him, “Ambrose and Dworgyn didn’t actually tell me anything beyond the Dark Cave.”
Malorn confirms that he does in fact know where Malistaire’s house lies in the Dark Cave, and leads the way. They walk in easy silence for most of it, not as much time has passed now since their last visit. Nothing is as fraught as it had been before Darkmoor. They ask if he or the others have had any word on where Duncan had gone, but there has still been no sign.
“Was everything alright? In Polaris?”
“Finished a revolution, danced a ballet, overthrew a walrus, fought a Rat, stopped a synthetic Titan from blowing up the sky, saved the Spiral again. Met another eccentric acquaintance of Cyrus Drake’s.” They’ve decided it’s easier to trivialize things like this when explaining them to their friends. It will startle them a little less than the proper truth. “Made a new human friend, haven’t done that in a while.”
“Someday we’re gonna talk about this properly you know. Penny’s going to make you.”
The wizard smiles weakly, “I know. But not today, another crisis—right?”
Malorn looks like he wants to protest, but shakes his head and sighs. “Right. The friend—it’s the new life student right? Mellori?”
The wizard nods, “She spent her whole life sheltered in the woods in Polaris, I think she’s a little disappointed to be stuck doing classwork honestly.”
“Can’t relate,” Malorn says with a smile, “just the little bit of saving the world I got a taste of with you was plenty. Ah—right here.”
The house of Malistaire and Sylvia Drake is dimly lit and dusty. Cobwebs mark every corner, but so do keepsakes and portraits displaying lighter times. This isn’t just a house of death, but one reminding of an abundance of life as well. Harmony woven into the walls themselves. It’s clear standing anywhere within how much love there was here. Even long dead, even with the undercurrent of something wrong.
It’s powerful.
It’s comforting in a sad kind of way.
As the wizard and Malorn move deeper, it becomes evident that something is concealed. Malorn joins the fight when the Spectral Guardian appears—though only after the wizard nods him forward, silently saying it’s fine, you can. They appreciate that he waits. That he knows better than to throw himself at their enemies without a second thought.
And then they’re inside the sanctum. The desk is littered with papers and an open journal. The pair pour over it in the hopes of finding answers. For once, the reading is not accompanied by Raven’s voice. Rather, the wizard can almost hear it in Malistaire’s, as though he is sat before them, scribbling in a fevered manner all his attempts to bring Sylvia back.
A group of scholars split apart. Schismists. Answers for where he’d learned of the Krokonomicon, and how perhaps to awaken the Dragon Titan. More hidden information, more names that mean nothing. But at least a clue to where the Eye of History lay now. Something to give them a clear path forwards.
Their thoughts are broken by the approach of footsteps on tile outside.
“Someone is coming—hide—don’t argue!” the wizard hisses, shoving Malorn back towards the curtains with one hand. They don’t feel confident in him facing something that knows about what’s hidden here. The Guardian had been one thing, it had been set up by Malistaire himself. But even if they’re taking the brunt of the damage—they don’t want Malorn facing something like what they’ve seen in Khrysalis or even Polaris. They won’t put him in that kind of danger. Not again.
They look back down to the journal, eyes scanning over the last page.
Had all of it been interconnected from the start?
“I knew it would be you,” The wizard’s heart sinks at the voice in the doorway, looking up from Malistaire’s journal to find Duncan Grimwater striding towards them—still wearing the armor they’d crafted him for Darkmoor. “You can’t help but keep being Ambrose’s pet can you.”
How long has it been now?
It had been five months at graduation. They’d spent only a few weeks in Polaris.
There had been no sign.
No word.
“I’m trying to help Bartleby.” They say softly, “He needs his eye back—”
“—Oh shut up, like you aren’t just jumping at the chance to make up for another mistake. Unfortunately for you, I’ve made powerful friends—and they won’t be letting that journal go to Ambrose or the Arcanum.”
“Is this what you’ve been doing for months,” They start, still not moving from the desk. “getting dragged into running errands for some doomsday group?”
“I’m not running errands.” Duncan growls, “And after I bring them the journal and tell them about your defeat, I’ll be a full fledged member.”
“Duncan,” The wizard tucks Malistaire’s journal into their bag, eyes not leaving him. “I don’t know who you’ve gotten tied up with—I don’t know what they promised you or what you get out of it—but you’re standing between me and the exit again. Don’t make this mistake.”
Duncan just shakes his head, an angry painful sounding laugh bubbling out of him. “No, no—sorry wizard—” he spits it like the word tastes foul, and honestly, maybe it does. “—but it’s you making the mistake this time. Go ahead. Try and leave. You’re not the only one who can play with the shadows anymore.”
“Stop it.” It’s low and gentle as they can push their voice to be right now, head swimming with more questions than before. “Please, just come with me—we can sort all of this out—”
“—do you ever listen to anyone?” Duncan cuts back over them, “Can you just not help but get involved in everything? You need to feel useful and powerful and special? Your time is over wizard—the Spiral’s time is over with it.”
They grit their teeth and step down from the platform where the desk stands. There is a small amount of gratification that comes when Duncan steps away. A small flicker of their ever present rage that bubbles up in satisfaction. “Do you think I want to do this? To be this? Do you think I enjoy being ordered around by people supposedly older, wiser, stronger than I am who won’t bring themselves to lift a finger to help? Did you listen to anything I said in Castle Darkmoor? Do you think I have any compassion left for the council? Or Ambrose himself? My loyalty starts and ends with keeping the Spiral intact—everything and everyone else is secondary bordering on pointless.” The words aren’t entirely true. But true enough. It feels like that day in Nightside reversed. Following him step for step with their voice rising. “I have tried time and again to get it through your thick skull-emblazoned head that I’m not special, your jealousy over the things I’ve done because I had no choice is unfounded and beyond that horrifying.”
Gods and starlight.
They don’t want to do this.
There is a circle here under their feet.
Duncan’s grip tightens on his staff—the new one—the echo of Malistaire in his hands.
They don’t want to do this.
…But clearly he does.
If he wants to play at being important. If he wants to be in their way.
Let him taste what that’s like.
They take the last step towards him and slide into position within the dueling circle. Their deck sits before them, they know it wouldn’t be hard to end this. But he wants to see? Wants to feel powerful? Let him.
“First one is free.” The wizard tells him, a smile splitting their face that is mirthless and cold. Glad for now that their hood is down, that their expressions are clear. That the scars they have from saving him and the other necromancers in Nidavellir are on full display. “I’ll even make it easy—I’m sure you know what to do—” As expected, he swaps both feints they cast. Leaving him with enough of a boost that it should knock them down if he’s not stupid. “—Good.”
Everything else is a pass. Cards dismissed. Just waiting.
“Why aren’t you fighting!” It’s thrown him off, they’re pleased to see. Everything he does is with hesitation. He was ready for someone who was going to bite back—not stand there and take it. He came in expecting the ruthlessness he’d seen in Nidavellir, or even the apprehensive but driven state they’d been in for Darkmoor. Not passive play. It’s the Fiend that crawls up behind him, the wizard figures it ought to be plenty. They don’t know where he would have learnt it, unless he’d managed to copy what he’d seen them do once.
The smile drops, “Like I said,” another pass, just one more turn “first one is free.”
And free it is. The dark fiend slithers across the dueling circle and impacts against them hard, definitely enough, though only just—
They get to see the moment of shock on his face—but then they are heaving on hands and knees in the commons, the brightness of daylight overwhelming after Malistaire’s candlelit sanctum. It had hit them square where the scar on their sternum is, and there is a phantom ache mixing with the real one. But they push to their feet, downing a potion and drawing the recall sigil that lands them right in the open doorway—at Duncan’s back.
“—Ready for the real one?”
Duncan curses and jumps a mile, whipping around to see them leaning on the door frame. “How—how did—”
“—oh come on—you didn’t think one little shadow spell could finish me did you?” The wizard grumbles, “After everything I’ve been through? After the little bit you’ve seen? You want to be me? You’ve been playing at it, doing all sorts of running around trying to please powers you know nothing about. You want to know what it’s really like—?” they step fully into the room, reactivating the duel circle. “—then hit harder. I know you can. Don’t strike to knock me down. You want to see what I deal with? Aim to kill.”
This time they aren’t waiting.
This time blades go up, traps go down, aura light spins around them, Sun enchantments wait on the trigger for Mystic Colossus. It’s perhaps not the thing that makes the most sense against a solo opponent, but they don’t particularly care, it will be enough, and that’s all it needs to be. A gift from Darkmoor to remind Duncan who he’s dealing with.
And this time he is quiet and glaring—they can see the fear tick up with every buff they conjure. They don’t give him time to summon the Fiend, they don’t balk at the damage they take, they just wait on that single dose of Shadow and then—
The Colossus horn blares through the small room, ceilings barely tall enough to accommodate the spell.
And it’s over.
He’s on the ground clutching his staff to stay upright.
The wizard blinks.
Sees Lorcan in Penny’s projection. Waiting to be ripped apart.
It passes.
The spark of rage along with it.
Leaving guilt and regret sour on their tongue.
“I bet you think this means you won don’t you.” He spits it between heaved breath. Some of his bravado returned now that it’s obvious they’re properly finished. “You have no idea what the people on my side have planned. The Arcanum and their scholars chose the wrong side of the schism—and you’re all going to pay for it.”
The celestial calendar echoes through their head. A foretold moment passed. You’re going to regret this.
And they do.
Gods they do.
“Come with me.” They say again, quiet and dangerously close to a plea.
Duncan just glares back.
“Fine.” They spit, turning back to Malistaire’s desk. “Get out of here, go into hiding before anyone but me figures out what you’re tangled up in.” They don’t have any more energy to talk. But this time he listens. They hear it as he scrambles to his feet and the slam of the door follows behind him.
Dammit. Malorn.
Read the whole series here <3
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honeystudiesblog · 10 days
I watched being human and I have not stopped thinking about herrick and mitchell and "you need to be ugly you need to be corrupt this vein of decency in you I wanna stamp on it with my boots you want to look in the mirror"
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unvexes · 5 months
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not everyone can be like me and michael.
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evilwickedme · 6 months
Things Gail has been abnormal about
Where I ask you if you've consumed something that I, Gail, have been abnormal about
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silverliningtears · 9 months
so no hand on tattoo shot then??
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medi-bee · 10 months
just learned that the entire Creatures series is on steam and it feels like there's an alien about to explode out of my chest
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if you don't know what these are, they were one of the first life simulators ever. You hatch and raise these various little ai beasts called Norns in their funky spaceship and teach them everything they know and keep them safe, and they have emotions and personalities and families and can breed and have mutations and get sick, and there's medicine and chemicals and so much more brainy nonsense if you care to get into it, and it all goes SO IN-DEPTH... IT'S INSANE THAT THIS SERIES WAS FIRST RELEASED IN 1998!!!
and as far as i know there's still a semi-active modding community! LIKE THEY JUST RELEASED A NEW DLC SPECIFICALLY FOR MODDERS LESS THAN A DAY AGO ARE YOU KIDDING. HUH?? i didn't even know that until 2 minutes ago sorry that is my live reaction. what. 20+ year old game just got a new dlc 12 hours ago coincidentally just when i rediscover the series. okay. im being so normal right now👍
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