#Wheezed when I saw this in my inbox
thefanciestborrower · 10 months
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They're probably terrified... Just waiting until you finally give in to your intrusive thoughts...
PLEASE that's exactly what I look like every time I reorganize my little lego shelf. Honestly it's very bold of you to assume I haven't given in to the thoughts before tho...
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total-drama-brainrot · 3 months
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sierra making a fic after drumheller
Accurate. I'd be something like,
Notes: haiiii o(^▽^)o it's me again!! sorry i was gone for so long, i was competing in the newest season of TOTAL DRAMA q(≧▽≦q) !!!!!!! anyway, here's a quick 15k drabble i wrote in about an hour or so (*/ω\*) i'm in the hospital right now after being caught up in a jet explosion and i'm still dealing with the smoke inhalation, broken ribs, third degree burns and baldness, but i'm not supposed to talk about that because SPOILERS!! o((⊙﹏⊙))o but all of this new free time means i can write more fics!! o(〃^▽^〃)o
And the fic itself is a y/n self-insert wish fulfilment RPF of the Drama Brothers, using one of their song names as the title.
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stcries · 6 months
SMACKS the bandages ! " Nothing like a little tough love. And a reminder to practice restraint. You're still a man. " [ baptiste for maug :3 ]
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working within talon, you were bound to face life and death situations on the daily, so coming back to base with a few injuries after a mission was nothing out of the ordinary. but for mauga? it was a rarity for him to return without a single scrape upon his body. but did he care? not in the slightest. not only was the thrill and adrenaline of battle enough to send his two hearts into a frenzy, but there was also the promise of meeting with his favorite little medic when he returned.
the larger man simply sat there and allowed for the other to work his magic, smirking if their eyes managed to catch one another, perhaps even sneaking in a playful eyebrow wiggle here and there. mauga loved to toy with baptiste every opportunity that presented itself, however this time, it seemed the other was willing to fight back.
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as soon as the other's hand collided with the tightly bound bandages, a pained hiss was quick to escape mauga's lips, staring at the other in bewilderment for mere seconds before his expression melted into a snarky smile, chuckling beneath his breath. "you cheeky little runt ..." so that's how he was wanting to play, was it? fine by him.
not even wasting a single moment, he wraps larger arms around the doctor and holds him close, not allowing him to escape his grasp. "but restraint means less fun, you know that, doc. besides, if i did, you wouldn't get a chance to examine these guns up close anymore," he says slyly, with an added flex of his arm muscles to further push his point.
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henrysfedora · 2 years
[kicks door down] PLEASE TALK ABOUT LEO'S WIFE
i hope it's coherent, she is all over the place for me lmao
since she literally doesn't have a name: i don't know where it came from but i just think for her rosanna sounds nice <3 leo and rosanna <3
firstly it was just serafina but now thinking about lauretta too just makes it better: i think rosanna is much more quiet and softly spoken, more so than serafina and lauretta in a way.
i've imagined serafina to be this tall, extravagant woman who loves the most expensive fur coats, velvet gloves, and lovely, overly accessorised dresses. she would always wear dark colours, mostly black. whereas rosanna had a thing for the much simpler flapper dresses, a smaller silhouette, nice hats, pearl necklaces and she had much more colour in her outfits than serafina ever did as well as being generally more pastel almost: like whites, light blues, lavenders and peaches. like serafina is this big tall woman and so is lauretta really, in their big fur coats and silhouettes, their strong features, and they appear so confident with their rich lives, whereas rosanna, both in fashion and in her own stature, is much more smaller and not as confident in her new life as they are. she didn't have what she has now when she was younger, she had the simple things and that's what she enjoys most, the simple things.
i think rosanna is quite short and plump :) she has blonde hair, shoulder length and is usually up in flapper waves. warm brown eyes and has a warm complexion.
i also do think leo genuinely loved her too, which is why i love thinking she's quite clumsy: she's a bit like vito and pepe. he probably had to teach her the whole shtick about desert spoons and soup spoons and how to pour wine and all that 1910s-1920s shit.
she isn't as educated about the business as serafina and lauretta are and it scares her a little, she knows what leo does but the vinci family plus lauretta are really all shes got and she loves leo a lot so she just, doesn't want to leave. probably doesn't get how bad it could be.
sexuality? no idea, everyone. she falls in love a little with everyone she meets, really sees the good in people.
i think if she ever met vito she would give him a good big hug <3
loves to dance courtesy of leo, admires many bands and often goes to performances. she never really gets the hang of all the fancy dinner etiquette's but she's a hell of a dancer and a sweet person, she gets along with so many people. needs help with her hair all the time and would 100% choose a dress she knows is easy to dance in over a proper, public dress. like fancy dinners, yeah they're great.. but dancing to a jazz band in the street with a bunch of smiling strangers. i truthfully believe she can adopt almost anyone if she's given the chance. she's a bit oblivious to rich people's expectations but leo really doesn't mind, they're both pretty chill about life which is why they get along i imagine.
i also really like the idea of her coming to one of the gal's hangouts putting a surprised look on everyone's face with her new custom tailored outfit with pants.
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nothing-tolose · 2 months
All Because I Liked A Girl.
Part 3
A/N: lol i found this a bit nonsense whsgajdhe *wheezing* AND AND AND IM SORRY IF THIS WASNT GOOD AS PART 2. anyway i love u guys sm xoxo
if you have criticism and suggestions to me, you can just knock my dm or send it to inbox <3
🇵🇸 daily click
part 1. part 2.
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Those messages still showed up several times with some different accounts.
You decided to turn on the do not disturb mode so those hateful messages won't bother you for a while before you switched app to reply Ellie's message.
i guess..
You took a deep breath, fingers were typing over the keyboard with hesitation.
i'm not, actually
can you come over, els?
i need u here
You let out a slight sigh, and you put down your phone to the kitchen table. You buried your face in between your arms, eyes were red and tears stain on your cheeks.
You were actually don't want to give a fuck about Anne's post, but the way people insulting you and the way she reacted to them, you couldn't even understand. How on earth you don't give a fuck with that when some people were saying they'll be waiting your funeral? They might really do something if they have a guts and you were unaware.
And someone was just mentioned your initial there, Anne reacted with 'shh'. What kind of reaction was that?
You scared, terrified even. It feels like you're going to isolating yourself in your home until they forget about the post. Sadly you'll never do that, and you won't and you can't do that because you're not even graduate yet!
You left your phone there, and tried walking to living room even though your feet still feeling a bit limp, you were resting your body on the couch with blank stare to ceiling. Your mind started to thinking about those comments, from the first you saw it to the last you saw it on blog. It scares you, so much. Your tears coming down from your eyes for the second time, your chest were going up and down. You were sobbing so hard. Terrified, confused, all your feelings mixed in one.
Morning felt so long. Now it's 1PM, and you still on the same position with cushion that you hugged for the past few hours. You can hear nothing but your sobs and the sound of cars passing by on the street. Still not feeling any better.
The next second, you heard a knock from your door, followed by sound of door opened. You could tell it was Lauren who just opened the door, sound of hurried footsteps filled the room, "There you are!"
Lauren runs over you, crouches on the floor so that she's at eye-level with you. Her eyebrows furrowed, she obviously worried about you. She tapped your shoulder two times, "Would you sit?" She asked.
You just nod and get up slowly, leaning on the backrest while Lauren put down the cushion on your lap.
"Where's your phone?"
You turn your head and looking at the kitchen table where you left your phone morning earlier, "There," You said, almost not making a sound.
She walk towards the kitchen, her hand picked up your phone without a glance and put it in her coat pocket. You didn't paying attention to Lauren and staring to the front of your sight as you still got your panic attack, but you really really tried to make yourself calm down. Oh, but it didn't help you at all.
Lauren went back with a glass of water on her hand, she sits next to you, "Drink it, and try to breath slowly," You just do what she said.
She put it down the glass on the coffee table after you drank. You feel her thumbs wipes your tears slowly along with her little chuckle. You swore you have no idea if Lauren weren't here, you might be drowning in your tears or maybe crying blood when your tears already gone. Or the worst part, you might be dead alone here. She was like your own sister, who always stay on your side when you're down and when you're happy.
Lauren smiled at you before she hugged you so tightly, her hands running through your hair, "You don't deserve this."
"It'll pass. They'll forget about everything what happened today in no time, okay? You didn't stole Ellie," She keeps saying some words to make you feel better, and apparently it does. You fell asleep with your head on Lauren's lap.
Lauren took your phone out, and she stared at the lockscreen. There's still a bunch of messages request from people who still trying to get you down. Her eyebrows furrowed, anger almost taking over herself.
'All these fucking unnecessary messages, and Ellie doesn't texting her at all while the problem was involved with her? What kind of girlfriend is she?'
Lauren decided to changed the setting to disable the notifications from any social media except messages, at least you wouldn't see those fuckers from your lockscreen notification center.
She turned off your phone and took a glance at your face, she sighed.
'Does she really care about you right now? When everyone were talking shit about you because they thought you stole Ellie from Anne?'
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Woke up on the same couch, the first thing you noticed was Lauren wasn't here. You were all alone, lights turned on, it's already dark out there.
"Shit, how long I've been asleep?" You get up, looked up to the clock and it's already 8PM. You grabbed your phone from the coffee tables in front of you, seeing if there's any messages you can reply.
messages from lauren
idk how long you've been asleep but i rlly have to go so sorry for leaving u aloneee;((
i bought some foods u can heat it up, AND dont skip your dinner bcs i assumed you haven't eaten today
dont be so curious to open ur social media, kay? i dont want u get your panic attack again
i love uuuuuu 💋💋💋💋❤️❤️❤️
You laughed for a second, then you scrolled the notification center searching if there's more messages. Your smile disappeared when you didn't see any messages from Ellie.
I mean, she always tried to reply your message asap after you sent the texts even when she's busy, she would tell you that she can't reply all your messages right now and will reply it soon as possible. The texts you sent to her this morning were still delivered. There's even no calls from her, does she even read your messages through the notifications? You needed her so much, and where is she now?
You don't want to overthink it. Maybe she's been too busy, but today is fucking Sunday, how the hell a student got really really busy on Sunday?
You bit your nails, suddenly thinking about your biggest fear.
What if she meet Anne in somewhere?
Your mind straight up thinking about her and Anne. All those what-ifs filling up your head, even you whispered to yourself to not assuming everything in negative way. But you couldn't help it. You really hate it when you can't help to stop assuming things.
You huffed, resting yourself on the backrest. You staring at the wall, imagining if Ellie were here right by your side like Lauren did and at the same time you still thinking if she were with Anne today.
You almost fell asleep again when you heard Ellie's voice calling your name along with knocking on the door. You stood up quickly and ran into the door.
Once you opened it, she grabbed both of your forearms. Her face looked so worried, worried than Lauren. She panted, sweating all over her face, and messy hair strands on the side of her face.
Your hands on her shoulders, "Where have you been?"
She didn't answer your question, all she said was, "I'm sorry, I'm really sorry." And asking you if you were okay, then she hugged you tightly like you were about to leave her.
You ended up on your bed, laying down with your head resting on her arm. After she said sorry five times, you took her to the bedroom. You really wanted to ask her, where the hell was she this entire day? Why did she texted you and just disappeared, and then showed up looking so worried like she was almost dead?
But here you are, with her. None of you broke the silence. She caressed your cheeks so gently, kissing your forehead several times, and humming.
You looked up to her, staring at her green emerald eyes. Your mouth was opened, almost asking her the same question that you've asked before.
"Sorry, I had an emergency." Right before you could ask her, she spoke.
"What emergency?"
Ellie went silent, she bite her lower lip and glancing aside, avoiding eye contact with you.
"Ellie, what emergency?"
She sighed heavily, her eyes now looking at you, "Sorry, you got dragged into this mess because of me. I shouldn't be disappeared for an entire day after texting you," She closed her eyes and looked away, "I'm really sorry."
You sitting up there and shook your head in desperation, "You did answer my question earlier, but you didn't answer the last question, Ellie. What emergency?"
There's no reply from her. You scoffed, "Ellie, what emergency that made you didn't reply to my texts?"
Ellie turned her head, "You texted me?"
Oh.. Wait, what?
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taglist: @cherryimaa @kimaellie @backedbeansh @bunnyrose01 @bready101
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livelaughlovesubs · 17 days
Lost-nut enlightenment sjdbbdhdhd I'm fuckin wheezing but you're so real for that
If hoyo didn't want me to Dom him then too bad, any male character can be Dommed if you're not a coward.
Deadass when I saw his leaks and saw the headphones I was like "oh, he's probably partially deaf and those are in-game's equivalent of hearing aids, that's pretty neat. He seems like he's either going to be overly friendly or I'm going to want to punch him type of personality"
And damn hoyo tried to portray him as this cool lone wolf scholarly guy who wants to understand everything about Teyvat that's aloof and blunt and a majority of the fandom looked at him (me included), especially after he mentioned that his headphones have noise cancelation, plus the stories about him going the Akademiya as a little kid and went "autism/neuro divergent havin ass 🫵😶" and they're so right for that. Literally nothing about him is neuro typical and I think it's neat.
He's such a dork, bro thinks he can hurt my feelings by being blunt he's not ready for me to take one good and psychoanalyze him. This is how we flirt, others are horrified but this man is literally the horny grip meme because I just know he'd be turned on by you doing something that shows off how smart you are.
I just remembered that his headphones can record lectures.
Nini, imagine recording JoI for him on a separate headphone set, general dirty talk, etc for when you gotta be away because you just know he'd be too stubborn to openly admit that he misses the sound of your voice.
He's so pathetic bless we really eating good
I'm trying not to spam your inbox with the rambling of madman but I'm just so happy to have fellow Doms to gush about subby men with since it's hard to find each other
Nah it’s alright, I don’t mind. Also I noticed that was a typo- I wanted to write post-but enlightenment Ahahhahah
But the thing with the headphones? 10/10 would write. I’ll do it once my kinktober stuff are done. Imagine recording his own noises during smexy time without him knowing, and making some alternations to his headphones so that we can change whatever he’s listening to something else.
Then just jumpscare him with his own lewd moans and whimpers. At first he’d be so confused, like who’s this weird ass dude with the high pitched voice of a girl? Is it even a guy? Until he hears your voice, and the words you uttered were so familiar.
As soon as he notices that these sounds were in fact, he himself, god the embarrassment and lust swelling inside him would be 📈📈
I think he’d blush and smirk to himself, scaring basically any poor souls who had the unfortunate fate of witnessing such a scene.
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luminoustarlight · 6 months
OH MY GOSH I SAW UR POST ABOUT WANTING ANI FLUFF REQUESTS so i’m gonna just spit shit out into your inbox okay anyways
playing with his hair and he’s like all in love and he’s like laying on you right and then he like flips his body over and starts kissing you and saying how much he loves you and shit OHBMYFUCKINGGOD
thats like so basic but
Sweet Everythings | Anakin Skywalker (x gn!reader)
Admissions, cuddles, and kisses.
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On the rare occasion that Anakin has a day off, he is absolutely spending it with you. He sneaks over to your apartment early, as quietly as he can manage but his arrivals always stir you out of your sleep.
When you groggily call out to him with tired eyes, his reply is always the same. "It's just me, angel. Go back to sleep." Anakin slips himself beneath your sheets, sidling up to you on the warm side of the bed. He drops a soft kiss to your shoulder while wrapping his arms around you and bringing your back to his firm chest. "My love," he whispers.
"Mmm," is all your foggy mind can conjure.
"You are my everything," Anakin says. "Every day I don't see you, I am yearning for you. I think about you on the battlefields, the promise of your love is what gets me through even the toughest of missions. I would leave it all for you, my angel. I think about it often..." Anakin's voice trails off.
You let him lull you back to sleep with sweet nothings. Or rather, sweet everythings. When he expresses how much he loves you, how much you mean to him, it is not nothing.
"I would leave the Order if you asked me to," is the last thing you remember Anakin saying before fully falling asleep.
You would never ask him to do such a thing— leave the Order. You know he is conflicted about many aspects of the War, the Jedi Way, the Prophesy, the attachment to you he's not supposed to have. But Anakin is a good Jedi. He is a good Master to Ahsoka and he is a good commander to the 501st. You would never ask him to leave the Order for you and you hate that he thinks you want him to.
Or perhaps it is what he really wants... and he needs you to be the reason for him to finally walk away.
When you awake up, Anakin's legs are tangled with yours. His head is on your chest, rising and falling as you breathe. You comb your fingers through his bed-head, detangling the knots in his dirty blonde waves. A rather firm pull awakes him up.
"Ow," he mumbles.
You grin. "Sorry, Ani."
"S'okay," he sighs. He lays his arm over your tummy while peppering kisses above the seam of your bed shirt. Warm lips against warm skin, your calming scent of Lavandula infiltrating his senses. "I love you, anyway." Anakin traces his lips over your clavicle and the early intimacy makes your whole nervous system send shocks to your nerve endings. Every little touch is heightened. You feel every kiss deep in your bones, his hands feel impossibly large on your hips as he crawls on top of you.
Anakin lays his full weight on you which makes you wheeze out a puff of air. "You're crushing me!"
"Nuh uh," Anakin replies. "If I was crushing you, you wouldn't be able to talk."
You roll your eyes, playfully hitting his shoulder. "Get off of me, you oaf!"
That gets him sitting up. Anakin's pretty face is contorted into a not so pretty face as he exclaims, "Oaf?!"
"I said what I said."
"Take it back."
"No," you jut your chin up in protest.
Anakin frowns. "Take it back or no kisses."
Oh, now that is something you simply cannot gamble. To not kiss Anakin is like Tatooine with only one sun— unimaginable. It's only a joke, but a knot of sadness forms in your throat. There are many rotations in which you can't kiss Anakin. Weeks upon weeks when he is away on a mission and you have little communication with him.
Those bouts are the toughest— when you are missing Anakin with your entire being and you can't be consoled by even your closest friend because not even she knows of your relationship.
Anakin can sense the uneasiness in you. Plus, the way your face falls is a clear indication that you are upset. "Hey," Anakin shifts off of you and props himself on his elbow. He runs the back of his fingers over your cheek as he wonders what he said wrong. "You know I was only joking, right?"
"I know," you sniffle. "It's dumb."
"It's not dumb, my love. What is bothering you?"
"Oh, Ani," you tuck his hair behind his ear with a smile. "You know I would never ask you to leave the Order for me."
The crease between Anakin's eyebrows deepens. "What are you..."
"It's hard to be away from you sometimes," you bite the inside of your cheek. Anakin absently draws on your skin with his mechanical limb. "Okay, all of the time. It's hard to be away from you every time we are apart. Encrypted files are never enough. Our stolen moments in the Temple are never enough."
Where you're going with this starts to terrify Anakin. Anxiety creeps into his bloodstream, heart rate ticking up as he fears he's about to lose the greatest, most wonderful thing in his life.
"But this," you say, grabbing Anakin's hands. "Ani... we are enough. It is the most sweetest thing to be loved by you, Anakin Skywalker. And I would go through hell or high water to keep you in my life. But I will never take you away from the Order if that is not what you truly want."
"I- I didn't realize you were awake when I said that. It's just something I have been meditating over. Do you know how happy you make me? I didn't know love until I met you." Anakin has somehow maneuvered himself on top of you once again. His nose brushes yours as your breath becomes one in the space between you. "If I were to leave the Order, it would be so that I could love you freely. Because you, my love, are all I ever want."
Anakin lowers his lips over yours, nothing over the top or too intense. It's just pure love. Poetry in motion as your lips move against each other. Anakin wraps his arms around your back and rolls you over so you're sitting on top of him. You cup his cheeks to press yourself even closer to him. There is nowhere else either of you would rather be.
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anakin masterlist
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itgetsdark-x · 6 months
Hey, I have a little idea, that I just can't get out of my head.
Joel is trying to teach the reader how to play the guitar riff of "the chain" by Fleetwood Mac, but the reader gets a bit too distracted by Joels finger movements, which he notices, teases the reader with a cheeky smirk preferably like something similar to "darling you're focusing on the wrong thing". Once he sees that the reader is blushing, he sets down his guitar, takes the readers guitar and they just do it in the living room, just because they're so caught up in the moment. Then after the deed, he let's out a snarky remark on how the reader is easily distracted (honestly I don't even know how should the remark sound, like "next time focus on the strings and not the lingering fingers") [I'll just leave it up to you], but yeah the reader promises that she would be more attentive next time and they both start wheezing, because she's already making promises that she wouldn't be able to keep. The end 🥰
PS. And bless you and your writing, the writing is absolutely astounding, the way you capture pure emotions is phenomenal, the dialogues between characters too. Everything is mind-blowing, most of the time I find myself taken aback by it 😚. Thank you!!
A/N: please forgive the fact this has been sat in my inbox for literally months, I am so sorry!! <3 I’ve had so much on recently I just haven’t had the time to write so also please forgive the fact this sucks, I feel so outta touch! Nevertheless, here is your request and I hope I’ve done it justice, somewhat as the prompt was amazing!!
Summary: you love music, almost as much as you love watching your friend, Joel, play the guitar. When you’re stuck learning a song, Joel is there to lend a hand, in more ways than one.
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, it’s just smut, unprotected p in v, mentioned age gap, mild choking, oral (m receiving)
Characters: Joel Miller x (f) reader
Word Count: 3.6k
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You sighed heavily, the breath from your lungs exhaling loudly in frustration as you threw your guitar down on the old couch in anger.
“What’s got you in a tiffy, darlin’?” Joel asked, peering his head round the corner so he could look at you.
“Can’t learn this fuckin’ riff in The Chain, y’know by Fleetwood Mac?” You groaned, slumping back into your seat and closing your eyes.
“Yeah, I’m from that era of music, darlin’. I’m well aware of the song.” He chuckled dryly and leant up against the wall of his lounge so he could admire you. “Would you like some help? I know the song and could teach you, if you like?” He said kindly.
“Really? Would you?” You grinned. “God, Joel! Yes! Thank you, you’d really by saving my life. I promised the band we would play it at our next show in a few day’s but actually didn’t realise the riff would be quite so hard. Sorry I know we said we would just hangout tonight and listen to music but this has got me all frustrated.”
Joel just smiled at you softly before he left the room to grab his own guitar. The two of you had been close friends for a while. Not long after you had moved to town, you stumbled into a local bar and saw this somewhat gruff-looking guy strumming his guitar at the open mic night. It took you to go to the same bar and see him three more times before you even grew the courage to say hello to him. There was an instant attraction between the two of you but you never quite built up the courage to become more than close friends, you spent a lot of time together and there always felt like more lingered in the air but you always managed to repress those feelings. Still, here you were now, you both seemed to just slot into one another’s life and routines seamlessly and without further words of your feelings for one another.
He reappeared with his, much nicer, and newer guitar; he gestured for you to scoot across the couch and pick up your own guitar. There was an evident age-gap between the two of you but you both bonded over your love or music and still, even still, it’s what you both loved the most.
“Okay, so,” Joel started and sat down on the couch next to you.
You turned yourself and crossed your legs so you could watch the male and follow his instructions. You picked up your own guitar and followed suit in Joel’s fingers positions.
He peered over at you with a soft smile, it was the sort of smile that hooked you from the instant you set your eyes on him; the kind of smile you wanted to drown yourself in forever. Just as quick as you saw yourself staring at the male, you diverted your gaze to his fingers once more and focused on your own positioning.
“You wanna put your fingers like this, strum, strum, switch, strum, switch…” Joel was instructing but your brain felt as if it had turned to mush.
This felt like it was the first time you properly took in the older male’s form and you could feel your cheeks heating up; you watched as Joel’s thick fingers moved effortlessly to play the riff that you had been struggling with. He continued to play and the soft chords filled your ears.
Your mind wandered filthily as he did so; you stopped trying to play along as you watched his fingers move, imagining what they would feel like touching you, feeling you, even what they would feel like inside of you. You shifted awkwardly in your seat as the familiar throb of lust swept through your body.
You imagined how it would feel to have Joel’s fingers tracing down your body softly, so incredibly softly until they were hooking inside your panties to gentle caress yo—
“Darlin’,” Joel coughed, drawing your attention back to the room. “Seems to me you’re focusing on the wrong thing…”
“What?!” You asked loudly, directing your gaze back to the smirking male in front of you. “Oh, I — uh — you,” you muttered. “Good technique.” You managed to get out with deeply flushed cheeks.
“Good technique, huh?” He chuckled. “You’re blushin’ quite a bit there.” Joel remarked with a smug smirk as he placed his guitar down on the floor away from the couch.
“N-no I am not!” You defended weakly, staring at the male once again with widened eyes as he took your guitar. “Wait, w-what are you doing?” You asked meekly.
“I’m doing what I shoulda done that night you first spoke to me.” Joel whispered, moving closer to you now.
He put your guitar on the floor, with his own and closed the distance between you; one of his strong hands held your face as he pressed a hungry kiss to your parted lips. You couldn’t help but gasp as your brain caught up with what was happening.
You pressed your palms to the males broad chest and gently pushed him away so you could open your mouth to speak once more.
“I don’t wanna ruin anything, Joel. D-don’t be dumb.” You whispered as you leant into the hand on your face.
“Shut up and kiss me, will you?” He laughed dryly before pulling you back in.
Joel manoeuvred your body until your were straddling his lap and you let out a contented sigh as he deepened the kiss; his tongue quickly swept along your bottom lip before it delved into your mouth to fight against your own. Any previous arguments of why you shouldn’t be doing this melted away with each kiss. Your hips shifted in the males lap, your greedy privates needing more friction than you were getting.
Joel let out a breathy laugh and toyed with the buttons on the front of your plaid shirt, he looked up at you to silently ask for permission, to which you gave a simple nod. Within seconds he was exposing your bra-clad chest, he couldn’t contain the deep groan that rumbled from his throat as his fingers fumbled with the fabric to expose more of your skin.
“Look at you, darlin’, so pretty.” He mumbled, attaching his rough lips to the skin of your neck and chest. He peppered soft kisses to the delicate skin and nipped at the doughy flesh of your breast.
You let out a soft moan, it was a small noise but it only encouraged Joel further; he unhooked your bra and let your bare breasts fall free from the constricting fabric. Your chest heaved, your skin was flushed and you wriggled in Joel’s lap; you weren’t sure what to do with your hands or even your body, you were fixed in the spot and you couldn’t tear your eyes away from Joel’s hands again. Only this time, they were massaging at your sensitive tits, he pinched his fingers over your hardening nipples and he toyed with the sensitive buds.
“Fuck, Joel. Please, I need way more than this. Please.” You breathed, watching him still.
“Yeah?” He groaned, his cock throbbing painfully in his worn jeans. “You need more? I see the way you’re still watching me, baby girl. You wanna watch as I play with your pretty pussy?”
Your breath caught in your throat at Joel’s question, you never imagined he could sound any sexier but there he was, filth falling from his lips as he played with your tits. With such nonchalance, he might as well have asked you how you like your coffee in the morning. You nodded eagerly, unable to string an answer together and Joel just chuckled.
“Get out your jeans and panties for me then. Then, just wait, since you got such a thing for watching my hands why don’t I let you watch properly?” He smirked.
You did as you were instructed, you stood from the sofa and stripped yourself of your remaining clothes and you kicked the discarded articles of clothing to the side with your waylaid guitar. You draped your arms over your chest, feeling overly exposed compared to Joel who was still fully dressed. Joel pushed the coffee table in the middle of the room until it was a further distance away from the sofa and he swiftly took the mirror off of the wall; he rested it up against the edge of the coffee table so that it was positioned opposite the sofa.
“What are you doing?” You asked a little nervously.
“You’ll see, darlin’. Now how ‘bout you come help me get outta these clothes?”
You didn’t hesitate for a second longer and you were on the male in a flash, your hands clawed at Joel’s T-shirt as you haphazardly pulled it over his head before you moved onto unbuckling his belt and helping him out of his jeans and boxers.
His cock sprung free from the restraints of his boxers and you instantly felt yourself flutter around air, you craved any part of the older male you could get your hands on.
Joel hissed softly as the cool air hit the tip of his swollen cock, the pre-cum already beading at his slit. You swallowed roughly as your eyes drank in the male in front of you, your soft hands stroked over his broad chest with a smile.
“C’mon darlin’, sit on the floor for me.” He said softly and you nodded compliantly.
You sat on the floor, a little way from the sofa and you couldn’t help but cover your modesty as you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror across from you. Joel tutted as he sat himself behind you, he spread his legs and pulled you back until you were flush against him.
“Look at you,’ Joel breathed, turning your face to look at the both of you in the mirror. “Look at how beautiful you look for me, spread your pretty little legs for me.” He held the tops of your thighs to gently pull your legs up, he stroked down your leg and pushed them open at your knees.
You wanted to close your legs, you wanted to look away but Joel had you captivated, you caught his gaze in the reflection opposite you and you smiled softly at the man.
“Don’t be shy, baby girl, you’re so beautiful, you should see yourself as I touch you.” He breathed against your neck before he peppered soft kisses there.
Your cheeks were glowing and any words you wanted to say had died long ago in your throat, you were completely hypnotised by the older male. You watched intently as his large hands stroked over your body, his fingers lightly danced over your inner thighs and you couldn’t help the way your body shook under his gentle touches.
“Stay still for me, princess.” He cooed with a soft laugh.
“C-can’t… Need you so bad and you’re teasing me.” You whined petulantly.
“No patience, huh?” He asked, nipping at your neck with a smile when you gasped.
“Joel! Please!!” You huffed as his fingers ghosted over where you wanted them the most.
You couldn’t help the way your legs instinctively spread further at his teasing fingertips which caused the older male to let out a breathy laugh.
“Atta girl, you get the idea. You wanna watch my fingers so bad, watch how they’re gonna play with your cunt.” He whispered lowly into your ear which caused your body to shudder.
Joel kept his eyes locked onto yours in the mirror’s reflection as his fingers finally fell to where you needed them most. He brushed his fingers through your damp slit, collecting your apparent arousal on them and he cocked a brow at you in the mirror.
“Hm,” he hummed happily. “This all for me, darlin’?”
You nodded weakly, just a small gasp escaping from your parted lips as Joel’s thick digits finally settled on your throbbing clit. He began to move his fingers in small circles and you were caught, entirely captivated and at his will, you couldn’t tear your eyes away from the reflection unfolding in front of you.
Somewhere in the back of your mind you knew you should be ashamed, should close your legs and cover your modesty but Joel had rewired your brain; him and his stupid hands. His perfect, thick and magical hands. The hands that almost had you shaking already.
“You like that, sweetheart? Like watching my fingers play with your clit?” He asked smoothly, his breath fanning against your neck as he stared at you in the mirror.
You opened your mouth but the only sound that slipped from your lips was a shaky moan which just egged Joel on further; his fingers started to circle your sensitive bundle of nerves quicker and you felt your stomach start to flutter and tense.
He kept that same, smug smirk plastered over his face as he effortlessly sped his fingers up, he occasionally let his lips drop down and kiss at the sensitive skin of your neck. Your head began to lull back as Joel’s fingers worked quickly, to edge you closer to your release but he simply tutted at you.
“Nope, baby girl, you need to watch yourself as I make you cum, need to watch you shaking for me as you cum for me.” He whispered.
You forced your head upright, the overwhelming pleasure making your limbs feel heavy. Joel dipped his fingers lower so he could insert two into you, albeit slightly awkwardly but it was enough, you could feel his thick digits stroking your spongy walls.
With every move of his fingers, the heel of his palm nudged against your clit; the room was filled with your breathy moans, Joel’s soft encouragements and the obscene squelching of your wet pussy.
“J-Joel, I’m not gonna last. Feels, fuck.” You whimpered, your fingers clawing at the flesh on Joel’s legs. “Feels so fucking good, fuck.” You cursed.
“Atta girl, cum for me; look at me in the mirror, look into my eyes as I make you cum.” He growled possessively.
You nodded, your mouth hung agape and just as Joel curled his fingers upwards, you felt yourself clench around him. He removed his fingers from inside you and went to quickly rub over your clit as you shook through your orgasm. You felt your stomach curl as your walls clenched and then you felt the first few spurts of squirt leave your body, hearing the soft splashing noise as it hit the floor.
“Oh fuck, Joel — I’m, I’m sorry. I’ve never done that before. I’ll clean it up.” You breathed, closing your legs in embarrassment.
“Don’t you dare.” He smirked. “You don’t even realise how hot that is.”
Your cheeks flushed out of embarrassment and you smiled at the older male in the mirror, dropping your legs once again and seeing the mess you had made. No man before had ever made you feel as good as Joel did, your mind began to race just how amazing he would feel if he was in a better position and you weren’t sure if you would even be able to take it.
“Now,” Joel smiled over your shoulder, nipping at the flesh playfully. “Why don’t you sit in my lap, facing the mirror so you can see my cock sliding in and out of your tight pussy?” He challenged with a raised brow.
You nodded dumbly, you honestly couldn’t believe this was your friend, the charming gentleman who would help elderly people at the store, the one that plays gently with his niece; yet here he was, dominant and filthy.
You moved out of the way so Joel sit with his back against the sofa more and close his legs, he gave his throbbing cock and few strokes with the same hand he had inside of you moments ago. You couldn’t help but stare again, you were captivated and completely mesmerised by him; it was intoxicating.
You moved once again so you could position yourself, hovering above Joel’s cock, he held the base of his member to guide it into your tight hole and then he squeezed your hips roughly. Your eyes fluttered closed as Joel lowered you into his lap, his length felt impossibly long and thick, you could feel your walls stretching around him until you were completely bottomed out on him.
“Joel, fuck, so—“ you breathed out. “So big, Jesus.”
“I prefer being called Joel, but hey, I’ll respond to Jesus.” He teased, squeezing your hips. “So tight baby girl, so good for me.” He muttered, urging you to rise before sinking down again.
You rolled your eyes at the male but started a steady rhythm, lifting yourself and sitting back down continuously; Joel felt incredible, better than anyone you had been with before, with every time you lowered yourself, you could feel the thick tip of his cock nudge against your g-spot, you felt like you were seeing stars. Completely cock drunk on the older male.
“I can’t keep this up, my legs are shaking already and I feel like I’m gonna cum again.” You whispered, looking at Joel’s blissful, pleasured face.
“Come on, just a little bit more for me, just a bit more.” He groaned as he took his hands to hold onto your tits once again.
You shook your head, took one of his hands and wrapped it around your throat. “Like this.” You instructed.
“Fuck.” He groaned. “You’re trouble, darlin’.” He smirked and gently squeezed your throat as you continued to ride him.
You clenched around him in response, soft moans falling from your parted lips. Joel used his other hand to find your clit once again, his calloused fingers circling it expertly. You watched his fingers again in the mirror and that’s all it took; your eyes drank in the erotic scene. The older males hand around your throat, his fingers playing with your clit and his cock plunging in and out of your hole. You sank into his lap and circled your hips as you came around him, with a wrecked moan.
“Good girl, good girl, good girl.” Joel cooed in your ear, the praise sending shocks through you as you rode out your orgasm.
Joel released your throat and removed his fingers from your oversensitive clit as he let you regain your composure once again. He gently got you off his lap as you got your breath back.
“Let me sort this out.” You smirked, wrapping your hand around his cock.
“Hmm?” Joel smirked.
You spread his legs, and knelt between them and without another word, you sucked the males length into your mouth, sinking down until it hit the back of your throat.
Joel let out an animalistic groan and instinctively wrapped his fingers into your hair to steady himself from bucking up into your mouth. He looked at the reflection in front of him; his hair-covered chest was already heaving with effort as you started to bob your head in his lap. And then there was your body; your perfect body, with all its curves and lines, he watched as your ass moved with each bob and every now and then, he could catch a glimpse of your wet pussy.
You sank your mouth lower until your nose was buried in the thatch of dark hair at the base of his cock, your senses were filled with Joel, he scent was heady and intoxicating but even amongst all of that; you could taste yourself on the male, normally it would make your stomach turn but with him, you couldn’t get enough. You were eager to please him and you worked your mouth quicker, wrapping a hand around the base to move in sync with your mouth.
“I’m gonna cum, fuck, please don’t stop that, please don’t stop.” The older male moaned, his words almost sounding like a pleading whimper.
His fingers tightened in your hair as you pulled your mouth off with a pop. You looked up at the male through your lashes and flashed him a devilish grin.
“Cum on my face.” You stated bluntly as you stroked him quicker.
Joel was left speechless, he was dumbfounded as he watched you stick your tongue out, waiting to receive his load. You stroked him, your thumb brushing over the tip of his cock and that’s all he needed, his fingers still tangled in your head as his cock twitched; thick ropes of his cum hitting your tongue, painting your cheeks and chin.
You smirked at him and swallowed down his load with a soft moan. Joel’s head fell back onto the sofa and you sat back on your heels, face a total mess and feeling sticky with sweat all over.
“Fuck me.” Joel groaned, rubbing his face with his hands. “That was…”
“Unexpected?” You offered up with a soft laugh.
Joel laughed and looked back up at you, his cock twitched as he watched his load dribble down your face.
“Let me get you a cloth.” He laughed and kissed the top of your head before leaving the room.
He returned shortly after, as you were wiping your face and regaining some decorum, he put his mirror back up on the wall.
“How ‘bout we both go shower and then I actually teach you how to play that damned song? And how ‘bout this time, you don’t get distracted as easily on my fingers, hm?” He teased.
“Ugh, you’re the worst. Maybe don’t have such nice hands?” You retorted, pushing past him to run upstairs.
Maybe it was time for you to find a new guitar teacher.
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buckymorelikefuckme · 2 years
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i ♡ caulk
inspired by a tweet i saw ages ago and have since lost rip.
steve rogers x bimbo reader
words: 2.3k
a/n: there is definitely an overuse of italics in this so i apologize in advance lol. any and all mistakes are my own! header made by me, and yes, graphic design is my passion, thanks for asking :') pls leave some feedback or come chat in my inbox!! ♡
part 2 ❀
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The sound of high heels clacking against the concrete floor of the hardware store is more than a little unusual. Steve almost doesn’t register it at first, thinking maybe it’s part of the music playing overhead, but when the song changes and he still hears it, he glances up with a frown. He certainly isn’t expecting the sight that greets him.
The heels make perfect sense now. Steve’s eyes trail up from sparkly pink toenails showcased in strappy heels to, somehow, an even pinker flared mini skirt that is doing a fantastic job of showing off your legs, and a cropped fitted tee that reads MILF IN TRAINING across the front in, you guessed it, pink glittery letters. Everything about you is just… pink.
He doesn’t want to admit it aloud, let alone think it, because he tries not to judge based on appearance, but you look a little lost. Your doe-eyed gaze flits from one end of the store to the other, glossed lips pursed in thought.
Steve doesn’t mean to stare, honest, it’s just that you’re so dainty and bright in a way this dull, musty smelling hardware store isn’t. He doesn’t think he’s seen eyelashes that long before and he briefly wonders if they’re real. The tint to your cheeks definitely isn’t, but he thinks it's pretty regardless.
He shakes his head to clear his thoughts; that’s not important. What is important is that he does his actual job and helps a customer who needs it.
He wipes his suddenly sweaty palms on his ugly, orange work apron and is about to make his way over to you, but you spot him before he can. A smile spreads across your shiny lips and you quickly walk to where Steve’s been restocking boxes of nails, your perfectly styled hair bouncing with each step. Or, well, he was restocking the nails, until he caught sight of you.
“Hi,” you say in a relieved tone. He opens his mouth to say hello in return, but you continue before he gets a chance. “Could you please show me your caulk?”
Steve chokes on nothing, a startled cough wheezing out of him. “I-I’m sorry, what? My what?”
You tilt your head curiously, brows pinching slightly in a frown. “Your caulk? You know, the like, long thingy with the sticky, white stuff inside? Gets hard as it dries…?”
The hand gestures you’re using do not help the heat from rushing to Steve’s cheeks or his blood pressure that is suddenly skyrocketing.
“I… Ma’am, I-I don’t think—” he starts sputtering until you cut him off again.
“I really need it,” you say, almost whining, cocking your hip as you begin to explain, “because, like—okay, so, my apartment is nice, right? I totally managed to snag one of the better ones, and my friend said that I wouldn’t be able to because it’s, like, impossible to get a good one in the building I’m in, but once I spoke to the landlord he was super sweet and let me choose whichever one I wanted. Isn’t that, like, so cute? But anyway, it could definitely be nicer, especially after I noticed that the caulking around the bathtub needs some serious retouching, so, like, that’s why I’m here.”
Steve blinks a couple times to process the rapid pace of sentences thrown at him, and when it finally registers, he nearly smacks his own forehead.
“Oh!” Relief floods him so quickly he nearly collapses. “Caulk, you need caulk.” He probably over enunciates the word, but Jesus Christ. “Wow, okay, that… that makes much more sense,” he says, shoulders relaxing as he lets out a sigh.
“What did you think I meant?” you ask in confusion.
His cheeks flush anew as he clears his throat. “Uh, nothing, it’s nothing. If you’ll follow me, I’ll take you to the—the caulk.”
“Thank you so much,” you gush, smiling widely.
He checks that you’re still following probably too many times, considering the click-clacking of your heels is prominent behind him, but you only grin happily when you see him looking. He takes note of the stares from other men, even some women, and is curious if you notice them, too, or if you just don’t care. You certainly carry yourself with the utmost confidence, your head held high and shoulders set in a gentle, relaxed slope. Steve admires it and maybe even envies it a little.
Which isn’t to say that he lacks confidence. He just sometimes still feels like that scrawny kid he used to be.
He almost walks past the right section, having let his mind wander, but he’s quick to direct his feet to the shelves that hold what you’re searching for.
“Is there a specific brand you’re wanting, or…?” he trails off, cocking an eyebrow curiously.
“Whichever one is the best,” you say sweetly.
Steve grabs the brand he personally thinks is better than the others and hands it over with a polite smile.
“Do you need a caulk gun, too?” he asks.
You wave a dismissive hand. “Oh, no, I have a pink one at home.”
Somehow, that doesn’t surprise Steve in the slightest, but all he says is, “Great! Is there anything else I can help you with today?”
You get a twinkle in your eyes, your smile turning playful at the corners of your lips. It makes him squirm a little in a way he’s not entirely sure he hates, like the anticipation of your reply could make or break him, and he finds that he wouldn’t mind staying in your presence a little longer. Your response, though, gets cut off by a random man behind you.
“I could do a better job helpin’ you out, baby,” he says suggestively, not even attempting to hide his lust as he leers at you.
You spin on your heel in a flash, hair swishing around your shoulders and sending a rather pleasant waft of what’s either your shampoo or perfume in Steve’s direction. The short skirt you're wearing fans out with your spin as well, riding up almost dangerously high. Your grin is now sharp, edgy, and your eyes are piercing in a way they haven’t been in the brief moments Steve has been around you, and he takes a cautious step back.
“First of all, worry about helping yourself with that receding hairline you’re sporting, big guy. Second of all, we weren’t talking to you, so you should mind your business. And lastly, if you ever speak to me again I’ll have this nice man beside me show me where the chainsaws are and I’ll chop off your fucking dick. M’kay?”
The man scoffs. “Bitch,” he grumbles under his breath.
Steve frowns and is about to tell him off for calling a lady a bitch, but you giggle and he stops in surprise.
“Takes one to know one, baby.” Your tone is mocking yet deceptively sweet as you give him an obvious once over. “I can see that ugly silver band on your left ring finger,” you note with a cute wrinkle of your nose, “so why don’t you get the rest of the shit on your honey-do list and head home to your, undoubtedly, extremely unsatisfied wife and leave other women alone.”
A snort of laughter sneaks out of Steve before he can stop it. The man, now red in the face, huffs before stomping away, wisely choosing not to say anything else.
“Tell her to call me if she ever needs a girl’s day!” you sing-song to his retreating back, smiling in satisfaction when his shoulders hunch higher and his pace picks up.
Steve is biting back his own smile, but his inner old man shoves his way to the forefront of his mind and demands to offer unsolicited advice.
“You know, you ought to be careful,” he advises. “Some guys won’t just walk away like that.”
You seem both amused and touched by his concern. “I can take care of myself,” you assure, flicking your hair, adding, “Plus, I have, like, a gazillion self defense keychains.”
You reach into your purse and pull them out, each one of them pink, sparkly, or leopard print, clinking noisily against each other. You pick out a specific one that looks like a castle, putting your fingers into the holes and holding it up for Steve to see.
“This one is like, super stabby,” you explain.
“The tips definitely look sharp,” he concedes, taking note of all the other defenses held together in your small hand.
Part of him wonders if you’ve ever used any of them, but a larger part of him sincerely hopes you haven’t. He clears his throat.
“Well, I guess I’ll leave you to it. Let me know if you need help with anything else.”
He pastes on a polite smile and takes one last look at you, sighing wistfully internally, then heads back to finishing restocking boxes of nails. He’s hoping the monotony of the repetitive task will bring him back down to earth after such an interesting altercation.
You’re certainly a bundle of contradictions. Your appearance is all pink and sparkles and ruffles galore. Anyone giving you a passing glance would think like Steve did at first.
I doubt there’s much going on in that pretty, little head.
Of course, Steve feels guilty now. He should know better—not only because his Momma raised him right, but because people also make assumptions about him and his appearance too. Over six feet tall, broad shoulders, big muscles… He’s definitely had to deal with his share of rude people. However, he doubts any of his encounters hold a candle to yours.
He sighs to himself as he grabs the last of the boxes and places them neatly on the shelf. If he’d been braver, he would have asked you out. You’re very beautiful; kind of like a fairy or a princess, or… something. Definitely something like that. Damn. He really screwed the pooch on this one.
“Excuse me?”
Steve stills, heart picking up pace as he turns to see you smiling up at him. You’ve got a plastic bag with the store’s tacky logo on it resting in the crook of your elbow with your purchase inside.
“Yes?” he croaks. He coughs lightly and hopes his ears aren’t as red as they feel. “Did you need something else?”
You cock your hip again, twirling some of your hair around your finger, looking at him through your lashes.
“Yes,” you pout. “I was wondering if you knew where I could find this guy.” Steve’s stomach drops to his toes. “He’s got these like, stupidly pretty blue eyes, a very attractive beard, sandy blonde hair I can’t wait to sink my fingers into, and he’s about this tall.” You bite your lip as you step closer and hold your hand up, measuring Steve’s height with it. He gets another whiff of that tantalizing scent coming off of you and it kicks his heart right back into overdrive.
“What… What did you need him for exactly?” he asks carefully.
You drop your hand as you hum in thought. “Well, I thought we’d start with a date, but I’m open to almost anything,” you say, your smile turning sly.
“Oh,” he says faintly. “I, uh. I think he’d be okay with that.”
You giggle and fuck, he wants to hear that again.
“Good,” you reply as you tuck your hair behind your ear.
“Just for clarification’s sake,” Steve rushes out, “we’re talking about me, right?”
You let out more giggles (oh god) and cover your mouth with your tiny hand and Steve melts. He feels his own lips stretching into a grin, chest fluttering.
“Of course, you silly billy.” You’re still smiling as you reach into your purse, rummaging around and extracting a pen with feathers on the end of it and a tiny, glittery notebook. You scribble something down and rip the piece of paper out. “Call me?” you ask as you hand it over.
“Absolutely,” he replies, not believing his luck, staring at the numbers on the paper.
You reach up to tap on his name tag. “Oh, and Steve?”
His eyes are now glued to where your pink nails have trailed down to teasingly swipe back and forth on his pec. He’s pretty sure he mumbles something back to show he’s listening, but who knows, really. You lean in even closer, pressing up on your tip-toes.
“You can treat me like a lady and still fuck me on the first date,” you whisper, your warm breath fanning out across his ear and sending a shiver down his spine. When you pull back to meet his unfocused gaze, you’re smirking. “M’kay?”
He swallows thickly. “‘Kay,” he replies.
You tilt your head and stare at different parts of his face, biting your lip. Steve lets you, terrified to move, otherwise you might say gotcha! and take off. You sigh dreamily and give him a glossy kiss on the cheek. Then you boop him on the nose and step back.
“Ugh, you’re so cute. This is gonna be like, so much fun. I can tell.” He nods dumbly in agreement. “Don’t forget to call me, okay? I’ll be really, really sad if you don’t.”
With a beaming grin and wave, you spin on your heels and sashay away.
“Bye,” he says to the fading sound of your clacking heels, feeling bowled over and utterly lost, but knowing he’d be a fucking idiot to not call you.
With that thought in mind, he digs his phone out of his pocket, never mind the fact that he’s still on the clock and is technically not supposed to have his phone out, and dials your number. He double checks (and triple checks) he’s put it in right, then hits the call button. You answer on the third ring.
Steve is pretty sure he can hear how you’re smiling smugly to yourself.
“So… Are you free tonight?”
“For you? I’m free whenever, handsome.”
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leviathans-watching · 10 months
I saw your misc Headcannons of the brothers. I would totes read the dateables if/when you do them! I've been following you for a while now and love your content!
misc hcs of the dateables
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includes: dateables, luke
wc: .5k | rated g | m.list | pt. 1
a/n: ty for requesting this!! these were just as fun as the others lololol. my inbox is open to chat, req, or leave feedback so come talk w me!
please reblog :-3
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➳ diavolo got really interested in singing and joined a barbershop quartet. as the resident lead singer of the group, he singlehandedly grows the popularity of choral singing in the devildom to never seen before heights. he tries to get barbatos and lucifer to join, but they decline, and now he’s focused on getting luke to see how cool it is and how popular it’d make him. luke also declines, much to diavolo’s disappointment, but he doesn’t let it bring him down, performing with all of his heart at any venue that will take his group.
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➳ barbatos knits. at first, it was to relieve stress and find something to keep his hands busy, but he soon developed a talent and genuine love for the craft and now is most often found with needles and a ball of yarn when he's not actively serving diavolo. he outfits the house of lamentation with scarves and hats before they visit the human world for winter and keeps up a steady supply of socks for those who visit the castle as it gets cold and drafty at night. he’s been looking at sweater patterns lately, as diavolo’s been bugging him to no end for one.
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➳ simeon got in trouble in the celestial realm for taking in animals, and quickly became known ads the guy who ran an unofficial animal rehabilitation center. at first, it was a few cats and a hamster, but then it grew to dogs, a bird, and remarkably, a possum. now, simeon is also allergic to animals, so as one could imagine, he was not only constantly sniffling and sneezing, but also covered in hair and feathers. eventually, he was forced to give up all of his creatures, delegating them to loving human homes and erasing their memory of him to release back into the wild, something he did privately so no one saw his tears.
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➳ solomon keeps trying really hard to make his podcast gain traction, but it never does. despite his deep-seated belief that he’s got endless wisdom and plenty of great lessons and stories, the general public just sees him as another man with too much to say of little substance. he has four listeners, three of which are him, and the fourth is levi, who listens only out of support, not out of any actual enjoyment. to spite him, thirteen starts her own podcast, and is an instant hit, gaining thousands of listeners in the first few months. (at one point, he stops so low as to beg her to let him on, but he flatly turns him down.)
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➳ luke has asthma but is incredibly embarrassed, so he tried to keep it a secret. demons didn’t need to know his weakness anyway! simeon, however, ruined that by announcing it to the whole of house of lamantation when he went over there for a sleepover, so now the brothers send him videos of wheezing chihuahuas at least weekly. he also has a penchant of losing his inhaler, so simeon makes sure to have one kept at the school, castle, and the hol just in case, something that only leads to more teasing.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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morallygreyyn · 2 years
Hii!! Im kinda nervous sending this cause its my first time if u don't mind can i request kurapika x reader when the reader gets injured badly? :D
Its fine if you don't want to btw!!!
lifeless eyes (kurapika x reader)
description: you're mortally wounded during a surprise attack and kurapika thinks he's about to lose the last person he loves in the world...
authors note: okay so this has been sitting in the inbox for a whiilleee so i'm so sorry about that anon! it's a really great request so i hope it's worth the wait! another love was the only song i listened to while writing this tbqh (it hits different at 1am)
warnings: mentions of death, angst with comfort at the end, sad kurapika </3
word count: 1.5k
requests are open!
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You looked down with abject shock at the knife impaling your chest. Your attacker ripped the knife out again, grinning as he licked the blade clean. 
You couldn’t feel your wound at first, though you assumed that was the adrenaline. Deciding that this was probably going to be your last fight, you took advantage of the adrenaline rush and fought back, subduing the bastard as efficiently as you possibly could.
The blood was pouring down your chest, feeling as if someone had placed you under a running tap of thick, hot water. Your ears were pounding and an awful wave of nausea hit you as you looked down at your wound. 
Kurapika was going to kill you, that is if you didn’t die. Though your chances weren’t looking good. A small part of you worried that Kurapika wouldn't find you in time, that you wouldn’t even get to say goodbye. Another part of you felt guilty that you were leaving him alone.
Your wound was really starting to hurt now, and your body was very rapidly losing energy. Thankfully, you heard a car arrive nearby and a familiar voice call your name. A small mercy, you supposed. You’d be able to say goodbye now.
You could tell the exact moment Kurapika found you, and saw the state you were in. Clinging to life in a dingy alleyway, front caked in blood and leaning against the wall for support.
Kurapika screamed your name, over and over, as if it was the only word he could say. As if it was the only word he knew.
He reached you in nanoseconds, helping you to the ground as the last of your energy left you. Your head was cradled in his lap and you looked up into his brilliant scarlet eyes. You smiled, at least you got to see that one last time too.
“What happened?” He fought to get the words out, unable to comprehend the events that took place in the short time he was parted from you.
Your laugh came out in a chesty wheeze. Breathing was almost becoming like a chore. You had to forcibly drag each breath in and out again, your body refusing to accept the air.
“That’s a good question.” It was a struggle to reply, but you did so nonetheless. “I was caught by surprise.”
“I should’ve been here.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“Leorio is on the way.” Your lover tried to reassure you, although it sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than anyone else. “He’ll help. He can save you.”
You couldn’t tell whether it was you shaking or the boy holding you. “He’ll help you.” He whispered repeatedly, eyes scrunching shut. “Please, please hold on.”
“I don’t know if I can,” It was so hard to breathe, you couldn’t get the air in. “But I’ll try.”
“Please try. Please…” His voice trailed off, as if something within him was breaking. “Don’t go. Not you too.”
You knew you were the one dying and yet, Kurapika’s eyes were lifeless. Such brilliant eyes, too beautiful to look as dull as they did. You wanted to reach out, to see his eyes filled with life again but all your energy was spent trying to swallow one breath after the next.
You noticed Kurapika’s lips were moving however the sound fell on deaf ears, in fact everything grew eerily quiet aside from a light ringing. The Kurta seemed to be looking back and forth between you and the entrance to the alleyway with frantic yet controlled desperation, inaudibly speaking to whoever had arrived. You thought you could see a familiar head of spiky black hair in your peripheral vision but you couldn’t be certain as your eyes were losing focus.
The desire to close your eyes was growing stronger but as if someone knew, there was a hand slapping you back into consciousness. You were vaguely aware of your body being transported from the ground, to a car, to a building. The only thing holding you to your body was that hand that seemed to know when you were fading. 
Time was lost to you and you were unsure of how many hours had passed with you in this state. 
However, at some point you must’ve been allowed to sleep as the next thing you knew, your eyes flew open and miraculously, your vision was mostly clear. 
Letting out a gasp of surprise, you quickly gathered that you were lying in a hospital bed. You looked down, gazing at your chest which was now wrapped in bandages. It still hurt but the relief of being alive dulled the pain slightly.
“Y/n.” Someone whispered your name from beside you, an unmistakable voice. One you loved very much. Turning your head, your blonde lover was sitting beside your bed, looking for all the world as if his prayers had been answered. Upon closer inspection, you realised he was holding your hand.
“I’m alive.” You couldn’t believe it. Meeting Kurapika’s gaze once more, your lips stretched into a grin. “I’m alive.”
“You almost died. Another minute and it would’ve been too late.”
“But it wasn’t too late. Leorio got there in time.” Laughing, you thought about the debt you now owed that eccentric doctor. “I literally owe him my life.”
Kurapika was silent, but the thumb gently rubbing the back of your hand spoke volumes. Some time passed like this, neither of you wanting to break the fragile ecstasy that you were both alive and together. Memories of the life threatening event ran through your mind, one aspect in particular stuck out.
“I felt a hand.” You fought the urge to whisper, looking down at where your fingers were intertwined.
“A hand?” His voice was equally soft.
“Yeah.” You cleared your throat, unable to recall much while you were on death’s door.  “Whenever I felt I was slipping away, a hand would tap me back into consciousness.”
“That was me.” The Kurta moved to sit on your bed, obviously the chair he was sitting on wasn’t cutting it in terms of being close enough. “Leorio told me that it was imperative to keep you awake.”
Kurapika seemed guarded, as if at any second your heart would stop and he would be alone.
“I’m okay.” You confirmed for him, watching his eyes go from wary to cautiously optimistic. “I’m going to live.”
Your lover let out a breath, and then another. You wondered how long you were out for, knowing that Kurapika wouldn’t have allowed himself to rest until he knew you were okay. 
You shuddered to think of the despaired state he must’ve been in when you were still in critical condition. Wanting to comfort him and ease some of his pain, you reached out towards him as much as your wound would allow.
“Don’t move, you’ll agitate it.” Kurapika soothed, guiding your arms back down to your sides.
“Then come here so I don’t have to.” You grinned and a hint of a smile etched its way onto his face. Success. “My left side is fine.”
“You’re still injured.”
“I’m not taking no for an answer.”
“You’re so stubborn.” He huffed, smiling despite himself.
“Yes, so now we can skip the part where we go back and forth until you eventually give up.” You motioned once more for him to join you. “Get your pretty ass over here.”
Laughing lightly, Kurapika gently settled himself next to you, very carefully avoiding your injury. He placed his head on your left shoulder and sighed.
“Much better.” You commented, resting your head on top of his. Kurapika’s hand found yours once more, fingers intertwining with your own.
Silence settled in the room once more, the sound of both of your breathing filling the quiet air. With no prompt, you suddenly felt Kurapika tense beside you.
“I was scared.” He whispered after a moment of hesitation, as if he didn’t want to speak this into existence. “When I saw you in that alleyway, it felt like someone had pulled the world out from under my feet.”
You took a minute to reply. “I actually felt relieved when I saw you.”
“Relieved?” Kurapika didn’t try to hide his confused tone. “I couldn’t do anything to save you, so why?”
“Because I thought I was going to die anyway, so I was relieved I could see you one last time.”
You could hear his sharp intake of breath at your words but he didn’t reply. He didn’t need to, you could guess his thoughts. Kurapika was most likely thinking how you should’ve been hoping for a doctor, that you shouldn’t accept death that readily. You weren’t going to tell your lover that a doctor was far from your mind, that in that moment, he was your only thought.
“I love you, Kurapika.” You mumbled into his hair, thumb gliding across his knuckles. He looked up at you then, eyes brimming with joyous relief. Remembering how lifeless his eyes were upon seeing your dying body, you secretly rejoiced that that wasn’t your last moment.
“I love you too, y/n.” He leaned up to kiss your cheek before settling back down onto your shoulder. “I always will.”
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stcries · 9 months
❝ look how needy and adorable you are for your morning cuddles! ❞ -Roxanne for Megamind BECAUSE SHE'S A LIL SHIT
bed and sleepy prompts, accepting!
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"so whaaaaat, you're the real villain here for not letting me." the way those words seemed to whine off his tongue, emerald hues staring up in tired puppy dog like stare. unless there was an all important evil scheme the megamind had to work on, he would rarely wake up early. but now, life was different, and so was his sleep schedule. but was he adjusting? yes, just a little slowly. his grogginess absolutely played a part in his performance.
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"hmph, you're enjoying this, aren't you?" gaze seems to settle as eyebrows knot slightly, plopping back onto the sheet in an exaggerated way. was he maybe trying to guilt her into it? perhaps a smidge, but with roxanne, it was a gamble if that worked. "this hero stuff is so taxing, c'mooooon." he's inching closer, enough to rest head upon her shoulder, lazily laying there, keeping her grounded as long as possible.
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sea-lanterns · 4 months
.......shit, that's gotta be the best sex joke I've ever seen on the internet (probably not, but it's definitely among the best XD)
Well done, chamomillecamille, well done...
When I saw their thirst in my inbox I wheezed 😭
My fishies are so funny. I’m so weak to bad (good) jokes <3
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creepycassidy · 2 years
weird request but I think you're the only person on tumblr who'd do it right
can you write a the thing rj macready x reader where you play a board game with him in the rec room except he's actually accurate to canon (I e. a huge alcoholic + can't handle losing) tysm
Yes, absolutely yes. I was so pleasantly surprised when I saw this in my inbox and so flattered that you thought I’d write him correctly!! It’s a little long, but I really had fun writing it. There are subtle hints at a relationship between reader and Mac, as well. I hope you enjoy :)
Game Night -
R.J. MacReady x Reader play a board game!!
Warnings: alcoholism, swearing, use of marijuana
Word count: 1.9k
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Sundays at Outpost #31 had recently been dubbed as ‘game night’, and R.J. MacReady, in your humble opinion, was simultaneously the best and the worst person to be partnered up with for it. Earlier, Palmer and Childs had asked you if you wanted to join them for a game of poker with a list of chores on the line. The winner gets to sit on their ass all Monday morning while the others pick up the slack! As tempting as it had been, you’d already made up your mind.
Your hands skimmed over the well-loved edges of each board game as you tried to decide between what hadn’t already been picked over. Battleship, Sorry, Chess, and… Trouble. That was the one.
“Mac. We’re playing Trouble. Trouble in the bubble.” You laughed, setting the board game down on the table between the two of you as you took silent note of the fact that he’d already settled in with a large drink. You shot him a warm smile.
MacReady stretched out his limbs, cracking his joints with a low groan. “About time…” He teased, sitting up in his seat to get a better look at the game in front of him.
Not chess, huh? Well, fuckin’ shit.
“So… why this?” He questioned, subtle disappointment coating his words.
You shook your head and took your seat across from him to start setting up the game. “Because it’s my turn to pick. You got to choose last week and we played chess, remember?” Glancing up at him, you started to place the brightly colored gaming pieces in their spots. “I have dibs on green.”
Mac gave you a defeated shrug.
“Yeah, well… y’know what? You’re just afraid to lose again. That’s what I think.” He laughed, slugging back an indulgent drink before gathering up the red pieces.
His statement couldn’t have been further from the truth, in fact, you had never really understood how Mac got so worked up over these sorts of things. Silly, but in the annoying yet endearing kind of way. You laughed as well, shaking your head in amusement as you rolled your eyes at his petulance.
“Sure,” You countered, motioning towards the board with a nod. “But do you plan on starting? That way we can see who’s actually afraid of losing.”
“MacReady. Don’t be an ass.” A lightly scolding voice came from the left, pulling your attention away from the board to see Garry passing by with two cups of steaming coffee in hand, one of them no doubt for the doc, and a smile on his lips. Between the warm, fuzzy feelings blooming in your chest and the look on the pilot’s face, you erupted into a fit of giggles.
“My thoughts exactly, thank you, Garry!” You wheezed out, blinking back the tears that the laughter had brought to the corners of your eyes.
Mac huffed as he threw up the middle finger in the older man’s direction. “Sure. thanks, Garry.” With the corners of his lips curled up into a subtle smile, he then slammed his hand down onto the plastic bubble in the center of the board.
…and rolled a six, right off the bat.
“Alright, I’m already winning.” He smirked, and then pressed his palm against it again. This time he rolled a five. Grabbing up his whiskey, MacReady took a celebratory sip.
The game went on like this for a few minutes more, with the pilot rolling steady fives and sixes and you creeping up close behind him with twos and fours. The sounds of the other men’s howling laughter and bickering roared in the background, drowned out by your concentration on the board in front of you. By the time all of the pieces were moved out of home and the game was creeping up on a winner, Mac was already drunk, although it came as no surprise to you. Three of his pieces, along with three of your own were in the finish line now, with only three spots separating the man from a win. “Just-“ He paused, bringing a hand up to his mouth to let out a burp as he sat back in his chair, spreading his legs out in a confident sprawl. “Just like I said.”
“Alright, Mac.” You chuckled, eyeing your last green pawn. You were only five moves away from a win, two behind Mac’s own. Taking in a breath, you pressed your hand down onto the bubble and released it with a pop.
A perfect five.
You placed your last piece into the finish line with a satisfied smile, a stark contrast to the look on Mac’s face as you met his eyes.
The look of confidence fell from his smile, warping into one of disbelief and frustration.
“What— what the fuck.” Mac sat up rigidly, gawking down at the board game in pure, pissed-off astonishment. He’d lost. “You cheated, huh?”
You pressed your lips together to fight back an amused smile. “Oh, yeah. Now you know my deepest, darkest secret, Mac. I have to cheat at Trouble to win against you.”
MacReady looked thoroughly unamused as he crossed his arms over his chest tightly.
“Mac… Do you really think I would cheat at a board game?” You sighed, trying your best to console him. “Why would I even do that?”
“Well, hell if I know, Y/N!” The pilot barked as he threw his hands up into the air. “Maybe ‘cause you’ve got something to prove.”
You pinched the bridge of your nose as you felt an oncoming headache creep its way in. Laughing softly, you shook your head at the thought that you would need to prove anything to Mac, let alone that you could win at a stupid board game.
“I didn’t cheat. I just got lucky… that’s all it is.” Your lips curled into a frown at the displeased look on Mac’s face.
Mac stood up from his seat and snatched up the bone-dry glass of J&B. “Okay, whatever. Fine. Fine! This god damn game is stupid anyway.” He grumbled.
“…You need to stop getting so frustrated about these things and snapping at me.” You replied, feeling about as ignorant as they come for letting this upset you. You knew this would happen before you’d even started.
“I’m-“ The pilot scratched his beard, running a hand back through his mussed hair. “I’m not snapping at you,” he snapped. “I’m annoyed with this damn game.”
The two of you stayed silent for a moment, your eyes locked with Mac’s as you gave him a look of disapproval. To make matters worse, suddenly the card games weren’t good enough anymore… you’d caught the attention of Palmer who was watching this all go down from the comfort of the couch.
“What?” MacReady asked pointedly upon realizing you weren’t planning on saying anything.
“You are snapping at me.” you answered calmly.
Mac clenched his jaw and exhaled through his nose.
“I’m going to bed… and getting drunker.”
You sighed deeply. “Okay. Goodnight…” You watched as he gathered up his coat for the trek up the pilot’s shack. “Sweet dreams, Mac. I love you.”
After a brief pause, you heard his faint reply as he slipped out the door and into the freezing tundra. “Yeah… love you too. Goodnight.”
Palmer sprawled out on the couch as he lit up what you swore was his third blunt in the last hour. You assumed it was some sort of celebration, seeing as he’d won the aforementioned game of poker. “Shittt. You really pissed off ol’ Macaroni, man.” He cackled, to which you only responded with a silent shake of your head as you packed up the rest of the game.
In the morning, the outpost was relatively dead other than the sounds of Childs getting a head start on Palmer’s chores on top of his own. The cold tile chilled your feet even through the socks you’d put on last night.
You exhaled through your nose and did what you could to muster up a warm smile when you were met with Mac in the kitchen, who was already rummaging through the fridge for a beer. “Jesus, are we out or what?” He murmured.
“…Hey.” You breathed out, silently hoping that today would be a better day.
Pausing his search for an ice cold beer, MacReady popped his head out from the chill to turn around and face you. “Morning, Y/N.” He cleared his throat, doing a quick brush back through his hair with his fingers.
The silence seemed to grow even thicker as you stared at one another, searching your brains for the right thing to say.
“Do you…” you started slowly as you crossed your arms across your chest. “Do you wanna talk about what happened last night?”
The pilot groaned, squeezing his eyes shut in a grimace. “You wanna admit that you cheated?”
“Mac.” You sighed. Silly as it may be, you felt like you were on the verge of tears. “I didn’t cheat. I just got lucky.” You said once again.
“I’d bet that’s why you wanted to play that game instead of chess.” He countered.
You brought your palm to your forehead in frustration as you moved to pick at the bacon and hash browns that Nauls had cooked up for breakfast. “Alright… how about we just leave it for now?” You conceded, popping a strip or two into your mouth.
The soft sound of skates against tile caught your attention and you looked up.
“Tastin’ alright?” Nauls beamed as he nimbly moved around the kitchen to collect what he needed to start up a pot of coffee.
You nodded. “Yeah, mmhmm. Really good. As always, Nauls. Thank you.”
Leaning against the counter, the younger man looked towards the pilot. “Mac? You ate?” He questioned with a frown.
MacReady barely glanced up from his resumed dig through the fridge to acknowledge the younger man’s presence.
Nauls shot you a puzzled look.
“Mac’s just in a bad mood.�� You explained with a weary smile, causing MacReady to shoot up from the fridge with a beer finally in hand.
“Well, you cheated.” He griped.
Nauls eyes went wide as he looked between the two of you.
“Not- oh, god.” You exhaled sharply. “At a board game, Mac! A board game.” You corrected quickly, turning back towards Nauls with a miserable look on your face. “…and I didn’t cheat!”
Nauls nodded slowly. “Okay, I see how it is. Mac doesn’t like to lose.” He agreed knowingly. “I’ll tell you what, I’m gonna go…” The cook chuckled. “I’ll just, y’know, make this when you guys are done.” He sat the coffee pot back down onto the counter and turned, skating backwards out the way he’d come.
You turned towards Mac once again, who was now taking slow sips of his beer. You quirked a brow. “Isn’t it too early for that?” You teased, hoping to lighten the mood some.
The pilot only huffed in response.
“Okay. I’m sorry. I’m sorry, Mac. Can’t we let this go?” You let out a shaky sigh, your bottom lip trembling slightly. “We can play chess next time, and you’ll win because you always win and-“
“Fine.” Mac agreed, nodding. “Sorry. I’m sorry.”
You stared at him dumbfounded, your mouth hanging open slightly. Sorry? Mac was sorry?
“Okay…yeah.” You swallowed, wetting your dry throat. “Can I… can I have a hug?” Your hands hung at your sides awkwardly, only coming up to wrap around the pilot when you felt a warm arm around your shoulder, pulling you into him comfortably. You let out a satisfied sigh as you let your eyes go shut.
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serickswrites · 1 year
Hiiii Serick! Gotta say, I loved those last one-shots Wash and Walls! Top-tier caretaking right there! <33
I am here to humbly request that you continue that one from that last ask I sent you with the two whumpers that hate each other. I neeeeeed to know what they're gonna do to poor poor whumpee >:3
Of course, no rush to answer, and I don't know when you'll read this but happy holidays to you!
BLUE! BLUE! Yay, I am so glad you enjoyed the answer to the ask you sent me! (I know you wrote this ages ago, I have fallen so behind on keeping up with asks). And thank you for your thoughts on 'Wash' and 'Walls'. They were fun to write, and tbh I was a little proud of them, lol (I am getting a little more confident in my writing these days, sometimes lol). Please always ask away! I fall behind, forget to check my inbox. Prompts really help me sometimes when I'm feeling a little stuck (as I am these days with things irl, it makes writing hard sometimes).
I hope you had a good holiday season, Blue! My colorful friend! Please enjoy part 2 (and however many parts this one ends up being, and if you want it to continue, please send your squicks so that way I don't accidentally give you the ick!)
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7
Warnings: kidnapping, restraints, gag, talk of torture, threat of violence, two whumpers
Any moment now. Any moment now, Whumpee was going to walk by in search of Second Whumper. And then Whumper would pounce. Whumpee would be theirs once more. Theirs and this time there would be no escape.
Because of Second Whumper. Whumper loathed having to work with Second Whumper. Loathed everything about it. But if it meant catching Whumpee, perhaps it was worth it.
Whumper heard Whumpee's soft footsteps before they saw Whumpee. Now was their moment.
Without hesitating, Whumper leapt out of the bushes, arms immediately going around Whumpee. With a snarl, they quickly grabbed Whumpee and leapt back into the bushes.
"LET ME GO! OFF! NOW!" Whumpee roared as they struggled in Whumper's arms.
Whumper struggled against Whumpee. They weren't about to let go of Whumpee. They weren't going to let Whumpee escape. Not this time.
Whumper quickly began to try to bind Whumpee's arms behind their back, putting a knee in the small of Whumpee's back and putting all their weight on their knee to keep Whumpee pinned.
Whumpee still flailed and struggled, but they began to pant. Being held prone made it difficult to breathe. "LET ME GO!" They wheezed, their words becoming softer and quieter.
Whumper grinned as they bound Whumpee's wrists tightly. This was exactly how they wanted Whumpee. They would get Whumpee back to the warehouse and then they could have their way with Whumpee. Bring Whumpee to their knees. Have them begging. Whumper delighted knowing that they had finally won for once.
Suddenly Second Whumper appeared, dirty rag in hand. They shoved it in Whumpee's mouth quickly as Whumper glared up at them. "Can't have them making too much noise," Second Whumper offered when Whumper just stared at them.
They nodded. Second Whumper, loathe as they wanted to admit, was right. "Where's the car?"
Second Whumper smiled. "Just right over there." They knelt down near Whumpee's face. Whumpee glared and struggled around the rag in their mouth. "Ah, ah, Whumpee," Second Whumper cupped Whumpee's cheek softly, "save some of that for me for later. We are going to have some fun."
Tags: @its-getting-worse
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vampsquerade · 2 years
Idk if it sent the first time so I’m trying again lol
Can we get a Bandit/Reader fic where the reader comforts him after one of his nightmares about his time undercover? I think he deserves someone to love and care for him <:3
thank the stars you tried a second time bc there was nothing for bandit in my inbox until you sent this in. thank you for requesting tho! i love bandit’s backstory a lot, so getting to write something like this has always been on my to-do list ^-^
Bandit x Reader: Night Terrors
Trigger Warnings: angst with a happy ending, night terrors, self-hatred, comfort/hurt, mentions of a notorious biker gang, death
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Night terrors were no new thing to Dominic, as he felt he had some sick deal with the Devil after he gave up a part of his soul to stay safe while undercover. The amount of things he did and had to do were the worst you could imagine, and he absolutely hated it. He wished he could make the flooding of those awful memories he sometimes got randomly in the night stop, but he knew he would never get that chance. And once he started dating you, it felt like they only ever got worse and worse. Dominic would always refuse to cuddle you or fall asleep next to you, as his terri’s never really stopped. It was awful, and he didn’t want you to see him like that. You were just a civilian, oblivious to the threats around them, and you never needed to learn of his past double life.
But you insisted, even crying over it because you just wanted to hold him like you had always seen other people hold their partners. And after all that, Dominic caved and decided to let you be with him in his bed for once. The German, who reinforced a wall that was already so impenetrable, let a single butterfly through. You were nuzzled up against him, gently stroking his hair and kissing his neck. Dominic sighed softly, closing his eyes a bit as he began to feel a bit drowsy. “Hey, Dominic?” you ask softly. Regaining his attention, he opened his eyes to look at you, “What is it?” he asked sharply. “Um…I love you…” you say softly. That was the first time either of you ever said those three words to one another at all, and it warmed Dominic’s uneasy heart. He just gave you a slow nod, before then falling asleep.
Dominic, at first, wasn’t restless. His dream, or possible night terror, wasn’t so bad just yet. He saw himself walking down the streets where the Hannover Chapter of the Hells Angels usually met, and he looked down at himself. Dominic was fully dressed in the same attire he usually wore when he was with them, and now he was convinced he was just reliving a memory in his dreamscape. As he walked further and further down the street, he turned to walk into an alleyway and met up with them. It was once he turned the corner where Dominic realized the memory he was currently living.
Dominic was about to kill a man that tried to stop an operation they were doing in the city.
The man in front of him was covered in his own blood, wheezing softly as they held him up. “Finally you’re here! Took you fucking long enough, now hurry up and put this man out of his misery.” one of the men holding him up said. Dominic nodded and walked over to a table nearby, grabbing a gun and loading it. The bloodied man began wheezing more, panicking as he was about to have his life abruptly taken from him by a man who was only doing it to take down this whole operation. Dominic then stood right in front of the man and aimed the pistol right at his face. “P-Please…” the man whimpered, staring up at him with his one good eye.
Dominic sighed and just shook his head, staring down at the man. Though his face was stone cold, his eyes held a pitiful warmth that he’d hoped would guide the man to wherever he would end up. He then clicked off the safety, causing the man to struggle more, then pulled the trigger. Upon the sound of the gunshot ringing out, Dominic woke up and sat up quickly. He put a hand to his chest, panting heavily as he needed to feel like he was himself in his current state. He turned to his side and then saw you staring at him with a worried expression on your face. “Dominic…” you say softly. “I-I’m sorry…I told you this was a bad idea…” Dominic said.
He got himself out of bed and walked towards the kitchen, with you following right behind him. “Dominic, you need to tell me what’s wrong…what did you see in your dreams..?” you ask, grabbing his wrist tightly enough to get him to stop walking, but gently enough to where it was more reassuring. “I…before I joined Rainbow, I was undercover in 2010. I did terrible things in my time, and sure, it got me where I am now, but I wish I never did those things.” Dominic said. “What kind of things..?” you ask softly. “ Anything terrible you could think of, I did most of it.”
Your eyes went wide, but not out of fear, out of pure shock. Dominic was in an organization where that was something he had ti do against enemy forces. But against innocent civilians? You couldn’t even begin to imagine the horrors that plagues his mind. You always had a feeling that the slight goofiness he put up was just a front, and you seemingly found yourself being the one thing that broke through. “You can break up with me if you want, it’s fine…” Dominic suddenly said, breaking the silence between you two. “Dom,” you say, now gently bringing him in for a hug, “I’m not breaking up with you over keeping that a secret. You were doing it to protect me, and I can understand that. But you can’t just bottle your emotions away. We’re partners, we should always be able to tell each other how we’re feeling. I’m not leaving you.”
Dominic sighed, holding onto you tightly. He was shaking like a leaf, terrified of opening up to you about the amount of things he did. “You don’t need to tell me now, but you can tell me when you’re ready. I love you, Dominic.” you reassure, gently rubbing circles into his back. “I love you too, Y/N…I’m so sorry…” he apologized. “Don’t be sorry, you don’t have any reason to be. I would have wished you told me sooner, but things take their time. If anyone should be sorry, it’s me.” you say. Dominic pulled away from your embrace, giving you a confused look, “But why?” he asked. “I was the one who insisted on sleeping next to you.” you say bluntly.
Dominic’s expression softened, bringing a hand up to gently caress your face, “Liebling, don’t worry about all that…you just wanted to spend more time with me a bit more intimately. I should have at least tried a bit more, rather than push you away.” he said. “I just…feel bad about it. Maybe I should’ve been a bit gentler…” you say sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. “Well…let me just drink some water before we go back to bed.” Dominic said, now walking away from you so he could get a glass of water. “If you wake up again, please be sure to wake me up as well. I want to help calm you down and comfort you when you have another night terror.” you say.
Dominic gave you a smile after drinking some water, cleaning his cup before then going and giving you a kiss on the forehead. You smiled, and the two of you went back to his room to sleep. Going under the sheets together, you had Dominic actually be the little spoon for once, and gently helped put him to sleep with words of reassurance and kisses. “Ich liebe dich…” Dominic mumbled sleepily. You let out a soft laugh, smiling, “I love you too.” you say, kissing the back of his neck before you both drifted off to sleep.
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