#Who Should Try the Military Diet
lilleluv · 1 year
The Military Diet: A Beginner's Guide to the 3-Day Plan
The Military Diet, also known as the 3-Day Diet, is a short-term weight loss plan that promises to help you lose up to 10 pounds in just one week. This low-calorie diet is said to have originated from the military and was designed to help soldiers quickly lose weight in order to meet strict weight requirements. However, the origins of the Military Diet are unclear and there is no scientific…
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eganeyes · 2 months
thinking of vampires and werewolves integraded in the military clegan au im sighing in agony
werewolf!bucky vampire!buck ofc lets fall to the expected norms mainly because i am a dog coded bucky enthusiast and also as much as i think of buck as a doberman he's very much vampire coded
werewolf vampire feud being an actual and expected thing, the 100th being gunned from the beginning of the war as a trial unit to see how humans, vampires, and werewolves are able to work together. most units kind of failing at it because everyones too territorial, too much blood history, too blood-proud, and humans too cautious.
enter the 100th, always the outlier, ever the undisciplined.
officer training begins far before their assignment to the 100th, so the buckies meet each other first. born-werewolf currently lone-wolfing john bucky egan's proverbial but also quiet literal fur bristling when he firsts scents the air of his new base and zeroing on buck cleven, the vampire who's going to sleep on the bunk right next to him. millennia-old ice-cold buck cleven smelling the wet dog fur and hearing the low growls first before looking up from folding his handful of monogrammed kerchiefs to a werewolf standing by the bunk next to him, presumably assigned that bed.
buck promptly ignores the guy, which bucky doesn't take at all very kindly. john still gives the guy his name though, a week down the line, because, well, he's very pretty and very smart and very capable of putting bucky on his back.
werewolves being high in the sky is unheard of. bucky suffers through the 'trying to get closer to the moon?' jokes easily enough. no sun smiting vampires here btw, should i say they glitter like the cullens or nah. just the slightest glitter then, lets say that there's a glow when the sun hits their skin, vampires being the suns favorite child or something and when they die they return as ashes to the sun to give those vampire pilots some fear of flying too close to the sun.
complicated-relationship-with-the-moon werewolf bucky vs complicated-relationship-with-the-sun vampire buck oh the ache
but like more on the other guys because fuck clegan theyve caused me enough grief
werewolf dougie vs human blakely. sooo attached to dougley you don't understand. dougie imprinting on ev like a baby chick, scenting his clothes and his jacket and his pillows etc. blakely being sooo flustered the first time dougie actually greets him like pack—as in dougie touches his nose to the side of ev's nose, runs it to the side just before his ear, and down to his neck—face cherry red and spluttering while dougie just has the most satisfied cat-who-got-the-cream look in his face. maybe after their first successful bomb-drop practice mission? idk just obsessed with the image.
vampire duo crubbles, centuries of being together reflected on the way they're never apart on the ground. croz's diet has to be like incredibly precise and certain blood sits weirdly in his stomach so up in the air paired with the anxiety of being so close to the sun he's puking out anything that's left in his stomach. ms. jean crosby known keeper of both harry crosby and bubbles payne, only woman to keep those two in line, but nobody actually knows what she is.
another werewolf and vampire pair: hammy and brady. hammy being a werewolf disaster duo with dougie, squabbling and rucking up the base like pups, bucky having to snap at them to cut it out when he's also wagging his out-of-sight tail wanting to cause mayhem too but maybe not when some very important general is by the base yeah. brady just brings that vibes of being incredibly old and incredibly stuffy and incredibly stick-in-the-mud at first you know?? hammy first meeting his vampire pilot and scoffing because that's literally the stereotypical vampire he's shit upon pre-army. until he sees brady pilot. until his pilot manages to execute a move so beautiful he doesn't end up as a pile of burnt fur within minutes of a trial flight. until he sees john fucking brady crack a smile at him with the slight glitter of the dying sun caressing his skin. dougie, smelling this shit from literally 4 miles away groans because brother, really?
vampire!kenny stuck in the body of a 19 year old never to grow old, waiting for his passing from the sun whenever that is. very human very warm very kind rosie rosenthal easily grasping at kenny's ice-cold-yet-sun-blessed skin and sparks fly from the flat of the palm meeting rosie's and to the tips of his bronze burnt curls.
fiery human chick harding able to go toe-to-toe with wolves and vampires, mouth stretched wide the first time he has bucky egan sitting on his visitor's chair whose metabolism is working overtime trying to burn the devils piss of a hooch out of his system. meeting born-werewolf jack the next hour who's bucky's only equal in their eclectic werewolf pack—whose fur is clearly bristling from bucky grounding him but he clocks instantly that this were will be the one who will actually snap on his new boys' heels if they ever step out of line.
currently kind of obsessed with this aaaa might come back with other ships (demacon i Will love you into existence) when it hits (hopefully) probably when the bi!buck euphoria melts a bit
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howtofightwrite · 1 year
How “realistic” is too have a fat, unathletic, clumsy, cowardly character (think Samwell from GOT) become pasable at fighting if they put in the training? Aren’t just some people completely talenteless at it?
Talent is a concept that gets utterly mutilated by writers. Being untalented doesn't mean you can't learn, it just means that you'll have to put more effort into whatever you're trying to do.
A lot of writers use, “talent,” as a cheat to give their characters inexplicable skills. That's not how that really works. In most cases, when someone is, “naturally talented,” at something, it just means they commit to learning that new skill. It is advantageous, but it's not that they're automatically better.
Not having talent, simply means that you need to learn. You may need to work harder, you may need to put in more effort, but you can get there. Talent does not determine what you can or cannot do, just how easily it comes to you.
“Talent,” can also be an excellent excuse to stop when things get difficult. It's easy to step back from something and discourage yourself because you think you're untalented. The truth is, there comes a point when you're learning anything and progressing will become more difficult. That doesn't mean you should stop; it just means that it will take more effort to move forward.
Honestly, there's a bit of a mercy in hitting that point early on. As any former child prodigy can tell you, if you're used to things being easy, when the talent runs out, the kick-over into having to work for your improvement can be devastating.
Can you train in martial arts if you're fat? Yes.
Can you train in martial arts if you're not athletic? Yeah.
If you really commit to it, by the time you're done, you're probably going to be in good shape. Martial arts (and that includes military training) will include a lot of physical exercise. You can practice martial arts and remain heavy. That's a function of your metabolism and diet. However, that fat is likely to be a bit deceptive, as you'll probably be in pretty own good shape, just with a layer of fat on top of it.
Also worth remembering, that fat is actually useful in a cold climate, it's insulation, and portable energy reserves.
Can you clumsy? Maybe. Again, this something that training will address. Everyone's a bit clumsy when they first start engaging in a new physical activity. You learn, and over time, you deal with that.
Can you be a coward? Yeah. Fear of something that can, realistically, kill you is a rational response. Being afraid of dying is reasonable. Bravery is the ability to control your fears, as opposed to letting your fears control you. Like any other skill, this can be learned. Just because you cannot control a fear today does not mean you will forever under its thrall. In some ways, there's something a lot more commendable about a character who progresses into overcoming their fears, rather than living in denial.
None of these are deal breakers. They make the process of training harder, especially at the beginning, but if you're talking about someone with a real commitment to the training, none of this will stop them, or even meaningfully determine who they can be in the end.
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http-paprika · 6 months
Bite the Hand / Phillip Graves
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part four - belonging ⋆★⋆ the masterlist ⋆★⋆ previous ⋆★⋆ next
summary preparing to deploy on her first mission with the shadow company, frost begins to grow overwhelmed by the shift in her feelings.
werewolf!au / pairing phillip graves x female!reader / callsign frost / wc 1715 / warnings mentions of past trauma, alcohol, and light swearing
notes well, after weeks of painful writer's block, here we are! this chapter is what really sets the gears in motion to fling together frost and graves along with diving a bit more into frost's past which will play a big part in her relationship with graves. also, i don't know anything about military planes and deployments, so, this is definitely inaccurate, but i tried. the taglist is still open, if you want to be added, let me know.
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The Shadow Company armory, as Frost had come to learn, was always uncomfortably warm. She stood, shifting her weight from one foot to another as Erikson dug around the boxes of unassigned tactical vests and gear to find something that would properly fit her. During her training, she’d been in ill-fitting gear that she had to suffer with, but now as Graves and Lerch had greenlit her for her first mission, Frost needed to be properly fitted. 
 “And you’re sure that last vest didn’t fit?” Erikson asked her again, Frost looked over at the growing pile of discards, shaking her head. 
 “It’s not my fault I’m not as beefy as the rest of you.” She shrugged, wiping some of the collected sweat off her brow. Even with how much she’d been shifting in the past months, Frost didn’t compare to them. 
 “Yeah, yeah. I know.” Finally, he stopped digging. “Here we go, this should do.” Erikson handed over a dark green vest, slightly worn on the edges but otherwise unused. Without even trying it on, Frost knew it would fit. “I’ll talk to Rodgers, and get a new set of gear ordered for you. But for now, that’ll do.” 
 As she pulled it on, Frost examined the blood-type patch that sat right over her heart, it would have to be replaced to fit her own. “So, who did this belong to?” 
 “Some corpse probably.” Erikson darkly joked, observing as she secured the vest and its various buckles and velcro before moving onto the gloves, and padding. “Very nice, one would think this was made just for you.” 
 She smirked, pulling the gear off and brushing off the dust. “Whatever you say, Erikson.” Surveying the vest fully, she spotted sloppy writing on the inside, indicating the soldier it belonged to, but the writing had mostly been smudged away, and she decided against asking and not wanting her curiosity to bring back grief. Whoever it had belonged to, as Erikson had said, was long gone.
 “How are you feeling, about finally being shipped out?” He asked, leading her to a free locker where she’d store the gear until the following morning when they would embark on the mission. 
 “Strange. Unsure. But, I’m ready to be back in combat. Even if things here aren’t the same as they were in the Marines. There’s a lot less of a moral code I’m being held to, less guilt if I fuck up.” Frost admitted, putting everything up and closing the locker. In some ways, that made her even more nauseous, she wondered how wild she could be before Graves stepped in and scolded her.
 “Just don’t plan on being reckless, and you’ll be fine,” Erikson assured her, patting her on the shoulder. “Now, let’s get out of here before I sweat my entire ass off.”
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Under the red lights in the plane, the only way Frost could describe how she felt was antsy. The mask secured over her face felt like a muzzle, like an attempt to keep her from snapping. It kept her canines, which grew sharper by the day from shifting and the new diet of fresh, hot game meat, from showing. There would be no barring of her teeth today, even if she wanted to. 
“You okay?” Graves asked, stopping in front of her. He’d been moving through the plane, making sure his soldiers were ready to deploy, that the radios were live, and everyone was in place for the hunt. 
 “Yeah, m’fine.” She promised him, but Graves shook his head with a displeased look. He’d become too familiar with her facial expressions and the way her voice strained when she tried to hide the truth. But Graves was too kind to Frost to push for the truth. 
 “You look good,” He commented, quickly finishing the sentence when she cocked an eyebrow up at him. “-In the Shadow Company uniform and wearing our insignia. Like it was made just for you.” She nodded in response, quieter than usual. It wasn’t the normal anxiety Frost had first felt when she entered combat years ago. No, it was something she couldn’t quite put words to, a fear that settled when she looked back up at her Commander or over at her packmates who chatted amongst themselves quietly.
“Frost, you’re gonna be just fine out there. I’ll be right there—“ He taps the radio strapped to her tactical vest. “If you need me. Just a call away.” 
 “Let’s hope I don’t.” Frost joked, trying to ease her unknown stress. At her feet, the case with her sniper sat, reminding her that she was the eyes for her teammates, they’d rely on her shots and calls to keep them guarded, and safe. A daunting task. She’d done it hundreds of times, but the edge of nerves would not cease.
 “What’s going on in that loud mind of yours?” Graves tilted his head slightly, a few locks of sandy hair obstructing his direct and piercing gaze. Frost quickly looked down at the gun lying across her lap, trying to find an answer that made sense of everything she felt. Loyalty, bonded, brothers, her borrowed vest, sisters, the feel of her gloves against her palms, the pack, the smell of pine needles, pale blue eyes, and Graves. 
  As she opened her mouth to speak, Frost quickly closed it, overwhelmed by the words and emotions that filled her. She’d never known how much she craved a place to call her own and surrounded by the Shadow Company pack, she had. A bundle of warmth settled in the pit of her stomach, filling the hole that she’d blinded herself to.
Graves didn’t speak, he just tilted his head again in a way that fully captured her attention. “Well, when the cat finally lets go of your tongue, you always know how to find me.” He told her, a quick pat on her shoulder before he stepped away to speak to Lerch. Her eyes followed his figure, it was the only thing she seemed to focus on, not the countdown to her deployment or the itch in her hands. Just Phillip Graves.
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Hidden in the thicket of the woods, her breathing was masked by the loud calling of crows. The pungent smell of whiskey and motor oil overpowered anything else. She didn’t know where he was, she couldn’t hear him through the trees, but she knew he was coming after her. 
“Don’t hide from me, girl. I am your father!” He barked loudly, the butcher knife in his hand still coated with sheep’s blood, his white apron stained red. The thirteen-year-old girl felt hysteric, on the verge of tears with the fear of what he’d do to her. She hadn’t meant to talk back to him, speaking before thinking. But her remark had invoked his wrath. “I can smell you, girl. A runt like you can’t hide from me, your stench is all over these woods.” 
The words hailed down on her like nails pounded into her bones, catching her off guard and unalert for when he finally found her and yanked her out of the indigo bush by her forearm. She screamed, the sound curdling into a howl. Her body convulsed, bones being broken and reformed, the skin stretched and hair grew, teeth gnashing as she tried to free herself from his grasp. 
That was the first time she ever shifted.
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Frost woke with a start, the sound of the landing gears and loss of altitude dragged her out of her slumber, ears popped in the descent. Stretching, she moved away from whoever’s shoulder it was she had fallen asleep on, her cheek indicted from the shoulder of the tactical vest, she tried to push back the memory that had invaded her mind. She didn’t like to remember how it all began, when she was younger she used to dream it had never happened, hating that she was her father’s daughter. In his eyes, she didn’t belong, even if she had the same noise and sharp tongue. 
But she was no longer seen as her father’s daughter. The Shadow Company had become the only pack she would align herself with. There, she belonged.
“Thought you would sleep the whole time.” Dipaolo chuckled across from her as Frost brushed the hair out of her face. She’d shed the mask and gloves before falling asleep, allowing herself to freely be. “Surprised Graves let you.” 
Almost launching herself out of her seat, Frost looked over at Graves who sat next to her. He didn’t give any indication that he cared, whether that was a good thing or not, Frost was unsure. “She did a hell of a good job out there, Dipaolo. Maybe next time if you do a fraction of the work Frost did, I’ll let you sleep on my shoulder.” 
“Favoritism! I’ve been here for three years and you already like Frost more!” Dipaolo gawked. “It’s because she’s a woman, isn’t it?” 
“Stop getting pissy, Dipaolo. She’s just better.” Vance tells him, cutting into the conversation. The attention was directed away from Frost as her teammates bickered back and forth, allowing her to bury her face in her hands with embarrassment, a groan escaping her lips. 
“Frost, there’s no need to act embarrassed. We’re a pack, we help each other out. Even if it means offering a shoulder to sleep on.” Graves said to her quietly as the plane jolted, touching the tarmac. “You are hardly the first person who’s accidentally fallen asleep on mine. And unlike Oz, you don’t talk in your sleep. So I don’t mind.” 
“Why does that not surprise me?” But even with his reassurance, her cheeks felt hot, a rosy shade that was hidden in the dim light of the plane. It was like an itch she couldn’t ignore. It was a feeling that Frost hadn’t felt in years, one that had once suffocated her and torn her to shreds. 
But everything was different this time, she wasn’t that same scared girl. And Phillip Graves was like nothing she had ever known.
taglist @iamcautiouslyoptimistic @delusionally-loveless-by-choice @bacon-sandwich-of-dionysus @anna-banana27 @unicorngirly1
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winntir · 7 months
Over a hundred years ago, my great-grandmother and her family fled their home because those who had never earned authority over them decided that their existence was a threat to their power. Their empire is dead, and their successors deny that it ever happened and claim that it was deserved in the same breath. This was the Armenian genocide, what is considered the first modern genocide, and I hate the fact that I cannot say it was the last of either.
When it happened the first time, we should have all said, "Never again," but it happened again. And again. And again. Not all of the monsters responsible for these sins were punished for them, and you want to believe in Hell just so that you can say they won't escape in death.
And oh, Israel. Oh, Israel, the country whose existence was born from the first genocide people in the western world are likely to ever learn of is now guilty of such a monstrosity. Though I shouldn't say the country, for it is never the entire country that is responsible for it; it's always the government. Their names are known.
Most people want them dead. I do not. My anger wants them dead, but there's another side to me that says "Make them live. Make them live as long as possible, but not make it a good life. Make them linger and suffer as their punishment for not only failing to make sure this crime is never committed again but be guilty themselves. Their punishment should be a life lived in agony."
Sadistic? Easily. Befitting? Depends on if you care to give them the opportunity to recognize that they've joined the ranks of the Nazi, those that once called for their own genocide. They are evil, unambiguously, for that is the nature of genocide. Never again should it be committed, but them and all the others across the world right now who do much as same as they do. Even in Armenia, Azerbaijani military threatens to destroy those whom I consider distant cousins.
I've not talked about this until now for one reason or another. It is a very scarring subject the more you think about it, and even thinking about the implications and the reality of it for a few seconds puts a heavy weight on you. I've tried to ignore the news because I know it will all say the same thing: "people on the other side of the world are dying and you can't do anything."
It is in times like these that we should remember something Mr. Rogers said in the wake of John Lennon's assassination: "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping." It can be the good news you need, but it can also serve as an opportunity to help. So balance your online diet, try to keep yourself from losing any semblance of appreciation for the world we live in, and when you find an opportunity to help, take it with both hands.
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snootlestheangel · 7 months
Can we get more bout Truck please
I love all your OCs dude they are the best
This honestly took so long at first, but I am really excited to share this! Truck is my big boy!
I'm gonna break this up actually, cause his backstory got way out of hand from my original thing so I'm gonna do a quick physical description/some of his little quirks before I get into the mess of his life!
He's probably like 42 in my head, so old compared to most of the Shadows but close to Graves's age. Around 5'8", broad build, an absolute unit of a man, hooked nose that has been very clearly broken several times, left ear is a cauliflower ear from a fight he got into as a teen, green eyes, looks angry all the time, has so many callouses on his hands and knuckles, so many scars from fights on his face. Those are little scars, but they're still there. GINGER TRUCK!! He so ginger in my head now and it makes me so happy!
Family: Momma is still alive, and he calls/writes her regularly, visits when he can. Pops died not long after he joined, which hurt like hell but he stayed on his course. His family supported him the whole way through. He's got two sisters, both younger, and he'd commit some pretty bad war crimes if anything bad ever happened to either of them. Surprisingly, he's married. He loves his wife but never talks about her; his life is his and not anyone else's. They don't have kids (yet? can't decide if I want him to have kids or not) but they do have 2 shelter dogs they adopted, and they're the cutest freaking things.
Hates anything carbonated, like sodas and stuff. Either drinks water with a little bit of lemon in it or straight black coffee. Doesn't do sweets (unlike Ness and Flash who live off of sweet stuff). Generally keeps a really good diet and workout routine when he's not in his shop. Such a routine oriented guy that it could only take 2 days to learn his full routine. Day two is just to verify everything.
As I've said before, he struggled a lot in school. It wasn't just his dyslexia (that he didn't know he has until sometime after joining); it was his anger issues. He was constantly getting into fights as a teenager. He had been bullied a lot as a kid. He's a ginger, so already was an easy target for bullying, but then you add that he was really poor compared to a lot of kids in the area, and he just became prime bully real estate. That is until he hit puberty and got tougher and stronger. Then he became a bully to his bullies.
He had to pick up a job in high school to afford lunch, and life was just really difficult in general for him. His parents were incredible people, he still has such a great relationship with his momma, but it doesn't change how difficult life had been for him.
His Pops taking him under his wing and teaching him mechanic things was a huge respite from all the icky stuff life threw at him. He got to spend quality time with his dad, which he rarely got to do as a kid cause of how much the man worked. He got to learn in a way that didn't stress him out and make his head hurt. He got to do things and sometimes his strength was necessary to get something fixed. The mechanic shop and the time with Pops probably saved Truck from getting into much more serious trouble as a teenager, so he feels he owes his Pops his life.
He has a lot of ways to cope with his anger issues that don't lead to either self destruction or hurting others. It's actually why he joined the military in the first place. He was once told by a really horrible teacher that if he didn't "shape up and start acting right" then he'd get shipped off to the army and they'd set him right. It was meant to be demeaning, kind of a way for the teacher to tell him that he's too stupid for the real world, the only people that would take him is the army. But for Truck? Free food, free housing, free education (should he want to try his luck at that again), a lot of benefits like insurance and stuff? Hell, decent pay??? Sign him the fuck up!
Not to mention, he wanted the military to shape him up, to make him "act right". You think other people don't like dealing with his anger issues? He loathes his anger issues. It cost him a lot of good friends and ruined trust with a lot of people cause he'd blow up over something stupid and the relationship would never recover. He ended up in the hospital one too many times (literally only once but given his family's financial issues, it was too many), and that was a low point for his family. He believes/knows it's his fault, and the guilt still hangs around.
The assignment that got him on Graves's radar for Shadow Company is actually how he met his wife. It was several years ago, probably around 6-8 years, but his wife was one of the nurses on staff that helped patch up the unit afterwards. Truck wasn't injured but she had been so worried and insisted on examining him. His teammates tried to discourage her from pushing him, cause he's got a super short temper, but they all were shook when he simply said "Okay, fine." and allowed her to examine him.
He insisted on getting in touch with her afterwards because "she's the one person that can push all my buttons and I'll never blow a fuse" *catch me crying in the corner over this fire sentence that I wrote*
Anyways, that's our boy Truck!!! I love him to death even more so now!!
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isaacsapphire · 2 years
What do you think is "going on" w/r/t obesity discourse? (answer private or not at all, if you want.) This of course is a topic which makes me go full militarist, "I would like to not fall out on a 12 mile ruck" mentality.
The distribution of BMIs within a population is the outcome of like, literally the entire society's food system, labor, recreation, And erotic imagination/status competition, and also affects all those things.
And yes, it is absolutely downstream And upstream of military stuff too.
The big glaring thing that is ignored by most people who pontificate on the topic is that since the 1950s or so, increasingly the food corps explicitly designed new products to Not trigger satiaty and to be "cravable" which is a nice way to say "addictive".
They did this to increase demand for the food product inputs like corn and dairy, which are in oversupply because of combinations of American government policies/subsidies and improvements in farming technologies (including but not limited to the use of petrochemicals as fertilizer).
Staying the fuck away from "processed foods" is the real secret of most diets. Yes, it is possible to lose weight eating a small amount of McDonald's food, but it's hard to do that, because 2000 calories of McDonald's doesn't make you feel full, so you'll eat 5000, or 10000 over a day.
And let's talk about that "cravablity" and reward pathways a minute. Say you're standing on a street corner, feeling kinda shitty. What is the fastest, easiest, cheapest way for you to chemically, biologically make yourself feel better? You duck into a convenience store or fast food joint and get a snack for 1-10 USD and feel better. Cheaper, easier, more accessible than even booze and cigarettes, and there's no social or legal stigma against it.
The more you eat, the fatter you get and the more cells you have crying out chemically for more food. In some people this appears to create a runaway cycle. Some people have this issue more than others, but appetite and satiaty are biological, chemical things and they don't work the same on everyone.
For added bonus fun, food is super important socially and many people absolutely flip their fuck if the people around them don't eat what they think they should, be it for religious, moral, or physical reasons; the internet is littered with stories of coworkers, inlaws, and even significant others trying to force or trick people to eat stuff they don't want to.
Even innocently, food and social occasions as minor as a weekly work meeting are synonymous, so the temptation and social license/pressure to eat is almost constant for many people.
Reducing the average activity level is probably an input, but the variability of exercise is almost irrelevant in personal weight ("you can't outrun a bad diet") and the human body adapts to increased exercise very smoothly in every study on the topic I've seen.
It's definitely possible that various chemicals floating around are relevant, but it's reaching to go there first as a hypothetical mechanism before addressing the elephant in the room of Doritos and Mountain Dew.
Like, studies about "hyperpalatable" food generally use Ensure. You know, the stuff that is so unappealing that it's used as a diet?
But ultimately, it's all downstream from government policies around food production, which are hauled around by the nose by industry interests.
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bakulova · 1 year
Dashing through the vines and trees. A charged gunshot shoots near your ear with a slight burn to it. Looking back in a wild wide eye look, gnarling at the attacker and grabbing the tree making the molecules bend to your will, making a weapon. A bow with two arrows to be exact.
Taking a deep breath and making a quick decision to jump on your wolf sisters back facing the attackers, struggling to get a good aim. Breathing hard and glaring with such venom that anyone would drop dead if they accidentally took a glance in your direction.
Finally getting your aim steady enough and shoot both arrows at the same time not caring of the stinging sensation of the string striking against your cheek, as long as it hits them. Those freaks. Why the hell are they blue, wearing masks.
Your wolf tribe continues to run and taking a couple of then down on the way but they just dont stop. Soon you have enough and tackle one of the blue people into a clearing, near the ocean to be exact.
Thats where they try to stab you with their spear but it turns into a failure when you rip it out of their grasp and manipulate the object into a military flail. Swinging and sometimes cutting the attacker as they are a skilled fighter themselves. Suddenly they run into the ocean, making a ruckus, slapping the water and shouting random words in their native tongue.
You couldn’t help but tilt your head in confusion. What were they doing? Why aren’t they attacking like earlier? Then it makes sense when multiple figures pop out of the waters. Blue. Similar clothing. Water people.
God its a nightmare. You look behind you and see your tribe watching from the treeline, snarling and growling lowly, waiting to attack. Your human tribe members waiting with their arrows and spears. You look back towards the water and see a figure with wings attached to his ankles. A mysterious look to his face. Although the main one he’s wearing right now it anger.
“Who and what the hell are you?” You ask
The man simply glares, slowly gliding down to the sandy landscape. He tilts his head to the left.
“Who are you.” He asked in a demanding tone.
You glare back, your lip twitching in irritation.
“I don’t think it matters as your…” looking around at the figures in the water. “-people attacked me.”
He looks you up and down. He then looks toward the treeline. Yellow and red eyes are all you can see poking from the trees. He looks back to you, walking closer.
“What are you hiding.” He gestures to the treeline.
“Not what… it’s who.” You whisper to him with hatred. Looking him in his eyes, seeing as he’s already looking at you.
He looks back at the treeline, thinking deeply before glancing at yours, something has shifted in his eyes. You quirk an eyebrow but ignore it and lean closer to him, speaking soft and eerily,
“If you dont leave us alone, we’ll have to adapt to a seafood only diet.” You smirk while backing away and look into his eyes one last time before glancing at the many soldiers waiting for his beck and call. But he doesnt do anything. Instead he continues to stand there, staring at you as you walk away towards the treeline. You turn once more to face the water people,
“We should you mercy. The next time? Not so much.”
The mans eyes are shimmering in the moonlight, interest and annoyance spiraling and brain moving faster and faster.
Who are you?
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ladygoofball · 3 months
Adults need to stay out of self indulgent fan spaces. Is this reactionary content for adults? Or do we want them to keep playing the soundtrack of our pains and misery for clicks and laughs.
This is Nobody’s problem Consider it a gesture of good PR when it smacks you in the face.
It should not have to be my problem right now. I am tired.
But riddle me this:
If you saw thought that Keith Harring would have put his entire fucking ass on the line to make sure Aaron Bushnell’s name did not get forgotten?
You’re not alone. I am always being told I am too inexperienced. I need to shovel someone else’s mess for no money. My cats are dying and I don’t have time.
Consider this a healing word:
I have people who are in film school right now? Who can’t fathom a world where the people in front of them can’t fucking conceptualize having the wind knocked out of you with just the power of their words. But a Director comes to fans saying they are tired. The industry is collapsing. I’ll make a whole god damned new one do not TEMPT me with magnum opus status. They do not understand the definition of the word.
That…can’t be right? Is it? You’re all letting the industry standard of VIDEO GAMES whore out your art? Your craft?
For elon fucking MUSK!!
I have had to endure THAT? For weeks. In my self indulgent spaces. Fan run shit and Corporate shit need to be separated. Grooming on the internet moves too quickly. We need to stop allowing grown ass adults to fall into grooming algorithms because Elon FUCKING Musk bought them all. The way that this video game is communicating to us sonatically without REST?!! like we can’t get the POINT?!
It’s always too late.
I have been afraid of going near a good idea for too long but my ideas? KEEP GETTING FLIRTED WITH IN CHAT ROOMS. But everyone is too tired to take my words anywhere.
Nobody gives a damn now BITCH.
Over seven excruciating fucking years i’ve had my ideas flirted with and gone nowhere. That is how groomers speak on the internet now. They never wanted me to know. I can’t say who. I was in film school. They told me I was not smart enough with my degree to redefine the word comic book. I keep having my ideas flirted with and having nothing done about it around VALENTINE’s DAy which was actually supposed to be my birthday. I was born on the 10th of February though.
I cannot put my family’s names out there in a military regime. My money? Is being used to kill kids. Already.
Algorithms are smarter than me? No, i tell THEM how THEY work. With my words.
But NOBODY cares
Tumblr was the first fucking space I had where groomers would make me fucking react to them and keep me on the line for suicide watch. You don’t think I know what crazy sounds like? When your psyche is fractured?
When they want you to have read books you can’t understand out loud and laugh in your face when you try? You need to plug in to the internet
That can’t be your only media diet. It can’t be! I have to change that.
Do you think you are going crazy right now?
That is. An algorithm at work. Bought and paid for, cheap, commercial bullshit. I promise a good idea can sound just as good on a dead platform as it can on a groomers fucking paradise. They won’t publish Jeffery Epstein list.
Nobody will.
Maybe that’s a good thing? Maybe that is intentional. I cannot fucking believe that I have to debase myself using TUMBLR to act like a fan in order for people to start getting more literary with demanding combat training and rest from your video games. I need oaths sworn on camera that I can take that team to combat training and get their fucking winds sailing. No one else seems to want to do it anymore, and I really can’t afford to wait another minute. My cats are dying i’m in tracy chapmans fast car. My cat yowls whenever I get activated now, I can’t stop hearing the day care that I worked for but I was told I was not qualified to work in. I need a FUCKIng BREAK from creating for god damned NOBODY.
I have been telling Elliot for 7 years. That it will be okay. I don’t have hopes left, I’m going to lose them because I don’t have a job.
I am tracy chapmans fast car.
I have a list of video games that you would love, if your self indulgent spaces are getting too full of Marketing getting cheap reactions out of someone for LAUGHS. They think they can take screenshots of my words to pass along and make themselves feel better without sharing?
Who the hell do you think I am? I invented overthinking on the internet motherfucker.
They think you forgot the definition of the word. They did that to you on purpose.
Please tell me you are alright. Because this word doesn’t sound right in your head it’s concerning it’s alarming. It’s going faster than I can type.
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valkxrie · 5 months
honey and tobacco for them both. slightly different undertones though - human brunnhilde more like neroli, valkyrie brunnhilde more like basil or pine. you'd be forgiven for thinking they smelled of the sea after a storm; salty and clean. you'd be right, but you're also probably at an arm's length.
surprisingly soft. or, perhaps unsurprisingly because both brunnhilde's like to be clean. this includes using hand-cream. human b wears gloves to fly, valkyrie b wields a weapon - normally a spear - and would have some callouses as a result. clean nails, however.
valkyrie brunnhilde can eat. flying burns a lot of calories, and so does training. she's on a high-protein, whatever-the-fuck-i-feel-like diet. human brunnhilde has a shocking diet that is mostly coffee and cafeteria sandwiches - but because she is in the military and has a fitness expectation associated with that - she does try to eat her protein and greens every day. after her coffee.
no. well... that's unfair. its fine. it's not awful - but does she have a gift? no.
human b , who is vain about her nails, chews the knuckle of her thumb instead. valkyrie b is perfect and has never had a bad habit ever. i jest. she 100% has bad habits and nervous ticks. for both of them; she paces when uncomfortable. inability-to-sit-still syndrome. if she has to sit, there will be some leg jiggling. running fingers over a cup rim. re-organizing things. this is mostly for human b - valkyrie b has more of her shit together. you should get really worried if either of them go completely still and completely quiet. you have entered shut-down mode. that's probably the worst habit; the walls go up, and she will remove herself from her emotions. for valkyrie b, this usually means you're about to get beat up. for human b, she's probably about to disassociate. their worst bad habit when they're nervous is being a snappy and irritable bitch. again, more-so for human b, but valkyrie b can be a real cunt.
human b is a quiet luxury girly, but unironically so. she likes high-end clothing without labels. very clean lines, tailored, comfortable, elegant. valkyrie b is often in black leather with black or gold metal features. valkyrie b will have her sisters paint gold on her wings for special occasions, and will decorate the topline of her wings for battle or events with gold or leather. again - very elegant and understated.
in their own way. this reply to @kylo-wrecked probably describes it best.
side-sleepers, the both of them. though - valkyrie b will sleep on her stomach with her wings akimbo. a mess of limbs and feathers. human b is a bit twisty; arms under pillows, legs over pillows.
probably. unless she didn't want you to; in which case - you probably fucked up and should read up on her bad habits and nervous ticks.
tagged by: @nightmarefuele
tagging: you
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stealth-liberal · 2 years
I think we need to talk about celebrities with obvious eating disorders. Famous people who are so skinny that there is no POSSIBLE way they can be eating in any way that resembles a healthy diet and be as tiny as they are.
We seem to have gotten complacent. We have decided we just can't talk about it. We are either too afraid of their fans or we are too afraid of being accused of being judgmental. It is time to tell the truth, there is no such thing as health at any size. If you exist on either extreme on the scale, you're killing yourself. Slowly, but surely you are killing yourself.
And while I have MAJOR beef with the body positivity movement for trying to have it both ways (obvious anorexia/bulimia is deadly but morbid obesity is somehow healthy) that's not what this is about. This is about looking at women AND men starving themselves to fucking nothing while we sit on the sidelines and cheer.
We. Are. Complicit.
We wax poetic about "body proportions". We consume videos where these people talk about how much they don't don't eat. We can see the misery behind their eyes. And what do we do? We praise their discipline.
We talk about the diet industry but REFUSE to listen to professionals who spend their lives treating people with eating disorders who tell us till they're blue in the face that ED is almost always about control. About feeling so out of control that the only way to have control is about what you put into or force out of your body.
I am 5'10" and when my son died, many years ago, I was out of my mind with grief. The military controlled my every move, controlled how I could grieve, so I stopped eating. I ate only once a day and then took laxatives to shit out the rest. I got down to 99 pounds. If my friends hadn't intervened I'd be dead by now. I was killing myself by inches. To this day, sometimes when shit gets bad I want to stop eating, I think laxatives might help that feeling of not being in control. But I don't do it, I am one of the lucky ones, one of the 35% of anorexics who recover.
The other 65%, they don't recover. They battle it for the rest of their lives. Anorexia is the mental disorder with the highest body count. There are Karen Carpenters everywhere, but we do nothing because we're too busy cheering them on to their graves. We cheer them on to their deaths, starving, alone, sad and so goddamn hungry it eventually kills them.
We look at women so skinny they are clearly flirting with death while we watch and we just shrug our shoulders. Women like Ruby Rose, Blackpink's Rose, Thandie Newton. We mock them, we accept it. "What can you do?" we say. "That's life in the public eye for women." we justify.
And the men? Well forget that. If a pretty man who is famous is clearly starving themselves we REFUSE to see it. Hysterical fangirls who should know better rise to the defense... of what? A slow goddamn suicide? Too afraid to call it what it is? Dylan Hollis, Kim Seokjin, Jung Hoseok just to name 3 famous men who are CLEARLY being eaten alive by anorexia and no says a word. We just coo and say how pretty they are, how cute. "Look at their amazing proportions!" we cry.
When these women and men eventually either go into the hospital for treatment or they die, we say "How could we have known!"
Bullshit. We knew. We saw. We sat by and cheered and did nothing. We. Were. And. Are. Complicit.
As for me? Fuck it. I'm not being quiet anymore. I'm alive today because the people I loved decided to stop being quiet when they realized I wouldn't stop on my own. So I'm not staying silent anymore. Not for the people I know and not for the people I don't.
These human beings are killing themselves before my eyes and I won't stay silent anymore.
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laski-and-sage · 1 year
AU-Parents (I guess bc my -Sage- FanFiction?)
TJ bringing the pack to her parents for the first time:
Her mother would side eye Alucard and say out loud that he's a bottom without thinking once after introducing. She doesn't give a fuck about the staring. Then she would look Anderson up and down, frown and be very sceptical because- How does her daughter, a military woman stationed in the UK, get to know a priest from italy? Seras is nice so she is nice to her too and would start to be extra nice bc she knows she lost her family! But she'd try not to replace any of them. By Maxwell she's extra suspicious- her daughter is dating a fucking archbishop from the vatican AND significant older! But as she gets to know him she learns that he is asexual too and you can talk with him over many things.
Her father would try to comfort Alucard a bit after his wife blurted out what she thinks. He knows her and so he's really good at comforting those his wife may have outed or shocked. He himself is very relaxed around Anderson because he grew up in a very christian family and knows that priests are persons he can absolutely trust. Seras is at the beginning very difficult for him because he can't understand certain ways she's thinking and we all know she can get very emotional- TJ's father isn't somebody who can get into that, he can only comfort those his wife may have hurted. Maxwell, too, is a person he respects from the get go and he likes him. His character may seem weird in some aspects, but it looks like his daughter is happy with him.
The first dinner is very awkward, especially because of the diets the two vampires have. They don't know about vampires, safety is priority, but the group had to come up with something like... birth defect or sickness to not get further questioning on why Alucard and Seras won't eat with them.
Alucard instantly feels like home, he loves every holiday since then which has something to do with family, because he gets the feeling of own parents. Not quite the same, but it's something he starts to wait for every year. Especially christmas or eastern.
Seras was very sceptical at the beginning and is okay with the parents of TJ, but she misses her own family everytime they're at their house and the memories starts to come back. She knows that she'd be safe, but something doesn't feel quite right having another pair of parents.
Anderson is talking a lot- And I mean a LOT about the church and Jesus with the dad. He likes both parents, but the dad a bit more just because of the christian-thing. If it's possible he brings wine from italy for the dad and new tea for the mom everytime he visits as a little present and gets homemade meals, quality time and good talks as a return.
Maxwell was surprisingly nervous meeting her parents, his future mother- and father-in-law, for the first time. His normal relaxed state was a mess and he tried to impress them by any given moment! Knowledge about politics, food, drinks, even fucking cheese or fish! Until the mom said that he should 'please relax because you're making us feel dumb too and TJ is enough'. After this first downer he got to relax and started to be normal around them- Today he's going in the kitchen and just ask if he can help. Most times he's just talking with any of them.
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
With Finnish and Swedish foreign ministers meeting in Helsinki on Tuesday, Helsingin Sanomat iterates (siirryt toiseen palveluun) on the ongoing Nato discussion in Finnish public life, with comments from senior MP Jussi Halla-aho (Finns). The former leader of his party, who now chairs the Foreign and Security policy committee in parliament, weighed in on whether Finland has decided it should join Nato without Sweden.
On Monday Iltalehti had reported (siirryt toiseen palveluun) that Finland's security policy elite had discussed the issue in the last week, and that a consensus was emerging that Finland could join without Sweden.
Anonymous sources informed IL that "party leaders, the national leadership and other key politicians" had been involved in talks to chew over Turkey's intransigent stance on Sweden's desire to join the military alliance.
That reporting is overblown, according to Halla-aho. There's no policy line to that effect, and it cannot be decided without parliament or without the committee he chairs.
He did add, however, that he had always said Finland should not condition its bid for Nato membership on Sweden being accepted as well.
His committee is meeting this week to discuss its position on the Nato law itself.
Publicly, it's been reported that Sauli Niinistö called party leaders to his official residence to emphasise that they must be ready to move quickly on Nato membership — even in the period after planned elections on 2 April, when government formation talks will be in full swing.
PM Sanna Marin (SDP), meanwhile, has suggested that a minority government might be formed after the election to make rapid decisions regarding Nato membership.
Food inflation slowdown?
Iltalehti carries a story (siirryt toiseen palveluun) about food inflation that has a little bit of optimistic news for those concerned about the price of groceries.
Year-on-year inflation hit 14.5 percent in October, thanks to poor harvests and trade disruptions caused by Russia's war on Ukraine.
Jyrki Niemi of the Natural Resources Institute (Finnish acronym Luke) says that this year prices should stabilise at least towards the end of the year.
"If we have normal harvests globally, the second half of the year should see a halt in food inflation, in practice," said Niemi. "It's too early to forecast the timing of a fall in food prices, but by the end of the year we won't see prices rise."
The year-on-year comparison for the end of the year is a relatively high price level, making further inflation less likely.
IL reports that meat and dairy prices are expected to rise 3-4 percent at the start of the year, but the prices of fresh fish and grain products have already stabilised.
Tampere schoolkids get to choose their food
Vegetarian food in schools has been a culture war issue in Finland, with the idea of a vegetarian day — when all food is vegetarian and no meat is available — proving particularly incendiary to a certain demographic of online commenter.
Aamulehti reports (siirryt toiseen palveluun) that Tampere is trying out a solution to that issue. Since the turn of the year children in Tampere schools no longer have to request vegetarian food as a special diet option, they simply see it as an option in their canteen and can choose it if they like.
That lowers the threshold for trying out vegetarian food and, according to the product development team at the school meal provider Voimia, will encourage children to taste meat-free options.
There has been no increase in food waste either, according to Voimia.
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peachiii08 · 25 days
I've had a f1 fiction in my head for such a long time, sometimes it's an au and sometimes it's not but it's so wholesome, every night I go into that universe and daydream situations and then fall asleep.
It's like a single mother x platonic grid. She opened a new restaurant in the paddock that's part of the f1 circus like the motorhomes, around the same time when Oscar was a reserve driver for Alpine, the restaurant is only for drivers and only drivers can invite people there, she makes diet-friendly food and every race weekend there are local cuisines as well to try and it's like a cafe/arcade. She's like multilingual. She shares custody of her kid with her ex-husband, and she's not that old. She's around the same age as Lando.
Sometimes my daydreams take a dark turn and there's an attack on the restaurant and she kicks ass while the drivers are tied and she won't let them help in case they hurt themselves, then she tells the attackers while it took her 50 mins to take them down it would've taken the drivers less so they should be kinda grateful they faced her and not them cuz daniel does mma, max Carlos and Lewis do boxing plus lewis knows how to shoot, Lando plays golf so if he had something to swing, he wouldn't miss, same with Oscar with cricket, Charles on other hand would've had nothing but pure passion and an insane amount of survivor's guilt to fight and would've won too cuz he's not losing anyone again. George and Alex would play mind games and tag team them down. Logan is the most dangerous and severely underestimated idk he's an underdog and they're my weakness, but he in my head has had some sort of military training. It would've taken him 10 minutes tops to gain an advantage and win.
Sometimes I want something wholesome, so enter her daughter who's very very attached to Oscar and Logan and vice versa. She has everyone wrapped around her finger. They all have nicknames for her but they'll correlate to butterfly. She has nicknames for them too. So she brings themed squish mellows with her and makes the drivers sign them. They don't know what she does with them but once they find out they bring already signed ones too so when she goes to visit the hospital of wherever they're racing she has more than enough to give out in the children's ward. Sometimes she stands up for drivers when she hears someone talking about them in a language they don't understand. When she's visiting her mother drivers also bring their kids.
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scentedchildnacho · 2 months
I only had to want to go to haven house and on general relief to be told my lawsuit they would try to diet me so most people dont have to be an access....and haven house was closed because fellony addiction and fascism became so harassively israeli or mexican that people have to be dumped out of a hospital to go....
The smokers do reek and bug in California in Helter skelter ways I did not think possible
Israeli see that diabetic problem reversed instantaneously much of it demands Jewish or Mexican services and so it's you have to join the military to talk to Him
And i did accomplish making California let me shower two days in a row that I did not think possible
California Tex other states probably think about showing off how abused of a gay they are and refuse to care about notoriety but in California they truly don't have to care
You have to pay full price for a used stained change of pants?
Well if jobs wants to compete with me about suicide pogrom I let them get their misconduct charge and let the researcher see if they can psychologically cope it's what they do to me so thats the rules
Otherwise I was told to help the case worker with her own health so asked if I wanted health care said if it's non invasive and restorative but if it's more weirdos then no
Most primary care women are hired by alcohol unions like dian fossey so to them they do feel that they deflower with shove it ins or desires for massive amounts of body fluid that truly usurps the male power over feminine frailty...their weird people would pee on them in an alley without clinic gang respects
If you must know it still was my boyfriend's that truly taught me intelligence over having a heart......and I truly cried they would really make me cry
On the intake......to domestic abuse I said homelessness is forced marriage the publix company in Florida is who will openly publicity but it all believes in racism and homo genetics he sets himself up like hitler and expects me to be as lonely as eva Braun.....so I just don't touch property because it was given to world wide metropolization it's not my house they just go onto it illegally
Ukraine india Pakistan it's all promised to the whole world my life was really really sad here and i should go to france or africa or something
They are right wing fanatics and they stalk me to marry old felons that live off my restitution....they are really bad people who should have chosen residence by their ability to work but stole it from refugees.....so I don't know how their families will make out but
Housing goes to little kids with parents who have enough to be taxed....
The la times today....
Indian appropriation act your job as a case worker with me today wasn't an Indian mans with a family to support and so there was no technology ability from you....you have to be educated in india to process my general relief or they made you send my case to illegal judges
You did steal your job that's the genocide and why you can't do anything for me
Thats how I view homeless resistance I was christian and it's a nation and if I'm not with popular political appeal i don't do things or i would get called a jerk that can't go to stuff I could enjoy
Coming of age in Mississippi there are a few largely white districts that could be fair to me otherwise I have to have black panther like people or people make me look like anne frank
They made me yell at them like I was a male attorney
That's Indians to be around if it was a city mayor people truly enjoyed secular life around that's what they do
I havent found anyone capable of major psychosis in the states....i maybe do have to ask Britain to take me or everything simple about socially sycophant ing on a more established system is convoluted parasitic and drug retarded
I would have to be you people to have a job and I find that worse then sleeping outside mostly
Jobs have to take death payments and good will has left overs and unwanteds of estates eventually they will call you all insane in one way or another
Wanting to work at goodwill exposed it as mostly having mall drop offs and the mall can teach me job skills with new things so it's sad over there and wrong
For race I put mongoloid maybe otherwise national orientation white black etc is not a race
They wanted to know.............disease so I said maybe heart condition second opinion neurobiological...
Thats how I view second wave feminism it's a homo genetic situation in general and men have some mean old dude that steals all their stuff in the name of cognitive conditioning....its masochistic to be too nice to young people so to not be a kept boy aids case they join the military and put some old mean witch that wanted to have boring creepy bar parties like dian fossey with their stuff and tell the creepy mean old man if he wont get away from their stuff they will put him in a jail cell again
And that's me I can't fight gross addict systems off my stuff so I say okay you want my hatred and let themselves kill themselves of it....its mostly a much longer wait....
Mussolini is always expected
Im not a very compelling passavist if I could have young I would have trained on big cats or other big animals if i knew I would be called a mental and told thief fucko if you touch my things ever you will take a tiger tranq not me
Uhm it expected to be a butthole so I would have also put it down for expecting me put down
That's me about jobs for being kind of bitchy as a job and deciding I wouldnt cling to partners with a pregnancy I had to lose my mind which is a more excruciating torture then anything I have experienced physically if I had acted like they do on jobs i wouldnt have been let out of state facilities and would have had to be drugs or lost mind my whole life
The system here at least allows apology and second chances and they refuse those things
It is that their obsessive compulsively attached to my things and if it's my things they can go manic and kill themselves of addiction I've found out about my things that it hates it's owner
And that's why I support community theory if it's a corporate logo and work I just do what's suppose to some people call this refusing to be themselves
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40sandfabulousaf · 3 months
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大家好! During a period of global hardship, it's a blessing to eat well and have seafood, fish, eggs and meat (including poultry). Many people all over the world are struggling to afford fresh vegetables, fruit and dairy on a regular basis, let alone high quality protein. On tiktok, I've seen pasta recipes with a light sprinkling of cheese and very few veggies. More videos featuring food pantry hauls are also appearing and, if there's meat, it could be the only time these beneficiaries have some.
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Apart from mee rebus (noodles with peanut sauce, egg, tofu and bean sprouts), mee soto (soup noodles with chicken and bean sprouts) is another popular Muslim dish. A piquant broth is the hallmark of this Southeast Asian staple, and spice levels are taken up a notch when the sambal cili kicap is mixed evenly into the soup. Vibrant colours aside, this meal is both delicious and comforting, especially on a chilly, rainy day. We're still experiencing some rainy weather and steaming hot, spicy soups are king when it gets chilly. I should eat this more often, it's yummy!
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Whilst I'm including more tau kwa (firm tofu) in my weekly meals, I've not been reading health articles of late. To me, they seem by and large repetitive, emphasising legumes, lentils and a plant-based diet. Is this part of so-called diet culture? If they want to eat plants so much, they'll save money by eating grass and leaving real food to those of us who eat moderately healthy. I don't want this propaganda shoved down my throat.
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I turn 47 in March and I'm happy with where my health and fitness are at this stage in life. I'm fortunate to not have any cellulite (have asked friends and family to help me to check for it) at my age. Most importantly, I have an exercise routine that I love and enjoy doing everyday, my appetite is healthy and there's no need to diet. Feeling comfortable in my skin comes naturally and I'm not obsessed with what others think of my body. As long as I'm energetic, dynamic and alert everyday, that's good enough.
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Health may be a choice for the more fortunate amongst us, but it isn't for Palestinian civilians trapped in the conflict in Gaza. So many have already died and, for the survivors, life seems like a living hell. Israel has caused devastation on an entire civilisation in the span of only a few months. Sometimes one has no choice but to ask, 'God, where are you?' 下次见!
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