#a piece of heart
shearlin · 1 month
Word count: 2977
An epilogue to 'A Piece of Heart'
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Every journey comes to an end. This one was no different. But there are still somethings to settle before the final farewells. Like items that were rented out that needed to be returned to their rightful owner. Like Legend was going to allow for them to give them back.
Hi :D I was fully expecting to post it in like few months. But as I was working on a different WIP I kept getting distracted writing this instead.
Enjoy :D
Nine portals of swirling white and gold framed in the arches of runes - glistering and icy blue - shone brightly in the middle of the meadow, as nine heroes of courage filled through the sparse trees.
They were allowed some time of reprieve after the final battle, some time to heal, to celebrate, to say their goodbyes.
Small mercies , Legend thought as the little whisper that guided them all here fizzled out to the soft rustling of the leaves. He took a deep breath to steady himself before turning to look around at his brothers, who were talking easily though the final final goodbyes.
This is it . The end of our journey.
He thought he would be angrier. Or more apathetic. That was usually how his journeys were ending so far. Either caught in the staticky fuzz filling his mind, while waiting restlessly for yet another unforeseen catastrophe to happen or in a simmering, directionless anger when faced with that particular kind of loneliness and longing that came with the goodbyes. 
Instead he found himself… calm? Tentatively content, even if a bit wistful. It was… bizarre. He scoffed at his own anxiety and rolled his shoulders, willing himself to relax. Seriously, if his mind could enjoy the ‘sweat’ part of the bittersweetness of this moment, it would be great.
They gathered in the space between the time gates and repeated for a hundredth time today the same plans for the future they shared a million times already in those last two weeks. Maybe no Link was good with goodbyes.
They stood in silence watching the portals radiating with power, all feeling a slight pull reaching deep into their souls. They would need to go soon.
Four broke the silence first stepping towards Legend and reaching into his bag. “Well, I think this officially counts as ‘the end of all of this’ so here.” He pulled out the Rod of Seasons and held it out for the veteran, “Once again, vet, thank you for everything. I dread to think how this journey would look without you.” And somehow Legend knew he meant so much more than just saving him from the worst of the portal sickness symptoms.
He looked at the item in smithy’s hands with furrowed brows feeling his hands itch. He needs it back. He promised Din he will keep it safe and away from any ill meaning person or being, while Farore re-establishes the Secrets keeping the Oracle Islands safe. He should bag it and as soon as he returns to his house, put it in a basement layered thick with protective and masking charms for however long he needs to, until Din sends for him.
He turned away looking deep into the swirling maw of the portal closest to him. Stretching his senses and focusing on the tiny tug on his very soul he had no doubt about it. They were divine in origin. Hylia Herself sends them their way to take them home safely. What were the odds She would put them in danger the first thing when they’re truly on their own for the first time in months?
… You know what? Never mind, better not answer that .
There was no way of knowing what exactly was upsetting Four magic this badly. Were his shattering scars sensitive to dark magic? Or it was the time-space shift itself, with its unnatural stretch and bend and crush and-
“Um, Vet?”
“Keep it.”
Read the rest on Ao3!
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wotchergiorgia · 1 year
today I dissected a heart, a brain and a liver for the first time in my life and I couldn't be happier.
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wearenotjustnumbers2 · 7 months
This is the paramedic who found his family among the dead victims. I thought it was only his mother who got killed, but I was mistaken. But his sister seems to have survived only.
They're telling him to calm down but he fell to the ground saying: My family. My family.
The man consoles him saying: We're all one family here. Each one of us has lost their family. Look, my sisters are in there. We have to get back up. You're strong.
Share this. Call israel on their crimes.
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themetalhiro · 4 months
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Line the next one up, breakups are hard.
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bitterly-almond · 4 months
AU: Kuina lived and her father was supportive of her ambition. He sent her to Wano to learn the way of the swords so they meet again when Zoro arrived at Wano.
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I just rlly wanted to design a giant Kuina after seeing how big Kiku is :)))
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cactle · 1 month
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POV: You’re watching the marineford live stream
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chronokepts · 7 months
Law: I cannot fucking take it anymore man. This alliance is killing me. That whole crew is killing me. Every minute I was onboard that absurd ship of theirs trying to keep up with their antics I was inching closer to throwing myself overboard. Because you know Maybe by slowly sinking in the ocean I would've been granted at least half an hour of silence. They tied– Listen. They tied a baby deer to my head. On my hat. Their captain carried me like a surfboard for half a day. I'm at the point where I can hear their arguments even when they're not around. God fucking– Whatever. One day I will be free of this torment. Thanks for lending an ear I appreciate it
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beif0ngs · 2 months
lmao a moment of silence for Lucci who thought he was hot sh*t in the face of a Sun God 🙏
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purpleneutrino · 7 months
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his cigarette gives him away...
on twitter
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wobubling · 4 months
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alfheimr · 8 months
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the L in law stands for LOVED...its his birthday:)
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shearlin · 2 months
Word count: 11084 (...oops)
Chapter 9: Legend
First || << Previous || Bonus - Epilogue
*runs in, tripping and falling with notes spilling out of my hands*
I'm here! It's here! I'm done, I did it!!!
Hi! It me again! :D
This chapter was rough. It was so hard to write for no reason. Actually there were many reasons, but it would be too long to write them all here, lol.
I anticipated that this chapter would be long. I planned for it. It was supposed to be long... not 11k long though, holy shit.
Anway, enjoy! :D
Nervous tension hung in the air as they were setting up the camp, desperate to do something with their hands and help around where they could, since Hyrule shooed them all away from unconscious Legend, who was laid down on the ground after they managed to coax some of the green potion in him before he passed out. Setting up some bedding to transfer him on became priority and they all jumped to it, as the traveller was finally able to properly examine his state.
Magical exhaustion. Nothing they haven’t seen or dealt with before. Goddesses know that Hyrule himself used to pass out at least once every week, before they finally convinced him to take it easy with after-battle healing, especially if he had casted any spells beforehand.
But Legend seemed to be unproportionally affected when compared to their past experiences with the traveller. He was pale and shivering, despite how burned up he felt to the touch. There was blood flowing from his nose that made their healer panic and made Twilight practically fly over the ground with the veteran curled to his chest, so they could get as far from the collapsing dungeon as possible and treat his condition fast .
Legend was always so vigilant with his own reserves. They never saw him drain himself like that.
Logically, they knew he would be fine with some rest. Hyrule was much more composed now. Concerned, yes, but nowhere near the panic from before. Still, their worry remained.
They managed to finish setting up the camp, transfer Legend to a more comfortable position and change out of their armour before Hyrule finally rose up from his spot and moved closer to the fire.
“He'll be okay, but he probably won’t wake up until morning and even then the fatigue will persist for a couple of days at least. He got really low. Dangerously low. But he should be fine for now.”
A feeling of relief swept through the clearing.
Warriors picked up the care after the veteran then, while Hyrule brewed some of his herbal mixes to help with Legend’s fever, Wild ready with his slate to store it hot and fresh for when it will be needed.
While the sense of worry never really left them, the rest of the afternoon passed with no further surprises.
It wasn’t until evening meal that someone brought attention to their resting companion again.
“As much as the circumstances of this are not ideal, the fact that Vet is not able to hear this conversation, gives us a unique opportunity.” Four glanced around to make sure everyone was paying attention. When satisfied, he put down his spoon and preemptively raised his hand. “Everyone who got a personal gift from Legend, tailored to their needs, abilities or experiences, please raise your hand.”
Looks of confusion and concern brightened into smiles as all eight of them ended up with their hands raised.
“I knew it! Fess up, old men, what did you get?” Shouted Wind pointing his finger in Time’s direction, getting only a cryptic smile in return.
While they were trying to coax the answer from Time, Sky lowered his hand to put it behind his head, looking uncertain. “Not sure if my gift counts to be honest. It's not really a thing …”
“What did he give you then?”
“Oh, you know…” a smug grin crept on his face as he nonchalantly pulled out his harp to strum a few notes, dragging the moment out. “A heart-to-heart in the middle of the night and a song he clearly has emotional attachment to.”
“Oh, come on!”
“Not fair!”
“You're right, it doesn’t count, disqualified!”
Read the rest on Ao3!
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lorehappy83 · 3 months
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"Grant me your wrath, my dear. For I've become unworthy of your forgiveness"
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sakura-rose12 · 15 days
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Sometimes I forget that Cora is a dangerous guy too.
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themetalhiro · 7 months
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Its getting super cold so I’m thinking about how this guy is a super powered heater.
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toboldlymuppet · 9 months
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romance dawn trio
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