#What is a nursing practioner
thenursepage · 1 year
What is a Nurse Practitioner? A Comprehensive Guide 2023
Do you want to know what a nurse practitioner is and what they do? In this post, we’ll go over everything you need to know about nurse practitioners, such as what they do, what an APRN is, what APRN stands for, and what a senior nurse practitioner is. What is a Nurse Practitioner? A nurse practitioner (NP) is a highly trained and educated healthcare professional who offers patients general and…
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rodrickheffley · 4 months
ive been sooo distractable lately and my memorys been bad. idk why its moreso than usual....i think it might be because ive let soooo much pile up that im just a ball of stress and avoided obligations that theres no room to remember other tasks
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so-i-did-this-thing · 4 months
Ohio has taken a page out of Florida’s book and is proposing to effectively ban adult transition care via the requirements of numerous specialists - a psychiatrist, endocrinologist, and a bioethicist.
Since most trans people get their HRT from nurse practioners via the informed consent model, this will create undue burden on both trans people and the medical system -- the bottlenecks will effectively ban transition care for adults. This is what has happened in Florida, and Ohio's rules look much more draconian and surveiliance-heavy. All trans healthcare will be reported to the state.
These new rules have not taken effect yet. Trans Ohioans should plan for the worst now.
The rules are open to public comment through 5pm Friday, Jan 19, 2024. The full copy of the rules and how to comment are below:
As a Floridian who saw the writing on the wall and fled his state (my clinic hasn't been allowed to fill HRT prescriptions since May 2023 now) -- do not delay on making preparations. If this is approved, the rules will likely catch everyone by surprise. Start talking with your providers now and plan out your options assuming the ban will take place.
Informed folks to follow on Twitter:
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Weight Loss, Dieting, Medical Shit Goin' On
At the request of @meethisharma , I'm making a big post of like. EVERYTHING I've learned so far since truly trying to lose weight and do better since February of this year. I'm of course going to go into my background as to why I need to lose weight and my life as an obese person, different references I've used to help with my weight loss, dietary changes, THE WHOLE SHEBANG.
So uh. Buckle up, it's a LONG post.
(Also, shout out to Jordan Shrinks over on YouTube, I've followed this woman for years and she is still the biggest inspiration and my favorite fucking person who has helped me shape my routine for weight loss.)
Why did I start trying to lose weight?
I have been obese pretty much my whole life. In high school, I weighed 260-270 lbs. Both of my parents struggled with drug addiction, and that meant that we ate a lot of unhealthy, over processed food as it was the cheapest. I also rarely, if ever, drank water growing up; we mostly had soda in the house, and that's what I drank.
Last year, in May of 2022, I weighed 330 lbs. This was after I had already lost an unknown amount of weight, as I put on a LOT working at McD's given the food was free and I was broke most of the time. This was still not enough for me to start losing weight, but I did start packing my own lunches and at least started eating better. In September, I started my first hotel job, and with the better work and pay, I was finally able to afford insurance for 2023 and start going to doctors like I needed to. I've always had a LOT of chronic issues, but none were ever diagnosed as I really didn't go to the doctor much unless it was an absolute dire emergency.
Timeskip to the first week or two of February, 2023, and I finally get in to see a nurse practioner who will lead me to find my current primary care doctor. I weighed 312 lbs, and she was very... well, blatantly, she didn't even give me the time of day LMAO. She didn't even bother to tell me I was pre-diabetic, I had to find that out from looking at my lab results myself.
Week 3 of February, I get in with the guy who's now my primary care doctor. He's also fat, like I am, and he was also far more direct with me about my situation. As it turned out, I was in like stage 3 hypertension (my blood pressure was 150 smth over 140), I was almost 90% deficient in vitamin D (y'know, the shit that makes your bones HARD), my iron saturation in my blood was in single digits (aka severely anemic, borderline needed a blood transfusion), I was well into my way to being a Type-2 Diabetic (my A1C was 5.8, you need to be 6.4 to be diagnosed), AND... my liver was struggling really, really badly. Side note, he's also a mental health professional, and he's the one who originally diagnosed my severe PTSD and got me in with my therapist.
NEEDLESS TO SAY, I WAS NOT IN THE BEST CONDITION. I was actually well on my way to developing early heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, blood clots, like everything I was the MOST afraid of was what I was about to have. Because I wasn't taking care of myself, I was living off of ramen and fast food and processed as shit food all the time, TV dinners... I'd make a meal out of a family-sized bag of chips or a whole roll of crackers and several slices of cheese.
My doctor was very point fucking blank about my outcomes. I could've died if I did nothing. A really horrible way to die, too. He told me that if I wanted to make changes, he'd get me every resource possible he could to help me, but I had to want the changes if they were gonna stick. Keep that in mind, right? YOU have to want the changes needed.
And that's when everything started.
SO, what did I do to start losing weight? What changes did I make?
Everything. FUCKING everything. My doctor said I needed a low-as-possible sodium diet, so I changed it. I needed to start exercising, so I did. I needed meds and to get into therapy to help deal with my mental health, so I religiously take my meds and I go to therapy as many times as possible each month. He also wanted me to get a daytime job, as my overnights were likely making things worse, and I finally got that done now, too.
A big thing to add here, too: my doctor has not talked to me about BMI. The only thing he has asked me to do is get to 200 lbs. He says so long as I don't drop under 120, he's said it's fine whatever weight I stop on, so long as I get to 200.
But where did I begin? The SIMPLE shit.
I started with ten minute walks. That's it for exercising, I started with TEN MINUTE WALKS. And you know what? It was fucking hard. It still is. It's like pulling teeth sometimes to get me to get up and go take a 30 minute to an hour walk. But don't let these fucking fitness influencers bully you into thinking that if you can't handle pumping iron in the gym for 6 hours straight then you're always gonna be a fat slob or whatever those fuckheads say these days. And, if you don't like walking, if you'd rather lift weights, you can do that too! If you don't want to go to a gym like I don't, order some cheap ones off of Amazon or Walmart. Go cycling or swimming or jumping rope. You don't have to go big and hard into exercise to be healthier. Start small.
Now, diet-wise, I threw myself in it a little too vigorously and I also paid the price of wasting like $50 each payday in shit I didn't eat or still haven't, and I also fucked up my GI tract for a solid month. I was ROUGHING it. Raw-dogged the low sodium diet and it did it back double time, do NOT do what I did. There's gonna be a WHOLE section after this one on dietary shit. Big thing, though? MEAL PLANNING. I don't care if you only meal plan one meal of the day, I only do my damn dinners. Just take time on your day off to batch cook a bunch of shit to be able to eat for one meal throughout the week.
MAKE GOALS. I don't care if the goals you set seem shallow to you or not, make some fucking goals. Keep them on a list you can easily find, especially like on your phone. HELL, keep the list in SEVERAL ways, like a paper on your wall. I have another section planned for like examples and my own goals on down.
AGAIN, start small. Don't go hog wild and try to do an hour a day at the gym to start; that's gonna burn you out and wear you down before you even get started. Also, you don't need a gym to exercise. If you never wanna step foot in a gym, you NEVER have to.
Start with a five to ten minute walk every other day. You don't like walking? Cool, get some cheap weights (or a kettlebell weight) and lift weights for 5-10 minutes. I just recently got a 5lb kettlebell on Amazon for like $8.55 after tax so I can start doing weighted exercises. (NOTE: don't start with big heavy weights. You'll fuck up your muscles and joints. You'll want to research what weight to start with first.)
I think it wassss two weeks of me walking for ten minutes every other day before I moved to 15 minutes? Now, in May, I can go for an hour at a leisurely pace.
My Routine:
45 minute-hour walk at LEAST 4 days a week.
One day of 30 minute power walking or walking-jogging intervals. I walk along the street I live on, and I do 1/3 of the way jogging, the rest walking.
At LEAST one day using resistance band exercises. Resistance bands are like $10 at Walmart, I recommend using a light one to start WHILE AT YOUR HEAVIEST WEIGHT. Resistance bands work by using your own body weight as the resistance, so it's best to start while you're still at the heaviest.
Hoping to work the kettlebell in on at least three days of the week, doing weighted HIIT exercises (high intensity training).
The BIGGEST piece of advice I can give you is to make sustainable changes. The reason diet culture doesn't work is because you can't survive off of diet food for a long period of time, meaning you'll just regain the weight back once you return to a normal diet. Also, carbs are not bad for you. Unless a doctor specifically tells you to lower carb intake, PLEASE do not just suddenly decide to stop eating carbs as you can permanently damage your major internal organs.
Now, I am not on a diet, persay. The changes I've made I plan to keep for the rest of my life. Now, I can only tell you what I do, and not what you should do. I have some formal training in nutrition, and I can give you advice on what not to do, but again, I can mostly tell you what works for me.
NOW THAT THAT'S OUT OF THE WAY, HERE WE GO! I am on a low-sodium diet, meaning I do not add salt to shit. I use Accent, a shit ton of seasoning and spices, and I get my canned food no salt added when I can. I also mainly only eat turkey and chicken (mostly chicken), while beef and pork are like... a treat every once in a while. I also get low sodium canned tuna or like... actually good fish sticks. And, as I live on the Gulf Coast, I get fresh shrimp once or twice a month. I also do NOT add sugar to something unless it's a recipe for like bread to feed the yeast. I get canned fruit in 100% juice, or I get it frozen mostly. If I want to add something to make it sweet, I dump fruit in it. I've also recently been adding like... one packet of splenda ALONG WITH FRUIT to my oatmeal. Tastes p good, do not recommend splenda in coffee. Shit's nasty.
I am also a calorie counter and believer. The easiest way to think of calories is like... energy. One calorie is one unit of energy. I HIGHLY recommend using a couple of calorie calculators to help figure out your daily intake, and I use the My Fitness Pal app to keep track of what I eat, especially as I am prone to boredom eating and binge eating, as I do still struggle with disordered eating. I also keep an eye on my macros (protein, carbs, fats), as well as my cholesterol, sodium, and saturated fat levels.
So, what does Cy do for food? A lot but also... not very much, lol. I am a convenience bitch. I ain't here to cook several times a day and shit, I ain't got time for it. I be makin' shit as easy as possible.
I do often drink protein shakes before or after I walk or have an intense workout. You don't have to, just keep in mind you DO need high protein intake before or after working out, to help your muscles repair themselves. I get the cheap af Purely Inspired brand at Walmart, mix it with frozen fruit and milk in my blender.
PLEASE, GOD, DRINK WATER! Drink plenty of frickin water. Your body has to be hydrated and the more water you drink, the less water your body retains as extra. A bit weird, I know, but take it from me as I carry about 10-12 lbs of water weight a day, and it was a LOT more when I wasn't hydrating properly.
I meal prep one meal a week. It's dinner now, so I take a day I'm off, make a big batch of smth, and separate it into like 5-7 containers, freezing some and fridgerating the others. I post recipes and total costs over on @cylentlycrafting , and I get those cheap ass Mainstays meal prep containers. It's like $5 for 5 of em, and I have like... 3-4 sets.
The main meat I eat now is chicken, as it has the highest amount of protein across all meats. I also pretty much exclusively eat whole grain foods (brown rice, whole wheat bread, whole wheat or brown rice or quinoa pasta), and I keep instant brown rice and instant oats on hand. Listen, I'm an impatient ass mfer, I don't have 45 mins to cook some goddamn rice.
I also luv eggies. And cheese. And dairy. Though I typically get reduced fat dairy products, except milk. Reduced fat sour cream, reduced fat cheese, sometimes reduced fat yogurt, but I take any yogurt I can get my hands on.
I use a LOT of canned beans, peas, chickpeas, and tomatoes. I also get frozen broccoli, cauliflower, sweet potatoes, red potatoes, and carrots as far as veggies go. I also often get chopped romaine lettuce, carrot chips, grape tomatoes, and onions. That is the beginning and the end to the veggies I eat, and best be fucking sure I put red kidney beans and chickpeas in everything almost it. Broccoli, too. Tomatoes.
Fruit wise, I have a LOT of fruit cups and canned fruit in 100% fruit juice, frozen fruit, and I also have a thing for clementines lately. Been eating tf out of them.
Snackies wise, I usually get that big box of baked chips from Lays. Peanut butter and graham crackers. Dark chocolate. Power Crunch protein bars because PROTEIN BARS DON'T HAVE TO BE DISGUSTING!!!!!
I pretty much exclusively use olive oil, but canola oil is also pretty damn good if you're on a budget! Just avoid regular butter, that shit's got so much calories and fat in it.....
Listen, you don't have to go broke buying shit. I tend to allot more money to food than most people because I have a LOT of food issues, and because I commit hard to shit. I have olive oil mayo and butter replacements, I keep low sugar and low sodium ketchup, and I buy expensive ass Lucini tomato sauce. You don't have to. Like I also buy tater tots and off-brand coco puffs and mini wheats.
I have experimented with a LOT of brands in the past few months, which I will probably make another post about eventually? Maybe? Also more budget-friendly shopping hacks and shit given I be trying to save as much money as possible.
Listen, like every big project, you need goals. Getting your body healthy is a big project, and you should make goals. Goals on why you want to get healthy, goals on why to keep going even when shit gets hard. I don't care if it's the most vain shit ever, if it's a goal it's a fucking goal.
Here are some of mine:
More clothing options. If I lose more weight, I will be able to fit into smaller sizes and have more choices on what to wear.
Feeling less embarrassed when eating out somewhere.
HEALTH. A large part of me always feeling shitty is my diet and lack of proper vitamins and nutrients.
Prediabetes. I don't want to be like my mom and papaw and have to poke myself multiple times a day nor be reliant on insulin.
The main things I can impress upon y'all:
Build sustainable habits. If you don't think you'd be able to do it for the rest of your life, maybe rethink the habit before it becomes too set in stone.
You're gonna fall off the horse sometimes. You're gonna cheat, you're gonna make slip ups. And that's okay. Don't feel guilty, don't overrestrict or punish yourself for it. You're human, and you're trying, and that's okay. You can only do as much as you're able to right here and right now.
It's a hard and long road. Getting healthy and fit isn't going to be a breeze in the park. This shit is hard, especially if you're building new habits from scratch. But you got this. YOU CAN DO IT.
You HAVE to want this for yourself. No one else can want it for you. It has to be on you and you alone.
You're gonna find people wanting to sabotage you, as horrible as it sounds. Sometimes people feel threatened when others attempt to better themselves, because that person or those persons know they wouldn't put the time or energy into doing so themselves. And, unfortunately, some of those people are your close friends and family :/
TRY NEW THINGS. FAIL AND KEEP GOING. I have tried so much shit in the last few months, and some has stuck, some has not. I have learned I do not like a lot of vegetables, and that's okay. I also make taco salad (from 'scratch') at least two to three times a month. What works, works!
You are going to bloat A LOT when you start amping up workouts. Your body holds extra water and nutrients for up to FOUR WEEKS after you start exercising or start a new exercise routine/build up on your existing one. This is to repair your muscles and joints as they grow.
Scales like to lie, and they won't tell you how much water weight you're holding. And yes, you will be able to tell you're bloated. I never knew of bloating until now and sometimes shit fits weird when I'm majorly bloated. It SUCKS
Measure yourself. Your stomach, chest, waist, hips. All of it. Keep it. It'll be amazing to see how much you've changed eventually.
I actually would LOVE to keep making posts like this. But, here's my current progress:
I am a little under 270 lbs, unsure of how much as I am starting and trying new exercises, as well as my new job being HELLA more active than my old one.
I do have more processed stuff in my diet, but i do try to balance it with healthier food, too. Budgeting is.... hard.
My blood pressure tends to run 110/70 now.
I hope this helps someone out there.
My heart rate has gone down from 100+ bpm, to now it's at 60-75 bpm.
I also drink diet soda now, usually one a day.
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smutty-books · 2 years
Hoodie Guy Chapter 4
Eminem x reader
A meeting, some flirting, reader meets Denaun and Paul
Eminem/reader, Paul Rosenberg, Denaun Porter, reader’s coworkers, business meeting
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Chapter 4
As you walked to where you were meeting Paul, you quickly tried to type a text to Marshall, giving him a heads up
Y: Hey, so that meeting Paul set up? It’s with the clinic I work at. I’ll see you in a few. 😉
You quickly put your phone away just as the elevator door opened. You saw a guy that you recognized as Paul standing at the doors to the elevator.
“Dr. Ferrin?” Paul asked, reaching out his hand to shake Doc’s outstretched hand.
“ Mr. Rosenberg? Nice to meet you. These lovely ladies are my Nurse Practioner Angie and my RN Y/N.”
“ Please call me Paul. Nice to meet you all, welcome. Thank you for coming. Marshall and Denaun are already waiting in my office.” He shook your hand with a good, firm grip, looking you straight in the eye. You immediately liked his warm energy and the warm look in his eye. You gave him a open, friendly smile and said “ Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Rosenberg. Thank you for having us.” You said very sincerely, letting you eyes smile at him as well, already self-conscious as this was Marshall’s manager, and his opinion mattered personally and professionally. Angie enthusiastically shook his hand with a big friendly smile. “ Pleased to meet you, Mr.Rosenberg, a long-time fan of Eminem’s.” Her gregarious, outgoing nature is asserting itself. You had a sinking feeling on your stomach but maintained your show smile as you called it. You didn’t know how to play this, if Marshall would acknowledge you knew each other or keep it under wraps. You had told Angie you were talking to someone at the gym. Her reply” go get you some, girl!!!! About time!!!!” So she knew there was someone you just hadn't told her it was Marshall as you had just found out last night.
“ It’s a pleasure, to meet you both. And please, call me Paul. We are pretty informal here. Please come this way.”
He lead the way to a door that had his name on it. You took a deep breath as he opened the door. Your eyes greedily drank in the site of Marshalk as he checked his phone. He looked up as you all came in a confused look on his face. He took the in the visitors with his gaze. He skimmed over Doc and Angie and landed right on you. A slight smile crossed his lips which he immediately swallowed and rises to greet you.
“ Hey, y/n, this is a welcome surprise this afternoon.” He said in surprise. . You smiled back at him, giving him a wink, your shoulders relaxing as he ackowleged you and ignored Angie. Speaking of you saw the confusion on her face and the disappointment. He then ushered you towards Denaun.
“ Y/n, I’d like you to meet Denaun” You crossed to Denaun to shake his hand and was surprised to be pulled into a big hug.
“ Slim has been talking my ear off about this girl he met at the gym. He won’t shut up about you. You apparently got some rap skills. Nice to get to meet you.” He told you in your ear. You blushed and ducked your head, suddenly shy that Marshall had talked about you to one of his oldest, closest friends. Marshall saw your shyness and again was charmed by it. He didn't meet many women who had that quality. That humility and humbleness. Angie inserted herself.
“ Eminem? My name is Angie; it's a pleasure to meet you. Big fan of yours from way back. So how do you know our y/n?” Angie assumed her role as your best friend and protector. Your heart grew with affection for her. You knew she had a thing for Eminem (not Marshall, she didn't know Marshall), and with the knowledge you knew each other and what you had talked to her about him, she assumed her best friend role. Marshall looked at her, studying her, his blue eyes cautious and closed off.
“ We met at the gym. We been talkin’. Call me Marshall.” he told her politely, reaching out his hand to shake hers. You were relieved he didn't give her much more attention than that.
“ Yeah, she told me about this hoodie guy she was talking to.” Angie sent you a mischievous look. Marshall raised his eyebrows, intrigued, and he glanced at you as you glared at Angie. She just winked at you. You shot a pleading look at Paul who was watching the goings on with amusement. He caught your look and took pity on you. He cleared his throat.
“ Okay, lets get down to business. . .” he started. Your inability to not finish a lyric asserted itself. You couldn't help it, it was perfect.
“ I don't got no time to play around, what is this, must be a circus in town, let's shut this shit down on these clowns, Can I get a witness. . .”
“ HELL YEAH!” Denaun, ever the perfect hype man, chimed in without a thought. He had a broad smile on his face as he reached over and high-fived you. “ I see what Slim means now,” he told you. You blushed and ducked your head, your body’s natural reaction to praise and compliments. Denaun just smiled. Liking what he was seeing of this woman his best friend was talking about. Marshall let out a surprised chuckle at the encounter, pleased you were getting along with one of his oldest friends and also impressed you picked up the hook like that off of Paul trying to start the meeting. Paul swallowed his laughter at the smitten look on Marshall’s face, something he hadn't seen in a long time. So far he like what he was seeing of you. He quickly cleared his throat and called the meeting to order. You all took your places, Marshall ushered you to a seat and took the one next to you. Denaun took a seat on the other side of you. Paul took a seat at the head of the table, and Angie and Doc took places on the other side. Paul began the meeting. Doc presented what the clinic was about and services offered and why it might be beneficial for Shady Records to have dealings with the Nerve Center. Paul, Marshall and Denaun had their questions which the three of you took turns answering. You three discussed the IV Hydration mobile clinic and the IV hydration offered in the clinic as well as trigger point injections, chiropractic services, and electro pneumatic stimulation for chronic pain, swelling and numbness. At the end of the meeting Doc thanked Paul, Marshall, and Denaun for their time and consideration. You all rose and shook hands with Paul, who told you that they would have to talk it over and would let you know.
Acting like the great wingman, Denaun quickly piped up that he and Marshall would show you out. As you left the conference room you felt Marshall fall into step behind you. You didn’t know he was checking out you bum in your scrubs and thinking how good it looked. Denaun started up a conversation with you all as you got in the elevator. Marshall code to remain quiet and listen and watch. He noticed you did the same thing. You watched and listened. You teased Angie and were very respectful to your boss. Denaun was able to draw you put as he noticed a lot of similarities between you and Slim.
You eventually came to where your cars were parked. Doc told you and Angie he would see Ypu back at the clinic and reminded you had your next client at 1:00. Angie departed next, giving you a wink and a hug.
Denaun departed quickly as well. He was surprised when you tentatively gave him a hug, but quickly embraced you in a bear hug. His embrace was comforting as it reminded you of your best friend back home.
“ It was nice to meet ha’, y/n. Don’t be a stranger, aight?” Ypu quickly affirmed that you wouldn’t. He dapped with Marshall and headed back toward the building. Marshall motioned towards your car with his head. You smiled and turned toward your car, he fell into step next to you.
“ Careful, I might get the idea you are a gentleman, Mr. Mathers.” You teased him gently bumping your shoulder against his. He chuckled.
“ Maybe I just want an excuse to walk a pretty lady to her car.” He said back, glancing at you. You blushed. “ And make sure we are still on for tonight?” He posed the question. You nodded you head.
“ Same Battime, slightly different location.” You told him, smiling at him. He swallowed down a smile, finding your dorkiness adorable and attractive.
“ Dork.”
“ I never claimed differently.” You retorted, smiling at him. He chuckled and opened your door for you and watched as you slid in the driver’s seat. Once he was sure you were in and buckled he closed the door. You rolled the window down and looked up at him.
“ I really enjoyed meeting Paul and Denaun. They seem like good people.”
“ They liked you too, y/n, I could tell. The look on Paul’s fave was priceless when you went into the hook for “Business”.” he shared, chuckling again at the memory.
“ It's a curse, I can't not finish a lyric when someone says it, even in conversation.” you shared, sheepishly Marshall shook his head again, his fondness for you growing more. He looked at the time and realized you needed to get back. He pointed it out and you regretfully sighed and started your car. You told him goodbyes and pulled out of the parking lot. He watched you go before slowly making his way back to the building, a smile on his face and a thoughtful look in his eyes. He couldn't wait for tonight.
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curiousdamage · 1 day
From the OC asks: roots edition, for Suzie:
4. What was your OC's childhood dream? Is that still their dream? If it has changed, why did it change and what's their new dream?
8. Were there expectations placed on your OC when they were growing up? Have they lived up to those expectations?
11. What was your OC scared of as a child? Are they still scared of that?
4. What was your OC's childhood dream? Is that still their dream? If it has changed, why did it change and what's their new dream?
She wanted to be a doctor but she couldn't afford to stay in school for that long. She did become a nurse practioner in the 80's.
8. Were there expectations placed on your OC when they were growing up? Have they lived up to those expectations?
She was expected to get good grades, get a good education, then get married and have a family.
Have they lived up to those expectations?
Not by her parents' measurements.
11. What was your OC scared of as a child? Are they still scared of that?
Serious answer is a spoiler, so the unserious answer is that she's scared of spiders and bugs. She still doesn't like bugs.
Thanks for the asks!
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the-swift-tricker · 3 months
nurse practioner: wow the top of your spine is messed up
me: what?
nurse practioner: anyways
me: wait wHAT
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workingonwisdom · 1 year
My Anger Box
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When the sh*tstorm that was my 'restructuring' happened, my husband told me that it was OK to be angry. Indeed, I could be as angry as I liked for the next two weeks, or even a month. Truly revel in my anger - take it out for walk daily if need be. But then I had to move on.
My husband is a wise man. Because when something truly odious happens to you, it is ok to feel angry. It is healthy to feel mad, enraged even, because you are totally justified in doing so. But the trick is knowing how to let go and more on.
I'm a pretty positive person, so I don't like spending my time with negative feelings. But in this instance it was needed. I needed to let the poison out so it would not fester and, ultimately, take me out.
To help myself move on quicker, I created my Anger Box. It is a little box in my psyche, where I have put my justified anger. Every once in a while, I let it out and have a little moment with it. I don't feel bad about doing so, I don't feel guilty. I just blow off a little steam, and thusly relieved, put the feelings back in my Anger Box.
By following this strategy I am not denying my feelings - ‘cause, boy, do I deserve to have them. But I am also not letting them run my life. They have their place, and I do not deny them that. But I also know when to say 'ok guys, that's enough. You need to go have little nap now'.
In the article 'What does anger do to your body? The physical and mental effects of anger' on thriveworks.com, Kate Hanselman (Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practioner) tells us that 'it’s healthy and normal to feel angry from time to time! However, if we don’t take the time to manage and recover from our anger, we’re at risk of suffering from negative effects — both physically and mentally'.
The article goes on to explain that anger releases huge amounts of cortisol and adrenaline into our bloodstream; this is a biological response which over the long term can interfere with the body’s ability to heal itself.
"Occasional anger is fine for the body — as long as there is a recovery time for the body to clear itself of cortisol and adrenaline. Constant and building anger are detrimental to the body and often are ignored because a person has become accustomed to living in a toxic and over-stimulated environment," adds John Sovec (Physchotherapist).
Patrice Douglas (Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist) also gives us a deeper explanation of what happens to the body when anger takes hold, and how harmful it can be.
"When we are angry, it takes three seconds for our body to go into full fight or flight mode, which means our body is ready to take on an attack. When angry, we stay in this state for approximately 30 minutes each time we are mad throughout the day. This creates exhaustion and wears on our bodies causing weaker immune systems, which then leads to a higher risk of infection.”
“Having body in attack mode can increase blood pressure and rapid heart beating, which can ultimately cause heart attacks or a stroke [later in life]. Many people report feeling exhaustion and headaches when having anger issues. While anger is an extremely important emotion to have as it alerts us when something is wrong and change needs to happen, health-wise it can be dangerous if it occurs frequently and/or lasts for too long.”
We can exhaust our bodies with anger, leading to weaker immune systems. And a weaker immune system means a greater risk of becoming sick."
Seems as if I am on the right track with my Anger Box. It keeps my anger in a healthy contained place, where it is not ruling my life. And, like dealing with a feral cat, each time I let it out it is a little less ferocious. I'm not saying there will ever come a time when it's cuddly, but I'm hoping that someday we will at least be able to peacefully co-exist.
Image sourced from a video by WorkshopTinkering on youtube.
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flapperwitch · 1 year
Hey, hope youre doing good. Ive followed you for a bit and i know youve spoken before about living with endo and chronic pain. For the past 6 months ive been dealing with a shit ton of pain, cramping and i just had a cramp tonight that was super scary. Got super sweaty, shaking and such. Theyre still trying to diagnose me but my gyno doctor thinks its endo. Just wondering if youd feel comfortable sharing your story and such, 100% understand if you would rather not and i hope this isnt an invasive ask. Im just feeling very isolated and alienated with this pain. Thanks for taking the time to read this and i hope youre doing well!
Hi! This is not intrusive at all, and I'm sorry for not answering this sooner. Life is very weird.
I'm so sorry that you feel isolated but I completely understand why you do. You're in bed, in pain or asleep, so often. No one can see the agony your body is feeling. More than anything I want you to know that you're not overreacting. You're not crazy, you're not weak. I've passed out from pain before. It's no joke. The short version of my story is that like most others, it took years for me to get a diagnosis. And I wasn't hiding anything. Doctors thought my fatigue and pain was being exaggerated by my depression, but in reality I was depressed because I was so sore and tired and couldn't figure out why. Therapy and meds weren't doing anything. One time a nurse practioner told me that even though I tested negative for a UTI and even though I didn't have any of the symptoms, that had to be what my problem was. She gave me antibiotics and sent me home. Another time I was telling my then OBGYN that I was always tired and in so much pain and asked if there was anything else we could do and he smiled and said "Nope!" Mother fucker smiled at me and my pain. It wasn't until I sat for hours in an emergency room (because the hospital near me wouldn't let me admit myself or see a doctor right away) that my dad called me and convinced me to go home, told me he believed me, and that we'd figure it out together. I then went to see a colleague of my OBGYN and right away she knew that something was wrong. She did go on to say she thought I had endo, and we set up surgery. But the way she presented it, endometriosis was a blip, a pain that could be fixed with surgery, and then cured. It wasn't until after and I continued to do my own research that I learned it was a lifetime diagnosis.
Invisible illnesses suck. No one can see just how shitty you feel. And when you feel shitty and tired, you can't see people as much, so you end up spending so much of your time alone in bed with your heating pad and pain meds. Luckily se live in the age of the internet. Find online communities. I personally am in two endometriosis groups on Facebook, one is support, one is all jokes and memes. It's great when you can joke with people experiencing the exact same thing. Also make more plans virtual. I love doing virtual movie nights with friends, and you can screenshare through hyperbeam or discord. Also, treat yo self. Some days when I feel my internal organs being glued together by this dumb disease, I make myself toast with cookie butter and a banana and pour myself a cup of milk, and just that simple meal makes me feel better for a bit.
Always feel free to come ask me about endo and chronic pain. Chronic illness survivors gotta look out for each other 💜 You got this
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blunderpuff · 2 years
so it turns out that $30 bill i got a month after the blood draw... was only ONE of THREE extra bills!!!! what the fuck!!!
yes, they’re relatively small bills, but why is there an extra bill because the Nurse Practioner (IN TRAINING) was in the room during the appointment? Why is there an extra bill for the Doctor who did the thing... even though I already paid a co-pay for that procedure????????
so far: 1: i paid the co-pay to see the PA, 2: i paid the ~estimated patient bill~ for the blood draw (do they not know how much a blood draw costs??? it’s THEIR procedure????), and 3: i paid the co-pay for the actual procedure.
i apparently owe: 1: some kind of fee because the Nurse Practioner was in the room with the PA, 2: an extra crunchy lil fee for the blood draw, and 3: some kind of fee for the MD from the procedure.
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Sports Massage Austin
Our Therapeutic massage companies involve the manipulation of soppy tissues within the physique to promote leisure, relieve muscle pressure, enhance circulation, and enhance total effectively-being. We offer Swedish, Deep Tissue, Hot Stone, Aromatherapy, Sports, Prenatal, and Reflexology Massages. This is a light, full-physique massage that makes use of lengthy, gliding strokes, kneading, and circular motions to calm down muscle mass, improve blood movement, and promote relaxation.
This therapeutic massage approach targets deeper layers of muscle tissue and connective tissues to launch power rigidity and knots. It includes making use of firm pressure and gradual strokes to alleviate muscle stiffness and discomfort. Heat, smooth stones are positioned on specific factors of the physique to loosen up muscle groups and promote deep relaxation. The therapist can also use the stones to massage the physique, combining heat therapy with traditional massage techniques.
This massage incorporates the use of important oils derived from crops to enhance relaxation and promote various therapeutic benefits. The therapist might select oils based mostly on their calming, energizing, or balancing properties. Designed for athletes and energetic individuals, sports massage focuses on preventing and treating accidents, bettering flexibility, and enhancing performance. It includes focused techniques to address specific muscle groups, together with stretching and deep tissue work.
Tailored for pregnant women, prenatal therapeutic massage helps alleviate discomfort associated with pregnancy, corresponding to again ache and swelling. The therapist makes use of gentle techniques and proper positioning to make sure the protection and luxury of the anticipating mother. This therapeutic massage method includes making use of stress to specific points on the ft, hands, or ears that correspond to totally different organs and techniques within the body. Reflexology aims to promote leisure, balance vitality, and stimulate the body's natural therapeutic processes.
Medical therapeutic massage focuses on a selected need, and typically just a specific space, similar to controlling pain, relieving irritation, addressing nerve or tissue damage, increasing flexibility or managing different health conditions. During the therapeutic massage, the therapist addresses your medical challenge by means of using a variety of stress and movement, manipulating the delicate tissue of the body, together with muscular tissues, connective tissue, tendons, ligaments and skin.
Medical massage therapy, like common therapeutic massage remedy, is offered by skilled, licensed professionals who have graduated from an accredited school and passed a state or nationwide exam. Therapists who work in a medical setting tend to have pursued persevering with schooling for superior certifications; nevertheless, there’s no real defining line in the business between therapeutic massage therapy and medical, or therapeutic, massage therapy. You’ll also discover that therapists who work in a medical setting often are working with physicians, osteopaths, nurse practioners and typically physical therapists.
Each affected person should expect to reach up to quarter-hour prior to the beginning of their appointment to examine in and fill out any necessary paperwork. You’ll be greeted by a therapist and brought to the treatment room where you’ll discuss the explanation for your go to and what your objectives and expectations are from therapeutic massage therapy. The therapist will depart the room with the intention to undress to your stage of consolation and get below the covers of the massage desk in either a supine (on your again), prone (in your abdomen) or facet-mendacity position, relying on the treatment.
The specialty of each therapist varies, as does the level of pressure and use of techniques and/or tools. The patient is encouraged to speak up so that the session stays inside their level of consolation regarding pressure. Sessions at Ohio State last round 45 minutes. Sufferers are given time to slowly rise up and re-dress earlier than joining the therapist outside the room for a comply with-up conversation.
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Therapeutic massage may relieve pain by the use of a number of mechanisms, including stress-free painful muscular tissues, tendons, and joints; relieving stress and anxiousness; and probably helping to "shut the pain gate" by stimulating competing nerve fibers and impeding pain messages to and from the brain. Therapeutic therapeutic massage is an lively space of research. Particularly, it has been studied for its impact on pain within the back, palms, neck, and knees, amongst different areas.
A research published in Complementary Therapies in Medical Apply showed a reduction in hand ache and an improvement in grip power amongst individuals who had 4 weekly hand massage sessions and did self-therapeutic massage at home. In addition they slept higher and had much less nervousness and depression than individuals within the control group who did not obtain hand massage. A research revealed in Annals of Household Medication in 2014 discovered that 60-minute therapeutic massage classes two or 3 times every week for four weeks relieved continual neck pain better than no massage or fewer or shorter therapeutic massage sessions.
Therapeutic massage remedy can contain various levels of pressure. Some individuals find Massage Therapy Therapeutic Massage sure forms of therapeutic massage, corresponding to deep tissue therapeutic massage, to be painful. Therapeutic massage doesn't must be painful to be therapeutic, so be sure to tell your therapist the type of contact you prefer (gentle touch, agency strain, laborious stress). Lighter could also be more stress-free and subsequently extra useful, depending in your situation. Individuals with sure pain conditions such as fibromyalgia or power fatigue syndrome could solely be capable of tolerate gentle pressure.
There aren't any data to suggest that massage is dangerous, but there are some particular conditions the place it is not advisable: massaging an infected area of skin, for instance, can make it worse by inflicting irritation. One should not have massage to an space of infection, as it would unfold the infection. The American Therapeutic massage Remedy Association lists coronary heart problems, infectious disease, phlebitis, and a few skin situations as causes to avoid massage. Select a licensed therapist; your PT might be able to make a recommendation.
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rogersstevie · 8 months
WELL all my tests from the rheumatologist were negative which i am relieved about of course (the only thing that said MAYBE could cause the tingling is my low thyroid numbers) but like the ENT she talks about a neurologist and it's like okay but i literally had an mri hours before these symptoms started so wouldn't they have caught something even if this tingling had not yet started (and i do still acknowledge that it could have started because while they said it was not emergent and to go to an ENT instead they still said i had something on my mri that they did not explain and my body just might've reacted to that idea accordingly) so yeah i guess they sent my results to my primary care and they'll refer me to a neurologist who will take ages to see and again it will probably be pointless but whatever i just want them to refer me to a chiropractor while they're at it, i was so annoyed hearing the neurologist thing brought up again that i forgot to ask about what is to be done there
i am annoyed bc even though the idea was deeply upsetting to me (though a neurological thing is way scarier) i really thought it fit! like again some of the joint stuff could be psychosomatic or whatever but even before the blood test my fingers were really bothering me at times (and still do) like i just figured a joint thing made sense AND i'm also like yeah obvs the test sent me to the rheumatologist but i'm just like hey....should you have sent me to a neurologist first
but you know it's at least a nice fuck you to the nurse practioner who could not shut up about lupus lol
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atlanticcanada · 1 year
'People are scared': N.S. medical clinic sits empty for two years
The medical clinic in Clark’s Harbour, N.S., has been sitting empty for two years.
Clark’s Harbour is a small village located between Shelburne and Yarmouth. It is home to 700 people, who can recall a time when primary health care was available and easily accessible.
In 2007, a semi-retired doctor living in the Municipality of Barrington offered to work in Clark’s Harbour, with the stipulation that the town build a primary clinic that can provide a space for patients and includes the medical instruments needed on a day-to-day basis.
The town agreed to build the medical clinic next door to its office, under the condition that the doctor sees to every resident in the town looking for medical assistance.
Over the next 16 years, the medical practice had a doctor and nurse practioner with regular office hours, evening walk-in clinics, and made house calls.
Clark’s Harbour Mayor Rex Stoddard, said people from neighboring communities, including Yarmouth would travel to the clinic in Clark’s Harbour.
Following the COVID-19 pandemic, the doctor permanently retired and the nurse practioner was moved to another clinic out of town.
“Nova Scotia Health provided somebody two days a week and then they moved on to something else,” said Stoddard.
For nearly two years, the medical clinic has been sitting empty. Stoddard said they have tried to advertise the position and have also reached out to physician recruitment.
“They were impressed with the place but it’s been over a year, but we’ve never had any calls,” said Stoddard.
Whether it is for a check-up or prescription refill, residents in the community are required to travel up to an hour to a hospital in either Yarmouth or Shelburne.
Stoddard said, this has been stressful for many local residents.
“People are scared because where do they go? What do they do? Outpatients is becoming frustrating,” said Stoddard.
The community has a growing senior’s population and while some are able to travel to get care, others have not seen a doctor in two years.
Clark’s Harbour resident, 83 year-old Carolyn Nickerson, is fortunate to have family members to drive her to the hospital but as her health declines travelling is becoming more difficult.
“I had to go down to outpatients and sometimes Shelburne was closed so we would have to go to Liverpool which is a long drive and when we got there we would have to sit a long time because there were so many people there,” said Nickerson.
Due to her declining health, Nickerson is required to travel to the hospital frequently. She travels to Shelburne every month to have her prescription filled. When she does go to the hospital, she said she is left waiting hours at outpatients.
“I’d like to see better care here. It’s very frustrating when you don’t have a doctor of your own. You’re travelling an hour to see a doctor only to sit for more hours waiting to be seen,” said Nickerson.
Nickerson said, without her family she would have no means of transportation. She knows people in the community that cannot travel to Shelburne or Yarmouth and do not have doctors.
Over the last few months, the province has introduced mobile health clinics in different parts of the province, the town’s councilor and community nurse Luann Link said much like the hospitals, the mobile clinics are located farther away from the community.
“We have beautiful clinic that they could use. There’s no reason why Nova Scotia Health could not send the clinic here,” said Link.
More to come….
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/5mvpzsJ
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essayly · 1 year
statistics for nursing research workbook exercise 23
   1. A researcher surveyed two groups of professionals, nurse practioners and physicians, and asked them whether or not they supported expanding the role of nurse practioners’ (NPs) prescribing privileges, answered as either “yes” or “no”. Her research question is: Is there a difference between NPs and physicians on proportions of support for expanded prescription privileges? What is the…
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iswc07 · 1 year
Simple Suggestions to Locate a Trusted Physiotherapist
Physiotherapy is otherwise considered to be a bodily treatment that employs numerous workouts and massage methods to inspire the body to heal itself. It can also be applied to simply help rehabilitate people so that they can understand muscle actions again, or to obtain over cramps and pains associated with therapeutic injuries following an accident. Oftentimes exercising, manipulating and rubbing the body all falls within the world of physiotherapy and are methods that physiotherapists use in order to help rate patient healing following accidents, condition, and the onset of disease. Physiotherapy days back again to around 460 BC where several were using a hydrotherapy or water therapy to help problem people and boost their strength and therapeutic process.
In 1894 a group of nurses created the chartered Culture that could soon become a dynamic physiotherapy program. Eventually the same program would work with many Earth War I and World Conflict II masters to help improve their healing process. For the duration of history the inspiration has transformed considerably as have the practices and medical technology that is available for physiotherapists round the world. A physiotherapist will lead to working together with patients who might have their movements constrained by ageing, illness, environmental factors, overuse, or even a past accident.
A physiotherapist uses a variety of therapy workouts to focus on aspects of damage and also work to improve action and quality of life for their patients. They work in private establishments, locally, residential houses, hospitals and more. In addition they can provide comfort for a wide variety of physical problems within the body.
Physiotherapy addresses techniques within the body like the neuromuscular process, musculoskeletal process, respiratory process and cardiovascular system. Physiotherapists receive instruction that can help improve each of these methods along with cause them to work on restoring injury from vomiting, disease and incidents that their individuals might have experienced. They could also work to aid in healing and healing following an individual has only had important surgery. People can easily see a physiotherapist with or without a medical practioners referral.
Because throat pain could be an sign of varied pathologies the physio will ask all the unique questions such as for example general health, past medical record, weight reduction, bladder and bowel get a handle on, quality of hunger and rest and medicine usage. The goal examination starts by finding the individual to get their chest muscles clothes down and taking a look at the position of the start, neck, shoulders and arms. A humped thoracic spine with rounded shoulders and a putting face certainly are a popular postural abnormality that may lead to pain.
Cervical stages of motion are tried to generate important info about what's going on in the neck. The reaction to motion screening will help the physio realize the sort of throat pain problem and how to begin treating it. Cervical turning, flexion, extension, side flexion and retraction are all assessed to attempt to identify the problem. Muscle power, experience and reactions are tried to determine that the nerve conduction to the hands is functioning well.
Manual practitioners such as Physio Strathmore mobilization methods and to assess the spinal joints handbook palpation of the cervical spine is used. Using their thumbs or the heel of the give, the physio squeezes down on the spinal techniques or part joints of the cervical spine. This allows some unique ideas to be drawn once the pain signs think about it at one specific spinal level and maybe not another. Treatment is likely to be directed at these levels.
Mobilization methods certainly are a key information talent for physiotherapists and abnormal shared mechanics, referred to as dysfunctions, could be recognized by palpation of the key spinal and facet bones by the physio. Therapy may use similar little activities to ease suffering an inspire standard activity, to more forceful manipulations which take the joints beyond their normal stages and recover movement. Any increases in movement gained by therapy is preserved by house exercises.
Becoming a physiotherapist you can often do a degree in Physiotherapy, or a game science centered degree followed by way of a Experts in Physiotherapy. Once competent as a physiotherapist it's compulsory to go to classes and lectures for Continued Qualified Growth (CPD), which is really a statutory necessity to become a member of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.
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wawue526 · 1 year
How Specialist Witness Physiotherapists May Maximise Quantum In PI Instances
Physiotherapy is usually regarded to become a physical therapy that uses numerous workouts and rub techniques to inspire the body to recover itself. It is also applied to help rehabilitate patients so that they can understand muscle movements again, or to get over aches and problems associated with healing accidents after an accident. Oftentimes exercising, influencing and caressing your body all falls within the realm of physiotherapy and are resources that physiotherapists use to be able to help rate patient recovery following incidents, infection, and the beginning of disease. Physiotherapy appointments back again to around 460 BC wherever many were utilizing a hydrotherapy or water therapy to help problem people and enhance their energy and healing process.
In 1894 several nurses launched the chartered Society that could shortly become an active physiotherapy program. Ultimately the exact same plan might work with several Earth War I and Earth Conflict II veterans to help improve their therapeutic process. Throughout history the building blocks has changed substantially as have the methods and medical technology that can be acquired for physiotherapists across the world. A physiotherapist may be responsible for working with individuals who could have their activities restricted by ageing, illness, environmental facets, overuse, or a past accident.
A physiotherapist employs many different treatment workouts to target aspects of injury and also function to boost action and quality of life because of their patients. They work in personal establishments, in the neighborhood, residential homes, hospitals and more. In addition they can provide reduction for a wide variety of physical problems within the body.
Physiotherapy covers programs in the torso like the neuromuscular system, musculoskeletal process, respiratory process and cardiovascular system. Physiotherapists get instruction that can help to strengthen each of these programs along with encourage them to work on correcting damage from vomiting, illness and accidents that their patients might have experienced. They are able to also work to assist in therapeutic and recovery following a patient has just had major surgery. People can see a physiotherapist with or without a medical practioners referral.
Because neck suffering might be an indicator of numerous pathologies the physio may ask all of the specific issues such as for instance overall health, previous medical record, weight loss, kidney and bowel get a handle on, quality of hunger and rest and medication usage. The aim examination begins by getting the individual to get their torso clothes down and looking at the position of the trunk, throat, shoulders and arms. A humped thoracic back with spherical shoulders and a putting chin are a frequent postural abnormality that may cause pain.
Cervical stages of action are tested to generate important info about what's planning on in the neck. The response to action screening will help the physio understand the kind of neck pain issue and how to start treating it. Cervical rotation, flexion, expansion, area flexion and retraction are all assessed to attempt to pinpoint the problem. Muscle power, experience and reflexes are tried to determine that the nerve conduction to the hands is functioning well.
Handbook counselors such as for instance Physiotherapist Strathmore mobilization methods and to assess the spinal bones handbook palpation of the cervical backbone is used. Using their thumbs or the heel of the give, the physio engages down on the spinal procedures or area joints of the cervical spine. This allows some certain ideas to be drawn once the suffering symptoms come on at one specific spinal stage and perhaps not another. Treatment is likely to be targeted at these levels.
Mobilization methods are a primary manual ability for physiotherapists and abnormal joint aspects, referred to as dysfunctions, can be identified by palpation of the main spinal and facet joints by the physio. Therapy can use repeated little actions to relieve suffering an inspire regular motion, to more forceful manipulations which take the joints beyond their common ranges and recover movement. Any raises in motion obtained by therapy is maintained by home exercises.
Becoming a physiotherapist you are able to sometimes do a qualification in Physiotherapy, or perhaps a activity science based level used with a Owners in Physiotherapy. When qualified as a physiotherapist it is compulsory to attend courses and lectures for Continued Skilled Progress (CPD), which is a statutory requirement to be always a person in the Chartered Culture of Physiotherapy.
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