#a lot like adiós
lgbtqreads · 9 months
Fave Five: Bi/Bi M/F Romances, Part II
For Part I, click here. You Made a Fool of Death With Your Beauty by Akwaeke Emezi Check Your Work by Skye Kilaen A Merry Little Meet Cute by Julie Murphy and Sierra Simone A Lot Like Adios by Alexis Daria Truly, Madly, Deeply by Alexandria Bellefleur
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Taylor Swift Book Recs
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desdasiwrites · 10 months
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– Alexis Daria, A Lot Like Adiós
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bookcoversonly · 1 year
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Title: A Lot Like Adiós | Author: Alexis Daria | Publisher: William Morrow (2021)
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lomlompurim · 6 months
What if instead of waking up in the mushroom body, sqq woke up in a doll.
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Something something while lbh was away in the abyss, sqq without noticing offended a misterious (demonic-succubi-esque???) cultivator with a weird thing for making dolls. She had dolls all over her secret workshop that she very kindly let him into when she heard about the famous Xiu Ya sword being in the city.
What she wanted of him? Who knows, sqq couldn't bring himself to care. She probably wanted his money or try to steal his hair, the hair of those dolls seemed very much like real hair, although he had to admit the level of details on these dolls were amazing.
(she wanted to trick him into buying one of her cursed dolls and steal his life energy little by little, but got wifebeamed by widow sqq during their conversation about how talented she was to be able to make so many dolls, and without really understanding he rejected her with little to no emotion on his face)
So she cursed him, and since sqq didn't feel anything bad at the moment he thought it just didn't work and left, not sparing the curse a single thought after their encounter.
The rest of the story goes as usual, excep that after he self detonates his soul doesn't go into the mushroom body, instead it got directly into the shape of a doll in the workshop of this woman.
His first thought is thinking someone snitched the mushroom body bc wtf wasn't he supposed to wake up under the dirt??? Why this place smells slightly familiar? Like paint and humidity and floral perfumes?? and why everything looks fucking giganourmus?!?! A teapot should NOT look that big from his position....Oh no, did the mushroom body turned out as small as a squirrel? WhAT is happening?!
And then he looks at his arms and legs, and he has joints. White paper skin with joints in his wrists, elbows, torso, waist, knees, feet. And he panics, a lot.
The woman who cursed him starts monologuing about how she trapped him now, and you are mine, I made this doll specially for you master shen, this is my revenge for your insolence to leave me yada yada- Sqq stoped listening a while ago.
Somehow he manages to escape from this woman and now he is roaming around as the size of some apples. Everything is huge. Everything is dangerous, even the grasshopers! And this body is fragile! He can't feel heat nor cold, neither hunger or other things, but he is useless with no spiritual veins inside, and if someone is not looking carefully, they might crush him. And the way back to cq is gonna be a hell of a trip! But he needs airplane to fix this. He can't stay as a doll forever! He needs a mushroom body and then fly into the sunset far from this mess! Adiós! Goodbye! So his new plan is to infiltrate into cang qiong, look for that rat and disappear. Sneaking into some disciple's pouch must be enough to break in.
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Something something it only had passed a few months since lbh stole sqq's body and everything is still very fresh. CQ mountain is a hot mess. Sqh frankly needs to lay down and take a nap. Lqg keeps figthing with Lbh practially every day and coming back beaten bloody, he has his king pestering him and a lot of paperwork to do, Lbh is a pain in the ass, Yqy is really close to snap and start a war with HHP, and he knows nothing about his bro. So yeah. Such a great time to be alive.
The mushroom bodies should had been ready, right? He must be alright...Yeah. He has enough already to keep him busy. Cucumber bro is gonna come out and stumble across at any moment. No one would bat an eye if he takes a nap, right? He deserves it. He is overworked enough for another lifetime, his head hurts, his bones hurt everywhere, a short nap should be fine...
Until he feels something small tugging his robes and a cold tiny finger poking his eyelids. But he doesn't want to. He is very comfortable on the floor of his office. Whatever bird decided to pick a fight with his face can keep trying.
That voice. That fucking annoying voice was of just one person and one person only. He opened his eyes, looking for the source of the unmistakable voice of his No1 hater, but he came across with a pretty porcelain doll. With a very ugly sneer in it's face.
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"Fucking finally! Why are you sleeping on the floor in your ofice?! I was looking around your bedroom like an idiot! Do you know how close I was to falling from your window?!"
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wosoluver · 2 months
The Interview.
Lena Oberdorf x Barcelona Reader
This takes place pre-UWCL 2022/23 final.
Wolfsburg vs Barcelona
In which both are asked to do an interview together on the lead up to the final. Where they answer questions and play games.
During the interview it’s obvious that there’s a mutual attraction to one another. Even though both are oblivious to how the other feels. Much to the delight of their club teammates and the fans online that are shipping together.
Maybe instead of celebrating with her teammates, Reader goes and comforts Lena after their loss in the final?
The interview.
Lena x Barça player!reader.
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"Hello! You can sit down right there." said the interviewer as you sat down. You had just came from hair and makeup. Although they did do much. "We are just waiting for the other player."
"Who is it?" You asked curiously. The only information you got before hand was that you were doing a couple videos ahead of the UWCL final, with a player from Wolfsburg.
"Lena Oberdorf."
"Really?" You weren't big on media related stuff but now you were pretty exited.
Not a minute later she came in and sat down next to you.
"Hello, I'm Lena." She extended her hand to greet you. You noticed she had such a thick accent.
"I'm Y/N."
"Okay, guys we're going to start with you two presenting yourselves to the camera."
"I go first?" She only nodded approving it. "Hello guys, I'm Y/N Y/L/N. I play for Barcelona Femeni and I am a left winger."
"And I am Lena Oberdorf. I play for Wolfsburg Frauen, I'm a midfielder."
"If you guys had to pick a top three players from the opponents team who would it be?"
"Definitely Popp, I'd also take Jule Brand and Sveindís."
"Not me?" She said jokingly.
"Shoot sorry. I said it without thinking I swear! Can I redo it?"
"No! You can't redo it just cause you were called out!" She said laughing. "I'd take Mapi Leon, Patri and Graham Hansen."
"Ouch!" you made a fake hurt face, laughing.
"Okay, can you guys tell me a few words you know in Spanish and the ones you know in German?" The interviewer asked.
"I know the basics like Hola, Como estás, Adiós."
"I know Shiza!" You said excitedly.
"I don't think you can cuss."
"What did she say?" The interviewer ask as Lena proceeded to tell her. "Well, we'll have to bleep that." she said laughing "Okay now I'm giving you two cards with words and you have to try and guess them."
"Okay. Y/N what do you think Angriff means?"
"Angriff? Like angry? Does it have to do with football?" She nodded yes. "Who's angry in football? Ona! Is it defender?"
"No. It's attack, you were kinda of so close."
"What do you Lena, think Banquillo means?"
"I'll try to use some logic to figure it out, like you. Something that starts with B, but it's not ball, ball is "balón" right?" You gave her no help "Is it the bench?"
"I tried not helping and that was no use!" You complained.
"See that's karma!" She said laughing "Alright what do you think Strafstoß is?"
"NO! This isn't fair. German is so much harder than Spanish." You tried to reason. "Is it like guantes? Like the goalkeeper's gloves?"
"Why? No! It's a penalty." You gasped, how were you supposed to guess? You couldn't even use common sense for that one.
"This game is unfair. What do you think beso means?"
"That was not on the card!" Said the interviewer once again laughing at things you said.
"Ay, sorry I went freestyle.
Okay what do you think Aficíon means?"
And with the confused look on her face you were finally satisfied.
"I have absolutely no idea. Can I get a hint?"
"They scream a lot."
"No. They do scream a lot, but it's actually the fans."
"Okay guys! Last one."
"Already?" Lena asked
"Yes so, it's ping pong questions. Ready?"
"Wait who asks the question?" Obi asked
"You can go first and than you switch" She pointed at Lena.
"Ready, one, two, three. Favorite number?"
"Favorite food?"
"Favorite goal?"
"The one I scored from outside the penalty box, against Real Madrid!"
"Place you want to visit?"
"South Africa!" - You finally breathe properly. "Why do I get to anxious for these? Every time. Okay ready?" She nodded. "Favorite number?"
"Mine! Six!"
"Favorite food?"
"Chicken pasta."
"Favorite goal?"
"Aah I don't know. The one I scored last game?!"
"Place you want to visit?"
"Your place"
"Oh my god you two are impossible!" The interviewer let out, joking. "This is what happens when you put two serial charmers in the same room. Please do an outro now."
"Bye guys! Hope you enjoyed the video!"
"And don't forget to watch our match!"
"Thank you guys, you really did so good!" Said the interviewer, letting you two go.
"Bye, see you Saturday." She said as she gave you a wink.
"Bye, nice to meet you." You gave her a small smile.
When Saturday arrived, you were all in your nerves.
Especially you, by now all your teammates had watched the interview. They were insufferable about it. Some shipping you two, some joking around, others couldn't believe how shameless you two were. I mean from your part they could. They literally had to deal 24/7 with your personality.
You guys were ready, as you entered the pitch. You did all the usual procedures and went head into the game.
At half-time your team went back to the locker room, losing 2-0.
When you were on your way into the tunnel, Lena caught up with you and gave your shoulder a soft squeeze. When you turned to her she gave you a comforting smile. Then continued to walk with her teammates.
Once half time was up, you made your way back, as you heard Patri joking.
"Y/N! Do something! Distract them with your charm! Seduce them in Spanish, I don't know!" And you were all laughing. It was much needed to easy out everybody.
The game was incredible. You guys had managed a come back. 3-2. When the whistle blowed for the last time, you ran to hug Patri and the others, cheering loudly.
But when you looked for Lena, you saw her sitting down with her hands covering her face.
You decided to ditch your friends for a little bit.
And offer her some comfort like she did to you.
"Oberdorf." you said kneeling down next to her. "Come here." You said as you hugged her.
"Congratulations." She said sadly as her voice cracked.
"You played brilliantly!" You said as she nested her head on your shoulder.
"Not enough to win the trophy."
"Enough to win my number, if you want." and you got a soft laugh from her. "It's not as cool as getting a trophy but maybe you can call me whenever you want to feel like a winner."
"Oh my god!" She was full on laughing now. "Have you seen the fans shipping us online?"
"Ah yes. They will feast on this photos of us."
"Can't wait to watch the edits." You two proceeded to laugh while holding eachother.
Thanks for reading! I'm getting ready to celebrate us becoming 200! The 200 followers celebration will be a special prompt list you guys can request from! 🩷
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the-bi-library · 7 months
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Bisexual BIPOC books
Here is the part one of my bisexual BIPOC books posts where I post books with MCs that are both bi and BIPOC
If You Still Recognise Me by Cynthia So A Map of Home by Randa Jarrar Son of Sin by Omar Sakr The Disasters by M.K. England Lulu Sinagtala and the City of Noble Warriors by Gail D. Villanueva Last Chance Dance by Lakita Wilson Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao Notna by J.D. Cunegan To Shape a Dragon's Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose She is A Haunting by Trang Thanh Tran When the Stars Alight (The Essence of the Equinox, #1) by Camilla Andrew The Gallery of Unfinished Girls by Lauren Karcz Fall Into You by Georgina Kiersten A Lot Like Adiós by Alexis Daria Hani and Ishu's Guide to Fake Dating by Adiba Jaigirdar When It All Syncs Up by Maya Ameyaw Bidding for the Bachelor by Jackie Lau Bearly A Lady by Cassandra Khaw Between Bookshelves by Olívia Pilar Better Catch Up, Krishna Kumar by Anahita Karthik I'll Be the One by Lyla Lee Otherbound by Corinne Duyvis Cupid Calling by Viano Oniomoh The Nightmare-Verse series: A Blade So Black by L.L. McKinney A Dream So Dark by L.L. McKinney A Crown So Cursed by L.L. McKinney
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kamotecue · 4 months
the truth comes out ✬ m. leon
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summary: after the twins were led inside the stadium, mapi learns of things she didn’t know.
(1) (2) and (3)
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the twins were led to a room, there were chairs—vending machines, and a pool table. mapi fell behind the others, she still couldn’t get used to the fact that they are your children.
“¿supongo que tienes preguntas sobre nuestra madre? [i take it, you have questions about our mother?]” andres said, as mapi gave him a dazed look. astrid hummed at her brother’s nonchalant words but she agreed with him.
“¿por qué se fue? [why did she leave?]” was the first sentence that escaped the center-back’s lips. a small hum was heard from the prince.
“tenía su deber para con la corona y para con suecia. pero créeme, ella no quería dejarte. [she had her duty to the crown, and to sweden. but believe me, she didn’t want to leave you.]“ andres said, as astrid hummed at his words.
“¿ni siquiera un adiós al menos? [not even a goodbye at least?]” mapi said, as she glared at the wall, a little bit furious—the twins understood her position, and their mother’s as well.
“la corte real de suecia prohíbe a mi madre despedirse de ti. [the royal court of sweden forbid my mother to say goodbye to you.]” astrid said, frido tilted her head—all this spanish was getting to her.
“te etiquetaron como una distracción para la corona, por lo que le prohíben hablar contigo. [they labeled you as a distraction to the crown, so they forbid her from talking to you.]” astrid continued, as alexia furrowed her eyebrows.
“¿me amó ella? [did she love me?]” a soft smile was seen on both of the twins’s faces—as astrid gave mapi a small nod.
“ella te amaba demasiado, y una parte de mí cree que todavía lo hace. [she loved you too much, and a part of me believes that she still does.]” andres commented, clearing his throat.
the twins chuckled as they remembered that time, you were in the office doing works as usually as the twins decided to play hide and seek with their body guards.
they had managed to stumble across a room, it wasn’t dusty like most of the unoccupied rooms in the manor—it was maintained, not even a speck of dust was seen.
“cuando éramos pequeños, nos habíamos topado con esta habitación—estaba limpia a diferencia de algunas otras. había fotos, trofeos, medallas, pero lo que nos llamó la atención fueron dos camisetas colgadas. [when we were little, we had stumbled upon this room—it was clean unlike a few others. there were pictures, trophies, medals but what caught our eyes was two hanged jerseys.]” astrid said, as andres gave the center back a warm smile.
the twins had wandered a lot, but they never saw this. as they were looking through a photo album, seated on a bench—they didn’t notice their mother slip in. she had just finished her meetings and noticed the open door.
“los apellidos andersson y leon, las camisetas que llevabais cuando jugabais juntos. por no hablar de las fotos de los dos—en las que vi realmente feliz a mi madre. sus ojos sonreian, algo que no habiamos visto nunca. [the last names were andersson and leon, the jerseys you two wore when you played together. not to mention, the pictures of you two—where i truly saw my mom happy. her eyes were smiling, something we haven’t seen.]” andres continued
there was one picture stood out, it was the only one framed by itself—when you both won the finals in a club youth team, mapi held out the peace sign while you (jokingly) bit on your medal.
“hva gjør dere to her? [what are you two doing here?]” your voice rang as the twins frantically closed the photo album—they stood up as their eyes trailed to meet yours. you had both of your hands placed on your waist, as you looked at them sternly.
“vi lekte gjemsel. isak og agnes har ikke funnet oss ennå. [we were playing hide and seek, isak and agnes haven’t found us yet.]” andres explained, as the footsteps of the said guards were heard. they had entered the room, quickly bowing their heads as they noticed your mother.
“hvem er hun, mamma? [who is she, mom?]” astrid gestured to the girl in the photos, the one you loved so much—that it hurt when you left. a small sigh was heard as the queen gestured the two guards to stand by outside.
they gave another bow before isak followed agnes, the twins were then joined by their mother who sat between the two of them.
“hun heter maria, men jeg kalte henne maz. da jeg var liten, var jeg garantert at jeg aldri ville bli tronarving—så bestemor og bestefar lot meg studere i utlandet som utvekslingsstudent. [her name is maria, but i called her maz. when i was a child, i was guaranteed that i would never be eligible for the throne—so grandma and grandpa allowed me to study abroad as an exchange student.]”
you thought about how hard it was to get the approval to study abroad, unlike your four older siblings you weren’t revealed to the public—sure, they knew of your name, but they didn’t know how you looked like.
“hun var den første som tok kontakt med meg og ble min venn. jeg husker hvor overrasket hun ble da jeg snakket flytende spansk. [she was the first person to approach me and become my friend. i remember how surprised she was when i spoke spanish fluently.]” you had chuckled, as the twins turned to meet your eyes. they shined, a spark that they haven’t seen as much.
“hun er også grunnen til at jeg ville at du skulle få vite mer om spania, kulturen og språket deres. men ikke bare på grunn av henne, jeg ville at du skulle få kontakt med dem og finne ut hvorfor jeg forelsket meg i spania. [she’s also the reason why i wanted you to know more about spain, as well as their culture and language. but not just because of her, i wanted you to connect with them, and find out why i fell in love with spain.]” you hummed as astrid gave you a small smile.
“men det er mer? du elsket henne. [but there’s more? you loved her.]” andres said, as you chuckled at his words. he was absolutely correct, a clever child he is.
“jo, det gjorde jeg. i loved—love a girl who loved me first. [yes, i did.]” you watched their expressions, afraid that they would hate you—they knew of the community, but never expressed any hatred.
“da elsker jeg henne også. Hun gjorde deg lykkelig, ikke sant? [then i love her too, she made you happy didn’t she?]” as you nodded, tears were seen as astrid slowly wiped your tears.
“så er det det som betyr noe for oss, ikke at hun er jente - men at hun gjorde deg lykkelig. [then that’s what matters to us, not that she’s a girl—but she made you happy.]” andres continued, as astrid agreed with her twin.
“creo que fue entonces cuando supimos de usted por primera vez. gracias por hacer feliz a mi madre durante sus tiempos aqui. [i believe that was when we first found out about you. thank you for making my mother happy during her times here.]” astrid said, giving mapi a small bow—frido’s eyes widening in surprised. hell, she wasn’t the only one—the team looked at her in surprised as andres followed.
“y puedo ver por que se enamoro de españa, sobre todo de ti. tienes un corazon de oro, maria leon. [and i can see why she fell in love with spain, most importantly you. you have a heart of gold, maria leon.]” andres said, as his eyes looked at the doorway—where you stood.
“mamma! [mom!]” andres said, as agnes and isak bowed their heads. astrid ran while andres followed behind—quickly tackling your legs as you quietly grunted at the actions.
“hvordan visste du at vi var her? [how did you know we were here?]” andres asked, as you chuckled.
“dere dukket ikke opp til middagen, dere kom kanskje noen minutter for sent. men dere to var tydeligvis populære, de svenske barca-fansen har tvitret om dere to og samspillet dere hadde med laget. [you didn’t show up for dinner, might have been a few minutes late. but you two were apparently trending, the swedish barca fans have been tweeting about you two and the interaction that you had with the team.]” you softly explained as the twins let go of you.
your eyes met the team, but you had slowly locked eyes with the only one you fell in love with.
“ha pasado tiempo, maz. [it’s been a while, maz.]”
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hyunjin1e · 1 year
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LIKE A TATTOO, pablo gavi.
summary: in which you get a hip tattoo, making your boyfriend, obsessed.
warnings: idk tattoos? slight suggestive, but a lot of fluff.
“gracias, adiós!” you left the tattoo shop, this time with ink scarred onto your body for life.
with g9 tattooed onto your body, you happily left town, making your way to yours and pablo’s house.
you parked you car, right next to your boyfriend’s unused car.
“amor! i’m home!” you yelled once you entered the house, gavi’s scent engulfing you right away.
“y/n! hola.” he welcomed you, huh turning into a kiss.
“i’ve got a surprise,” you smiled.
“oh?” pablo smirked, his eyebrows slightly arched.
“get your head out the gutter.”
you sat the boy on the bed, moving back a few steps so he gets a clear view of your body.
you start to raise your shirt, and pushing your shorts a bit down.
“i like where this is going.” he interrupted you.
“focus!” you scolded, continuing what you were doing.
you revealed the g9 again, covered with tape and tissues.
“amor, no.” he gasped, standing up, and making his way to you.
he kneeled down, faced to your hips.
he grabbed them, turning you slightly to inspect it.
“do you like it?” you asked, to make sure.
“i love it. i love you.” he couldn’t even look at you, too obsessed with your tattoo.
you squealed when you felt gavi pick you up, throwing you (gently) on the bed, kissing you whole body.
“estoy tan obsesionado contigo.” i’m so obsessed with you.
he said, kissing you over and over again.
“maybe i should get your name tattooed?” he smirked, he wasn’t too keen on tattoos, but once he saw you with one, he wanted one too.
who knew something so small would make him smile so big.
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spanishskulduggery · 10 months
Just discovered while talking to someone in Spanish that "Adiós" is more of a permanent goodbye, something you might say to someone you expect to never meet again, like a stranger. Instead, he said I should use "nos vemos" when speaking with people I know, which makes sense. I was wondering what other goodbyes I could use that aren't permanent? Obviously there's "hasta luego" and "hasta mañana."
I wouldn't go that far necessarily, but yes adiós can be used for people you don't expect to see for a long time (possibly never again like sayonara means in Japanese)
Literally, adiós is "go with God" which would have been a lot more impactful in the time of needing to journey days/weeks/months to meet some relatives, and possibly having to deal with war, disease, wild animals etc
A lot of Western langauges have something similar, even "goodbye" is "God be with you/ye"
Some people do use it for a permanent goodbye. Others use it for an indefinite but probably long period of goodbye
And some people just say adiós as a standard goodbye with no deeper meaning other than "bye"
Note: You can also say adiosito which I wouldn't necessarily recommend outside of friendly conversation since it can sound sarcastic; it's like "toodle-oo" but it's literally a little goodbye
Note 2: If you vehemently hate someone and you hope to never see them again, you can say hasta nunca which is like "see you never" and I think that's beautiful
Today people do use adiós just as "goodbye" though it can read as "we won't see each other for a while"
The more short-term is nos vemos "we will see each other"
Another variation is a direct object version rather than reflexive. You can say te veo pronto "I'll see you soon" for example, instead of nos vemos pronto "we will see each other soon", that sort of thing
There's also hasta pronto "see you soon", hasta la próxima "see you next time"
And a lot of people have adapted certain words into Spanish like bye/bai or chau/chao for goodbyes
chau/chao in particular comes from ciao and is super common especially in South America
Another common one I say is cuídate "take care of yourself" / cuídese for polite, cuídense for plural
Depending on context you can also say ¡Suerte! "Good luck!" (or ¡Buena suerte! or ¡Que tengas mucha suerte! "Hope you have lots of luck" or te deseo mucha suerte etc)....
Another common one I say is ¡Ánimo! which means something like "Chin up!" but literally it's "energy" or "cheer"; if you're saying ánimo with someone you're essentially saying ¡Aguanta! or ¡Resiste! which is like "Hang in there!" or trying to pep someone up, where animar is "to cheer someone on" so it's all related there
Also I know you said spoken but just in case, if you're signing off on a letter/email there are some basic phrases you can use:
saludos = (a generic kind of goodbye) [lit. "salutations" or "regards"] un cordial saludo = (something like "kind regards")
atentamente = "yours truly" / "sincerely" [lit. "attentively"]
estamos en contacto / estaremos en contacto = "we'll be in touch"
And if you're writing a friendly letter you can say abrazos or besos for "hugs" and "kisses" respectively; it's very common to say something like te mando un abrazo "I'm sending you a hug" or something like that
Also, if you're at a party or something, you can say something like ya me voy or me largo or something like "I'm heading out"
I tend to say something like hora de irme "time for me to go" because in my English-speaking brain saying me largo feels awkward like I'm storming out but I know that's not what that always means
Additionally you can say debo irme "I should go", something along those lines is pretty standard
If you're being funny, I think me piro vampiro is somewhat used in Spain (but maybe not so much now)... it's just there for the rhyme. Literally "I'm out, vampire" or "I'm leaving, vampire" [pirarse is an idiomatic way of saying "to leave"]
For Latin America, more common would be chao/chau pescao which is literally "goodbye seafood/fish" since pescao is an informal spelling of pescado where the D can kind of be aspirated
You may also see/hear chao/chau bacalao "goodbye cod"
Again, all for the rhyme. The equivalent of "see you later alligator" in English. Everyone loves a rhyme
But obviously only do this among friends because it's informal and a bit childish
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aaaarsonist · 7 months
"Hero with a Thousand Faces" is one of my favorites and comfort episodes ever. I've watched this episode more times than I can count lmao it never fails to make me feel better, laughing like the first time I watched it
My favorites scenes/dialogues:
I fucking love how this is animated
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"Uhhhh I'm not dealing with this"
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"This is the worst day of my life!"
"Woops. That... Wasn't supposed to happen"
"Well, that's gonna require about ten years of therapy"
"He made more? Of course he did. Why'd I'd have to be so clever" LMAO HUMBLE BOY
"I'm starting to get really sick of myself in here"
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"I mean, he looks like me, but are my legs really that skinny? Why hasn't anyone told me my legs are that skinny?" (Meanwhile Nomura, not more than 3 episodes before this one, calling him "skinny legs" JDNDKDK)
"There's no better soldier for the mission" I love hunter Jim's laugh lmao it's so sinister
"Oh boy, you are not hunter Jim"
"He just cares a lot about... Utilities"
"This music's too loud. I don't want guacamole" "How about we leave then?" "I don't wanna get up!" "Too bad!"
"You got sacked, yo!" "No! He's too strong. He'll kill us!" "I just wanna make things right!" "I don't like your face!" "¡Adiós, zapatero!" (Every time Jim speaks Spanish I piss myself cuz Spanish is my first language)
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pablogavisgirl · 1 year
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Broken Love
read part three ➸ here
Pt 3? Who do yall think she should end up with?
"Hola, ¿cómo te sientes hoy?" (Hey how do you feel today?) Pedri's voice rang from the other side of the phone.
"¿Quieres que sea honesta?" (You want me to be honest?) I sighed, leaning against the counter.
"Si." (Yes)
"Me siento como mierda, lo he estado ignorando durante un mes, no sé cuánto tiempo más puedo mantenerme fuerte." She said. (I feel like shit, I've been ignoring him for the past month, I don't know how much longer i can stay strong.)
She had been ignoring Gavi for the past month, she had been ignoring his texts, his calls, she even had to ignore some of Pedri's calls, because it was Gavi on the other side of the phone.
"Oye, no es tu culpa, lo sabes, ven después de la práctica y te prepararé algo de comida para tratar de animarte." Pedri suggested. (Hey, its not your fault you know, come over after practice I'll make you some food to try and cheer you up.)
"¿Puedes cocinar?" (You can cook?) She snorts, she had known Pedri for almost a year and she had never seen him cook.
"Ay, sí, puedo cocinar mensa, ¿nos vemos esta noche?" (Aye, yes I can cook stupid, so well see eachother tonight?) Pedri asked.
"Vale. ¡Tengo que ir, tengo clases, adiós!" (Deal, I have to go I have classes bye!)
"¿Estabas hablando con Y/n?" Gavi asked, Pedri turing to face him. (Were you talking to Y/n?)
"Si." (Yes) He kept his answer short, of course he was mad how could he not be mad. Yes Gavi was his best friend, but how could he be so dumb and push the only good thing in his life away?
He destroyed her with just three words,
"No te amo." (I don't love you.)
Pedri knew thats all she could think about it, those three words were eating her up alive.
It took Pedri one week to get her to stop crying.
It took Pedri two weeks to get her to stop trying to text or call him back.
It took Pedri three weeks to get her to come out of her apartment, besides going to University.
It took him a whole month to finally get her to not breakdown, and he was proud of her progress. Those three words took a lot from her.
And he wasn't going to let him destroy her again.
"¿Cómo está ella?" (How is she?) Gavi asked. "Sé que están hablando." (I know you two have been talking)
"Ella esta bien." He said. (She's fine.)
"¿Sabes por qué no me ha hablado? He estado tratando de llamarla." (Do you know why she hasn't talked to me? I've been trying to call her?)
"¿De verdad te estás preguntando por qué? Le rompiste el corazón, ¿sabes cuánto tiempo llevó tener el valor de decírtelo solo para que la despidas así?" (Are you really asking why? You broke her heart. Do you know how long it took her to get the courage to tell you? Just so you can dismiss her like that?) Pedri sneered. "Sabes cuánto tiempo me tarde pa que dejara de llorar por ti." (Do you know how long it took me to get her to stop crying over you?)
"No quise hacerle daño." Gavi sighed (I didn't mean to cause her harm.)
"Dememente tarde para eso, ¿no crees que lo mejor que podrías hacer por ella es dejarla en paz y dejar que lo procese ella sola?" Pedri sighed. (Its too late for that don't you think? The best thing you can do is let her deal with this alone?)
Gavi laughed, "¿Sola? Prácticamente te estás lanzando a ella cuando esta mas vulnerable". (By herself? You're practically using her at her most vulnerable state!)
"Hermano al menos ella no tiene que preocuparse de que rompe su corazón como lo hiciste tú". Pedri laughed anger starting to seep through. (Brother, at least she doesn't have to worry about me breaking her heart like you did.)
Gavi stared back at him, everyone knew he had a bad temper, Pedri was usually on calming him downside not the provoking side.
He chewed the inside of his cheek, fighting back his screams at Pedri, he tried not to explode on his bestfriend but how could he not?
It wasn't his fault he didn't feel the same way towards her, its not his fault he didn't love her back, he can't force himself to love her, because if he tried he would break her more.
But he did miss her. He missed his bestfriend, he missed watching the sunsets with her, he missed her laugh, her smell, her smile, her hugs after a game or training. Now it was gone.
She was gone.
Why couldn't she keep her feelings to herself? Why couldn't she had just stayed quiet? Their friendship was ruined, and nothing could fix it not while she was in love with him.
"¿Podrías al menos decirle que lo siento?" He clenched his jaw, still upset. (Could you at least tell her I'm sorry?)
"No, ella no te necesita de vuelta en su vida solo para que la rompas de nuevo". Pedri scoffed, walking away from him. (No she doesn't need you coming back into her life, just so you can break her again.)
Training was done, Pedri was now home cooking your favorite pasta. He heard knocking at the door, "Hola." He smiled seeing you. (Hey.)
"Hola." (Hey.) She smiled back at him. "Entonces, ¿qué hay para cenar?" (So, whats for dinner?)
"Estoy haciendo tu pasta favorita." He said, stirring the sauce. (I'm making your favorite pasta?)
"¿De verdad?" Y/n asked. (Really?)
"Sí, ¿qué tal las clases?" (Yes, how were your classes today?) Pedri asked, Y/n rolling her eyes, beginning her rampage over her professor whom she hated. Pedri just smiled, listening to her talk.
"Entonces... ¿habló contigo hoy?" (So did he talk to you today?) She asked looking at him, he stopped serving the plates looking at her.
"Si" he replied. (Yes.)
"¿Y qué dijo?" (And what did he say?)
"Quería que supieras que lo siente." Pedri sighed. (He wants you to know that he's sorry.)
"¿Estás bien?" He asked. (Are you ok?)
"Sí, ¿eso es todo lo que dijo?" She asked. (Yes, is that all he said?)
"Uh, creo que quiere hablar contigo, dijo que te ha estado llamando". (Uh, he said he's been trying to call you.)
"Si, pero no creo que esté lista para hablar con él todavía". (Yes, but i think i'm still not ready to talk to him yet.) She sighed, looking at him, his warm brown eyes staring back at her.
She was thankful for Pedri she really was, he helped her come out of her slump from the heatbreak. He was helping her heal.
She enjoyed his presence, she enjoyed not feeling like a fragile doll ready to break again when he was around. He was gluing her back together.
He was fixing what her bestfriend broke. But she couldn't help and miss Pablo. "Pedri, a veces lo extraño." (Pedri, sometimes I miss him.)
"Y incluso si no lo puedo tener, extraño su amistad". (And even if I can't have him, I miss his friendship.)
"Joder Pedri, lo extraño, nunca debería habérselo dicho". (Fuck Pedri, i miss him so much, i should have never told him.) She leaned her head on the counter. "No es tu culpa cariño." (Its not your fault darling.) Pedri resting his hand on her shoulder trying to comfort her.
"Sé que tampoco es su culpa, lo emboscé con mis sentimientos, pero joder, me destrozó cuando dijo que no me amaba porque pensé que- Hasta Belen lo señaló, me siento tan tonta, Pedri". (I know its not his fault, I ambushed him with my feelings, but fuck did he break me when he said he didn't love me, because I thought- Even Belen told me, I feel so stupid Pedri.)
"Nena, no eres tonta, te hice decirle que técnicamente fue mi culpa, pero no puedes dejar que no te ame, que te destroza, eres increíble y hermosa". (Hey, you aren't stupid, i forced you to telk him, so its technically my fault, but don't let the fact he doesn't love you break you, you're incredible and beautiful.) He smiled lifting your chin off the counter with his finger.
"¿Tu crees?" (You think so?)
"Lo sé". (I know so.)
You both just stared into eachothers eyes, Pedri leaned closer, "No deberíamos". She whispered. (We shouldn't.)
"Lo sé, Entonces, ¿por qué no te has alejado si no deberíamos?" Pedri smirked leaning in closer. (I know, but if we shouldn't why haven't you backed away?)
"Pedri, estoy enamorado de Pablo". (Pedri, I'm in love with Pablo.)
"Lo sé." (I know.) He whispered "Olvídate de él por un segundo". (Forget about him for a second.)
You nodded hesitantly, closing the gap inbetween the both of you. His hands finding your waist, his lips now on yours.
You felt the butterflies you felt for Gavi growing in your stomach. Except now you were feeling them for Pedri.
You admit this was wrong, but if it was wrong why did you enjoy it?
Did you enjoy the fact one of the most handsome men in spain was currently making out with you? Or what is it the fact it would hurt Gavi if he ever found out about this?
Or what is the fact that you enjoyed it, because in the past month you have managed to develop some kind of feelings for Pedri?
I mean how could you not, when those chocolate brown eyes were hypnotizing you, the more you hung out with him.
But you couldn't do this, no matter how much you wanted to. He was Gavi's bestfriend and even if you did want to hurt Gavi this was not the way.
Yes you lost your friendship with him, but that didn't mean he had to loose his with Pedri.
Pedri was your anchor, he was the one helping you get over Gavi. But you didn't want to get over him by moving on with his bestfriend.
You continued to kiss him, his body trapping you against the counter, you knew it was wrong but you couldn't stop he was addicting, his smile, his eyes were addicting. He was like a drug, a drug you wouldn't mind getting high on everyday.
You snapped back in reality when you felt that his lips weren't on yours anymore, but on your jaw. It was getting to far, you had to stop yourself because if you didn't,
Who knows how far you would go.
You pulled away, looking at him, "No deberíamos haber hecho eso, lo siento, Pedri, tengo que irme". (No, we shouldn't have done this, i'm sorry Pedri, i have to go.) You pushed him away walking towards the door, the pasta long forgotten about.
Why did you do that? You knew it was wrong and you still did it. What would your friendship with Pedri be like? Did you have to start ignoring him like Gavi as well?
You were in love with Gavi, so why did you kiss Pedri?
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misskattylashes · 9 months
As requested....
The history of Milex in Miles Kane albums...
Colour of the Trap
Ah I’m having a great time with Al. He’s my best mate and I love him and we have a laugh together. We’ve even done most of this album together which was great cos I love being with him. The sex is great too, but basically we’re just having a laugh (Telepathy, Rearrange)
Don’t Forget Who You Are
Well, I’m still having a great time with Al, but sometimes he fucks me off because he doesn’t know what he wants. I don’t even know why it gets to me so much. I mean we’re just mates who sleep together aren’t we? I’ll even refer to him as ‘her’ in songs cos basically I’m straight (Don’t Forget Who You Are, Give Up, Out of Control)
Coup de Grace
I fucking love him. Properly love him. In love with him. The fucking bastard has broken my heart. We spent that summer together and I told him I loved him and I thought we would be together but he’s let me down and gone back to his girlfriend. I hate him. I love him. I hate him. I love him. (Too Little Too Late, Killing the Joke, Wrong Side of Life, Shavambacu)
Change The Show
He’s a tosser. I’ve decided that. Total tosser. He needs to sort out his issues. It’s not like I even think about him that much. Well I do. But I’m fine without him. Tosser. I love him. I hate him. I love him. But sod him (See Ya When I See Ya, Change the Show, Adiós Ta Ra Ta Ra)
One Man Band
Alright, I’m still madly in love with him. And I admit a lot of our relationship problems was down to me being a fuckwit and a commitment phobe. He still loves me and I think we can make a go of things as long as I work through my issues and he has a bit of patience (Troubled Son, The Wonder, Heal, Random, Doubles, Scared of Love)
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fnafdcaconfessions · 10 months
I hope it's ok to dump my favourite aus here. Also a warning I'm bad with words
Solar lunacy by BamSara: This is where it all started. Not all but a lot of people (including me)were dragged into Dca fandom because of this fanfic. Live laugh love Joe
Copper cogs rusted through by paper-lilypie: post-fire au? Reader who has siblings? Reader is fixed DCA but then some Afton shit happens? DCA and reader who both probably have jaw dropping backstory??? Nom. I'm eating all of this
It was, in reality, not fine by bones-of-a-rabbit: lm A SUCKER for oblivious y/n's. And dca who repeatedly gets friendzoned. I also love their writing style. Mwah mwah I love that au
Visions (or lack thereof) by Deeplyjuniper: while this is not an x reader, I absolutely adore this au! Gregory coming back to check on Freddy but Freddy is infected instead of Moon, Sun/moon being the parental figure to Gregory instead of Freddy, Gregory slowly trusting Moon, Sun and Moon trying to understand why the fuck they can't remember anything, MUSIIIIC MAAAANN!!!
Red light Blue light by nyxedbones: usually human-looking DCA isn't my thing, but I love DBH with all my heart, and I'm in love with how author maneged mixing both timelines with no plotholes.
Sleuth Jesters by Naffeclipse: I love detectives, I love DCA, and a mix of both them is a perfection. I also hate mafia boss eclipse, may he rest in piss.
Cryptid Sightings by Naffeclipse: I love big scary monsters who are actually really soft. And I love the reader who's like "I'm gonna protect you" but the one they're protecting is literally a demon. Love the angst, author really ripped our hearts off and then crush it into pieces.
So(u)l by strawbubbysugar: a cute Soulmates au where Engineer reader is soulmates with Sun and Moon! What could possibly go wrong? :D (Chapter 47 has me crying)
Celestial Sundown by pillowspace: an au where reader just enjoys their normal human life then boom they see an almost dead god and after some chaos they befriend him, yay!
One Lost Star by bluemoon1331: God/goddes au where a human who just goes buddy-buddy with gods as if they're not some heavenly beings. They're soo huge that we can just sit on their hands. Also love the chaotic trio of Balloon Boy, JJ and Gregory.
One Who Holds A Star by justaduckarts: God/goddes au where reader is "blessed" with a star (a certain god slipped on a banana and star fell on child reader). Sun adopted them but is awful at parenting, he also has daddy issues. Eclipse did pretty bad stuff but he is still the best let me marry him please. I'm adopting Pluto as my mother and no one can stop me. Someone please invent therapy they all desperately need it.
Of course there's a lot more aus I love but my brain is not braining right now so maybe I'll add more later. Adiós.
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thelunarfairy · 5 months
After the alleged suicide of the Yugi family was revealed to us, haven't you wondered how they died? Or, rather, at what point Yugi's parents died.
Hanako never takes credit for their death, only Tsukasa's. And I don't mean that he did it, but that it was a consequence of that fateful night.
So they died after the twins? Did they find their children dead and go crazy until they ended their own lives?
Ah, midnight thoughts (because midnight thoughts are always a little murky)
tchau <3
thank you for teaching me how to say goodbye in Portuguese 🫶
Yes, I thought about it a lot, I created crazy theories, I even thought that they could have become those hitodamas that hang out with the twins (until Tsukasa talked to one, and he asked Tsukasa to remember how his mother treated him as a child)
Hanako didn't get credit for the death of his parents, but nothing stops Tsukasa from getting it. Nothing about this was mentioned. Would Hanako forgive this? Tsukasa killed his parents when he tried to fulfill some kind of wish? Like he did with that priest in the temple.
So, Hanako realized that Tsukasa would be a boy harmful to society and decided to kill him?
But there's something wrong.
I mean, Hanako hides his past at all costs, and we all (including the characters) know that he killed Tsukasa, so what is he hiding?
Anything worse than killing someone? What would it be? Kill the whole family? If that were the case, would Tsukasa mention that he killed everyone in the house? Would he mention it?
But it surprises me that it was considered a family suicide, because Tsukasa was stabbed, how could that be a sign of suicide?
And if it was a family suicide then everyone died on the same day. Also, why didn't their parents do anything about Amane's injuries?
Amane didn't hide it from anyone. Where were these parents?
Or as you said, they found their children dead and decided to take their own lives?
Hmm….. Many questions, and as always, few answers.
But definitely, that mother knew she had something wrong with Tsukasa….what did she do about it other than try to purify him?
Hmm…. I still don't have solid thoughts on this, so I don't talk much about their parents, we have almost no clues to analyze about them.
Awwwn how cute you are saying goodbye to me in Portuguese 🥹🥹 Allow me to tell you something interesting.
"Tchau" (bye) is only used for a brief farewell, when you intend to see that person again later. It has the same meaning as: Até breve -- hasta pronto -- See you soon Até logo -- Hasta luego -- See you soon Here, "Adeus" means Adiós, (goodbye) but is only used when you will never see the person again (as in goodbyes with people you met in public places)
Yes, I decided to talk about this out of nowhere hahaha but I had fun talking. The best of all is that in English everything means goodbye and that's it, it's easier.
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wildernezz · 3 months
fine, I'll bite. Analyze me
okay i was not expecting this for a lot of reasons but i'm intrigued now so i'll bite back.
i usually do these analyzations on my other blog actually, @analyzing-people-like-hell, and i usually ask for a few characters just to make sure i'm going on the right track, but i think i can work with just skimming through your posts.
i doubt it's all that accurate because of the lack of information, but it's somethin', so hopefully it's at least entertaining to some extent:
toxic yaoi called they want their lawlight back.
you definitely kin either L or Light. i'm leaning towards L more just because of what you seem like, but i feel like you'd at least semi-relate to Light to some extent, and both can give a lot of insight. for one, you're definitely not a people person. the thought of engaging with most of the frivolous activities you see people do not only bores you, but it might even disgust you as well. or maybe you just lack the social skills to deal with people so you tend to avoid them all together. either way, it does make people keen on viewing you as more of an asshole type. you probably are a bit of an asshole, but your nature ensures that you get the job done, so it's not like anybody can complain.
i don't know what your parents did but i can just smell the parental issues from you. for whatever reason, you find them inadequate and maybe even failures of guardians. it's hard to pinpoint why you'd feel that way, but my guesses are that they were probably just negligent in general. they probably didn't treat you with respect, or just didn't treat you with any care in general. i can imagine they get needlessly pissy with you a lot and blame/push their problems onto you. who knows, either way they don't seem very nice, and they're maybe even a lot worse than what i'm assuming.
despite not being much of a people person, you seem pretty emotionally-intelligent. you spend so much time with yourself that it's easy for you to control your emotions and stay pretty level-headed in situations that would normally fracture others. it gives you an advantage when getting to know people. you understand yourself enough to keep yourself safe, but it also helps you understand where other people might be coming from. there was also this one reblog i found when skimming through your posts: "when you want to be heartless but you know that's not how you are" that does make me question a lot of my initial guesses. maybe you just want to appear like somebody who couldn't care less about what people think, but deep down you still do. you want to give the world the same kind of pain it dealt you, but you just can't. despite all the rage festering inside you, you can't seem to stop caring. (which honestly fucking relatable i can't blame you there man.)
also you're definitely emo. and somewhere on the gay agenda. there's definitely something you regret from 2020 specifically. idk what, but it's probably there.
that's all i can really think of right now. my bad if this is completely off, but it's the best i could come up with. i'd def be willing to try again given a list of characters if you wanted. i'm gonna go work on my spanish presentation now. adiós, you emo disaster. thank you for giving me more procrastination time.
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