acearchivist359 · 3 months
i’m personally choosing to believe that gerry still has the dyed hair and tattoos in this universe . he may not be as traumatized but he’s an artist who names his paintings things like “camden epiphany” and hands them out to random strangers that come by his house . that man is still a weirdo and i stand by it
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archamion · 3 months
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Arianne, Aegon and Gerold
My favourite (living) Dornish baddies
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by-saiyuri · 4 months
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couldn't resist the sillies (feat. jiejie)
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panrao · 2 months
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Wolvie and his funny eyes once again on my mind
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girl-named-matty · 10 months
Do people really think the Hogwarts legacy fandom is dying?? Ahhh no honey I am here to STAY and y'all ain't getting rid of me.
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atrxides · 20 days
Book Jessica x Leto <3
I think one of my favourite things about Jessica x Leto in the Dune book is the fact that they are so secure in their love for each other:
You have Jessica; who is a very well trained Bene Gesserit, who can control every cell in her body, that when it comes to Leto instinctually let's herself feel and emote naturally. (Conceives Alia out of "instinct", cries/breaks down when Leto is in danger/dies, visibly gets upset when people ask her about them getting married etc.)
But Jessica is also very secure in her knowledge that Leto loves her and only her, she says to Hawat that "he'll not marry anyone else, not as long as I live." And she is very confident in that which suggests through words/actions that Leto has assured her of this before.
Similarly with Leto, he's very secure in knowing Jessica loves him and he doesn't consider even for a minute that she is the actual traitor. He says "she's opened/showed her heart to me" and that he "knows her", he also tells Paul himself that he'd sooner distrust himself than Jessica.
And so I think that while we didn't get a lot of them speaking directly to each other in the book, the conversations they have with other characters about their relationship is very telling. There is a sense of communication and deep understanding between them, whether it's verbal/non verbal/physical, that they love each other very much and that they are it for each other.
Then there's an aspect of their relationship that is a bit more tragic to me;
From the start of the book through to the end, even after Leto has died, there is this sense of defence that is constantly surrounding their relationship.
It starts with the Reverend Mother accusing Jessica of having a son purely because of Leto and Jessica has to defend that decision.
Then it's everyone thinking Jessica is the traitor and Leto has to defend her (obvi he gives into the plan for his own schemes but anyway).
Jessica has to defend her love for Leto to Yueh, Hawat, and eventually Gurney later on in the novel. She has to fight off all these accusations and questions about why she hasn't married him or why he didn't marry her.
Paul has to defend his parents' love as well to Gurney when Jessica can't convince him she's not the traitor. (Gurney was a real one for wanting to die for doing that lol.)
And it's really sad that that was something that consistently happened, like after 15/16/17 years they were still having to defend what they had. They were probably very private people and while they did have their own love and understanding of each other, other people just didn't get to see that and so there's this constant sense of protection for both of them for who they love and their family.
And especially for Jessica, who at that point had betrayed the Bene Gesserit more than once, being accused and having to defend her loyalty when everything she had done was out of love for Leto.
There's something so visceral about their story and the way they love each other that really resonates with me idk
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da-shrimping-station · 4 months
Mammon and Beelzebub bond through parkour
I will die on this hill.
Imagine them trying it out for the first time. Lots of fumbling, missteps, and failed jumps. But they're sturdy! If they bungle a fall they got wings!
And it's so fun for them because you can't do parkour in the Celestial Realm! The walls and structures are smooth and perfect, no handholds or footholds. Ledges so polished, it's hard to get a good grip on it. The buildings are far too stretched out there's no choice but to rely on their wings to cross. The best they can do is to run laps around the fields or fly. Not to mention they're angels and they gotta behave.
But in the Devildom and now that they're demons? Oh hell the fuck yes they can be gremlins climbing and jumping all over.
The buildings there are a mishmash of different styles and eras. From brick and wood houses from bygone days to sleek and modern homes. Traditional looking taverns and izakayas on the same street as concrete and glass office buildings. An old tavern on the outside but is a modern cafe on the inside.
Both boys are over the moon from all the variety. Running on cobblestones that become asphalt in the next turn. Climbing up a house's brick wall to jump to the adjacent building's fire escape railings. Messing up tiled roofs and denting antennas. Tripping alarms (both mechanical and magical) as they go through a window. Using their wings for an extra oomph to make the jump. Stopping by a fast food place mid run because the smell was too irresistible then going back at it after a short break. Sometimes they'd be in a goofy mood and race each other from point A to point B. "Hey hey race ya to that funny lookin statue!"
It's not without property damages and injuries of course.
Beelzebub landed too hard on someone's roof because he jumped from a place too high.
Mammon breaking a pole after using it as some sort of springboard.
Bumping into the demons who occupy/work at the places they're parkouring at.
Leaving claws marks on surfaces because they needed a more secure and better grip.
Sprains and scrapes because they went too fast and wasn't able to control their momentum.
Being covered in dirt or dripping wet from failing stunts.
The House of Lamentation gets a stream of complaint letters attached with pictures and quotes of the damages. Both have so much fun with it that Lucifer is willing to put up with the complaints.
They'd come home all sweaty but smiling, talking about their run in excited voices and eager to try a new route or a new stunt.
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kiki-inthehoodie · 7 months
If you have not picked up on the fact this is damn near a nicojack blog by now
This is your warning!!!
Turn back now!!!
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cienie-isengardu · 4 months
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Mortal Kombat 1 Behind the Scenes AU: Get. Lost
[Cage’s Mansion] [Waiting for Liu Kang] [Special Bonus] [Grandmaster’s commentary] [Climbing scene] [Madam Bo’s Inn] [Cage’s Mansion 2 (fire extinguisher)] [Medic] [Shang Tsung’s sad face] [Smoke’s Fall] [Scenography (1)] [Scenography (2)] [Show off!] [Favorite brother] [Climbing on the wall (nonsense)] [Tomas’ commentary] [Perfectly fine] [Sexy, sexy man~♪] [Brothers between filming - Scenography(3)] [Wrong team!] [Since when you two are friends?!] [I like being evil sorcerer more] [I forgot my line, sorry!] [Read the script Kuai!]
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fagtainsparklez · 9 months
anyways all i’m saying is that if the federation truly did manage to make the eggs fully invisible to qq it makes a LOT of sense for the island to be a simulation. all they had to do was go in and edit some code and - [I AM FORCIBLY REMOVED FROM THE STAGE]
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fan-dweeb · 7 months
Interview: Why are you so outspoken against the old Hero System?
Pro Hero Kacchan: I said to myself, if I don’t make it to the top then I’ll go and change the system
Pro Hero Kacchan: Then I decided the system is f**ked anyway so might as well start some s**t
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the-bi-space-ace · 1 month
Here’s the thing about all of the ‘Echo is gonna die’ theories. If they seriously brought him back for four episodes this season just to kill him off in the finale I’ll be furious. Because that is not how you send off a character. It just isn’t. Which is why I just have so much doubt about that happening.
Despite all of the theories, all of the anxiety, all of the *gestures to everything* I still have so much hope that this is ending on a decent note and I’m holding onto that with everything I have.
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jar-of-maise · 8 months
PLATONIC! wriothesley and lynette bff hcs
i think that wriothesly and lynette would be besties and here's why:
[NOT to be taken as a ship]
they both love tea, enough said.
the way Lyney was fretting over his siblings and the traveller and paimon were running around and one step away from a panic breakdown while... lynette was just chilling with rice lee and sigewinnie
bonds over tea making with wriothesley - they can definitely appreciate each other's dedication
sigewinnie makes sweets for lynette! lynette taste tests the sweets for her!!! Aaaaa
though, given the melusine's questionable aesthetic taste, i feel like lyney would have been a bit paranoid
"Lynette! That could have been poisoned!"
"It tasted good though."
"You need to be more careful in the future Lynette."
"it's okay Lyney, if I have to die, I would prefer dying to good desserts over everything else."
"Trust me, that's definitely not the issue here!"
probably bakes sweets and whatever with sigewinnie
but the way lynette's ears are very good? defo hears about the gossip down in the fortress
what can you do with idle gossip? share it with your best bitches
talks smack about everyone with wriothesley over tea
why judge people by yourself when you have a tea drinking buddy??
lynette slacks off a lot on work, what is she doing with her spare time? gossiping with the manager of the fortress? no way!
she's probably found a warm, dry corner in his office to sleep in though like my girl is a cat through and through
def bonds over big sister things with sigewinnie
wriothesley probably doesn't really trust her but he would probably let sigewinnie and her hang out (pls friendship guys)
btw i feel like since sigewinnie likes picking out beauty products for her friends, she's defo tried to do that with lynette - and she's relentlessly badgering rice lee about getting more lynette (AHEM) more scent friendly products for people with sensitive noses
freminet and lyney lose lynette in more ways than one while they're down at the fortress fs like they go out to work? boom lynette's gone and where do they find her? chilling with sigewinnie
wriothesley defo knows that she slacks off but doesn't care
will treat her to a free meal, maybe, but then sure she doesn't slack off for a full day
i lowkey think that he'd invite her over for tea and snacks but like with the slips of paper and lyney probably gets a heart attack everytime he sees one. my poor man got traumatised by rice lee
just lynette and wriothesley and sigewinnie being friends pls ik im delusional but i do think that they could be fdsfsdhjaslkskjgsa
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Clark Kent is a bottom.
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pufflehuffing · 7 months
I have a head canon about Slytherin!MC and Ominis constantly speaking french to each other and annoying the shit out of Sebastian. Ominis all of the sudden has the confidence to flirt with a shit-eating grin and Sebastian just stands there like 🧍🏻‍♂️
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fixfoxnox · 1 year
Omg the Roach love language ist food post. I just can’t. I love love love how every „quirk“ fits so incredibly well to each person. I vibe with ghost so much. (Not projecting at all haha). Also just the sheer amount of kindness and devotion it takes to be so attentive and put all those plans together. Insane. Do you have more ideas?? I’d love to hear them all 😩😩😩
I absolutely have more ideas about this
The way that Roach does all of his stuff to start improving the 141's relationship with food, he does is very secretively because he doesn't want them to realize and feel embarrassed or get mad at him. So everything that he does in regards to helping them is done meticulously.
He asks the cafeteria people where they buy their food boxes so he can purchase the exact same ones so the team won't suspect. He only cooks the food that he's going to serve them either extremely late at night, early morning, or when he can barricade one of the kitchen doors and not worry about anything. Generally speaking, he is very very careful.
So when Roach's plans are set in motion and he is able to improve their eating/relationship with food, none of them really realize whT has happened. They don't really see that anything has changed. The only thing that any of them notice is the change in the others (like recognizing the fact that Soap isn't watching everything he eats and has improved a ton) but outside of that, none of them notice the change with themselves.
They don't realize how much Roach has really been doing for their eating until Roach gets injured/falls sick and can't do his normal routines with their food. Suddenly Ghost can't find the right textures and tastes in the cafeteria, Price and Gaz suddenly notice that they're both starving in the middle of the day, and Soap just misses having Roach there to reassure him when he's eating. They're all grumpy and one of them off-handedly mentions what Roach usually does for them and suddenly everyone is sharing and realizing exactly what has happened.
So in Roach's room/hospital bed/wherever there suddenly a pile of full grown men all demanding to know if Roach has been cooking for them and lying and saying that its from the cafeteria. He sheepishly admits to pretty much everything and the group are all like 🧍 because they probably should be mad, but at the same time they're all happier and healthier and the cafeteria food really isn't good, especially not compared to Roach's cooking.
Anyways they all end up kinda being like "well...next time just tell us outright about what you're doing" and thats all the talking to Roach gets shdhdhdjd
Later some of them attempt to make Roach food in return and he literally cries and eats all of whatever they make him whether its good or not because he's just so happy
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