#You know what it's gonna be better than Homecoming I'll say that
I'm gonna talk about this once and then never mention it again lol because I'm a loser like that. So I'm writing this post httyd 3 fic that takes place when Zephyr and Nuffink are teens (I think maybe 15 and 13) and it's such a self indulgent fic that I'm literally too embarrassed to ever post it. Most of the characters are ocs. I've ignored the canon kids' canon personalities. I bring the dragons back. I do want I want.
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sankta-starkova · 10 months
007; homecoming
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previous chapter | next chapter | masterlist (x)
summary: the one where ej and andy reunite after years when they're cast as love interests, finally rekindling their friendship and maybe getting something else out of it as well
wordcount: 1.7k
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It had been a week or two and now it was time for homecoming, something Andy wasn't the biggest fan of. Not only did she feel that it was the most cliche thing but also she didn't have a date. And that was kind of embarrassing.
"Come on. I'm just saying, this is your chance," Big Red explained as they walked through the halls.
He was trying to convince the two of them to shoot their shot. It was easy for him to say with absolutely nothing to lose.
"The last thing I'm gonna do is ask Nini to homecoming on the day of the dance," Ricky said.
"But she's single and ready to mingle, and you should try it out with EJ now that's hes all lonely " Big Red exclaimed.
"Never say that again," she scrunched her nose up, "-and no, just because me and EJ are on better terms now doesn't mean I'm going to ask him out,"
"Yeah, and anyway, Nini hard-core friend zoned me," Ricky said, walking away and leaving Big Red behind.
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Later that night she got to school, Ricky had driven her and Big Red, she told Mr Mazzara her name and he gave her the tickets to table ten with the theatre kids.
Andy was wearing a long red dress, one that her sister had leant her from her homecoming, and her hair in a nice casual updo.
She was nervous. She had never really gone to many school dancing before and even though Big Red and Ricky were here with her, she was still feeling anxious.
The three of them walked in and Ashlyn got up, waving them of them over. They sat down at the table, Andy starting to chat away with Ashlyn before seeing EJ walk in, Gina on his arm.
He looked over at her, staring at the  red dress she had on and for a second, his heart skipped a beat before he turned away.
Andy froze. She hated the way that EJ made her feel. She was so conflicted over the situation, over her feelings for him.
She groaned, placing her head on the table, "I'm gonna throw up in my mouth," she said, Ashlyn chuckling
"Excuse us, are these seats taken?" Gina asked, walking over and still holding onto EJ.
Everyone looked awkward, "Sure," Andy said, putting on a fake smile.
She didn't know why it was so difficult for her to see EJ and Gina together, it was probably just jealousy but she hated the feeling.
Everyone talked for a while, EJ looking over at Andy as he thought about everything. He couldn't help thinking about how maybe he should have come with her instead.
But he was cut out of his thoughts by Gina holding his hand, leaning her head on his shoulder.
"He'll show up okay? Maybe he just hit traffic," Andy said to Carlos as he explained that Seb wasn't here yet and they were dates.
"We live in Salt Lake City. There hasn't been traffic since the 2002 winter Olympics," He explained.
"Don't assume Seb stood you up, okay. Maybe he was just in a farming accident," Ashlyn suggested, trying to comfort him but failing.
"Yeah, cause that's better Ash," she said sarcastically, not understanding why she'd say that.
"Could you get me some punch, babe?" Gina asked and EJ nodded, looking awkward as he walked away
"Could you get me some punch babe? Ugh!" Andy impersonated, Ashlyn laughing at her best friends reaction, "I love Gina and all, really, but what the hell is she doing?"
She didn't think the situation could get anymore awkward but then Ricky slid over to the seat next to Gina and she knew that it wasn't going to go well.
"Hey, not to intrude but you can do better than EJ. That guy is bad news," he explained.
"Youre not exactly one to give relationship advice, and when I want your opinion, I'll ask," Gina bit back, not having any of Rickys vindictiveness.
Ricky scoffed. She didn't know what had gotten into him and why he felt like he had the right to say any of that.
"Well I'm giving it anyway cause I thought you were classier than this, but hey, maybe you really are what people say you are," Ricky said.
Everyone else on the table went silent after Rickys comment and even Gina froze up, unsure of what to say. It was incredibly mean of him to say something like that and they were all thinking that.
"And that is?" Gina questioned, Andy knowing this wasn't going to end well.
"Ricky," Andy and Big Red said at the same time, trying to stop him before he dug himself an even bigger grave.
"Just a little too ambitious for your own good, or anyone else's," Ricky said and Gina walked off, a hurt expression on her face.
Later, Big Red and Andy stood with Ricky away from the others, telling him off for saying all those things to Gina.
"That was mad harsh dude, you owe her an apology," Big Red explained, Andy nodding in agreement.
He scoffed, "She showed up to the dance with my exs ex, whats that about?" He asked, still trying to defend himself.
"Maybe it's not about you at all. I'm friends with EJ but you don't see me being a bitch to Gina for it. People are allowed to go out with whoever they want to," Andy explained.
Ricky sighed, realising what he had done, "Can we just get out of here?" Ricky suggested.
"Now? Dude, we're at homecoming. You should be finding eligible hunnies for me to dance with," Big Red said.
He wanted to lighten the mood but Ricky had kind of ruined it by his rude comments and pessimistic attitude.
"Hold that thought. Drama, two o'clock,' Ricky said and they all looked to see EJ and Gina bickering by the punch bowl.
"Whats wrong with you EJ?" Big Red said in Gina's voice, trying to read their lips.
"I'm just so intimidated by Big Red as he hangs out with Andy who looks so hot," he said in a deep voice, impersonating EJ.
Andy smacked him on the arm with a laugh, he always knew how to cheer her up, before Gina threw punch over EJs head.
EJ walked the other way. "Go follow him, you could get something out of this," Big Red said pushing her towards EJ.
She didn't know what her friend wanted her to do but she agreed, this was her opportunity to have a conversation with him.
She sighed, following him over, "You need to stop getting your shirts dirty, I seem to think you do it on purpose," she said and EJ turned around.
"Maybe that's been my plan all along," he said with a chuckle.
"Come here," she said, pulling out a handkerchief from her bag, ignoring his comments about her being an elderly woman.
She ran it through his hair, "You are ruining time and money to make this hair work," he said and she rolled her eyes.
"Sorry, but its not like your new girlfriend seems to care," she said as she dried his shirt.
"First of all, I think I can dry my own shirt. Second of all, Gina is not my girlfriend," he said, pulling away from her.
Her face lit up in embarrassment. Why did she do that? There was this self loathing that started at the sound of his words.
"Fine," she said, handing him the handkerchief which was now wet with punch, "But you don't call random girls babe,'
"What are you talking about babe," EJ said sarcastically but didn't receive a laugh, "She thought it would make Nini jealous," he admitted.
It all made sense and she nodded her head, apologising before they walkes back out to see Carlos slow dancing with Seb.
"You want to dance?" EJ asked and she turned to him, not understanding what he was saying.
"With me?" She questioned and he chuckled.
It seemed like a stretch. She would never have ever imagined him wanting to dance with her.
"Sure, both of us seem to be alone. Seems a shame to waste the dance," he said and she blushed.
He held his hand out, her taking it before he pulled her in, the two swaying as his hands rested on her hips and hers around his neck.
"I never really got to thank you, for being such a great friend after Nini broke up with me," EJ said and she looked up, smiling at him.
"What are friends for," Andy replied with a smile, thinking over everything.
He was so close to her that she could feel his breath against hers and could see the fine details of his eyes; she could get lost in them for days.
"The nights almost up, you want a ride home?" He offered and she didn't know what had gotten into him to be so nice to her.
"Its fine, Viv said she'd pick me up," she explained, trying not to seem weird.
"No need. This is boring anyway, we'll drive home, get food on the way. Just like the good old days," he explained.
She had missed him. She had missed having fun with hum and not caring abut anything else.
She blushed slightly, "In the good old days, you didn't have a car," she said.
He laughed, dipping her slightly at the song. She looked up at him, the two of them laughing.
She could feel her stomach fluttering at the action. There was something so intimate about the moment and it broke her heart that she couldn't have him like she wanted.
"Fine, but you're paying," she said, the two heading out of the party after saying goodbye to everyone.
He drives her back after food, the two waiting in his car before either make the move to leave.
"Thanks," Andy said and he looked over at her with a smile, "For the dance and the food and the ride home,"
"Any time, and thanks for helping me out the last few weeks," he said and she smiled.
She opened the door, stepping out and walking to the house. She knocked and Viv opened the door, grinning cheekily at her sister.
Andy turned back and flashed a thankful smile at EJ, who had stayed put to make sure she got in safely. He smiled back, heart dropping slightly as he realised he may have some sort of feelings towards her.
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My DC Cinematic Universe: Superman (Part V)
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Chapter Five: A Support System
This section's gonna be a little different. Might seem kinda like filler at first glance, but it sort of is, in a way. After all, we'll need to fill out the normal everyday world of Clark Kent, and what better way to do that than with his supporting cast. Because Clark has quite a bit of supporting cast, and because we've got other things to focus on in this theoretical film, I'm not gonna go too in-depth this time. Buuuuuut, while this'll be light on character analysis, we'll still need to ask why these characters exist, and how they'll be seen in the film itself.
One more thing: we'll divide this section down by location, and I'll go into those locations just a little bit. After all, a city is its own character, so it makes sense to talk about the environments in which Clark normally finds himself. And so, without further ado...
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Smallville: Hometown Drama
Smallville, Kansas is the town that made Clark Kent. It is and should be the most normal town in the United States of America. What I mean by this is that, unlike the TV series, Smallville, and even unlike the original Superboy comics, literally nothing should happen here. This should be an extremely average and boring place to live. I realize that that's probably a little boring, but...yeah. Fuggin' exactly. Smallville's biggest crisis should be that time the Johnson's cows got loose and interrupted the Smallville High homecoming game. And yeah, the official report was that the fence gate was left open, but everybody knows that Carl Draper snuck over and let them out on purpose just to mess with quarterback Kenny Braverman and the team. 'Cause, y'know, Carl blames Kenny for stealing Whitney Fordman from him, even though Whitney isn't even dating Kenny ever more since he started flirting with Lana Lang during-you get it, you get the idea, you get the point.
But, that said, there are a few people in Smallville who are a part of Clark's adolescent and adult life, so let's talk about them, as well as throwing them into this Cinematic Universe I'm making.
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Gotta start with Lana Lang, the girl next door. And I'd like to preface this by saying that the most famous version of this character, from Smallville, is the WORST FUCKING THING ABOUT THAT SHOW. Period. Nothing against Kristin Kreuk, she did well with what she was given. To bad what she was given was just a box of new Cap'n Crunch cereal variety called "Oops, All Cringe!" I fucking hate Smallville Lana Lang. Mostly because her overly dramatic life and persona are completely against who Lana Lang is. And who is Lana Lang?
Like I said, Lana is the girl next door. She and Clark are good friends, as well as unrequited love interests. And that's almost entirely on Clark, because Lana's not as timid or shy. And yes, Clark is extremely reserved in high school, mostly because he's nervous about exposing himself and being a freak. He was NOT the popular kid, and Lana absolutely was. But because Lana is genuinely a nice person with good morals, she really likes Clark. Like, she REALLY likes Clark. And yes, she was ABSOLUTELY his first kiss, and she absolutely initiated it. The Clark-Lana relationship should be sweet and cute, and the most stereotypical teenager love story you've ever seen. But, in the end, Clark went to Metropolis and she went else, and they parted ways. Oh, and for the record, Lana knows that Clark is Superman. Didn't figure it out until a bit after Smallville, but she absolutely knows, and she texted him IMMEDIATELY when she figured it out.
OK, who's next? In Smallville, the show creators gave Clark two best friends, so I think that makes sense here as well. In that case...
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Pete Ross, the childhood best friend! Ah, Pete, why do people remember and forget you simultaneously? You were a major supporting character in Smallville, but only for 3 seasons, then didn't appear again until season 7, and never after that. Which is super weird, considering the major role Pete had in the comics. The best friend of a young Clark, Pete Ross is also one of the first people to figure out Clark's secret, independently. In the comics, he figures it out and doesn't tell Clark until way later, but nah. Let's just make it a secret that the two of them share as kids; change things up a little.
My version of Pete is still best friends with Clark to this day. I realize that Jimmy Olsen often takes that role, but he'll be a little different in this universe. No, Pete is Clark's best friend, and I'm tired of people forgetting about him! Yeah, he made a small appearance in Man of Steel, but his role as support was shafted, in my opinion. Pete should be Clark's confidant, then and now.
In high school, Pete, Clark, and Lana are a trio of friends. They each roll in slightly different circles, though. Clark is the quiet loner who reads a lot (he's a library kid); Lana is definitely a theatre kid and a cheerleader; and Pete is the socially aware activist kid who always volunteers for various charity and conservation groups. He's one of the town darlings/annoyances. On a side note, why are the socially conscious activist characters in media always women? I dunno, it's a weird trend in media for some reason. Anyway, Pete will one day become a progressive senator for Kansas, with a lot of hard work and dedication. But for now, he's still Clark's best friend.
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Now, these two are the major support, but we can throw in some other main ones. How about Kenny Braverman, school bully? In the comics, he actually becomes a Kryptonite-wielding villain named Conduit, but this version of the character is a bully. Don't need much more than that; after all, this is a movie universe, not a TV series. How about Carl Draper? Draper is a weird one in the comics; he's basically a stalker who always hated Superboy/Superman, and made a giant death prison to kill Superman and impress Lana Lang, his high school crush. Yeah. Um...I'm just gonna make him another bully alongside Kenny, and a former friend of Clark's at the same time. 'Nuff said, I think.
And then, other than people like the Kents' neighbor Ben Hubbard...there isn't really anybody else to talk about. The name drop of Whitney Fordman up there was meant to be a reference to Smallville, but nothing more than...oh...oh, shit, Smallville. Right.
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Hoo boy, Chloe Sullivan. Again, given the fact that this is a movie and not a TV series, Chloe as a character really doesn't matter. a character created for Smallville, she was the journalism kid, as well as a cousin to Lois Lane, and meant to be the other girl next door love interest character for Clark. And she was played by...Allison Mack. Cult leader Allison Mack. Yeah. Yikes. So, I'll just say this: I like Chloe as a character and character concept, but she carries a LOT of baggage. So instead, we'll bring in character Billie Cramer, who is the same in concept, but named after a male character in the comics who later goes to Metropolis University with Clark. Sorry, Chloe. Allison Mack kinda fucked over your character for me.
From there, Smallville is basically covered. Small town, small stories, and not much happening. But still, the people there molded Clark. And so, by the time he heads out of Smallville, he'll be going into a much bigger world. And with that...
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Metropolis: City of Tomorrow
Where in the fuck is Metropolis? DC, you really need to make a decision here. Because the most common location for Metropolis is New York. Which, frankly, is dumb. New York has both New York City AND Metropolis? That's a lot of city for a small area, just saying. Plus, would Clark have wanted to go very far from home? So, where is my Metropolis? Easy: Illinois. "But what about Chicago," you say? Well, one, it's closer to Kansas, and Clark wouldn't want to be too far from home, for his parents' sake. Two, we can place the city along the Mississippi River, which forms the western coast of Illinois and gives us the water that we need for Metropolis. Three, this'll be at the very tip of southern Illinois, far away from Chicago, and in a place where no major city exists. And five, and most importantly for me, that's where the REAL Metropolis actually is. It is, in fact, maybe the real-world place that loves Superman the most. Let's give 'em some love back.
But OK, with that said and done, why Metropolis? Well, Clark wants to go to school for journalism, because he believes in uncovering the truth, and he wants to be in touch with all sides of humanity, both the good and the bad. Basically, journalism allows Clark to stay down-to-Earth in some very literal ways. And Metropolis University in this universe is a pretty big deal, especially considering that the city is the home to major newspaper The Daily Planet. After graduating from Metropolis U, Clark settles in the city and gets a job at the Daily Planet, his dream job. One of his colleagues is, of course, Lois Lane, but the people of the Daily Planet are an extremely important supporting cast. Considering Clark rarely goes anywhere else, we should talk about them a bit. So, we'll start with the most obvious.
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Jimmy Olsen, the new best friend! I was SO tempted to give Jimmy his own post, but this series is gonna be long enough; I dunno if I can talk that much about Jimmy. That's a lie, actually, because I can talk a LOT about him. Now, some of you may be wondering why I used this GIF of Olsen from Superman: The Movie, instead of Mehcad Brooks from Supergirl, or Aaron Ashmore from Smallville. And the reason is that NEITHER OF THEM WERE JIMMY. The latter was his older brother named Henry James "Jimmy" Olsen, which YES, is stupid. And the former? That is Jimmy Olsen in name only. And why? Because...ah, shit, I'm getting into Jimmy in detail. OK, then, let's do this.
Jimmy Olsen is a kid. He's a dweeb, he's kinda naive, and he matches Clark for sheer optimism. He's either the most likeable person in the room, or the most annoying, or somehow both simultaneously. He's not suave, like Mehcad Brooks' version of the character. Honestly, that's the least Jimmy Olsen-like character I've ever goddamn seen. You know who actually was a lot more like Jimmy? Winn. Winn was Supergirl's Jimmy Olsen, and I DEFY YOU TO TELL ME OTHERWISE.
Ahem. Anyway, back to Jimmy.
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Jimmy is the unpaid intern who gets hired, and is then surprised that there's a paid option for this job, despite that being his career. He's the kid in high school who took pictures of EVERYTHING, and then just never stopped. He's not entirely sure who the mayor of the city is, but knows in excruciating detail through experience and an overly detailed annotated map where the best goddamn hot dog in the city is, and every hot dog vendor in a ten-block radius knows him and his order by heart. Jimmy is a city kid who somehow seems like he came from the country. Jimmy should be a massive nerd, kind of a ditz, and definitely a clutz, but not only is he the best photographer the Planet has to offer, he's also somebody who you want to hang out with. Jimmy Olsen is maybe, maybe about to turn 21, but has not and will not drink. He is the most vanilla human being possible, and I goddamn love him for it. He's also gone through a TON OF INSANE SHIT in the comics, from being turned into a giant turtle Godzilla, to getting becoming a superhero in his own right MULTIPLE TIMES, to becoming the love-interest to a fledgling God for a hot second...a lot, is what I'm saying. Jimmy Olsen is my favorite Superman supporting character, and that is a hill I am glad to die on.
...Jesus. That was a lot of overly specific headcanon to vomit out, even for me. But really, all of that? That's my Jimmy Olsen. Clark's best friend in the city, even if he is a few years younger, as well as a damned good photographer and...well, a pal. There's a reason he's called Superman's Pal, after all.
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Perry White, the stern-but-caring boss! Editor-in-chief of the Daily Planet, Perry's a strict traditionalist when it comes to this whole newspaper thing. Perry's actually had quite a lot of history in the comics, and while it is all genuinely interesting, I'm not gonna go into it here. Just know that Perry is a caring boss, but extremely strict when it comes to his job and those who write for him. One of the last great reporters and writers, as well as a genuinely good man with his own problems and troubles, Perry White is an understatedly important character in the Superman mythos. In truth, there doesn't need to be too much to Perry.
In terms of his relationship with Clark, he shouldn't be too involved with his personal life, but should be willing to offer advice if Clark looks like he needs it. He should choose his employees based upon their talent and their moral fiber, as he wants his reporters to find the truth, and nothing but the truth. If you lie, alter facts, or otherwise obscure the truth in your reporting, you're OUT, pal! And honestly, that's my Perry White: a classic reporter who expects only the truth from his employees and from himself.
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Speaking of the reporters of the Daily Planet, let's get into Clark's co-workers! Cat Grant is one of the best known, thanks to Power Girl, and as the gossip and fashion columnist, she makes her presence known basically immediately when she enters the office. While she's definitely a bit blunt, in person and in her writing, people actually do enjoy her blogs and writing, and she has a pretty good on-screen presence as well. She's a bit of an acquired taste, but Perry values her honesty. Also, she's a little bit of a rival to Lois in multiple ways, including initially for Clark's affection, but mostly in terms of her reporting and popularity. Cat Grant is considered by many to be the public face of the Daily Planet, and she doesn't shy away from that title, either.
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Steve Lombard made a VERY random appearance in Man of Steel, as was a very different version of the character than what we see in the comics. My version of Lombard is a massive blowhard, as well as the Planet's sports reporter, which aligns with the comic-book version of the character. He's hired by Perry because of his absurdly accurate sports reporting, and his sheer knowledge of the sport, as well as for his incredibly accurate predictions. The one downside about the dude is that he's the epitome of a meathead. His intelligence in in sports, and that's basically it. Still, he's VERY good at his job. Also, he THINKS that he's a rival to Clark for Lois' affections, but literally nobody else thinks that.
OK, last major person here is Ron Troupe, whom I can't find a GIF for. Makes sense; he's relatively obscure, and hasn't been in enough media for a lot of exposure. My version of Troupe is the politics and editorials writer for the Planet, as well as being one of the more serious and uptight members of the Planet bullpen staff. He tends not to go out into the field too much, but is well-known on paper. Perry hired him because of his objectivity and practicality, as well as a feverish devotion to the truth. And of everybody, Ron is the reporter most likely to succeed Perry White as editor-in-chief one day in this universe. YES! Not Lois, not Clark, RON. Somebody give Ron his day in court, please, he's way too neglected in comics and media nowadays.
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Let's get out of the bullpen, and into the city! Now, some people won't be featured in this first film, since it's a big city with a lot of parts to it. I actually do have some ideas for other films, but let's get through this first one before anything else. No cart before the horse, and all that. But since we're talking about the city, let's talk about Superman's predecessors: the cops.
The Metropolis Police Department, unlike the Gotham cops, are not corrupt and actually do their jobs. After all, Metropolis is a pretty safe city before Superman comes around. Supes definitely shouldn't be the savior from street crime, for should he be trying to replace the cops. Superman is there to stop the accidents, disasters, and large-scale crimes that the police can't handle on their own. This means that while the police are efficient, the villains of this movie are going to be a bit too much for them to handle. But, because Superman isn't a detective or a cop, he'll need to talk to and work with the police to stop these villains. So, who are our cops?
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The main liaison for Clark is Maggie Sawyer, a no-nonsense captain and leader of the newly-established Special Crimes Unit. As such, she's got a pretty good relationship with Superman. She prefers police work over relying on a vigilante, but Superman is hard not to trust in a lot of ways. So, she willingly works with him. Oh, and obviously she's happily married to her wife, Toby, who works for the Daily Planet alongside Clark. Maggie's one of the first out-lesbians in comics, and that ain't gonna end with me!
Maggie's the main policeman featured in this universe, but her partner Dan "Terrible" Turpin will also appear alongside her. Another hard-nosed detective, he grew up in the worst parts of Metropolis, and grew up to defend the parts of the city that don't get a lot of attention. Won't get too much of Turpin in this film, but we will use him to get across the idea that not all cops think Superman is necessary. He's not Superman's biggest fan, but he doesn't turn him away, either. Sort of like Harvey Bullock to Batman, if you get my drift.
Finally, I'll just mention that the chief of police is William Henderson, who respects Superman fine enough, and is on his way out, ready for retirement. Not much to say about Henderson, and he could honestly just be a name-drop by Maggie at some point. But with that, we move on to our final citizen of Metropolis...and one of my favorites.
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Meet the one and only Bo "Bibbo" Bibbowski. You might wonder why I included an image here when I didn't for Ron Troupe. And frankly, it's because Bibbo is too important. Because Bibbo, to me, is a representative of the civilian public that Superman is trying to save. The reporters of the Daily Planet are often putting themselves in danger in order to get the story, and they're supposed to remain objective. The cops are...well, the cops; of course they're in danger. But Bibbo is just...a guy. He was a sailor and former military man, he's a small business owner, and he's a guy on the streets of Metropolis. And, of course, he's Superman's biggest fan.
Now, that's not to say Superman only fights for those people who like him, and I actually want to reflect that through my version of Bibbo. Bibbo'll actually be one of the ways we start the movie, and how we're initially introduced to Metropolis. And because Superman is a fairly new figure in the city, he's not a fan when the movie starts. He's not an active detractor, but he isn't exactly a fan of anybody with power who places themselves above the little guy. And Superman does that literally, so why would he like him? Just another person playing dress-up and pretending to be hero. He listens to local shock jock Leslie Willis, who regularly expresses the same sentiments, but he's not as harsh as she is to Superman. He just doesn't really care for the guy. Over the course of the movie, we'll check in with Bibbo, whose establishment, the Ace o' Clubs, is a regular haunt of Jimmy Olsen and his friend Clark Kent. And so, Clark will get an idea of how Bibbo feels pretty early on, and he'll have to reflect on that.
However, over the course of the movie, Superman will act in ways that begin to change Bibbo's mind. As we check in on him over the course of the movie, the change in his attitude will be noticeable, if somewhat subtle throughout most of the movie. But then, the last time we see Bibbo, he'll be wearing his signature Superman shirt. Because by the end of the movie, Superman will have saved the "little guys" of the city, possibly even saving Bibbo directly. And that makes him considerably different than the other person in Metropolis with power who puts themselves above the city. That person, the real focus of Bibbo's ire...is the topic of the next entry in this series.
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Index: Superman
Part I: Why I Love Superman
Part II: On Lois Lane
Part III: The Kents
Part IV: The 'Rents
Part V: The...Frendts?
Part VI: Lex Luthor
Part VII: The Real Villains
Part VIII: Superman's Rogues Gallery
Part IX: The Story - Act One
Part X: The Story (Acts Two and Three)
Part XI: The Story - Climax
Part XII: Epilogue (Part One)
Part XIII: Epilogue (Part Two)
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rachelkaser · 4 months
Stay Golden Sunday: The One That Got Away
Blanche has another chance with the one man who ever rejected her, but does she want it? Rose and Dorothy see a strange light in the sky, which Rose believes to be a UFO.
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Picture It...
Dorothy, Rose and Sophia are playing poker on the lanai -- Sophia flees when she's caught cheating. After she goes, a flashing light soars across the sky, startling Rose. She thinks they just saw a UFO, but Dorothy insists it was a plane. Rose is over the moon, as it were, insisting she wants to go up into their spaceship. Dorothy leaves her out on the lanai.
DOROTHY: Blanche, are you in a good mood? BLANCHE: Dorothy, you always could see right through me. SOPHIA: Keep it up with those Chips Ahoy, and Superman couldn't see right through you.
In the living room, Blanche is practically vibrating with glee. Dorothy finally bites and asks her why she's in such a good mood, and she says it's because she got a call from her old college friend Ham Lushbough. He's in town on business, freshly divorced and her date for her Saturday work function. Blanche says she and Virginia competed for him, and she asked him out at homecoming their senior year. He said, "Maybe some other time, Blanche." He's the only man who's ever rejected her, and she's gonna for him again.
On Saturday, Dorothy finds Rose out on the lanai, trying futilely to signal the UFO. Dorothy once again insists that what they saw wasn't a UFO, but Rose insists it wasn't a plane -- and Major Barker, the military officer she contacted to report it, agrees. Dorothy is mortified that she's taking it that far. Blanche, meanwhile, is all a-twitter when the bell rings: A very large gentleman in a tuxedo comes through the door. Blanche is shocked at the changes to Ham Lushbough since their college days, but quickly recovers and they depart.
BLANCHE: Girls, look. How do I look? ROSE: Great, Blanche. BLANCHE: Great? Or gorgeous. ROSE: Gorgeous. BLANCHE: Well, what about sexy? ROSE: Yes! BLANCHE: Enticing? DOROTHY: I'll handle this. Blanche, no woman ever looked better than you look right now, and no one ever will. BLANCHE: Thank you, Dorothy! Honestly, Rose, sometimes it's like pulling teeth just to get a little compliment out of you.
The Girls are as surprised as Blanche is that he looks so different from his yearbook photo (Sophia making her usual cracks). Rose runs back out to the lanai and after Sophia also exits, the bell rings. In walks Major Barker, in full uniform. He questions Dorothy about what she and Rose saw, with Dorothy confirming the details. He assures here there's a logical explanation. Dorothy's relief quickly turns to horror as he drops the bomb: What they saw was a UFO.
Later that night, Blanche and Ham return. They spend a few minutes catching up, and Ham showers Blanche with compliments. She finally asks him the same question she asked 30 years prior: Does he want company tonight? His answer: "Maybe some other time, Blanche." The same night, Dorothy is out on the lanai with binoculars when Rose joins her. She breaks and confirms to Rose that what they saw was a real UFO.
BLANCHE: There's only one thing for me to do. I'm going to call him up, and tomorrow night I'm going out with that man again. And I don't care what amount of seducing it takes. But as God as my witness, I am not returning to this house until he has begged, beseeched, and pleaded with me to go to bed with him! *she marches out* SOPHIA: . . . you know, that was the original ending to Gone with the Wind.
They run into the kitchen, Rose ecstatic and Dorothy on the brink of an anxiety attack. Dorothy says she promised Major Barker that they would keep this a secret. Blanche and Sophia enter the kitchen -- Rose almost gives the game away within seconds -- and laments how humiliating her date was. It's not even that she's attracted to Ham anymore -- there cannot be a man that Blanche cannot have. She's going to take him on one more date and won't come home until she's successfully seduced him.
The next night, she and Ham are having dinner, and the waiter comes over to pour the champagne. Blanche starts talking about how the champagne may lower her inhibitions, and starts putting the moves on as strong as she can -- the waiter eventually has to excuse himself -- before finally propositioning Ham one more time. What does he say? "Maybe some other time, Blanche." Furious, she gets up and berates him for embarrassing her, then storms out with a conga line of men following her.
She returns home and initially lies to Dorothy and Sophia that she succeeded, but Ham himself shows up and wants to explain. He says the reason he turns her down is because he doesn't want a repeat of their tryst in college. Blanche is confused, until he goes into detail and she realizes it wasn't her he slept with -- it was her sister, Virginia. Ham flips immediately and wants to take Blanche up on her offer, but Blanche, satisfied that no man actually can resist her, withdraws the offer and kicks him out, then goes to call Virginia.
Sophia mentions an article she's reading in the newspaper: About a top secret military bomber plane that flew off-course and over Miami, which the military tried to cover up. Dorothy immediately heads out to the lanai and tells Rose that this means there was no UFO. Rose, disappointed, talks about how much fun it is to still believe and Dorothy falls asleep in the lounge chair. Then, with a thrilled Rose as the only witness, another flashing light soars across the sky.
"That's a Sicily you don't see on postcards."
Here's a sentence I never thought I'd write: Of the two "fat joke" episodes of The Golden Girls, I prefer the one where Blanche fails to seduce an old flame over the one where she tries to convince her daughter to leave her abusive fiancé. The jokes land a little bit better this time around, if only because it feels less like Sophia is punching down every time she opens her mouth. This episode is a bit hit-or-miss for me, and I'm not a fan of the B-plot, but it's got some good lines in there.
I think the difference between the jokes this time is that, when Becky was the guest of the episode, it was treated as some kind of grave tragedy that she'd put on weight, especially when her abusive fiancé used it against her. In this episode, it's treated much more lightly that Ham lost the physique of a college football player over the course of 30 years -- Dorothy even outright says that these things happen. And Blanche doesn't seem to mind once she gets over the surprise. She's only furious that the "one man [she] cannot have" is not even someone she'd typically be attracted to.
If I were a bit more of a wet blanket, I feel I might criticize Blanche for thinking that all men must want her -- surely she knows how to take "no" for an answer, right? But I don't criticize her for that because it's pretty well-established that all men do want Blanche Devereaux. After she publicly excoriates Ham for rejecting her and saying she'll find a man who does want her, five men immediately follow her out of the restaurant, trying to get her attention -- one even leaves his date to chase after her.
I also get it from Blanche's perspective. She says, in this episode and many others, that she bases a lot of her self-image and confidence on her ability to pull any man she desires, so to be so brutally and publicly rejected by the heartthrob of her college -- valedictorian and captain of the football team -- must be something that still rankles. Hell, if a man had a marching band spell out his rejection of me on a field and I had the option to get some petty revenge on him, even 30 years later, I'd do it without question.
BLANCHE: Ham Lushbough! Just look at you! SOPHIA: What else can we look at? The man's covering half the pictures on our wall!
Also, let's be real, here: Ham repeatedly rejecting Blanche -- who pulls out all the stops to try and seduce him, to the point the waiter has to leave before he embarrasses himself -- because they had one crummy roll in the hay (he thinks) in college 30 years prior is more than a little dumb on his part. People can change, even in bed! It begs the question: What could Virginia possibly have done in Grady's Motor Lodge that put Ham off of the woman he thought she was all those years?
Moving over to the B-plot, I think the whole "Rose goes alien-crazy after she thinks she sees a UFO" story was a lot more appealing to me as a child than it is to me as an adult. Rose appears wholly incapable of listening to reason, as she's hopefully pontificating ascension to an alien spacecraft within literal seconds of seeing a flashing light in the sky. That's not off-brand for Rose, but I think it's almost a little too Rose, if you know what I mean.
BLANCHE: Oh, I wonder what would happen if somebody called up my sister Virginia and told her this terribly embarrassing story? *with a big grin* I guess there's only one way to find out!
When Major Barker seemingly confirms that what they saw was a UFO, Dorothy gets a bit panicky as she grapples with the concept of aliens. Rose is much more chill about the situation, though she's disappointed when it turns out to be an attempted cover-up. That moment at the end of the episode where she sees another flashing light and is content to believe it's the real McCoy is still cute. Now, however, all I can think about is what it would be like if the Girls ever actually did meet aliens -- how much do you want to bet Blanche would try to seduce them, too?
The revelation that the UFO sighting was really a top-secret plane that flew off-course has some basis in history, as that was a real explanation behind several supposed sightings. According to documents declassified a few years ago, the U.S. military flew several top-secret planes a little too close to civilian eyes. And it makes sense why someone would think they were alien -- one was literally based on the Klingon Bird of Prey, because evidently Area 51 has been infested with nerds for quite some time.
DOROTHY: *trying to give Blanche privacy* Ma, listen, maybe watching some TV in another room might be a good idea. SOPHIA: Fine, Dorothy, but keep the volume down.
This is one of those episodes where Sophia sort of hangs around the periphery, which I'm fine with because she got so much focus last week. She gets a brief moment in the spotlight at the beginning of the episode when she attempts to cheat at poker, only to get caught. But she does tell one brief story about a would-be lover of hers, and it's a bit darker than some of her usual stories, as the lover was seemingly murdered by his jealous wife. As she says, that's a Sicily you don't see on postcards.
Episode rating: 🍰🍰🍰 (three cheesecake slices out of five)
Favorite part of the episode:
Dorothy and Rose confront the possibility of other life in the cosmos in the only way either one of them knows how.
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voiddoesntexist · 2 years
hello hello hellooooo !! ★
just got done with my hw :)
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okay soo hello !! happy october everyone :) ive been so excited for this month ! just been getting good vibes, yknow ?
for one, cool weather ! it's been super hot where i live, and while it's nice sometimes, it's been hot for far too long now and i'm sick of it. the only downside now is that i've bought so many summer clothes that i don't really have any fall and ESPECIALLY winter clothes. but i'll start trying to fix that later... moving onto other exciting stuff ! homecoming is in less than 3 weeks now, and spirit week is gonna be right before that <3 i ran for homecoming court, but it was only for fun. i don't really expect that i'll win, but hey, i don't really care ! as long as i look awesome for homecoming. i plan on doing a hime co*de so i'm SUPER excited !! i'll be trying it on today :)
co*des this week weren't really my best work, but i got compliments anyway. monday, i wore a pink and black rokku co*de !! i wore my favorite star earrings and my black butterfly cap. i wore a really high crop top too, but i had to wear a jacket most of the day so i wouldn't get dress coded lol. tuesday, i think my co*de could be classified as goshikku? i pinned a big black bow to my top to make it look cuter :) i would say it was maybe my second cutest outfit that week, which is weird for a tuesday. wednesday i rewore a himekaji co*de, and thursday i wore a rokku/tsuyome (?) co*de !! everyone really liked it, but i didn't really like my makeup that day. i tied a black button up over my leopard print dress and paired that with some furry legwarmers <3 friday was alright, though it didn't really fit into a substyle. it was just a white top with a patterned orange skirt.
i kinda... bought $150 worth of clothes earlier today 😵‍💫 i feel a little stupid but at the same time, money isn't gonna spend itself (never use this mindset for anything). i'm kinda nervous for halloween. i haven't bought a proper costume and i don't have any clothes already for it. it's a group costume with my friends, and we'll be the glamrock animatronics ! i'll be roxy. i wanted to incorporate "traditional" glamrock elements to the actual character, but honestly i'll just do my best and see how it goes. i don't really know what we'll do for halloween yet too, i just hope i look okay and i'm available to do stuff >_<
maybe this week will be better outfit wise :) we'll just have to see what happens. i'll just show my tuesday and thursday co*des and call it a night. have a nice week everyone, and hope you enjoy <3
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ambivalent-anarchy · 3 years
Defending Peter Parker (Round 2: Tom Holland)
Here <- Andrew Garfield
Soooooo I'm doing this cuz I'm bored to show y'all how dumb some of your arguments and criticisms of the live action spidermen are. I did Garfield already. I'll do Maguire if someone shows me where people have hated on his spidey cuz all I ever see for him is people treating him like he's the most perfect Peter Parker to ever exist. I'd never tell anyone how they're "supposed" to feel about a situation so I won't do that and also don't take this seriously I'm just a dumb teenager. I'm just taking the dumb opinions y'all like to pass as fact and rebutting them with actual facts.
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"hE's OnLy So PoPuLaR bEcAuSe He'S hOt"
😐If this is your main critique of Tom Holland's spiderman, pls go find another one. This is so overused. The "they're only famous cuz they're hot" excuse has been used for every hot actor/actress ever. At this point, it isn't even real criticism, you just come off as lame. And yeah, alot of people like him because he's hot, but that's definitely not the only reason.
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"hE's NoT sPiDeRmAn. He'S iRoNbOy!"
UUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHHH okay let's get to it. (If you can't tell, I really hate this argument)
1) Let's be real. The fandom pushed irondad wayyyy more than the actual movies did.
2) If you still use this argument after Far From Home, you missed the whole point of what FFH was supposed to be.
I was scrolling through tumblr and I saw a great point that someone made.
That entire movie was about him coming into his own as a hero, facing his problems head-on, and dealing with the threat by himself. That was the point of the whole movie. Yes, he had the Stark tech to help him make a suit, but he designed it himself, and then he went up against a threat that had incredibly powerful Stark tech at their disposal and still won. By himself. Everyone was asking who the next Iron Man would be and Happy even flat out said "You're not Iron Man." Because he isn't. He came into his own. He is established now.
Peter started the movie a bit lost without Tony and just wanting to deny his responsibilities and get away for a while.
He ended the movie finally accepting himself for who he was and even having to fight against Stark technology. He had to rely on himself and instead of worrying about this title that's been put on him, he has to just go with his own instincts (all the way down to his web shooters running out and having to literally just rely on his mind and his body) and look his responsibilities in the face. Idk a better way for him to have broken out of being "ironboy".
3) Plus, they needed some way to bring Spiderman into the MCU. And Tony is practically the MCU's Bruce Wayne when it comes to "adopting" children. Of course he was gonna be the one to bring him in.
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"He HaS tOo MaNy MeNtOrS! tHeY nEeD tO sToP hOlDiNg HiM bAcK aNd LeT hIm GrOw Up AnD bE aLoNe!"
Hahaha no.
Tony- okie dokie that's only one
Happy- Happy Hogan is not Peter's mentor. He literally helped him out in ONE scene. That is not enough to be a mentor.
Mysterio- He is also not a mentor. Storywise, he was Peter's scapegoat to caste his responsibilities onto because he didn't want them/feel he was worthy of them. And then later he was a villain. Just because the two have one small pep talk, doesn't mean he's a mentor.
I think most ppl that say this stuff really just don't want Peter to have any help. What you guys fail to realize is that getting help does not make you any less of a hero. You can still be a solo hero and get a peptalk every now and then. Batman, Superman, Ironman. They all get help from people in their movies and I don't see anyone complaining about it or saying they need to be alone.
Also, grow up? This dude is literally a sophmore/junior in high school. They talk so much about how he's literally a kid. Alot of the spiderman comics take place with him still being in high school. He doesn't have to be an adult. And as far as maturity goes, it's not like he's a dumb kid. He's just a teen doing what teens do.
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"nO uNcLe BeN!"
Come on guys. How many times have we seen this origin story? We all know it.
The story takes place when he's ALREADY spiderman so Uncle Ben is ALREADY dead. (They even have his suitcase in FFH). Just because they don't really mention it doesn't mean it didn't happen. We don't need to see the same origin story again. I mean, does every Batman movie mention Bruce's parents dying in the alley? No. Cuz we all already know it does. Origin stories are integral but the MCU wasn't erasing his, they were simply just starting after it.
And in every spidey story Uncle Ben always teaches him "with great power comes great responsibility". Well if you watch the movies, MCU Peter learns his lessons in responsibilities sooooo we're covered there.
"When you can do the things that can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you."
Yeah yeah we all love Uncle Ben but him already passing doesn't mean the story's bad. That's just where they wanted to start lol.
"ThErE's No ReAl CoNsEqUeNcEs WhEn If LoSeS!"
Homecoming: If Vulture would've won, there would've been more easily accessible alien weapons available for criminals like the Shocker, the Tinkerer, etc. Also Vulture would have been a criminal loose on the streets. Regardless of his intentions, he was a guy willing to kill for what he wanted.
FFH: What Mysterio was doing, even though it was an illusion, was actually causing casualties. His workers talked about it to him over and over again. Especially if the last attack in London (i think?) would have worked, alot of people would have died. Also the world would have been tricked into depending on someone that actually couldn't really keep them safe.
Lol but regardless, Peter doesn't have to be dealing with a gigantic threat. The whole thing about being a superhero is doing what's right, regardless of how big or small the situation is. He's literally fought with the Avengers. I think he's proven himself.
All in all Tom Holland is the best (for me personally). I never have an issue when he's on screen and he's really just so awesome😊
Tagging great ppl: @allegra-writes , @yumings , @spideyyeet , @sunkissedspidey , @tommyunderoos , @chaoticpete , @sovereignparker , @thesherlockianavenger , @bubblebucky , @eridanuswave , @ithoughtthiswastwitterbutfr , @kidney9-9 , @gwenvrse , @the-weird-bisexual , @kelieah
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starkermeup · 3 years
Be a Good Boy for Mr. Stark
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Peter shows Tony how appreciative he is of him.
Or what should of happened in the car ride home in Homecoming.
Cross-Posted on AO3
Peter smiled warmly as Mr. Stark talked to him, trying hard to focus on his words, while also attempting to convince himself that this was really happening. His role model and idol The Tony Stark, thinks he's special and deserving of his attention, to be even a future avenger, it was still a lot to take in. But he was loving every minute of it.
"Are you listening kid?" Mr. Stark asks, frowning at the prospect of being ignored and it takes Peter right out of his stupor. He nods his head shyly and blushes when he looks into Tony's dark chocolate eyes. That was going to take some getting used to he decides. "Because I don't like repeating myself."
"Y-yes, Mr. Stark. I heard you loud and clear. I was just thinking about everything you're doing for me and I feel so lucky and thankful that you'd take a chance on me." Peter finishes rather lamely and looks down nervously as he fumbles with his phone.
Tony stares at him with a raised eyebrow and it is then that Peter realizes the limo had stopped moving. Mr. Stark smiles at him then, but in a way Peter had yet to witness prior. He suddenly leans over Peter and Peter's confused but hugs the man regardless. If Mr. Stark wanted to hug him, there was no way he would deny him.
Tony waves his hand dismissively at the window and the figure on the other side walks away. Peter shivers when he feels Mr. Stark's hot breath on his ear.
"There is one way you can show your gratitude for my kindness Peter." Tony says and Peter feels chills run up his body. "You want to show me how grateful you are?"
The teenager blushes harder and clutches his mentor's expensive jacket. Mr. Stark couldn't be serious could he? There's no way he's talking about...
Tony guides Peter's hand down from his shoulder, down his suit until he stops on something hard and Peter audibly gasps when he realizes it’s his mentor's cock. He was aroused and it was for Peter of all people. He felt dizzy with realization and something hotter as Mr. Stark rubbed Peter's hand over his own crotch.
"Well? What will it be Mr. Parker? Are you thankful? Are you going to be a good boy and show me how thankful you are?" Tony asks smoothly, like he's completely unaffected by the movements of Peter's hand. Peter wants to change that. He whimpers at the good boy comment, feeling himself get harder by the second.
"Y-yes Sir I want to. I w-wanna show you how much I appreciate you." Peter says and he's not sure what he wants or what Mr. Stark wants from him but he's more than onboard for whatever because Mr. Stark wants him.
Tony smiles against his neck and brushes a fleeting kiss there. "Good boy. Now get on your knees." Mr. Stark says the last part with an edge and Peter finds himself dropping to the flooring of the limo before he really knows what he's doing. "Take it out, show me how grateful you are Peter." Mr. Stark motioned towards his crotch and Peter's mouth goes dry as he carefully takes out his mentor's cock with shaky fingers. Before he knows it, Tony's cock comes into view, much thicker and longer than his own. Peter's breathe hitches at the sight and his mouth waters. Mr. Stark was huge. The girth of it alone was making Peter anxious with the fear of letting his mentor down. That was the last thing he wanted to do.
"Sir, I-I don't know what to do..." Peter hesitates. Instead of frowning like the teenager anticipated, Tony smiled at him again and reached out to ruffle the boy's hair.
"That's okay, I'll help you through it. Wrap your hand around the base and lick the tip." Mr. Stark says easy like he was explaining bio-tech and not teaching his mentee to give him head. Peter nodded and did as he was told, gapping at the way his hand couldn't fully wrap around the sheer girth of the cock. He leans down, shyly licking the head a few times feeling the taste of salt and pre-cum on his tongue. Tony hums pleased at his efforts but tugs on Peter's curls edging him further down his length. "Don't be shy, I wanna see just how appreciative you are." Mr. Stark says and Peter can read between the lines to what he means. "Breathe through your nose." The man above him adds.
Peter closed his eyes and sucked hard as he allows his mouth to take the whole head in his mouth. Mr. Stark groans at the sensation and Peter wanted to smile that he's getting The Tony Stark off. It motivates him to take the man deeper, feeling his jaw start to ache from the thick cock.
"Hmm, yeah that's so good, Peter. You really are such a good boy, aren’t you? Showing me how grateful you are, how much you want it. Such a good boy..." Tony praises him and it makes Peter moan around him. He wants to be Tony's good boy, wants to make him feel good.
He's nearly to the base when his gag reflex kicks in and he pulls off embarrassed, coughing a little.
"I-I'm sorry Sir. I-I don't think I can take it all in my mouth." He resisted the urge to add yet because Mr. Stark probably won't want him to show his appreciation again after this. His heart sinks at the thought. He couldn't have that. "Can I try again please?"
Mr. Stark stared at his mentee, hair disheveled, eyes blown and lips puffy. All this from a little dicksucking. Amazing. He pondered. "Of course baby." Tony said, petting Peter's already messy hair.
Peter's heart fluttered and his cock twitched at the word. Mr. Stark just called him baby. Baby of all things and Peter felt hot all over as he sucked his mentor back into his mouth. Peter closed his eyes again and rolled his tongue, going up and down on the cock, thinking of all the best porn he'd seen, trying to imitate what they did. It seems to be working as Tony's groaning nonstop with his hand securely in Peter's hair, not yanking but simply guiding the boy down.
"Fuck. You're doing so good baby. Keep it up, let me see your eyes. I want you to remember who you're thanking accordingly. Remember who this mouth belongs to from now on." Tony says, thrusting his hips up in time with Peter opening his eyes. Tony seeing Peter's big orbs widen as he gags on his cock. Tony groans at the sinfulness of the act in front of him.
Peter whines but doesn't pull off, instead focuses on breathing through his nose and rutting his hips against the floor desperate for some friction. As his mentor gently fucked his mouth, praising him, Peter couldn't believe his fate, his role model and crush since he was a kid wanting him like this. It was almost too much. Mr. Stark had said his mouth belongs to him now. Peter whimpers at the idea as he hollowed his cheeks. That would be nice he thinks, to be owned by Tony Stark. He wants it. Craves it even.
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum baby. Gonna bust my load in your mouth and you're gonna swallow every last drop. You're going to show me just how grateful you are." Tony utters and stares at Peter as he comes hard down the boy's throat.
Buried to the hilt of his mentor's cock, Peter had no choice but to gulp down the waves of warm cum the best he could, eyes not leaving his mentor. Despite the act they just committed, somehow staring at one another like this, felt like the most intimate thing they had done. Peter pulls off when he thinks he got it all and suddenly feeling very exposed.
"M-Mr. Stark..." Peter says and a small string of cum on his bottom lip, connected to the tip of the man's softening cock. He isn't sure where he's going with this. Although he isn't given a chance to finish because Tony groans as he grabs him up and planting the boy in his lap. Peter blushed at the sitting arrangement. Even though, Tony was soft now, he was still big and Peter could feel it on his thigh. It made him moan desperately. "Please, S-Sir I need to-" Tony hushes him with a finger to his lips.
"It's okay, I'll take care of you baby," The older man says and he looks even better up close like this, so handsome and god, did he smell good. Peter tried to close the small distance between their lips but Mr. Stark beats him to it, tugging Peter forward by the curls at the back of his head. Peter gaps, immediately clinging to Tony. He moaned as his mentor worked his mouth open, feeling like jelly in his embrace. His first kiss, going to Mr. Stark, he whines with realization, unintentionally grinding down, which made him whine more from the friction.
Peter must have got caught up in the rolling of their tongues because he doesn't even notice Mr. Stark's hand traveling down his back and around until he lets out a high pitch moan in the kiss. Tony presses hard on the teen's confined hard-on.
"Look at you, so hard just from cock sucking. You just aim to please, don't you Peter? Always being such a good boy...I think you deserve a reward." Tony says against the boy's mouth. He slides his hand into Peter's jeans and wraps it around his throbbing cock, Peter leans forward from the friction, resting his forehead against the older man's shoulder. Noises he can't contain slip out as Tony works his cock up and now.
"G-god, M-Mr. Stark I-I" Peter can't even finish his sentence, too focused on the heat of his mentor's hand on him. It felt incredible, another first taken by Mr. Stark and he was getting off on it. He couldn't help the way his hips move on their own, only moaning more when Tony lets him.
"That's it Peter. Fuck my fist like the needy little thing you are. I want you to cum like this. Good boys do as they're told so be a good boy and cum baby." Tony whispers into the boy's ear, jerking him faster.
Peter isn't sure exactly what takes him overboard, he'd bet it was the 'good boy' or 'baby' comment. Either way, Peter was coming and whining as Tony worked his cock completely, milking it of every drop until he was soft and sensitive. Peter collapsed on top of his mentor, completed sedated, trying to catch his breath as the latter pulled a handkerchief out of his jacket.
"Hm, you made a mess of my suit jacket." Tony clicked his tongue and Peter blushes with embarrassment.
"I-I I'm sorry sir. I didn't mean to. It just felt so g-good..." Peter says and he's staring down at the man's chest. Tony tips his head up, so they're eye level and presses a kiss against the boy's lips. He pulls away shortly afterwards (much to Peter's disappointment) and smirks at him.
"Since you were getting your reward, it's alright this time but-" Mr. Stark stops as he holds Peter's jaw in place, looking at him with dark orbs. "If you do it again, I'm gonna make you clean it up with your tongue, understand? Good boys don't make messes."
"Y-yes Mr. Stark, I'll be more careful next time." Peter says, still floating from the best orgasm he ever had. Again. Mr. Stark wanted to do it again with him and that was definitely something Peter could get behind.
"I know you will," Mr. Stark says accordingly and puts himself back into his slacks, Peter can't help but watch, still in disbelief the cock was just in his mouth. "You're a good boy."
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razrbladekiss · 3 years
Tyrants | Chapter Three - Presage
WARNINGS: Brief mentions of Wendy’s drug use. Nothing explicitly *bad* goes on here, just some of the usual SOA shit is hinted at. :) Tig <3
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Ninety degrees was horrendous. Ninety-six degrees saw Isla spiraling toward a fully-fledged mental breakdown, desperate to climb out of her own fucking flesh and melt into the parking lot outside of St. Thomas.
Seeing the Sons sporting leathers, hoodies, and long-sleeved shirts underneath their cuts made her skin crawl, too.
She'd thrown on the flounciest summer dress she owned, thin and wispy, and she was still roasting to death underneath the Californian sunshine.
It felt like they were living in the fucking ass-crack of hell.
Though, with their current state and Charming's infestation of ATF and other federal agents, hell wasn't too far off the mark.
"Thanks for the ride." Isla expressed her gratitude as she slid off of the back of Tig's bike, pulling the helmet away from loose blonde curls.
"No problem, baby--you good to get home, yeah?"
"Yeah. I'm meeting Gem here, so she'll take me back to T M in time to pick my car up," she confirmed, readjusting herself.
She couldn't risk Tig Trager getting an eyeful of her asscheeks today. Not again, anyway.
"Perfect. See 'ya later, beautiful." Isla leaned in for him to peck her cheek--which was habitual for the pair--and she did the same.
Her smile was wide. She was beaming. "Bye, Tiggy. I love you."
"Love you too, kid." He reciprocated the smile, squeezing her hand as she broke away and padded toward the steps, brushing her fingers through wind-tousled strands.
Things were, for the first time in about a week, finally looking up. Resuming a sense of normality, perhaps.
She and Trager had been on precarious terms since that day, and had been avoiding one another altogether. Which, for them, was strange.
Days went by without even so much as a word being uttered between the pair, no backhanded comments, or even sideways glances.
Usually, they'd be bickering like kids, arguing nonsensically until Clay or Chibs broke them apart--but it was all just their little bit of fun. Because they bounced off of one another.
They lauded the relationship they shared because, really, it was one of the strongest.
He'd been her official favorite since the very day that they met--he and Bobby were the two she liked to talk to whenever she felt that she couldn't confide in her father.
But the last few days were so fucking hard. She was struggling with the weight of all that she did, coupled with the stress of not being able to discern Tig's current feelings on her.
And after she'd lashed out, had bitched at him for no fucking reason, she was pretty certain that Tiggy didn't want to know anymore.
That was thrown out of the window this morning, however, when Isla's clutch blew out, and she needed a ride from the garage to the hospital to see Abel.
Of course Tig was there for her. He always would be.
"Hey." Isla spoke softly as she held the little blue bear close to her chest. "I stopped by the gift shop on the way up here--Jax said he's already got bears and balloons comin' outta his ass, so I thought what's one more?"
Gemma couldn't help but smile, gesturing for the blonde to sit with her opposite Abel's isolette.
"He'll love you for it," she joked, though she knew that she was appreciative. For her company more so the stuffed animal.
With their commitment to the club and the current battle against the ATF, Jax and Clay weren't as hands on as what they usually would've liked.
Of course, Teller was at that baby's side whenever he got the chance to break away from SAMCRO, but he wanted more. He wanted the satisfaction of knowing that his little boy was being provided with the best possible care at St. Thomas.
And he was. He absolutely was. But he needed to know--for his own peace of mind, he needed to see that. So, his mother was there every waking fucking moment, giving him that love he could only get from his Grandma.
"How's he doing?" Her query was braided around a whisper, worried she'd disturb Abel's peaceful rest. "Jax said he should be coming home soon."
Gemma simply affirmed with a nod, gazing affectionately at her grandson.
It was heartwarming to see so much love, so much adoration from a woman who had a reputation for being a fucking cunt--thus proving that Gemma's main priority was her family, and their health and happiness.
That, somehow, made Isla love her even more than what she already did.
It also made her a tad jealous of Jax and the fact that he still had his mother in his life.
"He's gettin' stronger and stronger everyday. Tara said he'll be set to leave Friday--"
"Tara?" Her brow lifted as she put the bear amongst the pile of gifts. "I thought she was a doctor, I didn't think she had anything to do with the babies?"
Gemma's smile faltered a little. "She's a pediatric surgeon. Been takin' care of Abel since the start."
Now, she would've known that if she'd taken the time to visit her best friend's kid since he was born. But she hadn't--she hadn't even considered taking a trip over to St. Thomas to check in on Jax's baby.
And it was for the simple fucking reason that she couldn't bear the thought of facing Wendy and having to be nice to her. Especially after what she fucking did to that poor little boy.
She subsequently landed her own flesh and blood in the hospital after shooting heroin while pregnant? And she wanted Jax to pardon her for it?
Isla wasn't a hateful person, she didn't care about what people did in their spare time because that was their time.
But the moment an innocent person was harmed due to the carelessness of others...That was when she felt a scathing animosity.
"She's good with him." Gemma stated bitterly, snapping Isla from her ire-fueled daydream. "Kills me to say it, but she's a gem. A real fuckin' star."
"I'd bet. She was always good with kids."
"Yeah?" Suddenly interested, the older woman crossed over her arms. "Who's kids?"
Finally, Isla took a seat beside her on top of plush blue leather.
"A few of the girls we were in high school with had kids pretty young and Tara was usually super keen to hold them, or just hang out at their places whenever we weren't at school. Or it could've just been the wannabe doctor in her, now that I think about it."
"She's pretty maternal," Isla hummed in agreement, "but I'm glad she and Jax never had kids when you were teenagers--I don't know how that would've looked for him."
Suddenly, she was staring at Gemma like she had two fucking heads.
"I don't trust her." She elaborated, drawing another confused glance from Isla. "She and Jax would have been a fucking disaster had she stayed--"
"And things worked out so much better with Wendy?" A little more vehemently than intended, the blonde asked.
Now Gemma was the one shooting dirty looks.
"Look, Gem, I'm just saying. Jax and Tara are history now, yeah? You don't have to trust her. Just thank her for what she's doing for your grandson because when he's outta this place, you won't need to worry about her."
"And you're so sure about that, huh?" Skeptically, she asked. Arms folded over. "You know what they're like--like two fucking magnets or something. They always find a way back to one another."
That line gutted her.
It hurt her--it was agonizing--but she wasn't sure why she was so beaten by it. Because it was the truth, wasn't it?
Tara and Jax were, at one point, the strongest couple she'd ever known, and when it fizzled out he was fucking broken. She hadn't seen him so downtrodden since JT had passed, and he was suddenly left without the strength and guidance of his father.
She was his everything. Isla was a fool to think he'd be able to see her back in Charming and not feel something for her. His first love.
"I think we should throw Abel a homecoming party on Friday--if he's coming home then, that is." Gemma shifted the topic of conversation, getting to her feet.
"Absolutely. I'll help."
"Yeah?" She asked a little doubtingly, reaching over to pick Abel up. "You don't have to--I know you work Friday's."
Isla waved her off, standing beside the brunette. "I do, but it's no bother. If everyone's gonna be there, then I wanna show my face too. Offer a helping hand of some sort."
"Alright, perfect," Gem stated softly, holding the baby close to her chest. "When we get back to T M, we can figure out what we need to get."
"Sounds like a plan--" Isla was cut off by a soft knocking at the door, irritating her a little bit because she'd only just gotten there and hated the idea of having to leave already.
She made a mental note to stop by a little earlier tomorrow.
"Hey, sorry to bother you--" Tara stopped herself when she needed her estranged friend, almost dropping the clipboard she was holding against her chest.
Isla Telford was the last fucking person she expected to see today.
"Hey," with a fake smile, she greeted.
The tension was palpable.
Gemma felt the irritation washing over her favorite of the duo, urging her to turn her attention back toward her grandson before she said anything to worsen the situation.
Because she would've.
"Uh, I've gotta run a few tests on Abel before we determine that he'll be ready to leave this week, if that's alright?" Tara gestured to Gemma, ignoring Isla's presence.
That stung a little bit.
"Yeah. It's fine." The response was blunt. Terse, to a point.
Isla realized that she wasn't wanted in that space any longer. She grabbed her purse, turning toward the door. "I'll meet you outside."
"Yeah, alright," Gemma put the baby back into his crib, smiling at Isla. "You want my keys?"
"I'll wait on the steps--I'm gonna smoke--"
"Before you go," Tara cut in. She cleared her throat, trying to smile--but she just couldn't.
Telford sensed where it was going, however. There wasn't a reason for her to stop Isla in her tracks, in front of Gemma no less.
She wondered how long it'd take for it to be brought up.
Gratitude genuinely swept over the doctor, letting Isla know she was truthful in her acknowledgment--or, was it more like a form of praise? Because Jax definitely told Tara what they both did for her, and she was astounded that the woman would even float the idea of helping out.
It was a strange notion. To know what she did--when she looked and acted like that--was fucking weird. And nobody would've believed her if she said that Isla helped to dispose of a dead body, which did make her laugh a little.
She knew how to hold, load, and fire a pistol, but she wasn't capable of committing the unspeakable the same way that Jax, or Chibs, or Clay were capable of it.
But she was slowly earning her title as 'Daughter of Sgt. At Arms/ Man of Mayhem.' And she wasn't sure how she liked that.
"You're welcome," she spoke plainly. "Hope everything is alright now, Tara."
"It is."
"Good." Her retort was immediate, laced with that same genuineness the other woman expressed. "You free this coming friday?"
Hesitantly, she nodded.
"If all goes to plan--and Abel is good to come home--we're gonna throw a little party for the boy," Gemma confirmed with a nod. "You wanna swing by? Everyone'll be there--Donna, Ope, their kids, Wendy, the rest of the Sons. You should come. It'll be nice for everyone to see 'ya again."
Wendy's name falling from those pink lips, in such a positive light, maimed Isla. She and Jax were starting to get along a little bit better now, but she was still wary of that woman.
"Yeah. It'll be great," the older woman added.
Tara felt cornered. She knew that she wasn't really wanted, and she also knew that was a way for Isla and her menopausal best friend--old enough to be her fuckin' mom--to keep the doctor as close as possible without explicitly saying that they wanted to keep an eye on her.
"Sure. I'll stop by."
"Brilliant." Gemma conceded, slipping past the pair. "Address hasn't changed, sweetheart."
It was passive aggressive, sickly-sweet, and it was Gemma to a fucking T. The woman was loathing every second she had to spend with Tara Knowles and she wasn't even trying to hide it.
But it didn't have to be for very long, she thought.
"What was that all about? Why'd she thank you?" Gem queried as they got outside, passing the lighter to her left.
"For not breaking her fucking neck when I had the chance to all those years ago, probably."
Isla sparked her cigarette, pacing alongside her as they headed toward the car.
"That's bullshit."
"How so?"
"Just is." She could read Chibs's little girl like a fucking book. "But I won't press--if it's something between you and Tara, I don't care to hear. Just lemme know if it goes south. I can put a bullet in her for you, baby."
Isla would've laughed had she not known that Gemma was deadly fucking serious about blowing Tara's brains out.
But it was a relief. For her to give it up just like that--uncharacteristically so--was a kind of relief that she never thought she'd feel from Gemma Teller.
She was used to being protected. Used to being viewed as the one that needed to be shielded from the horrors that shrouded the Sons. But Isla wasn't innocent, nor was she fucking stupid.
The security was appreciated, however. Because, lately, things just didn't seem to be going too great for her.
And, if she'd learned anything, they'd only worsen from here on out.
"You don't have to go full mama bear mode, Gem. I'm a big girl."
She laughed, turning to face Isla.
"I know," smoke blew from her nose, "but you've gotta protect the ones you wanna keep close, y'know? The ones you love."
The tip of Gemma's boot pulverized her cigarette into the sidewalk as she fished for the car keys, avoiding eye contact all together.
"I haven't been able to protect everyone I've wanted to from the shit that goes on in this town, honey, but I'm really tryin'. And I couldn't live with myself if anything happened to you or my boy."
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getitinbusan · 4 years
Finger Bang!
Jeongguk Smut
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More than pleased with himself, Jeongguk stared at how wet the bed was.
Quickly undoing his pants he knew he could pull another orgasm out of you while you were still blissed out. He brushed the damp hair off your cheek and kissed it.
"I don't think I'm ever going to get used to seeing that."
It had been a few weeks since this new talent revealed itself and he was determined to perfect the craft.
If he curled his fingers just right, and dragged them in and out at a steady pace, he could make you squirt like a soup dumpling. 
"So fucking wet, I can't believe how much your pussy loves my fingers." 
So while you lay in the aftermath, mind blank, muscles limp, he'd hop on and fuck you the rest of the way into oblivion replacing your fluids with his.
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Walking through the airport you grabbed hold of him. Instead of taking his whole hand, you gripped your two favorite fingers and gave them a tight teasing squeeze.
"You really like those huh?"
"I thought it was obvious?"
Pressing his digits up to your lips you kissed them softly.
"I'm going to miss them this week, do you really have to go?"
"You're not going to miss me? Just my fingers?" He laughed, "You know you've got your own right?" 
"Not the same Guk. I love you, you'd better hurry back." 
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The day before he was scheduled to return he messaged you. 
JK: I can't wait to see you tomorrow, I have a surprise. 
Y/N: I thought we were going to FaceTime tonight? I miss your smile Guk-ah."
Y/N: But what's the surprise!!??
JK: You're gonna have to be patient 💜 We get in at 7am, stay in bed, I'll meet you there 😏
The alarm went off at 6am, that would give you just enough time. 
Peeling off his old ripped t-shirt you got up to shower and shave.  
Putting clean sheets on the bed you tucked yourself back in just as the key turned in the lock. 
You heard the sound of his duffel bag drop on the floor, followed by shoes, then clothes as his bare feet pattered towards the bed. 
"I know you're not sleeping, I can see you smiling." 
You laughed as he lifted the covers and crawled on top of you.  "You'd better get over here and kiss me Jeongguk." 
His lips announced his homecoming as they connected with yours. His hand drew through your hair and caressed your cheek. 
You pulled back at the strange sensation. "What's this? Why are you wearing a glove? Jeongguk are you hurt?!" 
He rolled onto his back and held his gloved hand up. "This is my surprise!" 
You looked at him puzzled, "I don't get it." 
Sliding the fabric off his hand he slowly revealed his newly inked fingers, the inflamed writing spelled out ARMY across his knuckles. 
"Oh my God, thats so fucking hot!" 
He smiled at your praise. "You really like it? I can't wait for the fans to see how much I love them." 
You crawled on top of him, "When are you gonna show me how much you love me?" 
You ground yourself onto his hardening cock, "I need you to make me cum."
"Yeah? you need my fingers inside you baby?" 
"Please Kookie, I've been a good girl waiting for you." 
"Fuck, I love when you talk like that." 
He lowered his hand to your entrance, his fingers finding you wet in anticipation. Dipping his index inside you he hissed. 
His eyes grew big and apologetic, "shit...shit, I'm sorry. I'll be right back." 
He got out of bed and walked to the washroom. You could hear him running the faucet. The light flicked back off and he stood beside the bed. 
"You're gonna be mad." 
"Jeongguk, what's going on? I've missed you, why the hell aren't you fucking me right now?" 
He grabbed the discarded glove from the bed and slipped it back over his hand.
Realization hit you, "Oh for fucks sakes Jeon. How long till they heal?" 
His head dropped,"Three weeks.." 
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The sex was good but… it was no squirting orgasm. 
It had been a week and a half plus the week he'd been gone. He felt bad.
Jeongguk loved to please you and even though you didn't complain he knew he could be giving you so much more. 
He walked into the living room where you lay on the couch and made a show of dropping his book loudly onto the coffee table. 
You picked it up and read the title, 
"Tantric Alchemy and Amrita: The Sacred Nectar of a good woman"
"Have you given up Overwatch for feminist studies?" 
He took it out of your hand and stretched out beside you. 
He flipped it open, "It says when a woman squirts, its a holy experience for her." 
You couldn't stop laughing at how serious he was.
"You've made me scream OH GOD on multiple occasions, im not sure why you needed a book to tell you that." 
"Don't make fun of me," he pouted. "I know you really like it when I make you squirt and I just want to understand so I can do it better." 
You held up his hand and looked at the Tattoos, "How much longer?" 
"Three more days baby, we're almost there. Wanna see what else I learned?" 
He flipped to the bookmarked page and read it to you.
"Tantric Kissing brings your makeout sessions to totally new, electric, and elevated levels. It allows you to experience flowing orgasmic energy with  outrageous passion between you and your kissing partner." He wiggled his brow and grinned.
Your panties were already wet.
"Jeongguk," you rubbed against him, "I'm more of a hands on learner. Why dont you teach me about it?"
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You woke up in a great mood. Today was THE day! 
Jeongguk had left bright and early for rehearsal so you wouldn't see him until after the show tonight. 
Trying to distract yourself all day, your house had never been this clean. The anticipation building inside you was manifesting in your creamed panties. 
Y/N: Guk I'm gonna die...I cant wait any longer.
JK: Don't you dare touch yourself!
Y/N: You'd better take care of me
JK: I've got you baby girl.
JK: I changed the ending of Boy with Luv just for you...💜
Y/N: ?? Cant wait, see you soon.
He was a tease. Standing in the front row with your legs clamped together he danced for you.
Lifting his shirt, thrusting his hips, rolling his body, his hand falling conveniently over his cock. He knew exactly what he was doing. 
Almost at the finish line, you couldn't wait to get him home. The familiar ohs of Boy With Luv began and you watched as he flirted with you. You didn't want to wait, you wanted to be in the car already, getaway style. 
End...end...come on end...Boy with Luv…
He looked over his shoulder  directly at you and raised your two favorite fingers in the air. Holding the pose he winked and motioned with his head for you to get backstage. 
"Fucking finger guns Jeongguk? Do you want me to wet myself in public?" 
Not saying a word he grinned as he pulled you into a nearby green room and locked the door behind him. 
He backed you up animalisticly like you were prey until your legs found the edge of the couch.
He put his tattooed finger over you lips.  
You lay back on the couch as he knelt on the floor in front of you. 
Lifting your skirt he shook his head, "you haven't been wearing panties all night?"
You smiled sweetly and shrugged. 
Spreading you wide he went knuckle deep and pulled back out. "So fucking wet," he licked his finger. 
"Guk please, don't tease me anymore." Begging him, you were desperate to get off. 
He pushed his fingers into you and layed himself onto your chest. As his fingers stroked your sweet spot he whispered in your ear. 
"Remember the other day when we kissed for hours?"
You couldn't form sentences so you moaned in acknowledgment.
"How it felt like nothing else existed but us?" 
He lifted your leg to hit a deeper angle. 
"I want to give you that all the time." 
His lips moved warm and slow, his tongue dancing in your mouth as fireworks went off behind your eyes. His fingers, covered in cream were snuggly inside you, pressing, rubbing into a euphoric trance. He had you dizzy. 
His tongue swiped across your bottom lip, "can you cum for me?"  
You knew he was speaking but your brain couldn't decipher what the words were. 
As your hips involuntarily rose to press into his palm he increased his speed. Your legs were trembling and he knew it was imminant. Moving to the side he watched as pleasure took over and you released your cum onto the couch and the floor. 
"Thats my girl." 
Your head was reeling as you tried to regain your strength. He held out his hand to help you up. 
"Aren't you going to finish?" 
He pulled you into a hug, "Nope. I learnt a few things from my book, it's going to be a long night." 
He opened the door just as Jimin was walking by. Eyeing you both  suspiciously up and down he looked into the room. "Is everything okay? Why are you wet.. why's the floor wet?" 
Jungkook shrugged, "Sometimes we have waterfights."
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aq2003 · 2 years
ranking every recent spidey movie because i am biased and contain opinions
spider-man (2002). this movie is pretty funny and dafoe (best part of the movie) kills it as green goblin. however it also aged badly with the special effects and Not Great Writing of the female characters™. tobey is great but i think he shines more in the later movies (which i will get to). it does a great job of setting up the characters and universe but it's also the most basic of the raimi trilogy imo. because while this is pretty cohesive narrative-wise it's still less enjoyable to me than the others (doesn't mean it's bad, just that it gets better from here). 6.5/10
spider-man 2 (2004). i think this is objectively the best live action spidey movie (even if i personally like 3 better). doc ock is my fav live action spidey villain and the fight scenes in this movie are just. iconic. the train scene obviously deserves every bit of the hype it gets. also this movie leans hard into my favorite spidey trope which is "peter struggles to balance his superhero life and civilian life" and i really love the plot point about peter's powers not working bc of the stress coming out of it. and the raindrops keep falling on my head montage is cinema tm. loses points for the very bad depiction of mj but this is rly the only problem i have with it. 8/10
spider-man 3 (2007). this movie has the biggest "over the top soap opera comic" vibes and god do i LOVE it. the plot is all over the place and it's clearly struggling to juggle the three villains but also i had so much fun watching it so it does not matter. this movie has my two fav scenes in the Entire raimi trilogy which are a) emo peter doing his stupid little walk and b) emo peter doing his stupid little dance. emo peter my beloved. you'll forever be in my heart and i'll never get tired of the memes about you. anyway it makes me a little sad that spidey movies from here on will be afraid to be this cheesy and stupid. 8.5/10
the amazing spider-man (2012). andrew is a great spidey you all were just mean. i like how the movie leans into him having to get used to his powers and the bit at the end where peter brings home the eggs to may was super heartwarming. there are writing decisions i have issues with most notably peter getting his start as spidey by hunting down any long haired blonde guy and how this plot point gets dropped without getting resolved (so the "responsibility" element is kinda missing from the origin to me). BUT skaterman peter is extremely lovable so i'll forgive him. also the lizard is such a hilarious villain. 7/10
the amazing spider-man 2 (2014). ok so i tried really hard to like this movie but. well. lmao. i will say that peter's suit/the overall visual effects look great and i think andrew's performance is the best part of the movie. and that part where electro's theme (?) plays in time when he destroys things is neat. everything else is just. a mess. enough criticism has been thrown at this movie so im not gonna delve into it but i do want to say that i really wish the tasm movies were written better bc there's so much potential in the characters/universe but the writing brings it down for me. 5/10
spider-man: homecoming (2017). i still love this movie i know it makes me a fake spidey enjoyer but still. it's adorable. it's part of what got me rly into marvel and it has a special place in my heart. hoco is not trying to be an origin story it's like this comedy hs movie w spidey elements and also works kinda as a sequel to an unseen origin and i like that (bc we have already seen the origin 2 other times). extra points for being the funniest depiction of high school and having my fav soundtrack out of the rest of the live action movies. However there are still definite sins committed adaptation wise that carry over to the rest of the mcu trilogy and they sting very hard rewatching this movie now. 7.5/10
spider-man: into the spider-verse (2018). cinematic masterpiece and the best superhero movie of all time i am sure that everyone with a brain can agree with me on this. every frame of this movie is so beautiful and it captures the comic book vibe so well. it's a love letter to spider-man as a character and you can tell how much passion was put into it. there are about 5 scenes in this movie that still make me tear up even though ive rewatched it so many times. miles my son . [peter b voice] i LOVE YOU i am SO PROUD OF YOU. beautiful soundtrack and animation, amazing action, top notch voice acting, it truly has Everything. i think the only spidey movies that will have a chance of being as good as this movie are its sequels. 1000/10
spider-man: far from home (2019). i hate this movie and every connection it makes with tony stark. this is because i love tony stark so much hes my favorite guy ever and this movie feels like slander towards him. way back on my sideblog i ranted about how besides the fact that peter isnt a legacy hero it fails at cementing him as a legacy in the first place, But Also this all gets immediately retracted in no way home so whats the entire point anyways. mj and peter are cute but are they worth it for the tony slander. no. i cant have normal opinions about this movie i'm sorry. 3/10.
spider-man: no way home (2021). i know. i know. everyone likes this movie. there's generally a lot to like, from the villains to the action to the previous spideys to the dynamic between the main trio. however i wish that this trilogy had not gone in this direction at all. there are lots of writing choices i super disagree with, the biggest one being may dying because a) the mcu cant stopping killing its important female characters and b) it retcons the previous implication that ben existed and had a hand in peter's origin. also i don't like the ending lmao. to me it feels like every individual mcu spidey movie shoots itself in the foot and makes it increasingly harder to build upon story-wise. 5/10
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xxisxxisxxis · 3 years
Gateway Drug | Part Eighty-Five [PT. 2]
Part Eighty-Five [PT. 1]
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"Who the fuck does he think he is?!" I bark, and Duff waits patiently for me to calm down. "I put blood, sweat, and tears, into this marriage and he just files for divorce a day after he dies?!" I've been on a tangent for nearly twenty minutes now. 
"Well...you were gonna file anyway, right?" He asks when I turn my back to him and I stop, closing my eyes. 
"...You were gonna file, right?" 
I hesitate and he sighs out. 
"I'm gonna go." He says next, grabbing his jacket. 
"What? No, Duff--"
"--You clearly have a lot to think about, Viv, alright? And it's good, you need to just fucking stop and think for a little bit because you clearly haven't been--neither of us have been thinking--so you just take a few days and think about stuff and--"
"--I don't need to think about anything, Duff, I didn't mean it like that." 
"Well, how'd you mean it, Viv? If you weren't gonna file for divorce and get out of the relationship, and then get mad when he does, that tells me that you want to be with him. And I understand that and I'm not mad about it, I just don't want you dragging me along while trying to decide whether you really wanna leave him or not." 
"I'm not dragging you along."
"I'm giving you time to think about what you want, alright? Call me when you're ready to talk." He turns to go but I grab his hand.
"Will you just stop and listen to me?" I ask him calmly, wrapping my arms around his waist. 
"Vivian." He weakly lets out. 
"I love you," I tell him. 
"I'm not saying you don't love me, I just think you aren't 'in-love' with me and that's where we're getting fucked sideways and that's why I just need to go and let you sort this out." 
He says. 
"I have it sorted out." I argue. 
"Viv, we both know…." He won't finish. 
"No, we don't." I state, my fingertips grazing under his shirt, running against his lower back. "Please just stay." I beg him and he exhales. "Please?" I stand on my toes, my lips brushing against his. 
He lets out a defeated sigh and leans down, our lips meeting, his hands in my hair before we start pulling each other's clothes off. 
Sex = The problem is solved.
A few hours later, he's passed out, snoring softly and I get up, looking at him over my shoulder, grabbing the sheet from Steven's bed, who was gone to see Axl and Tansy since they got back from New York.
The day of Nikki's homecoming, Tansy and Axl filed for a marriage license, when they were told Tansy was already married to Chester Straught, who we knew as, "Sparkie." Tansy didn't even know she was married (because she was blacked out when it happened) but they told her she'd have to go back to New York and have it annulled. 
As you can imagine, Axl had a fit at the fact Tansy had been married since 1984. 
So it wasn't just Nikki who had a solid chance at meeting their maker on December 22, 1987.
I pull the sheet over me before heading to the living room and picking the envelope of papers Nikki gave to me, looking them over. 
He's leaving me everything except the dog and his personal savings account. 
I don't want any of it, though, if he's not going to be there with me. 
He's been with me since I was seventeen years old, nearly seven years, and he expects me to just go on without him. 
He might as well have died if this is how things are going to end between us. 
Tears well in my eyes, the heart breaking revelation coming to my mind. 
I sniffle, a tear hitting the papers. 
I feel Duff wrap his arms around me, hugging me. 
"I'll be okay, Vivian." He tells me softly, and I choke out a little cry, grabbing his arms, holding them.
"It's so unfair." I say through my tears. "Because I really love you, I just can't…" 
"No, I know exactly how you feel." He assures me in the same tone, sounding like he's keeping himself from shedding a few tears, too. 
"I'm so sorry, Duff." I tell him, shaking my head a little. "You've been so good to me, and have made me so happy and have helped me through so much shit...thank you for being my peace for so long, even before we got together...I'm just so sorry." 
"I'm not." He tries to say it lightly to cheer me up. "I'm not mad, I'm not hurt…I don't regret anything." He adds. "I've loved you for years, Viv. If you think I'm gonna look back and be bitter we're breaking up, it's bullshit." He states. "I'm just glad you ever even look in my direction, but a whole thing happening…" he starts with a chuckle and I laugh, wiping my eyes. "...I'm gonna be thanking you for that until the day I die, so just do whatever you need to do. I'll be fine, Viv. I promise." 
It doesn't help me feel any better for, what I feel like is, completely screwing him over--and I just try to calm down, closing my eyes as we keep holding each other. 
Something that took three years to build, broken down in less than five minutes, and buried completely when he married Mandy five months later. 
I wish I could say I didn't carry guilt as his health declined over the next several years. I knew he wasn't solely drinking himself to death because of me staying with Nikki--but he'd let me know, very subtly, I was a part of it.
"...And he's not gonna wanna talk about the divorce so don't bring it up first thing, ease into it." Doc briefs me in the parking lot of the rehab facility. "Don't ask him if he's found Jesus yet, I did that the other day--bullshitting--and he tore me a new one so steer clear of the 'admitting there's a force greater than yourself' step in the program." He adds. 
"Okay." I reply as he opens the door. 
We get checked in and visitor passes…
"Are you wearing a pushup bra?" Doc asks me randomly as we walk in the direction of the visitation center and I furrow my brows. 
"Your boobs look bigger." He comments. 
"Stop looking at my boobs." 
"I wasn't, they're just not hard to miss." He states. 
I roll my eyes and keep walking down the hall. 
When we get to an open area with a big skylight and tables, I see Nikki sitting down and fidgeting with his watch.
He looks up and sees us. 
He already looks so much healthier--he looks exhausted, though.
The faintest hint, I mean the faintest, smile tugs at the corners of his lips for half a second, his eyes glued to me. 
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comingtothetree23 · 4 years
Protecting The Heart (Peter Parker x reader)
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Three things 1: This is a really dumb idea but I wanted to do it, so I'm doing it. 2: This is a new story. It's not apart of Homecoming and a Film By Peter Parker. 3: This is my first time writing Peter on my own without help from Homecoming! I really don’t like this but I’m trying. I got the idea from Monster high.
You sat next to Peter as you and the Avengers waited for the meeting to start. You let out some giggles after Peter told you his story about being trapped in the vultures lair. 
"Oh! I'm gonna be meeting up with an old friend." You smiled as you told Peter. You were supposed to meet up with him later today, "I haven't seen him since I was like ten!"
"You seem excited," Peter noted as he looked at you bouncing a little in your seat. 
"Of course I am! He was my best friend before I became an avenger!" You smiled as you wave your arms around you two. 
"Oh 'Best Friend' Sorry Pete you've been replaced," Tony stated as he entered the room, also entering the conversation. everyone turned to look at you and Peter.
"Those two are inseparable! literally." Nat rolled her eyes as she looked at you two of you, Peter gave her a confused look while you just nodded your head in agreement.
"If anything Peter replaced him." You nudged Peter's shoulder while he just rolled his eyes, "Are you made? if so, don't be me and you are way closer than me and Arther ever been." Once you said that you noticed Peter looked over at you with his small adorable smile.
"Hopefully the guys not mad might get revenge on Parker." You scoffed at that. Arther was the nicest guy ever...Even if he never tried to reach out to you until you became an official Avenger.
"Arther not like that,"
"You don't know, You haven't seen since you were ten? Six years can change someone." Sam said making you roll your eyes and pout a little.
"Isn't the meeting supposed to start?" you mumbled out while pouting making Peter chuckle and ruffle your hair, making you pout even more.
"Oh yes! Yes yes of course! F.R.I.D.A.Y, tell them about what's going on." 
"Yes, Boss."
You listened to the A.L with a bored expression, it's the same thing. You started paying more attention when something new came up. 
"14 Teenage girls were found dead in their homes." Everyone stared at the screen where they showed some of the crime scenes, "The bodies are only missing one thing, their hearts." your eyes widen even more at that, "All the bodies were found in their own houses, no sign of struggle or breaking and entering." The next thing F.R.I.D.A.Y says makes your heart race, "All the girls are in the age range 15-18." You didn't fail to notice everyone's eyes move over to you.
"...Do they have any leads?" You spoke up quietly, you wanted nothing more than send that bastard into prison. those poor bastards.
"There are no leads." 
"No leads, no evidence?" You mumbled before looking over at Peter, who was looking down in thought.
"That's impossible. There's no way you can't leave evidence at a crime scene." Peter spoke up before leaning his head on his hand, "This makes no sense,"
 "I'm pretty sure people have left crime scenes without making evidence." You leaned back in your seats while in deep thought. 
"Technically, no. You can't have a crime scene without evidence. Practically, yes. You can have a crime scene without evidence." Tony explained to you all
"That's important to know for later but for now, what do we do?" Steve spoke up, looking around at everyone. Everyone was in deep thought of what to do.
" Me, Steve, and Tony will go to some of the crime scenes." Nat started, looking around at everyone, "Sam and Bucky you go talk to the girl's parents..." You stopped listening to her as you thought of the girls, having their hearts ripped out sounded extremely painful. You hated that you couldn't have helped them in time.
"...(Y/n) and Peter, you two will contiue to do your patrols but keep an eye out for anything suspicious."  You and Peter both nodded at her. 
"Alright team, let's go." You all nodded and stood up to leave
"Who made her in charge?"
"C'mon Pete, I'll be fine. I can handle myself." You let out a small laugh as you took your hand out of Peter's grip. 
"(Y/n) it's dangerous out there! You could be hurt." Peter argued as you ducked under him to get out of the door, "You can't use your portals out in public!"
"Why!? People already know my identity, That's how Arther knew how to reach out to me. If anyone tries to kidnap me or something I'll just teleport away." you saw Peter open up his mouth, you hold a finger up, "And if they follow me I'll defend myself. I know how to." you look behind you to see Peter just standing there, looking really upset.
"Aw Pete, please don't be upset." You started to move closer to him without thinking. You regretted it when Peter webbed your hand and pulled you toward him, "Peter!" You struggled as Peter held you tight.
Your face was smushed against his chest while Peter held your arms down in the hug. He had his chin on the top of your head. If you weren't supposed to leave you would have melted into the hug Peter's hugs are just the best and you love them so much! Their so soft and makes you feel safe, which you kinda needed right now, but you also needed to leave.
"I just want you to be safe, (Y/n)," he mumbled into your hair. You suddenly felt guilty, Peter was really worried about you he has been since that report about the girls. It worried you two but you knew you could handle it.
"Aw, Pete. You're too cute," you mumbled into his chest as you hugged him tight cuddling into his chest. Peter looked down at you and smiled as his cheeks turned pink, "...Are you really that worried." you look up at Peter with a small frown.
"Of course I am! I don't want anything bad to happen to you." He held you tighter as he mumbled out, "...I don't know what I'd do if I lost you." That made your eyes widen as you blushed at his words.
"If it makes you feel better...You can come with me." 
"You can come with me to meet Arther. I'm sure he won't mind." You shrugged as you looked back up at Peter, who was thinking about it.
"...Are you okay with it?" Peter asked in a small voice.
"Of course! I love hanging out with you." You got out of the hug and took his hands, "I don't want you to worry all day...For no reason."
"there is a reason!"
"So, yea! You can come with!" You ended with a small smile and a jump, "Then my two best friends can become friends!" you looked at peter with a sheepish smile, "If you guys get along."
"That sounds alright." Peter gave you a small smile. 
"What are we waiting for!? Let's go!" You took his hand and left the tower. Sam and Bucky watched as you two left the tower.
"There's gonna be a fight."
"(Y/n)!" You looked over at a teenage boy waving over at you, you looked at the boy confused. The boy has short dyed black hair, green pricing eyes and he is wearing a fancy shirt for being in a small town cafe. 
"Do you know him?" Peter asks as he takes your hand and told it tight.
"I dunno, he doesn't look familiar." You answered as you tighten your grip on Peter's hand. 
"(Y/n), it's me Arther!" Your eyes met his and you immdently recognized him. You smile and wave at him, You drag Peter over at the table as you both sat down
"Hey, Arther! How you doing man?" You smile as you held out a fistbump he stared at your fist for a moment before fist-bumping it.
"I'm good. Who's your friend?" He motions toward Peter. 
"This is Peter Parker, he's my really good friend. He's one of Tony Starks interns. That's how we met." That's kinda how you met.
"Tony Stark, That's mighty impressive." he looks over at Peter with a smile as he asks, "What do you do there, Peter?" Peter frowns and tries to reach for your hand as his Peter tingle screeched 'Danger' at him
"Oh, you know..." He laughs nervously, "Bring him his coffee, helps him with his inventions sometimes...The normal intern stuff." He finishes looking over at you with panicked eyes.
"Ain't that interesting," Arther smirked at Peter before looking over at you. 
'Danger! Danger! Danger! Danger! Danger!'      
"So Arther, How are you? Are you doing anything?" You asked him, you did notice how panicked Peter looked and decided not to talk about his 'internship'. 
"I'm doing just fine, darling." He smiled and planted a small kiss on your knuckle, "I've been moving School to School recently."
"Really? Why?"
"None of the places really captivated me." You and Peter share a confused glance before looking back at Arther, "But this place is just lovely."
"It's New York,"  Peter spoke up looking around the small cafe you three were in.
"And I've always wanted to live in New York." Arther says quickly, glaring at Peter before looking over at you, "and then I discovered that you lived here, darling." Arther took a hold of your hand, making Peter's tingle scream louder, "And I was over the moon!" 
"Oh, I'm not that great." You laugh gently and took your hand away from Arther's, "I bore people really easily." 
"That's not true, (Y/n)." Peter spoke up, making both you and Arther look at him, "You are amazing to be around! Your fun, smart and weirdly obsessed about TikTok." 
"Their funny and you know it!"
"Don't forget that you are beautiful, darling. Oh, I have something for you." He handed you a bunch of flowers.
"Oh, Thank you, Arther." You give him a fake smile as you place it gently behind you, "They beautiful." 
"Like you." You give him another fake smile. You didn't really think about when Arther puts on sunglasses and frown deeply at you. 
You jumped when both yours and Peter's phone goes off at the same time. You both look at it seeing it's from the Avengers. You groan as you look over at Arther
"Hey, Sorry Arther." You pointed behind you, "We both got to go, See you later?" 
"Of course, Darling. I'll see you soon." He smirked that made you shiver as he gently took your hand and put a kiss on it. 
"Bye Arther." You stood up, took Peter's hand, and left the cafe.
"You don't like him, Do you?" You ask as you and Peter sat on a roof, looking for any crime. You wore your super-suit while Peter was in his Spider-suit. You kick your feet out as you waited for his answer
"...Did he seem weird to you?" He avoided the question, you noticed he didn't want to answer your question, which answered your question.
"Well, He's always been... a little weird." You sighed as you kick your foot a little more, "but..." You quickly shook your head and layed down to look at the stars.
"But... He kinda made me uncomfortable," you confessed as you avoided Peter's eyes to look at the stars. What made you uncomfortable was it seemed like he wanted one thing from you.
"Do you wanna talk about it?" Peter asks in a soft voice, making you look over at him. You let out a sigh as he layed down next to you and you both stared at the sky.
"It's just... he never reached out to me before I became an Avenger and I didn't really mind. It's just when he started giving me flowers acting all romantic toward me. I just don't like him like that and we literally just got back in touch." You knew Peter was looking at you through his mask but you contiued, "Like I said earlier, We were never really that close."
"Why don't you tell him to stop?" Peter asks you making you let out a long sigh
"I will don't worry. I'm just in a mood. I'm just worried about teenage girls." Peter gave you a nod as you continues, "Having their hearts ripped out, must be so painful I can't even imagine." You felt tears sting your eyes. You held a hand touch your shoulder and you look over at Peter.
"Hey, Don't worry. We'll find the person who did this." Peter gently pulled off his mask to show you his face, he knows how much just seeing his face calms you down, "You'll be fine."
"I'm not worried about me! I'm worried for other girls out there." you looked over at Peter and gave him a look, "I just want people to be safe. Like how I was." You avoided Peters's gaze as you turned your head away from him. You suddenly felt a gloved hand on your chin and Peter moved your head to face him as he gave you an adorable smile
"Don't worry you will, (Y/n)." He gave you another smile hat made you smile. You look away for a moment before leaning in and giving him a peck on the lips before quickly pulling away.
Peter cupped your cheeks before giving you a soft gentle kiss on the lips. You smile into the kiss as you kiss him back, the kiss was gentle and full of love. Love that made you so happy you met Peter Parker. You two pulled away but kept your foreheads touching.
"How was that?" Peter shyly asks, trying to catch his breath. You let out a soft laugh as you gently pinch one of his rosy cheeks
"Peter, there's a bank robbery far east from here," Karen explains to him, not realized shes kinda ruining a moment.
"Duty calls." You giggle before placing a kiss on his nose. You stand up and jumps off the building to make a portal to the crime scene.
Leaving Peter watching you with a daze smiley look before shaking his head and putting his mask off and chases after you.
"You learn anything new from the case?" You ask as you enter the kitchen with Peter, his arm is around your waist. Ever since last night, you weren't willing to let out of each other.
"No, there's nothing at the crime scene. No fingerprints, no bloostains-" Steve started, looking over at Nat as he explains
"- No nothing! We found nothing!"
"How... How are the bodies?" Peter spoke up quietly, not wanting anyone to be upset but also it's important to know.
"The only thing found was a hole in their chest, where the heart was." Nat explains with a sigh not looking at any of you, "Sam and Bucky are starting to interview the parents. Hopefully, they'll find something."
"They will don't worry." You detached yourself from Peter and walked over to Nat, putting a hand on her shoulder, "We'll find them. We always do." You finished with a smile making Nat gave you a small smile. 
"So, You and Parker?" She asks with a smirk. You blush as you smile giddily at her with a quick nod of your head, "Guess that old friend of yours wasn't that fun, huh?"
"He was... Eh." 
"Eh, That bad huh?" Nat took a sip of her drink with a raised brow. 
"He wasn't bad it's just he was being all romantic like he were in a novel." You then say dramatically, "Two lovers torn apart but they find a way to each other and live happily ever after blah blah blah." 
"You know what he wants right?" Nat asks you as you look up at her
"Yeah, Yeah, I do." you look down sadly, "I really wanted to be his friend again but I guess that's not what he wants from me." 
"Who cares? You're a badass Avenger who can handle herself. You should be proud and happy, Your finally with Peter. Everyone knows you two wanted that for a while now." You let out a laugh at that
"Yea, I really did." You look over at Peter as he was suddenly on the ceiling because of a candy can, "I'm really lucky." You gave him a soft smile which Peter noticed and gave one back.
"Hey Arther, Can we talk?" You ask as you walk up to Arther at a park. It was a nice small place, not many kids are here right now.
"Of course, Darling. I got you something," he smirked as he pulled out a necklace that looked pretty but it wasn't a thing you would wear. He tried putting it on you but you held up a hand to stop him.
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about, Arther." You started, you close your eyes with a sigh before looking at him explaining, "Look this is great and all, All the gifts, you being strangely romantic toward me but I kinda like someone else." You fiddled with your hands, not wanting to see his reaction, "We can still hang out! I just want you to know." You wave your hands in the air, not trying to be mean.
"Is it Parker?" he growled out, making you look at him shocked
"Is. It. Parker?" He asks, walking closer to you. You take steps back until you back meet a tree, "Is the guy you like Parker? Petro Parker or whatever his name is?" Arther rolled his eyes.
"It's not really your business to know, to be honest." You put a hand on his chest and push him away gently, "And I don't need to tell you if I don't want to tell you."  
"But it is my business." He states as he roughly grabbed your chin to make you look at him, "Your love-life is my business. Which is why I know it's Parker." You glare at him and take his hand off your chin
"What are you talking about!" You look at him with a glare before rolling your eyes, "Let me guess you want one thing from me. I wonder if I can guess what it is." you made a motion with your hands before crossing your arms.
"I do want something from you but it's not what your thinking." He pins you to the tree again as he takes his sunglasses off showing his piercing green eyes, "I want your heart." Your blood ran cold as he chuckles, "But I kinda like your suggestion. I think I just might do that too." 
"I-It's you! You're the heart-stealing Killer! Get off of me!" You growl as you were able to kick him off of you. He stumbled back a little before standing up stright.
"Killer? Now I'm offended, I don't kill them." He starts to walk over to you but you hold up your fist ready to fight, "No need for a fight. I'm not going to heart you."
"Yeah right!" You rolled your eyes before you lunge at him, he was able to move away. You quickly turn around ran toward him.
You slip under him and kick his legs under him. You grab his arms and pins them onto his back, "Oh, you got me, darling. what are you going to do with me?" He gave you a look which made you scoff.
"I'm bringing you to Avengers tower to bring you in. SO, you won't hurt any other poor girl, You heartless-fuck!" You yelled at him before raising your hand and making a portal to your room. 
"Wait!" He yelled making you lower your hand slightly, "Can you do one last thing for me, darling?" 
"What is it?" You rolled your eyes not bearing to look at the bastard. you look back to see him looking at you but something's..... different. 
His eyes are glowing pink? You slowly move side to side as you couldn't look away from his eyes. Your heart starts to beat faster as you contiue to stare. You were looking at him in a daze. 
"I will have your heart, darling. It's too special not to." That was the last thing you heard before everything turned black and you feel yourself falling.
~~ "(Y/n), (Y/n), Where are you!? (Y/N)!" Peter yelled as he walked the streets of New York, people gave him weird looks but he didn't care. ever since you left that morning his Peter Tingle has been going crazy. He knew it had something to do with you. 
'Danger! Danger! Danger! Danger! Danger!' 
He sighed before he saw a glance of your (H/c) entering an ice cream shop. He ran inside the shop and looks around for you. It was until he saw you and Arther sitting down on a booth. Something was wrong, You were sitting on Arthurs's lap your hands were on his chest as your head was on his shoulder.
'Danger! Danger! Danger! Danger! Danger!' 
"(Y/n), where have you been!? I've been looking all over for you?" Peter walks over to you, ignoring the anger he felt toward Arther and felt oddly protective toward you. He looks over at you confused as you didn't turn around to look at him, "(Y/n)?"
You finally look up at Peter, confused as why he was talking to you. Peter looked into your eyes to see that they were blank. you were also wearing a necklace he never seen before.
"Can I Help you, sir?" Arther asks as he looks at Peter. Peter notices that Arther was wearing sunglasses, inside a building. 
"I'm not talking to you, I'm talking to (Y/n)!" Peter snapped before taking a hold of your shoulder and shakes you a little, "(Y/n) I've been looking everywhere for you. You have to text me and the avengers where you are." You tilt your head in confusion at him.
"I'm sorry, I've just been having the time of my life with Arther." your voice sounded a little dull as You layed your head back on Arthur's shoulder as your hands ran over his chest, "I just lost track of time." You giggled at Arther as he Smirked at Peter
"(Y/n)'s what's up with you?" Peter asks, hurt clear on his face. He had a crush on you for ages and when you two kissed last night he was sure that you two were finally together, "This isn't like you."
"I don't know what you mean," You giggled as you didn't even look at Peter. 
"You just don't kiss people for fun! You don't kiss someone just to throw them away the next day and run away with someone you didn't talk to in 6 years." Peter snapped as he stared at you.
"I was just not thinking at the time, Peter." Was all that you said. Peter's heart broke even more, you only called Peter 'Pete' never Peter.
"Your not making any sense!" 
"Run along, Can't you see she made her choice." Arther waved him off with a smirk as he puts his hand on your waist. You giggled as you cuddled closer to him.
Peter frowned as he walks away, he stared one last glance at You. He looked into your strangely blank eyes and he swore he saw that they were pink instead of (E/c).  
"One of the parents said that Harley kept running away late at night. They said they think she was meeting up with a boy because they didn't want her to date." Sam explains to the group as Peter entered the tower, pouting the whole way, "They said they saw a guy in her room but all they saw was his hair and eyes."
"But she was found in her room?" Steve asks not noticing Peter walking in. They only glanced at him when he sat on the couching pouting and trying not to break.
"Yea, It was strange. Maybe she let the guy in and then it happened. Hear this, The last girl Sophie didn't want to date anyone but then she got a boyfriend." Bucky explains looking at their notes.
"That's not that weird." Peter spoke up, "Maybe she just wanted to try it. Maybe she actually liked him. who knows." He says darkly as he shrugs.
"Yea, but He was apparently visiting when she was home alone. He left 'early' and that's when the girl died." Sam did air quotes around early.
"Did they interview the boyfriend?" Nat asks as she looked over at peter wondering where you are and why he's so pouty.
"Yes, His name is Arther Valentine." Peter sat up once he heard the name, They ruled him out because he lived far away at the time or something like that."
"what does that have to do with it?" Peter asks as he looked at Sam and Bucky. 
"Don't know, they never really explained." 
"Can I see the papers?" Peter asks quickly as he was handed the papers. As he read he got more panicked, all the girls lived in different areas and there was always one guy in the story. The guy seems to have the same description. One that matched Arther.
"What happens if this guy was in every case," Peter asks as he looks up them.
"What do you mean, Queens?" Steves asks as they all stared at Peter, interested in what he meant.
"I mean, In all the cases there's one guy whether it's the best friend, neighbor, lover, secret lover whatever. All of these say the guy looks about the same." Peter explains looking up at the four before looking back down at the papers.
"The guy has dyed-black hair, bright green eyes, tall. That seems too weird." Peter finished looking at them. They all looked at him before each grabbing for a paper. 
"And we've only got one name." 
"Arther." Peter growled before his eyes widen, "Oh my god, (Y/n)!" Peter sat up in a panic and went running before Steve grabbed his arm to stop him.
"Маленький паук, what do you mean? Wheres (Y/n)?" Nat asks as she walks closer to Peter not trying to freak him out.
"H-her old friend! His name was Arther! He matches the description! (Y/n)'s with him right now!" Peter says in a panic as everyone's eyes widen.
"Does that mean?" Sam starts not wanting to finish the sentence.
"She's next." Steve finishes, not making eye contact with anyone.
"Let's go get that fucker." Nat growls darkly as she stood up and went toward the elevator, ready to beat Arther's ass.
"Wait, Nat!" Peter yelled out, raising his hand, making her stop, "(Y/n)'s under some kind of spell or something." 
"Yea, She was acting weird" Sam went to open his mouth, "Weirder than normal!" He closed his mouth, "She wouldn't talk to me until I had to literally make her look at me and her voice was dull and-and her eyes were pink and bland! and now she can't keep her hands off of him." 
"Sounds like a power to me." A new voice spoke up, everyone looked over to see Tony Stark enter the room. He grabbed another cup of coffee as he leaned against the counter, "Let me guess, The sick fuck is after (Y/n)?" 
"Yep." tony cursed to himself under his breath.
"Is there a way to stop him?" Peter asks his mentor. Tony thinks for a moment as he takes a sip of his coffee before placing it down.
"I don't know, Wanda might." 
"Yea, she can read minds. She can probably figure out a way to stop him by going into his freaky mind." Tony explained to the group.
"That actually....might work." 
"but Mr. Stark how are we supposed to invite him here without being suspicious?" Peter looks at tony before sheepishly saying, "I think he's always suspicious of me."
"Why because you freaked out on him?"
"How do you know that!?" Peter asks quickly, earning a look from everyone in the room.
"Cause we all know you two got together and now she's with Arther." Nat explained with an eyebrow.
"Shes not with she's under a spell." Peter pointed a finger at the spy, earning another round of looks.
"We're going to have a Gala." Tony stood up before clapping his hands together, "Everyone gets your dresses and suits on." 
"Arther, You look amazing!" You yell as you run over to Arther and you wrap your arm around him and tackle home into a hug, "So handsome." You smile into his chest. His hugs were cold and tense but you still loved them.
"You look beautiful, Darling." He smirked as he hugged you back. He gave you a small kiss in your hair, your cheeks turned bright red as you felt it. He had his sunglasses on and smirked at you.
You thought you felt eyes on the back on your head, You looked behind you to see Peter. You haven't really been talking to him lately, he was by Tony Stark. You two made eye contact but you felt Arther roughly grab your chin and turn your face toward his.
"Don't mind him, Darling. He's just jealous because you are the most amazing woman here." He smirked as your heart starts to race as you blush.
"Arther, stop it." You smile as try to push his hands away but he wouldn't let it. 
"No, You are too beautiful for this world. I'm gonna keep you safe and sound nothing is ever going to hurt you." He hugged you again and you couldn't help but melt into the hug.
"I promise, darling," he smirked as your heart was almost his. Just a couple more minutes, it'll it worth it. 
Peter grip tightened as he watched You and Arther hug, He wanted to move you away from the guy and protect you. You'll be safe soon, he'll make sure of it.
"I'm here. What do you need me to do again?" Wanda asks as she walks over to the group.
"We need you to look I not Arthers mind to find out how to break whatever he did to (Y/n) and get her away from him." tony explained to her.
"We need to do it fast," Peter spoke up quickly but quietly making sure you or Arther heard you, "Please, we don't know how long she has."
"I'll do what I can," Wanda says before raising her arm and it glowed red along with her eyes. Peter stood there freaking out, he wouldn't know what he would do if Arther won. If he won your heart and did whatever he did with them, "His power is strong and it is greatly affecting her." Wanda turns to face the group.
"She doesn't remember being creeped out by him. She doesn't really remember him attacking her."
"He attacked her!?" "Yes, that's how he got her under his spell. If we don't do anything now then he'll have her heart and he'll break it and make it a trophy." Wanda explains looking around.
"He breaks girls' hearts and makes then trophy?" Peter nearly shouts as his eyes widen as he looked over at you. You and Arther were by some food and Arther gave you some candy.
"That's not possible."
"He finds a way." Wanda suddenly looks over at Peter as she explains, "The only way to get the spell off of her is something she loves more than Arther." 
"We all know who that is," Nat spoke up smirking as she looks over at Peter. Peter looks around as he realized everyone was looking at him.
"Of course. Did you see how excited she was when you two got together?" Nat asks, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes.
"Or how she was always cuddly toward you literally anywhere and everywhere?"
"Peter, your the one who can save her." Wanda pressure, putting a hand on Peter's shoulder. 
"B-but how do I-" Peter started, not really trusting himself to save you.
"I think you know how." Peter smiles as he nods and walks toward you and Arther.
~~ "I have an idea. How about we go to your room?" Arther smirks and he looks at you. Your eyes widen as you didn't think he said that. He held out his hand for you, You smile at his hand before grabbing it. Arther smirks, "Let's go, darling."
"Okay." You squeaked out, blushy and flustered as you almost left the ballroom. 
"(Y/n)!" You turn around to look at Peter who was walking toward you.
"Oh, Hello Peter. How are you?" You ask as Peter continues to walk toward you. You tilt your head as he took your hands and move you away from Arther, "What are you doing?" You reach toward Arther who was glaring at Peter.
"(Y/n), He's dangerous. He's the one killing girls and stealing hearts." Peter says making your eyes widen. You shook your head as you reach for Arther.
"What!? Why would you say that? PEter, Arther would never do anything like that." When Peter didn't let out of you, you summoned a portal under you and next to Arther. You held onto Arthurs's arm and cuddled his side.  
"Darling are you alright?" Arther asks, putting a soft hand on your arm. You didn't answer you just cuddled closer to him, "Did he do anything to you?" You shook your head.
"(Y/n), We gotta go." Peter went to grab you but Arther and you backed up and you huddled closer to him, "(Y/n) you gotta believe me, Your in danger."
"Because of you maybe?" Arther spoke up, making Peter glared at him. You suddenly felt something on your arm and you were dragged toward Peter. 
You were met with Peter's chest when you realized you started to struggle against Peter, "L-Let me go!" you tried to beat at his chest but Peter grabbed both of your hands. 
"What are you doing!?" Arther asks as he walks closer to you two. 
"I'm sorry," Peter mumbled before he cups one of your cheeks and he gives you a soft kiss on your lips. Your eyes widen before you felt your cheeks heat up and your heart race. 
The pink leaves your eyes and they became (E/c) again as memories appeared. Peter pulled away from you before you grab both of his cheeks and pulled him into a more needy kiss. You forgot how much you loved Peter. When you both pulled away you put your forehead on his.
"I love you." You mumbled breathlessly. Peter gave you his adorable smile that you loved so much. 
"I love you so much." 
"What just happened?" a voice spoke up, you and Peter both turn to look at Arther. You looked at Arther with a growl
"Something you wouldn't know 'true love'." You detached yourself from Peter and walked toward Arther, looking like he was ready to kill, "Don't think I forgot about what you did. Not just to me but to those innocent girls!" 
"Oh, Whatever! I needed them for my collection." he raised a hand to your cheek saying, "Too bad I couldn't have yours. You truly have a special heart. Oh well, I gotta go, Darling." Arther smirks as he goes to leave
"What makes you think your going Scott-free?"  You ask while putting your hand on your hips. Peter walks over and puts a hand on your waist. 
"We all know who you are, you got nowhere to run, Arther." Peter glares at him. 
"Have fun at prison!" You fake a smile as you make a portal to the prison cell, "would you have the honor?" 
"It would be my honor." Peter bows before webbing him to the prison. You smirk and close the portal.
"You saved me." You look over at Peter with a teary-eyed smile. 
"Of course I did, (Y/n)." Peter pulled you into a hug while you melted into, "Don't worry I'll always protect you." 
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It Takes Two
In collaboration with @s4karuna, she introduced this idea by striking up a conversation with me (so glad she did) and we’ve been building on it for a couple months and we finally decided to actually write it! XD
Hope you like it guys!
...And Happy New Year!
O'Leary's was the last stop on Team Deception’s bar hopping night, their usual homecoming tradition when they came back to New York after a national tour. Dina had somehow managed to wrangle Gunther into doing a duet with her while Cameron and Jordan were downing shots in a corner booth, occasionally heckling Gunther.
“Okay...” Jordan slurred. He was a bit of a lightweight and despite having matched shot for shot with him, Cameron didn’t seem as drunk, only slightly tipsy. “Cameron...”
“Yes Jordan?”
“I got a challenge for you.”
“Oh?” Cameron raised his eyebrows, “What are the stakes?”
“If… If you win...” Jordan garbled, “I… will dye my hair… hot pink again.”
Cameron was intrigued, “And if you win?”
“You… will do whatever I say.”
Cameron raised an eyebrow at that. “Uh Jordan, I don’t know where you’re going with this, but I just wanna be friends.”
“Ha!” Jordan slapped the table, “You wish you could land this… but no.” Jordan looked to be thinking, “If I win… I have something else in mind...”
“Are… are you going to tell me?”
“Nope! I'll… I’ll only tell you if I win.”
Cameron smirked, “So that’s how you want to play it?” He did another shot, “Fine. What is your challenge?”
“I... dare you... to take a shot.”
“Wait, that’s your challenge?” Cameron snorted, “We've been doing that all night.”
Jordan wagged his finger, “Oh-ho-ho-ho... no, my friend. Not just any... shot.” He downed another, “I’m talking about... the infamous Smoker’s Cough.”
“The Smoker’s Cough?”
“It’s a shot of Jagermeister... topped off with mayonnaise.”
Cameron scrunched his face at that, “Ew, mayonnaise?”
“It’s not… not too late to back out.”
Cameron took another one of the shots in front of him with a shake of his head. “No way.” He swiftly downed the drink, “Take that as an ‘I accept your challenge’.”
“There’s only one rule.” Jordan stated, “You’re not allowed to gag or spit it back after drinking it.” He got from his stool, “I’ll be right back.”
Cameron downed another shot. How bad could this drink be? He’d had worse things before so it couldn’t be as bad as Jordan had implied. A few minutes later, Jordan came back with a shot in hand and sure enough, it was topped with good old fashioned mayonnaise.
“Here… you go.” Jordan shakily placed the drink in front of his friend. He really was a lightweight.
Cameron picked up the shot and eyed it for a moment, “Okay… here goes.”
Jordan watched him as the blue-eyed man shrugged and downed it in one go. He seemed to be alright at first. Then his face scrunched up in disgust as he clapped a hand over his mouth to contain his coughing.
“G’ugh! It's vile!” He wheezed. “What the hell is in that?”
Jordan laughed as Cameron let out a couple of coughs, “I had the bartender…” Jordan slurred, “M-make the drink with Andong soju instead. Packs quite a punch, doesn’t it?”
“Oh yeah. Can’t help but think--” He coughed again, “That might have be cheating. Not even your hal-abeoji can drink it and he could give vodka guzzling Russian ex-soldiers a run for their money at his age.”
“You never said I couldn’t change anything.”
“Well played Kwon. Well played.” Cameron mumbled, “So what is it you want me to do?” Cameron would be lying if he said that the gleeful look on Jordan’s face didn’t make him feel a little nervous.
Three years later…
The Archive had been host to many Team Deception celebrations over the years, but this had to be a first. Helping the FBI break a major case by doing what the team did best had... sparked something in him for lack of a better word. Through the din of the party, Cameron spotted Kay in the corner, her phone to her ear as--was she smiling just now?
It wasn't like he hadn’t seen her smile before, but this one was different. It was one of pure joy, her eyes radiating every ounce of love in her heart.
It was beautiful. That smile was beautiful.
He was so caught up in his thoughts that he only managed to catch Kay saying “--okay, I’ll see you in a minute, honey.”
Wait, what?
Honey? Suddenly, Cameron was very interested to know who she had been talking to. He just wasn’t expecting there to be anyone who would make someone as cool and professional as Kay call them “honey” of all things. He shook his head and escaped to the balcony.
Kay noticed him walk out as she hung up before her eye caught one of his show posters. The past couple of days had showed her that he wasn’t just some playboy illusionist. Magic really was his life. It really meant something to him… and his brother meant everything to him, she could tell. It reminded her so much of her and Caroline in the past, she mused as she joined him on the balcony.
“Hey.” She said as she walked up next to him.
He grinned, “Hey.”
“You did good Cameron.” Kay told him, “Thank you.”
His smile only widened, “Don’t mention it. Sorry we didn’t get off to the best start.”
“Water under the bridge.”
They were silent for a moment. Cameron opened his mouth, about to ask something like so who were you on the phone with if you don’t mind my asking, when he suddenly heard what sounded like little kids squealing in the other room.
“Uh Kay? Are you babysitting or something ‘cause whose kids am I hearing?”
Kay's lips twitched in amusement. “I’m not babysitting, it's a completely different thing.”
Well, if they were going to start working together, she might as well tell him now.
“You don't babysit your own kids.”
Cameron’s jaw dropped. “You have kids?!”
Kay nodded. “Twin girls.” She had been a little hesitant to tell him that part, worried that it might hit a little too close to home. “The sitter’s just bringing them here for me.”
Cameron was about to respond, say anything other than since when do you have kids and when you gonna let me meet them, when he heard shrieking giggles as a pair of tiny toddlers holding hands, dressed in pink and purple tumbled onto the balcony.
“Oh my God,” he gaped, shocked by the sight of two identical girls with round apple cheeks and adorable little dimples waddling over to Kay, “there's two of them.”
It was impossible not to see the resemblance to Kay when they had the same feathery dark curls and bronze skin. They were perfect little copies of their mother... except for the eyes. The girls’ eyes were opal blue and star-like and Cameron’s smile was fading fast because he never considered the possibility of her being married with kids. Even though he had secretly checked her hands several times for a ring only to find nothing.
Kay laughed as she picked up one of the giggling toddlers, who had purple overalls and a gold bunny shaped clip in her hair. “Well, I assume that as a twin yourself, you’d understand that twins generally come in twos.”
Still, he had to admit that even he and Johnny weren't this cute at that age. Kay's genes were truly magical.
“Soooo…” he drawled, “Who’s the lucky guy?” He wasn’t going to try to beat around the bush this time. If she was with someone then he didn’t want to step over any boundaries.
Kay was silent for a moment as she settled her daughter on her hip. “Donor #478.”
Cameron scrunched his nose in confusion.
“There’s not really a father in the picture,” Kay explained, straightforward as always. “I honestly couldn’t tell you who he is if I wanted to. Kind of the point.” That wasn’t the part that confused him. It was just… there was something about that number. Something familiar.
“You’re a single mom?”
Kay nodded, unashamed. She decided a long time ago that she wasn't going to have a partner and ended up with two when she went in for one. She suspected that identical twins ran in the donor's family. Kay's mother had helped take care of the girls until her strength had failed and she would've been completely alone if it weren't for Mike and Lara.
“That’s… kind of amazing,” he grinned in wonder.
Kay chuckled, “Well not everybody thinks so.”
“Eh, screw what other people think.”
He suddenly felt a tiny hand tug at his pant leg. He looked down and found a familiar pair of blue eyes staring up at him in wonder. The girls had obviously inherited Kay's impossibly long eyelashes and he was positive that they would destroy hearts someday just like their mother.
He crouched down, smiling at the little girl, still amazed at the power of genetics. “Hi there.”
The girls were nearly identical, but this one had hair that was a shade or two lighter than her sister and a pink penguin print headband that matched her overalls.
“That’s Liya.” Kay explained.
“Hi Liya.”
Liya eagerly raised her arms up and her tiny voice squeaked, “Up. Up.”
Cameron gave a quick look to Kay, “Do you mind?”
Kay looked a little surprised. Liya wasn’t usually so friendly with strangers. The agent shook her head before she thought much of it. “Uh, no. Go ahead.”
Cameron scooped up the little girl and she beamed up at him. He paused as he noticed Kay’s unreadable expression, “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. It’s just… Liya usually isn’t so welcoming to new people.”
“Well, maybe she can tell I’m not so bad.” Liya rested her head on Cameron’s shoulder. He briefly caught the comforting scent of baby powder as she did so and it made him melt a little. “Who’s this other little lady?”
“This is my oldest, Ayana.” Cameron smiled at the toddler and Ayana gave him a tiny smile. “Ayana, you can say hi.”
Ayana waved and squeaked a little, “Hi.”
Cameron grinned at the little girl, “Hi Ayana.” The little girl buried her face in her mother’s shoulder and yeah, he was just about dying from the sheer cuteness of the Daniels girls.
“So Liya and Ayana, huh?”
“My mother's Ethiopian. Her grandmother came here from Addis Ababa all by herself to start a new life and I think she would've had some very strong words with me if I didn't follow the Assefa family tradition.”
Cameron chuckled as a thought popped into his head. “Does this mean that Kay's just a nickname?”
Kay rolled her eyes. “Cameron Black, you can't expect me to give away all my secrets.” She'd keep her birth name to herself for a while.
“Eh, between Mike the fanboy and Jordan’s hacking, I'll figure it out eventually. How old are the girls anyway?”
“They just turned two a couple of weeks ago.”
“Wow. Well, I should get them something then. How do they feel about stuffed animals?”
Kay chuckled, “Cameron, that’s sweet but--”
“No, no, I’m serious. Two is a big milestone.” He grinned. Somehow, for a moment, he wasn’t feeling hopeless.
“So what's next?” Kay asked, “You go after the mystery woman who framed Jonathan? I still have to prove she did it.” Cameron figured she was right, “What about your show, your team?”
“When we were kids,” Cameron started, “I was the performer, the onstage persona, but Johnny was ‘The Disappearing Boy’ hidden under the stage, behind the curtain, but he was always there for me...” He turned to face the agent he’s decided he’s befriended, “I have to get him out, Kay.” He could feel Liya’s little arms wrap around his neck in a pseudo hug, almost like she was trying to comfort him.            Kay nodded in understanding, “I did notice something. Jonathan's illusionist copied every detail from your disappearing-jet trick except one.”            Cameron raised his eyebrows in surprise. “You watched my special?” He turned his head to the toddler in his arms, “Did your mom watch my special?” Liya just giggled.
Kay laughed, “Okay. I saw it. It was fantastic.”            Cameron grinned in disbelief, “Fantastic? Wow.”            “After you made your jet disappear, you left something behind. Deck of playing cards.”            Cameron nodded in realization, “We should go back to the hangar and make sure she didn't--” He was cut off by Kay pulling out an evidence bag with a deck of cards in it. He chuckled, “You already went.”            She grinned. There was that smile again, “This is where I say ‘ta-da,’ right?” Ayana giggled at the way her mother was speaking. Despite being so young, Ayana and Liya never heard their mother sound so playful.
“Yeah.” Cameron smiled as he reached for the deck, “May I?” She handed him the bag. He pulled out the deck. It made a few beeping noises before it started to ring. He answered.
“Hello Cameron.” A woman’s voice came from the other line.            Cameron could feel his frustration flare up. “Who are you?”
She shook her head. “Always asking the wrong questions.”            “Why are you doing this?”
She raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly. “You don't remember? Don't worry. I don't blame you for that. But I've thought about you and Jonathan for years.The show's about to begin my show. Are you ready?”
Cameron heard the sound of Beethoven’s Fur Elise being played in the background. “You're in the Frankfurt International terminal. Spent the last twelve months flying around the world, and airport acoustics are pretty distinctive. Plus, Frankfurt pumps muzak Beethoven like they're afraid someone might forget he's German.” Cameron could have sworn he heard this mystery woman’s breath stop for a split second. “Tell me, did you look over your shoulder?”
She raised her eyebrows. “Goodbye Cameron.”            “Get used to looking. We're coming for you.” It was all Cameron could say before the call disconnected.
“Hey.” Kay said as she adjusted Ayana in her arms, “You alright?”
Cameron pursed his mouth and nodded as he put the deck in his pocket and adjusted Liya just to make sure he wouldn’t drop her. “I’m fine… just can’t believe that after all this time, there’s a lead.” Kay gave him a sympathetic smile, “Believe it or not, this is the first time I can confidently say that Johnny’s going to come home.”
“You know, it’s really admirable that you’ve kept hope for all this.”
Cameron gave a small smile, “I’ve always believed that hope can be a powerful thing.”
They gave each other a smile and spent a moment in silence, watching the city lights before Ayana tried to wiggle out of her mother’s hold to join her sister in Cameron’s arms. Kay tried to get her to calm down.
“Ayana honey, be careful.”
Cameron chuckled, “If Ayana wants a hug too, I don’t mind.” He opened his other arm as a sign to the little girl that she could join her sister.
“You sure?”
Cameron nodded, “Positive. It’s a good thing I have enough arms because if you had triplets then things might be a little difficult,” he joked.
Kay helped him adjust both girls in a way that would be easy for him to hold them both at once. What really surprised her was just how fast her girls warmed up to him. She knew that Cameron was a good man, but it was still a little odd that Ayana and Liya could see that so quickly too.
“Hey there Ayana. You didn’t want to miss out on the fun either, did you?”
The older twin giggled as her tiny hand gripped his shirt. Kay smiled. It wasn’t often she felt comfortable letting her daughters be held by someone else, but she trusted Cameron.
“Hey Kay?”
Kay raised her eyebrow. “Yeah?”
“We have some chocolate chip cookies.” He didn’t notice the way the girls perked up at the word ‘cookie’. “Do you mind if I give them one?”
“Cookie?” Ayana squeaked.
Kay smiled. “Well, they already heard the word ‘cookie’ so you kind of have to give them one now.” Cameron laughed at that. “Why do you have chocolate chip cookies in the first place?”
“Agent Daniels,” he gasped in mock offense, “I might be a man of fine tastes, but I can enjoy a good chocolate chip cookie once in a while.” Kay rolled her eyes at his childishness.
“Cookie!” Liya babbled.
Kay’s chuckle turned to laughter. She knew the girls’ sweet tooth would distract them. “Well, we should probably get them their cookies.”
She reached to take one of the girls when Cameron just cuddled them closer to him. “You know I don’t mind holding them for a little while.”
“Are you sure?”
He nodded, “Oh yeah. You’ve had a long day too, let me help you by carrying around these adorable little ladies.” Kay couldn’t help but smile as they made their way back inside.
Three years ago…
Cameron and Jordan pulled up to the building they asked the cab driver to take them. “Why are we here?” Cameron narrowed his eyes in suspicion.
“Why do you think?” His friend responded, “This is your punishment.”
“Oh my God, Jordan, you don’t mean...”
“Oh… but I do.” Cameron rolled his eyes, “Hey! You lost our wager.” Jordan retaliated, “If you had won, you so would have watched me dye my hair pink!”
Cameron paused. “...You’re not going to come inside to watch me do this are you?” Jordan gave him a look. “I’m sorry Jordan, but the way you say things all sound very suggestive!”
“Just go do it!”
“Fine.” he huffed. They both got out of the cab and went inside the building. It was a bank and all Jordan had dared him to do was make a donation. He stayed at the front desk until the deed was done. There was nothing to be ashamed of. It wasn't as if Cameron was the first person to make a donation like this.
In fact… he was the 478th person to make a donation for that particular bank.
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misterewrites · 6 years
SVTFOE Homecoming: Karen, the "A.I."
*Tom is walking out of the Lucitor building, tiredly yawning as he stretches his tense neck. He stops when the bush behind him begins to rustle. He eyes it suspiciously while reaching into his jacket pocket.*
Tom as himself: Come out before I blast you out.
??: *calls from the bush* You wouldn't blast me. Even if you did, it wouldn't have been the worst thing you've ever done.
*Tom tenses as Star emerges from the bush, eyes torn between anger and happiness*
Tom: Star.
Star as MJ: Thomas.
Tom: *Flinches unhappily* You know I hate that.
Star: I'm aware.
Tom: I thought you left the country. Your parents said they sent you to Europe for some fancy private school.
Star: Why, missed me?
Tom:...*throat tightens* Why are you here?
Star: You're that Iron Demon, aren't you?
Tom: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Star: *coldly* Don't even Tom. I saw what you were working on when you decided to break up with me and a few months there's a new hero on the block? Two plus two equals you're running around in a suit, fighting crime.
Tom:...Iron Demon is a bit childish. I decided to rebrand myself as Iron Man. Works way better.
Star: You only changed your name because you realized Iron Demon sounds like something a teenager would name himself. Which you are.
Tom: I won't ask again, why are you here?
Star: I want to help you.
Tom: No.
Star: Tom, you...
Tom: *firmly* I said no. I need to do this on my own.
Star: *Furiously bites her cheek* Fine. You and your stupid pride were always annoying. At least take this
*Tom watches carefully as Star pulls a USB from her bag and offers it to him*
Tom: *takes it* What is it?
Star: It's an A.I. program I made.
Tom: *Raises an eyebrow suspiciously* You program now?
Star: I had a lot of free time recently. Look I know you're like some boy genius but even you need help. Just promise me you'll use it.
Tom:....I'll think about it.
Star: *Sighs* That's the best answer I'm going to get, am I?
Star: Whatever. Goodbye Tom *angrily stomps away*
*Later that night, Star waits impatiently at her computer, waiting for Tom to install the backdoor program she gave him*
Star: If he's going to be difficult, then I'm just gonna have to show him how I can be a great help. My "A.I' is going to be so amazing he'll beg me to work with him. I mean this is a totally normal response to him lying to me about becoming a superhero, right?
Random Unicorn plush:....
Star:....Okay, maybe not my greatest idea but hey, what could go wrong?
Computer: Uplink detected, backdoor installed, initiating program "Karen"
Star: About time! *slips on her headphones and leans eagerly in her seat.*
*Her screen goes dark for a moment before the Heads Up Display begins to boot up, showing important details such as vital signs, radio signals and more.*
Star: Huh. *Bits her lip in concern* Tom's got a lot of abnormalities in his blood stream. He should really go to a doctor or something. Even my readings can't tell what it...
??: Hello?
*Star freezes as, instead of Tom's lab, she finds herself staring at the New York skyline, apartment buildings filling the view.*
??: Umm, any A.I. here? Mr. Lucitor told me it was programmed in the suit.
Star: *angrily bites her lip as she clears her throat* Hello!
??: Ah! *The view shakes for a moment* Hey, hi. Sorry, you startled me.
Star: *Barely containing her rage* That's okay. I tend to have effect on people. May I have your name for suit registration? *mumbles under her breath* I am so gonna kill him.
??: What? Oh sure. I'm Spider-man.
Star: *rolls her eyes* I mean your real name for security purposes. *Murmurs softly* Spider-man? Who the heck is this guy?
??: You know if I didn't know better, I'd say you're a real person. I'm Marco, Marco Diaz.
Star: ....
Marco as Peter: umm...hello? Miss A.I.? Is your programming acting up? Maybe I should take you to Tom.
Star: NO! I mean no, no. I'm sorry I was just...umm....registering your civilian identity. For security.
Marco: Yeah, you mentioned that. Maybe I should send the suit back. You seem to have a few bugs to work out.
Star: Sorry, I'm..still...getting used to my system perimeters. This suit has a lot more...computing power than I was originally expecting. So...Spider-man. Interesting name.
Marco: Well *sits at the edge of the rooftop* it's been a crazy few months.
Star: Mhm. Why don't you tell me about it?
Marco:..Sure. I guess. I mean you're an A.I. and Tom already knows the story. So a few months ago, I was bitten by a spider....
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magic-marvel · 6 years
Hi, I don't wanna bother you but I need help and you write really well. Do you have any tips for actually finishing your stories. Like I'll start a story and maybe write half a chapter and never finish it. I wanna start posting stuff but I don't feel like I'll be good enough. Also I don't feel like my writing is engaging enough. If you have advice I would really appreciate it. 💕
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO this is actually hard for me to answer bc i have the SAME problem???
i guess one way that i try and like go about this is had a word count goal? like a majority of my chapters have between 2.5k and 3k words (of course, there are exceptions) and that kind of helps me with limiting or even filling in information so that i can have a decent ending
As for like actual plot line and chapter conclusions, i guess i this is what i try and go for:
i know some people do the whole cliffhanger thing where they will end a chapter somewhere that makes the reader want to click next, and im all down for it like that always kills me i love it so much but i actually only did it for one fic, since im not really that great at it.
other writers (myself included) like to write chapters more as television episodes?? so there is an issue or problem introduced at the beginning of the chapter, and those chapters will end with the problem being resolved. the problem with this though, is that its hard to follow through with one giant major plot. television shows who usually do this are like sitcoms or comedy shows, who usually have no major plot line that needs a resolution but rather each episode has its own plot and story. this is why with shows like “Big Bang Theory” or “Friends”, you dont need to watch from the very beginning to understand completely. while shows that end on cliffhangers are things like crime shows or mystery shows that almost each season has one giant issue or problem to solve, that’s why for shows like “The Last Ship” or “Agents of SHIELD”, you do sorta need to start from episode one to really understand whats going on. so depending on what your story is, you can really determine how to end individual chapters.
(however, as you may notice there are sitcoms that last years and have tons of seasons, so what works for television seems to abide by different rules when it comes to written works, strangely)
my fic “Normal” usually ends by solving the initial problem addressed in the beginning of the chapter, while “I Love to Hate You” is more of a cliffhanger type of story, this is because “Normal” is a lot more lighthearted in nature especially since it follows pretty closely to the plot line of Spider-man: Homecoming, while ILTHY is more serious and is trying to solve a mystery, so most chapters will end in a cliff hanger to try and get readers to continue reading until the mystery is solved. (not all chapters, but as it picks up yes)
im gonna try and write out a really bad example im sorry im like garbage
you probably notice that a lot of fics that are more fluff and lighthearted tend to not be as long as fics that are angsty or have an underlining issue within the story, and thats kind of because its hard to really keep a fic going if there is no major plot to write for, thats why one shots usually tend to be fluff and series works tend to be angst.
so like lets say we got a fic written purely fluffly and written for warming hearts and making smiles, if the plot line is about a normal girl finding out who spiderman really is, then almost each chapter will be a sort of its own stand alone one-shot, like close calls with peters identity or maybe even a cute little realization that the girl actually likes spiderman. so each ending will resolve whatever was in the beginning. and when you put it all together, the climax is usually spiderman’s identity being revealed, feelings addressed earlier will sort of fly back into your chest and you kind of get this “aw” moment, because you already knew what was coming and you already knew that the girl and peter were going to end up together. and the chapters following are usually super fluffy little extras that are there to kind of smooth out the ending.
yet fics that are addressing a more serious issue, like lets say we got a fellow avenger being targeted by some other organization, and usually each chapter will end by revealing one tiny piece of information before finally ending. all these pieces will eventually link together, revealing the climax in a way that makes you think “oh snap this was addressed in like chapter 3 and that thing was mentioned in chapter 12 and oh man whats happening″ like all the chapters usually link together in one way or another to “reveal” something. and the ending reaction usually goes along with shock or relief, rather than an all knowing “aw”
SO to end each chapter, really all depends on the kind of story you want. if you want something fluffy, then you can do little stories that build upon each other to have a cute resolution.
or if you want something serious then each chapter usually should have a piece of the puzzle hidden within, it might not be obvious to the reader at first, but in order to understand the ending then each chapter must be read and give a little piece of the mystery away.
im sorry if this is just hella long and absolute garbage and doesnt make sense at all but like this is kind of how i see it??? i hope this helps and i know i rambled for the most part but please let me know if you need clarity???
Also, here are some fic recs that you can read to get what im trying to explain:
@bitsandbobsandstuff‘s “Safe With Me” fic is a perfect example of mystery and like chapter endings get you MESSED UP and this is such a good read like yall ill fling myself into the sun for this fic
@infamous-webhead GOT A WHOLE ASS MASTERLIST for works that will melt your heart and quite literally, Make You Feel Better
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
You've Got Moves (Part 2)
Part 1
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warning: None
A/N: Better late than never, right?😂😂 (wow 2 fics in one week that's crazyyy) Also I put one of my favorite comedy tiktoks in the dialogue soooooo oops? Also Harry and Ned are wingmen who share one brain cell and I like it that way
I might make one more part to this but idk
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It took 7 months for Peter to ask you out.
It took the time for MJ and Asher to become a couple, homecoming to go by, MJ and Asher to break up, winter formal, midterm exams, MJ and Asher to get back together, and Christmas to go before Peter Parker gathered the guts to even consider thinking about asking you out.
Scared wasn't even the word for it.
Harry Osborn, the new transfer student, laughed at how nervous Peter was at lunch. "Asking girls out is easy, Peter. I do it all the time!"
"You say it like it's the simplest thing on earth," Peter dreaded, to which Harry shrugged.
"Because it is! You just ask. How is it that I've only been at this school for 2 months and I've had more chicks than both you and Ned combined?"
"Hooking up is not a hobby of mine. That's why," Peter retorted with a pitifully unintimidating glare.
Harry shrugged with his shit-eating grin. "It's not my fault the girls and gays can't resist these lips."
Ned chimed in as he threw a french fry into his mouth. "Peter, this isn't like Liz last year. You and [Y/N] are already really close, dude. I'm sure you can just ask her. Who knows? She might say yes!"
"But what if she says no?," Peter groaned. "Then I'll just be one of those people she avoids and barely talks to out of awkwardness." He shifted in his seat nervously. "I don't want that."
"But if you don't say anything then you'll always regret it," Ned pointed out.
Harry sighed and rolled his eyes. "Peter, pull out your phone."
Peter raised his eyebrows in confusion, but followed Harry's instructions.
"Go to her in messages and say 'hey let's get dinner'." He smiled. "See? Simple."
Peter opened your messages in his phone and stared at your profile picture.
'You can do this, Peter. You can do this.'
He bit his lip. "Okay but should I say, 'let's get dinner' or 'do you want to get dinner'?" Seeing Harry's impatient face, he explained himself. "I just feel like those two sentences have completely different vibes, y'know?"
Harry glared at him. "Are you really about to have us telling you what to tell your crush like a bunch of girls?"
Peter didn't know how to answer that question seriously. "Uh...yes?"
Harry pondered the question for a small bit before simply shrugging and answering. "Hmm, go with 'let's get dinner', so you'll sound all confident and assertive."
Before Peter could press send without thinking twice, Ned stopped him. "Well, actually now you sound a little aggressive, man."
"Really?," Peter asked with a wince, immediately erasing the message.
"Yeah, I mean the last thing you wanna be like is the guy that's all like 'let's get dinner' like you're some kind of caveman."
Peter groaned. "Oh no, definitely not."
Ned ate another fry. "You want to ask her to dinner, not tell her to dinner."
"I'll go with 'do you want to get dinner' then," Peter said with a nod.
That one didn't sit well with Harry. "No Pete. Cuz now you sound like a pussy."
Peter slammed his phone onto the lunch table. "This stuff is tough!"
Ned turned towards Harry. "No but listen. The last thing Peter wants to do is come off as the overly masculine type that's all like 'let's get dinner cuz I'm the breadwinner, bitch', y'know?"
Harry shook his head. "Yeah but women also love assertiveness. You have to know what you want."
Peter stared at the table, desperately wanting the conversation to be over. Why would he even go to these two for relationship advice? Harry was the king of hookups and Ned's relationships never lasted longer than a few weeks. What was he thinking? For a guy with a 4.5 GPA, he sure did feel stupid.
"I got it!," Ned exclaimed. "Okay. Text her this. 'Dinner would be something that I would enjoy taking you on, but only if YOU were also interested in attending the meal'." He held his hands up for praise.
Harry nodded. "Mhm. Perfect balance. And the more words the better."
Peter just stared back at them, wondering where he'd gone wrong in life. "...no.... I'm not gonna send her that."
Harry shrugged. "Welp,' he sighed. "I guess some people just don't want to be helped."
So close to slamming his head into the table in front of him, Peter felt a tsunami of relief hit when he saw Asher walk into the cafeteria.
Asher was your best friend. If anyone knew the proper way you'd want to be asked out, it'd be him.
The second Asher noticed Peter looking at him, he made his way over. "Hey Peter. What's up?," he asked as he found an empty seat.
Harry spoke up before Peter had the chance. "Hey Ash. Pick one. 'Let's get dinner' or 'do you want to get dinner'."
Asher thought for a second. "Depends on the girl," he said before taking a bite into his apple. "-but 'do you want to get dinner' is nicer. Why?"
Harry slammed his fist on the table. "Damn it!"
"Yes!," Ned cheered.
Asher looked around the table. "Okay, by why?"
Harry and Ned went quiet and looked to Peter, who was staring anywhere to avoid eye contact. He began to mumble pitifully."I....I-i wanna.. I wanna-"
Harry and Ned spoke up, already tired of the conversation not getting anywhere. "He wants to ask-"
"-I wanna ask [Y/N] out!," he blurted, feeling his cheeks start to burn when Asher's smirk turned into a wide grin.
"Well it's about time!," he exclaimed. "She's been crazy about you since you met."
"Really? She has?," Peter asked. That wasn't even in the realm of possibility in his mind.
Asher nodded. "She's always going off to me about how-" he mocked your higher pitched voice. "I've been dropping him hints since, like, foreverrrr!"
"Seriously?! She has?"
Ned laughed. "Well Peter. She has been calling you cute since the day she met you..."
"But I just always thought it was the friendly kind of cute, y'know?," he rambled. "Not the boyfriend type cute!"
"How many girls are out here calling you cute for you to make that assumption, dude?," Harry asked.
Asher sighed. "So this is what it's like to have low confidence." He shook his head and gave Peter a disappointed look. "I can't say I like witnessing this, Pete."
"Just-" Peter groaned and squeezed his eyes shut. "Just tell me what will work, okay? I need to ask her out perfectly."
Asher tilted his head in confusion. "She's a simple girl. You just have to straight up ask her out. What's the confusion there?"
"That's what I said!," Harry yelled.
"You know he's got to make it difficult for himself for no reason," Ned pointed out.
"Okay can we all talk about how terrible I am at this after you help me?," Peter begged.
"Ugh, fine."
Peter sighed. "Alright. So?"
"What are you going for?," Asher asked. "Like a gift or something?"
"I just want whatever's the absolute best way to ask her out."
Asher pinched the bridge of his nose. If he was gonna set you up with your crush, he wanted it to happen right.
"Okay," he said, staring Peter in the eyes with a new sort of intensity. "Think about your best moments with her. Now pick something special from all those moments and voila! You'll have it!"
Peter nodded and stared at the ground as he thought for a while about everything he'd done with you since the beginning of school. You were truly the most extraordinary, most confident girl he'd ever met.
Every time he'd thought you couldn't get more perfect, you'd just show him another side of you that was better than the rest. He always stayed endlessly impressed and most of all, he felt as if he didn't have to try too hard with you. He could be himself and mess up as many times as he could manage and you still stuck around, showing him that there needn't be any worries.
And your style? Fuck, you could make anything work for him. You were the only one who could get him out of his comfort zone and in front of a camera, for something as frivolous as a TikTok. But he'd always do it, and even find the fun in it, because it made you happy.
"Remember how we freaked out that first time when she called you cute, Pete?," Ned said. "She said that you were cute and that you only had to put it use!"
Harry laughed. "This girl is literally giving you the instructions, Peter. Take them."
"Hmm." Peter looked up with a smile and snapped his fingers. "I got it."
You tossed popcorn into your mouth and snuggled yourself further into the blanket. "Ash, how can you even say that? 'It' is a horror movie!"
"Yeah, technically," he retorted. "But there's literally not a single part of the movie that's scary. It's more of a drama than anything else."
"You realize the clown phobia rate skyrocketed when the movie came out right?"
Asher scoffed. "Uh, your point? It's not my fault some pussies couldn't sit through it. Still a drama. The story definitely played with your emotions more than your fears."
"Whateverrrr," you laughed. "I can't deal with you."
"Pennywise literally got up and did this," he said before breaking out into Pennywise's dance. He laughed as he kicked his legs out. "What kind of horror movie has this crap in it?" He stopped when he felt the full force of you throwing a pillow on his face. "Ugh!"
"Sit down and get under the covers, idiot," you hissed. "I wanna keep watching these HORROR films."
"Whateverrrr," he drawled out, mocking you. He sighed and plopped down next to you, grabbing a handful of popcorn after.
When school was getting suffocating, marathoning horror movies with Asher were a must. He had an endless repertoire and all the time in the world for his best friend.
Halfway through 'It: Chapter 2' though, the movie was the least of your focus and instead was TikTok.
What could you say? The app was addictive.
It was a big, entertaining, completely useless collage of everything every no-name had to offer, from stupid debates to cringey POV's to fun dance routines.
You tried to hook every friend you could on it. Asher, of course, already knew about it since it first came out and he, of course, had thousands of followers because most of what he posted was random thirsts traps whenever he was feeling hot, which was always. And thirsts traps are always in high demand for the people on TikTok.
You tried to hook MJ on it, but she'd already decided that she didn't like it before even giving it a chance. Even the messy, political side didn't reel her in.
Of course then there was Peter, who didn't know was TikTok even was before he met you. You made it your sole mission to get him hooked, but you'd since given up on that. It was a lost cause. The only time he probably ever saw TikTok nowadays was when he was doing dances with you before gym started. He let you put the app on his phone but he never used it. You wouldn't even put it past him to have deleted it, but it was whatever. TikTok had started his friendship with you, so needless to say, it'd done an amazing job in your life.
Plus your followers were always asking about him. All of the "omg couple goalssss" and "you guys look so cute together" served as massive confidence boosters. A girl can dream, right?
You shifted over a bit when you felt Ash getting closer and closer to you.
When he moved over again, you scooted away, only for him to get closer again. "Ash, what is your deal?"
"Easy there," he chuckled, backing up a little. "I'm looking at the phone, not you."
"You've been all up in my phone all day, what's up?"
"I can't tell you," he shrugged, a sly smirk stretching across his face. "But," he pointed to your tiny screen. "Some idiot is taking wayyyy too long to shoot his shot."
"Shoot his shot?" You gasped. "Who?"
"I'm not at liberty to say," he said with a smirk.
"Nooooo," you whined. "If someone has a crush on me you gotta spill! C'mon, please?"
He laughed and repeated himself. "I'm sorry, but I am not at liberty to say!"
"Bullshit! Who is it? C'mon! C'monnnnnn!"
He shrugged and this time you knew that he was dead set on not giving up the mystery guy.
"Ugh," you pouted. "Fine. Let's just finish the stupid movie."
"Kids next door, battle stations!!!!"
And now it was sometime after midnight. The popcorn was all gone. The movie was done and now you were watching old cartoons so that the horror movie wouldn't be the last thing on your mind before bed.
Looking over, you saw that Asher didn't need any cartoons like you did. He was already passed out, snoring as loud as ever.
Grumbling in boredom, you stared at the wall, trying to connect the tiny dots in the designs. It was like something was officially keeping you from being able to fall asleep.
At the sound of your phone receiving a text, you sat up curiously. Who was texting you at this hour?
You smiled when you saw that it was Peter.
Pete: hey y/n
You were about to send him a quick,"why are you up this late" text, but he kept typing.
Pete: pls dont judge me too hard for this
With that completely vague warning, you furrowed your eyebrows, concerned.
Y/n: whats up r u okay
He sent you a link next, which confused you, but not as much as when you actually pressed it.
It led you to TikTok, and the video was waiting to be pressed to start. Peter was standing in the middle of the screen with one of his typical corny sweatshirts on. The caption at the top read: "For [Y/N] Only". Smiling already, you quickly pressed play.
You slapped your hand over your mouth. "Oh my God."
"So he finally got the guts, huh?," Asher mumbled, having woken up from the loud music on your phone but was still half-asleep.
"Oh I'm sorry, did I wake you?," you asked. You turned down your phone.
"Don't worry about me, you just got a boyfriend," he chuckled, moving to lay down so he could get to sleep again. "Text him back for god's sake."
Y/n: its been almost a whole year and youre still so cute when you make those
Pete: haha thanks
Pete: uh
Pete: i really like you y/n
Pete: do u think you'd wanna go out with me or get dinner sometime?
"He asked me out," you gasped. "Ash, he asked me out!"
Asher rolled over and groaned. "I thought that was already established? Jesus, you two couldn't possibly be moving any slower."
You rolled your eyes. "Fuck you."
"Nah, you're with Peter now," he laughed. "You're gonna have to fuck him instead!" That comment earned him another pillow to the face.
You looked back at the messages and sent a tiny cute one. You smirked at the new idea of what was about to happen and turned it off before going to sleep.
Y/n: kiss me at school tomorrow and find out
Didn't do a third edit cuz I got lazy but I'm pretty happy with the turnout anyway. Thanks for reading!
Tagging: @allegra-writes, @allegra-soleil, @yumings, @hey-its-grey, @spideyyeet, @sunkissedspidey, @tommyunderoos, @chaoticpete, @snarky--starky, @sovereignparker, @thesherlockianavenger, @bubblebucky, @kelieah, @eridanuswave, @ithoughtthiswastwitterbutfr, @kidney9-9, @gwenvrse
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