#yugi twins family
thelunarfairy · 5 months
After the alleged suicide of the Yugi family was revealed to us, haven't you wondered how they died? Or, rather, at what point Yugi's parents died.
Hanako never takes credit for their death, only Tsukasa's. And I don't mean that he did it, but that it was a consequence of that fateful night.
So they died after the twins? Did they find their children dead and go crazy until they ended their own lives?
Ah, midnight thoughts (because midnight thoughts are always a little murky)
tchau <3
thank you for teaching me how to say goodbye in Portuguese 🫶
Yes, I thought about it a lot, I created crazy theories, I even thought that they could have become those hitodamas that hang out with the twins (until Tsukasa talked to one, and he asked Tsukasa to remember how his mother treated him as a child)
Hanako didn't get credit for the death of his parents, but nothing stops Tsukasa from getting it. Nothing about this was mentioned. Would Hanako forgive this? Tsukasa killed his parents when he tried to fulfill some kind of wish? Like he did with that priest in the temple.
So, Hanako realized that Tsukasa would be a boy harmful to society and decided to kill him?
But there's something wrong.
I mean, Hanako hides his past at all costs, and we all (including the characters) know that he killed Tsukasa, so what is he hiding?
Anything worse than killing someone? What would it be? Kill the whole family? If that were the case, would Tsukasa mention that he killed everyone in the house? Would he mention it?
But it surprises me that it was considered a family suicide, because Tsukasa was stabbed, how could that be a sign of suicide?
And if it was a family suicide then everyone died on the same day. Also, why didn't their parents do anything about Amane's injuries?
Amane didn't hide it from anyone. Where were these parents?
Or as you said, they found their children dead and decided to take their own lives?
Hmm….. Many questions, and as always, few answers.
But definitely, that mother knew she had something wrong with Tsukasa….what did she do about it other than try to purify him?
Hmm…. I still don't have solid thoughts on this, so I don't talk much about their parents, we have almost no clues to analyze about them.
Awwwn how cute you are saying goodbye to me in Portuguese 🥹🥹 Allow me to tell you something interesting.
"Tchau" (bye) is only used for a brief farewell, when you intend to see that person again later. It has the same meaning as: Até breve -- hasta pronto -- See you soon Até logo -- Hasta luego -- See you soon Here, "Adeus" means Adiós, (goodbye) but is only used when you will never see the person again (as in goodbyes with people you met in public places)
Yes, I decided to talk about this out of nowhere hahaha but I had fun talking. The best of all is that in English everything means goodbye and that's it, it's easier.
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hanako-san · 7 months
Tsukasa, not wanting to lose his brother, decided to sacrifice himself for his older brother. I believe Tsukasa is deeply hurt, that his sacrifice was pointless because Amane died killing him and Tsukasa for some reason, but I think there's more to it than he showed in chapter 108. I'm not surprised. I'm glad Tsukasa finally showed his hurt feelings, he's right! (This isn't the main topic of this post, but I wanted to mention it because I'm glad that Tsukasa showed more of his hurt feelings instead of hiding, faking, his hurt feelings behind a fake smile) However, when Tsukasa returned to his own time through Kou. The mother noticed that something was wrong with her son, that he was possessed by something. They checked it and nothing came up. But it was obvious that there was something Tsukasa could even talk to it. The mother begged and received to help her. They no help her. But the fact is that there was something wrong with Tsukasa.
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Tsukasa granted wishes and I'm sure that something inside him is still there.
The priests didn't react in Yugi's house after the disaster and later when people were dying there and the Minamoto forbade anyone to enter there to this day, making sure no one goes in there.
Yugi's house stood on the site where young girls were sacrificed to the 'gods' and this whole 'god' was talking to Tsukasa before what happened.
When Amane became number 7, Teru wanted his younger brother to get rid of Hanako, but he didn't. Knowing that Hanako is a 'threat' because he can act with Yashiro's help, which he cannot allow.
Sure Amane had a fight with grandma minamoto, but honestly I don't care that the old lady lost her powers by sealing Amane.
and then the elder minamoto says this
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Their entire family is full of hypocrites and self-proclaimed heroes. They were the ones who sacrificed poor young girls for the residents' wishes and peace. They had no problem torturing them when they opposed, after all, Hakubo did it on their orders, their minion. This family had no generations of respect for anyone. Just like the Teru, they don't care about human life. teru loves to kill and doesn't care about anything. He just loves it, he's an ordinary murderer with the justification 'the supernatural are the worst and the most evil' teru is exactly the same as his ancestors. He loves killing and enjoys it. It was the same with Sumire and the other girls when his ancestors behaved the same way.
Teru even said these words to Akane
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“special standing' in English. . Minamoto teru named ONE of many victims of his family effectively leaving out the involvement of his hypocritical and sadistic family and Sumire was shown.
The only one of the victims who didn't run away and didn't fight back, which allowed her to lead a relatively normal life before her death, but she knew what her fate is and she knew she couldn't escape it.
Teru made it clear from the very beginning that he knows much more and knows what is going to happen, so I am almost sure he knows what his dear family has done in the past, and he is no different from them, he is exactly the same, spoiled and thinks that if he is an exorcist, he is allowed because he is the 'good' one and the supernatural are the 'bad' ones
His family sacrificed poor girls in exchange for wishes, while having a party. He is like that too.
Teru also said this.
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Yes, Teru, play moralist and say how Amane is a murderer when you are 100 times worse than him. At least he hates and despises himself for it. And you? You are like your ancestors. Teru doesn't hide the fact that he especially hates Hanako, and to be honest, I'm sure it has to do with Amane's power and the red house. They didn't help Yugi's family when they asked for help, but Hanako is supposed to be 'dangerous' and they are 'heroes'
Another scene that is supposed to make Hanako a 'bad' guy, while Ter is supposed to play the 'hero', but in fact, if it weren't for his feelings for Aoi, he wouldn't care about it, because as he said, he doesn't care about people, it didn't occur to him naturally and he still doesn't care. He want to be a hero to my younger siblings who look up to him. That's all.
Hanako and Tsukasa have powers from the red house from the 'god' in which they were in the past. All the supernaturals at school who have numbers protecting something and that something must be in Yugi's former home. The red house is the key, even in the well where the house burned by Tsukasa was left, there is a passage to the far shore
I also understand that this whole lying family could have done more, they could have sacrificed poor young girls and one guy to have their wishes fulfilled and have peace, and if they opposed, they were tortured and teru is exactly the same, knowing much more, but he can fight these evil spirits' and he can enjoy killing these 'evil' supernatural ones, because he is a 'hero''. I wonder why teru hates Hanako so much, does Hanako know something? He had business with God; whom they cannot release, and Hanako is the most dangerous link for him.
This whole family must have an interest in getting rid of Hanako, and maybe even a personal one? And honestly? It's time for Hanako to be released, let him show his true strength that he gained as a supernatural, if he is so 'dangerous' so what? Let him do what he wants and let Tsuaksa do the same. Because Teru's family has been around for generations and Teru himself is no different. It is absurd that a murderer accuses another murderer of being a 'bad murderer', it is so absurd and so false, but that's minamoto, they are always better than others. They can do more cause they're minamoto hiding behind the fact that they are helping others when in fact they enjoy killing.
Hanako tried to fulfill Yashiro's wish, he agreed to let her live, he took care of Aoi and killed his brother, for some reason he is disgusted with himself and regrets it, but yes, Teru and his family are supposed to be 'heroes', people who had nothing against raising future children. young girls who have become victims of their selfish desires the desires of the village and Teru are exactly the same.
It's time for Hanako to be released and destroy everyone, I'm absolutely for it. If teru can do it,so Hanako can do it too . Time to Tsukasa to destroy the entire system, because why not? The source of the twins' power is the red house, I suspect.Hanako fulfills his duties well as number 7 and Tsukasa goes ahead to destroy them to also fulfill Sakura's wish. This 'evil' Hanako has more human feelings than the self-proclaimed family of heroes.
The double standards of this family are truly pathetic. teru you can disappear like your ancestors. and finally let this 'evil' Hanako show what he can do, but first let him show his back story.
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ngmn2002 · 1 year
Let's mimic each other's actions! Presented By: Yugi Tsukasa & Yashiro Nene.
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Good boy ~ Good girl. ♡
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Nice. ♡~
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amyyythestarry · 5 months
The Yugi family as the ‘Folger’ family in Spy x Family.
I haven’t read all of the Spy x Family manga but I read half two summers ago, I’m planning on catching up though!
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sleepyjuice-juice · 13 days
okay okay imagine
this is kou's perfect tl, right? His family is together, his mom is alive, and not only is Sousuke alive and well, but they are close. First name basis. Sousuke knows that Kou is an exorcist even though he keeps that a secret from his other living friends, Yokoo and Satou. They share some sort of exclusive relationship.
And then... Nene, Akane, possibly Teru (Teru is a wildcard atp - Minamoto mom in the mix complicates his motives), possibly others are trying to revert the timeline, back to the one where absolutely nothing is working out for him. Dysfunctional family, loved ones dying, weight of the world on his shoulders all over again.
I mean, one part of this to analyze is how this affects Kou's character development. In the og tl, he's in a very tough spot in his character development, in which he still feels responsible for everyone else's happiness, always putting others first, always at his own expense. He feels weak and unreliable, but holds himself to such a high standard, because otherwise he doesn't know how to hope. He's barely voiced his insecurities to anyone, besides Mitsuba, and also Teru when they fought during the severance arc.
We don't know how much Kou remembers now, nor the rate he'll remember things, nor how adjusted he really is to this new tl. Because Nene, even though she initially struggled to remember the old tl, she also was foggy on some details about the current tl. And Kou set a table for three instead of 5. So, the question this begs is how displaced is Kou's memory atp?
Alright. Moving on. Depending on these factors... how is his development affected by this? He is in an environment that is fulfilling for him in every way, but it is being threatened to be taken away by people he may or may not remember (doesn't remember Nene yet, status with Akane not confirmed, Teru's motives still in question)
And even if he does remember, how will he react? He has everything he's ever wanted, and it's real this time, unlike in picture perfect. Will he finally put his own wishes first, or will he relinquish a life that's better for him, his family, Sousuke, and so many more? And would that really be selfish of him to decide, if this timeline is objectively healthier?
It's suggested that one of the Yugi twins even grew up to be one of Tsuchigomori's colleagues, likely Amane. If he thought about it, Kou could argue that if Nene loves Hanako/Amane, she would choose the world that he got to grow up in instead of the one where he dies prematurely. It's even hinted that Aoi still likes Akane despite her engagement to Teru, so, logically he'd have a really good argument against everyone opposing the new tl, right?
But... it's not his story. We know he's more than likely going to have to lose this life. Lose his loved ones all over again
And of course... to choose Sousuke Mitsuba, he has to unchoose Mitsuba No. 3. Which is another ooooof biiiig storm coming
It's gonna hurt me, I know. I'm just SO goddamn invested in how this is going to play out
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2n2n · 2 months
ch. 113
I do have a serious family emergency going on IRL at the moment. But wouldn't you know it, the chapter is the day before I have to make a trip about it. So I can have a brief respite from scary & stressful things....
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we see Amane at the 81st annual festival. Our current festival is the 113th. the Amane we see here would be ~27. (remember, Amane would be ~60 years old if he were alive in the 'present' of JSHK, which is 2015)
so, we finally see 1:1, precisely the boy in the 'corrected' timeline'
and he looks-- LIKE THIS??????????????????
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in THIS timeline, Amane feels in-control, he's humming or whistling, he's pleased to hear Tsukasa's rumor play out???!?!????!?!??
WHAT DID YOU DO!!!!! WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!? what did you do--!! what did you do--!!!!!!! This is the last thing I expected for you, what, you're in a great mood. Your brother seems to be some sort of cursed school-bound ghost. A good day for you, Amane-sensei?!?!?!?!? What did you do!!!!!
In every timeline, Amane really is crazy! Amazing! Do you always manage some sort of control over Tsukasa's fate, no matter what!?
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I DON'T KNOW, AIDAIRO-SENSEI!!! you were right, this month's Hanako-kun is unbearable!!!!
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ah, was it that simple all along... lol. just keeping her informed... you not only kept Nene-chan in the dark unnecessarily and had to explain yourself twice, you also made us sit through 2 chapters for the basic run-down, Teru....
it's such an interesting situation....!
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It would be impossible for just anyone to pinpoint even the year of the Clockkeeper's interference... let alone the exact altercation they interrupted. Someone would have to have quite intimate knowledge of, specifically the Yugi twins history, to even start looking.
And even so, you've also got to avoid the Clockkeepers just fixing it again, or nipping at you, right? I wonder if we'll have to essentially... go back, instigate events with the Yugi which result in our yorishiro Tsukasa ... and then ... peel the Clockkeeper's yorishiro, to de-power them, and usurp control for ourselves over the timeline? It's so hard to imagine a world where we can let the Clockkeepers remain in any power, if we want to have 'control' ....
but can Nene-chan peel yorishiro, anymore? I wonder if she would need to form a contract with someone else to be granted that right, in this world.... ♥..... well, getting ahead of ourselves... but that would be fun.... I think so, anyway....
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so interesting! I wonder if, in this world, Akane even typically called her 'Ao-chan'? That's such an affectionate/familiar nickname.... it would be surprising from someone you're not super close with....
and the implication seems to be that Aoi and Teru have been more familiar SINCE childhood, not just now... so Akane's been completely booted in some capacity... if she's been referring to Teru in such a familiar way since childhood, this arrangement may have happened quite early on....
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he was interrupted for a bit, but he does get to say it out loud in full here. I wonder if compulsively letting this slip will seed something in Aoi's mind....
I've always been worried about Teru's interest in Aoi, what with their families histories... I've worried it has less to do with legitimate interest and more to do with, I don't know... power levels, bloodline, maintaining something or correcting something... it just doesn't pass my smell test. An arranged marriage is very bad news!
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I feel so dumb for missing this LOL!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sure our Ao-chan is on her way to remembering her true love....
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briefly distracted by Tsutsu's tits....
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noting the room number in case that becomes relevant later lol....
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this is so extremely creepypasta vibes... AidaIro-sensei are in their creepypasta era right now....
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I saw someone joking that it's "like a gatcha", which Tsukasa are we going to get? Shosei-outfit boy? Summer uniform boy? Winter? 3 year old?????????????????????????? what Tsukasa is HERE?????? We don't even understand yet why our 'Amane' is in his winter uniform or called 'Hanako-san'! THIS TSUKASA COULD BE ANYTHIIIING--!!!
and a reminder that a 'rumor' is not necessarily a school Mystery (the confession tree was a rumor!)... mysteries are specific pillars of God appointed in some way into their position, with a yorishiro. Tsukasa could be a fully-fledged mystery, orrrrr he could be a weaker rumor!
EITHER WAY, WE'LL HAVE TO ASK HIM QUESTIONS, WON'T WE.........!!!!!! Come onnnnnnnnnnnnn Nene-chan!!!! I want to hear her summon Tsukasa just like she once did Hanako--!!!!!! RAAAHHH !! I want to know if he'd remember/recognize her or not...!!! UUUU
it's so crazy and exciting! AidaIro-sensei are too good at it all... I couldn't have ever imagined this Amane-sensei ah, smiling, crazily while girls summon his otouto to play....? why and how is Tsukasa a rumor... what happened to him in life to make his name famous... why is he in the modern-day more known than 'Amane' was..... ??? I'm scared for my life! Next month can never come fast enough....
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larathia · 5 months
TBHK thoughts after #110
I think this is the chapter that finally cemented for me that the Yugi twins ...really are, still, identical twins.
I mean yeah, something is seriously Borked in Tsukasa's head, and has been Borked since the Red House at four years old (my personal bet is that on some very real level, Tsukasa is still four years old; something in him froze that day, and stayed frozen, even as the rest of him seemed to grow up - but you'd need someone who's an expert in child development to weigh in on that, which I am not).
But whatever else you can say about the Yugi boys...they love exactly the same way, and they have exactly the same problems when it comes to recognizing love from other people.
Tsukasa's love for Amane drove him to sacrifice himself to the Red House. And to come back, too, just to learn more about Amane even if that also included how his twin was going to kill him. He loves with an innocent yet incredibly powerful drive; a kind of purity of passion.
(I'm put in mind of a quote from Gomez Addams, actually: I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss!)
Yet, for all that passion, all that purity of feeling, Tsukasa has always believed that Amane hates him, and wouldn't feel a thing if he died/disappeared. (I mean. I can kinda see why; Tsukasa is Borked and Amane was....definitely not a language major. Still.)
Amane loves like that too - he was more than willing to sacrifice himself and anything else he had to, to save Nene. He's actively avoided ever promising not to do that again, too.
Yet he straight up can't process the idea that Nene might love him. She's basically told him twice now that she has Those Kinds Of Feelings for him, and all signs point to him having let those words whiff by his head in complete incomprehension.
And for all that his twin baffles him, terrifies him, frustrates him...Amane loves Tsukasa too. Tsukasa was chosen to be his yorishiro, and even if he can save Nene by sacrificing Tsukasa - even if Tsukasa is also a completely willing sacrifice - he can't do it. He can't lose Tsukasa again.
(I kinda think that killing Tsukasa was an effort to stop Tsukasa from doing something. What it was, I don't know, but the way Amane acts about it suggests it was an act of supreme frustration and possibly a bit of backed-into-a-corner, where he didn't at that moment have anything like a better option that he could see. But - we'll find out, eventually.)
Both of the twins love like they're never going to love again, and both of the twins believe themselves utterly unloved by the whole world.
We don't see a whole lot of their family life, but I have to say...I'd love to find out where they got that idea.
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bakawitch · 4 months
I was thinking of drawing some art of the student council in Kakeoh, but I'm not sure what some (like personified obelisk the tormentor) look like, do you have any references for them?
Aww! That would be awesome! I'm glad the au piqued your interest enough for that XD
So these are extremely sketchy, but here are the current season 1 designs for the student council members
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Close ups and lore tidbits below cut
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• Otogi Ryuji - Treasurer of Student Council (Manyuda Kaede/Otogi Ryuji)
Pretty similar to canon Kaede but with a little Duke-ish charm
Also wants to become the student council president
Recommended Risa for the student council
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• Kaminaga Dei - Student Council Member/President of Beautification Council (Ikishima Midari/Yami Malik)
Psycho gun guy who gets really excited about gambling
Huge one-sided crush on Yamiko
Joey's face makes him want to throw up for some reason
Has no loyalty towards Kaibami whatsoever
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• Nosaka Miho - Head of Public Relations (Yumemite Yumemi/Nosaka Miho)
Her signature symbol is a pink strawberry
Will eventually get a boyfriend
Still hates her fans (Yugi is one of them)
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•Ob Bhakta - Secretary of Student Council/Kaibami Seto's Personal Assistant (Igarashi Sayaka/Obelisk the Tormentor)
Hopelessly devoted/in love with Kaibami, gets jealous easily, but keeps it to himself
Comes from a working class family, has really low self-worth
Doesn't gamble a lot but is a borderline genious
Less emotional outwardly than Sayaka
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•Kaibami Seto - President of Student Council (Momobami Kirari/Kaiba Seto)
Dramatic, calculated bitch, not above murder
He introduced the housepet system
Besides his twin he has a younger brother
Will eventually cut his hair
Mommy and daddy issues, my guy's a mess
Weirdly obsessed with Yamiko and his fun sized boyfriend thing
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•Kaibami Eto - Vice President of Student Council (Momobami Ririka/Kisara)
Younger twin, literally named after her brother
Her name sort of sounds like echo because she's basically just an echo of her twin
Sometimes wears the male uniform so people aren't too quick to catch on when her and Seto switch places
Has very little confidence without her mask
Sometimes finds it easier to be Seto rather than herself
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• Dartz Atlan - Student Council Member/Head of Antiques Club (Nishinotoun Yuriko/Dartz)
Has basically the same hairstyle as canon, but a bit shorter and more blond toned
Has heterochromia
All his club members are very loyal to him, loyal enough to fix odds
His club runs a den
Insanely petty
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• Fiona Sheldon - Student Council Member/Leader of the Election Committee (Yomozuki Runa/Fiona the Doll)
Daughter of a British count
Has an extensive doll collection
Enjoys sweets and sewing (mostly dresses and accessories for her dolls)
Legit no one knows wtf is going on inside her head
The Election Committee wears pink sweaters and differently styled bonnet hats
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• Kageyama Risa - Student Council Junior Member (Sumeragi Itsuki/Kageyama Risa)
Still collects nails
Extremely privileged and spoiled but easily manipulated
Has a crush on Otogi
Doesn't have any sisters
Still kind of into witchcraft
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enemyoflactose · 2 months
I finished Noah's Arc
My descent into villainy begins.
@lostsomewhereinthegarden wanted to be tagged in this one 💕
Voice acting:
I have no clue what any new characters sound like in the sub, so this 4kids performance only.
Noah: round of applause he sounds fantastic.
Gozuburo: he needs to sound more like he smokes
The Deep Sea Warrior guy: I forgot what he sounded like
Crump: he sounds weird
Johnson: Why is his voice so deep? Why is it so deep? He sounds like a big scary monster.
The robot: I wasn't paying attention to him
Lector: nice. I like his voice.
Dark Magician Girl: it's really annoying for some reason.
Flame Swordsman: hot voice
Serenity's deck master: I don't like it.
Yugi: that sure is Yugi. He gets more screentime than usual and that's a nice change. I love his interactions with Téa after her duel, he's so sweet it makes my dumb shipper brain go crazy.
Yami: he sure does duel. He insults Noah a few times, and is mean to Kuriboh in his first duel.
Téa: QUEEN. If Kaiba didn't exist this would have been her season.
Joey: That sure is Joey. It killed me every time he thought of Mai. Bro wants her back so badly.
Tristan: he was robbed. He deserved to duel again.
Duke: this man is so fucking rude like what the hell? I love him tho he's funny and silly.
Serenity: this poor girl blames herself so much. It was not her fault that Tristan died. It was 100% Duke's.
Seto Kaiba: why is he like this? He's so cool.
Mokuba: precious baby wanted to forgive Noah so badly. He said they were family. He said Kaibacorp would help build him a robot body and they could be twins. I'm crying.
Noah: Why was his backstory handled better than the Ishtar's? Why? This is a filler character and I felt worse for him than Marik. Maybe it's because he's a better duelist idk.
The big five: they exist
Gozuburo: his love for Noah was so conditional, I hate this man. I'm glad he's dead.
Important note
Deck Masters are a thing. I like the idea of them.
Duel 1 - Yugi vs Gansly
Yugi chooses Kuriboh as his deck master and is upset about it because it was an accident.
Gansly is his own deck master.
Most of the duel is Gansly explaining the rules to Yugi and using cards that either don't exist, or are really bad.
Yuugi wins using Kuriboh, Rainbow Bridge, and Gaia the Fierce Knight to attack Gansly directly.
Duel 2 - Téa vs Crump
There was so much Téa fan service in this duel and before this and after this duel. It would have been distracting if this duel wasn't hype.
Téa picks Dark Magician Girl as her deck master, and Crump uses himself/Nightmare Penguin as a deck master.
Crump uses Penguin cards and cards like Cold Wave (Rest in Peace King) to gradually turn Téa into an ice sculpture.
Téa uses cards like Maha Vailo, some equip spells, and Mirror force to help herself, but due to still being a beginner mirror force gets destroyed.
Téa is getting guidance from Dark Magician Girl on how to duel, and ends up using Sage's Stone to special summon Dark Magician.
Téa wins the duel.
Also, Crump wanted to build a penguin themed amusement park, but that's not important.
Duel 3 - Joey vs Johnson
Joey stumbled into a court room after thinking he found his way back to the blimp. He was tricked by Johnson who was pretending to be Mai.
Joey's deck master is Flame Swordsman and Johnson's is Judge Man.
During this duel, Joey is using his deck master's special ability to raise his monsters attack points, but then they all get destroyed.
Now Joey is putting his faith in his gambling cards, but Johnson is cheating and making it so Joey can't use them
Noah catches this and calls out Johnson, but Joey says it's fine as long as he doesn't cheat anymore.
Joey ends up winning.
Duel 4 - Tristan, Duke, and Serenity vs Nezbit
I wasn't paying attention to this duel until Tristan died.
I still wasn't paying attention after he died.
Duke and Serenity win, but Nezbit got to take control of Tristan's body and now Tristan is Robot Monkey Tristan.
Duel 5: Kaiba vs Lector
This duel was too short.
Lector's deck master is Jinzo and Kaiba's is Lord of D.
During this duel, Lector is using cards like Jinzo and Imperial Order to make sure Kaiba can't use spells or traps. He also uses Injection Fairy Lily. I miss her. I miss my Lily.
Kaiba catches on to Lector's plan and makes him lose too many life points to keep Lily and Imperial Order on the field, then he summons Blue Eyes White Dragon and destroys a Satellite. I'm pretty sure 4kids censored this scene, because there was a weird jump cut from Blue Eyes attacking, to the debris falling.
Duel 6 - Joey and Yugi vs The Big Five
The big five are using Tristan's body to duel, and they're doing alright with early Umi Control. Then Johnson ruins it.
Yugi and Joey fuse their deck masters The Big Five fuse their deck masters.
Yugi and Joey win and we never see the Big Five again.
Important stuff that happened
Mokuba got kidnapped and brainwashed.
Kaiba and the gang found out that Noah was Kaiba's step brother.
Noah is being really creepy to Mokuba.
Duel 7 - Yugi and Kaiba vs Noah
This duel is so long
Kaiba is really trying his best and is kind of winning, but Noah is reciting the Bible and using Mokuba as a shield so Kaiba loses because he is a hardcore reddit atheist and loves Mokuba.
Yugi calls Noah a hypocrite and combines his and Kaiba's deck.
Kaiba and Mokuba are turned to stone at this point.
Yuugi keeps talking shit and then Duke gets turned to stone. Nothing of value was lost.
Noah has to activate his deck master's second ability because Yugi destroyed the first one, and now Yugi has to fave Shinatu or whatever his name was.
Noah keeps raising his life points and he's using Spirit Monsters
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My honest reaction to spirit monsters.
At least we saw Yatagurasu.
Noah is turning Yugi's friends to stone every turn, but Téa gets to stay alive for one more turn because she's just cool like that.
Yami summons all three Dark Magicians that he has ,but Noah destroyed all of them.
Then Yami summons Blue eyes and wipes out Noah's life points.
Yugi won and Kaiba wasn't happy that Yugi used his deck.
Duel 8 - Kaiba vs Gozuburo
This duel was also too short.
Gozuburo has Exodia and it gave Kaiba PTSD.
Kaiba has to send all 5 pieces of Exodia to the graveyard so that Gozuburo can summon Exodia Necros.
Necros is invincible and Kaiba's all like "You still take damage dumbass"
Gozuburo raises the attack of Necros, and Kaiba banishes (or puts them back in the deck I forgot) the Exodia pieces that were in the graveyard.
Kaiba wins and Gozuburo tries to take over his body anyway, but Yugi saves him.
Important stuff that happened
The squad was looking for an exit with Noah
Noah was told he was disappoinment so many times.
Mokuba accepted Noah as part of his family
Noah went to the real world to help the gang get their bodies back.
The island is about to explode.
Téa, Tristan and Serenity get their bodies back first
Then Duke and Joey
Then the rest of them.
Noah traps Gozuburo in Cyber space.
The island exploded
The End
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chaoscheebs · 8 months
Brain at work today went "What if Yu-Gi-Oh/Spy X Family crossover?", in which Seto's the secret agent, Yugi is a downright terrifying assassin who enjoys giving targets just enough rope to hang themsleves if possible, and Mokuba as the psychic kid who somehow looks an awful lot like what Seto's younger brother would have looked like at that age hmm funny isn't it.
Also feat. Atem as Yugi's overprotective brother who is clueless about all of the secrets, no, they are not twins, do they LOOK like twins, Kaiba, Atem is clearly significantly older??????
(Seto asks "if you're that much older, why are you so short?" Atem takes critical damage.)
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enneadau · 19 days
Ennead GX
Part 1 here
Okay, so, now things have calmed down, I'm back on my bullshit with this.
Jurai spends the first part of S1 making friends, getting used to the classes and trying her hardest because she's Yugi's daughter and doesn't want to let her down. She's even happy to help with the Spirit Duels with the Duel Spirits who cause issues.
During this time Shoko finds out whose daughter Jurai is because she walks in on a video call between Jurai and her family. To start with Shoko is freaking out but she keeps her promise and doesn't say a word to anyone.
Then the duel at the volcano happens.
Of course, because Jurai is hospitalized, her mother has to be called. Yugi and one of Jurai’s aunts come running to the island with Kaiba’s help, while Jurai’s father stays on the mainland, with their two year old twins, Jurai's siblings, Suguru and Shizuye.
And they get involved in the incident. Teaching the kids how to deal with magic and handling the Shadow Items. They're furious that another set was made and want to lock it down. They're also mad about the false Gods in the basement and do everything they can to help.
During this time Shoko realises that the Queen of Games is just as human as they are and stops being weird.
Also during this season we meet Tragiodia, a survivor of the Kul Elna massacre who was the one to get Ba-Khu-Ra to a city for her own safety and was warped into a demon after he tried to take revenge on Akhenaden and Jurai helps lay the last soul of Kul Elna to rest by defeating him.
S2 Jurai has to handle things alone after a certain point. When the Society of Light appear on the scene, Yugi and co are going to help, but Yugi's jumped by a rather large group of duelists and when every lifepoint lost allows the Light to seep in and taint a soul further, there comes a point where she just can't keep resisting and she uses the last of herself to send a warning to her husband and daughter.
And then she's on the other side.
That means Yugi's friends and family are distracted trying to purify her without getting caught in the light themselves, leaving Jurai and her friends to handle things on Duel Academy. Jurai's dad still keeps in contact while he can but there is a point where all Jurai is getting is a few messages from aunts and uncles.
This is the stepping up point for Jurai. She knows her family love her, she knows her mother's last thought before losing herself to the light was of her. And she knows that she has to handle things if she wants her family back.
And of course she wins.
I'm not doing the Bastion/Daichi Misawa falling in love with a tiger thing, and I'm also not doing the he gets ignored thing. Jurai would know better and as upset as she is about her family being unable to help her, she wouldn't ignore a friend.
S3 would be multiple books. There's so much going on that it would need to be. Jurai is more independent, there's less calls home, she's not angry at them for leaving her mostly alone to handle things, but she doesn't feel as confident that they'll always be there.
That slight bitterness leads into the Dark World arc. Jurai has always known she has powers. Yugi was helping her train them and so was Yubel. But it's during this arc that she learns more about her kingdom and how she was betrayed by the people who feared her after she saved them and it ties into the hurt that came from being abandoned by her birth parents and (not deliberately) by her new family and let's the darkness take over.
This is how we end up with the Evil Queen.
Haven't worked out all the details for turning Jurai back again yet. Sorry, but she does come back to her senses, with her full powers unlocked, and runs into Yubel on the way back.
And she remembers Yubel. Her birth parents sent Yubel away without Jurai's say so but Yubel is still hurt and furious and how dare the Egyptian Queen steal their Queen. So when they return to the human world, Jurai is forced to tame Yubel and merge her soul together to protect those she loves, including her dearest friend and partner, Yubel.
I haven't seen S4 yet, it was never dubbed but I'm working my way through the subs so I can see it and work out where I'm going with it.
However I have a rough idea.
Jurai in this season is quiet. Withdrawn. Her family try to teach out but she's ashamed of her actions as the Evil Queen and she's expecting to be cast off for them by family and friends. Duel Monsters no longer appeals and she takes a break from Duel Academy to go home.
And while she's heading there, the Darkness thing happens. And Jurai is furious, this is her home. Her family. And this asshole, this knockoff brand Zorc or Zorc fragment or whatever it is, is messing with her family and as angry, as hurt as Jurai is, she realises that this is her home and her family and she doesn't want to lose them.
So she kicks its ass.
Ennead GX would end with Jurai graduating out of Duel Academy and then going on a tour of the world. Trying to find herself and settle her mind. Yugi would encourage it, though she'd miss her daughter a lot and would try and meet up with her at points their paths cross.
And with Jurai rediscovering a love of the game by playing against people across the world who love the game for the game, not for the magic behind it, she even gets to duel Pegasus at one point.
Eventually she'd become a produelist. One of the first Speed Duelists in fact, and she adores her siblings and their kids, but that ties into Ennead 5ds so I won't go too far into that because other that knowing how my universe sets up for that series, I know nothing about it.
I need to watch 5ds before I do more than set up. XD
Hope this is good for you guys ❤️
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thelunarfairy · 8 months
Do you think Tsukasa was neglected by both his parents or do u think Mr. Yugi bécame more fond of Tsukasa?
The mysterious Yugi family
They remind me of those horror movie stories with children, don't you think? A child who was neglected or mistreated by her parents or someone close to her and because of this she became the monster in the story.
I've seen some movies like this and I'm going to admit that I like them, in addition to these we have movies that talk about children who were born bad or became bad because of some influence with the supernatural. It's also a kind of recurring story, I could cite examples but that's not the point I want to get to.
People wonder why Tsukasa is the way he is, and when we were introduced to a supernatural that influenced him, several theories were created. Were there two Tsukasas? One in the house and another pretending to be him? Even Kou and Nene thought of this theory.
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But there is something different about him. Tsukasa seemed dissatisfied with the relationship he had with Amane, he tells us that he hated him, but we didn't see Amane say that to him. So he decides that he will sacrifice himself to save him and that it was okay because Amane wouldn't miss him, he hated him, didn't he?
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Do you notice that Tsukasa always talks about Amane? He doesn't talk about his parents, he doesn't complain about them. We have more information about the mother than the father.
They both seemed very loving towards them, very kind and caring, at least before Tsukasa disappeared. When he returns, his mother hugs him desperately and cries with joy for having found him, her love is screaming here.
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Then the behavior changes. She is scared, repeating, SHE IS AFRAID, the way she arrives at the temple screaming desperately to get that "thing" out of her son shows us even more how much she loves him, she loves him to a point where recognize that your child is no longer the same.
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It's worth remembering that the boy looked like Tsukasa, there wouldn't be another child like her children, and yet she knew there was something wrong with her son.
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What did Tsukasa do that scared her horribly? If she neglected him, she wouldn't care if he remained missing or would abandon him when she saw that he was different from before, or in another case, she might do bad things to him to punish him. That doesn't seem to be the case here, she desperately went to ask for help for her son, but she doesn't know that he wants to keep the thing, he knew how to get home, he knows.
So let's talk about the father, finally about the question you asked. Where he was?
Where he was?
We only see the twins' father at the birthday party. He's not there when Amane is sick, he's not there when the mother takes the boy to the temple.
Where he was?
That's the key question here. We don't know how he reacted to the new Tsukasa, or how he reacted when the boy disappeared and when he came back because he wasn't there (at least it wasn't shown to us, he appears from behind when Tsukasa returns, we don't see his face)
He may be an absent father, but there is no evidence of any kind of abuse, physical or mental, don't get me wrong, DON'T DISCARD THE HYPOTHESIS YET, the relationship between the twins is mysterious.
The theory about Tsukasa abusing Amane does not exist by chance, there are glaring and dangerous signs that this could have happened. Amane's perversion, his love for constant physical touch, the bruises, the rope marks on his wrists, the marks on his body, the way he reacts to seeing Tsukasa, his repulsion at talking about his past, the fact that he always forgive what they did to him, the way Tsukasa always approaches him doesn't seem to remind him of a common relationship between brothers.
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You see all these signs and they can have multiple meanings. I don't like discarding hypotheses. What if his father did something like that to Tsukasa or Amane? or did he do it with Tsukasa and he repeated it with Amane? It seems unlikely, doesn't it?
Because if that had happened wouldn't Tsukasa have a grudge against his father? The boy was hurt by his brother and said that Amane hated him so he simply left, remembering that we didn't see Amane saying that, as I had already said. If his father did something bad to him, wouldn't Tsukasa feel hurt too?
We're talking about Tsukasa who was still alive, so ignore Tsukasa with a seal for now. Did the living Tsukasa show emotions, then?
He loves his parents and his twin, but why does he only talk about Amane? And Amane, he doesn't like to talk about it anyway, so we don't know if he has any resentment about his parents.
Remember, the focus of the story is the relationship between the twins. How did a love relationship fall into disarray like this? Tsukasa is responsible for making the story move, he made the choices, he became friends with that thing under the house, he decided he was going to leave and he decided he was going to come back with that thing, and he stayed with it even though he saw that his mother was suffering because he changed.
He wanted to stay with the creature, perhaps because he felt welcomed or because his desires were fulfilled. We don't know much about the entity in the house, so we can't say that everything is Tsukasa's fault.
What if the creature is threatening him if he leaves? or do something she doesn't want? There's no way to know.
So the idea I have about parents is still neutral because we have little information and many possibilities.
But that doesn't mean we can free the twins' parents from blame, but before we accuse them we need more proof. For now what we know is very little, I want to know more about their parents, because despite everything I said here (based on the information we have now) I still believe that they play an important role in the twins' lives.
Hope you liked it :3
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Thank's for the ask :3
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hanako-san · 9 months
Hanako kun killed Tsukasa, but it was ruled a suicide for both of them, so we can't be sure if the parents also died voluntarily after finding the twins dead. They could be already dead or the mother could have gone crazy and decided to commit family suicide by killing her husband and then decided to kill the twins when they got home, failing to kill both of them and accidentally dying, or Tsukasa trying to protect Amane killed her, thus showing your true power. Can you tell me your theory?
Anon-san, it's going to be a lot of chaos, but I hope I can explain it well.
Tsukasa confirmed in Chapter 91 that after Amane's murder, he committed suicide. At least that's what we know so far. I used to think like you, but now I have a different point of view and I'm not sure about anything. Only the matter is more complex and complicated in my opinion. One thing hasn't changed, Anon, is that I have a feeling that the Minamoto family may have had something to do with this tragedy, and I'm thinking about it even before revealing the Minamoto's dirty deeds.
I'm still considering this option. As for Yugi's family itself. I would consider the mother and Tsukasa's relationship. She knew something was wrong with her son, I suspect she was the first to guess, but she didn't get help. After getting no help, the mother pretended she didn't know anything? She pushed Tsukasa away? What were the relations between them? Have they cooled down? How their family suffered? Amane, I also find it odd that he was fixing that clock. Why did he want to control time? for yashiro? although this seems unlikely to me as it is shown that he didn't remember her when she jumped in time, Does it have to do with Tsukasa personally and what was he supposed to choose Amane "You can't have two. Decide" Is it about him and her? Why can't he have them both then. I'd like to be wrong that it was about yashiro. But Tsukasa's last action leaves me in no doubt that it could be. But Amane's reaction in chapter 101 at the beginning shows that there may be more to it. Amane killed Tsukasa and himself, decided to be lost with him, accepted his suffering and redemption and at first he said that he had a really special reason and maybe he learned something? Tsukasa is the most important person in Amane's life, so I believe that killing him would really be for a special reason. Beating him for a short time must have made him think of murder. What must happen that the boy who got a second chance from his brother decided to end it when he wanted to live? This is weird and it must be about something important, really important! Therefore, I am able to agree with the opening words of Amane.
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"Very special reason " Exactly!! Even the reaction on his face, his piercing eyes and sweat show that he was forced to do it and is saw on both Amane as Amane and Amane as Hanako. I think his motivation is similar to what happened to Aoi. Amane agreed to this to save yahsiro's life. I think it was kind of the other way around here, Amane wanted to protect Tsukasa and still does, protecting him like his yorishiros and out of love, but it really would have to be a really serious and special reason to go that far, but as Amane has shown, he's willing to do it for the people he loves. So I believe Amane was forced to take his little brother's life for a very special reason. Amane must have also seen about his brother's connection to the supernatural world. I think so, and repairing this clock is a clue to that for me. if what happened in that house, there were actually '4 people' there, I suspect it's possible that Amane killed Tsuaksa at school, and if at home the newspaper lied and I wouldn't consider it because they were talking about 'suicide' and Tsuaksa was killed. It's possible that the parents killed each other after what happened to their children. I don't rule it out in any way, but I think there were more reasons for it After the sacrifice, Tsukasa talked about the family that is still in this house, I doubt he would talk about his family since he was really surprised that Amane would kill him at the age of 13 and that's why he decided to come back and misses his brother despite everything and that 'they' won't let him go out. Who are 'they' and what really made wishes come true? This power is related to twins. This power comes from God? I don't think God hunted the house where the twins lived and where Tsukasa was imprisoned and which power the twins possess. I believe Amane calls it God because Tsukasa once told him that 'god'' living in his house, but it could actually be something evil and powerful that Tsukasa has in his body and Amane did that thing with it. And if it's really God, what deal did they make? Amane is for following the rules, Tsukasa for breaking them. Even Teru said that the 7 mysteries in the school are very special. The ground is cursed where the school stands, maybe the mysteries have something to stop something bad? Instead of sacrificing the girls, a system was created that was divided between the supernaturals and they share the care of what shouldn't get out or something. I find it strange that the power that the twins have with the thing that lives in the red house. It is possible that the power was taken and divided to weaken the evil that was there.
Parents… They could kill not necessarily together, but separately, for reasons of losing their beloved sons, and something more. It's possible the twins' parents are still at home. It's possible they may have gone insane too. They are Yugi's family, it's possible that they were so close that they couldn't live without each other. I suspect that the parents did not cross to the other side until their last journey, and in the red house, despite the passing years, the soul does not disappear.
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Father of twins or someone else? The house has always been cursed, and it's possible that something has contributed to this family's tragedy as well. It's possible that this family was the first victim of this thing that's been living in this house for years. Tsukasa was years later the first victim to sacrifice for his brother. In every era, someone has to sacrifice themselves and give their lives, whether for the sake of the inhabitants or for the person they love. I truly believe that it wasn't just love that was the cause of this family's suicide and murder, but something much more sinister and dark. Maybe because the father killed himself, and then the mother, unable to bear the fact that she had lost her beloved family, or as I said earlier, went crazy for some reason, not just because of the twins. I also believe that the twins were the main reason the parents decided to commit suicide. It seems to me that despite everything that my mother suspected about Tsukasa and it is not known what their relationship with Tsukasa was after and whether it affected the family, I believe that they still loved each other very much.
There are so few threads on this issue, and so many possibilities for what could have happened. Personally, I'm curious and I'm waiting for AidaIro to reveal it. I hope you understood anyway Anon, my choas on this matter that I have. I also wanted to include the twins because I believe they are the core of this case, and I believe that Tsukasa's murder and Amane's suicide weren't 'just like that'
Edit: I forgot regaining true strength suits Tsukasa, not Amane. It's Tsukasa who has it, it's Tsukasa who was able to kill number 3 on his boundary, it's Tsukasa who is able to move when time is stop. I I would doubt Grandma Minamoto's words I did I don't trust this family. They're so fake and has dirty deeds and teru is the same like them.
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greenbetula · 8 months
ok so another yugi twins post because my tbhk brainrot is eating me alive and i cannot sleep unless i put this out there. also expect this to be messy because i'm sleepy rn
but something that i've been thinking about is that when baby tsukasa sacrificed himself in the red house, the god (kinda?) fused with him. we can see that the god (represented by the black hole thingy) is literally in his belly.
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and then after that tsukasa returned to his family and grew up. but we never saw the black hole thing on tsukasa again, theres no blackhole when he was alive and a teen, nor when he was dead and a ghost. It never appeared again.
Ah, well there's this
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does that count? i guess? but that doesn't really look like the god's blackhole, although very similar (it reminds me of the holes from the severance).
The only appearance of the blackhole stuff I could find when the twins were grown up (both the alive and ghost versions), was this
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and potentially this one as well
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so now the blackhole thing is in hanako now? not tsukasa? what happened???
well I do have a theory that tsukasa's death might potentially be some sort of ritual or just something that would transfer the god from tsukasa to hanako. perhaps the catalyst for the murder was orchestrated by the god (and tsukasa as well). that's why hanako has a seal and why kou said it took his grandmother's strength just to seal him. because how else would a random ghost like hanako be that powerful? i guess that also correlates as to why he's the leader of the seven mysteries, and how he was able to change his fate. it kinda makes sense doesn't it?
i also think that sakura was the original hanako-san and she is somehow connected to the yugi twins death, but i have no more coherent thoughts on this matter.
i'll edit this to be a bit nicer sometime but now i need sleep!!
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universestreasures · 2 months
@lcstsons (Motoki !!!)
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Mokuba, as per his appointed position, had just finished reviewing the list of invited participants for the soon to begin Battle City tournament. The list of names didn't really interest him personally, filled with duelists with names he recognized along with nobodies. Well, except for one. It was the name of the person the youngest of the Kaiba Brothers had sought to speak to, having gone to the other's room inside the house and just letting himself in without knocking.
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"Hey, Motoki. I gotta ask you something." He starts, still holding the list in hand as he approaches his twin brother. "You so sure you want to compete? You know if you enter the tournament, you'll...you'll probably have to face Seto and that new Egyptian God card of his at some point. You saw how powerful it was at the test of the new duel disk system, and even if you're family, we both know he won't hold back..."
It wasn't like his eldest brother to hold back during a match period, no matter the opponent. Though, Mokuba is blissfully unaware his brother refused to fight him during Duelist Kingdom, something he may not ever come to learn due to his brother's protective nature and habit of keeping him in the dark. "This...This is his chance to become the King of Duelists and settle the score with Yugi. Do you really want...to stand in the way of that?"
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heartlurch · 5 months
hai heart !! its me again , anon :3 have you got any so called au ideas of mystery n8 nene ?? nene’s name involves the number “8” , so of course people are theorising that she’ll become the 8th mystery. if so, the mystery of what ? 🤍
Hi again :0
I'm certainly aware of how Nene's name alludes to the number 8, since other characters have numbers correlating to their seat #. A maddening detail honestly... I will admit, it's not the sort of thing I can think of as an 'AU' so much as... 'There's this thing being foreshadowed that I have to brace myself for.' I've more or less just stared at this detail and felt helpless and confused lol. What is sensei trying to tell me!? <- I'm too busy thinking this and crying...
Beyond that, I can't really think of an 8th mystery the same as I would the others, too strugglesome. I mean, if we try and imagine it like 'we tack on No. 8 with the others' it would mean that a new seat could be created that doesn't previously exist. How... do you do that... But like, we don't know how the previous mysteries were made... Were there always 7?? If not, how do you add more, who decides(or decided) that? Would a rumor have to be made to make way for this mystery Nene-? Or could she manifest before having a rumor-?? Is being appointed just a matter of someone saying so, or is there more to it? (More prerequisites?) We don't even know what Sakura does when she appoints someone, and Tsukasa seems to exist outside of the system's typical conventions so I can't base too much on what he does with Mitsuba...
Each mystery seems to have jurisdiction over some, element, aspect of the world. But these concepts are as broad as 'time', 'life/death' and 'records'... While I like the story of JSHK and analyzing it is lots of fun, I feel like I cannot really simulate Iro-sensei's thought process— not enough to conceive of what an '8th Mystery' would dictate...
So... that's me being pedantic about a bunch of things. BUT... What I can tell you, that I've thought of on my own: I don't actually think Nene will 'become a mystery' in the manner we've seen... I think being "8" actually means she's something new, errr... rule-breaking? That's the vibe I get from her... I think Nene's existence is a bit of an anomaly. There are various things about her yet to be explained.
(MY SMALL ADDENDUM TO THIS is the fact that No. 7 already seems to operate differently than 1-6, so we already don't know enough about THAT guy... arghh.)
Why is Nene a kannagi? Aoi's family history explains her position, but somehow I doubt this is the case for Nene as well? So... where is her blessed nature coming from? And it's eerie, you know... how she meets Hanako just in time to be there to commence yorishiro, as the broadcast club orchestrates rumors. Why is that? What were they going to do if Hanako never got his hands on a kannagi...? Their goals are quite exact, with little room for error, aren't they... hm.
Nene has technically, from the twins' chronological perception, been interacting with them multiple times throughout their life. So her fate has been tied to the Yugi 'since the beginning' of this story... The cherry on top is the fact that her lifespan is inextricable from the existence of the mysterys' yorishiro. For whatever reason, if you get rid of all the mysteries, Nene will die. All I can infer from this is Nene's very existence is tied to that of the mysteries, so — I don't think she will become a part of the system, as much as she is already deeply involved in it? ...?? Perhaps she is already... No. 8? In SOME manner? You feel me??
My wife's even pointed out, it's troublesome Nene is already an isolated weird girl who gets whispered about in the halls... what 'rumors' exist of her already, we don't know. I wonder how blurred this line between human/kaii/mystery can be. There's no way to know, but... something to chew over. (The recent ASHK chapter showing an ominous dream that calls to question Nene's authenticity was designed to make me insane btw.)
Last thing I will say, prolly will seem out of nowhere but, my gut tells me Nene's existence... is tied to the well god, and Tsukasa. If the god inside Tsukasa / is the same god the mysteries are deriving power from / then Nene's lifespan is directly correlated to that god's power being unleashed (as the yorishiro/mysteries are simply a means of divying out these powers, controlling things like time, life, death, wishes, etc.)
It's my delusion but I'm holding out that all this information will kiss passionately someday. And-!!!!!!!!! Then I'll explode.
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