#Zhongli x reader angst
vsimp · 11 months
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say something (song drabble) - inspo
word count: 2.9k
pairings: alhaitham, ayato, childe, xiao, zhongli/morax (x reader)
genre: angst/hurt/no comfort
summary: they lose you
Warning: presumed death/injury of reader, mentions of blood
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Alhaitham x "I’m giving up on you"
Arguments with no happy endings. Rough words that could never be taken back or forgotten.
Alhaitham was the true definition of stubborn.
It was “rationality,” as he so called it. He liked to say things as it is, and there was no need to include your emotions into these conversations, as they influence your motives and produce bias.
Technical, yet cold and harsh at the same time, Alhaitham would leave no room for arguments when he knew that he was in the right. To even validate your feelings would be impossible for him because that was who he was; an intuitive scholar who knew wisdom beyond his years.
Then when was his wisdom too much for others to bear? Was there truly such a thing as too much knowledge?
He couldn’t even fathom such an idea.
And as he argued with you, his mind only thinking of rationality, reason, logic, and analysis, he deliberately ignored the way your tears streamed down your cheeks, how your hoarse voice broke as you cried about your relationship with him.
He then doubted himself for ever thinking he could get into a relationship. Hah. Something like this could never work out again. You both were just too different, or so that was what he’d tell himself as you both slept in separate rooms that night.
But as the house grew emptier and emptier, as you moved all of your stuff out, taking every single thing in his home that made it feel like… an actual home… he grew strangely uncomfortable.
Even as he looked back to that day of the argument, he knew he was right, and that your worries were of no substance. But why did your expression shake up his heart? Why did you make his chest ache? And why did he suddenly feel so empty all of the sudden?
The questions were answered very soon, after every single one of your items have been removed from his house.
And it was at that moment when Alhaitham realized that his house no longer felt like home. And then he realized the true reason for those inexplicable emotions, as he found the present he gave you during one of your birthdays. It was a promise ring, adjourned with your favorite gemstone. He remembered how you loved it so much that you would never take it off your finger.
Yet here it was, left on a note with one simple word.
That was the day when he figured out quickly that even if he had all the knowledge in the world, nothing else could have mattered more, for as long as he had you, he would be the happiest man in the universe. It was a severe lapse in judgment on his part, and a true mistake that he so bitterly had to realize far too late.
He had lost you. You had given up on him.
He had nobody else to blame but himself.
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Kamisato Ayato x "I’m still learning to love"
As the head of the Kamisato Clan, Ayato always had to remain vigilant at all times. He had to prepare for any worst case possible while also trying to actively prevent it from happening. It was the reason why he wore a mask around everybody who he knew.
He feared that if he were to let his guard down, revealing what truly laid underneath the mask, they would take advantage of his vulnerabilities and strike down everything he was ever trying to protect.
And that was the reason why he never trusted you, his own spouse. He had agreed to a marriage with you quite easily, as your family had something he wanted, and in exchange, he would take your hand in marriage, thus binding you and your family tree to the prestigious Kamisato Clan.
Ayato had assumed the worst about you, as your family had not given him the best impression either.
As he got to know you, however, he found that you were beyond his expectations. You were kind, compassionate, and intelligent. You did everything you could so that the clan and the Yashiro Commission could thrive.
You comforted him on the days when he truly was stressed out from all of his work, took on his pain as if it were yours. Not only were you beautiful, but you made him feel as if everything was going to be truly okay in the end, so long as you could give him that smile.
He almost admitted to himself that he had fallen in love with you.
Yet, a silly ploy from your family, one of spite over the fact that you were thriving in such a place, had ruined your marriage into shambles.
Ayato had lost his trust in you. Your family had planted false incriminating evidence, one that insinuated that you were plotting the downfall of the Yashiro Commission. You weren’t able to defend yourself, and you asked him if he really thought you were the type of person to commit such atrocious acts.
His eyes wavered for a moment at your question. But the "you" in his memory grew fuzzy as the thought that everything he was trying to protect was being jeopardized, that he shouldn’t throw everything he’s built over a mere spouse. That you were one of the people trying to harm him and his family.
That night, he muttered cold words to you. As if you were never even considered part of his family at all. As if all of those memories you two once shared never mattered. You were but an outsider to him at this point.
Since the diplomats of the Yashiro Commission grew suspicious of you, pressuring him to take action, he threw you out of the household that day. Perhaps he never loved you as much as you thought he did.
With no place to go, you ran out of the estate with only some small mora and clothes.
The estate remained cold without your presence there. No longer would he be surrounded by your brightness. But a traitor wasn’t worth mulling over, or so that was what he kept telling himself as he constantly found himself looking beside him, where you would usually be.
It wasn’t until a month later did his sister Ayaka uncover the truth. She and Thoma were the only people who believed in your innocence. She presented it to Ayato, and for the first time ever, he had never seen his sister so angry at him.
Regret and guilt washed over him immediately. What had he done? He had truly messed up. But he didn’t know that it was all a ploy, and he was just trying to protect the Yashiro Commission. Surely, you would understand. Right?
His heart ached for his lover as he ran all over the streets to find you. Ayaka had told him where you had been staying. He wasted no time to get there as soon as he could.
Ayato couldn’t forget the way those cold eyes of yours looked at him. He tried to apologize, but you just gave him a look of disappointment. It was like a slap to his face, a harsh wake up call as reality hit him. Maybe if he had trusted you more, maybe if he had trusted in his own love for you more, this would have never happened.
And yet, here you were, in the middle of a ragged, old inn that you could barely afford without the help of his sister, your clothes worn out as you had been doing everything by yourself the last month, and your cold eyes that no longer held the same love and affection for him as before— he knew that there were no more chances for him.
You slammed the wooden door shut in front of his face that day.
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Childe x "I will swallow my pride / you’re the one that I love"
“You don’t understand. This is my job as the Eleventh Fatui Harbinger. My only duty is to serve the Tsaritsa. I can’t always be there for you.”
Those were his cold words that pushed you away. He was too blind to see what was truly in front of him at the time.
Childe strived for strength. He enjoyed fighting you, as he felt that you were both equal in terms of strength, and that he could grow in power with you. But that was all he saw you as—a sparring companion.
So when you started to hope for more, he instantly grew detached. It was like walking through a narrowed tunnel, where the only thing he saw was his goal.
There were no emotions as you confessed your love to him. An apathetic gaze that shook your emotions to your very core. It was only then that day when you realized that the heart you wanted to capture was unreachable. He had built icy walls that were impenetrable.
So you decided to give up on him.
Childe didn’t think too much of it. You were just a battle partner to him anyways.
He told himself that, but why did his heart ache when he recalled your tears? Why did he suddenly feel empty now that your presence was no longer there?
The silly jokes you’d tell him, the delicious food you would cook for him, the smile you’d give to him, and him alone— you were no longer there to provide that comfort that he had missed from being so far away from home for so long. Perhaps he had even started to see you as his home outside of Snezhnaya.
He realized that all of this time, he really did love you. He loved you so much, yet he was too caught up in his beliefs to realize it. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with you, to start a family with you, to have and to hold you until eternity has reached its end.
So he set down his pride, put aside his duties to the Cryo Archon temporarily, and he went to see you that day. And unfortunately, it had been too late.
You were smiling at another man, and he had lost you. And then he realized the true extent of the pain you felt that day when he had broken your heart.
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Xiao x "anywhere, I would’ve followed you"
Xiao would never admit that he needed a companion in his life. It was his fate, his contract with destiny to serve and protect Liyue for the rest of his life, even if it cost him his very own.
He always isolated himself from the mortals, like a lonesome Qingxin blooming at the highest stone peaks. He looked down from height above, but never got too deeply involved with the matters of the mortals. It was only time, however, when somebody decided to climb those mountains and pluck him off the ground.
A hindrance to his daily affairs, and a nuisance whenever you followed him around, he knew it was his fault for forming a contract with you.
If you called his name, he would come. That was what he promised you. Be it for serious matters, whenever you needed his help with something, or for something more trivial, such as having a simple meal with you.
It was irritating to be called so frequently, but he was a man who kept true to his words.
It wasn’t until one day, you had made his favorite almond tofu dish and then called him over. It hadn’t even been a whole day yet since you’d last called for him, and you were already wanting to see him.
He had enough at this point. You couldn’t get any more involved with him. After all, he had always been alone for the last 3,000 years, and the karma he has to bear living with is too much for any regular mortal to handle. He needed to push you away.
“Don’t you have anything better to do than invite me over for something as trivial as this?” He would say coldly, not even wanting to sit down at this point. “I don’t want to spend any time with you. I truly loathe people who force others to do activities that they don’t even want to do.”
His words were much harsher that day. Although a part of him did feel bad, he needed to do this. He had to, that’s what he told himself. It didn’t bother him when you started choking into tears, nor did it bother him to see that heartbroken expression that lingered on your face.
“I just wanted to spend time with the person I love.” Your voice cried out painfully as you attempted to walk closer to him. “I would follow you everywhere, through everything and anything! You just have to let me in to your heart, Xiao!”
“Do you have any idea how stupid you sound right now? I will never love a mortal like you.”
The rejection was clear as day. He didn’t love you back. All of the time he has spent with you, the way he held you up gently after fighting some monsters, his small smile when you made him almond tofu for the first time; those memories were all rendered meaningless as he cut you open with his words.
But somehow, you knew this would happen. Your eyes looked defeated as you stared at him right then and there. You gave him a heart wrenching smile, which was a look that puzzled him the most.
He could never forget the look on your face. With eyes that stained with tears, and a beautiful, forced smile, Xiao knew that this was finally the end.
“I understand. Goodbye then, Xiao.”
He shut his eyes as you disappeared from his sight. It was inevitable that you would leave that day, yet the discomfort originating from his chest would not disappear.
Yes, this was something he had to do, no matter how painful it was, no matter how attached he was getting to you.
You never called him after that for a while. He thought it was a blessing, but somehow, the silence made it even more eerie. Like a singular piece of jigsaw that was lost amongst a thousand pieces of a puzzle.
"Xiao…” he heard you say after some time had passed. A weak voice. He knew something was wrong.
There, he found you. Laid in a puddle of crimson red. Everything was in slow motion at this point to him. He wasn't even able to assess the situation before he had pulled you immediately into his arms, calling out your own name in worry.
There was no response.
Thoughts of anger and regret washed through him, just like the heavy pouring rain that diluted your blood, like thunder that roared through the lands out of despair.
That day, he realized that this was the last time you would ever call his name.
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Zhongli x "I’m sorry I couldn’t get to you."
The Geo Archon was a magnificent entity, one that inspired awe and respect from many individuals. You were but one of them who admired—no, more like adored him.
You fought alongside Morax in many battles to protect Liyue. It was your pride and joy to help with this almighty god.
But as often as you tried to pursue his affections, wanting Morax to look at you and you only, his gaze never seemed to find yours.
With a look gentler than any soft breeze in the plains of Liyue herself, you had never seen such an expression from him. He looked at Guizhong with such a tenderness, even dedicating a beautiful song on the lyre for her, bringing her glaze lilies to bloom from such a lovely song. You wondered if you could ever compete with such a beautiful goddess like her.
Your hands were tainted in blood, the malice of monsters and demons leaving scars all over your hands and arms. Your words were rougher with others, as you belonged on the battlefield, compared to the wise and kind-hearted God of Dust.
You were distracted more than usual one day, and you were injured quite badly in a battle with monsters. With blood pouring from the side of your rib cage, you immediately went to Morax to seek help. You could feel his divinity from miles away, and when you arrived to the area he supposedly stayed, your heart ached as he held Guizhong’s cheeks so gently. It hurt worse than any wound that you have even sustained.
You couldn’t help but drop your weapon. The loud clang echoed through the courtyard, and that was when the man had finally and actually looked at you.
Shock had laced in his golden eyes, his hands dropped down from her cheek to his side as he had realized the state you were currently in.
Your eyes had started to glaze over, tears pouring down your cheeks as you felt your own heart break. Your emotions were so strong, yet so ugly, that even the plants had started to wilt around you. You didn’t want him to see you like this, so you immediately turned your back away from him.
“Y/n, are you okay?!” His voice shouted as his footsteps drew closer to you, but your cold voice cut him off.
“Don’t take a single step towards me, Morax.”
He paused, unsure of whether or not to continue forward judging from your tone. Even as your blood seeped to the ground, staining the earth and dyeing the flowers around you a crimson red, you remained turned away from him.
You walked away from your unrequited love, ignoring his calls and pleas as he asked you to come back so he could treat your wounds.
You shut your eyes, enveloping yourself in the darkness.
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naomeii · 3 months
Hello! I've got an angsty request:
Guizhong is absolutely convinced that Zhongli loves her in a romantic way, only to find out the hard way that he'll never love her like he loves you; the lady he spoiled and adored to this very day.
Truly yours.
—Pairings: Zhongli x Gn!Reader
Content: Death, angst, unrecruited feelings, drabble
☆instead of Guizhong perishing in the canon, it was you who perished.
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The moon hung low in the Liyue sky as Zhongli awoke, drenched in cold sweat. The haunting nightmare had revisited him - the vivid image of you, battered and lifeless on the ground, his hands stained with your blood. He could still feel the weight of his spear dropping from his grasp as he knelt beside your limp form, crying out in anguish.
Zhongli glanced at the clock; it was nearly time to meet Guizhong. The two had grown closer after your passing, and she had misconstrued their connection as something more than a shared grief. Zhongli, though, remained stoic and composed as he washed away the remnants of the night's torment.
As he met Guizhong beneath the cherry blossom tree, she took a deep breath, her eyes revealing the nervous anticipation within her. "Zhongli," she began, "I cannot deny the feelings that have grown within me. Since we've spent so much time together, I thought… I thought you might feel the same way."
Zhongli's gaze softened, but his response was unwavering. "Guizhong, our connection is born of shared loss and companionship. I cannot reciprocate those feelings in the way you desire."
Her hopeful expression faded, replaced by a somber realization. "I see," she whispered, her eyes dropping to the ground.
Later, as she wandered through the quiet cemetery, she noticed Zhongli kneeling at your grave. Tears glistened in his eyes as he gently placed glaze lilies - your favorite flowers - on the cold stone. Guizhong's heart sank, realizing that you were the one Zhongli truly loved, adored, and spoiled.
Unable to bear the weight of unrequited love, she approached him. "Zhongli," she hesitated before continuing, "Do you ever wonder… if I were in their place instead, would things be different?"
Zhongli looked at her, his eyes reflecting both sorrow and determination. "No, Guizhong. Love cannot be forced or replaced. Each person holds a unique place in our hearts. What we shared, though meaningful, was different. And in honoring their memory, I must carry the weight of my feelings alone."
With those words, Zhongli returned his attention to your grave, leaving Guizhong to grapple with the reality that the love she sought would forever elude her.
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lum1nesc3nce · 25 days
Writers hear me out🙏🙏🙏🙏
As we all know that Zhongli would sacrifice his love for the sake of his nation NOW what if he kills his lover(also a god btw 🙂‍↕️) but the lover survives and gets nerfed. Basically becomes a mere immortal with horrific memories of getting stabbed by Zhongli (I'd let him hit tbh 🤷‍♀️)
If any writer gets inspired by this corny ahh idea PLEADE OLEADE PLEASE PELASE TAG ME ok ty 💋
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wondermilka · 11 months
Tragedy Of A God
Pairing : Zhongli x gn! reader
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Synopsis : Zhongli sacrifices you for the sake of his nation.
Warning : angst , no comfort , death implied
" My nation is very dear to me "
" Dearer than I? "
" Yes. "
With your remaining strength, you desperately extended your bloodied hand towards the man before you.
His gaze lacking of warmth, his face displaying an unyielding expression as he held your fading body.
The icy pierce in his eyes is enough to shatter your heart into countless fragments.
Zhongli, the man you had loved with all your heart, had made the unimaginable choice. He had chosen his nation over you, over your love.
With each labored breath, he managed to whisper, "My nation is very dear to me." His grip on you tightened.
Your voice laced with regret as you replied, "Dearer than I?"
The pain in his eyes matched the ache in your voice as he mustered the strength to reply, "I'm afraid dearer than you."
Tears cascaded down your cheeks, mingling with the blood that stained your trembling hands.
"I love you," you choked out, the words weighted with both heartbreak and understanding. "But I cannot bear witness to this. To the sacrifice you're willing to make."
Zhongli's grip loosened slightly, his face etched with a mixture of anguish and resolve. "Please understand, my love," he pleaded. "The burden I bear is not one I choose, but one that destiny has placed upon me."
Knowing that his duty demanded the ultimate sacrifice shattered the illusion of a future you had once envisioned together. In that moment, love and sorrow waged a battle within you, tearing at the fabric of your soul.
With the last vestiges of strength fading away, you reached up to gently cup Zhongli's face, tracing the lines etched by the weight of his responsibility.
"I understand" you whispered, your voice barely audible.
Zhongli's eyes, filled with anguish, locked with yours. "I never wanted to hurt you," he murmured, his voice heavy with regret.
"I know," you replied, your voice filled with a mix of sadness and acceptance. "But you have made your choice, Zhongli. And I have made mine."
With your final breath, you whispered words you hoped would find solace in his wounded heart. "May your sacrifices bring prosperity and peace to Liyue. Farewell, my love."
As your life slipped away, the weight of your sacrifice settled heavily upon Zhongli's chest. He cradled your lifeless body in his arms, the enormity of his decision consuming him. The cold winds that swept through the desolate landscape echoed the void left by your absence, leaving behind a somber reminder of the price paid for the sake of a nation.
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theastrical · 13 days
a heritage
a short drabble; where zhongli kept on seeing the same you all over again in all of your different lifetimes; in the same exact moment you forget his existence. Hence, he keep all of your favorite stuff..in order for him not to forget a single part of your past lives with him.
zhongli x reader
“It’s not like you would remember me..” , he said that nonchalantly. His palm delicately folding yours. Making sure it felt secure and comfortable, at least for him, it felt like warming up a cold blanket; comfortable yet…exhausting.
he looks at you…his smile hasn’t appeared and you don’t know when will it ever appear again.
“then at least, take what’s left from me.”
“i have done so ever since your 2nd life begun and it didn’t help you recover your memory from those lives you’ve been through…it’s useless.”
“but you still keep it and that speaks volumes. You’re a hypocrite..” you laugh quietly, wanting to make him at least hate you or even get mad at you. Just a hint of emotion is what you crave for.
“because you took so long.” he whispers, his head has dropped onto the floor, like he was defeated from a certain question. “and i miss you.” The end of his words stung that same spot on your heart. emotion is a weakness that zhongli can easily point out from you…yet it’s also the same strength you have that he lacks off.
either because him reflecting his emotion means that he become human overtime or…
his figure tremble slightly and suddenly a sudden cough was heard before he confesses..“I’m sorry…even in your 13th life, i’m still crying over your mortality. I’m so stupid for loving you…it’s addicting to be involved in pain.”
oh my zhongli, whatever happened to your eyes? It has never been this warm…
or has it? no…i don’t know. I will never know.
“I’m relieving history again and somehow..it feels so good…” he say that before crying even further. His tears are running down like a waterfall. Yet he doesn’t even squints his eyes or have that trembling mouth curve. He’s tired of crying. He’s tired of me.
he gently takes off your ring…
“even gods hate to see death, you know?”
he kisses the back of your palm. “I can feel you losing your own self now…”
he kisses your fingertips. “then just…rest, i’ll wait again.”
“you’ve grown old, you’ve lived off towards good and bad moments…you’ve done what you could to stay with me in this life.”
“someday, i’ll find you again. And i’ll make sure, you remember me before you die. Just like this time…that time…and the next.”
you smile, your eyes puffy from his words. You wishes more but…80 years? That’s basically 8 seconds for him but 500 years for you. But That’s okay. That will always be okay. Because you know, death will be painless, death will come and go just like when his lips taste yours for the very last time.
“goodnight zhongli.”
and there’s your ring…between your favorite items beside his collection of your favorite stuffs in your past life.
ring…flower petals…piece of cloth…and…just a picture of you and him.
“for zhongli, don’t forget me!”
because soon, his duty is to remind you of him…and to make sure, his immortality is spent for you, and only you.
taglist: @esthelily @indarius @n0tamused @sangoqueenkoko @voidlesslove @lyralibra @eroxotckv @rikasurl @dailypenpen @daydreaming-paradies
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prttykittes · 6 months
:3 anon
tw:nerco(fucking a dead person), kinda angsty, gn ready (you/yours)
OK so after a bit of time, i’ve finally got a grasp on necro. And after a bit of debate i decided to use Zhongli.
reader is from Liyue so they will be wearing a traditional hanfu from the Song Dynasty.
The Archon war left so many nations in shambles and in disarray. You fought so hard for your people. But in the end you couldn’t make it. Zhongli was right beside you when you passed. He made sure to comfort you as you faded from existence. His arms wrapped around you as the light in your eyes faded. He kissed your forehead before kissing your body admiring its beauty. His hands caressed your face and body as he continued to whisper in your ear of your lifeless body about how much he loves you. His hand slowly began to take off your pibo and your beizi from your body. He admired the lovely stitching and designs on the fabric before softly pushing up your Ruqun exposing your body to him. he lays his head down on your body one more to maybe just maybe hear a heartbeat once more. He kisses your wrist and goes up your arm to your lips. His kiss was so tender and genuine as if you were still alive. He began to softly cry and beg for forgiveness from you as he begins to make love with you one last time. It was so soft and gentle. The soft thrusts he did as he cries and says sorry as he kisses your forehead. You felt so cold. His face buried in the crook of your neck to inhale your sent. you smelt like tea and roses. It only fueled his sadness as he continued to fuck your dead body. “F-fuck, i’m so sorry love. I..I can’t leave you. I’m so sorry. Forgive me..” His hands were shaking as he came inside on you. He kissed you once more before burying you on the hill where you first met. On your gave he places his own pibo that you gave him for his birthday before leaving.
first time writing necro. I was planing on making it more like fucking a bullet wound but i decided not to cause i need to write more angst.
Woah, this is sad, damn. Good job, :3 anon!! I have no idea what to say tbh,
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haravath0t · 1 year
The Tale of the Lone Glaze Lily
A/N: hey guys!! Long time no see! After a whole year of not writing, I decided to go ahead and get back to it with a new fandom that I recently got into! It’s my first work for Genshin Impact, so I hope anyone reading this is satisfied! Thank you so much @honeystevie for being the best beta reader and for hearing me drone about this for god knows how long!
Summary: You, the goddess of song, decided to celebrate Morax’s birthday one day in Mt. Tianheng with a glaze lily. Who would have thought thousands of years later the memory was as clear as day, with a lone glaze lily yet to bloom standing in its place?
Pairing: Zhongli x god!fem!reader
Word Count: 2.4 K
Content/Content Warnings: angst, mentions of death (reader), fluff, a tiny deviation from the lord to fit the plot
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“Morax!” You cheer gleefully, skipping towards his figure before cupping his cheeks with your warm hands. “I have something to show you tonight, if you’re willing to join me.” Morax couldn’t help the smile that graced his face at the sound of excitement that laces your voice. Guizhong couldn’t help but laugh at the two of you as she collects the now empty cups from him and Cloud Retainer, who had paid the two a short visit in honor of Morax’s birthday.
“I relieved him of his duties tonight, he’s all yours.” Guizhong says to you, before greeting Morax a happy birthday once more for the night.
“Lead the way,” he chuckles, his fingers laced with yours as you walk to Mount Tianheng begins. One that is filled with mindless conversation and laughter until you abruptly halt into a stop.
“I need you to close your eyes for me.” You say quickly, trying your best to cover his eyes with your own hands. He chuckles at this futile attempt.
“My dear,” he starts teasingly before closing his eyes. “You must think of much more clever ways to execute your plan.” A snicker cannot be held back by him as you hurl insults towards him as you guide him by the hand.
“Alright, Morax. Open your eyes for me.” And so he does, and the sight is one to behold: one that overlooks the unusually calm sea, with the stars of Teyvat and Liyue’s mountains providing a glamorous backdrop. “Isn’t it beautiful? I’ve been eyeing this place for ages, and I thought I could share it with you tonight on your birthday.” You say, nervously biting your lip as you analyze your lover’s handsome features as you sit yourselves down on the blanket you had laid out, never letting go of your hold on his hand.
Morax was speechless, for aside from the natural beauty surrounding you two, was a bottle of osmanthus wine alongside dishes that Marchosius had made. But one thing had caught his eye: a bud of a glaze lily. You chuckle nervously when you notice this, tightening your hold on his hand. You start to feel warm out of embarrassment, closing your eyes to ignore the gaze of your lover as your lips part to sing. Morax recognizes the song as the one you have always sang as you pranced through the flower fields alone, lips curving at the sound of the familiar melody as he looks at your embarrassed expression. His free hand could not help but gently cup your cheek. His smile widens seeing your eyes open wide in surprise as they meet his amber ones, shock being evident as your ears recognize his own deep voice singing the song alongside you.
Shock then turns into glee as you two sing the song together, feeling the rough pad of his thumb gently caress your cheek. It doesn’t take long until the familiar fragrance of the flower fills the air. The only time Morax felt you let go of his hand was to pluck the now bloomed flower and to tuck it into his hair. He sees you smile bashfully along with amusement, and the prime adeptus’ heart flutters. A once unfamiliar emotion now frequently visits the moment you are the center of his attention.
“You have sung this beautiful melody many times over, and have taught it to our people of the Guili Assembly. Is it wrong for me to want to sing it alongside you?” He asks curiously, watching as your eyes try to avoid him as you think of a response back.
“No, it’s just–” you start, letting your fingers entangle with his locks of hair. “Your voice, you singing my song is a gift to me, yet tonight was meant for me to be able to shower you with gratitude.” You giggle as he brings your body closer to his, your back against his chest as you overlook the sea below. The god is pensive as he nuzzles himself into your neck, his arms embracing you tightly as the coastal wind blows through you two.
“Y/N,” he calls affectionately, his soft and rich voice close to your ear. “This time has never been easy for the Guili Assembly, for the people that reside in it. It was not till Guizhong and I met that I began to see the vastness of this world. But more importantly, it was not until I met you in the field of glaze lilies that I began to see the world that you do.” He hears you giggle at his display of affection and feels your fingers gently trace the patterns that adorn his arms. “It’s true!” He huffs, “My ultimate point is, as long as I am still a reason to make you laugh, to make you smile, then my heart will constantly be full.”
You nibbled on your bottom lip, unable to process his words. Despite the intimate moments you two have shared, you still fail to acknowledge that Morax truly had only set his gaze upon you and willingly chose you and depended on you the way you had with him. Admitting that you were rendered speechless by his words, you opted to bring his hand to your lips, placing gentle kisses on each of his knuckles. “Morax. My Morax.” Joy is evident in your tone as you relax into his body, allowing the warmth to fully surround you.
Birthdays to Morax were a useless concept that humans adored. It definitely should not have to apply to beings like him, for his life span is so wide that generations of humans come and go in the snap of a finger. He used to scowl at the mere idea of joining humans, for it was as he argued, “was not part of the contract between him and humans”. However, seeing you actively celebrate with humans despite your age, and despite watching them come and go has made him think; maybe it was okay to commemorate the work done by him and the adepti, and be able to take a quick break. To step back and appreciate what has been done before he works again. He didn’t understand until this very moment as time stills in this intimate moment shared between the two of you. “Let’s stay like this,” he murmurs, rough fingers gently finding their way to your chin, allowing your eyes to meet as he repeats his request. “Let’s stay like this for a while.” His eyes marvel at your beauty as he notices the stars reflecting in your gentle and loving gaze. His gaze flickers between your eyes and your lips, unaware you were doing the same, wishing for this same request. You offer him a smile as your eyes close before you feel a gentle warmth on your lips.
A relieved sigh leaves Morax’s lips as his lips intertwined with yours, a selfish hold on you as he silently wishes for his eternity to consist of moments like this with you. “I love you, my songbird.” He murmurs affectionately, earning a hum from you in return before pulling away ever so slightly, breathless from the needy kiss.
“I love you too, Morax,” you breathe, “May your birthdays be filled with laughter and song. Just like tonight.”
That is now all but a memory he clenches so close to his chest, thousands of years later, in a new Liyue, without you. Each and every birthday he has experienced since your passing has caused him to reminisce of how things were before. This year has proven to be no different until the traveler and Paimon unknowingly snap him out of his reverie.
“Zhongli!” Paimon calls out, her arm waving as the man looks back at them with a kind smile. “It’s us! We wanted to see you for your special day! See? We even have your letter here!”
“Traveler, Paimon. What a surprise to see you too tonight,” He jokes with a small chuckle before motioning to the empty seats by the table. “Would you like to take a seat and have dinner beside me? My treat.”
“You know Paimon can never resist an offer for good food!” She squeals, feet kicking in the air as she takes her place beside the traveler.
It doesn’t take long for the three to squeeze in a short conversation after the orders are in, one that was, as always, leading to the retired archon to showcase his knowledge of Liyue’s rich history.
Iron Tongue Tian cuts their conversation short as he catches their attention as well as the other customers. “My dear customers, if it’s alright, I will now tell the tale of the Lone Glaze Lily.”
The crowd has completely hushed by the time he starts, even the traveler had looked upon the storyteller with such interest as he tells of yet another tale of Rex Lapis and Guizhong and the Guili Assembly, as well as how the goddess of dust had a particular liking to the now rare flower.
What the traveling pair had failed to see at first, was how the amber eyes of the former archon fell as the story went on.
By the time applause and cheers had arisen from the story’s conclusion, the traveler had looked at Zhongli and saw his seat now vacant. “Hey, where did Zhongli go?!” Paimon questions, worry evident in the floating companion’s voice as the food they ordered finally is set on the table. “He said it was his treat! Who has the Mora to pay for all this?!”
The traveler looks around and sees the ex-Archon take his usual leisurely stroll through Liyue Harbor, yet spots that it is as if he’s in a trance. The god strolled through Liyue Harbor, past Yujing Terrace, and up into Mt. Tianheng, where now sits a singular glaze lily. Planted by him, of course, in remembrance of you, yet it had not bloomed for ages. The hustle and bustle of Liyue Harbor is no longer present and is now replaced with the sound of birds and crickets as he sits down beside it, placing his offering of tea.
“Good evening, Y/N. My dear.”
Morax shuts his eyes tightly, desperately even, trying his hardest to remember you as if he just saw you yesterday. As if he had just met you singing to the glaze lilies. As if you had brought him up here for the first time. Anything to avoid the recurring painful memory he carries all too often. Taking a deep breath he opens his eyes and looks at the glaze lily before looking out at the harbor. “So much has happened this year,” he starts. “Everything I have thought about has been carried out. The era of the adepti has come to an end. But,” he halts, recalling how you willingly mingled with the people with such joy and little to no hesitation. “You must be looking down on this nation proudly. You probably even sensed it before I did, didn’t you?” As expected, silence is what he is met with, just as the millennia before and the millennia before.
“I see you almost everywhere, everyday.” The more he recognizes your songs still being sung by the various people in Liyue, the less he fights the tears that fall from his eyes. Only a tiny bitter laugh escapes his lips as he looks up to the skies of Teyvat, as if he’s searching for something. For someone. Hoping that they listen to his chatter.
“Today they told of the glaze lily you had planted for me here, dear. It’s quite evident the history of it had eroded and changed to the way it is told today,” he muses. “Thousands of years have passed, and yet the misconceptions that come with Guizhong and I as leaders of Liyue’s people continue on. Even our friend the traveler believes this to be true.”
He gazes on the flower, carefully observing it as it sways in the winter wind. “If only Liyue knew how much you offered to its people,” he sniffs, vision blurring as hot, salty tears stain his cheeks. “And what you have done for me.”
He no longer cares that these tears continue to fall, or if anyone watches them at all, for the sight of Liyue Harbor occupies his attention, and how you would adore the twinkling lights that flicker within all the buildings and shops. You would have loved people watching with him, seeing the Fishmongers drink together in joy or couples eyeing the waterfalls in Yujing Terrace. He’d even be willing to bet his last Mora that you would take him by the hand and take him back down to see if you can manage to be seated at the Pearl Galley and watch an opera. He would be willing to see you do this for millennia to come as long as he was beside you. He can only hope you would think that he did a good job. That he can finally call it a day and let the age of humans commence.
He can only hope that by having planted this glaze lily, that you have watched it all from here with a proud smile.
“Zhongli?” A voice calls softly, causing him to once again return to reality, turning his tear-stained face to see the traveler again.
“Ah, traveler,” Zhongli greets, wiping his cheeks with his gloved hands. “My apologies for my abrupt departure. I had to…think over some things.”
“That’s what I wanted to ask you about. What’s wrong? Did something put you deep in thought?” The traveler questions, taking a seat next to Zhongli.
Zhongli could not help but look over to the bud beside him. A small faint smile graces his face upon the realization that you can still live on despite the age of humans commencing.
And it can start with what he does best.
“If you can indulge me on this “birthday” traveler, I would like to tell you the true story of how this lone glaze lily sitting here beside me came to be.”
And so the traveler sits and listens as the retired archon once again recollects his memories of you, telling of how you have crossed paths with him to the songs you have left behind for the people of Liyue to sing. The traveler can even argue that genuine smiles appeared on Zhongli’s face as he kept talking about you.
If the traveler had looked over Zhongli’s shoulder as he sang the song you two sang that one night, they might even see the lone glaze lily changing beside him.
Its blue petals had spread, opening itself to hear the familiar song once again.
Comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! ❤️ | spin off found here!
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mistachesme · 2 years
Zhongli angst drabble
Heavy angst. Mentions of death.
His eyes instantly snaps open upon hearing your voice. The sight before him is beguiling - it's you, lying next to him on his bed.
"You haven't visited me in a while." He half complains, cupping your cheeks tenderly. Then he hears it, your melodic laughter that makes his eyes shut, as if he's trying to save the sound of you laugh in his memories.
"I'm sorry," You apologize sheepishly. "It takes a lot of my energy to visit you. I didn't mean to make you wait."
He pulls your face closer to him with a frown on his face.
"Don't apologise, darling." He breathes. "You are here. And that's enough."
You smile sadly at him. Every second you spend with him is precious 'cause the longer you are with him -
Forcing a smile, you lay your head against his warm chest.
"Your heart is racing. You are full of life." You sigh in relief. He doesn't say anything, only rubs your back in tender motion.
"May I ask you something?"
"Yes, darling." You felt his lips move against your hair.
"How do I feel?" You tentatively question. His whole body turns stiff. You know it must be the most cruel question anyone ever asked him. But you must know. You need to know that you are -
"Cold." Zhongli chokes. "You feel cold."
"I see." There's a wonder in your voice. "That's how I feel."
Fate is cruel to you. All you wanted was to be with him. Forever. You never meant to hurt him.
Zhongli plants a soft kiss on your forehead when you lift your head to look him in the eye.
"What is it darling?" Zhongli asks.
You cannot recognise this zhongli before you. He is looking at you with so much longing, traces the curve of your lips with his fingers in concentration as if trying to memorize the softness of your lips. No, the zhongli you knew was a happy man.
But this zhongli before you is a broken man.
"Let me go." You whisper. His face visibly crumbles at that.
"Can't do that."
"I can't keep doing this."
"Please don't say that." His voice breaks.
"You need to." You beg, desperately grabbing his shirt. "Let me go, zhongli. Be happy."
He's crying. You hate to see the look of grief on his face. You hate it so much.
"If I let you go, I won't remember you." His trembling hands hold the side of your face like he's holding a fragile glass. One motion and you will break.
You nod your head.
"You won't remember." You agree gently. "You don't need to remember me zhongli 'cause I'm already -"
"Don't say that aloud." He fearfully whispers.
"Dead." You finish.
You made a mistake once, a terrible one. Greed made you strike a deal with a devil. One wrong move and you will suffer a terrible fate. So here you are cursed even after you breathed your last - struck between life and death. The only way to free you from this curse is if everyone you know forgets you. And, zhongli was the only one you ever had all your life.
"Forget me." You plead. "Every second I spend with you, hurts me. My body can't bear this pain anymore."
And then the dam breaks. Both of you are sobbing in each other's arms.
He hugs you until it hurts. Kisses you until his lungs beg for air. Stares into your eyes until he realises that time would never be enough. It was never enough when it came to you in the first place.
"What do I need to do?" He asks in resignation, heart growing heavier. This would be his last time with you, and he will not break down when he's letting you go forever.
You tell him the words to undo the curse. And then you wait for him to say something.
In these final moments, he doesn't know what he should say.
"I love you. I'm glad I met you." Zhongli finally whispers, before planting a kiss on your nose.
"I love you, and I will always be watching you, zhongli. You may not remember or feel my presence but a part of me will always be with you." You assure him with a beaming smile.
When the morning comes, he will not remember you. He will not miss the sight of you in his bed, snoring and very much asleep.
He will walk through the streets of liyue and not remember the times he passed through those very streets with your hand in his.
He will not remember plucking your favourite flowers nor your beautiful smile when he hands you the flowers nervously.
He will eat his dinner alone and not remember any of your favourite food nor will he remember the taste of your cooking.
Most importantly, he won't remember that he once loved you.
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thelonelyarchon · 5 months
I rewatched “I want to eat your pancreas” (live action) movie and now the hormones and chemicals that makeup my brain and allow my body tofunction is thoroughly fucked up so I am in the mood for angsty hcs.
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what if…
you were a terminally ill liyuean citizen given only one year to live by dr. baizhu and changsheng, and you are also zhongli’s assistant. assistant? well, more like closest confidant. hu tao specifically trained and hired you for this position knowing your skills and knowledge are almost on par with his. it was a perfect duo! and in less than 5 years, you’ve grown quite fond of one another. however, you were his silent admirer.
you loved the man. despite your illness, you’re surprised you were able to live thus far. and for years, you’ve noticed how melancholic the consultant looked whenever lantern rite comes around.
it didn’t take long for you to realize it was all because of one person: guizhong, the deceased goddess of dust.
you’ve suspected it for a while. you found out while he was asleep and in his relaxed state, his heart was unguarded and left for someone to know of who it holds dear. but oh you didn’t meant to! you were only meant to serve him tea… but you didn’t imagine you’d find yourself mourning with him.
not because you were sad for him, but because his heart belonged to someone dead and gone. you don’t want to be another burden now, do you?
so you distanced yourself, slowly. until such time nobody even noticed how the light in your eyes seemed to lose its bright glimmer, or how your once wide smiles grew impish and almost forced. or how your once radiant, pinkish skin lost its luster and bright glow.
and until such time, with how much you’ve distanced yourself, zhongli never noticed the lack of your presence in the funeral parlor.
zhongli would one day look at your desk with a strange look and knitted forehead. he’d be out and about to find the funeral director.
“director, hu tao, have you seen y/n? i… y/n’s absence lately is worrisome. have something happened that i didn’t know about?” he’d asked.
and like she was bathed in cold ice, hu tao failed to ignite the spunky fire within her—the usual look the consultant would see on his friend and boss—and that scared him.
“h-haven’t you heard? y/n’s… gone. fatui skirmishers ambushed a local tavern near luhua pool and unfortunately y/n was one of th…”
the ex-archon would not even let the young girl finish. what for? to allow himself to hear of yet another loss in his life?
in the end, you would be another name uttered whenever zhongli rests—when he is most vulnerable. your name uttered in solemn grieving, together with guizhong’s.
what a terrible friend you are, y/n. in the end, you’ve become a burden to him too.
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a/n: i don’t know what i just wrote i’m going with the flow here. my eyes hurt fr crying so much :’(
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intriq · 10 months
✧ Starfall
contents: more angst, the "in another life" trope
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Zhongli knew that falling in love was going to be hard for him, considering he was an Archon who could at any moment suffer the dire effects of erosion.
Not to mention he’d likely outlive any lover he had.
But yet, when he’d come across you in his early years as a young god during the Archon War, you had already settled down in life. In that lifetime, Zhongli only admired you, and did not think it would be right of him to fall further for you.
So he spent his youth making sure the home you’d made, now lost to time among the now bustling Liyue Harbor, having been built over for centuries, was safe. You never once suffered the effects of the Archon War, and was among the first to settle in the now present-time Liyue Harbor.
A few thousand years later, during the fall of Khaenri’ah, he’d met you again. And this time, you were still within your youth, likely your mid to late 20’s, looking almost exactly alike to the you in your previous life.
So he allowed himself to fall for you after just doing a bit of work to find information on whether or not you were in love already.
And when it was confirmed you had yet to fall for anyone, he swooped in to take you for himself.
A risky endeavor, considering you would only be a fleeting existence in his eternal life, and he treasured you greatly. Anything you could ever want, he would bring you. Anywhere you wished to be, he would bring you.
And whenever you’d need him by your side, he was there, your hand gently cradled in his.
And before Zhongli had known it, he had fallen for you so greatly that he could not imagine existing without you. He was almost desperate, wanting so desperately to make you a god yourself that you would always be with him.
But for a human to become a god was impossible.
And when Kheanri’ah was destroyed, he rushed to your aide as the swarms of monsters came. He rushed as fast as he could, hurrying to your aide as Liyue held its own, making the swarm follow them back into the Chasm, causing the soldiers and the one Yaksha inside to be lost.
But that did not hold any weight in Zhongli’s heart, as he’d so desperately abandoned Liyue’s army to rush back to your side, to make sure you were safe.
And when he did return, his sight was greeted by your home nothing but a charred crisp, with a trail of blood from the charred door at the front to you.
You were leaned against a large rock, and blood pooled beneath you, and the sight made Zhongli instantly fall to his knees by your side.
His blood in that instant was as cold as your lifeless body, and you almost looked to be peacefully sleeping, if it were not for the wounds on your body.
His hands tremble as he holds you in his arms, one hand shaking terribly as it moves up to cup your face. He calls your name, his thumb running over your cheek as he hopes your just sleeping, hoping to delude himself as to your true fate.
He pulls your lifeless body closer to his chest, his head hanging as he weeps, still calling out your name over and over until his voice is hoarse and his throat raw.
After many hours when he is no longer able to cry and no longer able to call your name, he buries you. And after you are buried, he erects a mountain above your gravesite, a mountain which is now known as Qingyun Peak. The abodes of his adeptus rest around it, guarding your gravesite.
And now, five-hundred years later, his heart still bitter of your loss, he is stunned to discover you.
He was sitting at Third-Round Knockout when he’d heard your voice. Despite hearing you many years ago, it still rings clear as day in his mind, his heart recognizing it instantly. His head turns, almost dropping the cup of tea in his hands as his gaze locks on you.
Even despite this being probably your third or more reincarnation, he knows its you. He knows it, for you have the same hair, the same face. Everything about the way you looked and acted was the same.
But most of all, your voice was the same.
He practically jumps out of his seat, his cup of tea long abandoned on the table now. And as he approaches he freezes as he hears you speak and show your hand to the friend you were with.
A ring glints in the light as he stops, his gaze locked on it. You were engaged.
You had fallen in love before he could find you again, and his heart is torn.
The greeting he was going to give you doesn’t make it past his lips as he can only watch you walk away with your friend, gushing with a voice so full of love about your fiancé. A voice that he wished could only be for him.
His hands clench into fists as he watches you disappear, the wound in his heart opening as he is reminded of the pain he’d felt when he’d discovered your dead body in your previous life.
In this life, you were meant to be with another. He could only hope that in another couple hundred years, he’d be still left alone by erosion so he could fall in love with you again before anyone else could.
And so, he turns, departing the center of Liyue Harbor as he tries to console himself. A few hundred years would go by quickly, he hopes. He could wait that long. After all, he waited five-hundred years to see you again.
He could try to be patient once more.
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melozykizzes · 1 year
broken promises // angst, zhongli x reader if you squint. possible part 2.
warnings: physical hitting, sorrow and agony. reader has some shitty attachment issues.
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what day was it? you don’t know. do you care? no.
it has been now 1 year since you had last seen your husband, ajax. you can’t quite remember what happened. your heart tightens at the thought of him. your laying pathetically lying on your bed, looking at a photograph of you and ajax. your afraid of forgetting his voice, his face, how he’d always make sure you felt safe. you let out a slow tear, oh how you miss him.
“ajax, are you really taking this mission up? i-i mean what if something goes wrong.. or- or if you have to stay to long, or-“ ajax cuts you off. “you know the rules, once your called on for a mission you have to stay until the mission is seized. it is my duty’s as an harbinger.” ajax said coldly, looking away from your teary eyed face.
ajax, or i should now say tartaglia. was called in for a private mission. a mission to capture the balladeer, other harbingers, and fatui members have tried. it has been over 5 months since you ever seen or heard of them, you can not let that happen to ajax.
“please, ajax just hear me out. none of us knows what happened to those other harbingers. it’s been months since we’ve heard of them!”you raise your voice, and tighten your fists. “like you would know.” ajax turns around and looks at you, dead in the eye
“and, stop calling me ajax. i must now fully go by tartaglia, the eleventh of the fatui harbingers.” what had gotten gotten into him?! you’ve never seen him like this. ajax turns around and starts walking towards the door, but you catch up to him as quick as you can and grab his wrist.
“please ajax, don’t go. don’t leave me. you promised you wouldn’t-“ you were cut off with a harsh slap to your face. you look at him in disbelief, you let go of your hand and use it to comfort the burning sensation on your cheek. tears start rolling down your face.
“i don’t make promises.” he turned around, and walked out the door.
you tried, calling him, contacting him. asked around for him “tartaglia?” many strangers said. you felt as if you were going insane, delusional. now you are walking around your house, your guys shared house. acting as if nothing happened. you pretended as if he was just on a short mission, just about to come home from a hard day at work, ready to walk in and give you a big hug. you feel tears stroll down your face. you don’t know how much mornings you haven’t been mourning for him, calling out his name.
your always waiting, patiently for him to come home.
you hear a knock at your door. you look up immediately and run straight to it, with tears already running down your face. you turn the knob immediately. “ajax!!” you say, hugging the figure.
“Y/N?” you look up and see zhongli. your heart tightens, you feel disappointed. you tighten your hands around him and bury your face into his chest. it has been months since you had last seen someone. you start breaking down, sobbing on his chest. he looks at you, with sympathy. “oh, Y/N..” he hugs you back and let’s you cry, while he pats your back. “i’m afraid that, im not childe. but i can help you with your loss. i understand.”
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calqlate · 1 year
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— In which a contract wife is loved by someone else.
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SUMMARY: As the wife of the famous big shot in the wine industry, you have everything you could ever ask for — a beautiful mansion, endless wealth, servants at your beck and call... However, you lack the one thing you yearn for: love. With your beloved husband neglecting you and being stuck in a loveless marriage, you decide to end it all, only to be stopped by a man whom you have never met before, and who also coincidentally happens to be your soulmate. In addition, there just might seem to be more than what meets the eye in regards to your peculiar soulmate, and you just might have to find that out for yourself.
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PAIRING(S): zhongli x f! reader + diluc x f! wife! reader
FEATURING: childe + hu tao + jean gunnhildr + kaeya alberich + lumine
GENRE(S): arranged/contract marriage au + modern au + soulmate au (you have a timer on your wrist which counts down to the moment you meet your soulmate) + angst (with a happy ending)
CW(S)/TW(S): (possible) canon divergence (creative liberties are taken) + character death + contains depictions/mentions of blood, gore, suicide attempts, and violence + (possible) spoilers from the canon/official lore + use of childe's real name
WC: 3.3k and counting
STATUS: ongoing (slow updates)
NOTE(S): reader is not the traveller + visions do not apply/exist + inspired by the manhwa onsaemiro
A/N: reblogs are greatly appreciated! also, if you'd like to be added to the taglist, notify me by completing this form!
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zero | you, your beloved husband, and a pretty stranger
one | someone who cares
two | your saviour, your soulmate, the man accented in gold
three | he who carries distant memories
four | tba
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© 2023 CALQLATE. all rights reserved. please do not copy, modify, repost, or translate my works on any platform.
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scaras-silly-girl · 10 months
just thinking about how much zhongli has lost but how much he loves you anyways. he's going to lose you too eventually, you're only mortal. despite the loss he knows he'll have to face one day, despite how much it hurts to know this won't last forever, he loves you. even when you're long gone and liyues moved to a era, zhongli still loves you. it was always worth it to love you. when he's drinking tea with you on a hot summers day, or strolling through liyue harbor, hand in hand, and even when he stands by your gravestone, telling you about his day, it will always have been worth it.
im actually sobbing how do my little thoughts turn into stupid drabbles-
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lumenlilies · 2 years
Foolish Hearts
pairing: zhongli x gn!reader
cw: angst/comfort(?), fluff, mutual pining (kind of?), probably ooc xiao and zhongli
word count: 1.9k
summary: after getting your confession rejected by certain funeral parlor consultant, you take a visit to wangshu inn to see xiao. he isn’t impressed by the current situation presented to him.
notes: i’ll probably edit this since it’s been so long since i’ve written something. i’m sorry if it’s absolute shite. nonetheless, this is a super self-indulgent fic and i hope you enjoy it as much as i’ve enjoyed writing. cheers!
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“He’s a fool.” Xiao murmured as he ate the almond tofu prepared by you.
“Huh? What do you mean?” Your eyebrows furrowed as the yaksha suddenly filled the silence with a single statement. He looked at you for a moment and finished the dessert, setting the empty bowl next to him.
You and Xiao were currently at one of Wangshu Inn’s terraces, sitting at the edge of the terrace floor with wooden railings situated between you and the vast expanse below. The sun was setting when you decided to visit your self-proclaimed best friend to tell him the story about a confession that was met with a painful rejection. Of course, that story was yours.
“You already know what I mean, [Name].” He looked down at the waterscape below with what seemed to be annoyance adorning his face. 
You tilt your head in confusion, aware that he could see the gesture from the corner of his eyes. The man sighed and uttered one word that answered your question, “Zhongli.”
So, that was what’s plaguing his mind. Turning towards the sky, you hummed in response as there was nothing to say. You’ve said your piece to the consultant of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor and confessed the ever-growing feelings you had for him.
If there was a word to describe the confession, it was spontaneous, that was for sure. You winced a little just thinking about it.
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“I’ve fallen for you.” 
Those words were uttered during one of your evening walks with Zhongli, when the urge to confess was suddenly stronger than the cowardice that chained your heart. It was a regular occurrence for the people of Liyue to see you and the man walking side by side around the harbor, talking about Archons know what.
Zhongli stopped in his tracks and froze beside you. You didn’t know if that was because he was surprised at your unexpected confession or because he was finding the right words to reject you as kindly as he could. You were hoping it was the former then he would just drop the subject. Or maybe it was both and he was just taking his time to let you down easy.
With a heavy heart, you took your eyes away from Zhongli and gazed at the moon as you prepared for the heartbreak that was about to come. It was a cold night at the harbor and a cool gust of wind blew from the tranquil sea that oversaw your exchange with Zhongli. 
Your hands instinctively wrapped around your arms and before you realized it, there was a warmth that enveloped your body. It took a moment before you registered that it was from Zhongli’s coat. Its weight on your shoulders was assuring and the warmth from it comforting. 
You trailed your eyes away from the moon and looked back at the man who received your confession. Rather than seeing his face laced with distaste, there was a small but sympathetic smile. The words behind that smile you loved oh so much were unmistakable, “I’m sorry.” It seemed to say.
Ah. You knew it was coming, but the endless what-if scenarios of rejection couldn’t prepare you for the sheer reality that was in front of you right now. That reality was as clear as day on his face, his feelings weren’t the same as yours.
“[Name],” His amber eyes locked onto yours and you took an uneasy breath. Taking a small step back, you tried composing yourself; however, the blur of your vision betrayed you. Zhongli took notice of this and cradled your face in his hands. In any other scenario, this would send your heart into a frenzy, but right now? It only served as a catalyst for you to dissolve into tears.
“It… it would be better if you were to not have affections for me.” His hands reluctantly dropped back to his side and straight away, you replaced them with yours. While you were shielding your weeping eyes from his view, he whispered, “I apologize.”
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You could only think back on the memory with an ache in your heart. Sometimes, you questioned whether it was even a good idea to risk the friendship you had with the consultant for feelings that were evidently unrequited. However, what’s done is done and now, you can only think of a way to recover the relationship you had with Zhongli before the events that transpired.
You leaned into the railings and answered Xiao, “It’s not like I can change how Zhongli feels about me.” 
He only gave you a look of irritation and muttered something under his breath. You couldn’t catch what it was and asked him to repeat his words. Xiao didn’t hide the agitation on his face as he answered you, “I said, Zhongli li-”
“I’ve been looking all over the harbor for you, [Name].” 
Before Xiao could finish his sentence, he was disrupted by a deep voice that held a relieved tone.
You and Xiao turned back towards the source and at the entrance of the terrace, you saw a tall figure approaching. Anyone could tell that it was Zhongli who entered. Who else possessed those glowing amber eyes and a voice so deep it could shake mountains?
You felt your heart squeeze the closer he got. You weren’t sure if it was because you had to face the aftermath of your last conversation, or if it was because of those lips that held a gentle curve. 
“It’s because I have to confront him. It’s definitely that.” You convinced your mind. “Please stop beating so fast.” You told your heart.
Zhongli stopped his steps and bent down to meet your current height. “Shall I accompany you back?” He asked you, eyes hesitant but hopeful as he waited for an answer.
You looked away and faced the terrace’s view once more. Your hands gripped the railings as you considered your options. Right now, you could say yes and enjoy another one of your excursions with Zhongli, though it is accompanied by the added fear of him bringing up your feelings. Or you could reject him and keep sitting with Xiao until dawn came. This one, meanwhile, had the added bonus of what-if scenarios filling up your mind. It was an easy decision for you.
“Zhongli, I’ll be fine. You can go back and I can stay here.” You assured him, heart still racing with how little distance there was between him and you.
“It’s already very late, I can walk you home.” He urged.
You did not budge and your grip on the railings only became tighter. You should’ve known that he wouldn’t take no for an answer, especially if it came to your safety. 
Zhongli studied your figure and stood up. It seemed that you were extra stubborn today. “Xiao cannot look after you the whole night.” He reasoned.
You immediately turned your head towards Xiao to ask him, “I can stay here, right?” Your voice was clear and composed, but the glint in your eyes pleaded for him to agree. You couldn’t take another minute near Zhongli’s presence, not when you felt like your heart was about to burst.
“Zhongli’s correct, [Name]. It’s late.” 
You blinked at the yaksha as his words registered in your head. Once you realized that your final resort was gone, your eyes widened and the grip you had on the railings loosened. Your mind was now running on thoughts of hitting Xiao and how you’d face Zhongli, seeing as he still had an effect on you, a frustrating effect that made your face flush and your heart skip a beat. 
Knowing it was a lost battle, you took your legs back from the edge and stood up, brushing the non-existent dust off your clothes. 
“You didn’t need to fetch me, you know?” You said, still preoccupied with your already neat garments. 
“I could’ve even asked Verr to give me a room for the night.” You mumbled softly. You had no idea how long you were going to do this act, but if it meant less contact with Zhongli, then Archons you’ll keep making yourself look like an idiot. 
Unfortunately for you, the man had other plans. Before you knew it, your hands were captured by larger ones, taking your focus away from the clothes. Your head shot up and you were met with amber pools. A few seconds passed before you averted your gaze, heat creeping up towards your face as you inwardly cursed.
Zhongli released your hands and cleared his throat. Hearing the sound, you took a glance and noticed that his hand was extended towards you, “Shall we go?”
“You aren’t going to take no for an answer anyway.” You huffed, blushing pink.
Before you placed your hand in his, you took in the man that was Zhongli. At the sight of those amber orbs, brown locks, and pink lips, you felt your breath hitch and your stomach fill with butterflies.
“He’s truly a sight to behold.” You thought.
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And for Xiao who kept his attention towards you and Zhongli, he could testify that truly, the former Geo archon was a sight to behold. 
“It’s strange.” He thought.
The yaksha’s intense gaze was dead set on Zhongli, who was too preoccupied with your person to even feel a pair of golden orbs observing his face and piercing his back. 
Currently, you were discreetly eyeing a plant in front of you while Zhongli was stifling a laugh. Xiao examined the look on latter's face and recalled a conversation he had with him.
“Would you ever fall for a mortal?”
“Why do you ask that?”
“It was just a thought that passed my mind.”
“Now that I am in this form, there is a chance… however, I cannot fathom the many hardships a god and human could face if they were to have romantic relations.”
“And if they still wanted you despite the fact?”
“...I would rather keep those feelings in check, Xiao.”
Despite what he had told the Adeptus, the fondness in those glowing eyes wasn't what he would describe as “Keeping those feelings in check.”
The anemo user studied Zhongli’s face once more and there was no denying it. The gentle smile that adorned his lips when he saw you acting bashful? That lovestruck expression on his face? The same one that Xiao recalled the lovers in Wangshu Inn gave each other, now directed towards you by the same man who rejected your confession? There could only be one reason for that.
No matter what you call him, whether it be the Lord of Geo, Morax, Rex Lapis, or Zhongli. No matter how you know him, the ruthless war god from a time passed or the funeral parlor consultant who’s a bit too knowledgeable. There was only one constant at this place and at this moment in time – Zhongli was absolutely smitten with the mortal in front of him.
“He’s a fool. An absolute fool.” Xiao whispered.
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Little do you know about how Zhongli felt when you told him those four words. If only you looked at his face that night at Liyue Harbor, you’d see the pained expression of a man who longed to embrace you amidst the chill of night. His voice yearning to tell you comforting words and that he, too, had fallen for you.
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hikaru-sama · 5 months
Zhongli x [Reader] angst/no confort pt2
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This post will make reference to THIS other post.
Ft. Traveler and Dainsleif. Hinted god!reader. Headcanon of corrupt Celestia (all governments the same 💀)
@naomeii pls I'm begging you
"While for humans a year is a long time, for us immortal beings it is but a second"
He remembers that sentence he once heard when he was still a mortal being, free from any curse the gods gave him and his people.
And how they tried to help Khaenri'ahns escape from the destruction the Seven caused. They said it was the least they could do for the refuge they asked during the Archon War.
"Is something troubling you Dain?"
"Forgive me, what is you were saying?"
He promised to himself that he would not forget about them.
Or their death on hands of the one they loved most.
"[Reader]. I hope... That one day I'll meet you again and apologize properly to you."
Explanation time! + facts:
Celestia was truly evil. That is why when he agreed on that contract with his old friend, the Tsaritsa. At least that way he felt that he could avenge his first and only love.
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Celestia tricked the archons into a contract for power and they realized that after the fall of Khaenri'ah (also after [Reader]'s death).
During the archon war, [Reader] took refuge in Khaenri'ah.
[Reader] was aware of the corruption of Celestia.
[Reader] and Dainsleif were friends.
Morax fought [Reader] because they were helping Khaenri'ah, and it would break his contract with Celestia if he didn't stop them which in turn broke the contract between him and [Reader]. After he discovered the truth about Celestia he felt immense regret.
[Reader]'s death was accidental. Morax stabbed them too many times and died from blood loss.
Dainsleif never forgot the sacrifice [Reader] made for his nation. He has a necklace they gifted him on his birthday.
And yes, the abyss twin knows [Reader].
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thelost-in-time · 2 years
Angst with no happy ending (implied reincarnation for you and him, he always keeps his memories for some reason).
Might turn this into a full fic/polish it up one day
Reblogs are welcome
He knew it.
He saw it.
He watched you fall apart.
Crumbling away like a stone statue turning back into sand.
And he was helpless
He couldn't do anything to comfort you.
He couldn't hold you in his arms the way he desperately pleaded to.
He begged all the Archons and Gods of Celestia for you to feel better.
For your broken heart to heal.
For you to let him in
Your cries at night haunted his dreams
Your tired eyes tore his heart to pieces.
Your broken laugh eating away at his soul.
He wanted so badly to hold you, to shield you away from the world. To whisper to you that everything would be alright.
But he couldn't
Not when it seemed like you were a distant dream getting further and further out of his reach.
He tried to chase after you, but he knew he couldn't force you to let him in
It didn't work before
But he was afraid
Afraid of losing you again.
Afraid that you'd turn into dust and blow away in the wind
Never to be found again.
His fears came true
He lost you again
All because he took too long to approach you and comfort you.
Opening the door to your house, his heart dropped, shattered.
You weren't there.
Not a note, nothing.
You simply.... vanished.
He had to force himself to keep it together.
He wanted nothing more than to cry, mourn you, beg for your forgiveness
But he knew, he might have a chance again.
He always did.
And this time, he'd stop history from repeating itself.
He won't be afraid, he'll be everything you needed.
So when he meets you again after so many years, your face smiling and happy
He promises.
I'll keep your smile and joy. You'll never have to suffer like before.
A promise he kept on making, but this time, he was determined to keep it.
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