hermitw · 30 days
Usually I forgive gege/sukuna for his crimes bc gege gives us so many beautiful images of true form sukuna and it takes me an hour to read a chapter bc I just. Keep looking at him. And he's one of my favorite characters.
But he's in time out rn!! Both sukuna and gege ughhhhh that was........ No.....
It can't be Chosover.
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anotherpapercut · 6 months
bro what the fuck are they doing with my package
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#fun story#i ordered 3 things from hot topic. they shipped but never arrived so a couple weeks later i messaged them abt it#and went back and forth with them for a while bc their customer service agents cant read apparently#before being told i had to call bc one of the things i ordered went out of stock and i was replacing it w smth more expensive#so i call and im on the phone for like a fucking hour missing the 15 minute window i have to eat between jobs#and being on the phone at work for a while lmao#i finally get it done and the guy fucking forgets my apartment number in the shipping address. it's in the billing address tho??#so i email them AGAIN and im like yo your man forgot my apartment number. they cancel that order and place another#the effect this has is that the $14 payment for the more expensive item is cancelled as well. bc again they don't read#so im like sick i will effectively get these $60 pants for $15 (im very good at sales and also manipulating customer service)#but apparently when they replaced the order they put ny apartment number not in the address‚ but as part of my name?????#so i think its fucking up usps. but it came in 2 packages and 1 has arrived so i still have hope. but thats not the end#yesterday guess who fuckin calls me. its hot topic. my original order arrived to the fuckin store in my local mall#and theyre like i think we fucked up bc we just found this package but it says you picked up your order already. do u want it#and i was like yes? not really sure what package to be expecting and its my ORIGINAL FUCKING ORDER#so once this package arrives i will have gotten 2 of the same shirt‚ 2 kiki sign things‚ a sweater‚ and a pair of pants for $40#and i figure i can return one of the shirts and one of the signs that i have duplicates of for store credit of their full price#so anyway yeah. thats been the past 3 weeks for me.
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I can't fucking believe that I procrastinated my gender for like. A good three years.
#Like in fairness I was in an incredibly abusive environment already#Questioning my gender was the last fuckin thing I needed so I was just like “that's a problem for later”#Butttttttttt... Now I've got no idea what I'm doing#Like I've cut my hair??? I like looking like a boy????#But I also know that a few months ago I was straight up wearing floor length skirts on the daily and braiding my hair with flowers??????#and my definition of “boy” and “man” is so inherently fucked up bc of the abuse that I'm unwilling to actually use those words???#And I chose the name I use for a reason as a promise (long story) but it's really feminine????#And it'd be nice if people would be ok with using two different names for me if it turns out I am genderfluid but?????#They almost certainly won't??????#Like most of them refuse to use my chosen name anyway and I'm just. To polite to correct them.#no I'm not canadien I'm british#Anyway help?#Bc I realised all this the other day LITERALLY AN HOUR before I went on stage and almost had a complete breakdown??????#good news is there's this trans boy in my performing arts group and he was so nice and supportive that I didn't cry in the end#much anyway but still?????? I procrastinated my fucking gender????????? And now I'm fuckin confused???????#Also I can now cosplay one of my OCs#So that's cool#Remember the name Becky Roberts guys#Like if I am trans for genderfluid or whatever it'll help next year with The Plan (which I may elaborate on if asked)#but also???? My parents still refuse to accept that I'm a lesbian if I tell them “yo I periodically become a boy”#They'll probably yell at me at BEST#“that's not a real thing!!!” NEITHER IS YOUR FAÇADE OF A HAPPY FAMILY BUT YOU BELIEVE IN THAT#*ahem* anyway yeah I'm struggling if anyone has any advice pls help#Oh and I've only told like one person I've cut my hair and I'm meeting up with a load of friends on Sunday#Bwhahahhahahahhah#help me#tw abuse mention#queer community
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mazojo · 2 years
I am like 20 minutes into Purple Hearts and I am trying to understand so hard how what anything that Luke or his friend say is like, normal and not like, idk, bigotry?
#Netflix outright said be as leftist conservative as possible and destroy those pronoun blue haired people huh#like……… ion like where this is going#i bet y’all 50 bucks by the end of it we will have Cassie be given a 180 like yeah we’ll not ALL leftists are bad#and they are not! you don’t have to feel invalidated but your pollito al opinion#political**#but luke is definetely not a good guy!! like?? their friends are racists right in front of him and they all just laugh and point ?? how#does that make you a good person?? yeah tragic backstory or whatever idk what’s coming but it’s still biggotery and they seem to be trying#yo excuse ir at the end and it just doesn’t really sit right with me#and I don’t like getting political on here nor come here to tell you what to believe or not to believe in#but misogyny/racism/xenophobia/homophobia or anything of the sorts is uh not excusable in my book!#just be a good person dude lol it’s literally not that hard#luke calls woman females he is that sort of dude bro#like the acting is good and Sofia Carson is an amazing singer I just don’t understand what they are trying to do#the message seems to be like yeah. you might differ in political views. but if you are hot you can still makeout maybe!#like you can disagree on things but if you are this much politically strayed from each other I am sorry but I don’t think it’ll work out#so then in the future when you are taking big life choices that oppose political views what then?? idk it’s just very tied to someone’s#moral and value compass that it’s just…. idk sksksk netflix what is going on#I’ll be back at the end maybe I guess I might be wrong who knows I love romance stories but this is starting on the wrong foot for me#anti Purple Hearts#i guess lol#Purple Hearts#netflix
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dcxdpdabbles · 22 days
DCxDP fanfic idea: Ecto-Specialist
Danny Fenton gets sent by his parents as a Fenton Ecto-Specialist at the request of the Justice League. They would have gone themselves, but unfortunately, every other Fenton had come down with the flu.
Danny was happy about his ghost immune system because this meant he could present Ghosts in a much more favorable light. He left behind all his parents' weapon blueprints and research reports.
He switched them out with his PowerPoint, ghost notes, and interviews he managed to obtain from the friendlier spiris. He arrived to the Hall of Justice, was given a special access pass and was told to set up in a board room.
He nervously plugged everything in, smooth down his suit, and practiced his speech. He's given presentations before, but they have always been school assignments. It was still nerve-wracking, but at least everyone else had to give the exact same topic for the same five to six minutes requirement.
Here, he was going to speak before some of the best heroes of the world to convince them that ghosts were sentiment. To prove they should have rights.
No pressure.
"Hello, I'm Danny Fenton. I'm going to speak about Ecto-beings and their vast culture within the Infinite Realms, " He says to the empty chairs. He pauses for a moment before, as if though he was gathering the attention of a audience before pressing the clicker abd watching his slide move.
"What are Ecto-beings?" He makes a gesture, that he once saw Tim Drake do on TV. It was a smooth wrist roll that he thought look sophisticated. "They can come in all shapes and sizes. Some are naturally formed from their environment, others are born to Ecto-beings and a few or deceased spirits. But they all share a core build from ectoplasm. That's what classifieds them as-"
"Maybe start but explaining what ectoplasm is" a voice cuts him off. Danny is not proud of the high pitch scream that releases from his throat. He is even less proud that he jumps so badly, he ends up tripping over his feet and falling over.
Bell-like laughter, fills the air, and Danny swings his head to the doorway only to further choke on his spit. Standing there looking like a Greek god is Tim Drake.
The very person he was attempting to imitate.
"Are you the Fenton Works representative?" Drake asks, strutting in with a wink. "I'm here on Wayne Enterprises behalf. We may be doing a joint charity effort for Ecto-beings rights. I'm Timothy Drake. And you?"
"I ugh, I'm Danny. Ugh- Danny Fenton. My parents own Fenton Works." He scrambles to his feet, flushing dark red when Drake smiles. "I'm presenting today. I was um practicing?"
"You're doing great" Drake assures. "Just remember to not stand in front of the screen. You want people to ready your bullet points."
"Oh." Danny drags his podium over. He cringes when he realizes that causes it yo scrap against the floor, leaving two long lines.
Drake's grin widens. "It has wheels. You just press the little lever on the right"
Danny wants to die "right. Sorry"
"Nothing a wax machine can't fix." Drake tilts his head, studying his face before asking,"Want to get a quick coffee to calm your nerves? They sell a great brand in the cafeteria"
Danny rubs his hands "Coffee makes me more nervous but thank you"
Drake's smile flatters before it switches back. "Icecream then?"
"No thank you. I run cold naturally and ice cream makes it worse"
".....how about afterwards? We could go watch a moive? Dinner?"
"I would, but I'm supposed to stay in the hotel my parents rented for me. They'll know if I'm not."
The other teen nods and looks a bit disappointed. "Alright, you can't blame a guy for trying . Well, good luck with your practice. I'll be back in an hour for the presentation."
Dannybwaves goodbye, trying to slow his fluttering heart rate. He just spoke to Tim Drake! He can't wait to text Sam and Tucker.
It's only after re-running the presentation once, about thirty minutes later, that Danny jolts in place "HE WAS ASKING ME OUT?!"
"Who was?"
For the second time that day, Danny released a high pitch scream. It's much worse to find Wonder Woman fighting a amused smile standing in the doorway instead of a Teenage Hearttob.
He hasn't even started. Maybe he should have fake being sick, too.
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taeyongdoyoung · 1 month
good for you
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summary: your boyfriend is literally perfect and treats you like a princess but you want him to completely lose control 😇 pairing: mingyu x reader genre: smut, tooth-rotting fluff warnings: established relationship, home intruder roleplay, consensual somnophilia, safeword exists but isn't used, rough sex, no lube, no protection, neck biting, size kink (no one is surprised), titty slapping, sir kink, spanking, praise+degradation, slight dumbification, subspace, pet names, shy dom gyu, crying, mentions of pee (non-sexual context), aftercare!!! word count: 1.7k
You and Mingyu have not been together for long but from what you know so far he’s the sweetest guy you’ve ever dated. He treats you like a princess, brings you flowers or chocolates with or without occasion, drives you around everywhere, gets stuff from the top shelf for you and is basically the kindest soul to ever step on this Earth. You are, of course, beyond grateful for that, and do your best to show him how much you appreciate him every chance you get.
However, a little demon inside your brain kind of wants him to not treat you as if you are made of glass all the time. While the sex is great and Mingyu makes sure that you reach an orgasm, you can’t help but fantasize about him going rough on you. Even when his friends tease (bully) him, he almost never uses his height and strength to his advantage, instead accepting everything with a good-natured smile.
But you would be lying if you said that the idea of him just snapping doesn’t excite you. Nevertheless, you are not sure how to bring this up to him. You don’t want to sound ungrateful or for him to feel insecure about his abilities because he’s perfect the way he is. It’s your filthy brain that needs fixing. Still, you decide that honesty is the key to a healthy relationship and you gather all your courage to approach him about this.
“Hey, Mingyu, can we talk about something?” you ask one evening after you two have finished having dinner.
His eyes are immediately filled with worry. Judging by the tone of your voice, this is something serious. So far, your relationship has been lighthearted and devoid of any problems. Mingyu thinks that it’s going great but apparently he’s been fooling himself.
“What’s wrong?” he wants to know. “You’re not breaking up with me, right?”
“What?! Of course not! Do you want to break up with me?” you panic.
“No, no, please,” Mingyu shakes his head fervently.
“Good, good,” you exhale in relief.
“So, what did you wanna talk about?”
“Um, it’s kinda embarrassing but I don’t want to keep any secrets from you.”
“Secrets?” Mingyu blinks in curiosity.
“Yeah…You know how you’re always super gentle with me, both outside and inside the bedroom?”
“Uh, sure? What about it?”
“Can you consider…not doing that all the time?”
“In what sense?” Mingyu raises his eyebrows in confusion.
“In the sense that…can you fuck me harder without holding yourself back? You’re not gonna break me, I promise.”
“Oh…” he finally realizes what you’re getting at. Because he doesn’t say anything rightaway, you hurry to explain.
“Not that I don’t like how sweet and patient you are with me! It’s more than amazing, I just thought that…maybe it’d be fun to try something new. If it’s not your thing, forget I mentioned it, I’m so-“
“It’s not that it doesn’t sound appealing. But I’m afraid that if I’m not holding myself back, I’ll end up hurting you,” Mingyu confesses, surprising you.
You reach your hand out across the table to hold his comfortingly.
“You won’t. I know how caring you are, Mingyu. Which is why I would trust you with something like this. Okay?”
“Okay,” he nods. “Did you have a particular scenario in mind or do you want me to surprise you?”
“Surprise me.”
Mingyu smirks sinisterly. Oh God. What kind of demon have you unleashed?
A few days later, you receive a text from Mingyu while you’re walking home.
Mingyu: Busy tonight?
You: All yours
Mingyu: Unlock your door at exactly 10pm and wait for me in your bed. If I’m not there by 10:30, lock it again, alright?
You: Yes, sir 🛐
Mingyu: That’s my good girl.
Fucking hell. Your heart flutters upon reading these words. He’s called you that before but in this context, it thrills you even more than usual.
Mingyu: Safeword is butterfly. Use it if something is too much, if you’re in pain or for any other reason that brings you discomfort, okay?
You: I’m gonna need a safeword?!?!
Mingyu: I hope it doesn’t come to that but just in case. See you in a couple of hours, baby.
You’re too excited for tonight. You take a long shower. You wear your prettiest lingerie and make your room as cozy as possible. Not that it matters. You spray perfume over your neck and wrists. You put on some lipbalm and mascara. You want to look good for him. But the truth is, you had an exhausting week and already feel sleepy. You unlock the door at 10pm, climb into your bed and…
Somehow you fall asleep. You feel disoriented as your consciousness is slowly returning to you. You feel too hot, too weak and too full. Fuck. What’s going on? You don’t dare to open your eyes for fear of ruining the sweeter than sleep reality.
“Dumb baby couldn’t wait for me and fell asleep all by herself?” Mingyu’s deep voice coos in your ear.
In your half-awake state you feel your boyfriend’s cock thrusting deep inside of you, taking you rougher than ever before. Well, you asked for it.
“So cute and helpless, leaving the door unlocked for anyone to enter and use you like a whore,” Mingyu murmurs.
He rubs your clit vigorously while still fucking into you, making you wetter than ever before.
“Nnghh,” you whimper drowsily.
“Shhh, baby, go back to sleep,” Mingyu whispers. “I’ll take care of you. You don’t have to think about anything.”
He squeezes your boobs, leaning down to bite your neck like a hungry wolf. And here, you thought your boyfriend was just a cute puppy.
“S-so big,” you cry out pitifully.
“You can take it, slut,” Mingyu says confidently.
You don’t offer a verbal response but your body speaks for itself. Mingyu is almost splitting you in two but your pussy is swallowing him up greedily.
“H-harder, p-please,” your mouth seems to have a mind of its own because it speaks against any common sense.
Mingyu slaps your tits, a little hesitant at first.
It stings but it’s such a sweet hurt you’re already addicted to it.
“Like this?” he asks, making sure it’s okay.
“M-more,” you beg, forgetting all inhibitions. “Use me.”
He does it a couple of more times, while still fucking you roughly. His dick is so enormous that you’re certain you’ll be sore tomorrow but it will be more than worth it. You lose count of how many times you’ve come around his cock. Sliding out and flipping you on your belly, he takes you from behind, too, spanking your ass and gripping your hair.
“Such a good girl, just for me, right? No one else gets to see you like this, yeah?” Mingyu’s words come out rushed, almost in trance.
“All yours, sir,” you promise.
Mingyu seems satisfied with your answer because he spills his seed inside of you seconds after. You follow his lead and eventually, your knees give out, your mind goes blank and you collapse on the bed.
“Baby?” Mingyu checks up on you worriedly.
You are not capable of responding, brain barely functioning anymore. He moves you gently to see your face. Your eyes are open but unblinking, which scares the shit out of him.
“Come back to me, my sweetheart, please,” Mingyu cries out, hugging you tightly.
A couple of moments later, you still don’t remember your own name but something more important to you leaves your lips:
“Mingyu?” you whisper cautiously.
“Oh, angel,” Mingyu sighs. “I’m right here.”
Then, you suddenly burst into tears. Overwhelmed by how good he made you feel and how much he cares about you, your fully emotions take over.
“What’s wrong, baby? Did I hurt you?” Mingyu positions you so that you are sitting on his knee and rocks you gently back and forth.
“N-no,” you shake your head. “I’m s-so happy.”
“You poor thing,” Mingyu chuckles softly. “Can’t believe you worked so hard to doll yourself up and make the room smell nice. You knew I was gonna ruin your lingerie anyway, didn’t you?”
“I just wanted to look good for you,” you admit with a pout.
“You always do. My best girl,” Mingyu kisses you sweetly and wraps you in his warm embrace, lulling you back to sleep.
The next morning, you wake up to the feeling of wanting to pee so badly. You manage to climb out of bed but barely make one step and trip on the ground. Uh oh. You got fucked so good you literally can’t walk.
Awakened by the loud thud, Mingyu is by your side in no time.
“What happened?”
“You happened,” you reply truthfully, but you don’t blame him because you brought this upon yourself.
“Oh…” Mingyu understands what you mean. “Did you want to use the toilet?”
“Uh, yeah. Gosh, this is so mortifying.”
You cover your face with your hands.
“I was literally deep inside of you a few hours ago, get over yourself,” Mingyu laughs and lifts you up effortlessly, carrying you to the bathroom.
“Are you gonna stare at me?!” you ask in embarrassment.
“Might as well,” he laughs but gives you some privacy, even though there is no need to be shy after all the things you’ve done together.
After that, he insists on doing everything for you. You tell him you are perfectly capable of brushing your own teeth but nope, Mingyu wants to do that, as well. And honestly? It feels too good to reject.
He even makes breakfast and brings it to bed so you can share it together. As you take the first bite and drink the first sip of coffee for the morning, the feelings come crashing once again. And you start crying even harder than last night.
“Oh, baby, what is it?” Mingyu wants to know, as he brushes your hair behind your ear and wipes your tears.
“N-nothing, you’re just so amazing and kind I feel extremely touched.”
“You do realize this is literally the bare minimum, right?” Mingyu seems shocked. He just made pancakes. It’s not some heroic act, in his humble opinion.
“It’s so rare to find a lovely guy like you, though,” you admit.
“Well, my good girl deserves only the best,” he smiles shyly and kisses your cheek.
You wrap your arms around his neck, grinning wider than ever before.
“Keep talking like that and I’ll want to be good for you forever.”
“I’m counting on it.”
The End
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moonstruckme · 7 months
hi gorgeous!!
could i request poly!marauders with a reader who has been avoiding them a bit? she’ll text and call them, but not see them in person? maybe she tells them she’s really busy and they finally get her to come over or maybe catch her somewhere out n about and find her with a ~mysterious~ black eye? she finally ends up telling them abt it and she’s so embarrassed by how she’s got it and didn’t want them to fret over her? they poke fun of her a little, but it ends with hugs or cuddles on the couch?
(this is so definitely not self indulgent!! i absolutely do NOT have a black eye currently because i was wearing fluffy socks and tripped over my own foot and went flying into a doorknob!!! pfffftt, what kind of idiot would you have to be to pull that off…)
Hope the black eye you don't have is healing well babe!
cw: injury/bruise
poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 984 words
“She said she was too busy to even come over for breakfast this morning,” Remus frets. “I don’t know if we should be bothering her.” 
“She’s putting too much on herself,” James says certainly, can-do attitude in place and a bag of your favorite pastries in hand. “She won’t let herself relax, and it’s our job to help with that.” Remus only chews his lip, so he looks to Sirius for backup. “Right, Pads?” 
“Sure.” Sirius shrugs. “I don’t know, I still think she’s avoiding us. Any plan that gets us to see her sounds good to me.” 
“Well, don’t talk like we’re about to bust down her door,” Remus says, rolling his eyes as they come to a stop in front of your place.
“Course not.” Sirius grins, and slams his fist extra-loud against your door to make Remus squirm. James smothers a laugh when he hears a curse from inside, the sound of something falling to the floor, and then shuffling footsteps headed in their direction. 
“Hi.” You sound surprised, half of your face visible in the crack of the door. That’s…oddly shy, for you, and the first threads of concern begin to wind their way around James’ ribcage. Has he or one of the others done something to upset you? Maybe Sirius is right, and you have been avoiding them. “What’re you guys doing here?” 
“Hi, sweetheart.” James gives you his most guileless smile, holding up the bag of pastries. “You’ve been working so hard lately, we thought we’d bring you a treat.” 
You all but melt against the doorframe, the eyebrow James can see scrunching in a cute pout. “Aw, thank you.” 
“Can we come inside for a bit?” he asks, but Sirius is already pushing at the door, nudging you out of the way as he invites himself in. 
You flinch away from the door as Sirius says, “Christ, angel, we haven’t seen you in so long I’d begun to think you were…” he trails off, and Remus and James both hurry in behind him to see why. The half of your face that had been obscured a second ago by the doorframe (intentionally obscured, James realizes now) is marred by a dark, purple-and-yellow bruise. 
Remus inhales softly, all three of your boyfriends nearly frozen in place. 
Sirius has gone tense all over, but his voice is gentle. “How’d that happen, baby?”
It doesn’t help matters that you get so clearly anxious at the question. “I—um, okay.” You look at them abashedly, shoulders gravitating towards your ears. “It’s not as bad as it looks, but you can’t get mad.” 
Sirius sucks his teeth, eyes darkening. James knows his mind is running through all the various people you could be asking them to not get mad at for doing this to you; he’s thinking along similar lines. “Why would we be mad?” Sirius asks, noncommittal.
You brush a strand of hair behind your ear, going to sit on the couch. “I, uh. I ran into the kitchen and hit myself on the cabinet door.” 
Remus hisses through his teeth. “Fuck, honey, the corner?” He sits down next to you, angling your face towards the light. “Is that where this little scrape is from?” His thumb brushes over the small cut with painful tenderness, and James watches with satisfaction as you go so soft you nearly forget to answer him. You give a nod, and Remus hums sympathetically. 
“Jesus, babe.” James leans closer to peer at it. “That’s gotta hurt.” 
Sirius pouts at you, sitting on the back of the couch. “Why would you think we’d be mad about that, darling?” 
The look you give Remus is guilty enough that he withdraws his hand, raising his eyebrows at you. 
“You know how you tell me not to run in my fuzzy socks?” you ask him. 
Remus’ lips twitch, but he narrows his eyes at you sternly. “I do.” 
You shrink away. “Well, I was sort of sliding around in those when it happened.” 
Remus rolls his eyes, but he lets his lips twist into a begrudging half-smile. “Christ. Learned your lesson now?” 
“Learned not to leave cabinet doors open when I do it,” you say, and James tugs you to his front protectively as Remus lets loose an appalled sound that’s somewhere between exhale and laugh. 
“Our poor sweetheart,” he coos, pressing a kiss to the unharmed skin beside your bruise. “I can’t believe you avoided us for days just because you didn’t want Remus to be upset with you. You’re rivaling Sirius for dramatics with that one, lovie.” 
“Oi.” Sirius jabs at your side meanly with his foot. “Don’t start taking my titles. There can only be one master of theatrics in this relationship.”
You draw your knees to your chest, entirely in James’ lap now, and he suspects you’re snuggling closer to him because you prefer his coddling to the other boys’ teasing. He’s more than happy to indulge you, brushing his lips ever so gently over the colorful skin by your eye and giving you a good squeeze with his arms around your middle. 
Sirius makes a soft pitying sound. “That really looks awful. Did you at least put ice on it?” 
You blink up at him, and James wants to chide you and smother you with love at the same time. Remus looks like he feels the same, the exasperation of his sigh diminished greatly by the fondness in his look as he gets up. “You’ve got a pack of peas in the freezer, don’t you, love?” 
You confirm, and Sirius takes Remus’ place on the couch, squinting his eyes at you playfully. “You’re not allowed to avoid us when you’ve hurt yourself ever again. Clearly, you can’t handle it on your own.” 
You seem like you could disagree, but James takes the opportunity to attack you with kisses again, and you don’t protest much after that.
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artemismoorea03 · 10 months
DPxDC Prompt: Damian's Friend
I feel like this has been done before so if it has please let me know!
Damian is still learning to make friends. Sure, he has Superboy but according to his brothers and teachers he needed more friends. But why should he bother with new friends when one was already such a pain to keep up with? Social cues were hard to understand, jokes didn't make sense, and most civilians were far too squishy. He could end up hurting them accidentally and that would endanger his secret identity.
Though he quickly learned that meeting people as Robin made it considerably easier. That's how he ended up meeting Phantom, a 15-Year-Old boy who seemed rather lost. His only explanation for why he was in Gotham had been, "Listen, my mentor told me to come here and to stick with the birds and the bats. I don't know what that is or why I'm here but considering I don't seem to be able to go home yet I can only assume that I haven't found what I was looking for yet."
Phantom was strange, even for a meta. He didn't know what Gotham was, who Superman or Batman were, he had never heard of the Justice League, or even heard of 'metas' until Robin explained it to him. The kid seemed honest and he was staying out of the way of patrols and stuff which was more than most meta's did.
The only time he interfered with any fight was when Robin was cornered in a fight. In theory Robin would have been able to handle it but in the moment he had - admittedly - been a little in over his head. Phantom showed up and not only got Robin to safety but had managed to take down all of the enemies without killing anybody.
From that moment on Robin considered Phantom a friend and had given Phantom the number to one of the burner phones he kept on him during patrols. Phantom never called but would answer any time Robin checked in.
Which came in handy one day when the entirety of the team got trapped when a building came down, including one very frightened Superboy. The team was arguing loudly among themselves as they tried to figure out how to get out while Batman sat to one side with a headwound.
None of them were in good shape.
They were running out of air.
And the team were fighting and wasting even more air.
"We need more help." Nightwing said, "But I don't think Superman could hear us from here and nobody else in the city will be able to reach us before we run out of air."
"I could call my friend." Robin suggested, leaning against the wall.
"Uh..." Everybody looked at Superboy then each other.
"Your what?" Red Hood questioned.
"Is he saying friends?" Whispered Signal.
"Did you hit your head?" Spoiler asked, walking over as Robin stepped away from her.
"No, this is delirium. The air is too thin in here for him." Red Robin said.
"Robin, all your friends are right here." Superboy said.
Robin scoffed. "I have other friends. You guys told me I needed more friends, so I made friends. It was a task which I completed." He said, pulling out his phone as he silently muttered a 'please work' under his breath.
"Aw! I'm so proud of you!" Nightwing doted as Robin rolled his eyes and hit the call button.
"Yo, Robin, you see the collapse?" Phantom's voice said, sounding weirdly echoed on the line, not that it was unusual for Phantom's voice to do such a thing on calls.
"Bigger problems. I was inside the building during the collapse. Batman is down. Nightwing, Red Hood, Red Robin, Orphan, Signal, Spoiler, and Superboy are all in here with me. We need exfil."
"Oh shit, on my way. I can get all of you out at once but you guys will have to forget what personal space is for a minute." Phantom said as Robin ignored the looks from the others.
"Whatever it takes, but hurry we're running out of air."
"What floor are you on?"
"Got it, I'll be there in just a second." The call turned to static for a moment before Phantom phased through the ceiling and looked at them. "Wow, a party." Phantom said, ending the call and slipping the phone into a bag on his back.
"No time, get us out of here." Robin pushed.
Phantom nodded, "You and you put Batman between you." He ordered Nightwing and Red Hood who after a moment did as they were told, supporting Batman between them. "Now use your free hands and hug me. The rest of you guys hug them and no matter what do not let go of each other or me. If you do you'll die."
"Great, trust the weird glowing kid not to drop us and kill us or die here. This will only go well." Red Hood growled but didn't question it further as they all held onto Phantom.
Robin could feel the ground vanish from under them as they flew upwards through the building and then out into open air. Phantom then took then a safe distance from the building near where the police were and made sure they were all on the ground before he stopped flying.
"There you go. Thanks for riding Phantom-Air." Phantom said, sounding exhausted as he leaned against Robin who frowned up at the taller teen.
"You okay?"
"All good. Been a minute. You guys get checked out. See you around Robin." Phantom said, then flew away as Superboy grabbed Robin's arm.
"Are we going to talk about the fact that your new friend doesn't have a heartbeat?" He said anxiously.
"He... doesn't?" Robin tilted his head.
"No!" Superboy squeaked, "Where did you even meet that kid?!"
"He saved me from being shot. It's no big deal."
"Does B know he exists?" Red Robin asked.
"Then it's a big deal." The others sighed.
Nightwing shrugged. "Next time introduce us to him properly though, when we're not suffocating in a hole."
"I suppose I will consider it."
Orphan was quiet for a moment, "New brother?"
"NO!" They all said together as she chuckled.
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normansnt · 4 months
Almost got you, bitch
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(Hazbin Adam x fallen angel!Male reader)
No warnings I think perhaps cursing
You were a fallen angel.
You questioned heavens doings after finding out about the extermination, and of course heaven didn't like that.
When you fell, your best friend, Adam, was the most pissed off. Granted he was the one who told you about it one night when he was drunk and you had to get him home but he didn't know you were gonna make such a fuss about it.
You were in heaven, everything was fine you had your friends there, no one important to you fell before you, and most importantly you had him there, your best friend. Why would you care about those misfits in hell??
All though he shouldn't have been surprised, even though you put on a hard shell and make very similar jokes than himself you are a kind soul, a very kind one at that always helping others. But still, you fell, you are not here with him anymore. That sucked.
Heaven was a pretty new invention and adam and eve were trying to settle, for that god sent an angel, you.
When you knocked on the door adam went to open it.
"Who the fuck is here this early?" Was the first sentence he ever spoke to you.
Now you aint gonna take shit from nobody.
"Im the fuck who is here get you asses moving cuz we're going to heaven" you said with an equally annoyed tone.
Thats when Adam knew he liked you. And with the same amount of sass to each other the two of you became fast friends.
"I Almost got you, bitch" yelled Adam. You guys were playing flying tag cuz he just got his wings and they were completely new to him.
"You wish, fucker" you answer with a shit eating smirk. You were the one to teach him how to fight, the one who helped him through his divorce withe eve, you were his best friend.
*end flashback*
"...Shit" adam called seraphim, an idea occurred to him, how about they move up the next extermination, that way he has a reason to get down there sooner and bring you back, also slather some demons.
When you woke up in hell, the first thing you saw was someone trying to cut out your organs.
"WAAHH...MOTHERFUC-- WHAT THE HECK R U DOING??" You jumped up and started yelling at the demon.
"Calm down pretty boy, the cannibals pay good money for fresh organs like yours."
"Well guess what jackass I dont give tiny rats ass how good those fuckers pay you my organs aint for sale" and with that sentence you quickly kicked him in the nuts and when he fell to the ground brocke his neck. Yeah...you were kind but god help people who mess with you...literally.
"Well shit, never had to fight without wings."
"...Interesting, and here I thought I would have to come to your rescue in exchange for your soul." Came a...static voice from behind you.
"Uhhh...thank you?? I guess, but there will be no taking my soul." You looked at the grinning man in a red suit.
"Such a shame, you'd be my first fallen angel"
"...Ok, listen can I help you with something ooooorr??"
"Not particularly I just wanted your soul, but alas that ship has sailed, however since you just fell I assume you have no where to stay" his grin stretched a bit as he said that.
"Well, you assume correctly but Im not gonna agree to any deal you have to offer just for a place to stay"
"Well, well, you are smart one even though angles can be so gullible, but no there is no deal the only thing you'd have to do is perhaps act nice"
"I can do that." you answered finally smiling at the strange man.
"They are coming" you whispered to yourself. After you arrived in hell, Alastor offered you a place in the hazbin hotel and you were happy to take it. This was over 7 months ago, in that time you grew close to everyone who was there, they were your found family and now you will protect them even if its against you first family.
Today was the day of the extermination, the day you'd have to fight heaven, the day you's have yo fight Adam. Even though you never admitted to yourself you had deeper feelings for him than friendship, but since he literally went around fucking bitches that kind of lowered your hopes.
The fight was raging on. Since you were the one who literally trained these exorcists they were no match for you. However Alastor was supposed to take on Adam, and that worried you. You knew how powerful Alastor is supposed to be but you have seen Adam's powers first hand.
Just as you suspected Alastor couldn't take on Adam. So Charlie had to take over which made you even more worried. You climbed up and saw Adam hitting Charlie into the hazbin hotel sign.
"NO" you yelled
Adam turned towards you with a smile that said he was ready to kill, that disappeared however when he saw that it was you.
He looked at you for a moment when someone punched him out of no where.
"Oh shit" you said while looking at Adam flying away and than back at who punched him. Lucifer.
"Lucy?" U asked baffled. You met him when he was still in heaven. Personally you loved his creative ideas while the making of earth so you guys would talk a lot. You also found it highly unfair when he fell and considered going after him, but Adam held you back.
"...Who--? SHIT (Y/N)? Omg why tf are you down here??" He asked half pissed half happy to see you.
"Well a little this, a little that, you know, also I fucking fell so." You replied while hugging him.
"How many of you fuckers do I have to beat before I can take (Y/N) home with me" said Adam very pissed after crawling out from the window he was punched into.
"What?" You asked
"I'm the only one that matters, you messed with my daughter and now Im gonna fuck you" said Lucifer proudly smirking. Everyone went silent while you were trying to hold back your laughter.
"Khmm...its fuck you up, dad" corrected Charlie
"Wait what did I say?" Asked Lucifer confused.
After this a kind of...fight started between Lucifer and Adam. Well, only adam was fighting Lucifer was mostly changing forms.
It was quite funny to watch.
At the end Lucifer won over Adam and he wanted to kill him, but your body moved on its own and you threw yourself at Adam.
Charlie also told his dad to stop.
You stood up from Adams body.
"Take your angel army, and go home" you told him in a soft tone.
He painfully stood up and looked at you with sadness...and something you couldn't quite place.
"(Y/N)..." come with me, please. Is what he wanted to say, but he knew you are still mad at him and that your answer will be no. Or he just didn't want to seem vulnerable in-front of demons.
"I Almost got you, bitch"
Your lips twitched upwards a little bit.
"You wish, fucker"
And with that the angel army and adam flew up to heaven.
When adam arrived in heaven, something downed on him.
"Fuuuuuuckkk..IM GAY-"
Is he an (at best) mid white man who thinks he is the shit?
Is he a fucking loser though and a lil bitch
Also yes.
I hope you enjoyed your reading ladies gentleman and others, good afternoon good evening and good night🦖🧡
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rosedom · 30 days
thoughts on. cat (or just feline in general)boy reader purring while eating out a guy of ur choosing (most likely aether 🔥) and readers tongue/lips vibrate so perfectly against his gspot/clit that he ends up cumming almost immediately after..... save me prettyboys save me
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gggghhh yeah ,, yeah ᓚᘏᗢ
feline reader with big ol' twitchy ears, so sensitive to the touch. you've definitely fallen asleep with your pretty boy scritching you behind them, but that's for another time. and, god, your tail—it's super soft, and wholly in your control. you'd be able to control it at will, make it wrap around your boy's waist to keep him still, slither up his leg all snake-like to keep him open.
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speaking of open . . . pretty boy aether all spread out for you, thighs split wide open for your head to bump up between 'em. the way your ears would inadvertently brush the sensitive inner skin, so few of the fine blond hairs that sprawl across his outer thighs left to tickle you in turn. it's nothing but smooth, smooth skin, marred by a scar or two that nicked far too close for comfort, and the freckles that cover his whole body.
and his giggles ,, pretty boy ae giggles ,, mmmmmmgmhh. aether reaching down, just like he does at night, in the morning, (at any time he can get his hands on you, really,) hands cupping your ears. you sigh at the touch 'cos it's just so soft, so soothing, the calluses on his fingers leaving nothing but a soothing texture to rub across the fur-lined pinna.
"your hands are nice," you murmur, head lolling back into his gentle ministrations. "sooooo nice."
he grins down at you, golden eyes wide in some intoxicating mix of love and arousal. it does something tender to your already soft heart, the way his glistening cunt is so close, close enough to smell—heady, intoxicating—, yet you're here between his legs as he pets you, his giggles filling the air. who said sex had to be all that serious?
but once you get into a lull—a quiet one, where all you hear is your heartbeat loud in your own ears, the scritching sound filling 'em like thick cotton—, you find yourself gravitating towards where he's wet, where the heat of his arousal is most ardent. his lil' cock is chubbed up, red like berries and just as tasty.
(he'll chastise you for comparing his taste to berries, later, after he's cum and once you're curled around him afterwards.)
"o—ooooh," he gasps, turned into a sweet melodic moan. it's pulled out of him the same way his giggles were—easy, gentle, and so, so satisfying. the way his joy slips from his lips is ravishing. for all the feline you are, he's a whole minx, just by existing in your loving arms. "tha's good . . ."
you'd reply if your mouth weren't full. licking, lapping—he tastes divine, the rough bumps of your tongue dragging against his leaking hole in a way that makes aether's back arch so prettily. his navel is thrusted upwards, the muscles of his abdomen taught before they fall back down, limp and helpless to the sensations ravishing his body.
"l-like that, please," he whines. he's whining, and you're supposed to be the animal between the two of you (how ironic).
you can feel a purr begin to rumble in your chest, this small, barely noticeable thing. really, you're so used to purring around him—how couldn't you, content as you are with him?—that you don't notice it at first. but then aether's moans hitch, mewls beginning to spill past his lips in greater frequency and louder, too, as his hands twitch and tighten in your hair instead. your ears flick, back and forth, in that space between his thumb and pointer, but he's heedless of it; he's focused entirely on the way your purrs are vibrating directly against his oh-so sensitive cock.
for a moment, you wonder why he's so desperate; after all, you've not so much as changed your rhythm. your tongue laps evenly at him: once at his hole, twice at his cock, that perfectly-rough texture stimulating around his thick cockhead . . .
. . . until you realize that your tongue is vibrating with the steady rise of your purrs. it's reverberating in your chest, spilling out of your mouth, too, your lips vibrating as they surround his cunt in the wet heat of your mouth. the sensations of everything—of your soft ears, your soft hair between his fingers, of your tail wrapping itself around his ankle, of your goddamned textured tongue—send aether hurtling over that edge. it's sudden, the way it happens.
even as he's loose-limbed on the bed, his orgasm causes his body to seize up and relax in turn, muscles rippling with the onslaught of an overwhelming stimulation coursing through him, all before he melts back a final time, hands slackening where they were held fast to your fur.
and then afterwards, when you've wiped your chin and mouth clean of his slick and got him bundled back up in your arms, tail loosely wrapped around his middle and a thick blanket pulled up around the both of you, his giggles would start back up as you purr, happy as if it were you who had the mind-melting orgasm.
mm ,, just aftercare with your pretty boy ae, his hands back to smoothing down your ears as you cuddle, purrs still quietly rumbling. feline reader truly has my heart<33
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imagine u pavlov'd aether to now associate purring with getting off ;; unintentionally getting ae turned on, all hot n' bothered just 'cos ur here purring, all content wrapped up with him. the sacrifices of winning, i suppose.
12 MAY 2024, @rosedom, rosey .
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azurefanfics · 4 months
Incoming call from Lover Boy <3
Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x reader
Genre: fluff
Word count: 1.5k
Summary: A late night call from your lover Wonwoo after successfully wrapping up his second Tokyo concert.
Note: To celebrate Nana Tour coming to an end I decided to FINALLY write the fic idea I’ve had since episode 1. Please forgive my rusting writing skills - it’s the first fic I’ve actually written in years!
“Incoming call from Lover Boy <3”
The familiar nickname flashed up on your screen, causing you to pause in your reading, smiling slightly at the phone. It was just a joke at first - changing your boyfriend’s nickname in your phone to see how he would react, but the sheepish pink blush that painted his cheeks whenever he caught a glimpse of it drove you to keep it that way ever since.
Your phone continued to buzz angrily, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“What’s up?” you questioned, picking up the phone right away. It wasn’t unusual for Wonwoo to call you when he was away, but you knew he’d just wrapped up a concert that night and usually he’d prefer to either celebrate with the boys or just sleep, especially this late.
“Sorry baby, were you asleep?” a familiar face came into view, picking up on the slightly sleepy tone of your voice and voicing out his concerns.
“No, I was just finishing up this chapter, don’t worry. Is everything ok? What happened to drinking with the guys?” you asked, turning your camera on in turn.
“I had a drink already, but I thought I’d turn in early or else I’d be up all night with those idiots. We do fly out at 6 am after all.” The rosy flush that dusted over his features revealed the truth in his statement, as he shook his head fondly at the questionable sleeping habits of his members. “Besides I couldn’t miss out on speaking with you, it’s the highlight of my day.”
This made you smile a little to yourself. Although you’ve never doubted your boyfriend’s love for you, it still felt good to hear that your presence lights up his day in the same way his does to yours.
As you continued chatting about anything and everything - mostly the boys’ antics during the concert - Wonwoo began to remove the remnants of his stage makeup and get ready for bed. You did the same, basking in the moment of shared domesticity despite the ocean between you both. Despite all of the moments you’ve shared together, perhaps watching him sleepily rub his eyes with makeup remover is the most romantic of them all.
Before long, Wonwoo was done cleaning his face and headed back into the hotel bedroom as the two of you chatted. The lights went out with a click and you heard faint shuffling noises as Wonwoo struggled with his clothes. Eventually, he turned on the bedside lamp to reveal himself lying down, shirtless with his glasses on and his head on the pillow.
“You should take your glasses off hun, that’s got to be uncomfortable”, you chastised him, “and that can’t be good for the frames either”.
“No, I want to see you properly”, came the petulant response, “I won’t be able to actually hold you until tomorrow so this is the best I can get”.
“I can’t wait until you’re home.” you sighed. Although it had only been a few days, the pandemic and the fact that you were able to go with them on the last tour meant that times where you’d been away from Wonwoo were few and far between. Although the two of you had been very lucky in that regard, it did make time apart more of a struggle.
“Me neither, it’s not the same sleeping in these hotel rooms without you…”, he sighed. “I’ll be home tomorrow though! Do you have any plans? I know you’re working but maybe we could have a night in? We can watch a movie and order food? Oh! We should try out that new pizza place near ours, you know, the one Mingyu was talking about?”
“Oh yes! He made it sound so good - I’ve been wanting to check it out for a while! We should get extra and then we can have some leftovers for breakfast the next day!”
“…Babe… What are you talking about…. Pizza isn’t breakfast, you monster.” he deadpanned. At this, your cheeks puffed out a little in frustration.
“Breakfast can be whatever you want it to be! You can’t convince me that you had a healthy breakfast every day when you were living with Mingyu!”
As you continued to bicker back and forth about the validity of various breakfast(?) foods, you took a second to admire your breathtaking boyfriend. Even with his face smooshed into the pillow and his glasses askew, his handsome features and plush lips pulled into a subtle smile never failed to make you swoon.
Eventually the conversation turned to your days, catching up on everything that had happened since you last spoke. Although yours was quite uneventful - “just my manager being an idiot, as always” - Wonwoo was full of stories of shopping with the boys earlier that day.
“And then Hoshi just ran away with Coups’ crutches! He was just sat there on the floor pouting!”
As you giggled at his latest story, Wonwoo couldn’t help but join in as well. Your laughter never failed to give him the deepest joy - he would share stories until his throat ran dry, just to see you smile. He’d even endure the endless teasing from his members to buy magazines with his own face on to bring back to you. He didn’t understand why you needed them when you had the real thing - “They’re good to make collages out of, ok? Don’t judge me!” - but he’d dutifully bring them home to you to catch a glimpse of that bashful blush and shy smile of yours.
As your giggles died down, a wave of exhaustion washed over you and you couldn’t hold back your yawn. Despite doing your best to stifle it off camera, your ever attentive boyfriend still caught on.
“Are you tired baby? Sorry for keeping you up, we can always catch up tomorrow instead”, he said apologetically.
“No, no, if anyone should be tired it’s you. You’re the one that just finished a whole concert! Besides, I like hearing you talk. Tell me more about your day”.
At your gentle prompting, Wonwoo launched into another story about Dino’s latest antics. Despite his animated retelling of the members bullying their maknae, you felt calmed by his voice and felt yourself slowly being lulled to sleep. As your eyes drooped further, a gentle “sleep well baby” was the last thing you heard before your eyes shut completely.
The next morning you wake up to a text received at 4 am:
‘Sorry honey, we’ll have to take a rain check on our plans today. I’ve been kidnapped’
‘We’re going to Italy. I’ll bring you back some limoncello to make it up to you x’
You wracked your sleep-addled brain trying to make sense of his message before you remembered - Youth Over Flowers! You felt a slight twinge in your chest at having to cancel your date night, but that was quickly overtaken by excitement for your boyfriend, whom you know has never been to Italy before. You had considered visiting together in the past, but you’d never been able to make it work with your boyfriend’s packed schedule. Your boyfriend had rarely been able to go abroad for leisure at all in the past, let alone with almost all his members. The fact that Na PD somehow managed to surprise the boys, despite them losing all hope of the trip actually happening, just made it that much more sweet.
As you set to work looking up restaurant recommendations in Italy to make sure that your boyfriend was able to enjoy his trip to the fullest, a knock sounded on your door. Jumping out of bed and pulling on a dressing gown, you quickly made your way to the door.
“Pizza for Y/N?” It was the pizza place you’ve been wanting to try.
“I don’t think I ordered this? Do you have the wrong place?” you responded, bewildered.
“It was ordered to this address under the name of Jeon Wonwoo. There was a note left on the receipt.” At that your heart swelled, and you accepted the box gratefully from the delivery driver.
As you settled down at the kitchen table with the still hot box, you unfolded the receipt and took in the message your lover left for you.
“Sorry I can’t be there today baby. Please take this as my peace offering while I’m off expanding my pizza horizons in Italy. I hope you have a good day at work, can’t wait to see you soon! 10 days can’t go by fast enough. Please wait for me a little longer love <3”
You smiled softly at the thought of him, bleary eyed, having to pack all of his belongings in a rush, but still taking the time to think of you.
You took a bite of the piping hot pizza covered in your favourite toppings - delicious. Who ever said pizza wasn’t a breakfast food anyway?
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kennarose1108 · 5 months
Rio x Reader (Punishment) 18+
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You were his girlfriend. And although you loved him he could be overbearing sometimes. He was older than you and more experienced in life, especially in the dark side, so he thought, no, he knew what was best for you. When something was a no he said it was a no and that was the end of it. But this time you decided not to listen to him.
He told you, you weren't allowed to hang out with one of your guy friends. You had met him at work and you told Rio all about him and when picking you up one day Rio saw him. After that, he told you that you couldn't hang out with him anymore and wouldn't let up. You couldn't understand why he refused to let up on it without an explanation. He at least explained why in most cases, if he didn't explain it was for something small. But for this… He just refused. He didn't say a damn word. It was just 'no'. Literally. You'd ask him about it and he would just say 'no' and walk away or ignore you afterward.
You eventually stopped asking him about it.
Then you just hung out with your friend in secret. You felt dirty doing it but you couldn't just let Rio control your entire life. So today you were hanging out with him. You just left the cafe, laughing and talking you were standing out on the sidewalk, getting ready to part ways when you got a text. You took out your phone and looked at the message. It was from Rio.
"You didn't listen to me."
He was watching you…
Your heart fell to the pit of your stomach. You began to look around at the people on the streets, then the cars. That's when you noticed a familiar black car and a familiar face staring back at you. You stared back with your heart pounding in your chest. He nodded back at you, it was his way of telling you to get your ass in the car.
You looked back at your friend and forced a smile and you said 'I have to go' before going to cross the street. You hurried across the street and walked over to his car. You got into the passenger's seat and shut the door.
You stared forward, as did he. He had his head leaning back against the headrest. Oh. He was pissed.
"I said to stay away from him."
He finally spoke.
"He's my friend."
He scoffed.
"I don't give a shit. What I say goes."
You finally looked at him. "I am a grown woman. I make my own decisions. Not you." He laughed. He fucking laughed. "What I say goes ma." He says. "No." You say with an irritated glare. He turns his head just slightly to look at you. "No?" He repeats like it's a question. You didn't dare say another word. You just stared at him. After an awkward minute, he turned forward and pulled out of the parking space he was in. The car ride was silent. You were nervous. Very nervous. Whenever he was pissed he was silent.
Which worried you.
You decided to finally speak up. "Rio." You say. "Hm?" You swallowed the lump in your throat. "Why do you hate him so much?" You ask. Again. He just sighs and doesn't say a word. "Please answer m-" "No." You clenched your teeth and sighed angrily. So… You decided to say something you knew would piss him off.
"Then I'm just going to keep hanging out with him." More silence. But the air in the car went cold and very, very, tense. After about a minute he suddenly takes a right turn that makes you gasp and hold onto the car. He pulls into an alley and suddenly stops the car. You go to ask him what the hell is wrong with him before he turns to you and grabs the back of your head to force you to look at him. It wasn't enough to hurt you but enough to get his point across.
"Listen to me and listen good," He started. "I have my reasons. You don't need to know those reasons because what I say fucking goes. Understand me?" He says, his voice laced with frustration. You should've just nodded. You should've just kept your mouth shut. But instead…
"Fuck you."
"I'm not your puppet. I am my person. I can do whatever I want. You can't control me." You say angrily.
He just stared at you. His hand still gripping the back of your head firmly. But eventually… He smirked.
"Oh really?" He chuckles.
"You think you understand everything, baby? You think this is all a game?" He asks while tilting his head to the side slightly. You didn't say anything. And your silence caused him to shake his head slightly. "No. No baby you don't know anything. You don't know this douchebag. But I do. And what I say fucking goes." He says.
"Or what?"
His eyes widened. You knew you had made a mistake. But you honestly didn't care. You had to stand your ground. …Okay maybe you did care a little bit. The stare he was giving you was freaking you out a bit.
"Or what?"
He repeated. You did your best to hold your head high and stare at him. But he could see right through you. He leaned in and got close to your ear.
"How about… I fuck you so fuckin' dumb your mind goes blank."
Your heart began to beat so fast it felt like it was beating out of your chest. Your breathing goes shaky and he smirks and leans back. "You wouldn't." You finally croak out. "Wanna bet?" He says with a smirk on his face. "You wouldn't. Because I wouldn't give you my consent. And that's rape." You say while crossing your arms over his chest. He laughs. "Rape? Seriously? I've never heard you cry rape every time we fuck. And that's been a lot of times baby." You shake your head and look forward.
"You still wouldn't do it." You say firmly. He lets out a 'huh' and looks around. You both were in a secluded area… He then turns back to you. "Get in the backseat." He says. You turn to him with your eyebrows furrowed. "What?" You say.
"Get. In. The. Back. Seat. I'm not repeating myself princesa." He says firmly. You roll your eyes get out of the car and get into the backseat. He does the same thing a few seconds later but on the other side and you give him a confused look. "What was the point of this?" You ask. "What do you think mama? I'm going to fuck you dumb." He says with a smirk. Your eyes widened and you went to protest but your mind went blank when he grabbed the bottoms of your knees yanked you forward onto your back and got on top of you. "H-Hey!" You say but before you can say anything forward he slams his lips onto yours.
His kiss was possessive, hungry, and almost angry. You couldn't possibly push him away now… Hell… You didn't want to. He felt too good. His tongue shoved into your mouth and his hands gripped your thighs. The kiss didn't last like before he hiked up the skirt of your dress ripped off your panties and threw them to the side.
His hand dipped between your thighs causing you to moan softly into his mouth. "So wet already…" He groaned into your mouth. "Were you getting turned on during our argument? You're such a dirty little thing." He teased with a smirk. "Just shut up…" You say with a heavy breath.
You laid back and enjoyed the feeling of his hand rubbing between your slick folds, two of his fingers occasionally dipping inside of you and then pulling back out. You let out a satisfied "mmm" while biting your bottom lip. But then he slipped his hand away and you let out an annoyed groan. He chuckled. "Be patient. You'll get what you want." He says while leaning back and unbuckling his belt. You watched with a desperate look as he pulled out his cock and aligned it with your entrance. "What are you waiting for?" You asked with a groan. He shrugged. "Nothing…" He says before looking down and letting a line of spit come out of his mouth and drop onto his cock. He rubs it on his cock and looks at you with a smirk. "Can't let it go in dry can you?" He teases.
"Jesus… Just fuck me already." He raises his eyebrows at you and you whine. "Please…" You beg. He smirks, "I like seeing you beg." He says before slowly penetrating your slick cunt. You let out a deep and satisfied moan while leaning your head onto the back of the cushion of the seat. He leaned down and kissed your jaw. His thrusts were slow and sensual at first. He opened mouth kissed your jaw before whispering in your ear, "You like that, huh? With my cock inside of you?" He says in a low tone of voice. Your nails dug into his back and you let out a 'yeah' before he began to thrust faster. "Oh, fuck!" You cried out as he fucked you hard against the seat.
You moaned loudly and gripped his jacket. The windows in the car began to fog up from the heat between you two. You cried out his name which only fueled his fire. He let out a deep groan before going harder and faster. You moaned loudly and one of your hands went up to the car door to hold you in the same place as your head was about to hit the car door. You let out a 'mmm' noise before letting out a satisfied moan.
He then pulled out of you, making you gasp in annoyance before he picked you up and flipped you onto your hands and knees. "W-What are you doing?" You ask. "What does it look like?" He chuckles before pushing himself back inside of you. You let out a groan before he continued to pound back into you.
Your moans were loud and the car shook with every thrust. Your hand banged against the window and slid down, leaving a sliding hand print on the fogged-up windows. He then leaned forward, close to your ear, grabbed your jaw, and whispered to you. "You like that, huh? You like my cock inside of you?" His words made you let out a loud moan. You nodded, but that wasn't enough for him. "Use your words, baby." He groaned in your ear. "I love it!" You cried out. "Fuck!" He chuckles.
But then he suddenly stops. "Hey, wha-" "Are you going to see that fucking loser again?" He hisses into your ear. "Rio-" "Answer me." He hissed. You wanted to annoy him further and you smirked. "And what if I do?" You ask teasingly. His hand slipped down from your jaw and down to your throat and gripped it tightly. "Or I'll pull out of you and leave you dripping in your juices and I won't let you touch yourself." He says. You chuckle, "You won't last without fucking me." This time, he chuckles. "I know how to jerkoff sweetheart." He says.
"I'll tie you to the fucking bed, making you squirm and moan for me to fuck you. And I won't touch you." He says with a smirk. You let out a groan, "That's not fair…" You whined. You try to move your hips to get some more feeling but he grabs your hips with his other hand and holds them in place. He clicks his tongue while shaking his head, "No no baby… No moving. You do as I say first and I'll fuck you real good hmm…" He purrs in your ear. You sigh deeply. You wanted it, you wanted it so fucking badly.
So, you decided to give him what he wanted.
"Fine… I won't see him anymore." You grumble. "Promise?" "Yes, yes I promise!" You say in annoyance. He chuckles again, "Will you at least tell me why afterward?" You ask. "No." He shakes his head. You grumble and roll your eyes. "Give me your phone." He blurts out. "Why?" "Just do it." You roll your eyes and grab your phone that fell to the ground of the car before handing it to him.
He leans back and you hear the record button turn on and you were about to yell at him but that's when he began to fuck back into you. At that point, you didn't care. You let out a moan before biting your bottom lip and taking all he had to give you.
After about thirty seconds you hear the thud of your phone as he tosses it aside. He grabs your hips and he pounds into you at a fast speed. Your moans turn into loud cries of ecstasy as he brings you closer to cumming. He groans and you can tell he's close too.
"Cum with me." He growls. After a few more seconds your back arches and you grab onto the door handle of the car as you cum hard around his cock and a loud moan escapes your lips. He bucks forward and stops and cums inside of you with a loud groan. You both stay in the same position for a few moments with heavy breaths. He then leans down and kisses your shoulder which makes you flinch slightly as your entire body is sensitive.
He then slowly pulls out of you sits back onto the seat and grabs you in the process to sit on his lap. He holds you close to his chest and kisses your temple before relaxing back onto the seat.
You lay there too, with your head on his chest. After about a minute he sighs and says, "I don't want you hanging out with that prick because he's a part of another gang." You lean forward and stare at him with furrowed eyebrows. "What?" "He's a rival." He explains. "Maybe listen to me next time yeah?" He says with a raised eyebrow. "You could've just explained that and I would've stayed away from him!" You say with a huff. He chuckles.
"I also may or may not have recorded us fucking and sent it to him before blocking him." He says with a smirk. Your face falls. "You did WHAT?" You say loudly. He lets out a small laugh and kisses your lips softly.
"I love you."
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tomieafterdark · 1 year
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pairing: fem!reader x Kirishima x Bakugo x Kaminari (all aged up 21+ in a college frat party setting)
cw: praise, use of good girl, use of slut and whore, squirting, blowjob, spitting, getting filmed, mouth fucking, fingers in mouth, vaginal and anal sex, mentions of using quirk, edging, doubles penetration, Bakugo is referred to daddy just once, overstimulation.
summary: your drunk friend Mina calls for you to come get her at a frat party, but instead you run into the star football players and they have other plans in mind for you.
want another gangbang while you wait for part two? I got you. click here<3
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“Thats right, smile for the camera while Kirishima fucks your cute little brains out. Good girl” Kaminari says while filming you bouncing up and down on Kirishima’s big dick.
You moan and cry out incoherent sentences in reply to him. He just chuckles in return and zooms in on your pathetically cockdrunk face. Your eyes glisten, pretty glossy lips wide open.
You don’t know how you ended up getting gangbanged at a frat party, one second you’re here to get your friend Mina because she can’t drive while drunk, and next second you’re here legs spread wide open for a bunch of nasty frat guys. You knew who they were but you had never talked to them, they were the “star football players” but you always had a feeling they were trouble. Word spreads fast, they were players who’d do anything to get in a girls pants. You hated them, you hated how even though you knew all that you had still let them sweet talk into fucking all of them. A hand on the thigh, a kiss and grinding on someone’s lap somehow lead to a gangbang.
Kirishima puts you on all four and pounds into you at an ungodly pace, no mercy. You cry out and unconsciously try to crawl away but he grips your hips and slams you back onto his dick. The wet sounds of him practically assaulting your pussy are filling the room, the more he pounds the wetter you get, the louder the sounds get.
Bakugo noticed you trying to crawl away from Kirishima’s ruthless pounding earlier, and stands in front of you with his cock out. He grabs you by the hair and rams it into your mouth. “Now you have nowhere to run slut.”
You feel your pussy clenching around Kirishima more than usual, you cry out because of how good yet intense it feels. Bakugo moans out in return, his cock is deep down in your throat and your moaning sends vibrations all over it.
“Kaminari, come film her hole I think this bitch might be cumming again. Zoom in on how she’s clenching” kirishima says while spreading your cheeks so Kaminari can get a good shot of your pussy when you cum.
You don’t just cum, you full on squirt all over his dick with legs shaking all over the place.
“Such a good shot, what a pretty little pussy” Kaminari says behind you. He slaps your ass and walks over to film your fucked out face. He grabs your face with Bakugos cock still going in and out of your mouth, at a slower pace this time. “What a pretty girl, you did so good on Kirishima’s cock squirting and shaking like that.” He coos. You just smile in return, too fucked out to be able to do anything else.
Bakugo feels like he is about to cum in that pretty little mouth of yours any second now, he grabs Kaminari’s camera and films your face.
“Look into the camera you little whore, and keep eye contact. You get that??”
“Mhhm” you whimper on his cock, all teary eyed.
He fucks your throat viciously, it’s so hard to not shut your eyes close. You do it once and he slaps you. “What did I say about eye contact? Don’t make me slap you again.”
Your pussy clenches at his harsh words, he is so mean and disrespectful but it just gets you off more. You can feel him twitching in your mouth, seconds after warm sticky liquid is filling you. He keeps fucking into your mouth, his cum is dripping out from the sides of your mouth. He pulls his dick out of your mouth and asks you to pull your tongue out. Your otherwise red tongue is now white from all the cum, there’s so much of his sticky white liquid dripping down from the tip of your tongue. Bakugo spits in your mouth, and makes you swallow a mix of his cum and spit. “Such a good little whore” is the last thing he says to you as he walks away and hands the camera back to Kaminari. “Fuck Bakugo I didn’t know you were this nasty” you think to yourself.
Kirishima makes you straddle him and has you on top of him now dick inside your pussy, but he isn’t moving for some reason he is just holding you still. You feel so full and sensitive, even though there’s no movement you clench ever so often. You’re way too tired to wonder why so you put your head in his shoulder and close your eyes for a second.
“Hey baby don’t pass out now” he says in your ear and strokes your hair. “Kaminari hasn’t had his fun with you yet, we don’t want to leave him out so we?” He spreads your asscheeks apart and starts poking on the empty hole, insinuating Kaminari would fuck your ass.
“N-no I don’t want to leave him out” you say. You’ve done anal before with your own fingers so this should be fine, you quite like it.
“Oh this is going to make a great shot, Kirishima spread her open and keep her in place” Kaminari says while walking towards you with his camera and some lube.
Kirishima spreads your cheeks so much you feel your ass gaping, he makes sure he them like that, his strength is unmatched it’s impossible to move wriggle yourself out of his hold. Bakugo sits next to Kirishima, he is smoking a blunt though not doing so much more.
Kaminari starts with one finger, it slides right in because of the lube. You moan into Kirishima’s shoulder and your nails dig into his strong arms. You could dig all you want, he barely feels it. Kaminari’s finger goes in an out slowly first but the pace quickens and you want to move so bad, even push yourself against his finger and have it inside you deeper but Kirishima has you stuck in that same position unable to move even a little muscle. You moan out a cute little “more please.”
“Oh baby wants more? You heard her Kaminari she wants more” Kirishima says. He kisses your forehead, looks into your eyes and says “you’re doing so good cutie. You’re fucked out but you’re still taking it.” You are too tired to reply so you just kiss his neck in return. Kaminaris next move would surely wake you up though.
“Oh my god FUCK-“ you scream.
“Looks like she’s not so fucked out after all.” Bakugo says to Kirishima.
What made you suddenly wake up was the shift from one of Kaminari’s fingers to three of them at once. You have never in your life taken this much in your ass, your own fingers were nothing from Kaminari’s. Your ass is clenching and unclenching like crazy, you’re about to have an anal orgasm. You’re way louder for this orgasm than you were during your other ones earlier, that makes Bakugo shove two fingers in your mouth.
“Be quiet whore” he says “or I’ll activate my quirk in there.” He says.
You just cry out in return but your sounds are muffle.
Nothing could ever prepare you for Kaminari’s dick. It was bigger than you expected, you hadn’t seen it because he spent the whole time filming the other guys destroying your two holes. You really had no idea what was coming.
Kaminari forces the tip in and you’re already crying and moaning on Bakugo’s fingers. Bakugo puts his fingers so far in you gag but he doesn’t think that’s enough torture. He uses his other free hand to torture your sensitive nipples, your reaction is gold to him. You’re losing it. Kaminari’s tip is the only part of him that’s inside your ass, and you don’t know how to act.
“Kaminari, only fuck her with the tip in until I give you the signal” Bakugo says. “Just keep teasing her ass for now” he says and moves his free hands down to your clit. Kaminari nods, he is excited for what Bakugo has planned.
He starts playing with your clit, and tells Kirishima to fuck into your pussy but at a slower pace until further notice. You’re in awe of Bakugo right now, but also afraid of what he has planned for you because his look is dark and sinister right now.
“And you, you’re gonna keep eye contact with me the whole time you hear me? Nod if you do.”
You nod quickly.
“That’s a good obedient little whore, keep that good behaviour up and maybe I won’t go too hard on you.” He smirks.
After what feels like ages of edging and slow fucking, Bakugo decided you’re ready. Kaminari and Kirishima were tired of the edging too, they just wanted to slam into you and fill your holes with their sticky white cum until you were filled to the brim. Bakugo puts his fingers out of your mouth and grabs his phone to film your face, and tells them they can go all out now. The last thing you see before getting fucked absolutely stupid is Bakugo’s phone in your face and his low chuckle.
Your whole body is shaking as they both pound into you, all the pent up energy from the edging is making this all more intense than it should be. You feel all sorts of sweet spots getting friction inside of you and Bakugo makes sure to capture all of it on his phone as Kaminari films your ass taking a huge dick for the first time. You’ve squirted about three times just now and they just keep getting more rough by the second.
“P-please fill me with your cum” you whimper. “Creampie my slutty little holes!!”
Bakugo smiles at how pathetic you are begging to be creampied. He rubs your clit making you cum all over the guys again.
You’re so sensitive you’re wishing they’d cum and get it over with at this point, it hurts to cum. Bakugo knows this, and that’s why he keeps playing with your clit. He slaps and rubs it, puts his spit on it and forces you to watch what he does and you cum again. Squirting all over the place. He won’t let you have eye contact with the other guys or to do anything with them, just look into his camera and follow his demands like a good girl.
You feel like you’re at the brink of passing out, Bakugo slaps life into you. “Did I tell you to pass out whore? Look at daddy while his friends destroy your tight little holes.”
Bakugo’s mean talking pushes you over the edge and you cum again, this time Kirishima and Kaminari cum with you. Your holes are filled with cum, they keep fucking into you though overstimulating themselves.
Bakugo didn’t leave you on the couch but the others did to continue partying, he is just filming all the cum dripping out of you but also making sure you wake up and no one takes advantage of you while you’re asleep. He knew you were here for Mina because she’s drunk and had called her an Uber for her ages ago, he just didn’t tell you because the stressed look on your face every time you remembered a drunk friend needed you, and you’re here getting railed instead was hilarious to him. When you’d wake up, he’d essentially get you an Uber but for now you’re just passed out with cum dripping out of your holes being perfect group chat material. Sero was dumb as hell to not come to this party.
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© 2023 tomieafterdark | All rights reserved
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dr-felitas · 3 months
LOVE IS AN OPEN DOOR - chuuya nakahara
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synopsis: if you wouldn't know any better you'd think that chuuya nakahara doesn't take a liking to you - he loathes you. but what if one day you make a shocking discovery that it might be the opposite.
pairing: chuuya nakahara x gn!reader | wordcount: 1.2k | content & warnings: im at the first ep of s4, so if chuuya mischaracterized no need to wonder…, school au-ish kind of??, cursing (fuck), dazai teases chuuya for his crush, chuuyas kinda not rly good with his feelings and expressing himself, drinking (chuuya offering to go out and drink), dazai plays cupid/matchmaker
a/n: when i wrote this i didn't have 15 yo dazai or chuuya in mind (cause of the school au yk) just as them idk but interpret it however you like - high school or college wtv, im so obsessed with chuuya rn y'all don't even know, hope u guys enjoy this little thing i've whipped up in an hour
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you're convinced that chuuya nakahara hates you.
that's one thing you're sure of. after all, he avoids you like the plague; however when the two of you do get in touch with one another, he starts cursing you out, calling you names such as “dumbass" and abruptly leaves.
yeah, you're pretty sure that that guy dislikes - if not despises you. although until now you've hadn’t had the slightest idea why. well, that was the case up until now.
some days have passed since you started noticing it. every time you hung out with dazai and started laughing a bit too loudly at his jokes or lightly slapped his shoulder, chuuya gave you a death stare - if you wouldnt know any better he looked like he’d grab your throat any minute to shut you up.
admittedly (and also embarrassedly) you never really noticed it until dazai has pointed it out. which, on one hand, explains the weird feeling you’ve recently gotten - it felt like someone was shooting daggers at the back of your head, luckily for you, that’s solved now.
but on the other hand, you still demand an explanation why chuuya would do that. is it simply because of his (one-sided) hatred towards you, that can’t be the case right? or did he have a huge crush on dazai, that’s the most realistic explanation that you can think of.
once school ended and the bell had just rung to release everyone from their classes and go back home. you’d usually scurry home right away, because there was no point in staying longer, after all who’d want to endure this hell house also known as school more than necessary, it's no use right?
well jokes on you, staying over time was definitely worth it. kunikida assigned you the task (forced) to carry a huge stack of boxes full of documents and paper to your homeroom teacher's room, because it was the “right” thing to do - well at least according to his ideals. 
“but what about dazai? that idiot  just ran off and is probably slacking off right now!” you protested, because it's not fair when everyone has a task to complete and someone else just gets to relax, right? 
at your complaint the blond could only scoff “i’ll scold him later, but for now let's just concentrate on the task in front of us, time is running out.”
that’s how you ended up here, back pressed against the heavy classroom door that separated you and the two guys that were inside the room as you tried to listen in into their conversation.
initially your plan was to find dazai, drag him by the collar of his white button up and beat his ass for skipping and leaving you alone with a ton of boxes that not only cost you ten minutes to carry around or so.
because neither kunikida or anyone else didn’t bother to tell you that there were three, fucking three, of those staples of boxes that were filled with countless papers.
however, it came to a change of plans upon hearing chuuyas’ voice. usually, any sound that was made inside of the classrooms was drowned out and barely audible to hear outside the room. 
this time, that didn’t seem to be the case though. chuuyas’ screaming and dazais' hysterical laughter were faint but loud enough to hear from outside the room. 
“come on chuuya, there's no need denying it, you have a massive crush on them.” dazais’ voice was laced with amusement as he started laughing out loud which seemed to piss the redhead off. 
you were able to hear a small huff that escaped dazais mouth. “chuuya, there’s really no need to start getting all violent, just admit that you’re absolutely whipped for them!” the brunette chuckled. “so stop kicking me in the balls!” that probably earned him another kick as you could hear dazai letting out a small “ouch.”
“shut up, shitty dazai.” the guy in question only snickered at that. “yeah, yeah. everyone’s able to tell that you’re madly in love with them. every time you’re around them you start to get beet red, the color even exceeds the one of your hair! a hilarious sight to look at, really.” 
you didn’t hear a response from chuuya and apparently neither did dazai so he just continued his rant. “also, let me tell you one thing, you’re not making it any better by cussing them out or intently staring at them, that’s just scary, man!” dazai closes his eyes and starts shaking his head before tutting in disappointment.
“oh chuuya. the brunette sighs, eyes still closed. “letting a beauty like them slip away this easily by not showing any proper interest. you’re to be pitied, really.” the male moves away from his previous position and bolts over to the door, crossing his arms as his back leans against the door.
an exasperated sigh leaves chuuyas mouth. “what do you expect me to do then? they probably have a horrible impression of me already. if i pull up with a bouquet of roses and some cliché pick up lines, they’d probably stare at me in horror, wondering if i got possessed or something.” he sneers at dazai. 
just who in the world are they talking about?
dazai pretends to think for a moment before snapping his fingers. “well for starters, how about greeting them, doesn’t even have to be verbal, just some waving or nodding. then start hanging out with them!”
“idiot! how's that supposed to work from just greeting each other!” the ginger scowls at dazai.
“hold your horses.” the brunette whistles. “i didn't say to rendez-vous and have a candle-light dinner. how about accepting those group invites first that you keep declining. then you’d have the chance to meet up with them more often and get to know them.”
dazai continues to advise chuuya by giving him tips and recommendations “try bonding over stuff with each other, like favorite shows or food. and if you’re not incapable of doing so, how about complimenting them. wouldn't hurt you know?” dazai shrugs in simplicity. 
chuuyas still skeptical “assumingly that was the case. the two of us attending the same party, they’re alone and i finally get the chance to approach them, what the fuck am i supposed to say?” dazai only smiles at chuuya, a look that says “that’s up to you.” 
“why not use me as your lab rat!” dazai suggests optimistically.
“no way in hell!” chuuya shoots back pessimistically.
after pondering and musing for a while, chuuya comes up with a curt sentence. “i find you really good looking and cool.” the redhead stops and both you and dazai await his continuation in anticipation. “wanna go out and grab drinks sometimes?” chuuya doesn’t look up from the floor which he’s been staring at for the past minute. the tips of his ears tinted in a vermillion red.
“well, that wasn't so hard was it?” dazai asks cheerily, clapping his hands together. “if you still have doubts, how about you try it on the real thing now?” and before you can realize what's going on dazai swiftly steps away from the door before grabbing the door handle and opens the door, revealing your figure to the two guys. 
you’re not sure who's more taken aback, you or chuuya.
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e/n: as y’all can tell the title is inspired by frozen's love is an open door cause y’know dazai opens the door for chuuya to confess his feelings. does this make sense lol??
© DR-FELITAS 2024. stealing, copying, translating, reposting my works on other platforms or feeding them to ai is not permitted.
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all-purpose-dish-soap · 3 months
currently eating drywall while reading your Gaz pushup fic. I got an idea, Gaz pinning reader down under him and doing push-ups like that?
this is playing with fire anon.
1,843 / 15 / takes place immediately after doing push-ups with Gaz and distracting Gaz as he's counting reps
The next day, Gaz gives no indicator as to how many push-ups he's doing, and you're struggling to keep track. Your focus lies elsewhere--between his broad shoulders and muscular back; the way his t-shirt fits so tightly to his skin.
"You're not counting my reps this time, I take it?" he asks dryly.
You stiffen, in the middle of warmup stretches yourself. "Why, should I? Are you going to get distracted and miscount again?"
"I don't miscount." He pushes up. His biceps look like carved stone under the strain. "I just ignore people who try to get my attention while I'm working."
"Maybe I should lay under you this time so you can't ignore me." You chuckle absently at your own joke without fully registering the implications of what you just said. You also don't notice Gaz falter in his reps for the first time ever.
He buckles down onto one elbow. "I'm... sorry? Come again?"
Your brain catches up with your mouth just as you're trying to twist your left knee up and over your right hip. "Wait, I didn't mean like that. Or I did, but not in the way that, like, just with your chest-- wait, fuck--"
Still mid-stretch, his hand closes around your ankle.
"No, really, come again."
He pulls, dragging you under him, and you find yourself on your back, the workout mat stinging against the skin there. He hovers over you, his hands and knees caging you in.
"Lay under me?" he says. "Because that's what it sounds like that's what you're saying. Is that what you want? To be under me?"
You blink up at him. This shouldn't feel as intimate as it does. Gaz is your workout buddy. You've been closer to him. Regularly.
It's the eye contact, isn't it? He looks hungry. Your gym buddy shouldn't be looking like he wants to devour you. He leans in closer, his eyes roving over you in a way you've never seen him do before. Obviously Gaz is an attractive guy--ridiculously so. But you've never seen him look at you like this. Your whole body is tingling with awareness.
You know you can put an end to this right now with a single comment. The fact that you don't want to is what makes his closeness feel new. If he were to lean down and kiss you right here on the gym mat, you would welcome it.
As if he can hear your thoughts, Gaz shifts again, leaning further over you. "I said, is that what you want?"
Your mouth is dry. Your tongue darts out go wet your lips and his eyes snap down to watch.
Your self-control wavers.
"Yeah," you tell him shortly. "Maybe I do."
Gaz's jaw sets. His body is tensing like a coiled spring. He is desperate to touch you. "Maybe isn't good enough," he grits out. His hand slides up from your hip to your waist, slipping under your shirt. "I want to hear yes."
nsfw ⬇
Your vision fogs a bit as his fingers graze the skin under your breasts. When he dragged you under him, you realize, the friction of the floor against your clothes rolled them up. Now your shorts and top are riding very high on your frame. He sees the way you're trembling, your hips writhing subtly under his touch. You're so exposed. It's so wrong. But he's enjoying the hell out of the view.
His hand disappears and he drops to his elbows, his hard body pressing up against yours. Your breath hitches. He chuckles. His mouth strays to your ear. 
"Easy," he breathes. "I'm not asking to have my way with you right here on the floor. I'm just asking for permission to touch you a little, yeah?"
Your heart clenches in your chest, catching oddly. "Oh, right. Y-Yeah."
"Sorry, are you disappointed?" His hand drifts back up your body, going straight to the elastic band of your sports bra. "Did you want me to take you right here? In this very public gym?"
You squirm as his thumb begins to work its way under the elastic. Your hands go to his chest, a rush of endorphins surging through you at the slight give of his form pectoral muscles under your fingers.
"I didn't say that," you tell him, voice still wavering more than you want it to. "Don't put words in my mouth."
"Oh, no, I'm just thinking out loud. You really need to watch your phrasing, boss. You're gonna make me think you're not as innocent as you like to act." His thumb rubs in slow circles over your soft skin as he speaks. "I’m just thinking about how cute you are when you're all flustered. And how pretty your eyes are. And how you’re not denying it.”
"You're the one who-- ah--" Your retort dies on your lips as his hand slips under your bra. His fingers run over your nipple, the rough texture of his callouses against the many nerve endings there making you jump.
He lets out a low groan of satisfaction when you respond so quickly to his touch. His forehead falls to your collarbone, trying to focus on you, on the sounds you're making. You're igniting his whole body. He squeezes your breast roughly, unable to help himself. He squeezes again when you squeak and he realizes just how much you like this, too. He tenses more and more with every breathless little jump and squeal.
You're barely aware of your own reactions. All you register is his hand on you and the heat in your face spreading down your neck and racing to your core.
His knee slides between your legs. It tears a ragged gasp from your throat. That only seems to encourage him, and he presses his body down harder over yours.
"You're so sensitive," he breathes out.
He grinds his knee up into you even more shamelessly, and you fist a handful of his tank top. "Wait," you protest. "Someone could walk in."
"So?" He growls, his voice suddenly rough. "Let them walk in and see. I'm not going to pretend I'm doing anything other than what you want--" His breath gets heavier as he shifts again, his knee easing back. Fuck, you're right. Someone is going to walk in any second. It's incredible nobody has already. This would be a compromising position to be found in, to put it very lightly. He's a senior officer over you. It looks bad for him to be over you.
Gaz forces his hand to still and pulls it out from under your shirt, swallowing. He sits up, dragging his gaze slowly down your body before he finally locks eyes with you again. Your clothes are in disarray; your chest is heaving; you're looking at him with such a debauched look in your eye he has to clench his hands into fists to keep them off you. Jesus. He's only touched one nipple and you already look like he's been fucking you. How are you real?
He grabs your hand and pulls you to your feet as he stands. "Come on, up."
"Where are we going?" you ask as he walks across the floor with your hand still in his grip. "Why did you stop?"
"We're going somewhere private." His grip stays firm as he drags you out through the front entrance. "And I stopped," he adds, "because you're going to get me in trouble if I keep going where we were."
"Wait." You tug his hand back as he pulls you past the entrance to the women's locker room and showers. "In here."
Gaz almost trips as your grip pulls him back.
"What?" His voice is an exasperated whisper.
But at your persistence, he lets you tow him over to the women's locker showers.
"What?" he repeats, this time quieter as he opens the door. "Are you--?"
But you step in after him, shutting the door behind you. Gaz's eyebrows go up.
"I guess you are."
"A lot less foot traffic in here. Enough time for a little hands-on training, right?" you say, pulling him further into the room. You start up one of the shower heads near the door, hoping the noise will cover up what you want to do. Then you strip your tank top and bra off in one swift motion, grabbing the hem of his shirt immediately after.
Gaz's throat goes dry at the sight of your exposed chest. He drinks in your body, his eyes roaming slowly and possessively. "Jesus, your body is-- fuck."
He grabs your hips and pushes you against the wash-tile in the nearest stall. You gasp at the cold of the tile on your naked back.
He runs his hands up your waist, groping your tits unabashedly. "We're way past hands-on training, love. That's your fault."
"My fault?"
"Yeah. Yours." Gaz's voice is rough with arousal. He hefts you up, grunting in satisfaction when your legs fasten around his waist. "You started this. You're the one who suggested laying under me. You didn’t have to say that. Did you think I was going to say no?"
You give him what is--somehow, even as you're naked from the waist up with your legs around him--a shy glance. "I didn't think you'd say yes."
His hands move up your legs, massaging your thighs then moving to your hips again. The way your body grips him, the way your legs squeeze him tightly to you--he's loving every goddamn inch of you.
"What do you expect a starving man to do when he's presented with a three-course meal right on the table?"
You scoff. "You are not starving."
"I'm starving for you," he grits out. "Don't be obtuse. God damn. You have no idea how often I’ve thought about getting my hands on you.” He rubs his fingers along the sensitive skin just over your waistband. “You have no idea just how much I’ve wanted to--”
He slides his hands up your body again, his fingertips tracing smooth undersides of your breasts. Even now he's holding back and his restraint is obvious. He could have you right now, pinned to the wall.
"I wanna devour you, you hear me? Every inch."
Your stomach flutters as his palms reach your ass and squeeze. You can't believe Gaz of all people wants you like this. "Is this gonna mess up our relationship as gym partners?"
"Probably. Definitely." He bites your earlobe the same place he bit it yesterday. This time, he laves his tongue against it. His breath is labored in your ear. "If you don't want that to happen. I need you to tell me." He rolls his hips against yours, groaning at the feeling of your heat through your thin workout shorts. "Right... right now."
"Is... is it wrong that I kinda want you to ruin it for the rest of time?"
"Good." He shifts one hand to run his fingers over the crux of your thighs from behind, making your back arch. "Because I'm going to destroy it beyond all reason."
part 1 / part 2 / [part 3] / part 4 / part 5
more Gaz / masterlist tag
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bigwishes · 2 months
I went to the gym yesterday. I don't go there regularly, just to keep fit. When I was looking for a free locker, I accidentally opened one that was occupied but not locked.
I totally slammed that thing shut like, ASAP, no questions asked! It was, like, a matter of serious honor, you know what I'm saying? Yo, I swear I can't shake off the stench of those gnarly gym clothes from my nostrils!
Like, what's the deal with that, dude! It's like my nose has been hijacked by the funk and it won't let go. Send help, bruh! And y do i say "bruh"?
Hmmm seems like some curse left behind and forgotten, not to worry I'm sure its nothing too serious, in fact a lot of guys get scared by the word "curse" and don't see it for the blessing that it really is. That terrible smell hasn't just latched onto the inside of your nose dude, its latched onto you that's why you smell it non stop and you'll probably notice that when you don't go to the gym for a day the smell gets worse. A little counter intuitive I know but hey some people use thing sort stuff to encourage them to hit the gym more. You might want to up your 1 day a week routine to a 7 days a week policy unless you want to hold the world record for the worlds worst stench by the end of the week.
What's with saying "bruh, bro and duuuhhh" so often you ask? I dunno maybe the original owner of the locker made a wish to fit in at the gym more but that's most of your vocabulary now. You are still you, at least on the inside but nobody really knows about that anymore because you talk like a fucking moron so you get treated like one. It seems your muscles are really ballooning up too. This is probably for the best, you sweat a lot, say bro non stop may as well have the size to go with it otherwise people might think you are weird, better to just conform to the stereotype.
Huh? what's that? "like duhhh, bro can you errrrr, fix duuhhhh curses bro" Sorry my dumbass is a little rusty but I think you're asking for these wonderful gifts to be removed? nah man I won't be doing that you definitely came to the wrong place because I think all men should be like this. In fact I think you'd look better 10x bigger and sweatier but I guess this is a good starting point. But hey, the choice is still yours, either turn into a putrid smelly dumb cunt.....or be that with huge muscles. Better hit the gym dude I can already smell you getting worse.
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